#sorry for thinking that ‘kill bad people/it’s funny when bad people die’ is far too subjective to be a good ethical code to live by.
badolmen · 1 year
‘Stop trying to make me feel bad for billionaires!’ You do you fam I have my own principles and one of them is to recognize when something makes me think ‘hey that’s a little fucked up’ and reflect on why I feel that way. Get out of my bedroom if you don’t like the wallpaper no one’s forcing you to be here.
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mcflymemes · 3 months
AS SAID BY ISABELA - REMARKS AND COMMENTS *  assorted combat dialogue and other remarks from dragon age II
someone needs a good spanking!
you're leaving? just like that? what about sex?
if you're not going to get drunk with me, i'm afraid i can't take you seriously.
you thought i was going to say something dirty.
i feel i should say... something.
family's not just the people you're related to by blood. there are other people who care about you.
i'm sorry, i don't speak "never-gets-sex-again."
looking for a ditch to lay face down in? i can recommend one.
i think i need a bath. do you think i need a bath?
your death toll is approaching natural disaster.
if we kill them, we get their stuff!
trust me, it's better this way.
now this needs to be convincing. and you'll need to get creative.
come on, haven't you ever wanted to slap me? just a little?
the more the merrier, i suppose!
now you're making me nervous.
you know what they say about men like that, don't you?
i'm too far away! what do you want me to do, shout at them?
i'll make you cry for your mother!
watch out for the squirrels. they can be vicious little bastards.
something about this place is unsettling. it's like... underwear that never quite sits right.
need a hand? why yes! yes i do!
oh look at them! they're like kittens who want to eat you.
you hit like my grandmother.
i need a good, long sleep when i get home.
we had a short-lived drinking game based on how many enemies you have. it killed a man.
nothing like a near-death experience to get the blood pumping.
oh... i need a drink.
your hair looks funny in this light.
you're like an itch i can't scratch. or something. i'm not good at metaphors.
what's that foul smell? is that you?
being close to death is very bad for my morale.
i'm going to need to catch my breath!
and they say drinking never solves anything!
i need a stiff one... and a drink.
smells like smoke, burning metal, and aeons of misery.
you take me to all the nice places.
shall i give it a go?
time for a drink!
don't you die on me!
don't mind me, it's just a flesh wound.
ah, i'm all right. who needs kidneys anyways?
oh, let's not do that again.
can you imagine how sore you'd be if it was your job to bury all of these idiots?
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reccyls · 5 months
Surprise Bag 2024 Story (Prologue)
The April Fool's story from 2024. This is only the prologue, as the continuations are sold as story sales that I will not be purchasing. I do still think it is very funny, though.
The premise is a bodyswap, Ellis <> Jude and Elbert <> Alfons
Ever since I became a Fairytale Keeper, I like to think that my tolerance for the extraordinary has increased.
However, this latest happening in Crown far surpassed anything I had ever experienced.
"Jude": Good morning, Miss Kate. I'll make you happy today too.
Kate: ...Jude, did you... hit your head on something?
"Jude": Hm? Nope, I'm perfectly fine. Haven't hit my head on anything.
Kate: What happened to your usual terrible attitude?! Did you catch a cold? Are you injured? We have to go to the hospital now--
"Ellis": Tch, the hell is this?
"Jude": Ah, Jude. "Jude": Huh? Jude, why are you me?
"Ellis": I should be the one asking. Why the hell are you me?
Kate: Wha? Huh??
"Elbert": Ahha! Something terribly amusing seems to have happened, hasn't it?
Kate: Alf- Eh, Lord Elbert? Kate: Wait, so then is that 'Alfons' standing behind you...?
"Alfons": ...When I looked in the mirror, I became Al.
"Elbert": Being able to look at oneself from the point of view of an outsider truly is fascinating. "Elbert": Oh yes, El. Do speak more energetically. It's unsettling to hear myeslf sound so glum.
"Alfons": ...More energetically? ...I'll, try... "Alfons": ........Ahha.
"Elbert": I suppose that's my mistake for asking you to be more energetic.
Kate: Wait, just hold on a second. So what's happened is... Kate: ...Jude and Ellis, and then Lord Elbert and Alfons have swapped bodies!? Kate: What kind of ridiculous situation is this...!?
"Ellis": It's that goddamn doctor bastard's fault. I'll kill him.
Gathering the remainder of Crown, we questioned Roger about the circumstances. He let out an unrestrained laugh.
Roger: My bad, my bad. Who'd ever think that the results would pay off this quickly? Aren't I a genius?
Victor: Now's not the time, Roger! What did you do to cause this adorable- excuse me, very troubling situation?
Liam: Victor, you're not hiding your true feelings very well. Your words and face don't match at all.
Roger: I had the thought of swapping a cursed person with a normal person. That could lead to the curse transferring, couldn't it? So I was doing some research.
William: Your unquenchable thirst for knowledge is admirable indeed. But if that were the case, shouldn't you be experimenting with a cursed person and a normal human?
Roger: It'd be pretty dangerous for us if something went wrong while I was experimenting on a normal person, wouldn't it? I thought I'd test things out on these guys first.
Harrison: Just what do you think we are? We die just as easy as normal people, you know.
"Elbert": Let's toss that musclehead four-eyes into the Thames.
"Ellis": Yeah. Fix some stone weights to him and it'll be over quick.
Kate: Stop, stop! Don't say things like that wearing Elbert and Ellis's faces!
"Jude": But that's pretty amazing, Roger. I never thought that medicine like this could exist.
Liam: ...Jude being all soft is- nope, that's just weird!
Roger: Don't worry so much. Once I've collected enough data from you lot, I'll whip up an antidote. Roger: ........Once I've got an antidote, I can start testing on the others.
Harrison: ...You just said something awful, didn't you?
Roger: Don't know what you're talking about.
"Elbert": You're acting like you're in any position to bargain about turning us back? Pardon my French, but go die.
Harrison: Yikes... Uh, Liam? Hey, Liam, hey. Did he fall asleep?
"Jude": Sorry, I touched his head. I was curious about whether I could use Jude's power or not.
Roger: Huh, so the ability stays with the body. I really am a genius after all, aren't I?
(This isn't helping anymore...!)
Kate: A-anyway! Please make that antidote as soon as possible, Roger! Kate: ...Geez. What are we going to do if Her Majesty hears about this?
Roger: Well, I might end up getting fired... Roger: ...So it's up to you to watch over the lot of them to make sure nobody else finds out about this, little lady.
Kate: Huh? ...Roger? Wait!
"Ellis": Tch... Fuck it. Let him get kicked out.
"Jude": Ah, Jude, my body isn't used to--
"Ellis": *cough, cough*... Ellis. First thing we're doing is to start training so you can at least handle one cigar.
"Elbert": Hmm... with a face like this, I could get away with doing pretty much anything, don't you think?
"Alfons": ...Kate, is this spoon beautiful?
Kate: M-my poor sanity...!
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ultimateloserboy · 2 months
ok you know what im gonna say it with my full chest. literally nobody talks about bendy (the character) like who he actually is and ive been tired of it since the old game ended. i think hes genuinely one of the most incorrectly fanonized characters like ever at this point. and i genuinely believe it changed the actual canon and it bothers me a lot.
as for the physical version of him/ the ink demon— in the original batim game there was literally a whole plot point about bendy being non-human and how he came out of the machine physically and mentally sloppy compared to the other creations. hes not a fully fledged-out person and that’s LITERALLY an entire section of the original game. he has no human soul or mind, hes sentient but about as much as a gorilla. he attacks like a zombie or an animal with instinct and not like an angry human being. he cant speak because his mouth is fake and he cant walk properly because his limbs are liquid sludge— hes literally an abomination— a mockery of actual human life. its crazy to even call him the “villain” of the story because he doesnt have the thinking ability to genuinely be malicious. its like calling zombies the villains of zombie movies, they cant be because they dont have the brain function to be.
a lot of people ignored the obvious fact that he isnt human-like so they could sexualize him, which isnt as bad as sexualizing an actual animal— im not claiming that— but what bothers me is how the creators made him MORE HUMAN to lean towards these people and ill never think otherwise. yall can argue with me or call me chronically online, but bendy WASNT able to speak or was human-like at all until the dark revival, which was so obviously fan service its not even funny.
im not claiming that people who sexualize bendy are zoos or something— thats too far. what im claiming tho is that this genuinely interesting character was given consciousness and the ability to speak after previously not ever having those things JUST so booktok ass teenagers could swoon over him like they do venom, taking away the interest of his original character. he wasnt fully sentient until it made money for the creators and then suddenly hes speaking poetry in a deep sexy man voice with a fucking 8 pack. how does that not bother anyone? im not even trying to say its morally weird— im just saying its bad writing in general!!! like why do yall let these games ruin characters for fan service and not even give a fuck, and then have the balls to ask why newer ones are so poorly written?? no fucking shot EVERY one of yall was ok with them retconning his entire existence like HES THE MAIN CHARACTER???? DO YALL REALLY WANNA SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING //THAT// BAD TO THE POINT ITS OK TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE MAIN CHARACTER AS LONG AS IT MEANS YOU CAN FINALLY SEXUALIZE HIM CANONICALLY??????
and before people say anything— no i dont think its wrong for bendy to develop a voice or to become more human over time— BUT COME ON DUDE ARE YALL DENSE?? IVE SEEN LESS FAN-SERVICE STARING AT MY GOD DAMN AIR CONDITIONER!!!! they didnt “develop” bendy more— they retconned him to please freaks online!!! surely ONE of yall had to have noticed like… when tdr dropped the sexualization was so bad i genuinely didnt have fun with the series anymore. and I CANT because its justified now! the creators retconned him to be more sexyman so now you cant even argue against it!! literally why cant we have ONE thing online without people wanting to pound every single fucking character??
im sorry if this sounds mean but ive been upset about this for YEARS!! bendy was my favorite character as a kid and NOBODY gives him justice NOT EVEN HIS OWN CREATORS. it would be one thing if there was just a small portion that treated him like this but now its literally everyone and the games lean into it and i just want to explode and die at this point fr.
it genuinely makes me a little ill knowing he was once just a confused, soulless being fighting and killing out of the confusion, rage and fear that his cruel existence caused him to feel, but now hes just a deep voiced venom-ripoff villain whose just a big meanie and hunts you for sport or some stupid shit.
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shiikiyun · 1 year
Futa Kajiyama and Remorse
by someone that would hit him in the head if they had the chance
The discussion over whether Futa's shown remorse over his actions is genuine or not is something that has existed for years at this point, and it'll probably always be a debate. Just thought I'd give my personal take on it.
Starting off by saying that it is very ironic that a huge part of the discussion on his character and crime is how genuine he is when he admits fault, considering his case is entirely related to social media, almost like how when public figures online mess up and everyone else picks apart their apologies and rate the sincerity of them (not saying it's a bad thing, influencers will explode before handing a good apology, i just thought it was funny to point out). That aside, let me actually talk about him.
First, what did he do? In short, he began a witch-hunt campaign and doxxed a middle-schooler over a claim with no basis that said kid tried to reason with him over and he ignored, (pressumably) pushing her to suicide. Fucked up. Very understandable unforgiven veredict in the first trial, since his denial of his actions was so strong, he had it coming for sure.
Now, his feelings around his crime. It's said a lot that he doesn't feel sorry for his victim, that he only feels anxious and "guilty" because he's facing consequences and he's scared of dying, so he'll do anything to avoid that (so; admit fault, even if he doesn't believe he was wrong). And he is stubborn, so it's not crazy to see it that way, but—
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Does he really not care?
From the way I see it, Futa is telling the truth when he says he never intended her to die. Personally, I would "should've thought about it twice then?" 'd him if I could, but I can't in good faith call him disingenuous for saying he didn't want it to end that way.
People don't take their actions on social media seriously. This happens all the time. People will say they most cruel things to strangers over minimal disagreements, and they don't consider it to be that damaging because "it's just social media". Futa is no different than that.
He got a power trip from the praise he received after he called out a teacher for sexual harrassment (which is obviously an actually fair reason to dunk on someone), took it too far over something mundane, and it actually had real life consequences on an innocent person. And he knows this. He's always known. The very moment he realizes what he did is when he's horrified of himself and is visibly shocked— He didn't want this. But he did it, and now there's blood on his hands.
To call that reaction disingenuous, or relate those feelings solely to the fact that he's facing consequences now, is completely ignoring that it happens before he's aware about receiving backlash from his friends.
That's where his anxiety comes from. He's always known he fucked up awfully. When ES insists on him being a murderer, what makes him stutter and show fear is that same word. He's a murderer, and he can't cope with that, but he knows what he did no matter how much he denies it. From the very beginning all Futa has been is a coward; unable to accept that his actions killed someone until he gets some sense literally beat up on him.
Now, this is where I drift onto something even more people might disagree with, but personally I think it's intentional. The representation of his victim, in both MVs.
Because Futa saw no difference between her and other people him and his friendgroup judged, firstly, she's shown as a videogame monster. Her silhouette changes to a more human-like one when he realizes she died, but that's about it. It shows more of his attempt at dettaching from what he did, refusing to see things for what they are.
But then Backdraft came and totally changed that.
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I have to bring up the other 2 monsters to make my point clearer. Like I said, in Jihen Joutou, Futa pictures all of his targets as monsters. In Backdraft, the first 2 remain the same style, but Killcheroy changes.
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isn't she adorable, by the way?
Unlike the other two, she's a completely different art style. Cartoony, cute, childish. Because Futa finally got to a point where he can't separate his actions from himself anymore, and had to recognize to have played part in her death, we see his victim for what she is—
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A middle schooler.
Of course, her straight up appearing would've been enough to convey that, but the addition of making her character different (innocent, friendly, harmless) further shows how Futa does recognize that he hurt a child that ultimately wasn't doing anything wrong.
And, lastly, and this is entirely personal and where even More people might not agree: I just don't he's lying. I don't think he's trying to manipulate anyone into thinking he feels remorse just to get relief. I believe him when he says he knows what he did was wrong and he regrets doing it, that he wouldn't do it again. And I also understand (and agree) when he says ES, and us by extent, are doing the same.
People in the fandom like to act like he's crazy in the head (hyperbole) for saying that, that he is entirely saying it to guilt ES into forgiving him, and it honestly exhausts me. So like, hey, I'm not Futa, I'm part of the audience and I've voted. So let me say it: We are in fact the same.
He is not wrong in believing it. The MILGRAM system only abuses people under the excuse of giving justice and punishment to those that deserve it regardless of the degree of their crime— And I'm not talking about Kotoko. The psychological torture all 10 of these people are going through is not fair, not on the most forgivable one, nor the least. It is just an abusive system. This system killed people, some of which were teenagers, for having a troubled life. How is that any different from him?
Now I just said we are the same for the dramatism— Of course we are not the same on the basis that we are not actually hurting real people, but like, this fictional character doesn't have a conscience. By MILGRAM canon we really are just a bunch of people getting entertainment from 10 troubled people getting tortured. And as for ES, them continuing to partake on their role when they saw the extreme consequences it has just because they were told to do it is... Yeah, can you really blame any of the prisoners for thinking the guard is also in the wrong?
Ultimately, to conclude: I don't think Futa feels no remorse, nor do I think he only feels bad because he got consequences for it, and I don't understand this point of view. He's shown distress over his actions before backlash came his way, and right now he's at a point where he can't ignore that he fucked up and he will admit to it just fine. He is just simultaneously (and rightfully) upset that a fucked up system that does the same if not worse is the one that gets to decide whether he should be forgiven or not, because in all honesty, none of the prisoners deserve to be judged by MILGRAM.
Aaanyhow, that is it for me. I wrote this in a delirious state from sickness so I hope it's readable and coherent. Peace
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Note: i know its implied es attempted to stop the trials and it didnt work, i dont think theyre evil and entirely on a power trip... please dont misunderstand the bit i talk abt es as me saying theyre evil and entirely on a power trip thank you
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
The fact Alys killed FOR Daemon. Probably the most romantic thing someone has done for him, lmao. I hope they have sex and she does get pregnant with Daemon’s child, FINALLY someone who match his freak (you’d never hear the end of it from some quarters if Daemon did, the same people who are championing Rhaenyra cheating).
But seriously, Daemon asking Alys for help, her actually helping him and the last hallucination she gives him is that of reconciliation with his brother… I’m still processing this and what it’ll mean down the line. I need to know her motives because it can’t just be helping out Daemon ?? She calls them both chess pieces at the hands of larger forces… How far into the future has she seen ?
Besides that point she knows how Daemon dies, she told him “he’ll die in this place”, so why does she even help him ? And what about Aemond ? Like I wonder what the end goal is for her. Since she will know Aemond dies, imagine she doesn’t warn him about it when she met him which will be 100% funny.
First, this is nothing against you anon. But I don't take HotD's writing and characters at face value or value them bc I believe much of HotD's writng is superficial and too contradictory for that. Even without considering how they have made it so much easier to hate and misunderstand several F&B characters, general ASoIaF lore, etc., enough for people to think this war wasn't as anti-woman-leader focused as it was bc the showrunners have blatantly said they wish to make this more about "both teams bad, Targs are uniquely selfish".
Answer: (in case you weren't being facetious) Sorry, nothing is ever going to beat for me Alys getting impregnated by the craziest bitch of the greens, aka, anti bastard team. Other than that, show!Alys is not doing for Daemon but for the Riverland smallfolk, so yeah she doesn't care for Grover Tully that much. I believe she's meant to parallel Mysaria in HotD's endless love for "parallels".
I don't think the writers know what her end goal is, bc even this is not all that clear in the book as she disappears from history with her son. And I don't think that she has much to anticipate since unless HotD is trying to say that Jojen Reed was Alys' descendant, how did a Targ father contribute to any of Jojen or Meera's abilities in GoT or ASoIaF? Nah, this storyline is weird & jumbled.
As for Daemon asking for help, I think this is the "toxic-man-learns-he's-not-that-special-and-asks-for-a-woman's-help-to-raise-women's-importance" arc HotD has out for him in this season. An unnecessary one that contradicts the first one--and no 1x10 was bullshit esp the choking scene, so 🤷🏿‍♂️.
Finally, I don't blame some people having issue if Daemon did cheat with Alys bc if they are, like you, trying to enjoy HotD for its own thing and in this iteration of Daemon, he did choke Rhaenyra out. So yeah, he has less of a high horse if he did cheat. Other people's dislike for Daemon cheating may rather just come from their misunderstanding of his character, book or show, so they don't count.
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docholligay · 7 months
this was all @thoughtfulfuri's dream i just basically wrote it down. It's not great, but it's somethin, and I'm happy with that!
I don’t like to lie to you. 
It’s not who I am, even to people I don’t like, and you’re one of the people I like very much. I never cultivated a real gift for it, though, like me and most things, I can manage, in a pinch. This is a pinch, if there ever was one. 
“It’ll be fine. ‘Ow long ‘ave you know me? I can survive anything, it’s just that you need to ‘urry, right? Right, that’s all. I’ll be waiting.” 
See, the problem is, you’re a bit of an idealist, when it comes to the subject of me. I suppose I don’t blame you, since mostly it works out. I can survive anything, because I’ve survived everything. So far. I’ve been ripped through time twice, shot, all sorts of things that were meant to kill me, and just didn’t. I lived, anyhow. I do. 
Maybe I still will. Maybe I’m not lying. I don’t want to be lying, I don’t want to die, but I am fully capable of assembling evidence and coming up with a decent idea of the situation. Things have looked bad for me before, but Win, that’s the thing about flipping a coin. Coming up heads doesn’t make heads or tails more likely. It’s just..chance. 
“I can’t leave you, Lena.” 
“Well, you can’t take me neither. They ‘ave me CA. Couldn’t if we wanted to, love, so you just take the escape, and, and then you’ll come back.” 
I didn’t lie, then. I couldn’t leave if I wanted to. This cage is trapping me here, and keeping me alive. What’s that saying, between the devil and deep blue sea? Well, I’ve been to the bottom of the sea more than once, and it’s cold and it’s lonely and I spent the whole time wishing I’d died instead, so I might as well try the devil. 
She will kill me, though. I’m done for. I’ll be lucky if all she does is kill me. Now that you’re gone she’ll be able to convince them it’s all can be done with me. That the risk is too high to keep me alive. She will get permission to dismantle me brick by brick, and I’m trying not to imagine what that’s going to feel like. I can’t imagine it, because I need you to go, and for you to go, I need you to think I’m not afraid. 
“I can wait, I can work into the--”
“No! You can’t, Winston! This is the only chance either of us ‘ave! Please! You will just doom us both.” 
I’m annoyed with you, right? I’m not afraid, just annoyed, because you’ll come back. And you will. I know you will, I’ve never doubted you, same as I knew you’d be looking when Doomfist sent me spiraling. It’s just I’ll be gone by then. The gravestone at East London has been carved for years, but I’ve never laid in it. So that’ll be a new experience. It’ll save you all the trouble of deciding what to do. 
“Are you sure?”
You sounded so strained. The plastic at the wall of my cage is cheap and foggy, and I can just barely see your eyes. You’ve always taken care of me. I hope I’ve done the same. I put my hand up on the plastic of the wall, and gave a big grin. 
“I’ve never been more certain of anything in all me life, Win. Go. Come back, quick as you can. I’m waiting and the food ‘ere is rubbish.” 
“Okay. okay.” 
It was almost a whisper. I looked up at the clock, at the time drawing in when the rescue crew would be in position, and Winston would be safe. I could know I’d done that at least, as well as sit and plan the thousand annoying and nasty things I would say while I was being tortured to death. I hope I die before she comes up with a single good comeback. I hope she gets angry thinking about it in her shower the next day. I hope someone is sitting in the corner writing them down so I can have a big article, maybe even a pamphlet, titled, ‘Lena Oxton Died Very Brave and Also Funny, One Liners on Page Eleven, Nation Mourns Star Pilot’s Sick Burns.’ 
“Win. It’s time.” 
“I love you, Lena. I’m so sorry.” 
I wanted to tell you so many things right then. I wanted to tell you I loved you, and to take care of Em. Let her take care of you. I wanted to tell you to watch after Fareeha, who will take this personally whatever she says, and how all that rage she just tamps down inside her is going to pop, and without me there, I’m afraid no one will be able to help her. To let everyone have fun at Christmas. I don’t want a ruined Christmas, never on my account. Tell the little ones I love them. It was a good life, tell everyone, even if I wanted a bit more time. I always want more, don’t I? Tell Florrie I wasn’t afraid, she’ll worry I was. I hope she hadn’t started on my jumper. 
Tell Emily to find someone else. I’ll be offended if she doesn’t, tell her that, I wanted to say. 
But I couldn’t say any of that. Because then, you wouldn’t leave. I couldn’t say goodbye, because you couldn’t say it. 
“You can thank me by ‘aving some takeaway ready. I could murder an Indian right now.” 
You smiled, a little and I’ll take that as victory. Then you did what I bloody well told you to and scuttled back to where the rescue crew was going to enter. There was a lot of noise, and fire, but the swearing I heard over the crackle of the radio tells me that you made it. I know that you’re safe. A guard has come to make sure I’m still here. I can hear voices in the hallway, and I hear ‘Tracer,’ and the unlocking of the laboratory next door tells me what’s coming next. 
I don’t regret it. My only other choice was to let you die with me, and I would never do that to you. What a payment that would be, for everything you’ve done. I’m not built that way, and so I apologize for the lie. I knew they would never get here in time. I hope Ang lies too, I hope she tells you they killed me quickly. I’ve seen her do it before. Lies can be the greatest kindness some of us ever know. 
I’ll tell you a truth here, though, in my head, where you won’t hear it. 
I am a little afraid.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
**Seeing old threads on a specific subreddit insinuating that Historia was a better moral person than Levi and I’m trying to see how people could even possibly see it this way?**
They say how fans want to ignore that he’s a bad person for strangling her when she was about to make all their sacrifices to replace the puppet king for naught. God forbid she’s treated like an equal and a soldier. I was never able to stand how she was so stuck on feeling sorry for herself as if everyone else around her isn’t living in the same horrifying universe. I doubt they’d get their panties in a bunch if he manhandled Mikasa instead or any other female character. Apparently to them, Historia is an angel and Levi is just a thug…
So many characters have been forced to sacrifice their lives and their comrades and any semblance of happiness. But Historia exercising her own free will by agreeing to inherit the beast titan is the most tragic thing ever and should be avoided, even if it stalls the rumbling. Fuck every body else I guess, in this harsh world only SHE’S exempt from making horrible sacrifices. s/ …. Her abandoning that promise and betraying the scouts so she can live her cottage core girl life at the price of millions of people being crushed, and she’s supposed to be an angel compared to the “thug Levi”?? But this discussion just got me so mad 😭 I was just trying to read some threads to get fan fiction idea juices flowing. sorry for ranting at you…
But as if Levi himself hasn’t had to sacrifice his own humanity or a normal life, just to keep moving the needle forward in the right direction. He’s had to kill humans, he’s had to watch everyone around him die and live with the bitter pain of being the last man standing just so nothing was in vain. He fully stepped up to the responsibility of his Ackerman powers for the betterment of humanity. He could have easily been like his uncle Kenny and abused that strength, but he didn’t. Just because he doesn’t outwardly try to make everyone think he’s the stereotype of a good person like Historia, doesn’t mean he isn’t.
Haha, I really can't add anything more to this, because you said it all perfectly.
Anyone claiming Historia is "morally superior" to Levi has their head so far up their ass, it's not even funny.
Historia was one of the most selfish characters in the entire series, and that is saying SOMETHING, because there isn't a lack of selfish people in this story.
I've said before just what you reiterate here, which is that Historia got manhandled by Levi because she was too busy feeling sorry for herself to consider the consequences of her kneejerk refusal to take the throne. She didn't think of all the lives that would be lost and ruined because she was more interested in maintaining this humble facade she liked to play at, including all the lives of every one of her comrades. Every single member of the SC would have been on the chopping block if the coup failed, and the coup succeeding entirely hitched on her taking the crown.
So, knowing the type of person Historia is, it really shouldn't come as any surprise that she would renege on her previous agreement to inherit the Beast Titan, and actively aid Eren in committing a global genocide, all so she could, as you hilariously put it, live her cottage core girl life, lol. Historia AGREED to take on the responsibility of inheriting the Beast Titan and to safeguard the island that way. Levi didn't, nor did anyone else, ever force her to make that agreement. And then, she turned around and intentionally sabotaged it all, by getting herself knocked up. All those scouts that died in the forest with Levi, every person that died as a result of Zeke's and the Yeagerist's and Eren's actions, Levi almost dying, Hange dying, etc, etc... all of that is on Historia's head for her breathtakingly selfish actions. Because by intentionally getting pregnant, she made it impossible for Zeke to be fed to her immediately, which is in turn what led to the Yeagerists being able to take over the island, which is what led to Eren being busted out of prison and making contact with Zeke, which is what led to the Rumbling. And she did all this knowing what Eren's plan was all along. The only one who knew. It's always Eren fanboys and people that think Eren and Historia should have been confirmed as a canon couple, and that Historia's baby should have been Eren's, that are the ones who claim Levi was somehow in the "wrong". That's such bullshit. Like you said, Levi did everything in his power to save everyone. He never hid from any responsibility, and as you said, fully stepped up to the responsibility he felt his strength put on him to help people. He could have been completely selfish like Kenny, like Kenny TAUGHT him to be, and it even would have been completely understandable why he was, given the hell his life had been, but he never was selfish. He never allowed any sort of bitterness or hatred to dictate his actions, despite having the hardest life of anyone, despite losing more and sacrificing more than anyone.
Levi is, in every way, shape and form, morally superior to Historia. Levi is a hero. Historia is bordering on a villain.
So, yeah, Historia isn't a good person. She isn't morally superior to anyone. She's "the worst girl in the world", as she calls herself. She's so selfish, that she was cool with the rest of the world being destroyed so she could live out her own life in peace.
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skeletood · 1 year
Holy shit. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed at any of the new seasons releases so far. Absolutely speechless
- SOOOOO HAPPY to see them riff again it’s so corny and silly
- Beavis gets to hell and his first thought is where all the biker dudes are? interesting interesting *puts this in my notes
-oh my god already some amazing facial expressions
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no wonder this dude ends up with so many cracked teeth in the future
- the boys being inexplicably immune to death never gets old to me
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-hehe :] sillies
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Overall thoughts: Another great ep this season good job guys, gave me a lot of good little laughs
The video segment was whatever but Arianna’s eye candy so like. All good :]
Take A Bow:
My god. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen on the way in to this episode and I was NOT prepared for what it gave me and put me through
- already starting the ep strong with some GREAT facial expressions
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so fucking real i used to do this to my guy friends when i was their age. not quite enough to put them in the hospital but like. yea lmao
- (monotone) “Take a bow” HAD ME DYINNNNGGGGG
- knowing about all the flavors of mountain dew what a goddamn nerd (knows everything about the different monster flavors)
- “Cherries don’t taste red at ALL. They taste all barfy” little kids complaining about foods they dont like is so silly, thank you for being your childish self its so refreshing
oh man. fuck. its butthead characterization time! finally some good fucking food. oh man here come the waterworks IMAGINE me getting stupid over an emotionally stunted idiot with a big head:
- “not until youre better beavis” first of all shut up. second of all shut up.
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- “It’s like, I didn’t mean to hurt him. Feeling bad sucks.” WE KNOW BABY. WE KNOW. SO PROUD OF YOU FOR ADMITTING IT HUN :((((( the fact that bro cant even acknowledge he HAS feelings unless he’s alone. the volumes that speaks to me. man
if you had told me a week ago these were real screenoshots i wouldnt have believed you. at all. cant wait to see the looks on the faces of all the “ohh stop looking so far into it its just a stupid lowbrow cartoon” people like shut the fuck up!!!!! youve clearly never experienced real friendship before and are so pissed off cause u dont know what it looks like
- not pictured here is where they had to forcefully remove butthead from the room bc he was freaking out after thinking he killed beavis. If you disagree youre just wrong sorry!
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- not only is this a funny as hell angle but man. we already know damn well he doesn’t want beavis to die but its nice to hear him say it. also he’s right, it was really funny. take a bow :]
- a lot of really good beavis screams this episode too
- “-and his friend would have died of grief shortly there-after” I’m- I need a minute. LIKE WE ALREADY KNEW THIS BUT. THANKS FOR ADMITTING IT. 
- also, god is a whiteman i guess kasjndsajkd
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In conclusion: both fucking great episodes. I am always EXTRA excited for Butt-Head characterization moments, it just makes him so much more human. Not to mention how happy I am to see that they toned down his cruelty JUST a touch. I honestly didn’t notice how bad it had gotten last season until i compared it to how this one is going so far, it feels more like older seasons butthead again :] Like dont get me wrong i LOVE it when he’s mean its just who he is but it should come more out of a place of stupidity/no real self awareness than like. idk wherever it was coming from last season. These boys are goin soft on us and to that i say: thank god. It’s nice to see them act human. Take a bow has EASILY taken old man beavis’ place as my favorite ep so far and ngl its going to be tough to beat. Funny episode that had me chuckling throughout the whole thing AND nice Butt-Head moments? Oh Mike, you shouldnt have u///u
Anyways lemme know your thoughts :]
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hanako-san · 1 year
My thoughts on volume 14
Volume 14 came into my hands yesterday.
I don't hate Nene. I like her and I know she loves Hanako but I can't ship them and I have no idea if I'll ever ship again. It's impossible at the moment. I like Nene in the end, but that doesn't mean I have forgiven her for all her actions. It is not and 100% will not be, for most things my opinion about her actions shares hasn't changed, I think the same. Well, but she's not such a bad person, I felt sorry for her because her legs were insulted by the villagers probably 5 times and she was punched in the stomach for disobeying "her" nuptials. I think AidaIro is overdoing it with insulting her legs, after all, her legs are fine, and this is 14 vol it was just annoying already. So is Mitsuba insulting Hanako and Kou,Nene in chapters 102 & 103. Too bad the AidaIro can't say anything bad about their "cute" Sakura who destroys other people's lives.
Feelings of hatred haven't changed for Teru, in fact it has strengthened my feelings. Teru is a liar because he knew full well that Akane's family was a family for sacrifice, but he missed the fact that his "wonderful" disgusting family was the one who destroyed the lives of poor girls and sacrificed them and then had fun, he missed it very effectively saying that "one of the clans" then he knows what family is responsible for sacrificing these girls. His disgusting words that the family had "privileges", what privileges Teru? As far as I know, only Sumire accepted her fate, even though she didn't want to die, but the girls had broken legs, gouged out eyes. Sumire had the contempt of the villagers, these are your "privileges"?. He disgusted me by making no.6 a martyr who "still wants to protect these lands", and Hanako the worst who wants to unleash evil. Teru takes pity on such a poor no.6 who will later make holes in him.lol. How funny and ironic. Teru considers himself an exorcist who said that no matter what the supernatural reason is, you have to kill them, but his family is cool, they could sacrifice poor girls, and when they rebelled, they were treated really badly. Hypocrisy, superiority over everyone and everything is allowed to them. This family does not change and Teru shows it effectively, not only is he a jerk, a loser and a sadist who loves to abuse supernaturals and kill them, he is also a hypocrite. Since Teru knows so much about it and knows that Akane's powers will be needed soon, he knows what his family did to the sacrificed girls and how they were treated. I won't be fooled and he showed that he knows more than he says (Of course, I've known about it for a long time, in this volume he finally confirmed my thoughts). I have no idea if my feelings for Teru will ever change.
Fun fact, since Nene's wish didn't matter at all that Hanako sacrificed Aoi, then why is the scene where Nene makes a wish to Hanako in the p.p arc shown in the trailer for the next volume, and then the scene where Hanako says "I granted your wish Yashiro". Yes, her wish had no influence on her friend's sacrifice, after all, AidaIro clearly underlined it, and no, wait.
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It's her fault.I will always blame Nene more than ever Hanako.
I was right to blame Nene for this. Thank you AidaIro,to finally confirm what was known from the beginning.
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the5n00k · 1 year
CHOOSE VIOLENCE ASKS: 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25
I am so sorry for so many feel free to skip as many as you want lol
DAYUM OKAY (readmore bc this is long af and I don't wanna clog timelines)
4: it takes a lot for me to block you and usually I won't do it at all in most cases but some people are in my replies on Twitter a little Too Much saying some weird ass stuff occasionally I'll just say fuck it bye bye and block em
6: the most annoying ship fans are the ones that harass other people because they ship something different/not at all case closed (this even goes for proshitters, just block them and move on, harassment is never okay)
7: this happens. Far more often than I'd like to admit. And sometimes it changes depending on who I've been talking to. And I don't necessarily hate this character but most recently it's Andrea? She's got a great arc set up and I don't mind seeing her on screen at all, she's fun but whenever some people bring her up it's just. I know they're about to say some dumb shit. Doesn't help with how weird Twitter is about the girls
ALSO everyone seems to think enemies to lovers is a tried and true ship dynamic when SOMETIMES IT JUST DOESN'T WORK‼️ REALLY FUNNY COMING FROM A SCRINX FAN BUT C'MON SOME OF THEM ARE JUST PLAIN TOXIC! EVEN THE CANON ONES
10: how starved people are for emotional content that they'll write characters completely ooc to make a dramatic and dark plot. I'm sorry but there's a balance to this shit you can't just kill off a character or take every good thing away and have it be narratively satisfying. Again, rich coming from me but most of my shit has a point
13: Tord from Eddsworld. What the fuck even happened to that poor character
14: I don't read a lot of fics so I can't really answer this one but can I complain about my own fics and say "really fking cheesy emotional speech between the mcs"
15: this isn't even fandom specific but when people overuse the chromatic aberration and don't mark it as eyestrain like OW WHY I CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE IMAGE‼️‼️‼️
16: I don't understand how people are so attracted to the dark and brooding types like. I've literally never been attracted to a character like that
They're cool??? But I don't see the appeal? Romantically at least. Give me my goofy asses and my Absolutely Deranged men pls
18: for TGAMM, they been sleeping on my mans Darryl (gonna pretend like I haven't as well)
And the episode Lock, Stock, and Peril literally one of my favorites from s1 please
22: I barely see Anyone else drawing scratch being a fucked up creature PLEASE I CAN'T KEEP SUSTAINING MYSELF LIKE THIS‼️
23: gonna be honest I was a Mollie hater and Ollie hater in general before season 2 aired (victim of leaks 💔) but one of my friends gaslit me until I started shipping it ironically to make the fandom mad and now I would die for them
25: that some episodes of TGAMM are boring because they're not plot relevant or they're too predictable. My friends in Christ you are watching the 2021-2023 equivalent of a slapstick cartoon with slide whistles and crash cymbals, the point isn't to subvert expectations all the time, it's to have a silly fun episode sometimes with comedy first and foremost please the show is literally a slice of life comedy
I think that's everything hope I answered the right ones my attention span is completely SHOT today whoops
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stealstaff · 1 year
I need to write some stuff about Tina because I’m thinking too much about Altena so here’s some ramblings about Tina and her relationships with other people/how other people see and treat her!
Tina is 15 in the year 776 and she very much acts like it.  She does what she wants without regard for the potentially dire consequences, has a weird and irrational fear, and crushes on a celebrity.  She’s very much a regular ass teengirl and the people in her life treat her as such.  And how does someone treat a regular ass teengirl?  They don’t take her seriously at all!
The best example of this is with her own sister, Safy, who’s like only 2-3 years older than her.  Tina explains how Perne was taking advantage of her by exploiting her greatest fear (bugs) and Safy is like girl please.
Saphy: “What did he do to you, Tina!? Tell me! I’m prepared for the worst!”
Tina: “He… He takes huge bugs and puts them on my face… I-I was so scared… I thought I would die.”
Saphy: “…Is that all?”
Tina: “Yes… But I was really scared. Just remembering it gives me shivers…”
Saphy: “Tina…”
And yes, in a world where children around Tina’s age are hunted and killed as sacrifices to an evil god, “is that all” is kind of a reasonable response.  It’s the response that the player also has as it is built up in the previous chapter that Perne is committing some unmentioned evil acts to keep Tina in line.  Really bad shit happens throughout the whole game to everyone but Tina is worried about bugs that I am completely convinced probably weren’t even that big.
But it’s a big deal to Tina.  She’s scared and alone and being forced by some thieves to steal shit for them and now she’s finally reunited with the big sister she went out looking for in the first place and Safy’s response to her trauma is “is that all”.  Yikes!  The invalidation!  Tina even tries to explain that it’s a big deal and Safy still is like girl please.
And it continues when Tina brings up her lil centerfold in the Tiger Beat Magazine type crush on Leif.
Tina: “Yes, I’m sorry… Oh, Saphy, don’t you think Lord Leaf is so handsome? My ideal man would be a prince like him… What do you think, Saphy?”
Saphy: “Tina… …I’m a little tired. Let’s talk later.”
It’s funny!  Tina is genuinely funny and some excellent comic relief to break up the dark themes in Thracia.  But when you look a little closer it’s sad and I do genuinely feel for her.  
Perne also, obviously, does not at all take her seriously.  She’s some bratty kid he found who can use some cool staves.  And really, she doesn’t much act like the kind of person one should take seriously when she’s around him.  It isn’t just the act of having bugs put on her that scares her into doing what he wants.  Even simply the threat of it is enough.
Then there’s Salem.  Salem is different!  Salem actually listens to her fears and her desires, even more so that her own sister.  And I think that is so special.  Tina and Salem’s relationship makes me so soft.  Tina likes Salem a lot.  She does not at all understand why a cool dude like him is hanging out with Perne but she is really grateful that he is.  
When we first meet the Dandelions, one of the first things he does is stick up for Tina.
Seiram: “And Tina… Don’t go too far with her. She’s still a child.”
Then there’s a very sweet little scene between Salem and Tina.  She’s one of the few people he actually has any dialogue with at all.  She actually doesn’t have a whole lot of dialogue either.  Which makes it extra sweet that the two of them are put together.
Tina: “Here, I made some dinner for you. It’s cold out, so I made something warm.”
Seiram: “Thank you. It’s dangerous outside at night. You should go to sleep.”
Tina: “Yes…”
Seiram: “…Are you worried about your sister? You said her name was Saphy… Don’t worry, you will see her again. I will help you look for her once my wounds are healed.”
Tina: “Really? Thank you, Bishop Seiram. Good night.”
Tina goes out of her way to do something nice for Salem but more importantly, he actually talks to her about her feelings and even agrees to help her do something about them.  She doesn’t even bring Safy up.  Salem puts the pieces together all on his own why she’s so upset.  This is why he gets nice things like a special hot homemade dinner.  She’s so used to being underestimated, ignored, and invalidated that being around someone like Salem who shows genuine concern for her thoughts and he life earns her love and respect.
I did have an idea where I was going with all of this but it took so long to write it that now I forget!  But I am thinking less about Altena and more about Tina so I guess I ultimately achieved my goal?  
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hellcatinnc · 10 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 1 Anime Review
Does Include Spoilers....
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Ok so I started watching Bungo Stray Dogs and like most I started because of Dazai. He was sexy and even with his wish for suicide he just got to me. Then I watched the first season and was so happy I did it pulled me in fast. Dazai quickly lost the main reason for the show for me it honestly became my favorite character in first season being Atsushi Nakajima. He had so much heart and compassion that the rest lost so long ago. He made me feel as he learned who he was and who he could help. I grew a strong liking to the character and even shipped him with Kyōka Izumi the way he saved her and even the fact he took her on a date they were just too adorable not to love. Ranpo Edogawa caught my interest mainly cause the voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya who played Baldr Hringhorni in Kamigami No Asobi. I was really surprised that Doppo Kunikida even grew on me and his comedian side to him of how he was with Dazai and always knocking the crap out of him but I could tell he was a good man. Anyways Kunikida's power is pretty cool "The Matchless Poet". I love how he can throw the cards out and whatever it is appears. I also think him and Dazai work so great together.
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Now don't get me wrong Osamu Dazai is still a big part of the show and I found it funny how he was about the whole suicide with a beautiful woman. It left me wondering why he wanted to die so much but I know its shown as the seasons go on cause I started season 2 already and already starting to understand but I will leave that in season 2 review of it. So the relationship between Jun'ichirō Tanizaki & Naomi Tanizaki was so weird at first but fuck it I didn't even care they were siblings because not only do you easily forget but they don't look alike at all I feel like maybe there is like an adoption kinda story to them maybe. Anyways you know early on their is not only a relationship with them but its also sexual. However when she almost gets killed the way he responds to losing her and later as well he doesn't get even as a brother he gets even as a lover so I'm gonna treat them just as that fuck it, its not like sibling loves bother me much in anime/otome world. Plus not gonna lie Jun'ichiro his power "Light Snow" is pretty damn neat.
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Yukichi Fukuzawa seems like a stickler in the beginning but you find he truly believes in his team and he grew on me. I felt like he cares about each and everyone of them and will fight for them at any cost. He is practically Daddy to them all and I think they would fall apart sometimes if he wasn't the lead of it all. Chūya Nakahara seems to be a cool character but of course I feel like he isn't really a main in the first season however I find him actually pretty attractive as well but I swear its how he dresses more than anything its so damn sharp looking. He gives me that true mafia/yakuza feel to how he looks and dresses. He seems to have anger issues but I love his banter between him and Dazai however I don't see this romance so many want and like. I will pass for now both men are hot and I would gladly be in between these men could make a very interesting smut story thats for sure... lol.
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Michizō Tachihara seems like a crazy fuck but still pretty cool character so far based on the first season at least, look forward to seeing him more later he has my attention at least. Even though Ryūnosuke Akutagawa is an asshole in the first season he has one of the coolest powers by far his Rashōmon power like a dragon like creature that he can cut people down easily with. I feel bad for Ichiyō Higuchi because you find fast she is so damn in love with that man and he treats her like pure crap however doesn't stop her from taking on the enemies to bring him back when he is captured. The one sentimental moment where he grabs her hand after she saves him I really wanted after he told her he was sorry I wanted her to tell him she loved him I wonder if it would have changed. I feel like his issue is he doesn't even see her following to him is because she loves him. However its a very toxic relationship at least first season, I just hope it gets better because I think they would be good together plus bad guy or not he is fuckin hot too. Speaking of Ichiyō Higuchi honestly girl has some balls and she will do anything even die for that man I can respect her because she probably could have gotten out from what you get from her but she refuses to leave his side. Gin Akutagawa I still don't know much about him but still seems mysterious and attractive cause of that.
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After breaking down the people that all made it interesting for me, yes I know there is more these just happen to be my list of favorites. Still amazes me a show with alot of hot bad guys kinda reminds me of Piofiore in that sense. Anyways I feel like it brings a decent amount of action however every part doesn't have to have it which I really like since I normally don't watch ones that are too heavy on it. I love Dazai's power and how he can hush any of the others with his power practically neutralizing even some of the worst bad guys. I still don't see anyone being gay and I will stand by that and I'm ok because seriously too many hot guys for me to even think about them together I would rather think about them being straight makes it easier to fantasize about them then. Overall I would gladly recommend this to anyone whether your into otome and shoujo the most I think you could still like this if nothing but the comedy side of things. I look forward to the next upcoming seasons as I catch up I will write my review on each season.
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creepy-crowleys · 1 year
[[ sorry for dropping this many BUT a10, a13, a20, b10, b14, c4, d2, e6, f8, f11, g6, h7
Big Ol’ Honkin’ OC Question List
((Heh! It's no problem!
It is fairly long, so I'm putting most of it under cut.
Also some heavier stuff mentioned for A13 - I put some warnings for it before the answer.))
A10. Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
((She compromises fairly easily? I wanna say that she's open to acknowledging that she doesn't always know best and there are a lot of places she's willing to surrender ground on for the sake of better relations. She just doesn't have the interest or energy for prolonged conflict.
There are definitely some places she has harder lines on, but she's willing to settle on a lot. Maybe too much? But being agreeable and not pressing issues has kept her from generally pissing off the wrong people and let's her keep her options open.))
A13. Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
Mentions of: Horror, Gore, Torture, Suicide, Child death
((Dogs and red lights are the big ones. She and her family were attacked by a pair of Black Dogs when she was young - the monstrous kind, not... ordinary dogs. She was the only survivor of the attack. Dogs scare her, especially large and/or dark-colored ones, or if teeth ever become visible. Skulls are mostly fine, werewolves - particularly ones like hers that aren't overly wolf-like - are fine. The junkyard owner's dobermans are not.
She's seen those dogs eat human flesh from a zombie. She does not like them.
The red lights are more recent, within the last few years, and they kind of tie together a few different experiences: the red emergency lighting in a bunker where she was tortured and in a youth clubhouse where she discovered the mass suicide and murder of their members, the taillights flashing in a haunted parking garage where staring ghosts wearing children's faces forced her to play with them, the red-red bed and John violating her memories...
Sheer (@asmallredlight and @atinyredlight) are exceptions. They're safe and comforting, and assurance that someone beloved is watching her back.))
A20. Are they harsh on themselves?
((She can be. She's very strong, and people on a large scale can live or die by her actions, successes and failures. To some degree she (thinks she) has to be, because if she lets herself get sloppy, it's other people that are going to be paying the price.
She also comes from a very strict upbringing. As much progress as she's made in recovering from that, some of it still sticks to her.))
B10. Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
((Sometimes! :'D She's in a pretty crappy world surrounded by pretty awful people, there's plenty of dark and gallows humor to go around. And she's awful at being someone who anxious laughs and jokes too.
She is usually very well-behaved and doesn't go out of her way to be mean to people, but she is also holding on to her fair share of bitterness and sometimes your best friend makes a mean joke that just manages to kill you.))
B14. Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
((She tries to be, with several people. She's very uncomfortable with the idea of people seeing her as more than she is or feeling misled when they realize there are other facets to her than the ones they've seen.))
C4. Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser?
((Beyond the fact that she does have actual superpowers and The Powers That Be have actually interceded on her behalf, she thinks of herself as being pretty on par with everyone else really. As far as she knows, there was nothing particularly exceptional about her that got her chosen - and she's just trying to make the best with what she's got and be responsible about.
She did grow up thinking and being told that she was lesser/broken/wrong/etc... But she's been working on it. She's at a point where most days she's alright with herself now, though spirals definitely still happen.))
D2. Do they believe in an afterlife?
((She knows for a fact one exists! She's been to the other side of the living world - where ghosts haunt - on many occasions. And she's aware of a Sea of Souls and successfully pulled actual Romanian prince Vlad Dracula back from it for a time. She's also weighed hearts against the feather of Ma'at and offered the impure to Ammit the Devourer.
So. Afterlife is definitely a thing that applies to most people, though some are eaten by a crocodile-hippo-demon. Hers specifically is a little broken though.))
E6. Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
((She does! She is absolutely an overgrown nerd and her job often involves extensive research. Having access to both the Illuminati's extensive records and the Buzzing as an essentially living database were among the biggest perks of getting dragged into this whole mess.
There's also the matter of her 'twin' over at @creepy-crowlies who she's encouraged to pursue her own education with Crowley offering to help cover any costs in exchange for Other Meredith sharing what she's learned.))
F8. How often are they home?
((It varies. When she's off-assignment, she technically works from home as the archive she's in charge of is connected to the house via a passageway in the basement. Mostly she just pulls any materials she's working on upstairs and handles a lot office duties in her living room.
When she isn't in the house itself, she still typically keeps to the island it's on - gardening, exercising, helping out with the community, etc.
She's usually out most of the day on Tuesdays, leaving her home universe completely to talk to her therapist and then running any outside errands she has.
On-assignment, she'll typically stay in the field for days to maybe a couple weeks at a time. Teleporting home is an option, but she often feels guilty about leaving when other people involved generally can't or she just can't pull herself away from whatever she's working on.
She also takes a yearly vacation the week around March 15, when she and her family were attacked, to visit their grave, a good friend that took care of her for a time after they passed, and usually somewhere else. She went to Australia this year.))
F11. What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most?
((She likes gardening and cooking, things she picked up from the woman who helped raise her mentioned above! Just quiet and peaceful activities to keep her hands busy, cultivating growth and life and giving her a way to take care of others. She enjoys playing music - piano mostly at the moment - and solving puzzles for similar 'hands busy, mind moderately engaged' reasons.
She's taken to doing more physically engaging activities as well, like running, climbing, and sparring. Mostly because she noticed she felt better when she was more active on the job, and was restless when she stayed in. :p Even just going out to smash up junk cars helped bring down her nervous energy when she's been upset, so beyond keeping her fit, it helps her better manage her anxiety.))
G6. Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
((She has a few vague memories of her family that are very precious to her, like playing teacher to her younger brother in her dad's office or her mom rescuing her from slipping on the kitchen floor by sitting her on the counter to help do dishes. And there are the memories of the time spent with Marlene, the woman who helped raise her, in the kitchen and in the gardens, or sitting with her when she wasn't feeling well.
She may kind of, sort of remember calling Marlene mom when she was very sick once, how tight Marlene hugged her for it, and how safe she felt at the time.
And more recently, some magical shenanigans might have left her with an altered set of memories of a very kind skeleton who watched movies with taught her how to do origami. :>))
H7. What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
((At one time, the answer would have been 'woman willing to have sex with her (and hopefully fuck her up in the process),' eheh... :'D She's in a different place now.
Right now, she's finding herself drawn more to comfort, stability, and security. She hopeful for the long-term and domesticity, someone she can be affectionate and laugh with and feel safe around, who will tolerate if not engage with her bouts of silliness. And... hopefully someone who can be patient with her being nervous and worrying too much at times, and her also having a dangerous, high-risk job.
...She may also still have a thing for monster women and finds claws very attractive.
She's quite happily spoken for at the moment. :>))
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arithecreatorsstuff · 2 years
Secrets Revealed
Triggers: fluff, bad French, revelation of Rabbit's true first name
It was several hours later when I woke up in 049's bed. I was alone, but not for long. The Doctor walks in, holding a tray. There's a bowl of cut fruit, a croissant, and a hot cup of tea. Funny, I never mentioned what I liked as far as food goes.
"Hello, ma cherie. Did you sleep well?" He sets the tray in front of me.
"For once, I did. Guess it's true, you do sleep better near someone you care deeply about."
"Oh? And whom is that, sweet Rabbit?"
"You, my dearest Doctor. I've become rather fond of you." I take his hand in mine, running my thumb over the knuckles. I make an on the spot decision, a small gesture of my trust. "And I think I need to tell you something else. I know everyone else calls me Rabbit, but my real name is Angeline. I used to hate it, because everyone used to call me Angie, and I'm far from an angel. But for you, I'm more than willing to reform. I'd prefer if you called me Angeline."
"As you wish. I however, find your name quite apt. You are indeed angelic to me. And, if it helps, the angelic is not always so kind. Nor as lovely to behold." His gaze takes me in, and I realize I probably have some serious bed head going on. I'm still hazy, my eyes barely open. And he thinks I'm lovely. I wonder if I woke up in the correct reality. "Angeline, I know how hard it is to trust anyone here. I will not tell a soul. They can torture me, and unless it threatens your life, I will hold your secrets to my heart as my own. I care too much to ever let you come to harm."
"And I promise to not interfere with you work. I know how important it is." I give his hand a squeeze. "Je t'aime, Doctor."
That sparked something. His eyes are now dark, uncharacteristically filled with emotion. His free hand touches my cheek, and I lean into his touch.
"I love you too, my Angeline. I may not be the best with people, but you are worth trying for." He raises my hand to his mask, touching it to him. And I'm turning into putty in his skilled hands. Under his touch, his gaze... any resolve I had to be a lady is disintegrating like paper in 073's hands. I reach for him, pull his face to mere millimeters from mine. I sigh, and place a kiss to his face. He pulls back, startled.
"I'm sorry... did I cross a line too soon?"
"Apologies. I keep forgetting my touch does not harm you. And... it felt wonderful, my dearest. Like a blessing from above." He tilts his head in his birdlike manner, as if trying to make a decision. After a moment, he pulls me to him and then his hands are entwined in my hair as he holds me close. "My Angeline, I do not deserve you." His voice is softer than normal, and it travels through my ears down my spine. Somehow, he's kissing my lips. Admittedly, the mask makes it a little awkward, but I don't mind at all. His lips are slightly rough, but skilled. I'm his, and I have zero regrets. Even if his kiss would kill me, I could die happy if he keeps kissing me like this. After too brief a moment, we come up for air. And O5 be damned, I decide to call in "sick" for once.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
I saw girls in Tik Tok claiming that Nettles was in the way of Daemon and Nyra..they are blaming a 16 year old instead of the 50 year old man, the MaL3 wifeee that was supposed to be by her wife's side as she was grieving her sons' death.
Wow.Just wow.
Also people there claiming she is his Daughter when he never cared for his daughters in the first place in the show; also in the books, when Nettles left, Carexes' screeches broke the windows and he disobeyed Nyra's order that wanted the girl's death.
Feel bad for Nyra..he lost her sons, her family and Daemon is there fooling around with a child and the sad thing, Nyra will never blame her..groomer(if people said that their relationship is normal for medieval's standards, I'm gonna fight them, it's still creepy and disgusting)
Sorry for the rant
Also people telling that D is out of character at the end of the episode..the man killed his first wife, neglected the second and he ignores his two daughters🙄
Also people there saying the author is going to be involved in season 2 writing and changing Daemon's character because he is his favorite..I don't think so..you can love character and acknowledged how problematic they can be annd people stating "Dameyra is gonna win, D will never do that☺😡" oh boy..the point of the dance of the dragons is not the romance, but how war can change people and doesn't spare anyone from despair, death and suffering.
Gonna start right off the bat and say people give George way too much credit when it comes these shows. I haven’t finished got (the show) but based on popular opinion, it went to shit… and he still got ‘back into bed’ with hbo for hotd, and probably more shows in the future. He wants a bag. Do I think he’s proud of his work and likes certain characters? Sure. But the people making up rumors or saying he’d get involved just for daemon are pulling it out of their ass bc they are upset about his portrayal (for some reason). George signed off on s1. He does not care like that so people will just have to die mad about the changes made 🤷🏽‍♀️ (myself included).
Also tangent but people have gone as far as to make really disgusting comments about Miguel’s wife.. all bc she thought it would be a good idea to have Rhaenyra and Alicent have a close relationship? It’s funny that the people who think they are doing the pinnacle of feminism by supporting some fictional white haired girl will turn around and attack real people (Emily, Olivia, and now Alexis). Blaming his wife on a decision that was signed off by a room full of majority MALE showrunners/writers
Now onto Rhaenyra, daemon, and nettles. As long as their is a white man to champion and lift up, it really doesn’t matter what Rhaenyra or nettles do, he’s gonna somehow be the victim. In the book, Rhaenyra says some fucked up shit about nettles and that’s on her (idk if they will even adapt the classism and racism knowing how they are characterizing hotd nyra). It’s one of the reason I truly dislike book Rhaenyra and wonder why her hardcore fans would want a direct interpretation of the book. But the way people just skip over daemon leaving his wife is crazy. He groomed her, then cheated on her (first with mysaria), and now in the show abused her… so yeah she’s not in a great headspace. People can complain about how they have painted daemon, that’s their prerogative if they like him, but acting as if they have made some great character into a bad one is just false. He sucked in the book… he does in the show. There’s nothing morally grey about a good 70% of the stuff he does
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