#sorry i have so many unanswered asks in my inbox i love you
spengsart · 11 months
omggg???? a tf2 fan AND ghost enjoyer too???? insane. I love your work mwah, they’re all so scrumptious🫶
hehe thanks so much!!!! what can i say. i love. video games and music
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silvrash-797 · 1 month
Just wanted to drop in see how you’re doing! :)
I have so many things I want to do, but no spoons with which to do them 😭 Fatigue seems to be my constant companion these days
There are good spots, though! I found a chiropractor within my insurance network, so my body aches aren't as bad as they were last month; my oldest started school (and is absolutely loving it!) so I get some more one-on-one time with my second kid; and my mom's flying over in a month to help prep/care for the new baby when he comes!
I just have to keep myself together for the next month and a half, first 🫠
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garlic-and-vanilla · 28 days
This ask is in your inbox because my brain has apparently chosen to title you as The Illithid Understander and I feel like you might have interesting thoughts to contribute to this topic (please don’t feel obligated to respond tho!)
When I played through bg3 for the first time, what really stood out to me about the Emperor as a character was that he is full of ambiguity. Many of the questions about him, on both a personal level and on a broader level as an illithid, simply do not have concrete answers in canon. I thought that it was so neat how the writers enshrined a vessel for open dialogue regarding some of the biggest themes and questions of the game/story in a character. I thought the whole point of the Emperor’s character is that there’s no One Right Answer about: its intentions, its morality, how much it still is or isn’t Balduran, how much it is or isn’t a monster, why it cares so much about the PC, if it made the right choices, etc.
Which is why I was utterly shocked to find out that SO many people played the game and just… unquestioningly seemed to think that many of those aspects had concrete answers. That this character that, to me, was defined by ambiguity, had been determined by so many to simply be Evil.
I have my own theories about each of the questions/ambiguities listed above, of course, based on my interpretation of canon. But I see them as just that, theories and interpretation. Maybe my perception of the Emperor as a bunch of unanswered questions is just an interpretation, too, but then what was the writers’ intent? (Did my success in high school English classes make me overly confident in narrative comprehension? Lol)
I’ve read many an interesting take on the Emperor on tumblr and ao3 that seem to vibe generally with the whole It’s Supposed to Be Ambiguous thing, and I’d love to hear your take.
First of all this is so funny and I am so honored to be The Illithid Understander lmao.
Second I am very sorry I haven’t answered this sooner. Alas I am not used to ever receiving asks and just now realized I even have one. And what a wonderful message!!!
Honestly I think you fuckin nailed it my man. In a game that spends so much time and energy asking the player to think about questions like “what does it take to be a monster,” “what aspects cause a person to become monstrous,” and “when does it become worth it to become a monster” the Emperor is the ultimate answer. The non-answer. His character embodies all the questions the game wants to ask, and then doesn’t answer any of them for you.
The game shows you characters and says “this is a monster.” Ketheric Thorm is a monster, and Orin and Gortash, despite how sympathetic their backstories and motivations might be. It shows you cycles of abuse, manipulation, cult mentality, and indoctrination. The power of grief, love, fear, and ambition to lead people down monstrous paths even as they think they’re doing the right thing, or the only thing.
You as the player character directly help your companions navigate these themes. You see how they’re affected, how they struggle, what they might become if they choose to give in, and what they become if they don’t.
Do they become monsters? Do you let them? Do you encourage them?
The game shows you clearly what monsters are, and waits to see if you’ll become one yourself.
Withers asks you, “Do illithids have souls?”
He claims they don’t, initially, but that story is contradicted the moment he meets the Emperor in the High Hall, and when you meet him after undergoing ceremorphosis yourself. There’s also lore out there that says illithids do have souls— non-apostolic ones.
So far as the game is concerned, I’m not sure there’s supposed to be a solid answer to that question. I think— like you do— that it’s supposed to be ambiguous. He is not a character the game points to and says “here is a monster.”
I agree with you wholeheartedly that the Emperor is made of ambiguity. The lack of answers are my favorite thing about him. He’s a mass of unanswered questions that you look at and see the themes of the story inside.
Is the Emperor a monster just for being a mind flayer?
Is he a monster because he came to embrace the power his illithid nature brought him?
Because a friend turned on him, claimed he was lost, and he killed them in self-defense?
Because he dominated Stelmane, a situation we have no context for?
How much of his behavior is genuine? How much of Balduran remains, and how much is illithid? Does he even know himself? Does it matter?
He’s a big mystery. We simply do not know everything about his past. We don’t know how much of his behavior is real, or an act. We have to make the deliberate decision to take him at his word, or not. To trust him, or not. To love him, or not. All of this complicated by the reality that his mind and experience are alien to us (a whole other post by itself).
Ultimately, there are no answers except what we come to decide about him for ourselves.
Some people have decided that he’s evil, for various reasons, and sure, that’s certainly a way to answer the question. To end the ambiguity by deciding the Emperor is, after all, a simple monster.
But isn’t it so, so much more interesting if he isn’t?
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bonefall · 11 months
Ask Etiquette
HELLO sorry for the intimidating post lmao, I just need something to toss up on the masterpost because I feel bad deleting asks and then people will never really have an idea of why I never answered them
I get a ton of asks (usually anywhere from 10 - 20 a day!) and I'm not able to get to them all! I try to answer as many as possible but I'm still just one guy. So with that in mind, there are some sorts of asks I will simply not answer, and some 'requests' I have for people who send them in;
Please keep your asks short PLEASE try not to send me essays if you want a response; I still love reading them! But if you send me walls of text/analysis you are asking me to write a lot in response, which I'd rather spend on actually writing or designing cats. (On that note if you send a bunch of questions at once, the likelihood I respond goes down.)
Do not send me personal questions Listen... I'm a stranger on the internet. I'm overjoyed to see when my art connects with people and helps you realize things! But don't ask me sensitive questions like how to move out of your abusive parents' house!! PLEASE learn internet safety and get less comfortable with volunteering that kind of information to people you don't know!
Do not ask me personal questions you do not need to know what i study or where i work. get less comfortable asking these sorts of questions to queer people on the internet, especially when they talk openly about having previously been abused or stalked. (not that a person should even need to be as open about that as i am)
If I don't have a good response I won't answer Especially for suggestions I don't vibe with. I try to only say "No" if I have a particularly interesting "No" to talk about, if that makes sense! If I had to write a full explanation for every veto or idea I don't vibe with, this blog would be 90% what isn't in BB.
No AUs within the AU. "What if Hawkfrost survived his impalement? What if Firestar never joined? What if Tigerstar was never born?" Listen, buddy, you're creating an exponential distraction for possible ways the story could have gone and I'm not looking to write several essays for the literal hundreds of alternative ways Clan history could have been written. It takes you 5 words to ask "What if X never died" but it takes me paragraphs to answer. (This isn't about suggestions btw, I very specifically mean ppl asking hypotheticals for fun.)
Don't be rude. I feel like this should go without saying but please mind the parasocial gap. Especially if you're on anon, I don't know you, your backstory, or your cadence.
No "Fight Baiting" You're free to ask me to speak about fandom trends, or for my opinions on general ideas, character discussions, and popular arguments! But it crosses a line if you're linking someone's posts with their uncropped usernames, sharing unsolicited google docs, youtube videos, etc, with the intention of getting me to attack a third party. We can talk about ideas without making it a PVP battle.
And, lastly, CLANMEW ASKS!!
I make a hard effort to get to everyone!! Those are published on Clanmew Day (WHICH IS NOW JUST GOING TO BE THE 30TH OF EVERY MONTH SO THAT IT'S LESS CONFUSING) but PLEASE understand I get a ton of them.
As I write this I have more than 26 tabs open of unanswered Clanmew asks, a lot more in my inbox, and 9 already in the queue. So that you understand the sheer volume of asks I have there.
If I didn't get to you that month, chances are that I'll get to you on the next, but please understand why I ask for folks to not re-send asks
So here's Clanmew-specific requests;
PLEASE just try a translation on your own first! Don't just send me raw lists of OCs to translate, give it a go first using the Lexicon, just so I can see you tried. I will happily and gladly make more specific words for you when I see you try!
When you send OCs you've translated, ask me for a new word at the end if you didn't already in your list. Just in case I can't think of a witty comment or a word suggestion, you will help me a lot
Please try to format with lists like this one Folks will send me double or triple-indented lists and it will take up my entire screen when they've only sent like, 5 names. Remember that posts you send to me go on people's dashes, be considerate please You can open a list like this by starting a new paragraph, typing -, and then an immediate space. Hold Shift + Enter to indent without adding another bullet.
If you could put "Clanmew" somewhere in your ask, like even if you open up with "Clanmew: Here is my question blah blah," it would help immensely I physically can't get to every ask I receive on Clanmew Day, so if you have "Clanmew" in your ask somewhere, it makes it a lot easier for me to find it when I can finally answer! I really wish Tumblr had ways to sort asks, but currently, I've just gotta make due with Cntrl + F.
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cappulcino · 7 days
How much more entitled can people get?
I literally received a message this morning (5:30 a.m for me) saying:
[Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for] need fics and so do [Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for]
Just that. That's the message.
First of all, fanfiction writers (as well as other artists of any kind who post their work on social media) are actual people with feelings and a life you don't know about. You owe them basic respect. So "Hello", "Please", and "Thank you" are the bare minimum. You can also throw a couple "Sorry to bother you" or "I hope you don't mind [...]" in there if you want.
And I don't care that your English isn't good as it was the case with the person who DMed me. I'm fairly certain your language has words for those, and Google translate exists.
Second. I know my DMs are open and I don't really mind receiving some. But I know some people do mind. So please, as much as possible, keep private conversations for private things. For general questions and requests, there is a....... you guessed it: REQUEST INBOX/ASK BUTTON. Not only Tumblr made it easier for us to know how many requests we have left unanswered (unlike the notification count for DMs that disappears as soon as you open the conversation), but your request and our answer to it might be interesting to others.
Third. When you know a writer (or, again, digital artist, video editor, whatever) is already in a middle of something, sometimes maybe working on several WIPs/requests/commissions at once (+ their personal lives and struggles), you may send your own request. But you may not send several requests a day or one everyday (as it has happened to me), nor keep asking "Have you seen my request?", "When will you answer my ask?" and any other variations of those questions. Again, we have lives and problems outside social media, and we can't burden ourselves with more WIPs than our brain and schedule can deal with.
Also, quick reminder that constantly asking about the progress of a fic or other work you asked for or are excited about does not make said work arrive any faster. If anything, you are pressuring someone that may react the opposite way and be so frustrated they can't do it anymore. Thank goodness this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know that, with my AuDHD and anxiety disorder, if you start asking me about something repeatedly, I won't want nor be mentally able to do it anymore and you'll never have what you wanted.
Lastly, learn how to read. For the love of God, learn. how. to. read. Writers and artists on Tumblr spend quite some time answering asks and making detailed masterposts and introductions for themselves and their work. So take as much time to read those and check previously answered requests because the answer might be somewhere in there.
I have received messages about fandoms I don't write for. What's the point? I have received requests for tropes I'm not comfortable with (and I clearly stated so). What's the point? I have received requests to write in a style that is evidently not mine (and while I do enjoy a challenge, I don't think it's fun for neither writer nor recipient). What's the point?
Also learn how to read the room. If we suddenly stop answering you, you might have done something wrong. If you see us suddenly get tense or a bit rude, you might have done something wrong. And if we express our discomfort and tell you you've done something wrong.... you've definitely done something wrong. There is no need to whine or be disrespectful about it or send anonymous insults to our inbox. Take responsibility, be mature and accountable.
Remember that what we post on social media is for enjoyment, but not only your own –ours, too. And remember that 95% of the time, we are not paid to do this, and yet it takes half if not most or all of our free time. You have no right to be impolite and so entitled with someone you don't know and whose services you don't pay for.
Be better.
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Hey Rory. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all of those anons who didn’t respect you. The literal audacity they had to send those to you. You’re a human being, as much as anyone else, which means you don’t deserve all of that. You shouldn’t be worked non-stop and grounded down to a nub just for people’s entertainment. Please take a break of at least a breather. Wouldn’t want my favorite writer to break down. We’re all here for you. I’d also like to point out that I am and will always ~like~ to be 🐻🥃. I’ll start putting random little nicknacks during my asks so you know it’s me. Please take care of yourself. Thank you very much for reading this!
- 🐻🥃.
P.S- Came up with a nickname ideas for my emojis: Whiskear. It’s Bear and whiskey mixed together.
Yeah it sucked. Honestly I'm glad I turned off anon. It's just so stressful sometimes. It really is. I'm gonna be real because today was a shit day and I honestly am incapable of giving a fuck right now but for a while there I was coming to resent the blog. Friends can tell you I was constantly breaking down about the blog and how stressful it was getting.
A lot of that was the pressure I put on myself. I always feel like I have to answer every ask right away and keep my inbox empty (which is impossible with a blog this size with one person behind it, but I am learning it's okay to leave asks unanswered). This blog was running me ragged at the expense of the fic. I was putting so much time and energy into the blog that I neglected the fic. So many chapters were like rush written on Thursday so I could edit and post on Patreon on Friday. Hell even this week's chapter was finished last night and edited this morning. Granted I had a hell of a day on Wednesday.
So yeah, turning anon off has been a bit of a relief. Don't get me wrong, I love getting asks and not crazy and rude and harassing anons, but it's more my own pressure and expectations on myself to keep up with the blog constantly. Taking days off has been so helpful honestly. Sure I still creep on here on my days off but I don't have that pressure to answer every ask as it comes in all the time.
Anyway, I don't hate the blog anymore (most of the time) nor the fic (only sometimes when the words aren't wording). But thank you all for your kind words and your support. I truly appreciate it so much.
I forgot to put you on my list 🤦‍♀️ I thought you were already on there and somehow I didn't notice that you weren't. Today has been a hell of a day and if I forgot anyone else please let me know.
Whiskear is so cute omg 😍 I love
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bil-daddy · 10 months
Hi Bildad. I know this isn't at all what your Tumblr is for, but I don't have anyone IRL to talk to about this, and my husband reads AITA. If you want to just leave this in your inbox unanswered, that is ok.
Today during an argument, my husband told me that he has not been attracted to me since we got married (20 years ago!) Around that time I started on antidepressants and they caused me to gain some weight and then I gained some more weight. Currently I am 5'6" and 190lbs.
He has hinted at this a couple times over the course of our marriage and frequently turns me down for sex (one time we went a whole year without any sexual activity). He said that he has never been completely honest about this before because it would hurt my "fragile ego" and send me into an "emotional spiral".
When we were first married, he was in good shape, but about ten years ago, he started putting on weight, too. He is currently 6'0" and 260lbs. He says that he knows that it's not fair, but he's just being honest about how he feels.
Currently I'm considering getting bariatric surgery, vs trying to do my best to diet and exercise while working full time and raising three kids with him, vs calling it quits and trying to find someone who likes my body the way it is. I have a fairly high sex drive and I'm feeling very frustrated.
Again, sorry for venting here. Not something I'd be willing to admit to family or friends but just needed to get it off my chest and this seems like a safe space.
Hi, anon. Sorry you're going through this.
Now, to paraphrase AITA (and r/relationship_advice, and r/relationships) You don't have a weight problem. You have a husband problem.
It shouldn't take a midwife to know that bodies change after giving birth and it seems you've done that three times. And that's not even getting into the normal weight gain that comes with aging. Nobody looks the same as they looked 20 years ago (well, unless you're an immortal being--which I am definitely not by the way, 100% totally human shoemaker obstetrician right here)
Your husband knows this. He's aged and gained weight, too. And not to get all Freudian, but I'm betting his criticisms of you are actually projection of how he feels about himself. (Especially the "fragile ego" and "emotional spiral" part. Such classic projection it might as well be an old silent film.)
He probably didn't mean what he said about not being attracted to you for your entire twenty-year marriage, if you two were arguing when he said it. It was just something he knew he could say to hurt you in the moment.
That's not an excuse, by the way. Every relationship is gonna have fights (don't ask me how I know), but you shouldn't be fighting dirty against the person you love. Fuck nasty, sure. But not fight dirty.
Speaking of which, sex drives often wax and wane over the course of lifetimes, and relationships, and a group of two's respective shifts don't always line up. Still, if there's an ongoing mismatch then the couple should do their best to figure out a compromise that works for both of them.
Is your husband doing this?
Is he doing half the childcare so you have the free time to exercise?And relax, too, because you won't have the energy to exercise if you're too tired from work and childcare.
Is he doing half the grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking so your whole family can eat a healthy diet?
Is he trying to get back into shape and lose weight himself?
And finally, the hard (pun intended) one--is he cutting back on "pornography!" (to quote Sandalphon) so he can direct the majority of his sexual energy towards you? Has he checked with a doctor about his testosterone levels? Blood flow?
You don't have to tell me, but the answers to these questions might tell you whether your husband is putting enough effort into your marriage to make it worth saving, versus calling it quits and finding someone who will appreciate your body the way it is--and there are many people who will (just ask @mrazfellco about my obsession with his belly and thick thighs)
But the most important person who needs to appreciate your body the way it is isn't your husband or a hypothetical post-divorce boyfriend. The most important person who needs to appreciate your body is you.
And so you need to do whatever it is that will make you feel good about yourself. That might be diet and exercise. That might be bariatric surgery. That might just be losing 260 pounds of husband.
But whatever it is, it needs to be for you.
Hope this helps.
Good luck to you, and have an ox rib (platonic)
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coveredinbees · 1 year
I have 15 unanswered asks in my inbox - some of them are six months old, and all 15 of them are asking when the new chapter of "Indecent Proposal" is out.
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I am a big, anxious coward that hasn't answered them, and I am genuinely sorry. That's rude of me, and the last thing I want is to be rude. I see so many amazing writers in this fandom who are able to churn out multiple masterpieces at the same time, and I am so jealous of those people.
I do ADHD, (I think I've mentioned that before), but I also have some obsessive compulsive tendencies. The way my brain works is that I can only ever focus on one thing at a time, and then I tend to put my whole pussy into it and because of that I burn out. For the past six months, the thing I've been focusing on has been my new job, and because I've been burning myself out, it hasn't left much room in my life for writing. When I have been writing 'IP', I find myself editing and re-editing the same scenes obsessively, because I have this all-or-nothing 'this has to be perfect' mentality. The more anxious I get, the more obsessive I get. And the longer I put off posting the new chapter... well, you get the picture. As unpleasant as waiting for a new chapter can be, I promise you that nobody hates the lack of updates more than me, and I'm the writer.
The next couple of chapters are written. So why can't I stop editing them?
I'm posting this for accountability. Even if the next chapter of IP isn't perfect, I'm posting it on Saturday. And then I'm going to keep writing, because I genuinely love writing and I want to be able to do it without this cloud of anxiety hanging over me.
I'm sorry for the radio silence. And for this heavy post. I hope you are all doing okay, and I miss this fandom.
And here's a picture, for Anthony tax.
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
Hi Barb! I love your work, and I was curious about how you managed to branch out into so many different areas. How did you find an artist for your visual novel? Is trad publishing as hard to break into as I feel like it is?
Sorry this isn't a super focused ask; I just find the breadth of what you've been able to do really impressive and wondered if you had any advice to share for someone looking to achieve something similar.
Sure! I love talking about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. I think creators should be as transparent as possible, because by doing that we help each other and can avoid scammy situations.
I found an artist for my visual novel by posting here on tumblr. A really cool artist who follows me approached me and we were able to do a deal that I could afford. I'm really happy with the work they've done so far and I'm really excited to put it into the game. Finding artists isn't always easy, and I'm still fairly new to this whole commissioning thing (the first art I commissioned was the cover art for Blood Moon), but there are a lot of really good artists just hanging out online that you can approach and talk to. If they're already in your circle, then that's even better, because they'll know the sort of thing you want.
Trad publishing is super hard to break into and I have not really achieved it. I'm looking for an agent as we speak (meaning, there are unanswered emails in inboxes around the world), so hopefully I'll get lucky and will be able to talk more about this subject soon, but right now? I'm still VERY MUCH trying to figure it out. My first novel, Crying Wolf, was traditionally published but with a very small publisher that didn't require agented submissions. At the time, that seemed like a good idea. In hindsight, I don't think I would suggest small publishers. I wasn't able to sell many books through them (my royalties for that project are <400 USD over two years) and the editing process was extreme. I'm hoping my latest novel will do better and hope an agent/bigger publisher will help that happen. But... I don't know. I may never find an agent or publisher for this novel I've been working on. In which case, I'll have to rethink my strategy.
Writing is tough, and being a writer isn't easy. A lot of writers I know have outside financial support, especially when starting up. Spouses are, I'm told, very useful in this regard. I'm single, so I'm working odd jobs part time to try and make ends meet.
But I love it. I'm also getting better at it the more I do. I'm trying different things (games, etc) and that's been a great experience. I'm never going to be one of these crazy successful authors that has a breakout best seller in their twenties and never looks back... but I'm enjoying myself and slowly trying to carve out my own little space in the writing world.
I hope at least some of that makes sense.
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themarydragon · 11 months
My Amazing Inbox
Hey so
I have over a hundred unanswered asks in my inbox, and if one of them is you I'm sorry. Imma tell you right now I will never get through them all.
It is GLORIOUS how many of you slid into my dms to tell me ways totk supported cwrd, and how the cwrd universe can still be canon. I love you. I love each and every one of you. I can't pick and choose which ones to reply to and I want to keep my blog MOSTLY spoiler-free for the people who haven't been able to play it and/or haven't finished it yet.
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lukesunbornn · 1 year
every few days i come into your ask box and try to think of a joke or i type up a nigerian prince scam and then i'm like "augh that's not funny" and then delete it. but i just remembered i can be a normal person with normal conversation skills. so hi
HI!!!!!!!! i am so sorry i just discovered i have so many unanswered asks from you in my inbox 😭😭😭 i stopped checking awhile ago but hello my friend lizzie who has normal conversation skills and also is very funny 🩵 i love you!!!!
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skyward-floored · 2 years
what are all your wips? not asking to post the excerpts themselves but like. what fics are you working on / plan to do? if you dont mind sharing your secret plans…… :)
I don’t mind at all! I love talking about my fics/wips, thanks for asking!!!
Prepare yourself for a BIG LIST of fics, some of which that have been half-published, and also some that haven’t yet seen the light of day :)
The Twilight Turns — true form au! Midna gets her true form back WAY earlier than in canon, and this leads to both her and Link catching quite a few feelings. The next chapter is sort of on pause until I get around to playing the part I’m at in-game.
Royal Castletown Wedding — a fic that started as a joke post, I stole the plot of a my little pony episode and lu-ified it. If you think it is just fluffy silliness than you are wrong. I’ve hit the climax, and there’s only a few chapters left of this one!
Brethren in a Cradle — *gently holds* my very special multichap fic I haven’t updated in months (I’M SORRY) about Wild, as well as the rest of the chain, stumbling across a baby and having no other options, take him with them. Warriors had snuck his way into the focus as well. The next chapter IS being worked on, just verrrry slowly. This fic means a lot to me and I’m NOT giving up on it.
Up in Arms — Warriors loses an arm during the war, and struggles immensely with coming to terms with it. Fortunately he ends up with 8 other heroes who are more than willing to help. First chapter of this is up, the second and third (fourth?) chapters are in progress.
The Many Courses of Love — a fic exploring all the different relationships of the Links after their adventures, a chapter per game. This one isn’t lu, (it’s actually connected to my own Link’s meet thing) but I’m very attached to it. Next couple chapters are being worked on, but aren’t very close to finished XD
Unnamed Time & Legend fic — angst/whump/hurt/comfort o-rama. This one is a continuation of a whumptober I wrote in 2021, but it can honestly stand on its own. Everyone, especially Time and Legend, has a Bad Time. A specific secret is also revealed. Planning on finishing this one entirely and releasing the couple chapters it has on a schedule.
Unnamed breath of the wild aftermath/Dark Link fic — a multichap I’ve had cooking for years, after the events of botw the Yiga decide revenge is due, and steal some of Link’s blood to make a copy of him to kill him. Except they don’t account for Zelda’s magic accidentally getting mixed up in there, and they make... a pretty sweet guy who has no clue what’s going on. The first chapter of this is done actually, but I don’t want to post it because the rest is... nowhere near done in any way XD
Incredibles au main story — the entire dang movie as an lu fic, I’m chipping away at it when I can! Not ready to be published yet, but I’m working on it :)
Incredibles au Hyrule backstory — this one is close to being done, it’s about how Hyrule ended up with the rest of the boys
Unnamed Warriors and Hyrule fic — the traveler and captain couldn’t be more unalike, but it turns out they’re connected by much more than they previously thought. This one is on the back burner, but I work on it occasionally. Thinkin it’ll be one of those 5 + 1 fics the kids do.
Unnamed Warriors and Mask/Time fic — traitor angst babeyyyyy! I’m stuck on this one, don’t know when it’ll be done.
Fic for Tellie — (yes that’s the working title) set in her palace au, it’s almost done :)
Courage of Ages — aaauuuggghh my own Link’s meet au thing, it’s been on the back burner as well, but I love it so and love questions about it. It’ll be publishable someday...
Tri Force Heroes oneshot collection — a bunch of oneshots about Tri force heroes, plus post-game backstory stuff with my versions of these guys :)
Assorted requests sitting in my inbox from ages ago — *sweating* ages ago I asked for some fic ideas, several of which are... still sitting in my inbox, unanswered. I’ve barely worked on them, but I’ll do them eventually!
There’s a few more not on this list, but they’re either self-indulgent things I’ll never publish, ideas that are barely formed or I haven’t started writing as of yet, or fics I started but didn’t continue and haven’t touched in months.
Anyways whew, I think that’s it! I’m always willing to answer questions about all of these, so don’t be shy!
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btssavedmylifeblr · 2 years
Hiii, what does it take for you to decide whether or not answer an ask? I know you don’t want to reveal any spoilers obvs but are u uncomfortable with any topics? I don’t ever want to make you uncomfy so I tried my best to be respectful with my asks, never ask for spoilers and updates, just sharing excitement and own thoughts, but I never see you answering them :( it’s been a few at this point I think they just don’t come through lmao
Anyway, sending all the love, I’m a big fan of your writing <3
Hi! I’m glad you asked! I’m sorry I’ve missed your previous asks.
1) It is very rare that an ask makes me uncomfortable. You seem very respectful and polite so I highly doubt you sent something that I didn’t want to answer for that reason. I do delete asks that are attacking me or my readers or are designed to stir up controversy / provoke a response just for the sake of trolling. Less than 1% of my asks get deleted.
2) I get more asks that I can answer. I have hundreds or possibly thousands of unanswered asks. The only way I have found to manage it without losing my sanity is just to log in when I have the time/energy and start at the most recent and work my way down until I run out of time or steam. So if you notice me answering asks, that’s often a good time to send one. But if something else in my life is going on where I’m sick or tired or busy or whatever, a great ask may come in, but then just get buried before I manage to get to it. This is probably what happens to like 80% of my asks. I want to answer them.
3) I do worry about spamming people with too many answered asks. So anything not related to the contents of my blog usually doesn’t get answered. Or if it’s a question that has been answered several times before.
4) If I want to end a particular conversation, I will stop answering asks about it, even if they were otherwise great contributions.
5) Here’s where I’m really going to sound like an asshole, but sometimes I get really lovely asks, talking about how much they like my writing or things like that, but they dont ask any questions or really give me anything that I can think of to say in response other than thank you. And that just doesn’t seem sufficient? So I get stuck in deciding what to say and then they get buried before I get a chance to come back to them.
6) I answer update asks when I have new news to share with the blog. Otherwise I ignore them.
7) Sometimes i get halfway through answering a longer question and then my toddler interrupts me and i save it to my drafts, but then its not in my inbox anymore so I forget it exists. I have about 2000 half-answered asks in my drafts folder.
So anyways, I hope that helps. Please dont take it personally if I havent answered something from you. If you come off anon, i will usually prioritize asks from people who I recognize as regular readers of the blog. Because I love them. Thank you! 💜
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searidings · 4 years
Miss ridings I love you. Why ? For addressing this
“I wouldn’t even know which part of you to trust!” Lena snaps. “Which side of you am I supposed to know, exactly? On the same day Supergirl condemned me for making Kryptonite, Kara Danvers came with me to eat ice cream and watch Disney movies with Ruby. Supergirl told me she couldn’t trust me, but Kara supported me. She was there for me. You sided with me, when I was fighting with you. Can’t you see how fucked up that is?”
For having Lena saying it, giving us Kara’s POV And Kara’s acknowledgement of her mistakeS. But also having Lena understand why Kara was upset and her own reasoning. Just Thank You ! Okay back to reading.
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Heyyy love
Prompt for feysand please❤❤
"Whoever stood you up is a real
What’s this??? LB doing prompts again?? I have so many in my inbox and I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up with them! I should be working on ACoFD/LVeR but the words have not been wording for me this week so i thought doing something light hearted may help! (Surprise, surprise the words also didn't word well for me here, but at least i had fun).
Word count: 3,710
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Just give me one more chance.
Two drinks ago, Feyre had thought the plea was almost romantic. Didn’t it go this way in rom-coms? Guy meets girl, guy loses girl, guy gets his ass humbled, and then he crawls back to prove that he’s changed.
Feyre had wanted Tamlin to fight for her. She walked away prepared for him to call her bluff and when he asked for another chance, she’d been relieved to provide it.
Now that relief was starting to taste bitter. She scowled at the empty seat across from her where the rim of her glass circled it like a telescope. Almost as though it were mocking her, saying: hey, remember how Tamlin was supposed to be here over an hour ago?
She couldn’t decide if she was more angry or humiliated. The passing glances from the surrounding tables were obvious and as her waiter circled to ask if she wanted another drink, the masked pity was as thin as Feyre’s patience.
It was well past the point where she should leave—but everytime she convinced herself to ask for the bill, a little voice in her head begged her to reconsider. What if he has a good excuse? 
Two drinks ago she might have blamed that part of herself on the Feyre who had been lovestruck by Tamlin the moment she’d knocked on his door asking for help in jump-starting her car. Her naive, romance-addled brain had been convinced it was fate, that electricity was thrumming through more than just the jumper cables. 
Now Feyre nursed her third glass of wine and decided to be a little more honest with herself—she was not staying because she was in love with Tamlin. She was staying because it was terrifying to think that she was so easily cast aside. An old wound was chafing and she was begging for Tamlin to walk through those doors and prove her wrong. 
A glance at her phone showed her where are you?? text had been read and left unanswered. 
He was supposed to be the one who was not good enough, proving that she should give him another chance. Yet she was the one shifting underneath the weight of his blatant rejection, feeling humiliated and… and insufficient.
Swinging doors caught Feyre’s attention in her peripheral vision, and she swung her head hoping to find shoulder length blonde hair and a damned good explanation. As though there were a higher power with a truly sadistic sense of humor, Feyre was instead greeted by waist length red hair and dark onyx eyes that glinted in recognition.
Amarantha sauntered over with a cruel smile twisting her blood-red lips, and Feyre wished she could opt out of her 23-year trial of life, because the experience so far was less than satisfactory. 
“Feyre, darling,” she crooned, and it sounded just as condescending as Feyre remembered. “It’s been an age, how are you doing?”
Feyre’s eyes darted to the rolled silverware on the table, genuinely contemplating shoving a fork through her hand if it would get her out of conversation with Tamlin’s ex-girlfriend. She was certain it would be less humiliating than letting Amrantha put together that she’d been stood up.
“Amarantha,” she greeted, not even bothering to fake enthusiasm. “I’m doing great, thanks for asking.”
The conversation withstood an awkward beat of silence. Amarantha waited for Feyre to reciprocate the question, and Feyre sipped her wine in the unrealistic hope that the redhead would get the hint and move on.
Instead she smirked at the empty chair. “Where’s your date?”
Given that Feyre and Tamlin had shared a fairly public breakup only a few weeks prior, Feyre didn’t doubt this was some attempt to rub it in her face. She might have felt smug in telling Amarantha that Tamlin had come crawling back on his knees, if she weren’t sitting across from the evidence that every promise had been empty.
Feyre was searching for something that could help her save face in this moment, but everything she came up with was so obvious an excuse that it would be more embarrassing to lie than admit the truth. 
Time to swallow her pride. “I—”
“Thanks for letting me take that.” Feyre blinked, turning in time to watch a dark-haired man slide into the seat across from her. He wore an easy smile as he dangled his phone between his fingers. “The production team has been circling like vultures to get that contract signed, but I’ll be sure to give them hell tomorrow for interrupting our date.”
He was easily the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and Feyre had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
That heartbreaking smile faded as he took in Feyre’s stunned face, and then the woman who stood beside her with slitted eyes.  “Oh.” He leaned forward, extending his hand toward Amarantha’s. “I’m Rhysand, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I assume you’re one of Feyre’s friends?”
How did he…?
“So it’s true,” Amarantha purred, slanting her eyes towards Feyre as she accepted Rhysand’s outstretched hand. “You and Tamlin have officially ended things.”
Feyre shot her a look that she hoped was an appropriate mix between duh and don’t be rude, though it was a wonder she was able to express any emotion outside of the shock that was thrumming through her veins. She couldn’t decide whether to be relieved or creeped out by her saviour.
Rhysand seemed exceedingly charming, and obviously very clever to have put so much about the situation together so quickly. A smooth tongued liar was the last thing she needed to associate herself with, even if he was saving her from a mortifying situation. It didn’t help that he had exceptionally pretty eyes—so vividly blue that in the dim restaurant lighting she could have sworn they were violet.
“Anyway, Am, it was great catching up with you,” she dismissed in a sickly-sweet voice. “But Rhysand and I should really get back to—”
“Sure,” she said, adopting a tone of disinterest as though she hadn’t pointedly come up to Feyre’s table. With a flick of red hair, and a mumbled, “enjoy your dinner,” she hurried off to join the group of friends she’d come in with. Feyre noted with no small measure of dread that they were in clear view of Rhysand and Feyre’s table. It seemed there was no escaping this with her dignity intact.
“So…” she turned back to the grinning man leaning back in the chair across from her, looking so comfortable she’d have never guessed he wasn’t meant to be there.“Rhysand, huh?”
“You can call me Rhys,” he offered. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Feyre darling.”
So he’d overheard the entire conversation with Amarantha. Great. At least the nickname was only half as grating when it came from his smirking lips.
“It was nice of you to intervene,” she said, feeling at a loss of where to go from here. “You don’t have to stay here, though. You can… go back to wherever you came from. I was planning on leaving soon, anyway.”
He quirked a brow, jutting his chin toward the direction Amarantha had wandered off. “And let her have the satisfaction? No way. The only way you’re getting out of this date is if you throw that glass of wine at my shirt and storm out of here with your chin held high.”
Feyre studied the glass in her hand as though she were considering it. “Do you often threaten your dates this way?”
“Only the ones with pretty smiles,” he said smoothly.
Feyre nearly pointed out that he hadn’t seen her smile yet. Instead, she asked, “Why?”
“Well I can’t let just anyone throw wine at—”
“No,” she interrupted, brows furrowing. “Why would you help me like that?”
“Why?” he repeated, studying her curiously. “Why else does a man help a beautiful lady? It’s not merely because I am a kind, charitable, delightful gentlemen—”
“Humble, too,” she muttered.
That only seemed to widen his grin, but after holding her gaze for a long moment it lost some of its luster. “Because I noticed you as soon as you stepped into the room,” he admitted. “Which means I know that you’ve been here for nearly two hours, staring at your phone. And whoever stood you up is a real jerk.”
“That’s none of your business,” she said, a touch too defensively.
Rhys tipped his head in acknowledgment. “You’re right, it’s not. And I didn’t mean to capitalize on a shitty situation. I genuinely just wanted to help. No one deserves to be stood up, even less so to be mocked for it.”
A dry lump formed in her throat. Was it so far-fetched? She likely would have done the same if she’d seen a lonely girl about to have something terrible rubbed in her face. And the kindness of a stranger was making her emotional, especially when she considered that Rhysand was putting more consideration into their fake relationship than Tamlin had put into their real one.
Since Rhys had already seen her at such a low point, she figured there was no use disguising it. Her shoulders slumped, and she stared blankly at the rim of her wine glass as she confessed, “Today sucked.”
Sympathy danced in his eyes, swirling with the flecks of silver and the reflected candlelight. “Allow me to try to make it suck a little bit less? I’ll buy you dinner and you can tell me how much of a prick this Tamlin guy is—or, or we can talk about whatever you want. I just want to see if I can make you smile by the time I pay the bill.”
Feyre chewed her lip in thought. The cynical part of herself, the one who’d just been stood up  and couldn’t help but doubt the intentions of a strange man, asked, “And you, what? Came here by yourself in case someone needed you to play knight in shining armor?”
Rhys pointed towards a table in the corner, graced by four ridiculously attractive people that seemed to be in the middle of an energetic conversation. One of his friends—a big, bulking man with shoulder length dark hair—noticed their attention and smirked, waggling his fingers in greeting. 
“I came here with friends,” Rhys explained. “Though, I’m certain they’re relieved to be rid of me.”
It was an effort not to feel embarrassed that Rhysand’s entire friend group knew she’d been stood up. Feyre couldn’t help feeling like she’d been made out to be a charity case, and half-wished it had been one of the girls at the table—either the blonde with warm eyes or the short, slightly more intimidating looking one—that had come to rescue her. At least then she could be comforted by female solidarity and not feel so exposed by the fact that her savior was unfairly gorgeous.
Given that Rhys had been here for two hours, and his friends looked about ready to pay the bill, she was certain he’d already had dinner. That didn’t stop him from making pointed eye contact with her waiter and ordering as though he truly were on a first date. Feyre could admit that she’d been starving waiting for Tamlin to show up, and when those encouraging violet eyes turned to her, she caved and ordered the dish she’d had her eye on in the time she’d been waiting. Rhys looked immensely pleased that she’d decided to go along with it.
“So,” Rhys began once the waiter left. “How likely am I to have a fight on my hands if this other guy shows up?”
Feyre frowned at her phone, still open to her messages with Tamlin. Those blue checkmarks beside her last message were practically glaring at her. “If he shows up, he’ll likely puff his chest and try to make a scene.” 
The rolled up sleeves of Rhysand’s dark button-up shirt provided Feyre with a generous display of golden brown skin stretched over muscular forearms. Given his broad frame, and the size of his two male friends in the corner, Tamlin would have to have a death wish to pick a fight.
“Sounds like a catch,” Rhys said dryly.
“He won’t show up.” She spoke with a confidence she wished she’d possessed an hour ago, so that she could have left the restaurant with a little more pride in her step and avoided this situation altogether. “Knowing Tamlin, he’ll wait until my anger cools, then show up with a spectacular excuse and a thousand apologies.”
“Ah. Sounds like you���ve been down this road with him before.” Rhysand’s voice, and expression, lacked the judgment Feyre had come to expect in these conversations. There was none of the exasperated why are you still with him?? undertone that so many of her friends seemed to take. It was refreshing.
“And it will be the last time,” she promised, more to herself than him. Feeling suddenly emboldened—most likely by the wine—Feyre snatched her phone and blocked Tamlin’s number.
“Good riddance, then,” Rhys said, the corners of his mouth peeking into a smile. He grabbed his glass full of amber liquid and raised it into the space between them. “You deserve someone who shows up.”
Feyre raised her glass to meet his, watching the wine slosh with the movement. “Or swoops in,” she added, without really thinking.
Those dark brows raised, probably wondering if Feyre was flirting with him. So was she. 
Rhys met her eyes levelly. “Shows up,” he insisted. “Otherwise the grand gestures are meaningless.”
Out of everything that happened in the space of an evening, how was that what made her eyes finally begin stinging with tears? She knew the answer. It was because every grand gesture Tamlin made—the gifts and flowers, the romantic weekends away, even the way they’d first met… They’d always been Tamlin swooping in, convincing Feyre there was an effort being made even when he never showed up when it counted.
Her vision swam, and Feyre fixed her eyes on the candlelight as she blinked furiously. Crying would only add to the dumpster fire that had become of her romantic evening, and Tamlin didn’t deserve her tears.
“Are you a painter?” Rhys asked suddenly, in what she was certain was an attempt to distract her.
Feyre’s eyes snapped to his face. “What?”
He pointed to her arm, at a streak of dried paint she must have missed in the hours she’d spent getting ready for the date. Hours, she reminded herself. To look pretty for a man who never showed up. Though she supposed it wasn’t a fruitless effort, since she’d apparently caught Rhysand’s eye from the second she walked into the restaurant.
Her eyes trailed a path over his strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, then to where his sensuous lips tugged into a wickedly endearing smile. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, to have ended up sitting across from him.
“Unless the paint is a fashion statement,” he teased lightly, unperturbed by her staring. He was so beautiful, she wondered if he was used to it.
“Yeah,” she answered, unable to keep the astonishment from her voice. Feyre would have been lucky if Tamlin noticed her hair was curled. “I was working on a piece earlier today.”
“What were you painting?” he asked, leaning forward. His eyes glimmered with what she perceived to be genuine interest, and her heart ached to realize how low the bar was, to be so shocked by Rhysand’s attentiveness.
“A mural,” she said, feeling a smile tug at the corners of her lips. “At a school. I’m an art teacher, and I’ve been working on a project with my students over the last few months. It’s been—incredible.”
His expression softened into something like wonder, and Feyre wished she could freeze time so that she could spend hours openly admiring how expressive his eyes were. It was almost a relief when the waiter arrived with their food, preventing her from gawking at the pretty man.
Feyre’s mood lifted significantly after the first mouthful. Was it wishful thinking to pin most of her anguish on hunger? It couldn’t have helped.
 “Tell me about it.” Rhys said, picking at his second dinner with noticeably less enthusiasm.  “The mural, I mean.”
For a moment, she hesitated. Meals with Tamlin were typically quiet once the food arrived, but she supposed Rhys wasn’t very hungry. So she did. Around very unlady-like mouthfuls, she explained how each class had voted on what to include in the mural and how she’d spent months collaborating with the students to help their visions come to life. 
“They get so excited each day more is added to the mural,” she said, fully grinning at the memory. Rhys was smiling too. “I like to stay late so I can add to it when no one is watching. Their eyes go so wide when they see it in the morning.”
“Do you have a picture of what you’ve done so far?” he asked.
Feyre nodded, opening her phone to the album she’d created for the project so that he could scroll through the progress—and the student-drawn references. His smile widened until she could see his brilliant, white teeth.
“This is—wow. Incredible is the right word.” He handed the phone back, having looked through the entire album. “You’re very talented. As are your students, of course.”
“Thank you,” she said with a laugh. “I promise I can do serious paintings, as well.”
“Well I am officially a fan,” he said. “And if you and your students are ever open to commissions, I have a wall in my office that is looking very bland at the moment. It could certainly use more pegasi and faeries painted onto it.”
“No office is complete without them,” she deadpanned, and when he laughed it was like someone had filled her blood with helium.
By the time the bill came, which he insisted on paying despite her protests, Rhys had certainly made her smile. She’d even go so far as to say she had a good time.
His friends in the corner were long gone, so they walked out together as he continued his story on the origin of his friend group.
“So we like to come here at least once a month,” he finished, tucking his hands into his pockets. “You should join us next time.”
Some of her smile faded as she imagined what it would be like to meet them, given they all knew exactly how she and Rhys had met.
“We’ll see,” she said, not having the heart to deny him outright. And, if she was being honest with herself, not wanting to lose the opportunity to see him again. His responding smile was tight, and she knew he was clever enough to take the hint. “Also—thanks. For taking pity on me.”
“It wasn’t pity, Feyre.” Even when he was being earnest, she was struck by the way her name rolled off his tongue like a lover’s trill. “Like I said, you caught my eye the moment you walked into the restaurant. I prayed it wasn’t a boyfriend you were here to meet—though, if this were the result of my wish, I regret the pain it caused you. Even if I very selfishly enjoyed your company.”
She could have blushed, were it not for the cool evening air caressing her face. “Here.” She extended her hand. “Give me your phone.”
 He obliged eagerly enough that she had to hide her smile as she added her number and handed it back to him. 
“So that I can return the favor if you ever get stood up,” she breathed, meeting his eyes and suddenly feeling very reluctant to leave. 
But if Rhysand had proved anything today, it’s that he was a gentleman. Feyre almost wished he wasn’t as she watched him hail a cab and open the door for her. After four glasses of wine and a freshly broken heart, perhaps it was better she didn’t invite him to come home with her. Even if she did regret it the entire ride home.
Even more, the next morning. When Tamlin arrived at her door with a bouquet of roses and a half-hearted apology, how satisfying might it have been for Rhysand to be standing behind her in all his irresistible glory? It made slamming the door in Tamlin’s face feel almost bittersweet.
It took a week for her phone to light up with a call from an unknown number. She’d nearly given up on the idea of hearing anything back from Rhysand and when Feyre answered, she convinced herself it was going to be a spam call.
“Feyre darling,” purred a familiar, silken voice. 
“Rhysand,” she said, straightening up in surprise. “Calling for an art commission?”
“Actually,” he drawled, humor dripping through the speaker. “I’m calling because, in an unforeseen set of circumstances, I’ve been left stranded by myself in a restaurant. I’ve been here for hours and the situation is quite dire, so I’ve been left with no choice but to call in a favor.”
A startled laugh escaped her. “I see. What are the odds we would each be stood up in the same week?”
“Dismal,” he agreed. “And I desperately need you to come take pity on me.”
Feyre couldn’t help smiling as she wrote down the address and told him she would be there soon. Sure enough, she walked in to find Rhys sitting by himself in a busy restaurant. His face lit up when he saw her.
She couldn’t help stopping a waitress to ask, “has he been here long?”
The waitress glanced at his table considerately. “I sat him down hardly ten minutes ago.”
Feyre smiled, thanking the girl before she went to join Rhys. 
“Been waiting long?” she asked coyly, sliding into the seat across from him.
His answering smile was shameless. “For you, darling? All my life.”
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What was your best/favorite ask of 2021?
Worst ask?
Ooh, cool question! And sorry about the reply delay, but better a week too late than never.
There have been so many good questions, though, good in different ways, ranging from crazy creative to really thoughtful that I could write essays for to asks that I had been hoping someone would send. And in turn the bad questions have been bad in different ways, ranging from alarmingly stupid to sexually depraved to horrifying.
Then there's the plain funny asks.
I think I'll give examples from the inbox, as they world has yet to behold their (questionable) glory.
The good
Made me laugh
Also while I’m brave enough tos end u asks, I saw a post that said dr Cullen has no personality and i immediately thought that u and the muffin would disagree So. for the record, Does Carslisle (aaaaa spelling) have a personality?
Date received: August 12th
As of unanswered, because this one will be another instance of me making fun of movie Carlisle. My apologies to Mr. Facinelli, but... I see why anon has to ask.
If you were in twilight which character do you think would be more fond of you? (not who you like but who would like you)
Date received: September 17th
I just really enjoy anon realizing that if I was isekaied into the Twilight universe, the question of which characters would not hate my guts would be a very valid one.
Vinelle is isekaied into the Twilight universe, where she proceeds to be that weird kid in the cafeteria everyone's glaring at from across the room. No one likes her.
Thoughtful and lovely questions
Hi - I was thinking about your post re: Aro's sexuality and the historical background you provided there, and since you've said before that you think Aro and Carlisle had a full sexual relationship when Carlisle was staying with the Volturi, I was curious - how do you envision Carlisle, a pastor's son from 17th c. England, reconciling his attraction to Aro with the negative views of his time/religion? I can buy him not being prejudiced, but do you think he struggled with any guilt or shame?
from @troquantary.
Date received: April 3rd
Originally put off because I had to write the theology post first, I haven't gotten around to writing the essay worthy of the question.
I've been burning through your metas and really enjoying them! I've got a question, if you'd like to answer. Say the Volturi did fall, checks on vampires were removed, and humanity was hunted to extinction as you suggested. What would happen to the vampire population in the aftermath? Do you think a vampire can starve to death, or will they be trapped in a living hell till the sun swallows the earth? Will they fight each other till they wipe themselves out?
from @trueishcolours
Date received: September 1st
Not only is it a great question, but I love the visuals of picturing this terrible future. Whenever I get around to answering it you can count on Now and Then, Here and There being referenced.
Questions I wanted to receive
Ooh, if your ideal Twilight is animated, what kind of art style do you see it in? 3d? 2d? is it somewhat realistic or cartoony? any shows with the art style youd see it in?
Date received: November 11th
YES. God I have opinions on art styles for animated Twilight! So many opinions that I was too excited to answer so, uh, it'll come someday, someday that isn't today. And it'll be a long post featuring examples.
You’ve mentioned that Edward is a dimwit and that Bella is smarter than him. Twilight was popular during my early adolescence and reading sexist takes on Bella was disheartening, so I really appreciate how you see her as a character with personality. I’ve always felt so bad for her because she’s presented with the illusion of choice and even when she makes decisions, the information she has is distorted by Edward. Can you do a meta on how she’s smarter than Edward? He’d absolutely hate it.
Date received: September 16th
There's a beautiful post to be written, but I need to reread the books first.
The bad
we know jasper made it to general in the army, so he must have seen battle. do you think he might have some anxiety, ptsd or suvivor's guilt from that?
Date received: December 11th
"How did fighting for the right to enslave black people make Jasper sad?"
Not even a word about how Jasper might have felt bad about his cause decades later, how that might have affected him, nope, anon wants Confederate feels. I hope anon is young and doesn't yet understand what being a Confederate meant.
Just out of spite of the whole pregnant vampire asks, i want to know is any vamps ate babies. Like I know they technically can, but the real question is if they would? Morals aside, I feel like it wouldn't be really filling. This isn't fawn venison we're talking about. Plus, babies don't really remember shit so I don't know if it would break the secrecy.
Now wait, thats the better question. If a vampire was to feed infront of an infant before its at that cognitive stage, would it break the law to leave them alive?
Date received: November 10th
Anon, all your points are legitimate, your questions valid, it's just... so dark. "Would you like an hors d'oeuvre, my dear?" says the sexy vampire as he holds out a baby fresh from the nursery.
... I could answer with that.
The dirty
I read that post of yours about vampires and (anal) sex and I can't help but wonder.... Do you think they're able to go down on someone (male or female, human or not), since their mouths are full of venom (and fangs)? Wouldn't that hurt the... soft tissue? Could the venom get in the bloodstream that way?
Date received: September 4th
There's just no way to sit down to answer this one without flinching in phantom pain.
The horrifying
Do you think there may have been an Akasha sort of situation in the Twilight universe where one vampire sought not kill most of a particular demographic in a specific region if not the world?
Date received: Decembere 24th
Anon, that's... that's ethnic cleansing.
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