#sorry for saying the title so often i love how it sounds it feels like wave carrying you when you say it it's sound o up and down
whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
heard of slow horses a few days ago. just finished watching the 3rd season of slow horses. no one told me slow horses is THAT good. i’m already rewatching slow horses. watch slow horses. someone please talk to me about slow horses. they’re ridiculous losers, i love them.
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benedictscanvas · 9 months
pretty boy, pretty girl - jamie tartt x reader
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 2.1k
a/n: okay yes. it has been six months. which is actually mad to me, but there we are - whoops! i've been off following my dream and wrote this while procrastinating an assignment, so this is by no means a return!! honestly i was just itching to write it, but i don't know how much time i have for more - enjoy nevertheless <3
warnings: just a little bit of suggestion towards the end, reader is referred to as 'pretty girl' as the title implies amongst other pet names, quite a lot of swearing (some things don't change)
“Hi love.”
Jamie barely murmurs it as he walks past you, can’t help himself but to drag a palm along your back, one shoulder blade to the other, as he goes. 
He knows he’s bold sometimes, but he swears it’s instinct. He glances back to see whether your expression holds any discomfort, but all he finds is your grin, a tiny wave. He continues on his path towards the canteen, knowing that your corridor conversation with Rebecca is probably important.
Somewhere between here and there, he decides to get your lunch, your usual, and sits alone on a table until you appear.
You do, three and a half minutes later. As soon as he sees you, the irrepressible urge to make you grin again is back with a vengeance. He waves you over to his table with a gesture to the food he’s got for you and- there it is again.
If he was a slightly smarter man, maybe he’d consider why all it took was the sight of him to draw your lips upwards, set your eyes alight.
“Thought I’d save y’ from the queue,” he speaks, still soft, in a tone he feels he only uses with you. You match his unnecessary low volume.
“Thanks, angel,” you say easily, and you must not see his stomach doing flips, “Too good to me, you are.”
“Shut up,” he deflects, wonders if you can see him fluster at your nickname for him, “Are you still coming tonight?”
You groan. He frowns, and you quickly correct.
“Sorry. It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah, you sound proper convinced, an’ all.”
You chuckle, taking a bite out of your sandwich and taking a pause to chew. Jamie eats too, content to let you think before you speak. It was slowly teaching him to do the same.
“I’m just boring, Jamie. My favourite people are all under this roof, but usually they’re sober, you know?”
He often forgets you don’t really drink. Your friendship (however sour that word feels in relation to you) usually confined to these halls, to the pitch, to various football stadiums up and down the country. When they all get a chance to let loose, you’re very quick with the excuses, but he’s believed them blindly until this moment.
“Shit, y’ don’t drink, right? I can’t imagine that’s much fun in a club. I won’t tell anyone if you happen to come down with an illness or somethin’ this afternoon.”
You’re grinning at him again, all bright and sunny. It’s downright infectious, so Jamie nudges your foot with his on purpose and then apologises like it’s an accident.
“You’re alright,” you reassure, “I will join tonight. Even if it just proves to myself I’m not missing out on anything. Maybe Colin’s not as bad a drunk as I’ve been led to believe.”
Jamie winces.
“No, he is pretty bad,” he admits and then finally comes up with something to make you more comfortable, “Hey, what about this? I won’t drink either and we can spend the evening laughin’ at everyone else.”
You poke his hand and he tries not to drop his crisp packet.
“It’s everyone’s ‘relax and recharge’ night, Ted said. We both know you relax much easier with a few drinks in you. And I’d never judge anyone for that, I really hope it doesn’t come across like I’m judging any-“
“It doesn’t, sweetness,” he cuts in, “But actually, I’ll relax better if I’m one hundred percent positive that you’re relaxing too. What better way than judgin’ everyone else, together like?”
You purse your lips thoughtfully, mid-chew. He feels like he’s holding his breath, like he’s underwater and you’re in charge of the oxygen tank.
“Well, see how you feel when we’re there. It sounds lovely but only if you’re still up for it when we’re right next to a bar,” you say, still unconvinced. He wants to convince you fully, but he can’t decide if he should argue with you or kiss you silly before you speak again, “Hey, if not, I’ll buy you a drink?”
“Pretty sure that’s my line, love.”
“I said it, I meant it. Girls can buy drinks for pretty boys, you know.”
He thinks you might have removed his oxygen tank now. There’s some cruelty in that sentence but you don’t know you’re wielding it. He wills himself to flirt back even though it’ll only make him feel sick.
“Okay, pretty girl. One passionfruit J2O, please.”
Another grin. He’s so fucking fucked.
He’s been waiting for you for around forty minutes. He doesn’t know if that’s the normal amount of time you take to get ready, even if he wishes he knew, so he just waits, leaning against his car.
After fifty, he decides there’s no harm in just checking you’re alright and haven’t slipped on a sparkly floor that an evening cleaner has done a number on.
You mentioned going to the kit room to get changed, and he meets Will on his way there.
“Hey mate, you seen Y/N?”
Will looks paler than he’s ever been. Guilty. Jamie narrows his eyes and waits.
“Kit room.”
It’s all that Will says. When Jamie doesn’t walk off immediately, still waiting for an explanation for Will’s strange demeanour, Will turns around and legs it all the way down the corridor, turns left at the end and never returns.
Jamie shakes his head and continues in the direction of the kit room. The closer he gets, the more he hears. Muffled banging, shouting. He picks up the pace.
“Y/N? Love?”
“Jamie! Jamie, in here!”
Your voice floats out from the kit room and he hurries over. Still very confused, Jamie turns the door handle and finds the door won’t budge, however hard he shoves his shoulder against it.
“It’s locked, babe. Did you lock it?”
He hears your exasperated sigh and feels a little embarrassed.
“No I didn’t bleeding lock it! Well, I did, when I was getting changed, but then when I unlocked it my side it had been locked from the outside.”
Jamie struggled to put the dots together. Had Will locked you in? Judging by the running, he had… and he’d done it on purpose. A spark of anger shot down Jamie’s spine but he tried to convince himself there must be a reason.
Before he could, there was a hand on his on the door, pulling him away. It was being unlocked by another hand and then he was being shoved inside, hard enough to stumble against one of the benches. A piece of paper was thrown at his face and Jamie groaned as he heard the lock click back in place.
“What the fuck?” he muttered as he stood up fully, more dazed than angry now as he stared at the locked door.
“Jesus, Jamie, are you alright? Who the fuck was that?”
“I dunno,” he says, staring at the door as if it might have answers. Your hand on his face wakes him up, his eyes shifting to yours where you look him over with concern.
“You’re alright, though?”
You ask it like you need the answer, and Jamie needs you to stop trailing a finger along his hairline either way.
“Fine, love,” he assures you, patting the juncture between your shoulder and neck gently until your hands drop to your sides. Then he raises his voice, and he’s not really talking to you anymore, “Whoever’s locked us in here as some kind of joke won’t be fuckin’ alright though!”
No answer. He picks up the small piece of paper from the floor and reads it in his head.
Tell her, you prick.
He’s actually going to hit Roy with his car. Lightly, definitely not enough to damage him, but enough to really, really piss him off.
This was all some ridiculous attempt to make him tell you how he felt about you? Absolutely not. Never. He wouldn’t be coerced into something so delicate, so important.
“What’s it say?”
You’re peering over the top of the paper, but he folds it in two before you can read anything. His chuckle comes out strained.
“It says: Get fucking pranked. Must be Roy, he’s probably scared Will into helpin’ him, the fucker. I’m afraid it’s payback for putting all his socks on the ceiling last week, babe, an’ you’ve been caught in the middle.”
You pause, staring at your shoes. For some reason, you look far more forlorn than the situation calls for, but it’s gone before he can think about it further.
“On the ceiling?”
He nods and you giggle. It’s only as you step away from him in your laughter that he realises how close you had been. He should’ve savoured it.
It’s also only as you step away that Jamie finally gets a glimpse of your outfit and nearly reaches out to the nearby bench for strength. He’s never seen you in a v-neck anything before, let alone a dress, and he thinks it might do him in.
“You look good,” he says lamely, then tries again, “Great. Fan-fuckin’-tastic, I mean.”
“I like that last one,” you smile, ducking your head. He thinks, or rather hopes, you’re a little flustered, “Fan-fuckin’-tastic happens to be what I was going for.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, words gone as soon as he’d found them. And now he was staring. Shit.
“I like your suit,” you say, maybe breathless yourself. It must be his ears. You reach up as if you might fiddle with his lapel but just point towards it before your hand drops again. You practically fall down onto the bench you’re both stood beside and he follows, ever obedient, “Shame no one else will ever see it. How long do you think we’ll be stuck here?”
The suit isn’t for anyone except you. That’s what he’d say if he had any stupid bravery. He’s an awful coward, he thinks.
“Until Roy gets bored or Keeley finds out I reckon,” Jamie guesses, “Y’ wanna play I-spy?”
You sigh, but when he peeks at you out of the corner of his eye, you’re grinning your silly, lovely grin again.
“I spy with my little eye…”
It is around 11pm, when Jamie has not long fallen asleep against the jacket he had scrunched behind his head, that he feels your hand on his ankle. He can tell, as he wakes without opening his eyes, that you’re not trying to rouse him. The touch is light, feathery. Maybe an accident.
No, not an accident. It wouldn’t have lasted this long, and your thumb is drawing absentminded circles into his ankle bone. You think he’s asleep and you’ve reached out to hold him anyway.
He opens his eyes but doesn’t move. His legs are stretched out on the bench in front of him and you sit upright next his sock-clad feet, one hand on his bare ankle. You’re staring at a piece of paper so intently he wonders what could possibly be so interesting.
“This doesn’t say get fucking pranked, Jamie,” you murmur, and his hand flies to his jacket pocket. It must have fallen out when he slumped into a slumber. He’s sat up in a blink, watching the hand that had been so soothing, fall back at your side suddenly.
“I’m sorry. Shit. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“No, don’t,” you insist, still staring at the piece of paper. Instead of whirling on him for answers, you reach calmly into one of the boot cubbies beside your head and pull out a piece of paper from one of the boots. You chuck it at him without looking.
He unfolds it with careful, if shaky, hands.
Tell him, you silly shit.
It takes him an absurdly long time to understand what the hell this second piece of paper means. Later, when the two of you look back on this moment (and you do so often), you’ll wonder how he could have been so dense and he’ll spin you a line about how too good to be true it all felt. But in the moment, he has no lines and no words, until your hand lands heavy on his knee this time.
“Jamie,” you say softly, through a grin that is so different from your usual that he could pass out. It’s so beautiful and so strikingly lovesick that he thinks he might actually be sick, “What do you have to tell me?”
He feels dumber than he’s ever felt. But your hand is still on his knee and now you’re shuffling closer to him on the bench.
“What do you have to tell me?” you repeat, then you poke his chest playfully as you add, “You prick.”
He still looks confused, so you clearly decide the best way to catch him up is to kiss him.
You pull away after a moment, a moment of pure heaven, because clearly you don't want to kiss him fully until he's all clued in.
"Come on, pretty boy," you say, teasing, "Figure it out. I was going to buy you a passionfruit J2O. It's the sign of all signs."
He should be laughing at your joke, but all he really wants to do is kiss you again. And again.
Maybe again.
"Oh pretty girl," he says, and he feels the rumble of his low tone in his chest. He places a hand on your face, fingers itching at your hairline, "I'll tell you anything ya wanna hear, I swear. Anythin'."
He hears your breath hitch, but he feels it too, where the meat of his palm is covering your neck.
"Anything?" you answer back, "I could have a lot of fun with this."
You scrunch up your brow like you're thinking and he's so stupidly in love with you that he just tells you. Too-soon be damned.
"Smooth talker," you laugh, giddy, and you kiss him again. And it's so good that he doesn't even remember you didn't say it back until hours later.
(at which point, you say it back so many times and in so many ways, Jamie is certain that he's the luckiest man in the world. he might not hit Roy with his car after all)
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girls-alias · 9 months
Hi I love your work, any chance of an frenimes to lovers smut fic with dean x reader. With lots of sexual tension arguing then hot smut please? Maybe up against bunker wall can’t keep their hands off each other.
Frenemies - Dean Winchester
Title: Frenemies - Dean Winchester
Words: 6,303
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader.
TW: Arguing, strong language, smut.
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I sat at the table in the main room of the bunker, Sam and I had been searching for a new case while Dean was out doing God knows what. Dean and I, like usual had an argument this morning. If it wasn't for Sam I would have left long ago. He was my rock during college and my closest friend. We bonded quickly as he noticed my doorway covered in salt, as he was walking through the dorm rooms. We became best friends instantly. Often disregarding studying to exchange hunting stories. I was called back to the hunting life but kept in touch with Sam. Recounting my hunts to Sam as we often called once a week and always kept in touch even after years.
When Sam went back to hunting we often had many stories to exchange and hearing how Dean hadn't changed his ways only infuriated me. Sam had a lot to say about Dean even when we were in college. Dean was a copied and pasted version of John, his father. I tried defending Dean, assuming he must have some issues too but as soon as Sam was back on the road with him again and Dean was still acting like a prick I couldn't make any more excuses.
Dean and I, much to my dissatisfaction, met. I noticed Sam in the bar when I was on a hunt, I'd just arrived but once I caught up with Sam he had been here a few days and we were here for the same thing. Sam invited me to join him which I was over the moon about, until I remembered he hunts with Dean. I pleaded with him to give Dean the time off, Sam was considering it when Dean walked in, instantly approaching our table.
"Wow, little Sammy's on the prowl," He commented as he took a seat beside me. Facing his chair straight at me. I rolled my eyes sucking my teeth as I quickly glared at Sam for letting his brother in the same room as me. He's a pig. "You want to abandon him and have a good time with me?" He asked but I scoffed. I sat forward, closing the distance between Dean and me. He smirked thinking I was interested. I smirked, happy that I would soon ruin his mood.
"I'm not you Dean. I wouldn't abandon Sammy just because John - sorry I mean- You, told me to." I replied, glaring at him annoyed but smirking as his face dropped. He was instantly irritated. I raised an eyebrow waiting for a snarky remark Sam had often told me he was great at, but Dean sat back in his seat looking at me angrily. I smirked wider knowing I had silenced him.
Something I wish I could do more often, now he just acts childish and if he doesn't have something smart to say he just mocks my voice and pulls faces at me like a 5-year-old. Prick! If it wasn't for Sam I would have killed him. The only reason I started hunting with them full-time was because Dean called me to take care of Sam while he was recovering from drinking Demon's blood. I wasn't going to ignore Dean's plead for help when it was to help Sam.
I didn't look up at the sound of the bunker door opening as I knew it was Dean coming back. I rubbed my forehead, my headache coming on instantly, preemptive of the argument Dean and I always have when we're in the same room. He's just infuriating, I would have killed him a thousand times over if I didn't feel bad for Sam. Sam describes us as 'frenemies' we hate each other all the time but if someone threatened him I would kill them. Dean has done the same, I think we both recognise that it would hurt Sam if he lost either of us so we're simply protecting what Sam loves. Sam finds entertainment in our arguing half the time, it's probably the only reason we don't do it secretively.
Sam doesn't mind us bickering but if he saw us hit one another he would freak. Dean and I often punch each other, body shots, if Sam's leaving the room or he's not around. My favourite was when I lightly punched Dean in the balls as I passed him, following Sam out of the room. I turned back to put the finger up at him, watching satisfied as he hunched over in pain. Dean's favourite was probably when I was having a drink and he pulled my hair so I choked and got covered in my drink. I'd pulled out my gun when he did it but Sam walked in, he must have timed it.
I ignored the conversation as Sam asked where he had been. Dean grunted something in reply. I was getting better and better at not actually listening to him. His voice just sounds like groans to me now. God, I hate him more than I've ever hated anything or anyone.
“I was out. What’s it got to do with you?” Dean snapped at Sam. I instantly raised my gaze to glare at Dean slightly shocked and slightly annoyed. He rolled his eyes, groaning that he had got my attention.
“I know you’re not talking to Sam like that. Try again,” I demanded. My tone showed my short patience for him.
“I’m so sick of you picking fights with me, you hated me from the second we met,” he groaned, clenching his jaw as he noticed my angered expression. It wasn’t as intimidating as my look was of pure rage. I had done that expression to Dean before and he was terrified but he knew if he kept arguing back I would soon have that expression plastered across my face. He just gets under my skin like no monster ever has.
“Yeah, it was a great judgment call. You think you’re god gift but the perfect gift would be for you to be out of my life. Dean, you’re so infuriating,” I retorted. My voice raised and anger raised my heart rate. He rolled his eyes at me. I felt the rage coming up as he diverted his gaze slightly before huffing hot air from his chest and not backing down this time. “Roll your eyes at me again and I will blind you,” I threatened through gritted teeth.
“I don’t think you will.” He tested but I chuckled dryly. I stared at him for a second as he looked at me expectantly. I grinded my teeth slightly as I recognised he had finally grown a pair.
“Sam, leave,” I instructed. Not taking my eyes off Dean. He instantly looked a little hesitant but from the rate of his chest rising and falling, I knew he was almost as angry as me.
“No, I’m-“ Sam started.
“Get out,” Dean shouted. I instantly rose from my seat. I have killed many monsters that raised their voice or even glared at Sam. I have no shame in doing the same to Dean. I’m done with him now. There is no way I can put up with him anymore. I’m done. My chair clattered as it fell behind me. I couldn’t take my eyes off Dean. My vision turned red as my breathing became erratic.
“Don’t you dare shout at him!” I practically screamed at him. He clenched his jaw looking at Sam annoyed.
“Take baby,” he explained throwing Sam the keys. He hesitated to leave but as soon as the door closed behind him Dean looked at me. “Come on then. Blind me, punch me, stab me. Whatever it takes for you to get off your fucking high horse and stop being such a bitch.” He spat. I scoffed, tucking my teeth slightly as I nodded.
“Dean, you’re a pain in my ass. You’re such an idiotic, insensitive and obnoxious dick. You have no idea all the things I have dreamt of doing to you. I have dreamt of killing you so many times, if it wasn’t for Sam you would have died the day I met you.” I screamed now moving around the table to approach him. He scoffed. He may be taller but I’ve never been intimidated by height. If anything it motivates me more. If we’re ever fighting a group of vampires I always go for the biggest and baddest.
“See you say that but you’ve never even made me bleed. I’ve seen you overpower three demons at once when I was hurt. You care for me and I’m sick of you acting like you hate me,” he argued. I chuckled dryly shaking my head as my hands started to shake from the rage. He’s purposely trying to piss me off.
“Oh yeah, says the guy that cried in the back seat while you pulled the bullet from my side and thought I was dying,” I shouted but he clenched his jaw.
“That’s different,” he tried but I scoffed.
“You’re right it’s different, you cried like a bitch because you were going to lose me but when it was you I was angry. Angry that you’d have an attitude,” I retorted. He rolled his eyes. He rolled his eyes at me! Again! My fist connected to his cheek before he even finished rolling his eyes. I moved closer swiping his legs from under him and pushing his chest down as he fell to the floor. He wheezed clearly winded. “What have I told you about rolling your eyes at me?” I asked through gritted teeth. He looked at me furiously. With a swift movement, he elbowed me in the face, overpowered me and was now pining me down. I spat blood from my mouth, aiming my face away from him because I would kill anyone who spit on me, it's disgusting. Well, if they did it maliciously I would kill them.
"Not so big now, are you?" He smirked, thinking he had gotten the better of me. I bucked my hips up, hitting his side so he stumbled over my head. I hurried out from under him wrapped my legs around his and pinned his arms above his head so he was unable to move. He grunted, trying to free himself from my grasp. I smirked seeing how defeated he looked.
"Should have kept that pretty mouth shut," I exclaimed with a smug smirk. His eyes wandered as he thought. He quickly moved up, pressing his lips to mine. Instincts kicked in before I could think as I let go of his hands and moved away from him. He took this opportunity to push me backwards and follow me. He now pinned me and I glared at him as he chuckled.
"If you didn't want me to kiss you, you shouldn't be such a tease," He commented but I scoffed, I tried kneeing him in the balls but his legs kept mine in place, he chuckled at my attempt.
"In what universe am I a tease?" I asked, buying some time to think of how to get out of this. He scoffed as if my question was obvious.
"You mean to tell me, you don't do it on purpose?" He asked genuinely. I could see from his expression he was confused and was no longer speaking with venom in his tone. I stopped struggling beneath him as I looked at him confused. He's being serious. "You really don't know?" He asked, his grip loosening on me. I should take this as my opportunity, he's messing with me. He has to be.
I bent my knee, planting my foot on the ground before pushing off and rolling us. He seemed to not fight it as he was still genuinely confused by our conversation. He seemed to study me as if looking for a hint of me lying. He didn't fight back when I pinned him now. I rolled my eyes as he continued watching me. "What?" I asked annoyed wanting him to come out with it. He looked dazed, blinking a few times and lightly shaking his head.
"Nothing, forget I said anything," He tried, looking awkward and called out. My eyebrows furrowed as I recognised he seemed disheartened or upset.
"What?" I asked again, my tone slightly raised.
"Forget it," He shrugged. I rolled my eyes, my anger evaporating as I was stumped by what he was thinking about. I gave him a final jab to the ribs before getting up. I have to make sure he doesn't attack me when I stand up, this is probably a trick and I'm stupid enough to fall for it. I got up as he groaned in pain. I instantly left, sick of him. We finally fight and he does shit like that. He kissed me and called ME the tease. What is he smoking?
I stormed to the bathroom, checking my reflection as I noticed he had busted my bottom lip when he elbowed me in the face. I ran it under the water, cleaning it as I thought. What did he mean? He called me a tease and was confused that I didn't understand. He asked if I was serious about not knowing. When have I ever been a tease? I make it apparently clear that I hate Dean.
Yeah, there was a time on a hunt when I had to pretend to be his girlfriend but as soon as we were alone I punched his arm for grabbing my ass. He didn't hear the end of it for weeks as I constantly called him an opportunist prick. I rolled my eyes, knowing he was just trying to get in my head because I was winning.
I walked out of the bathroom, swiftly making my way to my room. I walked a few steps before Dean approached me from behind. I groaned showing I was not interested in his arguments right now, or gloating that he got in my head. He seemed to walk with purpose, I turned my head to look at him but he spun me around and pressed me against the wall. I looked at him confused and annoyed as he seemed angry. I pushed my foot away from the wall so he was now pinned on the opposing wall. He groaned at my movement, he started rolling his eyes but quickly stopped himself knowing how much it pisses me off.
"You haven't been teasing me?" He asked, almost as a statement. My eyebrows furrowed.
"Dean, I have made it abundantly clear that I hate you," I explained but he scoffed.
"So, you walking around in my t-shirt last week was an accident?" He asked but I chuckled.
"Yes, I thought it was Sam's," I argued but he shook his head.
"You continued to wear it the rest of the day," He tried but I scoffed.
"Well, I wasn't going to take it off in front of you," I scoffed, he sucked his teeth annoyed.
"Okay, what about when you give me those eyes you do, or when you bite your lip? There are thousands of times when you've teased me," He urged but I looked at him like he was crazy.
"That's called wishful thinking," I groaned but he shook his head.
"No, that's me being observant," He argued. He pushed against the wall so he was pinning me again, this time pushing his whole body against me so I couldn't move. I huffed as I recognised it would be difficult to get out. "You look at me like you want to fuck me, your heart rate increases and you struggle to speak unless you're shouting at me. You bite your lip at more things I say than Sam. You make pornographic sounds when I enter a room and you avoid being alone in a room with me," He explained but I chuckled dryly.
"All those things are me being angry with you. I don't look at you like I want to fuck you, I look at you like I want to kill you. I groan when you enter a room because it isn't pleasant being around you. I don't want to be alone with you because one day I actually will kill you," I explained through gritted teeth but he smirked.
"Then why did you hesitate when I kissed you?" He asked but I scoffed, slightly laughing in his face.
"Because I didn't expect it," I retorted but he smirked.
"Okay, then here's your warning. I'm going to kiss you," He said before quickly connecting his lips to mine. I didn't move my mouth, trying to bring my hand up to punch him in the face but he caught my wrist as he pinned it to the wall above my head.
I decided to kiss him back, figuring I could distract him long enough for him to let go of my wrist. I moved my lips against him, recognising his smile as I did. His tongue entered my mouth unexpectedly. I played along, giving him access but not allowing myself to enjoy it. He moved my other wrist to his other hand, pinning both of my arms in one of his hands. He moved his free hand down my side before pulling my body against his by my waist. I gasped softly at the movement. He smirked against my lips. I begged myself to stop enjoying it. I hate this man! I hate Dean Winchester!
And yet, he's kissing me and I want more. His free hand danced on the hem of my shirt, moving up to feel the skin on my side. His hand grazed my scar from the bullet he pulled out of me with purpose. I grew weak as my tongue fought his, my mind begging me to fight this but my body craving his touch. He grinded his hips against mine, his hard bulge making me moan as I craved the touch. I'm not the type to sleep with random people so my natural instinct was to get my sexual frustration satisfied. His grip on my wrists loosened as I moaned, my hands falling free. He started pulling away from the kiss expecting me to punch him. Even I expected to punch him.
My hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. My brain frazzled as I recognised that I needed this. I need him. His tongue reentered my mouth as he grinded his hips into me again, smirking as I moaned into his mouth. His left hand moved to my thigh, pulling it to his side as he pushed his hips against me so my back was flat against the wall again. My eyes rolled to the back of my head at his movement. He moved from my lips, kissing down my neck as he began making out with my skin. Open-mouthed kisses were sure to leave hickeys. I breathed deeply, moans escaping me as he pushed his hard erection against my wet and ready pussy.
I gasped as he bit my skin, his grip tightening and nails digging into my skin. "You still irritate me, Dean," I explained, still moaning from his touch. He chuckled softly against my skin.
"Then, tell me to stop," He teased but I didn't have it in me. I need him and he knows this. Maybe I always did need him but didn't want to admit it. I caved way too easily. It would explain why he frustrates me so much. He took my silence as a cue to continue. He kissed my neck with more purpose. His hand on my waist moved to the bottom of my back. "Jump," He explained before leaning back. I jumped slightly. I wrapped my legs around him as he released my thigh and held my ass to hold my weight. I hastily connected our lips.
He moaned against my lips as he walked me down the hall. He kicked open the first door and came down with me as he lay me on the bed. I moaned, knowing instantly we both wanted more than just this. I rolled my hips against him earning a moan from his lips. He kissed me with more passion, his hands travelling to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, his mouth reconnecting with mine as his hands explored my bra-covered breasts. His hips seemed to grind against me out of instinct. He pulled away to pull his shirt from over his head with my help. He grinned widely before his lips found mine again. He's clearly happy we're doing this.
I moaned, my head pushing into the bed as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He took the opportunity to kiss my neck. His hands moved behind my back to unclasp my bra. I stopped his movements as he started pulling it from my body and leaving me exposed. He pulled back to look at me a little confused.
"Lock the door," I instructed but he looked at me like I was stupid.
"We're the only ones here," He retorted but I rolled my eyes. He's too irritating why did I want to do this? I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I recognised my mistakes. How on Earth was I stupid enough to believe he wouldn't irritate me? He groaned, getting up and walking to the door. I half expected him to leave but he shut the door and locked it. Turning back with a defeated expression. "Happy?" He asked, his tone showing his disappointment.
"Dean, I swear to God-" I explained as I sat up, arms covering my breasts as I glared at him as he approached me.
"Shut up," He simply stated as he came back on top of me and reconnected our lips.
"You piss me off," I explained against his lips.
"Good," He retorted only making my heart beat quicken and it was unclear if it was because I hated him or needed him. He gripped the bra which was still unclasped but on my arms. He ripped it away from my body harshly. I chuckled, against his lips before his tongue entered my mouth. Our tongues dance in the middle. I rolled my hips into him, and he moaned into my mouth. I smirked slightly.
Dean got up, he watched me with hungry eyes before gripping the top of my leggings and harshly pulling them down. I gasped but smirked at his eagerness. I was dragged down the bed slightly so he could rid me of my clothes. My heart beat so fast I worried he could hear it. I watched intently as his chest rose and fell rapidly, at least I knew he was excited too. He unbuttoned his jeans, his eyes never leaving my face as I bit my lip, watching his hands. I gulped, as he pulled the edge of his jeans apart so the zip came undone. I gulped, biting down harder on my lip as I waited impatiently for multiple reasons, I haven't had sex in probably close to a year, I have no idea how big he will be and I am too wet to think straight.
Dean pulled his jeans down, his boxers purposely staying up to make me wait. I rolled my eyes slightly as I looked into his smiling eyes. He chuckled seeing my annoyance but he soon smirked. He watched me intently as he pulled down his boxers. I looked down, my eyes widening as I clenched my jaw knowing it would have dropped open from the shock if I didn't. Holy shit! His cock is huge. He continued to smirk smugly as he slowly started stroking himself.
"Looks like I've found a way to shut you up," He commented, his tone riddled with sex. He's a slut. I finally looked back at his face, his smirk, the way at me, his eyes. All of it was pornographic and all of it made me even wetter.
"Where are you putting that?" I asked seriously. His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "That's way too big, it isn't going to fit," I explained but he laughed, moving back in. I lay down as he guided me down. His lips curled into a smile as he connected our lips. I pulled away to look at him but he moved his lips to my neck. I moaned from the sensation. "Dean, seriously though. I haven't had sex in a year, be gentle at first," I managed through my moans. He smirked against my neck.
"Y/N," He practically moaned, his tip pressing on the inside of my thigh making me whimper. "You're in charge, tell me when it hurts and when to go for it," He explained between kisses on my neck. I gulped nodding quickly knowing I was ready and almost to the point of begging. My hands quickly found his neck and back as he moved up to connect our lips. I kissed him pleadingly, passion seeping from our lips as our tongues danced. He pulled back to look me in the eyes, his eyes appeared darker in the shadows of the light. His fast breathing came out as something close to growls. "Ready?" He asked genuinely. His voice was deeper and full of desire. I bit my lips, legs clenching for a second as a reaction from his voice. I nodded. He didn't move, he just continued watching me.
"Yeah, yeah. Dean I'm ready," I gulped, wanting him to hurry up so I could feel him inside me. He smirked, and he sat up moving to align his tip with my entrance. I gulped slightly.
"Tell me if you want to stop," He instructed. I smiled softly knowing he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. I've never felt so safe having sex with someone for the first time. He pushed his tip in softly. His hands on my waist and thumbs rubbing my skin softly. I bit my lip. Whimpering slightly. It didn't hurt yet but I was getting scared of the pain that was about to come. Dean smiled comfortingly as he leaned forward to continue kissing me. I smiled against his lips knowing kissing him would give me a bit of distraction.
I gasped slightly as he slowly pushed in. As soon as the gasp left my lips he stopped, looking at me concerned. "Sorry," I chuckled a little awkwardly.
"You want to stop?" He asked, his hips hesitating to move back. I shook my head with a smile.
"No, It just felt good," I blushed. He chuckled with relief. I placed my hand on the back of his neck to pull his lips to mine. I moved my hand to his back, pulling him closer. He took this as a hint to slowly push inside me. I whimpered, my head dropping back as he entered me. I could feel Dean watching me intently. He stopped the second my eyebrows furrowed, wincing from the stretch. I breathe in through gritted teeth. The pain a little sharp but
"You're doing so good baby," He commented, kissing my cheek as I smiled at his words. Hearing him call me baby seemed to flick a switch inside me, my insides turned to mush and I suddenly had no idea how I'd ever disliked him. "Either you're ready to continue or you like it when I call you baby," He commented, I giggled softly, my eyes finding his as he licked his lips.
"Both," I smirked, he groaned slightly just admiring me. I grinned, leaning up to kiss him. His lips devoured mine, his tongue entering my mouth as if he owned it. He slowly pushed his hips into mine. My moans were muffled by his lips, he hesitated to continue but I wasn't moaning in pain, it was all pleasure. My hand on his back pulled him in, and he smirked against my lips recognising my want and need for him to continue.
His hips continued, my hard cock reaching places inside me I didn't know were reachable. A small fragment of my brain wondered if he was abnormally big or if I had only been with guys who had smaller dicks. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as his hips finally met mine. He groaned, his jaw loosening as he pushed deep inside me. My head pressed into the mattress, my moans coming out soft and slow.
He waited, letting me adjust if I needed to. He started at an incredibly slow pace. His forehead resting on my shoulder, his breaths staggered as he moved agonisingly slow. My nails dug into his back, the feel of his dick slowly gliding in and out with long strides making me weak but his tip hitting my G-spot made me moan animalistically. His strides seemed to be precise and measured, his moans melting with mine as his pace picked up a little.
"This okay, baby?" He asked, his pace never faltering. I nodded quickly, humming a yes as a reply. He kissed my shoulder gently, his smile pressing on my skin. I smiled, simply knowing he was smiling. "Fuck, baby." He groaned as I rolled my hips into his, his cock reaching deeper inside me and almost making me scream instantly.
He bowed his head, bending his neck and adjusting his upper body to suck on my nipple as he continued to fuck me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head from the new sensation. My moans escaped me as if they were expelled from my soul and not breaking through my lips. Dean seemed to take my enjoyment as a challenge to please me more. His hips moved faster, his strides not any less precise and his breathing became more laboured as he too enjoyed the sensations. My pulsing walls clenched around his hard cock making it near impossible for him to not build up.
He sat up, holding my hips in one hand while his other hand moved to where we were joined. I inhaled harshly as his thumb came in contact with my clit. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he watched me, entertained by my reactions and clear enjoyment. I moaned, a little louder than I'd ever moaned before. His thumb rode my ball of nerves and gave me sensations I didn't think possible.
"Fuck, Dean. Don't stop," I moaned, a knot in my stomach tightening and causing my brain to envision fireworks.
"Wouldn't dream of it, baby," He commented, his voice laboured as his breath was quick. I moaned from his voice, the sexy voice that I used to zone out but now know that it's capable of making me almost squirt. I moaned at the thought. I never imagined Dean would be this good in bed. Each push inside kissed my G-spot with force. His thumb works on my clit as if he knows all the things I want without knowing I want it. His voice sent shivers down my spine and clenched my walls around him. "Where's those beautiful eyes?" He asked, deep desire in his tone. My eyes are rolled to the back of my head. I opened my eyes, and instant eye contact had me rolling my eyes again. His green eyes, sharp jaw, light stubble, amazing hair. God! Everything about this man is making my orgasm grow closer and closer.
"Show me your eyes baby," He commented, his breathing almost coming out in growls. I hummed, my orgasm tightening and tensing my muscles. I found the strength to open my eyes, watching as he looked down at me with a dirty smirk. He knows exactly what he's doing to me. I struggled to maintain eye contact as his dick slammed into my G-spot, my orgasm dangerously close.
"Dean, I'm so close," I whimpered, my moans escaping my lips hastily.
"Good, baby. I want you to cum. I want to feel you cum around me," I gulped, my moans escaping more breathlessly. The knot is my stomach almost reaching capacity. "Cum for me, baby. I'm so close," He struggled. Knowing he was close, his sweat beading down his bare chest, his strained expression and unquivering pace sent me over the edge. I gripped the bedsheets beside me, my whole body seemed to tense as the orgasm hit me like a truck.
"Fuck, Dean," I moaned, I gasped before a scream escaped my lips. I hummed as Dean hurried to kiss me. Silencing me as he continued fucking me through my orgasm. My vision darkened, my eyes squeezed shut and my brain turned to mush. My hands found his back, nails digging in as I moaned into his mouth. He pulled back a little, his face scrunched up slightly as he fought off his orgasm wanting to finish mine before he came.
"Fuck. Fuck," He erupted, pulling out of me. His hand pumping his cock as he came up my stomach, I breathed deeply, legs shaking as his thumb never moved from my clit. He groaned, cum spurting out of him as he rested his sweat-covered forehead on mine. I bit my lips, my orgasm subsiding as I watched his orgasm overtake him. His thumb stopped working on my overly stimulated clit. Now resting on the bed beside me. His other hand slowed as the last pump of cum left him and fell onto me. His warm liquid drawing pattern on my skin.
Our breathing was rapid and from Dean's swaying, I knew he wanted nothing more than to lie down. I smiled, admiring him before his eyes finally opened to meet mine. I bit my lip watching as his expression lit up at the sight of me. His lips curled into a smile for a second before he leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was sloppy and slow. Humming as he pulled away, I smiled at him. He chuckled softly as he bit his lip.
"I don't think I've ever cum so hard," He commented quietly, almost whispering. I giggled as I smirked, my cheeks blushing as I admired his details up close. Wishing I could take a mental picture of this moment.
"Me too," I chuckled, he smiled but soon winced with a sigh. I looked at him concerned, wondering if he was in pain, figuring it was a cramp.
"I'll get you a towel," He commented sadly, I chuckled knowing he didn't want to leave this moment as much as I did. His hands holding up his weight seemed to wobble as he was tired.
"Who's room is it?" I asked, not wanting to take my eyes off him for a second. He looked at me a little confused before looking to the side of the bed.
"Yours," I smirked at his reply.
"I'll change the sheets," I shrugged, he instantly understood. Kissing me quickly before moving beside me to lie down. Is it too weird to cuddle? Dean's hand found my shoulder pulling my body in. I chuckled happily as he pulled me into a cuddle, relief overcoming me. I rested my head on his shoulder, my leg draping over his as my arm came up to lie on his chest. My fingers automatically draw patterns on his warm skin. I watched as he smiled brightly. He turned to look at me. Kissing my forehead before admiring me.
We lay in silence for a while, happily catching our breaths and enjoying each other's company. I smiled, just remembering what we had just done and all the emotions that came with it.
"Hey, baby?" His tone was curious. I looked up at him with a smile. He's still calling me baby. "Do you still hate me?" He asked genuinely. My eyebrows furrowed as I shook my head.
"No, I don't think I ever did," I explained, my hand moving to his cheek. He smiled at the contact.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done and every horrible thing I've said to you and Sam when I was angry," He explained, sadness in his tone. I smiled softly.
"I'm sorry too, I promise from now on I will be nothing but nice," I tried but he winced. I looked at him puzzled as he smirked.
"Maybe not all the time. You're really hot when you're angry," He commented, I chuckled as I shook my head. He kissed my forehead with a bright smile. He seemed deep in thought as he played with my hair. "I do want to make this a regular thing though," He commented, his tone showing sincerity. My smile beamed as I nodded.
"Me too," I commented biting my lip as I watched his lips curl into a smile.
"Good, if that's what my baby wants, that's what my baby gets," He added, I blushed as he moved his hand to my chin. He leaned down, and I leaned in the rest of the way to kiss him. His hands played with my hair as our kiss was slow and meaningful. Passion radiates from us. "Can I keep calling you baby?" He asked against my lips. I hummed a yes as I continued to kiss him. His lips smiled against mine, never breaking contact. "Can I take you on a date?" He asked, his lips pushing into mine as if he didn't want words, just actions. I blushed wanting nothing more than to scream a yes. I hummed yes again. I pulled away to smile at him.
"Of course, Dean," I smiled, his lips curled to a smirk. He hummed happily, tucking some loose hair behind my ear.
"I've always loved the way you say my name," He commented, connecting our lips again. I melted into the kiss knowing I would give anything to stay here forever.
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ariicandy · 8 months
But Don’t Forget To Kiss me, Or Else You Have to Miss me
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About : Spending quality time with your lover, it’s always so peaceful when he wants to rest or in a field of flowers…
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Note : I HOPE I DID IT GOOD FOR U MY BESTI @meidnightrain please accept this fluff apology fic I cannot guarantee I will not write an angst fic(minus it being a request ofc) BUT I WONT WRITE OFTEN PLEASE 🙏🙏
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Hearing the door open & closed with an annoyed sigh from your dear WANDERER, it wasn’t a surprise to you from how he always blahs about the work in the akademiya. He appears more tired, maybe the reason why he’s so grumpy right now. WANDERER decided to join you on the couch, still continuing his rant about “the ridiculous amount of work the Akademiya gives”, only his head was only mere inches away from your shoulder. Unsure if he wants to actually wants to rest his head on your shoulder, you decided to take it upon yourself to move your hand to guide his head to fully lay his head of your shoulder, making your beloved SCARAMOUCHE pause from your sudden move. “Sorry I thought you wanted to lay your head on my shoulder since your head was near my shoulder.” Feeling bad for suddenly making your lover pause on his rant, he suddenly says “…no it’s fine. I did want to know if you were okay with it.” He started to relax know you were okay him resting on your shoulder, it took a few moments for your dear to recover what he was talking about but that didn’t matter. He felt comfortable resting next to you. He liked the silence that was created as it created a sense of comfort to him, letting himself to fully relax he let his eyes close to rest for a little while you both are in the position you both are at the time. Smiling to yourself, you titled your head on top of your dear SCARA to take a small nap with him, maybe you should do this more often to spend time with him.
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You were walking in a field of Fontaine’s various flowers in the wild when you found a spot to rest in the shade, still near the city and near the water. Taking a breathe of fresh air with nature, breathing out all the stress you have had this past week on finally having time for yourself to rest and relax for a while before heading back home for the day. Closing your eyes, you felt a pair of hands slowly come behind your face to cup your face scaring you! A small giggle was heard behind you recognizing it being your lover LYNEY! “You scared me! Don’t do that Lyney!” You earned a small chuckle from Lyney from your reaction of him scaring you. “Sorry I couldn’t help it! Especially since this spot you choose to relax is lovely!” LYNEY began to sit next to you seeing how calm & relaxed from coming out and having this amazing view of both the water and the city near. Both of you sat in silence taking in on nature’s sound of the trees, birds, and the small distance sounds waves of water. Suddenly LYNEY had a thought to do a small trick, he magically pulled a rainbow rose out of your ear, tucking it behind your ear and pressing a small kiss on your cheek which made you giggle from his stunt. “It won’t be fair if I don’t give you a rainbow rose for you to also have if you did that stunt on me.” You began to sit up and stand to walk ahead where a rainbow rose was near a rose bush. “But that trick I pulled is meant for you! You don’t need to return the favor [name]!” Your lover replied after you getting up and following after you, where you are now crouched to pick the rainbow rose. He meets eye to eye with you, letting you place the rose on his ear to match like he did with you. “See? We now match! You look handsome with the rose tucked behind your ear!” Smiling to him, he returned a fond, loving smile. LYNEY placed a kiss on your lips as you, unbeknowingly you have him head over heels over you as he feel in love again with you as that’s even possible cause his whole heart loves you
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house-strong · 2 years
— THE TORMENT of a life time ʾ ⋆
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summary ; requested by anon.
“Could we please have a friends to lovers Jace Velaryon x reader suggestive fluff, please?”
pairing ; friends-to-lovers!jacaerys velaryon x stark!reader
notes ; this gif? ,, DAYUM also we’ll pretend the dance of dragons doesn’t happen and the starks still love jace 💁 also i for the life of me can’t write suggestive since im touch deprived so im sorry in advance,, also unrevised😔
it’s no secret that the starks of the north were fond of the princess rhaenyra and her children, especially jacaerys velaryon. though wary of outsiders, they’ve often come to court on the behest of the crowned princess and future king to the iron throne.
you, lady (y/n) stark, was one of many things that jacaerys found enlightening about the northern moors. somehow, although dark and dreary, you found some way to remain a beacon of light. every where you went, you wore a smile and the pleasant sound of your laughter was never too far behind. he supposed that you were the reason he was so quick to visit winterfell.
at the invitation of cregan stark, warden of the north and your lord father, he had set flight for winterfell on the back of vermax. he had packed light, intending on only staying for a few days.
that is, until he was persuaded by you to stay for a fortnight.
“i don’t understand why you have to leave so quickly, you’ve only just arrived,” you complain whilst lounging on his guest bed. you flip absentmindedly through the book he brought – a present for the celebration of your nameday. jacaerys turns to look at you, a smile parting his pink lips.
“i have princely duties, (y/n),” he says, though he knew you weren’t simple and you already knew that he was a prince with otherworldly duties, he had said this phrase with light tease. he continues to pack, hands delicately folding his belongings the way his mother had taught him. “but, i might be persuaded to stay.”
jacaerys abandons his belongings and moves toward the bed, gently pushing you by the shoulder to make you move and make room for him. he sits, back leaning against the headboard.
“oh really?” you respond, your eyebrow raising at his comment. “what does my prince suggest?”
the mere title uttered by your breath is something that causes his heart to skip a beat. he decides he likes the way his title rolls off your tongue. heat begins to sleep up his neck and he rubs at it anxiously.
he looks away and gives a bashful chuckle, “well, i hadn’t thought this far.”
you roll over on the furs of the bed, looking up at him through your lashes. your hands joined together in mock prayer in front of the prince.
“anything my prince desires.” you say. though he was sure it was a teasing remark, he can’t help but feel the warmth that continues to blossom within him. he shifts in his seat and he’s staring at you now, eyes drifting to your lips. he clears his throat when he realizes what he’s doing, looking away to survey the room. you don’t fail to notice this action, another smile creeping upon your lips. you both start to realize what you’re doing.
“clean my dragon saddle for me,” he suggests after a moment of thought. you make a face, immediately declining the idea. he laughs after your voice your concern, “fine. how about going.. dragonriding with me?”
you laugh again, but notice that’s he’s serious this time, “jace, i cannot go on the back of vermax with you, my father would kill you, kill me, then skin your dragon for pelt.” now it’s jacaerys’ turn to laugh. he knows it’s empty threats and merely a diversion from your real fear.
“dragonriding isn’t so scary, i promise,” jacaerys says, though it falls on to deaf ears. he takes a moment to look at you earnestly, a twinkle in his eyes, “i’ll let you hold on tight.”
you assume he meant that you can hold on to him tight. the idea is pleasant, though you still decline the offer, “i’m a stark whose duty is to stay on the ground and i intend to keep it that way.”
“just because you were born to be on land doesn’t mean you can’t free yourself and fly every now and then,” he counters. you look down, pulling the abandoned book back into your grasp and flipping the pages to distract yourself from his truth. jacaerys feels his hand reach out, gently tucking a strand of hair that splays over the book behind your ear. his fingers trail to your chin, where he softly points it back up. “come fly with me, (y/n),” he whispers, “and i’ll stay however long you want me to.”
“jace,” you warn through a whisper. for ten years you and the princeling of dragonstone had remained close friends, forever ignoring the fleeting moments that were shared due to being so young. you both thought that just meant you liked each other as friends, but this, this was a whole new territory for the both of you.
the air goes still, yet full of life as electricity dances between you two. both of you eye each others lips cautiously, lids slowly becoming lidded with mutual desire. he swallows thickly, unsure now what to do. perhaps he should’ve taken up his uncle’s advice and followed him blindly to the street of silk. then again, he was unashamed that this was his first interaction with a woman, and he was glad that it was you.
you, on the other hand, were unsure of how you wanted to proceed. you knew jace like the back of your hand and you were sure this one night of.. indulgence wouldn’t harm your friendship. some part of you was hesitant to see jace in this sort of light. a woman grown with the desire to be wanted, jace was starting to tick the right boxes.
“jace,” you say once more, his name falling from your lips almost as a plea, “kiss me.”
his lips capture yours with uncertainty and lack of rhythm, though, he finds it quickly and almost moans in your mouth when you return it. your teeth accidentally knock together, but it goes unnoticed as you two continue to share a passionate kiss. you slowly reach for the lapels of his nobleman’s robes, tugging at it softly. he grunts in declination, his other hand gently swatting away your hand.
“not this way,” he says once he pulls apart from the kiss. his hair, now disheveled from the constant run of your hand through it, added to the purity of his face that he now wears. his lip, pink and plump, were tucked into a bite between his teeth. “i think i liked that.”
you scoff playfully before echoing his words, “you think?”
now it’s his turn to roll his eyes, “i know i liked that.” with a lip bite of your own, you start to play with the lapels of his coat, your fingers trailing down.
“i know a couple more things i’m sure you’ll like,” you purr suggestively and jacaerys, once again, starts to feel the blush creep upon his neck. this time, it’s more obvious and even goes as far to highlight the tips of his ear red.
“don’t think this little act of yours is freeing you from a dragonride with me.”
“i was thinking of a dragonride actually, just not on vermax.”
jacaerys fells something catch in his throat and he starts to cough when your words reach his ears.
seven hells, you were going to be the death of him.
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beesspacedotorg · 4 months
abo skz and their song double knot... just feels like that makes a lot of sense
why else would they have made that song?!? 👀
- 🌵
there's no sex in this, sorry for taking so long bro. there is bang christopher chan though. sorry for the double knot/side effects slander. also this isn't part of the dibsverse
When you first hear the song, you spend the whole of it staring right into Chan’s skull. His ears are bright red and his face is heating and he resolutely avoids your gaze as he stares at the road.
“Christopher,” you start.
“Baby.” “Don’t ‘baby’ me. You did not just make this song.”
“But, did you listen to the lyrics? It’s about finding our own way and-”
“The title of the song is Double Knot, Christopher.”
“It’s about shoe laces!”
“Yeah, I bet it is.”
They don’t perform the song often, they don’t perform songs pre-God’s Menu often, so after a while you let it go. You’re here now, sitting between the Rock Star comeback and whatever comes next, more excited for Nayeon’s new album than anything else, when someone reminds you of it.
“I’m a Double Knot defender,” one of your friends says.
“Do you have ears attached to your head?”
“Yeah, which is why I’ll tell you that the song is straight bars.”
“Yeah, straight un-bar-able.”
“You take that back right now. What next? You don’t like Side Effects?”
“Oh buddy, just wait until you hear this.”
You get back to your table with the drinks when it hits you.
“I fucking forgot about Double Knot.”
“See! Bro’s literally in love with the members and doesn’t even remember the song.” Your friend says. The other one rolls their eyes and starts talking about the amazing production quality in the two songs, you only chime in to stir the pot.
“Christopher!” You’re calling through the house when you get home, kicking off your shoes and throwing your bag haphazardly in a way you know is going to get you scolded later.
“In here!” He calls from his room. Your phone’s been blowing up, so he might be flirting with Stays right now. You hope they won’t mind if you steal him away for a bit.
“Chris, Chan, Channie, you’ll never believe what I was just reminded of.” You flop down next to him, bouncing the two of you a little as his mattress recoils.
“That you need to get the oil changed in your car?”
“What? No. You did that for me last month.”
“That you forgot shampoo at the grocery store?”
“Stop guessing, you’re bad at it.” He huffs and rolls his eyes, setting his phone down to face you fully.
“Well, what is it then?”
“Chan. Channie, Chan. I was reminded,” you stop to giggle, “of Double Knot.” He groans and shoves a pillow onto his face.
“I already told you that-”
“That it was about persevering and shoelaces, I know. But,” you giggle, “Channie, do you know what?” He lifts the pillow just enough to squint at you with one eye.
“You can give me your double knot.” He hits you with the pillow.
“That doesn’t even make sense.” The pillow is still over your face but you know better than anyone that he’s bright red and smiley right now. Flustered in that way he always is when you flirt with him.
“Yeah, it does.” You shove the pillow down to look at him, you were right, his face is flaming.
“It most certainly does not.”
“It most certainly does.”
“It’s very simple,” you lift your finger beside your face and tilt your head up, putting on a terrible British accent to sound smarter than is necessary for the situation. “One must simply fuck me hard enough that-” He hits you with the pillow again.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re a virgin.”
“I’m just shy.”
“You weren’t shy last night when you-” The pillow hits you a third time.
“Shh, shh. No more speaking from you.” His hand gently covers your mouth. You stare at him with wide eyes before biting his palm.
“Ow? What the fuck?” He’s cradling his hand and inspecting it for marks. You didn’t bite him that hard.
“Channie, listen to me-”
“You just bit me-” He stops when he looks back up and gets an eyeful of your chest.
“Channie,” you coo at him, honey sweet, “don’t you wanna fuck me?”
“Jesus.” You smile at him as you can smell his cinnamon get sharper, turning sweet, like an overseasoned latte. He told you once that Koreans don’t use a lot of cinnamon in their foods, so he was worried people wouldn’t like the way he smelled. You told him you want to cover him in sugar icing and lick it off. He called you deplorable.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” He shoves the shirt off your body and lays on top of you to attack your mouth.
“You like me anyway.”
“Love, unfortunately.” You smile at him and throw your arms around his neck.
“So, about those double knots?”
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nhasablogg · 8 months
Are you falling in love? I've a feeling you are
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Shaan, Henry
Summary: Once Shaan notices Henry's crush on Alex he can't not notice it.
Words: 1.1k
Shaan, despite what people might think, doesn’t spend his days watching Henry. Helping Henry, yes. Being close by and attentive and adapting to what is needed of him from both a professional and a personal standpoint, yes, but he knows the prince needs his space and therefore doesn’t linger unless he needs to. This means it takes him a while longer than he’s willing to admit to realize Henry has a crush on Alex, who always seems to sneer whenever Henry is near. Shaan thinks it might be a problem for only a second before he starts feeling sorry for him instead.
Once he sees it he can’t unsee it. Henry forcing himself to look into Alex’s eyes. Henry fidgeting with his shirtsleeves whenever Alex is near when he thinks no one is looking. Shaan knows that Henry’s gay - got to witness him coming out to him during a very low point when he thought nothing was worth it after his father’s passing. Shaan knows he’s gay and he knows why Henry can’t let it show that he might be falling for the First Son of The United States, but it doesn’t mean that behind the scenes, when he squints and pretends Henry is just a normal 20-something-year-old, it’s not strangely cute how flustered he gets about it. How he seems perfectly fine to never interact with Alex ever again while simultaneously doing everything but somersaults whenever they do.
“Alex is coming, right?”
Shaan looks up from his crossword. Henry’s sitting across from him on the jet, his own face stuck in a book, as if his question was simply a passing thought he’s nearly forgotten about already. But Shaan can see the tint of pink on his cheeks. Can see the way his knee is bouncing.
“I would assume so.” They’re alone in this part of the plane, so neither of them bother with titles or formalities. “I’m sure he will be delighted seeing us there.”
Henry cracks a smile, which makes him look so much younger than he is. Shaan sometimes sees flashes of Henry as a teen, especially when he’s being vulnerable or relaxed. Before the tragedies, when he had an easier time smiling.
“He’s a pain in the arse,” Henry says fondly. They are still teetering on the line between acquaintances and friends, but Shaan expects them to tilt over soon. Expects being dragged to the States more often than not in only a few weeks, which, secretly, he’s quite happy about.
“He can certainly be quite an interesting character.”
Henry snorts and puts his book down. “Tell me about it. The other day he insulted me by calling me pretty. Isn’t that strange?”
Shaan leans back and watches the blush spread over Henry’s face and tries not to smile. “How exactly did he turn it into an insult?”
“He said something along the lines of my face being so pretty he wants to punch it.”
“That sounds like a threat.”
“But then he started laughing.”
Henry ducks his head, maybe realizing he’s treading dangerous waters. “Maybe it was just an insult.”
“Did you think it was a compliment?”
“Did you want it to be a compliment?” Shaan has never tried to approach Henry about his feelings like this before. Not because he thinks he will be overstepping - Henry has spent many drunken nights describing certain activities with slightly too much details to him and Bea - but because he’s not certain if Henry’s coping with this crush by pretending it’s not happening at all. Shaan thinks, rightfully so, that he has enough on his plate already for him to be forcing confessions out of him as well.
But he doesn’t regret what he said, he realizes as Henry snaps his mouth shut. He has a feeling they’re about to see much more of Alex Claremont-Diaz soon, and he needs them both to be prepared for it.
“I, uh.” Henry twists his head to the side, but no one else is around them, and so he turns back to him with a hushed, “Maybe?”
Shaan does smile then. Can’t help it when the prince is sitting bright red in front of him, squirming like a teenager. “Good to know.”
Henry’s laugh is nervous, high pitched and giddy. “God, I’m so fucked, aren’t I?”
Shaan pats his knee. “We’ll figure it out.”
Shaan does watch him now, wondering if Henry will be able to handle the blooming friendship. He admitted to how long he’d been crushing on Alex and Shaan mentally facepalmed at not having caught it.
“It’s okay,” Henry said with a laugh. “I was very good at hiding it. I do admit it was easier when we only saw each other twice a year though.”
So Shaan now watches him to make sure his feelings are hidden well enough and hates himself for it.
It’s different when they’re alone and Shaan can hear their laughter through closed doors, sometimes with Nora and June and Pez and Bea. Whatever Henry chooses to display then is up to him, though Shaan has a theory that Henry would rather die than confess to having feelings for Alex. It’s a bit of a shame, because Shaan is pretty certain Alex has a crush on him too, but doesn’t really know it yet himself. But the times he gets to watch them, whether they’re in a booth or walking through corridors, and Alex goes out of his way to touch Henry (which Henry will be freaking out over later, he’s sure), he notices how Henry leaning into the touch doesn’t deter Alex at all. On the contrary he seems to start touching him even more, all arms slung over shoulders and knees knocking into knees and squeezes to sides and thighs once he realizes Henry’s ticklish. Shaan watches his prince giggle under Alex’s hands and is struck with such sadness that he has to keep this hidden.
Shaan keeps watching them, mostly to make sure no one catches them. Seeing Henry happy and in love is just a bonus. Because he is 99% sure Henry’s in love with Alex and that their friends with benefits situation is going to ruin him if it ends badly. He watches them and tries to determine if this is simply a good time for Alex, and he feels it isn’t. He feels he’s just as into it, just as invested, and then Henry of course starts pulling back because he can’t for the life of him figure out how he will be able to keep this up while living the type of life he’s living. Shaan hates that he can’t blame him for it.
For a while, before Henry tries to end things, it’s all hotel rooms and secret meetings and flying across the ocean too many times than he can count. It becomes a bit tedious, but Shaan never complains. Not when Henry all but glows every time he sees Alex.
“I’m not glowing,” he protests when Shaan brings it up, and Shaan doesn’t say anything about the way he smiles when he says it.
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writer12 · 5 months
Hi! Hope you are ok <3. Could i request a Kuzan x Reader? Where Reader is kidnapped by kuzan and Reader and kuzan are ex lover? Please and Thank you ❤️
Okay, here it is! Kuzan is one of my favorite characters from One Piece, so I'm excited to write for him!
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The interesting thing is that on my Character Ai account there is a Kuzan bot with the same concept, so I hope no one minds if I take advantage of this opportunity.
You are the daughter of the Celestial Dragon and, like everyone else from your kind, they decided to place a guard next to you.
Your guard is a member of the Marines, Kuzan. Vice Admiral Garp advised him, saying that his assistant showed great promise despite his laziness and would definitely be able to protect you.
You were very skeptical and became even more so when, upon first meeting, this Marine smiled at you and said: “Nice tits, Your Majesty. Would you like to go on a date with the great Vice Admiral’s henchman?”
It’s surprising how he wasn’t fired or killed on the spot, but he continued to be your security guard.
Over time, you got used to each other. Despite his laziness and bad first opinion, you could talk to him about many topics and it was just interesting to be with him
Later, you both came to a silent agreement: you would read books to him from your huge family library while he rested, and in return he would use his abilities to cool you down, because the weather on the island was often hot, and would listen to you.
So from an awkward first impression, you both moved on to silent friendship, and soon to sad love.
The problem wasn't that the feelings weren't mutual. No, you and Kuzan knew that you loved each other and you knew that it was mutual.
The problem was that your relationship would not be accepted. He didn’t care what the World Government or your family thought, but if you lose the title of Celestial Dragon, you will be in great danger, you could be sold as a slave or killed as revenge on your family, and Kuzan was unsure that he would be in time at the right time.
So the next day after you exchanged confessions and kisses, he left. He left you a note that he was being sent on a new mission and he was sorry that he didn’t get to say goodbye, but it would be better for you.
Of course you were upset, but your father didn’t care and a week later they announced that you were marrying a marine of a higher rank than Kuzan.
...You slowly opened your eyes and realized that you were in the hold of some ship. You wanted to move, but you heard a clanging sound and noticed that there were shackles on your hands and feet. You took a deep breath and tried to remember what happened before. Reality hit you like a steam locomotive as memories flooded into you. Your island was attacked by pirates and not by some newcomers, but by Blackbeard himself and his crew. While your husband and his army fought bravely against the pirates, you tried to escape to a safer place.
But suddenly the entire island was covered with ice and you, unable to escape normally, were captured by one of the pirate’s henchmen. Your thoughts were interrupted by the creaking of the door opening and you turned your head. You gasped in surprise and stared at the tall man, whom, despite so many years, you still recognized as Kuzan. He became taller, more massive, stronger, and instead of one of his legs you noticed an ice prosthesis, and there were many burns and scars on his body. While you were wondering what happened to your longtime lover, the former Marine smiled and came up to you, sitting down on the same level as you. He took your warm hand in his cold one and kissed your knuckles.
"It's good to see you again, Your Majesty."
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gothgleek · 1 month
"You , you love it how I move you
you love it how I touch you my one. When all is said and done, you'll believe god is a woman"
billy loomis x Reader fluff
(the song lyrics are from god is a woman Ariana grande)
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Note: Hi! Sorry for the late response, it took a while to hear writers block. The god worship and the fluff is a little toned down than what you’re probably expecting but I think it came out short and sweet. At least, this is what I’d like from a slasher lol
Notes: Rated PG-13 for offscreen death, everything else is cute and sweet.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated!
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You raised your head at the sound of knocking on your window to find Billy Loomis smiling at you from the other side of the glass.
“Hey,” Billy greeted as if it was totally normal to enter a home through the second story window.
“Hey,” You laughed and pulled him through. “What are you doing here?”
“There was a horror movie marathon and I started to think of you,” He started, walking around your bed room, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“That’s flattering,” You said with a smirk and your hands on your hips. Billy chuckled at your pose.
“It is flattering. It was a Japanese film. I can’t recall the title,” Billy stopped in front of a map with various pins marking places you wanted to visit. Billy had spent hours listening to you talk about all the places you wanted to see after graduation.
Unlike the rest of your classmates, Billy listened to you talk about the architecture and culture of these countries. As the two of you grew closer, you even taught him some dance steps from some of the countries you wanted to visit. Billy wasn’t super graceful but he liked the way you smiled at him when he made an effort. Billy even started to get excited about going with you. He rented foreign movies for your date nights, even if he couldn’t understand most of the dialogue. Since the video rental was pretty limited with foreign movies, the two of you would often rewatch them and make out during the boring scenes.
“Anyway, it was a Japanese film and I thought about all the places you wanted to go to after graduation. Senegal, Spain, Brazil, France, Egypt… Japan.” He turned to face you with a small smile.
“And you started to miss me?” You teased lightly.
He nodded, his hands shifting around his pockets. “I did. I thought about all the places you wanted to see and how much I wanted to see them with you.”
“Then I remembered how Mr. Bateman wouldn’t give you the A you needed for your parents to approve your summer abroad.” Your bright face faltered a little as you gave Billy a confused look. He drove all the way here to remind you of this?
“And as nice as it was to have you cry on my shoulder, I hated seeing you upset.” Billy walked to you and tilted your head up to look him in the eyes. “You are too important to me to ever make you upset. And I will do everything in my power to make sure you are always smiling.”
Billy pulled out one of his hands holding a kitchen cloth. He held it out to you and you gently unwrapped it. You let out a gasp when you saw the blood soaked knife.
“You’ll get that A now baby,” Billy smiled at you and pulled out his other hand. Two plane tickets to Tokyo dated for the day after graduation. You covered your hands with your mouth as you gasped. “And we'll travel the world together.”
Your eyes were filled with tears of happiness. You didn’t think anyone would have ever done something like this. “Billy I don’t know what to say-“
“Don’t say anything babe,” Billy said with a relieved smile. “I promised I will do anything I can to make you happy. Mr. Bateman was just a sacrifice I made to make sure you are happy.”
You pulled him close so you could kiss him hard. You hoped he could feel every bit of love and warmth you could give him, grateful for him.
“It’s you and me forever baby, don’t you ever forget that.”
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lucianinsanity · 3 months
My Epic: The Musicals thoughts, after listening to every song in repeat for days now:
The horse and The infant:
Odysseus calling his men "my brothers", this is important
God let me fight too
Penelope part keeps killing me, Telemachus 😭, the feelings, the fact that he also responds with their names when they are talking about why they keep fighting
Fighting noises ☺️
Zeus you bitch
The first "I don't think you're ready" is said without context, but the second one is a response to Odysseus saying he is ready (he wasn't btw)
The fact that he says "The Gods will let him know" and "This is the will of The Gods", like, leave him alone 😭
Just a Man:
Evil to start saying the baby reminds him of his own son
He is so against this I swear
First few "I'm just a Man" he wants so bad to justify not doing it
People already said it but the double meaning, asking when the baby would become someone who destroys his life, and asking if he becomes a monster if he kills the baby
I always thought the first line sounded like "please" and then two "forgive me" but it seems to be three "forgive me" instead, which is not bad, I'm just bad at hearing stuff
The high notes, leave me alone dude
The last "I'm just a Man", justifying his actions instead of his inaction
Full Speed Ahead:
"Six hundred man!" I'm so sorry
"Full speed ahead" sounds so sweet and hopeful
Eurylochus's name being chanted by the men and Polites only being mentioned by Odysseus, something about the men having their trust in the people they mention or whatever, I don't know, the fact that Polites name is much closer to Odysseus because he is the one that says it
He is so hopeful, Polites I'm so sorry
Odysseus is suspicious, but still hopeful
Open Arms:
I'm not the biggest fan of this one, sounds too happy, which is the point but I don't know, sorry Polites
He is trying so hard to make Odysseus feel better, man he just killed a baby 😭
Some of the voices of the Lotus Eaters are low, this is important to me for no reason (the lyrics in Spanish call them Lotófagos, I love that)
Odysseus common, this people are being so nice
Delayed "scary cave" ugh
His voice is so high
"there's so much guilt inside your heart" oh Polites, I wish he could relax, he has Six Hundred Men to feed 😔
Warrior of the mind:
Athena please
This song starts slower than in the middle, I like those parts better just because of the change of pace, she's so serious
"Let me remind you" with so much authority
That change with "Maybe one day he'll follow me" is weird to my brain
Back to slow with Odysseus
Someone mentioned that Athena could just be encouraging Odysseus and not actually falling for the bluff, which makes sense, she's The goddess of Wisdom
Odysseus little laugh, oh that's not something that we hear often
"Athena!" Choir
"Okay 😔"
Also Athena singing one way and then adopting the way Odysseus sings "mind" showing she's also learning from him and even keeps singing that way when is only her voice
They are "we" 🥺
"Don't disappoint me"
Also, in Spanish is Atenea, which makes it really difficult to only call her Athena, give her more letters
Entering someone house leading with an arrow, always a good idea (sarcasm)
Odysseus being suspicious and being right again
"Hey there!" Baby no
Oh dang, I never understood the lines of the beginning of Polyphemus singing, there are so good, drinking their blood, man I love him
Odysseus singing in this one is so nice, I keep repeating that part "There's been a misunderstanding!" I love you dude
The drums 🥺
The "nobody" is so nice to my ears
Bad deal
I have bad news, title of the song
Chanting of names, important
"My brothers" he trusts them so much, he knows this men, he knows how to talk to them
They are alone, the rest didn't know ☹️
"And when we kill him then our journey's over" ☹️ and all the lines after that
Solid strategy
"It's just one life to take" makes me a little sick
Oh the fucking build up
They didn't take that into consideration
Oh the fact that they ask him for instructions since he always led them to success and he is frozen in place, he doesn't sing, he doesn't talk, please why?
"then my pain is over" is so sad if you think about it for too long
Remember them:
The fact that it starts with the voice of Eurylochus sounding so far away like Odysseus is just now coming back to reality
He sounds so so sad and out of it
And yet he still tries to lead them and save them, he sounds like he is chocking a little bit and the words are hard
There's no proper burial, their souls are doomed
He is also so angry
Oh I hate eye stuff, less favorite part
They just start running out of there, poor things
"There are more of them?" With fear, and Odysseus just waits, he knows what's coming
"Don't go!" Is also so sad
Athena please, she's right but Odysseus is feeling so guilty and bad about this whole shit
My goodbye:
I love this one
They are both heartbroken about this, Athena in a different way
She was expecting better of "just a man"
Odysseus, arguing with a god, good job dude
They hurt each other, Athena is right, again, but bad moment to do all this
Right before going into the ocean too, good job, both of you
One of my favorites
It feels exactly how it should, stormy
"This storm's our final fight" ... First half of the first half of the story
Brace for a storm
"Full speed ahead" this time with more authority, they are fighting now
Eurylochus you are not helping with that attitude 😔
Odysseus is so confident, or maybe too hopeful, he is not thinking too well either, probably
And then they did what he said
Luck runs out:
I always forget this one exist 🤦
"we don't know for sure" what do you mean? Really, what else could be in THE ISLANDS FLOATING ABOVE YOUR HEAD? The god of cheese?
Good plan, Odysseus 🤦
The show already went south baby
Do you, Odysseus? Or are you just sad?
Common he literally led you to victory so many times, have a little faith in the man
Again, the men are chanting what Eurylochus says, he is also a man they trust
Keep your friends close:
He is taking the "greet the world with open arms" way too far
Oh no Odysseus
The choir it's not making this easy for him
They just went behind his back spreading that it was treasure, like, why would he keep a treasure anyways?
Nine days keeping that damn bag closed ☹️
"Time for me to be the father I never was" 😔
"Just keep your eyes open" oh no Odysseus
Again, Eurylochus, just help the man
Oh no, Odysseus
If you had doubts about who this was there's a choir singing his name in the first few seconds
He was being very gracious with them
"No" = I fucked up so bad right now
The "false righteousness" is a very sad line, because he thought so bad that he was doing the right thing so many times
He already sounds fake as fuck when asking Odysseus to apologize, knowing he wasn't going to actually do it because Odysseus doesn't feel bad about what he did
The men screaming "Captain!" Took me long to notice (again, bad ears) and it's so heartbreaking
43 ☹️
With the lines from Just a Man and Remember Them coming back to kick this man ass
No rest for this guy, his second in command is doubting him, his men get trapped for trusting some random woman, he just lost so many of them
Circe sounds so nice
She's so nice
"All the power" 🥰
Odysseus is going to save the man that just sent him away from his home
He has to try
Wouldn't you like:
Number 1 song
I'm already bisexual, man (I'm aroace)
I don't have a lot to say, I love this song
Why does he do that with his voice?
His laugh 🥺
Twice the voice for him
"Don't thank me friend, you very well may die" 🥰
Done for:
He is so silly in this one
He has the help of one (1) god and he is another person
Circe doesn't like him at all
They are both trying to protect their people
Baby don't be like that, he is so damn confident and Circe is not having it
Their voices are good together
I mean she's right on not trusting people, and Odysseus did just get there with the intention to fight
"I'm not sure I follow" ndksksksksksk
There are other ways:
This one is sad
She is immediately on control of this situation, she's repeating lines from Puppeteer, she is making him into a pig (metaphorically)
"Don't break when" sounds a little rougher
"I'm just a man" oh no Odysseus, followed by the "Forgive me" SHUT UP, it's so fucking sad
Her voice when she repeats "when there's no puppet here"
"I miss my wife, Tails, I miss her a lot"
He won, and now he's begin 😭
She's so silly
I mean, she could have meant she was going to kill him, but that way seems a lot worse ☺️
High notes 🥺
The men coming back
The Underworld:
Also on the favorite list
The "good" of Odysseus is low, he was betrayed by them before, he needs them to do what he says this time, fuck
"All I hear are screams" 😭
You think they are seeing different things?
Shut up, "just a man" coming back
"Captain!" ☹️
Stop, the baby
"This life is amazing" ☹️
"Waiting..." Why do you hurt me like this?
No longer you:
I don't know if saying this one is one of my favorites helps anyone understand my taste
Odysseus you are smart, please
The prophet sounds so sad
"A man who is haunting, a man with a trail of bodies" is a heartbreaking description
Ah, prophesies, they always have a twist, sad stuff in them
To "I'm just a man" to "I'll become the monster" with this simple trick
The people he mentions are weird, monsters and gods don't think in the same way as people who are protecting their friends and family, but whatever you say
I don't think he knows what balance is
The fact that Telemachus fits in the songs so well
Well, enough, that's it for now
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heartricky · 1 year
hello👋 can i please request zb1 reaction to their s/o being a producer? like they didnt know that their s/o had produced alot of hit kpop songs or like that😌 (esp imagine gunwook’s s/o produced hot by svt😫) ty in advanced!
omg anon you're so smart, yes, here you go!
this isn't proof read so I'm sorry if there any any mistakes!
word count: 1163
as an actor, jiwoong knows all about being constantly busy, so when you suddenly went radio silent to work on a secret project, he couldn't help feel curious about what had gotten you so busy. it was only when he heard the sentence in an interview, "oh and you know y/n l/n? the person who produced the title soundtrack for your new series?" did it make sense as to why you would lock yourself in your office for days at a time, unable to contact him often.
to say that jiwoong was shocked would be an understatement, but the shock was quickly replaced by pure pride, he couldn't believe he had such a hardworking and talented s/o. he definitely helps you get onto producing zb1's title track.
considering you had never been much of an instrument lover, it shocked has that you knew so much about music composition when he played a new piece on the violin that he had been working on for the last couple of weeks. so upon asking, he found that you had been producing songs every now and again for fun, liking the way that certain instruments and keys worked well together.
he was so impressed, falling even more in love with you, wondering how he had managed to bag such a badass babe.
hanbin had a feeling you were a producer, talking about how layers of tracks on songs blend together and being able to pinpoint where a new section of recordings had taken place when listening to a song in the car with him, but he decided to let you tell him in your own time, he didn't want to pressure you into telling him. he knew what it was like wanting to keep something big about you secret incase of people who wanted to abuse the information.
but when you did tell him, boy, did he give you the biggest, most warmest hug filled with many compliments and temple kisses. you both listened to all of the songs you had produced after that.
as an avid music listener, matthew had always wondered what it would be like to produce some songs, especially now that he would be debuting. it felt like such a cool accomplishment to be able to say you helped produce your own group's songs. so when he mentioned it in passing to you, and your face starting glowing when telling him how to get started and how to download certain softwares that would be most useful when being a beginner.
poor matthew had missed when you told him you were a producer when you first met each other, so he asked "how do you know so much about producing?" giggling you replied, "because its my job? matt, I told you this on our first date". *insert matthew surprised pikachu face*
"oh. I'm sorry I must have missed that. can we listen to the songs you've produced? wait no, let me guess them!"
taerae had his suspicions when listening to a song, where the producer tag sounded a bit too much like your voice, so the next time you both saw each other, he decided to play detective and put on one of the songs he thought you had produced.
the way your face glowed with pride when hearing that taerae liked the song you had produced enough to play it in front of you told him everything he needed to know. eventually, once the song finished, he asked the question, and when you nodded your head, taerae couldn't help but feel amazed, "wow, you're so cool do you know that y/n?", "you're even cooler taerae".
when you had mentioned that you were saving up for a specific type of headphone set for your birthday to ricky - which was definitely not cheap - he asked you why you wanted it so badly. telling him why, that you had picked up producing a few songs as a hobby and had wanted to get some more professional items to help boost your career, he bought them immediately, getting them customised to your favourite colour as well, so you could spend the money on a well deserved treat instead.
you had decided to pay back your boyfriend for the kind gift with a couple's trip to see this musical he had been wanting to see for a while, where you both stopped at a strawberry field on the way and ate the delicious berries watching the performance.
he was so proud of you and couldn't believe how hardworking you were, he definitely bragged about having such a cool s/o to his yuehua friends - poor ollie and had didn't hear the end of it for months.
gyuvin always wondered why you stayed in the music rooms at school for much longer than you realistically needed to as a music major in the high school. so when he walked into the room one day with a chocolate milk and sweet bread as a snack for you, did he discover the tracks and arrangements of vocals on a large desktop.
after telling him that you had been offered to work on a few songs for some extra money, he gave you the biggest hug ever, telling you how talented you were, jokingly suggesting that you help produce a title track when he debuted.
after saying that he would dance to "hot" by seventeen in the star level test, he was shocked when hearing "ahh, yes, did you know y/n l/n produced this song and 'ash' as well, on this album, they worked with woozi directly! at such a young age, they're so talented already."
gunwook went and googled the listed producers on the title track when he finally got access to the internet in the dorms, surprised that your name was there, it only boosted his ego that he had a musically talented and academically talented s/o, just like him.
he definitely interrogated you when he talked to you on the phone later that night, jokingly pouting when you had to rush to tell him that you were under a contract not to tell anyone when helping produce the song, but your worries were quickly brushed away when he told you how much he loved you, and how much he loved the song as well.
you were one of the producers for 'say my name' on boys planet, so when he saw you in the room for recording the song, he was both equally shocked and amazed that you had been behind the catchy song he was performing to later that week.
he dragged you out into the corridor after recording the song's vocals, kissing your cheek lightly, holding your hand as he told you how gifted you were in music production.
imagine his surprise when you told him you were also producing the title track for when zb1 debuted after the final.
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goosewriting · 2 years
How about a romantic Donnie x Reader, with purple 1 said by the reader? I was thinking maybe the reader has been trying for quite a while to impress Donnie, doing all kinds of things that often only lead to trouble and to a seemingly annoyed Donnie. What reader doesn't know tho is that he's in love with them too, and just really sucked at showing it?
I see you (rottmnt Donnie x reader)
prompt 1: “All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.”
summary: reader wants to impress Donnie, which leads to a confession. 
relationship: Rise!Donnie x GN reader
warnings: i don’t think this counts as angsty right? fluffy ending!
word count: ~660
A/N: not the avatar sounding title lmao sorry if this one is kinda bland,, i couldn’t come up with anything better sdfdsf hope it’s still to your liking :’)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
– – – 
Ever since coming to terms with the fact that you were crushing on your best friend, the purple clad turtle, you had set your mind to sweep him off his feet. You tried so hard to impress him, even  going as far as taking online courses on programming and reading several chapters of the book “Engineering for Dummies”. You just really wanted him to notice you and figured that the best way to do that would be to impress him with your newly acquired skills.
Since you would hang out a lot in his lab, you started offering to help on his projects. You had done so before, but suddenly you were able to somewhat follow his explanations and contribute your thoughts on the topic, which was met with a raised eyebrow on Donnie’s part. You couldn’t tell if he was intrigued or felt like you were overstepping a line of sorts.
The very few times he had agreed in the past to have you help out was to mainly pass him tools. But now you were suddenly welding one of the simpler circuits on his project. Donnie stopped working for a second and you could feel his gaze on you, still unable to read him, which got you self-conscious and you ended up burning a wire, making the whole thing unusable. You gasped in shock, and were about to apologise and tell him you’d redo it, but he was quicker.
“What are you doing?!” Donnie asked in a rather harsh tone, swatting away your confidence and eagerness to work with him in one blow. He came around the table to stand next to you and basically yanked the tools out of your hands.
By now you were holding back your tears, cursing at yourself in your mind, thinking how stupid of an idea this had been. One choked sob escaped you, and you brought your hands up to cover your face, turning away from him.
“All I’ve ever wanted was for you to see me” you said over your shoulder. “I like you, Donnie. Sorry for being a bother.” 
You were already taking a step to walk out of the lab, but a hand around your arm held you in place. You turned back around to face the turtle, and you could tell his mind was running at a thousand miles an hour. He was looking at the ground with furrowed brows. It took him a moment to figure out what to say. It was a rather uncomfortable silence but you waited for him. 
Donnie was at a real loss for words. First of all, his comment earlier had been way harsher than intended; he just didn’t want you to get hurt. Which was the main reason he was so reluctant to let you help out in the lab in the first place. And second, he liked you too, he just didn’t know how to tell you.
When his gaze finally found its way back to yours, you gave him a questioning look. Before you realised what was happening he pulled you in for a hug. You were so stunned at his gesture that it took you a second to process it and hug him back. When you finally did, you gave him a reassuring squeeze.
“I do see you” Donnie said and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, mainly to hide his face for what he was about to say next. “Thank you for telling me how you feel. It’s the same for me, you know.”
If your heart wasn’t racing before, it surely was now. You two stayed like that for a moment until you separated, a huge smile and tinted cheeks on your face. 
You ended up leaving the lab together to go for a supply run, spending the rest of the afternoon shopping for materials. When you came back, Donnie let you do the circuit again, but this time he helped you, guiding you through the steps.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @lovelylovelydreams, @o0-starboy-0o
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - regie being your boyfriend
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: petnames, some swears here and there, mention of sex and aftercare (no smutty scenes), mention of dick (in an 🍆 emoji), mention of ass (in a 🍑 emoji), mention of aftercare, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff (i promise, i know the warnings do not sound fluff but it is)
member: regie macalino
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First of all, i think we can all agree that regie would be a really good boyfriend
He’s the combination of ‘dirty-minded’ and ‘sweet’ kind of person
Not dirty-minded as Darren, but still… you can’t tell me otherwise 🤭
(More under the cut!)
He would turn almost everything you say in a dirty way
Like you would say « my blouse button won't attach! »
And he would say « maybe that’s the wrong hole »
Ok, regie.
And you know what? He’d be proud of himself for saying these
He would tease you sooo much
AND THIS MAN WOULD LITERALLY SMIRK AND SAY BACK TO YOU « oh yeah? You know what’s big too? »
And make you feel like YOU are the dirty minded in the relationship, not him
« You’re so tall and big… » you would say innocently
And then, you would think « holy moly, is he talking about his 🍆 ? » because that’s what he WANT to make you think!!
And he would be like « my room! » or something like that
« Why are you looking down? Were you thinking of something else? »
« and here i thought, you were the innocent one in this relationship… guess i was wrong »
Regie love teasing you, what can i say?
He would call you with unusual petnames
It’s one of his favorite things to do to you because he loves seeing you all shy
Btw, since I’m talking about teasing, let me tell you that this man would make fun of you (but in a loving way)
For sure, he’d call you love, baby, sweetie, princess (omg imagine hearing regie saying princess)… petnames like that
He would also give you teasing ‘insults’ as others petnames? Idk if you get me?
Like silly, weirdo… just teasing petnames? HELP, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN AND MAKE IT SEEM HE’S NOT MAKING FUN OF YOU 😅
He wouldn’t use them really often, that’s for sure!
But time to times, he would
Also, he loves your hugs
So he would randomly give you hugs during the day
He find them so comforting :(
« My girl give the best hug » is a thing he could say
he loves holding your hands too
I hope you like his kisses
Because that man would literally kiss you all day long if he had the chance
Also, i am sorry, but he would smack ur 🍑
He loves you and he do not want to make you uncomfortable
He wouldn’t do that very often, just time to times, probably after the aftercare?
I imagine you are cooking or smth, and this man would go « damn, u looking good af » and then he would smack you (not in a hurtful way ofc)
But as again, if you don’t like it or feel uncomfortable, he would stop
He want to respect your limits
Ofc, i said aftercare, but like this man would be the sweetest during sex?
If you aren’t ready, he would stoke your cheek and be super cute like « baby, that’s okay, we don’t need to do it now, i will wait until you are 100% ready to do it, its alright »
Like even if this man loves doing it (not a lie), he want you to also enjoy it
BUT IF YOU ARE READY!! And did it!!
He would do such great aftercare
stroke ur hair, take a shower, words of affirmations...
Regie would also do skincare with you
You? Applying your skincare products? With your own hands? NAWHHHH
He’s doing it
« I do yours and you do mine »
He would take pictures of you
And videos.
Videos where he’s making fun of you 💀
« she said i look like a freakin crocodile »
« she’s the one looking like it, bruh »
He would also post meme of your face on your birthday
« Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend »
Excuse me, sir?? Why do you want to share these meme pictures with all the stars
Btw, if someone’s making fun of you
Or like saying bad things or wtv
This man would literally make fun of them and expose them, like he would talk them back and clash them
Please, do not hurt him, he’s too precious
This man got your back
Thank you (idk how to end this headcanon, hope you liked it!!)
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be added!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Bold can’t be tagged.
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kinnikumanlovings · 18 days
I never made a request before but I glad to see more love in the fandom! It is possible to have Buffaloman, Kinnikuman, Brocken Jr., Warsman relationship headcanons with a s/o who’s a female Chojin with similar powers as Boa Hancock from One Piece or personality like Nico Robin? I’m sorry if it’s too much, you can do one character if it’s easier for you if you like.
I haven’t put a chara cap on things just yet so you’re good! And oh what an interesting combo~ Let’s see how these boys fair with such beauty and grace!
Buffaloman, Kinnikuman, Brocken Jr, Warsman x F!Chojin S/O HCs
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Talk about a powerhouse couple, my goodness! Buffaloman acknowledges her strength and beauty only when he wants others to know just how amazing his SO is. He’s not the best at expressing his feelings directly to his partner at times but he dares anyone to question her ability. Because he will make it a known fact exactly how he feels about her as if that is the only fact that exists in the world.
He finds her power to be unique and impressive to witness being unleashed against her opponents. Almost taking a bit of selfish pride in her abilities. Maybe this is partly because he spars with her so he knows just how good she can be in the ring and out of it. He values that his partner is also smart as well. She’s not one to be easily out bested and I pray for you if you disgrace her in any way because the first person you’d have to answer to will be Buffaloman. He will not stand for anything less than respect for his partner and doesn’t care who you are. There are no exceptions.
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If this woman has the same power Boa does, their first meeting results in him turning to stone. He’s weak, WEAK to her charms and looks he cannot help but fall for her on first meeting. Begs her to be his fangirl because how could she no? They would make such a gorgeous and powerful duo! Of course she’d say yes!
Everyone who knows them is baffled why a smart and beautiful Chojin would be with someone like Kinnikuman. If asked about their relationship she most likely will give the reasoning of “he makes me laugh and feel loved” because it’s true! He’s a silly guy with a big heart and even though there are times she feels unsure of depending on him, Kinniku will be there for her when she needs him most. He’s the type to show off and brag about how wonderful his SO is to anyone who’d listen (and those who won’t suffer a bit). They have the “yapper and listener” dynamic as she happily sits and listens to him boast about his victories and make him sound so much cooler in his retelling then the actual events. She knows what’s true and what’s false but she lets him give his version because she adores listening to him regardless of the accuracy.
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Brocken Jr.
Being on the younger, less experienced side, I feel like Brocken Jr. also ran into the unfortunate fate of getting turned to stone by his (future) SO. I feel it was a bit more involved than Kinniku, in the sense it wasn’t on sight as much as simply a moment of weakness. He’s kinda embarrassed about it to this day but is a good sport about it when his friends tease him for it. Cause who can blame him, his SO is indeed gorgeous. Outside of that incident, Brocken is very respectful and proud to be his SO’s partner. He is quick to cheer her on in the ring and first to be there if something happens. He wants to be their support, someone she can turn to when there’s trouble or concern.
Something sweet between them that they share is a love of reading. When not training for the next battle, the two will read books and often exchange titles to see what the other thinks of the work. I can imagine they don’t always like the same genres in books but enjoy the recommendations and give it a fair chance to see what their partner enjoys. It’s sweet.
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How Warsman and his SO got together is another interesting story I’d imagine. He’s a lot more reserved (and shy) when it comes to getting together with a partner so I feel his SO had to make some first moves. Warsman has a lot of internal struggles he deals with and when he thinks about how strong, smart, and attractive his SO is he feels little…less then. He doesn’t feel she does this to him at all, he just wants her to have the most deserving partner. And sometimes he worries he’s not enough physically to deserve her. Whenever these feelings start to show, his partner is quick to course correct it. Holding his face lovingly in her hands and giving sweet, gentle promises of love and devotion to him. So many it makes his heart swell with love and adoration, “I don’t deserve you…” But hearing that gentle “You do. You deserve me and all the love I can give you, if not more…” Finally those nasty doubts that plague his mind go silent. He’s thankful and shows it through thoughtful gestures. He will do what he can to show his love and gratitude in any way he can. And sometimes it results in being protective of her over the smallest things. He’s quick to be defensive of his partner from any negative comment from the crowd during a match or any physical harm that might come at her. He knows she’s strong and capable but it doesn’t mean she should face the world alone (she wouldn’t let him do it so it’s only right he does the same for her) If she needs anything of him, she only needs to ask and it’s done.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Would you mind if I genuinely ask something?
Why are Tae and Jimin considered as soulmates? Can anyone tell me some concrete examples with an explanation what does the word of soulmate means to you or anyone who sees them as soulmates? Because to my understanding of "soulmate", they really aren’t and it is OK. They have completely different characters, different friend circles both inside and outside of bts, different world views, different styles etc etc.
I have been following them since 2017, Tae and Yoongi as my biases. I appreciate all of them and their different personalities. As far as I have observed so far, I can say that there seems to be closer bandmates than Vmin. Tae is closer to JK and Hobi. Jimin is also closer to Hobi and Yoongi. I can remember many instances where i can see those are have closer bonds, like casually mentioning each other or know random details about each other lives etc. It is just apparent that they spend time together, you know? Because for example, I believe that my two biases Tae and Yoongi, are not that close either (and that is ok too. That doesn’t mean that I cannot appreciate their bond which I find very honest and touching.) but I think even Yoongi has a better understanding of Tae than Jimin in some aspects. Same with… say… Hobi and Jimin… they were roommates for years, Jimin literally worships Hobi, yet they are not the soulmates. Why? Just because vmin are the same age? Is that it? I am genuinely confused for years😅
Of course vmin love each other deeply, they know each other very well because they spend 10+ years in the same band, they went through a lot together so there is a bond which will not broken for life and that should be more than enough to appreciate their relationship. It should be enough, imo. But when one say "oh they are soulmates!", it is just not it. Sorry if this might sound harsh (that is really not my intention) but I think this soulmate thing is one of the army’s myths which starts to be harmful. Because it is unfair to both of them to expect something from them which isn’t there. Because when they do or say smt that doesn’t fit in that narrative, both get so much unfair criticism which simply wouldn’t happen if we can just let that soulmate thing go.
Hi anon!
I think this is a question only Tae and Jm can actually answer, but let me take a shot. I did use to struggle with this myself at one point, for the same reasons as you.
So, to my knowledge.. (and I wasn’t in fandom at the time, so this is stuff I read and it can be false.. this fandom is madness) Tae and Jm themselves answered they are soulmates at a fansign (a fan had them pick options to describe their friendship or something). They ofcourse sing about it in Friends, and I think have mentioned it more often. I think they have consistently talked about their friendship in a way that shows how important they are to each other. I understand that some see the fanservice value of this, but I think it’s very possible that they actually do feel this way about each other. I think bonds between BTS members are real and strong, I don’t think they lie about those.. I don’t think there’s a need to embellish Tae and Jm’s relationship with the title of soulmate, best friends would have sufficed to get the message across I think.
It does all depend on what you feel the definition of soulmate is. There is not really one definition to be found though. A search on google will rather give you several definitions and there are certainly those that I feel would fit Jm and Tae. In truth, to understand why Tae and Jm have mentioned being soulmates, you’d have to know their definition of the word.. or at least the most common use of the word in South Korea. It’s very possible to have more than one soulmate, it’s certainly special.. but you can for instance feel that someone is your romantic soulmate, and for someone else to be a platonic soulmate.
What I have found as some sort of common descriptive though.. is that soulmates are those who feel like there’s an automatic mutual understanding and support. A feeling of belonging perhaps, or of acceptance and safety. I do feel Tae and Jm have that. I think they know the other will always be there for them, no matter how often or how little they talk or meet. Them hugging at Jin’s release to me was very significant of how much they mean to each other.
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Having said that, I agree that Tae seems closer to at least Jk. And I feel strongly that Jm’s bond is stronger to both Hobi and Yoongi. But I think if you let go of the idea that soulmates have to be closest, I think those things are all able to exist at the same time. I think when we talk about Jm and Tae being soulmates, it’s about the trust and understanding they have in/of each other due to having walked the same path, due to being same age (which allowed them to be more frank), and due to having witnessed what the other went through and understanding why they are who they are.
This is something that is debated about a lot I think. I have seen the topic come around several times already. I can see how some think it’s a construct. I mean, it is showbiz.. things are embellished a lot. I definitely think BH used it to their benefit, as they do with many things. But I think Tae and Jm’s strong friendship is undeniable, so the possibility of them actually seeing themselves as soulmates certainly is there imo.
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imdoingaokay · 2 years
R!DAI Companions + Advisors with an Inquisitor that wants a baby (and/or is pregnant)
Hey guys, I'm alive. This is something I've had for a while, and it's also the longest post I've made. So... yeah. Sorry I don't post all that much, I promise I'm trying.
Anyways, enjoy this self-indulgent fluff piece that I've been working on.
This had every companion, romanced except for Cole, Leliana, and Vivienne (so that means you get romanced Varric in this, you're welcome.)
HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD! And slight NSFW, nothing too bad, just Bull being sex-positive.
It started innocently enough, the Inquisitor would wander around Skyhold, visiting their friends and lover, just to check in (or give their lover a smooch.) Then a squeal of delight was heard, probably by everyone from Undercroft to the Rookery, that came from the Inquisitor. What they were squealing and cooing about? A baby. A chubby, chortling baby a pilgrim had brought to Skyhold that the Inquisitor had practically stumbled into. The Inquisitor was so enamored with the child, that they ended up spending the rest of the day wandering around Skyhold with the little one.
Then it got worse.
Parents, unable to resist the temptation of the Inquisitor offering to take their little ones for a stroll while they got some well-deserved rest, happily gave the Inquisitor their children. The children that did get babysat by the Inquisitor had far more fun than expected, walking along the battlements, eating a meal or two curated by the Inquisitor, and even being told stories of their exploits. The children of Skyhold grew to adore the Inquisitor, and the Inquisitor adored them in turn.
Soon enough, The Inquisitor became often sidetracked while on missions (more so than usual.) They would stop in their tracks to hold up a trinket or a flower and smile to themselves, telling their companions how they intended to give whatever they held to a specific child. By the time the mission was over, the Inquisitor had lined their pockets with various items to give to the children. 
All of this led to the Inquisitor’s friends and/or lover asking “why?” To which the Inquisitor looked them dead in the eye and shrugged.
“I want a baby of my own.”
Blackwall/Thom Rainier: 
Platonic: Blackwall shrugs, he gets it. The kids are cute. And it’s far more healthy for the Inquisitor to spend time taking care of other people’s children rather than go out and just… have one. 
Not like he wouldn’t mind, Uncle Rainier sounds like a nice title, right? Hopefully, The Inquisitor wants a hand-carved cradle when they have their child.
Romanced: He goes “Uh… is that… something you… want to do… now?” Rainer never truly saw himself settling down officially. He didn’t think he truly deserved that. But the idea of having a few kids? With the woman he loves? Top-tier fantasy in his book. And now with his true identity out of the way, he feels a little better about his future. Especially with his lover.
He needs to hear his lover say “not right now” because he would be more than happy to give his Inquisitor a few kids, and he wouldn’t have the mental strength to say no if they asked. 
Now if his lover does, by some chance, get pregnant. He’s over the moon. He fights harder, and faster, always eager to end Corypheus and retire. He’s such a sappy guy too, always wanting to stay as close as possible to his lover. So one should expect him to personally request that he be sent out all the time with The Inquisitor. That man has a nursery ready to go by the time The Inquisitor’s ready to give birth. He carves a cradle, high chairs, and everything the baby could need. He’s willing to build a palace with his two bare hands for his family.
Platonic: She gets it. Kids are super cute, why not have a few? If she didn’t become a seeker, she knows she would have a few of her own, whether she wanted to or not. But hopefully, the Inquisitor isn’t planning on having any now. Like… now, now. Because the Inquisition still needs them, she still needs them.
If The Inquisitor ends up pregnant or their partner ends up pregnant, she gets furious. She chews them out a little, claiming how immature they are for bringing a child into the world when the world is in so much turmoil. 
She calms later, especially when the child is born, recognizing the love The Inquisitor and their partner show for the child. She doesn’t apologize, as she’s still pissed, but she does adore the child.
Romanced: “Oh.” She says before her face goes completely red. She’ll have to pull them aside and talk about their future together. She’s honestly flattered when the Inquisitor claims they want to have children with her. She’d be a liar if she said she didn’t want kids of her own, especially with the Inquisitor, but the both of them ought to know that they can’t… not yet… anyways. But once all the rifts are closed and they have some more time for themselves, then… then, yeah. Yeah, she would like that.
Maker, help her if she ends up pregnant, she’ll be extremely stressed, for both her and her lover’s sake. One should expect her to refuse to go out on missions until the baby is born, and expect her to be furious when her lover goes too.
Cole: He understands, mainly because he read the Inquisitor’s mind, but he understands deeper than that. He thinks the Inquisitor would be an excellent parent, especially with how they treat him (if high affinity.) He holds a great deal of respect for them, and he knows that their heart is full of a very fluffy, wholesome type of love. One that Cole is more than happy to reciprocate. 
If the Inquisitor does end up having children, Cole is a very willing babysitter, as he doesn’t sleep and he’s able to tell what exactly a baby wants.
Cullen Rutherford: 
Platonic: Cullen furrows his brow before his gaze softens. He understands, he does. The thought of a little house, a family dog, and the sounds of little feet pittering against the floorboards, it’s nice. But that life is… unachievable, especially for a man like him. A man who is so busy, who has no right to live such a dreamy life. But The Inquisitor? They deserve that. They truly do.
He doesn’t need to ask if they mean right then and there, he knows what they mean and that they don’t intend on bringing in a child just yet.
“You would be wonderful.” He says, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder
If the Inquisitor ever ends up pregnant, Cullen won’t be able to stay very calm at all. He encourages the Inquisitor to stay behind in Skyhold but gives up when the Inquisitor becomes stubborn. He eventually has to turn to Leliana or Cassandra for help.
Romanced: It’s a simple desire, to have children. And Cullen’s had it every once in a while, like when he was in Kirkwall and saw a small child toddle towards another templar. He watched his colleague’s wife follow after the child, about to scold the babe for interrupting their father in the middle of work. The templar, instead, scooped the child up in his arms and showered the child’s pudgy face in kisses. That domestic bliss was something Cullen found himself longing for. But he was too busy, life was too busy. And then The Chantry exploded, and he was in The Inquisition… he couldn’t think about that. Not until he met his Inquisitor. Now he imagines what life will be like after the pair are finished. If The Inquisitor has already affirmed that they aren’t leaving him, Cullen’s willing to have a family with The Inquisitor, as long as the two are finished with Corypheus first.
But if life finds a way… he’s happy and nervous. He begs his lover to stay behind in Skyhold, terrified of the billion things that could go wrong. Of course, rifts must be closed, so, against his better judgment, he lets her go.
His dreams get progressively worse when she’s away, it was always like that… but the dreams are worse when she’s pregnant. It gets to a point where he goes weeks without sleep, aside from the occasional nap that he gets jolted up from. The second his lover is back, Cullen whisks her away from the War Room and ushers her back to her quarters, where he has a healer check on her and the baby. Once he is certain she is fine, and the sun has gone down, Cullen lays down next to his lover and passes out into a dreamless slumber.
Dorian Pavus: 
Platonic: “Oh that is hilarious.” He laughs before his smile falls, “Wait you’re serious?”
He listens to his friend, but worriedly reminds them how dangerous it is to bring a child into the world, especially with the Inquisitor in such a highly scrutinized role.
If the Inquisitor assures him that they don’t plan on having kids just yet, he’s relieved, but secretly disappointed. He does like babies… when they’re not puking or pooping.
Now if the Inquisitor is planning on having a child or is already pregnant, he’s ecstatic. He’s all over that and can’t wait until the baby comes. The man buys cribs, toys, parenting books, and much more. Don’t be surprised if he gets a “world’s best uncle” wine glass or something.
Romanced: He jokes, “We could just adopt, I’m sure there are plenty of little Tevinter babies that need two insanely beautiful fathers.”
Now, he is joking, but he’s secretly terrified. But not because he’s worried he’ll be a lousy father or anything, he knows he’ll be different from his father. But, the thought of having kids is something he always knew he was going to do. And then everything happened with his father and his Amatus, and now he feels like… he has a choice? He can say no. He can say yes. He can adopt, or have a surrogate. He doesn’t have to fit into the status quo anymore.
But what if something happens? What if something goes wrong? What if he isn’t able to provide for his child the way they deserve?
It takes some talking down from his Amatus for him to truly relax. The two will need to speak about what they both plan future-wise. And while Dorian may not follow the same ideals as most of Tevinter, he still plans on putting a ring on it before they have kids. After all, they have to have some decorum. But, he also wants to get married because he does love his Amatus and marriage just makes things feel more official.
Iron Bull: 
Platonic: He likes kids, so he gets it, too. He may not outright encourage it, but he assures the Inquisitor how great of a parent they’ll be. Now, if the Inquisitor does end up pregnant, he’s overjoyed… on their behalf… not, like, because he wants to be called an uncle or something… (he wants to be called “uncle” very badly)
He makes the kid an honorary member of the Chargers and attempts to make the little one a onesie that has an embroidered “Bull’s Chargers” lettering on the front.
It takes him all of the pregnancy, but once the baby is born the child has a lovely little onesie that looks incredible. He won’t admit it, but that embroidery took way too long than anyone expected.
Romanced: “We can make that work.” He smiles. Honestly, he assumes that The Inquisitor might have some sort of kink. He’s more than happy to oblige. If the Inquisitor doesn’t clarify what they desire, claiming that they want a baby, Bull watches them closer. He notices small things that make him draw his conclusions. The way his lover holds a small child, how they speak to them, and how sad they look when they have to hand over the child to their parents at the end of the day. He will bring it up in the next few days, and eventually ask them if they want to be parents together, once everything is handled. He wouldn’t mind a kid or two, if his kadan wants it, Bull knows his kadan would be one hell of a parent.
Maker help him if The Inquisitor ends up pregnant, he’s so happy he can’t bother himself by being nervous. Just kidding, he’s super nervous. The Qun doesn’t have fathers, how the hell is he supposed to be there for his kid when he has no idea what kids need?
He needs constant reassurance and ends up going to Krem for advice on taking care of children. Krem had siblings, so he should know… right?
He has his game face on by the time The Inquisitor has the baby, Bull read every single book on childbirth, so he’s basically an expert. He’s all about that counter pressure and breathing techniques, so much so that the midwives are impressed themselves.
Josephine Montilyet: 
Platonic: She sighs, one of those dreamy sighs, “Oh I completely understand, well… a little bit. I’m sure having children is much different from having siblings, so I’m certain it’s better.” 
She knows the Inquisitor isn’t going just to waltz off and get pregnant or get someone else pregnant. But she does clarify if they want a child right then and there. If they say that they intend to have a child as soon as possible, she may faint.
She’s stressed if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a child, and gently encourages the pair to get maybe married. Less of a reputation sting that way. If they refuse, she mentally prepares herself for questions from nobles and a few Orlesian nobles who were interested in The Inquisitor themselves.
Romanced: She smiles, “I would… like that.” She says. She’s come from a big family, Josephine would be a liar if she said she didn't want to have a big family of their own. But then she proceeds to clarify “not right now.”
“I do think about children, but you and I both know what a terrible idea it would be to bring them into their lives now." She also clarifies that she intends to cross a few relationship milestones too.
Leliana: A decade younger, Leliana would’ve been right next to The Inquisitor, cooing over the children they affectionately spoke so much about. But Leliana was older… and admittedly more cynical now. It didn’t help that Leliana was now a spymaster in the Inquisition.
“I… understand, but do try to resist any temptation that points you towards… having any children at the moment.” She says plainly.
Maker helps Leliana if The Inquisitor has children with their partner. She’ll end up frustratingly baby-proofing the entirety of Skyhold.
She’s happy when she finally meets the baby, and she can’t help but soften for a little while as she gazes down at the newborn. Her faith somehow returns and any doubts she had over the Maker disappear, as if there was no Maker, how could something so perfect exist? At least, she thinks that until someone looks at her, then she’s all business again.
Platonic: Not interested, or at least, the statement doesn’t faze her. Why would such a badass want little kids? Snotty… annoying… chubby cheeked… super cute- okay, she gets it.
She tells her friend they would probably be a good parent, but would also totally not believe the Inquisitor if they were pregnant or got their partner pregnant. It would only be until she saw The Inquisitor or their partner’s bump that she would accept that maybe they were having a baby.
She loves the kid like a sibling and often offers to make cookies for the baby, not realizing that the baby cannot have solid food for the first few months. She counts down the days when she can goof around with the kid on her own, whenever that might be.
Romanced: Laughs for a while, only to pause when she sees the serious look on her lover’s face. 
“You’re serious? You want…” She thinks for a moment before laughing again, “Yeah… I’d want that too! We’d be great mums!” She giggles.
She’s super on board, and would be the “fun mom.” This means The Inquisitor would be the one that would have to discipline the children. But aside from that, Sera’s all over having kids.
Platonic: High approval Solas would approve, he would nod and tell The Inquisitor that they would be an excellent parent, that they have the wisdom and patience that would be fit for a parent. He advises them to wait, first, as having a child while Corypheus is still at large is a terrible idea.
Low approval, he kind of just nods. He tells them that they should wait if they intend to have a child, as it’s a bad idea. He doesn’t do much else, no encouragement, just a simple shrug, and sigh. He doesn’t care.
Regardless of approval, if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up pregnant, and Solas is still there, he sort of freaks out. His main concern is the mark and its effect on the child, but once that’s ruled out, he still feels guilty. Hopefully, he leaves before the child is born. Because he cracks when he sees them for the first time. Does he really have it in him to end the world when someone as pure and untouched as that child exists? 
It takes some deliberation, but he does. And he leaves, praying he never meets the child ever again.
Romanced: He pauses, were they… serious?
Solas can’t help himself but imagine a life with his vhenan, away from responsibilities, with a few children surrounding the pair. He’d be a liar if that lovely thought didn’t cross his mind when he would steal gazes at his vhenan, but… that’s all it was… right? A thought.
He claims that his vhenan would be an excellent parent, but also ensures that he doesn’t want children, not before Corypheus is defeated. But maybe it’s an accident. He breaks his rule of not sleeping with Lavellan under false pretenses. Once his vhenan is pregnant, his actions depend on The Inquisitor’s dialogue choices. If The Inquisitor were to drink from the Well of Sorrows and then affirm Solas’ choice of fixing the past, he would leave. Not without incredible pain, but he leaves. But if by some chance, by some sliver of a chance, Lavellan says the right things, Solas stays. He hates himself for it, so he promises himself he’ll stay until the birth. Then he looks at his child and weeps. Like if he was platonic, Solas is thrown into turmoil, how could he destroy the world of a child? His child? So he resolves to stay and give up on his mission.
On another note, if he leaves, and Lavellan sees him in Trespasser, he’s more willing to take his vhenan and his child with him.
Varric Tethras: 
Platonic: Varric laughs, “Now that would be a twist… The great Inquisitor, changing diapers in between closing rifts and demon fights.” He smiles to himself. 
As a dwarf, their fertility is comparatively lower than the other races, and honestly, he never thought of himself as a parent, at least, not until he met and started parenting Cole. Of course, he doubts he’ll ever have his own family, Bianca and he, it would never work out. But he can understand the desire. 
He laughs so hard he cries if The Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a kid, like, hunched over, can’t breathe laughing. 
He’s nervous for The Inquisitor, though, he knows how hard it is to be a parent, but having a kid while they’re so… important? It’s a recipe for disaster.
Might end up writing the kid out of the story if The Inquisitor requests, maybe The Inquisitor doesn’t want anyone knowing they potentially had a child out of wedlock.
Romanced: Varric doesn’t laugh, he just smiles. He hadn’t started thinking about having a family until he and The Inquistor started going out officially. He nods, 
“I’d like that too.” He says, and the pair might find themselves discussing their future more often. Names for future children, where they’d live, does the Inqusitor want a dog?
He reminds his lover that Dwarves aren’t known for their fertility, but reminds his lover that “they can still try” and winks at his lover. 
Varric is so caught up in the feeling of being loved so freely, that he sometimes forgets that there’s an evil, red-lyrium magister that wants to rip his lover apart piece by piece. It get’s him nervous, but he’s confident in their shared abilities. And damnit, he loves The Inquisitor, he’s not giving up on them.
He’s speechless if his lover comes up to him and confesses that they’re pregnant, like… actually speechless. He opens his mouth to say something before closing it. Then he just smiles and throws his arms around his lover and says that he loves them. He’s happy to be a dad… he’s happy to have a family, he’s happy to have something he never thought would be his.
Vivienne: She doesn’t laugh, at all. She’s kind of pissed.
“You aren’t planning on bringing in a child now? Not here, right?” She has to clarify.
She thinks the Inquisitor and their partner will be wonderful parents, but they shouldn’t have kids right then. They need to wait. 
If the Inquisitor ends up pregnant/getting someone else pregnant, she scolds them fairly harshly, not to be mean or anything, she’s just upset with how “careless” they could be. If the Inquisitor tells her off or, Maker forbid, starts crying, she’ll feel bad. She doesn’t apologize, however, she knows that having a child while the world is still basically in peril and you’re the main person preventing utter chaos is one of the worst things you can do. 
However, the second the child comes into the world, she’s all over them. She isn’t obvious and wouldn’t be caught dead with the kid on her own, but she can’t help but smile when she sees them all swaddled or when they look so chubby she just wants to eat them up. Only when she sees what a wonderful parent the Inquisitor is, she apologizes for being harsh. She does it in her way, so the Inquisitor shouldn’t expect an “I’m sorry” or anything, but they will get some sort of comment on how she may or may not have been wrong to judge them. Regardless, the Inquisitor better take what they can get.
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