#soul rants
soulminyg · 10 months
I want to finish my shift already to go watch the show
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the-soulofdevil · 1 year
Okay so smut or dark writers have to use fucking citrus fruits as warning but porn bots are allowed?!?!?
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xsoulxsilencex · 10 months
Well, episode 72 was surely... something.
There's a lot to talk about (especially when it comes to Zwijo and Mitsuko) so if you can't stand seeing anything negative about this episode then better not read any further.
Well, where to start? I guess with the jab at Manabu. Seriously, can't the writers go one episode in this arc without reminding us of Commander Study or clowning on Manabu? And I can't believe that the reason why Manabu can't be in the finals is due to him not entering with his real name. If you never wanted him in the finals in the first place then you should've given him a better reason than that, Bridge.
Yudias and the twins know that Epoch avoids them (or more specifically Yudias) and we see a hint of darkness still in Yudias. This could get interesting if the writers don't screw it up. There's also Yuamu and Yuhi talking about the relic and Yuamu asking Yuhi for a favor we haven't gotten to know what that is exactly yet. Maybe that plays already a role in the next episode. (or in ep 74 which has "road" in its title and Yuamu once again mentions how "this is their road" or whatever after Yuhi got to know about the favor)
Now to the tournament final: Why does Ranran say there's around 8 finalists? How does she not know the exact number? Or does she know better and was told to say this? From the spoilers, we already know we have 10 finalists. At least Manabu is also aware of how weird this is.
And to the biggest topic of the episode: Zwijo and Mitsuko.
Honestly, what the heck? Don't get me wrong: I never expected Zwijo going full mushy mode and say he missed Mitsuko and he loves her too and all that shit. This is still Zwijo so he will never be super emotional and say cheesy stuff. But whenever Mitsuko asked him if he has something to say to her or if he remembers their first meeting, he just said "no". That's it. They meet each other for the first time after 2 years and he doesn't bother explaining anything. So am I supposed to think that Mitsuko doesn't matter at all to Zwijo? Was she just a tool like Chupataro but he kept her longer with him for some reason?
Speaking of "meeting each other for the first time": Seriously, what was that backstory? Mitsuko accidently bumped into Zwijo's space ship, he said sorry and she went full delusional mode and thought he wants her to live with him? *sigh* Why do the writers suddenly turn Mitsuko in some kind of Ranze 2.0.? Sure, her "love vision" is just for Zwijo and not every guy around her. But we never saw it as bad as now. Like there was nothing until ep 41 and even then, the way she saw Zwijo was still with him frowning which we are used to. But now, she imagines him all smiling charmingly?
Tbh, I don't really understand why Zwijo even accepted Mitsuko to live with him. Like he sees this 3 meters tall lady for the first time, she wants to be with him due to her delusions and he just accepts it? Why? He could've just told her to leave him alone or push her away or simply ditch her without looking back. But no, he took her with him. Tbf, we just got Mitsuko's POV on their first meeting but I don't think Mitsuko would have forgotten it if Zwijo had been totally against it. Now I'm sure some will say "maybe Zwijo saw some use in Mitsuko which is why he was okay with her" but again: Why would he accept her to live in his space ship along with him? Just because Mitsuko wanted to live with him together doesn't mean he had to do this. He could've found a random house or so for her (or tell her that living together isn't possible but spending time together is fine) and still use her as his tool but he didn't. There's also the question where the heck all of Zwijo's people were including Myuda and Dinois during the time Mitsuko lived with him. On the battlefield? Somewhere else?
And speaking of Dinois: 1. why was she suddenly with Zwijo, 2. why did Zwijo use her ace monster and 3. why did nobody give a shit that a desk is suddenly talking and moving? Are everyone in Mutsuba Town so used to aliens now, they think a talking furniture piece is normal too or an alien?? But yeah, Zwijo using Heavenstar doesn't make any sense to me. Why would he do that? He has enough monsters that could be used for a new fusion. I did think of the possibility of Zwijo wanting to provoke Mitsuko with this to lure the darkness (but then, Dinois must have told him that Mitsuko can't stand her, I doubt Zwijo found that out himself) but we also see him taking Darkness Sansara away from Mitsuko which Yuamu speculates on that he maybe did that to prevent her from getting consumed by darkness. Which would mean that Zwijo does actually care for Mitsuko? At least a tiny bit? Or am I supposed to believe that Zwijo just took Sansara for himself since he later said that he thinks that it can bring back memories and he saw some use in it?
Ofc, Zwijo defeats Mitsuko and Mitsuko falls for him again - due to her delusions of thinking he says he loves her too. Come on, don't do this to her, Bridge. And ofc this can't end in those two making up since Zwijo just angers Mitsuko again with not remembering how they met for the first time and then she falls down the pit. I did a post before by saying how much this duel reminds me of Roa vs Getta and I'm still standing by this. (and Roa still gets at least points for telling Getta that he's a great friend to him - all Zwijo does is tell Mitsuko she "did well" and "good work")
Look, I don't say Zwijo has to reciprocate Mitsuko's feelings for him. He doesn't owe her any love just because she is in love with him. And I'm honestly not believing in them becoming a canon couple anymore (because yugioh rarely cares for proper romances anyway). But is it too much to ask for Zwijo appreciating Mitsuko as a friend? This guy doesn't have a single deep bond with someone who isn't from his own kind. Yudias has a bunch of non-Velgearian friendships who helped him understand things better, why can't Zwijo at least have one with Mitsuko too? I've also seen some saying that Mitsuko "forced" herself into Zwijo's life and while she did have her delusions, Zwijo isn't some shy, weak kid who can't speak for himself. Again, if he can't stand Mitsuko or feels uncomfortable around her then why did he even accept her to live with him together in the first place? You can't tell me he couldn't tell no to her. This is still Zwijo we're talking about - the guy who let Mitsuko do work for him so Idk how Mitsuko is now the one who forced Zwijo to keep her with him and he had no chance to escape her? You really think she has that much power over him? He could've also asked any of his own Velgearian soldiers to be still with him to work as a henchman on Earth or could've looked for other aliens who wouldn't have felt the need to be close to him like Chupataro so needing Mitsuko as a henchwoman would've been redundant.
The way the relationship between Zwijo and Mitsuko is now is just frustrating. If Zwijo just straight up told Mitsuko that he doesn't love her or that she should stay away from him, this chapter could be done and Mitsuko could move on. But we don't have that. Instead I fear for Mitsuko doing it like Getta (when it came to Roa) that she might be angry at Zwijo again rn but she will return to him if she thinks he is saying something she could interpret as him actually loving her or needing her. And I really don't want this shit again. Either have Zwijo fall in love with Mitsuko eventually, have him reject her but they still stay friends or do a clean cut of him telling her she should stop approaching him. Mitsuko won't stop reaching for him as long as Zwijo doesn't make it crystal clear what he really thinks of her. Maybe this is a hot take for some but it is partly his fault if Mitsuko still has hopes for them together. Like get your damn point across, Zwijo! Tell her straight in her face to get lost if she really never meant anything to you other than a tool you had some use for a while but now you want her to leave you alone. Heck, even insult her if nothing else works to make it obvious to her that you see nothing in her.
Next episode is Asaka vs Tell, Rovian vs Yuna and Nyandestar vs Yuamu. Also hinted Zwijo vs Yuhi but that could be pushed to episode 74. And I want Yuhi to beat Zwijo since I want to see Yudias vs Yuhi as the arc final duel and Yuhi being the one helping Yudias to get rid of the darkness in him. After all, they're best friends and this arc had some build up for them to face each other in the finals. I would be disappointed if they just did nothing with them now.
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seekerscorner · 2 years
I am angry with my soul like why it was asleep when I had to take life changing decisions and why it has suddenly awaken when I had already choose something different. Why it needs to weep now and protest now when the things are done , it's soul's fault that it was asleep that time and now why the fuck it wants me to fight for something she needs .I mean WHY just because you are my soul do I need to take on your every fucking tantrums . Why you can't just shut the fuck up and why when you shut up I feel like I am dying. Why is it that when you are upset I am too. Like WHY you need to be like this and why I feel that if you wouldn't be a part of me I would have not liked me . It's you who is special and precious to me , I understand you and your needs but why the fuck you are messing with my body , my mind , my life , my everything. Why you can't be on time ? Why you need to be like my body. Can't you be punctual at critical times? Fuck you.
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thatlethalsoul · 2 years
Full offense to literally everyone on this platform but if you ever say anything along the lines of "yes (x group of people) can reblog this, actually" or "you won't see any (x people) reblog this" or "everyone MUST reblog this" or any other variation of such I will immediately refuse to reblog your post no matter how much I agree with what was said in it purely because fuck you don't fucking guilt trip me
You could be making the best, most serious and important post in the world and the minute you tack that on at the end you've wholeheartedly lost my support. No I'm not fucking joking, don't do it. I don't care who you're supporting or what you're talking about just don't guilt people or try to force them to do something, anything in the world. Just don't fucking do it
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originalaccountname · 1 month
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there is so much to unpack in such a little excerpt. This is from the exchange between Mori and Oda near the start of Dark Era.
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fumifooms · 9 months
Anyone else noticed that Marcille wore dark —and feathery??— dresses with poofy sleeves in the epilogue? I guess she’s letting herself grow into her cringefail goth fashion sense
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starwrighter · 1 year
A DpxDc prompt because I <3 all of you but am too shy to talk in the discord.
The Subnautica au I promised! (I might make two of them)
Okay, so Danny is around 14 or 15 in this. He is still a halfa but the portal has been temporarily closed for plot reasons. So the portal is closed and Danny has no clue what to do now. Due to the portal being closed Danny's grades have improved exponentially enough that he gets an work offer from Altera (ignore the child labor it's the Giw/Altera's shady business practices fault)
Danny is ecstatic because he's finally getting the opportunity to go to space! He knows if he waits the portal will be reopened and he'll never have a chance like this again so he takes it. In less than a month Danny has been trained and is shipped off to the Aurora. He's heading towards planet 4546b with very little information on the planet itself.
The crash happens and Danny doesn't use his powers to save the ship because something around the atmosphere was preventing full accessing his powers in full. Danny scrambles to the life pods and ends up being the only one in life pod five. The whole life pod scene happens with Danny being knocked out by the panel flying off the wall.
He wakes up with the life pod on fire and quickly uses what he can of his ice powers to put it out not realizing there's a fire extinguisher. Danny exits the life pod and realizes that a lot of people he talked to on the ship not even a day ago were probably dead. Judging by his inability to go ghost, he wouldn't be reuniting with them in the ghost zone any time soon.
He is devastated but goes about exploring and trying to find any other survivors. His hope of finding survivors near the crash zone dies when the ship explodes and starts leaking deadly radiation. Danny of course rushes to try and fix this. It's easier for him to get there because he can stay under water for an inhuman amount of time and has a built up immunity to radiation as a halfa.
Now to the DC part of this. Let's stick with only the batfam existing in this universe. The entire batfam are classified as leviathan's. All of them have two forms with one of said forms being semi humanoid mer like appearance. They are still pretty big in this form, think 7-8ft at the smallest (aka Damian) The other form is something I like to call
Big f-ken fish™
Which is full on terrifying reapers (we'll decide what each of the fam specifically look like later) and a lot of them are chilling in the crash zone when Danny is fixing the Aurora's reactor. Danny has not yet been spotted by the reapers.
Now they're already pissed off because a big arse ship just crashed into their planet and destroyed a great deal of it. They don't exactly know what a space ship is but they do know that the technology is advanced and the only thing remotely close on their planet is from the precursors who were a bunch of pricks.
Before the explosion the fam kept an eye on the weird creatures that crawled out of the metal eggs They watch them almost immediately start dying from predators or Kharaa. They were there when the ship exploded and started leaking radiation and killing the local wild life much to Damian's despair.
So the Fam are pretty pissed off at this point and are circling the ship. They immediately noticed when the ship stops leaking radiation and spot Danny swimming away from the reck quicker than any of the other ones that crawled out of the eggs.
Granted most of the other ones from the eggs immediately died and didn't have faces (the wet suits looked weird and Danny refuses to wear them no matter how much easier they would make things >:(
They start watching him because obviously there's something odd about this thing it looks kinda like a much smaller version of their smaller forms. Danny is getting pretty ticked off that his PDA keeps making false alarms of leviathan's. Duke, and tim are the ones monitoring Danny in the safe shallows. Jason and Dick in the crash zone. Barbra and Stephanie in the kelp forest. Cass and Bruce are patrolling the grassy plateaus.Damian is by himself at the quarantine gun/ sunbeam landing sight.
Danny sets up base near the quarantine gun™ because for some reason even though he's not infected he can't turn the damn thing off. So Damian is the only one currently capable of watching him. Damian has a theory that he 100% sure is correct. As a 1600 year old leviathan he's not a baby he's almost an adult and doesn't remember being a baby. This thing crawled out of an egg and is super tiny so it is obviously a baby and a very smart one at that. While it didn't have the claws, gills, tail, or scales they had it was super fast, could freeze things, had super strong hands despite looking dull and frail, it could take useless scraps and rocks and turn them into complex structures. It was obviously a new type of leviathan the ship carrying eggs. Danny was the smallest of the babies but he was also the strongest, and smartest; surviving long enough to have eyes and hair. This baby was young enough that he still needed to surface for air he needed to be protected.
Danny has no clue he's now being stalked by a group of reapers that decided he was their new baby brother/son
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phantasia69 · 6 months
As a female gamer, one thing I love about Fromsoftware games is their female characters.
For me, a game having decent female characters is a huge selling point. I literally bought Elden Ring (and therefore got into souls games) just because of Malenia. She is literally the sole reason why I bought the game. I even bought the collectors edition of the game so I could get the figurine of her, which sits at the top shelf of my glass display shelf along with a figurine of Lady Maria.
I love how fleshed out the female characters are in Fromsoftware games. I love how the female characters are allowed to just be people, and not have their entire character revolve around them being female. They're allowed to be kind, mean, caring, selfish, deceitful, cunning, mysterious, vulnerable, strong, weak, and so many other things.
Even in the modern age, there are still so many games coming out that use female characters for just fanservice. All the time, I see games underutilize their female characters or just set them to the side entirely. Not once have I ever felt like a female character was used for fanservice in a Fromsoftware game, or at least, their entire character wasn't based around it.
I'm not saying that fanservice is inherently bad, I'm just saying that it gets a little exhausting when all of your favorite female characters, especially in video games, get over sexualized to the point where there's NSFW content of them everywhere. I know the same thing happens with some male characters, but I see it a lot more often with female characters.
I feel like a lot of newer games should take some notes from Fromsoftware when it comes to making female characters. It's 2023, after all.
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dcangel · 4 months
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i’m telling yall just imagine lying in bed with stiles; you’re on your back, he’s draped over you/your side. you have an arm around his broad shoulders, nails gliding up and down, side to side on his back over his grey shirt. your other hand is combing through those unruly brown waves on his head, they’re completely messed up from hours of just existing in one another’s presence. and stiles couldn’t ask for anything more than the soothing effect your touch has on him. the room is slowly getting darker over time, courtesy of the setting sun, allowing a gentle orange hue to be cast over his face, making the golden flecks in his brown eyes shimmer like little suns. he’s gorgeous— ethereal, even, while he lets his gaze settle in the path of yours. his eyelids are weighing down, then opening wide, then drooping once more. you’re always stressed about school or supernatural problems, but whenever he places his head near the curve of your neck and lets his arms hang over your body, there’s no weight at all. he’s practically engulfing you like one of those huge ten-by-ten blankets, but who needs a blanket when you have stiles?
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soulminyg · 1 year
The last season of Young Royals is probably not finished yet, it's not even out, I haven't even watched it yet, but I'm already sad because it's the end.
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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“does sans remember resets” “does asgore remember resets” i don’t CARE. does CHARA??? your NARRATOR???
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
yea sooooo I may have or may have not watched and instantly rewatched all kuro musicals in existence in a spawn of one week and now have roughly 40 screenshots to redraw from
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I think I might be insane or something
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b1ackbunny · 11 months
no thoughts just will poulter in the bear… it feels criminal that I barely see any fics/oneshots for Luca yet this man is so fine omfg THE TATS like LOOK AT HIM
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thatlethalsoul · 2 years
Idk maybe it’s me but making posts non-rebloggable (especially posts about world news) really pisses me off. Like congratulations, because you’re butthurt about a couple people being tools in the comments you’ve now completely cut off peoples’ ability to be informed about the issue. If this were twitter I’d understand it way more because posts get around way easier on twitter in comparison to here and turning off rts would do basically nothing to hinder people’s ability to still see the post. On there posts get shared to people not only through retweets but through likes, follows, and can be found just by looking up key words in the search engine. When you turn off reblogs on tumblr the spread of those posts are now completely and permanently halted. The only way those posts will now ever reach the ignorant are by hope and prayer that people will grab the link and spread it individually to their friends and family.
Basically by turning off reblogs, you’ve completely cut off people’s ability to become informed and educated about the issue that you felt the need to inform the public about by making a post in the first place, all because of a couple people you got upset over getting political on your already political post. Excellent work you contradictory shithead
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Brook literally died at 30/40, was stuck in a void and when he came out, was treated like he was with the mindset of a 90 year old.
Roger was a rookie when he passed, and when he was taken out of said void, Roger hadn’t just become a legend, he had lived, had a son, had a legacy, spawned a new age and DIED.
And that’s even before Luffy was BORN.
What a CHANGE that would be to handle, no wonder Brook is fucked up,
If you need help picturing what i mean, picture being from 1930 and suddenly being thrust into 1980+. You’d go crazy!
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