#songfic: 'tis the damn season
kaesficrecarchive · 1 year
[hyunjin x jeongin]
tornado warnings by taotu (1/1 | 36,905 | E)
“How long are you sticking around?”
“At least a month.”
Jeongin’s brows creep up toward his hairline. “Right,” he says eventually. “Um.” He massages at his closed eyelids, like Hyunjin is giving him a migraine. “You still know your way around, right? Like, do you need a tour of where the bathroom is? Laundry? Linen closet?”
Hyunjin’s lip curls, halfway to a snarl. “I think I’ll manage.”
Signed to a modeling agency at seventeen and working a nonstop five years since, all Hyunjin wants to do now is go home. But this summer, only his best friend’s brother is in town.
(author) // (playlist)
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'tis the damn season
2018 31 Days of Ficmas, day 23 - love
31 Days of Ficmas masterlist
Summary: Coming home for Christmas is supposed to be all joy and happiness - until it returns you to the boy next door, whose heart is still bleeding a decade later.
Chasing dreams sometimes requires sacrifices. The question is - can the lost ever be found?
Inspired by the TS song of the same name, but not a songfic
Rated M - sexual themes & language
Pulling into the drive Rose put the car into park but didn’t shut off the engine, still undecided on if she’d stay, even after two soul-crushing hours on the highways fighting her way out of London into the countryside.
She had plenty of reasons to stay, of course – her family waited inside the nicely decorated house, surely full of warmth and good cheer and happiness at her presence.  She needed a break from life in the city, the relentless grind of struggling to make rent and stay true to her dream, time away from the hustle and bustle of tourists and shoppers clogging every street.
All of that, against a single reason to stay away.
An involuntary glance at the next cottage over showed it was decorated the same way as every other year over the past two decades, with a hauntingly familiar figure standing in the drive, rubbish bag in hand, staring at her with a disbelieving frown, as if wondering why she was here- how she could dare to be here.
“Fuck this,” she said aloud, shivering from the ice in his gaze, which had once been so warm and loving, and put the car into reverse just as the door to her house opened and a blur flew out, shrieking her name and announcing her presence to the entire village. “Bloody hell.”
Can’t leave now.  It was almost as an apology to the house next door, but he was already gone if he’d been there at all, or only a figment of her guilty conscience.
“Rosie!”  Her brother was at her car door now, tapping on the window and positively beaming.  “Rosie!  Hi Rosie!”
Forcing a smile she waved back, before holding up one finger and shooing him back slightly.  He obeyed, bouncing on his toes and nearly tripping over his own feet in delight.  At least someone wants me to be here.  Shaking her head at his antics, smile real now, she grabbed her purse and turned off the engine, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
“Tony!  Happy Christmas, baby.”
“It’s not Christmas yet,” he said, nearly tackling her, and her heart fractured a bit as his arms went clear around her waist; he hadn’t been able to do that when they’d last hugged goodbye two months earlier after his birthday.  He’s getting so big, and I’m missing it.
“I hope you’re not thinking of leaving so soon,” Jackie called from the door, equal parts teasing and dead serious.  “Come in, won’t you?  It’s freezing.”
The window of opportunity gone for good Rose just sighed, getting her weekender from the boot as Tony chatted away about the plans for the holiday.
Hesitating at the threshold, she cast one last glance at the house next door.  But the view was innocuous, a typical village cottage decorated for Christmas, giving no hint as to the pain and longing and what-if it’s four walls held for her.
Pasting on a grin, she stepped inside.  “I’m home!  Let the holidays begin!”
‘tis the season.
Half-heartedly washing the dishes, Rose’s focus was out the kitchen window, straight across to the house next door and through an identical kitchen window to where he was.  He hadn’t seen her, or was maybe ignoring her –he was washing dishes same as her but smiling and laughing, engaging with whoever else was in the kitchen with him.  The mature part of her hoped it was someone who cared about him, who made him happy.
The jealous, bitter, regretful part of her hoped he didn’t.  Well, Rose, you know what they say about people who make their bed…
“They’ll be here tomorrow.”
She started at her stepfather’s murmur, head snapping towards where he stood, drying the dishes for her.  “What?”
“They’ll be over for dinner tomorrow,” Alan repeated, with a sympathetic, knowing look.  “Your mother wanted to surprise you, but I thought you ought to know.  This conversation never happened.”
“I…”  The thought both terrified and thrilled her – he wouldn’t be able to avoid her in the tiny cottage.  I can’t avoid him either, though.  “Thanks.”
He smiled, patting her shoulder in a fatherly way.  “His last relationship ended recently, so… be kind.  To him, and yourself.  I hate to watch you hurt – either of you.”
Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, but they didn’t fall.  “Thanks, Alan.  I’m really glad she found you.”
“Me too,” he said easily.  “The key was to not let her pretend there’s anything more important in life than being happy – because if you don’t have that, you have nothing, even if you’ve got everything.”
His words were heavy with meaning, and she didn’t even know how to begin to respond, but was saved by her mother.
“Well, that’s the rugrat down,” Jackie announced her presence, seemingly oblivious to their conversation.  “Finally, I can have five minutes with my firstborn without him monopolizing you.”  She wrapped her arms tightly around Rose, and Rose rested her head against her mother’s shoulder as they swayed to the soft music playing from the other room.  “How’re you?”
Rose forced a smile, focusing on their reflection in the window instead of the distant view.  Future, not past, she reminded herself – it had become her mantra, particularly after a career setback, of which there’d been many.  The family that is, not what could have been.  “I’m good.  Been busy – it’ll be nice to relax.  What’s new here?”
Jackie freed her to go for wine glasses with Alan watching her, the look of a man totally besotted with his wife.
Somehow, she felt even lonelier than she had before she’d left London, here surrounded by the people she loved most in the world.
Well, most of them.
Finally finding a parking spot after three trips up and down the main road, Rose pulled in next to the church, grabbing her purse and list before getting out.
The weather seemed to know it was almost Christmas; the air was properly cold, with the occasional flake falling.  Little chance of a white Christmas, but just the hint of snow set the seasonal mood – at least for those inclined towards it.  Today, that wasn’t Rose, and the low temperature merely added to her certainty that coming here had been a mistake.
There’s a reason I don’t come home for the holidays, she thought sourly, getting one of the last carts on her way into Tesco’s and flinching at the mob of people – the store was loud, with chatter and business and jaunty carols blaring from the speaker system.
Bad enough she’d been woken at seven by her brother jumping on her and screaming Tomorrow is Christmas!  Santa comes tonight! directly in her ear.  When she shuffled out in search of a cuppa, she’d been presented with a mug – and a list of errands to run.
It’s Christmas.  I’m here to celebrate with Tony.  I’m doing this for my family.
Despite recognizing most of the people in the Tesco she thankfully didn’t get stopped for more than a few seconds in any particular conversation – everyone was hustling about, preparing for their own celebrations, and she was grateful for the reprieve.  One positive to coming at Christmas, I suppose – everyone’s so busy.
The song changed to Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas for the third time in twenty minutes just as she came around a corner too fast and hit a cart with her own.  “Oh, fuck!  Sorry, I-”
She stopped dead, staring at him.
“Hello,” he said evenly, almost coldly; polite, as though they were, perhaps, passing acquaintances at best; as if he didn’t know every inch of her, as if she hadn’t mapped every freckle on his body, as if there hadn’t been a torrential love affair, complete with the devastating, messy ending.
She opened her mouth, not knowing what might come out – hello, or how are you, or fancy meeting you here or why didn’t you come with me or want to shag in the loo – and was not prepared for the tender tone when “Hi, James,” escaped.
His expression flickered, like the very sound of her voice caused him pain – she knew because she felt the same, like it cut to the quick of her like a knife through soft butter.  “I guess I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah- yes.  Apparently.”  Rose lifted the list.  “Should be quite the shindig.”
James nodded, and oh, her hands ached to ruffle his carefully styled hair, to tease it wild, to grasp it as his teasing made her wild, and fuck she knew she should’ve brought her vibrator with her.
“I should…” he trailed off, gesturing vaguely, and she nodded.
“No, yeah, me too.”
They lingered for another moment, before Rose’s heart couldn’t take it any more.  “Well, see you,” she said, pushing carefully past him.
And if their bodies brushed against each other for only a moment, making her shudder, well, no one was the wiser.
Making it through the checkout without seeing him again had Rose thinking she’d successfully avoided him, only to spot him a few paces ahead of her on the sidewalk towards where she was parked.
Slowing down, she trailed after him, hopes falling when he stopped at the truck next to her car – she’d have to walk past him.
He noticed her, then, as she tried to sidle past.  “Hey.”
“Hi.”  Giving up on her pathetic attempt at sneaking around, she faced him head on.  “How’re you?”
“Oh, you know.”  Hands in his pockets, he rocked side to side.  “Listen, we’re adults, right?”
James shrugged one shoulder in a would-be-carefree way.  “D’you want to get a cuppa?  Catch up a bit?”
She glanced towards the only café in town, which was decked out for the holidays and full of people.  The idea of any conversation being overheard – or worse, turned into village gossip – made her flinch.  “We could just ride around for a bit instead?”
A cheeky grin flashed across his face before settling into a more passive smile.  “Sounds good.”
He waited patiently as she put the groceries in her car; nothing was refrigerated, and it was cold enough anyway that it would all keep until they returned.  Nervous as hell, but knowing she owed it to him and would take whatever he was willing to offer, she got into his truck and was instantly transported back to being a teenager.  Maybe this was a mistake flashed across her mind, but he’d already pulled out of the spot and was heading out of town.
“How’s London?” he started, turning the heat on and relaxing into his seat, glancing at her.  “Everything you dreamed of?”
Of course not, knob, you’re not there.  “Pretty much!”  She put as much enthusiasm into her voice as she could, in a see life’s great without you way.  “I love so much about it – the hustle and bustle, the places to go and things to do, how there are actual places open after six!”
James laughed at that.  “Well, I’ll give you that the last part sounds half-appealing.  New things to try are always good.  I keep meaning to go in, but haven’t managed it yet.”
“Well, let me know if you do,” she offered impulsively.  “I’ve got a couch.”
The smile slid from his face, eyes intense as he held her gaze, sending butterflies sparking in her belly.  He would never come in, she knew in her heart, but if he did, he wouldn’t be on her couch.
I miss you.
“We’ll see.”  His noncommittal tone ended the conversation, and Rose focused instead out the windscreen at the bare trees and familiar country roads.
And then he abruptly pulled into a layby, put the truck into park, and turned to face her.  “Are you really happy there?  Was it worth everything?"
No.  Rose closed her eyes and turned her face away, hating how well he knew her but still had to try.  “Yep!”
“Rose.”  His hand on her cheek was more gentle than it had any right to be, turning her to face him.  Blinking her eyes open, she found his brown eyes so warm and patient.  Loving.
She just smiled at him, knowing he could see the sadness there, that he was the only one who knew when she was faking them.  “I made my choice,” she said softly.  “And I still want to be a singer.”
His thumb caressed her cheek, and she leaned into the touch, holding his gaze.  There was an ache there she felt in her own bones, a shared longing for what could have been.  In that moment, she would have given him anything he asked for – everything he asked for.  If he begged her to come home, or just kissed her, she would cling to him like a life preserver.
But he didn’t.
He just removed his hand, and restarted the truck, heading back into town and leaving their hearts in pieces on the cold ground.
Just as she had, a decade earlier.
She found the crushed red velvet dress buried in the back of her closet, and still lost in thoughts of the road not taken, she couldn’t help but pull it on.  It still fit, and she wondered what he would think when he saw it, or if it was even appropriate to wear, given its history with their relationship.
The picture was still tucked into the side of her mirror, of them together on that night at fifteen when they first shared I love yous, his suit matching her dress entirely by accident, or kismet, or serendipity.
She’d also worn it that Christmas Eve when she first told him of her dream of moving to London to pursue music.
Why are there so many ghosts at Christmas?
“Rose, come help, would you?” her mother called, and she lost the chance to change.  Stepping into her heels she hurried out to help, grateful when Jackie didn’t comment on her outfit and only put her to work.
She’d almost forgotten about it until the door opened and there he was, in black jeans and a bright Christmasy jumper, complete with Santa hat.
He didn’t respond, eyes merely raking over her as his mother and grandfather greeted her, joining the other guests already gathered.  He trailed after them, walking backwards to keep her in his sight, and she wondered what he was thinking.
Maybe this was a mistake.  She hated how often the thought had come to her from the moment they tearily kissed goodbye.
Two hours and twenty conversations later (well, the same conversation with twenty different people), Rose grabbed an unopened bottle of wine and slipped away to her bedroom, settling on the floor beside her bed and unscrewing the cap to take a few large gulps.
The door opened then shut a moment later and she was utterly unsurprised when James settled next to her, merely passed him the bottle.
“This is shit,” he said conversationally, coughing on the first sip.  “Who brought this?”
“Your mother.”
“That explains it.”
They shared a grin, which faded as they locked eyes.
“Can I ask you a question?”
She nodded, taking the bottle back.
“I know you’re happy in London, no regrets, whatever, but… do you ever think about what could have been?  Road not taken, and all of that?”
Rose leaned her head back against the mattress, eyes searching his expression.  “Do you?” she challenged him.  “You were the one who didn’t want to find a way to make it work.”
“I refused to hold you back,” he corrected, grabbing the wine.  “You decided your dreams were more important than us.”
“So I should have given up on my dream to what, be your wife?  Have your babies?  Never be anything more than that?”
James gave her an impatient look.  “You might dye your hair blonde now, but you’re not stupid.  You know very well that wasn’t what I meant.  You weren’t willing to compromise.”
“I was dying here!” she burst out.  “I was, and you know it.  I was suffocating.  I had to go.  I had to.  And you knew that, but you were perfectly happy to stay!”
“The fuck I was!  Rose, if you were suffocating, how am I supposed to believe anything but that I was what was suffocating you?  If I went with you to London, how were you supposed to breathe?  How would that make anything better?  You made it very clear you wanted away from me, you didn’t want us, or what we could have been.  I’m not an idiot either, I know every time you said Gallifrey you meant James.  ‘Gallifrey is too small, too stuck in the past, too unwilling to change’.  I know you meant me.  Why would I follow you somewhere I don’t want to go, when you didn’t want me to go with you and we both knew it?”
His words were a stab to the heart, and she spluttered out nonsense, coming up on her knees and turning to face him.  His eyes were shining, and terribly sad.  Reaching out, she cupped his cheek, stroking it with her thumb as he had in the truck earlier.
“You’re the stupidest fucking person on the whole fucking planet.”
James’ mouth opened in outrage but she surged forward, pressing her mouth to his.  He tasted sweet, from the wine and nibbles, and only hesitated a moment before returning the kiss.
“You were the only reason to stay,” she whispered against his lips.  “Of course I wanted you with me, and my complaints about Gallifrey were just that – about here.  This town with no privacy and no future – except for you.  I didn’t want to leave you, I wanted to leave with you.  I said it a thousand times!”
“I didn’t believe you,” he replied softly.  “I didn’t want you to go, but I would have gone with you if I thought you wanted that.  But you didn’t.  It was so, so clear to me that you wanted freedom.”
“Freedom for us.  Away from our mothers, and all the people who’ve known us our whole lives, who were already planning our wedding and naming our babies.  I wanted us to go somewhere we could just… be.  Where we didn’t have to sneak around, or have a potential landlord remember when we were inseparable three year olds.”  She leaned back, lip trembling.  “It wasn’t that I didn’t want all of the things you wanted, I just didn’t want them here.”  She searched his eyes.  “Have you spent all this time thinking I didn’t want you?  That I don’t miss you every day?”
His tone was sullen.  “You’ve certainly hidden it well.”
Rose pulled back further, heart thumping painfully, pulse pounding.  This is it, she realized.  If not now, never.  “I love you.  I love you more than I did when I left you, and I loved you so damn much then.  I want to spend my life with you.  I’m more sure of that with every day that has passed since I left – since you watched me leave.  And if you want to stay here, we can work something out – I’m willing to try if you are.”
James’ expression was inscrutable, his eyes deep with emotion.  “I don’t want to hold you back,” he said softly.  “I don’t want to keep you from your dream.”
She didn’t know what to say, what words would convince him of her feelings, of what she wanted.  But sometimes, words weren’t enough anyway.
Swinging her leg across his she settled in his lap, moving slow as she leaned down to kiss him, heart dropping when his hands caught her biceps and kept her from closing the gap.
“There’s no going back,” he said firmly.  “I won’t have you part time, and I won’t be an afterthought.  I fully support you and your dream, but I won’t just be yours on the weekends.”
“I can’t move back here.  Not permanently.  I love you, I want you, but I can’t.”
“That’s okay.”  He tucked a loose tendril of hair behind her ear.  “I know someone in London with a couch.”  His lips twitched upwards, giving her hope.
She pursed her lips, pretending to consider that.  “I hope you don’t mean me, because you’re not sleeping on my couch.”
“No?”  His hands slid down her body to her bum, shifting her until she was against a familiar, growing bulge.  “Not even if I’m being naughty?”
Lips curling, Rose leaned in until their chests were touching, mouth directly against her ear.  “Why would you be anywhere but the bed if you’re being naughty?”
“I’m thinking about being naughty beside a bed.  Does that count?”
Pulling back she considered him, crossing her arms.  “For real, though.  Are you offering to move to London?”
James swallowed.  “Not immediately, but within… the next six months?  I do have a life here, and a job.  I haven’t spent the last ten years doodling in my journal waiting for you to come back and get me.  We may have changed over that time too, and need to get to know each other again.  But yes, assuming things go well, I’d be willing.”
“Good enough for me.”  Grabbing her dress at the sides she pulled it up over her head, leaving her in an unsexy but relatively matching set of knickers.  “Prove it.”
Surging forward he laid her out on her back, and it was as if no time had passed at all; a decade apart and other lovers fell away as they frantically reunited on the thematically appropriate shag rug, not bothering to properly undress first.
“For the record,” she whispered, as they shuddered and moved together, “this is where the road not taken always leads to.  Here.  With you.”
He tangled their fingers together, grasping her hand tightly.  “I’ve been right here, waiting for you.”
His other hand found her between them, and her back arched, panting.  “I’m here, I’m here- ah!”
After, as they snuggled on the rug and caught their breath, he said, “It seems appropriate to reunite on Christmas Eve.  Having the conversation we should have had this night a decade ago.”
“Mhmm.”  Rose stroked her nails along his back, loving when he shivered and twitched against her.  “Well, you know what they say.”
“’Tis the season!”
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absolutelyinlove · 11 months
hi take a snippet from the fic i’m posting on august 1st for the folklore/evermore songfic collection i have tis the damn season and this fic contains. so many horrors .
(also i’ve been posting a ton of small snippets on my private twitter if any of u want to be mutuals there)
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fandomwriterstuff · 2 months
Marauders Era Songfics
These will be a mix of ships and reader insert fics, depending on the song and my mood. All based on Taylor Swift Songs, in order below the break. I'll link them once I post them.
Our Song
Hey Stephen
Love Story
The Way I Loved You
The Other Side of the Door
Speak Now:
Back to December
Treacherous - Sirius x Reader
I Bet You Think About Me
Blank Space
I Wish You Would
How You Get the Girl
Slut! - Sirius x Remus x Reader
Now That We Don't Talk
Suburban Legends
Don't Blame Me
Call it What You Want - James x Reader
Cruel Summer
The Archer
I Think He Knows
Death by a Thousand Cuts
The Lakes
Tis the Damn Season
Midnight Rain
The Tortured Poets Department:
imgonnagetyouback - Sirius Black x Reader
The Bolter
The Black Dog
The Alchemy
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me
But Daddy, I Love Him
The Tortured Poets Department
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Tis the Damn Season for Champagne
Tis the damn season for Champagne by RinNyx
Luka and Marinette have been together for a while, schools over, Gabriel defeated, and things have seemingly settled down for Marinette. Her business is thriving, Luka's on tour and releasing hit after hit. Will their relationship survive the winter? Or will a stray find his way back into her heart? Rated M for mature topics and minor character violence.
Words: 3019, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois
Relationships: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Friends with Benefits Gone Wrong, Ouch, Fluff and Angst, Songfic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43037856
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mltrefry-ficwriter · 1 year
It's the time of year again where I will provide a list of all the Christmas themed stories I've written in various fandoms! This year with Our Flag Means Death getting a modern au entry.
Doctor Who
Never a Silent Night (NinexRose - Canon Divergent) A needed respite between the events of the Game Station and a required visit to Jackie for Christmas, The Doctor takes Rose and Jack to a special planet in preparation for the Holiday. Trouble finds them, as it always does, and investigating a kidnapping and the feud it seems to stem from forces the trio to face and embrace the changes (or lack thereof) Bad Wolf made among the team.
Christmas In London (NinexRose - Canon Divergent)
A sequel to "Never a Silent Night". As promised before Leatis, the Doctor brings Rose back to London for Christmas with her Mum. But it can never just be a visit, can it? And it's soon discovered that Earth has made itself an amusing target for the Sycorax. A rewrite of the Christmas Special with Nine and Jack.
Good Omens
Merry Christmas! (But I Think I'll Miss This One This Year) (CrowleyxAziraphale - Human AU) Aziraphale Fell and Anthony Crowley met on a flight from New York to London and were instantly smitten with one another. But busy schedules, as well as plain stupidity, lead them to some hit and miss encounters that always feel a bit too long in between. As the calendar moves along, both begin to wonder if maybe it all means it just won't work out. At least, that's what they think until they hit December. A sort of songfic based on "Christmas Wrapping" Also available as a Podfic by @literarion (still one chapter left as of December 18)
'Tis the Happiest Damn Season (SamxBucky - Modern AU, No Powers)
Just before Christmas, Sam's boyfriend Steve does the unexpected and asks him to join him in New York to meet his former unit and the guy they rescued together - otherwise known as his family. It seemed like a great idea until Sam discovered something: Steve hasn't told them he was bi, let alone that he'd been in a relationship with Sam for a year. As Sam starts to see that the Steve he loves might not be the real Steve at all, he finds himself serendipitously running into the same guy around New York over and over again. Which might have been something to laugh off if it wasn't Steve's ex, Bucky.
Our Flag Means Death
Can't Be Alone Under the Mistletoe (EdxStede - Modern AU)
Stede and Ed - in a flash of either stupidity or genius - come up with a plan to pose as a couple for the holidays. This way, Stede could avoid being set up by Lucius as well as having to come up with a reason why his mysterious partner suddenly wouldn't make the Christmas party Lucius is hosting. It should be easy, in theory. It's only for the party, and maybe the odd time Stede and Ed are seen together in the days leading up to the event. Except, of course, it isn't. Because not only does this simple plan get painfully out of hand from the onset, they've been in love with each other for years. They just never told one another. And, they don't intend to.
A modern day holiday romcom.
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
can I ask what your road not taken playlist is about? I've been curious forever
you certainly may anon! my road not taken playlist is my playlist for my magnum opus (/hj) tis the damn songfic (which already has 2.5 fics out in the universe if you're interested 👀). they're mostly in chronological order, with the exception of tis the damn season (which is listed first bc it's the reason i started this whole mess) and there are a couple songs that i'm either on the fence about including or don't tell the story of the plot but do appear in the fic (or may appear if i haven't gotten to writing that bit yet). it's an au that has been haunting my thoughts ever since february 2021 so you know. i'm always ready to talk about it more if you're interested but no pressure lol
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blush-and-books · 3 years
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call me babe for the weekend | part one | 8.27
Julie Molina, Grammy-winning popstar and reluctant Seattle native, returns home to her family and old friends for Christmas - and also to escape rumors and drama back in Los Angeles.
Old friends include Luke Patterson: The ex-boyfriend she left behind for LA and the promise of a blossoming music career. Only, the music career is not what she wanted it to be, and Los Angeles has turned from a welcome escape to an unlikely prison, and the only place she wants to run to is the place (and the person) that knows her best.
At the end of the day, she'll just run back to LA and forget about Seattle all over again.
But the city, and Luke, have more of a grip on her than she expected.
"There's just been a lot going on, and... The road not taken is looking pretty good right now. At least where I'm sitting."
"And you want this... Just for the weekend?"
"It's all I need."
tagging: @bluefirewrites @lydias--stiles @willexx @unsaid-emily @pink-flame @echocharm17618 @babydagger28 @helookedupgrinninglikeadevil @sylphrenas @wlwcarries @ruzek-halstead @phantomsandsunsets @sirena-de-lunas @thedeathdeelers @thatsmyverb @constantly-singing
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evermore x hp / masterlist
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hp x readers based on the absolute masterpiece that is evermore by the love of my life taylor swift. i’ll be posting these fics once or twice a week and i will update the links once i’ve posted each one <3 really hope you guys enjoy <3
// these aren’t going to be exact line by line songfics, but based around a particular line or verse //
all fic masterlist
[🌸 = fluff, 🍁= angst]
taglist: @padsfirewhisky
[🌸] willow - fred weasley x reader
“life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
they count me out time and time again
life was a willow and it bent right to your wind
but I come back stronger than a 90's trend”
summary: hogwarts’ most popular playboy has made it very clear that you, his best friend, are not his type. seeing as you were crushing on him hard, you decide to take matters into your own hands
[🍁] champagne problems - ron weasley x reader
“you had a speech, you’re speechless
love slipped beyond your reaches
and i couldn’t give a reason
champagne problems”
summary: on a cold night in november, your boyfriend, ron, gets sentimental thinking about a future that you’re not sure you deserved
[🌸] gold rush - ginny weasley x reader
“and the coastal town
we wandered ‘round had never
seen a love as pure as it”
summary: revelling in the fact that you have the most amazing girlfriend in the world, while unbeknownst to you, she’s thinking exactly the same thing
[🌸🍁] ‘tis the damn season - cedric diggory x reader
“so we could call it even
you could call me babe for the weekend
‘tis the damn season
write this down
i’m stayin’ at my parent’s house
and the road not taken looks real good now
and it always leads to you in my hometown”
summary: you bump into an old flame and old feelings catch up to you as you find yourself rekindling said flame
[🍁] tolerate it - harry potter x reader
“i made you my temple, my mural, my sky
now i’m begging for footnotes in the story of your
drawing hearts in the bylines
always taking up too much space or time
you assume i’m fine, but what would you do if i
break free and leave us in ruins?
took this dagger in me and removed it?
gain the weight of you then lose it
believe me, i could do it”
summary: in the chaos of war, harry pushes the one person he didn’t ever want to lose, to the brink of walking away from him
[🍁] no body, no crime - marauders x reader / peter pettigrew x reader / sirius black x reader
“i think he did it but i just can’t prove it
no, no body no crime
but i ain’t letting up ‘till the day i die”
summary: your best friends, lily and james potter, were betrayed by their secret keeper however you’re sure it couldn’t have been sirius.
[🌸] happiness - remus lupin x reader
“there is happiness
past the blood and bruise
past the curses and cries
beyond the terror of the nightfall
haunted by the look in my eyes
that would’ve loved you for a lifetime
leave it all behind
and there is happiness”
summary: after the death of his friends and the betrayal of sirius, remus fears that he has lost the capacity for happiness. until you came along
[🌸] dorothea - hermoine granger x reader
“hey dorothea
do you ever stop and think about me?
when we were younger
down in the park
honey, making a lark of the misery
you got shiny friends since you left town
a tiny screen’s the only place i see you now
and i got nothing but well wishes for ya”
summary: you see your childhood best friend for the first time in nearly a decade, you hold the same love and respect for her now as you did then
[🍁] coney island - george weasley x reader
“the question pounds my head
‘what’s a lifetime of achievement?’
if i pushed you to the edge
but you were too polite to leave me
and do you miss the rogue
who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?
will you forgive my soul
when you’re too wise to trust me and too old to
summary: business is booming and the joke shop is expanding at a rapid rate, by the time it reaches its peak, geoege wants to bask in his success with the woman he loves, only to realise he’d completely neglected you in favour of pursuing his dreams and he doesn’t know if you’ll forgive him for it
[🍁🌸] ivy - harry potter x reader
“how’s one to know?
i’d live and die for moments that we stole
on begged and borrowed time
so tell me to run
or dare to sit and watch what we’ll become”
summary: he thinks he’ll only ruin you, you think he’s worth the risk
[🍁] cowboy like me - sirius black x reader
“you’re a bandit like me
eyes full of stars
hustling for the good life
never thought i’d meet you here
it could be love
we could be the way forward
and i know i’ll pay for it”
summary: sirius runs into you at a pure-blood party he’d been dragged to, the pair of you find solace in each other and gravitate towards one another from then on, however, noting the similarities between you and him, you deduct that you’ll end up paying dearly when you begin to crave more than secret rendezvous at pure-blood occasions.
[🌸] long story short - george weasley x reader
“and he’s passing by
rare as the glimmer as a comment in the sky
and he feels like home
if the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go”
summary: george weasley is undoubtedly the love of your life, you realise
[🍁] marjorie - remus lupin x lupin!reader
“the autumn chill that wakes me up
you loved the amber skies so much
long limbs and frozen swims
you’d always go past where our feet could
and i complained the whole way there
the car ride back and up the stairs
i should’ve asked you questions
i should’ve asked you how to be
asked you to write it down for me
should’ve kept every grocery store receipt
‘cause every scrap of you would be taken
from me”
summary: your father dies in the battle of hogwarts and you’re left to go through his things
[🍁] closure - fred weasley x reader
“yes, i got your letter
yes, i’m doing better
it cuts deep to know ya, right to the bone
yes, i got your letter
yes, i’m doing better
i know that it’s over, i don’t need your
summary: you and fred have a messy breakup and after a few months he owls you to see how you’re doing, and it just so happens that you’re doing fine without him
[🌸] evermore - harry potter x reader
“and i was catching my breath
floors of a cabin creaking under my steps
and i couldn’t be sure
i had a feeling so peculiar
this pain wouldn’t be for
summary: a soft moment between you and harry as you heal from the war together
[🍁🌸] right where you left me - sirius black x reader
“did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
time went on for everybody else, she won’t
know it
she’s still 23 inside her fantasy
how it was supposed to be
did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
break-ups happen everyday, you don’t have to
lose it
she’s still 23 inside her fantasy
and you’re sitting in front of me”
summary: when sirius is condemned to azkaban you wait, and wait, and wait, right where he left you
[🍁] it’s time to go - george weasley x reader
“that old familiar body ache
the snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
you know when it’s time to go”
summary: transitioning from best friends to lovers isn’t always the best idea, sometimes it’s better to walk away before there’s nothing left to leave
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thishintoflove · 3 years
‘tis the damn season - A Narcos Fanfic
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TSwift Songfic Week Day 3
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Warnings: 18 + Explicit (Language, P/V sex, Car sex), 2.4k words of angsty smut
Summary: You and Javi are former high school sweethearts who occasionally meet up when you’re both back in town. Inspired by Texas!Javi from season 3 episode 1 of Narcos.
A/N: Thank you very much for reading this series and reblogging/commenting/liking, etc. I appreciate it so much!
There's an ache in you put there by the ache in me
But if it's all the same to you
It's the same to me
You called him the night after Christmas. Your parents were in bed, your sister and nephews had returned home, and you were alone on the couch at your parents’ house.
You knew he was home for the holidays too. You’d seen him at Mass the day before last. He’d caught your eye as he passed by your family’s pew, walking quietly beside his father who seemed to stop and greet every person they passed. He gave you a small nod before moving on.
When you’d first caught a glimpse of him, you thought that maybe you were over it. Maybe you didn’t need him this time. Maybe the two of you could be in this damn town at the same time and not fall into old habits.
But now you're lonely and you're calling your ex high school sweetheart the day after Christmas, asking to meet up for old times sake.
“Javi…” you whispered into the landline when you heard him pick up.
“Want to meet at the usual spot?”
No greeting. He knew it was you. He knew what you were calling for. It’s been your pattern for so many years now.
“I…” you hesitate for a moment, but you knew you weren’t going to change your mind. It was too late and you needed him, even if you tried to convince yourself you didn’t. “Yeah, the usual spot.”
“I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Look for my dad’s truck.”
And it always leads to you in my hometown
I parkеd my car right between the Methodist
And thе school that used to be ours
The first thing you did after you hopped into the passenger seat of the truck was kiss him. Javi reached forward to cup the sides of your face, kissing you back just as desperately. His mustache scraped the sensitive skin around your mouth but you didn’t care. It felt like coming home.
Your back protested as you leaned across the console. You were too old for this. He was too old for this. But this was the way when it came to the two of you.
You moaned into his mouth as he bit your lip and his hands slipped down to caress your sides. Javi moved away from your lips and trailed open mouthed kisses along your jaw, and then your neck. You gasped as he found the sensitive spot below your ear, your nails digging into his shoulders as he sucked. You couldn’t help the way you squirmed in your seat, desperate for more friction.
In high school you used to kiss like this on any available surface. Against the lockers, on the bleachers, in your childhood bedroom, in the older model of his dad’s truck. You were always searching for a place to be alone and explore each others’ bodies. Sometimes it felt like nothing had really changed.
The holidays linger like bad perfume
You can run, but only so far
I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave
But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me
Laredo, Texas called you home for the holidays and you showed up like the dutiful daughter you were. Los Angeles wasn’t that far, comparatively, but you didn’t like the feelings that your hometown created in you. The expectations. The traditions. The disappointment.
He was back from Columbia, on his once-per-year-at-best visit. He always had to one-up you. You were considered a rebel for running off to LA to pursue a journalism career. But he went so far as to leave the country.
And maybe that’s why you continued to be drawn to one another. Laredo was a living time capsule to the two of you. It grew and changed for the people who lived there, but to you it will always be the place where you grew up dreaming of someplace else. So when you came back, you sought out the few things that hadn’t changed. He was familiar and safe, and even if he only lived in Laredo in your heart, it felt good to know you had someone waiting here for you when you came back.
Javi’s hand on your breast pulled you back to the present. You got the message and yanked your shirt over your head, tossing it aside. His eyes darkened as he stared at your chest before capturing your lips once more. You could feel his grin as he easily popped the clasp on your bra and used one large hand to massage your breast, the other tangling in your hair. It was hot and desperate, and you couldn’t contain the moan that escaped as he tweaked your nipple.
“God, Javi, that feels amazing,” you gasped, your nerves tingling at all the sensations. It’s been longer than you care to admit since you had a man in bed and you were already embarrassingly wet. Javi knew all of your quirks and special spots, and he was all but guaranteed to make you see stars every time.
He pulled away for a moment to pull the lever on his seat, pushing it back as far as it would go before grasping at you. You didn’t hesitate-- you climbed over the center console to sit in his lap and immediately crushed your lips together again. He was already rock hard against your thigh so at least you weren’t the only one in danger of coming as quickly as you did as teenagers.
You ground your hips down against him, earning a loan groan as he squeezed your thighs with both hands. You fumbled with his belt as he slipped your jeans down. He slid one finger inside you, then another, working you open gently but efficiently. You moaned and dropped your head to his shoulder as you thrust against his hand. You let your own hands wander across his shoulders and the expanse of his back.
We could call it even
You could call me babe for the weekend
I'm stayin' at my parents' house
And the road not taken looks real good now
His body was achingly familiar, even with the changes caused by stress and time. His arms and his back were still muscled and his shoulders were as broad as ever, but his middle had softened and he had a bit of a tummy now. There were a few more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes than last time and there was a hint of grey in the stubble on his cheeks. But it didn’t matter. You were older and softer too. His eyes were the same deep chocolate brown as they always had been and he still moaned the same way when you tugged at the softly curled hair at the base of his skull.
You didn’t keep meeting him because you expected to see the same bright eyed, strapping boy of your youth. Even decades later, you wanted Javi because he was… well because he was Javi. And even if you only spoke a few times a year now, there was something about his presence that felt like coming home.
"God baby, the things I want to do to you..." he rasped, pulling back to look at you for a moment with lust darkened eyes.
You shushed him and leaned forward to capture his mouth again. You slipped a hand down to free him from his boxer briefs, giving him a quick tug that sent his eyes rolling back in his head. Before you could guide him in, he reached a hand down,
"Condom?" he ground out, glancing up at you from under his dark lashes. You cursed and reached back to the passenger seat for your purse and pulled one out. You handed it to him and slid back towards his knees as he fumbled with the packet.
"Hurry up. Need you now," you murmured, tugging at his ear with your teeth.
“Fuck,” he swore, finally rolling the damn thing on.
You grinned and pushed your hips down on him, eliciting a deep groan. He slipped inside, letting you have a moment to adjust before giving a shallow thrust. Soon you were moving in tandem, two bodies so familiar with each other that you didn’t need to speak.
Javi set a fast pace, driving into you hard and deep. “You’re so wet for me. Always are,” he told you between grunts, “What did I do to deserve you, baby?”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” you moaned back. You put your hands on his chest, giving yourself leverage to twist as you moved up and down.
Javi gripped your hips tightly and you knew you’d have bruises later but you didn’t care. Your breathing picked up in time with his thrusts, and soon you could feel the pressure building deep inside your core. He slipped a hand down and rubbed your clit, and after only a few more thrusts you were undone. Your orgasm crashed over you and you cried out as your muscles clenched around him. You could tell he was close too as his thrusts became more erratic. Still reveling in the aftershocks, you leaned down and whispered in his ear, “cum for me, Javi”, and like a magic word he obeyed. He grunted as he spilled into the condom, pulling you close and then collapsing back against the seat.
You both lay still for a moment, letting your breathing return to normal. You reached up and brushed some stray hairs off his sweaty forehead before turning and resting your head against his shoulder. He buried his face in your hair and sighed. He mumbled something, but you were too blissed out and tired to tell what it was.
I wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm fakin'
And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own
To leave the warmest bed I've ever known
You remember being in high school. Being in love for the first time. Having sex for the first time.
Javier was your first in so many ways. You weren’t the type of girl to dream about your big white wedding, but you truly believed you loved him.
But as graduation crept near, the claustrophobia set in. It wasn’t him. It wasn’t you. It was both of you-- the pair of you were too similar. The world was so much bigger than Laredo and you both knew it. You were both too practical for your own good. So you left for journalism school in California, and he took a different, more dangerous path.
You couldn’t help but think about the road not taken as you rested against his sweaty chest. Javi surprised you by speaking first.
“You’re the only good part about coming back here, cariño.”
You pulled back to look at him, “That’s not true.”
“Oh yeah? You think I come back to Laredo to shop at strip malls and drink watered down margaritas?” he scoffed.
“You come back to see your father. I know how much you love him, even if you’re not as close as you were,” you replied, absentmindedly tracing his jaw with one finger, “And don’t try to pretend that you come back here just for me.”
Javi caught your hand in his own, brought it up to his lips, and gave the inside of your wrist a small kiss.
“Maybe you’re not the only reason,“ he said, “But you’re certainly a contributing factor. I love seeing you.”
It was always like this with Javi. It was easy to daydream about a future together when you were face to face-- in your post-coital haze, everything sounded so good and so easy. But you knew the truth.
He was lonely. You were lonely. And in the light of day, it would never work.
Once again you thought about how similar you were. Your careers were your first priority and you both solved your loneliness with casual sex. It could never be the other way around. Neither of you would be content with a quiet, domestic life.
“I like catching up with you too, Javi,” you replied, leaning in to press one more kiss to his lips, “But tomorrow we’re both going to catch a plane to very different places, and all of this will be a distant memory.”
You pulled away and slid back over to the passenger seat of the truck, feeling cold.
We could call it even
Even though I'm leavin'
And I'll be yours for the weekend
'Tis the damn season
You tried not to look at him as you adjusted your shirt and buttoned your pants, but you could feel him watching you. The windows were down and a slight breeze blew through the truck, but your goosebumps weren’t due to the cool night wind. You finally looked up at him again.
“What?” you asked. He blinked at you and then glanced down, focusing on re-buttoning his shirt.
“When’s the next time you’ll be in town?”
“Probably not until the summer, at the earliest. When will you be back? Two years from now?” you answered, rolling your eyes.
His silence answered your question and you knew him well enough to guess that he had no plans to come back here anytime soon. You tried not to think about the fact that he could die half a world away in the span of time before you might possibly see each other again. Worrying about Javier was the last thing you needed and you reminded yourself that he wasn’t really yours to worry about.
He was going back to Columbia and you had to focus on your career. You had your own life to live.
You hated how small your voice sounded when you finally spoke again. “What if I said that this is the last time?”
Javi let out a humorless chuckle, “You say that every time, baby.”
“I mean it, Javi. Maybe next year I’ll have a real boyfriend. Maybe I’ll get married on a whim-- do the whole ‘settling down’ thing.”
Javi hummed and reached over to brush your hair off your face. “If you’re married by the time I see you again, I promise I won’t say anything except ‘hello’ and ‘congratulations’.”
He pressed a light kiss to your temple before pulling away.
“But if you’re not married,” he continued, “I’ll meet you right here. Same spot. Same time.”
And who were you to disagree with Javier Peña?
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jilyarchive · 3 years
hey! do you have any jily fics based on taylor swift songs?
There are SO many. This list is obscenely long and still probably only half of the fics in the fandom so please do let us know if you think we are missing some because we almost definitely are!
Title: for the hope of it all Author: downn_in_flames Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Angst, Drama Chapters: 3 Word Count: 12,775 Summary: You weren’t mine to lose…He mumbles something in his sleep that sounds a lot like ‘I love you,’ and Lily realises with a horrible sinking feeling that he probably thinks she’s Betty in his dreams.
Title: and all the pieces fall Author: downn_in_flames Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 7 [WIP] Word Count: 32,673 Summary: You did a number on me, but honestly baby, who's counting? When Puddlemere United picks up the infamous James Potter’s contract, the entire program is thrilled… with the exception of one assistant coach by the name of Lily Evans, who had really hoped she'd never see him again.
Title: Delicate Author: inakindofdaydream Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7175 Summary: Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate. Lily and James meet at the wrong time. He's only in the country for the school year and she's busy knocking elbows while fighting for causes she believes in. They can't make each other any promises. They can't promise they won't fall for each other.
Title: Speak now   Author: Lilmissclumsyx Rating: K+ Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,457 Summary: One shot about James and Lily based on a song by Taylor Swift. Songfic - Speak now
Title: Last Kiss Author: Lilmissclumsyx Rating: K+ Genre(s): Hurt, Comfort, Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,121 Summary: A songfic as Lily looks back to the 31st of October when she lost what she misses the most. 
Title: 'Tis The Damn Season Author: natalie_ana Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 3 Word Count: 13,841 Summary: James Potter and Lily Evans bump into each other in their hometown after ten years apart. Modern!AU. Famous!AU.
Title:  Never Lose You  Author: jilytho Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 2 Word Count: 6022 Summary: Lily and James meet again after 5 years in a bar. Too much history has happened but too many feelings remain. Loosely inspired by Cornelia Street by Taylor Swift because she is everything.
Title:  The Man  Author: PetalsToFish  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3919 Summary: Lily's tired of receiving backlash for her flying in the Quidditch circuit and enlists the help of her roommates, James and Sirius, to prove that she is being discriminated against as a woman by masquerading as a man.
Title:  Illicit Affairs  Author: natalie_ana Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,128 Summary: James and Lily have an illicit affair. How will it end? Folklore AU.
Title:  Evermore  Author:  bluebirdling Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,404 Summary: They're both in love amidst a war. He's sure he'll never win her over and she's sure she's lost her chance.
Title: Sparks Fly Author: Hannah Kate Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Friendship Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,123 Summary: James and Lily muse on each other. Set to Taylor Swift’s “Sparks Fly”, if you haven’t already guessed.
Title: Speak now Author: krayzzeedoodle Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,939 Summary: “Speak now or forever hold your peace.” said the priest in a clear and challenging voice. This was her last chance, she needed to speak to him. But will he listen? “James, don’t say yes.” Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “Speak Now”!
Title: Lily’s Song Author: aiden.c Rating: K+ Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 4 Word Count: 3,057 Summary: Based upon Taylor Swift’s “Mary’s Song”, a short glimpse at the Potter’s life if they’d been friends long before Hogwarts. In four parts.
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Mystic Messenger x Taylor Swift
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Fics inspired by Taylor Swift songs (NOT songfics)
the 1 - V
cardigan - Zen
the last great (american) dynasty - Jumin
exile - Seven x MC x Jumin
my tears ricochet - Seven
mirrorball - Saeran
seven - Jaehee
august - Yoosung
this is me trying - Jaehee
illicit affairs - Zen
invisible string - Yoosung
mad woman - Jumin (part two)
epiphany - Yoosung
betty - Seven
peace - V
hoax - Saeran
willow - Seven
champagne problems - Yoosung (part 2)
gold rush - Zen
‘tis the damn season - Saeran
tolerate it - Jaehee
no body, no crime - Vanderwood
happiness - V
dorothea - Zen
coney island - Jaehee
ivy - Saeran x MC x Jumin
cowboy like me - Vanderwood
long story short - V
marjorie - Jumin
closure - Yoosung
evermore - Jumin x MC x Seven
“Bonus Tracks”
tolerate it - Seven
MC is the in-universe Taylor Swift — all characters but Vanderwood (headcannons)
Mysme characters as T Swift songs
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absolutelyinlove · 1 year
all my wips at the moment are stuff i’m So fucking excited about like this tour fic is my favourite thing i’ve written in a little bit, then i have a tis the damn season songfic for the folkmore collection that i also think will be One of my best like i just really love the concept i have in mind for it, Then i also have my minecraft setting fic that is Hard to write because it’s kind of plot-y in ways my fics usually aren’t But i love it so much it’s just gonna take a bit longer because i am putting a Lot into it. also i have a vision for a dnf europe trip fic but it’s on pause until they’re home Probably because i want to incorporate everywhere they go so it’ll be easier to write retroactively but that’ll be super fun too I JUST LOVE WRITING I AM SO EXCITED FOREVERYTHING IM WORKING ON sorry. also please always feel free to send me asks abt fics/writing related stuff i loveeee talking about my fics and wips so much
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apopcornkernel · 3 years
i want to write a tis the damn season fake dating songfic so bad
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plegdoctor · 3 years
The sexual tension between me and writing a ‘Tis the damn season diamondchaney songfic
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mltrefry-ficwriter · 2 years
Holiday Stories!
Over the years I've been writing fic, I've done a semi-annual Christmas Story depending on the fandom I'd been writing in that year (or felt like writing for). As we hit a week until the 25th, I wanted to share a list of what holiday treats I have to offer. All are rated T or under.
Doctor Who
Never a Silent Night (NinexRose - Canon Divergent) A needed respite between the events of the Game Station and a required visit to Jackie for Christmas, The Doctor takes Rose and Jack to a special planet in preparation for the Holiday. Trouble finds them, as it always does, and investigating a kidnapping and the feud it seems to stem from forces the trio to face and embrace the changes (or lack thereof) Bad Wolf made among the team.
Christmas In London (NinexRose - Canon Divergent)
A sequel to "Never a Silent Night". As promised before Leatis, the Doctor brings Rose back to London for Christmas with her Mum. But it can never just be a visit, can it? And it's soon discovered that Earth has made itself an amusing target for the Sycorax. A rewrite of the Christmas Special with Nine and Jack.
Good Omens
Merry Christmas! (But I Think I'll Miss This One This Year) (CrowleyxAziraphale - Human AU) Aziraphale Fell and Anthony Crowley met on a flight from New York to London and were instantly smitten with one another. But busy schedules, as well as plain stupidity, lead them to some hit and miss encounters that always feel a bit too long in between. As the calendar moves along, both begin to wonder if maybe it all means it just won't work out. At least, that's what they think until they hit December. A sort of songfic based on "Christmas Wrapping" Also available as a Podfic by @literarion (still one chapter left as of December 18)
'Tis the Happiest Damn Season (SamxBucky - Modern AU, No Powers) Last Chapter to be posted by December 21st
Just before Christmas, Sam's boyfriend Steve does the unexpected and asks him to join him in New York to meet his former unit and the guy they rescued together - otherwise known as his family. It seemed like a great idea until Sam discovered something: Steve hasn't told them he was bi, let alone that he'd been in a relationship with Sam for a year. As Sam starts to see that the Steve he loves might not be the real Steve at all, he finds himself serendipitously running into the same guy around New York over and over again. Which might have been something to laugh off if it wasn't Steve's ex, Bucky.
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