#sorry I'm not trying to stick my nose in things but I'm not blind either
bisolationist · 11 months
What are you trying to say with that screenshot? Are you anti-febfem now?
I'm all for bi women being female exclusive.
I'm against how the febfem label seems increasingly like a panic response to not be called a "bihet" because they have absorbed the idea that bi women are not meaningfully different from straight women and deserve to have their experiences ridiculed and mocked.
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lossie92 · 5 months
A snippet from the beginning of chapter 6 of Cynosure. Please let me know what you think of it - I'm really curious!
Also sorry that it took a bit longer to post, but my brain is fried with a fever and I forgot I asked if ppl wanted to read this 😶
Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: a/b/o au, mentions of past abuse
Madara groaned, his eyes closed, before banging the back of his head against the wall behind him.
The meeting with the elders had ended a while ago and, considering the outcome, he knew he should be celebrating. However, he was too out of sorts to feel happy about this sound, if unexpected, victory.
Despite trying to push it away, the heartbreaking image Tobirama had made as he curled into himself amongst the blankets and pillows in blinding fear of being struck wouldn’t leave him alone. 
There had been many moments in Madara's life when he had felt helpless and at a loss for what to do, and this was definitely one of them. Even though it very likely wouldn't have gone over well, at the time all he had wanted to do was to pull Tobirama close and promise him that whoever had hurt him in the past would never be able to do so again. Not if Madara had any say in that whatsoever. 
An empty promise. 
A stupid one too, since they barely knew each other and Madara really had no claim to make promises of this nature. 
But he didn't fucking care.
Tobirama was… he was…
He sighed.
Tobirama was smart. He could be surprisingly witty. He was endearingly sweet, but he argued with the same precision he wielded a sword when he was passionate about something, and this in no way diminished his charm. He was a mystery too, one Madara was curious about and wanted to unravel.
And he was beautiful. 
Undeniably, achingly beautiful.
Of course beauty was a shallow thing to focus on and it didn’t matter all that much too in the grand scheme of things. Sure, being with someone beautiful was nice and it would be a lie if Madara said looks never played any part in his attraction to another person – they did – but they were hardly the be all, end all. Still, despite all that, Madara couldn't deny that for the last few days he had looked forward to waking up and that he had been spending entirely too much time each morning just looking at Tobirama as he slept.
Every day he was greeted by the same sight:  the omega's adorably disgruntled face, his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up as he slept and dreamt of who knew what. With all that lovely white hair framing his face, curls sticking out at odd angles no matter how much effort Madara had put into taming them the night before, he seemed to belong nowhere else but in Madara's den. With him, always.
Madara couldn't help but be embarrassed about all of it. His thoughts, his feelings, and especially his actions. By now he had spent what felt like hours far running his fingers through Tobirama’s hair and tracing the lines of his face, marvelling at how a man with such lovely, soft features could strike fear and resentment in the hearts of so many people. 
He knew that he felt wasn't love yet. And it wouldn't be love for a while. Yet there was no denying it either that falling in love with Tobirama would probably be as easy as breathing.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
soft words of reassurance for bailey (either canon or pariah prisoner version)
Pariah Prisoner, Part 4
So... I'm gonna just... deliberately misuse a comfort prompt in the name of furthering my plotline. Sorry. I promise I'll have more comfort soon. I have Plans. This also serves as my WIJ Day 6 entry for the prompt "Hold On".
Shoutout to anyone who can tell me the two TV shows I referenced here. Bailey is a nerd.
CW: blood, injury, swearing, implied past torture/abuse, (concussion, broken nose, dislocated shoulder already happened and are mentioned), stabbing
“Okay,” Bailey muttered, trying to gather their thoughts. The scattered ideas felt like stained glass, sharp-edged and glittering. They wanted nothing more than to sit down and think of nothing while waiting for the worst of their pain to pass.
But they couldn’t. Their directions, their powers, were the only things that were going to get the heroes out of here. 
There was a job that needed doing, so they would do it. It was as simple and difficult as that. 
“Escape Plan A failed,” Bailey said, mostly to themself. “So we’re moving on to Plan D.” 
“What happened to B and C?” Foxfire asked.
“Not applicable,” Bailey said. They wanted to make a joke of it, but it wasn’t the time. Anyway, they doubted the heroes would get the reference even if they made it.
“Okay, I’ll bite,” Icarus said. Bailey warily gazed at him, wondering if he was being metaphorical or literal. “What’s Plan D?” 
Metaphorical, then. Bailey let out a little sigh of relief. “Plan D is sneaking our way upstairs and going out through a window.” 
There was a long moment of silence as Bailey worked on the door’s lock. Eventually, they turned to look at the heroes, who were giving them looks with varying shades of concern and doubt.
“What?” they asked.
“Could you elaborate on that plan?” Tempest asked. 
“Because it seems a little…” Foxfire broke off.
Icarus finished for them. “Iffy.”
Oh. Well, that was fair. “There’s a set of service stairs. The lock for them is like this one, set into the wall, so Slipknot didn’t bother to set up cameras for them since they were the only one who could open it.”
The lock was an utter pain in the ass, honestly. It was barely more than a common turn-lock deadbolt, but the placement of it made it very secure. Slipknot could just reach in and turn the thing; Bailey had to work through a good few inches of wall to get at it.
Finally, they got a hold of the knob for the lock and started twisting. As they worked, they continued explaining. “Security is a lot tighter on the lower floors, since, you know, more likely area for breaking in and out. Which is why we’re not going there. There are enough blind spots on the higher levels that we can get to a window.”
The lock finally turned, and Bailey resisted the urge to pump their fist in triumph. They turned to face the heroes. 
“The windows are reinforced,” Tempest said. “Shatterproof.” 
Bailey gave a little nod. “Yeah. All of them. I have a plan for that too, though. That’s the part where timing is gonna be tricky, because I’ll have to get something, and it’s somewhere that’s monitored. We’ll have a small window of time to break the window and jump out.”
“Um…” Foxfire said. “Gravity?”
“Flight, wind, telekinesis,” Bailey said, pointing to Icarus, Tempest, and themself in turn. “Between the three of us, we should be fine. We don’t need to stop our fall, just slow it.”
Icarus still looked unconvinced, but Tempest just nodded. “Lead on,” he said.
Bailey opened the door, and the group made their way out. Bailey led them through the blindspots they’d mapped to the service stairs. They pressed themselves close to the wall while Bailey opened the locked door.
“If you can open this too, why didn’t Slipknot put surveillance up?” Icarus asked.
“Couldn’t do this originally,” Bailey said, frowning in concentration. The lock was sticking; it probably needed graphite, not that it was likely to get any. 
“They don’t know you can open their special locks?” he pushed.
“No,” Bailey said, trying to keep their tone even. He had made them lose their grip on the fucking lock again. “This was self-taught, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
The lock finally turned, and they opened the door to the stairs.
Now they just had to go up, and up, and up. Joy.
“How’d you learn, anyway?” Foxfire asked. Their voice was at least something more pleasant to focus on than the echoing clang of the group’s footsteps on the stairs. “It doesn’t look like it’s easy to do, so why bother?”
“Lots of exposure,” Bailey said curtly. Their head (and back, and nose, and… everything, honestly) hurt too much to keep their tone polite. 
“Sneaking around behind your boss’s back, Poppet?” Icarus asked snidely.
Bailey couldn’t help but flinch at the name. They resolved that as soon as they were somewhere safe(r), they would tell the heroes their real name. Even if they sided with Icarus and decided to put Bailey down, Bailey was going to go out under their own name. 
They weren’t going to remain as what Slipknot had made them into.
“Something like that,” they huffed. 
It was the truth… if breaking out of the room they were locked in counted as sneaking behind Slipknot’s back. When they’d moved in, Bailey had only known about the lock on the inside of their door. They didn’t know about the one Slipknot had set into the wall, the one that could override their settings. 
And that wasn’t even counting the times Bailey had frequented the cells for various lessons and punishments.
Finally, they reached the floor Bailey needed.
“Is this… a dorm?” Foxfire asked.
“Bigger rooms than your average college dorm, but close enough,” Bailey said. “This is one of the residential floors. There’s a window in the lounge. I just need to get something first.”
“What about other residents?” Tempest asked. 
Bailey shook their head. “Not many of them. I wasn’t kidding about these being bigger than your average college dorm. And they shouldn’t be here anyway; this is training time.” 
Which, of course, was when they ran into someone.
Viper opened her door just in time to see the four go past. She stared at them. 
They stared back.
Viper looked Bailey up and down critically, gaze lingering on their broken nose and stiffly-held shoulder. She seemed to come to a conclusion, and nodded slightly. 
“Hm. Seems that what I thought I heard must have been a remnant from that fever dream I was having,” she said, “because I don’t see anything out here.”
Bailey could have cried. Instead, they managed a small, shaky, “Thank you.” 
She gave them a crooked smile, showing off her fangs. “I sure hope that my fever dream ends before I have my meeting with Slipknot in…” She checked her watch. “Fifteen minutes. It would be very awkward to have to explain that to them.”
She dropped the pretense and added, “Go. Get out of here.”
“Thank you,” Bailey added fervently, then led the heroes off at a run.
They got to Bailey’s room, and Bailey frantically started looking for what they needed. 
“Come on, come on, I know I didn’t get rid of it, where the fuck did I put it after last time…” Bailey muttered under their breath as they pulled out drawers in their dresser. 
“What the fuck was that?” Icarus demanded. “You said there wouldn’t be anyone here!”
“Said there shouldn’t, not wouldn’t,” Bailey corrected. “Forgot that Viper is on bedrest and isn’t at training. And that was our new time limit.”
“Honor among villains?” Foxfire suggested.
Bailey gave a half-hearted smile. “Something like that.” 
Viper was one of the villains on the team who was halfway decent. She followed Slipknot’s orders, but she never went beyond the minimum necessary damages in training or on missions. Of all the people they could have run into during this escape attempt, she was probably the best option.
Bailey continued tearing through their room as they looked; it wasn’t as though it mattered if they made a mess, after all. They wouldn’t be coming back. 
“What are you looking for?” Tempest asked. “Could we help?”
Bailey shook their head. “No, it’s— ugh, why do I still have that— it’s small, you won’t be able to help. It’s a necklace.”
“How’s that gonna help?” Icarus asked skeptically.
“It’s a diamond,” Bailey said. 
Foxfire made a noise of agreement. “Not tougher than crystallized carbon,” they said.
Bailey smiled. They should have guessed Foxfire was a nerd. 
“That won’t work,” Icarus said. “The force you’d have to put behind it—”
Bailey cut him off. “I can do it.” 
He scoffed.
Bailey turned to glare at him. “This isn’t just your life on the line here; it’s mine, too. I’m not playing around. So unless you have a better idea? You’re gonna have to go with what I’ve got.”
They turned back to searching as Icarus gaped at them. They knew they still had it; they’d checked when they made this backup plan. And even before that, they wouldn’t have gotten rid of it. Slipknot had it made from one of the diamonds they’d stolen in the heist that led to Icarus’s intervention. It was both promise and threat, and Slipknot made sure that they wore it to every fancy occasion. 
It wasn’t a collar, but it was a claim of ownership just the same.
Bailey finally found the necklace, and the group made their way to the lounge to make their improvised exit. The heroes cleared the furniture away from the window. Bailey held the diamond necklace in place with their powers, then struck it like a hammer against a chisel. 
The reinforced glass spiderwebbed out from the impact.
“Well, well,” came a horribly familiar voice from behind them. “I have to admit, I didn’t quite expect this.”
Bailey turned to see Slipknot flanked by several other villains, including Viper. 
They’d run out of time. 
The ensuing fight was as vicious as it was chaotic. The villains weren’t holding back, using blows meant to maim or kill. Bailey did their best, but they were already at a disadvantage with their concussion and injured shoulder. Add to that the worry of protecting the heroes, as well? They didn’t really have a chance. 
A stray blow sent the broken glass flying from its frame, and Bailey took their chance. “Go, go, go!” they shouted, practically pulling the heroes out the window with them as they jumped. Something cold hit Bailey’s side, but they didn’t have time to think about it. They were falling. 
All of Slipknot’s sadistic training about heights paid off. With the help of Icarus and Tempest, Bailey was able to get all four of them to the ground safely.
And then they collapsed to one knee. Why… why weren’t their legs working? 
They looked down to their side, where they’d felt the impact of something cold. The handle of a knife sprouted from their skin like a weed. 
That’s not supposed to be there, Bailey thought. 
Like a weed, they plucked it from where it wasn’t supposed to be. 
That was when the pain truly set in. Bailey gasped at the sudden intensity of it, falling to their hands and knees under the unrelenting onslaught. 
Suddenly Foxfire was there, hands warm against Bailey’s skin. They pressed against the wound, making the pain worse. Why were they making it worse? Bailey groaned and tried to push them away, but was too weak.
Foxfire was shouting, but Bailey had trouble focusing on the words. The hero’s face softened with something like… concern? What were they concerned about? Had one of the heroes gotten hurt?
“No, no, Poppet, look at me,” Foxfire said. “Look at me, there you go, keep your focus on me. You’re gonna be okay, just hang on. Hang on!”
Bailey smiled weakly. They rasped, “Bailey.”
“What? Don’t worry about anyone else, just keep looking at me. You’re okay; we’re gonna get you to our medic, just hang on, Poppet.”
Bailey shook their head. “Not Poppet. It’s Bailey.”
Their eyelids were so heavy, far too heavy to keep open. They smiled as their eyes slid shut. “My name is Bailey.”
They were going to go out under their own name, after all.
I don't kill my characters, don't kill me please! (Exceptions may apply to irredeemable whumpers. Of which I am not one. Again, please don't kill me.)
@heathenville @nonbinary-disaster @kim-poce @whump-world @dolls-circus @pickleking8 @appleejuice @cupcakes-and-pain @badluck990 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @extemporary-whump @whumpwillow @multiple-characters1-acct @sunflower1000 @fleur-des-lore @equestrianwritingsstuff, @scp-1296 @livingforthewhump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @suspicious-whumping-egg @kaiwewi @lelly-belly @neuro-whump @newbornwhumperfly @whumpthisway, @whumpcreations, @wicked-whump @heart4brains, @myhusbandsasemni @how-to-be-a-hero @kixngiggles @kurochan @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @pattonvirglsanders @neverthelass @we-write-as-one @elrysdoesstuff @whumperflies-and-roses @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @ramadiiiisme @towerlesskey @emmanemanemm
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twjournals · 3 years
What's Wrong is Right
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This is the sequel to So Wrong It's Right.
The finale: The Right Place
Warning: dark!Peter Parker x reader, age gap BUT BOTH CHARACTERS ARE OF AGE, DUB-NON, pregnancy, mentions of abortion
PLEASE READ MY WARNING BEFORE CONTINUING. I am not responsible for your media consumption. Any and ALL negativity will be blocked. The majority of my content is 18+.
Word Count: 7k
Summary: You’re an old troubled friend of May’s. Your life consists of being a workaholic, a party animal, and bringing home the shittest of guys for a one-hit-wonder. Just when you get your life in order, you’re knocked right back into your old habits. Peter has watched you suffer long enough. He can make it all better.
Taglist: @discoverwhattheworldhastooffer
Things could not have felt any better than they did right now. You were still sound asleep beside him on the bed. You were so peaceful when you sleep, so perfect. Even with your hair a mess and what was left of your make-up on your face Peter still thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
As much as he could sleep, he did not want to miss a second of you. He longed to touch you again, to kiss you awake and go another round or two. He could stay the whole day in bed with you if you would let him. The thought of you coming undone underneath him replayed in his mind and his cock twitched in response. He needed to calm himself down, but that felt nearly impossible around you. The only thing stopping him was the fact he knew you needed the rest.
Peter laid on his side, taking in the sight of you. He could not understand how guys would use you the way they do, how they could hurt you and be okay with it. He could not understand the type of guys you went after either. They were all the same. It was almost like you were signing yourself up to get hurt. Peter just wanted to take all that pain away. He wanted to be the guy you needed. He was the guy you needed.
He let a sigh before pressing a warm kiss to your head. Sleep had finally won the battle. He let his eyes fall shut as his arms held your sleeping figure close. If only he could fall asleep like this every night.
When you awoke, the sun was shining bright the small cracks in your blinds, and seemed even brighter than usual considering your hangover. You rub your head as it ached. If there was one thing you did not miss about drinking, it was this.
You froze still when you felt the grasp around your body grow a little snugger. You were scared to see who was in bed with you. You tried to think for a moment, thinking back to last night. It was such a faint memory, a blur. Could it have been your ex? There was no way. Even drunk, you would not have fallen into that trap. You peaked over your shoulder, instant regrets washing over you. What had you done? You were in fact naked so there was no doubt what you had done last night.
May was going to kill you.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand beside you as if on queue and you glanced over at it. Oh my god, May! You were dead. Your heart was beating so hard it could have beat out of your chest. You were panicking. You carefully eased out of Peter's grasp to keep from waking him, resting his arm back on the bed. You grabbed a big shirt you had still laying on your floor and a pair of underwear from your dresser before hurrying out the door, closing it behind you.
You tugged your shirt in a hurry before you answered it on the final ring. "Hello?" You tried to play it cool, holding your phone against your ear with your shoulder as you pulled your panties up your legs.
"Good morning sunshine. How are you feeling?" She greeted you.
You started down the hallway to the kitchen. You would feel the aching of your core with every step you took. "Tired." You admitted, moving behind the counter to start a pot of coffee.
"I bet. You needed last night though with everything going on." You bit your bottom lip.
You could not agree more, but you wondered to yourself just much of it as actually needed. You leaned against the counter, watching the drip of the coffee as it filled the pot. "You're not wrong."
She laughed slightly. "I'm just glad Peter could take you home. I always get nervous when you go home with random strangers." Your teeth sunk further into your bottom lip. "Speaking of Peter, do you know where he is?" Your heart was beating so out of control, you were surprised it wasn’t a heart attack in the making. The thought of losing May as your friend after these years, especially over something as big as this, it pained you.
You had to think and think fast. "I think he mentioned something about going to Ned's. I’m not entirely sure though.” You reached into the cupboard to retrieve a mug. "He probably stayed the night." You lied, trying to control your breathing as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You prayed to yourself in hopes that your lie would be enough. Or what if she already knew Peter was still at your apartment? No, no, she could not have, not sounding this collected.
"I should have guessed that. I'll try to call him again later." She sighed. "I just worry about him sometimes."
"I'm sure he's fine. He's not a kid anymore, May." You reminded her, though a part of you felt like it was a reminder to you as well. If he had not have been who he was, maybe this all would have been a different situation but not when your friendship was on the line.
"I know, I know. It's just the Aunt in me I suppose"
You mixed in your cream and sugar and stirred. "It's Peter and Ned we're talking about, May. They were probably up playing video games all night."
"You're right." She finally admitted. "Well, I'm sorry for waking you. I just wanted to check on you."
"No worries. Let me know when you hear from him." She agreed before you ended the phone call with a goodbye.
You finally let out a deep breath of air. It felt like you had been holding it the entire time you were on the phone. It would not have surprised you if you had. You did not know where to start or how to make it all make sense. Maybe that was because none of this made sense. Peter could not be anymore more than a friend, especially when he was your best friend's nephew.
How had this even got this far? You had never thought of Peter like this and yet you ended up in bed with him. You held the mug, letting it warm your hands as you stared down at your coffee in thought. Peter had been nothing but good to you, but this had been more than you could have asked for. There was a hole in your heart from another man and you had pushed yourself on Peter last night to try and heal it. That’s what you had made yourself believe. You took had taken advantage of his kindness, took things too far and now you had to get things back in one piece.
This was nothing like the hookups you had in the past. This was Peter. It was not like you would never see him around again. It was not like you could just throw him out and be done with it.
You jumped instantly when Peter's voice pulled you from your thoughts. You pushed yourself off of the counter, taking in the sight of him as he moved across the kitchen over to you.
“Good morning.” He smiled and you glanced at his messy hair sticking up in different directions. It was the perfect mix of bed head and sex hair.
“Hi.” You said shyly. How would you break the news to him? God, how could you get yourself in this situation?
“I was looking forward to waking up to you.” He moved over to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as if this were all normal and pressing a kiss to your jaw. Your eyes met his curiously. What was he thinking this was?
“Peter, I think- I think we need to talk.”
Your breathing was shuttered as he held onto your waist, nudging his nose against your neck.
“Oh? What about?” He looks down at you.
Your free hand was pressed against his chest with a sigh. “Did you want some coffee?” You offered.
His eyes lingered on you for a moment as if he was trying to figure out what you were thinking before letting go of your waist. “No, thank you. Is everything okay?” He tilted his head slightly. You seemed nervous.
You took a hold of his hand, placing your mug down on the counter before leading him into the living room. You brought him over to the couch, sitting down. “So last night… can you tell me what happened? I know we had, ya know, but how?”
His face grew pink with a slight blush. “How?” He repeated your question.
“I mean, did I make you? I know I can be a bit much when I drink.”
“What? No.” He shook his head. “I mean it surprised me, but of course, I wanted you. I’ve always wanted you.”
You grew quiet, trying to process what he was saying. You sighed. "Peter, I-" I tried to gather your thoughts together. "It should have never happened and I'm sorry that it did."
Peter's eyes grew wide as he tried to take in what you were saying, but he could not bring himself around to believe you.
"No. You don't mean that." He shook his head.
You frowned. "I do mean that."
He shook his head again. "You don't. You told me I was good to you. You even said before you hope you meet someone even half amazing as me."
"You kissed me! How can you say this should have never happened?"
You run your fingers through your knotted hair and pushing it back out of your face with a sigh. "Peter, I was drunk. I wasn't thinking clearly."
"Drunk words are sober thoughts. Even if you hadn't meant to say it, I know you have been thinking about it." He frowned, taking a hold of your chin and tilting your head to look at him. "Why can't you let just accept how you feel? You deserve to be happy."
You turned your head out of his grasp. "That's just it, Peter. I don't know what I'm feeling about anything. I just had my heart broken a week ago by a guy who I thought was my soulmate. I wasn't ready for any of this to happen. I'm sorry I kissed you and confused you."
He could not believe you were saying this. You could not mean this. Not after last night. Not after the word you clung to him. Not after everything you said. It hurt his feelings. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words would not come. He was not sure what to say. He did not want to overstep, but he could not understand how you could easily fall for assholes like Chris and never a good guy like him.
"You are good to me." You admit. "You have taken good care of me in the past, but we can't be anything more than friends. We can't do this again. I feel like I have overstepped a line with May. She wouldn't want this."
"It's not about what she wants." He snaps. "I can make my decisions for myself now. I'm not a kid anymore, Y/N."
"Peter, you will always be a kid to me. You can do so much better than me. Someone closer to your age. Someone who has their life together. You are such a great guy. I know you will make some girl very happy." You smiled reassuringly, though to him none of this was reassuring.
There was no "better than you", even when he was committed to you. He tried to understand that feeling was new to you considering you always felt in competition with other girls. Truth be told, no one came close to comparing to you in his eyes. He wished he could make you see that, make you understand just how much you really meant to him.
He could feel his phone vibrating again and he sighed, standing up from the couch. He knew it was May. "I should go before Happy sends out a search party."
You stared up at him, nodding slightly. "I understand."
He threw his hand up in an awkward wave before making his way to the door.
You stood up from the couch, hugging yourself. "Hey, Peter?"
He stopped at the door, holding it open and looking over his shoulder at you.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship." It could never. You just needed time, he thought to himself.
"It won't." He smiled at you. "I promise."
Even though you did not want it to affect your friendship with Peter, you both knew that it had, for better or for worse. You did not see much of Peter after he left your apartment that day, even when you would go see May, the house was already quiet. Neither of you had mentioned a word to May. Peter was always out or on his way out when you showed up. You would only really had time for a quick "hey" before he was on his way. You figured college had him pretty busy for the most part, or Ned, maybe even a girl.
He had properly busied him in hopes to give you space. In hopes, you would realize things on your own and do the right thing. He may have been between college and keeping an eye on the neighborhood, but he never strayed far from you. He never failed to keep an eye out on you. Peter knew how much you needed him, but it was your turn to realize that for yourself.
Peter wasn't the only one keeping himself busy. After some time you had taken off, you finally had gone back to work. In a way, you were glad you had because it kept you distracted. You had decided it was time to focus on yourself.
You had stopped drinking since the night at the club after realizing the trouble it putting you in and the pain it was actually causing you. Drinking did not stop the heartbreak. It might have slowed it down, but when you were sober again, the ache was still there. Drinking kept you from dealing with it. As much as you wished you did not have to, you knew it was the only way for you to move on.
It had been a month since you split with Chris. Thankfully, you were starting to get back in the groove of things fairly quickly.
You sat at your desk, typing away on your computer when your phone buzzed on your desk. You did not look away from your work until a knock on the window of your office door caught your attention.
Your eyes widened at the sight of Chris on the other side. He lifted his phone, mouthing for you to check it.
You lifted your phone over to check, reading the text from him.
Can we talk?
You blinked, glancing at him before turning back to your computer to keep working.
Your phone buzzed again.
You looked up at him again. He had his hands together in a plead while he mouthed "please". You sighed, getting up from your desk to answer the door. You pulled the door open and he smiled slightly though you had not attempted to return it.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I am working." You blunted pointed out.
"I know. I'm sorry for bothering you. I just knew you wouldn't answer my messages. That's the only reason I'm here. I feel like I've had a lot of time to think and I want to talk to you about things."
"Once again, I'm at work." You reminded him.
"When is your lunch then?" He questioned.
You held onto the door. "I don't think I'm gonna take one. I have a lot I need to get done."
He sighed, looking down at you. "Come on. I know you've gotta be hungry." He glanced at his phone to check the time. "Don't you usually take your lunch around this time?"
You tried to stand your ground even though your stomach growled in hunger. You hated when he was right. You hated to give him anything he wanted after how he did you. It amazed you he had remembered what time you took your lunch. Maybe he did pay attention to you after all.
"I'll pay." He insisted. You sighed.
"Fine. Let me get my bag."
You had agreed on a sandwich shop just down the street. You were not in the mood for anything big. You settled down at a table by the window with a wrap and iced water. You took a bite of your wrap, staring out the window at all the traffic on the road.
He was the first to break the silence. "How have you been?"
"Fine. You?" You continued eating, taking another bite.
He had yet to touch his own food. "I've been alright. Can I say something or do you think I am wasting my time?"
"Can you hear me out? Just this once, that’s all I ask."
You sighed, finally agreeing to listen since he had after all bought you food. You sat the rest of your wrap down washing it down with some water while listening.
He sat in silence for a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to figure out where he should start. “I’m sorry for what I did to you and for how I treated you. Nothing I say is gonna take back what I did, but I do regret it all. I know I said some ugly stuff at the club that day. Once again, I know I can’t justify it but I had been drinking and I was coping with losing you. I get that I ruined things. I messed up and you have every right to be mad at me. I was selfish and I never took your feelings into consideration. I didn't think to help you with the wedding because I thought of it as your big day. When it should have been our big day." He leaned against the table, crossing his arms. You pulled your gaze from the window, looking at him for a moment before looking down at your lap. "I missed how spontaneous we use to be. Every day was a surprise. You amazed me every day, but we fell into a routine and I was worried about marriage might be like that." It shocked you that he was even apologizing right now.
"You were so calm when you did it though. Like it was okay for me to see that like you wanted to hurt me." You broke your silence, your eyes finding his and he frowned.
He exhaled a deep breath. "I didn't wanna hurt you. I guess I had convinced myself I had done nothing wrong, but I realize now how bad of a thing I did."
"You could have just talked to me about this before you went and made me feel like I couldn't be enough. We could have put the wedding on hold and fixed this. Sometimes I get carried away with things. I just- I wanted everything to be perfect. I didn't know what you wanted and so I was working twice as hard to get everything to be how I thought you might like it." You wrapped your wrap back up when you lost your appetite. "I think the realization of everything hurt more than walking in on you. Realizing how much I was doing and how little you did-"
"I know and I want to fix that. I want to do more for you and for us. I want to prove to you I can change. We've invested so many years in this. I don't want to throw it all away. I didn't realize how much I needed you until I didn't have you." He reached across the table, taking a hold of your hand and he rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand. It surprised him how didn't pull your hand away and that's how he knew he might have convinced you. He might have a shot again. "If you really are through with me, I do not blame you. I deserve that. Just tell me when and I'll come to get my stuff."
You sat in silence for a moment, thinking to yourself. You were not sure what to say. You never thought he would get this far with his apology. You did not expect him to apologize considering he seemed pretty pleased with himself.
"I don't know what to say right now." You mumbled, looking down at his hand holding onto yours.
He held your smaller hand in between his. "You don't have to say anything. Just think about it. I respect whatever you decide. I just want to know if I have really lost you for good."
"I don't know." You finally admitted, biting your bottom lip slightly and gently taking your hand back from his hold. "I need time."
"Take all the time you need." He ensured.
"We'll see." You glanced at your phone, checking the time. "Thank you for lunch, but I should really be headed back."
He nodded his head, gathering his still wrapped sandwich and drink as you both get up from the table. "I'll walk you back."
The rest of your workday felt like a waste considering you could not focus on anything. You did not get done much of anything you had planned to get done. Why did guys have to make things so complicated? If he had just communicated about it before, maybe you would still be together.
You tried to focus on the computer screen in front of you, letting your fingers hover over the keyboard. Focus, Y/n.
You knew you should not want him back. You did not owe him a thing. You knew there would always be the risk he had not actually changed, but he was all you knew. You grew to him. Your life had changed for your future with him. You had been so wrapped up in the wedding, you had not been paying attention to him. But then again, if he had helped, participated in his own wedding plans then so much would not have been on you.
You rubbed your temple, saving your progress and shutting off the computer screen. You were just gonna call it a night. You had a girls' night planned with May and you did not want this to get in the way of your friendship with May again.
You reached into your pocket to collect yourself, shooting May a quick text.
We're still on for tonight, right?
You gathered your papers off of your desk, shuffling them up neatly before pulling them back in its folder and putting them in the drawer of your desk.
Don't be late.
You smiled at her message before pulling open the door to your office.
You had kept your word to May and showed at a decent time. She was setting up for movie night when you arrived. She tsked when she saw how overdressed you were.
"If I had stopped for a change of clothes, I would have been late." You reminded her with a laugh as she entered the living room again with a bottle of wine and a bowl of popcorn. She placed them on the coffee table in front of her.
"You're welcome to grab some clothes of mine." She offered as she sat down on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her and covering herself with a blanket.
You had already stripped yourself from your blazer as you walked down the hallway to May's room. You grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt from her dresser before going to the bathroom to change out of your pencil skirt and blouse.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you changed the set of clothes. Your eyes were glued to your stomach, noticing how bloated you looked and frowning slightly. You knew your period would be any day now, but usually, you did not bloat this bad. Your clothes had seemed a little snug today. You shook the thought as you fold your clothes and set them up on the bathroom counter. Your head spinning from everything going. Just when you had thought things were calm, it picked right back up. You left the bathroom, walking towards the living room where May was.
"Hey, Aunt Ma-" Peter called out as he came out of his bedroom, knocking into you in the process. He quickly grabbed a hold of your waist to keep you falling. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He started to rumble.
"It's fine. I'm okay." You laughed quietly, making him smile suddenly when his eyes finally met yours. "You wouldn't happen to be avoiding me, would you?" You tease. You understand even if he was, but you had hoped that he was not avoiding you. You did not want to be the reason driving him out of his own home.
He blushed slightly. "Just giving you some space." He told the truth. You hadn't realized how close you two still were.
"I don't need space, Peter. We're okay." Your eyes flickered across his face for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip when you noticed how close he was still holding you. "Peter-"
"Y/n, are you coming? The movie is about to start!" May called out from her spot on the couch. She had already poured you both a glass of wine.
"Did you want to join us?" You question absentmindedly. He smiled at your words. Maybe you were coming around after all.
"I might later. I have some work I need to finish up." He answered, letting go of his grasp on your waist. You nodded before giving him one last look and continuing down the hallway back to May.
You were halfway through the movie when you turned to May, snacking on a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl that sat between the two of you. "So the weirdest thing happened at work today." You started, pulling her attention from the movie. "Chris showed up."
May turned down the movie a little in order to hear you better. Her eyes were slightly wide and you laughed a little at her reaction. "That was my reaction as well." You pointed out.
"Well? What happened? What did he say?" She encouraged you to continue.
Peter had just come out of his room just in time to get a snack along with something to drink. He had been finishing an assignment. He took his earbuds out one by one, hearing you in the living room as he walked through the kitchen.
"Well, he took me to lunch, and basically he apologized for everything. He wants a second chance."
Peter's eyes grew wide, listening to you talk. You did not have to say his name to know who you were talking about. He peaked in the living room at you and Aunt May on the couch, leaning against the wall as he listened in.
You shrugged.
"I'm surprised you even let him take you out." May pointed out as she took a sip of her wine.
"Honestly, it surprised me too but I was hungry and he offered to pay so I gave in." You rubbed your arm slightly as you leaned back on the couch.
"So what's the plan?"
You looked over at May, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Plan?"
"Well I mean, what did you say to him?"
You got quiet for a moment. Peter felt as if he was holding his breath just to make sure he heard your answer correctly.
"I told him I would think about it."
May seemed surprised by your answer. Peter, on the other hand, was less than pleased.
"He's all I know. I'm comfortable with him. I don't know how to start over and at this point, it seems pointless." You explained as you picked at the blanket over your lap. "He said he didn't wanna give up when we have invested so much time and that he was willing to prove himself."
"Maybe he needed this. Ya know, like a reality check." May suggested and you nodded your head.
Peter could not believe you were going back. You were giving up. After everything he put through, everything he said, and how worthless he had you feel, you were going back. Had you not learned anything? His fists clenched at his side, trying to keep himself calm. He could not listen to another second of this.
He stormed past you and May. "Hey, Pete-" May started, but Peter swiftly interrupted her.
"I'm going out. Don't wait up." He mumbled. Your heart skipped, realizing that Peter had heard everything. You were so sure he had been in his room. He glanced at you before pulling the door closed harder than usual, making the both of you jump. You frowned, looking down.
Peter sat on top of a roof, leaning against a brick wall as he looked down over the city. He did not know what else he could do to prove himself to you. He finally had his chance and you only pushed him away. Chris had years to prove himself and he had. He made his intentions pretty clear, but even that wasn't enough to steer you away.
He was convinced you were scared to be happy. Scared to find that happiness with him when his Aunt was your best friend. Sure you were a little older, but none of that mattered to him. You were the only girl who could ever make him feel the way he did. It could not just be him feeling this way.
The streets were not as busy due to it being so late. Peter closed his eyes with a sigh from the built-up frustration, letting his leg hang over the side of the building. You were so stubborn.
His eyes snapped open at the roar of laughter beneath him. He glanced at the group of men before quickly having to do a double-take when he realized who it was.
"Come on, Chris. Admit it, you have Y/n wrapped your finger." The men shared a laugh, giving Chris's shoulder a playful push.
"Not like I use to, but I know she'll take me back." He chuckled. "She's waited long enough for that ring. She's not gonna give up now."
"You really think you're ready for marriage? What about the other girl?"
"Guess we'll see about that," Chris smirked and Peter's nose flared in anger. "Women like Y/n just need a ring and they're content. Besides, she's the perfect little housewife."
Peter tried to restrain him, but he could only hold himself back so much. He shot a web at Chris which hitting him over the mouth, sending him and his group in a panic trying to pull it off of his face with no luck.
"Dick." He muttered, shooting a web at another building and pulling himself onto the next building. He had enough. Chris didn't deserve someone like you. You deserved someone to take care of you, to cherish you, not just the other way around.
You stared down at the test in your hand. You never expected to find yourself here this soon. It was not long after Peter stormed out that you decided you should go home. You were upset with yourself and with everything going on. This was just the icing on the cake. You mindlessly walked by the calendar in the kitchen on your way to the bedroom, counting the days since your last period. You were late and at this point in your life, you could not ignore it.
The positive plus sign stared back at you and your eyes watered. You had not had sex with Chris in months so you knew it was Peter's. You covered your mouth, letting out a sob into your hand. This was not how you pictured yourself getting pregnant. This was not where you wanted to be in life when you planned on getting pregnant. You were barely making it taking care of yourself. You could not take care of a baby too.
Your body shook as you cried at the foot of your bed. You knew with the baby being Peter's, Chris would never want to be with you. Peter was just starting his life, barely even out of college along with being the Amazing Spiderman. You could not interfere with a baby.
A knock on your bedroom window startled you, making you drop the test. You looked the window to find Spiderman kneeled down on your fire escape, motioning for you to let him in.
You wiped your face of your tears and walked over to the window, unlocking it before pushing it up.
"Now isn't a good time, Peter." You stated bluntly, taking in the sight of him in his suit.
"I really need to talk to you, Y/N. It's important."
"Can we not talk about this another day?"
"No, it can't wait." He slipped under your arm into your bedroom, pulling his mask from over his face. "It's about Chris."
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. "What about him?"
"He doesn't love you, Y/n. He will never care about you like you have cared about him. He is just using him as a housewife and that's all you'll be to him. Just someone to take care of him. You deserve so much than him." Peter paced back and forth as he ranted.
You stared at him as he paced. "That's what you came here to tell me? I know you heard me talking to May. I should have known you would come up with some way to make me feel like shit for thinking about going back."
"Y/n, I didn-"
"You did! You don't get it! It's my heart that was broken. I have loved him for years. You don't understand how hard this is for me."
"I don't understand?" His mouth parted at your words. You didn't know half of it. "How do I not when I have loved you years longer than he's been in your life? Even when you loved everyone but me! You fall for assholes like him and the good guys like me go overlooked!" He exclaimed, throwing his hand up as he shifted back, his foot stepping on the test you had dropped on the floor.
He glanced down to see what he had stepped on.
Your eyes got wide, trying to get his attention. "Peter." You stepped toward him but it was too late. He stared down at the pregnancy test, wiping his thumb over the plus sign as if checking to see if it was real.
He looked up at you. "You're pregnant?"
It was too late to lie about it. It would have required too much energy to keep it going if you had, and you did not have any fight left in you.
"How far?" He simply questioned. He was so sure it was his, but he wanted to hear it from you.
"If you're asking if it's yours, I can assure you it is. I haven't slept with Chris in months. I don't know how far I am. A few weeks is my guess."
He stared at the test a little while longer, a smiling forming on his lips. "We're gonna have a baby." He smiled at the test. He couldn't help himself. This had to be the best news he had heard in his life aside from becoming an Avenger.
"No." You shook your head.
He furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at you. "What?"
You moved over to him, taking the test from him and tossing it on your dresser with a sigh. "I can't keep the baby."
He frowned at your words. "Sure you can. What do you mean?"
You shook your head again, your eyes already getting watery again. "I can't, Peter. I'm not ready to be a mom. My life is a fucking train wreck and you're just now starting yours. I can't ruin that for you."
"Ruin? No, no." His frown deepened, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his arms for comfort. "This is the best news I've heard. This could never ruin my life."
You cried against his shoulder, clenching onto his suit as he held you close in a hug. He pressed a kiss to your temple, stroking your hair down. "I'll do everything I can to keep you and our baby happy. You will never have to worry about another woman because no matter what, I will always choose you. I'll take care of you." He let his hand slide underneath your shirt, rubbing his hand over rounding stomach. "I'll take care of our baby."
You push his hand away out of your shirt, pushing yourself away from him. "I-I can't. I'm not keeping the baby. I'm gonna go to the clinic tomorrow. It'll be better this way."
Peter's mouth fell open slightly as his eyes filled with tears. "Y-You can't be serious."
"I am and nothing is going to change my mind."
"Y/n..." He reached up to cup your face, but you grabbed his wrist. "That's our baby. Don't do this."
You stared at him with tear-filled eyes, some falling down your face, but you didn't speak a word.
He was getting heated by the second. If he thought he was hurt before, he was really hurting now. He didn't understand why you wouldn't take this as your fate and run with it. Run with him. Tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't bother to wipe them, only continued to look at you. He wanted the truth.
"Why? So you can go back to him?"
"This isn't about him."
"Then what is it about, Y/n? You want to get rid of a part of both of us! Can't you see how much I care about you? I would never hurt you like him. You don't have to change yourself to please me. You will never have to worry about not being enough." He moved closer to you, cupping your face in his hands and making you look at him. "You are so perfect, just the way you are. You are more than enough for me."
You try to turn your head to look away, but he leans in, capturing you in a firm passionate kiss. You melted into his kiss, gripping onto his suit. You wanted so badly to push him away, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want him to change your mind. You needed to do this.
He backed you up until your back of your knees hit the bed, letting you fall back on the comforter and falling with you. He supported himself above you, kissing your swollen lips softly as he wipes your face with a swipe of his thumbs.
"You are everything I have ever wanted." He mumbled against your lips, pressing warm kisses over your face and letting them trail down your neck. His hands began to push your shirt up and you quickly regained some focus, trying to catch his hands.
"Peter, we shouldn't..." He caught your hands and pushing them over your head, shooting a web against your wrists to hold them in place against the headboard. You cried as you looked up at him with frightened eyes.
"You don't have to do anything for me. Just let me show you how much I love you. Let me take care of you."
He pressed on his chest, letting his suit go limp on his body and sliding it off as he continued to work his way down your chest. He was left in his boxers. He had pressed your shirt up above your chest, kissing over your breasts and swirling his tongue over your aching nipples.
You whined at the feeling of his tongue, pulling on the webbed restraints. Your nipples were more sensitive than they had ever been before. His hands feel to the shorts you still wear of May's, pulling them down your legs with your panties.
"Peter, stop..." You tried to close your legs but Peter only held them open at the sight of your slick folds. You knew no matter how much you lied to him, your body could never lie to him. Your body only told the truth.
"I want to make you so happy." His lips brushing over your lower bloated stomach, kissing over it and mumbling against it. "You're going to make such an amazing mother."
You shook your head as you wiggled underneath his body. He pushed off his boxers before returning to his place between your legs.
He nodded even when you shook your head. "You will be."
Peter dragged the tip of his cock through your glistening folds, biting his bottom lip as your juices coated it. He let the tip of his cock push against your entrance, pushing his hips forward to slide inside of you and your head rolled back with a whimper.
You hated how much control he really had over you. You hated feeling so weak.
"Peter-" You choked a sob as your walls clenched onto his thick length. You were embarrassed how quickly your pussy pulled him back in when he would thrust.
"Oh," He groaned as his cock pushing in and out of you, hitting you in all the right places as he held your hips in his hands. "I love you. I love you so much." He mumbled against your lips as they brushed together every thrust. His breathing was staggered against them.
You could not fight the lust that clouded your mind. He knew it would take time to steer you in the right direction, but he was willing to spend all the time he needed. You knew how wrong it was to be underneath him, even if you were stuck there, that did not stop what was wrong from feeling so right.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Investigations (Part 7): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.6k
tw: NSFW is you squint
song recommendation:
You try your best to shuffle around the kitchen surreptitiously, clicking the espresso pod into the machine with a soft 'snap'.
The machine begins its duty, whirring to life before the liquid is deposited into the cup below.
Your fingers wrap around the mug and take it to the counter, where you've already prepared your milk and syrup for a quick and easy cup of coffee.
Lately, you've had to sneak and make coffee (all futile attempts ruined by Kai or Ran), but you consider today full of promise. You'd gotten the formula down so far.
"I thought I said no coffee."
Your hands hover over the cup, the steam caressing your fingers like a warm invitation. Your eyes don't move to look at Ran, but they do watch his fingers snatch the cup away from you - full of warm milk and espresso.
"Y/n, it's not good for the baby."
"Okay, but..." Your feet carry you to the sink, where Ran is pouring the concoction down the drain. "Just a taste?"
"A sip?"
"I'll make it and just stick my tongue in it once."
Ran stands firm on his opinions at all times. Especially now. Arms cross over your chest and you huff, turning away from him.
"So strict." Ran fingers slide down your neck, resting around your full hips.
"It's not just about you," he begins, kissing the space between your neck and shoulder. "I'm looking out for our child, too. You know that."
"I do," you groan.
"Now, we have a baby shower to host. Let's get ready."
"We thought you were gone forever!" The three women come around you and huddle close, cooing, and crying, spewing lamentations and satisfied praises that you've returned.
Sanzu - out of the kindness of his heart - planned the baby shower, and you're at his house, eating cake with your friends and consuming hors d'oeuvres. But when you find a free moment, you corner Ran in the kitchen.
"Did you tell the others?"
"Tell them what?" Ran tilts his head at you and leans onto the counter, frowning. Your face smoothes out into an expression of disappointment, and you sigh.
Of course, he hadn't.
It's still your job to carry this terrible secret. It's still your job to bury your deepest, darkest knowing, all while the other girls are parading about like their husbands aren't killers and extortionists.
"Hey, y/n! It's time to open the presents!"
The water surrounding your figure is warm, full of bubbles and Epsom salt, as well as a little bath bomb that Ran bought - well, he bought sixteen, but that's beside the point.
"Feeling okay? Is it too hot?" You look over to the man sitting on the toilet seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he observes you pour water over your belly.
"It's fine," you murmur, blinking slowly. "Feels good."
"Want to turn on the jets or--"
"I want to join Bonten." Ran's face drops, his violet eyes clouding with confusion.
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard me." You stare at him, fully intent on getting your desired response. "I want to be a part of what you do."
"Babe, no." Ran leans his head forward, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"You haven't even listened to me," you whisper, looking down at the ten toes poking out of the water. "You always do this. You tell me 'no' because that's the way you want things. I can't even drink coffee without your permission."
"Listen, I'll let you do whatever you want, but Bonten is out of the question. You're pregnant --"
"Then I can wait until I have the baby."
"Even after that, I'm going to say no. This is a dangerous business." He emphasizes his words with a shake of his head, pressing his lips together.
"You act like I wasn't an investigative journalist for ten years."
"This shit could get you killed, y/n."
"Yes," you begin. "But you do it every day. I want to be a part of it."
"Why?" Ran finally asks, and your lips curl into a smile.
"I know things you don't know. The media follows you very closely, and you need a good image if you ever run into a problem with... say, law enforcement. What better way to prove that this is a harmless organization than hiring a woman - your wife?" Ran quirks his lips, looking at the door of the bathroom with consideration.
"Is there any particular skill you'll avail to us other than just public relations? I mean, I could get someone to do that who isn't my wife."
"I have connections that will divert attention away from Bonten, if necessary." You think of the little group you and the other wives have created, and send a mental apology their way. "You can use me to get the word out about any other suspicious groups who might be involved. Aid and abet, like a good wife."
Ran stands from the toilet, sighing deeply. "I'll ask Mikey. But don't expect me to attempt to sway him with my loyalty. If anything, I'll ask him to really think about it before he makes a choice."
"That's all I want," you breathe, taking Ran's hand and pressing your lips against the back of it. "You're too good to me."
"Don't thank me yet, sweetheart."
Convincing Ran to part with his old-fashioned ways is something you're very skilled at. All you need to do is get on your knees... and be as sweet as you can be.
"Babe," you mutter, sucking Ran's thick cock from the side. "You're such a good husband."
"Buttering me up for Mikey, huh?" Fingers cup the back of your head and push you down slightly. "Why am I not surprised?"
And every single time, Ran sees straight through your little act. But he enjoys it nonetheless. He loves seeing you like this - giving him the attention he missed so much while you were gone.
"Because you know me so well. And that's why you married me."
That's why you married me. Ran's eyes close as he re-imagines himself the first time he decided to visit you, hands full of shit he didn't have to buy, and eyes full of stars at the sight of you answering the door in a tank top and shorts with a cast on your leg. That's when he knew that he wanted to marry you. Not because you're good at anything in particular, but because you were so ordinary... So normal. He needed someone like you then, and he needs you now.
"Am I doing something wrong?" you murmur, but Ran shakes his head, strands of his black and white hair flopping back and forth.
"You're perfect," he whispers. "You're always so perfect." He brings you off your knees and face to face with him, holding you by the arms. "Let me make love to you. I'll do the work," Ran promises. "You just enjoy yourself."
"I've already told you what I'm going to do. Just let me give you what you deserve." Ran angles forward, leaning into a gentle kiss that makes your knees weak and your head spin.
Ran spoons you from behind on the bed, holding your leg up and sliding in and out of you with care. The other arm is holding you against him - wrapped around your chest - as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
"I love the way you moan my name," he breathes. "You always know how to make me feel like the only man in the world."
"You are," you reply honestly. "You're the only man for me."
"Why do you want to join Bonten?"
The dead eyes of the man across from you are unyielding, and part of you feels nervous that he's staring at you so intensely.
"I want to help you all out. I want to make sure that not only do my children have something to rely on when they grow up, but that my husband is taken care of in all ways."
"Your children and your husband?" You think of Ran, who is just outside of the door, probably pacing with his hands in his pockets. "Your husband just spent three hours arguing with me."
"You." The man stands, and Sanzu looks over at him with blank eyes. He wants to chime in, but he can't say anything right now. Not when Mikey was supposed to handle this himself. "Your presence here will be controversial. Especially since you're... in the state you're in."
"Pregnancy isn't a fatal disease."
"No, but being in Bonten could be fatal. And I don't know if both ran and I would be willing to accept the consequences of two deaths on our hand."
"But--" Sanzu raises a finger to his lips, warning you to be quiet.
"However," the man murmurs, rolling his neck around. "Sanzu, Rindou, and Kakucho have vouched for you and your connections." Your shoulders slacken, and you lean back in the chair, somewhat relieved. "I will put it to an anonymous vote in thirty-six hours. Whatever the outcome is, we'll both accept it."
A blind vote.
Thirty-six hours.
"Thank you, sir." You stand and bow slightly, hands clasped together. When you leave the room, Ran is waiting for you in the hallway, eyes wide.
"It'll be put to an anonymous vote in thirty-six hours. Whatever happens, happens."
Ran's face is anything but pleased as you drive home, but you don't worry about that too much. You have one and a half days to wait for the results, and you'd make the best of it either way.
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
Tumblr media
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [ 𝟑𝐤+ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : gross sticky icky fluff // friends to lovers troupe <3 // hanta is a huge dork, we all been knew this // hanta is also sickeningly sweet and affectionate // GOD, I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH
[ 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ] : on a clear night, you go out to stargaze on the dorm roof; nothing out of the norm for you but in the middle of admiring the stars, sero comes out to join with something big he needs to get off his chest.
[ 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ] : you - blue // sero - orange
[ 𝗺𝘆𝗸𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ] : i'm totally not projecting my fantasies onto sero and i'm totally not a sucker for friends to lovers fics :| /s
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Sitting on the cool concrete of the dorm roof, the night illuminated by nothing but the streetlights below you and the stars above as you lay in silence with your legs propped against the roof's ledge. You've always thought the best part of UA was how it was out of the way so the stars are clearer than they were back in the city. Although graduation is soon and end of year exams are menacingly looming over you, you couldn't resist the urge to come out and soak up the full moon's gorgeous light. Nights like these, alone on a clear night, soft music playing through your headphones, scanning the vast sky, connecting the dots as your eyes wander to make constellations of your own are arguably one of your most favorite things in life.
The only thing that could possibly make this better is... him.
Eyes trailing to the brightest star you can find and admiring how it sticks out from everything else in your vision, your mind uncontrollably wanders to Sero. How that star kinda reminds you of him...
Ugh! what a ridiculous thing to think! Damn him for always finding a way to worm into your thoughts. Your hands fly to your forehead with a smack, outwardly groaning as you drag your fingers down your face in an attempt to shake off your thoughts. You've been friends with him for nearly three years! You would think you'd be over your petty crush on him by now. You two are practically siblings with how you two are almost always attached at the hip, always causing trouble together, always there when the other needed it, always making you feel safe... It would be weird to have feelings for him... right..?
But before you could rationalize your emotions any further, a hand reaches for your headphones, lifting one side off your ear as you hear a soft voice murmur behind you, “The moon’s beautiful tonight, isn't it?”
You practically jump out of your skin, immediately shooting up to take a defensive position. Although you can’t make out the silhouette you’re now facing, the all too familiar laughter that comes from them is more than enough to give away who this false intruder could be and you sigh in relief.
“Sero! You scared me half to death!!” you exclaim, relaxing your shoulders at seeing his familiar frame emerge through the dim light.
Tall and lean with a smile that could nearly rival the sun, the boy chuckles at you. His long pitch black hair he's been growing out for the past year cascading down the sides of his face, just barely brushing past his shoulders framing his face in a way that makes his dashing features stand out even more. Sero approaches you wearing a loose muscle tank top with his hands tucked in ill fitting sweats and a pair of black stud earrings he stole from you in his ears.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sero chuckled, "I didn't mean to scare you so bad, doll". You send him a deep glare through the darkness and he throws his hands up out of his pockets to either side of his head in defense.
"...Maybe you shouldn't sit out here with music blasting in your ears,” Sero snarks back, “I could’ve been a villain,” he continues mockingly, “Not to mention that horrible stance you took. I don't think you’d fair very well against a villain while sitting down,” he teases with a wide grin smeared on his face. You scoff and roll your eyes in response.
“Are you only here to tell me how much of a hazard I am? Or do you want anything else, tape face?” you grumble.
“Oh, you wound me!” Sero exclaims dramatically, “I was simply wondering what my lil’ muffin was up to,” he muses, the dimples on his cheeks becoming visible as his grin only stretches wider as he speaks.
“Oh god, muffin!?!? ew!” you groan, “What the hell, I thought we agreed on no more stupid pet names,” you say with a giggle while scrunching up your nose.
“I didn't think it was stupid,” Sero huffs as he plops himself down next to you and wrinkles his nose back at you, “Muffin is a valid nickname. You just have no taste,” he concludes with a short nod, still smiling like an idiot.
You just roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him before tilting your head up to go back to looking at the stars. Sero chuckles softly, staring at you for a moment while admiring you as you look at the sky with a softened smile on his face.
“Why you up so late?” he inquired.
“I could ask you the same thing, Sero,” you reply while throwing your head back down to look at him.
“Mmm, well, I was sleeping but… I suddenly woke up and couldn't go back to sleep,” he grunts as he adjusts himself into a more comfortable sitting position next to you.
You hum in acknowledgment before you look back up to the stars in the sky and Sero is left to admire you once again. How your eyes glimmer with the stars as the full moon softly illuminates your frame is a breathtaking view he would never tire of. The look on your face when you gaze at the sky, the look of pure adoration and awe is a look he hopes, prays, dreams you’ll give him one day.
“What’re you thinking, hun?” he softly asks, hoping you’d give him just the slightest glimpse of what goes on in your head. You pause for a moment, taking in his question and wondering how to answer it.
“Just thinking. Thinking thoughts. Nothing notable or important, I can assure you. Just enjoying the clear night,” you say, swerving his question to avoid the real answer. him.
“Ah, that was a rather vague answer,” he jests, mildly disappointed that you didn't let him in and you only hum in response.
“What about you?” you ask, “What made you wanna come up here?”
“Oh, well..” he begins but is held back by a lump that suddenly lodges in his throat, not really wanting to fully admit why he came up here with you.
In reality he hadn't slept at all. He’s embarrassed to admit it but he couldn't stop thinking of you all night, all day in fact. You just about consume his every thought and tonight, no matter what he did, he just couldn’t shake the thought of being with you.
After being so close with you for years now, people often assume the two of you are dating but the idea is almost always dismissed by a shy laugh and an averted gaze... Sero would be lying if he ever said he didn't relish the idea of being in a romantic relationship with you but... You never seemed all that interested in the idea and Sero was too scared to push the idea you may like him even half as much as he likes you. Never going farther than light hearted flirting and banter, some may call him a coward maybe but to him? Being your friend was enough. Well, that was until Mina and Kiri gave him a harsh wake up call earlier that morning.
They were scolding him on how painfully obvious it is how both you and Sero are nearly head over heels for one another, how they've spent the past year pining for one another, yet the both of you have stayed so blind to the fact you have feelings for each other. Absolutely dumbfounded by this, he asks what he should do about it, about you, to which they immediately and overwhelmingly demand him to confess his feelings for you. That is the real reason he came to find you.
“When I was trying to go back to sleep, I thought about something someone said… about taking chances,” he spoke in a soft and thoughtful tone, “Taking that blind leap of faith into the unknown things we’re afraid of because... what’s the worst that can happen…?” he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly realizing how silly he probably sounds as he looks at you, “I dunno- sounds kinda dumb now that I say it out loud,” he says dismissively.
“No, no. I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I think it’s very insightful” you say, ushering him to continue by resting your head on your palm as you look at him intently to show your interest.
“Well, uh,” butterflies swarm to his chest as he tries to find the words to speak, finding it much harder to talk when he knows he has your full attention.
“Well, it led me to think about you 'cus I know that's something you talk about a lot as well… and I figured since it's a full moon tonight, you'd be up here,” he concludes. His gaze nervously shifting to his feet, averting his eyes from you to try and calm the fluttering nerves in his chest.
“I’m glad you did,” you hum, a low warmth growing in your chest from knowing he thought about you, “I enjoy your company,” you add thoughtfully. Though you probably just meant it in a friendly way, it didn’t change how much it meant to Sero to know you like having him around.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Sero chuckles nervously, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he slightly scooches closer to you. You take notice and you subtly tilt to the side, leaning in his direction not yet touching shoulders but leaving an opening to do so if he wanted.
“I uh- I also wanted to tell you something- In regards to what I was thinking about…” Sero mumbles nervously, hoping you didn’t catch what he said so he would have an excuse to not go through with his confession. Pretend like nothing happened and move on to just enjoy the simple friendship you two share.
“Oh?” You inquire, “What do you want to tell me? I’m all ears,” Sero fiddles with his thumbs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before he speaks as you patiently wait for him.
"I- uh, I love you," he blurts, head swimming as he looks at you, eager and insatiably nervous to hear how you may respond, horrified you may not reciprocate his feelings and ultimately ruining what relationship you two did have.
"I love you too, Sero," you giggle.
Sero's heart drops, confidence dwindling as he assumes you thought he said "I love you" in the way you two always have. Just as friends. But he didn't. He meant it. He meant it in so many more ways he couldn't even begin to describe. He didn't expect you to reciprocate his feelings in the first place but that doesn't make him hurt any less.
"No, you don't understand," Sero sighs as he runs his hands through his long, thick hair, "I'm in love with you," You turn you head to him, Did he-? eyes widening at what Sero said, unsure if what you heard was a wishful hallucination or not. When you said "I love you" back, you genuinely meant it in the same way he does now. God, you've been in love with him for what seems like the first moment you two met but you would've never guessed Sero felt the same for you.
You sit in silence for a beat trying processes what Sero had just said to you. Your friend, your closest friend, is in love with you..? Something you've dreamt of becoming a reality. You start to get dizzy from the overwhelming euphoria and anxiety the realization simultaneously brings. You look at Sero, placing your hand on his to ground yourself as you look up at him, a warm smile spreading on your face.
"I love you too, Hanta," you say earnestly. Sero's heart leaps in his chest at your words. Not only did the person of his dreams reciprocate his feelings but they also addressed him by his first name?! He might as well be dreaming. Hearing his name fall off your lips like warm honey for the first time sends him flying through cloud nine.
"Y-you mean it??" Sero stutters, still unable to believe it. You give him a heartfelt smile as you squeeze his hand before standing up. You wordlessly walk around Sero and crouch behind him.
Utterly confused and growing increasingly flustered at your sudden close proximity, Sero opens his mouth to ask what you could possibly be doing but you shush him before he can say a word. Leaning against him, you ask permission to grab his hand and Hanta lets you guide his finger to the brightest star in the sky, hyperaware of every subtle shift, adjustment and breath you take behind him, clinging onto every passing moment.
"You see that star? The really really bright one right there and how it's brighter than the others?" you ask.
"Yeah... why.?" he questions, eager to hear what you have to say.
"Forgive me if this is too cheesy but it sorta reminds me of you," you say softly.
"Wh- I don't think a follow," Hanta replies and you give a short, breathy chuckle in response.
"Out of all the stars in the sky, you stick out to me to most. You're the brightest star," you murmur close to him, guiding his hand back down and you make your way to sit next to him. Hanta takes a moment to process what you said. Him? A star? He doesn't understand how you view him in such a way when there isn't much special about him in the first place... but he tries not to pay any mind to those thoughts as his eyes are glued to you sitting back down beside him.
"Pff, that was super cheesy," he snorts.
"Shut up, I'm trying my best," you grumble, "And... that's what I was really thinking about before you came," Hanta looks at you in awe, nothing but love and kindness filling his eyes as he gingerly grabs your hand, lifting it up level to his face.
"It's aright, doll, I was only teasing.. I think it's cute and~," he hums before placing a soft kiss on your knuckle, "I'm ok with cheesy," he concludes with a wink. Heat blooms on your cheeks at his action and you throw your head to the side, covering your mouth and cheek with your other hand in embarrassment. Hanta chuckles, just about ready to burst at how adorable you are and gets a sudden burst of confidence coursing through him from seeing your flustered form.
"Aw, don't get shy on me now, love," he coos, tugging your arm to usher you to look back at him. You look at him with a flustered scowl and Hanta isn't sure if you did it to intimidate him or what but all it did was make his heart scream for you more. His hand slides to your forearm and his other hand goes to grab your other arm, pulling it away from your face.
"Here, come here, baby," he murmurs, pulling your arms to guide you to his lap. You give little resistance as you follow Hanta's hands, shifting around to make yourself comfortable against him as you settle between his thighs. As soon as you got comfortable, Hanta's arms find their home around your waist, hugging you close and breathing you in. You sigh contently as your back rests against his strong chest, never feeling safer than you do right now in his arms.
"It's ok if I call you baby now, right..?" Hanta asks, not wanting to be too much at one time.
"Well, it would be if we were dating," you tease with a raised brow.
"Wha-?" Hanta looks at you confused for a moment before he realizes, "Oh! How could I forget," he chuckles softly, cupping your face in his large palm, guiding your face too look at him, his dark eyes practically engulfing you in his loving gaze.
"Would you care to be my partner..?" he purrs, voice dipping to a soft and low tone that sends goosebumps down your spine.
"W-well, when you put it like that how can I say no?" you mumble, not being able to help the heat rising up your neck, painting your cheeks pink once again from how small you feel under Hanta's enchanting gaze.
"So... is that a yes..?" Hanta inquires, hand still placed tenderly on our cheek. You nod your head against his palm, fingers caressing up and down his forearm as he holds you.
"Mhm, I would love nothing more," you reply in a soft and tender tone. Hanta melts at your words, feeling on top the world and like he can do anything. An uncontrollable smile erupts on his face, charming dimples ornamenting his cheeks as he hugs you tight to his body not wanting to ever let go.
You shuffle in his arms to turn yourself around in his lap. Now facing him, you tuck your face into the crook of Hanta's neck, wrapping your arms and legs snuggly around his torso. Hanta holds you equally as close, affectionately running his fingers up and down your back in complete bliss with you snuggling up to him.
"Can I kiss you..?" Hanta asks, voice just barely above a whisper. You lift your head up to look him in his deep eyes and you cup his face in your hand. Hanta leans into your touch, grabbing your hand on his face and guides it down just enough to plant a chaste kiss to the edge of your palm. You sigh and softly smile, nodding at the boy's question.
"Please kiss me," you murmur, leaning closer into his body. Hanta places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you and a colliding your lips together. Though it was clumsy at first, you quickly adapt and your lips lock together like puzzle pieces. Tenderly, Hanta pulls away from you and rests his forehead against yours. The kiss you shared was short and sweet but still left the both of you breathless and yearning for more.
"May I kiss you again?" Hanta questions playfully and you giggle in response while nodding your head against him. He leans in, smiling against you as you mash lips with together, the both of you sighing into the other's mouth. This kiss a lot more confident than the last as Hanta takes the lead to explore every bit of you he can, taking note of every noise, movement and reaction you give. This time you pull away, surfacing for air from Hanta's intense hold on you.
"I can kiss you again, right?" Hanta asks again.
"How many more kisses do you want??" you giggle.
"That is a dangerous question to ask, my love," Hanta purrs into you, his breath ghosting your neck as he nuzzles his face underneath your jaw and lays a soft peck where his face lies, "I'd take all of them," he says, scanning your face for any discomfort but once he sees you're ok with him continuing, he lays another peck on your neck.
You laugh at the ticklish feeling, lacing your fingers through his dark hair as he continues showering you with short kisses.
"Let me know if I'm being too much, yeah?" kiss on your neck, "I don't wanna be too much," another kiss on the neck, "or overwhelm you," kiss on your jaw, "'cus that would be sad," kiss on the corner of your mouth.
"Hanta!" you squeal through giggles.
"I'm sorry, hun" kiss on your cheekbone, "I just can't resist," kiss on your cheek, "you have no idea," kiss on the chin, "just how long," kiss on the nose, "I've wanted," kiss on the eyelid "to do this," kiss on the brow, "And now," kiss on the temple, "I can't," kiss on the forehead, "Stop,"
Erupting with giggles, you desperately try to squirm away as Hanta continues to relentlessly shower you with kisses.
"No, no, no! Hanta!" you cry through your laughter, "No more!"
Giving you one last peck on the lips before pulling away, Hanta finally gives into your pleas and stops his assault of kisses. He presses his forehead against yours as you calm down from your laughing fit, pulling some giggles from Hanta as well because of your contagious laugh.
"I love you," you sigh once you've finally calmed down. Hanta hums in response, placing his hand on the back of your head, letting his fingers lace through your hair.
"I love you too," he says, heart feeling full and beaming with joy.
Forever and always~
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𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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[ lil easter egg of sorts for those of you who don't know~ in Japanese when you ask someone "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" or
『月が綺麗ですね』 // "tsuki ga kirei desu, ne?"
it's actually a very poetic way to confess your love to the person you're asking ]
[ I think it's literally so fucking cute 'cus i myself am deeply in love w/ the moon :) ]
[ if this were a thing in English and someone confessed to me this way, i would immediately demand for their hand in marriage >:| ]
[ god, japanese culture is so cool, i love it sm ]
"would you care to be my partner?" UHBIJNIJAHHHH LITERALLY SO ROMANTIC AND GENUINE HOLY SHIT- i'm making myself simp
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❝ request by @catcher11: Hello, Aurora! I hope you're having a wonderful evening (or day). I heard about the request, and I was hoping to get no.11 from the fluff prompt (the one about dancing) with Javier Peña. I just love the idea of reader and Javier being both playfull and sensual with one another and Javier being delighfully surprised by reader's dancing skills since she didn't seemed like the dancing type. As a native spanish speaker, I LOVED the dialogue on the Disaster fic and it meant a lot to me. Anyways, sorry for all the rambling. Thank you so much for everything!!!
❝ prompt: “where did you learn to dance?”
❝ words: about 1.1k. (including the translations)
❝ a / n: don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it, i’d really appreciate it!
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Definitely, this is a blind date. You can't believe that Connie has played dirty with you, pushing you to one of Steve's friends' arms. Another DEA agent with a look of asshole that makes you wrinkle your nose in disgust. You have had to do your best to not roll your eyes when he has taken off his aviator sunglasses with an air of cockiness and a smirk that has pretended you to fall for him. You have forced a smile for commitment while shaking his hand for mere education.
Drinking your cocktail through a baby blue straw, you watch from the table your friend dancing with her husband, as Javier is sitting by your side smoking a cig and —probably— looking for a victim, after understanding you're out of his league. Poor of the girl who ends the night with him, hearing empty promises that will disappear in the morning when he dispatches her from his house. You can't help but look at him sideways, observing him lick and bite his top lip almost touching that stupid and old-fashioned mustache above his mouth. And it's too late to pretend you don't have your eyes on him when Javier catches you staring at his gestures.
“¿No bailas?”
(You don't dance?)
“No con tipos como tú”.
(Not with men like you).
He chuckles bowing his head as he shakes it slightly, placing an arm over the backrest of your chair, leaning closer to you, and invading your personal space not giving a shit if that bothers you or not.
“Así que… no sabes bailar”.
(So you don't know how to dance).
“Sí que sé”.
(Yeah, I do know how to).
“¿Sí? ¿Cómo o dónde aprendiste a bailar?”
(Yeah? How or where did you learn to dance?)
Squinting at him in silence, you quickly know what he is trying. Challenging you. You're too sober for this, drinking your cocktail in one gulp under his surprised eyes to stand up and offer him a hand. Of course you're going to show him how good you dance and make him, therefore, eat his words. Javier holds it delighted with a triumphant smile curving his lips, provoking you a strong desire of changing your mind or erasing it from his mouth with a good punch.
As a song ends and another a little more sensual starts, you face him in the middle of the dance floor. Without any shame, he grabs your other and pulls you straight to his body. A defiant look coming from you causes him to raise both eyebrows, feeling his fingers touring your sides to lead on your hips. You swing them slowly at the rhythm of the latin melody throughout the speakers. Your feet moving in sync make it so much easier, seeming greatly surprised that you know what you are doing.
It's not cumbia, bachata, rumba o jive —it's a mix of all of them. Passion and sensuality wrapping you as the song continues and becomes a little more intense, more lustful. Your bodies are too close. Practically, there's no distance between the two of you when he urges you to turn around, sticking his chest to your back as his arms surround your neck and your waist. You can feel his breathing against the skin of your neck, dizzying you and drying your throat. You haven't noticed how pleasantly Javier smells, and that's a problem for you. You've fallen into his trap and it seems it's too late to escape.
Lacing his fingers with yours, he makes you spin twice before pulling you closer again, face to face. A hand on your lower —lower, lower— back and the other on your left cheek. A leg between yours, encouraging you to dance your hips against his, slightly raising the gems of your white dress. Your fingertips land on the back of his neck and his scalp respectively, closing your eyes as he sinks his nose in the sweet spot under your ear.
The heat is evolving your whole anatomy, but it disappears when the song ends.
Breathless and eager you put distance between your bodies, faking a proud smile after showing him that you can dance. But he has the same gesture on his face that you're fighting to hide. That silent gaze that strips you to bend you over the bar, ready to make love to you. There are big differences between one act and the other. When you want a night-stand, you don't repeat. You make it fast to satiate your animal instincts. You want pleasure and that's all. And this is not the case right now, right here. You want to stay tangled in the sheets —yours or his—. You want to kiss every single part of his body. You want to worship him. You desire him. Just like he feels about you.
“Having fun?”
Steve's voice brings you two back to reality, to the dance floor, forcing you to break eye-contact. But neither of you are prepared to answer. Were you? Connie puckers her lips. Her plan has worked. You don't know it, Javier either; but she knew you would fit like two pieces of a puzzle. You have more similarities than you think, common things, strong-willed that can complement each other to perfection.
Because of the lack of response, Steve nods with his head deciding is time to leave for them and give you some intimacy. And you don't want to recognize it, but you're really grateful for them disappearing for a damn time.
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You have spent all the night awake, losing the track of time after giving you more pleasure than your body can handle. Covered in sweat and suffocating heat, you're lying naked by the other's side, trying to recover your breaths as the sun starts to wake up and shine on the horizon of Colombia.
“Pareces muy concentrada”. He whispers caressing your hair with so much tenderness that spreads some shivers down your backbone.
(You look pretty concentrated).
“Te estoy contando los lunares”. You mumble using your fingertips to roam his neck.
(I'm counting your moles).
“Avísame cuando acabes”.
(Lemme know when you're done).
“¿Para qué o qué, ah?” You can't help but chuckle, lying down on your flexed arms and your head tilted towards him.
(For what?)
“Para buscar un lápiz y pintarme algunos más, así te entretienes otros cinco minutos y no te vas”.
(To find a pencil and draw some of them, so you're entertained for another five minutes, and you stay here).
He's a Casanova, that's for sure, making you laugh while shaking your head.
“Este es mi favorito”. You confess, touching the small one under his jawline.
(This is my favorite).
Leaning down, you kiss it. You trap him between your lips, pressing it with the tip of your tongue. Javier can't hold his reaction growling pleased as his arms embrace you again more closer, tangling his legs with yours. Seems like he's ready for another round of idolizing your body and making you a little more addicted to him.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221 @littlekittymeow @tenderclio @badame1240 @regalbanshee
NARCOS: @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @diogodxlot @danniburgh @velia27 @catcher11 @pedritobalmando @mys2425 @tanyaherondale @kalimont83 @scullys-alienpussy @acourtofsnakes @pascalesque @encounterthepast @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gemini0410 @nikkixostan @lozaa94 @arveeee @thoughtfulpandelwasteland @cjbtw @goldielocks2004 @aurelie-celine @spideysimpossiblegirl @agirllovespancakes @kingpascals @im-an-adult-ish @hoam-2
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annoyed-galaxy · 3 years
Post-Destroy Ending
I bring from the grave of the beyond a fix-it fic serving up fresh angst and some fluff. Mass Effect destroyed my heart and with that major fucking cliffhanger, I just had to write something. But since there's a lot, I decided to break this up into chapters. Well, who knows how many chapters there will be, but just stick around I'm sure you'll have a great time. My writing is still rusty as hell, but I needed to get SOMETHING out. Anyways enjoy this! It's also on AO3 if you want that link.
It was the last thing she had ordered when she ran off into the jaws of death. He hated watching her go. Hated seeing her run back towards the beam with Harbinger raining down death. Tali had to tear him away from watching her run, dragging him back into the Normandy.
Garrus was on his fourth bottle of alcohol. The other three bottles were littered across Shepard’s nameplate. He ran his fingers across each letter of her name. It had been a couple weeks and Garrus still refused to put her name on the memorial wall. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. And he sure as hell wasn’t letting someone else do it.
They were still grounded on the uncharted world they had crashed into after the blast from the Citadel. While the Normandy was relatively fine, there were still some repairs that had to be made. There was also the issue with EDI. When the blast caused the Normandy to crash, EDI had suddenly collapsed, no longer functioning. Whatever the blast was, it didn’t kill just the Reapers.
The mass relays were destroyed, comm buoys were in pieces, so communication was very limited. Whatever happened back on Earth, whether people had recovered or not, was not making it to the Normandy anytime soon. The Reapers were defeated, but at what cost?
The door to the lounge opened and Liara sat next to Garrus. She grabbed a bottle of wine and began to pour herself a glass. “How are you feeling?” she asked, taking a sip.
Garrus grumbled to himself. He was drunk, his mind fuzzy and numb. “I’m fine,” he mumbled.
Liara nodded, not buying his story, but knew he hadn’t been okay in a while. “Tali has been working on EDI. She also brought Glyph back. In return, Glyph has been helping Tali with bringing EDI back,” Liara explained, hoping some good news would brighten his mood.
He looked at her, his face plates shifting. Part of him was annoyed that she would bring that up, knowing the possibility of Shepard truly being gone was most likely. But he was happy for Joker at the very least. “That’s good,” he mumbled, returning to his drink.
Liara frowned, worry crossing her face. “Garrus...I know you’re hurting, but...” Liara stopped herself. She didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry, Garrus. I know Joker has been talking about trying to make it back to Earth. But with the mass relays out, who knows how long it’ll be until we get there. Communications have been scrambled too.” Liara put a hand on his back. “It’s going to be okay Garrus. I promise.”
He stayed silent. He had nothing to say. He wanted to go back to Earth, back to the Citadel. He wouldn’t put Shepard’s name on the memorial wall until he had seen her cold corpse himself.
After a few minutes of silence, Liara finally decided it would be best to leave the turian to his sulking. She left with comforting parting words.
“There’s a body over here!”
Her head was pounding. There were noises. Faint. Distant. Her body burned, stung, felt battered and bruised. She was breathing, but it stung. The voices came closer. She could no longer make out words, but she saw blinding lights come into view. She felt a weight lift from her, probably some rubble, and she couldn’t make out any faces. There were just blurred shapes and bright lights.
“Holy shit, it’s Commander Shepard!”
More shapes rushed over to her. Rubble was being dragged off of her. The light began to fade, her breathing slowing. She felt something cover her nose and mouth. Air filled her easily now. Her eyes fluttered shut and the noise faded away.
“EDI!” Joker cried out as the robot sat up, blinking. He hugged her, tears forming in his eyes.
“Hello, Jeff,” EDI replied, slightly confused. She returned the hug, tentatively patting his back. He moved out of the way, allowing her to stand on her feet. “What happened?” she asked, looking around the room. She was in the AI core, Tali, Liara, and Glyph all stationed behind Joker, watching with held breaths as she was brought back to life.
“The blast from the Citadel took you out,” Joker explained, his arms on her shoulders. “But the Reapers were taken down too. Tali and Glyph have been working day in and day out to bring you back.”
EDI looked back at Tali and Glyph and smiled. “Thank you, you two. I did not realize I had...died.” EDI looked down at her hands, stretching her robotic fingers. “It felt like I had just stopped working. There was no afterlife.”
Joker put a finger under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his. “It’s okay, you’re here now.” She smiled and took his hand.
“So what did I miss?” she asked, as they left the AI core. Awkward glances were shared between Tali and Liara.
Joker cleared his throat and took EDI to the bridge of the ship, letting her settle back into her usual co-pilot seat. The door to the cockpit closed as Tali and Liara stepped in. “Shepard activated the Crucible,” Joker began to explain. “Whatever it did, it destroyed the Reapers and other synthetic lives including you. But it also destroyed the mass relays and left comm buoys in scrambles. We’ve been stuck on an uncharted world for about a month now, trying to get you working again.”
“We didn’t feel safe, nor comfortable, taking off without you working again,” Liara added, offering a small smile to EDI. “That and the fact that the Normandy is currently offline.”
“You keep the Normandy in full function,” Tali tagged on.
Joker nodded. “Now that you’re back online, we’re hoping to make it back to Earth. The only issue with that is...”
“We don’t know how far away we are, nor how long would it take, or if we could even get there via FTL,” Liara explained, her voice low and sad.
“Is there a specific reason to going back to Earth?” EDI asked, pure innocence and naiveness in her robotic eyes.
Joker looked at Tali and Liara, asking for some backup with his eyes. Tali rubbed her hands together nervously. “We want to try and find Shepard.”
EDI tilted her head. “Is Shepard alive?”
The three of them exchanged looks once more. “We...we don’t know,” Liara sighed. “But Garrus seems determined to find out.”
EDI lowered her head. “Oh. Right. Garrus and Shepard were in a romantic relationship weren’t they?” Everyone nodded. “I will begin to run diagnostics on the ship then, to see what repairs will be required to get us off the ground once more,” EDI said, more optimistic and hopeful. It seemed to work as Joker, Tali, and Liara smiled a little more.
“I’ll let Garrus know,” Liara said before leaving the cockpit. She went to the crew deck, in the lounge looking for Garrus, but he wasn’t there. She went to the other side, the starboard observatory, but he wasn’t there either. She went to the main battery, wondering if he had gone back to calibrating to distract him, but he wasn’t there either. Liara could think of only one other place he would be grieving in.
As she suspected, the door to Shepard’s cabin was open, a somber tune of a piano playing through the speakers as she stepped out of the elevator. Laying on the bed was Garrus, a picture in his hand. Liara could tell it was the picture of the Normandy crew they had taken back on the Citadel. “Good news, Garrus,” Liara greeted, standing next to the fish tank. He looked up at her, his mandibles parting in curiosity. “EDI is back online. She is going to run a systems check and see what it will take to get us back to Earth.”
Garrus sat up, putting the picture on one of the bedside tables. “That’s what everyone wants to do?” he asked, not looking at her, still looking at the picture.
Liara moved closer, sitting on the end of the bed. “Garrus, you’re not the only one who wants to find Shepard. I, for one, do not want to see her name on that wall either. I want to at least see her body if she is...gone.”
Garrus snorted. “Weren’t you the one who recovered her body last time? After the Normandy’s first destruction?”
Liara nodded. “I was. Until I found her, I never lost hope. Even when I recovered her body, I still didn’t lose hope, especially since Cerberus planned to bring her back. I thought it was crazy, but they did it.” Liara smirked. “Death and Shepard are not good friends. She defies him at every turn.”
“I just...I don’t want to put her name on that damned wall. Because if I do, then it may be as well saying she’s gone. I...can’t accept that.” Garrus’s voice faltered, weak and strained. Liara couldn’t hear his sub-vocal very well, but she knew it was worse than his regular voice. She knew the pain of losing Shepard would be hard on him.
“Then let’s hope we can make it to Earth soon,” Liara comforted, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
He silently nodded as she left the cabin.
Another month had passed by, the Normandy was still grounded, but basic functions were online. Power kept the basic necessities alive, powering Liara’s room where she spent most of her time, using her Shadow Broker resources trying to gauge the aftermath of the Reaper War. No matter how much she tried to get any information, with comm buoys out of commission and them being on an uncharted world, anything she received was scarce at best. She still had received no status about the Citadel, Earth, or what state the galactic civilization was in. The only information she could glean, was what everyone already knew; the Reapers were dead and the mass relays were broken.
Voices were raised in concern about food supplies. There was still plenty of food for everyone, including Tali and Garrus, but supplies would run out soon if they didn’t restock. James, Cortez, Tali, Garrus, and Javik all decided to explore the uncharted world in hopes to find some food. Tali had a scanner in her suit that could identify whether something was poisonous and dextro-friendly or not. The only thing they had managed to find was some berries for everyone except the quarian and turian.
“Great, we’re going to be living off berries,” James groaned, picking the bright red fruits from the bush Tali had just scanned.
“Be lucky we found anything at all,” Tali retorted. “Garrus and I still have to find food that we can eat.”
“To be fair, you guys are the only dextros on board so you’re not going through your supply as fast,” Cortez pointed out.
“Hopefully we won’t run out in general,” Garrus said, looking aimlessly at the horizon. The system’s sun was equal to the sun, Sol, providing the same warmth and light on this world’s surface.
“If we do run out of food, we can just eat one another,” Javik suggested. Everyone turned and looked at the Prothean.
“Of course the Prothean would say that,” James cackled. “Talking about salarian soup and shit.”
“Let’s try to avoid that outcome,” Cortez suggested.
The idle conversation continued as the group continued looking for more food.
“Liara.” EDI stepped into the Shadow Broker’s cabin, her arms behind her back as she waited patiently for the asari to notice her.
“What is it EDI?” Liara looked up from her computer screen, frustration painted on her face.
“I found something. Upon doing an internal scan of the Normandy, I discovered a signal that was sent about two months ago. A distress signal,” EDI explained.
Liara looked at EDI in curious surprise. “Oh?”
EDI motioned for Liara to follow back up to the bridge of the Normandy. Joker was sitting in his pilot’s seat, the seat turned to face the door of the cockpit. His hands were templed together and worry was bright across his face. “Jeff and I have already listened to the signal. I had to clear it up in order to understand it since the signal was so ruined.” EDI explained as she stood next to Joker.
“Keep in mind, it’s two months old,” Joker grumbled as EDI used her omni-tool to play the signal.
There was a lot of crackling in the beginning and then a cough. “Help...” Liara strained to listen to the static in the voice. “This is...Com...mander...Shep...ard. I’m...still alive...Please help...” The signal cut off then with one more cough from the sender.
Liara’s eyes widened as EDI and Joker looked up at her to gauge her reaction. “Don’t get your hopes up. The signal is two months old,” Joker repeated.
“Do you...do you know if this signal was received by anyone else?” Liara asked, her voice soft and quiet. It was hard to determine what her reaction was.
“No. As I said, I just received this signal when I was doing diagnostics on the Normandy,” EDI answered. “I cannot determine if the signal was sent to any available ships or if it was sent to the Normandy specifically.”
Liara crossed her arms, bringing a hand to her chin, stroking it thoughtfully. There was a reason Joker reiterated the fact that the signal was two months old. With no knowledge of whether or not the signal was received by anyone else, there was no guaranteeing Shepard was alive. Liara sighed. “There’s nothing we can do about it. But whatever you do, don’t show it to Garrus. Unless we can find out whether or not the signal was received by someone else, there is no reason to bank our hopes on this.”
Joker nodded. “I agree. And honestly, Liara? As much as I want to hope...I don’t think she made it.”
Liara smiled sadly. “We can only hope she did, Jeff.”
Not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there...meet me at the bar.
She was standing in the forest. There was no child there this time. No copy of herself. She was alone. There were voices surrounding her. She looked around. Her body didn’t hurt. She couldn’t feel anything. There was a bar on the opposite end of the forest. She could have sworn she saw a turian sitting on one of the stools, a bottle in its hand.
Her legs began moving, but like all the other dreams, she moved slowly, felt weighed down by a crushing force of gravity, moving impossibly slow.
She heard his voice again. All around the forest. She reached out towards the turian sitting at the bar. She wanted to call out for him, but her throat tightened and no sound escaped. Fire started to form around the turian and the bar.
Not again. Please. Not again.
Come back alive. It’d be an awfully empty galaxy without you.
The flames consumed the bar and the turian, just as his head turned to look at her; the blue eyes, the blue colony marking across his face, his visor, his mandibles parting at the sight of her.
We’re in this until the end.
She tried crying out, but the flames consumed him and the noise of the Reapers echoed all around her. A bright flash of red came into her view. She felt sluggish as she brought her arms up in a futile attempt to block the beam from disintegrating her. But the pain never hit.
Six months had passed since the Reaper War ended. Food supplies had started to run short, even for the dextros on the Normandy. Despite all the exploring the adventuring party had done, they still found nothing more except for berries for everyone else. However, progress on getting the Normandy back online was going well. EDI had predicted that the Normandy would be airborne within the week.
The mood on the ship was tense. Everyone was excited to be airborne again. Garrus still kept Shepard’s nameplate close to him. People stopped talking about the possibilities of Shepard’s fate, not wanting to further upset the turian and the rest of her close friends. Games of poker were used to distract crew members from the low running food supplies and the restlessness of being grounded for so long on an uncharted world.
“Man I can’t wait to get the hell off this planet,” James chattered, fixing himself a plate of berry flavored scrap food. “We’re pretty much out of food and have been surviving off of berries and MREs for six goddamn months. We haven’t been getting nearly enough proteins we need in a daily meal.” He sat down at the lunch table where the other crew members sat. Tali and Garrus looked at him pointedly. He lifted his shoulders. “What? You guys still have food.”
Tali scoffed. “Barely. There wasn’t that much dextro-food compared to your guys’ food. So we started running out around the same time you guys did.”
Cortez smiled, offering some hope around the table. “It’s okay guys. EDI said we should be taking off here soon.”
“Yes, but how long until we get to a known system?” James countered. “The mass relays are still screwed and we haven’t even received communications in forever.”
“Not to worry,” piped the synthetic voice of EDI who had just rounded the corner of the mess room. Liara stood next to her, a small smile on her face. “Communications have been reestablished.”
Liara sighed softly. “The only problem is that the communications we do receive are delayed. Say, if something was sent four months ago, we would just be receiving it now, or later. So any news we do get is going to be late.”
“Fantastic,” Garrus mumbled, looking down at his plate. He had barely touched his food and Tali was half-tempted to snag what he didn’t eat.
“Getting communications up at all is a start,” EDI admitted. “As I said, it shouldn’t be long before I can get the Normandy back into full motion.”
“Please hurry,” James begged, leaning back in his chair. “I’m sick and tired of this planet. If we had more resources, I wouldn’t mind living here. But I’m gonna lose it if I managed to survive the Reapers just to die to starvation six months later.”
Cortez raised a glass towards James. “Cheers to that.”
Liara rolled her eyes just as Specialist Traynor rushed around the corner. “Everyone! Come quick! I just received a message from Admiral Hackett!”
Everyone perked up a bit at that statement. Most of the communications they received were garbage or were so insignificant that Liara had immediately deleted them. But a message from Admiral Hackett? This had to be good.
Everyone rushed to the elevator, cramming inside of it before stepping out into the CIC. Traynor rushed over to her computer and pulled up the message. “I haven’t listened to it yet, I just saw who it was from and decided to call everyone up.” Joker was leaning on the opposite side of Traynor, by Shepard’s personal computer. There was a glint of hope in his eyes at the news of the message from Hackett.
Admiral Hackett played a huge part in the Reaper War, commanding the forces that brought the Crucible to the Citadel. If he was sending a message directly to the Normandy, then hopefully it was good news. Or news in general.
The message came up, but the frequency was all scrambled, too much static to even hear words. A few tweaks later and the old man’s voice finally came through.
“Normandy. This is Admiral Hackett. With the comm buoys in disarray and mass relays destroyed, I don’t know if and when this message will reach you, but you need to come back to Earth as soon as possible. Do whatever the hell you have to to make it back.” There was a pause in the message as everyone looked at each other. Then the voice spoke again and the words that came out struck everyone.
“We found Commander Shepard. She’s alive.”
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3.7k
Warnings: Smut, swearing,
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 4 Part 6
Part 5
I lived about 40 minutes away from Liam in the suburbs. I still lived in the house Andy and I had bought together, planning to have a family.
I kept thinking about the house on the way there. I remembered being so excited when we found out our offer was accepted. When we moved in a few months later, we did what I assume most young couples do, and we had sex in every room, including the laundry. I had joked that if I got pregnant from the laundry sex, we should call the kid Westinghouse.
After Andy died, I had used his life insurance from his superannuation to pay off the mortgage. I had decided against selling it and moving somewhere smaller. I couldn't do it as it felt like I was abandoning our dream.
When we got home, Liam said, "you live here? I expected you lived in an apartment or something, not a whole house by yourself."
I wasn't meant to be here by myself. I didn't say it, though. I just shrugged, opened the door and said, "You live in a huge place by yourself."
"Yeah, but I didn't pick it. A place to live close to the studio was part of the contract.".
We went in. Perrin came lumbering to the door to greet me and gave Liam a short bark. I scolded Perrin and patted him, telling him Liam was a guest. Liam was unfazed and knelt to pat him and had a chat. "You're just protecting your lady, aren't you, buddy? Well, don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Be still my beating heart.
I took Liam past the bedrooms, pointed out the main bathroom, and went to the open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. I got out food for Perrin and fed him and found Liam hadn't followed me into the room.
He was in the hallway looking at the pictures on the wall. Well, one in particular. The one of me in my wedding dress, kissing Andy. Oh shit... this was awkward.
I didn't say anything, what could I say?
"I'm sorry." He eventually said. He finally looked at me.
"It must have been awful."
Don't cry! I just nodded.
He pulled me to his chest and held me. "I know you told me what happened when we first started chatting. It didn't really register until I saw this." He pulled back a bit to look at me but still had his arms around me. "Is that why you were so upset last night?" I didn't have to say anything. It must have been written all over my face. Shit.
"Shit," Liam said, echoing my thoughts. He let me go and ran his hand through his curls. They seemed to have dried now. "I'm sorry, I should have realised..."
"No," I interrupted him. "Look, I'd be lying if I said I was over it. I don't think you can ever get over it, but I'm ready to move on. I've been trying to date for a while now. It's just taking that last step and sleeping with someone..." I trailed off. I didn't know how to say what I was thinking without him believing I didn't want him. "I want to be sure it's the right person. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, Sweetheart." Liam pulled me close again. "I'll try to control myself."
"Don't try too hard," I said. "I want you too."
Liam grinned, "You shouldn't have said that." He buried his face into my neck, kissing me and nipping at me until I started to giggle.
He let me go smiling. I said I had better go shower. His eyes widened a moment. "You ok to wait while I do?"
"Don't worry, Sweetheart. I'll have plenty of thoughts to keep me occupied while you're in the shower."
I pretended to be offended, "You're filthy."
"Yes." He said. I ran.
I showered as quickly as possible and got dressed in some leggings and a t-shirt. I went out to find Liam playing on his phone, patting Perrin. He looked up when I came in, and the smile he gave me was so dazzling I stopped for a moment. Gathering myself, I walked over to him and sat on the lounge, not quite close enough to touch him but not out of reach either.
"What should we do today? Do you feel like being lazy, or do you want to go out?" I asked.
Liam hummed a moment. "I think a lazy day would be nice. I won't get many of them soon."
"We could watch a movie?"
Liam agreed. "What do you want to watch?"
"Anything really. Except for romance or a tear-jerker."
"What? Why?"
"I hate crying, and I cry at the drop of a hat. I can't even watch Disney movies without crying. Once I watched Seven Pounds and cried for three days straight." Yeah, I really did. "Plus, I'm an ugly crier." Why, oh, why can't I keep my big mouth shut.
Liam laughed, "I find it hard to believe that you could ever be ugly." And I can't breathe. I think I need an oxygen tank. "Alright, we won't watch a romance."
"Ok, come with me and let's choose. I have a heap of Blu-rays and DVDs. I like director cuts, extended cuts, that kind of thing." I took Liam's hand and tried to pull him off the lounge. He didn't let me. Instead, he pulled me closer until I was standing in front of him.
"Not yet." Liam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap, so I was straddling his glorious thighs. "If we can't watch a romance, maybe we could..." He didn't finish the sentence, which I'm thankful for because I don't think even he could have said anything after that, which wouldn't have been cringe.
Liam's hands slid behind my hips to my bottom, and he gripped me, pulling me closer. Once again, I giggled at his strength. Sometimes I swear I want to slap myself. His hips moved upwards, and I slid further down until I could feel his hardness between my legs. Oh fuck, I don't know how long I can hold out. He put a hand on my neck and pulled my face towards his. His lips met mine. I tried, unsuccessfully, to suppress the moan that came from my throat.
"Fuck," he breathed into my mouth. "When you make noises like that, I just can't stop thinking about what other noises you can make."
I didn't respond, and I just kissed him back. I let my hands trail down his chest, savouring every curvature of his muscles. My hands reached under his shirt, and I felt my way back up his chest.
Although I was travelling blind, my fingers found the spot they were looking for. Liam hissed as my fingers trailed over his nipples. A self-satisfied smile came across my lips. As if in retaliation, he pulled his hands away and held the bottom of my shirt.
"I don't like this shirt. It covers too much." He grinned roguishly. I wasn't going to give in easily.
"But it's a Ramones t-shirt," I complained. "Don't get between Joey and me."
"Joey, huh?"
I nodded, "didn't you know I was a punk rocker?" I stuck my tongue out and did some devils horns.
"Do that again." Liam was grinning at me, so, like an idiot, I did. He whipped the shirt off over my head so quickly I couldn't stop him. I stared down at my chest. My bra was still keeping my modesty in check. I must have had a crazy look of surprise on my face because he laughed at me. "That's better." He said and started kissing the top of my breasts.
I put my hands into his hair, letting him have a small victory while I took mine. His hair was as soft as I thought it would be. Then I curled my hands into fists and pulled, so he had no choice but to pull back and look up at me.
"That was very rude," I said, trying not to smile.
"You loved it." He wasn't wrong.
"Maybe, but it's only fair if..." I trailed off and tugged at his shirt. He leaned forward instantly, and I pulled his shirt off. He was so broad in the chest I felt positively small next to him. I pushed him back against the lounge, well, he let me push him, and I leaned down to kiss his chest. His hair tickled my nose as I travelled my kisses across his chest to his nipple. I kissed it gently before flicking it with my tongue.
"Fuck me," I heard him say. That encouraged me, and I took his nipple in my mouth and gave it a little bite. His whole body jerked in response.
Liam growled, "Fuck it". Suddenly his arm was around my waist and the other under my bum, and he stood up, taking me with him. I squealed and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was stronger than I thought.
"Which one is your bedroom?" Liam asked as he started towards the hall. His eyes held mine, and his blue eyes seemed dark and hungry.
"Second on the left." I should have given my room a clean! Maybe he won't notice if I keep him occupied.
He took me to the door, and I reached behind my back and opened it. He took me in and put me down. He closed the door behind us, and I turned around, looking at my room. Embarrassment crept in.
I had a massive pile of dirty clothes hanging out of my laundry basket and a pile of clean clothes on a chair. My bed was unmade, pillows everywhere. My bedside table was piled with books and had an empty Ben and Jerry's tub on top. Ok, it's bad, but it could have been worse. Then I remembered something, and my eyes flew to the bedside's open draw.
I felt the blood leave my face. It was worse. The last thing I wanted Liam to see was my god damned vibrator. Fuck!
"So, what should we do now?" Liam stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my bare waist. He ran his hands up my side and kissed my neck, nuzzling into me. Although it felt amazing, all I could do was look at the pink silicone sticking out of the draw. I was as still as a statue.
"You're not into this." He stated, his hands dropped, "That's ok, I told you I wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do." I mumbled something, not sure what, and kept thinking about getting to the draw and hiding the vibrator without drawing attention to it.
Liam's voice came out strangled and about an octave higher. "Hide the vibrator?" His voice calmed, and he said, "Damn, Sweetheart. I would have been happy just to feel you up a bit. But if you insist."
I want to die. Liam saw it. I jumped to the draw and slammed it shut. "Umm, I didn't mean for you to see that." I still couldn't look at him.
"I didn't see anything until you said it." Oh. Well, I'm a fucking idiot.
I slowly turned and looked at him. I could see Liam's bloody lip twitching as he tried to hide a shit-eating grin. I wanted to hit him.
"Don't be embarrassed." His voice was deep again, his accent making each word soothing, "I'm not." He came closer to me, his head. He spoke softly in my ear, "I think it's hot as fuck."
I moaned, partly turned on, partly wanting to die. I could feel the heat between my legs grow, and a pleasant tingle radiated through me as I shivered. "No, it's not," I said. Why was I such a prude sometimes? I hid my face in my hands.
Liam didn't attempt to hide his grin. He took my chin in his hand and lifted my face to his. "My rock hard cock disagrees." Oh, Lord, help me.
"Really?" I asked. I hadn't always been like this. Ten years ago, I would have pulled the vibrator out of the draw and put on a show. I knew lots of guys liked to watch a girl orgasm. Just picturing myself doing it now was cringe-inducing.
"Fuck, yes." Liam took my hand. He was gentle and moved slowly as if I were his prey, and any sudden movement would make me bolt. Liam placed my hand on his jeans between his legs. He groaned, and his forehead leaned against mine. "That's what you do to me."
A thrill flowed through me. I wanted to touch him so much. I cupped my fingers around Liam's balls and pressed my palm against him. I moved my palm slowly up, trying to find the end, fuck it was big.
Liam put his hands in my hair and kissed me roughly. I kept moving my palm up and down slowly and firmly against him, my own excitement growing. I was getting so turned on, I lost control for a moment and bit on Liam's lip. Liam growled.
I couldn't stand it anymore; the desire to feel him was too much. I undid his belt. Not wanting to take the time to undo each button, I pulled his jeans apart, each button popping as they came undone. Liam looked down and watched as I slid his jeans down his thighs. I gripped him through his underwear and explored his length. Liam stood there still, watching as my hand moved over the fabric.
It felt so good, but I wanted more. I wanted to hold in my hand what I had glimpsed the night before. I put a hand into his trunks, but before I could touch anything, Liam grabbed my wrist and removed it from his underwear.
"As much as I want this and believe me, I fucking want this. I need to make sure this is what you want." Liam's voice was strained. I looked at his face and could see the effort it took for him to have stopped me. His desire was plain.
"I want it." Liam closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, they seemed on fire.
"Tell me exactly what you want."
Please don't make me say it. The shyness was back, or shame, I can't tell. I tried to swallow, but my throat was dry. "I want to touch you," I whispered.
"Tell me where." His voice was hoarse. It was such a fucking turn on.
"I want to touch your cock." I felt his pants move at my words. I looked down and saw the tip almost peeking out of his underwear. I put my hand in and held his shaft gently, and his skin felt soft and velvety. Liam shuddered against me. At that moment, I felt powerful watching this huge man tremble at my touch. I moved my hand.
Liam bucked his hips against my hand, moving slowly at first, but his rhythm increased as did mine. I couldn't stop watching his body move, the muscles in his abs contracting with each thrust, his chest heaving with each ragged breath. It was so fucking erotic.
I felt Liam's hand move over my face, and I looked up and realised he had been watching my face. His thumb moved over my lips. I parted them, and he put his thumb in my mouth. I let my tongue rub over the pad of his thumb and sucked. His eyes went wide, and his hips stuttered. I kept sucking and jerking him, syncing them into the same rhythm.
"Fuck, Lana, stop." I released him slowly and took my hand out of his pants. I let him withdraw his thumb, but I still sucked. It made a slight pop as it left. He leaned into me, catching his breath a moment. I think I nearly made him orgasm. I tried to keep the triumphant smile from my face. I didn't try very hard.
"You're..." Liam was shaking his head. He didn't finish the sentence.
"Terrible Muriel?" I suggested. Way to kill the fucking moment, Lana.
Liam laughed, thank god! "Not what I was going to say." He flopped onto the bed and laid on his back. "Fucking good at that is what I was thinking." He pulled his jeans and shoes off and closed his eyes, his breath slowly returning to normal. I wanted to jump his bones.
Instead, I laid down next to him on my tummy, leaning on my elbows.
Part 6
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Pictured with You (Epilouge)
A/n: we have come to an end to this story of mine. Thank you for sticking around for so long.
Summary: It's been a year, and you're looking for something to do on this week long vacation.
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.9k
One year later
We wanted a week away from the craziness. Just one week for ourselves and our friends to hang out and not care about having to work - me on the finishing touches of the new album, which I'm actually stressing about right now because y/n still knows next to nothing about it. And that's stupid of me because literally every song is about her and if she tells me she doesn't want that then I'm screwed because I have nothing else to give the label.
She's kicking her feet softly from the edge of the pool, looking nothing less than breathtaking as the blinding sun hits her body just right. I swim away from my friends and to my rightful spot between her legs. Y/n looks down at me when I press a gentle kiss to the tops of her thighs. "Whatcha thinking about, love?"
She hums, running a lazy finger down the column of my neck. "Nothing. Just like watching you have fun, is all."
"It'd be more fun if you got in with me."
"I think you have attachment issues, Mendes."
"Yeah?" I bite playfully at her knee and she laughs, trying to push my head away. "Might have a point there… but I'm not gonna fix that."
"Gonna cling to me more?" She teases as my hands snake around her body, resting softly on the curve of her butt.
"Mmm…" I mumble against her neck. "Never gonna stop clinging to you. Gonna hold you like this forever and ever."
"Don't threaten me with a good time."
"Get in with me," I beg, jutting out my bottom lip as her hands lace through my wet curls. "I'll carry you." That gets her attention.
"Okay," she nods. "Well get me in, rockstar." I smile up at her and swiftly, but carefully bring her down into the pool with me. She shudders at the feel of the cool water against her warm skin. "Fucking hell, it's cold!" Her teeth chatter as she rests her head on my shoulder, arms wrapping tightly around my neck to steal my body heat. We stay like for minute, allowing her to get used to the unfamiliar temperature. "We're good," she mumbles and I slowly move us over to our friends who are goofing around, splashing each other.
"Oh good, she came to join us!" Brian exclaims. Before I know it, y/n is tugged from my arms and being spun around until she's finally thrown into the pool, completely submerged in the chlorine filled water. "There," Brian says triumphantly, with a laugh. "Now you're on our level."
She pushes her baby hairs out of her face with a shake of her head and an exaggerated eye roll, "so thoughtful, Bri. Thanks for that." She splash him once before taking my outstretched hand.
"Sorry, honey," I mumble into her hair, pressing her back to my front. "He caught me off guard."
"S'okay." Her head rests against my chest as we watch them make fools of themselves, not a care in the world. I whisper the words of the song playing into her ear and she falls deeper into me, wrapping my arms tighter around her waist.
"Y/n/n?" I say after a while of comfortable silence drifting between us.
"Shawny," she scrunches up her nose, hating the cutesy nickname, but she can't help that it comes out when she's a little tipsy. I love it though, and kiss the tip of her nose.
"Move in with me," I request, my head buried in her neck.
"What?" She giggles, turning in my arms.
"Move in with me," I say again.
"Where's this coming from?" She wraps her arms around my neck once again.
I shrug, "I mean, you've been going over there a lot more often recently. And… I have a drawer full of your clothes already."
She hums, "well I think I'd need more than just a drawer if we decided to do this."
"I'll get you your own damn closet if you want."
"You'd have to move houses if you did that."
"Then let's look for one. We can find one with a closet just for you, and we can make you your own dark room."
"Whoa there, big spender. That's a big commitment. You sure you can handle all that?"
I nod, "Yes. Hell, I'm ready to marry you right now if you say yes."
She looks up at me with a smirk. "you asking me something, Mendes?"
"Depends on what your answer is," I counter. "What do you say, honey? Will you marry me?"
"I think… my answer is… yes."
"Yes," she nods, a big smile on her face.
I laugh, pressing my forehead against hers before kissing her deeply. "Oh god, baby. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Let's do it tonight," I plead, my eyes closed.
"Yeah. Let's fly out to Vegas and just get married."
"You really want to? I don't even have a dress."
"We'll get you something there. Come on, y/n. Say yes?"
"You," she pokes my chest with her pointer finger, "are completely insane."
I shake my head, "is that your way of saying you'll do it?"
"Well duh," she rolls her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing that we were gonna do this.
"Yo, what is with you two? Do you ever let go of each other?" Connor asks, splashing us.
I hold y/n's head against my chest before I ask. "You guys down for a quick road trip?"
"Where?" Brian asks, shaking out his wet hair.
"Vegas," I say with a cheeky grin.
"What's that look? What are you planning?" Connor questions.
"Y'all feel like being witnesses to a wedding?" Y/n asks, sparing only the smallest of glances to our friends. They're in complete shock. But it only takes a second before they're jumping on top of us, screaming out congratulations.
"Shit, let's go! We hit the road now, we can be there just after sunset." Brian is already pulling himself out of the water.
"Nervous?" Brian claps my shoulder while I fix the collar of my shirt.
I chuckle, "dude, my heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. I've never been more nervous in my entire life."
"Well what's that thing you always say? Nerves mean you care?"
"Yeah," I nod. "But, god, man. I'm getting married. Did you ever think that was gonna happen? Like this, no less?"
"Hey," he holds the sides of my face and slaps my cheeks. "Don't stress about it. The love of your life is just on the other side of that door. You're just minutes away from your forever. This is going to be the best day of your life."
I swallow the lump forming in my throat, "Yeah. You're right. It's y/n." I can't help but laugh. Because I say it like I'm not still a nervous wreck every time she looks at me. Like my heart doesn't skip a beat every time she smiles. Like I don't forget what I'm about to say because I get lost in those piercing -
The door opens and Connor starts walking down the aisle, arm linked with y/n's, and I swear my breath catches in my throat. She looks beautiful in the white blouse we just got her, and the high waisted, ripped jeans that she insisted on wearing because a skirt was just not her. And I agreed, but to be fair she could tell me she wanted to wear a paper bag and I would have went along with it because I just want her. It's not until she's in front of me, wiping at my cheek that I realize I've been crying watching her walk toward me.
"Hey, come on, bub. Marrying me can't be that bad," she jokes.
I laugh, wiping roughly at my face, "Jesus, no. You're just so beautiful."
She flips her hair playfully, "Well then what are you waiting for, Mendes? You gonna marry me or not?"
Mendes. She's about to be a Mendes, and I can't wait.
I wake up the next morning, sheets thrown haphazardly over me and the beautiful girl in my arms. I watch her figure for a few minutes, once I've adjusted to the bright light the sun brings into the room. Her hair is all over the place, but still framing her face perfectly as her eyes moved rapidly behind her eyelids. Her naked chest is just barely covered by the white bedsheets, one arm thrown over her stomach. And then my eyes land on that dainty ring she fell in love with the second I slipped it on her finger last night and it hits me that I'm laying in bed next to my wife. And I let myself think about how I get to wake up next to her forever. It's the most perfect moment.
Until my phone rings beside me and suddenly it isn't anymore.
"Hey, Andrew," I whisper as I answer his FaceTime call.
"WHAT IS THIS I'M SEEING ABOUT YOU GETTING MARRIED?!" Andrew's loud voice booms through my phone and I flinch because y/n stirs beside me.
"Shh…" I point my phone to my girl who is still sleeping, thankfully.
"You got married. Don't you think that's something you should tell your manager so that he's not blindsided early the next morning by all of these pap photos and articles and hundreds of texts and emails asking if it's true?"
"Well I am sorry I didn't tell you."
"So you did? Shawn, what were you thinking? This is everywhere right now."
"I was thinking that I have the most perfect woman by my side and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her and that I wanted the rest of my life to start right then and there. That's what I was thinking. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and I'm sorry that it's online. But I'm not sorry it happened. I have everything I've ever wanted right here next to me." I look over to see y/n looking up at me with a sleepy smile.
"Shawn," my manager tries to grab my attention, but I can't seem to focus on anything other than the smiling woman next to me.
"If you'll excuse me. My wife just woke up and I would like to give her a proper good morning." I shut my phone off and reach over to brush a strand of hair from my girl's face. "Hey there, beautiful." I say quietly and lean down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
She hums, "good morning, handsome."
"Sleep well? You were… very tired last night," I say with a smirk and she moves to slap me, but I'm quick to catch her wrist.
"Nuh-uh, Mrs. Mendes." She giggles into my chest. "What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she shook her head, her hands on either side of my face. "It's just the first time I've heard it like that. I like it."
"Me too."
"So Andrew's mad."
I shrug. "He'll get over it. Now come cuddle," I lay on my beck and open my arms for her. It doesn't take long for her to shrink into my side, head on my chest.
"You still want to be married to me?" She murmurs, half asleep once again.
I press my lips to the crown of her head, "for the rest of my life, baby."
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Shawnmendes mea vita = my life 💍
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quokkalatte · 6 years
Affinity pt.2
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Part 2
Category: Series
Pairing: Street Racer!Hoseok x Cat Hybrid! Reader
Warnings for this chapter: slight tiny mentions of blood and past abuse, slight language
Author's Note: Honestly this is mostly a filler chapter so it's just not that.....good? idk but I hope you enjoy ♡ as far as posting goes, it may be a bit before I get the next chapter out out I go back to school tomorrow and I'm working too so yeah XP
Tag List: @xinnieally @twilight-loveer @zhangyixingxing1 @jhopespanda @smeunjipark @kaguracysan @timberkat @wxnnabewitch @dust-er130 @sweetcoffeeblandtea @lokathefemale @fairy-lover13 @chari-a @olaxeiii @aejae-ssi @queenofthecliff @dragonwitchgaming @lifeisnorainbow @2seokkyo @chisana-himawari @serendipitiousbutterfly @unknownbluekey @katkit73 @bang-zero
Cannot be Tagged: @musicandbooksandfoodohmy @honeylovetae @lilacbaby11 @cat-the-caitlin @hobi_isadaydream
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Hoseok waited patiently for you to finish your shower, sitting in the living room to get his heart rate down. He assessed the situation, he was now the owner of a hybrid, not only a hybrid, but one that has been through a lot and still manages to be completely innocent. He also assessed that he had absolutely no clue how to care for one. We're there regulations? Special diets? Oh no did he have to take you to get fixed? The actual thought of taking you to a vet had him experiencing waves of anxiety. He was so worked up that when you walked into the living room he didn't even notice.
"I'm finished" you say, and he jumps and looks up at you. You were clean, ears still slightly damp but had a small shine in the black and grey. Your tail, sticking through the baggy grey sweats, flickered nervously. Now that it was clean, be could see where the clumps had been pulled out. Some pink patches poked through and Hoseok's heart clenched uncomfortably at the sight, and he has reminded of your hands. He licked his lips, a nervous habit, and stood up and walked over to you. You watched him curiously,  and he hands came to your own, and you flinched slightly, but he turned them over.
The skin was a pale red color, the skin still freshly aggravated and probably caused pain. There were slight droplets of blood, but nothing to serious. "Does it hurt?" He asks gently, and you avert your eyes, staring down at your hands.
"No, it doesn't" it was a lie, that was obvious. Hoseok frowned, how many times had you had to keep your pain from Yeonsoo, afraid of being punished further.  
"It does kitten, and if you're hurt you should tell me. You won't get in trouble I promise" He says, and you nod. He let's go of your hands, and goes into the bathroom, rummaging under the sink and pulled out a med kit. When he returned to the living room, you were still standing  where he had left you. He gestured to the couch, taking a seat. You hesitantly sat next to him, your tail curling around your waist securely. He opens the med kit and sets it on the coffee table.  He takes the opened box of gauze and antibiotic cream, and a couple of alcohol patches. You frown, seeing that everything had been used before.  
"Do you get hurt too?" You ask, looking up at him. Hoseok shrugs, ripping open the paper of the patches and pulling out the potent cloth, the smell making you wrinkle your nose as it stung your nose.
"I get scratched a lot when I work with tools. I work as a mechanic and I'm bound to get cuts and bruises. This'll sting a bit, but it'll help" he says and presses the pad to your skin. You hiss, ears pressing flat against your head and tail clenching tightly. A small whimper followed as he wiped the other. Hoseok whispered out a couple of 'sorry' and 'it's okay you're doing great' and applied some antibiotic cream to them, which soothed the burn instantly. "I also used to race motorcycles, and I got road rash a couple of times" he added. You listened intently, your eyes looking up to his concentrated face. He wrapped your hands in the gauze, and when he finished, he gave you a small smile, which made you let out a small purr in thanks.
"Thank you master- I mean Hoseok" you correct yourself quickly and he laughs.
"No problem kitten. Now, there isn't much I can do for your tail, it's already healed" he says, and you glance down at your abused tail, and it flicks self-consciously. "But I'll ask Namjoon what I could put on it. His cat hybrid Jimin used to scratch his as a nervous habit before he was adopted, and Namjoon put something on it to heal the bare patches" he babbles.
"He would pull it when I wasn't paying attention" you told him, and he frowned
"Yes. I would daydream, and if I wasn't listening or answer him, he'd pull it to get my attention. Or he did it if I messed up or did something wrong" your voice was quiet, and Hoseok wanted to comfort you, but he feared you'd flinch away if he tried to pet you.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore Y/n. Yeonsoo won't get his filthy hands on you ever again, not if I have anything to say about it" Hoseok says firmly, and a spark of warmth crept up his spine when you smiled radiantly at him. He returned a small one back."Let's get you to bed"
You had instantly curled up as soon as you fell on the bed, pulling the blanket over yourself and closed your eyes. Hoseok stood in the doorway for a moment. You looked so small, and the baggy clothes didn't help either. You just looked so fragile and he had the same urge to protect you like he did the first time he saw you. A lot has happened in in the past few hours. He made sure you were firmly asleep before walking down the hall and into his own bed to sleep.
There was a dilemma when he dressed for work in the morning. You'd be left alone, and he wasn't sure if he liked the thought of that. You laid out on the couch, stretching out in a cat-like way as you watched him throw on his uniform and pour coffee into a thermos as he rambled on about leaving you at home alone. He was a very interesting human, one that could keep his cool and act nonchalant one moment, and completely be flustered and inadequate the next.
"I don't mind staying at home alone Hoseok, honest" you peer at him from fallen on your face. Hoseok glanced at you, buttoning the navy shirt of his uniform and a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth. You giggled at the sight, and he quickly chewed the rest of the bacon.
"Are you sure? I feel guilty, I could take you in with me" he says, a bit to himself. You wrinkle your nose in distaste.
"No offense Hoseok, but the thought of spending the day in a shop that reeks of motor oil and sweat isn't my idea of a fun time." He laughed and you sat up, taking a piece of bacon and chewed it happily.
"Alright alright, I'm just nervous"
"Really? Couldn't tell. I'll be okay, I've been left alone plenty of times" you say, and Hoseok sighs, and nods
 "Okay kitten." He nods, and walks towards the front door, but freezes and turn back around.
"What do you eat?" He asks suddenly. You cock your head at him, confused.
"Uh, food?"
"What kind? What do you like? Is there a certain thing I should he feeding you?" He asks
"Lots of kinds. I like fish, but not crabs. I can't have regular milk, the fat content makes me break out into hives and I get a belly ache. Ma- He always complained I was expensive and cost him money to feed. I like almond milk even though it has a weird after taste." You say. "And they have supplements for hybrids, like vitamins but I don't need themas long as I get plenty of meat and liquids" you say. Hoseok repeats this under his breath, and nods.
"I don't have any almond milk, but I have fish sticks somewhere in the freezer. But help yourself to the fridge kitten what's mine is yours" he smiles at the way you grin. "I should be home around 5 okay?"
"Okay Hoseok" You yawn, already prepared to take a cat nap in the patch of sun that peeked through his blinds. Hoseok chewed his lip, still unsure of leaving you alone, but you looked content enough, so he grabbed his car keys and headed out to the garage.
 "I'm telling you Hobi, it's a piece of shit. I don't know why you continue to drive it" Kim Taehyung scrunches his nose when Hoseok pulled into the shop. "And it's hideous as well" Hoseok rolled his eyes, stepping out and running a hand through his hair.
"Tae, your specialty is muscle cars, not race cars.  So shut up about my baby she's doing fine" Hoseok pats the hood of his beloved car. No, it wasn't the one he raced with, but it was an older car, and he was attached to it, he better be he fixed it from the ground up. Sure it likes to stall when turning on and the paint needs a new coat, but it was his child. Taehyung chuckles at Hoseok's words, taking a drink of his Pepsi.
"If you call two seconds away from falling apart 'okay' then sure, it's just peachy"
"Don't you have someone's oil to change" Hoseok says hauntily, and Taehyung huffs and slinks back to the back of the garage. Hoseok pulled the buliten down from his desk, checking the recent repos and bring-ins of the week. There had been at least 20 cars repoed for missing payments, which meant 20 angry phone calls he wasn't ready to deal with.
He worked diligently, the garage kept busy with fixing cars and getting them out to their respectable owners, and Hoseok was busy trying to negotiate with angry customers about getting their cars back.
"All you need to do is go to the Repo office off of Dowchien Street and file some paperwork, and pay the fee to get your car back" Hoseok sighed as the old woman cursed him about how she was missing several doctor's appointments and having to take the bus to go to the store. "Ma'am I just take and hold the cars, you need to go to the head office to get it back" Hoseok pressed his knuckles against his skull, rubbing the area as he was cursed out more before the lady finally realized that he wasn't going to give her car back without visiting the office.
"She sounded delightful" Namjoon grinned at Hoseok in the doorway of his office. Hoseok glared up at him, standing and stretching.
"Oh yeah, if you like hearing about irritatable bowel syndrome and bunions needing to be removed" Hoseok shivered and Namjoon laughed. "Put me in a car and on a road any day this day job shit is killing me" He groans.
 "You're the one who wanted to use the shop as a cover Hobi" Namjoon so wisely pointed out. "And you don't hate it either so quit your whining"
"No but I do hate angry people yelling at me for them not making car payments" Hoseok walked past Namjoon and entered the back of the garage. Taehyung and a couple of other employees bustled around repairing different aspects of the cars.
"Hmm if only everyone could see Seoul's Drift King now" Namjoon teases and Hoseok flipped him off as he reached into the mini fridge and pulled out a water bottle, taking a long drink. "So how's your kitty doing?" Namjoon asks
"Okay, I think. She's really jumpy, but she let me dress her hands, does that mean something?"
"Means she trusts you. Took me 3 months before Jimin would be in the same room as me. "
"She still flinches when I touch her though" he frowns
"Can you blame her? I'm not sure she's had a kind touch in awhile.  Give her time Hobi"
"You're right" Hoseok sighs.  "Do you still have that stuff you used on Jimin's tail?"
"Sure, I always keep some in case his anxiety acts up again. Why?"
"Yeonsoo did a number on Y/n's poor tail, she's missing clumps of fur"
"Asshole." Namjoon mutters darkly. "You should have seen him when you left. He got out of his car and vowed to exact revenge or some site evil villains say in the movies. But I'll bring a bottle over for you"
"Thanks, and I'm not too worried about him. I can handle him" Hoseok says.
"If you say so. We've got a new, ah, 'shipment' coming in on Tuesday, are to ready?"
"Aren't I always?"
Hoseok was relieved when he went home that night. He wondered if you were okay. Sure you've been left home before but it didn't feel right just leaving you to your own devices for the whole day in a new place. He stopped by and grabbed take out, not in the mood to cook anything for dinner. He parked in the garage and grabbed the take out, unlocking the door and entering the house. When he stepped in he sensed immediately something was off. It was too quiet. He frowned, glancing around the dimly lit hallway "Y/n?" He called out, inching into the living room. A creak had him on edge and tense. He grabbed a the baseball bat that leaned against the garage door, gripping it tightly as he entered the living room.
You were standing there, wide eyed and chest heaving with breath. Your fur was fluffed out to the max, and your eyes laid on the baseball bat. You wailed, throwing yourself to the floor in front of his feet and grabbed his legs. Hoseok yelped in shock, staring down at you.
"I'm sorry master I'm so so sorry! I w-was just walking and my tail hit it and it fell over! Please forgive me I know I'm a bad cat" you cried, pawing at his shirt and burying your head into his hip.
W-What? Y/n what are you talking about" he frowned, still confused. Your body wracked with sobs, your words incomprehensible. Hoseok set the take out on the counter and dropped the bat to the floor, the crash making you jump and squeak. He pried your hands from his shirt, and knelt down so you were face to face.  
"Calm down Kitten, just tell me what happened" he says slowly, and you whimpered.
"The vase. I broke it. I'm sorry" you say, cheeks puffy and tear tracks down your face.  Hoseok looks over your head and sees the vase that had been sitting on his TV Stand was smashed on the floor in a thousand pieces.  His eyes widened and he immediately began searching your body.
"Are you hurt? You didn't cut yourself did you?" He asks. You hiccup, frowning
"Did you cut yourself on the glass?" He demands,  checking for any sign of blood.
"N-no I- you aren't mad?" You sputter, frowning. You were sure you'd face punishment for breaking his possession. You hadn't even been here long and caused an accident, and you thought for sure Hoseok would be angry and throw you out.
"No I'm not mad Y/n" Hoseok sighs in relief. "I'm just happy you aren't hurt."
"But....but I broke your vase" you frown at him.
"To be honest, you saved me a terrible story to explain to my sister why I got rid of the ugly vase she'd gotten me for Christmas. Now I can say my hybrid accidentally knocked it over" he smiles and you frown
"So I'm not being punished?"
"No it was an accident Y/n" Hoseok frowns and you nod your head in understanding. "Are you hungry?'
"A bit" you admit.
"Good. I brought home take out" he says, standing up and grabbing a broom and dustpan before sweeping up the broken vase, careful not to miss any pieces that could imbed themselves into any soft fleshed feet. You watch him as he worked, still slightly expecting to get yelled at, but after a few minutes you relaxed when it appeared it wouldn't come. Hoseok pulled down two plates, piling on steamed rice and chicken and vegetables and a bunch of assorted foods he always got when he ate take out. He pushed the bigger plate towards you, and you eye it doubtfully.
"Why did you give me your plate Hoseok?" You ask, pushing it back to him. Hoseok shakes his head, pushing it back.
"I didn't. It's yours."
But there's more food on it" you frown
"Yes, I'm not too hungry tonight, and I got extra for you"
"All of it?"
"All of it" He says firmly. You nod, still unsure but when you began eating, it was difficult to stop with all the tasty things he had gotten you, but you didn't touch the gross smelling stuff on the side of the plate. Hoseok noticed this, as he ate the very thing you wouldn't. "You don't like Kim Chi?"
"No. It's gross and vile" you say firmly and Hoseok pouted.
"I'm not sure how we'll get along from now on, I love Kim Chi" he says, and affronted look on his face, but a glimmer in his eye showed that he was kidding,  and you giggled.
"I don't know, guess you'll just have to stop then" you smile mischievously at him and he laugh
"I don't think so kitten" he snorts and continues to eat. Oh god, he thinks, I think I can probably handle her.
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hannahmcne · 5 years
The Two O’Clock Meeting - pt 2 of TwoShot
"I'm so angry I could tear him limb from limb!" Jay spat. He was practically frothing at the mouth as he slammed his bag to the ground and jumped onto his mattress.
"I'm so tired I could sleep for the rest of my life." Evie yawned, sitting down on her bed and leaning down to unlatch her shoes. She wiggled her toes and frowned at the red calluses on the undersides of her feet that looked like little triangles from always wearing heels. "Jay, don't throw your bag so hard. You'll break it."
"I can't help it!" Jay growled. "Harry Hook is so stupid!"
"I'm so hungry I could eat an entire coil of rope." Carlos moaned, dropping face-first onto his bed. Simultaneously, everyone's stomachs growled. Carlos's face twisted in pain as he curled up a little next to his pillow. "Think we could steal one from the pirates? I'm sure there'd be some nutritional value with all the time those ropes spend in the ocean."
"If all that gunk from the water doesn't kill you, the pirates will." Jay pointed out, picking up a stick and starting to splinter off tiny pieces. "And your mom after them."
"It'd be worth it," Carlos grumbled, curling up tighter around himself.
"No, it wouldn't." Jay shot back.
"Maybe it would-" Carlos began, but Mal cut them both off.
"I'm so sick of your bantering that I might have to knock you both out the hard way!" She snapped. She sank back into the squashy chair and shifted from side to side to get the lumps pushed out to the sides. Her eyes closed slowly.
"Oh, bring it on Mal. I will take you on any day of the week." Jay retorted, flinging splinters at the ceiling.
"Yeah? Well, you'll lose every day of the week." Mal scoffed.
Jay flung a splinter at the ceiling. It bounced off and thwacked against Mal's head. Her eyes snapped open and she sat straight up. A deep green light made her eyes glow. Jay shrank back, silenced, and dipped his head in apology. He brushed the rest of the splinters off his bed and onto the floor, making Evie wrinkle her nose, and pulled the covers over his shoulder. Mal exhaled and leaned back into the chair. A cool wind rushed around the room and made her shiver. She crossed her arms and squeezed her eyes tight.
"I'm so cold I might freeze to death by morning." Evie mourned.
Mal sighed. "Yeah." She agreed. "Me too."
Across the room, Jay and Carlos made matching sounds of agreement. They all fell silent, shivering into hunched positions, and then Carlos let out a very loud sigh of relief.
"What?" Jay huffed irritably."
"Oh, a warm gust just came from underneath my bed." Carlos sighed. "It's like a magical fog."
Mal opened her eyes and stood up. The cold had made her toes numb. She wandered close to Carlos's bed, inspecting it, and then gasped. A mist was arising from the floor. Jay and Evie sat up across the room and Carlos rolled over as Mal dropped to her knees and began to feel around the floorboards. A hot space on the floor in the shape of a square was causing the air to steam. Her fingers found a groove that she was sure – positive – hadn't been there before. "Help me pry this up, Jay." She demanded. Immediately, a pair of larger, callused hands with short fingers joined her on the floor. They pried up the boards and looked down into what looked like a different world. Clean carpet was beneath them, and clothes were hanging up along three walls. A door was on the third wall. All four kids stared down at the view. Mal swallowed.
"I'm… going to hop down first." She mumbled.
"What if it's some sort of trap?" Jay whispered, furrowing her brow.
"Then I'll be warm before I die." Mal shrugged. She braced her arms on either side of the square – it was about two feet wide – and swung her feet over the side. She dropped down and landed with a soft thud on the carpet down below. The warm air made her skin prickle. She let out a breath, tested the floor, and looked up. "I think it's safe," She whispered.
Carlos and Evie jumped down after her, one by one, and then Jay slowly lowered himself down. The moment he landed, there was a whoosh, and the square in the ceiling disappeared. Mal took a little breath. "Uh oh." She mumbled. Hopefully, that didn't turn into a problem.
"Look at these clothes," Evie mumbled, pulling a shirt off of a rack and holding it up to her. She wrinkled her nose. "Oh, it's purple. And there's paint on it." She picked at something on the seam. "Where can I find some blues?"
Evie put the shirt back up on the rack and flipped on the light in the closet. Everyone blinked as bright, fluorescent lights blinded them. They looked around. "Wow." Jay snorted. "Good luck Evie."
The entire closet was filled with green, purple, and black, with a few shades of white here and there. Evie's mouth dropped open incredulously. "What on earth?" She gasped. "Who would wear this much purple?"
"I dunno, it kind of sounds like my kind of deal." Mal snorted, picking out a leather jacket with metal studs.
"Uh-huh, and is this your kind of deal?" Evie asked, going to the back of the closet and pulling out a gigantic floor-length gown with spiderwebbing patterns across the bodice. Mal wrinkled her nose and turned away. Evie hummed and put the dress back. Mal squinted through more leather jackets and pulled one out.
"Tell me this doesn't look familiar." She hummed, turning and displaying the jacket to them. On the heart was her name, and on the back was Maleficent's symbol and the inscription 'Long Live Evil'.
Jay, Evie, and Carlos all stared at the artifact, and then they glanced around at the miles of fabric. Mal hung the second jacket up with pinched lips and turned her attention to the door. She stretched her hand forward to the handle. Right before she could wrap her fingers around the handle, the sound of a door slamming in the next room over made her yank her hand back. The door rattled on its hinges. Everyone's heads swiveled around as someone let out an unholy scream from the other room.
A door opened and someone began to speak. "Mademoiselle, I-"
"Get out Lumiere!" The person, a girl, who had screamed before yelled at the top of her lungs. "I'm not going to the stupid meeting! I'm done with everything! I quit my job, I'm not doing it anymore!" Something broke as it hit the wall and shattered. Mal turned around to her friends with raised eyebrows. She mouthed the word 'Wow'.
The door closed softly and there came the sound of someone sobbing from the other room. Mal carefully wrapped her fingers around the handle and opened the door. The crying stopped as she pushed the door open and examined the next room over. It was very large. To the immediate left was a large bed with blue and grey sheets and large, cushiony pillows. On the other side was another closet, but that door was propped open. Around the room, Mal could spot two desks. One was neat and clean, and the other horrendously messy with a dragon decoration on it. The far side of the room had several large floor-to-ceiling windows that peered out over a large city and an ocean in the far distance. Evie gasped, and Mal could see why. The barrier to the Isle of the Lost was visible out over the ocean. As in the place they had just come from.
Mal looked around the room for the person who'd been yelling. She couldn't see anyone for several seconds until she found the door on the far-right side of the room. A figure was leaning against the door, wiping her eyes and taking deep breaths. Mal's hands stilled at her side. The figure's hair was curled and clean and very, very purple.
"Mal?" Carlos asked, squinting at the figure. She sniffled and turned around.
"Carlos? I didn't know you were-" She stopped upon seeing them all. Mal took a few steps backward as she stared at herself. She was much older, with longer hair and makeup smudged on the corner of her eyes. And she was taller, too. "Oh," The older Mal blinked. "Are you my two o'clock meeting?"
"You have meetings?" Jay asked, confused.
Older Mal sniffled and wiped her eyes one more time. She opened the door. A white-haired man in a suit was standing outside, looking irate. "I'm sorry for yelling, Lumiere." She apologized. "I'll go now."
"His Highness already asked if you want to head down and see him before you do." Lumiere offered. "Would that make you happier?"
Older Mal nodded, still looking sullen. She turned and beckoned to the core four. "Come on now, follow me." She sighed.
Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos all fell into a little line and followed Older Mal out of the door. Lumiere's mouth dropped open when he saw them, but Older Mal waved his shock aside. "Stranger things happen." She reminded him. "We'll be with Ben."
Lumiere nodded and turned to walk in the other direction. Mal had to hand it to him – he took things well. Better than her, at least. She tapped her look-alike on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, but are you me?"
"No." Older Mal sniffed. "I'm obviously older." Mal's mouth fell open.
"Was that you screaming in the other room?" Jay asked cautiously. "Cause you sounded really, really mad."
Older Mal's mouth twisted into despair. "I'm just so sick of everyone booking up my art time! Can't they understand I just want to paint!" She burst into tears and suddenly sank to the floor, leaning against the wall. Mal backed away. There was no way this was her. She'd never be set off so easily. Older Mal hiccupped and scrubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry." She apologized again. "I'm trying to get used to all these hormones and it's hard." She pressed her hands to her midsection, and for the first time, Mal noticed that there was some very defined swelling there. She backed away with her hands held aloft. Nope. Nope. Not on your life, nope. There was no way to heaven that this could possibly be her.
Older Mal hiccupped again and got up. She restarted her walk down the hall, and the rotten four exchanged glances. Should they try and follow her? Slowly, one by one, they all took up their place in line again. Older Mal wandered into a receptionist area. She sniffled a little as she walked up to a lady behind a desk. "Debra?" She asked softly.
The woman behind the desk had auburn hair and wide-rimmed glasses. She smiled at the Older Mal. "Hello, dearie." She smiled.
"Hi," Older Mal sighed. She gestured at the four kids behind her, hanging out in the doorway. "My two o'clock has arrived." She drummed her fingers on her desk. "Is he available?"
"The King?" Debra asked with a laugh. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos exchanged wide looks as Debra examined them with a smile. "He's finishing up his 1:15 right now."
"Great." Older Mal sighed and turned around. "Come on guys, we're going to go see his royal pain in my rear."
"The king?" Mal blinked. "As in, the ruler of Auradon?" Older Mal nodded and thanked Debra quietly. She began to walk down a hallway. The core four followed behind closely. At the end of the hall was a single doorway on the left side with a plaque reading: King Benjamin on it. Mal stared at the plaque. Last she checked, the Beast's name had been Adam, not Ben. Ben was the prince. The fact that this read King Ben meant that the throne had been… passed on.
Older Mal put her hand on the handle without knocking and Evie gasped. "You can't just barge into the King's office!" She hissed, looking worriedly at the door.
Older Mal deadpanned at them. "Why not?" She asked.
"He'll get mad!" Evie whispered, twisting her hands together. Older Mal scoffed at them and twisted the handle. She pushed the door open with her foot and walked into the room. Immediately, a little shriek echoed from inside. Evie winced before they watched Mal scoop up a tiny torpedo of purple, who jumped into her arms and almost knocked her feet out from under her. They all took a cautious few steps inside.
The King's office had a large window behind a wooden desk in the center of the room. Paintings were hung around the room and books were packed into a bookcase to the immediate left of the desk. A woman with long, dark braids peered out and smiled when she saw them outside. "Wow, now there's some nostalgia!" She laughed. "Come on in, guys." She swept open the door wider. "We were just leaving. Come on, Jay."
Jay's head swiveled as a tall, caramel-skinned person appeared behind the woman, putting a hand on her shoulder. He blinked softly at them with dark, piercing eyes. "Wow." He hummed. "My hair was so bad when I was twelve." In response, Jay's lips pinched into a frown, but there was no denying that this older version of Jay has much, much better hair.
"It's bad no matter what." The woman joked, bumping him with her hip.
"You love my hair." Older Jay laughed, catching her in his grasp and kissing her forehead. "Well, have a nice meeting, you kids. See you in the mirror in a few years." They let the kids slip into the office beside them and shut the door behind them. Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Mal turned around in shock, just in time to watch Older Mal set down a child who looked about seven as an older girl, only ten though, slumped into her chair with a colossal groan.
"Meetings are so boring!" She exclaimed, dragging her toes into the floor as her purple hair draped over her shoulders like a cloud. "Why do I have to do them?"
"You and me both, Co-co." Mal hummed. She bent down, peppering the little boy's face with kisses as he giggled and hugged her legs. Behind the desk was a tall man with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, who watched Mal kiss her son with a bright smile. Because really, that's what this was, right? Her son? With her bright purple hair and green eyes who was holding onto her for dear life? Mal felt like she might faint, especially as the man behind the desk with the same dark eye's as Older Mal's daughter focused on her and let a smirk pull at the corners of his mouth.
"Alright, baby, let me through." Older Mal hummed. Her son let go of her legs and sat against his father's desk as Older Mal walked around the desk.
"Heard you had a meltdown." The king hummed, sitting up as she walked towards him. Older Mal let out a disparaged sound. Ben stood up and tugged her into his arms. She laid her head on his chest as he rubbed her back comfortingly.
Mal exchanged bewildered looks with her friends. That was the King of Auradon. And the children in this room had his skin and her hair. And she was hugging him. "So… what's going on here?" She interjected.
King Ben hummed. "I'm hugging my wife." He told them. Mal deflated. Older Mal wasn't just a bizarre interpretation of what she could be if she'd grown up in Auradon, she was Queen Mal. Mal sat down hard in one of the chairs alongside the palace. The ten-year-old, Co-co, sat up and poked Mal's arm. "You look like me." She yawned.
"That's your mom, Colette." King Ben hummed, rubbing Queen Mal's arms. "You okay?" He whispered. She shrugged and sighed before turning around to the bewildered kids.
"Colette, Jordan, I need you to go play for a little while." Queen Mal requested, rubbing a hand over her face. "Daddy and I have a meeting with Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Mal."
Despite the bizarre situation, both kids nodded and went to the door. Colette stopped to steal a hug from her mom before disappearing out the door behind Jordan. Queen Mal waved to them as they left the room. "Colette Hope and Jordan Truth." She yawned. "Yes, I know their names are cheesy. Ben liked them and I was high on painkillers." She elbowed her husband as he offered her his chair with a roll of his eyes.
"You married the king." Mal hummed flatly. "Yeah, that sounds realistic. What sort of elaborate prank is this?"
"You're clearly not taking me seriously, so I'm just going to start talking." Older Mal grumbled. King Ben sat down in the seat his daughter had vacated with an eyeroll as Queen Mal twiddled her thumbs together and began to explain. "When I was sixteen, Then-Prince Benjamin was just about to ascend the throne when he issued his first proclamation, which stated the children on the Isle of the Lost should be given a chance to chose good and live in Auradon. He invited me and my friends over, and our parents sent us, hoping we'd be able to steal the wand from Fairy Godmother to free them on the Isle of the Lost. Once here, we learned that Ben's girlfriend would be allowed to stand at the front during his coronation when the wand would be used to swear him in as king. One love spell later, I was dating the king."
"Let me guess." Jay snorted. "She saw how great Love was and how happy everyone in Auradon was and decided to stay?"
"Basically." Queen Mal nodded. The core four stared at her incredulously. She shrugged. "Carlos decided he liked not being hit and mauled by his mother and also learned that he liked dogs, so he stayed. And Jay learned he was more of a team player who liked sports and not starving to death and stealing the same things over and over again, so he stayed. Evie had a prince let her down hard and picked up on chemistry as a consequence. She became a fashion diva on campus and a science star and decided she didn't want to go either. And I fell in love with the king. We all stayed in Auradon and helped bring kids over from the Isle."
"I was let down by a prince?" Evie asked, lip coming out in a pout.
"Oh, hard." Queen Mal nodded. She fiddled with something under King Ben's desk and then pulled a soda pop out from underneath it with a smirk to Ben, who rolled his eyes. She popped it open and took a sip. "You guys can sit down." She told the three standing VK's. "He told you that if you knocked out his homework with yours, he'd have time to spend with you. And then when Ben dumped his girlfriend for me, he turned around and picked that girl up. And then, he reported you for cheating with your mother's magic mirror. Your future husband saved your tail, and you started buckling down to study chemistry. And hey, what do you know, you got a different sort of chemistry with him after that. He helped you start up your fashion business, you got married out of Auradon Prep, and you have three kids right now and you say you're done."
"How many rooms are in his palace?" Evie asked, taking a seat near the desk and clasping her hands together.
"You mean your palace?" Queen Mal raised an eyebrow. "You bought your own palace with the money you earned from your dress business. And Doug, who is your husband, isn't a prince. He's the son of Dopey, one of the Dwarves from Snow White's Tale."
Evie stared at Queen Mal in incredulous horror. Queen Mal took a sip of her drink and didn't retract her statements as she pulled out her phone and started flipping through it. After a long pause, she held the screen out. "I have an album of you guys. Here. Swipe right."
Evie stood up and went to take the phone from Queen Mal with shaking hands. Carlos craned his head over her shoulder, staring in shock. Mal's fingers itched as Evie examined what she assumed was her future husband and children. Then she hissed out: "I look so good," And Mal had to hold back a snort.
"Carlos!" Queen Mal snapped to attention suddenly, making Carlos jump in his seat. "Ben introduces you to Dude, who is a dog. You end up falling in love with dogs and you and Jane adopt three after you get married. You have one child but really, all the dogs are treated just as well as your kid, so whatever. You're a computer technician who's also done lots of work on developing prosthetics for animals and for people." She drummed her fingers on Ben's desk. "I'll show you pictures after Evie finishes examining herself."
"Oh! Sorry!" Evie exclaimed, standing up and passing the phone back to Queen Mal. She redirected the pictures and extended the phone to Carlos before pressing her fingertips to her forehead.
"You okay?" Ben asked, sitting up.
"Headache." Queen Mal sighed. "Jay, you play this sport… it's called tourney. You do it professionally… I think you have one of the longest careers in the game. And you married Lonnie, who you saw walk out, and you two have twin girls at home right now. They're five, and they're both cute, but trouble. She's technically a hero's daughter, but since she's not royalty you get to avoid the courts, which is sad for me because now I'm alone."
Carlos, it seemed, had figured out to navigate Mal's phone. He turned around to show Jay the pictures of what he had found, and a look of amazement spread across his face. Queen Mal turned to the younger Mal, who was sitting rigid and pressing her lips into a firm line. "You're queen. You're married. Your mom is a lizard and a resident of the Auradon Reptilian institute after you shrunk her down to keep her from taking over Auradon. You have an art studio and two beautiful kids. What more do you want to know?"
"How do I know you're not lying?" Mal demanded, examining her older self with a scrutinizing gaze. "And how'd we get here from the Isle? And how do we go back? Who are you really?"
Queen Mal stared at Mal like she couldn't believe a child could be so stupid. "You literally saw the square entrance from the Isle vanish in front of your eyes, you can see the barrier behind you, and I don't care how much dirt is on your face, we're so clearly the same person it's ridiculous. What more proof do you want?"
"How did we get here?" Mal deadpanned, squinting suspiciously at Queen Mal.
"No idea." Queen Mal shrugged. "I just know you're my two o'clock meeting, just like I was the older, well, my older Queen Mal's meeting." She frowned and mumbled under her breath: "Wow, I'm old now."
"And did you believe her then?" Mal asked.
Queen Mal shook her head and rolled her eyes. "No, but I can just tell you good luck trying to deny everything for the next five years. You really might as well go announce to the Isle you're going to be queen one day for all you can do to stop this from happening." She locked eyes with her husband across the room and they shared a mutual eye-roll. Mal bristled indignantly.
"I think you're lying, and I think this is a prank!" She snapped. "Who set you up to this, the pirates? There's no way that's actually the Isle out there! You must be pulling some sort of… hypnosis trick! That's it, you've teamed up with Facilier, or with Kaa the snake! None of this is real!"
King Ben let out a disbelieving groan and slumped down into his chair beside her. Queen Mal pinched the bridge between her eyes. "Did you take it like this?" She asked King Ben.
King Ben shook his head. "No, I just accepted everything and was a bit too starry-eyed about you."
"So you didn't even react. Okay." Queen Mal rolled her eyes. Ben snorted and shook his head, hiding his face in his hands as he continued rolling his eyes over Mal's reaction. Queen Mal leaned towards Mal. "Listen, sweetheart, this is how it'll work. You're gonna spend the next four years of your life snapping at all your friends about how this never happened until the day it happens, and then you'll be spinning your tires, knowing you recognize him, knowing that everything is playing out just like I said it would, and you're gonna have to accept that one day you'll be me, and that's the beginning and end of this." She closed her eyes and leaned back into her chair, picking up her soda and taking a long drink.
"I won't let it happen," Mal replied vehemently. "You might have been weak enough to slip and fall, but when I get my chance to rule and terrorize Auradon, I won't let my mother down."
"You tell yourself that sweetheart." Queen Mal replied with an eye-roll. She propped her feet up on the desk and then opened one eye to watch King Ben's dismayed expression. "And, technically, you do get to rule and terrorize Auradon. I mean, believe me, everyone freaked out and panicked when Ben asked me to marry him."
"You posted a picture that read 'Well, I guess I'm fulfilling my mom's dream after all. #fivestepsfromthekingdom."' King Ben retorted. He stood up and walked to the desk. He stood behind the chair and put his hands on her shoulders before kissing the side of her head.
"It's always fun to poke at your kingdom." Queen Mal hummed, leaning back as he ran his fingers through her trademark purple hair.
"Do you like being a queen?" Evie asked, looking up from Queen Mal's cellphone. Queen Mal wrinkled her nose.
King Ben laughed. "She doesn't like it at the moment. Sometimes it's okay, but not when she's pregnant and has to sit through meetings about ocean pollution."
"Is that today?" Queen Mal whirled around, staring at King Ben in horror. He nodded with a sympathetic look. Mal let out a groan, slumping into his chair and swigging her soda. "I'm canceling." She declared. "And I'm going to sit in the bathtub and paint with my watercolors."
"You've canceled twice." Ben shook his head. "And for actual reasons. You can't cancel a third time just because you don't want to go."
"With bubble bath. And five pounds of Epson Salts. And loud Isle music." Queen Mal continued, ignoring him shaking his head. "And strawberries. Lots and lots of strawberries. And maybe pickles, peppers, and spicy Doritos."
"After your meeting." King Ben prompted. Queen Mal let out a tortured groan. "It's only six more years." He reminded her. "And then you can focus your time on painting and wasting the country's Epson Salt reserves."
"We ought to just take up investment by purchasing the hot springs near the North Mountains." Queen Mal mumbled, pouting as she nursed her soda.
"In the grand scheme of things, it might save us more money than if we buy individual bags of salt." King Ben shrugged.
"Mal, I need you to know about strawberries." Queen Mal changed the subject, nodding to the young girl sitting alone on the left side of the room. "They are the fruit of the gods."
"That's persimmon." King Ben sighed, still running his fingers through her scalp.
"The fruit of the angels, then." Queen Mal rolled her eyes. "They're red, with small seeds in the sides, and they're absolutely heavenly. I could literally live on strawberries."
"You literally tried that when you were nineteen and we literally almost took you to the hospital." King Ben deadpanned, leaning forward to raise an eyebrow at her. He was mocking her use of the word 'literally'.
"I could literally die on strawberries." Mal rolled her eyes and wrinkled her nose at her husband. "You're going to love them. They're amazing. But, as a forewarning, when Ben asks if you want to try escargot, say no. It's a trap."
"Isn't that snail?" Evie asked, crossing her legs as she gazed in wonder at the portraits around the room. Two were of a very regal-looking Ben and Mal with crowns placed atop their heads.
King Ben and Queen Mal both nodded, the latter with green tones in her cheeks. She bent down and raffled underneath Ben's desk for a moment, and then produced a box of saltine crackers from underneath. Ben sighed. "Why are you raiding my stash? All your favorites are under your desk."
"But my desk is that way, in a different room." Queen Mal sighed, pointing to the left side of his office. "And I'm hungry now." She opened the box and withdrew a stack of crackers before offering him a few. Carlos's stomach growled. Ben took the crackers from her and passed them to Carlos before Queen Mal withdrew a second stack. Mal squinted suspiciously as Carlos opened the package.
"So, this is supposed to be a different time, right?" She asked as Carlos offered the package to both Evie and Carlos before standing and walking to her.
"It's the year 41." Queen Mal replied. "I'm thirty-seven, almost thirty-eight. I'm twenty-six years older than you."
"Is Mom still alive?" Mal asked.
"She's a lizard. I mentioned that, right? We're not really sure if she's… coherent or aging." Queen Mal shrugged. She turned the chair and put her hand into Ben's pocket, withdrawing his phone. "You're almost out of time. Want to take these with you?" She reached under the desk and pulled out a box of granola bars and a box of fruit snacks. Ben rolled his eyes and Queen Mal squinted at him. "You can steal mine." She told him. "But I'm not leaving this chair right now to go get them."
"And this all happened to you?" Mal spat. "The square and the closet of purple and marching into the King's office? You did all of this?"
Queen Mal nodded in affirmation lazily. Mal crossed her arms. "Well, I don't know what happened to you, but I'm not going to end up like you. I don't know why you'd want all this anyways."
"The food?" Queen Mal drawled sarcastically. Mal was momentarily taken aback by how similar they sounded. This prissy purple royal certainly sounded like she'd once come from the Isle. "The central heating and air conditioning? The art studio and your sweet husband and your two children?"
"The meetings and the gowns and the responsibilities?" Mal challenged. "The lack of time and space? Throwing away your mom and your roots?"
"Getting out from under mom's thumb, making all your friends happy, meeting dozens of new people?" Queen Mal rose to her feet arching her eyebrow at Mal. "And not to repeat myself or anything, but you get a best friend who knows everything about you, who you get to raise two beautiful kids with?"
"Because you're so happy to be pregnant." Mal crossed her arms. "And bloated and emotional. Nope. Not for me. Sorry, Princey, you'll have to find a new bride. Maybe Evie would enjoy the task." She gestured to her blue-haired friend, who perked up at the idea of marrying a prince.
"I like that idea." Evie hummed, and then looked back towards Queen Mal's phone in Jay's hands. "But… I also like those kids. They look just like me!"
"Check out this uniform, Mal," Jay called, flipping the screen around.
Mal held up a cross hand. "I don't want to see, Jay." Jay lowered the screen, looking a little off-put.
Ben frowned at her. "I'd forgotten how angsty you were." He commented. Queen Mal shook her head like she was embarrassed.
"Well, you'd better get used to it, King Useless. Let me ask: have you actually done anything to fix the Isle? Or is everyone still starving to death underneath that barrier?" Mal stormed over and threw her hands down on the desk. "What kind of heroes let children starve?"
King Ben poked Queen Mal's arm. "That's your first meeting tomorrow." He reminded her. She nodded sadly, and Ben turned back to Mal. "She – you – and Evie, Jay, and Carlos form the approval committee to bring new kids to Auradon and make changes to the Isle. And then I approve changes. So far we have Medicare and instacare, preparation for juvenile internment in Auradon, education, the works. If we took you to the Isle now, you wouldn't even recognize it."
A whooshing sound echoed behind them, and a hole opened up in the floor of the office behind Mal. She turned and stared at it. Evie, Jay, and Carlos stood up. "Is that… us?" Carlos asked, peering through the hole. Mal looked through. She could see Jay, Evie, and Carlos on their beds, and her in her chair, exactly as they'd been before Carlos had alerted them to the heat. Carlos's shoulders slumped. "That means we have to go back." He sighed. "Can't we stay here with you?"
"Are you crazy?" Mal barked. "Um, Carlos? Long live Evil!"
"You married the king of Auradon and shrunk your mom into a lizard." Jay pointed out. "That's almost literally the opposite of Evil."
"I will not marry him!" Mal declared, face turning red. "How dare you – how dare all of you! I'm the daughter of the evilest of them all and I'm going to be just like her! Just you watch!"
King Ben pinched the bridge between his nose, Queen Mal covered her face, and Evie, Jay, and Carlos exchanged doubtful looks. Mal balled her fists up and dared them to challenge her. King Ben cleared his throat. "As much as we'd like to have you, Carlos, we can't. For one, we have no way to keep you here. For two, you have to go so you can come back in a different time. And I promise, Carlos, I don't forget you guys."
"But what if our Ben does something different?" Jay frowned.
"He won't. He gets the same talk you guys do, without the two angsty dragons in the room." Ben assured them, smirking sideways at Queen Mal, who pouted, wrapping her hands around herself.
"Oh, well, goodbye, I guess," Carlos mumbled, glancing down into the hole worriedly.
"It's not goodbye forever," Ben assured him. "You'll see me in four years, so it's more like a 'see you later'."
"Well, see you later, then." Carlos agreed, holding out a hand for Ben to shake. Ben pulled Carlos under his arm. The two exchanged a hug and then Carlos tried to return the box of crackers to the king.
"Keep it." Ben shook his head. "I know you don't get much on the Isle yet." Carlos nodded, peered down into the hole, and jumped in. He vanished. Evie and Jay gasped, but Ben waved away their concerns. "He just went back to his body. Now, who's next?"
Evie twisted her hands and stepped forward for a hug. Ben happily obliged her. She kept her arms around his chest as long as she could and kissed him on the cheek before she turned back to the hole wearily. She jumped in and vanished.
Jay and Ben kept it simple with a fist-bump and a bro hug, and then he abruptly stepped forward and hugged Queen Mal tightly. She patted his shoulder with a smile. "It's not for a few more years, Jay. You'll be ready when the time comes."
Jay nodded, turned, and disappeared through the hole. Mal crossed her arms and glared at her counterpart and the king as they wrapped an arm each around the other.
"For the record, I don't believe a word either of you said." Mal snapped. "I know this is all just some crazy prank or scheme that Uma or Harry cooked up to try and make me weak. I know I'll never betray my mom."
Queen Mal sighed and nodded like she'd heard this a million times before. King Ben rolled his eyes. "Well, go on then." He sighed. "Go prove us wrong and let me know in…" he paused, counting in his head. "Twenty-six years how that went for you."
"It goes well." Queen Mal sniffed. "Obviously." She kissed King Ben on the cheek. Mal gagged, and King Ben snorted.
"Watching you act like that is almost like watching Colette when she's in one of her moods." He whispered.
"Except Colette is fifty times more sass and twenty percent less angst." Queen Mal sighed. Mal stamped her foot and turned on her heel, but Queen Mal put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her from leaving. "Something I want to tell you before you go." She hummed and turned the girl back around.
Queen Mal twisted her wedding ring on her finger and Mal pinched her lips as she waited for the Queen to remember the exact wording. "I know you won't start listening to this advice until you're nineteen and you figure it's too late to change anything, so just keep this in the back of your mind until then. Ben likes it when you spread your hand on his shoulder, he likes your head on his ribcage, and if you kiss his ear, you'll send him through the roof. Also, the first… five times he asks to kiss you and the first thirty times he tries, don't let him. You'll know the time is right because the stakes will be set. Got that?"
"I'm not kissing anyone." Mal scoffed. "No one is wooing me, I'm not bowing to any crown, and no one is going to get me pregnant. So, watch out, because I'm not falling for your tricks." She turned away pointedly. She heard the King and Queen both scoff before she jumped into the hole. White filled her vision, along with a loud whoosh, and she opened her eyes to light filling the hideaway as if she'd just woken up. She was stiff from the cold. Her stomach was twisting painfully, but she wasn't tired. She'd slept. It had been a dream.
A clamor arose from the side of the room. Mal sat up. Carlos was on the floor, clamoring at the boards and feeling for something. Evie and Jay sat up, looking dazed, and glanced around. Mal frowned at Carlos. "What are you doing?" She demanded.
Carlos's head snapped up and he shrunk back under the combined gazes of all his friends. "I- I was just…" he trailed off, dragging his fingertips on the floor in a vain attempt to find a groove.
"Just what?" Mal demanded. No one met her gaze and she realized – with shock – that they must have been dreaming together. He was searching for the door.
Carlos shook his head and got up slowly. "Nothing." He assured her, still not meeting her eyes. She knew he was imagining her older self, pregnant and with Ben dragging his fingers through her hair. She set her jaw. "It must have just been a dream." He mumbled.
Silence reigned in the room. Then Jay sat up and said: "No, it wasn't." He leaned to the end of his bed and picked up a box – the box of saltine crackers from under Ben's desk. Evie covered her mouth as Carlos stood, hand shaking as he reached carefully for the box. They tipped the contents out on Jay's bed, staring in shock at the pale crackers and the brightly colored box. Evie took one and bit it, testing to see if it was real – it was.
"Look!" She gasped, picking up a white card that had been left beside the box. Mal snatched it out of her hands. She was so angry that the white card looked pink. Her hand shook as she glared at the words on the card:
"Mal Bertha Fairy, Carlos De Vil, Evie Lynn Grimhilde, and Jay Marriott of the Isle of the Lost are hereby formally invited to meet with the Queen of Auradon on the Evening of May the sixteenth at the time of two o'clock for a Life Appraisal. Proper dress is not required."
Mal threw the card to the ground. "Rubbish!" She hissed. "That is all absolutely rubbish!"
Her friends stared at her. Carlos awkwardly cleared his throat. "Uh, Mal? I think a blood vessel burst in your eye."
Mal ran a hand underneath her lashes and, to her surprise, her red vision cleared. She cursed, loudly, and her friends all jumped as she flicked blood onto the flooring and pointed at them all, leaning in closely. "This is all bull crap." She said, slowly. "Auradon is lying to us, somehow. There's no way they'll ever consider us more than their untouchables and I, for one, am not going to waste my time thinking that this stupid prank is ever going to amount to anything. You really think the crown prince, who's been raised his entire life drowning in jewels and comfort, is going to care about us? You lot can think what you want about whatever… twisted vision or elaborate prank we just experienced, but don't say anything about it to me. I'm not going to let them distract me or get in my head."
She turned around and began looking for a towel or something to wipe the blood out of her eye on. Evie, Jay, and Carlos all exchanged glances. It was bizarre, for sure, but it had struck up an intense feeling of power like they hadn't felt in a long, long time. And on top of that, Mal was acting exactly as her counterpart had predicted, meaning she was likely a long ways away from the threat of being nothing like Queen Mal was. The three folded their arms and quietly picked crackers off the pile as Mal ignored them all and cleaned out her eye. Not say anything, fine. But give up on hope?
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nickki-d-k · 7 years
Trolls thing I'm writing
Ok so I've finished the first chapter of a Trolls thing I'm writing which I'm calling "Night and Day" (vague title I know), I plan on unloading it to Archive, I just haven't yet. This literally takes place right after the movie.. Like right after. Bare with me, I'm not a writer. Grammer is my enemy and words aren't good friends of mine either. Oh and it typed this on my phone so I'm now realizing the "thought italics" aren't showing up on tumblr so I apologize if some sentences don't come off as thoughts, but here's the first chapter of "Night and Day". Giggling. Yes, Branch was sure "giggling" was the appropriate word to describe the loud strange hiccup like laughs currently escaping his mouth. It's not that he'd never heard a giggle before, knowing Poppy all his life made that an impossibility. This, however, was the first time he could remember hearing himself do it. This felt foreign to him. Absurd even. But he just couldn't help it...nor did he seem to care. From high up on their elevated mushroom platform, Branch now gripped his sides as the laughter overtook him, transferring a giddy energy to his rhythmic feet as they watched their weird new moment-ruining cloud friend plummet to a fate unknown, the product of being tandem high fived out of the sky by the two trolls. He’ll be fine. He’s a cloud after all. “I still don’t get the whole socks with no shoes thing.” He smirked. Poppy looked at him quizzically, and then down in the direction the cloud guy fell, genuinely pondering the statement for a moment. “Well, if you’re up in the sky most of the time… Why would you need shoes?“ she quipped with a smirk. A quiet “Huh.” was all he could muster, a tad baffled by the unexpected logic in the joke, to which he really had no argument for. “I guess when you put it like that...” he mused, cracking a half smile. With a comforting new sense of relief and contentment, he allowed a few more precious chuckles with the newly crowned queen. What was the harm anyway? Unless Smidge dropped them of course... Naw, this is probably just another day at the gym for her. He could let his guard down, for once. They were safe from the Bergens. … For now. he allowed the troubled thought, but only for a moment, he was too preoccupied by his current reality to let his old survivalist paranoia fully take hold, all while blissfully unaware that their laughter was shifting dangerously close to silence. Too close. Too late. They were alone again. Holy hair, how long can Smidge keep this up? This is craz… wait. Why is it so quiet...? Uh oh… Oh no-oh no-oh-oh no!! Uh-uh-uh.. C’mon Say something to her, sticks for brains! Ugh! You’ve only spent THE LAST FEW DAYS ALONE WITH HER and had no problem talking to her then. Aaaaahhhh... While Branch’s mind was about to spontaneously combust, it was Poppy who finally broke the prolonged silence. “I can’t believe I finally got to hear your laugh.” she paused, smiling off in the distance before turning to meet his gaze. “You have a nice one.” She concluded. Letting those electric candy eyes linger on serene sky ones for a moment. I do?... She thinks- His eyes widened in shock, his mouth tightened. Heat engulfed him as the dark violet blush that flooded his face suddenly, seemed to set off the few glittering freckles he had, like a chain reaction of tiny firecrackers across his cheeks. Well now you have to say something. Tourmaline eyes came back for another visit, paralyzing his in the process. Silence. This is weird. I don’t like this. UGH… Just say it. He took a moment and swallowed. “I can’t take all the credit, I learned from the best.” He said, holding her gaze. Then, immediately elbowing her to drive his point home, followed by that sarcastic smirk, that could only belong to Branch. “Awwww! That’s so sweet.” she exclaimed briefly, before regaining her composure. “but nice try!” She shot up an eyebrow. “You can’t just teach someone how to laugh... It’s just something that’s already inside them.” she said, reaching up to ruffle the front part of his recently taller, not to mention more colorful, hair. The sudden sensation of fingers through his locks, and momentarily touching his scalp, caused Branch to freeze. Does she like my hair? He beamed, cheeks darkening a bit more at the thought. Nah, she’s probably just as weirded out by it as I am. He scoffed. Maybe she’s checking to see if it’s real. He got his bearings again. “Well, either way, it wouldn’t be possible… w-without you.” He managed, eyes darting away from her, sheepishly looking off in the distance, before eventually finding the courage to turn back to her again. The pink fire in her eyes still blazing. I wonder if I should... Does she want me to… “Wow.” she said, sounding truly in awe. “Hmm?” he put his previous thought away, wondering and fearing how this moment could get any more perfect. “I just can’t wrap my hair around it,” she started, eyes on his, and yet somewhere off in ‘cupcakes and rainbows’ land as well. “It’s all just so… surreal I guess.” He listened intently, a patient, albeit perplexed look on his face as she continued. “Like wow!... You’re just soooo genuinely nice, and I just… I just can’t believe, I-I mean… after all this time…” She leaned a bit into his space, causing him to flinch slightly. What’s.. happening?! Is she- “that you’d end up being…” her cheeks flushed, and she gently took his hand, pulling him even closer. Branch’s eyes widened. OH MY GAH!! Poppy’s smile grew wider “… like the greatest friend I could ever have!!” she all but yelled before pulling him into a bone crushing, and almost as equally, soul crushing bear hug. His breath was lost… for more reasons than one, maybe forever for all he knew. Friend. The moment it took for Branch to pick up the pieces of his heart, felt like an eternity, but eventually, he slowly brought his arms up returning the hug, with understandably less enthusiasm and strength than his captor. A single word relentlessly looping in his head. “I... uh.. I.. yeah.” he cleared his throat, brushing it off as best he could. “W-who’d have thought?” he let out a small, strained laugh, doing his best to hide the fact that it was completely forced. …Too good to be true… friend… of course just friends. … Stupid. How could you be so STUPID? Why in the world would you think you’d be something more? No! You don’t deserve that… her.. not after how you’ve treated her, what you've done. Hugs and pretty new colors don’t right all those wrongs. This... this is for the best. You’d probably end up hurting her somehow. You’re cursed. He steeled, bracing himself for whatever this new hell had to offer. Wanting desperately to just get as far away as possible, but… she was so close to him now, and he found it impossible to pull away. Not just yet. Hell can wait. For the moment, he brought his queen closer, hugged a little tighter, savoring paradise for as long as he could. Defying inevitability, if only for now. Being so close allowed Branch an opportunity he did not pass up. With great stealth, he turned his head toward hers, his nose nestling in magenta hair before greedily inhaling her scent. Whether or not she noticed this, she made no mention. Why does she have to smell so good? Like, if roses were candy… “This is nice.” Poppy hummed and squeezed tighter. You have no idea. “Seeeee, Hugs aren’t so bad.” she teased, eventually breaking the hug, much to his dismay. “Heh, I never said they were.” he said flatly. She deadpanned. Well, as best she could anyway, that smile always betrayed her. “Well you suuure fooled me.” She sassed, unconvinced. His ears started to droop a bit with guilt. She has a point. “It’s uh.. it’s just hard to explain.” He sighed, unable to come up with any other words to help him out. Her expression softened. “Weeell.. maybe you can try explaining it me sometime.” She offered, earning a smile from him. “Besides, it’s not like you can go running off to your bunker like always, not at the moment anyway.” She pointed out. Realization widened Branch’s eyes. Oh. Yeah. He paled, fear, panic and anxiety threatening to rear their ugly heads. His old friends. Always interrupting his life like uninvited guests. He wondered if he’d ever be rid of them. Probably not. One thing was certain though: He had to get outta here!! His gaze traveled downward and landed on the giant mushroom on which they stood, absentmindedly tracing it’s colorful designs with his eyes. A troll, momentarily forgotten, now resurfacing in his thoughts. Smidge. “Y-yeah.” He fretted, scratching the back of his head. “You know, Smidge is probably starting to get tired.” He deflected “Plus I’m getting kinda dizzy, I think it’s time to head down.. bud.” Did I just call her bud? “Y-uh.. Yeah! I mean this is Smidge we’re talkin' about here.. but yeah, we should probably go back.” She agreed, the slightest hint of reluctance in her voice. She stared at him for a moment, a playful smirk stretching across her face. “What?” he questioned, confused. “Are you suuure you didn’t think hugs were bad? Cuz you use to duck ‘em like they were poisonous snakes.” she smirked. “Like, there were times when we’d pretend to be like.. a Frankenstein version of you, runnin' around shouting ‘HUGS BAD!’ grrrr ‘SINGING, DANCING BAD!’ grrr.” She finished in her best monster voice to emphasize the joke. “Geeee… good to know.” he huffed, rolling his eyes, that familiar sarcastic edge to his words. Poppy’s smile faltered, filling Branch with instant regret. “Branch, I’m sorry!” she blurted out. “I didn’t mean-“ “No.. I get it.” he interrupted. “I know what I am… Was... Whatever.” he sighed. “Alright, brace yourself.” he advised suddenly before loudly stomping down on the mushroom platform three times, figuring that was the best to alert Smidge to start lowering them. He wondered why she even bothered with the gesture in the first place, it’s not like they needed alone time. Why did she do it? She couldn’t be as blind as him.. right? Poppy just stood there, seemingly ignoring his instructions. A sympathetic look on her face. “Branch, don’t be so hard on yourself.” she comforted, lightly placing her hand on his arm. He pulled up a confident smile for her sake. “It's cool, I’m fine.” He lied. “WOA- AHH!” he yelped as the platform jerked abruptly, unsteadying them. Instinctively, he grabbed her hand. “Poppy, you okay?” he asked, crouching a bit as the platform started lowering slowly. “All good here! Smidge does this sort of thing a lot.” she laughed. He chuckled in agreement, postponing the arduous task of trying to piece his life back together after losing everything. Again. ‘GRANDMAAAAA!!!’ ‘BRAAAAACNH!!!’ He winced as voices from his past taunted him. Ghosts haunting his mind. Luckily her sugared voice snapped him out of it. “Hey, so.. uh, being that we’re trolls and all… there’s probably gonna be a party tonight, or some form of celebration...” she hinted. “Riiight…” he drawled out, confused. “Weeell.. are you gonna come to this one?” she pleaded. He arched an eyebrow, “I suppooose... if it would please ‘Her Majesty’.” he smirked. Poppy grimaced, her adorable features scrunching up in disgust. “OOOH NO! NOPE-NOPE-NOPE! I am puttin' a stop to that RIGHT NOW!” she threatened as Branch snorted at her lack of an assertive tone. “And yes,” she composed herself. “yes it would please me.” she admitted. “Then I’ll be there.” he returned, with a wink. She stared dumbfounded for a second before shrieking with joy, causing him to cup his sensitive ears. Ugh. This was going to be a looong night. The platform jerked again suddenly as the speed increased, causing Poppy to stumble completely… only to land in Branch’s already prepared arms. She looked up, surprised eyes meeting each other. Or was it? Yeah, maybe it wouldn’t sooo bad, he considered as his arms were suddenly cradling the pink queen. It was a nice feeling. That is until that stupid platform jerked once more. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed as they plummeted due to the downward speed rapidly picking up in pace. Poppy seemed to be taking it with a little more grace than him as they held on to the edges… and each other, trying to endure the rest of their.. now very direct route back to the ground. “DAAAAAMMIIIT SMIIIIIIIIIDGE!!” he yelled, he was gonna be sick. Please don’t throw up on Poppy. Please don’t throw up on Poppy. Please don’t throw up on Poppy.
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