#soul eater evans aesthetic
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Soul Evans aesthetic: every single transmasc in the tristate area sprinting to the deed poll to name themselves “soul” only to later explain it away like “haha no i just came up with it on my own, i’ve never even heard of a... did you say ‘sole weeder?’”
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Bands & Anime! 🇯🇵
Andy Biersack & Remington Leith + Maka & Soul! 👹
“Sometimes no word needs to be said. Just being there is enough.”
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kensekii · 2 years
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Don’t mess up my tempo 🕷
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Soul Eater by Takuya Igarashi / Atsushi Ōkubo (2003-2013)
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tundrance · 2 years
LOVE the edits lil homie, have u ever done Soul Eater? Love ur colors and style
thank u ! and i have not so here u go
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thejollyeclectic · 9 months
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soul drooling over a soul, I never knew Fire force was the prequel
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enivlens · 1 year
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He eats souls
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theartofthelex · 2 years
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I made this little aesthetic board for soul eater. I felt like it. And I was bored.
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foursaints · 4 months
would you be willing to spare some thoughts abt Evan and Barty’s animagi forms?? I love them they’re so precious your art made me literally giggle kick my feet at my real adult job 🫠
oh YES I CAN! my animagus headcanons have a lot of thought behind them put towards their symbolism & themes
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this is just barty to me. he is a spotted hyena
raccoon!barty is pretty popular bc i think people want to see him as a scrappy & raggedy looking thing which i agree with. and on an aesthetic level a hyena has those visuals EXCEPT its maw is covered in old blood and it has that deranged laugh <3
the raccoon hc is like.... I fundamentally don't see barty as a scavenger. he is a Predator & a Carnivore. the spotted hyena is often mislabeled as a scavenger but it's not. its a Hunter that grows Desperate enough to tear at corpses. thats barty to me.
spotted hyenas are persistence predators. they are THE persistence predators. their hunting style is a long, grueling, sun-beaten pursuit chasing down their prey slooowly over the miles until their body gives out and the hyena snaps their neck. that is exactly how barty's revenge in goblet of fire plays out.
he is a dirty, ragged predator that suffers because he knows he is built to withstand it endlessly & his prey will eventually give out first. and he's dedicated. and vicious. and violent when unprovoked.
"When they are raised with a firm hand, [hyenas] may eventually become affectionate and as amenable as well-trained dogs"
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evan is a two-headed viper. i don't have a species ive decided on yet but i want it to be venomous & egyptian like him
the two-headed bit is representative of his relationship with pandora (who is a two-headed mongoose. to me). they are far more entwined than regular twins & it shows in their souls
evan as a snake is important because i see him as The Ultimate Slytherin. in canon all we know of him is a competent death eater who took a bit back of the man who killed him. that vindictive "if you take me down, i'll take some of you" is THE slytherin thesis to me beyond just being cunning, ambitious, etc.
my evan isn't violent for no reason. he's measured and patient and poisonous and is the character least ruled by emotion. he's quiet. he flicks his little tongue out, tasting the air.
however, coming out two-headed represents an aberration of what should be a Perfect Snake & his attachment to his sister. evan rosier isnt actually the perfect snake because there is that sensitive core of him that loves her
snake venom is used in medicine and not just to kill; this ties into my larger headcanon of evan as a (dark, fucked up) healer
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dimitrippy · 2 months
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let's bring back 2010 edgy aesthetics.
[ Picture ID: Edited screenshot from the anime Soul Eater, episode 50. Soul Evans is on the left, in black and white; to his left is a black gramophone on a black table. Maka Albarn is on the right, in her usual pigtails and tailcoat/mini skirt combo. They are in a brightly lit room with white walls, blue pillars, and purple paneling on the lower half of the wall. There is text over the image in red font (called Lava) that says Welcome To My Twisted Mind in all capital letters. Twisted Mind was put through the zalgo text app to further distort the lettering.
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Soul Eater by Takuya Igarashi / Atsushi Ōkubo (2003-2013)
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visforvictini13 · 2 years
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Name: Soul Evans
Trainer Card Number: 527
Gender: Male
Series Of Origin: Soul Eater
Type Specialty: None
Litwick: Litwick looks like a soul and knowing that he likes to eat souls, he may like to keep one
Kadabra: Maka Albarn’s signature pokemon that he probably got an Abra from her
Ariados: The Arachne Gorgon 
Toxtricity and Rillaboom: The Musical Theme and they look cool so they seem like they’d be his aesthetic
Scyther: I mean, Scythes
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apotelesmaa · 11 months
I thought ohkubo said that soul eater refers to asura eating souls n shit and not actually for mr evans
I didn’t know that! But I was specifically referring to that one post that’s like “you would think soul would be the main character because of the name and the aesthetic etc but he’s not his bestie is” or whatever
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enivlens · 1 year
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
I'm rereading early soul eater and it seems atleast that the art had a lot more creativity early on before getting kinda generic and homogenised
Kind of, yeah. 
As I just said in other recent replies, it’s why it is jarring to see Ohkubo revert to earlier Soul Eater aesthetic right at the end of Fire Force (for plot reasons, granted, but still jarring). 
I’m not going to act like the initial B Ichi / early Soul Eater designs were as good as it was going to get. But there was more variety in those designs, in the wild expressions. By the time he got to NOT, it felt like Ohkubo had consistent character model sheets--which, should be good news. 
But you’ve seen the debates over Steven Universe designs: you have people who want characters to look consistent all the time, and you have people who want the designs to be flexible for the sake of action and animation and comedy. I’m agnostic on the Steven Universe example; on the Soul Eater example, while characters models help in animation, I don’t think it serves a comic like Soul Eater well. 
(Then you have Oda on One Piece who doesn’t give a shit, he’s focused on the best designs for that moment in the comic--give or take really annoying reductive designs on girls and women--go off-model, who cares, make it work for that scene.)
(Aside: it’s also why “Kid and Shinra have the same face” will never work for me: Ohkubo’s art style has changed so much that pinpointing any moment where Kid and Shinra have the same face is next to impossible. I’ve seen comparisons of Kid and Shinra at the end of their manga to show their similarities, but even that is a stretch and seems more like Ohkubo just re-using the same visual cues for the sake of awesome moments of each character getting more powerful, to communicate that they are stronger now, not to show they literally have the same face.)
It makes some sense why things get generic and homogenized. When B Ichi started, it’s a world where anything can happen. Then you get to Soul Eater, and he’s trying out different types of characters and designs before settling on a Tim Burton / Henry Selick / Jamie Christopher Hewlett look…and yet, despite how much creativity you can mine from that gothic design, the look does start to get stale. Even something like Tezca’s other masks start to look same-y rather than being more off-the-wall (whereas his ghost appearance felt far more creative). 
Then NOT is about moe, and Fire Force is about everything being uniformed to match the religious and governmental and departmental uniformity of that world--and then, “whoops, this was a prequel all along,” and at the end Ohkubo finally cuts loose (too late) with more wild designs (on the resurrected people, on what Shinra creates, on Shinra’s empowered form, on the post-pyrokinetic world, on showing baby Soul Evans) to make the timeline mesh. 
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kindredaesthetic · 6 years
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an anon asked for a kishin soul evans aesthetic with hints of red and black, self-conscious thoughts and anxiety! this was fun to make! i hope you like it!
– mod anri
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