#sorry sidon but she did more for your kingdom than you did. you did help but my god
stonerzelda · 1 year
Totk spoilers thou hath been warned. I am so pissed abt miphas statue being moved it is NAUGHT even funny okay
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Hello. This is my first request for the Legend of Zelda, so I do not know how to write it correctly. I don't speak English and I'm writing this in a translator, so there may be mistakes here, sorry. In general, I want to see how the reader will react to the fact that Revali, Link and Sidon cheated on her. (something made me feel sad) Thank you in advance ╹▽╹
I'm so sorry something happened to upset you. If it's along the lines of this request give me a name😤👊 anyways thank you so much for requesting!! This ended up being so much longer than I intended but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope this is what you're looking for!
✨ requests are open✨
Warning: angst, cheating
I think with his prickly nature not a lot of people would stick around long enough to get to know how much he cares
But some bitch saw how much he was training to perfect his powers to help Hyrule and couldn't resist
It started off as bringing him lunches and heat pads after a long day of training and then it escalated
They would wrap his wings up and suddenly he was letting them fix his braids. He never saw it as much more than a fan helping him out but you saw differently
It ended up in a big fight when you finally brought up how Revali was allowing this fan to hang off of him like they were his partner not you. You brought up excellent points like how he took such a long time to even trust you with braiding his hair and that he could at least let them know he's in a relationship.
Revali got upset (probably cuz ur right and he can't admit it) and snapped that at least they appreciated him
Yeah bad move. You walked out and bird brain left to train away the pain
You came across his first and decided to head to the shooting range with some peace snacks but what do you find?
You walk up the slope towards the archery range, a container of Revali's favourite snacks in hand. As you approach you see something sitting inside the hut and assume it's him. Sterling your breath you walk into the hut and what you find takes your breath away- not in the good way either. Revali sat there with his wings wrapped around them, too caught up on their liplock to notice you standing there.
The container hits the ground with a shatter, ruining their little scene.
"Don't even try it." You wish your voice didn't sound as broken. No matter how much your heart squeezed in pain from the betrayal, you wanted to come off so much different- angrier. Because you were angry. "Just because we have an argument does not give you the right to run off with your new friend."
Revali flinches at the word and you feel a sick glimmer of satisfaction. He opens his mouth to protest, ignoring your glare. "I-I'm sorry." Your glare darkens and he immediately flounders for the right words. "You accused me of something I didn't do-"
Yeah, not the right words. You wish you could do something, anything to hurt him like he hurt you. But you had to be the bigger person no matter how much you wanted to snap that precious bow of his in half.
"I accused you, not have you permission."
"We can work through this, together" his wing reached out to you, but you recoiled to fast.
"We're not together." You walked towards the entrance "I hope it was worth it."
Link 🗡️
Link is a closed off person. Sure he has people worship him for his title as the hero of Hyrule, but he would never let that get to his head. You could tell this boy he's amazing and it still wouldn't get through his insecurities
Maybe it's cruel but, that almost reassured you he would never break your heart like that. You felt secure in your relationship
That's why it was so shocking when you found out he had fallen for Zelda.
It wasn't meant to ever be more than knight and princess. And you never should have found out.
You were walking towards the stables of your party was staying at. It was supposed to be a simple trip to complete some research out in the plains. Of course your trip was ambushed by an energetic princess who begged to come along for research purposes. You couldn't complain because the addition of the princess also came with your boyfriend Link.
Now you were looking for him outside the small ranch. You fully expected him to be caring for Epona like he always did after a long trip. His love for his horse was something you had always loved about him. The way he would stay later than everyone else to make sure she was okay. It had made stables kind of your spot. Hanging out at the end of a long day to talk and spend time together while caring for your steeds.
Maybe that was why your heart felt so utterly shattered when you did find him, standing next to the stable, with the princess in his arms. Maybe you could have fooled yourself into believing he was being friendly if he hadn't pressed a long loving kiss to her forehead followed by both her cheeks, chuckling softly as she giggled.
You knew they had always been close. I mean they spent all their time together. You'd just never thought that Link would do something like this to you.
You walked away from the stables fighting backs the tears in your eyes. It was only when you found you had walked into an older area, a spare shack outside, that you finally let the tears fall. Your heart twisted in pain as sobs tore from your throat.
Why hasn't you seen this? Why weren't you enough?
Your research trip was almost over. You had gone back late into the night to find Link on the edge of his bed head in his hands. He had shot up to demand where you had been when you finally walked in and although he looked like he wanted to argue, he accepted that you had been organizing your research supplies and notes in quiet.
That had been 3 days ago. You had spent the research trip sticking close to your colleagues, poring over each plant and testing their uses. The princess was too distracted with her own interests to really notice how you shied away from her presence. Link had though. And he was about done with you brushing him off in favour of your work. You both were busy so not having time was nothing new. But this was different. You couldn't meet his eyes and he had caught you staring at him and Zelda as if you were about to cry before. He was at a loss and now he needed to figure things out for himself.
However he wasn't quite ready for the answer.
"I saw you and Zelda together."
His throat closed up. He wanted to say so many things. How sorry he was. How he wished he could have told you himself. How he wished he could hold you and forget how complicated things were.
"it's okay." Now that, he wasn't expecting. "I thought I could be mad at you. Both of you. But I guess... It just makes sense." You sniffled softly. You really didn't want to do this. You hated that it had to be you who gave up. But we're you really going to fight? No. As much as it tore your heart into pieces, you would stand aside for them. "I wish that things hadn't changed but, clearly you don't feel the same anymore and I don't want to hold you back. I love you. So much. But I don't deserve this, and I won't put either of us through the trouble. I hope you two are happy together Link."
As you walked towards your friends to head home Link felt his heart clench. You deserved so much better.
You were a princess from another kingdom, betrothed to Prince Sidon of the Zora. We all know how these things go, neither of you were all that fond of the idea but you would go through with it. For your kingdoms
You tried to be as understanding as possible of the situations, knowing that the prince was just as trapped as you were. So you played along with your parents wishes.
You two went on dates and spent time together, getting closer and closer until finally you kissed him.
Things were great. You were planning your wedding and enjoying the time you spent with your fiance as you prepared for your future
It wasn't until a few days before the wedding when you were trying on your dress that things fell apart.
Your dressmaker had been in a bad mood, grumbling as they worked and even sticking you with needles a few times. You would have brushed it off as a bad day if not for the facts that they seemed so unapologetic.
You finally brought it up, softly asking if there was something wrong and if you could help. They snapped, going off about how you were ruining the princes life and that he didn't love you and was only marrying you for his kingdom and that he deserved to be happy.
They realized their mistake and left quickly, leaving you alone in your wedding dress with shocked tears slipping down your face.
You later made you way to Sidons office, hoping to clear some things up and maybe seek comfort from the one you loved.
What you didn't expect was to find him already comforting someone. Your dressmaker.
You watched as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurances to them. It was when he said no matter what they were the one that he loved when you broke away.
You stood in your room, packed bags beside you. You knew there were better ways to deal with this. You knew that your kingdom was counting on you and thus marriage. You just couldn't go through with it. Not anymore.
You sound around to find the Zora princess standing in your doorway. Mipha had become a close friend in your time in the Zora domain, even feeling like family as you worked closely planning the wedding. She had once told you that you were everything she could hope for in a sister and wife for her brother. You guessed it didn't matter in the end.
Finally you choked out pained words "I can't... I just... I can't do this anymore."
"If you are feeling nervous, I can assure you my brother would never hurt you."
This made you laugh. It was cold, similar to the ice creeping into your veins. "He would. And he did." You cut off Mipha's confusion, wringing a hand through your hair, "Sidon is in love with someone else. I made every effort to work through this engagement despite our... rocky beginning. But he didn't choose me back. He never wanted me, and I won't ruin his chance to be happy."
The room was silent after your outburst. You only noticed the tears when your friend wiped them from your eyes. She offered you a small smile, sharing the pain you felt. She was losing you and still understood it was best for you. You needed to move on and save yourself from a life of pain. A life of being chosen second.
"I hope one day we can meet again, sister."
You let out a choked mix of a son and laugh. Hugging the princess before you grabbed your bags and walked out the door, out of the kingdom that stole your heart and crushed it in its hands.
"I love you, always."
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 1
Chapter 1: Era of the Wilds Queen Zelda rebuilds her palace.
[first] - [next] read it on ao3!
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Three months ago, Link started this time travelling journey. Before he left through that portal, with eight heroes waiting behind him expectantly, he held onto Zelda’s hand and promised he’d tell her everything.
They were a good bunch, by Zelda’s judgement. She was relieved knowing that the Hero of Twilight was looking out for her former knight. And the Hero of Time and Hero of Warriors seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, so she certainly shouldn’t be worried there. And Link was even friendly with the others, like the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds! She was glad there were at least some people there to indulge him, once in a while.
One of their visits landed on a beautiful day, right on the edge of summer. As a bit of a treat, Zelda let the Hero of the Four Sword and Hero of Legend loose on what remains of her library. She idly watched as her Link—Wild, the others called him—disappeared into Castle Town with Wind in tow, both of them giggling.
“We should probably follow them,” Twilight grimaced.
Zelda startled, caught off guard by Twilight’s suggestion. They were sitting against the wall below the castle’s observation room, comparing and contrasting their respective monarchies when he’d abruptly changed the topic.
“What for?” she questioned. “There’s not much trouble for them to get into. Let them have their fun.”
He sighed. “Wild’s idea of fun usually involves explosives.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating. He can be very responsible.”
“You were there when he launched himself halfway across Hyrule, right?”
Zelda paused for a moment, glancing back to the palace gates Wild had disappeared past. Their last visit, he had wanted to show off to Hyrule just how far he could launch himself with his bombs, and, somehow, he’d made it all the way to Hateno.
“Perhaps I’m a bit lenient with him,” she relented. “I suppose I just like seeing him happy.”
Twilight said nothing, but he arched an eyebrow at her. Something about his scrutiny made her heart drop, and for a split second, she wondered how much he knew about her and Wild’s shared past. What happened to him, how she couldn't save him before-
“I mean, he deserves as much, doesn’t he?” she hastily explained. “He’s got a second chance, now.”
  △ ▲△
Queen Zelda Sarya Hyrule awakens for the day, leaning her hands on the balcony as she looks over her kingdom’s sunrise. It’s a bright, fresh morning, the smell of last night’s rain still in the air. This morning marks three months, officially, since Link's last visit.
Zelda sighs. She supposes she ought to be used to this. She’s got a hundred years’ worth of experience waiting for Link, she can survive however long it takes him to finish this mission. She could spend her time worrying over her friend’s safety, but really, eight other heroes from eras past? He couldn’t be in safer hands.
It’s only a shame they had to halt their weapons training, for the time being. Zelda’s getting tired of sparring with dummies.
She steps away from the balcony, stretching her arms out. She’s been using the observation room as her temporary quarters. And it’s not that she wouldn’t rather stay in her old room, if it weren’t for the broken bridge and collapsed roof, it’s just…
Well, Link always referred to his life as a new beginning. Maybe this can be one for her, too.
First thing to do, get dressed. Yesterday was laundry day, so her clothes are nice and clean.
Second, get some breakfast. What she wouldn’t do for some coffee-
“Oh shit!”
“No! The pallets!”
Upon further analysis, it appears Zelda won’t have any time to get dressed before her day begins.
She shows up to the moat wearing an old, plain shirt and shorts, her pajamas since she’s woken up. Her hair is messy and tangled, and she’s still having trouble keeping her eyes open. But when Bolson and Karson notice Zelda, the latter bows to her as though she were the picture of beauty.
She has to resist rolling her eyes. What would her father think of this?
“What’s the issue?” she asks them as Karson rises. “I heard something about palettes?”
“Ah, well-” Karson stammers. “You see, your majesty-”
“Our horses,” Bolson explains, mercifully cutting Karson off. “They were carting pallets of material for our work today, when something spooked ‘em. Knocked the pallets into the water, ‘n Karson and me were trying to figure out how to fish ‘em up.”
Zelda raises an eyebrow, glancing at each side of the bridge. Aside from the rushing water and the slight breeze, all is still.
“What could have possibly scared your horses? There’s nothing up here, and-” She peeks down at the river. “The Zora aren’t supposed to arrive for a few more hours.”
Karson speaks. “I’m sorry, your majesty, I don’t know-”
She holds up a hand. “I’m not blaming you, Karson. I’m simply confused.” She sighs. “Don’t worry about your supplies. Do whatever else you can for now. When Prince Sidon and his guard report to the palace, I’m sure I can convince some of them to scavenge your belongings.”
“Thank you, Queen Zelda,” Bolson responds before Karson can make a fool of himself again. “Hudson went after the horses. Karson, we should see if he needs any help.”
Zelda watches as the two of them leave. Link had personally attested to the quality of work Bolson Construction could do, and truth be told, she’d hired them on his recommendation alone —though the fact that one of their members had built an entire town by hand had been particularly alluring. Her father would have thrown a fit at Bolson’s “manners”, or lack thereof, but that very trait was the reason she enjoyed working with him so much. He understood that she was in the same boat as the rest of them.
But that story about the horses had her worried. On such a calm morning, when most of the kingdom had yet to stir, she couldn’t help but fear that whatever had spooked them so bad had been malicious.
She looks back over the bridge, trying to peer down into the dark water. It wasn’t so long ago that the castle had been teeming with monsters, after all. Sure, they aren’t quiet, but is it possible some of them were missed?
Well, whatever it is, it could at least wait until she’s dressed.
  △ ▲△
“I’m worried about excavating the Great Hall.”
Zelda is enjoying her breakfast (buttered bread, Hylia, how she misses Link’s cooking), when Yunobo approaches her. He, along with several other young Gorons, volunteered to help clear the debris from Hyrule Castle and its adjoining town.
At first, Zelda had been a bit concerned about having not only Vah Rudania’s new pilot, but Daruk’s direct descendant working so closely with her. Daruk had been a dear friend of hers, after all, and she wasn’t sure she could bear having a reminder of him walking around her home.
But right away it had become apparent that Yunobo is nothing like his grandfather. He’s innocent where Daruk had been optimistic, hesitant where Daruk had been a leader. It was easy enough for Zelda to pretend that there was no relation at all.
Wordlessly, she motions for Yunobo to sit beside her, which he does.
“Link got your slate to you, correct?” she asks, pulling out her own.
Zelda had been quite shocked when Purah had presented her with a brand new slate, a replacement for the one she’d given to Link. Apparently one hundred years of research and a now-peaceful world meant technological advancements could happen fast. And with the correct payment, she was willing to make a few more for the rest of the new Champions.
Yunobo nods, shyly taking his slate out. His is much larger than the ones provided to the rest of the Champions, on account of his larger hands.
“Perfect.” Zelda pulls up a file, a diagram of the castle’s interior, and taps their slates together. “Did that transfer work? You should have a copy of the castle’s blueprints now.”
“Oh wow!” Yunobo holds his slate to his face, marvelling at his screen. “This is amazing, your majesty!”
Zelda can’t help but smile along with him. “I thought the same thing when I first started playing with the first one,” she admits. “You can use this to show me what’s troubling you.”
“Right.” He points to the main entryway to the Great Hall. “See, we’re focusing on this part here, because it’s easier for us Gorons to move around. But I’ve been noticing a lot of rocks in the rubble from further up the castle.” He sighs. “It’s unstable. If we keep going as we are now there’s going to be a hole in the rock right up to the Sanctum.”
Zelda frowns, eyes fixed on the blueprints. So far, they haven’t had any issues like this. Most of the ruins have been from the stone lining the hallways, not the mountain itself. And, despite being a researcher, she’s not exactly an engineer. Can something like this even be fixed?
“Well, first of all, we’re stopping construction on that area immediately,” she instructs. “Make sure the rest of the Gorons know that. Then, go to Bolson with your concerns. His work has been temporarily delayed, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you figure out this problem.” She tucks her slate at her side. “Does that work for you?”
“Thank you!” Yunobo beams, and isn’t that a sight? Link told her he used to be very anxious a while ago. “I’ll get on that right away, your majesty.”
What she wants to say is ‘No need for that. Call me Zelda.’ But something about it gets caught in her throat.
“If there are any other issues, let me know,” Queen Zelda says.
  △ ▲△
There have been talks, lately, of turning Castle Town into a trading hub for the rest of Hyrule, and Zelda thought it was a wonderful idea. It was, after all, how the capital had been established many years ago, and returning to its roots would be a good way to build it back up again. She’s already gotten the word from several villages that they’d be willing to send merchants. The only thing left to do is to strike up a deal with the Gerudo.
Lady Riju is wise beyond her years, and Zelda can’t help but see herself in the girl. Forced into a role of importance at such a young age, carrying the burdens of loss and leadership on her shoulders…
“Using Castle Town as an in-between for your trades with the Gorons would make for shorter journeys in the long run.” Zelda and Riju are seated at a table in the dining hall, which the Queen has converted into an office of sorts. Both are flanked by several guards, yet their attention is focused on the slates in their hands, displaying a map of the kingdom.
“We would get our gemstones faster,” Riju reasons.
“Exactly,” Zelda says. “Not to mention, this would also open up opportunities for you with Zora’s Domain. I’m not sure whether you would appreciate their fish, but one of their other major exports is Luminous Stones.”
Hearing this, Riju raises her eyebrows. “Now that is interesting.”
The Gerudo are lucky to have Riju, Zelda decides. She knows there’s only one jeweler in Gerudo Town—aside from a few hobbyists—and yet, the chieftain was clearly interested on her behalf. Now that the Calamity is gone, the Gerudo may as well expand their horizons a bit.
Urbosa would be proud.
Zelda immediately shakes that thought off like a dog out of the water. “Of course, you’ll have to work the details out with the Zora themselves, I’m just offering the venue. But Prince Sidon is supposed to come by later today.”
Riju hums to herself. “Buliara,” she says, turning to the guard by her side. “Make sure we get a meeting with him before either of us leave.”
“Yes, Lady Riju.”
With that assurance, Riju faces Zelda once again, standing. “Well, Queen Zelda, it looks like we have a deal, then.” She offers Zelda a hand.
“Thank you, Lady Riju.” Zelda takes her hand, and the two shake. And that’s where Zelda assumed it would end.
“Actually,” Riju clears her throat, and suddenly it isn’t Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo standing in front of her. It’s Riju, the thirteen year-old child, eyes wide and pleading, awkwardly holding onto one of her arms. “I was wondering, if you’re not doing anything for a while…”
Zelda winces, and in that instant she sees Riju avert her gaze. “Oh, Riju,” she says. “I’d love to, but…”
Riju holds up her hand. “It’s no matter, your highness,” she claims, displaying strength as if Zelda didn’t just see her put a wall up. “I should discuss the changes to our trade routes with the Gorons, anyway.”
Some other time, Zelda promises herself. She’ll make time for Riju soon. But as Riju beckons her guards and leaves, she can’t find it within herself to say it out loud.
  △ ▲△
Zelda really thought she could do it this time.
Ever since she’d gone through the process of selecting new Champions, new pilots for the Divine Beasts, Zelda has spent quite a bit of time with them. Training, maintenance, everything to help them move along as smoothly as possible. And it’s been fine with all of them!
Well, with the exception of one.
Riju and Yunobo are both generations removed from their ancestors, and if Zelda doesn’t remind herself, she can almost pretend there’s no connection at all. And Teba isn’t even related to any of the former champions. But Sidon…
Zelda storms into the makeshift infirmary, a large tent just outside the castle, to find Sidon having a wound wrapped by a nurse. Noticing her arrival, the nurse offers a bow before sliding out of the tent past the Queen.
“Prince Sidon,” she fights to keep her tone diplomatic. “Please tell me Captain Bazz lied to me.”
Sidon is so Mipha.
“Queen Zelda-”
“Stop,” she commands, and some part of her mind recognizes it as one her father took often. “You-” She points a finger at him. “-the crown prince of the Zora, a race known for their weakness to electricity, decided to take on a Lynel, of all things. Is that correct?”
Somehow, in all her five-foot four-inches worth of glory, Zelda has successfully gotten Prince Sidon, a fish towering over ten feet, to cower under her glare.
“Yes, Queen Zelda.”
Of course, Mipha wouldn’t have been nearly as brash as her brother. She knew her limits, knew the risks of facing a Lynel head on, especially a Silver one. She knew she wasn’t the one to take on that task.
Sidon, for some reason, didn’t.
“Okay,” Zelda sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why?”
“Why?” Sidon echoes back at her. He finally meets her eyes, matching her own harsh gaze. “Your highness, that Lynel was too close to Helmhead Bridge! If I hadn’t stopped it, it could have gone on a rampage throughout Castle Town!”
But he had her passion, that’s for sure. Where Mipha had been drawn to healing the injured, Sidon found himself drawn to battle away every danger that could befall the innocent. In that sense, the two of them were the same.
Sidon, like his sister, is a protector.
“You were under orders to clear out the Military Training Grounds! That’s it!” Zelda counters. “That Lynel was not your responsibility!”
“Hyrule is my responsibility! You made it my responsibility when you gave me Vah Ruta!”
Sidon is Mipha in every way that Mipha wasn’t. And how dare he come to her castle, acting the brasher, braver Mipha?
How dare he, Mipha’s most precious brother, risk himself for her?
“I’ve already led one set of Champions to their deaths, Sidon!” Zelda shouts, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “I’m not going to let you die as well!”
Sidon reels back, looking at Zelda with wide eyes.
Zelda covers her mouth, and her spine goes rigid, like ice. She turns on her heel, making a beeline out of the tent.
“Your highness!” Sidon calls after her. “Zelda! Wait!”
But Zelda ignores him. She pushes the flap out of the way, and once she’s finally outside the tent, she runs.
  △ ▲△
Of course it’s her old room. Zelda hadn’t even realized it was her destination until she arrived there, eyes blurry with tears. She slams her door shut behind her and sinks to the floor, finally letting herself cry. Sobs rake through her body, and she’s reminded of the times a hundred years ago, when she would lock herself in this same room after yet another day of failing to unlock her powers.
It’s been a century since then, and she’s right back where she started.
The Champions, all of them, deserve this future much more than Zelda does. She failed them all.
She’s not sure how long she sits there, curled in on herself, crying like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Seriously, what’s wrong with her?
Suddenly, there’s the sound of wings flapping from the literal hole in the room, rattling Zelda out of her sorrow enough to look up.
It’s Teba, because of course it is. Who else would fly all the way up here? His expression is difficult to read, but he’s focused on her.
“There you are,” he says, landing on the ruins of her wall. He hops down. “You scared Sidon, back there.”
Zelda looks back to the floor, head turned away from Teba. Her face and chest burn with shame.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles.
There’s warmth next to her, Teba sitting by her side. “Now, why are you saying that?” He drapes one of his wings over her shoulders.
It’s disgustingly casual, certainly not the image a distinguished queen should be projecting. But Teba is concerned for her, and Zelda can’t remember the last time she let someone do that. Even Link, her closest friend, she’s kept at a distance. He’s been struggling so much, how was she supposed to burden him with her own issues?
“I keep ruining everything,” she admits, choking back a sob. “His sister is gone because of me. I let Hyrule fall.”
“Zelda-” and how great it is to hear her name. Not your majesty, your highness, the great and wonderful queen who could do no wrong. Just Zelda, the person. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”
If only it were that easy.
“I should have,” she retorts. “How stupid were we to believe that pig would fall for the same trick twice?”
“You’re a kid.”
Zelda can’t help but laugh at that, though it isn’t particularly funny. Some of her loose hairs fly away from her face as she does so.
Teba, unamused, sighs. “What are you doing here?”
She rolls her eyes. “I came to my room to cry, obviously.”
“No, I mean-” Teba tries again. “Why are you at the castle?”
“To rebuild Hyrule,” Zelda answers automatically. “To lead my people.”
“Who told you to do that?”
Zelda blinks, and she realizes she doesn’t have an answer for that. Rarely does she ever find herself in this situation.
“Well, no one, but…” she struggles. “It’s what my father would want.”
Teba points at her. “There’s your issue,” he says. “You’re putting yourself in this box, trying to be the person you think everyone wants you to be. And in the process, you’re ignoring yourself.”
“The reconstruction effort doesn’t necessarily need you, Zelda,” he tells her. “We’re glad to have you, but if you need to go off somewhere on your own, we’d get along just fine.”
Zelda scoffs. “Where would I even go?”
“I don’t know.” Teba shrugs. “Maybe you could check out what Link’s been up to?”
  △ ▲△
Teba’s suggestion rings in Zelda’s mind. She tries to sleep, truly, she does. But she ends up kicking her way out of her bedroll in frustration.
So, just as her day began, Zelda finds herself standing on her balcony, staring out at Hyrule. The night is cloudless, the vast sky full of twinkling stars. Hyrule Field is still, save for the breeze that passes through it. It catches her hair, long and golden, bringing it to sway.
Maybe she should cut it.
Hyrule is large. She’s heard from Link of his journey and saw much of it herself. Their initial tour had been half a year ago, when the Calamity had finally been defeated. Sadly, they’d been limited to the main settlements, focusing on making peace with their leaders and spreading the news that, yes, it was over. They hadn’t had much time to divert from the path, to see the little wonders Link spoke so fondly of.
Zelda knows Link would want to show her these wonders himself, but perhaps she could find some of her own to show him? Do something nice for him, for once.
If he ever comes back, that is.
Once upon a time, Zelda told the Hero of Twilight that she was happy for Link, happy for his second chance. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a second chance of her own.
Behind her, she hears it. The sound of reality tearing, ripping at its seams. It’s a sound she’s heard before, everytime Link and the other heroes dropped in unexpectedly. She turns around, and there it is, the oval portal glowing a soft, golden light.
She leans against her balcony and waits, patiently, for Link. It’s rude of them to show up so late, especially when she’s so underdressed, but she can make an exception for the heroes.
But nothing happens. Instead, Zelda feels a tug in her own chest, an instinctual pull that says ‘Hop in’. And she’s reminded of what Link told her about how the group finds their portals:
They’re drawn to them.
  △ ▲△
When Zelda doesn’t show her face the next morning, they go looking for her. They find the observation room scarce of most of Zelda’s belongings, her bedroll and clothes all missing. The queen herself is also gone, and in her place is a note.
Dear all,
I went to go see Link. Keep up the work without me. I will return sometime soon.
Your friend, Zelda
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ravioxhilda · 4 years
Hello everyone! I have written a version of the Champions’ Ballad but with a Miphvali twist. I hope you enjoy this version of the Champions’ Ballad!
Today was a day of celebration, a day of hope for all of Hyrule as those who had been chosen to defend the kingdom against Calamity Ganon would be gathering to be honored by the King himself.
He had summoned the four Chosen Ones to officially appoint them not only as the Champions of Hyrule but also publicly recognize them as the pilots of the four Divine Beasts.
It was a show of triumph and that even against their greatest enemy, they would prevail and win the war.
At least, that’s what was written in the summons that the Royal Messengers had delivered to Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, and Daruk all across the land.
Mipha, Urbosa, and Daruk had accepted the summons graciously and immediately began making preparations to travel to Central Hyrule for the inauguration ceremony.
Revali, however, had rolled his eyes and dismissed the Messenger with a halfhearted promise he would attend.
Which was true, he would attend, though he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be presented and paraded like a trophy in front of so many, especially to a King who he barely felt loyalty to, and when he could be training instead.
Nevertheless, Revali had soon finished packing what sparse materials he would need for traveling to survive this short trip, triple-checked there were enough arrows in his quiver, and flew off from his peaceful home in the mountains towards Central Hyrule, with a small group of Rito Warriors in tow to represent the village alongside him.
It had taken only about half the day for Revali to reach Hyrule Castle with only a few breaks from flying to eat to regain energy while resting his wings.
The area around it was mainly flat open plains with some forests, as well as scattered Hylian settlements and stables.
However, the roads that snaked throughout the entirety of the region were packed with travelers, either on foot or by cart, though Revali felt he would be ill just by the sheer amount of people there were.
He could also see those from other races arriving as well as he approached Hyrule Castle.
Gorons were rolling in from the direction of Death Mountain and Eldin, with Daruk in the lead standing out with his rather large beard and boisterous laughter.
The Gerudo arrived on horseback from what Revali could assume was the direction of the desert, Urbosa riding in front, the spokes of her golden headdress sparkling in the sun, signifying her position as Chief of the Gerudo.
Finally, there were the Zora, arriving from the waters of the rivers surrounding Central Hyrule, and even though Revali had sharp eyesight, he could still barely make out Mipha standing tall, her elaborate jewelry shining in the sunlight as she led her people to Hyrule Castle.
It had seemed that the other three had been chosen and invited to the Castle as well, though it did not surprise Revali in the least. He had suspected for some time now that the King would do something to honor them as Pilots of the Divine Beasts, but this whole gathering was certainly over the top from what he could tell.
Mipha looked above from where she was walking to see Revali and a small group of Rito following behind them, though she could recognize him anywhere with his navy blue plumage. It stood out quite nicely from the more muted browns of his countrymen against the clear pale blue sky.
She thought back to her home, Zora’s Domain, where her father and younger brother had decided to stay behind to keep watch over the Domain, instead sending along a small entourage of Zora to accompany her to Hyrule Castle.
How she missed Sidon’s chubby red cheeks and the way he wandered about, his head-tail that was much too long for his small body trailing behind him.
She giggled at the thought of her little brother trying to figure out where she had gone, as she had come to find out that whenever she was away he ran around the Domain asking anyone who would listen where his big sister had gone.
Of course, any Zora would listen to their baby Prince, even if he hadn’t been royalty, and would stall him long enough so that a Guard could come to retrieve him and take him back to King Dorephan.
While it pained Mipha to be away from home for so long so often, it was necessary to ensure the safety of her people by working together with the Pilots to drive back Calamity Ganon’s forces, though her true duty had yet to be fulfilled.
“Good afternoon, Princess.”
Mipha looked up to see that Revali and the Rito accompanying him had landed next to the Zora marching in place and joined in with them.
Revali fell into step beside her, his armor reflecting the sunlight much like Mipha’s jewelry was, though her jewelry sent little beams of light across the grass.
“Oh, Revali, how lovely to see you again! I trust that your journey went well?” Mipha asked, and Revali shrugged nonchalantly as though journeying halfway across the kingdom was a breeze for him.
She supposed it most likely was a breeze for him, as he could fly through the sky instead of traveling by foot like the Gerudo or the Gorons had done.
“Oh, it was quite uneventful, nothing much occurred besides perhaps being shot at by a few Bokoblins, but nothing major.” He said airily, though the way his tone sounded so confident meant that Mipha couldn’t help but believe him.
“That is wonderful! We luckily did not have many problems either, though the amount of monsters we have had attack the Domain is becoming quite worrisome. I do hope my people will be alright whilst I’m here.”
The atmosphere suddenly felt quite gloomy, though Revali could understand her worry. He had believed Rito Village was under attack once again when they had first met, after all.
“Have some faith in your warriors, Princess. I am sure they will protect your home well. That is why they were chosen, correct?” He asked, and Mipha nodded, though it did little to ease her worry.
“I will try. I can only hope the Princess will allow us to return home for a few days before we are sent out on our next mission.” She said wistfully, and Revali could sense that she missed being home very much, which he could relate to. He was never home much to begin with, but leaving his Flight Range hurt every time he did so.
The two continued to walk in silence after that, the only sounds were the murmurs of conversation between the Zora and the Rito amongst themselves, and the march of their feet against the ground.
They soon arrived at the metal gates of Hyrule Castle, the sunlight reflecting off the glass and iron that made up the two large doors.
Two guards stood at attention, though by the looks of it they were low-ranking as they wore the standard Royal Knight armor.
Mipha couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. The armor was made from heavy yet defensive metals and the helmets they wore were much too large to the point where they could not see very well or move around as nimbly as they should have been able to.
Revali felt much the same way, though based on what the Princess had told them, these guards were meant more for charging through enemy ranks with brute force than actual strategic combat, so their armor was much appropriate than what the King’s Personal Guards wore.
“Halt! State your names and titles!” The taller of the two guards ordered, causing Mipha and Revali to glance at each other before Mipha politely cleared her throat.
“I am Lady Mipha of the Zora, a member of the Zora Royal Family and Pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta.” She said confidently, giving Revali the feeling that she had gone through this process many times before, though he straightened his back and puffed out his chest proudly.
“I am Master Revali of the Rito, Chief Commander of the Rito Guard and Pilot of the Divine Beast Vah Medoh.” He declared, causing Mipha to giggle daintily as she pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle it, though the guards just seemed confused, but shrugged it off as they saluted to the both of them.
“Welcome to Hyrule Castle, Lady Mipha and Master Revali! Her Majesty is awaiting your arrival in the Sanctum! Open the gates!” The taller guard shouted, and the large metal doors began to slowly open in front of the two, revealing the long, winding stone path in front of them that led to the Castle.
Both the Zora and the Rito glanced at one another as Mipha and Revali began their trek up the stone pathway, and all of them were quite relieved that the large structure of Hyrule Castle blocked the majority of the sunlight that fell upon Central Hyrule.
After a long while, the group finally made out to the Sanctum, all tired out from the long walk, though Revali was also slightly irritated.
At the entrance, Zelda could be seen standing with Link, Urbosa, and Daruk, all having arrived sometime before, though Mipha and Revali noticed the different clothing on all of them.
They had, of course, seen Zelda in her Royal Gown before, as she wore it most days when in the castle. However, the other three had entirely different outfits.
In place of Urbosa’s traditional Chief skirt, she wore a blue skirt with the Vah Naboris emblem, with two decorated belts crossed over one another at the waist, the cloth fastened by a golden clasp with the Gerudo emblem. She had taken off her headdress as well.
One of Daruk’s chains that had crossed over his body was replaced with a blue scarf with Vah Rudania emblazoned on the cloth with white trim at the borders.
Link’s outfit had changed the most drastically, completely abandoning his Hylian Knight armor in favor of beige pants, brown boots, and a blue tunic that matched with Urbosa’s and Daruk’s scarves, and Zelda held two more blue pieces of cloth in her hands.
“Oh, Revali, Mipha, I am so glad you have made it! I apologize for the long walk up here, Urbosa and Daruk were complaining about the same thing when they arrived just a few minutes before. Will you be alright?” She asked, and though Revali wanted to snap at her, her concerned look and the shadows beneath her eyes calmed him down. It wasn’t her fault her home was so large.
“It was no fault of yours, Princess. I would have flown here but I do not trust your guards enough to not blow us out of the sky. Now, what is with all of this blue clothing?” He asked, Zelda breaking into a grim as she held out a scarf to both Mipha and Revali.
“I discovered in ancient texts about the Pilots of the Divine Beasts from 10,000 years that they wore something that signified their bond with their Divine Beast and with one another. As we all serve together for the good of our kingdom, I created these four scarves and Link’s tunic for you all to wear. Perhaps you can wear it for the ceremony?”
The two took their scarves, though Mipha smiled happily when she noticed the Vah Ruta emblem displayed on the cloth, the fabric feeling quite fine in her hands.
“It is lovely, Princess. Thank you. I suppose it is a good thing I decided to wear my special occasion jewelry instead of my royal jewelry. It will go quite nicely with the blue.” She said, fingering the tassels hanging around her neck and sash around her body.
Revali turned the scarf over to see Vah Medoh pictured, a small smile on his face when seeing his trusted mechanical companion. It was as if he could hear its call from Tabantha.
“I agree. You clearly put much effort into this, and I shall wear it proudly. Thank you.”
Everyone looked at him with a surprised look, though he didn’t notice as he examined the scarf more closely.
“Princess, would it be possible for us to change somewhere? I would feel a bit uncomfortable taking off my jewelry and sash in front of all of you.” Mipha asked suddenly, though everyone had to resist the urge to tell her she was basically naked all of the time anyway, though to a Zora it was more practical to be adorned with jewelry than actual clothing.
“Oh, um, you can change behind the pillar over there. No one should be able to see you.” Zelda said as she gestured to the aforementioned pillar. Mipha nodded her thanks and darted behind the stone, careful that she was out of sight.
“Well, I never would have expected to see the both of you showing up together. Did something happen?”
Revali glanced over to see Urbosa smirking at him, her arms crossed under her chest as she looked at him knowingly, giving off an aura of...smugness? That was all he could tell.
“We happened to arrive at the same time to the path before the gate. How did you and Daruk get past us? You were both arriving at the same time we were.” He asked, and Urbosa shrugged.
“Guess you’ll never find out. However, I think you should put on your scarf before the rest of the kingdom arrives, don’t you think?”
Revali grumbled as he wrapped the scarf around his neck, though something he realized was that it was a bit shorter than his beige one, and the Medoh Emblem was positioned in such a way that a more intricate way of wearing the scarf was needed.
Tying a knot would not be difficult under normal circumstances, but as he was tying the knot with a cloth around his neck without a mirror, he couldn’t quite see what he was doing.
“Princess, could you explain why you decided not to give us these garments until we arrived?” He demanded, glaring pointedly at Zelda who could only smile sympathetically in response.
“I apologize, I did not realize that tying your scarf around your neck may have given you a bit of trouble. Perhaps you could allow someone to tie it for you, just this once?” She suggested, but before Revali could respond he heard the soft pad of someone’s feet behind him and turned to see Mipha walking out from behind the pillar she had changed behind.
Suddenly, it felt as if it had become quite difficult for Revali to breathe when he saw Mipha wearing her scarf for the first time.
Her blue scarf had been tied around the front of her torso, held up by a sapphire brooch, the other half of the blue fabric draping over her shoulder against her back. The silver collar around her neck had three small teardrop gems hanging from it, with a second longer one sitting below it, crossing just over her chest.
Her silver belt was still adorned with the same jewels, though her head jewelry had changed so the small gem that once lay on her forehead was gone.
Revali had learned from spending time around Zelda, Mipha, and Urbosa that women who were held in high esteem, such as royalty or as a chief chosen to use a headpiece with a gem inlaid where the wearer’s forehead would be, though why he did not know.
“Uh, Revali? You okay?”
He snapped back to reality to see everyone staring at him worriedly. Well, everyone except Urbosa, who just smiled at him with that oh so infuriating smug expression.
“I’m fine, stop staring at me.” He snapped, everyone turning away except for Mipha, as she reached out to gently take ahold of the scarf around his neck.
“Here, allow me.”
She then began to tie the scarf into a simple knot, though on the outside it looked quite intricate, simple but beautiful.
Her webbed fingers brushed against the metal of his breastplate as she worked, everyone staring at her in wonder while Revali was doing his best not to explode from the close contact. Close contact from her of all people.
“There, that should do it. What do you think?” Mipha asked, stepping back to admire her handiwork, taking all of Revali’s willpower to not pull her back towards him.
“What is wrong with me? I am having such strange thoughts about her, and for what?” He thought to himself, though realizing Mipha was still waiting for a response, he decided to place that train of thought on hold for now.
“It looks wonderful. Thank you, Princess.” He said with a small smile, causing Mipha to beam with pride, the most adorable thing Revali had ever seen.
“It was no problem, Revali. I am glad I was able to assist with your predicament.”
Mipha then went to speak with Zelda about something, presumably where to place her sash that she was holding in her hands to not distract from the ceremony.
“You okay, Revali?”
Revali felt a rather large hand land on his shoulder, as well the low, gravelly voice of its owner, meaning that it was Daruk.
Sure enough, when he turned around to see who it was, it was indeed his Goron teammate, a rather concerned look on his face as Revali grumbled.
“I’m fine. Honestly, why must you all assume I’m not alright for when I don’t speak for an extended moment?”
“Because you are always talking about something. When you’re silent, that’s usually a red flag.”
The two looked up to see that Urbosa had joined them, standing beside Daruk as she left Mipha, Link, and Zelda to speak to one another instead.
“Ugh, what do you want? And I don’t talk all the time.” He grumbled, Urbosa laughing heartily as she placed a hand on her hip, her expression turning serious.
“I’m here because it is quite obvious there is something going on between you and Mipha, and as I am trying to keep the peace of the group so we don’t stress out the princess, you’re going to need to tell me what exactly it is.” She said calmly, making Revali feel as if a parental figure was talking down to him, which he did not appreciate.
“You do not need to speak to me like I am a child, I am fine. Nothing is going on between Mipha and me, I barely know her!” Revali yelled, glaring at Urbosa, though she merely shrugged as she received a questioning look from Zelda, as well as a gesture towards the Sanctum.
“Perhaps we can continue this conversation at a later time. The ceremony is due to start soon, let us head into the Sanctum.”
Urbosa and Daruk walked to join the others, leaving Revali alone as he reluctantly followed them into the rather extravagant chamber.
The Sanctum of Hyrule Castle was where the King and Queen of Hyrule, or rather the King and Princess as the Queen had been gone for over a decade, would make their public appearances with the rest of the kingdom.
The room was circular, with two staircases alongside the back wall that to the King and Queen’s Thrones, where King Rhoam could be seen standing. Lush red carpeting lined the floor, and where there wasn’t carpet was carved stone that matched those that made up the walls, with banners hanging that displayed the Royal Family insignia, the Triforce.
Windows scattered around the chamber allowed in sunlight, though if there hadn’t been a few lanterns to illuminate the room, the Sanctum would have been much darker.
The Zora, Gerudo, Rito, Gorons, and Hylians that had all accompanied each Champion were gathered at the different angles of the room, each leader holding a banner displaying each of their respective emblems.
Revali took his place at the front of the Rito, glancing over to see Mipha hurriedly walking towards her fellow Zora, and he couldn’t help but think that the sunlight reflecting off her jewelry made her look extra beautiful.
“Get ahold of yourself, you’re not here to drool over a Zora whom you barely know.” He thought, though his attention snapped back to the front when King Rhoam cleared his throat, a bit too loud to be on accident. He began what sounded quite obviously to be a prepared speech, though Revali had come to expect that of Hylian royalty. Only Zelda seemed to put true heart into what she had to say.
“Welcome warriors! I’d like to thank you for joining me here today, and for your bravery in accepting this...fateful task. I officially appoint you Hyrule’s Champions, and bestow upon you this sacred garb. That blue is a symbol of the royal family, one that has been passed down for countless generations. Those garments you now wear were all crafted by my daughter, Zelda.”
King Rhoam paused for a moment, his once sweeping gaze landing squarely on his daughter standing in the middle of the Sanctum. Anyone who could see her could notice how nervous she was, the way her fists were slightly clenched as well her almost shaking form. However, she managed a nod in response, remembering the rule of any royal: Do not speak to the king during an address to the public.
“Zelda, I trust you with the task only a daughter of the Royal Family can fulfill. Lead our Champions, Princess. And together, protect our kingdom from the threat of Calamity Ganon!” The King proclaimed, spreading his arms wide as he finished his decree.
Almost everyone in the room cheered, Daruk included, while the rest of the Champions clapped politely and Zelda breathed a large sigh of relief.
She had done it. She had made it through the ceremony without a hitch, she could almost jump in excitement, though she knew a stern look would be directed at her if she had done so.
The Champions surrounded her as King Rhoam left the Sanctum, as well as all of the representatives for each Champion, until the only people who were left were the six of them.
“Well, I’d say that went well, don’t you think, Urbosa?” Daruk asked, and the Gerudo nodded as she patted Zelda on the back, a proud smile upon her face.
“Yes, you did splendid, Little Bird. I’m so proud of you.” Urbosa said to the Princess, and Zelda smiled, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at the five of them surrounding her.
“No, thank you! It is because of the five of you that Hyrule stands a chance against the greatest threat our kingdom has ever seen, I truly will never be able to thank you enough. Come, I have somewhere to show you.” She said, gesturing for everyone to follow, though Revali lingered for a moment.
“Princess, I may have to return home soon, training and preparations must be done to ensure we will succeed in our battle against Ganon, as you have mentioned before. Perhaps I should go-“
“No, you are not going anywhere.”
Revali looked to see Urbosa glaring at him with a stern expression before it turned to a smile shortly after, though he could sense the malice behind her gaze.
“You wouldn’t want to disrespect our princess after she has graciously invited us here to honor us, would you? There could be dire consequences if you were to do so.” She said sweetly, her hand crackling with the slightest bit of lightning, a thinly veiled threat.
Revali gulped. He had been on the receiving end of Urbosa’s lightning once before, and the experience had been so painful that Mipha immediately had to heal him, her face contorted with worry as she desperately held him close to soothe the white-hot pain coursing through his veins, though he had appreciated being held by her, if even just for a moment.
He groaned before following to join the group, Urbosa giving him a satisfied smile before walking side by side with Zelda, leaving him alone in the back.
Mipha glanced back worriedly at him, trying her best to be discreet, though it didn’t take Revali long to see Mipha’s amber eyes gazing directly at his, causing him to be caught off guard, enough to almost jump.
Why was she staring at him like that? It was so intense, he wondered if she was truly worried about him. He felt slightly guilty for seemingly making her worry, though why she would even be worried in the first place was beyond him.
Mipha noticed him staring at her, causing her to squeak and quickly turn back around, her cheeks warming a little at being caught.
“Why am I so embarrassed? I was simply checking on him from afar, that’s not against the law, is it? Perhaps it’s rude to stare at someone from afar in Rito culture. So much I do not know about him, but how I desire to learn more.” She thought, clasping her hands together in an effort to calm down.
“Alright, here we are.”
The Champions had arrived a little ways from the Sanctum at a gazebo of some sort, just below the tower that housed Zelda’s study.
“Welcome to the Gazebo! I discovered this place not too long ago, the view of Hyrule and the Castle is simply beautiful, it will give you all a chance to rest for a moment before you depart.” She said, and Revali could have flown off if he didn’t know Urbosa would strike him out of the sky.
“Hellooooo, everyone! We’re here!”
Revali groaned. This day was just getting better and better.
Purah and Robbie had arrived from the Royal Ancient Tech Lab a little ways from Hyrule Castle across the Breach of Demise, a now usually monster-infested area, though it appeared the two scientists had made it through unscathed.
“Purah? Robbie? What are you two doing here for?” Zelda asked, and Purah waved her off just as quickly as she pointed towards the Sanctum.
“The King summoned us here to see our progress on the Guardians, though it seems he failed to tell us that the inauguration was today! I mean, that’s why you’re all dressed so nicely, right?” Purah asked, moving her hand around towards the five of them, each time landing on the respective blue garment they were wearing.
Revali had a slight hunch that the King didn’t tell them the inauguration ceremony was earlier that day on purpose. Robbie and Purah were Hyrule’s most respected scientists, that was certain, but their antics tended to get a bit out of hand at times.
However, he did not say anything. He quite liked Robbie and Purah, they didn’t constantly antagonize him as Urbosa did, and his feelings towards them weren’t as...complicated as they were towards Mipha.
Complicated? Was that he was referring to them as? Oh, how he desperately wished he could see inside her head, to see what she truly thought of him. Though, now that he thought about it, it most likely wasn’t any good. He had been quite rude to her friends, his allies, and for what? To impress her? To impress himself?
He could have snorted if he hadn’t noticed Mipha was staring at him once again, but not with worry. It almost seemed like...curiosity?
“Revali?” She asked, Revali not even noticing that Mipha had stepped closer towards him until she was directly in front of him, close enough to touch, but far enough away to not encroach on his space.
“Ah, Mipha. What brings you over here?” He asked, and Mipha giggled as she pointed at Zelda, who now held the Sheikah Slate conveniently received from Purah before she and Robbie rushed off to meet with the King.
“The Princess has the Sheikah Slate in her possession, I’ve noticed that you’ve seemed rather fascinated by it, so I thought you may want to take a closer look.” She said, taking ahold of his wing and gently pulling him after her.
If it had been anyone else, Revali would have batted them away and slunk off to a corner. If it had been anyone else, he would have screamed at them to let him go.
But it was Mipha, and while he did not particularly like being pulled closer to the others, the feeling of her small hand gripping onto his wing felt almost comforting, so he allowed it to slide, just this once.
Zelda was marveling at the Sheikah Slate in awe, though she looked up when she heard the click of talons and the soft pad of someone’s feet to see Mipha and Revali standing in front of her.
“Oh Revali, Mipha, is there something I can help you with?” Zelda asked, and Mipha pointed towards the stone tablet in the princess’s hands.
“Actually, we were wondering if we could examine the Sheikah Slate a little more closely. We don’t have much technology from the ancient civilization except for our Divine Beasts, after all.” Mipha asked, Zelda nodding as she handed the Sheikah Slate to Revali.
The relic was quite small in Revali’s hands, allowing him to hold it between two of his fingers as he examined it.
“Hmph. This is the Sheikah Slate, eh? Doesn’t seem to do much to me.” He remarked, and Zelda sighed.
“It is, though apparently there are more uses for it than we originally thought. Sadly, we’ve yet to decipher all of its secrets.” She said with what sounded like disappointment as Revali handed the Sheikah Slate to Mipha, her barely just catching the artifact in her own hands.
Urbosa leaned down towards Mipha, placing a hand on her hips as an idea popped into her head.
“The princess showed me something strange recently. Somehow it can create true to life images!” She said with a smile, causing Mipha to stare down in wonder at the stone tablet in her hands.
“Oh wow, I would love to see it.”
Mipha turned to see Link and Daruk chatting quite animatedly about something, or rather, Daruk talking about something while Link silently listens.
Mipha had always appreciated that about him, or at least that’s what she could appreciate about him now. When he was younger, he would always talk to her so eagerly about whatever was on his mind without a second thought, whether it be someone he had just bested in a duel or a fascinating bug he had found.
How she missed his childlike wonder, now replaced with a stoic demeanor and no want to draw attention to himself. It was saddening to see her dear friend be so burdened by whatever was on his mind.
That desperation to bring him back to her drove her to almost propose to him, even going so far as to create Zora Armor to seal the engagement, but something in her had told her not to.
That something, she soon later realized, was her curiosity about a specific Rito, namely Revali. He had managed to capture her attention more so than even Link could, though for what reason, she did not know.
Now, she wasn’t quite sure what to think, so the Zora Armor lay abandoned in her room, tucked out of sight until she could sort out things in her mind.
However, an idea popped into her mind, something she had been wanting to suggest that the Champions do for quite a long time, but did not from fear it would take up too much and resources. This was the perfect opportunity.
“Um, Princess, may I ask a special favor of you?” Mipha said, and Zelda looked at her with confusion.
“Of course, what is it?” She asked, and Mipha held out the Sheikah Slate towards Zelda.
“Could we...perhaps take a picture together with the Sheikah Slate? It would be a good way to commemorate us all becoming Champions!” She said, and Zelda took ahold of the Sheikah Slate once again, her mouth widening into a smile as she nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“That is a wonderful idea, Mipha! Here, you should all gather by the water to take the photo, and I shall take the photo.” She said, feeling a hand clap on her shoulder to see Purah and Robbie returning from their rendezvous with King Rhoam.
“Nonsense, Princess! I can handle the picture taking, you’re a part of this team as well! Go have fun!”
Purah then pushed her towards the other Champions, or more specifically Link, who caught her with ease in his arms and helped her stand upright once again.
Purah then tapped at the Sheikah Slate until the Camera Rune activated, Robbie standing behind her to make sure she activated it correctly.
“Uh, I think you were supposed to do this...”
“Shush, I know what I’m doing. Ah, there we go!”
Instead of the Sheikah symbol glowing on the screen, it was the five Champions and Zelda instead. Purah smiled in satisfaction as she moved back just a bit to get the framing better, bumping into Robbie in the process.
“Oops, you okay?” She asked, looking at him with the slightest bit of concern, and Robbie was glad that his oversized goggles covered most of the blush that crept onto his face as he nodded hurriedly.
“Yeah, just take the picture.” He mumbled, though Purah only shrugged as she turned back around towards them.
“Alright, this spot should work nicely. Keep your eyes on the Sheikah Slate, everyone!” She called out, as everyone settled into a sort of pose.
Daruk towered over the rest of the group, enough to where Purah couldn’t get him into the frame even if she leaned back far enough, almost falling directly into Robbie once again.
“Um, Daruk, could you crouch down a bit? You’re as big as Death Mountain!” Purah asked, causing Daruk to look around in confusion before realizing how much he towered over the others, so he crouched down just a bit to fit into the frame.
“What’s with the glum face, Princess, gimme a big smile!”
Zelda felt a hand on her shoulder to see Urbosa smiling down at her with such affection. She sighed with sadness, how she missed seeing that expression from her father, or even her mother for that matter.
“I-I apologize. I was not aware I was pulling such a sour expression.” She mumbled, and Urbosa laughed in response.
“It is quite alright, Little Bird. I would be surprised if you weren’t at least a little tired from today’s excitement. I promise that you will be able to rest after we are done, and I will personally speak to the King if he is against it.” She said, and Zelda nodded, a soft smile now upon her face as she turned back towards the viewfinder of the Sheikah Slate.
Revali sighed. Surely it didn’t usually take this long to take one simple picture, did it? He had seen Zelda use the Camera feature a few times before, and it had only taken a few seconds. This was ridiculous.
“Revali, move your tail closer to the group!” Purah yelled, and while Revali was tempted to just ignore her, he didn’t want to look bad in front of Mipha, or worse, be shocked by Urbosa.
“Ugh, fine.” He groaned, ignoring the smug look on Daruk’s face as he shifted closer slightly to Urbosa, wishing he had to move closer to anyone besides her. Being within arm’s reach was never a good thing for her.
“Mipha, you look so tense! Deep breaths, okay?”
Was something the matter with Mipha? Revali peered around everyone to see her taking in a few deep breaths at Purah’s suggestion, and Revali couldn’t help what happened next.
He smiled. Not a smirk, not a smug look, but a soft smile, a sincere one.
It had been quite a while since he had smiled sincerely about anything, but how could he not? Mipha was positively adorable, her little antics and mannerisms made her look nothing but charming in Revali’s eyes. He felt nothing could ruin it for him until he heard a voice.
“Stay just like that!”
He snapped his head back towards Purah and Robbie, immediately reverting to a frown, hiding any evidence of a smile at all, though the two scientists smirked at one another knowingly.
“Here we go! Smile! Click snap!”
As Purah’s signature phrase left her mouth, Revali felt a rough large hand push him closer towards the others, much too close, and way too forceful.
So forceful that he fell backward onto the ground with everyone else stumbling as he felt someone land on him.
The person who had landed was small, that was for sure, and Revali instinctively felt for who it was, feeling not hair like almost everyone else had but smooth...scales.
“Oh, goddess above!” He thought as he looked to see red, but not like blood. No, it was a head fin, and it shifted upwards until Mipha was staring straight into Revali’s eyes.
Her hands gripped onto his arms in an attempt to steady herself, though she looked just as shocked as he was as she quickly scrambled off of him, her face beginning to turn red.
“Oh my goodness, Revali, I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?” Mipha asked in a panic, hurriedly searching for any signs of a scrape or cut on his body, before she felt two hands grip her shoulders, Revali staring at her with a smirk.
“I’m fine, Princess. You needn’t worry so much, being pushed to the ground is the least of my worries, though I would like to know why someone thought it was a good idea.” He said pointedly as he glared directly at Daruk, who was helping Urbosa to her feet.
“Oh come on, you all looked so tense! I was trying to lighten the mood a little bit, this is a celebration, after all! Besides, how angry can you really get, I was doing you a favor!”
Revali could have exploded with fury at that moment if it was physically possible, and if it wasn’t for the fact he was holding Mipha in his arms, he would have attempted to punch Daruk.
“Don’t ever do that again, I don’t need your help, especially when it involved possibly injuring someone! Mipha could have been hurt if she hadn’t fallen on me!” He yelled, and Urbosa laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder in an attempt to make it look presentable once again.
“Oh please, you would have caught Mipha even if it meant breaking your arm, she would’ve been fine. Now, why don’t you go get up before Purah and Robbie have any more material to use as blackmail?”
Revali looked over to see Purah happily snapping away, Robbie and her snickering as several clicks were heard in the sudden silence.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing? Delete those pictures!” Revali yelled, getting up from where he kneeling to chase after Robbie and Purah who had begun running in circles around the Gazebo.
“Not a chance, bird boy! I’ve been dying for something like this to happen!” She said excitedly, laughing as Revali tried and failed to catch her.
Mipha watched them in wonder, the feeling of Revali holding her in his arms still imprinted on her skin as Zelda knelt next to her.
“Mipha, are you alright? You haven’t said a word this entire time!” She asked, and Mipha began to laugh, a genuine laugh to the point where she forgot to hide her teeth, the serrated edges in full view.
Everyone was quite bewildered as Mipha stood, wiping a tear from her eye as she watched Revali continue to chase Purah around the gazebo.
“I am just wonderful, Princess.”
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misterewrites · 4 years
I get by with a little help from my friends (and Link)
Hey everyone! E here with a random story popped into my head! I needed to write this for practice for another project but I still had a lot of fun with it. So this story takes place in the wild timeline between Age of Calamity and breath of the wild. Like that weird middle ground where the champions were getting ready. Upfront I did as much research as I could cuz it has been a while since I played BOTW and I did use a wiki with some references to the game and such, avoided spoilers I think and I did kinda go with my own conclusion in some places for the sake of story cuz the wiki only knows so much and I can't replay the entire game again. Well I can but not in a short time for this story. Also some Light Zelda and link cuz they’re cute and if nintendo wont canon them, I will! 
So I hope you enjoy! have fun, stay safe, wear a mask and wash your hands! E is out! have a great week everyone! If you want to leave me comments or just have an easier time reading this story, it has been uploaded to Ao3. My user name is MrE42
“He’s still there, isn’t he?”
Impa shrugged, unsure what the princess was expecting her to say “You know he is.”
Zelda huffed, irritated at her father’s watchdog who silently kept watch just outside, stoic and stalwart in his duty to an annoying degree.
Zelda, princess of Hyrule and aspiring scholar, trained from birth to be poised and refined in the harshest situations, made a face towards the library door.
“I do not need a babysitter.” Zelda fumed as she filmed through the bookshelves “You are here Impa and far more suited to the task than my father’s knights.”
“Your knights” Impa corrected “And normally I would agree but with Yiga clan beginning to cause more and more trouble, you and the kingdom need my Sheikah to prevent their tricks. I am their leader and I have to lead. Same as you princess.”
“I know” Zelda replied, unable to keep out the frustration out of her voice “But I wish my father chose a...different person”
Impa rolled her eyes “We both know that Link is the most capable solider in the kingdom. He is without equal and you are only mad at him because your father chose him.”
“I am not a child Impa.”
“No but you are the magical princess whose power would help keep the calamity at bay. I can’t fathom why your father would want you protected at all times.”
Zelda glared openly at her best friend “Your sarcasm is noted and ignored.”
“Excellent” Impa beamed “But in all seriousness, these are dangerous princess. Your father caused quite a ruckus choosing a country bumpkin instead of the nobles lovely, incompetent children.”
Zelda shifted guiltily at the mention of the nobility. They were not pleased that the king of Hyrule had decided to entrust the safety of his only heir and future ruler of their kingdom to a nobody from Hateno Village. It did not matter that Link had come from a long line of knights whom had been protecting the land for almost as long as Zelda’s family had been ruling it. Nor did it matter that he was their most fierce and well trained warrior. He was not of nobility and it angered her that someone who simply wanted to do their best was being mistreated.
Even if she was guilty of the same crime.
“I just wish he appeared more human.” Zelda quietly admitted, hoping Link could not hear “He is emotionless. His gaze is entirely steely and he has not spoken a single word to me. He simply stands, watching and waiting.
“Judging?” Impa added.
Zelda glanced to the side shamefully “Judging. Judging that his talents are wasted on a princess who cannot even perform the single duty that has been entrusted to her.”
“I think you’re projecting.”
“And you are far too calm.”
Impa giggled cutely “Appearances. I’m as nervous as you princess but I know better than anyone how uneasy people get if their leaders show panic. Your powers will come when they come. You will figure it out.”
Zelda turned to the ninja leader fearfully “And if they don’t?”
“Then I’ll protect you.” Impa answered truthfully “Link will protect you and the champions will kick some ganon butt! You’re not alone so stop acting like it.”
“Thank you Impa.” Zelda moved in for a hug.
“Nope!” Impa took a step back “No, no, no! That’s not proper.”
“I order you to give your princess a hug.”
“…..sigh, yes your highness.”
Zelda’s eyes twinkled with a rare softness as she, Link and Mipha watched the young zora prince Sidon swim so carefree in the deep blue waters of the lake. Link was further ahead of the two princesses, standing at the shore of the lake vigilante for any signs of trouble.
“He certainly takes his duty seriously.” Zelda murmured under her breath.
Mipha laughed softly “It is nice to see how age has calmed him.”
Zelda tilted curiously to the champion “Mipha, you’ve known Link since you were both children, correct?”
Mipha nodded in confirmation “Yes ever since he arrived with a group of knights on orders of King Rhoam. Even then he was courageous. Impossibly reckless however but I suppose that is simply who Link is.
Mipha’s soft laughter grew into a playful chortle. Zelda quizzically stared at her fellow princess.
“Sorry your highness.” Mipha waved her hand in embarrassment “I was just thinking to myself how much healing practice Link has gotten me. I suppose I am as proficient as I am thanks him.”
“He was always getting into trouble.” Mipha began, her voice taking on a hue of nostalgia “Always injured after throwing himself head first into danger. He hated sitting still, allowing others to suffer for him. His shell might be more silent and stoic but he is still the kind boy I knew. That I…”
Zelda caught the slight longing in the zora princess’s tone “Mipha?”
“It is nothing.”
Mipha slipped into a comfortable silence but Zelda bristled uneasily at a sudden realization.
Mipha faced Zelda, worry and concern etched in the scholar’s face.
“Do you think…” Zelda spoke slowly “Link hates me? That his talented and training is wasted watching a princess who cannot even produce a glare of light. I drag him everywhere, fuming at his presence all while he watches with an endless vigil.”
Mipha gently placed her hand onto Zelda’s shoulder. Zelda felt a calming presence fill her body and a quiet peace that came with it.
Mipha gave a soft smile “Link knows better than anyone how hard you are trying. He knows how desperate you must be. He does not disdain your loathing. He simply is giving you the space you desire. His duty is everything to him and he will perform it to his dying breath. You are his princess. He will ensure your safety.”
Zelda said nothing and despite the calming peace she felt, the twinge of guilt began to eat at her.
The tension broke as Zelda and Mipha glanced back towards the lake. Sidon giggled and chuckled at a full swim, rapidly heading for the shore and Link. Link, caught off guard in a rare moment, began to panic. He moved this way and that, frantically searching beyond the approaching zora in search for a nonexistent threat.
He realized, too late, what Sidon was up to.
With a mighty push, Sidon flew out of the deep blue waters and sailed through the air, hands outstretched as he collided with Link. Link flailed backwards, struggling to keep his footing but ultimately losing it. He fell backwards onto the shore, Sidon embracing him tightly a bone breaking hug. Even young, a zora was strong.
“Sidon!” Mipha chastised but before she could move closer, Link stood up with the still embracing prince, an evil glint in his eyes.
“Oh dear.”
“What is happening?” Zelda asked, unsure what was going on.
Link picked up Sidon, holding him high into the air as the young prince chanted “Do it, do it, do it!”
And just like that, Link spun around. Around and around, once, twice, five times building speed with Sidon’s cheers filled the air. Without warning, Link chucked the young zora through the air and back into the lake.
Sidon dove in wholeheartedly and broke the surface with a triumphant yell.
“20 feet! A NEW RECORD!”
Mipha rubbed her eyes tiredly “Boys.”
Zelda giggled softly as Link rose his arms in victory.
“Yeah tiny princess?”
“Is that...a rock?”
“Yeah it is!”
“And why...is Link….eating the rock?”
“It’s prime rock roast! He got a real taste for it after the first time.”
“Oh. Right. I recall that now.”
Daruk bellowed with a hearty laugh “Dontcha worry princess, little guy might a hylian but he’s got the stomach of a goron! I bet he’d eat anything. Even some kind of dubious food that’s just too gross to look at. KEEP IT UP LINK!”
Link raised a thumb as he continued to chew on the rocky texture of the roast.
Zelda couldn’t help but smile the Daruk’s presence. His good nature and cheeriness were too infectious for even the royal princess to resist.
“Now what brings you out here tiny princess? Did you finally want to try out the roast? I can have cooks whip up a fresh, steaming one for ya.”
“What? Oh no.” Zelda quickly responded “No. I ate at home before we arrived so I am quite full. Perhaps next time. I am actually here to see if you needed anything.”
Daruk rubbed the back of his neck shyly “Aww thanks tiny princess! I appreciate it! Though if you don’t wanna eat the roast, you can just tell me. I know it isn’t everyone’s taste.”
“Oh. I am sorry I simply did not want to hurt your feelings.”
“Not to worry, I can’t be hurt!” Daruk beamed, posing heroic as an orangish translucent dome appeared over the goron chief for a moment, shielding him from the outside world.
The pair broke into a joyful laugh.
“Thank you Daruk.”
“Think nothing of it tiny princess. Though, now that you mentioned it I might need a little favor from ya.”
Zelda eagerly listened “Name it Daruk and I shall do everything in my power to ensure it done.”
“It’s about Rudania.”
Zelda’s heart sank “The divine beast? Is something amiss?”
“Oh no no no.” Daruk raised his hands as if to physically stop that line of thinking “Nothing serious. It’s just that that wonderful fantastic machine is able to have some alterations. The controls aren’t exactly goron friendly, ya know?”
“Oh! Hmm, I shall talk to Purah and Robbie. If anyone can alter Rudania, it is them.”
“Thanks tiny princess!” Daruk patted her back in a friendly manner. Zelda had to brace herself to make sure she didn’t fall sprawling to the floor.
Zelda glanced upwards Death Mountain, the divine beast in question clinging to the side the volcanic mountain as if keeping an eye out for the calamity.
The divine beasts, ancient Sheikah machines made of stone and an unknown source of power. Her father claimed these machines had been around since the dawn of Hyrule. Though information on these and other Sheikah made devices were contradictory at best and nonexistent at worst. Even Impa, clan leader, knew next to nothing about their functionality or purpose. Luckily for everyone Purah and Robbie had devoted their lives to the study of these machines and it was only thanks to the pairs ceaseless work (and Zelda would say sometimes obsession) that the champions could practice and grew proficient with their individual machines.
“How is your training with Rudania going Daruk?”
Daruk scratched the back of his neck anxiously “I wish I could say it’s going good but it’s not exactly a stroll in the lava, ya know?”
“Of...course.” Zelda nodded slowly, unsure what a stroll in lava would entail “Perhaps we can search for some sort of manual or instructions.”
“Nah” Daruk waved her off “We both know nothing like that probably exists but that’s alright. I’mma going just go for it and do my best!”
Zelda stared at the goron with admiration “I wish I could be as confident as you are.”
“I’m not!”
Zelda watched as Daruk’s face beaming grin melt into an uneasy smile
“I’m not confident” Daruk admitted “This is hard. This is a piece of technology unlike anything else in our little home. I have no idea how to use it or even if I’m doing it right. Heck, I don’t even know if what I’m doing is working. I’m a goron and I’m good at that but this? This is something else.”
Zelda felt that. Her inability to draw on her powers. Her failures and her father’s growing desperation pushing her to extremes, to find an answer regardless of the cost.
“But, I’mma gonna try all the same.”
Daruk’s smile returned. Not with happiness but with determination.
“That’s all we can do, right tiny princess?” Daruk chuckled “Do our best. Maybe it’ll be enough. Maybe it won’t but we gotta at least try.”
Zelda smiled “You are right Daruk. We must at least try. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome! Haha, for what?”
Zelda could feel Link shift his weight back and forth ontop of the snow bank. The pair were bundled in winter gear, huddled close in an attempt to stay warm in the frigid chill of the snowy breeze. Though Zelda knew that wasn’t why Link was unhappy.
“You still here knight? Go home. You need to train some more if you want to keep up with me.”
Link’s face remained as impassive as ever but Zelda could see by the tensing of his cheeks that he was fuming: Revali had that effect on the knight.
She was unsure why the Rito had such a deep disdain for Link but it made it difficult to plan training exercises between the two. Even visits to check on Revali were scarce given the fact Link followed his orders diligently. Nothing would dissuade Link from his task, not even insults and mockery.
Zelda had been softening her stance on Link over the last few weeks. True she hadn’t reached the point where she completely accepted his presence but she no longer loathed him for it. It was not his fault her father was so stubborn and final in his decrees. He did what he was told and he did it with as much respect as he could muster. It was oddly comforting to have him near in the rare moment she was being honest. Whether it be researching any leads to unlocking her powers to her hobby of cataloging the various flora and fauna of Hyrule, he did not judge her. He watched in a quiet reverence, his eyes darting about for signs of danger so she would feel safe enough to focus on her task. And the more time they spent together, the more she realized he was more expressive than she previously thought.
His emotions were far subtler: A twitch of the ear, a raised eyebrow, clenching of his jaws. This is how Link spoke. This is how he displayed his emotions. Little signs easily missed unless you had been searching for them.
Not that Zelda was looking. That would be silly for her to simply stare at the knight accompanying her all across the kingdom, protecting her from the various threats found throughout. She was merely making observations like the good scholar she was. Link was no different than the flora and fauna she studied. Granted he was a much more interesting subject but….
Zelda snapped out of her thoughts, her face flushed with embarrassment at her trailing thoughts.
“Are you well?” Revali cocked his head sideways “Your face is red. I rather you not get sick simply because you wish to stand in this cold.”
“I-it is nothing Revali!” Zelda stammered out “Perhaps a small chill. It will pass. I am here to…”
“To see if I need anything” he finished for her “No princess, unlike certain people” he eyed Link distastefully “I am fine.”
Link said nothing but rather shifted the weight on his feet once more.
“Link” Zelda turned to her knight “Perhaps you could patrol the area. I fear the winds are growing more fierce. I would not want to walk back to the castle among an ambush if there is a storm.”
Link remained silent but gave a rigid, steely nod. He caught Revali’s gaze for a moment then trudge off into the snow.
“I don’t why you bring him” Revali sneered “He’s a worthless knight.”
“If he’s so worthless, why do you waste your time berating him?”
Revali turned his head “Hmmph, if your knight is so fragile that a little mockery scares him off, he has no business being with us.”
“Revali!” Zelda began but was silenced by his outstretched wing.
“I am the best princess.” He spoke matter of fact “I am your greatest warrior. My skill is unrivaled across the kingdom.”
Zelda fumed but allowed him to continue.
“I have overcome many challenges and challengers to my title” Revali’s looked out to the various snowy hills and slopes of the mountain, the Rito village barely visible among the snow flurry “I bested them all. When you are so talented, many eyes will fall upon you and their expectations as well. They will say whatever they wish. You must ignore them. You must not allow their pitiful jealousy distract from your task, your goal. I am here to protect my people and for that, I must be the best. I must work with the best and I must train with people with some skill.”
“Revali, what are you…?”
Revali scoffed “You have kept me from training princess. Your knight might be the best among you but he certainly is no match for me. How is he supposed to survive the upcoming fight unless he fights with his all against a superior opponent.”
“I see” Zelda slowly caught on.
“Good. I will be at the castle tomorrow. Make sure your knight is ready for bruises and sores. I won’t have him die on us because he was being lazy.”
“Of course Revali. I’m sure Link will appreciate your concern.”
Revali huffed “I don’t like deadweight is all.”
Zelda said nothing but remembered that Link had won the champion’s last archery contest a few weeks ago.
The desert was colder than you would expect at night but Zelda was not stranger to it. She loved coming out to the Gerudo desert with her mother, spending all day among the Gerudo and its splendor. It was quiet out here, bringing a rare peace not found in the city. The distant sound of thunder boomed but it was soft and enlightening more than frightening. It comforted Zelda.
“Thinking of her again little bird?”
Zelda nodded honestly, the desert stretched out before her as the twinkling stars glimmered beautifully overhead.
Urbosa, champion and her mother’s dearest friend, stood watch nearby.
Zelda turned back to Link, unable to keep the grin off her face as he remained slumped against the wall, his riding hood and cloak turned into a makeshift blanket. His breathing was slow and steady and while it was clear he was sleeping, she also knew that with one word from her lips he would awaken, ready for whatever awaited him.
She was glad he was resting at least. This had been his first trip to the desert and he had not quite been prepared for the intense heat nor the attention he received from the town. A male within its walls was a rare sight. She knew Link disliked attention above all else, except perhaps Revali.
She giggled at her joke.
“You seem more comfortable with Link than I remember.”
“Oh.” Zelda cleared her throat, willing her blush away “Well y-yes. Some of my conversations with the others have led to some interesting insight. Perhaps I had not been considerate towards Link. He is just performing his duty.”
Urbosa leaned in teasingly “Link now is it? Not the knight or he?”
Zelda’s blush spread rapidly throughout her cheeks.
Urbosa laughed loudly “You are far too easy to fluster little bird.”
“I am not flustered!”
“I don’t blame you” Urbosa glanced at Link’s sleeping form “He is quite handsome and not like most men.”
Urbosa laugh once more “So it worked then?”
Zelda was confused “What did?”
“My distraction.”
“Distraction? From?” Realization washed over Zelda “Oh.”
Urbosa gave a solemn nod “I miss your mother terribly. She was an amazing woman and I feel her loss deeply now as I did then.”
Zelda tucked her legs under her arms “I feel like she would be disappointed in me. Not having unlocked my power. Chasing down lead after lead with nothing to show for it.”
“Don’t be absurd!” Urbosa scolded “She would be proud of you. Her beautiful daughter, a natural leader. Especially between Link and Revali. Hylia’s miracle you managed to wrangle them into line. I thought they were going to murder each other at their last training session.”
“I admit I was worried I was about to have to arrest one of them for murder.” Zelda admitted.
The two shared a laugh.
“Do not fret little bird.” Urbosa cupped Zelda’s cheek lovingly “She would think the world of you. She would want you to do your best, not hers.”
“I miss her Urbosa.” Zelda shed a single tear “I just miss her so terribly.”
“Me too little bird. But she lives on in you.”
Zelda clenched her fist, holding it close to her heart as she closed her eyes “I suppose I’ll just have keep at it.”
“That a girl. Now want to see something funny?” Urbosa grinned mischievously, a snap at the ready while she approached the slumbering form of Link.
Link was unsure what to make of princess Zelda’s request to ask him some questions. It had been a few months since he was first assigned to her guard detail and while it had been rather rocky start, she grew to tolerate his presence and was almost friendly with him.
Today started off no different than any other: Princess Zelda wanted to stretch her legs out in the fields. Link was used to this particularly outing. He noticed the princess often wished to leave the castle on the days her father was being forceful about her training her powers. Something that was happening with increasing occurrence nowadays.
Despite his lack of talking and general stoic disposition, he enjoyed his time with the princess. True most of it had been at a distance, carefully watching out for her safety but these last few weeks had been a nice change of pace. She allowed to walk closer to her, hadn’t scoffed or turned up her nose at him trailing behind her and became more visibly relaxed when alone with him.
Though she had also become more distracting to the young knight. Everyone knew the princess was beautiful but Link still hadn’t gotten used to it even after all this time. Every morning he would face that same beauty and every morning he would be thoroughly flatfooted at the sight of her. It was easier when she forced him to watch far away, when she spoke to and about him with a quiet disdain. She didn’t like him and he was just here to do his job. Nice, done and easy.
But lately the princess had been asking him to stay close regardless if they were traveling through the countryside or to the frigid Rito Village or the blazing furnace that was Death Mountain. She smiled often now, especially when she found a new plant or animal about. Link would be standing, vigilante when the princess would call for him and when he whirled around, sword at the ready, he found not monsters but the sight of the princess mid-smile and holding out some new thing for him to see, excitement twinkling in her eyes.
It was getting really hard to focus on his task.
“Link, are you alright?”
Link flushed, nearly tripping over himself as the princess broke him from his stupor.
They were sitting at peaceful meadow not too far the castle, the princess’s notebook at her side filled with her various observations and musings.
Link must’ve spaced out because he had not noticed the princess approach him, her face inches away from his.
“I am sorry.” She apologized “I did not mean to startle you.”
Link shook his head in disagreement, raising a hand to tell her not to worry.
“I-if you don’t feel comfortable answering my questions, you do not have to.”
Link gestured for her to continue.
“Link” the princess composed herself “Why don’t you speak?”
Link was caught off guard by the question. No one really questioned why he chose not to speak. Most assumed it was some strange choice by some stranger lad from the country. Or perhaps he could not speak. As long as he stabbed the bad guy, no one seemed to care beyond that and the more renown he gained, the more Link felt he needed to maintain the illusion, the stoic unflappable hero of Hyrule.
Well, until the real hero of Hyrule appeared.
Link mused for a moment, wondering how to best explain his situation to the princess.
“I’m sorry.”
Link was taken aback by the princess’s shameful tone.
“I….I did not mean to be so personal.” She began, eyes cast away from him “It….it just occurs to me I have known you for a few months now and yet I have never once heard you speak. I know I have not been most friendly person to you and I understand if you find me rude or perhaps annoying. I know watching me wade through the fields is not the most effective use of your talents.”
Link could feel panic setting in. He couldn’t let the princess blame herself! Especially now that she was making an effort to open up to him. Link licked his lips, willing the words to form into existence.
“I am sorry Link” Link’s heart fluttered at the sound of his name. She said his name! She said his name! She’s never said his name to him before!
“Perhaps I should just remain silent.” the princess went on “I am truly sorry for mistreating you and taking my frustration about my father out on you. You did not deserve that.”
Wait! No no no no!
The princess sighed dejectedly, turning away from Link.
Link bit his lip, taking deep slow breathes as he tried to form the words in his head.
Zelda was disappointed but not surprised by Link’s lack of a response. She knew it might’ve been a little too late given her treatment of him but she had been hoping perhaps she could convince him that she was not as nasty as she appeared to him. Alas, it seems it was for naught.
Zelda blinked, unsure if she really heard what she thought she heard. She turned slowly to Link, surprised to see him with a hand outstretched, sweat forming upon his brow as he awkwardly moved his mouth as if trying to get it to work.
“D-did you say something Link?” She asked quizzically.
Link gave a short nod.
Zelda whirled around, knees against the grass as she leaned in closer, unable to get Link’s voice out of her ears.
Link gestured to himself, touching his chest with an open hand.
Link nodded, wincing as he struggled to speak.
“I. Don’t. Like. Talking.”
Zelda was in awe at Link. For a warrior so fierce, so steely, so loyal his voice was soft. It was gentle and quiet like a breeze yet still lingered in her mind.
“You don’t like talking” Zelda repeated “I understand.”
Link nodded once before breaking into a toothy smile.
Zelda’s heart raced at the sight of the indifferent Link forming a full smile on his face. She pulled back, trying to will the red out of her hair.
Link tilted his head curiously towards Zelda before he closed the distance.
Zelda’s heart thundered in her ears as Link placed a cool hand upon her forehead, his face returning to its stony indifference but his eyes filled with worry.
“I’m fine!” Zelda waved him off, pulling away before she turned any redder “I...just thought of something.”
Link looked unconvinced but let it go. He stood to his feet and offered his hand to the princess.
Zelda stared up, the sun glowing brightly behind Link’s form as he waited patiently for her. She took his hand and he, firmly but gently, pulled her to her feet.
Link gestured to her horse.
“Yes.” Zelda nodded in agreement “Perhaps it is time to go home.”
Link gave a thumbs up and went to retrieve their horses.
Zelda pinched her cheeks with all her might.
“Urbosa was right. He is handsome.”
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hylianfury · 5 years
I have to ask. How did Zelda and Ganon react when they found out Link was playing house with Sidon? Concubine AU.
Oh… on dear… “Playing house” Is certainly a nice way to put ‘committing murder-suicide’. Short fic incoming here, warning for heavy themes already touched in the fic (aka Link planning to kill Sidon and knowing he had no way out if he did.). I do plan to doodle for them but at the moment I don’t have access to my tablet so… on the other hand, Zelda DID notice how Sidon is looking at Link right now and that’s a whole different story…
Fair warning, this wasn’t planned NOR I took too long writing it so don’t expect high high quality…
- Concubine AU Extra chapter 
Zelda and Ganondorf just exchanged the most confused glance as they studied their best friend tinkering with a line of pearls, he had been incredibly silent since the meeting with the Prince and they were expecting his first words to be about whatever was bothering him, not… well…
“No, Link, I can’t really teach you how to shave but… why?”
The centenar just hummed, slowly sliding another pearl in his long string of jewels, carefully counting them and not offering any explanation. He had that peculiar expression that meant his brain was working hard, Link was probably barely listening to them anyway.
“I can… I had plenty of sisters, wives and daughters before but I have to join Tete here in asking: why?”
Zelda couldn’t roll her eyes hard enough, she didn’t know how Ganondorf came up with the story of reincarnating over and over -Link said more than once that as far as he could remember the redhead always joked about it- but since their friend was acting weird… it wasn’t the best time to be weird.
“Good, I need to look convincing.”
“Convincing for what?”
There was a long moment of silence as the centenar slowly placed his tools down on the small, wooden table in front of him.
His lips pressed together in a very thin line and his hands turned white as he clenched his fists, Zelda and Ganondorf exchanged another worried look: whatever was bothering him had to be big, even if Link wasn’t really open about his problems he always talked with the two of them.
“I…” The man hid his face behind a hand and took a deep breath “I’m leaving the unit tomorrow.”
The three of them stood there in complete silence for what felt like an eternity. He was… what? Zelda didn’t know what to say and the gerudo seemed to be equally lost.
“I will move in with the Prince. This is why I’m… getting ready.”
“You are what, now?”
“I’ll officially be the first royal concubine of Prince Sidon, apparently.”
There was a second of shock and Ganondorf stood up, fists slamming hard against the little table between them.
“I’m murdering him.”
Zelda wanted to join in the outrage but barely managed to say a word. Link? Their Link? The little boy who never hesitated to offer dirty jokes but blushed like a maiden whenever the discussion moved to his own personal things? The same boy who, at 22, was embarrassed like a young teen admitting he hoped he’d get his first kiss from that kind Goron he seemed to like so much?
Link wasn’t even that attractive by Hylian standards: he had his growth stunned after the flood between lack of nourishment and between all the problems he had with his leg- it was true she had feelings for him but at the same time Zelda couldn’t deny Link still seemed too young for his age and wasn’t probably manly enough for a zora that was voiced to be gay.
As soon as those thoughts were over, realizations started to sink in: Link had been chosen to be a sex slave. Holy Hylia, it was no surprise he spent the whole day looking at the floor and looking like his death had just been announced.
“Let’s get you to Tarrey Town!” Even if the little man was already raising his hand in ganondorf’s direction to stop him and talk, probably to explain the situation, she couldn’t stay quiet “No one will be able to reach you there, the guardians are set to attack any non registered adult that tries to sneak in the Akkala region, you are going to be safe! I’m not letting a pretentious asshole shark have his way with you.”
“No no no…” Link just scratched his head “I… it’s not like that. Seggin told him about me, apparently, and… he wants me as his strategist or some shit like that, being a concubine it’s only the way for me to sneak in the council.”
He was clearly uneasy but at least Zelda felt a bit better at that, even Ganondorf’s tension washed away a little. It was the single most ridiculous thing both heard in a long while -and they worked with people of the caliber of Beedle and Bolson, they were used to weird shit- but it was slightly better than what they first suspected.
“Since when do you plan to help the Zora?”
“I’m not planning to…”
The fallen princess tilted her head, elbows leaning against the table. It was hard to read whatever was in Link’s head whenever he didn’t want to talk… and this was clearly one of those moments. When the man decided to speak once more it wasn’t to explain his plans, it was to give orders.
“Tetra? Once I get in you will be in charge, make sure you get ready to contact Urbosa, however you do it: you will need to tell her we’re switching sides, it’s going to be our first good chance to see the Domain fall and if we side with the winners and play the victim card well we may be able to get some Land back or some autonomy.”
“Are you planning to sabotage the war efforts? How long before you’re spotted and they kick you out?”
She didn’t like the bitter chuckle that came from the centenar’s lips, there was a deep resignation in it.
“I plan to throw the Kingdom in chaos, even if it won’t last long.” his fingers gently caressed the pearl string he put so much effort in and Zelda connected the dots: Link had a knack for poisons since he lost the ability to walk, of course he prepared a small gift for the Prince. The idiot wasn’t even going to notice it considering Zora swallowed their food whole.
“I see, that’s a great idea but… how do you plan to leave? All our efforts to reach either him or the rest of his family failed so far, if it’s hard to get in it must be equally hard to run away.” Especially in your condition, she wanted to add but kept for herself.
“Tete…” She felt Ganondorf’s warm hand against one of her shoulders and she raised an eyebrow looking at the man who somehow became a sibling for her as well “Don’t you see his face? He’s not planning to come back.”
It was like a cold shower, blood drained from her face as she turned white as a sheet. A glance at her friend, at his almost sheepish smile as he whispered a ‘sorry’ with a small shrug. How could he even suggest… how could he even think… how dared him to look like it was okay for him?
“No. You- you can’t!”
“It’s our best bet to hit the Zora where it counts, you can’t talk me out of this. I know I can’t walk out on my own but it will be fine, I have two pills: one for him, one for me. And it won’t even hurt me, I will just fall asleep…”
Zelda was horrified, for someone who never hesitated to take insane risks to protect others he sounded so ready to throw his life away…
“I won’t allow you-”
“I’m not asking for your permission.”
That tone of voice, the way he stared in her direction with determination and not even blinking… she knew Link well enough to know nothing she could say or do would change anything.
“But Link…” She didn’t even realize she started crying until she heard her own voice cracking as she tried to speak “I can’t… not without you.”
“You can do anything, my queen.” he reached forward, grabbing her hand and taking it to his lips for a quick, formal kiss “I believe in you and I believe in Gan: once the southern borders lose their current leader it will be the perfect time for him to reclaim the throne and for the two of you to move a Gerudo-Hylian offensive. The Gorons aren’t opening their gates, they can’t hide in Akkala and they will have their weakest border attacked by two tribes, not just one… Whatever will happen: destroy them. Okay?”
She was just sobbing at this point. There was no resistance when Ganondorf wrapped one arm against her and pulled the three of them in a goofy, warm hug, for once not even worrying about being careful of his leg.
For a long moment the only sound in the room was Zelda’s cry and the Gerudo was the first person to break their silence.
“I will miss you, little shithead. I don’t really regret not killing you in the crib this time, we had a good run. See you in our next reincarnation.”
Zelda’s hand slapped the red haired man but he didn’t even flinch, Link on the other hand started chuckling. The resignation in his voice, even in that, only confirmed there wasn’t going to be any way to change this.
“I will spend the next hours writing down what you will have to do once the prince is dead but… before that…” Link’s arms wrapped around both of them “I wanted to ask… just for tonight… I know we’re too old for that but maybe we could spend this last night together?”
The two didn’t hesitate before nodding. For the whole evening they barely spoke as Link worked and then they curled together on the hay bed of the centenar, mostly using the Gerudo as mattress, and slept together. When they woke up, Link had already left, he didn’t even allow them to say goodbye.
Zelda and Ganondorf spent the first days waiting to hear about the Prince’s sudden death by his concubine’s hand, mourning a person they both loved dearly. Ways became weeks, weeks turned in a month and they knew something was up. Link was still in the palace, at least for what they managed to hear, and both him and Sidon were just fine.
At the end of the second month the woman decided she had to do something. Pulling all her strings she could probably find a laundry job in the lower levels of the palace, no matter how many favors she had to ask or if she was going to be forced to beg for help.
She offered Ganondorf a hug, passed him leadership in front of their unit’s men and at the beginning of the tenth week she was running around the palace, no one wanted to work under Muzu due to his poor manners but she didn’t care: her goal was to find her beloved knight and nothing was going to stop her.
- - -
Zelda blessed her good luck, not only she ended up under one of the very few elders who openly despised the current Zora leaders, the ray was also close to the prince himself and she finally dared to speak openly with him when Link got hurt.
Seeing him again filled her with joy, no matter how angry she was, and even if they had little to no time to interact and he was drugged as she stitched him together. With the help of the elder she finally managed to see him on occasion and she was even given the chance to be around the prince’s chambers for a lot of ‘absolutely necessary’ cleaning duties…  and she was glad to see Link was clearly no longer planning to kill himself and the red Zora.
Not a surprise, really, if he had better ideas and plans there was no way he was picking suicide over anything else.
What WAS a surprise was seeing, over time, watching how Prince Sidon’s attitude toward their common friend was starting to change…
“I think the prince is falling for our bro.”
Ganondorf raised his eyes from the mountain of paperwork that was piled over his desk, when Link was there he took care of it all but now it was all starting to pile up as no one was as organized as the tiny, wary man. He waited, sincerely expecting a punchline as the woman sat on the desk with crossed legs… but nothing came.
“Wait, seriously?”
The Gerudo’s laughter could probably be heard in the whole building, Zelda rolled her eyes kicking him when he started wheezing, clearly out of air. He gasped a few times before finally finding his voice once more, no matter how he still sounded out of breath.
“He really has no luck in love.”
“And how do you think he feels about it?”
“I don’t think he noticed, honestly, but then again… you know… Link is Link.”
“Well, my friend-” he got up, reaching for his large bed and pulling a bottle of wine from beneath it “-to our little hero not killing himself!”
“Goddesses above, will you ever stop with that bullshit?”
He didn’t even answer, pouring two glasses and offering one to Zelda.
“And to us: may we be allowed to enjoy the shitshow when he figures that one out.”
Both raised their drinks, grinning, and making their glasses chime together. Link had never been found of the Zora, whatever was going to happen… it was going to be fun.
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wishingnova · 4 years
Okay I’m seriously working on the next chap but look at this gem I found when I was trying to figure out the plot/direction of TCaF
At your look, she rolled her eyes. “Oh come now __________. You had a fairy as a mother, and her blood runs thick through you. You don’t really think a simple bonk like that would have erased the Prince’s memories completely, do you?” She smiled, putting her hand under her chin.
               Of course not. Even from the first moment you laid eyes on Fishsti- Sidon, you could tell he had been enchanted. But you had thought it was a folly he had brought upon himself – something princes or princesses usually have happen to them in all the old tales for doing something foolish to a more powerful being. “You’re saying that…someone purposely erased his memories.”
               Kaysa chortled. “Well, not purposely, per se!” Then she became graver. “I suspect that they had intended to kill the Prince entirely. Their spell merely missed, or was only strong enough to kill his sense of identity. And because of your interference, even that did not play out!”
               Your breathing became ragged. Because this meant not only was Sidon still not safe, but someone would still be trying to kill him. Your grip on your hook tightened to the point of the wood creaking. “Kaysa, who did it? You must tell me!”
               The Great Fairy gazed at you sadly. “I am sorry, child. My power is great, but this one’s power is…different. Ancient, even. They hide themselves from mine and my sister’s view. Though, it does seem that they do not know yet how to wield it properly.”
               “Wield it prop…” you shook your head. You had to think. “I have to go back to him. His kingdom is still in danger if he is in danger.”
               The Fairy sighed. “And you are right with that. My sisters and I have been feeling this disturbance ever since Prince Sidon was found again. Whoever enchanted him is not pleased that their plan did not work out.”
               “Then why not try to kill him again?” You swallowed thickly. You didn’t understand. If this supposed sorcerer was displeased by Sidon’s return, why was he still alive? Your eyes searched the ground as if the answer would sprout from it. “…Wait.” Your eyes squinted. “When Sidon was first struck…he was fighting a beast that was threatening a village. That was when the sorcerer tried to off him. He or she tried to make it look like…like it was an accident.”
               Kaysa smiled as you began figuring it out. You always were a bright little fae. “Indeed. And why would they do that?” She prompted.
               You laughed bitterly. It was too obvious. “So that they could not be found! If they found Sidon with markings of foul play, especially from a magic wielder, the kingdom would be in a tizzy finding who murdered their beloved prince!” Your teeth ground together. “And King Dorephan would be left a lone monarch with no more heirs to lead in his stead. The sorcerer could either off him or…simply wait for Dorephan to pass. And with his grief, Dorephan would surely have passed much more quickly had Sidon not been found. The scheming little –“
               “Politics are always messy, aren’t they.” Kaysa sighed. “It is obvious that whoever is behind this assassination attempt is trying to either come into power themselves, or be rid of the Zora Kingdom altogether. I’m more inclined to the former, from my vast experience.”
               You shook your head. Your hand held your mask as your brain raced to find answers to more and more questions. “But why? Why the Zoras? Hyrule is already in tatters and being rebuilt by Zelda – slowly. Why not try for that kingdom?” Why come after my Sidon? You asked sullenly.
               And the Great Fairy sighed, the flowers around her Fountain swaying with her breath. “That is also something that is hidden from me. Mortals and their reasonings have always boggled me, if I’m being honest.” She clapped her hands suddenly. “Well! What shall we do then, my dear? Shall we return you to your forest, to live with the Koroks in peace, with no care for the outside world?” She leaned down closer, a knowing smile on her pretty lips. “Or shall we do something about this, and save our Fishsticks in distress?”
               You stared at her. Gripped your hook. Sighed. “But how? If I return to the kingdom, I will be the fish out of water. The sorcerer will not need magic to see a Hylian fae wondering around the Domain. I will be captured, or killed, if not immediately then soon. And Sidon – and the kingdom – will be at their mercy.” You shook your head, feeling defeated. “I will need time to find them if they can hide even from your sight.”
               “And I shall give you the time you need, child.” Her hands rubbed together. Sparkles began falling out from them, silvery and purple and blue. She rubbed them faster and faster, until it seemed a whole waterfall of magic light was pouring out of them. You edged away, suddenly worried. What in the name of Hylia was she doing?
               “This will last you quite a while, ________. Do not be careless, though. My magic is powerful, but should the sorcerer suspect and use their magic to reveal you, your guise will break, and you will be exposed. Arms out!” And she opened her hands and blew at you. An entire cloud of magic dust spread throughout the clearing, with only your startled yelp rising up out of it.
               The cloud cleared within a few moments. You coughed, feeling magic going up your nose like water. “Kaysa, what on Hyrule –“ you adjusted your mask and gripped your staff. “What – I need a warning! Honestly…” You shook out your cloak, mumbling heatedly about boundaries as you patted out dust clouds of lingering magic.
               But you stopped. Were the clouds still lingering? Why did…why did your skin look a different color? You held it up to your eye holes, gasping as you saw not your skin, but scales, of a beautiful color covering your hand and arm. You raised up your other hand, and saw that it was the same as the other. What happened next was the quickest pat down of your life. You lifted your cloak, looked under your skirts: scaled and smooth fish legs stared back. The claws at the end of your toes curled inward as you began to panic. You reached under the back of your shirt, feeling smooth scales there, as well as a couple of fins that draped long down your back. “Kaysa,” you squealed, “What did you do?!”
               Kaysa had been watching your discovery with a sparkly-eyed smile. “Oh, I do apologize for the scare dear, but this was the only way I could think of helping!” Her hands flew out to her sides. “Ta-da!”
               “You made me a Zora.” You felt scandalized. Imposed upon. “Why?!”
               She sighed, tilting her head. “I thought it would be obvious. The sorcerer will not see you coming if you are one of the Zora. Especially if they are a Zora themselves – much more trustworthy than a strange fae coming into the kingdom unannounced.”
               Well that…that does make sense. But still… “The Zora are a close race, Kaysa.” You looked up at her. “They know of everyone in their domain. They will surely notice a new face in their home, regardless of the race.”
               “Ah, but that is where you are wrong, for once.” She winked. “Ever since Calamity Ganon’s banishment, many new faces have been appearing across the land: the descendants or old inhabitants of Hyrule who left when Ganon first struck. Many Zora are returning from the sea, where the more cowardly ones fled. They have heard that the land is no longer in danger of being consumed, and are deciding to return.”
               So I can pose as one of them. Again, it made sense. A lot more sense than any plan you would have come up with. Your hands laid on your sides as you looked at the Fairy. “Okay…so I just…sneak into the kingdom as one of the Zora, find the sorcerer, kill them, and return back here.” You breathed. Your heart fluttered at the thought of being so close to Sidon again. “I must make sure that Sidon does not know who I am – he could ruin it with his excitement.” He would not understand.
               “Come here dear. Take off that mask of yours – it will do you no good there.” She waved kindly to get you moving. Slowly, you did. You came to her fountain, staring at her large hand outstretched. Your hands moved to your mask, hesitating when they touched it. The mask…it had been your defense for so long. To take it off…
               Kaysa leaned down to be eye-to-eye. “Your powers have been stoppered for yours and others’ safety, but you are ready to leave it behind. You have never been ugly, ________. No matter what others have seen, you have always been as beautiful as your mother. I will keep the mask in my care until you have need of it again.” When you still made no move to remove it, she changed tactics. “If you keep the mask, it will make you more suspicious. You are doing this for Sidon, remember.”
               When the mask touched her hand, it glowed a lavender-white before fizzling away into nothing. Kaysa nodded in approval, then smiled kindly. “Oh my dear. You have always been so beautiful, and even now, your beauty will rival that of the late Mipha. Look!”
               You hesitated. The words monster, beast, demon echoed in your head. But you had learned from Sidon that you had to keep moving forward. So you did. You crouched by Kaysa’s side, and forced yourself to look into the reflection of your face. It wavered, quivered, then cleared. And you gasped. “Oh…” you were beautiful. You really were. The fins by your head, on your head, the color of your scales and how they went beautifully with your eyes… “Oh…” you said again, with tears in your eyes.
               A much larger face joined yours in your reflection. “Now you see the beauty of fairy blood. The mask was also meant to protect poor, unsuspecting men from foolishly falling in love with such unattainable beauty. They tend to do stupid things in the face of fairies. It is what caused the passing of your mother, after all.” Kaysa looked saddened in the water. The loss of a fairy was always great in the world, whether she was Great or small. But she had brought the gift of you into it as a replacement, and Kaysa smiled. “Now you can use both that beauty and your magic to your advantage.”
               “…Thank you, Kaysa.” You sobbed, and flung your arms as wide as they could go around her middle, splashing in the water. Her hand laid on your back, and she felt your panic, your despair, at what trial you faced ahead.
               “I will not leave you alone, child. My sister Cortera is near the Domain. She will more than happily help you in whatever you find need of.
               She waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, I do so love that Prince of yours, how could I sit idly by?” She smiled. “It has been far too long since we’ve had a good fairy tale happen, hasn’t it?”
               You smiled and shook your head. “Let’s just hope this one doesn’t end in tragedy.”
               “Love your optimism, dear.”
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If you're thirsty have a drink, just not this one.
Chapter 1: Vilia
I'm definately changing that title. My very first fanfiction ever is finally here (draft 1 I guess. Not sure how I feel about it yet)! Requested by the amazing artist @hylianfury
For some this might be too short; for others it might be too long. Hope you enjoy it either way.
Original post that inspired this story.
Overall Summary: a fanfiction in which Sidon slowly comes to realise how many people are thirsty for Link.
Chapter summary: Sidon and Link take a trip to the Gerudo desert and come across a certain female (?) Hylian. (I'm bad at summaries. Sorry friends)
"-and then I said-ok what's wrong?"
Sidon gave Link a confused look at the question.
"What do you mean dearest?"
"You've been acting way less enthusiastic lately. What's bothering you," Link asked, his expression revealing concern.
"Oh! Um... I wouldn't want to concern you with my musings dear. What was it you were saying?"
Link gave Sidon a deadpan expression, presumably waiting for a better response.
Sidon wavered on whether to tell him what was wrong or not, but, deciding that he would rather not lie to his beloved, he confessed.
He sighed. "I've just... I've never gone far beyond the Domain. The closest I've come to travel is going to Luralin, and I can't say that experience was particularly enjoyable," Sidon confided, absently stroking the scar on the side of his head. "I've always wanted to explore this beautiful land in which we live, but my duty has always confined me to my kingdom."
A sigh left Sidon's lips as he pondered his misfortune. He was always expected to be the dutiful pince that his father wanted and his people deserved- to live up to his sister,
- but Sidon wanted more. Travelling had always been an unreachable wish for him. He had always dreamt of exploring vast fields and climbing soaring mountains and traversing thick green forests, but could never act on those ambitions. He felt trapped in his own home.
Sidon felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Link grinning at him. He held up his hands to sign something, but quickly lowered them, seemingly hesitant.
Appearing to have decided to speak his mind, Link held up his hands once more,"What if we travelled together," Link asked with a hopeful glint in his eye.
Sidon smiled sadly. "Link, I already told you, I have duties-"
"What if we go to other regions as a means of establishing political bonds, kind of like a business trip? We go and we strengthen the Domains relationships with surrounding powers."
Sidon blinked. "That...that could actually work." Sidon thought about the possibility of experiencing more of Hyrule and getting to know more of the many cultural groups that inhabit the land. All he had to do was get his father to agree to let him go. After all Link's plan could actually benefit the Domain!
"I shall attempt to persuade my father tomorrow, though it might take some convincing."
"Well that didn't take much convincing at all," Sidon noted, floating calmly in the waters of the East Reservoir Lake, Link sitting beside him on the crystalline platform.
"He knows you need the time away. He's not without empathy, you know," Link stated with a smirk as he kicked his feet in the calm, cool water.
"Yes, I know," Sidon turned his face in the direction of the Domain, smiling to himself. He couldn't believe his father agreed to an excursion like this; full permission to go wherever he pleased for two whole weeks- business trip excluded!
Link promised to show him everything: the stables, the cities and towns, even interesting locations he crossed on his journey. Sidon very much looked forward to meeting some of the interesting characters Link mentioned. Tomorrow his journey with Link would begin.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would set out to the Gerudo desert with Link. He could feel the excitement rising in his chest and setting butterflies loose in his stomach.
He turned to his beloved wearing an expression of absolute elation.
"Thank you," he whispered, his words projecting every bit of the gratitude he felt.
Link simply smiled and kissed the top of his head.
They stayed like that for the majority of the night in comfortable, soothing silence.
If it weren't for the Skeika slate's warping technology, Sidon would have melted after taking just a few steps into the sweltering heat of the Gerudo desert. Even after drinking a chilly elixir it still felt like the harsh sun was drying out his scales.
"The elixir offers some heat resistance, but it's cooler inside the walls. We just have to get you an outfit to fool the guards into letting you into the town," Link signed. He promptly started walking in the direction of the Kara Kara Bazaar where he claimed he could find Sidon traditional Gerudo garments. Sidon followed, wiping the moisture from his forehead and dragging his feet through the loose sand.
"How are you moving so quicky? This sand is nearly impossible to traverse," Sidon complained petulantly. Truly he was excited to be so far away from the Domain, but the horrid conditions of the desert seemed to sour his mood more than he liked. Link's indifference certainly didn't help matters.
He pointed to his boots and signed something.
"Sand boots. I got them from the snow boots guy. Didn't I tell you?"
Sidon made a displeased face. Oh. THAT guy. Sidon remembered cutting off Link's story about how he obtained his snowboots.
"You did not. Well I certainly hope that's not the man who will be supplying my clothing as well."
Link snickered then simply shook his head.
Good. Sidon was not fond of that particular gentleman.
The pair made slow progress toward the bazaar thanks to Sidon's short legs and once they arrived Link guided Sidon to the top of the lone sandstone building where a figure dressed in pink waited.
The figure waved enthusiasticly.
"Link! I'm so glad to see you! It's been a while," the figure, who Sidon assumed to be female, pecked each of Link's cheeks, though he imagined the veil she wore made the action difficult. "Have you come to consider my offer by any chance," the woman winked at Link, who blushed and, instead of answering, went straight to asking for a set of Gerudo garb to purchase for Sidon. She didn't even seem to notice Sidon's presence until Link mentioned him.
Sidon thought on the woman's previous question. Offer? What offer? What could she possibly offer the Hylian champion, other than clothing?
He was pulled from his thoughts when the woman called for him to try on the clothes, promising to turn away.
Sidon fitted them on, and the moment the silky fabric of the last article of the set touched his scales the intense warth that had been bearing down on him lifted.
"EEEEEEEEE! You look adorable," the woman squealed, "Isn't the fabric so breathable. Aside from being fabulous, it really makes the desert heat a little bit more bearable."
Sidon couldn't help but agree. The material was light and loose and if Link looked as adorable as he did in his light blue set, Sidon was sure he looked adorable as well. The woman even noted how the orange of Sidon's outfit paired well with his scales.
"Of course, you look adorable too Link dear! I can't wait for you to stop by again! I could use some better company than from those sweaty men waiting bellow."
With a wave and a promise to visit when he got the chance Link left the rooftop with Sidon in tow.
Sidon cleared his throat prompting Link to look at him.
"So... what exactly is this offer that that woman mentioned?"
"Oh! Um... well she invited me to have dinner with her is all."
"I see. And that's all? Are you sure it wasn't at all a request to be romantically involved," Sidon questioned, his eyes narrowed, his suspicion only growing at Link's unusually red blush, though that could've been caused by the glaring heat. He leaned closer to Link to look into his eyes.
"I don't think that's how that works, but sure, I guess it is." Link shrugged.
Curious. Yet another individual pining for his beloved's affection. Sidon was awefully perturbed by Link's nonchalance towards the matter.
"...And you're not at all put-off by her advances?"
Link seemed to think about that. "Not really. Vilia's cool. Plus, she hooked us up with some very nice clothes."
"Hmm, I suppose you are right," Sidon said, slightly disgruntled with the response, but willing to drop the matter. "Your attitude toward this is still worrisome," he said with finality.
Link laughed at that and they continued to make their way toward Gerudo Town, now able to enter the women-only city.
And that's that. This is the first draft. Feel free to critique my writing if you find any problems. I'll gladly fix them!
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writtenfan · 5 years
The Zora Prince & His Champion
Prince Sidon X Reader
Summary: You were always the champion of Hyrule...you've defeated Calamity Ganon and experienced a world of absolute adventure meeting many along the way and experienced great trials and tribulations...Now that things were quieter you hardly expected such another adventure! 
(A cute short little moment...Oh dear, he's adorable isn’t he!)
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“AHA!” A voice sang-shouted from out of nowhere.
You stopped in your tracts, in the middle of the bridge and ran to the railing almost tripping over in anticipation as you stagger to grab the rail and lean down overlooking nothing, but clear open water sparkling in the sun's rays. The jingling of your Gerudo attire’s jewelry against your chest and forehead. Your (h/c) hair peeking from the smooth and soft blue hood and cloth covering your face and your head.
After waiting for only a second the water erupted below you and you flung yourself back but not avoiding being pelted by water as the figure lept out of the water and landed with a thud behind you. Still blinded from the water as it trailed down your face and caused your hair and hood to droop down. You wiped your face frantically with your sleeve and turned around, to view the rising yet still blurry tall form of Zora Prince, Sidon.
Just as your vision cleared, you saw him bound towards you and they held you with such strength as he lifted you off the ground in a hug that restricted your arms against your sides.  
You let out a choking sound as he smooched you against his damp chest rocking you back and forth.
“OH CHAMPION I KNEW IT WAS YOU!” He moves his hands grabbing you from under your sore shoulders and holds you in front of him like a cat, your expression a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance.
His eyes look you up and down intensely his eyes scrunched in focus then widened in astonishment.
“You look so very different…”  he cocks his head and gives you a wide sharp-toothed grin “You look just as nice as you do normally my champion!” He says.
You were so glad you had the cloth over the lower have of your face because you were blushing and couldn’t hide the smile.
“Were you heading over to the Zora Domain?” He asks still holding you like a limp cat as if it was normal.
You tell him, yes and the fin on his head does a little wag before he swings you around towards the other end of the bridge towards his kingdom still holding you tightly.
 He shouts beginning merrily and then ending the sentence seriously as he pulls you close trying to see if the sense of danger was on you face.
You say everything was just fine and ask Sidon politely if he could let you down as his claws were now pointing your skin uncomfortably, and you swore he was crushing your ribcage.
“Oh!” He sets you down gently, and the drop felt like you were going down on a paraglider it was so far from the ground.
“I’m sorry (y/n), I got too excited… are you alright?” He raises your arms individually checking your underarms and your sides and you let me reluctantly rolling your eyes with a smile.
“You look fine! Of course you are! You are a strong and mighty warrior!”
Sidon steps back and rubs the back of his head bashfully. His teeth gleaming in the sunlight…He then studies you with his eyes again… his eyes trail down to your midsection.
After watching him stare at your body for more than a minute, you make a smug grin and gesture a finger up towards your eyes playfully with a hand on your hip and you watch him blush in response and stare off into the distance behind you trying to avoid your gaze.
“I’m so very sorry, (y/n)! You truly have the body of a warrior, I was appreciating how to fit you are, as you see…”
He raises his arm and flexes with a grin. “...You never cease to amaze me my champion!” You blush and turn around to hide it and as soon as you do you feel a hand place itself on your shoulder.
“Come! Let us head back together! I do hope you’re staying for a while, It seems like forever since we last saw each other my champion!”
You nod with a grin and he keeps his hand on your shoulder and you two walk off the other side of the bridge before he stops you.
“How about we take the water route? You can ride on my back again! I’m sure you can hold on after what you went through that time!” You agree and he turns around, you hoist yourself on his back which he helps with, after making sure you were secure he stood up fully and looked off the cliff edge.
“Let's be off my love!” he sang.
This phrase was unexpected, but you didn’t have time to process it before you stomach lurches as he jumped into the air, you pressed your face against his back and hold your breath as you felt you both submerge underwater for only a second only to resurface and speed through the lake, the water splashing you gently. You watched the sights blaze past you and the water rushing across your waist and submerged feet, your arms holding onto his shoulders tight. 
A smile was plastered on his face, and his gaze was focused on his path.
You ask him about how he was doing…
“I've been absolutely great my champion, I’ve been making sure my people are happy and healthy, fulfilling requests of my father whenever needed!”
His smile widened as tilted his head looked at your face.
“I've been kept busy but feel as if I have a long way to go before I become strong like you, champion… but I know that I can get there!”
He gives you a thumbs up before rising into the air in a huge arch causing you to slam against his back and wrap your arms around his lower chest for dear life. You feel him tense up as your fingers press themselves against him and he chuckles nervously as he continues to maneuver the waters.
“Ive missed you quite a lot (y/n…)I hope I don’t… annoy you with how proud I am of you…”. Your face leans against his back as his speed quickens listening to this soothing voice.”
“You are quite the (man/woman)…“ he clears his throat “...Hyrulean... I see what my sister saw in you…It is very clear…”
Your fingers tighten in a hug.
“I- I know you may have loved my sister a lot…even though…I don’t believe it was the same way she felt about you…” The sun fell on his back the water droplets shining in its rays.
“But…I do know you cared for her deeply…but perhaps…”
You saw the entrance to the Zora Domain but were focused on Sidon’s words alone. “You..care for me as well…differently…I hope?”
Suddenly two Zora guards popped from under the water at Sidon‘s sides trailing behind him unable to keep up with his speed.
“Hello, Champion!”
“Hello (y/n)!”
Hey shouted to you, 
“Welcome back my prince!” they both said in unison.
You wave to them both and open your mouth to answer Sidon but your cut short by the sudden leap he made onto the marble landing that was now in front of you, the two guards followed. He stood upright for a moment, you still grasping onto him, the guards looking at you with an embarrassed smile. Making you bashfully, slide off him.
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He slowly turns around towards you, his height making you feel queasy in a good way. You tried to resist staring at him the way he did you back at the bridge by focusing intensely at his yellow eyes.
“I hope you understand what I mean… champion” he says, his voice a tad bit calmer than It was usually, as there was more emotion behind it.
“I hope my sister… can forgive me for my feelings… but I feel…” his eyes stare back at the water you two both exited.
The guards behind you now, carefully made their leave blushing hard at what they had heard.
“… I feel as if she… could. I hope she understands that…” Sidon suddenly leans down on one foot, his eyes closer to your eyes yet still towering you slightly.
“I can’t help but fall in love with the (man/woman) I see before me…”
With that, you raise your hand to the side of his face which he grasps and presses against him harder.
The texture of his face, was so interesting, almost lacking any type of wetness even though you just both got out of the water, it was…a tad bit rubbery…a bit cold but still warm.
His red and white figure was intimidating yet soothing, his muscles defined and his stature, of course, huge.
“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable (y/n…) please tell me if I’m doing so…I do hope we can still be friends if you do not wish to be something more than that. My partner. You may call it..”
You take off your mask and cowl and your wet hair flops against your face. You show him your smile and you say that you would like to be closer to him in such a way.
With your answer, his teeth shown in a glimmering huge grin, his eyes filled with happiness even he did not show before.
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 “I promise to you that I will always be by your side!” 
He then swoops you up in his arms and you both spin around in a circle laughing.
“I will protect you my champion! I will do whatever it takes to make sure your happy and feel welcome, always, in my kingdom. Come!” He sets you down gently and holds onto your hand tightly, covering it entirely.
“I must tell my father that we’ve started a relationship! Oh, won’t he be pleased!”
With that, both of you walk into the throne room and start a whole new adventure of your own...
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
The Promise Ch. 6 (A SidLink Story)
Chapter 6: A New Face
Days had gone by since Link had been brought into the infirmary after his tumble into the water, having come out not long after he had been there. Sidon had wanted to keep him there longer but Link insisted that he be able to stay out and about.
There was always a watchful eye on him now when Sidon wasn't by his side, much to the Zora King's displeasure.
He had wanted to be there but there were some things that, even as Sidon had insisted with the council, Link was not allowed to be in on.
So in doing so Link was either with Mipha or there was a guard nearby making sure that he was safe and that no harm would come to him.
The gesture was sweet but after the first day of this treatment Link was getting a little more than annoyed with the constant attention.
That day Bazz, one of Sidon's guards, was to walk with him until Sidon was done with one of his meetings. Ever since the mention of the princess of Hyrule was to come to the Zora kingdom he had been busier than normal, or at least what Link had been accustomed to the time he had spent there with him.
He shadowed him closely, something the others had not done compared to Bazz. He hadn't even been able to get something from the kitchens just to nibble on for breakfast by himself, seeing as Sidon hadn't been available to share his meal with him, as Bazz would just be there right next to him.
It bothered him that he hadn't been able to see Sidon. He wanted to give the Zora a chance to win him over and make him see that he wasn't doing this for just the promise, but as of late he had yet to do that being away so much.
He understood being the king and all that “free time” was scarce but the promises he had made had seemed to be just empty words.
Link was missing his energy and just even having him nearby. If this kept up he knew that he was going to cut this visit short.
There was no point in staying if he was being just a husband by convenience. He did wonder if Sidon even noticed.
Link sighed heavily as he followed Bazz as he led him towards one of the plaques that held the Zora's history, pausing in his steps as he looked out at one of the bridges leading out of the Domain.
This was his chance.
As Bazz continued to speak as he walked, Link slipped down the path, making sure to duck behind pillars and such so he wasn't caught as he made his way towards the exit.
Sure he would get in trouble later for going off on his own after what had happened but he just wanted a moment to himself.
A patch of flowers nearby had Link smiling, going to the small patch of flowers and knelt down. Leaning down he brought one to his face, inhaling its scent. Just the sheer act had him relaxing his shoulders.
He had seen these flowers once, but that was a long time ago, when he had been a kid. These flowers never grew around the orphanage except for that one time. He assumed that it was local to this area. He would love to have some put into his room...
This was just what he needed, a small moment to himself. He wouldn't be long. He just wanted a few minutes to think...
He really hadn't been sure what to expect when he had come there to the kingdom. First he had thought he would be saying no to his proposal and then now he was giving Sidon a chance to prove him wrong and get him to stay.
How things would go from there he wasn't sure either. It all depended on what Sidon did with the rest of the time that he had.
Maybe a letter to the orphanage would help him feel better and to get his mind off of the stress that surrounded him.
“Whoa! Please! Stop!” came a cry.
Link's head snapped up quickly. Was someone in trouble? He needed to be careful of anyone he came across. He wasn't sure if this call for help was a trap.
To his surprise however a hooded woman came into view, clinging to the reigns of the horse that she sat upon. The horse tossed its head, running wildly.
She was going to get hurt!
Link jumped to his feet, sprinting quickly to the horse as fast as his legs could carry him. If he didn't do something soon she could end up over the cliff!
The horse came barreling towards him, rearing up as Link held his hands out to try to stop it. The woman on its back screamed as she clung to it.
The horse quickly turned, allowing Link to wrap his arms around the neck and swing his body onto its back above the woman.
He pressed his body to hers, wanting to prevent her from falling off, and grabbed the reigns tightly. With as much strength as he could without hurting himself or the horse, he pulled back hard to stop the horse.
Reluctantly the horse pulled to a stop, breathing heavy beneath them, its ears pinned back against its head.
Link let out a sigh of relief, patting the horse's neck and sat up so he wasn't practically laying on the woman below him.
“Are you okay?” Link asked breathlessly, looking down at her.
She slowly lifted her head, the hood falling back to reveal golden locks of hair, pointed ears, and a golden tiara atop her head.
Her cheeks flushed lightly. “Yes. Thank you very much.”
Link rose a brow at her flushing cheeks but decided not to question it. He slowly slid off the horse, offering to help her down as well.
Once on her feet he handed he reigns over to her.
“Did something spook the horse?” he asked, moving closer and petting the horse's nose whose ears perked right up. It nickered softly, pressing into his hand. The horse wasn't bad, just a little scared of something.
“Well yes and...I believe I pushed her too hard,” the woman said, taking an apple from the satchel that sat on her hip and held it out to the horse whom took it quickly.
Link relaxed as the horse did. “I'm sorry that things had gone that way. If you don't mind me asking, what had you running?”
“I...well I had wanted some time away from those I had been with. They had been with me ever since my father had died and I just...can't get a moment to myself,” she sighed heavily, wiping her hand on her cloak.
“Heh...guess we're alike then,” Link mumbled.
The woman turned then. “Where are my manners. I am Princess Zelda of Hyrule. Would you happen to know where the Kingdom of the Zoras is? I told my guards I would meet up with them there before I left.”
Link's eyes widened at those words and he felt himself bow to her. “I um...I'm Link. The Kingdom is just through this path over there.”
She was the princess? How did he get mixed up in all of this?
Curse his need to want to help people when they were in danger. It was something he always had done since he was a kid.
“Please do not bow,” she said warmly. “Would you mind escorting me inside? I'm here on business to see the King of the Zoras. King Sidon.”
Link nodded his head. “Of course. Right this way. I um...I'm staying in the kingdom so I can lead you inside.”
He offered her his arm, taking the reigns in his other hand to lead the horse inside as well to get some water and more food.
“A Hylian staying with the Zoras. Now that is not something I have heard of with the feud happening and all that,” Zelda remarked. “Though perhaps after my visit here the feud will end and everyone can live in peace. I very much would like to see peace once more.”
Link nodded his head in agreement. Should he tell her that he was the betrothed to the king now or did he wait till they had a more...formal greeting?
Perhaps that was better if he had Sidon with him, and he looked more...presentable aside from the tan shirt and slacks he wore.
Having her here so far however made him feel a little more at home. He wasn't the only Hylian there and she had a bit of power to protect herself, unlike Link. Maybe the Zoras that were against his and Sidon's union would back off a bit.
“Bazz!” Link called once he guided her into the kingdom. The flustered Zora came running immediately, seeming relieved to have found Link.
That was probably the case considering he had run off on him.
“There you master Link. I was beginning to worry-”
Link held up his hand, shaking his head. “I took a moment to get some fresh air. This is our special guest we have been expecting. Princess Zelda.”
Bazz looked as if he was about to pass out with everything going on around him. He quickly knelt down, bowing his head.
“Welcome to our home princess,” Bazz said, Zelda beginning to protest.
“Don't bother. They're all going to be like that,” Link whispered to her with a small laugh. Zelda smiled and did her best to hold in her giggles.
“Thank you, Bazz was it? I had arrived ahead of my guards who will arrive later today. Would you be so kind to send word to the king that I have arrived?”
Bazz quickly rose to his feet. “But of course your majesty.”
Link sighed as he stood outside the side entrance to the throne room. There was a meeting going on but Link knew he had to be present for what was coming up.
He had washed up, fixed his hair and had changed into the newer dress clothes Sidon had given him, a dress tunic that matched the colors Sidon wore of dark blue.
He had to be more assertive if he was going to rule there. If not the council would just walk all over him when Sidon wasn't around.
Taking a deep breath he stepped into the room. The sound was similar to what he had heard the first day he had arrived there.
“How dare she pop out of the blue. She was not to be expected till tomorrow morning. Typical of Hylians,” one Zora growled.
“That kind of talk will not be tolerated in my kingdom,” Sidon snapped, slamming his fist down on the arm of his seat. “Whether you like it or not Link might become my husband, and I welcome the princess to solve this treaty. I am so sick of this feud.”
“Master Link?” came a voice, all eyes turning to him.
“I...thought it would be a good idea to meet the princess with you. I can come back,” Link said, feeling sick to his stomach. That comment cut deep.
“No, you are always welcome Link,” Sidon said as he rose from the throne, coming to his side and offering his arm to him. “We were just finishing up.”
“My apologies for my words...” the one Zora said to Link. As much as he didn't want to he nodded his head to him.
“Gentleman, I ask that you leave now,” Sidon said. “And please tell Bazz that we are ready to meet with her highness.”
The council gathered themselves up, shuffling out of the room in silence. Sidon relaxed as he guided Link to the other seat that had been put next to his own.
“I heard that you got away from Bazz today,” Sidon said with a small chuckle. Link flushed a bit in embarrassment, parting his lips to tell him what happened, but Sidon shook his head before he could protest. “I must apologize Link. I'm not keeping my promise to you. I will try to make sure that I am more attentive to your needs.”
Sidon brought both of his hands to his lips and slowly kissed his knuckles.
“Oh my. I'm sorry if I had interrupted something- Link?” came Zelda's voice.
Link and Sidon turned towards her, Sidon looking between the two of them with surprise. How did the princess know of his husband?
“Have you two met before?” he asked.
“Some what. He saved me earlier today. It is good to see you again.”
“Likewise,” Link replied, taking a seat on his throne next to Sidon's.
“Now where are my manners. Princess Zelda, allow me to introduce myself. I am King Sidon of the Zora. And as you have already met, this is Link, my intended.”
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(First: cool Infinite icon @neverendingnightmares​ sorry there isn’t a lot of real teaching~ Sorry this one is a bit Female specific, it just made sense given the Gerudo history. Also sorry that this one took so long, it’s testing time again so time is thin and work sure doesn’t help~ Hope it was worth it, Enjoy!~)
Gerudian Nights
Word Count: 1678 Warnings: Female!S/o, She/her pronouns, Gerudo!S/o, Little suggestive at the end, Flustered shark boi (is there anything cuter??)
“And that is where I used to sit with the other young vais eating snacks when we were done playing warriors,” You explain gesturing to the open corner under the burgundy tarp as you walk the streets of Gerudo Town with your lover. He had been curious about your place of birth in the desert town and you were always happy to answer his inquiries, of which there were many. Thankfully Chief Riju allowed for you to give him a personal tour so long as he remained at your side for the durations. It helped that he was the Prince of an ally kingdom.
Though the real trouble was figuring out how to help Sidon beat the overbearing heat. Gerudo skin was tough and had grown accustomed to the constant sunlight, but a Zora’s scale needed to be kept relatively wet to prevent them from drying out. Dehydration to you was a minor problem, to a Zora it could be fatal, especially in a place as hot and dry as the Gerudo Desert where water was far and few between. And you really didn’t want to be the reason that the Zora Kingdom lost another royal, so before you could even think of what to show him you had to find a solution to that hydration problem.
That solution came in the form of a salve that you managed to craft over the course of a couple months of trial-and-error. Some of which worked well for you but did not agree with Sidon’s scale, it was a fine balance of which you nearly lost all hope. But you managed to find it and now here you were escorting your lover, his scales coated in a layer of your salve keeping them cool and refreshed. Though it would only last for a couple of hours, that would be plenty of time to show him all you wanted to within the borders of Gerudo town.
Sidon’s guards, also wearing your salve, were made to wait outside since the citizens of Gerudo Town were already making a big exception accepting the Zora Prince. They weren’t too happy about that but Sidon managed to calm them and was very respectful to doorkeepers. Even now, he was as humble as ever, politely greeting everyone you introduced him to and even those as curious about him as he was about them.
“We’ve never had a Zora around here during the day, especially not a voe.” The vendor, Lorn, says when you approach her general store requesting a hydromelon for Sidon to taste. “How’re you liking our town?”
“It’s very beautiful and lively. Really a shame so few get to admire it.” Sidon replies looking to the area around the stand. The wonder in his eyes filling you with a sense of pride in your homeland and people. It reminds you of your first trip to the Zora’s Domain. There was such a sharp contrast between the humid grassy fields of Zora’s Domain, and the sandy plains and intense dry, heat of the Gerudo desert. But those differences made them all the more beautiful and special; he was special. You can remember how excited he was that day, running from one thing to the next with the biggest smile on his face.
“Really she didn’t tell me about that.” You had been so caught up in your memories that you didn’t realize Sidon and Lorn  had been continuing their conversation. Their eyes are on you when you come back to reality. Blinking you ask what they had been discussing.
“I was just telling your prince about some of your hobbies.” Lorn explained with a cheeky grin that made you suspicious.
“You didn’t tell me you could dance!”
You shot Lorn a glare and she turns back to cutting the melon oh-so-innocently, leaving you to explain yourself. “Yes, I can dance but not in the regular sense. It’s a traditional Gerudo style.”
“She is one of the best dancers in the town. Maybe you should ask her to show you some time.” Lorn portions the melon into a small bowl and then winks in your direction.
“I would love to see it.” Sidon muses looking into your eyes with the same gleam of wonder and fascination. Your cheeks heat up and you turn to the stand preparing to pay when the prince beats you to it.
 Lorn accepts the rupees and smiles. “Sarqso.”
“Oh, um, vasaaq!” Sidon replies ecstatic to use the words you had taught him only a few nights prior. You walk away to sit under the tarp you had pointed out to him, sharing bits of hydromelon.
Lorn deserves some credit, while it wasn’t the most ideal way you wanted him to find out, it did plant an idea in your head. But that plan didn’t go into action until the next night.
When it was cooler and more acceptable for a Zora’s sensitive scales, you settled with him at an oasis hidden in the wide stretches of sand and more sand. They were easy to find if one knew where quite a fewer them were. Sidon had been glad to take you up on your offer to visit one of these hidden treasures, oblivious to the real treasure you wanted to show him.
“Marvelous,” Sidon remarks looking into the crystal blue water of the oasis. “Almost as clear as the waters back home.” He says this with a teasing smile in your direction to which you respond by rolling your eyes, fiddling with the cloak that was hiding your body from the neck below. It was a lot more fabric than you were used to, but it was meant to hide your surprise. He continues into the water, testing the feel of the cool ripples as he submerges his feet in. “Shall we take a dip together?”
“Before that, I wanted to...” You hesitate for a moment before gesturing Sidon to come closer and sit so you could take his place on the skirts of the oasis. He does so with a curious smile, and not a word in protest as he settles down on the sandy bank. With him seated, eyes focused on you as you take a deep breath and then remove your cloak. The fabric pools at your feet and Sidon lets out a rather audible gasp that sends a surge of confidence through your body. With a single shake of your hips the night air fills with the sound of jingling sequins.
Flecked with gold, your halter top and pants are cut from a colorful sheer fabric that covers, yet also reveals the darkened skin of your midriff and arms for your Prince to gaze upon. Removing the headdress you had tucked under your belt, you put it over your head letting the dainty fabric mask your face and drape over your scarlet red hair.
Peering out from behind the veil you flick your eyes over to your lone audience who is mesmerized. Or you assume so from the glassy look in his eyes and the way his mouth is hanging slightly agape.
“You wanted to see me dance, right?” You muse with a playful smile on your veiled lips. “It’s not quite as entertaining without music to accompany it. I hope you don’t mind”
Sidon doesn’t speak for a moment, only continues to stare until he seems to come back to reality realizing you are speaking to him. “N-Not at all. Please.” He gets himself comfortable then stares at you, captivated once again.
Brimming with confidence you grin and then turn your back to him. From your hip you pull out a vibrantly colored sash that weaves the moon’s light into the silk patterns, making the decorated fabric glow. And so begins your dance.
Slow and careful, your hips move in circles, the soft jingling of your belt kicking up once again as you move. It’s not music but it sets a rhythm for you to follow. With both hands gripping the sash, you hold it above your head. The movement travels like a wave throughout your body, gently rocking every muscle into a state of fluidity that shifts graciously like the water. Up and down, back and forth, like the tide until crash!
You turn sharply, stomping on the sand and pulling the sash taut. Sidon is still transfixed, the beauty of the oasis lost to him with the movements of your person. For you are not just the water, you are the wind ever changing and ever shifting but always there. You are the earth; sturdy, strong, and standing firm no matter the challenges of life. You are the night, shrouded in mystery, but twinkling with millions and millions of beads of shining life.
This is dancing.
Not just the way your feet move across the sand, or how you sashay your hips moving as gracefully as your sash. It is the feeling of expressing yourself and your emotions, all of your joy and nerves bustling together through a ((barrage)) of movements that hold your lone audience’s attention. A simple brush of your scarf against his scales and you throw it over his head to pull him close.
Staring into his eyes you can just barely see his pupils dilate under the light of the moon, which earns a soft laugh from you. “Enjoying the show, my prince?”
There is the faintest hint of blue in his cheeks as he tries to form a response. “Yes... very much so. I’d like to tell you how beautiful you look but I’m afraid you’ve rendered me speechless. You’re just so... so...”
You hush him by pressing a finger to his lips and then take hold of both ends of the scarf in one hand while the other undoes his veil. So when you tug him forward the sheer fabric doesn’t interfere as you connect your lips to his and kiss him properly. “You can tell me all of that later tonight.”
Sidon’s blush darkens and you laugh, the sound melding with the quiet jingling of your belt.
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ashenwrites · 6 years
Just One Touch
Prince Sidon x Link Fanfic. From Breath of the Wild.
Summary:  Link stays for a while at the Zora domain and spends some quality time with Prince Sidon, whom he grows closer to everyday. He doesn't realize that the time he chose to pay him a visit wasn't the best, as it was the time of love for the Zora kind.
Chapter 1.
It had been about a week now since Link had been staying in the Zora domain and it had been quite the stay so far. He’d planned to remain here for quite a while because he felt the need to take a short break from his adventures, and this was one of his favourite places after all.
Especially since a certain Zora prince would make sure the hero was spoiled and always offered the best of care, as well as the fanciest room to stay in. Link had been treated to a massage and spa treatment already. The female Zora that gave him the full body massage was amazing at what she did, but Link couldn't help but shamefully wish it were Sidon that had given the treatment instead. Either way, it was very enjoyable and almost made him fall asleep. The lively aquatic atmosphere here, the beautiful waterfalls and glowing lamp posts everywhere filled Link’s heart with awe. If it were the hylian’s choice, he would remain in this place forever.
It was also true that he had grown very fond of a certain Zora prince that he enjoyed spending most of his time with whenever he was at the Zora’s empire. Okay, maybe it was what he looked forward to most of all. Though he couldn’t help but notice, the Zora’s were acting “strange” and it wasn’t just all of them. It was mostly the younger ones and they couldn’t seem to leave poor Sidon alone. He was frequently flirted with by almost all the younger Zora people lately, Link had noticed.
At this very moment he was being touched and courted by a male and female Zora not far from where Link stood. The hero purses his lips with a bitter expression that appeared on his face as he watched the prince blush with embarrassment at the overly friendly Zora’s. They eventually left him alone once they saw Sidon notice and wave at Link.
The prince approached the confused hylian once he was done talking to a pushy younger pink female Zora. “ Link! “, he beamed, “You’re up!”, Sidon seemed pleased, Link nodded. He had been up for a while actually but the prince hadn’t noticed till now.
A tinge of jealously burned in Link’s heart, but he brushed the feeling away. “Are you well Link? You look a little stressed out”, he added and Link nodded. The red prince put his arms out in a welcoming gesture, “ have you eaten yet?”, he asked and Link shook his head with a bit of a pout on his face because he still didn’t know his way around the kingdom very well and Sidon kept getting distracted by the other Zora’s.
“ Come this way Link, let’s get you fed, you must be famished”, Link nodded with a bit of a frown muttering an “mhmm.” Link only spoke unless he felt it was absolutely necessary. Most mistook the hero for being a mute.
Sidon added,“ I apologize for earlier, I seem to be more popular than usual around here lately”, he said with a guilty tone and he placed a hand on Link’s back reassuring him. Link suspected the prince was hiding something but he continued to follow the prince to the feeding table.
“Please have a seat”, Link sat with a blush as Sidon suavely pulled out a chair for the hero. “ Thank you ”, Link said graciously. He could never get used to the way the prince treated him, always with such kindness and praise as if he were royalty himself. Sidon smiled sweetly at the sound of Links rather rare, but beautiful voice.
On the table displayed a fabulous meal as always for everyone to share. Sea fruits, vegetation and lots of sea food was there and Link thought it all looked amazing. “ try these !” Sidon said excitedly as he got up from his chair and put a few things on a plate for Link to have a taste.
The blue shrimp looked particularly good and Link felt his stomach grumble. Sidon had been taking care of him ever since he got to the kingdom and Link could only smile cutely at his sweet gestures. The food was so colourful and Link ate it up happily feeling better almost immediately.
Sidon sat there beside him seeming a little distracted, Link pointed at the food then Sidon with a confused look.“ Oh! I uh already ate earlier”, the prince lied weakly and Link’s bright blue eyes drifted sideways with confusion. Two light green Zora females walked past and winked at both the hylian and the prince and giggled softly. “ Good morning gentleman”, they said in unison in flirtatious voices and Sidon blushed a little and waved back at them, their giggles faded.
He couldn’t help the curiosity any longer. “What is going on here ?” Link couldn’t help but ask,“ why won’t anyone leave us alone, or I should say leave you alone ?”, Links cerulean eyes burned with wonder and Sidon looked back at him with surprised sharp, golden eyes. “ well I am the prince”, Sidon smiled proudly but was given an annoyed look from Link, shoulders drooped.
“There isn’t really anything going on”, Sidon fibbed,“ ...are they bothering you ?” Link asked the prince and he shook his head grabbing Link’s hands that were in fists now. “No, link they aren’t bothering me .. they’re ”,the prince stopped. Link blinked at the prince,“ .. well you see they are trying to court me ..”, Sidon said with a flustered face that glowed with colour. Links mouth opened in realization, “ oh..”, he blushed and looked away.
Sidon smiled with an embarrassed expression, “I’m sorry Link this will probably make your stay here a little compromised, but well…it’s mating season for Zora’s ..”, he told the curious hylian who listened intently. Sidon gave a shamed look at the hero’s bright blue eyes,“ and very soon I will start my own cycle as well ”, he held Links hands still as he explained. Link blinked as a light flush of colour creeped up his neck at the thought of the prince going through such a primal state.
“ I see now”, Link replied as he slowly pulled his hands away with a reddened face. Sidon nodded, “ I understand if you wish to leave..” it probably won’t be much fun for you here, Sidon started, “ no!” ,Link shook his head, “ I don’t have a problem staying, I love it here I just was confused as to what was happening.” Sidon hummed in a relaxed tone,“ good, I’m glad to hear it ”, he replied as he touched Link’s shoulder in a kind gesture and Link couldn’t help but shiver at his touch.
“ if you’re done eating, I should take you back to your room, we are having a celebration later so you should pick your best outfit”, Sidon smirked. Link’s eye brows raised as he followed the eager prince, his heart racing in excitement. He wondered what it was the Zora people would be celebrating about. He really hoped it wasn’t some weird Zora mating ceremony.
The two separated as Sidon had to go help his father arrange some things for the party so Link stayed in his room for a bit, going through his clothing. After some hard thinking, he decided his female Gerudo outfit would be perfect to wear for the event and he was sure others would like it too.
Link smiled bashfully, wondering what Sidon would think of his cute and feminine attire. The Zora room he had been staying in was particularly beautiful, not surprisingly. He was given one of their best rooms right beside Sidon’s quarters, which he hadn’t seen yet, but he wanted to since it probably looked even more ornate than this one.
His temporary room had a rather large bed for the small hylian and had a few pearly coloured bedside tables, a closet full of beautiful silks and armors and a private water spring to bathe in. The floor was also a pearl colour and was cool and smooth underfoot while the ceiling was decorated in many gold symbols, glowing blue light and ancient Zora writings.
Link decided it best if he were to bathe before getting ready so he went to his private bathing room. Stripping out of his clothing, leaving his light skin bare to the coolness around him. He shivered at the cold tile as he stepped out of his shoes. The hero climbed into the large tub and began to fill it with warm water letting out a few moans of sheer relief as he sunk into the water.
He closed his eyes as he felt the warmth soothe his body. His face had glowed red from the steamy heat that filled his room. Link cleaned himself up best he could and stayed for several minutes in the heavenly warm water that caressed his body. Melting away all the blonde’s stress and worry for the time being. He sighed after finishing up his bath, and got out to dry his wet skin before putting on his Gerudo clothing.
Sidon was in his own room getting ready after he prepared the last little details for the party. It was the celebration of love after all, which was important and it only happened every couple of years when it was in season for the Zora kind.
The celebration of love was also one of the more larger ones out of them all and every year the prince refused the affection from any Zora that tried to court him. Because he simply wasn’t interested in any of them, he wanted more than anything to be with a certain silent hylian. The one that his sister loved before him, Sidon’s heart stung as he thought about his late sister, princess Mipha.
She had told her brother in a dream to love Link for her, and that’s exactly what ended up happening anyway. He fell for the hero as soon as he met him and laid eyes on him. The prince felt ashamed after he knew about his sisters love for the Hylian, but he couldn’t help his own feelings that grew stronger almost every time he was around Link.
Sidon didn’t care he wasn’t Zora, he loved the hero for who he was, a brave warrior that had helped him out many times. They made such a good team when they fought together. He loved Link for the kindness he showed his sister and how he always managed to defeat any enemy that came before him. In honor of Mipha, Sidon promised to love Link dearly and always take care of him. If he gained the confidence, he planned to confess his feelings tonight at some point.
The prince’s heart fluttered with nervousness as he clenched his sharp teeth. He decorated his body in similar armor like before, but this new set was gold so brought it out the colour in his eyes. Sidon nodded with a serious look at his reflection in the mirror and made his way out of his quarters.
Link found his way through the Zora domain, he loved the fact that it was always damp and rainy it made everything sparkle and glow beautifully. small drops of water had clung to his long blonde eye lashes, making his eyes shine like jewels. The place looked even more impressive with all the extra decorations that were everywhere for the celebration. Link blushed a little when he saw some of the Zora kind looking at him and admiring his Gerudo armor, he seemed to be gaining much more attention. He found one of the dining tables that was empty and sat down waiting for the prince to come around since he felt a little uneasy being alone.
He noticed there were a lot of heart shapes around, large jewels and silver hearts were hung up around the halls with silk drapes underneath, and everyone was dressed rather formal. Just what was this celebration about ? Was someone getting married? Link wondered to himself obliviously, but was interrupted by a gentle hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little at the touch then turned around to realize it was Sidon, who was dressed so handsomely Link’s eyes opened wider with awe.
Sidon as well had his mouth open with shock and his white face turned a little pink as he saw the hero dressed so feminine and delicate. He felt his heart swell as he admired Link’s thick and Nicely shaped thighs, lightly toned stomach and how the teal green in his outfit made his blue eyes stand out. “ Link-!!” , the prince didn’t usually have a loss of words,“ you look … dashing ..”, he complimented Link who blushed and smiled under his cloth mask that covered his nose and mouth.
Link’s eye glowed sweetly,“ so do you”, he admitted quietly with a polite dip of his head. Sidon went down on one knee so he could be more at eye level with Link and the hero felt nervousness tickle his stomach. He bowed respectfully to the shorter Hylian who didn’t expect the gesture, “ will you dance with me my friend ?”, he asked him staring into his eyes with an intense expression that made Link’s heart pound hard in his chest. he didn't expect this.
He gave a sharp nod at the prince who gave him one of his charming grins and he got up quickly putting out his hand to the blonde before him. Link took the Zora prince’s hand and gasped as Sidon pulled him up close against his chest in such a swift and intimate gesture. Link could feel his breath quicken as he felt his cool skin against his own, he’d never been so close to the prince before and he felt slightly intimidated as he noticed again how tall and large he was compared to himself. He couldn’t dance with him normally due to his small size so the prince would have to hold him up which was a little embarrassing to Link.
“ I’m sure you’re wondering what this celebration is for, aren’t you?”, Sidon smiled with a hooded gaze and Link nodded looking back into his eyes and listening intently. “ it’s the celebration of love”, said Sidon, pulling him up even closer so that Link was forced to put his arms around his shoulder in order to stay up his tall frame. His body heated up at how the red Zora gazed at him, it was rather lustful and filled with a powerful passion.
Holding himself up by gripping his shoulders the prince placed his hands around his waist protectively and the rather peculiar couple danced gently to the soothing music that played in the room. It had filled up with more and more of the Zora people but they didn’t care or seem to notice because they were too focused on the dance between them.
After a few heated moments of dancing Link laughed with joy as the prince grinned at him, he was having a wonderful time being close with him, his cheeks burned as Sidon charmed him. The prince then sat down with a short laugh on one of the large chairs against the walls in the hallway and brought Link into his lap facing him with his legs to the side of his hip.
Link blushed and not really realizing what he was doing he leaned forward and traced some of the beautiful gold armor that decorated Sidon’s shoulder and chest and the prince gulped with apprehension. He could feel his body start to fill up with heat and he was worried his cycle would start soon, he could feel it.
All it would take is- his thoughts were snapped away as Link placed a hand on his chest in an intimate gesture, “you’re heart is beating fast”, Link said rather nonchalantly, and Sidon clenched his jaw as he felt Link touch his chest so tenderly. “ oh no”, he thought. Link’s eyes widened as he noticed what he was doing and the stressed out look on Sidon’s face. “ sorry -! I don’t know why I did that I… like your new armor …”, Link said guiltily, looking away. Sidon grabbed his hand,“ no, please I don’t mind at all it’s just …”, he winced with a show of his teeth, feeling his body start to heat up and he felt that awful but familiar twist in his lower abdomen. Link had triggered his mating cycle at last, just my a simple touch from him.
Link blinked with a confused look then his eye brows raised as he realized what he meant. “ are you okay ? Do you want me to leave?”, Sidon’s heart skipped,“ no! I do not wish for you to leave… ”, his eyes looked darker than usual because his sharp pupils were blown larger, dilated with lust. Link gulped with nervousness, he was concerned for the Zora mostly, but also worried about himself. He had a crush on Sidon for a while and he didn’t want to make things awkward between them.
“ I need to tell you something ”, Sidon’s breath was a little quicker than before, Link noticed as he turned to look back into the princes eyes with concern. Sidon grabbed the others wrist gently, “ I… have feelings for you Link… ”, the prince admitted softly, Link gasped under his mask.
Chapter 2.
“ You.. do?” , Link replied in a shaky voice and his pointed ears burned with heat. Sidon brought him even closer so their faces almost touched,“ I’ve loved you since the day I laid eyes on you … I also promised my sister I would take care of you ”, he said as he placed a clawed finger under the hylians chin. Link almost let out a pitiful whimper as he heard the prince’s sincere confession. He also couldn’t ignore the sting in his heart when he remembered Princess Mipha, and her love towards him. He missed her dearly, her beautiful sweet face always calmed him.
“ I …also have feelings for you…” , Link nodded sternly, trying so hard to hide back his strong emotions that burned internally for the Zora prince. Sidon sighed,“ so it’s a mutual attraction then ”, his lips almost brushed against Link’s and the Hylian shivered with a nod of agreement. Link straddled the Zora’s hips now bringing his legs from the side to wrapping them around the large prince and he grunted at the new pressure against his lap.
Sidon caressed Link’s back who arched himself forward at his touch, “ I apologize if I get too touchy with you .. my heat cycle has finally arrived, please let me know if I make you uncomfortable”, Sidon groaned, almost unable to control himself around the sweet Hylian. Link nodded in agreement, not minding his touches at all at the moment. “Your touch earlier is what triggered it I’m afraid…”, Sidon told him and Link’s eyes widened slightly, “please… there’s no need to apologize ”, Sidon said, sensing that he would probably feel bad about that. “It was going to happen sooner or later..”, He added and Link fluttered his eye lashes, looking down with a guilty look then looked back up and nodded at The red Zora. "I'm actually glad it started because of you.." , he confessed, and Link just gave him a bashful look.
“ come, I wish to take you somewhere special ”, the prince picked Link up with ease and got up from the chair. Link obliged and followed the prince out of the hall way that was now filled with Zora’s of all colours, dancing and sharing words with each other and some exchanged romantic gestures.
Sidon lead Link outside the domain to the river that surrounded it and turned to face Link with a gesture to follow him.“ Get on my back, it’s not far from here ”, he said jumping into the water with one of his impressive flips. Link gave him a surprised look, he always loved how well the Zora could swim with no problem at all. Link got on his back and Sidon smiled as he swam rather fast towards a waterfall in the distance.
The two approached the waterfall and Link winced as they crashed right through it to the other side into a secret cave that lay behind it. Link’s face lit up as he saw the sparkling walls and streams of water that came down the walls and the shiny stone floor. “ wow…” Link said looking around the glimmering cavern,“ what is this place ?” Sidon smiled at him warmly ,“ my favorite place in the Zora kingdom , I only take very special friends here”, he told the hero. There was what looked like a pool near the back of the cave and Sidon approached it with a smile at Link over his shoulder,“ come swim with me ”, Sidon asked politely.
Link blushed as he saw the prince taking off his armour and emerging himself in the steamy water with a pleased sigh. He could hear the dull sound of the waterfall crashing down near the entrance of the cave, and the hard pulse of his own heartbeat. He followed Sidon over to the pool, slowly taking off his own clothing and he giggled nervously as he saw Sidon gazing at him as more of his body was revealed before his burning eyes. Sidon let out a pleased sound as his body grew more aroused by the minute, especially now that his love was fully bare before him.
Link got into the water, it was warm somehow, perhaps it was a natural spring? He let out a slow breath of relief as he went to sit over near the waiting prince. He daringly got back into his lap which Sidon did not expect. He was turned away to look at the crystallized ceiling, the place was gorgeous. He could also feel a powerful magnetic energy within the cave, and it felt lively. “ do you like it here ?”, Sidon asked, “ it’s probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to ”, Link said looking at him,“ I’m pleased to hear that Sidon said grabbing his hand to pull him close against his now damp body.
Sidon hummed and nuzzled against Link’s soft neck which prompted a giggle out of the Hylian. ” why Link, your skin is so smooth”, he cooed making the other shiver under his warm breath that tickled his sensitive skin. Link let out a small whimper as he felt himself become aroused by Sidon’s bold actions to try to seduce him, it was working fast. The small noises that Link emitted made the prince growl with lust, tugging the smaller males body even closer he peppered a small kiss against his neck,“ do you mind if I pleasure you, young one?”, he spoke deeper and less cheerful than he usually did, his voice edged with an animalistic desire. He wanted so badly to give Link a love bite, sink his teeth into his skin and taste his sweet blood, it was something Zora’s did to their lovers, but he was afraid of hurting him.
Link looked over his shoulder at the handsome red Zora with a hooded gaze and nodded. Sidon all but purred as his wish was granted, he carefully turned Link around to face him and held his lower back close making Link hitch a breath as he felt his now hardening cock press against Sidon’s wet skin under the warm water. The prince moaned softly as he felt his pelvic region awaken faster by the minute. He could feel his twin claspers slowly coming out of the hidden slit between his legs. " S-Sidon...", Link whispered. He was nervous but wanted to proceed.
the flustered Hylian let out a surprised noise when he could feel something touching his behind and blushed hard as he realized that it was Sidon’s member… or wait, he had two? The red prince chuckled softly, “ something you should know is that Zora’s have unique reproductive organs”, he admitted with a rather guilty look and Link winced as he felt Sidon’s members grow so they both nestled behind his rear as he sat in his lap. Link was more surprised then anything he didn’t really know what to expect when it came to the prince but he couldn’t help but feel rather excited when he learned Sidon had more than one cock.
Link stretched his back so he was now facing Sidon closely and he felt the prince slowly bring a hand up to his face, then he drew his clawed thumb tenderly over Link’s bottom lip which made the cute Hylian part his lips and release a whimper. Sidon’s teeth showed slightly as he groaned back at his lover, he was struggling to hold back his smoldering desire for his sweet little Link.
Sidon brought his hand away from the other males face and leaned in finally capturing Link’s lips into a soft kiss. Link kissed him back eagerly , their lips sliding across each others in a wet kiss. Link let his arms creep around the Zora’s large shoulders and couldn’t help but thrust his hips once against his body which made Sidon break the kiss with a growl, only to lock his lips again more roughly now, he nipped the blonde’s lip coaxing more noises out of him.
their tongues touched and the two heated males started to pant as the tension raised high between them both. Several moments of cruel oral teasing drive them crazy with lust for each other but Sidon still tried desperately to hold back. It was as if Link were trying to make him break. Link hissed as his tongue was cut a little by Sidon's sharp teeth.
It was Link’s turn now to tease the prince and he trailed his lips down the princes jaw causing the other to close his eyes and moan softly feeling Link kiss down his neck now he gripped Link’s back hard, almost digging his clawed fingers into his skin. Link licked the Zora’s smooth skin tasting him finally and was pleased with the slightly salty taste. Sidon growled bringing his hands now to Link’s rear he pulled him down so one of his members trailed between his cheeks.
“Ah!”, Link keened then he felt Sidon tease his entrance with his cock and they both breathed harshly when Link started to buck his hips against Sidon. The prince parted his lips expressing a beautiful moan that made Link shiver, Sidon adjusted his hips so that one of his cocks was in front of Link’s own smaller cock and started to match the others hot thrusting of his hips.
The water splashed a little as they painfully teased each other in the hot spring. Link grabbed both of their cocks and stroked them both together grunting and gasping sweet nothings. The prince’s body shuddered underneath him at the new found pleasure that Link lead, he enjoyed a great deal teasing the hylians entrance with one cock while the other one was being stroked against Links member, he found he couldn’t hold back his noises that leaked out through his sharp teeth.
“Ah! … Oh Link…”, Sidon gasped out his name digging his claws into the other males hips as Link started to jerk them both off faster now. Their desperate thrusts met in unison now like their bodies finally connected perfectly. Link threw his head back,“ nnnh! S-Sidon!”, he groaned with a breathy voice, his body aching for more every time he felt Sidon teasing his ass and his own cock, it was almost too much to handle.
Sidon stroked his lovers back softly, letting out a sexy growl. Harsh desire burned for Link and it was slowly making him go crazy. Link sighed as he felt Sidon stroke his backside, “ Link… may I mate with you now?”, The prince practically breathed out the words desperately with another soft buck of his hips and Link moaned back,“ yes…”, he said with burning red cheeks.
Sidon hummed, slowly moving to the edge of the pool so that they were more out of the water and he moved Link up slightly massaging his inner thighs, Link let out a small pant of pleasure feeling the prince tough his ass softly. Sidon bright a finger to Link’s entrance massage the ring of muscle a little before slowly putting a finger into him. For Sidon being a lot bigger than himself, Link was surprised at how gentle he was being with him. The Hylian ’s flustered face twisted with pleasure as Sidon prepared his lover with no rush at all. He wanted to make sure his larger member wouldn’t make Link feel too uncomfortable.
The prince clenched his jaw tightly enjoying the faces Link made as he slowly fingered his ass, this time he slipped in a second finger. “ oh..”, Link bucked his hips when he felt his prostate being hit by the Zora’s fingers. “ you’re so beautiful Link… ”, Sidon said quietly in his smooth comforting voice that Link couldn’t get enough of. Sidon fingered him a little faster while he kissed and nipped at the blondes shoulder trying to get him to relax, make him melt under his touches.
Link whimpered softly at the intrusion, he was not used to Sidon’s fingers. It was a little uncomfortable but he felt pleasure every time his sweet spot was stimulated and he felt his body adjusting and melting under his touch little by little. He couldn’t help but want more than just his fingers inside him, he huffed, gripping hard at Sidon’s back, digging his fingers into his smooth red skin. Sidon could sense Link’s impatience but he would make sure his lover was good and prepared because of their dramatic size difference, he knew he would probably hurt him a little bit, it was inedible, but making sure he was nice and relaxed would surely help.
The prince growled and his member twitched at the small noises Link made as he fingered him steadily now. He admired his own patience from not losing his control on the hylian. The zora inserted another finger now into Link and watched him bite his lip, he let out a pleased sigh as he felt his body start to relax more. Link whimpered and his hips twitched forward, Sidon carefully took his fingers out of Link, shaking a little because he was on the edge of breaking. “Are you ready my love?”, he asked him and Link took in a heated breath and stared intensely back at the prince, then nodded slowly.
Sidon pulled Link’s hips up gently and moaned with desire, kissing at his neck he ravished him with love as he slowly brought the tip of his cock to his entrance. Link’s heart skipped with fear but he took the comfort of Sidon’s touches, he trusted him but he was still worried. “W-wait-”, Link breathed and Sidon met his gaze stopping his movement, “ don’t worry my love, I’ll go slow..”, his face burned and Link smiled shyly. Sidon gently touched Link’s ass which made him grunt a little as he spread his cheeks a little slowly entering the Hylian.
Sidon moaned as he went excruciatingly slow, looking down at what he was doing then looking back into the Hylian’s eyes with a connected lust that was shared between their clouded eyes. “Oooh..”, Link gasped as he felt his length inch more and more inside until finally it was in as far as it would go, and they both cried out. Link’s eyes were filled with beads of tears at the corners, and Sidon touched his face with a worried look,“ did I hurt you ?”, he asked with a flustered face and Link shook his head, panting a little. Sidon’s worried face melted back to pleasure now.
The tears were more from emotional build up and slight discomfort than pain. One tear finally dropped out of his eye and Link brought a hand to Sidon’s face too,“ I love you ..”, he said and Sidon groaned with approval, “ and I love you ..”, he purred as he held Link’s hips and started to slowly thrust in and out of the tight Hylian,“ ah! … Link you ..feel so warm.. ”, the prince moaned his name as he mated with him at last, enjoying his glorious heat. Link met his thrusts with his own hips that ached for movement, the fullness was driving him crazy with sensation. It was so overwhelming with pure pleasure and tightness.
Sidon gasped softly and brought his hand to his lovers face, wiping away a tear with his thumb and then leaning in to capture a deep kiss. He still thrusted into Link at a slow but steady pace that had him squirming with sensation. Link keened his name, breaking the kiss, bringing his hand down to touch Sidon's other cock which made the prince's thrusts become a little messy instead of straight. Link brought his hips down while he stroked Sidon's cock against his own erection. Sidon's textures felt amazing against his sensitive flesh. "Gods...Link..", Sidon moaned in approval. The warm spring water splashed at their now erratic movements, and the cave echoed with their sounds. Sidon started to thrust up into him a little more roughly now since they were both growing impatient with need, and Sidon could feel his body ease and relax more so now. the prince groaned in his beautiful smooth voice, grabbing his lovers hips as he plunged his cock into Link faster now. Link threw his head back and clenched his jaw, leaving his neck open to the zora prince, "hmm", Sidon hummed and he pulled the flustered hylian closer so he could nip at his beautiful skin. Link gave a rather hard tug at their cocks that were held together and Sidon bit down hard at his neck, causing Link to cry out loudly.
Link liked the slight pain but was grateful the zora prince didn't bite him too hard, only a little bit of blood was drawn from the bite and Sidon seductively licked his love bite, enjoying the sweet taste of his lovers blood. "you taste exquisite.." Sidon rumbled, now moving to another position, he pressed Link into the smooth cave floor, luckily the stone wasn't rough underneath Link's back. The lust stricken Hylian looked up at Sidon with a sweet face and Sidon purred at him, grabbing the blonde's hips up against his he slid his cock back inside him with a shut of his eyes, and grunt of pleasure. Link moaned loudly, "Sidon!!", he mewled, feeling himself weaken under Sidon's strong touches, his own cock was throbbing and leaking with lots of precum. The zora's golden eyes were filled with love for the hylian beneath him," You feel so good connected with me my sweet link...",Sidon said, working his hips into the smaller male's body, now stroking Link's poor aching erection. Link hitched a breath, his blue eyes were dark and foggy with lust, he wouldn't last long with this much teasing.
"My prince... I can't- Ah!", Link whimpered, from another delicious thrust from Sidon, "ooh.. just a little longer my love.. we can finish together.." The zora's voice was shaky now, being dangerously close to climaxing. Sidon gripped his mates hips harder now as he thrust his cock again and again into his searing entrance, Link's voice turned higher in pitch as he began to crumble. The zora continued to stroke his lovers flushed cock until he sobbed his name again and again. Sidon groaned loudly then chocked a gasp as he finally came hard inside of the little hylian, Link's own chocked moans were coaxed out as he released onto his, and Sidon's stomach.
The two panted as they road out their intense orgasms, Sidon thrusted one more time before pulling out at last. Link's eyes were closed, his chest heaving with hot breaths as he lay on the damp stone with his light coloured hair spread out under his head. His body ached from so much movement, and yet he also felt so good. Sidon huffed, bringing a hand to Link's hot cheek, " your'e amazing my love..", Link opened his rich blue eyes with a small smile at him.
The prince picked up his tired love and rinsed them both off in the warm spring before leaving the cave where they bonded. He carried Link on his back and took him back to his kingdom and into his large quarters where the two fell asleep in Sidon's large bed, it being very late at night when they returned. Link snuggled into Sidon’s arms as they slept. How could Link ever leave this place now? He just wanted to lay in Sidon’s bed with him forever.
//This is also on my Ao3 AshenDreams! Please go and leave kudos there if you liked my story. 
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heartofhryule · 6 years
Breath of the Wild: Captured Memories - Chapter 4
First and foremost; SPOILER WARNINGS. If you have not played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or completed the Captured Memories Quest and want to stay un-spoiler-ed for it, DO NOT READ.
So I am writing these as I play through BotW for the first time - which means they probably won’t be ‘one-a-day’ consistent as its taking me forEVER to get to all of them, AND they probably won't be in any respectable order - just what I get to as I find them. My intent is to find them all, and summarize once I have found and have a story for each of the 18 memories required to get the bonus ending for the game. Once that's done, I will wrap it all up with a final chapter after I beat the game.
I will post them as I can though! Promise! I also plan to include links to the cutscene for you to watch at the bottom, if so desired - at least for the ones I can find. Any other warnings that become necessary, I will add for content as I go. For now, enjoy!
Chapter 4 - Mipha’s Grace
Straight from the Ancient Ruins to the moat of Hyrule Castle he’d gone, with every intention of looking for something familiar - The parapet in his album, remnants of the castle one hundred years ago… maybe even the princess herself to ask questions, see if she was still alive. 
Something burned deep within his chest that prayed she was still alive. He didn’t fully understand it, but the closer he got to the castle, the less he cared about the whys. They were not as important as the feelings he was experiencing every time he allowed himself to wonder if she was dead. She couldn’t be. If she was, despite recalling very little, he knew all was lost. 
At the time, skirting the edges of the cliffs surrounding the deep moat of the castle, he’d decided to put analyzing these feelings off until he had time to deal with it. The castle was a fortress, covered with the blight of Ganon and from what he could see through his scope, many Guardians. 
Realizing, after hours of reconnaissance, that there was only one way into the castle and it was traversing up the series of waterfalls at the back side of the palace, he’d concluded that despite his drive and desire to infiltrate, he was not currently equipped to do so. 
The castle, would have to wait.
That had been a few days ago. He’d summoned his horse, frustrated and driven, riding away from the castle as his heart filled with longing and anger. That was when he decided perhaps taking a closer look at his thoughts would be a good idea. He’d heard that the Zora to the southeast were able to swim up waterfalls. They were merfolk, so maybe there was nothing they could teach him. Or, maybe there was. He would have to go and find out. 
He had not been met with a warm welcome upon his arrival at the Zora kingdom. The Young ones found him a commodity traveler. But the older of the long lived race knew him - and despised him. They blamed him for failing, for destroying the life of their princess, Mipha. Mipha was the Zora Champion he’d seen in his vision, and all spoke of her kindness and loving heart.
The old steward Muzu was droning on about how unworthy Link was, and Sidon, the king’s son (and Mipha’s younger brother) was debating the old cod on Link’s behalf, but Link wasn’t listening. His eyes were focused on the statue of the beloved, lost princess, and something stirred within him. 
High in the sky, Link sat atop a stone platform looking out over Hyrule - from the trunk of Vah Ruta. His arm hurt, but he knew it was about to not somehow. And then, he heard her voice. 
“I was thinking… this reminds me of the first time we met.”
Looking up, sitting next to him was a beautiful Zoran girl. Her scales were the color of the most precious rubies in Hyrule, eyes the golden-green of new spring leaves. But it was her soft smile that drew a pang from his heart. “You were just a reckless child,” she smiled, “Always getting yourself hurt at every turn. Everytime, I would heal you. Just as I am doing right now.”
In the memory, there was great affection for Mipha. Even vague recollections of his childhood cam to mind, and how he and Mipha were the best of friends. He’d not always known she was a princess. She’d hidden that from him, later explaining it was for fear he’d not want to play with her if he knew. But it had changed nothing. She was his best friend from those times.
“I always thought it was funny how, being a Hylian… you looked grown-up so much faster than I did.” She paused, and Link could see the memory and truth of her words brought a touch of emotion to her voice. “I was always willing to heal your wounds, even back then.”
Before his eyes, her soothing touch and magic knit and healed his wound, leaving his skin unblemished, as if it had never been. Marvelling for a moment both in the dream and as he watched the vision, Mipha turned to look out to the horizon.
“So if this Calamity Ganon does, in fact, return, what can we really do?” Her pause was laden with concern, the tilt if her head indicating there was more to her thoughts than she let on. “We just don’t seem to know much about what we will be up against.”
Her gaze dropped from the horizon to her lap, and Link watched, keeping quiet to let her finish but urging her silently to go on. Mipha had always been sweet, reserved. It was sometimes difficult to get her to open up about wheat went on inside that keen and caring mind of hers. He was not about to stop her now.
“But know this: that no matter how difficult this battle might get… If you-- If anyone ever tries to do you harm… Then I will heal you. No matter when, nor how bad the wound… I hope you know… that I will always protect you. Once this whole thing is over, maybe things can go back to the way they used to be when we were young. You know…”
Link watched as she looked up at him, and there was a sadness that tinged his affection for her now. They way she looked at him, he knew. 
“Perhaps we can spend some time together.”
“I’d like that,” he said genuinely, despite knowing it was not precisely what she meant. “Once upon a time, you were my dearest friend, Mipha.” His words made her smile again. “I’d like to keep it that way, should we all survive.”
As the vision faded, Link was taken with a sadness, a true sadness for the first time since this had all begun -again- for him. Mipha. Sweet, kind, generous Mipha… had loved him. Not just the love of a dear childhood friend and lifetime companion, but loved him as he loved another. And now, Mipha was gone. He remembered more, more than just that vision - everything to do with Mipha. Childhood playing knights and monsters in the streams around the Zora domain, how Mipha helped him practice and train to be a knight before he’d gone off with his father to Hyrule Castle. How upon seeing she was the Champion of the Zora when they had been called to the Castle had thrilled him… how the day Calamity Ganon had taken the machines, he’d heard her screaming. 
 “I remember,” he said softly, staring no longer at the statue of Mipha in front of him, but the pool of water at his feet. His heart ached. He could not bear to be under her forgiving gaze just now. 
 Though his words were soft, they stopped Sidon mid sentence. “What is the matter Link?” the prince asked kindly. “Are you unwell?”
“I remember,” Link said again, looking up to Mipha’s litter brother, the guilt and shame that came with the hundred year old knowledge of what had once been weighting his gaze. “I remember Mipha. Everything.”
The next bit of time, Link was reserved, polite, respectful, and hearing nothing of what the elder Zora clansmen were saying of him. The King was kind, and gave him a gift that Mipha had made a century ago, ‘for her beloved’. It was no surprise to the knight that it fit perfectly. It also weighed heavily on his heart. 
Now he and Sidon were going to purify Vah Ruta, in Mipha’s memory and save the Zroa domain. After that, he could go back to Hyrule Castle, searching for answers. But none of it brought him joy, or excitement.. Or even anger. His heart was too heavy for any of that just now. But as it seemed might become a recurring theme in his life, Link was not allowed time to mourn the dead.
Standing over the activation panel in Vah Ruta, Link stared at it blankly for a moment. Having activated all other terminals and defeating the Waterblight beast poisoning the Divine Beast, this was the last thing to do before leaving. 
The last thing to do before he would never hear Mipha’s voice again. 
 It was bittersweet - she would be free, but it would truly be an ending… However she’d waited long enough on him to get his life together. No need to keep her waiting longer.
Touching the tablet to the panel, it lit up, and he took a step back in case something moved. Yet a sound behind him drew his attention. 
 “Hello, Link.” He startled to hear it so bright and clearly, looking around to see if he could find a source. “Because of your courage, my spirit is now free.” To his right, a greenish-blue light began to grow, and no sooner had he seen it, than the spirit flames took on the form of Mipha. 
“And Ruta as well,” she added with her gentle smile. “Thank you. For I am now allowed by that freedom, to be with you once again.” 
 Too stunned to speak, Link has a thousand things he wanted to say - that he was sorry, for failing… for everything. Sorry that he’d not been able to come sooner. Sorry that he’d failed her above all other champions… Sorry that he could not love her the way she had him. 
“Since I am now a spirit,” she said and began moving towards him, “My healing power would be wasted on me. I have no need of it. So therefore, I would like you to have it.” Link watched, his heart wrenching in his chest for the gentle kindness and generosity she had even in death. Sidon had not been able to join him inside Vah Ruta, so no one but Mipha’s spirit was there to see the dampness in his eyes as his heart broke a little for his once dear friend. 
“Please accept, Mipha’s Grace.” With her words, magic entered him, not unlike the spirit orbs to which he had become accustomed accepting inside the Trial Shrines. Vitality and soothing healing magics coursed through him, but his eyes were locked to Mipha’s spirit still. 
“Yesterday, I was awash in a pool of tears. I had nearly given up hope and resigned myself to being trapped here, as a spirit, for the rest of eternity. But now you’re here,” she said an looked up to him. He remembered well to let sweet, soft spoken Mipha finish her thoughts, even if his heart was breaking. “All this time, my hope… was to see you once more. Promise me that you will not hesitate to call upon my power if you ever find yourself in need. Knowing that… will let my spirit rest in peace.” He wanted to promise her, to swear it, and tell her how sorry he was, but his voice was lost to the lump in his throat. Instead, he gave her a firm nod. She would know. She already knew. “I must go. Ruta and I have our roles to fulfill. We are both honored to be able to play the role of support,” she said, and clutched her hands to her chest. “We will annihilate Ganon together. Farewell…” Magic glowing around him, he knew Mipha was sending him outside of the Divine Beast for some purpose… and he looked up to force words to her as a last chance, but it was Mipha that spoke. “Save her, Link. Save the princess… Save Princess Zelda.” And in a flash of warm, golden light, he was gone.
Mipha’s Touch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KPczUNIKw4 Freeing Vah Ruta - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEn1umKCQOA
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stormears · 6 years
Traveler of Mine (snippet)
Summary: While Hyrule rebuilds its civilization, the Champion Link disappears into the wild again, seeking rest, or familiarity, or a release from a century of crushing weight that defined his life. Princess Zelda and Prince Sidon, the royals who stand a chance against him, pursue him, so that they might bring him home. Link runs. 
1,500-word snippet/beginning scene of a 10 - 15k-ish oneshot I’ve been thinking about. I have a fanfic “thing” I enjoy of Charcter A hunting down Char B with pseudo-romantic intentions. Zelda and Sidon and maybe a handful of random other citizens suit up to bring Link home and maybe ask him out or try to win that opportunity by catching him and beating him at his own wilderness-traversing game. Chase scenes, friendship, friendship-to-romance, lots of horse riding and mentions of horsey things, long journeys across Hyrule symbolizing Link’s metaphorical, huge expanse of crushing exhaustion of the burden he’s lived with as long as he can remember. 
The snippet doesn’t get that far into all that, but it’s what I’m going for. 
The people came back, and so she could breathe. It was her secret fear, her spoiled, hopeful one, that when—if—the Calamity was driven back, the city would stay empty, and no one would ever return. Several times across a hundred years where she refused to age and strained her muscles against the Beast enough for fifty men at once, she thought about this and felt something like humiliation. But once again, Link saved her.
Link’s journey upon waking in his shrine to bringing his newly rallied Beasts with him to take back their Kingdom took him five months. The battle took three hours. After they had rested and woke alone in the castle ruins, they explored. They pushed rubble, collected artifacts that had sat on stone floors and collected dust for the length of a Hylian’s whole life. At the end of the first week, some strangers came in. And more came. And the rubble moved.
Now Zelda does not know the feeling of humiliation. She knows about growing, and filing residential deeds and merchant partnerships. Folk coming into Castle Town came with businesses and families and precious heirlooms to put on shelves. And most importantly, they brought crafts to carry these things with. Carpenters came and mixed cement and brought logs and homes rose up. Link was on roofs more often than not, hefting this and aligning that. He made his intentions known well enough even to those folk who couldn’t make sense of his hand signs. Whether they did or didn’t, he was well in demand. Everyone knew him. Half the population had seen him roaming Hyrule these past months, some of them had apparently had errands done by him, sold him groceries and supplies and weapons. Everyone knew the warrior, the horseman, the moblin slayer, mountain climber, savior of races and dragons and things like that.  
When she  gave out plots of land to a group of farmers, another one came up, with a Goron behind him, asking with great excitement, “Ma’am, where is the Champion? Is he in the south quarter today?”
Where is Link, was a familiar question, usually easily answered. “He’s due for a rest day today. He must be sitting on a castle wall somewhere. I’m afraid he won’t be back for any construction assistance till tomorrow morning.”
“I might have the answer to that, miss Zelda,” said the Goron, who raised a folded piece of paper above all their heads. “I passed him this morning. He said to give this to you, uh, ma’am.” And his arm came down over the farmer, to Zelda’s reach. She took the paper and felt a thin magic on it immediately, some fairy blessing to keep the paper shut. An invisibly bump of sorts told her that the Goron had tried to open this letter and failed.
“Thank you, sir. I’m so glad it’s safe and unopened.” She gave him a fine grin and made sure to look him in the eyes as she opened it up. The Goron kept a straight face in front of her.
Zelda did not keep her straight face. The letter was from Link, written in his passable, leaning scratch and saying words she really had not expected to see or read this morning:
I’m leaving for a while. Don’t know when I’ll be back I need to be away Im very tired. Please accept my  apologies. Reconstruction of castle Town is going well I don’t think they really need me anymore. I think I want to, be in the wild again it helps me sleep and I’ve felt heavy and strange since we won the battle again I am sorry. Take care of yourself my princess
At the bottom he signed his name the way he used to, a century ago when he was a trained soldier. The elegant precision and large L seemed to be written by an entirely different hand than the one who had written the message itself. Zelda dared to think ‘Who wrote this?’ as she scanned it a second time. It seemed like a tiny work of fiction. A small handful of collapses in the grammar and spelling. It didn’t matter. Link probably hadn’t written letters for a hundred years. Link had left her without telling her so. Heavy and strange. What in the hell did that mean? She read it again, again. Im very tired.
‘Well, I know that, silly goose,’ she wanted to laugh. ‘You are the most tired man in the land right now.’ But it didn’t feel funny at that moment. That lying Goron was still looking at her.
She looked up with her same smile. “He says he’s gone out for some fresh air. Won’t be back for a while. I say he could use a good long break.” She nodded to herself and folded up the paper into a little scroll and tied it with a spare hair ribbon. She hooked it onto her belt where it would not be taken or read. “The first zone of the town is properly gridded off and our buildings are coming along nicely. We can do without his help for now.”
“Oh nooo!” moaned a lady with a cloth cap from behind them. “I hoped to see him today! I promised him free blackberry wine, you know! He, I think he made a sign saying he’d take it.”
“When will he be back, milady?” asked the man she’d been talking to before this nonsense started, and Zelda told him “Long enough for a decent vacation,” and hoped he would shut up. To assure that he would, she made a show of taking a new set of important paperwork in her hands and walking away. She could be busy anywhere. With the construction, the lake and reservoir diggers, the Zora party asking for trade, that asshole who said his grandfather was a Councilman, some horse association, lots of things.
Zelda made time for many of these things until just after sunset, when construction crews were piling up lumber for the night and lazing about. They left town or took shelter at the one inn that was close enough to complete to comfortably stay in, and any new residents did the same. Several folk during the day had asked about Link, was he coming to this area soon, was he around, did he have lunch plans? Zelda excused him each time, but she knew with each one that her placating couldn’t last forever. Or even for long. This town was growing new life again because of Link. It was all because of Link. He was the one people really knew. Not her, not usually. Even if her name was on everything and she carried the Goddess blood and every person she spoke to was her subject now, people nodded these facts away and asked to see the Champion Link, please. And so did she.
He was her appointed knight and constant companion through every trial and struggle and sunny day. She had known him since they were small. She knew him before he started tying his hair back. She watched him fall and cut himself on grown men’s swords and then wield them on the back of a horse. She told him to stand by her while a great godly demon threatened to swallow them and erase them from existence. She had known him so long, trusted only him by that point, that she could only choose him now. Link was at her side for everything and she loved him for it in some way. His loyalty was stronger than the might of Ganon. He hadn’t even told her to her face that he was leaving her alone.
“Are you all right?” she murmured in her half-broken room that night. She felt she was close to sleeping and dreaming this away. “I know you’re tired. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I need you for everything.” There was no one here to apologize to her, to say it’s okay, or I am always at your side, or some such thing. Link was gone. Was it absurd, that she wanted to cry? That she was crying.
‘If it helps you sleep and rest and finally...feel good again, then you must do it,’ she thought, for speaking was out of the question now. Her lip was wobbling like a soft child’s. She wiped at her wet eyes. ‘I didn’t know you felt heavy and strange. And tired. I’m sorry, Link. I’m sorry! Should I come get you? Do you want me to help you?’ No answer here. There was a light wind outside, delaying the silence.
When the silence was back she thought, ‘You rest, my Champion, and if you are not well or back soon, I will come find you.’
This came out significantly more emotional that I first intended. But we’re rolling with it. Eventually Zelda will decide Link’s been gone too long and she’s worried about him and enlist Sidon to help her since I guess she knows they fought Vah Ruta together and Sidon would want to help. This was originally a purely Sidlink idea but Zelda wormed her way in there and we may have some sort of Zelda x Link x Sidon thing on our hands. Or maybe I’ll pick one in the end, eh, I’m not sure yet. I planned this in my head when I was playing BotW to distract me from failing to write other WIP fics that I frankly care much more about. 
And as Link keeps eluding them (he secretly takes up “work” at various Hyrule stables, he’s the one who goes to collect horses off of mountaintops and shit when people ask to “board” them like the player would, so he keeps escaping with both his natural athletic skills and his retinue of infinite horses lmao) Zelda and Sidon will feel less “poor dear Link, we must find him and make sure he’s okay” and more “That clever BITCH, I almost had him, he’s too good, soon I’ll have him in my arms you hear me my dear Link I’m coming for you” 
That’s the kind of fic I’d like to read anyway, so here I am writing it :/ 
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zeldahijinks · 7 years
Hello! If the requests box is still open, I would like to request a scenario of Sidon's crush arriving in the Zora Domain with Link on his journey while she has a cold from the constant rain? :) Thank you!
[A/n: here ya go, sweetums. :D]
It did not matter what kind of potions, fairies or food you had. As far as you knew it, you claim yourself incurable and were going to die from the pressure in your face.
Link glanced at you concerned, taking in your stuffy nose, and your bloodshot eyes. The past few days traveling to Zora’s Domain have not been easy while he had to take care of your coldriddened butt. He had to ward off bokoblins going after your incapacitated form, make sure your fever didn’t get too high and overall, listen to your complaints and how you were “dying”.
The trip would have been a breeze if you didn’t catch this forsaken cold from the rain, but like adding salt to a wound, it continued to rain the whole trip. All you could think of was how you wish to be in a regular bed and sleep for the next six months, but Link was adamant getting to the palace as quickly as possible.  
However, you were far too apprehensive about the whole thing. Every inch of your body was screaming from anxiety at the thought of Prince Sidon seeing you in such a way. You could guess that your face was swollen and you looked absolutely horrendous. You tried many times to convince Link to let you rest and wait it out, but in his own way he told you the faster you two got there, the better off you would be.
So now, here you were leaning against his back while riding Epona. You groaned just wanting to lay down, but once you saw the unique masoned towers renowned by the Zoras, your heart sank. There was no backing out now and Sidon would see you in a pitiful state. You could only wonder what he must be doing right about now.
Sidon waited patiently in the throne room beside his father and occasionally had to ignore his father’s light jests of the poor Prince’s nerves. He had received a letter from Link a few weeks ago announcing he will soon be visiting and Sidon’s heart about jumped from his chest seeing your name scribbled on the piece of paper you would be accompanying him.
He recalled spending the rest of the evening staring into space as he fantasize showing you around his kingdom. The usually high confidence he had was a stark difference to how he actually felt now.
He was nervous and a little more fussy than usual. After all, Sidon had been vying for you for some time now and whenever he got the chance to be around you, he felt himself clamp up. Each day that passed, his heart would thump a little stronger in anticipation for your arrival. He began to gear himself up and tell himself he would be the proud leader he was raised to be and show you everything he had to offer.  
Sidon had made an itinerary for you in hopes being over planned would help him shine, and once he heard the guards announce visitor’s arrival, his heart lodge itself in his throat and stood at attention. He anxiously awaited and once he saw Link step in, he couldn’t help ignoring his friend momentarily as his eyes fell on you.
Sidon’s stomach dropped seeing your weak form. You look like you been put through the ringer and not all to pleased to be here. Without hesitation, Sidon rushed to your side, briefly greeting Link before he grabbed you from the knight.
First off, when you have made your way up the stairs, the last thing you ever anticipated was Sidon lifting you up the moment he saw you. The rush of the motion swirled your brain around and you covered your face feeling ashamed you were ill.
“Goodness, [Name]! What happened to you! You should be in bed, not here!” Sidon’s voice rushed in pace with his own jogging. You were slightly shocked to see him ignore everyone else and whisk you off to Hylia knows where. Whatever you thought Sidon would think of you was pushed far back into your mind as you try to comprehend how terribly concerned  he was for your well-being.  
The next thing you knew, you were lying in a bed in a private room. Sidon was fussing about, running to one handmaid to the next to gather anything you might need. They eventually had to help him out as he was attempting to gather all medicines, linens, and what have you, by himself. To say you felt a little special would be an understatement while he placed a wet rag upon your forehead and then handing you water.
“Forgive me, the best thing you need right now is tea, but it will take a moment to prepare. I hope this will suffice in the meantime.” He spoke in a hushed tone.
You had to grab his hand that was attempting to fix your sheets to get him to calm down. “Sidon? Are you okay?”
He paused for a moment and it seemingly clicked just how overbearing he was being. He pulled back from his spot next to the bed and gathered himself. His shoulders were stiff as he stared straight at you. “Yes-” His voice cracked for a split moment, “Ahem…Yes. I sincerely apologize for my rash behavior. You do not look well at all and I suppose I let myself get carried away.”
You weren’t sure how to feel, but all you knew was that the small butterflies in your stomach evolve to a swarm. “No, no, you are fine. I am sorry I am imposing on you, I tried to tell Link I shouldn’t visit being unwell. And I was right-” You sighed, leaning back into the plump pillows. “I am so sorry to be a burden.”
“You have not and never will be a burden, my love! I am only concern for your health. You must know I am delighted to have your presence in my home!” Sidon retorted with such genuine enthusiasm that you almost missed what he just called you.
You sat for a moment and Sidon beginning to wonder why you were shocked, until he replayed his words in his head. He felt like his body was shot with an ice arrow and he attempted to keep a straight face, although the small hint of a blush betrayed him.
“What…What did you say?” You stuck a pinky in your ear, fearing your swollen sinuses just made you misheard him.
He tapped his thumbs together as he nervously gathered his thoughts. A moment passed before the Prince sighed, the small blush growing bigger, and he looked straight into your eyes. “The way I wanted to confess certainly did not involve this, but since I have let it slip I suppose I must admit… [Name], I wish to court you. I think you are a vibrant and extraordinary person, and I would be honored if you at least gave me the chance.”
He was curt and professional. Nothing less expected from a Prince, but it didn’t matter. You were in a state of shock and felt your face flush.
“…Yes?” “Please ask me again when I feel better. I think my fever is making me delusional because it feels too good to be true..”
He only chuckled looking off the side bashfully, “I will ask you multiples times if that is what I have to do to.”
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spirit0fchaos · 7 years
...For Those We Love
  Third and final chapter, here are the first and second entries.  Enjoy!
Three years.  Three years since Zelda had been freed from a century of complete hell. Three years of freedom from the rules and expectations of a princess chosen by the goddesses.  Three years of stress and work to pick up the pieces of her kingdom and rebuild it.  Three years of more love and support and acceptance than she had felt in the entirety of her twenty one years.  And now, as she stared in the mirror at the young lady dressed in white staring back at her, she reeled at the thought of what the next three years would have in store.
           A knock at the door reminded her of the existence of the world outside of this mirror and after a few more moments she softly replied “Come in.”
           In the reflection of the mirror she saw a familiar young woman poke her head in, smiling brightly.  “You’ve earned quite the turnout, your highness.”  Riju closed the door behind her and stood at her shoulder, already standing taller than Zelda despite their four year age difference. “Every race of Hyrule is represented in the throngs outside.  I’m fairly sure I even spotted the elder of the Gorons.”
           “Well, I suppose it is an important day.”  Zelda tore her eyes away from the mirror and stood, smoothing the folds of fabric at her legs.  “Do I look presentable?”
           “Worthy of a crown.”  Riju tipped her head respectfully.  “As solemn as one wearing one, however… I am told vai are generally more excitable on a day such as today, your highness.  Is something troubling you?”
           Zelda glanced upwards to meet her friend’s eyes before casting them down.  “I have been asking myself the same question, Riju… This day has been long coming in my mind, and yet I can hardly bring myself to smile.”  She sighed and wrung her hands.
           “Nerves are just as common, Zelda.”  Riju spoke softly, using her name as an attempt to lessen the gap between them.  
           “It isn’t just nerves, Riju.”  Zelda made a sound of frustration and turned back to the mirror, looking at her young face- she had matured quite a bit in the few years since her freedom and it showed, but she could not help but see the remains of her old self.  Deep in her eyes, she still saw the scared young woman who traveled from shrine to shrine, desperately attempting to awaken her power to save her country, her family.  “Today is not just about this dress… today is supposed to be the culmination of all our efforts.  The day Hyrule is reborn as a proper country, with me as its ruler.”  Her voice trembled slightly, serving to underline her fears.  “Am I truly ready for this?  Is he?”
           “Zelda…” Riju laid her hands on her friends shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.  “You were not placed in this position arbitrarily.  Each elder voted, and you were unanimously chosen.  Not because you had a title in a previous life… but because each and every one of us have seen the work you have done in the past three years.”  She turned the smaller woman to face her, softly tilting her chin up to meet her own emerald eyes.  “Name one person who could fulfill this position better than yourself?”  
           Zelda opened her mouth, ready to speak with finality, to express once and for all her inadequacy, her disbelief that she was capable. Her mind cycled through name after name, fitting them against her own, ready for one to click… but as second after second passed and her mouth remained silently open for longer, it began to sink in.  Not one name rose to the top... certainly a few caught her attention, but each quickly fell back under scrutiny.  Her eyes lowered away from Riju’s knowing smirk as her mouth closed.
           “Not one.”  Riju replied after many moments of silence.  Her hands fell from Zelda’s shoulders and she brushed them together with finality.  “Believe me, I am intimately familiar with what it feels like to be in a position you don’t feel qualified for.  I am sorry to say it may be several years before that feeling ever completely dissipates. However, like me, you will have people around you to support and aid you.”  Her smirk took a more playful tone.  “And one of them is certainly eagerly awaiting your presence.”
           Zelda felt her cheeks warm as she smiled.  “Thank you, Riju…” She forced herself to look back up, sighing and setting her shoulders.  “You remind me so much of Urbosa.  She was a voice of reason to me as well.”
           This time it was Riju who looked away to hide her feelings.  “You think too highly of me, princess.”
           “She would have said that too.” Zelda teased and walked to the one corner of the room she had refused to look at yet, gently retrieving an intricate white veil.  “You’re right… I’ve made Link wait long enough, haven’t I?”  Zelda placed the veil on her carefully arranged hair, taking one final look in the mirror, turning slowly to study every angle.  “Do you think he’ll approve?”
           “If he doesn’t, he’ll have me to answer to.” Riju joked, reaching forth and making a few small adjustments.  “Speaking of which… I did bring what you asked for. I’ve given it to the stable hand, and he assured me it will be safely packed in the saddlebag.”
           A mischievous glint danced in the bride’s eyes. “Thank you Riju… now let’s make our way out.”
 #  #  #
             Link stood in the back room of the temple, listening to the near-constant echo of his foot tapping.  Outside he could hear the din of the large throngs that had gathered to attend the second event of the day.  Only a small number of them would be allowed in the chapel to witness the first.
           “You’ll wear down the floor if you keep doing that.” A cheerful voice rang over his nervous habit, causing him to jump and look back at the tall Zora walking towards him.
           “I hope not, it took several months to restore this place.” Link managed a smile as he observed the formal wear of his friend.  “I thought Zoras didn’t believe in clothing?”
           Sidon laughed, a loud, full sound that managed to drown out the noise of the crowd outside.  “It doesn’t agree with our skin, but for an event as important as this we decided it was appropriate.”  He stretched his arms against the fabric, wincing in discomfort. “How do you Hylians stand this… that doesn’t look any more comfortable than this!”
           Link swallowed and tugged at the tight collar of the formal shirt covered by an equally restrictive jacket.  “Zelda insisted we dress appropriately for something as monumental as a coronation.  “Form over function”, she calls it.”
           The Zora prince rolled his shoulders.  “I suppose if there was any day for her to dictate our appearance, today would be it.”
           Link smiled and nodded agreement, glancing out the window where a procession was clearing a path for the large Zora king. A brief pang cut through his chest as he noticed the ornate trident being carried with reverence by an attendant.  “Sidon… I am sorry that Mipha could not be here.”  
           Sidon nodded gravely, his omnipresent air of positivity dimming for a moment.  “She would certainly want to witness the happiness you and the princess have brought each other…”
           “Do you…”  Link hesitated, unsure if the question in his mind was appropriate to ask. “Do you think she would… want to be here, to see this?”
           The prince took a few moments to think before patting his friends shoulder.  “Mipha cared very deeply for you, Link, but she would care more for your happiness. I am more than certain of his.” He flashed a sharp, toothy grin, an expression that would be misconstrued as predatory to those unfamiliar with him.
           Link returned the smile and reached up to shake his hand.  “Thank you Sidon… I am very happy you are here.”
           “Of course!”  The Zora cried, his boisterous joy rejuvenated.  “Where else would I be but at the side of my people’s twice-over savior?  More than that, my friend?”  His head jerked as trumpets started to ring out from the courtyard.  “Ah, but now it is time to make sure he is at the side of his bride!  Come, Link!” Without waiting for a reply, he took the smaller man’s hand and pulled him along to the door.
           Trying to keep up with his companion’s fast strides, Link tried to straighten his jacket and glanced in the reflection of a suit of armor as they passed, hoping state of his hair was due to the curve of the metal. Sooner than he was prepared for, his friend stopped short and flashed another smile down at him.  “After you, Link.”
           The Hylian nodded and solemnly stepped up to where a much older Zora waited, ignoring the moisture sliding down the back of his neck. He nodded back to the minister and stood as straight as he could with his hands behind his back, intensely aware of the packed rows before him.
           After what seemed like an eternity, the Rito standing in the corner started slowly playing the instrument in his hands, a group of younger female Rito singing along to his tune.  The large doors at the end of the aisle opened, revealing a tall, regal looking Gerudo woman flanked by a younger member of her race and a nervous looking Goron boy.  The young Gerudo girl stood stiff, clearly trying to imitate her older kin as she spread white and blue petals across the aisle in front of the progression.  The boy awkwardly took his place beside her in front of the raised platform where Link stood; Riju flashed him a coy wink as she took her place across from Sidon, intensifying the pit the Hylian felt in his stomach.  A few moments of silence hung heavy in the air before the Rito chorus began again, accompanied by a rustle of the guests rising to their feet.  Link began to sweep his eyes across the crowd before a young woman appeared in the door, causing his breath to hitch in his throat.
           Her steps were slow, causing her feet to be hidden underneath the simple white fabric that hung to the floor.  Faint patterns were only just visible, sewn in glittering gold thread around the sleeves as they wound around her slender arms and joined at the neck, twisting in an ornate depiction of the symbols of Hyrule and its goddesses.  The front of the dress was only decorated by small folds of fabric, not unlike the dress she had worn when he found her three years ago; a long train extended a few inches behind her heels, attached at the waist.  At first glance it was pure white like the rest of the dress, but with each step it rippled and reflected a brilliant bright blue.  Her features were obscured behind the veil, but Link could still make out the curve of her lips and her brilliant blue eyes, sparking as they met his.  The hero swallowed thickly, furiously willing his chest to respond before the lack of oxygen shut his brain down.  Behind him he distantly heard the slight rustle of Sidon and felt a steady hand on his back, supporting him as his legs twitched dangerously.
           Link watched each slow step she made with unblinking eyes, unwilling to look away or even blink as he committed each and every detail of the woman in front of him to memory, storing it away with the utmost care.  As the memories filled his mind, he faintly felt the memories of his journey- each time he felt lost or hopeless, each time he felt the sting of a blade or heat of a laser, each time he had fallen to the ground only to be just barely revived by a long-fallen friend or fairy… each pain he had felt evaporated as he looked at the treasure in front of him.  At the edge of his perception he was aware of the chorus of whispers and the moisture on his cheeks, but he cast it all aside as he reached his hand out for hers.  Her slender fingers closed around his and she stepped in front of him; just through the fabric of the veil he could make out the same telltale shimmer on her cheeks.  Her lips moved slightly, but he couldn’t make out what she was attempting to say to him.
           The elderly Zora raised his hands and the crowd took their seats, and he began speaking with a croak, recounting all he had seen in his years, of the joy and the pain, but neither of the Hylians in front of him were listening.  Link felt his companion’s fingers squeeze his slightly which he returned, glad that there was no pressure on him to speak, for he was sure that no words in the recorded history of Hyrule could express his feelings.  On her finger he could feel the cool strip of gold he had given her months ago on the hill beside Lake Hylia where they had taken cover from the rain a hundred years ago.
           Eventually the Zora minister gestured for the Goron boy to come forward and present the matching band and second half of the ring to the couple.  Link took the smaller ring with shaking fingers and called to mind the words he had spent a month preparing.  His mouth tasted dry as he began speaking, the words sounding as from a distant tunnel while his eyes remained fixed on hers.  His mouth worked autonomously, spilling forth the prepared words while his mind could only grasp the meaning he had packed behind them- his thankfulness for her, for her graciousness, his appreciation and respect of her strength of mind and soul, his love of every part of her, and his most solemn promise to cherish and protect her with the entirety of his body, mind, and soul till his last breath and beyond.  As his lips came to a halt, he gently lifted her hand and slid the ring until it settled against its companion before bringing the back of her hand up against his lips.
           As he lowered her hand amidst murmurs and a few sobs, Link watched as she took the band and began speaking with a slight choke; her eyes matched his with the same intensity.  The words were elegant, matching her regal upbringing, but Link could sense the meaning of her soul and it drilled into his with the weight of the moon- her own thankfulness of what he had already given her, how he had fought for her, her wonder at his strength, her determination to be the woman he saw her as.  Her voice faltered slightly and he smiled, squeezing her hand to encourage her, which she did with a blush.  She concluded with a promise similar to his, to spend each of her living days growing, learning, and cherishing the love he had given her and trying to exceed it in her return to him.  Amidst a chorus of low chuckles from the audience, she slid the band on his finger, clasping his hand with both of hers.  
           The minister cleared his throat and squared his shoulders, quickly intoning the words of the remainder of the ceremony, seeming a little harried and watery-eyed to the Gerudo and Zora standing close to him.  The couple didn’t notice however, keeping their eyes on each other as they each spoke the two words in turn that sealed their bond.  The older Zora nodded and cleared his throat again, speaking the phrase that they both had yearned to hear for months: “By the power vested in me by the goddesses Din, Nayru, Farore, and Hylia, I pronounce this couple man and wife.”  He turned to Link and said with a smile.  “You may kiss the bride.”
           Link nodded and reached to lift the veil, but Zelda had already thrown it back.  For the first time Link could clearly see the sparkling tears in her eyes and those that had run down her cheeks, the faint color she had applied to her eyes, and the redness in her cheeks brought on by the heavy emotion and eagerness.  He only had a moment to take in each detail before he closed his arms around her and felt her hands around him at the same time, each leaning in and pressing their lips against each other amidst cheers and a laugh from Sidon and Riju.  Zelda’s knees went weak and Link leaned over to support her, dipping her to the floor as their lips remained joined.  Cheers turned to chuckles as the seconds continued to tick by before Sidon loudly cleared his throat.
           The pair stood straight again, looking at each other with large smiles, their arms still wrapped around one another.  Taking each other’s hand, they turned to the crowd and began walking down the aisle together, giving sheepish waves before stepping out into the sun, where a crowd easily five times that of the temple shouted with volume loud enough to be heard from the summit of Death Mountain. Impa smiled at the couple and raised her arms to quiet the throng.  “People of Hyrule,” She began, her voice carrying easily despite her age.  “For a century we have languished, separated, by the Great Calamity.  But today marks the beginning of the unified kingdom of Hyrule, reborn!”  She paused, allowing the cheering to dissipate once again. “Before you, newly wed, are your king and queen of this new nation.  Do you accept them?”  The crowed roared once again, even louder than before.  The couple exchanged a quick glance and smiled sheepishly, squeezing their hands.
           “First to be crowned… the heir of the royal blood.” Impa inclined her head as Yunobo ascended the stairs and presented an ornately carved wooden case to the Sheikah elder, giving a slight sheepish nod to Link.  The Hylian smiled and nodded almost imperceptibly back.
           Impa opened the case with great care and removed a crown, brilliantly woven of strands of gold and silver.  Sapphires winked in the sunlight around the circumference, leading up to the front where a carefully crafted crest of the Hyrule nation.  In the outstretched wings of the bird were three triangles, each cut from a different gem- the top was a brilliant ruby, the left an exquisite sapphire, and the right a dazzling emerald. “Zelda, former princess of Hyrule… step forth.”
           Zelda obeyed, releasing her husband’s hand, and dropping to one knee.  Impa reached up, only just able to reach her head.  “Do you, Zelda, swear to protect and maintain the peace and prosperity of Hyrule and its people?  Do you vow to give all of your body, your mind, and your spirit to this task, until such a time as you are unable?”
           “I swear.”  Zelda’s regal voice was the only thing heard across the slopes outside the ancient temple; not a soul dared to speak as the crown was laid on her head.
           “And the blood heir’s companion… Link.”  Impa raised the second crown high for all to see. It bore much resemblance to the first, but was forged of solid gold rather than being woven from metal strands. Garnets adorned the three prongs around the crown, culminating in a crest identical to the one on its twin. “Link, hero of Hyrule, do you swear fealty to your queen and country, vowing to give your body, mind, and spirit to the protection of each?”
           “I swear.”  Link’s voice was softer, not as clipped by years of royal upbringing but just as audible across the slopes.  He felt the heavy weight of the crown laid on his hair and stood once more, taking Zelda’s hand in his own.  
           Impa shared a smile with them both before turning back to the crowd, raising her hands towards the sky.  “People of Hyrule… I present to you, King Link and Queen Zelda!”
           The roar was earsplitting, shaking the newly laid stones beneath the monarchs’ feet as voices from each race, each corner of a country that had laid destitute for a century rejoiced at the first sign of peace that most could remember.  Zelda and Link smiled at each other, raising their clasped hands in response to the cheering; after the minutes ticked by and the thunder showed no signs of dissipating, Riju extended her hand, showing them the pathway down to where their horses awaited.  Link reached forward and helped his wife up to her saddle, lingering at her side a bit with an entranced grin before moving to his own horse.  Mounting his own, the couple waved farewell to the still cheering crowd and rode off together.
 #  #  #
             “Link... I can’t believe the same boy who used to speak three words to me a day was able to write something to heartfelt.”  Zelda gushed as she unfastened her earrings, watching him in the mirror with a smile.  “Honestly I think you were just looking for an excuse to not respond to my rambling.”
           “It was a happy side effect.”  The young man joked, unbuttoning his shirt, laying it across a nearby chair and rolling his muscles that felt stiff from the posture the formal clothing had forced him to maintain.  “I spent weeks on those words… I worried I could never match the words of a princess as intelligent as you.”
           “Oh Link… you know I would never have cared.”  She felt her cheeks warm as she watched his back ripple, a body toned from years of training and exertion.  Quickly she pulled loose her hair and watched it fall around her face, hiding the rush of blood.  “Oh, could you, ah, give me a few moments to… prepare, darling?”  She cursed herself inwardly at the rise of octave, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
           “Zelda I hope you don’t feel I have… expectations you must live up to.”  Link’s voice was hesitant, and her heart melted at his consideration.  She knew that the same whispers that had reached her ears must have reached his, speculation of the couple’s wedding night.  
           “So kindhearted… I don’t think anything of the sort.” The queen walked over and planted a soft kiss on his lips.  “Just a few moments and I’ll be back.”
           Ducking out of the room before Link could protest any more, she skipped out to the field where their horses stood grazing and pulled out a package from her saddlebags.  Turning it over, she found a small note pinned to the pack in ornate handwriting-
           “Have fun you two- R”
           Zelda scoffed and pushed away speculation at the whispering that must have been going around the voe-obsessed Gerudo Town about tonight.  She gave her mare a quick pat on the nose and rushed back inside, giddy with excitement as she tore open the paper and watched the contents spill out in front of her… the newlywed’s grin turned mischievous as she started changing.
           After a few minutes Zelda stood straight again, turning a slow circle as she considered herself in the mirror.  Oh this was… horrible, if anyone saw her like this, she would never live down the embarrassment… how did those Gerudo women walk around dressed in such attire?  Then again, she supposed, it did attract the attention of men across the kingdom… she hoped the allure would work on the one man she cared about.
           She met the eyes staring back at her in the mirror and steeled herself before opening the door, quietly tiptoeing down the hall until she reached the last door.  Gently nudging it open, she lowered her eyelids and leaned against the doorframe, speaking in the most seductive voice she could muster.  “Hello, husband…”
           Link chuckled and turned to face her “Oh is that what we call one another now-?”  His smile evaporated as soon as he looked back and saw his wife standing against the door dressed in the tantalizing Gerudo clothing.  Instead of the deep purple he had worn in his travels, this cloth was a rich scarlet, accentuating the heavy atmosphere Link suddenly felt all around him.  “Z…Zelda?” His voice cracked sharply.
           “Something wrong, Link?”  Zelda smiled under the thin veil, Despite how ridiculous she felt, she couldn’t deny a certain… rush in her veins, seeing how he flushed and stammered at her appearance.  “I just felt that the queen of the nation should indulge in the diverse cultures of her nation… don’t you?”  
           The hero quailed under the look she cast on him and stuttered helplessly, his eyes casting everywhere around the room except her form.  Her grin widened, and she slowly pulled the door shut behind her.
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