#sorry i rly love the evil side.....
redstrewn · 1 year
Leander putting MC's bare hand to his lips, gently giving a soft kiss.
But it's more about his love for their power.
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It just doesn’t feel that satisfying somehow,, In the past you could get several suits for this price qq I love this suit a lot and I got 2 pieces of the demon suit bc I had to pay slightly over to get it to 550 exp(and had no luck with daily deals >>) but ;; welp… bye money, hello beautiful cat girl who I’ve wanted since the second I saw her previewed for cn-! Gotta focus on positives! not the ~20 or smt aud im trying not think about GKAKVKA
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She be like this ^ GODLY!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
I'm actually quite sad that we haven't found out ANYTHING about Armand in the epilogue. I mean, turning Daniel is such a huge point in his character, so we'll (hopefully) revisit that in future seasons, but other than that?? Did he take the magnolia tree with him? It's either that or Louis took it out and we know that tree has meaning for him (he has been growing a magnolia even back in Paris).
I know we're not meant to know where he fucked off, but I'd love to see just a tiny tiny glimpse with him alone. Is he with Marius?? DID HE PUNISH HIMSELF BY GOING TO MARIUS BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE???
Idk, the ending was too cartoonishly evil for him specifically, which is strange since this was the present time, so we assume that what we see is the truth. Liniar movie action style. Of course, it's evil via omission of his side of things, so it makes sense he seems evil. But I still think it would've been better if we had some extra 5 minutes in this episode and squished in there a small scene with, idk, Armand crying in an unrecognisable place (even just due to him transforming Daniel). It can simply be a dark room, so they don't have to build Marius' lair already, but ye know. It would be a glimpse that he's actually NOT okay, lol.
This is my only pet peeve, but trusting the writers to present the other side of the coin when we get back to his POV of things. Just hoping that won't simply be in season 5 of all things, lol. Even Lestat got a bit of POV (via the trial) during Louis' seasons, so they'll probs cram it in seasons 3-4 somehow (with Daniel povs).
Sorry for the rant, I hope this makes sense.
u can rant! it's ok. I know there's a lot going on here that ppl are rly disappointed in.
I am personally holding out that S3 will comment a lot on this. I feel like S2 ended similar to how S1 did with Lestat. Armand is a major character in the plot of TVL as well as QotD and a lot they're prbly going to be piecing together for S3. He's not just "gone" (not that u were saying this, I'm saying in general) and I trust that they'll be answering a lot about this and him in S3 or they will risk losing a lot of viewers tbh.
I know it looks cartoonishly villain like rn but I don't believe long term that is the vision for him. The point is that all of these vampires are deeply flawed and traumatized and hurt each other bcuz of it, bcuz they want to be luved so badly but also don't think they're worthy of it.
The fandom is definitely going to suffer thru this in ways tho. some of the lestans are already overly doing the victim bullshit of "now u know how we felt after S1." but they made a whole lot of racist choices to defend the white character so no it's not the same tbh, when ur trying to defend a brown character against a racist fandom.
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nadvs · 6 months
I’ve seen a bit of mixed opinions about how exactly Rafe would be in a relationship, some write him as just plain abusive and cruel while others characterize him as a alpha male hellbent on being the provider and very dominant instead of (mentally, emotionally) abusive. And because I love your characterization of Rafe and how you write him in relationships, I’m so curious to see what’s your take on him with a gf, canon and/or headcanon.
I also know that things like this are often up for interpretation when it comes to the writer and whatever their choice is for the creative direction they want to go in but still 😭. Like I’ve fell in love with Rafe being soft to and for his significant other and not downright abusing her.
aw thank you so so much 💘 i may have accidentally written another very long-winded character analysis…
so 100% like you said, every writer has the control to interpret him differently and they’re all valid - that’s part of the reason there are so many rafe fics that i adore. there are so so so many good approaches to his character
i can definitely see rafe being abusive and controlling. he carries the trauma and self-loathing that would make him behave like that. i mean lbr babygirl is a murderer and has physically harmed people 👀 so i can imagine him treating someone he’s supposed to love very poorly. i understand the angle that fic writers take that he doesn’t know how to show love or take love or even feel love because of who he is, so it makes him cruel and domineering - BUT i think he can be crass and violent and deranged due to nurture and not nature, which is why i think he has a side to him we don’t often see
he carries a tragic amount of trauma. he struggles with addiction. he feels remorse for his actions. he cries for help from his dad and gets told to toughen up. he fears losing control of his intrusive thoughts and that they’ll lead him to do things he shouldn’t do. he has terrible mental health. and it’s all from his upbringing and the way his father dismisses him and punishes him for having feelings. he wants to get better and he just needs someone to believe in him (see this edit that owns me) idk i like to think when rafe is given the opportunity to love, he can and he does :( that’s why i rly enjoy writing him as being a bit more tender
ngl i hate ward but he ATE when he said “the devil’s got you” lol because it’s rafe through and through. he’s not evil itself; evil finds him and he’s crap at fighting it
OK SORRY to actually answer your question about how i think rafe is as a boyfriend - it would feel like i’m diverting from canon too much if i wrote him as a total sweetheart. imo he’d have toxic traits like jealousy and possessiveness in a relationship. i can see him being controlling and overbearing and bossy and short-tempered, too. but i think in the snippets we’ve seen with him and sofia, he also can be playful and flirty and sweet and actually calm
i see him with an anxious attachment style - clingy, hypervigilant, jealous and deep down, always expecting for his fear that he’s not truly loved for who he is to come true. he is insecure as hell
i also think his love language is physical touch. i’m biased bc i write so much smut lmao but i think his favorite (and maybe at times, only) way to give and show love is through intimacy. and lowkey i think he would have a praise kink because he wants to be reminded of how much his girl loves him hehe
imo rafe is the type of character that can be soft - he just needs to feel safe to do so. he requires extra care and unconditional love. he needs to feel like no matter what he does, he’s special to his girl. i think there’s an inner child in him that needs to feel like he’s valued just the way he is and doesn’t have to prove anything to be loved
rafe does not like himself, let alone love himself. he literally tells himself, sobbing, in a quiet and vulnerable and solitary moment, that he sucks. his self-loathing makes him treat others very badly, but i think in the right setting with the right person, he wants to give and receive love. he just doesn’t always know how to do it
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trickstarbrave · 8 months
hi im insane still so i wrote smth up
its not rly proof read. sorry abt that.
this is from @mulberrycafe's fic fool's prayer. i just have evil!voryn on the brain REAL bad.
Nerevar blinked. He was no longer in his office, but outside in a courtyard. It was…. Peaceful. The rushing anxiety of being in his office was being washed away by fluffy white clouds passing by. It wasn’t cloudy or with an ash storm blowing, as it usually was in Morrowind, especially after Red Mountain’s eruption. A few birds could be heard in the distance too, adding to the soft, peaceful atmosphere. 
Nerevar wanted to relax. He was tired. So very, very tired. Tired of running the country and fighting the council every step of the way. Tired of trying to make life better for his people and being blocked. Every time he wanted to try and do something good, there was endless squabbling. Distractions came up instead, as the houses fought with each other, refusing to put aside old rivalries for everyone’s benefit. It was like pulling teeth trying to get anything done--and when he did lose his temper, the councilmen pointing at him and blaming him. 
“It’s your fault Red Mountain erupted, when you destroyed the tribunal’s rule.” Some would blame. “Why haven’t the Good Daedra resolved it then? If there is mercy from them, they would have solved the problem. We could go back to VVardenfell. We could be a great nation again. But instead we continue to beg for scraps at the altar of gods. The Good Three have made their point clear: we are to suffer the trials. Therefore, everyone suffers with us. It’s naivety to presume we can help them with stupid acts of charity.”
He had no energy anymore. His limbs felt too heavy to move. Vivec said he admired Nerevar’s ability to always be optimistic and hopeful, but Nerevar was beginning to run out of steam. 
Things were easier, in the days of Resdayn; they had a common enemy to unite against, after all. The Great Houses could set their squabbling and infighting aside long enough to drive the nords out, and then welcomed the prosperity Nerevar brought afterwards as they rebuilt the nation. 
“Neht,” Nerevar heard Voryn call for him, and he refused to turn. 
He knew what this was. Another attempt to win him over. Another attempt to crack his resolve. Nerevar didn’t know how much more of this he could take. He didn’t know how many times he could drive him away. Nerevar hated how Voryn was starting to, in some twisted way, make sense. And even more importantly, Nerevar hated having to hurt the man he loved over and over, even if it was for the good of everyone. 
Arms wrapped around him again, a cold chill, as always. “You won't even look at me now?” Voryn asked, nuzzling into his hair from behind. 
“I’m tired of these games, Voryn.” Nerevar tried desperately to keep his voice level and firm. “I’m not changing my answer.” Voryn gave a dark, deep chuckle, the type of tone Nerevar adored. 
He was afraid if he turned around, he would crack. He was terrified if he looked at the face of his beloved, his resolve would crumble and he’d throw his arms around Voryn, kissing him for all he was worth.
“I’m not playing a game.” Voryn whispered softly in his ear, breath tickling the sensitive skin and making his ear twitch. “I want to give you everything you have ever wanted, Nerevar.”
“No, you--”
“I want to give you a peaceful country.” Voryn cut him off, continuing with that slow, deep voice in his ear, rubbing circles on his stomach. “I want to stop those councilors from using you… Because I love you.”
“This isn’t love!” Nerevar stressed, his hands shaking fists at his side as he actively fought the desire to sink into the embrace. 
“Yes, it is.” Voryn whispered again, sharper in his ear. “The love I have had for you for thousands of years.” Nerevar shut his eyes tightly now. “And I know you love this country, Neht. I’ve known all this time. That’s why I love it too. That’s why I want to help you.”
“This isn’t helping me.” Nerevar grit, fighting the urge to scream or sob.
“I want to give you so much more than just a peaceful country too, Nerevar.” That soothing voice was trying to melt the tension off his body, but Nerevar refused to relax. If he did, it would be over, he reminded himself. He couldn’t be weak in front of Voryn with what Voryn was capable of. “I want to soothe all your worries, love and support you in the way you deserve…”
Nerevar refused to respond. He couldn’t find the words--not when Voryn sounded so soft and sweet in his ear, whispering like a gentle lover. It was the same tone of voice he used to soothe all of Nerevar’s injuries in the past, the same tone when he reassured and comforted Nerevar, and the same tone he used when they would make love. 
“Ayem hardly even took care of you back then,” Voryn continued, now bringing one hand up to rub his shoulder soothingly. “But she at least helped you govern. Helped keep people in line.” Nerevar shivered slightly as he felt teeth graze his ear ever so slightly. “I can help you with that. I can keep the council in line… All as you will it, my beloved.” 
He knew it was a lie. A sweet, sweet lie. If it was Nerevar’s will, he wouldn’t have hurt the Good Daedra. If it were his will, Voryn would have stopped by now. If it was his will…
“I can even give you what she refused.” Voryn smirked against his skin now. “Love, devotion…” Voryn pressed a kiss behind his ear, watching it twitch again. “... And even a family.” 
Nerevar’s eyes shot open at that, his heart racing in his chest, only to find himself no longer in the courtyard, but inside the temple. It was in a well decorated room, quite, a tranquil warmth radiating throughout the whole room that tugged on his heartstrings. 
In front of him was a traditional chimeri hammock for infants, a little bundle inside it. Nerevar found himself unable to blink, his body all but screaming at him to move. His whole body shook and his legs felt weak, his heart beating even faster in his chest. 
“Don’t you want this?” Voryn asked, his voice soft and pleading now, almost saddened. “I can give you the family you wanted, Neht…” Nerevar’s hands unclenched as his hands yearned to reach out. “A beautiful family, as large or as small as you wish… Raised with love and care, in a country that is finally full of peace and prosperity…” His eyes remained fixated on the small bundle, slowly beginning to move. 
“Why don’t you hold our son?” Voryn asked him, and Nerevar found himself unable to stop his feet from moving, bringing him closer and closer as the infant began wiggling around and fussing in earnest, having woken up from his nap. 
In his arms, they felt even more real: alive and the perfect weight in his arms, filling him with warmth. Soft black waves were on his head, as he blinked up at Nerevar with large, blue eyes and giggled, reaching for him. Tears rolled down Nerevar’s cheeks as he leaned down to nuzzle against the baby, overwhelmed.
Nerevar wanted this. He wanted it so badly it felt like his chest was being ripped out. He wanted a family with the man he loved. He wanted children of his own. He wanted to just be selfish for once, and have something all to himself. 
When he was king in the past, he was denied being a father, despite how much he had always wanted to be. His marriage with Ayem, while politically beneficial, was strained in most of the personal aspects. Almalexia had her own lovers and concubines to tend to her, and saw little purpose in sleeping with Nerevar, even to produce a child. Even the Indoril council said they didn’t want to bother with having a child, not when they could pick a better heir that suited their political goals. Instead he was always just told to find someone else to have a child with if he wanted to be a parent that badly.
But he knew that wasn’t possible. He was king, yes, but he wasn’t of noble blood; he lacked the political power to fully protect them. Nerevar refused to selfishly have a child he knew he couldn’t protect and let them get hurt or killed just to spite him by some political enemies. 
And yet… That wish never truly died. That desire never went away. It was always there, in the back of his mind, gnawing at his psyche. He was tired of being king only to create more problems and enemies for himself. He was tired of fighting off assassins and attackers. He was tired of going to bed alone. He was tired of giving everything he had for nothing in return. 
And then the weight in his arms was gone, as Nerevar found himself not in a nursery but instead in complete blackness instead.
“No…” Nerevar begged, tears still rolling down his cheeks. It felt like his heart was being ripped out and crushed. It had been so real--Nerevar could still feel the phantom warmth in his arms, hear the sound of laughter. “Voryn, please--!” His arms instead curled up around him, trying in vain to comfort himself and failing as he openly sobbed. 
“Shh…” Voryn whispered, stroking his hair from behind. “Why don’t I give you time to think about my offer instead?” Voryn asked. Typically, Voryn was pushy in these dreams, trying desperately to make Nerevar give in. Now that he was falling apart in front of him, he seemed to be taking a different approach. 
Nerevar didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. Not when he was still grieving. Not when he was crying and sobbing, wishing more than anything that such a sweet dream was real. 
“Nerevar!” Nerevar’s eyes shot open again, tears still running down his cheeks, to see a Vivec staring down at him rather than the piercing red eyes of Voryn as he half expected. “Nerevar,” Vivec, seeing as he had finally woken him up, wiped the tears from his face. “It’s alright…” He murmured, trying desperately to soothe him.
Nerevar, his emotions still raw, wrapped his arms around Vivec and sobbed once more. 
He didn’t know if Vivec knew why he was crying. Nerevar was too ashamed to say, and too hurt to give a coherent answer even if he wanted to. 
He didn’t know how much more he could take of this, even as Vivec held him close, rubbing his back in slow circles, trying to comfort him. 
His heart was breaking.
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lukabitch · 1 year
I have a request but Idk if you have ever watched the Resident evil the final chapter movie (or the rest) so i will put a spoiler warning here lmao
Spoiler :
So Wesker Like gets his leg chopped off in the end by a door (i think it was a door) and he has to stay there until everything Explodes and he dies so i wanted to ask if you could maybe write something where the male reader is down there with alice and the others but when the others left the reader Hesitates for a second and decided to like get back to wesker, help him with his leg and get him out of the place before everything explodes, I imagine that the reader and wesker always had this like villain x Hero Releationship where they tease each other but never rly make a move because they fight on different sides but because the Reader has feelings for Wesker and Wesker was always like kinda nice to us we decide to save him and he is thankful and finally makes a real move (like a small kiss or something like that and maybe a confession) but then he teases us afterwards with his stupid Attractive smirk🙄 and we just laugh it off and slap him softly at the arm while smirking too
Im just down bad for this dude rn im so sorry💀 you ofc dont have to write that, you can just ignore it but i had that in mind for a while now and i cant get it out or write it myself because im bad at like everything in my existence, have a Great day/night <3
I appreciate the amount of detail you put into this. Seriously you went above and beyond the expectations on this blog. Thank you so much for the request Anon! :)
Cw: Blood, dismemberment, general medical stuff, i read the wiki still might be inaccurate.
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“We’re gotta go!” Alice called out you and the rest of the crew. Everyone was quick to make their way to the exit. You however turned back and head further into the building. Your mind was fighting against what you were doing but another part of you was saying do it.
You moved fast not wasting a second to get to Wesker. Hearing him struggle made you worried that getting him out would be useless. Still you made it down to him without a leg.“Shit hold on!” Rushing over to him you immediately tied a makeshift tourniquet just below the knee.
You pulled him up and drag him out of the building. You got him in a car and fucking floored it. The building blew up shortly after getting the fuck out. “I need you to tell me where one of your safe houses are.” He mumbled an address as you make sharp turns.
“You’re a horrible driver.” Wesker chuckled out causing you to flip him off. “Don’t make me regret not leaving your ass.” You looked over to see him giving one of his signature smirks. “You love me too much to do that pretty boy.”
You haven’t really thought about your feelings for the man. The two of you always had this banter that was kind of flirty. Even if you wanted to go for it things just wouldn’t work out. “Yeah sure that’s exactly why I went back for you.” You tried to sound sarcastic but you didn’t sound sure of it.
Pulling into a driveway you hopped out and pulled Wesker out having him lean on you. It was a bit difficult to get him inside especially without the adrenaline. You managed though and got him laying down. “Look I’m going to cauterise the wound. Unless you have morphine in your pocket it’s going to hurt.”
He just nods his head bracing himself for the pain to come. There wasn’t much to do just heat some metal and press against the open wound. Wesker took it well considering though you weren’t too shocked about that. You wrapped up the wound the best you can.
“There you go sorry that I don’t have anything to numb it.” You smiled up at him before grabbing a blanket for him. “Thank you Y/n.” He pulled you down wrapping the blanket around both of you. This definitely isn’t how you expected today to go but you weren’t complaining.
“You look like a puppy leaning against me like that.” You would have talked back if he did kiss you on the lips. He watched your face darken with blush. “Thank you for coming back for me. I love you for it.” He seemed really sincere about it.
“I love you too wesker.” You mumbled giving him a peck on the cheek. “I know you do.” Of course he has to be a cocky asshole about it. You can’t help but smile at him you really do love him.
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qelflinq · 9 months
Every porn take I see blow up on here says the exact same thing and it’s wild to see 20,000 people play absolutely stupid every single time lol. “2 people should be allowed to record themselves having good angel consensual sex and that’s why porn is good actually so stop saying it’s bad😇” Ok how come that’s your position that’s not even a very divisive thing to say. Come on now defend the porn made in a studio with a pornstar man and a pornstar woman whose Instagram comments are full of old men describing how they’d like to violate her (best case scenario). Like WHO is taking up an issue with the ethical shit when they talk about porn. That’s literally 2% of porn you assholes KNOW the other 98% (the pornhub most searched , the shit most curious 11 year olds will see first) is simulated rape/incest/pedophilia (oftentimes all 3). I’m not saying the straight guy favourites are all like this, but even the majority of “normal” porn reestablishes really fucked up ways to view women (as do things like weightwatchers and razor ads but that’s probably pushing it a bit too much on here). I guess part of the problem is that hardly anybody on this website can think or see beyond themselves and their own porn habits. Like sure maybe (maybe) Rocko| 23| he/they only gets off to AO3 fanfiction but the kink freedom warriors don’t love mentioning the swaths of men that go abt their day fantasizing about controlling or hurting women. Do they just not exist when we consider the effects porn has on us? Or are they not supposed to be a problem, and I’m just another grouch yucking somebody’s yum? The men that are our classmates and coworkers and family members etc etc the men we have to interact with daily. Like I’m sorry but not everyone lives in Tumblr world 100% of the time lol it doesn’t make us anti sex crones to think it’s weird that porn is so accessible and commercialized and STILL so influenced by misogyny (again I’m talking THE MAJORITY of it not the ethical shit everyone uses as an example when defending porn). I’m starting to get ads from onlyfans telling me to sign up 👍 telling me hey girl this is such a fun opportunity to make money. Is that not like, evil?? Is that not scary to anyone? Like now it’s the company itself explaining how good and empowering it is to have your income dictated by how jackoffable you are deemed by strangers forming fantasies surrounding your body? Whether my body is a particular fetish? Nobody online rly wants to talk about the other side of sex work. Abt how it’s so closely linked to addiction and poverty in real life. It’s not just silly cute cosplay photoshoots that stay within the greater queer community. And even when it is, if you come across any trans OF creators twitter, a great chunk of their comments are (often conservative) men who want to hurt/degrade them. It’s not a new or made up phenomenon. You can very much witness it for yourself. Most people DO witness it, I guess it’s just not really a priority so it’s better ignored? It’s useless trying to have a normal conversation about these things cause everybody reblogs the same posts to show they share the same opinions. When the internet is this fast ur priorities shift, I get it. It’s easier to form opinions based on others safe agreeable pre-written ones. So often I see or hear someone regurgitating some shit I KNOW they read on a Tumblr post or heard in a YouTube essay cause bro I saw it too. Sometimes it’s straight up word for word. Like what ! Does nobody read books anymore. Or go to work. Or go outside and talk to people. I know it’s hard to find time to think about things much when there r so many tiktoks to watch, posts to read, pictures to chuckle and so little free-time in your day to do all that. It’s crazy to me that if you’re not a woman on here , you’re probably not gonna think about how women are treated at all.
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judasisgayriot · 7 months
hello again! you once again prove yourself as the queen of heroes ramblings. you responded with so much detail so quickly! loveeee it :)
i wanna ask you more, i like getting your mini ted talks. what are your thoughts on sylar/peter as a ship? i personally don’t really see it in the show, but i’ve read some real good fics with them.
Hahaha omg I love you anon I’m glad someone enjoys hearing my unhinged rants about this show…
Soooo. Maybe the girlies will hate me for this one lol. Thing is, I can see how sylar/peter would lend itself to having some good fics written about it. Like, the concept is there, it has potential. The foundations for a good hero/villain ship are there, they are definitely set up as foils and parallels to each other, they have the whole ‘two sides of a coin’ thing going on. But like you, I don’t really see it in the show at all. It’s like they had the potential but didn’t actually execute it/make me give a fuck about it/make me remotely want to ship it, lol.
It is/was a popular ship in heroes fandom (lol heroes fandom in 2024 is like 12 people but hey) and I do see why for the above reasons. I actually think the episode ‘the wall’ is a great concept but again, they don’t sell me on it/execute it well/actually follow through on making me remotely believe they’d become friends by the end. Right before they break out, having spent what was apparently like 10 years of mind-time together in there or whatever, Peter still hates his guts and wants to smash his head in with a sledgehammer lmao?? (I mean girl same. The whole ‘peter has to forgive sylar, narratively and kind of literally, if he wants to escape the mind prison’ plot point grinds my gears. I think he should get to never forgive him ever for killing Nathan if he doesn’t want to lmao. Shout out to that one fan panel with Milo where he’s like ‘peter would never forgive him he would eviscerate him’ king you are speaking my fucking language lol. I digress.) like afterwards I can buy that sylar has latched onto Peter and wants to be his friend/wants Peter to like, model being a good person for him, but not that Peter actually gives a shit in return or wants anything to do with him lol
(Sidenote, that in itself is a rly interesting concept, and me and @buildarocketboys developed a fic idea about peter agreeing to like, ‘mentor’ sylar and hang out with him but if and only if he kept shapeshifting back into Nathan for him. Now THAT is fucked up and deranged and the good stuff and actually makes me, avowed sylar disliker, feel kinda sorry for the guy lol. Yessss let me marinate in the badwrongness of all of that and how Peter is the one acting fully insane. Anyway. I digress once more.)
Anyway I’m clearly also biased bc I used to like sylar as a character back in the day but sometime over my like 4 rewatches over the last few years he really started pissing me off lol. Now it’s not like I’m being an anti about him being an evil villain or anything, I love a problematic king and I’m a Nathan stan lmao. In fact I only really enjoy sylar when he is getting to be a proper fun cackling all-out villain, he’s actually enjoyable and funny in that mode. It’s the like 9 flip-flopped badly written redemption arcs they keep trying to give him like they’re trying to make me feel sorry for him bc his dad sold him to one direction or whatever, but sorry!! I feel nothing! He’s a whiny bitch and they should have just let him be killed off one of the first 900 times it nearly happened! I don’t have any sympathy and he’s completely lost me lol. So yeah. That does make me biased plus being a Petrellicest girlie and a Nathan stan and an Elle stan sorry I selfishly won’t forgive him for killing them 😔 poor baby serial killer I’m being such a mean hater. Stan my absolutely fucking awful morally confused self hating politician guy instead loooool
Well. All that to say that I see why people ship it, it has interesting foundations that could have led to something good but IMO it just didn’t, I can definitely imagine it has some good fic out there that can sell you on it, but I just don’t see their great poetic love or whatever. It’s soooo ‘baby’ ‘fellow associate’ core by the end lmao. And it actively annoys me. But I am just being a hater I know. Sorry to the cool petlars out there it’s all hashtag my opinion
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fourleafclovxr · 1 year
liveblogging fotsge because i just bought it
alternatively: soman please don't disappoint me
i have no recollection of what happened in rotsge. fair warning.
"young lad with dark red curls and a smattering of freckles" oh a school master? i want to think he's a sader & a seer so i can say that my sader meta is supported by soman but this desc reminds me of tristan/yara actually...
did soman forget his own lore. didn't august sader tell rafal that he needed the readers.
hook is actually quite a good character and pissing off BOTH twins! good for him.
these evers are. wow. incredibly in character. they rly do capture the essence of good for the sake of being good? on that note, the commentary on evers being spoiled and bored in this duology has been pretty okay (if a bit. pointless? to be honest these books were pointless)
NAMELESS BOY? rhian love interest?
the idea of pan's world is actually really interesting. a place that doesn't follow good and evil, but rather chaos, which places good and evil as the opposite of chaos— order? and hook says "that's why it's so dangerous" which i guess does make sense from his pov but. i hope this concept gets explored more later
kyma questioning whether they're good is also v interesting! comparing the good pirates to evil pan (their roles are reversed, the pirates usually evil and pan usually good— also kyma seems traditional which explains her traditional fairytale view)
"close-shaven black hair [and] violet eyes" HELLO??? lady lesso??? what is your ancestor (?) doing in neverland (it can't be a coincidence right... knowing soman it could be though) one of pan's lost boys huh?
kyma IMMEDIATELY going against pan as soon as he threatened a fluffy animal. and getting them into trouble.
pan is getting more and more creepy though... especially for a thirteen-year-old?
SADERS WORKING WITH PAN????? guys look my meta was right. the saders being on the side of CHAOS instead of good and evil?? because it'll turn out better for them??
"three children who go exploring an enchanted island" rafal i'm pretty sure that's kind of important for you...
kyma is so. good. and her conversation with the ingertroll is oddly touching. she's like the sensible, good version of evelyn sader and i am HERE for it
i deeply enjoy midas' character. i wonder what the significance of the name is? midas, the greedy king, ruined by his greed? (greed for what?) (also he said gay rights. happy pride!)
i also have to say that soman writes homoeroticism incredibly well and that he should have done this more if he wanted people to think his books had good lgbtq+ rep because they would eat it up
luoto bakthi is really. the villains in this series are a lot more sinister than in the proper sge series and i'm actually kind of impressed?
that was over really quickly! good job kyma!
MALICE ROOM 66???????
"a bug crept into the plot" ie rhian spying idk this is reminding me of agatha in her cockroach form
aladdin is so annoying. please don't call kyma your soulmate you are fifteen years old. kyma is so right stop thinking about yourself!!
SADER LORE... whose side are the brothers on? pretending not to see hook and kyma? exceptions to them aging ten years for pans? THEM TELLING HOOK TO GO TO SCHOOL?
"how much these two paying you?" "not enough." i laughed sorry mistral twins. pay your employees right!
MIDAS HAS GOLD POWERS??? ok maybe the name had a more obvious meaning. should have expected that
hephaestus and the pirate captain are such an iconic duo.
midas saving rafal was the obvious choice to be honest. which brother has been a manipulative lying asshole? not rafal! and his little speech about it being midas' choice was nice.
uniting the schools under pan huh? i see where tlea rafal got the idea from
aladdin ffs STOP being jealous of hook i'm pretty sure he has more love interests (cough. rhian and rafal. cough) than kyma??? and you have more important things to worry about???
rhian is. so evil. i see it now. literal snake
fala is back!!!!
midas has THREE school masters fighting over him. it's pretty easy to forget he's the First ever reader but that says something about him.
"what he'd assumed about himself had guided his actions, and because of his actions, his true nature had irrevocably changed." this is such a clever thing to say actually! the it's not who you are, it's what you do messaging is rly coming through.
the storian guiding pan... writing his story for him... and to HELP him... i could say a lot about destiny but i won't bc it wouldn't be coherent
midas :(
i'm becoming a rafal supporter tbh,,,
rafal & hook reunion! finally!
(can't only men be seers. anyway) sader family showdown!! the elders supporting rafal the boys supporting pan and marialena??
the storian "keeps [their] world alive with its tales"?? how??
RHIAN????????????????????? i mean it makes sense the evil school master but like. But Like. school years trilogy rafal?? what??
the saders having different visions Precisely because the divergence was necessary for the future to become reality. this says a lot about seers. they're not all-powerful nor all-knowing, they're just tools trying to enable the "best" future, the stable one, the one that doesn't result in what. death?
whose side are they on?? their own or this grand unknown destiny's??
midas having nothing but rafal. okay soman. OKAY.
BOTIC REALLY IS A LESSO??????????????????
so pan has the power to change the future? to get the story back?
pan's thoughts on free will vs a good life are actually pretty interesting.
marialena you SNAKE. but also her being evil and her family being good. the interaction between good & evil, and the seers who are seemingly above it. huh. but why would she support rhian... what is her big picture...
midas is being so soft with rafal i really. i'm becoming a midas supporter too i fear
ok rafal is still evil never mind
holy shit rhian just MURDERED a guy. he's plenty evil.
so what happens when both brothers are evil? by nature or by choice?
midas :(((
how is botic a lesso. man is pathetic
"good always wins" rhian doesn't that go against your ENTIRE philosophy of balance
NOT THE GOLDEN ARROW it is NOT midas' fault.
the rafal -> hook -> kyma relationships. nice.
"his princess" no more aladdin!! yes!!
"when a lost boy serves his purpose, it's time for him to grow up. only there is no growing up in my world." that hits deep tbh.
MIDAS :(((( his lines about how he became more than a boy in gavaldon... how it's not The End... his belief in rafal to his last moments... rafal BETTER make this right
oh my god the gold. seriously. the entire school?
"two brothers, eternal once more" wow. AND WHO WAS THE GUY FROM THE FIRST SCENE. i doubt he's a sader but??
the tale of pan and pen?????
the concept of pans being good and their shadows being evil is v interesting especially when you remember that you kill pan by killing his shadow.
the evil always wins, it always destroys the balance. so the evil has to be eliminated by the storian. and that's why the shadow is the thing that has to be killed. wow.
"a gold-soaked corpse ready to fly" soman rly did write quite a few good quotes in this book
"far from the tyranny of men" midas :( kyma :(
rhian you bastard
how is he the school master
i mean i knew it made sense but. this is incredibly unsatisfying.
oh the pirate captain is blackbeard is he.
do they KNOW it's rhian?
uhh is he calling himself "deviant and perverse" for being. straight. i mean. okay i guess.
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badbookworm · 10 months
Small Cursed Fates rant/appreciation? (overall ZA book 5 thoughts)
For a dark romance/fantasy, the best parts of Zodiac Academy rly are when nothing dark is happening, huh.
Just finished book 5. And like. Within 5 books, they have undoubtly build very solid and detailed characters, and all who have interesting and different dynamics with each other. I love seeing them interact and hang out since book 1.
Most of book 5 is heavily character focus. The heirs and the twins started the book on a neutral ground, entered a truce, and the heirs plot is coming to terms that they actually like the twins' company, and to hangout with them. And that's cool as fuck, it was very fun to see the friendship develop, the plan to get Darius and Tory together, it was straight up good. I ate that shit up.
ALSO RANDOM NOTE, I DID NOT EXPECTED SETH AND CALEB TO ACTUALLY BE A THING?? AND IT WAS GREAT??? I made a bingo for this book with things I thought would happen, and one of them was just "Seth and Caleb do something gay". I marked that square 10 different times, it was wild 💥💥 I saw a goodreads review say that straight Caleb was his flop era, and now I GET IT. BC IT'S TRUE. Sorry Tory, but the Caleb and Seth side plot is much more engaging then Caleb being a 2° option plaything fr.
Ok, going back. With the comment at the start it might instigue a "it's a bullymance, what did you expect", but because the way the saga gone with turning the bullying into romance in taking it's time, along with all the fighting back and the leading to it is interesting, I'm hooked, genuinely interested and caring for these characters. It's all the other edgy fantasy stuff which stinks. The vibe was ruined the moment Orion was sentenced and it never picked back up. At least in this book, it was boring. I already don't love Orion character, he doesn't appeal to me in any way, and the though of him carrying a solo, brooding, plotline is the most boring thing this saga could've come up to me.
And then the ending came, it was like a cold water splash to remind me what kind of story this is, but it felt like "oh, the cool parts are over now?". I cannot give a shit about the whole thing going on with Clara, I'm sorry, I tried, it's so messy and nasty, and having to see Lionel be the villain for 5 books straight has drained him from any intrigue I had. He's just an villain shaped hole of a character. He's signifies a bad omen, not a character, you see Lionel and you know that something will go badly so the plot can progress, I cannot tell you 1 thing about Lionel besides he's evil. Oh, and the ZA finales are always chaotic and cramped with action and twists, the authors halt all the on-going plots so they can solve and drop them at the last 7 very short and fast chapters, but this one felt extra edgy and fast? I was so done with it with 4 chapters left still. And it feels like book 6 will keep on this trail of the edgyness.
I'm low-key scared of entering book 6 and being bombarded with any forced Tory and Lionel stuff, because I can't find any thorough review of book 6 to ensure there's no SA or anything like that involved with this plotline. The 1 thing that had kept me going with this saga was that, despite a lot of the nasty stuff, the sexual content has kept itself in a mostly consentual territory, sometimes vaguely consentual. But Lionel forcing Tory to say she loves him has already made me physically gag, and seeing Lionel and Clara (which also made me incredibly unfomfy and disgusted) makes me dead ass scared to see the next Tory povs. Non-con is my only big nono in taboo stuff.
Does it get the point across about Lionel being evil and all? Yes, ig.
Anyways, gotta finish what I started. BRB.
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celestie0 · 5 months
your favorite characters from attack on titan? and why?
oh em gee 🧚‍♀️✨ i will gladly n excitedly answer this question (spoilers below cut)
i’ll do a top three lol
my fave character in the whole series was hange :””) i lovveeddd them from the very beginning when i watched aot s1 in 2013 so its been a decade long love ✋🏼😩 i cried so hard during s4 pt3 :””) but yeee i just adore the nerdy scientific characters that aren’t scared of the imminent threat of the verse but rather intrigued and curious to almost a point of insanity lol. but i think the hange scene i loved the most was during midnight sun (BEST AOT EP EVER I’LL DIE ON THIS HILL) is when mikasa is terrified of armin not being the one they bring back to life n hange says something like “there are people that i wish i could bring back too” 😭😭 idk that scene hit me rly hard n really quantified the amt of loss in aot i think
my second save character is reiner >:3 bc he’s so babygirl n i wanna make him my housewife. LOL jk naw but i HATED that man s2-s3 bc his whole multiple personality thing was such bullshit like 🙄 ok so you’ve killed sm of my fave characters but you’re still acting like a good guy??? go fuck yourself dude. BUT i started to get intrigued by his character when he was so committed to giving ymir’s letter to christa during shiganshina arc in s3 pt2…and then s4 rolled around and i fell IN LOVE W HIM. he was the only marleyan side warrior eldian that showed the right amount of remorse for what they did on paradis island, and although his backstory is so sad n its obv not his fault he was groomed into a war machine at such a young age, it was nice that isayama made him so guilty to the point of suicidal ideation. and he pulled THROUGGGH during the finale omg the scene where jean held onto him and said he is also a scout☝🏼😭 fuck yeah. also i’d like to impregnate him
my third fave character UUGHHH ITS TOO HARD THERES SO MANY but honestly i just have to say eren. i have soooo many mixed opinions ab eren’s character i could talk ab his character for HOURRSS but s1-3 eren was my BABY. my SON. MY SUGAR PLUM PUMPY UMPY UMPKIN. i mean he was pretty generic shonen protagonist coded lol but he was just such a sweetheart that was so hotheaded n determined to take care of the ppl he loved. it was always so easy to empathize w him on so many fronts n i love characters like that. however his character took an interesting turn in s4, and although i don’t agree w his actions in s4, i can’t say i didn’t want to see him succeed either…super weird, i still don’t quite know how to feel ab the events of the rumbling (i mean i err on the side of it was incredibly evil of him) but the fact there’s sm nuance to his character, regardless of whether i agree w him or not, means he’s one of my faves (we dont talk ab his character in the ending though. shhh. to me aot ends s4 ep28…sorry)
honorable mentions: armin, erwin, levi
least favorite character: zeke (die mf die)
YEEEEE THANK YOU FOR ASK BB i love talking ab aot <333 lmk what ur faves are if you’d like to 👀
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garoujo · 2 years
emmie ship your moots!!
i have loads of moots but i thought i’d do the ones i talk 2 or interact w most so i’m sorry if ur not included it’s cause i’m scared i annoy ppl ajagaja ^_^ ! <3
@blueparadis WAKASA ! imma say wakasa cause i know you’ve been w him since the very start . you both love eachother very much and i’m here for it the way you’ve stuck by his side this whole time ! that is some real loyalty there and that’s why he loves u sm <3
@21-06-1996 CHAMBER BUT ALSO SHOYO ! look i know nothing about valorant but hearing rekha scream about chamber makes me so happy ajagaja ! i know you made this man’s day when ur mic was on that one time and he’s probably thought about you ever since . he’s in love 2 ! also everytime i look at shoyo my heart screams that he’s yours <3
@tobiote TOBIO ! i’ve never found so much comfort in someone else’s selfship like i do coco’s sob . they give me such french cafe , intertwined hands and lingering looks across the table vibes like it’s all so comforting and whimsical ! like i’d go to tobio + coco’s house wen shuji is being annoying and i know they’d listen to me rant while coco has her legs laying across tobio’s lap n he’s tracing little messy tobio hearts in 2 her skin >//<
@sanomnjiro LUFFY ! see if you asked me like a month ago i would’ve said rindou and yeh like him 2 but also idk you & luffy seem so fun 2 me and i like totally love that !
@killsaki KISAKI ! not only did dallas completely change my whole opinion on kisaki’s characters but nobody knows kisaki like they do okay ! even just watching them talk about tetta makes me all ajagaja like their relationship is my everything . dallas is his soft spot and it makes me feel all warm and soft <3 but i’m also gonna say shanks n sanji from op !
@itachislut OIKAWA ! nic understands the love we have 4 this pretty boy and i could watch her freak out about him all day . it makes so much sense in my fantasies it’s wat she deserves ! he would treat her right okay i’d make sure of it <3
@oomiya TENDOU ! look i rly see yamaguchi 4 u 2 haley but there’s just something about you + satori that make me :( like imagine u have ur own lil coffee shop ( cause yk ur like coffee shop!au in a person 2 me ) and he makes the chocolates n treats that u sell and whenever i visit u guys are just being so cute . and he’s doting over u behind the counter n feeding u new recipes i’m <3 tears in my eyes at the doorway . u always smile so big w him and i love that 4 u <3
@clovcly AL-HAITHAM ! stop you both are just so cute and everytime i see ur lil selfship arts my heart totally does like a back flip ! he’s like really hot but has a lil evil in him but ugh that’s so what you deserve like i know he just dotes over you sm <3
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 6~
shen qiao: bro why did u poison me? :) yu ai: lol what?? POISON?? whaaaat??? no waaayyy, i would NEVER!!! here drink something i prepared with my poisoner hands pls shen qiao: 🎶MAYBE I SHOULDN'T SAYS CÚNLA!🎶 past!yu ai: yes…..YES! DRINK IT!! DRINK THE POISON BOOZE!! BAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA >:D past!shen qiao: bby bro ilu, actually ur just as good as i am, so u look after everything for me, ok?? if i die u take over my position and everything will be great, i trust u with my whole heart :) :) :) past!yu ai: ….....uh-oh ngl yu ai has a really cute face??? actually i might…..i might think he's a teeny tiny bit cuter than shen qiao?? I DON'T LIKE HIM MORE!! but idk i feel like….maybe they fussed with shen qiao's face a bit TOO much and got a weird effect? (i say this as someone who often fusses too much over my drawings' faces and ends up with a weird effect ;A; it's a curse 😔) NOOO SHEN QIAO DON'T GET SICKER!! poor bby sorry i criticised ur appearance so much ;A; awww he doesn't want to be bros anymore ;A; i find it interesting how he's willing to be forgiving of strangers, but not his former bro. not that the former bro really deserves it, bc he's being awful ;A; but its interesting to me, how different ppl approach betrayal!! I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT U SHEN QIAO. TELL ME UR SECRETS PLS. yan wushi is so relatable lol. he watches all this and goes 'what an idiot!' and it doesn't even matter who he's referring to, bc he's right lmao shen qiao poor bby ;A; he cough so much ;A; someone get my mans a glass of water ;A; HOLY SHIT YU AI JUST ATTACKED HIM WTF???!!!!! DID DID HE CALL HIM A-QIAO AS WELL?? WHAT A RUDE JERK!! THAT IS UR SHIXIONG, U BRAT!! >:V yu ai: 'i don't want u to leave!' *makes shen qiao spit blood* 'i don't want to hurt u!! come on bro, just stay here with meeeee uwu' ITS THE OLD MAN! HE'S HERE!! aww he help shen qiao up ;A; so cute ;A; uh sir u need to learn to take 'no' for an answe--OK NVM HE'S JUST WHISKING SHEN QIAO AWAY BY THE WAIST ONCE MORE THAT'S FINE. I GUESS yan wushi, king of evils??? LMAO more like king of dramatic hoes 'the evil gang' ….idk what i expected it to be called really DID HE JUST DID HE SLAP YU AI FOR CALLING SHEN QIAO 'A-QIAO'????? THATS AMAZING a bit hypocritical BUT STILL AMAZING AND HILARIOUS DO IT AGAIN!! DO IT AGAIN!! he's such a badass omg ;A; also he has such great accessories!! such good taste in fashion rly!! lol now it's yu ai's turn to spit blood!! serves u right for being a jerk smh lol i LOVE these random side characters who just look like normal ppl in comparison to these bishounen pretty boys. 10/10 artistic choice oh we've met a new friend! yuanchun! hello sir!! he's quite handsome, even if his spine is made of jam SHEN QIAO WILL U WHIST I CAN'T HEAR THEM OVER UR INNER MONOLOGUE yws: i'm gonna help u, then hurt u, then help u again, then ruin ur day and make u cry >:) shen qiao: …….. :( get me out of here pls :( yws: *evil laughs triumphantly* i just want everyone to know that every time yan wushi evil laughs, i laugh too🤣 'YOU SHAMELESS GUUUUYYYYY!!!!!!' amazing oh ok we're we're just gonna fight now. ok cool fellas, is it gay to touch fingertips with ur bro while wreathed in spiritual energy?? GHOST SWORDS!! i do love these pretty sequences with all the martial arts…..stuff lol. i wish i were clever enough to describe it but. just know that it's all very spiritual and neat ;A; aww shen qiao is so cool ;A; ilu my lad! ur a good boi!! WH SSIR SIR WHY ARE U GRABBING HIS FACE LIKE THAT WHOOOAAA UR GETTING REAL CLOSE TO HIM THERE SIR oh i see, the devil whispering in ur ear is actually yan wushi trying to make u be his wife, it all makes sense now!! yws: A-QIAO COME BE EVIL WITH ME. IT'LL BE FUN A-QIAO I PROMISE. WE CAN BE EVIL TOGETHER A-QIAO. I WILL BE THE EVIL HUSBAND AND U CAN BE MY EVIL WIFE A-QIAO. ARE U THE ONE FOR ME A-QIAO??? I THINK U ARE THE ONE A-QIAO. A-QIAO the old man moves fast, not like he's got unlimited time left i guess OH MY GOD HE'S LITERALLY CARRYING HIM AWAY LIKE A BRIDE in summation:
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captain-hen · 1 year
hi again!! thanks for your response to my last ask :)
i just finished 5x04 and 5x05, yesterday, currently on 5x06, and if i'm being honest? the infamous Punch™️ incident rly surprised me because of how well done and complex it was. based on fandom reactions to that scene, i rly expected something more flimsy or done just for the sake of drama, but instead i found myself empathizing with both chimney and buck in that scene. kenneth choi's portrayal of chimney's slow spiral of despair was fantastic, and it seemed so believable that he would snap like that. i couldn't fault him at all, and i'm so glad that i got to watch that episode and draw my own conclusion about that storyline, just like you said.
i think you're right, and going forward i'm going to ignore most of what the fandom says (and what showrunners/actors say) bc the canon text of the show is so great and deserves so much more credit than people are willing to give it. i'm liking 5A a lot so far and i don't want to let outside opinions ruin something that i like so much.
as for the buddie of it all, i'd never want to reduce the show to just the two of them! i rly like all of the characters and relationships on 911 aside from eddieana and BT, especially bobby, athena, and bathena, and last time i only asked because i wanted to know if there was a shot at the relationship going canon given the increasingly non-platonic nature of their scenes. i didn't mean to imply that they were the only reason someone would want to watch the show, sorry if it came across that way 😅 i love the show for all that it is, and even if buddie never went canon i still would have that same love for it. i was just rly confused because it seemed like it was written as the type of relationship that was headed toward being canon.
P.S. i love your blog! i rly enjoy reading your takes on all of these amazing characters and i think you make such beautiful gifs! hope you have a great rest of your day ❤
— NewTo911Anon
hi! you're completely right about 5x04, the punch scene™ was very well done, but is unfortunately constantly blown out of proportion by Certain people who already hated chim and just took this as an excuse to turn him into this evil abuser—which he is definitely not. but their dynamic that entire episode was very good, and you could definitely see both sides, and there's plenty of nuance there that people simply refuse to see
i'm rly glad you're enjoying 5A! there's so much unnecessary hatred towards it, but it's actually a lot better than people give it credit for, especially with the added perspective of how 5B goes down. it also contains brawl in cell block 911 and defend in place which are frankly two of the best episodes on the show which get slept on a lot because ppl make hating 5A their entire personality 🤷🏽‍♀️ but i will always defend it till the day i die lol
it's nice to know that you like the rest of the characters! tbh, it's easier to see the importance and beauty of buck and eddie's relationship only when viewed in the bigger picture of the entire show and all it's dynamics, y'know? so i'm always of the opinion that people focusing entirely on them are completely missing out.
thank you for your kind words, and i hope you stick around! ❤❤
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auspicetaker · 11 months
umineko thoughts so far
started reading umineko with very little context other than "the gay people in my phone seem to really like this" and i click on the let's play and it's just.... a bunch of rich people explain their names to you in an airport. this goes on for three hundred years. after this it's just thousands and thousands of words of interfamilial squabbling and intrigue and battler being a nasty pervert. but tHEN
umineko spoilers chapters 1 and 2
after that first murder where you find six mangled bodies in the shed and a magic circle painted on the shed door... then you know you're in for some truly wild shit . and it escalates from there. so much about like, the cruelty of the family/servant class divide and how over and over the servants are dehumanized and treated like scum by all the adults, while the kids are able to find common ground with the servants but also ultimately tend to side with the adults in excluding, suspecting, and passively killing the servants.
i was so fucking mind blown by everyone dying at the end of the first chapter. that shit whips. i love when everyone dies. and i LOVE getting a window into beatrice's timeloop hell dimension.
then we get to episode 2 and right off the bat they do some rly cool shit with shannon - sorry, sayo's - and kanon's characters and interrogating the dehumanization of the servants. so fucked up how beatrice was like "no shannon you're not furniture, you can have a heart and know love, im nice :3" and then took it all away. just girly things. teehee. she's so evil.
although of course he snapped out of it eventually and went right back to being the Facts and Logic Guy
but not before beatrice did uhhh *gestures* all of THAT to rosa which i was also completely floored by, obviously i loved it, who doesn't love a little forced cannibalism. beatrice really said "i put your big brother in the juicer like 12 times and kept killing and reviving him to get the really good blood and now im going to force feed it to you" GNSFHOSIJLGHSLK:JGH:EORUGHNLSDFKNSKJ:DLFNS:IGH I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS FUCKED UP???? again i love it, huge fan of things that are fucked up, but damn!!!!
also all of the meta with the other witches who keep showing up in between timeloop resets. i have 2 thoughts 1) these bitches are clearly dyking (lambdadelta and bern....whatever her name is) and 2) do these cool witch ladies also show up in higurashi? do i have to read higurashi now?
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citrustan · 2 years
i’m team jia. sorry to burst people’s bubbles just because they want the oc to always get their way. just because people identify with the oc doesn’t mean the oc deserves to be with jk. again, there’ll need to be more to the story but for now, i’m team jia. you people acting like jia betrayed her friend from dating her crush. maybe she had a crush on him as well. maybe she just didn’t want to talk about it because oc obviously liked him. maybe jk was the one to make the first move and then they started getting closer. don’t make someone the evil one just because it doesn’t fit your narrative.
also, stop romanticising people being nice. he was just being nice, people do that. people like that exist where they just do it because that’s the kind of person they are. being nice does not equate to someone having a crush/feelings on you. oc needed her head pulled out of the clouds.
sorry for the long rant. i just hate how people always feel sorry for ocs. even if oc is the home wrecker (not in this fic just generally).
i’m going to have another rant (this isn’t related) because i need to get this off my chest. but i feel like i’m the only one that hates f2l.
Hear me out!! I always sympathise with the girlfriend or boyfriend of said characters. Why are you wasting yours and other people’s time (especially the partner) just because you can’t admit your true feelings to your best friend? I find it so disrespectful and rude. Such characters only care about themselves and when caught out on their feelings they accuse the other person and it’s downright absurdity. That is why I love your crush fic. It brings the narrative of the girlfriend in. If the girl (i don’t remember her name) was the oc, people would be siding with her and disregarding the actual girlfriend. it’s just weird.
anyway: how have you been, lovely?
this makes complete sense to me! as far as oc is concerned, she's just an acquaintance to jk. we're so early in the story still lolz i should rly post more often right 😜
even though i've written in favour of oc, it's so bloody refreshing to see u look at it with a different perspective!
i aLSO hate f2l fics but bec that's a boring trope to me, i only like it when there's some ethical challenges 😘 which is the homewrecking stuff lmao
ANYWAY, im very ok, i have a job now and i spend a lot of time working for not even minimum wage but hey this girl need moneys
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