#sorry i have blocked this person I just cannot cannot take someone trying to argue that I am being ableist while saying some of the most vi
suncaptor · 9 months
Also I just think it's fundamentally ableist to assume whether or not someone is a child or not and deserves to be infantilised based on their degree of neurodevelopmental capability to do things such as walk or talk. to be real.
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kkpwnall · 11 months
if it wasn’t for bad luck i wouldn’t have luck at all
part two | rated t | 4k words [ part one ]
all my thanks and love for @fragilecapric0rnn for beta reading again. thanks for your help, and for kindly correcting my silly mistakes 💜
Eddie catches all the not-so-subtle winks Dustin throws him every time one of the kids wheedles details about the next campaign out of him, or Robin gets him going on government conspiracy theories, or Steve cracks him up with a bitchy remark.
The kid’s about as subtle as a train full of cowbells crashing into a packed clown car.
But he makes it seem so easy, to just… be their friend. Too easy. As if Eddie doesn’t have a lifetime of reasons not to.
Against his better judgment, slowly but surely, they’re eroding his finely-honed walls. Growing like moss, like ivy between the cracks.
The kids barge in one day arguing at full volume. Steve trudges in behind them and drops into the crummy plastic chair closest to Eddie’s bed, the one usually occupied by Wayne or Dustin. Well, when Dustin’s not going toe to broken toe with his friends over—
“We can’t split the party under these conditions!”
[ keep reading below, or read on ao3 ]
Steve heaves a ragged sigh, and Eddie watches as if entranced by the complicated movements of Steve’s fingers as he alternates pinching the bridge of his nose and massaging over his eyes.
He looks wrung out. When was the last time he got a decent night’s sleep?
“So someone has to pull double duty. We’ll draw straws and rotate every week,” Mike says, like he’s being the pinnacle of reasonableness. Whatever it is, Eddie’s sure he isn’t.
“That’s not fair! We should just pull someone off and make them exempt. Like Nancy or El, someone we need on more useful things.”
“What the hell are you little gargoyles arguing about?” Eddie reaches for his DM baritone and comes up short. Maybe his diaphragm got rearranged with all the rest of his guts.
It still works to cut through the kids’ argument though. Steve shoots him a grateful look.
“We’re trying to decide what everyone in the party would do in the inevitable zombie apocalypse,” Mike hurries to explain.
“Inevitable..?” Eddie glances out the window he can just barely see from his position on the bed.
It’s been weeks since they wasted Vecna, with no sign of his sorry ass returning. No blood and ash raining from the sky, no earthquakes splitting the town apart, and definitely no zombies.
“Yeah, ‘cause see, if we’ve got El on recon, Nancy and Lucas take point with ranged weapons. Argyle’s in charge of foraging and cooking—”
Steve groans and slumps back in the seat as the kids pick up steam again. He’s so dramatic, Eddie can’t help a snort of laughter he covers with a cough. Steve’s got a hand splayed over his face, from his jaw up into his hairline, like he can block out the whole world. Or at least this one conversation.
With hands like that, maybe he can...
“But someone’s gotta stay back and guard the base! And you can’t have one person on watch, what if they fall asleep or get attacked or—”
A stupid little smile curls over Eddie’s lips as he watches Steve out of the corner of his eye while the kids keep arguing.
“We’re thirteen people now, Mike! There’s no way to divide watch shifts evenly between thirteen people and twenty-four hours in a day! Even Holly can do that math!”
Eddie whips around as reality drops on him like a load of every perfidious brick this group has worn down over the past couple weeks.
“What did you just say?”
Dustin gives him a disappointed look, “C’mon, Eddie, I know you of all people can do this math. Thirteen—”
No way. Absolutely not. That cannot possibly be correct. It has to be a mistake. It has to.
Eddie does a headcount, checking them off on his fingers hidden under the thin hospital sheets to double check their math. Someone got counted twice or not at all.
His three Hellfire gremlins plus Lady Applejack and Red. Nancy and Robin and Steve round out the Hawkins crew. Add in Supergirl and Zombie Boy with their whole “saving the world” schtick for an even ten, and now he’s really starting to sweat. Then there’s Jonathan and that guy Argyle. Plus Eddie makes…
“Oh my god, I’ll do it! I’ll be the designated hitter,” Steve half-shouts. The kids just stare at him blankly, and he sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes so hard Eddie’s surprised he doesn’t black out from it. “I’ll take the double shifts in your make believe zombie apocalypse. Happy?”
Steve’s hand, the one that was covering his face, sits warm and heavy over the sheet covering Eddie’s trembling hand. Eddie has no idea how or when it got there, or if Steve even really registers where it’s landed. Not exactly holding his hand, not with the sheet between them, but definitely there. Something to focus on that’s not how he already died and he’s still being fucking haunted by the spectre of his birth.
So no, he’s not happy, and neither are the gremlins. They immediately start shouting over each other to argue with him.
“Out!” Steve starts to rise from the chair, leaning his weight on Eddie’s hand and points at the door with a snap. “Get out! Go bother Max and Lucas with this shit, or I’m not driving your sorry asses back here tomorrow.”
And just like that, Dustin ushers them out, still grumbling and arguing. He shoots Steve a look, but Steve glares him down with a hand on his hip.
The door slams behind them and it’s finally, blissfully quiet.
“Jesus Christ with those kids,” Steve mutters as he reclaims his seat, “It’s like they can’t shut up for five minutes.”
Eddie is silent next to him in the bed, and he’s pretty sure if Steve’s hand wasn’t on his, it’d be shaking. The rest of him is. This clawing, aching, tingling vibration just under his skin. The tremor is coming from inside the house.
He knows better than this, he knows better, what the hell is he thinking.
He needs to stop fooling around and get his act together, or with his luck, there really will be a zombie apocalypse and all of these people will be casualties of it. All because of him.
“Sorry,” Steve says, sheepishly. “This is like, your room. I shouldn’t’ve kicked them out if you wanted them here. You just... you looked like you needed a break.”
“Yeah, I— yeah, it’s fine,” Eddie says on a rough exhale. Takes a steadying inhale. And judging by the bags under Steve’s eyes, “Looks like you could use a break yourself, man.”
“They’ve just been arguing about that stupid zombie apocalypse shit for hours!” Steve throws himself back in the chair and launches into his own rant.
One hand gestures wildly, digging through his hair and underscoring his words, while the other stays where it’s been planted, gently covering Eddie’s. Twitching and flexing occasionally.
He lets Eddie catch his breath. He gives him enough space that Eddie could slip his hand free, could pull away without making a big deal out of it. He has to feel Eddie’s hand by now, he has to. But he doesn’t move away.
Eddie doesn’t move away either.
He doesn’t have a good reason not to. In fact, he’s got nothing but good reasons to pull his hand back and let them both pretend like none of this ever happened.
But Steve’s hand is warm and solid over his, even through the sheet. And where would he put his hand anyway? Where would it go, untethered? If anything, it’d interrupt Steve’s flow, and it really seems like he needs to get all this off his beautifully hairy chest.
“—And they’re acting like it’s such a problem we’ve got an uneven number now!“
“Well they’ve kinda got a point. I mean, with thirteen…” Eddie interjects.
Steve flashes him a broad, cocky smile. “Hey, thirteen’s my lucky number.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Eddie mumbles, mostly to himself.
Steve hears him anyway. “No, I’m serious! It’s been my jersey number since I was a kid. Like even way back when I was just playing tee ball. Oh, and get this! Somehow, all through grade school, I was number thirteen on the roll call list. Every year! I mean, that’s crazy, right?”
No, crazy is being pulled out of hell itself by the sheer force of will and determination of a guy whose lucky number is thirteen.
This is just too ironic for words. It’s bordering on absurd.
But Wayne’s always tried to tell him truth is stranger than fiction.
Eddie keeps his mouth shut with gritted teeth, holding back a laugh. Or maybe a scream. Either would land him in the loony bin, because once he started, he wouldn’t ever stop.
“And anyway, the way I see it, our luck’s never been better.”
That unsticks Eddie’s mouth.
“What?” he sputters. “Steve, three people are dead, Red and Henderson both have broken bones, and you got chewed on by fucking demon bats!”
Steve shrugs his shoulder loosely, like it’s just the price of doing business. “Yeah, but we actually figured out who’s behind all this shit. I mean like, everything, since ‘83. Since Will went missing and Barb... We finally got answers. And we closed all the gates now, for good. He’s gone. It’s over. And we’re all still here.”
Steve’s eyes slowly trace over Eddie’s own slightly mangled body. Over the tubes and wires snaking out between the bandages wrapped around his arms. Over the one taped across his cheek, until he meets Eddie’s eyes through his lashes. “We couldn’t’ve done it without you.”
Eddie doesn’t have a clue what to say to that. To any of it. The only thing he brings to the table are nerdy references and loud music and a penchant for getting anyone close to him killed.
But Steve makes all that sound like a good thing. Like Eddie is a good thing.
If he keeps this up, Eddie might almost start to believe him.
Steve clears his throat and releases Eddie from the trap of his honeyed hazel gaze, but not before Eddie sees the rosy pink color starting to tint his cheeks. The same heat rising over his own face.
“Sorry man, we’re doing a terrible job of letting you get any rest today. The kids came in here arguing, and then I just went off like that. I can go, if you want some peace and quiet,” Steve pushes the chair back, and Eddie’s fingers twitch under his hand.
Yes. “No, you… you can stay. If you want.” Eddie grabs the remote with his free hand and waggles it at him, plasters on a smile. “Let’s just watch some tv. Put on whatever you want.”
Steve doesn’t look quite convinced, but he does scootch his chair back closer to the bed. “No no no, it’s your tv, man. I know Dustin’s always stealing the remote.”
“C’mon, seriously…” Eddie thinks for a moment until he lands on, “What did you watch when you were home sick as a kid?”
“Uh no, absolutely not.”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“You’re gonna laugh...”
“Cross my heart,” Eddie says, with all the sincerity he can muster.
Steve raises an eyebrow at him, before he blows out an aggrieved sigh. “Alright, look… when I was little, like real little, like younger than the kids, my mom would set me up on the couch with a big blanket with a hot water bottle… And she’d put on General Hospital.”
Eddie presses his lips shut tight to contain his snort of laughter. It still blows his cheeks out though, and there’s a smile he can’t quite keep in.
Steve glares at him, but there’s no heat behind it.
Eddie shakes his head, grinning, “General Hospital it is.”
They surf the channels for a while but can’t find it playing anywhere. Instead, Eddie lands one of Wayne’s old favorite spaghetti westerns, and starts outlining all the tropes of the genre. But it turns out Steve’s grandpa was just as big a fan, and Steve matches him beat for beat as they roast the stilted dialogue.
Eventually, Steve’s eyelids start to droop. His head drops a few times, before he jerks back up, blinking hard. Eddie keeps talking to him, but softer now. Slower. More and more space between each sentence.
Steve’s breath slows and evens out, his chin tucks into his chest and one arm wraps around his stomach. He falls asleep in that uncomfortable hospital chair with his hand still over Eddie’s. 
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It’s release day.
It’s finally, finally release day. Marked on his calendar and circled in red. Or it would be, if Eddie had a calendar. He’s never been good at keeping up with those kind of things.
The point is, he’s been counting down to this day for weeks. Weeks. But this is it, today’s the day.
He’s already been denied twice thanks to the government goons.
The first time, he was so out of it on painkillers, he didn’t even realize that maybe he should be taking their questions seriously. That one’s on him for answering everything in character as Samwise Gamgee.
The second time though, he’d bet his remaining guitar on petty revenge. All because he wouldn’t sign their stupid NDA without reading it thoroughly first. Or it could have been his demand for more than a pat on the back from Uncle Sam. Eddie wasn’t about to walk away from this all shit empty handed.
But all that’s settled now. He and Wayne got a modest farmhouse with some land, ready and waiting for them just outside of town. His name’s been cleared and the yokels bought the cover story, hook, line, and sinker. And there’s a stipend coming to a bank account with his name on it every month, as long as he keeps his trap shut. It’s enough that Wayne won’t have to work unless he really wants to.
All the doc has to do is sign his release form, and he’s gone. Eddie is leaving today or so help him—
But it’s not the doctor that comes through the door, or even Wayne.
It’s Steve.
With a “knock knock”, out loud, even as he knocks on the door, peeking around it, and beaming when he sees Eddie.
“Wayne sent me ahead with this,” he drops a hefty duffel bag on the foot of Eddie’s bed. “He and Dustin are just finishing up at the house, they’ll be here any minute.”
Eddie balks a little at that, but Steve chuckles knowingly.
“Don’t worry, Henderson’s leaving with me. I had to bribe him with a trip to the comic book store, but at least it’ll give you and Wayne some time to get settled at the new place.”
“Is it good?” Eddie can’t help but ask. Hates how small it comes out. There’s always a chance the suits decided to screw them over.
Steve answers with one of those soft smiles of his. “Yeah, man. It’s great. You’re gonna love it.”
“Good, good,” Eddie says absentmindedly. He has to tear his eyes away and grab the bag, start rifling through it. All the while trying not to wonder who picked out these clothes and who packed them up and—
“I’ll uh, give you some privacy,” Steve says as Eddie pulls out a heavy red plaid and a pair of sweats.
He pulls the curtain around Eddie’s bed between them, but he doesn’t leave. Instead he asks if Eddie wants the latest (and hopefully last) hospital gossip.
“Uh, duh! I gotta know if Luellen’s made a move yet.”
Eddie wrangles his arms inside the hospital gown and pulls it roughly over his head to throw it in a heap in the corner. Ooo-ing and gasping at all the right moments during Steve’s tales of intrigue.
He has to move slower than he wants to, has to take his time and sit on the edge of the bed, dangling his legs to the floor to shimmy into the sweatpants.
And whoever picked the flannel deserves a goddamn Nobel prize. He’s able to slip it on easily without agitating his remaining stitches or lifting his arms above his head. And once he’s got the buttons done up, it’s loose enough not to snag or cling.
Eddie digs around in the bag again and fishes out a pair of slip-on shoes. They’re not his, not his usual style, and definitely don’t go with this getup. But the worn leather is soft, and at least he doesn’t have to deal with the whole mess of bending over to tie them. Or— god forbid— ask Steve to come over and tie them for him.
That’s an ordeal he’s not sure he’d survive.
Whoever packed this bag is getting a fruit basket.
In a soft purple crown royal bag tucked in on the side, he finds his rings and his necklace, and it makes something in his heart clench. Something slots into place, just by sliding the rings back on his fingers, the pick over his head. Whole, in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Screw the fruit basket, they’re getting a whole goddamn orchard.
Eddie’s been quiet for a long moment, not quite keeping up his end of the storytelling experience.
Steve’s gone quiet too, and Eddie’s not sure how long it’s been since either of them said anything.
On the other side of the curtain, Steve clears his throat, and his sneakers squeak on the tile as he shifts his weight from foot to foot.
“Are you decent?”
Eddie snorts out a laugh. “I’m dressed if that’s what you’re asking.”
He catches the tail end of Steve’s eye roll as he pulls back the curtain. He looks Eddie up and down as he comes around. Smiles softly and gets comfortable on the foot of the bed, one leg folded underneath him.
“Ready to go?”
“You have no idea,” and Eddie has to fight the urge not to throw himself back dramatically on the bed. Damn the stitches.
“Yeah, I don’t blame ya. My longest stay wasn’t even half as long as they’ve kept you, and I was climbing the walls by the end of it.” He rubs unconsciously at the scar running through the edge of his eyebrow.
Eddie does not take his hand and pull it away to soothe the aching memory himself. He doesn’t even think about it, really. Definitely doesn’t have to distract himself with an old habit like sliding his rings off and on his fingers.
“What, unseasoned hospital food doesn’t appease your refined palette?” he teases in a haughty voice.
“If I had to eat one more piece of dry, rubbery chicken…” Steve threatens.
“No way, man, the pork chops are way worse.”
They argue back and forth, ranking the rest of the limited hospital menu on a scale of pudding cups to sawdust, and it’s good, it’s easy.
Until there’s a lull in the conversation, and Steve clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair. Sits up a little straighter, squaring his shoulders like he’s psyching himself up.
“Hey so I was thinking… Maybe once you’re all cleared, I can take you out for dinner sometime? I promise it’ll be better than any of this crap.”
Steve looks so earnest, so hopeful, with that confident damn smile curving his lips and his heavy lidded eyes watching Eddie. His hands flex like he wants to reach for him. But he stays still and gives Eddie his space. Must somehow know Eddie would be even more likely to run if he did.
A tight knot of want and can’t claws roughly up Eddie’s throat and he’s pretty sure he stops breathing.
He has to tell him. Knowing Eddie, being friends with Eddie, it’s dangerous. It always has been. He’s let himself indulge in this fantasy for way too long. He has to put a stop to it, now.
It’s more dangerous than Dustin, than Wayne, than Chrissy. Not just a friend but something— someone more.
“Steve…” who Eddie cannot even begin to think about being anything. He won’t.
Eddie Munson is nobody’s happy ending.
“You don’t want— this,” he chickens out at the last second.
Steve’s smile slowly fades and he blinks a few times. His tongue darts out to wet his lips as his head tilts to the side, considering for a moment. “I think you should let me decide what I want.”
And Eddie wants to scream.
This isn’t about you!
But of course, it is. It’s about him, and every single person that’s come before him, and every one that’s sure to come after him, and everything that has and will go wrong.
The words catch in Eddie’s throat, and he can’t say any of them. So he just sits there, frozen and silent and begging Steve to understand.
Steve looks away and lets out a long breath. Not quite a sigh as he shakes his head. He stands and starts heading towards the door.
He turns back before he gets there though, catching Eddie again in his earnest gaze.
“The real question: is what do you want, Eddie?”
And nobody’s asked him that in such a long time. Every day since he woke up in the hospital has been the same. All of his meals are pre-planned and brought at the exact same time, whether he’s hungry or not, whether he likes the food or can even keep it down or not. His schedule, from when to sleep to when to take his meds to when he does physical therapy, has been out of his hands. And then Dustin shows up with whoever he decides to bring with him that day.
Eddie’s been resurrected, but what choice has he really had?
Part of him, this new part of him born from his death and a second chance at life, is just daring him to see how far he can push his newfound luck. To prove once and for all if the curse really is broken.
Eddie’s never said no to a dare.
Steve turns to leave, one hand reaching for the door, and Eddie scrambles to his feet. Takes a few shaky stiff, baby deer steps forward as he calls him back, “Steve—”
He holds Steve’s gaze for an impossibly long moment, tracing the swirls and whorls and questions in his hazel eyes, his freckles and moles and scars.
Go big and go home.
“How about a kiss?” Eddie asks. “For luck?”
Steve’s face morphs through several expressions so fast, Eddie can’t keep track of all of them. He lands on something incredulous, his lips curving upwards in a smirk even as his eyebrows fall and pinch in the middle at the sheer audacity—
But he crosses the room in two swift strides to stand in front of Eddie. Throws a quick glance at the still-shut door, at his mouth, before meeting his eyes again. Eddie barely starts to nod, and Steve’s lips are on his.
His gentle strong hand around Eddie’s elbow reels him in, pulls him closer. Eddie’s lands on his bicep, and the flex of muscle ignites a frisson of sparks under his palm to race through his bloodstream.
Steve’s other hand caresses Eddie’s unblemished cheek. Like he’s something precious. Something to hold onto, something dear.
As far as kisses go, it’s Eddie’s first.
Soft, sure and confident, the kiss is everything Eddie could have ever dreamed of. Hurried— not as in frenzied. Hurried as in greedy. Desperate to steal the breath from his lungs before he’s even noticed it’s missing.
Eddie kisses Steve back with equal fervor, trying to pour everything he has, everything he wants, everything he fears into the movement of his lips, the sweep of his tongue.
Eddie’s hand joins Steve’s on his cheek, keeping him close. An anchor in the tsunami flooding his senses with everything Steve. Cherry lip balm and hairspray, fresh laundry, and the musky hint of sweat underneath it all. It’s intoxicating. Incomparable. Incredible.
And Eddie’s just gonna blame the weeks-long hospital stay for how fast he goes weak at the knees.
Steve’s sure, steady hand in the small of Eddie’s back guides him slowly backwards until his thighs hit the bed again, and he sits hard, breaking the kiss with a gasp.
Eddie reaches for him, eyes wide and staring up at Steve through his lashes, hooking his fingers through his belt loops. Two steps away is too far but Steve wastes no time crowding closer to stand between Eddie’s legs. He gently tips Eddie’s face up with a featherlight touch and kisses him deeply while Eddie holds him firmly by his hips.
Consuming and consumed, devouring and devoured. Wanting and wanted.
When they come up for air, Steve swoops back in, once, twice, and a lingering third time, like he’s reluctant to stop. And Eddie strains his neck to meet him kiss for kiss.
Steve finally pulls away just far enough to sigh breathlessly against his lips, “Is that all you want, Eddie?” His eyes screwed shut tight.
No. Eddie wants everything. For now though, he’ll settle for– “Somebody said something about dinner and movie?”
“Oh so now there’s a movie, huh?” Steve says, but he’s smiling and nudges his nose against Eddie’s.
“Don’t go thinking I’m a cheap date now, sweetheart,” and Eddie’s smiling too. Smiling too much for more than quick kisses that skate across their lips.
With each peck, Eddie schemes how to get Steve’s lips on his again. How to keep him. Keep him safe.
They break apart when the sharp clack-clack of heels echoes down the corridor from Eddie’s room, heralding the doctor’s arrival.
Eddie was born under a bad sign. But maybe here, in this new life, he can make his own luck. 
[ also on ao3 ]
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years
Jealousy is your enemy (Last part)
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Warnings: Arguing, Kisses
Requests are open!!
Jealousy is your enemy part 1 <——
Jealousy is your enemy part 2 <——
The rest of the day you found yourself making yourself busy. You mostly just hung out with Kiri by the beach and went roaming in the forest.
“Y/n if Neteyam finds out you saw Rawpi again he’ll have his head on a stick” she stopped over a large log blocking her way.
Moving a large leaf out of your way you tried to find some kind of answer to her worrying.
“He will not find out unless someone tells him” you gave her a sharp look as you came by her side.
“I will not tell!- Unless you don’t go talk it over with him Y/n” she picked up her pace as she dodged another tree branch from catching her hair.
“I simply will not Kiri this is his fault not mine!” You knew you were lying you shouldn’t have gone and seen Rawpi but you didn’t know what else to do. But you couldn’t say tel Kiri that you were too stubborn.
As she came to a halting stop she turned to look you in the face placing he hands on your shoulders with a worrying look in her eyes.
“Y/n I am not saying that you need to apologize I hate seeing you two fight he is my brother and I feel for him too pls just talk it over- for me y/n”
You took your time thinking about it. You wanted to talk to him but you just didn’t know what to say. You’d never gotten into an argument like this but you didn’t wanna say sorry. You finally came to a resolve as you changed your gaze to her face.
Letting out a loud sigh “Fine I will talk to him but I cannot make any promises of his actions”
Finally satisfied she gave you a reassuring smile as she took your hand in hers and changed direction to head back to the village. As you started seeing the village in the distance you could feel your body getting heavy and your hands getting sweaty you were scared to be yelled at again you couldn’t take that again. But you loved him and you’d do a lot for Neteyam he was your mate you chose eachother for life and there wasn’t any turning back now.
It was almsot sunset when you got back to the tribe. You said your goodbyes to Kiri as you headed toward your shared pod with Teyam. You stopped yourself right before opening the curtain. You got this y/n you thought to yourself. Letting out a deep breathe you opened the curtain to find him pacing around the pod deep in thought and talking to himself.
As he noticed your presence he quickly looked up to meet your gaze. You looked away not knowing what to say. Walking over to sit next to him signaling for him to join you. Quickly nodding he did as he was told sitting to face you. A long silence engulfed the both of you trying to figure out what to say. Fixing your posture you spoke.
“I will not apologize for your actions Neteyam” You stared him dead in the eyes tensing up your face expecting backlash. And That’s exactly what you got
“You need to stop seeing Rawpi Y/n” lifting his head up high. Awaiting your response he couldn’t stop thinking of the image of you and Rawpi together patching him up with that stupid grin on his face all he wanted to do was smack that stupid grin off his face. But that wasn’t important right now he needed to focus on you.
You couldn’t believe his response you were being as calm as you could be. You tried to phrase your sentence as nicely as possible but you couldn’t you just let it all come out.
“You do not get to control me Neteyam you need to control your urges and ground yourself now” you fought the urge to just stand up and leave but you did so much just to come here you couldn’t throw that all away. You wanted this to work out for the both of you. There had to be some kind of agreement you two could settle on.
“I am not controlling you Y/n you are not thinkin-“ “Yes your are Teyam! I am my own person understand that or I will leave right now!”
He knew if you left this would never come to a resolve. As he grabbed your hand to hold his he looked into your eyes. There sat a short silence as he tried to form his feelings into words so his mate could understand his frustration. He spoke calmly and mannered.
“When I see you and Rawpi together I-I am fueled with anger I do not want to feel that my mate, so please just-just try to keep your interactions to a minimum please ma y/n” He looked deep trying to find some kind of understanding in your dark eyes and he did. You gave in you couldn’t stay mad at that man for long. The way his eyes softened after he finished speaking made you feel some kind of way. You could not explain it-it almost felt like a sense of lust and understanding mixed in the most beautiful way. You quickly softened your gaze. Tightening your grip on his hands as you flashed him a smile lightly tilting your head in agreement.
“I love you Teyam I do not like fighting with you” you leaned in to him as he held you in his lap embracing the first physical interaction you two had had all day. He inhaled your sweet scent wrapping his arms around your waist. Placing his head on the crook of your neck as he pampered kisses on your neck.
“I missed you ma y/n”
Taglist: @neteyamforlife @konigluver @alice121804 @arminsgfloll
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halowritesthings · 7 months
i love learning about things a week late through youtube recommendations from random channels i've never seen before
(bad grammar and typos cause i'm shooting my shot as fast as possible so I can get back to Important Adult Stuff(TM))
i suppose i can't really gripe because i'm still largely logged out and wouldn't have heard otherwise so maybe I should take it for what it is
i know i'm a random person who writes as a hobby so I don't necessarily "owe" anything to people online, but y'all have been so sweet to me and I feel it would be unfair to keep dropping off the face of the planet like I have been, plus, I have been stewing over quite a bit of my thoughts these past few months and making a large "get all my thoughts out in a word vomit" post is a good way to A.) sort out my shit and B.) to procrastinate homework
college is BEATING MY ASS and i'm not even at the harder junior/senior year type stuff so even if my writer's block wasn't the worst it's ever been I highly doubt I would be writing anything anyway. i cannot say for certain when I'll be able to get back (it seems the universe is tailored specifically to punch me in the face whenever I have the slightest inclination to do so) but i will say it is always on my mind. i don't ever want to give up writing fully because of how many good things it's brought me but i want to be mature and say that it has taken a backseat in my life.
i still don't regret the things I've created and i will always be thankful for the experiences I've had + the friends I've made (even if we haven't talked in a while :') sorry guys) BUT this situation has just become the nail in the coffin for me in terms of what i want to do with my ds/mp and other adjacent fics. i can't say for certain what I'll go through and orphan/keep or just outright delete (WIPS/unfinished series will probably get deleted is what I've decided so far) so this is a BIG WARNING sign right here and now: if there are any ds/mp fics of mine you are fond of, please go and save them now. even if you think the one you really love is "safe" it's better to be cautious and have it yourself than hope for the best outcome.
now's a good time to mention that i have been feeling similar feelings toward my fl0wer husb4nds fics (gonna come out and be honest: i don't particularly care for sc0tt anymore, sorry) so if you like those you should also search them out. i think a hard majority if not all of them will be orphaned, so they'll still be up, but it never hurts to be able to read something while offline anyway
however, due to the aforementioned Important Adult Stuff(TM), i won't be able to get to the whole Properly deleting/orphaning process for a hot minute. that does not mean you should put off saving my fics because my brain could decide one night that i HAVE to do it IMMEDIATELY, but i can promise that it's not happening tonight (might hold off for at least a week just to give people time to see this post).
TSALP, my pride and joy, is perfectly safe and fine. when i think about whenever ill be able to write again, this series is the First thing to pop up in my mind. i have so many things i want to do with that series (and h3rmitcr4ft as a whole) that make me smile despite all that has happened surrounding mc/yt. someone will need to threaten me with death to make me even consider giving that up. hell, even taking a step back, i can say that i will never fully let go of mc/yt. i straight-up have tickets to go see tommy's america show later this month (send my dad well wishes as he's the one taking me LMAO) .
remember to drink water, take breaks, tell your friends you love them etc. I'm terrible at giving advice since I'm a bonafide mess of a person, but i will say that the best thing you can do for each other is support one another. i've always been a bigger fan of giving support to those who are hurt than trying to go and cause more pain to the people that you can argue "deserve" it. the people you care about are going to be with you much longer than the assholes, so be sure to put more energy into focusing on them than the ones that don't even deserve your scorn.
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Here's a rant. I've been making posts about black representation on another web site mainly about black rep in superheroes and comics. This girl and her friends kept commenting on than that they only care about good stories. The girl and her friends didn't seem to understand what I was saying and they seemed young so I tried to explain why representation and diversity in media is important in a easy to understand way but then she said that caring about skin tones and bringing up race with stories was toxic.
At first I assume her and her friends were white, cause I've only seen white people use the whole good stories only matter excuse so I told her "you must not be a person of color cause people of color understand what I'm saying in my posts." But she and her friends said they were Native Americans.
Then it became a argument about diversity vs good stories. After politely trying to explain to them why representation and diversity matter I decided to block them and delete their comments off my posts cause it feels like they were purposely misunderstanding me, not listing to me and their comments felt like microaggressions so I didn't want to see every time I went to look at them. But the next day the girl and her friends were making posts on different accounts about me saying I hate white people and saying I'm a bully. I love white people but as a black person I was just spreading awareness about black representation in my posts and they ganged up on me.
Good stories rant anon again some things I forgot to mention in my rant is the whole good stories only matter thing is said by racist white people alot to derail talks about representation especially in the Comicsgate movement. Since I was talking about black rep in superheroes and comics them saying only good stories matter did set up some alarms but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt since they were must likely teens but them the girl said bringing race up in media was toxic was a huge red flag. After that it was like the girl and her friends were refusing to listen to me which lead to me blocking them. When they created other accounts to lie about me saying I hate white people and I was a bully it was like harassment so I reported them and block them. They seem to have stopped. I almost sorta doubt they were Native Americans cause people of color would never say things like "diversity doesn't matter only good stories matter" unless they were a pick me person of color.
First of all I'm sorry that happened to you. but honestly just because she was arguing that she wanted "good stories" doesn't mean she's not NA you know? There's plenty of POC who buy into the whole internalized racism thing and don't even realize that the "good stories" they're promoting are all by and about white men.
I cannot tell you how many POC by into white supremacist talking points just like the whole "bringing race up in media is toxic". Like honestly it takes years to become aware of the harm that white supremacist ideology does to us all. I'm glad you blocked them and reported them but honestly everyone comes to their realizations about white supremacist ideology differently. While you think it may have been a waste of time you never know if someone else reading the thread maybe noticed and is now thinking differently.
Don't be disheartened and don't give up! there's no shortcuts to unpacking our internalized bigotry and you're probably right that they are just very young teens.
here's one example of studies done about why children of color need to see themselves in cartoons. https://theconversation.com/why-its-so-important-for-kids-to-see-diverse-tv-and-movie-characters-92576
I'll try to get you more studies that exemplify why we need diverse media but atm I'm on my way out the door to get to work. *hugs* nonny I'm glad you're fighting the good fight.
mod ali
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incarnateirony · 7 months
she is somehow still not fucking listening
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magic does have rules, sorry to break it to you sweetie. Well, magic that actually like, works. If you're just using it as the word "Stuff i belief in but don't understand" with no actual goal of reality, then sure, no rules, do what you want.
because right fucking now, this isn't someone being an elitist. This is me yelling at you to GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME, I DO NOT CONSENT, STOP
lady the only person that has you fucked up at the end of the day is you, and your refusal to remove your head from my ass.
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all i'm hearing out of this post is that Shea may very well need to fucking hang up her witch hat, because she thinks taking away my shadows takes away all magic from her, and if so, maybe she ain't cut out for this. nobody is forcing you to be a witch building a cult to me.
no seriously lady, the only reason it feels like I'm trying to take all magic from you, is because you built your entire life around echoes of me, and then fucking REFUSED to fucking hop off my dick in any turn of the phrase, and now your literal whole life is fucked up, but that's your fault, not mine.
If you look around your pantheon and practice and realize there's a reason you're hearing me as all your gods while pretending that isn't what's happening, and you're just seeing copies of my faces you've been calling to, that's... that's you. You fucked up. So stop changing your tumblr blog, acknowledge you said you were on the wrong path, and turn the fuck around, stop doubling down.
When people make posts like "no rules in magic" those are like. motivational posters for 14 year olds wanting to learn, and feeling bad because they can't buy your pissed on pendants. And people trying to give them hope forward.
You're not supposed to clip that fucking line, ignore the rest, and build your entire jenga ass theory on it. You are a middle aged witch that spent almost 20 years in contact with someone that became a high magus, and refused to actually learn a goddamn thing from him, and did your driving backwards shit, and now we're here, in a cosmic acme trap erasing you if you don't fucking listen while you whine that you still need my dick training wheels to learn to ride the bike, but also try to pretend you're qualified to run a business.
Like no, I'm tired of being everybody's favorite fucking bicycle because a grownassed woman would rather play with delusion dolls than face reality. We gave you mercy and I tried to block out and ignore you, and you took that mercy and turned it into relentless stalking campaigns to fuck up my real life so no, it's done, the bike is over you, go away.
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i told you from JUMP you were completely capable of learning or relearning, but you are literally fucking refusing to, because the truth is too hard for you to admit.
Have a note from John, my 20 year friend and business investor you spent six months stalking to "warn" about me
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You will find no witchblr post, anywhere, that says you can Magic your way into having lived the life, or having the soul, of your ex husband. It doesn't work like that, vague "no rules" snippets or not. Not even if you Belief really hard, not even if you Transphobic Disassociate To The Cosmic Degree. You literally cannot fucking roleplay me back into your life. And that's why you kept trying to harass me back into it too.
There's a motherfucking reason I couldn't "channel" or click with the fucking goddesses, Shea. Work it the fuck out, this truly should not be this complicated, I know I've given you brain damage during this but JESUS CHRIST.
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You know, Ash!! The one that anyone else got flattened by any time they tried to "channel" him and instead I got a bunk leg and prophetic spine damage, years before I had that actual damage. That guy????????
But... but that would mean I'm intensely powerful and have screamed so loud at you that I was the monster in the woods that shit bricks and tore up a forest like fifteen years ago, while another part of me literally grabbed you and fucking threw you to run, because you were being a stubborn ass. A new tree grown in a ring of destruction, almost instantly.
Yes. I don't know if you motherfucking noticed, starlight, but that is literally the plot right now.
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fite-club · 3 months
Here's my celebrity endorsement of your clownery: you keep saying you said someone who is not transfem was not transfem, and therefore did not accuse a transfem of not being transfem. Has it occurred to you that you perhaps have different definitions of what constitutes being a transfem? I don't know who this is about but possibly it was the bi-gender person who emphasized only the fem/lesbian part of their identity in posts asking for charity, which is perhaps tactically misleading but not an unforgivable sin when you're in a bad situation and people prioritize like that, and critically does not mean one isn't transfeminine just for being something else as well.
But maybe the person you're talking about was someone who was like "oh yeah sorry I've been pretending to be transfem", I don't know. I just keep seeing you saying "but they really WERE pretending to be transfem when they weren't" with no elaboration. You need to supply details or you just sound like you're tautologically justifying doing what you're accused of.
first off, that’s where the main conflict with clem-mp3 is coming from— they aren’t a trans woman, they are some unexplained nonbinary possibly-intersex person who identifies as “transfemmasc”. we, of course, have different definitions of “transfem”, and that’s why i kept saying they weren’t. with that donations post that person very clearly was being purposefully misleading about their identity in an attempt to get more money, primarily by calling themselves black when they clearly are not black, but that also applies to calling themselves a transfem lesbian when they clearly are not. i’m not going to try to explain to you why that’s fucked up, but like, i don’t think we need to give that person the benefit of the doubt when they so obviously are twisting their labels in hopes of financial gain.
easily the most frustrating part about this (besides “people who don’t know me making shit up about me”) is that the 3 other people who were transmasc pretending to be transfem that i keep referencing all blocked me months (or even years) ago and there is no way for me to display those interactions let alone find the usernames of those people. if i had the hindsight, i would’ve screenshotted all of if, but i didn’t. i’ve explained how i knew those people were transmasc (labels and pronouns in bio, certain flags and posts about being transmasc reblogged, selfies, etc) despite them typing out “as a transfem,” or whatever. these things happened, i swear. that's why i've referenced them so many times.
actually, i can name ONE name outside of those 3 instances, and it’s to whom i told that quote that keeps getting thrown around where i basically said “i know you’re not transfem because you’re arguing way too hard that ‘transandrophobia’ exists”— rmilkies. their bio is “no longer a bitch but a grumpy old man”, which i interpreted as a kind of reference to being ftm, and they also sent me anonymous asks where they outright state that they aren’t transfem (i cannot prove these anon asks were by rmilkies, but they were sent mere minutes after us interacting about the same topic, so).
at the end of the day there’s a lot of “you just have to take my word for it”, and seems like many people’s words against me are being taken for it while mine aren’t. if you want to say “i don’t have to believe you that you talked to transmascs pretending to be transfems”, then i should be allowed to say “i don’t believe that this person claiming to be a transfem is actually a transfem”. do you get what i’m saying? do you get how hypocritical it is to say “holy shit this guy is insane and transmisogynistic for wanting ‘proof’ that someone is transfem” and then turn around and say “well actually this guy doesn’t have any proof that the transmascs he was talking to were transmasc so we don’t have to believe him when he said that they were pretending to be transfem”?
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jimines · 2 years
#this is just a little vent/update on some stupid shit going on on here regarding someone i won’t name#but i need to talk about it and vent bc im so frustrated at this whole thing#so i cut a friend off recently.. told them in a *very* heated message how i felt about all the terrible shit they'd said and done recently#and demanded they do not try to contact me anymore and blocked them immediately after#no surprise 5mins later i got two anons from them in my inbox trying to start a fight however i blocked the IP after those two#i even went so far as to disable my webpage for a few days to try and deter them both from sending anons and from stalking my page#and i shouldnt have had to unblock them to tell them for the second time to leave me alone and to stop trying to start things with me#because the last time we argued it was six weeks of emotional damage that i am still really messed up from#after all this it was radio silence - or so i thought#because i've received word now twice that this person has been saying untrue things to friends of friends#trying to start drama and rumours all because i cut them off and they didn't get that fight and that last word they so desperately need ?#i just…why? why why why? why does everything have to become a drama? this is why narcissists scare me..#it took me over a year to realize thats what they are and that id been manipulated so fucking bad.. which is nothing short of embarassing#the way this anxiety has been weighing on my chest lately and dulling my time here is something that shouldnt be happening#im so so tired of all of it.. the drama and the fights and the rumours.. i physically cannot go through this kind of thing again#idk if anyone is reading this but im sorry for being so absent and unresponsive and (often times) really negative on my blog#its just so hard to be happy and positive and excited when this potential drama is looming over me day after day ya know?#im trying to push through and be here because i genuinely WANT to be here but its so fucking exhausting sometimes im constantly paranoid#i pray things will come to a rest and nothing will explode bc mentally i cannot take it anymore and i wont be sticking around in that case#i refuse to put myself through the emotional trauma that nicole put me through again. i REFUSE. so if i suddenly deactivate this is why.#but i wont be going down alone thats for sure#c.text
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randomhuman45 · 2 years
Dannymay 2022- Day 9 Ghost King AU
"Sup dude? Uhhhhh, what's up with the, uhhhhh," Tucker said gesturing to the space just above his head.
"Look Danny I know we're the losers of the school, but this is a bit much." Sam adds in.
"Okay, okay, I know I know, but hear me out." Danny stammers to his defense.
"Oh, this better be good." Sam responds crossing her arms across her chest with an unamused look on her face.
"Okay so you know how Clockwork told me I had 'urgent duties to attend in the ghost zone'?"
"Yeah you kind called super frantic dude."
"Anyways, so exactly 1 year from yesterday I defeated the previous Ghost King, so as per the ancient tradition and law of the ghost zone, I was to be crowned the new king and ruler of the ghost zone and all ghosts."
"I'm sorry what?" Sam asked.
"Dude you mean to tell me my best friend is a King? Hey can you make me a lord or something? Oh, I know! You can make me a knight! Can I get cool armor and a sword? A sword would be so cool!"
"Shut up Tucker!" Sam retaliated. "Are you joking Danny? I swear you better not, this is a serious thing!"
"Trust me the rulers of different parts of the ghost zone were all there like Dora and Frostbite, plus Clockwork and the observants had to read from this giant ancient book and it was a whole thing."
"So you have the ring of rage and crown of fire now?"
"Yeah. And see that's the problem."
"Yeah no kidding."
"Danny you're a mess already with your powers. Adding more power to that is just going to be a mess!" Sam argued.
"Okay, wow. First of all, ow. Secondly, not what I was talking about. You see since my role as King wasn't challenged by any of the lower division royalty members in the zone, my royal ghost stuff cannot be taken off. So I'm stuck with the crown and ring on me 24/7!"
"Okay but why is the crown of rage a Burger King crown?" Tucker asked.
Danny just sighed and slumped down. "Look when I detransform I still can't take them off. But Hades explained that I can alter the way they look. Apparently it's how he alters how he looks to humans when he enters the living world. Anyways, a small simple silver ring and burger king crown were the best I could come up with. So, yeah. This is what I'm going to be wearing the rest of my life."
"Damn dude. You are so gonna get beat by Dash for that. Good luck."
"Well what else was I supposed to do?"
"Literally anything else. Danny, you can't take it off, meaning it can't fall off, you couldn't just make it so small people can't see it or small and dark enough to blend in with your hair?" Sam pointed out.
"You know I hate you right?"
"You're welcome. So, change it?"
"Uggg, I would if I could Sam. But I kinda need Hades' help. I basically had him do this for me cause I could NOT figure it out."
"Well like Tuck said, good luck with Dash."
Phantom Chat Room
Phantom_Can_Get_It: Omg have you guys seen Phantoms' new look????? That fire crown is sooooooo hot!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥😫😫😫😫
Phantom_is_a_hero: I saw! It's so badass!!!💪💪💪💪💪
Phantom=Fenton: You guys have to be kidding me! Fenton comes to class with a crown on and now Phantom has a crown!!!! Are you blind!!!Clearly they are the same person!!!
Phantom_Fanatic: Omg I thought we blocked Wes, who keeps letting him in here?????
Phantom=Fenton: You do know my dad is like a tech genius right? I won't let you silence the truth!!
Phantom_my_hero: You mean the guy who's been trying to get into Mayor Master's pants for the past 3 years?
Phantom_is_a_hero: Loser! Besides Fenton probably just wore it cause I called him the king if losers.
Phantom=Fenton: You called him that because he was wearing a crown. He was wearing the crown before you called him that.
Phantom_Fanatic: Omg can someone just kick him out again!!!
//Phantom_Can_Get_It has kicked Phantom=Fenton out of chat//
Phantom_Can_Get_It: There you go bestie!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Phantom_my_hero: Thank you!!❤❤❤
Phantom_Can_Get_It: Okay so I know Phantom was wearing a ring, but you think he would leave his partner for me?????
Phantom_my_hero: Oh absolutely!!!!
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calumxkisses · 3 years
Sweet Creature | c.h.
pairing: calum hood x reader
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: i think implied smut?
summary: request - Heeyyy, can you do one, where they have a big fight and they are in quarentine, and they stop talking to each other, and the sleep in different rooms, with cal... kiss from brazil 🇧🇷
a/n: this is one of my favorite song! let me know what you think about it! i hope you enjoyed it ;)
you should read this imagine while listening to: sweet creature
“What the hell is wrong with you?” a scream comes out of your lungs. Your face has turned red, your head hurts and you feel your heart pounding. Your throat is now dry and you feel your nails sticking into the palm of your hand.
What Calum notices, however, are the tears running down your face and the pain behind your eyes. What hurts him the most, though, is knowing he is the cause of your pain. He would like to hug you, tell you that he is sorry, that he loves you and that he doesn't even remember why you are fighting, but his pride prevents him from being the person he would like to be. The person you are in love with.
“All you do is whine.” he screams out, rolling his eyes and letting out a snort.
This discussion was the straw that broke the camel's back, filled by being forced to stay at home, by a canceled tour and canceled parties but, above all, by the concern of a world that is in chaos, with a fatal virus that spreads like wildfire.
He is worried, he feels the burden of not having to disappoint anyone, of being a good person who says the right things, of being a child who cares about their parents who live on the other side of the world and cannot go to visit, reassure, and that he can only see through a mobile phone screen.
“I have a right to be angry, you know that, right?” Your voice calms down a bit, but anger still runs through your veins. You walk up and down the room, with one hand on your forehead and being careful not to step on the broken glass of the fallen vase.
Calum has spent the last few weeks in the studio, out in the garden practicing, or locked in a room, anywhere but with you. He preferred to wake up early and go to sleep late, feel cold instead of holding you and skipping meals to avoid being with you.
For the first time in days, you get a good look at him: his hair has grown, as has the beard surrounding his face, he has terrible dark circles and the vein on his neck comes out prosperous, underlining how much he is screaming.
You felt abandoned, alone, left on the sidelines, and your feelings were amplified by the impossibility of going to someone, just to escape from that situation, to be held by someone else or just to talk over a coffee with a friend.
The only thing you could have done, was to ask him why, what you had done to deserve such treatment, and to spend some time together. And that’s where the scream started.
Tears roll down your face and you run your hand under your eyes to wipe them away. If you didn't notice them before, now the pinch caused by their wake has become hard to ignore.
“Are you going to cry now? God, you’re making me regret being with you. I really wish you weren’t born.”
Calum feels the pain it caused you before even reading the expression on your face. He puts his hand in front of his mouth in hopes of being able to block the words, but they have already left his lips and have come straight into your ears, getting stuck under your skin and breaking even the last pieces of the broken heart you have left.
His words hit you like a bolt from the blue. Arguing often leads to saying unthinkable words and among all the things you've been yelling at each other in the last hour, some bad words have certainly escaped, but nothing so terrible.
You feel a pain in your chest never felt before, deep and intense, and even the tears stop flowing. You inhale deeply, seeking relief in a breath of air and waiting for your body to react in any way, all is better than feeling full of pain. The room starts spinning, your head feels full and empty at the same time, and your legs struggle to bear the weight of your body.
Calum carefully scans your face, looking for any reaction from you to understand how much your mind has absorbed his words. His stress, his worries have led him to be a different person and the fear that you may leave him has terrified him, but his insecurities have done the opposite of what one expects, making he walk away from you and treating you coldly, and now he fears that he is really on the verge of being alone, with his broken heart in his hands, ready to mend every wound himself.
You didn’t deserve this.
“I can’t do this anymore. Not with you.” You whisper, lifting your face and looking him straight in the eye. The words he used, the coldness of his tones and the loneliness in which he left you have piled on top of each other on your chest, making it difficult for you to even breathe. You need time, space, whatever helps you figure out what to do.
“What do you mean?” He asks in a shaky voice. His eyes are glossy, his hands are shaking and his face has lost color. His heart carries so much goodness and you know it wasn't his intention to hurt you, but his words were like stab wounds and you need to take care of them now.
You don't want to leave, and not because you can't take a plane, but because Calum means too much to you and leaving is not an option to consider. If it ever ends up between you, after all you've been through, it should be in a more dignified way and not because of a stupid fight and insincere words.
“I’m going to sleep in the guest room for a while and then we’ll see what to do.” Is all you can say and all you can do.
“So you’re not leaving?”
“I don’t think so, at least not now.”
And that silence means everything and nothing.
You pick up the pieces of your shattered heart and, after casting one last look at the boy in front of you, you take refuge in a room that doesn't belong to you. The air in the guest room is different, you can't breathe the love that characterizes every corner of yours and Calum's and even the sheets seem different, cold, painful. You put a hand through your hair and lean on the door, slowly sliding towards the floor and letting go of your frustration.
Calum closes his eyes and puts his hands to his face as his body slumps onto the sofa behind him. The house reigns in silence, the only audible sound is your sobs in another room and, before he knows it, he starts crying too. He doesn't care about wiping his face or stopping the moans that come out of his mouth, he deserves to feel awful and humiliate himself like that, the guilt is devouring him and he just thinks about how he wishes he could disappear, to make your life easier.
When you first met, he knew you were the right person from the first look you gave him. Behind your eyes, deep in the irises, there was a whole world, made of kindness, love and joy. You had your demons, but the strength you emanated made it clear that you were able to overcome them, even without knowing it. A world that he wanted to discover, with delicacy and patience, and in which he wanted to live.
But what he feared most was bringing darkness into the light you emanated, turning your smiles into tears and your heart into a mass of sharp pieces.
He had told you, while you were eating some heated pizza on a rainy morning, your legs were on his and your face on his shoulder. And you had caressed his face, wiping away the dirt on his lip with your thumb, assuring him that you would have love him anyway and that you would have happily shared some of your light, and then you had kissed him, and that kiss tasted like tomato sauce and love, a combination you still love with all your heart.
And now, the only thing he can do, besides pitying himself, is wondering if you're regretting sharing your joy with him, if you'd rather stay full of light instead of welcoming his demons. And he fears your answer is yes.
Duke rubs his face on his leg, asking for scratches but also showing his affection. He doesn't know what happened and Calum wonders if the dog, who loves you more than any other person has crossed the threshold of your home, would look at him differently knowing that he broke the heart of the person he loves most.
If so, as his mind is trying to convince him, he couldn't handle it. He would not be able to live knowing that he has let down another being he cares about. Because he cares about you, but it is difficult for him to show it, the fear of rejection is stronger than he would like.
So, he lowers himself a little and gently strokes the dog, hoping to be able to receive that affection he is so afraid of losing.
As Calum's world shatters before his eyes, you take care to gently reassemble what's left of yours. You're still on the floor, getting up takes too much energy and a motivation that you can't find.
How you feel about the guy down the hall cannot be described in words, there is no way to describe what his gaze makes you feel, the way his words reassure you or how his love warms your heart up. It just works like this. Your love does not need big gestures or difficult words and never like now, it is better to absorb the silence and be lulled by the air.
Perhaps it would have been better to remain silent, let the cold of his words slip on you and learn to live in the loneliness in which he left you, but you couldn't go on like this. Not fighting would have meant not caring about him or your relationship and that's exactly the opposite of how things are. He had to know how you felt and what you were missing.
The sweet sound of his voice or the warmth of his skin are essential for you, not only on a love level, but in the daily routine of your life. A routine that had changed, which was no longer full of joy and smiles, light and perfume, but of demons that wandered undeterred around the walls of your home, ready to bring the cold into your souls.
And that routine, once full of love, was now non-existent. No more words had been said between you, no meal had been eaten together and your bed had forgotten what love meant. The stars, ever present witnesses of the passion that surrounded your bodies, were now always absent, covered by gray clouds and black skies. Even the moon, which guards all lovers, shone with a paler and more blurred light.
The moon gave way to the sun, the grass grew and the days alternated on the calendar. And yet, it seemed to you that you were still still that afternoon. Sure, breathing had become less difficult and the tears had stopped flowing on your face, but even in the middle of spring the coldness brought chills on your body.
You have no idea what he is doing, occasionally you see the shadow of his shoes behind the door of the guest room or you hear broken melodies coming from the studio, but his face becomes more and more unknown.
You spend your days studying, working, playing with Duke or reading your favorite books. You wake up late and go to sleep early, hoping to feel less lonely.
The truth, however, is that you miss him immensely, like water in the desert or milk after eating spicy food. You need to be able to get lost in his eyes or just hold his hand. The headache meds don't work like his kisses on your forehead, and no number of blankets could bring you the same warmth that a hug from him gives off.
You feel so pathetic to need him by your side, but after so many years of loneliness, he was able to convince you that you were worthy of being loved just like everyone else and, specifically, that he would love you more than anyone else. And he had done it, always and anyway, for the sake of the joyful news and the bad of your depression, he had always been there, ready to show you that you were worth it.
He wants to do it, he wants to continue to hold you and to tell you how beautiful you are, how honored he feels to be the keeper of your heart and the champion of your love, but he believes that no apology would bring serenity to your sky.
What is he supposed to do? No words would express the humiliation he feels whenever he thinks back to your fight and his behavior, no hug or kiss would bring love into your broken heart.
He spent his nights awake, the insomnia caused by his thoughts was making it impossible for him to live. The table seemed too big and the bed too uncomfortable, the bass was always out of tune even as he spent hours adjusting its strings and no melody seemed catchy enough to lift your mood in the other room. He knew that when you were sick, listening to him play brought some peace to your troubled world, but now no sound would chase the bad weather away.
None of his gestures would be enough to show how bad he feels. Nothing can express the pain he feels and the regret of his words.
However, 3 years of relationship is enough for him to know what makes you smile. There is one song in particular, in the immense repertoire that is your music library, that you love to hum and listen to when the silence is too loud.
So, wearing his best shirt and trying to fix the clump of his hair, he sits down at the piano in the living room and, after taking a deep breath, he tries to voice his thoughts.
Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong
And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
As you put down your favorite book after reading it again, Calum's sweet, broken voice spreads throughout the house, bringing a sense of comfort to your heart. You can hear the pain behind his voice, and even though you know your wounds will take some time to heal, the words he screamed at you lose their value. One part of you is still angry but the other, curious and in love, wastes no time getting you out of bed and walking towards the room.
The piano overlooks the garden, the sun shines above and illuminates all the plants. Duke is chasing a butterfly, its tail wags quickly and some leaves are stuck in its fur. Calum has his back to you, his back leaning slightly forward as he looks outward, but his mind wanders somewhere else.
You lean on the door jamb that separates the two rooms and close your eyes, letting yourself be carried away by the music and breathing regularly, giving your body respite from all the accumulated stress.
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
Sweet creature
We're running through the garden
Oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough
Calum watches the garden as the lyrics of the song automatically come out of his mouth. He was never good at playing the piano but, during the nights spent away from you over the years, he promised himself to learn all your favorite songs so he could sing them to you whenever you needed them.
And while Duke rolls around in the grass, he can't help but think about the thousand picnics you had on that same lawn, the laughter you shared and all those moments when he always fell in love a little more looking at you.
And even if the song doesn't belong to him, he can still feel every single word and a small tear falls down his face.
And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
I know, it's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You take a few steps forward and, after taking a deep sigh, sit next to him. Calum winces at the contact but his face turns into a big smile after seeing you. He doesn't know if you're still mad at him or if his singing worked, but being able to see you again after so many days spent in agony brings a sense of peace to his messed up world. He knows that this song is not enough, that he will have to prove a lot more to you - even if you will probably forbid it - but knowing that he has you there, frees him from a weight that he carried inside.
And as usual, there is no need for words, he just needs to feel your head resting on his shoulder to know that you have come back to him. And when your hands touch his, he feels at home again.
Almost automatically, your hands begin to move to the rhythm of the music and your fingers touch the keys of the piano, accompanying Calum in the melody, just as he taught you.
Duke is rolling in the grass, the butterfly now forgotten, and his happy face is illuminated by the sun. It seems that the sky has returned to shine too, not just your eyes, and the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly again.
I know when we started
Just two hearts in one home
It gets harder when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You'll bring me home
There was no need to talk to him, or to explain, risking losing you was necessary for him to understand that something was wrong, that he had to find the right path, that you can risk skidding, the important thing is getting back on track.
“I am grateful to your mother for bringing you into the world, but even more grateful to you for being a part of my life. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it. I love you and I always will.” He whispers, placing his hands on his thighs, as soon as he finishes singing the last words. His words are sincere, you can perceive the displeasure behind his tone and you know he believes what he says.
He kisses you on the forehead and, taking your hand in his and squeezing it, he rests his face on your head, closing his eyes and absorbing the silence, a cautious silence, full of peace and fresh air.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, closing your eyes in turn and letting yourself be lulled by the peace and serenity found. You know that everything will be fine, that even if you’ll have other fights, you will always find a way to get back to each other.
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gliphyartfan · 3 years
@yandere-linked-universe @stars-for-thought @linked-heroes @ice-cream-writes-stuff
@imprisioned-in-the-hole I loved your prompt and couldn't resist! Hope I did it justice!
Wind has a strong presence in this one, that wasn't planned by the way.
'I'll be fiine guys.'
She totally should have saw this coming.
'This is Wars' era, wandering the market won't that bad.'
Yep— these past few days had been too damn calm for the all of them,
'I'll be gone for an hour! Two hours tops! Promise!'
Of course something like this was going to go and happen.
'This. fucking. sucks!' She grunted, slowly slide down the rope she made out of the sheets in the room she was trapped in.
This is what happens when you jinx yourself.
'Everything will be fine!' Oh suuure, the first hour was delightful.
Saw some items,
Chatted with some folks,
Even got to pet a few dogs!
But the second hour-
'His Grace wishes to discuss some things with you.'
'Sorry, you got the wrong person. Plus I don't feel comfortable with-'
'That wasn't a request.'
She should have know there would have been someone behind her.
It's always when it's out of your mind that it happens.
And now she was trying to escape her own wedding. And the crazy Duke that wanted to marry her.
She wasn't a hero damnit!
'I'm gonna get lectured so badly after this!' She grunted as she reached the end of the rope, her feet dangling in the air for a moment as she tried to figure out what to do next.
'Damn you laws of physics and gravity!' She whispered to herself.
Physics and gravity decided to take her insult personally as the rope loosened its hold on the railing, causing her to fall into the bushes two feet below her.
'Urk-branch! Branch!' She hissed in pain, reaching underneath and removing the branch poking at her back.
As she rubbed the area, brushing the crumpled sheet from her head, she checked her hand to make sure she wasn't bleeding.
Before she could plan her next move, she stilled as she heard the heavy thuds and clanks of armour approach nearby.
The movement came closer, she used her place in the bushes to keep hidden. Slowly parting the leaves next to her with one hand, she used what visibility she had to discover that yes, it was a pair of guards and the conversation that flowed through the air confirmed they weren't Hyrule guards.
'Is the Duke really gonna marry that girl?'
'Seems to be the case. He's been very pleased with himself too. Looks like he's trying to get the wedding done by tonight.'
Double drat.
'I don't blame him, you've seen that girl? Bet he's eager for the wedding night.'
Okay. NO.
'Haha! A beauty like that for a wife would be quite the status boost.'
The guards walked past the bush and it's hidden occupant.
Had they looked back, they would have seen a displeased glare directed their way.
(y/n) huffed and looked around, trying to remember where the exit was.
With another glance around, she picked up her dress and slowly made her way out of the bushes, pausing momentarily before taking off the heels she was forced to wear
'I can't run and climb in this dress.' Trying to think about what to do next, she looked down at her clothes.
'Link please-'
'Don't tell me to calm down Zelda!'
Wind bit his lip as Warriors marched up to the princess' face and growled.
'Impa is having her men search the castle and surrounding areas, we will find her.' Zelda tried to reassure him, taking a step back when he glared.
'It's been a WEEK and you have nothing to show for it!' He ran a head through his hair, taking a deep breath to calm down.
'You know I've been busy with-'
'With the Grand Duke of the farther kingdom who is here as a token of peace and unity between kingdoms.' Warriors recited irritably. 'Yes, very understandably important when someone went missing under the watch of YOUR men.'
'She was last seen in the market, we have blocked the gates and are inspecting every individual leaving the city.' Zelda gave Warriors a look.
'And might I remind you that they are also your men?'
'Apparently not anymore with how you let them slacked off!'
'Excuse me-'
Wind sighed as they started arguing again.
They were getting nowhere.
'This is going nowhere.' Wind turned and saw Hyrule coming up next to him, watching the arguing duo.
'Any luck with the others?' He asked quietly, not surprised when Hyrule shook his head.
'Twilight is using Wolfie to catch any scents but the storm has made that difficult. Time is with Legend and Wild speaking to the merchants and Four is with Sky speaking with the guards.' Hyrule replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Wind felt the same way.
None of them were able to sleep well since she went missing. The only reason they slept at all was because they needed to be rested enough in the event a fight comes their way.
But the lack of her presence was deeply felt.
'Any luck here?' Hyrule asked hollowly, already knowing the answer but still asking.
Wind simply gestured to the still arguing duo.
'Is she even still in town?' He couldn't help but ask, not wanting to think of the possibility that she was far away, but it was necessary.
'She has to be,' Hyrule reassured,smiling weakly. 'The town went on lockdown almost immediately.'
Wind returned Hyrule's smile with a weak one of his own.
They turned back to the duo, feeling more tired as they listened to the princess justify her duties.
'I am already dealing with the Grand Duke and I can't give anymore of my attention to this than I already have.' Warriors just gave her a look.
'I wouldn't be bothering so much if you allowed me access to his guest quarters.' It was Zelda's turn to glare at him.
'You know I cannot do that, he is a guest and has nothing to do with her disappearance.' Only Wind and Hyrule noticed the way Warriors hand twitched, as if desiring to reach for his sword.
Not that they could blame him.
'I am not accusing him Princess,' he said through gritted teeth. 'I am merely requesting-'
'That I allow you access to his quarters.' The displeased expression on the princess' face only matched the captain's.
'Annnd they're arguing again.' Wind muttered, watching them fall back into another verbal brawl.
'The only place we haven't looked is the guest wing.' Hyrule whispered, wringing his hands.
'You think we should sneak in?' Hyrule looked at the arguing pair and nodded.
'Yeah...it's better than assuming nothing is there.'
'Alright...Wars!' The angered captain looked at them, a scowl on his face.
'Rulie thinks he has a lead at the market so I'm heading out with him.' Wind kept a casual look on his face, staring Warriors in the eyes.
Warriors was quiet for a brief moment before he grunted and turned back to arguing his case with the princess.
But he was less tense than he was a moment before.
He understood what they were going to do.
'He'll keep her distracted.' Wind murmured, tugging Hyrule out of the room.
'And Impa?' Wind sighed and rubbed his shoulder.
'Still searching the market place I bet, we gotta be quick.'
And with that, they both headed to the guest wing of the castle.
The guest wing wasn't too far away, probably for the convenience of whatever foreign guests came to visit.
But it was walled off and the Grand Duke's personal guard was patrolling the area, forcing the duo to sneak their way in.
'I really hope we find something.' Hyrule whispers, the two stilling as a guard passed by their hiding place.
'Best place to look is the most obvious place.' Wind reassured. 'And the most obvious place is a area that's being guarded by enemy guards.'
Hyrule didn't correct him about the guards.
If she was here, they were enemies.
'Let's look through the rooms! Top or bottom floor?' Hyrule hummed.
'We're good at escaping from higher levels, and there's only two floors, let's start low and move up.'
They worked together, both alerting the other when a guard was close.
Soon they snuck passed the majority and reached the first set of rooms.
Then the second set.
Then the third.
They moved up to the second floor and quietly searched through each room.
It was in the Grand Duke's room that they found incriminating evidence on his desk.
'I can't read this language,' Wind whispered harshly as he glared at the papers in front of him. ' but I know (y/n)'s name anywhere!'
'Take it, we can sure it to the princess.' Hyrule whispered back, keeping watch at the door. He tensed when he saw a couple of guards round the corner. 'We need to go!'
'This is the last room and we haven't found her!'
'We found evidence and that's a better than what we had before, now move!'
It took some time to shuffle out the window and climb down, but they were successfully able to make their escape from the guest wing without notice.
'A lead, that's good.' Wind gasped, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
'But still no (y/n)' Hyrule bite his thumb nervously. 'I hope she's okay...'
'We can't lose hope!' Wind grunted, stretching his back and sighing.
'Let's go, we need to show these papers to the others before we give it to the princess-'
The sailor went rigid, eyes snapping forward, widening.
'What's wrong Wind?' Hyrule asked worriedly, hand on the younger teen's shoulder.
The teen bit his lip to keep his expression from crumbling and his breath was shaky,
'(y/n)...?' Hyrule's own eyes widened and his head snapped to look when Wind was staring.
There, in a torn dirty white dress, no shoes, and messy hair, was their beloved goddess looking around, visibly distressed.
'(y/n)..?' Wind raised his voice, hope as visible in his tone as it was in his eyes.
Hyrule's heart felt such relief as their beautiful goddess' head snapped in their direction.
The smile she gave them was simply magnificent as she immediately ran toward them.
The moment she was close, she wrapped her arms around the both of them and began to cry, relief filling her.
'You have no idea how happy I am to see you two!' She hugged them closer.
'WE'RE happy to see you!' Wind sighed happily, resting his head in her shoulder, both him and Hyrule hugging her as tightly as she was hugging them.
Just having her in their arms was a blessing they treasured so much.
'Where have you been? How did you escape?' She sighed and shook her head.
'I'd rather tell it one time.' She looked around.
'Please tell me the others are near by?' She whispered, absolutely exhausted and didn't want to deal with any more drama.
'Well...no. They are looking for you in town. We snuck into the guest wing to look for you.' Hyrule answered apologetically, heart clenching when she sniffled.
Wind frowned for a moment before he gasped in excitement.
'I'll rally them up!' Hyrule and (y/n) looked at him in confusion as he reached into his pouch.
'Wild has the slate! And if he has the slate-' he pulls out what he was searching for.
'Then we can reach him with this!' (y/n) tilted her head.
'A...stone?' Wind grinned at them, the pirate's charm dangling from his fingers.
'A COMMUNICATION stone!' (y/n) gasped in delight and gave Wind another hug.
'Call him! Call him!' Wind laughed and activated the stone.
'Um, I've been meaning to ask...' Hyrule quietly said to (y/n) who looked at him innocently. '...About your..outfit...'
Wind ignored them for a brief moment as Wild's tired voice came from the pirate's charm.
'What is it sailor?'
'Guess who me and Hyrule found!' Wind grinned as he heard gasps.
'You found her?! Is she safe?!'
'They found her?!'
'She's okay! We're by the-'
Wind turned his head so fast, he winced at the pop he felt, the loud yells coming from his charm filling the air.
'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!!' (y/n) winced as she realized the panic she just caused
He couldn't help it, Wind laughed, soft and just a little hysterical.
Of course an insect had to pop up when they let their guard down.
'Where is she.'
'Sir, we have our men searching for her this very moment.'
'I want her found by TONIGHT, the wedding will go as planned.'
'Of course sir!' The Grand Duke scowled as his guard walked off.
He is so close to raising his status.just another day and he would have been on top of the social world. He sneered, like a child, storming down the halls of the guest wing.
'Should have simply left with her when I had the chance.' He ran a gloved hand down his face.
To think he had one of the heroes of legend in his grasp only for her to have slipped through his fingers.
He'll have to make sure to teach her a lesson.
'Sir!' He sighed irritably, turning to see another one of his guard approaching him.
'What is it? Did you find her?' The guard looked nervous.
'Sir, Princess Zelda is requesting your presence in the throne room at once.' The Grand Duke tensed and stared at the guard.
'Are you sure?' The guardsman nodded, stepping back when the Duke growled.
'Of all the times...' He looked back at the guardsman. 'Continue looking for the girl.'
After the guardsman nodded, he decided to get it over with and headed to the throne rooms.
'Grand Duke, thank you for coming at such a short notice.'
'Your Highness.' The Grand Duke bowed to her, as he rose he noticed the nine gentlemen standing to either side of her.
The heroes of legend.
The Grand Dukes greed brought to mind the rise in his status at what might be a possible meeting with the legendary nine.
He was to arrogant to realize the cold looks he was receiving from them.
She smiled, nodding in greeting. 'I apologize for disturbing your day Grand Duke, I understand how frustrating it can be, but I heard of a strange rumor recently and I had hoped you would clarify it for me?'
'Please rest assured Princess, I will do all that I can to assist you.' He said, smiling openly, the perfect gentleman.
'Splendid. Now,' She dropped the smile. 'Did you conspire to abduct the heroes' companion and force her to wed you?'
The Grand Duke froze, paling as the question registered in his head.
'Ah. Before I continue, allow me to properly introduce the gentleman before me-'
'There is no need your Highness,' calmly interrupted Time, coldly gazing down at the nervous Nobleman. 'He is as aware of our identities as we are aware of his.'
'And you seem to be very aware of the identity of our most dearest companion.' Legend hissed from his place next to Time, glaring daggers at the unsettled man.
The Grand Duke's expression twisted into fear, anger, and panic.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he cleared his throat. 'I'm sure I don't know what you're speaking of.' He calmly answered.
'Perhaps a misunde-'
' A misunderstanding? I'm sure.' Warriors scoffed, looking at Zelda with a raised eyebrow.
She sighed "Lets not fool ourselves here, we all know what this is about.' She stared sternly at him. 'You abducted the young woman known as (y/n) and were conspiring to wed her for...status?'
'She isn't very happy about being kidnapped.' Wild said casually, as if he was not wishing he could jam a bomb down the Grand Duke's throat and detonate it.
It seemed the arrogant man could barely handle being talked down in such a way. His clenched fists trembled in anger.
'I will not allow such accusations to be made against my person!' He looked at Zelda, face flushed in anger.
'If you believe that our kingdoms will be allied after this, I assure you that-'
'If your kingdom is full of noblemen like you, than Hyrule would benefit by NOT allying with you.' Warriors interjected, ignoring Zelda's stern look towards him, looking down his nose at him.
'You have no proof!' Warriors sighed and nodded.
'I suppose I don't.' He was silent until the Duke looked smug before he matched his expression with one of his own, pointing behind the Duke.
'But she's proof enough.'
'Oh, so I'm demoted to proof now, am I?'
The Duke went rigid, his mouth snapping shut on the words just spoken as he slowly turned his head-.
An dispassionate look directed right at him.
'Apologies my Angel.' Warriors smiled softly at her. 'No insult meant.'
'Hmm.' She raised an eyebrow, a brief glance at Warriors before looking at the Grand Duke.
'(y/n) I ask for complete honesty.' Zelda commands. 'Was the Grand Duke the man behind your abduction with intention to force you to wed him?' (y/n) nodded.
'Yes your Highness.' Zelda closed her eyes and sighed.
'Very well, I will arrange for his departure tonight.' The Grand Duke's face a unique combination of red and enraged yet also paling.
'T-This will not stand! When my king hears of this-.'
'We have already sent your king the information of your crimes.' The princess proclaimed to the unsteady nobleman.
'You are no longer welcomed within the borders of Hyrule Kingdom and are henceforth outlawed from ever returning. Impa shall escort you to the guest wing to retrieve your belongings.'
Zelda then turned and strode away, but not before sending an apologetic glance at Warriors.
He simply returned her look with a blank one.
(y/n) walked passed the royal knights that now surrounded Grand Duke and made her way to the group.
'I'm so glad you guys found me.' She said with relief in her voice.
'You ended up saving yourself dear.' Time chuckled, reaching up and cupping her cheek. 'And we were panicking like we lost our minds.'
'I was panicking when Wind and Hyrule popped up.' She admitted. 'Trust me, I was so happy and relieved to be found by you guys.'
'We'll always find you (y/n)!' Wind chirped, wrapping his arms around her waist, causing her to giggle.
'Well I guess it has it's uses.' She clapped her hands.
'I'm hungry and demand all the cuddles! I hated this week!' Wild was already pulling out his slate and looking through his inventory.
'I'll make a meal that'll taste so good, you'll forget this week ever happened!' (y/n) grinned in delight.
'That's what I want to hear!'
The Chain surround her as they guided her out of the throne room, the angry cries of the Grand Duke not worth notice.
Yet two members of the group lingered behind.
And they were eyeing the fuming nobleman with calculating eyes.
'We could have been a bit more...hands on with his punishment... ya know that don't you old man...?' Wind commented, his treasured wind waker in one hand.
'As enjoyable as it would be, I don't want to spend a moment longer away from Her.' Wind sighed but nodded in agreement , crossing his arms, tapping his wind waker against his chin.
'So the storm will kill him?' Time nodded, inspecting his Ocarina casually.
'I have more than enough magic to conjure one strong enough.'
'You've already had Wild damage parts of the ship correct?' Wind nodded. 'Than once I summon the storm, make sure the winds finish the job.'
Wind hummed. 'Kay.'
They both looked at the shrinking form of the dead man walking.
'Ugh, I hate bugs.' Wind huffed, a disgusted look on his face.
Time stared at the Duke until he could not see him no more.
'Hm..So do I...'
That night, the group of nine celebrated the return of their most beloved member, lavishing her with their affection and as she requested, all the cuddles she asked for.
(That night, reports were received by two kingdoms that notes a vicious storm appeared as the Grand Duke's ship sailed beyond the Hyrulian sea borders. Destroying the ship beyond recognition. There were no survivors.)
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I saw your recent response to an anon where you mentioned the drama that occurred the other day based around bookprofessor’s post. Obviously you don’t have to respond to this or publish it if you do not wish but I just wanted to bring up that while it is important to focus on the real life issues at hand, the OP was hypocritical in her post which is why people were getting upset. She was preaching against ableism while simultaneously flaunting her IQ and degree which is a form of ableism. She was speaking out against racism while ending her post using the racial slur “cracker” when talking about the possibly Caucasian Twitter elriels.
Obviously she had some important points but it was completely overshadowed by her participation in the hate speech and prejudice that she was speaking out against.
This does not in any way justify the nasty messages she received but on the same hand, I do not blame anyone that called her out for her hypocrisy. I hope you can understand why her post was so negatively received and how flawed it was. My hope is that one day everyone can just ignore the negativity, report those who are being racist/prejudiced in any way, and block those who are just being loud and who you don’t wish to see content from. But unfortunately I do not see that happening any time soon.
There are a few things I want to address in this because I think it's a good moment for the fandom to step back and reflect on how we treat one another, how we react to such issues, and how we behave moving forward.
First off, thanks for explaining your point of view without being antagonistic. I do think that everyone's emotional reactions to the post were valid. I do NOT think their responses, in terms of words and actions, were valid. Now before I move forward, I want to clarify that when I use the word "you", I am referring to anyone who may have had the response I am describing - not you personally, anon. Also please don’t freak out about how long this is, as a majority of it is a response to the fandom in general, not you in particular.
What was - and wasn’t - said in the original post
In this post, there were completely valid criticisms of the way that people in this fandom behave, and it wasn’t “generalizing” a certain group, it was literal, actual proof of things that had been said, by multiple people. I’m not going to get too into what Alyssa argued because her critiques of those tweets was flawless. The original post had very valid criticisms of what was happening on Twitter. Alyssa exposed the actually racist, homophobic, and imperialistic underpinnings of those tweets.
However, a lot of people are stuck on the bits before and after those critiques. @bookprofessor apologized for different aspects of her post in a few different asks. There were perhaps better ways that some of those things could have been phrased, some things that could have been left out. And she apologized. People can accept that apology or not but we can’t act like it didn’t happen. Like she didn’t reflect and learn to do better.
However, the people she was calling out have not done the same thing, and if anything, comments that focus more on Alyssa’s tone than why she wrote the post in the first place lets those people off the hook.
On cracker - Using the word "cracker" is not racist in the same way that using racial slurs against POC is. Is it prejudiced? Yes. But you cannot say that it is the same thing when that is demonstrably untrue, given centuries of oppressive history. No one has been oppressed for being white. Those are not the same. Reverse racism is not a thing because a white person punching down on POC is NOT AT ALL the same thing as a POC punching up at white people. The actions look the same, but the impact is so unequal it’s not even funny.
Racism is a systemic, institutionalized problem. It is not defined by individual actions, though those actions can either support or challenge racism. When someone calls a white person a cracker, there isn’t centuries of oppression giving power to and reinforcing that statement. That is not a “gotcha” moment.
Saying “I have x IQ” or “I have X degrees” is not ableist. I’m sorry to whoever told you it was ableist (again, not you specifically anon but people who had read the “aw shucks guys” vagueblogs about it), but it’s not. Those are facts. I have no idea what my IQ is, but I have five degrees from institutions of higher education. Me saying that is in no way ableist. 
Often, people mention those things to be elitist, yes. Sometimes, they can be used to say “hey I know more about this than you”. They can be used in a way that tries to make themselves feel superior. I suspect that this is the impression that a lot of people got of the post. However, there is a fine line between saying “hey that’s elitist” and professing anti intellectualism. Which is perhaps a side issue so I’ll let that go for now.
Another reason that people mention their degrees or qualifications is to establish their background knowledge and credibility. If I were to say “hey y’all I have two MA degrees” (which is true) I am not being ableist! It is a fact! It is factual! And I worked my ass off for those, I will be in student loan debt until I die for those, I have every right to mention them if I want to, and often I do so in order to establish my credibility, to explain the position I am coming from. And my prior knowledge of these topics is relevant when we are talking about literature since that’s what my degrees were on - literature and linguistics. That is why Alyssa mentioned her background, though she did pair it with comments about other people, for which she has apologized.
My final point about this is that I 1000% understand feeling insecure or less than because of educational attainment. I dropped out of high school. I had a complex about that for a long, long time. But I also know that if I took offense at someone else saying they had a PhD, then that offense is about me, not them. Someone else’s inferiority complex is not reason for people to pretend to be less than they are.
If those two comments are what overshadowed the bigger, more important issue for a lot of the readers of that post, then y’all allowed them to overshadow those more important issues. I am 99% sure that someone right now is reading this and thinking “but Leslie, it was the way that she said it!” Boy have I got some news for you!
How we react
This next section is not specific to this ask; instead, it is a discussion of how the fandom responded. If it were only one person who had said “but her tone” then I wouldn’t need to make this point. The fact that multiple people are exhibiting the behavior explained below is what makes this a cultural problem within the acotar fandom.
The main argument I saw on the post itself, and indeed any time I see people bring up how nasty Twitter can be, is that “it was a joke” and “that’s how stan Twitter works”.
Those responses were quite useful for this post, though! So buckle up everyone, because I am going to talk about gaslighting, racism, respectability politics, and tone policing. While I understand that some people might have taken personal offense to what was said, there is a much bigger issue at stake that has nothing to do with individual feelings, and everything to do with ensuring that POC stay silenced and white supremacy is upheld. 
Back to the “but it’s a joke” thing. Thanks for gaslighting! Great example of that, person I’m not going to tag! Gaslighting is when you make someone question their experiences, when you try to make them think “wait, did I really feel that way? Is my feeling about that valid? Do I need to re-evaluate my response to this?? Am I blowing this out of proportion???” And saying “it’s just a joke” is a perfect way to do that. Did I say something accidentally sexist? It’s just a joke, nbd! Now you’re the problem, because you didn’t understand my joke and laugh!!! 
Saying “it’s a joke” or “oh they are old/young/ignorant, they will learn” is not a good response to... anything. It takes the responsibility off the people who are doing the harm, and putting it onto the people who were hurt. And in this case, anyone who read those tweets and found them harmful (which should be everyone?) is completely valid. You aren’t lesser for being angry or emotional or for seeing a problem where other people saw a joke. The people who see those things as acceptable jokes are the ones in the wrong.
This is a tactic that is used against women all the time. Any time a woman is sexually harassed at work or online, for example, and she gets upset about it, and someone chimes in with “oh they weren’t serious, can’t you take a joke?” So you can imagine what this is like for women of color.
It is a very, very common tactic for people of color to be silenced via tone policing and respectability politics. Tone policing and respectability politics are very closely related, especially in this context. The idea is that if Alyssa had just written that post in just the right way, it would have been more palatable to white people, and therefore okay to write. The idea that if she had tried to be “understanding” or “see it from their perspective” or understand that it’s “just a joke” are all ways to silence and de-legitimize any accurate, valid criticisms that were made of those tweets. It effectively re-routes the conversation away from the real issues, and to the person trying to bring them up. It’s essentially an ad hominem attack in disguise. 
We see respectability politics in media when people of color who act or dress or speak like white people are afforded more respect. Or any time that a person of color is pulled over and people say, “well if they had just done what the police officer asked...” There is a pervasive idea that if people just “act” properly, aka if you act white, then the police won’t feel antagonized and try to kill arrest you. If we are nice enough, meek enough, smile enough, etc. then we will be accepted.
When we tone police, we refuse to allow marginalized people the right to be angry. We say that "hey, we can only have this discussion if you leave emotion, which you rightfully feel, at the door, and we can only continue this discussion if you behave in a way that makes me feel comfortable." But guess what? It isn’t about you! These discussions are often highly uncomfortable. There is no nice way to tell someone they are being racist. And yet somehow, that is the ever-moving goalpost. It seems reasonable, right? “Just be civil, be nice, don’t insult each other!” And there is that. But those criteria change constantly, to the point where anyone (white) at any time can say “WHOA WHOA THIS IS MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE???” Then we find ourselves at zero, and suddenly the focus of attention has shifted away from the actual problem.
Before we go further, I want to say this: people have a right to be angry. They do not need to make their anger palatable or tasteful for the consumption of others (read: white people). 
We saw this last summer, and I’m not sure how the message didn’t get across. But people are rightfully angry about racism. They are angry about the murder of people of color by police, they are angry about lack of quality education, or clean water, of centuries of oppression that have led to this very moment when all of that ceases to matter because a white woman’s feelings got hurt one time. 
And that is what pisses me off so much. There is no way in this world that we could criticize tweets like those that everyone would agree with, and that everyone would “approve” of, that would be “nice” enough and yet still be impactful and make the authors of those tweets understand the gravity of what they have done. 
The least we can do is allow one another to express our anger, our outrage, because it’s highly likely that those people know exactly what the fuck they are doing, and they do not fucking care. By criticizing a woman of color for the way in which she chose to engage with this topic, we are avoiding the issue and letting the people in those tweets off the hook. 
There were many responses to that post that were positive, that agreed with Alyssa. There are a ton of people who disagree with those tweets, who find them disgusting, who understand exactly how and why they are problematic. That should be what we are talking about. Getting to the core of the argument, on that post or any about racism or other problematic behavior in fandom, requires getting past our own egos. It requires us to be able to step back, say “hm this thing is frustrating but there is a bigger picture here”. It’s not easy, and I recognize that. 
The fact that it is a common tactic though? To say “hey this hurt me personally and so I’m going to ignore any valid points you made?” That feeds directly into centuries of white supremacy because it, once again, silences POC and makes them try to play a losing game. And they will always lose, because no matter how hard they try to play the white game, the goalposts are constantly shifting. So you know what? Fuck the game, and fuck respectability politics, and fuck tone policing and “uwu be nice guys” because when it comes to things like racism and sexism, I don’t expect the people who deserve to be criticized to be nice. In fact, trying to be nice only serves to fuck POC over in the end.
Indeed, in response to that post, certain blogs have taken the opportunity to position themselves as “the nice ones” or “the ones who would never” or “uwu let’s be nice guys” while completely ignoring the fact that a woman of color was attacked for calling out racism. And yes - that was the point of her post. People getting hung up on mentions of her degree are (intentionally or not, it doesn’t matter) completely obfuscating the fact that that is not what her post was about, which was to call out disgusting behavior. idk how many words the post actually was, but essentially, people are focusing on 5% of it to the detriment of the 95% that was actually really important shit. These types of vagueblog posts about the issue fall into exactly what I am talking about - these are people who have decided to look at this issue, see how Alyssa (and anyone else who dares speak up) has approached it, and intentionally try to act like they are “better” because they can be “rational” and “kind”. Newsflash, if you don’t have something to be angry about, then being “nice” about racism isn’t that much of a flex. If it didn’t bother you, then congratulations. That doesn’t make you better than people it did bother. You just got lucky this time, and decided to use that to your advantage to look like the good guy.
I am not saying that all calls for peace are doing this. Obviously it’s what we all want. This is the worst I have seen this fandom in the 4+ years I’ve been here. But we cannot have that by ignoring the real problems and pretending that if we are all just nice to each other, then we will solve racism and sexism and all bullying in the fandom will stop. 
So combining all of this - the gaslighting, the tone policing, and what do you get? You get a fandom that refuses to actually engage critically with its own problems and take accountability for them. You get a fandom that decides that it’s easier to be distracted by this one mean comment over here than it is to engage in the fact that you know what, the culture in this fandom has actually turned incredibly disgusting and a lot of people are just okay with it. You’ve got a fandom that is using the tools of white supremacy to avoid the discussions that should actually be taking place. Maybe people don’t realize that that’s what they are doing. But if someone still thinks that after reading this post, then godspeed my friend, I hope you enjoy Twitter.
Okay so my last thing I want to say is that I didn’t come to all of this knowledge fresh from the womb. I do a lot of work, in my personal life and my professional life, to be better. So here is a list of books that I have found particularly helpful:
How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America also by Ibram X. Kendi
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo (side note, I was kinda meh about this one but the chapter “White Women’s Tears” is particularly helpful)
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Hill Collins
I’m not going to talk specifically about Alyssa’s post anymore, but if anyone wants to continue talking about these broader issues going on in the fandom, I am game. (I really should be grading papers though, so it might take a bit.)
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soriel, 1 (chocolate) for the ask game?
Like a Box of Chocolates
Rating: G Word Count: 2734 Read on AO3: here
"Ok. I brought a few choices," Sans said while sitting with his back to the door. He pulled a plastic sack full of chocolate and chocolate-adjacent treats out from under his shirt.
"Oh, you did not have to do that." The voice behind the door sounded embarrassed.
"It's no big deal." He shrugged instinctively, though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Not like I candy things like this for you very often."
The lady laughed, even though the pun was a stretch. She was a great audience like that.
"I cannot argue with that. After all, it is the choco-thought that counts."
Sans let out a wheeze. Man, she had him beat in the bad jokes department. He needed to up his game.
"What can I say, I'm a sweet guy." That joke would work better if she could see his wink.
"You certainly are, my friend."
Sans blinked. He hadn't been prepared for the genuine warmth in her voice. Now he felt something like a melted chocolate himself.
"Uh. You'd better wait and make sure I didn't pick out garbage before you say that." He chuckled nervously and spread out the chocolates in the snow.
"Alright. Hit me with your best choco-shot."
He laughed out loud at that one too. She could really squeeze some mileage out of chocolate puns.
"First off we have the MTT-Brand Chocolate Mettaton. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Chocolate in the shape of everyone's favorite robot superstar." He scanned the back of the wrapper. "Contains sequins and glitter, but it's still monster food, so probably won't cause any more indigestion than Temmie Flakes. Still, wouldn't blame ya if you passed on that."
The lady laughed. "I do not know this 'Mettaton,' but he sounds like someone…"
Her voice trailed off, the way it always did when she neared a personal topic. It seemed to be happening more and more often lately. Sans didn't know if that was a good sign, or if he needed to do a better job of distracting her.
"Someone I know would have liked that," she finished clumsily.
"Welp. It's yours, then." He attempted to slide it under the door.
Attempted. The thick block of chocolate wouldn't fit through the narrow space.
"What are my other options?" The lady asked, not seeming to hear his failure.
(Or just ignoring it. The way they always ignored things they didn't want to acknowledge.)
Oh well. He'd deal with that later, if she wanted to.
He picked up the next box and rattled it. It looked thin enough to fit under the door.
"I think this one's called, uh, pocket?” He couldn’t tell for sure, since the box was labeled in a language he didn’t recognize. Where did Alphys get this stuff? “A pal gave it to me. They’re like chocolate-covered sticks, I think."
"Not precisely what I was looking for, but I would love to try it regardless," she said. "If I am allowed to have both options, I mean. If not, I should probably stick with the Em-Tee-Tee."
Sans bit back a snort. So she hadn't heard after all. That made this a lot more awkward.
"Do you wanna hear the other options first? Wouldn't want ya to have any regrets."
"Oh! There are more?"
She sounded as surprised as a kid finding an extra fry in the bottom of their Grillby's bag. He couldn't help grinning.
"Yup. Next up is a chocolate spider donut—”
“Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders?” The voice seemed on the verge of laughter again.
His eyesockets widened. “Uh… welp. Guess you don’t need the whole spiel, huh?”
“There is a spider bakesale right around the corner from my home,” the lady explained. “I believe they are saving for a… ‘heated limo’? To travel safely through Snowdin. I wish I could help them, but I did not think to take much gold when I…”
Another dead end. That was fine, Sans could piece together enough. Not that her personal life was any of his business, anyway.
“If it makes ya feel any better, they really raked me over the coals for this one.”
“It does not!” came her quick reply. “I only asked for a chocolate bar. Not for you to spend money that you need on me.”
Geez, this lady was too good for him. As if Sans ever really went out of his way for anyone.
Except Papyrus, but he was family. And sometimes Grillby, if he felt bad about failing to pay his tab for too long. And Alphys, but he owed her for screwing off after space-time blew up in their faces.
And now, the lady behind the door. The lady he didn’t owe anything to, except a few good laughs.
Who was he kidding? Those laughs were more important to him than anything.
“Eh, it just cost me one day of selling ‘dogs. Donut worry about it.”
“Very well. Since it was for a good cause, I will not grill you any further. But please tell me that was the last chocolate you purchased for me.”
“It’s the last one I purchased.” He grinned. While she couldn’t see his expression, she must have heard the but in his voice.
“Please tell me you did not steal any chocolate for me.”
“Geez, lady, what do you take me for? I’d never commit petty thievery.”
“Well, that is reassuring.”
“Yep. Gotta save room for the real high-dollar crimes. Like the illegal hot dog stand.”
The voice behind the door went silent. He wished he could see her face now more than ever. His own grin slowly slid from his skull.
“Everyone knows about it,” he reassured her. “If the King really wanted to shut me down, he’d have done it a long time ago.”
“Oh, I am not judging you for that. I am sure the law is rigged against you if the King has any say in it.” Her voice was surprisingly bitter.
His real problem was that he couldn’t ever find the necessary documents to get licensed in food preparation. His birth certificate was presumably in whatever alternate dimension his old man had blasted them out of.
“You are judging me for something, though,” he realized. The chill of the snow seeped into his bones, but he didn’t dare adjust his position. Somehow he felt that if he moved, she would disappear.
“I am not. I was only thinking about…” She sighed. “It is complicated. There was a time when I could have helped you, but it is long past.”
“Help me? Look, lady, the ‘dog stand is fine. Promise. Better than fine, since I don’t gotta pay taxes on it.”
She chuckled at that.
“Very well. Forgive a silly old lady for worrying.”
“Done.” He smiled, settling back against the door more comfortably.
He should’ve known she’d have a problem with his illegal activities, though. She was a classy lady, and he was… him. Why had he even brought it up? It wasn’t a great joke. Did he really just want her to know?
Eh, whatever. She wasn’t mad, so no harm done, right?
“I would like to know how you acquired this other chocolate, if it was not through your sticky fingers.” She sounded like she was grinning.
“Huh? Oh.” He blinked and dug out the last chocolate of the bunch. Blue dusted his cheeks. “QC—that’s the lady who runs the shop in town—gave ‘em to me for free. They’re called, uh, kisses.”
QC had a knowing look in her eyes when she’d offered the bag of chocolates to him. It was his own fault for implying they were for a girl. Everyone already thought he screwed around in the woods on his shifts, and with the way gossip travelled in a small town, everyone at Grillby’s would be asking about his girlfriend tonight.
“Kisses,” the lady behind the door echoed. “This is not one of your jokes, is it?”
“Not this time. Sorry to disappoint.” His grin felt too tight. “They’re, uh, tiny chocolates. Kinda cone-shaped? QC makes ‘em herself, so they’ve gotta be good.”
“Oh.” Oddly, the voice did sound disappointed. Sans couldn’t imagine why. Not like he could kiss her through the door, even if he had lips. And even if there was some unlikely timeline where she wanted a kiss from him.
He wanted to thump his skull back against the door, but there was no point in worrying her like that.
“In that case, I will take the kisses. They will be perfect for…”
He was sure she would leave it at that. Cover up with some non sequitur.
So his eyesockets went wide when she said, “for the anniversary of my child’s passing.”
“Oh.” He let out a strangled little laugh. “I—geez, I’m sorry. If I’d known—”
“You would have what? Spent even more money on this silly old lady, who cannot even leave to buy her child’s favorite chocolate?” Her voice was firm. “No. I thought you deserved to know, after the trouble you went to, and because you shared your own secret with me today.”
“My ‘dog stand is hardly a secret,” he said, still feeling a little shaky. She had a kid? A dead kid?
Well, who in the Underground didn’t have skeletons in their closet? Metaphorically or literally. She was still his best friend. If she wanted his pity, she would’ve said something sooner.
“Regardless,” she said. “It is in the past. Forget it, if you wish. But please do not treat me any differently.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said sincerely. If there was one thing he was good at, it was maintaining the status quo. “So, uh. These chocolates. I kind of wanted you to have all of ‘em, if that’s alright with you.”
“It would be rude to refuse a gift, would it not?” She sounded like she was smiling again, to his relief.
“There’s just one problem. Uh. Don’t think they’re all gonna fit under the door.” He rapped on the stone surface with his knuckle for emphasis.
“I did not assume they would. The recipe I gave you before hardly passed through.”
Sans blinked. “Then you—huh?”
“I will open the door just a fraction. It can only be done from the inside.” She paused, like she was gathering a breath. “I would ask that you do not look. I promise I will not peek, either.”
Sans’s ribcage tightened. She was going to open the door. She would be right there, with no stone between them.
The thought opened a desperate floodgate within him. He hadn’t realized just how badly he wanted to see her, to know her, to live off of more than just scraps and unfinished sentences.
She once had a child. She had some kind of beef against the King. She wanted to give charity to spiders, but didn’t have enough money. All these facts he filed away, tucking them into the grooves in his ribcage.
It would be enough. He’d duct tape those gates shut again, if he had to. He wasn’t going to betray the trust she’d shown him.
“Got it. You don’t wanna be smitten by my good looks, I understand,” he joked.
(He had a feeling it would be the other way around, if anything. Not that quality of jokes translated to quality of appearance—he would know. If it did, he’d have biceps like his brother.)
“It would be tragic. Much too high a price for you to handsome chocolate to me.”
“Heh, I’m sure you’re a door-able too. But I’ll keep my sockets shut, since our friendship hinges on it.”
That got a raucous laugh out of her, the kind that started off high-pitched and quickly became something of a snorting bleat. That sound was sweeter than chocolate to him.
...Man, his pals at Grilby’s would be right to dunk on him. He was a massive dork.
“Alright,” she said once she caught her breath, “if you are ready, my friend…”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Better choco-late than never, huh?”
That one only got a snort, but he wasn’t sure if that was because the pun fell flat, or because she was nervous. As far as he knew, she hadn’t been outside of the Ruins in years. And here she was, trusting a sentry—someone whose job it was to keep a look out—to turn a blind eye.
It was a good thing he’d never been good at his job.
Stone ground against stone with a dramatic rumble. His eyesockets stayed shut. Warmth emanated from somewhere near his shoulder, and he lifted the bag of chocolates.
His small hand brushed a large fur-covered one. A shiver trailed down his spine. One small touch shouldn’t have done so much to him, but—but she was real. She was more than just a voice behind a door. Which he knew, but knowing and feeling could be worlds apart at times.
She took the bag, and the moment was over. But the door didn’t close.
“My dear friend,” she whispered, her voice sounding closer than ever. “Would it be presumptuous to ask another favor of you?”
“‘Course not. Glad to do a favor for my favor-ite person.” He kept his tone light, unaffected by the swirling emotions inside him.
“If I could… oh, dear, this is embarrassing.”
He resisted the urge to open his eyes, to see what look might be on her face.
“It has simply been so long… may I hold your hand a moment longer?”
He felt the marrow heating within his bones.
“That all? I gotta hand it to ya, you made me think you needed an arm and a leg.”
She chuckled before awkwardly fumbling to grasp his hand again.
Heat poured from her palm into his phalanges. Aside from the fur, there were several spots of soft skin—probably paw pads. Was she a dog monster, like the Canine Unit in town? She didn’t make nearly enough dog jokes for that to be the case. Her laugh sounded more like a goat’s, but she obviously didn’t have hooves. Maybe she was some kind of chimera? You didn’t see those often nowadays, but then again, no one saw monsters from the Ruins, either.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice as soft as the snow that began to drift around him.
“Not disappointed?” He asked, only half-joking. “My hand can’t be as comfy as yours.”
“Ah, but it is all your bone. And that is wonderful to me.”
“Geez, old lady.” He was grateful she couldn’t see his blush. “You’re pretty fur-fect yourself.”
When she laughed, her body shook all the way down to her hand. The feeling more than made up for all the G he’d spent on chocolate and donuts.
Suddenly his hand was being lifted up, and then something soft pressed against his knuckles. His soul flared erratically, and his eyes nearly flew open. If they had, he was sure his left eyelight would have been blue from shock.
“A kiss for a kiss,” she said slyly. “It is only fair.”
“Heh heh…” His voice shook with more than laughter. “Technically, that was one kiss for a bag of kisses. Pretty sure that math doesn’t square up.”
“Oh, you are quite right! One day we will have to circle back and rectify that.”
He practically had to cast gravity magic on himself to keep his eyes from flying open.
“You—huh?” He said intelligently.
“Perhaps not soon,” she clarified. “This has all been… a lot, for me. But thanks to you, my dear friend, this day has not been so bitter as I am used to.”
“Uh, no problem, then. With all that chocolate, I hope it’s sweet.”
Sweet as the anniversary of a death could be, anyway. He grimaced. Maybe that joke was too soon, but she just squeezed his hand before finally letting go.
“I do think it will be,” she said softly. “I will look forward to hearing more of your punny jokes tomorrow.”
The door scraped shut, and he hesitantly opened his eyes. He couldn't help inspecting the door to see if anything changed. Pressing his still-warm hand against the smooth stone.
“Heh. Good luck getting rid of me now.” He grinned.
Then he tucked his hands in his pockets, where her kiss remained like a tattoo on his bone.
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates, Actually Pt 3
(read Part 1/Part 2)
Soulmates protect each other.
Loki paces the length of the small bathroom, turning after only two steps. On each turn they catch sight of themself in the mirror, as hard as they try not to. They don’t want to see the cowardice marring their own features. They don’t want to face themself, knowing they are standing here in relative safety at the cost of their soulmate’s.
Through the thin walls, Loki hears another pound on the front door. Mobius calls out, “I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Loki stops pacing and presses their ear to the bathroom door, straining to hear outside of it.
After the creak of a door opening, Mobius says, “Can I help you?”
“Are you Mobius M. Mobius?” Thor has a weakness for Midgard and its people. Even as he speaks to Mobius now, his voice isn’t quite as booming as Loki is accustomed to.
“That’s me. Are you selling something?”
“I...? No. May I enter?”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t. I’m kind of busy, you know?”
“I see,” Thor says. “Wait! I’m looking for someone.”
“Sorry,” Mobius says. The door creaks again, loud, like it tried to close but was blocked by a hard shoulder.
“I must insist,” Thor says, and there’s the booming authority Loki expected. Heavy footfalls step into the apartment. Loki instinctively leans away from the bathroom door. “Do you live here, or is this a closet?”
“Hey, why does everyone think that,” Mobius says, his following footsteps much softer. “My apartment is not that small.”
“It is,” Thor says, blunt as ever, though perhaps his own time on Midgard changed him a small amount, because he immediately adds, “But... nice. Very... brown.” A long, awkward pause. “Seeing this... I feel apologies are in order. I cannot imagine Loki hiding here.”
Loki knows that their usual love of decadent flair is what’s saving them now, but the words still sting. It’s one thing for them to think disparagingly about their new home. It is entirely another for someone else to speak badly of it. Even Thor.
Maybe especially Thor.
“It seems silly now,” Thor says. “I had heard you are their soulmate.”
“It doesn’t seem all that silly,” Mobius says, voice much softer.
“I mean no offense,” Thor says. “Only that you are not their type.”
“Oh? Too old?”
Thor laughs. “Too human. But consider yourself lucky, friend."
"I don't know, I'd think it'd be okay to be the soulmate of a god."
"Not this god," Thor says, and that familiar self-hatred claws at Loki's ribcage from the inside out. They place their hand over their chest, physically pressing down on the feeling, but it does not stop.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mobius clips his words short.
Loki braces themself as Thor continues, "They never stay with anyone for long. They haven’t met a person yet who could hold their interest.”
“Maybe they just hadn’t met the right person,” Mobius says, stronger.
"Right people tend not to hang around my brother. You may have noticed that they are..." Thor pauses and Loki holds their breath. "A villain." Thor, at least, sounds pained to say it, though that is little comfort for Loki.
The word shouldn't hurt them. It is true. Despite their glorious purpose, they will never be seen as a hero, but only ever as the one who stands in the hero's way.
“Or instead," Mobius says, stronger still. Irritation oozes from his words. "Maybe they got so used to being seen as a villain that they started to think that’s all they are.”
The scratching in Loki's chest slows until it ceases entirely. Mobius.
But the calming effect of Mobius's defensive fury does not linger.
Thor holds his tongue a moment, and in that moment, a thick dread buds in the pit of Loki’s stomach. Thor may be oblivious at times, but he is not totally obtuse. And Mobius is angry enough for even him to take notice.
“Have you seen Loki, Mobius M. Mobius?”
“I think you should leave now,” Mobius says.
“So it’s true?” Thor asks, like he still doesn’t believe it. “You are Loki’s soulmate?”
“You don’t have to say it like that.”
“They must be deceiving you. Tell me where they are, and I will take them back to Asgard. Then you will be safe.”
“Loki’s not going anywhere with you,” Mobius says, stupidly brave. Stupidly perfect.
Outside a storm brews. Thunder rumbles the walls, as loud as Thor’s voice. “Do not stand in my way, Mobius M. Mobius.”
“No, you don’t get to order me around,” Mobius says. “You barge into my home and try to kidnap my soulmate. You didn’t even do it at a reasonable hour. We were asleep!”
“I am a god.” Lightning cracks outside the window, the light so bright, it flashes under the door of the bathroom. “You are a human.”
Mobius huffs out a breath. “I’m not giving them up. You’ll just have to kill me.”
Every nerve in Loki’s body, every pulse in their brain, the very breath in their  lungs - all scream, No!
The bathroom door flies off its hinges from the force of Loki pushing through. Their daggers are in their hands, their armor has replaced their silk pajamas - there is no room for softness here.
Mobius glances behind him from where he’s standing, blocking the bathroom from Thor in the kitchen. “You broke the door,” Mobius says, entirely too calm for a man who was just about to throw his life away.
“We are going to discuss your blatant disregard for your own fragile life,” Loki tells him, stalking forward to Mobius’s side.
“I had it under control,” Mobius says.
Loki sucks in a deep breath to try to tamper down their roaring rage. “No longer will you risk yourself for me.”
“No, sorry, Loki.” Mobius crosses his arms. “You don’t get to boss me around either. I told you, soulmates protect each other. And that’s that.”
“You stupid, brave, impossible man.”
“Dying for you would be worth it.”
“And what am I to do at that point? Hm? Bid your corpse a fond farewell and move along?”
Mobius startles, like he hadn’t thought ahead that far. “Yeah, I guess.”
If Loki wasn’t holding daggers, they would grip him by the shoulders and shake him. “You have no idea what you are to me. You have no perception of how long I have waited for you. For us. For this tiny little room. For everything we shared last night. And all that we will share.”
Mobius’s eyes widen. “Loki -”
“No, Mobius. You will not be throwing your life away. Not now. Not ever. Not while I have strength enough to hold a blade.”
Mobius blinks. The surprise on his face lasts a moment longer, then softens entirely into fondness. “Let’s go to the store later. Buy some stuff. Spruce this place up a little. We can get a plant or two. And maybe a new bathroom door.”
Loki exhales, and the harshest of their anger slips away. “Only if we also buy you new clothes.”
“Hey, what’s wrong with my clothes?” Mobius is smiling now.
Loki almost mirrors it. Until he remembers their thunderous brother occupying the entire minuscule kitchen. Thor seems to lack his usual righteousness. Instead, he looks between Loki and Mobius like he has no idea what to make of them. His mouth hangs open but no sound comes out.
A moment, Thor tries, “Brother, you...” He closes his mouth. Opens it. “You... actually care for this little man?”
Loki’s answer comes easier than even they expected, “Yes.”
“I’m not that little,” Mobius says.
Outside the storm clears away and starlight returns. Inside, Thor lowers his hammer to his side, no longer holding it ready to fight. He stares at Loki for a long moment. “We thought you were dead. We mourned you.”
Loki’s impulse is to argue. They aren’t yet numb to the pain of Odin’s deception. Of Loki’s own monstrous truth.
But instead of drudging forward that pain, Loki draws strength from Mobius beside them. From the comfort of their home. From the promise of buying new drapes and bed sheets.
“I’m not going back,” Loki says, hating the way their voice cracks. Mobius inches closer to their side, and they stand taller.
“You cannot rule Midgard,” Thor says.
Loki glances at Mobius, who gives them a soft smile.
“Mostly,” Loki says, “I want to buy drapes.”
Mobius’s smile widens, and he dips his head, as if to hide it. Loki loses themself in the sight of such softness and warmth, until they remember their brother again.
Thor watches them, his confusion palpable. “This is not at all as father said it was.”
Loki tenses at the mention of Odin.
“A lot’s different since yesterday,” Mobius says. “Dubuque can really change a person, you know?” Mobius winks at Loki, and a fresh wave of comfort rolls through them.
“Yes,” Loki says. “Dubuque.”
“Perhaps I could return without you,” Thor says, confusion shifting gradually into something more sure. “If you hand over the tesseract.”
Loki pointedly refrains from glancing at the coat closet. As, to Loki’s surprise, does Mobius. Surely he had seen them place the scepter within. Surely he could parse together what the tesseract could be.
“You wouldn’t need it to buy drapes.” Thor’s grip tightens on the handle of Mjolnir, but he does not yet raise it again.
Loki’s body tenses like a bowstring. There is no way out of this then, without a fight. “You have no comprehension of its power, brother. Of what I could have, what I could achieve with it in my possession. With what I’ve been promised.”
“Promised?” Thor asks. “Promised by who?”
A chill creeps over Loki’s skin, inch by slow inch. They think of the creatures that invade their mind, that found them when they fell from the Bifrost.
You could have this, they whisper, even now. You are nothing without this.
“Loki?” Mobius whispers. “Are you okay?”
Shaking their mind free from the dark grasp, Loki thoughts travel instead to those same creatures wrapping Mobius in their viciousness. Tearing him down. Exploiting his deepest vulnerabilities.
The cold runs deep, all consuming.
With the tesseract still in Loki’s possession, maybe they could protect Mobius. Or, the opposite. Maybe those creatures will never stop hunting them until Loki finally does as they command.
When it was Loki alone, forgotten and fallen, following the icy commands was no question, when both vengeance and a crown were promised.
But Loki is no longer alone.
To Loki’s surprise, concern covers Thor’s face as well, and he has taken a step closer, hand half-lifted, as if in a halted attempt to reach out to them.
“The tesseract will not bring you happiness, Loki,” Thor says, and motions toward Mobius. “Not in the way your soulmate can. You must make a choice.”
“They don’t have to chose,” Mobius says. “I’m staying with them, regardless of what they want to do.”
“But they must,” Thor tells him. “I will be leaving here with either Loki or the tesseract. I’d prefer to do it without a fight.”
Mobius takes a step forward. “I already told you, Loki isn’t going anywhere.”
“If forced, I will take you both to Asgard,” Thor says.
Loki thinks of Mobius standing before Odin, of all the brave, protective things he would say to the All-Father in Loki’s defense. And Loki thinks of how fast Odin would cut him down, Loki’s soulmate or not.
“No,” Loki says.
Soulmates protect each other.
Loki disappears their daggers, then goes to the closet and draws open the door. They reach through Mobius’s brown suits and retrieve the scepter. It’s cold in their hand.
They could grab Mobius and teleport away. Together, they could go anywhere. Thor would need time to track them down. But they’d have to keep running. They’d never be able to stop.
Loki thinks of Mobius, sweating in the desert. Humans are weak, fragile things. Mobius would not be able to sustain that kind of life.
The scepter, the creatures, whisper to Loki, He will die anyway. Why shouldn't you have more?
"All my life, I’ve been in your shadow,” Loki says to Thor. Thor lifts his hammer, readying for the fight to come. “This is my chance to carve my own path. To find my own throne. The Midgardians are hapless. They are in desperate need of a ruler.”
Loki looks at Mobius and finds him watching Thor, body tense like he intends to jump in the way if Thor were to attack. He will die anyway.
“There is no happiness in the promise of a throne, Loki.” Thor frowns, and after a brief, sideways glance at Mobius, his eyes turn sad. “We have waited the same for a soulmate. You have found yours, while I am still waiting. I ask you, who lives in envy of who?”
A new feeling twists inside Loki - something like... pity? For Thor? No. Impossible. Thor has had a life filled with all of his whims being catered to. Ever the favorite. The favored.
Thor has no Mobius of his own.
He will die anyway. But. Not yet. Not yet.
“To be honest,” Mobius says, drawing Loki’s attention. “Humans are kind of a drag. We fight all the time, can’t agree on anything. I know that’s half why you think you can fix it all, but really, it sounds like a bigger headache than it’s worth.” He shrugs. “You and I, we’ll do whatever you want. I’ve got your back 100%. But... if you were King of Earth, do you get any vacation days? Cause I got some places I really want to take you.”
Looking at Mobius, hearing his words, listening to the steady cadence of his voice, Loki warms from the inside out.
“We need to go to the beach. You saw my jetski picture, right?” Mobius turns to Thor. “You ever been on a jetski?”
Thor blinks at him. “...No?”
“You’ll love it. It’s so much fun. Out on the waves, just you and the ocean - with the wind in your hair, and the sun all bright.” Mobius turns his smile back to Loki, and Loki doubts any sunshine could ever be as brilliant as him. “What do you think, Loki?”
The cruel whispers grow dim. Thoughts of, You are nothing without a crown, are replaced with, What worth is a crown without him?
The chill burns away, until the scepter is too cold, too painful to hold.
Loki moves closer to the kitchen. Thor raises his hammer. Mobius hurries forward.
But everyone stops when Loki surrenders the scepter - the tesseract - to Thor. As soon as it is gone from their hand, Loki feels a heavy weight lifted away. The chill leaves entirely, and their mind is silent once more.
“You’ve made the right choice, brother,” Thor says. They lower Mjolnir to the ground to look closer at the scepter.
“Odin will not be pleased when you return without me,” Loki says.
Thor hums. “I will pass along your promise to behave yourself.”
“I made no such promise.” With Loki’s new weightlessness, a small, sly smirk slips onto their lips. It's shaky and unsure, but Thor doesn't mention it.
Thor slides his gaze to Mobius. “I think you will have your hands too full to do otherwise, with how quickly this one throws himself into trouble.” He pitches his voice low. “I like him. He’s small, but brave.”
Pride swells in Loki. They didn’t need Thor’s approval, but having it...
“Mobius M. Mobius!” Thor walks to Mobius and draws him into a tight hug. “Now my brother. I await the day our paths cross again!”
Mobius awkwardly pats him on the back. “Yeah, sure! Sounds great.”
As they break, Loki begins to steer Thor toward the door. Thor looks as if he also wants to wrap Loki in a hug, but thankfully thinks better of it. Instead, he simply says, "We will see each other again."
"We will," Loki says, a promise. And for now, it is enough.
Thor starts forward, when Mobius calls out, “Wait, you forgot your hammer.”
Loki and Thor both turn away from the door, toward the kitchen - where Mobius stands, hand gripping Mjolnir’s handle, holding it up off the ground. He brings it forward and hands it to Thor, who stares at him, mouth agape.
Mobius says, “Surprisingly light?”
Loki bites back a smile. They knew their soulmate was no ordinary mortal.
Thor looks at Mobius like he’s seeing him for the first time. “Only to those who are worthy. You are small in stature, but not in heart, Mobius M. Mobius.”
“Uh, thanks?” Mobius says. Softer, he adds, “I’m really not that small.”
When Thor is gone, with the slightly damaged front door bolted behind him, Mobius turns to Loki and says, “Told you I’d get rid of him.”
Loki reaches out, grabs Mobius by the shoulders, and pulls him into their embrace. They do not let go for a long time.
Mobius holds them back, nose tucked into the crook of Loki’s neck and shoulder. “I would have followed you,” he says, voice muffled. “You want to be king? We’d make it happen. You didn’t have to give it up.”
Loki will tell him of the whispers and the cold, of the dark promises made. Later. “Perhaps another time,” they say. “Plenty of life to find a throne of my own.” Though as the words leave them, they know they are only half true. Plenty of time for Loki. No time at all for Mobius. The creatures no longer whisper in Loki's mind but they still hear their mocking, He will die.
“I was thinking we could get a couple chairs while we’re out.”
Loki can’t help and doesn’t stop their grin, even as their heart aches. “See? My fortune is already changing.”
“I’ll buy you the best throne,” Mobius says. “You ever heard of La-Z-Boy?”
Loki closes their eyes, presses their forehead to Mobius's shoulder, and wonders how, with the cruel inevitability of human mortality, they will ever go on without this man.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Doll Me Up (P.5)
Title: Doll Me Up (Part Five) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Tony Stark. On good days, you and Tony were a power couple. You, a perfect trophy wife with your hands in local charities to promote a wholesome image. Tony, business man but sullied with organized crime. He indulged in his illegal gambling, extortion, and political corruption. And he indulged in his escort business. Hell, that is where he had found you. You were a brat, and he loved a challenge. Words: 3,059 Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, smut, daddy kink, dom/sub, manipulation, death, violence, possessive behavior Author’s Note: I’m not sure if this is the last part but I’m leaning towards it.
Part Four || Part Six || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Five and a half months ago…
Tony blinked against the sun as they left the news station. Y/N had facilitated a project, along with others, to bring seniors more fresh produce in their Meals on Wheels local program. She was excited about the project and Tony honestly could not give two shits about it but if it made her happy, he was happy to be there with her. He loved seeing the joyous smile on her face and her enthusiasm talking about it.
His hand was wrapped tightly around her waist as they walked out towards his car. And his smile only faltered when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd across the street. And a face he did not want to be seeing in public like this. And they were staring directly at him, like they had been waiting for him.
Tony turned to Y/N and whispered in her ear, “I need to go to the restroom.”
“We were just inside,” she jested. “Why didn’t you go then?”
“I didn’t have to go then. Here.” He opened the door for her, letting her get in. “I’ll be right back.”
To Happy, he whispered, “Fabian.”
“What do you want me to do?” Happy asked quietly, keeping his sights on Tony and not being obvious.
“Stay here with Y/N. I’ll be right back.”
“He’s not going to lay a finger on me.” Tony said and Happy looked at him disbelieving. Tony was being overconfident about it and he knew it but he could not accept lowlifes trying to approach him in public like this. “Stay here with her. I’ll be back.”
Tony walked away from the car, moving back down the sidewalk. He spotted Fabian moving through it and he smirked to himself. He walked past the news station doors, and down the immediate alley.
He was waiting when Fabian entered the alley, standing dead center, hands in his pockets. If looks could smite, Fabian would have burned on the spot. “What makes you think you can come up to me in public?”
“You haven’t been returning my calls I’ve been leaving!”
“Yeah and for good reason. You’re unhinged!”
“That wasn’t my—"
Tony stepped closer, spitting, “You listen closely, Fabian, I am done with you and your bullshit! You are done. Do you get that? You had your chance and you fucked up. And I cannot be seen in public with you. You know that though. You squeal to anyone and you won’t just have me after you, you’ll have the whole city gunning for you with how many people are tied to it and you will. not. win. If you ever come up to me in public again – especially when I’m out with my wife – I will kill you on the spot.”
Tony straightened out his jacket before storming away from the man who was staring at him slack jacked. Tony did not give him a moment to respond before he was around him and striding back down the alley.
When he got into the car, Y/N was none the wiser.
She was immediately back into conversation, talking about what good this interview was going to do for the project and thanking him for coming along with her. Tony smiled sweetly, listening intently. His adoration for her wove deeply. He truly had recovered a true gem from the rabble.
You stared at the door in bewilderment before touching it again. F.R.I.D.A.Y. repeated, “You are not authorized to open this door, Mrs. Stark.”
“Excuse me?” you word vomited.
“Do you need me to repeat the message, Mrs. Stark?”
You hated how calm F.R.I.D.A.Y. sounded.
“Override,” you tried.
“You do not have authorization to do that, Mrs. Stark.”
“Why can’t I go outside?”
“Mr. Stark blocked access at this door.”
You let out a frustrated noise before turning away from the door. You walked to the bedroom door, feeling the ache but you had to know. You walked down the stairs, taking them slowly. You went to the closest patio door, gripping the handle tightly.
“You are not authorized to open this door, Mrs. Stark.”
Breathing heavily through your nose, trying to keep yourself calm, you turned your head eyeing the next patio door.
Her voice was becoming quickly annoying. “You’re not authorized to open this door, Mrs. Stark.”
You took off around the mansion, trying all the doors leading to the outside but you got the same code when it read your fingerprint. You made your way to the front door, the door to the garage, out to the garden. It was all the same message. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, it sinking in that you were locked inside.
The thought of the kitchen door out to the pool came to you and you moved as quickly as you could there. You stalled seeing Happy standing in there, cutting an apple. He stilled seeing you and you did not miss the sly look he gave you as you moved through the kitchen, past the island where he was standing.
The same goddamn message.
You whipped around and stared at Happy.
“Let me out!” you demanded.
“I can’t override what the boss has inputted into the security system. You know that,” Happy said in passive tone, looking completely indifferent to how worked up you were.
“Where is he?”
“He left earlier.”
“Well, did he happen to mention to you why he was locking me inside?” you exasperated, throwing your hands out at your sides.
Happy sucked at his teeth, leveling you with a serious look. “Y/N, do you really need to be asking me that? Truly?”
You bit your cheeks to avoid shouting at him and forced yourself to turn on your heel and storm out of the room away from him. You made your way back up the stairs, going for your bedroom where your cell was waiting on the bedside table. Snatching it off the table, you pressed Tony’s name.
“Yes, kitten?” he answered calmly.
“Your stupid AI won’t let me out!” you exclaimed.
“Yeah, I programmed that this morning.”
“You…,” you started to argue but then your voice went up a notch, trying to whine. “Daddy, you can’t keep me locked in here!”
“Can’t or shouldn’t? Because it looks like I’m already doing it, so I apparently can,” Tony replied coolly.
“You shouldn’t then!” You added for good measure quickly, “Please!”
Tony’s tone was firm when he told you, “I think I very well should. You crossed a lot of lines and I am not fucking around when I tell you that they were lines that shouldn’t be crossed. You brought this on yourself, Y/N. Maybe if you spent less time throwing tantrums and more time listening to me, you wouldn’t have found yourself here. And hopefully you won’t again. I certainly hope you won’t again. I know you can do better.”
You were quiet, biting back tears. You thought you would be cuddling this morning, everything slowly falling back to normal.
He heard you sniffle and the sound of it elicited a soft sigh from him. “Princess, you can earn my trust back. I’m a reasonable man.”
“I said I was sorry,” you said tearfully.
“Oh, I know you did. And it was heartfelt. And you did so very well last night. I was impressed by you. Truly, baby. But I need to be sure you understand how serious I am that I don’t want you to repeat that. Ever.”
You asked weakly, “When are you coming back?”
“Tonight. I won’t leave you for long. And I’m going to bring you something. But you need to just sit tight. Be good for Happy.”
You did not answer because you were staring out the window, grinding your teeth.
His voice snapped you back to reality and you got out, “I’ll be good.”
“That’s what I like to hear. By the way, I set up an appointment for you today, last minute. It’s a virtual meeting. Happy knows about it, he’ll help you. OB/GYN. F.R.I.D.A.Y will scan you, the baby, send it to her and she’ll correspond.”
“She’ll correspond with… F.R.I.D.A.Y?” you asked slowly.
“Just this one time. I promise we have a real appointment next week. I’ll be at every one after this and we will do it in person. Cross my heart.”
Your voice was small, “Okay.”
“I’ll see you later. Be good.”
“I will, daddy.”
He hung up and you pulled the phone away from your ear, staring down at it. He was acting weird. He acknowledged what had happened but moved so seamlessly into baby talk and appointments.
How were you going to relax knowing you were stuck in here?
Five months ago…
The art show was boring and even more so for the afterpart of it. You had no desire to speak to anyone about it and they were all gathered in the large center room drinking wine and having finger foods. You had excused yourself to go to the bathroom and you removed your underwear, tossing them into the trash bin before leaving to find Tony,
Tony was speaking to someone, sitting on a set of small chairs. The sight of you caught his attention and you put your finger to your lips. He only spared you a second’s confused look before looking back at the man. But his gaze found you again quickly, curiosity getting the better of him. Over the man’s shoulder, hidden from the rest of the room by the large plant, you opened the slit in your dress, showing Tony you were not wearing any underwear. He began to smile and hid it by his hand came to his mouth, it balling into a fist as he stared daggers at you. You gave him a wide, tantalizing grin, beginning to walk backwards towards the doorway to the adjacent hallway.
You left him sitting on the couch, dropping your dress. The hallway was empty, and you walked slowly down it, taking in the art.
It did not take long for you to hear footsteps behind you, and you looked over your shoulder finding a very hot and bothered Tony coming down towards you. He wasted no time pushing you into the corner at the turn in the hall, his hands snaking up your dress. You turned your head, giving a throaty laugh.
“Listen here… if you wanna come, you better look at me,” Tony husked.
“There’s people—”
“You started it.”
You nipped at his nose and he buried his face into your neck in return. He resumed pressing you into the wall, his fingers slipping in to work you up.
Three months ago…
People were outside in the pool, drunk in the summer sun. You though, you were inside, sitting against the wall, pouting. Some of your old escort friends had shown up per request for the guests attending and told you they were planning a trip to Vancouver to do some shopping and ‘go out on the town’ in a few weekends. You had been excited about the prospect, you had not been out like that for a long time. When you had left the group though and leaned over Tony’s shoulder at the poker game to tell him about it, he had waved you off.
“You’re not going,” had been his exact words.
Instead of going back to the girls, you had gone inside, not wanting to tell them the bad news. At the inside bar, you had taken a couple of shots and made sure Tony saw you walk by the window. You tossed him a glare as you passed. Him and his stupid open shirt over his dumb swim trunks – that you had specifically picked out earlier this week when you were shopping – could get fucked right now for all you cared.
It was not too long before Tony appeared in front of you, peering down at you, looking ever piqued. He was not happy you were sulking.
“You know, you’re really bringing down my mood, princess. Glaring at me like that because I had the audacity to deny you one thing out of millions.”
“Then stop looking at me,” you retorted, avoiding his eyes, still staring off out towards the pool party.
You heard him scoff and he said, “Don’t even try to throw a tantrum right now.”
“I’m not. I’m just sitting here.”
“Looking like I killed your fucking dog.”
You merely shrugged aggressively in response.
He gestured out towards the patio doors. “You know they’re only going to get in trouble up there. And I don’t want you to get wrapped up in it.”
“So, you don’t trust me to be faithful,” you said finally making eye contact with him.
Tony held up a finger to you and corrected firmly, “That’s not what I said.”
“That’s exactly what you’re saying!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands down beside you on the bench. “You don’t trust me!”
“Don’t try to make this into something that it’s not. I don’t trust them to keep you out of trouble,” Tony retorted. “You know how they are! You were – are – friends with them for fucks sake!” You opened your mouth to argue and he cut you off. “No, I’m done with this conversation. You know what I meant. I’m sorry that you are upset but there’s a reason I’m saying no to it. Now, either shape up and come back outside or go upstairs if you’re going to just glower at me.”
Clenching your jaw, you stood up angrily and stormed off away from him towards the upstairs.
You decided on a whim to leave, grabbing a swim suit cover and throwing some sandals on. Downstairs you ran into one of Tony’s guys and you stopped because of the way he was staring at you. You had wanted to leave without anyone noticing but seemed like that was not going to be the case.
His eyes ran over you, taking you in. “You alright?” he asked curiously, his eyes narrowing.
“Yeah, peachy. Have fun with your dumb poker game,” you spat at him before turning and walking to the front door.
You got into the car, turning it on angrily. You knew you should not be driving but you just did not want to be at home anymore. And Cassandra’s was not too far away, only twenty five minutes or so. You took off down the driveway, actually smirking of the look on his face when F.R.I.D.A.Y informed Tony you had left whenever he decided to check in on you. That should be awhile because he had been on a winning roll.
He did not announce himself and you only realized he was home because F.R.I.D.A.Y came over the speaker in the living room informing you, “Dinner is ready in the kitchen.”
When you walked into the kitchen, he was a complete 180 from the night before. He walked up, giving you a kiss on the forehead, asking then sincerely, “How was your day?”
“Fine…” you said, trailing off, giving him a curious look at his nonchalant demeanor.
He brushed it off, grasping your hand and began to lead you to your plate he had set up on the island next to one for him. “That’s good, kitten. Here. I hope you’re hungry.” He immediately paused and said under his breath, “Fuck. Hold on.”
Tony walked off to the pantry and your eyes wandered to the counter. You looked down at the plate and saw it was the dish from your favorite date night restaurant. He did that on purpose, you thought immediately. To remind you he remembered things you liked. To get you something that you did like. It was like an apology, extending an olive branch. This is how he knew how to apologize, with gifts.
You waited patiently until he came back with a long lighter. He smiled at you, lighting the small candle on the counter in between your plates. “Just like at the restaurant.”
A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth at the small touch.
“Sorry, it’s just sparkling cider,” he told you, gesturing at the glass in front of your plate. He held up his bourbon and took a swift drink.
“It’s fine, thanks,” you said, picking up your fork and taking a bite. You savored the taste, chewing slowly.
Silence fell over the table and the two of you ate, both staring down at your plates as you ate. There was something hanging in the air between you and you just wanted to know what.
You got your answer soon enough. Tony’s sigh was heavy as he dropped his fork to his plate. “You know… I do have to apologize.”
That caught your attention.
“I hate doing it. You know I do,” he said, giving a little nervous laugh. “Admitting I’m wrong. Goes against everything in my genes. But… I could—should have done better with aftercare. The bath was bare minimum. I know you need more. We talked about it. And I… I lost my temper. And that’s not fair of me when I’m in the position I am in.”
He had your rapt attention, you tracking his every word. What he said was not untrue – you two had had a conversation about aftercare, especially when it came to punishments. He seemed genuine in his apology.
Tony made eye contact with you, grasping your hand. “In the future, especially during your pregnancy—” He cut off. “And I looked at the report. Everything seems to be okay?” You nodded and he nodded in return, “Good. Good… I need to be more careful. I need to do better. So… I’m sorry.”
You chewed your lip, taking what he said in. He was waiting for you to respond, to say anything, his eyes desperately searching yours.
“I accept your apology,” you told him.
Tony was pleased, his frame relaxing immediately at your forgiveness. Your hand was brought to his lips for a quick kiss. “You’re good. So good.” He stepped closer, and his free hand came to the side of your face, looking into your eyes deeply. “So, after dinner… maybe I can lotion you down?”
“The raspberry shea?”
“Yes, of course. Whatever you want.”
Three words he always said but did not seem to follow through on.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @kvzctam, @farihafangirls, @teenageregression, @mrsnegan25
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senjuhashirama · 3 years
Witch trials
This took a lot from me to make, not because I cannot but because my mental health is deteriorating that it affected me to the point my medications aren't working and being abused. And this is the only statement I will write about this. 
Personal arguments happen. Especially when it’s over the internet. And yes, arguments (irl and over the internet) can affect our mental health, we are not islands. They affect my mental health and I believe everyone’s. Just because I don't write files doesn't mean I'm fine about a friendship falling out. If I have hurt anyone, I’m sorry. You have hurt me too, back then, we are grown people and we need to deal with hurting someone unconsciously and being hurt, especially when misunderstandings happen. I will own up and say the words that came out from me did not come from a stable mental health and mouth. Fear ruled me; my anxiety was beating me to a pulp about the thoughts that were in my head.
I have four google documents written about me with the boldest claims without receipts. The buzzword title about me being racist but inside saying they don't have receipts is telling. If anyone felt like that, they could have pointed out my behaviour anytime and I would very gladly correct it and educate myself better, but no such conversation happened. Even though I don’t believe it, I take such issues very seriously and I will educate myself better just for being accused of that, because racism is worse than being accused of racism - I wouldn’t get angry or have a meltdown if it was pointed out. But since there are no receipts and unwillingness to tell me privately what happened - nothing was resolved. I am not the type of person to say racist comments, it’s not something I take lightly.
Making parts of my personal conversations public and alluding to “what this (I) person meant to say” (while my first language isn’t English which is very problematic), ripping everything to shreds, trying to find skeletons on my personal blog, making up (very serious) lies with no back up and three people joining together to lynch a person, accusing them like they were a “witch” during witch trials for some sick personal satisfaction and making 4 word documents when this person has said multiple times they don’t want to have anything to do with any of these people, then making their country/location public exceeds a personal argument. And arguing some “anons” were from me with no proof is a weak argument. Making their issues about me is also weak. Making claims that I sent my “friends” is also lie. I have never told a soul (not on tumblr at least) about what was going through my head, only Jess (the situation with Calis and the sole reason was she was someone I call my friend). I am not someone who would talk negatively about them - before anything else, they were my friends - and I value them so much. (Hence the situation with Calis - because I valued our friendship I went in and confronted them with the thoughts that were lingering inside my head. I would own up and say it wasn’t the best of conversations and I wish they knew I was coming with a scared mind and heart - I didn't do it to purposely hurt them - I did it for my mental health and I was blocked before I could finish).
They are telling other people to block me while saying they don't condone harassment, so they would have their hands washed off from potential harassment which they are inviting to make the situation worse and hurt me more. They claim it's between me and them but they blocked me (I didn’t even see it or read it, my mental state can’t, I made my friends read it for me), they keep reblogging their post and they are making people choose sides. If it was between me and them, they would accept my attempts to deal with this in private, yet they ignored them. I believe patterns and behaviour, not words. There’s nothing easier than to block instead of making a call out post google document. What should have been resolved behind closed doors became a spectacle. There was no point stating what they wanted for me. I would take accountability and own up like an adult but to post about me - without reaching out and confronting directly did not resolve any of it or clear anything to me. I wasn't even tagged until one mutual told me about it.
Talking about mental health and suicide attempts, they have never stopped to think how I would feel about this or consider my mental health. You can all imagine how you would feel if your private conversations were made public with no regard of your privacy, claiming your pain is manipulative, making your location public (while claiming I am doxxing). I would ask them to remove it, but I'm just a project to them now and they feel no empathy for me or for any of my friends. To them, I'm not a real person, they dehumanized me. A doll they can tear down and watch shatter for their own amusement, reduced to a 4 word document. This is just a reminder that I am a person and I have feelings, and I have to be on heavy meds (benzos) to deal with this, I have to be constantly talked to by someone. I haven't been eating for more than two weeks because of previous threats and their behaviour.
Talk about traumatic experiences. But they aren’t bullies, because I “brought” it to myself, just like every victim from bullies' point of view. If this wasn’t for their personal amusement, they wouldn’t be going on my blog ten times a day (I have receipts if anyone wants proof). Revenge in the name of justice. Not to mention I was already threatened to be “exposed” - there was already a plot to maim.
Just PSA: Please, make a good description of pictures – some people don’t even understand who is who in which conversation, High Priestess is Jess and that was who threatened me. My friends questioned me about this just to be told it’s the other way around and I am MercurialHigh. These threats are the reason why my anxiety skyrocketed since I’ve told her personal information about me from my personal life I didn’t want to be made public.
I just wish they would leave me alone and understand the distress they have caused me, before (I just never addressed what I faced from them because we had a falling out and it was hurting me too) and now. It has been enough. I asked them multiple times to leave me alone, yet they still dig through all my blogs, invading my personal space. The damage has been done and this is affecting my mental health more than I’m willing to accept from a stupid app. I really don’t think me being here is helpful to them or to me. I worry for my physical safety. I have a life outside and I don’t need this neither I need to provoke them. From what everyone around me has said - an apology is due and a lengthy conversation but seeing as it wouldn't happen, then I rest my case.
I have a lot to say, I have a lot of "receipts" but I think silence for now is the best course of action. We are adults, and we own up and take accountability- I wouldn't make anyone's mental health worse by posting and fuelling the flame and I want to stop this cycle. I think that’s very in character, it’s what H would do and I won’t be giving these people my attention or any time anymore. It would be a pyrrhic victory to win this drama.
Alright.. I feel like my trust has been abused, I have been abused, my privacy has been abused, my safe space has been stolen and my mental health has been tampered with. But I will deal with this in therapy and I will not feed this drama anymore online.
Also if you could report the google files that would be very kind of you, instead of going to them. I don’t feel safe having my location revealed in a public space, something I have only shared privately and was deleting after answering that question. 
And thanks to everyone who supports me, or who reached out, who sees through all of this and how toxic it is to spread a person's private convos with commentaries. I will make it up to each one of you once I’ll figure out how and my mental health will let me do it.
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So light me up.
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