#sp gregary
spshipstats · 8 months
What are the top ten most shipped with Gregory?
Well there’s actually only 10 Gregory ships within the survey 😅 so rather than a top 10, here’s just all 10 of them in order from least to most shipped!
note: the survey is currently at 150 responses
10. Bebe Stevens x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 9 people)
9. Estella Havisham x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 11 people)
8. Gregory of Yardale x Mark Cotswolds (shipped by 12 people)
8. Kenny McCormick x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 12 people)
6. Kyle Broflovski x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 13 people)
5. Pip Pirrup x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 14 people)
4. Gregory of Yardale x Gary Harrison (shipped by 16 people)
3. Stan Marsh x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 25 people)
2. Wendy Testaburger x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 26 people)
1. Christophe “Ze Mole” x Gregory of Yardale (shipped by 67 people)
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eskroto · 2 months
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Just Practicing with lights. ALSOOO #GREGARY 💖🗣️‼️‼️‼️
This song was in my head all the time while I was drawing this rarepair, I Highly recommended london aftermidnight👇👇👇
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nkhluu · 2 months
I teared Gregory's ponytail from his scalp
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humansbgone · 5 months
Are the Schistocerca gregaria, Locusta migratoria, Nomadacris succincta, and Anacridium sp grasshoppers/locusts still around? And, can they still become gregarious?
Oddly specific question, I was just thinking about how crazy yellow ants are the only eusocial insects in where we are in the story. But locusts are….weird.
(p.2) Well I guess locusts aren’t really *eusocial* as they don’t have a social hierarchy like ants do, but gregarious behavior still seems like a threat.
On the contrary, the ants view the grasshoppers the least of a threat of all macrovolutes! In the notes for episode 6, you can read a little on how Grasshopper Swarm is regarded as a non-Swarm, because the grasshoppers believe gathering in large numbers is bad luck...because of the locusts, yes! Locusts are certain species of grasshoppers which form devastating swarms during periods of starvation. As macrovolutes, all grasshoppers vow never to form groups that large, under any circumstances. They're anarchists, and don't fully understand how laws work when they are among insects that belong to Swarms.
And there's nothing the ants like better than a big, fat, lonely insect that has a poor grasp on laws. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the ants view the grasshoppers as sort of free range cattle, for when stocks of isopods and millipedes are low. Or, even when they're not.
In real life, gregarious behavior is not at all uncommon for insects, though true sociality is. You can very often find insects of the same species gathered around a food source (aphids, other true bugs, flies, roaches, etc.), or just clustered together to hibernate (e.g. ladybugs). The ants in HBG do not regard this as a threat, and in fact, the other macrovolutes were pressured to form *some* kind of social structure to convince the ants they were worth dealing with at all!
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exastriis · 1 year
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biography : alfred f. jones
Official Name: United States of America
Capital: Washington D. C.
Largest City: New York City, New York
Official Language/s: English (de facto)
Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Demonym: American
Continent: North America
Area: 3,796,742 sq mi / 9,833,520 km2
Population: 333,287,557 (2022 estimate)
GDP: $26.855 trillion ($80,035 per capita) (2023)
Currency: US Dollar
Internet TLD: .us
Leader: President
Human Name: Alfred F. Jones
Alfred – "Elf counsel", Old English origin. Derived from "Alfred the Great", the first King of England. F. – Initially a very Puritan "Fly-Fornication". But he gives a different meaning every time when asked. From "Franklin", to "Francis", to "Fitzarthur"– and even joke-y ones like "Fuck-Off" and "Freedom". However, "Frederick" was the first one he ever picked himself, right after the American Revolution. Jones – "son of Jonathan", Welsh origin. Derived from John Paul Jones.
Nickname[s]: Al, Freddie, various aliases
Age Appearance: mid-20s
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: July 4th
Positive Traits: Gregarious, optimistic, cheerful, outgoing, sociable, generous, determined, passionate, open-minded, eager to learn, protective, resourceful, adaptable Negative Traits: Domineering, obsessive, impulsive (or at least seems to be), "doing/talking without thinking", traditional in the oddest sense of the word/in a way that only makes sense to him, stubborn, dishonest
MBTI: ESFP (Se Fi Te Ni)
Enneagram: 8w7
Tritype: 829 (2w3, 9w1)
Instinctual Variant: sp/sx
Socionics: ENTj / LIE
Attitudinal Psyche: EFLV
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine
Jungian Archetype: The Hero
Hobbies: The real question is "what hobbies does Alfred NOT have?"– Watching and making movies, assembling models of planes and tanks and what have you, archaeology, sports (baseball, football, basketball, etc.), dancing, cooking, carpentry, husbandry, "quick-draw", coding, playing instruments (guitar, harmonica, trumpet, percussion)
Languages Spoken: English, French, Latin, Spanish, Dutch, Filipino, German, Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), Various indigenous
Education: Various undergraduate degrees in the sciences and a few graduate degrees
voice claim : talking / singing
Physical Description:
Alfred is young, tall and handsome— a Rockwell-esque, Hollywood-glam poster child for the most powerful Nation in history. He stands at around six foot and four inches, or roughly 193 centimeters. He has sandy blond hair cropped short, wide blue eyes ringed gold around the pupils, freckled tan skin, a powerful, muscular build, and a signature megawatt smile. Usually dressed casually, he’s most often seen in blues, reds, oranges or browns, or with some type of jacket on.
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firstginger · 2 years
Hi Lauren. Are you still doing daemon form finding requests? Also what are your thoughts on the instinctual variants? Took me awhile to properly grasp and understand mine (a seriously long time,I was so confused😅). I was wondering if you factor it in with form finding or if you find it irrelevant. Thanks! God speed with your thesis💪
yes absolutely! :D i've been pretty absent these last few months as i'm finishing up my phd, but i'm finally finding time to go through my inbox!
that's a really great question and like you said i feel like there's so much confusion around the instinctual variants especially with how they interact with your enneagram. from a theoretical standpoint, the instinctual variants by their nature encompass three biological concerns of humans and animals: the survival self-preservation instinct, the bonding social instinct, and the intimate sexual instinct. it's clear that the importance of these instincts vary between species. an asocial animal like the polar bear clearly places less emphasis on the social instinct, while a domestic animal like the cow places less emphasis on the self-preservation instinct. but when you move away from extreme examples, it becomes a little more muddled. i think then you risk falling into the instinctual variant trap: viewing them entirely as stereotypes, such that a highly gregarious animal (ex a flamingo) would of course have to be a social dominant, or a stereotypically sensual and dominant animal (ex a jaguar) would of course have to be a sexual dominant. not to mention that there's just so much overall confusion around the sexual subtype. with the struggle to identify it across people, how do we start to quantify intimacy, sexuality, and spirituality in an animal species?
i think the instinctual variants might actually help shape your pullman form better, if we view them through an archetypal lens. the enneagram theory kind of does this for us -- there's nothing they love more than giving titles to subgroups lol. then it suddenly makes more sense to assign these instincts to animals based on how we as people perceive their role in our narrative of survival and instinct. we've always used animals to represent innate aspects of human nature; instead of asking how exactly the mule deer balances its prey-like self-preservation with its gregarious social tendencies with its overt displays of sexuality ecologically, we're considering how we've assigned particular motifs to the deer. even then i don't think it's entirely clear cut especially if you consider your primary and secondary instincts. but i think considering how your variant plays into your identity and archetype as a person (a social dominant being a caregiver or jester, a sexual dominant being a lover or a magician, a self-preservation dominant being an innocent or everyman) may help determine your symbolic form.
i rambled but overall to sum it up, i think it matters most for how the individual views their identity and what their daemon form should portray -- i think it's more difficult to consider it when looking at animal behavior. when people include it in their form finding requests, i tend to treat it a little more as "flavor" -- such than an ocelot may be more sp/sx and a jaguar more sx/sp just because the jaguar is a larger apex predator, not that the jaguar is an innately more spiritual and intimately-bonding animal. someone who's sx/sp is going to be looking for a form that matches their intensity, drive for meaning, and grand self-absorption, while someone who's sp/sx is going to be looking for a form that matches their cunning survivalism, need for private refuge, and unknowable self-absorption (i love so-blinds i promise).
i'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it!!
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
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Is this soc dom 6 with Fe? Or just general social anxiety?
Yeah, very over-thinking, this will be the END OF THE WORLD if it goes wrong 6 behavior. I’d say sp/so, though, since it seems like OP’s not that social, extroverted, or gregarious. Social 6 would probably already be on Instagram, but a sp-dom sees that as an invasion of privacy and a drain on their mental resources. OP’s doing this under pressure, not out of a genuine desire to engage. It might be sp/so trying to force OP into discomfort just to remain attached.
3 fix for sure. It’s all wrapped up in perceiving how others are going to judge OP for being a loser with no friends/followers. Probably a Bermuda (639 or 693). Oddly, it hasn’t occurred to OP that you can maintain connections with your friends through e-mail or text messages, rather than ‘needing to have’ an Instagram. That’s repressed thinking in play – not looking for alternatives or recognizing that if old friends aren’t willing to keep up with you via text or e-mail, they don’t care that much about the relationship.
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sock-puppet-dinosaur · 11 months
After several days of surveilling my children, I have Opinions
Neanura growae, Florida Orange Springtails - I love them. They are so pudgy. They're also surprisingly bold? They're supposed to be soil-dwelling, but I see them wandering the surface of the moist side all the time. Also they keep showing up on the underside of the lid??? I have to assume they start walking up the vines and then just keep walking onto the ceiling. Lastly, it's hilarious to me that something that looks like this: - can be considered 'large', but next to the others they are bumbling behemoths.
Lepidocyrtus sp., Pearlescent Springtails - I love them also. "Pearlescent" doesn't do justice to just how shiny they are; it's like tiny drops of mercury are running around my terrarium. They are fast and industrious. For the first few days, they were obsessed with a black spiny fungus on one leaf; having exhausted that, they've now decided to all congregate on the seed pod. It's hilarious. They're having a convention.
Ceratophysella sp., Lilac Springtails - Guess what? Love them too. They're known for throwing yellow albinos, and I've already seen a few! They're the most secretive by far, not to mention the hardest to see, so most of my observations have been of the ones in the clay cup. They're weirdly gregarious? Despite having the equivalent of a few acres of clay to hang out in, they consistently choose to all try to wedge themselves into just one crevice.
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storytellingdreamer · 2 years
Watching Granada Holmes: Copper Beeches
Oh goody, it’s another one for the Woman in Need category. This the third one in the past five episodes that fits that category. Interesting. Catch up with my other recaps and screenshot posts here. 
The opening is startling, and made me think: “huh? What’s happening here?” pretty much instantly. 
However, my questions were mostly focused on the man outside looking in. After all, he seems more sketchy than the older man (soon to be introduced as Mr Rucastle), who’s only locking an internal door while carrying some papers and looking annoyed... 
I like the bookending that this episode does with its start and finish - especially because it gives us another opportunity for some Watson Amused expressions at the start (David Burke smiles with his whole face). 
OMG this argument! Very, very Married/ intimate partners vibe. “You are always in a disputatious(sp?) mood when you choose that pipe!” Burke’s delivery of these words elevates them into a couples argument. And Holmes’s response ends with: “You have degraded me.” Ouch. 
And then after a bit more sniping and such, Holmes reveals that he’s actually disappointed/ sad about the uses his deductive skills are now being asked for... and Watson’s whole expression changes too, from anger to comfort. “My dear, dear friend,” he says. 
Dear, dear friend, well, that’s an emphatic statement! The shifting emotions, and the way Holmes just hands Watson the letter with a “pfft, read it”... Again. intimate partners. 
Note that for all Holmes’s bluster and irritation, once Violet Hunter is in the room, his demeanour shifts. As soon as she reveals the reason she is seeking Holmes’s advice is because “she has no parents or relations of [her] own to ask for advice”. By the end of the conversation, when it turns out Hunter’s “mind is already made up”, he becomes short with her again ... before revealing to Watson he was thinking of how he would advise her if she was his sister. 
(I’ve seen some interesting meta about what that comment (coupled with Holmes’s words about crime and the countryside) mean about Holmes himself...)
Natasha Richardson gives an excellent rendition of Violet Hunter in this episode, I really liked her. 
This episode is extremely creepy. Right from Mr Rucastle’s proper introduction. "That will do,” and the predatory step, and unasked for touching, and close inspection... and then the rest of his speech! It’s no wonder Violet Hunter was unnerved. 
The interesting thing about this episode is that once again there is an Obvious Creep and his not-so-obvious (at first) sidekick. 
Mr Rucastle commands attention in the creep department from the beginning, and the physical introduction to his wife is to a woman who appears rather meek and mild-mannered. I was misdirected about Mrs R’s role until the scene with the mirror and window. 
However, if you pay attention, Mrs R’s “whims” and “fancies” are there from the start. She is most certainly part of the Villainous Plot.
I still find Mr R the more odious one though, and would hate to be in Violet Hunter’s position - it would be impossible to tell which facet of Mr R is the real one - overbearing creep, or gregarious boffin? Ugh. 
The Hair Scene shows that for all Violet Hunter’s strong words, she is still afraid. It’s a big thing to cut your hair like that - and doubly so if you’re forced to, as Violet Hunter is. 
And then bam! She’s locked into the grounds, shown the mastiff (so we can add animal cruelty to the Rucastles’ sins), and generally given the impression that Sketchy Things Are Happeniing Here. 
Life at the Copper Beeches is full of subtle things that on the surface have Perfectly Reasonable explanations, or at worst, are just a Bit Odd.
However, once All Is Revealed at the end of the episode, these things are suddenly recast as clues that add up to make the puzzle. It’s an excellent bit of storytelling, and I love it. 
On that note, there are two points of the episode that are Particularly Suspenseful - the Tower Investigations. Brace yourself for that if you find that sort of thing difficult to watch like me. 
And then we end where we began, with Watson and Holmes at home, Watson reading out his conclusion to the case as he’s written it, and Holmes basically conceding the point of the argument they were having at the start of the episode. Though not without a long-suffering glance towards the camera, so don’t look too smug Watson. 
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welcome THEODORE PALAIOLOGOS. you hail from BYZANTIUM and have been risen to the position of an EMPEROR. you are a member of the house of PALAIOLOGOS and will go down in history as the DOOMSAYER. though you are MACHIEVALLIAN & INSATIABLE, you are blessed with being ERUDITE and GREGARIOUS.
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links.  character  study  /  playlist  /  pinterest  /  threads
NAME:  theodoros  NICKNAME:  theodore,  theo  AGE:  thirty-five  PLACE OF BIRTH:  palace  of  blachernae,  constantinople  IMPERIUM:  byzantium  GENDER:  cisgender  man  PRONOUNS:  he/him  ORIENTATION:  homosexual  RELIGION:  greek  orthodox,  somewhat  of  a  mystic  PARENTS:  konstantinos  &  helena  SIBLINGS  andronikos,  sophia  LANGUAGES:  greek,  latin,  arabic,  french  (  fluent  )    italian,  german,  farsi  (  conversational  )    english,  mandarin  (  learning  )  EDUCATION:  private  tutoring  with  the  professors  of  the  pandidakterion  TITLE:  basileus  rhomaíōn,  see  also:  autokrator,  kyrios,  despotes  INTERESTS:  theology,  philosophy,  wargames,  mathematics,  alchemy  HOBBIES:  reading,  writing,  horseriding,  going on long walks  LABEL  the  doomsayer
mbti. infj-t  enneagram. 1w2,  the  activist  instinct. sp/sx  character inspo. rhaegar targaryen,  a  song  of  ice  and  fire  /  kendall  roy,  succession  /  paul  atreides,  dune  /  hektor,  the  iliad  /  rodion  raskolnikov,  crime  and  punishment
erudite,  gregarious,  perceptive,  dutiful
machievellian,  insatiable,  melancholic,  secretive
character  study  HERE
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known  most  everywhere    as  the  emperor  of  a  kingdom  yet  to  realise  it  has  already  fallen,    the  basileus  of  the  roman  empire  is  a  man  out  of  time.    the  clock  is  running  down  on  him  and  his  empire,    and  yet  he    (    poor  fool  that  he  is!��   )    tries  to  save  the  imperium  that  was  his  birthright.    charming  and  conciliatory,    he  has  made  great  strides  in  establishing  links  towards  the  successor  kingdoms  of  his  empire’s  former  western  half    —    setting  aside  orthodox  pride  over  the  great  schism  if  only  to  stave  off  the  bleeding  of  byzantium.    one  might  almost  be  tempted  to  ask  what  the  basileus  might  sell  off  next,    if  only  to  further  exact  an  assurance  for  the  salvation  of  his  people. 
in  truth,    the  basileus  might  have  been  a  man  better  suited  for  the  monastery  than  the  rooms  encrusted  with  porphyry.    as  a  child,    he  always  had  his  nose  stuck  in  some  crumbling  tome,    his  mouth  always  firing  off  incessant  questions  to  counfound  the  philosophers  who  would  claim  their  didactic  lineage  all  the  way  to  aristotle.    yet  his  perception  also  gave  rise  to  a  profound  insight  when  he  was  young:    he  was  the  inheritor  of  a  kingdom  about  to  die,    and  this  changed  him  greatly.    he  could  never  be  the  sort  of  warrior  that  would  stem  the  ottoman  tide,    but  there  is  one  thing  he  can  do,  and  that  is  to  shift  his  focus  from  the  finer  intricacies  of  the  celestial  hierarchies  to  the  far  more  material  hierarchies  of  this  earth    —    a  change  that  he  still  grieves  for  in  his  heart.
1397.  theodoros is born.
1398.  his brother,  andronikos,  is born.
1403.  his sister,  sophia,  is born.
1432.  he arrives at the court of king charles of france.
possible  betrothal  connections,    prior  overtures  he’s  made,    trading  contracts  he’s  in  the  process  of  securing,    religious  brethren  he’s  trying  to  mend  the  schism  for,    etcetc    —    is  it  obvious  i  forgot  to  write  this  part  and  just  put  it  in  haphazardly  at  the  last  minute  upon  noticing  my  lapse?
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spshipstats · 8 months
What are the top ships whit Gary Harrison?
I'm not entirely sure if this is what you meant, but I'm presuming "top ships" to mean "top shipped"! As in, the most shipped. However, since there's only 4 ships with Gary in v1.0 of the ship survey, feel free to ask about any in further detail!
note: this is from v1.0 of the survey, which ended with 154 responses
4. Damien Thorn x Gary Harrison (shipped by 16 people)
3. Gregory of Yardale x Gary Harrison (shipped by 17 people)
2. Gary Harrison x Trent Boyett (shipped by 24 people)
1. Stan Marsh x Gary Harrison (shipped by 75 people)
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00priivate · 1 year
Typing 2
A more detailed and extended post of Typing 1
Part 1: Facets
Jack leans heavily towards the recieving end. Whether it'd be orders from someone else, news about whatever, or just a conversation, he's usually the receiver. When he's in a better mood, he can start initiating, letting people into whatever.
I would lean closer to contained, yet Jack can be quite expressive. Especially when he's accused, he tends to get very expressive, his voice gets louder. Or sometimes he tends to smile while he is yelling at you to stop. He does truly want you to stop though, (what I think is an indicator of Melancholic/Sanguine, externally cheerful and joyful, but internally, strict and exact.) I say contained since he on the regular, is pretty unexpressive, monotone, and not really moved by most external things. An example of this is when our school bus came to a quick stop. Everyone was visibly moved, but Jack stayed quite the same. I think he enjoys being like that. (SP>SJ).
Jack is more intimate than gregarious, though there are definitely moments where he is quite gregarious. Specifically when he is presenting, he can tap into that gregariousness; sometimes. It depends. I say intimate for Jack, as though he is known by a good amount of people, I wouldn't say he is close to any.
I'd go and say Jack is more active than reflective. Jack is usually doing something, and not just pondering on whatever. He's even said publicly that "he likes to be doing something."
Definitely quiet. Glimpses of enthusiasm pop up, but it is usually straight crickets.
Pretty much all the S/N dichotomy for Jack leans toward S, so will (S)kip that.
Jack literally freezes up when trying to sympathize and or empathize, plus the fact that he is quite the loner, makes him, even without explanation, logical. But he is quite logical, always questioning whether something makes sense, and is visibly affected when things don't line up.
I would put Jack as reasonable, though I would say he is also compassionate. I say reasonable however, as he is easy to work with as long the reasoning makes sense for him, he isn't one to act out wildly, unless overcome with extreme emotions. Also because he is quick to dismiss someone else's problems if it gets in the way of his goal. Any sort of appeal to his emotions in an argument actually angers him. Yes, angers him. He says that it's such "a cheap way to get me to feel bad and give in."
Jack is always questioning, publicly or privately. Wondering how something makes sense, or how something works. Jack might seem accomodating, but it is because of consequences or some other aspect, not because he wants to.
Critical is a good word to describe Jack. He seems accepting on the surface, but is endlessly critical when he is able to. I think he hides this critical aspect because he doesn't want to turn people the other way.
Jack is more tough than tender. He isn't very open to changes. Whether that would be changes to existing things, someone new joining, etc. However, that isnt all changes. He can be open to changes he brings up or things that don't affect him that much. I think the changes tend to challenge how he operates or ruins the status quo that has already been established.
Jack is more casual. He can be systematic, but that isn't what he is most of the time. I think the only times he becomes systematic is when he's worried something might go wrong. (Might show Ne4), most of the time he's casual when it comes to other problems, sometimes he might laugh at the situation at hand.
I'd say open-ended. Jack can plan, but majority of his plans aren't very well thought out leading to him saying "I'll figure it out when I get there. Or if he does plan, they are very short, quick-to-implement plans that come up out of nowhere. I think he picks up on the objects around him, and evalutes how he could use said objects. An example of him doing so is when his friend tried getting him to take a weed whacker, to which he responded on how he would use it. (Now that i Think about it, that seems very J>P. and E>I.)
Early-Starting/Pressure Prompted
I'd say Pressure Prompted. He can be early starting, but that's only for things he really cares for, or if he consciously thinks about it. I don't believe that he normally is early starting. Pressure prompted is a good term to describe him though. Whether it be someone telling him, time running out, or something impending.
I would say spontaneous, as he quite literally has been described as spontaneous. Enough said.
I'd go methodical for Jack. He sticks to the plan laid out and sometimes goes off course, but is quick to root himself back, never losing way of what he wants.
So I've got: 1E/4I | 4S/1N (i did it on my own) 5T/0F and 1J/4P
So ISTP. What I had him as. Now for the functions.
Part 2: Functions
Si1: Jack dreams quite a lot, and fantasizes about "useless fantasies." Anecdote ahead: I remember him telling me about how he wanted to make albums, and he described all these ideas. Keep in mind, he already knew what sound the albums were going for, what the tracklist of the songs would be, the meaning behind said songs, the music videos, how his albums would be connected, etc. And this motherfucker hasn't even made one song. He's written down the tracklist like once or twice, but deleted both and solely relies on his mind to work on his project. When it comes to the “amazing flair for all the ambiguous, shadowy, sordid, dangerous possibilities lurking in the background” that ISPs contain, Jack does worry, (something that a friend of his mentioned to him) and ends up thinking of the weirdest and dark possibility, something that doesn't even seem real to other people. And I don't mean dark as in sick, twisted, and messed up, I mean as how he thinks of the worst possible outcome. My reasoning behind this is that if he thinks of the worst possible thing to happen, then whatever does happen can't be as bad.
Ti2: This pops up whenever Jack is accused, as he explains his reasoning, and often doesn't get what he is looking for. It also works in tandem with Si1>Ti2, as Jack a many of times will continue to use something, whether it'd be outdated, ugly-looking, or used for something else. Utility>Purity. Fe3 also plays a part, as Jack is quite interested in personality, specifically how it works to build the identity or aesthetic of a character. I don't think he's Ti1 however, as he isn't one to overly complicate things, and often dislikes when things are overly complicated, and misses the precise and scrupulous nature that ITJs possess. He kinda spaces out at times, and that shows in his face and his body, as he kinda forgets about it (like how he might be geniunely happy and his face doesn't show it. Example of gSe1. He also doesn't like being touched
Fe3: Something that Jack kinda has the hang of, but doesn't at the same time. He also has a sort of love hate relationship with Fe3 and the things that come with it. He wants to be admired and wanted by others, yet at the same time, doesn't want to be surrounded by people, and clobbered with people pestering him. I think his expressivity is what hinders him a lot of the time, sometimes he's too expressive, and it turns people away and off (lol). Other times he's too unexpressive, and it seems like he doesn't care. But he does care, it's just how he usually does it is through action. Like remembering to bring something important, doing something no one else wants to do, or putting himself in a worse position in order to help out others. (Example of Fe3 ITPs; working well and another example of gFi3.) Something that he said also reminded me of gTe2->Fe3. As he said, "The law is basically just a social rule. So why do I have to follow it? It's pretty much just what other people think is right."
Ne4: It would be better for me to show you, but I can't. Some examples are how Jack is hesistant to complain, argue, or disagree with someone. He said that he doesn't want to upset others as he doesn't want to be abandoned and left alone, which leaves him missing out on other fun opportunities. (Fe3->Ne4.) It also appears when he was asked if he wanted to tell this one girl he liked her, he told me that he liked her and didn't want to lose out on her being his friend if things don't work out. Sometimes he wishes that he spent more time with something when he sees the outcome of it, rather than quitting early on. (Him quitting things early seems pretty ISTP to me.)
Temperament aside, he's pretty M/S, and I don't want to go over what I already went over.
Part 3: Descriptions
I know that descriptions aren't that great, I mean this is pop MBTI we're talking about, but I think this is a good example to show where his mind is. I made him take some and I got two results: one being a description of him and another of him taking the DISC test made by Tony Robbins. Take with a grain of salt, but try to understand where he is coming from and how it lines up with my typing. In terms of which to take more into consideration, take his personal description above the disc result, I added it only for support. And cause i had nothing else.
Tony Robbins DISC result: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DbNtWxc2EYTseOL6peQhiXSsnCYce4sr4mFETPLU6Gs/edit
Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TwJ--JiYkSBMfBxBbDNuOi6uUTZlf-zNzIMAZLF48mY/edit
Part 4: Typeboards
Basically nine images that I think fit Jack well. Think of it like Akhromant's pictures, just what I think fits, nothing mandatory.
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alister312 · 2 years
With the rise of the Nyght Kingdom (or rebellion, depending on who you ask), the humans of Kupa and the elves of Larnion have decided to come together and form an alliance. It's a bit suspicious that the Grand Wizard proposes that Princess Kenny and King Kyle get married to seal this alliance and make it last forever. Even more suspicious that they also agree.
But why should Gregory care? He's just a Kupa royal advisor whose advice constantly falls on deaf ears. And what does it matter to Christophe? He's just some half elf that tends the Larnion palace gardens. Surely they won't get involved with any of it.
Chapter 6 is now out!
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mountainscouts · 3 years
my thoughts
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tom-at-the-farm · 2 years
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Agaricus sp. This genus is commonly known as "meadow mushroom," because they grow gregariously on lawns. The gills are pink in young specimens, eventually turning a dark purple/brown. Super edible, but take care not to confuse them with all-white deadly Amanitas. Apparently some people do this
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 2: Casual Friday the 13th
Previous Chapter - AO3 Link - MSR, rated E
He gives himself a pep talk on the way to work the next morning. It feels ridiculous.
Just ask her out, he thinks. Be casual. Invite her to grab a drink, act like you’re going whether she joins you or not. It’s just Scully.
That’s some bullshit; she’s not just anything to him. She’s everything.
Also he doesn’t go to bars much, and never alone, so he’s not sure how subtle this will be.
He pushes the thoughts out of his head until they’re leaving the office at the end of the day, gathering their things and donning winter layers.
��Buy you a drink, Agent Scully?” he tosses out casually, taking her coat from the rack.
“Hm, what’s the occasion?” she asks.
“Friday the thirteenth; I’m testing my luck,” he replies, holding her coat open for her.
She slips her arms into the sleeves. “I guess one wouldn’t hurt,” she decides.
Huh. That was surprisingly easy.
He chalks it up to beginner’s luck and ushers her out the door with a hand on her back.
They end up at Casey’s Bar because it’s close to the Hoover Building, and neither of them had wanted to walk too far through the cold February night. Mulder’s a little nervous, but not enough to let it show. At the risk of being overconfident, he thinks it’s actually going pretty well. This outing is markedly different from every first date he’s had in the past. There’s no need for small talk with Scully, no pressure to act more gregarious or charming than he naturally is. Scully herself is a refreshing presence, like a crisp spring breeze. Cool without being austere, gentle and yet invigorating.
Also she doesn’t know it’s a date, so there’s that.
They perch at the far end of the counter and shoot the shit, talk about work. She orders a draught beer, and seeing the large glass in her little hand makes his stomach flutter nonsensically. He orders one too, just to keep pace with her, though he suspects she could drink him under the table if the occasion ever arose. The thought is strangely erotic.
Mulder watches her full pink lips press against the edge of her glass and he clears his throat awkwardly. Down, boy. He scrambles for a diversion.
“Any special plans for tomorrow night?” he asks, taking a foamy swallow of beer.
“What’s- oh.” Scully sets down her glass. “No, not this year,” she says softly.
He suddenly feels like a prick.
“You?” she asks, because she’s a polite human being.
Diffuse the moment, buddy. “I’ve got a pretty hot date, actually.”
Her shoulders stiffen momentarily. Interesting. “Oh?” she says lightly.
“Yeah, the boys invited me over to pick apart some found footage they stumbled upon. Frohike’s making chili.”
Scully’s face breaks into a smile, and he feels a wash of relief. She shakes her head. “You know, for about two seconds I thought you might actually have a life. It was a surreal experience.”
“I have a life, Scully,” he insists. It’s you. Aliens, conspiracy, and you.
“Mhm,” she hums, licking a bit of stray foam off her upper lip, causing a twinge south of his belt buckle. “Mulder, can I ask you a highly personal question?”
He coughs awkwardly. “No guarantees that I’ll answer, but sure. Hit me.”
She suddenly seems nervous. “Well… we’ve known each other for five years now, and we spend a lot of time together. I’ve met your mother, your friends. And in all that time, I’ve not known you to go on a single date.”
Besides this one, he thinks. “And?” he prompts.
She absently wipes her finger through the condensation on her glass. “Well, I can’t figure out why not. Your - preferences - are quite evident, and I’m sure finding a willing partner would be fairly easy for you, at least for… casual encounters.”
I don’t want casual encounters, he thinks. I want to burn pancakes for you on Sunday mornings.
He huffs out a breath of laughter. “I have it on good authority that I’m not the best company, Scully. What makes you think it’d be easy?”
She takes a long pull of her beer. “Because you’re very attractive.”
His heart stops momentarily, then starts back up at twice the speed. He scrambles for some composure. “Oh, so you think I’m attractive,” he teases lightly. He hopes she doesn’t notice the sudden tremble in his fingers.
Scully nods, as though she hadn’t just dropped a bomb on him. “Yes, I do. A lot of people do, Mulder,” she adds quickly. The lighting in the bar is dim, so he assumes he’s imagining the flush on her cheeks. Or it’s the beer. “The women’s restroom at the Bureau is a cesspool of gossip.”
“Well I’m not the only hot piece of ass in the X-Files division,” he says, glancing at her over the rim of his glass.
“Don’t let Skinner hear you say that,” she quips. “He’s shy.”
Mulder grins, amused by her deflection. “People talk about you too, Scully. I’ve had to fend off suitors for you more than once.” Now it’s her turn to squirm, he thinks.
She blinks rapidly. “You’re joking.”
Mulder chuckles. “Swear. Every once in a while a guy will ask me something about you. I tell ‘em to ask you themselves, and I assume they usually chicken out.”
“What kind of things do they want to know?”
Mulder shakes his head. “Let’s just say they’re not asking me your favorite color,” he says simply, lifting his glass to his mouth once more. “You can imagine the rest.”
Scully presses her lips together. “I don’t have to, unfortunately,” she sighs. “Thanks for having my back,” she adds.
He shrugs. “I’m your partner,” he says. “I’ll always have your back.”
He suddenly remembers a conversation he had a little over a year ago, a month or so before Scully’s birthday. It seems like a fitting time to tell her.
“There’s only been one guy that I thought was alright,” he says. “I, uh, never told you this, Scully, because it was confidential, but seeing as the subject in question is now deceased…”
Scully turns to him on her stool. “Mulder, what?”
“Pendrell. He liked you.”
She knits her brows together in that adorable way she has. “I liked him too.”
“I mean, he really liked you,” Mulder emphasizes. “He asked me once if you were seeing anyone.”
“Oh,” she says. "What did you tell him?”
“I told him ‘Agent Scully’s personal life is her business, and any questions regarding it should be posed to her directly’.”
“Very formal,” she muses. “I should print that on my business cards for you to hand out.”
“The thought’s crossed my mind. Are you currently accepting applications for the position of ‘boyfriend’?” Mulder asks. “I’d be happy to field candidates.”
“Oh, I bet you’d love that,” Scully says with an eye roll. “Admit it, you like interrogating suspects. Especially when you think they’re mutants of some kind.”
“I promise that any potential boyfriends will be firmly terrestrial and completely unremarkable.”
The sentence hangs in the air for a long moment. “I don’t know that I want that after all,” Scully finally says quietly. “The husband with a nine-to-five, the picket fence, the priest over for lunch after Sunday mass. I’ve seen too much, done too much, to really fit into that picture anymore.”
Mulder feels a pang in his chest, the old familiar guilt creeping in. “This is a lonely path,” he admits. “Working nonstop to find evidence, only to have it be discounted offhand.”
“No closure, no arrests, no satisfying conclusions to leave you feeling a little bit safer knowing you did your job,” Scully adds.
Mulder rubs his hand over his mouth, nodding. “Just weird substances that nobody can explain and accounts of phenomena that nobody believes. Spooky shit.”
Scully raises her drink with a sudden levity. “To spooky shit,” she toasts.
Their glasses clink, and the contact chimes in Mulder’s ears. A kiss of half-empty pints.
Mulder bites his lip absently, gathering his next words. “So… what do you want?” he asks carefully, leaning in a fraction.
Scully shakes her head, sighing softly. “That’s the big question, isn’t it? I can’t even think about long term at this point. My life is so different from what I’d planned, and I’m still adapting.”
“Alright, forget long term for the moment,” Mulder prompts. “What’s something that you want that you can acquire within, say, the next month or so?”
“You granting wishes now, Mulder?” she asks coyly, taking a sip of beer.
“Depends on what you ask for,” he replies, voice low.
It feels as though they’re circling the truth, caught in each other’s orbit, traveling an ellipse of the unspoken. He wonders if she feels it too. The beer has him weightless, spinning out into the unexplored reaches of space between them. He wants to grab her hand on the worn bar counter, anchor himself to her sun-warmed earth.
“As strange as it sounds,” she says after a moment, “I’m… oddly contented. If I spent more time on it I’m sure I could give you a whole list of things I feel I’m lacking, but at this moment none of them really matter.”
His heart accelerates. “Must be some beer,” he jokes.
She smiles at him, a soft closed-lip turn of her mouth that warms him better than any liquor. “Company’s not half bad either. Despite whatever good authority has told you otherwise.”
He drops a hand onto hers then, gives it a brief squeeze before returning it to his glass and finishing his beer.
They walk back to the FBI parking garage, arms bumping each other as they brace themselves against the winter chill. Mulder escorts Scully to her car because he’s a gentleman and squeezing out every last second he can with her.
Scully ducks her head, seeming almost shy. “Thanks for inviting me. I haven’t been out in a while,” she says simply. “This was nice.”
Mulder shrugs, suddenly unsure how to orient his limbs. He wants to hug her, but he knows this isn’t the right time. “Don’t mention it,” he replies, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.
“Enjoy your ménage à quatre with the Gunmen,” she says with a cheeky grin.
“I’ll save some kisses from Frohike for you,” he replies with a wink.
They face each other, suddenly quiet. It feels as though they waded too far into the ocean and drifted down shore, losing sight of their picnic spot. They float in the silence, buoyed by their exchange, but uncertain as to where they stand.
“Goodnight,” Mulder says finally, because he can’t think of what else to say beyond that and ‘I love you’. Or ‘come home with me’.
“‘Night,” she replies, unlocking her car door and slipping inside.
He wanders aimlessly over to his car and bundles into the driver’s seat, heaving a deep, half-contented sigh. He considers the evening a tentative success, despite a somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion.
He jerks off when he gets home, holding Scully’s sweet face in his mind’s eye as he comes shamefully into his own lonely hand.
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