#sorry this took me a bit to get to—i also have water's in drafts! ]]
mrs-weasley-reid · 3 months
Suit Jacket
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Aaron Hotchner x bau!reader
part 2 | Invitation Letter
Summary: Aaron Hotchner seems to love his suit jacket on you.
Warning: Nothing besides a few curses (I think)
A/N: not my gif, ctto! This was also sitting on my drafts for almost a year and barely proofread, so I apologize for the errors.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Sunday, March 11, 2:04 AM
"Thanks, unibrow." You grinned drunkenly, smiling at your boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner, as you collapsed in the cab's backseat. His suit jacket kept you cozy and covered like a cocoon while you comfortably giggled at the applied inside joke of his new nickname.
With Penelope's constant peer pressure, your inhibition has reached rock bottom eleven shots, five cocktails, and two whiskey glasses ago. You downed liquor like water, easing your stiff shoulders.
Aaron only stared at you with the same impassive face he had and shut the door before the cold caught you. He hunched in front of the driver's window, "This woman is a federal agent, and if something happens to her, I'll hunt you down. Please, drive her home safely." He straightened back up, casually tapping the vehicle's roof.
The cab took you away only after Aaron snapped a picture of the cab's plate number. He sighed as the vehicle slowly disappeared from his line of sight. He twisted on the balls of his feet, met by his other children, agents drunkenly calling his name.
Tuesday, March 27, 10:14 AM
You scurried out of the elevator, weaving through the sea of agents in the bullpen and then to the conference room where everybody was already settled in.
"So sorry! There was this son of a b—" You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, clenching your fists. Then, you exhaled profoundly with a calm smile at the end. "I got in a car accident. Go on, Pen. Sorry for interrupting." You took a seat between Aaron and JJ.
JJ turned to you, "Are you okay?" Her hand gently landed on one of yours, giving you a worried squeeze.
You gathered a smile and raised a thumb, "Thick skull and strong bones. Nothing can break me, not even this unsub... whoa—" Your eyes widened a bit.
How ironic for your case to be about an unsub who performed a craniotomy on the victims. You smiled awkwardly, the similar tight-lipped smile that Spencer would always plaster on his face.
The other agents coughed a chuckle at your reaction while Penelope continued the debrief with the same horrified look.
Upon listening to the case details, you slowly felt colder, subtly rubbing the sides of your shoulders. You were so caught up in your anger towards the guy that rear-ended you you could've sworn your body was overheating. You left your blazer somewhere and were sure it wasn't in your wrecked car.
"Alright, wheels up in 30," Aaron announced, sending everyone to get out of their seats and grab their go bags and snapping you off your trance in the process.
You rushed to collect your file copy and headed for the door but halted when Aaron called you. You pivoted on your heels, "Yes?"
He was taking off his jacket, handing it to you as soon as it peeled off his body.
"I don't think dry cleaning your suit is part of my job description, Sir." You kidded as you stared at his black jacket.
Aaron rolled his eyes. It was so rare that you had to blink twice to ensure you didn't have a concussion from your minor car accident. "You're cold." He wasn't asking, plainly stating your slight predicament.
Your eyebrows knitted, mouth slightly opened. And as if the universe was mocking you, a sudden draft slapped you in a shiver. You snatched his jacket and mumbled a small thank you.
As you walked out of the conference room, teasing eyes bore holes into your being. Each BAU team member's narrowed brows held you captive, and their loud thoughts rang in your ears. You ignored all of it, though, taming your anxiety with the warmth of Aaron's jacket.
Wednesday, April 13, 1:37 PM
"Garcia, look for old cases with one young boy as a survivor." Aaron started, listing each task that everyone was to complete.
You were so focused on the case that your next movement caught you off guard.
Your back snapped straight from the slap of Minnesota air. It was brief. An officer merely opened and closed the door, but your body was nowhere near as warm as it was a few seconds ago.
The warmth of cotton fabric soon hugged your shoulders, along with the momentary weight of Aaron's hands, before he fully let go of his suit jacket.
He continued talking as if what he had just done was normal or anything close to casualty, "Morgan and Reid, try speaking with the victim's family one more time."
Emily exchanged looks with JJ, conversing silently while you obliviously sipped your coffee.
Friday, May 2, 5:04PM
"Capital O-M-G!" Penelope squealed, drumming on your shoulders as soon as she came close.
"Garcia, breathe," JJ gently placed her hands on Penelope's shoulders, modeling a regular breathing pattern.
Emily gave you a look as she sipped her coffee, which you returned with a shrug. Penelope was ever so eccentric. You've gotten used to it over the years you've been with the team.
"Okay, okay, okay. I'm good. Just that— I was— Ugh! Look!" Penelope shoved her phone in your face.
You saw a blinding blur, forcing out a sarcastic, "Wow! I can definitely see."
Luckily, JJ took it to herself to pull Penelope's phone away from messing up your eyesight and looked at the image plastered on the screen. A smirk immediately covered her lips, "Oh."
"What is it? Let me see—" Emily walked behind JJ. Her jaw dropped not long after. "Anything you want to tell us?" She cooed as she gave you the widest grin she had ever flashed, at least for that morning.
Your eyebrows clashed, and your forehead creased, "Whatever are you on about?"
"You're telling us nothing's happening between you and a guy?" Emily's grin only widened. You wondered how wide it could get, terrifying you in the process.
JJ flipped the phone to your end. The brightness of the screen stung your eyes a bit. "Want to explain this?"
Photo: It looked like the picture was cropped because you saw Derek's arm around you, but he was nowhere to be found in the image. Aaron's jacket was around your shoulders while he was behind you, glaring at Derek's arm.
"What about it?" The confusion was solid in your voice. However, you had a bit of an idea of what the three of them were insinuating.
Penelope stepped closer to you, "Uhuh, sure," she started as she zoomed in on the picture. "You're telling me you can't see Hotch's jacket on your shoulders, let alone Hotch glaring at my chocolate thunder?"
"He let me borrow his jacket because I was cold. Doesn't he always do that with everyone?" You innocently asked, looking at each one of them.
"Still doesn't explain him glaring at Derek." Emily chimed in a teasing tone, wiggling her eyebrows.
Your eyes widened, "You think Hotch was mad at me because I took it? He offered it to me, and I was cold. You think he was just being polite or?"
Penelope rolled her eyes and aimed her fluffy pen at you, "You oblivious profiler! He's jealous!"
"Uh-no," You chuckled.
"You don't believe me? Look at this."
Photo: This photo was older than the first one and might've been your third or fourth year with the BAU team. It seemed like all of you had just ended a case. You were snuggled on the couch on the jet. Aaron was draping his jacket over you.
"Who took that picture?" You queried.
Penelope raised her hand, "I was going to check in on everyone, then the camera spotted it, and I took a screenshot because I couldn't help myself. I was going to tease you about it but forgot for a very, very, very, very long time until I saw that picture from our last team night out." She wiggled her eyebrows, a playful smile on her lips.
"Looks like our boss has a favorite," JJ sang softly, looking at you with a knowing smile.
Emily nudged you, noticing the blush on your face. "You've gotta admit that's very sweet of Hotch. I think he likes you wearing his jacket." She teased, poking your sides.
"He does that to everyone, though," You reasoned. If you recall, he had offered his jacket to many people before.
"Nope, no!" Penelope shook her head vigorously with a tight lip. "He offers it to some but gives it to you."
"We had a case where it was biting cold outside. Hotch offered to help me if I needed a jacket. I said no because of politeness and shit, but he didn't insist. He didn't even offer his jacket. He offered to give me time to return to my room and grab my jacket." Emily grimaced, obviously still holding a grudge regarding the incident.
"I've known Hotch for years. Giving out his jacket was only for emergencies. If it's the only choice he had. We've had cases where a victim was a little too exposed, and his solution was to wrap them with the newspaper he conveniently found." JJ exclaimed, sorting the manila folders on her chest.
You gave it some thought and considered every possibility, but you shook your head. "He's just being nice because he's my boss. Plus, I'm still a bit tense around the team." You straightened yourself, fixing your top.
Emily cackled, "Getting flat-out drunk with us is definitely you still a bit tense around us."
"You know what I mean," You defended, blushing.
The three exchanged looks and shrugged. If you wanted to turn a blind eye, then it was your choice. But they had a perfect theory and tried to test it out.
Aaron was heading to the elevator as you exited the bullpen. The three of them grinned.
"Going for girls night?" Aaron quipped, raising his eyebrows.
JJ frowned, "We were, but she's feeling sick. I think the cold's getting to her." She gave you a pitiful hug.
Your eyes blew wide, jerking your head behind you where the other two stood with maniac grins. You knew what JJ was doing. It didn't take a second for you to figure it out. And as if luck was on their side, the elevator dinged.
You followed their figures as they piled in in the lift. You glared at them, but Emily focused on the man beside you.
You gazed at Aaron and were met with his jacket stretched out to you. Your mouth fell open, unable to breathe.
"It's cold outside this time of night. You'll feel worse if you don't layer up." Aaron cleared his throat, "Take it."
You reached for his jacket so slowly that he took it in himself to wrap it around your shoulders. "Thank you," Your voice quivered, hesitantly stepping inside the elevator.
He followed, standing beside you. You could feel the three devils behind you, preparing yourself for their constant teasing.
Unbeknownst to any of you, Aaron was holding his breath in the hopes that none of you would notice his blushing ears.
Monday, May 16, 8:12PM
The entire day has been a drag. Besides the unsub being disgustingly great at hiding his tracks in the safety of your local area, your stomach had been giving you the worst time of your life.
Later in the evening, in Aaron's orders, everyone was sent home to get some rest and start fresh the next day.
You were thankful. You needed to rest from all the stomach-emptying vomit you did in the restroom. Your acid reflux was having a field day and didn't let you get a breath. You practically lived in the toilet. You even had to call Derek and ask him to put you on speaker so you could contribute to finding the unsub. Luckily, they didn't question it.
Emily retracted away as she exited your hug, "Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride home? We practically live in this building. I don't think they'd mind you leaving your car here for a night."
A warm smile brightened your drained face, "Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for the offer." You bid her one last goodbye before heading to your own car.
Your head was down as the day's exhaustion finally caught up. Your senses were off. You walked as if time stopped. You wondered if you should've taken advantage of Emily's offer.
With your loud thoughts and vulnerable senses, a heart attack almost killed you when a sudden cage of warmth engulfed your body. For a moment, your body wanted to fight, but it didn't take long for you to remember the familiarity of this warmth.
"What took you so long?" His voice was gentle and comforting enough to put you to sleep immediately.
You looked up at Aaron, who refused to unwrap his arms around you, "I didn't know you were waiting. I thought you went home already. Isn't Jack waiting for you? It's movie night."
Aaron smiled, "I'm taking you to the hospital to get checked. Captain Jack's orders."
You couldn't help but smile as well. He held the door for the passenger seat before jumping to the driver's seat. As you watched him go around, you noticed his scent lingered on your shoulders.
Aaron placed his jacket on yours.
"You ought to be careful," A chuckle passed your lips, "The gals are onto you."
"Why?" Aaron looked at you with a confused expression. His face made you giggle. The genuineness of his expression made you wonder his reaction if you had said the same thing two years ago.
A grin glistened on your face, "They say Agent Hotchner has a crush on me." Your voice danced with playfulness.
Aaron copied your grin and shrugged, "I'm surprised they haven't figured it out after all these years." He turned his body to face you, "So? Do you like him back?"
If only the BAU team knew how their unit chief, the SSA Aaron Hotchner, was a lot friskier than they perceived him to be, Aaron wouldn't last a day from all the teasing.
Then you wondered how the BAU team would react if they found out you and Aaron have been dating for the past two years and successfully kept it a secret from everyone except Strauss and Rossi.
Or the number of questions you'd be bombarded with when they learn that you recently moved in together with Aaron and Jack. You knew well enough that the ladies would be interrogating you like a serial killer.
You shrugged, "I heard he's got a fiancée." You fished the necklace well hidden under your shirt. A golden ring band shaped like vines with an oval-cut blue moon diamond dangled on the chain.
"Yeah..." Aaron held your hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of it, "You wouldn't want to be in the way of that." He smiled widely, an ever-loving expression you indulged yourself with for the past two years and soon... for a lifetime.
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sweetiecutie · 2 years
Pairing: husband! Tom Riddle x fem! wife! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, kinda public sex but there’s no one around, fluff!!, kinda domestic and soft, inaccurate bc there’s no way sexy two pieces existed back in the 1950’s💀, once again my horrible knowledge of basic grammar
A/n: really felt like writing lil something for hubby Tom🥰 Sorry for disappearing for such a long period, I have lots of cool ideas and drafts but my adhd never allows me to finish any on them;( Anyways, wish you a very pleasant reading and hope you enjoy💖
It was a sultry sunny day, the kind you experience in the middle of September, when calendar summer is already gone but the sun still gladdened people with last warm days.
It took you only a few days of bothering and fake accusation of not loving you to convince your husband Tom to finally take a day off from his job at ‘Borgin and Burkes’ and go have some fun together on a beach. He was grumpy and pouty for the first half an hour, but then seemed to accept his fate, indulging your little whims and wishes.
You didn’t manage to talk him into taking a swim together, no matter how hard you tried, but Tom did, eventually, took his shoes off and rolled up the cuffs of his trousers, standing ankles-deep into warm sea water, watching you dive and dork around in salty waves.
You were currently laying on your side on a soft picknick blanket facing Tom, left arm bent in elbow, head propped up on your hand, your eyes lazily wandering all over your husband’s side profile. He was laying on his back right next to you, arms thrown behind his head, nape resting on his palms.
Tom had changed. The juvenile plushness was long gone from his cheeks, instead leaving place for his sharp jawline and protuberant cheekbones. His hair was a slightest bit longer than it used to be during your school years, framing his pale face in dark silky waves. You noticed how he was nibbling on the inside of his bottom lip ever so slightly - a telltale sign that Tom was thinking intensely about something faraway. You fought the urge to trace the outline of his nose with gentle fingertips, knowing perfectly well how grouchy and whiny he’ll get at this action.
Your eyes wandered lower, taking in his outfit - even despite the scorching sun and high air temperature Tom refused to ditch his usual suit trousers and, this time, baby-blue shirt - instead opting to undo quite a few buttons, allowing a generous view on his pale chest.
A sudden idea visited your mind so you sat up from your semi-lying position, throwing one leg over Tom’s hips, settling yourself atop his pelvis comfortably. Your nimble fingers ran up his chest, caressing exposed areas of his skin with tender touches, all the way to his face, cradling it softly in your hands; you leaned down to scatter small kisses all over his cheeks, nose and lips.
- Y/n, what are you doing? - Tom chided you softly, the corners of his lips tugging up in slightest of smiles, even though it was pretty obvious that he was unpleased with you interrupting his thoughts.
- Trying to seduce you, - you replied stoically, not a hint of embarrassment nor unease could be heard in your purring voice.
- Right here? - Tom asked, you could hear his voice rising just a slightest bit, giving out his astonishment.
- Yeah, why not? - you said offhandedly, your lips stretching in a cheeky smile, gazing down at your husband mischievously.
- What if someone sees us? - Tom rose yet another question, cocking one of his perfect eyebrows at you.
You made a show of looking around the deserted beach, not spotting a single soul being around; not only this place was secluded by dangerously high cliffs, making it extremely hard for reaching, but also the fact that it was Wednesday - a middle of a working week - reduced chances of anyone being around to zero.
You brought your sight back to Tom, shrugging your shoulders theatrically:
- I can’t see nor hear anyone, Tommy. - one of your hands reached behind your back, gripping on the straps of your two-piece swimming suit, tugging on it slowly, un-doing the tight knot. You didn’t bother to untie the second knot on your neck, instead deciding to pull the bra off over your head, throwing it teasingly on top of your husband’s chest. - I think you’re just being a buzzkill that you are, Riddle.
You made an accent on the last word, watching Tom’s eyes wander to your now exposed tits, noticing your hardened from still unpleasantly damp fabric of your bra nipples. You cupped your breasts, pinching your nubs with thumbs and index fingers, all while slightly rocking your hips against Tom’s clothed groin, sighing erotically at the slight friction it created against your clit.
You repeated your movements a few more times, circling and swaying your hips so sensually, putting more pressure into your thrusts, increasing a pleasant feeling against both your sexes. You peeked down at Tom through your eyelashes, noting the way his chiseled jaw clenched, his dark eyes never leaving your perfect body.
You smiled widely at his hungry stare, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his chopped from salty sea wind lips - he kissed you back almost immediately. Tom’s hands came from under his nape, picking your bra from his chest and tossing it aside before coming to rest on your waist, thumbs pressing gentle circles into your heated skin.
His slim fingers wandered all over your body, eventually reaching your plushy thighs - rough fingertips glided up and down your skin, rising herds of goosebumps in their wake, stopping on your ass, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You could feel Tom’s dick hardening at your simple manipulations, his bulge growing noticeably bigger in his pants, rubbing against your soft ass with every smallest move you made. You didn’t bother taking Tom’s trousers off, just undoing his zipper and pulling his semi-hard dick out of his underwear. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft, pumping it slowly a few times, your eyes never breaking an eye contact.
You straightened up, standing on your knees; you struggled quite a bit while taking off your bottoms, since this position wasn’t the most comfortable. You heard Tom muttering quiet ‘oh god’ under his breath in feigned annoyance, obviously teasing you, for which you lightly smacked him on the chest.
Once done and completely naked you slightly scooted forward so that your awaiting pussy was hovering right above Tom’s heavy cock. You gave him a few more jerks before leading it to your slicked folds, sliding them along his throbbing shaft, properly slicking him up with your juices. After a few more moments you aligned his swollen tip with your pulsing entrance, lowering your hips slowly, gently sinking onto his length. A satisfied sigh left both of you once Tom was fully buried inside of your quivering warmth, your ass pressed tightly against his thighs.
His broad hands came to rest on the swell of your hips, molding and playing with soft flesh in between his long fingers. You let out a small whimper as you could feel Tom’s cock stuffing you full, his tip was pressed against your cervix so deliciously, all along with a pleasant stretch on your plushy walls.
You rose your hips carefully, still adjusting to your current position, sliding off half of his length, and sank back down onto his cock, providing such desired friction. You watched his adam’s apple bob as Tom swallowed heavily, and you repeated your actions a few more times, until you found a comfortable rhythm, impaling yourself over and over again on his steady cock.
Your hands came to rest on Tom’s chest, supporting yourself against his body, back arching at the pleasant feeling of his dick grazing all the right spots inside of your throbbing pussy. Soft moans spilled out of your lips as one of Tom’s hands went down to play with your clit, skillfully circling and massaging swollen nub with the tips of his fingers. Your head lolled back, a loud cry of your husband’s name rolled off your tongue as you quickened the pace of your thrusts, rocking against him so passionately.
Tom rested one hand on your nape, putting a bit of pressure into his touch, indicating for you to lean down. You did so, lowering your torso until your chest was pressed flush against his; your lips found his in a matter of moments, connecting in a fervid kiss, his tongue slithering into your mouth, making you gasp in surprise.
Your loud moan was swallowed by Tom’s greedy mouth as he unexpectedly thrusted his hips up into your perfect squelching pussy from underneath; his free hand was gripping onto your waist tightly, fixating you into this position. You broke your kiss, burying your flushed face into the crook of his neck as his hips picked up a quick pace, fucking your pussy raw with his throbbing cock.
- Yeah? You like that, you little minx? - Tom rasped into your ear, his lips brushed against your ear shell, making you tremble slightly. You nodded your head ‘yes’ fervently, leaving open-mouthed kisses all over the side of his neck.
- I love it so much, Tommy. Please, don’t stop, please, please, - you babbled out incoherently, your mind hazed and barely working from intense pleasure rolling through your body in waves.
Tom slid his hand from your nape and along your spine, all the way down to your jiggly ass, especially relishing to grab and mold your pliable flesh with his fingers. The hard, smooth strokes of his cock inside your slicked pussy caused ecstasy to well up inside you, your body prickling, almost painfully, in foretaste of a nearing orgasm.
Your hands grabbed on Tom’s biceps, you could feel his muscles flexing underneath your touch. You bit down onto his shoulder, eliciting a quiet hiss from the man underneath you, knowing how much he disliked when you left hickeys in such obvious places. His hand left your waist to slide in between your pressed bodies, fingers finding your clit, rubbing tight circles onto it, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
- Tom, ‘m gonna cum, ‘m gonna cum, please don’t stop, - you mumbled into his skin, hot and bothered, and you felt him nod at your words, his hips picking up faster pace, snapping loudly against your pliant body.
White stars hit your vision, as you felt your orgasm rippling through your trembling form, setting every nerve in your body on fire in intense pleasure. You didn’t register all the moans and pleadings slipping past your lips as you babbled in your euphoria, your quivering pussy along with dirty words only brought Tom closer to his own release.
Tom followed you soon enough, cumming with a groan and a low moan of your name, dumping his thick load deep inside of you. You laid rigid atop him, both of you trying to catch your breaths, listening to the soft whisper of wind and sea. Surprisingly, Tom was the one who broke the comfortable silence:
- A few more moments and I’d go deaf on one ear, - Tom commented and you didn’t understand what he was talking about. It took you a few moments to realize that all this time you were moaning and screaming uncontrollably mere centimeters away from his ear, surely causing a lot of discomfort, especially knowing how sensitive man was to any sort of noises.
You chuckle airily, muttering quiet ‘sorry, darling’ under your breath, your hand going up to comb your fingers through his silky, now knotted, hair, massaging his scalp lovingly.
Dragging Tom all the way here was definitely a good decision.
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Feedback is basically the only thing that keeps writers creating new content
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sugar-omi · 11 months
PLSSS I BEG OF U COVE HOLDEN X FEM!READER NEWLY MARRIED AND R JUST SO LOVEY DOVEY AND CANT GET ENOUGH OF EACH OTHER let me stop with the caps anyway as i was saying newly married cove and fem!reader on their honey moon to (insert place with nice oceans and views but you can take them anywhere you want) and they’re just sooo IN LOVE ITS DISGUSTING HOW IN LOVE THEY ARE you can add spice and intimacy if u want 🤷🏾❤️‼️
IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS ITS BEEN SITTING IN THE DRAFTS FOREVER.... im gonna blame it on my demon cat, its his fault he always wants to play outside i wanted a cat not a dog wtf !!!!! anyway here you go anon i loved writing this sm bc i have been thinking abt honeymoon hcs for awhile mmm<3333 also i jus wanna say cove is very much a "grabs your stomachs n prbly shakes it" man, like yk how your boyfriend is always grabbing your stomach idk at first i thought it was weird like "wtf is he grabbing your stomach n shaking it" but now i know. n cove does it ok i wont explain it but he also rubs anywhere, hes tracing your body n making shapes w his fingers on you, hes just so TOUCHY eta: I JUST REALIZED THIS LIKE 70% SMUT BUT UM.... ANYWAY 😁😁i hope you like it anyway, also added a hc's i forgot at the v bottom <3333
tags : fluff, step 4/wedding dlc, fem/afab reader (could be okay for masc/amab/nb readers as well if you ignore cove calling you 'wife' once), buff tatted cove, headcanons at the very bottom below the nsfw
+ NSFW (at the bottom), fem/afab reader, rough raw sex, creampie, missionary, v horny cove <3
perhaps i should make a part 2 with all the times n places cove fucks you during your honeymoon, mmm thats a good idea write that down write that down
synopsis : you and cove on your honeymoon to the bahamas !!
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surprise to literally no one, you two pick the Bahamas for your honeymoon
it wasn't a hard pick. it was just a matter of where had the nicest views, open hotels, and safest locations, and with how cove got more starry-eyed with each solidified detail, the Bahamas was your destination.
if it wasn't for the fact that you just had an eventful wedding full of love from friends and family, plus the plane trip, cove would've dropped everything and ran for the glittering water.
once you're checked in and changed from your flight clothes into something a bit more dressy but comfortable, you and cove make your way for some much anticipated dinner.
when you're seated, the silence between you two is so easy and filled by the bustle of the restaurant.
across from you, cove is watching you with his chin hiked atop his clasped fingers, easily looking like a puppy.
"what? what're you staring at?" you laugh, taking a dip if your drink to uselessly wash away your fluster at your husband's blatant staring.
cove already has a rosy tint to his cheeks and if he was younger cove would've caught fire at being caught staring. instead he just grinned cheerily and happily, with a gaze of a man sick with love. "just admiring my wife."
you can't help but tuck your head a bit, flustered by his direct compliment. God you're in for a long marriage.
thank god, you think distantly.. a lifetime of being flustered by each other no matter how long you're together doesn't sound to bad at all.
while you're eating, you two respond to your family blowing up the "[Last] - Holden family" group chat, that was so courteously made by your snickering sister and cousin leading up to your wedding.
after a lovely dinner (only after you reassured cove that you had a few days to try out everything on the menu before the trip was over) you two took a well deserved nap together with cove tucked into your neck and your fingers in his hair. <3
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okay listen... would it be bad to say you planned your wedding around your honeymoon
there's a reason!!!
i imagine you and cove (mostly cove) wanted to rent a house on the beach, or at least close to it, but i imagine its hard to snag one so once you finally got a place the wedding just fell around it
while you're in the bedroom sleeping, recovering and recharging, cove still gets up early to go play around on the beach.
not without a fight though!
when he wakes up the sky is still navy, and he flips over, feeling antsy to start the day and your activities.
but there you are, laying next to him in one of his shirts that you've stolen and your face is still scrunched up a bit from cove's movement which makes him settle down.
cove reaches to stroke your cheek, running his hand over your hair and he admires the way your face relaxes from the touch...
he feels like kicking and screaming right now, now looking at his ring(s) and remembering that you're married and you're his and he's yours and...
he's going to bawl his eyes out again.
so instead of crying and watching you until you wake up, which definitely won't be for another hour or more at least, he slowly untangles himself from you and the sheets.
it kills him a bit to do so, wanting nothing more than to be close to you every second of the day but he also wants to make you feel special today. he also can't stay in bed that long, he's too much of a busybody to do that..
so when you finally wake up, after much struggle and a lot of stretching, you drag yourself from the bed and tame your wild hair before you find your husband.
cove is leaning on the porch overlooking the beach, a random song playing lowly on the radio that you left on last night.
he whips around when you tug open the sliding door and abandons his orange juice to pull you into his arms and cove's rocking you two back n forth, kissing your jaw and cheek and he's holding your hand and compliments you.
"you look so pretty..."
"nice ring, your husband is really lucky." he says it with a smirk and you both laugh.
when he finally snaps out of his daze, totally bewitched by the warmth of the sun, view of the beach accompanied by the sound of waves and the way you lean into him had cove in a trance.
he leads you over to the kitchen where he insists you sit and watch while he makes breakfast.
in the end, you do end up spending most the day at the beach house. so when lee shoots a series of text asking about your day and if you did anything, you respond with a picture of you two buried in the blankets and a christmas hallmark movie on the TV, you laugh at her spam about how you should be enjoying the sand and waves instead of a out of season movie and respond with a meme.
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the next day you spend a lot of it outside, and i even imagine you rent a boat to take out for the day or smth like that and it reminds you of when lee took you all out on a boat, but this time it was just the 2 of you
let me just say.. everyone even 5 miles away can tell you're on your honeymoon
cove is always looking at you
whether its to see how you react to a good joke
or you're telling a story and he's watching in admiration at your mannerisms while you speak
or you're at the booth ordering ice cream for the both of you
or even better, he's trying his best to capture you imagine as you walk back to him, squeezing out your slip/coverup that blew away and you laugh at him for capturing this moment instead of helping you.
"stop laughing! haha, it's not funny! *swats at him with the coverup* im taking your shirt to cover up with!"
many many pictures and videos of your honeymoon. they're mostly of you
or your shared favorite:
you're on top of cove and his eyes are closed so he doesn't notice you're recording him.
"you've gotten more tan. y'know that reminds me of when we were kids, you had such bad tan lines!" you laugh, the camera shaking.
he squints at you, squeezing your hips when he realizes you're recording him. "i did not."
"you did, i saw it. you had different tan lines from your shorts!" you tease loudly and giggle, thinking about the varying darkness of teenage-cove's tan lines because of how some of his swim shorts and pants hung lower than the other bottoms he'd wear.
cove jumps up a bit, laughing as he sputtered. "you saw that?!"
"yeah! you were the one with your v-line hanging out all the time, mister "i don't like wearing layers'!"
his look is full of love, and so is cove's hands running up and down your hips and back. but he's still smug when he says it and the wide smirk on his face makes you wanna kiss it off him.
"well you were the one looking, i didn't hear any complaints.."
you hit his shoulder, "you're so smug, you brat!", the camera shaking from your laughter.
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cove is very handsy during this time
something about being married now has him seeking you out and keeping some form of contact between you
whether its holding hands, locking arms, or kissing you in public
he's always pulling you into him, wrapping a arm around your waist...
but when you're at the beach house.. well i hope you keep the curtains closed for the most part especially in the bedroom because clothes are pretty optional/limited during your honeymoon
usually cove's sex drive is pretty average, or low (i feel like at this point his drive matches yours but it's always a little lower depending on how high yours is, but thats for a different post okok)
so it surprises you how.. horny he is
he surprises himself too honestly
but he just wants to be close to you so bad!
you look so beautiful, and so happy... and now you're married and its like when he was a teenager all over again
the sun is coming through the windows, warming up your naked back.
you hum, enjoying the warmth and you feel the bed shift and now there's lips on your forehead, and cove's hand is running up and down your spine, rubbing soothingly across your shoulders.
"g'morning, y/n..." cove's gravely voice sends a shiver down your spine. "mmm, hi.." you tilt your head to the side, letting him kiss your cheek and the back of your neck.
you peak at him, still sleepy but enjoying the warmth and attention. you try to stretch your body, stretching out your legs and with how cove is leaned over you, your butt brushes against him and makes him gasp, his fingers squeezing your shoulder reflexively.
"at least let me brush my teeth..." you laugh, sitting up and after a second of looking at your clothes on the floor, you grab the robe on the chair beside you and lazily wrap it around you and shuffle to the bathroom.
cove is looking at you, you can feel his gaze and the second you disappear behind the door you hear him shuffling around before he comes behind you, dressed in nothing. cove didn't walk around naked often, only if he was walking around your bedroom finding his clothes for the day, but man was it a treat.
he wraps his arms around you, his hand rubbing your stomach and the other is wandering.
"c'mere..." you mumble, grabbing cove's toothbrush and sitting on the counter to brush his teeth for him. he lets you, and you laugh throughout the process because its a funny thing to do but you get through it and he spits in the other sink beside you before he picks you up and carries you back to bed.
on your way back to the bed, your lips find his shoulder and you add onto the array of marks already bloomed on his neck.
cove lays you down on the bed, shuffling your bodies closer to the pillows, tugging off your robe as you fumble around and throwing it somewhere. you're definitely making him clean up the room after this, but first..
you bring him in, letting your tongues tangle together and cove stretches his arm, looking for the lube and a rubber.
"ah-" cove sits up, and he looks back at you sheepishly. "there's no more.. um..."
you grin, already looking forward to cove's reaction. "that's okay. just fuck me raw, won't be the last time. right, covey?" you tangle your fingers in the sheets and get comfortable while you watch it sink in.
it isn't the first time, but fuck it always turns cove on and it makes him impossibly horny.
cove curses and he moves down, pushing your legs up and he kisses your inner thighs, sucking on the skin very close to your cunt that his cheek brushes against you and you whine, your hands finding his hair.
cove teases you a bit more, but he's teasing himself too so his mouth happily finds your cunt, grinning at the way you jump when his tongue runs over your sensitive clit.
even though cove ran a pleasurable train over you last night, your cunt sensitive but still pulsing with need.
your leg is shaking in cove's hold, his hand holding up one of your legs to give him easy access to your wet cunt but he happily lets your other leg shake on his shoulder, your foot bumping against his side and toes curling as he thrusts his tongue in and out your twitching insides.
he kept tongue-fucking you, his thumb petting your clit and he mumbled praises against your cunt as you came, your slick pooling on his tongue.
you buried your face in the pillow, always left twitching after cove sucks your soul from your body. you peak at cove spreading the lube on your sexes, lining himself up and sinking into you.
"ah fuck..."
cove looks so attractive like this, sunlight streaming in through the sheer curtains and leaned over you, shaded by the broad expanse of his torso and caged between his arms.
"cove!" your nails dig into his shoulders, your mouth falling open with a sharp moan when cove snaps his hips, burying himself inside you.
cove tucks his head into your shoulder, both of you panting and pulling each other closer even though the air between you two is balmy and hot.
"i'm gonna move..." cove kisses your jaw, tearing himself away from you to show you his flushed face. you whine when cove picks up your lower body, stuffing a pillow under you and the movement makes his tip bump your insides.
cove throws your legs over his shoulders and grips your hips in his hands, kissing your ankle that has your anklet hanging on it.
you throw your head back and moan loudly, cove starting a rough pace from the beginning.
you're so sensitive from last night, and cove abusing your insides again has tears coming to your eyes. "oh fuck! please, cove-"
you reach for him and cove offers his hand and intertwines it with yours. you don't know exactly what you're asking for, for him to be more gentle? a kiss? for cove to fuck you harder?
you just want more of him, to be closer, to be one with him...
"its okay, that's it.. good girl." cove shushes you, putting his free hand by your head to lean over you, your legs almost flush with your chest as cove practically mounts you.
something about the sharpness of cove's eyes and his flushed face makes you want to mess with him, so you bring his hand up to your mouth, wrapping your fingers around his tattooed wrist and sucking on his middle and ring finger.
cove groans, watching the way your tongue slides around his wedding band(s). "you.." cove pushes on your tongue, thrusting his hips up to bump against the spongy spot deep inside your cunt.
your eyes roll into the back of your head when cove picks up the pace again, his hips rolling back and slamming against your butt hard, making your body bounce, pushing his cock deeper against your walls.
while you're moaning and crying out so sweetly, cove squeeze's his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, the proximity of your bodies not leaving much room for anything more than tight circles against the poor sensitive nub.
"cove.." you huff, feeling your cunt gush more slick and adding to the wet, loud squelching. "cove, kiss me, please. oh fuck- oh fu-" cove's lips cut off your mindless babbles, muffling yours and his loud moans as he fucks you with shallow thrusts.
he breaks apart, panting and stealing small kisses in between his sentence. "i'm- *kiss* oh god- i'm gonna *kiss, kiss* cum.."
you whimper and hook your shaking leg around cove's back, the overstimulation makes you want to pull away but you're so close and you want cove to make you cum, and to finish with you. to finish inside you.
"cum inside!" your nails scratch down his back. "please, cum, cum inside-"
cove whines into your neck, the rhythm of his thrusts falling apart as he comes closer to finishing. he rubs faster circles on your clit, and when your fingers drag down his back as you cum, cove's hips push your body deeper into the bed as he fills your cunt with his thick cum.
he leans lifelessly over your body, panting into your neck and pressing kisses into your shoulder as he sits up to give you a kiss.
"i'll..i'll run us a bath, okay?" cove smiles dozily, stroking your hips. you blink, trying to regain your vision from your orgasm.
"and carrying me to the bath!" cove nods at that, accepting the fact he's basically rendered your legs useless for the morning. "and you're making breakfast too." you grin at him. "its punishment."
cove kisses your cheeks. "mm, trying out new methods?" cove teases.
you smack his arm and push him away, breath hitching when he pulls out.
cove watches out his cum starts to leak from your poor, twitching cunt and before he can get any bright ideas you put your foot on his shoulder and nudge him. "stop looking!" you tug the sheets over you and cove gets up with a sheepish laugh. "okay, okay!"
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is very very whipped for you
does anything n everything you ask the whole trip
when he goes out and it comes up somehow, he'll tell anyone and everyone he's on his honeymoon w his lovely spouse <3
if you do any underwater activities like snorkeling or smth, you're holding hands underwater <333
yes you hold hands everywhere you go, he's so in love with you he just has to be close to you
if you're not holding hands than he's trailing very close behind you or you're at least wearing his shirt
every young person is ither inspired by your relationship or is sick of seeing you at the beach, go HOME
the old people love you and talk your ear off in the middle of the store, telling you stories of their marriages and tips on how to have a long happy marriage
when you tell them you're childhood friends/lovers though they laugh and tell you you already have it down then since you've known each other so long!
when you finally get on the plane to go home, i hope you rmbr to get some foundation or at least tell cove to wear his hair down and a t-shirt instead of a tank top because his neck and back/shoulders are Marked Up
liz and lee tease you about how glowy and refreshed you look <3
cove is very flustered if any of your friends or family see any marks or scratches
or even worse if someone asks if you had a good wedding night, etec
if you want to have kids n give birth, liz also jokes that shes too young to be a grandma for real (you sputter n tell her you and cove arent her kids n shes exaggerating!!)
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juvenillia · 7 months
~ tangled series ~ part 3
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader x John 'Soap' MacTavish
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a/n: Welcome back to part 3 of the tangled series. By now I decided that this series will become also a bit longer. Let's see where it'll lead us. Also I am sorry for the lack of updates atm, but I'm trying my best.
worcount: 3.6k
》Masterlist《 》 Read on AO3 《 》Master Post《
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It seemed like you were the only one relaxed in the whole situation. Simon was tense as a rock, he didn’t dare to move, his eyes still subtle pinned on every movement you made trying to put the pieces together. He didn’t even dare to remove his mask, it stayed stern in place, only tugged up to sip on his drink occasionally. Johnny on the other hand was avoiding eye contact with everyone. His eyes stared down at his still empty plate. Kyle was the one trying to ease the whole vibe while chatting with his captain and getting some comments out of you as well. Humming along the conversation while sipping on your water in peace. John on the other hand was stressed as well. To be honest he was already on edge because of his medical leave, but seeing how his team, his boys behaved around you made him kind of nervous.
A ringing of the timer on your phone broke the vibe a bit. “Kyle? Mind me helpin’?” You stood up from John’s right side and requested man followed you to the kitchen, a genuine smile on his lips. It gave John a second to get a grip on the whole situation.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell. What’s wrong with you boys?” His voice had this authorial tone he used often as their captain. Still there was a worried undertone in. And a glimpse of regret not being able to be the captain they deserved right now.
“Bein’ a bit on edge lately. Sorry cap.” It was Johnny who answered, his voice full of regret. His partner looked at him with a concerned glance. Eyeing him up from toe to head before his hand found his nape. Squeezing it just so slightly. Simon didn’t know why this whole situation affected the Scot so much. Maybe it was seeing a happy couple so at ease. It wasn’t something self-evident for people with their career to have a partner waiting at home for them. Something the Scot wished often for but was now somehow stuck with his comrade and kind-of lover. It made Simon himself feel somehow guilty. But at least it helped him to ease his own mind, knowing that Johnny needed him now. Little did both know.
“Alright. Pull yourself together just for the few hours.” Price scolded them quiet, still an understanding tune in it as the door from the kitchen swung once more open. Revealing Kyle with two plates of baked pasta, holding the door with his body open for you to walk up to table with three plates yourself.
“Thank you.” Johnny mumbled as you handed him a plate, Simon only nodded.
“Anytime.” The sing-song voice that once made him excited and flustered gave him now a nauseous feeling down his guts. He couldn’t look at you, his mind flooding with thoughts of what-ifs and questions he had no answer for. All of you started to eat in silence.
“Lovely as al…” Just as John wanted to praise your cooking, an alarm set off. Not an alarm per se, but it sounded like on. It was the ringtone of your on-call phone. “You said no work, sunny.” Now it was Price’s voice that was filled with a certain sadness.
You pulled the napkin from your lap and placed it on the table. You gave him an apologetic look before walking over the shelf next to the dining table, pulling your phone from it and flicking the green button. “Price,” you answered quick and left the open living room area. John eyes followed your figure.
The room felt with anticipation, mostly because of the behavior of John. It was contagious for the others. It took you about 10 minutes to return to the room. A bag slipped over your shoulder, and a hoodie already thrown over your statue. A soft smile playing on your lips as you walked up to John. “Connor could draft in someone else…” His eyes met yours and you nodded.
“It’s better off in my hands, we both know that.” You assured him, shoving your phone into the pocket.
“How bad is it?” John reached his right hand that wasn’t caught in a cast out to you. It was the first time this evening Johnny dared to look at you again.
You stood closer, his hand placed onto your back, as you leaned over to him. “It’s not Piccadilly.” You laughed and John rolled his eyes at your statement. Kyle’s brows furrowed with confusion.
“He really needs to learn how to sort out priorities…” That made you roll your eyes. It was an inside joke you shared with him since the terror attack at Piccadilly Circus. Your coworker Connor and boss always referred to any incident as ‘not as was worse as piccadilly’, because nothing could be nearly worse than this day. You worked for more than two days straight. Five minutes naps were the only rest you got in between two patients and coffee became your best friend and somehow worst nightmare. “Call me. Alright?”
“Sure, Johnny.” You reassured him with your soft and still teasing voice before turning to your guests. The Scots stomach took some twists about the nickname. The name you cried out while he went down on you months ago. “Was a pleasure.” Did you intend the double meaning? Johnny couldn’t tell. You forced a half-hearted smile onto your lips, while the men around just nodded their goodbyes. And soon you were gone through the front door.
As soon as your car pulled off, Kyle looked at his captain. “Due to all respect. What was she dealing with at Piccadilly?” Kyle did remember that day like the back of his hand. It was the day he and Price met, and his life took a sudden turn.
Price exhaled; his brows furrowed in regret. “She is a trauma surgeon and had to deal with the aftermaths of our mistakes.” His voice was an octave deeper than usual and full of guilt.  
Kyle’s eyes widen in shock, and a certain guilty vibe clung over the table. All for different reasons. A vibe nobody of them could really ease. So, they ate in silence, shared some more thoughts about the latest operations and how Price would make sure to get some assistance for the time he couldn’t be at base. Just like that the evening ended and the three men found themselves back in Simon’s car. The trip back to the base was filled with nothing than silence. Everyone caught up in their thoughts. Not daring to speak those out aloud.
Just as they pulled into the garage Johnny couldn’t bare it anymore. He knew that Simon could read him like an open book. Something that came with their work, what made their relationship a bit easier. But therefor he also assumed that his partner already knew that the Scot felt more than uncomfortable this evening. He didn’t even wait for Kyle to leave the car, because he fairly well knew himself as he was Johnny’s wingman back then. “So… I think we need to talk…” Johnny’s voice was full of pity. He didn’t even dare to look at Simon, who only hummed in approval, own eyes pinned onto his fist clenching around the steering wheel. The Brit assumed that Johnny caught something of his weird behavior tonight.
It stayed calm for another minute. One that felt unbearable. “I fucked the Captains wife.” Both said at the same time and immediately looked at each other in completely shock.
“Ye dae what?” It was Johnny whose sorrow turned into completely shock. He knew they agreed on having an open situationship. Especially for times when separated to blow off some steam. But he didn’t know that Simon actually had someone since their agreement.
“Wait, you both had the same bloody bird?” Kyle’s voice was somehow filled with amusement but also with disbelief. He shook his head. “You really need to sort things out mates. Cheers.” He left the car and made up his own mind. As much as he loved to get into the gossip deeper, he respected the boundaries his three teammates now had to take care of.
The when’s and how’s were cleared fast. Stating the facts and sharing it with each other as they found themselves in Simon’s room, sitting on his bed. “I mean… something must be wrong if lass actually cheats on him, eh?” Johnny tried to find a reason to blame your behavior and not theirs. Trying to somehow ease his mind. “And ye said ye met her while she was working in a bar? But Cap said she’s a surgeon? Dinnea make any sense…” His hands found some loose strands at the end of his mohawk as he slightly pulled at them.
Simon’s huge, calloused hands found his. As he pulled them away and interlaced his fingers with his. “Do we know for sure…that they’re married?” The question was only above a whisper. Johnny looked in disbelief at him. “They don’t wear a ring.” Simon went through his mind, all the way back to when he met you. To the dinner, to all the times he saw Price’s hands bare in front of him. Never did he saw a ring on the left hand. Not even something like a tan line was imprinted in his brain.
“Maybe they dinnea wear it because of their jobs… I dinnea ken.” He exhaled deeply. Leaning into the side of his partner for comfort.
“Maybe we should ‘st forget about it all… it happened, it’s in the past and now we should draw our distance from her. Strictly.” Simon’s voice was firm, but somehow gentle as his hand ran up and down of Johnny’s spine. Johnny nodded and both were sure, that it wouldn’t be that hard. They haven’t seen you all the years before, so why should that change now?
Well for the next day’s nothing indeed changed. They were going after their choirs on base and prepared everything for the next deployment. Trying to suppress any feelings turning in their stomachs and minds. In the meantime, it was Alex Keller who took a temporally place in their office, trying to get a grip on everything that was happening around. A familiar and friendly face around the base to help when their Captain was still on medical leave. They were just gathered around a table in a briefing room, discussing over some intel they gathered on the last operation when they could hear a knock on the door. Simon’s head snapped into the direction. “C’mon in.”
The door opened and revealed nothing different than your soft features. Johnny’s stomach instantly twisting as he saw your face. It hurt him to see you, how he still had the urge to be close to you. Dreams of the last nights all circling around you, and the things his partner and you did together. Imaging how pretty you’d have to look beneath Simon’s frame. He had dreams about you before, but now it was worse. He couldn’t shake the hot thoughts away when imagine himself and his partner sharing the same woman. And still he knew how all that was way too inappropriate.
“Hello there. John sends his regards. Said you could need that.” You walked over and handed a file to Simon, which eyes stared down at you. Right now, he wasn’t Simon, he was the Ghost. Not letting his emotions and thoughts getting in the way of his job.
“Sunny.” It was Alex’ voice that was heard before Ghost even could say something. He rounded the table to give you a quick and friendly hug. One that lasted a bit longer than Johnny thought was appropriate.
“Don’t let him hear that.” You laughed. While crossing your arms in front of your chest. You knew Alex from before. He was one of the rare mates of John you ever actual met. Even if it was a coincidence, you rather wanted to forget.
Alex let out a quiet chuckle. “Still the same, hm? And I wanted to ask you out for dinner. What a shame.” He gave you a coquettish smirk. The action confused the other members of the 141 even more. “How’s he doing?”
“You’d wish.” Winking at him with a sweet smile. “Better. Nearly ready to go again. Need to keep his arse taped down though.” You laughed, and that was the first time the vibe relaxed a bit. All of them could easily imagine how Price would try to do anything but rest. The thought of you chasing after him to get him to actual rest.
Your glance switched to the clock on your wrist. “Busy as ever?” Alex’s smile dropped a bit. He was always so tender and flirtatious without any further intentions though.
 “You know me too well Keller.” A smile on your lips before you waved them goodbye and went after your business. Even after all those hours after your leaving, Johnny’s thoughts were always pinned to his partners words. And he couldn’t help himself but imagining how you’d feel pressed between both of their sweaty bodies. You were like a drug, and he couldn’t get away, while Simon tried to ditch everything that even had to deal with you. You were a forbidden fruit. Something he didn’t only not deserved but was completely not allowed to even think about. And he managed pretty well. Still, he found himself late at nights, with a naked Scot curled up at his side imagine how you were there with him, with them. How you were pinned on his chest while his mind so hard to chase those thoughts away.
It was four weeks later, when everything changed, and things started to make a bit more sense. The 141 including Alex and John just came back from a mission. It was the first one after Price went back to duty. Everything went well so far, and they found themselves in a nearby pub to celebrate their success and return of their captain. Kyle was the assigned driver for the night while everyone else toasted to their accomplishments. John was already quiet drunk, his medication still wearing on him, mixed with the whiskey rushing through his blood. Alex decided it would be for the best to send him home early. But nobody wanted to leave already. Everyone was into a way to good mood to let the night end already. Especially Johnny, as Simon was found to be a bit more touchy-feely with him. Something that happened very rarely in public, and he was too down for it. Maybe it was because this bar gave him a few memories. Some of them he tried to keep locked in the very last corner of his brain.
That way, Alex tried to be the most reasonable and called you, just as John and Johnny sung along the melody in the pub. Johnny already needed to steady his captain with his own arm while Simon had his hand on the Scots thigh.
“What’s wrong?” Your voice sounded worried as you picked up Alex’ call.
“Why should something be wrong?” Alex tried to calm his voice, trying to sober up just a little bit.
“Alex Keller. You do not just call me in the night when you are on deployment.” You had a scolding tone in your voice. Something he was familiar with. It was the same tone John himself hold all so often.
“We’re already back. It’s just… John…”
“Spit it out.” Your shoulders tensed as you feared the worst.
“He overdid it. I think he needs rest. Maybe you can come get him?” Alex rubbed his neck while his eyes fell onto the statue of Price. He almost clung to Johnny to keep him up. For a soldier that has been through a lot, the mixture of alcohol, pain meds and the last days of operation had grown its toll on him.
“Bloody ‘ell… y’all are drunk, aren’t ya? Stevie’s?” Your accent grew a bit thicker, as you already throw a jacket over your shoulders and took the keys of your car.
“Yeah and thank you.”
It took you about half an hour to arrive at the bar. A bar that belonged to a close friend of John’s. A friend that was a former soldier but retired because of a chronical hearing disability, caused through his job as a demolition expert back then. A bar where Steve now often offered soldiers as a safe space to calm their thoughts. A place you sometimes lend a helping hand when the pain and PTSD got the best of him. This man had risked his own life to save John’s. How could you not help him when he needed a day off? This was only possible when you had your days off of course. Otherwise, you were too occupied to save lives in your own way.
You made your way up to the bar fast, greeting some of the regulars, like Marcus. Bit your greetings to Stevie and get a glass of water. Kyle nearly choked on his drink as he found your figure approaching your table. “Sunshine?” John’s voice was drained as he noticed you, but he tried to stand up. Alex was faster on his feet, pushing him down into his seat again.
“Drink.” Your voice was stern as you pushed the glass into his hand. He followed your order without hesitation. “Things should never have been allowed to come to this pass.” You looked at Alex with a scolding hint in your eyes. The others of the 141 watched the whole scenery with mixed feelings. The grip on the Scots thigh tightened as Simons eyes were pinned onto your figure. The same excitement washing over him as he watched you handling those assholes when he first met you.
Alex stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders. His eyes an unspoken apology, before his mouth accomplished the words. “I am sorry, sunny.”
These words flipped a switch in John’s brain. He was quicker on his feet than anybody could even blink. His statue standing between the both of you and literally ripping Alex’ hands of you. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare, soldier.” Alex stepped back a bit, his hands up in defense. He had seen the captain’s fury before.
That when you forcefully turned him around. “John.” He just wanted to turn back to Alex. That’s when your voice became that same demanding tone as John’s. “Jonathan Price.” It somehow snapped him back, his clouded thoughts sobering up a bit. “Get in the car.” Your tone sent shivers down his spine. Bot not only to John’s. The Scot found himself a bit too aroused by the tone in your voice as he shifted a bit further into the male next to him.
“Sunny…” John’s voice was pleading as he tried to reach out to you. His eyes full of regret.
“Weren’t my words clear enough?” You literal hissed at him. And he shook his head no before walking sloppy out of the pub. Kyle was quick to steady him and help him out. Simon saw Price often with regret clinging to his body, but never with this kind of defeat. You punched the bridge of your nose with a deep exhale. “Next time call earlier.” You looked at Alex and nodded. “Sorry for the interruptions. Enjoy the rest of the night.” You apologized and smiled genuine at the remaining members on the table, who looked at you with a certain understanding, while everything in their eyes screamed to take you somewhere else. Somewhere behind closed doors to go after those inappropriate fantasies that were haunting their dreams. But they could do nothing to stare after you while you left. Still eyes pinned on the door you walked through minutes later as Kyle just returned, a wide grin on his lips, that somehow didn’t make any sense to Simon nor Johnny.
“What’s ‘e face about?” Simon’s voice was a low grumble. Trying to process everything that just happened.
“You’ll see soon enough.” Kyle laughed while Alex took the place next to him again.
This revelation came sooner than everyone expected. It was at the next day. The men already gathered for some breakfast as their captain returned to base. His head a bit lower than usual. “I wanted to apologize.” He looked at all his team members, but mostly at Alex who only nodded. But before Alex could answer John continued. “I stepped a line.” Simon looked at him in disbelief. Never did he noticed such an undertone lingering in between his words. It was nearly hurt.
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“Sir, due to all respect, but if my sister would’ve been through the same… I wouldn’t have act any different.” Alex’ hand found the shoulder of the older man. A reassuring smile on his lips as Price only nodded. The rumbling inside John’s heart settling more and more. While this whole situation only established a deep longing in Johnny’s stomach. Sister…you weren’t his wife. You were his little sister. Neither him nor Simon had broken into your relationship. Johnny shoved all the thoughts of the eventual reaction of their captain aside. Maybe there was still hope for the dreams he had. Maybe he could reach them somehow. His eyes found those of his partner, who already stared at back at him and Johnny could’ve sworn to see some of the same kind of desire in those brown orbs.
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@cooliofango @ghostslillady @anothersimpsblog
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synthe4u · 3 months
Part three to this | Part two here
@hani-amerta congratulations!!! you can now choose if there will be a bad or good ending or I can try to continue this as long as you want.
You open your eyes only to find yourself looking up at the ceiling.
The beeping sound next to your must've woken you, but what was it?
You tried to move your head, but it felt heavier than usual. In fact, your whole body felt heavy.
You were now facing the direction of what was making the noise, but you couldn't spot what it was.
The sound of footsteps approached your room. The door opened and then there was silence. You couldn't hear anything or see anything anymore.
Why couldn't you open your eyes again?
When you woke up again, there were people talking in the room and your body felt inexplicably lighter than before. Though, your mind felt a bit blurry.
"Cap, they're awake."
"Kyle, go get the nurse."
"On it."
You could hear footsteps leaving and arriving before a man's face appeared in front of you. It was your captain, but he was with other people. Who were they?
"Hey, how're you doing."
You only figured out that your throat was particularly parched when you tried to answer him.
He saw your reaction and reached to hand you the water filled cup that was placed next to where you were laying.
Your captain began speaking again while you were drinking.
"You're currently in the hospital, you took a bullet."
You had already guessed that you were in a hospital, but you just didn't know which one. You also didn't remember taking a hit from a bullet.
You tried to reach to put the cup back where you saw the captain pick it up from, but he grabbed it from your outstretched hands.
You muttered a thanks.
A man opened the door. It was Kyle, a once good friend, who had entered with the nurse.
The nurse came over to your bed and asked how you were feeling. You said your throat was sore. The nurse then wrote something down on your sheet before asking how bad your throat hurt.
"Bad enough where I can still talk, but would prefer not to."
She nodded before excusing herself, presumably getting medicine. You didn't really know.
You were getting ready to close your eyes again to ignore the pain before your captain started speaking again.
"Ghost is in the ER."
You wanted to sit up so fast, but you couldn't. You stared wide-eyed at him, barely muttering out a "what?"
Your heart rate started going up, "He's alive?"
Your captain was looking down so you couldn't see his expression well, "Yeah, he doesn't have that big of a chance though."
The team became silent. They didn't want to tell you in case you would panic, but they knew they had to tell you. Plus, they knew you would appreciate it more if they told you before anything happened to him.
You don't respond. You laid there, thinking about who you've been seeing this entire time. Were you just dreaming you were hallucinating? Is this a dream? Were you in a coma? Was anything you saw real? Is this real?
Panic engulfed you and the next thing you knew the world became black.
(Author note: The writing may be a bit different, but I wanted to get this out today and I also made myself an outline of what to do, which I hate, but I still followed part of the outline. Outlines make me feel constrained to do a certain thing. I also accidentally wrote this between multiple days whereas my previous writings I wrote in one sitting. Sorry this isn't long, but I had to get this out my drafts.)
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calilk · 6 months
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mermaid boat boys, ft a boat
my gift for @theslyvoid9 for @mcytblrholidayexchange
ramblings, process and doodles under the cut
this was sosososos fun to do. i got the prompt and was immediately SO exited and motivated. however i had a large art piece to finish for school so didn’t manage to start properly for a good few weeks. however i DID do initial doodle ideas and composition plans, mostly during class, that are pictured below
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by the time i could start in earnest, i’d lost quite a bit of motivation and was struggling a LOT with the sketch and proper proportions, so i didn’t start properly until a week or so before the deadline. oops, sorry this is so late.
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this was my first quick colour draft, i was originally going to do the effect with squiggly lines that light creates under water but every time i tried it it just looked terrible so i didn’t. i also changed the positions of etho and joel.
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the sketches. i struggled wayyyy to much. i think i spent like 4 hours trying to get it right. BUT i did in the end!
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lineart, flats and detailing. i lost etho’s lil floaty side fins here due to my scatterbran and i mourn for them but not enough to draw another set of fins. the detailing took sooooo long and i don’t really like the boat, but don’t have the motivation nor time to change it. i also imagined some kelp winding around them to make the background more interesting but never got around to it in the end. during the detailing i spent 3 hours drawing on a laptop with the mousepad and it was the worst 3 hours of my life. never again. etho’s fins were inspired by those beta fish with the pretty fins. i love them but they were beyond horrible to draw.
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shading and lighting. i played around with the opacity of the light streaming through the water but i can’t attach any more images so whelp. yippeeee it’s done. it took be 23 hours in the end and i’m proud of it!!! my giftee also suggested some cannibalism stuff and i REALLY love that idea but didn’t know how to portray it without being graphic so i didn’t go for it. HOWEVER i really want to do an autocanibalism dl pearl piece in the future so yayyy. theslyvoid if you want me to tag you in that if i do it lmk since it was one of your requests :)
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col-islander43 · 1 year
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Jamie Drysdale x reader
Warnings: swearing
Word count: {1,226}
You heard the door shut, followed by soft footsteps a few minutes later. Your heart sped up a bit as Jamie stopped next to the couch, and you had to stop yourself from moving away as he bent down to kiss your forehead, whispering a soft greeting. You saw his finger point to the jersey on your lap, his head tilting in confusion "What's that?"
You didn't want to start a discussion or a fight, but it felt inevitable "Your jersey. The one you gave me, from the draft." Your voice was barely above a whisper because it was the only thing keeping your tears at bay.
Concern took over his face before questions started pouring out of his mouth "Why are you glaring at it? Did something happen? Are you ok?" Most of the time, you felt glad he could read you easily since you struggled with opening up, but, at this moment, you hated it because you felt like your reason for being upset was stupid, more than before. You weren't expecting all the questions, and you also didn't know how to answer all of them without breaking down.
"You're a real asshole, you know?" the crack in your voice slipped through, you tried to stop it, but you didn't have the energy to. You looked at the picture frame over his shoulder to avoid his gaze, but you could still see the frown taking over his face.
"Not the first time someone has told me, but I don't know what I did to deserve it now." His frown deepened while you looked down at your hands in your lap, twisting your thumbs around one another.
"I got a dm from your ex today, she replied to something I posted, your jersey was hanging in the back of the picture. She told me she used to love it too then she told me to look at her post from 2020. I did, and I have to say she looked good in it, she looks better in black than I do."
You stood up and threw the jersey at him before walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water for your dry throat, hoping it would wash away the lump that had formed. He followed after you but stayed quiet "Maybe you should give it back to her since it was hers first." Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him shaking his head, but you didn't turn around because the first tear had fallen and you didn't want him to see.
One word was all it took for anger to join your pain "Don't! Do you know how much it hurt to see that picture? Any idea how I used I feel? The minute I saw that picture I started spiraling, I started overthinking everything you ever told me when I while wearing that jersey and all the moments we had while I was wearing it. Do you remember the things you told me? Because I remember all of it. Did you even mean them? Or was it just to sweet-talk me? Did the moments ever mean anything at all?" Anger and pain were clouding your mind, deep down you knew you'd regret all your words later. Just like you always did.
He dropped the jersey, the fabric making a soft thud on the floor. You could feel his hands shake as he cupped your cheeks, using his thumbs to whip away the tears that had fallen during your outburst. "I didn't mean to… It wasn't my intention to hurt you, I promise. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry for making you spiral, and I'm sorry for making you feel used. You have to believe me, love. I promise I didn't mean to." He placed his forehead on yours, and you squeezed your eyes shut to stop the tears, but it wasn't working because his words were hitting you deeply.
"I remember everything I told you. I meant it when I told you it was special like you, I meant it when I said you looked beautiful in it, I meant it when we were laying in bed, and I told you the name on the back of it would be yours one day. I swear I meant every single word. And those moments, they're engraved in my brain. Even if I tried to forget, I don't think I ever could." his thumbs resumed caressing your cheeks and you opened your eyes, seeing his teary eyes.
Clearing your throat, the words tumbled out of your mouth with sobs wracking your body as it decided it was ok to let go "I- When I saw that picture I wasn't angry, I was confused. I thought she was lying, but stupid me did the math with everything you told me then I felt used. I think I felt like that because with the dates it seemed like you were trying to make her jealous by giving it to me, and I remember you posting me in it on your story a couple of days after you gave-"
He softly placed his lips on yours, stopping your rambling "You don't have to explain yourself to me, I understand, love. Your feelings are valid, but I promise it wasn't my intention to make you feel like that. I gave you the jersey because I thought you would've liked it. It's special to me, and so are you. I gave it to you so you could feel how special you are to me. She didn't cross my mind once, not when I gave it to you and not when I see you wear it."
You nodded, placing a peck on his lips "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you an asshole."
Jamie chuckled "No, you had every right. I didn't mind. I understand where you're coming from." he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his arms, squeezing me tightly "Just so you know, I never gave it to her. She took it from my closet while I was on a roadie, and I didn't want to come of as a dick by asking it back."
A giggle left your lips as you softly started swaying back and forth "You could never be a dick, an asshole, maybe, but not a dick." he responded to your teasing by pinching your waist, which resulted in a yelp leaving your lips.
"I know she broke your heart, but I'm glad she did because I never would've met you if she didn't and you're everything I've ever wanted."
You heard a sniffle coming from where he had his head placed on your shoulder, trying to quiet it, but it didn't work "Are you crying J?"
You pulled his head away, playing with his hair to calm him down as you had no idea why he was crying "Liar. Why are you crying, love?"
He placed his head back in his favorite resting place, kissing your exposed skin "I love you so fucking much."
With one hand playing with his hair, you lifted the other to rub his back since you felt more tears falling on your shoulder "I love you too. So fucking much."
"I could marry you right now." His whispering was useless as you heard his words loud and clear
First time posting, hope you guys enjoy!
Feedback is appreciated as I don't know what I'm doing 🤗
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shadow4-1 · 7 months
Smelly - Reader & 141 Drabble (SFW)
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(This is just a lil' somethin' that's been sitting in my drafts for a few months. It's just a lil' fluff w/ some hurt/comfort undertones and a/b/o scent dynamics. Hope ya'll enjoy!)
"God, Soap. You fuckin' reek.
"Yeah, well...thas' w' happens when yer rollin' aroun' n' shite n' blood." He grumbled, rubbing his dirty face with the back of his equally dirty palm. His voice held a breathiness to it, showing his exhaustion. "Perks o' the job."
You giggled at the usually jovial man, offering to help him carry his tactical gear back to the barracks. He silently obliged, face softening as you helped him undo his straps. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Captain Price talking to Gaz. Both men were also streaked in God knows what, shoulders hunched in fatigue.
"Tough mission I take it?" You murmured, undoing the last clasp at Soap's side. His pack tumbled off his back and onto the concrete of the helipad with a whump. The man groaned in delight, taking a second to pop his neck and roll his shoulders. 
"Oh you have no idea, Hen." He sighed deeply. "M' sure you'll get th' full debrief n' the mornin'."
"Yeah...let me get the rest of the team's gear and I'll meet you in the armory." You nodded, noticing the other filthy kits of your team nearby. "After you get a shower. You smell like- you know what? I don't even want to describe it."
"Thas' fair." He chuckled, his face finally softening up. Despite how dirty he was his teeth were as white as ever. "Ah'll see you there."
With that the Scot headed off. He paused a couple yards away before heading back towards you. Once again you were hit with the pungent smell of tar and stagnant water and Soap's generally bad mood. The scent of him made a tingle of displeasure shoot down your spine, the bad smell seemed to coat your tongue again.
You wrinkled your nose at him, trying desperately not to.  "Guh, what's up? Forget somethin'?"
"Yeah..." Soap muttered. He unclipped his throat mic, pulling the earbud away from the shell of his ear. He reached around his back then placed the battery pack in your palm. Despite his horrid odor you found yourself feeling a tad curious about the way the dirt soaked into his fingerprints. 
"I'll take care of it." You nodded. "Just please go get a shower."
Soap smirked, his eyes twinkling.
"Oh...so I REALLY stink, huh?"
"Soap..." You warned, immediately dropping the vest straps in your hands. The man took a step closer so you took one back. Again, you warned him. "Soap."
"It can't be THAT bad." He laughed, canines glinting sharp. "C'mere Searge, gimme a hug, hm?"
"No!" You squeaked, taking another couple steps back. Soap matched you quickly and in half a second you turned tail and ran to the closest figures. You ducked behind one, hoping they'd save you from Soap's reach. You weren't quick enough.
"Soap!" You squealed, squirming against his grip. The Scot had grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you up by your midsection. The side of your head brushed the curve of his jaw, his stubble biting into the softness of your skin. You couldn't help but laugh, despite your mild discomfort. "Lemme go you REEK!"
Once again you got a terrible whiff of his scent, but unlike earlier it wasn't as intense. Perhaps it was the excitement of the moment, or his change in mood, but Soap smelled marginally sweeter. The harsh, acrid edge of before softened into something a little bit more palatable.
"Let 'er go, MacTavish." 
Soap immediately let you go at the sound of the Captain's voice. You huffed out a soft laugh as you bounded a few feet away from him before turning around. You inhaled, catching the muddled scents of both Gaz and Captain Price. They were staring at your bright face that quickly turned sour. Instinctively you clapped a hand over your nose, then realized how rude that was.
"S-sorry..." You muttered, peeling your palm away from your face. "I just-"
"It's alright, Care." Gaz mumbled, removing his cap and wiping at his dingy brow. "We smell."
"We're going to hit the showers." Price added. "Can you look after the gear for us? Take it to the armory?"
"Yessir." You nodded, glancing down at the tactical gear on the asphalt. "All packs are accounted for except-"
"Ghost will manage on his own." Price cut you off. "We'll meet you in the armory."
And with that Price and Gaz began walking off towards the barracks. Soap stood there, looking like he wanted to say something.
"MacTavish!" Price called at him without looking back. His tone had taken a sharp edge to it, making Soap wince. You shot him an understanding look which he took with a smile before bounding off after the rest of the team. 
You looked down at the discarded tactical gear and breathed out slowly. Everything had the faint scent of violence and ozone. Your nose couldn't wait until everyone and everything was clean. In the mean time...
How could you get the scent of war out of kevlar?
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channieismyboy · 2 years
when you're on your period - b.c. ♡
♡ genre. fluff fluff fluff (so fluffy)
♡ sypnosis. how chan would comfort the reader when her cramps get so bad she can't move
♡ masterlist
the second this man finds out you're on your period and your cramps hurt so badly
he will drop whatever he's doing and will care for you
he will come beside you, and hold in his arms and ask if you need anything, if you're okay, if you want anything
"baby, do you want me to do anything?" "how badly does it hurt?" "should i get you some snacks?"
and he would have the most worried yet loving look on his face while he asks you these questions too
like he just wants to make sure you are one hundred percent okay
if you ask him to get you a heating pad
he will immediately do so
he knows that you're cramps can get really bad
so he doesn't want to leave your side
and the only time he would is if you wanted something
he would try to distract you while your medicin kicks in while cuddling you
telling you about some dumb stuff the members did during practice
or he would tell you the number of times both lee know and felix slapped his ass
anything to get your mind off the pain
once the medicine does finally quick in you start to drift off to sleep
you can't help it you're so comfortable under the covers with a heating pad while cuddling chan
once your boyfriend realizes you're asleep, he would also fall asleep until both of you wake up
the second you both are up he would ask you if you're feeling better
and if you want anything
even if you denied food
this man would get up and start to make you some ramen
because "you need to eat, it will make your cramps feel better"
even if his logic makes no sense at all you can't say no to him
partly because he's so cute
and partly because he already started to make the food-
you both ending sharing a huge pot of ramen and then cuddle while watching one of your favorite movies
but every five minutes while the movie is playing chan would ask you if you're okay
and then you would answer yes
and then the cycle would continue until you both lay in bed and are asleep
you laying on his chest while he has an arm on your shoulder
a/n: this was a request, and i would just like to say: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ANON!! istg my dumbass thought i already posted this, but turns out i didn't and it was sitting in drafts for weeks. my stupidity keep surprising me everyday-
anyways, i love all of you to bits and pieces, please make sure to eat and sleep, and drink water properly!!! <3
tagslist: @flowersiinherhaiir @luabahngg
@miamyre @yourallaround-simp
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 11 months
The Wildflower
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x F!Reader
Rating: NSFW 18+ (minors dni)
Warnings: very might mentions of death, (Y/N)mentioned like once, storm anxiety, so much fluff that I hope it has everyone kicking their feet, heaving making out, Jack being so sweet and gentle,  smutty goodness but no sex…yet, oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, more fluff, cute banter
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Notes: Look who remembered how to write!! This was inspired by a TikTok and truthfully I have more plans for our inn keeper and Jack. Halfway through I knew I wanted to keep this universe alive so I’m not sure when more from here will happen but I hop it does soon. Thank you all for the continued support and being patient. Massive thanks to my editor as usual @clint-aww-no-barton and let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list!
ao3 link
The rain made a soft pattering on the roof and windows. Music filled the room, from the record player in the living area, until the rain drowned it out. You let out a soft sigh as you moved the needle from the Elvin Bishop vinyl. It didn’t matter, the rain made its own rhythms. You glanced out the big window, that faced the main road to your small inn, noting that not a car was in sight. It was going to be a slow evening and, most likely, an even slower weekend. Rainy days didn’t tend to bring too many people in to stay, but on the rare occasion, you didn’t mind having the old inn to yourself.
  You had grown up in this place. Chased kids of guests down the hallways during the summer. You would spend time there with your grandmother, who had started this place with your grandfather, and refused to stop when he passed. You even begged your mom to let you stay during holidays, and she always let you. You had loved it since the moment you stepped foot inside. As you had gotten older you started helping, and soon took more of it over as your grandmother aged. She had written one single thing left to you in her will. The only thing you ever wanted, the inn. Some of your last words to her were your promise to take care of it, until your own dying day. She was pleased with your declaration and so far you had lived up to the promise.
  You smiled softly to yourself at the memories that floated you by during times like this. When you actually had time to think. You made your way across creaking floors to the kitchen and put on a pot of water for tea. The light draft that always swept through the place kept you constantly in a sweater, or cardigan of some kind, even in the dead middle of summer. You never minded it, and truthfully it was perfect to you. The whole place was. You double checked a few things, to be sure everything was ready just in case someone decided to stay, before settling in an alcove and opening your book. Your tea settled in your left hand, taking slow steady sips while it cooled. It was honestly a perfect evening.
  Night fell too quickly, and even with the little bit of light you had already turned on, the page in front of you was getting harder to read. That was your cue to get up and start to lock up for the night. You stood and stretched carefully, and began your nightly routine. You were just finishing up in the kitchen, about to head to lock the front door when you heard the distinct sound of someone opening it. Your eyebrows knit together, confused at who in the world would be stumbling in this late. You walked into the living area, to find a man in a cowboy hat and suit.
  “Please tell me you’re still taking guests?” He drawled.
  “You’re right on time actually. I was just about to lock up.” You gave him a soft smile as you watched him visibly relax.
  He was handsome and his brown eyes held a softness, and something you couldn’t place, but it was comforting. He was also dripping wet, and both of you seemed realize it at the same time.
  “Right! Let me get you a towel! So sorry.”
  You moved quickly, turning back to the kitchen and through it to the laundry room, grabbing a fresh towel from the the dryer.
  “Do the best you can with this, and I’ll get you in a room as soon as possible. If you want I can throw your wet clothes in the dryer. That’s if you don’t get them dry cleaned.”
  You found your self fumbling your words, suddenly awkward. You dealt with people every single day, from different walks of life, and this wasn’t the first handsome man who had walked through your door. He was just more so, and he was making you nervous but not in a bad way.
  “That would be amazing darlin’. Names Jack by the way. I do apologize for coming in so late, and in such a state. I had a bit of a late evening and this was the first place I came to.”
  “(Y/N) and it’s perfectly alright. You’re my only guest so, welcome to the Wildflower Inn!” you gave him a big smile. “I have some left over food from my dinner tonight if you’re hungry. After you get settled that is.”
  “Oh that would be even better. I really appreciate that darlin’.”
  “Not a problem at all. Let me show you to your room.”
  He picked up the bag he had set down to dry off, and followed you. You lead him to the room close to yours, for reasons you weren’t quite sure of, but you went with your gut.
  “Here’s your key. You have a small closet here, a full ensuite bathroom. The tv may be out because of the storm, so I hope you don’t need it to…”
  You didn’t get to finish your sentence before lighting flashed through the room, and a crash of thunder rattled the windows, as the lights flickered and then went out.
  “Shit. Well, the tv is definitely out,” you let out a bit of a chuckle. “Also in every room is a flashlight.”
  You walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer and pulled out a flashlight turning it on.
  “I’ll go get a lamp, so you’ll have some more light.” You give him a smile.
  “Thank you darlin’.”
  You gave him a nod and went to grab a gas powered lamp, placing it on the bedside table and lighting it.
  “I’ll leave you to settle. You can come down when you are done. Lucky for you I have backup supplies, but your clothes probably won’t be getting dried.”
  “That’s perfectly alright. I have extras. Thank you for everything darlin’. You’re a natural at this.”
  “Well, thank you,” you gave a smile, your cheeks hot, before turning to leave.
  You were careful with the steps, as you made your way back downstairs and into the kitchen. You pulled out more lamps, lighting them and placing them in just a few places where you could watch them. You turned and started to work on fixing a sandwich for Jack, careful to only open the fridge sparingly. You had no idea how long the power would be out, but you prayed not long enough to ruin your food. Just as you were finishing up you heard footsteps, and soon Jack was joining you.
  “I hope it’s okay. I left everything off so you could fix it how you wanted. Please do eat as much as you want,” you gave him a soft smile.
  “Thank you darlin’,” that damn nickname was going to be the death of you.
  “I have water and sweet tea.”
  “Oh sweet tea for sure. I’m too much of a Southern boy to turn that down.”
  You let out a chuckle as you fixed him a glass. Just as you sat his glass down and was turning to fix yourself one, the thunder crashed again shaking the house and rattling the glasses in the cabinet. You jumped, feeling yourself inching closer and closer to being on edge. A normal, calm, thunderstorm didn’t bother you, but this one seemed to be getting worse. And with no power it was making you nervous.
  “Whoa! Hey you okay?” Jack stood up, his chair sliding against the wooden floor.
  He reached for you just as you turned, and realized the two of you were closer than you thought. You looked up at him, trying to calm yourself down but your heart only pounded more from the look of worry dancing in his brown eyes.
  “I…I’m okay. It just scared me. I don’t do well with storms,” you felt your face heat in slight embarrassment.
  “That’s alright. Why don’t you keep me company while I eat real quick? And then maybe we can do something together? Do you have cards? We can play by the lamp light?”
  “Yeah I have cards. That…that would be perfect.”
  He nodded before he went back to his seat, and you turned to finish making your drink, grinning like a school girl with a secret crush. You hardly ever had men come stay here alone, and the few times you did, you’d been slightly nervous. Being a woman running this place mostly alone was not ideal, and it could get ugly fast. Jack, however, didn’t make you feel that way. He made you feel at ease, sent your heart racing, but you felt like you had known the man your entire life. It was something you had never felt before, but you loved it. You sat across from him and sipped at your drink. The two of you slid into easy conversation, learning more about each other. It was easy to talk to him, and he had you laughing and smiling more than you had in awhile. The only damper to the evening was the crashing thunder, and howling wind that joined in, making the bones of the house creak. Jack watched you carefully and seemed to hurry his dinner along, until he finally sat back.
  “That was delicious. I was hungrier than I thought,” he let out a chuckle.
  “I’m glad it was good. I really wish you could have had the soup. It’s a specialty of mine.”
  “I doubt this will be the last time I ever see you. It will just give me an excuse to come back.”
  You both froze slightly, with your eyes connected to each other. Your stomach erupted with butterflies and once again you felt your face heat.
  “I was secretly hoping that you wouldn’t just leave and never look back,” your words were soft but even over the storm you knew he heard you.
  “I would never. This is too…”
  The both of you fell silent with small smiles on your faces. Another crack of thunder and a hard gust of wind broke the moment, making you jump and close your eyes.
  “Come on, let’s get into those cards, and get your mind off this storm.”
  You stood and turned to one of the drawers in the kitchen and pulled out some playing cards. You sat back down and looked across the table at him.
  “Ready to get your ass kicked Cowboy?” The nickname slipping out accidentally, and you stopped breathing.
  That was until Jack broke out into a smirk, and you swore you saw a twinkle in his eyes.
  “Oh it’s on darlin’.”
  You pulled the cards out, shuffled them and the two of you started in on your first game.
  The storm had settled outside. Rain continued to fall and distant thunder could still be heard but now it was peaceful. You had lost count of the number of games you and Jack had played. Running through various card games, and even a few he taught you how to play. You tried your best to stifle the millionth yawn you had let escape in the past thirty minutes, but failed miserably.
  “I think we should turn it. I’m sure it’s late,” Jack smirked as he looked up at you.
  “I’m fine. I swear,” your eyes were heavy and you knew he could see the lie on your face.
  The truth was, you didn’t want to go to bed, because you didn’t want him to leave. You figured he would leave tomorrow morning at some point and the thought crushed you. It was odd how quickly the man had worked himself into your mind, but there was something about him.
  “Come on darlin’,” he stood and held his hand out.
  You took it and he helped you stand, before you both put out all the lamps and padded upstairs with the flashlight. Jack stopped at the door of his room, and you did the same. You turned to him, hand on your door handle.
  “Well, goodnight Cowboy,” you gave him a smile.
  “Goodnight to you too darlin’,” he returned the smile, but he didn’t move to walk into his room and neither did you.
  The two of you kept eye contact for longer than normal, and you wondered if his mind was racing with the same thoughts yours was. You were silently begging him to just come kiss you. Take those few strides to you, and just, kiss you. You didn’t want to have to toss and turn in bed all night, no matter how tired, and wonder what those lips would have felt like. He seemed to battle himself too. Then his hand fell from his door handle.
  “Oh fuck this,” he spoke just above a whisper before he was in front of you.
  His hands came up to your cheeks in a gentle hold and his lips crashed against yours. You reached up to fist the front of his shirt, and wasted no time kissing him back. You melted into him, your mind going fuzzy. You had never been kissed like this. No man made butterflies, no fireworks, erupt inside of you like this man did. You realized in that moment, you were in deep. The two of you reluctantly pulled away when air became a must. Jack’s forehead rested against yours, and the two of you panted. Your eyes were still closed, trying to gather yourself, but you could feel him watching you. Finally your eyes fluttered open and were met with brown ones. He seemed to watch every thought cross your face.
  “Tell me you want to,” he whispered.
  “I want to. Please,” you sounded slightly desperate, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to really care.
  That seemed to be enough for him. His mouth fell back to yours and he picked you up carefully. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers finding purchase in his brown locks and your legs wrapped around his waist. He fumbled with your door but soon you were through it, and then you were against the wall, trapped between it and Jack. His kisses were eager and so were yours. It was like the two of you would never be able to get enough of each other. Finally he planted you on the ground and pulled away. You were a mess, and the man had only kissed you. You glanced at yourself in the mirror that was attached to a small vanity behind Jack. Your lips were swollen and red, hair slightly disheveled and you were a panting mess.
Jack’s hand gripped your hip and took ahold of you, pulling you to him. He gave you one more slightly softer kiss.
  “Let me make you feel good, yeah?” He spoke low and gentle.
  You couldn’t speak, too afraid of your voice giving you up, exposing the wreck you truly were, so you simply nodded your head. Jack’s hands travelled up your shirt, inching slowly across the skin of your stomach and up to your breast, squeezing over the fabric of your bra. You let out a shuddering gasp and gulped slightly. You watched him watch you, as he let out a chuckle at your reaction. Then he slipped your shirt over your head and let it fall to the floor. Your bra went soon after it, and he didn’t give you much time before his fingers had the hard pebble of your nipples between them. He pinched, pulled and you let out a moan, arching into him slightly before he released them. Never once did his eyes move from yours. He turned you slightly, and gently pushed you down to your bed, your legs hanging off. He hovered over you, kissing your mouth again, before pulling away and starting down your body. You let out a sigh as your head tipped back, eyes fluttering closed, trying to focus on where his lips touched. It was all so gentle and intoxicating. His lips wrapped around your hard nipples flicking them with his tongue, before he continued down your stomach till he was right where your jeans rested across your hips. He kissed right there under your navel, as he unzipped your pants before pulling them, along with your underwear, completely off. They joined your shirt on the floor and you finally forced your eyes open to look down. It was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen, this man resting himself between your thighs. You let out a whine as he placed your legs on his shoulders and wrapped his arms around you, to keep you pinned down.
  “I know darlin’. I got you,” he spoke, his breath ghosting over your already soaking wet center.
  You shuddered and watched as he leaned in. No more slow movements. This man knelt between your legs, taking you in his mouth like this was the first meal he had had in months. Like you were the last thing he would ever taste. Your head flew back, a moan almost at the pitch of a scream erupted from your lips, and your hand flew to his hair, lacing your fingers there. You were putty in his hands, completely at his mercy and you had never had a man touch you like this. You panted, moans still falling from your lips, as he moved his tongue around your clit before sucking the bundle of nerves between his lips. You jumped, letting out another yelp.
  “Jack,” his name fell from your lips like a prayer and his eyes looked up at you smirking, as his tongue went back to work.
  His right arm lifted and he pushed your right leg slightly off his shoulder stretching you open more. He pulled his mouth, away pulling another pitiful moan from you. His middle and ring finger rubbed at your now sensitive clit, causing you to jump and you looked down catching his eyes. He never moved his gaze from yours as he slipped his two fingers deep into you. He started to flutter them against that delicious spot inside you. Your head went back again and now both of your hands found purchase in his hair. His mouth went back to your clit and his fingers started to move even quicker inside of you. You thanked God that there was no one else in this house, nor a single neighbor in ear shot as you screamed out. You were reeling and you could feel yourself inching closer and closer to the edge, before Jack moaned against you. You snapped, your body going ridged, back arching, a mixture of curses and his name falling from your lips. You tried to close your legs but he wasn’t letting up, determined to get you through your orgasm. Finally your body gave out and melted into the bed as Jack let up. His lips peppered kisses across your center and thighs, before he was crawling back up to your lips. When he kissed you and you tasted yourself it sent a whole new jolt through you, and you moaned against his lips. Your fingers fumbled with his pants and his hand reached out stopping you. You pulled away, hurt clearly written across your face. Jack did nothing but smirk and kiss your nose.
  “Let’s take it slow darlin’. Not that I needed anymore reason to come back, waiting gives me more incentive to hurry my ass up.”
  “Wait, you really do plan to come back?”
  “Darlin’ you had me the moment I walked in to this place. I took one look at you, and knew that this wouldn’t be the only time I ever saw you.”
  The smile that spread across your face was a beaming light, and your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
  “It took me a bit longer.” You smirked as Jack’s eyebrows furrowed.
  “What do you mean?”
  “It took me longer than the second you walked in.” Another look, puppy dog eyes activated “After I realized you weren’t some crazy killer, then I was good.”
  He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “You had me worried there darlin’.”
  “It was a few minutes instead of seconds but who is really counting?”
  “Oh I am. I’ll always tell people I fell first now.”
  Both of you let out laughs that mixed together, and it was a sound you would never get tired of. Silence fell and the two of you kept your eyes on one another, try to memorize everything you could.
  “So… when will you leave?” You paused for a moment. “And how long will you be gone?”
  “I can stay another day but then I gotta get back home. I shouldn’t have to stay away too long but I never know. My job is…unpredictable.” He spoke as his fingers brushed hair from your face.
  “What do you do?”
  “I wish I could tell you darlin’. It ain’t nothing…like what you may be thinking. I’m just not allowed to say and normally its not a problem. It could be dangerous.”
  You nodded your head in understanding. It made your stomach twist slightly, but you tried to push every single thought that fired off in your brain.
  “I’m going to try and take some time off and come back here. We ain’t too awful far from each other. I can help out around here, earn my keep and all.” He smirked.
  “Oh yeah. I don’t let anyone stay for free,” you chuckled as you looked up at him.
  He finally laid down next to you, pulling you into him.
  “I think I can think of plenty of ways to pay you back.”
  “Oh I can too. I have some pipes that need fixing, the lawn needs to be mowed, I can send you grocery shopping,” you pulled your hand between the two of you to tick things off on your fingers, before looking up at him.
  The look on his face made you burst out laughing. 
  “I see how it is. You finally got a man around so I’m going to have a honey do list.”
  “Exactly! I just happen to put myself on there too. Mentally,” you taped your temple and smirked up at him.
  “That’s what I thought,” he smirked kissing your forehead and you giggled.
  The two of you laid there ,falling into easy conversation until you felt yourself slipping to sleep.
  “Sleep darlin’. I’m right behind you. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Jack’s lips once again caressed your forehead and you curled into him.
  As you fell asleep you knew there would be many more nights shared with him in your little inn, and you couldn’t wait.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​ @weasleywinchester​
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fluorynn · 5 months
WYDOFFA (when you departed, our fortress fell apart) WAS SO FREAKING GOOD !!! I reread so many times 😭😭😭
I noticed quite a few things actually and would like to ask !!
1 — the way Jake is so focused on being a protector — is it because at the beginning they (and by they I mean Grace and Neytiri when they first meant ) would tell him to protect reader better ? Which is why he was so firm on it?
2 — the way Neytiri sways the reader, is it because of the dancing moment they shared?😭 that’d be so friggin cute I swear if it is, I am so enamored with that part —
3– Dr. Mason is my spirit animal. That’s my statement 🥹
4 — are we gonna see future fics of Seyk’lan and Lo’ak’s interaction with Jake and Neytiri and Kiri and Neteyam ???
5– the twins were a surprise for me 😭 I love LOVE the baby girl’s name and her meaning however !!
Oh my gosh, hi hello!! I’m glad to hear ( well — read these questions, LOL😭 ) before I elaborate, this might be a slight bit long because I love these questions to which is why it took me some time to respond so sorry in advance !
1 : Partially, slightly yes, Jake is very protective of reader for the reason being that he realized how his recklessness could put her in danger if that makes sense? And especially with her being human in the giant, dangerous world of Pandora. It’s a reflection of his past self, in a way, and he was still picking up his pieces, trying to be better for himself and for his family.
That line he has in Avatar: the Way of Water when they are leaving the forest; “a father protects.”
Side note : Sort of inspired that trope of his overprotective behavior. And of course, the title of this story speaks for itself, in that one scene where Jake and Neytiri are arguing and he says this line, this beautiful, impactful line that somehow always makes me tears up😭😭:
“Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”
2 : —YOU NOTICED IT ANNON😭😭😭 Yes, yes yes !! I feel that Neytiri would LOVE to slow dance, and she loves the swaying, but she also does it out of second nature, too. There was a part where I was going to include reader with her round belly, Neytiri, and even Jake partaking in slow dancing again — to feel that intimacy and comfort they needed but I didn’t include it because of how lengthy this fic was getting🥲🥲
3 : Your statement, goes acknowledged by me😌 Dr. Mason is one of my favorite characters😆
4 : well… I’m not entirely, surely, sure if everyone else would like to read this …. I may or may not have something in the drafts with the twins having their moment with their parents and siblings !!
5 : the twins were something I was so incredibly debated on including — the reader originally was going to birth our baby girl Seyk’lan, but then I did some turns and included reader birthing twins — including Lo’ak so it can sort of…be apart of the relationship Jake has with Lo’ak in ATWOW — and I’ve seen so many thoughts/says that Jake is much more a girl dad than a roughly boy dad, if that makes sense !
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Suga x reader - team parents
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Hi ! How are you doing ? First I want to say I love your stories ! And I love the fact you write for a lot of fandom ! I had a request, would you mind writing a Suga (Haikyuu) x reader where the reader is a manager of the Volleyball team and also has this Mom personality and match with Suga please ? (Sorry if I make any mistakes, English isn’t my first language) but if you have a lot to do, forget about it ! Have a nice day/ night - @innieblogg 💜
Walking into the gym, you set the bag down and sat down on the bench as you looked at the team training.
“You’re running late.”
Looking at the grey haired teen, you gave a small smile as you opened your bag so show what was in there.
“Oh my god!” He whisper yelled.
“Shh, don’t let them know. It’s a surprise.”
“What’s a surprise?!” Hinata yelled.
Everyone immediately came rushing over and you lightly swatted their hands away from the bag.
“No! Don’t keep secrets!” Nishinoya pouted.
“It’s for after practice. Now, I’ve drafted up a new game plan I’d like to run past you all so sit.”
The whole team sat down and looked up at you as you began to explain to them some things you had noted from their last game and the past few training sessions.
“So you’re saying we need to change tactics?” Daichi asked.
“In a way yeah. Right now I just want you to practice on your manoeuvres, we don’t want another incident like with what happened to Nishi.”
“Aw you care about me?” The teen grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you leant forward and smacked the back of his head and he pouted while everybody laughed at him.
“It seems kind of pointless.” Tsukishima shrugged.
“Maybe, but it could help. Especially when it comes to safe landings. So you’re doing it, no choice.”
They all went off to train and you watched them, writing down some things you were noticing about them all.
Most of it was ways they could improve, but you would arrange one on ones with them the following day so that you could start working in this.
You called them over one at a time, giving them their water bottles and making them sit down to rest for a few minutes before sending them back out.
“Right! Get here you lot!” You called.
The group came padded over and you opened your bag, dumping on the floor, you tossed some food at them all.
“Oh my god our favourite!” Hinata beamed.
“How’d you know what to get me?” Kageyama asked you.
“I know what you like.” You beamed.
They all began to eat and you nibbled on your own food, smiling softly at them all.
They were a good bunch, great potential, but you noticed Asahi sat towards the back and you frowned a little.
Getting up, you walked over and sat next to him.
“Hey, are you alright?” You asked softly.
“Oh.. y.. yeah..” he nodded.
You smiled at the gentle giant and poked his arm.
“Come on.”
You stood up and he followed you across the gym and you both sat down against the wall, still eating.
“I know you’re struggling, but you’re a great player. You’re amazing at volleyball, you have real talent you know Asahi.”
“You think…?”
You looked up at him and smiled.
“I know, I’ve been coaching this team for two years. You’re great, just remember that alright?”
He smiled a little and nodded and you sat there with him for a little bit until they went to get their stuff to go home.
You stood at the door waving them all off and you felt a hand on top of your head and you smiled softly.
“You ready?” He asked.
“I was waiting for you.”
“Well let’s go then.”
Suga took your hand in his and you both started to walk towards the front of the school, enjoying the peace.
You looked up at him and your smile widened a little bit.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked.
You looked away.
Suga laughed a little and shook his head at you, handing you his drink so you could have some and you handed it back after.
“Do you want to stay at mine?” You asked.
“Will your parents be alright with that?”
“Suga you stay every weekend, of course they will. Plus it’s late, and you look exhausted. My house is closer.”
“Is this because you want me to watch that sappy movie with you again?”
He laughed, nodding his head.
“Yeah, I’ll stay. I’ll call my mom when I’m at yours.”
You grinned and you leant into his side and he smiled to himself as he carried on walking.
“So, what do you have planned for tomorrow?”
“Oh it’s going to be great!”
You excitedly began to explain to your boyfriend what you had planed for tomorrows training and what you were trying to achieve and he listened carefully.
You cared for the team, you looked after them just like he did, and he looked after you throughout the rest of the day.
You were the parents of the volleyball team, and truth be told no one would change that for the world
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b0g-b0y · 1 year
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Price x M reader ✨NSFW✨
Dom reader, a little bit of age difference but you’re just a year or two younger then soap, drinking, breeding.
A really rough draft really rough…
Anyway I’m never going to finish it so you can have my trash. I got the idea from a post from someone but don’t remember who. Also I’m posting this on my phone so it might look funky.
Also I know I said it’s a really rough draft and it is however I do struggle with writing and reading at times due to a disability please don’t be to mean to me.
Y/n was new to 141 as well as the youngest y/n should have realized this wouldn’t go well when Ghost left the room quickly, that should’ve been his warning sign. But here he was playing a stupid game of truth and dare with Gaz and Soap that went too far too fast. It was Gaz's turn to ask truth or dare his eyes were on you. “Y/N truth or dare” Gaz spoke as he had a glint in his eyes and a smile that matched. Feeling confident you chose dare in full confidence you said it as well. “ I dare you to tell Price he looks submissive and breedable,” Gaz said. Soap let out a snort almost instantly. Y/N's face got a little red as he thought of his Captain in a way he most definitely shouldn’t be thinking of, however, this was most definitely not the first time he thought of Captain Price in such a way. And Gaz most definitely knew Soap probably didn’t make the connection that y/n liked Price in a sexual way and thought Gaz was just playing a cruel funny joke that would have you in trouble for sure.
After the laughter died down all eyes were on you and it was dead quiet all that could be heard was Gaz opening another beer or two. You snatched the whisky from Soap and took a big sip. “ Fuck you and I’ll fuck your mom's but I ain’t gonna back out I for sure ain’t no bitch “ you said as you stood up. Gaz was surprised he was actually going through with it, Soap on the other hand was a little hurt you would say that about his mom.
Y/n was now searching for Price. Gaz and Soap followed a bit behind him. Y/n found Price he was having tea with Ghost and reading a newspaper, Ghost gave you all a glare, and Price just looked up at you all and raised an eyebrow in question. You stormed over to your Captain and looked him dead in the eyes as you leaned slightly over the sitting man. “Y/N” was all Captain Price spoke. “ Captain… has anyone ever told you that you look really submissive and breedable sir” you said. Price couldn’t believe what words spilled from your mouth but Price being Price he reacted calmly. “ Y/N I think you should go to bed I can smell the boos on you we’ll talk about this in the morning yeah” was all he said. He stood up and led you out of the room to make sure you really did go to bed and had some water. But before he left he asked, “ Ghost take care of those other two blokes ”. You could only assume Ghost did what he was asked.
When it was just you and Price you didn’t dare speak you weren’t drunk but you were getting nervous and the realization of what you had spoken to your Captain sank in. The realization also set in with you that Ghost would chew you up for what happened without remorse. “I’m sorry Captain” left y/n’s lips as a mumble. Y/N couldn’t bring himself to look up at the Captain’s eyes as his confidence was all gone by now. All Y/N got was a pat on the shoulder and a sigh. “ You just had too much to drink yeah” Price looked at y/n. “No sir… I’m 100% sober” y/n sighed his eyes slightly watering. “ Please don’t kick me out of 141 Captain I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have gone through with it we were playing a game and it went too far” the way y/n spoke you could tell he choked down the tears that threatened to spill. You stop walking and Price stopped soon after. Price turned to look at y/ns smaller form. “ y/n I’m not mad just disappointed you're young and you're not the only bloke to blame for this incident I won’t kick you out but you’ll be struck with a light punishment probably laundry duty for a few days” Price was being too kind about this y/n believe he was being too nice and to calm about this. “ Is that all?” y/n asked him.” Yes, should it not be solder” Price was looking dead at you. “ Yes Captain, I think I need something more brutal, not no slap on the wrist for that shit the words I spilled tonight should’ve never been spoken to you especially with your rank” Price let you keep talking he wanted to know what you had to say. “ Sir, no Captain Price I believe you should chew me out and leave me for the dogs for what I said” y/n stopped there he was expecting Price to say something back. “Why do you think so? Why are you taking this to heart soldier?” Price asked. Y/n didn’t dare answer.”Speak soldier I’m talking to you”. His stare hardened.” Yes sir!” you managed to bark out before swallowing hard. “ Captain, I think I need a harsher punishment not only for what I said but because I meant it. I would bend you backward and breed you like a bitch in heat if given the chance hell some nights that’s all I’ll think about is you underneath me whimpering and whining hell what I would give to hear you beg”. Y/n's eyes locked with Price's gaze with every word spoken. John couldn’t believe what you said. All he knew was that you were young and he had to be the bigger man at this moment. “ y/n I truly don’t know what to say how about we finish this tomorrow” Price said. All you did was nod your head before retiring for the night. That night Price would lie in bed thinking about what you said he couldn’t help but think about it very vividly in fact as he did his pants were getting tighter John was conflicted, y/n was definitely a lot younger than him. “ Bloody hell” he felt too old for you yet your confession left a fire in his stomach. John felt guilty for his sinful thoughts and felt even more guilty that his hands sunk into his joggers and found their way around his cock and he only stopped the rough jerking of his cock when he was about to cum. Price only stopped when he realized what he was doing guilt was what he felt. He turned over and tried to go to bed.The next day Price was tense and wasn’t as calm as usual but whoever stopped by his office probably thought it was just from all the paperwork he had been doing. Later that day when you came into his office only after knocking did Price really start to show how pissy he was really feeling. “Y/n I know damn well why you’re here and I’m about bloody fucking sure you’re new punishment isn’t going to be bloody one” Price spoke deeply well giving a look that could kill. “Captain Price?” That was all y/n said. “ Boluks kid, I want you to show me what your thoughts are about me at night. This is an order to meet me in my office at 19:40 sharp understand soldier” you couldn’t believe what Price had said all you did was nod and then leave, you would train and do chores until that time came.
When sparing Ghost didn’t beat you to a pulp surprisingly! He didn’t go easy with Gaz or Soap, however.
Later that night y/n showed up right on time and came into Price's office. “Captain” y/n said. “Y/n” price spoke. Y/n walked closer to Price until he had a leg between his Captains, his hands on Price's hips making small circles and hot breath landing on his neck. “ you sure about this sir” you spoke against his neck making a shiver come from your Captain. “ No I’m not… this is wrong in so many ways. I fear I’m using you like I’m a desperate old man” Price's words didn’t match his body’s as he couldn’t help but lean in. “ Price it doesn’t have to be right, hell I feel as guilty as you. Just being here touching you is such a privilege we can always stop. All you have to do is give me the order my Captain Price my pretty boy hmmmm”. Price gave you a small hum In response and that was all you needed. You moved quickly pushing him down on his desk, your knee against his crotch, and pulling him up by the shirt to give him a messy kiss. After a while of hungry kisses and rubbing Price through his pants with your knee you couldn’t wait much longer. You flipped him around and pulled him to the edge of his desk and yanked his pants down you made sure to run your hands all over his body and give his ass a nice squeeze your hands on both cheeks that soon made circular motions that just got rougher by the minute, Price let out a sharp breath followed by a moan. Your hips pressed against him allowing him to feel your still-clothed cock right at his entrance Price moved closer wanting more of what you were giving, he was now letting out wipers he wanted more he wanted you. “That’s a good boy captain hmmm are you a good boy for me letting me use you as I please? I know you want more but I don’t know if you can handle it. can you captain can you take me can you” the rough handling got harder his captain would be black and blue tomorrow.” Fucking hell mmmmhaaa I need more I want more I’ll be good please, please I I need mmmmha”. Price was babbling pleads for more. He’s been so good for you so you give the man what he wants you pull your pants down and run your cock up and down his ass an pressing the tip in slightly Price was sweating and crying he was so close he wanted to cum he needed to. You grab his cock as you push all the way in and it hurts. The only lub you had was pre cum and spit which only helps so much.” Please wait I” Price never finished he was cut off by his own sobbing moans. “ That’s not an order Sir is it?” You spoke as you slammed into him harder, you rubbed his cock just as hard as your thrusts so much lust and power filled your head. It didn’t take long for John Price to shoot his big load out so much was given and you made sure to milk him dry. He was crying sweating and tired but you weren’t done. Your harsh thrusts didn’t stop until you were close to unloading your cum, your hands spreading his ass and the tip of your cock still inside as you watched your cum slip out and run down the Captain's leg.
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4ttack-ur-heart · 10 months
connie x y/n date at the zoom🦙
Lions & Polar Bears
Pairing: connie x gn! reader
Summary: You and Connie go on a cute date to the zoo.
Genre: Fluffy af
Warnings: none
authors note: glad I am finally posting this. It's been in my drafts for months and wanted to send it out earlier, but writer's block and a bit of seasonal depression hit and I wanted to end it good.
okay and ngl, towards the end it’s really fluffy and totally cringe and cliche so I’m excited. also i'm pretty sure I used only gender neutral terms in regards to the reader, but if you catch something I missed just lmk :)
——— he's literally adorable-
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“Babe, look at the wolves!” Connie gushes out to you and grabs your hand.
He’s been dying to go to the zoo lately, so he was ecstatic when you bought the tickets online to surprise him. Apparently it was the best gift you could’ve gotten him, as Connie turned into a kid going to Disneyland for the first time.
“I see, baby.” You smile at him and link your arms with him. A few people surrounded you, but thankfully you took a day off of work so it wouldn’t be as crowded as it would on a weekend. “What do you wanna go see see next?”
He hovers over your shoulder, glancing between the park map and the wolf enclosure. “The elephants are near by. Can we go see them?”
“Of course.”
Your local zoo was a popular tourist spot since it was also a rescue center for the animals, thankfully not just some poor creatures behind a steel fence.
It was pretty humid unfortunately, but you and Connie prepared. Both of you were twinning with a couple anime t-shirts and shorts with a pair of sunglasses.
He dragged you through the park, hand desperately clutching onto to yours in hope you’ll match his speed. “C’mon, slowpoke. Don’t make me carry you.”
“If you do in front of all these people, you can sleep with the polar bears tonight.”
“What’s the difference?”
He earned himself a light smack to the back of his buzzed head.
It was around noonish by the time your stomach started growling. Between the sun, the humidity, and walking, plus the water bottles you stored in your little backpack were rapidly declining.
“Baby, we should find somewhere to eat real quick.” You tell him as the smell from the food stands started to waft in your nose.
“Weak.” He replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Most people don’t survive off of Oreos and a redbull.”
“Ugh, fine- whatever Mom.”
Connie laughed at the glare you sent his way. He wasn’t wrong though. He sure acted like a kid rather than an adult, but his goofy personality was what you liked about him. “Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?”
After various glances between the different food stands, you both decided on getting burgers, which made your stomach growl even more.
Connie came up behind you and placed a hand tenderly on your stomach, “Hey quiet that thing down, it’s gonna attract the animals.”
“Sorry, my handler hasn’t fed me yet.” You let out a giggle as Connie places a small kiss on your cheek.
“Let’s go, babe.”
After a good meal of overpriced food, the hiking up the many hills of the zoo were no match for you two.
“You liked the elephants?” You asked and swung your clasped hand with his. He’s been in a great mood all day and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in yourself that you made the right choice in buying the tickets.
“Yes, you’re the best,” He gave you a kiss. “What do you wanna see?”
A confused look took over your face and your eyebrows raised from behind the lenses of your sunglasses.
“Uhh, it’s only like 2:00 pm…” You tell him. “Why do you think I spent the night at your place? I made sure I was going to wake your ass up early, babe. We’re gonna see everything.”
Connies brain felt like it was short-circuiting.
“You okay? You look liked you’re about to faint.”
His hand squeezed yours in response and he nods, a small tint of pink staining his cheeks. “Yeah.” He let out a small chuckle as you started dragging him toward the lion exhibit. “Never been better, actually.”
“C’mon! They have a show soon, let’s go watch.”
“This is Mila,” The zookeeper’s voice rang through the small headset from atop a podium. “She’s a lioness who was rescued from poachers about five years ago. We got a call from a rescue organization out there and we managed to send a team out to safely get her and her cubs out.”
The lioness sat comfortable on top of the large rock platform. Her eyes scanned the crowd of guests before sharply shifting her gaze to her cubs. The two smaller lions started nipping at each other playfully, definitely putting on a show for the crowd.
“They’ve grown a lot since they’ve been rescued, but a mother never stops being a mother.” The keeper laughs as Mila starts to trek towards them. The two quickly separated, their manes bustling with movement.
A deep and almost guttural noise echoed through the enclosure. Mila and the zookeepers attention shifted to the noise.
“How exciting, it looked like our male lion, Apollo, has woken up from his afternoon nap.”
“That’s something you two have in common.” You playfully elbow Connie in the ribs.
“Ha, you think you won, but I don’t see how being compared to a lion is bad.”
The crowd let out sounds of wonder as Apollo made his appearance. The lion stood strong with his large and dark mane.
“Apollo was transferred from another zoo due to issues with mating with another lioness. We were a bit nervous when he was relocated here, since we didn’t know how he would react to Mila and her cubs.”
While Connie pretty much had a front row seat, a few people started to trickle in closer and obstruct your vision, but you didn’t mind. He looked back towards you and pulled your arm to make you move closer as the crowd started to ‘aw’ at the lions. He pushed you in front of him so you could see what was going on.
A cub slowly emerged from under Apollo’s legs. The little cub seemed skittish from all the attention, but a slight bump from Mila encouraged her to move out from Apollo.
“As you can see, the two have bonded very well and had Serene. Normally, male lions won’t really take part in raising cubs, only seeing it as a the lionesses job. They mostly add protection and watch over the pride while the mothers go out to hunt. After Serene was born, he immediately showed signs of care, which surprised us, and he always has her in his sights. Talk about daddy’s little girl.”
“Dude, that’s so cute.” Connie wrapped his arms around your front and rested his chin on the top of your head.
As the show continued, the zookeeper gave out other information about the lions and Mila’s family.
“Hey, I think it’s ending soon.” Connie’s voice whispered in your ear. “Wanna beat the crowd and go check out the llamas?”
“Whatever you want to do, Connie.”
And with that, you both snuck out and headed for the llamas.
“Holy shit, they’re fluffy.” He gaped at the animals.
“Connie, there’s kids here.” You whispered as a few parents glanced in your direction at his profanity.
“So? Take them to Disneyland then. The animals won’t censor their lives, why should I?”
You shrugged off the glares, he did have a point. The pack of llamas and alpacas were sifting past each other behind the fence. The smell was… tolerable- kinda and globs of spit dribbled down some of their mouths. You decided it was safe to keep your distance.
“Would you like to pet him?” One of the handlers asked.
“Wait- yes, can I?” Connie asked.
You quickly take out your phone and snap a few pictures of Connie with the llama. His hand gently rubbed the furry muzzle and the llama bleated a bit at the touch. It was going great, until a large thick glob of spit trailed down Connie’s wrist and down his elbow.
“Careful-! Sorry, he’s drools a lot. Here’s a tissue.”
After many more hours of seeing the animal habitats, the sun started to set. The warm summer atmosphere started to glow dim with dark colors painting the sky. Torches and lamps illuminated the walk ways and guests were busy trying to catch the last shows and exhibits before closing.
“Babe, let’s go to the gift shop.” Connie drags you towards the small shop, like a little kid in a toy store… literally.
The shop was filled with souvenirs ranging from magnets, water bottles, and plushies. The cute jungle theme was spread throughout the store with bamboo flooring and vines hanging from the ceiling.
It’s only been a few months of you two dating, but you’ve both have been inseparable. There was never a dull moment with Connie. Weekends could either be going to a dive bar or watching Netflix with takeout, which both of you never minded. He was also treated you like royalty too, always opening the doors, complimenting you when you’re feeling down, fuck- even tying your shoes.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Connie shoved a monkey plushie in your face. Blinking your eyes to focus, you took in it’s abnormal appearance: wide body, small head, scrawny legs.
“Look how ugly this thing is!” He laughed and tossed it back in the basket with the others.
You chuckled at him and glanced at the other plushies. An adorable lion caught your eyes and you picked it up. The soft fuzz from the mane tickled your fingers. “You’re coming home with me.”
Connie bumped into you and you both made eye contact, a light blush heating up your faces. He cradled a polar bear plushie in his hands.
“That’s the one?” You asked, your gaze fixed on the stuffed animal.
His eyes never left you. “Y-yeah.”
After paying for both the plushies, it was finally time to go home. The plushies rested under your arm as the two of you walked back to Connie’s car hand in hand.
The other families were trailing slowly to the exit with exhausted kids sleeping in their parents arms and strollers.
“Thank you for today.” He said once you two reached the parking lot.
“Of course, baby.” You squeezed his hand tighter. “I’m glad you had fun.
“Nah, like…” Connie trailed off for a moment, biting his lip. “You don’t understand.”
Your head creaked to the side in confusion. “Understand what?”
“Fuck, like other people I’ve dated in the past never really enjoyed doing stuff like this.”
He walked you to the passenger door of his car.
"The zoo? Who doesn't like the-"
“Nah, they’ve always wanted to go clubbing every night or go to five star restaurants- and like don’t get me wrong, I like to go out and get fancy once in a while too.”
“But it’s draining. Overall it wasn't what you wanted to do, was it? Plus we’re young and broke, who can afford it in this economy?” You finished for him with a giggle.
A sigh of relief escaped him. “You get it.”
Your hand reached up and swiped through his hair. “I do. Wanna get Taco Bell on the way home?”
“Dammit, how are you-”
"So perfect for me," he wanted to say. “Fuck it, Y/n, I love you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and Connie looked like he was about to pass out- again. A warmth flooded through your body and you couldn’t help the smile forming.
“I love you too.”
He was wide-eyed. “R-really? You aren’t just saying that cause I did? It’s okay if you don’t yet- or if you never do- wait…”
A loud laugh escaped you as he continued to ramble. “Connie, I love you too.”
Connie let out a heavy sigh. “That’s a relief, the drive home would’ve just been...” He whistled lowly.
You leaned up to kiss him. “Get in the car, I’m hungry again.”
Connie finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. The music was playing lowly in the background and his hand never left your thigh the entire drive. Taco wrappers and hot sauce packets littered the floor by your feet and both plushies resided with you under your seatbelt so they could be safe.
“Y/n, babe, wake up. We’re home.” He gently shook your sleeping form.
A grumbled left your lips, but you didn’t stir. Connie grabbed the trash and threw it out in a nearby bin then opened your door. He reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt. The two plushies found their way into your tiny backpack which Connie reluctantly put on.
“Come on, my little polar bear.” He laced your arms around his neck and edged you off the seat. Your legs wrapped around his torso and his arm secured itself under your butt to support you. You hummed into his neck, ever so grateful he was carrying you.
“Fuck, maybe I should’ve called you a koala instead.”
Taglist: @cullenswife @sad-darksoul @laylasbunbunny @kokosmiles
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neocitybooty · 9 months
I Choose You. [M]
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Genre: Smut, Office AU, Multiple Partners, Fluff, Angst, M/F
Pairing: Jaehyun x Johnny x Original Character
Word Count:  4.1k
Warnings: Oral sex, Sub/Dom dynamics, bodily fluids, masturbation, vulgar language, choking, rough sex, multiple partners, unprotected sex
Summary: Carmella requested a transfer within her company and moved to the other side of the world. She soon realizes she bit off more than she can chew once she starts working at the home branch...
A/N: This update took way longer than expected omg. I don't spend as much time on here as I'd like to. But I guess that's also a good thing because spending time with my friends and family is something that I doooooo enjoy. Once it gets cold out, my updates will be much more frequent lol. I had the draft sitting for about a week because I kept getting distracted lol but now I am here!! Please enjoy and happy comeback season!! Fact Check era seems like it is going to be extremely promising~
P.S. I have some goodies in the vault... hint(s)?? mark, jeno, haechan, doyoung
Chapter 10.
“We could just put our names together and name her something like Jaela. I think that’s cute.” Jaehyun was settled in between Mela’s legs, surrounded by lavender suds in their stand alone bathtub.
“I don’t know how you have managed to convince yourself that I am pregnant with a girl.” Mela ran her fingers through Jaehyun’s wet hair as he hummed in satisfaction.
“If you aren’t….well.. I don’t mind if we keep trying.” Jaehyun turned around and kissed Mela slowly. He smiled after pulling away and bit his lip. “There’s nothing else I’d rather spend my time doing.”
“Baby, we need to put sex on hold until we talk.” Mela wrapped her arms around Jaehyun’s neck and rubbed her nose against his.
He groaned in disapproval. Despite his protest, he repositioned himself. “You want to talk in here?”
Mela waited for a bit and thought to herself before responding. Jaehyun loved baths and he’d be more likely to be cooperative if the conversation was paired with something he found enjoyable.
“Yes, let’s just stay in here.” Mela said, playing with Jaehyun’s wet locks. He rubbed her knee gently and hummed as he sunk deeper into the water.
“So you’ve already made it clear that you know I left to see Johnny last night.” Mela started.
“Is that why you were so determined to get me to bed?” Jaehyun asked calmly. “I thought you were genuinely just horny.”
“Don’t be like that.” Mela said but still giggled at Jaehyun’s tone.
“I’m sorry but please don’t make me out to be the irrational boyfriend.” Jaehyun said, surprisingly still calm. “I think I have a good reason to be just a tad bit upset.”
“Jae, I always enjoy you. Please, let’s move away from that.” Mela shook her head but Jaehyun couldn’t see.
“Fine. Continue.” Jaehyun laid back onto Mela’s chest, a clear attempt to mentally center himself again.
“Eun Bi.” Mela said.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jaehyun responded almost immediately.
“Well, that’s quite the response.” Mela said.
“You went to see Johnny to get information that you could’ve gotten from me..” Jaehyun said slowly.
“No, that’s not exactly true. There is some information that slipped past you.” Mela said. “I have evidence too.”
Jaehyun sat up and turned around to face Mela. “Where is it?”
“Aht aht. Not so fast.” Mela said with a wag of her finger. “We talk first.”
Jaehyun looked at Mela from bottom to top. “You’re so lucky I am madly in love with you.” He then rolled his eyes. Mela giggled and laid Jaehyun back onto her chest.
“Remember when I told you the company should take background checks a little more seriously?” Mela started.
“How seriously do we need to really take them? It’s Korea.” Jaehyun retorted.
“Well….if you had taken the background checks a bit more seriously, you would’ve caught that you had a pair of siblings in the system.” Mela told Jaehyun, slowly circling his Adam’s apple with her pointer finger.
“Pardon?” Jaehyun said from below Mela.
“Jae. Eun Bi’s sister. She works or rather….worked right under you..” Mela told Jaehyun softly.
Jaehyun was silent.
“Hey.” Mela leaned forward to get a look at his face. Jaehyun still said nothing. He zoned out, seemingly deep in thought. After five more seconds of silence, he finally spoke. “She would talk about her sister often. She seemed to be very fond of her.” His voice was low and he started to circle Mela’s knee with his thumb.
“Seems you and Eun-bi were actually quite close…” Mela slowly said.
Jaehyun stayed silent.
“Baby, you need to talk to me.” Mela said.
“I thought she was pretty and I made some stupid choices.” Jaehyun shook his head softly. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“Tell me everything.” Mela stroked his dark brown locks, as she softly spoke in his ear.
“Promise you won't inflate this.” Jaehyun replied sternly.
Mela rolled her eyes and sighed. She knew she couldn’t confidently promise but she tried anyway.
“I promise.”
“We went out for drinks one night after work, like usual. I already had my eye on her for a few weeks. But we didn’t talk much outside of work.” Jaehyun stopped once he felt Mela’s breath hitch. “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t-”
“No, it’s fine. Please continue.” Mela reassured him.
“Well….I offered to take her home once everyone started leaving. We had sex in the car and then we had sex again one more time in my office about a week later. She started acting weird after that so I figured it’d be for the best for me to end things.” Jaehyun said.
“Weird in what way?” Mela asked curiously.
“She became…obsessive.” Jaehyun started. “She would follow me…..constantly called and left so many voicemails. In her mind, I was her boyfriend. I thought it was very odd. We didn’t know much about each other. My only conclusion was that she wanted to marry me and gain access to wealth.”
“Jae…” Mela started.
“Carmella….it’s not like she would’ve been the first.” Jaehyun said with a sniffle.
“I’m sorry.” Mela backed down.
“There’s no need to apologize.” Jaehyun started to rub Mela’s knee again as he continued his story. “She found out she was pregnant and things became exponentially worse. She threatened to share the story with the news. Harassed my parents for days on end. It was madness.”
“My goodness. Really?” Mela’s eyes widened at the details.
“Yes, really.” Jaehyun shifted his body and Mela moved with him. “I eventually pulled her into my office and told her to stop and that her attempts were futile. I would never agree to commit to someone like her. After that day, I guess she never came back to work. We got the news about her passing about 2 weeks after our conversation…”
Mela said nothing and let the silence consume the entire room.
Jaehyun also kept quiet as his head slightly hung in shame.
“I don’t want you to have a bad image of me. I’m not the same man that I was before.” Mela felt Jaehyun sink into her again.
Mela wrapped her arms around Jaehyun’s shoulders and kissed his cheek. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I’m sorry, we don’t need to talk about this any further. I can show you everything. C’mon.”
“Thank God, we are this close to turning into raisins.” Jaehyun groaned and Mela giggled as he stood and she looked at his wet ass cheeks.
Once he wrapped a towel around his waist, he grabbed another one and held it open for Mela to walk into. He kissed her temple as he wrapped the towel around her and inhaled deeply. “The most intoxicating woman I’ve ever met. Thank you for accepting me, baby. I love you so much.”
Mela felt the butterflies form in her stomach as she let the taller man enclose her into a tight embrace. “I love you, too.” She replied softly
“So this is it, huh?” Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair as he reviewed the papers from the manila envelope. “Fuck.”
He stopped and stared at the stills pulled from the security cameras and shook his head. He turned the pages over and put everything back into the envelope.
“I’ll call the legal team first thing tomorrow morning.” Jaehyun said before pulling Mela onto his lap.
Mela laid down and settled on Jaehyun’s chest and he chuckled softly to himself.
“Um, what’s so funny.” Mela asked him.
“Guess you had a good reason for going to see Johnny. Now I don’t have to beat his ass.” Jaehyun responded, a hint of amusement lacing his words.
“Yeah he told me about your past. You two sure are something.”
“He is actually just a sore loser. I was chosen fair and square. Like always.” Jaehyun said nonchalantly.
“I really didn’t think your head could get any bigger but here we are.” Mela propped herself up on Jaehyun’s chest with widened eyes as he stared at her while she made her statement.
“Well…you chose me.” Jaehyun said softly. “I think that counts…for a lot.”
“I…” Mela started, but she stopped once she made eye contact with Jaehyun. She was set to laugh but quickly realized he wasn’t joking. He gazed at her with a subtle bite lip. Half- lidded eyes conveyed want. Mela wanted to speak but she couldn’t. And she didn’t need to. Jaehyun slowly and softly guided Mela’s head toward his face and kissed her. She opened her eyes once they separated but said nothing.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around Mela, his leg wrapping around her as well. She smiled into his chest as he rubbed his chin on the top of her head.
“Jae?” Mela finally said into his arm. “How long until we return to work?”
“Well I am going to be returning very soon…..As for you..” Jaehyun trailed off.
“What do you mean by that?” Mela sat up and moved away from Jaehyun.
“Carmella….” Jaehyun said calmly. “I know we haven’t discussed it yet, but…I think I am going to have the company hire someone else for your position.”
Mela stood from the couch and threw a pillow at Jaehyun. “How dare you?!”
Jaehyun sighed and stood from the couch, as well. He walked towards Mela and once he was within reach, he wrapped his arms around her waist loosely and looked into her eyes as he spoke. “I know this isn’t ideal for you but babe….please. I need you to just trust me. We will talk about it some more.”
“You don’t understand.” Mela said, her voice breaking.
“I promise… I do.” Jaehyun reassured her. “Please. Let’s not get into it now.”
Mela sighed. “I’m tired. I think I am going to head to bed.” She started to walk away and Jaehyun followed, falling slightly behind so he could hug her from behind as they walked together.
Jaehyun laid his head down at the same time as Mela and brought the comforter over them both.
“I understand you might be a bit upset with me.” He said in a low voice. “But could you at least let me hold you?”
Mela’s heart dropped. She hadn’t realized the message she sent Jaehyun once she pushed herself off and threw a pillow at him. He’d seen her upset on multiple occasions but this time…it was different.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and shifted closer to him. “I’m upset but not that upset.”
Strong arms wrapped around Mela and all she could smell was a musky but spicy scent as she closed her eyes and inhaled.
When she opened her eyes again, it was daytime.
Jaehyun was nowhere to be found, so Mela sent him a text and then started her day.
“Girl, we have been at this villa for almost three weeks now. I love the time with him but I wish this was under different circumstances…” Mela said to her friend as she plucked an eyebrow hair.
“You mean like… your honeymoon or something like that?” Kay’s voice rang from the iphone.
Mela sighed and put the tweezers on the bathroom counter.
“Now….you know that’s not what I meant.” Mela replied.
“Oh yeah. Of course, he’d bring you to some island his parents bought for him for his 16th birthday. We know this.” Kay said nonchalantly.
“Very funny.” Mela rolled her eyes.
“Who said I was joking? He has an island, Melz. This is a fact.” Kay’s tone didn’t change but Mela grabbed the phone so she could make eye contact with her friend through the screen.
“What are you saying?” She finally said.
“I just looked it up. He has an island!” Kay burst into laughter. “Girl how are you dating one of the wealthiest men in the country and you haven’t googled him. People with money ain’t got privacy. Their business is all over the internet.”
“I have googled him. I never saw anything about an island…” Mela looked around in thought.
“I just sent you the link.” Kay said after a few seconds.
Mela opened it and her eyes widened. Sure enough, there was an article about Jaehyun being gifted a remote island for his 21st birthday.
“Wow.” Mela stared at her phone screen, stunned.
“And apparently there weren’t even any locals so this is the most ethical shit I’ve seen from a rich person.” Kay sounded indifferent but still amused.
“I can’t believe this.” Mela said under her breath.
“What was that?” Kay caught something.
“Nothing. Um, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Mela attempted to change the topic, when she heard the door open. “Ohhhh. It’s gonna have to wait. I gotta go.”
“Daddy’s home.” Kay said and winked.
“Goodbye!” Mela said and then ended the Facetime call.
A few seconds later, Jaehyun appeared at the bathroom door. He was dressed as if he went to work. Dark gray three piece suit, and his hair slicked back.
“You’re finally up. You looked so peaceful and pretty this morning. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you.” He stepped into the bathroom and gently grabbed Mela’s waist, pulling her into him. He kissed her softly and stepped back to look at her.
“Good afternoon.” Mela said, smiling at her lover as he began to unbutton his suit.
“Seems like you were having quite the conversation with Kay.” He started to undo his tie.
“I did. And we discovered something.” Mela said.
Jaehyun tilted his head and made a sound of confusion. He started walking to the bedroom and looked over his shoulder to make sure Mela was following. “And what exactly was that?”
“You have an island?” Mela leaned against the doorframe.
Jaehyun stopped undressing and stared at Mela.
“Yes?” He looked confused and Mela scoffed.
“How am I just now finding out?” She asked Jaehyun.
“Well…you never asked.” Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Yes, because I ask everyone I know if they own an island.” Mela said as she followed Jaehyun back to the bathroom.
“Well I am not everyone. I am your boyfriend.” Jaehyun was now naked. Mela averted her gaze so Jaehyun wouldn’t catch her staring at her. But she was too late.
“Just come join me instead of acting like you aren’t horny.” He smirked and turned the shower on.
“I already showered.” Mela said and rolled her eyes, although her face betrayed her and she slightly smiled.
Jaehyun walked to her and started to slip her dress straps down her shoulders and kissed her deeply.
“Well, you should’ve waited for me. It’s a hot day and we need to save water.” He said once he broke the kiss. Mela caved and stepped out of her dress as she followed Jaehyun into the shower. He let Mela get underneath the water and gazed at her as the water trickled onto her back.
“What?” Mela looked at him with a puzzled look.
“You’re so pretty.” He said with a smile. “Turn around for me. I’ll be gentle.”
Mela turned over and Jaehyun placed a hand on her hip as he lined his cock along her wet hole.
“Baby..” Mela whimpered.
“I know I know.” Jaehyun mumbled into her ear as he slowly slid in. “Your pussy feels so tight around me when I do this but I know how much you like it when I stretch you out.” He caught Mela when her knees gave out and started to thrust into her.
Mela moaned softly and put her hands against the shower door. She felt herself clench around Jaehyun and a gentle squeeze around her breast indicated that Jaehyun felt it too.
“You love the way I fill you up, don’t you?” He slid his arm up and wrapped his hand around Mela’s throat. He thrusted deeper as Mela felt herself come undone. She started to tremble as she rode out the orgasm.
“Fuck, baby. We just started.” Jaehyun breathed out, pulling out as Mela continued to tremble. He held her close to keep her from falling and quietly cooed into her ear. “You make this sooo fun.”
“More. More.” Mela said, urging Jaehyun to continue.
He moaned and lined up the tip again and pushed himself into her. Mela’s head dropped as she bit her lip, holding back a moan. Jaehyun’s groans danced around Mela’s ears and he smiled when she clenched around him again. He rolled his hips and relished in the moment as he let his fingers glide alongside Mela’s smooth backside. Deep strokes caused her to slightly raise onto the tip of her toes as she then grabbed onto Jaehyun’s arm for support.
Jaehyun held Mela tighter and slid his free hand between her legs and began to rub her clit. “Oh fuck.” She squeezed her eyes shut.
“Just want to make you feel good, baby.” He mumbled and pressed his cheek onto Mela’s as he continued to stimulate her throbbing clit. “Let’s try for one more.”
‘Yes, yes.” Mela was able to get out, gaining a small chuckle from Jaehyun.
“That’s my girl.” He said before pulling out almost completely and then plunging even deeper into her.
“Fuck!” Mela shook.
Jaehyun immediately softened his thrusts. “Oh baby, I’m sorry. I forgot. Gentle.”
“No, fuck me harder.” Mela whimpered.
Jaehyun smiled and kissed Mela’s as he plunged into her deep and hard, his fingers still working on her clit. He closed his eyes as he felt his climax growing near. A deep groan rumbled in his chest as he focused on his rhythm. Mela squeezed his arm as she quietly whimpered. The feeling of being overstimulated becoming maddening.
“Baby, I’m soooo close.” Jaehyun grabbed a breast again and squeezed it gently as he moaned in her ear.
“Me tooo…Oh shit.” Mela trembled and clenched around Jaehyun as her orgasm rumbled throughout her entire body. This triggered Jaehyun’s climax and he groaned in Mela’s ear as he sprayed her walls with his warm seed. He nearly toppled over but he was able to quickly regain his composure and Mela giggled as he slowly pulled out.
“Right. About that shower.” Jaehyun finally said, still panting softly. Mela was already reaching for the soap, with the bath sponge already in hand.
The funeral was short but meaningful. Jaehyun stole glances at Mela throughout to make sure she was okay but said nothing. The ceremony was small and intimate. This was Mela’s first Korean ceremony of any sort. There was an older couple crying at the front. Mela immediately knew it was Joo’s parents. Jaehyun spoke with them for a few minutes after the ceremony. Both of them hugged Jaehyun and to Mela’s surprise, they hugged her too. Their hugs were full of warmth and assurance. It felt as though she was hugging her own parents. After speaking with them, it was time to speak with Jaehyun’s parents.
“Mela, honey. How are you doing?” Jaehyun’s mother was the first to speak. “He hasn’t been bothering you too much, has he?” She pinched Jaehyun’s cheek after wrapping Mela in a warm embrace.
“We should’ve checked in earlier but things have been extremely busy. Please come by for dinner this weekend. I insist.” Jaehyun’s father said with a squeeze of Jaehyun’s shoulder.
“Yes, Father. We will make sure to stop by.” Jaehyun said with a smile. His parents beamed at the couple and they spoke for a little longer before parting ways.
Jaehyun was silent on the way home but he seemed to be in a relaxed mood.
When they reached the villa, Mela was unusually tired.
“Baby, I think I am going to lay my head down for a bit.” She said as she entered the house and slipped out of her shoes.
“Are you feeling okay? It’s pretty early.” Jaehyun said, putting his hand to Mela’s forehead.
“Yeah. I am just tired, that’s all.” She smiled and reassured him.
“Hmmm. Well okay.” Jaehyun said as he softly caressed her cheek as she laid onto the bed and then he pulled the covers over her.
She watched Jaehyun shuffle around the room as he changed and rearranged things. Before Mela knew it, she was fast asleep.
Hours later, she woke up and looked at the time. It read 5:27am. Realization quickly hit that she had just slept for 11 hours. Jaehyun was still fast asleep on his side of the bed, one leg out of the covers, and arms folded under his head.
Mela gagged and ran to the bathroom in confusion. She reached the toilet right as she began to vomit. She blinked back tears as she continued to throw up. Jaehyun woke up and quickly ran to the bathroom and was at the door within seconds. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.
“Aw babe. I told you to go easy on the sushi.” He said, his voice still slightly groggy. “Let’s go to the hospital to get you some medicine and make sure you’re okay.” He finished dressing and walked over to Mela where she stayed kneeled in front of the toilet. She had stopped throwing up and grabbed a towel to wipe her mouth. Jaehyun softly rubbed Mela’s back and helped her up.
“Do you think you can do a ten minute drive or should we bring a plastic bag or bucket?” He said softly, while grabbing another small towel into his free hand.
Mela took a moment to respond but she finally said, “Bucket.”
Jaehyun nodded and started to guide her out of the room and to the front door. He stopped to grab a pail from underneath the kitchen sink and they both exited the villa.
On the way to the hospital, Mela threw up again. The duration wasn't as long as the first time but it was still enough to make Jaehyun worry.
The nurse at the front desk immediately stood straight as soon as she saw the couple enter.
“Oh my goodness, is everything ok?” She gasped once she saw Mela’s colorless face.
“My girlfriend isn’t feeling well. I just need to get her checked out and get any necessary medicine.” Jaehyun said, softly wrapping his arm around Mela’ shoulder.
“Yes, please follow me and I will alert a doctor.” They followed the nurse to a room and Mela immediately laid on the bed.
“I feel light-headed.” She told Jaehyun in English.
“Can we get some water, please?” Jaehyun translated for the nurse. She nodded and quickly scurried out of the room.
A few minutes passed before the doctor walked into the room with a clipboard and cup of water.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Moon. I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” He said in English, with a warm smile as he handed the cup to Mela. She took it and gave a hoarse “Thank you.”
“I don’t think she will be able to talk much.” Dr. Moon said, turning to Jaehyun. “Can you tell me what is wrong?
“Well, she slept for over 8 hours, which is really unlike her. Our day wasn’t busy. And then she woke up about thirty minutes ago and started throwing up. I thought it was the sushi, but now I am not so sure anymore.” Jaehyun told the doctor as Mela just watched, far too weak to contribute to the conversation.
“We will run some tests and see what we find.” The doctor nodded as he wrote notes on the paper on his clipboard.
About an hour later, Dr. Moon finally returned and he had a smile on his face.
“Oh how fun it is to be young and love.” He said, looking at Mela and Jaehyun.
They both looked at each other and then at the doctor.
“This isn’t a result of bad sushi.” Dr. Moon started. “ You, my dear, are about two months pregnant.”
Jaehyun’s mouth dropped and he brought a hand to cover it. Mela looked at Dr. Moon and then to Jaehyun.
“Pregnant?!?!” Mela and Jaehyun asked in unison.
Chapter 1
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youhideastar · 9 months
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes VII: Grab Bag
The final batch of deleted scenes from Fit for Purpose are scenes that didn't fit any of the previous themes, featuring Jin Guangshan, Xue Yang, and WWX's feelings about being resurrected. Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. I hope you enjoy!
This next scene is more of a sketch than a draft. Warning for Jin Guangshan being Jin Guangshan and Madam Yu being Madam Yu.
Jin Guangshan comes to visit.
He tries to talk to WWX alone.
WWX likes sex; likes making people feel good. Even guests, who he usually doesn’t know well. But he doesn’t like Jin Guangshan.
Still, he knows he should say yes – it would be good for Yunmeng Jiang, it would make for better relations with Lanling Jin, and it would especially be good for Jiejie, since she’ll marry into Lanling Jin someday—
Yu-furen interjects. “What do you want to discuss with our Wei Ying, Jin-zongzhu?” she asks, eyes like steel. “I insist on being part of the discussion, so I may share Jin-zongzhu’s insights with Jin-furen. I know she would be interested.”
Jin Guangshan backs off.
“Don’t be so shameless next time,” she tells Wei Ying.
Wei Ying says “yes,” says “sorry, Yu-furen.” He doesn’t know how to say, “I wasn’t.” Doesn’t know how to say, “All I did was be what I am.”
Then we have a little bit from the first encounter with Xue Yang. Again, mostly me getting high on my own worldbuilding—but for real, I didn’t want to make it seem like the mating-related stuff is the only thing that distinguishes betas from alphas and omegas.
“I still don’t get it,” A-Cheng fumes, after Xue Yang is defeated by Xiao Xingchen—Xiao Xingchen! Wei Wuxian’s heart is aflutter—with a little help from Wei Wuxian. “We didn’t smell a thing—”
“Xue Yang is a beta,” Xiao Xingchen says simply. “Stealth is his gift.”
A-Cheng narrows his eyes at Wei Wuxian. “Then why are you always as loud as a herd of water buffalo?” he grumbles under his breath.
“His amorality and viciousness, though, are purely his own,” Xiao Xingchen continues.
Then there was the phase where I felt like I needed to get into detail about WWX’s take on his second life. This was one of those scenes where it was useful for me to write it just to figure out for myself how this version of WWX felt about being resurrected, even though I didn’t use it.
When Wei Wuxian was brought back to life, traded for Mo Xuanyu, he hadn’t seen the point. His entire first life had been a failure – what was he supposed to do with a second one?
But then, there had been Wen Ning: not burned and scattered as he thought, still capable of being saved. There had been Jin Rulan – not a tiny infant who could be protected with charms and spells, but a snotty, insecure teenager who needed something more complicated: a teacher and a mentor, someone who would let him take risks but not let him take himself too seriously. There had been Lan Zhan: not his enemy after all, but his ally and friend, still true to him and to their vow to uphold justice. There had been A-Cheng, even, who learned the most terrible secret left between them and had brought him Chenqing in the end anyway.
And most of all, there was A-Yuan. The Wens’ A-Yuan, Lan Zhan’s Sizhui – grown up so well. Smart and sweet and kind and brave and humble – full of every virtue that the people who raised him had possessed, and yet entirely his own person.
So many people had died at Wei Wuxian’s hands, or by his faults and failings. And yet—A-Yuan had lived. Because of him. For all the things he did wrong, he did this one thing right.
Finally, here’s a second take on WWX’s feelings about being resurrected. I took multiple swings at this because it seemed weird to me, for a while, that I would have all these flashbacks and not have a flashback that deals with basically the most consequential event of the last 15 episodes… but then I figured out that I could do one ex post (with NHS), which would be way faster, and I also nod at these resurrection feelings in the flashback with LWJ on the bridge in the moonlight. So I think we got there in the end, without having to spend a whole flashback with WWX summing up his life so far.
Jiejie is dead. So are Wen Ning and Wen Qing and A-Yuan. Lan Zhan hates him. Jiang Cheng tried to kill him, and Wei Wuxian couldn’t even give him that. Jiejie’s son is an orphan, at Wei Wuxian’s hands—and the first time Wei Wuxian meets him, he taunts him for it, steals his dead father’s sword, and leaves him facedown in the dirt.
He’s a failure of a beta – everyone knows that. But that’s no excuse not to at least try. And his responsibility here is pretty clear.
So he decides, staring down into the river water, to devote his second life to protecting Jiejie’s son. Sure, there’s a slight snag in that Jin Ling doesn’t know who he is and would probably try to kill him if he found out. And a slightly larger snag in that Jin Ling seems to be hanging around Jiang Cheng a lot, who almost certainly does know who he is and will definitely try to kill him.
Still, he has to do something with this redundant life of his. And if he ends up dying at Jiang Cheng’s hands or for Jiejie’s son, well… second time’s the charm, right?
Only it doesn’t work like that. Wen Ning turns out to be alive; Zidian fails to kill Wei Wuxian; and when he passes out, he wakes up in Cloud Recesses. In, as far as he can tell, Lan Zhan’s bed.
I spent a lot of time trying to get here, sixteen years ago, he thinks, still a little delirious.
And Lan Zhan looks up at him, eyes soft and hair unbound, and Wei Wuxian thinks… that maybe he was wrong. About a lot of things.
Maybe this is what a second chance looks like.
I hope you have enjoyed these deleted scenes! I probably spent just as much time figuring out how not to write this story as I did figuring out how I should write it 🤣 but I’m happy with the end result, and that’s what matters.
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