#sorry for sounding like a boomer but idk
thursdayg1rl · 11 months
why did they have to make the summer I turned pretty into a show. it’s ruined my life and I have no plans of even watching
#fist of all the books were terrible (coming from someone who read them like 5 times)#grrr bark bark grr#I’m just a hater#like what’s the pointtttt like come onnnn where’s the fucking substanceee#teenage girls really have no options bro#and this booktok stuff is rotting our fucking brains#sorry for sounding like a boomer but idk#it just feel like. no one is willing to say anything brave anymore#it’s all about the fucking love triangles and mafia bfs and just.#IM SO SICK OF MEN SORRY#I’m sick of my life revolving around them#sick of the messaging that it should revolve around them#give me media for teenage girls about lesbian sex. is what I’m saying#I think we are regressing honestly#or maybe it’s just I’m seeing this sorry state of affairs only now that I’ve started looking at ig reels#anyways I feel like I’m losing my mind and everything is superficial and there is not one thought going through 90% of ppl brains#so always refreshing to see my pretentious girlies are also thriving#and I’m NOT saying a fun romance book isn’t ok every now and then like girl#I did spend like a week of my life consuming only desi romance books but.#maybe we need to also be investing some time in . just anything else really#just saw some comments on a booktok reel like ‘oh I’m 14 and I read hunting Adeline’ or whatever the fuck that book is called#it’s jsut. idk. really depressing to me… please pick up an Austen#it’s this whole thing like the books and the shows like nothing has any fucking meaninggg#literally sound insane but I am going insane#yeah I really need to get of fucking booktok it’s ruined my life
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sir-robyn · 1 year
guys I’m here to talk about an AU for once wow
*holds up my Lloyd-was-never-taken-in-by-the-ninja-AU* my dear friends, you may be thinking, ‘wow, Robyn, that sounds like an angsty AU with lore and plot and all the shit that most AUs probably have!’ Well no, sorry to shit on your ideas but this is 100% pure brain damage and sugar. What if Lloyd was never taken in by the ninja but make it fit cannon. Lloyd’s a fucking idiot. He’s a lil man. A lil baby man and a child and he will never grow up if I have anything to say about it.
after Pythor betrays him, lil Lloyd Monty G gets picked up by Uncle Wu and the stoopid ninja and he gets offered to stay. Lloyd goes ‘lmao suck it boomer absolutely fucking not’ and Wu decides that kids are difficult and if Lloyd doesn’t want to stay then he won’t make him. He knows Lloyd will probably run away in the night, so he leaves him a lil green rucksack with a few blankets, spare shoelaces, money and enough food rations to last him several weeks. Lloyd takes it when he runs away.
now, angst potential there, but why the fuck would I use it lmao. After being betrayed by the snakes he decides that he wants another army, but one that will actually listen to him. So he gets an army of Skulkin and the ninja beat the shit out of them. And then an army of pirates and the ninja beat them up too. Anyways for the next like 7 years of his life he goes back and forth with the ninja, just fucking around and summoning armies to fight for him. He starts to enjoy it actually and so do the ninja, they get into this kinda mortal-enemies-but-ur-cool-do-u-want-to-get-burgers-with-us-later kinda thing. Lloyd’s 16 by now btw, the ninja are like 24 and he always calls them old men and says they’re getting creaky and Samurai X switches between helping Lloyd and helping the ninja and they’re all having a good time. Also he still has his dogwater haircut, if anything the bowl cut somehow looks worse
and then Lloyd decides he wants an army of ghosts. Wow, holy shit, he ends up summoning Morro. Not the army he’d hoped for, but Morro’s a character and Lloyd thinks he’s really cool and they go round terrorising villages and shit together
and then Morro realises that Lloyd is fighting Wu. Finally, shit takes a dark turn and Morro tries to manipulate Lloyd into killing Wu and stuff, but I’m not talking about that yet cause it’s only stoopid vibes til then.
think imma call it the Greencousins In Crime AU but idk yet :P
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
when you punch the stray kids while yelling 'that's my wife!'
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an: this is unadulterated shitpost and idk what spawned this but here you go bc i overshare on the internet and i need to find people with my kind of humor! also since i made a tumblr so im making this everyone's problem.
bro fist bumps you while holding a bloodied napkin to his nose, and as you know what they say about men with big nose. more space for the blood to gush out, so he has to be very careful in order to not ruin his brand new black shirt.
asks to see your marriage certificate, will act like a pure boomer, and will not drop the act unless you compensate him with cold hard cash.
you dont even make a dent on him. steals your girls and leaves you on the dirty floor crying and rethinking your life choices.
he respects you.
tries to punch you back. bends his back and jumps around you while making 'jab jab' sound with his mouth, misses and falls on the ground. gets up and immediately evacuates the place without looking back.
you apologise to him sincerely
he sues tbh. no discussion.
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genuinely dumbfounded. gets defensive and tries to drag you to the security to show the footage that he did not hit on your wife even tho you explain to him that you're sorry and she's not your wife.
© to itgirlgyu, feedbacks are ways appreciated!!!!
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 29
anon - reader giving steven little pats? he deserves them 😌💕 doing late night legos with him? LETTING HIM HOLD ONE OF THE PLUSHIES WHILE THEY TAKE A NAP TOGETHER?? 😩😩😩
anon - Hey!! By any chance do you think you could have the boys comforting reader with a stomach migrane(basically really bad stomach pain that nothing really helps it and often can throw up wether from pain or just nausea) I have one and its prob gonna last a few days lol T-T
Feel free to deny or ignore this, no pressure what do ever!! :D
anon - Love your baby scarab series!! Idk if Y/N gets sick anymore bc of the spider bite but it would be fun to imagine the boys freaking out when Y/N has a fever and is delirious lol
A/N : funky time
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : busy busy chapter. never be afraid to leave requests!! and dont worry if you dont see yours for a while, if i havent answered it, that means im working on it.
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), language, spidey stuff, sickness, mentions of violence. let me know if i missed anything
you and steven were cleaning up from dinner, you and the guys haven’t talked more about why you distanced yourself for a couple days.
and like everyone has said, they understood.
you were drying the dishes while steven washed them.
“so what’s in the bag?” marc asks you, and you turn to face him in the window.
“just something i picked up” you respond, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
“it’s dumb so don’t worry about it” you say quickly and set a now dry plate down to reach over to the next one.
“i’m sure it’s not” marc starts. “but you don’t have to show us if you don’t want to” he finishes and you smile to yourself.
it’s quiet for about a minute until jake speaks up. “so are you dating ese niño?” he asks and you cringe.
“no- maybe- i don’t know” you stutter, and jake chuckles.
“but you want to” 
you don’t say anything, while you angrily dry the dishes.
“stop making that face, he’s just being a dick” marc tells you and you chuckle.
“still a hypocrite” you respond, earning a scoff from marc.
after finishing the dishes, you and steven were on the couch watching your favorite show while he asked you what was happening every five seconds.
it amazed you how dumb he could be sometimes. 
only with non boomer things though, he was really smart otherwise.
you all had been so engaged in just watching tv, that you didn’t even notice khonshu perched on the top of the couch also watching.
you suddenly felt light headed, and sat up completely compared to being leaned up against steven, him looking to you in worry.
“you alright?” he asks, marc and jake suddenly focusing on you too.
“yeah.. i just feel weird all of a sudden” you say, and you take a few deep breaths before getting the chills.
you shiver and steven sits up properly so that he could try and figure out what was wrong.
“my head feels weird” you mutter, steven getting up to get you some medicine.
“i’ll be right back” he tells you right before he leaves.
you just feel out of place right now, for some reason.
like your body is trying to decide wether you’re sick or not.
you feel kind of sick, but not sick at all at the same time, frankly it was confusing.
steven came back with medicine and a thermometer, while you just stared at him with squinted eyes.
“why’s it so bright in here?“ you ask him, your own voice sounding loud in your ears.
“it’s.. not?” he starts, handing you the thermometer.
“under your tongue” he reminds you and you stick it in your mouth, under your tongue like steven told you.
you both waited for a couple minutes before you got bored and yanked it out of your mouth, seeing your temperature to be 104.7.
“oh shit i’m dead” you go completely limp, falling onto steven.
“wait wait wait- what?” he asks confused, taking the thermometer from you and panicking once he saw it.
“holy mother of god, are you okay?” he feels your head, it being way hotter than usual.
“fuck” he mutters and you gasp dramatically, sitting back up.
“steven said a no no word” you look to marc and jake who were eyeing you weirdly.
“guys- did you hear it?” you ask both of them and they nod with small smiles.
“yeah.. we heard it” marc mumbles and you start laughing.
“what just happened? did she take drugs?” steven asks, looking at your eyes for any sign of drug use.
“no, we would’ve noticed sooner” jake says.
“maybe it’s the spider bite” khonshu pipes up, making everyone look to him.
“it would make sense that it would protect her from sickness” he starts. “but she would still feel tired” he elaborates and steven nods.
“that makes sense, yeah?” he asks jake and marc, who both shrug.
you were still sitting up, squinting at the ceiling. “do you think khonshu has ever pecked somebody’s eyes out?” you ask steven, turning to face him.
“like in the birds?” you clarify and he looks at khonshu who was nodding.
“no- no he hasn’t” he shakes his head.
khonshu bangs his stick on the ground out of anger while you reach your hand out for the medicine steven brought you.
he opens the bottle and puts two pills in your hand, and shoves a bottle of water into your lap.
you scoff and open the water, sticking the pills in your mouth and swallowing them.
“i feel like i got hit by a car again” you mutter, steven looking to you in a panic.
“wait- again?!” he asks, and you nod, lifting up your shirt do that you could show him where the bruises were- since they were already healed.
“i got hit righttttt, here” you point to your ribs and put your shirt back down, ignoring the look that marc was giving you.
“and when was this?” marc says in his interrogator voice.
“ay ay ay..” jake shakes his head.
“it was when i stopped the robbers” you tell him excitedly.
“they reversed their car and then i got hit. nobody got it on camera though” you sigh disappointedly.
“good thing they didn’t otherwise you guys would’ve found out” you sigh.
the three of them just stare at you like you’re crazy.
“okay- but how did you not get some kind of infection?” marc asks and you hum in thought.
“my guy in the chair” you answer, earning a groan from marc.
“and who is your guy in the chair?”
“of fucking course it’s casper” 
“hey- everybody just chill the ‘f’ out” steven starts. “she’s fine now, just clearly not right in the head at the moment”
“i’m never right in the head” you glare at the floor.
“yes you are” steven says quickly and you smile to yourself.
“it’s almost just like she was when she was sick last time, we can handle it” steven says.
“but this time we have to make sure that khonshu doesn’t tell her she’s going to lay eggs” marc scoffs.
“yeah, she woke up later that night crying because she was seriously convinced she was going to lay eggs” steven replies, marc nodding along.
“i’m not fucking stupid, i know i don’t lay eggs” you speak up, and steven gives you a look.
“watch your language” steven murmurs, but you still hear it.
you just smile innocently at him and take a breath.
“shh” you shush him, and he scoffs. “you’re so loud” you cover your ears.
“do you think her abilities are acting up?” steven asks marc and jake.
“probably” “si” they both answer at the same time.
“y/n, darling” steven starts. “how can i help you?” he says in a quiet voice, as to not hurt you further.
you still heard him perfectly even though your hands are covering your ears.
“do i still have pop tarts here?” you ask and steven nods.
“can you please get some?” you ask again an get another nod.
steven gets up to get you pop tarts while your hearing calms down, not expecting what was next.
you sniff and smell marshmallows as steven gets back.
“thank you- and do you happen to have marshmallows here?” you question and steven shakes his head.
“i can smell marshmallows” you clarify, and marc makes a face.
“what? but we don’t even have any marshmallows here” he tells you and you shake your head.
“i know but they’re coming from-“ you look to khonshu.
“i knew you ate them” you tell the tall bird, and he shrugs.
“no i didn’t” he denies it and you wave him off.
“dude you literally smell like them” you start. “and that’s a compliment because you usually smell like a corpse” you chuckle to yourself while marc laughs at the insult.
“shut it, tiny spector” he grits out at you and you just laugh harder.
“yo, i can smell sand too” you notice and you see all three of the guys giving you weird looks.
“you can actually smell sand?” marc asks and you nod.
“there’s probably still some under the worms bed” jake suggests and steven scoffs.
you sit there for a minute while your sense of smell goes back down to its new normal, wonders which sense would be heightened next.
you rip open your bag of pop tarts, almost sending them flying across the room.
“god damnit” you mutter, steven chuckling at you.
“i will hit you” you threaten, angrily eating the pop tart.
“ooh so scary” marc says from the mirror on the coffee table.
you glare at him and flip him off before rolling your eyes.
“what would you like for supper tonight?” steven changes the subject.
you think about it for a second while chewing on your pop tart.
“‘m not hungry” you say, while taking another bite of your snack.
“you are literally eating a pop tart right now” marc points out and you shake your head.
“but after that im not hungry” you say.
“well, dinner is in a few hours so what do you want” jake cuts in and you hum in thought again.
“i know what she wants” jake says with a small smirk.
you look at him curiously as marc gives him a warning look.
“she wants casper, isn’t it obvious?” he chuckles and you gasp dramatically.
“why are you like this?” you ask, and jake snickers at you. 
“you’re too easy”
“am not”
“are too”
“you both need to shut up” marc says, and you glare and jake, to which he glares right back.
you just huff and look away from everyone, closing your eyes while you chew on your pop tart.
“why do you think nobody adopted me?” you ask suddenly, surprising even yourself with the sudden question.
“i mean i was in foster homes almost all my life, so how come nobody wanted me?” you expand the question.
“maybe they knew that we’d want you” marc speaks up, surprising you.
“they were idiots, but we’re glad you didn’t get adopted. if that sounds right, you know what i mean” he explains further and you snort.
“i didn’t think i was that bad as a kid” you tell them.
“you’re still a kid” marc reminds you and you scoff.
“am not”
“are too”
“am not”
“are too-“
“shut up, knobhead” steven directs it at marc and you chuckle.
“yeah shut up” you add on.
“you too, y/n” steven adds even further and you make a face.
you lean back into the couch and pull your knees to your chest, resting your chin on top of one of them.
“are you cold?” steven asks and you nod, feeling him get up off the couch and shuffle stuff around in his closet.
you bring your head up when stevens back with one of his barely used sweaters in his arms.
“would you like to use this?” he asks and you nod, making grabby hands towards it.
steven chuckles and tosses it onto you, so that completely passed your hands and lands on your head.
you yank it off you and pat down your hair, it being a bit static-y.
steven comes and sits back down next to you, while you slide the sweater over your head.
once it was completely on, you leaned to the side so that your head was on stevens shoulder.
“is the medicine helping?” he asks you and you nod.
“that’s good” he says to himself. “are you tired?” another nod.
“get back to sleep, kid” marc speaks up, and you nod again tiredly, letting steven move you so that your laying your head in his lap.
marc and jake just observe as steven runs his fingers lightly through your hair, while you work on trying to fall asleep.
which happens pretty quick because of the medicine and the calming sensation of steven playing with your hair.
you were also very comfortable at the moment. stevens sweater was fairly large compared to your own, which was comforting since it felt like they were all just hugging you as you lay there.
“i’m glad she’s back” jake says almost right after you were asleep.
he could tell you were asleep by the way your breathing slowed and you unconsciously leaned deeper into steven, and also clutching his sweater in your hands.
“yeah, we are too” marc speaks for himself and steven.
steven didn’t mind letting you sleep on him for the hour that you did.
he found it calming after you’d been away for a while.
you eventually stirred awake, right around the time steven would make dinner.
although the three had switched a couple times to be closer to you, steven ended up being the one fronting when you woke up.
“feel better?” jake asks and you groggily nod as you sit up, now leaning against stevens arm.
he chuckles and taps your shoulder the best he can.
“you have to get up darling, i have to make supper” he tells you and you nod, sitting up completely and taking in a few deep breaths.
“i’ve decided that i’ll just make your favorite for you. as a ‘welcome back’” you both chuckle at his statement.
“if you want, you can set the table when you wake up completely” he tells you and you nod, and stretch as he gets up and goes to the kitchen.
you did end up setting the table, after you completely woke up of course.
you were both eating dinner now, just chatting about whatever.
“so who kissed first, you or casper?” steven asks calmly and you almost choke on your food.
“i’m not answering that” you say, taking a sip of your juice that steven had for you in his fridge.
“aw come on” he teases. “it’s cute”
“no it’s not” you cough, trying to get him to drop it.
“okay fine” he says and you let out a sigh of relief.
“thank god” you hear marc groan, making you chuckle.
“why do you even want to know so bad?” you ask out of genuine curiosity.
“because he’s a lip virgin, so he’s curious about what it’s like” marc answers for him and steven gives him an offended look.
“hey- i’m not.. i’m not a lip virgin” he cringes while you try your best to ignore both of them.
“yes you are” 
steven stays quiet after that, deciding not to fuel the fire.
you’re surprised you hadn’t lost your appetite.
the night went by fast, you and steven cleaned up and now you were on the verge of passing out again, this time scrolling on tik tok while laying with steven in the bed.
“if you’re tired, you should turn that off” he advises and you reluctantly do as he said, tossing the phone to the ceiling and sticking it there with webs.
“don’t worry, it won’t fall” you say tiredly, while steven eyes it wearily.
“if you say so” he mutters, bringing you closer to him.
you wrap an arm around stevens chest, while your head rested in between his chin and his collarbone, and it was still comfortable for both of you.
“goodnight, kid” marc says and you just hum, already almost asleep again.
the three guys just engage in quiet conversation as well, until they all got tired too.
it was almost 11 when you fell asleep, and almost 12 when they did.
and you all stayed asleep, right?
you woke up at two in the morning because you were bored.
well, that and your stomach hurt really bad. like someone was stabbing you.
you looked at web md on stevens phone and diagnosed yourself with stomach cramps.
so you carefully peeled yourself off steven to go get your bag that was discarded on the floor.
you reached into it and grabbed the legos you bought, the original purpose being a peace offering.
but now you were bored and awake so why not just build it on the coffee table.
and it would’ve all gone according to plan if steven hadn’t woken up.
“what on gods green earth are you doing?” he asks quietly, yet you still jump.
you stare at him for a second. “legos” is what you answer with and steven sits next you on the floor.
you were in a special position on the floor, for it made the nausea go away.
he picks up the box, and squints at the words to read it correctly.
“death star, huh?” he asks and you nod.
“3,803 pieces” you smile at him while he smiles back and gets up to get his glasses.
you know, because he’s a senior citizen.
he sits back down next to you, and you slide over the instructions, which were already about a third of the way done, so that he could see them.
“how’d you get this done so fast- how long have you been up?” he asks concerned.
you sheepishly smile at him and click more pieces into place.
“like a half hour” you say and he gives you a look from over the edge of his glasses.
“you need sleep” he tells you.
“so do you, grandpa” you deadpan and he smacks you in the arm lightly.
“what happened to you calling us ‘dad’?” he asks and you stop building the legos for a moment.
you don’t answer and just keep building them.
“don’t be embarrassed” steven continues and you sigh.
“i just.. i do see you guys as.. as  my dads but it just- i’m not ready yet” you explain the best you can.
“that’s alright” steven assures you and you smile.
“you said ‘yet’, so that’s all that matters” he chuckles and you so the same.
steven debated on asking you a certain question, but decided against it to give you more time.
you guys built a lego death star until a bit past three in the morning.
you went back to bed after you were done, and slept in of course, but you couldn’t have been happier.
your weird sickness came and went as it pleased, certain abilities dialing up to more than eleven at certain moments.
but it was fine, because you had steven, jake, and marc.
and sometimes khonshu.
your dads and your angry grandpa.
your family.
A/N : almost to 30 chapters!!! thank you all for your support, you guys are lovely.
dont be afraid to leave requests!! see you in two days :) <3
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @magnificentcreatorpenguin @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28
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nanjokei · 7 months
ok heres what ive been thinking of recently
honestly its just raw emotion, i dont really mean to upset anyone or say that they're consuming anything wrong. i'll try to word things as carefully as possible (or ill mince meat as much as possible idk) because i really do not like when people assume ill intent in my words just because i use blunt language at times. (sorry its just how i talk. im not mad at you. im not yelling at you online)
but honestly i have had a long thought about it.
i'm incredibly tired of the lack of curiousity a lot of new vocaloid fans have towards the culture.
statements like "boomers expect me to know songs from 2007" or whatever. i mean, no, no one is Expecting anything from you, that is absolutely a strawman you have invented based on someone merely being surprised (often in jest even), but it's also like. you, who actively identify yourself as a big fan, have never even thought to look back? there are so many playlists and medleys you can consult. it is a few searches away, i don't care. you are not five years old. and if you feel lost you can always ask people there are always so many people just waiting to introduce someone to even one or two old songs they like.
like is it bad that i think you should be a little more passionate if you consider yourself a geek?
what is wrong with me being surprised if you don't know sakura no ame or saihate or whatever. what is wrong with me thinking that it's weird that even with the biggest producers in the world, you have 0 curiousity to look into their old works?
it's not me being old and cranky, i just think it's a little bad and disrespectful that a lot of new fans just see older songs as inherently worse or not worth their time and use them as a strawman to invent some kind of boomer boogeyman who is going after them for not knowing shiningray or celluloid or ikelenka or whatever. even though honestly you should know them. even if you only listen to it once and decide you don't like it, or hell even just know they exist without listening.
like, songs with millions of views on nnd, i want you to at least familiarize yourself, especially if the producers are still active! at the very least!
whats wrong with me wanting people to enjoy amazing music that built up an entire subculture? made by passionate people who didn't even know the scene could last as long as it did? what's wrong with wanting to share my love with another generation?
i'm not denying that there may be outliers who are rude to other fans, but come the fuck on, stop acting coy about it. you should at least be able to recognize one of either the title, sound or thumbnail of the top 100 songs from 2009. not even KNOW them, just recognize, like is that too much to ask?
like, it's something i personally struggle to understand in general when it comes to interests i'm passionate about. i'm not a pushy person by the way, i don't go around heckling people not even as a joke, so i am not even letting anyone put me in the box of "probably acted pushy and didn't realize and is now mad at the other party". like, this is not directed at casual fans. i am just thinking stuff like "why are you hostile towards the idea of learning more about your interest?" and "why are you hostile towards passionate people who want more people to get into what they like?" and "why pigeonhole yourself? learning more means more fun for you."
because what bothers me the most is that eventually it turns into accusations of "gatekeeping" and "elitism" if anyone voiced their opinion about things. i know how im wording it makes it sound like it personally happened to me but it hasn't it is just what i have observed over the years as someone who gets super into stuff and tries to immerse myself and sees other people get into fights whether its the """elitist""" or the """casual""".
why is it like this? i cannot see why wanting to share is elitism or gatekeeping. maybe elitism sure if the other party feels like they're being targeted for no reason (and im not saying it does not happen). but gatekeeping? why is it gatekeeping? wanting to share what you like with others is gatekeeping? isn't that if you told people NOT to get into it and hid it away?
like, im saying it properly so no one misconstrues what i am saying, but i understand not everyone wants or has the energy to become a big fan of something. there are so many things where i am a very casual fan!! but even then i respect the thing i am into by also acknowledging its history at the very least even if i might not ever play/watch/read/etc all of it or at all.
so like... is it bad? is it bad that i think others should have this respect too? i know this is an issue of low empathy or whatever. i have to run around in circles to understand others. i "get" it, but im also like, why cant they be like me? so i want you to know in no uncertain terms that I GET IT. I GET PEOPLE'S POSITIONS HERE. i have been thinking about this general topic my entire life
so in the end it just turned into a general sort of thing. but yeah, i don't understand why people get so defensive and act so persecuted. am i wrong in my point of view? am i just being an elitist after all? like i simply see it as "i want people to enjoy it too."
like, i thought about this stuff after seeing how passionate ado is about vocaloid. like, she is only 21 years old. she is as old as or slightly older than many new fans (though she had liked vocaloid since elementary school). she is the biggest pop star in japan right now and yet her passion has not waned. not to mention so many younger fans that do have that curiousity too. i used to think its not possible, but i see them in the YT comments, going "im 16 but i really like this era of music" and such.
like, please just open your heart. ignore the boogeymen you're hallucinating and just enjoy slowly... it doesn't have to be a study session. naturally you will just discover more songs you like from those eras
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slytherinshua · 3 days
You are going to see them live?! I hope you have a great time!!! The live clips that I've seen of them are amazing, so I'm sure that they'll be unbelievable (heh heh) to see in person. Can I ask, how did you come to discover them? What was it that attracted you to them?
It shocked me to find out that Yechan was the oldest and I love it. I really like his energy! He was actually what initially drew me to the band! I was aware that there was a band that had a violin and as someone who has played it from a very young age I was interested but I never actually did anything with that info lol. Then when boogie man came out, it came up on my yt and I decided to watch it. Fell in love with it, but when Yechan's solo came up I was so impressed (I made my mum watch it too, she taught me violin lol). I then decided to listen to more of their music and fell in love with them and here we are lol.
It pains me to think that I will never meet a man like Sangyeop in real life 😭 He really does seem like the best. How is he even real??
Wonsang really is the cutest oh my goodness. I love him so much! I showed my dad one of his bass solos (my dad plays bass, drums, guitar) and he was disgusted but impressed that he could play a 6! String! Bass! with such ease and sound so good. They really are a stupidly talented group, what I give to have even a smidge of their talent 😭
Now that you've said it I do kind of get boomer vibes off Gwangil ahaha. I love how goofy he is, but I also completely relate to him cringing at the others (I had the same reaction to aegihae(?) ahaha)
I'm happy to say that I have listened to most of the songs that you suggested! The solo in you're right is absolute perfection! I love how they have such a wide range of songs and sounds and somehow they suit them all! I've heard some of the solo songs (I am emotionally attached to the intro of domino), but I will definitely listen to the rest of them!
Thankyou so much for all of your recs and dive into their personalities! I don't know if I'm weird for doing this, but when I watch vids of them I can't help but wonder what they'd be like as my brothers lol. Not that there's anything wrong with mine, but after seeing gentlemen like them, mine could maybe be a little nicer sometimes? I feel like they'd all be very teasing, but caring. Gwangil and Yechan 100% seem to be the teasing type. Wonsang would be the nicest, I've seen him talk about his cousin and it's so cute. Sangyeop strikes me as the sort of person who would do hobbies and stuff with you even if he didn't like them, just to spend time together? I also feel like they would all be quite stern or serious if they had to, but would be the best overall!
Once again, thanks so much!! (Sorry for annoying you with yet another long message, I'll stop now ahaha)
yes i'm so excited to see them live but also a bit sad as the show i'm going to is the last on their tour and i've heard from other walwals who went to recent tours that they seemed pretty tired :( like wonsang would look exhausted but still put on a bright smile when a new song started.... i rly hope they're able to rest a bit before the show but if not i'm sure they'll be able to rest back home <3
actually an ex-friend of mine got me into them. originally i think she showed me flowering but that wasn't enough for me to stan them. what got me was snooze/play because i stanned right when play came out. i still cry when i hear play lol. idk why i didn't stan just cause of flowering?? to this day i feel like i have to be in the right mood to listen to it, its never been a favourite of mine in lucy's discography but i do appreciate it. i've also watched Superband for lucy and god wonsang is such a genius, watching it probably tripled my respect for him :( the way he arranged everything and made lucy unique from the other bands there by adding ambient noise to their covers and then eventually their original songs just gets me every time 😭 i love him (i'm so subtle abt the bias aren't i?)
yechan is so impressive!! he's also part of the reason that i was especially interested after my friend showed me some stuff because yechan is classically trained and before kpop i was always into classical music because of my dad. i played piano (mostly bach & scarlatti) so i loved seeing a band that incorporated a more classical instrument into a band setting.
THIS tbh like how is sangyeop real hes literally such a sweetheart and HIS VOICE. his personality offstage and his charisma on stage genuinely makes my mind spin. idk if you've seen the live performance of never in vain in particular but istg he was on something that day 🧍‍♀️ and i did not survive it lol
wonsang is literally insane... i love everything about him, his talent, his personality, his adorable little laugh. he's not real like i'm convinced i made him up cause NO WAY. even his singing voice is so nice and cute :( if you go to his instagram he has a lot of short little covers on there too and i just.... yeah he's really insane god. (also would recommend you watch the live clip of enough because wonsang plays a double bass in that and i may be very in love with him....)
lmao i had no other way to even describe it other than boomer 😭😭 he's just got an old soul and i feel him so much. but i swear he is so underrated in the group :( seeing him on Superband, he originally auditioned as a vocalist and could play guitar as well. and throughout the show he played bass, keys, and eventually landed on drums because the team needed a drummer and he had a tiny bit of past experience. the fact that hes the drummer for the team now is ???? and he sings and plays the drums at the same time LIKE THATS SO FUCKING HARD TO DO MY RESPECT FOR HIM IS INSANE.
you're right is one of my favourite lucy songs of all time.... i'm really hoping they'll perform it live but not sure if ill get lucky enough lol 😭 i've seen some of the setlists for the other shows but they switch up some songs so i really have no idea what they're going to perform... i'd honestly just say sit down and put their entire discography on in order or repeat and just... enjoy. cause they just have SUCH good music its insane. they're honestly my comfort group in kpop whether its content or music, i just feel so close to them :( so whenever i feel like i need to cry/feel sad/cheer up i'm always watching live stages. i love the ones on their channel from concerts because they put the lyrics too so i can feel extra emo and also appreciate the songs so much more lmao
i entirely get that omg.... i always wanted like a brother who was rly musically oriented like me (i do technically have one but he's 10 yrs older than me and hasn't lived in the same house as me since i was 5 so that's a no-go, my other brothers closer to my age never picked up an instrument lol) and i feel that with lucy. like they'd be so much fun, when i watch them playing games they just look like they have such a good time.
also don't feel bad about the long messages i love them lol!! it's so nice to talk to another walwal :) at this point you seem to know them pretty well and i can only recommend that you listen to the rest of their discography, watch live stages, and continue to watch other fun content :D
and if you ever are interested in watching superband (would recommend it if you like band music, it's great and not as toxic and competitive as other survival shows. the panel of judges was great too, including suhyun from akmu who i adore) i have the google drive with all episodes subbed <3 there are some legendary lucy performances on there and some of my other favourite band men (mainly ha hyunsang who has the best voice ever. he performed viva la vida in a team with yechan during the first round and they're still friends to this day i believe. sometimes they perform the song again lol their arrangement was so good and hyunsang's voice was just perfect for it)
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stars-and-darkness · 11 months
week #8
who's up for some more of the texting au, eh?
Klaus Daddy Issues What on Earth is an “updog”? are you kidding me? was your phone hacked? Klaus Daddy Issues Beg pardon? yeah, i’m not fallimg for that. Klaus Daddy Issues I would love to tell you there’s nothing to fall for, but I’m not quite certain what you’re aiming at. Regardless: my brother told me he saw an “updog” outside, and then gave me a significant look. Now, I’ve known my brother for quite some time, you might say, and I knew better than to ask *him*. But you seem to be well-versed in how the youth speaks these days, so I thought you might know. It seems I was right. jesus, buddy, ever heard of google? sorry that was mean anyway, yeah sure okay so it’s a stupid joke someone mentions updog which isnt a real word and you ask wtf that is and they reply with nothing dog what’s up with you because you asking what’s updog sounds like "what’s up dog" so you were smart to not to reply to your brother Klaus Daddy Issues I’ve had a very long time to learn to wrangle my siblings. I thank you for your service, but I do have to ask—why on Earth would you think *I* was trying to trick *you*, if I was the one to ask what an updog was? idk how your evil villain with a guillotine and a bunch of swords mind works okay??? also, a very long time??? really??? ur not doimg a good job of convcing me that youre not secretly a boomer Klaus Daddy Issues According to the number on my driver’s licence, I’m twenty-two. YOURE TWENTY TWO AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT UPDOG IS i mean i guess u could be lying and don’t have a way to confirm you aren’t without asking for a pic of your drivers licence, which would be inappropriate and creepy and im not gonna do it so … im choosing to believe you? for now?
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kryptonian-bat-thing · 6 months
imma list all my superman//clark kent headcanons just bcuz (feel free to add yours)
he loves oriental food, especially Japanese. he probably has bentos with gohan and ramen for lunch on most days.
his eyes are so friggin blue and bright (and i mean, like, this shade of blue but shiny), that's what his glass's lenses are hiding mostly
we love a clark that gets flustered easily. superman might hide it better, but he blushes easily when people compliment him and would probably be deadpan when someone flirted with him for the first time
he probably mumbles a lot as clark kent as to "hide" the superman voice, possibly makes it sound less deep and assertive, which also connects to the next point
it's straight up canon that superman has "super-ventriloquism" and can project his voice very far and even change it. some people say that's just one of his powers, but I'd like to think clark just was a theatre kid at some point and kept what he learned
I don't think he has lungs. this is random and i have no proof of it, but he doesn't breathe like we do most of the time, so it's clear he stores air somehow else.
i can imagine young clark feeling conflicted in his puberty after the knowledge he can see through people's clothes. like, one day he's staring at his crush and imagines how it'd be if things got steamy between them and then he accidentally sees through and starts panicking, covering his eyes in shame and running away.
he has merch of all the justice league members aka his friends, but got his own because when others visited his apartment he would have to explain why he didn't like superman
the first time he saw someone with a broken bone or some internal injury he probably didn't understand there was something wrong cuz it's not like he goes around scanning healthy people. so he either learned with time and experience how an injured inside looks like, or he had to take nursing lessons. possibly from alfred.
he can be a cat person. i know he usually has dogs, like krypto, but the fact he takes the time to rescue kitties stuck in trees when he could be idk preventing an upcoming accident or smth shows he really cares about animals too. actually, he did try to become a veterinarian before journalism, but dropped out when he realized he'd have to see the poor things suffer on a daily basis
he never went to the beach. as a vacation, not as superman. and when he finally did, he didn't really find it as fun as he thought it would
he probably doesn't own any sneakers. by choice, really. i have no idea what he would wear on a sporty outing, but I'm guessing he'd either go with his social shoes or farm boots. literally no in-between.
he probably doesn't use earphones//headphones when listening to something on his cellphone or laptop. I'm sorry, clark can be a boomer too
probably know how to crochet or knit for absolutely no reason. he was bored one day and learned it
actually, complementing the last one, i think he has a lot of useless hobbies. his kryptonian brain probably processes everything faster, including boredom, so if he's chilling in his room at the middle of the night and has nothing to do, he'll superspeed a sweater into existence and idk do some origami birds and organize his rock collection, because he probably has a rock collection
anger issues. fanon usually forgets about this, but clark has a LOT of anger management issues. he punches his parents' house, a random tree, his sink, his eyes go red and while he can hold it for a while, he needs to do something to calm him down. probably one of his 10040297 hobies
i do not care WHAT proof you have, neither clark NOR superman cuss. not even if he's repeating a quote or singing a song. he'll just say "gosh darn it" or "great scott" (i still don't know who scott is) or "heck" or "flipping". if his anger is too big, he'll just get physical instead, but he'd never cuss lmao
he doesn't have a driver's license. he could get one if he tried, but he's pretty sure he'd either wreck his car with his hands or join in some traffic fight or get deaf with all the horns
I'm still not over the theatre kid thing-- he'd probably be in chess club as well and possibly, possibly play d&d with his friends. he probably was obsessed about it when it first came out.
he probably doesn't know many songs by heart, except for the ones his friends like.
you cannot convince me this man doesn't know how to play an acoustic guitar. I'm not being stereotypical with the country boy theme, i swear, but clark just looks like he's one of those friends who would take a guitar to a party or camp with his friends and hit some notes. again, from songs they know
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Pick your fighter: Mary Pat or Phoebe?
Oh, no contest. I’m riding with my girl Mary Pat. She’s essentially Beth, but without the pretty privilege. She has 4 kids, she’s stuck, she doesn’t feel seen… She’s also wily as fuck! She uses her invisibility in society to gain advantages, even if they’re gained by unethical means. She has no qualms bending the rules for herself, and hiding behind her sweet little churchmouse mask. She’s strong and resilient, but also sensitive and likely a really deep, undeveloped character. We saw a glimpse of her vulnerability after Boomer assaulted her. But she continued to persevere. Hell, she convinced Beth herself to take on the responsibility of disposing of her husband’s body. Beth had no skin in that game. Why would she have been at more risk than the actual woman storing a human body? She even had an easy out, because who would believe Mary Pat after her credibility was shot with all the fraud she committed. And yet she let mousy little Mary Pat bend her over a barrel. This show wasted Mart Pat so much. She would have been an excellent addition as an ongoing rival, friend — and honestly, I would have really liked to see someone who looks like Mary Pat be shown as sexually viable, intelligent, and on equal playing ground as someone who looks like Beth.
While I love Lauren Lapkus and her praying mantis fingers (I’m sorry, IDK why they always make me think of them!!!!!), Phoebe was a weak person. And not that there’s anything wrong with being weak. She just wasn’t damaged in the right ways for me to love her. She was too emotionally needy and hopeful of others’ approval, and I just can’t respect that. Ugh, I sound horrible! 🤦‍♀️ I just really enjoy dark, ruthless women. Phoebe was too sweet. She just needed a hug and for someone to tell her she mattered. I like my female protagonists a little more batshit. 👍
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tv-mind · 3 months
The reason I'm so batshit insane is because of my boomer adoptive "parent." Idk why me explaining things sound like lies to this cunt? Sorry the only person you ever believed was your sicko husband who abused the kids he adopted! Die you miserable twat!
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peterrrei · 2 years
Ok but do tell us abt the Italian dub lore, please.
ok so. ahfkajd maybe lore is a big word but its a series of facts that are HILARIOUS to me and my boyfriend lmfao. this is going to be long I Think
so! fun fact! italy is the first country that aired gundam 0079 outside of japan! in 1980 i believe. so we have this generation of boomers who grew up watching gundam and other mecha shows who are constantly complaining about Today’s Cartoons Being Bad. which is. okay whatever. but also…! i am pretty sure that the television channel who bought gundam had no idea what it is about. and so the translations feel very off and more often than not theyre wrong or just. its impossible to understand what is happening!
for example, out of curiosity i watched the first episode of vintage dub edition (which is on amaz*n prime. they removed the original series in japanese and left vintage edition there. ok whatever. explode).
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i get to the first sayla and char meeting scene and. nothing about their interaction leads you to believe that theyre brother and sister. char calls her “blondie”. its just. what. i remember even seeing italian comments under gundam videos going like: “oh i recently rewatched gundam in japanese with subtitles and so many things make sense now! i had no idea char and sayla were related!”
and its funny to me. because as i said earlier this generation of mostly Men in their 50s believe everything thats not gundam or their other old mecha shows is shit. but they had no idea of what was happening in the show!!! i guess the message about war still came across but idk. its funny
the other funny thing is that italian television channels used to do this thing in the past where they would completely change characters name if they felt like they were too difficult for ita viewers. and thats how… we got Peter Rei! commander of the robot! (i’ll get to this quote in a bit.)
yes. amuro is peter. and char is scia (which is cute and kinda a pun bc scia means trail and comets leave trails!). sayla is pronounced seira like in japanese. mirai is flammet (???). fraw is mirka. haro is pallina!!!!! (little bouncy ball…….)
the dub is really bad. peter amuro sounds like an old guy. chars voice is kinda cute and fitting but everything else is a mess. but we got………… gundam italian opening!!!!! which is kinda a banger despite the lyrics being so. ???
heres the opening
the lyrics, translated:
“here we are, we are you friends,
and my name is peter rei!
there they are, assaulting us, never be afraid!
because there’s someone here who will think of you!
(gundam gundam gundam etc)
my friends, here i am, peter rei,
commander of the robot!
i am the guy who says No! to the enemies,
because no one else can!
(no one can defeat…. gundam!!!!!!)”
there’s also a longer version with other insane lyrics like Oooh here comes the indestructible guntank!!! which is. lol
ok, one last thing also
the episodes names are hilarious.
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“gundam flies!” “garma dies!”
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“good job flammet(mirai)!” ????
(theres some episodes missing obviously, but these are the names of the last episodes and its so funny)
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gundam must win!
gundam wins again!
gundam is invincible
gundam’s enemies
no one is stronger than gundam….
lmfao really feels like grandpappy gundam is giving itself a pep talk for motivation. cmon gundy u can do it…
ok i think im done LMFAO SORRY maybe this is all irrelevant but its funny to ME
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auroraknux · 1 year
It honestly infuriates me just how many people in this fandom apparently don't know that Mario was originally from New York in the real world, and originally had a Brooklyn accent before his current voice actor gave him an Italian one. I'm not even close to being old, and I feel like a fucking Mario fandom Boomer or something. BACK IN MY DAY--🧓
...Okay it was actually before my day, but still. I at least had a basic knowledge of the old lore growing up. Did other people in my generation not watch the Super Show on YouTube like I did? Or see the live action movie? Or any of the old material? I guess my experiences weren't as universal as I thought.
Sorry if I'm being super annoying about all of this. I'm just very autistic about this franchise, and this stuff has been getting on my nerves since that first movie teaser came out. If I see one more comment about "ugh why is it an Isekai???" or "Why doesn't he sound Italian?" I'm going to lose my shit
(But then again, this is the same fandom that still spreads stupid misinformation like Mario being an abuser or Peach being a teenager, so????? Idk anymore)
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lornrocks · 1 year
So the current twitter discourse is that someone lamented there hasn’t been a lot of “kid” movies lately in theaters and then people got mad that when they suggested Shazam 2 or Ant-Man 3 they were shot down. I have zero kids so I’m just reading the comments actual parents are making and idk man. I get it, you know your kid and a lot of these movies are pretty long.
But man, I feel like some folks really are sheltering their kids from so many things because they think it’s “too dark” and I’m like “genuinely have you watched any Disney or Pixar movie” because almost every one of these movies deal with death, evil, abandonment, curses, evil magic, obsession. Like the Incredibles had a villain who was basically a super serial killer and a dude who sued Mr Incredible because he thwarted his suicide! Syndrome died getting SUCKED INTO A JET ENGINE!!
Lilo & Stitch has entire plot lines about dead families, a sister trying to keep custody of her little sister, and even stuff about micro aggressions.
In Tarzan, not only did Tarzan’s parents die in a jaguar attack, but his adoptive father was shot and died in front of him. The villain dies by accidentally hanging himself!
The 2003 Haunted Mansion movie, which was PG, had racism, murder, and suicide shown graphically on screen in the first 5 minutes!!!
Like I get it. You know your kid. But my god dude, a lot of us (lol sorry I sound like a boomer rn) grew up on movies we definitely shouldn’t have seen as kids and we all turned out fine, arguably our issues do not come from seeing temple of doom when we were 8. I would even make the argument your kids are exposed to worse things in the news every day.
Then again my generation saw the OJ trial, the WTC bombing, Waco, several cults, Columbine, Princess Di’s death, and of course, 9/11 and all the wars that followed, which are like, arguably more traumatizing than cartoonish violence in a movie, IMO.
Kids have to do shooting drills in kindergarten. Seeing some dudes in goofy costumes punching each other seems like. Nothing compared to that.
But again I don’t have kids so you know, I don’t really have a horse here.
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queenwille · 1 year
idk y’all sorry to sound like a boomer but the whole carlos not wanting kids cause tk will outshine him sounded too out of character and flat and the conclusion was hella lame
let’s be honest even tk saying it’s fine by him was seriously ooc you wanna tell me he obsessed about pretzel sticks and literally everything in his whole life but when carlos says no to literally his biggest dream he’s just like cool with it??? if that ok isn’t a fucking ticking bomb ready to go off at any moment then what was the point
also owen’s advice sucked and was kind ooc. unless he thinks carlos will “grow out of it” nO WAY IN HELL he’d be this chill about not having a grandchild from tk his attached by the hip only son. also it was mega flat too the whole boomer “listen to your wife she knows best” vibe
sure it’s a great conversation to have on screen because it’s an issue many deal with, but i can think of a few potential storylines for either of them to be wary about having kids so this important subject gets the screen time it deserves:
carlos’ in the police and he gets to see daily how evil and scary the world can be
being scared he’d be a shitty dad cause his relationship with his dad took too long
tk being scared cause he’s a recovered addict (genetics, being overwhelmed, relapse… so many things to cover there)
trauma from the past
demanding jobs and how they aspire to keep growing on their careers
too hard and draining for an LGBTQ+ couple to even try (being scared of the heartache it might bring if it doesn’t work out)
hell even a discussion about if they should adopt or make a baby could have been more interesting and deep
whatever that episode was just ain’t it
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subnaut1ca · 2 years
Posting a hot take on tumblr cause I’m scared of twitter
Genuinely, MAPPA animation is clean but Im so fucking genuinely sad csm got blasted with the basic af corporate clean pretty anime normie style beam. like bruh old animation shit and all but can we PLEASE normalize going back to like different animation styles. LIKE LIKE bruh trigger they always be doin the interesting cool art style shit, they have smth thats theirs (yes Im sucking dick to my favorite anim studio)OR LIKE SCIENCE SARU their style wouldnt fit at ALL but at least itd be flavorful, OR MADHOUSE they're good at style mimick and can do the sketchy line shit really well like in OPM
like bruh I sound like a boomer but idk man maybe its cause I pictured csm in my head for so long as really gritty seeing it all clean and shiny is really weird to me... Like dont get me wrong I think MAPPA does usually put out bangin shit, but I wanna go back to old bones, madhouse, fuckin wahtever the hell where they really just went like wild and fun to fit the manga style rather than cater to the general public or whatever sigh. even dororo had like pretty different palettes and shit or even fuckin dorohedoro, sure the anim was like ok usually and the 3d was decent but mannnn I just wanna go back to crispy funky style anime grrr anyways hate anime that shit is cringe and bad ^^ kensuke Ushio on the ost so thatll be a win and proll the carrying part of the show, idk maybe its cause I loved this manga so much for so long Ive like built my own vision of what  itd be like but man sigh sigh sigh idk these days maybe im getting older or smth but a lot of anime seems so milk toast and genuinely manga and shit just always happens to interest me more than its animated counterparts weird how times are a changin, Ill still be hype for the sound effects (they better fuckin HIT like fire force) and ost and fights moving but boy do I WISH it was grittier than that glossy fuckin normie bullshit
Although considering how much of like a cult following csm has and how dedicated most fans are I think there will always be ppl disappointed lol (im normal shut up)
its 4am Im sorry LOL
PS at least it wasnt clover works or smth like ig promised neverland was nice but like idk I feel like their thing is pretty anime, they got that gritty pencil right at right times Ill admit tho
PPS clover field would be bangin on WHA just sayin, seems up their ally
PPPS I also salty with what MAPPA did to AOT, liek WIT studio HAD THAT SHIT BY THE BALLS MAN, and the MAPPA beam made it glossy and shiny like... I mean along with other shit I visually was grrr ed about
idk I feel like a purest nerd saying that but whatever
PPPPS ngl I feel like WIT studio mighta fuckin RIPPED IT with csm all Im saying like ig they do have like a studio style but like idk they adapt well to styles for the most part
am a firm believer in like hate culture bad but in this instance, I will be a hater >:) respectfully
I’m shutting up now hopefully I dont scare away my like 5 followers or whatever
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briqkpile · 2 years
listening to bmc song (sorry) and guy that id kinda be into reminds me of a one sided blossoomer (but they would get together in the end) like IDK probably because jeremy is what id imagine what boomer would sound like but whatever
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