#sorry for any grammar errors
wixterirox · 1 year
I’ve had this idea for the past few days but basically after the Hargrove-Mayfields moved to Hawkins Max notices that Billy always checks the mail. At first she didn’t notice anything strange until Billy would check the mail & return with nothing, but then Neil would come in before dinner he always had a stack of mail in his hand.
Max just writes it up to being one of Billy’s weird quirks. Like how his eyes look so dull and lifeless sometimes, and how he always stares at the front door like he’s waiting for someone to come back during dinner.
Until one day Billy hands her a letter from her dad, and tells her to not let Neil find it. Then she realizes he’s waiting for a letter from someone.
Max doesn’t figure out who Billy was waiting for until a letter arrived three weeks after the fourth of July. It was a letter from his mother apologizing for taking so long to write to him.
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ittybittyremy · 4 months
imagine how dorian felt during that whole kerfuffle
Two days ago, his brother died and the Crown Keepers separated, all because of the Spider Queen.
A couple of hours ago, he and Orym reminisced about how Orym put a blade to his chest and told him not to put the crown on his head. Something that Dorian is clearly grateful for now. ("Otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now")
Now, he woke up to two of his friends fighting. Then, Laudna claims that the blade on Orym's back will corrupt him "just like it corrupted Otohan." He's still catching up on everything, but he knows that's the name of the person who killed Orym's husband and father. To put it simply, he just heard that Orym may become corrupt like his family's killer was because of a sword.
And here's the thing: He's seen a real cursed item before. He's felt the lure of one and has seen/experienced the consequences of holding onto one. His brother's death was one of those consequences 2 days ago! And now there's apparently another cursed item that's on his "very good friend's" back. The same "very good friend" who he just talked about the crown with. The same "very good friend" who put a blade to his chest so long ago.
Then later, it turns out that the item Laudna was so insistent on being cursed (to the point of injuring another party member [be it unintentional]) is actually not cursed.
Now he's listening to Laudna talk about how she wants to take the blade in energy while belittling Orym for taking it in hand. (Yes, I am aware that this is very simplified)
After all this, Dorian finally gives his opinion.
I think [Orym] should keep it. It's just a thing. I'm so tired of things having control over us. You two are friends. It was his to possess and you tried to steal it from him... It is just a thing. Its history doesn't shape us. Our actions do. [Laudna's] actions tell me that [she did] not have enough trust in [her] friends... What would it have mattered if [Otohon] cut him down with a handaxe or a stick from the street? It was not the thing that did the action. It was the person. It does not matter.
I believe that there are two routes to Dorian's mindset
Gilmore's Wisdom: When the Crown Keepers discuss the circlet with Gilmore, he says something very interesting. "The Spider Queen herself is dark, is evil, but the vestige is simply power, and it is whatever you make it into. Power simply is." (E1x03).
Orym's Threat: Orym confronted him when he saw that he could hold the circlet without issue. He put a sword to his chest and told him to put it down. Dorian did so, saying, "I care about you more than this" (E1x05).
Dorian's point is a combination of those two things. To put it simply, Dorian's point was that friends are more important than objects because objects are just things.
And before I see anyone else blabbering about how Dorian is a hypocrite because of how Cyrus died, Opal didn't kill him, and neither did the circlet itself. It was the Spider Queen that killed him.
During all this, he discovered that Orym, Fearne, Laudna, and Chetney had died due to the blade. He also discovered that Orym made a deal with Fearne's grandmother "to help [them] do the things that [they] have to do. Hopefully in the next episode, Dorian is able to fully process all that information
Side Note: In between those words, Dorian admits that he doesn't fully understand the situation ("You do not know what you speak." "I do not"). Apparently, this is a hot take, but I think that him being the outsider of the situation made him the most clear-headed of the group. He wasn't hurt by Ottahan like the rest of Bells Hells had been. So, he has the least biased view of the bunch (still biased but not as biased as the others).
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!
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justfangirlstuffs · 2 years
Okay, okay... -sighs- Here ya go. <3
CW: scary scenarios and violence
You x Vampire!Eclipse (sorta)
It was an unfortunate yet not unusual set of circumstances. You had been kept late at your campus job and the last bus you missed by ten minutes. You thought about calling someone to give you a ride but you reasoned it wasn't that far of a walk to your dorm. Just on the other side of campus. You done it before . You didn't like to since walking home alone in the dark wasn't your idea of a good time but at least it was the warmer time of the year so it wasn't that big of a hassle. Plus, you didn't want to be a bother, so you began the walk home.
About halfway there, your ears picked up the sound of footsteps behind you. A quick glance over your shoulder told you that indeed someone was walking behind you, trailing roughly a few yards behind. Immediately, your nerves were set on edge but you tried not to panic. Perhaps it was just another student walking home late just like you. Still, you picked up the pace a bit.
After a ways, you chanced another glance. The person was still there, keeping solid pace with you. Your anxieties increased as fear began to take hold, but you didn't break into a run, not then. You waited until you rounded a corner, and once you momentarily lost sight of them, that's when you took off at a mad dash. The sound of footsteps thundering behind you kicked in your fight or flight response. There was no way you'd be able to make it to your dorm like this, you would run out of breath soon. Then you came across a cemetery and remembered that some people used it as a makeshift short cut. Maybe, if you were lucky, you could shake off your pursuer.
You reached the cemetery gate and it was locked but there was enough space for you to squeeze through in between the opening. You were almost through when you felt a pair of hands. One grabbed your arms while the other clamped over you mouth to stifle your scream. You sank your teeth deep into the assailant's hand, drawing blood. There was a pained shout and the hands faltered, allowing you to wrench yourself free. You ran into the cemetery, too scared to look back, the taste of blood thick on your lips.
Halfway down the main path you cut through the headstones, working your way to the other exit. However, the sight of another figure brought you to a dead halt. You stood gasping from exertion body trembling. You should be running, you needed to keep running. Yet something about the air around you had grown thick and heavy. The figure resting near one of the gravestones was large and long-limbed. Even though you only had moonlight to see you could tell the figure was dressed to the nines. He lounged on the grass with a glass of what appeared to be dark red wine in one hand. When the head turned to look at you you found gleaming golden irises staring back at you from a grinning face.
“Well, well, I wasn't anticipating company,” a dark and velvety voice floated through the air, coating you in its sweetness.
The figure set aside his glass of wind and stood up. Oh, wow... how he towered over you. Your legs locked up and you found you could not look away from that amber eyed gaze. No matter how your brain screamed at you to run you were absolutely frozen. The very air seemed to press down on you, as though entertaining the idea of crushing you down into the dirt. A hand far too cool to be human brushed over your hair, caressed your cheek, and cupped your neck. The hand was large enough the fingers could easily wrap around your throat and squeeze if they felt so inclined.
The grinning face leaned down to meet you, and your heart thumped in your chest not knowing what to expect. Had you just run from one bad situation into something worse? However, staring into those golden eyes you began to feel a sense of calm. You could hear a voice and it came from everywhere and nowhere at once. Deep, and low, and unfathomable as the ocean depths. “There's no need to be scared. Everything is fine now.”
Your shoulders relaxed and your breathing evened out. You didn't even mind it when that grinning mouth pressed itself to yours and you felt a warm tongue cleaning the blood off your lips. Heat bloomed in your stomach and a soft breathy moan left you. Just when you thought that mouth would not stop until it had devoured every inch of you, the figure pulled away, leaving you breathless.
“Now, what are you up to so late at night, little bird?”
Before you could answer, you heard the sound of a twig snapping and you jolted momentarily breaking the spell you were under. You looked and saw the person that had been following you. You saw a glint of a knife in their hand, the same one you had bitten, that oozed blood. Fear resurfaced and you instinctively backed away, hiding yourself behind the taller, mysterious figure.
“Ah, I see now. So you're the one I have to thank for my peace and quiet being disturbed.”
The figure stood at his full height and your eyes widened as four arms stretched wide as though welcoming the assailant in for an embrace. Your attacker screamed, dropping the knife and turning to run. In a movement too fast for your eyes to process, the figure caught the assailant. There was a terrible ripping and popping sound and you saw something thud to the ground and roll away. You looked away, denying to yourself what it was.
Oh gawd, that guy... he was dead wasn't he? Were you next? Was that going to be you in a few seconds? You should run. Run. Why weren't you running? Why, it was simple, because you didn't have permission to. The tall figure turned back to you licking something dark and wet off his fingers. You caught sight of teeth that were sharp carnivorous. Those burning eyes surveyed you, gleaming impossibly bright in the darkness. They seemed to consider you for an eternity before they finally turned away from you. You felt the invisible hold on your being finally relent and you could move again.
“I'm not one to overindulge,” the voice crooned. “Run back home, little bird. This is all a dream you'll forget in the morning.”
You followed the instructions as though your life depended on them, and perhaps it did. You got home safe and the next morning you couldn't for the life of you remember how you'd made it home last night. All your mind could conjure was the fantasy of a blood-soaked kiss that made you shiver in fear... and want.
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talthtale · 1 year
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Nobara Kugisaki not taking any of Itadori's bs
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solardrake · 2 years
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BNY's updated ref sheet! ^^
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the-last-quest · 6 months
While Nine isn’t the same as Tails something they have in common is their love for mint.
But like most things their experiences with it were very different.
[2152 words]
Tucked away in an alley a small kit winced as he tried to hide himself away from the glaring eyes and harsh fists that the city was filled with. He had already had an unpleasant encounter earlier in the day, and while not being the worst he’d experienced he was still left with a throbbing ankle and the taste of blood in his mouth.
His ears perked up as he heard faint footsteps heading towards the alley. He pressed himself against the wall as much as he could, eyes squeezed shut. He tried to quiet his breathing but as the footsteps drew nearer it picked up as his thoughts began to race. ‘What if the same cat from earlier came back for more? What if he doesn't stop after a few hits this time? What if he brought others to help him? What if-’
“Are you alright dear?” A female voice cut through his spiraling thoughts.
He waited for a moment before opening his eyes to look at the owner of the voice, an older red cat lady who seemed to be concerned for him. He didn’t answer her, knowing she hadn't noticed why he was in this state. He knew he needed to be ready for when she did, for when her kindness would turn to attacks that he was far too used to. He watched as her eyes scanned over his small frame, the exact moment she noticed obvious to the fox as her face changed from a look of concern to one of disgust.
He flinched at the change of expression and curled into himself, eyes screwed shut again, he didn’t think that she would hurt him, but one can never be too trusting in this city. Anticipating an incoming impact he didn’t see what the lady was doing. He was about to look up again when something came flying towards him, just barely missing. He braced himself for more, but none came. The only thing he heard was the sounds of footsteps fading away,
Only after the sound had long faded into the distance did the kit open his eyes again. He peeked out of the alley looking both ways down the road. It was empty now as it was getting later, less people venturing out of their homes. As he returned to the safety of the alley something on the floor caught his eye.
It looked to be a candy of some sort. He picked up the candy and held onto it as he dragged himself to the end of the alley, ignoring the shooting pain that came from his ankle. Despite it being late he didn’t want to have an interaction like that again. In the safety of the back of the alley he sat against the wall ready to settle in for the night.
He opened his paw to examine the candy the lady had thrown at him. He had never seen anything like it before. It was a remnant of before the chaos council took over, the small treat lacking any of the council’s usual obnoxious packaging, instead wrapped in a thin clear plastic, the green and white swirl intrigued him. He wondered if he could trust the candy. The cat didn’t seem to have malicious intent, leaving the fox to his own devices for the most part, but she obviously didn’t care for him. As he stared at the candy in his paw, pondering whether or not he should eat it his stomach let out a low rumble. He bit his lip, the candy wouldn’t help his hunger much, but at the moment he would take anything he could get.
With shaking fingers he cautiously unwrapped the plastic wrapper. Taking the candy up to his nose he took a small sniff of it.
He coughed, not expecting how strong it was. The scent made its way through his nostrils down to his mouth, the flavor ghosting in his mouth. It gave his mind something else to focus on. It distracted him from the taste of copper in his mouth, even with just the faint flavor from the scent.
‘This could be useful in the future.’ He thought while he lowered the candy to look over it again. The attack from today wasn’t that bad compared to others he had in the past, and he’s certain he’d have worse ones in the future. It would be a good idea to hold on to the candy for later, to have a distraction. He grabbed the plastic to wrap the candy up when his stomach growled again.
His eyes glanced from his stomach to the candy. ‘It won’t do anything, save it for later.’ The rational part of his mind told him. ‘Save it for later, it'll be more useful then.’ But that didn’t take away the situation he was in right now. He was hurt, hungry and tired and tucked away in a cold alley in the city and right now that small candy, while not being able to fix any of that, could take his mind off of it.
He popped the candy into his mouth.
Just like when he smelled it the taste overwhelmed his senses. He never had something that strong before and in this moment that was all he needed. As he got used to the flavor he leaned his head back onto the metal walls of the city. Right now he didn’t care about the state he was in, he just focused on the flavor hanging in his mouth. He focused on it instead of the throbbing pain coming from his ankle. He focused on it instead of the difficulty he had breathing. He focused on it instead of the ever growing emptiness of his stomach.
On the streets of New Yoke the fox focused on the flavor of the candy for as long as he could.
Many things had happened after that night in the alley.
The young fox grew older and more tired of the attacks he endured in the city. He built himself mechanical tails to protect him, along with giving himself a name.
He distanced himself from others in the city, none of them cared for him so why should he care for them. He grew cold as he focused on surviving.
Then a blue hedgehog had broken into his bunker and turned his life upside down.
He learned many things from the hedgehog. He learned of friendship and care. Of hope and heartbreak.
After everything he was left in a state worse than before. In a castle that represented his rage as he lashed out against the shatterverse, with no long term hope to survive, and with a corner that he couldn’t bear to look at.
As he stood and looked at the green portal in the distance he decided this wasn’t going to be the end of the story.
It was nighttime in Green Hill. A large moon casted its light onto two figures walking along the grass.
Sonic and Nine moved in silence. The hedgehog had just found the fox in the cave where the prism had lied. It was a rough reunion with neither of them expecting it, but each of them having something they needed to say to the other. With emotions running high and both of them becoming exhausted it had been cut short when Sonic had offered Nine to stay for the night, for both of them to get rest and clear their mind so they wouldn’t run themselves dry. Nine was hesitant until the hedgehog had mentioned that Tails wasn’t going to be in their shared home for the day so they could deal with one thing at a time.
The two reached the house that Sonic and Tails shared. Sonic opened the door and held it open for Nine with a weak smile. Nine didn’t return the smile, but the small nod he gave as he walked through the door made the hedgehog’s smile grow just a little.
As Nine walked in and waited for Sonic to lock the door behind them his eyes were drawn to a small bowl of candies on a table next to the door. They were the same candies that the lady had given to him years and years ago, a candy that he never thought he would have again.
Sonic must have noticed him looking at the bowl as he let out a quiet amused chuckle. “Those are Tails’ mints. He has them out in case he’s had a bad day and needs one as soon as he gets home.” A fond smile formed on his face as he thought of the fox so different yet so similar to the one in front of him. “You can take one if you want.” He offered. Nine thought it was some sort of olive branch to release the tension the two had between them. He glanced at the hedgehog and back to the bowl of candies and decided to take one, as long as it made Sonic happy.
There was another silence between the two, much lighter and much shorter than before as Sonic spoke up again.
“Come on, room’s this way.” He said with a gesture to follow him.
Nine followed Sonic as he brought him further into the house. When they reached a hallway Sonic stopped at the first door and pushed it open for Nine silently.
As Nine stepped into the room he looked over the interior. It was simple, being an obviously very underused guest room, the only furniture being a bed and a side table and a lamp. It had very minimal decoration and looked like it had been untouched since the bed was brought in.
Sonic sheepishly scratched the back of his head, “It’s nothing much but-“
“Thank you” Nine interrupted with a small murmur, looking up at Sonic, a light ghosting on his face. While the room wasn’t much to look at it was still better than any of the ones he had back in the city. Even with all his decorations it couldn’t hide the cold metal that made up the space. This room, even while being barren, gave Nine a sense of comfort that he had never had in his one space.
Sonic returned the smile and placed his hand on Nine’s shoulder giving it a small squeeze. “Get some sleep okay kid? I’ll be right out here if you need me.”
Sonic exited the room, closing the door with a soft click behind him.
Nine rubbed his hand down his face wearily as he made his way to the bed and plopped himself onto it. He opened up his other hand which contained the ‘mint’ as Sonic had called it. The green and white swirl taunted him as his mind raced with thoughts
In the back of his mind he cursed at having another similarity to Tails. Another part cursed about his counterpart having easier access to the candy if the bowl full of them was anything to go by while he had only had the treat once in his life.
And yet another quieter part of him reminded him of why he liked the candy so much, of how he got his first taste. If the two were really that similar could Tails have been introduced to it in the same situation? Could it be a comfort for the other fox as well?
Letting his thoughts fade away, Nine unwrapped the mint. Holding it in between his fingers he brought it up to his nose and took a sniff of it.
The scent had a similar effect as the first time, traveling up his nose and into his mouth, the flavor bringing him comfort as it had so long ago. Along with the comfort the scent brought back memories of a time he longed to forget. Being hurt and alone, with the only comfort being an act of pity that didn’t even last.
But right now he wasn’t alone. Past the door he could still hear soft footfalls that belonged to a certain blue hedgehog. A hedgehog who had cared for him since they first met. Even when he realized that Nine was different than he initially thought it didn’t waver. Even after showing him the ugliest sides of himself and nearly destroying everything the hedgehog had ever loved, he opened his door for the fox to stay in.
The rational part of his brain told him he didn’t need the mint. He was safe right now and should save it for when he really needed it. Just as he did before he didn’t listen to it. Sure he was safe right now he didn't need the mint, but he wanted it. Plus they weren’t in short supply either so he didn’t have to hold onto it forever.
Nine popped the mint in his mouth.
It tasted exactly like he remembered it.
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a-mossy-amethyst · 1 month
For the Malevolent writing prompt, maybe blind faith first kiss?
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted but alas, I am not a blindfaith shipper and love using religious imagery for angst
That being said, this fic has a lot of Christian (particularly Catholic) imagery. Take care of yourselves!!
This is an alternate scene for episode 38's ending, so some of the dialogue is taken from there.
“But when we get back, after I drop you off at the hospital, when this is done… this is done. I can't… our partnership is over.”
Arthur’s breaths line with the beat of his steps. He struggles to stay upright through exhaustion and carrying Oscar’s weight.
Said man's voice is ragged and weary, words lined together hesitantly as he struggles to form sentences.
“Arthur… you're my…”
Arthur shakes his head. “No, no, Oscar, no.” Guilt and grief crash like waves against his ribcage, a torrent of emotions amplified by his sleep deprived mind. “I'm not–”
The door, right before us, John chimes in, silent save for his directions.
He tries again. “I'm not… no.” He can't get the words out.
Oscar worships a god Arthur refuses to believe in. He worships like a lifeline, alcohol his temptation and the Bible his savior. A struggle between the pew and the bottle, the confessional his judge.
Arthur does not understand this. He had drank and hoped it would do him in. Hoped, not prayed. Even in the depths of his grief he dared not do that.
He does not seek redemption in God. The problem of evil is not an argument he is willing to have lest his anger get the better of him. Not when he is the evil allowed to live and Faroe's fate the tragedy God let happen.
“Arthur.” His name rolls off Oscar’s tongue like a prayer.
Arthur is not a saint; he will not carry his prayers to the Lord.
“I know you feel that, but it's not true,” he says, remorse draped on his shoulders, the weight of his sins against this man. “It can't be true. I'm sorry, but I can't help you anymore.”
He wonders if he ever helped him at all. Was his speech at the bar for Oscar, or for himself? He needed Oscar's assistance. The effort granted him that. Arthur is perpetually left asking if he wants to help others or is only interested in how they can aid him in return.
“Alright. Okay.” Oscar takes the rejection with the acceptance only the most devout can achieve. Sinners like them were not taught to question, only to bow their heads to the word of the Almighty.
Arthur is not a god; he will not bring mercy in exchange for humility.
The car is–
Arthur cuts him off. “I know. I can hear it.” He doesn't want to hear John's voice right now. He's giving this up for him, but it hurts. He can't get angry again. It'll make him feel worse about himself.
“Hear what?” Oscar asks.
“No, no, I hear…”
Arthur changes the subject. “Rest, Oscar. Here.”
He opens the car door, gently pushing Oscar into the backseat.
“Aye.” Oscar sighs in relief. “Thank you.”
Arthur nods, moving to shut the door.
He stops. “What is it?”
There's the ruffle of paper. “Here,” Oscar says, “It's where Daniel's Freemasons meet. You told me to… find out. I did. Forgot to tell you. Or, rather, I thought we'd end up looking together.” Grief tints his tone.
Oscar's holding a paper out to you. Just reach out– yes, there.
“Thank you, Oscar,” Arthur says. “Thank you.”
“Of course. You…” Oscar's breaths come out ragged. “What happened, it's not your fault.”
Arthur's heart immediately rejects the comfort, tightening in his chest.
He dragged Oscar into this, desperate for someone to rely on. If it's not him at fault, then who?
“Just rest.”
“I'm serious. I chose to help you. You're my–”
“I'm not your purpose–”
“–my hope.”
All the air is pulled from Arthur’s lungs. Oscar continues.
“You're what I've been waiting for. What I thought I could never have. I thought I could let myself believe that… maybe it's okay.”
Arthur presses his lips together. Nothing would be okay around him. Death surrounds him like a curse. Oscar’s already lost an arm. He won't let him lose his life. “I’m not what you think I am. No god sent me to save you.”
Oscar’s voice is remorseful. “You don't understand.”
“I… I do, Oscar. I can't–”
Oscar is shaking his head, John narrates. He's reaching out, his hand shaky from blood loss.
Something pulls at his collar.
… Arthur, he's grabbed the front of your shirt.
“You don't.”
Oscar pulls him in closer. Arthur stumbles forward, caught off guard.
“If you did,” he whispers, his breath hot against Arthur’s lips, “you'd never have taken me along.”
Then he kisses him.
Arthur’s eyes widen. He doesn't move at first, startled out of a reaction.
Oscars’s lips taste salty from the rain. He presses forward lightly, characteristically soft.
Arthur finds himself frozen. He doesn't want to hurt Oscar by pushing him away.
But he needs to end this.
Arthur, what the fuck is he doing?”
John’s voice snaps him out of his shock. He leans back, breaking the kiss.
“I…” His grip on the car door tightens.
Oscar was right, Arthur didn't understand. He does now. He doesn't like what he sees.
Oscar loves like a martyr. A sacrificial devotee to his tragedy.
Arthur is not a romantic; Oscar will not find a heart beating the same rhythm as him in Arthur.
Arthur wanted someone to trust. He'd like to be trusted in return, but this doesn't feel like trust. Oscar's devotion feels like blind faith, and Arthur feels too much like a false idol. Pretty and promising but lacking anything to give in return for worship.
“You don't feel the same way.” Oscar doesn't frame it like a question.
“I'm sorry.” Arthur means it. Wishes it didn't have to end this way. Knows there was no other way it could go.
“Who's John?” Oscar asks, voice wrought with… something. A feeling Arthur can't decipher.
He sighs. “No one. No one you'll ever meet. Goodbye, Oscar.”
Oscar doesn't respond. Arthur shuts the door.
Arthur, what the hell was that? John asks harshly.
“I don't want to explain right now. Later, I will,” he promises. When the wound is less fresh, when he can talk about this like it was an inevitable mistake he made. Always flawed, always hurting others. Arthur can talk about it when he convinces himself it's in the past and he is still capable of helping people.
… Okay, John agrees. The lack of argument makes Arthur wonder how wrung out he must sound.
Cold rain beats harshly against him, numbing his skin. He takes a deep breath.
In. All his feelings, threatening to overtake him like a tsunami.
Out. He exhales. The pain is still there.
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One thing that for me showed the minecraft movie was going to be just a cash grab, is how un-mincrafty it is.
Like even if the movie looked good (it doesnt) making it in live action and ignoring the simpler art style the game is built upon is already weird,
Then you have staff like trees and flowers that aren't from minecraft.
The blue portal or Tessrac like thingy that they made up.
The landscape that isn't even close to minecraft world generation.
The nonsensical crafting recipe that isn't even on grid making an entirely new item.
The Piglings that can somehow be in the sun (and yes i know that its like that in Legends too, but this a Mincraft movie, not a Minecraft Legends movie)
Jack Black looking nothing like Steve.
And I'm sure there will be many more examples in the rest of the movie.
This movie isn't made from a love of the game, and that's sad, but looking at it I would be surprised if anyone who made it played minecraft for more then half an hour.
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HI I just wanted to say that I saw a proshipping (marloncest)video with your art in it, I have no idea if u know about this or not so I might as well just share the link to the TikTok since ya,,,
no 1.
no 2.
oh :(
i knew there are some weird ec proshippers on TikTok so i just stayed away from them, (these type of people usually seeks for attention). but what i didnt know is they used my art for this. why would anyone do that???
please dont do this. i do not mind if any of my drawings is used for profile pictures/harmless edits/personal uses/etc. but dont use my art which i spent my time on for gross stuff like this. please.
uh i dont know what to do but just dont give them the attention they want. just ignore and block them, because i tried reporting before and it didnt work
still, thank you for letting me know! (sorry! i procrastinated for months to check out the links and reply to this)
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
out of the three (four? if you wanna include ridonculous race) noah appeared in, which one do you think noah could have won if he cared about the competition
hot take; none of them.
he did care about the competition (at least somewhat) in the first season and it was objectively his worst. in island, he was too blinded by his own hubris to consider the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, isolating himself in a socially driven competition. he was standoffish and rude, which would've been fine if he hadn't outright directed negative attention to himself with his comments AND refusal to participate in the dodgeball challenge, and he offered little in terms of both teamwork and team utility anyway. so being voted out early was a given, and a much needed wake-up call for him.
he didn't compete in season 2, but if he did i doubt he'd make it to the finale. i'd like to say he'd make it pretty far into action- both because action has a lot more technology and media references, which noah could play to his advantage as both an established nerd and a canonical hacker (though these aspects of him are mostly delegated to his biographies/interviews outsode of the show itself), and because we know he does learn from his mistakes in season 1 so he'd try to be a better teammate (like he does in season 3). but i truly and honestly don't think he'd stand a chance against powerhouses like courtney and duncan, or have even a smidge of beth and owen's in-competiton social game/likability, so he'd eventually be voted out.
and in season 3, as much as i disagree with the amazons winning the challenge, getting rid of noah there and then was the right play from a narrative standpoint. because, at the end of the day, he's a filler character. he doesn't have any engaging plotlines of his own to warrant keeping him around, and his only real use from a writing standpoint is to make snide comments and witty one-liners; when the remaining cast all have at least one subplot going for them, and you need to 'thin the herd', you get rid of the deadweight characters first.
by world tour, i believe he's only competing for the sake of it, and he doesn't really care about winning or losing; if anything i'd say he only went along with the celebrity manhunt bus chase because he was supposed to stay with chris/the total drama crew, and since he was fired from being chris' assistant he didn't have anything better to do (he's always been a passive character, so going along with the crowd for curiosities sake is very much something he would do).
but if he did care?
i think he'd make it to early merge. a noah who cares about the competition would try to take down alejandro for the sake of his own survivability (after all, how long is it going to be until team victory is gone and alejandro turns on his own teammates as his next targets?) thus making himself plot relevant enough to keep around- maybe even allying himself with heather to do so. but alejandro, whilst not as smart as noah, is far more savvy and capable than him, and their 'rivalry' would end in noah being voted out.
or maybe he'd embrace his villain-coding (watch island again and tell me he isn't villain-coded. he does a "mwu-ha-ha" laugh and says "excellent." he's so campy bond antagonist coded in island) and ally himself with alejandro to garuntee his survivability, helping him weed out the competition as a right-hand man. eventually, alejandro would discard noah- either because noah would refuse to help him eliminate owen, or because they'd make their way far enough into the competition that noah becomes less of an ally and more of a threat and have him eliminated accordingly. because noah might be the villain, but alejandro's the archvillain.
that, and i think the finalists of each season are already the best picks from their rosters. i wouldn't change any of them to give one sarcastic twink the chance of winning.
(i haven't seen ridonculous race but i'm fairly certain caring about the competition is part of his character arc in it? he comes in guns blasing and then gets sidetracked by being smitten with emma, at least that's my understanding of it. so nothing would change there.)
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dracallyart · 11 days
Share with us the lore behind Shieru and Orochimaru, please! I found your art through the latter's tag and they look so appealing together in a way that's hard for me to put words to. Old friends, perhaps?
Thanks for sharing!
AAAAAA!! Absolutely!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about these two hehe 🙏Also, thank you so much for finding them very appealing, you made my day!
I don't have their full story completely complete, as I only started working on it a few days ago and kept building on it as I went. As a warning; this will be LONG. The reason why is because Shieru and Orochimaru's story would be considered a slow-burn, due to Orochimaru needing a proper redemption arc and eventually receiving forgiveness.
Some important things to note about my character before going on; Shieru is around the same age as the Sannin's, and is considered a very well respected veteran among Konoha. Having been kidnapped when she was young into Danzo's root, eventually escaping in her early twenties where she assisted Konoha during the Second Shinobi war, became a hermit for about a year or so after (due of her past trauma and actions) and returned with being able to summon the legendary bird she made a contract with and learned new, powerful jutsu. In her clan (the Fūrin clan, a fictional clan I made) she is considered the most powerful.
She's incredibly wise, is a sage without the official title and is incredibly knowledgeable on things relating to anthropology from life experiences.
Now! On to her and Orochimaru. (I will be referring to Orochimaru as they/them!) She is aware of everything they have done in the past, and have even affected negatively a student that she ends up rehabilitating back into Konoha. So, when Orochimaru is pardoned in Konoha due to assisting in the war efforts by saving Tsunade and even guiding Sasuke into assisting the village. Shieru begins to keep a close eye on the Sannin, and not long after they wander aimlessly around the village during the "Blank Period Episodes" she asks Kakashi, the current Hokage, to take Orochimaru to travel for around a year or so. As she wishes to see whether they had the ability to be properly redeemed. Due to her experiences as a veteran shinobi, she is allowed to as long as she is with Orochimaru at all times.
So, the two set off. Orochimaru asking why she would take them on a "leisurely jaunt" this way and Shieru would explain she's made a journey like this before, which changed her for the better, and wants to see whether that will do the same effect for Orochimaru. Of course, due to their circumstances, Orochimaru requires constant supervision and so they go on this journey.
Early during their travels, Shieru attempts to act professional and rigid with Orochimaru, often humbling from their acts of the past and occasionally snapping at them. Orochimaru meanwhile would act incredibly sly, teasing and equally as stubborn as Shieru in terms of their conversations. At some point, Orochimaru even begins nicknaming Shieru "Shi-Shi", which only grates her further.
Many points during their travel amongst different lands, Orochimaru finds themselves frozen as they recall a specific memory of certain events that have occurred to them in the past. Whether that be a specific hideout they had nearby, or even finding the spot where the "Three-Way-Deadlock" occurred where he nearly killed Jiraiya. At the beginning they put it aside, but little do they know all these memories begin to eat at them from the inside.
After a good long while into their travel, they've had their fair share of rogue ninja attempting to ambush them. One time, Orochimaru breaks the rule of no direct attack and assists Shieru in fending off some rogue ninja. They both end up working very well fighting together. And this specific incident is what causes Shieru to feel comfortable enough making fun of Orochimaru, she was never afraid of them to begin with. But she gives him the nickname "cornsnake" which causes Orochimaru to react at the slander, which eventually makes the two jab at one another in a more teasing, casual manner. It's around this time Shieru begins acting less professional and rigid with Orochimaru too, as they start having more and more conversations, albeit, it is still too early for Oro to talk too deeply over their thoughts.
MUCH more into their journey, Orochimaru begins to feel emotions they did not feel capable of feeling before. Some of them being shame, and regret. They at one point hurt Shieru's feelings with a statement so out of bounds, and at the beginning they feel nothing, but the abrupt change in Shieru's attitude makes the bubbling feeling of shame rise in their gut. So, a few nights later, they force themselves to apologise. Their apology makes Shieru have to stifle a laugh, and forgive them, which... surprises Orochimaru. But they move on, and it gives Oro much to think about.
The last half of their journey is a lot more eventful, Shieru eventually going the same route she went before on her journey from many, many years ago and telling Orochimaru about her adventures, and eventually opening up about what she got over in her trauma through this journey. Giving her plenty of quiet time to reflect. Though, she jokes due to her being here, Oro had little time to reflect. They disagree with her, but don't continue the thought. It's only through the course of a few more weeks and months that they begin to show frustration, regret and shame for what happened before. Shieru meanwhile is patient, open to hearing Orochimaru's thoughts on the manner, and offers her genuine opinion on certain things. And is, honestly forgiving as she comes to further understand Orochimaru in a deeper level, which does let Orochimaru express deep emotions he's not felt in years.
Through this journey, Orochimaru learns to (slowly) be a better person, and Shieru learns to forgive and further give belief that even those who are villainous by nature do so for a reason.
The drawing I made where they are going for drinks is the day that they return to Konoha, now as friends. And they go for drinks as a bit of a victory for their journey and Orochimaru's much more mellowed out personality. And redemption? They act like indeed old friends going for drinks that night.
And over time, the two do form a deep partnership, specifically once Orochimaru has made up for their past mistakes in a meaningful way, which surprises everyone, but Shieru pacifies Orochimaru in a good manner and does genuinely feel love for them, and Orochimaru treats Shieru incredibly well and feels equal amounts of love for Shieru. This occurs when they're back in Konoha and still continue to hang nearly every day, Orochimaru became accustomed to their presence and finds themselves restless without them around, and Shieru has come to find Orochimaru endearing and enjoys their company just as much.
This of course further mellows out Orochimaru to the point of Boruto! And of course, Shieru is basically Mitsuki's mom (merged their DNA into a petri dish LMAO).
One reason I wished to make this ship is to further give explanation for Orochimaru's personality during Boruto. Since I do feel we're missing plenty context to why Orochimaru changed so drastically over the decade, I suppose when you've lived so long and have attained the immortality you wish, you do mellow out. But! I also personally love Orochimaru since the Blank Period Episodes, so I wanted to give this little ship a shot!
BUT! This is all of my thoughts! I definitely have more that I might have forgotten to mention, but I will most likely be drawing them a lot more and exploring their relationship further over time, since they've infested my brain since the day I made Shieru. Especially on their one year journey, a LOT can happen at that time, but I only have the template for what occurs.
Either way! Thank you so much for asking me about them!! Once again you made my day by asking that <333 I apologise if it was so long, but if you made it to this point, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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racingliners · 5 months
So, in my many emotions at seeing these beautiful pieces by @aphrostiel, I ended up writing a ficlet about it (because how could I not indulge myself in writing the Seb and Schumi podium we deserved).
I may polish it up further and put it on ao3 for prosperity but I really wanted to just get it out there, I hope you like it!!
(Thank you so much to Jules for both their blessing to post this for for sharing such incredibly beautiful art!!)
The sun cast warm, golden rays in the widening breaks though the pale clouds as they walked out onto the podium together. Seb, being the young gentleman in training, suggested that Michael have his day and walk out alone. Michael, almost too overwhelmed to speak, insisted they walk out together.
They would both argue that Hockenheim looked beautiful no matter the weather, but today after a race that went from dry to pouring rain to dry again, it felt like no sight would ever come close to how the track looked right then in that moment.
Ross Brawn stood proudly on the constructors step of the podium, and was barely containing his tears as the German anthem was introduced over the tannoy. Seb couldn’t help it as he looked up at Michael, his mentor, his friend, and today probably the most fierce driver he had ever raced against, and watched as tears streaked down his face after the first few notes.
The Mercedes mechanics and engineers gathered below let out al almighty roar as Michael raised both fists triumphantly in the air at the end. There was something awfully poetic about him netting his ninety second win at Germany in a Mercedes, and the worlds press were already hard at work at their keyboards and notepads trying to figure out just how they could talk about the Red Baron’s triumphant return when no suitable adjectives really seemed to exist.
Right as the trophies were about to be presented, Michael clapped a heavy hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and beamed at him with a proud smile before fixing his winner’s cap back onto his head.
The crowd were beside themselves even before Michael was presented with the winner’s trophy – a 3D Santander logo that was painted with the colours of the German flag on in the inside but chrome silver on the outside. A fitting prize for a silver arrow. The sun glinted off the surface as the crowd and Mercedes team roared so loud it was a wonder they weren’t heard cheering for miles.
Sebastian, who still couldn’t quite believe that his childhood dream of sharing a podium with Michael had finally come true, accepted his second place trophy with a wide schoolboy grin. All he could think about was that day in Kerpen when he’d met Michael for the first time with wide eyes and a stunned smile. Seb was pretty sure that he was wearing the exact same expression on his face, and for once he didn’t care.
With the trophies presented, the dignitaries were quickly escorted off the podium and Seb let out a shaky sigh as he leaned down to grab the neck of his champagne bottle.
“Shall we get Ross first?” He asked with a cheeky smile. Michael looked at him with a familiar glint in his eye as he picked up his bottle with ease, and really he certainly was a professional in the art of spraying champagne as he popped the cork, jumped down from the top step, and ran over to Ross before the long-suffering Team principle had a chance to run away. The two men laughed as Ross was soaked through, and only when Michael was happy did he go over to the very edge of the podium platform in the hope some of the droplets of spray would reach his beloved colleagues.
Sebastian grinned as he sprayed champagne over Michael’s right side. Fernando, who had finished in third place eventually joined in and deposited the bulk of his bottle’s contents over Michael’s head.
When they piled onto the top step of the podium Seb gestured for Ross to stand between himself and Michael for the official photograph. Before he had a chance to respond Michael hooked an arm round his shoulder and pulled him in so they were stood side by side, brothers in arms complete with matching grins even if Ross still looked quite astounded with the events of the past two hours. Seb was still smiling brightly as the picture was taken, and when he took off his Pirelli cap to swap it for his Red Bull one, Michael reached over to ruffle his hair with a hearty laugh.
The crowd hadn’t relented in their cheers once, and they only hushed when Michael spoke during the podium interview. He tearfully thanked the crowd in German for all their support throughout the years – and especially since his comeback two years ago, before expressing gratitude just as heartfelt to his race engineer Bono for getting him to the end, and Mercedes head of strategy James for his cool-headed decisions that led him back to the top step of the podium once more.
He then turned to Sebastian, and looked at him with a proud smile.
“You know, I remember meeting a young kid in Kerpen many years ago, I never in my life thought I would get to race against him let alone for a race win. But we had a good fight, I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed racing against someone. I hope that we can do it again sometime.” There was a warm ferocity to Michael’s smile, not in the malicious sense but the kind of a true competitor. One that would never, ever give up without leaving anything on the table.
Seb said as such when the interviewer turned to him, adding that he knew going against Michael he would have to give everything, and while he was disappointed to lose the race he would always be honoured to say that he got to battle it out on track against his hero.
“Don’t worry Seb,” Michael said with a warm pat on the shoulder when they walked off the podium and back into the cool down room, arm in arm. “You’ll get your turn next year.”
Sure enough, almost exactly twelve months later, Sebastian took to the top step on the podium at the Nürburgring. Michael, now retired, apparently doubled up as a psychic. He sent Seb a text congratulating him on his first home race win, and in the week off between the races in Germany and Hungary he greeted Sebastian with a thumbs up and a bright grin when he and Hanna happily accepted an invitation to dinner at the Schumacher home.
Sat proudly in the living room, wrapped in thin white frames, hung two pictures from that day in Hockenheim. The first was of Michael with his trophy, the second of himself and Sebastian spraying champagne wearing the brightest of smiles. Mick couldn’t help himself when he asked his father and his friend just what it was like to race each other in such difficult conditions, and both Sebastian and Michael reeled off in great technical detail exactly how everything unfolded.
Seb couldn’t help himself as he glanced at the pictures as he left, the sun now set and the sky filled with twinkling silver stars, and he felt nothing but pride as he knew he would carry that day in his heart for the rest of his life.
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Can you explain the whole ‘soul link’ thing? How on earth did that happen?
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availableclimate · 8 months
So, the other day I came up with a crossover of The Bunny Graveyard and Octonauts, where the dialogue was different depending on who you chose to be the protagonist (with the option of picking another person to be a secondary assistant), the dialogue changes are very minor and pretty much have hardly any impact on the story, one time, I imagined a line of dialogue from Silvie in the labyrinth in which she taunts Tweak by mimicking the voice of her mother, and then I thought: “What if Silvie IS Tweaks mother” and there I came up with an AU of the crossover that is just that.
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goodvibes24hrs · 8 months
As a Static Shock fan, do you have any recommendations on where to start with the comics? Or at least any personal favourites?
If you want to start from the very beginning you’d have to start with the 80’s Milestone comic of Static:
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I’ve only manage to read a few issues but never got to complete the series fully for this version.
An easy version of Static you can get that I enjoy is the current run; Static (2022):
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You can buy Static Season One’s whole issue run in a hardcover book on Amazon or support your local comic book store (They can order/preorder it for you). Season Two recently finished and is getting a complete hardcover book coming out February 6.
The last one I recommended is actually my favorite!! It’s Static Up All Night (2023):
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It’s a graphic novel that came out in November. Its writing is very reminiscent of the show’s humor & tone. There’s a lot of Easter egg too from the tv show that I loved seeing 🩷🩷 You can tell how much love the writer (Lamar Giles) & artist (Paris Alleyne) had both for the comics & the show with the way they captured the characters & humor.
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I hope Lamar Giles & Paris Alleyne make more stories for Static!! 💛💙💚
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc putting bows,ribbons,stickers or just painting (with they’re consent of course) on the eye things and just being fond of them +plus mobim joining in plausibly? - Mc who loved Mobim asker
Hello Mobim lover anon!🤗 Don't worry I remember you, since your ask was quite recent and I'm glad you enjoyed last time's post about Mobim☺I'm also happy to see demons like Mobim and the eye-like creatures getting appreciated✨especially because I'm not sure how they would be canonically viewed in Obey Me honestly🤔Anyway, before starting, since you didn't specify "RAD classmates with MC", I assumed you meant just a scenario between MC and the other little monsters for this ask🙈I hope I understood correctly😣if I didn't, please feel free to tell me so,in that case I'll try to fix the problem as soon as I can😢Now, moving on to your ask:
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Odon's eye-like creatures have each shown to possess different behavior traits, so MC may receive conflicting answers depending on which creature they interact with. Usually only two eyes are mainly shown in public, one rather cheerful and playful while the other serious and exasperated. MC would have no problem dealing with the first one, it would prove to be a rather affectionate, cordial creature and willing to be scrambled, provided MC doesn't touch it right in the eye with fingers or other objects, because if they did so,even on accident, both creatures may lash out involuntarily out of pain.
Besides that point, bows and ribbons would be not only cute, but also pratical, useful for distinguishing them, as it is particularly difficult to do so and the stickers and painting would be an interesting experience for them, having never tried anything like that on skin, however it would be safer to use non-harmful products and then help them remove them after a while, for although they are hardy, they have no arms to clean themselves with and it is unknown what effect human products might have on them,still they appreciate being asked for consent and MC's concern for them. As for the other eye-like creature, the grumpy one, it would show a little more resistance to being touched,playing hard to get, despite secretly wanting to feel MC's affection too and in the end, it would join the fun, still a bit jealous with Mobim in the same room, who would not understand the situation or notice the glare of the grumpy eye, therefore limiting itself to gladly helping MC to decorate the creatures, to arrange the details and in turn act as a model too.
The eye-like creatures and Mobim, if we don't count the slight jealousy present when MC has to decide who to spend their time playing with, get along quite well and help each other both for serious things and for activities such as playing together,after all they're all very fond of MC and they don't want to upset them.
Basically, the eye-like creatures would respond with silent enthusiasm, some more and some less, but there is something MC should be aware of: although usually only two eye-like creatures manifest, these monsters just like Odon's limbs in their demon form are multiple and by taking care of them with love and care, there is the risk of attracting a whole up to ten or more of these creatures, waiting for their turn to receive their dose of affection from MC and some even from Mobim. In that case MC could boast, feeling like the most protected and kept in sight human of Devildom, but perhaps it would be better to avoid such situation, because taking care of so many different eye-like creatures and distinguishing them with bows, stickers and paint could be complicated,so perhaps it would be better to limit to three creatures only for the moment, namely the two main eye-like creatures (who Azul once playfully named Bob and Rob-) and Mobim
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