#sorry about weird formatting im on mobile!
hydeomonster · 5 months
Ethoslab/Joel | Smallishbeans, Joel centric, Etho centric, Pirates Au, strangers to friends to lovers, Godblings (Joel and pearl are siblings), boats, running away, written for @hermitshippingbigbang 2023!
Joel dreams for a bigger life than Boatwright can offer him. When he meets Etho, and a spark comes to life in between them, Joel knows better than to let go.
Something lights up in Joel, a faint fire begging to be rekindled to life; a hope that maybe somebody understands this longing, this immeasurable yearning for a *home* when you're already there.
"Have you ever thought about... about leaving Boatwright?"
He asks Etho that dreadful question, not expecting it would change not only theirs, but the lives of friends – old and new, as they join them in their attempt to run away from their long-dead town.
First chapter of my FIRST hsbb fic out now!!
you wanna read it so baaad oooh you wanna leave a comment oooh!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hello how are you :3? I was wondering if you could write E.J., Hoodie, and Masky with a s/o that has a lot of scars? (Toby too but platonic for him) I’m not sure how many people we can request so if it’s too many just Hoodie? I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and thank you!
Various!Creepypastas w/ a scarred!reader
waaaah im so sorry for not seeing this sooner! i didnt recieve a notification for this ask!! really theres no limit to how many characters you can send in! i think my personal max varies from prompt to prompt!! mix of how they approach the concept of a scarred lover (friend in tobys case) with some hints of fluff! cause of scars will be vague as admittedly i didnt know if you meant general scars or SH! side note i hope this posts right! im writing this on my computer, im used to mobile!! + apologies for any weird wording or typos, im listening to music and im getting hyped!! not proof read we die like my spiderverse brainrot
Includes: Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Masky and Platonic!Toby!
CWs: touch and go talk of potential past trauma, body image issues, vague mentions of SH(?) in EJs part + Toby's parts
admittedly admin doesnt know if its technically SH due to the nature and motiv but personally id still count it as such and tag it as such
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Eyeless Jack;
he gets it, he really does. the basic run down of my hc/take on ej is that he wasnt always some flesh eating monster; just some dude who got caught up in some bad stuff
so naturally, he doesnt... really vibe well with the concept of eating human flesh, which can lead to a few... instances. from intentionally to accidentally harming himself while hes lost in his instincts
so hes no stranger to being a little roughed up around the edges
but hes a stranger to comforting; he'll likely approach it from a logical side before trying anything else. "you've been hurt," before going on a small tangent about the formation of scars. hes not the most... emotionally... good... available... person
so youre going to need to lay out the general basis for what you need for basic comfort, on days where your scars become an issue; be is needing comfort or a distraction. it may take him a while, but hell eventually start to pick up on cues and hints as your relationship develops
otherwise hes very neutral about them, again approaching them with a blunt view; seeing it as neither good nor bad. he doesnt draw attention to them, but he doesnt act like theyre gross
really just. vibing with it, doesnt make a huge deal of it since he feels he doesnt have any place to judge, nor does he feel its his business to pry for information
solid 6/10 imo, hell comfort you if you express that you need it but hell likely not go out of his way to do it
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Soft touches, he almost does it before he has your permission to touch you
naturally he has his own fair share of scars from various.. activities
really im still all jumbled up with how i wanna write him and masky; not sure if i want to make them like how they are in their MH source or lean into the proxy thing that was prominent in the early days of the fandom... lowkey leaning into the proxy thing for this post because im more... versed..? in that, but anyhow
hes more upfront and compassionate than eyeless jack, in fact hes probably the most caring out of the four in todays post... maybe thats because i read one (1) fic years back that changed my entire approach to his character but! yeah
subconsciously trails his hands on them when the two of you are holding one another; something gentle and intimate, not too obnoxious to make you self conscious, but not careful enough to go unnoticed
i view hoodie, and by extension brian if i end up considering him and tim fully seperate from their 'proxy' parts, as a very tactile person
true to the popular fanon interpretation, hoodie doesnt speak much. but that only makes him a better listener, so on days where things get hard, hell let you talk his ears off with anything thats bothering you. very rarely, hell speak up and offer some words of advice, most times hell inch closer to grasp you. though it does get awkward since most the time hes just. blankly staring at you silently without emoting or saying a word
overall? personally hes a 7/10 for me, i would rank him higher if he were more verbal, but thats just because admin has an easier time venting if its a two way convo; but overall hell make sure that your scars dont effect your worth
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very similarly to hoodie, masky also has his own set of scars for the same reasons
he probably starts pointing out his own scars to you and mumbles about where they came from if he knows their origins
this doesnt mean "oh hes invalidating your experiences and hes trying to make it about himself," but more so "hes showing that he really does get it and he doesnt mean to talk over you"
much like EJ he approaches scars with a very blunt and upfront mindset, but to a lesser extent. he admits that whatever led up to the tissue forming, it hurt. emotionally and physically, and hes not going to deny that simple fact. hell listen to you, have a conversation with you about it, and try to help you through whatever you may be currently going through regardless of if youre injury is relevant.
or at least, thats what hes trying to do.
hes still has his own personal issues regarding going about his own problems in a healthy manner but hey thats something for another post; maybe, if i remember
honestly this post doesnt have enough fluff imo, and i can kinda see masky doing this, but imagine he boops his mask against your scars in a mockery of a kiss (doesnt take off his mask often, in fact youll probably never ever see him without it on), i can see jack doing this too tbh
thoughts? 8/10, gets the bonus points for being less awkward to rant to imo, plus i think asides ej, i think i have a bias for masky for the simple fact i had the fattest crush on him when i was in middle school
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okay! this one is going to be interesting for one main reason! i actually havent touched tobys character in YEARS! so hes probably going to have the shorter list... obligatory i havent built any solid hcs for him past what was going on in the fandom in the 2010s, before toby briefly became a mild discomfort... but we're back in business baby!! (^^ dont feel bad for requesting for toby btw! hes no longer a discomfort, and if i didnt want to write for him i wouldnt be including him right here!!)
obviously we cant talk about his part without talking about his cheek. and other, similar hcs. while i dont think most of the self inflicted marks on his body were from a place of.. for lack of better words, darkness; it doesnt change the fact he still has them. i think a lot of them are from the fact he cant feel anything; accidental burns, gnawing through his cheek, digging his fingers deep into himself. really i could go into detail, but due to the aforementioned fact that my take on him isnt as developed as other characters + i really dont think its appropriate for this post (or really, anywhere on this account,), ill stop there
while he cant relate to the physical pain of what caused your scars, he can sympathize through your feelings. do you feel sorrow, or anger to whoever hurt you? hell be getting worked up right with you, because to him youre one of his closest friends
i feel like he doesnt talk much about his past, regarding his family. but hed tell you, and you can sure as hell bet that hell do his absolute damndest to grant you the same feeling of security.
hell probably touch and prod without truly meaning any harm, but thats because he can have problems with boundaries, but hell listen if you sit him down and tell him it makes you uncomfortable if it does
more so emotional than outwardly... supportive? idk the words, but hes very empathetic with you and tries to relate to you through emotion rather than feeling what you felt. honestly? kinda based for that, but maybe thats because i dont see feelings about this topic being touched on, usually its straight up about how the scar makes the person look or the physical trauma they had gone through, but idk, maybe thats just a me thing
he can be an asshole at times but hell usually backtrack and cool off somewhere else if you call him out on it imo
not sure if its because as im LITERALLY investigating his characteristics and interpretations as we speak, but i think im starting to relate to him so ER-OH!
anyways, i wish i could make his segment more... in tune with the characters above but its probably going to take me a while until im comfortable with how i portray this dude, which sucks because as a kid he was probably one of my favorites
i dont think im going to give toby a rating like the others; since i dont think i can accurate rate him due to the lack of proper concrete ideas outside of him being empathetic to your emotional pain since he cant relate on how much it hurt
im gonna end this here since im starting to sound like a broken record on tobys part so!
i hope you enjoyed this! characterization may be a little off but i blame that mostly on the fact that i kinda fell out of the loop in regards for writing for these guys (that damn spider movie! the brainrot threw me off my creepypasta grind!/j) but its good to be back writing for this fandom! it was a fun little brain exercise trying to figure out each character goes about this kind of thing without making them all the same!! with that being said, im going to go listen to an audio reading of tobys story so i can regrounded in his character and hopefully do him some justice in the future!
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vintagealloy925 · 1 year
nerd!reiner - gn reader
this is a lot of word vomit and im so sorry lol. this is probably crap but i cannot stop thinking about reiner being so smart and so sweet yet so, so dumb. i need this man to be real rn. also if this formatting is weird, pls let me know. im used to using mobile and would love advice on making this look good. thx! pt.2 is here!
been thinking about reiner as a nerd
nerd!reiner has never had a girlfriend. sure he’s had crushes and even tried asking a few out, but no one ever said yes. he was still lanky and awkward as a teenager and didn’t start to fill out until college. so he doesn’t really try anymore and just admires people from afar.
so when he sees you in his biology lab, he is immediately smitten. and of course you two are assigned as lab partners and dude is freaking out! the most attractive person he has ever seen is going to work alongside him every mwf for three hours. my guy almost drops his pencil and the forceps he’s using when you accidentally bump into him. the blush on his face when you ask for his number is so bright, but its just for exchanging notes, right?
one friday, after lab is over, you start asking him about his major (biomedical engineering), what he wants to do with it (create new tech for earlier cancer detection), and other general stuff. its the first time a person other than his best friend has wanted to know things about him. next thing he realizes, he’s standing outside your dorm with you batting your eyes asking him to come in. i mean, how could he say no?
and how could you resist him? he’s so tall, 6′3 with golden eyes hidden behind his rectangle glasses. you’re not sure if he realizes how many girls stare at him. oh how you longed to run your fingers through his blonde hair and dig your fingernails into his back. those t shirts he wears to lab do nothing to hide his long hours in the gym.
but he enters your room and doesn’t know what to do. you get up on your bed and ask if he wants to watch a movie, but he cant move. ‘what is happening’, he thinks. what if you try to kiss him? what if you want even more after that? he can’t give that to you, he doesn’t know how. 
so he just turns around and leaves.
bertholdt, annie, pieck, and porco are yelling at him that night to text you and apologize. they explain that his actions likely hurt your feelings and now he feels even worse than he did before. like after they leave his room, he starts to tear up and keeps telling himself that this is why people aren’t attracted to him.
so when he gets a text from you, he’s confused. why are you apologizing? you did nothing wrong. he swears. he can only imagine you crying because of his actions. he’s the asshole. he’s the problem. it is all his fault.
you were crying. you felt so bad for crossing any boundaries
he responds and tells you that you did nothing wrong, he should have said something before leaving, and that he was sorry.
monday’s lab was really awkward. his voice broke when he asked you to even the scale. your hands were shaking when you handed him his gloves. reiner stayed behind to clean up and the professor asked what happened between the two of you. they didn’t care of course, just like should you guys get new partners.
reiner almost screamed out a no. he didn’t want a new partner, he wanted things to go back to the way they were. he wanted you. he needed you.
so this is really long and if anyone wants anymore let me know cause i could go on forever lmao.
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mousegirlheart · 8 months
hey sorry to appear so randomly like this but was just reminded about canes/you have experience with them? I was wondering if it would it be ok to ask about advice for getting one? If not it's completely understandable and I wish for the best for you and yours, thank you for your time.
Ignore below if no. idk how else to format these
If you are ok with it here's just some basic context, I've recently been really looking to find or make a mobility aid that I could strap to my arm and is collapsible, but am pretty lost with how to find the parts or organizations so on. I don't have a lot of connections or support close to home, neither much if any medical insurance. I do have a safe environment to live in and transportation which is nice. I can't think of too much else for this that's important? again thank you so much for your time and being here in general.
sure, im happy to help. if you think cane would help you walk more comfortably and reduce pain, you should definitely get one! they're not that expensive, the ones I use were $30 AUD, about $20 US. You can find them at pretty much any pharmacy, you just gotta shop around for one you like. Take note of materials (my first cane had a weird soft silicone handle that would friction burn my fingers), how sturdy it is (you dont want the collapsing sections to rattle a ton), how comfortable the grip is, find one good for your hand. some of them also have a wrist strap attached in case you're worried about dropping it. you also need to make sure it can adjust to the right height, the handle by your wrist if your arms were fully by your side
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you should also make sure the grip is ergonomic. a poorly shaped grip can make things worse. for example, c shaped canes can cause problems in your hand. this is mine, im pretty happy with it.
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you could try shopping online for one if getting to a pharmacy is difficult for you, but then you're rolling the dice on some of the things you'd normally check in person. i bought a purple cane off amazon cos i love purple but it rattled too much to be trustworthy, so i stuck with my black one
i hope this helps, and feel free to ask more if you need.
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chaoscriess · 2 years
Hi there! I just found your fanfics and fell in love with your writing!! Could you do poly Stu x Billy x fem!reader with the prompts 1, 10, and 53? I get really bad nightmares and I would love some comfort from my two favorite characters.
STOP i just looked at your blog and i absolutely love it!!!! I have such a big thing for Halloween and I got so excited when I saw ur countdown ahhhhhfjdhsnsfuoej do I have a fix that's supposed to be released before this one? yeah but I just couldn't help it I love you.
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒! 1. 10. 53.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! nightmares, mentions of being stabbed by ghostface in the nightmare, nothing else really, it's so fluffy
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. this one is kinda weird, like its basically half HCs and half fic, very busy lately
poly!stu x fem!reader x billy
you were at your friend stu's house, joined by your other friend billy. you'd had a crush on them both for a while, but you never acted on it because you couldn't decide which one you wanted more.
when billy and stu got together, you thought your life was over, and that you didnt have a chance with either of them
spoiler alert, you were wrong
anyways, you were on the couch, half asleep but trying to focus on the movie that was playing in front of you
it wasnt working
pretty soon, you were fast asleep
you were dreaming, but it definitely wasnt a good dream
you were being chased by ghostface and stabbed over and over again, and your face scrunched up in your sleep and you kept turning
stu saw this and elbowed billy softly, whispering, "what should we do? I think she's having a nightmare"
billy contemplated his options, his brows furrowed, and he came to a decision
he scooted closer to you before gently shaking you awake.
you sat up quickly with a scream, gasping for air
billy and stu quickly became concerned, both of them putting a hand on your shoulder or knee
"hey, hey, hey, its alright, I'm right here" billy spoke quietly and slowly, making his presence known to you. you were still breathing quickly, terrified, and you didnt notice either of the boys until then. you switched your eyes between the two, before pulling them both into a tight hug. you pulled away as tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill. you looked down as they poured out, not wanting them to see you so vulnerable.
stu reached out and gently lifted your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him. he asked if you were okay, but you could barely hear him over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears and your loud, laboured breathing.
shit, were you having a panic attack? fuck, in front of the guys you were in love with, too. stu noticed your panicked state and pulled you into a hug with the side of your face pressed to his chest and you held eye contact with billy. you immediately took in stu's cologne and somehow it calmed you down a bit, but your breathing was still quick and ragged. "hear my heartbeat? just focus on that". you did as told, counting the beats you could hear. it helped quite a bit and after a few minutes, your breathing was back to normal.
billy took your hand in his and you looked up at stu, smiling at him. you let out a quiet 'thank you both, I'm sorry' and they looked at you like you were crazy. "y/n, you have nothing to be sorry about, none of that was your fault". you looked at billy as he spoke and then looked down, you felt like a burden. he tugged on your hand, pulling you away from stu and closer to him.
billy pressed his lips to yours for a second before pulling away. stu turned your head to face him, and he kissed you, longer than billy had, and he spoke once he pulled away. "shit, I've been waiting to do that for so long". you giggled at stu's words and looked down in embarrassment. billy chuckled at your shy behavior before speaking. "hey, you know what? we'd make a cute couple."
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ratwars · 11 months
Who do you think is the deepest character in diabolik lovers and whyyyyyy :3 (sorry if this is weird btw :,))
Tomà out here activating my dialovers derangement syndrome 🥲 ty ty ty also sry sry sry in advance 🙏💜
Minors dni with this post
This is not weird omg no one ever asks me about dialovers you need to understand I was into VNs including otome before I was into any anime (including bsd) and diabolik lovers is my longest term obsession that isn't music 💜🙏 This is mostly going to involve things from the games (because the anime was basically silly fanservice that barely scratches the surface for anyone) but I'll leave out drama cd stuff because I would actually need to go refresh myself on those.
Absolute novel under the cut sorry. also cw noncon, cw dubcon, cw abuse, cw csa, cw suicide, cw matricide
Anyone not familiar with the series who decides to continue pls be aware of these warnings and take care of yourself. Also pls understand everything I say is in terms of the series and setting. Absolutely nothing that happens in these games would make any of these characters redeemable irl. This is fiction and a trashfire Do-S fetish franchise. Trauma doesn't excuse abuse. I don't condone any of the bad behavior from this series irl. (Sorry since this isn't my sideblog I feel I need to explain this so ppl don't come at me thinking I'm excusing stuff for reals with this little analysis)
Also this is probably going to have spelling mistakes and horrific formatting because I wrote it on mobile so my bad on that too.
This was so hard to answer because so many of them have serious trauma, maladaptive coping mechanisms, and large amounts of growth throughout the various sequels. I think you could make the logical argument of depth for every single character. The Sakamaki triplets are def the most tragic of the first two games in this regard though (maybe only rivaled by the Tsukinami brothers once we get to Dark Fate because of the whole being the sole survivors of genocide thing)
But as a whole I think Carla and Shin deal with their predicaments in a more outwardly focused manner (which makes sense given their stories and roles as antagonists in their debut game) so I don't think I could objectively call them the deepest esp Carla even though he is my fave.
So out of the Sakamaki triplets I am going to go with Laito. Shocking I know because I have said before he is the one I am the most terrified of. But hear me out.
(I'm using HBD (haunted dark bridal) to refer to the first game, and MB (more blood) to refer to the second game going forward)
His first route in hdb is a stomach twisting mess of isolation, noncon, gaslighting and victim blaming. It is also the only route in that game where Yui tries to kill herself, which imo is really notable. Tbh the first time I played it I was so deeply uncomfortable I didn't really give his character a lot of thought. During replays and some of his drama cds though it def changed my perspective of him (in terms of the deepness of his character, not my dislike of him)
Here are my arguments in topical format because I don't really want to go through and do the research needed to refresh myself and make this chronological. Also if I am mistaken with anything I've paraphrased my bad it's because this isn't a real essay more of a rant that you might regret reading lol.
- Cordelia
We can't go into the rest of my arguments without the facts. He was groomed by his mother and experienced a childhood of CSA at her hands. And he is absolutely confused and suffering when he has his flashbacks. Yes he kills her with the other two triplets, but that didn't actually solve anything for him internally, and I think it is a pretty clear-cut argument that his negative traits and behaviors can be linked back to his unresolved trauma from this. He even says it himself too when he tries to project onto Yui and claim her hatred for him must be the same as his for Cordelia (though unnamed in his quote im pretty sure) that a hatred can run so deep that even killing the person won't relieve the burning. The other ironic part of this is that in the dialovers universe it is explained multiple times that the highest act of love for a vampire is murder. So. Every LI (Reiji, Laito, Ayato, Kanato) that committed matricide out of their hatred probably has some deeper more complex feelings going on than that. (You could also argue maybe a similar thing about Carla and patricide as well though he is Founder/First Blood not vampire. But he is more open about his reasoning and feelings around his parents and why he did what he did imo)
- His disdain of purity (plot twist. It's jealousy).
We repeatedly see him mock both Yui's purity and religiosity. He is arguably the worst out of all of the LIs when it comes to this topic, and hits this point right out the gate when he assaults her in the abandoned church. It is simultaneously a logical and also weird choice on his part to continue on with when you realize how unwavering her faith actually is, and if you do other routes before this one you are already coming in realizing no matter how much she "breaks", "changes", or "gives in" in other ways, she never actually abandons her faith completely even in future games when she is living quite literally in the demon world. Even in routes where she becomes a vampire she doesn't eschew God. However it is canon that she is a devout Catholic and that she originally wanted to be a nun (before the events of the game screw that up for her), so it is still relevant.
While it may have started as a way to try and break her down, it really becomes more and more clear through his routes that like a bunch of his other behaviors, he is projecting his own struggles onto Yui.
He is jealous of her purity, so he attacks it. He is jealous of her faith, so he attacks it. He is jealous of her unwavering belief in goodness and in humanity, so he just. keeps. attacking. it. Because seeing it exist in front of him hurts, but especially early on he isn't aware of his own emotions or why he acts the way he does. So many things in his routes and his monologues highlight the fact that Laito views himself as permanently dirtied by his past, and this behavior is tied to that.
- His inability to identify his feelings from his fake front and his use of sex to maladaptively deal with his trauma.
** I wrote way too much on this and decide nvm I think even if someone has only seen the anime his hypersexuality probably speaks for itself. Plus this is getting so long 😔**
-His lack of control in MB and "forced" behavior. His confusion over his own tears near the end of HDB.
There are various instances (esp in MB where his characterization is wildly different and desperate compared to HDB) where we see his mask start to crack, or realize that his mask wasn't actually very good to begin with and the exhaustion from the continous abuse in his routes has caused both Yui (and us as the reader) to fall for his bullshit more easily. He plays the part of a pervert, but Shu (who arguably is a massive pervert) calls him out in MB for being a phony. His behavior in MB makes him come across as desperate and out of control, as opposed to his calculated sadism in HDB. This all comes back to his inner turmoil, unresolved feelings, and trauma and we slowly unpeal those layers through the rest of the series.
I think at baseline it is really easy to dismiss Laito. I did from the beginning too. Plus he never stops calling Yui Bitch-chan no matter how many sequels he gets 🤦‍♂️ But that is just falling for his fake front, exactly what he wants you to do because then he can just keep carrying on without dealing with his bs and let off steam temporarily in the process. But under the surface there is a lot more going on. And he definitely is a character that has an insane amount of depth.
Sorry for the multi part novel. I don't even like him as an LI even in this series. But for a series with so many inconsistencies, retcons across games, and questionable writing choices, they did a good job with his character. I just need him to stay far away from both me and Yui 🥲 Imagine if you had asked me something that prompted me to talk about my faves 💀💀💀
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ophidianoccultist · 11 months
Tom Riddle x F!Reader
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hi this is my first time writing for tumblr, and im starting off with a whopper. i dont know what all the trigger warnings are supposed to be but i tried my best to be accomodating. also my ass did NOT research but hopefully my memory should suffice and i did my best to keep characters and stuff accurate or at least adjacent. im on mobile btw so im sorry if any formatting is weird but yeah, this one is uh...pretty dark so yeah, hope you enjoy :)
TW: smut, oral (m receiving), master/slave dynamic, bloodlust, bodily harm, very very kinky Tom
PROMPT: This takes place in the infancy of his rise to becoming the Dark Lord. Y/N has been the only one to manage to get somewhat close to Tom, being his first real devoted follower, but does he really love her or is she simply a tool for power and pleasure?
Word count: 1.8k
The stone floor was cold and dry, just like the rest of the manor that had been the base of operations for Tom Riddle, or as his followers know him, Lord Voldemort. The only warmth in the room came from the hearth, which bathed the room in an eerie, orange glow. The light of a fireplace would usually be calming and comforting; yet when juxtaposed with the topic being discussed with the Dark Lord and a table full of his followers, it was as if it filled the room with an ironic coldness.
The table that stood starkly in the middle of the room sat only around ten people. Some belonged to the Black and Malfoy families, as they had the power, wealth, and influence to help spread the message of their uprising. The rest, however, were friends that Tom had made during his time at Hogwarts. He had promised them glory and power should they choose to side with him. And he had the power of the Blacks and Malfoys at his side, so why would they ever question him?
"Remember what we have discussed today, and we shall put our plan into action. This will take much care and caution to execute, lest we wish to be exposed and our movement snuffed out. You may go, and I will call upon you again when need be."
The voice of the Dark Lord reverberated throughout the room, cold and authoritative. With every word that came from his lips, it felt to his followers that he was speaking snakes into existence, coiling around their throats and threatening to squeeze if they so much as spoke a word out of turn. Tom Riddle was a handsome man, with curly, jet black hair that he made sure was always neatly maintained. His brown eyes always seemed to see right through people as if they were ghosts (and depending on who he's looking at, they soon would be). The way he carried himself and strode about the halls with his head high simply screamed that he was entirely fit to be a Dark Lord. The very perception of him was perfect, like someone you would see in a painted portrait hanging in the hall of a lavish castle.
But of course, those thoughts stayed in Y/N's mind as the occupants of the table stood and made their way to the hearth to take the floo network back to wherever they needed to be. The floo flame now bathed the room in a green hue as the Death Eaters made their exit, while the Dark Lord remained seated at the head of the table with his most faithful servant at his side.
On her knees, at his side, as he preferred. Y/N was his queen, yes, but he also still saw her as his inferior. This was commonplace at these meetings; Y/N on her knees at his side as the Dark Lord gave his orders, her head and arms draped across his lap, and a collar around her throat. The leash, of which, he kept a firm hold of. It was all a display of power and of status, complete ownership of another living soul. She had been the first one to bear the Dark Mark on her forearm, and with that, comes special treatment. Y/N was permitted the place as his right hand, able to give orders so long that they do not undermine his own. She was also given the privilege of warming his bed and knowing just enough of his plans and secrets to make her feel special and more complicit in his plots. Little pieces, crumbs of information to make her feel like she was his most trusted confidant.
As the last of the Death Eaters disappeared into the emerald flames, the Dark Lord pulled Y/N to her feet by the leash he always kept a tight hold on. Now that they were alone, he was free to slip on his other mask: the mask of the lover. Now, he was simply Tom.
"Come now, my dear, let us retreat to my chambers for the night. You look exhausted, and I don't say I blame you. Listening to that lot blabbering on about their imbecilic ideas exhausts me as well, at times."
"Of course, my Lord."
Y/N knew exactly what he was implying, as it had become a nightly occurrence. Tom would want to be pleasured by her and, to his credit, he would pay the favor back in kind. He opened the door to his chambers, which were always kept spotless and neat. The emerald blankets that adorned his bed were crisply tucked in and smooth, and there was scarcely a drop of wax on the nightstands on either side from the lit candlesticks. But Tom took a seat on the side of the bed regardless, though Y/N swore she saw his eye twitch as he saw the sheets crease underneath the weight of him. He gave a sharp tug of the leash, pulling her closer to him, and almost making her stumble.
He did not have to tell her twice. She had learned the heard way that it was unwise to make him tell her twice. Y/N dropped to her knees in front of him, patiently awaiting orders. This was what life was like for her now, and she was perfectly happy with it. When it came down to it, she was still Tom's queen, and truly the one that he respected most. The thought gave her warmth as he thoroughly debased and degraded her every night after the business of the day had been dealt with. All of his frustrations, his tension, his stress, it all went into her. His queen, his pet, his slave.
"You know what to do."
Tom said flatly, in the sardonic and authoritative tone that always coated his words. And as Tom ordered, Y/N did. Her hands moved to unbutton and unzip his trousers, pulling the fabric of that and his undergarments down only enough to free his member, which stood proudly at attention just as the rest of him did every day. That was the only degree to which Y/N was allowed to undress him; Tom had always preferred to do any undressing himself, if he even did at all. But something about witnessing how eagerly and desperately his queen wished to free his cock from its cloth prison aroused him, so he had kindly allowed her that privilege.
Y/N's tongue ran up the underside of his length and swirled around his tip before her lips wrapped around it and moved back and forth. Tom was an impatient man, and did not like to be teased or kept waiting. Soon enough, his hand was tangled in her hair, almost as if he was petting her, before grabbing a tight fistful of it and forcing himself further down her throat. This meeting had been particularly grating, and he needed a release now. He moved the head of his lover back and forth on his cock, reveling in the feeling of her hot, slimy throat clenching around him. Y/N would never get a single moan out of Tom; only heavy and labored breaths, if she was lucky.
Soon, he felt he was on the edge of his release, and his hips bucked a little to fuck the throat of his queen. His queen, no one else's. Y/N was his property, his object, and no one would be able to take her from him. Tom let out a long sigh as he spilled his seed down Y/N's throat, which he had sheathed himself fully into, and with her dutifully swallowing every drop. After it was finished, Tom released his hold on her hair and allowed her to pull back and breathe for a moment.
"Tonight is going to be a little different, my pet. Strip completely and lay down on the bed."
"Yes, my lord. How will tonight be different, though?"
"Do not question me, you shall see soon enough."
Tom commanded coldly, though his voice was laced with a sadistic hunger. Y/N conceded to her Lord and master with a nod, making quick work of her clothes as she let them stay in a pile on the floor. Tom pulled her by her leash to the bed, where she laid comfortably on her back, hands at her sides.
"Now, we are going to try something a little different. It will only bring you pain, no pleasure, so be forewarned. The only pleasure now will be had by me. I must please ask you not to squirm or scream, or else it will end badly for you. Understood, my pet?"
Y/N nodded as he tucked himself back into his trousers and made himself proper again. Tom was now completely dressed, and had stated that Y/N would be receiving no pleasure, so what did he plan to do? Every question running through her head was soon answered as he pulled a dagger from the drawer of his bedside cabinet, studying it carefully. His eyes, which still were even sharper than the dagger he held in his bony hand, darted to the chest of his lover, eyeing the flesh hungrily.
Leaning down, his eyes never leaving the spot above her right breast he had fixated on, he slowly dragged the blade across the soft skin, down her chest, leaving a trail of red in its wake. Y/N hissed in pain, but did not dare move out of position. The blade stopped in the middle of her chest, below her breasts, before mirroring the mark he made on her right side to her left. On complete impulse, Tom laid the bloodied dagger on the nightstand and ran his tongue across the mark he just made. He did not cut deep enough to cause major injury, though it would definitely leave a scar, from the way it was weeping blood. The Dark Lord relished the metallic taste of her essence, letting it rest on his tongue, and letting it drip down his throat. The taboo and unnatural act he was performing was almost euphoric, and it made him feel powerful, as if he was a dementor sucking the very soul out of her body. When Tom was satisfied and Y/N's bleeding had ceased, he sat back up and gazed hungrily down at the chest of his queen, at the work he had done.
Now, Y/N was perfect to him.
Cut across her chest, was the letter V. V for the new name he had chosen for himself. A V to mark his property, a scarlet letter emblazoned upon her body so that she may never forget who she serves. And if ever she does forget, Tom would make absolute certain to remind her.
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ffc1cb · 2 years
hello! I love your art and im wondering what app you use and what pens do you use on that app? :dD
hi! first of all, thank you :) i'm glad you enjoy my art. sorry it took me so long to answer, but here it is, as detailed as i could make it
what program:
i've been using autodesk sketchbook (for drawing) & paint tool sai 2 (for filters, cropping, etc) for several years. i'm very very fond of sketchbook and i believe it to be the best entry program for beginners (and especially people who are moving from traditional to digital art, since the majority of the brushes available for AS are imitations of traditional tools. it even has a library of copic colors!) due to its simple and intuitive interface. this is both its biggest advantage and flaw: while the brush catalog is quite big and you can play with the settings a lot, there aren't that many features you can use as opposed to something like clip studio paint or even sai; it’s a very bare bones type of art program.
some things i personally find irritating (but have learned to work around) are the lack of image flipping function (instead i have to mirror the entire layer or canvas, which becomes troublesome on canvases with a lot of layers (although i assume it’s mostly due to my laptop being pretty old)), inability to have multiple canvases open at once, lack of clipping mask, somewhat clunky process of creating custom shaped brushes (nigh impossible to make an unbreaking string of a shape, e.g embroidery or lingerie), lack of water fringe function, clunky text & color adjustment editors, etc etc.
if you’ve previously used a more complex art program you might find sketchbook lacking in a lot of ways, but personally after years of usage i can safely say that it’s my favorite program i’ve ever worked with. i really love the overall simplicity of the interface (i’ve tried to switch to csp several times throughout the years but ended up being overwhelmed by the number of features), and i’m a big fan of AS’s selection tool. if you’ve never heard of sketchbook before, i urge you to give it a try! they provide a helpful manual on their site.
now, AS used to be free for all platforms (both pc and mobile), but iirc a couple years ago the program changed owners and the new company decided to remake the pc version as “autodesk pro” & charge $20 for it (although mobile is still free). which is fine i suppose since i hear that it’s being updated again (previous owners made it free in the first place because they essentially abandoned its development & stopped releasing updates). but i’m also a huge fan of piracy so here’s a .zip file of the version i downloaded when it was still available (it might be outdated, but at least its free! and if you decide that you like the program, you can always one-time-purchise it later from their official website). the archive contains the setup.exe as well as a folder containing all of the brushes i use in my art process (i’ll talk about them further below). if you ever find the link not working anymore feel free to send an ask or message me for a new one.
what brushes:
here are all of the brushes i use as seen on my toolbar. the majority of them are brushes that i made myself, which is why a lot of them have weird names; the ones that have numbers in the title are just me writing down previous value settings (usually for roundness, rotation & edge) so that i dont forget them after i inevitably tweak the settings again. don’t pay them much attention.
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left column is basically decorative brushes. here they are from top to bottom:
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right column is brushes that i actually draw with:
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i specified what each one is used for just so you get the basic idea but in reality i pretty much use them interchangeably for literally anything i feel like at the time. i also tweak the settings a lot so the overall look fluctates pretty often. 
the folder in the zip file i provided has the .skbrushes (sketchbook’s custom brush format) file for the entire set. here is a guide on how to upload custom brushes. 
i think that’s all! if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. i promise i will reply faster this time, lol
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jesuscrab · 2 years
Death Stranding 2 thoughts and "analisis"
Written from school becuse im cool like that. Bitch.
(this is not gonna be formated at all so sorry if reading this will be confusing lol)
First of, something i don't see anyone mention: Louise repatriate?
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After (presumenbly) beign shot by an unkown soldier, we see in a flash of red light a bb appearing in a pod - and they have angel wings, just like the baby shown previously had on her (cute) outfit
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And this baby is safely confirmed as lou, as she has that emborided in her thingy too
(i would put a screenshot here but i cant get a good capture for it - sorry)
Now, the elephan in the room - fragile has lost her scars? That's really weird. There is not enough information to say why is that, but i think it's notable to note that it's implied timefall has stopped after sam "defeated" amelie, as we see normal rain falling down in the ending. Or maybe that was timefall and that's why sam's hair is gray like that... but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I think hideo will just pull some deus ex machina out of his ass that fixes timefall's effects. One i came up with myself was the idea of new reverse timefall, which reverses time - seems random but so does her younger body. I just hope it's gonna be explained in some capacity.
One common theory is that it's not actually fragile and it's older lou - that's dumb and im not gonna dwell into that. Moving on...
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I fucking love cultists in video games. Not sure why? The vibes just click for me, i love a lot of weird video game shit. Im presuming that they are tied to higgs, since the ones we see on the end look vaugley the same with the red motife, but i guess i could be wrong.
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Focus on them seems interesting, since DS never much focused on terrorists. Sure, higgs was a major antagonist which was a looming threat but the homo demens AS A GROUP was just cannon fodder and we dont even really see what they... do? What is their agenda, why they did they join higgs, what do they want, exacly? I really hope this focus in the trailer means that they are gonna be a bigger part of the story. The very idea of mules and demens where so cool and i loved fighting them.
But back to the cultists themselves. They seem to worship amelie, same with higgs. he has amelie hair with a mask of her face, the group has a thingy with her visage on it.
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So, after learning of exticnion enteties higgs gathers some pepole to start a group to bring on the apocalyplse as some sort of death cult. But that doesnt make much sense, does it?
In the diary of higgs after his exile he seems pretty sad and remoursfull, understanding he was simply played by amelie to fuel her needs, thiking of himself as a stupid man blinded by a stupid goal. Doesnt sound like someone planning revenge to me.
So i dont think this is higgs - at least not entirely. Kojima loves his body doubles, repeated actors and scenarios to fuck with your expecations. I don't have any theories about that, but i do think it's probablly not fully him. Becuse lets be honest, how would he escape from that beach in the first place?
Now my favourite part to think about - fragile and her crew. And their cool as fuck ship.
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It's a submarine. It comes from the tar, which is stated to be infittly deep and it has a sea monster logo on it. This is so fcking cool! I hope it's gonna be like the aac in mgsv, where you can have a mobile base to plan out your operations and fast travel around the map. We did have that kinda with the private rooms, but i feel they where a bit lacking. A mother-base type ship in death stranding where you can go around, talk to characters and maybe do some side mission stuff.... im smiling at the very thoughts, and i hope this is what kojima is going for with this. That would be so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and maybe the whale dream added in the directors cut was supposed to tease this - underwater exploration. Shits cool as fuck.
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"both stick and rope, to protect and connect. together, for tommorow"
This ties to the common belief that ds2 will focus more on action and combat. its not stick vs rope anymore, it's both of them together, working as tools in an union. could tie with the tagline at the end - world has been connected now by bridges, so now they have to "protect it". changing the uca into a dystopia, maybe? would be boring.
One thing i have yet to see mentioned about the logo is that it looks like an umbrella, which is an obvious fragile connection.
Oh hey sam appears here too - not much to say about him other then he is way older then he should be, but we have simple in-universe phenomana which can cause this so. not much to talk about here imo. cool he's back - where the fuck is deadman tho...
"It wasn't the UCA that made the final decision. It was APAC. A private corporation." obvusly related to one of the logos kojima teased.
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I can't think of any decision the uca has made - only thing that comes to mind is the bb project, but idk, doesnt fit to me. The logo looks like a compas, which could tie into the submarine/ship shown earlier. "automated public assistance" is such mgs speak, it doesnt make sense and doesnt mean anything, what is public assistance? Like, security? Could make sense with the drawbrige thing about using protection and stick + ropes. Automated... like robots? Like the technology uca uses? It's all so vauge and not giving much anything, but the fact it's inlcuded in the picture teaser AND the trailer must mean its someting very important to the story of the game. Can't glean much else...
And that's the trailer! I think i gave my thoughts on everything in the teaser that came to mind. But now, let's hear some... baseless speculation, yippe!!!
I think kojima will be pulling a mgs2 and sam is not gonna be the main character. Well, he may be, but i think we will be playing as someone else too. Sam is older, his story is kinda finished at this point. Addition to elle manning who was fthe first person teased for the project who we have yet to appear in the actual trailer BUT was present at the VGA. With her placement on the poster pepole speculate she's gonna be older lou - its possible.
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(look at her heart brithmark, appearing right in the middle of ellies name!)
But i think it very much just be that kojima was saving all norman reedus promotion for later to give a bigger suprise. But even if it's not lou i bet we're gonna play as her. Could be cool!
There where many speculation how higgs is back, i touched upon one earlier, but i liked the theory i saw about him possesing amelie. Would explain the different hair, outfit, the mask... higgs somehow got control over her and her powers and uses them for his benefit. We have so little info it's as plasubale as any other theory you can come up with.
Lou transforms into some tentacle thing, and we saw before that bts can appear as sea monsters and are ocean themed - is she becoming a bt? We kinda saw her die... kinda, becuse she's back in the pod. Eh.
I could speak about a ton of things now since i am a weirdo who has lots of thoughts, but the main thing i wanna say is higgs's new getup looks organic. Look at his odradek, it looks more like a tentacle then a robot arm- it's weird, it's lumpy, it moves very naturally... is he mutating or something? Is it the same thing that's happening to lou? Maybe beach exposare causes some effects to the body...
And that's it i guess! I could probablly say much, much more BUT this post is going on waaaaaay too long and i think i already tocuhed on all the main thoughts i wanted to addres, and the rest would be just me looking at all the extremly little details and saying "oh hey that's there. it probablly means something" and i think that type of writing would be too borning!
Anywya feel free to write your thoughts in the notes, i will gladdly read yalls speculation! i love reading that shit! you guys are amazing!
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infxnatum · 1 year
Blog Info (Rules and Such)
First off, apologies for how rough this is...I’m not very good at this kind of thing. And honestly, I’m pretty chill.
Basic Info
This blog is an 18+, Multiverse, Multimuse OC Blog with a few select canon characters from other blogs. I have many characters that I’ve developed for more than half my life at this point.
The main Universe of this blog is a story I’ve written (on paper, sorry you can’t read it). And while it will be referenced regularly, very little interaction will happen there.
I interact with many fandoms, though primarily Pokemon, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, and Sonic.
And last, I am 99.9% mobile bound. I just find it easier, honestly. And because I can use it at the same time as doing just about anything else. As such, trimming is not exactly easy for me.
Do not Follow or Interact if you are under the age of 18. If you do and I find out, you will be blocked. This is a heavily nsfw blog, both for dark themes and smut. I tag things and will often readmore when I feel like I should, but I dont like the idea of minors even potentially seeing it. 
The above does also include intermittent reblogging of NSFW art, though mostly artistic nudity and such. Often sensual rather than outright sexual...but sometimes the latter if I particularly enjoy a piece.
I am Selective but not mutual exclusive. I’m willing to give just about anybody a chance, but I do have limits and standards. And I do favor Mutuals over non-mutuals, as well as anyone I consider a close friend. I most often dont follow someone as a means to keep my dash clean.
I do block on site anything that even remotely seems like a bot. Super weird names, no icons alongside an empty blog. I think at this point most of us readily recognize them. So if you are interested in following, make sure you do at least the basic steps to show you are a real person.
I am pretty chill, and there’s nothing that really bothers me trigger wise. However, like many, I have no interest in drama and callouts. Keep me out of your problems, I’m here to have fun. And as someone who has suffered a lot because of false accusations and bandwagon culture...I just want to do what I do.
I can write anywhere from one liners to multi para, I do my best to match when the mood sets in. I’ll do any sort of threads, and have basically no lines (outside the obvious) to what kind of content might be involved. Smut, light violence (i.e. pokemon grade), fluffy threads, and crack are the most prominent.
I try my best to respond quickly, but muse comes and goes. I’ll draft when I dont reply, and as long as a random hiatus doesnt hit me, I should reply in a relatively good time. Please don’t bother me too much about it.
Unless otherwise specified, like something tagged for someone specific. Any ic post is free to be responded to.
I accept IMs, but only for OOC. And I don’t rp on Discord...the format just burns my brain out.
Not sure if there’s much else, rules wise that I can think of. Like I said, I’m not good at this, and I’m chill.
A little bit of mun stuff
I go by Raven, though I also accept Eclipse and Dusk as names. I am a 30+ mun, Cis-male, homosexual and mixed-ethnicity between Caucasian and Native American (a near 50/50 split).
I am autistic, have various forms of anxiety and depression, and adhd. I try my best to do what I can here, but it’s not the easiest sometimes. I have been known to go on long hiatuses and lose muses entirely for periods of time. It’s not on anyone but myself when that kind of thing happens.
I’ll be working on getting my characters moved to Posts so that I can link them better, since I know many people are mobile these days, and browser page links are iffy at best. Posts work better...when they are ready they’ll be below here. I’ll also give a list of my more important non-character tags when I’ve compiled them
Zenni - Main Muse, Most Active alongside Primal.
Tags: Renegade Raven [Zenni], Renegade in Hell [Goetia], Primordial Powerhouse [Primal], A Shadow’s Commentary
Aurora - Lower activity muse
Tags: Queen of Ice [Aurora], Glacial Commentary
Descartes - Relatively Active Muse
Tags: Gilded Angel [Descartes], Gilded Commentary
Anarak - Fairly Active Muse
Tags: The Living Paradox [Anarak], Quantum Commentary
Ruby - Highly active muse
Tags: R Rated Rabbit [Ruby], A Lover’s Commentary
Siegfried - Low Activity Muse
Tags: Steel Commander [Siegfried], Commanding Commentary
Glitter - Slightly Active, Pokemon OC
Tags: Silent and Sweet [Glitter], Silent Commentary
Lion and Rosebud - Divergent Lion from Steven Universe + Anthro AU (Normal and HH/HB)
Tags: Cotton Candy Caretaker [Lion], Wayward Warrior [Rosebud], Every Rose Has Its... [Thorn]
Discord - Fairly active. Canon divergent MLP muse
Osirus - Slightly Active, Pokemon Only (For Now)
Tags: The Archivist [Osirus], Gathering Information
Toril - Low Activity, Pokemon OC
Tags: Psionic Prodigy [Toril], Psionic Commentary
Lux - Low Activity, Pokemon OC, Mostly commentary
Tags: Galar’s Light [Lux]
The Twins
Damien - Helluva Boss OC
Tags: Soul Betwixt Worlds [Damien], Keeper of Balance [Neutral], Divine Adjudicator [Celestial], Heart of Hellfire [Infernal]
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butchpeabody · 1 year
I can't think of any specific question but I just really wanna know about the epithet erased toh au. I love both of those things so much.
lucky for you i love talking about both of those things! typing this on mobile tho so im sorry if the formatting is weird
so for starters the epithet characters are going to the isles from their home universe- i havent figured exactly how or why and im vaguely saying another inscribed did it for now. i dont really care about semantics in these sorts of aus usjfjs. they get sent in intervals and end up with different members of the cast.
molly arrives first and, on instinct, think she's trapped in another of lorelai's dream bubbles. she tries to dumb her way out of bonesborough but comes to realize that all of this is. VERY real. hunter realizes there's another human on the isles and thinks, "oh! this'll make my uncle who doesnt hate me happy! come with me!". molly freaks out and runs, and is saved by the bell (the bell being luz with an invisibility glyph.) and taken to the owl house. she explains her situation to everyone there and is allowed to stay until they can figure out how to get her home. she doesnt explain epithets because she doesnt know it would be necessary to do so
sylvie lands in the isles next. he tries his best to adapt to the lifestyles present, wearing his hood up to cover his ears. hes eventually found by raine who takes him in with the batts, and hes GOING to narc on their rebellion before the scope of whats going on is revealed. he like VERY upsettedly resigns himself to a life of crime and manages to nab a palisman from the emperor's reserves (antics occuring with guards all the while involving sleep powder and beefton). he's undercover as the Black Sheep Witch and wearing a cloak to protect his identity pretty quick after raine picks him up. they end up getting on. raine thinks hes a very bright young man :)
giovanni's up next- this is post prison of plastic so he's in vincent murder persona now. as soon as he arrives he starts a scene in bonesborough and ends up being captured by the emperor's coven (not without a fight! nobody on the isles knows what a tomato tastes like so they buy into the lav-acid stuff). when sylvie learns hes caught in the conformitorium hes like UGH. and when raines like oh theres another human staying with eda now do you know her (shows a pic) hes like UGH. he busts giovanni out and since raine cant really be. directly involved with eda sylvie has to drop gio off there. they have a long conversation on the palisman-ride over where they learn to respect each other a little more before sylvie lets gio off and asks him not to tell molly that hes here as well. itd cause more trouble than its worth. then giovanni and molly have a tearful reunion after he almost gets torn asunder by hooty
mera and indus take on a more minor role but when mera arrives shes in TERRIBLE pain and there is NO modern medicine afoot. indus has to run off and search for a healer and ends up finding emira, who heals mera and offers to let the two of them stay in amity's little room in the library. they do this, amity passes the message onto luz that there are more humans in the library, and them and molly/giovanni almost kill each other before they come to an agreement and truce until they can get home. mera gets that sweet sweet healing magic while shes here too- obviously it wont get rid of her epithet (which isnt something she wants in the first place) but having your broken bones be this fixable is REALLY nice, especially in a place that loves to break bones at every turn
trixie and phoenica land next. hunter actually manages to get them to belos this time because phoenica is nice and trixie will go along with her for stuff, and when they get to the throne room philly boy lies through his teeth about how Cool And Awesome his plans for the day of unity are and how they can stay with him until theyre able to get home. phoenica is really excited and trixie. uh.
trixie can see the ghost of every single grimwalker AND caleb surrounding philip's throne. they wave off concern when philip asks her abt it but caleb KNOWS she can see them, and follows her back to her room. trixie wants nothing to do with dou rebellion plans and is already scared as is but caleb does not leave her alone because they are the ONLY PERSON HERE who can see him. he becomes her weird anarchist ghost uncle and they end up feeding information to the batts through sylvie (very hard to keep that part under wraps because of the whole. phoenica future husband thing)
ANNND finally lorelai shows up and manages to pretty successfully assimilate with witch society because of augment. gives herself pointed ears dresses up as a witch. she manages to get heckled into a coven and a sigil (she joins illusions) without realizing what this entails, and since augment already has to do with illusions she doesnt notice anything weird happening. when she and molly meet again itll be REALLY fun
i dont have too much in the way of specific episodes plotted out in full but i WILL say that molly is present for hollow mind...do with that what you will
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bennettandflorence · 1 year
honestly? i was thinking about how things cross over from the false realm to the true realm and i do actually wonder how huxley, felix, bennett, florence, aiden, etc… came to be , most likely a product of what charles was writing in the true realm at the time probably, since charlotte was the main protagonist of it . but even then , i wonder what the overlaps of the story he was writing while alive and the false realm are? i do have a strong feeling the overlaps arent as prominent in comparison to charles feelings being portrayed in the false realm
….. i need to touch up on what happened when in the story .. confused when Q84 went to the true realm and when charles drowned?
also im sorry the formatting is so weird i genuinely havent figured out tumblr mobile yet im more a twitter guy myself yknow i post arts on there yknow im a little new here the new guy shall i say
-flornence ^_^
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hello !~ it’s been awhile since i had sent you an ask about immortal yuu so i’m not sure if you remember it. but here i am again to ask another question about her~✨✨
idk why but lately i’ve been coming back to read about this au. theres something about it thats still so interesting to me. ✨
im probably gonna send in more questions/hcs i have. also im sending this ask on mobile and mobile tumblr is glitchy so if its formatted weird sorry :c anyways heres my question:
you’ve written alot about yuu and her relationship with grimhilde. but she also raised jafar and the queen of hearts right?
how did her raising those two go and how was their relationship with yuu?
I'm happy one of my first aus for twst interests you so much. Again I am unapologetically late to answer asks because tbh Im not too interested in Alice in Wonderland so I couldn't come up with much
I can't exactly remember since its been a while since I've written it but yes she does raise Jafar but the queen of Hearts she acts more as an advisor and was a major figure in her court, arriving when the king and queen were still rather young. She was popular for being able to soothe the very hot tempered queen and having memorized every single one of her rules.
Often the card guards will run to look for Yuu when the queen is too much for them to handle. The queen really liked Yuu and was pretty furious when Yuu planned to leave and she was begged to stay but Yuu liked travelling too much to stay until the end of the Queen of Hearts reign so left her with gifts to remember her by and promised to write about her travels.
Jafar she met while travelling across the world, he was from a noble family who due to incompetence among the family heads, excessive spending and having lost favor with the royal family, had become impoverished and Yuu felt pity for Jafar whom she saw great promise in and took under her wing.
He greatly admired Yuu but also thought she lacked ambition and wasted a lot of her talents on settling for a life as a traveler and advisor to people she believed could use some advice. He learned from her about the complexities of court and how much it revolves around the monarch, for ultimately is it the monarch who gets the final say and if he could gain the favor of the sultan, he must always fight to keep it for while the sultan has the final say, the other nobles could always sway his decision.
Yuu was the one who presented Iago to Jafar as a gift when he started to rise in power when he got older.
She left Agrabah when Jafar became Grand Vizier as she desired to travel once more and she only found out about him being trapped in the lamp due to having become a genie via letters. She was heartbroken and never really spoke about him again unless asked until she went to NRC and shared stories of him.
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rayonfirethe2nd · 2 years
You ain’t the only one wheezing 💀. Also, NP BraH take all the time you need DUMBASS (jkjk). But fr don’t stress about it put yourself first and make sure you’re well. Thank you again my guy
-juice out 🧃
A/n: Hello! I hope I do this justice cuz this boutta get chaotic real quick!! I absolutely love these types of requests cuz I can finally unleash the inner chaos in me! Alright so imma do all characters lmao! Have fun reading, 🧃nonnie!!! Also, the format may look weird since I write on a computer, so some things may not look right on mobile, and I’m sorry for that- 💀💀💀
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So, like…..besties?
Uhhhh…yeaaaaa…he kinda fell in love with you being shy and stuff cuz he was being simpy about Jennifer Lawrence (canon) and so you also complimented her quietly and so he had heart eyes
Makes sense, yea?
So like he finally confessed after his dramatic take out, and reappearance again- mofo lowkey cosplayed Houdini- 
 So like, he was feeling himself one day when you randomly told him that you wanted to drop kick the guy in front of you for walking so slow
And he just- kinda looks at you like you just spoke a different language-
He was all like, “huh?” thinking he heard you wrong
But baby you ain't no hallucination, so you repeated it, now looking at him
And he just kinda nodded his head, feeling like he is in a fever dream, cuz
That aint his baby!!! His lover is sweet and soft spoken and so shy, so like- where the hell did you come from????
Eventually as you started to act more and more like yourself around him, the more this poor dude was like “wow”.
There was one time that he had to stop you from going at it with a vendor that was talking shit about you in another language you understood, and so Itadori had to pull you away like this:
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No more needed to be said, tanjiro depicts how Itadori would actually feel and look like while keeping you from annihilating the guy
However, Itadori would not change you for the world, and therefore it should be mentioned that he fell in love with you even more
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Bro is the guy holding you on a leash bruv 💀💀💀
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When you first met, he thought of you being quiet and all that, and he liked it cuz he was always surrounded by chaotic idiots (*cough* satoru *cough* itadori *cough*)
He liked being around you cuz you always exuded a nice aura although he still felt off about you for some reason- 👀👀
WELP- After confessing each others feelings over lunch, cuz mofo dont go around the bush and was blunt asf-
You guys would get teased left and right by your friends and classmates
One day you got fed up with Satoru’s idiocy and blurted out that you wanted to hang him upside down and tape his mouth to look like a pinata.
Manz was SHOCKED, BAFFLED, FLABBERGASTED, but all he could do in the moment was say “same” like the dude did not expect it at ALL
Following that incident he saw you with Nobara blowing your tops off yelling about something to the guy that was looking for a model and glossed over nobara
You were all, “how dare you, you blind nin com poop!!! SHE CLEARLY DESERVES TO BE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF VOGUE! HOW DARE YOU NOT RECRUIT HER AND GO AFTER A BASIC BLOND!!!” (I think it was a blond he asked, but if he didnt, I apologize- 💀💀💀)
So like the dude took you by the arm and literally swung you over his shoulder and BOLTED away before he heard nobara’s nagging-
However, he has learned to accept that he will always be surrounded by chaos and that the off feeling he got from you was prolly cuz of this-💀💀
Now he lives with you as the natural to your chaos and will kiss away your fight off of you so that he can continue getting groceries or at least he will promise kisses once you get back home if you behave 👀👀
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silverstonesainz · 10 months
sorry this is my first time asking you something, so I'm hoping this ain't weird (ahh social anxiety going brr there) but how do you make the social media au's? I see a lot of them and I'm just curious about how to make them, as i want to get into writing for the fandom, and sm au seem the easiest to start with :)
hi there, not weird at all! i actually had this question on my old blog, but it's buried somewhere so i will definitely reiterate it on here!
one thing to note is i am psychotic and go a little crazy with my smau edits, and there are simpler ways to go about it. and this also my personal style, and everyone on here does it a little differently. do what makes you comfortable and what you feel fits your vibe. under the cut, i talk about two ways i do instagram edits and other elements to create a full smau!
instagram edits
(1) Right here in the text editor! -> this is how i started out! adding photos & all the text right on here. its easy, quick. perfect for photodumps!! -> this is specifically for posts only.
(2) Canva!!!! -> i love love love canva and its were i do all my fake posts and stories. -> canva takes a lot of finesse, lots of adjusting spacing and alignment so it does take up a bit of time (and your patience haha) -> i would say the only downfall with canva is photodumps & photo size. i currently have my posts formatted for one square photo and not the 3:4 ratio photo or any landscape styles.
i use tweetgen atm to do any tweets/threads. i can and have formatted twitter accounts and tweets on canva (see my wag profile) but its so tedious and a bit much, so i reccommend using tweet gen to make your life easier.
interviews/articles/etc etc
this post is basically a free canva ad because for those elements i 100% use canva to edit and format. i love it so much i should pay for a premium subscription at this point but im cheap so i wont.
edit: also pls note that if you're curating posts on the mobile app, you are only allowed to insert 10 photos. but if you curate them on desktop, you can add 30!
i hope this helps! if you need any other tips & tricks, feel free to dm me!
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wasabioverdrive · 2 years
tumblrless pmmm au anon again. SCREAMING clapping my hands throwing flowers on stage tears in my eyes ohhh I love this shit smmm. wish I saw it sooner sobs ANWAY YEAHHH FUCK YEAHH WHOO ive thought about white lily being in a pmmm au as well because like. come on it’s obvious. also I think her deisgn lends well to older magical girl outfit designs. SUCH a fan of lotus being the fuckhead behind all this. good for them. the idea of the attendents is so neat as well… fuck yes (1/?)
anyway this is a kind of canon ambiguous idea but like. what if lotus sort of acts like multiversal kind of figure? like they got so high off of anyones dreams and silly magical girl shenanigans they just sort of clipped out of reality or smth. and like they’re in a semi dragony witch form 24/7 (<thinking too hard). (2/?) that could probably explain how the attendants can be anywhere at anytime and that could probably concern the tbd (well maybe tk knows but isn’t telling anyone bevause ahah funny). broo whag if hydrangea is in witch form. im normal about lotus i swear - croissant catching onto string gummer doing all the timeline bullshit that once again surrounds her. peep into the horror once again (3/?)
would probably be interesting if wasabi catches into all this bs from mustard ans being like Oh Fuck and then contacting the tbd or smth. i have a mini mustard wasabi tbd au anyway I think theres potential for smth there. wasabi would just throw herself right into the horrors tho lmao. but ANYWAY I love this au i am getting thoughts for it as well now we are speaking telepathically thank you thank my crops are growing my skin is growing life is beautiful. (4/?) sorry if the formatting is weird or hard to read btw. I just copied pasted from a discord dm and am using the hell fuck that is mobile web browser tumblr. anyway have a nice day :]] (5/5)
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lotus being a multiversal figure is SO COOL LOVE THAT...i need to draw a fucked up dragon-witch form for them omg...thats also kind of funny too like. pitaya, seeing lotus noclip through reality: huh
actually now this has me wondering how the other dragons would think of lotus becoming some kind of multiversal mf. ik lychee has tension w them from their ob relationship chart so maybe they could be like “hey what the hell” but i need to watch more dragon event cutscenes so i can formulate my thoughts better. & yeah tk probably wouldnt be helpful except for giving a hint or two LOL
omg witch form hydrangea YESSSSS...hmmm would that mean the other lotus attendants are under contract & could turn into witches too?
HELPP string gummy starting the madoka timeloops after the events of this au’s version of save the future event is kind of hilarious the horrors never EVER end.
also HOLY SHIT u have a mustard and wasabi tbd mini au? i’m looking so hard rn. wasabi contacting the tbd/maybe working w them bc of the contract fuckassery....YESSSS
TYSM im glad u enjoy the AU :-] you’re enabling my AU insanity so much rn i have to go draw white lily/denchantress witch form and hydrangea witch form and lotus au design and and and and a [EXPLOSION]
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