#sorry its like 1k words and not under a read more
harunovella · 4 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ love language (verse ii); s.g.
synopsis: when gojo satoru first interacted with you content: teen gojo era, fem!reader, hopeless!romantic gojo, 1k+ words of gojo and reader saving a kitten (a moment straight out of a romcom for sure), not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: truly didn't think the first part to this anthology series would gain such attention! thank u for that! again, these can be read as a standalone (or connected to this one, but you don't have to read it); enjoy and lmk if u want more!
It was this specific cherry blossom tree Satoru always found you under. The one Kento mentioned the first time he ever asked him about you. If you weren't busy with training or missions, or enjoying life outside the jujutsu world, he found you there. Although there was an array of trees, there was one specific one you seemed to gravitate towards. 
He wasn't sure if it was the specific spot that had good lighting for when you wanted to read or sketch in your little book, or maybe it was the way the roots formed a perfect spot to sit in between... whatever it was, he knew it to be your tree. Even when you weren't around. There was something... welcoming about it. Whenever he walked by with Suguru and Shoko nearby, or whenever he was aimlessly wandering around, he always found himself peeking in its direction, hoping you were sitting underneath it. 
For a confident young man, it took Gojo some time to make his way to you. Claiming to love you when he hadn't even uttered a word in your direction was bold, even going as far as believing you were his soulmate was quite the exaggeration. So why was it hard for him to simply say hello? 
Maybe it was because he wasn't a simple person. Nothing about Gojo Satoru screamed simple. He was anything but that. Yet, a task as easy as that—which came naturally to any other girl around him—was a hassle. Each time he thought he found the courage to step up, he let his racing heart deter him. 
That was until you made the first move. 
It caught him completely off guard, the way you gently tapped his arm from behind, peeking up at him with that sweet smile of yours. His heart did somersaults, his eyes widened behind his round frames, so big that his shades couldn't even hide them. He had been on one of his little walks, new treat in hand that Shoko bribed him with in order to practice her reverse curse technique on him. He was bored, completing his missions and not having much to train on when he already excelled at everything. 
At everything except talking to the girl of his dreams. 
"Hi," you kindly greeted, smile reaching your eyes. Oh, god, you were an angel. A being descended from up above. How could you exist so easily in such a cruel world? He needed to protect you, right? Even if he could see your cursed energy oozing out so brightly. You must've been powerful, something he never considered, always looking at you like you were some little bunny to keep in his pocket... not one who could possibly kick the shit out of him (if he'd let you and he definitely would). "Can you help me out?"
"Pretty..." the words slipped his mouth before he could even process them. Quickly sealing his lips and clearing his throat as you tilted your head, Satoru straightened his back. "What is it?"
Dismissing the sudden word vomit, assuming he was in his own world, you pointed to the left of you. "I sit under those trees, but I keep hearing soft meows coming from one of them. I'm too short to reach... do you think—"
"Yes," the white haired young man instantly nodded as you blinked. Without a second word, he turned on his heel and stalked towards the tree that you claimed your own. 
You, a bit baffled, were unsure as to how exactly he knew which tree you had been pointing at when it was a general direction. Yet, there he was, approaching the tree you were referring to. "It's quite high up, but you're very tall!" You called out before following after him, lightly jogging to catch up before stopping behind him as he eyed the tree. 
In reality, Gojo didn't think any of it through. He just wanted to say yes to be around you, to hear you speak more. Not... to climb up a tree to save a stray kitten. But, whatever made him look better in his eyes, he didn't mind. 
"Be careful!" You exclaimed as you watched him make his way up the tree, no hesitations. You were a bit surprised that someone so easily wanted to help you save a cat. Maybe he liked animals, too?
Or maybe he was a fool madly in love with you—you wouldn't know this yet. 
"Oh, there! You've got 'em!" You clapped as you watched the uniformed young man gently reach for and latch onto the small, white kitten. 
"Ah, don't worry, I'm only here to help you," Gojo said, carefully pulling the kitten towards himself. "I've got you, you're safe now. I just gotta figure out—"
"Watch out!" You shrieked.
"Shit!" Satoru yelped as he lost his balance, clutching the kitten close as he slipped from the branch. Landing with a loud thud, followed by several groans of pain (and pure embarrassment... when did he ever make himself look like a complete fool?!), Gojo rolled around with his eyes closed. 
"Are you alright?!" You panicked, rushing over and kneeling at his side, gently lifting his head with one hand as your other pressed carefully against his shoulder, eyeing his body for any wounds. 
"Agh... dammit..." he grunted, eyes fluttering open and adjusting to the brightness of the sun. Blinking a few times, blurred vision focusing, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. Your hair that was usually held back by its ribbon, cascaded around your face as a few strands slipped out from the ponytail. With eyebrows narrowed and a look of worry on his face, Satoru's embarrassment turned into that of timidness. You were engulfed by the sunlight, glowing like the angel you were. "Gosh, you're so pretty..."
"Are you okay?" You asked in a panic, his mumbled words coming off too slurred to understand. "Did you hit your head too hard?"
Shaking his head as he forced himself to sit up, Gojo rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. "No, 'm fine..." he sighed before looking down at his hands to the kitten. "So is this little guy."
Turning your attention from the white haired young man, to the matching kitten, you gasped, "what a hero!"
Grinning and feeling the heat rise to his cheeks, Gojo shrugged, "eh, ''twas nothing..."
"You almost broke a few bones, though..." you frowned, looking back at him. 
"I'm tough," he brushed off before turning to face you. Now eye to eye, the sudden confidence instantly sizzled away as he gazed at you from up close. A sudden silence weaved between the two of you as your eyes locked, nothing but the sounds of nature and the kittens purring filled the air. "I..."
"You should keep it," Satoru suddenly said, handing you the kitten. "Deserves a nice home."
"Oh, me?" You asked as you took the kitten in your hands, caressing its soft, white fur. 
"Yeah, I wouldn't be a good dad," he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You... You'd be a great mom to it, I'm sure."
Eyeing the kitten, then looking back up at him, you smiled, "we can coparent."
At your offer, Gojo gulped. "Co... parent?"
"Yeah, like, help me out with..." lifting the kitten up, you squinted your eyes, "her."
"I... I don't know much about taking care of animals but I can try and help as much as I can," he offered, scratching his head nervously. 
Smiling, you brought the kitten close to your chest, "you saved her from a tree, I'm sure she will remember that."
"Yeah, maybe," Satoru blushed.
Looking down at the kitten as you pet her, listening to her gentle purring, you happily sighed, "what's your name?"
Quickly pointing at himself, the blue eyed boy asked, "mine?"
"Mhm," you nodded. 
"Gojo. Gojo Satoru. You can call me Satoru, though," he nearly blurted out as you chuckled before giving him yours. 
"Well, Satoru," you beamed as he melted at the sound of his name slipping off your tongue, "I think I'll name her after you."
"Wha— Satoru? But... she's a girl?" He tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows. 
"I was thinking of a nickname," you said before looking down at the kitten. "I'll name her Toru. It's cute, right?"
Nodding slowly, then faster, Gojo agreed. "Yeah, Toru is cute."
Lifting your gaze to meet his, you gave him a toothy smile. "Toru it is."
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blitzyn · 10 months
stop moving
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re4r leon s. kennedy x m!reader
request: none
synopsis: After finding yourself stuck in a closet with Leon, you end up squirming just a little too much.
a/n -> i have fallen victim to the leon lover rabbit hole. ALSO. I FUCKING FRACTURED MY FINGER??? guys i almost cried when i had to write the word balls. </3 but thank you all for 1k followers! tbh i only started this acc because i liked the font when i wrote something in my drafts lmao. but still! it means a lot to me and im happy to have gotten this far!
wc -> 2.5k
cw -> thigh fucking, hiding in a closet, spit as lube, handjob (r receiving), pet names (baby x2, sweetheart x1), he's kinda possessive tbh, not beta read
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This was supposed to be relatively simple: get in, figure out where the president's daughter was, save her, then get out. Sure, you've seen your fair share of weird shit — especially after the outbreak in Raccoon City, but finding out that there was a whole religion dedicated to spreading a plague for the sake of taking over the world definitely takes the cake. For now, at least.
But finding yourself cramped in a closet with Leon, surrounded by a horde of hostile cultists, also wasn't something you expected to happen throughout the entire mission.
"Stop moving so much," Leon quietly muttered from behind you just as you shifted.
"I'm not," you huffed, a bit annoyed that you had to hide in this stuffy closet, even if you knew that you'd probably be dead by now if it weren't for your partner's quick thinking. Against his words, you adjusted yourself again, trying to find a decently comfortable position. Suddenly, you felt his hands on your hips and the warmth of his chest pressed to your back as he pulled you flush against him.
"I said, stop moving," he repeated, whispering in your ear. You held back a shudder at the feeling of his breath ghosting over the shell of it, stilling completely in surprise. Just then, thunderous footsteps could be heard outside the closet; slowly, listening for any sound that might reveal where the two of you hid.
You tensed and instinctively backed up to further yourself from the perpetrator, even if there wasn't much room to move to begin with. You could faintly hear Leon grunt from behind you, but you were in no position to apologize at the moment. Your eyes were glued to a crack in the old, wooden door, watching as the light shifted when the person passed by.
You waited with bated breath, hoping that it wouldn't come near. But, like some cliche horror movie, you could see the light at the bottom of the door disappear, meaning it was far too close for comfort. With every second the person stood there, the tighter Leon's hold on your hips became. The two of you went so silent your ears rang, and you were briefly afraid that it'd hear the sound of your racing heartbeat.
But after what felt like an eternity, its heavy footsteps started up again and away from the closet. You heaved a sigh of relief when the front door slammed shut, rendering the building empty once more.
"Fucking hell, sorry," you mumbled, trying to shuffle forward and give Leon his space when you realized that he hadn't let go of you yet. "You okay?"
Using the dim light that filtered through the cracks in the door, you lifted your arms a bit and curiously peered at his hands. But that's when you noticed the black lines covering his arms. Upon closer inspection, you quickly realized that they were his veins.
"Christ, Leon, what—"
"Be quiet. Just—just for a second."
You found it hard to tear your eyes away from his arms, waiting in silence. You focused on the sound of his labored breaths, biting your tongue to keep yourself from questioning him even further. Your mind couldn't help the invasion of 'What happened?' and 'What is that?' that threatened to spill from your lips. How did you not notice this earlier?!
You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt him rest his forehead on your shoulder, muttering and grunting under his breath. And that's when you felt it — the reason why he was so reluctant to move just yet: he was hard.
"Oh." You couldn't help it, even if he had already told you to shut your mouth twice already. The silence from then on was painfully awkward as the two of you tried to figure out what to say. With a deep breath, you miraculously found the courage to speak up.
"Do you... Can I help you?" You offered, remaining still to keep yourself from accidentally pressing yourself up against him again. It was silent while you waited for his reply, embarrassment wriggling its way through your chest the longer the two of you kept quiet.
"I mean, you don't have to accept, you can just ignore me—" you began to ramble on, mortified that you even asked the question. "I just thought, cause, like, it'll be hard for you to—shit, I didn't mean it like that—"
"[Name]," Leon interrupted you, finding your instant silence charming in its own way. You could hear him take a deep breath in just as his hands slid further up to firmly caress your waist and abdomen. Electricity shot down your spine and pooled in your gut when he tugged you closer to him, grinding himself against your ass. "You can."
He reached for your hand and brought it behind you, placing it directly onto his cock. You gave it a tentative squeeze, savoring the quiet grunt that came from him, feeling your confidence grow by the second. You heard the gentle jingling of his belt as he undid it just enough for you to dip your hand underneath the waistband of his pants and boxers.
"Not wasting a second, huh?" Amusement and lust were laced in his voice as he spoke, a quiet moan spilling from his lips soon after.
He was hot and thick in your hand, throbbing rhythmically. You swiped a finger over the tip that beaded precum, savoring the shudder that came from his body. His hips trusted up into your fist, seeking more, and you were more than happy to oblige.
With a steady pace, you moved your hand up and down, tracing the prominent veins. You felt your own cock twitch at the sound of Leon's breathy groans and sighs, but you ignored it in favor of getting him off.
"Fuuckk," he drawled out, leaning forward to press his lips on the side of your neck. "You're good at this. Makes me think you've done this typa thing before."
"No," you responded, gently rubbing the spot on the underside of the tip. "You're the only one."
"I get the special treatment?" He muttered teasingly, his breath hot against your skin. "Must be my lucky day."
He could feel his body buzzing with adrenaline as he peppered open-mouthed kisses on the side of your neck, untucking your shirt to slide a hand up your torso to pinch and toy with a nipple. His free hand traveled lower, slipping his cold fingertips underneath the waistband of your pants, but refused to go further than that.
You could feel his lips curl in a subtle smirk, but even as you realized he was teasing you, testing your patience, you had no intention to retaliate. Christ. The hold this man had on you. It was downright pathetic.
"God," he started, pressing his palm flat on your chest to bring you closer to him—eager for more of your touch. He let his teeth gently scrape against your skin, threatening to bite—to mark you, but he forced himself not to. He couldn't. Not right now. "I want to fuck you so bad."
His words were breathless, borderline desperate, as they left his lips. He couldn't help but thrust his hips up into your fist, pushing and pushing until your hand was flush against your ass, keeping you from jerking him off as he rutted against your hand.
"We can't, Leon," you muttered, disappointment lacing your voice. As much as you'd love to have him inside you, fucking you deep, you knew you couldn't. Not when the Ganados were still outside, at least. "Just let me finish you off."
Leon let out a low growl, knowing that you were right. There were a lot of things the two of you couldn't do inside the confined space of the closet, forcing him to conjure up ideas of what he wanted to do when all of this was over.
But for now, he settled on the second best option: your thighs.
"I know," he murmured, breathing in deeply as he pulled your hand away from his throbbing cock. "Then let me fuck your thighs. I'll be quick, I promise."
You mulled over his words, unsure if it would be a good idea.
"Please, baby," he pleaded, his voice heavy with lust. "Just this once. Then, when we find Ashley and get the hell outta this place, I'll make sure to fuck you properly. Nice 'n hard 'n deep. Wouldn't you like that?"
Fuck it.
"Mhm, yeah, go ahead." You relented, knees weakening at the thought of having his thick cock inside you, stretching and filling you up perfectly.
"Atta boy," he buried his thumbs underneath your pants and boxers, pulling them down to let them drop to your ankles. "Knew you'd come around."
He groaned at the sight of your bare thighs and drooling cock, running his hands along the curve of your ass to lean back and spread it, focusing his gaze on your asshole. "Fuck," he hissed. "Can't wait to feel your tight little hole around me later. Gonna fill you up with my cum, make you mine."
Arousal sank in your stomach like a rock as your hole clenched around nothing. Whatever's coursing through his veins made him more impulsive, more desperate, but with the fog that clouded your thoughts, you hardly found it in you to mind.
He spat on his cock and moved a hand away from your body to briefly jerk himself off and smear the saliva around.
"Open up, baby," he instructed as soon as he was done, raising his hand to caress your hip. "Spread your legs a little."
Like a trained puppy, you obeyed, widening your thighs just enough to let him guide his hard cock in between them. Your breath hitched at the sight of the head peeking out, squeezing your legs around him just a bit tighter.
"Jesus fuck, [Name]," he groaned, leaning forward to press his chest against your back. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close to him. Through the hazy mess that was in your mind, you found comfort in the warmth and firmness of them as you placed your hands on his forearms for some sort of stability. "That's it. Squeeze me just like that."
You could feel every twitch and throb, and you were sure he could feel yours, too. It felt like your senses were on overdrive as you listened to your labored breaths, his pleased sighs and grunts, and the slick sounds of his cock sliding in and out of your thighs. He set a leisurely pace, rocking his hips back and forth.
"Shit..." He hissed, speeding up his thrusts as his dick rubbed against your balls, smearing his makeshift lube across your skin.
His hips met yours with quiet slaps, making sure to keep the noise level at a minimum despite the overwhelming urge to just bury himself inside you right then and there. He mouthed at the nape of your neck, tasting the salt of your skin, gently pressing his teeth down hard enough to send sparks down your spine.
His fingertips pressed into your sides so firmly it hurt, but it only served to mix in with the desire that burned brightly in your belly. He fucked your thighs with a sense of urgency, as if trying to satiate a hunger deep within his subconscious—not that you minded.
He grunted and groaned with every thrust, tightening his arms around your waist to tug you back to him whenever your hips jolted forward. It was intoxicating; the way he so effortlessly turned your body into a sensitive mess left you wanting more.
But as soon as a strong hand wrapped around your aching cock, you nearly came on the spot. One of your hands left Leon's forearm to slap it over your mouth as you tried to keep yourself from moaning too loud.
He breathily chuckled beside your ear. "Is this what you wanted?" He rhetorically questioned, swiping a finger over the leaking head so perfectly it left your skin tingling. "Tell me, sweetheart."
"Ohh, fuck," you hissed. It was embarrassing how you so eagerly responded to his touch. "Yeah, th-that's it...!"
Your eyes fluttered shut, focusing on the feeling of his slick cock moving in and out from between your thighs. Your lips parted from behind your hand to let out quiet pants and moans, digging your nails into his forearm the closer you got to your orgasm.
"Oh god, Leon—!" You moaned, pressing yourself further against his back. You could feel your legs faltering, but he didn't seem to mind having you rely on him to stand up.
"I know, baby, I know," he muttered, his voice tight and strained as his thrusts gradually grew sloppy and weak. "Me too."
His cock pulsed and twitched, and he can't help himself from clamping his teeth over the side of your neck this time. It wasn't hard enough to draw blood, but it left a noticeable bite mark that dully ached.
"Come on, baby, cum for me," he instructed, and you had no choice but to comply.
With a muffled moan, you arched your back and finally came as ropes of your semen coated the dusty wooden floor and Leon's fingers. He stroked you until he was sure that you were spent before letting go to chase after his own release.
"Shit," he cursed, breathing heavily. "I'm gonna cum so... so fucking hard...!"
With a strained groan, his hips jerked erratically as he came, holding you tight enough to leave bruises. You gently rub your thighs together, helping him ride out his high. It wasn't until a few moments later did he finally stop, breathing hard against your neck as he calmed down. But that's also when the clarity kicked in.
"Oh, fuck," he muttered, moving his head from you. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened—I just—" he apologized, sighing in defeat a moment later.
"It's fine," you replied, patting his arm. You had to suppress a shudder when he pulled away from your thighs. The cum that ended up on the insides of them quickly cooled, leaving an uncomfortable sensation on your skin. You were just gonna have to suck it up.
"Let's just get outta here, already." You shuffled forward a bit to tug your pants back up your legs while Leon composed himself.
"Yeah," he said, pressing an arm against the dusty, wooden door. Through the dim light, you could see that his veins were no longer visible again, but that thought was going to have to hold off until later. "You ready?"
"Yup." You nodded after briefly making sure you still had everything in place.
Without further thought about what happened just a few seconds ago, Leon pushed the door open and quickly left the closet as you trailed close behind. Now, it was back to work.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
orange peel theory (dark! and soft!rafe)
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words: 1k (about 500 words each)
warnings: name calling, suggestive
orange peel theory: girlfriends ask their boyfriend to peel an orange for them, as a test to see if they are willing to help with small tasks that the girlfriend can do herself
you quickly set your phone in a discreet spot, already recording as you move back to your chair, pretending to be reading your book as rafe walks in.
“what are you doing?” rafe questions, looking at you with concern, not sure if he’s ever seen you read before.
“nothing.” you shake your head, shutting the book and setting it down, glancing at your phone to make sure it is still recording. “how was work?”
“fucking tiring. dealing with idiots all day.” rafe spits the words out before toeing his shoes off and leaving them in the center of the room.
“im sorry.” you pout, standing up as rafe takes a seat on the edge of the bed. you move to stand in between his thighs, pressing a kiss to his lips. he sighs with satisfaction, wrapping his hands around the back of your thighs, rubbing over them, tucking his fingertips under your shorts to feel your bare skin.
“can you get me an orange rafe? i’m craving one.” you move away from him, setting back on your chair to make sure you are centered in the camera.
rafe gives you a confused look but nods, mainly because he also needs to get a glass of water for himself. he re-enters the room, tossing the orange towards you, which you catch easily.
“thanks.” you smile as rafe takes a sip of water and then sets it on the nightstand. “can you peel it for me though babe?”
“what?” he questions, moving to kneel between your legs, an amused look on his face. “my stupid little slut not able to peel it on her own? too much of a baby?” “rafey.” you whine as he takes the orange out of your hand, unpeeling it and tossing the peel into the trash. he pulls a piece and then hovers it in front of your mouth.
“open up whore, i know how much you love to do that.” rafe taunts you before you lean forward, taking the slice of orange into your mouth and pulling it out of his fingers, letting the citrusy taste flood your mouth.
“you are so mean, this was supposed to be for tiktok.” you point out your phone, making rafe turn to look at the screen opened and recording.
“for tiktok, its some trend about asking your boyfriend to peel an orange for you to see if he will do small tasks for you, and you totally failed!” you whine, stamping your feet on the ground in annoyance.
“but i peeled the orange for you.” rafe says with confusion.
“while also calling me a stupid whore!” you stand up, grabbing your phone and stopping the recording, knowing you won’t put it on tiktok.
“are you not my dumb little slut?” rafe asks, standing and stepping close to you, hovering over with his intimidating height.
“i mean i am, but-”
“exactly.” rafe cuts you off, pressing his lips against yours as he backs you up towards the bed.
you quickly set your phone in a discreet spot, already recording as you move back to your chair, pretending to be reading your book as rafe walks in.
“hey baby.” rafe leans down and gives you a kiss on the top of your head, which you quickly tilt up to have him press a second one to your lips.
“how was work?” you ask, setting your book to the side, glancing at your phone to make sure its still recording.
“exhausting.” rafe sighs, rubbing his hand over his face, making you pout.
“im sorry bubs.” you comment as he sits down on the bed to take his work shoes off. 
“no big deal. how was your day?” rafe asks.
“good…” you shrug. you usually go into more detail, and rafe knows it, so he sits quietly, waiting for you to continue. “but i’m actually really hungry.” you blurt out, figuring you shouldn’t delay any longer as you look at your phone again, lucky that rafe doesn’t follow your line of sight.
“what are you hungry for? we can order delivery.” rafe knows you like to cook, but he also doesn’t force it on you, leaving the option to get takeout open whenever you are tired or simply don’t feel like cooking.
“i actually just want an orange.” you shrug.
“thats not really food, darling, but okay.” rafe stands, setting his shoes on the rack next to the door before heading out of the bedroom towards the kitchen.
you can’t help smiling at the camera as you wait, covering your mouth as rafe reenters, already knowing that he’s going to pass the test.
“here ya go.” rafe hands you a bowl instead of an orange, making your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, before you take it and realize that the orange is already peeled and pulled apart, ready for you to enjoy.
“raaafe.” you whine.
“what?” rafe kneels down in front of your chair, placing his hands on your knees.
“i wanted a whole orange.” you complain, pouting your lower lip out as rafe looks at you in complete confusion.
“why, were you gonna eat the peel or something?” rafe laughs.
“no, its supposed to be a thing for tiktok.” you point towards your phone, which takes rafe a second to see from its hidden position. “you’re supposed to bring me an orange and i ask you to peel it to see if you’ll help me with a small task.”
“should i bring you back a whole orange then so you can ask?” rafe questions.
“no, i don’t even really want an orange to be honest.” you admit. rafe looks down into the bowl, taking a piece and putting it into his mouth, chewing it up. 
“what do you want then honey?”
“can you get me a banana?” you tilt your head to the side. rafe nods, grabbing the bowl from your lap before heading back to the kitchen.
you grab your phone and set it closer. “he’s just too good of a boyfriend.” you sigh as rafe comes back through the door, handing you a banana.
you smile at him in thanks, taking it out of his hand before he leans to press a kiss to your cheek, glancing at the camera, still recording when you realize how you can still test the theory.
“peel it for me babe?”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie
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five minutes | l.m.h
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pairing... bf!minho x gn!reader tags... established relationship, disgustingly fluffy, excessive references to soondoongdori, minho is a cat personified, soft mimo!
operation put your boyfriend to sleep in five minutes is a go.
wc... 1.4k words a/n... ah, yet another domestic fluff fic featuring softy minho. a star specialty! sorry guys this is kinda my fav thing to write ever r u sick of me 😁 anywayz this was inspired by this soft thought and this tiktok like i saw it and immediately thought : lee minho.
ALSO ALSO! HUGE THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS! i never would've thought i'd reach this milestone and words couldnt express how incredibly grateful i am for each and every one of you who read and enjoy my works <3 i love you guys thank you so much!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Minho turned the doorknob and pushed the front door open, greeting Soonie who stood by the entrance with a tilted head. Shutting the door, he hung his bag on the coat rack and bent down to pet his beloved cat’s chin.
“Hi, baby,” the cat nuzzled his head into Minho’s palm and circled around his arm, “where are your brothers, hm?”
Meow… Soonie walked off to the living room as if to answer Minho’s question. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he followed his cat toward the faint nose of your favorite series playing on the TV.
When he entered the room, Minho saw your figure strewn lazily across the couch. Dori was cuddled up against your chest and Soonie hopped up to join Doongie by your feet. His heart warmed at the sight of his loves all huddled together.
“Honey, I’m home,” Minho grabbed your attention with his gentle, sing-song tone, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
You switched your attention from the screen in front of you to the man standing in the doorway, returning his smile and giving a small wave. “Hi, my love. How was your day?”
Minho padded over to you, scooped Dori up against his chest, and settled himself where the cat had previously taken solace in your arms.
“It was alright,” he said, scooching backward to press his back firm against your front. “Tiring, as usual, but it's fine.”
Though he couldn't see it, you nodded in acknowledgment and pressed a soft kiss to his head. You brought one hand up behind his ear to scratch at his scalp, something you had found he enjoyed.
“Do you want to go to bed already? It is pretty late.” From its place above the TV, the clock read 10:37 PM. “Maybe we should move our little cuddle session to the bedroom.”
Minho sighed and shook his head. “But, I'm already so comfy here. Plus, you wouldn't dare disturb the cats, would you?”
“Please, remember the last time we slept on the couch the whole night? I don’t think we want that happening again.”
“Y/n,” Minho called your name, dragging out the last syllable. “My back hurts so much! Remind me why we stayed on the couch again.”
“I told you we should have moved to the bed! But you wouldn’t listen to me,” you snickered at your boyfriend from the kitchen while you continued to whisk a couple of eggs for your breakfast.
You set the bowl down on the counter and walked over to Minho who was still lying on the couch. When you came into his sight, he made a show of stretching his arms and legs, akin to a cat, accompanied by a few exaggerated groans.
“I don’t think I can get up at all today. I should just call in sick,” Minho draped an arm over his face, letting the other fall limp over the edge of the cushion.
“Don’t you have an important meeting today? I doubt your boss would appreciate you missing that on account of an 'ouchy' back.”
“Well, maybe if you gave me more cuddles, I’d feel a bit better.” Minho peeked at you from under his arm, proposing this cute, yet slightly impractical, solution. “Unless you want me to miss work and stay at home with you today.”
“Alright, you big baby.” Rolling your eyes, you moved to straddle Minho’s lap, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Now chest to chest, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders, letting the other one snake up his neck to play with the hairs at his nape.
The time you spent wrapped in each other’s warmth turned from seconds to minutes, the comfortable silence lulling you back to sleep. Minutes turned to hours, leaving Minho’s meeting unattended and the scrambled eggs forgotten on the kitchen counter.
“Ugh, at least give me five more minutes,” Minho offered as he continued to stroke Dori’s back, drawing a vibrating purr from the cat. “I don’t wanna get up yet.”
“Oh, come on, you have to brush your teeth anyways. Now get your lazy bum off the couch so we can cuddle on the bed.” You grabbed the throw pillow from behind your back and swung it at Minho’s side, accidentally startling Dori in the process. The cat jumped out of the man’s arms, causing him to throw a frown over his shoulder.
“Now look what you did! You’re scaring our babies.” Finally, Minho stood up, offering you his hand to pull you up as well. You met his hand with your own and anchored yourself up, giving him a sheepish smile.
“Oops.” You shrugged and skipped off to the bedroom, leaving your boyfriend with your three cats in the living room.
“Unbelievable.” Minho took a few steps towards the bathroom, paused, and turned back to look at his cats. “Well, are you coming with me or not?”
While your boyfriend finished his night routine, you lay on your shared bed and grinned to yourself. Operation Put Your Boyfriend to Sleep in Five Minutes was a go. You knew Minho was tired, and you wanted to send him off into a good night’s sleep in the most loving way you could.
The hallway light switched off as Minho opened the door to your bedroom, sporting a playful frown. It was time for Step One: Put him in a blanket.
“Come here, baby,” you peeled the duvet back and patted the space on the bed right next to you, beckoning your pouty boyfriend over to you. “Let’s get you to sleep, yeah?”
Trudging over to his side of the bed, Minho slid onto the mattress and pulled the heavy duvet over his body. Freshly washed, the warm, lavender-scented blanket immediately soothed his senses.
“You could’ve at least stayed with me while I brushed my teeth,” Minho continued to pout as he turned on his side to face you, “and, I don’t know, given me a back hug or something.”
Though his tone was playful, you recognized the look in Minho’s gaze. He yearned for your comfort, but he didn’t know how to ask for it. Reaching over, you cupped his face, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb. You peppered a few pecks on the corners of his mouth, kissing his pout away. Perfect timing for Step Two: Give reassuring pets.
“I’m here now, it’s okay.” His hair was soft in between your fingers as you threaded them through the fluffy locks. They smelled faintly of his coconut shampoo.
Tired, Minho let out a yawn, nose scrunched and eyelids shut. He leaned into your touch, humming contently.
Faintly, the door creaked open and you could hear light thuds on the carpeted floor, followed by a slightly louder thud on the bed as Doongie entered the bedroom and jumped up to join you. He stepped all over Minho’s body—drawing out a quiet yelp from the man beside you. You giggled as Doongie finally plopped down on Minho’s pillow, snuggling against the top of his head. This brought you to Step Three: Tuck him in.
With your boyfriend lying under the covers, you hooked one leg over him, moving your hand on his head to tuck it into your neck, cradling his body with no intent to stop any time soon.
For a second, the universe felt still. It was as though the ever-rotating hands on the clock had stopped moving, pausing to witness this intimate moment between you and Minho; as if even the angels in the skies above didn’t want this sweet gesture to end.
That was until Minho decided to take matters into his own hands and execute Step Four: Put one arm out for temperature regulation.
“It's too warm!” Minho whined into your neck, breaking the silence, and removed one arm from under the blanket, exposing it to the cold air. “Ah, that's better.”
He turned on his side and wrapped his now free arm around the small of your back, pulling you closer to him, if that were even physically possible.
Seeing your bodies pressed flush against each other, Soonie—who was previously lounging at the foot of the bed—crawled up the sheets and nuzzled into the barely-there gap between you and Minho, with Dori following suit.
Within five minutes of lying down, the night ended with your small family cuddled together on the warm, cozy bed, basking in each other’s comfort.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
taglist: @kflixnet @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny @starsandrqindrops @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @forlix @mires-empire @quesweebs
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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lxvebun · 2 months
A millennium of unsaid I love you's
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Synopsis: love is the most twisted curse of all. Yuuji wonders if it's twisted enough to have even Sukuna in its grip.
Content: Sukuna x gender neutral reader. Fluff+little angst. Lovesick!sukuna, I repeat, Lovesick!Sukuna he's so in love with you it shows in everything he does!! Mentions of character death but its open for you to decide. Slight mention of canon violence. Around 1k words♡ eng is not my first language, lmk if there are any annoying mistakes♡♡
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"Have you ever been in love?" Yuuji wonders out loud, not necessarily expecting a serious answer. It's a little past midnight if he's reading the blurry red numbers on the digital clock correctly, and despite sleep clouding over his eyes, he can't seem to find rest. Blankets are carelessly kicked to the edge of the bed in an effort to relieve himself from the summer heat but it doesn't do much to help him ease into that sleepy state either.
(Talking to Sukuna seemed a lot more interesting than counting sheep)
The question hangs in the air for a moment, silence twists around it like a vine, and just before it completely swallows it up, the answer floats across his mind similar to a thought but eerily spoken in a different voice.
It's said quietly, almost as if trying to maintain the tranquility of the summer night, but this is Sukuna we're talking about. He doesn't take others into consideration. There's something else that keeps him from voicing his answers out loud.
(Perhaps it's the way he can't talk about you without sounding like a love-sick devotee)
"How!?" Yuuji blurts out before thinking, not realizing the question is rather rude until a sharp flash of pain surges through his body, a little corrective behavior sent from Sukuna, no doubt. "Sorry, sorry. I just didn't expect it, that's all.
It's quiet for a bit. Yuuji takes the time to admire the stars and moonlight shining through the sliver of the curtains. It feels like the moon is extra radiant tonight as it spills a wonderful illuminative light across the room. 
"I don't know"
There's not much he doesn't know, but to this day it's still a miracle to him that you weaved yourself so effortlessly into his very being. Managing to do so without an ounce of resistance from him. Partly believing you were some kind of heavenly punishment sent to bring the king of curses to his knees. To rid the world of a darkness that never should have existed in the first place.
(He'd let you)
"I just was"
There's another part of him that theorizes that maybe you were something that remained of his human self. A soulmate to complete his when his soul wasn't half as dark and twisted as it is now. Born from the same star, hearts carved from the same moon. A red string binds you to him, regardless of the form he takes. How cruel of fate to tie you to a monster and keep it that way.
Quietness tunes back in as Yuuji's thoughts drift elsewhere. For a second, Sukuna thinks he's done with his late-night interrogation.
"What were they like?"
He's not indulging Yuuji, really. But his heart beats back a little warmth into his soul every time he thinks of you. Every time he thinks of your voice, how his name sounded so syrupy and sweet falling from your lips, a stark contrast to how it's usually uttered.
Every time he thinks of your touch, how you always handled him with a gentleness he probably doesn't deserve. As if under all the scars and cursed markings he was made of the most delicate porcelain. Even when you were angry, it never bled violence into your touch.
Gods, your entire being shined so brightly he could pick you out from among the stars. You dug yourself into his chest, ripped out his darkened heart oh so deliciously, and buried yourself in its place. As if you always belonged there.
Just thinking of you stains his mouth all too sweetly, a millennium of unsaid I love you's building up in the back of his throat. He swallows it down.
"They were beautiful" he speaks aloud this time, voice booming around the room. Yuuji flinches a little at the intrusion "And that's enough of your questions tonight, brat"
"Just one more, please"
Yuuji takes the silence as compliance.
"Are they gone?" He puts it into softer terms. Sukuna's a little annoyed at the consideration.
He doesn't know... and he's not sure what hurts more, being oblivious to your fate, or assuming that you have passed. Surely, Uraume would have taken care of you. Then again, are they even around still? A dullness grows in his chest, splinters its way through his ribs, and weighs down into his lungs suffocatingly so at the uneasiness of not knowing.
Looking through Yuuji's eyes, he catches a glint of a star beaming down into the split in the curtain. Shining an ethereal light so brightly he has to avert his gaze.
( he could pick you out amongst the stars. He refuses to believe it's you)
The ache lessens again as the starlight seems to clear his head. You're bound to him by a string of fate, there's not a single universe out there where you're not with him. Even if it's cruel of fate to do so, even if those thousand years apart have turned him into someone almost unrecognizable. You'll be together again. Perhaps your soul is just waiting for the right moment to appear.
"they'll be back" is all he says, and the finality in his tone urges Yuuji to keep his mouth shut despite the whirlwind of questions still racing through his mind. Memories that don't belong to him flicker through Yuujis's mind as Sukuna seems to dream off. They're blurry and foggy and disappear all too quickly for him to make sense of what he's seeing, but he can feel the overwhelming presence of love dripping from the edges. He doesn't question why his heart starts to race too.
Sukuna has been a rot in his side from day one. but if there ever exists an opportunity to save everyone, if he could give him his happy ending should you come back, he thinks he'll grant it to him.
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Thank you for reading angels!!♡ i had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoyed this too!
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chelseasdagger · 1 year
Frank Castle x Reader
Summary: Frank has time to himself and finally gives in to an old desire
Warnings: smut (18+!), (descriptive) masturbation, swearing, panty sniffing (i’m sorry)
Author’s Note: @chellestrash and I had a conversation about this and the thought wouldn’t leave my mind for days. If you read this drabble you’re legally obligated to pretend like you don’t know me :) Also! This fic doesn’t describe any body parts :)
Word Count: 1k
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Frank Castle should know better. Especially at his age, especially when it comes to this. He should know better than to go through your things, he wasn’t a fucking teenager anymore and hadn’t been for quite some time.
Yet, when given an hour alone in the apartment you two shared, he finds himself walking into the bathroom that you used just this morning to get ready for the day. He walks deeper into the room, eyes immediately locking onto the tall, white hamper that kept the dirty clothes. There’s a pair of blue panties lying on top of the pile—the same ones you wore in bed last night and took off before your shower.
Frank did know better, but if he’s honest with himself, he doesn’t really care.
He reaches for the fabric and bunches it up in his hand. Brushing his thumb back and forth over the cotton, he thinks about how they snugly fit your body and how the ruffled hem gives an sickenly sweet touch to the display. He hesitates for a moment, checking over his shoulder to ensure he’s alone before twisting them inside out and raising them to his face.
With a deep inhale, Frank breathes in your scent that still lingers in the fabric. His eyes flutter shut and he feels his cock give a faint twitch in his boxer briefs. His breath leaves his lips in a frustrated sigh as his nose scrunches up. The smell is leaving his mind already and he knows one take isn’t nearly enough to satisfy him.
Making his way to the bed, he wraps the panties around his left fist. He unfastens the button on his jeans and works the fly open next, freeing himself of the restraints as he moves forward. Once comfortable on the mattress with his back against the headboard, he slips his opposite hand underneath the waistband of the denim. He cups himself over his bulge and brings the fabric close to his nose once more.
With each inhale he feels himself growing in the black fabric of his underwear. It’s not long before his cock is straining, begging for attention while trapped between the material and his hip. One final smell of the cotton is all it takes for the raspy groan he’s been suppressing to slip past his gritted teeth. He knows the second he feels it, but as he reaches to slip himself through the slit in the boxers, he sees the damp stain in the dark fabric.
Now that his cock is finally released he wraps his large hand around himself, veins already protruding from his skin. His precum wets the tip of his cock and he spreads it with his thumb before using it to speed up his hand. He’s moving quickly, far too turned on to drag this out any longer.
Frank knows he looks like a fucking mess right now but he can’t be bothered to care. He continues to touch himself, twisting his hand and squeezing tighter just underneath his sensitive head. Each stroke has that familiar warmth burning deep in his stomach, the guilt he feels for his actions only adding fuel to the fire. Then suddenly an idea pops into his head and his brain is too clouded behind his arousal to think it through.
He unballs the panties from his fist and slips them over his cock. He moves them around a bit to try and find an area with the most room—he’s not exactly small. Once he’s covered by them, something catches his eye that makes his cock twitch on its own; there’s a tiny bow right below the waistband.
“God damn it, sweetheart,” he curses softly under his breath. He drags his big palm down his face as he feels his stomach tighten more at the innocent decoration. Without moving, he watches the blue fabric darken as he leaks more precum. Frank’s lip snarls up as he sees himself ruining your underwear and he eagerly wraps a hand around his length to keep going.
The groans and grunts fall freely from his parted lips as he pictures his fist as you. He tightens around himself periodically, mimicking the way you squeeze him when he’s buried inside of you.
“Oh, shit. Oh, shit, shit, shit,” he mumbles repeatedly as he grows closer to his orgasm. His hips begin to thrust up off of the mattress, fucking his hand and the twisted panties that cover his sensitive tip. He silently curses himself, wondering how he’s already so close over a pair of goddamn underwear.
His climax comes on quicker than he expected, but he manages to drag his hand down his cock one last time before he’s falling over the edge. The fabric strains and stretches over his swollen head as he comes, his cock twitching as beads of cum gather in one section of the panties and dribble over onto the outside of the material.
Frank’s hand doesn’t stop moving until he gets jolts of overstimulation spreading through the lower half of his body. He then slows, his body beginning to shy away from the overwhelming sensation. Finally letting go, he lets his cock rest against his hip while he focuses on his breathing.
When he opens his eyes again, he’s met with nothing but a mess: beads of sweat littering his happy trail, precum still shining on his length, and cum stained panties. The only reaction he has to the sight in front of him is an exasperated sigh.
His eyes widen though when he hears keys jangling in the doorknob. A second later, your voice calls out into the apartment, “Frankie! I’m home!” He rushes to pull the blue fabric off of his softening cock and hide the evidence of his eventful afternoon.
“They sent me home early because—Oh!” you cut yourself off once you find him in the bedroom, holding your underwear, “What are you doing with those?”
Frank struggles to rack his post-orgasmic brain for an answer before lifting them lightly, finally settling with an unsure, “L…Laundry.”
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electrosair · 1 year
You faint in front of them
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: cyno + tighnari + thoma (separate) it's only fluff I think but just in case tw(?: the reader faints (let me know if there's something else)
word count: 1k (300 per each approx.)
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The heat left marks all over our bodies, while Cyno seemed relaxed and with a steady pace, I could not help wiggling my limbs to peel off the fabric of my clothes. My breathing was barely level as my legs trembled with each step on the great dunes of the Sumeru desert. The beads of sweat trickling down my forehead were beginning to feel cold and my vision was blurring. "Cyno…" I tried to call out to him in a whisper. The air from the nearby sandstorm was carrying me away and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it. My eyelids grew heavier and heavier, as did my body.
The boy heard the small call of his name in the distance, a few feet behind him.
He turned around expecting a complaint from you How much further to go?, It's too hot, My legs hurt, but none of that came, all he could see was your body collapsing on the sand.
Cyno ran towards you and threw his spear anywhere, the first thing was to get you under shelter.
He guessed you had a sunstroke or something like that, he had seen it more than once in his expeditions in the desert, he was prepared for it.
I opened my eyes, seeing above me a blue-hued tent, was I in a Fatui camp? I tried to rise abruptly but a hand rested on my arm. "Relax, I'm here." Cyno's form appeared at my left side, holding a wet cloth. "Stay still, there's no need to get upset. I'm done with all those merchants, they weren't going with good intentions after all." He bent down and rested his lips on my head, if I wasn't red before, this made me red. "I think you need more rest, I'll stay outside standing guard." His spear resting on some crates was taken and he gave me one last look before leaving. "Thanks for everything, Cyno."
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My desk was full of papers and documents about the flora of Sumeru, the scholars asked me for a small paper for some experiments being conducted at the academy and I didn't know how to refuse. The hours I had spent sitting and writing became too much even for me, a passionate ranger. The curtains of my cabin opened, letting in the moonlight, the last time I looked the sun was at its highest point. "I brought your dinner, have you even had your lunch?" Tighnari's voice distracted me from the mountain of scribbled papers that only seconds ago my head was buried in. "You didn't need to, what time is it?" "Around eleven, I thought it was strange not seeing you leave here, even when Collei came back from the expedition." He set the plate down on my nightstand and walked over to me "Come on, get up. I'll talk to the scholars." I pushed the chair away from the desk and stood up, a strong feeling of dizziness hit me and I grabbed the boy's arm.
He was surprised to see you fall on him, but tried to act as relaxed as possible.
Tighnari laid you down on the bed and went to get a canteen so you could have something to drink when you woke up.
He sat in the chair, worried that something too bad might have happened to you. He thought he shouldn't have taken you to clean up withered areas or given you small jobs when he knew how busy you had been these days.
His hands went through the papers and books you had studied, reading everything and leaving little notes on the most important parts or mistakes you might have made.
The sound of chirping jungle birds woke me up, the hunger and thirst I had reminded me of Tighnari's unexpected visit the night before. I looked around, seeing the dinner plate he brought along with a bottle. Farther away, with his arms crossed and eyes closed, was he, sleeping in a not very comfortable posture. My features melted at the thought of how worried he must have been to spend the whole night here, taking care of me.
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After spending a nice afternoon with Thoma at the Komore tea house, he decided that we could play his wonderful game of picking out strange foods. Was that a good idea? No. The bad taste in my mouth after several retches from the mixture that had formed in the casserole didn't help and the sight I had of the meals being stirred by Thoma didn't help either. "I can't take it anymore, I'm going to throw up…" "Are you feeling okay?" he immediately put down the spoon and rested his hand on mine. "You're getting pale" The room became more and more distorted as the seconds passed, which became eternal in my eyes, and in less than a minute my brain stopped working.
When Thoma saw you collapse beside him he laid you down on the softest surface he could find. Placing a cushion or anything of the sort over your head and feet.
He ran to get a damp cloth and lay it gently on your forehead.
After all, he tried his best to make you feel good once you woke up, he felt in a way that it was his fault.
Thoma checked several times if you had already woken up, and if the answer to his little inquiry about you was negative he took care to see if everything was still in order, wet cloth, well placed cushions and a comfortable position for you.
The sensation of moisture on my head woke me up, bringing my hand there instinctively. "Are you okay?" The whisper of Thoma's voice brought me back to what had happened. "Yes… I think, better than before" "I'm glad to hear that, I brought you an infusion to ease the pain in your gut, is that what happened, right?" I nodded gently, not wanting a headache back. He held the cup up to me, helping me take little gulps.
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azrielhours · 1 year
Star Crossed Lovers
Azriel x Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Synopsis: Reader and Az are in love but have a falling out bc Az self sabotages. They date other people to get over each other but they’re both unhappy. They run into each other at a party and hook up. So much angst.  
Warnings: Smut. :)
A/N: Thank you all for 1k followers!! I poured my heart into this in thanks and celebration. I love you all sm.
(Part 2)
“What’s going on in that head of yours, pretty girl?”
Azriel came to sit in front of you. You beamed up at him as he tugged on a strand of your hair like he was trying to pull your thoughts out. “Nothing,” you said, closing your notebook.
Azriel laughed. “You still don’t wanna show me your writing? I told you there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
You blushed. “It’s just, you know—intimate to show what I—it feels naked. You know what I mean?”
He nodded in understanding, eyes gleaming. “I guess I’ll have to wait til it’s published to finally read it.”
“I think I’d publish under an alias,” you laughed. “It’s too vulnerable being linked to the work.”
He studied you. “What’ll the alias be?”
You winked cheekily. “Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it.” You handed him your notebook, allowing him to read your latest work, a rare occurrence you knew he appreciated.
“Y/N?” he called from inside, pulling you out of your memories.
“Yeah,” you answered from the balcony. “I was just doing some writing,” you lied.
“Come to bed, baby.”
You made your way inside to find him undressing. He walked over and began kissing your neck hastily, pulling you towards the bed. You let him strip you bare and lay you on the bed in hopes that the carnal effort would take your mind off its perpetual occupier. You went through the motions, trying to stay grounded. But as you carded through his black hair, your mind drifted astray.
“Fuck,” Azriel rasped as he thrust into you. You arched your back, trying to grant access to the angle you needed that he wasn’t quite reaching. You tugged his head down into your neck, keeping your eyes firmly shut. He resisted the pull, raising his head and trailing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses toward your mouth. Without thinking, you turned your head away.
He stilled, halting your approaching release. You whine, undulating your hips in attempt to spur Azriel back into rhythm.
“Y/N,” he says calmly.
You ignore him, rolling your hips further onto his length. He stills you by grasping your hips and pinning them down to the bed.
“Y/N,” he says again. “Look at me.”
You begrudgingly open your eyes. Brown eyes met yours. Damian. The lust drained clean out of your blood.
“You’re doing that thing again.”
You winced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” You thread your fingers into his black hair and stroke it back. Not the right shade, not the right texture.
Damian takes you in warily for another beat.
“I was close,” you said honestly.
“Yeah.” You rise onto your elbows and kiss him. Not the right fullness to the lips. He kisses you back eagerly, releasing your hips and resuming his thrusting.
“I’m almost finished,” he breathed.
You wrap your legs tighter around his body, breathing more audibly to bring him over the edge sooner. His thrusts grew less controlled. You felt down his back. No wings to be found. In a final attempt to hold onto the pleasure slipping away, you tried refocusing on the vision that it’s him inside you. Your eyes fell shut again, Damian too far lost in his pleasure to notice. Azriel. Azriel. Azriel. You began enjoying yourself, letting the sensation grow—maybe you’ll actually get to co—
Damian spilled into you, exhaling raggedly into your neck as he finished. Your eyes snap open, a rude awakening bringing you back into the bed you were in, the male you were under. Unwinding your legs from around him, you wait for him to catch his breath. When he finally rises, he cups your face. “Did you finish?”
You nod enthusiastically. The poor fool bought it, finally rolling off and collapsing beside you. You wait a few minutes until you were certain Damian was asleep before getting out of bed.
The familiar feeling of guilt crept up on you for letting your mind imagine who you’d rather be fucking.
Covering yourself with a blanket, you made your way back to the balcony. It didn’t take long for emptiness to gnaw at your insides. You no longer bother suppressing the desolation, the feeling of wrongness attached to this whole fling. Now you bask in it; the heartbreak was all you had left, the only unfailing emotion connecting you to him.
You let grief guide your hand as sensation translated into words, plastering them onto paper just to displace them somewhere outside your mind.
i. Star crossed lovers
Time is a tectonic plate, and there is seismic wreckage cleaving our consummation. The lifeline tugging us home is ancient and heavy enough to hang the stars in the sky. You are mine and I am yours. This language cannot be spoken, an inscription that cannot be read; a whisper between our souls.
Here, I listen. Here, I hurt. Here, I hope.
During these hours, it was typical for your mind to wander back to how everything fell into place in the worst way, how you landed yourself in this mess.
The way Azriel used to take you in made you feel seen like nothing and no one else in your life. He’d encourage your writing, tease you about how you jotted everything down: prose, poetry, theories, memories. He took you to the corners of Velaris with all the best bookshops and stationery stores. He’d always keep pencils on him in case you lost yours. Let me into that pretty mind, he’d say. It’s no wonder you fell for him. The cruel bastard likely knew he made up most of the content in your writing.
You didn’t realize you’d been crying until tears smeared the ink on your paper.
You’d always thought it would be you and him in the end. It seemed inevitable, seemed natural and obvious. He called himself your best friend but touched you like you were more. He’d kiss you on both cheeks when you smiled at him, tuck you under his wing when it got chilly, come to your room unannounced and lay in your bed, watching you read and write and sleep and breathe and speak silent and spoken words to each other.
“Tell me about your mother.”
Azriel had tensed at the question. Things were rarely off limits, and he’d known everything about you. “What about her?”
You shrugged. “You don’t talk about her much.”
He silently looked you over, face carefully neutral.
“I mean—you don’t—” you sat up in the bed— “If it’s sensitive, it’s okay—I didn’t mean to pry—”
“It’s not that—I just…I don’t really—”
You shook your head. “It’s okay, Az. You don’t have to say anything. Sorry for asking.” You reached to touch his shoulder, but he remained tense, wouldn’t meet your gaze. You felt your stomach drop. Shit. You’d gone back to your reading, unsure how to clear the air. When Rhys summoned Azriel later, you didn’t see him again for the rest of the evening.
Ultimately, you were a fool to fall for Azriel. You should’ve known it would end in pain, should’ve protected your heart better. Though you loved him for everything he was, flaws included, that wasn’t enough to prevent yourself from being cut on the edges of his past.
“So what do you do?” Cressida asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. Another court relations event.
You returned her kind smile. “I work with the High Lord. I’m a researcher.”
“She’s also a writer,” a baritone voice drawled.
You both turned to find him approaching your throng of courtiers. You clung tighter to Damian who was obliviously conversing with another.
“A writer,” Cressida mused.
“Well, nothing official—” you tried.
“She is,” Azriel cut in. “Youngest diplomat in the Night Court, top of her class in research,” he held your gaze intensely, “and a gifted writer.”
You eyed him warily, unsure what his motive was. Damian turned, finally noticing the attention on you. He chuckled. “Oh, yes. She’s always scribbling away in her notebook. I think it’s good to have hobbies.”
“She’s published,” Azriel challenged.
Damian laughed. “Hopefully she will be, one day.”
You studied Azriel suspiciously. How’d he know?
“I’d love to read your work,” Cressida said.
“Don’t bother,” Damian said. “She doesn’t let anyone see what she writes.”
Azriel’s jaw clenched, a tell of his anger. “You don’t read her work?”
Damian shrugged. “I’m not a big reader.”
Cressida laughed, clearing the air. You smiled at her effort. “I’d love to show you some excerpts.”
Damian took your hand, pulling you away. “Excuse us, we’re going to get more drinks.”
Azriel’s eyes could be felt on your back as you walked away, making you shiver. When you left the crowd, Damian faced you. “You’re published?”
Shit. “No.”
“So what was Azriel talking about?”
“Nothing. I don’t know.” You hugged your stomach.
Damian looked down at you. “Were you trying to embarrass me back there?”
Damian huffed.
You levelled a glare. “Do you even care about what I do or just how it makes you look?”
Damian took a deep breath. “I’m trying, Y/N. You don’t let me see the things you write. I—you don’t let me in.”
Guilt replaced your irritation. You broke his gaze.
He stepped forward. “I’m sorry. I feel like there’s a disconnect between us lately. It’s a little hard to ignore.”
You sighed. “I’ve just been…having a hard time recently. I’m not—” happy—“myself.”
“We’ll get through it. You just overthink,” he said. You just nodded.
He stepped forward to embrace you and you let him. He’s trying.
You patted his shoulders to be released. “I’m going to get some air.”
You walked aimlessly through the halls of the Day Court mansion, searching for reprieve that couldn’t be found in physical structure. The last time you’d been to a work party, it’d been the night everything went to shit. The night you’d planned to talk to Azriel who’d been avoidant for days. Mor had encouraged you to tell him how you felt.
You’d been full of nervous energy the whole evening, but he hadn’t been seen for hours. Elain suddenly approached you looking solemn. “What is it?”
She led you away from the crowd. “I wanted to tell you before you saw.”
Your heart dropped. “Saw what?”
Elain took you by both hands. “It’s Azriel. He brought someone.”
Cold dread filled your gut. “What?”
She nodded. “I don’t know if it’s a date or if he’s seeing her, but he just arrived with a female on his arm.”
Your pulse hammered in your ears, eyes stinging. Was this some sort of punishment? “I thought…I really thought he liked me,” you whispered.
Elain’s eyes filled with sympathy. “I know. We all did. It’s not personal, believe me. It’s how he is. He has self-sabotaging tendencies,” she spoke softly as you caught your breath.
Eventually, you’d calmed down, thanking Elain for sparing you, and returned to the party. Sure enough, Azriel was with a pretty nymph. You approached them nonchalantly. Regret flashed in his eyes as you plastered a smile on your face, greeting her. She smiled unwittingly and took your hand.
Mor watched the scene unfold, fury barely contained when she pulled you away. She glared at Azriel unabashedly. “There you are, Y/N. I wanted to introduce you to someone worth your time.” She led you to a tall, handsome stranger.
He smiled down at you, extending a hand. “You must be Y/N. I’m Damian.”
ii. Star crossed lovers
Pride is self-sabotage, yet awareness doesn’t conjure resistance. Just as knowing it should’ve been us doesn’t make it so. You are my dream, so why do you steal me from my sleep? Occupier of my thoughts, do not ever decolonize my mind. You are mine and I am yours.
To what end do we listen, do we hurt, do we hope?
“Making a run for it?”
You halted your stride, finding Azriel leaning against a wall. You scoffed, walking faster.
“Y/N,” he said, rising and following you.
“Leave me alone, Azriel.”
You were deep in some outer wing of the mansion, thankfully void of guests. You entered the first empty room you found, as if that could rid you of the Shadowsinger. He followed, closing the door behind him. A study.
“Did your bastard boyfriend say something?” Azriel demanded.
You walked around the desk to put a barrier between you. “What’s it to you?”
“I’ll rip him to shreds.”
You laughed joylessly. “How chivalrous.”
Azriel’s jaw clenched. He circled the desk. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
You mirrored his circling. A wicked smile. “Don’t you worry, Azriel. Damian keeps me nice and happy.”
Azriel laughed at the unabashed lie. “Is that why you look sick to your stomach being around him?”
You glared. Azriel stopped circling, so you did too.
Azriel swallowed. “You’ve lost weight, Y/N.”
“Maybe being around you is bad for my health.”
His stared intensely, prowling over. You turned to keep your body parallel to his. He stopped before you, taking a step forward as you stepped back, hitting the desk. He waited for a refusal that you didn’t have the heart to make. Azriel placed his hands on either side of you, caging you in as you leaned back. You could hardly breathe, needing him to be closer, knowing he should be farther. Azriel’s eyes roamed your body. His gaze stopped at your chest where love marks remained from the night before with Damian.
“I see he’s keeping you busy,” Azriel rasped, anger biting his words.
“Mhm,” you breathed. “He fucks me every night.”
Although it contrasted your foul words, though it was in your best interest to prove you’ve moved on, that another male touched you how Azriel didn’t, you felt repulsed letting Azriel see the marks. As if it made your separation from Azriel more final. Your face burned with shame, like you were being caught cheating on Azriel. His gaze left your chest and met your eyes again. He inched closer, moving his hands to bracket your hips. “Tell me,” he rasped. “Does he make you feel good?”
Your heart pounded. “Yes.”
Azriel nodded, holding your gaze. You both knew it was a lie. “You seem terribly high strung. You sure he’s getting you off?”
“Always.” Lie.
“Yeah? You like it when he touches you?”
“Yes.” Another lie. He moved his hands down and around your thighs, hauling you onto the desk. He was so beautiful with lust displacing the hazel in his eyes. He pulled you to him and you obliged, cradling his devastating face like it was a sacred, religious entity.
“How long are we going to keep playing this game, Y/N?”
“What game?”
“The one where we lie.”
You just stared, fresh out of words.
“What do you want, Y/N?” Azriel breathed.
“I want…” you stared at his pouty mouth, memorizing the shape, the fullness. “I want…” you thumbed his bottom lip.
Azriel closed the distance, pressing a heavy kiss into your mouth, deep and claiming. You carded your fingers into his hair. He groaned as your nails scratched across his scalp. There was no distance left between your bodies, but he leaned even further forward, pulling you tighter to his chest. Your back arched, head spinning. Azriel broke away from your mouth and kissed his way down your neck.
He pulled back and looked at you, watching as your chest heaved in desire. The sight of his half-lidded eyes would be imprinted into your memory for the rest of your days, and you had no objections. He gripped your waist in his massive hands like you were about to slip out of his hold. Still utterly clothed, you’ve never felt more naked as he took you in. Like you were something to be revered.
His gaze travelled down your form. Azriel lowered himself onto his knees and took one of your ankles in hand. He placed your foot onto the center of his chest and began lacing your undone heel up your calf. You dared reach a shaky hand forward to his wing, stroking a finger across the leathery membrane. Azriel shuddered, his grip on your ankle tightening. You continued stroking, teasing around the sensitive area along the edge. You ran a fingernail back and forth over the area, reveling in Azriel’s guttural groan. He was panting, head bowed forward, resting on your knee.
Azriel lifted your foot and placed it over his shoulder. He peppered hot kisses along the inside of your leg, working his way up and up. Your arms went slack at the motion. You braced them behind you as his hands cupped both your knees and pulled them apart.
You helped him lift your dress up to gather at your waist. Azriel gently pushed you back on the desk, both your legs now dangled over his shoulders. If lust was a currency, Azriel made a wealth hoarder out of you. You felt Azriel’s hot breath over your entrance. His arms were wrapped firmly around each thigh, holding on like you were his lifeline. You rose onto your elbows to watch. The look in his eyes as he breathed you in could’ve brought you undone then and there.
Then he licked up your clothed core, and every thought eddied from your mind.
Your head slammed back into the desk. He moved your panties to the side and continued his torment, licking hot stripes up the entirety of your center. You squirmed beneath him until he moved an arm to pin you down across the hips, utterly at his mercy. He alternated between broad, heavy drags of his tongue from your core upwards, and agonizing kitten licks at your apex. Your gasping grew shallower as you neared release, nearly crying from the pleasure. He sensed this and closed his mouth around your clit and suctioned, sending you shattering over the edge. You came with a broken cry, legs trembling around his head. He didn’t let up, humming into your pulsating core as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through you. Tears streamed down your face as you pushed his head away. He finally released you, heaving in breaths.
He rose, pressing his body over yours on the desk, bracing himself on his forearms on either side of your head. He kissed you, letting you taste your release on his mouth. You placed a trembling hand onto his chest and dragged it down his muscled form. He hissed when you slipped it into his pants in search of a hardened length. You halted, opening your eyes at your discovery.
Azriel had come in his pants.
He rose off you, breathing just as hard as you were. He collapsed into a chair. You rose too, watching him with eyes like saucers. He’d finished just from eating you out.
“Don’t look so surprised,” he spoke, voice guttural. “If you honestly don’t know the hold you have on me, Y/N… I’m manacled.”
You didn’t know what to do, so you readjusted your clothes. Your trembling hardly let up, but you hadn’t felt so alive in months.
Taking him in as he drank you up from a few feet away, the heft of your actions came crashing down. How stupid both of you were for letting this happen.
Azriel followed your train of thought. “This is—it’s on me, Y/N.” Neither of you wanted to regret this. I don’t.
You waited for guilt to wash over you. This was a mistake, you insisted to yourself. And yet— “We don’t have to talk about it,” you said.
Hurt flashed in his eyes. “I—I won’t say anything.”
Your heart ached. This was too much vulnerability. “What happened to your pretty nymph? I didn’t see her tonight.”
Azriel broke your gaze. “Don’t worry about her.”
You cursed the part of yourself stupid enough to have hoped to hear otherwise. “Even after everything—”
“Does it matter?” He cut you off. “If I left her, would you have me?”
“I’d rather not beg for her sloppy seconds,” you challenged. His silence hurt. “You keep tabs on Damian, huh?” You braced yourself. “What do you say, Az? Should I punish you for prying like you punish me?”
He balked, meeting your gaze in horror. “What?”
“Do I get to punish you, Azriel?”
He swallowed. “I’m not—I’m not punishing you, Y/N.”
“Oh, but you are.” Pain unraveled in your chest, forming a lump in your throat. “If you don’t see how punishing this is, how tormenting it is, then you’re even more emotionally stunted than I thought.”
He watched as you held back tears, agony in his own eyes. “You think this is your punishment, Y/N?” He shook his head. “This is for me. It’s what I deserve.” A deep shuddering breath. “I can hardly breathe. Every night I lie awake and force myself to think of how he’s touching you, to picture you fucking him, and I can’t breathe.”
Your tears escaped.
The anguish persisted in his eyes. “This is why I stay away. I bring you nothing but pain.”
“Not true,” you whispered.
He rose from the chair and walked over to you, still perched on the desk. He cradled your face with one hand that you shamelessly leaned into. “To love is to martyr,” he said huskily.
“Not true,” you repeated.
“I wish I could give you the love you deserve, angel,” he murmured. “A love that makes you feel heard, a love that doesn’t hurt, a love that brings you hope.”
You froze, recognizing the words he spoke. Your crying stopped, but the tears remained on your cheeks. Azriel leaned down, placing a lingering kiss on each cheek.
“It was supposed to be us,” you whispered. “It should’ve been us.”
He placed his free palm flat on your chest. Not a sexual act, but a claiming one over your heart. You wondered if he could feel it breaking beneath. “In another life, perhaps,” he rasped. Then he spoke lowly in your ear. “Know that I love you, Y/N. Always. In this life and all the rest. I may not have you, but I still love you.”
With that, he took his leave, and it felt like your organs were being stolen—your very heart walking out the door, ripped clean out of your chest, leaving behind a shell of a woman—a mere skeleton filled with nothing but incarcerated love with nowhere to go.
taglist: @iimisty-a @feyretopia @cityofidek @cullenswife @reiincarnatiion @sfhsgrad-blog @answer-the-sirens @mrstangerinejohnson @marigold-morelli @courtofjurdan @azriels-mate123 @punishers-girl @marina468 @slvtherinseeker
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Th Sergeant’s Admirer - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: I actually had writers block and decided to look through some unfinished stuff and came across this it started at 1k words and I decided to see where my idea's took me...It got out of hand. This is the biggest one-shot I've actually ever done. its over 7k and its my first Bucky fic I'm excited to hear every ones thoughts. (if you don't like don't read)
Warnings: Smut, there fluff lots of it, I have a minor fetish or kink for like Bucky's arm so that may leak in this story. (oops)
Description: You’re a sci-fi writer who happens to support Sergeant Barnes rather publicly in an interview for your latest book, which somehow ends with you being asked to help boost the Sergeants PR.
Thank you to my beta who gave this a quick edit last night @lets-imagine-fanfics
“So, Y/N, as a successful writer of a sci-fi book series everyone is wondering who is your favourite Avenger?” The interviewer asked with a bright white smile that was beyond fake in your eyes. 
“That depends on what reason? I mean I know everyone wants me to say Captain America because the hero of my book is noble and righteous much like our good Captain, but to be honest; I most admire Sergeant Barnes.” You replied easily clearly shocking the interviewer as her jaw dropped immediately.  
“You mean The Winter Solider?” The interviewer asked sceptically.  
“No, HYDRA created The Winter Solider by torturing a good man that fought for this country over 70 years ago. The man who now helps the Avengers and their cause is not the assassin they created but the Sergeant finally getting his life back and once again serving his country despite having every right to retire and live a normal life.” You answered easily, your smile finally real as you spoke passionately about your beliefs on the subject. 
“So, you believe that the Sergeant shouldn’t be treated like a terrorist and a killer despite his wrongdoings?” The interviewer sassed back making your face drop instantly.  
“I’m sorry…so if Miss Wanda Maximoff came in here and made you kill everyone in this room…would you think it fair to get charged for the murders?” You asked causing her to splutter.  
“I think this interview is over and I don’t think I will be taking any more interviews from this station. Oh, one more thing…” You started before staring into the camera. 
“Sergeant Barnes, if you are watching this, thank you for your service.” You spoke sweetly into the camera making everyone chuckle under their breaths before you took your exit out of the studio, your manager following you with a panicked expression.  
As you stepped outside of the building, your manager tried to keep the paparazzi away but pictures were still being taken and their questions were relentless, so you decided to answer some of their inquiries. Holding your hand up they easily quietened down but continued to take pictures. 
“Miss Y/L/N, is it true that your favourite avenger is Mr Barnes or was it a publicity stunt?” You shot the person a glare before crossing your arms.  
“No, I truly admire Mr Barnes.” You answered with gritted teeth. 
“Do you know Mr Barnes personally?” Someone asked in the back. 
“No, but I would absolutely love to meet him one day.” You replied with a happy nod and as you did your manager started tugging on your jacket with wide eyes.  
As her words flowed into your ear your jaw hit the floor and everyone started screaming questions again, but you couldn’t breathe, everything you had just said was being watched live from a few News stations and Captain America had seen it all. 
“That’s the end of the questions today, thank you so much for your patience’s and thank you to my fans who never stop giving.” You muttered robotically as your manager dragged you away from the crowd straight into a black car that was waiting next to the pavement. 
As the car drove, you stared at the floor wishing you knew how this had happened but you knew how… you were the only person to ever speak up about the hardships and horrors Mr Barnes must’ve been through… however you never expected to get so much from it, you had just wanted to share your opinion.  
“We’re here, Miss Y/L/N.” The driver stated as you stared up at the Stark tower with wide eyes.  
Everything from the entrance to the top floor was a blur, your mind couldn’t function knowing you were about to meet an Avenger. As you entered the room you saw three faces that looked familiar and four that didn’t, but you held your head high hoping your nerves weren’t obvious.  
“Miss Y/L/N, thank you for meeting with us on such short notice.” The most famous man in America spoke, making your eyes widen comically.  
“Well, when Captain America asks to meet you…you can hardly say no, Sir.” You chuckled nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear before straightening out your dress. 
“Please call me Steve. I asked to meet you to thank you for what you said about Bucky in your interview today. You’re the first person I have seen speak about him with such admiration.” Steve stated happily, his smile lighting up the room in a way no one else probably could.  
“It was only the truth, S-Steve.” You stuttered shyly your cheeks flushing as you noticed Tony Stark rolling his eyes which made your eyes narrow. 
“I’m sorry, do excuse me but is there an issue, Mr Stark?” You huffed with much more attitude than you probably should’ve been aiming at him. 
“I just think your ‘opinion’ is wrong.” He stated with an arrogant smirk.  
“And I think you married way out of your league and personally think you have a narcissistic personality, but I kept that part to myself when I spoke of the avengers. No offence to your genius and well achieved wife.” You stated as you gave Pepper a nod of apologies.  
“None taken, Miss Y/L/N. However, I believe your admiration for Mr Barnes is actually a good thing…he doesn’t get a lot of good publicity and I think you are good for his PR.” Pepper stated making you nod in agreement.  
“The Sergeant hasn’t seen that interview, has he?” You asked your face turning bright red as you assessed the room full of people. 
“Actually, he’s being shown it as we speak…he should be done in about… oh here he is now.” Steve stated as the man you’d defended walked through the door. 
“Oh, for the love of Thor.” You whispered in embarrassment, your hand covering your face as you shot your manager a panicked look.  
“Bucky, this is Y/N  Y/L/N from the interview… she’s a big fan.” Steve teased, his smirk not going unnoticed by you.  
“I must say, Captain, you are much more of an asshole than I thought… and your arms are way bigger than they look on pictures…” You rambled clearly your filter had completely vanished.  
“I am so sorry… when I get nervous, I tend to lose my mouth filter just tell me to shut up…Okay…big fan Sergeant.” You added with a bright red face as you turn towards Bucky and held your hand out for him to shake.  
“Thanks… Why am I here, Steve?” He huffed with a very uncomfortable half smile as he shook your hand awkwardly.  
“I think you and Y/N should spend some time together in public places…I think it would boost your PR and also make you less antisocial.” Steve snorted making Bucky glare at his longtime friend.  
“I am not antisocial, I just don’t like most people, and everything is different… even dating is done on the internet now, it’s stupid.” Bucky rolled his eyes before looking at you with a more focused gaze.  
“I appreciate your words, Doll, but I’m not about to force you to spend time with me because you don’t hate me like the rest of America.” Bucky spoke to you, and you shook your head. 
“I’m actually a big fan genuinely… I think you’re amazing also I agree, online dating is stupid.” You stated his words had made you smile in a way you hadn’t in a while.  
“You’re an interesting woman, I’ll give you that, sweetheart.” Bucky chuckled sending you a panty melting smile that made you literally clutch your metaphorical pearls.  
“Bucky used to be quite the ladies' man, back in the day.” Steve snorted suddenly making your eyes shoot towards him. 
“I was, until this asshole grew muscles, and no woman would pick me over him.” Bucky huffed playfully with an eye roll.  
“No offence, Captain, but I think I’d choose the Sergeant…” You whispered to Steve earning a smile from him. 
“I can hear you, Doll.” Bucky whispered teasingly causing your face to flush.  
“Well… moving on. I would be happy to spend some time with you, if you wouldn’t mind of course. It would be great to get to know you.” You mumbled in embarrassment your cheeks turning bright pink.  
“I guess. What could go wrong?”  
Everyone’s famous last words. 
Those words were sprawled across the front page of the New York Times.  It wasn’t that people were assuming you’d date Mr Barnes, but more that you’re embarrassed for Mr Barnes because anyone is crazy if they think that man would want to date a silly Sci-Fi author.  
“I really hope he doesn’t think I had anything to do with this.” You muttered to your manager, as you rode the elevator up to the Stark PR Office. 
“In what world would you want to date a 100 year old man?” She chuckled making you shoot a glare straight at her.  
“In every world wouldn’t I date Mr Barnes. He’s charming, handsome and a gentleman.” You snapped back at your manager, making her look down in shame. 
You slapped down the paper as you threw your head back in frustration. You had only been on a few outings with Mr Barnes but somehow the sleaze bag journalists deemed that enough to assume you were dating. Your work phone had been ringing none stop all morning with people asking for quote on your supposed new relationship. 
You had finally turned your phone off after sending a text to Steve with your personal phone number. The calls were getting too much, and your head was pounding. Your personal phone started ringing so you hurried to answer the call. 
“Doll?” The sergeants voice rang out over the speaker making you jolt up straight as you took speaker mode off and pressed the phone to your ear. 
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” You muttered sweetly, making him groan. 
“I told you to call me Bucky, Doll.” He chuckled making you flush bright red. 
“I’m so sorry about the paper, Bucky.” You sighed softly making your manager roll her eyes. 
“It’s hardly your fault, sweetheart. It doesn’t bother me let them assume whatever they want. I hope it doesn’t bother you.” He chuckled darkly making you frown. 
“It doesn’t. I was more worried you’d be bothered, kind of puts a damper on your single status.” You giggled making him laugh. 
“Hey there are worse things. Steve says it’s good PR.” He mumbles causing you to nod only to realise he couldn’t see you. 
“I’m popping to the farmers market later would you like to come? Maybe we could go for lunch after?” You asked quietly hoping he would say yes. 
“You sure? People might think we’re married next.” He teased making you giggle. 
“There are worse things.” You sassed his own words back at him causing another chuckle from the older man. 
“Okay, I’ll pick you soon. You okay with bikes?” He asked softly making your heart flutter. 
“Hell yes!” You exclaimed happily as you hung up and sent a text with your address. 
You quickly ran to get dressed. Sliding on a pair of black skintight cargo pants, khaki green long sleeved cropped Henley with your black leather lace up heels and your teddy bear fur collared leather jacket. 
Your hair was curled loosely, your makeup was simple with a glowing base. You deemed the outfit acceptable for the market and a bike ride. 
You gave yourself a nod in the mirror, just as you received a text from Bucky telling you he was here. You bid your manager goodbye, telling her to lock up when she left, before running out the house with a smile. You spotted Bucky immediately stood next to his bike with a very serious scowl on his face.  
When he spotted you, his scowl was replaced by a grin as he took you in, his eyes scanning you up and down. You flushed softly as his arm brushed you when you were close enough.  
“You look beautiful.” He stated awkwardly as he hopped on his bike passing you a helmet which you glared at him for since he didn’t look like he was about to put one on. 
“Thank you. Though these are my casual clothes.” You giggled before putting on the helmet. 
He held out his hand helping you onto the bike behind him. You were unsure of where to put your hands, so you just gripped onto the back of his leather jacket, however he seemed unsatisfied with that, so he grabbed your hands and looped them around his waist. You linked your fingers together tightly trying not to let your mind stray to how solid his abdomen was. 
He soon sped off causing your heart to pound in your chest. You loved bikes but you were always too scared to get your own so you enjoyed it while you could. He sped around cars carefully until finally, much to your dismay, you arrived at the farmer's market. 
He helped you off the parked bike before hopping off himself. He looked around noticing a few stares causing you to glare at some of them. You ignored them as you looped your arm with his metal one which appeared to shock him as he immediately tensed up. 
He gradually relaxed, sending you a grateful smile as he patted your hand that was gripping his bicep with his human one. You both began strolling through the market until you spotted a stall with fresh fruit. You tugged him towards the stall with a soft giggle as he rolled his eyes.  
“What’s your favourite?” You asked as you scanned the contents of the stall. 
“Plums, I guess.” He grumbled in his usual grumpy tone. 
“Is being out with me that bad?” You asked with a sad frown as you began letting go of his arm.  
His eyes widened as his hand shot out to keep your arm around his bicep. He shook his head silently before pulling you closer.  
“I can hear them talking.” He explains and suddenly you felt awful for forgetting he could hear better than you.  
“Ignore them. Let’s get some plums and, Hmm how about strawberry and cherries?” You muttered casually as you pulled him towards the strawberries.  
“Whatever you want, Doll.” He chuckled softly as he allowed you to tug him along. 
You finally let go so you could go pay but Bucky beat you to it paying for everything in the bag as you stood off to one side with a pout on your face. Once he’s done paying, he turned around to face you but suddenly his eyes flicked behind you widening. 
Before you knew what was happening Bucky grabbed you by the waist and spun you to the other side of himself just in time to see a guy on a moped speed past Bucky. He’s just saved your life your eyes brimmed with tears from the shock but as Bucky saw this, he must’ve thought he’d hurt you because he instantly pulled away. 
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Doll.” He whispered; guilt evident in his voice. 
“No, you didn’t. You saved my life.” You sniffled with a pout as you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. 
“Are you okay?” He asked gently as a few people were watching the both of you. 
“Mhmm, thank you, Bucky.” You whispered against his solid chest. 
“Come on, let go get some lunch.” He muttered into your hair before pulling away. Though he kept his arm around your shoulder as you kept yours around his waist.  
You strolled down the sidewalk before leading Bucky into a little café that you enjoyed. You spent a lot of time writing in this café so sometimes fans would find you here, but you ignored the stares as you made your way to the checkout. You ordered your usual as Bucky read over the drink and food options, in the end he ordered the same as you before you both found a little table just outside the café.  
“So, your book must be quite popular?” He asked softly making you smile proudly. 
“Yeah, I just published my second one in the series.” You replied happily. 
Just as he was about to reply a young girl came up to the table holding a copy of your book which made you smile widely. She seemed a little scared to talk so you helped her by starting the conversation. 
“How are you liking the second one?” You asked softly with a bright smile still on your face. 
“Hi, I’m Veronica, It’s amazing! I’m such a big fan I used to read your work on Wattpad before you published. You’re so talented.” She rambled excitedly her enthusiasm making you chuckle. 
“Oh, thank you, that’s so sweet.” You laughed happily as Bucky watched the exchange quietly. 
“Is it true that you two are dating?” She suddenly asked making you glance at Bucky who seemed to stiffen in his seat. 
“Sorry, that was really inappropriate. Well either way your true fans are totally routing for you! It’s nice to meet you, Sergeant Barnes.” She suddenly said before you could answer. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Bucky replied politely with a small nod. 
“Can I get a picture with both of you?” She asked rather shyly. 
You glanced at Bucky who gave you a nod before you looked towards Veronica and gave her an affirmative nod. You both stood up one on either side of her before she pulled out her camera. Bucky had a straight face as she aimed the front camera upwards. 
“Smile, Bucky.” You snorted as you nudged his metal arm. 
“Sorry, Doll.” Bucky huffed with a playful eye roll which made Veronica laugh. 
She took her picture and thanked you both before running off back to her table where her friends were waiting. You glanced at Bucky who seemed awkward after the encounter, but you nudged him before you both took your seats. 
“You could’ve said we weren’t dating.” He said suddenly making you frown. 
“Would you prefer I told them that?” You asked seriously. 
“No, but you don’t have to let people think you’d date me just to spare me.” He sighed softly making you pout a little. 
“I would totally date you.” You blurted out making both yours and his eyes widen. You covered your face as it began heating up with a blush.   
“Hey, Doll?” Bucky whispered as he pried your hands away. “I’d totally date you too.” He teased making you hide behind your hands again. 
“I know you haven’t danced since the 40s, however there’s a really cool bar that plays stuff from 1930-1960s, if you’d like to go with me tonight?” You asked as you lowered your hands, once again not daring to look him in the eyes. 
“You asking me to go dancing with you, Doll?” He chuckled playfully as our food and drinks arrived. 
“Yes.” You giggled softly as you pulled out your phone and passed it to him once you’d found the video you wanted. It was a video of you dancing at the same bar with your grandad.  
“That’s my grandad, he taught me how to swing dance.” You chuckled as Bucky watched the video. 
“You look like you jumped right out of my era.” He laughed as he seemed to be enjoying the video. 
“What’s this song? It’s quite good.” He asked with a small smile on his face. 
“One of the greatest musicians of the 50s and 60s Elvis Presley. The song is Jailhouse Rock.” You replied casually as to not make him feel bad for not knowing. 
“I would love to go dancing with you. Although I don’t know how good I’ll be now.” He grumbled awkwardly as he seemed to shrink a little. 
“We’ll start slow and if you don’t wanna dance, that’s fine too.” You said trying to ease his tension. 
“Deal. Thank you, Doll.” He chuckled his mood lightening instantly. 
You were wearing a taffeta midnight blue, a line dress that had a wrap style around the bust, paired with cream leather original Mary Jane heels. A cream lace snap handbag with pearl earrings for accessories.  
Your makeup was simple with a black wing and red lips, which you checked for the fifth time making your mother roll her eyes. You ignored it as you turned to your grandmother with a concerned frown. 
“Are you sure I can borrow great nana’s stuff?” You asked your grandmother for the third time. 
“Honey, I’m hardly going to wear that stuff now. Plus, with that hunk of a man as your date, who would say no.” She whispered making you laugh at her words.  
“Hey, that’s my hunk, even if he is older than you.” You laughed making her join you as your mother just shook her head at your antics. 
Just then there was a knock on your front door making you freeze as you look at your grandmother who seemed to be contemplating running for the door. Your shot her a glare before making a break for it, you ran rather fast for someone in heels, but you hurried to grab your bag and keys before bolting out of the apartment. 
“Woah! You okay there, Doll?” Bucky laughed as you ran right into him. 
“My mom and Nana are in there.” You whispered shyly making his eyes widen. 
“My nana brought round my great nana’s dress.” You added as he finally took in your outfit as he stepped back. 
“Wow.” He whispered under his breath before clearing his throat and standing up straight as you took in his appearance.  
He was wearing a black double-breasted suit with a white shirt and black satin tie. He had black shiny shoes too match his hair has been cut too which made you both sad and excited all at the same time. You’d miss his long hair, but you couldn’t argue he looked hotter than hell with short hair.  
“Fucking hell.” You whisper under your breath as you tried to stop your heart from beating out of your chest. 
“My sentiments exactly.” Bucky chuckled as he scanned you up and down once again. 
“I keep forgetting you can hear better than me.” You laughed awkwardly as you held your small bag tightly in your hands. 
“It’s fine. Come on, I borrowed Steve’s car so you wouldn’t have to ride the bike in a dress.” He stated as he held his left arm out for you. 
You were happy he finally warmed up to touching you with his metal arm, usually he tried to use his right arm whenever he touched you. Unless you made the first move.  
You drove to the bar in silence as Bucky drummed away on the steering wheel as if trying to bat away whatever anxiety was eating away at him. You reached over to grasp his hand in yours, giving him a soft smile, silently telling him you were here. 
“We can turn around, Buck.” You whispered gently, your face softening. 
“No. No, I can do this.” He replied just as softly. 
He released your hand before opening the driver's side door and stepping out. He ran around to the passenger door to open it for you, holding out his hand for you, his leather gloves still on much to your disappointment. You took his hand with a vibrant grin taking over your face. 
As you walked inside Bucky must’ve been expecting to be stared at again because he kept his head down and his other hand in his pocket. However, when you nudged him, he finally looked up only for his eyes to widen as he looked around.  
“Is that my face?” He asked as his jaw hit the floor. 
“Yeah, the walls are covered with historical war figures. The owner, Sal, has had that picture up here since the world found out, said and I quote ‘These government bastards take everything and give nothing.’” You chuckled as he glanced up to find everyone staring, not in malice but in respect.  
Once everyone had given a nod of respect, they went back to their nights. You pulled Bucky to the bar as he seemed to relax a lot more now. He was glancing around in awe of everything, what you didn’t realise was that for Bucky, you’d just given him a second to remember who he used to be. 
“You’re amazing.” He suddenly blurted out making you jump a little. 
“I think the same thing about you, Sergeant.” You giggled as you order a whiskey and a martini. 
You sat chatting over two drinks before jailhouse rock came on and Bucky stood from his seat, holding out his hand silently and you took it happily. 
He spun around as you reached to dance floor before his feet started moving subtly at first until he finally gave into it and letting his muscle memory from the 40s take him back. You were both so in sync with each other even when he did the first lift, thank you God you’d worn the booty shorts underneath. You were having so much fun that 4 songs went by before finally you both decided to get a drink. 
“I’ve not danced like this since 1942.” He pants a little making you chuckle as you sipped a coke. 
“You dance very well, Sergeant Barnes.” You flirted, batting your lashes at him. 
“As do you, Miss Y/L/N.” Bucky chuckled equally as flirty. 
You chatted for the rest of the night until it got to 2am when Sal finally announced he was closing. You and Bucky said goodnight to those who were leaving too, before making your way to the car. You didn’t want the night to end but you had to sleep eventually.  
You held Bucky’s hand all the way home, occasionally smiling over at the older man who would smirk but never take his eyes off the road. You hadn’t ever felt this connected to someone before, it felt like how they described love in books. 
You both walked up the stairs your arms wrapped around his bicep enjoying the feeling as he remained rather silent. You leaned your head against his bicep as you arrived at your front door. 
“I had so much fun tonight.” You whispered shyly making him glance down at you with a pleased smile on his face. 
“Me too.” He responded quietly; his eyes full of adoration. 
“I would very much like to do this again.” You stated calmly as you pulled away, your back now facing your front door. 
“That can be arranged.” He chuckled as he stepped a little closer causing you back to press against the door. 
You stared into each other’s eyes longingly as your heart began racing against your chest. You never wanted to kiss someone as badly as you did at that moment. His eyes were slightly dazed as they drifted to your lips, until finally he granted your silent wish. 
His surprisingly soft lips were on your red ones. Thank God you’d worn your good lipstick. His hand came up so carefully to touch your cheek as he urged you closer. It was then that you had realised he didn’t have gloves on, and it was his metal hand on your face.  
You let out a soft gasp at the feeling of the cold metal on your bare skin. He must’ve thought something different because he pulled back looking guilty about something, which confused you until he tried putting his gloves back on. You instantly snatched the leather out of his hands before grabbing his metal hand and being back to your face.  
“I made that noise because I wasn’t expecting it and I definitely wasn’t expecting how turned on I got from your metal hand touching me.” You chuckled awkwardly making his eyes widen a little before he was suddenly on you again. His lips kissing you with much more passion and less innocence than the first one.  
He backed you up until finally your back hit the door and your hands flew around his neck, pulling him closer - if it was even possible. His flesh hand was on the door at the side of your head, whilst his metal one was cupping your cheek.  
You both got lost in the kiss for a few more minutes until you were out of breath. He pulled away just enough to rest his forehead against yours. He looked down at you with hooded eyes as his metal thumb brushed across your bottom lip.  
“God, you’re making it really hard to be gentleman right now.” He whispered against you lips like he was trying to do anything to distract himself. 
“You're not using me for a lay, are you?” You asked softly making his face sober up instantly. 
“No, I would never do that to you, Doll.” He replied seriously making you grin from ear to ear. 
“Then this is the 21st century, Buck, women can do what they want. So, Sergeant…would you like to come in for some coffee?” You asked in a sultry voice that instantly brought back that same dazed look. 
“I don’t know what kind of idiot would say no to you.” He chuckled huskily as he placed open mouthed kiss on your lips before pulling back completely. 
You took that opportunity to spin around and unlock your door silently. When you got inside the apartment Bucky trudged behind you slowly, as if waiting for you to change your mind. You weren’t going to, granted you wouldn’t usually bring a first date home, but it wasn’t like Bucky was a stranger. You had been friends for a few weeks, coffee dates and lunch plans even a movie at one point, so you had no regrets inviting this sweet man in.  
He rarely allowed you to pay for anything, always held the door open for you, always helped you up and downstairs like you were a lady. You were a woman sure but a ‘lady’ you weren’t graceful or polite enough to be one. But that didn’t matter to Bucky because he always treated you like one. Yes, it’s slightly outdated but he also respects your opinions and values them. He really listens when you talk even about things he doesn’t understand.  
“Would you like me to make the coffee while you sit down. Dancing in heels can’t be kind to your feet?” He asks gently leaving you smiling like an idiot. 
“Coffee is for the morning, Sergent.” You whispered seductively as you grabbed his metal hand and started pulling him towards the bedroom. 
“You are a minx.” Bucky chuckled as he followed you until you came to your bedroom. 
“I-I haven’t…” he started but strayed from his own words as he contemplated how to say it. 
“You haven’t had sex in a while?” You finished for him making his eyes lower to the ground. 
“We can wait, if you want?” You asked softly as you cupped both his cheeks making him look at you. 
“No, it’s not that, I just don’t want to disappoint you.” He mumbled shyly making your heart literally stutter in your chest. 
“You could never disappoint me unless you ever forced yourself to do something you weren’t comfortable with.” You whispered soothingly making a smile tug at his lips. You stepped back and confidently undid you dress before letting it fall to the floor leaving you in underwear and boots shorts.  
“You’re one of a kind, Y/N Y/L/N.” He whispers against your lips before you began helping him remove his jacket and tie. 
“So are you. You quite literally just turned me on saying my name.” You teased, your tone flirty as your hands tugged at the short hairs at the back of his head, sliding them down until you were at the buttons of his shirt. You began undoing each button until he finally shed the damn thing. 
“Well, I do apologise, Miss Y/L/N, let me rectify that.” He replied playfully as he grabbed the back of your thigh, pulling you up and wrapping your legs around him. He then carried you over to the bed with ease as his hand gripped at your thighs. 
He lowered you down so gently you wished he’d be rougher, but you knew he’d have to work up to that, just like with his metal arm. You stared into his eyes before running your hand over his chest and all the way to his metal arm. He stiffened for a second before smirking at you. 
“You appear to have some sort of fetish for my arm, Doll.” He whispered  
“It’s called a kink and 100%.” You giggled making him roll his eyes.  
“You strike me as a woman who likes romance and gentle acts, but I have a feeling I’m wrong.” He chuckled making you smirk. 
“Oh yeah, I love romance too but without sounding too crude, Sergeant, I’d rather you fuck me like an unhinged animal.” You stated confidently making his eyes widen. 
“Fuck…can’t say shit like that, baby.” He groaned as he buried his head in your bare collar bone. The new nickname had your heart practically out of your chest as you let out a little whimper. 
“Fuck me, Sergeant.” You whimpered a hint of desperation in your voice as you clutched at both of his biceps. 
“Need to do something first.” He growled as he started down the bed and before you could ask, your panties and shorts were off, and Bucky was on you. 
His lips leaving kisses and nibbles wherever he went. You had no doubt the inside of your thighs would be covered in love bites by the end, but you didn’t care. When he licked a stripe up the top of your inner thigh a breath away from you heat, your back arched off the bed as your hands gripped at the sheets. 
“You don’t have to, Buck.” You whispered sweetly despite that being the opposite of what you actually wanted. 
“Oh, I know but I’ve been thinking about doing this all week, baby. Need to taste you.” He said his tone pleading, before finally his lips were on your clit dropping a small kiss there. 
His tongue licked up your slit with the happiest groan you’d ever heard before. His tongue began drawing small shapes on the tiny bundle of nerves. You bit you lip to contain the noises that were coming out your mouth, but when Bucky saw this his flesh hand came down on the outside of your thigh. The sensation had you gripping his hair with both of your hands. 
“Dirty girl.” He whispered into your heat before his tongue was back on you.  
His flesh fingers came down to join as he slid two inside you at an agonisingly slow pace. You half wished he’d use his metal hand, but you were sure if that would be as fun as it sounded in your head. He immediately curled his fingers upwards making you practically see stars. 
“Oh, fuck yes, Buck.” You moaned as he sucked lightly on your bundle of nerves. 
“God, you taste like heaven.” Bucky groaned as he starts lapping away at you like a mad man. You screamed out unable to hold it back anymore as you began practically humping his face. 
His metal hand gripped your thigh and suddenly you felt yourself building up to that high. He slid the warmed metal up your torso up to your bra before he ripped it off, the two cups no longer sewn together. You couldn’t even be angry because it was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. 
“So close…please, Bucky.” You moaned as your back once again arched off your bed.  
“I got you…cum for me, baby.” He muttered huskily, his breath fanning across your clit before he started his ministrations back up. 
His tongue felt so wet and soft it was making your head spin, how he was eating you like a man starved. It sounded dirty but the noise only served to drive you closer to the edge. He started thrusting his two fingers harshly into your g-spot making your eyes roll back into your skull. 
“B-Bucky.” You stuttered between moans as you finally fell over the edge. You thrust against his face riding out your high until it became too sensitive to do so. 
“Need you, Buck, p-please.” You whimpered as you began undoing his slacks.  
“You’re so pretty when you beg, baby.” He chuckled teasingly as he pulled himself up, wiping his stubble covered face as he smirked down at you. 
“If you want me to beg, Sergeant, I’ll beg.” You whispered in a sultry tone. 
“Please, Sergeant, need your cock…need it so bad please, sir.” You begged prettily, batting your eye relishes at him with a hint of faux innocence. 
“Fuck, baby.” Bucky groaned as you pulled down his pants and threw them to one side with his boxers. 
You glanced down at his member it was thick. He was big too, but his thickness was beyond anything’s you’d had before. God that was gonna fill you up. You bit your lower lip as you tried to not moan just from the sight of his painfully hard member. 
His metal fingers wound around your neck softly not wanting to hurt you but just the feeling of the fast-cooling metal had your head spinning. You leaned into his touch making his eyes darken as he squeezed once before going back to resting it there. 
“Not gonna last long, baby.” He whispered as he lined his member up with your entrance.  
“Don’t care just need to feel you. Can cum inside - on contraception.” You stated desperately, the words seemed to make him beyond enthusiastic. 
He slid inside you, stretching you a little leaving a slight burn in its wake but you relished in it. You’d never felt so full, it was bliss. Your arms around him, dragging your nails down his back with enough force he groaned into your ear. 
“You feel so good.” He moaned deeply into your neck as he left a small bite there. 
“Fuck me, Bucky.” You pleaded as you left small kisses trailing down his face until you finally got to his lips, bringing him in for a heated kiss. 
He began thrusting in and out of your heat, grunting and groaning into your mouth as you battled for dominance. You knew you’d hand it over in an instant but the little battle you were having was spurring him to go faster and deeper. 
His metal hand was still on your throat as he completely took over your every sense. You could feel yourself building again, you’d never came from penetration before, but you felt so good right now. You whimpered into the kiss before pulling away to look into his eyes. 
“Bucky.” You moaned quietly as his thrusting became stuttered. You began thrusting your hips inwards as you felt you peak nearing once again. 
“Cum with me, Y/N.” He groaned as he stared into your eyes. 
With a few more well times thrusts from both parties, you both came together, clinging to one another as you both rode out your orgasms. Bucky finally stilled as he stared down at you with a new emotion that you hadn’t ever seen in his face, but you decided at that moment it was the prettiest face you’d ever seen. 
“You’re going to steal my heart, Sergeant Barnes.” You whispered breathlessly against his lips as your eyes flickered between his lips and eyes. 
“I’ll keep it safe.” He replied sweetly as he seemed to catch his breath back. 
Bucky tried to clean you but you stated you’d need to pee anyway, so you didn’t get a UTI which he understood. He slid his boxers on after giving himself a wipe as you finally finished and ran back to bed in his white shirt that had been discarded on the floor. 
“You look tiny in my clothes.” He chuckled as he pulled you into his arms the second you were on the bed. 
You let out a giggle as you snuggled into his chest happily. This was more than you could ever ask for, this man had worked his way into your thoughts and life like he was always supposed to be there. And you didn’t have a single complaint. 
“Night, Buck.” You whispered as he pulled the covers over both of you. 
“Night, Doll.” He replied softly as he pressed a kiss to your hair. 
It was sometime in the early morning when the sound of broken whimpers dragged you from your slumber. You sat up, grogginess still resonating as you glanced down at Bucky was gripping the sheets in a deadly grip. You immediately knew what this was. Your father had PTSD after 10 years of serving his country and you knew what a night terror looked like.  
You knew you shouldn’t wake him because he could get violent especially if you touched him. So, you decided to get up and make coffee. It was 6am which was an acceptable time, so you got out of bed despite wanting desperately to wake him up. 
You walked to the kitchen and began preparing the coffee machine. Once everything was prepped you started the machine and made you way to the bedroom with no intention of being quiet. You dug around your closet for a pair of joggers that used to be your brothers that you figured would fit before turning around. 
“Babe!” You shouted towards the bed but there was no change. 
You glanced down at his face that was still scrunched in a pained face and you decided you didn’t care if he hurt you, you couldn’t leave him like that.  
You decided a gentle approach might work so you slipped into bed and began kissing his naked chest. It was around the time you pressed one just under his ear his whimpers of pain turned into needy groans.  
“Doll?” He groaned as you nibbled in ear lobe before pulling away. 
“Morning, Buck, coffees on.” You giggled as he arms wrapped around you. 
“It’s still early baby what are you doing up?” He asked softly since you’d only had 3 hours of sleep.  
“You we’re having a night terror, but I knew I shouldn’t wake you cos obviously it’s dangerous but you wouldn’t wake up even when I stomped around the house like an elephant. So, I kissed you awake.” You replied gently hoping not to make him feel bad. 
“I’m so sorry, Doll.” He muttered as he sat up, staring at bed with a scowl on his face. 
“My dad served for 10 years. He finally retired when I was in high school…but he still has some night terrors even now.” You supplied before taking his metal hand in yours. 
“It’s normal to have them when you were forced to do things you didn’t want to do, Buck. I don’t mind I just hate that you have to suffer through them.” You whispered sadly as you climbed into his quilt covered lap. 
“You’re too sweet to me Doll.” He muttered shyly into your chest; his head buried completely in your breast.  
You ran your fingers through his short hair making him sigh happily as his waist wrapped around you tightly. He eventually pulled away his eyes boring into yours as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“How did I get so lucky?” He chuckled as you preened from the compliment. 
“It’s not luck. I think I was made for you.” You whispered jokingly making him roll his eyes. 
“Mmm, that would make sense.” He laughed as you climbed off his lap. 
“I found you some of my brother's joggers for you.” You stated as you passed him the joggers. 
“Thank you, Doll. I’m surprised you don’t want me gone yet. We practically spent a full 24 hours together.” He laughed as he stepped out the bed and slid into the comfy pants. 
“You’re very goo-” 
Suddenly your phone was blowing up with notifications from messages and Google alerts that told you when something was published about you. You glanced down at the newest article but this one actually brought a smile to your face.  
“What’s going on?” He asked cautiously as he glanced over your shoulder. 
‘Secretly sweeter than Cap?’ Was the caption written across the New York Times digital paper today.  
‘It appears our most hated avenger may be our new favourite. James was seen with our favourite sci-fi author at the market yesterday morning buying fruit when a bike almost ran her over and according to my sources was quickly spun out of harms way by the Sergeant himself. (How very rom-com of you, Mr Barnes.) Later that morning the couple was spotted talking to a fan of Y/N’s and even taking pictures with her. (Picture below.) 
Now as I was editing this article it came to my attention that they were also found to have gone dancing later that day which was apparently filmed by one of the Sergeants few fans. (Link below)  
This may be our new favourite couple. We wish you the best Ship/Name!’ 
You couldn’t believe it finally people were warming to him, and you couldn’t be happier. You glanced at him to see his eyes widened but you could see a small smile forming on his lips. As he glanced at the pictures that had been taken of you both. 
“I like these pictures.” He stated seriously making you giggle. 
That’s when Bucky’s phone started going off. He quickly answered the phone before putting it on speaker as soon as he knew it was Steve. 
“You didn’t come home last night.” He said first making you giggle again which you tried to cover up with your hand. 
“On the first date, Bucky?” Steve whispered like it was beyond scandalous. 
“It’s the 21st century, Cap!” You huffed as you began walking to the kitchen, Bucky following you closely behind.  
“Yes, I’m aware. Times have changed.” He grumbled rather childishly. 
“Don’t be sad, Cap. You need to loosen up. Get laid.” You teased making Bucky laugh whole heartedly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I’m done with this conversation. Have a good day we’ve got no work today so come back whenever.” He groaned with what you imagined was an eye roll. 
“Oh, I will definitely have a good day. Bye, Steve.” Bucky chuckled as he brought you in for a heated kiss. 
“Let’s get you fed and some coffee then we’re going back to your bedroom.” He growled playfully making you flush softly. 
“Yes, Sergeant.” You moaned against his lips before running to get coffee as Bucky started cooking. 
You could get used to this. 
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
if you go, i’ll stay // neteyam x gn!reader
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💙 neteyam has to say goodbye to the person he loves
1k words
i literally pooped this one out rn
readers gender is not specified
would u classify this as angst??
could be read as platonic or romantic
neteyam smooches u but not on the lips so it can be taken as platonic??
yeah its angst its not too sad tho i think
also thanks for the support on my last post!! you all are too sweet ❤️ got me giggling and kicking my feet
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You held your legs to your chest, letting your head rest on your knees. You had your back upon a large tree, the bark scratching your soft skin. Usually, you would hiss from the pain but you were too tired to care, the pain in your back couldn’t compare to how much your heart was hurting. The bright sun that would normally gleam down on your skin and warm your soul was nowhere in sight. Instead, a murky gray cloud took the sun's place. Your body shivered and you held yourself closer to bring back the warmth you would usually feel. “Oh, Eywa..” You whispered under your breath, fingers digging into the skin of your calves. “Why have you burdened me with such strong emotions?” You close your eyes, in hopes of drifting off to sleep. Hoping that when you wake up, you’re back home, swaying back and forth in your snonivi. Neteyam laying down right next to you, sleeping peacefully and everything that you heard not too long ago was a lie. That Neteyam and his family weren’t leaving for good. But when you opened your eyes you were still in the same spot with the same feeling that weighed heavily on your heart. This time though, Neteyam was standing right beside you. His expression is unreadable but you know well enough he’s feeling the same way you are. Upset and everything above else, sad. He lowered himself down and sat next to you. Your ears cast downwards as your tail wrapped around you protectively, the end of your tail brushing your ankle. You never liked people seeing you so vulnerable and so little, even Neteyam who’s been at your side ever since you were little.
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing he said. You didn’t respond. He had nothing to apologize for, it wasn’t his fault that they were moving to a whole other place, a place far far away from here. When you were younger, you couldn't imagine a life without Neteyam stuck to your hip, it was mentally impossible to think of something like that. You hoped and prayed to Eywa that you and Neteyam would never be driven apart, that you and him will stick together through thick and thin. Maybe you didn’t truly put your heart into it because here you are, looking at him for what could be the last time ever. Your worst fear came true. You were in so much despair, you have never felt so worthless and fearful before. “You don’t have to apologize, Neteyam.” You spoke up, voice so small and feeble. “It isn’t your fault.” You watched how Neteyam threw his head back against the tree, a loud devastating sigh escaping his mouth. He then looked over to you and frowned, ears drooping down a bit. “When you look at me like that, it feels like I have done something to hurt you.” He says, fingertips gently brushing against the petals of a flower. “You have done nothing.” Your eyes glisten with tears and you rapidly blink your eyes. The last thing you would want to do is cry in front of Neteyam.
“Do you remember how we met?” Neteyam suddenly asks, tail swaying playfully at the mention of fond memory. “Yeah, I was climbing one of the trees when I slipped and fell on you.” You remember the way you gasped when you realized you fell on top of someone and not on something. You were screeching out apologies while you helped Neteyam up. “You broke my hand.” He laughed, looking at his left hand, the hand you broke by accident. “I wasn’t able to use my bow for a while.” He said. “I remember being more upset over that than you.” You felt so bad for breaking Neteyam’s hand that every day you would visit him, checking up on how he was doing and how well his hand was healing up. Neteyam always told you that you didn’t have to come every day but the frequent checkups became more of an excuse to see him. He caught onto it when his hand was fully healed and you still came over to see him. Ever since then, you and him were inseparable.
“I’m going to miss you.” You uncurled your legs from your chest and scooted closer to Neteyam, letting your head rest on his broad shoulder. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you by my side.” You admit. Neteyam has become such a significant person in your life that a day without him ruins your mood instantly. How will you manage without seeing him at all after this? “You’ll await my return.” He grabs your hand and holds it, his body turning so he could fully face you. “Wait for me.” He whispered, hands moving to cup your face. His thumb caressing the apples of your cheeks, eyes looking at you so softly you swear you could melt right then and there. “If you promise to come back to me, I’ll be right here, waiting for you.”
Neteyam smiled and pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t know how much you needed a hug until now. His arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you in closer to his chest. You let yourself relish the moment, your head burying into his neck as you allowed yourself to silently cry. You were going to miss him so much, miss his hugs, his smile, his laugh. Everything. There wouldn't be a day that goes by where you won’t be missing him. He separated from the hug and sorrowfully smiled at you, tears of his own escaping his beautiful eyes. He held your face in his hands and you leaned into the touch. “I see you.” He kissed the tears that were on your cheeks. “I see you.” 
“Neteyam!” His ears perked up, a defeated sigh left him. His mother was calling out for him. He pressed his lips against your forehead and cheek. “Wait for me, please.” With one last hug, you and him said your final goodbyes and separated.
You did what he told you to do and waited for his return. But he never did return and you were left waiting for someone who was never going to come back.
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i usually dont have a lot of inspo but omg my brain is swimming with ideas and im jus shitting them out honestly gotta write them out b4 they leave yk?? anyways hope u liked this one or not. hope i didnt write neteyam too ooc here 🙏 if you also want to be tagged in any new fic i make, u can comment that u wanna be tagged and i’ll tag u in the next post <33
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usopps-devotee · 1 year
Cold hands, Warm Body
Sanji/gn! reader
You get cold and decide there's no better way to warm yourself up compared to your Sanji's skin.
TAGS; nsfw, handjob, slight praise kink, dom reader if you squint, Hella fluff, no beta we die like men
>1k words
read on ao3
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You found yourself waking up alone and unhappy in a bed that's not yours, the spot where the cook's warm body once was now cold like the rest of the room.
You shivered while putting on clothes, borrowing one of Sanji's sweaters, the perks of sleeping in the boys' room. Wandering to the kitchen, you found him preparing breakfast. Sanji greeted you with a soft smile and a bright demeanor. You repaid the kindness with a grumble, your hands slipping under his shirt, addicted to the warmth. You press your chest into his back, wrapping your arms around him as he continues to cook, now flustered.
Pda was nothing new for the two of you, but it usually would wait till after food was cooked and served, there was plenty of time to yourselves.
Your cold hands were startling to his system, giving his body a shock with the feeling of ice moving across his skin. "I'm sorry I left you to freeze my princess, I have my duties and couldn't bare to wake you." He spoke softly, barely being able to hear him over the sizzling of the pan.
"Just keep me warm." You understood that you couldn't have him to yourself 24/7. The chill in the air around you was not in your best interest. "I'm almost done, love." With that, silence filled the space between the two of you.
Once the food finished cooking, everyone piled in, not without your excessive yelling to close the door so as not to let the cold in. While the heat from the stove helped warm the air for a short time, all your yelling had been in vain as the cold welcomed itself back into the enclosed space, where everyone sat and enjoyed the hot meal.
Luffy questioned your demeanor, appearing to be more aggressive than usual, before being reminded by Usopp and Sanji that winter islands are enemy number one in your eyes. You and chopper argued over whether the cold was a good thing or not. Franky joined in, commenting how it wasn't good for him or the sunny as cola slushy tends to slow the engine down.
After the meal, Sanji was tasked with the cleanup while you were shivering due to the cold. Whining out his name did so much as he focused on what felt like everything. Once again, you decided that if you wanted something, you would have to take it.
Walking up to him and sliding your hands under his shirt, this time humming at his warmth. The blush that has yet to fade burned brighter. As your hands travel, not sticking in one spot for too long. Sanji was trapped in your web when he realized this to its fullest extent; it was already too late.
He was too distracted by the cold hand pinching and tugging at his nipple. Late to realize that you had been gaining access to what was in his pants. He didn't notice it till he felt a palm cup his boxers; he damn near jumped out of his skin.
"You know I would never complain about your touch sh-shouldn't o-other way around."
Your hand trailed into his boxers while you swear this is always the warmest part of the cook, heat coming off him and his arousal was addictive as your body pressed as close as it could into his back.
"You're hot Sanji, I just can't help myself."
The debate on if you were referencing his looks or his temperature could be an argument for later. It had been hard to keep his little whimpers and moans down. Anyone could waltz in at any moment and see the perverse scene on display.
You stood on your tippy toes, letting Sanji support the tiniest bit of weight so you wouldn't be off balance. You trailed little kisses all over the back of his neck and jaw. You felt him slouch as his grip on the counter tightened, as you moved to get a better view of his face. The cerulean eyes that you loved to stare into now shut tight. Moans slipped past bitten lips, now red and swollen, more pressure, the blonde might start to bleed.
Your hand; is covered in precum by the time he starts to beg. Please and whimpers of your name tumbled past his tongue and into your ears. You felt yourself throb with desire at the tone in his voice. Your main objective at the moment was to satisfy your lover.
"Go on pretty boy, you've done such a good job. Cum for me good boy."
The cook's whole body shuddered as waves of pleasure crashed into him like rough waves against the hull of the sunny.
Keening out your name, it didn't surprise you when his knees buckled. You kept him supported with the hand that had been tweaking his nipples and his upper torso while his lower body; was trapped between you and the counter.
His cum painted your hand and the wooden drawer in front of the both of you. You continued to stroke till Sanji was milked dry. Little overestimated sobs leave his lips then you finally let him go. Bringing the covered hand up, licking it completely clean. The act was something you'd ever done before, but the look in his eyes captivated you every time.
You pull away from him, missing the feeling of his body so close to yours as you hear the crew celebrating and the next island being in sight.
"You okay, my prince?"
He nodded, trying his best to catch his breath, mumbling out a soft and weak "Thank you" as his shaking hands did his best to tuck himself back into his pants. Once the two of you collected your wits, you joined the rest of the crew out on the deck.
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ken-dom · 8 months
Keyboard Smash
Steven Wingdings x afab!reader
1k words
∘₊✧ Summary: fonts drive him crazy in more ways than one.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: this is the drabble I was toying with writing… don’t @ me! This was entirely encouraged by the usual suspects, and I simply couldn’t resist
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: nsfw, rough sex, dubious consent, slightly creepy vibes including a storm, very silly, probably classed as a crack fic if it wasn’t also pure smut, crying, meltdowns, font kink
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Your fingertips tapped the keyboard, the little squares clicking the letters into being on the screen before you.
You knew he would disapprove of this font, but it was easy on the eyes and you always managed to write more when you used it.
You could always change it afterwards. He would never need to know. What’s the harm?
You leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms and sighing, tired but so close to finishing up.
You relaxed into your seat, amused by the eerie atmosphere in the room. The bright white light of your computer screen provided the only illumination in the room, aside from the occasional forks of lightning lighting up the night sky through your window. You smiled. He’d probably like that.
And with a loud clap of thunder and another dramatic flash of lightning, he appeared behind you, his shadow flooding your desk with darkness. It was as if he materialised out of nowhere. You jolted up, spinning around in your chair to see him standing behind you, furious and dripping with rainwater.
He didn’t say a word at first, his piercing blue eyes fixed on your screen, carefully taking in the words you’d written. And the font. Oh fuck. The font.
‘Comic sans,’ he muttered under his breath, taking his glasses off to wipe them clean of raindrops and place them delicately back on his face. ‘Comic fucking sans?’
‘I intend to change it when I’m done, but-’
‘Spare me!’ he roared, falling to his knees before you. ‘You’re writing a masterpiece like that in comic sans?! It’s tainted. I’ll never unsee it. You actively clicked on the font drop down, scrolled to C, and selected it, knowing how it would look!’
He was practically sobbing at this point.
‘I- I’m sorry, Steven, at least it’s not Pap-’
‘Don’t speak its name in front of me!’ he screeched.
‘Why don’t we just change the font right now, hm? What do you like? Times New Roman? Calibri?’
‘You can change it, but I’ll never unsee that hideous clown scribble!’ he wailed.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ you offered, beginning to feel at a loss, until a stroke of genius struck. Or so you hoped. ‘Here, how about-’
You turned back to the computer, highlighting the entirety of your work and choosing a new font. Something that would throw him off. Bring him back to you.
There was one you’d never used that caught your eye with its name alone; Satisfy. It seemed like it would be awkward to write in and more appropriate for titles, but it’s cursive style and sensual name immediately got your attention — perhaps it would get his too.
You read over some of your work while you waited for him to finish up his dramatics. It looked a little bit like his handwriting and you smiled at that, wondering if he’d actually copied it for his own penmanship.
Another flash of lightning and he was up again, his hand at your shoulder, warm and caressing.
‘Oh?’ he breathed.
You didn’t speak. Not yet. You let him take it in, biting your lips together in anticipation as he looked over you.
‘Oh, that’s very nice, that’s- mmh…’
‘See? That’s better,’ you smiled, pleased with yourself at having calmed him.
‘Over the desk,’ he instructed, low and commanding. ‘Now.’
You stood, heat flooding to your core at the suddenly seductive tone of his voice, and began to move the keyboard away for space, but a big, strong hand wrapped around your wrist and pinned it to the desk.
‘No. Leave the keyboard. I want to see our work.’
Excited, you propped yourself above it, while he made quick work of unfastening his trousers and sliding yours down, his elegant fingers immediately flying to your folds, circling your clit and ghosting over your slick entrance.
‘Mmh, soaked… you like it too?’
In all honesty you couldn’t say you had ever been aroused by a font. But then you’d never had a screaming, crying meltdown over one either. You guessed his reaction to Satisfy must have been as strong as his reaction to Papyrus had been all those weeks ago when you’d dragged him inside off the road, wet and shaking.
‘Yes,’ you agreed, not wanting him to stop.
Much to your disappointment, he did stop, but only for a moment; the next, he slammed his cock into you hard, stretching you open and driving his hips in sharp snaps against you whilst his free hand pushed your head into the keyboard.
An assortment of random letters and numbers burst onto the screen, displaying more of that delicious font, and he whined desperately.
His other hand snaked around your belly and to the apex of your thighs, rubbing furiously at your sensitive nub, making you squirm back against him. It was too much and not enough all at once, and you were ready to explode.
‘Say it,’ he cried hungrily, ‘say it!’
‘Satisfy!’ you moaned, not even needing to sex up your voice in the slightest. The font might not turn you on, but he did, and his request for you to say its name opened the floodgates into a string of needy moans.
Feeling you begin to clench around him, it took only a few more ragged thrusts and he emptied his release into you with force, a guttural growl echoing around the room while you milked him of all he had.
He collapsed, weak and groaning, on top of you, heavy breaths loud in your ear as he withdrew his length, carefully tucking himself back into his trousers and standing as soon as he was able.
‘Keep up the good work,’ he praised you.
And just like that, he was gone again, leaving you limp over the desk, leaking your combined juices onto the floor, Satisfy leaving a long trail of F’s and C’s and D’s in the space beneath your work where you were still pressed against the keyboard.
‘Comic fucking sans,’ you whispered, laughing to yourself as you peeled off the keys. ‘I’ll give him Satisfy.’
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Posteriori (Yandere Idol!Shikanoin Heizou/Reader)
Alice's note, mother of Klee: Hello, dandelion anon! Mister Shikanoin is quite a smart one– can't say he's always cooperative buuuut he's interesting. I'm sure he wouldn't bother you too much! I don't think he's the type to play around with his subordinates, haha! Anyways, welcome, first recruit!!!
1k event masterlist
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You’ll never trust Alice, mother of Klee, founder of TEYVAT Productions, ever again.
Shikanoin Heizou thinks his mind functions only according to Descartes' System, which is divided into two parts: deduction and intuition. For his entire life, those two factors have never let him down. He correctly inferred that someone with his extensive criminology knowledge would function effectively as a private investigator or detective. The majority of the time, his estimates were accurate, and his fellow college students would sacrifice everything to borrow his brain for a day.
But his intuition states that this was not his destined path.
When he decided to audition to join the newly renamed "5WIRL" as its fifth member, several of his coworkers were startled. Everyone concerned went above and beyond to persuade him to go back to his studies, but he was undeterred. Heizou understands their dismay and is aware that seeing him change careers was like watching a kid forgetting their homework to play their brand-new game.
But if he is simply going to ignore intuition, what use is it to adhere to Descartes' System?
"My name is Shikanoin Heizou. I think, therefore I am" that was how he introduced himself to you.
Admittedly, your first words were not as grand.
"Come again?"
Heizou, in Thoma's words, "is not the easiest to get along with." He was Rene Descartes and you were his John Locke– the ex-detective couldn't phantom having you as his Pierre de Fermat. You have to experience something first before you gain expert knowledge of it. When you asked for more training, Heizou labeled you an a posteriori. Unlike Mister One-Take-Shikanoin here, not everyone can perfect routines on the first day. And most unfortunately not everyone has innate knowledge; some people start from scratch. And on their first day of work, some very unfortunate individuals were given Heizou's character sheet that had scarcely been answered.
Did you say "individuals"? sorry. The noun should be singular. By "an unfortunate individual", you were referring to yourself.
You're under contract for the next 5 years.
In a draw, this would be the misfortune slip. Not good enough to be good fortune, but not too terrible to be great misfortune– IF and only IF Heizou decides not to be a free-spirited prick. If he woke up one day and became an absolute menace, you would beg Itto's producer to switch idols instead. Sadly, your coworkers find solace in the fact that you are their "senior" and that you want them to feel secure because you are the first hire. They'll feel discouraged too if you let them know that you can't handle this assignment.
Some things are borne from chance or "coincidences", and if you were Pierre de Fermat or Blaise Pascal, you would've identified a clear answer as to how fate played you like a fiddle.
Based on the Law of Opinion, Heizou should at least be disliked by almost everyone. He shows up at business meetings late and on a whim before leaving when he wants to. This "detective" glues sticky notes wherever he wants and refuses to elaborate when confronted about his paperwork (which is, mind you, his progress is as barren as his attention span.) You pride yourself on the ability to read the room and empathize with others– Shikanoin is an outlier. An unplanned outlier. 
Thankfully, you like to clean up every once in a while.
"Hey dandelion, it's time to hit the hay!" Heizou crept behind you with a small smile on his face. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Want to join me for dinner, alone? I found a place that sells deep-fried pork and I want YOU to be the first person I take there."
You sheepishly eyed the mess his group forgot the cleanup. The rest of the staff looked weary but did not utter a complaint. It wouldn't be good to leave them here.
You're so hungry. But you cannot in good conscience let your friends work overtime just because Heizou tinkered with some props.
"... I'll take a raincheck on that."
You'd think that all of those things would be enough to warrant some animosity, but no, Mister Shikanoin is a welcomed new member of 4nemo (now 5wirl). There are even times when you find yourself doting on him. Heizou appeared to be the final component of the puzzle, waiting for the most opportune moment to fit in.  He assumed Aether's previous role and put into practice absurd concepts that nobody anticipated can be presented in an idol format. Court-themed performances? Murder mystery ARGs? You were amazed that he had won their hearts so readily and you didn't know he was capable of writing such a heartbreaking narrative about a fraud friend. As his producer, you were thrilled by how his "personal jury" praised him for his wit and charisma, but more importantly–
Who knew Heizou was so good at dancing?
After seeing the bigger picture, it made sense as to why the original members were inclined to add him in. He had a similar aura to the rest of the group while bringing more to the table. Heizou managed to mix his knowledge of martial arts and criminology with an idol's art form, and it's applaudable. 
... Come to think of it, his debut felt like yours as well. 
Not because you were moved by his joy and victorious performance– hard no. It's because, after the final song on the track list, he pulled you in front of the crowd and publicly (humiliated–) thanked you for being his assistant. 
In front of 100k people. 
And this cheeky jerk was grinning like he didn't know those normal people couldn't handle being seen by a massive audience.
"This is my beloved personal assistant, (Y/n)!!! Clap for them as well!!!" Heizou winked at the crowd. "My debut wouldn't be possible without them!!!"
"Aren't they dreamy?!"
And, as Arataki Itto would say, "and the crowd went WIIIIIILLLDDD!!!"
Oh, dear... You think you might faint.
You were positively sweaty.
Nothing else mattered as your body slumped like a sack of potatoes onto the plush double bed of the 5wirl employee tour bus. Kazuha's producer humbly informed you that the more you travel, the more tolerable this nearly unbearable exhaustion gets. You believed them since Kazuha is renowned for being a quote-unquote "wandering samurai" and they had to go through multiple states to help him find some inspiration.  It feels odd that you're now taking their counsel when you're normally the one giving it to them.  If only you can take your own advice about taking things one step at a time. You can't, though. You were immediately strapped on an emotional rollercoaster of a life.
You barely lifted your arms from the bed and crawled for your phone. There was still a schedule you needed an alarm for, but you mostly took it to look at some cat pictures. Once you took it, however, it made you wish you just slept with abandon.
Everything you've done in your life has led you to this moment. And thankfully those experiences helped you develop thick skin cause goodness gracious–
"What is this?"
There were already multiple edits of Heizou– no surprise there– but it rarely had him as a solo performer.
It seems as though you two are the most iconic matching pair.
You closed your eyes. There are about a million expletives you wanted to scream– but your eyelids are barely keeping up. You yawned as you gently threw your phone away. 
Maybe you didn't realize it– maybe you did but you were too fatigued– but you're already entrapped in Mister Shikanoin's web. This was just the start– a little snowball to whatever he had in mind.
Because from then on, the world perceived you as Shikanoin Heizou's partner-in-crime and his alone.
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moreausturtles · 1 month
"the orange sun in the blue sky"
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a/n: hi guys this is a rly rly old weirdly made draft that I made during my rly bad hyperfixation on the rise movie; i thought i might share it with y'all bc im somewhat proud of it? pls dont mind any mistakes i wrote it in a rush i think...? gl to everyone reading hahaha lmk what u think pls dont be mean
summary: leo and mikey are the only ones alive. they finally defeat the last of the kraang, but at a cost.
warnings: unchecked + unedited weird bullet point format; slight mentions of death/blood; one swear word?; very angsty and sad sorry :((
word count: ~1k
(imagine FINALLY defeating Krang 1 as a mission success)
- the baja blast duo fight the krang, lots of hard hits and close calls and they have the LUCKIEST breakthrough.
- krang 1 is on the ground and no longer able to move, all its tentacles are severed. its hanging on by a thread, one that leo is more than happy to cut.
- “this is for my family.” leo whispers, looking down at the krang in disdain.
- he jabs his sword into the krang's body under his foot, killing it in one motion.
- and just like that, it was over.
- leo takes a moment to breathe, like his body wasn’t letting him before.
- he allows himself to think, to process, to take in the fact that they had just won the war.
they won.
- a small smile grows on his face and a quick rush of excitement takes over his body
- “we did it…” he whispers, “mikey, we did it!” he repeats it, a part of him still in denial and acting like saying it again was going to convince him that the worst was over.
- but the worst was far from it.
- he turns around to mikey excitedly, who he thought was just quiet because he was just as shocked as he was
- but boy was he stupidly wrong
- mikey stood there, a hand on the side of his plastron with blood dripping from it then to the ground
- he tries to give leo a smile, but fails as his body drops to the ground
- leo’s heart drops along with him, he calls out his name and runs to him quickly and takes him in his arms
- mikey, even before his mystic powers, always had this signature orange glow radiating off of him. but this time, leo was afraid it was going to become very dim very soon.
- leo took his baby brother’s head in his hand—he didn’t care if mikey was fucking older than him (hc no thanks to his excessive use of mystic power), he was still his baby brother
- mikey needed medical attention fast. but they were in the middle of nowhere. no medical team. no backup. no hamato.
- “we did it, leo…?” mike manages to whisper out and smiled up at his older brother.
- “yeah buddy, we did…” the sniffling soon came as leo tried to fight back tears. he had known this would happen; could you really blame a guy whose family got picked off one by one during the apocalypse to think that way?
“i’m sorry, leo...”
- god, mikey’s voice shattered leo’s heart into pieces. so weak and trying.
- “hey,” leo uttered, trying to change the topic, “remember the time when you thought the gumbus was real?”
- this earned a very weak, wheezed chuckle from the mystic turtle, who had his eyes closed to visualize the fond memory
- “you did too…” leo laughed bitterly at that, feeling his little brother’s breathing pattern slow.
- “i did, yeah. it’s one of my favorite memories.” said leo.
- “mine too…” mikey opened his eyes, the memory ending, and looked up to see leo’s face drenched in tears. a pang hit mikey’s chest as he realized he was going to leave his brother soon.
- “hey, leo?”
- “yeah, miguel?” a playful nickname he hadn’t heard in years.
“you were always my favorite brother.”
leo laughed, genuinely laughed even though it felt like he was being stabbed in the chest tenfold.
- “don’t tell donnie or raph.”
- “i think they know.”
- both of them pause for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say or do. there wasn’t really anything else to do but wait. Each second leo spent trying to figure out what words he wanted to tell mikey. “I’m sorry.” “Say hi to them for me.” “Please don’t leave me alone.”
- mikey was his partner in crime and now he was just… fading. His little brother was dying.
- leo knew their time was running short from the way he was listening to mikey’s labored breaths. slow and trying. mikey thought about using his mystic power for one last push, to stay with leo, to make do with what was left of the world.
- they could rebuild it. it was easy for him to make things out of thin air. leo knows how to build and farm and haul and everything you could think of.
- but the mystic warrior was tired. they had been fighting for decades. he couldn’t lift a single finger even if he tried, and that was fine with him. he honestlyhadn’t felt relaxed like that in years.
- maybe they were better off not saying a word, mikey needed to save any air he could take in. leo kept his mouth shut just so he could spent just a little bit more time together in this bittersweet silence.
- suddenly he sees mikey’s lips open a little bit, and the next words that come out would forever leave leo wounded.
“I love you, big brother.”
- it took everything in leo to not break out in full sobs right then and there. he wanted to scream, beg, plead to the God that did this to mikey— if one even existed.
- leo swallowed the lump in his throat, forming the best—and last— smile he could muster for mikey, mimicking him the way he used to do it for him and his older brothers so they wouldn’t have to worry.
“I love you too, little bro.”
- leo’s little ray of hope slowly went limp in his arms. and he was all alone.
- leo kept mikey in his arms, still and unmoving. maybe it was his punishment for putting mikey in this whole mess. for destroying the world and his entire family. maybe a God did exist, it was just never in his favor no matter how hard he fought to appease it.
leonardo, the last one standing of the hamatos, defeated the Krang and lived, while mikey took his place in the sky as leo’s ray of sunshine.
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burning-academia-if · 7 months
1k Follower Celebration: ???'s short story
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Word count: 4k
Summary: Snapshots from the life of a child who was never supposed to survive.
CW: lots of discussion around death, brief mention of animal death, violence, blood
A/N: Once more, sorry this is late! I hope you enjoy the final story!
Once, an infant died. In an old manor, secluded from the rest of the world, a mother couldn’t weep for a child lost. It was a miracle, really, it had lasted through the week. Torn and sickly from birth, the mother cradled its small body. Maybe a hospital might have saved them, had they been allowed such a grace.
            There was nothing in her eyes. She stared, vacant, out towards the window. Her lips mouthed the words of a lullaby and her husband guarded the door. Knuckles white against the frame, he kept his head bowed and did his best not to weep. If he fell apart, then so would she.
            Outside, shadows curled around the windows. It wasn’t like them, to be so curious. The sensation made memories come back in spades, a collection of what they once were. A death of a newborn, unnatural in more ways then they could grasp, attracted them under the moonlight.
            ‘Ask us,’ they sang, ‘And we’ll bring back the child.’
            ‘Save us and we’ll save them.’
            Their voices crept forward, and the woman paused. Her grip tightened around the infant, fingers digging into the cloth. Her husband stepped forward, a warning on his lips. She ignored him and rose, stumbling towards the window. An invitation. They became a swarm.
            “Don’t—!” Her husband’s voice was lost as the darkness in cased her. There were so many, but one took a step forward. A body with a vague human form, hands reaching out. She clutched tighter at the child still.
            ‘Return to us what we desire, and thus we will return back what you desire.’
            “What…what do you want?”
            ‘Our memory. Our humanity. Our souls.’
            It was taboo, for one to return a wraith to their original selves. But truly, playing by the rules had done nothing in their favor. They were both casted out and cursed, and their newborn child had paid the price. Even if the wraiths lied, it did not matter. She couldn’t imagine living, not any longer.
            She held the child out. An offering for the first sin.
            The shadows rushed forward, all at once. The woman cried out, ice running down her spine and spreading through her body. As weak as she was, she sank to her knees, vaguely aware of her husband’s arms wrapping around her. The windows rattled, the darkness became one, and her child cried once again.
            They grew fast, both in size and understanding. Their father taught them reading, history, arithmetic. Their mother the sciences and magic theory. Neither her nor their father had magic in their veins, but their mother had said there were other ways to be able to use it.
            It was the wraiths who taught them about life and death.
            Although they were never supposed to go out at night, they snuck out often. They’d go past their parents’ garden and out towards the trees that laid beyond and call for them.
            Every time, the wraiths would chastise them, ‘Never call for wraiths.’
            ‘What if they answer next time?’
            ‘They’ll hurt you, they’ll hurt you.’
            And they would tilt their head and glance between their various forms, “But you’re all wraiths and you’d never hurt me.”
            ‘Not wraiths, ghosts! Ghosts.’
            ‘We are wraiths but we are special.’
            The little ones, as small as them, would argue with the bigger ones. Then they’d grow bored and ask them to play and so they’d run through the woods until they were tired. Arms would wrap around them and when they opened their eyes next, they were in bed and sunlight poured through the window.
            Those were peaceful days. Yes, they were trapped in a world very small, but there was comfort and friends and family. Days the same as a favorite blanket, the only place they would ever want to exist if they could make the choice again.
            Time, however, can only ever press forward.
            The first time they found a dead thing, they wept. It was a small bird, likely attacked by another, resting at the edge of the garden and the forest. They sank to their knees, hands shaking as it hovered over its small little body. It was hard to see anything, so blinded by their tears.
            “Oh, little one, what’s wrong?” Their mother wiped her hands on her apron, coated heavily in dirt and grime.
            “I found a bird. A dead bird.”
            Their mother’s arms wrapped around them and they turned and buried themselves against her. She cuddled them close, tucking them under her chin, “It’s alright, dear. All living things will eventually die.”
            “The wraiths say it’s the end for most things. And when it’s not, it’s…it’s…they’re wrong.” They tried to think of what they were told but the words were lost on them and they didn’t want to think, they wanted to cry. They thought they might cry forever, as they hiccupped over their words.
            Their mother stroked her hands through their hair, long and past their shoulders now, “Yes, death is an ending. It does not mean we can’t honor them. Come, let’s bury it and wish it well onto the next life.”
            As their mother gave them gloves and a place to bury the bird, they found themselves asking, “Why do some dead things stay and others vanish forever?”
            “They’re not gone forever.” She placed the body in the ground, hands moving the dirt over to cover it. “They’re merely gone in a place we ourselves can’t reach.”
            “But they’re gone forever from us…” Their voice wobbled, seconds away from tears again and their mother reached an arm out. They let themselves collapse into it, eyes squeezing shut as they took comfort in her.
            She carefully took off her gloves, and ran a hand through their hair, “Not forever. Never forever.”
            She let them stay there, in the midst of a garden. A child learning grief, and a mother only ever steeped in it.
            The father paced in his room, the never-ending confinement and the stubborn march of time sinking into his arteries. The mother watched, perched on the edge of bed as though ready to flee at a moment’s notice. How long has it been since this place became the only thing they knew?
            “We can’t let them know about the child.” He started, coming to a halt. “We’ll have to hide them.”
            “But…” she hesitated, eyes downcast as she folded her hands in her lap. “This place bears the marks of my actions. Even if we hide the child, we can’t hide what we’ve done or what we’ve become.”
            He turned his eyes towards her, a thickness in his throat, “How do you suppose this will end?”
            “It was never going to end well.” She met his gaze. “It’s why I don’t regret the choice I’ve made.”
            “I don’t either. Watching our child grow is the only thing that’s managed to keep me going. If they lay a on hand on—”
            “I’ll kill them.” The mother raised to her feet. The light of the full moon spilled over her form, casting a glow to her hair. She looked more specter than woman. He knew she was serious, because he’d do the same. It’d been a promise from the beginning. Whatever life they had, had ceased to be theirs. It did not mean their child needed to live out the same fate.
            He took a deep breath, “We have much to do in the coming days. For now, we’ll rest.”
            They guided each other to bed, body folding over body. One racing heart wrapped around the other, easing it into tranquility. Sleep came, and washed away the unease for one more night.
            “Wait Mira, where are we going?” It was strange, for any of the wraiths to be out during the day. Mira was the smallest one, something once a child and now forever doomed to be one. They were older than her now, a skip away from their tenth birthday tomorrow.
            They’d been in the garden, though the winter laid many plants to rest. The sight of the wraith crouched by the tree had drawn their attention, and they’d got the feeling she’d wanted them to follow.
            Now, they were farther into the woods then they had ever been. Their eyes skipped over the trees, breath puffing the air. In their ill-fitting clothes, the cold was biting into every part of their skin. The exertion was the only thing keeping it at bay.
            “Mira—” They started again, and felt the whole fabric of the earth shift. A gasp fell through their throat, hand bracing hard against the trunk of a tree. Bark dug into calloused palms, the pain hardly registering. Something was wrong. It made their stomach turn to the point of nearly being sick.
            With all their strength, they shoved themselves back to their feet. They spun, facing back to the place they called home. They needed to get back. Felt the desperation in their bones.
            ‘We’re sorry.’
            ‘So so sorry.’
            Wraiths rushed around their feet, emerging from the shadows casted by the branches. They clung to their legs and held onto their arms. Everything felt even colder, the world bleeding color into something gray.
            “What…what are you doing?” Their limbs felt week. They weren’t sure when they came to be on the ground, but they felt the dirt and the twigs and frost press into their clothes, turning it damp.
            A figure came to loom over them. One they’d come to know well, ‘You cannot go, little one.’
            The world was gone, all at once.
            When they woke up it was night and there were graves. The moon stared down at them, and shivers clawed into their body. It took all their strength to push themselves up, and when they did all the shadows scattered. Their breathe created a fine mist in the air in front of them, a constant thrum as they struggled to keep their breath even.
            Despite the shakes, they called, “W-why? Why am I here, what did you do…?”
            ‘It was by your parents’ request.’ The largest shadow rose in front of them, and in the full moon light, they could almost see its face. Middle aged, dark eyes, a gaping wound of darkness in their side. The sight stilled even the chatter of their teeth. ‘There are things you don’t know about them, which they will never tell.’
            They wrapped their arms around their body, as though such thins limbs cold protect them against the night’s chill, “Like how they never answer when I ask why we can’t leave the confines of these woods?”
            ‘Yes. It’s for your own protection.’ It motioned towards the place around them. ‘This is outside their confines. When you’re older and steadier, we could finally set you free. For now, this place is the only place you’d survive.’
            “I…I could. Survive out there.” They had never met another living soul besides their parents. Now, their eyes searched past the graves and old wrought iron gates as though they could find a hint of life waiting for them somewhere. It was as dark and empty as ever.
            ‘Child, you weep for all things. There’s only a cruel world waiting beyond this cage. When I return you, you’ll understand everything I’ve told you about violence.’ A chill zipped down their spine, and this time not from the temperature.
            “…What do you mean?”
            ‘You’ll see. Take hold, and I’ll lead you back home.’ And so they let it take their hand and lead them back through the trees.
            They didn’t want to go through the doors, left open and creaking back and forth in the wind. There were no lights on inside, nor was there a sound. When they peered through the door, the house peered back. Wounded, cracked. The entrance they knew well was contaminated with the markings of intruders.
            It was in the air. They could feel it on their skin, skittering across their veins. It wasn’t the same kind of feeling they felt from the wraiths, it was something different. New. Bitter. The shadow beside them waited, sensing their brief hesitation.
            They took a deep breath and walked through the door. The feeling was stronger inside, choking their lungs. It made it impossible to call out, and so they stumbled forward. As long as they followed the trail, they’d be able to find their parents. Wherever the cursed path led.
            While all the wraiths crowded at the door, the one remained by their side. With it, even with their sudden clumsiness, their movements didn’t make a sound. It felt like years of walking, longer than the trek through the woods, before they came upon the old study. Cracks shot through the wall around the door like lightening. It seeped color, a bright bright red. Bright enough to hurt their eyes.
            Their companion shielded away, ‘This is as far as I can go.’
            Despite their desire to ask, they couldn’t. So they swallowed the sick in their throat and stopped in front of the door. It hung, kept on by a single bolt. Even with the awkward angle they could see inside. The room was a mess, books scattered and torn and pages in various directions. They could just make out their parents’ form. They were covered in red.
            Without a second thought, they ducked through the door, feet almost tripping over themselves as it landed on the pages. The light of the room was still on, flickering in it’s attempt to hold on. The red on their parents was not just blood but whatever the strange essence at the entrance was. It wrapped around them like webs, and they collapsed on their knees.
            “M…mom? Dad…?” It hurt to talk, their hands hovered the two’s bodies, unsure what to do or where to touch.
            Their mother groaned, her eyes fluttering open, “Oh…you’re not…supposed to be here.”
            “What happened? Why is there…all this?” The word came a second later. Magic. “What can I do?”
            Before they could do anything, their mother jerked away from them. Her hands dug into it and tore it away. It burned bright, searing at her hands as she did so. More blood spilled, running as free as a river as it cascaded from her body.
            Her voice was stern, “Don’t touch me. This will only hurt you.”
            “There must be something I can do—The first aid kit. I’ll bring it to you. I’ll be back, I promise.” They scrambled to their feet, still off kilter and ran out. They heard their mother call their name but it was so far from them. They just needed the first aid kit, they needed to help. They needed to not think about their father not waking up.
            It took too long to get everything and to make it back. When they returned their mother was tearing the magic netting off their father. Tears wet her face, the pain obvious in each of her movements, but it didn’t stop her. Each red thread dissolved to nothing as it was taken off his skin.
            They placed everything on the floor, desperate to help but deterred by the harsh look their mother sent their way, “Thank you, dear. Now there is one more thing I need you to do for me. In our room, tucked away in one of the floorboards, is a box. The wraiths will show you were. Inside there, is your gift.”
            “My gift, but—”
            “It’s after midnight, is it not? This is both for your birthday and your protection. Now go.” Protection from what? They wanted to know what had happened and if it was for the same reason they were trapped here. They wanted to know if their father was still alive. They wanted to know why they could cry whenever they stumbled upon a dead animal, but didn’t feel even moisture in their eyes at the sight of their parents.
            Their eyebrows pinched together and they stared at her, “Mom…”
            “I’ll tell you everything, I promise. For now, will you do this for me?” They nodded, numb, and her lips twitched into a smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry for all of this. I thought we’d have more time.”
            They rose, head still spinning. Worse than before. Every moment that passed made them worse. They were sure their mother, so steeped in it all for so much longer, must be suffering. But if there was nothing they could do, then they could only do what she asked.
            The wraith was waiting for them this time, as though sensing their mother’s words. It pulled them forward, the only thing keeping them upright now. The two ascended the flight of stairs and here they could see endless damage. Doors open, furniture tossed. Whoever had been here had been looking for something. What if they’d found whatever their mother had told them about?
            ‘Focus.’ The wraith instructed and they did. They made their way down the hall and into their parents’ room. It was the worst place of all. The indoor plants, the paintings on the walls, the mattress on the bed. Everything in pieces.
            There were marks here too, although they didn’t glow with red light as the ones from downstairs. They stepped over shattered glass and broken bits, following the wraith as it indicated a spot on the ground.
            ‘Careful.’ It whispered, as they dug their hands between the cracks. Even with all the strength slipping away from them, they used their whole weight to pry it up. It stuck and they pulled, and the wooden splinters bit into their skin. The pain rushed to their brain and cleared the dam.
            Tears fell. It burned out and blurred the world around them. Still, they kept going, until the floorboard finally heaved. Until their raw hands were pulling out a box. It was a deep blue, trimmed with silver. The latch glittered at them in low light, scattered further by how they cried.
            It took a moment to fumble at the latch to get it open. When they did, it was a sudden light. So bright it hurt their eyes. Despite its blinding radiance, the wraith did not shield away. It stayed by them as it poured out. Burrowed into their skin and wrapped around their heart.
            It stopped. All of it stopped.
            Their father had always called them a bleeding heart. They weren’t sure if it was true. Sometimes, they were drowning in emotions, unable to claw their way out. Other times, they felt like it all burned away.
            In every memory they held, was warmth. But the older they got, the more the questions spilled forth. They asked about everything, and when their parents refused to answer they went to the wraiths. Sometimes even they held their tongue. It made the reflection warp. What had they missed, in the cage of their childhood? And would knowing have changed anything at all?
            The years after the attack shifted everything. The wraiths vanished without a trace. Their mother had dropped all kindness.
            “You need to survive.” She’d said. “Even if it’s without us.”
            Once, they’d snuck out on a summer night. There was only one thing they wanted, and it was to find the graveyard the wraiths had taken them to the night everything changed. Despite their best efforts, they never found it. All they succeeded in was knowing the woods better than even the animals.
            The bigger they got, the smaller the world felt. In instances they’d usually accept their mother’s answers, they’d push back. They needed to know everything in the world. If they did, then maybe they could find a way to free all of them.
            “Why can’t you leave?” They asked once, letting their mother braid their long hair. It was one of the few displays of love left in her.
            Her fingers carefully threaded the braid together, “It’s because of the same magic that nearly killed us. It binds us here, and they hoped it would cause us to die. From starvation or dehydration or illness.”
            “It doesn’t bind me though, does it?” Their eyes traced the scars on the walls. The damage from the house could never fully be repaired. “I could leave, and find a way to free you both—”
            They felt her tension, the involuntary clenching of her hands. It did not hurt but it made them flinch, “They would kill you. When you finally leave, you are never to come back.”
            It was an impossible idea. To let their parents go. They were the start and ending of their world. A fear wormed its way into their brain and made residence there. They would lay awake in bed, listening for anything wrong, wondering if tonight was the night the intruders would come back and finish the job.
            If they did, they would have to be ready.
            But there was no magic in them, they were just a child. They’d take a spare knife and practice throwing. Once, when their aim was nonexistent, it caught the wing of a stray bird. It squawked and fell and they rushed forward as a ringing echoed in their ear.
            They collapsed over it, cradling it in their hands, forgetting their mother’s warning of disease.
            “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” they sobbed, cradling it to their chest. When they saw blood, they saw their parents. When they thought of violence, it made them sick. How would they ever protect anything, when all it did was make them ill?
            Their mother had found them, later. The bird was content in their hands, despite its own blood marring them. She brushed a hand through their hair, and they stirred from an endless half sleep.
            “You are too kind for such violence.” She whispered, and it was the first time they had ever seen her close to tears.
            As they shifted, the bird hopped away and they looked at their hands, stained with its blood. They thought they might be sick. They thought they’d cry again.
            Instead, they swallowed it all back, “This violence is born from my kindness.”
            Their mother threw her hands around them, and squeezed them in a tight hug. For a moment, they were suspended. She did not cry, and neither did they. Instead, they sat there in the fading light. A mother forced to be cursed with her doom, and a child whose path only led to such an ending.
            It was always going to be a futile fight. Even still, they fought it. Even as their parents’ bodies hit the ground. Even as hands grabbed them, hard enough to bruise. They fought and screamed, and the wraiths answered.
            The intruders yelled, and they wrenched themselves away. They weren’t sure where they were going as they ran. Into the woods, as they always did. To a place where they would never be found. Their feet hit the ground hard, lungs burning, and an endless panic coursing through them.
            If they finally made it past the woods then—
            A pain chocked them. They felt themselves collapse, staring down at their body. Red. Red. Red. Red. Red. Red. Red—
            “Got ‘em.” A voice called.
            “Jesus, did you really have to do that to a kid?”
            “It’s fine. It’s not like anyone knew the bastards had a kid anyway, right? What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
            The intruders’ footsteps crunched in the snow. They'd been left to die. As their eyes squeezed shut, trying to drown out the pain, they wondered. Would they become a wraith? Would their parents? Or would they simply move on to whatever was waiting for them in the unknown? Their thoughts echoed.
            The snow wasn’t cold. Their body wasn’t warm. It hung, suspended, outside of time itself. Their mind was a blur of white and shadows. A voice sung a lullaby somewhere, far away from their reach. They were alone. Suddenly and violently alone. A fragment of a forgotten memory now, instead of a real person. Arms sank under their body and lifted them up.
            “It’s time to rest, now.”
            They felt their consciousness slip away to nothing.
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powerofelvis · 2 years
Merry Christmas, Baby
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x f!reader
Word Count: 1K
Warning(s): Fluff that’s it.
A/N: I don’t know what happened with this one. Y’all may like it, but I felt like I could have done better with this one. This request is for my darlin’ @crash-and-cure! I’m so sorry if you don’t like it baby, my brain just wrote this. As usual, this is day 3. I’m probably gonna post another one tonight to make it up to all of you!
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Christmas was always such a challenge for you being Elvis Presley’s woman. It wasn’t because of the glitz and glamor of it all, but it was because you were never able to figure out what to give the world’s most famous man and the world’s most incredible gift giver. Elvis was truly prodigious when it came to giving gifts, mostly because he was always giving—even when it wasn’t the holiday season. You would visit every department store in town in hopes to find something that he maybe didn’t have. 
Here it is, a week before Christmas, and yet you were still empty handed. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to be stomped on what to give Elvis for Christmas, but this year was a bit different. He made it known that he wanted to throw an extravagant Christmas party for 
everyone. He wanted the lights, the music, the works so as time ticked closer, you were truly at a loss for what to give your husband. You wondered how you would get out of this stomp—until you saw his spirituality collection looked awfully bare. 
You knew there was one thing that Elvis loved more than anything in the world was his relationship with God. He would always be up during the times of the night, reading over his numerology books and writing things down that he had heard from the Lord. However, you had no clue where you could get such books, unless you went to the local bookstore. “Jesus baby, what has you lookin’ like a spring chicken this morning?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin at Elvis’ voice as he walked into the kitchen, where you were currently sitting in front of your morning coffee, hands in your hair—deep in thought. You gave your husband a small smile, taking in his appearance as it seemed he was getting ready to leave for the day. Good, he can leave and I can go find my gift for him. “Oh, it’s nothing, baby. I’m just thinking about the Christmas party next week. We have to get so much done,” You began as you could see his face contort into a smile. 
“There’s nothing to worry about, baby. I have everything handled. You just worry about having my gift ready, sugar. I know you’re gonna knock me off my chair again this year.” Your heart jumped into your throat because you didn’t have his gift yet, but you were indeed going to knock him off of his ass. Once your husband left for his daily duties of being a famous superstar, you went off to find his gift.
Christmas finally made its appearance, you being the first out of the bed as you raced down the stairs. Elvis peeked his head out of the door, clearly scared awake at your abrupt departure from your shared bed. “Baby, what in the hell has gotten into you? You jumped out of the bed like someone lit a match under your ass.” He laughed as he watched you from the top of the stairs. His present had finally come and you were filled with Christmas joy. 
“It came! It came baby, come see what I got you!” Elvis came down soon after, clearly confused about what had you so happy. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. “Darlin’, what made you so excited this morning?” You turned around to him, placing a wrapped present in his hands. You had asked them to wrap it with their best wrapping paper and ribbon. Only the best for your Elvis. 
Elvis unwrapped his present, his eyes lightening with joy at the spirituality book that was engraved with both of your signs and initials. Recently, he was becoming more obsessed with spirituality but his schedule was so busy that he didn’t have time to get more books. It may have seemed like something meniscal to the normal people, but he knew that his wife took pride in the little things. One of the main reasons that he married her.
The tears fell from his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers in a sweet kiss. “Doll, it may not seem much to you, but I’m truly blessed to have you. How did you know that I wanted this?” You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him into a hug. “I knew how much you were into spirituality lately, so I decided that I would gift you something that was from the heart. I know you have everything already, baby. But one thing that is priceless is your love for the Lord.” 
He pressed his forehead to yours as he sniffled a bit, the emotions at its peak and it wasn’t even noon yet. He reached under the tree to grab one of the presents that he had for you, placing it in your hands. “I’ve waited months for you to see this, baby. I hope you like it.” You giggled, noticing that his boyishness was showing. He always wanted you to like the gifts that he gave you—sometimes to the point that he would offer to return the gift and buy you something that you liked. 
You didn’t waste time on opening the box that was in your hands. It was a necklace that you saw in the store window the other day, but it was engraved with your name and his. You didn’t even know that he knew that you wanted it as he was always gone because of the strenuous schedule that his manager had him doing. You were full of emotions, but nothing would pass your lips. Instead, you pressed your lips on your husband’s sweetly. 
“Merry Christmas, Baby.” Elvis whispered against your lips softly before returning to kissing you. For the remaining day, you were surrounded by family and friends, but it felt like it was only the two of you. He never left your side, wrapping his arms around you and following you like a lost puppy. You were truly in love with this man, lucky to be his. This was a beautiful Christmas indeed. 
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