#spamming old sketches for a bit
starmakesart · 2 years
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no I will not give context for this one
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Ro what about random silly headcanon with the bros? Anything you want to share 👁👁
👀 yessss I have so many silly hcs!!- These are all over the place ‘n not in any real order cuz I’m just typing them out as I go :))
Beel will lay in bed for hours at night just watching those cake decorating videos. he gets so mesmerized by them that he doesn’t notice just how much time has passed and suddenly it’s like 5am.
Satan runs a cat meme page on devilgram and a ‘best cat videos’ deviltube.
On the topic of cat memes, Mammon has a ton saved on his DDD that he’ll spam Satan with whenever Satan’s in a bad mood. Mammon knows they’ll make Satan feel a bit better- or at least laugh.
Lucifer sleeps in until noon or later on sundays. His brothers could literally be burning the house down around him and it just….doesn’t matter. He is NOT getting out of bed until he absolutely has to.
Lucifer was a huge MCR fan and even has a few old t-shirts in the very back of his closet.
Lucifer’s ears turn red when he’s really mad. So do Satan’s but don’t tell him.
Satan like scrapbooking. Occasionally he’ll ask Asmo for pictures of everyone (even Lucifer) to add to his scrapbooks, especially after big events because Asmo always has the best picture of everybody having fun!! Asmo’s the only one that knows about this and he thinks it’s adorable to see more of Satan’s ‘soft side’.
Belphie sleeps with one sock on because his feet gets cold, but both socks on make him feel too hot- it’s weird I know- but one sock is perfect for him.
Belphie HATES cold showers, like if there isn’t enough hot water for him to rise off he’ll just get out with soap still in his hair.
Levi is actually a REALLY good driver!!- but other cars on the road and traffic in general terrifies him so he never drives. (unless it’s an emergency.)
Asmo loves sketching landscape / flowers and has a couple sketchbooks full of amazingggg sketches!! But he doesn’t think they’re any good, so he keeps it a secret.
Asmo collets candles.
Levi once lost a bet to Mammon and had to wear his Ruri-Chan cosplay to RAD. (which really backfired because everybody LOVED IT and Levi was the most popular demon at RAD for a day.)
Belphie is lactose intolerant.
Mammon is insanely good at Uno, he once went undefeated for 7 months then Lucifer beat him in 4 turns. LMAOOO
Levi can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is that NPC stance with his arms just hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise. It looks like you’re holding him at gunpoint. don’t ask him to smile either because that just looks worse….
Beel doesn’t really understand personal space- so he’s always standing just a little too close when he’s talking to somebody. (most people think he’s trying to be intimidating, but he’s really not.)
‘n uhhhhh that’s all for now XD
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afreakingdork · 5 months
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Yeah, I'm not taking this sitting down. Man, I really am not trying to have beef out here, but I refuse to have my good fucking name tarnished. To make a public post about me? Yeah, I'm going to share my side. The facts are as such:
I approached wolf on 12/20/23 about a NSFW commission inspired by one of their works. It would feature my sona and an aged up Donnie. As they mentioned, our initial conversation was good. We went back and forth during the sketch phase and I requested quite a lot of edits. I asked if I could pay them for these corrections.
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it was right after this that wolf asked about Donnie's battle shell since it wasn't illustrated.
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After this message, I did not hear back from wolf after 2/9/24 until I sent them a follow-up message 3/27/24
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I did not hear back from wolf until today 5/6/24.
Now I cannot share the images of the art I received because it is NSFW, but I can tell you that the grey from my sona's body appeared to be missing. The ears of my sona were grey, but the body only looked yellow. Donnie was missing his purple arm marks, and his knee pads were still the same only now they were colored in black along with his mask. From here I will just send the conversation in its entirety.
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For reference, this was the reference sheet they had.
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I was then sent two pieces where the grey on my sona was very obvious and Donnie's markings were now present with the following text.
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Now again, I wish I could show you the pieces, but I can't. I was offered a 50% refund for my troubles, but I was not interested in taking it because wolf had already done all the work.
I will say that I was extremely frustrated with the whole affair so the next part I will admit was a bit salty because while corrections had been made, I wasn't able to give any input so there were still mistakes in my sona's colors (specifically the underside of the tail was yellow instead of white and my grey arm had one side yellow) and Donnie's mask was still black. The following is our last correspondence on my blog.
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This would have been the end of it for me. Except, I did not get the email. I waited in hopes it would come in, but none did. Since I was blocked I was forced to reach out from one of my side blogs @thisgoesouttoyoubaby which feel free to check. it's my reblog sideblog that I use to send my bestie memes. It dates back YEARS and is not used for spam.
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As you can see I was blocked here.
Now I have been refreshing my email feed waiting. I know emails can take time, but I have no way to confirm if I'm getting my work because I was immediately blocked on thisgoesouttoyou with no response.
So I used another sideblog, this time @plowingon which you can again, freely search, its not a spam blog, but a blog I once made to record the live of my old german shepherd I had years ago when he was getting older.
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And wouldn't you know it, I got my first email from wolf at
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Coincidentally, only after I sent my last message to them.
Now I'm not interested in hurting wolf's reputation. I think you should still commission them if you'd like. I still am a fan of their art. I have no ill will, but fuck if I will stand by as someone tells me that I won't pay an artist. I never even said i wouldn't pay. I was just frustrated because they wouldn't follow their own three correction rule. They allowed me no recourse, and then they were petty before I could even confirm that I received the email.
Could I have been nicer?
Of course.
Could I have been more clear?
But there is no world in which I tried to gaslight anyone. I pride myself on my honesty. I was not shy when paying them. I sent payment before we even began. I offered to pay them more and acknowledged I was a needy customer halfway through. So I apologize for this long post, but I wanted to make sure all of this was visible because how dare you call me a scammer, wolf.
You disappoint me.
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Ah no worries about not understanding! I would prefer no fanart was drawn of my cookie ocs.. thank you for asking to double check though! :}}
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(Post this ask is referencing)
I explain it all in this post! :00
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I just didn't have the heart to keep Papyrus suffering 😭😭 as much as it really seems like I don't-- I do love Papyrus as a character. And I felt like he really deserved some kind of salvation after everything I put him through.. Also it'll make for some interesting dynamics in the group! Looking at Seam and Jevil.. 👀👀
Oh yeah, and poor Coconut. If I hadn't drawn angst of Octo already she wouldn't have been the subject this time! <XDD And thank you!! :DD I'm glad to hear that she's your favorite!! :}}
And yes! I always saw the other koopa kids- especially Ludwig- to be older than JR. Maybe its the bib-- and who knows! I tend to loop back around to old fandoms from time to time so I can see myself drawing the koopa kids again XDD
As for the Mario Movie,, shockingly enough I still haven't seen it. What can I say? I have some kind of problem upstairs I'm sure of it--
Though its interesting to hear that the movie blue shells are similar to mine! :0 And I'm honored to hear that you like my version more than the movies! :DD 💖💖
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XD Its been a while since I've seen those movies. So I cant really remember much of Jack Sparrow.. but I trust that you are right! XD
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XD If I do that Jangles will probably super bounce her into the sun-
And thank you! And hey, I'm sorry that you're not very confident in your artwork right now.. Just keep in mind, all it took for me was time. Your art will improve with time. Try your best to cut yourself some slack. Understand that you're still learning. We all are! Remember that your art will continue to improve if you just keep drawing!
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I don't play it or know anything about it either <XDD but I'm glad you like them!! :}} ✨💖✨
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(Post in question)
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Its actually the 3rd option. Usually when I'm in some kind of fandom I prefer my own AUs as opposed to others AUs or even canon. :00
That's probably becuase most of my AUs consist of removing things from canon I don't like and adding in random things that I do like-
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@abaroo (Post in question)
I guess I was thinking that Frisk fully trusted Papyrus instantly. And so did not hesitate to give her cape to him 🥺💖
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@skulls-and-cypresses (Post in question)
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Aww! How cute! That might work! :000 Why do I want one now- XDD
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Aw, I'm sorry! <XDD I don't mean to make you sad :(((
AND YOOO!!! Its Friday when I'm answering this but the Wednesday dude is welcome any day of the week! :DD
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Yeah, both canon Jevil and Spamton would be pretty dangerous to have around XDD But out of the two I think original Spamton would be interesting.. 👀
Not really for the personality, because my Spamton's personality is actually a bit similar.. but more for the visual aspect. I headcannon that canon Spamton's body shrunk when he fell into an acid pool. My Spamton fell into an acid pool as well, but it didn't shrink him. It destroyed the structure of his body and elongated him. Making him much taller and extremely deformed..
Imagine the two of them standing side by side. Original Spam would be up to my Spams knee! <XD
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Evil voice: ehhehghehe... noted... hehehghehee
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Me when someone compliments me on the characters design that I was least confident about:
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@nunyabusiness459 (Post in question)
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Whoopsies! <XDD (jk jk light hearted--)
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I wouldn't say near-death.. Spade King didn't want to kill Jevil. So any injuries he inflicted upon him were injuries he could recover from..
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Yeah :( their value to him was that of a grain of sand..
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As for what kind of monsters they'd face,, I'm actually unsure- I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore or characters.. so I'm not sure what kinds of dangers the real cookie run pirates face.. :( But what I DO know is that Blue Beauty is their main form of protection.
She's not exactly threatening to a lot of creatures I'd imagine.. She is just a Mer-whale. No teeth or stingers to make her more intimidating.. But what she is, is huge. And incredibly strong. She's a real power house and uses tools and weapons the crew taught her how to use to defend herself. And I imagine with her thick blubber, it takes a really deep wound to actually hurt her. So she doesn't fear getting a couple scratches here and there.
When it comes to the other cookies, most everyone stands up and fights. Only a select few retreat to the lower decks to protect their goods or hide. Those likely being Ellie, she's too old for this crap- and Coco and Red, though don't be fooled! Coco can fight! She's just retreating with Red in order to protect him. Everyone else though is up there duking it out with who ever dares cross their ship! ⚔⚔
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Ah! Sorry for the late reply, this ask got buried--
I'd like to think Funtime Freddy would have a really hard time deciding on a favorite song. California girls, call me maybe,, wannabe?? But after a loooot of careful thinking, he'd pick all star by smash mouth XD
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Hello hi yes this ask was sent weeks ago but then it got lost and buried but then revived in a way that I cant explain but my intended response was--
Awwww.. imagine her in tears after drawing a picture of a little girl she remembers. She holds the drawing up to the night sky, trembling.
"S-She dreamed of seeing the stars one day.." 💔
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theworldreturning · 2 months
Intro Post
Hello! I'm participating in @pkmoth's askapalooza event! So here's just some general stuff to know bout how this blog's gonna go!
Info under the cut!
About The AU:
Nothing too special about this AU, really, I think it's a concept everyone's come up with at some point. It's a post story AU after Mother 3's ending where the world is reformed after Lucas asks the dragon to give the planet and humanity another chance.
As a side effect, a good amount of people have come back and/or changed to be allowed that second chance (mainly those who had some form of regret in the old world). Some folks are very different to allow for this to happen, and as such have changed memories and lives, but most remain unchanged from how they were when the world ended and reformed.
The new world takes place in an alternate post Mother 2 universe, but now the Nowhere Islands exist alongside everything else (Though now on maps and such, they're known as the Dragon's Rest Isles). Due to this timeline change, while the folks from Mother 1 are here, they're older now.
So who can you ask?:
You can ask most anyone important from the games! Though if you want more specific people/groups you have:
Claus, Lucas, and Fuel. Who are currently still living in the Dragon's Rest Isles.
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They all retain memories of the previous world, but mostly try to put it behind them. For now they're trying their best to retain some sense of normalcy and get used to how things are going to work in their new life (much like everyone else in New Tazmily).
As a point of note: Due to what physically happened to him in the previous world, Claus may not be fully able to answer some questions (may be beyond his scope of vocabulary, or too difficult to understand). In those cases, Fuel or Lucas will probably answer for him. ( Yes, Claus is still a chimera. Yes this affects his behavior.)
The Chosen 4 from Mother 2 (plus Pokey and Picky). Back at home after their journey.
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Though the chosen 4 went their separate ways after their journey, they're still good friends and come to visit often. Also due to the world being given a second chance, Pokey is back to being Ness' neighbor, but this time has accepted friendship (mostly, he's still a bit of a prickly kid.)
As a huge note: While the chosen 4 remember the previous world, Pokey and his family DO NOT. Their memories are rewritten to have allowed for Pokey to get a second chance! (Their behaviors are still similar to the previous world though.)
Ninten (And the main party of Mother 1). Now grown up and living their lives in relative peace.
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This cast is grown up now (they're in their 20s, minus teddy who is in his late 30s early 40s). While we'll mostly only see Ninten around, the others can answer asks! Also due to proximity (since he moved), Ninten and his cousin Ness can also answer some things together from time to time!
General Asking Rules:
For the most part, at least for now, the casts from the game are mostly separate. The only exceptions are the M1 and M2 casts, who either visit often or are in close enough proximity that they're semi-aware of each other. They'll all meet eventually (at least that's my hope), but for now they remain separate.
No NSFW asks, of course. Most of the casts are still minors. I'll also apply no shipping asks into this. It's not a main thing I wish to focus on, any ships that happen are just there and not the biggest focus.
Don't spam the same asks, it'll just lead me to not answering them. (This doesn't apply if you happen to ask the same question as someone else! If enough people ask the same thing, it may eventually make it to an OOC FAQ post!)
I will TRY to answer with at least a black and white sketch, but I am a working man, so my time is sometimes quite limited. I apologize in advanced.
Due to the above, I may also take a bit to answer some questions! Please do be patient, I will try my best to answer them all!
I will also answer RP-type asks, but they may remain short or more spread out in between normal asks as I'm not the best at roleplaying.
You can be mean to characters, but don't push it too far!! If you sent an ask that I found overly aggressive and you never see it answer, assume it was a bit too far.
Lastly, What About The Future of This Blog?:
If I have fun manning this blog through the month, and people still seem decently interested, I may continue it past the askapalooza! But that all depends on the future, so don't hold me to it! Just know that whatever the decision, I will have appreciated everyone taking the time to just look or even interact with these guys!
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metfell · 1 year
<- posts about c!beeduo still in 2024
🕊 RIP old pinned 9/24/2020-5/7/2023 you had a good run o7 🕊
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I block liberally. please don't ask me or my friends why I have you blocked, it's probably nothing personal.
I am not going to tell you how I figured out I was a system, and I am equally not qualified to tell you if YOU are a system.
I am not a therapist I am just some guy(s).
Do not jokingly insult me if we are not friends. Do not call me bitch, whore, slut, etc. I do not know you. Even if we're mutuals, please ask me first.
Dreamwastaken fans do not fucking interact. honestly in general cc!dreamteam fans do not interact.
Will Gold/ cc!Wilbur Soot fans do not interact.
You can ask me to tag for anything, though I may say no. I will sometimes ask you why you want something tagged, and that's so I can better accommodate that tag in the future. if you do not want to divulge that information, that's fine with me I get it, it's a personal thing.
Spam asks will be IP blocked. This means you will never be able to send me an anonymous ask again. Think before you send me an ask.
Please keep comments about my art in the tags, not the body of the post.
Spam liking/reblogging is perfectly fine, I don't mind at all. Just queue or reblog my art if you're going to spam-like it.
Ask me for permission before using my art in edits or stimboards.
Icon usage does not require asking me, but please add credit somewhere easily visible like your description or pinned post.
I don't use tone indicators unless I believe my message could genuinely be misinterpreted. Examples would be sarcasm or teasing.
If you do use tone indicators with me, please put the whole word. Examples: "/copypasta" "/joking" "/lighthearted".
Q: What art supplies do you use? How long have you been drawing? Do you do commissions?
A: I use 8x11 Strathmore Sketch books, and a very very large collection of Copic, Arrtx, and Ohuhu markers. For paintings, I use Strathmore Bristol paper in either size 11x14 or 18x24, and a mixture of various liquitex acrylic paints. A: I have been drawing since around 2010! A: In general, no. However, I actually will take commissions if you message me through Flight Rising and trade me treasure, gems, or rare apparel items! My Flight Rising followers get only the best <3
Q: Can we be friends?
A: Despite how extroverted I may seem, I'm actually incredibly nervous about speaking to new people. Send asks off anon, add tags to my art, and just hang out, and I'll probably consider us friends! If not, it's nothing personal, I'm just cagey.
Q: What is with the Ranboo's secret tumblr bit?? ..... Are you?????
A: No, it's just a running joke from 2021 lmao. Ranboolive has his own actual tumblr now but people just love pretending like I'm still his secret account
hey guys I made a new pinned are you proud of me anyways like the post if you read all of this
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krysmcscience · 3 months
Intro post I will prolly edit later, lol
Figured I needed to make a pinned post at some point for people checking out my page.
Here's my ko-fi - And yes, I do commissions. The prices are based on the time and effort it takes me. If you want something cheap and low-effort, I offer '$1 per minute' sketches. I can do more with that time than you might think. (Granted, I also worry way less about pesky things like anatomy and outfit details.)
Here's my Ao3 - My stuff is dark and unpleasant, because my life has been dark and unpleasant, and thus what I write is not meant for either children or people who think censoring dark and unpleasant things helps anyone. :) My stuff is also Pretty Dang Queer.
Here's my original art tag - I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Breach, and a bit of Heavenshine. On hold is The Spirit Marauder, Starlight Killer, and Bleached Canvas, among other stories that I may or may not have posted about. Sometimes I forget to tag character and story names and such, though, because I am bad at tagging.
Here's my fanart tag - Again, I tend to stick to just a few hyperfixations, and rotate between them, sometimes with overlap. Current hyperfixation is Cult of the Lamb, and a bit of Among Us. I may sometimes still draw for Pokemon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, and Tokyo Mew Mew, among other things, but most of my older stuff doesn't have the fanart tag (because again - I am bad at tagging). I no longer draw for Homestuck, though I may still reblog posts about it that I find funny, and while I don't think I ever posted art for it here, anyway, my InuYasha hyperfixation died the moment my comfort character was turned into a pedophile. It is liable to never recover. u_u
Here's my art reblog tag - I very rarely reblog other folks' art. Not because I don't like it, but because if I reblogged every bit of art that I liked, I would probably overwhelm all my followers' dashboards. 8|; If you want to see all the stuff I like, anyway, my likes are public.
Here's my everything else tag - I'll usually stick this onto my ramblings, or on reblogs of stuff that isn't other folks' art.
Quick n' dirty deets about me: Filthy socialist (meaning ACAB, fuck MAGA, terfs can GTFO, from the river to the sea, and so on). Also, gendervoid aro-ace aegosexual with rampant AuDHD.
NO, I do not do drawing or writing requests. I do not have the time or energy. I may do random gifts for other artists or writers if I get the inspiration for it, but that's at my own discretion.
NO, I will not mark any of my posts as mature. I do not post smut art, I make clear what my writings contain in both the writings and posts themselves, and the internet is not a safe space for children. If you're a minor, best to steer clear of my page, and if you choose not to - because goodness knows I would have done the same at that age - then heed the provided warnings and proceed with caution. I am no one's parent or babysitter, and no one on the internet should expect me to be.
NO, I will not turn on anonymous messages. The moment my InuYasha comfort character was turned into a pedophile and I spoke out about it, I was harassed en masse by the grossest part of the fandom. If you want to be an asshole at me, you can do it with the full knowledge that I'll be outing you for your assholery the second you do. :)
YES, you can message me, provided you've been following me for more than a week. I don't always know what to say, though, so if I don't reply, that's on me and not you. (It tends to take me a while to reply to things, anyway. I am consistently tired and overwhelmed, plus a massive introvert.)
YES, you can draw or write stuff based off of what I've drawn or written! Of course you can!! Please do!!! Just share it with me first!!!!! OuO
YES, you can spam me with likes and reblogs, I do not mind at all. I don't even care how old the post is, so go nuts, my dude - like and reblog to your heart's content.
Krys is pronounced the same as "Chris", not "cries". If we start chatting and get to the point where we start talking over mics and you call me "Cries", I can promise that I while I WILL roll with it, I will also NEVER let you live it down, so if it's easier for you, just call me Terri. It's pronounced like normal, but short for Terrible.
I know it says 'she/them' in my bio, but gender is a nebulous void for me, so I don't actually care what pronouns you use for me.
As of June 17, 2024, I am 36. And yes, I feel fucking old.
Don't bother me with pro/anti-shipping garbage. I do not care about shipping wars. I cannot possibly care about shipping wars, not when half of my own ships are toxic garbage. What I do care about is whether or not a toxic garbage ship is framed correctly, especially when it's aimed at a young and impressionable audience. (LOOKING HARD AT YOU, YASHAHIME.)
If you know me from DA, NO YOU DO NOT. I just went through all my old posts on there, and good GRAVY was I fucking annoying. I should show all that shit to my mom and be like, 'Are you SURE I didn't have ADHD growing up??? Cuz it sure READS like I had ADHD growing up!!!'
I don't know what else to add here at the moment, so I'ma go back to recovering from weeks worth of working on comic stuff now. <:]
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Do think you can make more fanfics of Kenny and or jade your like the only person who actually writes for characters in the show (from) and I feel like they just need so much more love 💕🥲 I literally love your account and all the theories 
dhsjdhshd thank you so much for sending this ask !! they DO need so much more love both in-universe and out... specially kenny rn. jade is somehow kind of making friends... we can be proud of him. kind of <3 im so glad you like my account i'm always so worried about spamming but my heart is so full rn 🥺💝
i'm definitely gonna be writing more for them! i have an embarrassing amount of drafts i should probably polish up a bit and post. here's some headcanons in the meantime
kenny and jade: where they take you on a date 🥂🎆
out of fromville
he looves to flaunt his wealth and is a child at heart so on your first dates he'd probably take you to places that are both expensive and fun like a hot air balloon ride or a premium pass visit to a theme park, bonus points if there's tech toys involved like those star wars spaceship simulator VR pods, or idk, racecars
also!!! escape rooms
sometimes tobey tags along because the stuff is fun and you just have to deal with that. he does make sure leave you some alone time though
on your 4th or 5th date you ask him if you can just hang out at home and he looks heartbroken like you don't like our dates?? jade i'm just exhausted
he kind of has a difficult time accepting that you like him enough to want to just spend the day with him, but he's pretty touched when it sinks in that you do
you order some food, curl up on the couch and binge some tv show or movie series that either of you likes, it could be some old favourite or something that's been sitting on your to-watch list for a while. i just know that jade is a jurassic park kind of guy and no one can change my mind
all the time he's just thinking how nice and natural it all feels and how easily he could get used to having you around more often <3
in the town
he would talk a lot about where he wants to take you when you get out, but if confronted with the thought of going on a date while in there, he'd be like—what the hell do you mean, there's nothing to do in here
you tease him a little bit like come on, where's that imagination you keep talking about? be creative. you'll come up with something for sure
now it's a challenge. and he tries. he really tries. but nothing feels impressive or datey enough, considering where he'd like to take you if he could
you ask him to see the notebook he's been writing (and sketching) the ideas on and you can't help but laugh. jade, literally a picnic would've been just fine
but you make sure to show him how touched you are that he was putting so much effort into trying to make something really special for you. he gets lots of love and many hugs and kisses as a reward <3
out of fromville
kenny loves café and museum dates, though he'd be a bit worried that he's not smart enough to impress you if you go to a museum. he just really likes going because all the stuff is cool, but he's not one of those guys that can tell you more than the guide on any given tour. he might try to prepare and do a bit of research beforehand to try to show off though :)
it's very easy to tell that he didn't just happen to know all that stuff, but nonetheless it's incredibly cute
bonus points if you are the kind of person that can tell you more than the guide on any given tour. you'd have to correct him on some stuff. he'd be a bit embarrassed but his crush on you would only get bigger and bigger with that
if he wants to go for something a bit bigger or special he might ask if you want to book one of those weekends that you can spend at an apple orchard or a pumkin farm in the fall, it would be really sweet and he'd take the cutest pics of you <3
in town
his go-to would be a picnic in the nicest patch of woods that he can find. it's an easy choice because he's big on picnics in general, no matter where you are
he would pick some flowers for you and do his best to help you feel at ease. if you're new, you may be a bit worried about straying from the town even just a little bit, but he knows the place really well and he'd reassure you that the woods are safe as long as the sun is out
it'd be worth it when the knowledge of where you are begins to fade away. once you can no longer see colony house or the town, you start feeling like you could be on a normal hike, and that feels really nice
kenny would have changed out of his deputy uniform and into his nicest clothes for this and your heart would have nearly jumped out of your chest when you saw him looking like that for the first time <3<3
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maiji · 8 months
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Something I'm excited about with regards to finishing fight / flight is that now I can finally post a new batch of images to Pixiv! Not just fight / flight, but also other illustrations I finished over the period of time and/or forgot to previously post to the North Bound series there. I really wanted to do one last illustration of these three to close it off. 
I usually wait a day, several days before posting art/comics to other platforms. Partly to spread out the update spam, partly to try to increase visibility, but mostly because 9 times out of 10 if I post things too fast I almost immediately discover some silly mistakes and then I'm crying inside because I'm repeatedly editing, reposting, finding another mistake, repeat etc... and/or I can't edit a post on some platforms and have to delete it all and start over. So I try to pace myself a bit, giving myself a little distance and opportunity to be more aware and mindful. (Sometimes it works. Sometimes I'm like, who cares, no one will notice except me, and move on with my life.)
It's always hard to assess your own work objectively. Projects like North Bound are particularly interesting because of the funny elasticity of time that you have with all the different pieces of it. That some ideas are so old and you're finally getting to them after all these months/years or other people are finally seeing them when you've already long moved on to something else. That different things are at varying stages of conception and sketching and refining and finishing, and so on. Webcomic creators are very familiar with the concept of "webcomic time". I think anyone who works in a field where there's a lag between the initial conceptualization of something and the actual publishing/launching it out into the world know what I mean. Webcomic time maybe even more so because the barriers to entry for webcomics can be wonderfully low and webcomic creators often do SO MUCH in the production so lots of people get to commiserate in this funny space/feeling together. To be honest I think I feel it with North Bound even more than I ever felt it with Now Recharging. The latter I worked on in a relatively regular fashion to hit specific posting schedules, while North Bound really is whenever I can squeeze in the time and motivation and also problem-solve narrative issues.
Looking back, Mirror Most Dark (completed 2017), I Heard A Cicada Cry (completed 2020), Survive (2021) and fight / flight (2024) (see them all here) form a four story set as "this is North Bound Hokushin's formative time before he meets Raizen". But what I really like is that they feel pretty self-contained - more like "this is an interesting little supernatural historical fiction-y series of stories". (Enough so that I actually woke up one night thinking, "Hey, this set of stories would actually make a pretty robust printed book! The 3 comic stories alone come to 108 pages! I wonder how many pages Mirror Most Dark would come to if I re-laid it out as a printed illustrated story... I'd have to redraw the illustrations in black and white to be able to print it more cost-effectively and match the style of the comic stories..." and then I was like no, you already have enough things to work on, and you don't need another box of books sitting in your closet for the next 10+ years.)
Working on these helps me really appreciate the art and craft of storytelling and building out/fleshing out a character, and also pushes me to try so many things I otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to. Mirror Most Dark, the oldest work in this group, still holds up not too badly (though there are a lot of errors and issues, and many things I would change if I were attempting it today...), and some panels and sequences I've been very proud of throughout the stories. When I reread them I do always see little things I'd like to fix, but overall... I made them, I learned from them, they exist, and it was all a very worthwhile experience!
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toastedjeans · 11 months
It is officially Real Cryptid Hours™
Aka just a small collection of my cryptid au characters from various fandoms :)
First, the one that started it all, Cryptid Omens (originally made 2-3 years ago)
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Sketches: old, colors: new
I love them. Aziraphale's design improved quite a bit.
Then, my absolutely beloveds, SCC cryptids (+ Spamton cause he's such a creature)
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Two above: older, two below: most recent
Only found sketches for Spam. Smh my head can't believe i haven't drawn him properly even once before now
And lastly, my most recent addition, Cryptid Narrator
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Left: first concept, right: most recent
Why does he look less and less like a creature every time i draw him? Idk, maybe Stanley's domesticating him
And now i need to draw them all hanging out
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liauditore · 1 year
Your art style to me has a main identifier of like, feeling sketchy while fully coloured. It's like the lines. Sorry this is a bit late it took me a bit fully analyze.
don't apologise theres no such thing as late!! i love getting asks u could send me asks for ask games from like eight months ago and i'd still answer probs lol (honestly just send me asks for any reason at any time it's like enrichment to me)
thanku!! *whispers* its cus i hate lineart. which is also a problem cus i like how it looks 😔😔
for a long time i struggled w/ whether i wanted to do super clean animation-style stuff or full-on paintings which u can see here. i think i talked abt this a bit on my spam blog but basically i had an eureka moment where i realised i was sacrificing my enjoyment in the drawing process for an imaginary ideal goal and was kinda making myself miserable while drawing which meant i spent less time on each drawing which meant they always turned out subpar to my standards. so i kinda explored for awhile and i think ive landed on something that customizes my process to something my brain and eyes both approve of.
i think im slowly inching towards getting a bit more cleaner but a mate and i were talking the other day abt how drawings that uh.. look like drawings have a certain appeal yanno? like when u watch old cartoons and can see the pencil sketch lines. there's something charming abt it.
uh yeah idk where i was going w/ this lol. colouring sketches makes me happy 👍 brain go brr brr pretty colours 👍👍 no line weight club represent
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gatorkid509 · 2 years
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Did some doodles of Meat Sweats 2 days ago in my sketchbook, as well as concept sketches for his very own Cloaking Brooch( He just wants his life back!!) I like the idea of the brooch as a clip or buckle that attracts to his scarf, I tried to make one of them shaped like a pig's snoot, but I thought that the gemstones being in the place of the nostrils was too weird, so I changed it to a diamond/star sparkle shape and one that was inspired by @forceway brooch design for their drawing of Meat Sweats human form.
As for why I drew Meat Sweats with big old ears. It's actually because real-life domestic pigs have pretty big ears and find it a bit confusing that M.S. had small piggy ears, then I thought " Why not draw and see how Meat Sweats would look with big ears?" And while the big old ears look great on him, especially with the flopped ear, it does make the top of his head look busy due to his tiny hat.
And yes, I gave Meat Sweats his hair back in the second Drawing!!!!! I always thought it was odd that he lost his hair when he mutated. And while you can argue that domestic pigs are hairless and therefore Meat Sweats losing his hair was inevitable when he mutated. How come Warren and Repo keep theirs when they also mutated into hairless creatures? I guess you could argue that M.S.' red hair would make him the stereotypical red-haired villain once he became a villain( Though the show does depict him as a stereotypical angry short-tempered red-head) but that's kinda a stretch( Actually if you want a full in-depth look at how Red Headsince are seen on-screen, TheTake made an amazing video about it
Anyways, I just wanted to do my take on how M.S. would look if he kept his hair if he mutated.
Cherry.Cro on Twitter made amazing artwork of M.S. with his hair, and it looks AMAZING!!!!!!
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I did primarily based mine off of theirs, but I did make his beard a bit more detailed as that's how it appears in the Flashback of " Donnie's Gifts", and because his scarf covers his whole entire neck.( And I just noticed they made his eyebrows red in just that shot, probably an animation error)
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Actually now that I've noticed it, his human design does look a bit more different in " Donnie's Gift" than in " Cloak and Swaggart", and not just the scarf. It's quite possible that because they needed the human design for the latter episode they decided to refine the design a bit.
And yeah, I did change his face shape a little, I like his actual face shape, but it makes his face feel too thin, so I altered the face shape a bit.
And while I love his cute little piggy nose, man was it surprisingly hard to draw, no idea why thought, it's basically an upside-down heart with 2 loops for nostrils, WHY IS IT SO HARD TO DRAW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
( And please ignore the stray eraser shaving on the first Meat Sweats, I swear I thought I wiped them all of before I took the picture)
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radishearts · 2 years
A list of things that have made me happy/grateful. I think it’s important to remind myself of this. Reblog and add more stuff if you want :D
- the old green clock in my room, I don’t remember when I got it, and it’s broken now but it’s rhythmic ticking was very nice to sleep too and served me well for many years
- my KJ hoodie, it’s the softest thing ever and I think it just makes me really happy wearing it. The bright colours are lovely and it’s always adorable having kids come up to me and asking if I watch him too !
- people who have listened to me ramble, even if they were confused !!
- the jacaranda trees on my street.
- my sibling once told me that I tended to pick the ‘worser’ thing/item but ended up loving it more than her and I think there’s something poetic in there or something.
- all the colours for making life beautiful
- pretzels tho I don’t like them
- the final chapter of a good story, rigged with anticipation, fear hope and comfort. Usually a lot of tears tho. A lot.
- memory. Old photos.
- I once accidentally dropped a page of sketches without knowing and some boy picked it up and complimented the art. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped drawing since. Thank you.
- the rain and sunshine, watermelon and hot chocolate, not together. Seperate. Sun showers are cool tho.
- the QOTD that pops up in this server I’m in
- tea parties
- the people who first commented on my fics, spamming my motifs like crazy, we both had trash humour but I’m glad. That gave me true confidence to write
- a little bit of immature spite and creativity
- paper (mache, origami, sticky notes ect ect)
- when me and my cousins climbed a mountain of snow and slid down on the ice the way down.
- sunsets and stars
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colaluu · 16 days
✮About me/Intro Post✮
Hiya everyone! I’m Cola! I am a mostly digital artist that does lots of fanart! I use Procreate for my digital work! I have no strict schedule or anything so my posts aren’t consistent ^^
I’m on a bit of an impromptu hiatus at the moment but be prepared… one day I will start reposting my old art here…and new art too…
Spam likes and reblogs are all good with me! (I know I don’t have much on here yet but for future reference)
Feel free to send any sketch requests if they’re open!
✮ My carrd
✮ Socials: Cara, Instagram, Kofi
✮ Commissions for Palestine
✮ Tags: #my art, #Colaloodles (for the doodles!), #ColaluuIcecubes (for my OCs!)
✮ Sketch Requests: Closed (…for now)
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xxros3tt3d-b3st14xx · 2 months
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Welcome to the wet, endless caverns underneath the forgotten world.
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My name here is Rich(ie/ard) / Bass ><> / Lev But, if you know me by another name, you could use those too. [I collect names that I like and connect with] A 20-year-old queer butch man with the pronouns (He/They/It).
I do art [usually post things that I don't feel fits on others or just sketches] Mainly here to ramble about meanless stuff. Great liking to horror and the macabre, with a conflict between wanting to be sweet or to be the most heinous thing alive. In short, this blog contains my vents, art, and weird/dark stuff, you've been warned.
More about me, I'm nonhuman and would like to be not referred as such. The closet label I got is otherkin for what my nature of my nonhuman-ness. My main kin is the Leviathan, those I do flip back and forth if I am The Leviathan or A Leviathan. It really stems from this life I'm in, I was at lest from what I feel and think was supposed to be a rabbit. My other two past live I know distantly was a woman in a war of some short and, Aurochs bull my first life I remembered and a turning point to where I am.
In that same note, I'm a spiritualist with no real label that does not follow a god or devil, just a connection to the earth and respect to the universe. Though with that I do talk about religion I don't have the greatest relationship with, it complected...
Other tags I use a lot is Lev.txt [for me talking], .bmp well... for art, ❤️‍🩹 for blood. my kin tag is [🐇♠️], Afton [🐇✨]. angels [🪶] , golden-hare, It really just a tag for myself about feelings, more might be added in the future.
Old tags from my past blog if you want to go through them.
"Doc Ock"[💕], Lev.txt, Lev.art, [❤️‍🩹],
I'm keeping this short and sweet no demonizing mental illness nor sexualizing it, none of this empath shit, ED or related, not sexual age regression, ddlg, well for cnc it's mostly always a no but, there's a thin line I will allow. There is the obvious stuff like terfs, ablists, any form of needless hate. This list here is just my comfort and keep out questionable people. Though it's all a case by case basis I'm not afraid to block if I don't like you on my blog and don't care if you block me, I much prefer that if you don't like what is here.
Other things are that I don’t care if you like/reblog spam, I do the same at times. If you want to talk or want to ask a question to me, I’m open to that, though it might take a bit to get an answer.
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keefwho · 4 months
May 24 - 2024 Friday
Its hard to journal while still coming down from drinking. This morning I tidied up everything on the floor and vacuumed thoroughly. For breakfast I made the same exact thing as yesterday.
For work I warmed up with more pony sketches. Then I worked on a Venus patreon reward for 2 hours. I was hoping to get it done today but I had to redo it once because I actually had a little bit of a vision for it.
After work I had to take the dogs out and chilled with some youtube videos. For lunch I made stir fry with the new ramen and canned vegetables I got, with a slice of spam. It was a really good lunch. DS was feeling bad about her job situation and instead of trying to say the right thing, I said what was in my heart which was to ask questions almost in a problem solving sort of way. I just wanted to know what was going on and promote awareness. I was afraid I was coming off as a pretend therapist but the best way I know to approach anything is to ask questions. Its better than trying to say the "right" thing which always feels hollow to me. I am what I am.
For afternoon work I joined my server vc and drew a crying cat idea I had based on a song I heard. PZ joined at first which was a shock and we caught up briefly. I also invited DV and JD to join so DV did and PZ left. We talked for a bit about some pretty deep stuff as usual until JD joined. Then DV left and very briefly this girl DS and I met during this old VR painting incident joined. I found out she plays the horse game and she wanted to play it immediately but I needed about 10 minutes. Unfortunately she left joking she wouldn't be back for another few months which might be the truth.
After taking the dogs out again, I played KSP and chilled with JD in a private call. When DS was free I joined her while she worked on her fursuit. We had youtube on the side as usual. After she cleaned up we played Roblox for a couple hours doing the classic event. We managed to get a decent about of tix and it was super duper fun. The best way I coulda spent my night. In bed we did out puzzles and she passed out. I ate dinner and watched Twitch until bed.
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