#sparda x y/n
actuallysaiyan · 1 year
I Just Wanna(Sparda men body hair headcanons)
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warnings: smut, mentions of body hair, body hair removal
word count: 2.1k
pairings: Nero x Fem!Reader, Dante x Fem!Reader, Vergil x Fem!Reader and Sparda x Fem!Reader
a/n: inspired by many conversations with @beneathstarryskies. Also this is my first time writing Sparda
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Nero isn’t picky about body hair. He knows he’s got a little(nothing like his uncle Dante), but on you, he’s really not going to care. Though if you’ve got a certain way to keep it, he might be interested in your routine for that.
He enjoys watching you do little things like that; you putting on lotion and moisturizer. The man pretty much just enjoys admiring your body. He’ll even take the time to watch you shower or bathe.
Nero won’t take offense if you mention him removing his hair. You can rest assured that he’ll keep it nice and clean for you too. He’s got a light dusting of it on his chest and a treasure trail. He gets a little timid if you comment on it.
You’ve been dating for some time, but your physical affections never went anywhere further than just making out. While you were very happy with just that, Nero wanted it to go further. But everytime he would picture it happening, he would blush so hard and wouldn’t even really know how to keep it going. What if you thought he was an idiot with his fumbling hands? He’s so desperate to make you feel good. 
It’s when you mention his chest hair one day that gets him a good idea. That night, you two are sitting on the couch and you begin kissing gently. He stops you for a moment, and you watch with wide eyes as he takes off his shirt. Nero is very well built, and you’re always a little speechless when you see him without his shirt. He’s blushing as he leans back in.
“Is…is this okay?” he breathes softly, your lips almost touching.
You giggle, “yeah it’s better than okay.”
Without another word or another action, you pull him in for a passionate kiss. His lips part when he gasps softly at the feeling of your hand on his chest, and your tongues rub together wetly. Nero’s already so damn hard in his pants, and he reaches down to adjust it. It’s aching, but he knows he needs to keep this nice and slow.
“Such a gorgeous devil,” you whisper between heated kisses.
Nero’s blushing now, “y-yeah?” 
You don’t bother answering, you just decide to let your hand slide down his abdomen. You feel the muscles tensing as you toy with the treasure trail that leads into his pants. You mention how much you love his soft body hair, and you tell him you’d like to know where this trail leads.
“O-oh! Uhm…” he’s unsure of what to say. So you just look into his eyes, and you can see the want there.
“We don’t need to do anything you don’t want to, sweetie.”
Another heated kiss, and he pulls you even closer. His hand guides you to the painful bulge in his pants. You begin palming him as you continue making out. The softest whimpers and moans fall from his lips, making you so wet. He begins unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, giving you space to reach into his pants.
“I bet this little trail leads to quite the treasure,” you tease him while fingering the hair leading to his cock.
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Dante is hairy and he knows it. He leans into it very much as well, loving the way that you always play with his body hair. Whether it be cuddled up on the couch and just absentmindedly playing with the chest hair that pops out of his open shirt, or you letting your fingers gently trace the happy trail that leads down his pants, Dante is in love with having his body hair.
On you though, he isn’t very picky. If you like being more natural and foregoing hair removal, then he is more than happy with that. But if you’d like to surprise him with a bald pussy, he will be absolutely weak. It’s just something that definitely surprises him and it’s always a nice change of pace.
He’s also a big fan of watching you do your skincare routine and loves watching you bathe. He’ll melt if you offer to help him shave in any way. If you want to take care of him in that way, it just makes him feel absolutely loved.
You two are resting on his bed after a nice shower together. There are little droplets of water still on his chest, nestled between the gray chest hair. You can’t help but let your fingers begin running through the hair, making Dante sigh happily. He always enjoys just resting on the bed with you, naked and still a little wet from the shower. He can get to hold you so close and caress your body.
“Baby,” he moans, “you really are so beautiful.”
You smile sweetly, “I should say the same about you.”
This makes him blush a little, and he looks away. Even though you’ve been together for so long, Dante isn’t used to being complimented like this. You always say the sweetest things to him, making him pretty much speechless. Especially when you say you think he’s beautiful. That’s a word he feels should be reserved for you, but when you say it right back to him, his brain short-circuits.
He takes your hand in his and places it on his heart. You can feel the rhythm of his heart and you know it beats for you. There’s a pink tinge on your cheeks from him being so sweet to you. Then you feel his hands coming to your body, soothing over the curves of your body. He groans as he cups your breasts, giving them a soft squeeze.
“I could never get tired of touching you like this,” he murmurs as he begins kissing your neck.
You let out a happy sigh, “I’m glad, because I could never get tired touching you like this.”
Dante gasps softly when your hand finds its way down his lower abdomen to his cock. You run your fingers over the hardening member until you're massaging his balls. With that smirk on your face, Dante knows what your intentions are. And he couldn’t be happier.
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Vergil is probably the most picky of the bunch. He likes things clean, and that means body hair too. He likes to take his time removing the hair that does grow on his body, but it grows lightly and it’s soft, so it’s not like it’s a huge burden for him.
Even when he does let it grow, it’s always clean. And on you, while he doesn’t want to tell you what to do, he would prefer no hair. I’m sure you could persuade him to enjoy a full bush too, if you really set your mind to it. Just being adamant of sticking to your convictions and keeping your body hair is a turn on for Vergil.
He’s not against bathing together, and if you suggest a spa day together, he is very happy about it. It’s a nice experience to have skincare and hair removal together. Afterwards, when the two of you are completely smooth, he loves just taking his time rubbing his naked body against yours.
It’s been a while since the two of you have gone out dancing together. It was something you two had been planning for a while. When you first started seeing Vergil, you had to do a lot of coaxing to get him to go on dates like this. But he’s slowly gotten more comfortable with the idea of going out dancing. And he even dances with you a lot of the time, not just watches you from afar.
You took your time getting ready for tonight, taking a long bath and making sure you got rid of your body hair. Though it can be a bit of a pain in the ass, you know Vergil enjoys feeling your smooth skin. You had taken a long amount of time moisturizing your body with the sweet-smelling lotion he loves so much.
On the dance floor, you’re a natural. You sway and move with the music, almost like your body conducts the music. He isn’t even sure how you do it, you just look so beautiful while you do. And when he moves in closer to take you into his arms, you press yourself up against him. The music slows down to something slower, and you begin slow dancing with him. Vergil has a tight grip on you, but it only makes you feel so wanted.
He can smell that lotion on you, and he feels just how soft you are through the high slit in your dress. It goes right up your thigh, and his hands keep going down to knead the skin there. Vergil purrs softly as you lean in and kiss him, and your noses rub together. When your warm hand caresses his face, he’s putty in your hands. He hopes you’ll notice how he shaved his face today, specifically for your date.
“Such a handsome devil,” you whisper as you lean in to smell his cologne. His lips press to yours, and you feel him cradling your head as you bury your face in the crook of his neck.
When the beat picks back up and the song changes, it’s like a flip was switched inside of you. You begin dancing, shaking your hips in time with the beat. Vergil’s eyes widen slightly as he watches you. You turn around in his embrace, and soon your ass is pressed up against his crotch. It doesn’t take too long for him to begin getting hard.
You raise your hands above your head as the music goes on, and Vergil leans in to smell more of your sweet scent. Your skin is so smooth under your arms, and he’s gently caressing your arm up and down. You can feel him smirking against your skin when he presses his cock against your plump ass.
“I’d take you right here and now if I could,”
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Sparda is what you’d call old fashion, but what else did you expect from him? The devil has lived a long life, so when he tells you he enjoys a full bush, you really aren’t surprised at all. He enjoys it when his woman is “au naturel” and it really turns him on to know you’re basically trapping your pheromones in your hair.
As for him, he’s like his youngest son. Hairy in all the right places, and he enjoys keeping it as well. Though if you wanted to, you could show him how to keep it nice and clean in the little patterns you might enjoy trimming yours into. He chuckles the first time he sees the heart pattern in your pubic hair, but it really turned him on that you put that much effort just for him.
Another fan of bathing and doing skincare together, and if you were to buy him some fancy products, he’d be so grateful. You can definitely expect him to spoil you though, and he really likes to go all out with his gifts. Lots of spa days to make you all pampered and relaxed just for him
Sparda finds your scent incredibly alluring. It’s so musky and yet so sweet at the same time. Whenever he’s between your legs like this, he enjoys taking his time to kiss your thighs and make you shudder beneath him. He won’t even kiss your mound until he feels you’ve been teased enough.
You watch through hooded eyes as Sparda runs his fingers through your little patch of pubic hair. Sometimes, he seems like a man obsessed with your hair. Your cheeks burn as he looks up at you with such longing. He purrs when you reach down to run your fingers through his thick hair. 
“Such a gorgeous woman,”
His words send shivers up and down your spine, and you feel all the hairs on your body stand on end when his warm breath fans over your pussy. He can easily smell that musky scent of your arousal and you feel so warm even just inches away from his face. He wants to go right in and devour you, but it’s difficult for him to not want to tease you for what seems like eternity.
You gasp as you feel his lips on your mound, and his nails gently rake down your thighs. You’re just a whimpering mess on the bed right now, wanting nothing more than for him to give you the stimulation you so desperately need. His eyes snap back up to yours and he chuckles when he realizes just how fucked out you are already.
“I’ve barely done anything, and you’re already like this. What will you be like when I give you what you truly want?”
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
May I please request headcanons for Dante reacting to his female S/O sacrificing herself during a fight against a powerful demon so he and everyone else can escape? Happy ending please 😭
A/n: I miss writing for DMC, I need to replay that game again. I do apologize if this sucks.
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Did not realize what you were about to do until it was too late, he did not even have a chance to react since Nero was already pulling him away.
He tried to put up a fight, god did he try but he was already to injured, to tired, to weak. He should have been stronger. He should have been able to protect you....but he didn't.
"Get your fucking hand's off of me." Dante did his best to struggle agains't Nero. "I have to go back to her. I'm not going to let her sacrifice herself."
Gritting his teeth, Nero did his best to pull him away, away from you. Away from where you were fighting that demon. He was not about to let your sacrifice he in vein, you did this so they could escape. "Cut the shit...she did this to save us....we need to go."
Hates himself, he should have been stronger, why was he so weak. Feel's worthless, so much doubt fills his mind. Did he really do the right thing? Why did he leave you alone, he should have died with you.
He felt numb, treating his own wounds, he hated that he was safe while you were gone.
It make's him sick how he'll never see your smile again, hear your laugh again. He just wants to hold you in his arms.
"That was a...damn good distraction." A weak laugh escaped your lips. You had a limp in each step you took. You were covered in cuts, scraps, hell the man wasn't even sure how bad your wounds were but you were alive....you were alive!
Your name spilled from his lips as he rushed to you, he ignored Lady and Triss, Nico and Nero. He had yo hold you, he needed to feel you in his arms.
"Fuck, you look good doll." Dante tried to remain strong, tried to remain his flirty self but he couldn't. Seeing you here, feeling you against his chest. He couldn't help but break down.
"I love you." Dante whispered into your neck, tears damping your skin.
Letting your fingers slowly run down his back, you relaxed into his embrace. "I love you too."
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Angel!Y/N, fighting a hoard of demons : Shit!
Vergil, fighting alongside : What did you say?
Angel!Y/N : I said “shit”, okay?
Vergil : Yes, it's just that you never, you know... curse.
Angel!Y/N : I never used to, and then all this happened, and then YOU happened!
Vergil, slashes another demon : Me?
Angel!Y/N : Yes, you!
Angel!Y/N : I was nice! And then I met you, and now I’m like you.
Vergil : Oh, so it’s my fault?
Angel!Y/N : it’s all your fault! You did this to me!
Vergil, huffs : I found you turned into a statue in a fucking tomb!
Angel!Y/N : And climbed all over me, and since that moment everything has been shit, and—
[a demon leaps up behind them]
Angel!Y/N, blasts holy firebeam at the demon : I AM FUCKING TALKING HERE!
Angel!Y/N, turns back to Vergil : And you turned me into someone who says “shit”.
Angel!Y/N : Fuckity, shit, hairy arse, warts, giant slimy balls, SHIT!
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jotaroswh0re · 1 year
NSFW head canons for the dmc boys
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*he loves period sex. Just look at the motherfucker, he is a v.a.m.p
* he loves slapping you and being slapped nuff said
* he’s got pussy eating lips and loves when you squirt all over his face
* the best fucking phone sex. His voice is like audio porn and it’s guaranteed to make you cum
*”don’t worry, I’ll be gentle”
* puts his fingers in your mouth and makes you suck on them
* play with his hair while he eats your pussy and he’ll be like putty in your hands
*he whimpers
*his dirty talk is poetic
* if you bite his neck he’ll have to use all his energy to not cum right on the spot
* he’s got a surprisingly big dick and when he pulls it out it like “who’s horse is that?”
*he loves when you ride him while you’re in the bathtub it’s just so intimate and makes his heart melt
*aftercare with him is just him cleaning you up and both of you just falling asleep naked
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*he doesn’t just eat pussy, he slurps that shit up like he hasn’t drank anything in days
*he also eats it from the back
* he LOVES sloppy head. Choke on his dick and watch him go absolutely feral. He just loves seeing spit and cum all over his dick and balls and all over your face.
*he loves seeing your makeup smear and run down your face. It boosts his ego seeing the before and after iykyk
* he smacks your ass all the time. Even when you’re not fuckin he’ll just give you a swift smack to the ass whenever he feel like it. What can I say he’s an ass man.
* he is talkative and he moans and groans a lot. He all up in your ear like “you like that, baby?” “Does that feel good?” “Fuck- your pussy feels so fucking good” ik it’s kinda cringe but we both knows it’s true
* he has you sit on his lap naked while he’s fully clothed and plays with your pussy until you squirt all over his leather pants
*when in doggy he likes when you throw your ass back on his cock
*he secretly like when you grab his ass during sex
*he rubs your clit while so fuck because he likes making you really wet
* when you’re done he’ll immediately makes some corny joke and clean you up, get you some clothes and probably some pizza tbh.
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* he loves when you sit on his face. Just having your pussy and you ass all up in his face makes him so fucking horny
* he loves giving you hickeys on your neck, tits, thighs and stomach. He loves getting hickeys on his neck, chest, stomach (hickeys on his abs though 😩)
*he loves when you have longs nails because he likes when you scratch his back up when he’s on top
*he grabs you waist or hair while in doggy for support
*he films y’all fucking sometimes and jerks off to it whenever you’re not around
* he’s got the best sex playlist trust 🤞
*he likes when you’re a little sassy and talk back to him
* call him and asshole or sumn and he’ll lose his fucking mind.
* he fucks HARD but he doesn’t fuck really fast though and it’s the perfect pace
*like Dante, he rubs your clit while you fuck
*if you’re being excessively bratty he’ll tie a vibrator on to your clit until you pass tf out
* if you tell him that he’s not going hard enough then he’ll try to prove you wrong by rearranging your guts and making your legs shake
*aftercare is him getting you water, cleaning you up, getting you clothes and depending on the time of day he either orders food for the both of you or cuddles you to sleep.
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
Hello! how have you've been? i hope you're doing great! so, may i please request a Vergil and Dante (separate) x Virgin! Fem Reader? This idea have weeks in my head, so finally i decided to make this request xD anyways, i hope this is okay for you (also, sorry for my bad english, it's not my language) have a nice day! — 🐰 Anon
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Vergil doesn't think being a virgin is a bad thing.
He is not a master at … carnal pleasures. Even if he had experience, so he himself is not very familiar with all this. And if you don't want to have sex with him, that's okay, he'll understand.
Your comfort and convenience was important to him. He will try his best to make you happy. So if you agree to a big step… he will try to deliver as much pleasure as you deserve in his eyes.
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Dante is surprised.
However, he doesn't mind.
Yes, he sometimes teased you about this, but not because he wanted to offend you. Because he likes your embarrassment.
That's why he sometimes teases you so much when his hands seep through your shirt during a kiss..
But, he will never allow himself to go further if you don't. He is waiting for your consent. And he's waiting for you… to tell him what you want. Show him you're ready.
And then… he will plunge you into the world of pleasure, you only need to ask
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issa-pheonyx · 10 months
Yandere-sub!Dante X GN!Reader🔪🌶️ [DMC3]
𝗜𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂. 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗳𝘆 𝗼𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂~😈🌚
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▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
-I'm sure you already where this is going. Come on, this is Dante. Son of Sparda and human mother, Eva. Twin brother, Vergil. He's got it all and as much he doesn't want to be reminded by his father from the power he holds...you seem to reflect the human side of his to live life even if it means being a pain in the ass to you LMAO
-Anyways, it is never boring with him nor his affections. He's got that arm around your shoulder walking with you on whatever troll or shit talking he's got going with, the spaces between you is inches away, holding you close when danger is too close to you, shooting all the demons away from you when you are injured (more like a scratch on the shoulder, but whatever feeds your delulu, Dante), and so on
-As much as you want to hate this guy it is impossible, because he is naturally funny that you can't help, but smile or burst out laughing. He is aware of it, obviously, and there are times he is also smiling and laughing with you. He would have to hold onto your arm as he is almost on the floor dying laughing or hugging you down and you're both crying from laughing on the floor. He is such a comedian
-Sure, when you try to comfort him he just brushes it off being the tough guy and funny jokes, but you were the only one to push him out of that barrier making him obsessed trust you and fall for you so quickly. He never had that kind of treatment from anybody besides his mother, but now that she is gone, he sees you as a sign of hope for not only to heal...but, to let him know that the part of him is still human just like you
-He is protective of you since you are a full blooded human. He does not want you to be injured regardless how minor or major it is. He wants you spotless from any pain. At first it was cute, but it got out of hand when he was so pushy about it that you can barely do any patrol killing demons intruding human spaces
WARNING!!! Spicy after this thread [MDNI🔞]
-Listen...actually hear me out, okay? This man does not feel pain. He has taken hits from humans by their punches, kicks-everything (yeah no shit, Sherlock). JUST LISTEN-pain is nothing to him. Fucking slap him in the face when you ride him, pull his hair back when you're breaking his back, spank him and he will give you a fucking devious smile telling you that was nothing just to piss you off
-Seeing you pissed off gets him so turned on, because he turns into a brat and challenge you that you can't do shit to him...cut to him tied up and having ass red and hot from the spanking, gagged that his drool soaks on the rag, his legs malfunctioning from climaxing so much. So, when he is purposely trying to piss you off...just beware of it
-Now he wouldn't make you jealous as he does have his way of trolling such flirty encounters aka Nevan for example, however he is the one who would be jealous. Plus, it is much more worse when he finds out his brother takes a liking of you (that's for another day though~). So, what he would do is have this demon death grip on you and would nuzzle against your skin-wherever it is exposed to let other demons of all kinds that his scent is now latched onto you and they should back off. Your scent on him? Well...he has special souvenirs kept back in the shop safely
-He is willing to breed you or you breed him. He would be more than happy to receive both. Will fucking be on cloud nine that after breeding you or being bred by you that you hover his face for him to clean or you get down to business to clean him up. His arms will be locked on those legs, so don't worry about suffocating him he can obviously handle it. He will grind his ass back into your face to push your tongue in deeper in his hole
-Sucking you off or eating you out is his favorite thing. He wants to gag and choke on your cock that it becomes so sloppy that you just grab his fucking head and face fuck him until you cum your hot nut inside his throat or pull out to cum on his face and the leftovers on his tongue dripping out. Grip on his hair and roll your hips as he is eating your pussy having his long tongue licking the folds, slipping the tongue inside, his nose swiping on your clit like a credit card (SORRY I CAN'T-), and when you squirt your juices that he moves away a little with his tongue out to have it splash on his face and have some land inside his mouth
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁. 𝗠𝘆 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹~🖤🫣
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"Bound by Obsession"
Warning: This story contains themes of obsession, possessiveness, and a lack of consent. Please proceed with caution.
You woke up to the sound of footsteps echoing through your room. Confused and disoriented, you tried to open your eyes, only to find that you were completely cocooned in a web of blankets and pillows. Panic washed over you as you struggled against the soft restraints, but the bindings only tightened in response.
"Dante? Vergil? What's going on?" you called out, your voice muffled by the plush fortress surrounding you.
The two familiar voices chuckled from somewhere within the room, their tones laced with an unsettling mix of amusement and possessiveness.
"Don't worry, little one. We're just taking you to Devil May Cry," Dante replied, his voice filled with a disturbing affection.
"Yes, we can not have you wandering off," Vergil added, his voice colder but no less intense.
You felt yourself being lifted, the cocoon of blankets cradling your body as you were carried out of your room and into the familiar confines of the Devil May Cry office. Dante and Vergil gently placed you on a comfortable couch, making sure you were snugly cocooned in your makeshift fortress of warmth.
Dante's eyes sparkled with an unhealthy fixation as he watched you struggle against the blankets, relishing in the sight of your helplessness. He discreetly used a belt to secure the cocoon in place, preventing any chance of escape.
Vergil, on the other hand, busied himself in the small kitchenette adjacent to the office. He prepared a sumptuous meal with meticulous care, selecting only the finest ingredients. Every slice, every stir, was done with an obsessive focus, ensuring that you would be nourished to his exacting standards.
Days turned into weeks, and the brothers never wavered in their vigilance. They watched over you, ever-present, their fixation bordering on madness. You were no longer just a person to them; you were their possession, their obsession.
But as time passed, you began to regain your strength. The fever that had confined you to your bed started to fade, and you could feel the return of your vitality. You tried to communicate this newfound wellness to Dante and Vergil, but they refused to believe you.
"No, little one," Dante cooed, his voice laced with desperation. "You're still weak. You need to rest. We'll take care of you."
Vergil's eyes hardened, his grip on the belt tightening. "You're not leaving this cocoon until we're sure you're fully recovered. We can't risk losing you again."
Their overprotectiveness grew suffocating, suffusing the air around you with a sense of despair. You longed for freedom, for the chance to breathe without the weight of their obsession bearing down on you.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The cocoon became your prison, the brothers your relentless captors. They fed you, cared for you, and ensured your comfort, but all the while denying your agency and freedom.
And as the dark tendrils of their obsession wrapped tighter around your life, hope began to fade. There would be no happy ending for you, no escape from their clutches. You were theirs, forever trapped in their twisted world of possessive love.
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racco · 1 year
Hello this is my first request.. I was thinking could you Worte whenever you have time a Vergil x Fem/GN reader where he shows care to reader after battle in front of Dante and Nero leaving everyone speech less?
Vergil Sparda x fem!reader PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION
Hi sorry for being gone so long! I see you asked for an after battle story but I felt like writing 2 versions! I hope u like them both
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♡care after battle♡
It had been a long and grueling battle, one that left Vergil Sparda and his girlfriend, [Reader], battered and exhausted. They had fought alongside Dante and Nero (surpringly their presence not necessarily minded by vergil) taking on an army of demons that threatened to overrun the human world.
As the dust settled and the last of the demons fell, Vergil turned to [Reader], concern etched on his face. "Are you alright?" he asked, taking her hand in his.
[Reader] smiled weakly, still catching her breath. "I'm fine," she said, squeezing his hand.
Vergil's eyes softened, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I'm glad," he said, relief evident in his voice.
It was a small gesture, but one that didn't go unnoticed by Dante and Nero. They exchanged a look, surprised by the usually stoic Vergil's display of affection.
"Uh, what's going on here?" Dante asked, his eyebrows raised.
Vergil ignored him, instead turning to [Reader]. "Let's get you out of here," he said, taking her arm and helping her to her feet.
As they walked away, Dante and Nero looked at each other in shock. They had never seen their brother act so tenderly with anyone before.
"That was...unexpected," Nero said, breaking the silence.
Dante nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Yeah, it was. But I guess it just goes to show that even someone like Vergil can care about someone else."
As they made their way back to their base, Vergil kept a protective arm around [Reader], keeping her close to him. It was a small gesture, but one that spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings for her.
And as they walked, Dante and Nero couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for their brother (and father lol) , who had always been so distant and reserved. Maybe, they thought, there was more to Vergil than they had previously realized.
♡bonus story♡
Vergil had always been reserved and focused on his goals, but there was one person who had managed to break through his tough exterior: his girlfriend, [Name]. They had been together for several months now, ( which is hard to get to as is) Vergil found himself more and more in love with her every day.
One day, as they were walking through the streets of Red Grave City, Vergil and [Name] ran into Dante and Nero. Dante greeted them with a grin, but Nero looked a little uncomfortable - he still wasn't entirely sure what to make of Vergil.
As they chatted, Vergil noticed that Dante and Nero kept glancing over at him and [Name]. He could tell that they were curious about their relationship, and a part of him felt a little self-conscious.
But as they continued to talk, Vergil's love for [Name] began to overcome his reservations. Without thinking, he reached out and took her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.
At first, [Name] looked surprised, but then a smile spread across her face. She leaned in and rested her head on Vergil's shoulder, and Vergil felt a warm sense of contentment spread through him.
Dante and Nero both looked a little taken aback by the display of affection. Dante raised an eyebrow, but then he grinned and clapped Vergil on the back. "Well, well, well," he said. "Looks like little bro's all grown up." (Vergil is the older twin lmao)
Nero looked a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. Vergil could tell that he was still getting used to the idea of his father being back in his life - let alone having a girlfriend.
But Vergil didn't care. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly happy, surrounded by the people he cared about. And as he looked down at [Name], he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, no matter what challenges they might face in the future.
As they continued to walk through the city, Vergil kept holding [Name]'s hand, and she leaned into him with a sense of contentment. Dante and Nero continued to chat with them, but there was a new sense of respect in their eyes, as if they had a newfound appreciation for the love that Vergil had found.
In the end, it was [Name] who broke the silence, squeezing Vergil's hand and looking up at him with a smile. "I love you," she said softly.
Vergil felt a warmth spread through him, and he leaned down to kiss her gently. He knew that there were still battles to fight and enemies to face, but with [Name] by his side, he felt like he could take on anything.
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
Here's something sorta suggestive: Dante, Vergil , V react to their SO greeting them wearing their coats and nothing else 😏 😉
Special Welcome Home
Dante is absolutely awestruck for a moment upon seeing you when he enters.
You'd told him you'd have a surprise for him when he got home from this mission but this was not what he was expecting; you standing at the door, nothing on but one of his old coats.
Mans quickly enters the house and closes the door.
He has to take a moment to take in the sight before him, which worries you only a little bit due to his unresponsiveness.
"Babe? You ok?" you ask.
"Oh, I'm more than ok," he responds.
If he has the patience, mans picks you up and carries you away from the living room. If not, which he probably doesn't, he immediately backs you up against a wall or until you fall onto the sofa and cages you in.
"I could get used to coming home seeing you like this," he says, hand running down your side from shoulder to thigh.
"I can't spoil you all the time," you reply.
"You spoil me enough by being in my life," he replies, bringing you in for a kiss.
You smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pull him in more to deepen the kiss.
"So what are you going to do now with your little surprise?" you ask, pulling away from the kiss for a second.
"I think I have an idea we will both like"
Vergil is a little grumbly from having to look for hours for his coat before going on a mission with his son, just for him not to find it. It's not until he gets home that he understands why he could never find the old thing.
He finds you laying on the couch reading, his coat covering you like a blanket, upon walking in. He raises an eyebrow, taking in the scene before him while softly shutting the door behind him.
Hearing the click of the door makes you look up at him, a smile spreading across your face.
"Welcome home love," you say.
He doesn't move for a moment before slowly walking over to you. You sit up with a smile on your face as he gets closer, clutching the coat to cover you.
"Have a good day at work?" you ask.
How were you being so calm about this, Vergil wondered? It was like you were comfortable in the fact that underneath his coat you lay bare to the half-demon.
However, maybe that's exactly why you were so calm.
"I'll be honest, I was quite upset going into work today," Vergil finally says.
"Oh? How come?" you ask.
Vergil smirks, leaning down to cage you in between him and the sofa.
"Why don't I show you why?"
V doesn't see you at first. You'd hidden yourself in the small library you'd built for the two of you, giggling to yourself as you heard the male call out for you.
Once he finally makes it up to where you are, he doesn't notice at first that you are covered by just a coat. His coat. One of his few backups.
He begins to walk up to you to give you a kiss when he finally notices. That's not a blanket covering you, that's his coat.
"What's wrong babe?" you ask.
"I realize you are not using a blanket," he replies.
You look down at his coat and smile. "No, I found something much better," you reply.
V slowly approaches, carefully taking in the sight in front of him. He uses his cane to lift your chin, making you look up at him.
"Something tells me I need to remind you about stealing," V says, his voice deepening a little.
"I didn't steal," you reply.
"And now we're lying."
You face flushes, heat spreading from your cheeks down your neck.
"Will you behave?" V asks.
You nod. "Yes, sir."
V smiles. "Don't worry love, you know I'll be gentle."
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suvidrache · 1 year
Dancing with Demons
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 107 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
Featuring: Dante, Vergil, V, and Nero.
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Dante loves dancing!
He'd do just about any dance.
May not know all the steps to the tango, but he will learn for you.
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Vergil doesn't really like dancing.
He would prefer to watch you.
He would only learn a dance if you taught him it.
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V would prefer to slow dance.
Something that's nice and slow, and doesn't take too much energy.
Something that would last a lot longer.
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Nero doesn't dance often.
He wouldn't break out and start dancing randomly like Dante.
He'd be okay dancing whenever you want him to.
He would either watch you dance or join you if you start randomly dancing.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @phantomheiko & @thevoidwriting / To join my tag list apply here!
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ldr-coded · 2 years
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vergil x reader smut
uh first time writing on here, and first time writing fic in like years lmao. sorry if this is bad T^T
contains: smut, vergil ofc, cunnilingus, sexual intercourse, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, dom vergil/sub reader i guess, female reader, readers pronouns not specified i think,
since the moment you laid eyes on the man you've had an insatiable lust for him. the yearning, the craving, the warmth between your thighs. no matter how hard you tried it was irrevocable. to put it simply, you had never wanted to fuck a man so badly. no, vice versa, you wanted him to fuck you. you wanted to be his, you wanted him to make you feel good, you wanted to be his pleasure, his toy, you wanted him to dominate you. your cunt grew hot at just the thought of it.
but you couldn't have him. it just wasn't right, right? nero is your close friend, you can't just fuck his dad. and dante is like a brother to you. how would he react if you fooled around with his actual brother? and it wasn't just that, i mean how would others feel? vergil was a bit older than you for sure. a sweetheart like you with a guy like him? all these factors should just be deterring you, but the longing for him just couldn't stop.
I mean who could blame you? his beautiful, slicked back, soft, silver hair that you just wanted to run your fingers through. the same hair that you wanted to tug while he commits unspeakable acts to you. his tall 6'5 (196cm) frame complimented by his gorgeous, sculpted, strong body. you could trace your fingers over his abs all day long. his piercing blue eyes, his perfect jaw, his unique voice that was simply addicting. and to most it might not seem like it, but you two actually had a lot in common. frankly, everything about this man was irresistible to you.
it had been like this for awhile now. the amount of thoughts you had about him had become vexing, but no actions yet unfortunately. until one fateful night. it was late, dark out, and everyone else was out on missions and such. except you and vergil. it was the perfect opportunity for you know what. and it was driving you nuts. the skin of your lip was peeling and slightly bloody from your incessant biting at it. you kept squeezing your thighs together for the ever so slight amount of pleasure that friction brought you. a bead of sweat dribbled down your back, it wasn't even hot in the room, it was chilly actually. but something else was hot if you know what i mean. vergil sat on the couch reading a book. you couldn't make out which book it was from where you were, the desk. not to mention the cover seemed rather vague.
your mind darted back in forth with the possibility of striking up a conversation with him. perhaps you could discuss the book he's reading? a feeling of anxiety washed over you at the prospect. who were you kidding? you had a big fat crush on him and you're too shy to do anything about it. the thought of sparking up some sort of small talk like that with him made you cringe. this overwhelming sense of embarrassment you had from your feelings of him gnawed away at you. it was so frustrating.
your eyes blankly stared at the generic magazine page in front of you. you weren't actually reading it at the moment, just gazing at it while lost in thought. the room was rather quiet. the faint ticking of a clock, the jukebox softly playing music at a low volume, the occasional flicking of a page, the pattering of rain on the windows and roof, thunder every now and then, so on. eventually this quiet atmosphere was broke by a voice.
"theres no need to try and hide your concupiscence. i can see right through you." vergil utters as he peers up at you from his book.
"what?" your reply is meek, your voice is shaky, your face is red. are you dreaming?
"y/n," he pauses and sighs for a moment before continuing, "i can tell your horny." your eyes widen at his blunt words. you've been caught, you feel like you've lost any and all chances with him, you can feel your heart dropping with the humiliation. what the hell do you do now?
"i'm not exactly sure what you mean. i'm just fine." your voice still shakes slightly even when you try to keep it cool and steady.
he scoffs at your evident lies.
"really now? but what if i were to tell you i feel this way too? what if i told you i want to dick you down right here and right now?" he replies smugly, a small smirk appearing across his mouth. you were too shocked to say anything as your face grew beet red. you simply gulped as your eyes stared down at your lap.
"y/n i see the way you look at me."
"but i'd be lying if i said i didn't look at you the same way. however, i will say i try to keep it less apparent." your eyes darted from your lap to his eyes instead, you begun to calm yourself for his confession cooled the red hot embarrassment that was engulfing you just a moment prior.
"i'm not sure what to say.." you respond in a some what hushed tone.
"actions do speak louder than words you know." he says with an audible smirk, "and i think it's clear that we're both well, lusting for each oth-" you cut him off before he can finish.
"please just shut up and fuck me already" you say in a desperate and breathy voice.
neither of you hesitate at this opportunity, you quickly stand up from your seat as he gets up from the couch. he hastily snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you into a rough kiss, your arms encircle his neck. you could feel the passion surging through his lips, his tongue skillfully exploring every bit of your mouth before you could even realize. he picks you up and carries you over to the couch without even breaking the kiss. your mouth grew hot, your face became warm too, your whole body grew fiery, your cunt was searing.
as the two of you plop down on the couch you speedily begin to straddle his waist. you could feel his rock hard boner prodding at you as it protruded from his lap. without even looking at it you could tell how tight it made his pants from the massive bulge. you rolled your hips against his, the friction of his clothed cock against your clothed cunt felt amazing.
this kissing seemed to never stop. neither of you dared to pull away. mouths smashing together in desperation. you moan into his kiss, he digs his tongue deeper into you. finally you two pull away from each other, a string of saliva connecting your softly panting mouths.
you and him made quick work of each others clothes. he rapidly latched his mouth to your nipples as you took off your bra. this was of course after suckling on your neck, collarbone and jaw first. he placed his hand on the small of your back as he laid you down on the smooth leathery couch.
"fuck, vergil i need you" you whined as he kissed you all over.
"well first, lets take care of you, darling"
his kisses on your chest slowly begun to trail down to your absolutely dripping and sappy cunt as he dexterously spread apart your legs and hoisted them on his shoulders. he begun to lap up all the sticky juices oozing from you like a man starved. swirling his tongue around your clit like its his last meal. he plunges two of his rough calloused fingers into your aching heat, causing you to unleash a quite unholy moan. the in and out thrusting out his digits, his tongue suckling and swishing around your throbbing clit. it was almost embarrassing how quickly he brought you to your orgasm. however the string of loud, squealing and whiney moans that followed were truly the embarrassing part.
the two of you are still panting when he sets your legs back down on the couch. he lustfully gazed at you as he plants his hands down next to either side of your head. you stare into his eyes back, your eyes full of desire. sexual desire. you could cum twenty times, two hundred times, two thousand times to this man and still always crave more. he began to prepare himself at your still dripping entrance. his cock so hard and needy it burned.
"you ready?" he asked intently. you stared down at his cock in amazement, it was the biggest you'd ever seen honestly.
"do i even need to answer?" you responded playfully.
without hesitation his dick rammed into you and he lets out a grunt of pleasure, and you couldn't help but moan of course. before you knew it he was relentlessly pounding into you. thrusting like theres no tomorrow. the sound of skin against skin sounded like it could be heard from miles away, especially with his balls smacking against you as his cock bottomed out in your heat. the couch was violently rocking, it felt like the whole damn building was shaking. your moans were non stop, his whimpers and grunts sounded like heaven to you. any words you said was just a babbling mess at that point as he was fucking you senseless. he buried his face into the crook of your neck, whispering sweet nothings, honeyed words and praises into your ears.
you begun to rapidly approach your what, 3rd? 4th orgasm? you weren't even keeping track. vergil made sure to make you cum a ton before he could. he wanted you to feel as much pleasure as possible. but eventually he began to reach his own orgasm. his thrusts became sloppier and finally he came all in you. you could feel his white hot sperm spewing out of him into you, eventually filling you up and pooling out your entrance, his cock still in you.
he didn't even pull out before he kinda just collapsed on you. you couldn't care though. the feeling of him filling you up was heavenly.
even though you finally got what you wanted, you still craved more. so so so much more.
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actuallysaiyan · 10 months
She Keeps It Pumping Straight To My Heart(Vergil x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: mentions of having a baby, Vergil is needy, smut, creampies, unprotected sex, mentions of breeding word count: 0.9k pairings: Post DMC5!Vergil x Fem!Reader a/n: This just kind of popped into my brain! Hope you enjoy!
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He shouldn’t want this. Not at his age or with the way things have gone in his life. Even with the way things ended up with his first son, Vergil knows that having another child might be the wrong idea. This nagging sensation deep inside of him lately makes him think that you could be the right person to have this with.
Even Dante and Nero notice a change in Vergil. He’s less abrasive, less angry. They even see a smile on his face, which makes them both feel very much at ease. They know that Vergil needs to know real peace, and you are the one to bring it to him.
This all culminates one night into something so passionate and loving. With the two of you freshly showered and now lying in bed, in crisp fresh sheets, you are caressing one another. Sweet, loving kisses are shared.
“What’s gotten into you lately?” you ask, a smirk on your face.
Vergil chuckles, “Ah, so you’ve noticed it as well.”
He then maneuvers you both so that he’s on top of you, your legs spread for him. Still, his kisses are gentle and loving, but you can feel the heat growing in them. He grunts softly as he ruts against you, his cock becoming unbearably hard.
“We’ve been together for quite some time, yes?” he wonders out loud.
“Yeah, almost two years now.”
The words that come from your pretty lips both excite and warm his heart. He never knew he could have a love so pure and so tender for this long. Even at the beginning of your relationship, Vergil thought he’d fuck it up somehow and lose you forever. But you proved to be resilient and determined. You loved him for who he was and you weren’t just going to abandon him. Vergil meant everything to you, especially after he saved your life from a horde of evil devils.
Vergil breathes, “I think…I think I want another baby,”
You giggle nervously, “Another baby? But you only met your son when he was an—”
He interrupts you with another kiss, “You’ll give me a baby, won’t you?”
Your heart skips a beat. How are you supposed to deny such a request? You stutter out the word “yes”, but you nod as well to let him know you’re more than interested. With your arms around his neck, he moves you into a more comfortable position.
“Just the thought of carrying my seed must excite you,” Vergil comments as he uses the tip of his cock to smear your arousal all over your tight hole. “You’re already so wet,”
He continues his teasing for a while, making sure to tap the tip of his cock against your swollen clit. You never thought you’d get to this point in your life, but you cannot deny the fact that having a child with Vergil would be amazing. The thought of making a baby is exciting too.
He captures your lips in a kiss as he presses himself into you. You’re both panting and moaning as he bottoms out, leaving you both a little fucked out already. Vergil smirks when he realizes this is actually going to happen. You’re going to be carrying his child.
Your hands soothe up and down his back as he starts a slow pace, getting you both used to these sensations. Vergil finds it hard to not blow his load from the beginning, as he always gets so over excited to make love to you. He takes a deep breath before pressing your legs to your chest which places you in the perfect mating position.
“You will carry my seed in your womb,” Vergil says, his voice full of need and lust.
“Yes, yes! Please, Vergil!” You cry out, his cock bullying the sweet spot so deep inside of you.
His hand traces down your chest to your core, rubbing the swollen clit that’s just begging for attention. Your eyes screw shut as he begins pounding into you, making you feel that familiar tightening in your stomach. Your cries of love and ecstasy begin echoing off the walls.
“That’s it, sparrow,” he coos at you. “Milk my cock. Be a good girl and milk my cock,”
His words arouse you as much as they surprise you. He’s not usually one to talk filthy like this, and it’s just fueling your fire even more. It takes but only a few more thrusts to send you over the edge.
Tears slip down your cheeks at the intense pleasure. Your spongy walls squeeze and contract around his throbbing cock, milking him for his warm and thick seed. He’s grunting and growling, his voice sounding almost distorted. And with a passionate and hungry kiss, Vergil spills himself so deep inside your pulsing walls.
The two of you continue to grind against one another, riding out the remnants of what is the most intense orgasm you’ve both felt in forever. And when Vergil pulls away, you almost think he’s going to get up to get you something to drink. It’s just that the sight of his thick cum running out of your puffy cunt sends him into a frenzy.
You cry out as he slams himself back into you, clearly not done.
“I said I wanted to have another baby,” Vergil huffs as he fucks himself into you. “And we are going to have another baby.”
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candymothster · 2 years
Vergil-| A Gentle Touch To A Cold Heart
Want to read dante’s version? Here’s part 2!
Summary: After the return of the Sparda twins return from hell almost a year later, you and the others push the two to relax after having to fight demons for a long time. Beforehand, you were in a relationship with V: Vergil’s humanity in a physical form. And the two kept promises to love each other, even if it is another body and another life. Now, you want to help Vergil relax, which ends in the two of you cuddling in your bed, he can be quite the clingy one when he’s exhausted.
Content Warning: None Content: Fluff Gender neutral reader Words:1256
Masterlist💙 Buy Me A Kofi💙
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Since the Qliphoth had fallen, the Sparda brothers were trapped in hell. And with the falling of the tree, has left Red Grave City to slowly rebuild itself over time, leaving the business of Devil May Cry to be quiet. Some jobs here and there from Morrison but otherwise, demon attacks seemed rare now. To Nero, it was a great way to finally relax for the DMC crew. It seemed like a good idea to not have to stress over demons every day.
But now, it has been a year since the events of the fifteenth of June. Nero has been more stressed about trying to find a way to bring his father and uncle back. You’ve promised to help him but today, you’ve sent him on his way to get some groceries. This was to help get his mind off things and keep him busy. The girls, Trish, Lady, and Nico were also doing some small jobs of their own. With Trish taking care of a small demon issue on the other side of the city with Nico and Lady out with Nero.
Laying on Dante’s old couch in the DMC office. You’ve been staying there in your room. Small? Yes. But it was homey for you. With a book in hand, and a warm apple cider steaming away on the coffee table, it was yet another slow day. With the warm smell of cinnamon and a decently clean building, it was Lady’s idea on cleaning the place up while the brothers are gone. In her words Suprise them with a clean home when they get back.
It was getting close to 5 and you had done some dishes an hour ago. A proud smile on your face with the office feeling a lot more like home. But it still felt lonely. Especially with there not being someone on top of you, listing to you reading. You had gotten into a…small relationship with V during those few months where the two halves of Vergil have been split apart. You’ve accepted that you wouldn’t see the poet again but his last words of his to you still stay in the back of your mind.
“I promise I’ll love you in my new life.”
You still get shivers thinking about it, his voice echoing in your mind. The only thing that snaps you out of your thoughts was the door opening. This prompts you to sit up, placing the book on the coffee table. “Nero?” You asked out loud. “Didn’t think you guys would be back so…” Your sentence drew out a bit. You were expecting the white-haired man but. Instead, right before you. Were two of them. At first, you thought it was some illusion, so looking behind them. Oh. There stood Lady and Nero. Oh boy, this will be something.
Two hours. Of screaming from Nero and Dante. From, what you could gather in between the yelling. Was that Dante and Vergil had found a safer way of returning without the risk of demon hordes slipping through? You were quite amazed by that fact, all though. One thing couldn’t pass you too easily about the two. They looked like they went through hell. Literally. Both seemed so exhausted. “Dante,” You spoke up, catching the two attention. You stood up with your empty mug, looking at the two, glancing at Vergil then back at the Uncle and Nephew.
“You and…Vergil seem. Horrible.” This earned a tired chuckle from him. “When are we not?” You only gave him a look, which causes the younger twin to sigh. He gave Vergil a Come on look and the two started walking upstairs before Dante stopped beside you, smiling. “Thanks for cleaning the place up. “It’s no problem. Just don’t mess it up.” He only laughed it off and headed upstairs.
It was around 9. You couldn’t remember the last time you watched Dante eat like a starved dog. The building was, finally lively again. Yet Lady and Trish kept nagging and nagging the brothers to relax the next few days before going on jobs. Dante only argued like a child but you could tell he needed to keep himself busy after a year of fighting for his life. Vergil just kept quiet. Heavy eyebags hung under his cold blue eyes, only glancing up at you once in a while. “Excuse me.” That was all he said before getting up from the table and heading upstairs. This prompts Dante to give you a look to go after him.
You find him. In your room of all places. Just standing there. The room was, a bit of a mess, with a few papers here and there but not as bad as Dante’s room. “Apple cinnamon.” Oh, the candle. “Is it bothering you? I can put it out and open a window…” His eyes.
They just stared at yours. “There’s no need for it. I could smell it during dinner. It seemed familiar in a way.” He seemed to go out of it for a second before catching himself on the bedframe. Gently, not wanting to startle the man. You slowly walk up to him, taking his arm in your hands.
“You should rest.” The elder twin just scoffed, only to freeze when you put a hand on his cheek. Your skin was much warmer than his. It caught him off guard but slowly, he leaned into your hand, eyes closing in pure bliss. Your heart fluttered. Knowing that he is half of your once lover. He nodded in your hands which prompt you to gently take his arm, leading him around to the bed. Sliding under the warm comforter, you held your arms out to him. Vergil slid in, burying his face into your chest, wrapping his strong arms around you.
“A promise is a promise, my dear.” This caught his attention. He looked up at you, slight shock on his face but he masked it by looking down. “You’re talking about what he said. Right?” A chuckle rang in your chest as you gently put your hand through his hair. “I know now. What he was. I made that promise with my lover, you, you and him are now one. And with that, I promised to still love you.” Your lips meet his forehead, and his only response was burying his face into your chest again. Humming, you gently rub his tired back, putting the blanket over the two more,
“Get some rest, my love. You deserve it.” You smiled warmly. Vergil groaned, his hold on your body strengthen, mumbling softly before he fell asleep. You thought for a moment. When was the last time the brothers had gotten sleep? Well, a good comfortable sleep. Getting lost in thought, the slight creak of a floorboard caught your attention in the doorway. There stood the other Sparda brother, looking to the side before back at you. Slowly, you lift the comforter, showing the white hair of his brother. He smiled and nodded before leaving the two of you in the quiet room. The slight smell from the candle on the bedside. Blowing out the flame, you setal yourself in, smiling down at the man who was peacefully sleeping.
The restart to a relationship that you promised to continue with him. Brings a smile to your face knowing the true side of Vergil. You are the only one that can truly bring out his humanity. That lets you know there is still hope for improvement. Just might be a bit of work.
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corvidcircus · 2 years
i want like a super shameless long ass vergilxreader smut fic where the setup is all the same as the slowburn ones where the whole thing is secret and both of them worry about the DMCcrew finding out
but like the second shot or chapter is purely Vergil's POV and every time the subject of nero finding out reader just kinda dismisses it "it'll be fine"
friends to lovers plot continues and dante notices but doesn't fully acknowledge it out loud
they're starting to form a serious relationship
whole crew gets together like 7 mo into the slow burn and dante ribs vergil about something or other
vergil gets offended and dante comes back with something about bravery or whatever and "can't even tell your son about your girlfriend"
angry, vergil basically goes 'i can do that, watch'
and actually tells nero
like one sentence that can mean nothing else
and it just goes silent
finally nico just goes "damn i owe kyrie 5$, i didn't think he'd actually say it"
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nero says 'we been knew'
*vergil's panicked internal screaming*
how did this happen he was careful
nero just lays out a convo from early on where reader goes 'ur a friend/colleague, n i respect u, so imma be straight w u to avoid any miscommunication, Verge n i r fuckin'
somebody asks why Vergil looks so shocked and dismayed
they realize he didnt know they all* knew the whole fucking time
vergil starts to go off on reader an she stops him "Look me in the eye and tell me you have any skill in traditional human communication."
(crickets) "That's what I fucking thought."
softly tho "You mentioned you were worried about it, so I handled it, because I knew it wasn't your expertise."
"...Y'all're disgustingly sweet. Stop, there are children around." nico gestures to nero
"Oh, fuck off, Nico!"
if anyone else wants to give this hell fic a go, just tag me so i can see it!
bc if its up to me itll take 42 years
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
Can i request a vergil x reader headcanons with a little oneshot at the end , where the reader is basically nero's mom....y'know...basically vergil trying to bond with his family
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Vergil is used to being alone, and when you entered his life, it changed too … drastically.
You are living proof that life can be less horrible and painful.
That's why Vergil allowed you, and only you, to enter his life.
However, what puzzled him was the way you looked at Nero.
It was evident that your eyebrows were furrowed, you were a little nervous and it seemed that you were aware of something … ________________________________________________
"What happened, my love?" brings you out of your thoughts Vergil, looking somewhat preoccupied. Realizing that he rarely shows his sincere concern, you looked back at him. "There's nothing to worry about, Vergil"
"I started noticing a long time ago that you are looking at Nero strangely. I understand that you may not really like the fact that he is my son, but .."
"It's not about that…" you quickly answer, slightly abruptly that you are already twitching. Vergil tilted his head to the side, looking inquiringly.
His gaze told you that you could not leave without answering his question. Then you took a deep breath and exhaled, after which you said:
"Nero is my son… I am Nero's mother, Vergil" you answer.
Vergil silently burned you with his eyes, but you understood that he was surprised and could not digest the information.
"… so.. You've been found, haven't you?.." whispers Vergil, squeezing your shoulder tightly.
"After so many years.. we are reunited again, Vergil."
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nebulaegem · 1 year
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Something quick 💁
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