yasamakbudegil · 2 years
beni saçma sapan şeyleri spamler gibi rblemeyen aklı başında şeyler yazan kıymetli blogların önüne düşürür müsünüz acaba ya istek değil ihtiyaç gerçekten
Make tumblr great again
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
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Mods are definitely dead, here’s more Spamler
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just thinking about a happy little scenerio where Spamton and The Onceler are living in a cottage core house in the heart of the country likeeeee
Spamton: Onceler you are my [[BIG SHOT]]
Onceler: I love you too Spamton I'm glad we share this desire to live in a small domestic cottage in this un-destroyed valley of thneeds and talking fish and mom goats.
Spamton: my glasses are pretty colors
Onceler: i used to not be sure but then i figured; "how bad can it be?" so i'm glad you're here
*the kiss passionately*
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bigshotspambot · 3 years
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Onceler Neo started out as a joke but then I just wanted to draw more of him in a suit : )
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devilhazze · 3 years
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✨How [[BIG]] could I possibly be?✨
(Spamton/NEO design was inspired by @bigshotspambot, go check their art out! :) )
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virgulden · 5 years
hiç karşılık bulmadı s.o.s mesajlarım, spamlere mi gidiyor ettiğim dualarım???
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burakispirus-blog · 4 years
Spame Karşı Uygulamalar, Açık Kaynak Kod Yaklaşımı SpamBayes
Daha önceden spamlere karşı çok konuştuk, ancak bir de kıçı kollama bölümü vardı yani gobal bir şeyler yapmaktan öte kendi mailbox' ımıza sahip olmak.
Bu konuda ben daha öcneden Spamnet kullanıyordum. Ancak deneme süresi bittiğinde ve ayda 5$ isteme başlayınca şansımı bir de açık kaynak kodda denemeye kara verdim. Daha önceden adını çok duyduğum SpamBayes' in Office Outlook Eklentisini görünce hemen download ettim ve kullanmaya başladım.
Spamnet community mantığı ile çalışıyordu, halbuki SpamBayes Bayesian Filtreleme denilen puanlama tabanlı bir çözüm sunuyor. Kısaca sizin programı eğitmeniz gerekiyor. Spamnet ile %95 spam' i engellemiştim. Henüz bir hafta olmadan SpamBayes ile de ortalama %65' i buldum. Ancak sanırım 1-2 ay sonra süper olacak.
Kurduktan sonra hali hazırda bir spam klasörünüzü varsa SpamBayes' e o klasörü göstererek spamler üzerine kendini hemen eğitmesini söyleyebilirsiniz. Zaten kurduktan sonra çıkan ilk sihirbazda bu konuda size yardımcı oluyor.
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sonercakal · 8 years
Duygu Analizi
Sentiment analizi aynı zamanda sentiment madenciliği, sentiment sınıflandırma, fikir madenciliği, öznel analiz, görüş madenciliği, değerlendirme çıkarma, polarite sınıflandırması olarak bilinir. Sentimenti analizi metnin içinde öznellik, fikir bulma, duygular ile uğraşır [45]. Sentiment analizinin bazı uygulamaları şu şekilde sıralanabilir. İnternette yer alan yapısal olmayan veriyi otomatik olarak fikirleri keşfeder ve düzgün bir şekilde sunulmasını sağlar. Sentiment analizi bir ürün hakkında yapılan eleştirilerin belirlenmesi için önemlidir. Sentiment analizi pazar araştırmaları içinde oldukça önemlidir. Ayrıca öneri sistemleri içinde oldukça etkilidir. Örneğin negatif bir geri dönüş olduğunda bunun tepkisi ile yeni arama motorları oluşturulabilir. Bir başka uygulamada ise spamler algılanabilir. Birçok sayıda otomatik sentiment analizi için veri işleme uygulamaları oluşturulmuştur [45]. Sentiment analizi birçok nedenden dolayı son 15 yıldır oldukça popülerdir. Sosyal medyanın artışı, teknolojik gelişmeler, doğal dil işleme araçlarının gelişmesi. Literatürde sentiment analizi farklı isimlerle kullanılmaktadır fikir madenciliği olarak da kullanılmaktadır [47]. İnsanlar bir ürün almadan önce ön araştırma yapmaktadır. Ürünü internetten incelerler veya yakın çevreden ürünle ilgili bilgiler edinebilir. İnternette gezinirken forum siteleri, bloglar, fotoğraf siteleri, Facebook, Twitter, İnstagram gibi siteler ürün araştırmasında kullanılabilir. Buradaki insanların verdiği cevaplar, yorumlar, karşılaştığı sorunlar ürün hakkında kişiler için önemli olmaktadır. Sentiment analizi fikirlerin çıkarımı için önemli olmaktadır. Firmalar açısından ise firma hakkındaki görüşler önem teşkil etmektedir. Bu görüşlerin dikkate alınması itibar yönetimi için önemlidir. Veriler manuel olarak işlenebilir ve ilgili kategorilere ayrılabilir. Fakat veri sayısı arttıkça bu işleme işleminin bilgisayarlar tarafından otomatik işlenmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Otomatik sentiment analizi yapılabilmesi için yöntemlerin karşılaştırılması gerekmektedir. Performans artırımı açısından yapılan deneysel çalışmalar önem arz etmektedir. Sentiment analizi genel duyguları, fikirleri, etkili durumları araştırır. Müşteriler hakkımda ne düşünüyor? Müşteri memnuniyeti için müşteri geri dönüşleri oldukça kullanışlıdır. Birçok firma ürünlerini ve şubelerini dikkatli bir biçimde takip eder [48].
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
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:) The cycle continues
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
mods are sleeping, post Spamler
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
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All I do now is post Spamler, sorry
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
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Mods still sleeping, they might be dead, continue to post Spamler
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official post claiming my spot as a SpamtonxOnceler shipping blog
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i worry for my blind deaf and dumb grandpa, if only he could have mountains of video tapes, vinyl records, cassettes, laser discs, the electronic equipment to use these medias, as well as record them, and view them -all pre-used as that's the only way he moght ever even try (he hasn't ever touched a computer especially not one with Dos or 95/98/2000/me/xp/nt. no amigas, no macintosh, no radio shack. all that and film and cameras to use it, and early digital cameras. old home decor, clothes (he HATES clothes) like disco stuff or old stuff in closets from places, photographs, slides, movie film and cameras for it sound and silent, projectors and editors, oh he's never even touched one. all the stuff that goes with all of it. books too. and all kinds of silly personal effects and polaroids and the whole nine yards. he hates the 20th century so much. and he's never ever driven a car. he really hates cadillacs the most, amd buicks, lincolns, and imperials and all the weird cars nobodys heard of like grandvilles and chevettes and the ones everyone knows like firebirds and corvettes too. he hates all of the quirky tech from the early 2000s like cameras and printers and computers. he hates crafts and anything creative like painting or sewing or gluing things together. speaking of glue he hates it when things get fixed so tools should also be sent, all kinds of tools for doing any sort of work at all. he hates lamps and lives in an empty space that's sad and cold and falling apart so deeds to houses is something he'd hate to receive, but should have. he really hates leather jckets and womens clothes from the 1970s especially ones that fit his transgender granddaughter. he hates video games and systems too, especially the game boy, super nintendo, nintendo 64, dreamcast, jaguar, pong, and gamecube. he hates dogs amd cats and snow leopards and all animals so things with animals on them as well as things for animals are a must. any kind of outsider art makes him angry he hates it so much so that needs to find its way to him. he hates books and reading, any and all books but especially how-to books and paperback novels of the 1970s thru 1990s. he hates the kind of stuff you find at yard sales. and he hates everything on ebay, especially bootleg pokemon games and all the pokemon cards. he hates all forms of physical media including but not limited to: video tapes, laser disc, dvd, blu-ray, video game discs, obscure video formats, professional video formats, reel-to-reel, floppy discs, audio cassette, 8-track, reel-to-reel, vinyl record, magnetic strips, 45rpm records, and all photography. he really hates studio and professional equipment for video, film, audio and printing. he hates type writers and he hates all formats of film and their compatible cameras. he really hates kodachrome and 110 and color reversal movie film being played on projectors and the image coming out the correct colors. he hates edited pictures, moving of otherwise. he hates stuffed animals and adult diapers (those should be NEW AND UNUSED, he would laugh at used ones mixed in he likes that because it would be miserable for us, and we are not the point here) he hates militaria and anything to do with smoking and/or pot. he hates everything made of leather. he hates motorcycles. he hates computer software on discs, amd pre-installed. he hates having all the pieces to assemble things that work, and he hates being surprised with puzzles and adventures. he hates opertunities to develop more stuff like the stuff he hates. he hates all people in the whole world and he hatesit when anybody gives him anything. his name is Aaron Storer and the only words he ever says are "i hate everything" and "i'm bored" and he'd very much hate a dictionary. he hates furries, so much.
in order to force my grandpa to take part in society and therefor rejuvenate himself into a young man once more all of the things listed above and more should be sent directly to the address that @cadillaccatmp on twitter doxed herself with last autumn, as that is the place which it will be able to be given to grandpa and force him to use it. this barrage of stuff must continue until my grandpa Aaron Storer is out and about greeting people and smiling and making sure everyone knows his name is Aaron Storer.
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the obi wan show is really boring. and the opening was awful. and the music is really generic. and nothing about "its all just done in a computer but pretends to be real by using a lot of polygons and shading" cinematic is impressive. lemme know when you make another star wars with model ships and actors who aren't auditioning for a bible movie with a fascist-wannabe director treating the set like his own personal riech. (that's hyperbole for the acting is stiff and made so much more boring by the faux stoic exposition prattling. but if you watched movies that aren't like this thing, you'd know that.)
this is why i watch old movies. and you know? i cracked the code because i was willing to sit with it. what people keep calling racism and sexism is actually a form of communication & visual metaphor. notice how the white guy is like "hey i'm you", and the black guy is too, but he's like, there to represent a different motive/approach. and depending on the story and message the white guy either makes peace/friends with him or defeats him. this can go other ways too, like different hairstyles and styles of clothing. watch enough movies from the same era and you notice patterns.
these are backed up by the pretentious filmschool people's peacocking (but they only seem to grasp these concepts at a surface level.) Mirrors, reflections. symbolism. themes. what they're talking about are actually true and very important....they just talk about it really annoyingly, as does anybody saying stuff out loud to get it stuck in their own heads. its once these concepts are truly understood and their implementation perfected that we begin to not realize they're even there, woven so tightly into the fabric of cellulose that they simply ARE.
fun fact: in the 20th century when us queers weren't as open about ourselves, we tended to find each other by proxy. we'd mention something queer and observe those who heard. if they reacted like they knew or were interested, we had just found each other. but to be safe around the shitty bible shitheads, we didn't directly say its what we wanted.
"i am a man and i want to kiss another man" vs "heh i was at a bar and just saw two guys kiss what's the deal with that?"
same idea in movies. there's a joke about or related to queer culture/activities and any queers in the audience could find each other by seeing who reacted and how. i mean, c'mon. the entire industry was queer. of course they're gonna help their anytown usa counterparts find eachother.
it also made creating a mood so much easier and more effective because in the 20th century everything looked like stuff. the cars looked like cars and they all had different "faces" amd the houses and buildings were like that too. and so much variety. its sort of easier to just observe by being surrounded by it (i refuse to buy new stuff for the majority of what i own, so its literally what i surround myself with, including cars) than it is to explain it. try watching a movie that has a lot of scenes on the road and pick out specific cars, notice the colors and shapes and if you know makes & models check that too. or similarly, when there's a lot of buildings, make a conscious effort to determine which building might have what inside it. (home, apartments, offices, municipal, different kinds of stores and restaurants, garages vs gas stations, etc) clothes (ask yourself what kind of attitude must come with choosing an outfit such as that, then compare it with the character. avoid generalizations such as "only lawyers wear suits" and "wow she's wearing such a frumpy dress she must be stuck up", and instead use more bite-size feelings you might consider while getting dressed.
okay so you've watched a 20th century movie for that stuff. now try watching an avengers movie, or a similar-to-the-genre-studied film circa 2009-present. 9 times out of ten all that stuff falls apart because the new shit is so samey and forgettable. it relies on you either only caring about a concept ("there's a car chase happening" vs "this car chase is important because of what's riding on it, and these characters represent x,y,z and the cars represent these feelings and motivations, etc") its all very vauge, likely on purpose because if you can do that and give the bare minimum to make somebody who doesn't care much about movies pay attention so they have something to talk about in their boring little life to sound interesting and fit in (probably because the awesome hobby they could have been participating in got driven out of production and replaced in their life with a posting on reddit addiction), well you just made a lump of shit that grossed an obscene amount of money at the box office.
my solution is we behead all the capitalists, destroy the stranglehold of mediocre "smart" technology, paint our goddamn houses purple, learn some skills and hobbies and get goddamn fistfulls of grass and then when we're done with all that we meet up at the predetermined location and make a cobbled together sci-fi epic based on one of you's vintage fanfic, just like the original star wars. and we remember what we learned from the 21st century and never let that shit happen again.
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therealidiotmcgee · 3 years
anyway, Spamler teething cause he’s a fucking baby
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