iti-iskuna · 8 years
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band?
Jasmine Tea: I’d love to go all over the world but I’d especially love to go to Spain, I love the culture and the food and the language and u g h
Iced Lemon Tea: Favorite song is Fake Plastic Trees, but my favorite band/artist is either Hozier or The Front Bottoms
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pottyprismpower · 10 years
I used to have a book with 3 stories from The Haunted Mansion explaining their origins still to this day I can't find it anywhere or online.
Oh, that's too bad! :( Yeah, because of how much the story of the bride has changed, there's no doubt that adapting her would be tricky.
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psychmobile · 12 years
So funny that you mention that story about Lou Ferigno/70's Hulk haha. He was at The Long Beach Comic-Con a few years back and I Love You Man was relatively new still. So, as you can imagine people were giving him shit because the movie portrays him as somewhat of an ass. To my surprise, the movie was right! Hahah he was angry AND charged rediculous fees for pics and autographs! Also, I found out Seth Green's a dick too. Haha Random facts!
We share a connection. We have both learned first-hand that The Hulk is an angry guy.
I've seen Seth Green running around SDCC several times (and I do mean running!), but I've never actually met him.
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spacemanswasteland · 4 years
“Something About Midnight [Jem.G Edit]”- Skrillex Vs. Daft Punk
Hey Cosmic Fam, here’s latest mashup coming at you! Whenever I'd hear Skrillex's "Midnight Hour" I couldn't help but hear Daft Punk's "Something About Us" somewhere in there! This mashup is the perfect marriage of both of the tracks! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic! 👽💫🛸https://audius.co/jemgthespaceman/something-about-us-x-midnight-hour-jem.g-edit-181318
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spacemanswasteland · 4 years
How Long Was I Out For?
Hey guys, it’s been like a year (give or take) since I last logged on? What did I miss? This fucking pandemic has got me down and my gf and the WandaVision trailer are all that have brought me joy lately. Also, I’m on Spotify now if you guys wanna check that out! Love ya! 
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
NEW MIX IS UP! Just in time to close out 2017! Catch me spinning at Avalon one last time this year for The Countdown Pre Party on December 29th! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic!
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
ICYMI I dropped this new track last week! I can’t wait to keep them coming I have so many new tunes i’ve been working on! Thank you to everyone who’s been so supportive of my music and dream this year could not have been possible without you all! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic!
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
Peep the Halloween Playlist I conjured up to lift spirits and raise the dead! Keep It Cosmic! (via https://open.spotify.com/user/jemgthespaceman/playlist/3kHxh9PV6ZTKoIz4ibfVxi)
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
Where Do You Go When All Your Support Systems Fail You?
I’ve always ran to God and my parents in hard times now things are so different and I fear I can fall back to that dark place at any given moment. My parents may split. I’d imagine it would be easier to handle because I’m a man but this shit affects everything and everyone in my immediate family. They said they’d help me with a car and nonetheless my Mom is up to her old bullshit using everyones money including my share I give to help out the family, I want to have sympathy on her because she just had a hysterectomy. But at the same time they helped my sister with a car and they're pulling the “you're a boy, you can work hard and save” shit on me. I fear this is only going to cause me and my moms to drift even after the progress I thought I made in mending our relationship. I’m proud of all the personal growth I’ve made this year but it gets so hard when I need someone. I love Emily and she’s my best friend and sometimes I really miss having that camaraderie that comes with having a male best friend. My Dad is losing his mind so I can’t really turn to him right now without in turn making my parents’ problems my own (which I’m trying to avoid). The people I called my family, these leaders in the house of God are nowhere to be found when I need them. I hate saying this because I feel like such a whiny bitch,but whenever shit gets heavy for them who's there to text or call them or hit them up to hang. Thats right, ME! No sign of my brother, sister, brother-in-law or any of my “church friends”. Aint that some shit. And here I stand alone and hurting. It’s making me want to turn my back on the whole church thing altogether. I know God’s got my back I think I’m just hurt and being impatient. I just could really use some friends right now y’all. Pray for me tumblr fam. 
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
My Wish for My Followers in 2018
Hey fam, I know some of you may have had a tough 2017. So I’m asking for all of us to put an end to this whole self hate thing that’s become somewhat of a trend on social media. You’re not “human garbage.” You’re not trash. You’re not all these horrible things people call themselves or how you may see yourself. You’re fucking BRILLIANT, STRONG, BEAUTIFUL and deserve EVERY LAST THING YOUR HEART DESIRES! So stop putting yourself down, you are worthy of love and reaching your goals, whatever that may be this coming year. I LOVE YOU! Keep It Cosmic!
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
Floating and Flowing
    I love getting to the point of intoxication where I can say things that Ive been suppressing it feels good to release. After my show at Avalon on Friday (which was insane!) I was walking my coworker to her car and she’s like my work bff. She knows me fairly well and I was so emotional she came out to my set. I was like holding her and leaning my head on my shoulder and I said “Now you know what I do. Everyone and their mother says ‘I’m a DJ! Come catch my set! It’s gonna be lit, fam!’ But only a handful of us are actually good at it!” 
    I’ve come to learn this year that there’s no such thing as too much practice when you truly love something. I work so hard at my craft and after countless nights of bad turnouts or rough sets and rehearsing in my garage while my Grandma did laundry behind me in earshot, this is beginning to pay off. I LOVE that I have a much longer journey ahead of me. I know there is more hardship to come but I can only imagine what sweet bounty lies for me in the near future. God is so good to The Spaceman. Thank you to all of you who have been supportive to me and my dream in any way from encouragement, to affirmations, financial assistance, being present at a show and more. I adore you so. Here’s to reaching new heights and breaking all chains that bind us from being our best selves. 
Keep It Cosmic!
- Jem
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
When The Drugs Stop Working
    So as you may or may not know, the largest annual electronic dance music festival music festival in the country (The Electric Daisy Carnival) took place in Las Vegas over this past weekend. This was my third year being in attendance to my favorite event I look forward to every year. It’s truly the most beautiful spectacle of lovers of the EDM scene and newcomers alike gathering in the Nevada desert to celebrate life and the culture that has formed around the music itself. The culture itself is something of a Woodstock in the 60′s vibe: drugs, love, music and experiences alike. Rave Culture is built on this foundation of four commandments, if you will: Peace, Love, Unity & Respect, otherwise known as “PLUR.” 
    I had never experiences PLUR until I went to my first Insomniac event in 2014. It was Bassrush at The San Bernardino NOS Events Center. Insomniac is the company who puts on EDC and other smaller events all around the world. They have come to be known as the leading name here in the US for events that truly represent the foundational beliefs that PLUR is still alive and well! Which I can confirm they have formed this atmosphere in which these ideologies thrive! To some, it has even become an escape of sorts from all the negativity and bullshit we face in our daily lives with the countless tragedies and political climate changes the world faces day by day. I for one, am one of those who really value the therapeutic traits of this neon mecca over the course of the three day weekend. 
    So, as I have every year since attending, had built up this crazy amount of excitement to go forth and make the epic pilgrimage to this place I had come to call home. I stashed away a stack of cash to spend on tickets and other expenses and counted down the days until it was time again to be “Under The Electric Sky.” Aside from the music alone, EDC offers so much more than just stages with acts. I’ve come to learn that the people are what truly make the experiences memorable. And the partaking of substances has a certain effect on me, in which I can not only be my super-social-butterfly-self, but knock down any emotional barriers or sense of ego to truly connect with others! There’s nothing quite like it in the world! From the countless experiences I’ve had at numerous concerts and music events, the ones I’ve spent intoxicated getting deep with another person at EDC always rank in the top spots! I couldn’t wait to see who I would meet this year. 
    Without a doubt I had the time of my life again this year! I got to enjoy the freedom that comes with going alone as well as meeting up with my cousin and her friends while showing them the ways of the rave scene! I had taken some ecstasy and the love was radiating through my very body! I made my way down to the bass-centric stage known as The Basspod to see one of my favorite acts I had been dying to see, Boombox Cartel! They delivered one hell of a set! But something caught me off guard: only one of the duo was present during the performance. Now having seen my share of performances that usually means something personal has happened or there are troubles amongst the team. About 40 minutes into the set the music stopped and sure enough the issue would be discussed. 
    The crowd grew quiet and then chanting for more music ensued. Our main man had asked for silence and then began to explain, “Yo I got something to tell you EDC” In my mind I thought of the worst case scenario: A break-up had happened. It’s happened before with another favorite group of mine, What So Not, when Flume had decided to leave the project to Emoh Instead to focus on his solo work. Luckily, I was wrong about that. “You know Boombox Cartel is a duo, it’s a brotherhood, it’s a family!” Everyone cheered with pride knowing the love of the two of them was alive and strong. “But due to recent political reasons my brother couldn’t make it out tonight.” My heart sank as the crowd collectively exclaimed in disbelief. “We are both Mexican! My brother is Mexican born and I am first generation American! But due to the BS that’s going on, my partner couldn’t make it out to our biggest show here at EDC along with a few others. Tonight I want him to feel the love all the way back at home from here!” The unbelievable amount of love and support from my fellow Latinos was AMAZING! We united to comfort each other and our boy on stage. About 10 different variations of the Mexican flag were waving all around the crowd! We all had been affected by the events of this past year because of our race and in that moment we were united. But I couldn't help to feel so saddened by this and the tears began to roll down my cheek. 
    This place I had seen as my paradise to escape to, had finally been infected with the parasitic bullshit that our country’s political system had created. I was crushed for a solid 10 minutes just thinking how could this happen? The only thought that came to my head was a revelation: It is up to us the music makers and the dreamers of dreams to create the change! We show love through the music and it is in that true change will come! I held on to my fellow Mexican brothers and sisters embracing next to me and I swear I was 100 feet taller! Fuck all that bullshit. I wasn’t going to let some Orange Asshole come into my turf and ruin all that I love. This is EDC! This is PLUR! Anyways I just wanted to share with you what was an interesting moment for me during my EDC experience this year. 
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spacemanswasteland · 8 years
The Eleventh Commandment
    I leave for Washington tomorrow. I just did my first day club event this past Sunday and I have another one coming up in a few weeks. The promoter was impressed with my promotion push and ticket sales so I went from opening to closing. I went from not knowing jack shit about CDJs to playing a kickass hour long set on them! The promoter even booked me for an opening set this wednesday night. Shit’s been getting hared in other areas of my life but if you aint out of your comfort zone, you aint  growing! I’m losing long-time friends but I feel good about it, the people that matter show themselves. The universe is filtering out who deserves to stick around, Just as Juvie The Great once said, “Tryna get the hustle, WORK THAT MUSCLE!” And that’s exactly what I’ll do. This is still just the beginning and you better believe I’m going to make 5-year old me proud af with what I make of this life. Whatever you’re going through, YOU CAN, WILL AND ARE MAKING IT OUT BETTER, WISER AND STRONGER! Peace be with you all. Keep it Cosmic!
- Jem.G
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spacemanswasteland · 9 years
Photographic Audio Memory
It’s so ironic how terrible my memory is in regards to important things that have significance, yet I can pinpoint exact moments in time when I first heard a song. However odd it is, it’s nice being able to relive these moments each time I press play. 
Keep Me In Mind- Little Joy: The first real date I went on, I was at the mall with this girl Candace and my friend Mikey and his girl were spying on us. We were walking through the promenade and I hear this song playing overhead, mistaking it for The Strokes. 
Farewell/Goodbye- M83: I was playing with my friend Stephen’s one-night-only pop-punk band and we were in the most busted little venue but it’s a well known spot in Pasadena. I remembered only a few people showed up and we killed it, but hearing such ethereal sounds before really calmed my nerves. 
West Coast- The NBHD: It was a bittersweet moment as I entered young adulthood. I had just been offered an internship with a studio, so I decided to go home early from my college classes and tell everyone. Jac was feeling spontaneous so we loaded up the car with Tony, Em and our instruments. I was so happy. Then, I got a call from a close friend saying she had just had an abortion and it killed me. Neither of us knew how to cope. I floated in the water, letting the current carry me as I asked God for guidance in these strange times. On the ride home, this song played.
Intoxicated- Martin Solveig & GTA: From what I remember, it felt like I was hovering above ground. I had conquered the single thing that had been bringing me down and I was walking ten feet taller. The drugs were definitely helping. The lights flickering in my eyes made me feel like I was in heaven. Everyone was a friend of mine! Since I had ventured to the venue alone, I figured why not share the experience. I danced with a few girls as I made my way to the front, but none of which sparked my interest. That was until… I saw her! She was about 50 ft to my left! Her smile radiated our happiness and I was just a planet in her orbit! I needed to have a full-on neutron star collision! I slowly floated over towards her. I made sure out of the corner of my eye she didn’t notice me. Until I was only feet away. She saw me and smiled. I could have died right there. DAMN I WAS SMOOTH! I asked for a dance, but was denied because she was too far gone. It didn't matter, I just wanted to be near her. Slowly but surely, that booty gravitated in my direction and we danced and sang in pure ecstasy all night! But it was this song that stuck in my head and how I met my Boo Boo Kitty <3
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spacemanswasteland · 9 years
The Unstoppable Spaceman
   Yo, it’s a been minute since I’ve written a deep, heart-felt post on here. So, I apologize for those who’ve been following me waiting for this. Anyways, this weekend marked a month of me DJing at The Buddha Lounge (bae’s job) and I was so pumped that the Løst Bøys were all coming out! I was ecstatic! However, so many walls kept coming up this week trying to stop me up: my computer was running so damn slow, my hard drive had to be wiped (and I lost a handful of songs I normally play in my sets) and I couldn’t even play Friday due to a prior commitment. So, as you can see shit was already VERY trying this week. 
   To top it all off, FIVE MINUTES before I’m supposed to go on, my controller just shorts out completely. The sensors are picking up my touches on the turntables itself but NOTHING on computer AT ALL! I remind myself, “There are multiple solutions to all problems.” So I try multiple cables, restart the program. NOTHING. I text Laura, “Babe, I need you. I’m so scared right now.” Now, I see The Løst Bøys coming in with the rest of the evening’s club-goers. This tension is rising. At this point, I’m sweating even more than usual from this crazy crisis situation! I call JWolf the DJ I open for and he tells me he’s in the parking lot. I ask for his help, but he can’t seem to figure out what it is! I’m at the point where I just want to give up, cry and leave. But, I’m a DJ and a damn good one at that. And with that title comes a duty to bring the people the jams, the atmosphere and escape they’ve worked their asses off all week to earn! 
   I squat down behind the booth to hide from the crowd and collect my thoughts, as I focus in to gain my peace once more. I pray to God, “Lord, I give this situation all to you. YOU ARE GREATER THAN ALL MY PROBLEMS. Tonight, I am great because of you, Amen.” I collect myself and rise up from behind the booth. I unplug my controller and do something I haven’t done, in literally years, since I first got my laptop: I began DJing without a controller. My heart is racing as I don’t know what could happen next. Sweat dripping down my face, the crowd remains stagnant. Slowly, but surely the place is beginning to pack out. And all in a matter of minutes… IT’S LIT! I dropped Knuck If you Buck and the party was HOPPIN! I was still on edge, with each transition feeling like a borderline heart attack. But I was in the zone! JWolf and our light guy Gilbert were even shocked I pulled it off! 
   Fastforward to midnight: I finished my set, got rip-roaring drunk with The Løst Bøys, witnessed another drunken fight, danced my ass off to JWolf’s killer set and even drived Senpai home! I just wanna let y’all know God is good and he’s got your back. Even when all hope seems gone. You’re gonna have to risk things and go beyond your comfort zone, but YOU WILL OVERCOME! That is all, be blessed fam and Keep it Cosmic!
- Jem.G
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