#sorry y'all had to learn about me today but I would appreciate any kind of perspective
applejongho · 2 years
I need advice: I do not know what to do with my hair
#so fun fact about me is that I used to have a fear of haircuts (genuinely) like I would shake in the chair and these past few years ive been#trying to get over it#it has been ok! my hair was like halfway down my back before any haircuts were done and I would cut it little by little testing my fear#and it was going really well. I felt confident#but I wanted to try something different and go shorter than I ever have gone before: above my shoulders#and when that happened it ruined me! I cried for days and I feel like I lost my beauty bc I had connected a lot of my beauty to my hair#my family saying that my hair is so beautiful and dont ever cut it blah blah blah#which was now rly affecting me bc ow now my hair is above my shoulders and it's alley fault and I feel so ugly#all my fault**#it has grown out a bit and I got layers despite a lot of anxiety bc I have curly hair and#I like the layers and I like the short hair#but sometimes society's expectations and my family's gender norms smack my ass and im back at square one of 'I want long hair to feel pretty#bc with long hair I feel like I adhere to society better even if it doesnt make me happy(I feel like short hair is more Me)#and with short hair I feel more me but then I feel out of place and ugly#and ik this is all just identity issues but what should I do for this next haircut? my hair is just past my shoulders. do I just get a trim#or do I get it cut a little more so it's just above my shoulders?#which would make me happy bc That's Me but also not happy bc Society#sorry y'all had to learn about me today but I would appreciate any kind of perspective#apple lady words
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officialwittek · 3 years
pt. 7
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*GIF is not mine* 
a/n: I’m back babyyyy. here y'all go :) 
word count: 1296
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. I groaned and pressed the snooze button. I laid there for a moment, hoping I could go back to sleep with no success. I sat up and turned my alarm off. I opened the curtains and frowned at the blinding beam of sunlight. I rubbed my eyes and walked to my bathroom. I did my usual morning routine; washed my face and figure out what I’m going to eat and what kind of coffee I’ll get today. 
I decided to just pick up some Starbucks and stay in today. Last night was definitely an eyeopener for me. I mean, at my first music related event.. ever.. I get into a fight with my best friend. Who you would think would understand why you’re a bit upset in the first place. I sigh, of course I miss him or whatever but I’m not apologizing first. Petty as it might be, he had no right to call me childish and blow up on me. 
I connect my phone to my speaker and decide to tidy up the apartment. Since Carly moved out to live with her boyfriend, things have been kind of lonely. I open all the blinds and the door to the balcony, letting the fresh air in. I start by collecting all the trash around the apartment. I get wrapped up in my own little world for a few hours, just cleaning and dancing. Enjoying this time to myself. After about four straight hours of cleaning the apartment looked good as new. I opened my fridge and noticed it was mostly empty. I decided to take another look at the apartment and figure out what I need to stock up on. Some cleaning supplies, food, and some make up things. Which means it’s time for... a Target trip! 
Normally I would call my friends and ask if anyone wanted to join me, but lately I’ve been wanting to spend time alone. Learning about myself again, healing. I know my friends just care about me, but sometimes being around so many people, some who feel like they should walk on eggshells around you, and having to answer the same questions over and over and over again can be... overwhelming. 
My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. I plead silently that there’s not a surprise group of people behind the door. I sigh and look through the peephole and my breath hitches.. good news, it’s not a huge group of my friends, bad news is I’d recognize that jawline anywhere. 
“I’m not gonna lie, you look like shit” I say, opening the door and Jeff looks up
“H-... excuse me?” He asks, a light smile on his face. I move to the side and gesture for him to come in 
“Sorry, I didn’t even ask if you were busy or anything” He says, I shrug my shoulders and we both sit on the couch 
“Uh, I mean not particularly. I was just about to head out to Target and run some errands, but those can wait. Is there something you want to talk about?” I reply, he lets out a big sigh and looks down 
“I just wanted to apologize for my behavior these past few days and it’s completely unacceptable. I’m not sure why I’ve been so angry lately. I know that’s no excuse for my behavior but I wanted you to know I’m really sorry. I feel horrible, I haven’t gotten any sleep.. that’s probably why I look like shit.” Jeff says, a flurry of emotions flood through  my but I remain calm 
“Thank you for apologizing. You know it really hurt me when you said those things. It was one of the most important nights of my music career, and I just wanted your support. And as much as I appreciate the apology I still think it’s best we take things slow. I’m still kind of upset about it” I explain, Jeff nods in understanding 
“I totally get it, maybe I can take you out to dinner some time?” He asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes and I smile 
“Wittek, last chance. I’ll go to Target and we can have dinner here tonight” I reply, his lips spread into a smile and he gives me a hug 
“Can I come with you?. I have to get some things for my house. I propose, dinner, ice cream, and a movie?” Jeff asks, I think about it for a bit and nod 
We walk down to his truck. Jeff rushes to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I chuckle and slide into the passenger seat. He closes the door with a smile and walks over to the driver’s side. Jeff turns on the radio, and starts silently singing along. This is nice. Although Jeff hurt me I can forgive him. He’s been going through some stuff lately and I’ve been in his position before. I’m lost in my thoughts but we finally arrive at Target. 
We finish our errands pretty quickly, I decided to vlog some of it and maybe make it a ‘day in the life’ kind of thing. Jeff offers to cook for us and I agree. 
“Are you sure you know how to cook?” I ask, the two of us in the check out line
“Babe, you think my mom didn’t raise me right?” He asks, I giggle and reach to pay for my things. Jeff quickly grabs my card and replaces it with his 
“Well.. you definitely know how to win me over huh?” I ask, he winks at me and grabs  the bags 
“I’ve known you for years now, of course I know everything about you” He replies, I shrug and get in the car
“Hey get out, I didn’t open the door for you” he says, standing by the door and resting his hands on the roof 
“Stop, you’re making me all hot and bothered” I reply, turning away from him as he laughs. He closes the door and we drive back to my apartment
We take our stuff upstairs and Jeff starts making food and I change into something more comfortable; an oversized shirt and boxers. I walk out and set up the couch and turn on the TV. We decide on Parasite, I’ve watched it before but Jeff hasn’t seen it. Jeff brings over our plates and we watch the movie.
“Wow, this is really good” I say, Jeff smiles widely 
“It’s my mom’s secret recipe” He replies, he places his plate down and pulls me closer. I awkwardly  move away and grab our plates and start cleaning up. 
“You alright?” Jeff asks, I turn off the water and dry my hands 
“Because we’re gonna get into this thing again and I can’t. You know I have feelings for you and you can’t just make me fall in love every time and then leave me” I explain, Jeff’s eyes soften and he gets closer to me 
“I’ve had these past few days to reflect on myself.. and us. I really really like  you too. I just said those things  because I can’t allow myself to be happy. I wanna be happy, and I wanna be happy with you” He replies, I feel tears well in  my eyes 
“Jeff. I can’t.. I can’t let you hurt me anymore” I say, he places a hand on the side of my face 
“Can you give me one more chance?” He asks, leaning closer and I cave.. I fucking cave into Jeff again
He places his lips on mine, gentle at first but soon all our hidden emotions come to the forefront. I can’t help but to think.. how’s Jeff gonna hurt me this time. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
The Ends of Hallways (Proxies X F!Reader)
The Ends of Hallways
[Proxies X F!Reader]
[Warnings: slight language]
[AN: Y'all are just gonna have to thank Eris for always sending me the best requests. I don't have favorites,,, but Reader, I have favorites. Also no Kate sorry :( ]
Your face was practically squished against the glass of the car Hoodie had stolen as the four of you pull into the parking lot of woods that brim with the Operator’s energy. You’ve never seen these woods in person - only in dreams. You’ve never even really seen your master in person, once again, like these woods, he too has been confined to your dreams. But you hear him, and often. His voice falls down on your ears like gentle rains that fall from the heavens. He is everything and more. That is why it is so exciting for you to finally be here, so close to him, and to his presence.
“You excited?” You hear your group leader ask.
You nod and press harder up against the glass. “Are we going now?” You’re ready to bounce out of the car and everyone can see that.
He chuckles in response. “What do you think Hood? Time to go?”
The hazel eyed man behind him shoots the driver a look. “Masky, just look at her, she’s gonna break the window if we don’t.” There’s a slight playfulness in his tone that tells you the right hand really isn’t annoyed with you.
“Fair enough,” Masky smiles. He then reaches behind his seat, hand slapping at who used to be the runt’s knee. “Tobes? Tob-Tobes, get up.”
Toby’s eyes shoot open as he lurches forward. “I’m u-u-up, I-I’m u-up,” he yawns as his hands rub tiredly at his eyes. “Are w-w-we here a-alaready?” He asks, the exhaustion still clear in his tone.
Both of the men in the front seats nod. “C’mon, let’s get going,” Hoodie says as he pulls up the lock on his car door before sliding out.
You wait impatiently for Masky to unlock the car then zip out like a bat from hell. You’re immediately at the edge of one of the forest’s many trails and taking in the sights and sounds of your boss’s woods. They’re beautiful, really. The autumn colors bathe the woods in fiery oranges and passionate reds with threads of gold to interlock it all together. The sky is just the slightest shade of blue as clouds cover the sun. There weren’t any people here either - not under the little structures, not exploring, not anyone but you and your comrades.
“Wrong one,” Hoodie says as he closes the trunk to the car before tossing a backpack to Toby, who catches it like second nature.
You whip your head around to see that Masky, Hoodie and Toby are smiling at how excited you are before silently asking you to follow them. “Where are we going?” You ask, eyes wide as you jog up to them.
“Across the field. There’s this cool tunnel of trees we think you’ll appreciate,” Masky replies as he leads his group across the grass. It crunches slightly as the four of you move, like it hasn’t been watered in a long time.
“R-Really?” Toby hums as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You s-s-sure we’re n-not gonna be l-late?” The young proxy gives a slight look to his group leader, eyebrow raised as if he’s sure the Operator is okay with them possibly being tardy.
Masky shakes his head before tapping his temple with his free hand, “he told me it’s okay.”
“He did?” You ask as stars cloud your eyes. The Operator, as you’ve heard so far, is to be feared and respected. He’s like a father you can look at but never touch. He seems so out of your range, like he’s not even visible - not even if you squint your eyes. You wonder what makes you so… interesting… in his eyes. You really don’t think you’re worth all the fuss. Clearly he does.
Masky chuckles before ruffling your hair with his hand, “yeah. I think he finds your enthusiasm endearing.” Masky’s not entirely incorrect. When they first got Toby, the Operator was strangely favorable towards the young proxy as well - maybe because he was hand plucked, special, and therefore deemed worthy of his time. You were similar to Toby, albeit, you accidentally got involved with the Operator. He liked you, chose you, then kept you.
Hoodie whistles slightly as the four of you step into the trees, his gloved hand reaching up to tear off a branch from one of the low hanging trees then swing it aimlessly as his side. “Seems pretty obvious in my opinion,” he whacks Toby lightly with the stick making said proxy laugh. “Looks like Toby isn’t the only golden child anymore.”
“P-Probably not,” Toby hums, a slight melancholy coming into his tone. “Think I-I’ve been losing f-f-favor with h-hin for a w-while.” He glances over his shoulder and smiles at you.
You frown slightly and place your hand on his shoulder, “I don’t think so,” you say. “Just means he has two golden child-s now.”
Toby beams.
You do too.
The group continues to move through the trees, mostly silent save for Masky and Hoodie pointing out little memories from time to time. Things such as some guy named ‘Alex’ chasing them through here, Masky’s waking up with no memory, Hoodie’s nature shots, and everything in between. You learn a lot about the hands of your group from when they were just scared film students to the things they’ve done as proxies here. It’s kind of nice as you’ve never really spoken to them this way before.
When you first came into this life and were placed in this group, the hazing process kicked in like wildfire. Almost every day was a mentally or physically, sometimes both, a draining task and a bonding agent. Authority was not to be questioned and they made that more than clear. Eventually, the hazing grew lighter and lighter until it just… didn’t exist. That was how it went - you were no longer considered naive and starry eyed. Still, authority was not to be questioned, and it’s why you and your comrades have never really talked on this specific level before.
It’s why it’s such a treat that you get to talk to them like this now.
Eventually, the four of you make it to an odd stretch of trees. They tunnel over each other, a lot like a thorny funnel, but they frame the sky so well.
“If the sun was setting,” Masky starts. “It would look like a cradle.”
You take a step back and observe the tunnel of trees, trying to imagine the setting sun. The mental image is pretty. “Will we ever be back here to see it?”
“Oh definitely,” Masky continues. “But uh, the business we’re here for today? Don’t know if that’s meant for anyone but me and maybe Hoodie.”
You look on instinct to Hoodie who nods. “Is that normal?”
“Sure is,” Hoodie says as he takes in the scent of the cooling autumn woods. He knows the group is almost to the limits of the Operator’s realm. “Tell me what you feel right now, Reader,” he says in passing as he flicks the stick somewhere off the given trail.
With a glance around at your surroundings, you attempt to get a feel for the area you’re in. It’s cold, much colder, but the atmosphere still feels a little thick. The further you go into the woods (and by extension the Operator’s bounds to which you don’t even know exist yet), you get that odd feeling in your legs that feels like they’ve fallen asleep. It’s like the physical sensation of static. You try to explain it in words, but they fail. Instead, you allow Hoodie into your thoughts.
“Nice,” he smiles. “Alright, try to ask for permission in.”
“I need to ask for permission?”
“E-Everytime,” Toby begins as he and the others pause. They’re right on the edge of the bubble and can feel it so much stronger than you can. “It’s t-to ensure n-normal humans c-can’t come in,” Toby begins to explain as you gaze around your surroundings, wondering how you’ll even begin to ask. “T-Though, their f-feelings sometimes k-kick into o-overdrive and they e-end up p-piercing through the v-veil on a-a-accident.” He chuckles softly and you know exactly what he’s referring to - you’ve heard tales of the people who get stuck wandering where they shouldn’t: always ends in someone strung up in the pines. “W-We’ve all learned t-to ask p-permission like b-breathing.”
You shoot your comrade a confused glance, wondering what that will mean for you. “I just ask?”
“Kind o-of,” Toby says. “Just l-let your f-f-feelings guide you. She’ll t-t-tell you whether you’re a-a-allowed in or not.”
You close your eyes and begin to hone in on whatever your heart is telling you. It’s a cold feeling, mostly like vines that slip up and down your limbs as they grow upwards and then inwards towards your heart. It’s an odd feeling. Once the static vines pierce through your heart, you physically see a fog roll into the forest around you. It consumes you and your comrades before you remember Toby mentioned ‘she.’ The fog thickens. “Wait, she?” You say as the static begins to leave your system. It feels like you’re tearing through roots as you walk forward.
“He didn’t mean it,” Masky quickly replies as he begins to pull you through the fog. “Good job on asking though. Strong response,” he says as gestures to the fog, his hand swimming through the billowy clouds. “Wives’ tale is the stronger the fog, the more genuine you were in response.”
You wade your fingers through the thick fog as you and the others walk forward, deeper and deeper into the darkness where there was none. “Must’ve had a really genuine response, huh?” You mumble to yourself. The fog doesn’t even feel like normal fog - it feels thick and heavy and leaves slight dew on your clothing as you walk. How interesting.
‘Head talk from here on out,’ Hoodie says as the four of you reach a stretch of woods that feels slightly dangerous.
‘Did you feel it too?’ Toby asks, his hand at his hatchet.
Hoodie nods slightly, his eyes narrowing as he slows his pace so he’s guarding the back. He gives you a slightly concerned look as the fog evens out. Everyone but you knows that they’re in perhaps one of the most dangerous parts of the veil. The Operator’s mere presence is usually enough to deter the things like the Rake from his grounds, but that often means they get trapped here - in the in-between - and lash out on the first thing they sense. The sooner the four of you get out of this dangerous spot, the better.
‘What do you sense?’ You ask, cutting mentally through the rough silence, your own hand moving to your blade.
Hoodie looks like he’s about to answer you before he holds his fist up and the other three of you duck down instantly, dipping below the fog. Just then, some deer begin walking past.
‘Deer?’ You say in a questioning tone.
‘Not just any deer,’ Hoodie begins as the deer slowly nibbles on the leaves and other things. ‘Take a good look at their bodies. They look normal to you?’
You narrow your eyes slightly and get used to peering through the fog as the deer pass. Eventually, you’re able to look at their coats. There’s something off about them, something wrong. Something you can’t quite place. The longer you watch them as they move in front of you, the stronger that off feeling gets. They have every physical part of the deer down but it’s just not right. It’s like their joints don’t fit well beneath their skin. And their eyes… Their eyes are completely hollow.
‘You see it?’ Masky asks as the last of the deer passes by. He glances over his shoulder briefly to see you nod. ‘We’re lucky they didn’t change this time,’ he mumbles, slowly inching forward while crouched against the earth.
‘What would’ve happened if they changed?’ You inquire, moving quietly alongside your comrades.
‘Nightmare fuel,’ Toby finally pipes in. ‘Nothing about them looks right. Big mouths full of sharp teeth, black eyes, too many limbs, like a messed up centipede,’ he finishes, a slight shudder coming into his mental tone.
You notice the other two of your group members nodding in agreement before finally deeming it safe enough to stand up and finally exit the in-between of the veil.
You’re greeted to the sight of a beautiful, rustic looking Germanic mansion surrounded by iron gates that hold honeycomb patterns that trail skywards only to end on sharp peaks that you’re almost certain your boss has spiked people on plenty of times. There’s also flowers of every kind in the front gardens that catch your eyes the moment you step through the grand gates. There’s fountains and topiaires, statues and benches that tell you the Operator drips with style and elegance.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Masky smiles.
You nod, “it’s gorgeous.” The air smells slightly expensive, but mostly sweet. How is it that a place like this can even possibly exist? Around the mansion are autumnal trees, mostly maple, some sycamore and other birch. Scattered on the front lawn are other proxies and some independents, mostly catching up and talking before leaving through the same gates you entered from. Some of them smile and wave as they pass you, others grunt and turn their nose up at you upon realizing you’re the youngest. This place sings with the Operator’s overwhelming presence.
Your comrades continue to watch your amused expression as they lead you to the front doors of the mansion. They’re large and stained glass, slightly gothic in woodwork and tower over you.
“Go ahead,” Hoodie chuckles as he nods for you to open the doors.
You glance back to him, then at the large doors before tentatively placing your hands on their surface. With a small breath, you push them open and find yourself greeted to the most exquisite foyer you’ve ever seen. Large chandeliers hang from the ceiling, sapphires and rubies drip from the fixtures and shine the light beautifully across the marble floors. Gold leaf adorns almost everything that juts out while the huge staircase in front of you beckons you forward.
“Doesn’t seem like he needs us yet,” Masky says as he checks his watch. “Got here earlier than expected, huh?” He lightly ribs Hoodie who rolls his eyes in response. “C’mon, let’s go to the sun room. Don’t wanna wait around in here.” He nods for the three of you to follow.
Toby clears his throat slightly as if to remind the two in charge that you’re still very much here and new.
“Oh, right,” Masky says. “Reader, this is super important, so listen up,” your group leader begins as he turns on his heels to eventually rest his hands on your shoulders.
You raise a brow at his sudden contact. Masky normally didn’t touch you unless what he had to say was important - which really, really didn’t happen often.
“This mansion likes to play off your thoughts, feelings, and logic,” he says, his hand gesturing to the staircase that’s slowly moving directions. You didn’t even hear it begin to shift. “The Operator usually keeps things in line for when he summons you, it’s almost a guaranteed path you’ll make it to him, but,” his eyes go serious. “If it’s just you and you’re moving around, you need to have a place in mind or it’ll accidentally spit you out somewhere totally random. We’ve had people get lost in here because the mansion is slightly playful and weirdly baneful depending on the individual walking around.”
“The Operator has a playful side?”
Masky stifles a laugh before shaking you lightly. “I legitimately mean it, you need to have a place in mind or you’re gonna get lost and the Operator isn’t gonna be happy. By extension, I won’t be happy because I need to come get you.”
“Mhm,” Hoodie nods in agreement. “And you can’t have the thought in passing either, it’s gotta be on your mind until it’s in sight.” After Hoodie’s words leave his mouth, Masky lets you go.
You take all the information in and wonder just what makes the place run. It’s like it has its own personality - it’s playful and baneful? You have to ask it permission to even enter its grounds and it deems whether you’re worthy or not? What kind of power does the Operator even have and why on earth would he even care about that kind of stuff? If he truly wanted his proxies to access him, he’d do it with no hesitation. The humans that would wander into his rooms would just end up tasting someone’s blade.
“Sun room?” Hoodie reminds Masky.
Your entire walk to the sun room you try to conjure a mental image in your head. They say it’s doubtful you’ll get lost so long as you’re with them, but you consider it good practice. When you finally make it to the sun room, you’re pleased to see it’s relatively empty save for a few groups interspersed in the large, window adorned room overlooking a silver lake. There’s a few independents walking around with carts holding different tea time finger-foods and waiting tea sets on every table. Maasky leads you over to one of the tables nearest to the view of the lake.
“So, what business exactly are we here for today?” You ask as you waste no time in pouring yourself some tea.
Masky shrugs, “no idea. He said he just wanted us to come.”
“T-Think he r-really only n-needs an audience w-with them though,” Toby adds before silently thanking you for pouring him some tea as well. “L-Leaves us some t-t-time to chat. Y’know, t-the thing H-Hood hates us d-doing,” he lightly jokes.
Hoodie scoffs and feigns being annoyed, “I only hate you two chatting when we’re in the middle of tearing out some guy’s entrails.”
“Y-Yeah, which is a-all the time,” Toby giggles.
You laugh as well.
The four of you are in a heated argument about something relatively stupid when static overtakes Masky and Hoodie’s hearing. They visibly pause, as if they’re trying to key into something you can’t understand when it suddenly stops.
“Have t-to go?” Toby inquires before taking a strawberry tart and popping it into his mouth.
Both Masky and Hoodie nod.
“Yeah. Keep an eye on Reader, please? We won’t be too long,” Masky replies with a small, tired smile.
Toby flashes the two a thumbs up before the both of you watch them leave, a clear destination on their minds.
It’s not long until Toby gets distracted by some other independents that stroll into the mansion. You recognize the two of them as relatively minor legends - well, maybe not the one with the smile. His name is Jeff.
“So, this is your fresh meat, huh?” Jeff chuckles as he lightly pushes Toby’s shoulder. “She looks a little scrawny. Are you feeding her right?”
Toby laughs and nods, “Masky w-w-would lose his m-mind if you s-s-said that.”
Jeff’s chest rumbles as he laughs. “I’m joking,” he holds his hand up as a sign of truce. “Hope you know you’re running with one of the only decent groups out there, Reader,” he says before picking up his tea cup. It looks slightly comical as he brings it to his lips.
You offer him a smile and nod, “yeah, I know.”
The man to Jeff’s left nods in agreement, “Masky’s really good at what he does. Got one of the best.”
Toby immediately fights the notion (playfully) and the three engage in conversation that’s lively and vibrant all the same. You listen to the three verbally duke it out before you find yourself bored. You can’t just leave though, but you want to move at the same time.
“Can I excuse myself?”
“W-Where to?”
“Washroom,” you reply.
“Do y-you need m-me to a-accompany y-y-you?”
Both Eyeless Jack and Jeff scoff.
“She’s a big girl, let her go,” Jeff says as he nods his own approval for you to go. “You told her about the mindset thing?”
Toby nods.
“Yeah, then she’s good to go,” Eyeless Jack agrees.
You flash the men at your table a smile before getting up. You push in your chair and then make it to the entrance of the sunroom, leading into the halls. You don’t have a set destination in mind. The moment you step out of the sunroom, you feel the air change. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s different. On instinct, you turn your gaze over your shoulder to see the sunroom is gone. It’s just hall and lining the hall are doors upon doors.
Alright, you can work with that! A small smile comes to your face as you begin to walk forwards, allowing your curiosity to bloom. The first door you decide to open is one that’s honestly not that exciting. It was just a storage unit. Another was a study. Then it was someone’s room. Another room. And another. How many residence rooms are there?
You close yet another door and then feel a thought come into your head, taking a seat on your train of thought like a butterfly sunbathes on a flower. She - Toby had mentioned it. And you wondered. You let the thought stay. Before you know it, you’re walking through the halls guided by forces you don’t quite understand, and the further you get into the mansion, the stranger the atmosphere becomes. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s not a normal feeling either. You watch as the light fixtures change from something relatively modern and regress into something more vintage. The dust begins to kick up. Irish lace begins to pepper the ceiling. You notice how the doors change style as well. How strange.
Eventually, you reach a dead end stretch of hall. At the very end of this hall is a singular door that looks weathered, as if it was sunbleached and painted over in oils. There’s an elegance to it you can’t quite place, and like a siren song, you find yourself being beckoned to it. Your proxy instincts kick in like second nature the closer you draw to it. You feel your breathing lighten, your steps as well, and you move towards it with a silence that is unmatched - as if you’re floating on air. You draw closer and closer to the door. It’s so magnetic, and you can’t quite explain why/ But closer still you must be to it.
Your hand tenderly grasps the doorknob - it feels like ice - and you twist it open. You wonder if you should be doing this. A part of you feels like you shouldn’t be doing this, but another part of you says this is what you were meant to see. You push the door open ever so slightly, just enough to be able to see inside, but the door is heavy, almost as if it doesn’t want you to. Like it’s trying to protect you from something further. You wonder if it just wishes to keep its secrets.
It’s gorgeous, it truly is. It puts the rest of the mansion to shame. It looks old - perhaps from 16th century Germany and fit for royalty. Plants of all kinds line the walls. They look like emeralds as light shines through their leaves. The sunlight kisses the flowers that sprout from the stalks. Beautiful woodwork surrounds the windows that are covered in fairytale-esque stained glass pieces. The scent is of something much, much sweeter and warmer than the rest of the mansion. Your eyes then draw to the center of the room, where an ornate table sits. There’s gold leaf decorating its legs followed by symbols you can’t really pin down. A tablecloth that looks like it was weaved from the stars above is the only thing that separates a delicate tea set from the precious mahogany table. The tea smells heavenly from where you stand.
Before you can press into the room, you pause upon seeing slender, pale hands take hold of the tea pot. Your eyes follow upwards to the owner of the hands only to see a woman so much more beautiful than the moon in twilight and the sun in the morning. Falling from her shoulders was golden hair that looked like a sea of amber as it cascaded down near the floor. Flowers were woven into it - mostly snowdrops, baby’s breath and queen Anne’s lace. She’s dressed in something from medieval Europe, and never once does her sleeve touch the table. She begins to pour herself some tea, a honey like hum coming from her being as she pours the sweet liquid. Her eyes flick upwards for but a moment when she hears a bird chirping outside. Her eyes are so dark, there exists no white sclera. They’re so dark, like black holes that hide in the depths of space, but you feel as if she holds the universe inside of them. She’s so beautiful, you’re not sure she’s real. A cat has jumped up onto the table, purring at her. When she smiles, your heart sings.
You want to say hello to her and spend time in her presence when you attempt to open the door some more. It creaks slightly. The hinges are ancient. Before you can say anything, the door is slammed shut, sending you flying backwards. You let out a sound of shock before seeing Toby reaching down to get you.
“What t-the hell a-a-are you thinking?” He hisses as he picks you up, grabbing your bicep and beginning to drag you away from the door that still holds your attention. “You r-really just w-wandered off l-like that?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, attempting to get free of his grasp as he continues to pull you along. No matter how hard you smack at him, he doesn’t let go.
“M-Masky said it’s not s-safe for y-y-you to wander o-off. A-And without m-me? D-D-Did you have a-any cognitive t-t-thought when you w-went out on a l-limb like t-that?” He sounds so heated.
You find he’s bringing you back to the sunroom, undoubtedly going to tell Masky and Hoodie about your misbehavior. “Why are you being so weird?” You retort as you attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. “It’s just a room!” You cry out in an exasperated tone.
Toby only reprimands you louder. It’s a losing game.
You eventually find yourself back in the sunroom. Only, instead of Eyeless Jack and Jeff, you see the deeply concerned and slightly pissed off faces of Masky and Hoodie. They’re not happy to see you, and you’re not exactly thrilled to see you either.
“Take a s-s-seat,” Toby says in a harsh tone as he thrusts you back into your seat.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Masky asks, not even attempting to mask his voice because that’s the privilege of being a proxy. You’re able to reprimand your proxies without anyone giving a care.
“You can’t just go off like that,” Hoodie continues as he furrows his brows. “You could’ve gotten-”
“Hurt? This is the Operator’s mansion, what the fuck is gonna hurt me in here other than himself or you two?”
“That’s it,” Masky points out. “He can seriously hurt you if you snoop where you shouldn’t!” His hands grips at your wrist, tightening to a point of pain.
When you feel tears prick your eyes, Hoodie sighs and puts his hand on Masky’s shoulder, “stop it.”
Masky hesitantly lets you go.
“What did you see?” Hoodie asks with a deep sigh, his posture tensing. He’s really hoping you didn’t see the Operator’s trophy room.
You give your comrades a concerned look, not sure whether you should answer or not when Hoodie raises a slight brow. Damn it. You’re emotionally compromised. He’s seeing what he needs to without your permission.
“That’s… Odd…” He says.
Masky glances to Hoodie. “No.”
“Unfortunately, I think yeah,” Hoodie says with a growing frown. He glances to Toby for confirmation, and upon seeing Toby’s nod, says “yeah,” again.
Masky groans and puts his face into his hands, finding comfort in being buried into himself.
You hold your wrist in your hand and lean back in your chair. “Just… What is it you guys aren’t telling me?” You question, hoping they’d just bite the bullet and tell you.
The group shares a look, debating whether they should even say it or not. When no one says anything, you press them again.
“Come on,” you sigh. “It can’t be that bad.”
“It really could be,” Masky says as he finally releases his face from his hands. “No one knows what seeing it does.”
Your eyes widen before you bark a laugh. “What?”
“No, he’s serious,” Hoodie picks up. “Seeing that door is rare, like, rainbow pikachu rare. Proxies think it’s an omen or a bad luck thing. To see it means a group’s eventual demise.”
You briefly scoff at the thought of proxies being superstitious before you remember some of you can actually cast portals. It’s really not that out of pocket.
“N-No one has e-e-ever found o-out though,” Toby shrugs. “W-We just know t-that the g-groups that h-h-have n-normally e-end in death.” He looks a little uncomfortable as he says the words, like there’s a legitimate truth to what he’s saying even though he’d rather it be utter BS.
“To be fair, we thought it was a rumor prior to you sneaking off,” Hoodie says as he tries to calm down his group.
You take in this information with a small frown. How could something that beautiful be that evil or a harbinger of doom? The thought of it left you perplexed as your comrades continued to lecture you on not wandering off until Masky and Hoodie were called away.
“I don’t know if I feel comfortable leaving Reader here with-”
Toby rolls his eyes, “you c-cant just s-say you want m-me to come with i-instead. N-Not need to insult m-my competence a-a-as a babysitter,” he mumbles before glancing down to his hatchets.
Masky sighs and nods for Toby to follow him out. Looks like it’s just you and Hoodie.
“So,” you awkwardly begin, not really sure what to do or what to say.
“So,” Hoodie hums back. “Anywhere you wanted to go?” When he sees the glint in your eyes, he shakes his head. “Like, a normal place. We’re gonna be here for a while while those two are out,” he chuckles, watching as you visibly deflate.
You allow the question to bang around in your head until you nod with a thought in mind. “The library. I’d like to go to the library.”
Hoodie smiles at that suggestion and finishes the rest of his tea before standing up. He stretches for a moment, then leads you to the hallway your original snooping began. You noticed as his thoughts immediately became clouded with the word and vision of ‘library’ as the two of you trekked the halls. As you walked, you barely recognized any of the doors you passed. They weren’t on your radar, which was odd in your opinion as you had opened a lot of door you probably shouldn’t have.
Eventually, you reach two large oak doors. Hoodie pushes them open and you’re greeted to the sight of a beautiful library. It’s impossibly huge - how could such a place exist in the mansion? You’re well aware it’s a huge place, but the fact that all of this is here… It’s bigger than a downtown city library you visited when passing through Chicago a few months ago. The Operator’s influence is beautiful, isn’t it?
“I’m gonna be in the sci-fi section,” Hoodie says as he nods over to the right wing of the library. “It’s on the second floor.” You notice the spiral staircase that leads to what appears to be a balcony - it must stretch backwards forever. “Check in with me in about 15 minutes. Don’t do anything stupid.” It’s surprising how relaxed he’s being with you. You would have expected someone like Hoodie to be a lot angerier and more observational.
Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, you nod and flash him a thumb’s up before bounding over to the left wing of the library. Nothing is properly labeled, but you get a strong bout of intuition where everything is. Right now, you’re on the hunt for history.
The aisle that holds the history books looks just as old as you would have expected it to. The books here aren’t any you’ve ever seen in stores either - they’re largely from the time period they’re to be representing. Some are more modern, but you get the feeling that they don’t exist anywhere else but under the Operator’s influence. You find a few books that talk about the early history of proxies, some on independents, but nothing to inform you on what you had found.
It’s honestly a little maddening. You check in with Hoodie when you have to - he asks you to list the spines of the books you’re currently looking at - and then you’re back to your fruitless search. You run up and down the halls of the history section looking for anything when you hear static begin to buzz in your heads. The feeling travels upwards like the vines you felt earlier from your heels to your chest. When they claw deep into your heart, you feel a pull. And once again, like a sailor beckoned to the rocks due to a siren’s song, you follow it.
It twists and turns you through the shelves, making you zip past the few proxies and independents that are currently visiting this wing of the library before you’re drawn to a rotunda. You look backwards and see in the distance the front doors of the library. When did this place get a middle wing? It was just straight shelves and a wall with large windows overlooking the rolling hills of the woods. You turn your attention upwards to the ceiling of the rotunda. There’s a large skylight that allows sunlight to cascade down. Around that are gems you don’t even know the name of that weave a mosaic of something positively divine. You allow your gaze to follow the shaft of warm sunlight down, and there, sitting at a table with a book in hand (it looks like a journal) is the Operator himself.
“S-Sir!” You manage to squeak out as you find yourself startled to be in his presence, Heat rises to your cheeks when he looks up from his book to turn his attention to you.
“How did you get here?” He asks, confusion etching his body as he curiously tilts his head.
Your breath hitches. “I’m so sorry,” you apologize, bowing your head almost immediately. “I don’t know how I got here. It just felt like a pull and suddenly I was here? I was in the left wing and looking over history books and I-” you continue to rattle off until the Operator holds up his hand, silently signaling you to stop. You do so as soon as he asks.
“I-. It’s no matter,” he waves off. “Come, sit down beside me.” An inky black tendril sprouts from his back as he pulls the chair in front of him out, allowing you to sit in his presence.
You will your stone-like legs forward and attempt to gracefully take a seat in front of him. It’s a slightly awkward silence before he speaks again.
“How have you been, Miss Reader?”
“I’m alright,” you reply, voice no higher than a whisper.
The Operator hums. “Good.”
Another pregnant pause.
“Child, where is your book?”
“I uh, didn’t grab one?” You answer softly. You can tell the Operator is looking at you with what he can convey to his fullest as confusion. “When I was pulled here I just.. Followed,” you attempt to explain. “I don’t know why I’m here.”
“And what have you done today?” He asks, giving his passing attention to you like a father would.
You bite your lip before steering the conversation towards the room you saw. “I think I met someone.”
“You did, did you?”There’s a passing interest as if he’s saying ‘that’s nice, honey.’
You nod. “She was in a tea room-”
He pauses.
“I found her by accident-”
He makes sure he’s hearing you correctly.
“Her hair was golden-”
He looks up.
“She had plants-”
He’s sitting upright now.
“She had a cat-”
He leans forward.
“Her smile rivaled the stars-”
He’s focusing so intently on you now.
“Her voice was like honey-”
He entirely focused on you.
“She was beautiful.”
The Operator’s ichor pauses for just a moment as he takes in the description of the woman you described. It makes a part of him sing and another part of him sob. He hasn’t heard of her in so, so long.
When you look up, you see the Operator practically leaned halfway over the table and entirely focused on you. It makes you jump. “I’m sorry,” you apologize sheepishly, thinking you saw something you shouldn’t have. “I wasn’t thinking and I uh, think the mansion led me to her?”
The Operator wordlessly nods. “Was she pouring tea?” He asked, voice so much gentler than anything you could ever expect him to conjure up.
You slowly nod. “She was.”
The Operator suddenly slumps down, making you jolt. You rise on instinct to help him when he waves you back down. “Do you realize who you’ve come into contact with?” He asks.
You shake your head. “I’m afraid not, Sir,” you say with slight remorse.
The Operator chuckles deeply - it rumbles his chest and in your head. “You found her.” He could smile, you were sure it would be from ear to ear if he had the correct facial features. “All these years later and you found her.” He emphasizes you like a bittersweet affirmation.
“Who is she?” You ask softly.
Your boss sits back up again. “Someone who loves me,” his tendril sprouts once again from his back and moves towards you. “Someone who loves you,” it taps your nose. “Someone who loves us.” The tendril makes a grand, sweeping gesture.
You take in the words and nod, still not knowing what they mean. Upon seeing your confusion, he decides to elaborate.
“A long, long time ago, in a realm you could not begin to fathom, there was light and there was dark,” he begins, his voice slipping into something akin to someone saying a bedtime story. “I was the light, and that cur we call Zalgo was the dark.”
You scrunch your nose at the sound of his name.
“The dark and the light were born from nothing, and she was beautiful.” His audible smile is actually endearing to hear. “Throughout the years, the light and the dark fought, constantly at each other's throats. It was woven in the threads of history, it had been our birthright. When we came to this place, this planet after being cast from our home - a palace amongst all palaces, a kingdom that rose far above any other, the nothingness came with us. She called herself Liebevolle Frau. She loved her children.” By this point in the story, the Operator has taken the liquids from the coffee cup he drinks from and animated them into the characters for this story.
You watch with stars in your eyes.
“But no guardian is without its favorites, and I happened to be hers.” Liebevolle Frau’s figure was shown sheltering the Operator’s much smaller one. “And this caused a rift that could not be mended through the light and dark. Eventually, the dark waged war on the light.”
It’s a war you’re still fighting to this day.
“In the 1500s, long after this mansion had been built and my power continued to grow, Zalgo had almost wiped us off the face of the earth to splatter out remains across all the five realms. Liebevolle Frau, thought caught off guard,” that would explain the tea, “sheltered me and protected this place and all who resided in it. At the time,” the Operator looks at you. “Independents and proxies had lived here much more commonly than they do now.”
You smile softly.
“Liebevolle Frau’s power had been pushed to its limit in holding back her first born son, and mind, as well as her heart, broke because of it. In her remaining moments of lucidity, she imbued herself, her soul,” the liquids take the form of something fluttering and soft, like a bird, “her everything, and became the place I hold jurisdiction over today.”
Your eyes widen as you think back to the odd feelings you’ve had coming here for today - and Toby’s slip-up.
“I have not been able to find her since the late 1500s,” The Operator explains as the liquids dance back into the coffee mug, the figure of Liebevolle Frau taking a hair longer than the rest. “She lives in everything.”
You’re honestly speechless over everything the Operator has said because it’s so… It’s strangely heartfelt. You’ve never even spoken face to face with your boss and when you do, it’s because some force is guiding you to do so. But if that force felt so alive, it must have meant she wanted you to know.
“Her physical form,” you finally manage to wisp out. “She wanted to be at peace, didn’t she?”
The Operator chuckles deeply. “I would assume so.”
Before you can respond to anything or even come up with another response, you hear both Masky AND Hoodie yelling for you in your head. The jarring difference between your boss’s gentle voice and Masky and Hoodie crying out for blood is enough to make you jump (once again).
Upon seeing your sudden switch in atmosphere, the Operator hushes the voices in your head and calls them to his side.
Toby is the first to show up though, and quickly trailing after him is Masky and Hoodie. They both look ready to reprimand you but upon seeing you sitting with the Operator, nothing but reverence crosses their minds and bodies.
“Good evening, Sir,” Masky says as he bows his head. “Are you well?”
“Thoughtful, aren't you, Timothy?” There’s no animosity or anger in the Operator’s tone, but it makes Masky blush all the same.
A pregnant pause passes.
“I was just speaking with your newest member, Miss Reader,” a pale hand gestures to you. “Come, join us. I could use the company.”
You watch as confused glances get shared between your three comrades before they take a seat beside you.
A pleasant silence passes through the air before a gentle humming that’s sweeter than honey overtakes it like a passing breeze.
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localcactushugger · 3 years
Honestly the thing that really pisses me off, the thing that really hurts the most, about the Hawks vs. Twice conflict is the fact that they had so much potential.
I know on my blog I post mostly about Hawks and bnha leaks, but Twice was by far my favorite Villian and I loved seeing him every time he showed up. I love and understand both Hawks and Twice.
And Horikoshi fucking robbed us.
He robbed us of potentially the most hilarious and pure bromance in all of Bnha history.
All because of the fucking plot.
Think of the beautiful dynamic these two already had! They were only together for what? 2, maybe 3 months at most? And during that time they both learned to sympathize with each other. They even laughed at each other's jokes!!
They actually cared about each other even though their goals and morals didn't exactly aligne.
Both of them saw each other as "good/ kind hearted people" who were deserving of sympathy:
"You're a swell guy!" "Right back at ya."
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"You're a good person."
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"Anyone who wants to help their friends can't be all that bad." "I know you're good natured." "Let's fly free together!"
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"I empathize with their cause." "I wanna fly free"
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I'm still so fucking salty about it. It's genuinely upsetting to me.
What's sad is that both of them genuinely cared and wanted to help each other. They just couldn't because their goals were so different.
Twice wanted to help his friends and "protect their happiness" more than anything, and that's why he was fine with helping them destroy/take over Japan. Because nothing matters more than the league's happiness. He'd burn down the world and "sell his soul" to make the Leauge happy! They were his friends. His family. They were his everything!
And Hawks' goal revolved around keeping the people of Japan safe. It revolved around making sure the Leauge didn't hurt anyone because "If you had just captured the Leauge when you had the chance . . ! Think of how many citizens might be alive today!" It revolved around making sure that "everyone would be able to laugh by the time the next cherry blossoms fall."
Both of them were kind hearted genuinely good people. The only difference is that they fought to protect different things.
But that doesn't mean they didn't care about each other or didn't reach out. Both of them reached out!
Twice reaching out: "I know we're being monitored right now, but I wish they'd stop spying on you! I get how you feel."
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Hawks reaching out: "You've been unlucky, but you can make a fresh start once you pay for your crimes. I'll even help you start over! Because you're a good person."
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Twice didn't know why a hero would sympathize with the liberation army. But a person who wanted to help his friends couldn't be that bad right?
Hawks knew how powerful Twice was and all the horrible things the Liberation army was planning for Japan. But Twice was good natured and kind right?
Both of them made efforts to understand each other. But neither of them could let go of their goals or the things they wanted to protect.
Twice remained loyal to the Leauge. To protect his friends happiness.
Hawks remained loyal to his mission. To protect the people of Japan.
Both characters were sympathetic towards each other, but at the same time they were both fiercely determined to do what they thought was right in the moment. It makes perfect sense story and character wise . . .
I'm still so upset about it!! I was so happy when Twice and Hawks started to warm up to each other, even though I knew it wouldn't turn out well.
Can you imagine these two doing finger guns? Laughing at each other's jokes?? Eating Yakitori together and making up secret handshakes???
They had such a pure, funny, bittersweet dynamic that pulled at my heart strings and made me laugh at the same time.
Honestly I don't know where I'm going with this. I just wanted to rant about the two of them for a bit because I love them both. And I just know if they weren't on the opposite sides of a war they would've been the bestest bros in the world.
Y'all can have whatever opinions you want about Hawks and Twice. But this is a post meant to appreciate their short-lived friendship and amazing dynamic. It's meant to appreciate and show love for both of their characters.
So please keep any bitter comments away from this post. I know everyone has different opinions about these two, but I've heard the debates a million times. Any disrespectful or mean notes will be deleted swiftly.
Just keep the vibes of this post nice okay? Why can we never have nice things in this fandom?
The whole Hero stan vs. Villain stan thing honestly ruins it for me, and I've quickly learned that It destroys all room for understanding and only creates division.
So whatever 12 yr old created the toxic Hero vs. Villain stan dynamic in this fandom, I hope you step on a Lego. Because I'm sure that dynamic has ruined a lot of characters for some people.
If you're someone who can't like a character just because they're a "villain" or a "hero", I'm genuinely sorry for you and I hope you know it's not your fault. This fandom likes to make the whole Hero vs. Villain thing a competition sometimes, and all the extremely biased metas don't always leave room for debate. Sometimes it can even make you feel like you have to pick a side. And it can make it hard for people to enjoy some character's as well.
People will try to demonize Twice.
People will try to demonize Hawks.
Obviously you can love whatever characters you want regardless of their roles in the story, but It's sad how that kind of division in a fandom leaves little room for understanding. And it's sad how quickly a fandom can ruin a character for some people as well. (I've had characters almost be ruined for me too. It sucks.)
Obviously, as a human being I also have my opinions, biases, and favorite characters. And having those isn't a bad thing! Just so long as you're respectful about it. And I'm saying this as someone who has, admittedly, partaken in the Hero vs. Villain stan dynamic once or twice myself. Even though I personally think that dynamic is dumb. I've also had moments where I've lost patience over "bad takes" I didn't like as well. I'm not perfect. No one is, and you can disagree with me all you like if you want. It's chill dude. 👌👌👌
But I would like to keep this post conflict free. In my opinion, Twice and Hawks are both genuinely good people. This is not something I will ever budge on. And i want to enjoy both of their beautiful characters just this once. I love and understand them both your honor. ✋😔
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
The Sun Sets With You
Chapter Five: Just A Man
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Summary: A simple yet despondent farm life suddenly sparks with new hope when an unusual traveler makes your town his latest stop and brings with him intriguing and promising viewpoints and no one to share them with. Until he meets you.
Pairing: Ezra Prospect x f!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Fluff! (It's getting cute y'all!), death of a parent, grief, smoking, food, Silas🤢, a little sad Ezra in this one
W/C: 4k (made it a little longer to make up for the wait! 🥺)
A/N: We are back! I'm so so so sorry this took so long to get out! What can I say, life happened & kept knocking me down & I couldn't find the strength to write for this fic. I'm still not even completely happy with this chapter, but after reading it so many times, I think it's okay lol a huge thanks to everyone for being so patient & lovely to me ♥️ okay, I'll shut up, hope you enjoy!
Series || Main || Taglist || AO3
Chapter Four || Chapter Six
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As the days and weeks passed, Ezra finally felt comfortable enough to join you and Pa for meals at your family table, sitting and eating quietly until responding to a thought or question of Pa’s. It felt nice. It felt…warm and natural. As opposed to the slight coldness you’ve felt sitting with Pa, without your mother. Though it was still as quiet as your meals alone with your father, the silence now was more comforting.
You realized shortly after that last evening under the tree with Ezra what exactly ails you when near him, why exactly your pulse quickens and you feel heat flush your neck and cheeks. It was a startling conclusion, given that you have been inexperienced when it comes to the term ‘love’, outside of the love you felt for Ma and Pa. This, with Ezra, contrasts immensely.
It had caught you off guard, a small infatuation with the man that you realized must have taken hold of your heart from the first moment you met him, when you simply could not remove your eyes from his face. You now find your eyes lingering on his features longer, learning the curve of his smile, the fine wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, memorizing the tone of his voice and his laugh to be replayed in moments of silence.
It’s strange; a simple emotion that you had witnessed your whole childhood into adulthood from your Ma and Pa, an emotion you carry in your heart for each of them, though the way you experience it now, the strength in which it has grasped onto your very being – and so suddenly – has been enough to make the room spin whenever you lay your eyes on him. The idea of taking a husband has never been one of priority. Up until now, at least.
“Many thanks for the delicious meal, miss. I am grateful you have welcomed me into your home as such,” Ezra says as he stands, helping you take the soiled dishes to the wash basin.
“You have always been welcome, Mr. Prospect. I am glad you now feel comfortable joining us,” you say with a gentle smile, looking up at him as he approaches you with the dishes. You catch a faint hue of pink spreading across his sun kissed cheeks.
“Would you care for a pipe, Mr. Prospect?” Pa calls out as he sits in his chair by the fireplace, beginning to pack away tobacco in his own pipe.
“I very much appreciate the offer, sir, however I do not smoke,” Ezra replies kindly as he turns away from you to face Pa and you begin washing.
“Good man; do not start the nasty habit until you become old and worn as I am now,” Pa jests.
“I only see a wise man, years of strength and kindness the only evidence that you have lived a wonderful life thus far,” Ezra compliments and Pa releases a hearty laugh.
“As I said: ‘old’,” Pa replies and both Ezra and you laugh along.
The genuine and natural lightheartedness of the conversations Pa and Ezra shared tonight warms your heart and you realize tonight has been one of the few nights you’ve smiled so freely, so frequently, since Ma’s passing and you strongly sense her spirit surrounding the three of you. Almost as if you could hear her laughing along with you all.
Although a feeling of sadness lingers in your heart that she cannot be here physically, you remember Ezra’s kind words and let them ease you. The comfort you feel wash over you leaves you pondering if it’s a sign of acceptance from above, from Ma, that she welcomes Ezra’s presence amongst you and Pa.
“Can I be of any assistance, Sunflower?” Ezra turns and asks quietly, out of earshot of Pa and addressing you by his personal endearment he has bestowed upon you.
“Thank you for offering, Ezra,” you reply just as softly. His given name had nearly slipped from your lips on more than one occasion tonight, but you felt it best to remain coy in front of your father. “I’m nearly finished now.”
“Perhaps tomorrow night. I will not miss my chance then to be of service,” he smiles and the inside of your cheek stings from the bite you dealt to keep from grinning widely. “I will take my leave for the night. The lovely beasts I room with will be missing my presence, I fear,” he says, loud enough for Pa to hear as well and Pa chuckles at his statement.
“Always a pleasure to have you for dinner, Mr. Prospect,” Pa says and stands to shake Ezra’s hand. “Daughter, would you be so kind as to walk Mr. Prospect to the door?”
“Yes Pa,” you nod, abandoning the soapy dishes for the time being and you wipe your hands to dry on your apron as you head towards the door with Ezra.
Pa smiles again in Ezra’s direction as he walks past and takes his seat once again, watching the flames dance and flicker. Ezra opens the door, allowing you to walk through and step on the porch and he follows suit, shutting the door behind him.
“Shall I walk you to the barn?” You offer.
“No, Sunflower, I would prefer you to stay. The dark of night may carry with it many dangers lurking around the corner.”
“All the more reason I should walk with you,” you grin, wrapping your arms around the wooden support post as you watch him step down into the dirt.
“Then I would intend on escorting you back here and we will only find ourselves repeating the action for one another until daybreak,” he chuckles. “Until tomorrow, dear Sunflower.”
“Tomorrow,” you smile and nod. “Good night, Ezra.”
“Good night,” he bows his head in farewell and turns on his heels to head toward the barn. You linger a moment longer to assure he is well on his way, waving when he turns back to steal another glance at you.
You take a deep breath to calm your galloping heart and turn to walk back inside, Pa sitting quietly as he continues smoking. You head back to the wash basin to finish the chore, rinsing, drying, and putting away the dishes before heading over to sit next to Pa, grabbing a new book from your small collection.
You decided to leave Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland to read with Ezra under the tree and the image of the two of you lying in the grass as you read to him brings a contented smile to your face. After quite a bit of comfortable silence, you feel the curiosity inching through your brain like an insect and decide to give in to the itch.
“H-how are the crops faring, Pa?” You ask while picking at the corner of your book.
“They grow fine,” Pa replies simply. “Each and every week another inch to their lives added.”
“And… Mr. Prospect has been much help?” You continue carefully.
“Oh yes, he has taken on the majority of the labor. We are blessed that he sought to help us.”
“Yes,” you smile softly as you lower your head slightly, gathering the courage to continue the conversation. “And… How do you feel about… Mr. Prospect?”
“What do you mean, child?”
“The townspeople think him...odd.”
“They must reflect on themselves before passing that judgement onto an innocent man. Especially the four hens, as you like to call them,” you giggle and look up at Pa, a slight smirk hidden beneath his thick, grey beard as he lets out a deep chuckle.
“Yes, but… What do you think of Mr. Prospect?”
“Why the curiosity, daughter?” He asks, though no irritation is found in his voice; instead, a light-hearted tone, one of knowing. Knowing why you insist on finding out his opinion.
“Merely curious, Pa,” you say quietly, just loud enough for him to hear over the crackle of the fire.
“Hm,” he hums as he inhales smoke through his pipe, taking his time to retrieve an forthright answer from his mind while you gaze at him in anticipation.
“He is an honest man. Good and kind. A hard worker. I believe he is fit to be a lawful husband to any girl who seeks his affection,” he finally says, looking deep into your eyes and his words go straight to your fast beating heart.
You catch the smile on your face growing, evident in the strain you feel across your cheeks and you put your head down to face the book in your lap.
“That's nice,” you reply once you've cleared your throat and regained control of the muscles on your face.
“Yes. Yes it is,” Pa smirks as he inhales another puff from his pipe.
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Today is as exhilarating as the rest; you attempt to sort through the inventory of the shop, taking note of which supplies are dwindling while also marking down new items the townspeople have requested, such as candles and playing cards for the children. As you walk toward the back of the shop, beginning your count of products there, the shop bell dings and you hear boots stomping from whoever has stepped through the door.
“Just a moment, please,” you call out to the customer from over your shoulder, hoping not to lose track of the count in your head.
“Please, do not rush, Sunflower,” a gentle, familiar voice replies and you feel your heart thumping faster in your chest now as you turn quickly, inventory be damned.
“Ezra,” you greet the man standing meekly at the front of the shop. He takes a few steps forward to meet you beside the counter. “What brings you to town? Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Oh, no thank you, Sunflower. I needed to send a letter off at the post and thought that my day would be much brighter were I able to visit you as well,” he says with a soft grin and you lower your head to hide the bashful expression on your face.
“Well, my day has brightened now, too,” you reply, gaining the courage to look up at him again, the apples of his cheeks reddening. “I trust you were promptly taken care of then?”
“Yes, Mr. Williams is a kind man,” he nods. “The elderly woman who works there as well – she is quite the conversationalist,” he releases a soft laugh.
“Ah, yes. Mrs. Williams,” you shake your head. “She actually does not work there, just adores to be in the center of it all,” you jest and Ezra chuckles. “I do hope she was not too overbearing.”
“Only slightly,” he shrugs. “After you and your Pa, her and Mr. Williams have treated me the kindest since my arrival.”
“Oh Ezra,” you share a perturbed look. “I am truly sorry for the way the town has behaved.”
“Sunflower, you have no reason whatsoever to apologize for the actions of others. Unfortunately, this town has not been the most unpleasant I’ve come across. I was very lucky to have found you. And your Pa,” he rushes the last phrase and you smile knowingly, his mouth curving slightly as well.
You open your mouth to continue the conversation, the innocent coquetry between you, yet no sounds are released from your mouth before the shop bell dings again and you sigh at the interruption. You turn your head and your racing heart, caused by Ezra’s presence, races faster, only in anger now.
“And what do we have here?” Silas’s booming, uninvited voice resonates through the shop. “What business could a queer like you have to conduct in town?” He looks at Ezra and you step in front of him.
“I told you not to call him that, Silas.”
“It does not seem he’s made any purchase,” he says, making a show of looking in Ezra’s hands for any paper bag. “Yet he is allowed to stay and converse while you toss me in the dirt.”
“Go away, Silas.”
“Sunflower-” Ezra calls gently from behind you, unable to finish his thought.
“‘Sunflower’?!” Silas laughs. “She does not need a freak to endear her, not when she has a real man. Like me.”
“Silas, he is more of a man than you could ever hope to be,” you spit out.
Of all the times you had the opportunity to speak your mind to Silas, you held back. Though, now that it is directed to Ezra, you feel that innate protectiveness for him wash over you again, no matter the cost or consequence.
“You dare say such a thing to me, girl?” Silas takes a menacing step forward.
“She is not a girl and you will not speak to her as one,” Ezra moves to stand in front of you now. “And I do believe she has requested for you to take your leave.”
“And exactly who will force me out? You?” Silas puffs out his chest, as if he were attempting to assert his role as an alpha, and frustration grows on his face at Ezra’s lack of response to the tactic.
“If I must.” Ezra replies simply and calmly, the tone of his voice even, though underneath lies a hidden message that he would not back down from a brawl, if it were to come to that.
“Ezra, please, he isn’t worth it,” you say softly, reaching out to hold his forearm.
“Oh, aren’t I?” Silas scoffs.
“I will summon Sheriff Wilson here to collect you himself if you do not leave my shop right this instant,” you hold your unyielding gaze to Silas’s, raising your chin slightly so as to challenge him to defy your wishes.
Silas hmph’s, his thick brows arching menacingly as he glances down at where your hand rests firmly on Ezra’s arm, clearly displeased at the contact. You feel Ezra’s form tense next to you, and you use your free hand to lightly press against his back in an effort to calm him.
“Fine,” Silas finally says harshly as he turns his back to you and Ezra and stomps to the door.
He looks over his shoulder one more time at the two of you and something about his animalistic eyes sends a nasty shiver down your spine. Before he can see you falter, he rips the door open, walks through, and slams it shut, rattling the frame as he leaves. You exhale shakily and Ezra turns his body to face yours, his hands gripping onto your upper arms as his eyes rake over your face in concern.
“Are you alright, Sunflower?”
“Oh Ezra,” you gaze at him thoughtfully. “It should be me asking you that same question.”
“Please, don’t worry about me. My only concern is you,” he continues, his eyes trying to follow yours as you look away from him. “Does he come here unannounced often? Has he bothered you before?”
“Ezra, he has always been a thorn in my side, but it is nothing for you to concern yourself with. I promise,” you look in his eyes, hoping to convince him, but you suspect it does not work and his hands fall from your arms.
“Sunflower… I did not appreciate the way he looked at you and spoke to you.”
“It’s alright Ezra, it is not anything I can’t handle,” you smile and grasp one of his hands in both of yours, squeezing it gently as reassurance.
You’re unsure of what to say. What could you say? That up until now you have been cowardly when it came to Silas Taylor? That it was not until Ezra’s arrival to town that you have come to know a stronger side of yourself, willing to risk your already frail reputation to defend this man’s name?
Ezra sighs heavily, staring into your eyes a moment longer before looking away. You watch his eyebrows crinkle together, the worry wrinkles along his forehead becoming more prominent as he reflects on the situation that just passed.
“Are you alright? Please… Do not take anything he says to heart,” you say softly and your kind voice pulls him back from his thoughts and to this moment with you. He smirks and huffs a chuckle through his nose.
“No fear, Sunflower. It is not a trial I cannot handle,” he cocoons your hands in both of his and squeezes lightly, as if to reassure you he is alright. “I will go now, Sunflower.”
“I understand,” you nod. “Then… I will see you back at the farm for supper.”
He smiles to acknowledge your words, releasing your hands and heading to the door. He turns once more to nod his goodbye, places his hat back on his head, and walks out the door. You walk to the front of the shop to watch him through the window, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders slumped forward as he walks swiftly to leave the area.
Your head feels on fire, ready to blow steam at any moment as you watch the townspeople around staring at him. They turn to each other, presumably whispering gossip amongst themselves about him. Unfortunately, as you have come to know Silas, you know he will be spreading word of the ‘threat’ he felt from Ezra, which you surmise will only result in the townspeople turning their backs on Ezra even further.
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Ezra had not shown up for supper that night or the night that followed. You had wanted to take supper to him, but Pa advised against it. He had heard on his last trip to town what transpired between you, Ezra, and Silas. You prepared yourself to, once again, defend Ezra, however, Pa’s unabated rancor of Silas all but guaranteed Pa would not believe a word from his mouth.
Pa informed you that when he returned and asked Ezra about the situation, he assured the man that he was not at risk of losing the job at the farm, and while he was grateful, he did not wish to speak on it further. Pa told you to leave him to gather his bearings and you complied.
On your way to the oak tree, you pick two apples as you had done the Sunday prior, and to your earnest disappointment, you do not see Ezra as the tree comes into view. You look left, then right, hoping it was possible he had just walked along the riverbank, but you were alone.
Heaving a sigh, you turn to face the way you came as you debate on heading back. Your weekly tradition almost seemed silly to continue alone, after having been in Ezra’s company the past few weeks. It almost felt...incorrect to spend time here without Ezra now. You take a few steps forward, now under the shade of the tree, sparing another moment in case you missed him.
“Sunflower,” his elated voice from above frightens you and you quickly turn your head to follow the sound, seeing his bright smile from where he sits on a thick branch.
“Ezra! You startled me!” You chuckle as you take a few breaths, covering your racing heart with your hand.
“My apologies,” he chuckles. “I did not hear you walk up otherwise I would have made my presence known sooner.”
“I did not expect to see you in the tree today,” you smile up at him.
“Come, join me,” he smiles, patting the bark to the side of him.
“I have not climbed a tree since I was a child, Ezra. I will fall,” you shake your head.
“I will never let you fall, Sunflower,” he smiles and your now settled heart begins to race again. “It’s simple, really. Nothing to it. I will guide your steps.”
You take a deep breath, pondering for a moment if the risk was truly worth it, but there’s an excitement in this small adventure that you feel your soul reaching for. You smile at Ezra and nod, removing your bag and placing it at the base of the tree.
You follow Ezra’s voice commands as he tells you where to step up and you use more muscles in your body than you have in so long. You heave yourself upwards, careful that your boots do not miss any section of the tree that will have you flying all the way back down.
Finally, you make it far enough for Ezra to take hold of your arm, using his strength now to help pull you up until you’re close enough to attempt to sit. He scoots over, keeping his hand tightly grasped on your arm to make sure you don’t fall. Though, at this point, if you were to fall, Ezra would certainly fall with you.
You plant your bottom firmly onto the branch, breathing heavily and smiling widely at the accomplishment and Ezra chuckles along with you. You try to settle yourself further and suddenly get the sense of falling, reaching out instinctively to hold onto Ezra’s arm and you practically glue yourself to his side for support.
“You will not fall, Sunflower,” he reassures and you feel him lean closer into you to comfort you.
“Pardon me,” you giggle, feeling steady enough now to remove yourself from him. You take a deep breath and look out ahead at the river and the grassland, spotting the other farms in the distance. “Wow,” you say breathlessly. “It’s a beautiful sight.”
“Yes, it is,” Ezra responds softly. You turn your head to him where you already meet his gaze and turn away again as you smile.
“Oh no,” you gasp as your eyes meet your bag down below. “I left the book… And the apples,” you turn to frown at Ezra.
“Do not fret, Sunflower,” he smiles. “I enjoy your company regardless.”
“Maybe...you could read me more of your prose?” You prod gently, hoping he will be willing.
“Yes,” he says wistfully as he glances down at his journal. “I do like when you read to me, however.”
You smile as he passes his journal to you and you cradle it with care in your hands. You move to open it and the binding opens automatically to one page, clearly still stiff from where he had it open, this addition to the pages only written just recently. You clear your throat and let your eyes dance as they pick up the words in his neat handwriting.
“‘A being from a different universe desires to live amongst the men in peace on Earth, for his purpose to be written in the stars. A nomad, an outcast on the run, desperate for a residence more suitable than his dreams. Soon, he will find home, and soon, he will find life’,” your voice trails towards the end of the passage, your heart wrenching at the meaning behind it.
“Ezra…” You call softly once you notice his head has lowered.
The silence stretches and you can almost visualize it expanding across the lands in front of your view, any helpful or comforting words escaping from your reach. The only conclusion your mind seems to come to is just to place a hand softly on his thigh. You feel his muscle twitch at the contact and he glances over at you, a light tint of pink beginning to spread across his cheeks.
You suddenly feel embarrassed to have placed your hand there and you immediately think to yourself that perhaps it was not welcomed, though before you can remove your hand, Ezra places his own, large and warm, over yours. Your mind settles while your heart beats rapidly. You still do not know what to say, but it does not seem Ezra is expecting for you to say anything at all.
“I’ve missed you at supper, Ezra,” you whisper and grin softly.
“Forgive me for my absence, I was not… I did not feel…” You sense him struggling as he lowers his head again and you place your other hand on top of your intertwined ones.
“I understand; you have no need to apologize.”
He looks at you again and you give him a reassuring smile and he returns the gesture. You two say nothing and let the comfortable silence blanket the air around you while you gaze out to your surroundings again, your hands not leaving each other’s grasp.
“Sunflower?” He calls and you turn to face him again.
“Yes, Ezra?”
“I’ve missed you as well.”
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Chapter Four || Chapter Six
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Ezra Prospect Tags: @quietpainter @grogusmum @tenderwhat
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taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
uhhhh duncan in prison angst 👀👀
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hey 👋🏽
i’m sorry this took me so long to answer! but i did make a lil moodboard to go w it :•)
also i've written quite a bit of angst lately so this will be a little angsty, but also smutty.
long distance(?) old school version of sexting, really
hope y'all enjoy!
(yes, i did just discover the indention feature!)
warnings: angst if you squint, h*rny love letters, prisoners cat calling y/n, aaaand smut
word count: 3.5 k (i really don't know how this was supposed to be less than 1,000)
i don't love how this came out but the idea kept floating around in my head so i wanted to share!
Y/N didn't think what started as a harmless little experiment would show her just how powerful words could be.
She scrolled through row after row of photos on the 'write a prisoner' website on a boring evening just for something to do. And now each time she got a letter in the mail from him, her stomach would flutter.
Her finger stopped mid scroll as she came across the photo of the scruffy faced man with cheekbones carved by the gods and eyes clearer than the skies.
Duncan Shepherd.
Her eyes scanned his profile, learning that he was being held in a minimum security prison out of D.C for numerous white collar crimes, including bribery and extortion. He listed his interests as fine arts and finer wines. He'd be out for parole soon but was looking for a way to pass his time in prison.
Out of the hundreds of prisoners Y/N had scrolled past, none of them held her interest like Duncan.
It started off innocently enough. She grabbed a piece of paper from her drawer and her favorite pen and wrote him a simple introduction letter. Even if Duncan didn't seem like a dangerous or violent criminal, she felt a sense of adrenaline in writing him.
I hope this letter finds you well. I like to imagine you get a lot of mail sent to you. I read on your profile that you're a fan of the arts, I'd love to know more about you and what kind of art you enjoy. Truth is, I don't even know why I'm doing this, but figured prison must be lonely so I hope this helps pass the time.
I included a print of one of my favorite pieces of art to hopefully liven up your cell.
All the best,
Y/N knew it wasn't much to start off with, but she had no clue what to send to a strange she knew next to nothing about. She printed off a print of one of Monet's Water Lillies and sealed it in an envelope with her first letter.
She let herself forget she sent the letter, not making any expectations. For all she knew, Duncan Shepherd wouldn't even reply to her. It would be hard to imagine that other people browsing the site would ignore Duncan's profile. His beauty, even in a mugshot was beyond compare.
But before long, she'd gotten a beat up envelope in her mailbox from none other than Duncan Shepherd. Excitement buzzed around her as she took a seat in her bed and tore it open.
Thank you for the lovely picture. I've got it hanging above my bed as a reminder of things I loved about my freedom. My mother has an original piece hanging in my childhood home. I remember staring at it for hours, enthralled by the beauty of it.
I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the print in your envelope.
You know what they say about great minds.
Sometimes I wonder if my family would have let me pursue the arts if I'd be where I am today.
But I am eagerly counting the days until I am able to stroll through a museum in Paris again.
I am dying to know more about you. Tell me what makes up Y/N.
At the bottom of the sheet, was a rough sketch of a garden Duncan had drawn out for her.
The letters continued like that for a few weeks, slowly learning little bits and pieces of each other through writing.
She'd learned a lot about him very quickly. He told her about how troubles with his app and his powerful family led to him going to prison. And he also told her about all of the things he loved to do. Much to her surprise, she had more in common with him than she thought she would have,
We've been writing to each other for some time now and I must admit, curiosity is killing me. Not to mention, I do believe it's unfair that you've known what I look like from the start.
Tell me, did my photograph have anything to do with your interest in me?
I'd love to see you Y/N.
Y/N re-read the letter over and over trying to justify the butterflies in her stomach at the idea of Duncan thinking about her. Wondering what she looks like.
Duncan kept every letter Y/N had sent him using them as a way to fuel his daydreams of the woman behind the letters.
Y/N dug through her things in search of an old polaroid camera she had. - she thought Duncan would appreciate the use of instant film. Even if she felt a little silly doing so, she did her hair and makeup and searched her closet for the perfect outfit. In some way, this would be like Duncan's first impression of her. Little did she know, she'd already made a huge first impression with him.
She settled for a deep burgundy silk tank with a cowl neckline. She tossed her favorite leather jacket over it and put on her favorite dainty gold necklaces, letting them rest above her cleavage.
She made a little set up by the window in her room, where the light came in just right for a photo, and propped the camera up on a pile of books before setting it on an automatic timer to have it snap the photo of her.
She stared at the photo, smiling - happy with the results.
Y/N sat at her desk, writing him another letter and including her photo along with it.
Duncan opened his new letter from Y/N letting the photo fall from the envelope. He picked it up and stared in awe. He couldn't even focus on reading the words on the page as he stared at her picture.
In his mind, he expected her to be beautiful but was blown away by her photo.
He kept it safe, tucked under his pillow. He would take it out every night to look at it until he fell asleep dreaming of her.
Duncan saw her face... eyes clenched shut... pouty lips formed into a perfect "O" as her thighs surrounded his face.
He saw his hands traveling up her legs... kissing up her bare stomach... kissing her lips.
Everything felt so real.
Duncan woke up in a hot sweat from his over realistic dream. He could almost imagine her taste on his tongue.
The moon shone into his room giving him a sliver of silver light and he pulled her photo out, tracing his finger over her face.
He turned on the little lamp at his desk and sat down to write her back.
I can't tell you the time, but I believe it's past midnight and I can't sleep without dreaming of you.
Forgive me if I'm being forward, but I can't get you off my mind.
What I would give to be with you now...
Y/N, I want to feel your skin on mine. I imagine what it must feel like to have your lips pressed against my own.
I can't stop myself from thinking of all the ways I want to make you mine.
I want to make you mine.
Y/N kept going back to those words.
If it weren't for the prison bars keeping Duncan away...
Her daydreams of spending the afternoons sipping coffee and strolling through colorful cities with Duncan began to change after the last letter. Knowing that he wanted her sent shivers down her spine.
I can't stop thinking about you either... Especially your last letter.
I want to know all the ways you'd make me yours.
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it as well. I'm counting the days with you until you're able to get out and do just that...
Y/N colored her lips with her favorite lipstick and kissed the bottom of the page, leaving the perfect kiss mark on it.
She had unlocked something with Duncan with the last letter. Ever since he and Y/N started to exchange letters back and forth, he hadn't even bothered to open mail from other admirers. He only had eyes for Y/N.
Wish you could hear how your name falls off my lips as I chant it over and over when I bring myself relief - picturing your lips around my cock.
It's hard to think clearly when you're on my mind.
You want to know of all the ways I'd make you mine? My hand would fall off by the time it took to write out each and every way I'd do that, sweetheart.
For starters, I'd love to skin my teeth into your skin. Leaving sweet love bites along your neck. Would you like that?
I wouldn't want you to worry about a thing.
You'd let me take care of you, right baby?
Maybe I'd tie up your wrists to make sure you keep still while I work on making you cum.
I hope you know I plan on keeping these promises the moment I get out.
Y/N touched herself as she read Duncan's letter again. His words making her pool between her legs. She dipped her hand into her panties and imagined everything Duncan described that he'd do to her.
Y/N wanted to do something special for Duncan.
She changed into a lacy lingerie set and grabbed her old camera again. Her heartbeat was beating fast with excitement. She held one hand up with her finger on the shutter and pointed it towards her bottoms. As she dipped her free hand into the waistband of her panties, she took the teasing shot of her hand inside her underwear.
Her cheeks felt hot as she took a look at the photo.
She took a few more. A few more teasing pictures - like the one she took wearing her leather jacket barely covering her - along with more R- rated photos.
She grabbed her small stack of photos and tied them with a piece of ribbon in order from least to most risque and added them to the letter she sent off to him.
Do you know what you do to me?
My letters make you touch yourself? What I would give to be able to see it in more than just your pictures. To be able to hear you for myself.
You don't know how much I loved your photos. You make my cock throb, thinking of just how much I want to fuck you.
I need to see you. Hear you.
How would you feel about coming to see me?
I can arrange with my assistants (the ones not in prison) to arrange a flight for you...
Please let me know what you think.
Love, D.S.
Love D.S.
"Shepherd. You got a call," the guard buzzed Duncan out of his cell and took him to the phone booth where the phone was waiting for him.
He wasn't expecting a call from his lawyer until later this week so he wasn't sure who would be calling him. Not like he and his family were on great terms at the moment.
Y/N tapped her foot anxiously on the other end of the call, trying to fight the nerves off.
His voice was lower than she expected.
"Hi," she spoke barely above a whisper. "It's Y/N," she continued.
"Y/N? Y/N? Oh my god." Duncan smiled in a way he hadn't since he stepped foot into prison. "Your voice!" he laughed, "I'm hearing your voice! Wait, how? I - why? How?" he was at loss for words at the surprise.
"I hope it's okay. I called the office where I send my letters to and asked to call you," she bit her lip. "I like your voice."
Duncan chuckled, shaking his head. "Wow. It's so good to hear yours."
They knew they didn't have much time but they were both so wrapped up in the fact that they were hearing each other for the first time.
"I, uh, also wanted to talk to you about your... proposal from your last letter... about visiting you I mean." she paced back and forth in her room. "I'd like that. A lot."
His cheeks would be hurting from how hard he was smiling.
"You've got it, baby. We'll make it happen, I promise."
There was a brief pause, "Don't know how I'm gonna control myself when I have you in front of me, princess."
"Two minutes, Shepherd," the guard called over making Duncan roll his eyes.
"I have to go soon. But include your info in the next letter and I'll have my lawyers work something out with you, okay?"
"Okay," she smiled. "And Dunc, it's so good to hear your voice too,"
"You'll call me again?" he asked, desperation almost bleeding into his tone.
"Yes. I promise."
"Good." he grinned. "I'll talk to you soon. Bye, baby."
Over the next few weeks, Y/N and Duncan continued to have phone calls more often, but their letters never stopped. He got in touch with his attorney and passed along Y/N's information for him to follow up and help arrange a trip for her.
Before she knew it, she was being flown out in a first class seat to D.C.
They had her stay in a luxury suite the night before she got to finally meet Duncan.
The morning of, Y/N had piles of clothes tossed around the room as she searched for what to wear.
She'd known Duncan and his taste pretty well from his letters and phone calls to know what he liked. Y/N put on a baby pink silk mini slip dress that tiptoed the line between streetwear and lingerie, and strappy heels.
"Damn, baby. Haven't seen you around here..."
"Are you here for me?"
Along with countless other cat calls flooded her ears as the guard led her to Duncan's cell.
Duncan heard the commotion down the hall and he knew Y/N would be there any second. He frowned, wanting to take her away. None of those creeps deserved to even look at her, and here they were harassing her. It was his fault for bringing her there. He tried to tune them out, wanting to be okay when he saw Y/N.
Y/N was standing behind the guard as they came to Duncan's cell.
"Follow me, Shepherd. You both have an hour," the guard let Duncan out and he could finally lock eyes with Y/N.
She froze, finally seeing. His photo on the website did him no justice. The piercing stare of his eyes couldn't be recaptured on camera. His pink, full lips were even prettier in person.
"Hi," Duncan broke the silence between them. He was handcuffed immediately so he couldn't touch her the way he wished he could have right away.
But they were taken to the parloir where they would finally have some sense of privacy. Duncan's lawyers had worked out for this conjugal visit. They might have slipped the guards a few extra bills to ensure Duncan and Y/N had extra privacy for a moment. But Duncan had been a model prisoner (in one of the comfiest prisons in the country), so the guards had no reason to say no.
"One hour." he reminded Dunc, as he removed his handcuffs and left the room, leaving Y/N and Duncan alone.
"You're here," he closed the gap between them and embraced her. She smelled even better than he imagined.
"Duncan," she smiled with tears in her eyes, "I can't believe it's really you," she giggled.
"It's me," he pulled back, holding her hands as he admired her. "God, you're gorgeous."
Y/N couldn't help herself. She threw her arms around Duncan and kissed him.
Duncan stumbled back a little before steadying them. He cupped her face and deepened the kiss. He could feel her pulse quickening under his hand.
"God, can't believe you're here," he mumbled against her lips.
It'd be so long since he'd be this intimate with anyone - let alone someone he liked so much. He tried to push back the thoughts of the ticking clock counting their time and the cold industrial feel of the room they were in.
"I'm here... I'm yours," she tangled her fingers in his hair before kissing him again.
Duncan led her to the table, setting her on top of it. He towered above her, his hands on her thighs, slowly inching up her dress. She was everything he imagined and more.
"Open your legs for me," he instructed, parting them open.
He lowered himself until he was face to face with her dripping cunt. Her panties, if they could even be called that - they were a piece of barely-there cloth - were soaked. Duncan pressed her lips to the wet spot on her underwear and kissed it slowly, letting his tongue poke out through his lips and coat them with his saliva as well.
"Taste so sweet," he murmured, pulling her panties aside and putting his tongue on her wet pussy.
He lapped her wetness with his tongue, letting it massage her clit. Sucking and kissing her - watching how every move he made caused a different reaction from her.
Y/N tried to keep quiet, biting down on her lip to stifle her moans.
Duncan peeked up at her, holding in her sounds. He remembered the way the other prisoners hollered at her.
"I wanna hear you, baby. Please," he begged. He kissed along her thighs, "Want everyone in this god damn prison to know you're mine."
Y/N let the sounds she was holding in fall freely.
"Duncan. Duncan..." she called his name over and over getting closer to the sweet relief his tongue promised.
"Cum for me, sweetheart."
Duncan felt her heels digging into his shoulder blades as she trembled, finishing on his lips.
"Good girl," he praised, kissing along her thighs.
Duncan stood up as Y/N watched him with her hands pressed on the table, leaning back slightly to watch him.
"What?" Duncan chuckled, slowly undoing his jumpsuit.
"Just can't stop looking at you! You're real!" she laughed.
"Sure am," he grabbed his shaft, closing the gap between them. "I don't know when we'll be able to see each other.. like this again," he leaned down to kiss her. "Wanna make sure I make you feel good,"
He rubbed the end of his cock against her pussy. "Are you ready?"
"Waited so long," she whined, nodding her head.
Duncan pushed inside her, slowly. Savoring the way he stretched her open.
"Fuck," he groaned. "You're so tight," he panted, feeling her clench around his length.
He focused on the way he snapped his hips into hers, keeping a steady pace trying not to finish before she did.
But it had been so long. It had been a long time coming for this moment.
His head was in the crook of her neck, panting heavily. "Fuck, baby." he sunk his teeth into her soft skin. "Gonna cum," before he could finish his statement, he shot his load into her.
He stayed inside her as he rode out his orgasm.
Flushed Duncan faced her; embarrassed for finishing before he wanted to. "I'm sor-" she stopped him by pulling him in for a hard, deep kiss.
She pushed his hair out of his face, bumping her nose with his, "Nothing to be sorry for."
She had Duncan lay on the floor, using his jumpsuit to hold his head up, and then straddled his waist.
Her silky mini dress was bunched around her hips. Duncan found himself getting hard again as she climbed on top of him.
"Thought about doing this for so long," she kissed him. "Can't tell you how often I touched myself reading your letters... thinking about riding you," she sighed, positioning herself over his cock and sinking down.
She rode his cock, bouncing up and down his length. Her nails dug into his chest as she used it for support. The curve of his cock hitting her core made her eyes roll back with each roll of her hips.
Hot sweaty bodies had the coldness of the room forgotten.
Y/N grabbed Duncan's hands, intertwining their fingers, "Gonna.." she started, her legs shaking as her movement got sloppier.
"Me too," he grunted.
She felt Duncan fill her to the brim for the second time.
After a few moments of stillness, Y/N finally stood up, helping Duncan up with her. Her legs were shaky and Duncan helped her sit down.
She reached into her purse for a rag she brought. Duncan took it from her hand and got on his knees again. He cleaned their cum off her thighs, stopping only to give her small little kisses on her legs.
He heard Y/N sniffle and looked up, concern painted across his face. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Is she regretting it? He thought.
"No! Of course not," she sniffled again, "I just wish... you could come with me. Leave this place with me."
"Oh, baby," he stood up and kissed her forehead. "Soon. I promise," he tilted her chin up to kiss her.
And Y/N knew he meant what he said. Soon they'd be able to be together all the time, but it still broke her heart to leave and have to see him stay behind the metal bars.
@desertsunflower00 @celestialrequiem @dhampiravidi @ritualmichael @blakescoven @dark-mei-rose @xavierplympton @langdonswhoreprobably @feralthoughtdump @wroteclassicaly @melodylangdon @bloodcoatedeclipse @kitty4860
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bonus: screenshot from a very good point drunk!anon made vkfsjk
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Happy holidays! how about a hot chocolate competition among the yandere ocs and the best one gets a special cabin date with darling?
Hello @teachillvibes, I'm so glad to see you again- Your requests are always so wonderful boo, thanks for requesting me this one!
Happy holidays everyone!! 🎄
TW/Tags: Sweet times cause I sure love them- // kinda like a city festival going on lol // I took your concept and change it a bit I'm sorry boo ;-; // it took me so freaking looooooooong to do it XD I'm sorry- I was kinda hoping that this could be my Christmas gift to y'all ;-;
Hot Chocolate Competition [Yandere!OCS x Reader - Headcanon]:
→Alexandra Coldwell:
If I'm being honest, she probably would have reconsidered sharing the prize with her brother before she can consider going out with you instead. Alexandra entered the competition solely because she thought it would be fun, after all she isn't really the type to get herself dirty if it isn't for fun.
She wanted to win of course, but surprisingly she did have a lot of fun learning how to make hot chocolate, especially with her brother's help. Alexandra thought it would only make sense to take her brother as her company into this free wintery vacation, yet for some reason he didn't accept her offer.
Adrien felt satisfied with helping his sister as normally his cooking skills are generally unappreciated or ignored, although he appreciated how his sister wanted to pay back for his help, he was already happy with just being the one that got to teach her something new, since it's normally the other way around.
And besides- Free vacation packages are always so lackluster to him, if it isn't a five star service then why even bother? He could literally pay for better treatment than what the prize guarantees anyway.
Still, she wouldn't have accepted it if she didn't have someone in mind already. Yeah, yeah, she knows you probably won't like the idea of spending time with her, especially all alone in the cold.
But- Hey, I think you should give her a chance, after all, isn't this the time to forgive and forget? Maybe not completely forget, but I'm sure she'll do her best to make this the best trip for you, ever!
→Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien is known as the lazy one of the twins, the antisocial, the "mean one" (let's be honest, they're both evil but in different ways-), yet people tend to not give him enough credit for his accomplishments.
Him coming out as the winner of the competition may seem shocking to many but let us all remember that this isn't just his random luck, Adrien really did work his best to win and since he is already interested in making sweet treats for himself you can only imagine how hard he wanted to be recognized at least once.
The prize that he won was a vacation to a winter resort of some kind for two people, meaning him and anyone he would like to bring. Adrien considered bringing his sister, since he felt like it would be better for her to spend Christmas in a cabin with him than at home with... both of their parents and, may he dare say, ridiculous Christmas songs. Those damn, Christmas songs.
But Alexandra made sure to refuse his offer each time he tried to bring up, saying that the place was probably runned down and filthy and that she would never step inside a place like that- Alexandra also said that it wouldn't be fair to go with him since she didn't help him, and that this was something he won on his on, he deserves to enjoy it fully.
But what a dilemma, who would have the privilege of accompanying him to such a "special event"?
You, of course. Even if he knows you would rather be far away from him and get some rest from his constant torment, it's not like he would leave you alone at all lol-
Hey give him a break, will you? I'm sure you'll have a great time with him, he promises he won't do anything stupid while you two are there.
Just let him repay you for an entire year of entertainment, dearest.
→Madeline Allen:
Madeline is normally very uninterested in competing with anyone, even if the prize sounds amazing. What made her stay and see more of the event was when she noticed you in the crowd, maybe you were with your friends, although she didn't really see anyone she recognizes as your friends there-
What made her participate and do her very best to win? It was when she noticed how most of the contestants seemed to have a suspicious interest in you, something felt weird in those stares they were giving you. She is a little suspicious about the intentions behind those stares, yet she has to recognize that whenever there is a shiny diamond radiating light, it's hard to not notice. It's obvious that they recognize how shiny you are, love.
It doesn't really excuse their clingy behavior towards you, but sure, she gets why they're doing this, or why they would enter this competition in the first place. All to get your attention apparently.
Honestly, she wasn't planning on entering this competition at all, but… Hmmn, how can she say this nicely- She doesn't like these people trying so hard to get your attention, specially with the prize being something that would give any of them the privilege of having you all by themselves, no dearest, she can't let them have you like that-
Besides! Wouldn't you prefer being with nsomeone that is actually looking forward to making you happy, instead of being stuck with brats, with troublemakers and… uhn- A cosplayer…?
Anyway, all of them are pretty eccentric with their own weird little charm, she is sure they'll be fine, especially far away from you- Believe me, she is so excited about this vacation! Forget about these guys, think about all of the things you two can do!
She is already thinking about what she'll bring with her, some cozy warm clothes, maybe her favorite fuzzy blanket, maybe some of her favorite movies, some rope, an tranquilizer-
Well, who cares about the details anyway?? She is just so excited, she can't wait to give you the best of her cookies!!
→Matthew Robinson:
Matthew is a really reserved individual. Being part of big events is simply not his thing, but it was because of you and that sweet smile of yours that brought him to this place. And well…. The smile stuck in the other contestant's faces… Not that they were even half as charming as yours, on the contrary, they seemed oddly sinister.
Mischievous by their very nature, all of these people seem to be somewhat interested in you, breathing in your presence like you're oxygen itself. Disgusting. For the first time in his life he feels pissed off enough to say he wants to see them drop dead- Not that he'll actually do anything, he is nothing like that.
All of these people seemed really interested in winning that prize and hopefully taking you with them, which of course he couldn't allow it, as your only protection from these fiends.
When he won, he was too dumbfounded to even notice the hatred looks that the other competitors were giving him. He really did win, didn't he? He couldn't believe he won!
For the first time in his life he didn't feel satisfaction that came from the competition itself being great, no, true satisfaction came when you accepted to go with him! That's the golden prize he never thought he deserved, yet feels so rewarding.
Don't worry dearest, he'll take care of everything that you need while you two are there, you'll be treated like the perfect little princess/prince you are, like the perfect doll.
Now he just needs to be sure on what to bring, this is probably the most excited he has been since he was a child!
→Janette Sartorius:
Janette isn't one for entering in these competitions just because, there needs to be a good reason for it, like helping them raise a good funding for some sort of charity, or ya know, impressing that one really cute person in your class. Yeah, really important-
Look, she has a lot of clown energy, she knows it, but being publicly humiliated is absolutely not her thing! And that means being either the loser or the winner, she doesn't know exactly what to say when she is put into such position-
Still, if it means giving you something nice, then sure! She'll take whatever she can, although she was focusing on gaining something like second/third place so she can get something small like a plushie or a basket of chocolate, anything that would be small yet really charming- Just like you!
When the judges announced her as the winner in first place, she couldn't believe it! No- Seriously, she couldn't believe it!! She tried to make sure her presentation would be nice but mild enough to not be considered a winner!! What the hell???
Even if the universe seemed to have betrayed her by making her be the one in front of so many people as she claimed her prize, she was once again blessed with luck, as her prize was something truly worth looking like a fool in front of so many strangers-
Of course she'll take you first! Why not?? It's not that weird, it's just pals being pals and inviting each other to cool trips, ya know?? Surely she isn't screaming inside at how cliche this all seems.
Look at her, NOT thinking about the huge amount of fanfiction she had ever read where there was only one bed! NOT her reconsidering not going because she can't handle the thought of there only one bed. She is totally fine, ya know? NOT thinking you'll hate her when you learn how much of a weeb she is-
She'll make sure that you have fun with her, but you'll probably catch her trying way too hard to impress you very soon- Please, talk with babe- In her brain there is only one neuron, and it's constantly banging its head in the walls of her brain screaming your name.
→Jackson Macnee:
Jack isn't really interested in these competitions, it isn't his thing, he wouldn't waste time on it unless there was something really, really important at hand.
And it seemed like today was the day to do anything that he could to not only enter such stupid competition, but to win it at all costs. It was when he recognized those familiar faces next to yours that he decided to enter it, but it was when he noticed all of the contestants, who were presumably strangers to one another, get somewhat riddled up about your presence.
Yeah sure, you're cute, you're pretty and yes you're perfect, but seeing half of the contestants being so… Clingy over you it's absolutely ridiculous-
What? You know all of them?? Or are you going to tell him that some of these imbeciles got this lovestruck immediately just by taking one glimpse at you? You would sound absolutely insane to him if you have chosen to tell him none of them, absolutely none of them are interested in you in any way- Especially those dumbass bourgeois blondies.
Jesus fuck, what type of luck is that? Having all these morons be so interested in impressing you by winning a prize for you? Sounds dumb to him, but still, if winning it's what takes to make these fools stop daydreaming about you then so be it. It's not that he really wants to impress you by giving the prize he won, he just wants to see the twins cry after noticing the cruel reality that they don't have you- Or that they can't get everything that they want, that could work too-
Jack is sure to seem calm and unbothered throughout the entire event, trying to sound happy that he won, and trying even harder to not make the laugh in the face of the rest of the competitors. But honestly, he wasn't expecting the prize to be so…. convenient? Really? A place where he can take you to be all alone with him while enjoying such a joyful season?? Yes, he'll gladly take it and make sure to shove in everyone's faces, not literally, but clear enough for everyone to get the message.
Although he is happy for his win, he doesn't really know what to do from there- The fact was starting to settle in when he rethought over and over again about the trip. Somewhere all alone with you, sounds really, well, like a dream, like a fantasy, unrealistic.
Jack will do what he does best, fake that he is calm while hiding the fact he is panicking at the thought of being this close to you. Again, he doesn't want you to know how much he wished for this. Whenever he acts like he doesn't care at all, he at least hopes you know you do mean a lot to him.
🍈A.I (non-binary/gender neutral)👾
→Yuma Soma:
Yuma was focused on winning the moment they entered the competition, however they didn't know what the prize would be until they actually won it. They were more interested in the competition aspect of this event than what they would gain with it, yet when hearing what the prize would be they were, well, confused-
What is so special about this whole "free vacation"? A cabin in the middle of the woods with nothing but snow? Pff- As if snow is even that cool for them to want to see it! Yeah, they know what snow is….. 100%...... yeaaaaaah.
Okay fine, they don't really know what it is. I mean- Sure they know the definition of it, and they have seen a bit of it in their game, although they bet that what they have seen isn't half like the real deal.
It may seem silly, but maybe this trip could be a great opportunity for them to be able to see it and feel it for the first time with you by their side. With you trapped inside the game or not.
Don't be so mean boo, they promise they'll behave this time! The biggest gift you can give them it's the wonderful time you two will share, then again, it's not like you can really do anything against it, right?
To be honest, Tatsumi isn't one for entering these types of competitions unless the price is truly worth it. Money would be the first thing in his list of priorities, yet the idea of going into vacation on the holidays doesn't sound half as bad, ya know?
While walking around the city plaza with you, you two noticed the event happening and decided to take a look.
He wanted to try it out because it sounded fun, yet to actually win?? This feels amazing yet somewhat inappropriate to him, he didn't really consider the possibility of winning, that it almost feels like he would be taking something that he doesn't deserve.
And as he struggles to come out with any excuse as to why he can't take the prize, even though he could take it and give it to any of his friends, you decided to intervene and take the prize for him.
You already knew how Tatsumi felt about himself, you didn't know exactly what led to it but you did know about his constant breakdowns whenever he thought no one was looking. He did tell you about some of his issues but whenever he could he would fake it as being something dumb that you shouldn't worry about, but come on- You already know that is bullshit.
Tatsumi would feel better knowing you're coming with him, but he would still feel awkward knowing it's just the two of you, and it's not like he won't receive thousands of messages from all of his friends calling him out for not inviting any of them. It's not like they had anything against you, they just really liked messing with him over his massive crush over a you-
He may be a little sneaky perv bastard, but come on now- You know he will treat you right while you two are there, honestly he just wants to enjoy some change of scenery with his favorite person.
→Ingrid Bright:
First things first, Ingrid is a serious woman owner of the biggest business empire in the country- Do you really think she has time for things like that? Cause either way, even if she lost, she could have- Built a winter resort just for herself if she wanted to go there so badly.
But who knows, maybe she found something charming about winning the competition and sharing the prize with you, it's… A bit more charming than her just bringing you to a place she paid for. Something about the novelty of winning something for you sounds really appealing, maybe even worth the trial and error, and again she doesn't really need it, so there isn't any harm in trying.
Although let's be honest, there is a slight possibility that the game was rigged to her favour considering her own status against the various competitors. What? It's not like she is aware of it, if anything she is just as clueless as every other person competing.
She probably does need some rest from the same boring office that she has to work in everyday, and bringing you with her may be the best part of it all! What do you say? Want to get some rest far away from the company?
Well, maybe not completely far away, considering she is your boss… But, maybe if Ms. Bright gets to relax for a while, she'll eventually soften up. You won't be in an awkward trip with your boss anymore, you'll be on a surprisingly nice vacation with a person you knew for a while but only got to truly know recently. She really hopes you don't see her as just your boss...
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Sitting Room #1 (12/31/2020)
Click here if you’re like “what the heck is this about?”
Alastor decides that today is a good day to lay on top of a piano and sing. Valera @autokrates decides to accompany by playing the piano. Angel @sluttyspiderpolkacock plummets out of the sky and kills Alastor in one shot.
What do we have here!
Alastor's been wandering the estate scouting out sources of entertainment—when he crosses paths with a sitting room stocked with a gorgeous grand piano. Entertainment located.
He trots over, plays a few keys to make sure it's in tune, considers his options, and then hops up to sit on top of the piano. Nice! Sturdy. He lays down on the piano.
What kind of song is appropriate to play while laying on a piano?
He thinks for a moment; then summons up his microphone, kills the lights, sends his shadow to play a dramatic arpeggio, rolls dramatically onto his back, and sings into the mic, "At first I was afraid~ I was petrified~"
Valera was happily sitting in the gardens, enjoying the ocean breeze of their home planet, the rustling of the leaves and the perfume of the flowers. It was only them and their thoughts out here.
How serene, how calm. You'd never guess their house was full of overpowered sinners hiding from a mass execution. All their fears were assuaged, not a single of the myriad of terrible incidents they'd expected had come to pass...
Wait. Was that... The opening bars for I Will Survive? Was that *Alastor* they saw through the gauzy curtains?
Fuck being alone with their thoughts, they *had* to get in on that good time. Hope Alastor doesn't mind if they hop right through an open window to offer some backing brass for his piano!
Alastor sits up when the room is suddenly invaded—oh, how wonderful! There aren’t all that many places where you can start a musical number and fitting musical accompaniment just barges in! He’d thought he’d have to summon up his own private brass band.
Hand on his chest and hamming up as much as he can, he goes on, “Kept thinking *I* could never *live* without you *by my side*~”
Look at the man go, Gloria Gaynor would be proud. They plop themselves down next to his shadow on the bench, humming along under their breath while they ready themselves for their cue. In fact, while they're here...
A twitch of a fin, and a hazy amber spotlight flickers into existence to shine down on Alastor. There, mood lighting for the star of the show. Nothing but the best for a guest!
Oh! Look at that! Proper lighting! They could be in Hell’s finest jazz club. Alastor’s really warming to his new role as a diva. “But then I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong, and I grew strong~ I learned how to get along~”
He winks at Valera—time to really let loose—and belts out, “And now you’re *back*, from *outer space*—!”
Shielding his face from the glass, Angel continues to fall as he wildly fishes through his fluff for the charm Valera gave him for emergencies. It was so nice ( for his once human aesthetic appreciation ) that he told himself he'd never have to use it.
Then again, putting himself in this predicament wasn't exactly a conscious decision of his either. Making a clean enough break to salvage as he fell to his certain death was an unorthodox placement of priorities, but time was wasting. SOMETHING flashed before his eyes.
_ " ... And now you're **back!** From **outer space - !** " _
_Alastor...? I thought this was gonna be takin' me to Valer -_
And DOWN he sailed like a crimson comet into a cacophonous landing of glass, rattling keys, strings, once immaculately polished wood, and ( 1 ) local Radio Demon. A singular beat of moaning and groaning before he locked eyes with the island's Hostess with the Galactic Mostest and sprung to his feet, hip popped and arms dramatically jazzed.
An inhale as Valera prepares to start laying into the trumpet, smiling around the mouthpiece as Alastor belts out the lyrics. An inhale, and-- uh oh.
A tingle runs up their spine, eyes widening as they drop the instrument and jolt to their feet. Too late for any warning, here comes Angel, streaking from the ceiling in a blaze of glory and glass and splinters flying up from the shattered remains of their poor undeserving piano. They'd be more upset if they weren't immediately distracted by Angel Dust's darling voice.
Beaming fin to fin, Valera lunges forward to wrap their arms around their friend, tail all awiggle behind them as they bury their face in tit fluff. "Il mio amore! Mio caro! I'm so glad you could make it! Seapup is doing great, he'll be over the moon to see you here." A happy sigh, and they look up at Angel through his fluff and purr... Wait. Shit. Pull back, they have to peer around him to the wreck of the piano where their diva had once been.
"Alastor, do you need a medic?"
Of all the ways to go, Alastor wasn’t expecting a meteor made out of red velvet.
And then the meteor climbs off of him and starts speaking Italian.
Alastor blinks up at the ceiling, half-dazed. “Probably, but that’s never stopped me before.” He sits up gingerly, leveraging himself out of the pile of devastated piano. “You know—I actually came to this universe to *avoid* getting murdered by an angel.”
It was very possible to not have enough arms with which to hug a dear friend, even when you had six. Angel gave her a big squeeze, tight enough to momentarily lift clawed feet from the floor as he nuzzled his face between her horns.
" GREAT! Place blew like ya wouldn't BELIEVE, Babe. Emergency getaway fa SURE ~ " he sang with a flash of an open palm of charm debris, which would promptly disappear into his fluff before he swept his cloak behind him.
" ALASTOR! THERE ya went! " Angel extended his hands to offer some help. " Ya ok? Sorry about that, uh, sudden change a plans. "
Oh to be a fish wrapped in the arms of a spider. What warmth, what comfort. A few seconds of bliss leave Valera's hearts feeling ready to melt, what could be better! A mental note to see about getting Angel Dust another charm, and she moves around to look Alastor over from a barely respectful distance. Poor thing got GOT.
He sure did get got. He actually takes Angel’s hand to help haul himself up. “It’s not the change of plans I mind so much as your choice of landing pad!” Audience laughter. He cracks his back a few odd angles, then straightens out and starts brushing himself off. “You were at some big overlord shindig, weren’t you? Did the exterminators get in?” Oh, wouldn’t that be a delightful way to ring in the new year, getting rid of that rotten lot. The only overlords he cared about were either not the type to go to such a party or else excluded from the exterminations anyway. “Glad *you* made it out.”
" Uh... " It was settling in little by little, now. The foreboden consequences of his actions. " Yeah! They did! Uh, I wouldn't check into the place right now! Y'know, signals goin' haywire, S. O. S. 's off the shitshow... Thinkin' of it's givin' ME a headache, so I can't IMAGINE what it'd be doin' t' YOU, Smiles... Lucky ME though, ah? " _He used to be a much better liar._ Angel's ceaselessly sheepish smile left little to be assumed. Knowing this, he whipped back towards Valera, arms wildly animated as ever. " SO! How's e'ryone holdin' up over here? " He started a strut about the room, testing the soreness of his leading leg. " Ya DO have room fa one more in this fancy schmancy pad, yeah? "
She steps back, satisfied that Alastor wasn't about to keel over dead, and reaches out to take two of Angel's hands in hers to squeeze. Friend is here, nothing else matters yet! Even if the way he's acting is super sus, he's probably in shock from his DYNAMIC ENTRY to an ALIEN PLANET. That's the story she's sticking with until proven otherwise. Nobody needs that stress.
"Everyone's doing great, Angel! We've got four different Alastors, two Pentiouses, and we haven't even had any..." A glance towards her ex-piano. Another glance towards the radio demon brushing himself off. "... *Major* damage! I'll show you your room, if you want!"
“No major damage *yet,* anyway! There’s still time to knock down a lighthouse or two!” He sounds absolutely gleeful.
At the moment, he doesn’t trust Angel at all. The dramatic entrance is perfectly fine, of course—he’d do no less himself—it’s this *insistence* that Alastor not check in on their universe. He absolutely needs to check in on it, as soon as possible.
But he’d rather hear about it from Angel first.
Not in front of their host, though. For the moment, he continues quietly straightening out his clothes and bones.
" PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ " he sang with a playful swing of their clasped hands, " Ain't a party wit'out a HEFFER of a BILL... " Angel then shadowed Valera's glances. Might be true of _some_ places, but certainly not HERE, his best friend's grand estate they've opened to such a handful of sinners out of the goodness of their heart.
" Sorry... about ya piano, though. I'll get ya a new one! " _No, you won't._ " I've got connections! " _Not anymore._ " Might not 'ave any special Veci designin' on it, but I'll do ya good! " _You just made THE worst mistake of your life. You're fresh OUT of GOOD._
**_YOU'RE never gonna know peace AGAIN._**
" I'm ON YA TAIL. Lead the way ~ " Angel belted playfully with a brush of those flickering fins and a glance back at Alastor. " Ya all good, there? If y'all wanna finish ya song later, I've got m'strings on me ~ "
"What, you want to replace my piano?" She scoffs, arms reaching up to give Angel's shoulders a gentle squeeze before dropping down to twine a hand with his. "Darling. Mio caro, I don't care about that old thing. You're alive! You made it here! You're in one piece! That's all that matters to me."
Trilling cheerfully, she rocks in place. Hand in hand with her best friend, safe in her home, decidedly not murdered by Heaven's dogs. The ominous stress could come later, for now she had to be a host. "We'll get you set up with a room, get you a warm meal, and then we can all play some music together, since you've so *generously* offered. Sound good to you two?"
"Considering what happened the last time I tried to sing it, I think continuing 'I Will Survive' would be tempting fate." He plays the whistling sound of a falling missile and a distant explosion. "You don't both need me there to assign a room, do you? Perhaps I should head down to the kitchen and get that warm meal going!" Angel certainly hadn't gotten anything to eat at that big overlord function, Alastor would bet anything on that.
Angel clung to Valera's words and the way she fussed over him with such tender loving care like a lifeline. _This_ was what he deserved, ( wasn't it? ) He planted a kiss off her temple and smiled meekly. " Sounds good t' me! But uh, " he started with a sweep of a free arm in Alastor's direction, " Ya just gonna up an' be a host e'rywhere ya go? Valera ain't got this place staffed better than ours so you can chill? I'm already here, an' no one CRASHES as hard as ME ~ "
"Oh, I don't know, Alastor. Maybe tempting fate is where the REAL entertainment is."
Valera snorts, idly plucking a few stray splinters off of Angel's fluff. "I'm pretty sure I'd have to hold him at gunpoint to keep Alastor out of the kitchen. And unlike you, I simply don't have enough arms to keep all four in check. You might as well accept your fate of trying alien cuisine prepared by the radio host himself."
“TEMPTING fate, sure! But it loses some of its charm when fate succumbs to temptation and pile drives me!” He pauses thoughtfully. “Although ‘falling man lands on innocent grand piano’ is a delightfully ironic twist, isn’t it?”
He flings an arm around Angel’s shoulders. “You’d rather have me cooking, anyway! Valera’s helpfully provided a list of Veci recipes that are *edible* to humans—but I’ve been tweaking them to make them *palatable* to humans.” Palatable by Alastor’s standards, anyway, which are either “freakishly high” or “raw bloody meat” with basically nothing in between.
Angel combed some more splinters from his chest with his hand before abruptly bending his knees to level with Alastor's pull. " Guinea piggin' it is, then! I don't think ya ever made anythin' I passed on. " Raw bloody meat included. _Everything_ was appetizing after a hard day's work. " DO ya worst ~ " With a pat of his back, he again took Valera's hand. " I'll sample the edible stuff anyways, t' compare an' not let all ya hard work go wastin' ~ "
Gods, Angel was comically tall compared to the other two, it was easy to forget that the spindly spider was slouching all the time. She purrs and gives Angel's hand a squeeze, bumping her nose to his cheek in the approximation of a kiss. "You're a peach."
A moment, and she turns to lead Angel away. So much to do! Did she have brushes..? Yes, she could brush him off, make sure he was splinter free without needing a whole shower... Don't mind her, she's already ten steps ahead trying to figure out how many extra pillows she should put on his bed.
“Sample shmample! You’re getting a full plate. I’ll bet the closest thing you got to a proper meal at that party of yours was an olive in your martini.” He half-bows in farewell, and leaves them to head for the kitchen.
_Well he wasn't WRONG._ If memory served him, that last shot wasn't meant for his taking, either. Lightly chewing the inside of his cheek, he gave Alastor a shallow curtsy and fell into Valera's stride.
" So ~ ! " Angel whistled as he panned his sights over the architecture and decor of the hallway, affectionately hooking his arms about Valera's elbow and shoulders. " How big IS this place? I been t' Hell's palace fa a job before, but if I learned ANYTHIN' about VECI... " He snorted to himself before he could even finish his joke. " Y'all's style is... _outta this world ~_ "
Valera saunters along, an arm looping around Angel in return to give him the gentlest squeeze. "That joke was *terrible*, darling. As far as the estate goes? Fifty bedrooms, twenty of which are meant for guests, twenty nine for staff, and then the master bedroom. Though I'd call it more of a master apartment, the previous owner sure liked having plenty of space to themselves."
The size of the place was really one of the reasons Val barely ever visited this place, too much room. But that made it perfect for this visit. Space, isolation, plenty of areas for sinners to hide away if they needed privacy... And bedrooms big enough for the stupidly tall sinners to feel comfortable in. Here's Angel's! A twelve by ten four poster bed, white marble and gold from floor to ceiling, a balcony suitable for any necessary brooding or swooning over a sea view... Just what a spider needed. Plus a tiny orange ball comfortably sleeping in the middle of that luxurious bed, but don't mind him.
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 5 years
First Love / Late Spring Pt. 3
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
Series Summary: Reader was once a nationally recognized volleyball player until an injury she suffered her last year of high school. She and Kuroo knew each other vaguely through a mutual friend but lost contact after her injury. Now they attend the same University in Tokyo and are beginning to reconnect.
Chapter Summary: Kuroo stays the night to comfort (Y/n) and begins to learn more about her from a third party.
Word Count: 1909
Author’s Note: This took sooo long, I just started a new job but I finally found the time to write. I hope y'all enjoy this one! It’s short compared to the others but full of fluff!
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Kuroo couldn’t tell if Kenma was grateful or annoyed with being assigned as the designated driver for the night.
He knew Kenma preferred to drive himself places, but usually there weren't tipsy/drunk college students piled into his car.
At least he was spared the ordeal of having one of the drunks in his passenger seat, he made sure that was reserved for Akaashi. Was he buzzed? Sure. But at least he wasn’t loud.
Kenma made sure Kuroo was punished in kind for putting him in this situation.
Kuroo knew Kenma did not have good intentions in mind when he suggested (Y/n) sit in Kuroo’s lap for the ride to the ramen shop. If Kuroo had decided not to be a gentleman, he would have no problem with it, in fact he would have welcomed it.
But this was college Kuroo, Kuroo who wanted to take things slow with the girl he liked. Kuroo who had to ignore the way (Y/n) wiggled against him as she adjusted herself.
Kenma suddenly braked hard in the parking lot for the shop, causing Kuroo to grip (Y/n)’s arms and shoot him a glare through the rearview mirror.
He breathed a sigh of relief as (Y/n) climbed out of the backseat, clambering out after her.
They had thankfully ended up making the best of the night, socializing and eating with their group and not focusing on whatever kind of state Bokuto had put (Y/n) in earlier.
Kuroo had caught (Y/n) tripping over herself every now and then when they would get up to get their food or to get refills on their drinks.
It was a great way to casually remind (Y/n) of how strong and suave he was; these past couple days stuttering and failing to be his usual charming self were behind him... hopefully.
The ride back to the apartment complex was a lot less awkward now that (Y/n) was in a position more ‘comfortable’ for Kuroo.
She had her legs across his lap and her head rested on his shoulder. The feel of her breath fanning across his neck both eased him and excited him all at once.
At one point, she leaned in closer to him, whispering “Can you stay with me tonight?”
His eyes went wide for a moment, the alcohol either made her very forward or she was trying to take her mind off Bokuto in a very extreme way.
Before Kuroo could even form a response in his head, Kenma pulled into the apartment complex’s parking lot, breaking hard again to get their attention.
The two said their goodbyes to everyone, watching as Akaashi and (Y/n)’s friends made their way to their vehicles and started leaving.
Kuroo told (Y/n) to go wait for him at the elevator while he talked to Kenma, putting on a smile to hide the inner conflict raging on in his head.
Kuroo turned to Kenma, leaning against the car door and sighing heavily, causing his friend to raise an eyebrow at him.
“She asked me to come over...”
“...And?” Kenma asked.
“And I didn’t say anything. She’s drunk, and I’ve been drinking. It wouldn’t be right...” Kuroo explained, scratching at the back of his neck.
Kenma glanced away, seeming to be deep in thought before responding.
“(Y/n)’s not drunk...” Kenma said, making eye contact with Kuroo, who’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “She doesn’t drink... I mentioned how I thought she was drunk because she was stumbling and her friends told me she doesn’t drink...”
“When did this happen?”
“When you two left to get everyone’s ramen... But you can’t tell her you know.” Kenma ordered.
“Did her friends at least say why?”
“No,” he said, sternly. “Just that it makes her uncomfortable.”
Kuroo went quiet, biting his lip in thought and staring down at his sneakers.
“Listen...” Kenma mumbled, “You’re an adult. You can do what you want... but if you want things to work out, don’t sleep with her tonight...”
Kuroo almost laughed. Kenma was usually this blunt but never really about Kuroo’s love life. Maybe because he didn’t want to be hurtful, Kuroo’s past relationships were never anything to write home about, they both knew that. Maybe, because he knew (Y/n) meant more to Kuroo, Kenma was opting to be more direct.
Kuroo nodded, thanking Kenma before he allowed him to drive away.
“What was that about?” (Y/n) asked, smiling brightly as Kuroo reached past her to press the elevator button.
“Ahhh, Kenma was asking if we’d be willing to set him up with one of your friends.” He fibbed, trying his best to maintain eye contact with her through this awkward situation.
“Is that it?” she giggled, “He could have just asked me.”
Kuroo shrugged, “Kenma can be shy.”
The ride up the elevator was silent. Both knew the question that hung in the air between the two of them: Was Kuroo going to stay with her?
They walked to (Y/n)’s door, at that point she turned on her heel to face him.
“Are you... gonna come in?” she asked shuffling on her feet.
Kuroo sighed softly, looking between her and the door to her apartment.
“(Y/n)... we’ve both been drinking, I don’t think you’re in a good state of mind to make this decision.”
She stared at him for a moment, the cogs turning in her head before she gasped and covered her cheeks.
“Oh! I didn’t mean it like that!”
The confusion was evident on Kuroo’s face, as was the blush dusting his cheeks.
“Th-Then what did you mean?”
“I-I just don’t want to be alone tonight,” she whined, “you can sleep on the couch, I just want more company is all...”
Well now his cheeks were a full shade of ruby red. Had he really had enough to drink to misinterpret the situation.
“I am... so sorry!” he bowed, wishing he could turn back time about 5 minutes.
“Stooooop!” (Y/n) whined louder, grabbing his arms and squirming. “Just come inside... please?”
He nodded his head quickly and allowed her to pull him into her apartment.
The two cleaned up and stowed the alcohol, Kuroo’s eyes burning into her to catch any sign of emotion when she took the bottles.
They both eventually sat on the couch, avoiding eye contact with each other.
After a couple minutes, (Y/n) finally spoke up. “Who woulda thought you were such a gentleman...” she chuckled.
They turned to face each other, thighs brushing against each other slightly.
Kuroo raised an eyebrow at her, urging her to continue.
“You didn’t take advantaged of a poor, innocent, drunk (Y/n) and say yes to ‘sleeping’ with me.” (Y/n) smiled.
Kuroo’s lips turned up into a slight smile, “If that makes me a gentleman, the bar is pretty low.”
(Y/n) laughed loudly at that, reaching over and lightly pinching his arm.
“Besides,” he continued, “If we were to ever... yknow...” he trailed off.
I’d rather it not happen while you mourn the death of whatever happened with you and Bokuto...
“I’d rather it be sweeter.”
Something tender flashed in (Y/n)’s eyes for a moment, before her coy smile returned to her face. “Oh? So Kuroo Tetsuro is a sweet lover, then?”
He ignored the question entirely, unable to fight his wide smile at the sound of her saying his first name. “You should call me that more often...”
“What?” she asked, sitting up slightly. “Lover? Sweet Lover? Kuroo Tetsuro?”
“No,” he laughed, shaking his head, “just Tetsuro... or Tetsu...”
“Maybe I will...” she shrugged, easing back into her comfortable position.
The two continued talking and laughing late into the night, eventually putting on a movie once they ran out of conversational topics.
Kuroo almost dozed off, startling himself awake when he realized (Y/n) was still beside him. He turned to look at her, smiling when he saw she had fallen asleep.
He stood up and lifted her bridal style, carrying her to her bedroom.
Kuroo laid her down, moving the covers over he before looking her over for a moment. She had a funny look on her face, but even with her mouth open and limbs sprawled out she looked adorable.
He turned to return to the couch until (Y/n) softly called out for him.
“Tetsuuu...” (Y/n) sighed, shifting in her bed.
Kuroo kneeled beside the bed, brushing her hair out of her face.
“Don’t go...” she murmured, half asleep.
“I’m not leaving... I’ll be right in the living room. I promise.”
(Y/n) smiled softly, immediately going back to sleep.
Kuroo pressed a light kiss to her hand before going back to the couch to sleep.
He woke up to the smell of cooked bacon the next morning. A plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast had been placed on the coffee table in front of him.
Kuroo groaned as he sat up, stretching before reaching for the plate.
“Figured you’d need some breakfast in bed.” (Y/n) chirped from her spot at the dining table.
“I appreciate the sentiment...” he sighed, taking his plate and going to the table. “I kinda need to sit up though.”
(Y/n) smiled, lightly tapping her fingers against her glass of orange juice. “Hungover that bad, huh?”
Kuroo nodded, running a hand through his hair as he stared at his eggs.
“Im sorry,” she frowned, “I can nurse you back to health aaaaall day today if you need it.”
“I might take you up on that offer if these eggs don’t do the trick.” Kuroo said through a mouthful of toast.
The two were interrupted by a booming knock on the door, the sound caused Kuroo’s hands to go flying to cradle his head.
(Y/n) opted to run to the door rather than shout for the person to wait. Kuroo made a move to see who was there, but the churn of his stomach forced him to stay seated.
“Can't you please come back later?” (Y/n) pleaded with the stranger, the discomfort evident in her voice. “It’s not a good time...”
Despite her previous statements, (Y/n) reentered the room with Bokuto hot on her heels.
His eyebrows shot up when he saw Kuroo sitting at the table and picking at his breakfast, as if Kuroo was the intruder in this scenario.
“Hey Kuroo... what brings you by?” Bokuto asked, fixating his gaze on (Y/n) rather than Kuroo.
“I was just coming by to make sure (Y/n) was feeling okay.” Kuroo spoke up, forcing Bokuto to look away from (Y/n) and back at him. “I was worried she might be sick, she served me breakfast.”
“Well, she and I need to talk. Could you come back later?” Bokuto huffed, crossing his arms and sitting at the table.
Kuroo narrowed his eyes at Bokuto. He turned to (Y/n), eye softening as she stood there helplessly.
Kuroo approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder and feeling her relax slightly. “Just call me and I’ll come back... alright?”
(Y/n) slowly nodded, the intensity of Kuroo’s eyes causing her to bite her lip slightly.
Kuroo trailed his hand down her arm, gently taking her hand in his for a moment and giving it a light squeeze.
(Y/n) shivered, barely managing to squeeze back before Kuroo pulled back and left the apartment.
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gladio-to-meet-you · 6 years
Valentine's Day (ft the Chocobros and Nyx)
Here's part 1 y'all! I had to do some research on chocolates to figure out which I thought the boys would appreciate!
I caught a few typos, but as always, if you spot any, please let me know!
You had decided at the beginning of the new year, you would finally gather up the courage to let the object of your affections know that you liked them. But you agonized over that idea as the days passed tortuously slow, you came to almost regret your decision. You weren't too sure what you were going to do to get your feelings out there until February started and it hit you like a freight train at full speed as you were getting ready for bed one night. Valentine's Day was coming up! What a perfect opportunity to confess! Except you started fretting and worrying because he was probably going to receive lots of chocolates that day... You'd have to make sure to specify that they were honmei and not giri so your meaning wouldn't get muddled...
You knew without a doubt that your crush knew his stuff when it came to cooking or baking, so you went for a couple different sweets that would be sure to intrigue him if they were done properly. You didn't take into the consideration the learning curve for making them without messing a single one up. You didn't want to overwhelm him with sweet tastes, so for one you used dark chocolate for a nice semi bitter taste with orange zest and heavy cream. You shaped them and lightly dusted them with a bit of the leftover zest to add some color to them.
You saved the harder one to make for the last, knowing you'd need all the time you could get. You read over the instructions you had found online at least three times slowly before you started the process. You followed them as well as you could, being as thorough as possible. You made the chocolate and peanut butter nougat squares and sprinkled a pinch of sea salt on the top as a garnish. You grabbed the container you had picked out as soon as you realized you were going to give chocolates and started placing an even mixture of the two kinds into it carefully. You wrapped it and tied it with a cute bow and set it aside to take with you in the morning.
You waited to catch Ignis by himself on Valentine's Day and it was surprisingly late by the time you did. You knocked on his open office door to alert him to your presence. "Hey, Ignis, you got a sec?" You asked, proud when your voice didn't waver. He looked up and smiled, setting his papers aside, motioning for you to come in. "Hey. Uh. So I made you some chocolate for...Valentine's Day, today. Here, I uh. I like you and hope you like these!" Your words came out in a rush as you bowed and held the box out to him. As soon as he took it, you rushed out, uttering a goodnight to him, and you missed the smile that crossed his lips in your haste.
You knew the blonde chocobro really liked his sweets and with the way you guys had been subtly flirting back and forth, you thought it would be a good thing to confess to him on Valentine’s Day. You didn’t take into consideration the amount of effort you’d have to put into the chocolates you decided to make him which you were starting to slightly regret... You had been crushing on him since you had first laid eyes on him and then subsequently heard him speak. That had been years ago now, and while you were great friends, you were worried that taking this step may cause an irreversible change in your friendship, and not for the better. You were worried that he wouldn’t like you like that and it would cause a rift between you two. But you didn’t want to lose him, you had basically been attached at the hip since you started being friends, but you also didn’t want to let someone else snatch him away from you.
You thought long and hard about what you could make that would appeal to the young man, eventually settling on homemade chocolate marshmallows and chocolate truffles with a coconut coating. You made the truffles first, knowing they’d be the easiest to make and then set about making the marshmallows, which took a handful of attempts before you made an edible batch that didn’t look horrible. After making sure they had had time to cool, you boxed them up, wrapped the box, and set it in the gift bag you had purchased that had little chocobos decorating it. With the bag in hand and your hat pulled low to cover your ears, you left your apartment to go find him to deliver the gift.
Finding Prompto wasn’t all that hard, you just had to ask Ignis where the Prince was, which was a bit intimidating when you were wanting to confess to your crush, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it when he responded with the location. On the way there, you passed by a small shop that drew your attention, so you had to stop in. There were small chocobo plushies lining a display shelf and you decided on a whim to add one to the gift, knowing that he absolutely adored the creatures. When you reached the courtyard where the two were supposed to be lounging, you were a bit surprised to see only Prompto there before you realized Ignis had known you were up to something and had apparently got Noctis to vacate the area until you were done. You held the bag out to the blonde as you bowed your head when you were in front of him. “Th-These are for you! Please accept them and consider going out with me! Take some time to consider before rejecting me please!” Your voice was a bit high pitched and then you were gone. With such a hasty exit, you were unable to see the blush that coated his cheeks and the embarrassed smile the tugged at his lips.
You had become a close friend with the Prince, close enough that it was joked about by other officials that you were a couple. You even had a key to his apartment so you could come and go as you pleased, that way you wouldn't be restricted to his schedule to come over. You had been struggling with yourself recently, as you started becoming more and more affected by the teasing of the officials. You used to be able to play it off but that was before you realized you had a huge crush on Noctis. Now it was getting impossible to hide it.
The only true sweet you had seen him indulge himself with was white chocolate and it was only periodically. You knew he liked baked sweets but most of the chocolates were too much, so when you started coming up with ideas for which ones to gift him on Valentine's Day, you decided on cookies 'n' cream cups and peppermint patties. The first one would have white chocolate, which you knew would go over well, and the second had the peppermint to balance out the sweetness of the chocolate. You struggled making them, each took you a couple tries before you had a decent batch to choose from. You packaged them up carefully and double checked the time to make sure he wouldn't be home for this surprise.
You used your key to get into his apartment and set the bag on his living room table, complete with a handwritten confession tucked inside on top of the box of chocolates. With that done and out of the way, you started cleaning up some so Ignis wouldn't have to do all of it himself. You lost track of time and checked your phone with a gasp. To get out before he got home, you'd have to leave now and that was going to risk a run in unless you took the stairs. So you stopped what you were doing, put the cleaning items up, and bolted out, making sure the door locked behind you.
You didn't have many chances to work with the Shield of the Prince, but what few times you were able to interact with him, you fell further and further for him. You would try to find excuses to run into him, which you wouldn't have to look far for. You were assisting Cor and he usually was found in his office, so you got to see Gladio and the other boys pretty frequently. You figured you'd confess on Valentine's Day, a bit cliche but it would get your feelings across to him. You got up super early the day of to make your chocolates for him.
The one you started on first was the cranberry pecan dark chocolate bark so it would have time to harden and you could break it into pieces to pack up. You had a bit of difficulty the first go around, completely misreading the instructions, and you were suddenly glad you got up earlier than normal. The second time around was more successful so you set it in the freezer to chill it. While that was chilling, you started on the sea salt caramel pecan turtles. They turned out a lot better on the first try, thankfully, so you popped them into the freezer for a few minutes to harden. Once you were sure both were fine to start messing with, you brought them out of the freezer and started breaking the bark into pieces. With the chocolates safely packaged and wrapped, you left your small apartment to go find the Shield to hand it all over.
You actually ran into him, literally, outside of Cor's office. His large hands grabbed your shoulders to steady you before you could fall and before you even saw who it was, an apology was tumbling out of your mouth. "I'm so sorry! I'm in a hurry and I wasn't pay-" He cut you off with a chuckle before he was apologizing, "I wasn't paying attention either. Oh, you've got something in that bag, it didn't get squashed did it?" Your eyes widened at his voice before you were almost frantically checking the chocolates, relieved to see that the box they were in wasn't damaged. "Oh, uh, this is for you. Please accept these as a token of my feelings for you and please don't feel pressured to answer immediately!" With your confession out between you two, you handed the bag over and hurried away, not sure if you felt better or worse for leaving the ball in his court.
He was selfless, he was handsome, and he was surprisingly sweet when you got to know him. There was no way you weren't going to fall for him and you fell hard. You had only had the pleasure to work with him a couple times and you had enjoyed both, even if you guys did end up in dangerous situations. You decided you'd confess on Valentine's Day and give him some chocolates. You found two recipes you thought he'd appreciate so you bought the ingredients and a box to put them in. The bourbon balls were surprisingly easy to make and decorate, but you were glad for that.
It took two mess ups before you made a successful batch of samoa truffles that held up to your scrutiny. The first one turned out oddly shaped and the second you had forgotten an ingredient. You took the time to take the best of the two chocolates and box them up gently, making sure they were in their own cupcake wrappers. You then carefully wrapped the box and then you were off. You didn't have a shift on Valentine's Day, thankfully, but now you had to go hunt your crush down and hope you could confess without chickening out.
You found him in the training yard and it was surprisingly empty with just him in sight. You tightened your grip on the bag you had the chocolates in but smiled as you approached him. "Hey, you look a little lonely out here, hero," you said teasingly, taking a seat beside him once he acknowledged you. He grunted a greeting and then went back to fiddling with a dagger. You held the bag out to him and let him take it before starting to speak. "I want you to take these and with it, know that I've had a crush on you since that first mission together. Please don't feel you have to respond right away, take some time to consider it, and I hope you enjoy the chocolates!" You shot him a bright smile before getting up and leaving feeling a bit lighter, if not a bit more anxious than you had been.
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caroline18mars · 7 years
Into the night - Chapter 110
“The bad man didn't hurt you, did he, Aunt Jordan?” Noah cried and kissed her cheek repeatedly at the same time, her eyes flew open and stared straight into Jared's over the boy's shoulder, she so hoped that he hadn't gone into too much detail with such a young child. Jared swallowed hard under her harsh lie “Oh no sweetie, he didn't hurt me, I'm just fine, it was just a..misunderstanding, ok?”, Jordan heard herself blurt the words out, but what else was she supposed to say? She already hated all the compassionate eyes that were staring at her, she didn't want to be a victim, she never was and she never would be, so could they just stop all this nonsense already and pick up where they left off? So change of subject please! “Hey, I bought you some really cool clothes..” she let go of Noah a little with a smile..where were they? Oh right in the back of Jared's car, together with the cologne she bought for her man..wait no..she'd put them in Per's car when he offered her the ride to..oh fuck! The memories of that awful day came thundering through her mind and in an attempt to stop them she took Noah on her arm and stood up, maybe a little too abrupt because she swayed and the whole room seemed to dance around her. Jared instantly shot to the rescue, taking Noah from her while his other arm snaked around her waist “It's ok, take it easy” he whispered all worried when he felt her body go all rigid again the minute he touched her. “I'm just fine” Jordan threw her shield up, her only way of survival today and stepped away from Jared to hug and kiss everyone “I could do with a cup of tea and it's a lovely day outside so I'll go put the kettle on and maybe we can sit outside on the terrace”. Everyone stared at her, the fact that she pretended like nothing had even happened to her, had them worried for a few seconds but Constance was the first to break the awkwardness “That's a great idea, I'll help you, y'all go sit outside and we'll be right there” she put her hand on Jordan's back and guided her into the kitchen. Jordan instantly went to work, filling up the watercooker and switching it on and then busying herself with the coffee machine, “you know you can always talk to me, right?” Constance's worried voice drifted through her actions and made her stop doing what she was doing. “Jordan, sweetheart, I'm not gonna pretend to know what you've been through..but I've been a nurse for years and I've seen quite a few rape victims and their traumas in my time” Constance walked up to her but Jordan was in no mood to talk. “Mrs. Leto..I appreciate your concern but..” she started with her back still turned to Constance but Jared's mother gently grabbed her elbow and turned her around “look Jordan, you are clearly traumatized and I know that you probably don't feel comfortable around men right now and I also know that you're not used to being around women, having to miss your own mother at such a young age and all, but I just want you know that I'm here if you need a woman to talk to, ok? You know, for those things that are difficult to talk about with a man and since you're surrounded by them, it might be nice to have a woman around..”. Jordan knew she meant well but she just couldn't allow herself to think about it because if she did then she didn't know if she would be able to handle it “I'll..uhm..keep it in mind, thank you Mrs. Leto..”. Constance squeezed her arm and they stood there for a couple of seconds in complete silence until Noah came running in “Can I have one of the cookies we made? Please Grandma?” he put his arms around Constance's legs and looked up at her with flapping eyelashes which always  made her melt, she simply had no resistance when it come to this young boy. “Of course, why don't you take this?” Constance took the overflowing cookie jar and put the freshly made cookies on a plate and handed it to Noah “and put it on the table..careful, ok? We'll be right out with the rest”.
The conversation instantly stopped when Jordan stepped out into the sunshine and all eyes were immediately on her, so she took a deep breath and quickly put the tray with cups on the table before it would shake out of her hands, Noah clapped his hands in excitement “Yay! Cookies, Grandma and me made these especially for you, aunt Jordan” he said, jumping off his chair to snatch a cookie from the plate and took her hand to guide her to the chair next to Jared. Noah crawled on her lap and started feeding her the cookie but the minute his fingers touched her mouth she pulled back and growled “Noah! No! Don't!” she softly said, gently pushing his little hand away, her brain was working overtime, frantically trying to see this as an innocent act rather then link it to the awful things Cedric had done to her. “But Grandma and me made it especially for you, you have to try it, it's yummy” Noah, who didn't have a clue about the horror his aunt had been through, crumbled another piece of the cookie and pushed it against her mouth again and a black veil fell over her eyes “What the fuck, Noah, I SAID NO! I don't want your fuckin' cookie“ she screeched so loud everybody around the table gasped in shock before a highly uncomfortable silence fell. Noah stared at her, his bottomlip quivering in shock “I..I..I'm sorry..I..” she stammered realizing what she had just said and done, Noah slid off her lap and immediately sought solace in Jared's arms, “Noah..I..” she tried to make amends with her nephew but to no avail “you said bad words to me, I wish you had never came home again” Noah's frustration and anxiety of the last couple of days came pouring out in the completely wrong way. “Jordan, wait..” Jared put his hand on her arm to try and stop her but the minute his hand connected with her skin, she shot up like she was stung by a bee and ran back inside leaving everyone speechless. Noah buried his face in Jared's chest like that would make it all go away, “Oh no you don't” Jared hissed while he put Noah's feet back on the ground so he could stand up “you're going to your room and you'll stay there to think about what you jsut said while I go talk to your aunt, is that clear?”. He took Noah's hand in his and dragged him back inside, the young boy hardly able to keep up with him, looking up at Jared with frightened eyes. “Jared, I'm so..oo..rry” Noah whined as he stumbled up the stairs but no matter what he tried, Jared seemed deaf and mute until they finally reached the boy's room “Get inside” Jared stopped at the door to let Noah go in first so he could close the door behind him. “I don't ever want to hear you repeat those words you just said to Jordan in my house again, is that understood? The world doesn't revolve around you all the time, ok? What if she had never come home? Huh? Then what? Your aunt has given up her entire life in London to come and be there for you and this is the thanks she gets? Really? Your father is the reason why your aunt has a bad heart, it's all his fault and what do you do? You tell her you wished she had never come back? Seriously? No, no, no that is not how this is going down, I won't allow it, so you stay here and think long and hard about what you've done and you don't come out until I say so, understood?” Jared thundered at the little boy who sat on his bed staring at him with big teary eyes. “I asked you a question, Noah” Jared raised his eyebrows at the boy who slowly nodded, completely blown away by Jared's anger, “good” he spun on his heels and left the room, when he closed the door behind him again, muffling the boy's loud sobs.
”Hey” Jared's voice drifted out to her, curled up into a ball on the bed, every muscle in her body tightened when he walked up to the bed and sat down with a sigh, his hand reaching for her ankle on instinct, she tried not to flinch but she did and she hated herself for it. “What if he's right? Maybe Cedric should have just finished me” her hoarse voice was barely above a whisper but it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, “I'm just gonna pretend I didn't even hear that” he sighed and closed his eyes. “All the time I was..held captive” she swallowed hard to be able to finish her sentence ”all I could think about was Noah..and how I messed up that boy's life,..maybe I shouldn't have interfered in his life.. dragging him all across the planet with me..he's clearly starting to resent me”. Jared shook his head and let himself slide next to her “Jordan, listen to me, you didn't mess up his life, in fact you made it better, I mean, where would Noah be without you? With his grandparents?” Jared's hand reached for her face, but his hand just hovered into thin air, he wanted so bad to touch her, kiss her, but she just kept dodging any physical contact “that wouldn't be much of a life, now would it?”. Jordan slowly shrugged “I wonder if he thinks the same way right now, it's just one drama after another when he's with me..where is he anyway?” she groaned and started stretching her legs, “in his room..and I'm probably not his favorite person right now either, I sent him to his room to overthink what he's done..I was pretty strict with him” Jared said, unable to hide his guilt when Jordan raised her eyebrows at him. “I didn't hurt him, if that's what you're thinking, I would never, I just think he needs to learn that not everything revolves around him..he was out of line with what he said and I corrected him..I just won't allow him to talk to you like that, we're a family now and he needs to respect that this is permanent and that he's not on some kind of holiday, he belongs with us now, at least for the next 15 years or so” he explained. Jordan just nodded, impressed by the way he took on a responsibility that she never forced on him “you're amazing, you know that?” a small grateful smile formed around her lips, it felt so good to have someone who took the lead, especially now when her emotions were all over the place, she didn't know how to get off this rollercoaster of emotions she was on and having someone like Jared around was a true blessing. “Not as amazing as you are..” Jared smiled at her, love dripping from every word, he was surprised in the best way possible about every single one of her reactions “I love you, Jordan..” once again on instinct he leaned in to steal a kiss, feeling a little bit more encouraged by the sweetness of her words, only to have his courage fly out the window the minute she pulled back again and his mouth hovered aimlessly in the air. “I'm sorry, Jared..I'm just..not ready” Jordan quickly apologized, in no way did she want him to feel rejected, she knew perfectly well that there was nothing to fear and that she was finally safe with Jared, but each time he came too close, her breath still got stuck in her throat. “It's ok..” he waved away her apology, he understood, of course he did, but deep down his heart sank, he had been missing her for far too long even though it had only been a couple of days “anyway..what do you want to do? Do you want to get some sleep? Or do you want me to send everyone home so we can have a quiet night in?”. Jordan's eyes lit up a little “would you mind? I don't really want to face anyone right now..” she whispered, “excellent choice, maybe we should go talk to Noah together first, you know, put him out of his misery and then you can go have a long hot bath while I get us some take out and we can eat in front of the telly, just like we did in London, sounds like a plan?” he reluctantly pushed himself back into a sitting position, he could have stayed here with her on this bed forever and just look at her.
Noah sat on his bed with his back turned to them as they walked inside of his room, “Noah, buddy, we need to talk” Jared walked up to the bed which made him turn around, frustration and relief swirling in his blue eyes as he looked up at Jared and then completely ignored him as he let himself slide off the bed and shuffled over to Jordan. “I didn't mean to say those things, Aunt Jordan” his lip started quivering again as he pushed himself against her legs, “Oh Noah..” she combed her fingers through her nephew's hair “I didn't mean to say all those horrible things either, it's just that..” she hesitated again “..well, it seems like we all had a rough couple of days, didn't we?”. Jordan put her hand under his chin making him look up at her “I love you, Noah McLeod, and I promise I'll do my best not to blow up at you again, ok?” she softly said, “I love you too, Aunt Jordan McLeod, promise” the way Noah said her name made her smile “and I'm glad you're back, it was no fun here without you” Noah glared at Jared. An hour later, the house was quiet again, after Shannon had invited everyone over to his place so they could be alone, “Food is on its' way” Jared came walking back into the living room where he found Jordan staring at the dancing flames in the fireplace, competely lost in her thoughts. His hand touching her shoulder made her flinch and her eyes shot up at him as he handed her a glass of wine “what?..oh..right, food..” she mumbled as she was brought back to reality and Jared sat down on the other side of the couch, scared of crowding and overwhelming her again, he hated the distance between them, but what else could he do?. “Nice bath?” he tried to keep the subject light, “uhmm..yeah..it was lovely” she quickly covered up her legs as much as she could with the fluffy bathrobe and his heart sank, “good..” he stared in his own glass. Jordan felt her heart break when she saw him sitting there, feeling lost and scared of doing or saying the wrong thing, so she stretched her legs and let her big toe gently run up and down the side of his thigh “I don't know what I'd do without you, you're everything that's good in this world, Jay..I just want you to know that, I'm so lucky to have you”. Jared's head shot up, genuine surprise twinkling in his eyes but before he could say something back she continued “You know, earlier on, in your room, I lied..I said that I could only think of Noah while..you know..” she swallowed hard “I was held captive..but that's not true..I did think of Noah but I also thought about you, a lot, all the time to be exact..I was so scared that you would think I had left you and you would give up on me..” her voice cracked, thick with tears. “I would never give up on you, never, ok? All this time while you were gone, I knew there was something seriously wrong and I never stopped looking for you, Jordan” his hand grabbed her foot, squeezing it “if something irreversible had happened to you, I mean if..you hadn't come back then I couldn't go on living, I wouldn't want to” the words just poured out in one go “I need to be with you”.
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franeridart · 7 years
In the wolf au, is Kirishima dating Denki, hanta, Mina, ect or is just kinda a wolf thing? Not that I mind either way I'm just super curious lol. Also it's so lovely, your work is so sweet.
Anon said:hello fran!! How are you? I hope you’re doing great!! sorry to bother you haha but I wanted to ask something!! So, in your wolf!kirishima comic it says that Denki’s pack and so is sero and mina, does that mean that they’re wolves shifters too?? And will we ever get to see them?? (also is there kamisero? Sorry my weak heart loves them yeet)
Ohohohohohohoho I’m glad you both asked about Kirishima’s pack cause boy do I have answers - okay first things first, Kirishima is only dating Bakugou and he’s the only wolf shifter in the pack (well, Mina is also a shifter, just not a wolf shifter)
In the AU pack dynamics are loosely based on how wolf packs work in the wild: in nature usually there’s an alpha couple (the “alpha male” and his mate) and the rest of the pack is made out of their pups! So by all means it’s just a family unit - once the pups are old enough to fend for themselves they leave the “pack” to form their own family - they’re social animals, so they need a pack to be happy and safe, and that reflects in the AU too. In this universe though it’s pretty normal for wolf shifters to date/marry non-shifters or shifters of other kinds, and when that happens the resulting kids might or might not have shifting abilities, which results in the process of forming a pack being a bit all over the place
In Kirishima’s case, he was born by two non-shifters who had shifter blood in them - as a wolf shifter his wolf side needed a pack to feel well (let’s say, other wolves to play with and learn from and so on) so as a kid he used to spend a lot of time with Fat and Amajiki (both wolf shifters!) who acted as a surrogate pack for the wolf in him - now he’s old enough to have his own pack tho! And while ideally that would mean he builds his own family with another wolf shifter, he ended up falling for Bakugou, who’s a non-shifter and a man, which means the family plan sorta went down the drain. His wolf still needs a pack to be happy tho, and that ended up meaning he latched onto Mina (a childhood friend) and Kaminari and Sero (Bakugou’s close friends) who by this point are as close to him as if they were actual family.
So in theory Kirishima’s wolf side sees the pack as himself and Bakugou as the alpha couple and Mina, Sero and Kaminari as the “pups” - practically though Kirishima’s human side has a perfect grasp on his wolf’s instincts, so all in all it ends up just being five pals loving each other like family, no power imbalance at all (…he does get clingy after his pack members spend time with people outside of the pack, but he doesn’t ever try to stop them from socializing outside of the group and cuddles and general close proximity are all he needs to make his wolf feel better!)
…as you can see, I spent more time on this AU than strictly necessary haha
Anon said: So for the last hour I’ve been browsing your art and have been annoyed that I don’t see an instant like button and have to open new tabs to like your posts. But then I remember that “Follow” button exists. Love you.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much oh my god!!! *O*
Anon said:Do you miss doing bakukirikami stuff?
Hmmmmmmmmm I wouldn’t say I miss it, well, if I did I would just draw more, you know? What I do miss is feeling inspired for it! Sometimes I think “today I’m gonna draw more of the ot3″ even though I don’t have specific ideas in mind, but then stuff happens and I get actual inspiration for something that isn’t the ot3 and I’m the sort of person who needs to roll with the insp as long as it’s fresh or else I won’t ever pick it up again! And that’s been going on for a while so sometimes I’m just like, why can’t I be inspired for the ot3 goddamnit
Anon said:YOUR ART IS ALWAYS SUCH HIGH QUALITY OH MY GOD ur style is honestly one of my favorites bc it’s so unique and so damn good and looks so nice you’re absolutely my favorite bnha artist and one of my faves in general and tbh you’ve inspired me a lot PLUS OKAY all ur comics are fantastic I love all the ideas you get and they come out so wonderful and I always read your tags and whenever u post it honestly makes my day and BASICALLY BLESS YOU YOU’RE WONDERFUL I LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY
Anon said:Ok but tell me Katsuki wouln’t be jealous of tetsutetsu with him spending lots of time with Kirishima and not expressing it at all like “I’m not jealous you fuck I just think it’s weird y'all spending so much time sHuTtt UP” AAAAAAA help
You wanna know a fun thing, the first thing I thought when I read this ask was, if Bakugou were ever to voice that thought Kirishima would probably just go “aw man come on I don’t say anything about your weird friendship with Todoroki why are you like this about Tetsu” and that would just. End in disaster. Cause Bakugou still hasn’t accepted he has a friendship with Todes. Rip lmao
Anon said:SOOO!!!! MUCH!!! ART!!! RECENTLY!!! BLESS!!!!!!
:O !!!!!!!!!!! Is it more than usual??? I feel like I’m drawing less, actually!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, tho!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you oh great lord Fran for your gifts
LMAO this ask made me feel as if I’m some sort of Santa, there you go everyone’s on the Nice List you can all have more Bakushima and Bakusquad hahaha
Anon said:Your blessing of possessive kiri shall be appropriately worshiped
Anon said:Thank you for the blessing that is jealous and possessive kiri he is my sweet child
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m happy you guys liked that, I was just thinking that maybe it was too out of character for him, wolf or not!! But I’m super happy you appreciated it!!!!
Anon said:Did you know your art is a great cure for a bad day? Thanks for always making things that make me smile!
Ahhhhh anon thank you for making me smile with this ask (。’▽’。)♡
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don’t really do angst so I don’t have anything I can give you like this out of the blue, but if you were more specific about what kind of angst we’re talking about…. maybe…….👀 👀 👀
Anon said:you have a way with words, not just art, don’t you? every serious reply you give to an ask is clear and well articulated, and your way of expressing your opinion is honest yet not rude. that’s very rarely seen on social networking sites.
I would never dream of being purposefully rude to my followers, tho! I know you guys don’t mean anything bad ever, and sometimes it’s just unhappy wording or the asker not knowing better! Other times it might also be that the asker’s first language isn’t English and in their tongue the wording is appropriate while it ends up sounding rude in English, how could I know, translating nounces isn’t easy! So I always assume you mean well, being rude wouldn’t solve anything but make the asker feel bad
Thank you for the compliment on my writing, by the way (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) it’s been a while since I’ve written any narrative so maybe it’s not fair to use the term on myself, but I’m a writer maybe more than I’m an artist (in the sense that writing has always come to me way easier than drawing does, I just find drawing more rewarding in a short time frame) so knowing my words are still coming out well enough is always nice!! (。’▽’。)♡
Anon said:You should totally draw a Bakushima Idol AU! (Btw I love ur artwork so much)
:O but I’m not into idols at all, so I have no clue what an AU of that kind would even entail !!! :O :O
Anon said:will you ever draw more dragon kiri? (I just read a fic and I have a Need for this au lmao)
Yep!! I already have a couple of pics in mind, I just need a day in which I feel up for painting! :D
Anon said:What if Bakugou and Kirishima are fighting a strong villain and Baku gets hurt protecting Kiri? Kiri’s in his cooldown period after using unbreakable and can’t use his quirk to protect himself so Baku jumps in front of the villain’s attack to protect him and gets really badly injured because of it and oh no I made myself sad
Oh no anon don’t make yourself sad!!!!! Think happy thoughts, like… actually, I’ve been thinking about this since the fight against Rappa, but does Kirishima’s unbreakable form still have a cooldown period? In the UA file there was noted how after he breaks it he needs a while to get in back up, but against Rappa he just kept on pulling it back up every time it got broken? So?? Was that just the moment’s adrenaline making him able to keep going, or did he actually get rid of the cooldown? If he did he doesn’t have a drawback anymore!!! You go my small rock son!!!!
Anon said:Is there anyone mineta can fuse with and have it actually be stable?
He’s perfectly stable with Kaminari, Sero, Shouji and Tsuyu! (Kaminari and Sero cause they’re friends, Shouji and Tsuyu cause the resulting fusions are the only two Mineta fusions with no sexual tendencies at all. They just. Suppress that side of Mineta completely) He’s more or less stable with another few in the class, but the only perfectly stable ones are those four!
Anon said:My goD,,, I love your art I always make sure to RT it
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!!! *A*
Anon said:bakugou and wolf kirishima is a blessing
Anon said:I need you to not make me ship things when I originally watch a show and don’t ship anything. At first I was pretty content watching BNHA but now I’m into the ships because of your artwork and I’m dying.
Aw anon but this is a mostly shippy blog hahaha and I don’t exactly try to make people ship stuff either lol //whispers but I’m glad I could make you like my ships :O
Anon said:what do u think of,,,,,, kuroyaku? :)
I prefer them as friends! But it’s one of my favs Kuroo ships that don’t involve Bokuto, that’s for sure~
Anon said:More squad+ dorms life pleaaaaaaaase!!!!!!!!
Sure!!! As soon as I get more ideas, I mean I’ve sort of been drawing them being silly like that for a long while now??(like x or x or x or x or x) (actually you can just scroll my bakusquad tag, it’s all them being silly and the usual setting is the dorms l m a o)
Anon said:ooo if youre feeling up to it, id LOVE to see some more of your bakugo uraraka fusion?? god imagine them facing off with iideku, loud angry vs loud nerd
…anon, Baku and Ochako are unstable enough that if they were to ever come across Iideku they would split up immediately lmao the contrasting feelings there are too strong to keep them fused hahaha
Anon said:Can you make tokoyami and tsuyu fusion? I love their teamwork so much!
I have!!
Anon said:Ahh okay, if you don’t think it’s weird then I will never stop yelling and embarrassing myself in the tags because I would shout about your art from the rooftops lol
That!!! Actually makes me incredibly happy!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
Anon said:Here’s a random I love you and your work, and I hope you have a great day!!! (づw ³ ̄)づ
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!! I hope you’re having a great day too!! ~
Anon said:Fran have you read the latest hq chapter. and have you considered,,, TORA/KENMA (platonic or romantic!!!! both are good!!!!)
I HAVE!!! Anon, my friend, that’s been one of my favorite Kenma ships for ages hahaha
Anon said:Do you like the ship Bakugou x Shinsou?
… nah. I tend to not ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him, sorry!
Anon said:Consider a BnHA and HQ crossover. What quirks would our favorite volleyball players have?
:O but there’s so many characters in HQ, you’re gonna need to be more specific about who we’re talking about, here!!
Anon said:Ok quick question… Now we that we know that you like Kiribaku, Kirikami, Bakukami, Kamisero, Serokiri, Serobaku, Serokiribaku, Serokirikami and Bakukirikami: have u considered bakukirikamisero?? :)) would u ever draw for it?? (i love ur acc bless!!)
Anon said:so u like bakukirikami… and u like serobakukiri… what about serobakukirikami ot4 tho….
Uhmmm lemme see if I know how to word this properly… it is true that I ship every possible couple out of the four of them, and it’s also true that I ship the ot3 separately too (though I always prefer it if Kiri and Baku are together for ~otp reasons~ haha) and I guess I don’t mind the ot4 either? They give me a warm feeling and I love to think about them happy and together all flopped over each other and being affectionate and loving, but all of this can happen with them being in a really close frienship too, right? And I generally prefer them in that sort of relationship
The reason why is mostly that… how do I put this, every couple and trio have their own very singular dynamics, right? Bakugou and Kirishima’s relationship is gonna be different from Bakugou and Sero’s or Sero’s and Kirishima’s or Kaminari and Kirishima’s, they all have different moods and different feelings and so on, which means that they will have different ways in which they’ll develop too, I don’t know if you’re following me. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for all four of them to develop romantic feelings towards all the other three at the same time starting from such different relationships, it’s completely possible and that’s why I don’t mind the ot4 at all, but when I have such a huge playground to enjoy so many different friendships and relationships and dynamics, boiling them all down to the same “they’re romantically into each other” cuts a lot of the fun, for me!
So tl;dr what I mean is that I don’t mind the ot4 and I might draw for it in the future, but it’s more entertaining for me to pick a couple/ot3 and see how the other dynamics shift because of it then just put them all in the same relationship!
Also, I’m a fan of the idea of the four of them ending up being overly affectionate and tactile with each other anyway, so in the end romance or not what’s missing is just the kisses, isn’t it? I don’t draw n sfw anyway haha
Anon said:I would honestly read an entire series dedicated entirely to the Fatgum-Kiri-Amajiki squad.
So would I tbh!!! :O
Anon said:Do you have any rainy day squad headcanons?
I feel like… terrible for this but… anon………… I’m gonna need you to tell me who that would be, exactly omfg I’m not even sure I know what fandom we’re talking about hahah rip meeee
Anon said:Just wondering: what do you mean by the stable/unstable part of the fusions?? ♡
I explained it properly over here, but to make it easy it’s about how easy it is for the fusion to break apart! The more stable a fusion is, the harder it will be for the balance to break and the fusion to come undone~
Anon said:You drew Kiri with his black roots again!!! 🤗 and the way his hair is falling from where he had it sorta tucked behind his ear in that one pic… sigh
I’M!!!!! happy you liked him!!!!!
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voltron- lance with a cold but doesn't want anyone to know?
(Omg my first voltron prompt..also lowkey nervous bc I’m new to it and everyone already has a million amazing voltron fics and I have nothing new to add to the table :“D on the shorter side so I get used to writing voltron :”) )
Amongst the total debacle of space, discovering alien life, realising that the world was so vast and bigger than the human mind could comprehend, Lance had found another family through his friends. It wouldn’t quite fill the void left by the loss of his family back at earth, but they were loving,  a little ignorant and harsh at times during high drake situations, very rarely at that but Lance understood, given the clusterfuck that was their situation.
The universe had been so much larger and diverse than Lance had could have possibly imagined, so many things he did not know. Among all this, topped with insecurities he had struggled with beforehand, he struggled to find his place in all of this.
His friends were kind to him, never telling him he was useless of any sort, but he couldn’t help but feel it. Watching them, with all their own niches and spectacular talent, he grew a little envious, and wishing he could be that. Wishing he could be a little bit more than this.
So when his body began to break down, he had to ignore it, not wanting to seem any weaker than he already was.
“Paladins! Report to the bridge in 60 ticks!”
Lance groaned, not wanting to leave his comfortable, warm position on his bed. He tightened his sheets around his frame as he regained his senses. As he did, he wished he hadn’t because he became aware of a powerful headache, a stuffy nose and a fevered body.
As soon as he realised what was up with him, he widened his eyes, taking his ailment as a challenge. No way would he be taken down by something as simple as a cold.
He pushed himself out of his bed, trying to get ready as quickly as possible. Lance instantly regretted his past decision as his headache intensified, causing him to feel weak and woozy. He groaned softly, until a sudden tickle brewing in his sinuses had him inhaling sharply and sneezing harshly towards the floor.
Lance groaned yet again, the force of the sneeze causing his head to whip forwards, the sudden movement doing no wonders for his already painful headache. He laid a hand against the wall, steadying himself as a wave of dizziness hit him, sighing, bracing himself for what was no doubt going to be a rough day.
“Lance, you’re late!” Allura sighed, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Nah, y'all are just early! Party doesn’t start til I walk in,” Lance beamed, trying not to raise any suspicion towards his illness.
Keith rolled his eyes fondly, averting his attention back to Allura, “So, what’s the agenda for today?”
“I would like you paladins to partake in an extensive training session today, to bring you all back in shape for any unexpected attacks,” She explained.
“Of course, we appreciate how well you’ve all been working and how strong you’ve all gotten, but there is always room for improvement!” Coran grinned.
“Great!” Lance beamed with feigned enthusiasm for the others. ‘Great,’ he beamed sarcastically to himself.
“I’m ready to kick your ass, Keith,” Lance grinned, all this forced energy already draining his weak body, causing him to feel warm and dizzy. 'I am definitely not ready to kick any ass, Keith,’ Lance thought to himself.
Shiro raised his eyebrow slightly, noticing a slight rasp and congestion to Lance’s voice. He cleared his throat as the rest of the team running off to get into their gear, catching up with Lance.
“Are you okay, Lance?” Shiro asked kindly.
“What? I’m fan-tastic, ready to seize the day!” Lance beamed.
“Hmm,” Shiro merely grunted, not too convinced but let it go for the time being, giving Lance a friendly pat on the back.
Lance kept his smiley, energetic facade on until Shiro and everyone else were out of his sight, and then proceeded to cough a short fit of chesty wet coughs into his arm.
Lance groaned softly, wondering how he was going to get through today.
Lance dodged Keith’s swing sloppily, last minute and nearly tripping over his own feet. He breathed noisily through his mouth, his nose completely stuffed. He could barely even see Keith with his vision turned a blur from his awful headache.
“You’re slacking, Lance!” Keith taunted, dodging a sloppy swing from Lance with ease.
Lance made a groan of frustration and annoyance, his nose starting to burn with a tickling sensation, averting all his attention towards it. Due to the overpowering sensation, he lost all his concentration and ended up being hit by Keith. Extremely hard.
Lance let out a hiss of pain, swallowing to stop himself from being any louder than he    already was being. He dropped everything, his frame tipping slightly as he rested his hands on his knees to support himself. The one good thing that came from this was that at least now, he lost the about the tickle, but instead had a throbbing pain in his leg.
Keith’s face went completely white, eyes widening in shock. He rushed towards Lance in worry, dropping everything. He wrapped an arm around Lance’s shoulder to help him stand upright and steady.
“Are you okay?!” Keith asked frantically, guilt dropping out of his voice.
“I’m fine, Keith!” Lance snapped, pushing the boy off of him and stood straight on his own, causing his head to spin. He sniffled weakly, trying to steady himself so he could see straight.
Pidge came up to them, examining Lance’s leg, raising an eyebrow quizzically, “There’s not much damage done here, thankfully. Just a bruising at most.”
“I’m not weak!” Lance hissed, becoming slightly delirious.
Pidge widened her eyes, “What?! No, Lance! That’s not what I meant at all!”
Lance let out a shaky breath, realising what he had done and softened. In that moment he looked much younger, tired, weak. “I’m sorry,” he croaked softly, voice scratchy.
Hunk frowned, “Lance, what’s wrong?”
Lance shook his head aggressively, picking back up and getting himself into a a fighting position. He faced Keith, pulling on a determined look, as he painted. Suddenly, the tickle from earlier returning with vengeance, intense and burning that there was no time for a build up. He simply launched into an powerful fit of sneezing, head snapping forward with each one, which progressively got more forceful.
As he finished, his pounding headache worsened from the impact of snapping forward repeatedly. He slumped forward, giving in to his illness as he allowed himself to feel the true extent of his illness.
“..Lance..?” Pidge called gently.
Lance sniffled, letting out tiny little chesty coughs due to his congestion. He looked pathetic, a complete contrast to his bubbly, friendly exterior.
“What’s wrong?” Hunk asked patiently, a gentle hand propping itself on Lance’s shoulder.
Lance looked up blearily, eyes watery and exhausted, letting out a shaky little sigh before starting his sentence with a congested, little cough, “..I just don’t feel very well..”
Shiro smiled softly, approaching the younger boy and holding him by the shoulders, “Oh Lance..you should’ve told us. You know we wouldn’t have made you do this if we knew you weren’t feeling good.”
Lance sniffled, leaning against Shiro’s steady embrace, “I know..I just..”
“You just..?”
“…I didn’t want you guys to think I was weak,” Lance choked.
Pidge looked bewildered, “What?! We would never think that! Why would you think that? We would be nowhere without you!”
Lance shrugged, “..I don’t know..I wanted to prove to you guys..to myself..that I have a place here, I guess. It’s all just so overwhelming..”
Hunk frowned, “Awh Lance! You have nothing to prove, you’ve already proven yourself time and time again! We wouldn’t have even been able to do all of this if you haven’t connected with Blue!”
Lance managed a tiny smile, “..I just..I don’t know, feel inferior to all you guys. You’re all so talented..”
“Well, that is a load of garbage,” Keith said.
Pidge blinked, looking over at him, “Keith!”
He shook his head, “Lance, you are one of the most talented people I have ever met. You never seize to impress me everyday, and I learn more about you and realise that you’ve really got something. It’s a load of garbage that you think otherwise.”
Lance managed a small smirk, “..I..impress you?”
Keith blushed, looking away in embarrassment, “..That’s all I’m going to say.”
“Ah, there he is,” Pidge joked.
Shiro felt Lance’s forehead with the back of his hand, frowning, “You’ve got a bit of a fever too..you need to get to bed and get some rest. We need you in tip top shape as soon as possible, because we do really need you, Lance.”
Lance gave him a small smile, “..Okay.”
With that, Hunk swooped in and picked Lance up in his arms, giving him a large, loving grin, “Nurse Hunk to the rescue!! I’ll cook you up some good soup in just a little bit!”
The Paladins escorted Lance to his room, where they safely put him into bed, where Hunk said his farewells to make Lance some soup, shortly followed by Pidge who went to find some medicine, then Shiro who went to inform Coran and Allura, leaving him with Keith.
Keith fluffed up Lance’s pillow and tucked him into his blanket, feeling his cheek, brushing hair out of his face, in that totally loving mushy gushy out of character way that left Lance bewildered and having an out of body experience. He didn’t know if this was his fever or real life.
Keith answered that question for him, a slight blush to his cheeks, “..Don’t get yourself excited, I’m not going to be doing this every night now.”
Lance pulled on a look of fake disgust, “Eugh, I wouldn’t want you to.”
Keith smiled softly and sat at the edge of his bed, arms crossed and obviously finding trouble keeping eye contact with him, “..Lance..”
“..I..didn’t know you felt that way. I-I know this is weird, and let’s not make it weird but if you ever want anyone to talk to..I’m right here, any time at all,” he stammered.
Lance gave him a small woozy smile, a soft, kittenish sneeze escaping him before he sniffled, snuggling into his covers. “..Right back at ya Keith..I’m here too..”
Keith smiled softly, gazing over at Lance with care, watching as the boy’s eyelids slowly drooped, clearly exhausted. He chuckled, “Get some sleep, Lance.”
Allura gently opened the door to Lance’s room, having decided to check on the Paladin and to see if he was well, only to see Keith sitting right by Lance’s side, a loving gaze on his eyes as he watched him sleep, as if trying to keep him safe.
Keith tensed as he heard her come in, whipping his head around to face her and relaxed as he realised it was only her. Suddenly, he realised what had happened and blushed with embarrassment, “uh..listen..”
Allura only smiled, “No, you don’t have to say anything. And I won’t either.”
She left shortly after, knowing Lance would be just fine if Keith was there by his side. And she was right, because Keith remained there to ensure that Lance was alright, making a vow to himself that nothing would ever hurt this boy, and the rest of his friends would help him do so.
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fourteenacross · 7 years
If you do a preview please can it be happy? Thank You!
Three votes for “happy,” so happy it is! 
(This is obviously still  A DRAFT and unbetaed and, honestly, not even spell-checked at this point.)
The Sunday of their Mets game dawns bright, if cloudy. Alex, who had been watching the weather all week in hopes of the threatening rain making an appearance, groans when John opens the blinds.
“You’re acting like I’m bringing you to your fucking execution,” John says. “You’ll have your fucking tablet, it’s not like I’m ripping away your connection to the outside world and forcing you to watch the game. They have wifi at Citi Field. But I think being there you’ll learn to appreciate the beauty of–”
Alex rolls over and lets out an obnoxious fake snore.
“Ha ha,” John says. “You’re an asshole.”
“I’m an asshole who loves you,” Alex says, lifting his head up to pout at John. “I’m an asshole who’s agreed to spend a whole fucking day in the outdoors in June when it’s gonna be like, ninety degrees because it’s important to you.”
Ugh, John hates how true all of that is. It’s hard to be mad when he knows that, yes, Alex is doing something he hates because he knows how happy it will make John.
“I hate it so much when you have a right to be smug about something,” John mutters. Alex beams at him and sits up, hugging him around the waist.
“I’m always right,” he says, nuzzling John’s shoulder.
“You’re always a shithead,” John says.
He leaves Alex in bed and heads to the kitchen, just as Mrs. Upstairs bellows and drops something hard enough that the water in the coffee carafe he’s filling ripples and trembles. It seems they’ve woken up just in time to avoid being woken by today’s circus.
John puts on coffee and shoves some stale-but-not-moldy bread into the toaster. He starts to throw together some stuff to bring into the city–water bottles, sunglasses, a back-up battery for Alex’s iPad, some Clif bars that they can hopefully sneak past stadium security, a snapback for Alex which he will initially turn his nose up at and then eagerly accept once the sun is directly overhead–when Alex wanders out, frowning at his phone.
“Hey, so, I posted on Facebook that you were dragging me to a baseball game today,” he says, looking up at John, “and Ned commented and asked if we had time to have dinner with him after? I guess he’s living in Queens for the summer?”
John needs to think about that twice to process it. He knew, intellectually, that Alex has a foster brother living and going to school in the city, but the idea of meeting him had never even crossed his mind.
“Do you…want to?” John asks carefully. Alex doesn’t talk much about about the Stevens family as his guardians, though he’s chatty about working with Mr. Stevens at the paranormal shop he owned on the island. He knows that Ned helped get Alex into Columbia on very short notice, but that’s about all he knows.
“Sure,” Alex says, shrugging. “I mean, as long as you want to. It’s been like, a year since I’ve seen Ned. Which is weird, wow. Time is weird.”
“Yeah, I’d love to,” John says. Belatedly, he realizes, “Oh, fuck, but Herc. Is it okay if Herc comes with us?” Or maybe Alex already assumed Herc would be coming with them, given they’re going to the game together. Maybe John’s just the asshole for thinking of this as a family thing, as the closest thing to meet-the-parents either of them will likely ever have.
“Gotta ask him next,” Alex says, but, as if on cue, there’s a knock at their door. “Good timing.”
It is, of course, Hercules waiting outside once John opens the door. He’s in a Knicks t-shirt, which is at least the right colors, if not the right sport.
“Yo,” he says. “I know I’m early, but I could hear my fucking cousins….”
He trails off and looks at the ceiling as Mrs. and Mr. Upstairs continue to shout and possibly move furniture.
“What the fuck?” he asks.
“Welcome to life in the shoebox,” John says dryly.
“It’s like this every day?” Herc asks.
“More or less,” Alex says. “Hey, unrelated to domestic disturbances, do you have plans for after the game?”
“I actually wanted to talk to you kids about that,” Herc says. “I don’t want to bail on you, but Lizzie texted me last night. She’s in town for a couple days and wanted to know if I’d be around for dinner tonight.”
“Lizzie?” Alex perks up. “Like…?” He makes a vague, complicated gesture that involves pointing at John. Herc nods.
“One and the same,” he says. “But if you guys have plans….”
“Actually,” Alex says, “my foster brother just asked if we had time to have dinner with him after the game. So.” He shrugs.
“Awesome,” Herc says. “I’ll tell Lizzie we’re on for tonight. You kids gonna put on pants, or…?”
“You’re early,” John reminds him. “But yeah.” To Alex he says, “It’ll be quicker to share as long as you keep your hands to yourself.”
“I can…probably do that,” Alex says. “Let me just text Ned.”
Both Alex and John manage to keep their hands to themselves for the length of a quick shower and they’re on a train into the city not half an hour later. Alex spends the train ride furiously redlining an article for some journal and Herc plays a game on his phone and John sits between them with his eyes closed, attempting to ward off motion sickness. He’s better on the subway, but it’s still a long ride from Penn Station to Times Square to Citi Field.
They’re not even halfway there when Alex plucks the hem of John’s ‘86 Hernandez jersey and then the hem of Herc’s t-shirt.
“Hey,” he says. “Same color, different teams. Is this a name thing? Like, the team changed its name?”
“Nah,” Herc says. “I’m a Yankees fan. Don’t own any Mets shit, so I’m going with another New York team as a neutral.”
“And the Yankees are…?”
“The other New York baseball team,” John says. “They play in the Bronx. Even you have to know who the Yankees are, you fucking lived in New York for two years.”
Alex sniffs. “Well, sorry, I had other, more pressing matters to attend to and didn’t have time for–”
John cuts him off. “Oh, please. If you spent two minutes paying attention instead of being like, performatively disdainful–”
“I’m not disdainful!” Alex insists. “I’m….”
John gives him a few seconds of silence before saying, “What?”
“…I don’t know,” Alex admits, “something that makes me sound better than disdainful.”
“You two done?” Herc asks, elbowing Alex who bumps into John.
“Probably not,” John says.
“You should be used to us by now,” Alex adds.
“Y'all are meant for each other,” Herc says, but he’s smiling.
The rest of the ride to the stadium passes without incident and soon enough John is swept up into the giddy rush of going to a ballgame. The Mets are his team and have been since seeing their minor league club play out in Columbia when he was a kid, but he’d be just as excited about any game. Up in Cambridge, a guy in his fraternity had season Red Sox tickets and John bought a handful of games off of him, usually the ones no one else wanted. Sure, it’s great to watch his team play and cheer them on, but for him, most of the time it’s just the experience. He loves being in the ballpark and watching the game and sitting in the sun and feeling the energy of the crowd. It doesn’t matter if it’s major league or minor league or even high school baseball–there’s not much outside of parapsych that makes John feel connected to the world around him, but baseball is pretty high up on the list.
He wants to share this with Alex, even though he knows he’s destined for failure. Alex is a self-proclaimed indoor kid. He may ride his bike everywhere, but it’s for practical reasons rather than any stab at regular exercise. He thinks John is weird for going to the gym regularly and thinks he’s insane for running when he can’t get to the gym. There hasn’t been a single sport that’s caught his attention in almost a year of living with John and sitting on the couch while John watched whatever was in season. On top of all that, he’s just kind of…a snob. He thinks sports are for people who don’t have anything better to do, who aren’t as engaged in academics and politics and intellectual pursuits as he is. Baseball is below him–all sports are below him–and he’s unlikely to look up from his iPad the entire afternoon.
Still, he’s here. He let John bring him here. And even if it’s only because he loves John like crazy, that’s still something.
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written-s0ul · 7 years
random get-to-know-me meme coming your way
so sorry, I know it’s been a while since I posted. June & July have been some busy months, and it’ll be getting busy with school starting two weeks from now, and with my eighteenth birthday coming up next month! So, updates might take a while longer. ):
But don’t worry! There will be updates, and I will fulfill your requests soon. I’ll post a list of my planned fanfics soon, so y'all know. (: Thank you so much for your patience and support, guys! For now, here’s a little something, to get to know me better. 😂
Thank you to @crookedspoonfic for tagging me!
1. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I don’t drink soft drinks. 

2. Disney or Dreamworks? Pixar? HAHAHAHA but I can settle for Disney. I grew up with Dreamworks’ Shrek though, and no matter how stupid those movies are, they have a special place in my heart. 

3. Coffee or tea? Tea! But I can have the occasional coffee.

4. Books or movies? Both. 

5. Windows or Mac? Windows! Never had a Mac. 

6. DC or Marvel? Marvel. ❤️

7. Xbox or Playstation? Wii? Lol, I grew up playing the Wii, and a bit of Xbox. Because I enjoy the Mario racing games, even when I suck at it. Playstation is cool though, I play Little Big Planet or Castle Crushers sometimes with my cousins.

8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Neither. I don’t play that much video games, tbh.

9. Night owl or early bird? Night owl. My body clock is fucked up.

10. Cards or chess? Cards! I know more than a handful of card games, thanks to being bored in my grandma’s house as a kid lol.

11. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate! I prefer Cookie Dough, though.

12. Vans or Converse? Converse? I own neither, but I’ve always wanted a pair of Converse.

13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? It makes me feel so disconnected from society to not know any of these. ):

14. Fluff or angst? Angst. The pain gives me pleasure. 😭 But I also need a dose of fluff to soothe it huhuhuhu.

15. Beach or forest? Beach! I’ve been to more beaches than forests, and I think they’re pretty cool if it’s not too blazing hot.

16. Dogs or cats? Neither. I have a fear of both (I’m so sorry). ): But I can deal with puppies, lol.

17. Clear skies or rain? Cloudy skies! Best weather ever. But I can go for rain, if I’m not going outside, lol.

18. Cooking or eating out? Eating out. Because I lack a great amount of knowledge in cooking. ):

19. Spicy food or mild food? Mild. Can’t deal with spicy food well. 

20. Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? Christmas, I guess? We don’t celebrate Halloween much here.

21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Too cold. I hate the feeling of sticky, sweaty skin.

22. If you could have a superpower what would it be? I’ve always imagined myself having control over the earth. Create earthquakes, tsunamis, that kind of thing.

23. Animation or live action? I appreciate both.

24. Paragon or renegade? I dunno if this means perfection vs rebel, but if it is, I choose paragon. Although I’m not one for convention or tradition, I’m more of a perfectionist, and I always do my best to achieve whatever standards I have set upon myself (and it can have a lot of downsides, unfortunately). 

25. Baths or showers? Showers! Fast and easy. But I’d like to have a bath in a tub some day, just to relax.

26. Team cap or team ironman? Don’t make me choose between my parents. 

27. Fantasy or sci-fi? I’m not a huge fan of either, but I prefer fantasy. I like magic and dragons and witches.

28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? So far, these are what stand out to me:
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
“We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.” – Tom Hiddleston (paraphrasing, I think)
29. YouTube or Netflix? Youtube. Don’t have Netflix.

30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? I grew up with both, but I’m more of a Harry Potter fan.

31. When do you feel accomplished? When I can finally tick off something from my to-do list. 😭

32. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars. I haven’t watched any Stark Trek movie. ):

33. Paperback books or hardback books? Paperback! It’s cheaper and easier to carry, lol. Hardbacks are gorgeous though.

34. To live in a world without literature or without music? I refuse to decide, or live in any way like that.

35. Pale faded colours or vibrant colours? Pale and faded. 

36. Good characterization with a bad plot or a good plot with bad characterisation? I can deal with good characterization but bad plot, because if I care about the characters, I can handle the bad plot. Also, more fanfiction. Lol.

37. Favourite Disney movie? Mulan. ❤️ 

38. TV show adaptations or movie adaptations? I appreciate both.

39. Museum or library? Library! My stomach’s in excited knots the moment I enter a library, lol.

40. High School Musical or Camp Rock? Neither. I grew up with it, but I didn’t enjoy it as much. ):

41. Three songs that have a special meaning to you? Oh, shit, this is hard. These are what popped up in my head (I hope musical numbers count HAHAHA):
Misery by Maroon 5
Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara
Audition: “The Fools Who Dream” (from La La Land)
42. what happened to question 42 where is it

43. Favourite smells? The smell of freshly baked bread. Recently steamed rice. Old and new books!

44. If you could do your life over, would you and why? Not really. I don’t think I would be the person I am today, if I didn’t go through what I’ve gone through.

45. Would you kill someone you love to save 20 strangers? I refuse to. There has to be a way to save them all.

46. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want it to be? An EDM concert, or a silent disco! Like, the kind you put headphones and dance to the DJ’s music? I’ve always wanted to dance wild in concerts like that.

47. If you had to pick one colour to represent you as a person, what would it be and why? Purple. I’m a royal motherfucker.

48. What passion would you pursue if there were no restrictions on your life (money, time, ability/education, etc)? Writing. But fuck restrictions, I’m pursuing it anyway.

49. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be (can also be a mythical one)? A DRAGON. That would be a dream come true.

50. What is your spirit animal? My friend’s pet puppy named Toby. The little guy is so shy around new people, but so crazy when he’s comfortable around them, lol. Just like me.
TAGGING @avengerschatroom @avengers-fics @courtneychicken @riddikuluslyemily @zadyalyss @littlemisssyreid @marvelfic @reysky-walker @hunters-from-stark-tower @imbuckiebarnes @jamesbuckybananabarnes -- because I want to get to know all y'all better! but only if you want to ehehe – and anyone who’d like to do it! 😊
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Flowers on my doorstep: Chapter 4
A/N: This ones for @DeniseBlair2. Thanks for lighting a fire up my ass, So to speak and getting me to update. I hope y'all like this one, it’s not my best, but enjoy, I’ll get better. Promise.
“Okay.” I agreed, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulder and a new hope set in. Maybe things in Miami would be better than even I thought. “Thank you Camila.”
“For what?” She asked simplistically.
“For not..um…” Damn I lost the word again. What was it? “Re..re..Fuck.” I muttered frustratedly, looking away from Camila feeling embarrassed. “I can’t remember the word.” I told her, opting for honestly seeing as that what we were doing…Honesty hour and all that jazz…
“Is that part of having a brain injury? Forgetting words?” She asked sympathetically.
“Um…yeah. Sorry.” I apologised feeling like a idiot.
“Hey, don’t apologies. It’s not your fault.” She insisted kindly, but it kind of was my fault. If I hadn’t been such a selfish idiot that day I probably would never have ended up half brain dead. But I didn’t want Camila to feel bad about not being able to make me feel better so I just smiled appreciatively and continued (not)watching the movie onscreen for the rest of the night until I had to go back to my room for the night because I had class tomorrow and I wouldn’t be able to go if I didn’t get enough sleep. So, I said my goodbyes and thank you’s before shuffling back to my room.
Today I woke up feeling incredibly fatigued and I noticed my movements and coordination was not the best which frustrated me to no end, but nevertheless I got up and dressed to head out to my first class: music. I had always wanted to study music before everything that happened I was even given scholarships from prestigious colleges, because I was very good. I’d like to think I was still good at music and somewhere deep down inside of me was that talent I had before, but the reality always hits and soon I realised I couldn’t play the piano as well as I did before, nor could I even pronounce the words properly; let alone sing them, but I definitely wanted to try. I was here to learn. That’s what my mom always told me. We go to school to learn, not to acknowledge genius.
So before I knew it I was sat in the music room jigging my leg nervously waiting for the lesson to begin as I watched more and more people filter in, but no one stopped to talk to me, which made me sad because I tried to smile at them and appear friendly but it didn’t work. Until a familiar face walked in and I jumped up waving and smiling to get her attention. “C-Camila.” I called her over hopefully.
“Hey there.” She smiled and sat down next to me. “I didn’t know you was in this class.”
“Yes! Started late.” I explained to her.
“Oh yeah. Sorry, I’m an idiot sometimes.” She laughed, but I didn’t think it was funny. People shouldn’t laugh at themselves.
“No. You’re n-not an idiot.” I reaffirmed.
“I can be.” She dismissed, “Anyway, how are you finding Miami?”
“It is good. Different, but good.” I told her.
“Must be a nice change from the New York weather. I went there once with my family and it was freezing, like I think I almost died. Plus, you New Yorkers are scary people.”
“Only some. I’m nice!” I insisted, because I didn’t want her to not be my friend because she thought I was mean. I tried not to be. I hated hurting people, I would never do it.
“I dunno, you’re a bit intimidating. I think it’s the whole New Yorker vibe you’re giving off.” She said nudging my side playfully and tried my hardest not to shift away in a panic. I didn’t want her to think I was weird, especially now that she knows.
“But I’m from Miami.” I informed her and proving my point of not being scary because technically I’m not a New Yorker.
“Oh, well…it must just be because you’re hot.” She smirked and my face heated up an uncomfortably fast rate.
I was hot? No one had ever called me hot before…Lucy had always called me fat and ugly, but she said that’s how other people saw me, not her, because she loved me and would be the only one to ever love me, but Normani - my friend- said that people who truly love you would never hurt you, so I’m not sure. But I do know one thing. I like being called hot.
“Um- thank you Camila, no ones ever told me that before.” I blushed, looking down at my hands in my lap.
“You’re welcome Lauren.” she laughed. ‘And that’s insane by the way, because you’re like so gorgeous, that if I saw you walking down the street I’d probably run the other way.“ Camila added.
The way she spoke was like she was in Lala land and had no awareness of other people or even a filter between her brain and her mouth. It was refreshing to be around someone so raw. Everyone else I knew from home would always second guess themselves not wanting to say the wrong thing and inevitably not saying anything at all. in the first few months after I woke up, no one ever really said anything to me. They’d just sit there and try not to cry I think. The only person whoever spoke to me properly like they did before was my best friend Normani. She would always talk to me, even when I couldn’t say anything back, even when she was still angry at me for going back to her time and time again.
"You’re funny Camila.” I laughed happily for the first time in a long time.
“Why thank you Lauren. I have a feeling we are going to get along quite well.” she said in a fancy voice that made me throw my head back and laugh again just as the professor walked in and called order to the room so I had to quickly stifle my laughter but it erupt again and have to muffle it with my hand when ever Camila gave me a look, deliberately trying to get me to laugh out even harder. it was nice to be able to laugh about something for once in my life.
“Alright guys as part of your grade you will be performing at the Miami amphitheatre to a crowd of no less than 200 people, so please collect your assigned music scores from me and we shall begin rehearsals now.” The kind dark skinned teacher spoke reassuringly. “Oh and before I forget…which I quite Cleary did…we have a new student.” she said causing the class to laugh at her joke as she rolled her eyes at herself then pointed me out. “This is Lauren Jauregui and I hope you all give her a nice warm welcome and are just as supportive with her as you are with each other. Now my children, lets make some music!” She clapped her hands excitedly and everyone got up to collect their scores.
“Lauren, can you come over here for a moment please?” The young tattooed teacher called me over.
“Y-yes Miss?” I asked once I had made my way over to her desk anxiously, cursing my self for the stupid stutter I had today.
“Don’t look so worried. This is a fun class.” she smiled shifting through some files and pulling out a few pieces of paper. “So I have been informed of your injuries and as the teachers responsible for your wellbeing we have to offer support towards you, which I am more than willing to give you. So here are some forms I am going to need you to fill out to sign up for music therapy.” she said handing me the forms.
“M-Music Th-Th-therapy?” I question her and kicked myself at the stupid speech impediment I hated so much.
“Yep, its either that our a session with Steve our guidance counsellor- who is no the greatest and spends most of his time ranting about his problems and trying to get you to fix them. But you didn’t here that from me” She winked.
“Al-alright.” I nodded in agreement.
“Good, I look forward to it Lauren. but for now here are your scores. You’re on piano and vocals.” she said handing me a large wad of paper covered with music notations.
“Really?” I asked both excitedly and apprehensively. “What if I mess it up? Don’t you want someone..more c-capable than m-me?’
"I’ve seen what you can do Lauren. You have raw talent and I want you front and centre for this showcase and no, I don’t doubt your capabilities.”
“But..I’m not the same as before.”
“We’ll get there. Now go learn those new pieces. Don’t think I’ll be letting you off easy.” She said sternly, pointing a finger as I walked away.
“Yes Miss.” I agreed happy at that new piece of information, that people wouldn’t be treating me differently. I went and sat back down next to my new friend Camila who now had the same wad of papers in her hand. “Hi.” I breathed out slowly trying to control my stutter, because it was really prominent today. That’s why I usually spoke in shorter sentences, it was easier to control. The less words the better in my opinion.
“Hi, did you get your part?” She asked briefly glancing up from the papers that she was studying intensely.
“Y-yeah. I’m on v-vocals. P-piano. Y-you?” I asked, though I felt rude for not being able to ask in full sentences.
“That’s awesome, I’m on vocals too. Are you okay? You’re not nervous are you?” She asked sincerely and it hurt my feelings to know that I seemed abnormal. Because I didn’t want to seem weird, especially when I tried so hard. It took me two years for me to be able to speak coherently. I never lost my speech entirely, but when I woke up I couldn’t control my muscles enough to articulate the words I wanted to say, not to mention the feelings of disorientation I had from waking up in hospital and all the distressing memories that came flooding back from what happened.
“N-no. Not n-nervous.” I stuttered giving up trying to hide it and opting to just point to my brain considering she already knew. “B-Brain.” I explained.
“Oh! I’m so sorry.” Camila pleaded. “I didn’t mean to- I didn’t know that it caused you to speak funny. Not that you speak funny! I just meant I didn’t know you had a speech impediment. You spoke fine yesterday.” She rambled on clearly freaked out and doing that thing everyone did when they tip toed around me trying not to cause any offence.
“I-its okay. It comes and it g-goes. ’M not used to long d-days.” I tried to explain the best I could.
“I understand. It’s the same with me. Not with a brain injury obviously but with my OCD.” She spoke but I quickly rushed forward and put a finger to her mouth to silence her because I didn’t want anyone to know, not yet. I didn’t want to be know as the weird girl with brain damage before they even got to know me.
“Oh sorry. Don’t you want people to know?” Camila asked in a hushed tone, once I moved my hand away but only after I was sure she would stay quiet.
“N-not yet please?” I begged.
“Okay that’s fine. I didn’t know sorry.” She apologised again. “I’ll make sure to be more careful.”
“Thank you.” I breathed relief. Camila really was very nice and way too pretty and cool to ever want to be my friend. So I don’t know why she’s actually paying attention to me. “I’m n-not t-tak-king y-y-you away  from y-your f-f-f-friends, am I?” I asked inwardly cursing myself for being so stupid and inept that I could even finish my sentence.
“Not really. I’m actually grateful you’re here.” She said much to my disbelief. “You see that guy over there? With the pinkish looking hair. He’s the one responsible for my tears that night.” She explained as I stared across the room at the pink-haired boy.
“He looks l-like he hasn’t showered in-na week.” I commented on his dirty appearance, but then feeling bad for putting him down, because that wasn’t a very nice thing to do to people and I didn’t want to be that type or person. Not ever. “B-But h-he has nice hair.” I told her, looking at the soft pink colour of his hair. I liked the colour pink, it didn’t hurt as much as the other colours did to look at. “I-It’s pink like my glasses.”
“You wear glasses?!” She asked shocked.
“Yes-s, why?” I asked confuse as to her shock. Didn’t most people wear glasses.
“No reason.” She shook her head looking away, but I didn’t believe her because she was acting weirder than before.
“T-tell m-me. P-please.” I asked feeling insecure now. Did she not want me to wear glasses?! “I’m sorry. I..um..w-won’t w-wear them-m if it’s t-too embarra”- I tripped on the big word-“ embarrassing for you.”
“Huh? What? no! It’s not that. Trust me, it’s not that. Who would even care enough to think that?” She laughed awkwardly trying to backtrack me. “You just don’t seem the…type? To wear glasses.”
“D-didn’t. Brian.” I tapped my head, reminding her.
“Yeah, well you’re still too hot to look like the type to wear glasses.” She mumbled and my eyes went wide because she said it again. I was going to call her out on it, but I didn’t want to because generally questioning someone didn’t end well for me.
“P-piano?” I asked, changing subject looking around the room for a piano but there was none. Just a few hand held instruments, like guitars, violins and bongos. As well as a few mic stands dotted around the room.
“Oh yeah. It’s through that door.” Camila pointed to a door to the left of us and slightly in front of the Miss Parrish’s desk.
“I can go?” I asked hesitantly not wanting to go in case I wasn’t allowed, even though other students had instruments in their hands.
“Yeah, just walk straight through that door. It’s a huge grand piano. You can’t miss it.” She smiled before looking back down to her paper, which she was currently scratching notes all over. So I quietly got up and made my way over to the door passing the desk where Miss Parrish gave me a reassuring thumbs up.
Wow. The piano was beautiful and I could see my reflection, as I approached it, from the top of the shiny surface that glistened against the white of the keys. Just by looking at it I felt my pulse quicken in both excitement and nerves. I hadn’t tried playing the piano in ages, what if I wouldn’t be able to play it the same?
Timidly, I sat down on the stool and slowly lifted my hands to place upon the keys not yet daring to press the down. I racked by brain for a song, one I wouldn’t forget and found the piece of knowledge I needed as I moved my hands up the piano to play in a higher octave and pressed down on the fist set of keys allowing the beautiful sound of the piano to ring out in the room before moving to the next notes. Slowly but surely I managed to play the first bar, but the song got harder from there and I found myself stumbling over the notes and not being able to press them down in synchronisation. Let alone move up and down the piano. The more I tried the more I failed and eventually the angel outweighed my determination.
I felt so incredibly frustrated at myself that I couldn’t even control my anger and got up and kicked over the music stand that stood at the front of the room, feeling the rush of anger exude from my body. Before sinking down to the floor, feeling the cold of the wall up against my back as tears trickled from my eyes. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to be like this. I wanted to be hopeful like they said, but how could I when I was hopeless. The only thing in the world I was actually good at, the only thing that gave me any peace had been taken away from me by the very same person who had taken away everything else. She had reduced me to nothing and I hated her for it. I hated her. I hated her. I HATED HER!
I wanted to scream but even then I knew I wouldn’t be able to because my words would fall out into a jumbled up pile of mess onto the floor.
So I just sat there, on the floor, in the silence - that signalled nothing more than my failure - until the bell rang signalling the end of the period and I heard people filling out of the classroom and when it was silent I did too; picking up the music stand before making my way out the door.
“Lauren? Everything okay?” Miss Parrish asked, but I didn’t feel like talking. I didn’t feel like acknowledging my failure as a human being. So, I ignored her, grabbed my bag and left quickly without even glancing at the nice professor and bumping directly into Camila outside of the room.
“Whoa, are you okay? What happened?” She asked concertedly. But I didn’t want to talk to her either. Not now, not when I couldn’t speak two words without stuttering. Not when I knew I wouldn’t be able to control my temper. Damn, was there anything I could control? I laughed bitterly to myself and shook my head at Camila.
“No, you’re not okay? Or no, you don’t want to talk?” She asked following my gaze as I adverted all the way to the floor and shrugged my shoulders, because despite my feelings, I didn’t want to push her away when we were just becoming friends. “Well if you’ve got a free period now, how about we go get some coffee?” She asked, but I was hesitant. “Come on. It’s the best coffee shop in town.” She tempted, wiggling her eyebrows comedically, trying to get me to laugh or something. So I just nodded.
“Cool, follow me.” She sang pointing out a finger and diving into the direction of the courtyard like supergirl.
“Tastes good, right?”
“Mhmm.” I hummed sipping my drink, I had opted for a hot chocolate instead. Not wanting to risk adding caffeine into my diet and messing with my neurones. But damn did I miss drinking coffee.
“You wanna talk?” She offered gently as we sat on a small circular table in the middle of the thankfully quiet cafe.
“I- um. C-c-c-c-can’t.” I stuttered profusely and looked away embarrassed and angry at myself. She was really going to think I was weird now. Good Job Lauren.
“Sure you can. You’re doing just fine.” Camila encouraged nonchalantly, much to my surprise.
“R-r-really?” I asked flabbergasted, because that was not how I’d describe the nonsense gibberish coming out of my mouth.
“Yep. I can understand you. So I don’t see a problem and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t mind because I could just sit here and stare at you face as you spoke.” She said, but I didn’t understand why, because it’s not like my voice sounded interesting when I was stuttering all over the place.
“O-Okay.” I started, preparing my next sentence. “-
"So do you wanna tell me?” Camila laughed. Doing that thing people always did where they didn’t give me chance to get my words out. Sometimes they got lost between my mouth and my brain. But I didn’t call her out on it, because that wouldn’t be nice for her and I’d probably seem rude to someone who was just trying to help.
“I…..c-c-can’t…p-play. I t-t-tried b-but…” damnit this was getting increasingly tricky as I tried to rush through my sentences, so I held up my hands to signal my fingers as she waited patiently for me to get my words out. “They…w-won’t…..w-w-work.” I explained as best I could hoping I made sense.
“Well that fucking sucks, because I really needed a piano backing for my A-mazing vocals.” She joked successfully making me laugh and throw my head back in a giggle that racked my body so much that I couldn’t control the happiness that began to radiate all through my body and slowly drive out the anger and frustration.
“You’re funny.” I spoke smiling at her as she watched me drinking her all black coffee.
“And you just spoke a full sentence without stuttering.” She pointed out, placing her coffee cup down on the coaster decorated with old vintage buildings.
“I-I did?!” I exclaimed, wide-eyed and jaw-dropped.
“Did.” She enunciated the word signifying its past tense jokingly so I knew she wasn’t putting me down. I liked this girl, despite her casual smugness. “But I was serious. I do need a pianist for my piece, so, we are going to have to get you back up to scratch again.” She looked at me seriously with a promise in her eye.
“We?” I questioned.
“We.” She confirmed, holding up her pinky for a promise and I grabbed hold of it with mine and she kissed the end by her thumb, confusing me.
“You’ve gotta seal it with a kiss.” She said locking eyes with me. They were a lovely shade of brown that disappeared from my sight as I bent my head down and sealed in the promise with my lips just like she had.
I was going to play the piano again.
My Wattpad is MidnightCrossings, in case any of y'all want faster updates cause I tend to forget to submit them on here. 😁
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