#soul dog
zipperheart · 10 months
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emilyart-mixedmedia · 3 months
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It's important to remind myself that creating art isn't always fast nor is it easy. I started this painting back in 2020 during the first few months of COVID lockdown and I am still working on it. During that time I lost this lovely little girl to old age and it hit so hard that I lost interest in painting her and fell into an artist block. Then I had to plan for a wedding and found myself surrounded by grief after losing my own pets to illness and all that stretched my creative river to its breaking point. I again, found myself opening this painting up just to close out of it in one move multiple times.
1 year later, I am diving in again. My creative flow is trickling back in and this girl is on my list to finish.
Her name was Maggie, but she answered to "Girlfriend" when I called.
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mamalifee · 9 months
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Osiris Sage Owens. My sidekick. I miss you so much
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tequileah · 5 months
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Cuddles with the love of my life
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drgonnzo · 8 months
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softakespics · 1 year
There will come a day when I don’t remember what my dog smells like. A day when she is long gone and I see a picture on the wall that sparks an ache. There will come a time when I tell people of my funny dog who was the most unreasonable diva. The dog who pulled faces and stomped about in a strop and grumbled impossible in response to being told ‘no’. My future kids won’t know one of the creature who taught me how to love them by setting boundaries.
One day the dog who barked at the right time won’t be here and I will need the strength to stop myself from my own stupidity. But right now she is on my lap. I can give her all the love she needs from me— all I can give. I cannot focus on what might be. But I sit here knowing I will miss her as much as I love her. And I love her a lot.
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anon0130 · 2 years
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💗My Soul Dog💗
I honestly never imagined that a dog could represent my soul as much as this one does. I’ve had this little miniature chiweenie for almost 7 years now. You can see how small she was when I got her at just 6 weeks. She’s depended on me since then and now I find myself depending on her. Unfortunately as her face whitens and she becomes slower, I find myself truly dreading her leaving my presence. She can make a face, a gesture, and even act a certain way and I can tell you what she wants or what she needs.
For example: I know she loves other animals. This includes puppies, cats, etc. One time at the vet’s office, I had her on the leash at my feet. She looks up and sees another man holding their lab puppy. My dog, Millie, notices the puppy. She immediately starts trying to jump on my legs, whines, and looks right up at me. I look to the man and I just say, oh umm she wants to see your puppy, can she? He puts his puppy down and Millie sniffs the puppy and wags her tail so fast.
That probably sounds very silly, but I just know that I will be devastated when it’s her time to go. For me, there will never be another Millie like her. ❤️
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jodieslove · 4 months
On Friday, we had to put down my beautiful soul baby. You were an amazing best friend. I’ll miss you for the rest of my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog. You deserved the world and I hope you know that I tried to give you what you deserved. I love you Hannah May. I’ll see you again. Say hello to my grandad for me. You mean the world to me.
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anavatazes · 4 months
I need a palette cleanser
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This is my soul dog, Vader, with my youngest in my mother-in-law's backyard. Vader meant the world to me, loved each and every one of my children, and he and my mother-in-law were thick as thieves. I didn't exist if Grandma was around... damn traitor, LOL. I miss him horribly, but when things get rough, like today, I look fondly on days like that one. We'd just arrived for a visit in Charleston, staying at Grandma and Popeye's, Grandma and Vader still very much alive and ready to walk the kids up to the pool. Vader would keep a close eye on the older kids but would stay next to the youngest. As you can see, she was still teeny tiny. Mara does this now, especially when the grandkids are around. Love my pack-oriented pups.
I try to save the weekends for family stuff and catch up on house stuff I couldn't get to during the week. Even when pickings are slim during the work year. I get the bulk of my money from tax season (January-May), and the majority of my clients are really sweet and kind people, that I love seeing each year. Then I get the ones that test my will to hold back my patience. I do not have any to begin with. None. You are not a child, you are not new to learning X, Y, and Z, and you are not an animal. FUCK off and leave me alone if you are going to try me. This one is a new client, and I am not going to take them back. They went behind my back to other agents to verify, that what I had shown them on the IRS' website, was true. Just because this year they made more money than they did last year and are not getting back as much as they think they should. Not going into any more details, as it is a breach of contract, but fuck... Dude, I went to school for 4 years, I do my care of duty and due diligence every year, and I stay in touch with multiple CPAs, CPEs, IRS agents, and so forth, to make sure I know what the fuck I am doing. I don't mess with huge dollar amounts, but it's still people's money, and I am not going to fuck around with it. Business insurance only gets you so far. And there is my own personal Jiminy Cricket to contend with. Yeah, no.
Anyway, be nice to your tax preparer, whatever their title may be. And if you can't, go do your taxes yourself. And have fun with that if you have a lot of complicated bullshit to deal with.
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zipperheart · 1 year
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2.2.23— One year without you. —2.2.22
Feels like yesterday you went home to Heaven but also like a lifetime ago.
Loving you has not only been an honor but a beautiful adventure I will always treasure.
I told you everyday “I love you” now I add “I miss you” 🤍
I never loved anyone more than I loved you.
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meghatyagi · 5 months
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Family ♥️
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ship-and-let-ship · 7 months
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lotus-pear · 13 days
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intertwined fate
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cowboybrunch · 6 days
i love when characters get angry when they're frightened. shelter dog characters. i love when they bite, not able to tell the difference between a hand that feeds and a hand that strikes. there is no difference. a hand is a hand is a fist. i love characters that are deemed unadoptable. unlovable.
and i love when someone loves them. i love when someone sits with them, patient. they don't flinch at the snarling and snapping. they're not trying to fix it—there's nothing to be fixed. this is you, all of you, and ill wait. because one day, one day you'll take the treat. go on, draw my blood. spit and curse and rage. you're safe with me. one day, you'll feel safe with me.
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nemomo · 2 days
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I am normal about bungo stray dogs and will draw chuuya's coat (lies)
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