#sorry i took a while to respond
blackhairedjjun · 3 months
here’s prince yeonjun for you 🥰
as the sun cast its warm glow over the palace, prince yeonjun's heart skipped a beat when he first laid eyes on you. your arrival, accompanied by your parents for a week of diplomatic discussions, brought an air of enchantment to the kingdom.
with each passing day, the prince found himself captivated by your beauty and grace. his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue whenever you were near, and his words stumbled in your presence.
"princess, may i offer you a rose?" he asked, extending a delicate flower towards you. your smile lit up the room as you accepted the gift.
yeonjun became your devoted escort, always by your side, eager to spend every moment in your company. "allow me to accompany you to the gardens," he would say, his voice filled with a mixture of shyness and excitement.
playful banter filled your days together. his teasing remarks and mischievous glances brought joy to your heart. "i believe this flower is as beautiful as you, my princess," he would whisper, presenting you with a carefully chosen bloom.
with each passing day, yeonjun's love for you blossomed like the flowers in the palace gardens. his desire to court you grew stronger, even if his cheeks remained perpetually flushed.
in the quiet moments, he confessed his feelings, his voice filled with vulnerability and hope. "princess, i find myself falling deeply in love with you. will you allow me the honor of courting you?"
your eyes sparkled with affection as you replied, "yeonjun, my heart is already yours."
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the bit where yeonjun gives the princess a rose is making me weak because of the m3 tomorrow romantic ver photocards too lkasdflksdjkf
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oh oh oh and this part:
"princess, i find myself falling deeply in love with you. will you allow me the honor of courting you?" your eyes sparkled with affection as you replied, "yeonjun, my heart is already yours."
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thenamesmobu · 4 months
Hello! I have come bearing a git!
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Curtis here and I are on tour through all the TSP blogs I follow to show our thanks for all you guys do. You are an amazing person, a great artist, and I wish you a wonderful rest of your day/night
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bluedovee · 8 months
:0 omg.. awesome art!! I love how you color stuff | Ty for following!
It looks so good *whispering* I like to color but I sometimes struggle with color picking so I'm trying to study color theory but so far, I've been eyeballing it 😉
The person at the drive-thru window: This is a Wendys
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area51-narutorun · 8 months
hi! tell me something that made you smile this week? 
Saw a rainbow this morning! It was nice.
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timelessbibliophile · 2 years
I feel like they purposely brought rina back to make ej overcome his fear of losing his gf to Ricky , and I can guarantee u that clip has no flirting in it , it’s def not Ricky intentions to be a home wrecker or Gina intention to “cheat” on ej, they just needed closure
Agreed, even if Rina did develop as a romance this season (which might or might not happen), I don't think either of them would go about it with an intention to hurt EJ. People are really bugging me when they say Gina's a "cheater" or Ricky's a "home wrecker" because saying that about them means they don't know the characters at all. But that's beside the point.
That's true, they need closure, even I who don't ship Rina found it a little abrupt to not have almost no Rina interactions in 2B. It would be best for Portwell and Ricky to just get that out of the way (and by that I mean just clear the air and be friends again).
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lordsky4ever · 6 months
What is your MBTI ?
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seraphdreams · 8 months
Also may I infodumo as well?
mhm, i don’t mind !
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maybe-horny · 2 years
people say i do!
i think it’s cause i’m tall and chubby so i’m like a big marshmallow tehe☺️❤️
also im sure u give great hugs too! ❤️❤️
Aww love that! Huggable marshmallow kkkk
I'm not sure, but hasn't had any complaints lol
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summerlinenss · 21 days
Sorry to be that person but do you have any sources of the “pro-Palestine content” Taika has interacted with? I keep seeing people talk about him liking posts and I want to believe it but I haven’t been able to find anything.
(disclaimer: as i’ve mentioned before, i don’t condone stalking through anybody’s social media to “get evidence,” so please don’t do that. the only reason i’m posting this is because it’s a question i keep seeing and i’m seriously just so tired of talking about it. and a final reminder that taika hasn’t been on twitter in almost a year now and he doesn’t seem to use instagram on a regular basis.)
i’m like 90% sure there are more i’ve seen mentioned (i distinctly remember that he liked a video from a comedian who’s been advocating for palestine but i can’t for the life of me remember their name), but these are two that i’ve personally seen online. i’ll link them both here and here (+ screenshots below).
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the previous anon from this ask (who will remain anonymous by request) also kindly got back to me with screenshots of the tweets they came across from 2018-2021. i don’t have direct links to any of these obviously, but i did quickly scroll back to 2021 just to verify and i can confirm they’re still there in his likes.
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and before anyone starts, i’m not calling him an activist for liking social media posts. no one needs praise for recognizing what’s happening is genocide. but labelling him something as serious as a zionist and harassing/wishing harm on him for signing one poorly-worded letter about freeing hostages in october (and i won’t even get into all of the alleged bullshit that went down surrounding those letters) when there is literal proof he has and continues to support a liberated palestine is so senseless.
if people really care about creating change, they can prove it by encouraging others to speak up and save their outrage for the actual zionists openly mocking the people of gaza for their suffering and taking field trips to “israel.”
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chirrups · 2 months
hello i love ur impulse design even if ive inly seen a headshot i love the i’s on his face hes so shaped good job on having a great impulse design <3 /genuine
aww geeee thank you!! im not an impulse main by any means and i had to rework my 2 year old design of him for the life series diys, so i'm glad you like him! he's always been very round shape coded to me personally
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its also a little headcanon of mine that everyone sort of dresses up or modifies their original outfits for the life series. but impulse kept showing up in a t-shirt and shorts until scott got to him in secret life. like he does dress up in hermitcraft but just decided to cargo short the death games for some reason.
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mistercrowbar · 26 days
Starting playing BG3 a month ago, and I'm 130ish hours in. I run a DND club at the high school I teach at, and quite a few of my ceramics students/DND club kids have payed BG3. Make of that what you will given the age hah.
That said, I LOVE your boy's night/girl's night illustrations, and since I'd seen your Tav in a few pieces while trying to avoid spoilers, I thought they may have been a companion before I got too far. If the memes are appropriate, I've shared them to start convos with the kids and all. What I've seen of your comics is hilarious and wholesome, and make me smile. They've gone the rounds enough that my little nerdlings are even aware of your Tav's design, and I wanted to share that!
I know I'm late to the game and all, but would love if someone shared my work and it was so well received. Stay happy and healthy, and best of all to you!
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Awuwauwauahwuahahauh i’m so honoured ;u; 💖💖💖 like it blows me away whenever someone leaves a tag saying my little guy is one of their fav tavs and to know there’s a bunch of high schoolers out there who enjoy the comics aaaaa that’s really awesome!
I;m so amused you thought he was a companion too aghdhjs maybe a tangent but i posted two variants of the Karlach Hugs piece online, one with Aldiirn and one without, and it warms my heart that i’ve mostly seen the version with him reposted.
i hope all your nerdlings keep having great d&d adventures and enjoy the comics to come! Thank you so much for sharing with me ;u;
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silvery-orchid · 10 months
Do you think yan neuvillette spanks us with his cane as a corporal punishment 😔😔
okay okay listen!! i have thought about this!! (absolutely i have did we expect anything else?) but the short answer is no.
HOWEVER!! listen as to why stay with me okay.
His cane is meant to symbolise this high standing and that justice will be carried out so he does use it to showcase the clear imbalance of power between his darling and him. Things like: using it to make you straighten your back while tapping you, making you remember the 'proper way to sit', hitting your knee so that you kneel down in front of him, and, of course, tilting your head up so you look at him. the classical 'sword tilt' but cane style if you will.
however, the biggest reason he doesn't use it for spanking is because he simply loves to use his own hands. the warmth that spreads, his hand print as proof over how much he 'owns' you !! think about it!! if his sword is the symbol, his hands are the proof of his power and punishments. he is a bit sick like that :// and i am into it : ))
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victarin · 10 months
hi i just doodled him before bed
mwah mwah your spooky sunny
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OH MY GOD ???????? HELLO???????
THIS IS SO AWESOME OMG OMG . !!!!! the way my jaw dropped when i saw this THEY LOOK SO GOOD !!!!!! that shading is gorgeous and THE EYE GLISTEN ON THE RIGHT ??? ten thousand heart emojis your way ..... thank you so much for drawing them they look incredible in your style...... !!! hanging this up on my wall. forever and ever cherishing this
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commsroom · 2 months
laughing at the fact that Eiffel lived with the plant monster for months probably. And he's canonically allergic to it. And he just had to Cope. Literally everything happens to that man
i know, right? guy with the ailments. no one else is sneezing over it, either. it's just him. it's amazing how many things happen to him that you wouldn't think would continue to be problems in space, statistically. he's got pollen allergies? plant monster in the vents. he's deathly afraid of spiders? guess what! he has the most incredible luck. bad luck, good luck, it depends, but he's sure got a lot of it.
honestly, no wonder nobody (including eiffel) noticed his decima symptoms at first, when he's always hacking and wheezing even under normal circumstances. he's got that horrible smoker's cough.
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skyafied · 1 year
if you are still taking requests, could you draw heavy surrounded birds like a disney princes and medic looking lovingly from the distance
Hey anon how does it feel to have an absolutely massive brain, like just ginormous
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destinysbounty · 1 month
Yo what if you went off about s3, it'd be cool
The love triangle, the quick tech development, whatever you want, I wanna know what you think
(I saw you in the tags of that post, please gimme the analysies. pretty please)
The entirety of my thoughts on Ninjago's technology are long and vast and complicated, and I could probably make a full video essay on just that topic alone. But for the sake of simplicity, and also because I'm too lazy to write a 10k-word essay with screenshot evidence on why Ninjago tech isn't actually anachronistic, I'm going to just focus on the season 3 issue for now.
Now, one criticism that often gets lobbed at Rebooted is the matter of the technology. How did Ninjago suddenly become a hyper-futuristic technoscape in the span of what couldn't be more than a year? At first glance, I can understand how that might feel unrealistic. I used to feel the same way! But it actually makes total sense when you realize that this technology probably already existed, if only in a beta form, for years before s3 started.
But wait! If the technology already existed in some form, then why wasn't it used? Why did Ninjago only become a cyberpunk dystopia during s3??
The answer to that question is something that sounds like a no-brainer, but should probably be said anyway: just because a technology exists, doesn't mean it is democratized. That is to say, just because a society has made certain technological advancements, doesn't mean everyone in that society can actually access those advancements. Look at any country in our contemporary world - richer and more industrialized communities typically have better access to cutting edge developments, whereas more rural communities may not even have reliable internet access. Even Ignacia, which is one of the most rural communities we've seen in the entire show, was depicted as having landlines and telephone poles in the very first scene.
Moreover, it's reasonable to assume that robotics and digital technology has existed - and fairly advanced - for decades in-universe.
My evidence? The creation of characters such as Zane and Unagami. Both were invented roughly 40 and 20 years pre-canon respectively. Coding, and especially programming an AI like both characters are classified as, requires the existence of a computer. Which means that computers existed as early as the Serpentine War. (Unless Zane is the product of magi-tech, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Especially since Zane's original body also has other functions that, to my knowledge, wouldn't be possible without programming. For now, I'm proceeding under the assumption that Zane was created purely with technology.)
For these reasons I would argue that certain technologies, and in particular digital technology, have existed in-universe for a lot longer than we might think at first glance - but due to what appears to be some very extreme wealth disparity, technology has only recently become more widely accessible within the last few decades.
Think about it. Most human settlements we see are fairly small and rural, except for Ninjago City. Ninjago City is the only city we've seen on-screen in the entire series (with a few small towns here and there, but it's mostly just villages). And even then, the cost of living in Ninjago City itself is astronomically high. There's clearly something funky going on with this country's distribution of wealth.
With that in mind, it makes total sense that the tech we see in s3 was at least in development a lot earlier than anyone might realize. It's just that it was too expensive and exclusive for anyone in the general public to actually use it.
Now, let's look at this in the context of Rebooted.
Imagine you're a multi-millionaire tech mogul and the CEO of a very powerful tech company. The city is in shambles in the wake of an apocalyptic battle against Lego Satan. You take this opportunity to spearhead the reconstruction efforts. On top of being an impressive PR stunt, this is also great for business as it presents you with the perfect opportunity to populate the city wholesale with your own products: flying cars, holographic floating streets, AI vending machines, elaborate VR and AR setups, mechanical spider wheelchairs, the whole nine yards. The government probably even writes you a big check to make this process more accessible to your consumers - I mean, to the citizens of your the shiny new corporatocracy you may or may not have stumbled into creating. Whether or not you employed lobbyism to get this check is neither here nor there. After all, this is for the greater good! And to finally seal the deal that this city has become a Borg Industries outpost, you rebrand Ninjago City to New Ninjago City. This isn't just a city anymore, it's a corporate asset. It's an ad campaign. It's a way of life.
This also explains why all the tech mysteriously vanishes after s3 ends: supply and demand. A robot apocalypse is, among other things, bad for PR. I don't wanna think about the existence of a Lego Stock Market because that will hurt my brain, but a robot apocalypse is definitely what I would classify as a "black swan event" (an unpredictable crisis that severely disrupts the stock market). The company starts faltering financially because of all the public backlash, people stop buying and investing in their tech, their stocks start to crash, and Borg Industries has to roll back on their infrastructural monopoly. And so the technological status quo is (mostly) restored.
The theme of s3 isn't "technology bad" - at least, it shouldn't be. If you're as brainrotted as I am then the theme of s3 instead becomes, "maybe you shouldn't let one sole company have a total monopoly on your society's infrastructure because they might accidentally start a cyberpunk dystopia". And that is a...disturbingly apt moral for our current day and age (cough cough Amazon).
...can you tell I've been listening to The Fine Print by Stupendium on loop for too long?
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