#sorry if there's other folks that i'm unaware of
wundrousarts · 2 years
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supermarketbae · 1 year
Could you do a cute Billy Hargrove x fem reader were they are secretly dating and the party are slowly figuring it out. Like max is confused why Billy is being a lot nicer. Eddie, Steve, and robin wants to know who keeps calling reader when they hangout at her house.
You can write the end however you like! Love your writing! Have a great day!
OMGGGG THANK U SO MUCH LOVE!! (also i'm back taking class courses again so sorry if I've responded late. bAcK To SchOOl FolKs *nerdy goth noises* this can be read as a part three but its fine on its own.
Billy Hargrove x fem reader
What's Best?
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Naughty and not so nice the series
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The sun had just set, leafless trees casting long shadows around the warm room as their spindly woven branches wafted softly against the windows a sound accompanied by joking and stupid dares. Your friends were oblivious to the sun starting to sink below the horizon. Everyone was happy to finally find some time to hang out together. How late it was getting was a small, trivial matter that was forgotten in the spirit of laughter and much needed relaxation. Max was thoroughly appalled when Billy made no objection in bringing her along to your house, and you thought she had keeled over when, instead of leaving he walked right in with her.
Robin glanced at you questioningly through the night. But you paid it no mind. Billy was starting to be roped into your little group of misfits, and there was nothing you would rather have more. "Soooo what's this talk I hear of my little baby having a boyfriend?" Eddie drawls smacking your butt playfully as he grabs a coke from the counter "Never thought you'd have it in you doll." he continues smirking sarcastically. Your heart shudders for a beat as you subtlety make eye contact at Billy from across the room, you scowl gently as you see his shoulders shaking in silent laughter "Bitch." you say pointedly turning back to Eddie to slug him in the shoulder.
"Wonder who he is, since you practically skip when the phone rings." Eddie smiles grabbing at your hair musing it up. "I do not!" you say wide eyed a light blush settling on your cheeks. You don't dare to look at Billy again to see his reaction. But to your relief, your embarrassment falls on deaf ears as the others continue enjoying themselves. You lean back on the counter as you watch the sight before you; Nancy and Robin talking together on the couch, Robin blushing lightly as she talks animatedly, Nancy grabbing her arm. Dustin, Mike, El, Will, and Max geeking out about some intricate thing. You find yourself smiling softly, blissfully unaware of Billy's approach behind you, that is until strong arms wrapped discreetly around your waist.
"What's up doll." his gravelly mumble tore at your chest causing your heart to constrict. "Nothing much, handsome," you whisper back voiced honeyed but still drooping low. "hands to yourself while you're at it too." you chide teasingly, pinching lovingly at his forearm. Your giggle echoes louder when Billy nips at your shoulder. The sound traveled sharply, catching the attention of your observant friend, Max glances up briefly surprised at the sight of you. She cocked her head in elegant confusion noticing Billy's usually scowling face in a radiant grin. Even more so that he was that close to you.
You caught her eye. A silent promise lay in them.
A soft smile.
She wanted what was best for him too.
And as she watched his face crinkle in laughter as you kissed his cheek secretively, she knew that you were, inevitably, what was best.
AHHHHHHH im sososososoossoso sorry i started up classes and OMLLLLL @unamused-boss thank you so much for requesting and I hope this brought your idea justice mllll thank you darlingggg
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shoshiwrites · 2 months
In which I said “there’s no way I could make Jo and Stalag Bucky truly cross paths other than postwar but a bitch does wonder for the vibes” and then proceeded to take it totally seriously. Enabled by: @floydmtalbert, @basilone, @mercurygray
@junojelli, @upontherisers, and @rosies-riveters. (Seriously, most of this is direct quotes.)
My apologies for the time skips, but it’s just the way the brainstorming cookie crumbled. For those of you unfamiliar with Jo, 1. I'm sorry 2. More here! Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC
→ Jo’s even more restless in this version, and doing some very stupid things. Namely, getting herself in Buck’s fort for the Bremen raid. → (Why would you do that, Jo? Well.) → Bucky’s been wearing his heart on his sleeve — much more obvious, with regards to her, and she doesn’t want him to be a rebound. Maybe said something in an unguarded moment that sounded a lot like love, and she’s not ready to let herself be loved like that. Maybe a sleepy mumble into her hair. It just slipped out. → So she’s really running away. → Easier to fling herself up into a plane, clearly. → And maybe people are doubting her previous stories. Some pencil-chewing prick in the London office telling her the folks back home need to feel more of what our brave boys are doing in the sky to stick it to the Germans. Maybe Jo’s trying to record à la Ed Murrow, so they can broadcast it over the radio later. Maybe the original thought is a milk run, and she pushes for a mission over Germany. A milk run could turn into something else, but she knows it needs to be something bigger for a chance at a harder-hitting story. Tells them that if they want to know “what it’s really like,” they’ll send her on a different mission. → Kay would be furious but also ! at the story and good thing Jo doesn’t quite tell her. → The way she's trying to prove to herself that she has nothing tying her down. Benny’s not about this at all. Buck: "Come on then. Before I find you mid-flight in a place you shouldn't be." He’s practical like that. → If she hadn’t been up before she would not be getting the time of day. And Buck's not about to let her fly with anyone else. He sighs, just the tiniest bit. Gestures, like, well, come on then. "At least you know the risk." Benny's little "last chance to go to London, Jo. tell Buck to scrub this flight." Later — "Going to tell home about this, Jo?" (he’s shouting a little, gesturing at the amount of enemy fighters).
→ So Our Baby goes down. → "John is going to kill us" — Buck’s first words when he sees Jo. To be fair to him, Jo is alive. Which is Benny’s argument. “She’s not dead, Buck, I think we did okay??” Buck just shakes his head. → So Bucky’s in that phone booth. Unaware that Buck went down but also that Jo was even there. Red only tells him about Buck. Because the people who know he should be told about Jo are not anywhere near a phone. → He heads back to Thorpe Abbotts. Red is fuming about a reporter crashing with them. They’ve got the worst discipline, they’re not hitting their targets, and now they’ve gone and killed a reporter, and a woman reporter to boot. There’s no good way to sell that to the homefront. Red and Harding and maybe Kidd are having a bitch session in an office. Bucky goes up to the door, to tell them he’s back, and overhears. “What a goddamn mess. That reporter — she was on the goddamn plane too. Brown, was it?” Bucky, in the doorway, on the edge of the fucking darkness: “Brandt.” → Because he wouldn’t know what to do with himself beside get in the plane, right. → Like maybe no one saw any chutes. Maybe she’s reported missing presumed killed. → And let’s not pretend Harding would be able to keep him off the roster, Major Rear Backup Observation Pilot, who is definitely not in the rear or backup or observing. He'd assign himself another made-up role just to get on the next plane if he had to. → I’m even sorrier to Brady than to Bucky and Buck in this whole thing actually. Jo owes him drinks for the rest of his life. He wanted a passenger princess who could be trusted with the aux cord, and instead he got Bucky.
→ So Bucky’s lying on the ground in the forest thinking he doesn’t mind if he dies right there. → We see a man ten miles from the end of his rope and we drag him further away. → Jo seeing him again, seeing him all bloody and bruised. Maybe this is the processing camp and they see each other in the corridor — he’s coming in, she’s being taken somewhere else. The double-take. The recognition. Both of them fighting the guards to try to get to each other. In her jacket that’s too big for her and her hair messed. → I don’t know how this works from an intelligence standpoint shh I know it doesn’t but her using those few moments to tell him Buck’s alive. Just the quietest whisper, if she can manage to get that close to him, trying to hide it with a cough. → So he knows they’re both alive now. Can’t get that info out of him if he already knows. So all you get is John Egan, Major, fuck you very much. → I know it doesn’t really have lasting potential because she wouldn't really stay with them in the stalag (like any of this is really plausible lmao) but if I want her to then, well, it's my AU. Like, maybe she’s with them in the stalag for a little while, while the Germans figure out what to do with her/negotiate some kind of prisoner swap with the allies. They've never had this happen before. They’re wary because she’s a reporter — about keeping her but also about letting her go. She could get swapped home after the processing, or some time in the stalag if we’re going for something longer. → So there’s a version where he sees her first when he arrives at SLIII, standing back from the crowd or back at the hut. → The embrace though. He's never held on tighter. Her toes are scraping the floor. → He’d absolutely brawl if he sees her being flanked by soldiers being taken out of the camp by herself later on. Maybe she gets out on one of the Swiss Red Cross visits.
→ Also. The issues this causes between Bucky and Gale. Very chewy. Gale letting her. Not telling Bucky he is letting her. Bucky's "wouldn't flat out stop her from doing stupid shit because he also does stupid shit and also knows she's her own person" vs. Bucky’s "why didn't you stop her, Buck.” → Gale knows what running away looks like. And he knows she won't stop until she realizes some things. This will make her realize faster. IT SURE WILL, GALE. → This is the dumbest thing Jo has done in any universe in a very long time and I’m processing but also living for it tbh. → Benny, probably: can I interest you all in talking about how you fucking feel. → Buck and Jo at the same time: shut up. → Benny’s bailing half to get away from them lbr here. Composing a letter to Kay in his head about this. → I have a hard time believing that Bucky would hold onto this toooo much once he's in SLIII and they're all alive but also. Like the relief is there but so is the "why didn't you tell me what the fuck.” And Gale is very…easy about it. “She wanted to, John." (If you have to argue take it up with Miss Wanted To, John.) “Maybe you need to hear her out." → The unspoken "maybe you need to actually say things" at Jo (even though she's not here for this conversation). Which he’s made pretty clear — maybe no in so many words, but his "I hope you had the right reasons to fly with us" is loud. Jo: wow must be a coincidence that I feel nauseous rn it’s definitely not Buck’s tone. → Speaking of Benny’s “leave me the fuck out of this” — Brady. He’s sinking down next to Benny, holding his head like it’s about to explode. "He wanted to go down with the plane, Ben.” (Benny, not paid enough for ANY of this.) → Jo this is an awful lot of trouble to cause because of your situationship. → Benny's commiserating. telling Brady they will get a very strong drink when they get out of here. And Jo is buying. → Once again, Jo, drinks are on you for the rest of forever. → Uhhh that’s all, folks! → For now.
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davidthephoneguy · 5 months
A little (mostly Dialtown) rant of my own
Ok first of all you all need to calm down, I'm goin on this rant despite not currently being in the dialtown fandom but I was back around when the game first came out. I just feel like I gotta ask you to be calm because I know how agressive people can be online with that shield on anonymity. I also do not hate dialtown or Dogman nor do I blame them for said issues that will be stated.
Dialtown as a whole does pretty obviously have a problem about representation of fem/fem presenting characters especially in the fandom side. As a previous rant stated before most fem characters are either glossed over in favour of male/masc presenting ones, such as with the main dateables. It even extends to side characters which feels rather disheartening. Now I get why its mainly the male/masc presenting ones who get attention, I must highlight the fact that I am a Bi-Ace Transman and I tended to focus on Oliver and Randal over Karen so I was part of the problem on that part. So i get the gender serotonin of drawing them but I hope you can also see how it means that for example, Karen is almost completely overlooked. I would see myself in them because of the shared gender, I really do understand why this has been happening. You are not evil for doing this, that is not what this rant is about in the slightest. Like the previous rant before stated the game doesn't pass the Bechdal test (Which if you are unaware is a media test which requires two fem characters to talk to eachother about anything other then a man, already an extremely low bar to pass) which Dialtown does not pass. It's completely valid to have reservations about that as it is an overall problem with media at large. Media at large is still a white straight cis male dominated space and needs more diversity in all ways. Dialtown as a whole is a good game and has a diverse cast which is wonderful and amazing to see. The only issue is how some are highlighted more then others or demonized in a way that lines up with misogyny (Such as with Mingus' behavior being villainized by the fandom while Stabby and Shooty doing the same thing being ok and lighthearted in the eyes of the fandom which from an outside view just looks like misogyny I am sorry folks. If the only factor in if you like or dislike a characters actions is because they are a woman is misogyny even if they're cis or trans, misogyny is just the word for discrimination in this way) Pointing this out doesn't mean an attack on anyone, pointing out an issue is meant to bring attention to said issue so it can be improved or fixed. The previous person who I have been referencing and paraphrasing here (who I am not going to @ as they don't need more direct harassment) was slightly attacked for having a rant, yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but that does not give either side the right to actively attack the other. Please remain diplomatic.
People are allowed to highlight issues, if we don't then they won't ever get fixed. We're meant to stick together and fix things together, not attack eachother. Thats what people like terfs want us to do, they want us to tear eachother apart so that they get what they want, our destruction. We have to stand together with the things we love. My apologies for how long this ended up being but I just had to get it out of my head. Just my thoughts as a transman/voidrabbit on the topic
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blukiar · 2 months
For the sake of others
(I notice my rb answer doesn't show up on the og post, neither in the tags so I'm gonna make it a separate post for the sake of Anon and any other persons curious to know about the situation)
Now first and foremost - this post is NOT to address the situation itself as I HATE drama but I HATE being apart of it MORE. This is about an earlier situation that I think people should be aware of. Trust is key, and misinformation destroys that.
(For the nevermore situation I recommend reading this Red FIRST, then navigate to the others as there are a COUPLE responses from several different folks so Idk who to link. In the end it is up to you to decide who you support/who you believe is in the wrong. Personally, BOTH are in the wrong)
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Now to the point of this post: I'm keeping the name in because it's not a personal acc, and the person behind it has announced stepping away from the fandom entirely. REGARDLESS DO NOT GO HARASSING THEM NO ONE DESERVES HARASSMENT!
Earlier today upon checking my dash I saw this and immediately got upset about it because this is unacceptable. On a normal day I'd just roll my eyes and scroll away from drama related posts but THIS one grind my gears so much that I HAD to confront OP on it. What happened next made me even more disappointed as this acc was literally the only nevermore content acc that I follow on tumblr...
About an hour after confrontation, I checked back to the post only to find that my comment was removed/hidden by OP as shown below
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It's funny how they and a couple others are calling out how Red tries to silence folks speaking out on the situation by deleting comments and leaving out stuff etc, etc, YET they are no different...
All I asked is why they blatantly lied to Anon about the situation? Knowing FULLY well that's NOT what happened. The least you could have done was to direct Anon to RnF page/or to the accusers posts to read the response to the situation and have them formulate their OWN opinions and conclusions to it. But instead they chose lie to Anon and hide/remove my comment.
Now I get it, OP didn't have to answer me, they're NOT obligated to, they could have ignored me or even block me! They have the freedom to do so, who am I to get angry for that? YET they chose to silence me. The same thing they accuse Red of doing, for a simple question?? Wow...
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Then OP proceeded to add "evidence" to their earlier summary that, mind you, DOES NOT support their earlier claim here. It's just screenshots of Red talking about the Crimson situation, you know, about the 1 single individual - OP's summary made it sound like it's the ENTIRE moderation team that are groomers and that Red allowed it
The point here is that OP lied and silenced me for calling them out on lying to someone who was unaware and genuinely trusted them to tell a truthful rundown of the situation
And honestly, I wish OP well, I hope they take the time to take a breath and reflect. I wish them a blessed day/night and I hope that Anon gets the truthful information they need cause this is just disappointing...
Again this post was made for the sake of those unaware of the situation and is just looking for a TRUSTWORTHY and a non bias source to go by. For that I think it's best to read Red's response first to get the gest of it then navigate to the others and make your own conclusions.
Thanks for Reading, and sorry for ruining your day with this nonsense.
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
heya pins are either fasma's parents still kicking?
i think it would be so funny if in the middle of a shoot out he gets a call from his mom asking him to pick up something from the store for her. and he's just like "yes mom i'll get the eggs, kinda busy right now tho, i'll call yo-" a shot whizzes past his horn, just grazing it. "ACK!! GET FUCKED YOU RAT BASTARD!" then a muffled "Language!" blares from the tinny speakers on his phone. "Sorry mother, that was very crass of me-" "I know you didn't raise me like that-" "look me and a couple of friends of mine are having some ...business ...discussions I'll call you as soon as I'm done, alright? ok, love you too, ok bye, yes I know, love you bye."
he then slithers out of the gumball machine he was hiding in to finish the 'business discussions'
buys eggs and apology chocolate or smth with the money he pilfered off of the two goons he just popped.
idk i'm so torn between the idea of his mom being 100% in the know or blissfully unaware. which is why i say he should have 2 moms one who's completely overbearing and bitter, the whole 'you never write and you never call' types but its out of worry cause she knows what he's up to, and the other a total gilf very sweet and doting you know?
Fasma's kind of an old fart, his geezers have probably passed a good while ago.
When he was younger, there was a bit of a disconnect between Fasma and his parents as he began turning to a life of not so respectable deeds. Both because his parents didn't exactly support it and because, at some point, Fasma really did have to stay away or there would be trouble for his folk.
He reconnected while he still had time, thankfully. It was a little bittersweet by then, he had become someone else, a lot had happened. But they all longed for that moment.
That's a funny interpretation of things though.
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you missed ROFTB Grimlock :(
In my defense I was unaware there was one
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Most of them kinda have permanent :] face. It's very difficult not to vibe with that. Helps that all of them are also Absolute Goobers.
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I'm not gonna lie, I'm not sure laserbeak is passing the Harkness test. At least not in tfp. I wouldn't be entirely comfortable holding that poll. Sorry!
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Shit man, that's pretty high praise. Even in the case that this is hyperbole, I know reasons to keep going can be pretty scarce for folks like us. It's hard when everything is a lot, at least doubly so when you're the kind of strange that brings you to this corner of the internet. I've seen my share and then some of days where I couldn't find a reason at all.
I know I'm not really doing anything revolutionary here. I'm posting polls on hot robots and occasionally roleplaying a funny tin tyrant or running with an oddly specific bit. But I know it's a lot of fun. And I know it brings other weirdos here that want to make others laugh. And as small and out there as ours is, I'm damn proud of the little community we built and I'm so happy I have it. And honestly? Having fun with the people around you is one of the best reasons to wake up in the morning you can have.
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aneggofmystery · 5 months
The Monkie Kid Style Shift
(from the perspective of a fictive. i promise that's important)
To start, for those who are unaware of my existence bc you only know mills or just dont know us at all, hi! I'm Cicada, he/she pronouns, and I'm a Tang fictive. I wanted to give my opinion on all the shit that happened today, because I believe I and other fictives have unique experiences regarding source media changes :3
(the rest of the post will be under the cut, scroll away if you'd like to avoid spoilers from the trailer) (and, quick side note, NO MATTER WHAT I SAY HERE, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANYONE. CHRIST I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS, BUT PLEASE DO NOT HARASS REAL PEOPLE OVER THESE LEGOS. K? K.)
Okay, so we all know that Flying Bark's animation has always been an integral part to the spirit of Monkie Kid as a show, and is the main reason why a lot of people love it. As a semi source-connected fictive, seeing that style is like literally seeing me and my family in photographs.
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like, y'all have no idea the emotional damage this shot specifically does to me whenever i see it.
and while, yes, there is a possibility that WildBrain can simply just be learning the style (hell, even FlyingBark had to kinda learn their own style in the early days), it's an extremely drastic change and, thus, is bound to cause collateral damage.
I love speaking about my husbands, for example, and the FlyingBark style luckily gives me a great outlet to do so (pignapped lives in my mind rent free).
However, and I can't speak for any other fictives, but the art style shift is kind of like if you watched your family get replaced by aliens or robots right in front of you and couldn't do anything about it. Stiff, doesn't really have a lot of character. I've seen people theorize that they're gonna be animating on rigs instead of handrawn, which matches up. That means, however, that we can't achieve awesome shots such as. every lbd scene ever.
I know plenty of Singlet but neurodivergent people who are also distressed about this, there's familiarity. Especially in my fellow autistic folk, that feels natural, good, and we wouldn't give it up for the world.
(We mod in one of the biggest Monkie Kid discord servers and, dear gods, the fucking backlash. we're all going through it.)
I'm kind of worried that this was pushed, not only because of the ATLA movie, but also because everyone on the staff team was worried because the fandom was antsy.
Can't speak for anyone else, but all the "save me s5" jokes I made were just light hearted, and I'd much rather have quality over quantity. Personally, i'd be willing to wait years for the next monkie kid season if it meant that we could still have it animated by FlyingBark.
Now, of course, this isn't what we're getting, and we'll have to accept that, I just think it should also be valid for fans to be reasonable skeptical at the quality, no matter if it's still the same writers and VAs. It's a huge change, and all I ask is that you're patient with me.
WildBrain is an amazing studio, but I'm not sure they can adjust to the shift in style. Of course, someone's bound to be dissatisfied with it, including myself, and I ask that y'all are patient with people like that. Don't say shit like "if you're a real fan, you wouldn't care about the art style change." That's not nice.
sorry if this isn't coherent in the slightest, I have been crying for a while for the reasoning i mentioned about feeling like I've lost a part of myself. This is terrifying for me, and i ask that you please be kind to others like me <3
anyways, follow if you wanna hear me yap ab BreakfastShipping
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xkcd-for-that · 1 year
My badd that was me with the tag, was unaware it was anything serious. meant it as a joke but I understand that it might genuinely affect some people, I'm sure many others are the same so I apologize on their behalf, ofc sorry to anyone who sees those kind of posts, including you having to see them all the time, will be more mindful in the future, hopefully others will be too <3.
Thank you very much for your apology! Most of the folks who've said something similar this time around have also apologized, so thanks to all of you as well.
Thankfully for me it's just an annoyance, but for some people it is serious, and I'm sure all of us appreciate your commitment to improved mindfulness in the future ❤️
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
I'm out of posts for the day (used the last of them reblogging your art and will do so again tomorrow) but
I would be very sad if you deleted everything and left, whenever you're away from tumblr your absence is Very Noticeable on my dash and I happen to like you and your art quite a lot, even if I don't say it much, for which I am Sorry.
It's really up to you, I have no say in the matter, but you are absolutely beloved here on Tumblr by myself and others alike, and I'll be damned if I don't tell you as such before you go (or stay. I Hope.)
Actually, your art was some of the first DCA fanart I ever saw here, and was a big part in inspiring me to make my own art. I remember once you did a picture of OOIE Yelling At Sun and I actually busted a blood vessel in my eye over it, not kidding! And then you started to post Wheatley and Marvin the Martian, characters I rarely ever see here but love to death, and it was nice knowing I'm not the only guy out there that really thinks they're Dope As Hell. Your whole thing about Marvin actually being fairly intelligent but kinda quick-tempered was hilarious, I've been sick in bed all day and it made me laugh even though it's painful and nauseating to even pick my head up from the pillow.
Your presence makes a difference, even though you mostly seem like you're just here to enjoy yourself, and I hope if you leave at the very least you take care and stay safe out there in the world, wherever you are?
And I hope this isn't a creepy or weird message to receive, I don't generally go off-anon, nor talk to artists I look up to so casually, and I hope you ignore it if it does creep you out, but the intention of all this is more to remind you that people are fond of and remember you (or, the you that you share with people here on Tumblr, that is. I have no delusions about how people present themselves on Tumblr being different from how they are in real life, but you mostly seem really damn cool) even if you're like, unaware that you've made any sort of positive impression on folks (you have. Wow this got long, apologies!!)
This made me cry. I've been trying to cry all day. This did it. Thank you. Sincerely. I wish I knew what more to say but. Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know what this means to me rn
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drdemonprince · 9 months
(nondysphoric trans anon again) really appreciate the recs, especially the anthologies! i'll definitely check them out. just to clarify, i completely agree that dysphoria is a social dynamic and not just a symptom, and that dismantling the structures and social norms that cause/worsen dysphoria is necessary. i've also met many trans folks who have at one time been unaware of their dysphoria in the ways you described, and i'm sorry that you also had to go through that. personally, i've used "nondysphoric" to mean that i actively like and find happiness in my body/physical appearance, regardless of my mental state or external expectations. i was also aware that i felt this way (and that it's considered atypical) when i saw myself as a cis girl. i'd like to meet other people (trans or otherwise) who've had experiences similar to mine someday, if possible, but for now i'd just like to learn from people who are navigating dysphoria that's considered atypical, regardless of the language they use to describe it. i'd be open to using a framework other than considering myself nondysphoric, but i'm not sure what that would look like yet. i also know that i probably wouldn't have had many of these positive experiences without the specific privileges and social contexts i grew up with, and i'm trying to understand that better as well. thanks again for responding!
Hey, thanks for clarifying! I can see why you'd use nondysphoric for that. Hopefully your description of your experience will tip other people reading this off to some potential readings or resources that might be useful to you. Though it sounds like you've already got a pretty damn good handle on yourself and your positionality really!
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bookishphysicsgirl · 1 year
Hello, I have a genuine question, especially for trans people since you are the most affected, regarding Harry Potter fan fiction.
I'll try to tag this appropriately so that anyone who doesn't wish to see any content regarding to this doesn't, but if it accidentally slipped through I'm sorry, just tell me what else to tag it as so it will be better blocked and I will.
Obviously Joanne is a delusional b**** and I will never be touching anything she writes or sells ever again, since it would be giving her funds to actively harm trans lives.
The only question I have is regarding fanfiction because I've been seeing many arguments about this and still can't quite make my mind up about what side is right, but the thing is none of the people I saw making statements about this were trans, so I would very much appreciate your opinion since I believe that your thoughts are the most valid in this situation.
The first argument is that HP fanfiction while not directly supporting J.K. and oftentimes going directly against her beliefs is still giving visibility to her work and ultimately attracting people to the world of HP that normally wouldn't have exactly because of the effort put in to fix the mistakes of the original text.
I think the way they put it was that she is "profiting off the free labor of the folk she despises".
I actually see how this can be true and it makes a lot of sense to me since, for example, when All The Young Dudes blew up on tik tok a lot of people who might otherwise not have done so started buying HP merch and getting it farther up in the trends, even though ATYD by itself is a very queer-positive work.
The second argument is that fanfiction is not directly supporting her and it is incredibly healing and supporting for many people struggling. Not only that it can be a platform to expose her wrongdoings and stop the fandom from becoming a home ground for hate groups.
The argument went somewhere along the lines of if a child receives the HP books from a relative unaware of all the issues and likes it and then goes looking for more content, if the fan content made by the queer community isn't there to receive them all they will be met with is people who reaffirm Joanne's toxic opinions and it could be extremely harmful to those children, especially if they are queer themselves and aren't aware yet.
I myself have gone to HP fanfiction when I was questioning my sexuality and when I was depressed and it helped me immensely to understand what was happening to me and that it was ok and normal.
Trans protagonists in HP fanfiction also helped me understand gender theory better and what might be going on in trans lives and how to be more respectful (disclaimer: I am a cis woman so I cannot speak for trans people, I am merely stating that it helped me understand).
Both of these arguments make a lot of sense to me, and I can't see which one would be more correct. On the one hand I think that stopping everyone from even interacting with fandom might be a bit extreme, on the other I can't help but worry whether that is just me creating an excuse to keep enjoying things I like.
I don't feel like I enjoy HP fanfiction for nostalgia, especially since I openly recognize that both the books and the movies were actually a bit boring and not that well written and haven't been able to re-read them since I was 12. I think it has a lot more to do with the healing factor of being able to disassociate to another world and see stories that reflect mine and see people feeling the same things I do. But I am more than willing to stop if it is in fact causing more harm than good, especially since the last thing I want is for Joanne to receive clout she does not deserve.
Either way, I just wanted to know your opinions in all of this, since as I mentioned before I've only ever seen cis people arguing about it (mostly on tik tok).
Thank you so much for reading all of this and thank you if you reply.
(note: I will not be tagging this with trans tags because I know that a lot of people can feel unsafe when met with content regarding Harry Potter)
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Hey, I'm really sorry if this is rude to ask, but would you be able to add a cw tag on that Split meme? It's just a really tense subject for us and we try to avoid it when we can
Not to worry, we have since deleted the post since being informed that it was from the movie Split (we were unaware at the time of being tagged). Apologies for any upset we have caused; we'll do our best to avoid reblogging memes or other content based on the movie in the future. And thank you to the folks who let us know; although we were aware of the film, having never seen it ourselves, we were unaware that was the source of the meme in question. If such a thing occurs again in the future (as there are an unfortunate number of movies that portray DID in such an... unfavorable way, to say the least), please feel free to let us know. As a final note, to all those who send in submissions to this blog, take this as a notice that we neither like nor will keep on our blog any "funnier as a system" jokes based upon disableist portrayals of DID or other forms of plurality.
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delusion-of-negation · 9 months
Sorry bro I have updated my opinions and I'm now equally disgusted with both of our countries, and if I ever get well enough to fly I'm going to help you destroy parliament.
we shall finish the good work of our lord and saviour guy fawkes - his effigy will no longer be burned on a stake each november to remind the public to stay in line, this is my vision for the future of my vile nation.
i think there's a tendency in americans to hear them boast that the uk has public transport and national healthcare, and to go "oh so you get good things for free", and not realise that the government treats the things like an afterthought at best, but more often a devious scheme by the poor to steal precious cash money from the government that must be made as inconvenient as possible so that it can go "see, we'd be better off if we let companies manage this", they genuinely do not run these things like ways to make lives easier, and rely on the church to actually feed a growing populace of impoverished people. they also seem unaware that religion is a major part of how it functions here, a lot will say "well, you don't have an official separation of church and state, but there are more atheists per capita there, less extremists, and less outwardly religious government officials" and it mostly is true, except the latter if you count the fact bishops get a seat in the house of lords, but all that paints an inaccurate picture of how enshrined in law and government religion actually is - we're on paper one of the most religious governments in the world, along with iirc iran, and it factors into life constantly and invasively (most gov schools are religious ones). unelected bishops have to approve laws, there's still treason laws for absurd things, the law made solely to reinstate blasphemy laws under a different name when blasphemy laws were revoked still exists (the aforementioned bishops wanted them but they got unpopular, so they were revoked then remade under new name, with blasphemy still illegal until later on, when the obscenity laws removed that part but still criminalised other obscenity or offense, those same laws got used for people like dankula then people in general treated them as a left-wing invention, when even a brief glance at the history shows they are an explicit re-making of blasphemy laws), and so forth. britain isn't "america but better" like a lot of folks on here seem to think, it's just as bad, simply different.
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elegyofthemoon · 8 months
9 14 and 22 with the landau siblings? :D
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Unfortunately I'm kind of a strict roommate just because it's a personal space. We could be wonderful friends but if you do something particular in my room, I might kick you
That being said, I feel like Serval would be a tricky roommate to have. I could see she's pretty tidy but I think if she gets too into her projects, it'll get messy in a heartbeat and I'm icky on keeping things a mess. We might be good friends (she's literally the best I love her), but something like this will make me go 3 _ 3
Gepard however I think I could be roommates but there'll be awkward tension. I think he could be neat and tidy or that he tries to be and I'm much the same. It's just that I can also see him being on the quieter side in terms of being roommates so that's when my anxiety will crank up and go oH GOD THIS GUY HATES ME and just panic everytime I walk into the room and he's there. But we'll manage I think lmao
Lynx wouldnt even be a roommate I'd just have the room to myself because she tries to stay out of the room and camps outside anyways LMAO
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
god im bad at fashion aesthetics <- doesn't care for fashion sorry i might skip this q orz orz orz
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to the character? Something you don't like?
Okay so admittedly, I don't read a lot of fics. The only fics I do read for star rail is actually for Serval and specifically Serval/Cocolia :'D And from those that I've read, I love how thorough people write out Serval and Cocolia's relationship. The game itself gives us a good basis and explains what they were to each other as is, but it's so nice to see the way people write out certain memories and also the grieving process. I mean, Serval's companion quest still stands as one of my favorite companion quests out of all the quests I've done (? which I think is all? except for if there was any in this recent update. I'm unaware LAKJDSFH)
So it's just nice to see this for Serval!! But I haven't run into anything for something I don't like for how people write Serval. Maybe if people say that she's stupid but that's less likely and most folks acknowledge her as a STEM girlie so <3 good
I ACTUALLY WANT TO LOOK MORE INTO GEPARD FICS TBH but my problem is that its all shippy fics and i !!! DONT WANT THAT!!!! I WANT A CHARACTER ANALYSIS !!!!!! I WANT A CHARACTER STUDY OF SEVERAL PAGES ON MY DESK >:( do I have to do everything myself? come on guys--
Lynx I may look into a Lynx/Pela fic? but Lynx doesn't cross my mind as often as Serval and Gepard aldksjfha sorry Lynx I'm sure you're great it's just you got overshadowed by Pela so all I can think of is Pela when I think of Lynx 😔😔
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
🔮 please!
Your soulmate is: Jack
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And you met: at the golf course
(I'm so sorry if you don't like Jack, I know he's not everyone's cup of tea. HOWEVER I LOVE THIS PIECE OF TRASH.)
So I've just been chating with the Fates, and they're telling me this:
Cutting through the golf course shaved about twenty-five minutes, give or take, off your time. Technically, it was private land. But everyone did it. The route so worn in that the golf course had actually paved the path so that it wasn’t obvious that the grass had been routinely worn down. 
There had been one point, a few years back, when the owners had tried to put a metal gate around the course. (Within a day someone with access to a heavy-duty vehicle had yanked two metres of the fencing out of the ground and laid it neatly on the grass. The owners didn’t try again.) 
Everyone tended to mind their own business. Golfers ignored the ‘trespassers’ and people cutting through didn’t interrupt their games. 
Most of the time. 
The sound of arguing cut through the music playing on your headphones, you paused your track out of curiosity. (And the ingrained sense of self preservation of being aware of your surroundings.) 
A man (obviously a golf player) was in an animated discussion with another man (most likely not a golf player.)
“You can’t just come in here and talk golf balls! That’s stealing!”
“I’m not stealing anything brother, these are just laying around here with no one to claim them, I’m just taking care of lost things.”
“You. Are. Stealing!” The man stamped his foot as he spoke. You don’t know why you took such an instant dislike to him, but you did. He was clean shaven and neat, to the extreme point of it being possible to draw a perfect outline of him. Even as he moved not a slight hair moved out of place. 
The other guy was the living opposite of him.
“Now, listen,” He took a step closer to the golf player, there was an air of malice in his movements. Something of a predator in his wide smile. Something the golf player was obviously missing. 
Richer people often lacked a self of self-preservation. 
“He works for the club.” You said, your voice loud and strong enough to carry without being a shout. You surprised yourself. The need in your gut to act bypassing your usual ‘keep your head down’ attitude. 
Both men turned to you, previously unaware of your presence. 
The golfer looked flabbergasted, needing a moment to digest the information. 
The other man just gave you a small smile. 
“He, he works for the club?”
“He’s employed to collect all the abandoned golf balls, so they don’t mess up the place?” You frowned, putting on an air of annoyance. “Haven’t you played here before? Everyone knows that.”
“I, er, no.” The neat man turned, “why didn’t you just say you worked here?”
“Why does he have to explain himself to you?” You answered before there was a chance he would speak and mess your little plan up. 
“Erm, yes, of course.” The neat man straightened, apologised again and pushed a note into the other man’s hand for ‘his trouble’, before he walked away back to his game. 
You were left alone with the stranger. He grinned at you wolfishly. 
“Are you in the business of helping out folks?” 
“I just didn’t want to see you murder him on the green.” 
It was a joke. But the glint in the stranger’s eyes caught you off guard, maybe your jest wasn’t as far from the truth as you wanted it to be.
He nodded. “Well, I’m not usually on the receiving end of a tip,” he moved a little closer to you. Small, languid steps, giving you plenty of time to walk away. You held your ground. 
He stopped barely an arm’s width away. 
“I’m Jack,” he inclined his head, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
His grin widened when you told him your name. 
“I’d say at least half of this is yours,” he held up the note, “what do you say you let me buy you a drink?”
Thank you so much!
My Secret Shame's Little Party
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