#spartan ii red team
aqg-arts · 6 months
AQG Artist Report,
Dec 12, 2023
Six months. Six long months...
That's how long it took for me to finish Giga Alice.
First, the process was going smoothly...
Then, art projects after art projects...
Art block after art block...
Made what was going to be a relatively quick and funny shit post...
Into six months of hell.
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Yes, everyone, you read that right...
So, what took me so long?
Well, as the top half of the post states; Art blocks and other projects, mostly.
Butt, we're here now, and she is looking mighty fine.
For those wondering why some her looks off, welp, my app did backflips and what not whilst drawing her soooooooo
Anyways, here's a bonus Kelly pic for those still reading :3
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And for added context:
Giga Alice is a part of a 2 collections of art titles 'Giga Red Team' and 'Giga Characters'.
Giga Alice is the 4th of 4 artworks I've previously completed, all based on my personal Jesus, Spartan Jerome 092.
Now, for those knowing that we're missing one more; be not afraid- Douglas and a few more are coming. Not soon, but they are gonna be sketched out at some point :p
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Anyways, time for... something, ig :p
Love y'all!
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halobirthdays · 11 months
Happy birthday to Spartan Alice-130!
Today is her -488th birthday!
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Alice was not traumatized by her SPARTAN-II training--even as a child, she saw it as a welcome challenge. However, her body rejected the augmentations, leaving her incapacitated with the other "washouts" who survived but could not press on. She underwent rehabilitation, and was able to return to active duty. She was assigned to Red Team with Douglass-42 and Jerome-92--two other washouts.
Alice was deployed to Arcadia with Red Team to intervene in a Covenant seige. Afterward, Red Team joined the crew of the Spirit of Fire, where they were sent to the ruins of Harvest to investigate a Covenant dig site.
The relics at Harvest pointed them and the Covenant to the Forerunner shield world Trove (called Etran Harborage by the Forerunners). They mobilized to stop Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee and the Prophet of Regret from activating the Forerunner dreadnoughts contained within, and to save Professor Ellen Anders, who had been captured by 'Moramee.
In 2559, Alice and the rest of the crew were awakened, having been pulled into slipspace to the Ark. It was there that they learned of the threat of the Banished when Atriox confronted Red Team. After that, the mission changed to stop Atriox's forces on the Ark. Alice would help thin out the Banished presence on the Ark, while allowing Professor Anders to send a distress beacon to the UNSC. As of recent canon, she remains on the Ark.
The engagement on Trove was successful, but it would cost them the Spirit of Fire's slipspace drive. Without being able to enter slipspace, the Spirit of Fire's crew--including Alice--were put in cryosleep while the ship drifted, waiting for rescue.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 49!
I'm also including this pic implying that Alice is about to absolutely rock these Unggoys' shit with her bare hands bc??? Jfc girl.
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noblesixjm04 · 4 months
I can't get this out of my head. It's just something that ive had rattling around. If this doesn't make much sense I'm sorry lol but.
Do you ever think about if the Spartan ii's ever met one of those siblings without realizing it?
Like. John meeting a young female marine. She's quick witted and wicked smart. There is almost nothing she will back down from. At least not until she gets a "win." She will never leave one of her teammates behind. She's also known among her friends for her dry sense of humor.
One day she runs into John whiles he's out of armor. She never realizes that he's the Master Chief as they stare at one another. Blue eyes look into blue. The roots of her hair are blonde. Contrasted against a dark brown. They share the same smattering of freckles. Dusted along their face and down to their arms. Petering out along the backs of their hands.
And when she smiles there's a gap in her front teeth. (One tooth is chipped from a hard won game of King of the Hill.) She jokes that they match.
Apparently her brother had to. Her parents told her about him. How he had passed a few years before she was born. Her mother told her about her and her brothers shared a constellation of freckles.
Maybe Kelly runs into a pair of twin engineers. One is a girl. The other a boy. The girl has her hair cropped short. It's faded green. The boy has long hair. Held back in a tight braid. It's blue.
They strike up a conversation with Kelly one day. Mostly out of boredom. At one point talking about how they had been on their schools track team. Twin Terrors they had been called. They were the fastest in the entirety of their schools career.
They are the only two out of the group of engineers and scientists that could match her humor.
Kelly never sees them again after that. But she thinks about them often enough. About how they all shared the same accented voice.
About the day they all raced.
She won. Of course. But something about it made her feel like she was missing something. She matched it to the same feeling to her younger years with the rest of the ii's on Reach. On some of the few days they had true fun.
Linda was sent to therapy. Well. Not really sent. It was... Suggested. That she go.
Linda did. This time. For the first time. The last time.
She met an older man. Her elder by about three or four years. With the same red hair, that has streaks of white at the temples, and piercing green eyes.
Those eyes that looked at her like she does down the snipers scope. Those eyes that seemed to know her own.
She could see them widen. Hear the hitch on his breath as they flicker to a photograph and then back to her.
Maybe she had seen him in passing once. Despite him never having been on this ship before.
He has been the one to pull the trigger.
"I don't think I'm the right match for you." His voice rumbled in a familiar way.
When she left. Linda tried to stop thinking about the worn, frames photo on his desk. The one with a boy. About eight or nine. With a shock of bright red hair. He held an archery trophy in one hand. In his other. The hand of a little girl. Close to five. With that same shock of red hair and green eyes that seemed to see you even through the cameras lense.
Fred meets a medic after a nasty injury. The Odst's and Marines in his company joke that he has as getting the best medic around.
He was a young man. Kind and deeply empathetic.
Those same Marines also joked about how the two of them could be siblings in a different life. With how they shared the same sloped nose and sharp jaw. The same, soft manner of speaking.
"Seriously Lieutenant. Just give the Doc the same hair cut. Could fool me that's for sure."
The medic said that he did have a brother. One that he has never met. That he had passed away a few months before he had been born .
But he and his parents visited his grave every year on his brother's birthday. And that this was the first year that he wouldn't be able to.
"He's be turning thirty three today." The medic had just finished Fred's stitches.
"Oh." Fred spoke it before it could be stopped.
"Oh what?" The medic had asked.
"I turned thirty three today." It was one of the few things he remembered. Something he rarely thought about. Because something around it had made his heart hurt.
"Here then. Happy birthday." The medic handed Fred a chocolate granola bar.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Spartan-312 from Halo romantic concept, please?????
I'm assuming you mean Noble 6 from the Reach game? In that case, I will be doing default Noble 6 (Male, Black Armor)
Yandere! Spartan-B312/Noble Six Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, OOC actions near the last part to experiment, Blood, Kidnapping, Implied murder, Dubious relationship.
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Noble Six is a skilled assassin, even before he was put on Noble Team.
He's described as being "highly lethal" and not much is known about him due to how redacted his ONI file is.
Often described as a "Lone Wolf", Spartan-B312 is used to being alone and taking on waves of Covenant by himself.
Despite this... the wiki says he is noted to have shown care and compassion towards fellow humans.
Spartan-B312 was also known to care about those on his team.
Like most other Spartans, Noble Six would be hard to read and doesn't have "romantic feelings" the same as most.
This is due to the drugs given to members of the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III programs (I think Spartan-IIIs were given the same drugs that dampen intimacy?)
Despite this... Noble Six still shows an overwhelming amount of care towards you, his obsession.
Others can tell it's unusually stronger than the typical bonds Noble Six has.
Perhaps you're another part of Noble Team? Or another Spartan/Marine he worked closely with?
Like most "Yandere Spartans", his obsession comes off as extremely overprotective.
He isn't fully sure why he has such urges, yet he knows he wants to look after you.
Honestly, having his protection isn't too bad.
He's a lone wolf able to take on hordes of enemies.
Safe to say he'd get himself hurt before anything touches you.
Noble Six would sacrifice himself for you, he cares that much.
As usual, he isn't very affectionate.
Being an assassin and a Spartan does that to you.
Although he is awfully attentive to you.
Noble Six would never want to leave your side.
He doesn't quite know how to express his emotions, but he can emote a bit more than Master Chief.
I don't think you should expect anything like kissing or overly affectionate gestures...
But I can see him allowing you to hold him or show him affection.
Like most Spartans, Noble Six is more like a bodyguard to his obsession.
Noble Six will protect you with his life, as a Spartan should.
But let's get a bit OOC for once, yeah?
We all know typical yandere Spartans are overprotective bodyguards.
Yet... maybe Noble Six goes rogue.
He gets more violent, arguing with his team over you.
He never dies at the end, he wants to see you again...
So he hunts you down... perhaps even takes you away...
After all, everyone thinks he's dead after Reach.
So surely no one would expect him of getting rid of a few of your close friends... he's an assassin after all.
They can't take care of you like he can.
There's no need to be scared... sure, he has red blood on his armor... but it's nothing to fret over
He can protect you once again...
Perhaps even give you the care he knows you need... unlike those who have failed you.
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
I so dearly wish I could GIF these first 2 season 2 Halo eps but in lieu of that, have my random jumble of thoughts:
SPOILERS, NATURALLY (or spoolrrs since Ais and touch typing on her tablet go together like an Elite and singing karaoke 😋)
Ackerson is deffo evil because he said "ONI" properly one time then spelled it out all the rest. My dudes, the classic Halo: Reach level is NOT "Oh En Eye Sword Base" it is "Oh Nee Sword Base." Enough said. If I saw nothing else from him in these eps, I'd know he was eeevil. 🤷😉
Kai let the red grow out/wash out of her hair. I'm conflicted but she's still mah beautiful bb grl.
Pelletless Vannak was so fun and I approve of his animal documentary obsession, lol!
Sweet mother of pearl, Riz sold me on how much pain she was in, poor bb. 😭 I liked Louis and hope he'll be around in further eps.
I paused the second ep towards the end as soon as Chief said Visegrad relay to blurt out "The Covenant is on Reach!" And then Chief said the line, eee! (I love all Halo games but Reach is my jaaaam, man. 😉 )
Okay, I loved seeing the marines interact with the Spartans and that dinner with Chief and Perez and her family hit a few surefire tropes that had me kicking my feet and squeeing with heart eyes. Of course, I ship it, need you even ask? Ya girl's a fool for love, lol! But again, it was fascinating to see Chief out of his Mjolnir, interacting with Perez and her family. "You're very large." "Yes, ma'am." Which may not be exactly correct but that was the gist and I looooved it!
John and his Cortana stand-in hit me HARD in the feels. 😭
The fact that Ackerson has Cortana in her stunted form locked up in the basement made me raaaaage. I wonder if we're not going to get s1 Cortana back and this will essentially be the Weapon? Could be why they changed her face/appearance, I guess? Her appearance obviously changes through all of the games, true, but I have to say I currently prefer her s1 look more. I'm sure I'll get used to it, though. I want her to remember John, however, so when they meet again, it's a proper reunion. I wonder if they're going to have her be in his helmet ala the game version now or will they make it so that she has to be put back in his head to stabilize him or something? 🤔
I don't know how Makee survived but I can't wait to see how it works out!
I was so happy to see a new Spartan team in Cobalt but their ribbing of Silver, especially saying they have feeeeeelings now and all that didn't make sense to me because THEY were showing waaay more emotion, IMO. I mean, are they not Spartan IIs with emotion dampening pellets themselves or did I miss something?
I get why Chief was pushing Riz so hard because of his fear Silver wouldn't be ready for the upcoming fight but DANG, Chief, she's not going to be great in a fight if she's dead! 💀
One day, I will GIF all of the shirtless scenes. *fist thump* 😇
Lastly, they got the rights to THE THEME, YEAHHHHH, BABY!!!
Okay, enough for now from me. What did you think? Fav moments, ??? moments or the like? 💖💖💖
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empresskadia · 2 months
Round 5 because I hyperfixate easily, and I think all the Spartans deserve kisses. My Achilles Heel is falling in love with fictional women. Anyway, hear me out:
Since the firing range had been down for maintenance, Linda-058 had been noticeably less enthused. Without being able to use Nornfang, she had quickly grown to be bored. So, thinking quickly, you suggested that she'd trying a game of accuracy or two. She wasn't very fond of pool, but she loved darts.
It was cute to see the concentration spread across her face before every throw of a dart. Part of you wondered if that was what it was like when she was behind a scope - the regal, calm, collected grace of the Sniper Goddess. When she turned to you and the red of your face, she gave you a playful wink. She won again, of course, but you got the consolation prize of a loving kiss from Spartan-058.
Kelly-087 has a tendency to steal your casual clothes. Even though most of your clothes don't exactly fit her, she will wear them. You'd be losing your mind looking for that sweater you could've sworn you had a week ago only for her to barge in with a guilty smile and returning it because "it doesn't smell like you anymore!" 
She tends to do this when you or her are busy, and she doesn't get to see you as much as she would like. John caught her wearing one of your hoodies once, when Blue Team was on back-to-back missions, and she hadn't seen you in a month. Kelly nearly tackled you when she got to see you again.
In public, Cal-141 acts as expected of her and her reputation as a Spartan-II. But, in the privacy of your quarters, she lets the walls down and basks in the freedom of being her true self. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. Everything you do together is like the first time for her, and it never fails to fluster her.
Slow dancing together, cuddling, holding hands - she loves it all. By far, her favorite thing to do is to compare the sizes of your hands. It never fails to make Cal blush, and if you weave your fingers with hers and kiss the top of her hand afterward? She'll be red in the face thinking about it for the rest of the day.
Your relationship with Sarah Palmer was sort of an open secret aboard the Infinity. Despite you and the Commander doing your best to keep your relationship under wraps, it was obvious to observers. Every other Spartan under her command respected the hell out of her but were kind of afraid of her. Sarah was only this gentle with you and you alone.
One time, Captain Lasky had found her going over your gear before one of your missions with Fireteam Majestic, and he laughed at how quickly she turned red, stuttering excuses for messing with your armor at 0200. Roland will never let her hear the end of it.
I've been waiting to read this, also same, all the Spartans deserve kisses and hugs and someone to love them so much that they're kinda shocked by it but omg gets excited to be with their partner, anyways-
Linda is skeptical when her partner drags her to Spartan Town's activity room and hands her a case of darts. She understands the concept of them and has seen the IVs play, but she isn't sure why they would insist on her playing. Until she actually starts throwing them. Yeah, it's not firing off Nornfang but she's having fun figuring out how to adjust her aim every time she moves back. And she's not complaining when the reward of kisses because you both know she's gonna win.
Blue team 100% gives Kelly shit for stealing her partner's clothes, and she could care less. It's comfortable, and it's not her fault they can't rizz someone up. The rest of the team can tell when Kelly wants to see her partner because she gets restless and is practically hopping between one feet and the next during missions.
I just adore the idea of Cal getting flustered over someone loving her. She's heard Maria-062 talk about retiring and having a family, and she remembers all the other spartans looking at her weirdly. But Cal gets it now. Yes, there are things she doesn't always understand with relationships, but every time her partner kisses her hand or calls her beautiful, it feels like the first time for her.
Everyone is gonna know because of Roland. That AI is the number one shipper, and he's a snoop. But also Roland is a wingman. If Sarah and her partner are having a moment, sorry, spartan that area of the ship is down for maintenance. Even if it wasn't for the AI, all the IVs see how Sarah's shoulders relax when you enter the room during war game or how her eyes always scan the room and settle on you before giving her fireteams crap. And Lasky? He's loving this because he gets to tease her endlessly with Roland.
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pin-crusher2000 · 4 months
After many weeks being so busy, here is Young Titans (in the year 2020)
Jake Grayson
Alias: FireWing
Age: 10
DOB: 10/23/2010
Race: half human & half tamaran
Affiliation: Bat-Family, Young Titans, Star-Twins (with Mar’i Grayson)
B.O.O: Gotham city, Bludhaven
Mar’i Grayson
Alias: NightStar
Age: 10
DOB: 10/23/2010
Race: half human & half tamaran
Affiliation: Bat-Family, Young Titans, Star-Twins ( with Jake Grayson)
Robert Long
Alias: Wonder Boy
Age: 10
DOB: 09/18/2010
Race: half human half Amazonian
Affiliation: wonder family, young titans, Spartan Twins (with “cousin” hunter trevor; details on that soon ;) )
Alias: kid tempest
Age: 9
DOB: 01/20/2011
Race: alantian
Affiliation: aqua-family, young titans, Shark Boyz (with Arthur curry jr.)
Lian Harper
Alias: Red Cat
Age: 11
DOB: 11/06/09
Race: human, mixed Vietnamese
Affiliation: arrow family, young titans
Irey west
Alias: impulse II, thunder heart
Age: 12
DOB: 10/05/15 (due to speed force aging, she’s “born in 2008)
Race: human
Affiliation: flash family, young titans
Jai west
Alias: surge
Age 12
DOB: 10/05/15 (due to speed force aging, he’s “born in 2008)
Race: human
Affiliation: flash family, young titans
That’s the team! Y’all can now ask me anything about any members or the whole group itself 😁
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siofra-river · 7 months
Ok i feel like i don’t explain the valentine lore enough so here it is.
THE Valentine-056 post!
She was born on November 1st, 2510 (Age 50 as of the year halo infinite takes place) on the planet Jericho VII. She was kidnapped by ONI and placed into the Spartan 2 when she was 7. She’s 7’ft 2” (218.44 cm) outside the armor and 7’5” (226.06 cm) inside the armor.
She’s been in many battles, including the battle against the Insurrection group Freedom League who had set up resistance on her homeplanet, which at the time the visit was…bittersweet. During the fall of Reach, she was with the Red team splinter group Team Delta as they secured CASTLE base. She helped with Operation First Strike, after Master Chief returned to Reach to find any survivors. After that, she returned to Earth to help fight off the Covenant invasion. During the invasion of Earth she was sent to Sydney, Australia to help fight covenant forces and to keep important members of the UEG. She was almost sent to Africa, until they started glassing it. Post Covenant war, she is in charge of a Fireteam working with ONI sector 3 Beta-3 division and Delta-6 division to find and recover alien technologies and occasionally capture of eliminate important targets. Her team , Fireteam Vaquero consists of her, a Swords of Sanghelios member named Rusa ‘Sura, a Spartan IV named Oscar Meer, a Spartan III Gamma Named Esmeralda Miro, A pilot Named Lee Brady and his ship’s smart AI Frank (FRK-1259-4), and the teams medic & xenobiologist Anya Fung. While on a mission to recover old covenant technologies, she found a Huragok named Lingers Above, which has become an unofficial member of her team as well, refusing the leave her side for long when she’s not in a mission.
As she’s began the interact with more people outside of a very stressful war zone she’s realized how strange and unhealthy some of her upbringing was. Not the full extent of it all, but a degree of it. The reason why she wears all her piercings is as a small form of self representation and to help her form a bit of identity outside being a Spartan, she’s experimented with different piercings and haircuts before, including dyeing her hair which went gray early as a result of both stress and family genetics(she started going gray around 25). She is a gay man, and after the war had toyed around with the idea of a relationship, but unlimitedly decided herself too busy and too inexperienced, the only relationship she had was a short unnamed fling with Jorge-052, a few years before he died on reach, she still silently mourns for him.
While not a natural born leader, through the Spartan II training and Human-Covenant war she was taught how to assume that position. She has the outward disposition of a cool and collected head but be riled up somewhat easily compared to other Spartans. She’s very stubborn and has a strong will but has begrudgingly learned how to be flexible, no matter how much it may annoy her. A trait she has that sets her apart from the other Spartan II is the frequency in which she takes off her helmet and how much she talks, she uses that to help bond with her teammates. She doesn’t really care about how the people at ONI perceive her, but to the UNSC personnel she works with and alongside, she doesn’t want to be seen as just a large killing machine. The weapon she has the most interest in using during something like a wargame is the Gravity Hammer, but the weapon she ends up using the most is the DMR.
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bloodgulchblog · 9 months
John and relax because I enjoy paradoxes :3
Out of the briefing and away from Hood, when you’re not busy marshaling your words into the right shapes, the world feels loose. It’s a red flag, you know it is, but it’s no worse than the aches and tension all through your body that mark the events of the last three days for you.
Wait. Four days.
It’s no worse than that, too.
It’s no worse than whatever is going on in your chest whenever you let yourself think too much. Her voice is still in your mind’s ear if you let your attention drift, so you don’t let it.
You’re fine.
You’re fine.
You’re still not ready to see them again when you do: heads turning, three sets of sharp eyes in faces five years older than they should be but still them.
Blue Team. Your Spartans.
Your heart leaps when Kelly uses your name because Kelly is here and alive and speaking — she’s here. You knew, you’d been told, but the last time you saw Kelly was months and years and a war ago and you still don’t know where Halsey took her. She’s here and she’s real.
Fred has been leading this team. He outranks you now, but he’s still Fred, he’s still speaking up, the corner of his mouth curls up in a tiny Spartan-II smile when he hears your voice.
Linda says nothing because Linda says nothing, and she’s still Linda.
You don’t know who moves first, if it’s you or them. Maybe it’s all of you, in that hard-won Spartan sync not even this has been enough to break. There are arms around you, part of your weight on Fred and the rest on Linda, your faceplate clunking against one of Kelly’s pauldrons because she’s pulled you down to her level.
Nobody talks and for several seconds, you’re held.
It won’t last. But for just a moment you can’t stop yourself anymore:
You relax.
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Commander Jerome-092!
Today is his -487th birthday!
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Jerome was born on an infamously underdeveloped part of the colony world Minister. His difficult upbringing would force him to grow up fast, resorting to criminal activity at a young age. He was targeted by Catherine Halsey for his notable genetics, and he, like all Spartan-IIs, was kidnapped and conscripted into the Spartan-II program.
Although he tried to escape multiple times, he would eventually accept his training and stood out as one of the rising leaders among the Spartan-II conscripts. However, his body rejected the biological augmentations in the second phase of the project. Thus, he was considered a "washout" and removed from the general population. However, he was able to be rehabilitated and re-augmented at a later date. At that point, he was paired with fellow washouts Alice-130 and Douglas-042, forming Red Team with Jerome as their leader.
In 2531, Red Team was tasked with evacuating the colony world Arcadia, holding off the Covenant attack so the civilians could escape. It was there that they paired up with the UNSC Spirit of Fire. Red Team would accompany the Spirit of Fire to the Forerunner shield world Trove (called Etran Harborage by the Forerunners) to stop Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee and the Prophet of Regret from activating the Forerunner dreadnoughts contained within, and to save Professor Ellen Anders, who had been captured by 'Moramee.
When Jerome suggested destroying 'Moramee's ship to prevent the Covenant from retrieving compromising information from Anders--a tactic that would stop 'Moramee but kill her--Sergeant Forge and Jerome got into a physical altercation that was only stopped after significant destruction and a lecture from the ship's AI Serina. Rather than creating a rift between them, these events would forge a mutual respect between the two.
The engagement on Trove was successful, but it would cost them the Spirit of Fire's slipspace drive. When the drive required a manually activation, Forge volunteered to trade his life for Jerome's, under the belief that the Spartans were too valuable to waste. Without being able to enter slipspace, the Spirit of Fire's crew--including Jerome--were put in cryo sleep while the ship drifted, waiting for rescue.
In 2559, Jerome and the rest of the crew were awakened, having been pulled into slipspace to the Ark. It was there that they learned of the threat of the Banished when Atriox confronted Red Team. He was able to fend off Red Team and wound Douglas--crushing his shoulder and helmet and forcing them to retreat. After that, the mission changed to stop Atriox's forces on the Ark. Jerome would help thin out the Banished presence on the Ark, while allowing Professor Anders to send a distress beacon to the UNSC.
As of recent canon, he is still on the heavily-contested Ark, which is occupied by Banished, Keeper, UNSC, and Covenant loyalist forces.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 49!
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john-halo · 1 year
Gray team were the misfits of the IIs, Jai and Adriana especially. I’ve always wondered how Gray Team and the other IIs got along? They seemed so insular in comparison.
I know Jai’s alive and well, did you two get along? How were relations as Squad leaders?
In all honesty: difficult.
Authority in the Spartan candidates worked like this:
I came out on top. I was stubborn, I wanted it, and a lot of the group thought I made sense. It became official, but we'd been working like that for a while before it did.
I had a couple people I trusted to delegate things to and could put in charge of smaller teams. Kurt. Fred. Jerome. Margaret. Not everyone, but some of them.
We used color names for teams. Mine was always Blue. We threw Red and Green around the most. More colors if we needed that many. Black, White, Gold, Silver, etc.
We tried things out. Figured out who worked well together. Who didn't. There were a couple teams you started to see hanging together consistently. Black Team got stable membership. Red Team was settled for a while until it wasn't. Kurt usually had Green and he had some people who preferred running with him. Blue had regulars. Mendez even started recognizing some of our groups and peeling them off for more specialized training, but even then we mostly kept things flexible.
Gray Team was always Gray Team. Jai, Adriana, Mike. Nobody else. They didn't get along with most of us. Proud of it, maybe. They didn't like orders, they didn't like me, and they all have damn hard heads.
Jai's the most stubborn of the three. They don't like calling him the leader, but he pulls the other two hard enough and they follow.
I made the mistake of trying to push Jai around when he argued with me, and I paid for it.
A lot.
Until I learned.
You want Gray Team to do something, you tell Jai the parameters for what you need done. You give him the space to figure out how to get it out of Gray Team. Don't undercut him, don't argue with them, don't complain about how they decide to get it done.
Otherwise, you're arguing with all three of them and not just Jai. And you won't win.
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spartansagas · 2 months
Spartan Sagas 1: Vinh-030
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Name: Vinh-030
Gender: Female
Born: 2511
Died: 2552
Personality: little is known of Vinh’s personality.
Appearances: Vinh is mentioned explicitly in the novel ‘Halo: First Strike’ only.
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Biography: Born in 2511, Vinh was selected for the Spartan program and abducted by ONI in 2517, at six years of age. Trained and educated by CPO Mendez and Déja, and augmented and armoured by Catherine Halsey in 2525, she joined the rest of her Spartan II class in fighting throughout almost the entirety of the Covenant war. Little is known about her wartime career - it is however known that she fought during the Fall of Reach, surviving Red Team's initial descent to the planet's surface with major inj*ries. She (and teammates Isaac-039 and William-043, three unidentified Spartans and the four survivors of Charlie Company) were assigned to Delta-Red, a sub team with the goal of securing Red Team's fallback point: Castle base. She, Issac and Will were separated from the squad, but arrived at the base. They were unable to gain entry until the remains of the Alpha-Red subteam (at this point consisting only of Kelly-087 and Frederic-104, though formerly including Joshua-029) arrived and alerted Catherine Halsey (already inside Castle Base) to their presence. Vinh was presumed killed in action under Castle Base when she and Isaac detonated satchel charges to cover Red Team's retreat deeper into the Forerunner facility that was being excavated below it. Though her body was never seen she was unable to be raised on the comm, and her former position was soon swarmed by a hoard of Covenant making survival unlikely. Like all Spartans, under ONI Directive 930 she is listed as MIA instead of KIA, though in this instance it's actually true.
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plagues01 · 1 year
Art dump!! A bunch of rvb ocs(plus Simmons). Prepping some refs for art fight lol. I have a few more rvb ocs I wanna make refs for, but these are my mains!!
Some info on them under cut!!
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Kidd works with Locus and Felix as a mercenary (calling and considering them his dads). He used to be a freelancer, but ran away and yoinked Theta from North on the way out. Kidd's bio father is the director, and he keeps his hair long as with short hair it looks like its father. Wash is also knife's brother(i hc Carolina and Wash as siblings. Wash is the middle kid)
Rory was a Spartan II turned Sim Troop after losing their right leg, which is now prosthetic. They're on the red team and are very close with Caboose, a fellow ex-spartan. They leave the main group after the Chorus arc to stay in Chorus. In the au with them in it, Doyle is still alive, and they get married.
Harley is Simmons' older brother who joined the military years before Simmons. It was part of Project Freelancer as Agent New Jersey, and he was in the top 15. After the fall of Project Freelancer, they became a mercenary who travels with Val and their ai, Eir. Harley is semi based on me, mainly design and name wise.
Val is an ex-Spartan who was forced to retire due to hearing loss. They became a mercenary and works with Harley, who they have a father child relationship with. Eir is Val's ai, made specifically for them. They stayed with Val after they left due to her admitting she refuses to work with anyone else but Val. Val's bio father is Sarge, but they only have vague memories of him. Val and Eir are in a relationship together
Psi is Harley's ai! The director classified him as Alpha's loyalty, causing a lot of mixed emotions for him. It wasn't until years later glitch was able to accept that glitch wasn't the alpha's loyalty. He and Harley suspect his true emotion to be love, but that's never confirmed. Love is married to Harley with totally legal documents.
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empresskadia · 2 months
Also regarding the song 'I could never choose to love another' I don't know the name of it and I'm not going to find out.
Any Spartan ll will always and forever be the 'Maybe one day I can learn to love you too.'
This includes Blue team, yes Fred-104 is this quote
Red team, absolutely Jerome-092 falls into this category
Omega team
All of them. They were never taught to love, their whole purpose was to be super soldiers. To fight an enemy. To protect humanity. That's it.
I will say, I could argue that the Spartans could, one day, be the 'I could never choose to love another' but not in the way the song portrays the words.
If you happen to get yourself a Spartan II as a significant other, they will most likely never love another the way they've loved their first love, or rather, they'll never want to find another love again. I'm looking more toward Blue team with this one. We see how John is when losing Cortana, he keeps going until there is nothing left and the rest of Blue are there to support him how they can. But honestly, I think that reaction could happen to any of them.
I can go on about this for so long-
I really like talking about Spartan love because it's so different than how the media likes to portray a relationship and how someone should act with a significant other.
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maximummuses · 6 months
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Daisy, like all of the other Spartan-IIs in 2552, were immediately pulled out of active deployments and redeployed to Reach once it was found by Covenant Forces.
She, and many of the other S-IIs, were in consideration for Operation: RED FLAG if the opportunity presented itself on Reach, but Operation: UPPERCUT and Operation: LEFT JAB, were carried out by Noble Team instead, resulting in the destruction of the Covenant Super Carrier Long Night of Solace.
Once it was clear that Reach was an unwinnable battle, Daisy-023 was assigned to Red Team, commanded by Fred-104.  When Red Team was split on the surface of Reach, Daisy was assigned to Beta-Red and tasked with defending the orbital defense generators alongside eleven other Spartan-IIs.
The mission, like many military operations during the Fall of Reach, ended in failure, though Daisy and a small number of other Beta-Red members were able to survive enemy engagements and rendezvous with Fred-104 on Reach.
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itsalwaysgarytime · 8 months
If Wasp is a Beta, how did she survive operation TORPEDO?
Same reason, NOBLE, GAUNTLET, RED and ECHO teams weren't in Operation Torpedo. She was a CAT-II Candidate and was placed on a separated teams by Kurt. To keep some of his SPARTAN IIIs alive.
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