#sona freedom is SO FUN
cornkernelcorp · 4 months
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If making alternate persona designs is a crime then TAKE ME AWAY BECAUSE I WONT STOP
sooo hiii I finally made my main sona, Maizie, an updated colored ref! ^^ the masc and female take form of the cold/wet and warm/dry weather. The more androgynous one, which is the one I use on this account most, changes palettes depending on the season! They’re a popcorn sheep…thing?
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taruruchi · 5 months
I need to say one thing. Hear me out.
Childhood friends to lovers, angst, very very slow burn. With Lyney.
That's it that's the post
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candyheartedchy · 1 month
Finally typed out some lore for my FOP s/i and Norm!
With Norm being used to granting the same types of wishes for centuries, he pretty much was expecting the same routine from my sona when she released him from his lava lamp. Once realizing what Norm was, my sona felt undeserving and worried that the wishes would be wasted on her. Norm at first was confused by this, but then quickly saw it as an opportunity to do whatever he wants in the meantime while my sona decides on what to wish for.
After a while, Norm gets bored from goofing around and starts finding himself hanging around my sona out of curiosity due to the fact that she went so long without making any wishes yet. Once he starts hanging around her more, Norm begins to notice how flustered my sona is around him. This of course causes Norm to tease her endlessly, making the human think he’s making fun of her when in reality Norm is starting to fancy her, but in denial about it.
Eventually Norm can’t take it anymore and tries to get my sona to make a wish no matter what, until my sona asks him what he would wish for. Norm immediately tells her he would wish to be free from his lamp, stating this rather nonchalantly until my sona blurts out her first wish to be for his freedom, freeing Norm from his lamp and duties of serving her right there on the spot. In shock, Norm right away feels guilty for the first time in centuries, realizing that my sona never made a single wish for herself and out of all the humans he dealt with, she was the only selfless one he met. Trying to make up for taking her wish, Norm starts to use his new freedom to spoil her endlessly before sona starts to beg him to stop, worried he’s only doing this out of habit, until the genie confesses to her.
Eventually the two starts to date and Norm begins to takes on an human disguise here and there while they are both out until one day my sona goes to visit her nephew for his birthday, revealing that she’s Timmy Turner’s aunt (on his father’s side) much to the surprise of both Norm and Timmy, causing the two to end up fighting once finding out.
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jojo-schmo · 1 month
I’m looking into making my own Kirbysona. I was wondering if you have any tips??
you don’t have to answer! Also I love your art and your AU is awesome :)
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Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words! <3 I'd be happy to share some of my thought process behind creating my bubble-blowing baby, Ripple Fairy Kirbysona! I will always cheer on the existence of more Kirbysonas! :D
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I had a Kirbysona in childhood that was just a little puffball, like Kirby- and she looked like this :D I loved the Star Rod, the Beam Kirby hat was my favorite, I just finished playing Kirby 64 so I added some Crystal Shards to the hat, and I slapped on my favorite colors. Bam! I'd draw her in the margins of my notebooks, interacting with other Kirby characters in little stories I'd write... Great fun!
But now as an adult posting my work online, I wanted something that felt more like "me," as opposed to an OC that felt like someone else. A direct extension of myself to interact with the characters I love, as well as characters and sonas of other creators in our Kirby corner over here! Like a gaming avatar! But in a series with so many different species and characters, where to start?!
The important thing is to have fun! You can choose to confine yourself to the rules of the Kirby universe, or just make something up! The important part is that a sona represents you!
These are the thoughts that went through my head, but it's not the only way to make a sona! If you follow what your heart is saying and not what you think others want to see, you'll find a design that feels like you!
Step 2: Ask some basic questions to establish a design direction.
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These are the questions I asked myself during the creation process, but your questions can be different! This is just how I set up my rough plan of creation.
Sonas don't need to look like you or be named after you irl if you don't want! But in order to feel like "me," I decided on something that shared a lot of my actual physical traits. For me personally, if the sona didn't look a lot like me, I would always have a disconnect with it. I also settled on the name "Jojo" quickly because that's my actual nickname, part of my username, and I respond quickly to it.
From there, answering the other design questions I had came quickly after that!
Step 3: Settle on a species.
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I went with a Ripple Star Fairy in the end because 1) They're adorable and I love their cute wings, hair ribbons/accessories, 2) They're shown as adults, which is perfect because I am one lol, 3) Look human enough for me to relate to while still having a lot of freedom to make up powers, lore, and design traits, and 4) Ripple Fairies deserve some love hahaha
Side note: if you can't decide on a species, throw the rules out the window! Be a shapeshifter. Or have multiple forms for no reason. Be a combination penguin/puffball knight/human/waddle dee born from the cosmos!! Refer to step 1, there are no rules! Hit your sona with a Waddle Dee beam whenever you want!!
Step 4: Design yourself, superstar!!
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I brainstormed with a page of sketches and tried a bunch of different variations of a Ripple Fairy with different hairstyles and outfits, (I need to find that sketch page) but I eventually settled on these concepts!
I wear braids almost every day, so I added that. Ripple Fairies in canon all have cute hair accessories, so I made sure to tie off the braid with a little ribbon!
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Also my hair in real life does this "devil horn thing" that is one of my favorite things about myself. Like I have these baby hairs on the sides of my head that love to curl upwards on their own, so I kept the "devil horn" silhouette with the braid's bangs :D
ALSO, I LOVE BOW TIES. SO MUCH. I love shirts, dresses, anything with a bow on the collar. So I added that.
I have this black coat with a sailor-like collar IRL that I love. I feel SUPER DUPER AWESOME when I wear it, so I added the collar with the bow tie.
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I added buttons, a stripe along the bottom of the dress and sleeves, and gauntlets because a lot of canon Ripple Fairies have them. My college marching band uniform also had big gauntlets that I felt really cool wearing, so I shaped mine like that! And clothes with scalloped hems are my favorites, so I added one as a unique twist to my dress!
Now for the fun magic stuff. I wanted my powers to be connected to bubbles because I just think bubbles are neat!!! Simple as that haha.
So how am I going to blow bubbles, then? I'll need a bubble wand! How about a weapon that can change forms to be pocket-sized and functional, AND a super cool staff? Because I think staffs are SICK. I'd carry one around all the time if I could.
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I got a little sentimental with my design too, borrowing some elements from my childhood Kirbysona like the Star Rod, stripes, ribbons, and diamond shapes. It's one of my favorite details because I like paying homage to the baby Jojo I once was as often as I can.
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I added a little bit of red to the IRL brown color that my hair and eyes are (added more red to my eyes because I always felt like my brown eyes were boring lol). I finished off the theme with my favorite color blue, a little bit of yellow to complement, and BAM! There I am, Gary! There I am!!
Jojo The Schmo was born! She is me, and I am her, haha. Everything about the design has aspects that mean something special to me. I wanted to keep things unique and fun, but simple enough to draw over and over, while still representing me. And that's why I love my sona so so much!!
Hope this could provide some helpful insight! Go forth and create your unique and wonderful sonas!! When you're done we should all have a picnic together in Dreamland. <3
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nightowl33art · 4 months
How To Make A Toxicsona- A Master Post!
!This page may update over time! So I was looking at my inbox and noticed I got sent an ask. Likely due to site bugs, I was not able to answer directly, but I'm sure the asker will be able to see this post.
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Hello Anon! Firstly, thanks for the fun ask! Keep in mind this post will apply to most toxicsonas. I'll be using my own designs and process as examples. What I recommend does NOT have to be followed. In the end it's your design and it should be for fun most of all. I'm just presenting what the "ideal and average Phisnom toxicsona/toxic blob oc" should have.
For those tuning into this lengthy post with no idea what I'm on about, I'll be excerpting the toxicsona submission form Phisnom/Phil made for his toxicsona review streams. (Phil being the leader of the Toxic Cesspit community.)
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(Despite "sona" being in the name, a toxicsona does NOT have to be representative of you! Toxicsonas can also be regular ocs!) Now to the advice!
Read the Toxicsonas For Dummies character guide! This image contains all the basic lore and traits for toxicsonas! What I say going forward may reference it. (Reading may also give you some fun ideas!)
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You should also peep this from the toxicsona submission form:
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In order to have a toxicsona you need* a:
Dark body for a base with accents (ie lines) that must be neon/brightly colored.
Mouth(s) with sharp teeth. Ideally will have at least one extra mouth somewhere on the form.
Unique pattern image for the body.
*You may not need it but it's more or less what makes a toxicsona a toxicsona. I'll be going over each point in detail later!
2. Purpose
What purpose will your blob fill? Are you creating an oc, a sona for yourself, or something else? This will affect what you create and how. If you have a preexisting design/sona you want to toss into the slime, reference off that design! Use what you know about that character/person to create this new form!
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Starting from scratch? What I do is come up with a basic idea to concept off of! Think of something you want to design! If you need help, try using one of the countless idea generators out there or put your head together with others and see what you come up with! Moodboards, playlists, and Pinterest albums also serve well! Whatever type of brainstorming gets your inspiration bug flying, go for it!
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Regardless, one thing to make note of is who was this design in life? Most blobs were once living beings. They all come from a liquid superorganism called The Substance. When a living being with a consciousness foreign to the slime (like a person) is absorbed into The Substance, it'll be spit out and reanimated anew if it has a strong will. Your blob must've been alive or had a connection to living things. Then it must have undergone some sort of transformation after making contact with The Substance. Asking who your blob was before the slime will be very helpful!
3. Body
You likely either have an idea of what your design will be, or you're jumping headfirst into the doing part. Either is okay! Everyone's process is different. If your design is based off a preexisting one, you're likely to make the new form into a similar shape. Some things to think about when coming up with a body:
A slime body is meant to reflect the ideal self. What are your toxicsona's ideal traits? If you're making a sona, what are YOUR ideal traits?
What were they when alive? Were they a feral stray cat? A human? You may want to stick to a shape that resembles their former appearance, especially if they are in denial of being a slime.
Who were they when alive? Did they like a certain animal a lot? Give them physical traits of said animal! Maybe your toxicsona wanted freedom, so they develop the wings they always envisioned. Maybe they believe they were a terrible person and so deserve the devil horns on their head. Were they two-faced? Give them two faces!
Is this the only form they have? Do I want to add a simplified blob form? Do I want to make a bigger/smaller form? If my character has an alter ego disguise, should I make a form for it?
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(Most toxicsonas have a simplified little blob form, reflecting what they looked like at default after The Substance. They're super cute and puntable!)
How much mass do they have? The more mass a blob has, the more they have to work with physically, the more developed they are. What appendages have they formed with this mass? Many toxicsonas lack legs, including Phi himself, who is simply too lazy to use legs. Why your blob does/doesn't have legs can have a reason too!
What colors are they? Common dark colors for the majority of the body include black, gray, and dark shades of any given color (ex dark blue.) The neon can be just about any color! If the design is a sona, pick your favorite color(s)! Keep the color vibrant- it's supposed to stand out from the dark color! Your slime will always be surrounded by a dark/black outline around the very edge.
Where's the extra mouth(s)? The best designs have a mouth placed with thought, but not all are. Thoughtfully placed mouths have significance to the toxicsona. Scars/important wounds on their living body can become mouths. Perhaps if they were a gluttonous or starved person, you'll put a mouth on their belly to represent their hunger. If they're anxious about their mouth or general appearance, maybe it's hidden. (Ideally let the mouth be visible. It's visually appealing.)
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(Dutch's extra mouth is on his back. Wings were always a big part of him, both appearance and story-wise, so the mouth emphasizes that. His wings come out of the mouth like tongues!)
Being a cartoonist, we're personally big on shape language and like to have designs with strong, recognizable silhouettes, but you do not have to do this.
Some advice on basics for drawing your slime!
Here's how I create the lineart, clothing coloring, and the outline that surrounds the blobs. (Some steps may be done at the same time or skipped entirely. This is the Nightowl 33 method so your mileage may vary.)
Draw lineart.
Alpha lock lineart layer. Recolor it to neon color.
Clip new layer on lineart. Color clothes black.
New layer for body color.
Move body color layer under lineart.
Color body colors. (I clip different clothing coloring layers on the main color layer. This main base color layer gets colored black when ready.)
Make a folder. Place all lineart, lineart coloring, and all body coloring layers in the folder.
Add a dark color outline in a layer beneath the folder. (I use the "stroke (outer)" tool in my art program, ibisPaint X.)
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How I draw eyes!
Draw eye lineart.
New layer, clip on lineart layer, draw dark circle.
Layer sclera coloring under lineart layer.
Add pupil layer below lineart layer and above sclera layer.
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(Coloration used to show different steps/parts of the eye!)
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(Without the weird example coloring, your end result should look like this!)
4. Pattern
Much like how everyone has their own unique fingerprint, every toxicsona with a well defined identity develops their own unique pattern. Coming up with the right pattern is tricky! Patterns are made up of symbols, lines, or a combination of. They have a rhyme and reason to them. A pattern to the pattern, so to speak.
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(Here's a bunch of example patterns, created by me (sometimes with the help of CrystalKleure), or Phil and StupidButterfly. Stare at them for a while and take some notes on what rhythms you recognize.)
For maximum appeal, your pattern cannot be too complex or simple! Try to select 2-4 symbols/lines to create your pattern. These symbols/lines should be thematically relevant to your blob. Ex: A spiderweb pattern for spider-themed toxicsonas, checker pattern for a blob that likes checkers/chess, a UFO for an alien slime, eyes for an angel slime or a slime that loves/fears being watched! (You may also want to reference off the emotion patterns if your blob is heavily associated with an emotion. Ex: sparkles for a very happy/excited slime!)
Feel free to pick basic shapes, like triangles and circles, for one or more symbols.
Create a few variants of your chosen symbols. Draw them big, medium, and small. Fill some of them, leave others empty/"hollow."
Patterns are seamless! This means when you apply a pattern to your toxicsona's clothing or body, it must be able to consistently loop! While you may wing it, below is a handy lifehack to easily make a seamless tiling pattern by @crystalkleure !
1. Draw a base design 2. Split that design in half, and arrange the two halves like this. [You might want to use guide lines/a guide grid to make sure the pixels line up in such a way that these two halves will stitch back together correctly, so they'd make clones of the base image again if you were to tile sets of these halves horizontally.] 3. Stitch the two halves together by adding more to the design 4. Split the image again like you did in step 2, except this time split the top and bottom apart instead of the sides. 5. Add more stuff to the design again, in any way that crosses the "seam" made by step 4 [where the top of the bottom half meets the bottom of the top half]. And if you lined up the pixels correctly while you were splitting and rearranging the chunks, you now have an image that tiles seamlessly both horizontally and vertically. The trick is just splitting an image into halves, swapping those halves' places, and then adding more to the image to hide the seam made by splitting and rearranging parts of it like that. Do it with the sides and you get a horizontally-tiling image, do it with the top and the bottom and you get a vertically-tiling image, do it with both the sides and the top + bottom and you get an image that tiles in all four directions.
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Here's a speedpaint where I make a pattern using this method! While creating, double checking that your pattern looks good when looped is important! Don't forget to experiment with placements!
(Wow! What a cool pattern!)
Your pattern doesn't have to be insanely unique, hell you don't even HAVE to have one, but it's honestly better if you come up with one. There's no reason NOT to have a pattern unless it's for lore reasons, such as a confused identity or a mimic character. (Do NOT copy others' patterns and make them your own, especially without permission!)
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(Phee, Pho, and Phum have the same default pattern as Phi because they're copycat scammers! They try to convince others they're related to Phi to get what they want.)
Gradient and pattern application!
Now you may want to give your slime a gradient! Gradients tend to appear on the lower halves of blobs but can be placed anywhere! Below is a guide to show how I apply the pattern and gradients to the body! While defaults apply to many toxicsonas, like Phi, they do not have to be followed.
Clip pattern layer over body color layer. (Pattern transparency default is 47%.)
New layer (add mode), place under pattern, clip over body color layer. Draw gradient. (Gradient transparency default is 40%.)
Alpha lock the pattern layer.
Airbrush the upper half pattern layer with the dark body color.
The pattern is often the same color as the neon lineart, while the gradient is often a darker version of the color.
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(Weird bright green coloration used to emphasize the layers clipped onto it.)
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(The finished gradient, sans weird example coloring, looks just like Phi's!)
Here's how to apply a pattern to clothing! Create a new layer with the pattern. Clip it to your base. (Pattern layers on clothes are usually somewhat transparent. The default is 65% but you can deviate.)
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5. Outfit
Clothing is a HUGE self expression that extends to the world of toxicsonas! Blobs can harden mass they acquire, turning it into wearable cartilage clothing! Below are some tips but the bottom line is DESIGN WHAT YOU WANT.
Who they were before the slime often heavily influences their outfit(s). Ex, if your blob was a clown when alive, they may dress the same as a slime.
You'll often find the body pattern on the clothes, but you don't have to do this.
A popular addition to blob fashion is caution/hazard tape! While often black and yellow, feel free to deviate the colors.
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(A bunch of fashionable slime outfits with caution tape themes that I made or had a hand in making!)
Phil does not like hoodies on toxicsonas but you can totally join the #hoodiesweep nation. (It would be super funny.) That aside, many do put their blobs in hoodies, so avoiding a standard hoodie is preferable if you want to make a super unique design.
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You don't have to give your blob any clothes, especially if they're non-humanoid. Accessories are still recommended to personalize your design and make it stand out from an average ...whatever it is.
Unlike the rest of the slime body that has colored lineart, clothing almost ALWAYS has black/dark color lineart.
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Any slime overlapping atop non-slime materials requires a black outline, including over clothing.
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(While the consistency of this rule varies with established toxicsona art (ie Phi), I personally try to apply it as much as possible, even when slime overlaps slime. It makes things look nicer and allows the neon lines to stand out more. It's also easier to make out what's going on when looked at.)
Misc. tips!
Bananas are the main unit of measurement in the cesspit! Giving your blob a height can help people draw them to scale, especially when drawn next to other blobs! To get the accurate height: 1. Conjure a length of your choice. 2. Convert your length to inches (in). 3. Divide the inches by 7. (Because 7 inches is the average length of a grocery store banana.) 4. Congrats! You have banana height! Now you can also reverse the order and get standard heights!
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Too gay or lazy to do math? Click here for faster conversion! http://bananaforscale.info/#!/ (Note the results will be slightly shorter than my method above but the measurements are about the same so who really cares about that.)
Come up with a backstory for your toxicsona! If you haven't already made one during the design process, you may want to now! -Consider what life was like before they came in contact with The Substance. How did they feel about their old life? -How did they come in contact with The Substance? (Preferably avoid the basic backstory of accidentally falling into a vat. It's overdone, mainly due to how vague lore was before the toxicsona review streams. I'd suggest letting Phi lure them into the slime or tossing them in, if you want something traditional. Phi's goal is to make a blob army, after all.) -What is their life like now, post-Substance? How do they feel about their new life?
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(Canon backstory comic on how Phee, Pho, and Phum became blobs!)
Feeling social? Working with other cesspit members (or your own ocs), you can develop links between your toxicsonas! Make your friend's blob their friend! Or maybe enemy! Why not ship them? GO NUTS????
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(Phee is a massive flirt in the cesspit. Mr. Sex/Noctus belongs to @corovusin !)
-Consider how your blob may feel about others. Are they a social butterfly or a shut in? Who do they like? Who would they rather avoid? -What are their thoughts on Phi, the leader? (Generally avoid giving them a super strong, personal bond with Phi, such as relatives, best friends, or close partners of any kind. Phi does not have a family and she's a total bitch to just about everyone!) -Phil says there's no love in the cesspit but he's literally just a hater. Make your ocs gay kiss!!
Feel like cooking a little more? Why not design a pre-slime form if it doesn't already exist?
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(Phee and Phum before their fatal scam attempt on Phi.)
Many cesspit users also create a "living disguise" form for their toxicsonas, so the slimes can wander among others without rousing suspicion! Blobs have the ability to learn to shapeshift. It's a skill that must be mastered with experience and time, so disguise forms often have "flaws" that give away an inhuman quality, like extra mouths, eyes, patterns, or gradients on their skin.
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(Dutch is very good at shapeshifting, so his disguise lacks most flaws. The flaws that are there are mostly intentional, since he's proud of his slime qualities. A blob who perfects the skill of shifting can look like an ordinary human, but where's the fun in that?)
Most toxicsonas can change color based on emotion. (They may also change based on other factors so feel free to get creative with it.) -As a slime has a base pattern and color of choice, these will change based on their mood and that mood's assigned color! Many toxicsonas share patterns and colors with Phi (like red and triangle pattern for mad, blue and flowered squiggles for sad, etc.) but this is not a rule. You can assign any color to any mood. You are not limited to Phi's emotion set either! You can even make your own patterns for your blob's moods if you feel like it! -Some color changes are very subtle in some slimes! Is this true for yours? -Modifying the design of your blob to match their mood is a fun way to create expressive and interesting variants!
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(Dutch's hair, horn shape, halo, face, and hands can change with his mood! He has an array of emotional patterns, both preset and custom-made, to match the different colors/moods.)
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(When Goober was alive, they had DID. Mimicking the behavior of their former life, the three alters, Ziggy, Skrunk, and Wumbus, became separate blobs. They still need to work together to function properly. They combine to bodily become "Goober." Goober's left eye functions as a collective eye, while their right eyes that can emote separately reflect their respective alter.)
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(Goober's default color is green, indicating all alters are co-fronting. When there is a primary fronter or two, the upper body color changes to match!)
Design a shell for your toxicsona! Shells are foreign objects blobs use, often to live, sleep, or hide in. Shells are protective. ANYTHING can be a shell. Not all toxicsonas need one, but those that do often have a thematic shell that relates to who they are. (Ex: Phi-barrel, Bucket-bucket, Collette-chocolate box.)
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(Thanks to his angelic theming, Dutch's shell is a reliquary- a display container for holy relics, often being remnants of holy figures. Goober's shell of choice is a mini UFO!)
Stuck? Want to grow your design with less work? Collaborate with others or take their advice if you like what they give you. Ask people what they'd change about your design!
You should NOT be designing just for the approval of Phisnom, You should design for YOURSELF (or whoever is paying you- I see you, adopt/custom ppl.) He's just another person out there. Yes, a creator of the species, but he does not have to dictate your choices or give your design an S tier ranking just to validate it. The satisfaction should come from inside, not outside.
Hope these tips help, best of luck creating your own toxicsona, and feel free to ask any additional questions regarding this! ✌️
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pillowbeast · 1 year
I tell you what, you start having so much more fun working on your fursona when you shed the self inflicted notion of needing to have as many people's approval as possibe when making them honestly.
Like as a recovering people pleaser, I kinda didn't really have an identity for my fursona on their own, it was only a couple years ago that I even actually had the freedom to make something for myself? Even now I catch myself being like "Will people even like what I do with" them before reminding myself
A. The answer is more than likely yes anyway.
B. Even if it wasn't, its none of their business really?
Like idk, pursue whatever you want to see in your sona, whatever makes you happy, who cares what it is. Your sona could be weird, they could have so many of your personal interests or vibes stuffed into them, just fuckin go for it.
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hydrxnessa · 1 year
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doorstober '23 is around the corner, so here's my prompt list !!!
these were mainly for me to draw, but anyone can participate n join in !! no deadlines, no set rules, no pressure i promise. it's all for fun <3 go wild w it, freedom is all yours, anything goes!
*prompts with '!' are non-entities, usually relating to achievements ingame
Out of the elevator, into the reception! (your roblox avatar/sona)
In plain sight!
Guiding Light
The Library!
Curious Light
El Goblino + Bob
Herb of Viridis!
Anything~ (may be group photo)
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hellsite-detective · 9 months
hi! I wanna make an art for this blog, does the good detective have a sona more complicated than “detective” lol?
(on anon cause my motivation flows like the tide hah-)
a more complicated sona than just “detective”? honestly not really! i keep my physical vibe generally vague so that artists can have more creative freedom with what they draw!
it’s just important to note i’m a girl and im a 1940s detective, but beyond that go nuts! have fun with it!!
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alolawinters · 29 days
☆Pinned Intro Post☆
Alola! Yo~ All the hellos~
My name is Wally. I'm transmasc, and I use he/him pronouns. I'm a 30 year old Team Skull Admin and Pokémon stylist who enjoys traveling to other Reigons with my team, and I sometimes travel for work too! When I go for work however, Guzma always comes with me. I love the paranormal, battling, and creative grooming (especially on a Furfrou).
I was born in Lavender Town, Kanto, and now I live here in Alola- in Po Town to be exact. It's always rainy here, we're near the beach, and my found family is wonderful. If you have any questions about life here, I'm more than happy to share a bit~
I'm in a relationship with Guzma, I'll get that out of the way. He calls me Boo, and I call him Bugs! So if I refer to someone as my Bugsband (instead of husband, haha get it?), that's who I'm talking about. Plumeria is not part of our relationship, she is literally like our sister. Guzma grew up with her!
My Pokémon
I have my active team, and I just have some around. I love giving my Pokémon freedom to roam around Po Town, but I'll just name off my team for now.
Goblin • M • Sableye • Prankster - He and Pyrite are never seperate so I'll have Pyrite stay back during any battles. Both are gremlins and they will try to get your jewelry if it's a jewel.
Aulkhor • F • Dusknoir • Pressure - She is my most serious Pokémon. I don't think I've seen her smile, but she gives good hugs.
Lullaby • F • Wigglytuff • Cute Charm - Lullaby is the second Pokémon I caught while I lived in Kanto! She has been with me through thick and thin, she is my "jack of many trades", and is a Cute Contest grand champion~
Nemophila "Nemo" • F • ☆Sylveon☆ • Pixelate - My Nemo baby~ She has such a sweet tooth and will constantly ask me for a PokéPuff- Specifically the orange one. She will get you with her puppy face, she's very good at it.
Pepper • M • Unovan Zoroark • Illusion - He is the brother to Salt... I assume. I found them both on Mount Lanakila as Zorua, and Zoruas aren't native to Alola, so I think they were abandoned there and... well. They both have since recovered and made an amazing ninja battle duo. I'm very proud of them~ Pepper is the bigger of the two and also the loudest.
Salt • M • Hisuian Zoroark • Illusion - Brother to Pepper He is smaller and more quiet, but when he gets loud in a battle it's a little scary how loud and shrill he can get. He and Pepper Like to snuggle.
((Ooc under cut))
Woof sorry for not getting a proper intro up for this blog! I've been busy with life and art work.
So I'm Wally. This blog is my self-insert roleplay blog! Anything that happens here does not affect other people's universes. This is for me to have fun, make some friends, and do a bit of roleplaying because I'm tired of being shy about it. I am an adult ('93), so I wanted to reflect that in my sona as well. Most of what StoryWally likes is what I like~
There's not really a canonical timeline for this, StoryWally just kind of exists and event could be happening, all depends on how this goes!
There will be no NSFW here.
There will be swearing and heavy content, but I'll do my best to tag the heavy content stuff with "cw"
My own lore and tidbits in my AU that will, again, not affect other AUs
I will occasionally have my other OCs and canon characters roleplay and interact~
My main Tumblr is @ribbonwolf , and there is cw on that because I post a bunch of stuff that definitely is NSFW.
Lore, Wally at work, Wally's pokemon, Po Town, pokemon photos
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naoisbroke · 2 months
Welcome to: A Post Where I Rant About My Artfight Attacks This Year and the Thought Processes Behind Them (In Order)
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First up is this one!! I used to have a sona for MLB a long time ago and still think about him from time to time, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to draw an updated vers!
Since I am a big time travel trope fan, I obviously gave myself the rabbit miraculous. As for the other character, it’s owned by @precisespace , and their name is Vermini!!
As for the process, there wasn’t much to it. I knew I wanted a dynamic pose and I’m a bit taller than average irl, so I wanted to play with that and push it a bit further. Since this one was my first ever artfight submission, I wanted to take it easy and use it to learn the ropes a bit.
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This one has a bit more put into it hehe.
The characters, Ellie and Jade, are owned by AletheSnail on artfight!
Since magical girls are one of my autistic special interests, you bet your money I knew I had to draw them as soon as I read their backstory. It’s genuinely so interesting to me, so please go check it out if you have the chance!
This one, I knew I wanted a “vision obscured” type beat, and to also give a sense of longing. I also tried to do a basic background, and it worked out… decent enough haha. I don’t really like it, but it’s better than nothing
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Both of these characters are owned by @imthatfilthysinner !
Due to being diagnosed with Star Wars hyperfixation, the rest of all these will be Star Wars ocs.
While it was originally Arielle’s (the Twi’Lek) design that caught my eye, Fii’s backstory,,, I’m obsessed
For this one, I wanted it to look like they were at a table debriefing or something, but then I got lazy and just drew shapes. Hopefully it gets the message across well enough TvT
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Sinner did a revenge on me, so this is my revenge back!!
They drew my oc, Vinon, and Fii together when they’re adults in a situation where they meet again after remembering each other as younglings. This inspired me to draw a scene with padawan Vinon and Fii greeting each other!!
I also wanted an excuse to design Vinon’s master finally, so meet Zalale! And the other Chiss is Fii’s master, Saan Bo.
I used Sinner’s piece as a reference for their poses, and I pretty much traced a screenshot from one of the movies for the background. I really super like how this one came out! I think it’s my favorite attack of mine this year!!
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Guys… Jinoro’s story… sobs and explodes and dies.
Them and their padawan, Marz, immediately stole my heart. As such, I drew Jinoro giving Marz a funeral after she dies.
I knew I wanted a bit of an angle on this piece, and used Anakin’s funeral as a reference for the scene. I really super suck at drawing fire, so this was good practice! I also really like how this one came out haha
Jinoro and Marz both belong to @tyquu !!
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This was a revenge for @spacedem0n !!
They drew my oc, Rasdra (the Twi’Lek) and their oc, Bleen, meeting and hanging out after order 66. As such, I thought it would be fun to draw an interaction between them when Rasdra was still a youngling and before Bleen left the Jedi Order!
I’m not too happy with how Rasdra came out, but I used full creative freedom when it came to designing a padawan version of Bleen. I genuinely had way too much fun with it haha
Once again, I mostly traced a background from a screenshot in one of the movies, and I don’t think it turned out horrible, so I’ll take it as a win!!
In conclusion, this month as my first artfight was AMAZING. I received tons of amazing art of my characters, and it was fun to indirectly bounce ideas off of others! I look forward to seeing the winning team, and I also look forward to next year already!
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androgynosaurus · 1 year
Thoughts on MHA oc x canon? (How do you feel about oc x canon in the fandom, etc)
I am a big fan and staunch defender of OC x Canon in any fandom!! I love it so much!! I was never super into it myself (but never minded it) until about a year ago when I fell down the hole and started doing it myself and honestly it's just fun. I think I still prefer OC x OC because that gives you 100% creative freedom but honestly if you pick Background Character #92 as your chosen partner it's basically the same thing. It's such a genuine expression of love for a specific character that you like them so much you hand-made your own personal blorbo just to hold hands with them. It's so sweet. Same goes for self-inserts/sonas I love you guys so much
I never did any OC x Canon for BNHA specifically because I don't have that many adult OCs and never found a canon character I was interested in pairing any of them up with!
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splinteredthoughts · 7 months
Aight, ya asked for it!
Currently in the process of reworking an old sona to be a full-on oc of their own. It wasn’t really a ‘me’ anymore, so I wanted to give her her own shine and dazzle.
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Here she is! Originally, the only thing I had for her was that she was a shark-themed villain version of a self-insert named Nora. She had little to no story as a villain, and no exceptional powers except for enhanced strength and breathing underwater.
Now, I have thoughts about her! Her new name is Frenzy. She lives in Deluge, a city protected by a few big heros, and some smaller heros, but fought over constantly by villains. Instead of being one of the big fish, Frenzy is more on the rogues side of the villains, stirring up trouble and doing small crime on more of a for fun basis than anything else. Her powers mostly lie in her enhanced speed and strength, but she also has some control over water. Not enough to be on the level of ATLA’s waterbenders, but just enough to bring in a thick fog or to make it rain. It works as a cover for her misdeeds. Frenzy also occasionally works as extra muscle for the bigger villains if they need more manpower on bigger jobs, or just to use her for scary dog privileges.
Between the bigger jobs and being paid by other villains, Frenzy gets on pretty well. Her tail and fin make it hard to blend in with the civilian population, so she doesn’t have a lot of freedom to roam about during the daylight hours. Luckily, she doesn’t need to. Frenzy had a young villain that she had taken under her wing/was training. His name was Phoenix (I’ll whip up a doodle of him later, he’s ✨new✨). Unsurprisingly, his powers are speed and pyrokinesis. Phoenix stayed under Frenzy‘s protection for years, until he made a sudden switch to being a hero and has started to fight her, just because he realized how much more profitable it would be if he had the people of Deluge behind him instead of against him. That ambition is going to get him killed.
Phoenix is the reason that Frenzy is getting reworked at all. I honestly hadn’t thought of her in years, but then Phoenix popped into my head and took it hostage for Frenzy. She barely had a personality beforehand, but now I know that she’s an action first, think later kinda woman. She stays as one of the more unpredictable rogues because people won’t mess with her as much, and she loves the way that her reputation and appearance frighten others. Frenzy will not hesitate to destroy months or even years of hard work if it starts to become a problem for her. If she has soft spots, she’s hidden them well.
I haven’t quite worked out the power system of this world yet, but when I do I’ll have a better explanation of the shark tail than ‘I think it looks cool’, but that’s all I have for now!
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
This is me. . .
And I love it.
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Everyone has their sona's. These are mine.
You might be asking I thought you only had your dragon sona. And as of now yes. "AmphiptereArt" is my current sona. But I once went by Cheedon. And once dragon horse. There's been various other names. Like dead ice dragon or zombie in tin foil, but the ones listed previous were the ones I connected with most.
Dragon horse was the first. Made them when I was very young. I loved what every little girl loved. Horses, and of course as I started to grow I fell in love with dragons. Therefore dragon horse was born. A simple concept, for a simple time of art, but one I kept for years. It wasn't until I got into Junior high that they faded and retired.
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Then there was cheedon. Oh I loved him so. So many years where he was me. Another hybrid animal of a cheetah and a smilodon. But one that had heart. Mystical dragonwings of freedom followed him. Art was no longer a childish endearment. It was a pride.
He is where the yearly re-draws started. The one I used to celebrate with. He gave me hope. Spreading his wings as I indulged myself in art just for the fun of it. Because I could. Because I wanted to. There was no deadline. There was the one to impress. I was drawing for me. And I still hold him as the king of pencil and paper.
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And then there was my dragon sona. AmphiptereArt. I had to start work. I had to make sure my life ended up somewhere. This little dragon was drawn in the margins. A returning idea that kept coming back. Finally given form after so many years. Created as an ambassador for a digital age.
They are me after years of art. A dragon made of every little piece of my creations that I enjoyed. Made out of the colors I favored the most. Made after the dragon creatures I created and shaped. But they are left small. Crushed by the weight of what an adult has to do. Stuck as I force myself to evolve. To gain a reputation so hopefully my hobby can become a job.
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Life has been unfair of recent. Tight, crushing, wanting, waiting.
This doodle was just supposed to just be showing off the different heights of my sona's. I did it because I got hurt and decided to do something "simple". . But in recent times this has been the most fun drawing I have done.
What was supposed to be a simple mindless doodle made me so happy that I kept going. I kept adding and adding. This thing wasn't supposed to have colors. Or details, or shading. But this felt so right I couldn't stop.
I love blue moon. I love the daycare attendant's. I love FNAF, but if in order to get out of this stupor I have to draw creatures I will. I need to feel happy. I need to feel pride for more than just finishing a project. I need to feel pride for just doing something fun. Because I could. Because I wanted to.
I will still be answering asks. Perhaps doing a calming sams doodle once in a while. But I got to make a creature. I have one in my mind already. I hope you guys don't mind a small break.
If you're curious this is the heights of all my sona's. And yes I'm around 5'4. It was a convenient image.
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spiderman616 · 7 months
most underrated archiesth arc? or unpopular favorite arc?
hmm.... well anything post 160 and universe is popular and so is rtai but the other ones i feel dont get enough credit. sa2.5 is always fun it owns and is badass and best of all knuckles comes back to life AND sonic dies in the same issue. tossed in space and the home arcs own too but theyre connected to sa2.5 anyways. good the bad the unknown is also really fun, butler carries the arc a lot with his dynamic art. shadow the hedgehog and metal sonic duke it out with sonic. the freedom fighters are There. retconned lore. whats not to love. the sa1 adaptation is pretty sick too, as well as the stories leading up to it. also a fan of when sonic was forced to go to school and made a lame superhero sona
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ainti-pretty · 2 years
ur fursona is making me want to make a fursona so bad but idk what animal it should be. this feels so big and important
holy shit dont worry!!
connor wasnt originally my sona-he was just an oc who i then realized fit me better than the character who i first made to be my sona
u have all the creative freedom and choice in the world! do not worry about it have fun! choose ur favorite animal or an animal u feel has Ur Vibe and roll w it! anything is possible!!
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49 for Valkory, Vee, and Aqua!
Ok time to ramble!!
What's the theme for my trio? Well! Valkory and Veev's theme is (at least for me) is comfort and freedom. When I made them, it's with all of my heart.
Valkory was made during a troubling part of my life and she represent comfort and protection. A kind soul who'll be your protector and friend. I had her be friends with Archie because he's a hurting soul who needed a strong friend who will stand by his side. Their friendship was and still is healing for me. Valkory is a comfort oc who always brings a smile.
Veev is my sona, a bit of me. For a while I felt disconnected with my old sona and I kind of felt like some part of me is missing. Veev is my star child, free to do and go to fun places, to bring me smiles, and happy day dreams. Her theme is also space and it's endless creative potential. She's my inner child given form.
Aqua is in fact a very very old oc of mine. I'm not sure what her theme is yet so let me ramble about her and maybe you can see a theme that I can't. When I made her when Neopets was at its heyday. I used to roleplay with her a lot and I have a lot of fond memories. Made a lot of friends with her that have drifted away from me. Of course I grew out of Neopets and now it's simply a shell of its former glory... But I still have a lot of ocs I don't want to let go, one of them being Aqua. So I changed her into something new. She used to be a blue Lutari then Maraquan Lutari (which looked a lot like an axolotl) and then an axolotl princess!
Thanks for the ask Ninja!!
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