#sona appears?
68spidey · 1 year
Quick question- if you don't mind me asking, how do you draw arms? I really like the way you draw them and am struggling with drawing them rn :)
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I'm honestly not the best to ask, I'm not good at explaining things lol
But something I started to do that helped a lot was prioritizing the bicep lines over the deltoid! I think it makes the arm look more fluid when it comes to mass. Another thing is that the deltoid goes further down the arm than some people would think.
If you're having trouble, I definitely recommend tracing some photography (sports and dance are good for dynamics), it helps you get a grasp of the bone and muscle structure. Best of luck, anon!
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theghosthybrid · 1 year
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nexiscool · 26 days
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I want that computer😔
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masterhandss · 2 months
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Anzu & Ensemble Girls references (but it's mostly just her little step-brother)
I really enjoy drawing tenn(kousei)-kun, I just thing the ensembleverse protags are so interestinfg!! (depictions aren't 100% accurate btw but based on other fanon works with him in it)
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thatmooncake · 1 year
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Therapy bots AU I’m making with @flinxypie where you have a lil accident at your job at the pizzaplex and early into your recovery they show up at your house to finish the job therapise you and it’s pure shenanigans and dreamscape misadventures from there onwards.
(A bit more AU info under the cut)
Sun used to work at the Fazbear theatre until it closed, then he was repurposed to work at the Superstar Daycare until it closed too. After spending a loooong time begging any human staff he could find to let him do something (anything) useful instead of just collecting dust, he was given this new job as a therapy bot - and it came with a few neat upgrades too. But of course that meant having to pretend he knew what he was doing. And of course that meant having to pretend that Fazbear Entertainment had good intentions. And of course that meant Moon was coming with him too.
Moon used to be Sun’s partner in crime at the theatre, performing onstage with him every day until one day he just …switched off and wouldn’t respond. He was always a little glitchy, and there was a reason for that. With no body to call his own, Moon took to the dreamscape, where he was used to conduct dream experiments of the soul-trapping kind in secret. Now he’s back in his body, and he’s struggling to adapt to the world around him (especially during the day), but in the dreamscape he knows all sorts of (bad) therapy concepts he can introduce you (and Sun) to, and he may find yet another willing participant to drag into dreamland with him.
Plot points that come up include:
- The time you went out for a walk and Moon buried himself under a pile of leaves because it was sunny outside and you never found out where Sun picked up that potted plant from but he showed it to you anyway because he thought it’d make you smile
- The time Sun thought he was taking you to the beach but it was actually just one of those pop up places they put in towns but at least social anxiety is slightly easier or at least more amusing when you’ve got a robot friend by your side who didn’t know it wasn’t the real beach
- The time Moon almost got you to sleep so he could take you to the land of dreams but then there was a gotdang cricket chirping in the room because bearded dragons gotta eat
- The time you went to the dreamscape and fused with Sun and Moon and having their thoughts in your head was weird
And much much more (probably)!
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candyheartedchy · 5 months
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Am I only getting into the games for the smiley robot? Perhaps.
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doopcity · 4 months
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ok well im a wolf lol
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bugsinshoes · 3 months
Happy Pride Month! Share your flags with your followers🏳️‍🌈
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this is kind of a coming out post ig.
anyways, i'm aromantic, asexual, and agender. i'm basically Just A Guy™. hooray !
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chaoslinych · 2 months
one day I will understand how to write posts
однажды я пойму как мне писать посты
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(guesses who it is, like a specific subject, it’s clear that this is a doppelganger)
and I think one day I’ll make a post where it will be in detail according to my tnmn sona, but for now in short (FROM WHAT I HAVE THIS IS STILL SHORT, YEAH)
и думаю однажды я сделаю пост где будет по полочкам по моей тнмн соне, но сейчас вкратце (ИЗ ТОГО ЧТО У МЕНЯ ЕСТЬ ЭТО ЕЩЁ ВКРАТЦЕ, АГА)
everything below is pure headcanons, there's no lore in tnmn (this seems obvious to me, but I saw someone write something like that, so whatever)
I'll start with a headcanon, in my understanding, doppelgangers are essentially shapeshifters who can create muscles, veins, skin, bones, hair, some external organs (the eyes are an organ) and even objects like clothing and accessories, and everything to be indistinguishable from a person, but the main disadvantage is that they can only do this by looking at a specific example, they cannot “come up” with anything of their own, and all the differences are unintentional errors, because everyone’s capabilities are different
and Kys is a doppelganger, but an exception to the rule, he is not the most outstanding in physical abilities, but he can manipulate his body at his own discretion, even since the doppels were not taught (I don’t think that the doppels were taught to “create” a working tail, specifically as a construction of vertebrae and muscles)
+ the fact that he does it very quickly and is not stupid himself
so not stupid that he chose the option of replacing a person (directly the person Kys) in order to join society and have a better chance of surviving
Of course, one can wonder how the double ended up in the position of doorman, but firstly, he simply does not know that DDD comes out of the project because of which they exist, and secondly, yes, he simply does not feel sorry for his own kin, because the one who adapts better can survive (the function of which they were trained), + doppels eat doppels (this is just survival, not hatred, he has his own squad of doppels)
and thirdly, such a choice, because the work is dangerous, and there are not many candidates, this is probably the easiest way to earn money, considering that human Kys is only 18 years old, + trust, how a doppelganger can be a doorman who has to catch doppelgangers
(thanks @rinja-espurr for help with the translation mewmewm)
всё что ниже являются чистыми хедканонами, в тнмн лора ноль (это кажется очевидным для меня, но я видел что это писали, поэтому ладно)
начну с хедканона, в моём понимании доппельгангеры это по сути перевертыши, которые могут создавать мышцы, вены, кожу, кости, волосы, некоторые внешние органы (глаза это орган) и даже объекты по типу одежды и аксессуаров, и всё что бы быть неотличимым от человека, но главный минус что они могут это делать только смотря на конкретный пример, они не могут "придумать" ничего своего, а все отличия это ненамеренные погрешности, потому что способности у всех отличаются
и Кысь это доппельгангер, но исключение из правил, он не самый выдающийся физическими способностями, но может манипулировать своим телом по своему усмотрению, даже так как двойников не учили (не думаю что двойников учили "создавать" рабочий хвост, именно как конструкция из позвонков и мышц)
+ то что он делает это очень быстро и сам не глупый
настолько не глупый, что выбрал вариант заменить человека (непосредственно человека Кыся) что бы влиться в общество и иметь более большие шансы выжить
конечно можно задаться вопросом как двойник оказался на посту швейцара, но во-первых, он элементарно не знает что ДДД выходит из проекта из-за которых они существуют, во-вторых, да, ему просто не жалко своих собратьев, потому что выживает тот кто лучше приспосабливается (функция которой их обучали), + двойники едят двойников (это просто выживание, а не ненависть, у него есть своя банда допелей)
и в-третих, такой выбор, потому что работа опасная, а кандидатов не много, это вероятно самый простой способ зарабатывать, учитывая что Кысю человеку всего 18 лет, + доверие, как доппельгангер может быть швейцаром, который должен отлавливать доппельгангеров
i died я умер
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mspaint-flower · 9 months
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sleepy nurse jumpscare
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an-albino-pinetree · 4 months
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Aaa thank you so much!! ;v;
We have, human Canadian gremlin, and porcelain clown doll flavour /j
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glitterliver07 · 5 months
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the kinito pet expierence
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al8estos · 6 months
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me fr
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coincasual · 3 months
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ever after high sona! wip!
they’re a mossy rock troll 🪴✨
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thatsadguymochi · 2 months
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I think of tkdb mc so much its worrying but like. shes my little guy! I hope she stands up for herself at some point in the game :)
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thornedsidekick · 2 months
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tfw ur at a villain convention and some weird little freak appears
(my oc thingy Carrot... her villain alias is Nurse Rotten nd shes just. weird girl)(she has her own whole story nd stuff with my other ocs lol she just Really fits in wordgirl world)
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