#spark universe inspo
elvisabutler · 1 month
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"Elvis, I can't- I can't accept this." Lilly's response isn't what Elvis had wanted to hear but what had he been expecting? For her to welcome it without a question? His gaze practically pins her to the countertop as her hands run over the simple cotton. "It's too much."  You shouldn't spend this on me. "It's not. It's- it's- do you like it?" Elvis swears he almost stutters when he asks the question and winces. "Doesn't- who else would I spend money on?" He’s a man getting on in age and besides Charlie’s kids- besides the kids he watches at the daycare, who does he have to spoil? He may not be rich by any stretch of the imagination but he has some money and no one to enjoy it with. Truthfully, he knows if he could Lilly wouldn’t want for a single material thing. If she asked? He’d provide.
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twilight-deviant · 11 months
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Pompous Pep Week - Day 5: Age Swap
This is over a week late, but I finished it, which is a win to me. xD
My thoughts on this universe of teen Vlad and adult Danny...
Vlad is a teenage boy constantly trying to appeal to his crush, Maddie, though she seems to have eyes for their friend Jack. The three still have a ghost portal accident like they did in college, occurring earlier in life due to more available technology in the modern age of 2004. A little less unstable as well, no ecto-acne.
Vlad, still a victim of Jack's impulsiveness, hides his emerging ghost powers as he figures them out. He does not yet have the crooked notion to use them robbing banks and getting rich.
One day, while in his ghost form, he encounters and defeats a low-level ghost. Maddie and Jack happen to observe and find it fascinating. Maddie thinks the winning ghost is strong and remarkable, worth studying further. This leads Vlad down a hole of instigating more fights with ghosts to impress her, with eventual plans to reveal his true identity. When he can't get fights going organically, he begins bribing ghosts into it or summoning them with ghost tech/magic, unmindful of all the collateral damage caused by these battles. Over time, he devolves further into wanton damage and cruelty to the losing ghosts.
Enter Danny Phantom, a (formerly retired) ghost hero who can't ignore the new influx of ghosts and what this new ghost boy is getting up to. Plot twist? Turns out he's half-ghost too... and Maddie's father. (No, obviously he's not also Jack's father. lol.) Their introduction is a battle, one which Vlad swiftly loses, causing him to transform back human. [See above art]
Danny is shocked to meet another half-ghost (and it's his daughter's friend!) and tries to take Vlad under his wing, teach him how to use his powers. Naturally, Vlad fights the implication he needs help— and fights Danny too. They become unfortunate enemies, with Danny constantly torn over the question if it's okay to hit a kid. Haha. But the boy is being evil! He at least needs a time-out.
I imagine parts of canon plot still transpire. Things like Vlad researching the Ghost Zone for ways to become more powerful but it backfiring, leading to him running to Danny for help. Danny always assists, but he rarely receives a thank you.
On a personal level, Maddie can't understand why Vlad hates her dad. Meanwhile, Danny has to watch the very apparent tragedy of Vlad having a crush on Maddie, knowing she likes Jack. He can't give advice or suggest Vlad look elsewhere for love because the teen bites his head off anytime he tries to help him. None of it will end well.
For Danny's backstory, it can't transpire along canon lines with an accident in his parents' lab. I therefore decided he received his powers through magic and the occult over science. And we can blame Sam for that. Haha. When the Satanic Panic of the 80s/90s hit, she rebelled even harder against her parents and bought every dark tome and trinket she could find. Yes, this led to her summoning a portal to the Ghost Zone, and yes, Danny was caught in a reaction when the portal destabilized.
After half-dying and becoming infused with ghostly aura, Danny worked to develop his powers and stop any ghosts who made their way into the human world. I imagine that, like a Ouija board without a goodbye, the portal is open (sometimes in various locations) until they realize to close it properly. This actually takes years for them to do. In that time, Danny likes to play that he's a hero. (Ooh, fun to imagine things like meeting Ember when she was still alive.) But eventually, they did close the portal and the need for his heroics... ended.
Eventually, he and Sam got married. They had a daughter. They got divorced. (It's complicated~) If you want to ask how they have a red-headed child, go look at Sam's parents again and discuss with me whether her hair really is naturally black. Hmm.......... Also maybe they have another, older daughter named Jazz. Hahaha.
If it's necessary to pick a day job for adult Danny, he still wanted to be an astronaut. Especially with an adjusted timeline and him being alive during the thrill of the moon landing. Unfortunately, the program required incredibly thorough medical examinations, something his half-ghost biology could never pass without serious questions. So he did the next best thing with all that training. He's an airplane pilot. Flying comes pretty easy to him, after all.
He retired from ghost hunting. But also lately there seem to be new ghosts showing up in town?
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itadorey · 10 months
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pairing: gojo satoru x reader summary: in an attempt to distract gojo, yaga sends him on a quest to locate you; a missing member of the zenin clan with prophetic dreams. genre: pre-relationship, humor, fluff notes: college gojo makes me feral. i think he would've been a menace. i also kind of want to continue this as a series of one shots (set in the same universe but not necessarily a multi-chapter fic). wc: ~3k song inspo ♫: ruby sparks by monet ngo
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"i saw you in my dreams."
gojo chuckles at the words, a flirty smile appearing on his face as he tilts his head up to look at the person that's speaking to him. he can't help the way his eyes briefly widen when he sees your face, recognizing you as the very person he was sent to find.
he understands that yaga wants to give him a distraction, a getaway from all the shit that has happened to him in the past few years. but going undercover at the university of tokyo to locate you, a supposedly important jujutsu sorcerer, wasn't exactly how he wanted to spend his post-high school years. now that you're standing in front of him, he can't really find it in himself to complain. not when he realizes just how pretty you are.
he quickly composes himself, leaning back in his seat before motioning for you to sit. you glance at the seat across from him uncertainly, refusing to move. there's a conflicted look on your face as you scan your surroundings, almost as if looking for an escape route. you look like you regret speaking in the first place.
"i'm flattered, really," gojo says, shamelessly checking you out over his sunglasses. "but that's kind of a cheesy pickup line, isn't it?"
your nose scrunches up at you look at him, and you stutter a few times as you lean against the table. gojo watches with an amused smile that quickly drops when you finally gather your thoughts. "ew! that was not an attempt to flirt with you!"
there's a moment of silence before you sigh and slip into the seat across from gojo. you place your elbows on the table, head in your hands as you stare down at the table. another minute passes before you look up, making brief eye contact with gojo's sunglasses before fully laying your head down. "listen, this is gonna sounds crazy."
"try me," gojo says, smirking as he leans forward. one of his elbows rests on the table, check in hand as he watches you struggle with your thoughts.
he's never met you before, hell, he hasn't even seen you before this moment, but the faint cursed energy that surrounds you lets him know exactly who you are. you're a member of the zen'in clan, labeled as missing when your parents fled a couple years after you were born. the discovery of your prophetic dreams had made you an instant target, and you had been so well hidden from society that even gojo and yaga had had a hard time finding you. there was absolutely no information on your childhood or adolescence, and the only way they had managed to locate you was due to a wayward curse you had taken upon yourself to exorcise. the recent spike of your cursed energy had caused an uproar in the jujutsu community, and a race had begun to see who could get to you first.
between jujutsu high, the zen'in clan, the higher-ups, and a special grade curse, gojo thought he was the best option.
"okay, come on," gojo says, standing up and stretching before pushing his chair in. you finally look up, frustration visible on your face as you stare at him. your expression quickly morphs into confusion when gojo gently grabs your arm, tugging you up from your seat and slinging your bag over his shoulder before interlocking arms with you.
"where are we going?" you ask, stumbling after him. he's taller than you, and you find yourself struggling to keep up with his long strides.
"we're gonna go get some coffee!" he says, smiling at you. "i know a place. besides, i wanna know all about those dreams you had of me."
"you don't think i'm lying to you?" you say, eyeing him skeptically. "or that i'm crazy?"
your question goes unanswered, but the look he sends you makes your stomach twist with nervousness. there's a glint in his eye that catches you off guard, and you find yourself wondering if he knows more than he's letting on.
your mind races as he walks you off campus, chatting your ear off as you go. he doesn't receive a single response from you, yet your silence doesn't seem to bother him. if anything, it only motivates him to talk even more, and you find yourself almost enjoying the way he doesn't let the silence last more than a few seconds.
"oh look! there it is," gojo says, fully capturing your attention as he motions towards a small café. it's a small, charming place, one street over, visible through the alleyway the two of you are currently standing in front of. you come to a full stop when he makes a move to walk down the alley, inadvertently pulling him back to your side when he realizes you won't budge.
"what's wrong?" he asks, leaning down to catch your eye. you're met with a startingly blue gaze, and you shift from one foot to another as you tear your eyes away from him. "oh, i know! i bet you're nervous for our date!"
"this isn't a date!" you snap, finally pulling your arm away from him. you can feel a headache coming as he giggles, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walks into the alley. "wait!"
gojo halts at your words, turning around to fully face you. he watches you curiously as you take a few tentative steps forward, a shiver running down your spine when you enter the alley as well. there's a coldness seeping through your bones as you approach gojo, and when you turn to look behind you, it feels as though you've left the busy streets of tokyo completely.
"what's wrong?" gojo asks, the smile still on his face as he observes your reaction. you're almost certain that he knows something you don't at this point.
"this alley," you start, wringing your hands as you take a step back. "this is where we were. in my dream, i mean."
"and what exactly were we doing here?" gojo asks, his teasing tone earning a scowl from you. "this alley is quite inconspicuous, and we're all alone."
the insult you had ready dies on the tip of your tongue as you notice movement behind gojo, and his eyebrows furrow as he notices the sudden change in your demeanor.
"so, in my dream we were here. and you were in danger. i couldn't do anything to help and you—," you cut yourself off, nervousness coating your words as you start to close in on gojo. you ready yourself to fight, remembering every detail about your dream as the curse lurking in the alleyway reveals itself. you curse to yourself as it notices you, and you absentmindedly note that it seems be a grade 1 curse.
"and i?" gojo asks, curiosity coloring his words as he tilts his head in confusion. he hasn't moved at all, and you find yourself wondering if he can sense cursed spirits. in your dream it seemed like he could.
you inhale sharply as the curse lunges, and you notice too late that this scene isn't playing out the same way it had in your dream. you throw yourself at gojo, eyes wide with panic as you realize you're just a bit too far to reach him.
"you have to move!" you shriek, your heart pounding as gojo simply grins at you. he raises his hand silently, fingers twisting as he mutters something under his breath. the curse is killed instantly, and you find yourself collapsing to your knees as you look at gojo in shock.
"me!" gojo cheers, cutting you off as he approaches you. he hauls you onto your feet and loops his arm with yours once again, guiding you past the disintegrating curse and emerging on the other side of the alley. you spare another glance back at the corpse, swallowing harshly before turning to look at the sorcerer standing next to you.
"who are you?" you ask quietly. the smile doesn't slip from gojo's face as he holds the cafe door open for you, following closely after you and guiding you to an empty table.
"how about we order first? and then i'll answer all of your questions," gojo says, picking up a stray menu and flipping through it casually as if he hasn't just taken down a grade 1 curse with ease. he notices your stare but doesn't comment on it, instead choosing to place the menu back on the table before waving over a server.
"can i get a slice of cake with two forks? oh! and two glasses of chocolate milk please."
gojo twiddles his thumbs as the two of you wait for your order, and you find yourself fully studying him for the first time since you approached him. he's sitting casually, leaning back slightly in a relaxed manner as he hums a song under his breath. when he notices your stare, he sends you a small grin and proceeds to go back to observing his surroundings.
he's much too relaxed for someone who just had an encounter with a curse, and you realize that he truly does know a lot more than you originally thought.
"here's your order!"
gojo thanks the server enthusiastically as you mutter your appreciation, your hands closing around the glass he pushes towards you without much thought.
"so, who are you?" you finally ask, repeating the question that gojo had ignored earlier. he laughs at your words, grabbing one of the forks and taking a bite of cake as he extends the other one to you. he waits for you to grab the fork, using his own to pick up another piece of cake before he notices you don't make a move to take it from him.
"what? you want me to feed you instead?" he asks, eyelashes fluttering as he gives you a flirty smile. he places the fork meant for you back on the table, leaning in closer and bringing his own fork to your mouth. "i guess that would be more date-like. okay, say ah!"
his enthusiasm dies down when he notices the frown tugging at your lips, and he deflates in defeat when you push his hand aside and reach for the other fork. you fiddle with it for a couple of seconds before placing it back down and looking at him with a glare.
"who are you?" you demand once more, your eye twitching in annoyance when gojo opens his mouth. you have no doubt he's about to say something stupid. "if you don't tell me, i will scream for help."
his mouth clamps shut as he studies you quietly, taking another bite of the cake before sighing.
"my name is gojo satoru," he finally says, holding his hand out to you as he introduces himself. you place your hand in his hesitantly, a gasp leaving you when he brings your hand up to his mouth and presses a soft kiss against your knuckles. "and you, you're a zen'in."
gojo watches as your eyes go wide at his words, and you yank your hand out his grasp before looking around nervously.
"no, i'm not," you say quietly. "i've never heard that name in my life."
you receive a funny look from gojo, and he crosses his arms before snorting. "yeah, ok. i totally believe you."
"how do you know that name," you say quietly, your eyes still scanning your surroundings. your shoulders are tense, and gojo can tell that you're seconds away from sprinting out of your seat and away from him.
"it's a pretty well known name in the jujutsu world," gojo responds, his head tilting as he looks at you questioningly. "so you know about curses, but not about the clans?"
"sorry, i'm afraid learning about the politics of the jujutsu world was the least of my worries," you reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you do so. gojo thinks it's kind of endearing. "the information on curses was much more important, so i kinda just tuned out my parents when they gave me that lecture."
gojo chuckles, shaking his head slightly at your words. he leans forward without much thought, holding out three fingers as he speaks. "there's three big jujutsu families that exist. there's the kamo clan, the gojo clan, and the zen'in clan. you and i belong to two of those. and all three of them are looking for you."
you shift in your seat at his words, giving him a wary glance before shrugging nonchalantly. "so you found me first. now what?"
there's a slight nervousness to your tone, causing gojo to frown. he shrugs, grabbing his glass and taking a drink. "i dunno. i wasn't sent on behalf of the gojo clan. i was sent by yaga masamichi, the principal of tokyo jujutsu high. we have no plans to turn you over to the higher-ups, it that makes this situation any better."
"then what do you plan on doing?"
"now that, i also don't know," gojo confesses. he notices the look of irritation on your face and chuckles. "all we know is that your power is too strong to be left unchecked. now, i'm not necessarily kidnapping you, but i am asking you to return to the school with me and speak with yaga. we think there's a way that your dreams could help jujutsu sorcerers know what they could possibly be dealing with on a mission ahead of time."
"i don't think that'll be possible," you mutter, frowning down at the table. you seem lost in thought, and gojo gives you a moment of silence before he speaks.
"what do you mean by that?" gojo's voice is soft, his eyebrows knit in concern as you give him a worried look.
"i mean that i don't think my dreams are reliable," you whisper, panic lacing your words.
"they're prophetic dreams!" gojo yells quietly. "what do you mean they're not reliable."
"ok, look," you say, pausing to reach for the half-eaten slice of cake. you finally take a bite, eyes lighting up as you hum with delight. "that is good! ok, anyways, i don't think my dreams are truly prophetic."
"that's literally not possible," gojo argues, eyes wide in disbelief. "it's a part of your cursed technique! everyone knows that the zen'in clan members with this ability are never wrong."
"well they are now!"
"what do you mean by that?"
"i mean that my dream wasn't accurate," you explain, taking another bite of the cake. you ignore gojo's confused look, sighing before pushing the plate back towards him. "that dream i had of you? yeah the real-life scenario didn't play out the way it was supposed to."
gojo's stare hardens as he processes your words, and he pushed the cake aside as he looks at you questioningly. "what do you mean it didn't play out the way it was supposed to?"
"you were supposed to die," you confess, your voice no louder than a whisper. the silence between the two of you is heavy, and you wonder if your admission was much too harsh. "in my dream, the curse attacked you after i failed to protect you. i don't know what changed."
"well, i'm the strongest sorcerer alive, so there's your answer," gojo says, an uncertain smile on his face as he tries to lighten the mood. "besides, i had to step up my game. i wasn't going to leave someone as precious as you to defend yourself."
his efforts pay off as you huff out a laugh. it's weak, but it manages to dispel the heaviness that had been previously present.
"listen," gojo begins, his tone uncharacteristically serious for the first time since you've approached him. "i'm not trying to freak you out or anything, but that's incredibly strange. there has never been a zen'in prophetic dream that didn't come true. i really think you should speak with yaga, or tengen. but i won't force you to."
"tengen?" you ask, confusion on your face as you look down at the table. "who's that?"
"long story," gojo breathes, making the decision to let yaga fill you in on that. "but what do you say? i'd really like to figure this out, but i kinda need you in order to be able to do that."
there's a moment of hesitation on your end, and gojo finds himself tensing up as he waits for you to speak. he's almost certain that you're going to decline, and he's afraid that once you walk out of the café, you'll be gone forever once again. his fears are dispelled when you look up to meet his gaze, determination clearly visible in your eyes as you nod.
"okay, i'll go with you."
"great!" gojo says, his grin reappearing as he stands. he places a small wad of cash on the table before walking around the table to you and offering you his hand. you've barely slipped your hand into his before he tugs you towards him, his grin getting wider as you bump into his chest. you don't get the chance to say anything before he's walking out of the café, throwing a cursory glance around before heading down the street. "let's get out of here. we shouldn't stay in one place too long, just in case."
gojo chatters endlessly once again as you presumably head towards tokyo jujutsu high, and you find yourself staring at him as you recall your entire day in your mind. gojo satoru had single-handedly disrupted the course of fate, and neither one of you had any idea as to how.
you can feel a headache coming on the longer you stare at him, and you finally look away when he glances back at you and gives you a charming grin.
you have no idea who gojo satoru is, but if he has the power to change the course of your prophetic dreams, then you're determined to find out more about him.
and he sure as hell wasn't going to complain about that.
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reblogs are appreciated <3 thank you for reading!!
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ellaa-writes · 5 months
The Beast Within
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author note: part 6, series list here. I did not think I'd be publishing this. I really thought I was going to abandon this series but I got a spark of inspo, thank god! Finally! So I hope everyone enjoys and also hope no one forgot about this series. Thank you for 400 followers and sorry I haven't been publishing anything. Writers block has been kicking my ass.
summary: Omegas are rare, in a world full of Alphas and Betas. Being a Omega was not only dangerous but they were highly sought after. After living your life has a Beta in disguise, you meet a scary Alpha, but not any normal alpha. But a gaint Apex Alpha who won't stop at anything to make you his.
tags: Alternative Universe. Female reader. Mean König. Lots of Angst. World building and character development. Not proof read. Apex König, Omega Reader. Omega/Alpha dynamics.
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Sitting in his leather chair, thick thighs stretched out, elbows leaning on the arm of the chair. The soft glow of the laptop, the only light in the dark room, he was focusing on the faces in front of him. Watching on as one of his associates talked about the latest shipment of weapons, about some heat in the east, but König wasn't concerned, not yet anyways.
He tried focusing on their words but his mind kept drifting off to you. Still nude and curled up in your shared bed, your heat had passed so you packed up the soft blanket and furs into the closet. Still nagging him out how you needed your job, loved it even. But the only thing you should be loving is him and your hopefully soon to be off spring.
He was so preoccupied that he didn't notice his name being called. So far gone, lost in the maze of his mind. Only resurfacing when Simon cleared his throat. Fixing his posture he returned his focus to the screen again.
"Repeat." he said guttural, eyes shift to the shadow in the corner, sometimes he forgets the man is even there. The exact reason he has him around, besides his obvious loyalty and skills. "How do you plan on dealing with the problem." the voice rang through the computer.
Hmm, he thought to himself. It is best if he got ahead of the problem. "I'll have to see for myself." König answered. Looking to the ghost in the shadows, watching his head shake in agreement. The men on screen humming in approval.
A soft knock to the office door followed, König tensing. He quickly excused himself and closed the tab to the meeting. Silently demanding Simon to stay. Keep out of sight, he doesn't want to scare his delicate little flower.
You stood before the locked door, shifting back and forth on your feet. Sleep still heavy in your eyes, you woke cold and alone. After failing trying to find your heat source you got up from the bed finding yourself alone. Wandering the dark and quiet home, even with your minor adjustments this place still felt stiff and off. Similar to a hospital or doctor's office.
You can hear the hushed murmurs from behind the dark solid door. See the light from under disappearing before its being cautiously opened. Revealing your big Alpha looking down at you, his eyes soft.
"What are you doing up love." his voice rumbled out. Filling you up from your ears to your toes, wrapping you in a warm blanket. "I got cold, and you were gone." you told him. Trying to peak around him into the office you were not allowed in. "Why are you up?" you asked. It was a quarter to 2 in the morning. And it being a weekend you thought you'd have more time with König.
You soon learned he was a busy man, finding yourself alone most of the days. Not being allowed to leave the penthouse unless you got permission first which resulted in a lot of shouting matches at the guards on the door. You weren't ashamed to get nasty, teeth and claws bared. Demanding them to let you through or you'll have their balls. But they never heeded or backed down. Only answering to their Alpha, same as your own.
"Go back to bed little one. I'll be their soon." König brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. But you flinched away at his touch, upset at his words. "I don't want to, what are you doing so late. What's more important than me." you demanded from him. Trying to push your way past his strong build but failing.
Sighing in annoyance König guided your bodies out into the hallway and towards the main living area. He usually finds your attitude amusing but not in front of others. It makes him feel weak and on edge. Always having to prove his dominance his whole life.
"Stop it now." he growled, trying to control your now flailing body.
"Why do you always shut me out." you yelled at him. Your own annoyance and frustration shining through.
"Not now." he demanded. Puffing up his chest and lowering his voice. He knew you hated when he did it, usually causing you too heed and whimper. He knew it would only upset you further later but right now wasn't the time for this.
Knowing Simon was just down the hall, listening to what was going on. He never says anything but he can feel it. He knew if he let the leash go he'd have better control over you. He found it easy having someone else train his pups. Simon being the best, but König is also a jealous and heartless man. Not wanting another, specially another Alpha, break down his omega.
Konig knew he's being to soft with you, but if he was harsh and hard as the others. He wouldn't be able to live with himself, knowing you hate him. Knowing that he only views you as a toy and breeding machine.
You drop to your knees in defeat, neck exposed to your Alpha. A silent tear rolling down your cheek. But the anger kept building in your stomach, rotten and putrid.
It could be worse
Said the voice in the back of your mind, and you knew it was true. Your whole situation could be a lot worse. So you accepted defeat for now.
König pulled you up and rushed you towards the bedroom door. But you broke from him before reaching it, slamming the damn thing in his face for the 3rd time.
Leaving you to stew, he'll have to make amends later. Maybe another book, or the pair of shoes you were going on about before.
Returning to his office, noticing Simon took the liberty to get everything set up for the next step. Pushing you to the back of his mind has he needs all the focus he can get. He's preparing for a war, blood, guts and a lot of bullets. Always ready to strike first and ask questions later. The only reason why he survived as long as he has. Now it's not only him he's protecting, but you and the future.
König never came back to bed, once you woke hours later. The sun high in the sky, and the bustle of the city life on the streets below. Your heart sank a little, it felt like you were living on the sidelines of someone else's life. Only existing has an extension of someone, not having say over your life. You were stir crazy, getting cabin fever. You needed anything to do. Sitting out on the patios soaking up the sun wasn't doing it for you anymore. You were itching for more.
You went about your morning routine, something you developed after living with König for some time. Picking out your outfit, something fancy from the closet. Matching shoes and jewelry. You still did it all knowing you won't be stepping out of the home. If your lucky you might see one or two other living souls besides your reflection and König.
It was hard complaining about your situation. Everyone at your office thinking you gone off and married a rich business man. Living the high life, not needing to socialize with the lower working class anymore. And they aren't entirely wrong, just a week ago you convinced you boss to let you do some work from home. After forging König signature on a few documents, you were able to secure minimal work.
Setting up your station in the living room, at the make shift desk facing the big floor to ceiling windows. You set up your laptop gifted from König. Setting a notepad and pen next to you. It wasn't much but it served its purpose.
It was well into the evening when you wrapped up your work. If you were in the office the others would tease you for being slow. Always to the first to start and last to finish. But you prided yourself on your work, being slow and thorough made you the best.
Cleaning up your mess you moved to get ready for the night. Usually by now König would be home, but still no sign of life. At noon your checked to see if the goons were still at their door and they were.
Washing the day away you pulled on your favorite nightgown and slippers. Deciding on a frozen pizza and a can of diet Coke. Cuddling into your heated blanket on the big wrap around couch, watching your favorite shows.
You woke a few hours later, still on thr couch. The house casted in the moonlight, the tv long turned off. You abandoned your spot in search of your Alpha. Upset he didn't wake you or come see you when he got home. The possibility that he is truly mad at you this time.
Not finding him in your shared bedroom you made your way to the office. Not hearing anything from behind the door you knocked anyways. But nothing, you were completely alone.
Where was he?
Is he mad at you?
Why hasn't he come home yet?
Did he leave?
Is he hurt?
All these thoughts came rushing to you, your omega began whining in destress. Opening the front door, and immediately being greeted with one of König's men.
"Back inside miss." he rumbled out. "Where is he?" you asked back. Pushing yourself past the door frame. "Working, now back inside." you were told again. The man began backing you up into the apartment more, closing the door in your face once you were safe and sound inside.
You paced back and forth in the living room. Having called König a total of 16 times in a row. Leaving a voicemail each time, and leaving a text message after each call.
Where are you?
I'm sorry!
Please come home!
Please answer me!
You are scaring me!
What's wrong?
Did I do something wrong?
You couldn't stop your hands from trembling and from the tears spilling. Soaking your expensive blanket. Curling up around yourself as you wept yourself back to sleep. Saying a silent pray for König's safety and for him to call you back.
König watched has the last next message displayed on his screen.
Did I do something wrong?
A piece of him shattered inside, but he buried it down. Not letting it hinder the mission at hand. He needed to teach you a lesson but he couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself. But it's what needs to be done.
Shoving the damn phone back into his pocket he focused his attention back to the scene in front of him. Watching the show unfold, it was quiet boring. Never been a fan of the opera, mundane and boring. But he isn't here for the show, no he's here for the man two seats beside him, the private booths giving just enough shelter but still allowing him to keep eyes on the man. Vladimir Makarov, some Russian bastard stirring shit up.
Causing trouble for not only König but a few of the other powerful men he aligns himself with.
Studying the Alpha to see if he needs to be put down or tamed. A smirk forming on König's face thinking about thr fight. The Beast already barking and snarling just under his skin. Ready for just the smallest taste of blood.
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Tag list: @plumdreadful @traumaramacenter @kaylp-godly @napalmfairy7 @hisa-plush @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @winters-doll @joyfulfxckery @purebeskar @collete25 @fandomsinthegalaxies @jamieelol @luc1ddreamersatnight @cringeycookies @whiskytoast @kit-williams @lyc0risequin0x
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reidsdaisies · 7 months
Heyyy!!!! Could you please write a blurb, drabble or headcanon about Spencer wanting to be a househusband or how would he be as such??!? I’ve been watching The way of the househusband anime lately and it sparked the idea. I love your writing and have a great day 💕💕💕
𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝!𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!
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༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; househusband spencer reid x gn bau!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; you literally read my mind!! I’ve been wanting to do something about househusband spencer ever since i did spencer x housewife reader! and i had way too much fun on pinterest looking for inspo pics 😭💞 here’s a board i lowk love, I think it’s just adorable if anyone wants to know what I’m picturing — ׂׂૢ
haha i deleted some things cause this was cringey 😭 it still is but uhm anyway
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— i know i said he’s a terrible cook before, but in this universe i think he would have spent a lot of time learning how to cook and bake so he could cook you homemade meals and delicious sweet treats to show his appreciation for how hard you work to put a roof over the two of your heads
— he wears cute ass girly or flowery aprons when cooking and adorable oven mitts, fight me
— he has an unhealthy attachment to his kitchen aid mixer, will talk about how much he loves that thing. you’re concerned.
— excellent and very precise with cleaning 👌 scrubs at the bathroom sink till you can practically see your reflection in it and dusts every damn crevice of your house
— very passionate about the projects he gets into. like if he decides he wants a garden, omg he will commit. he’d probably want a house with a big backyard with enough space to build one of those cute vegetable gardens in the back yard and grow you two’s own food. and he would plant big apple and pear trees, would take pride in how great the fruit is and when everything is finally ready to be picked, he’ll make you bring it to work for the team
— AND omg a greenhouse would be his dream to have. everyone knows about his big ass brain and he definitely has extensive knowledge on all different types of plants, exactly what conditions they need to thrive
— along with that, i know he’d be really into lawn-scaping, you two have the best lawn EVER, and im not exaggerating. the back and the front of the house— absolutely beautiful. he picks out the prettiest flowers and makes sure the soil is rich, and ofc trims the bushes to perfection. he’d look so cute with gardening gloves, these or these specifically, and his massive ass, muddy ass gardening boots that are a size too big but he’s oddly attached to them.
— other hobbies he’s picked up include scrapbooking, piano, and of course knitting & crocheting.
— in one episode, he told Penelope he spent weeks knitting a scarf for his cosplay, and so now I’ve been constantly thinking about the other things he’d knit & crochet for him and his partner. scarfs, mittens, winter hats, sweaters, pot holders, anything he can make, he will make even just to try it out once.
— the pot holders would have cute animals on them or flowers. floral everything. he loves all plants, specifically flowers.
— now that you two own a house together, there’s so much opportunity for him. he’s got his own office AND most importantly, it’s massive and doubles as his own personal library. it’s walls are lined with multiple of the tallest, most spacious bookcases you could find for him, still just barely being able to fit his ever growing book collection on their shelves.
— you and spencer have your ‘family’ over on weekends and off days to chit chat. you’ll invite JJ, Emily, and Derek over but Emily and Derek would drag you away to the kitchen to get wine-drunk and gossip while JJ would be decorating the frames of her kids pictures and copying silly designs she found on Pinterest for Will.
— whenever you’re not on a case, and you’re friends aren’t available or you two aren’t feeling ver social, that’s when you finally get to be the sweet, lovey-dovey married couple you two are at heart
— for fun, you guys always bake brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and what not together, that ofc, he insists you take into work to show off his beautiful decorating skills. they’re not that beautiful but you still like to tell him they are to boost his ego and make jokes about how he should work at a bakery. a bakery would never hire him.
— you’ve given him the nickname of ‘cuddle bug’. why? because he’s such a gosh darn cuddle bug. will curl up to your side for hours while you finish any necessary paperwork and you two talk about the most recent case you worked while he’s mindlessly drawing little butterflies and hearts on your back
— after particularly rough cases, he runs you two a bubble bath to just soak in and spend some much needed and well deserved alone time together
༉‧´ˎ˗ bonus; you two have movie nights every friday where you lounge in the living room eating nachos and watching tv. surprise, he always weasels his way into getting to pick what you watch. even bigger ‘surprise’, it’s always Star Trek or some scientific documentary.
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sphnyspinspin · 17 days
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Meet my Magnificence Reforged AU Connie!
Though Scorponok only ever referred to her as Experiment: A9-2416 (usually in Decepticon dialect).
Her story is that Scorponok created her as an experiment to see what would happen if an organic was able to produce a set of chemicals that are deemed somewhat powerful, yet common, by organic standards but emphasized to a certain degree with the help of Cybertronian technology. Entirely inspired by the mere Earth-Human conceptual myth known as the—
Indomitable Human Spirit.
What Scorponok was able to take away from eight years of properly caring for the experiment is that these chemicals that fuel basic organic functioning can be utilized exponentially to a degree where a full grown one of these things could even rival some of Cybertron’s strongest warriors. Maybe even the galaxy’s toughest warriors wouldn’t be able to stand a chance.
It became labeled as Adrenalineregon.
(dope naming skills I know)
It turned out to be some crazy-powerful stuff once injected into a strong enough specimen.
Now why would Scorponok need to make something like this? Power? Recognition? Fun? All of the above honestly. But it’s also because in this Alternate Universe the Decepticons won the war for Cybertron, and Megatron has already built his perfect Decepticon Army to conquer the rest of the known universe, and he and the Grand Architect thought their Army of Tarn clones needed a little more pep-in-their-step.
You heard me. TARN. CLONE. ARMY.
(this isn’t a specifically cyberverse based timeline I just took the tarn army as inspo)
But what they didn’t expect was for the Tarn clones to go insane and turn on each other when being on mere drops of Adrenalineregon. Resulting in a mass extinction of Tarn Clones, with too many bodies to count, therefore being dropped on top of Scorpnok’s planet sized lab to remind him of the consequences of his actions.
EX: A9-2416 was, at the time, forever curious about the outside world, since she’s never been above the expansive laboratory planet’s surface. It always felt as if some unseen beings were trying to lead her to her escape every day since as long as she can remember. Small sign after small sign, guiding her to even bigger signs that kept getting her closer and closer to the way out. Of course, Scorponok always stopped her from getting too close.
A9-2416 always hated the amount of gruesome tests she had to do afterwards as punishment for misbehaving.
Until on her ninth birthday, A9-2416 finally made it to the exit, and Scorponok got exceptionally pissed off so much that in self-defense A9-2416 grabbed the nearest cannon she knew how to operate and blasted it through his spark. She cried a lot that day.
BUT HEY! Her life didn’t stay too depressing for long, because soon after she committed her very first act of murder, she became good buddies with the little voices in the walls that have been apparently guiding her throughout her life!
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(lol I’m nowhere near finished with every Lost Bot design, I just wanted to finish these couple few and make this post for the AU)
They’ve been trapped on Scorponok’s Lab-planet-tory (im so funny) for decades along with the other Botbots who remained in hiding. But this clan was the only one brave enough to get anywhere near Scorponok’s main stomping grounds. What they didn’t expect to find was some weird sentient purple meat-potato in a makeshift industrial cradle. Turns out it was just a baby. And that baby turned out to be A9-2416. Who soon became known as Connie.
After A9-2416 escaped the inner dwellings of the lab and joined the Lost Bots on their little side quests up on the surface, she later changed her name to Constance, hence her more well-known nickname being Connie. The name change was suggested by her Botbot friends who knew a bit about Earth human culture and used their knowledge to help Connie have the most happy and carefree life that she could ask for.
Also the TEG Lost Light crew is there because I’m still obsessed with that fic 👍✨
@deepfriedhopesanddreams @viewer-of-many @celestite-caroline @asmoteeth @novafire-is-thinking @dragonsgirl572 @autistic-fool-with-ideas @mysticfoxdesigns @hyp3rfixation-h3ll
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afyrian · 3 months
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a seaward spark - 🐋 merman!keiji akaashi x fem!reader
  for years, you worked towards becoming a marine biologist. first receiving your undergraduate degree and then joining a marine biologist’s program, you were onto your final year of university. while working with some of the best students and facilities, you’ve learned more than you could ever imagine. that is… until you run into the most interesting and mysterious man ever, who teaches you it all over again in such a unique way. 
main masterlist taglist (comment/dm to be added); @zombriesworld
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chapters; 1. deep blue memories 2. the rain dilemma 3. we meet again 4. internet searching 5. study date <3 6. a home away from home 7. the underwater savior 8. merman fascinations 9. TEMPORARY PAUSE
a/n: i love love love this fic but my inspo for it is in the gutter. the past few chapters have been poor in my opinion and so i’m going to take a week or so break and come back to it!
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stonyauniverse · 6 months
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Welcome to Stony jAnUary!
Find rules under the cut.
Join us on Discord!
You do not have to participate in the Stony AUniverse Bingo to join the Stony jAnUary challenge!
♡ Each week you are given an AU theme. Your work must be based in an Alternate Universe within that theme. Use your imagination, and feel free to use your bingo card. You do not have to use your card, but this is an easy way to spark some inspo! You don't have to be signed up for the bingo to participate.
♡ Feel free to make as many works in a week as you please! We just ask that you wait until that week to post.
♡ NSFW works are welcome for all weeks!
♡ Works must be Stony-centric, but polyamorous relationships are allowed!
♡ There are no work minimums or maximums.
♡ No underage works with sexual material are allowed.
♡ We have a dedicated AO3 collection for Stony jAnUary event. In addition, if you @ stonyauniverse and/or tag us #stonyjanuary on tumblr or twitter, we will reblog/retweet your post!
Let us know if you have any questions!
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joelscruff · 1 year
current wips (+ loose schedule)
i've gotten a few questions about upcoming fic releases so i made a handy dandy little list. some of this stuff is subject to change but this is the basic outline for the rest of april and for may.
one thing i'm missing (part 6) - FINAL PART
summary: you and joel are finally about to succeed in your mission of delivering ellie to the fireflies. release date: first week of may
guitar teacher neighbor!joel x inexperienced reader - NEW SERIES (you can read a preview here)
summary: you're back from college and your parents are getting sick of you just doing nothing around the house all day. to make them happy you decide to stop by your neighbor mr. miller's house for a guitar lesson, and with your doe eyed innocence and friendly demeanor he can't help but say yes. but it turns out there's a lot more he wants to teach you. release date: early to mid may
contractor!joel x married (& bored) housewife reader - ONESHOT
summary: you're married to a very rich and very successful businessman who spends most of his time anywhere but home with you. you spend your time day drinking and spending his money, which you're currently using to do renovations on your house. but there's one specific contractor who's caught your eye...and you'll do anything to get what you want. release date: mid to late may
bfd!joel x flirty college reader - ONESHOT
summary: you live in a dorm with your friend sarah and while you love her a lot, locking you out of your dorm so she can get it on with some football player on the last day of the semester is not the move. you end up running into her father joel (here to help sarah move) who has likewise been stood up by her, but here's the catch: you've never actually met him, only seen pictures. he has no idea you're his daughters friend, and you decide to use this to your advantage. release date: mid to late may
miscellanious things i'd like to write but have no estimated date:
- sequel to soaked (javier pena x reader) - more boyfriend's dad!joel (in the quickie & snack break universe) - any requests that spark some inspo
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lovedazai · 6 months
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my blog is bsd centered. not spoiler free, but spoilers will be tagged. i use all lowercase & kaomojis. i have a v inconsistent posting schedule. i make my themes myself; if u have any questions pls don’t be shy to ask!
this blog contains nsfw content. any nsfw posts will be tagged with ʚ shhh ɞ. i can’t control who reads my posts, so all i ask is that if ur a minor, pls do not interact with anything nsfw on my blog. u will be blocked.
pls be understanding that it may take me time to reply to asks & messages.
my inbox is always open !! pls feel free to stop by & chat, all i ask is that u be kind.
i miss notifs sometimes; if u’ve tagged me in something & i missed it, pls lmk!
pls don’t trauma dump in my inbox.
NONNIES . . . 💌 . . .🦋. . .🫐 . . . 🥟 . . .🌻. . .🥺💖. . .🎧 . . . ☕️ . . .🌹 . . . 🪐 . . . 👒 . . . 👻 . . . 🥃 . . . 🌕 . . . ⛄️ . . . 🥬
pls don’t rush me to post. i’m a university student with a job & i write whenever i find the time.
although i don’t write requests, if there’s something u’d like to see me write pls lmk & i’ll see if it sparks any inspo!
i try to keep my writing inclusive, however, i base the reader off myself & my own experiences. pls lmk if anything i write makes u uncomfy or if i exclude any necessary tags.
bungou stray dogs, blue lock, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu (& maybe more in the future!) i write for bsd the most.
m!reader, dark content (cnc, step/incest, etc.), piss / scat kinks, cheating, self harm, eating disorders, character x character
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lahooozaherr · 1 year
I Will Always Find You
Chapter 1
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Word Count: 4.8K
Warnings: Kidnapping, dead parent mention, good relationship with parent, drugging (implied)
My tag list (instructions & requirements)
Chapter Summary: You’re a princess attending a diplomat event on Naboo with your father, a senator. He enlists his old friend, Greef Karga, to hire the best he knows to be your bodyguard for the week. Meeting the Mandalorian sparks a mutual fascination between you and him.
A/N: This takes place between season 2 and Book of Boba Fett although I do take some liberties with canon. The Razor Crest still exists because obvious reasons. Space birth control is a thing. Trying to bring out the sassy Din I know exists. It’s been over ten years since I’ve written and posted fanfic so please be gentle with me!
Song Inspo: Safety Net by Arianna Grande
Inspo Playlist
Series Masterlist
Read it on AO3
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Present Day
Wherever you were, it was dark and humid. Sometimes the sun shined through the small, barred window of the room you were placed in. It had been a few days, or at least that’s what it felt like to you, but you hadn’t kept count. Twice a day, meager rations were placed into your room quickly by someone you never really saw.
You couldn’t help but think how this was such a pathetic way to die. Slowly, but surely, you were losing any hope or will to live and any fight left in you also diminished quickly. The timing of all of this was awful. Saying goodbye to the Mandalorian had left a hole in your heart. Life would just never be the same after him.
If only you had told him how you felt. The thought of that had only made you more depressed, given your current situation. That last goodbye, full of unspoken feelings and confessions that wouldn't leave the confines of your beating chests, was all you could think about, aside from your duties as princess, your relationship with your father, and wanting so badly to help his burden as senator. And all of that amounted to this? What a cruel joke the universe had played on you.
The jingling of keys jerked your attention towards the door. A man you don’t recognize walks in, he is probably the same person who's been bringing you your “meals”, if you can call them that. You remained on the small, creaking bed that had been the only piece of furniture in the room besides a makeshift privy.
“We’re leaving later today,” he leans forward with a cloth and wraps it around your eyes. You don’t bother to say anything, the small bruises on your body are enough evidence that asking questions will get you no answers anyways.
After wrapping the cloth around your head and securing it around your eyes, he grabs your wrists. You hear the click of fasteners and drop your hands to your lap. Finally, you hear his footsteps exit the room and you’re alone again.
What was the point of this? To make sure you can’t tell where you’re being taken? It’s hard to care anymore. That flame of self preservation has been increasingly low and dull the more the days drag on.
You had been kidnapped, you know that much at least. Not by who, though. It had happened on a random stop for fuel and supplies on the way back to your home planet. It was during your walk through the market near that stop, telling your father you’d be quick. The planet seemed safe enough but you’d guess that judgment was wrong, evidently.
The whole event was a blur after you had been grabbed back into an alley, made to smell a cloth and pass out. Since then you’ve been met with sneers and silence from the few you’ve seen of your captors. They didn’t harm you but they also didn’t care how they handled you, thus the bruising. Wherever you were, you could tell it at least housed several of them. This must be where they kept you before they decided what to do with you. For all you knew, they could have taken you to an entirely different planet while you were unconscious.
You’ve wondered if you’d be found. Would the Mandalorian find you? Or is he really long gone? Your father had to have at least tried to contact someone.
You sink back into yourself on the thin mattress, slipping back into a dreamless sleep.
Two weeks earlier…
It wasn’t long ago that Din had to leave Grogu with the Jedi. Grief had been a foreign emotion to him until then. So he dealt with it the only way he knew how: distract himself seeking quarries. Greef Karga had plenty of bounties for him under the table while he rebuilt Nevarro.
He made his way towards Karga’s office, weaving through the bustling city Nevarro had become in recent months. Merchants sold their goods and civilians worked together to build and improve their infrastructure.
The communication Karga sent to Din had been vague.
“Come see me when you’re done with this job, I have a new, interesting one for you.”
Din had originally scoffed at the statement. Interesting? Probably more like a headache. Karga was regularly roping him into weird and sometimes, very inconvenient, jobs. But he’d always at least hear him out.
Entering his office, Karga turns to him and smiles, “Mando!” The two clasp arms and shake, their usual greeting to each other. “Please, sit.” Gesturing him to the seat in front of his desk. He sits in his own chair and folds his hands out in front of him.
“I’m assuming you got my message!”
“Yes, saying you had an interesting job. Define interesting?”
Karga laughs, “you know me too well Mando. But I promise, this isn’t the usual ‘interesting’ I bring you on for. However, it is still very important.”
Din crosses his arm and leans back into the chair, tilting his helm to signal him to continue.
“A diplomatic gathering is happening in Naboo, one that I’m attending. A very good friend of mine, who is a senator, is requesting a bodyguard for his daughter. He asked me for my best and most trustworthy guy, and that guy is you.”
Din lightly hums, “a body guard while they’re in Naboo? Doesn’t that seem a bit much?”
“I see what you’re saying, my friend, but there’s more to it. We’ve caught word that a warlord seeks control of their territory and….lineage. It’s very important to him that his daughter’s protection is made a priority.”
“Lineage? Because they’re royalty?”
“That’s correct. She’s a princess. She will also be attending the events, their plan is for her to take on more of a senator role and take her father’s place one day.”
Din mulls the details over in his mind for a moment. Karga was right about it being interesting, but it’s nothing he couldn’t handle. If anything it was interesting that Karga had a friend who was royalty.
Karga continues, “you will be paid, very well if I might add. Your lodging and transportation will also be paid for. You and I will travel together.”
“Why not? Sure, I’ll do it.”
Karga claps his hands and stands up, “excellent! I’ll have my ship prepared and we’ll leave in due time.”
Naboo has to be one of your favorite places to visit. Your home planet had its own fair share of greenery, lakes and culture but it wasn’t as much as Naboo. Your family’s bloodline were far off cousins to the royalty here and thus you always had somewhere to stay when you were here.
For the entire week leading up to the trip, you thoroughly prepared yourself. You had classes and meetings to be attending soon and you wanted to do your best to properly represent your homeland. Your father had done well to provide you with everything you’d need, from learning etiquette as a senator but as well as politics and diplomacy.
A spacious room had been provided for you, already filled with some of your possessions and needed materials. You sat at a small vanity in the corner of the room, touching up your hair and makeup. Meetings didn’t start today but you’d be making rounds with your father regardless.
“You can do this,” you mouthed to your reflection in the mirror. You didn’t 100% believe yourself though. There was immense pressure to take on the responsibility, though you knew your father would never force you. You wanted to help him, the most selfless and hardworking man that you looked up to more than anyone else in the galaxy. More than that, you wanted to improve your leadership skills for the sake of your people.
But a nagging feeling you’ve tried to squash in recent years always crept at the back of your mind. Is this what you really want? It was easier to keep that thought in the dark and to not question it. But that became more difficult the older you grew.
Would your father be disappointed in you if you chose another path in life? Probably not. But he was also aging, and that worried you always. Losing your mother a few years ago had seemed to fast track that aging. He is a compassionate and caring leader, and an adoring father, all in spite of losing the love of his life. You struggled with the thought of leaving him to deal with everything on his own.
Suddenly you hear your father knocking at your door, “can I come in?”
“Yes father!” You call out to him. The door to your room slides open. You can see him from behind you in the mirror. His smile is bright and warm, as always when he looks at you. Keeping eye contact with him in the mirror, he comes up behind you and places his hands on your shoulders.
“You remind me so much of your mother.”
“You always say that,” you smile back at him.
“And I mean it, every single time,” he lays a soft kiss to the back of your head. “Are you almost ready? We have some people waiting for us.”
You furrow your brow, “really? Who?”
He smiles, “it’s a surprise, you’ll see.”
After landing the ship in a nearby port, Din and Karga soon found themselves walking through the expansive, wide halls of one of Naboo’s palaces. This one was reserved for events like this. Senators and other political figures got to stay in the provided lodging of the palace, very convenient for the activities of that week.
Much like the rest of Naboo, the palace was beautiful. Lush gardens lined several courtyards within its walls, perfect for gathering with others or even just oneself. The halls were made of a shiny granite, any steps across it left a small clicking noise that echoed in the comfortable silence.
The two came upon a small, more private courtyard. Complete with a stone bench and small fountain in the middle. To the far side there was a door to someone’s quarters, Din had figured.
“Alright, we should be meeting them here,” Karga says while looking around the area.
“This is exciting for me,” he beams. “This year I was finally invited, with a good word in from my friend. This will be great for relations for the society Nevarro is becoming.”
Din is half listening, taking in his surroundings while still as a statue. It didn’t matter so much to him, this was just another job. Another thing to keep him busy, to keep him from missing Grogu.
“Karga!” The voice comes from another man who looks about Karga’s age, emerging from the door in the courtyard. “My friend, it’s been too long!”
The two share a hearty laugh and hug, patting each other on the shoulder respectively. Pulling away, they lock hands and shake.
“Likewise, Senator,” Karga turns and gestures towards Din.
“Mando, this is the Senator, my good friend and our client for this week.”
The Senator reaches his hand out and Din reciprocates, shaking it, “so this is the Mandalorian I’ve heard so much about! I’m so grateful you took the job.”
Din nods and steps back into position.
“My daughter should be out here in just a few minutes. She’s been very nervous about this week. My own nerves are eased knowing I can trust her in your care. Karga has told me a great deal about you, and anyone he trusts that much has earned mine as well. You’ve been made aware of our situation, I hope?” He queries Karga, who nods in response.
“Of course, I made sure.”
“I’m very grateful. I will spare no costs to make sure my daughter is safe.”
Din notices the glimmer of fear in the Senator’s eyes. Karga shared more details about the warlord threatening them on the way to Naboo. He found it odd that this warlord had chosen, what seemed to him, a random planet. Despite its royalty and trading, it was a more distant planet in the outer rim not too many others knew about.
“Then what is so special about this planet?” Din asks, really more so thinking out loud.
“Probably because they seem weaker, and have similar resources to Naboo. They are smaller and lesser known, for a warlord that’s an ideal place to set roots and control,” Karga replies, nonchalantly. “It’s not exactly that they’re weak, but they’ve chosen to keep more to themselves. But times change and relations have to be made to keep their economy running. That draws attention.
“What does the daughter have to do with it then? Why target her?”
“Well, negotiation for starters. Ransom. A threat directly to their lineage. If she’s killed, there’s one less direct descendant to take on their leadership when their current senator is retired or passed on. Although, I doubt the plan is to try and kill her right away.”
“Right. Makes more sense to hold her hostage, I guess.”
Karga sighs, “You’re probably right. And without much of an army at this time, they can’t afford to take them with them.”
Leaving the door to your room into its adjoining courtyard, you notice your father standing with two other figures.
All three men turn to face you, your father’s smiles, “There you are! Gentlemen, this is my beautiful daughter.”
With part of the gown you’re wearing bunched in one hand to give you room to walk, you descend the small stairs and approach them. Smiling and bowing your head slightly, the two other men do the same in response. “It’s nice to meet you…” shooting your father a clueless look.
Your father clears his throat, “my dear, this is a good friend of mine, Greef Karga.” Karga nods in acknowledgement, holding his hand out for you. You take it gently and allow him to give it a small squeeze before returning it to yourself.
“I’m sure you don’t remember me, the last I saw of you, you were still an infant. You have grown into such a lovely young woman.”
“Thank you, that’s so kind. It’s nice to meet you again.”
Your father quickly interjects, “And the surprise for you, my darling.” He points to the steel clad figure standing next to Karga. “The Mandalorian I have hired as your bodyguard this week.”
Distracted might be an understatement when you first spotted him. Compared to you, he was tall and intimidating. His armor is made of beskar, shining in the sunlight. You were immediately intrigued by him. Mandalorian culture came up in your studies plenty of times, and you had a vague knowledge of it stored in your memory.
The Mandalorian is silent, only giving you a small nod, and you respond in kind. Very fitting for someone like him to be silent and emotionless. You wanted to know more about him. Aside from the bodyguard detail, you understood why your father kept this as a surprise, he knew better than anyone what interests you and your thirst for knowledge.
Your father claps his hands, “Shall we show you two around?”
Karga waves ahead, “By all means!”
Karga and your father walk ahead, leaving you and the Mandalorian to follow behind, side by side. You wanted to keep staring at him but tried not to, you didn’t want to seem rude and you certainly couldn’t tell where his eyes were. Yet.
Approaching another set of small stairs, you habitually gather a corner of your gown to free up room for your feet to step down. Karga holds his hand out to you once more, this time to help you.
Once at the bottom of the small staircase, Karga points at the Mandalorian, “Mando, learn to do that for her. It’s proper.”
The Mandalorian tilts his helmet at him, your face starts to heat up, “Oh please it’s really not necessary!”
He laughs and returns to your father’s side, walking ahead. Both of you follow behind them, now in a sort of awkward silence. You mull over in your head what you could say but you’re afraid of sounding….immature? Incompetent?
“I-I’m sorry,” you begin. “Please don’t worry about something like that.”
The Mandalorian doesn’t respond right away and it makes you even more nervous. Finally, he replies, “Do you plan to wear more outfits like that?”
You felt flustered, quickly. This is the first time you’re hearing his voice, although modulated because of his helmet. Your curiosity only grew.
“Uhm, yes…”
“Then I will help you,” he says, with a hint of softness that somehow filtered through his helmet.
Your now racing heart doesn’t relent and you find yourself seriously questioning why.
Karga and your father might as well have their own bubble, leading your group while they engage in deep conversation and play catch up.
Unfortunately this left you and the Mandalorian in a sort of awkward silence. Well, awkward to you at least. He’s probably fine, probably prefers it that way. You had hundreds of questions you could ask but none that were appropriate after only just meeting him. You searched your mind for ways to break the ice.
“Do youuuu…..get jobs like this a lot?” You decided to shoot that one out.
Dammit. Of course. New question.
“What kind of jobs do you usually get, then?”
Maker, this was almost painful. Intimidating might have been an understatement for you. Something in you wanted to fight for his attention, his actual attention. Not what he was paid to do.
Your small group would come to stops here and there, your father guiding your guests and showing them where everything is and what’s what. You’d occasionally pass others who would nod in your direction and carry on. The palace was peaceful and quiet.
“Are you ok?” His voice startled you out of your thoughts. You glance his way without turning your head.
“Yes. Why?”
“Your heart rate is spiking.”
Oh no, he can tell? Because of his helmet? How embarrassing.
You let out a deep sigh, “this is my first time meeting a Mandalorian. Admittedly, I’m trying to come up with a conversation without prying too much.”
“That makes you nervous?”
“You’re tall, silent and intimidating. Of course.”
A small chuckle escapes his helmet in response to your sudden casual attitude, taking you by surprise. Did you somehow pull a laugh out of him?
“I’ll give you that.”
You smirk and let your eyes wander. Maybe this won’t be as hard as you had thought.
The way you look at him is…..different. Din is a trained warrior, he’s skilled in being able to read others. You wear your emotions and thoughts on your face pretty clearly. What he’s not exactly prepared for is the kind of emotions you’re displaying. When he first met your eyes (unbeknownst to you) he saw you look him up and down, curiously. A small smirk on your lips and your eyes change from inquisitive to….excitement? Was he reading that right?
At some point, your father’s tour tapered off. Karga suggested going into the nearby market for food and your father insisted. All four of you are now seated outside of a restaurant. Din, of course, did not eat. So that left him with more time to sit back, cross his arms over his chest and observe you.
It was hard to get a word in edgewise with your father and Karga. It felt like they had never stopped talking, having years to catch up on each other. He’d watch as you sat silently, your eyes would flit between the two of them, him and around you. Here and there you’d stop to stare at him for a minute, observing him right back. But you didn’t have the shield of a helmet to hide the eyes you gave him.
After finishing your food you started to become visibly impatient. You finally find a small moment of silence between those two and interject.
“Father, I’d like to wander around the market for a while if that’s alright with you. I’ll meet back up with you tonight?” You shoot him a look in your eyes that Din can definitely understand. Please let me go. I'm so bored.
He smiles back at you, although cautiously. He seems to hesitate, pausing before saying “Yes. Of course. Of course!” You stand up from your chair and stretch, Din also rises from his seat and stands.
“Don’t give the Mandalorian any trouble,” he winks at you, giving your hand a small squeeze before letting go. You give him a small tch with your tongue, rolling your eyes and turning to leave. Your father and Karga laugh heartily before resuming their previous conversation.
Din catches up to you and you let out a big sigh, “I’m sorry, any longer and I would have fallen asleep!”
“Karga has that effect on people sometimes.”
“You’re lucky though, you have a helmet, you could sleep and no one would really know.”
Din hums, amused, “don’t tell anyone.”
You couldn’t help but cackle back at his unexpected quip. You know for sure now that there’s a living, breathing person under there.
You’d noticed the Mandalorian does an excellent job of making himself look broad and strong. He was definitely a man of few words, so you tried to pay extra attention to his body language and mannerisms, which was still almost scarce on its own.
His armor glinted in the early evening light. Night life was starting up in the small area of town you were in. Some shops remained open alongside merchant stands and food vendors. Perfect timing on getting away from your father and Karga, otherwise you’d probably be dozing off.
But that still meant you were left in another silent moment like before. Only this time, the Mandalorian followed you.
You want to say more and break the silence, but your mind draws blanks on what to say. You finally settle with, “So! Uh, can I call you something? Maybe your name?” He’s silent for a minute before responding, “Mando is fine.”
Ah. Yes. Mando. Very creative.
“You don’t tell anyone your real name, do you?”
He glances at you on his side and nods.
“No, I don’t try to.”
He walked beside you as you took your time looking through merchant tables down the street of the city. The choices of items were almost endless. Clothes, books, and trinkets.
“So….besides standing around and brooding, what else can you tell me about yourself?”
He does a double take at you; you’re starting to run a record for most unexpected things ever said to him before. “Brooding?”
You laugh before turning to face him, the black T of his visor peering down at you. You had gotten close enough to him to really take in how broad he really is. A tension slowly built between you.
“You ask a lot of questions.”
“I’m just so fascinated by you”
“Yeah? Why?”
“I wonder just who you are, under that cool demeanor.”
He lets out something between a scoff and a laugh.
He’s used to the mixture of camaraderie or fear others tend to have towards him. But this? His brain almost short circuits, having to take a few minutes to process what you said. His helmet system alerts him to his own pickup in heart rate.
He settles on saying nothing, as usual, and you’ve already learned to not be bothered by that. You take it as an answer itself, sort of. You turn back to the table you’re standing at, browsing the small piles of clothing.
It was like the more the ice melted away between the two of you, the more you felt attuned to him. Maybe it was real or just your imagination, but if felt like you could start to tell where you think he’s looking at. You’d see his hands move in particular ways, clenching his fists at his sides or casually hooking his thumb into his bandolier.
The evening sky grew darker and the streets were lined in lanterns and lights. Music played somewhere in the distance, the crowd slowly died down. You decided it was time to head back, with Mando following after you.
You both turn down a quiet pathway. The silence between you had grown more comfortable. Fatigue has started to settle in your bones. You yawn and drop your shoulders, “just seven days. Seven days of dressing up and making appearances.”
“Do you have to dress like that everyday?” He asks, not that he exactly minds. The way you dress yourself is proper, ethereal. It was one of the first things he noticed about you. Which makes sense, because you’re royalty. Right, that’s why he noticed.
“I have to represent my family, and my home, so yes. I have to look my best every day.”
You pause for a moment, your eyes staring off into the distance as if you were mentally somewhere else.
“It’s like my armor,” you add, softly smiling to yourself.
Mando notices the distant look in your eye, and the sound of your voice. A sudden sadness had seemed to creep in. Something about seeing you like that pulled at his heart.
As if returning to yourself, you snap your eyes to meet his visor and smile.
He recognizes that look, the feeling emanating off of you. That was your wall, your learned defense mechanism. He knows underneath his armor, he’s a grieving man. A man who is not sure of his path anymore. An apostate.
He wonders who you are, under the well pampered, royal facade. Underneath the manners and gowns.
He mentally agrees, the fascination between you two is mutual.
You’ve really got to start putting on that charm you know you have.
Wait, why are you telling yourself that?
For fun, of course.
If you’re going to be stuck doing this for seven days, you might as well have fun during it. Is striking up a flirtatious banter with the Mandalorian so bad? You’re curious.
Everything about him says “don’t fuck with me.” You’d noticed the glances he got, from the town to even inside the palace. The way crowds parted for him and others looked on and whispered.
You don’t think father thought that through when he hired the Mandalorian. All in an effort to protect you from potential dangers and he has, now, brought more attention to you. But you can’t necessarily blame him. Mando seemed more than capable and his reputation precedes him just from the looks he’s getting everywhere you go.
He had a swagger in his walk and gave off an aura that says he knows he’s a walking deadly weapon.
And all of that combined was exciting to you. It made your heart stutter. Maybe you should ponder that, but you put that thought aside for later.
You have felt his gaze since you met. At first you’d thought you were being paranoid, or maybe self indulgent, you weren’t sure of which at the time. But you’re more certain of it now. Especially when you sat across from him at dinner. But that’s what he’s getting paid to do, right?
Now, as you walk alongside him back to the palace, you’re mentally bashing yourself. You told him you felt like your gowns were like armor and felt ridiculous. There is no comparison of your clothes to his cold beskar. After a smile, you change the subject, opting for the bolder route.
“I’ve felt your eyes on me all day.”
Mando remains silent, looking ahead. You half expect him to scoff. Instead, he stops walking. You stop in front, facing him. In the nick of time, you two had made it to the garden area outside of the door to your suite.
“I could say the same for you.”
Your stomach flips, even though you already knew you weren’t exactly hiding when you watched him. He leans back on his legs and crosses his arms, waiting for your reply.
Right, yes, a reply. Hurry, and think of something to quip back at him.
“Is that wrong?”
He hums, considers your question, “no, just more obvious.”
“Yes, well, not all of us have the luxury of anonymity right now,” you nod your head to him, he shrugs.
You raise an eyebrow and smile, “so you admit it? You’ve been watching me all day.”
His stance freezes, and now you know you’ve got him, you smirk.
He steps closer to you, just enough to barely brush against you. His form is wide and tense, “it’s my job.”
There’s a small tone in his voice. Darker, smooth and matter of fact.
Your eyes drift from down up and focus on where you expect his eyes to be, you can hear your heartbeat in your ears. This is suddenly a contest of confidence, and you muster any bit you’ve got left in you.
“In that case, Mandalorian,” your voice drifts, breathy and low, you run a finger across his chest plate as you strut past him, “I will just have to give you more to watch.”
You peer at him over your shoulder and smile. “I’ll see you back here in the morning,” he says. You notice his stature becoming more relaxed. One hand on his hip, knee popped out, he watches you disappear inside.
Next Chapter
A/N: Thank you @veggiestreehugger so much for beta-reading this for me 😭❤️
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elvisabutler · 8 months
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"And I'm— I'm sorry for that, Mrs. Harris. — I shouldn't— I—" Elvis stutters, struggling to find the right words to explain himself as if there was a single explanation in the world for his actions. "I shouldn't have offered to— I just want to help you and your husband. He's— he's young, like you." He's a boy who has forsaken a woman who should have anyone she desires. He's saddled her with a man who doesn't know the gift she bestows on him with her love and with her— Elvis groans, slow and low, the noise something a bear or a wild animal might make.  "He doesn't care." She whispers, moving closer to speak through the closed door. "Not like—" "Lilly." There's an edge to Elvis’s voice, a tightness that has Lilly’s heart dropping to the floor. 
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those spark universe vibes
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
2023 WIP List
I saw a writer I really love doing this here and decided to respectfully borrow the idea.
I'm feeling really bummed about writing lately, can't seem to find the least bit of motivation and have jumped from story to story without adding anything of substance over the last month or so. Nothing seems to spark joy. And yet I have thousands of words in half-written stories I'm not sure what to do with. Ideally, I'd like to finish them, but at this point, who knows 🤷‍ So this is a way for me to take stock, do some soul-searching, try to find where my heart is writing-wise at the moment and see if I can manifest some inspo.✨
These are not even all my WIPs, just the ones I have opened at least once in the last year.
▪ Speed Dating 3/3 Klaroline, friends/roommates-to-lovers
Started in June 2022
The final part to my Speed Dating sequel, which is much longer than the original story because I have no self-respect. Klaus and Caroline are roommates and idiots. The OG one-shot had them going on a round of speed dating and failing to connect the dots and realizing that what they really should be doing is sucking face with each other. The sequel is kind of an expanded universe situation, where I wanted to show a little more of their roommie chemistry and push them into situations where they are finally confronted with the reality of their feelings. But that only happens once they start seeing other people because of course.
I have maybe 60% of the final part written but for some reason, after word-vomiting non-stop for a while, I got stuck on a kind of major point in the story. I've tried to start it soooo many times and it just won't go. 🙃 I think I'm looking at a good 6 to 8k words more before it's finished.
▪ Random Fic (not the real title) Klaroline (duh), sorta exes-to-enemies-to-lovers I guess
Started in May 2020
The start of my romantic comedy phase. This predates even my coffee shop AU. It's Caroline and Klaus having a fling that ends very, very badly, but then having to come together again a year later to marry their common friend (and Caroline's ex), Tyler. I wanted it to be quick, witty and light-hearted and then at some point it got some very emotional bits in the middle and turned into something else completely. I guess it's still mostly light-hearted, but it has some ~~substance, whatever that means. I think it's an okay fic, and it's 55k words, which is not too bad, but then does anyone still read 55k all at once these days? lol
The fic is finished. I think I wrapped it up in April last year, so a year ago. But I haven't been able to go back and read it again. I've tried, and I've started it so many times, but then I always stop and never pick it back up. But like. 55k words of finished fic here. 🤷‍
▪ Pendulum Klaroline, soulmates!AU but make it sad
Originally in January 2019, started rewriting in July 2020 (lol)
I have issues with this story. It's the saddest damn thing I've ever written, but it's also my favorite storyline I've ever come up with. It got some hate at the time, I don't know why, but also some of the most heartfelt comments/responses I've ever received on any story (and I still keep them all!), so I think this is one where you either love it or hate it. But because I feel so protective of it, I have problems (of the personal brand) leaving it out in the open, and I don't want to repost it until I'm absolutely sure it's ok. As you can see, it was one of my first ever fics, so the writing wasn't the best. But I still love it, I don't care. I keep wanting to make the writing match how much I love the idea, and I don't know if that's possible. 🙃
It's the rare AU I write entirely from Klaus' POV, which is something else. I'm not sure I'm that good with Klaus. It's also an AH, but it has a little magic twist. Every time Klaus dies, his life just restarts from the exact same point. He's born on the same year, at the same place, to the same parents. Except he remembers his previous lives, and so he accumulates the knowledge of hundreds and hundreds of previously lived years each time he's reborn. And then shit happens.
First time I posted this, it was 57k words long. I have successfully finished rewriting the first of three parts, which is around 14k words, but as you can see, I have been in this process since 2020 (!!!), so I need to go back and tinker with that as well. May God have mercy on my soul.
▪ Mystic Tours (not the real title) Klaroline, friends-to-lovers but also fake dating
Started in January 2023
This was inspired by Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison, except it's not a Christmas story, and it doesn't actually have any farms. It has Klaroline fake dating to try and win a contest that can potentially save Caroline's failing business, and also loads of side-characters Sound of Settling style (including a horde of Mikaelsons and Bonnie and Enzo as Caroline's co-workers). I really like writing stories where I can fit a bunch of side characters and make the whole thing sorta absurd. But I also wanted to try to make something quicker, more dialogue-oriented and with shorter scenes. AND YET. I just can't seem to make it work, the writing kinda sucks.
I have some 6k words of this, but can't tell you how much of that is actually usable. And it's maybe 10% of the story. 🙃
▪ Friends that Ruin Your Life (may or may not be the title, undecided) Klaroline, Klefan (!!), affairs, fucked up people, angst
Started in March 2023
The five minutes during which I decided I wanted to go back to my origins and write something angsty and filled with complicated situations, a bit like Gasoline. It features Klaus and Stefan as a couple, and Caroline getting sucked into their messy marriage. So yes, Klaus is having an affair. In his defense, so is Stefan. Caroline's moral compass gets all out of sorts and she realizes the world is a lot less black-and-white than she'd previously assumed and sometimes you do get judged by your one-offs, even if your heart is in the right place.
I got super excited about this one and churned out the entire plan for the whole story, with all the scenes and most of the dialogues and the document alone is like 60k words long. I wrote that in like three days. 🥲 I don't think I could make it a one-shot, and I think that left me bummed because I didn't want it to be a multi-chapter. And then I'm not sure the writing was coming along fine enough, it wasn't flowing, and I started to question whether it was actually good or if I was totally tripping when I had this idea and this was actually insanely shitty. lol Leaning more towards the second right now.
▪ King Arthur AU (not the actual title) Klaroline, magic, fantasy, King Arthur
Started in March 2021
This is very high fantasy, and very intricate. It would be a multi-chapter, but I have no idea how long. I think I was leaning towards 10 chapters. I have four written. And the writing is fairly decent, if I may say so myself. But as it usually happens with me, I get to a point where I start wondering why am I even writing this, and then I stop. 🥲🥲 I also think I was having some doubts about how to wrap it up. It had maybe more plots than I wanted to work with. King Arthur was actually Elijah, and Klaus was Mordred, and Caroline was Guinevere-ish, a witch undercover in "Orleans" (I'm so creative!!).
Only reason this is even on the list is because I recently read the four chapters I have and thought they were pretty decent, but I haven't written anything in almost two years, so maybe I've swiped up on this one already.
▪ The Wolf III and IV 🤡
Started in October 2020 (!! when I tell you guys I've had this written for years lol)
I have technically written The Wolf 3. It's in my "headcanons" format, which is honestly a joke, because clearly I don't know how to write headcanons. 🤡 But as you can see by the starting date, it's very, very old, and it requires full rewriting and lots of editing. Chapters are 15 to 20k words long (some are longer). TW4 is a different story. I never actually wrote it down, all I have is a full, detailed plan of all the scenes and shit. My idea was to not split the two stories into two different fics, but rather continue on with TW4 in the same AO3 "document" (???) as TW3 and make it 34 chapters long instead of 21. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but also I don't have it in me to start another separate story.
But here we are, stuck on S03E17. 🤡 Gonna be honest with you, my dudes, it's been rough to find the motivation to open that document. I think I have half of 17, maybe, but I haven't touched that in over a month. Laely, I have been often sent into thinky thoughts that you really shouldn't have when you're writing fic just for the hell of it, you know. Like, this is in no way meant to be a great piece of writing, I shouldn't be worried about that. It's the fan service of the fan service. But I start to think about the real quality of it and whether it even makes sense to be writing it, I realize I wrote one fic that was good, a second one which I personally think was even better, and then I made the classic mistake of having one too many sequels. This is Jurassic Park III. It's not as crappy as Jurassic World, you have Sam Neill, but should it exist? I just want Klaus and Caroline to be together for a change, and I love adding random final scenes in every chapter where it's just the two of them being married, but - should this be written? Or rather, should this have been posted in the first place? Do we really wanna see them being domestic? Doesn't that kind of kill the vibe? I don't know, man. I don't know. Chapter one was a blast, people seemed so into it and I wrote five chapters at once and got maybe a little over-excited, and then which each update I feel like there's less and less readers and it really gets me thinking. These thoughts are sabotaging my will to write. I need to get back on my fuck it horse.
It will come to me at some point, though. I'm sure it will.
Anyway, these are all my current WIPs! Comments, ideas and positive energies are all welcome! ✨ Let's return to this in december and weep at how little progress I've made 🥲
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godbirdart · 1 year
do you have anything you can share of your rps on proboards? i too miss those days.
ohh man i miss those days so much. my small group of friends in junior high were really into writing about our sparkledog ocs on proboards. we had our own private one dedicated exclusively to our ocs. all our ocs had human, quad and anthro forms and there were so many romantic scandals and plots going on it was MCU levels of convoluted sometimes.
sidenote my best friend at the time and i had a monopoly on the oc roster [it just happened that way] and made up a bunch of wolf gods that drew inspo from greek/roman mythology. each one was a deity of Something and had unique powers. EVERYONE was paired with a mate that somehow managed to corresponded with their own respective power. they had so much going on we often had multiple threads specifically for certain paired characters. if i remember right we created threads for refs, threads for lore, specific universe categories and so on. there was a point i'd even made a seperate website using my neopets-petpage level of html understanding [not too unlike refsheet.net or charahub], listing the bios and relationships of our characters.
my fondest memory was spending the better part of a school year rewriting our ocs into Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End. no, we never rewrote the first or second film. ONLY the third. during this rp we were juggling multiple characters at once, and we did our best to give each character SOMETHING to do. I don't remember which scene we were rewriting but my friend had this old wolf dude named Bon who had NOTHING to do in the moment, so she ended up writing "Bon Breathed" full stop and that shit has stuck with me as the most hilarious thing for well over a decade. We rewrote one or two other things, like Underworld, but the PotC 3 au one was the longest running one.
we all rped together for a few years. by the end of high school i was super interested in making a webcomic for a bit because i'd just discovered resident evil and saw the blackblood wolves starting their comic on deviantart, buuut everyone else was being pressured into picking career paths and/or had lost their creative spark. gotta grow up, i guess.
I've long since lost contact with every person from that group. the majority dropped off the face of the planet immediately after graduation. it sucks, but I still have a bunch of their OC art carefully stored in page protectors in a binder on the shelf beside my desk. i still have notes on each character, and i still have some art from our early deviantart days saved on an external hard drive. i'll likely never see those people again, but the memories leave a warm fond feeling in my chest. i frequently catch myself wondering if i should start that comic i always wanted to make with them.
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pansyfemme · 10 months
so this is like a long shot reference bc im pretty sure these books are out of print and not many ppl read them BUT. if you were to ask like, the spark in my childhood, the character that made me want to do alternative fashion and still is probably my biggest inspo today.. It would be delirium of the endless from the sandman universe BUT only and very specifically the design of her from two manga adapations jill thompson made. (death at death's door and the dead boy dectectives) bc if you look at deliriums canon design, it's cute but i don't feel it the way i feel it in that manga version. i cannot express more how much i want to be her forever and ever
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Greetings, all — your herald bears tidings! In an attempt to spark the Criminal Minds fandom within the OC community, we present to you an appreciation week! With Criminal Minds: Evolution right around the corner, we thought we’d host an event that serves as a countdown till we see (some of) our beloved characters back on the small screen again. However, we’re aware that not everyone is interested in the revival, so please consider this a general OC appreciation instead! Brought to you by the admins @stanshollaand and @come-along-pond with special thanks to @lizziesxltzmxn for being our biggest inspiration <3
You can participate with gifs, graphics, drabbles, art, playlists, etc., whatever your heart desires!
The prompts are completely up to your interpretation, but we’ve added some examples for reference!
This event is meant to run from November 18th to the 24th, but feel free to go on your own pace! We’ll continue reblogging content even after the event has finished, especially since there’s only a couple days for preparation.
DO NOT copy/steal other people’s works! Always link inspo to whoever’s post(s) you’ve been inspired by.
Use the #cmocweek22 tag and/or our tracking tag for your content to be featured!
Have fun!
DAY 1: I am Calm and It’s Doctor (November 18th)
Let’s start off easy! Make something about your oc and their titles; are they a doctor, an agent? What about their nickname, do they have one? What does it mean? Do they like it? Who gave it to them? Maybe you can do their aliases; whether they’ve gone undercover and have a lot of names or just changed it because they want to, go crazy!
DAY 2: We’re Ready to Present the Profile (November 19th)
Make a character profile of your oc! You can tell us about something simple like their traits, their appearance, their big three or maybe something more specific like their background or their family tree, anything you can think of! You can use some of these templates for reference if you like: one, two, three.
DAY 3: Charcoal Grey (November 20th)
Now, we all remember Hotch in the court room. Make something based around your oc’s iconic, memorable moments! Maybe they fight with an unsub and win, or make an unsub confess without them realising it, maybe they prove a non-believer in profiling wrong. How about their iconic lines? One-liners, punchlines, maybe their witty remarks with the team? Anything!
DAY 4: I Kinda Love You (November 21st)
Derek and Penelope. Spencer and Diana. Hotch and Haley. Make something for your oc and their relationship with someone else! Whether it’s platonic, familial, romantic, or even hostile, go for it!
DAY 5: Sometimes The Day Just Ends (November 22nd)
Sometimes, there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what’s happened that day — that day is angst day, and it is today! Make something angsty with your oc and break our hearts! You can make something about their most heartbreaking dialogue and/or monologue, their worst moments in life, perhaps even a playlist with some agonising songs in it that unfortunately fits them. And despite the opening line, you can use words and clever quotes, even song lyrics!
DAY 6: Work Me A Little Magic (November 23rd)
Hey, babygirl/boy/non-binary, tell us something we wanna hear! It’s fluff day, so it’s time to let your ocs be happy and mend our broken hearts after a very angsty day. Make something fluffy with your oc! It could be a lighthearted song, a cute quote. Maybe it’s movie night and they go out with their partner or their friend(s), or they stay in and cuddle under the sheets with their partner or have a sleepover with their friend(s). You can even make an AU if your oc really can’t be happy in their main universe. Whatever floats your boat!
DAY 7: Every Ending is Also a Beginning (November 24th)
You know what Hotch, often there are clever quotes to sum up the day. Every episode has an opening and closing quote, so let’s honour that by applying some to your ocs! Make something for your oc using a quote. It can be from the show (like their opening and closing ones or the characters’ dialogue and/or monologues), or you could use one you found online that resonates with your oc. You can even make something using your oc’s own dialogue and/or monologue from an episode!
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