#sorry it took me literally six months to finish this trial
simlit · 2 years
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Chosen of the Sun | | portal // sixty-five
MID-CHAPTER POLL | Vote which contestant you think had the most successful trial. We’ve reached the end of the third trial. Each CotS chapter will contain two trials. The outcome of this poll will not directly impact the overall winner, however there is a prize. You may use whatever logic you like to decide how to vote, and may vote for up to, but no more than, two contestants. Active participants may not vote for their own characters. If you do so, I will simply remove your vote or only apply your second, if you vote for two. Indryr is ineligible for this vote as he was disqualified this round.  to read from the beginning of this trial // click here
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kenanda · 3 years
It was hard to decide but... 101 for smut prompt please? 👁️ (do I need to write lonelyeyes or is it default?)
Prompt: 101 - “you’re not wearing anything under that, are you?”
Eye, you absolute genius! Thank you for the prompt and for the beta read! I hope this is to your liking; I certainly had a grand old time writing this piece!
Disclaimer: These characters AREN’T mine. They belong to Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives. 
Warning: This work ISN’T SUITABLE for minors. It’s a NSFW piece of slash fiction. Therefore, if you’re a minor or in any way squicked by what’s in the tags, DO NOT READ!
WORTH THE WAIT Words: 2,9k Pairing: LonelyEyes; Jonah!Elias / Peter Lukas Rating: EXPLICIT  Tags: established relationship, University!AU, Young!LonelyEyes, unrequited crush, drinking, rimming, handjob, exhibitionism, mild dirty talk, rutting, fingering, touch averse!Peter, Slut-&-Proud! Elias, prompt fill
There has to be some sort of cosmic joke at play for Elias to develop a crush on someone from his uni class and that said someone happens to be Peter Lukas. 
Because you see, as likeable and polite as Peter is, there’s something about the guy that keeps people at a distance. Try as he might, Elias never seems able to bridge that gap, much less make it understood that he wants Peter as more than a colleague or a friend. 
It has occurred to him that Peter may not be interested in romance or sex at all. The first seems more feasible; the latter, not so much. Elias is always keeping an eye on Peter (perks of living across the hall from one another) and has seen him bring people to his room on more than one occasion. 
Not often, no, but enough to make Elias wonder — about Peter, about those people, and what they could be doing together just across the hall. It takes Elias a while to fall asleep on those nights.
In class, Peter sits next to him and makes light conversation, but it never goes beyond that. Elias is annoyed that Peter doesn't seem to have any interest in him, especially when Elias is handsome, manly, and has an ass that looks great in joggers — which he makes a point to always wear to their study sessions.
If anything, Elias is patient. If he has to keep wearing joggers and asking Peter out with hopes that he will one day finally say yes, then so be it. Though that isn’t to say Elias will breeze through his trials with a smile on his face: by the end of another month of repeatedly getting turned down, Elias is snapping even at his mates.
It's surprising that this mood is what causes Peter to initiate conversation that’s not about class.
"Something bothering you?"
Elias blinks a few times because he isn't sure he heard it right. 
"A few things, yeah."
"I've got something for that in my room. Come by tonight if you want. Will help you relax a bit."
Elias hopes that it isn't too evident that he’s essentially dancing in his seat from then on. Talk about a mood change: one could even call him cheery.
When night comes and the halls are quiet, Elias showers with such intent that his skin becomes red; he scrubs every nook and cranny, but doesn't apply perfume. He knows that Peter doesn't like it. 
Elias puts on something easy to remove: grey joggers, a sweatshirt and nothing else. At least he can pull the sweatshirt down and hide the fact that he's half hard (he’s been on the very edge of horny from the moment Peter asked him out). 
He never considers the possibility that Peter might have meant anything other than sex. When he gets there, Elias is hit in the chest with the sight of a cramped room. Four people are there besides Peter, sharing a now half empty bottle of vodka.
Elias' mood sours.
"There's the man! Mr. Bouchard! Took you long enough mate, thought you weren't coming," chimes Tim, a chipper guy from their class that Elias has no idea why Peter is even friends with.
Elias does his best to smile. "Yeah, I overslept a bit."
They welcome him inside with friendly pats on the back. Peter eyes him curiously, but doesn't say anything.
Elias wants to storm off and find better things to do with his joggers clad ass. But he's here already, isn't he? One doesn’t always get a chance to drink expensive vodka.
It doesn’t take the six of them long to finish the bottle. When midnight rolls around, Elias has had time to allow his alcohol addled thoughts to simmer. He can't believe he had hoped today would finally be it. Look at him now! This is so humiliating that he almost feels exposed, knowing that only a flimsy piece of fabric keeps him from being butt naked among these guys.
"Right," Tim says at some point. "I've got an assignment due tomorrow that I need to finish up."
“You mean due today,” Peter points out, and the others laugh. Elias rolls his eyes.
Tim’s departure is their cue to go as well, but Elias stays behind (perhaps due to some remaining fool’s hope). He knocks back whatever vodka is left in his cup and puts it aside, savoring defeat. He stands up. 
"Well, I don't suppose you have another bottle hiding somewhere, so I guess I'll be going too."
Peter smiles. "I don't, but I don't believe that would help you."
"What do you mean?"
Peter scoots to the edge of the bed. 
"I'm just saying you look as constipated now as when you first came in."
Elias can't help but laugh, and Peter’s grin widens. 
"You have yourself to thank for that."
"Oh? What did I do?"
Should Elias tell him? Should he really dig a deeper hole for himself? Well, fuck it, he’s here already. And to make it worse, he is just on this side of drunk.
"Better yet, what you didn't do. Are you daft or what?! I thought I've been quite clear up until now. 'Something to help you relax'. Bullshit. You're full of bullshit, Lukas."
Peter's frown only lasts a second before realisation hits him, followed by the same old amusement. If Elias didn't spend most of his time wanting to blow the guy, he would've punched Peter in the throat.
"Oh god..." Peter says. 
Elias clenches his jaw and juts out his chin. "Took you long enough," he spits out, but Peter's caught up on something else. 
"You're not- You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"
Elias does his best not to wobble, but the wave of dizziness that hits him is real; his stomach sinks. He had somehow forgotten that fact.
"What if I’m not?!" He growls defensively. Why should he be the one to feel embarrassed when Peter was literally an oaf? "Hell, I'm out of here."
"Hold on," Peter calls, because Elias essentially bolts for the door. Elias pauses with a hand on the handle.
Peter sighs audibly. 
"I figured. I mean, I had a pretty good guess when you kept showing up all commando, but I thought 'hey maybe the guy needs more room down there',” he snickers.
"Fuck you, Lukas."
"Sorry. I know." 
What he says next is something Elias never thought he'd hear. 
"Let me make it up to you."
Elias turns around with both arms crossed. Peter beckons him closer with a no-nonsense look. 
Elias goes. Apparently, he's just that stupid for this man. He doesn't know what it is about this Lukas guy that has him betraying every single one of his self-preservation rules, but he finds himself breaking them more often than not. Maybe it's that gentle voice that Peter never raises, or the sharp wits and strong build. Perhaps it's the fact that even after a year, Elias hasn't managed to learn any more about him than that.
Peter is a mystery, and Elias is nothing if not curious. 
Elias stands in front of Peter, who leans back a little in bed. 
"Hell, you are pretty to look at."
Elias only raises his eyebrows. As if he didn't know. 
"Come on. A man has to play safe."
"Don't bore me with politics, that's your family’s business." 
Though, if he was being honest, the praise did feel good.
Peter smirks. "Take your top off."
"You want this, don't you?"
Elias ponders for a moment. Yes, he very much does, even if he's angry. The setting isn't great, so he'll have to work with what he has. He only wishes that Peter weren't so smug about it, because it's making Elias want to make him regret it.
When Elias goes to take it off, Peter tells him that there's no rush. His voice is calm, but the command is clear enough. 
Elias takes a deep breath to ground himself and throws the sweatshirt next to Peter. Elias knows that he paints quite a picture even if he isn't ripped or anything; he still has a bit of a tan from his last vacation, and Peter eats it all up: from the eye tattoo on the centre of his stomach, to the tiny studs piercing both his nipples.
"Nice," Peter says. 
"I know."
Peter smiles at him and Elias takes note. So he enjoys show offs. Well, good for them both, Elias had never been the shy type. 
"Put a hand in your trousers," Peter tells him. 
It's clear that Peter wants a show. Elias can sympathise, for he himself enjoys a bit of watching, too. 
Elias doesn't get to do it much these days, but whenever the bathrooms are empty, he pulls himself off in front of the mirror. He knows exactly what to do to make it good, and the risk of getting caught has him coming harder and faster than usual.
He slides both hands down his chest and abdomen, keeping one at the waistband of his joggers while the other disappears beneath the fabric and takes hold of himself. He's half-hard and every one of his motions is clear, so he takes his time.
It doesn't feel good at first. The build up has been all wrong, and the fact that his hands are cold and dry doesn't help. But then he takes one look at Peter and the thrill of being watched sparks it all to life. 
Peter doesn’t take his eyes off of him; his own hand is working in his trousers. He's big, Elias notes, and the thought has him fully hard in seconds. It doesn’t take long for a wet spot to form on the front of his joggers. 
When Peter tells him to stop, Elias obeys, hoping that this is when Peter also has him kneel and put his mouth to work. Instead, Peter asks him to turn around. 
"Show me," he demands. "You know how."
Elias slides his trousers down with a sigh. He hears Peter shuffle forward behind him. 
Elias would hate it for Peter to miss any details, so he grabs his buttocks and kneads them open, stepping astride to let Peter see it all. Elias a bit damp down there, but he keeps himself shaved as a rule, and that earns him some praise.
"Oh fuck," Peter breathes. "Bend forward a bit."
"Like this?" 
Elias doesn't expect an answer. Peter's hand is working fast and from the sound of it, his cock is very wet. 
"Yeah, just like that. Put a finger in."
Elias teases, but doesn't. "Can't. Too dry."
Peter curses softly. "Get over here."
Elias is almost shaking with anticipation. He hasn't been eaten out in ages, and he's so here for this.
"You O.K. with spit?" Peter asks. 
Peter grunts in approval, then spits right onto his hole. Elias lets out a shuddery breath, then slowly works a finger in. It's hard doing it all by himself, and soon his arm gets tired; he flags a bit, lets his head hang. 
"You gotta give me something here," he tells Peter. This isn't begging, he tells himself. This is negotiating. 
"I know. Fuck."
Elias straightens up and gives Peter a side glance. "Problem?"
"See, usually I don't touch them."
Elias frowns. That's news. 
"So you just-"
"I'm not a fan of touching, let's put it that way. And it's enough to just do this. Most of the time, that is."
Elias nods, but there's something to unpack here. "Well, you are turned on. Why isn't it enough?"
Peter's hand, motionless for a while now, withdraws. 
"You, I guess."
Elias scoffs. "I'm sorry my asshole isn't to your tastes."
"I haven't tasted you. That's probably why."
Elias has the decency to blush. His heart has never beat so fast with anyone before, but he tells it to get a grip.
"Well I'm right here, aren't I."
Peter takes a deep breath. Elias can almost see the moment that his resolve locks into place. 
Peter doesn't go straight for it. He places both hands on Elias' hips and caresses his sides, making Elias aware of him (as if he isn't already). The act makes goosebumps rise on the skin, and Elias’ cock fills out again. 
Peter kisses the low of his back and up his spine, where he can reach from a sitting position; then his cheeks, against which his shallow beard feels rough. Peter sinks his teeth into them, just enough to make it twinge. Just enough to make Elias' cock twitch and invite a hand to wrap around it. 
Peter takes his sweet time biting his ass and pulling him off. Elias is ready to drive nails by the time Peter finally makes him bend forward and starts working on his hole. If Elias moans and pushes against his tongue, well, he's only human.
For someone who doesn't like touching, Peter is surprisingly good at this. Instinct or perhaps patience makes him into quite an attentive partner; he'll stick to any actions that elicit a more intense reaction from Elias; it isn't long before Elias loses it and reaches behind himself. 
"What are you doing?" Peter rasps. 
"I need-" Elias breathes, pushing a finger inside. "Keep going."
Peter does; they work together, establishing a rhythm that feels comfortable for them. 
Elias will come from this, that is for sure, but it will take a while to get there. His arm keeps getting tired, which forces him to slow down. If Peter would just- If he'd just- 
"Come on, come on," Elias whines in frustration. "Fuck me."
Peter grunts, burying his face deeper into his ass. Elias removes his hand and locks it around Peter's nape with a tight fist in his hair. 
That's it, he thinks, and pushes Peter’s hand out of the way to give his cock what it actually needs. 
Peter pulls back and sticks a finger inside. The girth of it is a perfect stretch, it makes Elias let out a broken curse and come a little just then.
"Shit, you're so hungry for it," Peter says. "Bet if I put my cock in you, you'll come right away."
Elias smiles at the idea. "Wanna bet?"
Peter snorts. "Another day, yeah. Wanna take my time with you."
"It's a date then."
Peter works his finger deeper, finding Elias' sweet spot. 
"Here?" he asks, but the soft whimper that Elias lets out leaves no room for doubt. 
Elias bears down on it. "Keep doing that. God, just- oh." 
Maybe he had underestimated how turned on he was. He comes, sudden, dripping all over Peter's floor. It's so thick and heavy that Elias is somewhat embarrassed. 
"Holding back, have we?" Peter observes. 
Elias would kill him if he wasn't thrusting inside him so good. 
"You would too if you had a schedule like mine."
Peter hums. "Drop by when you feel like it. It'll be my pleasure to help."
Peter pulls his finger out and stands up. Gently, he brings Elias to himself by the hips. 
Elias lets him because fuck, Peter is so warm and large...The way he’s kissing Elias’ nape is sending shivers up his spine. Funny though, it’s almost as if Peter is unsure about it. 
"First time doing this?" Elias asks. It couldn't be. 
"No. But it's been a while." 
Elias hums. Peter's cock is pressing against his ass and that’s quite distracting. "Want some help with that?"
Peter groans and rests his forehead on Elias’ shoulder. "Fuck. Can I- can I come on you? I won't put it in, just rub it against you."
Elias would be very much down to taking Peter all the way if he weren’t so spent. He had come here ready for it, anyway. Right now though, he’d have to make do.
"Sure," Elias says. He shuffles onto bed on his knees, spreads his legs and presses his chest to the mattress, to give Peter full view and access.
"Fuck, you don't hold back, do you?"
"Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, love."
Peter doesn't hesitate, only pulls his trousers down, holds Elias by the waist and starts rutting against him. 
It feels brilliant even after coming. Elias moans into the mattress, getting off on imagining the picture that they must paint. 
Peter taps his hole with the tip of his cock, grazes against it. Elias never would’ve thought that Peter was the cursing type, but tonight is proving otherwise. 
When Peter comes, Elias can feel it dripping down his balls and onto bed. They're both breathing heavily, but once Peter recovers, he pulls up his trousers and grabs some tissue to wipe Elias. 
Elias had half-hoped that Peter would lick him clean, but maybe that was pushing the boundaries a bit too far for a single night.
Elias gets dressed and they face each other. Peter seems awkward — who would've guessed, when he seemed so in charge earlier.
"So," Peter says. "Hope I made it up to you."
"Are you fishing for compliments, Mr. Lukas?"
Peter laughs and scratches the back of his head. 
"If I am, will you tell me?"
Elias considers it. "No. Maybe. Say pretty please."
"Goodbye, Elias." 
Peter shows him to the door. They don't kiss; that would be a level of sentimentalism that might make Elias gag. That is, any other time it would have. Now though, they say goodbye and Elias goes back to his room wishing that they did.
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heyitsaloy · 3 years
ooo for the oc asks, for both kerre and graoth:
☀️ 🍼 👀
♥ @reachfolk
This is going to be fun! It honestly, made me think a bit more about their relationship.  Kerre ☀️ - Truth be told, Kerre is genuinely happy with a gift that Gratoth made her. Gratoth crafted twin orichalcum swords in a traditional Redguard style with the help of an old Redguard master blacksmith who lived in Orsinium at the time they moved to Wrothgar to open the orphanage. It made Kerre cry when she received them, as it reminded her so much of her home in the Alik’r Desert, in a small village called Balaara. Before meeting Gratoth, Kerre was the happiest travelling the world on the open seas on a boat called Sahan’s Regret, where she stayed for free in exchange for her talents as a sword-singer. She become known as The Ghost.  However, after meeting and falling for Gratoth, her home is where ever Gratoth is.  🍼 - Oh boy. Kerre is a bundle of nerves when it comes to children. She has no idea how to treat them, last time she was told to watch kids she gave a Khajiiti child a dagger, it was dull, to defend themselves from bullies. After that situation, which occurred when she was eleven, Kerre was never trusted with children again. So when Gratoth suggest opening an orphanage in Orsinium, Kerre was essentially terrified. What if the kids got a hold of one of her weapons? Or what if a child were to get kidnapped by bandits? What if one of the kids got sick? A lot of what if scenarios ran through Kerre’s head before, she decided fuck it, and dived in to help children. After the orphanage was open for five years, Kerre decided to adopt an Argonian child by the name of Usheen with Gratoth, after the father asked them to take care of his son and handed them an idol of Sithis. Which makes Kerre wonder if the father was a Shadowscale, however after he left, she could not find him at all in the following days. 👀 - *through the eyes of Delphine*  I cannot believe this individual is the Dragonborn. T’uzen is a literal disaster waiting to happen, considering her lineage. One of her ancestors was the Hero of Kvatch who went missing, another became a vampire, and the others? They were various nameless individuals who always seem to be at a center of a catastrophe. Perhaps the T’uzen line is cursed, although many seem to say blessed. My own research suggests that the Dragonborn grew up in Balaara, a remote village in the middle of the Alik’r Desert. Her parents are relatively unremarkable, the father was a mercenary with ties to the Dark Brotherhood chapter in Hammerfell, while the mother was a talented sword master, and alchemist who had resorted to carrying out contracts for nobles who paid for her particular talents. That is beside the point, the Dragonborn, Kerre shown skills in swordsmanship and mental abilities at an early age and was sent to the Abbey of the Blades to train. It was there that the Dragonborn learned the Way of the Sword at the age of eleven. About six years later, the Dragonborn was said to have mastered this style, but eventually grew bored by her surroundings. It’s around this time that it is difficult to track the Dragonborn’s steps. Some rumors say she went on a pilgrimage, while others say she became the pirate known as The Ghost. The true story is that she became a pirate, and raided Nordic ships. It should be noted that the Dragonborn used her skills as a sword-singer to incapicate her enemies, as it is noted by witnesses that she has never killed anyone unless it was in self-defense She was arrested on the Sea of Ghosts, and sent to Helgen to go to trial. It was obvious from the events that happened there and at Whiterun, that I needed to get to her first before the Greybeards did. I did manage to intercept the Dragonborn, who seemed to be disorganized and lacked some much-needed sleep. Talking with her for a while makes me believe that even though she seemed well, she was falling apart. I didn’t introduce myself as a member of the Blades, however, as it seemed like she would not be able to handle that.  Kerre is about 27 when the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim starts.  Sorry that was super long! I really got into it. Below the cut is Gratoth’s answers.
☀️ - Gratoth is typically happy whenever music is involved, just not a frog-caller, a horn that utilizes frogs, which can be found typically in Blackmarsh. While growing up in Wrothgar, she was by her father, who adapted a bardic lifestyle. The two of them often travelled around Tamriel, which exposed Gratoth to all forms of music. She found herself falling in love with the bardic lifestyle, and at the age of sixteen applied to the Bards College, and was denied. This did not stop Gratoth, however, she travelled to Cyrodiil and paid for private lessons from bards. Eventually, Gratoth gained the attention of nobility everywhere, thanks to her singing and instrumental capabilities. After about ten years (I personally see Gratoth as 32 when the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim starts), she is hired by Elenwen to perform at the Thalmor Embassy for a reception event. Gratoth graciously accepts, seeing this to be a highlight of her career. It was here, that Gratoth met Kerre, and literally felt like the world had stopped, and no one was there except for Kerre and herself. This makes Gratoth recall her father’s stories about how he met her mother, saying that it felt like the entire world stops, showing him the most important person in his life, aside from Gratoth.  (Imma stop here cause this is where the HC’s come in) 🍼 - Gratoth has strong maternal instincts. Children are amazing to her, and need to be treated with the same amount of respect as an adult. After two years, the dragon crisis and the vampire crisis had been solved. It was during this that Gratoth tried to bring up the concept of adopting children with Kerre, but Kerre had shown some hesitation, which Gratoth understood given the entire situation with Daviya and Kirati, she understood. Kerre had explained her hesitation to Gratoth as, she felt like something terribly was about to happen. About six months after this conversation, during Frostfall, the cultists of Miraak showed up. Gratoth promised to wait for Kerre, and that she would be ready for the day that she returned. It took a year and a half for Kerre to return to Skyrim, but at this time she was ready to look at the idea of adoption. So, Gratoth suggested an alternative, that they move to Orsinium and open up an orphanage, which they named Flockhawk Orphanage Sanctum. Five years later, they adopt an Argonian child, Usheen, who they were personally asked to raise by his father. Any search for Usheen’s father resulted in dead ends. Despite this, she was overjoyed for the opportunity to raise the young Argonian as their own. 👀 - *a senior member of the Bard’s College* This Gratoth person seems to be a promising singer with an eye for instruments. It was rather unfortunate that we could not accept her here. So, I sent word to my colleagues in Cyrodill to keep an eye out for a brown haired orc with a gold raven pin in her hair. I really do wish her the best, even if we could not help her here. Gratoth is rather talented, and will most likely be going to high places in her future. Although, I wonder how an Orc, like her, became a singer. When asked, Gratoth did not seem so keen on sharing. Perhaps it was seeing other bardic troupes perform, or talking to bards in the local taverns. Whatever the case may be, I pray for her future success.  Here is the finished product! I hope you all enjoy it. :) 
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oh-obrien · 5 years
Can i get baddass!reader and soft!dylan. Maybe theyre both famous and she's helllllllaa talented
Uhhh hell yes!
I apologize if this wasn’t exactly what you were thinking but it’s where my brain went off the bat!
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You sighed deeply and looked at your watch as you pressed the button for your floor on the elevator doors after the doors had closed with a soft clang, the time reading half past ten at night. You had woken up at six fifteen that morning and all you wanted to do was get your heels and suit off before snuggling up next to your fiance and dog. You felt your work phone going off in your bag and opted to ignore it until the next morning, you’d done more than enough the past two weeks, you deserved a break.
After the elevator doors opened up on to your floor you stepped out on to the woven carpet in the hallway and walked across the hallway to your door. Quickly punching your keycode into the pad on the door you heard the lock click open before you pushed down on the silver handle. Entering your apartment you immediately noted that most of the lights were off and all you heard was the drone of the television floating down the hallway from the bedoo, you shared with Dylan.
You also smelled the onions and peppers he must have fried earlier still lingering in the air, which caused your stomach to gurgle slightly. “Yeah, after we get changed,” you mumbled toeing off your black heels. You were able to grab a bite to eat at one of your favorite pizza places after closing statements had finished, but that had been around two-thirty that afternoon.
You placed your bag by the door and quietly made your way down the hall in case Dylan had fallen asleep since you had last heard from him nearly two hours ago. Slowly pushing your bedroom door open you saw Dylan curled up in the middle of the bed in a pair of gray sweats, his hair slightly damp, your corgi asleep on his chest. “Hey babe,” he offered you a sleepy smile.
“Aren’t you two adorable?” You leaned down to give him a quick kiss and he smiled looking down at the puppy asleep on him.
Dylan shrugged and nodded, “guess we are pretty cute.” He picked her up and sether down on the blanket before sitting up. “You did amazing,” he added. You sighed and looked over to the television, the news on, your press conference from earlier playing. “It was pretty hot if you ask me,” he smirked as you pulled your blazer off.
You watched the expensive fabric crumple into a ball on the floor before reaching back and unzipping your skirt. “Glad my months of stress was attractive to you,” you rolled your eyes. Strolling into your walk in closet while you unbuttoned your shirt you heard Dylan push off the bed, following you. “Sorry, that came off wrong,” you sighed.
Dylan stepped in front of you and pulled a hoodie out of his section of the closet, holding it out for you to take. “Here, get comfortable and I’ll go heat up some dinner for you,” he kissed your forehead as you took the fabric from him. You watched as he walked out of the closet and picked up his phone before leaving the room.
Unclipping your bra and als dropping it to the floor you pulled the hoodie over your head and pulled open your underwear drawer, looking for a comfortable pair. You settled on a pair of boyshorts and changed into them before gathering up your laundry and throwing it into a hamper. You knew it should be dry cleaned, but that was a later problem.
After slipping on a pair of nike pros and fuzzy socks you made your way to the kitchen. Dylan stood at the stove, a spatula in one had and a beer in the other. He was turning over a sausage in the pan and you felt your stomach grumble again, eagerly awaiting your fiance’s sausage and peppers. “Sorry for being moody,” you slipped your arms around Dylan’s waist and rested your cheek on his shoulder, “I’m just exhausted.”
“You know,” he set his beer down, “you’re probably more famous than I am now.” He must have known you rolled your eyes behind him because he followed it up with “I’m serious.”
You removed your arms from his warm skin as he reached for the bowl he had taken out, pouring the sausage and peppers mixture over the pasta already in the bowl. “It was just a big case is all,” you kissed his lips gently as you took the bowl from him.
“Yeah but,” he handed you a fork, “you’re the newest ADA in the city and you just proscuted, and won, the biggest human trafficking case the whole country, let alone New York, has ever seen!” He raised an eyebrow as he picked up his beer again.
You swallowed the bite of food in your mouth before following Dylan into the living room, “okay that is true.” You gave in. “But you’re also in one of the biggest TV series of the 2010’s, not to mention all the movies too, so I bet more people would recognize your name.” Dylan picked up the TV remote and flicked on the television.
Every news channel he turned to had your post trial press conference on it, “so?” You asked around your food. “That literally just happened,” you pointed at the screen with your fork.
“Not arguing with you about it because I’ll lose,” Dylan picked his arm up and allowed you to snuggle into his side. “But maybe I should argue with you, I mean-” he trailed off looking over to you. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you looked hot.”
You rolled your eyes and swallowed before speaking. “I am too tired to put my suit back on tonight and fulfill whatever little fantasies are running through your head right now O’Brien.”
“I mean, I never said anything about that,” Dylan snickered and knocked back the rest of his beer. “You in lawyer mode does something to me babe,” he sighed. “Like just the way you carry yourself, and those suits, and you intimidate nearly everyone in the room.” He let out a very over exaggerated groan. “Hot.”
“Ew,” you mumbled, taking your last bite of food. “Stop that shit.” Sliding the bowl on to the table you heard your personal cell phone ring from the counter in the kitchen.
Dylan looked down to where you snuggled into his chest, your eyes slipping closed. “Need that?” He asked you.
“Nope,” you shook your head, “it’s people looking for interviews who I made the mistake of giving my number once.”
You felt Dylan’s hand slide under his hoodie you had on. “Interviews you say?”
“Dylan,” you groaned knowing where he was going.
“So famous,” he laughed, kissing the top of your head.
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elopez7228 · 4 years
Scenic Route 35/47
Read on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18268208/chapters/43229774 
Start over : https://elopez7228.tumblr.com/post/620919089893933056/scenic-route-0147
Armitage Hux was visibly rattled. His face was red and his eyes were about to bulge out of his skull. He pursed his thin lips to the bone as his nostrils flared with every exhale. He appeared to be on the brink of implosion.
Today had been an utter disaster. He had bet on Syed Ren’s success following Kylo’s utter insubordination, naively hoping for results in under twenty four hours. It was the 8th of July and Syed Ren was well past due to deliver her promises: the documents, Kylo Ren and Rey Jakku in chains, and a taxidermy of BB8 on a silver platter.
Hux had spent all night waiting for a miracle that never happened.
Earlier this morning he had finally recieved a call, but not with good news. Kylo was injured but had escaped with the girl aboard the Millennium Falcon. Syed had insisted that the girl was armed and had taken them by surprise. She didn’t elaborate further, or admit that the decision to let them go was a monumental failure.
Typically, FORCE agents never went into the details of their dirty work, unless they wished to embellish the story or brag about their accomplishments. The fact that Syed discussed anything at all revealed the true magnitude of the catastrophe.
It seemed that Kylo Ren had resigned from his duties, betrayed two of his own team members, and fled the scene with his new mistress.
Hux promptly ordered them to find the Millenium Falcon. It was a piece of junk from the 70s that would surely stick out like a sore thumb in regular traffic.
Alas, both Syed and Skylar Ren, two of the most experienced recon agents in the company, had been outsmarted by what they could only describe as a sandal-clad British tourist. Hux was about to eat his hat. Maybe even literally.
At Syed’s behest, he deployed a swath of police officers across the region. Cops were easy to corrupt these days, greedy and unscrupulous enough to turn a blind eye now and then. The “official” memo Hux released today summed it up quite nicely: “seeking unidentified suspects in an armed robbery, responsible for assaulting a gas station employee, traveling in a vintage brown 1977 Oldsmobile Cruiser.”
Every road from Bozeman to Helena was under surveillance. If Kylo Ren and his princess were there, they would be caught red handed. Hux would be getting a call from the police as soon as they laid hands on them.
Unexpectedly, he was less angry and much more willing to strike than ever before. It was time to marshal their forces and get this situation under control.
The second call Hux received that day was, regretfully, not from Police Chief Unkar Plutt. Instead, it was from Shakti Ren. What could Shakti possibly want, and where did she stand? He needed to handle this prudently.
“Sir, I’d like to report that we were targeted by Earth Soldiers last night.”
Hux almost spat out his darjeeling breakfast tea.
“What do you mean targeted?!”
“Kylo Ren’s personal vehicle was vandalized during the concert. Slashed tires, shattered windows, dents all over the place. It was signed, too.”
“There was a green bomb painted on the front, I’ll send photos. Earth Soldiers and their sympathizers are becoming more agressive. I think Kylo is getting major pushback for something he did. What are your orders?”
In his shock, Hux remained silent. Why were Earth Soldiers there—moving so vindictively, no less? Syed had assured him that Rey was just a diversion that Kylo was following around on a wild goose chase. Hux had built his entire plan to oust Kylo on that very fact. One of them was surely lying, but who? The only thing he knew for certain now was that any schism within FORCE would only benefit the Earth Soldiers camp.
“Erase all evidence of the truck. Thank you for this information, I will contact Kylo separately. Expect orders from him or from myself within the hour.”
Of course, he had no intention whatsoever to call Kylo. What would he say? “Sorry, turns out you were right and I misjudged you?” He would rather drop dead. Hux was closing in on the bastard after three days of hell, the details were negligible. It was time to finish this—if Kylo got ahead now, the consequences would be dire.
The feeling of restlessness and frustration was inescapable. Here he was, cooped up in the office and playing a game of Chinese whisper with the field agents. His desk telephone was the next to ring. Bloody hell, what was happening this morning?
No one ever called him on that. Now and then, Phasma would ring a few times and hang up in order to get his attention.  Occasionally Snoke did the same, in order to get him down to the director’s office in person.  
Looking down at the number, he realized it was the governor’s office. Hux had a bad feeling about this. He ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his vest. He took one final deep breath before answering.
His eardrums immediately regretted the decision as Representative Krennic yelled so loudly that it was a miracle Hux didn’t go deaf right there.
Orson Krennic was a man of few words who could generously be described as glacial. The fact that he managed to lose his sangfroid and his voice in the same conversation was startling. Hux paled as he listened.
Apparently they had just recieved a message from Skylar Ren. A video,  secretly recorded in Governor Valorum’s office, showing his lawyer negotiating over a briefcase full of cash from an unknown beneficiary...who was represented that day by none other than Armitage Hux himself.
The video had been taken by a “an unknown third party”, probably Skylar himself. The man had been FORCE’s field representative in California a few months earlier, after all. One of Kylo’s fucking punks, silent, brutal, and loyal to the bone. The perfect spy. What a fantastic decision that turned out to be.
If Skylar had passed for loyal back then, the message accompanying the video now was anything but: “times are changing. Make sure I’m spared, or you’ll fall when I do. I’m expecting a video call from you, or else.”
“Damned mercenaries! Look what your so-called teams have done, Hux!” Krennic spat. “Is it my job to manage your freaks, so close to the trial date? You better get this boy and the others under control soon, or I assure you that if I go to prison you’ll end up as my cell mate. Is that clear?!”
It had been very clear. Hux had managed to drop his mug, lukewarm tea soaking his silk socks.
What madness had possessed Skylar Ren—wasn’t he Syed’s right hand man? What a nest of vipers, the lot of them. Hux himself had been betrayed by Kylo, who had been betrayed by Syed, who had been betrayed by Skylar. Were they all too daft to realize that if the law caught one of them, it would burn them all? At this stage he would have to sit them all down and explain what seventy years in prison would look like...
The party was over, starting right now. What a shit day. Taking out his phone, he called Plutt’s office in Bozeman.
“I have a suspect for you in the armed robbery case. I’ll send a photo and identification over. You have to stop this man at all costs, he’s dangerous, and heavily armed. He likely changed vehicles. Look for him and the car separately, let me know when you’ve found one or the other. When you catch him take him straight to the station. No phone, no lawyer. Don’t let him speak to anyone—I’ll send someone over to deal with it.”
Fuck, what a mess.
Hux had imagined that after defeating Kylo, he would assume control of the Knights of Ren. But that was turning out to be a grave mistake.
They were less a team and more a group of merciless ruffians with unspoken rules and undocumented methods he had yet to decipher. It was an oversight on his part not to have connected the dots between Kylo’s terrible behavior and the anarchy that thrived within the Knights’ circle. And he had been too proud to admit it but...by eliminating the man who kept the Knights on their best behavior, he had accidentally unleashed the Six Depraved Riders of the Apocalypse. It was going to take all of his effort to stop them from razing everything to the ground.
And because trouble travels in packs, his fourth call of the day was none other than Kylo Ren. For once, Hux had no idea where this conversation was going to go.
“Good Morning. Having a good day?
“Better than yours, I hope.”
Given the morning Hux had endured, it was a subtle way of wishing that he fell to his death. The hostilities were back.
But Kylo wasn’t taking the bait.
“Here’s the deal, jackass: don’t think for one second that I don’t know about the web you’ve spun around me. I don’t know if you think you’re some kind of subtle genius or whatever, but you’re not fooling anyone.”
Hux gritted his teeth. “Why, I have no idea what you’re taking about. I’m just a pen pusher in the office, after all.”
“Yeah, that’s the difference between us right there. You do the paperwork, I do the dirty work. What were you thinking, waltzing in and meddling with my team like that?”
“Strategizing, it’s my job.” Hux replied, though his voice was less assured.
Kylo was taking everything in stride. It was only a matter of time before he caught up. When had the situation gotten out of Hux’s control?
“Your strategy is shit. Earth Soldiers had a microchip with everything on it. The documents, the bribery, all of it. And the media is waiting to swallow it all, and send us directly to prison. When did you ever think this was a game, Armitage? This isn’t beer pong anymore. If we lose, there will be consequences.”
Hux did not respond.
“That microchip,” Kylo continued, his gravelly voice oddly calm, “is something only I can get you. Syed couldn’t read the girl. My instincts are good and they never lie—I told you from day one that Rey Jakku was an Earth Soldiers operative and she was gonna give us hell. Thanks to your side deal with Syed and Skylar, she disappeared without a trace while my team was somewhere off in Candyland.”
Armitage was on the verge of a panic attack. He hated not being able to distinguish the truth from the lies, the friends from the enemies. He hated losing control. This conversation was sounding more and more like a trial.
But Kylo wasn’t done yet.
“Give me back the Knights, my Knights, that you tried to turn against me. And don’t fucking interfere in things you don’t understand. Keep the paperwork up, from your corner office with that gorgeous view of the ocean. Fieldwork is my job. Otherwise, I’m sure Snoke would love to find out that you’ve been playing James Bond so effectively back there.”
“Fuck you.”
No response. The bastard had nothing to say in return. The anger boiled in Hux’s veins.
“Yeah, well, you really need to get laid. Maybe you should go rub one out. I’ve got better things to do. Stay out of my business and leave my Knights alone. Let me do my job in peace. Trust me, you don’t want to end up on my hit list.”
Hux hung up. He’d had enough.
He needed another tea. No, a vodka tonic. Without the tonic. He needed a whole bottle of vodka and it wasn’t even noon yet.
Two very long hours passed, his questions remained unanswered. What the hell was Bozeman PD doing? Who exactly was this Rey? Where did Kylo, Syed, and Skylar stand, and who came up with the absolutely ridiculous notion of adding the nonsensical title of “Ren” to their names?
He had a fit of rage the next time his phone vibrated.
“WHAT IS IT NOW?” He yelled into it.
It was Plutt, with the first good news of the day. Hux immediately calmed down. They had apprehended the suspect in a grey car in Bozeman. He had resisted arrest which had increased the charges against him. He was under police custody for now. He was alone, no phone, no lawyer. Plutt was waiting for orders.
“Perfect.” Hux breathed, shoulders sagging. “I’ll send someone to get him. Keep him for at least twenty-four hours, and don’t let him speak to anyone. Anyone, you hear me?”
“Will do, sir.”
Hux sighed in relief. Things were falling back into place. Skylar was under lock and key, and the car would be found any second now—with Rey inside. That left Kylo and Syed, which was more manageable.
He slumped back into his chair and took a swing of his secret stash of Belvedere.
The telephone on his desk rang again, and the smile on his face dissipated as his blood went cold.
Shit. It was Snoke.
5 notes · View notes
almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching Good Omens (ALL OF IT)
my favourite novel is now my favourite mini-series and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL
under the cut: a very long, spoilery six-episode reaction to MY NEW FAVOURITE THING EVER
may 31st 07:36pm nz
i posted my episode 1 reaction a couple hours ago but that got ZERO NOTES so i assume people are either avoiding spoilers or aren’t interested, which is fine, but i’m just gonna put all my reactions in one big post so anyone who IS interested doesn’t have to read 6 separate posts c:
edit june 1st 04:08am: btw i watched using a free trial on amazon prime, which i’m pretty sure is worldwide. soooo if yOU WANT TO WATCH THIS, YOU CAN, FOR FREE
EPISODE 1: In the Beginning
idk how much i’m gonna type, whether i’ll post a reaction to the entire thing in one post....... or how much i’ll end up watching right now
kinda want to spread it out and save it as a treat for after i’ve done some writing
but right now i wanna watch before writing
so maybe i’ll do one ep, write something, then return to this?
edit: aahhaha that didn’t happen
well... since 2011 when i first read the book
but regardless it’S BEEN 84 YEARS
okay first off i did not know amazon prime did adverts at the start of their videos. so i was like SINCE WHEN WAS CHILDISH GAMBINO/DONALD GLOVER IN GOOD OMENS
and then
either way i thought it was a good opening
cool cool cool cool cool
omg i’m used to where the netflix full-screen button is, and on amazon prime that’s the “next episode” button so i gotta be real careful
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dear god my video quality is TERRIBLE
i.......... i might torrent this show and watch it offline
this is horrendous i can’t see a damn thing
i have never seen pixels this big
okay the quality calmed down after a minute
i loooove the intro, i love that it’s basically word for word from the book
i feel like i’d find it funnier if i hadn’t read the book 3 months ago
also? god is a woman? yes
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is it just me or does the snek have a slightly david tennant-esque quality about it
i’m so happy adam and eve are black
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omfg. aziraphale said “ineffable” and now CRAWLEY’S CHECKING HIM OUT TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS ANY JUNK
...or y’know, looking for a flaming sword. SAME FUCKING THING.
also i looove how FLUFFY azi is
azi: “do hope i didn’t do the wrong thing”
i fucking love them both uhrgughhhuhuhughuhhh
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small sob for cuteness
umbella wings
in the opening titles, crowley just stopped a spaceship and aziraphale turned it into fish
i feel like that was a douglas adams reference and i’m on board
the entire time i read the book, up until i saw video promos of this show, i thought “crowley” was said the same way as spn’s “crowley”, as in “crahwlee”
not “crOhwlee”
i definitely like that they’re different though
both probably named after aleister crowley tbh. all of whom are queer.
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i haven’t found david tennant attractive in about 9 years but WHOOOP HELLO AGAIN
somehow attractive for entirely different reasons than before. like. my taste changed but tHEN
i’m on crowley’s side, taking down a cellphone network is VERY ANNOYING
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crowley: shitshitshitshithsit
i can’t wait for aziraphale’s big swear
i miss eating sushi
sushi was great
this baby delivery thing is sTRESSFUL
poor lady
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“little toesie woesies”
where’s the sister mary loquacious fan club and where do i sign up
i’m glad they colour-coded the babies and did the playing card explanation because this part of the book always tied my brain in knots
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this is reminding me how utterly gross england is
“MY POINT IS............. DOLPHINS”
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see in the book
i never once realised that the nanny was crowley in disguise
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digging the snake tattoo sideburns
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and yeah the short hair looks good
fINALLY crowley called azi “angel”
crowley: “oh no no don’t do your magic act, pleeease”
the magic act scene is one of my fave parts of the book <3
aw man they cut out the best part
i mean i get why
the kids shouted a bunch of gay slurs at aziraphale
and there were no secret service people with guns
but aw mannn
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aw man aziraphhale just brought it back himself
i liked it better in the book
they sat on the steps outside and crowley comforted azi and took the dove and fixed it for him, and then it flew off
idk i just had such a perfect image of that moment in my mind and this was..... good but not the same at all
could be gayer
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good dog
crowley: *snifsnif* something’s changed
aziraphale: “oh it’s a new cologne, my barber suggeste--”
crowley: “no no i know what you smell like”
gayyyyyyyyyy <3
okay that’s ep 1 watched!!! i’ll watch more maybe later tonight :D
not as gay as expected ........YET
needs 400% more “angel” and “dear”
EPISODE 2: The Book
pillar of salt guy: “something smells evil”
the fact crowley smells evil and yet aziraphale likes his company regardless says a lot
fully expected crowley to say “i didn’t fall, i sauntered vaguely downwards”
iiiii’m finding the narrator a little annoying
maybe it’s because i read the book so i know what’s going on
but saying “he has four items to deliver in his van. he works for this postage company and he’s making his first delivery in a formal warzone”.... idk i feel like all of those things could be shown visually? saying it rather than showing it probably saved seven seconds of airtime, but damn
i wonder if the narrator was a later addition to this, for new audience clarity? the script for god just seems a little stilted, idk
edit: i kind of got used to it, but it was still jarring, which i’m sure was the opposite of the intended effect
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the saddest newt
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she’s kind of exactly how i imagined her in the book
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and definitely my fave next to aziraphale and crowley
i feel so bad for crowley’s plants
poor babies
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for some reason i imagined her as a redhead. kind of more like mrs weasley
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these wee children......... so soft.......... so smol
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v happy with the casting for pepper
tiny downside is that we lose another redhead
i find the kids’ conversations hilarious because they’re the same age as harry potter when he goes to hogwarts the first time
idk if this is what eleven year olds are like in real life, but when i read the book i did feel distinctly like they spoke like eight year olds
crowley: “i like spooky. big spooky fan, me”
he just sounds like the tenth doctor
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"you know, crowley, i’ve always said that deep down you really are a--”
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loquacious: “sorry to break up an intimate moment”
i imagined anathema’s tripod thing to be about 5 feet tall, not a cute little knee-high thing
freddie mercury: BIIIII CYCLE
yeah i was waiting for that
crowley: “get in, angel”
end of episode 2!!! i freaking loved aziraphale vs the book <3
the credits for this ep credit konnie huq as someone named pam but idk who that is? i had a crush on konnie huq as a kid when she was a presenter on “blue peter”
OH WAIT RIGHT the lady on the breakfast show on crowley’s tv. aw such a small part. hoping we’ll see her again later
edit: nope. might rewatch that part to pay more attention. obviously i didn’t even recognise her after like.. 15 years
EPISODE 3: Hard Times
brb gotta get some food
and now i wait for food
is this the one that’s just crowley and azi’s backstory?
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i can’t even put my finger on why but he’s getting more attractive
ah yes
aziraphale is eating shellfish and trying to tempt crowley
“oh... that’s your job”
i love this part of their dynamic
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i adore when crowley makes aziraphale smile <3
i like seeing how crowley’s sunglasses differ throughout history
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“if they knew i’d been... fraternising”
this is such a forbidden romance i love ittttt
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k this is my favourite part of the show so far <3
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this angel just fell in love
right in that moment
i see cartoon hearts around him
just had to pause for a second bc there was some broccoli in my tea :c
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he got him holy waterrrrrrr
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definitely feeling a lot of “NOW KISS” right about now
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throughout the entire book azi just came across as the kind of person who wore glasses even though glasses were never once mentioned
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i like this colour palette and the gold in their makeup
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“we can go off together”
omg the world’s ending and crowley’s all RUN AWAY WITH MEEE
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okay then
good eyelashes
edit: i also like how their relationship was explained with a simple tap on the wrist: hurry up, you’re on the clock, i’m a sex worker, finish your call because i’m leaving
episode three DONE
these eps don’t feel long enough
maybe that means the pacing is just right? who knows
i feel like i should be doing something other than watching this but..... why
EPISODE 4: Saturday Morning Funtime
aziraphale is SOFT and he’s perfect like that <3
fuck u gabriel and your body shaming
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i want delivery guy to be okay BUT I READ THE BOOK
so............... i know he will be...... eventually
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how did they get photographs taken in the 1600s
oh gabriel’s eyes ARE purple, i thought i was seeing them wrong
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“maud i love you”
noo ho hoooo
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a little douglas adams, definitely
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the season is very much jumping between summer and autumn
though i suppose that’s the point, tadfield is just perfect
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“which the internet has begun to refer to as the kracken”
i wonder if good omens inadvertently inspired me to write The Wireless a couple of years back. wouldn’t be surprising
edit: no, couldn’t have, because the internet wasn’t much of a thing (or a thing at all?) in the book, given its publish date
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that’s a v nice dress/top combo
gosh she’s so pretty
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crowley: “we can run away together!!! alpha centauri!!!”
aw baby
crowley: “i’m going home, angel! i’m getting my stuff, and i am leaving. and when i am up in the stars, i won’t even think about you!!”
why has there not been a single “dear” yet :c
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oh no, this part
i loved this in the book but i am NOT READY for maggots
damn you gaiman
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he’s so cute
and so gay
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uriel: “don’t think your boyfriend in the dark glasses will get you special treatment in hell”
he looks kinda delighted uriel called crowley his boyfriend
i would say he looks worried but this shot was used without context in the trailer and it came across as genuine joy, i actually thought he was looking at crowley
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i thought it was a strange throne before
a spider at the centre of a web
dark halo
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oh now she’s a redhead???
also i’m glad they implied newt and anathema just kissed because the sex thing was weird in the book
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okay never mind
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aziraphale: “oh.................ffffUCK.”
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oh no
it’s happening
oh no
i hate this part but i love what happens because of it
i have eaten and now i have tea and i am back from MORE BOOKSHOP FIRE
EPISODE 5: The Doomsday Option
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and “you’re my best friend” playing while crowley���s tryna call azi
“somebody killed my best friend”
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freddie mercury: “somebody find me somebody tooo ooo looove”
edit: the narration WRECKED this. it was so dramatic and visually emotional but the voiceover completely screwed with it and it was SO UNNECESSARY.
crowley: “i lost my best friend”
he says, while crying, while talking to that friend
azi wanted to share crowley’s body
and then said they had to get a wiggle on
they cut out the hell’s angels / lesser horsemen
i figured they would, but still a shame
in the book tracy’s “spirit guide” was native american but daaaaaamn that part really needed to go
now she’s irish which is... better, probably
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this guy’s having the time of his life
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he wave
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1926 bentley; sexiest car right next to the ‘67 chevy impala
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omg gotta translate and explain the road
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OH NO the maggots are about to happen
they changed the placement of this but it worked for the pacing
k well the maggots were gross but not as bad as i imagined
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omg the dog turned upside down rather than be picked up
i wonder if that was intentional
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pfff he’s reading “american gods” by neil gaiman
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10/10 flaming car
EPISODE 6: The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives
here we go...
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azi so happy that crowley said the dress suits him <3
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rip bentley
aziraphale: “we are here to lick some serious butt!!”
crowley: “kick!! kick, aziraphale, for heaven’s sake”
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i freaking love the parallel between the Them and the horsemen in the book
and i love that they did face shots to show the parallel
pepper = war
wensleydale = famine
brian = pollution
adam = death
the parallel is less clear for brian and wensleydale, at least in the show. was more obvious in the book. but at the same time i kind of got confused between them a lot, brian was always eating, but wensleydale was named after cheese
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pepper: “i do not endorse everyday sexism”
shadwell: “anyone who wants ta get ta the hoore of babylon will have to get past me”
earlier anathema said “boyfriend”
may i point out that all the adults are paired up
shadwell & madame tracy
newt & anathema
aziraphale and crowley
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crowley: “we are FUCKED”
these two need a holiday
azi: “come up with something... or.... or i’ll never talk to you again”
he knows crowley loves him aww
perfect blackmail material
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they went from trying to kill him to being his gay angel parents real quick
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thought they were holding hands for a second there
edit: regardless, a whole damn airfield and they’re 2cm apart
happy ending for the postman, hooray~
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crowley about the bookshop, softly: “it burned down. remember? you can stay at my place”
anathema: “why is your car called dick turpin?”
newt: “dick turpin is a famous highwayman. it’s called dick turpin because everywhere it goes, it holds up traffic”
i laughed
this wasn’t in the book and i always wondered
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i wonder if holy water wouldn’t burn him because he’s too good
gabriel: “don’t talk to me about the greater good, sunshine, i’m the angel fucking gabriel”
really enjoying these swears
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i thought so
paused for a bit to get ready for bed
i thought it was after 4am but nope
“there would be other summers, but not one like this. not ever again”
that genuinely makes me emotional
i think that’s why it’s my favourite book, i can relive that summer with them
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crowley: “let me tempt you to a spot of lunch?
azi: “~temptation accomplished~!”
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“just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing”
that ending with the bird made me teary-eyed
AKSFJDSF /snorts
the end credits and the song i just wanna bawl my eyes out
i loved this so much and i’m so glad it was GOOD
i loved that they added so many people of colour. in the book i imagined crowley played by alexander siddig (star trek: deep space 9 era) but i guess david tennant makes a pretty good crowley too
i’m trying not to be upset that my favourite scene with the dove and aziraphale’s affectionate use of “dear” was taken out
this was damn good regardless. even gayer in places than in the book
this nightingale song is my new favourite song
i never got the reference before
“and as we kissed and said goodnight, an nightingale sang in berkeley square:
i love
the end of the credits “For Terry”
oh this was so beautiful
i’m gonna watch it again with my family probably within the week. i’m so emotionally tender now
ugh i love them more than ever
anathema...... i don’t know if i relate to her, want to be her, look up to her, want her to mentor me, live with her, or find her attractive. maybe all of the above. but she was freaking PERFECT. PE R F E CT 
the casting was so... just right. thank you casting people for anathema.
like... i also didn’t mind the newt/anathema thing so much now. it was hard to tell in the book how much of a relationship they had after, but that smile she gave while lying in bed the morning after, that worked, it said a lot. and i like that it was her choice to burn the prophecy sequel rather than newt’s suggestion
gabriel was amusing. like.. i’m glad he wasn’t in the book. but he was great here. also really like michael and uriel. uriel was so damn beautiful.
i also would really have liked to see a mention of the fact crowley and aziraphale are both agender and potentially asexual. not even a hint of it here. buuuuuut it guess i know from the book. so.
my favourite episode was of course episode 3 with crowley and aziraphale’s 6000 year backstory. especially the 1940s bit where crowley saved the books <3
this show was was less confusing than the book too. ugh it was done so well
we didn’t see where the soldier guy went when aziraphale zapped him away!!! in the book he reappeared safely back home and went out to see his family. to be fair i don’t know whether he died and went to heaven, but it was a nice thing to happen
and they took out the Them’s bully/rival gang, who was led by the third baby from the baby swap, and who won awards for his tropical fish. at least that’s what i remember. which meant the parallel about heaven/hell being rival gangs was lost here. but the parallel between the horsemen and the them was stronger than ever and i loved that.
look, i mean, 10 out of 10, EASY.
favourite thing? yes. yes, absolutely.
shoutout to the one time i wrote a Good Omens/Destiel crossover fic The Angel Cake Challenge
congrats if you made it to the end of this!!! thank you for reading <3 AND GO WATCH THE SHOW IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY
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fusion-ego · 5 years
So... 2019, huh?
((LONG post ahead!))
This year has really been something, hasn’t it? I had to quit my second job ever because of my back problems (along with other shit lol), I hardly wrote anything all year, and I started in on my Bachelor’s degree. I moved 1600 miles cross-country to Arizona and I’ve been down here for six months now! I had to leave my Markiplier Nudes Calendar™ back in Illinois because I forgot to take it off my wall before I left and it probably got thrown away by the landlord :c, I let my parents borrow a credit card for the move down here and went into debt as a result of almost single-handedly financing the move, had several breakdowns, and despite my best attempts I haven’t been able to get a job yet, but I’m still trying!
A lot of things happened this year.
I turned 20.
I started liking myself again after years of literally hating myself and that quickly advanced to me loving myself again. Turns out I’m pretty cool, even if I am annoying as fuck.
Turns out that having primarily depressive episodes and not having the motivation or desire to take care of myself doesn’t make me any less of a person. It doesn’t make my struggles invalid just because I’m the one not taking care of myself. It turns out, taking care of yourself is fucking hard sometimes, especially if the combined symptoms of your mental and physical ailments put you in a position where everything feels like too much.
It also turns out that taking care of yourself is difficult when you’ve spent your entire life (or at least the parts where you actually had friends) putting all of the wants and needs of your friends and loved ones above your own.
Taking care of yourself is hard when you were raised to be The Strong One, who doesn’t break down and who doesn’t have any issues, thanks. The one who, sure, they haven’t showered in a week and they feel like crap because they haven’t eaten, but you don’t need to know that! You just go eat and take a shower, hun, The Strong One is okay.
It took until this year for me to learn that being The Strong One didn’t mean I couldn’t break down sometimes. It didn’t mean I couldn’t take time for myself and that I had to be available all the time for my friends. Setting boundaries has been a learning experience for me and everyone else in my friend group, I think. I think I’ve cried more this year than I have since I was a kid, and you know what that is? Growth.
And honestly, I’ve really gotta thank my lovely fiance @goreyglitches for some of that. I am petrified of crying when anyone can see or hear me. I was raised to be The Strong One and The Strong One doesn’t cry. I conditioned myself to not be a “crybaby” and to never, ever, ever cry. And I know that’s bad - repressing negative emotions just makes it worse in the long-run. I figured that out with anger and tried to fix it long before I tried to fix the crying issue, and this year? This year Tobi’s helped a lot. I trust him, and I feel safe with him, so when he shuts the door and pulls the covers over us and holds me and tells me it’s okay to cry, I cry. And I am so grateful to him for that I don’t think I even have words.
And @ashencreations has been a wonderful friend this year, as always, even if both of us have been having issues this year. They’ve, I think, been one of the people I vented to the absolute most and they’ve been a real peach about it and even if I don’t have a whole lot of energy to talk sometimes (most of the time) they still love me and are accommodating of my issues. That’s pretty cool! I know a lot of people who can’t talk to people they’ve dated in the past and I have to admit I wouldn’t have been surprised if we fell out this year, but here we are - finishing another year as best friends. They let me have my space and they check in to make sure I’ve eaten and slept and showered. And I try to do the same but my check-ins have been a little lackluster this year while I find my boundaries so oops for that. I’ll try harder next year!
And really, I have to thank everyone who’s stuck with me through this year. My friends and my followers and even just folks who know me because I’m mutuals with someone they’re friends with - all of you. I know this year has sucked and I’ve been really annoying and I’m constantly asking for money, so thank you for sticking around. I’m trying to get back into the old swing of things and I’ve put in about a billion applications and I’m in University, can you believe that? You guys being patient even when I’m annoying has been really helpful. This is especially true of the folks in Lexi’s server who have to see me venting all the time. Y’all are darlings and I’m sorry I keep dragging my shit in there lmao I’ll try not to so much next year.
I’m especially thankful, though, I think, of the people who are still with me after so many years of knowing me. Like Ran and Ness and Zare and Comedy and even Em, even if we don’t talk. I mean, Em probably the most - she knew me when I was such a shithead that it’s kinda laughable now and yet she’s willing to be mutuals with me now. That’s pretty funny. (Hey, Em, guess who’s still trying to figure out how to write that TMNT thing and make it as interesting as the original idea was?) And of course I’ve known Comedy since elementary school but we didn’t really get close until high school and then I dropped off the face of the earth for like a year lol but she’s been a peach the whole time I’ve known her. And Ran’s been around for a while, we’ve known each other long enough that he probably still remembers when I went by Al. And Ness, who doesn’t have tumblr to my knowledge, well I’ve known her since diapers and she’s going to be the Maid of Honor at mine and Tobi’s wedding when we have the money to do a real ceremony - I would have filled that place at her wedding, too, if her sister-in-law wasn’t a needy bitch who had to have that position or she’d pitch a fit and ruin the entire wedding. And like, don’t even get me started on Zare, who was there when I was the worst shithead I’ve ever been and somehow still likes me even all these years later. I introduced myself to this man as Prussia, y’all. I introduced myself to him as a fallen kingdom because it was easier to pronounce than my legal name.
(It may have also been because I was into Hetalia and projected onto the character really hard because of all the “I’m awesome!” and thought it would help me be more confident, and also perhaps because my legal name being mispronounced led to a lot of people knowing me as a different fallen kingdom so it was a haha funny joak to me)
Also, this year, a certain vine-man turned youtube-man made a video that really, really spoke to me. Thomas introducing Remus and having an entire episode about intrusive thoughts and ‘bad’ creativity was - it meant a lot to me. Because since 2018, when I started writing Ego stuff, I haven’t... Well, I used to write a lot of dark stuff, y’all. I wrote violent shit because I wanted to and it was kinda just my Thing™. But after I started writing Ego stuff I started feeling like that was problematic, like it was a bad thing that I wanted to write nasty stuff like that. No one did anything to make me think that! It was just that, well, that kind of violence just... Seemed out of place. I’ve been in the process of writing a 146K+ word, 43 chapter fic containing ritualistic cannibalism, murder, unsafe sex, and various other nasty things since 2017 and I spent a terrifying amount of time feeling... Bad for that last year and this year. I’ve had to re-learn that it’s okay to write nasty stuff (no matter the moral issues other people take with it) because exploring not-so-great things in fic, especially to cope, is one of the many points of writing fic. And I’ll be honest, my dumpster fire fic was something I was writing to get through my associate’s degree because it was a new and terrifying experience and the prominent theme of running away was a feeling I was dealing with in tandem at the time. Remus’ introduction reminded me that dealing with intrusive thoughts and exploring the ‘bad’ creativity doesn’t make me a bad person, it just means I have nasty ideas and even the best people can have those. At least I can turn them into something I’m proud of writing.
So, going forward, I’m not going to shy away from writing my nasty stuff, and in 2020 I’m going to try and finish Trial and Error. I haven’t updated it since August, 2018, guys, it needs a new chapter.
And on that note, I don’t usually make New Years’ Resolutions. I never saw the point in the past and it wasn’t something super encouraged by anyone around me, so it never seemed important. But I’m making a resolution this year.
Over the years and years of writing, I’ve encountered something I think every writer encounters - I stopped writing. Now, I’m not saying I don’t write. Obviously I do, and have been, for a long time. I’m saying I don’t write like I used to. In 2013/2014 I wrote a 36-chapter Sly Cooper fic featuring an OC that still gets hits to this day, and I wrote it over the course of three months. I started it in November 2013 and it was done and put aside by the third of January 2014. It’s still one of my favorites! But the chapters are short, the storyline needs work, I didn’t spellcheck anything or even remotely try to keep my timeline completely straight. It was the first multi-chapter story exceeding 10 chapters that I ever finished. I wrote a chapter a day, as long as I was capable of doing so, I posted it, and I never looked back. It’s not a great story, but it’s one of my favorites. I loved it then and I love it now. And that’s something I don’t do anymore! When a fic doesn’t live up to my expectations, I don’t love it like I love that old fic, which did not at all live up to my expectations. My perfectionism has developed over the years and it has killed my creativity. I can still make cool stuff, can still make things I like, but it’s not the same anymore.
So my resolution is, in 2020, I’m going to write.
I’m going to write like I used to, but I’m going to put all of my experience into it.
I started writing in 2008 or 2009, maybe even before that - if I can recapture the love I had for it then, then I will be in great shape. I didn’t spellcheck back then and frankly I kinda sucked at writing even in 2013/2014, but if I can love writing like I did then and put all of what I’ve learned into it? Holy shit. I mean, I’ve been rewriting that old Sly Cooper fic for the past couple weeks, so it’s not exactly a mystery how much better things will turn out if I pour my much better spelling and grammar, my better ideas, my better commitment, into my fics going forward. All I need to make them great is to love doing it.
So in 2020, I’m going to write.
2019 has been a wild ride, and I’ve written less than half of what I wrote in 2018, not even counting all of my Ego requests for either year. I’ve spent the last three days in a mad dash to reach 100K written this year on AO3 by writing 30K before midnight tonight. I have 5K left! But even breaching 100K I won’t be halfway there. In 2018 I wrote 225.6K on AO3, not counting Ego stuff. And I think that’s because I haven’t loved doing it like I used to - the fact that I’ve loved the fic I started in order to make my “30K by tonight” goal and I haven’t let myself have enough time to agonize over whether it’s “good” or not has a lot of effect on how much I’ve written. My wordcount per hour has, like, doubled because I actually wanted to work. So I’ll reach my goal by tonight and still have time to celebrate at midnight.
So, again, thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this crazy year. Things haven’t been great, I’ll be honest, but I’m hoping next year will be better. They’re already off to a good start - my dad and I have a plan for him to start paying me back for how much money we spent moving here, and if I can get a job it’ll only get easier and it’ll only get better. And on top of that me and Tobi have plans to legalize our Marriage™ in September. It won’t be anything big - we’re waiting to have a real ceremony until we have the money to make sure Zare and Ness and Ran can come. But if all goes well, on 9/20/20 we’ll have the legal shit sorted out and Tobi will officially be my husband so that’s just another thing to be looking forward to.
Happy New Year, y’all! Hope you all have a good one. I speak a good 2020 into existence and I won’t stop until I get it.
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I think this is nominally incomplete, but it’s from October and I’m never going to finish it, but I reread it and still enjoy some of the jokes in it so.... I figured other people might get some enjoyment out of it.
Summary: Some defense attorneys, prosecutors, and detectives get together and while drinking make poor conversational choices that vacillate wildly between commiserating over personal trauma and making bad jokes. So, the usual.
“You know,” Kay says, frowning in concentration as she attempts to affix a fourth paper umbrella in her hair, “what always bums me out about these big get-togethers is I always start thinking we should play some super-fun drinking games and then I realize that would be terrible, because, like, ‘Never Have I Ever’ always turns into weird sexscepade confessions and that’d be horrible enough if Mr. Edgeworth was just our boss, but he’s like, our dad, so we can’t do that.”
Everyone takes twenty seconds to absorb what she has said. “There are things I don’t want to know about any of you,” Apollo says. “Especially not Mr. Wright.”
“Because he’s our dad,” Athena adds. She is lying on the floor with her chin propped up on her arms. “Also it’d be mean to play drinking games with me here not being able to.” Her glare turns from Phoenix to Simon. “American drinking laws are stupid.”
“You say to a room full of prosecutors and detectives,” Apollo says.
“No no, she’s right,” Klavier says. “I got my badge in Europe and then came back and they would let me stand in court and prosecute a trial but not buy a beer.”
“Franziska complained all the time about that,” Edgeworth says, with a small smile that is almost fond as he contemplates the dregs at the bottom of his wine glass. “In the interest of full disclosure, she complained about everything in America. She still does, actually.”
“I can see why she would,” Athena says. “I liked Germany. I didn’t actually drink a lot there, though.”
“You are smarter than I,” Klavier says. “I lost about a month somewhere in Germany.”
Phoenix coughs and sets down his glass, which is pint-sized but filled with wine. The only condolence for Apollo, and from the expression on his face, Edgeworth as well, is that he isn’t drinking straight from a bottle. “A month?” he repeats incredulously.
Klavier nods. “I had just taken the bar; I had nothing to do but wait for my results. What else was I supposed to do?”
“Not that?” Phoenix asks. He looks somewhere between impressed and horrified, which is strange for Apollo to realize; he can’t usually read his boss’ emotions from his face. “Anything but that?”
Klavier shrugs. “Ja ja, but I never got arrested or woke up anywhere unfamiliar, so I think I did fine.”
“Did you wake up with that horrible accent, though?” Blackquill asks, smirking slightly, and without looking bats Athena’s hand away from his drink.
“Ooh!” Athena says, pushing herself up into a sitting position. “You know, that’s actually happened! There’s been cases where after a traumatic brain injury, a person has recovered to speak with an entirely different accent that they never had before. So you could have--”
“I’m sorry to dampen your excitement, Fraulien, but I have never had any traumatic brain injuries.” Ema mutters something and Klavier, staring at the glass in his hands, says, “Ach, we’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, and I will amend my statement to ‘not that I know’ because Kris could have dropped me down the stairs when we were young and I can never know for sure now, because what I am sure of is that even if the answer is no, if I asked him now, he would say he did.”
“You know, Kay, that this is realistically where ‘Never Have I Ever’ would end up,” Ema says. “The personal trauma shit, like ‘never have I ever had someone close to me turn out to be a murdering bastard.’” She doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes and instead stares at the floor. “Ah shit I can’t even say that. That one’s happened to me too. Fuck it.” She throws her head back and drains a third of her glass.
“Would that be a shot for each murdering bastard, or just one for all of them?” Klavier asks.
“At that point you just start drinking and don’t stop,” Phoenix says without lowering his glass from his lips, apparently taking his own advice.
“Define ‘close’,” Apollo says.
“We’re lawyers,” Sebastian says. “Why don’t we just all argue about the definition and never get anywhere with it?”
“He was your boss,” Klavier says brusquely. “That’s fuckin’ close enough.” The harshness of the words doesn’t match the way Klavier’s weight leans against Apollo’s shoulder or how his hand shakes just slightly, knuckles too white curled around his shot glass.
“Is ‘close’ in this case simply to be understood as figuratively referring to emotional connection,” Blackquill says, “or would a literal meaning as in physical proximity at length apply as well?”
“When you’re splitting hairs like that just join the rest of us in being drunk and depressed,” Ema says.
“Are we actually playing now?” Kay asks. “Because this is like a super fucked up way to play if we are.”
“Let’s not even bother with the ‘never have I ever had someone I loved be murdered’,” Apollo says. He hadn’t wanted to get drunk tonight, and instead just sit back and watch whatever unfolded, but he’s thinking he might want to change those plans.
“Everyone loses on that one,” Kay says, reaching over and gently patting Apollo’s head, which he thinks is a gesture of sympathy as best as she, pink-cheeked with unfocused eyes, can manage. And he thinks he is just tipsy enough that it actually feels like a comfort. “And the grand prize, ‘never have I ever had someone I loved be murdered by someone I was close to’, because that’s like… aw shit that’s me isn’t it.”
“Depending on how you define your proximity to Ms. Yew, or Shih-na, or whatever you should like to call her,” Edgeworth says, and it’s probably not coincidence that he is now finishing off his wine, after Kay has said those words. Everyone knows the story of von Karma.
“Again,” Blackquill says, his chin resting on his hands, his elbows on his knees, “how are we agreeing to define ‘close’ and does it apply retroactively, in that they only came in close literal proximity to you long after they committed the murder of that particular--” This time he is not quick enough to stop Athena from snatching away his glass and draining the contents.
“Gross!” Widget cries, and Athena sets the glass back in front of Blackquill with an expression of profound disgust twisting her features. “What the hell is that, anyway?” she asks.
“You were duly warned,” Blackquill replies.
“No,” Athena says. “You told me it was illegal, not that it was disgusting.”
Phoenix is laughing at her, his glass untouched on the floor for the past minute. Kay raises an eyebrow. “What, the unluckiest man in the world can’t drink to that?”
“I can’t, actually,” he says, “though not for lack of trying on my ex-girlfriend’s part.”
“Is trauma crossing over with sexscepades now?” Ema asks. “I’m gonna need to be super more drunk if it is.”
“Me too,” Apollo says, staring at the empty glass in front of him. He hadn’t wanted to refill. Now he thinks he needs it. Klavier offers him the remains of his drink. Apollo accepts it.
“It was not a… a…” Phoenix props his chin up on his hands. “Well, depends on how you’re defining it, and whether ‘my college girlfriend was actually twins, one of whom was evil and wanted me dead and tried to frame me for murder when her good twin, who’s a sweetheart other than having a dire blind spot where her sister is concerned, spent eight months trying to convince her not to kill me’ counts as such.”
“Wait,” Ema says, reaching for Kay’s drink, as Edgeworth stands and leaves the room, “you were dating both twins, and you thought they were the same person?”
“They fully intended to convince me they were the same person,” Phoenix says. “And it took me six years and an attempt on my best friend’s life to find out otherwise.”
“Why’d she -- they -- whoever -- try to kill Edgeworth?” Sebastian asks.
Phoenix coughs. “Erm -- my other best friend, Maya. It’s a long fucked-up story that’s incoherent enough when I try to tell it sober but it ended with me cross-examining a dead woman and the prosecution indicted on the murder charges that had been leveled against my client.”
“What,” Athena says.
“I was there and can corroborate,” Edgeworth says, reentering with a new glass of wine.
“Wait,” Klavier says. “When was this?”
“It’s…” Phoenix frowns, staring at Edgeworth. “It was February, so… nine years now.”
“Was that prosecutor Coffee Dude?” Klavier asks.
“Coffee dude?” Apollo repeats. Klavier’s accent has been slipping in and out all night but hearing him utter the word dude is still absolutely jarring.
“Eloquent as ever, Gavin-dono,” Blackquill says dryly.
“I don’t remember his name because I was a self-absorbed piece of shit who’d just joined the office but: Eine, I remember the news article, and Zwei, I remember him taking the pot out of the coffee machine in the break room and drinking directly from the pot.”
“Oh yeah that’d be him,” Phoenix says.
Blackquill frowns. “This prosecutor you speak of -- about my height, white hair, blind, and able to be convinced to punch another inmate for the price of half a cup of sludgewater prison coffee?”
“Oh my god,” Phoenix says.
“Simon,” Athena sighs.
“I did not say that it was I who convinced him to do such. For all you know I may have been the victim of the punching. You assume the worst of me, Athena.”
Apollo snorts at that. Phoenix is rolling his eyes and Edgeworth coughs.
“You met him in prison?” Edgeworth asks, sitting back down next to Phoenix. “I suppose you must have, if you know him, because he was arrested in February and you joined the office in -- May?”
“April,” Athena corrects.
“Right when everything went to shit,” Klavier says.
“In February a prosecutor was arraigned on charges of murder; in March, another prosecutor committed murder in the office, and the chairman of the Investigatorial Committee was convicted on counts of murder and forging evidence since he was Chief Prosecutor -- you forget, again, that in no point in our lifetimes has ours been a functioning legal system.”
Something about the way Blackquill says it, and the way that Klavier responds with “Bleh,” makes Apollo think it’s a conversation they’ve had before.
Sebastian is staring at his hands.
“And that’s when Mr. Edgeworth gave up his badge for two days and I fell off a building and got amnesia,” Kay adds. “And then we caused another international incident. Not totally in that order.”
“What,” Apollo says.
“Oh god I remember half of that,” Ema says.
“You left out the part with the assassins,” Sebastian says.
“I’ve always believed if you’re not in court it’s sometimes better to leave out details in the retellings, and nothing here is dissuading me of this notion,” Phoenix says.
“So what did you leave out of your little sexscepade story?” Kay asks
“Kay,” Sebastian says, “I am begging you to stop saying that word. I will pay you.”
“Hey Chief, I think that’s Prosecutor Debeste saying I should get a salary raise.”
Edgeworth places his face in his hands.
“I left out the part where I fell off a bridge, my murderous ex-girlfriend was my best friend’s cousin, and Edgeworth --”
“Continue leaving out any further part of this involving me,” Edgeworth interrupts.
“Boss, how are you still alive?” Athena asks.
“That’s a case that’s going to go forever unsolved,” Phoenix replies.
“Can we do ‘never have I ever had a near-death experience’?” Athena says. “Or any significant physical injury on the job. How many shots would you have to take for that one, Boss?” Phoenix is muttering under his breath as he starts counting on his fingers. Apollo can’t make out the words but Athena almost immediately objects -- “Wait, did you say tazed?”
“Tazed, blunt force head trauma from a fire extinguisher, fell off a bridge, that one thing from before I was a lawyer doesn’t count because you said ‘on the job’, hit by a car doesn’t really count under that definition either -- I think that’s it.” He stares absently into space. “Actually, no, it was sort of related to the job so in hindsight, add ‘getting smashed with the man who got me disbarred’.”
“Take another shot for tonight, then,” Klavier says.
Phoenix rolls his eyes. “Klavier, shut up,” he says, and Klavier recoils in surprise, blinking a few times. “I mean the one with ill intentions and a penchant for poisoning people. God there’s so many ways that could’ve ended with me dead over a bowl of borscht in that hell restaurant.” His eyes go unfocused staring at some point over Apollo’s head. “You know what’s another one of the super fucked up parts about that?” He doesn’t wait for anyone to ask before he continues, “I don’t even like borscht.”
Klavier coughs, or at least Apollo thinks it’s a cough, but it also sounds like a laugh and a sob intermingled.
“You exasperate me,” Edgeworth says to Phoenix. Phoenix flops over into his lap like a particularly boneless cat.
“Here’s ‘take a shot if your older sibling is or has ever been in jail,” Ema says dryly, emptying her glass and then laying backwards on the floor. “Welcome to the shit club, boys.”
“I think Herr Samurai and I need more alcohol for this one,” Klavier says.
“Then go get us some,” Blackquill says.
“Sometimes I feel like I am the only one doing the work in this relationship,” Klavier says.
Athena chokes on air.
Edgeworth sighs. “You both know what I am going to say.”
The response comes in near-unison from the three other prosecutors and two detectives. “Dollar in the jar!”
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– due process. pt 11
hallelujah! i sat myself down and made myself finish this part bc i could not seem to do it! honestly, that stems from me not wanting to write the ending i ORIGINALLY wanted. if y’all wanna know what i originally had planned, feel free to ask but also know that i’m a wimp that gets attached to my characters and can’t fathom anything bad happened to them (dw no one was gonna die!) hopefully this isn’t too confusing?? the next part will be the last! xoxo mira
“For the last time,” Natalie began again, her shoulders hunched over as she stared down Ben across the metal table, “This is the best deal you’re going to get.” Ben said nothing at first, only looked over to you before looking back at the prosecutor, “I don’t want it. I didn’t kill her.” “I’m not going to make him take a deal in the interest of bumping your closing rate,” you added, mirroring the prosecutor’s aggressive stance. “And why haven’t you arrested Andrew Bennett? He literally admitted to raping Amanda Taylor, he probably killed her, too!” you said, your brow knitted together in frustration. “You know it’s not that easy,” Natalie replied, sitting back against her chair. “You mean because his dad’s got money, don’t you, Ms. Ross?” Ben said suddenly, surprising you with his tone. Ordinarily, even under the stress of the trial, Ben never rose his voice, not like this. “It’s complicated,” Natalie said evenly, but she didn’t meet Ben’s intense gaze, and instead began to address you, “Y/N, I’m trying to help Benjamin. Help me help him.” You slowly shook your head, Ben’s words and the overall unfairness of the situation having worn you down.
You had expected Andrew to be arrested right there and then after his spontaneous admission in court, but that day was a mess. The galley had burst into a commotion, the Bennett family lawyer, your old boss, having jumped to Andrew’s defense, while the judged demanded for the room to settle down. You could barely keep your focus on one thing as the judge dismissed the court for the day, Andrew’s explosive testimony having disrupted the flow of the case. They took Ben back and you found your way towards Matt as you headed out of the courtroom, Natalie having been caught in a heated discussion with Richard Wesley. “What do I do, Matt?” you said, turning to him once the two of you found a quiet corner of the courthouse. He sighed, leaning his back against the wall as he stood next to you, “You keep fighting.” You shook your head, tears brimming your eyes as you leaned your head against his shoulder, “I’m tired. I’m so tired.” “I know, I know,” he murmured into your hair, pulling his arm over your shoulder to comfort you. The two of you stood there for a while, for a minute or maybe five, until you heard someone coming down the hall, prompting you to pull away. You pressed at your cheeks, pushing the wet remnants of tears away from your face before looking back up a Matt, willing yourself not to cry.
“How could I have defended someone like that? I knew he did it, he never said he did, but I knew it, in my heart, I knew he had done it, and Matty, I did nothing!” you started babbling, forgetting where you were until Matt shushed you. “Y/N,” he said in a low voice, his hands reaching towards your shoulders to steady you, “You are not a bad person. He is.” You nodded, trying to hold the thought in your head long enough that you even believed it for a second. “You fix this by helping Ben, he’s a good kid, and you are going to save him.” You nodded, finding these words more comforting than what Matt has said before about you being a good person. “I am going to save him,” you murmured, and Matt nodded, his hands squeezing your arms in reassurance.
You reeled yourself back in from that afternoon, focusing instead on the cold metal table you were resting your hands on, Ben beside you and prosecutor Natalie Ross in front of you, not Matthew Murdock. “I am helping him,” you replied, “It’s my job, not yours. Don’t worry, Ben.” Ben nodded from beside you, his shoulders relaxing. Each day he was held in prison seemed to age him, and there was nothing fair about another young black boy in prison, and this time you felt adrenaline when you made the promise to Ben, you were certain you were going to save him. “Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N.” You nodded, and even though his eyes were ringed with dark circles and his cheeks had lost volume, you could see he still had hope. And so did you.
When you arrived back at your building after having the meeting with the prosecutor and Ben, you were surprised to find who was waiting for you on the steps. “Malcolm!” you exclaimed, slowly walking towards your old boss. He seemed different, or perhaps it was the fact that it had been months since you had last seen him, since he had shown up at your building after you had quit the firm. “Y/N,” he replied in acknowledgment, standing up. “What’s going on?” you asked after the two of you stood there in silence. “Ah, well…” he said slowly, looking confused as if he hadn’t expected to find you here, even though it was your building. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said suddenly, drawing you from your thoughts, “I’m sorry that you had to spend years of your career doing this kind of work.” You cleared your throat, unsure of how to feel of the man before you, someone you weren’t particularly close with, whose professional relationship you had ended in the midst of your own personal moral predicament. “I knew what I was doing,” you replied, and although it hurt you to concede to your own willingness in it, the fact was that you hadn’t cared at the time, but you had grown since then. “I know,” Malcolm said, “And so did I, but we still did it.” “We did,” you agreed, your shoulders dropping as if a weight had been lifted. “I knew he was guilty,” you said, “and so did you.” Malcolm didn’t say anything, you knew he was bound in the same way you were, but he did nod. “We have done bad things, we have defended bad people, Malcolm,” you said, reaching your arm up to rest on his just for a second, “But we are not bad people.” This time you believed it. Malcolm didn’t reply, but he didn’t push your hand away or disagree either, instead he looked past you, prompting you to turn your head.
There was Matt, walking up the sidewalk towards your building, and you turned your head back to Malcolm, who was already stepping back onto the sidewalk. He gave you a little wave and a simple, “Goodbye.” And then he was off. “Y/N?” Matt’s voice called, and although you had seen him coming, you were startled, having been caught in the confusion of Malcolm Randall having shown up at your stoop and suddenly leaving. “I think I’m dreaming, Matt,” you said, still stealing glances back in the direction Malcolm had headed off to. “Do most of your dreams start off with with saying your name?” Matt laughed. You gave him a mock bout of laughter before gently pushing at his arm, “How cheeky, Matthew.” “What can I say? The ladies love it,” Matt affirmed, pulling you in by the waist towards him. It was 5:26PM and the sun was setting in Manhattan when Matt Murdock kissed you in front of your building three months and six days after he had kissed you for the first time in almost the same spot. This time when you pulled away from each other, Matt’s fingers tangled in your hair, your forehead resting against his, the words simply slipped from your mouth, “I love you.” His face broke into a smile, and you felt your heart swell, and in that moment, you felt so full, so complete. “I love you, too,” he replied back softly before pulling you back into him.
You and Matt spent the next couple of hours tangled up in each other, and the high from spending the night together carried over into the next morning even upon finding yourself alone in your bed in the morning. You felt confident, standing before the judge with Ben next to you at the table. As proceedings began for the day, the judge cleared his throat before beginning, “In light of Andrew Bennett’s testimony, I would like to remind the jury that Benjamin Harris here is on trial for murder. While Mr. Bennett’s outburst was certainly outrageous and confusing, it is the job of the police to investigate what he said, and it is your job to determine guilt in the case of Mr. Harris here. Is that understood?” The jury nodded solemnly, and part of you wondered why the prosecutor hadn’t argued for a mistrial or even to strike his testimony from the record. And then you realized that she wanted it on record. She wanted Andrew Bennett on record saying he raped Amanda Taylor, even if it hurt her case against Ben. That’s why she was gunning so hard for Ben to make a deal! You started to stand up, willing to take your chances on asking for the judge to dismiss now that you knew the prosecutor’s intentions. Natalie Ross was a great prosecutor but her vice was that she was greedy, she wanted to nail both Andrew and Ben.
Before you could say anything, Natalie was already up at the table next to you, calling to the judge, “You Honor?” “Yes, Ms. Ross?” the judge replied, eyeing the prosecutor. “The People would like to dismiss the case against Benjamin Harris,” she said, uncharacteristically quietly. “What?” you cried, your hand immediately going to Ben’s shoulder. “On what grounds, Ms. Ross?” the judge asked, his gaze traveling from the prosecutor to you. “The police have found the actual killer. He made a full confession early this morning,” she said, moving towards where the judge was seated, placing a file in front of him. Just less than a day ago, Natalie Ross had wanted Ben to go away for the same murder some had just confessed to? “I see,” the judge said, once again looking over the courtroom, in which the tension was so high you bet that half of the people in it were holding their breath. “This court dismisses the sole charge of murder in the first degree against Benjamin Harris. On behalf of this court, you have my apologies,” and with the bang of his gavel, it was over.
“That’s it?” Ben asked, looking up at you with a look of disbelief. “That’s it,” you said, as the commotion around you rose. These last few days in court had been eventful, and as much as you loved helping Ben, you weren’t sure if your heart was made for this kind of stress. Ben’s mom moved to hug her little boy, pulling you in as well while profusely thanking you. You gladly reciprocated the hug for a minute before pulling away to find Natalie making her way out of the courtroom. “Natalie!” you called, catching her just out the door. She stopped, and the expression on her face was almost apologetic, “I was just doing my job.” You took in a deep breath, trying to see it from her perspective, “I know, but you almost just put an innocent boy in prison. His life will never be the same.” She nodded, “It won’t be. But my job is to fight for the victim. Amanda Taylor is dead and it is my job to find her justice.” She was right. It had been your job to defend Ben, just as it had been to defend Andrew Bennett before, and Natalie had just been doing her job. “I-” you started, before being cut off by someone calling for the prosecutor. You looked past her shoulder, the familiar face catching your attention. “I have to go,” Natalie said, and you nodded as you watched her walk off with Malcom Randall.
“Y/N,” Matt’s voice called, and you waved at him before catching yourself and reminding yourself that the act was meaningless to him. “Why weren’t you here today, Matt?” you said, just now noticing that Matt hadn’t come to court. In fact, he hadn’t even been there in the morning. You knew what he did at night, but it still didn’t diminish the disappointment of not having him there to support you in court or in your arms in the morning. “I was-” he started before you cut him off, “Matty, they dismissed the charges against Ben. He’s free to go, they found who really killed her.” He smiled, and you noticed the cut on his lip and that led your eyes to the small bruise forming on his cheek, your hands immediately moving to his face to examine the injury. “I know,” Matt said, but you were too distracted with his injuries to remember what you had been saying, “Y/N, I-” It was an odd sort of day because you were getting all your conversations cut off before you could say anything of value, and this time it was Ben’s mom calling for you. “Matt,” you said, your attention caught between Ben’s mom and Matt standing before you. “I’ll talk to you soon,” you said, turning to talk with Ben’s mom, explaining to her the steps you’d take now, assuring her that she could take her boy home soon.
The walk out the courthouse steps was a good one this time, Ben’s mom holding her head high next to you on one side, and Matt right behind you as reporters rushed to you. “Ms. Y/N, what is next for your client now that the charges have been dismissed against him?” one reporter said. “A return to normalcy,” you said, “All he wants is for life to go back to normal, but after this, I’m not sure if he can.” You spoke the truth, your worry for Ben was a concern, but you hoped that with your assistance, and Matt’s presence in his life, he might be able to return to something close to normal. You were geared up for more questions, but the attention of the crowd quickly turned to the prosecutor who was just leaving the courthouse. “Ms. Ross,” one reporter called out, “What can you tell us about Amanda Taylor’s killer?” “He’s a member of a gang, and the murder weapon was found with his fingerprints on it, so we have no doubt about his guilt,” she said, her gaze meeting yours. “God bless her soul,” Ben’s mom said from beside you. “Amanda?” you asked softly, walking down the steps, your hand in Matt’s to guide him. “I know my boy didn’t hurt her, but that doesn’t mean what happened to that poor girl is right.  Bless her family and may they find peace,” she replied, casting a solemn look over you and Matt. You nodded in agreement and Matt patted her shoulder, “Don’t worry. The piece of garbage that did that to her is going away for a long time.” “Thank you both,” she said, blinking back tears, “For everything you have done for my boy.” You couldn’t help but reach forward to hug the woman, and she reciprocated, patting your back gently before pulling back, “Take care now.”
Once Ben’s mom had walked off, you turned to Matt, assessing the bruise blooming across his cheek before asking him, “It was you, wasn’t it?” “What?” he asked, feigning ignorance. “The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen,” you said quietly, still holding onto Matt’s hand, “You found him, didn’t you?” Matt pursed his lips, but he couldn’t hide the truth from you. “I wanted to kill him, Y/N,” he said, the words slipping from his mouth like a confession at church. “But you didn’t,” you said, running your thumb over his to try and soothe him. While you couldn’t feel things the same way Matt could, you knew him. He carried guilt in his heart the way any good Catholic did. “I didn’t,” he repeated softly, squeezing your hand.
“Hey, you dropped this,” you heard from behind you. Turning to face the owner of the voice, your heart nearly stopped beating. Billy Russo stood before you, his hand holding a piece of paper. Without thinking, you took it for him and just as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone, having disappeared in the crowd of people walking up and down the street. “Who was that?” Matt asked as you unfolded the piece of paper Billy had handed you. “Matt,” you asked, your eyes scanning the small slip over once and then another time, “How did you find the guy?” Matt shook his head, caught off guard as you had countered his question with another question, “Foggy found a file with his information in it with our stuff on the Amanda Taylor case, he’s a member of the Dogs of Hell, and I guess they hadn’t sent a copy in Braille of it because I hadn’t read that one and wait, Y/N, your heart is going crazy, are you okay? Who was that?” You shook your head, processing the information Matt had given you. “I’m fine, Matt,” you replied, “I just… I thought I knew him, but, never mind, I’m fine.” “You don’t seem fine,” he replied, but you were distracted by the note still in your hands, reading the words over and over.
Told you I had your back. All my love, B.
woo billy russo making a comeback! please leave your love and feedback and pls pls pls comment, i live for those! thanks for reading!
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
At the Edge of Change
Supernatural, Casbriel, Warnings - Fluff Second part of At the Edge of Time
Long Story Masterlist, One Shot Masterlist
Find me at AO3
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“I want to be a lawyer.”
Gabriel and Castiel looked at the nephil like he had grown another head.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I… I want to be a lawyer. I have been travelling throughout the world for years now and I have done as much good as I can killing monsters but there’s so much we could do to improve the lives of every human being in the world if we helped rewrite the laws they work with… I just have to give it a try.”
“Jack, we’re celestial beings, we shouldn’t interfere with the human world that way.”
“No uncle Gabriel, you are celestial beings. But I am half a celestial being. Don’t you get it? The only reason I had stayed on the side killing monsters was because they were supernatural beings like I am. But I had been looking at it the other way around and I’ve realized that I have to work as a human too.” 
Castiel thought with fondness how Jack’s smile was still as bright as it had been when he had first met him. He was surprised at how he had been able to keep that core belief in humankind’s goodness, just as much as Sam had once.
“Well then, you’d better find out how to get some fake papers. Nobody’s gonna believe you’re over sixty years old.” 
Gabriel turned to Castiel with a shocked look while Jack beamed at him.
“Are you kidding me!? He’s the most powerful being in the world, can create whatever he wants from scratch, even angels, and you’re gonna let him throw himself at the eternally mundane and boring doom of a career in Law?”
“Jack is right Gabriel, he has to live as a human if he wants to understand how they work and how to help them best. The life of a hunter is a kind of way to live as a human but it’s not the norm. Millions of people walk around the earth never encountering themselves with an ounce of weird.”
Gabriel was stunned, he motioned to answer back but whatever it was he wanted to convey against the idea he realized that neither Castiel or Jack were going to be convinced by his points. He finally groaned and threw his hands.
“Whatever, do what you want. If your dad says you can then who am I to stop it.”
Jack looked at him for a second and turned serious.
“Uncle Gabriel, you are part of my family, of course I care about what you think.”
Gabriel looked at Jack stunned before flushing and looking aside.
“W...well I think it’s stupid but if you really want to I guess it’s ok…”
Gabriel approached Jack and placed his hands over his shoulders, he sighed a bit sad.
“And I know that your father would have been proud.”
Jack’s eyes trembled for a second before he smiled widely.
“But I’ll only be completely okay with it as long as you apply to Stanford.”
Castiel sniffed a bit. When he felt like he couldn’t love Gabriel more, he proved him that there was always something else that made him the best in the world. They bid Jack goodbye and asked him to contact them in case he needed anything. Gabriel had proposed to just snap his fingers to provide Jack with his papers and a bank account but he had said he could do it. Still Gabriel kept counting the days until the nephil gave in and called them for something. There was so much to deal with when it came to setting his existence as a normal human being in order. Birth records, school documents, bank histories. Gabriel’s head was hurting just by thinking of all of that but to his surprise the only moment they received a call was when Jack had received the date of his entrance exam. Maybe he was still seeing Jack as a child.
The next day, Jack appeared at the throne room with two boxes literally filled with books. The highschool papers he had were forged so he had not had to study up until that point. It was quite a funny sight to look at Gabriel and Castiel sitting on the floor writing down notes on some heavenly issues while their son hoarded the desk. Right now he was being schooled on History by Zepheruel.
“Okay but why I cannot write down what really happened to Cleopatra then?”
“You have to understand Jack, that we know what really happened because we were there to watch. That has always been our job. But humans do not have this insight. They have to look at the vestiges of the past and make conjectures on what really happened. Which is why you have to remember what’s on the book and work with that, otherwise you’ll get bad grades because you did not adhere to the knowledge they hold.”
“Even when that knowledge is wrong?”
“In History, there’s nothing much you can do unless you’re able to bring evidence of an event unfurling in a different way.”
“Very much like a trial.” Chimed in Gabriel, who was leaning against the couch, legs sprawled in front of him and a couple of notes scattered around him.
Poor Jack was having the worst of headaches with that. Fortunately for him, Math had been completely straightforward and he had loved that. You simply had to follow the formula to get the right answer. Castiel helped him when he got stuck at Literature and, to everyone’s shock, Gabriel pretty much gave him a master class on Physics and Chemistry.
“How are you able to demonstrate how each law works so well?” Asked Castiel awed at his partner. For him, and probably for all the other angels, the laws of movement were an inherent knowledge. They worked with them on instinct so it was extremely hard to explain them to anyone. 
The rest of the angels were just as awed as Castiel, Gabriel had started his lecture only with Jack and Castiel as attendants but eventually more angels arrived with other errands in mind but ultimately stayed due to the simple fact that they were witnessing an archangel imparting the understandings of god’s laws.
Gabriel snickered at Castiel. “Probably one of the few perks of arriving early to the party.” He winked playfully at him.
“Neither Michael or Raphael ever bothered to explain us any of that...” Said Haruel still impressed by all that had been taught.
“Yeah, that might not have been really high on their priorities.” Gabriel sighed and then looked at everyone. “Alright people, that’s it for today! Jack needs to rest to absorb everything he has learned so far. If you need anything with me I’ll be back in six hours.” 
With the makeshift class dispersed, Gabriel and Castiel helped Jack order his notes and sent him to his room. Once he was settled there Castiel sighed and walked towards their room, knowing perfectly well that those six hours Gabriel had imparted were meant to be shared only with each other.
“I really can’t believe that Jack is going to Stanford.”
“As long as he passes the exam that is.” Smirked Gabriel, following lightly Castiel’s path. 
A month passed and Jack presented his exam. He was extremely nervous. That day they all sat at a diner near the University when it all finished. Poor Jack looking just as spent as the day he had gone reckless and decided to create twenty angels at the same time.
He rambled on about the questions and the time he had been given for each of them and how he had totally forgotten everything about over half of the American presidents because he never really thought that it would be important to know about them even when they were on American land. Gabriel laughed heartily at this “Yeah, they get conceited like that.” was all he said about it.
Later on that day, they left Jack at the bunker after reassuring him he had done great and that he was bound to pass the exam. He deserved to lay on the bed and either fall asleep or binge watch the fairly new Dune series he hadn’t been able to catch up on while Castiel and Gabriel went back to Heaven. He had promised to call them once he received an answer.
Once both angels were back in Heaven, Castiel moved purposefully to their room. He wanted to relish the time they had spent together and going back to heavenly chores was not the best way to make that happen. When he opened the door, he couldn't help but smile joyfully surprised. Up until yesterday their room had been a very minimalistic concrete and burnished metal design that Castiel loved that opened up to a Japanese interior garden. Now, the door gave on to a bed of tropical foliage opening to a calm beach with soft pale white sand surrounded by hard rocks. Their bed falling close to the shore framed with a palm roof and light curtains flowing lightly with the wind. Castiel smiled widely.
“I know you liked it.” Whispered Gabriel fondly on his ear placing his hand over his waist and brushing a soft peck on his neck. “Go on, take off your shoes.”
Castiel didn’t need more prodding to comply, he kneeled to unlace his shoes while Gabriel did the same with his boots. Once shoe free, they took off all their layers until only a shirt and jeans were on. Gabriel was proud of the fact that he had managed to place Castiel into dark denim and sexy tight henleys after so many years, even the old beige overcoat had eventually been replaced by a soft and sexy leather jacket. The rest of their stuff was abandoned over a rock near the entrance. It wasn’t like there would be anyone near to steal them.
The sand was cold where shadows hit and really hot where sun landed but the way each grain of sand glided through the fingers of his feet was more than welcome after five months of constant work. 
“Tell you what, once Jack passes his exam we should take him out on a trip. Do you know of any place where he wants to go?”
“I haven’t asked him lately but I’ll do. I’d rather take him somewhere we both like though...”
They reached the tropical canopy bed and threw themselves over the plush pillows. Gabriel leaned close to Castiel to hug him while Castiel placed an arm behind his head and surrounded him with the other. Both angels sighed. They stayed caressing each other, each of them musing their own thoughts.
“You know Cas… Things have been going pretty smooth up here for a while.”
“That is because you are extremely good at managing Heaven despite complaining all the time and Jack’s aid in providing new angels has been invaluable.”
Gabriel huffed, Castiel knew he hated it when he was acknowledged as leader. Even after all these years some of the older angels still slipped off the “Yes, Sir!” his brother Michael forged in them for centuries when he was being particularly serious about something and it irked him a lot.
“Yeah whatever, that’s not the point.”
Castiel turned to look at him. Gabriel took in some air.
“The point is… Maybe we could let the rest of the guys deal with the daily ropes and just catch up if there was something really odd needing attention while we do our own stuff.”
“Well, you know… Get back downstairs, live a little… maybe put up a store of some sort.”
“A store?”
“I was thinking a bakery. Or probably a café. A café with freshly baked goods. Someplace where you could go at any hour and feel revived.”
“That would require the best coffee and the best pastries... maybe some pie.”
“Yes! The best pecan pie.”
Castiel held Gabriel closer while kissing his forehead.
“And where would we put that store?”
“Oh I dunno, somewhere crowded with lots of people.”
Castiel suddenly realized what Gabriel was truly trying to say.
“Crowded like a University?”
“Exactly! A University. With lots of students.”
“Someplace like Stanford.”
“Yeah, I mean we’d have to look around but Stanford could be good.”
Castiel smiled widely now while Gabriel shrugged like he had not been thinking about that for the longest time.
“I think I would like that.”
Gabriel turned to look at him beaming.
“What would we call the place?”
“Not something trite.”
“Oh… Guess I’ll have to cross ‘A Slice of Heaven’ out from the list.”
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bleedingcoffee42 · 6 years
Eureka AU- Part 4
This is fun, I’m enjoying writing this.  Halfway to 20k.  
  Pulling in some references of background FMA people who don’t get used much.  Dr. Jude is from the ‘Blind Alchemist’ OVA, Dr. Crowley from the Curse of the Crimson Elixir game.  And yes, Frank fucking Archer shows up so not much foreshadowing there.     
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 
“Quite the amazing prototype.”  Captain Frank Archer reported after his test run with the Ultimate Eye.  The entire hour long experience in the fields around Eureka was breathtaking.    He encountered drone attacks, robots, some weird one eyed sex doll and multiple hazards and obstacles to tackle.  Each time the Ultimate Eye gave him the information he required to make every move, every shot count.   All fed right into his field of vision.  It was like living every video game simulation he every fantasized about bring to work.   Now it was a reality.    “General Raven, this is everything we have dreamed of.”
General Raven smiled and looked over at Mustang who was waiting for his response with a smug look on his face.   “I'll have to give it to you Mustang, this delivers on your promise to the budget committee and then some.”
“It's still a prototype, General.”  Roy said and held out the open pocket watch for Archer to put the contact lens back in.   He was eager to have the tech back in his possession before someone else ran off with it. “We still need to integrate a informational database that will support it.   Right now you're looking at topography maps, weather data, weapons specs and not much else. “
Archer reluctantly removed the piece and put it back in it's case.  “The thermal imaging is better than what we have now.”
“The lens itself is functional, but the computer needs to be fed the information to interpret it.”  Roy explained.  “It's only going to get better from here.”
“When can it go in production, as is?” Raven asked as Mustang snapped the watch closed and put it in his vest pocket.  He and Archer both watched that precious piece of tech disappear into his vest as if the sun just vanished behind the clouds and deprived them of the warmth and light they had been basking in.
“When it's ready.”  Roy replied and walked with the General out of the testing field and back to his car.  “As the database grows, the software needs to grow.   Then we can make adjustments with the user interface and product itself.”
“I didn't come all this way for a bullshit answer, Mustang.”   Raven said.  “I want a tangible date.”
“Give us six months.”  Roy said.  “It will be ready to be shipped and ready for it's experimental runs.”
“I plan to hold you to that.”  Raven said and got in the car.
Roy watched Archer get in with him, still smiling, and the driver left to take them to the hotel in town.   He pulled out his phone and called Riza to report in on the success.   Four months ago he would have just gone back to his office and celebrated his success alone by moving on to another project.   He would have gone home in a good mood and failed to share anything but the 'It went well' and probably would have left it at that.  Being in a good mood would put him at ease and he'd undoubtedly be the man Riza actually fell in love with, which would lead to the day culminating in great sex with his wife.   Then he would screw it all up the next day when Raven saw a not so promising sex doll/soldier wandering the fields with an leaking eyeball that was shot out screaming like a pterodactyl.   He would have been in a foul mood and brought it home.   He was glad he wasn't that man anymore.    He did wish his wife was here to shoot that Mannequin soldier as it was now humping a tree.   “Can someone please go get that damned thing or put it down?”
“I'll get it!” Dr. Crowley ran out from behind the observation screen to get his project before someone executed it.
“I expect a report on my desk in the morning as to why that thing now has the desire to want to fuck a tree!” Roy hollered and  of course that was the exact second Riza chose to answer her phone.  He heard her laugh and immediately his tension subsided.   “Hello dear.”
“How did it go?”
“Captain Archer is smiling, so I can't guarantee he didn't witness some homunculus kink.”  Roy said as Crowley tried to coax his creation away from the tree it was now clinging to.   He turned away.  He didn't want to know until it became a problem.  
“Frank archer?  Trust me, he's probably only turned on by the thought of tech that can kill people.”
“Comforting. Thanks dear.”  
“I need to check in with Raven before I call it a day.”
“Raven is heading back to his hotel.   Dr. Jude is packing up.   I'm heading back to my office to just check on a few things before I head home.”  He looked at his watch.   “Dinner at 4?”
“Will it be moist?”
“It's going to be fucking burnt if you use that word once more.”  He threatened.  
“See you at home.”
Roy smiled and hung up.    He knew his attitude had changed just sharing a little bit of his work burden with someone, damned near everyone had commented on it. That was saying a lot since most of the time people were scared to talk to him because he'd have some scathing sarcastic remark to put them on the verge of tears.  He was glad to have her as his partner in this, it made his life easier and better than he could imagine. He had to admit that having Riza by his side for even the most ridiculous tasks made things go smoother,  he even enjoyed joining her for her jobs even if they did spend their morning tracking down a homunculus.   As he heard one more horrifying screech, he really wished he insisted she stay for this trial so she could shoot that damned Mannequin Soldier.  
He looked across the test field and up to the hill where the Bradley's house overlooked the town.  They couldn't see anything as the test area was in a valley, but he could see it.   Fr the first time he actually looked at it as more than just scenery.  His thought about that house and couldn't help but compare it to their own home.  His home was modern, minimal and open.  The old house the Bradley's had was older, smaller but cozy.   A completely different feel to it.   It overlooked the town and wasn't lost among all the other houses that were lined up on the street.  He opened his contacts and looked for Mrs. Bradley and gave her a call as a thought entered his mind that felt right.
“Hello again Mrs. Bradley, It's Dr. Mustang.   Yes...everything is fine, actually I'm calling you on a more personal matter.  No....I don't need melon.   It's about your house, if you ever decided you wanted to sell your home, I would be very interested in buying it.”
Riza was frustrated that she was going to be late getting home.  Roy was cooking, she hated to keep him waiting, but for some reason Raven had insisted she update her vaccinations per some recent bulletin that she didn't get or feel she needed to be included in.   He ordered it be done immediately as he had to bring the vaccination in a cooler with him from base to ensure it was delivered and given.   He mumbled about some kind of deposit and handed her the paperwork.  She sent Roy a text telling him she had to fulfill this obligation to her health records and would be late.   She was subject to the medical policies of Eureka itself, it seemed a little extra to be included in some field instructions when she was thousands of miles from any front.  She had been worried that maybe Raven was considering reassigning her, until she found herself with an entirely different problem.
Going to the infirmary was not a big deal, however one routine part of any exam for any woman was being asked “Are you pregnant?” by every medical professional for any ailment or condition.   This time, she had to admit that she was late and it was a possibility. She didn't tell Dr. Knox she hadn't gone for a home pregnancy test because she was waiting for one to arrive in the mail.  She was actually waiting in anticipation for her period, but that sounded like ignoring the problem and hoping it went away.  So she took the test.
Eureka was small and gossip traveled fast.   The last thing she wanted was to go to the pharmacy and leave with a pregnancy test.   She didn't want any false alarms and it's not like she hadn't experienced irregularities in her cycle before.   Especially here, where the scientists could literally be the cause of anything.   So she ordered one online and sent it to the office, hoping to ease her mind and make this easier on everyone.
She was on the pill and as far as she could recall didn't miss a single one.  However, she and Roy had been on hiatus for a month and she was not expecting to have sex during that time so it was possible she could have forgotten something.  Especially when she was dealing with that Barry situation and had a few sleepless nights.   So it seemed like a good place to finally just put her mind at ease anyhow.   Her doctor here was a professional and  patient confidentiality was a thing he took seriously.   She could just take the test, get her vaccination and stop waiting for her manila envelope from Amazon to arrive in the mail.  
“I have some good news.” Dr. Knox said.
Riza breathed a sigh of relief.   Well all that worry for nothing.
“You're pregnant.”  
Riza felt like he had kicked her in the gut.   Knox gave her a smile, a weird feature for the gruff doctor and he saw her reaction and she watched it fade away.   “I'm sorry, what?  You said good news?”
Knox grimaced. “Typically when someone waits to see the doctor for a pregnancy test they want it to be positive.”
“Are you sure?”
Knox handed her the test results.   He wasn't sure what she was asking for confirmation of.   “If you need to discuss options, we can do that, but I recommend thinking on it a while before you do.  Especially if  this wasn't planned.”
Riza stared at the words on the paper.  No it wasn't planned.   The last thing she expected was to have Roy stroll back into town two months ago and finish that conversation of theirs with sex on his desk.    It could have been anytime, but after that she was much more vigilant about her pills.   She just took it for granted that she didn't go lax on protocol while he was away, but she had so much on her plate at the time that....apparently she missed something.
“False positive might be a thing, but not in this town.  That's a guaranteed result from the Curtis Test.”  Knox said.  “Do you want me to do an exam?”
“No, I'm late for dinner. Thank you.”  She said and folded up the paper and gave him a weak smile.  Late for a lot of things.   She and Roy never even talked about kids.   They talked about a dog, but never kids.  When did she tell him?  AS soon as she got home?   After dinner?  Could she even eat dinner now that she was feeling so queasy from the news?  
“Just call me if you have any questions.” Knox said and opened the door for her.  
Roy was excited and he couldn't wait for Riza to get home.   Mrs. Bradley admitted she wanted to move closer to school now that Selim was ready to start school and agreed to sell him her house!   He couldn't wait to see the look on Riza's face when he told her he got them a home. Something for both of them  and something with a yard where they could have a dog!  So he ran over to the door when his phone alerted him to someone on the door step and startled her with a grin and “Welcome home!”
Riza's keys were still in her hand and she looked at Roy wondering why he was so excited.   Had Knox called him with the news?  No.  Knox would have never done that.   This had to be something else.   “Did the General increase your budget or something?  You're really excited.”
Roy let her come in and closed the door and then bounded in front of her like a puppy excited to see it's owner.  “I have a surprise!”
Riza was just at a loss for the source of his enthusiasm.   So all she said was a monotone, “Me too.”
“I bought us a house!”  He exclaimed.   “Bradley's farmhouse!  You said you liked it and it reminded you of your childhood home. I've been thinking about how this was just my house you moved in to.   It's not our home.   Hell, I know you really don't like it that much so I thought we could start over together with our own home and maybe a puppy!”
Riza stood there and blinked.   He...bought a house? For them.   It was definitely more thoughtful than just handing her the keys to his home, but it would have been more thoughtful to include her in the process.  She dared not tell him that she was just creating small talk and she honestly didn't like how much that house reminded her of her childhood home.   She didn't have a good childhood, she joined the military to get away from that house.     However, Roy meant well.   He was excited.   He was ready for a new life together and this was his way of committing to that.   He was giving up the house he custom built and crafted to his old lifestyle.   This was huge for him.  “I have something to tell you too.”
“You're bleeding.”
“What?”  Riza asked as he grabbed a tissue and dabbed at her nose.  She watched it come away from her face with blood from a nosebleed.  
“Are you alright?”  Roy asked and put his hand on her forehead to check for a fever.   He looked in her eyes to notice they were slightly bloodshot.   The nosebleed wasn't stopping.  “You said you went for a vaccination?   What were the side effects?”
Riza took the tissue and dabbed at her own nose.    She felt embarrassed.  She hoped she didn't tear up in the car when she was thinking about her condition.   She had to be flushed because she was nervous.   The nosebleed could be from anything.    “I'm fine.”
Roy took her wrist to feel for a pulse and she pulled away.   “You could be having a reaction. For god's sake Riza, I'm a doctor can you please...”
“You're not a medical doctor.”  She said and went for another tissue.  That was a lot of blood.  
“I know enough about biology to know that this is concerning.”  He said and pulled his phone out.  “What vaccine did they give you?”
“I don't know it was something the military insisted I have.  Some bulletin I didn't get because I'm not on base.  Raven brought it with him.”  Riza pulled the tissue away and grabbed another.  
Roy called the infirmary.   “I need to talk to Dr. Knox, now.”
“Roy.”  She reached out for his phone in a panic, thinking Knox would infer this was about her pregnancy and tell him before she got the chance.   As she reached for it though she got light headed and Roy grabbed her as she fell into him.
“We're going to the infirmary.”  He said and hung up his phone.  “Don't argue with me on this.”
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 17)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 1935
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst, jealousy…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 |
The anniversary had definitely taken a backseat, what with Sherlock headlining here and there, getting awards, presents, and rewards from every case he helped. He couldn’t care less, but you knew John liked the (somewhat) glorification.
But then Moriarty had downright shocked you as he somehow managed to break the case to the crown jewels. He was, of course, arrested. But he had some form of plan. What was it? That’s what was eating all three of you alive.
You were less concerned with how, and more concerned with why he wrote “Get Sherlock” and what the end game was.
Six grueling weeks later and Sherlock was called to trial as a witness. Both you and John accompanied him.
“Remember,” you tried to say and he cut you off.
“I know.”
You let out a breath of frustrated air. “Sherlock, this is serious. Moriarty is not to be fucked with, you know this. Don’t--”
“Don’t do anything like myself. Don’t provoke them. I know.”
You closed your eyes, knowing it was useless.
Before the trial, Sherlock went into the bathroom and you waited outside for what seemed like forever before he finally emerged.
“Bloody hell, did you fall in?” you demanded.
“Sorry, had to deal with a flirting fanatic,” he noted.
“You... What?!”
But Sherlock calmed you down by shrugging it off, and of course, he had to enter court. Sherlock had asked you to tune into your deduction skills and watch all over the courtroom while he took the stand.
When it was all said and done, you three went over the facts, walking back into the flat.
“...Three of the most secure places in the country and Moriarity broke into them and no one knows how or why. All we know is--”
“He ended up in custody,” Sherlock finished.
“Don't do that,” John slowly requested.
“Do what?”
“The look?”
“What look?”
“You’re doing the look again?”
“Well I can’t see it, can I?”
John gestured to the mirror. “My face?” Sherlock asked, completely confused.
“Yes, and it’s doing a thing. It’s doing that ‘we both know what’s really going on here face’.”
“Well, we do,” Sherlock insisted.
“No, I don’t, which is why I find ‘the face’ so annoying.”
You’d been gripping your head in frustration before you finally snapped, “Oh for God’s sakes! If Moriarty wanted the jewels he would have them. If he wanted the prisoners free, they would be. The only reason he’s sitting in a cell is because that’s what he’s chosen. So now the question is why. Why does Moriarty want to be behind bars? What’s the point? What’s the end game?”
By the end of your rant, you’d begun to pace.
“Y/N’s right, it’s part of his scheme,” Sherlock agreed.
At this, the three of you continued to mull over the “why”... Sherlock the most concerned with it.
John went to the trial, to hear the sentence. Sherlock waited at home. You were actually doing your real job, busy at a trial of your own, but your mind was never far away from your boyfriend. You were nervous as hell, but you were sure they would find him guilty. How could they not?
But then the horrible news that he was found not guilty rocketed you into another dimension. John had called you after he called Sherlock. His voice was full of panic.
“What do you mean they found him innocent?!” you shrieked as you were on recess for your own trial.
“I don’t know. But they did. He’s coming for Sherlock, I know it. The bastard just hung up on me though.”
You tried to even out your breathing. “Okay, that’s okay. If Sherlock knows this, he has a plan.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I know Sherlock and I know he weighed and thought about every possible outcome. If Moriarty is coming for him, he’ll be ready. In the meantime, I gotta go. Keep me updated.”
You ended the call and went back to your trial. When it was done (and you’d won the case), you raced to Sherlock’s flat where he was explaining everything to John. Apparently Moriarty had come by the apartment and had a little chat with him. Of course it was a threat, but none of you knew what the hell it meant or could possibly mean.
You and Sherlock seemed to spend the better part of two months going over anything he could be plotting. Romance, the anniversary, the relationship as a whole went on the back burner. All efforts and focus was either on Moriarty or an active case.
Then suddenly, a kidnapping case had come about. Sherlock was nearly giddy with glee as it seemed to be a rather curious case indeed. As luck would have it, you were with him when Donovan and Lestrade presented the case to him. You, John, and Sherlock were driven to the site of the abduction.
You watched Sherlock work (an aphrodisiac for you). He startled the nanny, and then graciously told her he believed her story and requested someone get her a bag to breathe into. The sheer confidence of the ordeal was enough to make you smirk appreciatively.
Donovan caught your approving face and skipped up next to you.
“You think him being a complete ass and scaring poor old women is funny do you?”
Your face lost all trace of humor, and anger ignited inside you. “I think Sherlock getting the job done as quickly as possible is good, yes. Or was that not the point? To get to the children as quickly as possible.”
“He sure has a funny way of going about it,” she muttered snidely.
“At least he doesn’t fuck around while on the job, literally. How is Anderson’s wife by the way?” you asked, turning to face her as you walked backward. A mischievous grin played on your face as you twiddled your fingers in the air at her like a wave before turning to follow Sherlock into the house.  
Watching Sherlock work, you remained silent. It was best not to speak while he was “in the zone” unless asked. He found a bottle and requested for Anderson. Anderson came and prepared the room for black light analysis. Without fail, Anderson gave a brilliant impression of a moron, to which Sherlock told him so.
He found some samples of the kidnappers boots that he said would behave like a map for them. Which would be true. Scraping some samples and the three of you rushing to St. Barts, Sherlock began his analysis, dragging Molly into it as well.
Every time you were around Molly, it was….strained. You knew she had known him longer than you had, you knew she had feelings for him -- still, and she stayed in line, not trying to cross the line of friendship with Sherlock. Yet every time you were around her, there was a touch of awkward tension in the air. Part of you respected her for being an adult, part of you didn’t like Sherlock around her because you knew of her feelings, and another part of you felt entirely sorry for her.
It must be one hell of a thing to watch the man you carry a torch for love another. Even if you and Sherlock never showed any sort of public affection, even if you kept it strictly professional while working a case, the fact remained that you were his and he was yours. This fact was glaring just by the looks you two shared, the way his gaze would linger on yours.The way he would shoot you a knowing smirk. The way he commended your deductions.
So now, you stood with John, helping him on some of the tests when Molly suddenly struck up a conversation with Sherlock that wasn’t science related.
“What did you mean ‘I owe you’?” she asked as she worked. Sherlock stopped his movements and you did too. You couldn’t help but listen in. “You said ‘I owe you’ while you were working,” she noted.
“Nothing,” he quietly said, shutting the topic down.
“You’re a bit like my dad. He’s dead. No… sorry--” she tried, realizing the social awkwardness of her statement.
“Molly, please don’t feel the need to make conversation, it’s really not your area,” Sherlock advised.
She made a face, a nervous, but bold face. “When he was dying, he was always cheerful. Lovely, except when he thought no one could see. I saw him once, he looked sad.”
Sherlock gave her a warning. “Molly…”
“You look said,” she continued, ignoring his tone of caution, “when you think they can’t see you.”
Both of their gazes flashed to the two of you, but you made quick work to shift your own eyes and make your hands start fiddling about.
“Are you okay? Don’t just say you are, because I know what that means when you think no one can see you.”
“You can see me,” he noted.
“I don’t count,” she commented, and a pang of sympathy washed through your chest for her. “What I’m trying to say is, if there’s anything I can do, anything you need, anything at all. You can have me.”
Red shot into your cheeks as you kept your face down, still pretending to work.
“No, what I mean is... I just mean... If there’s anything you need… It’s fine,” she stammered, ending her olive branch speech.
“But what could I need from you?” Sherlock asked and his tone made it clear that he would never need her.
“Nothing,” she replied, sorrow in the back of her voice. “I don’t know. But you could probably say thank you.”
Sherlock stuttered a thank you and she quickly exited the lab. Standing for a moment, you weren’t sure what to do. You wanted to talk to Molly, but on the other hand it would be best if you left it alone. Your tenacity got the better of you and you put your tools down, following her out into the hall.
“Molly,” you called, jogging to catch up to her.
She spun and faced you, not saying a word. You knew she didn’t like you, at all. She was polite to you around Sherlock because of him and John, and because she’s a nice person. But you knew if she could have a wish, it would be to get you out of the picture.
But that wasn’t the case. You were here to stay, and Molly needed to realize what her place was in Sherlock’s life.
You pressed your lips into a flat line as you peered at her, her waiting for you to say something.
“Look... I… I know you love him,” you started and she seemed to stiffen, probably awaiting you to demonize her. “I know how hard this must be for you. I wanted to let you know I appreciate you being an adult about this. And I really appreciate you not crossing that line and trying to be something more.”
Your gaze held hers for a second, a hardness settling into your eyes, while the rest of your face remained soft. “He doesn't have many friends, and it’s nice to know you’re there for him and support him.” You reached up and gripped her arm gently, a reassuring squeeze coming from you. “He and I are lucky to have you in our lives.”
Molly nodded, staying quiet a long time. “I--I--Yeah, you’re welcome.”
You smiled at her, the grin loaded as you let her go. Her gaze lingered on you a moment longer before she walked off to the cafeteria.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815 @ultrarebelheart @tngrayson @clairese1980 @ladyblablabla
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fanficwriter013 · 7 years
The Tower - Chapter 25
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The Tower: An Avengers Fanfic
Chapter 25
Chapters:one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / twenty-one / twenty-two / twenty-three / twenty-four / twenty-five / twenty-six / twenty-seven / twenty-eight
Word Count: 2466
Warnings:   Little dramatic, little angsty, talk of sexual acts.
Synopsis:   Elly moves forth with the plan to infilitrate HYDRA. There’s still some kinks to iron out.
Author’s Note: Listen y’all, written with Kate. My best friend, she literally keeps me sane when things aren’t exactly going my way. @emilyevanston
Chapter 25 - Switching Sides
My slow turn took about two weeks.  By this stage, we had been away from the Tower for over a month.  Tony had been keeping a track of FRIDAY and she had been hacked every update he made.  The only way for us to know it was safe to go home was to finish this properly.
I started by just becoming very sullen and withdrawn every time Natasha and Sam took me in to talk to her.  I’d start having irrational outbursts about not being given options.  Then I started to ‘sneak’ into where they were keeping her.   The first time I went in there I didn’t even say anything to her.  I just sat on the ground and cried with my legs pulled up against me.  She kept trying to engage but I’d just shake my head and not look at her, eventually getting up and saying I shouldn’t have even come here and leaving the room.
The second time I snuck her in some of the nicer food.
“What’s this for?”  She said, looking at it suspiciously.
“Just… You… They… If they’re going to…” I stammered looking everywhere but at her.
“So this is like my last meal?”  She said.  She laughed and shook her head slumping against the wall.
“No.  Not last.”  I replied.
“So when is it going to happen?  Tomorrow?  A week from now?”  She asked.  “That will make you an accomplice you know?”
I shook my head.  “Not an accomplice.”
She looked at me right in the eye.  “They’re going to make you do it?”
I dropped my gaze and left the room.
The last time I went to see her I shuffled in the room and just sat against the wall putting my head on my knees.
“What are they up to now?”  She asked.  I shook my head without looking at her.  “Must be really screwed up if you won’t even talk about it.”
I took a deep shuddering breath and wiped my eyes on my knees.  After a little while of us just sitting there silently I looked up at her.  “Have you ever been in love?”
“I have not.”  She said.  “Is your little group not working out for you anymore?”
“I never had before.  I thought this was what this was.  But how can it be?  What is this thing I’m feeling?”  I said to her desperately.
Alexa looked me over.  “What are you feeling?  Like a caged animal?”
I started opening and closing my fist and shaking my head a tiny amount.  “I say the words but they don’t say them back.  Then they tell me I have to do this.”  I said waving my arms around.  “Like it’s some lesson in life that I have to learn.  They’re the Avengers. The Avengers are the good guys.”
“You know we teach too.  But it’s more free-range.”  Alexa said.
“Who are we?”  I asked.
She smirked at me.  “They still haven’t worked it out?  Why I’m HYDRA, sweetie.”
“I thought you were related to Justin Hammer,”  I said.
She scoffed.  “I can’t be both?  He’s my father.  My name is… was Justine Hammer.  He is a piece of shit.  The cancer was him.  He was experimenting on me when I was still a child.”
“I’m sorry, Alexa,”  I said quietly.
“Not as sorry as me.”  She said and shook her head.  “That’s the past though.  The future is HYDRA.  Come with me.”
“HYDRA are the bad guys,”  I said in monotone.
“It’s all semantics.  I’m in this for the science.”  Alexa said flicking her hand like she was brushing away an irrelevant annoyance.
I buried my face in my knees again.  “I’m not a bad person.  Why is the only option here doing something I don’t want to do?”
“There are always other options.  You just need to look at it from another angle.”  Alexa said.
I looked up at her with a pained expression.  “What other angle?  What’s the other angle involved in cold-blooded murder makes it okay?”
“Not doing the cold-blooded murder, Elise,”  Alexa said.  “Switch sides.  You can do the work you want to do.  Help me.”  I looked up at her but I didn’t say anything.  “We’d be able to help further your research.  Do human trials.”
“I can’t,”  I whispered.
“That’s why it’d be your assistant doing the actual human trials.  Your hands wouldn’t be dirty.”  Alexa explained in the flawed logic of a psychopath.
I started to scratch at my wrist like there was something crawling under my skin.  “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“You keep saying that and yet you keep coming back,”  Alexa said.
I got to my feet and started pacing.  “They won’t let me go.  I know too much.  It’s useless.  I just have to get used to it.  Maybe they do love me.  Maybe they do know what’s best for me.”
“I may not know what love is.  But I doubt them forcing you to do something you don’t want to do counts.  That forcing you to do something that goes against your values is knowing what’s best for you.”  Alexa said coming to the door of her cell.
I started to cry and pressed my face against the bars of the cell.  “I should have left them when I had the chance.  I’m a stupid child who thought she could play superheroes.”
Alexa put her hands through the bars and stroked my hair.  “I’m giving you the chance now.”
I let out a hollow laugh.  “You’re in a cell, Alexa.  And I’m nothing.  We both have to accept our fate.  They’re making me take your healing factor away.  I’m sorry.  Even if I did want to get you out of here and join HYDRA, I’m just a person.  They’re the Avengers. Neither of us are going anywhere.”  I pulled away from her and headed to the door.
“Elise… Elly, keep my offer as an option.  Don’t let them do this to us.”  She said the slightest hint of pleading to her voice.
The rest of the day and the following morning was about preparing me for what was going to happen.  What I needed to do.  When they’d come for me.  The following morning I said my goodbyes to everyone and went to find Tony.  He jumped when I came through the door and turned quickly to face me.
“You’re late.  Give me your arm.”  I rolled up my sleeve and held out my arm to him.  “Sorry, I got caught up saying goodbye to B.”
“What?  How many times is that?”  Tony said, tapping on the inside of my elbow as he tried to find a vein.
“I don’t know.  Uh… what since we’ve been here?  Twice.  All up?  I’ve lost count.  Why?”  I said looking at him confused.
He stopped what he was doing and shook his head.  “Once. It was once for me.  With the three of us.  So it barely even counts.  I’ve known that man for years now.”
I ran my hand through his hair.  “What still?”
Tony nodded and went back to finding my vein.
“I think you might need to talk to him.  I think he needs that, Tony.  He needs to have the other guy be okay with it.”  I said.
“Why are your veins so small?”  He asked deflecting the question.
I pulled my hand away and started rubbing the inside of my elbow while I pumped my fist.  “I don’t drink nearly enough water,”  I said.  “If you can’t talk he’s not going to either, you know?”
Tony grumbled something unintelligible and looked away from me.
I tapped my inner elbow and found a vein on the outer edge.  I took Tony’s hand and pressed his fingers against it.  “Feel it?”
He nodded and grabbed a little glass vial from the bench.  “That’ll do.”
“We can just keep having science club threesomes if you like,”  I said.
He laughed and raised an eyebrow at me.  “I’ll never say no to those.”  He held my arm out straight.  “This is going to hurt a lot.  I’m really sorry in advance.”  He tipped the vial and something that looked like the tiniest grain of rice in the world landed on my skin over the vein.  It opened up and started boring into my skin.  Tony was not kidding, it stung like hell.
“Ow, fuck!”  I cursed.
Tony continued to hold my arm in place.  “It has to burrow to get a decent tissue sample.  It becomes biometrically attuned to you so it can tell us if you’re in pain or distressed or …” He trailed off.
I clenched my teeth and looked away from it tears pricking my eyes.  When it was done I let out a sigh of relief and Tony started to clean up the wound.  I moved to a bench and grabbed a tablet.  “I’m going to take this with some of the data I’ve put together.  I’ve got a fake set with things still missing so people can’t make super soldiers or whatever.”  I said as I started deleting files and importing other ones onto it.
“I am really sorry about this.  I have one in too, I know how much it hurts.”  Tony said as he finished dressing the wound.
“It’s fine, honey.  I get it.  And now we’re all matchy matchy.”  I said without looking up from the tablet.
He rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.  “That’s what you’re concerned about?  Being matching?”
“No, of course not but if I focus on the things I’m concerned about, I’ll chicken out,”  I said, reaching behind me and rubbing my palm on his cheek.
“Do you want me to show you the control panel to show you the chip is working?”  Tony asked.  “I hear those Avengers guys are coming to rescue you.”
I looked up from the tablet and met his eyes.  “I trust you implicitly.  Honestly.  But that doesn’t stop those pesky intrusive thoughts from creeping in.  Me being a dork distracts me.”  I explained as I ran my hands up and down his sides.  “Besides, not only are those Avengers guys coming to rescue me, I have that genius, billionaire, playboy, whatever he is tracking me and a tiny ant guy to ride in my pocket.  I’ll be fine.”  I turned back to my work.
Tony’s chin returned to my shoulder and his hands teased over my sides.  “I think you forgot philanthropist.”
“Oh yeah.  He is very generous in lots of ways.”  I teased.
Tony started to rub his hands in circles over my stomach, it felt warm and soothing.   “Are you done yet?”  He asked.
I kept tapping away without looking up.  I moved one last thing and put the tablet down.  “I am now.”
Tony turned me around to face him.  “You’re really dedicated.  It’s cute.”
I pulled myself a little closer to him.  “You’re cute.”
“Just cute?  I thought I’d get a better descriptor word than that.”  He teased.
“Hmm…”  I said, pretending to think.  “Old?  Was the other descriptor old?”
Tony shook his head trying to hold back a smirk.  “You’re asking for trouble.  That’s not any better.”
“I’m always asking for trouble.  I’m a known troublemaker.”  I teased and tilted my head leaning in to kiss him.  I flicked my tongue over the corner of his mouth.  Tony hummed and dragged his teeth over my bottom lip.  I pulled myself flush against him and my tongue dipped into his mouth and danced with his as my hands carded through his hair.  He ran his hands up my back and I pulled back and rested my forehead against his.  “I love you, Anthony Edward Stark.  Don’t you forget it.”  I say tapping him on the chest.
“I - You know - I do - It’s …”  He stammered.
I put my finger on his lips.  “It’s okay.  I would rather I never heard it and to feel it like I do.”  I said and kissed just under his ear.  “I’m going to be back. You can keep showing me when we get home.”   I slide my hand up and down under his t-shirt, grazing my nails over his skin.
“I’m getting mixed signals here.  Do you want me to behave or not?”  He teased, his hands running down to my ass.
I brought my lips to his ear.  “No.  I want you to lift me up onto this bench and fuck me until I can’t even form words.  Until I forget everything except your name and when I try to say it, all I can do is scream it out.”  I whispered and leaned back, looking at him.  “But, Scott is probably waiting for me.  We’ll have to have a rain check.”
Tony shook his head.  “You are the worst.”  He teased and kissed me softly, stroking my throat with his thumb.  “You better be prepared for the inevitable orgy you’re inciting when you get back.”
I quirked my eyebrow at him.  “I look forward to it.”  I kissed him one last time and picked up the tablet and headed towards the door.  “Don’t forget to come rescue me.”
“You can count on it.”  He said.  “El?”
I turned to look at him.
“I do.  You know?”  He said.
I smile back at him.  “I know.  I love you too.”
I headed into the hall and about halfway to the cells I found Scott waiting with Steve and Thor.
“You’re ready to go,”  Steve asked.
“As I’ll ever be,”  I replied.
“And you know the plan?”  Steve asked.
“Just get her to take me to where she has them.  Don’t try to escape or be a hero.  I’m on her side.  Scott will do most of the rest of it.  Avoid eating or drinking anything she gives me.”  I say.
“Good.”  He leaned down, cupped my jaw and kissed me, his lips softly caressing mine.  “Stay safe.”  He said as he pulled back.  He looked at Scott.  “Keep her safe.”
“Yeah.  Of course.”  He said with a smile.  He pressed a button with his thumb and disappeared.   A moment later I could feel him crawling into my hair.
Thor took my hand.  “Lady Elly, take care.  I still haven’t had a chance to get to know you and we are to be lovers, am I right?”
I felt myself blush and Steve clapped Thor on the shoulder.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her blush before.”
Thor leaned down and kissed me.  It was firm but tender and there was a static spark that passed between us.  He pulled back and smiled.  “To be continued.”
“Most definitely.”  I agreed.
Thor and Steve watched as I headed down the hall to the cell and I disappeared through the door.
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fallen029 · 6 years
A Dragon’s Love.4: Regret
Previous Chapter 
He watched the S-Class promotion trials go by the first year without much care. He didn't get called, but that was fine. There was always next year. And Orion could remember well, when he turned thirteen, standing in the crowd with all the others, waiting on his name.
It didn't come.
Erza, who could tell he was hurt by this, spoke to him before she left with the Master and his mother to go hold the trials.
"Do you know that I was the youngest to complete the trials?" she asked him. "I was-"
"Fifteen," he grumbled as they sat out on her back porch. "I know."
"And your mother was sixteen when she accomplished hers. And Laxus, well, he was already seventeen. So see? Would you rather go before your ready and fall on your face? Or would you-"
"He picked," he grumbled through his teeth, "Radic. Over me! Radic gets to go and-"
"Radic is a complex case, yes," Erza agreed, smiling down at the young boy. "But he is the type that Laxus likes. He admires strength and-"
"Radic isn't strong. He's brutal. He's-"
"And once upon a time, Laxus was too." Erza shook her head, staring out at her backyard. "You will check up on my house while I am gone?"
He snorted, still in a rather foul mood. "I can't imagine anyone stupid enough to steal from Titania."
"I could name a few."
Glancing up at her then, he said, "Hey, Erza?"
"I wanna beat you." It was a whisper then as he spoke, but he said it anyways. "I want to be the youngest. I wanna have a record in Fairy Tail too."
"Of all the memories and lasting impressions I hold, that is not one that I am most proud of."
She gave him a stare. "You think that when people go back and remember me, that is what they will think of? That when people think of your mother, they will remember that she was an S-Class wizard? Not the countless times she saved the guild? Or the times that I put my life on the line for others? That is what is important."
"Yeah, but when the people that remember that die, so does the memory," he argued. "But a record-"
"The memory can fade, Orion, but the action never dies. The life you save will pass on, but the fact that once, no matter how long ago, you touched it remains. And if you think that being a mage is about anything other than helping others, then maybe you're not ready to be an S-Class."
He didn't wanna hear that though and glared at her. "I didn't say that was all I cared about. I-"
"I know," she told him. "But Master Laxus will choose you when he sees fit. And throwing a fit because another boy was chosen over you will not help anything. Do you know how long it took Natsu? Are you telling me that you are more powerful than he was at your age?"
"No," he groaned, kicking at the ground. "But Radic sucks."
"I will not agree with you," she told him. "But I will not disagree either."
Grinning then, if only slightly, he said, "If I ever do get to go-"
"When you get to go," she corrected.
"When I get to go," he said, "if I have to face you, I'm gonna take you down, Erza."
Laughing then, she said, "I welcome it. And do not think I will hold back."
"I know you won't." Unconsciously, he rubbed at his bruised arm from where just that afternoon the reequip mage had been a tad too rough in their sparring. "You never do."
As much as he hated not being able to be a part of those trials, he had to admit, watching stupid Radic come back a failure made him very happy. He didn't know what was better; that the boy hadn't made it passed the first round or the obvious disappointment in Gajeel's eyes. Orion decided it was a mixture.
Mira had found the time spent during the trials rather nice herself, as she always did. It was fun for her, participating and watching her friends have their dream come to fruition (the ones that failed, not so much). That year though had a rather different outcome that she was expecting.
"Trails were nice this year, huh?"
Mira hardly looked up as she was joined in the Master's office. "Mmmhmm."
Laxus only came in further. "What are you doing in here?"
"Just organizing your papers, Master."
"You know you don't have to call me that."
"I like it." She told him that every time he said that. "It makes me think of-"
"He ain't doin' so hot."
"He's held on longer than anyone expected," Mira said, finally glancing up for that. She was at a file cabinet, putting some things away. "But you're right. He won't make it out of this year, I don't think."
"He can't even get out of bed anymore, Mira."
"I know."
Sighing, Laxus came to stand above her. "What kinda files are you putting away?"
"Nothing serious," she told him with a slight smile. "Why? You worried I'll find something in here?"
"Your snooping skills?" He snorted. "You'd have already found whatever you were looking for."
"That's true."
He let out a long breath then and, when she looked up, she gave him a look.
"Laxus, no."
"I just… We were spending so much time together during the trials and you know how I-"
"This is why I keep telling you that I can't treat you like I did Makarov. We can't work so closely together. Not if you-"
"I only wanna-"
"I know what you want." Shutting the drawer then, she got to her feet, a few files in her hands. "But it doesn't work that way. I told you last time-"
"You know how many last times there've been?"
"I know that this time I meant it."
"We shouldn't be in here together." She moved to set the files on the desk then. He followed. "Laxus-"
"Do you remember," he asked softly as he came closer, "when we were first coming up with the rules? On how to keep you safe?"
"On how to keep you from being a father? Sure."
"You know that's not what it was about."
"I know that all the ideas you came up involved a lot of sacrifice on my part and very little on yours."
"What did you want, Mirajane? I told you, you could die, you could leave, or you could get rid of the baby."
"Kill the baby. Say it."
"Mira," he groaned. "It's not like that. You were just pregnant. If you just got rid of it-"
"Killed it."
"Stop it."
Glaring at her then, he said, "I told you when we first started sleeping together not to get pregnant. I even told you that sleeping with me was a bad idea. But you wanted to. You told me you wouldn't get knocked up. You did. That's your fault. So stop-"
"I'm not doing anything, Laxus, but telling the truth." She gave him a cold stare. "Did you ever think that maybe it was all bull anyways?"
"What was?"
"The whole curse to begin with. I mean-"
"I'm not fighting on this. I'm-"
"I'm not fighting you," she was quick to say. "Honest. But I'm not dead. And I didn't leave. And-"
"And Orion isn't my son."
"By blood he is."
"He doesn't have my name, he doesn't have my features, he doesn't have-"
"I still don't think that would have been enough," she told him. "I-"
"And we discussed that all, how many years ago now? What? Thirteen? Fourteen?"
She gave him a look. "Yeah and in those years, you sure had your barrage of women, didn't you, Master?"
"What does that have to do with anything? I'm sorry, did I ever even ask you not to date?"
"No, but you sure stuck me with a kid that-"
"I didn't want a kid," he hissed at her then, trying to keep his voice down. "At all. I gave you a multitude of options. You picked one. You seem to like this one. What? Would you have rather that we lived like a happy little family for a few years and then you died?"
"But I wouldn't have-"
"Fuck, demon, how many times do I have to tell you? It's a thing. It's been in my family for generations. The woman has a son, she leaves or dies. You weren't going to leave. I knew you weren't. But I love you. I saved you. You're welcome."
"Saved me? Are you still saving me, Laxus? Was it saving me all the times that we've slept together since-"
"That's why I wanted you to go away," he told her. "You know that. I tried, remember? I-"
"Yeah, to kick me out of the guild. To force me."
"I never-"
"You might as well have, back when I was pregnant. You made me miserable."
"I was trying to make you leave. I was-"
"Did it ever occur to you leave? At all? In these past few years?"
"Me? This is my home. This-"
"It's mine too!"
They'd been glaring at one another so long that, finally, he broke and looked off.
"Why are we talking about this again?"
Mira wasn't that easy to break though. "Because you were being an ass and coming in here all handsy-"
"I have not touched you," he told her then with a frown. "I've wanted to, but I have some self-control. Today."
"I just love you."
"Right now," she grumbled before looking back at the files on the desk. "Are you going to let me finish? Or do you want to continue this conversation? We only have it, what? Every six months?"
"This one didn't feel complete."
"One of us didn't storm off."
"I'm too tired."
"Poor demon." He looked back at her then, if only for a moment. "The curse is real."
"I don't believe it."
"You don't believe in curses? In a world of magic?"
"I don't."
Laxus laughed, but it was without humor. "Even though I can go back and show you every single woman in my family that died? That they gave birth to a son, he took the name, and then they died? Even though Gramps would attest to the same thing and Ivan literally watched my mother deteriorate-"
"I don't believe it," she repeated. "I'm sorry, but I don't. I mean, knowing the three of you so well, I assume that your ancestors were just as much of jerks and probably ticked some people off, but-"
"Then don't believe it," he told her then with a shrug. "I don't care. But you're alive. And I like you more that way. If denying it makes you feel better, fine. I don't care. But Orion's safe. And he has you."
"He wants you though, Laxus."
"No, he doesn't. He wants the mystery that you've decided to build up to be reveled. He wants closure that you made necessary."
"Oh, right, Laxus, I forgot that this was all my fault. Forgive me."
"Just…get out of my office, alright?" He was moving then, to go take a seat at the desk. "Don't organize shit for me anymore. Don't help me out. Just run the bar and I'll ask someone else. Or I'll do it myself. Is that what you want?"
"No, of course not. I-"
"Then what, Mira? You want me to go tell Orion that, surprise! I'm his father? You want that?"
"Of course not. I-"
"You wanna have sex?"
Well, he tried…
"Just go, demon." He sighed, moving to rest his elbows on the desk before his head in his hands. "There's not much else we can talk about, is there?"
She paused for a moment before saying, "I don't wanna be mad at one another."
"I'm not mad at you. I've never been mad at you."
"Well, now you're lying to me."
"I'd like to think I've gotten better at it over the years."
Pressing her palms against the desk, she said, "For awhile there, we were going pretty good."
"Mmmm…when Orion was probably about four. We stayed away from one another pretty well for, what? A year or two? Only spoke when we had to. You bothered Orion a few times, but-"
"I don't bother him. I check in on him," he corrected. Then, glancing at her, he said, "And you're hard to stay away from. I mean it when I say it. I do love you. You know that I do."
"I know that you've always said that. But no, Lax, I don't know that."
"I think you do. I think you hate to admit it, because it's easier to dislike me and call me a douche for what I've done to you, but you know that I care about you."
"Care and love are different things."
"And I do both. If you hadn't gotten pregnant-"
"It wouldn't have worked, Lax," she told him with a frown. "And you know it."
"Why do I know that? Huh? Why do I know something that didn't happen-"
"Because you're looking back with shaded vision," she told him. "We weren't the greatest couple, you know. And you were sleeping with other people."
"We weren't exclusive. We-"
"And we would have never been. And we would have ended a lot worse than we did. I'd have ended it or you would have and we would have caused a big fuss in the guild. We should have never been together in the first place."
Staring her in the eyes, he asked, "Do you really think that?"
"I really do. But I'm glad we were."
With a shake of his head, Laxus said, "I didn't think that we could keep it under wraps so long. I didn't think I could go without you."
"You haven't been without me though," she pointed out. And that was true enough. There had been slip ups. None in the past three years though, really. And she always regretted it. Really, they only served to send them backwards. They were never going to get over one another, that had been made clear, but every time they got to a shaky truce, they'd find themselves alone somewhere and it just… She hated herself, but she did still love him. For whatever reason, she always would. "And I hate not telling him. He loves you so much."
He looked off then. "Yeah, I guess he does."
"It's not just innate either. That's what makes it better, don't you think?"
"He chose you, Laxus, out of everyone. He thinks that you're the strongest, best, and bravest, not because you're his father, but because he's seen it. Because you are."
"I miss that."
"Miss what?"
"You bragging on me."
"Shut up, Laxus."
"I do." He grinned then. "You used to rub my back and tell me how great I was."
"I made a lot of mistakes."
It was her turn to grin. "You used to rub my shoulders too."
"You know, demon, I've only gotten softer, the older I've gotten."
"What do you do now?" she asked. "For the women you're with?"
"What women?"
"That worked when we were in our twenties," she scolded. "Just barely."
He still just grinned. "A man has needs, demon. You can't fault him for taking care of them."
"I can't?"
"No." Shaking his head slightly, he said, "But I've never fallen in love again."
"That worked once," she said. "When Orion was, what now? Seven? Try again."
"I'm not trying. I'm just spilling my heart-"
"That didn't work. Any of the times you tried. And it's not this time either."
He just let out a long breath. "I still call out your name."
"Now you're getting weird."
"I still think about it, too. That time that I took you out of town, on that vacation, and we spent the whole time in the hotel room. Like fuck. I could have just kept you locked up in my apartment for no charge at all."
"That was a good week."
"It was."
Her turn to grin came then as she stared at him. "Can I do your files now? Master?"
"Was that all this was? Getting me all buttered up and relaxed?" He shut his eyes then. "Go ahead. If you're not going to rub my shoulders. This guild is taking it's toll on me already."
"Poor dragon."
"Poor me."
"I'm not going to though."
"I didn't think you would."
It didn't take long for her to finish up either. The whole time that she was down there, organizing, Laxus just sat there, thinking she figured. It was when she was all finished up though and getting to her feet that he stood. And she knew. She just knew.
"Laxus, n-"
"No one can tell me no," he reminded as he cornered her, trapped against the wall by the file cabinet. "I'm Master now, remember?"
"I'm just kidding." He grinned as he held his hands out, on either side of her head. Staring down at her, he said, "I just want a kiss."
"No, you don't."
"How do you know?"
"Laxus, honestly?"
"You want me too, don't you? Huh?"
"Not…here, for one."
"Then where? You wanna come home with me and-"
"Shhh." He snickered. "Demon. Someone will hear."
"I'm shocked they haven't already."
"Just be glad." He moved to tilt his head forwards, but it was just to rest his forehead on hers. "Is the boy here?"
"He's on a job."
"Then what's the problem? Huh?"
"You're the one that always said-"
"I'm not gonna get you all knocked up again."
Rolling her eyes, Mira said, "You're such the romantic."
"I'm not." He smiled. "That's not even what I want from you."
That was enough. Mirajane literally shoved him away then as Laxus just laughed.
"Demon, don't-"
"I hate you, Laxus. So much."
He just reached out to grab at her, but she wasn't having it. He'd ruined it.
"Fine, go," he grumbled, as if he had a choice. She was leaving anyhow. "I love you."
"Shut up."
He'd really annoyed her. Not that that was anything new. That's why he liked Mira; for all the love she had for everyone else, she was pure fire with him. She always had been. Even before the baby. And he just poked and poked until she blew up in his face. Then he'd give it some time and go right back to poking.
It was their thing.
They'd had that sort of relationship for years. And years. The boy had put a hamper on things, and technically an end, but he just couldn't close the door on her. He knew he should, that it was necessary, but he couldn't help it. Especially the more time that went on and she didn't die. He even started to question himself at times.
But he knew. Of course he knew. It'd been told to him since he was a kid. Since Ivan blamed him for his mother's death. And he didn't want that for his demon. Or his son. He loved them both. Honest, he did. Mira was just so…captivating. And tempting. And right there. He figured she felt much the same as him for the most part.
So fine, Orion couldn't be his son. And he'd separated himself from the boy as much as he could. Mira though was a different case. He didn't have to keep himself completely separated from her. Not really. He just couldn't call the boy his own. That was all.
It was a thin line though and he knew every time they tried to step out on it, things only flew back in their faces. He didn't like toying with her. Or giving her false hope. But at the same time, he knew that Mirajane wasn't a normal woman. She just wasn't. She understood. Even though she didn't believe, she understood.
And somewhere, deep down, he had an inkling that she did believe just a little. Because the woman she was, he had a feeling she wouldn't have let him off the hook if she didn't. She'd have forced him to accept their son. That was just the way she was. And she would have died in the process.
It wasn't worth it. The boy, fine, he wanted a father, but other than that he was fine. And Laxus couldn't come out and say that he was his dad, but he did take care of him. He watched over him. He loved him. Really. He just couldn't say it.
He stayed in his office for the rest of the day, going over a few letters he'd received from other towns and such. It was well passed closing when there was a knock at his door.
"Laxus? I'm closing up," he heard Mira call. "Everyone's gone. Can you lock up?"
"C'mere for a sec. I need somethin'."
"What?" Opening the door, Mira was quick to come in and look. "I really need to go."
"Look at this."
Curious, Mirajane went to go see what he was pointing out on the letter in his hand. "Wh-"
He smiled into the kiss too. It was almost chaste, really. Against her lips, he said, "I tricked you."
"It won't happen again," she agreed.
"Then let me use it to my advantage."
He liked to think, too, that she hadn't been with anyone else in the past few years since they'd last been able to be together. He always liked to think that. He didn't know why. He knew it wouldn't be fair. He wouldn't hold it against her if she had. In fact, he didn't care. He would tell himself she hadn't anyways. As wrong as they were, she'd always been the only one for him. Always.
She hated him the next day, again. Like always. They didn't talk again for a month, at least. Not unless they had to. And if she hadn't wanted it just as badly as him, he might have felt a little bad. But she had. She knew it. He figured that all the hate she exhibited towards him, she had just as much for herself.
It would be a tense next few months.
For the two of them, anyhow. For Orion, things were going great. He was able to get out of his head a little and was doing extremely well on his jobs. Erza even took him out on a few S-Class ones and he realized just how hard they could be. Fun though. And his transformation magic, though not on his mother's level, was definitely exceptional.
And, when the year rounded out, he almost died when his name was mentioned among the list of those who were going to get a shot at being S-Class. Hearing the other names though, and realizing besides just one, they were all veterans, he was almost certain he wouldn't get it. But that was okay. He wasn't scared. If he didn't make it, he didn't make it. But at least that meant that the Master was thinking of him.
His mother opted out of going on the trials that year. Which everyone expected. He was a little disappointed, that she wouldn't be there, but part of him was also glad. She was too much of a safety blanket. And the last thing that he ever wanted to do was go up against her in battle (or get his butt kicked by his mother). Erza was going though. There was no way she wasn't. And even if he didn't make it further than the first round, as long as it was between him and Erza, he was down with it.
But he didn't even get that far. Radic, who was ticked that he had been overlooked that year, got into a fight with Orion not soon after it was all announced. And with his bows, fine, Orion was beyond reach, but the fight didn't involve magic. It was pure strength. And, as much as he hated the older guy, he was a brute. He wasn't very smart, but he was brawny.
Orion had broken bones before, but damn, Radic about tore his fucking leg off. It was horrible. He'd never been in pain like that before. And the other teen didn't take that as enough retribution. He wouldn't let him up. Just held him down and made him grit his teeth in pain.
"If I can't have it," he growled at him at one point, "why should you?"
Honestly, Orion didn't care that he got bested in the fight. He didn't care that Radic had won. Not at all. He did, however, care that he wouldn't be going to the trials that year.
"I can go," he argued to the Master, up in the infirmary, after his leg had been wrapped. "I-"
"With a broken leg?" The man just shook his head. "You'd only be coming right back home, after losing. This is a serious test. You're not fit for it now. I'm sorry."
"No, Master, you don't get it. It has to be this year. Next year-"
"You won't make it." Laxus actually did look rather sad for him, too, which was odd. "I'm sorry, kid. I really am. You shouldn't have-"
"Radic attacked me! What was I supposed to do?"
"Be better at defending yourself," Laxus told him simply. "I'm sorry."
"Stop saying that." He'd never talked back to Laxus before, not really, but he was pissed at him then. Truly, he was. "I don't want you to be sorry for me."
He almost looked like he was smiling then, Laxus did, as he came closer to lay a hand on the boy's head.
"There'll be other trials, kid. Every year," he said as Orion just glared. "And one day, you're gonna go and you're gonna make it. And It's gonna be me and you at the end and you're gonna do whatever stupid final test I ask of you. Then I'm gonna make you and S-Class and you're going to realize it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I promise."
"It's easy to say when you have it."
"It is, ain't it?" He fully grinned then. "I picked you, Orion, because I know you'll do good. And another year? A whole other year to grow and mature? You're gonna be so ready."
"I want it now."
"I know." Laxus just left his hand there too, atop the boy's head. "I want you to have it too."
That made the older man pause. Orion thought he was thinking. Actually, Laxus was choking. That wasn't supposed to come out. At all.
Why would he want some random guy in the guild to become S-Class? Hmmm.
"Because you deserve it. I watched you, kid. I've always watched you. I dunno why. Maybe because you were the demon's son and I've seen what she could do. She's one of the only ones that never completely pissed me off around here." He dropped his hand then. "Use this time with your leg all busted up to do something other than train, huh? There's more to being a good mage than just being strong, completing jobs."
"What do you mean?"
"Kid, I don't ever see you with anyone other than us old losers," he told him. "Don't you have any friends or something?"
"I just train with Erza and Elfman and Bickslow and-"
"That's my point." He snickered then. "There's tons of girls and stuff all throughout Magnolia. Take some time off, eh? Don't be an old man yet. It won't suit you well when you are one. Ask Gramps."
Looking down, Orion said, "I don't want to hang out with the other kids. They all suck."
"I sued to think that. I hated these people. I thought they were weak and only got in the way."
"Worked out well for you."
"No," Laxus told him then with a frown. "I had to grow up. Realize that I couldn't do it all alone. You think that I'm still like that? 'cause I'm not. I have friends."
Orion glanced up at him. "I never see you with anyone."
"What are you then? My keeper?"
"N-No, I just-"
"I have to go," Laxus sighed then, looking off. "Keep your head up, kid. And if you show me what you did this year, and more, then we can look into it again next year, huh? I want you to make it. I like you, kid. If I didn't, I'd let you go out there, get your ass kicked, and maybe even screw up your leg even more. But I'm not gonna do that. You can wait. You'll get better. And next time that kid jumps you, you'll be ready, right?"
He could only nod though, and, with a sigh, Laxus set off. He had had his sights set on the boy coming along too. Even if he didn't make it, it would have given him good taste of what the trials were like. But…another year wouldn't do him any harm. None at all, really.
Downstairs, Laxus sought out Freed and found him relatively easy. Then again, if they were in the same place, the guy was rarely far from him.
"You know Gajeel's loser kid?" he mumbled to him as they stood off in a corner.
"what of him? But he could tell from Freed's gazed that he'd already picked up.
"I think he'd look nice with a broken arm. Don't you?"
"I could picture it, yes."
"Surely you and Bickslow could figure something out while I'm gone."
With Laxus gone, Orion felt no reason to stay up in the infirmary any longer. He was still a little peeved though, at the whole thing, conversation with his idol or not, and set off for the downstairs, even on his bum leg. It wasn't easy with crutches, at all, but when he made it down, he found that most everyone had cleared out for the day. Most were probably still annoyed that, once again, they would spend another year being overlooked for the S-Class trials.
If he wasn't so down on himself, he might have left the hall too. But where would he go? Home? And look weak? Like he was going to go cry about not being able to go or something? No. Master, even if he wasn't there, wouldn't like that. Orion knew he wouldn't.
He decided then that he'd stay there, in the hall, and look as apathetic about it as he could be. And, later, he'd go over to Makarov's house and whine to the old man about it. He was the only one that really ever seemed to understand all of Orion's problems, anyhow.
"Looks like," he heard then, "you will not be beating my record."
He hardly even glanced up at Erza stood before his table. "Guess not."
"Then you will be around to check in on my house while I'm gone?"
"What else do I have to do?"
"Do not feel so down, Orion." She even tapped him on the head before turning to walk away, no doubt to get ready for her departure the next day. "If when you look back on your life this is the worst it has ever been, surely you will have lived a great life."
Yeah. But for some reason, he had a feeling that it wouldn't be turning out that way.
"There's always next year," Mirajane told him that night when she came into his bedroom to check on him. He just laid there though, on his bed, face buried in a pillow as he tried to block her out. "You know that."
"You sound like Master."
"Well," she sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed as she gently stroked the back of his head. "Sometimes Master says some smart things."
"He believed in me. And I screwed it up."
"You screw anything up. You-"
"I let Radic win. Again." Shaking his head slightly, he said, "That's what Master said. That I shouldn't have let him take me. He was basically saying that I'm weak."
"I promise you that's not what he meant."
"How do you know?"
"Because I just know, Orion."
"Laxus doesn't let anyone do anything to him to hurt him," he told her then, voice muffled by the pillow. "That's why he's the strongest guy around. If someone broke his leg, he'd break their face."
"Accidents happen."
"It wasn't an accident and you know it. Radic's always hated me and it's not fair. I hate them. They all suck. They all hate me when I didn't do anything wrong."
"And why do you hate them then?"
"Because they're…them."
"Orion, listen to yourself."
He didn't want to. And besides, he didn't really mean it. Not completely, anyhow. He and Radic had some good times together, occasionally. Even recently. It was just the second that a prize was waved in one of their faces that they got so bloodthirsty. Because as much as Orion hated to admit it, if he had thought of it before, he'd have broken Radic's leg that year he got to go.
They weren't nearly as different as they seemed.
"Next year you'll be even stronger," she said simply, leaning over to kiss the back of her head before getting to her feet. "And Master will be even more impressed."
"Unless he's not. Then what? What if this was my one chance?"
"I thought you talked to him? You said that he told you-"
"Yeah, he said that stuff," Orion grumbled. "But who knows what he's really thinking? He might have just been telling me that to make me feel better. He might not ever give me another chance and I blew it and now he's not going to ever let me-"
"Take a breath."
"Go to bed." She went to turn off the light and leave. "Things will look better if you just give them some time."
Next Chapter
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ladydragonhawke · 4 years
Breath of the Dragon Chapter 1: A Little Tremor
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A Fullmetal Alchemist fanfic.
20 years later after saving all of Amestris, the Elric brothers may have gotten themselves into something worse than human transmutation. Only the strength of their wit and knowledge they gained through their travels can aid them in the trials to come. They'll have to do more than just save Amestris this time, and this time alchemy can do more harm than good.
“Well this is a surprise, normally you’re not dressed till you’ve eaten. Something’s wrong, what is it? The dignitaries?” Lan Fan pondered as she took the nearest seat at a lavishly decorated table. Ling huffed in frustration at the complexity of his royal footwear that was beginning to get him flustered, but that wasn’t the sole reason. “Did you sense or feel anything odd last night?” he huffed, trying to keep his composure.
Chapter 1: A Little Tremor
It was gloomy and too early as Lan Fan lazily brewed the morning tea, watching the water boil in the kettle with a glazed look over her eyes. The night before had been raucous and with little or no time for sleep considering how Ling liked to flit between guests like a hummingbird high on crack. The banquet had been a success, the dignitaries from Drachma and Creta had more than a good time at the expense of taxpayers coin. Lan Fan knew better than to assume Ling had enjoyed himself, especially when one particular Drachman decided to try to do more than seduce the women of the court. She shook the stupor of sleep as the kettle began squealing. Sighing she breathed deep the scent of the tea as the heated water seeped into the tea bag, slowly turning the water a golden amber color. This morning was to be a hectic one, that much was certain. Today would be an important day in Xing history, and a day like this calls for a proper start. As she tipped the cup toward her lips she heard a light rapping on her chamber door. Sighing she set the cup down on the nearby table and walked briskly toward the door. “This had better be good.” She thought as she twisted the door handle pushing the heavy frame slightly outward.
“Yes, what is it?” she sighed.
A young guard who looked to have barely made it out of his teens stood tall with one hand firmly on his spear and the other against his side. “Good morning Lady Lan Fan. Emperor Yao Ling has called for your audience.” He said with a boom.
Lan Fan recoiled at his volume and pinched the bridge of her nose, the young guard took notice and cleared his throat. “I apologize for the early summons my lady.”
“Can’t this wait till after breakfast?” She asked with a slight pleading sound.
“I’m sorry my lady but this cannot. Emperor Yao Ling has directed me to escort you immediately to his chambers.” He said with a lowered voice. Lan Fan thanked him with a look for his consideration and sighed.
“Let me get dressed a moment. Please wait out here.” She turned shutting the door at the same time, not waiting for a reply from the guard. Within moments she was ready, a spare set of clothing by the door made situations like this easier for her. This wasn’t the first time he summoned her like this, and it wouldn’t be the last. But something told her a summons this early after a night like last night was not a good sign. She mentally prepared herself with a deep breath and opened the door once more to a now startled guard.
“Oh… I thought you’d be longer.” He coughed.
“Lead the way. I want to get this over with as quickly as possible.” She sighed heavily, following the guard at a few paces behind him. He was a bit slow and couldn’t seem to remember the layout of the palace. Realizing this Lan Fan took it upon herself to take point and lead them both straight to Ling’s chambers without much delay. The guard stepped forward before she could open the door and pushed the heavy door open. As it creaked, he cleared his throat.
“My lord Emperor Yao Ling, as requested I have summoned Lady Lan Fan. Do you require anything else my liege?”
“Get yourself some breakfast.” Came a tired voice from behind a partition.
The guard smiled wide and bowed toward the voice. “Thank you my liege. I will now take my leave.” He announced, rose and about-faced down the hall, leaving Lan Fan to close the door behind him. She turned to find Ling already dressed and starting to put on his footwear while sitting on his bed.
“Well this is a surprise, normally you’re not dressed till you’ve eaten. Something’s wrong, what is it? The dignitaries?” Lan Fan pondered as she took the nearest seat at a lavishly decorated table. Ling huffed in frustration at the complexity of his royal footwear that was beginning to get him flustered, but that wasn’t the sole reason.
“Did you sense or feel anything odd last night?” he huffed, trying to keep his composure.
Lan Fan frowned trying to recall the events of last night. “None that I’m aware of? Did something happen that I wasn’t informed of?”
“You didn’t feel any tremors, your bed didn’t shake as you slept?” he ceased to attempt at putting on his footwear and gave Lan Fan his full attention. This allowed her to see the genuine concern in his face, all thoughts of reciting a joke about bed frames shaking from a night of partying, left her.
“I felt nothing my lord. Please, what is going on?” she was now more than concerned.
“I’ve sent men to find out just that. I’ve felt it getting steadily stronger these past few nights.”
“I have as well, but I believed it to be part of the fault line that runs west of here.” She sat up straight with her arms crossed in contemplation.
“I have reports of the tremors being stronger in the east.” He looked at her with confidence as he said it.
“That’s not possible, there’s nothing out that way to warrant earthquakes.” She got up from her seat to walk over to the wall where scrolls were rolled on shelves. Sifting through the stack she found the one she was looking for and hauled it to the table. Ling helped clear some of the items off the table to make room for the large map of the country.
Looking over it she tried to find markers for anything of what she could pinpoint as the source of the tremors. Ling didn’t give her much time to search as he pointed to a mountain range close to a small village in the far east.
“I have reliable reports that state the source may be here.”
“When did you acquire this information? Just how long has this been going on without you telling me?” she started to get slightly angry, she never did like when he hid things from her. Sensing his impending doom if he held out any longer, he cleared his throat and prepared himself for the verbal backlash he was sure to receive.
“About two or three months ago. But to be fair I didn’t think it anything important until recently.” He winced automatically, waiting for anything to happen. He was surprised to find Lan Fan was eyeballing the map harder instead.
“Tell me everything, and don’t spare the details. I’m not awake enough for this.” She sighed, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands.
“Haven’t had your tea yet?” Ling asked with a hint of guilt in his voice. The answer was a mild shake of Lan Fan’s head and a sigh. He then turned and poured a cup from his already brewed kettle. Lan Fan took it gratefully and sipped it slowly while eyeing both the map and Ling waiting for further information. Ling breathed out a heavy sigh and blinked a few times readying himself for the barrage of questions that were sure to come.
“Over the past few weeks I’ve been getting reports of these tremors happening suddenly and irregularly. Normally near the fault we’ll have up to five or six a month. This past month, near that one little village we’ve had twenty. My sources tell me it’s not earthly in nature, but alchemical. The vibrations range from severe to mild and change intermittently, they also don’t rise or fall in intensity when they occur. They simply start and stop. I’ve sent a small group to that village to scout out anything that may be the root cause of these tremors.” He paused, deep in thought. Lan Fan eyed him carefully sipping the last remaining contents of her cup. “Of the group of eight men I sent, only two returned. Lan Fan something happened to them, something must’ve. They came back completely unresponsive and are just mumbling incoherently. They also don’t respond to anything anyone says, even when someone waves in front of their face they act like they don’t see it. It’s as if…”
“As if they’re in shock?” Lan Fan finished, setting down her cup carefully on the side of the map. “Why did you wait till now to tell me all this? I could’ve dispatched my men to do a thorough investigation discreetly. Do we have any clues what might’ve made them this way?”
“Nothing, well…” he paused, thinking, “they seem to be mumbling two words. Sǐ lóng.”
“Death dragon? What’s that supposed to mean?” she scoffed.
“Not too sure myself. I don’t think it’s literal. One of them also kept drawing this.” He pulled out a piece of torn paper with dark scratching’s on it, which bared a messy circle with hieroglyphs along the edges.
“A transmutation circle. Just how long were they there for?” Lan Fan frowned.
“By our records about two weeks.”
They fell silent thinking about the weight of that sentence and just what they might have seen to cause two perfectly sane soldiers to go completely mad. Ling sat with a sigh in one of the cushy chairs at the table and rubbed his temples. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this worried about an unknown situation, actually he could, but that was nearly twenty years ago. In another country as well, under different circumstances and with people he hardly knew at the time. Now it was those very same people he could only think about.
“LING!” Lan Fan shouted causing him to wake from his intense trail of thought.
“What? Sorry, was thinking about something.” He shook his head as if to physically rid his mind of his current thoughts so he could focus on Lan Fan.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re thinking about them aren’t you?” Ling’s confused facial expression caused Lan Fan to sigh in exasperation. “The Elric brothers. It might not be a bad idea to give them a call.”
“You can’t read it either? I’m not too versed in alchemy, but I was hoping you could understand some of this.” He gestured slightly to the ruined paper sitting on top of the map. Lan Fan shook her head slighty and focus on the piece of paper studying it to the best of her ability.
“None of these symbols hold any meaning for me. So, when are you going to call them?” she asked without hesitation. “Or do I need to call them myself?” She waltzed over to the ornate phone on it’s own stand placing a ready hand on it but waiting for Ling to make the move first.
“No! I’ll… I’ll call them.” Ling half-shouted. “I just hope they’re still not mad at me.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Knowing Ed, he probably will be mad at you for all of five minutes when you talk to him. Just let him rant like always, I wonder if Al is with him. Last I heard Ed was in Drachma and Al in Aerugo.” Lan Fan recalled.
“I thought they were back home for the upcoming holidays? I can’t remember all of Amestris’s holidays. Almost like they have one every month there.” Ling complained with a sigh.
“Did you forget where you live and currently rule? Emperor Ling Yao?” She teased.
“No, I did not…” he mumbled. They were currently in a three week long fall festival where a celebration is held nearly every night.
“I know you’re stalling, just call them already and if we have to make a few more calls than usual I’ll send my people to contact them directly. Hell, I might even go myself.” Lan Fan picked up the phone and the receiver carrying it to set it down in front of Ling directly so that he could not stall any longer.
“Call them Ling, you’ll be…”
Just then another quake shook through the palace making the silverware and tapestries lining the walls shake and reverberate. A heavily ornate plate slid from it’s shelf and crashed into pieces on the floor. Suddenly it’s violent shaking grew stronger causing two tapetries to fall loudly to the floor, then as suddenly as it started it stopped. Leaving Lan Fan and Ling to stare at each other with a shocked expression on both of their faces.
“I’ll give them a call.” Ling stated as he picked up the phone from the receiver and spun the dial on the front in the pattern of numbers he knew like the back of his hand. As it started to ring Lan fan pulled up a chair to sit next to Ling, she wasn’t about to miss the verbal lashing Ling was about to experience. Ling gave her a terse look then focused on the ringing waiting patiently for someone to pick up the other line. Then the sound of a click and a woman’s voice could be heard.
“Elric residence, this is Winry. May I ask who’s calling?”
“Ah, good morning Winry. It’s Ling Yao, is Edward at home?”
“Hi Ling! How’s Emperor life for ya lately? Sure, he’s home but I have to warn you, he’s been a bit touchy today. I think his automail is bugging him, it’s about to rain over here. Not to mention your little stunt you pulled on Ed. He’s still fuming about that by the way.”
“I thought so. He wouldn’t be Ed if he didn’t at least hold some kind of grudge. Can I bother him at the moment, I’m afraid it’s an urgent matter.” Ling steeled himself for what was inevitably going to be a one-way yelling session.
“I hope everything is alright, I’ll grab him for you just give me a moment.” There was a small thunk of the phone being set down, most likely beside the receiver and receding footsteps. Then silence for all of thirty seconds then the sound of shouting could be heard.
“What does that bastard want now?! I still haven’t forgiven him you know! What?! Fine! But don’t think I won’t lay into him. He owes me two thousand Cenz from the last time I visited him! And don’t get me started on… what? Fine.”
The sound of large footsteps grew closer to the phone as the phone was roughly picked up from the table.
“Ling Yao, this better be good. And if you try to swindle me again, I swear… I’ll think of something. And it won’t be a good something either. Now, what’s the problem? Not enough taxpayers to pay for your food?” Edwards gruff voice growled through the phone.
Ling swallowed, “Look, I know you have every reason to hang up on me right now, but I may have a situation that I must ask for your assistance in. Yours and Al’s.”
“Can you get to the damn point Ling?” Edward huffed through gritted teeth.
Without further flare Ling laid out all the details he gained through the months. The quakes and their intensities, the quakes inconsistencies compared to the fault line. The village where the source may possibly be, and the results of sending a small group to recon the area to get further detail. Then the debriefing of the remaining men and what they saw in a remote cave in the mountainside. Edward at first was terse with him and simply chalked it up to the fault line acting up. Then as Ling gave more and more points on the matter Edward grew silent, simply taking in all the information and only asking certain questions that seemed to bother him about the details.
“And you’re saying they grow in intensity then just suddenly stop? No reduction first?” Edward pondered.
“None, we just had a quake before I called you up. It was so intense things were falling off the walls. This has never happened before.” Ling stated.
“This does sound fishy. And the circle your men drew, anyone able to recognize any of the symbols?” Edward asked, a small scratching sound could be heard through the phone. It seemed Edward was taking this seriously and jotting down notes.
“None of my alchemists could make anything out, but it did hold some similarities to your alchemy, the layout of the circle for example. It’s…”
“Don’t worry about giving me details. I hate trying to figure that out over the phone. I’ll get Al and we’ll hop on the next train to meet you. I think the next available is in two days. Does that sound good to you?” Edward asked seriously. It was as if he had forgotten about his grudge, but Ling knew better.
“I’ll actually make a few calls and see if I can change the schedule of the train.”
“That bad huh?” Edward asked.
“You have no idea. Let me know if you need anything and I’ll have Lan Fan arrange it. See you in two days.” Ling finished, waited for Edward’s goodbye before finally hanging up the phone on the receiver.
“That went better than I expected.” Lan Fan sighed. “He seems to be taking this seriously.”
“You know Ed and Al, they always take anything having to do with alchemy seriously. I just hope they get here quick enough. I want them to experience this firsthand.”
“I’m sure they will. Well, you want me to make the proper arrangements? I can call the train stations in Amestris and here. You still have your dignitaries to take care of this morning.” Lan Fan gave him a friendly shove on his shoulder, breaking him of his trance of deep thought.
“Ugh, do I have to? The Drachman has been getting on my nerves and won’t stop being a boorish pig.” Ling whined. “And don’t get me started on the Cretan.”
“You’re the one who wanted to become Emperor remember? You’ll be fine. Finish dressing and I’ll get started on the calls.” Lan Fan picked up the phone and began dialing the numbers she knew, leaving Ling to sulk toward his discarded shoes from earlier.
“I just hope this isn’t serious.”
0 notes
rosalindmosis · 7 years
Jane Foster Week - Day 5 - RESPECT
This is a stretch on the theme but screw it. This also features the dog from AA because HE’S SO PERFECT.
It was one of her better days, she felt well enough to sit up and write her blog. She was wrapped in a thick blanket, wearing sweats, a dinosaur t-shirt and hoodie whilst Albie, a small rather wheezy rescue chihuahua-terrier mix was with to her under her desk whilst she typed. She loved everything about this dumb little puppy, from his huge vacant eyes, set way too far apart, to his nervous little yap. His only flaw, apart from snoring, flatulence and incontinence, sometimes all at once, was that he couldn’t bring her coffee.
‘Hey, I’ve been thinking…’ Darcy began, setting another mug by her laptop.
‘What about?’
‘Well… shouldn’t you start, y’know, telling people about the whole… cancer thing?’ Darcy took her own coffee and took a sip ‘I know you don’t want to know what people are saying on social media, but they are wondering why you’ve been… absent lately.’
Jane sighed ‘I don’t need pity.’
‘Well, don’t you think people are going to notice? It’s not exactly something you can hide for long. People are going to fill in the gaps.’
Jane just shrugged and brought her sentence to an end ‘People might also think I’m doing it for attention.’
Darcy almost choked ‘Are you high right now?’
‘God I wish…’
‘C’mon boss, this is serious,’ Darcy pulled up a chair ‘I mean you are doing it for attention- but that attention will do you good.’
‘Will it though?’ Jane turned to her ‘I’d rather just… get on with my work, no attention, no speculation-’
‘But you’re getting that regardless!’ Darcy insisted ‘You might as well set some people strai-’
‘Set who straight?’ Jane glared at her ‘What’s going on?’
Darcy looked nervous ‘Um… there’s a uh… a lot of chatter and talk… that you’re basically hiding away after Thor…’
Jane rolled her eyes ‘Well they can eat a line of dicks.’
‘I would normally say that too,’ Darcy bit her lip and ploughed on as Jane’s expression got more and more thunderous.
‘Um, I’ve been talking to my friend with the lecture circuit and he’s overheard someone say they’re a bit reluctant to get you back if you’re all reclusive and stuff and please stop looking at me like that.’
Jane gently dislodged Albie and stood up ‘Right.’
‘Okay, stop-’ Darcy stood in front of her, chest forward, standing in her way ‘let’s think about this. Let’s approach it with calm-’
‘You approach it with calm!’
She stopped, breathing hard and tried to focus on Darcy through the pounding in her ears.
‘I have an idea,’ Darcy told her, hands on her shoulders ‘you might not like it, but I think it’ll help. Feel free to say no.’
Jane listened, taking a deep breath and letting it out.
‘On one condition,’ Jane told her.
‘What’s that?’
‘Albie sits with me.’
‘Honestly that’s only going to make things way better.’
Phone calls were made.
The video came online the next day.
‘Hi everyone, it’s Jane and… I have a little… confession? No, I’m not guilty… um, announcement? I don’t know what to call it really… Some of you have been wondering where I’ve been for a while, or not wondering, why my blog has slowed down and I’ve not been doing my podcast lately… um… As you can see, I’ve not been feeling all that greatly.’
Albie stirred on her lap, nuzzling her side and whining. She’d upgraded to her favourite galaxy shirt, chunky knit cardigan, jeans and a new headscarf decorated with planets. She’d forgone the make-up, much to her annoyance, since Darcy pointed out people needed to see she was sick.
‘About six months ago, I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which is a type of blood cancer. After a biopsy and an unsuccessful set of clinical trials, I’ve been receiving chemo ever since and it’s… well, kicking my ass. Not going to lie. I’ve not felt much like doing anything lately, I’m tired… I’m sick and… well, I’m not great. At all. I’m still more likely to recover, so I’m definitely not dying yet, just thought I’d throw that out there. I am lucky to receive the love and support of my friends, and this poor puppy, but I’m… scared as hell, some of you may be aware- my Dad died of cancer and… I was always afraid it’d catch up to me one day and, well, here it is.’
She picked Albie up and cuddled him close.
‘I’ve made this video because I think… I think it’s important people know what is going on and because I desperately want to get back to work, to doing what I love doing, but I need time… God I hate being sick, I hate having to just sit back and wait and rest, I want to just leave my house and go to all the conferences and research trips I used to do but now… I want to, hah, I want to kick this cancer’s ass, but being a tiny fragile mortal… human science is my best weapon. So I’m just going to carry on as best I can.’
She blew out a breath.
‘I don’t want pity… although, good wishes and the like are super welcome, I want to keep going, so I’ll be back to doing my podcast as soon as I can and, with any luck, I’ll be well enough to make this year’s Geneva conference, if not in body then at least in face and starting next month, exact date’s still a bit up in the air, I’ll be going live on my Youtube channel and talking about a few pertinent subjects in science, particularly astronomy and astrophysics, and if you really want to know, I’ll be giving you updates on my treatment as well. So… with all that out of the way, I guess… see you on the next one! Bye!’
She waved one of Albie’s paws for good measure and the video cut off there.
‘I’ve uploaded a few photos of you in treatment as well,’ Darcy reported as Jane got up and carried Albie to the kitchen ‘you… sure about that?’
‘Well, they might as well see,’ Jane shrugged ‘I mean, there’ll be nutjobs who still think I’m faking it for attention, but at least this way I can make a show of not giving a rat’s ass.’
Darcy hugged her, out of the blue, and kissed her on the cheek.
‘I’m sorry, I know I suggested this and… I know you didn’t want to do this...’ she trailed off.
Jane smiled sadly ‘My personal life was down the swanny the minute I started dating Thor. It was only going to get worse after I broke up with him… if I have to gain enough respect to work by showing everyone I have freakin’ cancer then… then that’s what I have to do.’
‘You think people are going to make the connection?’
‘Probably, but… whatever, they can think what they like. I know I did the right thing.’
Darcy tried to smile back ‘You think he’ll get over it?’
‘I think so, especially if he ever gets back and see how I look now.’
‘I’ll tazer him into a coma if he says anything.’
‘No need…. I think… I think something’s happened to him.’
Darcy frowned ‘What makes you think that?’
‘I’m very sick and, well, even after I broke up with him, he’d still come back and see me, he’s not that bitter…. Well, I think so anyway.’
Darcy watched her ‘And… how do you feel about that?’
Jane shrugged ‘I don’t know. I’m… scared for him, but at the same time… what can I do?’
Darcy cupped her cheek ‘I know it pains you to say that.’
‘Thanks, but… it’s true. Right?’
Jane founder herself curled up on a bench outside on her balcony, holding her stupid dog and fighting the urge to check social media. She didn’t need to see the reactions, that was Darcy’s job. Her job was the same as it ever was. She left her phone in the kitchen and just finished a few blog posts in advance.
‘Next week’s talk on… oh God you’re going to try and make me say it… Subyamana… God I sound so white...’
‘Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,’ Jane supplied.
‘That’s him, yeah, Dr Goh and Dr Chari- are okay to do a hang-out on that day at that time and I’ll edit it when you’re done.’
‘Cool… anything else?’
Darcy said nothing at first, but just stood next to her ‘There’s a lot of flowers arriving, requests for interviews and, like, a tsunami of well wishes. Also a lot of people want Albie to have an instagram account like, yesterday.’
‘He doesn’t do anything.’
‘That’s literally not the point,’ Darcy sighed ‘so… no regrets?’
‘Nope. Not yet.’
Darcy nodded ‘Good because I’d have to take the heat on this one if it backfired.’
‘There’s still time.’
Darcy snorted ‘Love you.’
‘Love you too…. And… thank you.’
Darcy posed ‘No problem. Just name a planet after me or something. That’s all I ask.’
‘I’m working on it.’
Darcy’s phone blipped ‘Oh, this one’s… interesting… back in a mo.’
Jane gave Albie a kiss and contemplated the future.
It might be very short, but… it was going to be interesting.
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