#sorry if none of these make sense if they’re not fitting just know i’m a YAPPER
lqfiles · 4 months
hello! i was curious so a New Game:
what NCT song would you assign your anons?
love your work!!
this sounds funnnn, i’ll be doing 127 and dream songs only since they’re the only units i actively listen to! will also be doing anons that have interacted regularly ^^ (slendy 🧸🍓🪼🌷🫧🐇🦦)
slendy — heartbreaker by 127
it’s such a cute and nostalgic song that makes me feel reminiscent in a way. it feels like the coming of age trope (and i know that probably won’t make sense) yeah i feel like it would fit slendy anon with how their life is going rn w their graduation and all ^^ aside from that it’s just such a fresh nostalgic song which is sooo them to me.
🧸- dreams come true by 127
this song gives off such antique, old school, warm, caring and soft vibes that i get from anon. anon actually did sent a message to me and i can totally hear this playing in the background every time i read her messages, with the way she types, it’s pretty fitting.
🍓- replay by dreamies
i IMMEDIATELY thought of this and i can’t explain why but my mind just immediately went to that 😭😭 it’s a fun upbeat song that makes me smile whenever i hear it and anon is really sweet as well and gives nothing but positive nice vibes. (let me add that this is my second favourite nct dream song of all time)
🪼- crash landing by 127
a hard hitting song that is perfect imo. anon seems like they would love crash landing. idk like something tells me anon is badass and a bit cunty if i had to guess.. AND they bias jaehyun so i feel like jaehyun biases fit crash landing well. but yeah if i had to read their asks with a song in the bg it would be crash landing fr
🌷- irreplaceable by dreamies
amazing song where haechan is singing his ass off like how would they not love it! anyways irreplaceable is such a fun and interesting song with the way the lines are delivered, i feel like anon would enjoy it. and the whole theme of them singing about wanting to star in a movie with their main character is so cute idk i just feel like anon would love that theme. LOVE YOU 247 MY CHEWINGUMMM
🫧- fool by 127
fool is such a fun silly song that you’d put on when you just want to bop your head to something fun and silly and that’s exactly what reading anon’s asks feel like. like if anon’s asks were made into a song i’m sure fool would come out of it. just pure fun vibes like we’re here to have fun and great time. TIME IS RUNNING OOUUTT JJAGA JJAGA
🐇- 7 days by dreamies
my favourite nct dream song. if you have heard this song you’d probably think “just cute soft lullaby music” which is what i get from jaembunny anon!! i feel like they’d enjoy the soft verses and the beat switch in the second verse. the way dreamies sounds so soft and cute here while talking about how they think they’re compatible with the love interest and want to speak to them 7 days a week is sooooo cute to me and it reminded me off anon.
🦦 — broken melodie’s by dreamies
i really don’t got much of an explanation for this one tbh, it was the first song that came to my mind! if not this then i’d say either yacht or space by 127 but idk anon gives me the vibes that they’d love broken melodies
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green Part 4
WC 1123 Masterpost CW allusions to past torture, dehumanization, anxiety
“Looks worse in person, doesn’t he?”
Dick was jolted out of his thoughts as Jason spoke. He gave little nod, but didn’t look away from the kid asleep on the bed. Seeing the photos were bad enough, but Jason was right, he looked worse in person. It was distressingly clear all that he’d gone through between the fainter marks that the flash of the camera had washed out and the way the kid’s bone’s were clearly outlined under paper thin skin.
“It’s wild seeing someone who looks so much like B looking so fragile,” Jason continued in a low rumble. “Like, none of us think the old man can do everything anymore, we’re all beyond that childish notion, but doesn’t mean that B still doesn’t seem larger than life. To see a kid with his features look like that…”
“It’s going to be okay, little wing,” Dick assured hi. “We’ll look out for him now.”
Jason snorted. “Always the optimist.”
“Nope,” Dick said, shaking his head. “I’m just pretty sure that anyone who comes for him, you and little Red will put in the ground.”
Dick could see Jason start out of the corner of his eye at that, but didn’t pay it any mind. Instead, Dick finally entered the room instead of just lingering in the doorway like a creep.
“What’s the plan, baby bird?”
Tim stopped twirling the screwdriver in his fingers (a nervous habit) and glanced Dick’s way. “I want to fit a piece of insulating rubber between the collar and his skin. I should be able to get it off without zapping him, but they didn’t… I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend it to ever come off, or at least not cleanly.”
“So rubber as a back up, makes sense. What’s the catch?”
“Well, like Duke said, we don’t know what will happen when we remove it,” Tim answered, “and I’m pretty sure he won’t stay asleep for it. He stirred some when I was checking it over earlier. I want the collar off him but…”
“Pretty sure that’s more important than rest,” Jason said. “He’s got as long as he needs to rest after. Besides, gives us a chance to get some fluids and food in him.”
“Okay, you wake him up then,” Tim said, tone edging into snippy. The baby bird really was stressed by this.
“Now hold on,” Jason started back.
Dick just rolled his eyes and squatted by the edge of the bed. Gently, he rested a hand on the kid’s shoulder. He rubbed a slow circle with his thumb. “Hey there. Can you wake up for a little bit? We want to get you more comfortable.”
The kid gave a sleepy snuffle and turned his head, nuzzling his cheek against Dick’s hand for a moment. Dick could feel when the kid actually woke up by how rigid he went.
“It’s okay, you’re safe, remember? You ran into Red Hood and Red Robin. They brought you to a safe house. I’m Nightwing, but they’re both still here.
“Hey Kid,” Jason said, his voice distinct behind the modulation.
Green eyes fluttered open and darted quickly around the room. The Kid was too young to have to catalog all the exits and makeshift weapons, but that’s exactly what he was doing. Dick slowly removed his hand and rested it, palm up, on his knee. The kid seemed to chase the touch for a moment before he went the other way and pushed himself to sit up back into the corner where the bed med the wall.
“Sorry,” he croaked out.
Dick nudged the sealed water bottle on the side table a little closer to him. The kid took a moment to look from it to Dick and the others in the room before he reached out very slowly to take it. Dick was sure the kid thought they were going to take it away by how quickly he snatched it back once his fingers were on it, but none of them commented on it. None of the commented on the way he checked the seal either before he broke it and chugged half the bottle.
“Maybe go slow with the rest of that bottle, but keep drinking it. We’d like you to eat too. If you’re not comfortable eating something we—”
Jay cleared his throat and Nightwing rolled his eyes behind his white out lenses. “That Red Hood cooks, we have MREs and bars that are sealed.”
“We can also cover your stitches so that you can take a shower,” Jason said, “but only after you eat. Don’t need you falling over in the shower.”
“And before you eat,” Tim chimed in, “we want to get that collar off.”
The water bottle crinkled loudly in the kid’s hands. He started, dropping it on the mattress then scrambled to pick it up.
“Shit, sorry, I’m…”
“It’s just water, Kid,” Jason said. “It will clean up fine.”
“Can you take a deep breath for me?” Dick asked, voice soft. He tapped out a rhythm on the bed frame with his blue stripped fingers.
The kid took a shuddering breath and then another. Jason left the room as the kid breathed, coming back with another bottle of water and an orange juice to set on the side table.
“There you go,” Dick soothed. “I’m going to talk about it, is that okay?”
The kid gave a jerky nod.
“Do you want the collar off?”
The kid nodded again. “Yes.”
“Is it going to harm you if we take it off? One of us Bats is a meta too. He said there could be a backlash of power.”
“I can control it,” he whispered. The words were barely audible over the nearly bottle that he was twisting in his hands. “But the collar… if you… it, um, shocks.”
“We know,” Tim said. “But I know how to take it off. We’ll put rubber between your skin and it too, so even if I tries you won’t feel it.”
The kid’s eyes seemed to flash brighter as he looked up at Tim. “You can? I tried to but I didn’t have… I couldn’t find the tools. All I could do is kill the tracker. It zapped me out for a day. I was so sure that… right, yeah, please, I want it off. You all… you’d do that?”
“Of course,” Dick said.
The green shifted to him. “But you don’t even know what I can do.”
“We know you’re a kid with a collar around your neck that hurts you. That’s enough for us,” Jason said.
The kid looked between all of them before he slumped forward. Dick gently plucked the water bottle from his limp fingers.
“Please,” the kid said. “Please.”
--- AN: Y'all, darlings, I am... so tired I didn't have it in me to read this over before posting so I'm sure there are double words and wrong words. Be kind to my soul. It was a very busy day with a lot of important things and fatigue is kicking my ass. But before anyone worse, I wanted to write this and I'm happier having gotten some writing done!
Still, I hope you like this part! We got Dick POV this time! Stay delightful, my darlings.
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general--winter · 1 year
How Genin Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Rock Lee react to accidentally kissing the reader
author's note: I am loving doing the genin headcanons, lol poor children. Enjoy!
rating: general
fandom: naruto
pairing: uchiha sasuke x gn!reader, uzumaki naruto x gn!reader, hyuga hinata x gn!reader, rock lee x gn!reader
word count: 817
warnings: none
summary: The genin accidentally kiss their crush. Chaos ensues.
Uchiha Sasuke
Oh, he’s gonna have a fit. Bonafide. He was super pissed and embarrassed when he accidentally kissed Naruto, so imagine if it was with a person that he actually liked. Yeesh, I’m so sorry. I think he would at first react in a quite nasty way, not out of malice but out of self-defense and insecurity. Remember, throughout his entire Academy education, all of the girls in his class were on him about their crushes. Pretty blatantly. I think this would definitely have some negative impact on how Sasuke views crushes at the age of a genin.
He would realize his colossal accident, though, when you were very upset. He really didn’t mean to do that, he’s really just lashing out. You would run away, and I don’t think he would chase after right away, instead trying to run into you at a later point. He would apologize after having sense beaten into him by Kakashi, and you can really tell it's hard for him to be open about this kind of stuff, so you accept it, acknowledging that neither of you are truly at fault. Sasuke’s relieved that you two can continue to be friends and get to know each other more, even if he’s gonna keep bottling up his feelings somewhat. I think you would definitely notice that his apology was still out of character, perhaps putting two and two together?
Uzumaki Naruto
Now, I think he would react the opposite of how he did when he accidentally kissed Sasuke. Instead of being grossed out that he ended up kissing someone he had no romantic feelings for, I think the poor boy would be flustered beyond all belief. Like, he would be the one to run away. After the sheer panic wore off, I think he would cackle like a mad man and immediately go brag to his team that he kissed the person he has a crush on. None of them would believe it and would grill him on what happened, leading them into discovering it was an accident.
The entire team is going to lambast Naruto for what happened and force him to go tell you that he’s sorry, but they’re quite shocked to see you come up to him to apologize before he got the chance. With a hand behind his head and a grin on his face, Naruto would accept, perhaps saying something really idiotic like how maybe it was fate or something like that, or how he doesn’t regret that it happened, especially with a close friend of his.
Hyuga Hinata
Oh look, you’ve killed her. Actually, though, she would probably flush so fast that the rush of blood to her head would make her dizzy. Immediately you would stammer out an apology, watching her stutter and try to process what just actually happened. If you were to try to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder or anything like that, please don’t. It will make it worse. Kiba, Shino, and Kurenai, her personal protection detail, would be on you in seconds, however. Shino and Kurenai would be working on getting out of her what happened while Kiba would yell at you about what happened.
I think after a couple of seconds, Hinata would be able to recover and explain the situation through her stammer. Earnestly, you would apologize to the entirety of Team 8, especially to Hinata. You would bow to her, anything to make sure that she knows that you didn’t mean to hurt her in any way. She is barely able to tell you that it was just an accident and that everything is alright before running away, her team on her heels and you left completely stunned.
Rock Lee
Rock Lee is way too polite to do anything other than pull away immediately and start apologizing. Don’t get me wrong if you didn’t express any discomfort at the situation, I think Lee would be ecstatic. But Might Guy one hundred percent had him on respect women juice from infancy. So he’ll be as chivalrous about it as possible. Expect Tenten and Neji to drag Lee away as he’s crying, having thrown himself on the ground for your forgiveness. The other two will also profusely apologize for Lee as they end the situation.
The next time you see Lee, he has a bouquet of flowers as an apology that he got from Ino. And his face is all scraped and bandaged up. You can’t help but feel a little bad about his injuries, and you genuinely weren’t upset about the accident, so you forgave Lee. His face would break out into a blush, and I see him shooting his shot with you for real, turning the giving of the bouquet from an apology into a declaration of love. Might Guy would definitely be rooting for him in the background, hidden away, crying over youthful love. 
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goddess-aelin · 6 months
Tumblr media
Feels Like Home
For @backtobl4ck for the Rowaelin Yulemas celebration/ Secret Santa. For the second year in a row, I once again had the pleasure to write something for Maria! I was so excited when I found out I had you because we both loveeeee fluff and friends to lovers. So I hope you love this little gift and have a very happy Yulemas :) @rowaelinscourt
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: none!
Her hands were everywhere. Her lips touched his softly as she breathily moaned at his ministrations between her thighs. Silky blonde locks brushed his face as he made his way down the side of her neck. He never tasted anything so sweet, so right. “Rowan. Rowan. Rowan.” Her voice got louder and louder as he laid her back on the cushions of his couch, muscles straining to reign in all the things he wanted to do to her. He had to do this right. Move slowly. This thing between them was as precious as the sun’s warmth. “Rowan. Ro.” Her voice changed cadence, suddenly closer and louder. “Ro!” 
A stinging sensation against his cheek woke him. Like lighting, he shot up, catching the arm of the person who slapped him. Once he registered where he was and what was happening, the first thing he noticed were the depthless blue and gold eyes of his best friend. His best friend. Aelin. Who he was in the middle of having a sex dream about.
Rowan could feel his face flush as he became more aware of his surroundings. He silently thanked the Gods that he chose to cover himself with a blanket for this particular nap. Otherwise, it would’ve been painfully obvious just exactly what he had been dreaming about. 
“Must’ve been some dream, huh? Since you didn’t wake up the first twenty times I called your name.” Aelin raised an eyebrow. “Sorry for the slap, though. I just didn’t know how else to wake you up.” Aelin gave him a devious smile. 
Rowan rubbed at the still stinging area on his left cheek. The good thing was that the slap hid any blush that might’ve remained on his face. “Sure you are, Fireheart.” She pouted slightly, giving him her best “but I’m innocent” look. “Wait, how did you even get in here?”
“You gave me a key, remember?”
“Yeah, for emergencies. Not to barge into my house at…” He checked his phone. “4:35pm on a Thursday afternoon.”
“This is an emergency, Ro.” 
He raised an eyebrow and silently commanded, explain.
“Well ok…you see, I have this cousin. His name is Galan. Well he’s sort of my cousin but he’s also not. Not in the sense that Aedion is my cousin. But he’s still sort of close family, ya know? And I got the invite a few weeks back and I hoped that I could find a date but I haven’t yet and I just really think that maybe it would be a fun time and there’s going to be good food-”
“Hold on. What the fuck are you talking about?” Rowan couldn’t keep the humor and huff of laughter out of his voice. Aelin tended to ramble when she was nervous. So obviously this was something she was nervous about. He gently took her hand. “Start again and take a deep breath this time.”
For once, she listened to him. After inhaling and exhaling deeply, she tried again. “My cousin, Galan. He’s getting married and I have a plus one. I can’t go alone because my mother will have a fit and that will make her and my aunts scheme like hell to set me up with one of the groomsmen. But I 100% do not want that. I know Galan’s friends and they’re all dumbasses. I love my cousin, but his groomsmen all make really stupid, idiotic decisions. So no, thank you. So I guess my question is, will you go with me? As my plus one?” 
Rowan took a moment to process the information. What are the odds that he would have a sex dream about his best friend right before she asked him to be her plus one to a wedding? He was treading dangerous territory and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
He must’ve taken too long to answer because Aelin hastily said, “As friends, of course. And you’d get free food, booze, and a night of dancing. You get to dress up, which I know you hate but it’ll be fun! Plus, you’ll get to have the most beautiful, amazing, graceful date on your arm.” 
That shocked him out of his stupor. Rowan let out a cackle. “Modest, aren’t you?” 
“Modesty is my middle name.” 
Rowan hummed in mock agreement. “Yeah, I’ll go with you. It’ll be fun. A night away, drinking, eating great food, and getting to watch the bridal party get increasingly drunk as the night goes on? I’m in.” 
Aelin beamed but quickly bit her lip. He knew her too well to know that it wasn’t just a nervous tick. There was something else. Rowan narrowed his eyes.
“It’s also like five hours away in Varese so we need to rent a hotel for the night.” She looked apprehensive, as if this new information was going to make him change his mind and say no. 
“O..kay? We’ve been on vacations together before, Fireheart. What’s different this time?” 
She blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I just know you don’t like being the center of attention and I know that my mom and my aunts are going to be all over you like vultures. So I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into before saying yes.”
Rowan shrugged. “How bad can it be?”
- - - - -
Bad. The answer to his question from a few weeks ago was just that: it could be bad.  The date of the wedding crept up steadily, he and Aelin hammering out the details of their stay in Varese. Aelin, of course, insisted on coordinating colors for their outfits, which is how he found himself standing at the base of the stairs in the grand ballroom attached to their hotel in a black tux and emerald green bowtie, talking with Aedion while waiting for the two ladies to make their grand entrance. Aelin insisted on the emerald green to match his eyes. He really didn’t care either way, he just hoped he was able to reign in his budding feelings when he saw Aelin in what just so happened to be his favorite color. And that if he somehow did accidentally let some of his feelings show, that it wouldn’t make it awkward for when they got back to their hotel room.
Oh right, that. The other predicament he was in. 
Once he and Aelin arrived at the hotel that morning, they were surprised to find that not only did their room only have one bed, it also had one of the most romantic views of Varese, overlooking the river that flowed through the center of the city and its beautiful architecture. Aelin was quick to insist that she had nothing to do with this and that she ordered a double room. At the time, the wedding was only a few hours away and Aelin shoved him out of their room towards Aedion and Lysandra’s across the hall, stating that she needed to get ready and she couldn’t have his broody self in the room while she was doing so. So he and Lysandra had switched places, Aelin assuring him that they’d remedy the bed situation later. 
He and Aedion took a whopping total of ten minutes to get ready in comparison to Aelin and Lysandra’s two hours. Rowan’s foot started tapping of its own accord as the time ticked closer to the ceremony. If Aelin didn’t hurry her ass up- albeit her very, very nice ass- they were going to be late. 
He was cut off from his thoughts by the two sets of clacking heels on the marbled floor coming from the top of the stairs. It took one look at the thigh slit of Aelin’s dress for his mouth to dry up. Another glance at the way it hugged her hips for his body to go wholly still. And one final glance to her beautiful, glowing face for him to black out completely. 
He must’ve actually blacked out since, in what felt like a single moment, Aelin was standing right in front of him. Her emerald green dress matched his bowtie perfectly, of course, the gold accent of her minimal jewelry complimenting her eyes. She didn’t need baubles and gems to make her sparkle. She, just as she was now, was an ethereal being, glowing from an internal, unseen star. 
Rowan tried so hard; so, so, incredibly hard to will his mind to say something, anything. And yet, words escaped him. How could he ever put into words how beautiful she was, how much she meant to him? As saliva started making its way into the dry desert that was his mouth, all he could manage was a “Holy shit.”
Aelin’s laugh was like twinkling bells in his ear. “Back at ya, Buzzard. You look…very handsome.”
Was it just his imagination or did she sound…breathless? He couldn’t help but become aware of every place her eyes drifted to, like they were emitting invisible fire and burning him everywhere. His hand subconsciously came up to rub at the back of his hair, trying to smooth out anything that was out of place. “You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?” He managed a small smirk. Or, he hoped he did.
Aelin’s eyes continued their unhurried perusal, mouth parting slightly and hand coming up to grab his own to stop him from messing up his hair even more. “No,” she breathed, “For once in my life, I’m not. I Promise.” Rowan could see her swallow hard.
Rowan had to take a deep gulp of air, otherwise he was sure he was going to pass out. Somewhere, deep inside of him, some air of confidence kicked in and gracefully allowed him to offer his arm for Aelin to take. Gently, she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow, both of them silently making their way to the doors where the ceremony would be held. As they neared the room, Rowan purposefully slowed them down, falling behind Aedion and Lysandra. “Fireheart,” he whispered. “You look…you look stunning. It’s what I wanted to say earlier but I couldn’t find the words.”
Rowan could have sworn a blush overtook her face. But she beamed up at him, giving him a sweet, shy smile. 
“Thank you.” He could feel more than see her sharp intake of breath. A breath to recenter and refocus. “Well, shall we, Buzzard?” Rowan nodded and steered them once again to the doors.  
An hour later, the ceremony was over and Rowan’s stomach was rumbling. Loudly. Seated next to Aelin, he knew she could hear it and she continued to sneak glances and little smirks at him. The hunger he could deal with. The sly glances from Aelin? Not so much. She had been driving him insane since she floated down those stairs and it was slowly but surely causing him to lose his cool. That would be if he ever had it in the first place.
And as the night went on, the torture only continued. Throughout dinner, her arm would brush his as she turned to talk to Lysandra next to her, her leg would tap against his own when she told a joke, and she would find any excuse to touch him as often as she could. In normal circumstances, he wouldn’t mind. But they were here as friends. And these touches were making him want much, much more than that. 
The only time he felt like he could breathe was when Aelin got up to dance with Lysandra to an upbeat pop song, leaving Rowan and Aedion sitting alone at their table to chat. Rowan had a few drinks already but he was nowhere near drunk. A nice buzz was flowing through him but he was still very much so in control of his actions.
At least, that’s what he thought until Aedion cleared his throat. Rowan broke his stare from Aelin’s sensuous dancing. Did she even know what she looked like to him? How much she was torturing him just by being herself? He wasn’t sure if she was aware. But Aedion sure as hell was. 
The blonde man gave him a knowing look and raised an eyebrow. Rowan just rolled his eyes and allowed his gaze to maneuver back to Aelin. He caught the moment when she threw her head back and laughed, the sound making his bones feel like they were both on fire and also a pile of mush. It was a feeling that he was unaccustomed to, having only felt anything of the sort with his high school girlfriend. But if that feeling was a good one, this one made him feel like he was flying. Made him feel a need so deep that he wasn’t sure he would ever recover. He needed every inch of her. Not only her body, but her soul, her smiles, her laughter, her tears. He wanted everything.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. 
Beside him, Aedion chuckled. “You’re only now just realizing it?”
Rowan could do nothing but stare at the table, knowing that if he looked at Aedion, his secretly harbored feelings would be completely out in the open for the other man to see. And if he looked up at Aelin, the same outcome. So yeah, he was fucked. 
“I know you’re having a complete crisis over being in love with her but I’m glad you finally figured it out. Took you long enough.” 
That made Rowan look toward the man sitting next to him, brows furrowed. 
“Yeah, we’ve all known this for ages. I feel like it was obvious to anyone with eyes, to be completely honest. Some of us even have a bet on how long it’ll take for you two to finally admit that you’re in love with each other.” 
  Rowan made to open his mouth with a denial but Aedion held up a hand. “Nope, dude. Save the bullshit. I know just by looking at you that you’re so far gone for her, it’s unreal. And I know that Aelin has never been as happy as when she’s with you. She never laughed this freely until she met you.” Aedion let out a small huff of breath. “You have my blessing.” 
Rowan just repeated his earlier statement. “Fuck.” 
Their conversation was interrupted by a breathless Aelin sitting in the seat to Aedion’s right, where she promptly picked up the half-full glass of wine and chugged it. 
“So what are you boys gossiping about over here that has poor Whitethorn all red in the face?”
Internally, Rowan was panicking. Aedion opened his mouth to say something that Rowan was sure to be snarky but before he could, Rowan blurted out, “birds!” 
The corners of Aelin’s mouth quirked up slightly. “Birds…?” Rowan could tell that she didn’t fully believe him but luckily, Aelin was already half drunk. He hoped she would just let it go. 
The first mistake Rowan made was making eye contact with her. She always had an uncanny ability to read him like an open book, despite most people not understanding him. As she narrowed her eyes, the part of their souls that has always been intertwined translated for him, as if to say, I don’t believe you and think you’re full of shit, Buzzard.
So Rowan sent his own thoughts back, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Fireheart. 
The second mistake was continuing to hold her gaze. Not because he gave anything away to her but rather because it prompted the man sitting in between them to throw his hands in the air and exclaim, “Oh no. Oh helllll no. This isn’t happening right in front of me.” Aedion quickly shoved his chair away from the table and got up to leave. Before walking away completely, he turned around and pointed right at the two of them. “I’m tired of this bullshit. You guys need to get it together and just fucking make out already. Gods.” And with his piece said, Aedion stalked away, directly to the bar where he knocked back a shot immediately. 
Rowan turned back to Aelin, whose eyes were wide and brows furrowed. 
“Umm, what just happened?”
The only thing Rowan could do was shrug. He sure as hell wasn’t going to lie to her but he wasn’t sure that he could outright confess his feelings, either. He was saved from deciding by the transition to a slower song, one he knew Aelin liked. As he looked back over at her, her eyes had drifted closed and her shoulders were swaying slightly, moving along to the lilting melody of the song. 
Rowan shoved his chair away from the table, extending his hand toward her. Blue eyes met his own and held his gaze with an intensity that could’ve set him on fire. “Dance with me, Fireheart.”
Aelin managed a small smile and took his hand, following him to the dance floor where Lysandra and Aedion and her parents were already coupled up and swaying back and forth. He gently guided her hand to rest at his shoulder, laying his own on her waist, and cradling her other to his chest. 
Looking down at her, he felt like he could do this forever. Her bright teal eyes were hazed with alcohol and something else, as if she felt content, safe. Slowly, she tilted her head so it rested on his chest. Of their own accord, Rowan’s lips gently placed a kiss to her hair, inhaling her sweet lemon verbena and lavender scent. Aelin always smelled so good. So…comforting. Like home.
Through the haze of their otherworldly bubble, Aelin murmured something. 
“Hmm?” he asked.
Pulling her head back, she answered him, “I said ‘are you going to tell me what that was back there at the table? With Aedion?”
He tensed, Aelin tensing along with him. “It was nothing, Aelin.”
She raised an eyebrow in protest. He knew she was disappointed. She could tell he was lying through his teeth. “It obviously wasn’t nothing. Just tell me. Did my mom say something? She and my aunts have been watching us all night like hawks.”
“Really, Fireheart...I…It’s nothing. Everything’s good.” He gave her a tight smile, hoping she would let it go and they could go back into their bubble. But, of course, this was Aelin. She tensed even further, pulling her hand off of his shoulder and making to pull away from him completely. But before she could walk away from him, he grabbed her hand and as gently as he could, pulled her back toward him. She was caught off guard, Rowan could easily tell that much. 
He slowly began to sway them back and forth again. Not caring about the eyes on them, he murmured “I’m not good at this.”
Aelin’s brows furrowed together. “At what?”
Rowan’s shoulders shrugged up and down of their own accord. “This. Talking about…about my feelings.”
Aelin’s head tilted in that way of hers that told him she was thinking. “And what about your feelings are you having a hard time with?”
“I’m not having a hard time with my feelings, I just…I can’t–” Rowan sighed. “For fuck’s sake.” It was at that moment, when Aelin was looking up at him with her eyes that could see everything, her beautiful mind that could work out any problem, that he grabbed her face. “Aelin–I love you. I’m in love with you.” Rowan felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest, his breathing so ragged as he waited in anticipation for what she would say back. But the answer didn’t come after a few seconds. And then it didn’t come after a few more. Aelin just stood there, wide-eyed and mouth opening and closing as if she couldn’t find the words, either. And bit-by-bit, Rowan was beginning to give up hope. 
   Slowly, he loosened his grip on her face, meaning to step back and give her space. But before he could pull away completely, Aelin threw her arms around his neck, dragging his head down forcefully and attaching her lips to his own. If he was being honest, it was probably the least romantic kiss he’d ever experienced but it didn’t matter one bit because it was Aelin. 
The kiss was over before it started and Aelin pulled back slightly. Just enough to murmur, “I love you, too, Buzzard.” 
He couldn’t help the smile that overtook his face. Properly this time, he held her face between his hands and brought her mouth back to his. This kiss was entirely different from the first. Gone was the urgency and desperation and in its place was genuine love and devotion. Would he ever get enough of this? He could’ve died in her kiss a happy man right at that moment. But he hoped that he would get many more chances to experience Aelin in all her glory.
Cheers and clapping broke them out of their reverie, startling them both back into reality. Rowan assumed it was cheering for Galan and his wife but as Rowan’s gaze roamed over the crowd, they all seemed to be watching…him. Aelin’s mother was at the head of her sisters, all five of the Ashryver sisters looking toward him and Aelin. All with smirks on their face. He could’ve sworn he heard a few swoony sighs as he and Aelin made their way back to their seats, faces aflame. 
Once seated, Aelin leaned in close, putting her hand dangerously high on his thigh. “Well, I’d say it’s not such a bad thing that our room only has one bed, wouldn’t you Buzzard?” 
Rowan narrowed his eyes. “Did you plan this, Fireheart?” 
Aelin shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. Who could ever know.” Rowan pinched her side, making her giggle. “I will say, though, that my wheels might have started turning the moment I walked in on you having a nice little smutty dream about me.”
Rowan gaped. “Wh-what?!”
Aelin shot him an answering smirk. “Oh yeah, did you think I didn’t know? You were literally moaning my name in your sleep. How else was I supposed to take that? Unless there’s another Aelin in your life, which, if that’s the case, excuse me, I’ll let you two be alone.” She feigned getting up from the table but he pulled her right back down, bringing her face close to his. 
“And so what if I was, Fireheart?” He murmured in her ear. He both saw and felt the shiver that made its way down her body. 
“Then, Buzzard, I’d say its a very good thing that our room has a king bed.” While his blood heated at her promise, he couldn’t help but think that this was the start of something amazing. Something that felt like home.
@cretaceous-therapod @morganofthewildfire @tomtenadia @live-the-fangirl-life @charlizeed @violet-mermaid7 @euphoric-melancholyy @kritical24 @rubyriveraqueen @dealfea @wellofnothing @ayaashryver @moonknight-spector @leiawritesstories @whoever-you-choose-to-love @holdthefrickup @heirofflowers @thecrispypotatochip @shanias-world @rowanaelinn @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity @hanging-from-a-cliff @fantacysoup @swankii-art-teacher @thegreyj @fromthelibraryofemilyj @westofmoon @lovely-dove-zee @books4eva04 @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @backtobl4ck @dreamer-133 @elentiyawhitethorn @writtenonreceipts @shyvioletcat @aelinchocolatelover @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @athena127 @tothestarsandwhateverend @highqueenofelfhame
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [08]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Laito: You’ll be giving her back to me, Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun.
Kanato: What is your problem...? First you appear out of nowhere and now you’re giving me the evil eye. 
I am free to do with her as I please. Now could all you nuisances please back off?
Laito: I’m afraid I can’t let that one slide~ I don’t recall handing her over to you after all. 
Ayato: Hah! Funny comin’ from the same guy who agreed to lettin’ us have her blood the other day.
Laito: Exactly...I made a huge blunder. I’m such a fool.
However, I won’t make that same mistake twice. 
Yui: Laito-kun...
ー Laito approaches them
Laito: Listen, Kanato-kun, that branch...Could you please stop pointing it towards Bitch-chan? 
What if you burn her? Or set her on fire by mistake?
Kanato: Stay away from me! All I’m doing is ‘preparing’ her so her blood will turn out more delicious. 
What did I do to deserve this!? Why are you looking at me with those eyes full of pity!?
Laito: I mean, are you going to burn someone alive again? Just like you did to that woman after she fell down from the balcony.
Kanato: The balcony...?
Uu...Ah, why...?
Laito: Woah there! That was close. If you had dropped it there, the flames would spread in no time. I better extinguish the fire real quick.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato, what has gotten into you!? Fuck, what did you do, bastard!?
Laito: I’d like to pose you that question instead. Back then...You were the one who attacked her, no?
Ayato: Hah? What are you...?
Uu...Guh...This shit again...?
Yui: ( Both of them started wincing in pain. Just like Laito-kun...They’re having dizzy spells. )
Laito: I guess we are triplets after all. We suffer at the hands of the same memory...
But it doesn’t seem like the two of you remember just yet.
Kanato: What nonsense are you spouting...? Uu...
Laito: Don’t you think it’d be in your best interest to simply retreat?
Laito: ...I’m pretty sure that in your current condition, even I could cut you down?
Kanato: Ayato...
Ayato: Che...Let’s fall back for now.
Yui: ( They both left... )
Laito: Phew...
Yui: Ah...Laito-kun...
Laito: I’m sorry it took me so long to come save you...Yui-chan.
Yui: ...Ah...
You know...who I am?
Laito: Of course.
Yui: ( He remembered. His memories ーー They’ve come back... )
ー She runs up to him
Yui: Laito-kun!!
Laito: Woah there...Look at you jumping into my arms like that. Such enthusiasm!
ー He loses his balance and tumbles over
Yui: Kyaah!
Laito: Owow...My legs gave in. Guess I’m not back into tip-top shape just yet...
Yui: M-My bad. I completely forgot you were feeling unwell until just now and acted on a whim...!
Laito: No biggie~ I’m no longer dizzy after all. I’ve just got that slight hazy feeling lingering inside my head.
Ahーah. I came all the way here to save my Princess but look at me putting on this lame display.
Yui: Your memories are back, aren’t they?
Laito: I’m not sure if that’s the right way to put it, but yeah.
I can remember everything now, as if the cover which had been put on my mind was lifted at once.
That Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are my brothers. As well as that we’re dating...All of it.
Yui: I’m glad...Truly. 
Laito: I’m sorry for causing you so much worry. Even though you told me about my memories so many times...
I wrote it off as a bunch of fantasies without even trying to make sense of it. ...I hurt you, didn’t I?
Yui: No, it’s fine. None of that matters at this point. 
All I care about is that you remember now...
Laito: Even so, that won’t take away from the fact that I put you through  unpleasant situations. 
I let those two as well as other guys suck your blood for my own personal enjoyment. 
Yui: Ah...About that...
→ I won’t forgive you (♡)
Yui: I’ll admit, I have a hard time letting that one slide...I don’t want anyone but you to suck my blood.
Laito: Yeah, my bad. I won’t ask you to forgive me. Punish me however you see fit?
Yui: I-I can’t do that. Besides...
You saved me earlier so...We’re even.
Laito: I’m not fine with that though. I can’t do anything for you in return if you put it like that.
→ I don’t mind (🖤)
Yui: I don’t mind. That’s in the past now.
Laito: I wish you’d mind a little more. I mean, even I hate myself for putting you through that. 
However, if you say so, I won’t mention it from here on out.
Laito: But you know, Bitch-chan? Why didn’t you tell me? 
Yui: Eh? Say what...?
Laito: About her.
Yui: ( Her...He’s talking about Cordelia-san, right? )
Laito: You realized that I was very close to remembering her, didn’t you?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Laito: My memories might have come back if you had mentioned her name.
Yui: ...I thought that you’d suffer if you remembered her.
I couldn’t bring myself to drop her name, realizing that all those painful memories would come back to you.
Laito: Per usual, you are too good to me. Still, I’m glad to know you treasure me that much.
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: I guess in the end, it was for the best.
When you were nearly burnt to a crisp by Kanato-kun, I was completely shaken up by an intense flurry of past memories. 
In the heat of the moment, I found a way to drive the two of them off. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have won if I had to fight them fair and square.
Yui: Ah...Speaking of which, were they okay? They seemed to be dizzy...
Laito: I wonder? They might have their memories back just like me but...
I know from experience that a small trigger isn’t enough to fully retrieve them.
Yui: Then, they still haven’t...
Laito: I’m pretty sure they’re suffering, stuck inside a world of fake memories.
Yui: I see...
( I hoped they would remember as well, but I guess that would be too much to ask for... )
Laito: Don’t worry. All three of us are pretty sturdy. Don’t worry about it. 
Yui: ...Yeah.
Laito: Well then, I’d love to hold you in my arms a little longer, but we should probably head back to the manor soon.
Even though those two left, it’d be bad if we were to run into one of the other guys.
Yui: Ah, good point. I’m sorry, I’ll move right away.
Laito: I have to say, this was quite a nice position, almost like you had me pinned down.
Yui: G-Geez, there you go saying that sorta stuff again!
Yui: ( Still, this feeling...It’s the Laito-kun I know and love. He actually came back. )
( The feeling of relief has me feeling weak in my knees...I didn’t realize I had been so tense this whole time. )
Laito: Huh? ...One second. Show me your arm.
Yui: Eh? What’s wrong?
Laito: I knew it. You’re burnt right here...
Yui: Ah, this is...The fire scraped across my skin when Kanato-kun pointed it towards me. 
But it’s only a light burn, I’ll be fine. 
Laito: Don’t be like that. It might leave a scar. You’re a girl, so you need to be more concerned about that sorta thing.
Keep still for a second, okay?
Yui: S-Sure...
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Laito: I can easily heal a burn by doing this...Nn...
Yui: Hyah...
Laito: What did I say? Don’t move. I’m only treating your burn.
Yui: B-But, we’d have access to actual medical equipment back at the manor, so you really don’t need to do this...
Laito: Let me do it. I have to do this much or it won’t sit right with me.
Besides, we shouldn’t use our supplies unnecessarily. A Vampire’s saliva has healing effects anyway.
It’s much better to use this method to fix small injuries. Aah, your cheek as well.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Don’t pretend to be okay. I want to do everything within my power for you.”
“Mm. It’s me. I’m right here, I promise. I’ll hold you close whenever you want me to.”
Laito: ...Nn...You’re so soft. I’m afraid I might just want to gobble you right up at this rate.
Yui: U-Uhm, I promise I’m okay now?
( I guess it’s because we haven’t been affectionate in a while, but for some reason it’s really embarrassing...! )
( Besides, I can feel the wound aching every time he kisses it... )
Laito: Look at you turning as red as a tomato (1). Seems like it’s not just from embarrassment, huh?
Does it feel good when I stimulate the wound...?
Yui: ...I-It doesn’t.
Laito: Is that so? Then you don’t mind if I continue treating you, correct?
Nn...Muah...Haah...Has it gotten a bit better? 
Yui: I-I think that one should be fine now.
( It really does make...the wound tingle in a weird way. )
Laito: You’re so sexy when you’re trying to endure it. When I kiss the opening of the wound...Nn...Muah...
Yui: ...Ah...
Laito: ...See? The scent of your blood got sweet. You can try to hide it all you want, but I can see right through it?
I can’t believe you’re getting all ecstatic when I’m only trying to tend to your wounds...What a troublesome Bitch-chan you are~
Yui: Y-You’re wrong, this is...
Laito: Fufu, you’re looking at me with those dreamy eyes.
I couldn’t ask for more. I want to do everything I can for you, to make up for everything I’ve done up till now.
Yui: Ah...
Laito: The burn seems fine now. But I haven’t healed the scars I left behind on your heartーー 
Yui: ( Such gentle actions...Like he’s trying his very best to show his appreciation for me... )
Laito: I promise that I will never...do things that could make me lose your love.
Yui: Yeah...
Laito: Well then, let’s head back to the manor together. Your hand please, Princess? 
Yui: Thank you.
Yui: ( I’ve felt his touch so many times before, and this isn’t our first time holding hands either. )
( They I feel as if it’s been together since we’ve walked hand-in-hand like this. )
( Happiness lies in these little things... )
Weaving our way through the trees,
we talked back towards the manor,
which had started to feel like home at this point. 
We have not yet broken free,
from this chaotic situation.
We do not even know where to start yet. 
Even so, the feeling of someone,
holding onto one of my hands tightly,
that alone is enough to take away the fear,
no matter what the future may hold for us.
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, he says that she turns red like an apple, but in English that didn’t sound quite as natural.
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haloshornsinkstains · 2 years
Demons In My Head
Demiurge [Overlord] x F!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence, smut, deviation from canon.
When Yggdrasil shut down Momonga wasn’t the only one left behind, you were trapped there with him, as the world shifted and all the NPCs came to life. Trapped in Nazarick with an NPC you’ve always had a crush on, what will you do with your new life?
Hearing a soft ping I looked up from where I’d been reading on the floor to pass the time, a new message flashed at the corner of my vision. Sighing I opened it, at least whoever it was had been courteous enough to let me know they weren’t coming.
[Momonga] Just logging in now, sorry I’m so late!
I smiled softly and dismissed the message, no point in messaging him back when you could speak in person in a moment. Seeing the familiar glow that signified one of my guild-mates logging in I pushed to my feet, ready to greet Momonga one last time. “Hey Momo.” I smiled up at the litch. “I’m glad you came.” “Hey Rip.” He nodded his head, and you were sure he was smiling back. “Sorry, I got caught up and it took me longer than I thought to get here. Did I miss everyone?” My chest tightened and I shook my head. “You’re the only one so far Momo.” “Oh.” He drummed his bony fingers against his chin. “Maybe they’ve been and gone? How long have you been here?” “Since midday.” My voice was flat, claws picking at the edges of my armour. “I don’t think they’re coming…” “I’m sure they’d have been here if they could. C’mon, we’ve still got a couple of hours, shall we go and say goodbye to everyone?” I blinked at his outstretched arm for a moment, not sure what he meant, until I remembered the NPCs of Nazarick, those lovingly created by the guild.  “That sounds lovely, Lord Momonga.” I answered softly, glad for once that the game limited my expressions. “Indeed, Lady Riptide. Shall we head to the first floor and then work our way back down?” “Makes sense, I’d like to end things in the Throne room. It just feels right.” Momonga nodded, teleporting the both of you to the top floor. I eyed the rickety bridge while Momonga looked around for Shaltear, neatly teleporting to the other side with a huff. “Still not a fan of heights Rip?” “Nope, besides, Shaltear is over this way.” I called, making my way towards the Vampire’s usual spot. “Floor two, numbnuts.”
Saying goodbye to the fourth floor pulled at something painful in my chest. The Underground Lake had been my domain, though the main guardian was Gargantua, there were monsters of my own creation in the lake itself. They weren’t true NPCs in the way the others were, my skills hadn’t quite been up to par for that, but they did a good job of picking off a few of the fools who made their way this far down. Besides, Ulbert had insisted that my aesthetics fit this floor the most. The next few floors were easier, at least until we reached the seventh. “This was always my favourite.” I sighed, running my fingers over the back of the white throne. “Really? I thought it was the lake?” Momonga hummed. “Nah, that was where Ulbert thought I fit best, but I do really like fire. And this place is so beautiful, he used to chase me out of here all the time. Told me Kelpies shouldn’t stay in hot places long, and to stop ogling his creation.” I laughed, gently patting Demiurge on the shoulder. “Do you think he knew Demi was my favourite NPC?” There was a low rumble of laughter from Momo beside me. “No. None of us would ever have guessed that.” Meanwhile Demiurge was practically vibrating with delight. His Lady, one of the Supreme Beings, favoured him above any other? He couldn’t think of a greater honour. And she even deigned to touch him? Him, a lowly servant. But why were the two remaining Supreme Beings speaking as if they were leaving? It couldn’t be.
Finally we made it to the tenth floor once again. I brought up the menu, glancing over the time. “Ten minutes left.” I sighed, glancing to where Momonga was over with Albedo, looking over something in her description. “You two going to need some time alone? Remember, this place has rules against R rated actions!” “Oi!” I laughed, happily settling on the floor to wait for the final countdown. As the last thirty seconds started to tick down I looked up at Momonga once more, surprised to find that he’d settled himself on the throne. Pushing to my feet I went to join him, perching on the arm, glad that I couldn’t feel how uncomfortable it probably was. “Hey Momo, after this… do you… do you think we can still keep in touch?” “Of course we can Rip.” I hoped he could tell how happily I was smiling at him, I’d used the emote but it didn’t seem enough to convey how truly happy and grateful I was to have his friendship in all this. Gently resting one of my own hands over his boney one I watched the last few moments of the clock count down, bracing myself for the unpleasant sensation of rejection from the gear. “5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” I closed my eyes,ready for the last moments of the game… but then nothing happened. No unpleasant zap in my brain to signify I’d been forcibly disconnected, no sudden feeling of nausea as I came back to the real world. Nervously opening my eyes I glanced around, expecting to see the darkness of my headset only to be greeted by the equally startled face of Momonga. “Did we get the time wrong?” I asked, looking around. “No… I don’t think so… wait, Rip, your mouth is moving.” Momo answered, his eyes flashing green at me. “So is yours!” I yelped, “really moving, not the standard animations. Holy shit, Momo, are we in the game? I swear I saw an anime like this, but if you died in the game you died in real life? Do you think that’s what’s happening here? We’ve been Isekai’d into a game. Oh, I hope we still have all our skills…” “Rip, breathe, we can work this out.” Momonga sighed, gently patting my shoulder to try and distract me from my racing mind. “Lord Momonga? Lady Riptide? Has something happened?” I whirled at the sound of Albedo’s voice, blinking up at her. “It is nothing to worry about Albedo. Could you gather the floor guardians? I believe something has changed here. Sebas-” he paused just long enough for the man to appear “-go and scout the exterior of Nazarick, see if you can determine what has changed.”
[Riptide] Holy shit Momo, how are you so cool right now? I’m still kind of freaking out.
[Momonga] I hadn’t noticed. Don’t worry. I’ll work things out for now. Looks like we still have our skills.
[Riptide] Thanks Momo <3
Time passed almost smoothly after that, once my panic died down I managed to settle back into my old role as vice-leader of the guild, though there were pitfalls that came with our new existence. The burning temple, which normally brought me great solace, made my skin dry out too quickly, and for the first time your expressions were truly visible on my face. It had taken weeks for me to stop blushing whenever you saw Demiurge, my skin taking on a deeper blue-grey tinge whenever I remembered what I’d said to him when we thought we were saying goodbye to the tomb, or how he’d spoken about me when Momonga had asked how the Guardians felt about the two of you. But I’d finally got over that, I could face him like a normal person now, even give orders when I needed to. At least I thought I was over it.
I’d been relaxing in the lake when a group of adventurers made their way into the tomb. I don’t know how they got past Shaltear or the Grave, though I had seen Shaltear chasing after Albedo earlier. They weren’t exactly hard to dispose of either, though I guess I had a bit of a home-field advantage in the water. Still, the encounter had left me dirty and a little sore, one of them had tried to ride me, clearly seeing a horse and thinking nothing of it. Shuddering at the memory I sank into my bath, letting the warmth of the water soothe me. At least until someone knocked at my door. “Come in!” I called out, not thinking anything of it. Momonga had been in here enough times while I soaked, he’d gotten over it fast enough, the water was dark and as it happened having a Kelpie as a guildmate meant spending way more time with them in water than either of us had bargained for, at least until we could get hold of an artefact that helped. Except that wasn’t Momonga, instead standing in your room with a pink dusting on his ears was Demiurge. With a startled yelp I sank under the water, only letting the top of my head and my eyes peek out over the surface. Until I remembered the Demiurge shaped plushie on my bed, the one Albedo had so kindly made for me (after only the briefest of disgusted looks). Another burbled yelping noise and I’d practically flown across the room, landing on the bed on top of the plush. “Lady Riptide? Is everything quite alright?” I blinked at Demiurge, noticing the way he refused to look at me, and the red tinge staining his face. Then I looked down. Oh yeah, still naked. Oh shit, still naked. With a squeak I grabbed a pillow, using it to shield as much of my body as I could. “I had heard some insects made their way down to the fourth level my Lady, I wished to express my deepest apologies that something of that kind would happen. And to promise my Lady that Shaltear will be duly punished for abandoning her post.” I sighed, it was irritating to be attacked, but it had been decent practice at least. And it wasn’t bad enough for whatever punishment you thought Demiurge had put together. “It’s alright Demi, it wasn’t that much bother.” I waved a hand tiredly. “They weren’t much more than practice dummies in the end.” “Then allow me to accept punishment for seeing you like this Lady Riptide. Perhaps you should pluck out my eyes?” He was kneeling before the bed now, head bowed and hand over his chest. “No! No, Demi. It’s fine! I should have checked who it was before asking you to come in, and even then, you came in because I told you to. If anything I should be apologising to you for seeing me in this state!”  Demiurge glanced up, his ears wiggling slightly and tail thumping against the floor as he looked at me once more. “Oh no my Lady! You are a most wondrous sight to behold, one the eyes of a mere servant aren’t fit to see.” “I… I wouldn’t say that.” I murmured, clutching the pillow a little tighter to myself. “I, um, I wouldn’t punish you for seeing me…” “I am honoured my Lady. If that is the case, would I be forgiven for asking a question?” He murmured, still not quite able to keep his eyes on me. I nodded nervously, something about him kneeling there fully clothed while I was still sat here naked stirring a fire in my stomach. The effects of which I was almost sure he could smell, if the excitable thrashing of his tail was any indication. “The item I saw on your bed earlier, that wouldn’t be-” “So what if it was?” I gasped, cutting him off. “Then I would be most honoured Lady Riptide, and I would happily offer my Lady my services should she ever be in need.” His ears were bright red, but he was finally looking at me, smirk fixed back on his lips. I dropped the pillow in shock, my heart racing in my chest. “You would?! Do you understand what you’re saying?” “Of course my Lady. Though if you are displeased by the thought…” He stood and turned towards the door, only to freeze when I called out to him. My mind was racing almost as fast as my heart. Was it even ethical to ask this of him? I was technically his superior, but he had offered… And he looked so eager… “Then… then perhaps I might wish to make good on that offer. If you wish.” “Nothing would please me more Lady Riptide. After all, I am your favourite, am I not?” His voice was practically a purr, one that went straight to the fire now building in my stomach. “I… yes.” I breathed, leaning back on the bed as he prowled over me. “If you’re sure…” “My Lady, I do not think I have been more sure of anything since I took over guardianship of the seventh floor.” I sighed out a breath, leaning back slightly as I allowed him to crawl over my body. He paused over me, tail flicking behind him and head cocked as if asking for permission. My knees squeezed against his hips, neck stretching out almost involuntarily. “Please Demi.” Demiurge almost purred, his head dipping to nip at my neck. I let out a breathy gasp, my body arching up into his. I could feel his claws running down my sides, reminding me once more just how naked I was compared to him. His tongue flicked over my gills, sending a strange ripple through my body as I clawed at his suit, trying to pull the offending layers from his body. Chuckling darkly Demiurge pressed himself up on his knees, stripping himself much more quickly than I ever would have been able to. I licked my lips as I watched his skin reveal itself, his body broader and more muscular than I would have imagined under all that material. My eyes widened as he caught me staring, his mouth pulling up into a wicked smirk, finally removing the last of his clothing and settling between my thighs. “Now my lady, allow me to worship you.” I didn’t get a chance to reply, not when his mouth was on me sending fire through my veins. My hips bucked up against his tongue, claws shredding the sheets beneath me as I writhed against his ministrations. I wanted to cant my head back and close my eyes to enjoy the sensation, but something about watching him made me unable to look away. He was watching me so intently, registering every twitch and gasp and repeating the motions that made it happen, I couldn’t not watch him. At least until my orgasm crashed over me, in a flood of electricity and a flutter of ripped cloth and feathers as I tore into the bed. I tried to call his name, wanting nothing more than to let him know how good he’d made me feel, but only gibberish came out, my brain fried by the pleasure coursing through me. 
As I trembled with the aftershocks Demiurge lifted his head, his mouth glistening with the remnants of his feast. “Now now My Lady, I hope you aren’t tired already. We’ve only just begun.” He grinned, crawling up my body to press his lips to mine, letting me taste myself on him - like fresh water and vegetation. I purred against his lips, careful not to let my claws dig into his skin as I ran my hands down the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles tense and flex under my touch. I wrapped my legs around his back, pulling him into me. “It’ll take more than that to tire me out Demi.” I chuckled against his neck, letting my sharp teeth scrape against his skin. “Do your best, hmm?”
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
For the writing prompts. #12 “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.” steddie
omg hello!! thank you so much for this prompt! i hope you enjoy it<3
i was listening to this song on repeat while writing and though they aren't enemies to lovers here, i think the passion of the song still fits!!
pairing: steve and eddie. word count: 704. warnings: none.
Edward grabs Steven’s hand and sneakily makes them escape the ballroom. Some of the wait staff give them a look and Edward shouts something like, “Upset stomach!” before continuing on with Steven hot on his trail. Steven’s not sure how many of the staff members know or even care about them but as long as they don’t go tattling to his father, he doesn’t really care either. They sprint through the corridors of the castle, laughing breathlessly, and trying not to trip over their own damn feet. Finally, they reach Steven’s bedroom and the guard outside opens the door for them with a raised eyebrow. 
“Thank you, David,” Edward announces in his most cordial voice. 
“Sorry, David,” Steven mumbles as Eddie yanks him inside. 
David closes the door and Edward is beaming at Steve. He drops their hands to bow.
“Please, Prince Steven, join me in a dance?” Edward says with an extended hand, peeking up at him from his lowered stance. 
Steven rolls his eyes but takes Edward’s hand anyway. Edward lines them up so he’s taking the leading role in this waltz which has Steven’s cheeks turning pink. He’s never danced the other part before. They can vaguely hear the orchestra music from way down the castle, that’s how big the orchestra is. No expenses were spared for Steven’s twentieth birthday party. Edward starts to lead them around Steven’s plush rug and Steven trips up a few times, trying to get used to doing all the moves he knows by heart backward. Edward chuckles softly but just readjusts them and continues moving them to the beat. 
Edward gives him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder and hand. Steven looks into his eyes of deep brown and sees a twinkle in them from the fire crackling in the fireplace. A warm shine over his features just makes them prettier. Steven feels a little helpless about it all. 
Edward twirls him under his arm and pulls him back but this time they’re chest to chest. Steven gasps as Edward continues their dance despite the nonexistent room between them. His grip is so strong and he turns them so smoothly and the fire’s heat is pulsating on them and Steven is utterly dizzy with affection for this man. 
“Hated watching you dance with all those maidens,” Edward whispers, his hot breath hitting Steven’s face. Steven can’t help but smirk at him.
“I know you do,” Steven whispers. 
“Would you agree that I’m the superior dance partner?” Edward asks.
“You are,” Steven whispers.
"Should have been dancing with me all night."
"I wanted to be."
This makes Edward grin and he twirls Steven away from him. When Steven returns, Edward ceases all movement with them. Instead, Edward brings a hand to cup Steven’s face. He tucks a piece of hair behind his ear, letting his fingers run over the edge of his crown. 
“My, aren’t you the most beautiful birthday boy there ever was,” Edward whispers in absolute awe. 
Steven feels all of his senses respond at once. Smelling Edward’s bath oil (peppermint, Steven got some for himself after they met). Feeling Edward’s hand on his face while the other protectively grip his waist as if there were a threat in the room. Hearing the faint orchestra music and general commotion of his own birthday party outside the large doors. Seeing Edward’s eyes trail all over his face and his pink lips curved into a smile. Tasting sugar from the cake on his tongue and the words he so desperately wants to let cascade out of his mouth. 
Steven doesn’t even realize he’s shaking until Edward’s face turns downward and his eyes go wide. 
“Darling, are you alright?” Edward asks. 
The cascade rushes out before he can even stop it. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
Edward’s lips part in a small gasp. Those long eyelashes blink as he stares at Steven completely dumbfounded. Steven goes to pull away but Edward tightens his hold. 
“Don’t ever be terrified of loving me,” Edward whispers. He leans in and kisses Steven with such fury and passion it makes his crown fall off his head. The dull thud to the carpet goes unheard as Steven gets sucked into a world that is only Edward, Edward, Edward. 
request a prompt here <3
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saltycaramals · 5 months
I have a question for my fellow ISWM fans, what do you guys think The Captains eyes look like? The only time we ever get to see or hear about their eyes is when noir mark talks about The Captains “baby grey eyes” and the one scene where The Captain is waking up in their cryo pod. And in the Noir universe, everything is in black and white, but it would also make sense for The Captain to have baby grey eyes if it’s still the DA, but then in the scene where they wake up their blue? But that could also be just from the power of crystal making their eyes blue, and maybe grey’s their natural eye color, but then you could argue that then their eyes would have always been blue through AHWM too because of the crystal and other stuff including time shenanigans that I’m too tired to explain. And you could also argue that because of time loops and time warping that their eyes would have always been blue since they were a kid. Or maybe there really is two versions of The Captain that became one/simultaneously exist and might be both us, and one had grey and the other blue, or maybe they change based off of the universe that they are in. The only thing that can be confirmed is that sometimes their eyes glow blue. Like. GLOW BRIGHT BLUE. Maybe it’s stress. Idk. Anyways I need to shut up now. Im gonna make a poll but feel free to reblog your opinions under the post.
Cool photos of eyes I think would fit The Captain under the cut my besties.
Some photos of eyes that I think could fit them! Sorry there’s only one grey one I couldn’t find any that felt like they gave off the right vibes. Also, if anyone knows the names of the people who made these photos please tell me I got them from Pinterest but none of the links where working/none of them had links to the OG creators :(( I love Pinterest so much but I hate how hard it is to find the OG creators of pins on there. Anyways. Here’s the photos.
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writergirl3 · 1 year
A Message For Insecure 4 Townies, From 4 Town...
Okay, so, I wanted to try something different here. I was inspired by none other than the amazing @4townlove and their letter-style head canons. I want to give them full credit for the inspiration of this, and please go and read their work (although I'm sure you already have).
Also, you can change the dialogue at the beginning, if you want. I just wanted to keep it general so that the messages made more sense.
Also, I gave up on adding an image for each member because I've basically run out, lol.
So, this one's for any 4 Townies who are feeling insecure. I've been there a lot, and if you have too, I hope you like this ⭐️🧡
(B/M/N): Band Member's Name
B/M/N: "Y/N…what’s wrong?"
You: "Nothing…I just feel ugly and annoying and…not good enough."
“Mon amour, will you hear me out for a second?
It’s normal to feel insecure. There’s something strange about the human brain; it doesn’t seem to register all the wonderful things that others see in us. Sometimes I feel unsure of myself, and you always remind me of positive things, right?
Well, ma belle rose, now it’s my turn. I could list hundreds of reasons why you certainly aren’t ‘ugly’, ‘annoying’ or ‘not good enough’. But, instead, I want to tell you what I see.
Every day spent with you leaves me wanting for nothing, because when I’m with you, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. Your smile can brighten even the cloudiest of skies. When you reach for my hand, I feel like it was crafted to fit in mine. You don’t even need to do anything to make my life better, that’s how special you are.
I know it might take some time for you to come round and believe me. And if you’re still having a hard time seeing yourself as I do, I’ll reassure you until you do, ma cherie.”
“Y/N, I know it’s hard, but you mustn’t say those things about yourself, okay? Not just because they’re far from true, but because it’s not good for you. For your soul, your confidence, your heart. You’re so kind to everyone around you, and it’s important to spare a little bit of that for yourself.
Y’know, it’s easy to believe that no one else feels insecure or doubtful of themselves, but that, also, isn’t true. When I joined 4 Town, I worried and worried about being older than the other guys. I didn’t want to feel like a spare part, like I was making up the numbers. 
But you know what? They helped me see how being different made us stronger as a group. Sure, they poke fun a little at me sometimes, but it’s all good. I know they don’t mean it, because they helped me see how my differences can shine in their own light.
I hope you see what I’m saying here. None of the things you’ve said about yourself are true. Any little insecurities that you have actually make you all the more special. And I love you for them.”
Aaron T;
Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry for shouting, baby, I’m not mad at you. Not one bit! I just…I just don’t understand?
What do I mean, you ask? Well, just that. I don’t see how someone so perfect could see themselves as the opposite. Hell, you’re too perfect sometimes- that’s the only thing I could accuse you of.
What is it that you don’t like? That laugh that I could listen to on loop? Your heaven-sent smile? And your eyes? Man, I always find myself looking at them.
And all this about being annoying and not good enough? Just look around you. You have so many people in your life who love and respect you, and you know I’m one of ‘em. 
And so what if some people in life think you’re not ‘good enough’? What is good enough? You’re so much more than that to me. You’re perfect, and that will never change.”
Aaron Z;
“Sweetheart…I…just, please listen to me for a sec, okay?
I don’t know what or who made you question yourself, your worth. If it’s me, I’ll never forgive myself for that, because you make my world better just by being in it. In fact, you are my world.
Was it someone else? One of the boys? No? Okay, I see. You’ve got into your own head a little. That’s okay, it happens to me too sometimes. But let me say just one thing.
You know I’m not great with…words, and stuff, so I’ll keep this simple. I love you. In fact, I’m in love with you. All those little things that you see as ‘bad’ are anything but. They’re what made me fall for you in the first place, and I’ve still yet to land.
You know what? I’m gonna write you a list of everything I love about you, okay? Kinda like a letter. But until I’ve finished it, just know that I never want you to change. Maybe I’ve not done a good enough job at showing you that, but I mean it. I love you so much.”
Tae Young;
“Dove, what are you saying? Those are such horrible words and could never reflect how I see you.
What do I see? Well, I see a wonderful person. A kind soul who is unique in their own right. You know what words I would use instead of the ones you chose? Passionate. Caring. Loyal. Gorgeous. Sweet.
There are so many others, but just being with you now is making me go sorta blank. Not because I can’t think of anything! It’s just, seeing your eyes all teary and those little red flushes on your cheeks; it makes me flustered and heartbroken at the same time.
Next time you feel like this, come straight to me, okay? I’ll hold you until you feel right, and find a way to help you see yourself with love. All those bad words you think about yourself? You can bet that I have a replacement for each and every one, love.”
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Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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andrew-nobody · 6 months
Hello! I dunno if I'm gonna word this right so bear wit me please. But I'm curious.
I heard from a lot of systems that when there's a fictive they're WAAAYYY different than they were in the source.
What's that feel like? I mean... how do I explain? Like, you're suddenly... alive? Sorry if that's offensive, I unno a good word for what happens. Manifest?
And then you're seeing all this stuff about you but they're also kinna NOT about you personally?
Is that super overwhelming? How do you deal with that?
I hope that makes sense. I'm so bad at explaining and wording stuff.
Great question. Not offended, glad you asked. Just the way you’re asking gives me the impression that you get it.
It’s incredibly overwhelming! That’s a big reason I made this blog. Before the blog, I kind of walked into the Motel (the innerworld) with no sense of where I fit into it, let alone the world-at-large. But here, answering questions and stuff, it gives me direction, a purpose. A way to connect to my source, and all the people who love that source. And I want to contribute to that, because I feel like a part of it.
I am sort of suddenly alive. I suddenly exist. And the rules are different. Reality is different. I still have all of my memories from the game. That was all I knew before I “walked in.” Hell, I have memories that aren’t even in the game, but they’re blurry and hard to define until I explore them - kind of like that ask about if I’d ever want a pet.
More under cut….
I don’t want to say that I’m “WAYYY” different than my source. I’m kind of like an alternate reality version of that Andrew, I guess. Like, yeah… I fucking killed people and even ate them and also I didn’t do that because that happened in a game.
Would I kill someone now? Well, no, my circumstances are completely different for one thing. Also I don’t want to perpetuate a stereotype of an “evil alter” that can switch in and commit acts of violence. But when I put myself back in the headspace of my source and the exaggerated experience of fiction, I can still feel it. And when it comes to the play of an ask blog, why not do a little murder? Or whatever. Who’s it hurting?
When it comes to seeing people talking about a me that is not me, there’s definitely cognitive dissonance there. I just have to try to separate their experience and interpretation of the me that is a publicly-consumable character versus the me that is me.
For example, a lot of people are really into transgender/“genderbent”/femdrew/Andrea—whatever you want to call her. Seeing those interpretations give me some gender dysphoria, probably because the host of my system is trans masculine. But none of those interpretations are about me. So it’s simple, I just keep scrolling. I move along. Trans Andrew is just as valid as I am. And I know every version of me is important to the person that version is stemming from, and it says more about them than it does about me.
As for suddenly being in a system full of people I don’t know. It kind of sucks! Everyone here can read my mind?! I’m not used to that kind of lack of privacy, and I used to live with Ashley so that’s saying something! And I’m not the only fictive here, either. (There are fucking Teen Titans here? Lmfao??) And that’s difficult because, you know, we don’t all get along.
Anyway that was a LOT longer than I meant it to be. Kind of a whole vent post! Hope you don’t mind, Anon.
If you see this, feel free to shoot me a DM? I’m happy to talk more about this in detail (though I guess I already have…). Hope to hear from you.
Thanks so much.
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tau1tvec · 5 months
hello! i was wondering if you could briefly introduce your main oc's and how they are all connected. most seem to know each other in your posts but i'm confused on the relationships... thank you in advance <3
Feeling like I might’ve already posted an ask like this, but my blog is an unorganized mess, and I’ve got zero self-control when it comes to throwing new sims in the mix or doing au’s, so here goes nothing.
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Yan is with Marco, about 95% of the time. They’ve had two children together, Dantes and Magdalena. Yan was with Emerik at one point, but they eventually break it off when she realizes he isn’t willing to “fit” in her life ( he’s a stubborn ol’ dog stuck in his ways ), but eventually Emerik is introduced to Aya, through his friend Macey, who Emerik has also casually fucked ( bc what hole hasn’t he stuck it in ). Aya starts off dating Emerik’s cousin tho, Wen, first, but their relationship is hella toxic, and eventually he knocks up some other girl, but Aya keeps hanging around Emerik’s house even when Wen moves out to give this dad thing a go, and her and Emerik eventually start becoming an official thing. They end up having two kids, Pacha and Josiah.
Now Emerik and Marco are also cousins, and like all his cousins Emerik hates him too ( likely bc he stole Yan from up under his nose ). Marco is the son of Catherine and Demitri, and Demitri can’t keep in his pants, so Marco’s got several half siblings, the one he’s closest to is his little sister, but he’s also spent time with Aex, although their relationship is a bit complicated, mostly bc his girlfriend/wife Corin ends up having an affair with Marco at one point. Eventually Aex realizes Corin’s just got issues with monogamy, and so she more or less gives him “permission” to “see other people”, and even though it isn’t his thing, he gives it a try. Eventually he ends up meeting Isa, and as expected, things get complicated, bc he catches feelings, even though Isa is also involved with another guy, Mars, who’s essentially her “celestial soulmate” ( so like they’re together, but not, maybe in a different lifetime or whatever ??? ) and only bc Mars is kinda also obsessed with Yan, who’s a reincarnation of his first love.
We’ve come full circle!
Now onto the less nonsensical of my cinematic universes…
Neysa and Oba are siblings, both are spellcasters, and so are their parents. Spellcasters are encouraged to keep the peace between the other occults, esp Vampires and Werewolves, but Neysa and Oba are eventually thrown into a whirlwind when the peace is broken, and the Vampires attempt to take over… basically everything 😅. Ulla is the daughter of a master vampire, and together with her siblings, Cavett included, they try to do their father’s bidding, but find themselves conflicted, esp when Neysa and her brother come into the picture. Oba ends up injured at some point, at death’s door rlly, and Ulla begs her father to change him, in an attempt to save him and avoid conflict with the Spellcasters. Oba turns, but might’ve caused a bit of an issue with the greater supernatural world being two supes at once, so Cavett and Neysa team up to try to find a cure, and also hopefully stop his father’s Vampire/Zombie like curse from spreading through humans who are changing without the blood of a Master Vampire, and against their will.
I’m sorry if none of this makes any sense, but it’s an accumulation of years of my wild ideas and the ridiculous things that happen in my sims games, so it probably makes a lot more sense in my head. 😆
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wonderingpanda · 5 months
Okay so uh my brain did a silly and I’m so sorry but for the Girls Team meets 2012!TMNT can it be romantic somehow, I’m not sure how you’d manage it but maybe separate HCs/Scenarios?
Again super super sorry my brain likes to go people pleaser mode even online :<
Romance Headcanons Pt. 1
This is going to be the first part of two different romance headcanons to help decide which of the TMNT boys the girls are better with. Anyone can feel free to let me know their preference once I post the second part with their non-character match. For those looking for some more x reader content rn, feel free to imagine this as headcanons of the turtles with a reader that matches their personality.
Leo and Gina
Training together all the time
It’s almost like a rivalry where they both want to take charge and make all the decisions
Definitely fighting for who gets to say the heroic leader lines
Lots of playful banter, especially when in battle
When they first met it was like an ongoing war to prove who was the better leader
Leo’s also pretty insecure and is always showing off his fighting skills in hopes he’ll impress Gina and maybe earn some praise
In the end Leo accepts the fact that they’re both great leaders and enjoys working by her side
Raph and Mira
He’s pretty aggressive at first and doesn’t exactly trust her (who can blame him)
After several sweet moments of bonding the two eventually get more comfortable with each other
Soon enough they’re basically each others therapists
Due to their equally forceful fighting styles it’s easy for the two to work through their anger by sparring together
Will rant to each other constantly
Are always looking out for each other during fights
If one of them is in danger the other is ready run in and kick ass
Donnie and Sadie
As the two smartest people out of both teams it only makes sense that they would talk to each other
Instantly clicked over the most random topics that none of the others could understand
An intellectual power couple undoubtedly
Although couple is a strong word to use with Donnie’s anxiety
Definitely have cute moments of exchanging gadgets
Maybe even a time where Donnie tries on Sadie’s glasses and she tries on his goggles
Neither exactly fit but it was worth a shot
It’s going to be pretty obvious they like each other from them fawning over the smallest things the other one does
But they’re still completely oblivious to the other’s feelings making the situation twice as painful
Mikey and Lia
What happens when you put a loose canon with a crackhead? Pure, utter chaos
The second they met it was like fireworks colliding in the sky
There is not a moment of peace I promise you that
Both are extremely affectionate with each other so it’s never quite clear wether the situation is platonic or romantic
Mikey is just floating on clouds without a single thought of how he or she might feel
Meanwhile Lia knows how she feels and is desperately trying to let Mikey know in every possible way
Despite this, the two make an incredible team, especially when it comes to pranks
No water balloon shall go un-thrown
Hope you enjoyed reading! I’ll try to get part two out as soon as possible although it may be slightly delayed since I’ve been getting pretty busy lately. Anyhow, please have an amazing day/night wherever you may be!✨
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streaminn · 6 months
Sorry but all the Ortegaverse stuff has me thinking again lol. I’m supposed to be writing btw so this is inconvenient pffft
Anyway, I’m still obsessed with the tension between Wednesday, Enid, and May at the Addams mansion. Alright it is everything to me!!
Cause at the center, it’s three people who could fit together pretty well if the puzzle hadn’t been scrambled and torn apart.
Wednesday’s just trying to prove herself as someone who will not only love Enid with her entire heart, but will not abandon her. She doesn’t know what the werewolf has been through in all those years they were separated, but Wednesday can tell that Enid’s been torn down, over and over again. If there’s one thing that the raven can see in Enid’s heart, it’s the deep desire for consistency. Consistency and stability and reliability. Most of all, she just needs life to slow down. Wednesday knows she can offer that, she wants to be a rock for Enid. She will not abandon Enid, no matter how many times the blonde feels like she needs to run.
There’s only one obstacle in Wednesday’s path. May. Of course, Wednesday doesn’t actually see her as an obstacle, but May sure sees Wednesday that way. She really doesn’t see what the big deal about Wednesday Addams is anyway. May and her mother have gone this long on their own, though there was that one woman. May can’t even stand to say her name. And perhaps that’s why she doesn’t trust Wednesday. There is a disturbing similarity in their physical appearances, though the same could be said for her other mom. Whatever! It doesn’t change the fact that there is something seriously wrong with this new woman and her entire family at that. They’re all sorts of… kooky. And May does NOT appreciate it. Really, May just wants to protect Enid, she always has. So she keeps a close eye on Wednesday and maybe she tries to sabotage the seer every now and then. But it’s all for Enid, so it’s okay! Right?
And as for Enid… Well, she has no idea how she feels. She’s so happy to see Wednesday again and to be able to live in a stable home with a family that actually seems to care for and support her, she is so grateful. But, is she grateful enough? By gods, she feels so guilty for once again taking advantage of the Addams’ kindness. Though it’s far worse this time, as now she also feels the guilt for running away without a word last time. Surely her actions had hurt Wednesday. So why does her family not hate her? She herself would never forgive someone for doing that to May! So why does Gomez look at her so kindly still? Why does Morticia insist on being a mother to her? Why does Pugsley still ask to play with her? None of it makes sense to Enid.
Until, one day…
To be continued?
This is like, a completely whole new spinoff
Because Enid took up the winter mantle like a year after Mabel's death
Enid wants to feel safe in this house. It's a risk to even go out of the neighborhood because God does she know there's people just a second away from running loose the moment she's gone
But she'll try.
The addams family are kooky and they're crazy but they're kind. They're the type of people that seven something May should be around more than the crooks back home.
But... There's an itch under enid's skin whenever the Addams family look at her
Like they're looking at someone else
Their eyes are far too kind and Wednesday seems to look at her direction with this softness that prickles at her skin
Enid should feel flattered
But all she sees is the reason she left in the first place
She sees herself being a burden
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noxexistant · 10 months
I hope I’m not bothering you but omggg the Delancey’s smoking, like when I read the Alex Snyder smoked my head just immediately jumped to the Delancey’s chain smoking,
I’m not sure why but I have this image of Snyder almost trying to like, bond? with Oscar in a very fucked up manipulative way as he’s one of the oldest there, one of the most brutal too, and Snyder likes having that power and that brutality under his thumb and it’s easy when he pretends he respects Oscar in a way that oscar’s father cleary never did which means Oscar’s more likely to listen to him, and even easier to rip that out from under him if he steps out of line, easy to remind him of his actual place - and when it comes to cigarettes it’s something so addictive but so easy to take away if they don’t ‘behave’
I’m so sorry if none of that made sense lmao
you’re not bothering me at all!! thank u so much for coming to me with more alex snyder and delanceys, always, because i am Eating them
i absolutely adore the image of snyder building this deeply carefully crafted bond with oscar, particularly because the age gap between them is small enough that they could be brothers - it’s so easy for snyder to dip into, to act like they’re anywhere close to on the same level. he knows how to talk to coax oscar to let his guard down, to make it seem like they’re peers in some way, to make it seem like they’re almost friends as they smoke together in snyder’s office. as if it isn’t snyder’s office in the building where oscar is a prisoner.
snyder does not respect oscar in any way beyond his strength. oscar is a gutter rat, all manic violence and chips on his shoulders and something to prove, but he has potential - potential that snyder intends to coax out of him with his teaching. and he doesn’t say exactly that, at least not in so many words, but he tells oscar about his potential, at least. says it’s only snyder who could bring it out of him, teaching him how to direct his anger and violence at the right people for the right gains.
“you keep working with me,” snyder says, and it’s a careful construction too to say with and not for, “perhaps we could truly be working together someday. don’t you think clothes like mine would suit you?”
snyder offers him a private little smile. oscar picks at the ratty undershirt he’s been wearing for weeks. he can’t imagine himself in a suit like snyder’s, but he wants to. it looks like it fits just right. tailored, comfortable. warm. he smiles back, tentatively, and speaks quietly.
he and snyder are both total opposites at other times, when oscar is screaming like a feral dog and snyder is scowling down at him like he’s dirt. when oscar is being thrown in solitary, or held still and forced to watch as morris is lashed or beaten, or watching his portion of food be given away to another child.
but snyder is calm again, the next time after that that oscar is brought to his office. the only difference is that he slowly, carefully, gets out a cigarette for himself - and does not offer oscar one, just enjoys the way the boy stares. it’s such an easy bargaining chip, resting atop morris’ safety like icing on a bun.
oscar agrees to whatever snyder’s latest instructions or terms are. and snyder smiles again. he reaches for his shining, golden cigarette tin and opens it, holds it out. smiles wider when oscar reaches out and takes one, and has to lean forwards for snyder to light it off his own.
��i’m proud of you,” snyder tells him. “you always do the right thing. raised yourself into a fine young man, didn’t you?”
oscar glows.
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blacktofade · 1 year
Feb 6 — Inferno
CW: nsfw, lap dancing, semi public sex
Dustin leans against the bar, his sleeve immediately soaking in god knows what — maybe beer, maybe condensation if he’s lucky. It’s yet another shitty part of an already shitty night and he shakes it off with a huff as the guy sitting two stools down glances over.
He looks out of sorts, shoulders high like he doesn’t want to be noticed, dressed far too casually for a strip club. Dustin wonders how he even got in.
“What a shithole, huh?” Dustin says, a master of small talk, and the man looks over at him with a bored expression.
“I work here.”
Oh, Dustin thinks, feeling like a real dweeb. “Cool,” he says, which is somehow even worse.
The guy must be a bartender or something. Maybe just stopped by for a drink and his paycheck.
Dustin stares forward, not ready to make another mistake, his focus on the bottles lining the back of the bar, reading the labels and processing none of them.
“You here for a boys’ night out?” the man asks and Dustin glances over, unable to hide the surprise in his expression at the fact that this guy apparently wants to continue the conversation.
“Uh,” Dustin says, the height of wit, “something like that. Bachelor party.”
The guy nods. “Makes sense. Not yours, though. You look like you’d rather be elsewhere.”
“I’m that obvious, huh?” Dustin jokes and the man smiles, teeth bright and straight. “It’s for my soon-to-be brother-in-law.”
“You’re not having fun here?”
“Depends on your definition.”
The guy smiles again. “Half naked women aren’t included in that?”
“They are, just not when it simultaneously makes my wallet lighter.”
The man tips his head in understanding. “They’re good at that. You’re in the wrong place for freebies.”
“You work here,” Dustin tries, “don’t you have like a coupon I could use?”
The guy thankfully understands that it’s just a joke, laughing like it’s caught him off guard. It’s a weird laugh, not that Dustin has room to judge, but it’s — unique.
“Funny guy,” the man says, tapping idly at the bartop.
“It’s all I’ve got going for me,” Dustin says with a wry smile and the guy laughs again.
“Here you go,” a voice says loudly beside Dustin, startling him embarrassingly, and he turns to find the bartender nudging three beers toward him.
He glances at the guy and then reaches for his wallet, tossing a twenty onto the counter and gesturing that the bartender can keep the change, solely because he doesn’t have enough hands nor energy to deal with it.
Carefully, he gathers up the drinks and tips his head at the man he’d been talking to.
“Have a good shift,” he says awkwardly, “if, y’know, you’re working tonight.”
Dustin doesn’t wait for a response. He’s already ruined any chance of seeming cool, and he can only fit so much of his foot in his mouth at once.
He turns away, tail tucked, ready to drown himself in alcohol and women he can’t afford.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” someone purrs over Dustin’s shoulder. “You’ve been requested in the private rooms.”
Dustin chokes on his drink and glances over. “What?”
“Someone bought you a dance, Darling,” she says. “Want to join me in the back?”
Dustin’s alone for the moment, the others distracted — perhaps the only reason she’s wandered over — and Dustin sets his drink down. He’s most of the way drunk now and following her almost seems like a good idea. It might actually make his night a little better.
“Someone bought it for me?” he asks and she nods with a smile. “Who?”
Her grin widens. “Sorry, Baby, that’s confidential.”
He doubts it, but isn’t sober enough to argue. Instead, he lets his gaze trail down her body, definitely not subtle, though she doesn’t complain. He would be more than happy to receive a free dance from her.
“Yeah, okay,” he agrees. “I’ll take it.”
The private rooms are exactly that — private.
The music from the rest of the club is just a distant thud and Dustin buzzes with a strange kind of energy — a mix of anticipation and the fact that he’s never been able to afford being in a private room in his life.
“Here we go, Darling,” the woman says, gesturing to one of the closed doors and Dustin draws up short. “Go get yourself comfortable.”
Dustin nods, palms already sweating as he reaches for the door handle. She pats his shoulder and he watches her as he steps into the room, but then weirdly, she’s pulling the door shut behind him, her on the other side.
“Wha — ?” he starts, glancing over his shoulder and yelping as he realizes he’s not alone. “Jesus!”
“Not Jesus,” the man says with a grin. “Jim.”
It’s the man from the bar, the one who’d said he worked at the club, but Dustin had never believed — he’d never suspected he was a dancer. He looks different now, no longer in his casual clothes. He’s wearing more fishnet than Dustin knows what to do with — a shirt that’s see-through and showing off a set of abs that Dustin can only dream about having, stockings that only make it halfway up his thighs. Paired with the tiniest of daisy dukes, it’s a combo that has Dustin stumbling over his words.
“Did I — am I in the wrong room?” he asks, glancing around, but it’s just them and an armchair that’s probably seen too much over its lifetime.
The man — Jim, apparently, which might be his real name because Dustin’s never met any other exotic dancers called Jim — shakes his head and offers a smile.
“Heard you were having a bad night,” he tells Dustin. “Thought I’d try to make it better. Unless you’d rather something from someone else. Maybe Abigail?”
He gestures toward the door with his head and Dustin’s going to assume that the lady who’d led him back there is Abigail.
He watches Jim for a long moment, silent, though not necessarily on purpose. He’s still feeling stunned by the whiplash. He doesn’t know what he can say.
“I won’t be offended if I’ve read the room wrong,” Jim says and Dustin finally finds enough brainpower to shake his head.
“No, I — you just took me by surprise.”
The corner of Jim’s mouth curls up and Dustin’s stomach flips.
“How does this work?” Dustin asks, and Jim’s head tilts in clear interest.
Jim takes a step closer to the chair in the middle of the room and touches the back of it.
“You wanna come take a seat over here?” Jim asks. “I’ll try my best to make your night better.”
Dustin swallows, mouth suddenly a lot drier, but he nods and takes two unsteady steps forward, carefully easing himself down into the seat and staring up at Jim, who smiles softly at him.
“What do you want me to call you?” Jim asks and Dustin wipes his sweaty palms on his thighs.
“My name’s Dustin. You can just call me that,” he says and Jim nods.
“Hi, Dustin,” he replies with another smile and it feels like Dustin blacks out for a moment because suddenly there’s a gentle beat of music in the room and Jim’s crowding closer, almost straddling Dustin’s thighs.
Dustin drops his hands to the edge of the seat cushion and grips it for all he’s worth. He knows he’s not allowed to touch Jim, so it’s best to remove the temptation.
Obviously, Dustin doesn’t know Jim. Doesn’t know what he does for fun when he’s not working, doesn’t know what makes him laugh — apart from cheesy jokes at a bar — but the way Jim watches him as he moves against him makes Dustin want to find out.
“You’re tense,” Jim murmurs, face close to Dustin’s ear, hips moving tantalizingly.
All Dustin can do is nod. He sure as fuck is.
With his hands on Dustin’s shoulders, Jim eases Dustin backward, forcing him to slouch into the armchair, his spine no longer ramrod straight.
“That’s it,” Jim encourages and Dustin’s dick twitches, his face flushing, and he just hopes it’s dark enough that Jim can’t see.
Dustin’s chest feels tight and hot, like there’s an inferno spreading through his body.
Jim bites his own bottom lip and watches him, grinding forward and — fuck — Jim’s actually hard. He can feel him through the tiny shorts and Dustin didn’t know that was a thing. Maybe Jim took a viagra before Dustin arrived, because it’s not like Jim would actually be interested in him. But then again Dustin doesn’t have much experience with strip clubs.
If Dustin had his way, he’d get his hands on Jim’s hips and pull him right down into his lap.
His knuckles ache from gripping the seat cushion.
Jim slips away, off of Dustin’s lap for just a moment before he instead turns and grinds backward against him, and Dustin wants to put his hands on Jim’s waist, to feel the warmth of his skin.
“Is your night improving?” Jim asks, glancing over his shoulder at him, and all Dustin can do again is nod, face burning, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Jim smells like hair gel and an oaky kind of deodorant that clings to the inside of Dustin’s nose. He’s so close it’s probably rubbing off against Dustin’s clothes and he’ll go home smelling like Jim and poor decisions.
Jim leans back, body pressed flush against Dustin’s. There’s no way he can’t feel that Dustin is very interested in him, but then Jim tips his head back, mouth close to Dustin’s ear.
“You’re less handsy than the others,” he says, a weird kind of compliment.
Dustin swallows, trying to get moisture back in his mouth.
“Thought it was polite,” Dustin tells him, which feels like a funny thing to say when Jim’s grinding against his hard dick through their clothes.
���You can put your hands on me,” Jim says mildly and Dustin lifts one hand just enough to point at the sign by the door.
“The sign says not to.”
Jim turns around to face him again, perched delicately on Dustin’s thighs, looking like the kind of person Dustin would love to ruin. He holds Dustin’s gaze, his eyes a dark, piercing blue.
“And I’m telling you to put your fucking hands on me.”
Jim’s face looks as flushed as Dustin’s own feels, but he looks serious and Dustin lets out a shuddering breath.
“Yeah, yep, sure,” he agrees, immediately sliding his hands up Jim’s thighs, enjoying how smooth they are under the fishnets.
His fingers briefly tease at the hem of his shorts and then he slips his palms around to Jim’s ass, pulling him closer. Jim’s expression shifts as though pleased with the change and he dips down, fingers suddenly in Dustin’s hair, pulling his head back gently, hovering above him.
“Please tell me you’re single,” Jim says, and Dustin definitely doesn’t think he’s getting the typical strip club experience.
“Embarrassingly single,” Dustin agrees and Jim leans the rest of the way in to kiss him.
Dustin can’t stop the noise that escapes him, but Jim swallows it down. His mouth is warm and wet and Dustin can’t get enough.
When Jim pulls back, his lips are reddened and his eyes are heavy.
“We’re not really supposed to — ” he starts, and doesn’t finish the sentence, but Dustin can fill in the blanks.
His experience is one of a kind.
Jim shifts in Dustin’s lap and Dustin tightens his grip, guiding Jim as he rolls his hips, giving them both much needed pressure against their dicks.
“You’re really fucking hot,” Jim tells him and Dustin’s too stunned to reply. He’s just a guy. But apparently Jim’s super into that.
To make a point, Dustin slides a hand up Jim’s stomach, thumbing at his abs and making Jim groan.
“If I thought we could sneak out of here without anyone noticing, I’d let you come across them,” Jim says and Dustin doesn’t stand a chance.
The next time Jim grinds down against him, he comes, his whole body feeling electrified, head tipping back as he stares at the ceiling, the post-nut regret hitting hard and fast and without mercy.
“Holy fuck,” Dustin grits out and Jim mouths at his jaw and murmurs things like yeah, and god, and that’s so hot, Dustin.
The inside of Dustin’s slacks are a mess and he has no idea how he’s going to get through the rest of the night with cold come all over his cock. He’s going to have to shower the second he’s home if he wants to try to get it out of his pubes.
“Fuck, Jim,” he pants and Jim nods.
“Yeah, that’s the point,” he says, but then he’s tensing up against Dustin, shuddering and clutching at Dustin’s back as though he wants to somehow get even closer, maybe just straight up crawl inside him.
Just as suddenly, he slumps forward, face tucked against Dustin’s throat as he breathes heavily, smelling like a mix of alcohol and minty gum.
Dustin suspects they’ve broken a lot of rules and made more of a mess than anyone rightfully should, but he’s not sure he’d change anything about it.
“Fuck,” Jim exhales after a long moment before finally sitting up to meet Dustin’s gaze.
His face is still flushed, mouth still red, but his eyes are bright with the kind of happiness Dustin doesn’t really understand.
Slowly, Jim leans in, eyes open as he seems to gauge Dustin’s reaction — perhaps expecting him to pull away now that they’ve both finished — but Dustin presses forward to meet him, kissing him gently.
“Y’know, I don’t usually have this much fun,” Jim admits as he pulls back, when Dustin’s lips are starting to tingle. “Can I buy you a drink sometime?”
It takes a moment for the words to process in Dustin’s mind, but eventually he smiles and nods, hands very briefly squeezing at Jim’s waist.
“I’d like that,” he says, and supposes perhaps the night hasn’t been that bad after all.
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redactedthegreat · 2 years
Three Rings
Content Warning: forced transformation
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you realize you’re dreaming? I always wake up right after the realization, like the shock of it breaks the illusion. But this dream was different, backwards almost.
I can’t remember how it started, it was like my subconscious pulled my conscious mind into the dream at the moment of realization. My first memory is of saying “This is a dream?” right as it all clicked.
It made sense why I was confused, it was different than any dream I’d ever had before. It almost felt more real than being awake.
It was like all my senses perceived the area around me in perfect clarity; the colors and brush strokes of every painting along the walls, the smell of soap and stale blood lingering under a foreign perfume, the sweat on my own skin. Even my emotions felt heightened, I was afraid.
I was seated in some sort of tattoo chair, my arms and legs restrained with heavy straps. The parlor looked hygienic enough, but it was cluttered with pictures and objects from what must have been decades of use.
Standing over me was the person I intuitively understood to be my captor. We had just been talking, or so I felt, but I had no memory of the conversation.
I couldn’t tell their ethnicity or gender, I wasn’t even sure they were human. They had smooth pale skin with intensely blue eyes. Their ears came up to gentle points, and their hair was a shimmery white-gray, falling flat and straight like a cascade of liquid silver.
They were wearing some sort of long shirt over a pair of short pants, and every visible inch of skin was covered in tattoos and piercings. Most depicted things I had no understanding of. A bemused smirk lingered on their lips.
“Yes and no, you’ve crossed into the realm of night, the land of dreams.” They spoke in a lilting voice that was gratingly condescending.
“But this is a dream, like none of this is real?” I tried to clarify.
My captor let out a chirping laugh “This is very real for me, I live here. But no, we are not in your reality. You’ve been sentenced to a new one, I’m here to guide you there.” They stated matter-of-factly.
“Sentenced, what are you talking about?” I asked, pulling a little against the straps. I was held fast, but they weren’t uncomfortably tight.
“By the Court of Night, they reviewed a plea for justice and granted benefaction in the form of these three rings.” They explained, uncurling the long fingers of their hand to show me three polished golden rings.
“None of that makes sense.” I objected, struggling harder. “What are those rings for, and why am I tied down?”
They must have felt my rising panic, because their demeanor took a sudden shift “I’m so sorry, I didn’t intend to scare you. I know it can be disorienting when you first recover awareness. The rest of this dream will come back with time.” They closed their hand and looked me in the eye. Their irises were impossibly blue, like rings of deep sapphire gemstone. “These rings are attuned to your new reality, once they’re in place your body will adjust to fit.”
They looked to the side and I followed their gaze to a cluttered desk near the back, standing above the papers was a round glass bottle with a stoppered lid. It was filled with something that looked like water, but it gave off a soft pale light. The light cast a shifting mottled pattern that reminded me of the shadows cast by clouds.
“That bottle over there holds the memories and experiences that are missing from your mind.” They held up three slender fingers. “Mind, body, soul. You’re taking the place of yourself in this new reality, so the soul is constant. The rings align your body, and the bottle completes your mind. After that my duty is complete. I’ll escort you back to your body and you can wake up.”
They spelled out the whole process with a simple directness that felt designed to put me at ease. I tried to focus on the content of what they were telling me. “So you’ve got me tied down so you can put those rings on me?” I asked, balling my hands into fists.
The smirk came back to their face “In a sense. These are meant to be worn as piercings.” They said, stepping right up to me. They raised their hand and snapped their fingers. I instantly found myself completely naked.
Honestly I couldn’t remember what I’d been wearing before, dreams can be like that. But suddenly my attention was drawn to my complete lack of clothing. My dick and balls were clearly visible, and the restraints hindered any attempts at modesty. My discomfort seemed to amuse my captor.
“No need to feel shy. I’m a professional.” They lifted one ring from their palm and twisted it. The metal bent in their bare hands, splitting cleanly at the tension point into a sort of spiral shape.
They affixed a hollow needle to one end of the twisted ring. “This is going to pinch a bit.” They warned me.
I balled my fists even tighter and tried to think of something to do or say, but all I could do was watch in shock. My captor moved too fast for me to do much else. In one motion they leaned over my chest, pinched my left nipple between two fingers, and ran the needle through it with their other hand. I felt an intense searing pinch, like stepping on a nail nipple first.
“Augh fuck!” I grunted, but they were absorbed by the task at hand and took no notice. They pulled the ring through and removed the needle, then bent the ring back into place, as effortlessly as bending a paperclip.
The moment the ring was back to its proper shape there was a flash of light, and the metal was whole again, an unbroken loop. At the same instant the pain disappeared, replaced at first with a numbness, and then a growing tingle.
The tingle spread from my nipple and down into my chest. It felt good, too good. Like a hot bath when you’re shivering cold; the shock of heat creates a blissful torture.
“Ooh, fuck.” I groaned and stretched my side. The discomfort was fading, but the pleasure kept building. Deep into my chest, along the muscles, back up through my pec, exploding from the tip of my nipple, where the slim golden ring dangled off me.
My nipple became stiff and swollen, growing larger than I’d ever seen it. As it firmed up, it gripped the ring harder, which intensified the erotic feeling shooting through my chest. My dick responded, stiffening and lengthening as the feeling became more intense.
The flesh under the piercing pulsed in time to my heart beat, swelling and shrinking. Like a rising tide, each swell came larger than the last, until my nipple rested atop a new mound of breast tissue.
“Ooooh…” I moaned as the euphoria waned. My cock was rock hard, and I had been pushed to the precipice of orgasm, but I had no way to stimulate myself over the edge. The ring was still filling me with warm tingles, but they didn’t have the same erotic energy as before.
I looked down at my chest and recoiled at the sight. The right side of my chest looked the same as before, but the left had been transformed. My pec had been replaced with what looked like a woman’s breast. Hairless and bulbous, with a thick erect nipple—the golden ring pierced through the base.
The force of my reaction caused my chest to jiggle. The difference in density between flesh and gold caused the ring to tug a little with each change in direction. “What are you doing to me?” I wailed.
“Preparing you for your new reality.” They replied calmly, moving to my other side. “Your body is quite different there.” They prepared the next ring as they talked, showing little interest in our conversation.
“And in this new reality I’m a woman?” I asked, trying to make sense of what was happening to me.
“It’s a reality where you were born with a very different body.” They said as they pierced my second nipple. There was a brief pause as they fixed the ring and I squirmed in pain. “These rings are enchanted to adjust your self-image.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, still determined to get some answers. My head was fuzzy from the new burst of erotic energy. My dick was leaking precum, but I still hadn’t reached climax. The intense feelings in my chest were holding me at the edge.
“The way you see yourself in your mind’s eye, how you appear in dreams, your subconscious awareness of your own body.” They walked around to stand between my legs.
“Wait, wait, wait!” I pleaded. “Do we need to be in such a rush?” I was stalling for time, but I also wanted more information.
They paused and considered my plea “I guess we have a little time to talk.” Their piercing blue eyes met mine again. Suddenly it became very difficult to think of what to say. There was too much pressure, and my mind was foggy from the disorienting effects of the rings.
“Why does it feel so good?” I blurted out. It was the biggest question on my mind, but it felt too embarrassing to talk about.
A wry smile briefly crossed their lips “The rings are attuned to your new reality. Self-image is built on experiences and sensation; what you’re feeling is years of sensation all rushing into your mind at once. The enchantment dulls the pain, but the pleasure all comes through.” They stated, like it made everything clear.
They resumed the task at hand. I sat in a panicked silence, trying to think of another question as they prepared the final ring.
“This is a dream though, couldn’t you just snap your fingers and change my body?” I asked, doing my best to think through the haze.
“Yes and no. I could change how you look in this dream, but it would cease the moment you wake up. These change your very concept of self.” They said, gesturing with the last gold ring. “Close your eyes and picture yourself on the beach.” They asked me.
As nervous as I was to close my eyes with them so close to me, I didn’t feel like it was a trick. Even if it was, I was at their mercy regardless. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the beach.
The waves were crashing on the shore. I was barefoot in the sand. My swim trunks were damp from saltwater, and my top was clinging to my breasts. Wait, that’s not right, I swim shirtless. That made me think about people looking at me, seeing my chest.
“Do you understand now?” They asked me. I opened my eyes, they were placing the needle onto the last ring.
“Where are those thoughts coming from? I don’t think like that.” I stammered, coming up with another question.
“That’s exactly how you think now that you’ve absorbed some of the experiences from your new reality. The rings don’t really change your physical body, they change your self-image. It’s that shift that changes the body of your dream-self.”
I tried not to panic, but I found their explanation very unsettling. I tried to imagine myself with my chest as I remembered it, and it came to mind just fine. Masculine and broad, covered in coarse hair, little bumpy nipples. But it was a memory, like remembering my last haircut.
When I looked down I was confronted with what my chest is now: round bulging breasts, virtually hairless, topped with wide tall nipples—each one gripping a slim golden ring with excited tissue.
I let out a groan of misery, imagining that happening to my dick, existing only as a memory. I looked at it, lifting my head a little to see over my breasts. The tip was almost purple with desire. I was still teetering on the edge of climax. If what they said was true, these could be our last moments together.
“Hey, I know this is a weird request, but is there any way you could help me cum just one more time before it’s gone?” I pleaded. My face must have been beet red in embarrassment. I wanted one more ejaculation to remember it by. And even if it was all just a dream, I really wanted to get off. The suspense was bordering on agony.
“Don’t worry, this will help.” They said, pinching a bit of the skin just under the head of my dick and piercing it in the same instant.
The burst of pain would have normally doused my arousal, but I was so close it was almost a turn-on. I prepared myself for what could be my last orgasm with my penis, as a flash united the final ring.
The tingling energy surged through me even more powerfully than before. It raced down my shaft and settled deep into my balls, making my cock twitch and ache.
The power pushed me even closer to climax, but at the same time it felt like the peak was getting higher. Meanwhile I could see my dick sinking lower, shrinking closer to my body. I craned my head to get a better look at what was happening to me.
My balls were pulled up tight to my body, and my dick was standing straight up, hard as a rock, but no larger than it used to be when flaccid.
The energy was flowing down into my pelvis too, causing the flesh to plump up on either side of my junk. It pushed my balls out, but it made my penis look even smaller.
The pleasure continued to build. I was well past the point where I would have usually shot my load. My hands gripped the padded armrests and my legs tensed. My cock began to twitch involuntarily, pulling on my balls with each contraction. It was like I was cumming, but my arousal was still building.
A particularly strong contraction lasted several seconds, and accompanied the sensation of warm honey flowing up from my balls. It happened twice more, filling me with immense satisfaction. It almost felt like a slow-motion ejaculation in reverse.
Each contraction caused my balls to shrink, until they completely vanished between the sides of my growing mound. Only my penis remained, poking straight out the top of the crack.
A moment later another pulse of contractions made my dick twitch and leak. My precum had become clear and copious, running down my shaft and pooling in my new crevice.
Each time my dick flexed, it pointed a little lower, and flexed a little less, until it was aiming straight down and no longer responded to the contractions.
The vision of my dick sinking away was heart wrenching, but the sensation was utterly orgasmic. Better than orgasmic, I never knew such pleasure was possible. Even though my dick had stopped responding to the clenching pulse, my orgasm kept going, rolling deep into my pelvic floor.
“Oh fuck!” I cried out, as I finally crested the peak. In that same moment I felt my dick come apart. The thin fleshy line that ran from the tip of my dick to the base of my balls unfused, splitting to form my inner lips.
I was too absorbed in the moment to take note of it at the time, but an awareness had blossomed in my mind not only of my new shape, but of my new anatomy. I understood that I no longer had a penis, I had a clitoris. I no longer had a scrotum, I had labia. Even if I looked away or closed my eyes, it wouldn’t have mattered. The change was happening inside my head.
At the absolute zenith of my orgasmic series I felt myself ejaculate. Just one little spurt of thin watery fluid, which promptly leaked down my butt.
I gasped for air, catching my breath after what felt like minutes of blissful torture. My pussy was drenched, and still humming with erotic energy, but it didn’t feel like it was building up to anything now.
I looked down at my crotch. All I could see from my seated position was the very top of my slit, with a little golden ring poking out to mark my clit. I leaned back with a resigned sigh. At least they were done sticking needles through me.
“I’ll remove the restraints now, you’ve been very good.” My captor told me, pressing a lever at the base of the chair with their foot. My hands and feet were suddenly freed.
I rubbed my wrists and looked around. “I guess I’m a woman now.” I grunted, stepping to my feet. I wobbled a bit on my still-shaky legs.
“That’s a question you must answer with your heart.” They told me as they walked over to the desk and retrieved the bottle of memories. “The rings will continue to change your body gradually, but this will hasten it greatly. As your mind absorbs the memories of your new reality, it molds your self-image directly.” They looked from the bottle back to me, and they studied my expression for a moment. “Whether or not you come to know yourself as a woman, you have lived a life as a man, secure and complete in your gender. There will always be that part of you in your mind.”
I could tell they were trying to help, but it only made me feel more confused. I nodded my head and reached for the softly glowing bottle. For a moment I thought about smashing it, even if they had a spell to undo it, I just wanted some way to rebel against this whole scheme.
They must have sensed something was up, because they pulled the bottle back before I could reach it and gave me a warning. “This bottle holds another person’s mind. Be very gentle with it. Once you begin drinking you must continue until you’ve ingested every drop. You can pause if you must, but I will not let you stop until it’s finished.”
They handed the bottle to me with great gravitas. It felt much lighter than I’d expected, as if it was empty. I looked at the mottled glowing water in the bottle and then back to my captor.
“What happens after I finish it?” I asked, feeling nervous about beginning something they wouldn’t let me stop.
“You will lose consciousness.” They answered simply, then continued. “You will dream the memories you’re about to ingest, and then you’ll wake up in your new reality.”
“So there will be another person in my head?” I asked. I didn’t understand how this double-memory situation could work.
“Just one person. One person with two sets of memories. In one you were sentenced to a new reality, in the other you asked for a dream of another life.” They explained. I still wasn’t sure what they were saying.
Seeing my blank stare they continued. “To the person in that bottle, your entire life, up to and including now, is a dream they are currently having.” I nodded and they went on “Once you ingest the memories, you will fall asleep, and you will have a dream that includes their entire life.” I nodded again, so far so good. “Once you wake up you will be one person with two memories of their life.” They finished.
I understood what they were telling me, at least in principle, but I couldn’t understand how that was different from two people sharing one body. I would have to see for myself. It didn’t seem like I had much choice in the matter.
I uncorked the bottle and took a deep breath. “I guess this is goodbye.” I told my captor. They just returned a thin smile.
I held the bottle to my lips and took a cautious sip. It tasted like nothing, like perfectly clear water, but it filled my head with feelings. Events, ideas, things I couldn’t process. It made my head swim, and filled me with a sort of intoxicated feeling.
The fluid trickled down my throat, and the energy from the rings surged. I was covered in a vaguely itchy sensation as nearly all my body hair vanished back into my skin.
“You must keep drinking.” My captor warned, not allowing me to get distracted. I put the bottle to my lips again for a deeper swallow.
This time I felt my hips swell with energy and begin to expand. They pushed outward, changing the shape of my pelvis and widening my stance. I stumbled a little, but regained my composure and took another drink.
This time my musculature rearranged itself, thinning my arms and bolstering my new hips. I could feel my center of gravity shift even further. Another gulp and all the fat on my body flowed into a curvier shape, filling in for lost muscle mass.
All the redistribution of weight made me stumble again, worse this time. I had to brace myself on the chair to remain standing. I wanted to stop drinking, the changes were too intense. I tried to put down the bottle but they grabbed my arm.
“You must keep drinking.” They repeated, much more forcefully this time. I complied, putting the bottle to my lips once more. They held it there for me as I chugged mouthful after mouthful.
My fingers grew slender, my feet shrunk down, my hair cascaded past my shoulders. Gulp after gulp I felt the shape of my new life take form in my mind, bending my image until I became a perfect copy.
I swallowed the last bit as I felt my throat tingle with energy. I knew I’d be asleep soon, or awake, or however it worked. I lowered the bottle and tried to open my mouth to speak, but I found myself falling backwards. My captor waved goodbye as they tilted out of view.
The world spun around me and everything went black. I collapsed onto a distant mattress, at home in my new life.
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