#sorry for being dead I went through 100 character arcs
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I know it’s been a while, but uh. Have this? I think they were funny, and I miss them dearly
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ragecndybars · 1 year
Top five poor little meow meows, any medium but limit it to one per series or you're just gonna talk about Akihiko five times
this ask is a landmine. and i'm about to step on it.
Anthy Himemiya. Hashtag Anthy Did Nothing Wrong. Everything she did is retroactively morally correct purely because it was her who did it. True, she has a bodycount of, at an absolute minimum, 100 students who burned to death + Mikage himself + Kanae, but have you considered: she is terminally in middle school. Using magic illusions and or hallucinations to drive Mikage to mass murder and eventual death? They hate to see a girlboss winning. That last episode and her whole, uh, thing with Utena? God forbid women do anything. The way she fucks with Nanami, too, simply because of the Recognition of the Self through the Other (derogatory). ALSO IS SHE MIKI AND KOZUE'S STEP MOTHER OR WAS THAT A METAPHOR. ANSWER ME IKUHARA. Not that it actually matters bc she was just having a category five girl moment. Get your princess witch dichotomy out of here she's my special little meow meow and she deserves to travel the world with Chuchu and Utena while Akio rots underground <3
Edelgard von Hresvelg. Sorry but nothing need be said here. Other ppl have said it all already. Black Eagles 4 Lyfe.
Chidori Yoshino. Yes, she was party to multiple murders. No, there was no real goal or justification beyond money. Yes, she was utterly indifferent to the blood on her hands. No, she never really changed her mind about that or ever came to understand why standing idly by and letting Takaya murder people who she helped track down was bad, nor did anyone ever really try to explain it to her. Yes, she kind of just said "whatever man" and went off to have her own character arc completely divorced from the murder. No, I do not care. She is my precious little angel she didn't deserve anything that happened to her she needs all the love and understanding in the world.
Clive Dove. MFW I'm traumatized and orphaned as a child and the man responsible not only faces no consequences but even becomes Prime Minister and so I build an entire fake future London underground beneath the real London and conspire with a man who created an actual real functional time machine to trick some people and kidnap the prime minister and smuggle him away and make a fake evil future version of the guy who comforted me after my parents died and then pose as the future version of his apprentice to get close to him and kidnap his daughter also at one point and really just let everything get out of hand up until the point I get caught and hop into an enormous mechanical fortress and pop out through the ground slash ceiling of my fake future london to start smashing the shit out of the real london all the while the woman who literally travelled through time is like damn i'm dying and now my bf and i cant even have a nice last date. Anyway Clive is peak and he should have faced zero consequences for this. But Bill Hawks needs to die ASAP.
Leonard Church. The misogynist of all time. He loved his wife who he constantly referred to as a horrid bitch so much. He loved his daughter who he neglected and emotionally abused by comparing her to the impossible standard of her dead mother soooo much. He loved himself so fucking little that he tortured himself to create an AI out of himself and then he tortured the AI to try to create a new version of his wife out of his own memories. The neglect and emotional abuse of his daughter is continuing in a big way throughout this tbh. Then he accidentally tortures his AI self too much to the point where AI him loses his memory and his fake-ass AI wife who despises him now for what he did has to kidnap him from himself and now he's just back to being a huge asshole who calls his wife a horrid bitch all the time. And then he can eventually develop a conscience and start to remember more and more (and cause irreversible trauma and brain damage to wash at one point in there oops) and then even though he still doesn't remember her, he can team up with his daughter to track down his original, human self to stop him from continuously committing war crimes and human rights violations in his efforts to resurrect his wife. and he can finally put his wife who he calls a bitch to rest. I'm not gonna say I love you... I'm gonna say... I forget you. I'm letting you go. And then he can die pathetically as a human while his better AI version sticks around with his daughter who he still doesn't really remember for a while until he eventually has to sacrifice himself as well. And ain't that just a bitch.
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minarcana · 8 months
sorry for all the ooc, things are wrong with me. anyways i was in prae for the umpteenth time and every time im there all i can picture is the gaius that lives in my brain being forced to go through prae and its him with his head in his hands like "please. dont. dont make me remember being Like This"
im going to talk about gaius, sorry
(caveat: i have a better werlyt in my brain.)
his arc is that he went from a True Believer to "ah. these are people.". me forcing him to live thru prae era again is the cringe punishment cube.
a clarification to werlyt arc rewrite: yeah he did war crimes and he did them on purpose. he was aware they were war crimes. he knew that other legions did bad things, though he consistently underestimated the amount and cruelty of human experimentation going on. he knew other legions tended to treat eorzeans as lesser
however he really did believe in Something. he believed varis's propaganda and that varis was a benevolent leader, that it wasnt just primals but eorzea's belief in gods in general that were killing their own land bc he cant tell the difference between a primal and a god. he was fully committed to "these people are savages and heres some fuckin, fantasy version of the white mans burden" which is obviously incredibly wrong and fucked but yknow, it fuels the war machine. he was a soldier who never even thought to ask questions.
all he did was believe wholeheartedly in the propaganda fed to him and therefore rationalize "torching this entire country is fine, right". cannot stress enough i am not excusing the war crimes. im just making him a consistent character with a mildly rational arc. he super did those war crimes and did them on purpose. but he also did protect the war orphans his own war caused and had no issue whatsoever letting eorzeans who wanted to join the army to protect themselves do so. equality of opportunity providing you pledged fealty to garlemald, bc being of garlemald's population made you Better and Not A Savage and therein lies the line of who it's fine to kill if they fight back and who can be treated with respect.
unfortunately, ascians. gaius got his ass handed to him and the result is [nervous laughter] oh shit the army is super not infalliable and always right and very capable of and prone to wanton destruction instead of targeted attacks specifically to claim territory, hence the depression arc. he's pissed at ascians and wants to die. two birds one stone, hunt ascians till one of them kills him. meet people who want him dead and yknow theyve got a fucking point.
though he did still believe in the last vestige of "maybe things arent completely fucked and i didnt spend my entire life believing in utter bullshit lies?" that varis was a Good Emperor and Capable Of/Genuinely Interested In Ensuring Protection Of Garleans until the black rose incident. he still had a weird loyalty towards him that maybe he could get varis to like. not enact biological warfare against his own men. if he were just able to talk to him. but twas not to be and gaius essentially just [throws hands into air] OKAY! FINE! FUCK ME I GUESS!
hed already entirely lost faith that anything in garlemald's extant ruling structure could be salvaged while they still tried to wage war, weapon series just brought into light how deeply rotten the army had been the entire time when gaius had turned a blind eye to any operations that weren't his own.
if he met himself from his prae monologue now he'd strangle one of himself he doesnt care which one just free him from whatever this is hed Rather Die
the only thing im keeping him actually genuinely 100% totally unaware of from werlyt is the weird Thing livia had for him. shes out there hollering HIS BODY IS MINE as gaius is like "[completely out of earshot every time she does that] haha livia shes like a relative of mine i guess" and thats because i think its very funny.
like. look. garleans cant use aether. i desperately want the explanation for how the fuck this man is pulling shadow clones out of his ass when he repels magic. i choose to believe the X beams are either ceruleum fire or aether cartridges charged by someone else but this cannot explain fuckin naruto shadow clone jutsu going on. what the fuck, gaius.
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Toman's S/O saving pretty boy Baji (contains spoilers)
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This one-shot contains a lot of spoilers for the Valhalla arc. so please don't read it if you haven't read the manga or don't mind spoiling Tokyo revengers for yourself.
So I reread the Tokyo revengers manga to make myself suffer and I honest to goodness can't get over my girl Emma's death and Baji's death. so to console my broken heart I decided that I would write a one-shot of Toman's s/o saving Emma and Baji. This one-shot will be about saving pretty boy Baji and another one will be solely dedicated to saving Emma which has already been posted.
This is basically a giant Fuck you to Kisaki. I, 100% agree with the said idea.
In this one-shot, you have some uncanny ability to basically be a Mary Sue.
Warnings; strong language(cursing), violence, mentions of stabbing, attempted murder, and y/n being an absolute badass maybe a little bit off their rocker.
character listed: Baji, Mikey, Draken, and Chifuyu
I'll try to keep the reader as gender-neutral as much as I can. In the next one-shot, the reader will be female.
This one is shorter than the other one.
{Masterlist 1} {masterlist 2}
The moment Baji appeared at the Toman meeting you knew it was trouble and you were right it was an absolute shit show.
Baji quit to join Valhalla, Kisaki was 3rd division captain, and Takemitchi got knocked out. Kisaki gave you kind of weird vibes and bitch you weren't buying the whole I'm your friend spiel he was spouting. You would keep an eye on him since he acts kind of suspicious and uppity.
On the day of the fight, you had cram school so you wouldn't arrive on time and you couldn't ditch it or else you wouldn't hear the end of it from your parents.
A common misconception about you was that you weren't part of Toman. Many people would see you hanging around toman's top brass and just believed you were just someone's s/o or friend.
They weren't wrong but they weren't right.
You were more like a secret among the founding members. You would handle things in your own way away from the public eye. Simply because you had to uphold your good child reputation with your family, friends, and school. So you couldn't possibly taint your family name. Through and through no matter how secret you did things rumors still made their way around Toman's and other gangs but they weren't ever confirmed. It was made very clear to any member of toman that if you ever give out an order, they listened. It was an unspoken rule, due to that same reason many thought that you were one of the top brass's s/o.
This is why it was way more shocking to see you in your school uniform standing next to Mikey's passed-out body before Kisaki could even make his way to set the stage to his plans. the wind blew lightly as you stood above everyone near Mikey.
"Sorry I'm late, Cram school is a ran a little late.♡" You say as you send a man flying by kicking him.
"Y/N, let us protect Mikey," Kisaki said as he tried to get closer
"No, I have it covered here. Your division should head down and help the vice-captain." your tone leaving no room for Kisaki to argue.
"But we have numbers. Its smarter to-" Kisaki began saying but stopped when seeing your cold dead glare shot right at him
"I didn't ask, I order you to go help Draken." Kisaki scoffed but obeyed
"And if anything happens to any of the toman's captains and vice-captains I'll kill you myself." a shiver ran down Kisaki's back as he and the third division went help Draken.
You see many Valhalla members rushing towards Mikey. "well it looks like fun is just about to arrive Mikey.~"
You grab Mikey and basically play hot potato with Mikey as you fight Vallhalla members. It was certainly amusing and impressive to you defend Mikey by throwing him up towards the sky only to catch him in a different place.
"where's all that confidence you guys had before? already gone?" you teased your opponents "It would be so much easier to kill all of you ♡"
"but that would make Mikey sad ..so I guess I'll just beat you till you can't breathe. ♡"
"c'mon put more into your punch, hit me. Can't you do it? Your all so freaking boring!" you say as you literally kick Chrome off of the mountain of cars.
"Guess its over Mikey, its not as fun, as I hoped," you say as you carry Mikey down passing by all of the knocked-out Valhalla members you left.
Oddly you didn't see kazutora anywhere, so you knew that that something was going to happen. So you stopped mid-way from the mountain of cars and looked around.
You facepalm as you see kazutora run with a knife.
" Kazu, you never learn do you?" you say and slip Mikey off of you. you lay Mikey down on the hood of the car.
you see Chojo's passed out body on the car next to you
" I hate to do this to ya, but not really," You say as you grab chojo's ankle and yeet him at kazutora. You see them both collide and the knife gets thrown into somewhere nobody would care to look.
you finally make it down with Mikey on your back and sit him down on the ground. You sigh tiredly as you see baji shocked you stopped someone from stabbing him.
you stop in front of kazutora.
"of all the things you could have done you did the worst kazutora," you say before punching kazutora while all your strength to knock him out.
"did you see that? they beat all those Valhalla members?"
"that's so fucking cool!"
"no wonder they hang around the top dogs of Toman! they're one of them!!"
nevertheless, you ended up with so many fanboys after that fight. its almost ridiculous.
Manjiro Sano aka "Mikey"
Mikey was passed out for most of the fight and was in a bad mood. Being awaken by hearing Kisaki spouting out bullshit to him was horrible.
"Kisaki shut the fuck up. Baji is fine and kazutora is knocked out" Draken said
Mikey could feel some of his cuts were cleaned off and bandaged.
" I wanted to kill him."
"I know, but since I stopped him you don't have to right?"
" I think you're smart enough to see kazutora got manipulated. he doesn't have enough brains to pull any of this shit off on his own. You can hate him and you should but remember he can't do any of this on his own"
"Go talk to Baji. you guys need to talk about whatever this shit is cause I'm too tired to understand."
after a lot of thinking, Mikey does what you say. Baji gets back into the first division and Mikey is happy he didn't lose another person in his life.
Ken Ryuguji aka "Draken"
He watched you as you threw Chojo across the yard. He had no idea why you would do that like wtf we won ?? like no need to throw an unconscious person like a football.
well, that's until he realizes that you were saving Baji. He's proud of you for stopping Kazurora from making a giant mistake in his life.
"Good work y/n!" he's very professional in public but once you guys get into a private he thanks you properly because he knows how much it meant to Mikey and him that you saved Baji.
He's also very jealous of your reflexes, strength, and instincts. Like how did you throw chojo with such accuracy?
though it kinda unnerves him how many fanboys you have gotten due to showing up and showing off. He had to shut down a lot of gangs on a daily basis due to them trying to recruit you.
So congrats you now have a 6'0 something giant and Lil Mikey following you around so that you don't get recruited every time you go out.
Keisuke Baji
He didn't even realize that kazutora was going to stab him till he saw the knife skidded away somewhere
"kazutora?" poor baby is in shock that Kazu was going to stab him. he knows Kisaki was behind this but he couldn't save off the shock he felt.
"Thanks, babe ♡" he doesn't care if the guys call him a freaking simp. He's thankful for a s/o who has his back even in life and death situations. After this, he kinda chills out for a bit. he's still baji but he just double-thinks things now. he appreciates everything in his life a little bit more.
You, Baji, Chifuyu, and Takemitchi start the "Fuck you Kisaki" group and basically talk shit about Kisaki.
His mom is a little bit weirded out by how he acts and generally is very concerned. But he's back to old Baji in no time.
Please don't ever mention to his mom that he almost died or that kazutora tried to kill him.
He differently plans to marry you as soon as possible.
Chifuyu Matsuno
This man cries I tell you cries! he doesn't give a damn if anyone sees him. Especially since takemitchi told him about the future and what was supposed to happen to Baji. He first cries, then hugs Baji like his life depended on it, then he comes barreling towards you and hugs you. basically hugs and swings him around while crying.
He will give you the world if you ask him. this man loves you.
You two spend most of your time hanging around Baji. you basically start the "Protect Baji" bodyguard movement. The both of you Baji gets annoyed but he just lets it happened or else you and Chifuyu trail him so horribly he can't ignore both.
Honorary member of "Fuck you Kisaki" group. Takemitchy is the president 😂.
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omegansamurai · 3 years
You know what ticks me off about what Bryke did to Aang?
They basically didn’t let him interact with the other characters to make him grow into a better person. It was always about Katara.
Like there was when Zuko and Aang went with each other to the Sun Warrior Island, but all of a sudden in TSR, “Zuko’s bad, and we have to make him bad to let the audience know that he’s not a right match for Katara!”
...Like, didn’t Zuko have a redemption arc? And now he’s bad again? ...Clearly I’m missing something here.
I mean, what about other characters? This show is about character growth, so why not let Aang grow into a better person. I’m not saying he isn’t, but he’s clearly a child with a child-like view. Unless the person LIVED through the whole trauma of a genocide, then you don’t listen to what that person preaches about forgiveness and not kill and whatnot. He hasn’t seen or DONE anything like that. Like he could’ve talked about fighting with Sokka, even Suki. They would tell him how they’d strike first and whatnot and make sure the enemy is down. That would make him question his morals a little bit. I mean, he could just knock them out, not really kill them(kind of like Batman, you know?).
Oh, and Toph...come on, Aang, she’s your age, at least talk to her a little bit! She’d even gone through some tough crap that you can probably ask her about....(and maybe develop a little crush on later) 
But it was always Katara...it’s like, dude, you got other friends, ask for their advice that isn’t LOVE advice. You’re freaking twelve, your mind isn’t that advanced yet to think about actual true love. But of course, romance(!), because Bryke can’t think of anything else interesting.
Honestly, I’m really seeing the flaws with Canon Aang now. We tend to forget that he’s portrayed as a 12-year-old boy in ATLA, when we really think he’s this all-knowing kid that...ran away, got frozen in an iceberg for 100 years, and the next thing he thinks after being awakened is penguin sledding with a cute older girl that he, for the first time, sees after being released in the iceberg? Not only that, but he really didn’t fully control his Avatar State. He didn’t even mention it to anybody else, BUT Katara. And he mentioned it just two times, TWO TIMES, to her in season 3(I think). 
Man, the writing quality on season 3 of ATLA is jarring, and it’s sad that nobody notices it. They automatically say it’s the perfect show. I’m sorry, but from all the flaws in the writing of s3(and believe me, there are FLAWS, not only in Aang) and wasted character interactions that Aang could’ve had with the other characters, BESIDES Katara? You’re just gonna ignore that? Granted, you don’t think about it the first time you watch it, but when you watch it again...and a third time...and maybe a fourth time...you can see the flaws.
And while on the topic of Bryke, apparently, they think the show is about romance. And honestly, I’m starting to believe Aang is a self insert of Mike. He doesn’t even hide it in ATLA and LOK(which I will never watch), without the tattoo on his head, his facial structure is there. As you may know, I hold no high regards to Bryke, especially Mike, but Aang is really becoming evident that he’s nothing more than Mike’s super 13-year-old fantasy self-insert of being the hero who gets the girl. Believe me, I had that phase happened to me too...when I was 13. I mean, granted I wasn’t winning a girl at the time, but I watched a lot of Dragonball Z...yeah, take that to account. X( 
Either way, this fandom has gotten so toxic now on how they think Aang was right and is such a hero, when...they just forgot about HOW his genocide was started(him running away), that he’s just 12 in a war-torn world that only held on to his simple child-like belief that everything would be a-okay if we just forgive and hug and hopefully they won’t stab us in the back, and on how his obsessive feelings with Katara is so unhealthy. And it really is, people. He has a world to save, he doesn’t have time to score a girl, especially at his age. 
And as for him finding someone else who isn’t Katara down the road in life...well, hey, Toph’s right there! And I’m sure she would grow up too to be an even better person in life! I mean, kids mature and age, people! You think Aang is really gonna focus on ONE girl? Come on, Aang is clearly a guy, he’ll grow up and find other women attractive. I mean, look at Suki! XP 
It’s just...s3′s writing later on and maybe in the middle of it is so contrived and unrealistic, it needs to be questioned. 
Oh, and don’t tell me that the Air Nomads didn’t fight back against the Fire Nation Army when they attacked their temples, which three things on that: 
1. When the Fire Nation attacked, what do you think the Air Nomads were gonna do; sit down, drink tea, and negotiate a bit? 
2. I honestly think there had to been MORE Air Nomads laying low in the Avatar world, but that wasn’t explored...thanks Bryke. -_-x 
3. And saying that the Air Nomads were a ‘pure race’ is such a pile of bullcrap. If that’s the case, then Aang escaping from his duties as Avatar the first time around wasn’t so ‘pure’, was it? Since, you know, doing this caused an Air Nomad GENOCIDE. And again, the temples where the skeletons of the dead Air Nomads indicated that they FOUGHT the Fire Nation to the death, which skeletons of FIRE NATION SOLDIERS were littered across the floor!? Gee...sounds kind of pure, doesn’t it?
Okay, well, this is a long rant, so I’ll stop here. But I hope you all get what I’m saying with all of this. Aang needed to grow. He needed to be challenged. He needed his morals and beliefs questioned. It makes him more of an interesting character. Yet Bryke...chose the lazy, uninspiring, and quite frankly, cowardly way out of telling Aang is right and no one questions him on it. He didn’t have guidance from his other friends, just his love for Katara to guide him. Which is NOT good enough, I’m sorry. It’s just selfish. Plain and simple as that. 
Bryke(or Mike to be precise) wanted to be the Hero...but at what cost?
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Sorry for being, like, decades late with this but what that one anon piqued my curiosity so I checked it myself.
(sorry again if this bothers you)
So apparently when Endeavor got to Sekoto Peak, he was told the extreme temperature of the fire caused Touya's body to disintegrate into ash and had been scattered through the wind.
Being, the only thing they managed to recover, a piece of his lower jawbone. However, he said that, at the time, he didn't quite believe Touya had died and kept searching for him.
But, as we know, he never found the child . So yeah.. someone most likely got their hands on the matter
Hey hey, no one is later on my blog than myself. I have around 100 asks I haven't answer and another 100 drafts I haven't publish.
Even if Horikoshi decides he doesn't want to explain the 10 years between Touya's accident and Dabi meeting with the League, this info allows you to study further the relationship between the Todorokis and the impact of that relationship in Dabi's life.
First of all, where the piece of jawbone came from? Is it really from Touya? If so, I'm deadly worried about Dabi. I'm gonna need some med specialist or someone with medical knowledge, but for what I see about Dabi, he doesn't seem to lack any part of his jaw structure, or does he? I don't know about this stuff, kehdndkjdnd
The other thing that I can see in here is that Endeavor didn't stop looking. That act shows guilt, but also tells us that it's just partial guilt. We know he kept abusing and neglecting his children, specially Shouto. Touya's dead made him sad and guilty, but not enough to set him down the path of redemption.
How much Dabi know about how his family kept going after his death? I risk to think he doesn't know that much, because he was kinda surprised to see Shouto and he talks about his family like he hasn't heard about them in years. He prabably never went looking to see what version of the story his family got.
We need to consider the fact that we are pressuring doses of realism in a manga that may not have planned explaining any of this. Yes, it is an important point for the plot but maybe it's not that important for the general theme. Giving us insight to the 10 years Dabi was lost on the streets could be a step to complete his arc in a more efficient way, but it can also be totally discarded and replaced for other mechanisms.
Did they tested the piece of lower jawbone to see if it matched Touya? And I still wonder how exactly Touya survived to that fire. Who helped him get out of the Sekoto Peak, with all those injuries and the possibility of a serious infection all over him. Who exactly decided the staples were the best options, who taught Dabi how to manipulate them, etc.
For me there's definitely a factor that we doesn't know yet, a factor that got lost in the narrative. Whenever this factor is relevant or not, it could give us a clue to figure out how Dabi thinks, of how was the process of growing up during the 10 years gap.
Like I said, I already discarded it being a villain we know. If Horikoshi decides this factor is important, the mysterious person is probably going to be a character that is already in the narrative. If Horikoshi decides it's not important itself but only the consequences of those years, the mysterious person can be a random character in the background that Dabi left behind.
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mazojo · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Opinions
As always its that time of the year I pretend to be an anime connoisseur and leave my review on this seasons anime so take it with a grain of salt asdfgh from the one I enjoyed the least to the most.
Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!! (TV)
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You are seeing currently the only probably best thing about Wave asdfghj Tanaka bby I am SO sorry you got stuck here,,,,, Its bad because I had so many expectations for Wave but it just...... isn’t very good? The characters feel 2 dimensional, animation is veeeery average and the plot is all over the place? Dont even get me started on the Shou situation plot device that they just brushed over and went on with and,,,,,big sigh
Urasekai Picnic
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To be honest is not very fair to compare this one to the rest as ive only watched the first 2 eps but ill catch up eventually asdfghj its not bad just that the plot didnt capture me as much as I hoped but the two main characters cutiess the plot just confuses me asdfgh but I don't have much to say about it
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
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So uh anyways Chile I don't wanna talk about it the only reason this is not dead last is because RayEmma cute moments but yeah don't watch this clown show go read the manga for self care ✨
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
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The only reason this is here is because she. The main girl I cant remember the name of sucks and main dude is very normal asdfgh the plot is basically “Want people to like you? change everything about yourself and become a normie robot!!!” ASDFGHJ Like its so over the top and cringe at times it becomes very confusing but hey I am not caught up either so I may change opinions (x doubt tho)
2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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From this point onwards I basically like everything. 2.43 Started suuuuper strong for me, definitely thought it would be one of my favs this season but as the eps went by I just.... kinda lost interest asdfgh? Like its not bad, but its a sort of mix between Stars Align and Haikyuu where I would have loved a more character based story with dark subplots like Stars Align but got the parts I always criticize about Haikyuu were there was a point I didn't really knew any of the characters? ASDFGH like the enemy team is super cool and Love their designs but if you ask me to tell you anything about them I already forgot rip. Its still cute and the animation is cool but yeah it kind of disappointed me in the end a bit ;w;
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
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AOT Is so sexci because it keeps on hurting me and I come back every-time for it ASDFGHJ Not much to say that hasn't been said, characters are super interesting, plot is a bit confusing at times for me to follow but amazing and I just :))) could go on about certain characters :))))) but I wont :))))
Wonder Egg Priority
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Wonder egg priority is very talked about right now so I wont get too much into it other than definitely give it a watch if you like the more philosophical and “makes you reflect on your life choices” sort of anime ASDFGHJ the visuals are stunning and the characters very well build, although I am very confused at times I am still enjoying it tons ^^ Trigger warning however for some heavy topics I recommend checking the warnings before watching it <3
Kemono Jihen
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I LOVE THEM OKaY? asdfghjk Kemono Jihen gives me the found family topes and I eat them all right up, I love the characters , their designs, the plot, everything. To be fair tho, I did enjoy the manga more than the anime but maybe its a pacing thing? idk but I definitely recommend 100% taking on the manga and maybe after watch the anime but I am enjoying it tons!!
Kai Byoui Ramune
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This one may come as a surprise lol?? Like I haven't seen a single soul talk about Ramune but like??? I am actually enjoying it a lot?? and look forward every week for the ep? asdfghj Like yes I will be the first to admit the animation isn't really the beeeeest out there but the plot is funny while also being serious, the characters are quirky and interesting to keep the flow going and I am liking the undertone heavy messages? the soundtrack also slaps imo and yeah I would definitely say to watch the first ep and if you like that sort of dynamic take it up on the rest!
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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Okay I will be the first one to admit this is just me being trash for the idol shows but like?? its my list so I get to decide which found family I am screaming about next ASDFGHJ. As an avid A3 stan this gave me serious vibes of my boys (plus they were made form the same company so like not very surprised there loll) and like I think the characters are cute with adorable relationships and cute songs and its just a lighthearted show I sit down every Wednesday and smile through the 25 minutes so yes I Chu deserves a high spot and yes I recommend it even if it has like a 6.3 on myanimelist sksksks
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Look at Gen!!!! enough reasons to watch dr stone!!!! ASDFGH but in all seriousness I....... love them okAy? The plot is amazing and the characters are super entertaining (hiiii Ukyo Gen Senku and Chrome muak) and although it may seem a bit slower paced than first season the arc is gonna get better and better and the finale is gonna be great if they stick to the manga. Only sad that I dont get to see my pirate fuckboy but we better be getting a third season
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
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when I say this is the happiness of all my Tuesdays I ain’t even exaggerating ASDFGHJ Does this have an important plot? no. Is it transcending to animation? not really. Is it BSD content I've been starving for? absolutely!!! Tbh I see my favorite anime characters in chibi version and I go feral, go watch BSD pogg!!
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Me?? searching for that one gif of the side ship scene am obsessed over?? more likely than you think ASDFGH Horimiya holds a special place in my heart because it was the first manga I ever read and the nostalgia is stroNG,,,,,, The plot isn't anything really transcending but the way the characters are captured the feelings just,,,,,, stan!! Also Yuki x Tooru supremacy !
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Okaaaaay this is also me being a bitch for sports anime but like, again, are we surprised?? ASDFGHJ It may be my love for Hayato speaking but ive absolutely loves Skate Leading Stars, I love the group, the main characters, the ships, the routines and its so pretty and they are in love and like the competition and asdfgh its gOoD OKaY??? Watch it if anything for Hayato 👉🏻 👈🏻 My bastard bitch I love the gremlin.
Beastars 2nd Season
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I think we are all sleeping on Beastars brushing it off as a furry show. I don’t speak enough about it and I am not one to go about poetic cinemaness on main but beastars is a very poetic cinema show and yall sleeping on it. Coming from someone who was uncomfortable at first with the whole animal relationships part at first, just know beastars is so much more than that, it has a complicated plot with critics about the society within the show with amazing characters, great soundtrack and animation plus banger plot. Pina, Jack, Juno and Legoshi best characters and every week I look forward for the next eps so I hope yall go give it some love.
SK8 The Infinity
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If it wasnt clear from my spam every Saturday that I am absolutely in love with this show I dont know what to tell you ASDFGHJ. Sk8 has an amazing range of characters I find fascinating, specially Reki, very much so everything Reki asdfgh but yeah!! Its super entertaining with an interesting plot and its definetely becoming one of my favorite animes because the amount of times ive rewatched the episodes to cope is kind of embarrassing lmaooo, definetely give it a try although I understand its not for everyone but like,,,,, do it for Reki? 🤧👉🏻👈🏻
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Top 5 Character Deaths That Made Me Side-Eye the Writers
There are a lot of character deaths in TWDG... obviously. It a series about the literal dead walkin’ around and eating people, so as you’re playing, one of your favorite characters is bound to meet such a fate. To give this series credit, it does have quite a few well-executed deaths that, while I hate them, they have a purpose in the story that works. 
The best example of this is Lee’s death-- we all hate that Lee dies, but it’s well-done. It serves its purpose, it acted as both a shock and a slow-burn for the player, and left us all an emotional mess. 
However, we’re not talking about the “good” deaths today. No, we’re talking about the character deaths that are poorly executed, cheap, lazy, and just plain dumb... they’re the deaths that make me side-eye the writing team and wonder what the fuck happened there. 
By the way, it was reeeeeeal fun narrowing it down to only five deaths, because it seems like for every great death, there’s at least two bad ones.
5. Mariana and her death that ruined ANF’s potential story
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I’ve talked at length about Mariana’s death and how much I hate it. Like, I get it TWDG... you love your sudden deaths and you’re so edgy for killing off a child character because you’ve never done that before... but maybe consider things a little further before pulling the trigger?
Yeah, killing off Mariana the way they did got a reaction outta people when it happened, and we got the burial scene if you stayed with Clementine... but you didn’t consider the future of this storyline? You pretend you did by name dropping Mari when it’s convenient, but then throw it out the window when it comes to characters like David or Gabe.
Listen, I know that ANF is a mess and what’s the point in telling the mess that it’s a mess? Well, I’m still annoyed at the writers for wasting the biggest opportunity for this game’s story, something that could’ve saved it from being a mess.
And I get it, you gotta make a death quota, so instead of killing Mariana off... why not kill Kate off instead? Oh no? We don’t get the stupid love triangle that no one actually enjoys or is engaged in?
Instead of this dumb story about Javi falling in love with his sister-in-law but oh no David’s back.... we could’ve had a story about Javi losing Kate and being left to care for two children by himself. Mariana and Gabe are all he has left, and he going to do whatever he can to keep them safe all while the three of them are mourning Kate.
Then David comes back, and he immediately takes these kids away from Javi.
There is no stupid storyline with Kate, but an actual conflict between two brothers who were never on the same page and two kids caught in the middle.
Plus, Mariana herself as a character really could’ve brought something to the table. She could’ve brought out a lot in David’s character since she seems to be more like Javi.
Her death is just... annoying. It’s frustrating when you know they could’ve told a better story with her alive, something ANF desperately needed.
My side-eye is one of disappointment and annoyance.
4.Luke and his easily preventable drowning
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Ugh.... where to even begin? 
Luke really just gets butchered as a character throughout the second half of S2, and the writers end up demolishing the set up they placed at the beginning of the season for a Luke vs Kenny thing. 
Why? Well, Luke vs Kenny was the initial ending they were gonna go with, but because this season went through all kinds of bullshit, they scrapped that and replaced Luke with Jane... and it’s so dumb.
Hell, it kind of ruins a lot. Not only did it ruin Luke, a character that many players loved, but it forces the new character of Jane, who we only get two episodes to get to know, so they can fade Luke out. 
But that’s not all. 
His death is so... ugh. It’s stupid, okay? Stupid and easily preventable, but noooo... we gotta kill Luke off for reasons because all we know is that S1 killed off a lot of characters and we’re gonna do that again but worse because we failed to understand what made those deaths impactful in the first place. 
Lots of character death and despair = good game. 
Yep, uh-huh. Okay. 
So we all know that Luke’s leg is hurt, yeah? Great, so you’d think that the group that has an injured man and a new born baby would be extra cautious and go around the frozen lake. Yeah, Arvo says that it’s safe but let’s not take any chances. 
But no. We gotta go across like a group of dingdongs and whattya know-- the ice begins to crack beneath Luke’s feet. Now, even here, we coulda got him outta there safely... if Bonnie wasn’t a dingus. 
Think about it. If we shot the walkers who were coming towards Luke with all their weight, he could’ve slowly scooted away, even if he’s already fallen through. BUT NO. Bonnie either guilts Clementine into going towards him, adding more weight to the already fragile ice as Luke tells her to stop, or Bonnie will go over there herself... and she’s a full grown woman soooo her weight breaks the ice. 
Good job, you dipsticks. 
When you have to make your characters into morons in order to move the plot along and kill off characters....maybe do some rethinking, yeah? 
 3. Mitch and his shock-value death
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This death is so dumb... so incredibly, dumb. Even now, I can’t help but give full side-eye to the writers every time one of them tries to justify this death. 
I’m sorry, but this death didn’t have the impact you wanted it to have. And because there’s always someone who says, “Mitch didn’t die for shock value, you just can’t tell the difference between a good and bad death” lemme tell you a thing. 
What was the point of killing of Mitch? Well, according to those who worked on TFS, it was to show that Lilly and the delta are serious. This is when shit gets real, and when Lilly is established as a bad bitch who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. We should be scared of her now. 
Except no. 
This scene doesn’t tell me that Lilly is a bad bitch. It tells me that she has good reflexes, and going off her reaction after killing Mitch.... I’m not fucking scared of this dumbass. If anything, this scene says more about Mitch than it does Lilly. It says that Mitch is also a dumbass for running at her like he did. 
Y’know what would’ve been more impactful? If Mitch didn’t immediately get stabbed in the throat, but instead, actually got her on the ground and struggled with Lilly. Then, Lilly gets the upper hand and when you think she’s about to send Mitch to the cart, she fucking murders him in front of everyone to prove a point. 
There’s no remorse, it’s slow enough for Lilly to actually process what’s happening and show that she does know what she’s doing. That would scare me. That would show me that these people aren’t fucking around and they’re willing to kill some of them if that means getting the rest for their army. 
You still get your shock value death but it actually does something other than kill a character off. 
I’m really supposed to believe this is the same Lilly who can order to have Louis’ tongue cut off? 
But it doesn’t end there. No, no... there’s another part to Mitch’s death that annoys me, and it’s how insistent everyone was that his death is going to have a greater impact on the second half of the story. It had a purpose within the story, we did it for a reason.
...I mean, it has an impact on Willy and his arc for the second half. 
But that’s it. 
Oh... oh, what’s that? Oh, you were referring to those throwaway lines about Tenn? “He was screwing up again, just like when he got Mitch killed.”
OOOOOH.... I see, that’s what Mitch’s death was really amounting to... some lines dealing with whether or not AJ shot Tenn. Well, I guess I was wrong. Mitch’s death wasn’t just shock value. It really had a big purpose. In fact, Mitch’s death has the biggest impact on the series. Fuck Marlon and Brody’s deaths, and Lilly and James, and hell, fuck Tenn’s death, too. They’re meaningless compared to Mitch’s death. You did it, guys. You really did it. 
....Okay, I’m done. I’m just... salty, I fully admit. 
Being serious again, Mitch’s death is probably the worst in TFS as far as unpreventable deaths go and the real reason I side-eye the writers is because they tried to tell us it was going to have this huge impact in the future and it just... didn’t. 
2. Nick and his offscreen death.
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I’m sorry, but what the fuck happened here? Why- what are you- how the hell did this happen??
I’m actually baffled. 
Someone wrote this. 
They set up at the end of ep3 that Nick is shot.... then ep4 comes and we find him like this. I just... did someone on the writing staff not wanna do their job that day? Someone was working on the story and at the last minute forgot Nick was a character, so they were like “Eh, he’s not important anyway, and it adds to the shittiness of everything so we’ll pretend this was 100% intentional.” 
Nick was one of your more interesting characters and you really thought killing him off like this was the way to go, huh? 
Like, his first death is shitty, but in the very least it kind of makes sense. 
But this? 
This is horrible. If I wrote this, I’d be embarrassed. 
I just... I’m so tired of S2 right now. 
This is at #2 because it’s just lazy, bad writing. At least with Luke, Mitch, and Mariana, we got to see their deaths and they had some, even if just a little, impact on the story afterward. 
But Nick? 
Even Luke, who is the closest person to Nick, name drops him maybe twice? It’s just.... nothing. 
And yeah, you can come at me with the “oh well not every death has to have meaning!” 
This is a story, okay? This is a story crafted with characters who have arcs by people who wanted it to be a success, and usually that means having satisfying conclusions.... or, intentionally unsatisfying if that acts as a natural conclusion to their story or is a reoccurring theme. 
Nick’s death is just the writers falling flat on their faces and hoping no one would notice. 
1. Sarah and both of her shitty deaths. 
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Ugh. UGH.
I’m not even side-eyeing anymore-- I’m fully glaring.
I don’t have to tell you how shitty both of Sarah’s deaths are. We all played S2, we all know that no matter what you do, Sarah dies in ep4. You can try to save her, she lives a little bit longer, and then falls to her death... and both deaths have her being devoured alive by walkers. 
Now, this is enough to annoy me. First off, I guess my choices don’t really matter. Sure, you can justify this as one of those “sometimes you can’t save someone, no matter how hard you try” ...and fine. Sure, if they had bothered to execute that point well, then great. 
But I disagree that the writers had that in mind when they were killing Sarah off. 
In fact, I know what what going on in their brains-- “God, can’t wait to kill Sarah off! Give us any reason to do it! She’s so damn annoying!”
The writers have openly admitted that a lot of the team were just waiting to kill Sarah off, waiting for any reason, so when the major part of the community who take everything at surface level because why think? kept complaining about Sarah, they jumped on the opportunity to kill her off.... but the deaths are dumb.
Listen, this isn’t like when the writers planned on killing Lee off. You can plan a death and even be excited about it because you’re excited about the story and execution of it all. You can be excited to see the heartbreaking end of this character’s story that you crafted because you know you put everything you had into it.
These deaths were lazy and the product of a team who didn’t care about the character. Sarah dies and no one cares. 
Sure, you leave her to die the first time and Jane does her thing about how you can’t save everyone, she talks about Jaime, and then Luke exposes himself as the fake Luke by agreeing that leaving Sarah behind was probably the right thing. Like what?
Now as much as I hate that first one, the second one is even worse. 
For some reason, Sarah is standing in the corner while they’re trying to fight off the walkers instead of being inside with Rebecca... y’know, where she would be if this was logical. 
Then the deck breaks and Sarah falls, trapped under a pile of wood. Jane, despite being the one who sees Sarah as a liability, goes down there to try and help her after Clementine begs her to. 
But because the writers don’t know what they’re doing, Jane gets hit by a random piece of wood and can’t get Sarah out in time, leaving her to be eaten alive by walkers. 
Then AJ is born and no one cares about Sarah ever again. 
I just.... 
Could’ve had an interesting story arc with a character who just lost her father in such a gruesome way, a character that already deals with anxiety and other problems that you never bothered to explain other than “she isn’t like Clementine” and you could’ve had her grow. 
But I guess that would’ve taken effort.... and screen time away from Kenny, and god forbid we ever do that. 
Honorable Mentions
-Ava falling to her death in the most comedic way possible, made even more hilarious by David’s two seconds of mourning. -Omid.... because hope is dead. Do you get it? Hope? is dead? Because Omid means hope? Do you get it?? -Honestly you could put most of S2′s deaths on this list because oh my god. -Ben because I’m still a salty bitch.  -I also wanna add Louis and Violet’s deaths on the bridge mostly because they die, Clem is sad for two seconds, Tenn says sorry, and then no one cares. Yeah, yeah, they mourned off screen and I call that lazy bullshit. -Hell, throw Tenn’s death on here, too, for similar reasons-- no one but Louis/Violet and AJ seem to care. Even Clementine is like “whatever” after it happens. 
Y’know, picking this one seemed like a good idea at the time, but by now I’m just annoyed by all these dumb deaths. So, what are your thoughts? Are there any deaths that make you question the writers that didn’t end up on the list? Do you agree or disagree with my list? Lemme know, we can have a friendly discussion about it. 
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Favorite Louis Moments
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arabian-bloodstream · 4 years
Why in Angela Kang I Trust
Maybe because I've been bruised and battered by showrunners and exec producers when it comes to couples and have also been rewarded (very, very, VERY rarely -- OK, like once), that is why I'm feeling positive about Caryl with regards to the spoilers.
Lemme give a bit of my history.  I've had sooooo many couples, it's not even funny. I'm beyond a couple-girl.  I've been involved in Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars, The 100, Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandoms (and many more). Yeah, so I've been through some ups and downs in the fandoms themselves and with the end result of the product/my couple preference.
Two of the things that these fandoms taught me were (a) critical analysis of the product taking *everything* into account and not just my couple, and (b) how to deal with spoilers to keep myself sane.
NOTE: This is how I deal. I'm not telling anyone else how to feel or deal. This is my bag and what works for me and why I'm personally totally, 100% positive about Caryl despite the recent spoilers.
In one of my fandoms, I was heartbroken by how an episode played out. It made no sense to me. I had analyzed everything, paid attention to all the road signs... how could I have been so wrong? How could she choose the other guy??! It took a few weeks, but I re-thought everything and realized that I had been so focused on analyzing MY couple that I had ignored the OTHER couple. I had ignored the other aspects of the show and that other aspect mattered. It was like a bomb went off in my head. Suddenly something so obvious was now so clear to me.  
From that moment on when I analyzed the show, I analyzed every character, every aspect of it and I gotta tell you all I just about nailed every character plot point. Not the twists/turns, but the emotional, character beats? I was right as rain on those. Because here's the obvious thing, no showrunner/headwriter is ever going to write for ONE character, ONE couple. They are going to write for every single character, every single couple.  And if they are good writers they aren't going to take fanfic-like shortcuts to get them where we would like them to be, they are going to dig deep and explore who they are as characters to bring them organically to where they belong.
So... The Walking Dead. Angela Kang. Daryl Dixon. Carol Peletier. Caryl. (FINALLY! Ya'll say.) Angela Kang is a GOOD showrunner/headwriter. She brought TWD back from the disaster that Scott Gimple had made of the show. Seriously, I think 3-4 seasons went by and only 2 months had passed in that time. It was mostly a slow-moving morass of nothing happening with most characters doing nothing, barely connecting. Blech! It was mostly just not good. She whipped this show into shape.
Kang also took a long look at Carol, Daryl and Caryl and realized that in order to get them where they needed to be... which was TOGETHER ROMANTICALLY, they needed a helluva lot of work because Gimple had done ABSOLUTE SHIT with them for about 4 years. They had barely a handful of scenes over that time period, had been mostly separated and both characters had been decimated in completely different ways.
Carol's grief, guilt and horrendous actions had been completely and utterly sublimated. She told no one (including Daryl) about what happened with all of the children she had lost by her hand or through she felt because of her.  So what did Kang do? She used the relationship that Gimple had begun with Ezekiel to create this fairytale fantasy that Carol could escape to since she couldn't be with her Alexandria family anymore because of that grief and guilt. She gave her that respite and escape until she was ready to live with the reality of all she'd done.
And then she opened the door to that grief and guilt with Henry's death, destroying that fairytale/fantasy so that she could finally begin to heal. And that is what we are finally getting now, a healing Carol. She's not whole yet, but she's stronger and she is healing. She's no longer hiding in some fantasy, she's no longer drowning in grief. And she's with her family again. She's come home.
I'm sure just as Kang looked at Carol, she also looked at Daryl and saw how Gimple had turned him into a monosyllablic follower. So, through the last two seasons, she's been building him up as the leader who's stepping up and also... HE SPEAKS! That's really the big thing, but it's such, such a big thing.
Finally, Caryl. To begin with, Kang's first episode made it perfectly obvious that it was a Zeke/Carol/Daryl triangle. However, because it's been sooooooooooooo long and the Caryl crowd has been battered for so long and the ABC crowd is so loud and even the media doesn't immediately jump to it despite the popularity of Caryl the obviousness of it just wasn't obvious. But the way Zeke proposed to Carol to which she did not say yes, his undying declaration of love to which she did not respond in kind to the way she curled up (yes, curled up!) against Daryl to tell him about said proposal and his response, clearly not happy about it, but willing to give her the go-ahead if she was happy was so obvious. I mean, DUDE! Yeah, that was textbook triangle material with the guy proposing being the clear loser in the equation in the long run. And that was Angela Kang's first episode as showrunner!
Everything that followed--the secret visits to him, her cutting his hair, her trust in him and vice-versa--to her leaving Zeke behind in Hilltop and going with Daryl to Alexandria, yeah, all of that was clearly going to be how that "triangle" ended based on that first episode.  But so many Caryl fans were heartbroken, upset, furious about the Carol/Zeke spoilers. Of course, they were. We had no idea what Kang had in store. We'd been burned and battered and used and ignored by TWD, AMC, Gimple, et al. How could we possibly know that Kang had a plan all along and that the Carol/Zeke relationship was about paying time and attention to Carol's character and establishing a subtle triangle with Daryl in which he would emerge the victor?
But that's exactly what Angela Kang did. And then in season 10 she made it clear numerous times that it--only her second as showrunner--would feature the relationship of Carol and Daryl at the heart of it. So I have a few points I want to make regarding the upcoming spoilers taking ALL of the above that I've written into account:
1. Spoilers are tricky things. You simply can not know what is what until you actually watch the episode and even see the full arc play out. When you have a good showrunner/headwriter who has a plan and knows the path planned for the characters--one who has proven they know what they're doing--wait until you see what they are actually doing before assuming the roof is falling in. At least that's my philosophy.
2. I mentioned how the obviousness of the triangle aspect set-up in Kang's first episode as showrunner was so missed and a part of that is because of the fact that there is too much ambiguity in how Caryl and Daryl see one another. Is it friendship? Is it a mother/son (pfft! So fucking ridiculous!) relationship? Is it a sibling-like relationship? Or is it romantic/sexual? (YES, IT IS!) This very well may be what answers that question. (It’s the last one. It’s definitely the last one.)
3. 10x18 is STILL a part of season 10. According to Angela Kang, the heart of season 10 is the relationship of Carol and Daryl.
Finally, there are two characters left from the first season of this ten (of eleven) season show. Carol and Daryl. There is going to be a spin-off featuring Carol and Daryl. A character that Daryl has some sort of history with when he thought he lost Carol when she was married to someone else (after he had lost Rick) is NOT going to suddenly, randomly become the ONE to come between Carol and Daryl.
It doesn’t matter that this character is coming back in the final season. Sorry, not sorry, but it just does not. Carol and Daryl are the ONE for each other. This character is just another Ezekiel, a part of their story. Angela Kang has been organically, effortlessly rebuilding Carol and Daryl, and Caryl back up from the neglect and abuse that they suffered (especially Carol and Caryl) under Scott Gimple.
This is why I trust in Angela Kang.
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diogxnes · 3 years
for the headcanon ask meme.. how about one of each? 0:-)
thanks love, and sorry for the late response!! i'm not 100% sure if i’m interpreting your ask correctly but i’m gonna take it as one of each body part canon for whatever character i feel like <3
headcanon: we don’t know anything about robin’s family but i am 100% certain that she has no siblings and her dad has been out of the picture for a very long time. she has a couple of fuzzy, vaguely nostalgic memories of him but knows rationally that there isn’t anything to miss because if he was really a good person or a good father he’d still be around. she lives with just her mom, who is well-meaning and tries and cares but has fallen off a bit, and struggles to take care of even herself, let alone an angsty, rebellious teenage daughter. so robin is an entirely different person at home--she’s the caretaker, the responsible one. she feels trapped and cannot wait to move out, but she also feels desperately guilty at the thought of leaving her mother to fend for herself. i think it makes a really good counterpoint to steve’s absent-powerful-parents situation (which technically isn’t canon but it looks like we’ve all just accepted it as fact lmao) and would be a really good source of conflict and personal growth for robin later in the show. (realized after i decided all this that this situation is similar to dustin’s and to jonathan’s. i love giving people mommy issues <3)
heartcanon: after the whole chasing-joyce-down-the-street thing jonathan goes back to the morgue because he doesn’t feel like he can go home just yet and feels irrationally like he owes it to will to look properly at his body instead of running away, since at least one person in their family needs to confront will’s death head-on and it clearly isn’t gonna be their mom. when he gets back hopper is still there, sorting out some of the paperwork that joyce left behind. hopper offers to go back with jonathan; he knows from experience how hard it is to look at the body of a kid you love, and he doesn’t want jonathan to have to face it alone. jonathan doesn’t really want the company but he doesn’t refuse it, either. he lets hop stand silently beside him while they wheel out will’s body, and when they pull back the sheet he’s about to lose his resolve again when he feels hop’s hand on his shoulder. neither of them say anything until they’re out on the street, about to go their separate ways. then hopper does his think where he bends down to be at eye level with short people and clasps both of jonathan’s shoulders and tells him that if he or his mom ever need anything, or even if jonathan just wants to talk to someone else who has gone through this, he can call any time and hopper will be there for him. neither of them ever speak of this interaction again, but jonathan treasures the knowledge that he has someone looking out for him and his family. 
gutcanon: steve is gonna die in s4. I don’t want it to happen but I feel in my bones that it will. this show hasn’t actually killed off any major characters yet (and anyone who thinks billy is a major character beyond being an antagonist can gtfo) and i don't think that everyone surviving is gonna last. and steve makes the most sense. they aren’t gonna kill off jonathan when the whole first season was about joyce getting her other son back from the dead. i don’t think they’re gonna kill any of the kids because they’re kids. nancy isn’t gonna die because for better or for worse the duffers have leaned REALLY hard into the whole “badass invincible girl with gun” thing. robin isn’t gonna die because the optics of immediately killing their only (out) gay character are not good. joyce isn’t gonna die because that’ll mess up hop’s redemption arc and lbr winona carries the show. so that leaves steve. also it’s a fantastic (if horrifying) conclusion to his character arc if he goes from dustin calling him “that douchebag steve harrington” in 1.01 to sacrificing himself to save dustin in s4. yknow what i should’ve made this my headcanon and the robin thing my gutcanon because this is WAY more thought out lmao
junkcanon: steve is a top and jonathan is a bottom. unless you’re into stoncy in which case steve is the ultimate power bottom and nancy is unquestionably the top of the bunch. nancy is a top and robin is a bottom. i will not explain myself because i know that i am right 
spleencanon: this is also a headcanon and a heartcanon but jonathan absolutely went and apologized to both steve and nancy together for the s1 photos and they had an adult conversation about how it wasn’t okay but he’s learned and grown and moved on. because absolutely fuck the duffers for deciding that STEVE was the one who needed to apologize to JONATHAN for destroying the camera that was used to take creepshots of his girlfriend. and fuck the duffers for deciding that “in that moment you weren’t like the other girls <3” was a good justification for taking topless pics of nancy without her consent. so yeah jonathan owned up to it and took responsibility and apologized (beyond the super brief “i shouldn’t have taken those”) and only after that did steve forgive him and replace his camera <3
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chibimyumi · 4 years
@thedarkestcrow and a few others have gotten questions about the end of Kuro. The presumption is the final conflict will be between O!C and Sebastian. Many theorize that it will revolve around O!C’s desire to live or not, possibly with his living/reanimated family and friends begging him to escape Sebastian. Of course, even if O!C decides he wants to leave, Sebastian will demand his payment. My question to you is do you think O!C might change his mind about the contract and his will to live?
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Dear Anon,
First of all, my thanks for your sweet words ^^
Now, about your question. Very interesting! I myself don’t do prediction theories though; it involves too much guessing based on too little information and too many variables for me to find it comfortable. That’s why I only do analyses of things that have already happened. So I am not sure how much I can help you here ≽▽≼ so my blog might be less amazing to you now, I’m so sorry.
Though, I can use your proposal as a hypothesis and analyse it. This will not be a predictive post, simply a deduction through logic within a hypothesis.
Hypothesis: Undertaker uses Bizarre Phantomhive Dolls to bait O!Ciel into giving up on his contract. Q: “might O!Ciel change his mind about the contract and his will to live?”
Personally I think it is fairly unlikely a zombie-family can cause O!Ciel’s resolve to waver because it is simply too strong.
Character Study
Most human beings who experience (sudden) loss need quite some time to process this information before reaching the stage of “acceptance”. Our boy however, already easily withstood a supernatural being’s positive response about reviving the dead even before he could actually process anything. Most people would not believe a human if they made the same offer, but wished it were true. But if a clearly powerful supernatural appeared before you, that’s a different story; who knows what magic potential they possess?
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Jaa, shinda ningen wo ikikaeraseru koto wa?
And, what about bringing dead humans back to life?
O!Ciel was the one who brought this topic up. Judging from the clear-cut language and lack of emotional markers, it is arguable he said so not because he hoped it were possible, but because he knows it is impossible, and therefore wanted to test the demon’s truthfulness.
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Sebastian took the bait, and therewith O!Ciel knew he’d have to strategically use his first wish to seal off the demon’s potential of lying. (Ugh he’s so smart!) O!Ciel’s swiftness in rejecting the demon’s temptation is evidence that he had already fully accepted that what is dead, stays dead.
Discussing Hypothesis
So, knowing O!Ciel has this level of acceptance, how would it play out IF Undertaker does attempt to lure O!Ciel with his revived family?
Had Undertaker really wanted the best chance at making O!Ciel fall for the temptation, he would have to not have exposed the boy to his creations so often. He has seen the in-between stages of reviving the dead, and therefore knows exactly what they are: Just decaying meat manipulated by a lunatic. Being met with the sudden appearance of seemingly flawless living-dead family would no longer be something new to O!Ciel, so it won’t have the advantage of a “pleasant surprise” to him.
O!Ciel is a very clever boy who thinks very clearly as long as he’s allowed the space in his head. So the best way to bait him into making a poor decision would be to disorient or overwhelm him with shocking new information, like at the end of the Circus Arc.
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However, shock value is something that declines with every exposure. Now that O!Ciel is already so used to seeing Bizarre Dolls, and every time these zombies just get more and more advanced, he’d know it’s only a matter of time before these Dolls could become basically fully sentient, like his brother did.
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Yes, he was very shocked to see R!Ciel back, but if we pay attention he was not so much concerned about his body being resurrected, but what threat R!Ciel’s return would pose to his own position now exposed as ‘the impostor’. Should Undertaker also “revive” his dead parents to try tempt the boy into reuniting with his family, then O!Ciel would be desensitised already by that time. He’d have had too much time to be mentally prepared. Besides, especially after seeing R!Ciel who is the biggest threat nothing would overwhelm him more anymore. You cannot shock somebody twice using the same trick; especially not if the second one is a lesser threat. It would be akin to bad film sequels that over-analyse the success of the original and use the formula of “more = better” to appease audiences.
In this sense, I personally reason that considering how Undertaker has been working so far, he would probably not try to make O!Ciel do a 180 through manipulation; that tactic simply leaves too much space for failure. Also, manipulation does not really seem Undertaker’s M.O.; that’s Sebas’ thing. Undertaker prefers cornering somebody, forcing them to bend eventually – i.e. use ‘hard-power’ instead of ‘soft’, like he did with Sebas on the Campania and at Weston.
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How should Undertaker have acted to make the hypothesis work?
If we do go along with the hypothesis that Undertaker does want to use soft-power to get O!Ciel, he had better done things like this:
During the Campania Undertaker had indeed not expected the boy there, fine! That would have been an accident, as well as a competent way of storytelling to inform O!Ciel and the audience that clearly somebody is doing something big, and that Undertaker is not 100% in control of everything.
IF! I were the Undertaker in that situation AND I plan to bait O!Ciel with his “revived” family, I would never have revealed myself to be a reaper, and instead denied any responsibility for the bizarre dolls. Rian Stoker was fully convinced he had worked the disastrous “miracle” anyway, and there is no better scapegoat than one who truly believes himself guilty. Plus, he was scheduled to die anyway. If the scapegoat could just die in an accident caused indirectly by his own doing, the cover-story would have been beyond perfect.
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Before Undertaker revealed himself, O!Ciel trusted Undertaker as an ally, and even went to him for sensitive information on which he based his entire job for the Queen. O!Ciel is naturally untrusting, but Undertaker did win that trust, and that should have been too valuable a weapon not to keep. By revealing himself to be an antagonistic and powerful being who mortally wounded O!Ciel’s main security (Sebas), Undertaker proved himself to be untrustworthy.
Now that O!Ciel can no longer trust Undertaker in the slightest, what effect would it have if this untrustworthy lunatic were to try bait him? I find it unlikely that O!Ciel would be stupid enough to take the bait, and Undertaker stupid enough to believe O!Ciel might after all this.
In short, for this hypothesis to work on the naturally untrusting O!Ciel, Undertaker would have needed to:
keep O!Ciel’s trust,
have the advantage of a ‘pleasant surprise’ on his side,
any credibility that his walking-flesh are “really alive”.
I hope this had been interesting ( ´ o`) Good day to you, Anon ^^
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Follow up post: What would O!Ciel do if Undertaker tried to bait O!Ciel with Bizarre Phantomhives?
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thewanderingace · 3 years
Okay I'm a little less emotional now and I've processed a bit so here's my disorganized thoughts during and about Lucifer season 6
Massive MASSIVE amount of spoilers under the cut!!
Lucifer has been my favorite show for the last 5 years and I've been through so many ups and downs with it that saying goodbye to it was HARD. The whole season just utterly wrecked me. I think I cried at least twice an episode but the final 2 episodes was non stop sobbing. Non stop.
To me, it felt like this season was one long goodbye and I loved it. Not just the cast and crew saying goodbye to the fans and the show but it gave us a way to say our goodbyes to the characters through them and I'm grateful for that. Did it hurt like a bitch the whole time? Oh yeah. My heart aches. But we got to say goodbye and it's not often we get to do that with tv shows. Even if not everything went the way I wanted to, I'm okay with that. I cried my eyes out the whole time and for hours afterwards but now that my emotions have settled somewhat, I'm okay with it all. I kinda like the bittersweetness of it.
Overall I loved the final season. It had some great funny moments, soooooo much intimate Deckerstar I mean the love between them is palpable every second they're together, and so many great character moments. This was really about the characters and the emotions and less about murders and action and plot. And as a fan of emotional character moments I loved that. And Tom's acting was fucking out of this world. I mean they all were but Tom especially gave the performance of a lifetime in my opinion.
Going into this final season my checklist of things I want to see happen was as follows:
Ella finds out the truth about the celestials
Lucifer does not become God. In fact I want him to focus on changing hell and helping people move on past their guilt and go to Heaven. Like Dan. I want him to help people like Dan. Or just change the system entirely so people like Dan don't end up in Hell
Amenadiel does become God
Linda continues being the therapist to the celestials
No more Maze and Lucifer fighting with each other
Dan moving on to Heaven and being with Charlotte
Ella being happy with Carol
Deckerstar happy and together at the end
That was everything I wanted and you know what? I GOT IT!
Ella not only found out that they were all celestials, she figured it out on her own!! She's so smart! And I love how she was just 100% cool with it all because her faith has always been so strong. It was the fact that they didn't tell her that upset her and yeah I'm upset about that too and I really wish one of them had told her that they didn't tell her because they didn't want to hurt her. Linda and Chloe both knew how difficult it was for them to learn and Lucifer saw how affected they were. So they were in a way trying to protect Ella from pain. She had every right to be mad and upset. But I'm thrilled she is in the know now and the way she ran after Amenadiel to see him fly was amazing.Just the look on her face as she saw an angel fly was perfect.
I liked Linda's boredom with human problems as a therapist and how she's feeling unfulfilled in regular day to day problems. It's something I wondered about last season and I'm glad it was addressed. And I love that she continues to treat celestials like Adam XD. I wonder if her practice will just turn into a celestial therapy practice. Angels, demons, etc. All are welcome and she'd be amazing at it.
This is the best that Lucifer and Maze's relationship has ever been and I am LOVING IT! He asked for her advice and she didn't make fun of him or say something mean, she actual gave him her advice and he listened to it! Maze then supported his awkward ways of trying to get to know Rory and tried to show Rory that's he's trying! And when she asked him for help with Adam he came! And he listened to her!! She said her feelings and he listened!! And reacted appropriately!! AND HELPED HER!! "My best fiends wedding" omg!!! AND THEN!! He openly admits that she's his best friend during his goodbye!! I love it!! And he opens his arms for a hug!! AND THEY ACTUALLY HUGGED!!! Maze and Lucifer this season was so good!!!!
I had a feeling even before going into this season that Lucifer would not end up as God but that Amenadiel would and I am soooo glad that that is what happened! Lucifer as God didn't feel right and I'm glad there was a several episode long arc of Lucifer slowly coming to realize that not only is it not his calling but he doesn't want to do that job. He wants to help people but not like that. I love that growth for him.
I actually really liked Carol and I think he and Ella are cute together and I hope they'll be very happy. I mean the cuteness factor of them doing bad karate moves together nearly killed me. I also loved that Ella's trauma with Pete didn't go away but was embraced. Of course she wouldn't be okay after all that and I'm glad the writers didn't ignore it.
THE DECKERSTAR!!! THIS SEASON WAS PEAK DECKERSTAR AND I AM LIVING!!!! Where do I even start with this?! The Deckerstar love this season was so high that it destroyed me at the end. I mean the touches, the looks, the hugs, the kisses, the dancing, the dates, the beach cuddle, the nose kisses, the forehead kisses, the casual I love yous, the flying together, sexy times, the mutual support for each other, the pure LOVE between was so incredible. The fact that they had to be separated for so long, Lucifer alone in Hell and Chloe raising two kids alone, fucking hurts me heart so damn much but we got so many wonderful moments with them that it will sustain me. I mean their goodbye was so fucking beautiful and I'm devastated. It wouldn't so much if they're love wasn't so beautiful.
Some other things I really enjoyed about the season:
Lucifer geeking out about magic! That was hilarious and I loved how he tried so hard to not know how the tricks worked.
All of Episode 3. I really enjoyed this episode for a variety of reasons. 1 being the funny craziness of the cartoon hell loop. I mean that was bonkers and I couldn't stop laughing. I loved it. I also loved seeing Lucifer under control of the hell loop and how he made it so Jimmy could be with him mom. But what I loved most about it is this glimpse into what I assume Chloe and Lucifer are doing post show (also kinda confirmed by Ildy and Joe). We see the two of them investigating people's (Jimmy Barnes') hell loops for answers to their guilt in order to help them move onto Heaven. I love that with all my heart. They both continue to help people, Lucifer using what he's learned from Linda to help them with their emotions and Chloe using her badass detective skills to find the answers. They're gonna help so many people.
Lucifer's realization that he ends up caring for people he tries to help and how that's actually a good thing. That it's something to embrace. He's come so far emotionally and I'm so proud of him.
Lucifer's to do list made me laugh so much. Look at this:
Become God
Prove I love Rory
Check in with Father Frank
Azrael's blade still secure?
Start calling Dan "Casper"
Rewatch Bones
Visit Sao Paulo
Try Golden Gate with Chloe First of all the second thing is to prove he loves Rory? AORABLE!! But what caught my eye next is check in with Father Frank. FATHER FRANK!! IS HE IN HELL?!?! DOES LUCIFER CHECK IN WITH HIM A LOT??? Rewatch Bones! Call Dan Casper! I don't even want to know what Golden Gate is XD
Dad!Lucifer. Oh my god I never expected to enjoy Lucifer as a dad as much as I did. Lucifer would have been the best dad and he proved that. The presents he would have given his daughter were perfect, the talks between the two of them, the love he has for Rory was palpable and beautiful. I mean he barely knew her for a few moments and he immediately fell in love with her and would do anything for her. He loved Rory so much and he so desperately wanted to be in her life and it KILLS me that he didn't get to do that. His face when she made him promise to not change things was DEVASTATING! He wanted to be her dad. He wanted to see her grow up. And he didn't get that chance!! I HATE THIS!!! He would have been/was the best dad ever! The montage of them spending the day together was perfection. Sumo wrestling, water balloon fights, shopping, snacks, watching Bones together, his face while listening to her talk about More Bones. It was perfect and exactly how Lucifer would be as a Dad. Fun, attentive, caring. I'm heartbroken.
All of Episode 9. This, to me, felt like the episode for us and the cast and the crew to say goodbye and I'm so grateful for it. Lucifer making the round and saying his goodbyes had me sobbing. I loved them all and I love that Lucifer got say all the things he felt to the people he loved most before he had to leave. Each one was so perfect. Him telling Linda how much he loved her and she is the "most wonderful friends that a devil could ever have". Him telling Ella he was sorry and how he didn't want to leave without her knowing again and the "Ella Lopez STEM Initiative"!!!! I'm gonna cry. Even when he's gone she'll never forget him because of this. Him giving Lux to Amenadiel and telling him that "of all our siblings, I am glad it's you I spent all this time on Earth with. Because you are my favorite brother, brother." I'm dead. Him telling Maze that she is his best friend and he's sorry he didn't always treat her that way. THEIR HUG! His final moment with Dan being the clincher in getting him to Heaven. AND THE FINAL BEACH DAY WITH CHLOE AND RORY WAS SO PERFECT I'M CRYING! The three of them on the drive, Chloe drinking too much champaign, the cuddling on the sand, Lucifer and Rory hugging and their whole talk about how he felt after his father abandoned him. I loved it so much. My only complaint is that I wanted a scene with Trixie too.
Lucifer's love of Bones was really on point this season. I love that detail.
Maze and Eve's wedding. WAS. BEAUTIFUL! I loved their dresses, Linda walking Maze down, Eve owning her own person, their vows, their love, their reception, Maze and Trixie doing their handshake, Dan attending, Lucifer and Chloe being all lovey dovey, Maze's demon family attending as zombies. I loved it all!
Ghost Dan was both crazy funny and so fucking sad. I'm glad he was still here this season and got this arc. Him working through his guilt and moving onto Heaven. I knew all along that Dan's guilt he hadn't worked on was him leaving Trixie and not being a good father to her since he avoided seeing her. I loved that he got a chance to talk to her and that she told him he was being a dummy and she loved him so much.
The music choices. I already lost it at Hazy Shade of Winter but then they went and chose BLACK PARADE for the final scene in Hell and as soon as that first note hit, the fucking G note, I sobbed even harder (as if that was possible).
Bob and Katya cameos!!!
And on that note, I loved all of Lucifer's singing moments. Always do.
Dan playing ping pong with Baliol
But for all the things I loved, there were a few I did not. It's bound to happen and even though they're big they don't change my overall positive feelings about the season.
Here are the things I didn't like:
No Trixie. We barely had any Trixie this season and I hate it. I'm very very happy she was at Maze and Eve's wedding but why was that basically it! Luci didn't even say goodbye to her! They should have had a goodbye scene! Actually, he didn't have any scenes with her in the whole season except forthat tiny scene at the wedding when she asks them when they're getting married and he flounders and she laughs. THAT'S ALL WE GOT!!! I WANTED MORE DAMMIT! SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE WHEN CHLOE DIED!! The scene when she talks to Dan killed me though. I loved that.
This is the biggie. The one that gives me an immense amount of pain and anguish when I think about it because it's so damn sad. Lucifer never gets to see his daughter grow up, never gets to have his family, never sees his family again when they're alive, never gets to spend his life with Chloe on Earth. I understand why he needed to go and stay away from Rory. I do. I get it. But it doesn't make it hurt any less that he spent so so long alone in Hell again. That Chloe had to raise Rory on her own. That Lucifer didn't get to be there for Chloe while she was pregnant, didn't get to see Rory be born, didn't get to be there for her first or watch her grow. And he wanted to be there soooooo badly. It hurts to think about. Does he at least get visits from Amenadiel during this time? Does he get to visit with everyone else, Chloe even, if Rory doesn't know about it? Does he get to know how they're doing? Do they all talk about Lucifer and say they miss him and hope he's okay? Does he get to go up to Heaven occasionally and visit Dan and Charlotte and his siblings? He and Chloe sacrificed so much, Lucifer literally giving up EVERYTHING, so that they're daughter would find her peace. I hate this. It hurts so much.
That's about it I guess. I'm pretty satisfied with everything else.
Oh here are some of my headcanons I use to ease the pain in heart (which turns out both Ildy and Joe all but confirmed after I thought of them but before I could post them. So yay for that!):
Lucifer did stop by and visit Earth during those years as long as he was sure Rory wouldn't find out. A few minutes here and there to see Linda and Charlie, Maze and Eve, and if he could, a few moments with Chloe. Maybe sent notes or stole a few minutes alone with her. All that matter was Rory not knowing it. And if that really couldn't happen then....
Amenadiel visits his brother all the time. He tells him about his family in Earth. How they're doing, what they've been up to, if they're safe happy and healthy. He tells him all about chloe and rory and  brings tons of photos so even though he can't be there in person, he still knows how their lives are.
After Chloe dies and joins him in hell they occassionally take vacations. Now, chloe can't go to earth cause she's dead but they can go to heaven. So they vacation there. Lucifer flies her up and they visit with their family and then have beach days or dance or whatever their heart desires until they go back. Maybe they all have a party together.
Lux is now a part of Hell and is where they live happily together. Since he has control over hell loops he made one into Lux.
After Chloe dies, Rory flies to be with her family in hell as well and she and Lucifer spend eons making up for the time they both missed out on.
Rory and Lucifer go to Earth and check in on Trixie all the time.
Deckerstar spend an eternity happy, helping people work through their guilt and move on to Heaven.
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ectonurites · 4 years
My least favorite type of fic!Tim is when he’s portrayed as depressed/very mentally and emotionally unstable, but also at the same time as someone who is like lauded as being super dangerous/the most skilled or something like that?? Those fics where Tim is chugging caffeine and barely sleeping, but characters are still like “oh I wouldn’t wanna piss off Tim he is Dangerous” and that’s annoying enough but then there are fics that at the same time as that portray him as like on the edge of a breakdown. It’s very irritating even if I’m not sure I can articulate exactly why, it just really rubs me the wrong way. Like, I definitely do think Tim has some issues with depression and stuff, but in fics like those it’s treated more like a quirk sort of instead of a serious issue
LMAOO I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT i’m not a fan of that either. I’m apologizing in advance if I sound mean in any of this critique i’m about to give of that fanon version of him. I want to preface this by saying that people can write whatever the hell they want, like, they’re allowed to! And I’m not referencing/calling out any specific works here. Just trends. But I’m gonna bitch about some things I’ve noticed that annoy me, personally. (so again, not saying other people can’t enjoy this stuff! just. not for me)
so like sorry if im mean but this is just me ranting and also this is my blog anyways so:
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(nobody take this as an attack on them please because it’s really not)
The problem is a lot of those fics seem to interpret Tim’s behavior in Red Robin (& especially like that last whole arc of his Robin run also by FabNic) as if that’s his normal, rather than the result of a few years of CONSTANT traumatic incidents pushing him to a breaking point (because while all the shit he went through with his Dad, Steph, Kon, Bart, and then Bruce dying was spread out over several years for us as readers, it’s regarded as like within two years in canon! It all happens when he’s 16 and 17. According to the Batman comic right after War Games, Jack was murdered only days after Steph died.
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(Batman #634)
That’s a LOT to process for one kid jesus christ) 
I love Red Robin honestly, I do, but it is about Tim at the lowest points in his life. It’s the grand finale of Tim’s story, and everything crumbles, that’s kinda the point! The end leaves him in a position to either rebuild himself or fall apart. It’s all about how he chooses to continue after this point!
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(Red Robin #26)
The way he acts and the things he does in that comic should be regarded as such. He can’t live the way he does in Red Robin forever or he will literally burn himself out/become something unrecognizable, like, jesus it’s kinda even acknowledged in the comic when he thinks about what his potential futures would be if he keeps it up like he’s doing:
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(Red Robin #25)
He sees himself as dead, as Batman (which he has countless times said he doesn’t want to be and at this point in his history almost every time he’s seen a future he became Batman in he had become a killer), or needing to retire and taking over an Oracle-esque role, likely because he exerted himself too much to continue. 
When you look at him around this same timeframe when he’s not isolating himself/too deep into the mission and is instead working with his friends back on the Titans, you can see that he is starting to heal and work in a more positive direction. He’s choosing to work on coming out of this rough period by being together with his friends who he loves.
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(Teen Titans (2003) #100)
Not to say that you can’t write about situations in which he doesn’t start to come out of it, but if you are doing so it’s something you should be taking seriously because that’s the idea you want to explore, not just acting like it’s perfectly okay or normal? (And again, there are a lot of works that do explore it in good ways, there’s just also a LOT that don’t)
Like, so much content I see just make any sadness and depression and tendency to over-work himself that’s rooted in his traumas (which! those do have a basis in canon!) into a quirky personality trait rather than a response to trauma. Acting as if he’s always been this way and it’s normal for him. That’s what bothers me. If people want to seriously explore the effects of all these incidents and how that plays into his ability to do his job as a hero, then hell yes do it! But when it all gets brushed off as ‘oh thats just tim, he just doesnt eat or sleep or feel any happiness but like its fine he’s just always been like that’ I feel my blood boil. 
This also often strikes me as related/tied to fanon’s seemingly never-ending quest to make Tim into this victim of so many things he really wasn’t. They make his childhood 10x worse than it actually was (yes he was lonely because he was sent to boarding schools rather than having his parents around, but he was NOT just left home alone all the time as a child. 
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(Batman #441)
He snuck away during a school vacation week to follow Bruce one (1) time and to then track down Dick. This is established in his introduction story! PLEASE read Lonely Place of Dying!) and it just... going with those fanon assumptions as being true changes so much of how people characterize him! 
Some people will also (not to call out tim/kon shippers especially because I  literally am also one but) vilify the shit out of Steph and make their relationship out to be some abusive thing rather than just... a messy teen relationship between vigilantes because they had really complicated lives and baggage with one another? Which they both acknowledge they made mistakes in!
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(Red Robin #10)
Or people will vilify the shit out of Dick in regards to the situation at the start of Red Robin, or literally just make anyone who Tim ever had a disagreement with out to be the bad guy despite the actual situations always being way more complex and multi-faceted than that.
And then on top of all that, aside from making him into this ‘im broken 24/7 and not doing anything to fix it also everyone around me is terrible to me’ type of character, because he’s a lot of people’s favorite, they also want him to be as cool and strong as he is at his high points. So they’re projecting all this stuff onto him that makes him what should be a barely functioning person but then also act like that’s fine and he’s able to be a dangerous badass on top of it. 
Like I’m sorry but someone who is going out and actively acting as a vigilante like that which is incredibly physically taxing is NOT surviving on coffee alone and no sleep. That’s literally not possible, he’d fucking collapse. (And like, again, if you want to explore him pushing himself to that point, that’s one thing! but acting like he can manage all of that for more than a few days at a time/maybe while working on one really tough case is nuts!) and like, even canon can be a little guilty of this type of thing particularly since the New 52 (Detective Comics 2016 had more than a few references to him barely sleeping, but at least they also made references to him eating normally/healthily and he wasn’t completely self isolating or anything) (and also that comic had him be so self sacrificial he was ready to die to save everyone and only didn’t die because of Mr.Oz’s interference, he’s definitely not in his best place there) but usually it’s still within some realm of possibility.
Also like. The fanon ‘chugging coffee to survive thing’ just annoys the shit out of me because, like, yes there’s a few moments in canon where he’s under a lot of pressure and pushing himself further than he normally would and had some coffee (one of the only times I can even remember him having it on panel is... oh... during that last Robin arc I just mentioned a little while ago shouldn’t be where you source your normal characterization of him because it’s a very difficult situation that pushes him further than he normally would go! huh!) But the thing is like, people play it off for laughs, or like it’s a normal thing he would do at any time in his life! If you want to explore him pushing himself and using coffee as a crutch, like, there’s ways you can write it that takes it seriously, but almost every time I see it come up in fics it is like a core part of his personality and just ‘oh haha silly tim always with his entire pot of coffee he must chug every morning or he’ll die :^)’ And that bothers the hell out of me. 
In general it’s just... people treat Tim so weird. They want him to be so many different things that he’s shown himself to be at different times for very specific reasons, except they want him to do all of it at the same time which just doesn’t work. A person can’t function like that, and it’s not even close to who he is in canon. 
Again, people can do what they want, and this is just my opinion obviously, but yeah. My two cents on the matter.  Read Lonely Place of Dying, read Young Justice, read his Robin run. Read his comics and get a feel for who he was before all the rest of his trauma, and see how he canonically reacts to it along the way. I know reading comics can be tough for some people but so much stuff just echo chambers and becomes barely recognizable in this fandom and it’s just... a shame when it happens with a character ya love. 
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Writing An Otome Isekai Thingy
Anyway, as the title states, I'm writing an otome isekai thingy! I didn't know where else to post this (besides r/otomeisakai), so here I am. I'm writing one for 3 reasons.
A- I’m very bored. :(
B- My brother rec me one of these things a few months ago; I've descended into the rabbit hole ever since.
C- Writer's block! I wanna write for my fanfics, but my brain said no. Maybe if I write OG content it can get my creative juices going and I can finally go back to working on updates.
Had a couple of ideas for a story and had my brother pick one by random.
The 'guy gets reincarnated as the yandere capture target' idea got picked.
My general idea is that a guy who’s an Otaku and reads/watches romance series as a guilty pleasure gets reincarnated into an otome. He actually played the otome he’s in bc his younger sister basically nagged him to bc she wanted someone to talk to about it.
He realizes though that he woke up as the baby version of Shamus Hendell, the yandere capture target of Yellow Rose of Amarea.
Yanderes don’t typically become yanderes through a loving family and a good life, so of course this character had a tragic anime backstory and goes through maybe hardships in his life before ending up in the academy where the game starts.
The MC realizes this and is freaking out, bc he doesn’t want to deal with the series of horrible events that the OG character went through.
I like series where the Protag kisses up others to survive bc even if they’re appealing to others, typically they are the ones who have others wrapped around their fingers. (And for some reason that’s assuming to me.)
So he kinda ends up doing that. He seeks out the other capture targets, and the heroine and villainess. Mostly to get them on his side. His thought process is, ‘if I can’t really protect myself, why not get ppl in higher places to do it for me?’
And it does work as he gets very chummy with the 2nd prince who’s the one that gets him out of the bad situation first. And bc he has the attention of the second prince, he’s able to meet some of them other characters.
There’s a few characters he won't meet until the academy arc, but most of the important characters he’ll meet around here.
For instance, there’s the commoner character who got into the school through scholarships or bc he has high/rare magic skills or whatever. He’s also one of the capture targets. The MC doesn’t want to find him bc he wants his guy on his side, but bc he knows this guy is actually batshit crazy. He wants to find him earlier to stop him from blah blah that the guy does in all his endings. But he cannot find him until then bc this dude is a commoner and the MC is still technically a part of high society. So it was basically impossible to find him.
This is going to be a big anxiety of the MC once he’s in a more comfortable position. Knowing that this guy in the future will try to do smth very drastic and dangerous, is still out there.
The MC will try to appeal to important characters by acting weak and soft, like, a crybaby a guess? He wants to seem like a little rabbit to others. And to his utter surprise, it fucking works. (He’s taking advantage of his softboi looks, as the character was designed to look feminine and non-threatening so fans during the hype wouldn’t be able to tell the character was going to be a yandere. And therefore making the fact like, a plot twist in the game as Shamus comes off as a quite n’ shy guy at first.)
He forms a bromance with the 2nd prince. After some stuff happens he befriends the villainess who ends up crushing on him. The villainess big bro who’s a siscon is chill w/ him since his sister likes him. But is very much in the mindset that if the MC hurts his sis in any way, he’s never gonna see the light of day. The heroine falls for him very quickly which is actually off-putting for him. (The joke is that she’s airheaded & kinda dumb. She just has a very cheerful personality by default. The reasoning is that that’s how marketing portrayed her and since she’s supposed to be a blank slate that’s just what her personality turned into.) The heroine 100% has her bangs covering her eyes.
The MC leaves a powerful impression on the short cute boy (who’s actually a meanie) and later in the academy arc has this weird anime admiration for him. You know what I’m talking about. The commoner, while harboring a hatred for the aristocrats and nobles, respects the MC to an extent later turning into a crush. (That of which will absolutely give the MC whiplash.)
Two characters who are mobs in the game become the MC’s normal friends when he feels like the personality of the main characters are too much. Maybe he has more mob friends idk yet, but two of the ones he adored as characters the most both end up having crushes on him. One girl, one boy.
5 ppl will like-like him. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
He definitely takes advantage of this lmao. (In like, a protection squad way, not harem.)
Maybe I’ll even have two of the girls lose interest bc they realize they like each other,,,, Have a lilly aside romance,,,, You know bc,,,gurls pretty,,,,
My need for sapphic content aside, ultimately my goal is to have fun while writing this and confuse the heck hacky out of my readers on who the true love interest will be. >:)
I guess I’ll mostly be writing this with a wattpad audience in mind??? (But it’s mostly just for fun so who knows.)
Since AO3 is more oriented to fanfics, my Quotev is the physical manifestation of a dead goldfish in a bowl, and I don’t think this is smth the ppl on FictionPress would like to read about… So yeah, my Wattpad audience it is. I have no choice.
I’m still on the 1st ch as I keep revising my outline. I at least want a solid outline of the first arc before I post anything. Imma try and attempt constant updates but to do so I need to know wtf I’m doing. So all this jazz is subject to change.
And just to let you know how the tone of the story will be (for most of it, the 1st arc is definitely going to be more serious), the title for chapter 1 is ‘Sorry Truck-kun, You’ve Been Replaced’ since he died by choking on an apple instead of being hit by a truck.
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duelofthefatesmp3 · 4 years
i DO actually wanna know how youd make kotor 3 !!!!!
this ask has been sitting on my inbox for so long on PURPOSE! i wanted some time to re read the revan book + watch some swtor gameplays so i could give a concrete answer about why the book and swtor arent satisfactory and what i would do instead (im not like. a storytelling god so i this is just my PERSONAL idea). under the cut!
to begin with, what's wrong with revan the book and swtor, mai?
i am very fond of swtor i think it was such a nice idea to have an "open" world game set in star wars old republic time. but ultimately, it was not a good conclusion to revan and meetra's storyline! now, i don't really know what happened in the development of the third kotor game (if there ever was a plan for one) but it's clear they dropped the ball on that and decided to start a whole different project. i don't think we can blame disney for that one, because it was announced on 2008, launched in 2011, and disney had just bought star wars that year. so who knows.
the thing is that it's painfully evident that a bunch of the story that was gonna be in the third game, ended up in the book + misc parts of swtor. much of the book feels like a gameplay.
now, it was clear when the book was planned that they wanted to keep revan's story open so when the game came out, they could have a cool Revan storyline so he could make a cool villain appearence and draw in some of that kotor nostalgia. which ehhhhhh. uh. i don't really think did any favors for revan's character. he didn't have a satisfactory arc (I'm not saying "a happy ending" because good arcs aren't always happy) but at least some closure?
revan went through many big events in his life. we didnt need to keep his ass in stasis for his fun villain moments 300 years later. we already had what we wanted from him: jedi turned sith turned jedi again to defeat a terrible threat. that was it we could have let it there and it would have been cool! but then they decided to drag and drag his story just to leave him right where he was before. he just suffered a little more in the in-between.
you could say he finally redeemed himself of all of his crimes this way, but wasn't that the whole purpose of the first kotor game (and would have been the purpose of the 3rd?)
swtor does not centre revan in his own narrative. he's a side character for the player to experience. and look, i get it, we've had a different protag on each game, why not have another one in this one. well, because the protagonist has no personal relationship with revan. meetra was one of his closest friends, and fought with him. there is a connection that can be exploited. but the swtor protagonist is just some guy 300 years in the future who happens to stumble into revan and his life. not even his descendants get to fully interact with revan.
also, there is the fact that revan is not the centre of the game itself, only of a particular storyline. and it's weird, because swtor could have happened without revan's involvement.
ms. meetra surik, ms. bastila shan, women of the world I'm sorry
so it's no news that star wars is misogynistic as fuck right. cause it is.
so you decide to make your gender neutral protagonist a guy. then you decide to make your other gender neutral protagonist a woman. cool. now let's guess who gets underdeveloped, turned into a plot device without reason, and promptly fridged in the most unceremoniously fashion just to fullfil some manpain moments. which one do you think got that treatment.
i know the revan book is supposed to be about revan, but why make meetra go through a whole arc just to undermine her character and turn her into the faithful servant of the guy? she leaves everything behind for him, sacrifices herself for him, hell not even dead is she not serving the guy. and she was the second game’s protagonist! she beat up a bunch of powerful people and now she’s just meh, there? she had so many interesting ways to interact with revan (meeting kreia, revan’s first master, encountering another force consuming entity, etc.)
meetra went through a whole arc about dealing with the guilt of doing something horrible and having the consequences of it cut her from the force. we see her broken, then slowly come back to the world and reconnect herself with the force, then stop running and face the consequences of her role in the war. thats such a cool character with tons of potential! and nothing happened!
then we got bastila who is. a whole deal. so you make her go through a “promising jedi who defeated revan, to questioning reluctant companion, to fell into the dark side, to was redeemed thanks to her bond to revan, who helped her come back because he’d been through the same experience” arc, and then you decide to push her to the side to have a baby?? which is... its clear that the writer didnt know what to do with her (or with the other characters outside of canderous) so hey, lets get her to marry revan and have a baby.
my ideal kotor 3
to preface, im not a game developer, so some of my choices could be stunted by what a kotor rpg can do lol. of course, it would follow the same mechanics and have the same format as the first two, because consistency!
the fun way to start the game, would be from scourge’s perspective. we get to play as a sith! i’d even say you get to change scourge’s name and gender and looks (i know sith have different looks)
in scourge’s storyline, we get from his arrival to normound kaas, to his talks with nissyris, to his missions working for her. in some of these, we can make scourge lean into the dark or the light side! fun! plus we get some exposition with dialogue options. it all continues untill we get to nissirys story about the emperor. we get a fucked up cutscene of his childhood and then BOOM when its over, we see revan waking up from a nightmare and their pov starts.
ok, as for revan’s story, since we’d have to pick it up from where kotor ended, i’d have a little cutscene of revan back into the ebon hawk, with bastila, and them telling the crew to take them to courascant. then cut to a council meeting where revan and bastila get scolded in private, then rewarded by the republic. i would also like to see some revan mournink malak’s death mayhaps. since he was their childhood friend and all.
i would 100% scrape the marriage and two years passed part. as the book said, the council had no use for revan aside from the legend(tm), so why would they stay in courascant. revan was very alienated from the jedi at that point, despite being back in the “light side”
then like, to revan asking around for meetra and other jedi from the mandalorian wars, we can cash in that atris cameo, then revan starts to have these visions about the sith emperor, and maybe we could get a playable dream sequence about revan’s fight with mandalore the ultimate (I KNOW I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT.) and we get the whole exposition to mandalore telling revan that the sith are behind it all. i believe we should get a bunch of these flashback/dream sequences of revan’s past doing shit. cut to revan burying the mask in a planet, then back to the present. we see a bunch of mission and juhani scenes trying to reach him, but he keeps pushing them away. revan and bastila meet canderous, travel to the ice planet, meet clan ordo (god i love clan ordo) you get the whole quest, you decide weather to spare veela or not, maybe you get a cheeky mandalorian companion (force sensitive mando oh?) and leave canderous behind.
we can visit like, a couple more planets searching for clues maybe, etc. then when reaching nathema, you are forced to go alone as revan, get to explore nathema a bit (raiding ancient location yay) nathema as a location can be so fun because you can have it weaken you hp bar and also you cant use the force (which, in game is pretty cool)
then we get to scourge and nyssiris arriving to the planet, they fight but since theres two of them and revan doesn’t have the force, they beat the shit out of them, and while running away, they get in a fight with bastila and the companions in the ebon hawk (ebon hawk shooting game my hated). bastila manages to get a glimpse of revan’s thoughts before they take them away. but the ebon is so ruined it takes bastila, t3 and the mandalorian a while to fix it, and they get stuck into the unknown regions for a while. the ebon hawk is left in an outer rim planet with t3 fixing it, bastila and the mandalorian run back to the jedi council, only to get caught in the middle of the jedi civil war. we can have bastila choosing to hide in courascant and trying to make sense of what she saw, reading texts about the sith empire, trying to plot a course to where they took revan (more atris! but shes pissed at her now)
cutscene to meetra’s pov, leaving malachor v behind, getting calls from everyone at the hawk (atton my beloved) but just as she’s leaving she gets a force message from revan, calling for her to find him and sending visions of normound kaas. then, through her force bond with visas, she tells her not to go because they’re gay and in love and whatnot.
then boom, she gets intercepted by bastila’s ship, with the mandalore and the other mandalorian (yes i do love having a bunch of mandos on board) and they go on their way to find revan.
now i want there to be an underlying message of “we can’t take our friends with us because we have to do this ALONE we’re powerful JEDI we don’t need our FRIENDS.” meetra gets asked if she wants to bring any friends and she’s like “no. we have to do this alone.” along the game you get constantly contacted by other game characters, you get the chance to talk to them or ignore them.
so, we get back to nathema, and meetra has a whole “holy shit this is just like darth nihilus but ten times worse. but i beat darth nihilus. i can do this!” then she finds peace in this place without the force, we get a whole speech about how the odds arent against them, they find a way to normound kaas, and get going.
in normound kaas i thought about them getting a whole mission about how to infiltrate the citadel, only to get helped by scourge. he joins the party, we get a little flashback of all the years he spent trying to make revan remember and they storm the citadel. we get to fight the dark council members, fun! then we get to free revan and the game switches povs. bastila hands the mask to revan and he has a cool “yes im revan im pretty cool” then a nice heartfelt yet rushed reunion with everyone.
then have a small CONVERSATION WITH MEETRA where she talks about the sith triumvirate she defeated and revan is impressed with her and is like “we are the last hope of the jedi, we’ve learned to walk between light and dark, we’ve done horrors but we can still make things right, our experience has made us more powerful etc.
then they fight the imperial guard, ALL OF THEM, meetra revan and scourge make it into the throne room, they all fight the emperor. meetra shows the emperor that she has seen the void, she has cut herself from the force, and she’s not afraid of him, revan supports her, talks about redemption and hope  and NOW.
NOW. how the alternate endings could go:
if you decide to take scourge through the light side, he manages to form a forcebond with meetra and revan since they’ve both teached something about the duality of the force, they get 100% stronger, but its still not enough. UNTIL. a bunch of ships (jedi and mandalorian, even non republic ships) arrive to dormound kaas, the gangs from each game storm the room and together they make the emperor and his guard a bunch of punching bags. they beat him! (unknow to them, this was a backup body because the emperor can do weird shit like that, and has only debilitated his plan, but he’ll come back dont worry). then they fly back to the republic, to tell the chancellor about the sith threat, and preparations for the war begin. meetra and revan get to live happily ever after for a while, then they die away from the jedi or the sith (waaah im thinking about them helping canderous rebuild the mandalorians, and them doing it since they killed so many mandos in the war)
if you decide to dark side scourge further, he betrays revan and meetra, they all die, and the emperor unleashes his angry lightning or whatever on everyone + a bunch of visions of all the enemies of past mocking them, and their loved ones suffering. and since you’ve had that “im not calling my friends bullshit” no one comes, you die there, and the emperor is only stalled for a few years. swtor ensues. scourge becomes the emperor’s hand.
now you could of course bring revan and meetra up in swtor, but maybe only as force ghost guides, or have some of the other characters of the game have relevance (visas tries to heal the miraluka planet 2021)
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Actual thoughts on the Icebrood finale below the cut, proceed at your own caution.
I don't really have any issues with what happened in the finale, and the whole instance was incredibly cinematic. The short but rad kaiju fight? Ryland's death and Rytlock's + Crecia's grief? Braham being distinctly not dead? :chef kiss: And considering the nature of Champions as filler content, we got about what I expected.
That said, the whole damn thing was just too fast and suffered from devs being forced to cram in this story with limited resources + time. I like the idea of elder dragons being pulled to leylines, Aurene getting to be a prism, etc, however I feel like these are major story beats that should've been slipped in earlier in Champions.
Have Taimi or Gorrik drop some lines through the earlier DRMs about the possibility, make a bigger and earlier deal about having to manipulate Jormag into a fight, etc. so the finale doesn't have to bear quite so much. If Jormag's the dragon of Persuasion, we should have our work cut out for us to get them where we want them. (And please, please have the gameplay reflect the gravity of the finale a little better. It doesn't have to be that super mechanically challenging, but we should be doing something more than pressing our special action key. That's a little hyperbolic, but I'm just thinking about this in comparison to the Mordremoth + Kralkatorrik fights).
Related, I feel bad for asura players and dwarf enthusiasts about the lack of general involvement Primordus had when all's said and done. Not that a dragon whose defining character is 'mindless rage' needs to have more personality, but I feel like the defense-event style DRMs weren't quite enough for us to appreciate his impact. (On that same note, I wish Jormag had more to say in the final instance.)
With the big rocky boy gone, the chances of getting to see the Depths, updates on Asura society, etc. slip further and further away. The same can be said for all the charr and norn development that got dangled at the beginning of IBS, but at least they got a couple of full episodes dedicated to them (well, moreso charr than norn. Sorry norn mains).
Speaking of which...I'm 100% biased because I mostly play charr, but I was so excited for all the core Tyrian story threads that now might never see full closure. Will there be follow up on the whole Khan-Ur situation? Is the Foefire there for good? And what of the minor story beats introduced in IBS? What about that likely Inquest agent in Grothmar interested in Aurene? The lasting impact to norn society of what actually went down with Asgeir and the fang?
Regarding the whole 'killing more elder dragons with little consequence' thing, that'll be probably be a separate post. I feel like a lot of the commenters I'm seeing on reddit and wherever may've not seen the dialogue from Aurene mentioning that most of the magic didn't get absorbed. Maybe she really is capable of containing it, but I don't think we're skipping over that disruption to the All.
I've also hardly talked about character stuff here, but I'm curious what/if any character development Braham will have now that his major arc is complete. Will he get to tag along with us in EoD? (On the other hand, I feel like Rytlock's going to be sidelined a bit after this. He's got a lot to work through).
Also I know I joked about Bangar being a puddle earlier, but it'll be interesting to keep him around. Not that I'm expecting/hoping for a redemption arc, but like with Braham, I wonder what Anet has planned for the character. Plus it's Graham McTavish, come on.
Lots of negativity, but I think it's mostly because I'm saddened about the potential IBS had that got squandered. I feel even worse though for the devs who had to cut their plans short. That said, I'm not any less excited for what's coming ahead (hellloooo armory and more legendaries), and I still appreciate all the parts of IBS I initially enjoyed! Grothmar to this day is still one of my favorite maps and story steps.
I'm getting the impression a lot of people, players and devs alike, are ready to move on. I'll be curious to see how people feel about it a few months from now and further on down the road.
One last note, I'm replaying through all of IBS from the start rn, and I want to see how all of Champions feels as the one big episode that it is. Will probably have more input then!
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