#sorry for the essay anon 😂
fadedsweater · 2 months
Hello! For no particular reason whatsoever (jk this is for the Arlathan Exchange), what is Eira Lavellan's canon timeline of events in DAI? How does her relationship with Solas evolve?
Oh hello anon, and thank you for the ask! 👀
Great question! Definitely not helped by the fact that most of my published fics are post-trespasser stuff and aus and smut 😂
This is gonna be a LONG one. So I'm putting it under a cut and tagging it with "OC lore" to make it easy to find. Feel free to skim as needed! Some of this may be a bit repetitive from my exchange letter.
Before I start though, I just want to make it super clear that you absolutely don't have to use my OC, and I will love whatever you make whether it's an OC or a generic Lavellan. 💛
Eira's timeline follows the in-game canon pretty closely, except I usually lengthen the amount of time the events of Inquisition take (because a single year feels very unbelievable to me.)
Before the events of the game start, she's in her mid-thirties, has been the First of her clan for many years, and is probably expecting to become the clan's Keeper in the next few years or so. Her father is a halla keeper and her mother works with textiles. Her name is Eira (loosely translated as "snow" in Elvhen) because she was born during a rare cold snap, during which the snow stuck around for longer than usual.
When she was a child, she thought she'd become a halla keeper like her dad, but then her magic revealed itself and she became the clan's First instead. Her clan travels around the Amaranthine Ocean's coast outside of Wycome, sticking to forests when they aren't trading with humans. They take their halla up into the mountains in the spring to graze and harvest their wool. (I like to imagine halla are similar to different breeds of cashmere goats!)
As the Herald, Eira sides with the mages. She doesn't love being the so-called "Herald of Andraste," but is shrewd about her position -- she has the Anchor, there's a hole in the sky, someone has to deal with (and if she can leverage that position to help her people, she will). She's patient (if at times a bit cold) with her advisors and new companions. She warms up to most everyone eventually (particularly becoming friends with Dorian, Bull, Cole, and Cassandra) but is keenly aware of her position and the weight and baggage that the title of Herald and later Inquisitor hold. I haven't actually decided how she deals with the Winter Palace yet. My gut says she probably finds a way to ally with Briala. Later on she also allies with the wardens, much to Solas’s chagrin.
Other decisions: she becomes a knight enchanter, she saves the Chargers, she (gently) convinces Solas to spare the mages who accidentally kill Wisdom, she keeps Cole as a spirit, she helps Vivienne with the wyvern heart, she helps Cullen stop lyrium, and she forgives Blackwall. She does not drink from the Well (which she later feels regret and grief about). She keeps her vallaslin. Her clan survives the events of Inquisition, and she maintains a good relationship with them.
Her "sit in judgement" decisions rely on empathy and the desire to see people become better. She isn't cruel and doesn't enjoy suffering, and doesn't make decisions out of revenge. She's diplomatic where she can be, and values harm reduction. If someone can be better, and be useful or helpful (like in the case of sparing Alexius and having him study under the Inquisition's watch), she'll pursue that. This of course informs her desire to save Solas at the end of trespasser. She not only sees him as worth saving but as capable of being saved.
I'd say her relationship with Solas also develops pretty closely to what we see in canon. They start as kind of hesitant allies, then become friends, and then realize they have feelings for each other, have the Fade kiss, etc. In the very beginning, they're kind of wary of each other, but Eira soon comes to enjoy talking with Solas. While she does disagree with him on several subjects (like the Dalish), she finds that he's usually open to hearing her out and admitting when he's wrong, which she respects. She almost sees him as an odd sort of puzzle, and is kind of compelled by him, and starts to enjoy their discussions and their arguments. Having spent much of her life aware and embedded in Dalish politics, she's used to dealing with difficult people, so I don't think she's too put off by Solas’s more difficult nature. It helps that he does seem to genuinely care about helping people -- that means a lot to her. Here's a summary (from a wip of course 😂) of that relationship stage from Solas’s POV:
Still they argue often. He challenges her Dalish beliefs about spirits and the Fade, about their gods and their stories, and she challenges his own assumptions in turn. He finds she is not as ignorant as he once feared. He finds instead that her beliefs are nuanced, her opinions carefully crafted and born from research, from a life spent in the scholarly pursuits of magic and history. He begins to enjoy their arguments, their rhetorical sparring and endless discussions. He begins, despite himself, to look forward to them. 
She surprises and confounds him at every junction. He fears, even, that she has become a friend. 
They don't develop a Proper Relationship until after Solas's balcony confession scene, and probably have their first time sometime shortly after that. And while Solas is quick to say "I love you," she's a lot more hesitant. That level of emotional intimacy is a bit difficult for her.
Because of who they both are as people, they're a little cautious and awkward around each other at first. Eira's worst fears revolve around losing control, and so emotional vulnerability can be difficult for her. She's always wary of pushing Solas’s boundaries and is very gentle and careful with him. She probably realizes she loves him sometime mid-game, and probably at a really innocuous moment when they're traveling or something. By the time the Winter Palace happens, I'd say they're very comfortable with each other and at like, the peak point of their relationship in terms of comfort, vulnerability, and trust (it's a smut fic, but this is a pretty good summary of their dynamic at that point.)
To me her relationship with Solas is all about like...two very guarded people who haven't had a relationship in a long time learning to be *people* with each other. With Solas she doesn't have to be the "Inquisitor" (him calling her this post-breakup hurts even more for this reason), and can just be her nerdy awkward self around him. Similarly, Solas can mostly forget his own position while he's with her. They still enjoy the occasional verbal sparring match and banter, but there's an undercurrent of love and trust.
Eira knows throughout most of the relationship that Solas has secrets and a past he won't share. She's patient with him about it, and never pushes him. When he breaks up with her, she assumes it's likely related to that. She's angry and bitter, but she doesn't hate him.
After he leaves, though, she's pretty wrecked and heartbroken. It takes a lot for her to open up and trust someone, so to have him leave (without even saying goodbye!) feels like a stark betrayal. She can't stand the way her friends seem to pity her and feel bad for her, either. Leading up to Trespasser, she sort of just squares that part of herself away and focuses on the Inquisition.
During Trespasser, she learns that Solas is Fen’Harel before he can reveal it to her himself. Her reaction is less shock and horror and more a grim "this makes sense." She's mostly upset that he never trusted her enough to tell her.
Post-Trespasser, she's determined to save both Solas AND the world, in part because it's what she *wants* and in part because she's convinced that its the only way forward. She has a theory that the Veil is already failing, and that if Solas dies bringing it down -- that's just one less powerful ally the world has against the Evanuris and all the other horrors to come.
Post-Tespasser Eira is reclusive, secretive, and kind of a hot mess. She's that meme of the big conspiracy theory board with all the red lines connecting everything.
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She disbands the Inquisition, convinced that it only presents Solas more opportunities to spy. She takes heart in Leliana's assurances that they have their own network of contacts and spies, and also in the fact that Cassandra as the Divine is a powerful ally. She spends her time traveling and learning everything she can about the Veil and Solas’s plans, making time for her clan and her friends where she can.
In my happy ending au, I basically skip over how this would all actually resolve because I simply don't have enough information. The basics: she and Solas are together, and the Veil is peacefully coming down, though there may be issues to deal with once that happens. It takes awhile for her to trust him again, and to work through all of her complicated feelings. Their relationship is pretty delicate for awhile, but eventually becomes fairly healthy and loving.
Okay 😂 that was a lot! I hope that answers your questions, and if not feel free to send another ask if you need to! And again, feel free to use your own OC or a generic one! I promise I will love whatever you create 💛💛💛
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f1-stuff · 1 year
hi! gn...i wonder how do you manage to write smut scenes so hot using not that many words? how do you make it sound so sexy? i kind of like to write smut but mine seems flat and not really emotional :/
omg hi... my answer ended up being long so it's under the cut!
First of all, thank you - I'm not sure that anyone feels 100% happy with the smut that they write (or even 50% happy lol), and I am definitely included in that group. I often cringe when I read back my own writing, and I think there will always be room to grow. Also, just to get this out of the way, "good smut" is entirely subjective and there are many different types of smut that can be good, but my answer is gonna lean toward the kind I write, for obvious reasons.
All of that being said, and with the understanding that I need to take my own advice 😅, I think a lot of times, less is more. It can feel like you need to be really descriptive to get across what you're imagining in your head, but oftentimes, all of the descriptive stuff starts coming across as a bit clinical, and distracts from the emotion of the moment. Some description is necessary, but I also have to remind myself sometimes that in this moment, the character whose perspective I'm in probably wouldn't be cataloguing every little thing happening after a certain point - they would be swept up in the moment and likely not thinking with their brain anymore lol.
Maybe the most important part of the best smut (imo) is the characters connecting. Never forget that these are two (or more) people doing something incredibly intimate together, even if the characters aren't necessarily thinking about that or acknowledging it. So sometimes, it's good to introduce moments of pause/introspection, or just moments where the characters are simply connecting on an emotional level, amidst all the physical stuff. I also like to try and come up with specific things that each character likes, whether it's related to their personality/kinks/etc. I think this helps bring the characters to life and makes the smut more personal and unique, which makes it feel more real.
In terms of my process, I always try to write a smut scene all the way through, without stopping or getting interrupted (which is sometimes outside of your control). I feel like writing it that way helps to get me into the moment and helps me better flow from one thing to the next, as if I were there and the natural next thing would be to...etc. Also, remind yourself of all the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, smell... I wanna feel like I'm there! But that doesn't mean including all those senses all the time. Just remember that sometimes the sound of something or the feel of something etc. can be sexier than the actual thing, and that maybe describing those elements instead of the mechanics of something could take the smut to the next level.
After that, I usually give it a day and go back to read it with fresh eyes. This is when I cringe-read through whatever I wrote the first time lol. But that's totally normal (at least in my experience)! Then, I sort of tweak things to either add more description, or add in the moments of pause/introspection/connection I mentioned before. There's no limit to how many times I might re-read and edit a fic, so it's safe to assume that I've probably edited a smut scene some 20 times before it gets posted anywhere.
Reading smut that you really enjoy and trying to pick apart what you like about it can be helpful. But I also think that ultimately, to write your own, you have to find a way to connect with the characters and make the reader connect with them too. Even in smut that doesn't involve 'romance,' the characters are still feeling something, whether it be excitement, anger, a sense of power, a lack of control - whatever! Find what's motivating the characters, imbue that in the writing, and it'll help bring the smut to life :)
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commandershipper · 1 year
oh music? 👀 do you have anything posted anywhere? i’d love to give a listen if you’re comfortable sharing (no pressure!)
Ahah I appreciate the interest and I need to get more comfortable sharing so I will!
My main project where I sang and played guitar actually broke up during lockdown (RIP) but we have some music still up to listen to if you like mediocre (affectionate) pop punk. (Disclaimer I was recovering from serious laryngitis when we recorded 😂)
There is a new band that is sort of a (slightly less pop punk) continuation and I'm v excited about the songs we've been working on! We don't have any music recorded yet but we do have our first show soon 🙌🏻
I also play bass in a grungey, 90s alt vibe band, we only have a few songs up atm but we are heading into the studio next month!
And then I have a lil solo thing that I use sporadically just as a place to put songs that don't fit the vibes of the other bands or whatever covers I feel like, it's also an excuse to practice things I don't get to do otherwise like recording/mixing, drums, etc but this also means it's veryyyy DIY 😅
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internetaddict104 · 2 years
anon from before here again, I honestly agree with you, at this point they should just start their own channel if they're gonna do so many videos together because I feel like every day I get a Simon and tahlia video in my recommended. I subscribed to simon not him and his girlfriend.
this is probably a controversial opinion but I believe she only got a spot performing at the summertime ball because she's Simons girlfriend. I literally never heard of her until they started dating. might be off the mark with that one but I just don't understand how she landed that gig.
as for the faith thing, I'm the exact same age as her and that makes me feel IFFY. things definitely moved very fast with them and I just hope it doesn't end badly
Hi again anon 👋
Same fam! At least I know to avoid Simon’s channel on Tuesdays (since they moved in together they’ve been doing Talia Tuesdays), but I’ll go to watch him in like, a football video (on either his channel or someone else’s) and somehow she’ll still get mentioned. It ruins the whole video for me, which really sucks because it takes the enjoyment out of watching him.
I’m terrified for when the Sidemen start uploading videos they filmed around this time, because by then they’ll know the engagement is public and it’ll probably get mentioned more than Behz’s baby 🙄. People are already saying they should do a cheap v expensive bachelor party for Simon and Vik (which I don’t mind much, but that’s literally a whole video centered around Talia so it’ll be painful to watch).
Also because I’m subbed to both Miniminter and MM7, I get recommended fans channels of their relationship. I get why they’d be recommended, but I don’t want them. Simon is the Sidemen member whose clips channel I’m not subbed to, because all the clips either have Talia in the thumbnail, title, or reference her, or a combination of the three. And I get that she’s probably the easiest guest to get, but she’s probably been on What’s Good more than anyone else, and even when she’s not physically there, she’s still either in the title or brought up at least twice an episode 🙄. I know Randy is married and Laura isn’t really in the public eye, but he doesn’t mention her or being married as much as Talia gets mentioned, which makes it even more annoying. Hell, I’m even seeing her on the fucking Willne sub! Apparently they had a thing before her and Simon (but idk I haven’t been able to find anything about that), so now she’s taking over his channel comments and Reddit too.
And I just realized that because they just got engaged, whenever JJ does his next Reddit video, it’s gonna be all about that (KSimon is over, Talia won, etc), because while I’ve been avoiding their reddits as best I can, I keep seeing it on Twitter (as much as I love Chipfat, it’s mainly his fault bc he keeps tweeting about it). Even Twitter keeps recommending fan content about them to me, and it keeps giving me notifications for Talia’s alt, even though I don’t follow that or her main. I know Harry already got his video out of this, and I haven’t watched it yet, because I know the entire Reddit video is just gonna be about their engagement, even though it’s Harry’s Reddit. Like I get that there’s almost 100% crossover between individual fans and Sidemen fans, but each guy should be kept to his own sub and the group sub. Simon Talia shouldn’t be all over Josh’s sub, Faith and Ethan shouldn’t be the only thing on Vik’s sub, etc. It also bothers me because it’s literally only Simon and Talia that this happens with. I don’t see Behz and Faith all over the other subreddits, nor do I get Twitter recommendations from fan accounts for them, or YouTube videos, so it’s not because Simon and Talia are very public, because Behz and Faith are too, if not more so.
Honestly, Talia probably did only get that gig, not because she’s with Simon, but because she’s friends with JJ/her boyfriend is his best friend. JJ definitely helped her get it. I don’t know if her music is any good; I’ve never listened to it. Tbh the most I’ve heard is from that somewhat viral clip of Harry on stream where he tells her song to shut up. And same, I had never really heard of her until the rumors that her and Simon were dating started popping up (Christ I really miss the days when Simon’s big joke was AshleyMariee). The only video I’ve ever watched of hers was her doing Freya’s makeup, and I only watched it because it was Freya’s Internet/YouTube debut, and I only knew about it because Freya tweeted the link. And even then (and this was long before they were public, I think the rumors had just started) I got bad vibes. She just seems very fake, bitchy, and snotty. Her changing her appearance in every photo/video doesn’t really help, but that’s just me being incredibly petty and mean. But also, plenty of celebrities got their start/got famous by knowing someone big, so she probably did get a huge jump in followers once her association with KSI/the Sidemen came out, and that might have helped her get the gig.
It’s just really fucking annoying because I can’t actually have an opinion of her or the relationship online unless it’s super positive/worship. I made one shady comment on a Sidemen video once, bc Talia kept getting mentioned even though it has nothing to do with her, and I got fucking roasted. People can bitch about Freya (though I’ve never really seen it) and Faith whenever they want, but I post one thing saying something along the lines of ‘I wish Simon wasn’t defined by his girlfriend for once’ and the pitchforks come out. Why is Talia the fucking second coming of Christ in this fandom? (This is not rhetorical, I genuinely don’t understand why she’s basically untouchable and worshipped so much compared to other girlfriends).
Her stans are also the fucking scum of the earth. They literally hate Harry for no reason. I remember they tried to cancel him for jokingly calling Talia a bitch more than once. (Another reason why it’s apparently very wrong to not worship her). JJ straight up said he genuinely thought Freya was a bitch for a long time in a video, and no one cared. Harry jokingly calls Talia a silly bitch (though I doubt he actually said that to her directly, since he was telling a story for the camera and most likely playing up what actually happened), and suddenly he’s the devil incarnate. Make 👏 it 👏 make 👏 sense 👏.
I think you said it best- we’re subscribed to Simon, not his girlfriend. (But apparently we’re the only two fans who feel this way, so it doesn’t really matter, unfortunately).
*Also I’m literally only like 8 months older than Faith, so her having a kid (literally due the day she turns 23) is super weird to me, but I’m like that with every famous person younger than me. I feel weird seeing kids younger than me be famous (I’m like this with TommyInnit, the Stranger Things kids, Memeulous, and ImAllexx, and others), idk why. But Ethan deserves to be happy, especially since his last relationship apparently didn’t end well (which, if it’s with who I think it is, really sucks because I liked them together a lot, and it seemed amicable on the surface), and Faith makes him really happy. Also their daughter is gonna be so fucking gorgeous, they are a very pretty couple. I’d be heartbroken if they broke up, especially if it ended poorly, but I also don’t see them getting married (at least not for a couple years). But Faith did imply that the pregnancy was unplanned; she made a tiktok saying “when you use a condom, take birth control, and do everything you can to have safe sex and still end up pregnant…”, so I definitely think this was an accident and they didn’t want to go as fast as they are, but it seems to be working for them, so fingers crossed it stays that way 🤞.
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hazelfoureyes · 29 days
Sending in anon because I'm a coward... 😩
I'm a new reader, and I just have to say-- your "a doe in fall" series is just... AMAZING!!
I could go on, and on and on about how much I love it. But what gets me the most is always Alastor's dialogue, because as someone who is also on the aro/ace spectrum, I just get it so much. Especially the subtle hoping that reader can like... Read his mind about how he feels for her, and the weird sort of stockholm syndrome we sometimes develop with ourselves after being alone with only our own company for so long, and it really is, lol, like you just get so used to being alone for so long because you know the idea people have of you, you can't truly live up to, so you don't want to "disappoint" them that you actually aren't like they are, so you just sorta... Keep them occupied at arms length-- Therefore you're forced to adapt to your company being the only love you have for a long time. it's like an obligation.
And when or if the special somebody who understands you comes along, you realize... "Wow, I've been living like this for so long, is this what it feels like to be loved and appreciated, in spite of my oddities, or maybe even in favor of them? Strange..."
Emphasis on the "strange" part because, when you're so deeply entrenched in your own soul, sharing your space for another almost feels more like learning how to swim rather than an instant "click", sparks, fireworks and whatnot. The excitement of the magical "other" has been long since drowned and snuffed out of you.
So, when this somebody who is similar to you, or just simply understands, doesn't try to change you or ignore you, but instead envelopes you and adores you, the appreciation is deep and overflowing. But there's a part of you always pinching your heart, a sort of awareness of something that isn't the case, wondering "Is this a dream? what if it is and I'll wake up and this is not at all what I was thinking?".
Haha... ANYWAY, sorry for the slightly morose and LONG read 😂 But I always think of how similar I am to how you write alastor and it's scary in a way, but comforting (especially since he's my first and biggest fictional crush) except in this case my profession would actually be burlesque. Especially since I work in the exotic dance world. It's fascinating being aro/ace in the SW world, I could go on forever- But yeah, I absolutely love your writing!! Makes me feel less alone in this world. Annnd surprisingly I always feel so sensual after reading, I love love love it!! Reading before work always gets me in the mood to dance and pretend I'm Y/N, lol!!
Much blessings ❤️❤️
*cracks knuckles* listen here babycakes, I eat this shit UP. Exploring Human Ace Alastor is my BREAD AND BUTTER. I go into ESSAYS in the AO3 comments in this 😂
you really understand, which makes me so happy and is confirmation I’m conveying him the way I want to.
Now I’m gonna ramble and echo you basically 😂
I really think Alastor (atleast in this story) feels that excitement and strangeness of how open he can be around Autumn (since she doesn’t have a proper name cuz she’s reader 😂). He’s a fish out of water despite the fact he’s actually being his most authentic self. Like you said, it’s new to him just to be … Alastor. To be honest and upfront. His normal operating mode has been so restricted for so long he’s struggling with how to be himself. And then that fear—- well what if I’m too much? What if I ruin this, when I finally have something worth keeping? He’s never gotten this far and the fear of losing that comfort is terrifying but so is the actual comfort itself. It’s new and foreign.
A deep uneasiness that’s if he fully embraces this he’s gonna just fuck it up and it’ll be his fault this time. Not a misunderstanding or misalignment of needs but a confirmation he wasn’t good enough anyway.
“it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all” he would say that’s bullshit
and because of the situations he’s been in before, he’s never gotten to actually explore physical intimacy in a “safe” environment. He was always going into interactions because he had to if he wanted to keep people around. It was a necessity, not something he actually sincerely wanted to participate. So he tried to keep them happy with other means of affection and intimacy to maintain some safe distance but eventually, always, things would fall apart. At a distance or up close.
that’s why that most recent part was called Learning. Alastor is trying new things to learn more about what he’s okay with or doesn’t care for even offering in the future. Autumn is learning (that night, tho she doesn’t understand it yet) that he’s still figuring out how to meet her halfway (even tho she’s not even asking for that) when he’s used to being forced to meet people where they are. And Detective Brady, of course, is learning he may have found motive for Tommy’s disappearance.
I’m really glad you’re enjoying his portrayal and that you’re resonating with parts of him! That makes my soul hum! 💖 your line of work mixed with your Aro/Ace-ness sounds like such an interesting conversation if we’re honest! That’s a small aspect I love about Autumn. She’s in this field that’s (wrongly) considered to be hyper sexual and full of air headed wanton whores, but she’s the first person to be like “oh! You aren't into this stuff. Let me adjust my expectations. I’ll ask for clear verbal consent, not initiate, and I’m totally okay with never fucking again if it’s for your love and company.”
I work in the SW industry in a sense (Personal Assistant) and one of my biggest pet peeves is all of the shit people project on SWers.
sorry for the essay I could talk about this for ETERNITY
omg and THANK YOU! 🥺💖💖💖💖
A Doe in Fall (Human Alastor x Burlesquer Fem Reader)
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
I'm a jikooker and I'm done with the narrative change few bloggers here are doing remarks bday because somehow Jimin couldn't meet JK on his bday and they don't wanna accept that. It's exhausting af. Bloggers especially Kanmom already said JK was busy ON THE day of his bday and Mingyu may have met him at company..now that JK already confirmed he didn't went to work and was lying all day, they are changing their narrative to JK being busy on 31st, which he was and Mingyu went to meet him at home. In both cases according to what Jimin said its crystal clear he didn't saw JK on his bday and WHY ARE WE NOT ACCEPTING IT ???? ok, he used to meet JK for all his previous bdays and ? Does that make Jimin not meeting JK for his 2023 bdah impossible? NOPE.
If he saw JK he would've said i saw him yesterday/today (LIKE HE SAID HE COULDN'T MEET JOON FOR HIS LAST BDAY SO HE DOESNT HAVE ANY PROBLEM IN SHARING WHETHER HE MET OR DIDNT MET MEMBERS FOR THEIR BDAYS). But that didn't happened, He spoke to JK on 31st night and that's it, accept it already. Twitter jikookers already accepted it while bloggers here are still writing essays on how Jimin met JK, when we have ZERO evidence. Is Jm meeting JK for bday, the reason yall believe in Jikook? Now if one day JK come live and say he didn't saw Jimin, then what ? Will they change their narratives again???? "Oh I don't see my partner on bday either" "it's not that deep for long term relationship" they will say, as if now they are not dying on the hill to prove Jimin saw JK 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Can I ask why tf this is so important ? I haven't seen Jkkrs being this invested in what JK does for Jimin's bday. Some years he didn't even wished jimin on sm let alone seeing or giving him gifts..so why is it only Jimin held to a high standards ? In 2021 bday live he said his gift is being shipped and Jimin immediately called out for saying things on cam but not actually gifting him anything. Please stop this clownery when we don't have any evidence in Jimin meeting JK on 1st. If anything, as of now it seems like all Jimin did was to call JK on 31st. And that's OK
My question is why the fuck are you so damn angry?? Also you are venting to the wrong blogger 😂😂 because Jikook did see each other and spend time together during JK's birthday. Out of the 30% of what members tell us, they are leaving out 70%
Mans had just dropped one hell of a loud picture then went live on JK's birthday after setting his watch to Jungkook day. I won't hold it against him for not adding spending time with JK ontop of that. It would have been alot. And unfortunately we don't have a Jin to go quiz JK about who did or didn't visit him.
Sorry anon, but I am among the bloggers you are frustrated with. From my knowledge of Jikook, they wouldn't miss each other's birthdays especially since they were both in Seoul during it.
IF JK or Jimin one day come out and say that they weren't together then fine. But as it stands I'm afraid I believe, they kept up their tradition.
Sorry to disappoint
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danikamariewrites · 15 days
Hey, I saw you wanted some dark Elain requests and I loved your head canon that involved Elain growing poisonous plants so I was thinking what if Elain has become successful growing some of Prythian’s deadliest plants and is also an expert at making poisons? Maybe Reader was sent by someone to collect a potion from Elain and she’s captivated by the juxtaposition of her soft aesthetic along with her ability to be super scary with her poisons.
Then maybe Reader keeps coming back with the excuse of buying potions from Elaine when in reality she’s just throwing them away when she leaves. Elaine finds out and is really annoyed and then it is revealed to her that it was all a ruse for Reader to spend time with her. Then maybe a bit of fluff or smut once Elaine finds out the truth?? Whatever you think fits and feel like writing 💕
Totally get if this isn’t the sort of thing you are looking to write, but I had it floating about in my head and I feel like you’d be the perfect person to write it ❣️
Sorry for that essay 😂
Hope you have a lovely day! 💖
Pick Your Poison
Dark!Elain x reader
A/n: this was perfect anon! Also I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I haven’t been feeling great lately but I’m trying to get over it.
Warnings: not fully dark!elain, mentions of poison
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Poking around the different elixirs laid out on the table you were careful not to touch them. Not knowing what they were capable of. Glancing around the apothecary and taking in the familiar warm scent you couldn’t help but feel at home.
Elain’s shop was odd but perfect for her. The soft pinks and greens that decorated the walls at odds with the dried up deadly bundles of plants hanging from the ceiling and walls were discerning to most. But not you. You could spend hours in the tiny shop.
Many people avoided the middle Archeron sister’s shop. The rumors of her powers mixed with her occupation of poisons kept most people away. Some were crude and called her the Weaver of Velaris, turning her into a ghost story meant to scare children. Some just claimed she was the worst kind of witch. That angered you. Elain is too sweet for that kind of treatment.
You remember the first time you came to Elain’s apothecary. Your boss had asked you to pick up a special plant (not out right of course). Knowing your boss’s business and where you were being sent you knew it was poison. Entering the shop your fingers were trembling, you didn’t know what to expect.
Elain’s sweet demeanor relaxed you as she helped you find what you were looking for. After an hour and over a hundred questions from you later you had the plants for your boss and an oil to help your hair grow faster. Since then you have made it a point to stop at Elain’s shop once a week.
Tonight you stopped on your way home from work. When you walked in the shop was empty, Elain missing from her usual spot behind the counter. You figured she was in the back with a client, so you decided to peruse. You were here to buy something anyway, your blanket excuse to see Elain.
The office door opened causing you to stand straight, abandoning the elixirs you were bent over. Elain bid the lesser fae goodbye. Once the shop door closes she turns to you, a bright smile on her face as she takes you in. “Y/n, how are you?”
You just stood there, practically gaping at her beauty, like an idiot. You always stumble over your words and blush around her. “I’m well, and you?” You stuttered out.
Fuck. You should just pick up something random and go. This conversation is already ruined, you tell yourself.
Elain was speaking to you but you couldn’t hear her over the blood rushing in your ears from nerves. A tightening sensation worked its way down from your chest to your stomach. All you could do was nod and smile at her. “Were you looking for something? Let me show you these new oils I made.” She said, that excited look she gets when talking about her creations plastered on her perfectly round face.
“Oh no! That’s ok,” you rush out. Cauldron, where was this anxiousness come from? Snatching a bundle of something from the wall you held it out to show Elain, “Just this.” Elain nods her head slowly, giving you an unsure look. You followed her to the counter, pulling out the money to pay her. Rushing your goodbye that tenseness built up in your chest to an unbearable amount.
Fleeing the shop you drop the bundle of poison, starting to jog until you knew Elain couldn’t see you.
An hour later Elain couldn’t help but go over your conversation. Did she do something wrong? She’s been doing her best not to scare you off like she has with others. You were different. Elain didn’t feel the need to draw you in and dispose of you, she wanted to keep you, forever. Even though it had only been two months you already felt like hers.
Locking the shop, Elain noticed the bundle you just purchased lying on the ground. Scowling, she bends down to pick it up. What the hell? She worked hard on each bundle of poison. Why would you do that?
Marching up the steps of your house Elain didn’t think twice about confronting you. How dare you waste her talents like this! After three quick knocks you opened the door, stunned to see Elain on your front stoop.
“Care to explain why I found this on the ground after closing?” She thrust the little bundle out for you to inspect. You stared between the poison and Elain’s angry face at a loss for words.
Elain was quickly finding herself at a loss for world (and in la la land) as she scanned your appearance. In her rage Elain didn’t realize that you were only dressed in a small nightgown, black lace lining your breasts and a thin nightgown slipping from your shoulders.
“I should probably tell you the truth,” you move aside to let her in.
Elain took in your home. The warm light and dark furniture making her feel relaxed and welcome. She followed you into the sitting room, setting her stuff down on the low lying table by the couch. As Elain sits you drape a fluffy, crème blanket around her shoulders. Elain mumbles out a thank you, shocked by your kind gesture.
Siting on the other end of the couch you picked at your nails, anxious to tell her about your feelings. You had planned to tell her earlier tonight but that building feeling in your chest stopped you. It’s been hours and though the feeling has lessened it was still there. With Elain now mere inches away from you the feeling was growing again.
“I’ve been stopping by your shop for you. I’m-I have been working up the courage to tell you that I like you. And I understand if you don’t feel the same. And I’m sorry that I just threw that on the ground, I didn’t mean to be wasteful,” you rambled on and on, looking down at your lap the whole time.
When you finished you look up to find a small smirk on Elain’s pink, plump lips. In the time you spoke she had inched closer to you. A small gap separating your thighs. You wanted to close it, to feel the warmth of her through her dress. But you restrained yourself, waiting for her response.
Elain placed a hand over your tangled fingers. “Can I tell you a secret?” She whispers. You nod, that feeling in your chest turning to a comfortable warmth. Elain leans in so close to your face that her nose brushes slightly against yours. “I really like you too.” Elain pecks your blushing cheek, running her fingers through your hair.
Your heart soars at her confession. You throw your arms around her neck, pulling Elain into a crushing hug. She hugs you back tighter, burying her face in your neck to inhale your familiar scent.
In that precious moment the bond roared to life in Elain’s chest. That warm, golden thread connecting her to you forever, tied tight around the rib closest to her heart. Elain was overjoyed. You are hers forever. To hold and to keep. That night as she laid next to you in bed, watching you sleep peacefully, Elain vowed that no harm would ever come to you. That she would kill anyone who dared to touch what was hers.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello, love! Hope you have a wonderful time today.
Can I request a multiverse fic where y/n (shoulder length hair, younger, slightly taller than lesso) is from the modern world and got picked by the storian to be the new professor for the newly combined school for a new subject (swords play + henchmen training), so she's neither an Ever nor a Never (if she did, she'd be a 60%Ever 40%Never reader). She's kind of a kind and playful tomboyish girl (daily wears, behaviour etc) but not above being cunningly evil while punishing students as she see fits which is how she caught Lesso's attention.
They've been bickering and bantering each other for a while now, y/n calling her Nora instead of Leo or Lady Dean instead of Lady Lesso like everyone else when she's teasing her, which Lesso secretly likes but will never admit it.
She reaches her breaking point on the night of the winterfest ball where y/n come wearing a suit looking hot and catching everyone's attention (ref: black haired Elaine Markinson). How/why she explodes is up to you (feeling is mutual btw).
You can also make it implied smut (bottom Lesso, she secretly love other people being in charge over her) and implied intersex y/n. Their nickname after being together is little raven for lesso and little pigeon for y/n.
I know this is pretty specific and might be hard for you but it's up to you if you want to omit certain details or to twist it up to your liking, I'm fine with anything!
I hope you dont find this like an essay homework or some sort 😂
Love the works you do, hun. Thank you so much for writing those stories.
Hey anon! I really enjoyed this request thank you so much for sending it and the details really helped. Thank you for your kind words I adore writing and knowing you all like what I write is the best feeling.
My very own Raven| NSFW
*Authors note~ I love how detailed this is and the descriptions just helped make this flow. I'm sorry about changing the word pigeon but I couldn't make it flow:(  I hope you enjoy this loves*
Trigger warning~ intersex reader, dominant r sub l
Prompt~ see ask^^
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Being from the Morden world, being picked to teach at the school for good and evil was a unheard of experience. Now for you this was a challenge you'd love to face head on but for it had caused some hassle from others in your life. The day you left was the day you finally felt free. Free to express yourself and be who you felt you should be.
The newly merged schools had a new list of classes for the students. Although joined, they still liked to separate themselves into their schools. Some traditions were made and some were formed. Instantly, you feel in love with the school and the students in it. But one lady in particular caught your attention. The one and only Lady Leonora Lesso.  Due to you being a new teacher you also had to be sorted into your side, however what was most concerning to everyone was that you didn't fit into either side fully. No you had come out being 60 % Never and 40% Ever. Luckily for you, you had a class that was joint of Evers and Nevers. Swords play and henchman training is what you were to be teaching the students and you couldn't help but feel the excitement bubble through you. Truly this was a subject that fascinated you and suited you down to the ground.
Truth be told you were often referred to as a tomboy, the clothes you wore tend to tight fitting pants and a top tucked into the pants. A nice pair of healed boots and your shoulder length hair was slicked back into a neat ponytail. The boots added to your height making you stand just a few inches above the Dean of Evil. The attire was absolutely perfect for your job. That provided you with the confidence you needed by making you comfortable in your own skin.
You normally held a quiet and sometimes shy demeanour, and your heart was full of kindness until the situation called for a harsher approach. Your students knew you to be fair but strict. That commanded them to mainly behave for you, but you had a few fun times where a student had overstepped, your punishment ensuring they wouldn't stray from the rules again. And those punishments are what lead to you to being in this game with the Dean. You had managed to get underneath her skin not that she would admit it, you challenged her and that was something she would not lose. You knew the effect you were having on the women watching as she glared hold in your head after you called her "Nora" instead of "Leo" or "Lesso" was exciting for you. How far would you be able to push her until she snapped?
That snap came on the night of the annual Winterfest ball. You had opted to wear a black tight fitting suit. The outfit highlighted your assets perfectly, the crisp white blouse had just enough buttons undone for the black lace of your bra to peak through. Your hair in its signature ponytail, and a black blazer that buttoned up just underneath your cleavage. The outfit paired with some nice heals and a beautiful chunky necklace. Your makeup was light, not something that anyone had seen you since your arrival. You knew you looked good, you felt confident and comfortable and that showed as you strode into the ballroom.
Eyes instantly drawn to you, as you strutted across the room to grab a drink. Slyly you snuck a glance in the direction of Lesso, pleased to see her eyes were trained on you, seemingly devouring you then and there. The gaze was anything but pure and that made  you shiver in desire. Deciding to really push it tonight you made sure to swirl your drink in your hand before taking a sip keeping eye contact with the women before sending her a cheeky wink. Next, when you were sat you made sure to sit a little unlady like, hands resting on your inner thigh as you caught her gaze once more. This time you rolled your eyes as a cue. You were bored. And quite frankly you wanted her to make a move, this cat and mouse game of bickering and one upping each other was great. But having her in a bed, you could think of many other games you truly desired to play with the women.
Something snapped in Lesso as a Ever staff member boldly flirted with you. You were hers. Well you weren't but you should be! And she was going to make damn sure you would be hers. So she approached alluding her usual sexy confident aura. The Ever teacher soon scampered away in fear of the red head. Which allowed her to drag you out of the hall and towards your chambers. Yours were closest and truthfully neither of you could wait any longer. All the teasing now overwhelming you with an unholy desire.
Your secret was hard to hide. It was rather thick and long standing proudly to attention with your need for the older women. You felt her gasp when her hand found it. With a quick glance you saw how the lust clouded her beautiful irises and she mumbled, "is that um a"you cut her off with a kiss to stop the stuttering words, her thoughts failing her as she battled with the newly found desire to be taken by you. Normally dominant, Lesso was surprisingly a innocent submissive in the bedroom and her discovery only made that need more poignant. "I'm intersex Nora" you whispered when you pulled away for air. The fear of rejection you felt was quickly squashed as a moan tumbled from her lips at the thought. You smirked. "You like it Nora" you whispered in her ear causing her to nod enthusiastically. "Please god please fuck me" she moaned for you, submitting instantly to you. "With pleasure" you mumbled before claiming her lips once more and backing her onto the bed.
It was safe to say, you'd never experienced sex to be like that. You had brought her to paradise so many times and normally that's all you'd do is pleasure your partner, but no Leonora had surprised you by sinking to her knees and taking your impressive length in her mouth. Being intersex meant you still required the protection and you did take those precautions but the older women had really made you climax more than once meaning you'd used your stash up now. That's the only reason you decided to stop for the night and settle into bed together. Lesso snuggled up onto your chest absolutely spent from the multiple orgasms you had bestowed on her. "Are you alright little raven?" You murmured before dropping kisses into her gorgeous locks. "Mmm my dove I'm perfectly well thank you my love" she whispered back dropping kisses to your bare chest as she fought sleep. Here in this moment you knew you'd found your forever despite the fact it wasn't perfect, you both would make mistakes but at the end of the day, you never wanted to lose this.
Word count ~ 1525
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cfr749 · 3 months
I totally, totally agree with your view of their relationship. The Barnes episode is one I can’t watch and I just pretend it doesn’t exist. The whole situation with Chris and Ashley was just…unnecessary and written horribly. I feel like Tim treated Lucy better when he was her TO and respected her and didn’t treat her like a child which is mainly what he does now. He became more patronizing AFTER she was no longer his rookie. Additionally, he didn’t say anything after Lucy told him he would do great in Metro - just gave her a half smile and left. He acted like a teenager during the Valentine’s episode when he gave her the silent treatment when he found out she did the five-player trade. And it ended with LUCY apologizing and Tim never once apologizing for his immature behavior. He also treated her horribly in the episode when Isabel came back. He invited her to LUCY’S apartment without asking Lucy, gave her a half-hearted apology only when Isabel was AT THE DOOR and then proceeded to joke around with his ex-wife ABOUT Lucy and IN FRONT of Lucy and then regressed to his TO voice with his “Chen!” later at the station, right after making fun of Lucy trying to help him relax. Like, hello, that’s your girlfriend! Why are you snapping at her when she didn’t do anything??? Chris was absolutely a shitty partner but Tim is a becoming a very, very close second. He treated her better when she was his rookie and especially before they dated. And im so bummed about it because I had such high hopes but the way they write Tim’s character is just ruining it for me.
Hi anon!
First off, I'm glad you got to get all of that off of your chest 😂. I know how isolating and frustrating it can be to have all of the feelings about choices the show is making, but feel like you can't share those frustrations without pissing people off or experiencing backlash. So while I can't control anything other than my own response, I'll just say, you're always welcome to vent to me!
I'll be honest and say I didn't notice / react to all of the things you mentioned in the same way, but I can see your points and understand why those moments may have rubbed you the wrong way. Especially since, like I mentioned in my last post, the issue isn't any 1 isolated incident. The issue is a repeated pattern in the storytelling and messaging.
Something I want to be clear about before I go any further though:
This is not about my head canons or what I'd like to believe the writers were trying to convey.
Of course I think the idea of Lucy liking Tim more than Tim likes Lucy is ridiculous. That's why I can't figure out what on earth the writers were doing.
Of course I don't hate Tim (I literally could never!!) --- I love both of these characters deeply, and close to nothing excites me more than the idea of the two of them falling in love.
This is specifically about choices the writers made and what we actually saw unfold on our screens.
And if my takes seem to be more pro-Lucy, that's specifically because, IMO, the way the story unfolded was much more favorable to Tim that it was too Lucy.
Which isn't even surprising. Women often get the short end of the stick. Women of color almost always do. And that is literally the entire point of why this conversation is important. It's why shrugging off repeated instances of Lucy's character being eroded in service of the ship or maybe just as a result of the thoughtlessness of the writers really bothers me. It's why I'm not the only one who feels this way.
So, anon, for now, I'm just going to dig into the first item you mentioned as one of the first examples of this pattern -- the Katie Barnes of it all (sorry Katie - you were lovely - I promise it's nothing personal 😂). Setting aside the confession prank in 3x09 (which is it's own essay), this was the first time I started to really question the direction the show was going with making the ship canon. At the time, I hoped it was a blip, because we all remember that look in 3x14, and... yeah.
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I believe this was the first appearance of jealous Lucy. And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with using jealousy to tell a story -- as long as it serves a purpose and as long as it's not completely 1-sided.
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But instead of moving Chenford forward, this actually moved them several steps backward for me.
Like you mention anon, in seasons 1 and 2, despite Lucy being his rookie, I felt that they were very much portrayed as equals. They helped each other in different ways. I’d argue Lucy often showed she was more emotionally intelligent than Tim and used that to help him navigate through the end of his marriage, and Tim obviously poured everything he had into getting her as ready as she possibly could be to move on to the next step in her career.
But this scene in 3x11 managed to re-assert the Rookie - T.O. dynamic in a way that slapped me harder than any moment when he was actually her T.O. -- asserting Tim's view of Lucy as someone he needed to teach not how to be a capable police officer, but someone he needed to teach about the world.
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He said this to Lucy. Lucy! LUCY!
If you don't understand why this is categorically absurd, please go re-watch season 1 right now.
The fact that it was couched in compliments and we got to see Lucy go squee over his praise doesn't make this any less patronizing.
Literally, I don't need to hear any man say this to any woman ever. I especially don't need to hear a white man saying it to a woman of color. And I sure as hell did not need to hear Tim say it to Lucy.
So where'd we end up?
Lucy took some major hits to her character, blurring the lines between personal and professional by accusing Tim of giving Katie special treatment because he found her attractive, and ultimately came off as jealous, immature, insecure, and unprofessional amongst probably some other less than flattering things. And note, I'm not saying I think she is these things. I'm saying she was portrayed to the general audience as being these things.
Tim, on the other hand, got a windfall -- not only did he get to be the wise, all knowing teacher (let's not forget his deep love of meditation), he got to have all his past sins erased under the guise of helping sweet Lucy understand the world is a scary place.
So obviously you mentioned a bunch of other examples, but this is already too long and probably not at all what you were looking for in a response, so I'm going to wrap up here. I got another ask about the Valentine's Day plot, so I'll tackle what I did and didn't like there eventually (yes, I am capable of liking things. it's rare, but possible).
Thanks for the ask! 🥰🥰🥰
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firstkanaphans · 9 months
Hello! Something interesting just occurred to me, I don't know if it will make sense but I hope I explain it okay. 😅 I just realized that the "fatal" mistake Sand made in the last episode was conveying to Ray just how much he felt hurt by Ray leaving him. (Okay, I say "fatal" here, but by that I mean it in Sand's We're-Just-Friends terms, but I'm personally living for it haha)
Now that Ray no longer has Mew needing him, he has to redirect that time and devotion somewhere. And just in time, Sand has basically straight up asked Ray to care about his feelings back in the guitar store. Up till now Sand never explicitly asked Ray for anything & always acted like he didn't care about what Ray did.
Which is why I think telling Ray his true feelings was Sand's big "mistake", because now Ray has been explicitly told that someone needs something from him. Ray finally has an "in" past Sand's walls. And we know Ray can't resist it when people need him.
I think what Sand doesn't realize is just how much Ray is about to commit to that role, haha (which the previews seem to be implying for next week). Most of all I don't think Sand is ready for how it's going to feel to have Ray's attention on him 100%. Because if he's already this smitten with Ray when Ray is being so hot-and-cold, then I can't imagine how heady it's going to feel to have it all to himself for some time. Sand is not going to be able to stop himself from falling head over heels when Ray's fully invested in it. The part that hurts is that Ray is being very sincere too. Gosh this is going to hurt soon, I can feel it 😬 (but I also can't wait to see how this plays out!)
Okay, sorry for this little essay in your ask box - hope you don't mind. Love reading your writing and your thoughts ❤️
Hiii! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! I feel like your theory can basically be summed up as "Sand expects Ray to be normal, but unfortunately Ray isn't normal" 😂 And that's very true! I agree that Ray's affection is likely going to cross over to obsession at some point and I am very interested to see how Sand handles that.
Your idea about Sand making a "fatal mistake" with Ray is very interesting. It wasn't something I'd thought about before, but I think you're right that he made one. I just have a different idea as to how Ray is going to use that against him.
Sand admitted in the guitar shop that he was hurt by Ray treating him as if he was disposable. In doing so, he gave Ray a weapon to use against him without even realizing it. I've said all along that I think Ray is going to freak out when he realizes Sand is in love with him and then try to push him away because he doesn't want to be Sand's burden. And what better way to convince him to leave than to hit him with the one thing you know is going to hurt the most? All he has to do is tell Sand he will never choose him over Mew and Sand will end things.
(Cue Ray crying alone in his bedroom surrounded by empty wine bottles wondering why he's sad when this is what he wanted...Right?)
I hope you enjoy tomorrow's episode, Anon! This show hasn't let us down yet.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
Asks like these makes me realise that people still don't understand people tbh. You don't have to believe in taekook to comprehend human interaction with themselves and society. Everyone lies and especially people behind cameras. There is nothing wrong with it if the intent is good. This whole omission/tweaking of facts made me realise how bh sticks to jkk narrative with subtitles, cuts and emphasing on moments. Remember: serendipity as a choice for Jk's fave, hickey emphasis, them sharing cars. Bh also does it for taekook but in reverse like telling Jungkook even v left him after the tasks etc. the issue is not whether he left or not but to point out things to suit their narrative.
Unfortunately members also have to play their parts as well. Like I found it weird that jin had to emphasize twice on Tae's being absent for Jungkook's birthday last year. And it's not only members but taekook themselves who have done it. In fact Tae has alluded so many times that Jungkook doesn't give him time in the earlier days but goes to Jimin but then we see incidences like Jungkook's shoes outside his room and speaker in his hotel room. Anyone remember that may 2019 live where taekook showed such a big drama of tae exiting the room and mysterious flying wrappers. Yeah his room was def haunted. 🙄
It's not like they have never been on individual lives when the other is present (the live before Jungkook recorded his GCF Newark, Tae is clearly present and shown sitting near the table, though Jungkook shifted the camera so quickly). My point is they have to show that taekook don't spend time together without members or other people.
My advice to the anon is to keep an open mind and see how taekook drives the narrative that they are close but not like a couple coz they gotta protect themselves. Them implying they are not sharing room, when they do sometimes. Not staying together after outings (reverse lives) or mostly only disclosing their group outings. That whole its awkward talk. Though sometimes I feel Tae gets frustrated with how people hate taekook and let's it slip how he and Jungkook are so close. You see all this them not being together on important days are their way of protecting themselves. It's not a matter of if they were or were not but to make their point home that there is nothing between them.
They live in SK darling. We don't know how their families, friends, company, military, general public gonna react if they get outed. So even if they don't like they have to drive this narrative home. It's sad though when I really think about it but feel very proud when I seem them treasuring and protecting what they have in adverse conditions.
Sorry Jo for the long "essay" 😂
There's so much to protect for all 7 of them. Not just potential same sex couple in their group but potential girlfriends they might have, opinions they might hold, habits they might have that fans won't like.
History shows fans act very entitled with stuff they don't like. So of course they'll limit our access to it.
None of this essay was calling TKKrs delusional and generally being really really rude so you're fine 😂💜
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
Confession corner
100% disagree that Tim and Z are friends. Just because she has said twice that they are best friends. Once when she was shutting down rumours when Timdayas kept shipping them together. And the second time in a video that we got recently. We don’t know what kind of context that was said in, for instance, Timmy could’ve been saying something jokingly like, “Zendaya doesn’t like me,” and she could’ve sarcastically said, “everybody knows we are Besties.” Also, when have we started to believe Zendaya when she says anything like that, we know that she lies all the time. According to her, every one of her ex-boyfriends, we’re not boyfriends but best friends. It really means nothing. By the way she called Zac Efron, a best friend, when was the last time they interacted?
Secondly, look at the facts. Outside of the work environment, three instances keep coming up.
1- 4 years ago, when she went to Tim’s apartment with Darnell. They went there to watch a movie, but it was in such a dirty state, she had to go out and get some cleaning material and clean it before they watched the movie. This was when she was doing reshoots for Dune. This is work related, she would not of been there if it wasn’t for the fact she was making a film with him, and filming scenes. we all know they all like to watch movies together when they are working together.
2- Darnell’s party, on that day, she was enjoying herself having a dance, laughing, joking, as soon as Tim turned up, her mood totally changed, we saw that, in videos and photos, she stayed there for what, 20 minutes, then left. In that time, she never interacted with Tim once, we never saw anything from them. Now if that was a real friend like Hunter, she would’ve been laughing, joking, dancing, hanging around with her constantly, and she would stay there longer. That’s what Real Friends do.
3- Beyoncé’s concert, zero interaction.
That’s it, that’s everything in a five year period. We all know that Z is very introverted, and is almost antisocial. We all know that she doesn’t have a very large group of friends, most of the people she calls friends are family. with all the evidence that we have of her and Tim are 100% work colleagues. That’s it. You can call somebody a friend, it doesn’t mean to say they are friends. also Tim and Tom are not friends, in a year period, Tim liked 1 of Tom’s posts, compared to 8 of Z’s. And we’ve never heard any stories of them hanging out. Nothing. Timothy doesn’t even talk about him, unless it’s in the context of Tom coming on set.
I mean, even the Jimmy Kimmel interview, when asked if they were friends away from set, and all Tim could bring up was his house cleaning story from four years previous.
Now you can easily say, well, they just might be more secretive while hanging out. So how is it that we have footage of her hanging out with Hunter, going to concerts with Hunter, going to birthday parties with Hunter, hanging out at toms home with Hunter, ect, put in five years, nothing with her and Tim.
Some people really do have different concepts of what a best friend, friend or work colleague is.
(Sorry for the rant 😂)
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Yo.... Anon, this was an ESSAY! 😅
First of all, thank you for your Confession.
My Answer:
Honestly??? Who cares? To me, it's just not that serious. Whether Z and Timmy are true "besties" or not, it's just not that big of a deal to me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
1- 4 years ago, when she went to Tim’s apartment with Darnell. They went there to watch a movie, but it was in such a dirty state, she had to go out and get some cleaning material and clean it before they watched the movie. This was when she was doing reshoots for Dune. This is work related, she would not of been there if it wasn’t for the fact she was making a film with him, and filming scenes. we all know they all like to watch movies together when they are working together.
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Ummm....Last I remember, Z wasn't in NYC for Dune Reshoots lol. She was in NYC for other reasons...one of them being, to hand JE an award, and secondly, for vacation. I don't recall the cast doing Dune reshoots in Feb (number one), and two, in NYC. But someone can correct me if I'm wrong. 🤷🏾‍♀️
2- Darnell’s party, on that day, she was enjoying herself having a dance, laughing, joking, as soon as Tim turned up, her mood totally changed, we saw that, in videos and photos, she stayed there for what, 20 minutes, then left. In that time, she never interacted with Tim once, we never saw anything from them. Now if that was a real friend like Hunter, she would’ve been laughing, joking, dancing, hanging around with her constantly, and she would stay there longer. That’s what Real Friends do.
We only saw a few pics and video clips from a party that probably lasted HOURS. I'm not saying that she talked to him or not, but to claim that you know everything that Z was doing or everyone she was talking to at an entire party based on a FEW pics and clips is just weird imo.
3- Beyoncé’s concert, zero interaction.
Weren't all of the VIP guests in a VIP room before the concert before they all walked out? We don't know what people interacted in that room. 🤷🏾‍♀️
We all know that Z is very introverted, and is almost antisocial. We all know that she doesn’t have a very large group of friends, most of the people she calls friends are family.
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Z isn't "anti-social", wth??? I mean, you are free to believe whatever you wish Anon, but that's a weird claim imo. NOTHING about Z says "anti-social". Just because she's shy, introverted, and keeps her friends circle close-knit and small, it doesn't mean that she is "anti-social".
So how is it that we have footage of her hanging out with Hunter, going to concerts with Hunter, going to birthday parties with Hunter, hanging out at toms home with Hunter, ect, put in five years, nothing with her and Tim.
Anon, you don't have to have the same level of friendship with EVERY single friend of yours. Z and Hunter have a different relationship and different level of friendship, just like Z has with all of her other friends? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Anyway....It sounds like it really bothers you that Timmy, Z and Tom could possibly be good friends for SOME reason. I don't understand why?? 🤔
Look, I go by what people say and what I see with my own eyes. Timmy and Z were hiking together while filming for DP2. He also hitched a ride on her same private jet. Tom called Timmy's phone and Timmy answered the phone as if he 1. has Tom's number saved on his phone, and 2. as if they have talked to each other on the phone more than once before. Tom was also very aware of what Timmy was filming over in London. We didn't even know that Tom was talking to Justin Bieber until the pandemic. Like, there are a lot of things we just don't know that goes on bts. Z sent flowers to Gigi Hadid when she had her baby. Like, you don't know how close people are. Just cuz you don't see them "hanging out" all the time, it doesn't mean people aren't friends, or casual acquaintances.
Timmy has spoken nothing but highly of Zendaya. They've worked together twice. I don't think it's TOO far-fetched to believe that they are friends. I don't see the need to second-guess what people have said out of their own mouths...especially when it's not even serious. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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stormblessed95 · 4 months
For how long the anon option is gonna be off?
This must be your first time. Lol it has been a LONG time since I've done this. 😂 Basically short answer is who knows. 🤷‍♀️
Long answer?
Depends on how long it takes me to make a sizable dent in my inbox. Either through answering them (which will be probably at least half of them) or deleting the ones that are of similar topics or ones that I just won't answer for a variety of reasons. Call it my neurospicy brain, but the insane number that greets my inbox is a little overwhelming, especially when I start feeling bad for the anons that have been in there for months with no answer because I write essays as responses and haven't had the time and get distracted with asks as they come in lol. Plus I like having things feel completed and checked off!
So my anons will be back on when I'm done with all that or if something major happens and I wanted to talk with y'all about it 😂 it's all very up in the air. Sorry lol but I will make another post and let y'all know whenever I turn anons back on too.
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People who have been around for awhile on my blog can testify I used to do this to them all the time, anons would flip on and off constantly 🤣🤣
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chlorine-and-daisies · 2 months
hey!!! Just want to say that your writing is amazing!!! I just read a couple of your posts and I’m sorry you’re feeling down on yourself right now, but know that your work is fantastic!! Keep doing what you’re doing!!
(warning: incoming advice if you want it, if not then feel free to ignore the ask but just know that the above comment still stands!!! 💙)
as far as ao3 engagement goes, as someone who’s been on and posting for a few years now, it can be a real lottery as far as when or how your fic gets seen. My engagement was slow at first and then as I worked more with different tags and posted at different times of day, it gradually went up. I also used to post multi-chapter and one shots all in one go, which is obviously not a bad thing to do at all, but I found that my engagement definitely went up when I started posting chapters on a weekly or daily basis, which helped it to get more widespread engagement! (It can also help, with multi chapter, to let your readers know when approximately you might have the next chapter ready, although there is no obligation to say that of course! One of my big pet peeves is when people try to pressure writers about when their next chapter is coming out. I only mean that if you have an approximation already, then it’s good to let people know so they can be on the lookout! ☺️)
I’ve posted one one-shot that took a really long time to get any engagement (and is still my lowest one, which isn’t a bad thing of course), I think to a certain degree there are a ton of fics being posted every day in this fandom and sometimes things get buried. That doesn’t mean they are worth any less than ones that get tons of engagement!!! Some of my favorite fics have minimal engagement, and I try to push and promote them when I can so more people can read them. I also will post about my own fics on my tumblr when the moment calls for it or if there’s a new work or new chapter out, and tag that with every tag that someone looking for a new fic to read might be searching in.
Tags and time of day really have made a difference for me in publishing (think about when people might be on ao3 the most). I try to use as many as I can that describe the work and also help it to appear engaging to someone who might just be scrolling through, and I’ve learned that the fics I post with a passage or quote from the work (along with a summary line if you want to add one of course) tend to get more engagement because readers can have a little taste of what the fic is going to be like. It’s all totally a process and you are doing great!!!
just remember that no matter what sort of engagement you might get on ao3, your work is wonderful and valuable, and no one can tell the stories you want to tell except you, because you are the only one with your mind and your unique creativity! My favorite thing to do is just write the stories I want to read, and then if people read them and enjoy them as well then that’s a great plus!
anyway sorry for writing an essay in your asks 😂, and again there is obviously no need to reply or take this advice if you don’t want to! Just know that you are amazing and this is all a long process!
hope you feel better soon 💙
oh anon thank you so much for being so sweet and supportive! you made me do a little happy dance :)
i really appreciate your advice!!!!! stuff like including a quote in the summary or posting at different times never occurred to me, and i will definitely be taking this into account in the future. thank you so much for encouraging me to be persistent and continue doing my thing- i hope you are continuing to do so yourself. (oh and please don't apologize for writing a long ask, it means a lot to me :) )
you're so right, we all have our own mind and creativity that we need to keep sharing, and should all write what we want to read. would be a pretty repetitive place if only popular works got posted.
as you've probably inferred, i will say that a lot of this is...more related to preexisting mental health issues than fandom. now that a few hours have passed and i'm out of the urgent Mood i can be a little bit more hopeful about the long game- both in terms of starting therapy and continuing to write in this fandom. as you say it's a long process.
i'll keep writing and being Me and i hope that you are taking care of yourself and doing the same!
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cloudiness · 2 years
What do you think of Carlos’ Italian? Has he got a good accent? He sounds mesmerising! wish I could understand him when he talks.
Hello Anon! Sorry for the late reply!
Carlos speaks amazingly in Italian, he has a good accent, he sounds much better than other people I know whose first language is Spanish, but you can still tell that he’s Spanish.
He makes some mistakes but very few tbh. He tends to sometimes mix Italian and Spanish sounds or words; for example, I heard him say in many occasion a word that you can hear in the video I’ve posted of his interview at the French GP (HERE) at 5:05; he wants to use a word that in this context means “whatever”, which is: “qualsiasi” /kwalˈsi.a.si/ that in Spanish is "cualquiera" /kwalˈkjeɾa/, but you can hear that Carlos uses a mix that sounds like “cualquie-siasi” which is just so cute 🥰.
That’s such a little thing tough; he uses words that are part of the actual spoken language and he does it in such a natural way! He also knows many terms that are used just in the f1 world that he must have learnt by speaking with Italian people in the paddock because you can’t study those on a book. So, yeah, he’s pretty brilliant in my opinion.
Tbh I’m always amazed when I hear drivers speaking Italian, so many of them speak in such a natural and proficient way; Charles has almost no accent, sometimes he makes mistakes but he speaks better Italian than English, Alonso is almost like Carlos, Ocon is not perfect but fluent, Pierre and Daniel are not that good but they still try sometimes, Daniel is just so much fun to hear but it can be a little bit embarrassing, not for how he speaks but for what he says 😂.  Nico Rosberg needs a special mention though, he is just WOW! I couldn’t believe it when I first heard him speak. His accent is so on point! You can tell that he grew up with people that are from the norther part of Italy because that’s where I live and HE HAS MY ACCENT, it’s so weird because he can mess up words or tenses so that you know that he’s not 100% Italian but you could never tell that he’s German!
Back to Carlos, I think he has improved a lot in these last two years working with Italian people in Italy, he just keeps getting better and I agree with you Anon, he’s just so mesmerizing to hear and watch ✨✨✨✨❤️.
I didn’t mean to write an essay about drivers and Italian..oops..thank you anon for your question! Next time I’ll try and be less verbose 😅 
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yakichoufd · 1 year
Sleep deprived mind communicating with sleep deprived mind!!! Hi howdy I'm the Jhin anon again here to scream about the sketches. I got Covid for the first time yesterday and I've been miserable but oh my god the sketches are like buckets of seretonin! Your wonderful responses have given me enough confidence to come off of anon lol.
Again I agree with all of what you've said. I'm so very torn because I was a League player back in 2014 and then Arcane reawoke the love I had for the game. I thought Viktor was really cool in League, badass scientist dude! And then Arcane Viktor? I just wanna give him a hug and tell him he's gonna be okay. So I'm torn. I wanna see the Herald in all his power, but I also want Viktor to remain the absolute gem that he is.
I'm a Jhin main though, I love that angsty man. He's a fascinating character, a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes his victims are works of art. There's something about the dynamic of Jhin seeing Viktor as a work of art so priceless that he couldn't stand to kill him. And Viktor, recently struggling with the Hexcore and how he perceived Jayce's lack of understanding (refer to me crying at "Jayce will understand" followed by "I'm from the Undercity" scenes). Having Jhin by his side, admiring his work and seeing the shades of purple in Viktor's skin as splashes of watercolour rather then corruption by the Hexcore??? They could be good for each other, in their own anti-hero way.
I had to chuckle at the throuple idea with Jayce. I love Jayce, I think he's a bit of a dork (affectionately). It's likely that he'd be quite intimidated by Jhin.
Aaaaaaand again I'm just Unwell Essay Writing in your asks I'm so sorry 😂 if you do get the time, Jhin is a very complex character to look into. I hope you get some good sleep 🥰
I'm sorry you are sick and I hope you'll feel better soon! <3 I'm glad my doodles cheered you up and I really enjoy our conversation! I'm now very intrigued by Jhin and him thinking Viktor is a piece of art is very sweet! I'm looking forward to discover this character if he 'd show up in arcane!! :)
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And I agree with you, Viktor must have lost so much trust in Jayce with this "they're dangerous" sentence. He thought their dream and goals were the same until this scene. I think Jayce managed to regain some trust at the end of the season (with his speech to the councilors) but I don't think Viktor would ever see Jayce as he used to (in the context that their divorce goes super slowly). Even if our dear Jayce gave independence to Zaun. i-i It took me some time to appreciate this character, he is a little bit more complex to understand than the other ones. Most of the others champions have a clear motivation and path to follow while Jayce is a little bit different imo. In act 1 he is this clever young scientist who is risking everything to prove his theory and in the other acts he just say "yes" to everyone haha! Sorry I'm talking a lot about Jayce (or Viktor) cause they're the only character that I know haha! I'm going to read Jhin lol's lore thanks to you! I hope you'll be able to sleep and feel better soon! take care <3
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