#sorry for writing an essay in response to one little joke. pretend i responded with a little joke about sending my apologies to your wife
dailyfigures · 1 year
why no more sonico? she’s my waifu so i am taking this personally /j
a while back someone pointed out that i won't post dragon maid figures but i have posted for example sonico (multiple cases of suggestive offical art in which sonico is a child) and some other stuff that also has very questionable content in the past and i think they made a very good point actually.
i do find it very difficult to decide where i draw the line honestly. sexualisation of minors is so extremely common in anime, even the most mainstream popular shounen like my hero academia or fairy tail are full of it. if i have to thoroughly check every single source (which i very much do not have the time for) i would barely have anything to post at all, but on the other hand i really do think it's important to avoid spreading and promoting harmful media.
i'm honestly kinda winging it right now, i don't have a strict system, i just don't post things that make me feel uncomfortable. i personally keep seeing those gross official arts of sonico in my head when i think of her and i would not feel good typing up a post of her right now. i'm sorry if that's disappointing to you or if my lack of logical rules is bothersome, this is the best i can do rn!
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
When Tragedy Becomes of Blooming Romance
pairing: Akaashi x reader
genre/s: fluff to angst
— Falling in love is dreamy and all, especially when it’s with Akaashi Keiji; but the probable pain of parting could be twice the amount of the happiness, couldn’t it? 
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seven months ago
“Akaashi-kun! I can sit here right?” Your eyes bright as they meet his sleepy ones. That was the first time you ever spoke to him, though definitely not the first time he took notice of you. 
He rubs his eyes, not fully believing that you of all people would talk to him this fine and early morning. “Uh, sure,” he mutters, subtly scanning the room only to see there were too many available seats aside from the one beside him. 
He looks at you as you give him a toothy smile along with a short thankful nod, placing your bag on your desk and taking a seat. “Ohayo,” he says under his breath, causing you to snap your head towards his direction. “Ah! Sorry I forgot to greet you!” You apologize, face flustered. “It’s alr-”
“Ohayo Akaashii!” You cut him off, causing him to seal his lips shut. You were indeed loud, but you made him smile too— internally at least. He nods at you before turning away, placing his chin on top of his hand as he glanced outside. 
You mimic his actions, though you weren’t glancing outside, you were looking at him, the both of you finding what you see beautiful nonetheless. “Y/n-chan?” He softly says, the sound of your name out from his lips leaving you surprised, your cheeks now tinted with pink. 
His voice sounded too sweet and fragile, too quiet for you to hear but loud enough to drown out the sound of your own heartbeat; nothing less to be expected from Akaashi Keiji, the quiet boy you loved to admire from afar.
 “I was wondering why you sat beside me,” he says, and you decided then and there that his voice would be your calm and destruction all at the same time. 
“I was feeling gutsy today,” you say before thinking your words through, “finally had the courage,” you add, swearing your mouth just spews out things on its own sometimes. Embarrassed, you shift on your seat, fidgeting with your fingers as you now look the other way. 
“I see,” is all you hear him say. 
Classes start, things have been a bore so far, not to mention your short attention span. The last period before lunch draws in, and to your dismay, you had to write an essay about what made you happy— there’s a lot, how were you supposed to fit your ideas in?! 
Akaashi begins writing, wasting no time as he scribbles his thoughts down elegantly and with ease. His attention’s shifted as he hears you groan from beside him, rummaging through your bag; his eyes drifting to the blank sheet on your desk, he assumes you probably lost your pen. 
As to not disturb the quiet room, he merely pokes your side gently with his pen, eyeing you as you look at him in surprise. “Than-” you purse your lips immediately when he brings a finger to his lips to remind you to be quiet. “Thank you,” you whisper as the butterflies go wild in your stomach when your fingers slightly brush the setter’s soft ones. 
He’s done with his essay, not really feeling like submitting ahead because he’d be the first one. He takes his leisurely time to observe his surroundings— wait no, who cares about his surroundings? He wanted to observe you, as if he hasn’t done it enough ever since highschool. 
“Wait, I forgot to include my dogs,” you mumble to yourself, an involuntary small smile immediately finding its way to his lips. Adorable as always, y/n-chan. You weren’t doing anything special, you were simply writing, stopping every once in a while as you were in obvious thought before you happily scribble down again.
His brows raise and his lips part, a surge of too overwhelming feelings filling his chest. It was unfair, however ordinary you act, you made him feel too much, like how you take in the sunrise through the city’s edge, and the sunsets that reddened the blue sea. 
“Akaashi-kun,” you say his name, Akaashi setting aside the emotions that literally came out of nowhere. “Are you done with yours?” You ask, fighting the tingles you felt as you look each other in the eyes for seconds too long. 
He shortly nods, looking away from you. “Then shall we hand it in together?” You ask, sounding hopeful. You didn’t even have to ask twice as he wordlessly gets up from his seat, too flustered to utter another word; waiting for you to get up as well so you could walk up front with him behind you. 
four months ago 
“Keeijjjiii!” You scream, an instant smile forming on his lips at your loud voice as he gets some books from his locker. “Keiji,” you say again, now standing beside him, slightly leaning on the locker beside his. 
“Ohayo, y/n-chan,” he greets without looking at you. You slightly pout at the nonchalant lad before you, opening his locker door wider so that you could see his face. “Ohayo, love of my life,” you smile brightly and he offers you a slight chuckle in response. 
“Did you eat breakfast?” He asks you after finally closing his locker. “Yes sir,” you grin and he nods in approval before the both of you make your way to class. He may not have known you knew, but you were very much well aware of how he was secretly placing a hand underneath your bag to lighten its weight on your shoulders. 
“What are you smiling about?” He asks, glancing down at you. “You,” you say with no shame, it’s been like this everyday anyway; constant flirting and Keiji brushing them off thoughtlessly. 
He sighs at the look on your face, a smile now on his lips when you looked away from him. “You make me smile too, y/n-chan,” he says, looking ahead and maybe overthinking a little too much whether he should take it back or not. “I know,” you smugly say, and all he could do was laugh a little as you put him at ease like how you always do. 
two months ago
“I told you not to wait,” he sighs, your arms wrapping around his waist as you hug him from behind. “It’s already late y/n,” he mumbles, holding your hands in his to warm them up. “I’m sweaty too,” he adds, stroking his thumb over your skin. 
“Y/n?” He asks in concern, you were oddly silent, staying still as you rested your forehead on the back of his shoulder. “Keiji, I need a hug,” you meekly say and he immediately knew something was wrong. “I’m sorry for popping in all of a sudden after your practice,” the guilt in yout voice making his heart clench, he doesn’t want you to feel bad about it. 
He untangles your hold on him before he turns around to face you, hugging you against himself. “It’s okay,” he mutters, leaning down to your ear, “I needed your hug too.” 
You both stay in that position for a while, Akaashi patiently waiting for you to tell him what’s wrong and you knew he was expecting you to. “I love you Keiji,” you say, your voice muffled and you could easily feel him tense and freeze up against you. 
“For real, I’m in love with you,” you whisper, your hand clutching on his shirt tightly as you nervously await his response. He lets out another sigh, and you had no idea in hell whether it was a good thing or not. “And I loved you first y/n,” he says, lips brushing lightly against your ear. 
one month ago 
“I’ll head to practice,” he informs you, ruffling your hair as you both stood on the last step of the stairs. “Don’t strain too much,” you pinch his cheek, Akaashi quick to pull your hand away before he nods at you. 
“I love you,” you call out, watching the flustered Keiji turn on his heel to face you once again as his ears turn pink in embarrassment. “Y/n lower your voice next time,” he lightly scolds, but you return his look with a pout, “don’t you love me?” 
“I love you, y/n,” he says in a quiet voice, “then ask me out already,” you stick your tongue out at him but he only smiles, his eyes holding all the love in the world as they look at you. 
three weeks ago 
Bokuto sighs from beside him. “What’s wrong Bokuto-san?” Akaashi asks, looking at the seemingly depressed owl that sat beside him on the bench during their break. 
“Promise you won’t laugh at me Akaashi,” he pouts and the former nods at him. “There’s this girl, she’s majestic, she’s really really pretty and nice,” he sadly says, looking down on the floor. “What’s the problem?” 
“Y/n L/n’s too good for me,” Bokuto sighs, head falling back, oblivious to the fact that Akaashi had short-circuited almost immediately. “You guys are pretty close, can you tell me what kind of stuff she likes? I talked to her a few times when she waits for you in here,” he pouts, looking at his friend. 
“And I’ve never wanted anyone more than her, Akaashiii,” he dramatically says. “Please say you’ll set us up,” Bokuto puts on his attempt to look like a cute puppy. 
Akaashi clears his throat, not meeting his gaze. “I’ll see what I can do, Bokuto-san,” he says in a low voice, guilt, hurt and confusion making it hard for him to breathe all of a sudden. 
Bokuto grins down at you, as you laughed at the joke he just said. “Do you wanna watch me practice later, y/n-chan?” He gleefully asks you, excitement in his eyes but you couldn’t help the sad expression you wore at his words when you remember Akaashi. 
“It’s okay! Totally okay if you don’t want to,” he nervously puts his hands up before him. You were about to respond to him when you see the all too familiar raven-haired setter blended in the crowd inside the halls, your eyes glued to the back of his head. 
“I’m sorry I have something to do, talk to you later Bokuto-san!” You hurriedly call off, making your way to Akaashi. “Keiji!” You call, you knew he heard you, but you also knew just as much that he’s pretending to not hear. He’s been ignoring you for almost a month now and you plan to show him just how stubborn you are. 
“Keiji,” you breathe out, momentarily caught off guard when your eyes meet again. He glances down your hand that was holding his, he knew he shouldn’t savor this moment too much but he can’t bring himself to pull away, he missed your too much that it ached for every single second of everyday, a non-stop reminder that he has hurt you and that he was hurting too. 
“Keiji, please, stop this already. Are you really gonna let this on forever?” You desperately say, your brows furrowed as you look up at his eyes that seemingly held no emotion. “I told you y/n, I’m really sorry but I was confused, I don’t want you to wait for me to ask you out— I just can’t imagine myself being that for you,” he softly says. 
“I’m really sorry y/n, you’re just not the one for me,” he says with finality, your teary eyes twisting the blade that pierced his heart. Without thinking he lifts his hand, about to cup your cheek, about to do such a sinful thing— is it really too bad if he kissed you right now? Can he really not be with you? 
“Akaashi Keiji, I love you, please don’t do this to me,” you whisper, and he was about to say those words back too. He was so close to pulling you in, to lose himself in you, to have everything back to normal; but from behind you he saw his best friend, the senior he had so much to thank for. 
“I’m sorry y/n.” 
You watch him as he walks away, knowing fully well that when the love of your life Akaashi Keiji decided on something, there was just no turning back. 
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Sixty Nine
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
November 30th, 1995
Remy sat in the back of class, fiddling with his pencil and wishing he were anywhere else. He was stuck writing an essay about some stupid book or another that he had skimmed just enough of to know the gist and talk about it in English. He had griped to Toby the night before about the upcoming essay and Toby had just shrugged. “You gotta get through it, Rem, even though it sucks,” he said. “Tell you what. If you finish the essay, no matter what grade you get on it, I’ll give you twenty minutes of time just the two of us to do whatever you want.”
With a sigh, Remy sat forward and wrote the essay based on the outline he had barely worked on. Much as he hated this, he’d do anything for some time with Toby. He craved positive attention more than anything else in the world. Even if he didn’t know what to do with it, he liked it.
  August 5th, 2002
Remy growled into the paper he was staring at, willing words to form on the page without him writing them. One of the things he hated most about school was the papers, and now, here he was, trying to write something purely because he wanted to, and he was experiencing the same block that he always had: finding the beginning.
He felt a presence behind him just before the words were spoken into his ear. “Something bugging you, Rem?”
Remy yipped and scowled at Emile when he started snickering. “Not funny,” Remy said. “I’m trying to write something serious here, but I can’t do that with you looking over my shoulder!”
“What are you trying to write?” Emile asked.
Remy turned pink and looked away. It was embarrassing to admit that he was trying to write a love letter. “It’s...a letter,” Remy said slowly.
Emile frowned, and Remy knew it was only a matter of time...Emile gasped. Yep, Remy was done for. “Rem, are you trying to write something for me?” Emile asked, grinning.
“Shut up,” Remy growled. “I wanted to show I appreciated you, but I can’t even get a single word out onto the page.”
“Aw, Rem, I already know you love me,” Emile said, sitting down next to Remy at the table. “It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything to prove yourself to me.”
“But what if I want to?” Remy asked, turning to Emile. “I want to show my love in a way that you clearly understand and can remember fondly. And you seem to like words a lot, so I thought a letter might work, but I can’t write it!”
“Hey, Rem, I appreciate words, but they’re not necessary,” Emile said. “If you struggle to say why you love me, that’s okay. I know that you love me, and that’s enough.”
“It doesn’t feel like enough,” Remy said, resting his head on the table. “I mean, how do I know that you know? How can I take your word for it? I don’t have reason to believe you’re lying, but...I still worry.”
“That’s okay,” Emile said, putting one of his hands on one of Remy’s. “It’s okay to worry. It means you care. But if you only ever believe one thing I say, I want it to be that I love you.”
Remy moved to kiss Emile’s hand and mumbled “I know,” into Emile’s knuckles after a quick peck. “I know that, logically. But...but my emotions are telling me you’re going to get tired of me and leave me one day. And I really, really don’t want that.”
“Emotions are fickle things,” Emile said simply, shrugging. “What did you want to say in the letter, besides that you love me, obviously?”
Remy looked at Emile with a frown. “You want me to...”
“Well, you seem to verbalize better than you write,” Emile said with a shrug. “What did you want to say?”
Remy shifted. “It’s embarrassing, and sappy...”
“I love sappy, Rem,” Emile said with a small grin. “Come on, I wanna hear what you have to say, if you’re comfortable sharing.”
Remy turned red, but said, “I wanted to talk about how your smile makes my day. Like, I get you to laugh at a dumb pun or a silly joke and it makes everything seem a little less pointless and bleak. And you’re so, so impossibly kind. It blows me away, to this day, knowing how kind you are. If I could be a tenth as good as you are I’d be perfectly content knowing I’m making a difference. And when you laugh, oh, I wish you could see it, Emile. Your eyes go squinty and your shoulders shake and there’s just so much pure joy in the action. Your laughter is positively contagious, and you light up entire rooms with it. I...I know it sounds silly, but you mean so much to me, Emile. If you left, I know I could move forward, but I’m not sure I would truly move on for a long time. I...I love you. And it’s scary, and I don’t know what to do with myself half the time, but if you’re here with me, it’ll all be okay. Because we look out for each other. And we’d never, ever betray each other’s trust.”
Emile looked so touched and blown away by Remy’s words, and Remy chuckled weakly. “I guess it’s pretty gay, huh?”
The resulting laugh he got in response to that had Remy giggling right back. And then Emile moved forward and softly kissed Remy, and Remy felt every ounce of love he felt for Emile reciprocated. Remy laughed into the kiss, and he could feel Emile’s grin, and soon enough, the two of them were out of their chairs, trying to get closer to each other. Emile had an arm wrapped around Remy’s waist and his hand rested at the small of Remy’s back. Remy had his arms draped over Emile’s shoulders, and never once did they break contact. It took Remy’s breath away, and not in the sense of being unable to breathe just because of the kiss. No, Emile just loved him so much that Remy couldn’t understand it.
When they finally broke the kiss, Remy held onto Emile tightly, still feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions. Emile started rubbing circles on Remy’s back and Remy laughed even as tears came to his eyes. “I’m so weepy recently,” Remy almost-whined. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t mind,” Emile said with a shrug. “It means you feel safe enough to display emotion. I’m honored...I mean, I’m proud that you would trust me that much.”
Remy hummed, holding Emile a little tighter. “I definitely feel safe around you, Emile,” he mumbled.
Emile laughed and slowly removed Remy’s arms from his shoulders. “I’m glad, Rem, but don’t fall asleep on me, okay? We have to go to the shelter in a little bit, remember?”
“Oh, yeah,” Remy said. “I almost forgot.”
“I figured. I’m almost like a walking, talking planner, though, so it’s okay,” Emile laughed. “I make up for your forgetfulness in spades.”
“Ha. Ha ha,” Remy said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. “You’re absolutely hilarious, Emile.”
Emile snickered and Remy rolled his eyes. “What?”
“You’re just...so...you,” Emile said. “And I love it.”
Remy turned red. “I...What does that even mean?!”
“You just...never fail to make me smile, I guess,” Emile said with a small shrug. “I don’t know. This whole thing just feels...right. And even when you’re sarcastic, you’re still trying to be considerate of others. It’s nice to see you like that. Kind and funny and just...being your authentic self.”
Remy sputtered. How exactly was he supposed to respond to that? It was a genuine compliment, and he didn’t do genuine compliments! Not directed towards himself, at any rate! “Not allowed!” Remy exclaimed.
Emile laughed. “Remy, give it up, I’m going to compliment you and there’s nothing you can do about it,” he warned.
“There’s gotta be something I can do to make you stop,” Remy said, crossing his arms stubbornly.
“Not really,” Emile said, smile slipping off his face. “Why don’t you want to be complimented?”
“It feels weird,” Remy said, wrinkling his nose. “I don’t like it.”
“How does it feel weird?” Emile asked.
Remy shrugged. How did he explain this? “I don’t know how to accept compliments. Like, if I worked hard on something and someone is impressed I can say ‘thank you’ but if someone is complimenting me for just being myself? It doesn’t feel right.”
“Clearly you weren’t shown enough love as a child,” Emile said with a snort. Then, he paled. “Oh. Oh, God, I’m so sorry! I did not think that through!”
Remy was just snickering, though. “Emile, it’s okay. That was kinda funny. I wouldn’t make a habit of those jokes, but in this one specific circumstance, it was all right.”
“It’s still not an okay thing for me to joke about,” Emile said.
“Eh. I appreciate dark humor. You’re fine, honey.” Remy paused. “I would avoid making those jokes around other people, but you don’t need to worry about me today, all right?”
“I guess,” Emile said hesitantly.
“Hey, you’re learning to not beat yourself up as much, that’s progress!” Remy said with a grin. “Now how about we get ready to go to the shelter?”
Emile stuck his tongue out at Remy and Remy stuck his tongue out right back with a laugh. Remy grabbed his jacket and Emile put on his shoes and they were walking to the shelter. Emile grabbed Remy’s hand and Remy grinned. “I love it when you hold my hand,” he said. “You don’t mind being associated with me. It’s nice.”
“Of course I don’t mind being associated with you, Rem, you’re my boyfriend,” Emile said.
“Yeah, but...you know we could in theory get in trouble for holding hands,” Remy said.
“Not from anyone who truly matters,” Emile said with a shrug. “I love you more than I love any homophobes.”
“Even your grandfather?” Remy asked, skeptical.
“Even my grandfather,” Emile said. His eyes grew distant and somewhat sad, but he continued before Remy could apologize. “I stayed with you even after he said we could pretend New Year’s Eve never happened if I dumped you. He loved who I wanted to be. But if he can’t love me for who I am, all of who I am, then I won’t work for his approval. I refuse to fit into whatever uncomfortable mold he made for me just because it makes him more comfortable.”
“He said that?” Remy asked. “He said you could have him back in your life and you didn’t take him up on the offer?”
“Rem,” Emile said, turning to look at him, deadly serious, “His condition was for me to have a life without you in it. I’m not willing to have that. I’m not putting up with that as a demand. It’s not fair to you, or to me. And I would rather have you in my life than my grandfather. I hate that it came down to that choice, but at the end of the day, I pick you.”
“Why?” Remy asked. “Why me? You could have anyone, you could find a girl to settle down with, let your grandfather have a spot in your life, have his approval. Don’t you want that?”
“Not more than I want you in my life,” Emile said, kissing Remy’s cheek.
Remy was blushing furiously as they walked into the shelter. “I don’t understand you, Emile.”
“I know, Rem,” Emile said with a smile as the kids started to swarm them. “Just know that I love you, okay?”
“Okay,” Remy said with a sigh.
The kids were all speaking over each other, asking Emile if he wanted to play this game, or that game, or what he wanted to do in general. But then, one of the girls asked a question that made Remy surprised. “Can Mister Remy play with us too?”
“I don’t know,” Emile said. “Mister Remy is kinda busy in the kitchen most of the time, making sure that all the food gets cooked properly. But if we talk to Bernie, and Mister Remy wants to, I bet he can play with us.”
Remy blinked as Emile turned to him expectantly. When it dawned on Remy that he was supposed to respond, he scratched the back of his neck. “I mean, do you really want me to play with you?”
“Duh!” the girl said. “You’re really cool! And you and Mister Emile have tons of fun together, he said so himself! I wanna see what kinda games you can come up with!”
“I mean...I guess I could ask Bernie if he’s okay with me playing with you guys tonight...but I’m not the best at games. Usually Emile here is the one who comes up with the games, and I just play along.”
The girl shrugged. “I still think it would be fun to play with you.”
Remy laughed. “Okay. I’ll ask Bernie if it’s okay.”
Judging by the way Emile smiled as the kids cheered, the kids weren’t the only ones who wanted Remy around that evening.
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Six
Authors note: Ok so I really struggled with this chapter, hence my major delay, but thank you for bearing with me! 🙏🏼 So this is a super long one (for me) & I’ve just finished writing this at 5am after staying up all night, so I’m sorry for any mistakes etc. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene & I’m so super nervous & awkward about it, so please go easy on me 😂 Feedback is always welcome 🖤
Warnings: A bit angsty & some major smutttt but not the smut you want, that’s coming later (pun intended)
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @sukimousepaw @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place
(Couldn’t find a suitable gif, so here’s one of the two stars of this chapter)
((I wanted a gif of that scene in the dirt when Vince is fucking that chick in the dressing room right before his gf takes back his leather pants but I couldn’t find one 😭😂))
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Spring ‘83
I checked my make up in the mirror for the 10th time in as any minutes, pouting my lips & fluffing up my platinum blonde hair.
“Fuck Beth, you’d think Gene Simmons himself was coming back from this tour the way you’re dolling yourself up.”
I scowled at Sophias reflection in the mirror, her irritation evident as she stood in the doorway with one hand on her leather-clad hip, drumming her fingers impatiently. “Ew, no. Gene Simmons, what is wrong with you?!” I laughed.
“Really, you don’t see it?” She puzzled, furrowing her brow with an amused look on her face. “The make up always kinda did it for me..” She trailed off, giggling to herself before snapping out of her momentary daydream. “Anyway, can you just hurry your ass up, we’re gonna be late for work & Paul is already on our case!” She finished, referring to our boss.
“He caught us drinking with the guys once on shift, he’s hardly on our case.” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“Yeah, but he’s heard they’re coming back & he’s already on edge about the whole thing, he knows how they get & he’s planning on amping up security to keep them in check. I mean, they have just been kicked off of a tour with Kiss for bad behaviour, for Christs sake!” I rolled my eyes at her, always the sensible one nowadays. Sophia was right, of course. Mötley Crüe had become infamous on the Sunset Strip. They’d drink, fight & fuck, usually in that order, anything in sight & they showed no signs of stopping. The band was on their way up & people knew it, so everywhere they went, trouble, & girls, followed. And tonight, they were on their way back to the Whisky.
“How do I look, honestly?!” I asked nervously, turning to Sophia & gesturing at my outfit, smoothing out my high waisted acid wash mini skirt & fiddling with the collar of my leather jacket awkwardly.
“Well, if Vince doesn’t fuck ya, I will.” She winked, laughing. I smiled weakly before blowing her a kiss & turning back to check myself over once more, messing with my hair & trying to pretend I couldn’t feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
“Babe,” Sophia started gently, frowning “why are you stressing so much? It’s not like this is anything new.”
“I don’t know, it’s been like a month since I last saw him & he’s probably slept with god knows how many girls on the tour & I-”
“Beth, they played like 5 shows, how much damage could they do, really?!” I looked at her with raised eyebrows, laughing with amused disbelief at her naivety. Did she know them at all?
She caught sight of my face. “Ok, ok, you’re right, carry on.”
“Look, I know there’s nothing serious between us & I’m fine with that, honestly, I am. But I just don’t want to look like another groupie to him.. I - I just wanna look good, ok?” I rambled, realising I was sounding way more defensive than I was intending.
Sophia sensed my nerves. “Well, you make one fine ass groupie, Vince won’t be able to resist you.” She said playfully, before pausing, a slow smile appearing across her plump, pink lips. “& neither will Nikki.” She added smugly, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
I let out a high pitched, fake laugh at yet another one of her goddamn Nikki jokes. “You’re so fucking funny.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “When are you going to let that go?!”
She shrugged. “When you guys do us all a favour & fuck so we don’t have to be around your obvious sexual tension.”
“Soph, I hate the guy, he’s an rude, arrogant narcissist & I’ve got more sexual tension going on with Mick than I do with that asshole!”
“Hey now, don’t drag poor Mick into your fucked up Nikki fantasy!” Sophia chortled. “You can deny it all you like babe, but I’m your best friend & I know you, you love to hate that guy because secretly, except not really secretly, you wanna screw his narcissistic brains out.” She finished, grinning widely at her fabricated conclusion.
I scowled at her once again, tired of hearing these assumptions constantly over the last few months. “God, can we just stop with this now please?!” I begged, turning back to the mirror, stressing more than before. “Maybe I should go change..”
“No!” Sophia said quickly, grabbing my hand & pulling me towards the front door. “You look great, Nikki is gonna love it- I mean Vince.. Whichever one it is you’re trying to impress. Now can we please just go?” She begged, exasperated eyes looking pleadingly at me.
I sighed & followed her out, the anticipation of the night ahead lingering in the air as I shut the door behind me.
*Later, at Whisky A-Go-Go*
I took a long drag on my cigerette & exhaled the smoke into the brisk, refreshing breeze that swept through the night sky. I savoured the moment, knowing that, in a few minutes, whatever band was playing tonight would finish their set & the crowd would surge back to the bar, impatiently demanding their drinks & trying by any means to gain my attention, whether it be just to order or try to, usually unsuccessfully, hit on me.
The back door swung open as Sophia stepped out, armed with trash bags, distracting me from my moment of peace.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked, spotting me hiding on the other side of the dumpster. I waved the lit cigetette clutched between my fingers wordlessly in response. She frowned. “You don’t smoke.”
“Well I always end up smoking with the boys & I just figured I’d use it as an excuse to get some peace before the rush kicks off.” I shrugged, ignoring her obvious disapproval. Sophia had perfected her judgmental stare over the past 6 months, every time she saw me sniff a line of coke or come home tipsy. It’s not like she didn’t partake, in fact, she was almost as wild as Mötley were, keeping Tommy on his toes. But Soph couldn’t help but look at me the way I knew most people that knew me did; like I was some fragile, innocent being that needed protecting. I’m the good one, the well behaved child, the straight A student, the protective big sister, the motherless daughter with the overbearing father. I’ve spent my life being exactly what everyone expected of me. The boys were the only people that didn’t make me feel that way &, for a night every week or so, when I got to party with them, it was fun not being who everyone thought I should be & just being whoever I wanted to be for the night.
“It’s a shit habit to have,” Soph mumbled, pulling out a cigerette from her almost empty packet, placing it between her lips & lighting it. “You’re better off without it babe. Quit whilst you’re ahead & all that.”
“Thanks for advice, mom,” I responded, rolling my eyes as I took another drag.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, have you finished that paper for Dr Andersons psych class yet?” Asked Sophia, suddenly changing the subject.
“Erm.. You want the truth or..?” I grimaced, knowing I hadn’t even started my essay on the theory of human motivation.
“Beth, girl, come on!” Sophia whined, sounding irritated. “You know if you ask Anderson for another extension, she’s gonna loose her shit with you! You gotta stop slacking..”
I shot her a warning look. “I am not slacking”, I said cuttingly, offended by her words. I’d never been accused of not trying hard enough in my life & I didn’t like it.
Soph looked a little sheepish. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I know how hard you work. It’s just this is the second paper in a row you haven’t prepared for & you’re usual so on it, I’d just hate to see you fall behind because of..” She trailed off.
“Because I’m fucking a Vince?” I spat, suddenly angry.
“No, Beth. Come on, you’re twisting my words now. You know I’m all for you having fun, especially after how everything was for you at home, I don’t blame you for rebelling a bit. But I’m also just looking out for you, you just need to find a balance is all.” Sophia looked embarrassed, obviously regretting her change of subject. I glared at her, watching her chew her lip awkwardly, avoiding my stare. The rational part of me knew she was only trying to be a good friend, but the defensive side to me felt she was trying to shield me from having any fun, treating me like that fragile girl once again & it immediately brought out my inner hostility.
I flicked my cigerette across the alley & stormed past Sophia, catching her shoulder as I did. She whipped round to me, eyes ablaze with shock & anger.
“Excuse me, you did not just shoulder barge me!” She yelled, stunned.
“Why cant you just mind your own goddamn business?!” I screamed back, throwing my hands up in the air with exaggerated exasperation. “You’re supposed to be my best friend, you know everything I’ve been through better than anyone. I’m just trying to enjoy myself, do all the dumb shit I never got to do when I was 18. Why are you treating me like a damn kid?!” I could hear myself arguing like a teenager who’s parents wouldn’t let them out, but I couldn’t help it, I was belligerent.
“Maybe stop acting like a damn kid & people wont treat you like one!” She fired back.
“Fuck this.” I snapped, barging through the door & back into the hot, sticky air of the Whisky. I marched back behind the bar just as the band were playing their last few chords & grabbed a bottle of jack. I quickly poured a shot & necked it, seconds before Paul rounded the corner.
“Where’s the other one?” He asked, rudely.
“I’m here.” Sophia mumbled, rushing back, just as the crowd began shifting its way from the stage to the bar.
“Right, back to work, no more fucking breaks.” Paul spat, pointing at us both before disappearing off to his office, as per usual whenever the bar got busy. I stuck my middle finger up at him as he walked away, directing my anger at him. I heard a chuckle & turned around to see a familiar, dark figure in the sea of gig-goers, his eyes lost behind a mass of black hair, yet somehow I could still feel them trailing along the contours of my body. His lips were curled into his usual, heart-stopping smirk & I found myself catching my breath when I caught sight of him.
“Someone’s in a good mood, I see.”
“Not now Sixx, for fuck sake.” I muttered, taking an order & pouring the drink.
“Have you missed me, Angel?” He asked, flashing me a wicked smile, draping himself over the bar to get a better look at me. I ignored him, tending to customers & refusing to make eye contact. “I’ll take that as a no.” He chuckled, darkly.
“Nikki, I really haven’t got time & I’m not in the mood for your games.” I said sharply, finally looking into his dark, green eyes. My stomach knotted as his gaze burnt through me, reigniting that flame that only he could seem to light. And he knew it.
“What’s wrong, Princess?” He drawled, lazily.
“Can’t you see how fucking busy we are?! I haven’t got time for you!” I snapped at him, dropping a tumbler in my frustration, sending glass scattering in all directions. “Fucking great.” I growled, crouching down to clean it up, my impatience & anger growing more & more by the second, only made worse by Nikki, who was now smiling smugly at me from over the bar. “Unless you’re going to be any help to me, I suggest you leave.” I yelled at him, standing up & charging over to the bin with a dustpan full of broken glass. I took a deep breath as I emptied it, attempting to regain my composure. I turned back & immediately cussed under my breath. Nikki had hopped over the bar & was now talking to customers.
“What are you doing?!” I hissed as I marched back over to him.
“I’m helping you, like you wanted,” he shrugged, an aura of smugness about him, as he took orders.
“What I wanted was for you to go away!”
“See, I don’t think you want that at all.” He responded, sliding past me, his hand brushing against my lower back as we moved around the limited space behind the bar. “I think you’ll take any excuse to be near me.” He whispered in my ear as we crossed paths once again, his hands gripping my hips this time as he navigated past me. Me body reacted to his touch, my heart thrumming as I felt unwanted excitement flood my veins. I snapped to attention, determined not to let him get to me again.
“Well, if you’ve got it all covered here, you wont mind if I take a quick bathroom break, right?” It was my turn to smirk as I walked from behind the bar, seeing his face fall as I turned & sauntered away from him, letting my hips sway a little more than usual as I felt his eyes drop to my ass, as they always did.
I strode into the bathroom stall, locking it behind me, & rested my head on the cool, metal door, breathing sharply. Nikki had a talent for pissing me off & frustrating me in ways I couldn’t explain & tonight was not a good night for it. Between him, Sophia & Paul, I was wound up past the point of no return & the next person that crossed me was going to feel the full force of my pent up rage.
I was working on slowing my breathing when I heard the door to the bathroom open & shut. Within seconds, my head started vibrating as someone rattled the door to the bathroom stall violently, trying to get in.
“Occupied!” I yelled, my voice oozing irritation.
It shook once again, whoever it was clearly not giving up. I took a step back from the door, anger flooding to every inch of my body as my hand flew towards the lock & I wrenched it open. I was ready to hurl cathartic insult after insult at the poor, unsuspecting person that was to be the subject of my blind fury, when a skinny blonde fucker stopped me in my tracks.
Vince stood in the door way of the stall, leaning casually, his tousled blonde hair framing his chilsed face perfectly. He had on brilliant white jeans with rips at the knees & a distressed denim jacket with nothing on underneath & plastered on his face was the biggest, goddamn sexiest grin that immediately calmed my rage & sent my heart racing.
“You having a bad night doll?” He asked, doing his best to feign concern, the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to hide his smirk. I took a second to drink him in, savouring the sight of him before I grabbed the collar of his denim jacket & pulled him roughly into the cubical with me, knowing exactly how I was going to satiate my temper. I slammed the door shut behind me & turned around to face Vince, pushing him down into a seated position on the closed lid of the toilet. His smirk was from ear to ear by now & there was a hunger in his eyes I wanted to satisfy so damn much. I straddled my legs either side of his, hiking up my denim skirt that was restricting my movement, exposing my strategically chosen lace black underwear. I sat down on his lap & pressed my mouth lightly against his, running my tongue across his plump, lower lip, tasting the remanence of whisky left there, a flavour I’d grown to love. I trailed my lips across his jawline, placing kisses as I went, until my teeth found their way to Vince earlobe, grazing their way along it as subtly began grinding my hips into his lap. He let out a soft, intoxicating groan that made me weak. I craved him.
Vinces fingers had wound their way into my hair & he grabbed a fistful, firmly pulling my head back, exposing my neck to him. I felt his smirk caress my skin as his nipped & sucked his way down my throat, leaving his mark as he went, before running his tongue back up, sending lustful shivers running down my spine. He brushed his lips across my chest as his hands left my hair, gliding their way down the contours of my body & under my shirt, roughly pulling it up & over my head. I felt him grow harder underneath me as he cupped my breasts in his hands, his tongue lightly flicking & caressing my nipples before he gently grazed his teeth along one, causing an involuntary moan to slip out of my parted mouth. I bit down on my lip, desperate to keep quiet, but Vince has other plans. He widened his legs, forcing mine open at the same time & slipped his hand between my thighs. He groaned as he felt my wetness through my lace panties & ran his finger teasingly back & fourth along the damp patch, causing me to squirm.
“Keep quiet for me now, Princess.” Vince teased, raising his eyebrows & smirking as he pushed my underwear to one side & slowly he eased one finger inside me, causing my to stifle a gasp of pleasure. His thumb brushed lazily over my clit, teasing me, driving me crazy with desire. My eyes closed & my head tilted back as he pushed another finger inside, moving them rhythmically at just the right speed to leave me wanting more. I bit down harder on my lip, trying my best to keep a moan from escaping as Vinces speed picked up. I rocked my hips back & forth against his fingers, pushing my lips roughly onto his to keep quiet, moaning into his mouth instead as he tasted my urgency.
Vince pulled my hair back once again, denying me of his lips. There was a look of arrogance dancing in his eyes as that he kept them fixed on mine, watching me intently as he brought me closer to the edge. I held my lower lip firmly between my teeth as his fingers moved faster & his thumb circled my clit in perfect harmony the way he knew drove me crazy, bringing me ever closer to the release I so badly needed.
“Let me see you cum baby.” He demanded, his eyes not leaving mine once, a sly smirk on his irresistible face. His words were all I needed as I reached the edge & came around his fingers.
“Fuck, Vinny, yes!” I yelled breathlessly, not caring who heard me. I felt the waves of pleasure crash around me as Vinces fingers carried on, pushing me to my absolute limits until I couldn’t give anymore & I grabbed his hand to stop him. He gave me a sly, proud smirk as he looked at my exhausted, content expression.
Christ, I needed that.
But Vince wasn’t done with me yet.
He slowly slid his fingers out from my wetness & brought them up to his lips, sucking on them sensually, making my still throbbing pussy tense in excitement.
“You taste so fucking good.” Vince smirked, watching me squirm with lust once again. I felt his rock hard cock constrained in his tight jeans & I rocked my hips into him once again. His smile widened & suddenly his hands were under my ass, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist & buried my hands into his blonde hair, grabbing it & pulling his mouth on to mine. Within seconds, we were out of the cubical & Vince sat me on the basin countertop without a thought as to who might walk in. We didn’t care.
“I want you inside me.” I moaned, hastily undoing his jeans with intense urgency & pulling him towards me. I found my way to Vinces cock & he let out a low groan as I wrapped my hand around it, slowly stroking him up & down.
“I’ve fucking missed you.” He growled. It was my turn to smirk.
Vince pulled away, expertly rolling on a condom with ease, before pulling me panties to one side once again. He rubbed my wetness, as I grabbed his rock hard dick & guided it towards me, using it to tease my entrance, a cocky smile playing on my lips as I watched Vinces eyes grow dark with desire & impatience. His lip parted to complain, but I silenced him by swiftly easing him inside me. We both moaned simultaneously as he pushed all the way in, stretching me out.
Vince groaned as he began thrusting slowly, finding his rhythm. “I forgot how tight your perfect little pussy is.”
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper in to me as he picked up speed, his hips bouncing against mine. “Oh Vinny,” I moaned, raking my nails across his back, leaving my mark on his skin to repay him for the bruises on my neck. The pain caused his pace to quicken, as his hunger for me intensified. He grabbed my one leg & lifted it over his shoulder, giving himself a better angle to fuck me deeper, harder.
I felt the pleasure building once again with each stroke, bringing me closer to orgasm. “Don’t stop.” I panted, digging my nails into his hips. Vince groaned loudly as I started playing with my clit, the hedonism getting too much for us both to withstand. I threw my head back & bit my lips to suppress my moans as best I could as the waves of pleasure started reaching their crescendo.
Vinces strokes became delectably slow & purposeful, each one deeper than the last as we both began our decent into sweet release. Vince gave one last thrust that sent us both over the edge & I came around his cock as he came inside me, his forehead pressed against mine as our duel moans of pleasure filled the bathroom. The perfect harmony.
*Nikkis POV*
How fucking long does it take to have a piss?! I thought angrily, as I pushed open the door to the bathroom, Sophias not-so-polite request that I get “the fuck from behind the bar & go & find Beth” still ringing in my ears.
I heard them before I saw them, but my brain didn’t comprehend what I was hearing until my eyes fell on her.
Beth was sat on the countertop, one leg draped over my frontmans shoulder, the other wrapped around his waist as Vince stood with his back to me. Her fingers were gripping his hair like she was holding on for dear life, her head was titled back in the throws of passion & her face.. Her face was that of an angel, as it always was, but twisted & distorted with sin as I watched her cum before me. Her glossy pink lips were parted as sounds that I wished I was causing left her pretty little mouth. Her forehead was glistening with a light film of sweat, her eyebrows were furrowed & her eyes were clenched shut as she indulged in her release that I so badly wanted to feel.
It was heaven to watch her.
And hell to know that she wasn’t coming for me.
I felt intense, unwarranted jealousy descend over me as I watched the girl that I disliked with such ferocity, but still so badly wanted to demoralise get fucked by one of my best friends. I wanted to feel her nails in my skin as I wrapped my hand around her pretty neck. I wanted to see those big, innocent, doe-like eyes look up at me pleadingly as I brought her close to orgasm, only to stop, making her beg for me to touch her. I wanted to taste her delectable pussy & feel her cum against my tongue, her sweet voice calling out my name as I sucked her clit. God, how I fucking wanted her.
Beths eyes fluttered open & immediately fell on mine, causing me to snap out of my fantasy. I adjusted myself quickly, hoping she wouldn’t see the semi I had rubbing against my tight leather pants.
She seemed shocked & embarrassed to see me standing there in the doorway, yet still somehow she managed to look smug. Guilty, yet satisfied. She shot me a shit eating grin before she kissed Vince, her eyes fixated on mine as she did so.
I let out a loud, purposeful cough that caused Vinny to jump & instinctively pull away from Beth. He looked in my direction & visibly relaxed, shooting me a typically sly Vince Neil smile.
“Oh it’s just you Sixx,” he laughed, buttoning up his jeans as Beth climbed down from the worksurface with as much modesty as possible, adjusting her skirt as she did.
I ignored Vince, my face like stone as I kept my eyes on Beth. “Sophia is looking for you.” I said bluntly.
“Shit yeah, I need to get back.” She said quickly, turning to wink at Vince & give him a peck on the lips. “You have no fucking idea how much I needed that,” I heard her mumble seductively. Vince grinned.
“Anytime Princess.” He drawled. I could’ve punched his arrogant fucking face.
Beth stalked towards me, holding her head high & proud as she pushed past. Vince looked like he was about to say something, but I didn’t stick around to hear what it was. Against my better judgement, I followed Beth, my anger brewing.
“Have fun?!” I snapped at her, letting my frustration show without meaning to.
“Loads.” Beth smiled simply, looking me dead in the eye without hesitation. I felt my anger bubble closer to the surface.
“You know, I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten bored of you yet.” I shot nastily, wanting to rile her up. “Groupies never last long with Vince. You should’ve seen all the sluts her got with on the tour.” I let out a sharp, short laugh, convinced I’d strike a nerve.
“Huh, weird, isn’t it?” She shrugged. “That he always comes back to me. I must do something for him that the other girls don’t.” Her voice dripped with confidence as she walked behind the bar & back to work. “I wonder what it is I have that they don’t..” she finished.
Beth knew exactly what she was doing, she’d known me long enough now to figure out how to push my buttons & her new found arrogance was doing just that. But she wore it well.
I grabbed her arm as she walked past & pulled her in close, my anger & my desire at war inside of me. My lips found Beths & I brushed them against hers in the way that I knew drove her crazy, even if she’d never admit it.
“He’ll never satisfy you like I would, Angel.” I whispered.
Beth swallowed, her confidence visibly shaken & I smiled as I watched her eyes glisten with involuntary desire. I knew she couldn’t resist. “& h-how do you know that?” She stuttered, trying to regain her self-assured composure.
“Because he doesn’t know you like I do.” I mumbled, letting my lips graze hers as I spoke. “I see past your good girl, innocent act. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, there’s a little bit of devil in your angel eyes. You don’t want just sex, you want to be fucked, you want to know what it’s like to loose all self control, to be with someone that’ll fulfil your darkest desires, who will indulge your every fantasy. I can please you in ways you couldn’t even begin to imagine, Lizzy. I want to bring out the bad in you.” I finished, my eyes burning into hers with intense, desperate craving that I knew she felt too. She looked at me, her eyes almost fearful, but I could see the seductive intrigue lying just beyond that fear & I knew I was right about her. “So, what do you say?”
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
The Bindings Of Time - Chapter 4. To Throw Off The Sands Of Time And Education - PhannieMay - Day 23 Graduation and Day 22 Memories
Summary: Graduates got to have a bit of fun
(Multi-chapter fic, each chapter falls under the Memories prompt as well as another day’s prompt)
Danny yawns as he wakes up, it’s definitely strange having his body sleep while his minds doing time shit. But while his body needs the rest he can’t just check out from time for hours on end. Rubbing his ring and patting at the chessboard before heading down for food. It’s quite impressive the amount of introspection and problem solving one can do while sitting at a simple chess board. Well, ok, his chessboard wasn’t exactly simple but whatever. 
Smiling at his mom softly as he walks into the kitchen. Knowing she’s still not too pleased with his job and feeling rather uncomfortable with all his changes, “mornin’, making eggs?”. She nods but frowns a little, “I’m sure you already knew that”. Danny sighs as he takes his seat, “don’t do that. I don’t know everything while human and even when I do know, I still want to hear about it and ask. Holding contempt or resentment over my powers isn’t good”. “Are you just saying that for the timeline?”, Danny can practically feel the displeasure in her voice. While he gets that his powers might be confusing and even downright frustrating for others, he would like those close to him to at least be ok with them. He can’t help but glare a little at the back of her head, “it’s rare I’d have to do anything specifically for time. I’m being genuine, my title and powers are part of me. Having disdain for part of me or any of my powers would and will never have been or be good, for any of us. Jazz would say it’s not healthy or whatever mental psychobabble”. Danny makes a point of not schooling his expression as she turns around and reads his face, letting her see that he’s not really pleased with her displeasure. She hands him his food after a beat and sighs, “sorry sweetie, it’s just really strange and it’s changed you. Which I know you understand and are ok with, but I think it’s fair to say everyone else doesn’t really get it”. “Of course, I expected no different, even before getting time powers. I figured adjusting would be difficult for everyone, what I hadn’t expected was that it would come easy to me. One thing ClockWork’s not good for is warnings”, chucking faintly as he continues, “the very first thing I even said was “fuck ClockWork, better warning needed”. And yeah I know, swearing, but I think swearing was pretty suiting at that moment”. Though she looks a bit unimpressed it’s clear she agrees, “if you ask me, you should have had full warnings beforehand”. Danny finishes off his mouthful before responding, air-quoting “Sometimes warnings are non-necessities and only serve to discourage us from doing what we must” end air-quoting. Shuffling a bit, “having forewarning isn’t always that helpful and while yes I had a choice in all of this, there was no other who could do the job. But ClockWork wouldn’t have faded unless the universe itself knew I was ready and willing. Plus, I don’t always heed warnings, even ClockWork’s”. Putting away his dishes as he looks at the time, it’s always been a bit odd going to school with no one even having a clue who or what exactly his classmates were going to school with or his teachers teaching. Now it’ll be even more odd, before he was just the overpowered ghostly town hero. Now he was more or less a god, though he didn't exactly care to be referred to as one. Just a powerful halfa with lots of responsibilities, some just happened to be outside of other people’s understanding. Though the omniscience and omnipresence made it kind of hard to deny the god title. Chuckling, “I am probably going to freak Mr. Lancer, and every other teacher, out for the remainder of school”. This actually gets his mom to snort, amused, “school literally has no purpose to you, does it? You could probably teach the teachers”. She’s not wrong, heck he could make corrections to the history books. That would be a really dumb idea though. Smiling at her as he grabs his backpack, “the teaching never really did, I was always fated for this. But school carries socialisation and the creation of support networks. That’s one area where me and ClockWork differ, I don’t thrive under solitude. Fostering connections and all my bonds with people, good and bad, make me well. School does that, so there is still a purpose; it’s just a bit different”, smirking, “like everything else about me. Utterly unique and wholly different”. Catching her mutter as he walks out the door, “a little too unique and why couldn’t you just say it’s nice having friends and hanging out?”.
Danny high fives Tucker as they sit down in class, “dude, if you don’t confused the shit out of every teacher I will hate you. Specially since school’s almost out”. Danny rolls his eyes and mouths “duh” while sitting down. And he can’t help a mischievous smirk as Mr. Trent walks in. Though he knows this teacher won’t even care, pretty well numb to the antics of the weirdo trio. By fourth Danny’s pretty well amused with himself, sure he’s had to check in with time a bit excessively to make sure his fucking around was all well and good. But making Ms. Jetsin snort her tea out her nose was very very worth it. Smiling as his homeroom and English teacher, Mr. Lancer, comes in. He really does like the man, he’s both eccentric and wise, plus he knows how to work people. If he wasn’t so strict and pushy, they’d probably get along great. Though he does get along with him pretty well nowadays, even if Mr. Lancer did get on his ass about stuff an awful lot. That was another thing that caught him off guard, finding out just how much Mr. Lancer actually cared, especially about him. He’d have figured all the teachers would have given up on him by now, but no. Danny can tell that Mr. Lancer knows he’s going to be trouble today, purely by the face he pulls. “Now I know I’ll be seeing you all on you’re way soon but there are still things this old man can teach you about the real world. So do try to pay some attention”, Danny will give him props for trying but no one really cares anymore; and Danny hardly cared to begin with. And now there’s really nothing he can learn, experiences is all he’s got to gain. Danny pretends to be having a nap while Mr. Lancer goes on about philosophy essays. Hearing how people interpret things that don’t have solid answers was much more amusing now, since it was actually possible for someone to come up with something he hasn’t heard before. While human anyway, otherwise he’d know their opinion before they even thought it. Unlike biology or history, all that stuff was old news to him. Heck, he knew it before it even became human knowledge or happened. Smirking slightly as Mr. Lancer finally calls on him, “since you seem to find this tiring, Mr. Fenton, care to provide an interesting take on belonging to the world rather than a country and living without excess?”. Danny can’t help but snort, kind of ironic to ask that of the guy who couldn’t have loyalties to a specific country. “I can’t claim to ascribe to stoic cosmopolitanism personally, but viewing humanity as one central state to belong to is quite logical, if a bit obvious. Of course all humans ought to feel endearment towards humanity as a whole, otherwise humanity would be much more actively self-destructive”, really the only reasons Danny doesn’t view himself as in the community of humanity is the whole halfa thing and his job. That kind of required viewing himself as outside of every community, making himself in community with only himself. Though free to mingle with others. Lifting his head up and lazily resting it on his palm as he continues, while half the class looks completely lost and are actually paying attention to him purely out of mild shock. Most having never heard him give more than couple word answers or just not having an answer at all, “and the idea of excess is so beyond relative that it’s almost not worth pondering, but Diogenes’s idea of excess is quite extreme. While sure using your hands to drink water instead of a bowl and forgoing shoes, can make you feel connected with nature; intentional inconvenience for the sake of minimalism is, in and of itself, excess in a way”, twirling his hand in the air, “further, ascribing meaning and values to things is innate in the behaviour of nearly all sentient beings. So to live with nothing would be rather unhealthy, unless you make that nothing your everything. Which I’m sure is what he did, having nothing was his niche. So his opinion was not exactly objective”. Smirking slightly as he decides he’s just going to keep rambling until someone speaks up, “don’t say I blame him for picking a staff and cloak of all things to keep and be attached to. It’s very easy to be pragmatic with such tools”. Continuing to speak over Tucker’s snort, “though living with excess of material goods is definitely debilitating and reduces the worth and attachments you can have drastically. In the same way as things gain value in rarity so too does the personal value of what you have grow with scarcity. But going so scarce as to live in pottery instead of owning a home is just plain absurd, if a bit amusing”. Tapping at his chin, “Diogenes was an all-around absurdist really, too bad none of his work survived; I’m certain it would have been highly entertaining for you all. Well, for people who care for unusual eccentrics anyway. People are far more content to write down all their weird musings than actually act on them, so imagine the utter abnormality of the writing from a guy who peed on people, plucked a chicken for a joke and walked backwards just to confuse people? He may have been against excess and belonging to a group of one or a small community, but his personality was his excess and being that odd makes you one against all”. Chuckling, “definitely not a good portrayal of humanity, quite misleading actually. You’d think ascribing to and pretty well creating the idea of humans all belonging to humanity, would make someone more, well, average”. Danny leans back and yawns as he can tell Mr. Lancer’s going to speak up now, “well Mr. Fenton, you clearly saved your most baffling behaviour till the end. As half of that even I did not quite get. However, I’m inclined to agree. Humans are materialistic by nature and I doubt we are that way for no reason”. Danny can’t help but laugh into his hand as Mr. Lancer addresses the rest of the class, “after that I think it might actually be embarrassing to call on anyone else, so we’ll move on”. Mr. Lancer drones on about linguistics and symbolism’s, while Star kicks Danny’s seat. Talking to him as he turns to her, “who are you and where’s the out of the loop oddball that only gets called on to embarrass?”. Smirking slightly at her, “he’s a little extra dead and flaunting it. I’m weirder than you all know, but there’s no point in not being so in our final few days of school”. Catching Mr. Lancer point at him from the corner of his eye, looking both slightly excited and scared, “Mr. Fenton, since you seem to be actually talkative today. What do you think of the difficulties of learning a new language but how it makes it so people more readily spot symbolism in their lives?” Tilting his head a bit before deciding he’s going to build up to being utterly baffling, “well besides the obvious of it getting harder with age. Aged brains just simply don’t pick up as easily and your first is always the easiest. Besides we’re all surrounded by our mother tongues, not the case with a second language. Though the idea of universal grammar in human DNA is a pretty darn absurd take on the ease with which we learn our first language”, shrugging loosely, “but speaking multiple languages improves nearly every aspect of the brain, so it’s expected that someone would recognise symbolism more effectively and have greater appreciation for it”. Flicking his finger at the abstract painting of an Arbutus tree and Ash tree, “you could argue, someone frequently using and recognising symbolism is enough of precursor for being bilingual. And yes it is a bit on the nose to have the image of an Arbutus tree, for depth or knowledge, and Ash tree, for mental growth and connection; inside a classroom”. Sure him guessing at Mr. Lancer knowing multiple languages isn’t really a guess, as he knows that man speaks four. Smiling slowly Danny speaks in a language he knows Mr. Lancer knows and then repeats himself in ghost speak just to confuse, “obwohl die symbolik ziemlich amüsant ist. Æłthœügh thę ßÿmbõłįßm įß qūïtę åmüßįñg”. Mr. Lancer coughs, effectively caught off guard, but has a playful glint in his eyes, “wo hast du überhaupt deutsch gelernt? Das wird hier nicht gelehrt. Ich bin mit der anderen Sprache, die Sie verwendet haben, nicht vertraut”. Smirking back at his teacher, “expected, helping my parents build a translator for ghost speak rather required learning their language. And you’d be surprised the things you pick up when traveling, see I’m a rather memorious or you could say semi-eidetic memory”. Shrugging at his unimpressed teacher while Dash speaks up, “so you’re even more of a freak?”. Danny can’t help but be amused at how right Dash is but he doesn’t even get a chance to respond as Star turns to him, “what even is eyedeckit”. Smiling softly at her, “I learn fast and have nearly flawless memory. I just don’t really focus effort on schooling so it doesn’t show”. Technically he’s not even lying, he’s always had a quick learning ability. Just now it was universal and instantaneous knowledge instead but he couldn’t exactly say that. And going with photographic memory would be a little too suspicious, heck no one’s even really been confirmed to even have that. Mr. Lancer looks even more unimpressed but doesn’t get to comment on that, as the bell goes off. He does, however, ask Danny to stay. Rubbing his neck awkwardly, “yeah I know, I should care more about my schooling. Things happen and not everyone’s priorities rest in the same vein. Furthered education really isn’t in my playbooks, so just enough to graduate is where my caring ends”. Mr. Lancer sighs, “you’re barely managing that, when it’s apparent you could easily be near or even surpass your sister. I hope whatever you are focused on is worth the intellect but I still think you should strive for more”. Danny does wish he had more time in the past to actually study and learn. He’s not exactly proud of the poor grades, but his place as protector and, now, job as Overseer of the timestream, took precedence. Smirking slightly as he rubs his ring, “my new job requires it actually and yes it’s very much worth both the intellect and the brutalised academic standing”. Danny makes sure his pride is clearly palpable which Mr. Lancer responds to positively, “then I’m glad, a student filling into a satisfactory and fulfilling life is the best a teacher could ever wish for. I guess my worry over you has been rather misplaced, but for that I am proud”. “You’re worries been highly appreciated, the concern and meddlings of others in my life has been and is justified, not to mention gratifying. How else would I have been aware of available support networks?”, Danny can’t help but smile as Mr. Lancer nods fondly at him before shooing him off to lunch. Danny really does like the guy and making Mr. Lancer feel like he did some good and affected Danny positively, was more than pleasing to Danny; and he knew Mr. Lancer would sleep very well tonight.
Tucker slaps Danny on the back as he sits down for lunch, “dude that was great, no damn clue what you were talking about but oh my god”. Danny smirks, “just a guy with a minimalism kink who doesn’t believe in people calling themselves Americans or Canadians. That, and knowing many languages makes you smarter”. Sam smirks, “well, we all know at least two so yay for our brains”. Tucker pokes at Danny, “dude, you talked for a solid ten minutes and just summed it all up in, maybe, two sentences. Your mind is officially terrifying”. Danny shrugs playfully, he’s not exactly wrong.
Danny’s in the middle of going on about half-angle trigonometry, which wasn’t even how he was supposed to solve this equation, when his ghost sense goes off, “can’t really say how doing it this way would ever be useful though. Anyway, I’ll be back or more than likely not”. The one good thing about this going on for four years is that practically none of the teachers cared or were surprised anymore. Stretching lazily as he gets up, speed walking to the bathroom. Pulling off his white belt before transforming, forgoing the cloak and staff, then putting the belt back on to cover his clocks, before flying through the ceiling. He could throw on white gloves to cover his hourglasses but he’s got a joke to make and Skulker is the perfect target. Floating over to Skulker with his hands behind his head and smiling devilishly, “can’t say I’m surprised you’re the first one to officially get back to business”. “Always whelp! I’ve got a pelt to pouch”,  Danny easily avoids the harpoon as he changes to his ghostly tail. Skulker clearly notices his far more erratically and energetically pulsating tail; looking more like glitching static rather than loose waving. “You are in good health and power it would seem, makes for a finer pelt!”, Danny can easily read the genuine concern there, even if Skulker voices his worry about his well-being rather oddly. Suitable behaviour for a ghost though, if he got that from a human he might actually be concerned. “Oh you have no idea, all’s well with time”, Danny fully knows Skulkers frowning because you’re not really supposed to make references to faded ghosts so blatantly so soon and he knows the triple meaning was majorly lost, he doesn’t really care though. Avoiding another shoot from Skulker as he slinks up behind him, punching him clean in the gut, sending him into a wall. Chuckling, “you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, the smooth sands of time”. Danny can’t help but laugh exaggeratedly at Skulker incredulously sticking his arms out and pointing at his hands, “you’re pelts changed?! And not in a Phantom way!”. Wiping at his eyes, “time always makes its modifications! But it is so very Phantom, the Phantom of times future”. Now Skulker is crossing his arms, “okay what’s going on here? You’re never this bad”. Waving Skulker off, “I’ve been saving them up, built quite the repertoire. And really, how could I not? But hey, you get to be the first one I hit with the unyielding stick of time”. Skulker just throws his hands up before going after Danny again. Danny let’s Skulker get his blade less than a centimetre in front of his face before teleporting, with the usual hands of time portal, behind him. Skulker spins around to face the cockily grinning Danny, “did you just teleport? And in that manner?”. Danny grins wider, “and I’d say I timed it pretty well, though I planned that out days ago. But don’t worry, it’s not that you’re predictable, more that surprising time is rather impossible”. Spotting Skulker’s slightly wary stance, Danny decides now’s the time to really shock him. Phasing off the belt seconds before letting the purple transformation rings spring out to form his cloak and staff, grinning wide, “it’s both impressive and a little sad that none of you realised I was times apprentice. Time’s my bitch now”. Danny takes Skulker’s stunned shock to quickly fly up and full force slam him on the side of the head with his staff. Chuckling as he floats down to the decapitated helmet, “in time, time beats them all”. Picking Skulker up by one of his tiny green legs, while Skulker gapes, “I could have kept going and you would have figured it out, in time. But this was more fun, so in case this isn’t obvious”, Danny shakes his time staff which Skulker glances at, “I'm the new Master Of Time, always was going to be. But well, only time knew that. Oh and don’t worry, all my little scuffles will continue to be more or less fair. I’m just flaunting now as a more humorous way to reveal my graduation from apprentice to master”. Skulker’s high pitched voice is clearly more than just startled, “so that, that’s what that Observant wanted with you. I’ll still have your pelt whelp, but take the advice; you’re not him so don't try to be. Time Master or not”. Danny has no intention of copying his faded Master but he knows no one really knew just how alike they were. Smiling loosely, “I don’t have to try, we’re birds of a feather; scarily similar actually. I’m just not so solitary and slightly more of a joke. In regards to the outfit, he made both himself”. Danny knows full well what Skulker’s about to say but there’s no way he can’t laugh his ass off as Skulker speaks, “he was no jokester ghostchild! Handled everything with serious composure”. Putting Skulker down on a rooftop as he bends over wheezing, “he was a good seventy percent jokes! We had prank wars! Got him drunk off of chess! Half the reason he was so confusing was because he found it insanely funny!”. Whipping at his eyes and bending down to be more on level with the tiny ghost, “his name, like mine, was a literal pun, dude. He fought with a scythe purely to be extra and used symbolism out the wazoo. He was a massive jokester, just a sneaky one”. Pulling out and shaking the thermos, “now hold your tongue so I can have my, it’s the Time Master bitch!, moment”, smirking, “and the Observants were right, I am going to be just as insufferable to them as he was”. He can tell Skulker’s confused but he doesn’t really care, as he sucks him in.
The rest of the school day goes more or less the same as the morning. Danny isn’t surprised no other ghosties showed but could anyone really blame him for hoping? Yawning and stretching lazily while a good portion of the school gawks at him as he heads home. Walking inside and poking his head into the kitchen; while knowing full well that Skulker won’t hold his tongue for more than a day and was having a mild freakout, “you probably shouldn’t hold supper for me, it’s time for the new Master Of Time to be known. Could go long, could go short; see how I feel like playing it”. Clearly his mom’s feeling better as she reaches up to ruffle his hair some, “Ghost Zone I’m assuming? And anyone would know I’d prefer you make it short”. “Of course mom, on both accounts. But I’ll see. Taking things fast usually isn’t the best option when dealing with startling things or talking to large crowds”, her sigh makes it clear she understands and agrees. “Oh, and school was very amusing, for me anyway, bemusing for everyone else though. Well, Mr. Lancer was tickled pink actually, but he’s weird”. Maddie snorts, “I’m glad you impressed your teacher, especially that one; he genuinely cares about you”. Danny smiles warmly as he heads out the kitchen, confusing his mom unintentionally, “uh, I thought you were heading out right off the bat?”. Summoning out his staff and responding only slightly confused, “yup, why?”. She sticks her head out and glares a little but relents at his raised eyebrow, “did I actually confuse you? Wow okay. It’s just that the labs down the other way”. Danny chuckles as he facepalms, dragging his hand down his face and letting it fall to the side before responding, “I’m just going to make my own portal. That’ll get me where and when I need to be. And yes I can still get confused or miss stuff, at least while I’m human. I’m only omniscient and omnipresent when I’m in ghost form. My awareness and knowledge is optional while human, well, sort of. It’s complicated”. Now his mom actually looks intrigued and excited, smirking at her, “yeah you can watch”. Danny knows the staff spinning is really not necessary but it’s very extra and thus worth it. Tapping his staff on the ground to bring a little more attention to it before rather dramatically swirling it, catching his mother say, “more clock imagery?”.
Smiling at the mirror in his clocktowers bedroom after pulling down his hood and ruffling his hair. Tilting his head back to look out one of the windows, “getting a lair as a graduation gift is a bit extra but it is nice to have a true home here”, before it had just been sort of a home, like being a permanently invited guest; now it was his. Floating out into the main room, it’s probably a little odd he hasn’t been back since getting his new role and powers. All the gears and swinging clock bits are a pretty heavy reminder and he fully intends to leave ClockWork’s scythe exactly where it is, Danny does have some shame after all. Using a scythe is too on the nose even for him and that was all ClockWork’s thing, while Danny’s got his thermos. Plus, unlike ClockWork, Danny has real offensive powers. Heck, his clawed gloves were probably as sharp as the scythe. Sighing before turning to the screens, making them display different sections of the zone. Chucking hollowly at Skulker debating with himself over whether it was even a sane idea to try and skin the guy who controls and protects time. Danny thinks it’s a pretty sane thing for a ghost to do, because really he was just even more of a prize now; and Skulker’s got an obsession to follow. Besides, it’s not like Danny really minds anymore, the witty banter and sparing is his bread and butter. Skulker’s one of the best to trade blows with, even if it will all be less exciting now. Chuckling more genuinely now as he sends a little paper airplane note through the viewing screen turned portal. Watching as Skulker yelps and reads out loud, “don’t fret about it, tinman. It’s all in good fun, for me anyway. Hover about the Gathers Colosseum if you wanna watch me freak some ghosts out”. Smirking at Skulker looking around incredulously before flying out his clocktower.
Pulling up his hood all the way and closing the cloak before becoming visible while sitting on one of the damaged pillars. Only smiling as a couple ghosts around jerk in surprise at his sudden return to visibility. Following Johnny’s bike with his eyes as it jerks to a stop, Danny knows the cloak plus gear clasp will instantly make pretty well everyone think ClockWork for a second before realising the colour’s wrong. And that’ll be enough for them to make the connection that this black cloaked figure is the new Master Of Time; seeing as time couldn’t exactly go without a master. They’ll assume he’s a brand new ghost or someone who was in the clocktower but never left. Sure, quite a few had seen his cloak at the afterdeath ceremony but his hood was down, effectively covering the gear clasp, and his hood was rounded and snug before; now it was long, pointy and zig-zagged. Plus, no one was exactly focused on his clothing that day. Smiling softly under his hood as an older ghost, Brextik, is the first to approach him, “so you finally make your presence known, young Time Master”. Chuckling faintly, “I’ve been around. Pestering occasionally and basking in the afternoon sun”. Brextik only looks confused for a second before smiling warmly, “well, you are certainly he. May we know your name?”, at this point there’s a fair amount of ghosts around but not quite enough. He’s aiming to tell practically everyone in one fell swoop, “oooo, antsy are we? Just wait out the clock sometime. But”, Danny pauses just to be a bit of an ass, “there is one who already knows here. They’ll hold their tongue though, not that that’s going to discourage you”. Unsurprisingly, that effectively gets most of the gathered ghosts to start pestering each other and Danny can see Skulker groan as he hides away from everyone. Of course, the commotion draws in more ghosts, all having varying degrees of reactions to his presence. Some excited, some cautious, some even look insulted or angry, the ones that draw his attention most of the ones that glare disapprovingly and turn their backs to him. A clear show of how Danny’s not going to take ClockWork’s place, which Danny doesn’t aim to. That’s why he couldn’t become The Master Of Time right away, he had his own ghostly shoes to fill. Had to establish himself outside of the shadow of ClockWork, else he’d never stand on his own and would have busied himself with the impossible task of filling ClockWork’s shoes. Trying to be just like him and fulfil the same role in everyone’s (after)lives that he did. Not to mention, filling the role of protector amongst humans is what moulded him into being so selfless. Plus, also forged a close bond and connection with humanity, so he would be equally tied to both worlds and species. Smiling as Ember finally arrives and eyes Walker accusingly, before even looking to the black cloaked figure. He finds it amusing that Walker’s one of the ones to turn his back to him. Especially knowing why, smirking as he floats lazily in-front of the white-suited ghost; who promptly turns the other direction. The two go back and forth like this for a bit, with Danny floating in front of Walker and Walker turning away, before Walker glares at him as he floats in front of him again, “Phantom better be the one who knows who you are, those two were close and I have nothing but respect for how he acted those days ago. The least you could do, newcomer, is honour that respect and behaviour. Even if it’s not a rule”. Danny chuckles lightly, be pretty sad if he hadn’t been the first non-omnipresent ghost to know. Sighing faintly, “he knew when you saw him last, walking tall and proud with a makeshift funerary flag in his hands and a time medallion in his pocket”. Walker eyes him suspiciously but Danny doesn’t give him much of a chance to ponder as he teleports back to his broken pillar. Curling his energetic tail around the pillar, peeking the bottom of his staff out the side of his cloak and letting it hang there for a bit before pulling the whole thing out, with his hand coming into view to everyone in the process. Swinging it down to bop a younger ghost, who’s a little too handsy, on the head. He’ll give Brextik props for being so pushy, guy really wants to be the first to get a good look at the new Time Master. Danny elects to satisfy him in a way, lifting his other hand out of his cloak to flick time sand out his pointer finger at the old ghosts ghostly tail, which promptly freezes in time. Brextik clearly is impressed and shocked but is trying to not show it. And Danny forces himself not to laugh as he overhears a couple ghosts muttering about how he’s got more powers and thus, obviously more powerful. Danny discretely calls “time out”, as he catches Ember giving the, now found, Skulker a disbelieving but knowing look. While Skulker just looks apologetic and startled. Floating over to stick his head between theirs, “time in”, smirking as both of them jump. He knows that pretty well every ghost knows that him “teleporting” without a teleportation portal meant he had fiddled with time. Chuckling lightly as Ember pokes at, but doesn’t dare move, his hood, “it’s been a few days but I’m certain your fashion-forward mindset won’t hold the initial reactions of disapproval towards a change in forms”. Now Skulker looks even more embarrassed while Ember just looks impressed, “of course it would be you, you over-sized weirdo”. Danny smirks, muttering just to them “well, duh”, before flying upside down and flipping to land on the back seat of Johnny’s bike. Johnny gapes from the drivers seat and Kitty from the handlebars, it was nice to see they were in a good mood towards each other; actually behaving like the lovebirds they are. Danny switches to his legs and crosses them, the whites of his boots visible under the bottom of the cloak. “I’d say sounding alike is quite expected. Knowledge begets wise words and truly understanding what confuses others make someone rather confusing themselves. Oh, and by the way, it was time for the true Master Of Time so the guider and keeper of the role had to take his leave. Somethings and beings exist to mould and maintain till the rightful owner comes along”, he knows even the Observants didn’t properly understand just what ClockWork’s role had been, and it’s unlikely anyone other than the two beings of time ever could. Johnny stammers a bit, “so you’re, saying, the oddball we’ve all been picking fights with, was the true Overseer of time?”. “A responsibility to watch over time of both worlds could only be fulfilled by a being of both worlds. A title that requires self-sacrifice and attentiveness, falls in line with the very nature of any who truly take up the mantle of hero and protector. And I’ve always been protecting both”, Danny takes this as the time to push back his hood by running his right hand through his hair. Ears flicking out as the hood rests in its natural spot just behind his ears, while he smirks playfully at the couple. Turning his head to the crowd at hearing their gasps, pushing down a laugh at the mutterings of how they wouldn’t believe this if they hadn’t just seen him use his time powers. Which is precisely why he hid who he was and he can tell Skulker realises that’s the main reason he was told to hold his tongue. Smiling softly, “I’m still to go by Phantom but yes, I’m the new Master Of Time. I’ve been times apprentice for years, I’ve simply self-actualised into my rightful place now”. Switching to his tail and floating back to the broken pillar, smirking with a playful glint in his eyes, “the clocktower is my lair now, I will know, of course, if any of you show up there for whatever reasons you may have. I expect that the same formalities will still apply to only paying visit to there in times of requirement, so I will show if you arrive at my door”. Danny continues after nearly everyone nods very noticeably and at spotting most of those who’ve picked fights with him looking guilty and like they’re about to get scolded, “oh and for those of you who’ve made an opponent of me, don’t waste effort on worrying about anything to do with that. It helped me to become who I needed to be and it is thoroughly enjoyable. I’ll continue to be relatively fair in future skirmishes. Besides, even before you could never have really won or destroyed me”. With a massive toothy grin, “I’ve been immortal for nearly all of my existence as a halfa”. Danny grins a bit wider at the shock on basically everyone and Skulker throws his hands up dramatically. Which Danny is thoroughly amused by, since getting his pelt would require Skulker actually killing him. Thus Skulker pretty well just found out his efforts had been in vain. Though Danny knows the guy does actually enjoy the sparring, so he’ll keep showing up to fight. He spends well over an hour getting peppered with questions before most ghosts leave. Johnny, Kitty and Walker stick around, with Johnny walking up to, the still perched, Danny, “well man, you being a confusing mess from the get-go makes way more sense now”. Kitty nods, “yeah, Plasmius always made sense even if he’s more of a human. You’re a ball of odd that just got odder”. She smiles softly before continuing and Danny matches that smile, “but if anyone should do this job, you do make the most sense for it. Calling you selfless might be an understatement, even your selfish actions aren’t really selfish. Same goes for protective”. Danny only nods as of course she’s right. Before turning his head to Walker, encouraging him to speak what he knows the man wants to, “the rules really don’t apply to you, so it would seem, we have no quarrel now. You rank above me anyway”. Danny chuckles a little, “my very existence defied the laws of reality from the start. Now there isn’t one natural law that can even be considered to apply to me. There was never really any jail that could hold me, not even the confines of time and the supposed inevitability of mortality”. Johnny groans a bit and points at him, “you talking like that is still creepy”. Sticking his tongue out at the biker, “you try having all of time inside you and not sound like an eccentric compilation of insight and knowledge”. Kitty shrugs loosely, “no one really gives any thought to time powers, Phantom”. Which Danny knows is honestly for the best, dealing with a couple humans trying to wrap their heads around it was hassle enough. Switching to his legs and hoping off the pillar, sending away his staff and crossing his arms lightly, “best keep it that way, you can’t understand it. But, bless their hearts, some humans are trying”. Sighing, “well anyway, I’ve got supper to eat since someone didn’t take my advice on not saving me some”. All three of them snicker, before Kitty hops back on Johnny’s bike and they speed off, Johnny two-finger waving as they go. Danny turns to Walker, “once what you’re about to do would have very much confused me, so I guess take some amusement in that”. Walker sighs but he does smile, which pleases Danny, before handing Danny three gold rifle shell casings each engraved with gears and cypress flowers, filled with purple liquid gold. Danny honestly likes that it’s not perfect and all the little crinkles in the gold, plus he will admit to being impressed with Walker over the symbolism. Smiling as he rolls the shell casings in his fingers, “the meanings here would have been lost on me before and I never did peg you for a military man before. Seems obvious now”. Danny knows Walker actually researched symbolism rather than knowing this beforehand, excluding the three-volley shell casings anyway. He can read the slight and heavily veiled embarrassment on Walkers' face, “he was a man of meanings so meanings were required. You shocked me back then and such a behaviour is done by two people not one, so consider me an honour guard for that”. Danny nods respectfully and he knows that Walker’s aware that the meaning doesn’t need to be explained. But Danny does startle the man by teleporting home directly in front of him.
Appearing back in his human bedroom, sighing at the shell casings. The gears meaning would be obvious to literally everyone, same with the purple. Gold for wisdom and a strong bond, with the cypress flowers for death. Plus, Danny likes to think the crinkled look of the purple gold represented how time doesn’t exist or flow smoothly for a Master Of Time. Putting the casings on the prior fabric and patting them before heading down to eat. He doesn’t really blame his parents for wanting to stay up, blatantly curious about how things went, since what he did was pretty well like a graduation ceremony; just for one and done oddly. Wearing a body covering gown, cloak in his case, talk some to a crowd and throw off your hat, hood in his case. Ending everything of with mingling and congratulations. Sticking his head into the kitchen, “I’m back and yes things went smoothly. Also yes, caused mass confusion and shock”. Both them nod at him while Maddie heats his food back up, Jack pats his shoulder as he sits down, “well, you were already well known as Phantom so that’s expected. But are you going to make this job of yours public to the town too?”. While the reaction would be humorous, that would be a bad idea. A large portion of humanity already disliked how powerful they believed ghosts to be, him especially, making the overwhelming power ghosts were capable of really known was bad. Currently, there’s no chance of humanity even remotely accepting one ghost having the power he did. A god sure, but they wouldn’t see him as a god and he didn’t want them to; that would also be bad. Humanity still needed major work on accepting ghosts before they should be allowed to even slightly grasp how ghosts really are. Shaking his head at his dad, “no, the only humans to know are the ones who already do. Well, for now”. Maddie raises her eyebrow at the last bit as Danny starts mixing his food up, “so like being a halfa this is a secret too. Well, can you at least tell us when it’s going to become public knowledge?”. Danny frowns and sighs, “it’s a very long time away”. Just judging by how she frowns, she understands that he means they’ll be long gone before then, as she quietly mutters, “oh”.
The next few days are relatively normal, Danny being a startlingly intelligent and all-knowing bastard at school, occasional ghost fights where his opponents get confused by his lack of using his time powers, and both intentionally and unintentionally confusing the people close to him. Danny smirks down at his red grad gown, flicking at the black tassel. He’s come to see both red and blue as representing his human half, with green for his ghost half, so it’s hard to not find the red amusing. “What you looking like that for, Fentit? Stunned stupid the local freak actually graduated?”, Danny honestly was, sort of, he kind of hadn’t expected to since he was fifteen. Way too much time taken up by ghost stuff, wasn’t quite so bad for his friends; even if their grades had suffered some too. Least they never failed shit. Rolling his eyes at Dash, “that never even mattered, Dash. Red’s just an interesting colour”, Danny grins devilishly which promptly makes the jock scurry off, looking to avoid Danny assaulting his ears. The guy really wasn’t much of a bully to him anymore, which shocked no one really with Danny being taller than his dad and rather muscular. Being mentally hard to handle just deterred the man even more. Though Danny does feel a little bad that Dash was right about life being kind of a let down for him once Highschool was over. Highschool really was Dash’s golden years. Even if there was so many ways that guy’s future could go. Turning around to smirk at Tucker, who looks even more scrawny and short in the large gown and Sam, who’s gown barely fits over her eccentric, and extremely expensive, dress. Funny enough, all of them had expensive clothing, far more expensive than even what Paulina wore; which she was both confused and annoyed by. Tilting his head back to wear all their parents were before looking at Sam, “I’m still amazed your parents actually paid for all this shit”. “They just wanted you all to make me look good, some bullshit about the people around me needing to be in the finest else it’ll tarnish me”, Sam rolls her eyes exaggeratedly and Danny’s glad they’ve all gotten over pointing out or being bugged by him knowing everything already. He did actually prefer to just be told, a little bit of normalcy was nice. The ceremony is, expectedly, boring; but Danny smiles as it’s his turn on stage. The principal clearly still hates him as she just glares while shaking his hand, but Mr. Lancer is straight up beaming, “never thought I’d get to do this young man, but I’m glad I can”. Danny nods with a mischievous smile, as they shake hands, “and I knew you would, you’ll never have another quite like me though”. Sitting back down, he can’t help but smile proudly when Valerie gets her diploma as well, he was a bit worried about her actually graduating. Her grades got nearly as brutalised as his did, and they were very much friends. It was a bit sad to him that she could never know about who he really was or that Phantom had time powers. He’d honestly always hoped to tell her eventually, but that was one dream he had to give up. That’s the thing with graduating, while you move on and grow into bigger roles, you have to leave somethings behind. Sometimes it’s experiences you’ll never get to have at all or again, sometimes it’s friends and lovers, sometimes it’s hopes and dreams, and other times it’s all the possible futures that might have just been better. But no one could ever really know if they were living one of the better futures for sure, except The Master Of Time. And he knew there could never been anything better or more wonderous for him, than the existence he’s graduated into. End.
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fizzyhosh · 6 years
Misunderstanding (Remus Lupin)
@sirus-hufflepuff-padfoot: Can you do a Moony x reader where he thinks that she likes James (or sirus) b/c they laugh and hang out a lot. And fluff and angst. Love ur writing!
Warnings: angst but fluff
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Remus Lupin has the biggest crush on you. Unfortunately, his sees you and Sirius’ close friendship as something more, which leads to hard feelings and a big misunderstanding.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hm I like this.... also I’m running out of goof gifs to use of people so I’m just gonna start doing cute/aesthetic gifs hat feel like the same mood to me or feel like they fit the character the story is about  
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Remus tapped his fingers on the table, too wrapped up in the scene playing out in front of him to even attempt to focus on his paper. He put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand, chewing his bottom lip. 
"Lupin, sigh one more time and I might punch you," Lily threatened, not looking up from her book as she sat across the table from him, almost — but not quite — blocking his view from the girl and boy. 
"Sorry," he mumbled, not looking away. He sighed again subconsciously and Lily put her book down loudly, forcing Remus out of his daze. He jumped and looked at her. "What?"
"What is wrong with you? I can't read when you're sighing like a hopeless puppy every five seconds." 
He sat up straight and looked down at his paper, still unable to focus on the words he had written. "No I'm not."
"Yeah you are. What's up, Moony?" 
"Nothing. Just hate this essay."
She rolled her eyes and dropped her feet from the chair in front of her. "Look," she glanced behind her at the people Remus had been gazing at and turned back to the sad boy in front of her leaning closely, "if this is about (Y/N), I don't get it why you're like this." 
He gave in. "Come on, Lily, what don't you get? It's obvious that she likes Sirius."  
"No she doesn't." 
"Oh, really?" he asked sarcastically. Both him and Lily turned to look at you and Sirius again. Apparently he had told the world's funniest joke because you grabbed his arm and leaned into him, laughing hysterically, even with Madam Pince's cold glare pointing in your direction. 
Lily sighed and turned back to Remus. "Get over it, Remus. They're just really good friends." 
"Well... it doesn't matter anyway. She'd never like me. I shouldn't care who she does like." He hunched over his paper, an action that told Lily he didn't want to talk about it anymore. As soon as he noticed her turn back to her book, he glanced up and watched you again, longing to be the one to make you laugh like that. 
Every time Remus saw Sirius, especially when he was with you, he couldn't help but feel a little hatred towards him. He was still his best mate, so he tried to push his feelings aside, but Sirius knew how much Remus liked you. So why was he flirting with you all the time? It was like you two were never apart. 
"Hey, Moony? What'd you get for number seven?" Peter asked as he scratched his head with the end of his quill. 
"Are you kidding, Wormtail? You don't know the incantation for transforming Boggarts into something funny?" Sirius groaned. 
Peter turned red. "Well..."
"Riddikulus," Remus told him quietly. 
"I know, it's ridiculous that I can't remember but—"
"No, Pete," you laughed, walking over to the table in the common room. Remus looked up quickly at your voice. "Riddikulus is the incantation." 
"Oh, right!" Peter scratched it down on his parchment as you sat down next to Sirius and across from Remus. 
"Hey, Remus," you said shyly as you noticed him still looking at you. 
He turned red, just as Peter had, and cleared his throat. "Hi, (Y/N)." He fiddled with his fingers, stretching and cracking them one at a time, a little nervous habit you had picked up on. 
"Are you going to the Quidditch match tomorrow?" 
He nodded. Sudden happiness sparked in him because you were curious about whether he was going. 
"Sirius and I will save you a seat." 
The spark was extinguished as quickly as it was lit. 
"Oh. Yeah, sure." He glanced at Sirius, who was smiling at him apologetically. 
You yawned softly and Remus felt his heart flutter. Everything you did was so cute and he couldn't handle it. "I'm gonna turn in, I'll see you guys tomorrow," you said, standing up and squeezing Sirius' shoulder as he winked at you. Remus took a deep breath and looked out the window. 
"Hey, Moony?" Sirius asked as Peter walked away to put his stuff in his dorm. Remus hummed in response. "Huh?" 
"Are you okay, mate?" 
"You don't seem fine—"
Remus turned to Sirius. "If you can't see what's wrong, there's no point trying to explain it." He stood up and walked to the dorm. 
"Remus?" Sirius' voice was soft, something that only ever happened when he felt guilty or scared. 
Remus didn't respond, pretending to be asleep as he laid with his back to Sirius' bed. He didn't want to talk about what was wrong. He'd have to tell Sirius he was mad at him for flirting with you, and he didn't want to sound jealous of his best mate. He wasn't the confrontational type. 
"GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR!" The crowd around you chanted as you watched the players zoom through the sky. A large group of you, however, were chanting differently. 
Lily and Sirius cheered extra loudly when James flew past, looking for the snitch. Remus glanced at you with a smile. Lily had basically forced him to sit next to you, though he wasn't reluctant. 
"We're good, aren't we?" you said to Remus. "I mean, even if Ravenclaw caught the snitch, we'd still win at this point." 
Remus nodded, smiling at your red nose and cheeks. His cheeks were red as well, but it was more from your leg touching his than it was the cold. 
"Yeah. I reckon we'd be even better with you on the team."
You blushed. "Really? Oh, I don't know..." 
"Come on, (Y/N), I've seen you fly. You're amazing."
You smiled at him, making his heart beat loudly. 
"(Y/N)!" Sirius laughed and she turned to him. "You alright?" His voice was lowered, probably not meant for your ears, but you heard them anyway. 
"Yeah," she said softly. He squeezed her hand and Remus took a deep breath, playing with the paper cup of hot chocolate in his hands. 
You kept laughing at dumb jokes Sirius would make and he eventually had enough. He stood up, announcing that he needed a minute away from the noise, and started making his way down to the ground. 
"Remus?" Lily asked but he ignored her. 
"Remus, mate—" he definitely ignored Sirius. 
He got to the ground and threw away the rest of his drink. It was getting cold anyway. He ran his fingers through his hair as he paced the grounds in a small oval. 
"Moony, you okay?" Sirius asked as he jogged towards his friend.  
"I don't want to talk to you, Sirius."
He was taken aback. "Wha—what did I do?" 
Remus groaned at looked at you. "You're all over (Y/N)!" 
"When have I ever—"
"All the time, mate! It already hurts that she likes you and not me, but it's another that you disregard my feelings for her! You know I like her but you shamelessly flirt with her all the time. Right in front of me!" 
"Remus, that's not at all what's happening! You think I'd do that to you?" 
"Well... aren't you?" 
"No!" He laughed. 
Remus felt like a weight was lifted off his chest. "But you... and her..." 
"What? I don't know what makes you think we flirt."
"All the inside jokes and the laughing and leaning one each other? And holding hands and hugging all the time? You just squeezed her hand and asked if she was alright. How is that not a couple thing to do?" 
"I was asking because she—"
"Remus? Is everything okay?" Lily and you were walking towards them and Remus turned red. 
"Yeah er..." 
Sirius smiled at you. "Remember what I told you last week?" 
You tilted your head before realization hit you. "Did you tell him? I swear, I'll kill you!" 
"No, what I said. It's true. I told you." 
"This is what I'm talking about, Sirius!" Remus said, not caring anymore if he accidentally outed his crush on you. "Why do you two always do this? It's like you have some secret language and it drives me mad!" 
You looked at Remus, your heart pounding hard. 
"Moony, listen, (Y/N) and I are not together or even flirting. That's disgusting," Sirius laughed and you made a disgusted face. 
"Ew, you thought Sirius and I like each other?" you asked. 
"Well... don't you?" 
"No!" you and Sirius exclaimed at the same time. 
Remus looked back and forth between you and Sirius. 
"Why do you care, anyway?" you asked hesitantly. 
Lily groaned in frustration. "Remus has an enormous crush on you, (Y/N). There. I said it. It's out in the open now — don't look at me like that, Remus, someone had to say it." He was red, staring at Lily in shock. 
"Wait, really?" you gasped. 
"Er...yes. But I thought you and Sirius liked each other because you flirt and hold hands all the time and—"
"When do we hold hands? Oh!" realization hit you and you giggled. "Remus, we only hold hands when he's reassuring me." 
"Like up there," Sirius pointed at where you all had been sitting, watching the match. "I was trying to tell you before they walked up. I knew she'd be freaking out because you two were sitting so close so I was making sure she was still breathing properly." 
You were blushing badly. "Gee, thanks Sirius," you mumbled. 
"You like me?" Remus asked. You nodded. "And you knew?" He turned to Sirius, who also nodded. "Then why didn't you say anything?" 
Sirius shrugged. "It was kinda fun watching you two be so awkward." 
"Thats horribly mean, Sirius. I only knew about Remus' crush. I would've told them if I knew (Y/N) liked him." Lily crossed her arms and stared at Sirius disapprovingly. 
"Whatever, Evans. I knew they'd figure it out eventually. I was sworn to secrecy on both sides! But it's not like I didn't drop hints all the time. Last week I told (Y/N) how positive I was about his crush without actually saying it." 
Remus was staring at you with a big smile and to returned it. 
"Let's go, Sirius. Potter will be pissed if he finds out no one watched him catch the snitch," Lily said as she beckoned Sirius away from you and Remus so you could be alone. 
Once they were out of earshot, you turned back to Remus. "Sorry about that. I had no idea we seemed like we were flirting or anything," you admitted. 
Remus shrugged. "I shouldn't have assumed. Well, hey, since we're on the same page now... how about we sneak out of here?" 
"Where to?" you giggled. 
"Three Broomsticks?" 
"Oh, you mean actually sneak out?" 
He nodded and smiled. "I've just recently been told some rather... exciting news," he smiled cheekily but shyly. 
"Is that so?" You stepped forward and raised an eyebrow at him, making him a little more nervous than he had been a minute ago. "Coincidentally, so have I."
Remus Tags: @knowledgeisthebomb @the-best-fanfition-ever @harrypotterimmaginaa @stateofloveandvedder @gryffindorprincess379 
Marauder Tags: @gabipotter
strikethrough = unable to tag
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goodgodbean · 7 years
Written On This Skin - Soulmate! Luke Hemmings
A/N - Hey! This is a complete version of my series of Written on this skin, which was a 13 part series. This is 13,447 words. I’m sorry for those who don’t want to read this and have to endure endless scrolling. 
“‘History test - Tuesday, Psych hw pages 120-124’, and oh look ‘coffee with Tom 5pm.’ Its like she forgets she has a Soulmate!” Luke wines to his bandmate, Ashton. Ashton was the only one left who would listen to his nagging about a soulmate.
Once your soulmate is born, whatever you write on your skin will appear on their’s. With the annoying exception of specific locations and full names. Luke particularly didn't like that rule, because whenever he tried to write to his soulmate he could never put his full name down.
Trying to communicate with your soulmate through writing is very common, and most of the time people find loopholes to the system, song lyrics for example. But Luke’s soulmate was not having it. She wouldn't respond to anything he wrote. Instead just putting little notes for herself on her body. It drove Luke crazy, looking at all these little notes about her life, but not being able to be there with her.
“Ashton, I’m never going to find her,” Luke whines. Ashton shakes his head, “Maybe its not a her” He says with a smirk
Luke groans at Ashton’s antics. “Let me check…. Yeah I’m positive its a her.” Luke snaps back, causing Ashton to laugh. “I just wish i could be like… Hey its me Luke Hemmings and then like meet her at a concert or something,” Luke dreams
“You’re so lazy.” Ashton accused. “It should be more natural than that. ‘Hey Im Luke Hemmings come find me’” Ashton says, mocking the boy next to him.
“But that’s exactly what you did. You told Emily that you were the drummer in 5 seconds of summer, and you met at a concert” Luke accused back at the drummer.
“So? You can’t just take our story” Emily says coming into the room. The rest of the boys from 5sos had already found their soulmates, Luke is the last one still stuck wondering. Luke liked the rest of the girls, they were down to earth and they are all fans of 5sos previously.
“Hey, Em, How should I get my soulmates attention?” Luke asks the girl, who sat down next to Ash. It’s common to have the girls on tour with them since after a few days of not seeing your soulmate, you will get ill or be in physical pain. Emily contemplates the question for a second before saying, “Have you tried to write her some song lyrics?” “You mean like Michael and Jackie?” Luke asks, trying to remember their soul story.
“Damn, I forgot about that!” Emily yells, causing a scolding from Ash for swearing. “I don't know, do what feels right”
“What feels right right now is to call her out on stage,” Luke mutters, but Ashton and Emily hear him.
“Do what?”
“Thats a bad idea” Emily and Ashton say this at the same time, causing them to look at each other and smile. Then they are back to serious-problem-solving-couple.
“Have you never read a fanfic?” Emily asks, her eyes wide.
“Not really,” Luke answers scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, I’ll tell you how this ends. Thousands of girls are going to claim to be your soulmate, and then you are going to actually think one of them is, and then one day your going to discover that they aren't and you and your soulmate are going to be heartbroken. Trust me Luke. Let fate do its thing.” Emily explains to Luke. Luke doesn't have a comeback this time.
He stares angrily at his skin.
Y/N stares angrily at her skin.
She wishes she was clever enough to come up with song lyrics to tell him where she was and maybe who she is. When Y/N was younger she claimed that she wanted her soulmate to come naturally. No loopholes, no nothing. So here she was stuck writing stupid notes on her hand, so he at least knows she exists. He used to write back, with clever lyrics. It killed her to not respond.
Y/N gets a text on her phone suddenly. It’s her best friend. She had been blabbering on about a concert in a couple days that she couldn't get tickets to. You were a fan of the band but not a huge fan. She just texted you that she won some tickets. You decide to write a quick note on your arm about the concert
Luke is surprised when he sees whats written on his arm now.
“Guys look!” He yells, calling his bandmates and their girlfriends over. They all ooh and ahh at the ink on his arm.
“5sos Thurs. 5pm” was written on Luke’s arm. He couldn't be happier. He was going to meet his soulmate in two days. His heart hasn't stopped beating wildly for the past hour when the note showed up. Maybe this is her way of communicating? Maybe she wanted him to come… well jokes on her he’s performing.
“How am i going to find her though?” Luke asks the group… again. When the news spread among the band that she was going to be at the concert everyone was excited and jumping around. Now, an hour later, everyone has dulled a little, well except for Luke.
This will complete everything that Luke has ever wanted. Luke wanted to be in a good band with his best mates, check. Luke wants a soulmate to share his success with. He wants someone who he can bring along on tour with him and will enjoy it. Luke wants to give someone the world.
“Should I write back?” Luke asks his friends. They all perk up at the new proposition.
“Um Fuck yeah!” Yells Emily, Ashton’s soulmate.
“Don’t fucking swear” Ashton scolds, just as he did to the band in the early days.
“I don’t care… Im punk rock!” Emily yells, stealing Michaels infamous line.  She throws her hands into the air. Ashton takes the chance to squeeze her sides making her giggle like a little girl. Luke watches this all go down, excited that one day soon he will have that. He will have a girl that he can tease, and love. And she will love him back too.
“Hey thats my line!” Michael yells playfully.
Luke turns to the rest of the group, “What do you think?” Everyone nods in agreement with Emily. Luke is practically jumping in his seat now. “what should i write?”
“Something mysterious,” Says Jackie, Michael’s soulmate. She pops a can of soda open and take a huge gulp. Michael reaches to the bottom of the can and pretends to lift up. The rest of the group laughs at what could’ve happened if Michael decided to shove the can.
“How about something simple, like hey ima be there too,” Calum proposes, being sensible for once. Luke nods along to the idea.
“How about a little of both? Mysterious yet simple?” Emily proposes. She grabs Jackie’s can of soda and takes a big swig out of it, causing Jackie to yell, “hey!”  
Luke leans over and places his arm on the Desk in the Hotel room. Everybody crowds around awaiting what he is about to write.
He places the pen down on his arm and begins to write.
She places the pen down on the paper and begins to write.
Essays for this and Essays for that. There is always so much work to be done. It’s while Y/N is doing her work her arm begins to tickle. She looks down to see words appearing onto her arm after so long. “I’ll be looking out into the crowed for you” What the hell does that mean? He’ll be looking out into the crowed? You look at the other things you’ve written on your arm as if it’ll give you an explanation. You finally spot something that may be of help. “5sos Thurs. 5pm” Was he talking about that concert?
You faintly remember that all the boys had their soulmates, but to check you look it up. Luke Hemmings. He was the only one who didn’t have a soulmate. Then you think its ridiculous and look up the opening act, Hey Violet. The two boys in the band had already found their soulmates, and you were pretty sure you weren't into girls.
So you were left with Luke Hemmings. Lead singer. Loved by many. It was a split second decision. You know it was going against your promise, but you had to write back.
“‘Lead Singer?’ guys! she wrote back!” Luke yelled, even though his friends were only a few feet away. Everybody quickly starts to ask him what it says.
“She asked if i was the lead singer!” Luke yells, he grabs a marker and writes back.
“Yes” Was the immediate response Y/N got. Her breath hitches.
“Two days” Is what Luke got in return. He would see his soulmate in two days.
It seemed to good to be true. The radio station had given Y/N and Alyssa (your friend who won the tickets), backstage passes too. She was going to be able to see him before the show. He was going to know who Y/N was, in just a couple of hours.
This is when it begun.
First It was the curling iron. Alyssa’s hair just has to be curled, because if Michael saw her, there was no way she would have strait hair. So Y/N had to go to the store to get a curling iron, but only a specific type of curling iron. It had to be one with a ceramic iron. So Y/N got the correct curling iron after driving to about three stores to find it. Then once Alyssa’s hair is properly curled, you were off.
Second, you had started about an hour later than you planned, but you were scheduled to get there on time, well if it weren't for the traffic. When you think of traffic you think of plenty of cars on the road, but you were moving. Even if it was just a little. This was stand-still traffic. It would take you an hour to get there without traffic, but now it had taken five.
Y/N missed the concert. She missed the concert by a long shot. I they wouldn't even let the girls into the venue, since there was only about ten minutes left when they got there.
It killed Y/N to miss it. Not just miss the Meet & Greet, but the whole concert.
Luke had kept on putting little cute notes on his arm. They were small things like “I can’t wait to see you” or “I will always find you in a crowed” and the ever so famous words that Michael wrote on his arm, “Hey you got a bangin’ body” in which Luke wrote under “from Michael”
Luke assumed that when he got on stage, that he would get a feeling, or his eyes would meet her’s. Or any of the cliche’s that Emily, Ashton’s soulmate, was feeding him. But there was nothing. There was no feeling, no eye contact, and no explanation written on his skin.
When they all got off stage the first time, the boys all looked at Luke for an explanation. They were all prepared to stop in the middle of any song, just incase he found her. Luke never stopped though. He never stopped a song, and he never stopped looking for her.
“Did you see her?” Michael asks, bouncing on his toes.
“Nothing. I didn't see her. I didn't even feel like she was there!” Luke cried out. “Maybe its some joke that she's playing on me?” Luke wonders
“Thats a sick joke, if she is” Ashton says, and the other boys agree with him.
“C’mon we gotta go back onstage,” Luke says and they all run out again.
When the boys go back to the dressing room, the girls were waiting for them. Emily, Ashton’s soulmate comes running and jumps on Luke, causing Ashton to give out a little whine, “She’s my soulmate”
“Where is she? Where?” Emily says, bouncing around, trying to get a good look over Luke’s shoulder.
“She wasn’t out there,” Luke says gruffly, causing the whole room to still. The girls were very excited to meet the last person in their own foursome. The girls Emily, Jackie (Michaels soulmate), and Alex (Calum’s soulmate), all became very close with each other on tour. Although there always felt like something was missing in the small group of girls, they always assumed that it was because Luke’s soulmate wasn't there.
“What?” Emily says in complete surprise
“She wasn't out there,” Luke repeats pushing past the girls and flopping down on one of the couches. He looks down at his arm again, hoping that she would give him some type of explanation to why she just ditched him.
Its about an hour or so later when they leave the stadium to go to their hotel rooms. The stadium is empty, just like Luke’s heart. They ride up in the elevator, and break apart to go to their respective hotel rooms. Once again, Luke was left with a single king bed in his room, and nobody to share it with. He sits down and contemplates what could’ve happened tonight… if only she showed up!
Michael bursts into Luke’s room. “We’re getting McDonalds, wanna come?” He asks
‘No’ was ready on the edge of Lukes lips, but he just couldn't push it out. Instead he nods and goes with the blond boy.
“Lets go to McDonalds!” Y/N begs her friend, Alyssa.
“I’m hungry!” It was a lie. She wasn't hungry. She just didn't want to leave yet. Her soulmate was only going to be in this area for today and tomorrow, and she already wasted today. Y/N just wanted to stay in the area in hopes to see him. She didn’t write anything on her arm to tell him. What would she say? ‘hey sorry there was traffic?’ Pathetic. Alyssa didn't know to boot. How were you supposed to tell your best friend, “hey the guy your crushing on? In that band? Yeah he’s my soulmate”. Yeah, that wouldn't go over well. Alyssa would probably use it to boost her Twitter fame or message Luke. Y/N and Alyssa were sitting in a booth near the door when Alyssa spots them.
“Omg, Oh my lord, Its them!” She stage whispers to Y/N.
“Who?” Y/N asks turning in her seat. Alyssa reaches out and snags Y/N’s arm, pulling her back down into her seat.
“Don’t look!” Alyssa says like its the most obvious thing in the world. “Its Five Seconds of Summer!” She says with a little yelp and giggle. “And their soulmates,” Alyssa adds on darkly. Alyssa would like to say that the fandom liked the soulmates, and they totally do! But everyone in the fandom can’t help but be a little salty that they weren't 5sos’s soulmates. Luke is still up for grabs though. Nobody knows who his soulmate could be.
“I’m going to go talk to them” Y/N announces to Alyssa, about to stand up.
“What? are you crazy? You gotta play it cool!” Alyssa insist, standing up herself. Y/N lets out a little laugh at the memory of Alyssa’s last ‘playing it cool’ act.
Y/N leans back in her side of the booth. “go ahead, i’l watch from here!” Y/N says, just as Luke spots her.
Luke couldn't breath. That was her, sitting in the booth, just across the McDonalds. He could take three steps (five for a regular sized person) and he would be in reaching distance with his soulmate. His heart couldn't take it. He takes a step towards her.
Luke’s friends looks at him with curiosity. Wondering why he was looking at some girl in the middle of a McDonalds like she was his hope.
Then it hit Emily, Ashton’s soulmate, like a ton of bricks, “Guys! Do you think that’s her?” Emily stage whispers to the rest. Everyone gives suspicious nods.
Then Luke bumps into Alyssa.
Y/N watches Luke and Alyssa from the booth. “Excuse me,” Luke says, trying to be polite, his attention was on the girl in the booth. He tries to step around Alyssa. Alyssa moves to block his way again.
“Oh! I am just so sorry!” Alyssa says. Y/N watches as she pretends to drop something and proceeds to stick her butt in Luke’s face. Y/N silently giggles from her seat a few feet away. Alyssa was not the smoothest person… like ever. Y/N stands slightly to get a better angle
Then Y/N makes eye contact with Luke. The whole world stopped. His eyes were as blue as the liquid they use in pad commercials. His dirty blonde hair flopped down across his forehead. He licked his lips, darkening the shade slightly.
Then Luke makes eye contact with her. The whole world stopped. Her hair, her clothes, she just looks perfect. You could say she looks so perfect standing there.
Y/N watches from a distance, although every inch of her body wanted to go to her soulmate. As much as she wants to actually meet Luke, Y/N also wanted to see what Alyssa would do next. A good friend would save her form embarrassment, a best friend would watch… then help. “Sorry!” Alyssa says again as Luke tries to move around her again and she blocks him… again. “Such a klutz!” She yells.
“Oh my lord! Move bitch!” The girl holding hands with Ashton yells. Her name is Emily if Y/N could remember it correctly. Alyssa looks taken aback and Y/N thinks this is a good time to say something.
“Hey! Don’t talk to my best friend like that!” Y/N yells back, moving out of the booth. Then she adds in a stage whisper, “bitch.” Emily gasps, tugging her hand out of Ashton’s.
“You want to go right now?” Emily yells, and Ashton places a hand on Emily’s shoulder. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was for reassurance or to hold her back, if necessary. Y/N is not one to back down from a fight, but now way was she a fighter herself. Luke looks at Y/N with wide eyes.
“You just insulted my best friend! Of course I’ll fight you!” Y/N screams. Everybody in the McDonalds is looking at them now. The employees were frozen in place, watching, but unsure of what to do. Do they call the cops? There wasn’t a fight… at least not yet. “Stop it!” Luke abruptly yells. It causes the two girls to shut up for a moment, giving Luke their attention. Luke turns to Emily, “Please shut up, she’s my soulmate!” He says in a stage whisper, hoping to sway her. Emily grumbles a little, but keeps her mouth shut. Then Luke does something nobody was expecting. He takes the last two steps between Y/N and him and wraps Y/N in his arms.
It’s like coming home, Y/N decides. Y/N never really had a home, she moved a lot and her parents were a nightmare. Luke, he felt warm, like baking cookies in the oven or talking to a best friend. He smelled of sweat, but Y/N didn’t mind.
It took a minute, but Luke finally breaks apart from her. It felt to Y/N as if she is suddenly missing something. She is missing his warmth.
“I thought you said you were going to be at the concert,” Luke says, cupping Y/N’s face in his hands.
“There was traffic, and a curling iron mishap,” Y/N begins to explain when suddenly she heard a screech. Y/N quickly pulls away from Luke to face her best friend, Alyssa.
“YOU KNEW!” Alyssa yells so loud that the restaurant shakes a little. “How long?” Alyssa demands.
“A few days,” Y/N says shyly.
“A FEW DAYS?” Alyssa yells again, in disbelief. “You didn’t tell me for a few days? I thought we told each other everything!” Alyssa yells, broken hearted.
“How was i supposed to tell you?” Y/N says despretly, she looks around at the restaurant for an answer. Y/N notices a few phones pulled out and pointed, no doubtedly on the camera app. “Let’s not do this here, Alyssa,” Y/N begs.
“You didn't tell me about Tom, you didn't tell me about the trip to Paris, and now this? Are we even friends?”
“You went on that trip and didn't tell me! You were gone for days, and you wouldn't pick up your phone!” Alyssa yells. Y/N had really messed up this time. Y/N, over the past few years had a streak with Alyssa of not telling her what was going on in her life, breaking their first and vital rule as best friends: tell each other everything.
Tears were streaming down Y/N’s face now, Luke reaches over to wipe them away, but Y/N instinctively swats his hand away. “I said I was sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Luke!”
“Sorry isn't enough this time! I hope you have fun with your new friends.” With that Alyssa storms out.
Y/N was out of words. What just happened? One second she was defending her friend, then she met her soulmate? Then she gets into a fight with her friend? Y/N is left in the middle of McDonalds looking around for her own answer. Emily opens her mouth to speak, but Ashton quickly puts a hand over it, silencing whatever she was about to say.
Y/N turns to Luke, knowing what she had to do next. “I have to go after her,” Y/N says, as the only explanation. Then Y/N ran out into the warm summer night after her friend.
Luke was left in a McDonalds, phones pointed at him, his friends staring, and with absolutely nothing. He has nothing of her, not even a name. He didn't have a phone number. He didn't have a picture. The only thing he had was a memory.
Y/N runs out of the restaurant. Her head is still spinning. It seemed like everything was going okay and then it all turned on the head. She still couldn’t really grasp what happened. All Y/N knows now is that she needs to find her best friend. Y/N’s head is on a swivel, looking left and right.
Y/N lets out a small breath of relief, when she spots Alyssa’s tight ringlets. Y/N rushes over to the girl, wrapping her arms around her body.
“Alyssa…” Y/N says.
“What?” Alyssa snaps, wriggling out of Y/N’s hold and snapping around to look at her.
“I’m sorry.”
“You always say that! And I always forgive you! Y/N… this was your soulmate. All I wanted was to be excited for you and experience it with you! Instead you ignore me!” Alyssa yells, grabbing tightly onto Y/N’s arms, trying to get her point across.
“I’m sorry! I was just so worried about what you might say or do, if I told you he was Luke Hemmings.” You try to explain, “I was worried you might try something or I don’t know,”
“You do know though,” Alyssa accused correctly.
“Yeah. I was worried that you would be jealous and try to use me to get to my soulmate,” You admit, worried what she might say.
“I’m a friend first, Y/N. I’m a fangirl second,” Alyssa says. And thats all you need to embrace each other again. “I still don't forgive you about the Paris thing though,” Alyssa says, surprising Y/N, “But I will forget,” Alyssa ends, causing both girls to laugh for a second.
They only laughed for a second, because then Alyssa’s big clunky purse was stolen. The girls glance at each other for a moment before running after the criminal. The girls were both in track, and although the guy was fast, the girls had technique to fall back onto. When reaching the guy, Y/N jumps onto his back, bringing him down, due to his unsteadiness. Alyssa reaches the thief second, she grabs her purse and proceeds to kick the man on his side. Y/N stands up herself and proceeds to do the same.
So thats how the three of them, a robber, Alyssa, and Y/N ended up in the back of a cop car. The girls were in there for Public Assault, while the robber for, well, robbing. The girls look at each other and gives out a silent giggle. This is one hell of a night.
This is one hell of a night, Luke thought. He and the rest of the band decide to get food and wait, hopefully Luke’s soulmate would come back. Luke thinks over his night. His soulmate missed his concert, but he found her in a McDonalds, picking a fight with Emily (Ashton’s soulmate). Then once Luke gets Emily to shut up, her friend… Alyssa was it? She starts yelling at his soulmate. Then Alyssa storms out, causing Y/N to leave only saying, “I have to go after her.” So yeah, it’s been one hell of a night for Luke.
It was about and hour or so later, since they finished their meal, and still no sign of Luke’s soulmate. Luke finds himself tapping to an unknown beat, and ignoring his friends conversation. All Luke can do is stare at he door, hoping that his mysterious soulmate would appear. Its another hour later when Alex, Calum’s soulmate suggests that they go back to the hotel. “No” was Luke’s first response.
“She might go to the Hotel,” Alex tries to rationalize.
“No, I’m sure she’ll come here,” Luke demands. The rest of the group nods a little, but Alex continues to push.
“How about some of us go to the hotel, just incase?” Alex says. Luke suspects that she is just tired. Of all the girls, Luke has spend the least time with Alex. So there is not much allegiance between the two of them. A wave of anger washes over Luke, didn’t Alex realize how important this is? She had already found her soulmate, but Luke is left empty. Didn’t she remember when she first met Calum? Didn’t she remember the best day of her life? Didn't she realize that the best day of his life was just pulled out from under Luke’s feet?
“She has a point,” Calum says after a few beats of nothing. Luke nods, understanding. If his soulmate was here he would back her up no matter what happened. “Me and Alex will go back,” Calum says, standing with Alex. They are about to walk away from the table when Luke speaks.
“Please just stay in the Lobby? Just incase?” Luke asks of his friend. Luke knows that plenty of fans know where they're staying, and so one girl, claiming to be Luke’s soulmate would not be let through. Even if she was the real thing. Calum gives Luke a subtle nod and they leave.
Luke places his head in his hands. Its been three hours since they finished their food. He could tell that everybody just wanted to go back to the hotel. They stayed for Luke though.
“Luke,” Ashton says, breaking the silence. The noise of talking died out about a half hour ago. Now all was left was little comments. “Luke, look at my phone,” Ashton passes his phone over to his friend. Then there she was. Luke lifts the phone, gently into his hands. On the phone is a video that was posted to twitter of Luke’s soulmate shouting at Emily, Luke hugging her, and then Alyssa shouting at his soulmate. The caption on the tweet, “Luke’s soulmate?” There wasn't a clear picture of her, her back faced towards the camera. But Luke would know her anywhere.
Luke looks up for the first time in a while. Hope is written on Ashton’s and Emily’s eyes. reassurance was in Mikey’s eyes, and Jackie (Michael’s soulmate) is sleeping on Michael’s shoulder. Although Calum and Alex wasn't here, he knew that they would be in the lobby, waiting for her to show up. All Luke could think about is how lucky he is to have these friends. That and he understands why she had to leave.
“Um, I’m sorry but you have to leave,” An employee says, sneaking up on the group. They collectively jump. They give him a dumb look. “It’s midnight, and we need to close,” He says as an explanation.
So they all stood, Mikey woke up Jackie, and they left. All Luke could think, is why didn't she come back?
It’s the Morning when Y/N and Alyssa are released from the Police station. They had a court date in hand, and they were free to go. Alyssa has her phone whipped out in her had as Y/N calls a taxi.
“Did you find it yet?” Y/N asks anxiously. She tries to peer over at Alyssa’s phone, but Alyssa expertly moves it away.
“I’m trying, I’m trying!” Alyssa yells as the taxi pulled up. “Got it!” Alyssa yells, stepping into the taxi. Alyssa gives and Address to the driver and they are off.
When they arrive, there is a crowed of girls bunched at the door. They scream for Calum and his soulmate Alex. Y/N and Alyssa push through the crowed, (not easily, mind you) and they reach the door where there is a body guard posted. Y/N pushes past Alyssa to talk to the guard.
He beats her to the punch though, “May I see your keycard miss?” He asks, focusing his attention to Y/N.
“I don’t have one,” Y/N says, and is about to continue when he cuts her off.
“No keycard, no entry, sorry,” He says, not sounding sorry at all.
“Please let me in, Luke’s my soulmate,” Y/N begs, knowing that this is her only way in.
“Hah,” The body guard gives out a half-laugh, “That’s what they all say!” With that he dismisses the girls.
Y/N and Alyssa take a look at each other, before starting to scream with the rest of the girls. They yelled for Calum and Alex, who was standing in the Lobby of the hotel talking, and occasionally looking out into the crowed.
Then Calum spots her. It’s the girl that Luke claims to be his soulmate. She showed up. “Oh my god!” Calum says, rushing to the door. Alex, Calum’s soulmate, looks at him in curiosity. Calum turns around, “Thats her right?” Calum asks and Alex gives him an encouraging nod.
Calum saw her, they were in. The girls stood inside of the hotel lobby, looking at Calum and Alex. “So you’re Luke’s soulmate?” Calum asks Y/N. She nods, “Cool what’s your name?”
“Y/N” She responds. After a few beats of silence, she talks again, “Where is Luke?”
Luke slept in the Lobby last night, in hopes that she would show up at the hotel. Then, in the morning when she didn’t show, he left for the McDonalds with Emily, Ashton, Jackie, and Michael. They left Calum and Alex back at the Hotel just incase she went there. The fans had all had found her twitter account, after seeing the video of her, and so the boys followed her. His soulmate wasn't following the boy’s twitter though so they couldn’t DM her.
Luke’s leg begins to vibrate, causing Luke to whip out his phone to look at the caller ID. Once he sees the name on the screen, he quickly picks it up.
“Calum? Whats going on? Did you find her?” His questions come out all at once. Spilling from his mouth like truths. Ashton, Emily, Jackie, and Michael’s eyes were quickly on the boy. They look at him with interest, ready to hear what Calum has to say.
“Um, It’s not Calum,” Says a female voice over the phone. Her voice sounds angelic. Like an orchestra playing. Luke knows immediately who it is, sitting up straighter, he prepares himself for the conversation at hand.
“Yeah?” Luke asks to fill the silence.
“Yeah, It’s Y/N,” She says. Luke silently mouthes the name, testing it on his lips. “um your soulmate?” She adds on, to jog his memory.
“I’ll be at the Hotel in five minutes,” Luke says standing up, causing the rest of the group to stand also.
“Okay,” She says and Luke hangs up the phone. He could talk to her all day, but he’d rather talk to her in person. Luke bursts through the McDonalds door and start running. The rest of his friends start sprinting behind him, calling his name occasionally. All Luke could think about is getting to the Hotel. When outside the Hotel, Luke and the rest are bombarded. Luke continues to push his way through the crowed, forgetting manners. When Luke reaches the door, the body guard immediately recognizes him and opens the door. Luke mumbles out a quick thanks, but then he sees her.
“Oh my god,” Luke whispers running to Y/N and wrapping her in a hug. He pulls her head to his chest and cradles her there. He can’t believe he found her; his soulmate. She breaths out, and takes a deep breath of his scent. He smelt like McDonalds and sweat, but she knew that she would grow to love it. It’s a minute or so before Y/N speaks.
“Luke-“ She begins to say, trying to pull away.
“Let’s talk upstairs?” Luke quickly asks. Y/N nods along to his idea, and the nine of them travel to the Elevator and to Luke’s room.
Luke, and Y/N sit on the bed, next to each other and Luke catches Y/N’s hand in his own; causing red to spread across Y/N’s cheeks. Alyssa stays standing next to Y/N. Michael sits on a chair next to the bed and Jackie sits on his lap. Emily and Alex sit on the bed next to Luke.
“So who the hell are you?” Emily asks, nodding her head to Alyssa. Y/N is prepared to jump up and defend her best friend, but with a sharp tug on her arm by Luke she says sitting.
“She’s my best friend, I thought I made that clear,” Y/N growls. Her guard is up, and she is ready to jump up incase of another attack on her friend.
“Y/N calm down,” Alyssa says, her stance also defensive.
“She shouldn't talk to you, or anyone that way!” Y/N says. Emily herself looks like she is ready to fight.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Emily yells, defending herself.
Alyssa and Y/N ignore her this time. Their eyes meet and they both silently agree that she isn't worth their time. “Luke what are we going to do?” Y/N ask her soulmate.
“What do you mean?” Luke asks genuinely curious.
“I mean, what are we going to do about being apart? If we’re apart for too long we’ll get sick” Y/N says
“Simple, you come on tour with us,” Luke easily proposes. He doesn’t see why this is so much of an issue. The other girls did it.
“I can’t come on tour with you,” Y/N says, and the whole room freezes.
There is a collective breath in the room before it starts.
“What?” “Why?”
“What do you mean can’t come on tour?”
The boys and their girl’s shouted these things at Y/N making her want to curl up in a ball and leave. It was true though, she couldn't go on tour. She is in the middle of Finals Week in her last year of College. There is no way she's giving up her dream for her Soulmate. Y/N has always wanted more. Everybody else seems content just having a soulmate, but Y/N wants a life. A life outside of her relationship.
“I mean, I can’t come on tour. At least not for a few days. Its finals week,” Y/N says, looking directly at Luke.
The shouting starts. They boys yell to screw school and that her soulmate is more important than an education. Their girls start off at the boys side, but slowly start to side with Y/N and Alyssa. The girls draw upon their own lives and what they gave up to be with the boys.
“I was going to be a doctor!”
“So your job is more ‘important’ than my dream job?”
“I may not have had a plan, but I didn’t need you,”
These are all quotes from the girls yelling at the boys. The boys, excluding Luke, yell back their own small comments, but what could they say? The girls did give up their lives to be on tour with the boys. Sure they seems to enjoy it, but they always had other dreams outside of the boys and their dreams.
“What should we do?” Luke whispers to Y/N. The yelling of the girls and boys continue in the background, but neither Y/N nor Luke is worried about them. They’re soulmates, they’ll work it out. They have to. It’s written into their genes.
“I have to finish Finals. I’ll come to wherever you are in like four days?” Y/N asks. She had been thinking about this for hours now. She couldn't ask Luke to leave the band for her, so he can’t ask her to leave her life to go to him. “Okay,” Luke says agreeing to her plan. It’s not that Luke didn't think that Y/N would have her own life before him, he just thought that he life wouldn't be so much of a problem. He just thought that she would want to be with him, her soulmate, more than she would want to be…well whatever her profession was. Was being her soulmate not enough for her? Was being Luke Hemmings not enough? He is successful, and he’s always told how handsome he is. What else could he do?
“Do you have a phone charger?” Y/N asks. Her phone died sometime during the police investigation, and she needed to check some things for a school project.
“Sure” Luke says, taking her phone and plugging it into his charger. The couples were still fighting about god-knows-what. They had moved off the topic of what they had to give up to be with the boys and were spread out into their own arguments now.
“Yo!” Alyssa suddenly yells, shutting everybody up.
“What?” Jackie says annoyed. Her finger is poised into Michaels chest. Michael looks more frightened than he ever has before.
“Nothing, this is just getting stupid. And we have the computer final in three hours,” Alyssa says looking at Y/N, “So what are the two of you going to do?” She says bluntly.
“I’ll catch up to the tour in four days; after finals,” Y/N says. All the girls give approving nods. While the boys look a little bug eyed. “What if Luke gets sick,”
“We can’t lose out lead singer,”
“Just come with us”
Emily grabs Ashton’s collar and tugs him down to her height. “You are Lucky she is willing to come on this stupid tour,” Emily looks at the rest of the guys now, “So shut up,” She says darkly. Y/N and Alyssa make eye contact after Emily says her thing; they both whisper a quick “Damn.” Michael, still looks frightened, while Calum stage whispers, “Whipped.” Luke just stays seated on the bed looking at Y/N like its the last time he’s going to see her. Y/N stands, preparing herself for what she is about to say.
“Alyssa is right, I need to go,” Y/N says, then she leans down and kisses Luke on the cheek, leaving the whole room surprised. She grabs her phone off the charger, a glowing 5% lit up in the top corner. It will have to do. Y/N and Alyssa are halfway out the door when Luke yells.
“Wait!” He yells, Y/n and Alyssa turn around, expecting the worse. Luke just takes Y/N’s phone out of her hand and inserts his name and number into it. “Okay baby,” He says, then leaning down to peck Y/N on her cheek. The girls ‘aww” in the background, followed by groans from the boys.
“I’ll see you in four days,”
“Four days,”
Then she left, again.
“All will come to a happy end” Y/N whispers to herself. She was on her way to Holmdel New Jersey. Thats where the boys were today, along with their soulmates. She just finished her last semester at college. Her final grades will be in soon. Y/N is secretly happy that she chose a career that she can do on the road with Luke.
What Y/N was not happy about was the twitter notifications. It had been after her Computer final. She doesn't have notifications on regularly, but if she had they would've been bombarded. When Y/N saw the little red bubble in the corner of her app with over one hundred notifications on it she was shocked, and a little scared. Y/N is always happy with being unknown. She loved being anonymous, having nobody know her, having nobody pry into her private life. Y/N would have to admit that she would miss it. It’s inevitable now that she’s the Luke Hemming’s soulmate that people would be curious. Y/N understood their curiosity to some extent. She understood that they loved Luke and wanted to make sure she was treating him well. She sometimes looked up celebrities and did the same thing. Did they really need to know her middle name though? Or the town she grew up in? It was ridiculous. Why do they have to care about her? She is just supposed to be a nobody, but here she was, soulmates to Luke Fucking Hemmings.
Y/N arrives at the Hotel and parks her car in the lot. Outside the doors there was bunches of fans. Y/n expected to just walk through, unstopped, because she is a nobody right? Wrong. When the fans get a first glimpse of her, her name “Y/N” and “Luke’s soulmate” ran through he crowed of girls. They don’t move from the door though, not wanting to give up their spots. When she gets in reaching distance there is asks for her picture and autograph, which amazes her. Why do they care?
Y/N takes a few awkward pictures, and signs a few random strips of paper and walks inside. She never thought she would have to do that. She never wanted to do that. She only did it because she had waited outside of hotels before, trying to get a glimpses of her favorite bands. She knows what its like to be ignored before.
Luke and her have been texting and they were staying in the same hotel room on the fourth floor. He was in soundcheck right now, so she would have to get the keycard from one of the girls that was left behind. Y/N tugs on her suitcase to bring it into the hotel elevator next to her and presses the button labeled “4.” Thats when the dreaded thinking starts. She feels so torn right now. There is Luke, but there is also her career. She left Alyssa for Luke, but if she could choose who would she choose? Probably Alyssa. Y/N doesn't know Luke that well. She knows that one day she will love Luke, but right now, she feels more loyal to Alyssa. Does that make her a bitch? Probably. Y/N wants a career outside of Luke. She needs to feel productive, not just a trophy wife. or girlfriend. or whatever they are. She settles it in her mind, she may have had to leave Alyssa, but she won’t leave her career. As soon as she settles on this the door to the elevator opens.
She makes her way down to room number 127, which is supposedly Ashton and Emily’s room. The door swings open to reveal a Jackie, and behind her Emily and Alex. “Hey,” Y/N says suddenly nervous. They all look skeptical of her, but Y/N couldn't blame them. Every time they have seen each other, there has been yelling. “Luke said to get the keycard from one of you?” Y/N asks nervously, her bag next to her.
Jackie motions her to come inside the room. Y/N steps into the room and Emily stands and gets a card off the dresser. Emily holds out the card and Y/N reaches for the card, but Alex beats to it, snatching it out of Emily’s hand. “So tell us about yourself?” Alex says waving the card around. Y/N takes a deep breath.
“Um, well…” Y/N trails off, “What do you want to know?” She asks finding her words.
“Do you stan the band?” Jackie suddenly asks.
“Do I what?”
“Do you stan the band? Do you like 5sos?” Jackie asks again in a ‘duh’ tone.
“Sure?” Y/N says it as a question. The other girls look at her skeptically. “I mean, I’m not a huge fan, but I never hated their music…” Y/N trials off again, hoping she didn't just make it worse.
“Omg same,”Alex suddenly breaths out, causing a quick “what?” from the other girls. “I was never a big fan until i was one of their soulmates! And then once I said I was a fan everybody assumed i was some big fangirl, which I’m not.” Alex says quickly, to the surprise of the other girls. “I love them now, obviously,” She says in a ‘duh’ tone.
“I was always a big fan,” Emily says, having Jackie agree with her. “Tell me you at least know who ketchup is?” Emily says with begging eyes.
“Who?” Y/N and Alex reply. Emily and Jackie groan at their obliviousness. “Do you remember that Hannah Montana episode where they rubbed their hands in ketchup?” Y/N says after a few beats of silence. The other girls laugh, remembering the episode.
“I remember trying that!” Jackie yells, causing the other girls to laugh at her stupidness. “Hey! I was like seven, don’t laugh!” Jackie says, trying to defend herself.
“I remember when I was seven, I broke my arm playing golf,” Alex pauses, causing the other girls to scream “how the hell did you break your arm playing golf?” Alex just shrugs her shoulders and continues with the story, “After the hospital, i put ketchup all over the cast because my brother said it would make my arm feel better,” Alex finishes the story, looking at the gasps of horror on the other girl’s faces. “I remember when my brother was like ten and i was seven, My brother and his friend were play sword fight in the driveway, but there were no more plastic swords and i wanted to play, so i took a golf club and clubbed my brother in the head!” Y/N says, the girls look at her in horror until Y/N adds that everyone was fine. All the girls break down laughing then.
They all sit there for a while, forgetting about Luke’s room, talking about stupid things they did when they were younger. Then Alex checks the time.
“We should probably go to diner now if we want to make the concert,” Alex says.
“Yeah, let me put my suitcase in my room?” Y/N asks. As they are walking to her room, Y/N asks another question, “Do you guys always go to the concerts?”
“Not really anymore.” Emily replies, “We’re going tonight since it’s your first night and all,” She explains. Then Y/N remembers something.
“I’m sorry by the way, for yelling at you?” Y/N apologizes. Emily nods along to what Y/N says and accepts the apology saying, “that you were just trying to protect your friend.”
Y/N slips her keycard into the door 128 and it opens. She walks inside, flipping on the light. Y/N gasps under her breath, and swears a little. There is only one bed in the room. She is sleeping with Luke tonight.
Luke bites his lip, and tries to relax. It seems impossible. His muscles are tightening, causing his strumming to be irregular and awkward. He could tell by the looks of Calum and the other band members that, he wasn’t doing so hot. They were at soundcheck right now. Luke is so nervous for Y/N to see him that its affecting his playing. He is forgetting lyrics and strumming the wrong chords.
“Luke what’s going on?” Calum asks him, as they leave the stage.
“I don’t know, I’m just nervous,” Luke says, trying to rationalize his feelings. It was the first time Y/N would see the band play, after all. The boys were supposed to meet the girls for diner in about a half hour, so they all go quickly change into something less sweaty and are on their way.
When they arrive, Jackie, Alex, Emily and Y/N were already sitting at the table, the four seats across from them open. Luke hangs back a little. The other boys give their respective soulmates a kiss and sit across. Luke just looks at the back of her head, imagining the last image of her face he can remember. The blush from his kiss, the sweat from the night gleaming on her forehead, and the worry in her eyes. Now he is ready for a new image of her.
She looks beautiful, is all he can think as he catches the first glimpses of her. Her hair is long, but not too long, basically glowing in the light. Her eyes glimmer with hope? maybe a little anxiety? She seems relaxed with the girls, but once the group of guys came, she seemed to freeze a little.
Luke walks over to her seat and offers her his hand. She is already staring at him, quickly looking between him and his hand. Then she takes it. Luke pulls her up into his body, hugging her tightly. Luke, looking at the rest of the group sees some approving nods from the boys and warm smiles from the girls, then he closes his eyes because all he wanted to do was memorize Y/N.
Y/N leans into him, unsure if She is ready for this or not.
The concert is loud. The only thought that can run through Y/N’s head is the direction you are going in. Fans are crowded in the pit, were she is to be standing during the concert. A few girls come up to the rest of the soulmates, looking for a autograph or maybe a pass backstage (The girls have been known to give a few out). Jackie, Emily, Alex, and Y/N stand on Calum’s side of the stage, to Calum’s enjoyment. Y/N spots Michael give a jealous look during the concert also.
Luke couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/N. She notices how he would continue to steal glances at her during the concert. There is something surreal, knowing that somebody will love you. It leaves Y/N gasping every time. She never thought about having a soulmate until now. Now she knows whats it’s like, could she ever leave? It was not secret, at least to herself, that she didn't want to be famous. She didn't want to have to sneak around. She didn't want to be the person that gave out backstage passes. Y/N is secure in her anonymity.
Y/N couldn't keep her eyes off of Luke. She watched him jump around and have the time of his life on stage. Could she give him that happiness? If she couldn’t could she leave him? She shakes her head, this is crazy talk. They’re soulmates. Soulmates are made for each other. They can’t leave. If they leave they will start to get sick after a few days, and if it last a few weeks, they’ll die. All of this goes into effect after they meet of course. Y/N doesn't know what to do. The answer seems so obvious, to give in and be with Luke, become famous, and tour the world. But also there is parts of her which is refusing. She doesn't want that. She doesn't want to be famous. She never cared to tour the whole world. But she does want Luke.
When they get back to the hotel rooms, Y/N excuses herself from the rest of the girls. They were all pretty tired, so they skipped seeing the boys after the show tonight, in favor of seeing them later on. Y/N goes to the bed in Luke and her’s hotel room, and sits on the bed. She bury’s her head into her hands. It hurt to think of leaving. But could she stay? And give up everything? Once your Famous, it’s not like you can go back.
This is how Luke found her. He heard her sobs from the outside of the door. It was like his heart was breaking with each of her sobs. He stands in the doorway of the room, scared to help, but more scared to leave. She is mumbling about being unsure. Her head lifts from her hands and makes eye contact with Luke, which she quickly breaks. Luke thinks his breathing stopped when she looked away. Luke takes a careful step foreword, closing the door. Nobody needs to see this. Y/N is looking frantically around the room, trying to associate herself with her surroundings. Her breath is picking up, to the point where she seems to be choking on nothing. Luke stands frozen in the door as he watches her fall apart.
“I can’t do this!” Her strangled cry runs out. Luke rushes to her.
“What can’t you do?” He places an arm around her. He tries to bring her to his body, but she lashes out.
She doesn't know who is sitting next to her. Y/N feels the connection, but when it tries to restrain her she lashes out. She doesn't want to be controlled. She had been controlled her whole life. Now she wanted the freedom to be herself, not just somebody's soulmate. Words like this and worse run through her head. She remembers how she was called fat as a kid, she remembers being bullied on the playground, she remembers the first time a boy looked at her as more than just a fat kid. It had been after she lost all the weight. It was the same boy that bullied her. She remembers how she bought into his lies. She remembers throwing up. She remembers everything. She doesn't want to be that little kid anymore, who was controlled by her bullies. She wants to walk the streets without judgement and without being acknowledged. She doesn’t want to be Luke’s soulmate. Why did it have to be her?
“I can’t do this!” She cries out again, grabbing his shirt, fisting it into her hands. She can’t handle the judging. She can’t handle it! “Why,” She cries out.
“Why what?” A warm voice says.
“Why do I have to be his soulmate?” She chokes out.
“Why do I have to be his soulmate?” She chokes out. “You have to be his soulmate, because thats your destiny,” Luke says quietly, wrapping his arms around her. His mind begins to race with questions about not being good enough, but he pushes them back. Right now his soulmate needs him. “Its like how the world turns, and how the bird fly south in the winter, its their destiny. I bet if you gave him a chance, it wouldn't be so bad,” Luke says softly. Y/N’s hands tighten in his shirt.
“I don’t want to be famous,” She cries out. She tugs on Luke’s shirt more, he is sure it will rip soon.
“It’s okay baby,” The words slip from Luke’s mouth easily. He says it as a whisper, only meant for her. He presses his lips to her forehead.
She looks up, her eyes glassy. He watches her eyes as they change in recognition. She scrambles back to the end of the bed. “I’m sorry,” She whispers, swiping a stray tear from her cheek.
“No, it’s okay,” Luke whispers, edging closer to her. “It’s my dream to be famous, not yours,” He whispers, edging closer again. She watches the inches between them disappear. Luke sees her muscles tighten, ready to flee if necessary. The thoughts of not being enough are back and flooding his mind. Luke struggles to stay focused on her, like he should be. “Y/N,” He whispers, and every single one of her muscles tighten again, preparing herself like a cat ready to spring.
“It’s not okay…Luke,” She says recognizing who it is in the room with her. It would never be okay with her. “How am I supposed to do this?” She asks, the tears welling up in her eyes again.
“No, no, you don’t have to do anything. We are doing this together.” Luke says, taking her hands. He wraps them in his own and gives a small squeeze. Her body relaxes back into the bed. She nods like a small child, willing to believe anything their parents say. “Look, look at what is written on this skin,” Luke pulls his shirt sleeve up to show faded sharpie marks of their short conversations.  He had been washing around his arm for the past week, trying to preserve the little conversation they had. Luke had dozens of photos on his phone of the text in its prime. “It’s you and me, baby. Forever.”
“What if I can’t do this? I can’t handle the pressure,” She cries out, trying to convey how broken she is. She is trying to tell him how she can’t do it.
“It’s okay, It’s okay, we’ll start slow okay?” Luke rushes to say, trying to quiet her down again. Trying to stop her tears. “We can’t be apart. So your just gonna come on tour with us okay? We don’t have to tell anyone who you are, we don’t have to tell anyone, okay? All you need to do is be on the tour bus with us,” Luke says gently, trying to get her to agree. She nods numbly. Y/N is still shaking a little.
“Do you want to go to the tour bus now?” Luke asks. Y/N gives a nod. “Okay,” Luke stands, and pulls Y/N up with him. Y/N quickly looks around for her bag, but Luke grabs her face and focuses her attention back to him. “I’ll get our bags later, okay?” Y/N gives an approving nod and they move out of the room, one hand on Y/N’s back.
The two of them pass Ashton in the hall. Once he see’s Y/N’s red eyes and tear strewn face he opens his mouth to say something, but Luke quickly gives him a look. Ashton ducks his head and moves to his room to pack.
When Ashton gets to his room he grabs Emily by her arm and spins her around to face him. “Wha- Hey Ashy!” She says with a big smile. She quickly spots his serious mood and her smile fades. “What’s wrong?” She asks, her body at attention. Emily is a helper, that is who she is. She lives to make people smile and happy, much like Ashton. Ashton tells he what he saw in the hall.
Emily quickly starts going down the stairs to try and catch Luke and Y/N to try and help when she bumps into Mikey right outside of her door.
“Hey, Em, What do you think of Blue? Because Jackie says- Hey! why ya in such a rush?” Michael asks Emily. Emily looks up, panic in her eyes. Michael quickly jumps into action. “Are you okay? Emily? Do I need to get Ash?” He asks quickly. Emily rarely panics, so to see her in such a jumpy state was rare. Emily is more of a calm helper.
“No, it’s Y/N, Ashton saw Luke taking her out to the bus-“ “So?”
“Let me finish Mikey! She was crying, I want to go see if I can help,” Emily moves to walk around Michael, but he quickly grabs her arm and pulls her back.
“No, I’m sure Luke’s got it,” Michael says, but he wasn't so sure. His and Luke’s rooms are next to each other, and he thinks that he heard some crying in there. Maybe even a panic attack, Michael thinks, remembering the heavy breathing and the yelling. Michael pushes Emily back into the open door to her room, “Just stay here, Luke’s got it,” Michael promises, leaving her there.
Michael walks back to his room. He knows what panic attacks are like, and Emily doesn’t, he would be much better helper. Michael just wants to check on Jackie first. He opens the door to the room to see Jackie with her checklist, making sure that everything was packed. Jackie may be punk rock, but she is secretly like Monica from Friends. Always has a list in her hand. “I’m going to head down to the bus,” Michael announces to Jackie.
“What? I thought we were gonna ‘do it’ one more time!” Jackie says, protesting.
Michael shakes his head. “I would love to, but I think Y/N needs me,” Michael tries to explain.
“Why would Y/N need you?” Jackie says, getting immediately defensive.
“Not like that baby, I think she had a panic attack,” Michael says, grabbing Jackie’s hips and pulling them into his.
“Is she with Luke?” Jackie asks, knowing that only a soulmate could calm down Y/N. Jackie had been there for a few of Michaels most recent panic attacks, and it seems like Jackie always knew the best thing to say to help him calm down. It’s odd that anybody can calm Michael down too, considering he likes to be alone when he's having a panic attack. “Then everything is okay, okay babe?” Jackie says. She pulls away from Michael and sits him down on the bed. “Finish packing,” Jackie demands, handing him a list.
Jackie walks out of the room feeling more nervous then ever. Even though she has only known Y/N for a night, she just fits in so well with the girls…. Jackie walks over to Alex, and Calum’s room for reassurance from Alex. Jackie knows if she tells Michael just how nervous she is about Y/N he would storm down to the bus to try and help, which could just make things worse. Also, sometimes people just need their best friend. “Hey,” Alex says opening the door.
“Y/N had a panic attack!” The words rush out of Jackie’s mouth. She is the worst at keeping secrets.
“What? Is she okay?” Alex says quickly, moving out of the room and into the hall. Y/N had told the girls that she will sometimes get bad panic attacks when she is really stressed out, and they are like hell for her. She also mentioned that she is scared to be soulmates with Luke, something that all the girls kinda just breezed over.
“I don’t know Luke took her down to the bus,” Jackie says, and Calum walks up behind them.
“What happened?” He says, oblivious to what was going on.
“Y/N had a panic attack,” Alex says, filling in her soulmate.
“Does Luke know?” Calum says. The girls give him a ‘duh’ look and Calum puts his hands up in surrender. “She is probably fine then. Luke’s got this,” Calum says, trying to reason.
Suddenly, two more doors open on the floor at the same time. Michael stood in one door and Emily stood in another with Ashton behind her. Everyone froze in the hall, they all know what’s going on and want to help, but all frozen, knowing that Luke is the only one who can truly help. Like a movie, they all walk to meet in the center of the hall.
“I have to go down there and help,” Michael says, about to turn away when Jackie, his soulmate, grabs his arm.
“No, we can’t” Jackie says. “Luke is her best bet,” She says.
“I think we should go down there!” Emily says to the circle. He motherly instinct kicking in. “Luke can handle it,” Calum says, his usually quiet voice rising over the rest. “Jackie knows it, and we all know it. You all will just overwhelm her,” Calum says from experience. The boys had helped Micheal out with his panic attacks before, and he would hate it when the three of them would crowed around him asking questions. They did it to try and help him, but it didn't do so well with working.
The elevator chimes abruptly and the group looks over to see Luke walking out of the elevator. Everyone quickly jumps on him, not literally.
“Is Y/N okay?”
“Can we go see her?”
Their questions are sprung onto Luke, and he feels like he is at a press conference suddenly. He looks around the group, and with their frantic eyes, he figures that they all knew what happened. Luke takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
“She’s okay,” The group lets out a collective sigh. The worry seeping out of all of them, that some didn't even realize that they had.
“Can we go see her?” Michael asks, ready to jump around Luke to help someone who has gone through the same as him.
“I don’t know,” Luke breaths out. He is unsure about what to do next, he is unsure if he should be doing anything. He would never be enough for her, so why try? Luke will never be enough for the girl who is destined to share a bed with him. And he knew it. He knew it when she said she didn't want to be famous. He knew it when she didn’t want to be his soulmate. He knew it when she was crying hysterically about wanting more for herself. Luke will never be enough.
As if sensing his friend’s sadness, Micheal wraps Luke into a hug, followed by the rest of the group. They look at Luke in worry, they know he’s been going through a lot with Y/N right now, but none of them had stopped to think about how that would really be effecting him.
Ashton pulls away first and begins to take charge. “Okay, Mikey and Emily, go down and make sure Y/N is okay. The rest of us will stay up here, with Luke, finish packing, and be down in a half hour with everything,” Ashton says. He sends Michael down with Emily to see if Y/N is okay, because he knows the two of them are probably he most nurturing, well Emily is. Michael just understands what she is going through.
Ashton leads Luke to his room, where Luke begins to grab his things and put it back in his suitcase. “What’s wrong Luke?” Ashton asks, and Luke slams his suitcase onto the bed, which only caused it to bounce a little.
“Nothing,” Luke grits out. Luke is not an angry person, so what’s left of the group flinches back a little.
“Can we have some space?” Ashton asks the rest of the group. Jackie and Alex nod and turn to leave, but Calum stays put. Alex looks over her shoulder and motions for Calum to follow, but with a shake of his head, Calum stays put. Ashton looks over his shoulder to see Calum and Calum just gives a small shrug.
“What's got you upset, mate?” Ashton asks, accepting the fact that Calum is here to stay.
“I don’t think she wants me.”
“What do you mean she doesn't want you? You’re her soulmate?” Ashton exclaims, and Calum gives a subtle nod.
“I mean, she wants to do something more with her life! Something I can’t give her! She says she doesn't want to be famous!” Luke exclaims, violently throwing clothes into his suitcase.
“She can be something while being with you,” Ashton tries to reason. “Look, I don’t think she knew it was me in the room when she said this, but she said, ‘Why do i have to be his soulmate?’ If that isn't enough to say that she doesn’t want me, I don’t know what is.” Luke says, throwing his suitcase shut.
“Mate…” Ashton begins to say, but Luke’s choking sobs cut him off.
“I just want to be enough for someone,” Luke says, sitting down on the bed. Silent tears roll down his face, as the horrible thoughts flood into his brain. Luke bows his head, as he thinks of what could’ve been. If he just had a different soulmate. If only he had someone who would thing he’s enough. He’s nice. He’s been told all his life how handsome he is. He brings home enough money to support them. Why does she want to have more? What could she want that he can’t give her.
“Luke…” Ashton starts again, but he is out of words.
“Luke, its not that you aren’t enough,” Calum says, kneeling down next to Luke. “There are just some things that you can’t give people. From what I hear from Alex, Y/N is not someone to sit back and relax. She is always doing something. It’s not that you are not enough, it’s that she wants something more outside of Love.” Luke nods numbly along to what Calum says. “She needs you, just as much as you want her. You can’t give up on these kinds of things,” Luke throws himself off the bed and onto Calum, wrapping him into a hug. “Let’s all finish packing and go down, yeah?” Calum asks after a few moments. Luke peels himself off of Calum and turns to finish packing.
When the whole group is ready, they proceed to the bus.
When Luke is outside the bus, a few steps away from the door, he feels something heavy jump onto him. He stumbles back a few steps, and drops both suitcases in an effort to catch the girl.
“I’m so sorry,” His soulmate whispers in his ear. +++
“I’m so sorry,” His soulmate whispers in his ear.
“For what baby girl,” Luke whispers back.
“For saying I didn’t want you. I want you. Damn do I want you,” Y/N whispers in his ear, biting it playfully.  Luke smiles, holding his baby close. He tucks her under his chin.
“I want you too,” Luke says, “But I think we need to talk,”
“Yeah, okay,” Y/N agrees. The two of them commandeer the back room of the bus, closing the sliding door. The other’s had little argument, because after all that had happened today, they all knew that the pair of them needed alone time.
They sit in the back of the bus, on the circular couch, across from each other. Luke’s legs are so long that they tangle in Y/N’s. She discreetly leans her own legs against Luke’s. They sit there for a few moments, looking at each other. Luke looks up at her through his eyelashes, flashing his baby-blues, and says, “Baby, won’t you come over here?” He asks, his hands wringing.
Y/N swiftly moves to sit next to him and Luke cheekily does a yawn-and-stretch, wrapping his arm around Y/N. He pulls her into his chest, and she leans her head onto his chest.
“What are we going to do?” Luke asks, nervous for her reply.
“I-I can’t, I want to have a job, Luke,” Luke opens his mouth to say something, but Y/N quickly catches on and playfully covers it. Luke scrunches his eyebrows a little and looks down to her. “I’m going to freelance coding” Y/N tells Luke. She glances up at him through her eyelashes, ready for his argument.
“Okay, that sounds good baby,” Luke says. Y/N lets out a sigh that she didn’t know she was holding.
They sit there for a few beats, breathing in each other. They are both memorizing each other, unknowingly to the other. They both sit there, listening to the other’s breaths. They both sit there, hearing the other’s heartbeat. They both sit there trying to remember that the other is alive. That they are together. That they wouldn’t let go of each other.
Y/N lets out a heavy breath, bringing Luke’s attention to her. She starts to wiggle out of his hold, and announces that she has to pee, making Luke give a little chuckle. She opens the sliding door and moves out of the room. Luke still doesn’t know much about his Soulmate, but he knows that he will have his whole life to learn about her. He does know the way her hair shines in the sun though. He knows that nobody’s eyes can sparkle like her’s. He knows he will never go looking at another girl again. Why would he when he has Y/N?
A bubbling Michael burst through the door, “Its me the love of you life!” He proclaims.
“Please, I can wear heels bigger than your dick,” Luke says, quickly responding without thinking. Michael lets out a big, stomach rumbling laugh.
“Please,” Micheal begs, his laughter continuing on. Luke gives a fake chuckle, before Emily pushes pas Mikey.
“What’s so funny,” Emily asks.
“Baby, come back, i wanna cuddle,” Ashton whines, following his soulmate to the back room. He grabs her hand and drags her to the couch across from Luke and pulls Emily to sit on Ashton’s lap facing him. For once in his life, Luke isn’t jealous of the pair. He has his own little sunshine.
“What’s going on?” Y/N asks, pushing past Michael, who is still standing in the doorway. Y/N moves to sit next to Luke again, but Luke wasn’t having it. He’s only been able to touch her for the past few hours, so he will be damned if she only sat next to him. Luke pulls his baby girl onto his lap, his chin resting on her shoulder. “Nice butt Emily” Y/N comments playfully, facing the pair, and Emily throws her hands to protect her already covered behind. Ashton’s hands quickly cover her’s and soon he is the one holding Emily’s bum. Y/N watches as Ashton pulls Emily in for a kiss and Luke squeaks, covering Y/N’s eyes.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” Michael says from the doorway. They all hear a distant yes from the front of the bus. Jackie walks past Michael and motions for him to follow her. Calum and Alex show up in the doorway holding hands.
“I heard we were watching a movie?” Calum asks dragging Alex to the couch. Everybody moved to make room, but every one was still squished.
“What movie?” Emily asks, attempting to turn around so she can see the tv, but Ashton tightened his grip on her, not wanting her to move.
“Deadpool, duh,” Michael says, getting up and popping the DVD into the player. He sits back down, causing a groan from Jackie and Calum, whom he was sitting in-between.
Was this what family is like? Y/N has to wonder as the movie begins. Putting up with each other’s bullshit? Is this what family was like, watching the tv together. YN had always found family with her friend Alyssa, but she had never had people other than Alyssa care when she had a panic attack. Emily and Michael really helped Y/N. They understood what she is going through. Talking to Emily is like talking to a long-lost friend. They just clicked so well, just like Y/N and Alyssa did. It’s amazing. The group dynamic is just so nurturing for creativity, and they genuinely care. Even though Y/N is the latest addition, they all were so worried about her.
It’s a few days later. Y/N and Luke is just getting to know each other. Trying to figure out their patterns, and to try and remember their habits. They are both trying to memorize the other. They are back in New York City after Toronto, and Y/N is excited because she asked Alyssa to drive down to meet her. She drags Luke through the city which she visited every few weeks as a kid. Y/N’s parents were obsessed with the city, but didn’t want their children to grow up in it.
“Hey!” Alyssa shouts, wrapping Y/N into a hug. Luke is standing behind Y/N in aviator and a hat. He looks around a little worried that fans would pop out and drag him away. Luke loves his fans, but right now his whole mind is focused on Y/N and meeting Alyssa formally.
The two girls walk into the restaurant chatting, and Luke follows. Y/N had told Luke that Alyssa is like her sister, and that she didn’t care if they were soulmates, Alyssa’s opinion could break them up. Luke wasn’t that worried though, wasn't Alyssa a fan?
Sure, Y/N told Luke that Alyssa could break them up, but it wasn't exactly true. Nothing could break up soulmates, and Alyssa would be stupid to try and break them up. She told Luke that to get him nervous. She wanted Luke to really try to like Alyssa, Y/N is worried that Luke would only look at her like a fan, not a friend.
“So Luke…” Alyssa starts, drawing out her words. Y/N is quick to hide her face, knowing what question is coming next.
“Have you and Y/N done the dirty yet?” Alyssa asks, and Luke chokes a little on his coffee.
“Um, no? I’m not a rabbit,” Luke says, trying to add some humor to the conversation. When he gets no reaction he goes on, “But if Y/N wanted to, I would. I don’t want to pressure her,” Luke says.
“Okay, so have you gone on any dates?” Alyssa asks, and Y/N quickly picks up her head. “Give it to me,” Y/N demands.
“Give what to you?” Alyssa says playing innocent.
“The tape recorder,” Y/N says. Luke looks between the two of them with wide eyes. His soulmate is badass. How did she know that Alyssa has a tape recorder, Luke wonders.
“What tape recorder?” Alyssa asks.
“The one in your pocket,” Y/N says confidently. She knows that Alyssa has a fan account for 5sos and to get an exclusive interview on Luke and his soulmate would be pure gold. Alyssa throws a tape recorder onto the table, the film inside still running. “The other one too,” Y/N says with a sigh. Another tape recorder is thrown up onto the table. “And your phone,” Y/N says again and Alyssa’s iphone, which is opened up to the voice memo app is on the table. Y/N carefully stops all the recordings and takes the tapes out, and deletes the voice memo. “I thought I told you no taping?” Y/N whines to her best friend.
“Sorry bub, but this was such a good opportunity!” Alyssa says, jumping in her seat a little.
“Oh, Alyssa,” Y/N says, “I thought we said, Friend first, Fangirl second!” Y/N yells playfully. Alyssa and Y/N let out laughs, not knowing what they were laughing about themselves. Luke looks around nervously, not understanding the joke, if you could call it that.
They leave the Café after a few hours, heading back to the tourbus with Alyssa so she can see it and meet everybody else properly. They all walk excitedly to the bus. Alyssa and Luke got along really well, and Y/N is happy about that.
Y/N glance up and quickly recognizes a face, one that she hadn’t seen since College. Her eyes widen and she nudges Alyssa about it. She looks up too and recognizes the face. It was a name that she has written about on her skin before.
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leedaehwi · 7 years
I remember you mentioning about a Daehwi group chat and I wanted to ask, how will you describe each of your members?
Yeah! I formed a Daehwi GC a few months back with a few of my favorite Daehwi mutuals and I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH. In fact we’re talking right now! I love them all and am so happy that I got the chance to talk to them. They are a group of wonderful, lovely, amazing, people who always support me, and who always support Daehwi. I’ve met some of my closest online friends in this GC which says a lot to how close we are, ILY ALL!!! Anyways i’ll answer this now. We have 11 people in total ( 11 get it like w1) so there’s a lot but I still love them all. Actually when I describe them i’ll add something from their application for the gc ( I had people submit a form/ application thingy to decide who would be in the gc) since they’ve been asking me to show them the applications for a while anyways.
1. Me - the ultimate daehwi trash
2. Ashleigh @lee-daehwiis - A ballet queen. She is so gorgeous, talented, and hardworking. A soft who stans a lot of under rated groups and who just wants to spread love and happiness. Talking to Ashleigh always puts me in a good mood. Or whenever I see her snaps of her in her ballet stuff. I’m like wow Ashleigh is really out here making her dreams come true. She’s such an inspiration to me and I LOVE HER. Ashleigh said this in response to what she liked best about Daehwi in her form: “Is everything an acceptable answer? This is a difficult question! It’s hard to explain, but I feel like Daehwi has this quality that can just put everyone in a better mood. He can lighten up anyone’s day just by being around. He has a very positive attitude and pretends like nothing is wrong, even if something is. He went through so much and never complained. He inspires me in so many ways, and not just to be a better person.”
3. Amy @idaehwi - She’s such a talented GIF maker! She contributes so much quality content to the Daehwi tag and that alone makes me love her to the moon and back. She is also such a sweet pea, she’s been a bit busy recently, but we all have. When ever she does appear though she always screams about Daehwi and leaves us nice messages. When asked why she should be chosen to join the gc, Amy responded with: “bc i’m me :-)”
4. Charlie @wannaoneioi - MY FELLOW LOONA STAN. Charlie has a great taste in music and in memes. 10/10 always lights up the conversation. Even when the topics r a little weird hahahaha. Charlie introduced me to loona and dragged me down so lfjsafkajsfklj but thx charlie ;’) I love crying over girl groups. When asked what Daehwi’s best trait is, Charlie responded by saying: “screams in Daehwi” (in Charlie’s defense Daehwi does scream a lot kfljsaljk)
5. Colleen @furryowo - Colleen has to explain this at least once a day, but she is NOT actually a furry fjkdsalfjadklsf. Ok seriously tho, Colleen is probably one of the sweetest people in the gc. I first met her when I found out that she was my anon who kept leaving me sweet messages. Colleen is still as caring as when I first met her, and she always checks up on all of us and makes sure we’re ok. Colleen is kind of like the mom friend I guess. Colleen is also super smart and hardworking and I know she’s going to have a bright future. Colleen’s favorite hair color on Daehwi is Ash Grey, which is my favorite too! Surprisingly only Colleen picked Ash Grey as her favorite hair color, which further shows she is an intellectual.
6. Hana @wannabl - Hana has been super busy with school recently (me too big relate). She kinda reminds me of a younger me. Hana always stays up late cramming for tests and pushing herself to get into a great school. What I like about Hana is that she’s smart but still knows how to have fun ( LA parties seem wild). Hana is also really creative and funny and knows how to take a joke. We always tease her about her typos hahahahaha you really can’t understand what she’s saying. ILY HANA! Hana wanted to be added to the gc because, “GIRL DAEHWI MAKES MY OVARIES HURT”
7. Hatice @soweakpunchs - I am convinced Hatice is an angel. SHE IS SO NICE AND CARING AND SWEET AND ALWAYS LOOKING AFTER ME AND IM
8. Jenny @asianbro10 - JENNY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. Jenny is one of my closest buds ever. She has helped me through so much, I am forever grateful. Another angel fkjdsaflksadfkl love her. Jenny even wrote us all some Daehwi fan fiction, it was a Harry Potter AU and it was stellar. Jenny is an amazing writer she writes so eloquently, so it was an amazing read. She would also always send us one shots which we died over. It was great. She also makes such amazing fan art. I am in awe of her tbh. She’s so hard working and puts in so much effort into school and everything she does. I have so much more to say about her, but I would probs end up writing an essay so i’m gonna end it with an “ILY JENNY”. What Jenny likes most about Daehwi is “Everything. Every. Thing. His irreplaceable talent, adorable aegyo (I’m trash), charming personality and he cuTe as heLL.”
9. Jini @daisydaehwi - Such a precious cinnamon roll that deserves so much better. She’s so nice and sweet and I wish things start looking up for her in 2018. Jini always has the best memes. Tbh whenever Jini sends memes, I save them and steal them because they’re great (sorry Jini) Jini has such a loving personality and JIULEEN IS REAL AND I SHIP IT. Jini also chose light brown as her favorite hair color on Daehwi.
10. Maria @dearestguanlin - Maria has been busy and hasn’t been too active hahaha but whenever she shows up we’re like wow it must be a Christmas miracle. I’ve known Maria wayyyyyy before the Daehwi gc, she was one of the people I became really close to when I first joined Tumblr. She has been nothing but supportive of me. Maria has put up with my screaming in caps lock for months, which is an impressive achievement. Maria is like my intellectual bestie. We always rant about school, and education in our countries and suffer together. Maria is very smart, and sweet, and creative AND I LOVE HER SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH. Maria wanted to join the gc because “Im your mutual? Jk i love Daehwi and would like to scream about him Ex. OMG LEE DAEHWI LOOKS SO GOOD IN PINK”
11. Pingdi @dae-hwee - Pingdi our resident intellectual (she goes to an ivy league y’all!) If Colleen is like the mom, Pingdi is like the cool aunt. She’s very straight up but still very loving towards everyone. Pingdi is not only smart but an amazing dancer too! She’s shown us her covers and i’m always shook fklasdjf. Pingdi is probably one of the most determined people in the gc. She pushes herself to the limit and does her best. Pingdi is also an amazing GIF maker and always makes such smooth gifs. ILY TOO PINGDI~ What Pingdi likes best about Daehwi is “Yo his English cover that he submitted for Produce 101. He’s got those Sunday morning voice vibes and I love it.”
fljkdsajfasfkjlasdk sorry for the typos, this is really long and I didn’t feel like making sure it was grammatically correct rip but in conclusion, I LOVE MY DAEHWI GC THEY ARE ALL AMAZING PEOPLE AND I’M GLAD TO HAVE MET THEM
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quagmireisadora · 7 years
[Minjung / Kibum] 보조개
A/N: Part 2 of 4. Inspired by this lovely fic here. My thanks to @lockandminkey​ for letting me use their idea <3
The last time they make love, Kibum is gentle.
He is always gentle, but that morning he is gentler. His hands are softer, his kisses sweeter, his eyes warmer. He holds Minjung, pressing his fingertips in the camber of her back. With every slow push, he stamps his lips on the curve of her neck, on the stretch of her throat, under the round of her chin. His hips coil and uncoil slowly, pausing a moment whenever he hears her breath hitch. 
Minjung holds him close, clawing at the small of his back, at the hairs on his neck. Her tears steam on her cheeks, her sighs steam on his. She turns to face him, her nose against his temple, her stomach rising to meet his. Kibum raises himself on an elbow to look her in the eyes and runs a hand though her damp scalp. He smiles down at her. She closes her eyes from him. He stops his movements for a minute and she frowns in response. He gives her a sweaty chuckle, closing in and kissing her. She breathes out a happy exhale and wraps her hands around his broad shoulders, a quiet moan mixing in her breath. He moans back in response and moves again, her gasp pulling her out of the kiss. He ropes her in one more time, tilting his head and scooping her into it. He holds the side of her face, she claws at him again. From there, they easily float to where their bodies take them.
In the end, he rubs his nose against hers, the way he always does. “I should get ready,” he adds this time and makes to leave the cocoon of their warm and damp blankets. 
She grabs his arm and pulls him back, surprising him with her strength. “Stay,” she orders. “Five more minutes,” she adds softly. “...please?”
He relents, rolling back into her hold, burying his face in her breast. “How do you feel?” comes his muffled question. She giggles because it tickles her. Her long fingers stroke his hair, pushing it off his forehead when he looks up at her.
“Warm,” she smiles. He kisses the center of her chest. “Hmm, nice...” she adds. He looks at her again with a grin this time, dimple flashing. She takes in the sight of him and sighs. “Sad,” she ends.
His grin dissolves into a serious expression. He squeezes his arms around her waist. She hugs his face to her again like she will never let him go.
“This house is going to be so quiet without you,” she says. 
“I’ll call when I can,” he insists. 
“Won’t be the same,” she shakes her head. And after a while they shake with giggles. She thinks of the times he has chased her around the kitchen island with a lobster, thinks of the times he has rented a horror movie and screeched at the jump scares with her. She thinks of his booming laugh and his favorite music; she reminisces the days spent splashing water at each other on the beach, the nights they act like children and toss pillow at each other. She thinks of his snoring and his groaning and his sighing and his whining. She thinks of him like he is already gone, and she has to look down to confirm if he’s still with her.
When he goes in for a shower she irons his clothes for him. She runs her hands on the fabric, fingers the metal buttons and the coarse patches. The first time she saw him wearing his uniform he was regal in it. His aviator glasses hid his eyes but the dimple was telling of the soft smile waiting for her. He was curt, but gallant. He was quiet, but chivalrous. He was frank, but courteous. The first time she saw him take the uniform off, she’d seen another Kibum. A silly Kibum. A Kibum who guffawed at stupid jokes, and teased her with mischievous grins, and made fun of his friends. 
When he comes out in a towel, drying his hair, she is smiling with her raft of memories floating in an ocean of love. “Oh, sorry--” he says, taking his shirt from her. “I meant to do that last night.”
Minjung shakes her head to signal that it’s nothing. “I’ll get your boots and bag ready, shall I?”
He hums his thanks as he pulls his pants up. “I’ll make us some tea,” he offers. She calls out her gratitude from the living room.
Several minutes later, they hold hands at the dining table as they sip from their cups. “Where are you going this time,” she asks what she always asks at times like this.
“I can’t tell you,” he easily responds as usual. They are both satisfied with the exchange, and they say no more. She does not persist, does not get emotional about it, does not guilt him with utterances like I don’t want to find out from your staff sergeant. In return he does nothing but gaze into her eyes and study her face and run his fingers over her forearm.
After a last-minute check of his belongings, they go outside and wait in the front yard. 
The weather is warm, but just on the cusp of getting warmer. It will be a dry summer, and the children from their neighborhood will start playing football in the nearby park again. Some of them will come asking after Kibum, who often sprays them with the garden hose or fixes their bicycle chains, or lends their troubles a sympathetic ear. She will be there for them in his stead, then. She will spend her hours listening to them and imagine it was him she is giving all that time to. 
The weather is warm, and she will have to mow the lawn without him. But she’ll pretend he is creeping up behind her as usual, about to pounce on her and give her a fright. 
The weather is warm, and they will be missing their yearly trip to Daegu to see his halmoni. She will write a littler from the both of them, sending it with mandu she will make in her own kitchen. 
The weather is warm, and if Kibum were here they’d go to the pool every weekend, racing each other. She will go alone now, but she will think back to all the times she beat him and he grumbled about it. 
And every time he calls home she will tell him all about it over the bad connection.
The jeep arrives at 8 am sharp. The driver gets off and jogs around the front towards them. He shoots a stiff salute and states his name, his rank, declares that he is reporting for his duty, sir. Kibum salutes back with just as much vigor, and then looks at his wife. “Give us a minute, would you?” he requests of his subordinate. The man relieves him of his bag and obeys, rushing away.
“I’m off,” is all Lieutenant Kim Kibum says in the end. He has always been stupid with words, worse with goodbyes. But Minjung recognizes sentences, paragraphs, whole essays in his gaze, and she is more than willing to translate them to herself for her relief. She hugs him, lets him rock them a little, lets him kiss her forehead for a long minute, lets him draw back and run his thumbs on her cheeks. Lets him whisper a soft but cheeky I’ll be back for you, Choi Minjung. Then he is gone.
The last time they make love, the last time she buries her face in his shoulder, the last time she waves after his disappearing back, the last time he is home and happy and safe, she believes him. 
So she waits.
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rizmld · 7 years
My depression
I have not made a post here in a while. But this time all I'm posting is something that is not so important to everyone, because this time I just want to express my heart that I've been holding. So, please ignore the contents of the post below. I just want a story and lull my emotions, I'm sorry for this selfishness.
Actually, I want to tell you a problem that can make me stress lately even though I'm still afraid to open up this feeling. Lately I have become difficult to trust people around and have difficulty socializing and expression. If I tell them all to friends, I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird. Now, my mental was sick !
Yesterday,i joined field trip from extraculicular. it remind me when i tried to start talking with them all. when i see, many people doesnt like me because i cant show my expression. some people think that i was boring, cocky, and not fun. im being ignoring by them. actually im joined this trip because i think if i can forget my problem but thats not smooth like what i think.
Yeah, I'm having trouble to understanding what people want and including hard to understanding myself. The first time I started trying to get along again, at first I thought they were awkward just because the first time hanging out with new people. Then, after starting to meet everybody often, people start they do not like or discomfort with me. Perhaps, it was because of my attitude that they thought that I was not interested for them and also I difficult to showed expression of interest and what I thought. My expression is very flat. I want to try to be a friendly person, expression of interest or enthusiasm, feelings of anger and laughter. But, it turns out that expression was never seen against others. I never managed to show my heart's content. They think, I'm weird. But, that's why I'm having trouble getting it out. Not that I want to blame, but the reason I am not allowed to express the expression I want by my family. I want to be open with others but I'm always angry when I say it. Let alone my sister. She always blames me on and on without telling her why it can go wrong and so on. If I'm a little open with other people I'll be angry continue. She did not want me to embarrass her for having a sister like me. She wants to keep the image and be the perfect figure that people see. She did not want to see the slightest ugliness and because of that, I was more and more depressed by that feeling. I want to make a little joke just is not allowed because it would damage the image perfect image. I am often angry when I say a thing and express my expression. Besides, I am often restrained by her. I am not free to get along with other people. I want to respond to the joke of people but why now can not be issued through my lips.
Because of my difficulties of expression I am so difficult to have friends. I am more and more hurt to see my sister look friendly in front of others and after a conversation with others, her temper becomes angry. I feel she has two faces.
I had more difficulty concentrating on my college assignments. She always bothered me even though I said not to bother me and finally I never managed to collect the duties and many absent in my lectures. This has happened again in the past year. Last year, I deliberately chose to study outside the city. I thought I would be free of my family's restraints including her. But, after half a year later. My sister followed me.
At first, it was natural that she want to living together with me because she had trouble getting a job in our town. So, I accompanied her to get the street in town. But, more and more she forced me to join her  interview jobs in everywhere. I know  she already had memorized the streets around here but she stilI force me join her. and last, its make to spend my lecture hours up to more than three times the absence. The lecturers looked at me as “truant”. But I said that the reason for this. The lecturers did not even believe what I did and thought it was a cliche. it was hurt from inside my hearts.
After a few years later, my emotions finally overflowed towards her. I told her frankly that I did not want to be restrained by her and she seemed to understand. After that, a few days later. Her attitude returned like all. I became more and more difficult to believe.
After that, there are problems that make me think too. I suspect a friend who often approached me constantly. At first I thought it was just my negative feelings, too. But after I remember from the experience of the person who often used me in the past, her characteristics are similar to what she did. she always throws her responsibility at me and seems to force me to join her comic project. Initially, I only intend to help her to the spirit so I give her a little story idea to make her continue my essay. But apparently, from her attitude. She doesnt want to try at all and just smart smoothy. she invites others also to develop the idea. I know if she invites others to join, I have to be often responsible and difficult to get out of there. I hate lazer types more and only want the results. I know she uses me but I pretend not to believe it. After that, I try to be an irresponsible person. I want to run this burden and be free. That's what I'm thinking.
I want to be a happy person and have friends who will understand me and no one to hold me back. I was tired of being held back for years by my family except my mother. It feels like every time I think, what if I die and so no one is bothering me and will regret my death. But still inside me I still have the desire to live and want to enjoy this life for a while especially after seeing the news that Vocalist from linkin park has committed suicide. It makes me discourage suicide myself. I know that suicide is a sin. God must be very angry if some people decide their own lives with the time that is not accordingly determined.
I feel lonely now and I'm writing this instead of wanting to be noticed. I just want to exclaim all of them. I do not want to be a pity. I want to be free to release my feelings freely without being rigid. I want to have friends but still afraid of hurting other people's feelings also because of my selfishness. I used to think I did not need a couple but now I just feel that I need my life companion. Want a friend or boyfriend, anyone who is trustworthy.
sorry for my bad english.
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