#bruh idk maybe you should listen to your kids
lornrocks · 2 years
So the current twitter discourse is that someone lamented there hasn’t been a lot of “kid” movies lately in theaters and then people got mad that when they suggested Shazam 2 or Ant-Man 3 they were shot down. I have zero kids so I’m just reading the comments actual parents are making and idk man. I get it, you know your kid and a lot of these movies are pretty long.
But man, I feel like some folks really are sheltering their kids from so many things because they think it’s “too dark” and I’m like “genuinely have you watched any Disney or Pixar movie” because almost every one of these movies deal with death, evil, abandonment, curses, evil magic, obsession. Like the Incredibles had a villain who was basically a super serial killer and a dude who sued Mr Incredible because he thwarted his suicide! Syndrome died getting SUCKED INTO A JET ENGINE!!
Lilo & Stitch has entire plot lines about dead families, a sister trying to keep custody of her little sister, and even stuff about micro aggressions.
In Tarzan, not only did Tarzan’s parents die in a jaguar attack, but his adoptive father was shot and died in front of him. The villain dies by accidentally hanging himself!
The 2003 Haunted Mansion movie, which was PG, had racism, murder, and suicide shown graphically on screen in the first 5 minutes!!!
Like I get it. You know your kid. But my god dude, a lot of us (lol sorry I sound like a boomer rn) grew up on movies we definitely shouldn’t have seen as kids and we all turned out fine, arguably our issues do not come from seeing temple of doom when we were 8. I would even make the argument your kids are exposed to worse things in the news every day.
Then again my generation saw the OJ trial, the WTC bombing, Waco, several cults, Columbine, Princess Di’s death, and of course, 9/11 and all the wars that followed, which are like, arguably more traumatizing than cartoonish violence in a movie, IMO.
Kids have to do shooting drills in kindergarten. Seeing some dudes in goofy costumes punching each other seems like. Nothing compared to that.
But again I don’t have kids so you know, I don’t really have a horse here.
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ctrsara · 2 years
Happy Accident
Read on AO3
Prompt from @idk-bruh-20
Irondad fic ideas #86 Fic where Happy accidentally calls Tony Peter’s dad.
Maybe Happy is driving him to the tower and Peter’s rambling about everything he wants to do in the lab and Happy comments, “You’re sure excited to spend time with your dad today.” Peter doesn’t notice at first and is like, “Yeah, I love lab days-“ And as they both simultaneously realize what Happy said, it goes silent.
This fic idea was submitted by @itsmechara426 of @irondadmadlads :)
“For the twelfth time, kid. Don’t slam my door.”
“Sorry, Happy!”
“Just remember next time.”
“I will.” 
Happy muttered something under his breath that hopefully not even Peter’s enhanced hearing could pick up.
Happy Hogan didn’t actually even mind driving the kid around, most of the time. Sure, he’d been a little much at first. Happy wasn’t used to kids, and this kid in particular had a lot to say, and did unpredictable kid stuff, and left wrappers in his car, and was always hungry . And left so, so many voicemails that Happy had to listen to, so he could pass on anything important to Tony. But the longer Happy was around the teenager, and saw his selflessness and intense desire to do good, despite what anyone said, the more he admired him. And he’d gotten used to all the talking. Mostly. 
Actually, if he thought about it, Peter gave off a lot of “young Tony” energy. Well, with a lot more politeness and optimism. And really, it was more the Tony who had been excited about what he’d been working on in the lab when he hadn’t been distracted with partying and making tabloid headlines.  But still. Similar.
Speaking of being excited, Peter definitely was today. The kid had been talking a blue streak about something to do with his friends and their Academic Desomething meet the next weekend, but he switched gears just as Happy tuned back in.
“Happy, today in Chemistry we were talking about ( insert a topic Happy definitely didn’t understand ) and how it interacts with ( another unintelligible set of words ) under certain conditions, and did you know that Mr. Stark has the stuff in his lab to replicate that experiment? And I texted him about it and he said we can actually try it out today? It’s going to be so awesome, and I hope the reaction is big like the one we got to watch, because that was amazing, and--.”
“Take a breath, kid.” Happy let out a rare chuckle at the boy’s exuberance. “I don’t get paid if I deliver you passed out from lack of oxygen,” he joked. “You’re pretty excited to get to your dad’s lab today, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be so sick.” 
Then suddenly Happy met Peter’s startled gaze in the rearview mirror and he wasn’t sure whose eyes were wider. 
Silent crickets.
“Oh my gosh, kid, I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I said that; please just forget you heard it!” 
Peter was quiet, and Happy started worrying. Ugh, apparently they had been teasing Tony too much about acting like Peter’s dad lately, because Happy had started thinking of him that way, and it had just… slipped out! He tried to reach his chin up high enough to get a look at Peter’s expression, but the boy’s head was turned, staring out the window.
Happy was just about to ask him if he was okay, and apologize again, when a quiet voice came from the back seat.
“I’m not mad. I just… what made you say that?”
“Uh…” Well, at this point, the truth was probably best. “For quite a while now, Rhodey, and Pepper, and a couple other people have teased Tony--just a little bit--about acting like your dad, and I just wasn’t thinking when I talked. Please don’t think it’s weird or anything, or be awkward. It was just a slip of the tongue. An accident.”
“How does he… how does he act when you say that? I mean… do you think he would care if he knew that I kinda think about him that way, too, now?” The last part came out quick and quiet, but Happy still heard.
Oh, wow. “Kid, I think he’d be flattered, honestly. You should hear the way he goes on about you when you’re not there. He’s as proud and protective as any dad I’ve ever known.” And his behavior was totally out of character for Tony. Which is why they’d been giving him a hard time, but they’d also all been impressed at how having Peter around had settled him. Given him a little more purpose and focus.
“Oh,” Peter said thoughtfully. When Happy glanced back, the kid was smiling softly. 
After they pulled into the garage a few minutes later, Happy rode up to the penthouse with the subdued teenager, wondering a little bit if he was going to bring up how Happy had slipped up to Tony. Of course that was totally up to Peter, but Happy kind of wanted to be around to do damage control if needed. With Tony or with Peter--whichever one needed it.
As they walked in, Happy heard Tony from the kitchen. “In here, kid!”
He followed at a safe distance, but saw as Peter dropped his backpack and headed straight for the older man. 
“Hey, Pete, I got all that stuff out down in the lab that you wanted for--oof.”
Tony had stopped talking because he’d been knocked back a few inches when the teenager tucked himself up against Tony’ chest, arms wrapping around his mentor’s back. Tony froze for a moment, but quickly reciprocated the hug. 
“What’s this all about?” he said, his voice soft as he tipped his head down to rest it on Peter’s. “Something happen at school?”
“Nah, it was a really good day. I’m just happy to see you.” Peter’s voice was muffled, but cheerful.
Tony looked bemused now. “Uh, I’m happy to see you too.” He looked at Happy with a questioning expression. Happy visually deflected, shrugging and half-smiling. Even rolled his eyes a little like, Teenagers? Who knows? Maybe his part in this wouldn’t come up. Hopefully it wouldn’t. 
Peter pulled back, and looked around, eyes lighting on a plate of sandwiches Tony had been preparing. Dad. Such a dad. “These for me?” he asked brightly, reaching for the tray.
“Uh, yeah. Just bring it down, and I’ll start setting up. You can join when you’re done eating.” Tony put a hand on Peter’s shoulder to steer him towards the elevator, and waved vaguely at Happy.
“Uh, see you later, kid?” Happy said, the unspoken question obvious in his voice. 
“Bye, Happy. Thanks for the ride!” Peter said happily. And then the dang kid winked at him. Well, what in the world did that mean? 
Tony and Peter stepped into the elevator and were gone in seconds. Happy shook his head. Was Peter going to tell Tony or not? Now Happy was going to worry about it all afternoon, which may or may not have been Peter’s intention. That dang kid. 
But thinking of how much Tony enjoyed having him around, and how happy the kid had seemed when Happy let Tony’s feelings slip, he couldn’t help but smile. Just a little bit. Maybe it hadn’t been such a bad thing after all.
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imapineanddie · 2 years
We feel alone and worthless sometimes.
Maybe more than sometimes.
Feeling you'll never be good enough is not a pleasant feeling.
I'll give you that.
If someone labels you as weak, sensitive or shit just because something that affects you, seems trivial to them-
Okay first of all, why are you even with them?
Cause damn, if it hurts, it does.
The greatest battles are the ones fought within ourselves.
It's humane to feel pain. Pain shall come your way, take it. All of it. But just don't let it eat you alive. Don't lose touch from what's left because of what left you this way. If you've been abandoned, it doesn't mean that you're left hollow there, not knowing what to do. Life has to go on and you've gotta understand that being alone isn't the end of the world. Do not lose your shine because of the rust someone left on you.
Remember, you never have to be an option for anyone. Frickin' anyone. Because how much ever it hurts to be alone, it's nothing in comparison to feeling alone even when surrounded.
Be conscious of who you let in your radius. Stay away from people who are too engrossed in themselves to think about others or dismiss your problems as unimportant. Toxicity is better avoided than dealt with. (kinda hard if it lies in your parents, though)
Never stay when you know you should leave. Do not justify every goddamn wrong thing a person does. They are loved, doesn't mean they are worthy, though.(I used think that all people are mostly good. Wrong. Some people just suck, assholes they are.)
Do the right thing, even if it hurts. Even if it feels excruciatingly painful. For the nonce. But saves you a hella lot of pain later.
I don't, for a second, say that pain is easy. It feels as if every ounce of you is being compressed and being sucked out of its life. All at once. It isn't easy. Physical pain looks alluring then, but Don't. I can never imagine the excruciating pain one goes through which makes them succumb to death. Never looking back to stop for anything.
We may not fathom the power that time has in possession, but time does heal.
To forgive? We might not be up for it. Although, time does make the stack of misery less easier to access and the memories less painful. Things may or may not be alright in the near future but you sure as hell will be.
You're gonna be just fine.
Find a passion, preferably which isn't alive (kidding, not kidding). Listen to uplifting music (for heaven sake, the one which does NOT remind you of your ex-partner's padosi ka doggy, smh).
And ahhh frickin' involve yourself in physical exercise, cause nothing feels better than a good body of your own.
Yeah bud, my six packs are coming soon ;) nada.
Kidding, actually kidding.
Kyunki bhaiya, lockdown chal raha hai, hence gyms band hai. Aur ghar pe chaahe equipment ho, motivation toh nahane ka bhi nahi milta mujhe.
Moral: Move your ass and exercise. Mujhe jaisa MAT bano.
Physical exercise actually makes us feel good. Ahh, well I've found my peace of mind after mutilating a dozen things in my house.
Find your perfect match (@jeevansathi.com, no).
Just saying, that there are ways to let all the bitterness out of you (and get an on fleek body too, hehe) and please abstain from doing things that you know won't make you feel any better, for instance, listening to Bekhayali? idk bruh.
You'll be okay.
Fix yourself, sweetheart. Know your bruise first.
'Cause even the right medicine won't work for the wrong ailment.
Realize that you are precious and never settle for less. You deserve to be loved for what you are. Absolutely candid.
I strongly believe the right thing for you is destined to happen, at the right time. Do not be impatient, the Universe has its own beautiful plans.
By the way, do you realize you're disappointing your future self who has been thinking about you? Totally disappointed in how you have lost months of your life not being alive. tsk tsk (alright, cmds)
Each second you live is a once in a lifetime moment. And jaani, we're not sent here with a warranty card. Jee lo, kyunki, kya pata kal ho na ho.
I wish that each one of you finds a person, in whose arms at night you may let yourself loose, talk, goof around and cry; and they'll hug you and whisper in your ear, 'Don't worry sweetheart, I'm with you, all the way.' (okay, someone please kill me already)
Okay, time to go.
Last minute reminders.
Homo sapiens, please smile. Cause it's known that the mere act of smiling can brighten up your mood :)
So, Smile. Be kind. Love. Laugh. Look around.
Look into people's eyes and understand the stories they could never share.
Because we are all just wanderers finding our way back home.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
Ranting abt how my childhood is being MASSACRED
Man I hate how the live action films always butcher Transformers 😭like plz Optimus IS NOT a bloodthirsty bitch they don’t explore the characters outside of combat, that is reserved only for the human character. HUMANS in a series named after THE ROBOTS.
Idk it just pisses me off like why do the animated shows do more for the character than the live action movies? Like stop trying to force Transformers live action bruh I know that CG is expensive just animate all of it. It’s about the TRANSFORMERS my god.
Transformers gotta start taking more notes from the comics bc some of that shit is GOOD and I know everyone back in what, 2013 ish would have killed for a More Than Meets the Eye animated series. Listen, some things just work better in animation, giant robots that turn into cars happens to be one of those things.
Also I would just fucking explode from happiness if Transformers got some of that 2D/3D spiderverse-esque animation treatment a lot of recent animated movies have been getting. It’s soooo fitting because you know, Transformers is mostly comics at this point.
Listen, I just KNOW that Transformers has the potential to do so good in the modern age if the right people just handled it. The beauty of these non human creatures being so painfully human is exactly the sort of thing I think people would go crazy over nowadays.
I kinda like Earthspark, it’s a very interesting and new take on the series with the war having ended and shit, but I feel like it’s being held back by the restrictions of being a “kid’s show” and it’s kinda sad. A lot of cartoons and “kid’s shows” were beloved and enjoyed by adults.
I just wish that the Transformers brand just wasn’t super concerned with appealing to kids because listen, you’re DYING you have to understand that your viewers have grown. Almost no kids these days like Transformers. That doesn’t mean make more Michael Bay movies (it means anything but that) it just means maybe be a little more mature.
Like I said I think Transformers is just one of those cases where it can’t really help it like it just has to be animated in order to focus on more on the actual Transformers than the humans. (case and point Cyberverse) They should have the spotlight instead of the humans so there’s really no need for live action imo. I also think animation would be the safest so that you aren’t cashing out all this damn money for CGI and explosions. Animation is not just for kids, we have gone over this please I think a more mature animated Transformers series would go over well with the fans who let’s be honest, are for the most part in college by now. Even when I was a kid most kids didn’t like Transformers anymore.
Anyways this has been my delusions it is 1:45 am I should sleep soon
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bara-sen · 2 years
Peke J as your therapist
Got idea from here so thank you so much
You're someone going through mid-life crisis, maybe a highschooler in distress, a college student with unsolved trauma. Idk whatever you wanna be but peke j is there.
Everything started when you moved to a new building. One day you were laying on your bed wondering what went wrong.
“meow, m'lady?” a really deep voice came from your window that was open.
You did not care, if it was a killer it better kill you then leave you. But you were still curious so you looked up and then boom! A small black cat that fucking talks. How amazing!
Peke j is a very empathetic cat. Though he speaks like a cat he's still very empathetic.
Only gives you advice if you ask for it.
If you've never touched grass then peke j will encourage you by standing on your window looking back at you while waving his tail.
“bark bark?”
I've never had a cat in my entire life.
Bitch trynna seduce you into buying him some food but it's okay. You went out and sat on the bench alone with peke j on your side.
“my owner is somewhat of a inconvenience to have around. I much more prefer the wild fellow with long black shiny hair and hazel orbs to take care of me.”
He meows.
He also eats human food. And makes sure that you're drinking water.
Like he would bring you a bottle of water himself.
He does not, and when i mean not i mean NOT, like to be touched. He values personal space and privacy.
He also tells you about more people he's been consoling.
“There's this unfortunate male homosapien with two toned banana like hair. He's pretty rough one but this is why I'm here.”
He meows
Also listens to your rants all day.
He also set a house on fire once and said that he saw a human doing that.
The house was of a certain stuck up kid who wears glasses and obsess's over this girl in his class who has already got a boyfriend.
Peke j does not understand this generations memes, he's an old cat
he's helping them with their illness too.
Knows a lot about delinquent culture, more than he should.
Once told you that he was a delinquent gang leader in his previous life and you're still shocked about that.
Bro be meowing his way in other people's business like he helped a couple in their marriage he is the next virgin mary
He's also a twice fan. He likes dahyun alot.
All in all, we love our delinquent gang leader therapist small green flag cat.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
ok ok so my request 👉🏻👈🏻
it’s the most obvious thing but i have a full crush on bakugou, so can you please write about him x male reader, where the reader is like.. having nightmares or almost doesn’t sleep because of his quirk (idk like maybe he can hear something special or predict anything bad, doesn’t really matter) but feels safe around bakugou so he always falls asleep around him or even oN him and katsuki is like “😡(❤️)shit whatever” and the reader is kinda shy about that but totally ok with their friends being like “wow bro that’s kinda gay :> ” because he is comfortable with “oh that’s because i aM the gay✌🏻” and his classmates love him and everything and would never mock.. but one time someone from another class was really really rude bcs of that or said that katsuki hates it so the reader starts to avoid bakugou and bakugou geTS MAD about it because reader is just his and no one else’s >:0 maybe a little confession from him in the end, maybe some.. *gay coughing* angy k*ss from him
please make it angsty but with a fluffy ending please please and thank you very much in advance💙 sorry if it’s too big i can’t explain my thoughts properly thaha
Bruh I just realized how long this request is 💀💀 also look at me, writing it like decades after you requested it 😭 pls enjoy I’m actually quite proud of it (also isn’t that gif perfect hahah get it bc the prompt was abt like sleeping and bakugou’s sleeping and-yeah I’ll let u read now)
Bakugou x reader - Angry Insomniacs
⚠️Warnings - mild arguing, it’s not that bad
Pronouns - male, he/him
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“Why are you always fuckin’ sleeping on me?”
It first started during the Sports Festival. The chicken race and cavalry battle really took a toll on (Y/n), and he was suffering harsh quirk drawbacks. That, being drowsiness.
Somewhere on the stands, (y/n’s) eyes grew heavier and heavier until he realized he had fallen asleep. He also didn’t realized until he woke up that no one disturbed him when he was near Bakugou. Be it fear, or just plain respect, (Y/n) seemed to get the best rest when he was with Bakugou. Not even Iida dared to wake him up when he dosed off on Bakugous shoulder.
He always made it a point to be in Bakugous vicinity when ever he could, taking naps with his head buried in his arms next to Bakugou at lunch, or having his head resting on his shoulder in the dorms.
“Oi! Don’t drift off on me!”
“Mm? Sorry, Bakugou.”
(Y/n) rubbed his eyes as he weakly pushed off the common room couch, stretching and yawning as he did so. “Can I sleep in your room tonight?”
“N-no, dumbass! Fuck kinda question is that, shit-for-brains?!”
“I’ll see you there later then, Bakugou.” (Y/n) gave a slight nod, Bakugou practically foaming at the mouth already, before trotting off the continue his nap in his own room.
Before heading to his room though, he walked into the kitchen to grab a post-nap time snack. Tsuyu, who was already digging in the fridge, stepped back so (Y/n) could grab whatever he wanted.
Tsu eyed (Y/n’s) slightly tousled hair. “Did you take another nap on bakugou-chan? Kero.”
(Y/n) hummed out a “yes.” Tsu hummed back in acknowledgment. Kaminari and Kirishima, unintentionally, started listening in from their place in the kitchen after hearing Bakugou being mentioned.
Tsuyu put a finger to her lip. “Ne, (Y/n)-chan, why do you always take naps on Bakugou-chan? It’s always him, kero, and you go out of your way to make sure it’s only him.”
“Why?” (Y/n) pulled off the carton of milk stubbornly hanging on to the fridge. “Because I like Bakugou. Duh. And I sleep better near people I like.
Kaminari gasped comically while Kirishima sputtered and choked on his words. Not just listening anymore, Kaminari but in. “L-like? Like, ‘like’-like?!”
Kaminari and Kirishima joined Tsuyu and (Y/n) near the fridge. (Y/n) nodded out an “mm-hm.”, whilst grabbing a cup from the cabinet.
“So you’re like...” Kirishima made wild, indecipherable, gestures with his hand. Eventually, after realizing no one was taking the hint, brought his voice down to a whisper.
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell us?!” Kaminari grasped at his blond hair. (Y/n) thought for a moment, poured himself a glass of milk, and shrugged.
“I don’t know. You never asked.”
“And you’re so comfortable just telling us now? Why, kero-kero?”
“Because I’m gay as fuuuuuck.” (Y/n) took a swig of milk like it was a shot of whiskey. “And it’s not like it was a secret or anything.”
“Though I don’t think Bakugou knows. He’s too angry about me sleepin’ on him all the time to actually care about me.”
(Y/n) polished off his glass of milk. He set the cup down gently into the sink. “Eh, it’s not like I actually care for what he thinks about me.”
“See ya, I’m gonna finish my nap.”
“Bye, kero.”
(Y/n) yawned as his head lolled off of Bakugou’s shoulder. He hissed, dusting off his shoulder angrily.
“Go sleep somewhere else!”
“I’m just goin’ to the bathroom, Bakugou, I’ll be back. Keep your shoulder warm for me.”
(Y/n) weakly stood up from his chair, and sluggishly walked out of the cafeteria. Damn, his feet felt heavy. Maybe if he hurried to the bathroom, he’d get back in time to catch a few more minutes of sleep before Bakugou exploded on him or lunch ended.
(Y/n’s) shoulder accidentally caught on someone else’s, making him stumble back and rub his shoulder. Monoma tilted his chin up in a mocking fashion.
“Ara? Is that (L/n) (Y/n) from class 1-A I see?”
(Y/n) nodded, only half processing his words as he continued on his way to the bathroom. Monoma followed somewhat behind, spewing words and one-liners that went in one ear and out the other. That is, until,
“Honestly, you would’ve thought that angry blond kid would’ve told you by now”.
(Y/n’s) ear perked up. He halted to a stop, Monoma following suit and shoving his hands smugly in his pockets. “What’s this about Bakugou?”
“Oh? He really didn’t tell you, huh? That’s...” Monoma stifled a condescending snicker. “...surprising.”
(Y/n) stepped closer. “C’mon man, tell me what?”
Monoma sighed. “Well,”
“I heard that Mr. Blasty, matter-o-factly,” Monoma jabbed his pointer finger into (Y/n’s) chest. “Really, really hates it when you sleep on, or near him. Actually,”
“I think he just hates you in general.”
(Y/n) furrowed his brows. He’s lying. He’s lying. He likes him, doesn’t he? Bakugou likes him, or else he wouldn’t have lead him on for so long, right?
Because he wouldn’t let just anyone sleep on his shoulder...right?
“You’re lying.”
“Well, believe what you want, honestly,” Monoma made a show of crossing his arms dramatically. “But you should see the way he shit-talks and glares at you in you’re sleep. It’s not like he can push you off though, you’re ‘just so persistent you’ll never leave him the fuck alone’.”
(Y/n) shoved his hands in his pockets. Monoma raised his hands in defense. “His words, not mine.”
(Y/n) turned on his heel and began to speed walk to the bathroom. Monoma yelled out from his spot in the empty hallway.
“Oh? You don’t want to hear what he thinks about your little crush on him?”
(Y/n) froze. He was under the assumption that everyone but him knew, could he be wrong? He pressed his lips into a fine line, turning around as composedly as he could. Though, he couldn’t mask the fearful curiosity in his eyes.
Monoma grinned. It was an unpleasant, sarcastic grin, one that didn’t look peaceful or pleasing at all.
“Well, I doubt that there’s anything to to say at all, so does it really ma-“
“What...what does he say about me?” (Y/n’s) voice quivered. He knew he was falling into Monoma’s trap, that he was just trying to provoke him, that he was looking for any kind of reaction, but his curiosity got the best of him. It really did, because Monoma’s words stabbed spears into (Y/n’s) heart, word by word.
“Blasty thinks it’s fucking disgusting how you like him, like, as another dude. Like honestly, he thinks you take him for an idiot for thinking he actually didn’t know! And the fact you sleep so close to him know full well you want to get in his pants?! He thinks you’re a pervert! A lazy shit! A fag! Ahahaha!”
Monoma loud cackles were cut short when he suddenly slumped over. He sunk to the ground, revealing Kendo, holding one big hand up and the other to her waist. She most likely knocked Monoma out once she heard his condescending retorts from the cafeteria.
Kendo sighed, bending down the haul Monoma’s arm over her shoulder. Her heavy glare softened once she caught sight of (Y/n’s) buggy eyed face starting at the ground where Monoma was.
“Sorry...he didn’t say anything too harsh, right?” Kendo’s words were gentle, but they sounded practically inaudible to (Y/n’s) traumatized ears.
He wordlessly staggered past her, heading back into the cafeteria to grab his lunch and sit elsewhere. He supposed he wouldn’t bother Bakugou anymore. Since he’s so damn ‘persistent’, he figured he’d stop bothering him for the rest of the day.
He wished he wasn’t so curious about what Bakugou thought of him. Like people say, ignorance is bliss. He could’ve gone his whole high school career without knowing Bakugou hated his every being. How was he going to face him in class knowing every pointer glare, every scoff, every insult was genuine?
(Y/n) felt his throat tighten. For the first time in years, (L/n) (Y/n) was fully awake.
It was the first time in many months that (Y/n) didn’t sit in the seat next to Bakugou, napping in his presence. He’d done it every day no fail, that is until this week. Actually, this is the 6th consecutive day he didn’t take a nap at all.
(Y/n) sat placid in his assigned seat, eyes wide and trying to keep awake. He couldn’t sleep without thinking of Bakugou, and every time he did it was always him scoffing and turning his back on him.
Every few seconds, (Y/n) would jolt harshly in his seat, rocking back and forth like a drug addict in withdrawal. He stared at his desk with eyes that could kill someone, and he dug his hands into his forearms to keep himself somewhat awake.
He didn’t hear Kirishima calling his name until he snapped his fingers infront of his face. The snap rang like a gunshot, surprising (Y/n) from his trance so badly he jolted back like he got electrocuted. Kirishima raised an eyebrow.
“You...ok man...?”
(Y/n’s) dry eyes landed fixed onto Kirishima. He relaxed, and let out a breath he didn’t know he was taking. “M’fine...”
His voice cracked like it hadn’t been used for days. (Y/n) let his eyes drift back forward, hunching back over and huddling his body like he was trying to squeeze himself to death. When Kirishima gave him a skeptical glare and crossed his arms, (Y/n) let out a small “m’ just tired, that’s all...” and gave the most pathetic smile known to man.
“If you’re so tired,” Mina, rested her arms on the back of (Y/n’s) chair. “Why don’t you sleep on Bakugou like you do every morn-“
“NO! I-I can’t do that!” (Y/n) whipped his head back, gripping the back of his chair so hard his hand turned white. Mina and Kirishima flinched, noticeably caught off guard with his sudden outburst. “I...can’t...I can’t do that...”
(Y/n) suddenly looked very awake, contrasting the way he looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open the whole time they were in class.
(Y/n’s) breath steadied as he shut his mouth awkwardly. “M’sorry...for yelling...didn’t mean to...”
(Y/n) scrubbed at his eyes. The rush of adrenaline was already wearing off. Mina set her dainty pink hand on (Y/n’s) hunched form. “Why not...?”
“I just can’t.”
(Y/n) said nothing more. He went back to his occasional jolts awake and scrubbing his heavy eyes every 2 minutes. Kirishima sighed, shaking his head towards Bakugou, before shrugging his shoulders then forming an ‘X’ with his hands.
Bakugou clicked his tongue angrily, turning and facing back forward in his seat.
(Y/n) was practically seeing stars by the end of hero’s class.
It was a relatively simple assignment, 1 on 1 sparring, but it caused a lot of quirk use.
He fought both his tired eyes and Midoryia, but ultimately failing due to his harsh quirk drawbacks. Midoryia barely had to break a sweat to have (Y/n) come toppling down.
(Y/n) was ushered back into the horde of students murmuring “don’t mind” and “you did great!”, but he just slithered past and stood a few feet away from them, all the way in the back of the field.
All might was explaining something (Y/n) couldn’t quite hear. Not only because he was standing so far away, but because his hearing had been considerably wonky, not to mention the hissing, ringing sound irritating his eardrums.
And even if the ringing had stopped and he could hear, his brain was too tuckered out to remember anything past five seconds ago.
Gosh, speaking of his brain-
Bakugou set off a small explosion. The blast wasn’t nearly as loud or powerful as in combat, but to a tired mans ears, it sounded like nukes. The ringing in (Y/n’s) ears spiked, and he cupped his ears tightly.
“B-Bakugou, nows not-“
“OH, YOU TRYNA TUNE ME OUT BY COVERIN’ YOUR EARS NOW?!” Another explosion. Bakugou’s gauntlets had been out for repairs since his last hero training, so (Y/n) could clearly see the glowing red and yellow spark from his fist. The ringing spiked again. His vision burned with sparks.
(Y/n) winced, saying nothing, and brought his hands to rub at his eyes. Bakugou eyebrow twitched.
Bakugou brought his hand out, his gloved hand starting to glow red with his next explosion. (Y/n) couldn’t take it anymore.
He stumbled forward, and grabbed Bakugou’s wrist. He shoved it out of the way, but his hand still ignited and set off a blast that propelled them straight to the ground.
“G-get off-a me!” Bakugou tried pushing (Y/n) off with his free hand.
(Y/n) pinned Bakugou’s glowing right hand by the wrist, using his other to hold down his other shoulder. (Y/n) would’ve never done something as ballsy and stupid as this, but he was too tired, too done, too much in pain to care.
“What are you actually trying to say!? All that stupid extra yelling and petty insults, they get you fucking nowhere! Spit it out! Or does trying to intimidate every single fucking person you meet just self-satisfaction?!”
Bakugou growled. He grabbed at (Y/n’s) shoulders, pushing off of him and pinning (Y/n) to the ground in his place.
“Then what about you, huh?!” Bakugou was angrily spitting at (Y/n’s) face. “Why the fuck did you stop getting enough sleep for your quirk?! Are you just that dumb that you stay up at night?!”
“I don’t wanna hear it from a stupid fucker like you, who can’t even take care of himself!”
(Y/n) hissed. He freed his dominant hand from Bakugou’s vice grip and pushed at Bakugou’s face, grabbing a fistful of his hair. “All you ever do is shit talk! Shut up! No one thinks it’s fucking cool!”
“What the hell are you even talking about?!”
The two wrestled on the ground, angrily grabbing and tugging at each other, and rolling around on the floor. There were shouts of “get Aizawa-no, get midnight-sensei!” and “All might, stop them!”, but the two were so caught up in their fight they couldn’t hear anything.
“Can’t you ever learn to mind your fucking Business?!”
“What the fuck does that even have to do with this!”
(Y/n) flipped Bakugou over one more time. He pushed him down by the forehead, pushing his head down into the ground while Bakugou flailed and kicked from underneath him.
A sweet, sweet smell flooded (Y/n’s) senses. It smelt relaxing, tantalizing, it smelled like sleep. It smelled like sleep. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to sleep so bad. Maybe he could just...
(Y/n) slowly sank from his spot on top of Bakugou, flopping on top of his body and going completely slack. Bakugou’s eyes widened, and he covered his nose.
Midnight strutted from above the two, waving away a few stray wisps of her mist. Bakugou hacked out a new breath, while (Y/n) laid on top of him, peacefully asleep for the first time in days.
“Well, it seems like you two already know without me saying it.” Midnight motioned over to two small robots carrying a stretcher. “I’ll just take him to recovery girl and he should wake up in-“
Bakugou pursed his lips and wrapped his arms around (Y/n’s) sleeping figure when Midnight extended her arm towards them. He tightened his arms around (Y/n).
“I’ll do it. S-since this piece of shit attacked me first and...I’ll just do it-!”
Midnight eyed him knowingly, before waving him off and mumbling something about ‘youth’.
(Y/n’s) eyes fluttered open. His body felt like it was broken in every way possible. It was so sore, it hurt even thinking about moving. (Y/n) laid there, with his eyes half open, contemplating whether or not he should close them again.
Would he be able to sleep, though? Even if he’d started sleeping near Bakugou as a ‘don’t-wake-me-up’ measure, it slowly stopped being just that and more a matter of he felt safe and comfortable around him. In a way, he’s become a bit dependent on him, which is probably a bad thing, but he didn’t care.
Sleeping with Bakugou felt best. But that wasn’t an option, now was it?
(Y/n) pursed his lips, an involuntary groan rumbling from his tired vocal cords. He continued staring at the blinding nurse office lights, staring until he saw spots in his vision.
“Stop doing that-do you wanna go fuckin’ blind?”
(Y/n) flinched. He hated the way that familiar, aggravated voice still stirred butterflies into his stomach. He glanced to his side, as if to make sure he wasn’t just hearing things.
He met eyes with Bakugou.
“Bout’ time you fuckin’ woke up. Been waitin’ forever, shit-for-brains.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes back up to the blinding floodlights. Bakugou scowled. “Oi! Don’t ignore m-“
“How long were you here for?”
Bakugou went silent. It was his turn to avert his eyes, albeit more angrily.
“...I was here since you fuckin’ fainted in class, idiot. I even carried your stupid body here from the dumbass carrier bots.”
(Y/n’s) eyes softened, unlike Bakugou’s, who glared at the floor just beside the chair he was sitting in. (Y/n) checked the big black clock mounted on top of Recovery Girl’s desk.
It was 6:00 pm.
If Bakugou was telling the truth, he’d been sitting there waiting for him to wake up for 4 hours straight.
“Bakugou-its been hours since class ended-you should be at the dorms by now-! Why did you-“
“Well if you told me why you suddenly started avoiding me we wouldn’t be here right now!”
(Y/n) let his mouth fall closed. Bakugou scoffed. “Well?!”
(Y/n) opened his mouth, but it clamped shut when Monoma’s words echoed in his mind. Bakugou looked at him with an expectant face.
“I can’t tell you.”
“WH-“ Bakugou sputtered angrily. “COURSE YOU CAN! THE FUCKS STOPPING YOU!”
“Nothing I-I just can’t!”
“THEN WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE!” (Y/n) shouted, before he cupped his mouth in realization. Bakugou’s eyes went wide aswell. “Wait I didn’t mean that-“
“YEAH! WHATS THE FUCKIN PROBLEM HERE?!” Bakugou recovered from his initial shock, already back to yelling. (Y/n) furrowed his brows with a blush.
“Wh..wait so-“
“Wait but...” (Y/n’s) voice was barely above a whisper. “Don’t you, y’know...not like it...when I do that-?”
“DUMBASS! WHERE’D YOU GET THAT FROM?!” It seemed like Bakugou got angrier and angrier each passing second. It was hard to tell what (Y/n) found so attractive about him.
“From...from Monoma...?”
Bakugou looked angrier than ever. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. “YOU-I CAN’T BELIEVE-! I-! FUCK IT!”
Bakugou snarled and practically shoved his face onto (Y/n’s), angrily stealing his breath away with a kiss. The kiss, surprisingly, was soft and gentle, despite Bakugou’s previous intensity. It seemed to calm Bakugou down, and cheer (Y/n) up.
The two slowly parted for air. It was quiet for a second, something that rarely happened near Bakugou.
“I thought you hated me...”
“W-why the fuck would I hate you...dumbass.” Bakugou rested his forehead on (Y/n’s) shoulder. His spiky tufts of blond hair tickling (Y/n’s) face.
“Because Monoma said so...?”
“I’m gonna kill that bastard.” Bakugou snarled, climbing into the cot (Y/n) was in. He pushed (Y/n) back down into the pillow, pulling up the white blanket and laying down next to him. He guided (Y/n’s) head-a tad bit forcefully-to his chest. “...after we sleep.”
Bakugou shut his eyes, half irritated and half embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled tiredly. He nuzzled his head into Bakugou’s chest.
“Goodnight, Bakugou.”
Monoma walked into class 1-B the next morning. He yawned, still a bit tired, when he ran straight into someone.
“Hey, copycat fucker.”
Monoma looked up. The class was empty, with no one but Bakugou standing infront of him.
Needless to say, Bakugou got another 3 days of house arrest.
Bru this was so long ong
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hi I just saw the Ukai request thing and I was wondering if I could get some head cannons of anyone on the team, falling hard for ukais daughter or niece
This was so fun to write! I never actually imply this in the request but the reader is adopted cause it’s more inclusive that way! I chose Daichi and Tanaka cause they seem like they would have Ukai react way differently!
Daichi & Tanaka Going Out With Ukai’s Daughter HC
Okay so Daichi, being the captain and all, if there’s one thing he is really good at, it is respecting authority and understanding the chain of command
He’s worked from being a mere first-year peasant to being the daddy captain we all know and love
That’s why when he starts to catch feelings for Ukai’s daughter, he does his best to never step over the line because he doesn’t want to disrespect his family in any way 
It all started when you would show up to practice since Ukai didn’t want you alone at home but he gave everyone the speech to keep their eyes off of his kid
He made it a point to point out that you were his only child, his only daughter and that he would crack skulls without hesitation if any of the boys made you uncomfortable 
And yes, He looked at Tanaka and Noya the whole time because I swear they’ll simp for anything with two legs and a heartbeat 
Daichi doesn’t catch feelings for you right away though. He acknowledges that you’re pretty but it isn’t until you two slowly started to get to know each other more and more when Daichi realizes how hard he is falling for you
He’s sometimes a bit scared to make a move during volleyball practice since your dad is always like two feet away but you two share a class so you can bet your ass that he’s always sitting next to you and making up any excuse to talk to you
The two of you aren’t even dating but he is already so whipped for you 
Exhibit A
One day before practice, you complained that you had broken your headphones so without even asking you, he rushed to his house to get his pair and came back all sweaty and red, handing them over to you 
Exhibit B
Your favorite drink was stuck in the vending machine and you couldn’t shake it hard enough to make it drop but Daichi went over and bought four drinks so that way it could knock yours over 
Like you’re telling me that isn’t the cutest shit ever? Are my standards just low? ANYWAYS 
You eventually catch feelings for him cause duh look at him he’s perfect but you know that if it were to get more serious, Daichi would have to talk to your dad 
You knew you couldn’t go behind your dad’s back so telling him was the best and only option 
The whole time during practice, Daichi was nervous as hell. He really liked you but he also really respected his coach so he wasn’t even sure exactly how to go about it 
But when you gave his hand a light squeeze, it gave him a big boost of confidence cause screw it, you were worth it
So Daichi sucks it up and the two of you go up to Coach Ukai and he is such a confident and respectful dude he doesn’t even stutter
“ Coach Ukai, I want you to be the first to know that I have feelings for your daughter and she feels the same way about me. I know you’re protective of her but I would never do anything to hurt her, I can promise you that. If it’s okay with you, I’m planning to take her on a date this weekend if you would let me.”
“ Nope.” Ukai said simply as you whined and gave your dad the biggest puppy dog eyes
“  DAD!” You scolded as Ukai rolled his eyes,” Come on, wouldn’t you rather me date  the captain of a team that you can always keep an eye on than I don’t know, some asshole from a different team?”
“ Why does he have to be in volleyball in the first place? Better yet, why do you even need to date a boy? Are you trying to kill me?” Your dad asked as he looked between the two of you 
Ukai did realize deep down that Daichi was arguably the best option you had-He rather you be with Daichi than anyone else around your age group.
A part of Ukai knew that while he loved to see Daichi squirm, he really was a good guy and he just liked giving him a hard time 
“ Fine, have her home by ten.”
“ What about ten-thirty?” You asked as Daichi squeezed your hand and shook his head
“ No it’s okay, ten works just fine,” Daichi smiled back as Ukai couldn’t help but smirk because yep, you picked a good one 
Fast forward to your date and Daichi is outside your house dressed SO NICELY boy has a hot ass button up and everything 
And duh he has flowers for you he’s so cute I’m simping yall 
Obviously, Ukai opens the door and just shakes his head when he sees Daichi all nervous
“ No touching, I mean it kid. There has to be at least three feet between the two of you at all times and remember, if you ever hurt her I will personally bring a bat over to your house and-” 
“ Oh my god please stop, we’ll see you later!” You slip past your dad and grab Daichi’s arm to pull him down the driveway
Okay so you know how I said that Coach Ukai wouldn’t be too opposed with you going out with Daichi? Yeahhhh Tanaka is definitely one of the guys he much rather you not go out with at all
I honestly think Ukai sees so much of his younger self in Tanaka and that freaks him out
ANYWAY Lets go to the beginning tho
Tanaka first knows that he is crushing hard on you when he said the stupidest joke in class and of course, you were the only one to laugh cause lets be real, your sense of humor is pretty shit thanks to the internet 
And tanaka is like “ mhm yes I’ll marry you now” cause bruh no one laughs at my mans jokes he is SLEPT ON 
You two start hanging out and pretty quickly, you both are crushing extra hard on each other. It’s only been maybe like a week or two and you two are so uwu with each other it’s insane
One day before practice, you give him a quick kiss outside of the gym but Tanaka is a certified Clingy Boy™ so he pulls you back in for another one that’s much longer 
You both whip your heads around to find Coach Ukai with literal smoke coming out of his ears as he is glaring so hard at Tanaka 
Tanaka’s headass is like “oh im probably getting yelled at for PDA or maybe I lost track of time and I’m late to practice” but oh boy is he wrong
Idk if you guys collectively share one braincell or whatever but it just clicks now for you that “ oh shit, we are so fucked” 
“ Dad, I can explain-”
Tanaka doesn’t even hear the rest of the conversation like his brain shuts down when he hears you say the word Dad 
And he’s thinking in his head that maybe you just call coaches dad for some weird reason but no, Ukai is actually your dad
There’s so much yelling that the rest of the Karasuno members are outside of the gym doors listening in on the conversation because they’re nosey as hell 
Noya is definitely conflicted because heck yes, his boy is dating a female but he also wants to laugh because of course, Tanaka is having bad luck 
Suga thinks it is HILARIOUS 
But anyway
After a whole bunch of yelling, Ukai just says screw it and starts practice and you promise that you’ll talk to him at home but he makes you stay in the gym so he can take you straight home after
BRUH during the whole practice Tanaka does soooooo bad like hes nervous and he feels so guilty
Obviously, if he knew about your dad he would’ve planned it out much better and even ask for his blessing but it was too late to be worrying about what he could’ve done 
“  Don’t be hard on him please. I swear, it didn’t even click that you were his coach and I didn’t want to go behind your back like that,” You said as your dad sat down next to you on the bench as the boys did drills,” but you overreacted. You know he’s sensitive and he’s going to keep beating himself up about it.” 
“ How do you think I feel seeing my daughter kiss a boy? Why can’t you wait until you’re thirty to have a boyfriend? ” Ukai knew you were at the age where he couldn’t keep you away from boys but he was just so protective��
You were his only kid but because you were his daughter, it only complicated things
I already know Ukai raised such a big daddy’s girl (not in a weird way yall) and while he knows he raised you to be super strong, he just wants to protect you from heartache
“ I really like him and he makes me happy and I promise, we won’t even interact with each other if we are around you if it makes you uncomfortable.”
That wasn’t the most comforting thought to Ukai but he knew he was wrapped around your finger and that he would eventually cave in
It took some time for him to get used to the two of you being together. You two never went on any dates at first because Tanaka wanted to ease your dad into the idea of you two being together
But it wasn’t until Ukai saw how protective Tanaka was whenever you would come along to tournaments that Ukai started to feel better at the idea 
Like Tanaka would go FERAL if a guy even looked at you the wrong way and Ukai was secretly like “ yeah you tell em!” 
It was actually comforting to Ukai that you were dating someone who would literally lay their life on the line for you at any given moment because as your dad, he would do the same
So after a few weeks, it was actually Ukai who went up to Tanaka to talk about the two of you going on dates
“ You have my blessing but just know, if you even look at my daughter the wrong way, I will kill you, no questions asked.” 
Tanaka was actually relieved because to him, that was such an easy request. He couldn’t even imagine hurting you or ever making you upset so he was already thinking of date ideas once Ukai finished his sentence
“ Should I start calling you dad now?”
“ Don’t push it.”  
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
AAAAA YES YES!! Taking a road trip with Childe is always an adventure, and during the entire ride he'll tell you stories from the things you two see that remind him of his family. It wouldn't be so far-fetched to think you'd have a road trip with his family, either! OH and games!! He's a very competitive player, eager to egg you on and taunt and brag like you said, no matter the game. He does not hold back. (Like that one time you two played Mario Kart--the freaking gremlin was saying all these sweet things like he missed you and wanted to see you, but you know the star music when you hear it.) And Uno? Gosh knows if either of you carry a reverse card around to return a compliment (or insult, depending on the scenario lmaoo--). Man, the teachers would probably be happy to see you two again honestly! Maybe even briefly introduce you two to a class if they're in a session atm and talk about how each of you were like as students. AJSHSHSS SCARAMONA AAAAA--I approve 😌😌 especially because Scara definitely sounds like the kinds guy to be a flat earther LMAOO Okay okay but? This also makes the whole reddit scenario hilarious should Childe find out it's him that's asking him for relationship advice. Definitely can see Childe rubbing it in, too, next time they meet. They throw hands. This is nothing new, and somehow you and Mona (should she happen to be there when things go down) bond over the whole situation.
Bruh same. Anything that goes through those pair of hands? Hella shady and dirty. That's why he's like that .01% that won't freaking die and gets into your blood easy akdjdshjw--
EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS 100%! no but fr the reason why i thought of the scaramona side story is bc i legit think it'll be so funny like "wAIT. IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG?!" "IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ME! BUT YOU??? SCARAMOUCHE U DUMB FUCK— i had no expectations but please you broke ground zero,,," Yes. bond over the fact that your men are a bunch of war freaks who are now battling it out like a bunch of newborn cats. BUT LISTEN— what if childe's advice worked and mona and him got together??? imagine the 'double dates' (really it was just mona looking for moral support) and childe wouldn't stfu about having their kid named after him bc he made it all possible. scara took a pee break? HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO DO THAT IF IT WEREN'T FOR CHILDE 😭😭 they're like literal children i kid you not. at this point, you're wondering if this is a date or babysitting duty. worse, it's actually THEIR playdate, not yours. also, permission to beat childe up when he all but SOFTLY poked you while you were playing jenga granted. oH! and back to the road trip thing. you know those things where your s/o's hand is on your thigh while they drive. or those open cars where you just stand and enjoy the rural area's wind while some song blasts on the radio idk like an old katy perry or taylor swift song or smth. i'm also legally bound to make an ed sheeran reference so yes. childe jamming to castle on the hill while on a road trip with you. good luck not wheezing when he told you that he may or may not have ordered sticker tats that may or may not be a replica of a... certain singer-songwriter's.
*casually slides in my astronaut suit or at the very least, ppe* uhuh you were saying?
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psycho-slytherin · 4 years
Strangers ch. 44
You begin moving on, but Yoongi is stuck.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Genre: fluff, angst, idk
Warnings: Strong language, I think that’s it?
<–– Prev  Next ––>
“Idiot. What were you thinking?”
“Oh, come on. Look, it all worked out, right?”
“This wasn’t part of the plan! Now everyone knows who you are!”
“They were gonna find out anyways. I just used it to my advantage.”
“Don’t you realize how careful we have to be?”
“You. I’m safe.”
“Have you forgotten our goal? We need to destroy her.”
“Yeah, but that was so he’d be safe. Haven’t we already won?”
“Not yet. But we will.”
“C’mon, D. I know you’ve got something for me.”
“Look, man-” D huffs in frustration. “I’m sorry, but ain’t the girl you’re trying to track down dead? It’s been a good month.”
“She’s alive.” Unless the photo is old, or doctored.
“Her phone hasn’t been on in any sorta way since the day she texted your girl. I’m tryin’ to locate her but I’m hitting a lotta dead ends.”
Yoongi bites his lip anxiously. Lisa is the only hold Seoyeon has over him– and the only proof he has that she’s a criminal. If he can find Lisa, Seoyeon won’t have any more leverage and Yoongi will be able to turn her over to the police. He’ll explain everything to Y/n, and finally be set free.
But he can’t do any of that until he has Lisa. 
“Yo, Gloss, hit me with that image description again?” D says over the phone. Yoongi can hear a mouse click several times as he closes his eyes, focusing on the photo in his memory. If only Seoyeon had sent it to him instead of just showing him, it might be easier.
“The walls were white. She was barefoot– her hair was short. Her hands and feet were tied.”
“What sort of knot?”
Yoongi clicks his tongue, thinking hard. “I- I can’t remember. It looked tight, the rope was pressing into her wrists.”
“That’s an oof. Did she look skinny, like she hadn’t been eating?”
“I don’t know, I can’t compare. I never met her in person, I only saw Y/n’s pictures of her.” Yoongi clenches his fist, frustrated that he’s so useless.
“Hey, hey, chill, man. We’ll find her. Now, what color were her hands?”
“Her hands? Uh… skin-colored?”
“Huh.” D pauses– Yoongi’s barely used to hearing his friend not talk.
“I mean, you said the knots were tight. You’d think it would cut off her circulation.”
“Fuck, dude, I don’t know. Maybe I wasn’t looking. How is this going to help us find her?”
“I mean, I can already tell you that she’s probably not at Seoyeon’s place. There’s no way this chick can keep Lisa at her house without her family finding out, that shit’s just one story.”
“You’re kidding, she lives with her family?”
“Bruh. If she was stalking you enough to get away with what she’s done, do you really think she’d be able to keep a good enough job to afford that place? Nah, man, she lives with her folks and a sister.”
“We don’t know that she was stalking me.” 
“How else did she find Y/n outside of the hospital, then? You tell me.” 
Yoongi falls silent. He doesn’t want to dwell on the possibility that he so directly put Y/n into danger– it’s too destructive a thought. “Whatever. D, I really need you on this. The authorities have been useless.”
D sniggers. “Ain’t that the truth. Look, I’ve got an alert on her number and socials. If she so much as turns her phone on, or tries posting from another device, I’ll know.”
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“Yeah, whatever, you owe me a collab.”
Yoongi grins. “Deal.” After hanging up, he sighs, leaning back in his chair. He’s been spending as much time as he can this week in his studio. Even the other members and their antics can’t lift his spirits, not when he has to answer Seoyeon’s constant summons for yet another photo op. And while he’s got her hanging onto his arm, Yoongi can think of nothing other than Y/n. 
He remembers how angry he was when he found out that you’d been an ARMY all along. It seems like ages ago, and yet the sense of betrayal is fresh in his mind. He can only imagine how you’re feeling now… 
“Miss L/n?”
You stand, taking the well-dressed man’s offered hand. “That’s me, hi.”
“Nice to meet you, you can call me Mr. Park. So, Avery Lee messaged me saying you’re looking to join our agency?”
You nod, fidgeting with the sleeve of your heavy coat. “Yes, until recently– well, I guess you could say I had a freelance manager. I can’t work with her anymore, and Avery said I should sign with an agency.”
“She’s right. Rising stars like you need guidance. So,” Mr. Park says, settling back into his plush leather chair and staring at you from across his desk. “Tell me about yourself. What makes you valuable to FYP Entertainment?”
You swallow. “I’m a third-year acting major at Seoul Arts University. I’ve been an active member of the theatre club and improv club, and competed in Central Seoul’s Improv Showdown twice. I was a featured extra in BTS’s Possible music video. I’ve modeled in Premier Bride Korea and for Beauty of the Seoul’s lipstick line. I recently appeared in a cologne commercial for Fierce, and I was an extra in Medicine of the Heart, a medical drama. Most notably, I play Kim Ji-Woo, a recurring character, alongside BTS’s Suga in Moon Over the Sea.”
Mr. Park rubs his chin. “That’s a long list for a pretty actress who’s never belonged to an agency. And I see an overlap– how familiar are you with Bangtan’s members?”
You fight the urge to laugh; has he not seen the tabloids? “Quite- quite familiar. We’re friends.”
“Just friends?” Mr. Park leans back. “I’ll be honest, Miss L/n, right now the only reason anyone knows your name is as Suga’s ex-girlfriend. Taking you on would be a gamble, and one I’m not sure would pay off for us. I need to know that you’re more than just a scandal– that you’ve got real talent.”
You inhale sharply, but instead of the overwhelming nervousness you were expecting, you feel only determination. They can’t hurt you anymore. “I’m talented. I’m experienced. And I’ll put in the work, sir– I always do. My relationship with Yoongi had no influence over either of my related jobs; I was scouted for the Possible video at a cafe, and Kim Seokjin was the original casting choice for Moon Over the Sea. I can’t deny that knowing Yoongi has helped my popularity, but I got my work, all of it, on my own. Sir.”
Mr. Park stares at you for a long while. “How are your grades?”
You blink. “Sorry?”
“You said you’re a student. How have you been doing in classes? I mean, all this work must keep you from school.”
“Fine,” you say hurriedly. “I, uh, haven’t let it interfere with my degree. I’m very efficient at multitasking.” A little white lie can’t hurt. You’re leaving to film in two days, you’ll check in with your professors tomorrow to make sure you’re good to go.
“That’s very admirable,” Mr. Park says. “And reassuring to hear. We like knowing our clients have the qualifications to continue in the workforce after retiring from entertainment.”
You nod, suddenly shivering at a chill you know isn’t real. 
“Well, I’ve received a glowing recommendation from Avery Lee, who’s worked with us for years. You certainly have more experience than many of our new stars. And a connection, even one like yours, with a group as big as BTS could help you go far. If you, as you said, ‘put in the work’,” Mr. Park smiles briefly. “Then I’d be willing to make this particular gamble, Miss L/n. Will you sign with FYP Entertainment?”
“I-” Yes! “I’d have to look at the contract first, Mr. Park. I’m sure we can negotiate a good outcome, and I’m very optimistic about my future with this agency.”
Mr. Park chuckles. “I see you know how to play the game. Your email is on the form you gave to my assistant– I’ll have her send you the contract today. And, Y/n?”
“I’d stay in touch with those boys– maybe not Yoongi, if your relationship ended badly, but… They have more power than any of us know. If you really want to get big, stick with BTS.”
You furrow your brow. Now that you think about it, it’s been a minute since your last dinner together– after all, you were meant to see them on the night you found out about Lisa’s disappearance. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
When you leave the office, you pull out your phone and call Hoseok.
“Hobi, it’s me.”
“Y/n?” Hoseok’s voice changes. “Uh, what can I do for you?”
“Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to have a Bangtan plus-one dinner again? It’s been a while.” 
“Yeah, um… What about Yoongi hyung?”
You feel a vague burning inside your chest. “He’s invited too, if he’s not busy with his new girlfriend. Our relationship was fake, remember?”
“Ah, yeah, right. How about tonight, then? Come over, Seokjin hyung’s making a souffle for dessert. We can hit a few clubs later? There’s some that are VIP enough that we can be safe.”
You laugh; Hoseok is so good at making you feel relaxed. Still, you don’t know if you’re hoping Yoongi does or doesn’t show. Either way– “That sounds excellent. See you tonight!”
"What do you want?” Yoongi growls into his phone.
“Don’t sound so grumpy, sweetheart.” Seoyeon’s voice in his ear is like poison. “I just wanted to let you know we’re going out tonight.”
“I have plans.”
Seoyeon giggles, far too happily for such a sadist. “Oh, but Suga-bear, you don’t have a choice! Let’s meet at Club Xyon at ten, okay?”
“I hate you.”
“You’re so silly! See you then. Oh,” Seoyeon’s voice turns dark. “And don’t forget what happens if you don’t show.”
A/N tysm for reading!!! <3
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
A Little Surprise - Akatsuki Story
Ello mates I am going to write today ig. Gonna do Hazbin Hotel and anime stuff just kinda miz it up a bit anyways enjoy! ------------------------------------------------- It was a sorta normal day at the Akastuki hideout or whatever. Then there was a knock on the door. Deidara: Who knocks on someone's door in the middle of the night? Sasori: Who eats a whole jar of peanut butter in the middle of the night? Deidara: Don't fucking judge me Kakuzu: Anyone gonna get that?
Everyone looks at Hidan: Hidan: Assholes Hidan gets up and walks towards the door opening it. He looks around and see no one but, he does see a basket with something moving it. He takes the basket and closes the door behind him walking back in. Hidan: Um guys something is in this basket moving- Itachi: Maybe it's some sort of small animal Zetsu: It's a child obviously dumbass The thing begins to cry. Kakuzu: Yeah I'm leaving not dealing with this. Oh wait maybe we can sell it on the market. Kisame: What the fuck is wrong with you? Kakuzu: Just tossing ideas either that or we take care of it which is no way in hell boss is going to allow it. Pain walks in hearing all of the commotion. Pain: What is this? Hidan explains what happened. (Yeah I'm lazy) Pain: Then we can look for they're parents in the morning. Kakuzu: So what do we name it? Hidan: How about Draco? Deidara: Ew no how about Bakudan? Itachi: Your really gonna name a child bomb? Deidara: Yes Itachi: Let's call it a sensible name like Bashira Kakuzu: I don't care what we name it Hidan: Bashira Kakuzu: I don't want to take care of that thing Sasori: Who says you are? Pain: Just make sure she's gone by morning Bashira starts crying. Kakuzu: I'm leaving Hidan: Shhh shhh kid don't worry Uncle Hidan's got ya hey wanna go make a mess of Kakuzu's room? Kisame: I think we should feed her, change her diaper and then put her to bed first. Deidara: Not it Sasori: Brat Hidan: What do babies eat? Can they eat sardines? Kisame: I don't think so- Hidan: That's all we have Sasori: I guess it wouldn't harm her. They feed her, change her diaper and put her in Deidara's and Sasori's room. Kakuzu: Good thing we are on the other side of the house They all say goodnight until they hear a crash in the kitchen and crying. Hidan comes rushing in. Bashira is somehow got knives off of the shelf. Hidan: They grow up so fast Kakuzu: You disgust me Deidara: Bruh Pain: How did she get out of the bed? Itachi: Gee I don't know maybe because it wasn't even that tall. Pain: I'll go get a crib or something you guys watch her Hidan: Wow the boss is so smart leaving a child with homicidal, PTSD having, weird murders. Pain: Shut the hell up before I Almighty Push you It was 2 hours before Pain came back with a teal wooden crib. They placed the baby in it and didn't hear a peep from her till morning. The baby woke up crying. Kakuzu: The ultimate way to start your day with a child screaming. Kakuzu leaves the room and goes into the living room where the child was placed. He picked her up and took her to the kitchen. Kakuzu: Now listen here you little shit your gonna eat, shut up, and not wake the others up. He got a can of baby food Pain brought the other day and fed it to her. He changed her diaper and she fell asleep on his lap. Kakuzu: Man I hate kids He patted her head.
About 10 minutes later everyone wakes up to see Kakuzu asleep along with the kid. Deidara takes a picture. Deidara: Oh this is gonna be good blackmail Sasori: Kinda cute Kakuzu wakes up. Kakuzu: You guys didn't see shit Hidan: Awwwww Kakuzu the father what a title eh? Kakuzu: You son of a bitch Hidan: Hahhaahaha Kakuzu: Shut up or you'll wake her up Hidan: I wasn't aware you cared Kisame: This is shocking Itachi: Mhm Pain: Anyways Tobi and Konan are coming to pick the child up so I guess say your goodbyes and get her ready. 30 minutes later Konan and Tobi arrive ready to collect the child Itachi: Bye little one Kisame: Have a nice life Deidara: I'm gonna miss you Bakudan Sasori: Not her name and bye Hidan: Welp guess it's so long Kakuzu: Bye you little twerp I'm not gonna miss you Tobi: SUUUURRRRRREEEEE Kakuzu: Shut the hell up Later that night Kakuzu stirs in his sleep dreaming of the little child with her family and being a happy kid. He smiles before drifting in a soundless sleep. ------------------------------------------------- I suppose this would fall under Akatsuki Scenarios but Im gonna do both. Also this is my attempt at doing fluff idk. I could make a part two either the akatsuki get to keep the kid or she grows up and remembers them blah blah blah tell me what you think
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
Welcome back folks. Read the innocence dying inside me as I accept that this show eats my expectations for lunch and leaves me like it's going to buy milk.
As a side note from what I said in my first review, here’s an interesting article. Apparently I was clowning because the Gobi desert scene was filmed (probably? idk) with the tech from the Mandalorian. I think the studios were the same. Oh well. https://www.atlasofwonders.com/2021/06/loki-filming-locations.html
Pre-title scene
The new perspective of Asgard is incredible.
Oh baby Sylvie, what did they do to you. Also, RAVONNA??
The TVA through a child’s eyes is heartbreaking. The mixed use of shots that were familiar (the feet walking into the TVA) and new (the TVA logo on the floor) convey how though routine, this is an alien experience for Sylvie.
She too wants to help the man being dragged in. Maybe Sylvie was a better person than Loki, the TVA taking her away was what changed it.
We don’t see Casey, but iIt’s the same ‘sign here’ guy. The changing perspective and music really alters the mood created, contrasting the whimsical procedure we followed in episode one.
She hadn’t even said much in her life. They knew how to influence the audience’s emotions, that's for sure. Props to the actress, I felt genuine concern for her before I remembered that she’s acting.
Ravonna probably underestimated Sylvie as a Loki, a mistake that cost her greatly.
The golden doors.
Ravonna looks tense and a bit fearful.
Scattered throughout the episode are eyes watching. George Orwell’s 1984, anyone?
Big Brother is watching.
Mobius! He’s a good friend to Ravonna, but there’s a power imbalance.
Ravonna is shaken. Her past failure is haunting her.
Someone edit the “What? How?” into “Wow.” It’ll be a service.
Lamentis - 1
Loki’s apology and Sylvie reflecting on her childhood are the conclusion to the previous episode. Faced with death, Loki realises that her goals were hindered by his actions. His apology is the first time he acknowledges he had something to do with it. Sylvie’s offering her emotional vulnerability in the form of memories. Her mind and experiences are her most prized possession because they’re all she has of the person who she was as Loki, her childhood and what she was supposed to be. Her glorious purpose, what really makes a Loki a ‘Loki’ was her life.
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T.
Ravonna pointed out that Loki will always be a “lying scourge” but they went against this. In any timeline, this could cause a nexus event. They found a middle ground.
“That should be setting off alarms if someone steps on the wrong leaf.” I had a whole idea about entropy and the timeline being an isolated system but I struggled to define an isolated system, and thus I couldn’t use the whole irreversible process causing entropy to grow causing a br- if you have a clue of what I’m going on about, or want to know more, I’ll explain my thoughts. I can understand why this isn’t scientifically accurate and I’m no physicist.
The unbranched timeline means all the things that were speculated - Wanda’s kids, what happened on Saakar, all of it - is gone.
“Any news on C - 20?”I called it! B-15 is having doubts! Her subtle unease building up throughout the ep is perfect!
Most settlements have a street design that can be from space. Sharru doesn’t.
“No. We may lose... ...you’re amazing!” Damn it literally took the end of a world for Loki to change as a person.
“Their smiles. If that isn’t people accepting their deaths I don’t know what is. Man, I just want both of them to be happy.
Please don’t let that be the love theme, it’s so pretty.
The music fading into the TVA theme as they get separated is so sad.
Time Theater 25
Back to square one in terms of trust with these two, but now they have history and hurt feelings too!
Oh Mobius.
Cycles are a part of who Loki is within Norse mythology (from what I know, correct me if I’m wrong). This scene is conflict.
Loki needs both Mobius and Sylvie to incite change. One can empathise whilst the other believes in him.
Mobius believes in Loki like no one else in the TVA. He treats him like an individual, they developed a bond in episode 2, so his disappointment and anger were genuine. This is reflected in their dialogue.
Even when Loki was going through all the Feels in ep 1, he didn’t shout at Mobius. It makes it more heartbreaking when Mobius laughs and dismisses him after the “TVA is lying to you” thing. His laugh was so bitter, it’s like his belief that Loki would be the variant to prove that variants were individuals had been shattered. What Mobius doesn’t realise is that Loki was genuinely trying to warn him. The trust between them was fragile but Mobius needed to come to his own conclusions before he could see that Loki had broken out of the mold the Time Keepers set for him.
“Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend.” Y’all, Mobius doesn’t rise to Loki’s baits. He’s so hurt.
I can’t be the only one that thought Loki was going to be brainwashed when they saw the red door. Turns out it’s just a time cell.
I love Mobius but he makes me feel so conflicted. Oh shit, he’s my problematic fave.
Watching Loki get his ass handed to him by Lady Sif shouldn’t be this funny.
This particular memory reflects what Mobius will talk about later, Loki being abandon by the people around him.
Putting Loki through a memory that was physically and emotionally painful was nasty. If you hear something horrible, over and over especially from a friend it would take a toll on your self-perception. Mobius was hurt by Loki leaving him, he’s getting revenge whilst doing his job and getting into Loki’s head.
Ravonna’s office
Ravonna has hang ups from failing with Sylvie. Who she is and what she knows is going to be interesting.
Heck I just realised are Mobius’ lapels not real? They look fake.
I wonder whether the “mastermind” thing was foreshadowing the next ep.
Am I the only one who thinks this isn’t the first Loki Mobius has dealt with? Could that mean there’s a reunion next ep?!
“Variant pet.” There’s a culture of dehumanising variants within the TVA.
The cuts showing both B-15 and Mobius’ faces reminds me of ep 1, but now there’s a new angle to things. B-15 certainly sees things differently.
Time Theatre 25
Lady Sif would kill with short hair. Or long hair. It’s Lady Sif, she’s a badass.
Loki’s exhale reminds me of how he tenses before a fight.
Notable things about this scene:
Heavy use of metaphors to trade jabs.
The lights are shifting in a consistent pattern, scanning the room almost.
Shots are constantly moving and cutting.
Loki’s speech pattern changes when he’s lying. Nice touch there.
When they start arguing in earnest, the shots are close ups of their faces, not circling around each other.
Loki was at first willing to talk to Mobius if he was treated with respect, the way they engaged in episode 2. He also wants to trust that Mobius won’t kill him. Mobius dismisses him (rightly so, his trust is gone) and Loki’s pride about ‘not working for anyone’ gets in the way rather than listening to each other. Loki’s behaviour is cyclic and his lying about Sylvie affirms Mobius’s understanding that Loki won’t (or maybe can’t) change. I wouldn’t be too surprised if Mobius is a Loki, the man’s uncannily good at reading him. He deduces that Loki and Sylvie have a bond and unsettles Loki to get answers out of him, because he knows that’s the only way he can force Loki to reveal his cards. He definitely wasn’t expecting Loki’s earlier admission to be the truth. What Mobius did was not right, but it sure was effective.
“No. Not partners.” I believe this. They had an understanding, but their goals differ. Maybe just give Sylvie her own show.
“Guess you don’t do partners.” MOBIUS WHY ARE YOU SO BUTT-HURT? Probably to make Loki feel bad ik, but it’s still funny to think Lightning McQueen is salty.
That memory really hurt Loki. He stuttered.
Loki fixates on Sylvie rather than his own freedom. This was the cue to Mobius to start interrogating.
Bruh, the feeling they were experiencing better be friendship.
This made me uncomfortable because I was so sure we weren’t gonna get a romantic subplot that I related the characters to my actual family relationships. Marvel. Why?
The music combined with Mobius’ subtle shift in demeanor from irritated to mockery was very unsettling to me. I never realised how good an actor Owen Wilson was.
“Our interests are aligned.” Once Mobius tells him the truth, Loki does the same. I really hope this is the extent of their relationship. Just let them recognise one another as equals. Please Marvel.
Mobius’ hands twitching, the slight swallow. Yeesh, he certainly doesn’t think Loki’s lying, but he’s not about to accept it.
Loki’s head shake is sad. He knows he can’t convince Mobius.
“That I can respect. I mean the lies you tell yourself.” This was the best writing imo. Loki doesn’t make any final attempts to connive his way out of the situation because telling the truth to someone he’d trusted had failed. He willingly walks into the Time Cell.
Time Theater 47
B-15 being unable to support herself, having to rely on the structures around her to stay upright. This woman deserves so much y’all.
You better appreciate her beyond shipping her with Sylvie or istg.
The music is so mournful. It just emphasises how much everything changing is going to hurt not only the main characters. Lives change because of the TVA and the events of this episode, it’s not overlooked by the writing or music.
The poster and the 1984 parallels. Exquisite!
Sylvie not sitting straight made me snort.
Ravonna Renslayer’s office
More Theremin music! This time I’m pretty sure it’s Carnival of the Animals, XIII. Le Cygne (the Swan) : Le carnaval des animaux: No. 12, Le cygne (arr. For theremin and piano) by Clara Rockmore.
Fun fact! Clara Rockmore influenced theremin music and the instrument and was a virtuoso of the instrument. Give her a google, it’s worth it. Also look up Leon Theremin, he was (among other things) a Soviet spy. There’s a great Wiki spiral for anyone there.
Mobius was probably being lined up for a high position in the TVA. Damn.
TemPads are personal, or have different levels of clearance.
Mobius didn’t stop interrogating Ravonna throughout that scene. He knew that she wasn’t telling him the whole truth.
Sleight of hand wasn’t shown how Loki and Sylvie do it, they didn’t use misdirection.
Ravonna knows something is up with Mobius. Maybe he hasn’t been around for long if this is his ‘career case’.
The pacing becomes really fast like in the end of episode 2 as conflicts get resolved. Buckle up comrades.
2050 Roxxcart Disaster
I don’t have much to add, it’s a powerful scene.
They use close ups whenever a truth bombshell is dropped.
The music varies considerably between these scenes, each one has a different tone.
“We’re the same.” With what she knows of B-15, Sylvie knew not to be smug when delivering the news about B-15’s life.
B-15 crying in the rain hurts.
“I looked happy.”
TVA archives, Time Cell, Time Theater 25
The floor opposite Mobius is FE3, above it is 3FG.
Oh Mobius.
C-20 deserved better, I'd love to see her later in the series.
The music goes from mournful to harsh and we’re left in silence when it cuts to the Time Cell.
“You told me to shut up.” Loki can be salty sometimes.
“Do you really think you deserve to be alone?” Mobius is rattled, he wants to unsettle Loki.
The music starts to build somewhere between “...your connection... “ and Loki saying “‘WE?’”
The faint tinkling reminds me of the Avatar (blue people) score.
“How about the word of a friend?” This is Loki’s olive branch. When he admits Loki was right, their trust is tentatively reinstated.
The music is finally back to that chaotic theme we know. I think it’s the TVA’s theme.
“You can be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different.” Mobius corrects what he says in the first ep.
They are friends y’all I’m so sad.
Mobius can lie through his teeth like it’s nobody’s business.
Pruning hurts, Mobius’ face is in agony.
Ravonna takes a moment to compose herself.
Time Keepers (the final smackdown)
Why are the last 10 minutes always so insane?
Loki’s eyes only show hurt. I’ll leave.
Ravonna’s so sharp, she instantly catches Sylvie’s wet hair.
All of our expectations from the trailers always get yeeted out of a window because the scenes are never really what we think they are. I get that that should be expected but it’s refreshing that the writing is never what we think it is.
Did anyone else notice the egg timer/infinity sign murals on one of the hallways to the left of Sylvie?
Ravonna is so cold (and yet I’d simp for her).
The M.C. Escher staircases I see you set designers/CGI folks.
B-15 just gets knocked out. They better not kill her for no reason or I riot.
I’m pretty sure that Sylvie ripped off one of Ravonna’s TVA badges (or buttons) when she fought her.
Sylvie’s the better fighter, she’s had to use it more often though.
The elevator doors stay open.
It would be so funny if we get an elevator scene where Sylvie is just dragging Ravonna somewhere.
They really led us on with the Time Keepers, particularly the middle one. I was somewhat convinced there’d be something more to it. I’m interested to see where it goes.
Ep 4 review
I really don’t have much to add with these last two episodes. I’ve definitely come to appreciate that no matter whether you liked the writing of the show or not, it’s never what you expect. Is that a good thing? I guess that that remains to be seen. Nonetheless, I appreciate how much effort went into this series. It’s been a fun romp, I’ll be back with my reviews of the final episodes. I’ll also stop posting Loki content to my blog because the Gods know that my followers don’t read this lol.
I’m just going to survive until the season is over and then hopefully keep my sanity together until the next Marvel content or at least Dr. Strange.
Here's the link to my episode 3 review.
Thank you all for being here, you're wonderful my loves.
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route up to chapter 15
So I've reached the point in Yves' route where I could choose which ending route (? idk) to pick and lemme just say that it's been cute... up until chap 15-ish. Also I drained my wallet dry just to get the premium avatars and his povs because imma simp for Yves so RIP me I guess
Okay, so summaries mean spoilers so imma put them all under the cut for all yall who don't wanna get spoiled. I may or may not have missed some points (especially about the plot i’msosorry) and maybe I understood some things wrong so feel free to correct me (pls). This is SUPER messy so proceed with caution
So first of all.
I mean he gave me strong Jonah vibes at first, it’s still there but kinda... different?
On MC's first day at the castle, while she was strolling around, she notices Yves  watching her from behind a pillar wtf. When he's found out he was like "i-it's not like I was worried about you stfu" and afterwards he told MC that he's gonna keep an eye on her because he's not sure she’d do her job as Belle right but he says he's only doing it because he's doing his duty as a prince yea right
Later they bumped into Nokto who reminded MC about the Belle system (MC: dafuq is that???). After they explained all that Yves was like "yo you better not fall in love with me or else" and MC replied with "bruh if you ever steal my heart then I'm all yours for eternity" then Yves comes back with "if you ever steal mine then imma do the same. But i kid you not, that will NEVER happen" and they both laughed it off like it's nothing. Meanwhile Nokto's just listening from the side like "HA HA BET"
Anyway, part of Yves keeping an eye on MC means he'd spend some quality time™️ with her and him going to her room to wake her up 😂 also, he decided to show her around and tell her about the princes so she can get a grasp of them to see who is the most suitable to be the next King. So he gives her a memo pad to write their deets down on and she got to talk to everyone except Chevalier cuz that dude scary 😭 MC's feeling down because she really wanted to know what his plans are if he becomes King. Seeing this, Yves comforts her with a leFtOvEr piece of cake from dinner. MC goes on bout how being affected by this whole thing is a disgrace to her Belle title so she's determined to try again. Yves is impressed by this so he silently supports her. In the end, ye, MC got Chevalier to talk and all is well not
After all the introductions, our girl MC straight out tells Yves "Aye this is great and all, but you've never really told me about yourself fam" because ye, she got a point tho. He kept singing praises about the other princes but never really talked about himself
SO... he takes her out to town on a date the next day to show (yes, show) her, and while walking she notices that everyone they passed by whispered under their breaths about how Yves has such a doll-like face and all that. But that's not all...
They also whispered bout how they shouldn't go near Yves and his backstory is revealed: Yves has some Obsidian blood in him, and the Obsidian kingdom, let's say, have some beef that's as old as time with Rhodolite and the other kingdoms(??). Also his earring was given to him by his mother who is from Obsidian 🥺 But he doesn't hate her from what I've read so, there's that
SOOO ye. Everyone avoids him and spreads rumors bout him, he thinks everyone hates him but he doesn't give a fuck bout that. He says as long as he realizes his own self worth, all those don't matter to him. But MC notices that Yves hates himself more than anyone does. That he puts up this proud façade just to hide his real feelings. That before you can even ask him to spit it out, he's just gonna sweep all that aside with his 'idgaf' attitude. He also revealed that he plans to bring the Kloss family’s honor back if he becomes King. Oh, and he mentioned there may come a time when he’ll betray Rhodolite so... o.O
Returning from the date, MC bumps into Leon who decided to spill some tea bout why Yves actually wanted to keep an eye on her (I'm sorry but I kinda breezed through this part so this was all I could remember 🙇‍♀️). Then one day Leon and Licht (either or both of them, idk) told them Jin suddenly collapsed or smth, so they rushed to the kitchen and saw Jin looking weak as he laid on the floor. Yves was worried af, while MC just noticed how Leon and Licht were all chill bout the whole thing, so she realized they were clowning Yves lolol. Jin dramatically tells Yves how he would die if he weren't to eat some of Yves' sweets and Yves was like "??? U CLOWN you even got MC worried-- wdym you caught on??? Haaa!?" And they teased him loool. In the end, Yves bakes a cake for them, when MC notices that it looked like the leftover cake Yves gave her one time. MC asked Yves if it was and he was in full panic mode. Licht was like "leftover??? But whenever Yves bakes smth there are never leftovers 🤔" so Licht tells her that Yves might have baked it just for her, to which the latter denied lolol u tsun
Anyway, to get to know Yves more, MC spends more time with him, yada yada, all that stuff, until they go out to town again. There they notice a group of performers playing and she also notices how interested he was. She then asked him if he wanted to watch them, but Yves declined since he's worried he'll only ruin the mood (iirc he thinks of himself as a bad luck magnet of some sort?). MC manages to persuade him and after he plays, everyone is in awe and like "omg, Prince Yves is actually good :O" And for the first time, Yves felt like he actually belonged and wasn't feared by the Rhodolites.
Everything was cute and all until they get caught in the rain, yada yada, and when they get home they both get sick so Sariel tells them to rest up. Oh, and did I mention they SHARED A BED? No? Well, they did 😏
When Yves wakes up, he notices he's been hugging MC in his sleep and he's SHOOKETH. He then has a slight internal conflict bout why his heart is going doki doki with just hugging MC, then as if he's struck by lightning he's like "omg, I like MC???" When she wakes up he immediately sputters "i don't like u ok!!?!" Then he rushes out to go to the library and look up the meaning of love lololol then he finds they are all applicable to what he feels for MC. But he still denies it because of the stupid system 🙄 then he's found by Luke and gets teased 🤣
After the gathering, she runs to the kitchen and finds Yves there. He told her he spent the night preparing a whole FEAST for MC to reward her for going through all that shiz and MC immediately feels guilty so she cries. She tried to play it off like it’s nothing and the next thing she knew Yves was kissing her tears away. It was her turn to be SHOOKETH but before she could comprehend shit Yves remembered he forgot smth then zoomed out the kitchen. Once outside, he was in panic mode yet again because he didn’t mean to actually do that. He’s like “oh no I like MC I’m screwed”, but in the end, he thinks MC is the one in trouble because she’s liked by someone like him boi I can’t wait for him to see the light istg
After all that, MC is informed bout a gathering Rhodolite is to hold with Benitoite and Jade so she gets ready for that, and when the day comes she’s kinda nervous and stuff. Before going she bumps into Yves who decides to ease her nervousness by fixing her hair (ugh get you a man 💯) and they talk some more about him, how Yves put more effort into acting and looking like a prince to hide the fact that he’s actually 'defective goods’ or smth and through that he feels like he actually has some value. Then he cheers her up by returning the words she’d told him before and it works like a charm ❤ MC then learns that Yves won’t be going to the gathering because “no Obsidian peeps allowed” and since he’s half Obsidian... 🥺 She did promise to meet him at the kitchen once it’s over. Anyways, MC meets diff people, until some punk from Benitoite or Jade talks smack about Yves and comments how he should just be sent back to Obsidian. As much as this pissed her off, all she could do was be silent and wait for the convo to end.
Also, by the end of chap 15, some stuff happens that will actually get the plot moving lol
Aaaaand that’s that for chappies 1~15! I might make another one for the remaining half or when I finish an ending. If you made it this far, here's this leFtOvEr cake from Yves 🍰
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shifting-haven · 4 years
Shifting Update: tried to shift while awake
no clue what happened, but now im feeling disconnected from my body and I have a very centralized headache (it’s right in the center of my forehead and flared up for a few seconds, now it’s not so bad)
TL;DR: tried to shift while awake, listened to lowkey sus binaural beats audio on apple music which I think threw me off, opened my eyes too soon even though I was starting to feel symptoms because I was impatient, ended up feeling really bad. 
Moral of the story: ig don’t listen to sus shit (and if you’re like me, try and keep to one playlist/audio you listen to while you shift), and don’t open your eyes too soon while trying to shift.
uh, yeah, so, like it said, bruh, I think I fucked up my soup-
So I see quite a bit about shifting while awake and honestly?? Iconic. Love that. There’s just one hiccup, I have.. issues with being patient sometimes.
So of course, the first time I try it, I open my eyes too early and end up feeling all kinds of fucked up. My body was numb, I felt absolutely drained. I felt completely disconnected from my CR. It was like I was a zombie, or as if I were somehow partially connected to my AS (Alternate Self, or ‘clone’, for those who don’t know what I mean).
Also, partially unrelated, but when I was trying to shift, I started to feel my actual body change. Not only could I really feel everything from my DR around me, I could actually feel my body changing (I’m more muscular in my DR and I’m much leaner).
so, hey, rad! I’m one step closer to fully shifting! Tonight I’m going all out, no interruptions, no impatience, just me, my bed, melatonin, and my DR.
I think it had something to do with my music, actually. Idk why, but I just get the feeling that it was because I wasn’t listening to my usual sleep stuff and tried to use binaural beats. Honestly, the audio was kinda sus (don’t listen to sus audio, kids), so maybe I shouldn’t have listened to it. When I shift tonight I’m going to listen to my usual music instead of binaural beats, that should make it easier on me.
anyways, toodles, i got a hot date with my water bottle, anime, and a bowl of apple jacks cereal ‘,B^)
edit: had to fix some stuff there were a few mistakes. i guess i was more messed up than i realized lmao. There were a couple of places where I started something then left off lmao.
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temarisnara · 4 years
Temari, Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee
favorite thing about them: i've written this 3 times!!!! BUT!!!! i love that at the age of FIFTEEN she'd already got the title cruelest konoichi. like. ilu queen. and she's so confident too, like she knows she could wreck anyone's shit, she goes up against MADARA without ever pausing. and i love that whilee on the battlefield she's cruel, as a civillian she's just...lowkey a bitch. like she's scary and people know to fear her but she doesnt actually...bully anyone besides shikamaru. she's also so ride or die for her brothers and i LOVE it.
least favorite thing about them: whatever that ooc mess was that was used to get her and shikamaru together.
favorite line: idk but when she tells madara "don't understimate me!" GO OFF QUEEN
brOTP: gaara and kankuro, 100%. the sand siblings are so fucking good. i could talk all day about them. in the leaf i think she vibes with ino, though she needs Breaks. she didn't like, Get choji at first but the more she got to know him she's like "oh i get it he's just Genuinely Good" and now he's her favorite. i also like to imagine she and karui bonded over not being from the leaf, and also having ino as their sister in law. that's a unique experience okay.
OTP: shikamaru!!!!!!!
nOTP: i dont really have any?? i just can't ship her with anyone but shikamaru, i think he's it for her. temari was never really one to be concerned over romance or anything, it's not something she cared about, and she kind of expected an arranged marriage so she was more focused on Not doing that. but then shikamaru happened and it was like. oh. she actually wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him. huh. gross.
random headcanon: i have a lot of Thoughts about temari as a mother. i think that she never planned on being one, just like how she never planned on falling in love. it wasn't opposition, just. her childhood was fucked up, she had no good parental role models, she was much more interested in being a konoichi. but then she and shikamaru got serious and shikamaru is the head of the nara clan and he needed an heir. she agreed to it, in a few years, but shikadai was an oops ! so anyway, temari hated being pregnant lmao which is why they only had shikadai. but once he was born temari is like "oh. i'll kill and die for this child." like shikadai wasn't Real to her until she held him (vs shikamaru, who's been obsessed with that child since temari first started showing). temari actually tried going back to work when shikadai was a year old but pretty quickly she realized "fuck this". temari likes working, a lot, but she also likes being needed and she just likes her kid! so she oversaw all his training from the time he was old enough. it was hard at first, because she's never babied him, but she knew that the training she recieved was uh, not acceptable, so she struggled with what pace was actually okay for his age. hinata and sakura actually helped a lot here- hinata also had Fucked Up training as a child and sakura trained with tsunade who is Insane so they were able to figure out what worked best for their children. GOD THIS GOT LONG. anyway. i love temari and shikadai thank u.
unpopular opinion: i love shikatema so much but she was done so fucking dirty
song i associate with them: hurricane by the fray
favorite picture of them: she always looks so cool
favorite thing about them: god. i hate this but i genuinely love how smart he is and how fucking lazy he is. like how he kept complaing about his match with temari being moved up and then you realize it's because he was relying on the shadows? bitch. he's so cool. and when he pretended to be asleep rather than deal with whatever the fuck orochimaru was doing ESRTYTJU that's when i knew i loved him. but also, i love his development. like he really just wanted to coast through life, didnt want to get involved in anything, just wanted a plain wife and two boring kids. he had absolutely no aspirations. and he never had a ~change of heart~ for his own sake, he just surrounded himself by people who genuinely inspired him and he wanted to be of use to them. l love him!!!
least favorite thing about them: like the misogyny doesn't bother me THAT much because hashtag it could be worse! but it's not good lmao
favorite line: BITCH! "i'm your god" SIR I LOVE YOU. also his line about how he can't die because naruto doesn't have a smart younger brother to help him, and he's the only one capable of being naruto's advisor.
brOTP: ino and asuma are the only Strictly platonic ones but obviously i LOVE his friendships with choji and naruto
OTP: TEMARIIIIIIIII, also choji and naruto.........i'm soft
nOTP: listen. it's not notp but everytime i remember people ship shikaino i'm like "they're siblings???" like no judgement, i have too many fucking ships fandom calls siblings, but their dynamic is SO sibling like to me lmao. also like...shikamaru loves ino and would do anything for her but he does NOT like her ass. you know he avoids her when he's too tired to deal with her bullshit.
random headcanon: LET'S KEEP TALKING ABOUT SHIKADAI. so when shikamaru's dad dies he has a line about how he wasn't around when shikamaru was growing up, and shikamaru obviously doesn't resent him for that, but he does make a concious choice to Not do that. it'd be too easy to get wrapped up in his job, but he won't let himself. he makes sure to make time for shikadai. they play shogi together, and shikamaru is very involved in his training, and even when he's exhausted from work he'll listen to shikadai talk about his day and never show how tired he is. he loves his kid so much, temari makes fun of him for being soft. also when shikadai was a baby shikamaru was lowkey obsessed with him lmao. temari needed Breaks but shikamaru...never really did. even when he was crying he would just hold and bounce him until he calmeed down (also shikamaru was way better at calming shikadai down than temari lmao)
unpopular opinion: listen. is shikamaru misogynistic? yes. but he doesn't like, hate women or think less of them, he just needed to learn that not every woman is as insane as ino. i've seen too many "naruto as vines" videos where it's like shikamaru is like "oh sorry i fell asleep waiting for you to make me a sandwich" like thats not him!
song i associate with them: uh nicotine by P!ATD
favorite picture of them: my header on twitter i guess idk!
favorite thing about them: oh gosh. i genuinely like that he was a fucking angry child. he had every right to be. the hyuuga system is FUCKED! he projected it onto hinata, which wasn't fair to her, but god. he didn't have an outlet and the chunnin exams was his only opportunity to take his anger out on the main branch. anyway i love that after naruto beat his ass he was like "okay maybe i should stop being a prick" and he just. got better. became friends with his team. healed his relationship with hinata. he became so genuinely good
least favorite thing about them: this motherfucker really had me CRYING over him. rude as fuck.
favorite line: i am way too tired to think about this
brOTP: HINATA!!!!!!! also rock lee.
OTP: tenten!
nOTP: hinata. i hate you freaks.
random headcanon: himawari would've been his favorite. like, he loves boruto, that's his nephew, but he's a mini naruto and that's. exhausting. himawari is perfect in neji's eyes though and tenten makes fun of him for it.
unpopular opinion: its' not unpopular but genuinely it's bullshit he died when hinata's dad was RIGHT THERE. like. i will never not be fucking heated that neji died to protect hinata and her dad was just twiddling his goddamn thumbs as it happened. you useless FUCK. god. anyway i also hate that neji's death he just talked to naruto like his speech to naruto was good but we deserved more neji and hinata talking. i also don't like he died for naruhina to happen lmao we've talked about this, someone in the konoha 11 needed to die for naruto to prove obito wrong, and i dont even mind that it was neji, but his death shouldn't have had anything to do with naruhina.
song i associate with them: i dont have one but uhhh i found a neji playlist so i'm gonna say r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighborhood
favorite picture of them: bruh. idc.
rock lee
least favorite thing about them: WHERE'S HIS SCREENTIME KISHIMOTO
favorite line: dude he's so weird i have no idea
brOTP: neji and tenten!!! and GAI OF COURSE. AND SAKURA. 10/10.
nOTP: listen there is GENUINELY nothing wrong with it but i dont vibe with rock lee/tenten.
random headcanon: ok this isn't a real headcanon but i made myself laugh yesterday thinking that orochimaru got bored and cloned rock lee and that's where metal lee came from. anyway real headcanon is he's married to gaara in boruto. thank u.
unpopular opinion: shut up about his and gaara's fight oh my GOD i dont care
song i associate with them: uhhhh idk here have a rock lee tribute
favorite picture of them: what's important is his good heart
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haosvteen · 4 years
i said i was going to post my slept on kpop playlist, so here it is!! this is just my favorite boy groups because that’s like...who i listen to lol :) i hope you like it!!
if anyone wants to read my rambling thoughts and favorite lyrics from each song, they’re under the ‘keep reading’ cut :) it took me like two hours to do, so if you wanna take a quick peek at me talking about “vibes” of songs and coming up with dumb little scenarios for the songs, please do :)
p.s. feel free to take a look around my spotify, i have a bunch of dumb playlists lolol
7 Days - NCT Dream: i just love the vibe of this song, it’s one of my faves to just chill and dance in my room to || ‘7 days a week, i’ll always / hover by your side / so just tell me comfortably / whenever you call me, / i can just run to you’
Break Your Rules - The Boyz: idk why but this song reminds me of a montage in a show of a boy falling in love with a girl...basically i just wanna fall in love || ‘my dreams are filled with you all night / now is a chance to make them come true’
Let me hear you say - Seventeen: you know i had to put this in like it’s probably my favorite song from an ode. just the pre-chorus, the chorus, the whole thing...*chef’s kiss*. minghao really shines in this song too (proud of my bby) || ‘i only wish for you yeah / you’re the only one sailing in my heart’
Not Alone - NCT 127: nct is typically known for “noise music”, but i don’t think people really take the time to look into songs like this that are just so pretty and beautiful || ‘even if the black night gets longer / i`m not afraid / embrace my dream more’
Drift Away - Seventeen: this song!! it’s just the sweetest sounding song, like it really is just like honey to me. that’s weird, i know, but it just makes me so happy and reminds me of like walking through a park in spring with flowers on the trees and blowing through the wind || ‘you who’d lean on me during hard times / walking slowly and heavily / and then you became a part of my memories’
Best Friend - NCT Dream: just another cute lil song that’s fun and makes me happy hehe, leave it to the dreamies || ‘you came out a bit late / but I’m used to it / because of you it’s okay yeah’
Playdate - EXO-CBX: omg can someone please just come sweep me off my feet for a casual, fun date in the city...that’s what this song reminds me of ugh i want it so bad!!! || ‘are you ready to be loved? / i'll catch a shooting star / and place it in your hand’
Hello - Seventeen: jun, seokmin, mingyu unit let’s get it!!! i love this song so much, it’s just a great song about having a lil crush and it makes my heart happy..also makes me want someone to have a crush on me like so badly. side note, but can we please talk about mingyu’s part in the bridge?? || ‘You, more than my heart / i’m curious about your heart / you, from now on / i want our days to be each other’s days’
Get Cool - Stray Kids: just a super fun, chill song to listen to maybe while by the pool or on the beach. this song it suuuch a personality song like it’s so fun || ‘let's not worry so much / just for today’
1 to 10 - Day6: this viiiiibes of this song holy sh*t. and like i don’t know anything about music or anything, but the way the notes sound at the end of the chorus?? are so?? perfect?? like they just sound so great to my ears. is this a normal thing? someone lmk || ‘i know you / no one knows you / nobody loves you / more than me baby’
I Do Love U - Monsta X: yet again just another fun song that makes my heart happy, like i love listening to this song on drives with the windows down. another song about a crush, further proving that i want someone to have a crush on me || ‘i like you, i like you / even explaining it with words, it’s lacking / i love you, love you / expressing these words / i do love you’
Love Me Now - NCT 127: nowowowow yeah, i love this song. it’s a super chill song to listen to and very easy to sing along to, so great for drives. i really love haechan’s voice in this song, he has an add-in during the second chorus, i think, that i really like || ‘when I walk the path, your scent is passing by / so I subconsciously looking for you again / the rain is pouring and it takes me back to that time / on that street where I kissed you’
WITH U - Ateez: so basically this song makes me want to have someone who is in love with me and wants to spend time with me. it is just such a romantic song and i can’t want to be with someone who i’m completely in love with and who is completely in love with me and we slow dance in the living room to this song || ‘do you remember? / the promise I made to you that I would never stop / i'm still walking / no matter what difficulties may interrupt me’
Sun&Moon - NCT 127: this was actually one of the first nct songs i heard!! i really love the pre-chorus of this song, like okay get into it!! very romantic song and imo also pretty sexy vibes || ‘even if you’re in a place / where I can’t touch you / i can feel you’
Love Again - Baekhyun: alright this song...does things to me. like...the lyrics i- maybe it’s because baekhyun is my exo bias, but like...boy can get it...immediately. (also if joshua hong is bored and wants to cover this song...that would be appreciated) || ‘say that you love me again / don't leave me alone baby / just stay for the night baby, yeah’
I Wish - Seventeen: okay so i’ve barely seen anyone talking about this song and uh??? what’s up w that??? this is actually probably my third favorite from heng:garae after l&r and mymy. it really just reminds me of walking down a snowy street at night, hand in hand with the love of your life || ‘sometimes I think of you / i��cry and I laugh / i'm trying to erase you / with a broken heart’
Trauma - EXO: bruh the very beginning of this song, i think someone is right in my ear. this song gets me hyped, no lie, like i dance to this in my room like at least five times a week and pretend i’m in a club or something. it’s so fun imo (if nct dream is bored, do they wanna cover?) || ‘the wounds come back to life / i try to avoid them but get hurt every time / i know, it can’t just be me’
Save You - GOT7: hm, i can see this playing when y/n rolls up to jackson wang’s pool party. this is just a super chill, fun song i really like!! also can we talk about that pre-chorus || ‘i'll find you / you don't have to call me / always be with you oh’
Fronting - Seventeen: THIS SONG, i listen to jihoon’s bridge every day and i’m not even kidding. this song is such a bop. this is one of the top kpop songs that gets stuck in my head. honestly, please just look up all of the lyrics to this song because it’s actually very iconic imo || ‘i woke up, even in dreams, baby / i still dream of chasing you, what should i do? / there is no other girl like you / seventeen can’t control these feelings’
Betcha - Baekhyun: this was probably my song of the summer in 2019, i listened to it first thing every single time i got into the car to go anywhere. i can’t even describe like?? why i like it so much?? it just makes me feel special, like if you think about the lyrics while listening...perhaps i feel like the only girl in the world...perhaps || ‘it's just the two of us / what you waiting for? / you're my soul / we're gonna be perfect for each other / i believe it, no doubt’
Network Love - Seventeen: int’l line, let’s get it. this is just a super fun song that (once again) i love just jamming out to in my room. also minghao is super impressive in this song imo :,) || ‘before i meet you / i don’t know where / the world is so big’
See You Again - Monsta X: lowkey, don’t clown me but i’ll listen to this song in the car and pretend my “boyfriend” & i just broke up and i’m driving away from his place. why am i so dramatic, guys i am actually the most dramatic individual on earth. nonetheless, this song is fire (wish hyungwon had more lines but you know...life isn’t fair so) || ‘when I finally open my black eyes now / i end up feeling this void / i beg you to grab my hand / so that I can feel happy again’
#Summervibes - GOT7: they did not lie when they called the song summer vibes, but it really is. this song makes me feel like i’m on a romantic vacation with my “boyfriend” (jinyoung wya) and we’re just having fun in love and OOO possibly we’re dancing with each other late at night at a beach club or something and we’re both a lil tipsy and i’m going to stop before i write a whole scenario (psst i know this is japanese, but still it’s a bop so i included it) || ‘the dazzling prism of a diamond ring is shining on you / the waves ripple disorderly / shooting a cinematic scene so it doesn’t disappear / i wanna let it remain in my heart’
Swimming Fool - Seventeen: y’all knew it was going to be on here like it’s me we’re talking about here. do i even need to explain?? like this song made me a better person and change my life, it is so fun and i want to see it live one day however i know that it’ll never happen, but i can dream. this song is one of the best of seventeen’s entire discography and i just love it so much everyone listen to swimming fool and give it love because maybe if we show it enough love, then perf unit will perform it live again pls pls pls. and also let’s take a moment to discuss the lyrics because this song isn’t simply about some buys having a fun time swimming. no, it’s all a ~metaphor~ because like you’re the pool/water and they’re a swimming fool because they are just so entranced by you and in love with you. and i think that’s beautiful. in this essay i will... || ‘because i’ve fallen for you / i’m drowning in you / my movement becomes slower / and i start to lose my breath / i’m a swimming fool’
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mecommentating · 4 years
Twilight: Chapters 1-8
I was bored and when I’m bored I read cheesy romance novels. Now seemed as good a time as any to read this series that I’ve heard so much about. 
Basically these are just my thoughts on the novel as I’m reading it. I already know quite a bit about the story so that is heavily effecting my thoughts and predictions. 
Of course there will be spoilers. 
Bella is like a kitten she tries to be intimidating and angry but really she’s just this cute little fluff ball that trips over nothing. It’s hilarious
Edward is just infuriating
Bruh. This guy- He was like you shouldn’t be my friend, stay away from me. Then he goes so do you wanna go to Seattle with me on Saturday? DUDE just stop 
I can’t take this book seriously. The writing’s bad. The characters are bad, the story is meh. But, inexplicably, I love it. It’s so funny. 
Okay. So I know Edward likes her but at this point in the book he has made no indication that his fascination and attraction to her is anything but pure friendliness and curiosity. But she’s like YO HE LIKES ME WHAT DOES THIS MEEEAAAANNN?!?!?!
WHAT THE- DUDE This guuuuuuuuuuuy Come on!  He has repeatedly been like nope we can’t be friends you should avoid me and then he asks her to go to Seattle with him. And then he’s like you should stay away. AND NOW he is sitting alone at lunch makes eye contact with her and then motions her over AND WINKS
He sounds like someone who would trick her into his car and then drive away and rape her. The way he asked her to sit with him sounded terrifying. Of course I can’t actually hear him but that was 100% the vibe I was getting 
Edward after Bella questions why he invited her to sit with him for lunch: “I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.”
I’m team anybody but Edward 
Yeah if I didn’t know he was a vampire who has no idea how to handle his emotions I would be terrified that Edward was going to assault Bella
This guy has no idea how to talk to people. I get it he’s in love or whatever but dude stop being creepy
This dude is being her friend and when Bella says he’s her friend he’s like WOAH no no no we’re not friends I just like hanging out with you and stuff....
HA she thinks he’s Batman or Spider-Man she can’t decided that’s awesome
Because he can read minds Bella! Just not yours for some reason.
Ooo this boy is hot and he knows it look at him wrapping her around his finger
Edward go shoot your self
Oh my gods Bella. He has literally told you stay away I’m not safe like 10 times and it just now occurred to you that he might be dangerous?!
Ooo look at Edward skipping class how edgy
ooooh I see why Edward skipped class today
Haha this girl is scared of blood and she’s going to join a vampire clan? That’s a stupid idea.Her fear of blood is like crippling. She almost passed out and is now lying on the sidewalk trying to calm herself down.
How does she handle her period then? That must be a traumatic week...
This guy just kidnapped her 
Edward I know it’s hilarious but you laughing is just going to piss her off so please let’s avoid a temper tantrum and stop laughing
What the- So Mike (he likes Bella hates Edward I find him annoying) just walks into the nurses office with another guy who fainted when he saw blood and Edward is like Bella get out of the office right now
What is Mike gonna do? What did you read in Mike’s mind, Ed?
Bella is like 2 steps from being a Vampire. She hates the smell of blood. Not the sight of it just the smell. And did she not notice that Edward just referred to her as human as in he’s not
He actually just dragged her to his car. Is nobody else concerned? 
Oh look at that they just bonded over classical music
LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL  Edward like low key just asked if Bella’s parents would be okay if he married her. You have known her for barely two months you need to calm down lover boy. 
“There are no secrets in Forks.” oh then I guess everyone knows that the best doctor around and all of his family are vampires??
Edward. Shut up. 
Nobody likes you Jessica. Shut up, I don’t want your opinion. 
Okay how does Bella plan on getting out of town with Edward with out her dad and the entire town asking questions. Her truck is loud and distinctive. If she leaves it anywhere in town everyone will know within 5 minutes. And she cant leave it in her drive way because then her dad will get suspicious. AND is she going to take Edward clothing shopping with her?! I see flaws in this plan. 
Do drift wood fires really burn blue? holy frick it does. Whaaaaaaaaaaat. OH it’s also toxic and not safe to burn so um they’re all going to die. 
*gasp* is this when we meet the werewolf people?! Jacob? *mutters* is that his name? 
Haha I knew it
If they’re pretty they’re not human. That is what this book has taught me. 
I like Jacob. He sticks around right?
haha he likes her. Man I wish I could in good conscious ship them. He’s funny, a good talker, attractive, builds cars. What more could she want? But no. She chooses Edward. Which is fine. I assume I’ll eventually like him too. But right now I’m all for Jacob. 
Oh I bet the Cullens don’t come to the beach because of the Blacks. 
NOOOOOO no no no Bella please for the love of god do not try and flirt it will not work and will only end up embarrassing you and me. 
How is this working?
Jacob has got to be pulling her leg or something. There is no way he’d actually be giving away clan secrets like this. 
Looks like he is.  
What an idiot. 
YEAH Vampires! Finally. 
Yeah uh huh be worried Jacob. You just told the biggest secret ever to the one person who is going to believe you. 
Yeeaaaah Team Jacob. Bella stop leading on the better of your two options. Everyone knows you won’t choose him except for him. 
 Listen to your dream. It’s more accurate than you know. 
Her just listening to the same album over and over again is so relatable. 
Believe it Bella. He’s a Vampire. Now go confront him about it. 
Foreshadowing that Edward is from the 18th century? Did he know Jane Austin? 
ha I love her dad. 
Lol Tyler my guy you don’t have a chance. 
OOOOOOH sunlight right. The sparkle or whatever in the sun so they can’t go to school when there’s direct sunlight. I’m so freaking slow. Thanks for explaining, Angela. 
oh no... The dudes have her trapped. Edward is going to show up. I would bet money on it. 
haha silver car that had better be edward- aw that move was smooth as hell- yeah edward! 
Little did you know that Vampires are amazing get away drivers. They can even do fancy driving tricks. If you want a good chauffeur hire a Vampire. 
What’s wrong, Eddy? Why you so mad?
Aw. He got so riled up for her. He really needs to learn to not feel things so strongly but it’s still cute. 
Yeah maybe don’t try and distract him by talking about someone he might see as a threat to your affection for him.  
Dang he’s a good driver. 
lol I haven’t liked Edward at all. He’s annoying, possessive, can’t control his emotions, cocky. Then I find out he’s a good driver and I’m like ooo I like him. I am such an idiot. 
Edward you don’t eat. Why do you want to take Bella out for dinner? That’s just going to be awkward. 
Oh nooooo. Every single person in Forks is going to know that Bella stayed behind with Edward. uuuuugh this is a nightmare. 
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?? This guy has been alive for who knows how long and you’re telling me he has no idea the effect he has on women? He doesn’t know the paralyzing ability his smile has? Bullcrap. 
oh oh oh he’s giving her his jacket oooooh she has fallen forever
oh and he wears turtle necks. I aproooove. Turtle necks are so cool. Idk but I love them. 
Lol I don’t think he thinks she’s human. He knows she’s not a vampire but she does not act like a human. 
NO do not question him Bella. This is a bad idea. I do not advise.
“Let’s call him ‘Joe’“ LOL
lol she’s a trouble magnet and it’s the truth
ooo that’s a nice word: Unequivocally
HE WAS FOLLOWING HER?! that’s not creepy at all! 
wait. what?
Ooooh he wanted to kill her the first time they met and yet he didn’t kill her I get it now
Tell her. 
okay calm down buddy Bella is okay everyone is fine you need to take a deep breathe and calm down. 
oh shoot okay going to dinner was a smart idea it kept him from killing people
Why can’t he read her mind? I wanna know. 
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