#sort of sequel to divine intervention
kimium · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Summary:
One shot. Modern AU. Supernatural Powers AU. Sort of Sequel to Divine Intervention. Gift Fic.
“Sure, I’ll do it. Who am I meeting?”
“Xander, the CEO for Nohrian Enterprises. He’s a fan of the arts but I’m certain you’ve heard of all his charitable works throughout the years. A delight considering how his father…” Cathy coughed. “Anyways, I will send all the relevant information to you soon.”
Inigo absentmindedly nodded as his mind turned over the name “Xander” like a smooth stone found in a stream. Nohrian Enterprises. Didn’t he hear something about Nohr recently? Inigo’s brain kept drawing blanks and with a deep sigh he shoved the thought aside. That was a problem for later Inigo, not current Inigo."
Xander, who is making a charitable donation to a dance studio wishes to meet their lead dancer for their upcoming show. Said lead dancer happens to be Inigo. (Oh, and Inigo can see ghosts. He asks that you ignore that fact, please.)
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays @someobscurereference!!! Here is your Christmas fic for the year!! I had a hard time landing on an idea that stuck with me, so I decided to write a soft sequel to your birthday fic, Divine Intervention. I hope you like this story as you relax over this break!
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This is my first Tumblr post, so sorry if I break some sort of convention.
Alright, I know we’re all bummed that Sabezra is separated again. However, thanks to the sequels we know that there is such a thing as a force dyad. It really seems that a lot of the storytelling in the shows serves to clean up around the movies…TCW did this for the prequels and Mando, Ahsoka, etc are going back and elaborating for the sequels. Grogu did force healing. Now, which character suddenly had a massive increase in her force abilities as soon as she reunited with Ezra?
Lots of people complained about about Rey and Ben just suddenly coming into this dyad. Ezra and Sabine have a LOT of history and have now chased each other across multiple galaxies. It makes more sense that they would develop some sort of special force connection than just about anyone else. Moreover, Sabine resolved the conflict within her at the end of Ahsoka season 1. She let Ezra go. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about him. It means that they have a healthy relationship where they can respect where they both need to be, unlike at the end of Rebels where they were very much in conflict. So I expect Sabine to retain her powers if not grow in them. Now what does that mean? First, the downsides. Force dyads, like Star Wars relationships, pretty much only have a history of ending tragically. Much as I’d like for them to catch the next purgill to the other galaxy, they will need to respect each other’s independence. “We are one when parted.” Ezra needs to deal with Thrawn and Ahsoka and Sabine need to figure out what’s going on with the Mortis Gods on Peridia. Still, I imagine that their paths will cross again.
Now the positives: There can be force Skype calls. It might take them a minute to figure out how or take some sort of divine intervention, but we have plenty of that just sort of lying around at the moment. There might be an “our lightsaber” moment—yeah I know Ezra made a new one, but it would still be epic. This has less to do with the force dyad theory I’m proposing, but if someone was gonna train Grogu it should be Sabine and I think there’s good reason to have Ezra there too. If, as some people are, you wanna insist that Sabine noticing the baby Noti is foreshadowing then rather than the unlikely conclusion that she wants a child, it could foreshadow that she’s going to teach The Child.
All in all, there’s hope for these kids yet. Their bond has been tested yet again and it’s stronger than ever. They’re the right person for each other. Eventually it’ll be the right time too.
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nebulouscoffee · 2 years
Ooooh, I def want to hear more about the one tentatively titled Live With It
Thank you so much! 😊
This fic has a premise I legitimately cannot even describe with a straight face, and that is- "The ghost of Benjamin Sisko follows Elim Garak around post-canon Cardassia like that chef from Ratatouille, trying to convince him to leave".
I... don't know how to tell you this ridiculousness is also meant to be an unflinching look at the Bajoran Occupation and a spiritual sequel to ITPM and an examination of their roles as servant of Cardassia/protector of Bajor, retroactive storyteller/omniscient protagonist, corruptor/corrupted (which goes both ways!) and also the fascinating parallels between them, their complicated relationships with morality and agency and self-determination and power, with growing less and less connected to the low-to-high-key colonialist superpowers they're from and finding a new life in loss and "exile"? There's a lot going on, which is why I've been sitting on it so long! I just really want it to be good hehe
What happens is, five years post-canon, Garak wakes up one morning to find Sisko just chilling in his house. (Sisko's sort of a non-corporeal projection here, and also a top tier troll- no one else but Garak can see him lol.) He's gone around reconnecting with his family and crew, and now it's Garak's turn- he's like, we never got closure after that stunt you pulled during the war; but you exposed all the flaws in my dearly-held belief system and showed me what needed to be done, now watch me do the same. And Garak's like uh oh, he doesn't know that I've secretly been growing more and more disillusioned by the year as Cardassia slides back into extreme fascism (in this verse) and wondering if I even belong here anymore... but of course, Sisko's been to the Celestial Temple, he knows! Garak is sort of where Sisko was at the beginning of the show- he's languishing in a place that's killing him slowly, and needs something (aka divine intervention) to kick his butt into gear and make him turn his life around. Sisko's essentially here to save Garak's soul, in a way- the whole fic is one long, involved, and of course very snarky debate.
Tbh this all began with a challenge to myself, which was- can you convincingly make Garak leave Cardassia, voluntarily, without a garashir element? Garak's last scenes on the show have him condemning Cardassia's "legacy of arrogance and aggression", so it's easy for me to see him wanting to- but harder to see him actually doing it, stubborn lizard that he is. I first thought that if any non-Julian character could convince him, it would be Kira- but I've written so much with them already, and what would her motivation even be? And then it clicked! Which was great, because I'd always wanted to write more Sisko and Garak- I love all their scenes on the show so much. This is (sadly, sadly) going to be a gen fic- but also, HELP I literally cannot get them to stop flirting (Garak especially! Like holy Prophets my dude, calm down just a little bit😂)
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Do you plan to make a sequel for Naughty for this year Christmas? I ask because it is one of my favorite stories of yours. But also, because I need to know what happened the next morning after the cock size transfer. I have fantasized about Ralph waking up, hoping everything had been a nightmare, only to found himself to have a baby dick. And how there is nothing he can do about it.
But I also imagine he would have a hard time changing his ways. I suppose he would just stop interacting with Parker as much as possible. But Parker seems the kind of guy who wouldn't willingly provoke Ralph now that the tables had turn to some extent, so maybe there could be a chance Ralph betters himself.
Maybe having a baby dick now makes Ralph learn what empathy is, since now the jabs about the lack of size would be directed to him?
I don't know. But unlike Brandon, for example, Ralph has a year to actually improve as a person. At least towards Parker. And wouldn't have to interact with Parker that much since he goes to college. So there could be a possibility he improves truly. But knowing what happens to bullies in your stories, it could be very likely he somehow forgets the very real possibility he could lose it all, and ends up ensuring Krampus punishes him again.
It would be funny, however, if somehow Ralph ended up appreciating his new size and liking it. Following the funny thread, I don't think he would be the kind of guy who could work on Acorn, even if he is clearly qualified when it comes to the size department.
I really don't have any plans to do a followup to that fic. I kind of need to start thinking of holiday fics since that's right around the corner, but with things like Naughty, it kind of works better as a one off than as a series. Like, I get that it could be a christmas miracle style thing where he learns the error of his ways, but... I'm not seeing it. Although... I had that fic sitting in WIPs for yeaarrsss. Like, in the original drafts, I was kicking around the idea of a choose your own adventure style thing where you could choose to grow the main guy or shrink the bully brother and maybe a few other possibilities. Like, if you grew the main guy, he gets a visit from Kris instead. This is why the intros to Naughty was very similar to the older Have Yourself a Megalithic Christmas
(I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but I tend to name characters in my holiday fics after characters from Christmas movies.
Ralphie Parker - A Christmas Story
Scott Calvin - The Santa Clause
George Bailey - It's a Wonderful Life)
Honorable mention, the dudes in a Halloween fic a few years back were Jaimie, Lee, and Curtis.
But back on topic, Ralph was kinda designed to be... I dunno if unredeemable is the right word, but sort of untouchable due to how the parents always sided with him, and so Parker needed divine intervention to get any justice. Once that happens, the narrative feels satisfied.
Also worth mentioning that I don't know if getting his dick shrunk will change much vis a vis Ralph's status with his parents. Ralph will probably pull his punches with Parker now, especially since he lives in fear of further visits from Krampus, but aspects of his life that don't revolve around his dick will remain semi-unchanged. He's still a big, buff jock and will probably go on to have a semi-successful life as like a car salesman or something. His ego will be thoroughly deflated, but he'll still be charismatic in a smarmy way. Part of why he wouldn't work as an Acorn guy. He just does not have the type of personality that would be appealing to the clientele.
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hellomynamiseglaf · 4 years
🌰Chestnuts and Warm Milk🍂
My List of ~Favorites~ for Interactive Fiction and Visual Novels
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(This is a work in progress so please bear with me)
Interactive Fiction:
The Wayhaven Chronicles (WIP Series in Development) - @seraphinitegames  (Look,,, I’m just... obsessed.. I can’t stop thinking abt it,,, and I'm..... sometimes, I read and I think I feel like I know what love is.)
Mind Blind (WIP) - @mindblindbard (I just,, UGH it’s so good. I can't even say that much because my feelings about it are so potent that everytime I see an update I try to tell myself to leave it alone to play larger portions of updates as a treat and everytime my willpower FAILS and I replay the demo like twice in a row)
Demon: Recollect ; Forsaken (WIP) - both by @bathalafiction (whew...WHEW!!! Are you kidding me?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Look. I was attached to Demon: Recollect. I loved it. And then I played the Forsaken WIP and now I can't get over my absolutely BOMB character design for my player persona. Also it's kind of fun being considered a jerk in the game, because it opens up a lot of different options that I usually feel bad about taking)
Shadow Society - @carawenfiction (the concept is so interesting,, I dream of more. Also Quaiel...baby...)
The Soul Stone War - @intimidatingpuffinstudios (also whew!! I really enjoyed it and the characters all picture themselves really vividly in my mind for some reason.)
Greenwarden (WIP) - @fiddles-ifs (reading this is like thick fog.. but in a good way? I don't know how to describe it without pictures but this IF smells like fog over wet grass)
Divine Intervention (WIP) - @divineinterventiongame (the concept?? UGH SO GOOD. For some reason it's always the first game I click to check for updates)
Golden (WIP) - @milaswriting (😈😈😈😈)
Blood/line (WIP) - @bloodlineoffical (simply put,,, LARRY)
Supernatural in New York ; The Bastard of Camelot (both WIPs) - @llamagirl28  (UGH Both of these are so good in their own ways but equally as exciting to see updates for. I haven't consolidated my feelings much further than "my MC for SiNY is so cute" and "Mordred is a child" but they're all generally positive.)
Ace of Spades (WIP) - @steph-writing (I keep thinking about,,, con........)
Nevermoore (WIP) - @asteristories (AHHHHH.... let me say it again for those in the back: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Son of Satan: The Mortal Coil (WIP) - @sosthemortalcoil (YES.)
Shepherds of Haven (WIP) - @shepherds-of-haven (yes. I just have to sigh because it's very good and I like saying those funny little words of power. But also outside of the game I can only picture this game as a great, grey border collie)
Attollo (WIP) - @attollo (Also a very interesting concept, whoo... I almost forgot how immersive it was untill I played the demo again and was reminded of how 'into it' I was straight off the bat. Also the seperate, short little piece on the blog with Sysba was also really good and I had a dream about it the other day)
Into the Shadows (WIP) - @wynnakang​ (whooo.... I'm sighing again, but louder. I press restart and play the demo again)
A Comedy of Manors (WIP) - @sviyaginthegreat (I kept replaying options that I hadn't chosen before because I wanted there to be more lmao)
Fallen Hero: Rebirth - @fallen-hero (I think there's a sequel coming up? I haven't stopped thinking about this storyline since I finished it omg... the.. the details are really good and I've become ridiculously attached to my tragic villain? Character... she IS the standard for my reusable IF persona, or at least one of my most prominent ones ;-D )
Samurai of Hyuga (WIP series) - (I'm pretty sure multiplechoicestudios.com is the development blog for this game, or at least what I've been checking for updates..... this is a series with four book currently out.... and I've been playing through book 4 at slower than a snail's pace in a desperate attempt to prolong my experience. I really didn't think I was going to like it as much as I did but I got a little too into it and now I'm horribly attached to all the characters)
The Porthecrawl Witness(WIP) - @porthecrawl-witness (I'm pretty sure this is a WIP?? But ugh. SCREEEEEE- it's so good. It's SO GOOD. I really want to punch Talbot in the face. And Asher, if for a different reason. And sort of Staci just to try. Quinn is just a cutie I could never hurt him like that. Ugh but they're all so good and I forgot that I was reading a WIP untill it suddenly was over..... I'mfeeling really aggressive rn as I'm writing this, so please just note that the punch comment is meant as a statement on how interesting the concept and immersiveness of the characters and story is)
Forgotten Names (WIP) - by Alexandra_Zorila on the CoG Forum (turn the volume up. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Look, look. It's..... delicious. It's SO interesting and I obsessively have a tab open on my computer to check for updates)
OFNA: Birds of a Feather (WIP) - @ofna (the vibes are so grey and smoky but the fog is definitely from a party smoke machine and the room is only dark because the walls are taped with those huge sheets of black construction paper that teachers use to cover their bulletin boards with... the game definitely falls in the 'dark and mysterious' genre but something just strikes me as really funny when I play it. Anyway it's good and it's in a lot if recommended lists for a reason. Also I'm very attached to my American Goldfinch)
More Things in Heaven and Earth (WIP) - @morethingsgame (in the same way that it's fun to play Guenevere in the Guenevere game or Mordred in The Bastard of Camelot, playing Ophelia in the sort-of Hamlet story is really fun. If anyone has read the Missing collection- which I absolutely love- by Margaret Peterson Haddix, this gives me similar vibes for some reason. Anyway, I really want to give Hamlet a hug and make him a flower crown or something)
A Tale of Crowns (WIP) - @ataleofcrowns (It's kind of not even funny how much I love this game... It's hard to even describe why I like it, just that it's so well rounded in terms of the story, characters, dialogue, and relationships. It's such an interesting plotline and it's pretty immersive. Also the first time I read the demo, there was an update as I was reading and the high that sent me on has very rarely been matched. Also Dara running to save my Crown in the tunnel?? 🤚😩🤭💓 ugh. UGH!! That's good food for my fool heart)
Scout: An Apocalypse Story (WIP)- @anya-dev (I'm usually not that into apocalypse themes/plots but I really enjoyed this game, and the plot was very good and intruiging... it really pulled me in and I like my character in the story a lot. I don't know why but it tastes like chikuwa, atsuage, and this specific type of carmelized onions that my mom makes sometimes)
Nothing left to burn (WIP)- @clowdee-works (......ouch. I *knew* what was going to happen and I STILL became attached to Drew)
Smoke and Velvet - @roast-ifs (It's good. And I am VEDY much into my character design. Also the story is really interesting, and I enjoy the setting a lot somehow)
Speaker (WIP)- @speakergame (very fun to play, and each update gets me more interested in the aspects of the plot. I also really like the little descriptions of what the characters think of the player)
The Nameless (WIP)- @parkerlyn (interesting plot, I like the characters a lot, and The aesthetics of this world are so interesting. Definitely had a good time visualizing what everything looked like)
Fields of Asphodel (WIP) - @asphodelgame (I think it's really cute so far!!! I like mythology in general, and the persephone/hades dynamic is *mwah!*... I like the way the story progresses in the beginning, and I think it works well in drawing the reader into the world. I also very much enjoy petting large dogs.)
...there are so much more.. and I have followed so many blogs.........
I'm not sure why I can't find it rn but there's this one WIP game that I really like where the MC buys a manor for like dollar and moves to go live there with her best friend and shenanigans ensue as they try to settle in and fix up the estate
Harbringer (WIP) - @harbringercog (....are you KIDDING me?? I was fully planning on just enjoying the demo and keeping a mental note to update the list sometime later,,, but this game... THIS GAME really made me fold. It's very immersive and regardless of how nervous the author claims to be after releasing the demo, it's of my humble opinion that those nerves can be calmed. It's very good. I was planning on procrastinating and reading a little bit and then going back to this essay I need to write, but somehow I got pulled in and ended up reading through the whole demo and it's apparent that I honestly had no chance of getting through this without becoming invested in the plot.... just... so good.. I'm very excited to see how this will progress)
Visual Novels:
Andromeda 6 (WIP) - @andromeda-six​  (I repeat: Obsessed, I come back every few months to see an update and I fall deeper into the hole every time...)
To the Edge of the Sky (WIP,, probably) - by Ajané (??) on Steam (I think, it’s been a while)
Next on my list to check out: Perfumare by pdrrook
Does.... does The Arcana game by Nix Hydra count as VN?? If so, then yes.
Similarly, the FictIF games are all entertaining, although Last Legacy and Heir to Love and Lies are my favorites rn (and.....unfinished....)
I also don't know if this counts, because I kind of consider Otome games to be their own genre, but on the Love 365: find your story by Voltage Inc. There are a bunch of fun stories, my favorite of which are: the Shinichi Kagari route on After School Affairs and the Saejima and Keiichiro routes on Bad Boys do it Better
..To be continued...
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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Sweeties, it’s time for
I’m In The Mood For A Fic Where…
1.  Ahhh mojo your blog makes my world go round and back and around again.  [You’re so sweet!] I was wondering if you could help me out with your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where".. I'm looking for two types of fics
A) fics in which WWX regains his core somehow (either by working on it, divine intervention, core sharing, anything!!) I so desperately want my boy to have his precious and favourite sword back (◡ ω ◡)
B) fics where WWX (or LWJ) *almost* marries someone else.
Thank you for your help!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~❤️ ~ @akyra-talanoa​
nothing gold can stay by rikke (M, 10k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (not rated [G], 15k, wangxian, my post)
the path to heaven / immortal wangxian by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 51k, wangxian)
Chimera by nirejseki (T, 18k, wangxian)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, 3zun)
24 Hours by tailor31415 (E, 6k, wangxian)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, wangxian)
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian by antebunny (G, 43k, wangxian)
to swim through the fires by littledust (M, 37k, wangxian)
❤️Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 46k, wangxian, my post)
Rebound Betrothal by mondengel (not rated (G), 2k, wangxian, my post)
History Will Call Us Wives by silvermarie (E, 17k, wangxian)
today was a smoking sky by typefortydeductions (E, 38k, wangxian)
2.  hello! any recs wangxian modern au/mpreg? please and thank you!
Here’s my mpreg post (mostly current) and also
Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 54k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Winter Moon, White Rabbit by nachttour (E, 62k, wangxian, WIP)
Stale Spice, Sandalwood, and Nests by Tyongslips (M, 18k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hello!! This might not be specific enough to find anything, but I was looking for modern wangxian fics that have a very distinct italicized 'oh' moments together? Like both of them or either of the pair doing something that makes them suddenly realize
every time we kiss i swear i could fly by sarahyyy (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
【那夏天的我們】a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans (G, 60k, wangxian)
not in so many words by jaws_3 (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
4.  In the mood for fics where WWX is genuinely afraid of LWJ, believing that he will kill him/hurt him/cast him out/haul him back to Gusu for punishment; with emphasis on LWJ's reaction when he realizes and it hits him like a sack of bricks, and ideally on his efforts to regain WWX's trust. Not looking for something where LWJ really does wish WWX significant harm, but it's ok if he has well-intended ideas that he doesn't realize would hurt him. Any time period, canon version, or AU is good. Example: decay by antebunny.
5.  Hi there! First of all thank you for making such a helpful blog. I have been reading tons of great stories due to you.  [I’m so glad!] Secondly I would love to read a fic (a) where lwj is a single dad and then meets wwx (b) Best modern au fics with lots of angst. Thanks!!! ~ @pastashouldbeeatenwithafork​
❤️A Flower That Blooms In Adversity by thunderwear (M, 62k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
like wildflowers (we grow) by moonsteps (T, 80k, wangxian)
say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 69k, wangxian)
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 48k, wangxian)
tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 41k, wangxian)
paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 54k, wangxian)
love thy neighbor by wincechesters (M, 7k, wangxian)
No Need to Change a Tune by yeolinski (T, 10k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
A Sequence of Coming Outs by kippalittlefox (M, 24k, wangxian)
new york, i love you by Anonymous (T, 7k, wangxian)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32, wangxian)
An Ocean Between Us by feenwitch (E, 11k, wangxian)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, wangxian, *mind the tags!*)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian)
Momentum Deferred by DisasterBiAlert (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (E, 55k, wangxian)
there's no promised goodbye here by Anonymous (T, 54k, wangxian)
defective requiems by Misila (M, 9k, wangxian)
❤️Common love isn't for us by feyburner (M, 8k, wangxian, my post)
twice by Misila (T, 8k, wangxian)
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 27k, wangxian, my post)
6.  Hey! Can you rec some fics with wangxian being in cloud recesses or modern au of college?? Thanks!
I have tags for #students at cloud recesses and #college/university au
7.  Would you happen to know any fics where lqr and wwx actually get along and have a good relationship? Lqr the scholar he is and wwx the inventor/genious ???? There are a lot of possibilities there.  Thank you so much have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
Just Say Yes by edenwolfie (M, 312k, wangxian)
Post-war baby! by like_a_bird_that_flew (E, 23k, wangxian, WIP)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
8.  Hello! I love your fic recs and the hard work you do! I've discovered so many new favourites thanks to you! [Yay!] I was wondering if you know of any fics where they're shapeshifters or some such? Animals or wing-fics or something similar? ❤
I have an official tag for #animal transformation, and on my AO3 wangxian collection (which returns more search results than tumblr) here is the search for shapeshifter, and wingfic
over forests and mountains by beechtree (T, 9k, wangxian, WIP)
9.  hii do you know any fics that focus on lwj and lxc and their relation?? thanks <33
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
Brotherly Concern by Ibijau (G, 11k, wangxian, my post)
10.  hellooo! do you know any fics where jiang cheng finds a-yuan instead of lwj? thank you for all your recs btw, they're super helpful!!! [Thank you!]
grieve the living by Misila (M, 161k, wangxian)
Overflow the autumn pools by Mhalachai (T, 74k, jiang cheng & lan wangji)
11.  I love your blog! Thank you so much for all the wonderful recs! [Thank you!]  I don't suppose you know of any fics where WWX is a non-human entity of some sort, but presents or is disguised as a human? (Or maybe he even thinks he is human?)
Cruise the tags mentioned above in #8, too.
❤️Spellbound by Latios (T, 37k, wangxian, my post)
When fish soar by mondengel (G, 2k, wangxian, my post)
Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 111k, wangxian)
flame and rust by cl410 (M, 29k, wangxian, WIP)
❤️The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 376k, wangxian)
Ever Distant Shores by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (T, 69k wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hiii do you know any fics where wwx or lwj OR wangxian leave the cultivation world/retire/grow old together away from cultivation drama? Something like And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea , All that is solid melts into air by huxiyi , and that fic where post resurrection wwx just decides to not bother with dafan mountain and opens a flower shop:  focal, filler, and line by bosbie.
Dan Tian / Heaven by ArchiveWriter (T, 20k, wangxian, WIP)
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Moonpuddles (T, 3k, wangxian)
Pair of Swallows, you and I~ by Moonpuddles (T, 13k, wangxian, series in progress)
13.  Hello! Do you know any fics where wangxian has some incompatibility issues/dysfunctional relationship that isnt because of canon typical one braincell wwx, but because of more structural things like their mental age gaps, how wwx will prolly hate cloud recesses after the honeymoon bliss is over etc. Generally fics that show wangxian having to work to build the relationship
14.  Hi! Any wangxian onlyfans au fics? I read For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm and the ongoing sequel KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) and those were so good!!! I'd like to find more similar fics!
Temptation's Mask by threerings (E, 58k, wangxian, camboy wwx)
A ghost by the light of the phone by shibrogane (E, 10k, wangxian)
15.  Hey, do you have any fics where lxc doesn't like (or outright despises) wwx?
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
I don't like your boyfriend by lazulisong (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Do you know of any fics where the Lan Elders (unsuccessfully) try to make Lan Zhan marry someone other than Wei Ying?
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 41k, wangxian, WIP)
17.  Hii! Do you know any fics that similar to Ardent Desires by crestre / Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ? I've been searching for it and want to read fics that similar to those so bad. I hope you and your followers can help me! Thankyouuu
The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 17k, wangxian, WIP)
18.  Do you know any wangxian fics where either one or both of them are models/actors/musicians/famous in some way?
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
Patient came so hard from prostate exam he kicked me in the dick by Hades_the_Blingking (e, 17k, wangxian, my post)
An ocean in a drop (not a drop in the ocean) by dea_liberty (E, 10k, RPF, yizhan, my post)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
Make It Count by wearing_tearing (E, 47k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (e, 46k, wangxian, my post)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G, 13k, wangxian)
call me, beep me by myung (T, 39k, wangxian)
Rest by sassybluee (T, 115k, wangxian)
19.  hello, i'm searching for a fic where wwx like... transmigrates into mdzs/cql? like i think there were a couple of them and but i can't find them for some reason?
Untitled. by c11to (M, 61k, wangxian, WIP)
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five-rivers · 4 years
(1/3) I. Uh. Have an idea for a sequel to the pep talk short? Post-Kamino, Izuku is down on himself because he doesn't feel like a worthy successo to All Might. He's in some public space when a boy (Danny) asks him what's up and Izu (trying to keep ofa secret) says he's upset about how everyone talks about AM like he's dead. Danny (hiding everything about himself including seeing the vestiges) jumps on the topic, talking about everything awesome about him that didn't come from the quirk.
(2/3) (And yes, the vestiges add a lot, especially Nana) But he also manages to work in helping Izu (by talking generally about the emerging generation of young heroes) (Btw, Clockwork warned him about not mentioning his 'quirk' because he's a bad liar and Izu would poke holes in that story in 10 seconds) What Danny wasn't warned about is that Izuku was in that public space because he was waiting to meet up with Toshinori, who heard everything and recognized his friend from middle school.
(3/3) (maybe he confronts him or maybe he's just grateful for whatever kind of divine intervention this is)
Izuku’s hands trembled.  Which was.  A thing.  Had been a thing for a while, now, actually.  Since the sports festival.  
The fight against Muscular had made it worse.  
Not that he regretted saving Kouda or anything!  The opposite, really!  It was just...  He wished he had found some way to do it without shattering his arms.  Again.  
(Something dark within him whispered, go for his eyes.  The only muscles there are in the iris, and clearly they aren’t enough.  Take the prosthetic and slam it into-)
(No, he had said back, unwilling to go that far.  Unwilling to mutilate another human being to that extent, even a murderer.)
He winced internally, and rubbed his palm with his opposite hand.  He wondered if All Might, if Toshinori-san, ever thought like this about All for One.  
“-Kamino,” said someone passing behind the bench, taking quietly to the person they were walking with.  “It’s such a shame.”
“I know.  I just can’t believe he’s gone-”
This time, Izuku’s wince was external.  Ever since the Kamino Ward incident, he’d been overhearing conversations like that one.  More than once, he’d been on the receiving end of a conversation like that one.  Especially if he was out in public and in his UA uniform.  
Which he wasn’t right now.  He was in a low-key All Might brand hoodie.  For some reason, he’d been reluctant to wear the more... obvious ones anywhere Toshinori-san could see him.  That’d just be weird, right?
A pair of feet come into Izuku’s line of sight, and he looks up, surprised, to see a Caucasian boy standing in front of him.  The boy has black hair and blue eyes almost bright enough to rival All Might’s.  He is, perhaps, a year or two younger than Izuku.  
“Hi,” said the boy, waving.  “Are you okay?” he asked in flawless and unaccented Japanese.  
“Uh,” said Izuku.  “Y-yeah!  I’m fine.  Why?” 
“You looked kind of upset,” said the boy.  “Especially when those two girls walked by behind you.”  He tilted his head.  “Want to talk about it?  My sister says that sometimes it helps.  She’s studying to be a psychologist.”
“I don’t know...” said Izuku.  
“That’s okay,” said the boy, shrugging.  He sat down on the bench next to Izuku, a thick stream of mist emerging from his mouth as he did so.  He seemed unbothered by this.  “We could talk about something else.  Distractions are good, too.”
Izuku opened his mouth.  Closed it.  Frowned.  Well, if there was anything he was good at, it was chasing people off.
“Oh,” said the boy.  “I can sense quirks.  When someone with a quirk gets close to me, my body temperature drops.”  He shrugged.  “You dropped my body temperature a lot.  Your quirk is really strong.”
Izuku hunched his shoulders, too distracted by the last sentence to even start analyzing the boy’s (really cool!) quirk.  ‘His’ quirk.  If All Might had still had it at Kamino, would things have gone better?  Would he still be able to do hero work?
How much had Izuku taken from him?
“I bet a lot of people tell you that, though.”
Izuku startled.  Somehow, he’d forgotten the boy was even there.  
“It’s like...”  The boy trailed off, staring upward.  “It’s like, sometimes, people don’t see each other.  They only see quirks.  Strong quirks, weak quirks, villainous quirks, heroic quirks.  No quirk.  It’s silly, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?” asked Izuku.  “Are you saying quirks don’t matter?”  The first fourteen years of his life would like to disagree.
“No,” said the boy.  “They matter a lot.  Saying they didn’t would be like saying money doesn’t matter, or social status doesn’t matter.  But they’re not everything.  They’re not even the most important thing.”  The boy leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and resting his chin on his interlocked fingers.  “The most important thing is what you do with what you’ve got.  If someone has a quirk that can save thousands of lives, but they don’t use it, they can’t say they’re better than someone who has no quirk but saves someone anyway, don’t you think?  Even if it’s just one person.”
Izuku was flabbergasted, because that speech was far too tailored to him to random.  
“I mean, my sister is quirkless,” continued the boy.  “Ha, you probably don’t want to hear about my family, when you’ve got your own things to worry about.  Anyway, even if everyone is telling you that you have to use your quirk in one way, or they’re heaping all these expectations on you, all that matters is what you decide to do with it.  Or yourself.  Like, there’s this one astrophysicist I read about that has this really wild quirk that everybody said meant she had to go into manufacturing, but she didn’t want to, and she had the brains for physics, so-”
Izuku listened to the boy ramble.  It was actually kind of soothing.  Okay.  He needed to dial back his paranoia.  
“-does that make sense?” finished the boy.
“Y-yeah,” said Izuku.  “But, um.  What was bothering me, it wasn’t my quirk.”  This would be fine, right?  It wasn’t like he’d actually say he was talking about All Might.  “It was...  I have a friend, and he’s sick, but...  Everyone is talking about him like he’s already dead, and he’s not.  What they said, it reminded me of that.  It’s just... frustrating.”
“Yikes,” said the boy.  “I don’t really have any advice for that.  It’s hard to change other people’s minds.”  The boy sighed, and the sound felt much older than it had any right to be.  
“Daniel Fenton?”
Izuku whipped around at the sound of Toshinori-san’s voice.  The skeletal man was standing several feet to the right of the bench and had dropped one of the two ice cream cones he had been holding.  
“Oops,” said the boy, on the other side of Izuku.  “Guess I stayed a bit too long.”
Despite his injuries, Toshinori was at Izuku’s side in an instant, pulling him off the bench and pushing himself between Izuku and the boy.  Daniel?  Fenton?
The boy had jumped away as well, and was regarding Toshinori-san with something between consternation and amusement.  
“Who are you?” demanded All Might.  “Why do you look like that?”
“Hey,” said the boy, “that’s kind of rude, don’t you think, Toshinori-kun?  You’re the one that said my name.”
“Daniel Fenton is my age,” said All Might, glaring, his hand tightening around Izuku’s wrist.  Izuku activated just the barest percentage of One for All, readying himself for a fight.  “What are you playing at?”
“Well, if you’re going to be technical about it, I’m way older.”  He held up his hands.  “I don’t mean any harm.  Really.  Anyway, as long as I don’t have to beat around the bush, Midoriya-san, One for All didn’t clear this beach.  One for All didn’t save Bakugo-san, or Asui-san, or Kouda-kun.  One for All certainly didn’t convince this idiot to take care of himself, even a little bit.  That was all you.”  He pointed at Izuku.
... Were those finger guns?  Was this guy seriously throwing finger guns at him?
Scratch that, who was this guy and how did he know so much?!
“Are you working for All for One?” demanded All Might.  
“Gross.  No.  Never even met the guy.”
“Then how do you have two quirk?” asked Izuku.  “Longevity, and whatever you did with the mist.”
The boy shrugged, careful to keep his hands half raised and obvious about it.  “The guy I actually work for can do time travel.  ‘Work for’ is kind of a weird way to put it, though.  It’s more like, he’s my mentor?  Same sort of set up as you guys have.”
“Time travel?” exclaimed Izuku.  He’d never heard of a time travel quirk before.  
“I mean, there’s a reason for that,” said the boy, and Izuku blushed as he realized he’d spoken out loud.  “And you will.  It was really nice talking to you, Midoriya-san!  And it was great seeing you again, Toshinori-kun.  But I’m going to be picked up any se-”
The boy vanished.  
“Um,” said Izuku after several long seconds, “All Might?  Who was that?”
“I...” said Toshinori.   “You know what?  That’s a great question.”
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themandylion · 5 years
2019 fic round-up
All my fic from 2019
First Initiative - 7k, JayTim. Against his better judgement (well, okay, not really), Jason allows his boyfriend to join the peewee game. Also, relationship stuff—getting to know each other, finding out likes and dislikes, learning about someone's entire secret life... that sort of thing. (Part 2 of Tales from the House of Mau.)
The Stable Master & the Diplomat - 12k, JayTim. In which Jason is the royal stable master and Tim is a draconic ambassador and there are shenanigans.
A Lonely Place for Living - 2k, gen. Batman needs a Robin. Bruce Wayne needs his son. Tim Drake needs... he needs...
Three Birds in Flight - 7k, JayTimKon. Not!fic for the sad soulmate triad Jason/Tim/Kon AOB AU I will never actually write!
Natural 20 - 19k, JayTim. Jason eats the egg, what happens after is positively magical (the sex is pretty good too). Of course, it's not all fun and games—apparently it can be very difficult to shuck off a toxic ex when they know magic. (Part 3 of Tales from the House of Mau.)
Stat Roll - 1k, JayTim. Free Comic Book Day can be a bit of a madhouse at Knight & Page. Luckily, Jason has friends who are more than willing to help him out. (Part 4 of Tales from the House of Mau.)
on vast scales - 400, JayTim. Short SPACE!mer ficlet for MerMay.
Emotional Support Trashfish - 5k, gen. Pokémon AU! When Tim finally took the plunge and brought home a pokémon of his own, none of his family understood. It could be because they didn't see the benefits of such an excellent companion, or it might just be that they lack the insight into the tricky workings of Tim's mind. (Written with the Social Isolation Gang.)
Good Boys - 7k, JayTim. A dog, two aces, and lots of cuddles. (Written with the Social Isolation Gang.)
Mark of the Jinni - 7k, JayTim. Tim frowns, hand cupping Jason's cheek as he appears to study the other boy's face. "Just because there are others doing worse doesn't mean you don't deserve better." (Chapter 2.)
May Light Shine Long and Steady - 8k, JayTim. Tim's life is in a downward spiral and he's barely staying afloat, let alone in his classes. With nothing left to lose, he figures it can't hurt to ask for a little divine help. Instead, he ends up with an overly helpful advisor of sorts.
Duckvine Intervention - 4k, JayTim. After Roy explains the purpose a rubber duck for computer programmers, Jason decides he has to try it out for himself. Granted, he's not a programmer, but he's hardly going to let that stop him, and everyone needs a little troubleshooting in their lives sometimes.
Forever and Always - 17k, JayTim. One must always be careful when it comes to swearing oaths. It is imperative that all the variables are ascertained before any words are spoken, particularly when blood is involved. If not, it could very well blow up in someone's face. Despite the unforeseen consequences, Tim doesn't regret his actions one bit. (Epilogue.)
And We Live in Dangerous Times - 2k, JayTim. Jason Todd is back and he's angry. He breaks into Titans Tower with the intention of messing with the pretender a bit. Things don't quite go as planned and it turns out both Robins II and III are in for a surprise. A dæmon soulmate AU.
Always and Forever - 4k, JayTim. Love between a potter and a painter should be a simple enough thing, but nothing is simple when you come from different worlds and there's a war on the horizon between both your peoples. Sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures. A prequel to Forever and Always.
Rituals of Sacrifice - 22k, JayTim. All Tim's friends are dead. That's okay—he is too. PLEASE pay attention to the warnings/tags as this story deals with distressing and mature themes.
WWCSD? - 6k, JayTim. There's a mysterious thief on the loose and Stray must ask himself that ever-important question—What Would Carmen Sandiego Do? (Part 4 of Cats, Birds, Bats, and the Occasional Spoiler.)
To Sail 'twixt the Stars and the Sea - 13k, JayTim. When a message arrives saying that the Bat Clan's scout ship has been destroyed behind enemy lines, everyone knows there's no chance its lone passenger has survived. Unfortunately, someone still has to break the bad news to the scout's lover... and the child the rest of the clan didn't know he had. The SPACE!viking AU.
In Midst of Winter - 6k, JayTim. After being separated from his hunting party in the middle of winter, Jason is sure he's screwed—until help comes from an unlikely quarter. Through trial and error, he finds a new friend and possibly something more. More AOB!vikings. (Part 1 of Through All Manner of Seasons.)
Sidequest - 9k, JayTim. It's a busy week for Jason—his boyfriend's skipped town without notice, he's been left with an unlikely (and unnecessary) babysitter, and he's just been informed that that Date Night is still on and he's meeting said missing boyfriend's parents. (Part 5 of Tales from the House of Mau.)
Forth My Mimic Comes - 19k, gen. Robin and Oracle team up to take on a tricky case of identity theft.
Limbo: Next of Kin - 8k, gen. Sometimes it takes dying to learn who your family is. Also, dreams! (A spoooky ghost story for Halloween.) A sequel to Rituals of Sacrifice.
Fic or Treat - 100-word drabbles done for Halloween: - Jason and a dog - Pumpkins in SPACE (SPACE!viking follow-up) - StephTim and ninja (follow-up to Jason and a dog) - Everyone is Batman - Time-travel Tim - Smol!ghost Tim (Rituals of Sacrifice follow-up) - JayTim werecat AU
Edit: HEY! If you're about to reblog this, please consider reblogging this version instead. I forgot a bunch of fics on the original post.
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nimblermortal · 4 years
Some Further Old Guard Liveblogging
#also also I cannot deal with Merrick's suits with hoodies on them#they're so terrible#what a fantastic piece of villain costuming I hate him for that alone
#OH MAN THAT POOR DOCTOR#STUCK IN A ROOM WITH FOUR BICKERING IMMORTALS#FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE#man if Nile hadn't come along her life woulda suuuuuuuucked#Nicoló was trying his best at that anyway#apparently Merrick Pharmaceuticals comes equipped with semi-automatic rifles but not gags
man their card readers work really well and fast. I am impressed. I have... not had this luck with card readers. They usually blink a few times and take a few tries. (Also, nobody uses card readers anymore? I’m not even in that critical of an industry and we have the beepy key fob things. That respond to badges.)
As Nile enters the lab... Yusuf: what the heck where did this come from Nicoló: eh? I do not know that this is a good turn of events Andy: breathlessly happy to see her Booker: oh how my sins have revisited me
It continues to bother me how Nile breaks into the lab and goes straight for the one who’s not immortal and who has the least ability to cope with the situation, given that she’s already injured; and then stands there and talks to her when she could be letting someone else loose to deal with the four shooters at the door that she just mentioned. Just. Free one hand on each of them and then get on to releasing all the bonds on your favorite!
Yeah, keep standing there with your motivational speeches and your NOT RELEASING PEOPLE WHO WILL ACTUALLY HELP YOU, I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN
Andy, who is not an absolute idiot, releases one of Nicoló’s arms as her first action and then moves on. Nicoló, who is also not an idiot, immediately rolls over and begins releasing the rest of himself, which is the SANE THING TO DO, NILE, YOU’RE AN IDIOT
Booker: No, you should just leave me here Andy: This is an intervention.
Andy, heading for the door: Let’s get this motherfucker Everyone else, aware she is now mortal: <suddenly falls in ahead of her and does not let her take point as she is prone to doing>
Andy’s labrys is such a prop weapon, it looks weirdly light and also fiberglass. I could be wrong! I don’t know about these things! but I think it’s a functional reproduction, not something she’s had for a while.
Andy is Mom Friend, looking after her little gang. Yusuf is Dad Friend, worrying too much.
Nile: Andy! It is I, meat shield! Nicoló: Oh, that’s a good idea.
You know, they really oughtn’t be speaking English in combat situations. This would be a great time to be using a dead language, effectively enabling you to say exactly where you’re going without your enemy understanding it. (Or Nile. But they’ve got Nile.)
“Shit! Jammed!” is where Nicoló needs to be there to mutter in baleful Ligurian about combat teams and palises.
They really shoulda killed that guy on the ground... nobody needs to know they  exist, or what they can do.
I should tell Hyacinth about the throw at 1:44.
Nile has such a nice face.
“I think you showed up when I lost my immortality” well you’re wrong. You been stabbed and healed since then. Also puts paid to my theory that it gave out when you said you were done and not interested in trying to help people anymore. It just is what it is; humans try to assign meaning and stories to thinks, but at the end of the day, it’s all quantum.
NILE IS SO SHORT BUT NICOLÓ IS THE ONE SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BACK SEAT (if anyone cares for fic: Yusuf has shotgun, Nicoló in the back seat middle, Andy is driving, Nile behind Yusuf and Booker behind Andy. Is there any advantage to this? None that I see. Except that Yusuf was in front so he had the opportunity to claim shotgun, and Booker is a filthy traitor who doesn’t deserve the front seat. Nile is new and I don’t know what Nicoló’s excuse is except that it’s easiest to reach the front seat from the middle of the back seat, and everyone assumes Andy will get to sit in the front, so this puts Nicoló in position to get hands on either of them as needed.)
I have no idea why we are expected to care about the pewter-topped bars at the pub they choose to go to.
“There’s not much to decide, it’s not like they can kill me.” Yusuf stares through the window as if he is contemplating exactly that; Booker can’t find an acceptable face to make back at him.
“You’re a good kid” is such a patronizing thing to say to someone, it really emphasizes both how young Nile is and how much younger she is than the rest of them. Also, I will never understand how Booker’s being a bad parent means no one should go see their family while they’re still alive.
Yeah, Yusuf is not satisfied with this arrangement, Nicoló considers it the right thing to do whether it is satisfying or not, and Nile hates hurting people.
Also, given that I headcanon that Andy is cursed to be an atheist surrounded by stubbornly faithful people, ��Have a little faith, Book” is a great line. Like. Andy has made her position on religion clear, but at least Nicoló has at one point in his life been committed to religious ideals. The other two - well, I have my own thoughts about how Yusuf interacts with his faith, but it’s just hilarious if Booker is also stubbornly Catholic, for his own journey and so that Andy can be all, “Every time we get a new immortal I explain to them how we are cursed, there is no god, our existence is proof of the whims of the world triumphing over any sort of divine plan, and every time they just hold out! Nicoló is laughing at me!” and she tries doing this to Nile and none of the others are quite laughing out loud, but Nicoló has very expressive smirks, okay? And then you take that background and apply it to Booker saying he’ll never see her again and Andy choosing the last thing she says to him to be, “Have a little faith“ - this thing she has been denying, giving him this as a recognition, he’s spent all movie starving for her recognition as she just gives him tasks, so she recognizes him and this thing they don’t share but that she’s now offering value to, and hey, as long as he’s believing in illogic, he might as well have some in her, right? or in technology and medicine? it’s not all that important how it plays out, but for her to grant this concession to him is... magnanimous in a satisfying way, if you headcanon all of the aforesaid.
Aww, Yusuf is the unsatisfied one but he’s also the one who stays watching Booker for the longest. And he’s the only one who looks back.
:( the German is too blurred for me to read this passport, but I really want to see if there’s any justifying Yusuf being named Joseph Jones and nationality (?) Deutsch. But even if that’s so - which is conceivable - I want to know why both Hamburg and Frankfurt are on his passport. Mine doesn’t have any cities on it at all - but then again, I’ve had friends ask me to get my passport out just to demonstrate how funny American passports are. (Most countries are like “ah yes, we need blank pages to stamp visas and entries/exits on. The US of A goes, “what if our blank pages had dramatic pictures of the biomes of the continental US and inspirational quotes across the tops?” Make your own arguments about American exceptionalism, patriotism, conspicuous consumption...)
THEY WERE AT THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL GOOD FOR THEM also just a weird place for them to be, that incident was. So much a mistake. So much spontaneous. And it’s a weird time to be smuggling people across the wall (and very difficult to do, and. There are better things for immortal soldiers to do with their time at this point). So like. Good for them, I bet that was an endorphin surge, but weird that they were there.
Awwww, Nicoló’s little “I knew we were trying to do good, it is nice to have confirmation that it works sometimes” smirk
It’s a nice speech, Andy, but what you’re actually saying to Copley is, “Booker was our computer/intel guy and we kicked him out, so we need you to do his job and possibly train Nile in it”
I know by “ether” she means like. Internets. But. I love imagining them as just old sometimes, and not always keeping up with all the right things. And having her mean, “When we leave a footprint in the luminiferous aether” because she honestly still believes that light needs a medium to travel in and it’s just never come up as relevant to correct that assumption, she’s proud of being well-read in science a hundred years ago - well, that’s wonderful.
Aww, Copley got a Nicoló smirk. And I think Yusuf sensed it, though he could not possibly have seen it.
Aaaaand scene with Booker drunk and unhappy in Paris, so what else is new to Paris. Spray your glass all over public spaces, it’ll improve the general cleanliness of the surfaces. And Quynh is probably going to show up in Nile’s room shortly, I bet she’s just tired of dreaming of them. I... honestly don’t know that I like the idea of a sequel. Franchises leave a lot of room for making things worse. There’s a lot of open space in this movie, but that’s where I like to put my fanfiction.
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beesandbooks1 · 4 years
Discussion: Atlantis Retellings
Introduction: Explaining Atlantis
The nation/city/island of Atlantis was used by Plato as an allegory in one of his works, and has since become incredibly popular and widely known. Though many of us have not read the original myth, most are familiar with the idea of Atlantis: a nation of great learning and pride that angered the gods and was subsequently sunk beneath the waves as punishment. Atlantis as ruin, and as a hidden civilization, has captured the imagination of many writers, archaeologists, historians, philosophers, and others. Ultimately, it was a fictional place, but many have interpreted Plato’s inspiration as coming from a real place due to its popularity among the many flood myths in history.
There are a lot of proposed locations for the mythical Atlantis, but also Atlantis has become a term for lost civilizations that may have been flooded/sunken to the ocean floor. As a maritime archaeologist, my peers largely use Atlantis as an easy explanation when discussing seafaring civilizations whose material culture may be on the seafloor and undiscovered–often we don’t literally mean the society of Atlantis from Plato’s work, but want to inspire the imagery of ruins and lives cut short by a tragic flood.
The Popularity of Atlantis
The legend of Atlantis has clearly captured our minds for hundreds of years, I mean, we’re still talking about it! I as at a beautiful museum exhibit at the Moesgaard Museum in Denmark just about two years ago and an exhibit about the general history of the area even began by telling the myth of Atlantis and hypothesizing where the city may have been located. One of the first books I reviewed on this blog was an adventure novel focused on discovering a Mycenaean Atlantis. The idea of an advanced human civilization living long before us is captivating, it taps into the idea that human beings have always been capable of the greatness we imagine they are. But the story is literally an allegory for hubris and the dangers that come with being too proud to see the signs of the world crumbling around us.
In modern popular culture, Atlantis pops up in a few core representations. There’s the Disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, as well as its sequel film. There was a brief BBC series about Atlantis produced following the show Merlin (by some of the same writers as well) that took a more Greek inspired approach. Lots of time travel, fantasy, and science fiction shows approach Atlantis in one way or another–even looking into similar myths and cultural influences from other flood myths. Atlantis appears in countless paintings, songs, poems, literary works, and more. Ayn Rand, J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, H.P. Lovecraft, Neil Gaiman, Eoin Colfer, K.A. Applegate, and Marvel and DC Comics have all made allusions to Atlantis from hints that Atlantis exists in the canon of their fictional worlds to confirmed characters and places from Atlantis.
Key Factors
For an Atlantis retelling, you’ve got a few basic factors you need to have covered to really qualify. First and foremost, the setting must be some sort of ancient city with a developed society. This is up to individual interpretation, and the source of cultural inspiration varies; Greco-Roman inspired tends to be popular, as well as a sort of cultural basis for several ancient cultures, drawing inspiration from other civilizations near the Mediterranean. Once the setting is developed, the factor of hubris comes into play. Some stories approach the idea of Atlantis as a colonizing war state, finally inspiring its enemies to rise up against their advanced warfare. Others use divine intervention, portraying the Atlanteans as scholars who eschew the gods and are punished for it.
Ultimately, most Atlantis retellings focus on the post-flood city. They focus on outside explorers who rediscover the mythical lost city/civilization, or at least piece together the cultural mystery of Atlantis and discover its final resting place. Atlantis is most often portrayed as a still-surviving civilization, one that has hidden from the rest of the world for one reason or another. More “realistic” portrayals instead explore the idea of finding the ruins of Atlantis, rediscovering some of the advanced technology and cultural artifacts left behind. For stories that do take place pre-flood the story tends to focus on the build up to the flood, exploring the idea of hubris and determining what part of the collapse of Atlantis is the fault of the Atlanteans.
Final Thoughts
The original story of Atlantis had a purpose, and the way the myth has grown and captivated others for so long indicates that there’s still plenty of merit to it. Human beings continue to obsess over the idea of a highly sophisticated and advanced civilization calling down the wrath of the gods and being buried under the waves. I think some retellings have a lot of merit when they explore the consequences of the fate of the city for individuals, especially depending on what the Atlanteans ignored that could have saved them.
Do you have a favorite retelling of the Atlantis myth?
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jadekitty777 · 5 years
Cowboy Hat
Unofficial Taiqrowweek: Day 6
If y’all thought I was done with the angel and demon plot... well think again!
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,400
Ao3 Link: Cowboy Hat
Summary: Tai just wanted to try on his old hat. Qrow had other plans. 
Important Note: This is a small mini-sequel to Divine Intervention, and I do recommend reading that one first before this one. Otherwise it does spoil the third chapter.
Taiyang stood in front of his full length mirror, turning to and fro to see himself from every angle. No, it wasn’t quite right, he decided, rubbing a hand under his chin thoughtfully. He reached up and tipped the brim of the brown hat a little further back so it didn’t shadow his eyes as much. Another self-check had him humming in approval, appreciating how it made him look more honest and friendly.
He winked to his reflection, snapping and pointing the index fingers of both hands like he was some sort of gunslinger. “Yeah, now that’s the ticket.”
He laughed at his own silliness, only for it to choke off in shock when he heard Qrow walking towards the room. “Hey Tai, do you-”
The cowboy hat was off and tucked out of view in an instant as he whirled to face the other man. “What!?”
Qrow froze in the doorway, easily sensing something was amiss. “Whaaatcha doing buddy?” He said taking a few steps forward.
“Nothing! Just, yanno, making sure my collar was right. Oh look, got that crease out!” He fumbled with his shirt awkwardly. Gods above, if Qrow found out, he was never going to hear the end of it.
“Oh really?” He stretched his neck, trying to peer around him. “Then what are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything.” He claimed, fingers crinkling around the brim as he shifted away from the other’s line of sight.
Those red eyes rolled. “You’re a terrible liar.” He continued to approach, cajoling sweetly, “Come on, show me what’s behind your back.”
“I…I plead the fifth?” Tai tried lamely.
“Wrong amendment.” Qrow countered, lips thinning the way they always did when he was scheming. He turned his gaze very deliberately to the left. “I can see it in the mirror yanno.”
“What-?!” Tai looked as well, just as the realization hit him that there was no way he could from that angle.
Instead he saw Qrow’s reflection dart forward as he reached around him, grabbing onto the hat. “SCORE!”
“Qrow!” He made a desperate grab for him, but a quick sidestep and a flap of his wings had the other quickly out of his range.
Tai could feel himself flushing as he got a gander at his prize, eyes practically sparkling in excitement as he looked between it and him.
“Oh my god Tai!” He exclaimed, grinning hugely.
He took a step, warning, “Qrow…”
Qrow took a dangerous one back. “Now Tai, you must know, to me you’re the finest slice of apple pie around.” His western accent was overplayed and awful, but it was mostly a distraction as he took another step back, “That being said-” Another and he was almost in the hall.
Tai knew this was his only chance and he leapt for him. “Don’t you dare-!”
“Bye!” He grabbed the knob, slamming the door in his face.
Only a hard beat of his wings kept him from faceplanting right into it. He yanked it right back open, charging down the hall, seeing black feathers disappearing around the corner. When he took it next, he slid across the recently waxed floors, bumping his shoulder against the wall. Those precious moments gave Qrow extra distance and he was escaping out the rear door that led to the yard.
He rushed out next, looking across the sea of faces of the kids and caretakers having lunch, before zeroing his gaze in on Summer who was looking just a little too amused about the situation. “Where is he?”
Before she could even answer, he heard Qrow holler from behind, “Howdy y’all! You lucky dogs all ready for the rodeo?”
Oh no.
Tai turned, tipping his head back to see the man standing on the edge of the roof, the cowboy hat affixed right on his head and his smirk so devilish it was truly a wonder how he was in Heaven.
“He sure is entertaining, isn’t he?” Summer observed.
“More like a menace.” He grumbled under his breath, before shouting, “Get down you maniac!”
“Ah, what’s wrong thar partner? You looking a little hot under the collar.” He tipped the hat downwards, leering, “Maybe a ride on a real bronco will loosen you up.”
Oh that was it!
“QROW!” Tai yelled, spreading his wings and rocketing right towards him.
“Oh shi-”
“Don’t curse!” He lurched into another grab, missing when Qrow dodged to the left.
“Ah dagnabit!” He corrected, laughing loudly as he hopped backwards along the roof.
Tai slanted his wings, preparing to jump off again. “You’re so done.”
“You gotta catch me first, buckaroo.” He winked. And then he was gone, diving down below the roof.
Qrow was an extraordinary flyer. Tai wasn’t sure if this was because his practice with bat wings before this had helped or if he was just naturally gifted, but in dives and speed, he really was no match. So even as he gave chase, he wasn’t surprised how quickly he was being outdistanced. He followed him to the furthest end of the property, past the playground and over the corral, watching him slip into the barn and close the doors behind him.
He slid into his landing, stopping right in front of them. Sure enough, Qrow had secured the latch, the doors not budging an inch when he pulled. He sighed, hammering his fist against them. “Alright, enough messing around already! Open up!”
There was no response. Tai huffed, considering his options. He might be able to get through the lame window towards the back. It didn’t sit quite right in the frame, so it was able to be lifted and slid open. He would just have to be careful about not letting it fall out or it would spook the horses in the corral.
He had just started to make his way around when he heard hinges creaking and twisted back around. The barn doors were still shut tight, but the loft was open. He flew up to it, having to bend in his wings to get them through the tight fit. The heat hit him first, turning what was a mild day outside into a something more sweltering. The smell of hay dust and grain was also overpowering, but the scent had never failed to comfort him in its familiarity. He took a few steps in, peering at the single lit lantern hanging from its hook before searching the area for the wayward angel.
He jumped, spinning around to see Qrow standing in front of the now closed loft door. He must have been hiding behind it. “Fancy seeing you here.” He teased.
Tai gave him as patient a look as he could muster, holding out his hand. “Fork it over.”
“Alright, Alright. I had my fun.” He came over with little fuss, plucking the hat from his head and dropping it onto Tai’s own.
“Thank you.” He said, adjusting it properly. It took him a moment to realize Qrow was staring. “What is it?”
“Oh, nothing.” He replied, walking his fingers up along Tai’s chest, intent unmistakable in the way he ogled him. “I’m just starting to see why you wear that thing. Really turns up your sex appeal.”
Wait, seriously? “All those jokes and suddenly you’re into it?” He deadpanned.
“Oh Tai. You silly, ignorant man.” Qrow wound his arms around his neck. “You have no idea how weak-kneed I get when you’re being the southern beau.”
“That so?” He curved his hands over his hips.
“Oh, completely. You think I led you here by accident?”
Tai blinked, realizing they were a few acres away, much too far for anyone to ever hear them. But, more importantly, completely alone. He started to grin, bringing their bodies flush together. “You snake.”
Looking absolutely pleased with himself, Qrow hummed happily, before leaning up to kiss him. He eagerly returned it, deliberately passionate so that when they finally broke away, they were both breathless.
“So,” Qrow got out between pants, “You come here often, cowboy?”
“I’ll come for you.” He purred back suggestively, nipping his jawline before leading him across the floor. He hadn’t really expected things to go this route, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
After all, there was certainly no better way to spend an afternoon than a good roll in the hay.
A/N: This one was prompt 84: “Show me what’s behind your back.”
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
hey I saw your requests are open, I'm sorry to bother you if they are not rip. But if they are, could you do a Apollo (greek mythology)x Kagome or a sequel of Lucifer(Spn)x Kagome one? thank you ^^
Decided to go with Apollo on this one, hope you enjoy it!
She wasn’t sure how she came to be where she was, she figured it had to do with the collective energy in the Shikon, fighting Naraku, and perhaps the Well, but somehow, Kagome found herself in ancient Greece. As in, the sort of ancient that was often on display in a museum, learned in textbooks in a classroom, or from documentaries. Yet, she was lucky enough to get to live through ancient history. Again!
Strolling through the streets, it was easy to see that there was a festival of some kind going on, but of course, her ancient Greek was rusty. Better said was non-existent. But, that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the festivities. At current, she was nibbling on some sort of flatbread, not the tastiest, but beggars can’t picky. And she did not want to start in the fashion.
It was obvious that she couldn’t walk around in her old clothing, talking about culture shock right there. And since this was a different country, there was no telling how a different culture would react to not only her strange physical appearance, but her clothing wouldn’t help either. So she wore what she thought she recalled the merchant called a chiton, it was simplistic, a little flowy for her tastes, but allowed for free movement.
“Are you here for the festival?” a strange voice spoke up, drawing her attention away from the group of cheerful children.
Blinking blue eyes, she took in the male before her. His olive complexion seemed to glow in the sun, his hair a golden halo, while his eyes flickered between golden hazel, blue, and green. It was hard to tell if it was a trick of the light, or if he had all colors in his eyes.
Shaking off the odd feeling that suddenly washed over her, Kagome shook her head with a smile. “Ah, sadly, no. Just passing through.” her hand was quick to reach up and hold down her hair when a gust of wind blew through, no need to whip the male in the face with her hair.
“Ah.” he gave a nod of his head, apparently disappointed with her reply. “May I ask, what that song was just now?”
Blinking, Kagome furrowed her brows wondering what he was talking about. “Song?”
He instantly began to hum a tune, one Kagome hadn’t even realized that she had done the same thing earlier. It was almost eerie that he wasn’t in the least off key for any part.
“Oh, it’s a song from my home. Something children used to sing.” she didn’t bother bringing up it was a creepy song that the children that lived at the base of Mt. Hakurei. It had a way of getting stuck in her head because it of how simple the song was.
“Your home?” his gaze wandered over the villagers before settling on her once again. “Where exactly is your home?”
Blue eyes lowered as a distant smile lifted her cheeks. “Far… far, far away from here. To the east. So much so, it’s referred to as ‘The land of the rising sun’.”
“Interesting.” his tone seemed odd at that comment, drawing Kagome’s immediate attention.
Her brows furrowed as she took half a step away from the male, and his rising aura. It took everything in her not to flinch when he raised a hand to tuck some errant stray strands of her hair back behind her ear, his hand lingering rather than pulling away.
“Is…” she swallowed thickly, feeling like she had just been cornered by… she didn’t know what yet, but they were obviously more powerful than she had initially thought. “Is there something… wrong?”
“It was your light that drew me in.” his hand trailed down her neck, fingers tracing along her collarbone. “How brightly it shines, unlike any other mortal I’ve crossed paths with.”
Kagome was instantly on alert, instincts ready for a fight or flight response. It was one thing to be in the presence of someone more powerful than her, but to be outright called a mortal meant there were only so many options for what he could possibly be. Swallowing thickly, she attempted to take half a step back. “You’re a god.”
His smile was bright, impossibly so, his tanned skin glowing as his wreath crown seemed to flourish and bloom. “That I am, the god Apollo!”
Kagome whimpered, now understanding. While not one of her gods, she still sensed his godly status. As such, she was a priestess and being in the presence of a god, regardless of them being from a different pantheon, left her feeling… odd. Still, Mama raised her right, manners included. She had begun to bow in respect to him when his hands gripped her shoulders.
“No!” his voice was strong, smile bright as he righted her back to standing her full height, which was nothing compared to him. “One such as you should not bow to me!”
“…” her gaze shifted to the side. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally managed to speak up. “…but… I thought… gods wanted people to bow to them?” something about lower beings prostrating themselves before gods gave them energy or something similar from something she heard or read. It was a belief back in Japan, that it was the peoples’ energy that gave the gods their powers, she wasn’t sure if that was universal.
She was confused and ready to move on as she fought with herself to do as a holy person was supposed to a worship him. It was not a fun situation and she was sure she could feel a headache coming on.
“True, but one that shines as brightly as you…” a hand rose to cup her cheek, his touch warm against her skin. “No. You should stand at my side.”
Blinking, Kagome was once again floored. “Is… Is this some sort of marriage proposal?” she prayed it wasn’t, she lost count of how many of those she had received.
He hummed, caressing her hair as he stepped closer. “I never thought of having a wife before, I have had many lovers… but I do believe having a wife would be wonderful, and you are rather exquisite.”
Chuckling nervously, Kagome took half a step back. “As… um, as honored as I am to hear you say such… I uh… that is to say… I don’t think I deserve… such a, uh… gift?” she had no idea what exactly to say. Was there a way to turn down a god that didn’t involve death or divine intervention? There was no telling how he would react to rejection, especially from a human, regardless of her differences from the normal people of the village they were currently in.
He blinked a few times, his smile returning. “So modesty!” he cooed even pressing a kiss to her brow. “You are deserving of the place at my side…” he trailed off as he once again caressed her hair.
Another nervous laugh escaped her, was she going to be blunt and brutally honest? It was such a high risk to her health though… She was about to say something again in terms of turning him down, in simpler terms, when a new voice interrupted her before she could even start.
“Ah, Miss! So Glad you’re still here!” a man was approaching them, a young boy at his side carrying a largely wrapped bundle in his arms. “I- We wanted to give you proper thanks for saving my son.”
Kagome smiled as she shook her head, turning her attention to the two completely. “I was just glad I was in the right place at the right time.” she crouched down to get the boy’s height. “Next time you want to join the others, bring a fallen branch about your size. It’ll help keep you afloat until you know how to swim.” she patted his head with a smile, it grew at his blush and his attempt to hide behind the bundle he was carrying.
“As kind as it is of you to say such, we still feel it is only proper to give you our thanks.” he nudged his son forward. “Go on, give her your gift.”
The boy stumbled forward, arms thrust out as he attempted to keep he gave away from her. “Th-thank you, for saving me.”
Kagome accepted the bundle with a smile, pulling the cover back as she stood back up. She paused at the bow and quiver of arrows that laid within. “Oh!” her gaze instantly flicked up to the father. “This is too much!” she could see the quality was rather, well, expensive.
“Nonsense. For saving the life of my son, there is no price too high to pay.” his gaze turned to Apollo when he moved to stand next to Kagome, not seeing him for the god he was. “She breathed life back into my son after he fell in the water.”
Apollo eyed her once again, once again eyes full of appraising light as he stared down at her. Swallowing thickly, she threw the father and son another smile as she gave her thanks for their generous gift. “Again, thank you.”
The father gave a nod of his head, a parting farewell with hopes of seeing her later during the festival as they finally parted. Kagome pursed her lips when she was once again left alone with Apollo, Kagome felt the awkwardness returned, for her at least. “Well… this was… interesting, but I feel I must be going along now.”
“Go? Where are you planning on going?” he was quick to follow in step with her, watching her swing the bow and quiver over her shoulders with a practiced ease that spoke of her familiarity with the weapon.
“I did say I was passing through. My home is to the ease, so that’s where I’m going.” she was trying to maintain a polite manner, picking up speed was something she was trying to fight from doing. Didn’t want to come off as rude.
“Oh, but you could stay a while!” he was suddenly before her in a graceful move. “It would be my honor to truly get to know you.”
Pausing, Kagome eyed the god, wondering and weighing his words. “I can leave whenever I want, should I decide to stay?” her lips pursed when he nodded his head. “And you won’t try to force or trick me into being your lover or wife?” he was a little more hesitant, but finally agreed. “Then I wouldn’t mind extending my stay in your land.”
The smile he gave her had her giving him one in return. What was another new adventure? Besides, she had a god to play tour guide for her, she was looking forward to the next little while.
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moviegroovies · 5 years
oof. in the last few days, i’ve watched five (5) new movies, at least three of which i have opinions on i’d like to share. for convenience’s sake, i’m going to start with the most recent, and work back from there. 
so: troy (2004) 
as someone who was coerced into studying the iliad at a liberal arts college, this movie enraged me. as someone who likes to enjoy himself while watching movies, this movie horrified me. all around, i’m going to rate it a solid 3/10, and that might be generous, but there WERE a few things i liked, which i’m going to talk about, because what else do i do here, anyway.
i’m not even going to get into all the ways this was an unfaithful adaptation of the source material, because there just is not the fucking time, and i’m sure other people before me have done it, so let’s just say that the moment they cast brad pitt as achilles, all hope was lost. i will comment that they of course no-homo’d achilles and patroclus, but had i gone in expecting to see any representation in this movie, i would have been an even bigger masochist than i am. that does not mean i wasn’t still a little disappointed, though.
troy takes into account much more than the actual span of the iliad, beginning (long) before the start of the epic and ending after it finished. in this way, we see the full span of the story, which i suppose is a good thing, although it did stretch this painfully milquetoast adaptation into an agonizing three hours. we see everything from agamemnon’s quest to unite all the kingdoms of greece together underneath his rule to the sacking of troy, meaning we also get to see paris seducing helen, achilles’ death, and the sacking of troy with the trojan horse, all of which the iliad does not include. being that the actual content of the iliad isn’t quite so battle-focused as the general public might think, these things are all probably good for the telling of an actual story. i can forgive most of the changes to the story that we did see, because i think that, given that you don’t know the source material, it makes for a cohesive and satisfying narrative, all in all. menelaus’s character being changed to make helen’s choice to leave with paris more sympathetic made the choice to have hector kill him a cathartic one. even better was briseis getting to take her revenge on agamemnon for his treatment toward her and, more generally, the fact that he was the one who brought war and soldiers to her front door. sure, that totally ruins the play orestes, but that was never going to be the sequel we were waiting for, anyway. 
side note, i think of the actors, agamemnon (played by brain cox) was the best. he just had a really good love-to-hate-him thing going, and played up his part pretty excellently. orlando bloom also felt like a good choice for paris (i would for sure leave menelaus for him, for instance), and vincent regan as eudoros was sort of a dark horse in the cast for me; i’d never heard of him before, and his character was small, but there was something striking about him. maybe it was just his eyes. 
in the movie, the siege of troy went from spanning ten years to like... maybe a couple of weeks? that was the one change from the source material that i really couldn’t abide, but What Ever I Guess. if they had just begun in the 9th year of the siege, it might have made the casting of then 40 year old brad pitt as achilles make a little more sense. as it stands.... whatever. sure. do whatever the fuck you want. i can’t stop you. 
generally, i like brad pitt in things (one of the other movies of the five that i watched, for instance, was se7en, although i don’t really have any particular comments on that other than, it was good, i liked it, i probably won’t choose to watch it again just on a whim), but i really could not get behind this particular performance. it had some of the same problems as him at the start of interview with the vampire; i think he kind of warmed to the role with that one, but the scene with him as a dissociating human felt... off, in terms of acting, but maybe that’s just me. either way, i’m not sure he ever really warmed to being achilles. 
and that sucked, because achilles could have been such a good character. 
obviously my personal bias is being taken into account here (yes, i read TSoA, yes i am letting it influence my perception of the dude), but if troy’s achilles had been prepared to put the raw emotion latent in the iliad’s achilles into the role, i think the character would have hit harder than he did. i personally didn’t love the expanded romance with briseis that they shoved in, but there was potential to see some tenderness there, and that could have been played up more, especially since she acted as the catalyst, here, for achilles to consider accepting the happy but unremarkable life he could have lived, instead of dying for glory in troy. failing that, i think patroclus’ role should have been more pronounced, and i’m not even saying that as a proponent of the patroclus/achilles relationship; even if they kept the two of them as cousins as they did in this setting, i think we needed to see a lot more interactions than the ones we did (although there was a fair amount, and given how long the movie turned out, i understand why it wasn’t fleshed out better) to really justify how hard achilles took the death of patroclus. there WERE some times that achilles got to exhibit emotions other than like emotionally stunted badass soldier either brooding or being pissed off--and that’s one of the highlights of the film, i’ll get back to that in a second--but the emotional climax between achilles and hector didn’t live up to my expectations. for one thing, in that scene in the poem, achilles didn’t just fight hector in retribution for the death of patroclus. he fought EVERYONE, up to and including hector, and more than that, a fucking RIVER DEITY. it was wild, unabashed grief that made him do horrible things. i would have personally loved to see an unhinged rampage, and instead, it got boiled down to one single fight between achilles and hector that lasted, i think, far longer than it should have. achilles was more powerful than hector, no matter how good hector was. i think it might have been more to my taste, at least, if we were shown that achilles had the strength to kill hector in a second, hardly taking him on to fight, and simply hadn’t before this because he was never given a reason to. 
all i’m saying is, movies are more interesting when characters are allowed to fully break, fully snap, just go buck fucking wild. but that’s just my onion.
i said i was going to come back to the “more emotions than emotional constipation” thing, and let’s do that now. one thing i DID like about the choices made in this film was that achilles was allowed to cry on screen, and he did, several times. i don’t know how to express how refreshing it was to see the archetypal badass soldier, the best of the greeks, break down into tears, especially when you consider how few movies really show men crying, much less movies of this particular genre. it’s kind of one of those “don’t give them props for scraping the bottom of the barrel” things, but i liked it, and since there were so few things i really did like about this movie, i’m going to give them props there. not just that, either--i also liked the way that paris could not face his death in his fight with menelaus, and crawled, terrified, back to his older brother. i liked that, while he degraded himself for the act later, the narrative and other characters never treated this like the wrong decision. sometimes, it’s impossible or incorrect to be noble at the price of yourself, especially in something like the fight over the hand of a woman who made her decision on where to go. paris did not win the fight, but he had a brother who loved him, and menelaus couldn’t understand that. and he died.
interestingly enough, paris also loses that fight in the epic, but rather than going to hector for protection, he’s whisked away by aphrodite before he can be killed. this was changed, naturally, because at no point in troy do the gods, who play by all accounts very important parts in the trojan war as told by the iliad, actually appear in the movie. they’re discussed throughout, and achilles’ mother, a goddess in the epic, appears to speak to him before he leaves for war, but it’s never affirmed whether or not she is divine, whether apollo is truly taking revenge for achilles’ desecration of his temple, whether godhood can be trusted or not. this is a theme that’s discussed and subverted many times, bringing in a type of ancient agnosticism to both the characters of achilles and hector, but ultimately it’s left unsolved. since they went the route of not being including the gods as characters, i’m happy with that conclusion. one of the more powerful bits of screentime between achilles and briseis was when he confided that he believed the gods were jealous of humans for their mortality, so ultimately, it was fitting that this story was told about the humans and the heroes, a celebration and examination of humanity, rather than throwing in divine intervention and cheapening the plot. 
there was a theme of love in the movie which i liked pretty well, especially for the fact that it wasn’t focused entirely on romantic love. the war began because helen ran back with paris, but not really: agamemnon was itching for a war anyway, and was happy to use his brother’s missing wife as a reason to begin the fight with troy he had been craving. menelaus clearly had no problem being cruel and unfaithful to helen, so her leaving him is not framed as a slutty and frivolous choice as it has been in other media. she goes off with someone willing to give away everything (up to and including his family and his palace) for her, and it’s honestly hard to blame her for that. plus, the war could have also been averted by hector turning around the ship and returning helen to her husband, which he very nearly does, except that if he did, he knows paris will try to fight menelaus for her and die, and he cannot bear the death of his brother. therefore, the war begins with two sets of brothers and two sets of lovers: helen chooses paris because he genuinely loves her, hector allows it because he loves his brother, and agamemnon profits off his brother’s loss because he loves nothing more than power, and the loss is a chance for that. achilles nearly costs agamemnon the war because he’s ready to leave and live his full life thanks to the love of briseis, until his love of patroclus and his grief at his death take that option away. priam gets a speech toward the beginning about there being worse reasons to fight a war than for love. i think this is honestly kind of simplistic and missing the point of what war is in general, but it was a nice scene to play into the theme.
outside of that, other things i enjoyed were odysseus’s narration book-ending the action, because he’s my favorite character of homer’s, if not in troy (i honestly don’t like sean penn in the role, but that’s my own personal cross to bear), the scene around patroclus’ death where eudoros looks on in horror when he thinks it’s achilles and then gives a visible sigh of relief, even as it’s mixed with the horror of patroclus’ death when the helmet is removed and he sees it’s not, the part where agamemnon looks on at patroclus’ funeral and comments how “that boy just won [him] the war,” which was such an asshole thing to say but also honestly what i was thinking, and that one little scene with paris giving the sword of troy to aeneas as a fun little shoutout to the aeneid. i could go into other things i DIDN’T like, but after watching that movie for three fucking hours, i think i’ve put enough time into that as it is. 
coming soon: pointless commentary on the first back to the future and fright night (1985)! get hype!!!
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vohalika · 8 years
I suffer for my art
For an article appearing on thefandomentals.com, I actually sat down (with a lot of booze) and subjected myself to watching the Lightning Thief movie again. Here are unfiltered live notes, so everyone can suffer with me.
(Why yes I do channel cinema sins. just a little bit)
·         The first 10 seconds do away with the one core rule of the franchise; as Poseidon for some reason steps out of a river, a fisherman SEES him. The books avoid this by having a thing called “mist” exist that keeps mortals from seeing ancient greek mythology stuff going on. Unless, of course, that particular fisherman was blessed with clear sight and is destined to be the next oracle. Suck it, Rachel.
·         Oh god, Sean Bean is in this movie, and he doesn’t even die. That alone says everything about the quality you need to know.
·         Why the fuck are they meeting in mortal forms on the empire state building? Yes, that’s where Olympus is, but Olympus is metaphysically ABOVE the fucking building, not the deck they’re on, which would be crowded at any and all times of day.
·         Okay. So they meet here to discuss exposition. Zeus knows Poseidon has a son. Zeus is also to blame for Poseidon never contacting said son. I mean, technically it’s a pact the two of you made with your other brother after he spawned Hitler and a world war happened, but, uh, is that even canon to this movie?
·         Okay, Sean Bean establishes the summer solstice as a deadline. Keep that in mind. SUMMER SOLSTICE.
·         Why do we put the plot into the first three seconds of the film? Was Columbus afraid we’d fall asleep after this and wouldn’t be able to catch up?
·         Okay real talk Logan LErman would have been the perfect Percy about 5 years before this movie was made. He grew up a little too baby faced to still be a good fit for battle hardened don’t fuck with me Percy of the follow up series, but still, such a missed opportunity.
·         Okay so Percy regularly hangs out at the bottom of the swimming pool for 7 minutes to think. That’s, ah. Weird. You know. If you do that regularly, people might notice. And Grover, whose job is to keep him safe, and also to technically keep him from realizing he’s not quite human, is encouraging this. Because. Sure. Why not.
·         OKAY. SO. They kept the NAME of the school, but not the boarding school aspect. They turned Mrs. Dodds into an English teacher so she could make a joke about the word fury in Othello. And they choose to establish the dyslexia and ADHD thing during dialogue while not actually showing any ADHD symptoms. I can’t quite talk about how well they do with the dyslexia, but from what we see, it’s the letters just fogging over and randomly turning into Greek letters which is not how it is described in the books at all. Seems more like Percy needs glasses here.
·         Oh my fucking god. Gabe comes home, sits down in the uncomfortable kitchen chair, demands beer and smacks Sally on the ass, and both Percy and Sally treat him like a rude house guest maybe, not like the abusive asshole he’s actually supposed to be. Percy even stands up to him and thinks it’s necessary to explain that this is his mother and he will not have her sexualized in this kitchen. Gah.
·         How can this house both be Gabe’s while at the same time, he never held down a job?
·         Also Percy comes into the pretty house at the ground floor and calls for his mother who is like on the third floor. Is that entire house theirs? If so, damn, Gabe is a rich unemployed white trash person.
·         Oh and now Poseidon just randomly wanders around New York to stalk his son amazing
·         Percy wears headphones during the plot related exposition at the MOA
·         At least he’s fidgeting now. That’s progress.
·         OKAY. So Ms. Dodds pulls Percy aside in the middle of the lesson, and Grover and Mr. Brunner can totally leave too to help him. They also cut the action sequence but sure, whatever.
·         Percy gets weirdly ableist when Grover says he’s his protector. Like, in the books Percy’s objection to that was that Grover was constantly being bullied and Percy had to stand up for him.
·         In fact, Percy and Grover could possibly pass for cool kids here; neither of them look like losers. Percy is pretty and has amazing abs. That’s��� Completely contrary to how book!Percy feels. Like, he gets better once he reaches the age where boys stop looking like cave trolls, but, uh, that takes a while.
·         Then they go home to Sally, Grover downs Gabe, and they run off, and Gabe’s poker buddies just let them be. What.
·         They start conversation about the father while the sun is setting in New York City, and only commence it in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere
·         The minotaur who just toppled their car is suddenly all the way up the hill. Wow.
·         Sexist edit: In the books, Percy’s mom explains to him how to fight the minotaur. Here, he just kinda figures it out himself.
·         Okay. Two dumb things: With the mom evaporated just before the camp gates, why do they fight the minotaur at all? In the books, Percy is half a mile away from the camp when the showdown happens and he fights to save himself and his mom. Here, he just charges out there to avenge his mom even though the magical gate is right there.
·         Second: instead of going for his sword, the actual weapon, Percy goes for the horn stuck in the tree, almost getting skewered himself. Now, the narrative for some reason rewards him for this, but this is just dumb. And there was also no indication that the horn was going to work better than the sword, which is also right there and not stuck in a tree.
·         The fury roughed him up more than the minotaur did, and yet this is the part where he falls unconscious
·         Grover is BUFF
·         He’s supposed to be a scrawny loser kid with anxiety issues
·         Also nursing Percy is Annabeth’s part. This is important. Ish.
·         Yeah, okay, Grover giving Percy the tour is… Unfortunate. In the books, there were actual adults giving him these talks, and also Annabeth, and you get the feeling Satyrs are veeeeery low on the pecking order. Also, Mr Brunner was there to actually take him seriously
·         Also, the camp just looks wrong. Way wrong.
·         UGH
·         UUUUUGH
·         OKAY
·         We’re introduced to BRUNETTE Annabeth while a bunch of people do badly choreographed battle around her. This is wrong. This is so wrong.
·         Annabeth is good in a fight, yeah. But her main asset is her brain. And the first glimpses we get of her is taking care of Percy, both nursing him and giving him the tour, because she piecing together how he fits into a prophecy that concerns her and is her ticket out of there.
·         Also they kind of combine her role in this movie with that of Clarisse, who is a daughter of Ares and a bully like the ones Percy never had to face here. I have no idea why they did that, and it’s even more ridiculous since Clarisse appears in the sequel.
·         Why did they have to put more than one centaur in here, they’re supposed to be party animals roaming the countryside, EXCEPT for Mr. Brunner who is Chiron fuck everything
·         Okay. They also conflated the daughters of Aphrodite with the naiads that are around, and both groups would NEVER give Grover the time of day. Buuut I guess considering where this leads, we do have to play up his sex appeal, huh?
·         OKAY. The cabins in the books are actual fancy and pretty houses, befitting Greek gods. Being claimed by a god is also a special thing, and the fact that it is special contributes greatly to the 5 book story arc. Here, they just shove Percy into a weird wooden structure full of sailing paraphernalia specifically built for him.
·         Okay so apparently the only danger kids of the big 3 pose is making the other big 3 jealous for some reason, not because they literally kicked off the world wars
·         And apparently, Gabe’s smell isn’t supposed to keep monsters away, but the other gods?!
·         Well I mean everyone seems to have known about Percy, sooo
·         Also Percy has no way to integrate into camp or anything , has no connection to any of these people, anything
·         Luke is missing a scar, and is also completely creepy from the get go
·         Why do we keep getting meaningful close ups of Annabeth, what is she supposed to mean to anyone at this point
·         Why was she fighting with a knife minutes ago and is nnow using a bow and arrow, it’s Athena not Artemis
·         This game of cpture the flag is stupid
·         And also undercuts Annabeth’s actual point
·         In the books this involved like tactics and shit
·         But like, I commend the script for making Percy lampshade how ridiculous this all is
·         It’s just that capture the flag had a narrative purpose, too, which is null and voide when he was already claimed
·         Also Percy is such an idiot for just going for the flag like that
·         Annabeth has boob plate
·         "My mother is goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. You know what that means?" - IT MEANS YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO TAKE OFF YOUR HELMET WHILE FACING AN ENEMY WITH A SWORD.
·         WHAT IS HER BEEF WITH PERCY? Yes, he rudely stared at you for a while, but why do you need to cut him up like that?!
·         She just beats him down and nobody does a thing they all just stand around staring what the fuck
·         And then everyone cheers when she’s done beating down the completely untrained new kid?! WHAT THE FUCK
·         Percy, who already knows he’s a son of Poseidon needs to be told by divine intervention to go to the water, the only place he actually liked before
·         Brief contact with water then turns him into superman and has him actually sort of beat Annabeth
·         Though not as cruelly as she beat him
·         And then everyone just lets him walk to the flag. Why the fuck.
·         You know who actually figured out how the water powers worked? Annabeth!
·         You know who actually made a battle plan to get the flag for the blue team? ANNABETH!
·         Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah
·         Percy gets party invitations. The fuck.
·         Annabeth chases them away and then flirts with him for some reason. Percy is also completely turned on by a public beat down.
·         “I definitely have strong feelings for you” whaaaat the fuck. Whaaaaaaat the fuck. This is soooo weird.
·         Oh hello flame demon. How nice of you to just show up like that and deliver the plot to us
·         Okay. So. Hades wants the bolt, but outright states that he doesn’t have it. So far, the plans are to talk to one of two enraged gods and convince them he didn’t take the bolt. That’s…Not much of a plan at all unless someone here knows how to cast a zone of truth spell or something
·         Hades now comes along and offers his mom in exchange for the bolt, instead of being framed for everything like in the books, and the camp counsellors just… leave Percy alone after that?
·         Like, not only Grover, but the random chick who brutally tore into him in front of a crowd figured out he was going to bail without ever receiving a tiny bit of training, guys. This is stupid.
·         Annabeth wants a quest. Sweetheart, this is not a quest. There is a protocol to these things, as you would know. A god has to assign it, there has to be a clear objective, and at least according to camp regulations, a prophecy, and the entire thing has to be official. But sure. Tag along with the random unprepared kid who’s going to get his mom.
·         OH THAT’S JUST GREAT YEAH Annabeth would not know how to get to the underworld, she has to go ask A MAN for info SOMEONE SHOOT ME
·         Luke is in a completely empty cabin with a gaming console and flat screens and pokes fun at the ren faire feel
·         Luke, Annabeth has daddy issues completely independent from her godly parent but okay fine
·         NO NOT LIKE THAT
·         Okay so my personal interpretation of Persephone is more that of an ancient times beauty and the beast kind of deal, so that she’s not entirely unhappy
·         Also like, Greek mythology has a maaaaaajor Madonna/whore complex. Maaaaajor. And while she’s not one of the chastity goddesses, Persephone kiiiinda doesn’t fall in the dedicated adulteress part of that spectrum
·         But foreshadowing. I get it.
·         Convenient map is convenient
·         Super literal soundtrack
·         Also they still haven’t told us where the underworld is or how to get in there, just that it’s easy
·         “Let’s split up, check everything” Greeaaat plan, Percy. And then just go looking around without actually looking thoroughly
·         Now Annabeth is dragged along screaming and Grover actually knows how is greatuncle died and is the one to figure out what’s going on. Great.
·         Like, in the books, he still finds his uncle Ferdinand, but no one ever knew what happened to him because he got lost during a search at a place where no one really returns from
·         Annabeth is the first one to figure out that the nice woman giving them burgers and asking them to pose for pictures is not their friend and saves both Grover and Percy, and Percy figures out who she is himself immediately after, before the veil comes off and the snakes start hissing
·         Oh, Uma Thurman, you are too good for this
·         I need to watch Kill Bill after this just to calm down
·         It’s weirdly cathartic to fight your own murderous instincts
·         Annabeth knows this story dammit
·         Also villain monologue
·         I dunno, Uma, you’re still pretty hot like that
·         At least Percy figures out the reflection thing
·         Ugh Annabeth has to get rescued
·         How can you sense him if you were surprised by his presence before?
·         Percy says he can look at her reflection and then throws away the phone he’s using to look at her when he actually sees her
·         Where the fuck did they get the car
·         How did Annabeth learn to drive at camp
·         She can sense him, sees him coming, and he still gets to cut off her head from behind
·         And then she conveniently carried around the pearl with her
·         How do they get a motel room, do they actually have credit cards or something? What the fuck.
·         Yeah okay I don’t feel creepy at all looking at Logan Lerman’s naked torso some more
·         So I guess Percy’s ocean powers in this movie work like waterbending and can also heal other people
·         How he figured that out? No idea. Why he doesn’t start carrying around water everywhere he goes for just this purpose?
·         And aaaalso I think the more significant story for the animosity between Athena and Poseidon would be how he fucked Medusa in her temple, but sure. The story about Athens.
·         Book!Annabeth, when prompted, brings up both, by the way.
·         Why is it forbidden for all gods to interact with their kids?
·         Why is there laundry service in the middle of the night?
·         And how did they get to check out after that?
·         Yeah okay this Parthenon business is completely not in the books
·         “I wonder if she really looks like that” Okay okay cutting out the field trip is fucking stupid
·         No one checks the bathrooms before closing up the place?
·         And no on turns off the lights in the bathrooms?
·         Cleaning staff ruining the day yet again
·         Every time Annabeth shoots anything in this movie I die a little on the inside
·         Also hey, there are more black people in this movie than Grover and Persephone, and they all work in maintenance
·         Ugh, son of Poseidon taking to the air
·         Aaaand the maintenance squad has been possessed
·         Annabeth gets to point out the obvious, Percy is on fire like it’s no big deal, and Hail Hydra isn’t even a thing yet. At least not in the main stream.
·         Flying shoes are now fully attuned and working for him
·         Annabeth shoots shit again
·         At one point, it is a plot point that children not of Apollo aren’t that good at archery
·         And Annabeth in the books fights with a knife, an invisibility cap, and her wits, and never shoots shit
·         Medusa petrifies the hydra through fire
·         Okay then
·         Where do they get their money for food from
·         That’s a major obstacle in the books
·         The credit cards they totally have?
·         And the gas money for that car
·         Okay so the underworld is actually visually striking and could have had potential
·         Hades is actually vengeful and out to kill the other gods
·         Persephone mentions her allotted time away from him, but is still there before the solstice.
·         She double crosses Hades because she hates him and shit, it’s weird
·         And then she hits on what for all intents and purposes is an underaged boy
·         The staredown is sooo unsatisfying and thematically rrelevant
·         Luke just conveniently happened to flutter around the empire state building close to midnight because….?
·         Does this camp have no security?
·         The fight is badly, badly choreographed
·         Luke also just has delusions of grandeur and wants to ascend to gdhood or something
·         “You’Re no hero” – actually, per definition, he is.
·         Also, this fucking lightning bolt is supposed to be more powerful than nuclear bombs, STOP USING IT IDIOTS
·         And then Luke just kinda chills on top of the building, waiting for Percy to come and angage him in aerial combat like a video game boss
·         Okay if you’re using the lightning bolt, fucking use it
·         No, really, if a celestial bronze sword can do that, what’ so great about it in the first place
·         They use this thing like a flashier version of a tazer
·         Also, they’re right underneath Olympus, you’d think the gods might actually intervene this close to their home turf
·         Luke then uses Percy’s lack of proficiency at aerial combat to suggest he might be no son of Posedong after all… Which I agre with, actually, because Zesu would blast any sons of Poseidon out of the air immediately
·         He also effectively reminds Percy of his waterbending powers, so he can make water tanks explode for dramatic final battle poses
·         The bolt somehow doesn’t electrocute Luke when caught in a tidal wave
·         Water somehow knocks Luke’s shoes off
·         Mortals are allowed to go to Olympus
·         Ah wait, just to ride the elevator up there
·         Athena has a random British accent
·         And the gods are arguing, completely oblivious to what’s going on, but also totally prepared for imminent war
·         With each other in a council chamber
·         Riiight
·         Also the movie gave absolutely no reason for Luke to be angry
·         Athena and Poseidon are conveniently already standing
·         Zeus just like that agrees to bring Grover from the underworld WHICH IS NOT EVEN HIS DOMAIN
·         Poseidon gets to talk to Percy and doesn’t even shrink down to do it. They never say why the gods aren’t allowed to talk to their children
·         …Gods become human when they spend too much time with mortals? AND THAT’S WHY THEY’RE NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT THEIR CHILDREN?! WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT?!?!!?!?!
·         Zeus and Poseidon are RIVALS. Godhood can be BESTOWED. The rational thing to do would have been to let him become human and appoint a new god of the sea loyal to Zeus
·         You’d think some tactical minded deity who doesn’t like Poseidon very much would have thought of that
·         Sally can just kick out Gabe, just like that
·         Chiron is totally into students disobeying. Let word of that get around, and everyone will run away and be eaten by monsters, defeating the entire purpose of the camp
·         Gd dammit you kids have no chemistry and with the intense eyes and same hair color look more like siblings
·         Making this almost kiss really uncomfortable.
·         Also, how is Percy suddenly able to stand up against her clunky pirouette fighting without having stepped into water first?
·         Ugh
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