#Giga Red Team
aqgarts · 5 months
Bi Les Demi-Gal update (+ help me choose a new pfp for a few of my socials)!!!!!
So, a wee while back, I was feeling the gendern't blues (my way of saying 'gender dysphoria'); I didn't know I was non-binary, gender fluid, queer gendered, etc. So, I put it out to you guys (my friends), and I just wanna say that I am so, so grateful for your support and acceptance.
In honour of it being beyond my first month anniversary as coming out/figuring it (my gender) out, I just thought I might dedicate a lil message to some of the people that actually helped me figure things out and feel like me.
You were the one who actually called it lmao. You were kind enough to help me and actually led me to research what a demi-girl is (I had very little knowledge about demi-gendered people prior to lol). You helped me find out who I am, and I am truly grateful for that.
Thank you.
You suggested that I might be genderqueer. Much like demi-genders, I didn't really know much about the term. So, again, I did some research. Although it didn't turn out to be what I was, it did help lead me on the right path.
Thank you.
You helped design the flag(s) that would help me feel so, so much more comfortable with who I am. You gave me something I could use to describe me and many others. And best of all, those flags are so goddamn gorgeous!!!
Thank you.
(Link to the post)
What can I say? You we're there for me and still are. On the days when I feel out of touch with who I am, you're there. When I'm upset, you're there. You mean the world to me,
I love you 💜
And to everyone else who I didn't mention, but had a role in helping me be more like me, I just want to take another moment to thank you as well:
You have stood by me, been kind and thoughtful, listened to my ramblings, put up with my autistic screeching, etc. You have helped me become a more open and sensible person.
Thank you all 🫂
And now, onto the pfps :3
As I've grown into who I am, I have also made some questionably queer pieces of art (Giga Red Team). And so, in AQG fashion, i want you all to help ya they/them gal with which one is gonna be the first impression 😎
First 5 options are:
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Second options are:
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(Reblog will contain the rest)
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aspoonofsugar · 11 months
Blake's Animus Journey
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The animus/anima is one of the 4 archetypes that describe the development and function of the human mind (according to Carl Jung, at least).
They are:
The Persona - What a person shows to others, the part of the self they wear as a mask
The Shadow - What a person hides from others and themselves, the repressed part of the self
The Anima/Animus - The feminine side of a man and the masculine side of a woman, the complementary part of the self
The Self - What the person is, as a whole, the sum and combination of all other archetypes
RWBY uses these ideas in many different ways. For example, each girl embodies 1 specific archetype:
Yang is the Persona - She is "more than meets the eye", which is the whole point of this archetype. The persona is what's worn on the sleeve and shown outside. Yang's whole character is built on her projecting multiple personas (eye-candy girl, badass fighter, pun loving himbo) to hide her vulnerability. This is also why she is linked to light, which is symbolic of this archetype.
Blake is the Shadow - She is "the beast that descends from shadows" and her own semblance is called Shadow. The shadow is what isn't shown, both negative and positive. Blake initially runs away from her mistakes and hides herself. Her story is about facing Adam (negative part of the shadow) and growing confident enough to reveal her true self (positive part of the shadow). Her "beast" symbolism ties into this because "inner beast" is another way to call this archetype.
Weiss is the Animus/Anima - She is queen and knight, Snowhite and Prince. The animus/anima is about reconciling opposites, which is the heart of Weiss's story. She is "the grandaughther of a hero and the child of a villain", she is a Huntress and the Schnee Heiress. She can hold her own in a fight and wears frilly clothes. This archetype is conveyed also by her avatars: the Arma Gigas symbolizes her masculine part and the Queen Lancer is the integration between the feminine and the masculine.
Ruby is the Self - She is both the microchosm and the macrochosm. The self encompasses all the other archetypes, so Ruby has her own story, but her story ties with that of the world. She is her own person, but she also deals with everyone's burden. This is why Red Like Roses is a song about her team. This is why every trailer quote can be applied to Ruby herself. The Ruby/RWBY duplicity symbolizes exactly this archetype.
That said, the RWBY girls deal with all these archetypes. This is because by integrating them one reaches self-actualization, which is the main objective of the characters and of the series, as a whole.
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Blacksmith: True balance finds its own equilibrium. It only requires love and the patience to see things through in the end.
So, Blake represents the shadow, but her arc also deals with the persona and the animus. In particular, she needs to let go of her dark and anti-social persona (the ribbon), so she can show everybody how good the shadow can be (her Faunus heritage). In order to do so, though, she also needs to grow more active and this happens thanks to her integrating the animus.
The animus/anima is linked to 3 ideas:
activity/passivity - the animus (masculine) is linked to proactivity and energy, while the anima (feminine) is associated to passivity and self-reflection
mind/heart or logos/eros- the animus symbolizes mind (logos) and ideals, while the anima represents heart (eros) and emotions
romance - a mature animus/anima leads to healthy and deep romantic bonds
So, the integration of this archetype is basically a person obtaining the traits they lack (active/passive and heart/mind) by growing mature enough for a long-lasting love story. Because of it, narratives often convey this psychological process through (usually) romantic relationships, which bring out the desired attributes.
This is the case for Blake, as well. Our cat girl needs to develop her animus (activity + logos/mind) and goes through a journey, which follows 4 stages. All are linked to different archetypal figures:
Tarzan: man as physical power
Byron: man of action and romance
Lloyd George: man as a professor or orator
Hermes: man as a spiritual guide
By going through all the stages, Blake becomes a full fledged individual and grows mature enough to be in a healthy and balanced relationship:
Blake: When you've been at someone's side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that's just it, they're only a part of you. Don't forget about the rest.
But how do these stages fit Blake's story? Actually, they are pretty easy to find because 2 factors make them obvious.
Each stage is linked to a specific character
Blake shares a song with all these characters
Bonus - the songs actually follow the right order :P
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From shadows, We'll descend upon the world, Take back what you stole. From shadows, We'll reclaim our destiny, Set our future free, And we'll rise. And we'll rise.
Tarzan is the "stud", who protects the woman and is linked to physical strength. Adam embodies exactly this:
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In the Black Trailer he is introduced as an incredibly effective fighter, who takes the lead in his and Blake's fight against the robots and even saves Blake physically. This fits his ideology rooted in violence:
You'll see I'm their hero I'll be lionized I have the strength to do what's needed Unify our people with no compromise Champion the truth until they recognize Lead them to salvation and regain our lives
Blake starts the story by Adam's side and this means 2 things, when it comes to her animus:
She depends on Adam's perceived prowess
She believes the faunus/human conflict can only be solved with strength
In other words, she is passive and her ideology is simplistic and radicalized. This last point fits very well a person who still has to integrate with her animus:
The animus is like an unconscious mind. It manifests negatively in fixed ideas, unconscious assumptions and conventional opinions. A person unconscious of her masculine side tends to be highly opinionated—animus-possessed.
Blake is initially animus-possessed, which is narratively conveyed by her relationship with Adam being abusive. Adam manipulates and enslaves her to the point Blake can't leave and is caught in her partner's dangerous mindset. Her growth lies in separating herself from Adam and finding her own path.
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation…
This quote has a double meaning.
It is about Blake finding her personal freedom and growing into her own person (active)
A person’s animus becomes helpful only when she can tell the difference between her inner man and herself.
It is about Blake finding her own ideals when it comes to the faunus/human conflict (logos)
A person must constantly question her ideas and opinions, measuring these against what she really thinks. If she does, the animus becomes an inner companion who gives her enterprise, courage, objectivity and spiritual wisdom.
These two sides are interconnected in Blake's arc, which really starts with her saying goodbye to Adam:
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And it keeps going with her meeting Sun, her Byron.
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Go where you need to Know I won't leave you I'll follow you like morning follows night You can run 'till your pain's through One thing I won't do Is let you go alone to face the fight
Byron is the wanderer who accompanies the woman into new excting adventures. This description is perfect for Sun, who is introduced as a stowaway who loves exploring the world:
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Moreover, the literal definition of the second stage is man of romance and action:
“I’m more a man of action,” Sun said. “Actions speak louder than words.” (RWBY: Before the Dawn)
Thanks to Sun, Blake grows more assertive:
In the second stage, analogous to the anima as Helen, the animus possesses initiative and the capacity for planned action. He is behind a woman’s desire for independence.
This is conveyed in their 2 major fights:
Blake and Sun vs Torchwick in volume 1
Blake and Sun vs Dragon in volume 4
In the first fight, Blake takes action to confront the White Feng. She investigates the robberies and discovers how much the organization has degenerated. In the second fight, Blake faces a giant Grimm to protect a ship. In order to succeed, she is forced to work with others, despite her stubborness on being alone.
What is more, the 2 battles are the result of Sun following Blake, when she runs away from a teammate. Both times, Blake is fleeing a conflict:
She runs from Weiss, who is linked to the human/faunus divide
She runs from Yang, who is linked to the consequences of Adam's abusive relationship
And yet, Blake is only superficially running away. On a deeper level, she is facing parts of her past, so that she can come back stronger. On the one hand she confronts the White Feng in volume 1. On the other hand she goes back to her family in volume 4. Sun stands beside her in both situations and encourages her to open up and lean on others:
Sun: So… have you told your friends any of this?
Sun: You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it's because we want to. So stop pushing us out. That hurts more than anything the bad guys could ever do to us.
At the same time, Sun helps Blake develop her ideas in regards to the faunus:
Blake: Sun… Are you familiar with the White Fang? Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me! Blake: I was once a member of the White Fang.
Blake: That's not the point, Sun! We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do. So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal. That we're still second-class citizens.
Sun is a faunus like Blake, but he is also different in the sense he is mostly ignorant on the history of faunus rights and movements. This means he has somehow of a simplistic vision, but also that he challenges Blake to explain herself. In other words, he helps her nurture her logos and ideals. This may be why they share a conversation about words:
Blake: No, it's okay. Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, "They are the personification of this word"?
After all, logos literally means word other than thought, so this scene symbolically ties with Blake's inner animus growth. Specifically, it marks a shift in Blake's mentality. Initially, she links others to fixed words. Still, with time she realizes people are not so simple:
Blake: At first I thought Adam was "justice", then I thought he was "passion". But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was "spite". Not "hatred", not "rage", "spite". He won't accept equality, only suffering for what he feels the world did to him, and his way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don't know how long that will last.
Blake leaves her black and white vision behind and embraces complexity. This is why Sun remains indefinite:
Sun: What am I? Blake: Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards "earnest".
Blake and Sun's relationship is a transformative bond, which keeps challenging our cat girl and helps her change. In this way, she finds a new inner determination to move forward:
Blake: I'm going to try and help her the way you helped me. You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear, I tried to push you away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once.
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This time The ways of the past we'll get over We'll climb Enlighten a new state of mind And now I'll stand with you shoulder to shoulder Out of the ashes a new flame ignite Rise up from shadows and into the light We'll stand undivided Our futures aligned A new brotherhood This time
Ghira is the only one of Blake's 4 animus, who isn't a romantic interest (obviously). Still, he fits because Lloyd George is the professor or orator:
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In the LLoyd George stage, the animus is the Word personified, appearing as a professor, clergyman, scholar or some other authoritarian figure.
Ghira is Blake's father and mentor. Not only that, but he is also an inspiration Blake repudiates when she follows Adam. So, our cat girl's healing journey naturally brings her back to him:
Blake: I should have left the White Fang with you and Mom. I should've listened to you, and I'm sorry. (turning away) I'm so, so sorry. Ghira: Blake, it's fine. We never held anything against you, and I never feared you would fail. The only thing I ever feared was that you would fall down the wrong path, and I am so proud to see you haven't
Ghira's immediate forgiveness is key for Blake reforging herself. She has hurt and left him, but Ghira doesn't hold it against her. He even highlights Blake's bravery in coming back and facing her mistakes. He answers Blake's shame with pride and shows people can forgive a loved one's mistake. This helps Blake with her twisted self-perception.
Moreover, Ghira is extremely important when it comes to Blake's ideals. After all, he is the founder and previous leader of the White Feng and the one who brings Blake up to be passionate about faunus right and political activism. By reconciling with him, Blake also reconciles with his ideals:
Blake: We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back.
She vows not to destroy the White Feng, but to make it as it used to be, better even. In other words, she vows to follow in Ghira's footsteps and to surpass him. And she delivers:
Blake: Humans didn't do this. We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him!
Volume 5 opens with Ghira failing to make a speech and it ends with Blake succeeding. She inspires her people and finally finds her personal answer and belief-system:
Blake: You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have to.
This is true also on a personal level:
Saber: Huh? You're just going to forgive her? After everything she did?! Blake: I am.
Ghira: She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.
Blake forgives Ilia, just like Ghira forgives her. In this way, she also fully forgives her past self and moves forward. And her new found passion, hope and determination spread all around. To both Ghira, who starts a new movement and obviously to Ilia, who is saved in two ways:
Ilia: I still don't feel like I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me. Blake: Well, you're going to have to get over it, Ilia. Saving Haven had a huge impact on how Faunus are seen in Mistral. Now it's up to you all to take the progress and keep running with it. Ilia: Right. The White Fang may have been a failure, but with your father starting up a new movement, I've got more faith than ever before. Thank you, Blake, for everything. I wish you didn't have to go.
She is given freedom and she finds a new motivation in Ghira's new group. Her finale mirrors Blake's state of mind after Haven. She is a new person, ready to enter her finale stage of animus development.
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Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore
Hermes is the highest stage of the animus and the incarnation of spiritual meaning:
The animus mediates between the conscious mind and the unconscious. He is a messanger and a helpful guide.
Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing. Yang: Blake. Yang: We did… what we had to do. Blake: I know. But next time, I wanna make sure we don't have to, and I can tell you, ambushing a Huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing. Blake crosses her arms, and her cat ears completely fold over. Yang: Then, maybe we shouldn't.
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Sexuality for a person with such an animus is imbued with spiritual significance.
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As shown above, Yang fits this archetype. As a matter of fact, she and Blake are opposite, so they balance each other out, both when it comes to macro issues and in their personal relationship.
Their confrontation on how to deal with Robyn in volume 7 is a perfect example of this:
Yang: Do you… Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did. Blake remains quiet, her cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her. Yang: You don't agree. Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting. Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options.
The girls disagree on what is better to do. Blake thinks they should prioritize the stability of Atlas and Mantle, at the cost of lying to Ironwood. Yang instead believes Ironwood as a person has the right to know what he is really fighting against. In other words, Blake thinks about the macrochosm and Yang about the microchosm. This is important because it is just another way the bees are complementary. In order they are:
dark (Blake)/ light (Yang) > shadow/persona archetypes
feminine (Blake)/ masculine (Yang) > anima/animus archetype
macrochosm (Blake)/ microchosm (Yang) > self archetype
In other words, they complete each other when it comes to all the major archetypes. It is from these differences that an enriching balance is found. And the compromise they come up with in Atlas ties into it. They trust an individual (Robyn) hoping it will lead to a more stable situation in the whole Kingdom.
At the same time, this equilibrium between opposites can't be found without a proper inner balance, which is the result of the girls' individual development. When it comes to Blake especially, she has to:
Find her own personal answer to the faunus/human rift
See and accept others in all their complexity (light + shadows)
This last point especially ties with the animus journey, which is about seeing a partner as an individual with both flaws and strengths. This fits Yang in particular:
Blake: And I'll protect you. At this, Yang's eyes widen and her expression turns into a frown.
Adam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?
The major conflict upon Blake and Yang's reunion in volume 6 is that they struggle to symbolically reconcile the feminine and the masculine, the damsel and the knight. The answer is that there are not such specific roles in their relationship:
Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her. We're protecting each other.
They are both damsels and knights, beauties and beasts. Yang is the embodyment of strength in Blake's eyes. Still, she is also a person with her own vulnerabilities. And Blake is ready to accept all about her.
The same goes for Yang too, who is able to defeat Adam specifically because she never loses sight of Blake. She knows who Blake really is and is ready to embrace her as a whole:
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Bumbleby's fight against Adam is the moment they affirm their own complementarity and willingness to see each other as wholes. The bridge scene in volume 9 is a top off and confirmation of this wish.
Blake: I… think, you're an extraordinary person.You're… always the first to lighten a situation. You act bravely, when you're afraid. You do what you say.
Yang: Even when they (people) hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you.
They can see the beauty in each other and also accept the other's beast:
Yang: I like that you've never been intimidated by me. Even when you didn't like me all that much. Blake: I was a little wary of people in general. Yang: But you never gave up on them.
At the same time, they reach the platform and so symbolically unity because once again they are complementary. Blake is mind (the result of her animus integration). She's got "a really good brain" and eventually figures out what they have to do to move forward on the bridge:
Blake: Maybe it's… saying things we never said. To each other.
Yang is heart (the result of her anima integration). She is the one who starts complimenting Blake first and opens up a path for them. Eventually, she is the one who starts the confession and shows vulnerability, leading them both on the platform:
Blake: (in thought) I think we're already falling. (turns to Yang) Just, say it, Yang. Yang: I think I love you.
There they unite, which marks Blake's final step of integration with her animus.
This was a short summary of Blake's arc through the anima/animus lens. One final thing to add is that this specific way to interpret her story also fits with her fairy tale: The Beauty and the Beast.
This story can, in fact, be read in 2 different and complementary ways:
It is the story of how an individual can combine light (beauty) and shadow (beast) into one harmonic unit > persona and shadow
It is the story of 2 individuals, one encarnating the masculine (beast) and the other the feminine (beauty), who forge a strong relationship and find balance > anima/animus
This is really Blake's arc in a nutshell, so it is really fitting she is the RWBY embodyment of Beauty&Beast!
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satureja13 · 2 months
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The Friendship between: Kiyoshi and Jeb (Pic above is from our Heidi Special ;)
This is the most mysterious, quiet and serious friendship of all. Like Vlad and Jack, they are both each others best friend. I don't know exactly when they met or when and how they started their friendship. They are premades and they invited themselves into our story when they met Ji Ho at the sports field. Kiyoshi asked Ji Ho if it's ok to invite Jack to the prom. And a little later Jeb showed up at the Space Bar to invite Ji Ho.
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Their friendship must have started after the events at the Lab 3 years ago and I think the 3 old hags witches have had their hands in this. Kiyoshi had been raised in the beliefs of the Council until the faithful day he met Jack, his fated mate. So I don't think he would have befriended a creature like Jeb before this day. They haven't met at the Lab but they both were having a hard time after. Jeb because he failed to rescue the captured and abused kids (that was why he decided to wear that bag on his head) and Kiyoshi had lost everything, became a creature himself and almost died by his own father's hand. I think the witches introduced them so they could console each other since they had no one else. Francine, Jeb's grandmother, is one of the witches and Dtui, Kiyoshi's mentor, the second. And the third is their teacher, Ms Coombes. In hindsight it seems very suspicious/staged that Dtui and Francine mentioned the secret information about the captured kids in the Lab in the living room of the Burrow so Jeb could overhear them. And why had Dtui been at Kiyoshi's familiy's home to apply for a Job at the lab? ö.Ö
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Before they joined our household, we often spotted them together. Like mentioned above at the sportsfield, or here, when Luci escaped and they've been searching for him, Kiyoshi and Jeb were standing there as if we caught them red handed ö.ö' (and Ji Ho had an instant crush on Jeb ^^')
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And recently, when they lived in the other household, I spotted them in the neighborhood together (even though they tried to keep their distance to not act suspicious. But Kiyoshi was topless o.o).
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Saiwa and Jack had always been jealous of these two. (Jeb looks so, so good in the pic below!)
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Romance Factor: 4/5 o.o
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Kiyoshi and Jeb cooking together at the Tavern. They'd been the only ones able to prepare a proper meal. Saiwa had been so jealous that he took cooking lessons to avoid this in the future ^^'
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Kiyoshi and Jeb even had been able to meet in the Otherworld ('riding the fence') long before the others found a way to travel (and stay) there.
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They even seem to have a kind of telepathic connection. And while Kiyoshi was one with the Tree, Jeb often joined him to carry the bruden with him and take away a part of his pain.
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Since Saiwa and Jack moved to the Beach House, they live together in Jeb's apartment. Even though it's kind of Kiyoshi's fault that Jeb and Saiwa (kind of) broke up again and after all the wrongs Kiyoshi did to Jack, I love that they still have such a strong friendship. It has never been easy for them to be friends. Kiyoshi is/was(?) a mole within the Council (where he even had to betray Vlad and put his live in jeopardy) and Jeb never held it against him. He grew up with a grandmother in the Resistance and he knows about the sacrifices that have to be made to fight against the Council.
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Their Friendships (in chronological order):
Giga/Saiwa and Jack
Vlad and Jack (updated)
Giga/Saiwa and Vlad
Kiyoshi and Jeb
Saiwa and Ji Ho (updated)
Ji Ho and Jack
Their Relationships (not updated yet)
Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci)
Saiwa and Jeb
Jack and Kiyoshi
Noxee and Greg
Leander and Wesley (and Vlad)
Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the outtakes o.o
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And here Kiyoshi cought Jack when he sketched Kiyoshi and Jeb together because he thought Jeb was a cat shifter and Kiyoshi's future familiar omg...
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Jeb and Kiyoshi (and Vlad) often team up to make life easier for their partners or to keep them safe. Like here, when they secured the bottom('s) bedroom of the Tavern.
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Or when they secretly built the Beach house in Tomarang.
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And they have chats about their relationships (which is very embarrassing for poor Vlad who isn't used to this ^^')
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 📜 7-12 📜 13-16 📜 17-22 📜 23-28
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mademoiselle-cookie · 7 months
The Green lost
And I have mixed feelings about it.
1. First, good.
In-universe, bc having the good guys teams being eliminated first is so bittersweet and I love this shit. No one is free of sin, everyone did something wrong and fucked-up at some point, but each team has its thing : the Red are the crazy one, the Blue the bad guy one and the Green are the kind one. It's the group who's leader has forbidden to burn stuff bc it's not nice, who chose to help a team even after they destroy their stuff in the most cowardly and spiteful way, who still had principles in this nightmare of an island. They had really strong members with exp in this kind of situations. And they lost. Wonderful.
Out-of-universe, bc whatever shit the admins have in mind, the player can leave now. Etoiles was starting to get tired of Minecraft and it was taking up a lot of his time. Taking a week's break and getting away from the drama will be good for the team (especially Bagi, poor girl got harassed a lot. I love you Bagi)
2. Wasted potential.
If the event was really for pvp, and the team members had been able to be present earlier, the Greens would have been the strongest. And now we will never have the opportunity to see the full extent of their strength and talent.
BUT ABOVE ALL, their team dynamic. The players weren't that used to playing together, so it was an opportunity to see them exchange more, create or explore their relationships more… The creation of a found family is super interesting!
Seeing the friendship between Roier and Etoiles, two fighters who absolutely want to fight but still have honor (what an idea to put them in the same team) with the added dynamic of a knight and his leader to protect (Mario and Peach lol), Forever very intelligent and strategist who calls himself the mother of the team, Elquackity the traitor who did not show his true potential (except when he voluntarily gave victory to the Red on the 2nd day), Ironmouse who had a very touching and interesting moment with Etoiles about their chronic illness… is something I wanted to see develop. And it will never happened.
3. It was a foregone conclusion.
The competition with the punishment of being eliminated for the loser was announced a few hours before said competition. The day when many Green players are normally not there, where the leader and strongest and most present member on the server had another more important event at the same time. You're not going to make me believe that any of the admins didn't know that this tournament existed, or that Etoiles, a Smash player, would ignore it despite its great importance. The competition could have taken place on Saturday instead of shutting down the server, or it could have been closed for another day, or the admins could have warned the players that something important would happen on Sunday so they could have tried to work something out.
I ask everyone watching Green's POV, did you even have hope that they would win? Well not me. I love them, I think they're the best, but I had no illusions. They were going to lose. The tie was impossible, the event would have been pointless otherwise, and the victory too because the clues indicate very clearly that the Blue are the cursed team. The Greens could not, and should not, win.
It sucks to be a Green Team fan.
4. I'm afraid of what's next.
I'm hoping for two scenarios now that the Greens have been "terminated":
They die and players can do other things until the end of the event. That would be great but unlikely. QSMP is not going to exclude several of its players like that, that would be unfair. There aren't that many of them already.
The Greens are sent elsewhere. That would be giga top. This would promise interesting and different content (and perhaps allow players who want blood to obtain satisfaction) in addition to making the threat of Purgatory credible. The players are inaccessible to others - even considered dead - and must suffer because of some thing that the eye has invented.
See my vision: Cellbit mourning his dead husband, while Roier is having the time of his life in whatever hell the Eye send the Green. That will be so perfect.
But that would require a lot of preparation, while the admins are not even sure that the players will stay or that they will like these new changes.
What I really don't want to happen but is very, very likely:
The Greens are redistributed among the other teams. Lost their new team dynamic, lost everything they had started to create, they now have to adapt to a new group, who were once their enemies and who have at one time or another done a nasty deed to them, and fght their former comrades. They will also have to obey a new leader whom they did not elect. You can think what you want about Etoiles but he was chosen, and him as leader allowed a certain dynamic that would not be possible with other people and another leader. And that would ruin the danger and credibility of Purgatory which threatens people's lives and then leaves them alive and in the company of their friends.
Worse, Etoiles ends up on the Red team. First, I want to see them lose (which should happen anyway since they're not the cursed team), and also because I don't trust the Red fanbase with Etoiles at all. Not even with an anti-atomic suit. There's a reason I hate Bolas, and it's not the cc's fault. (One day we'll have to talk about using a character played by an Algerian to be a literal white man's dog)
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kyraxyrespace · 1 year
Evolution of White Knight in RWBY (Volume 9)
Episode 9.1 “A Place of Particular Concern” has Weiss admitting to what happened on the bridge. She doesn’t outright say Penny was killed by Jaune. Instead, she says that Jaune helped as best he could, and that Penny sacrificed herself. This is HUGE because she’s showing no resentment for his actions, and recognizes he was put into a position that was going to have an unfavorable outcome.
Episode 9.3 “Rude, Red, Royal,” nothing officially between the two, but Jaune’s nickname of Snow Angel for Weiss becomes literal when she summons up a pair of Nevermore wings.
Episode 9.4 “A Cat Most Curious,” again nothing official, but when Weiss was complaining about why they could not have teamed up with other Ever After characters like the Lively Carpenter or the Rusted Knight, she mentions that the knight is handsome. While she is not directly referencing Jaune in this case, the running theory in the FNDM is that Jaune will fill in the role of the Rusted Knight, and so this will be an interesting take. Will she still think the Rusted Knight is handsome if he does in fact turn out to be Jaune?
Episode 9.6 “Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds” Weiss joins in the group hug with Jaune. When the girls are asking him questions, Yang begins the question of “And when did you get so…” Weiss hops in close to the camera and finishes with “mature.” This causes her to heavily blush when she gets stares from her teammates, especially Yang’s. Since Jaune later confirms that he’s the Rusted Knight from Alyx’s story, Weiss was in fact indirectly referring to Jaune as handsome. After they hear Jaune’s story, Weiss is the first to apologize for the struggles he went through. When later found by the Curious Cat, Weiss (and Ruby) step forward to confront the cat, putting themselves on the front line in front of Jaune.
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Episode 9.7 “The Perils of Paper Houses” has Weiss first out of the house after Jaune, and is the one asking what’s going on. When Team RWBY and Jaune are strategizing, Weiss sits down next to him. If Ruby wasn’t in her downward spiral, she would have been the one sitting next to Jaune helping to strategize, but instead Weiss takes her place next to Jaune. When Jaune returns from saddling up Juniper, he comes back in time to hear Weiss say “he’s not all there,” which upsets him. When he’s confronted by the team and his reasonings for not going to the tree or allowing the Paper Pleasers to go to the tree, it’s Weiss who is challenging him on why he cares about the village and it’s to her question that we get his response about protecting them. When the Jabberwalkers attack, Jaune and Weiss team up in the fight. Despite their earlier clash and the current fight, Jaune takes some time to thank Weiss for the assistance when she summoned her Arma Gigas to destroy one of Neo’s Jabberwalkers (and gets reminded by Yang to stay focused). When his sword is knocked away, Weiss grabs it and throws it back to him, which he then knocks into a Jabberwalker. After the dam breaks on the Paper Pleasers’ village, Weiss joins in on comforting a distraught Jaune. After Jaune unloads on Ruby, Weiss is the one that approaches him and calls his name, which snaps him out of his anger. When Jaune speaks about being alone on the bridge and being the only one, while Blake and Yang are clearly upset seeing him so upset, Weiss is the only one who was there and knows exactly what he means, and her face clearly shows it. Maybe it's a model error, but when Ruby says shut up and we get a look at the group again, Weiss’ hand is raised and poised like it was reaching out to Jaune. Was she going to comfort him? Wipe his tears away? Was something supposed to happen but Ruby cut it off?
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Episode 9.8 “Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble” has very little in terms of content unless you’re squinting. Weiss is seen standing next to Jaune in several shots inside of Neo’s house, and in one shot it even looks like Jaune is stepping in front of Weiss to take a hit from the Cat. Where the squinting comes in is that when it shows the view from behind, it doesn’t reflect this at all. I don’t know if this is just overreach or positioning mistakes (normally I wouldn’t think this, but episode nine had the girls teleporting from one frame to the other, so honestly anything is possible at this point), but in one frame it looks like he's going to take a majority of the hit for Weiss (like Blake did for Yang) and the next frame he’s barely even near her. Either way, I really liked how Weiss and Jaune looked standing next to each other in this episode.
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Episode 9.9 “A Tale Involving a Tree” Weiss is sitting behind Jaune on Juniper and had her arms wrapped around him. When J+WBY return to the Paper Pleaser’s village and Jaune is distressed, Weiss walks over and places a comforting hand on his back, assuring him that whatever he can’t understand can be figured out. When Jaune has an epiphany that ascension wasn’t actually that bad and he was being selfish so that he could be the hero (because he can’t let go of all the people he couldn’t save), Weiss is the one to lift his spirts, assuring him that even the best huntsmen have lost, but they were still good. Hearing this reassurance from her has Jaune tear up and is only able to say her name. Weiss then hugs him, being the one who initiates it (Blake and Yang jump in after). When the hug is broken, Weiss and Jaune still hold each other in a rather intimate manner (the only other time we’ve seen him hold her waist is when he was supporting her off the bridge). It’s only Weiss who he keeps hold of; he doesn’t try to hold Blake’s hand or put an arm around her. While I can’t definitively prove it, it looks to me that he keeps his eyes on her while ending the hug, which would parallel him being unable to take his eyes off of Weiss back in Volume 6, Episode 7 (and even there, when he was hugging Blake, he kept his arm around her shoulders and dropped connection with her after the hug). When J+WBY decide to protect Wooden!Ruby from Curious Cat, Jaune and Weiss stand next to each other. During the fight, Weiss hears Jaune cry out from a strike by Illusion!Pyrrha, almost a call back to Volume 5, Episode 11 when Jaune heard Weiss cry out in her battle with Vernal. She tries to help him by firing a fireball at Curious Cat, but it ends up striking Jaune instead and sends him over the edge of their platform. When Weiss sees this, she lets out a “No!” as he goes over the edge while on fire.
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Episode 9.10 “Of Solitude and Self” has small moments because this is the big finale that needs to focus on wrapping up the volume. The most important thing is how comfortable the two are around each other. The two stand next to each other and hold hands before they step through the door. When Jaune is reverted back to his youthful age and looks, she’s the one giggling when Jaune realizes his voice went back up in octaves (everyone else is remaining smiling). Jaune follows Weiss through the portal leading to Vacuo, and the two are seen standing next to each other overlooking Shade Academy.
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amandacastroworld · 5 months
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Child (After)
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Child (Before)
Monica Adult/Woman Godmother/Jorel's Sister
Feature films
Monica Adult x Miraculous
Monica Adult 2: Monica's Gang x My Little Pony
Monica Adult 3: meets Special Agent Oso
Monica Adult 4: Special Friend Pen Pal
Monica Adult 5: meets Pokémon
Monica Adult 6: Big Nate meet Pixie Girl
Monica Adult 7: Monica Adult x WALL-E
Monica Adult 8: Little Flower Save the Day
Monica Adult 9: meets Ant Man
Monica Adult x Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother and Big Nate stay the House at Party
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes vs Queen Bully
Monica Adult 10: meet Papa Louie and Friends
Monica Adult vs Evil Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: meets Sonic and his Friends
Monica Adult: The Sonic and Amy Games
Monica Adult: meets Totally Spies
Monica Adult: Disneyland Paris
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes saves Mothers and Fathers
Monica Adult: Spies meets Pinocchio
Short films:
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother saves the day
Monica Adult: Little Flower and the Best Friends
Monica Adult: Wedding of Nina and Carlos
Monica Adult the Series (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)
Monica Adult and Jorel's Brother (1, and 2)
Monica Adult: Team Godmother and Godfather
Emma Stone (Adult/speaking)
Jill Scott (singing)
America Young (Teen)
Cassidy Naber (Child)
Monica's Gang
Manolo Sánchez
Marc Anciel
María Posada
Pixie Girl
Fairy Godmother
Character information
Full Name
Mônica de Sousa
Other names
Bucktoothed Shorty (all insults by the bad boys)
Goat (by Nathaniel)
Aunt (by Toodler Marc)
Mommy (by Monique, Walter and Jimmy Six)
Miss Sousa (by Mailman)
Queen Monica (by Sabrine Chang)
Woman Godmother (by Jorel's Brother, Jorel, Lara and Nico)
Woman Rich (by Raindow Dash)
Jorel's Sister (by Betterfly)
Miss Monica (by Jorel's Brother, Lara, Betterfly and Pinocchio)
9 Years 13 Years 19 Years 24 Years 25 Years Years 26
Godmother Work
Worker of Cafeland
Fashion designer
Maggy/Captian Godmother's boss
Owner of Jimmy Five
Cocoplay School Adult and Teens
Monica's Giga Mansion
Fighting crime, red dresses, Maggy, Jimmy Five the hero, Smudge, her friends, her powers, Nina, Marc Anciel, Miraculous Heroes, Nathaniel, Raindow Dash, Dotty, Pikachu, Pokemon, help friends healing Nina, Good Gabriel, Marinette and Adrien (Cat Noir and Ladybug), her kids, Magic Rings, Video Games, her pupil Jorel's Brother, Cafeland, Playing a Little Flower, Her Adoptive Sister, Jorel's Brother, Dreams, going to balls, dancing, singing, animals, romance, flowers, money, youtubers, games, French Miraculous superhero team, Flower Miraculous, Dance, Singing, Totally Spies, Pinocchio
Jimmy Five the villain, being teased, Jimmy Five stealing Samson from her Nina is died, Snakes, Monicuda, Lila Rossi, Jorel's Brother a trouble, Bullying, Wall-Monicuda, Mother and Father's Death, Haters, Her hater, Bullies, Dr. Eggman, Tails' Bullies
Powers and abilities
Super-human strength
Immense strength
Immense surability Leaping Craftiness Agility
Size Manipulation
Control Size Addition Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability
Cryokinesis Life creation Extract water memories
Communication with animals
Communication with Jorel's Brother
Superhuman Strength
Elasticity Shape-shifting Metamorphosis Hand-to hand combat Density alteration
Invisibility Force field generation
See below
Depending on the character she interprets it has various powers
Samson (Bunny)
Magic Wand
Magic Pen
First Aid
Magic Rings
Gold Boots
Flower Miraculous
Gold, Money, Diamond and Crystal Headband
Glow-Up Tiara
Magic Headband
Card Gifts
Nina's Music Box
Family information
Mr. Sousa †  (father)
Luísa Sousa † (mother)
Jimmy Five (husband)
Nina (Crush/girlfriend)
Other relatives:
Mary Angela (Sister-in-law)
Mr. Five (father-in-law)
Ms. Five (mother-in-law)
Eve-Maggy (Sister-in-law)
Alan (Co Brother-in-law)
Alice and Elena (Nieces)
Alan Jr. (Nephew)
Angel Boy (Adoptive Brother-in-law)
Emma (Niece)
Wall-Monica (Twin Sister)
Bibi (Adoptive Sister)
Monique (daughter)
Walter (adoptive son)
Jimmy Six (son)
Jimmy Five Jr. (son)
Jônica and Cenourinha (twins son and daughter)
Jorel's Brother and Lara (Guardians)
Ditto (pet dog)
Sky (Pegasus)
Friends / Allies
Cebolinha (rival and love interest; later husband)
Cascão Magali (best friend) Doreen Jeremiah Franklin Sunny Denise Marina Milena Angel/Angelo The River Mermaid
Mrs. Johnson
Doctor Isabel
Her Teacher
Mrs. Anciel
Mr. Anciel
Nathaniel's Mother
Nathaniel's Father
Lily Anciel
Evil Monicuda
Evil Magaluda
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Zoé Lee/Vesperia
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
Luka Couffaine/Viperion Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Félix Fathom/Argos
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Re Verse)/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Paw Noir
Socqueline Wang/Caterpillar
Gabriel Agreste/Re-Verse
Aurore Beauréal
Mireille Caquet
The Forgotten
Sabine Cheng
My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Fuchsia Blush
Lavender Lace
Spike the Dragon
Special Agent Oso
Marie Mouse
Nicole Sims
Nina Castro (Fan/Best Friend/Girlfriend)
Carlos de Castro Oliveira
Ash Ketchum
Isabelle Stone
Pixie Girl
Teacher Games
Suzy Willows
Nate Wright
Ellen Wright 
Francis Pope
Teddy Ortiz Jenny Jenkins Mr. Rosa Artur Pashkov (sometimes) Dee Dee Holloway Chad Applewhite Daphne Ruby Dinsmore
EVE M-O Captain B. McCrea Hal VN-GO VAQ-M PR-T L-T BR-LA D-FIB HAN-S WALL-A John Mary
Bibble (Helper/Maid)
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Jorel's Brother
Ana Catarina
Danuza Edson 
Rovena Fabinho Marcelinho
Marc Anciel's Aunt
Marc Anciel's Uncle
Marc Anciel's Cousins
Doctor Isadora
Sofia (Girlfriend)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Rouge the Bat
Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Knuckles the Echidna
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
Big the Cat
Totally Spies
Alexandra Huang
Sam Sullivan
Clover Andersson Jerry Lewis Britney Tang
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck
Chip and Dale
Disney Heroes and Princesses
Amanda de Brown
Forgotten de Brown
Sofi/Guardian the Robot (Timm's Girlfriend/Fan/Best Friend)
Rosie's Mother (Angel)
Rosie Flower
Blue Fairy
Jiminy Cricket
Honest John (formerly)
Gideon (formerly)
Lucky the Cat
Momo the Cat
Kenny the Cat
Angelo and Julia
Vivica's Twin Sons
Queen Monique
Sophia (Nathaniel's Sister)
Hazel's Teacher
Penha (archenemy)
Captain Fray Agnes Agnes's Parents Sofia Viviane, the Witch Dr. Spam Yuka Cebolinha (everytime he tries to steal her bunny) Cascão (everytime he helps Jimmy' plans)
Lila Rossi
Lila's Clones
Evil Monica† 
Angel (Tekken)
Bibble (formerly)
Evil Fuleco
Lucky the Cat (formerly)
Momo the Cat (formerly)
Kenny the Cat (formerly)
The three Rich Angel Girls
Angel's Three Sisters
Team Rocket (sometimes)
Jessie (archenemy)
James (second archenemy)
Meowth (third archenemy)
Gina Hemphill-Toms
Mrs. Godfrey (adult archenemy)
GO-4 † SECUR-T units
WALL-E's Rival
Queen Lady †
Monicuda's Mother†
The Witch†
Evil Jorel's Brother†
Scooter's Bullies
Evil Hair Salon†
Queen Bully†
Dr. Eggman
Shelly (Shadow's Rival)
Mandy Dominique Caitlin Mindy
3 Pinocchio's Rivals
Honest John Gideon Stromboli Coachman Coachman's Minions
Monica is a genius, billionaire, rich, playboy, and philanthropist.
Jimmy Five then decides to send her away to study with the all boys in Paris (Miraculous) in order to curb her rebellious New Face and become a proper adult. When she is sent off, Jimmy Five cries and excuses himself.
Monica, and Maggy returns to Lemon Tree Street ten years later having grown into two beautiful young womans adults (24 years), Marc Anciel, Nathaniel, Mylene and Marinette's Friends becomes Teenages and Lily Anciel (Marc Anciel's Sister) becomes Hair adult
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Twas the night before Christmas, when throughout the sekai's Not a creature was stirring, no girls and no guys. The stockings were hung by the microphones with care, In hopes that St Miku soon would be there.
The characters were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of vocaloids danced in their heads. And meiko in her ‘kerchief, and Kaito in his cap, Had just settled their brains for a long winter’s nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, The leaders sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window Ichika flew like a flash, Tsukasa tore open the shutters and Kohane threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to Kanades wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sekai, and eight tiny producers.
With a little young driver, so lively and new, Minori knew in a moment it must be St Miku, More rapid than Butterflies her coursers they came, And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
"Now, Circus! now, Cosmo! now, Wowaka and Ryo! On, Giga! On, Mitchie! on, Pinocchio and Deco! To the top of the stage! to the top of the school! To the top of the street! Now dash away all !"
As dry leaves that before the rolling girl roll, When they meet with an obstacle, to patrol the sky they go. So up to the wheel the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of songs, and St Miku too.
And then, in a twinkling, they heard on the ground The singing and music of vocaloids all round. As they drew in their heads, and were turning around, Down the chimney St Miku came with a bound.
She was dressed festively, from her tie to her feet, But she still kept the colours that made her unique. A bundle of gifts she had, like the world was hers And she looked them in the eyes, with nothing but mirth.
Her eyes-how they twinkled! her outfit how merry! Her hair were like ribbons, the colour of blueberry! Her kind little mouth was drawn up like a bow, This was no servant of evil, oh no.
A guitar round her back, and a mic in her hand Flowers, red string, and a flag, like a holiday garland She had a tie that was blue, and a number 01, That was straight on her skin, to show how often she won.
She was soft, kind, and fun, a right jolly old elf, They laughed when the saw her, in spite of themselves! A wink of her eye and a twist of her head, Soon gave the leaders to know they had nothing to dread.
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work, And filled the stockings with gifts, then turned with a jerk. And laying her finger aside of her nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney she rose!
She sprang to his sleigh, to her team no damnation, And away they all flew like petals of a carnation. But I heard her exclaim, ‘ere she drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"
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epic-arc · 1 year
Rwby x JoJo Bizarre Adventure Short 1: ''Is this a---''
Team RWBY and JNPR together with oscar would be having coffee together in the cafeteria until nora would look at the whole group and ask a very curious question.
Nora: Guys if our stands are a representation of our soul what they do when they are activated but we don't give any order…?
Weiss: Nora are you drinking coffee again?
Nora: Nope renny tell me that if I drink coffee again I'll go a whole week without pancakes..
Oscar: Well, I don't see a problem with testing nora theory, so let's go guys?
Everyone agrees and activates their stands and enjoys the afternoon until Yang's stand approaches Blake's stand and caresses his cat ears, which makes the stand purr and Blake gets a happy expression and approaches Yang hugging her arm which would make yang gets quite flushed.
Jaune: Hehe looks like gambol shroud likes to get affection from ember celica hehe
Yang: W-Well vomit boy i think it's a good idea you check your stand before commenting!
Jaune would check croceas mors and he would be blushing because his stand was being hugged and head patted by pyrrha and weiss stands.
Jaune: O-ok you w-win this t-time y-yang!
They would chuckle at the couples situation until oscar checks out and sees fedelis giving roses to cresent rose which makes her blush. Oscar saw that and his face turned completely red and ruby ​​noticed and would giggle and hug oscar patting him on the head and giving him a kiss on his cheek.
Ren: Hm congrats nora looks like your theory was correct.
Nora: Hehe never doubt my intelligence renny!
Ren would just chuckle and approach Nora and kiss her cheek making Nora's face blush and soon she would try to hide her face from Ren and he would chuckle more and meanwhile storm flower would be giving pancakes to magnild.
(Weiss stand is arma gigas and pyrrha stand is called IRON MAIDEN)
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greentrickster · 2 years
Take the Blue Door
(Archie arrives back in his world, in the water... but on the surface instead on having been swept beneath it. Say one thing for him, he sticks to his brand - he’s always been a good swimmer and he knows his water survival techniques inside and out. Shoes get kicked off, his sharpedo is deployed to help him stay above water. But there’s still Kyogre’s storm to deal with and, while he still has the pokeball that contained it in that other world, he has no idea if it will listen to him now that the pair of them are back in their own world, or if he’ll even be able to make himself heard over the storm-
He turns around, there’s a boat speeding towards Kyogre, and standing in the bow, pokemon already facing off against Kyogre, are Champion Steven Stone and-
But his old rival drags him onboard (where he discovers the person at the helm is Gym Leader Wallace, water type expert and all), and he’s able to lend his pokemons’ strength in helping subdue Kyogre and capture it in its pokeball once more. Archie then relinquishes Kyogre’s pokeball to Steven. He’s in so much trouble, but at least he and the rest of the world are alive to face it...
“I can’t believe- no, I take it back, I absolutely can believe it, you barnacle-encrusted, salt-for-brains, magikarp-witted-!”
“Hey, Max?”
“Thanks fer comin’ fer me.” And he just leans on Maxie like he used to, like in the old days when they were on the same team, and his old rival/friend splutters something fierce, but he doesn’t push him away, just huffs and adjusts his posture to better support Archie.
And he’s too tired from what just happened to talk about it right now, but when he’s a bit more rested, he’s going to mention to Maxie that there’s a young man in Sinnoh who’s developing some technology that Maxie might like, him being so into human advancement and ingenuity and all. (Because no scamp should have to end up so lonely and depressed they try and remake the world to make it stop, so Archie’s going to make sure that doesn’t happen.))
Take the Red Door
(Maxie arrives back in his own world at the bottom of the fissure he’d been falling into when he was whisked away to the other world, uninjured. And he might not be as smart as he thinks he is, but he’s still quick on his feet, summoning his crobat to fly him back to the surface and try and stop what he’s started. He reaches it in time to see Archie and his admins sending out their strongest water types to attack Groudon.
“Trust a pirate to always show up uninvited!”
Archie’s shocked enough at Maxie’s appearance that the Magma leader has time to drop down beside him and deploy his own pokemon (because he likes to make an entrance). “Mightyena, use Ice Fang on Groudon!”
“Yer helpin’ us?”
“Let’s just say I’ve had a rearrangement of priorities.”
The four of them subdue Groudon to the point that Maxie is able to properly recapture it. After everyone’s caught their breaths, Archie warily asks what his once-friend plans to do next. And Maxie just turns to him smiles, and announces, “I’m going to take Groudon and run away to Sinnoh.”
“You’re what?!?”
“It’s struck me that, while both of us have good intentions, we’ve also both been inherently flawed in our methods. Perhaps... there is enough of water and land both already in the world, and we simply need to become better in how we care for and make use of it.”
“After this mess? I can agree with that,” Archie scratches his head, “But why Sinnoh?”
“It doesn’t have extradition treaties with Hoenn. And I have reason to believe there’s a young man there with some interesting ideas on how to help change the world for the better, with a preference to clean energy that might just tickle your environmentalist fancy. One who could use a little more... balance in his life.” Maxie turns and smirks at him, “That is if I can interest you and your team accompanying me and mine...”
(Over in Sinnoh there’s a young man with severe undiagnosed depression in the process of starting up his own eco-clean energy company who’s about to get adopted by a pair of fugitives only a few years older than him, who make it their life’s goal to ensure he knows, in success or failure, he’s not alone.))
Take the Grey Door
(Cyrus comes to on Spear Pillar in his original world, the red chains still in his hands, Palkia and Dialga still in the beginning stages of bringing about the new world he’d commanded them to make. And he knows that he could still do it, there’s nothing here to stop him, he could ignore what happened in that other world and bring about one free of the suffering caused by human emotion and spirit...
He looks up at the gods he has literally bound to his will, looks down at his own hands... and lets go of the chains. The strange mass before him that had been becoming the new world vanishes as though it had never been, the world around it snapping back into place. It takes the work of moments for the gods of Time and Space to shake themselves free of their chains and turn on him-
He turns from the gods bearing down on him to see Cynthia charging up the steps to the Spear Pillar, some others behind her, anger but also fear in her expression.
A little part of him flickers in brief realization that, while the anger is at him... the fear is probably for him.
It’s enough to let him give her a small nod, the tiniest of smiles, before something grabs him from behind, and he’s yanked into darkness.
Cyrus comes to again in Distortion World, with Giratina staring down at him. Which is frankly unexpected, because he’d been under the impression he was about to get smote by divine wrath. He stands, dusts himself off, and looks up at the massive pokemon deity. “Why did you do that?”
Giratina cocks their head at him, then, in a mental voice that’s only mildly mind-numbingly eldritch, replies, “You vanished. Then returned. Then let go. Then awaited judgement. The other one tried, and tried again, and still has yet to repent. You have changed in a moment. And you are not afraid of me.” Giratina leans in and gently nudges Cyrus on the forehead with their nose. “I will calm my siblings’ ire. You are interesting. I will be watching you.”
The ground falls out from beneath Cyrus’s feet, and he lands in a stunned heap in front of a startled Cynthia.
And also a very emotional Mars and Saturn, with a slightly more stoic but relieved-looking Jupiter in the background.
“You weren’t really going to leave without us, right Boss?” “Please don’t leave us behind!”
“You’re not still planning to remake the universe, right?” Cynthia adds, fierce but also concerned.
It’s not the welcome back he was expecting (because he wasn’t expecting one), and he ends up blurting out, “No, I’m not. Doing either of those things.” then, without intending to, “...I think I may have depression.”
Cynthia looks relieved even as his admins take this as permission to latch onto Cyrus and give him hugs. “We can get you help with that. If you want.”
And Cyrus remembers the other Cynthia, standing in a doorway looking back at him. “It’s good to see you again. I like our Cyrus, but he’s not you.”
“I think... I do.”)
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strip4kaneshiro · 2 years
Luca, Ike, and Shu as songs I want them to sing from my Spotify playlist
Luca Kaneshiro
Goodbye Declaration- Chinozo
Electric Angel- Yasuo (Giga-P mix)
These Words- Natasha Bedinfield
Alter Ego- Misumi
Vampire- DECO*27
Fiction- sumika
Ike Eveland
Love Trial- 40mP
Electric Angel- Yasuo (Giga-P mix)
Goodbye Declaration- Chinozo
Tale of the Deep Sea Lily- n-buna
Hibana- DECO*27
Gee- Girls Generation
I Can’t Stop The Loneliness- Anri
Alter Ego- Misumi
Shu Yamino
Hibikase- REOL
Ghost City Tokyo- Ayase
I Like Me Better-Lauv
terekakushi shishunki sana- honeyworks
Sure Thing- Miguel
Group Songs
Otome Dissection- DECO*27
Day 1- Red Velvet
TONDEMO-WONDERZ - sasakure.uk
Salamander- DECO*27
Niccori Survey Team- Wonderful⭐️opportunity
Tale of the Deep Sea Lily- n-buna
Psycho- Red Velvet
Blue Hour- Tomorrow X Together
NijiVocals, my faves who always end up serving for no reasons. I didn’t have any songs ready on my Spotify that would fit for Mysta and we already know I don’t write for vox so 👁👁. Anywaysss a good chunk of these are Vocaloid songs but I don’t think you guys care teehee. Nijisanji if your reading this, PLS let the boys be on their WONDAHOIIII ARCCC!! Luca and Emu on that same adhd BRAINCELL HAVING ARC LETS GOOO!! For some of these, key changes r obvious, like the kpop ones. Yknow how male idols will cover girl group songs?? That’s the vibe I wanna set for them, esp this one Psycho cover in particular on YT.
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FAST discovers largest atomic gas structure around a galaxy group Atomic gas is the basic material that all galaxies are formed from. The evolution of galaxies is mostly a procedure of accreting atomic gas from the intergalactic medium and then converting it into stars. For this reason, observation and exploration of atomic gas in and around galaxies is crucial to the study of galaxy formation and evolution models. The most direct method of exploring atomic gas is through observation of the 21-cm fine structure line emission of atomic hydrogen in the radio waveband. Recently, using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) 19-beam receiver, an international team led by XU Cong, a researcher from the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), carried out deep mapping observations of 21-cm line emission in a region around the famous compact group of galaxies "Stephan's Quintet," and discovered a very large atomic gas structure with a length of about 2 million light years (about 20 times the size of the Milky Way). Their findings were published in Nature on Oct. 19. FAST is currently the largest and most sensitive single-dish radio telescope in the world, and its 19-beam receiver is the largest L-band multibeam feed array for 21-cm line observations. The full commissioning of the FAST 19-beam receiver opened a new window on atomic gas in the Universe, particularly for low density diffuse gas far away from galaxies. "This is the largest atomic gas structure ever found around a galaxy group," said XU. The observations reached a sensitivity of 1σ=4.2×1016 cm-2 per channel (Δv=20 km s-1; angular-resolution=4'), making them currently the most sensitive observations of atomic hydrogen 21-cm line emission at this angular resolution. Ever since its discovery by the French astronomer Edouard Stephan in 1877, Stephan's Quintet has continued revealing puzzles related to the complex web of galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-intragroup medium interactions in the group. The new observations show that large-scale, diffuse, low density gas (with a column identity less than 1018cm-2) exists far away from the center of the group, and it is likely that the gas has been there for ~1 giga years. The observations challenge the current theory of galaxy-group formation/evolution because it is not clear how the low-density atomic gas can survive ionization by the intergalactic UV background on such a long time scale. IMAGE....A map of the atomic hydrogen (HI) 21-cm line emission (shown as the red haze) in the vicinity of Stephan's Quintet, a famous compact group of galaxies discovered in 1887, overlaid on a deep optical color image CREDIT NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI
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aqgarts · 3 months
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It's my birthday and you know ow what that means
I wish I was drunk and/or 6 ft under!
Anyway, I don't get the chance to procrastinate over my art today and I'm honestly a little shitty abt that.
But, on the bright side, I plan on doing a few things when I've finished this piece:
. Wf art- gonna draw my frames and co, might make a few finished pieces, idk.
. Halofied characters- gonna finish our boy Ghost, start the rest of 141, maybe do a few Star Wars characters and/or wf characters (Natah would be an AI 100%).
. The Giga series- I have a few more Giga Alice things to do, then it's onto Giga Douglas, Soren, Griffin, etc. Master Cheeks won't ever be a Giga cas he lost his virginity.
. More Kalmaya art- maybe redraw her and make some concepts of her team and AI co. Idk yet, but ima have some fun :3
. Firefall- I love this lil dude.
. More book concept stuff/writing- idk yet, but ima enjoy that
That's it for now, see y'all later :p
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abattoirstars · 11 months
Franchising Without The Union: F1's Strange Administration, or Why Sports Is Inherently Anti-Capitalist.
a psbb long read about the weird structure of F1
As an ecosystem where (in theory) best rise to the top, regardless of money, sports has two options when responding to late capitalism: regulate investment so that performance itself remains the deciding factor OR reduce competition to make sports a safer investment. Open competition creates jeopardy, and the ability to lose, and even more than giga-rich capitalists love to win, they HATE to lose.
The US' response to this is Franchising. Promotion and relegation are removed so that each franchise that buys into the league is guaranteed a spot at the highest level. With no ability to enter/leave the league, (almost) all secondary leagues collapse with the exception of college sports, which is its own separate and strange ecosystem.
At a glance, this looks to be the F1 model. Franchises buy into the limited places in F1 and (theoretically) only leave when they want to, rather than being forced out because of performance. Williams have been bottom of the table for years, but because they don't want to sell their spot they're still there, and might have made something other than the worst car on the grid this year (well done lads). If there's movement between F1 and F2 it's individual drivers, NOT franchises. Rather than Wolves, Southampton, and Leicester getting relegated, Daniel Ricciardo loses his starting spot, and rather than Burnley, Luton, and Sheffield United coming up, Oscar Piastri is released from contract hell onto the grid.
However, what F1 lacks is the surprisingly radical (some would argue Wealth Redistribution) Playing Field Levelling Initiatives of US sports leagues. To make sure owners don't get too antsy and sell up every few years (looking at you Jordan, Midland, Spyker, Force India, Racing Point Force India, Racing Point, Aston Martin), if you're the worst team in the NFL, NBA, NHL, or MLB you get the first draft pick of the following year and, in theory, the best young prospect in the sport. At the very least you get the bargaining power that everyone knows you have the pick of new best young prospects, rather than Max Verstappen being snapped up by the Red Bull ecosystem before he even gets a sniff at F2. If you're the Chicago Bears, a team that went 3-14 last year, you won't have the training staff or the prestige of the Dallas Cowboys, and they can find the money to fill out the salary cap much easier, but they can't outspend you on the salary cap.
F1, however, would never stoop to such evil socialism. Sure, every team works to a $140m development cap, but this doesn't include money towards F1 drivers, reserve or development drivers, or - hilariously - an organisations three highest paid employees. So Red Bull finding $1.8m for "free lunches" doesn't actually matter, the system lets them outspend anyone outside of the top 4 by hundreds of millions anyway. Admittedly, with Red Bull specifically, it gets a bit complicated because they have Adrian Newey, a genuine genius who gives them the sort of advantage you should have in sport, but the extent to which you can point at their success and say 'well done Adrian that's all you' is limited when they can so comprehensibly outspend everyone else.
So this leaves F1 in a strange spot. There's no results-based relegation/promotion but there is constant financial precarity if you're anyone other than Red Bull, Mercedes, Ferrari, and probably McLaren. And when securing funding is based at least partially on results (now that it's slightly harder to just stick a Russian Oligarch's son in your American F1 Team's cockpit and move on with your day), a strange semi-results based relegation emerges from a league that does not want you to be able to compete financially with the big dogs. A league run by people like Mario Isola who think that the correct sporting decisions are the ones that make sure the Best Teams stay Good, the Bad Teams stay Bad, or at the very least Not Good enough that the Best Teams feel safe to keep investing in his tyre company.
Perhaps it's best summed up like this. If you love F1, if you like sport, or if you work at Toro Rosso, Sebastian Vettel winning the 2008 Italian Grand Prix in a second-tier car to become the youngest race winner ever is a highlight of F1's 2000s. If you're anyone with enough money to change the sport, however, it is an aberration, and must never happen again.
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meganuzlockediary · 8 months
N and Ghetsis! Pokemon White!
Ok this is the big one! After losing Crustle I switch back into Druddigon. I discover you can actually leave Ns castle and do some extra grinding so I do just that on Victory road until I am level 54 in all pokemon! great!
With that time for the toughest challenges. I choose to use Zekrom in this run (this proves a bit useless honestly). So I catch him with a masterball and name him Black. I swap him out for Emolga who while very much loved may not actually be much use in the next battle.
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Ok so I am forced to lead Zekrom vs Reshiram! Annoyingly Zekrom is rubbish against Reshiram learning dragon breath instead of dragon claw significantly hampers him. It is a 3HKO and in that time I go down deep into the yellow from 2 fusion bolts. He recovers as I do minimal damage again before he uses Hyper beam and takes Zekrom down. Very short lived.
I send in Druddigon who easily finishes the job on Reshiram's recharge turn. Vanilluxe comes in so I switch to Darmanitan taking a Blizzard before OHKOing with fire punch. Next up is Carracosta I grin as its set up time. I send in Lilligant. Take a Stone edge, use Giga drain to heal back up to full activating sturdy then put Carracosta to sleep and set up 2 quiver dances. With that I am set up to sweep the rest of N's team. Zoroark goes down to a giga drain. Klinklang takes 2 giga drains while I lose a lot of Sp. Defence. And Archeops goes down to one Giga drain too! Overall a clear victory.
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Shetsis however is the real tough cookie. I am leading my fallen Zekrom so immediately switch to Druddigon unfortunately taking a toxic in the process. He protects once before my dark gem boosted Night slash smashes through getting him into the yellow. One more takes him out as the accumulated toxic damage gets Druddigon into the red.
Hydreigon is obviously out next my fear increases. Fortunately it goes for focus blast... AND MISSES! Druddigon gets a dragon claw off for massive damage leaving Hydreigon in the red before going down to toxic. I switch to Samurott who can outspeed with aqua jet... and annoyingly Ghetsis heals and I do Jack all in damage. I manage to tank one Dragon pulse and use revenge to get him into the yellow. He attacks again leaving me at 1 single hit point! (it must have been a low roll) allowing Samurott to use revenge again to take him out.
Bouffalant comes in now and I try my luck with revenge but forget it has negative priority move last and fall. Could have gotten good chip damage there but ah well. I switch to throh who easily handles his attacks and with a combination of revenge, rocky helmet and his own recoil damage takes out Bouffalant in one hit. Eelecktross comes in and is equally worrying with acrobatics but throh manages to last one more hit again going into the red getting a strong revenge and I watch as the rocky helmet takes down Eelektross as Throh goes down to an acrobatics. Top tier item.
Now I have 2 left, Lilligant and Darmanitan vs Bisharp and Seismotoad. I go for Lilligant and he sends in Seismotoad. A single gigadrain takes care of him. I go for quiver dance against Bisharp now feeling over confidence and hoping I can just walk over the rest of this. An X scissor puts me in my place as MVP Lilligant goes down. Bisharp can do absolutely nothing against Darmanitan though and with a brital fire punch the game is won!
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xolta · 1 year
Xolta's Big old recommended games list finale
3ds: Code of Princess(beat em up) Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D(platformer) Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past(jrpg) Kid Icarus: Uprising(rail shooting action adventure/ HADESSSS!) Kirby: Triple Deluxe(platformer) Kirby: Planet Robobot(platformer/CUBE) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds(action advenutre) Mario Kart 7(kart racing) Monster Hunter 3 & 4 Ultimate(monster hunting) Pokémon X and Y(monster rasing rpg) Pokemon Sun and moon(monster rasing rpg/rail roading the player sim) Super Mario 3D Land(platformer) 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure(platforming) Mighty Gun volt(platformer) Gunman Clive(platformer) Liberation Maiden(shooter/ anime as fuck) Mighty Switch Force(puzzle platformer) Pushmo(puzzle) Crashmo(puzzle) Vitual console taken form us to soon
Wiiu: Bayonetta 2(charater action) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze(platformer) Mario Kart 8(kart raceing) Splatoon(squad tps) Super Mario 3D World(platformer) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U(platform fighter) Super mario marker(making mario) The Wonderful 101(charater action/sentai em up)
~past this point will be modifed in the future as these systems are still out and geting stuff~ Windows71-11 every thing i may have forgotten and steam round: Fallout: New Vegas(rpg) Serious Sam HD(fps) Terraria (Crafting) Minecraft(crafting) VVVVVV(platfromer/exploring light) Zombie Shooter(Shoooot) Freedom Planet (platformer) Shovle knight treasure trove(platformer) Ikaruga (shump) Doom 2016(fps) Doom enteral(fps) Wolfenstine(fps) Doom 1&2 (fps) doom 64(fps) Halo the master chief collection(fps) Quake 1&2(fps) La-Mulana (metroidvania) Oniken (platformer) Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed(kart racer) Necrovsion the lost company(fps jank) Cuphead (run and gun) Odallus: The Dark Call (platformer) New super luckey's tale(platformer) Sonic Mania Plus (platformer) Bayotena(charater action) Vanquish (tps/ Exploding knees) Wild Guns Reloaded(run and gun) Yooka-Laylee the impossbile lair(platformer) War hammer 40k dawn of war(rts) total annihilation(rts) Streests of rage 4(beat em up) Amid evil(boomer shooter) Bloodstained curse of the moon1&2(platformer) Bloodstained ritual of the night(metroidvania) Castlevania anversiy collection(collection) Demon's tilt(pinball) Devil may cry 5(charater action/ pull my devil trigger) Game dev tycoon(tycoon) Giga bash(kaiju fighting) Hades(rougelike action/every one is hot em up) Pac man world repac(platformer) klonoa phantasy reverie series(collection) Doom mods too many good ones to name go forth my child(mods) Mega man leangcey collection1&2(collection) Mega man x leangcey 1&2(collection) Metal gear rising revengance(charater action/ridens nice ass) Pain killer series(fps) paper sorcerer(rpg) Project warlock(boomer shooter) Dusk(boomer shooter) Puyo puyo tetris 2(puzzle) septerra core (rpg) Civ 3(civ game) Sonic cd *sadly no longer for sale(platformers) Splunky 1&2(rougelike platfromers/cbt) Spyro reingainted trilogy(collection) Team fortress 2(squad fps) Tmnt Shredders revenge(beat em up) Titan quest (rpg) Xenociris(twin stick shooter) Sonic fan games *to many in so many genres Mario fan games *go nuts Fast Rmx (future racing) Undertale (rpg) Resident evil 4(surivival horror) Red Out(future racing) Riki & vikki (puzzle platformer) pizza tower(platformer) metal slug 2&3(run and gun) Hyrdo thunder(boat racing) Freedom force1&2(action rpg) Record of Lodoss War -Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth(metroidvania) Death road to Cananda(rougelike) Duck game(party game) Grim Dawn (action rpg) Elden ring(action rpg/soulike) Baba is you(puzzle/exploding brain sim) Warhammer 40k Boltgun(Fps)
Xeno tilt( virtual pinball) Pizza tower(Platformer)
Hypnospace outlaw(visual novel/ 90s web nostalgia em up)
Switch: Bayonetta 2(charater action) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze(platformer) Mario Kart 8 deluxe(kart raceing) Astral Chain (charater action/jojo cops) Dragon Quest XI (jprg) Fire Emblem engage(tatics rpg) Kirby and the Forgotten Land(platfromer) Crash 4(platformer) Splatoon 3(suqad tps) Mario maker 2(mario making) Club house games 51 (mixed bag) Luigi's Mansion 3(advenutre) Metroid Dread(metrovania) Super Mario Odyssey(3d platformer) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(platform fighter) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection (mixed bag) Blaster Master Zero (metroidvania) Castlevania Advance Collection (mixed bag)
Super mario 3d world + Bower's fury(platformer)
F zero 99(super face racing/battle royal)
Super mario womder(platformer)
Xbox series x: Wild hearts(monster hunting)
Resident evil Village(Survival horror/giant vampire mommy) Hi Fi Rush(Rythm Charater action)
Backwards compatibility is nice i guess HINT HINT SONY AND NINTENDO
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turflamicgaming420 · 1 year
Smash Remix 1.3.1 Blue Team vs Giant Red Giga Bowser incredible damage pokemon battle
Smash Remix 1.3.1 Captain Falcon & Conker vs Giant Jigglypuff POKEMON BATTLE!!!
Smash Remix 1.3.1 Epic Pokemon Battle
Smash Remix 1.3.1 Epic Pokemon War Pokemon vs Pokemon
Smash Remix 1.3.1 Green Team vs Giant Red Jigglypuff Pokemon Battle!!!
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