#sorry for the ramble lol
Are you gonna be doing gortash week??
ah i’ve heard of it but the creator mentioned in a faq that what’s created for the themes is supposed to be ruining his life/making him suffer in some way? and idk if you’ve seen my text post about it, but i basically don’t really have the ‘need to see my fave get hurt’ urge a lot of people have with their faves. i have the opposite i am fascinated by them ruining other’s lives and being horrible and so on haha. so ya power to everyone and absolutely no judgement of course i know my brain is wired extremely strangely but that’s not something i am really interested in creating and i don’t wanna clog the tags with something the creator or most people participating don’t wanna see, so no, don’t think so!
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spookwitchghost · 1 month
favorite book?
Hmmm I really like the Throne of Glass series, and recently I've been fucking with the Vampire Chronicles
As I've gotten older it's hard for me to have a favorite book, like if ya asked me 2 years ago I would've told you God Emperor of Dune which I still really love that book but idk if I'd put it as my all time fav
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c00kietin · 29 days
I saw them!! I feel like a "I hope you're okay" isnt fitting right now, but I understand where you're coming from, life is terrifying, I'm sorry
i understand perfectly what you mean, thank you for the ask <3
Sometimes the chronophobia comes by fast and then other times it drains me for the whole day thinking about it. Today's one of those days when it punched me in the head lol
I don't expect any sort of sympathy or advice or whatevs since I don't want to worry people too much. Sometimes I just feel better dumping my thoughts out on a screen instead of telling people. I will get a vent journal eventually-
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niinnyu · 1 year
Something I personally thought would be fun to see play out.
Geto Suguru came to Jujutsu Tech to personally Declare War (love that ost) on everyone there and challenge them to fight during the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, only for it to be a distraction for him too get control of Rika from Yuuta over at Jujutsu Tech (the ploy succeeds even if Geto doesn't)
Then during the sister school goodwill event, PseudoGeto has Hanami and gang fight our guys. All while having creating an *anti Gojo* veil around them which draws everyone's attention, esp Gojo's, to the things happening there, away from the shrines, where Mahito was able to slip in and steal Sukuna's fingers, Cursed relic and Death Paintings 1-3.
Few months later, sets 31st October 2018's Halloween parade at Shibuya as the time and place for Gojo's sealing. Gojo unknowingly walks right into, and has a devastating revelation, followed by devastating consequences. All according to Kenjaku's kekaku (kekaku means plan).
So what I think would be fun is Gojo challenging Sukuna and Kenjaku to fight on 24th December, which obviously has incredible meaning because he needs to get Geto's body and Megumi back (and from a purely shounen pov the anticipated Gojo vs Sukuna fight).
But, for this to also be something everyone focuses on while Yuuji, Yuuta and the gang work in the background to be able to pull the rug from under Kenjaku and Sukuna. Kenjaku also seems to be relying on people being distracted by their fight to "leave me free to do as i please". Yuuta has already vowed to not let Gojou kill his Best Friend again. And Yuuji is clearly preparing for something big (start by saving me, Itadori).
I'm not keeping my hopes up but It'd be a cool turning of tables imo. Things will happen either way ofc but the added fun of bamboozling our antagonists as they have done us time and time again makes me cautiously excited heh.
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alphabetboyluvr · 10 months
hiii holly! i hope november's treating you kindly so far!
i wanted to ask whether you have any advice for writers that are just starting to publish. literally any modicum would be greatly appreciated.
it's really hard to assess whether one's writing is any good when literally no one ever reads it :( at the same time, I know I should write for myself first and foremost. can't help but want to be held accountable by the possibility of an audience, tho (maybe that's just my brain chemistry??) I fall into the pit of thinking "if no one's reading it, why am I even writing? I can daydream indefinitely and be satisfied. Why write?" Yet I always come back to writing; it's something magnetic.
it's not the same to ask close friends to read ur stuff bc they are ur friends, and may not give you the sincerity ur looking for so as to not discomfort u. conversely, they might not be interested enough so as to pick up on the fine details.
f/u question: how do you deal with publishing your work on the internet for free? does it ever scare you that strangers could copy and republish ur work without your knowing?
I guess that's one of my main apprehensions about posting loyally on writing platforms. I'm scared I'll write something I'm very proud of and have it plagiarized and not be able to track it back as my original property??
anyways, enough of my self-exposing on your q and a's feeling v vulnerable sharing my doubts so openly lol
thank youuuu :) ly <3
hiyaaa!! it's getting chilly, i won't lie, but other than that November has been pretty typical. likewise, i hope it's treating you well too!
honestly the fact you casually drop words like modicum probably suggests you're a paygrade above me in terms of writing hahaha
my answer is a long (srsly i just kept on going lmao) ramble, so I'll put a read more here haha
i've many lovely friends who i absolutely adore that I've met through writing that are now irls, but none of my friends that i know independently outside of writing have ever read my stuff - I've even got irl friends who are deep in the ao3 trenches, who are paying for other tannie writers' patreons, but we have an unspoken rule that my work is not to be read by them. i just don't let my friends read my work, full stop, so i get that sentiment.
the thing is, humans are naturally inclined to be storytellers - it's been that way for thousands of years. our tales are meant to be told. sharing is just a very human thing for us to do.
I've been publishing on wattpad (within the tannie space) for 4 years, now. readers didn't appear overnight - i actually recently found a screenshot of you up? from march 2021. it had 28 parts, 2.03k reads and 313 votes.
it now sits at 62 parts, 1.45million reads and 55k votes.
that's a little bit perspective for you, i guess - i'd written half of an entire novel that was averaging around 70 reads per chapter, but i loved that world, and i had story to tell, so i told it. some people viscerally hated it, some loved it. i was writing for me, and the numbers prove that. if you worry about the numbers, you'll never satisfied.
similarly, comparison is the thief of joy, or so they say.
comparing yourself to other writers is never healthy. there are far more 'successful' authors on wp in terms of reads, but i genuinely mean it when i say i think i have the most fulfilling and rewarding space on tannie wp because my readers are so unbelievably lovely. i wouldn't trade my current readership for bigger numbers, not a chance.
in terms of plagarism, there are 170,000 words in current use within the english language, and 36 plot types. we've exhausted a lot of them, already. overlap and similarities are bound to occur, so i try not get fixated on it.
take cv for example - i was so gassed up with myself when coining the terms mono and multi, only to find out after i'd finished writing the story that there was a drama with a similar concept that also used the term mono for a similar condition that aired after i'd already started writing cv. overlap happens.
similarly, we're a product of the media we consume. endeavour is my favourite word, because it was in a song i liked when i was a teenager and it stuck with me. i use it all the time, and we can trace it back to the pen of alex gaskarth lmao.
I've seen readers of mine publish work that's been heavily inspired by my work - with and without 'permission' - and i just sort of shrug my shoulders whenever i notice it.
the way i see it, we'll never tell the exact same story. likewise, no two readers will ever read identical texts the same way. i encourage creativity, and know how important it is for me to empty my brain, so I'll never go for someone's throat for doing the same. that's how myths were born, right? people telling and retelling the same stories over and over again? how am i gonna write a romeo & juliet x greek mythology inspired fic and then get annoyed for someone taking inspo from me?
just like the way hair will always grow back after a terrible cut, new words can always be written after a disappointing discovery. idk, i just don't take it very seriously, i guess.
as for whether or not your writing is any good - it's totally subjective. there are people who have explicitly, publicly stated their disdain for my writing. I've had cruel opinions about my writing projected and amplified to large followings. and it sucks.
but there are people who have been exceptionally kind about my writing, too. i get some of the loveliest messages in the world. there are tiktoks with hundreds of comments of just unadulterated loveliness directed towards my work. I'm afforded so much grace and love that it can be overwhelming at times.
not everything is for everyone, and that's okay. you can't let yourself get hung up on pleasing everyone.
the one thing i will say, is that if you're seriously concerned about your IP, write original characters, and use wattpad as your platform. i know they have a reputation, but they give a shit about copyright infringement and the second someone gets reported for plagiarism, they'll investigate it, and take down the story.
no reward without risk - you gotta decide if the risk of plagiarism is worth the reward of sharing your work.
and plus, ai is taking over anyways. may aswell write while we still can lol.
so i guess tl;dr - don't let outside influence impact your internal need to create. the right readers will find your work eventually, but it's not an overnight miracle kinda thing. if i stopped writing just because i didn't see results in my stats, then i would have stopped after kumiho, and we'd have never gotten throttle, or bd, or anything else of mine you might have read.
do it because you love it, and it fulfils you. i love the communities built around my stories, and that's why i share them. writing without sharing doesn't fulfil me in the same way.
okay i've really rambled too much so i'll leave it here, but i hope that helps a little!!! or at least has given you insight into my brain!!!!!!
luv u byeeeeeee
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 months
im so happy i have all the people who love me in my life
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chaos-potat · 11 months
Fun Question:
Do Timothy, Zach and Casey have any hidden talents?
Yes! Thank you for asking!
Timothy is very creative and can write and make stories really well, he loves superhero and fantasy stories! Tim's also got very good hugs that put people at ease, he's like a stress ball to them which is nice since he likes hugs.
Casey (shown in the show) draws, in my comic, he's very good at drawing people, he can also do that weird thing where you flip your eyelids inside out, gross, but he can do that.
Zach is good at retaining knowledge, he's good in school, he also sews a bit, he made his costume (With the help of his Dad who also sews).
Zach and Tim also like to say they can read each others minds, twin powers, they can read each other pretty well, but sometimes Tim is unpredictable when he's excited about something.
These are more skills that they learned than talents (Minus Zach's memory)
Bonus: Donnie can draw inorganic items well too, backgrounds included, that was in the show, but in my comic he does Ballet with Mikey and sometimes shows Tim and Casey some moves.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 6 months
4 and 11 for the music asks 💖
hi hi!!! thanks for asking 🫶🏽✨
4. if you were to get a non-lyrics music tattoo, what would it be? (or tell about one you already have!)
i sososososooooo badly want the MoBo dog on my body somewhere!!!! this guy:
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i know the hiatus is probably indefinite but GAH MoBo for mf LIFE!!!!
11. what is the best live music show you've ever been to?
Neck Deep in 2021! me and my friend had the tickets for almost 2 full years before actually being able to go (thx cov) and it was my first pop-punk show in a while. not only was it a great show but it kinda changed my life? in my personal life i was in a very confusing space, just having gone NC w my family and feeling really disconnected from myself. but man, that show. that show reminded me how much i love live music, how music made me feel so in touch with myself. it was the perfect show at the perfect time. i think abt it often and how it sent me on the trajectory that led me to where i am today.
Music Ask Game!!
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Have you eaten or drank anything today?
How are you feeling rn? How has your day been?
And final question, can I put a boop in your ask box?
I ate 12 hours ago bc I don’t have time for lunch with my schedule, but don’t worry I’m about to eat again I finally have a second
Horrible. I I have a fun hormonal? blood pressure? issue that basically means I’m always on the verge of passing out + sweaty + brain fog + heart palpitations when it’s THAT TIME, but I had a debate today and couldn’t leave my partner hanging, so I couldn’t skip the class. In short, miserable :D
Please send a boop. Please. About to do a test that decides my grade in a class I haven’t being doing good in. Could use a boop
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btscontentenjoyer · 6 months
Oh my god this is so precious 🥺🥺🥺
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He grew up so well didn't he 😭😭😭 I constantly think about how much he's grown and achieved in such a short time, he seems so much more confident and content with himself now! And imagine how proud and amazed younger Jungkook would be if he saw himself now 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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saytrrose · 8 months
Hey!! I love your fursona, she’s so cute!! Have you ever been to any conventions before? Also, do you have any fursuit items?
I have been to two conventions, one when I was in 7th grade, another when I was in 8th. I loved it so much, however I just went as myself ofc since I didn’t have anything at the time suit wise. I went with just my mom the first time, then the second time I went with one of my friends + mom.
Now I’m in college and it’s been like 5 years since I’ve been to a con which sucks because I really want to go but I need people.. to go with lmfao. I wouldn’t want to do it alone.
Also I like to make fursuit pieces, I’ve made quite a few and sold them, I used to have my own little maker brand back when I was really into it. It was called Neapolitan Studios and my track record is a Manokit partial (head, back fin, tail, paws, feetpaws, basically everything but the bodysuit-) a Dutch angel dragon tail inspired off of a pineapple, and minor things like tounges, teeth and claws. I did once make a digitigrade bodysuit base.
It’s been a long while tho fr.
I do happen to have digitigrade feetpaws and handpaws for Kenji currently, but that’s all in my possession. I’d like to get a head of her but.. money and I’m in college lol. I got these as well as a tiny con backpack I got commissioned off Etsy.
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chaoslynx · 2 years
hey chaos, i think you said once that all your ashes are autistic… could u elaborate on this headcanon? 🤗 i also noticed some of your ashes self soothe via rocking motions, is this an autistic ash specific action..?
I do headcanon Ash as autistic! I don't necessarily go out of my way to write him that way, but I have noticed that I kind of always have, even before I actively started thinking about the headcanon.
Here's some stuff from canon that supports the theory!
Ash upon first meeting Max: “Yeah I read all your columns! I didn’t like them.” And then he doesn’t understand why that’s not a compliment.
Ash took years of etiquette classes, essentially learning how to mask, but still struggles when he’s not actively putting the effort in.
Special interests! His hyperfixation on learning, math, books.
He’s a picky eater.
We know Ash is brilliant, but he struggles with emotional intelligence. Clearly gets a little confused with interpersonal relationships, like his brain not working when it comes to Eiji.
Ash not understanding why his joke to Eiji about modeling (and it being more difficult than CP) falls flat. You can see the moment where he’s, like, “… Wait. That didn’t work.” And then he changes the subject.
“If he’s so smart, how did Ash not notice that anything was wrong with Shorter when he was working for Yue?” He trusted Shorter, and wasn’t able to pick up on the indicators that Shorter was behaving differently until it was too late. Another big reason Ash blames himself for everything that went down there.
Honestly a lot of the "if Ash is so smart, why did he [xyz]?" work well with this headcanon, esp if you consider IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence quota) as separate spectrums.
Black and white thinking patterns. The fandom often considers Blanca morally gray, but Ash? Ash thinks Blanca is 100% correct and trusts him when he says that Ash is bad for Eiji.
During Angel Eyes, Ash essentially has a meltdown when Shorter goes off script and acts socially unpredictable, as Shorter is prone to do. Later this is actually an asset for the two of them as friends, but they’re not there yet.
The way Ash seems to analyze others' behavior at times, like how he thinks of human behavior as almost a puzzle or challenge to solve, something that can be predicted and quantified.
I haven't thought of my fics' Ash's self soothe rocking or hugging himself as necessarily tied into the autism headcanon, but it definitely could be! I have kind of ... I guess a wholistic approach to writing a character? I don't think about "okay Ash is doing this because he's autistic, but he does this because of trauma, and then this because of an inherent personality trait, versus this is socialized and learned behavior, and--" but more like ... "taking Ash's entire character into account, this is how I think he would react in this situation." We might not see him exhibit all of these behaviors in canon, but my fics present a different situation than canon. In particular, fic often allows Ash to show more vulnerability than he usually did onscreen in canon, both post canon and during missing scenes.
I do the same thing for my original characters (both in fics and novels); I often don't have a character's whole backstory and personality planned out when I start writing them. Instead, I just have a person in mind who fits the story, and then allow their "character sheet" (so to speak) fall into place.
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elendsessor · 11 months
ok another good analog horror i recommend is stone cold. it’s another really grounded one and deeply disturbing in just that groundedness while keeping a supernatural element. it’s like??? idk a lot is known about the medusa virus (as shown in the first part) but not where it came from and that’s always creepy to me.
there’s a major downside with the series though which is use of music. the horror is great but constantly playing old timey music when it wouldn’t make sense in both the time period and certain parts of the setting (such as the emergency alert that opens the series) is jarring at best. just incredibly unnecessary. i feel like it’s a good lesson in how to not make analog horror in terms of how to take away the scares. no your analog horror doesn’t need to rely on early 1900s shit for some of the scares it’s stupid please stop and please know when to keep things quiet or at least only have ambience. let the feeling of dread sink in.
still great tho please watch it
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Feel free to delete this if you aren’t comfortable with asks but your thoughts on Caleb are so good and its very subtle (as compared to other points in the C2 lmao) but he is truly not doing so well. And I know a lot of it is his isolation from the nein (a bit of it self imposed, I feel? He was so hesitant to call Beau outside of “working hours” but she was instantly like “yeah!! come over!! we have dinner and wine we are so happy to see you!!”) but what are your thoughts (if any) on like…Caleb finally being actually safe. Trent is locked away and no one is looking for him and he has a home to go to and no imminent danger to distract him like he did with the Nein. And now he has nothing to do but sit and process that fact, and that’s a really hard thing to do. Certainly not as dangerous as running off to fight a storm giant, but for our wizard friend probably way less enjoyable.
Agh. I just want him to be ok but he’s not quite there yet.
Hi there, nonnie! Sorry this took me ages to respond to, I definitely don't mind answering asks and appreciate your question and kind words!
I don't know that Caleb isn't doing *well*, exactly, it's just that he could be doing *better*. Like you said, he's at the very least safer than he's been in a very long time. He's confronted his abuser and won. He has a home, and friends he can call on almost whenever he wants (*almost*: it's clearly not the first time he's interrupted Beau and Yasha, and he and Veth have a signal for Do Not Interrupt; the boy has terrible timing lol). But he's on the edge of a precipice.
So yeah, I do think he's hovering in a liminal place. He's in the doorway, so to speak. Does he trust his ability to make choices? Does he trust his own judgement? He's suddenly confronted with a future he's never had the privilege of imagining.
Much of this hinges on if this is pre- or post-T-Dock destruction. It was clear that deciding *not* to go back and save his parents was the decision that determined the most prominent fork in his branching future. Either scenario, Caleb does feel like he's holding his breath, in the moment before the plunge.
The boy's brain has been swimming in stress hormones for ~18 years. That isn't something you can put away in six months. But it's actually a *good thing* that he's allowing himself to feel lonely. It means he's allowing himself to want, to dream, to hope, beyond the single-minded focus he's had for years.
He's standing at the edge of the rest of his life, and the thing is that we know it's going to be *so good*. He just needs to step out and get there.
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trentonsimblr · 2 years
Hello! How far in advance do you plan out your story? And do you find that it changes much as you go along?
Great question!!!
I keep modifying my planning process as I go along. Before I even started posting my story I had part one and part two all planned out (we are still in what I consider part one) and I even had some of the specific dialogue planned. If I had followed that initial plan I’d probably be in part 5 by now, Archer would have cheated on Eleanor with Isabelle (before the broke b/c of the betrothal), and Donovan would never have existed
So getting back on track, I have the major plot points planned out though gen 2 and parts of gen 3 (potentially going into a 3rd part) but a lot of the little details are a bit more up in the air and I plan those as I plan each chapter. What I’m posting now, I consider part 1 chapter 5. When I started planning it, I picked two events that felt like a good stoping and starting point for the chapter. After that I outlined everything that needed to happen (plot buildup, character development, etc) and then worked them into a coherent timeline. I have about 70ish posts planned for this chapter and have the dialogue written for about 45 of them.
I definitely change things as I go along. It’s mostly to fit the natural character development that happens as the story progresses. Sometimes I find that a character doesn’t fit with the original story I wrote for them so I either change the plot or I have the character experience something that would change them to fit the upcoming plot (which you could argue is in some ways still changing the plot). Sometimes I just don’t like an idea I had previously or I run out of time/energy to include some of the smaller details. Poor Wyatt has had parts cut as well as a really cute montage I was planning of Eleanor and her fam at their Chateau.
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teaboot · 8 months
On of the less intuitive things about love, I've found, of any kind, is the importance of needing things.
I didn't realize it until recently, but I've always seen love as something requiring sacrifice, selflessness, patience, and generosity- to ask for nothing is to be the best person I can be, small and quiet and never in the way, always happy and helpful, self-sufficient and present when desired.
It's only as an adult, now, that I'm beginning to see the selfishness of wanting nothing.
I cut my friend's hair in my kitchen the other day. They wanted a trim and I had the skills, so I offered, and was genuinely excited when they stopped hesitating over "bothering me" and took me up on it. It was a peaceful afternoon, and we had tea and chatted for an hour or more.
My brother and I shared popcorn at the movies a while ago. When I came time to pay, I pulled my card out like a wild western sheriff and slapped it on the machine before he could fight me for it first. The satisfaction was delightful.
Someone called me crying on the phone the other day. Kept apologizing for disturbing me at work, talking about how they were bothering me on my lunch break. I was telling the truth when I told them that really, I was flattered and honored and relieved, knowing that if they were hurting I would know, that I didn't have to worry in silence. It felt good to hear them slowly come down, and to know that they knew it would be better soon, and to hear them laugh wetly on the other end. We're getting together for a visit next week.
It's hard to need things, if you've trained yourself not to. It's hard to want things, when you don't know how to want anymore. Trusting people is difficult, and so is relying on them, but I don't know where I'd be without the people who rely on me.
I've heard a lot of people say, "Nobody will love you unless you love yourself". I've had a lot of thoughts about it. It's not right, but it's not wrong, either, I think.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... I've always taken that to mean, "You will not be lovable until you develop a positive view of yourself as a person".
Now, I think it's sort of inside-out.
"Nobody will love you unless you love yourself"... because nobody can show their love to you in a way that you can accept until you treat yourself kindly, and learn what you need, and what you want, and how to ask for it, and then give that vulnerability away.
Love, for me, is someone I ask for a ride to the airport. Whether they end up doing this or not is irrelevant.
It's not needy, or selfish, or taking up energy. It's giving the gift of being wanted, and needed, and thought of. It's giving someone the security of being part of someone's life.
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