#specific real estate
originalaccountname · 4 months
I've had a day to think about it and actually yeah, we need more AUs where the Old Port Mafia Boss is still the head of the organization.
Because when people make Mori into a moustache-curling evil guy, it's because they're trying to fill their narrative need for a twisted boss who will be the source of their angst.
They want a boss who will be power-hungry, needlessly cruel, disregard his people's safety, give out orders that cannot be reasoned with. They want someone to inflict pain and terror upon the characters, someone that can be blamed for the trauma, someone to hate.
And I get it, Mori did some truly horrible things, but he never did them out of fun or sadism. Mori is a human man trying to embody cold logic. He is cruel because he thinks it's the best, most direct way to win whatever long game he's playing. It's not a way to establish power and control over others, but a mean to a "logical" end that will benefit the most.
The Old Boss however! The Old Boss reigned with terror over the city! He's the one who traumatized Kouyou by killing the man who tried to take her out of the mafia and offer her a better life! The Old Boss wanted absolute power and fear!
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In fact, that is exactly why Mori killed him! That is exactly what he was trying to change when he decided to take matters into his own hands! This is why Kouyou supports him! These are things that used to be the norm!
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Your ideal evil man is right there! Waiting for you to revive him from the dead! To give him a few more years! To realize for yourself why Mori's stability is integral to everyone's continued safety! He barely has anything going on besides being violent and cruel so you can make him do whatever you want!!!!!!
(*note: Hirotsu said the Old Boss was specifically more evil and chaotic as he got sicker, do with this as you wish)
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daipeanutsaiban · 2 months
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the little miss baskerville at around 14 years old- a young lady with a mischievous streak 😺. her father makes her wear white as a way to know when she's sneaked out against his orders, because her clothes will be visibly dirty. sometimes she'll disguise herself and klint (and occasionally barok) as east end kids and they'll blend in the crowd for a day. her color scheme is meant to be reminiscent of a candle, both in reference to the headstrong, fiery personality i write her with and to her short-lived existence.
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holy-anxiety-batman · 3 months
i hate!
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the worst thing about doing Arts and Crafts is when you have a very specific idea and you do not have the supplies to make it Right Now Immediately
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duckapus · 2 months
AU where Meggy gets turned into a vampire and Mario gets turned into a werewolf
They were bit in completely separate incidents and are keeping it secret from everyone, including each other and the rest of the Crew.
Luigi's the only one who knows that Mario is a werewolf because he was there the night Mario got bit (well, nearly mauled to death is more accurate).
Meggy initially doesn't have anyone who knows about her being a vampire, at least until Whimpu happens to stumble across her while she's feeding.
Mario can shift voluntarily into either a very-big-but-seemingly-normal wolf form, himself with wolf features, or a big scary wolf-man form, but it takes him a while to properly figure out how both because he and Luigi have to figure it out with no help and because he's an idiot.
He's also got an uncontrollable fuckoff-Massive wolf form with a mind of its own that he turns into when there's a full moon.
He's got some wolf mannerisms now, obviously
While Meggy does have the classic vampire weaknesses, they're thankfully the manageable versions (so the sun does hurt her but sunscreen deals with it, mirrors and cameras only don't work if they have silver, needs to drink blood but can still eat normal food no problem (unless it as garlic obviously), etc.) since for plot reasons I need her to actually be able to keep it a secret.
She can shapeshift into a variety of animals, not just bats, and one form in particular makes all the shit she has to deal with now almost worth it: Vampire Squids are a thing that exists, which wouldn't matter for most vampires with how situational it would be (due to vampire squids specifically being deep sea squids) but in her case it means she gets to have her Swim Form again (though modified a bit since vampire squids have webbed tentacles with tooth-like spikes on the underside)
Also I know that vampire squids are actually octopi but let me have this
The vampire and werewolf that turned them are still at-large and causing trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom (including making more vampires and werewolves, many of which are less inclined than Meggy and Mario to not follow their new darker impulses), bringing all manner of monster hunters out of the woodwork to deal with the problem (some, like the Belmont Clan, are more competent and altruistic than others, like the Guards (because of course those two would want to get involved in the latest violent trend)), which is a large part of why the two of them are keeping themselves a secret
Another big part is of course the fact that Anti-Shroomy Exists
It also turns out that Bob was a big-name monster hunter a few hundred years ago, and shockingly he's easily the most competent of all the hunters in town, so the Bros, Meggy and Whimpu are understandably extremely wary of him right now
and as if the situation wasn't bad enough, Demon Peach has somehow managed to crawl her way out of the Creep Pit and is prowling the Kingdom (surprisingly stealthily for something of her size and disposition, I might add)
more details and (hopefully) some pictures to come in later posts
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withswords · 21 days
"if it were me i would want people to help crack my egg" okay but are you a (micro)celebrity with hundreds of thousands of people parasocially scrutinizing your every move? how many transfem creators who started their careers as eggs have to come out and say "hey, strangers addressing me this way and thinking they're entitled to my personal life was dehumanizing and made it harder to come to terms with who i am" will it take for people to understand that this conversation is not just about their personal experience with their friends?
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knight-in-sour-armor · 9 months
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musubiki · 9 months
So now that Lime's on the m34th, will cat ears be a separate character? Possibly a love rival for Lime 👀
honestly im not sure what will become of cat-ears!! cat-ears as a concept as well as the underground ring were both created as catalysts for giving lime a decent skill-set upgrade thats proportional to his role in the story, and now that that is effectively replaced by the m34th i will most likely scrap both those ideas altogether!!
SIDE NOTE no one is a love rival for lime 😤 mochi has two hands and they are both for holding limes face..,,,, other men are there just so we can see lime get jealous and face his feelings faster LOL
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isa-ah · 3 months
been following you since PRE bubblegum karkat days and it’s been really nice watching you grow and heal and whenever i see you on my dash and think of your growth it reminds me of my own healing journey. i find that really nice
HAHA that was AGES ago dude. my god. i cant believe youre still around, that was like, the worst of it LOLOL weve both probably come a looong way since then, yeah. life used to be abysmal but now ive got my hubby and mother in law and were moving to nola next month so theres nothing to fear =')
#we found the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood in the perfect part of the city so#we are hoping and praying. our sickass real estate agent did a walkthru yesterday and said#'its been on the market for a while so if you put in for it youll probably get it'#very exciting news theres even a patio we can screen in EASILY for our cats#right outside our bedroom door! it would be perfect for entertaining!#were finally going to make irl friends!!!!! sdkjksdjfksd#i had a couple freak friends in phoenix and like 2 cool friends but like. mostly. freaks.#so im hoping to make real actual friends this go round cause we sure as hell didnt out here in the sticks of al#yippeeeeeeee#babe is also going to get a job so i can take a break bc ive been doing coms to support us for years now and its STRESSFUL#im gunna get to go on a small vacation and kick back like#life is so good#im so excited to rest and chill#im gunna sew!! so much stuff!!!!#maybe ill even list some on here for people to buy like i just want to make so many little dudes all the time#but i dont have the time or energy to devote to that bc making patterns takes time and materials#IDK IDK TOTALLY OFF TOPIC#i dont talk about my daily life much actually its usually just specific shit so im taking the opportunity to say.#i grew up in a VERY bleak way. brother were talking moldy food bank food house rotting both my guardians so so sick#dropped out of middle school to be a fulltime caregiver lost both of them anyway#then a bunch of falling out with my family etc etc i had NOTHING going into my twenties but a FUCKTON of trauma and mistrust#and now im heading for my thirties and i am the healthiest and happiest i have ever been in my entire life#i look great i feel great i do pretty good for myself and the people around me#i love love love my friends im t4t gay married i have a cat thats like a pokemon partner. to me. its perfect#yes weve made a lot of plans that have fallen thru and were not where we thought we would be by now#but honestly? honestly? my life is really great. were broke as fuck but we get by and we love each other and thats whats UUUUUUUP#youll get there! just keep going! you have no idea what kinds of opportunities youll be offered in your life that can change everything
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bladesfromthedark · 2 months
Headcanon: Elemental Augmentation
Dark Matter Swordsman/Blade has more than one trick up their sleeve when it comes to battles. Their kind are, in general, quite adaptable. In a similar vein to Kirby, some Dark Matter can utilize a multitude of Copy Abilities, with known individuals including Gooey and Miracle Matter. Similarly, Dark Nebula can call forth the powers of several elements.
Unlike those examples, Swordsman cannot freely change abilities. The Copy Essence they have been infused with has ensured the permanence of their sword ability. That, however, does not mean they have to completely lack variety.
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Much like how Power Effects function in Star Allies, Dark Matter Swordsman can augment their innate sword ability with other elements. This cannot be done out of the blue—some type of elemental source for them to draw from must be present. Once an effect is gained, it is only temporary. The power will gradually be diminished as Swordsman actively utilizes it, or it will fade away on its own given enough time. The effect can easily be recharged if they remain near an elemental source, however.
These augmentations do not only alter their sword, but also their physical appearance. In the given example, which depicts Swordsman with a Fire/Sizzle effect, their apparel has gained a warmer palette, and the ends of their hair now resemble flames.
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hippogrifffeathers · 1 year
my favourite thing about the mc and sebastian dynamic is that respectively, they're both pretty intelligent and competent individuals. quick studies, well-praised by staff for their academics, working towards their respective goals and getting somewhere with them (ancient magic, cure for anne)
but you put them together and the culmulative iq of the room drops to the negatives unless ominis is there
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officialscouse · 5 months
now that i have mostly everything set up, ♡ for a small starter!
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
love when people promote the idea jews are money grubbing in their supposed leftist activism. why don’t you just call me a kike at this point🤷🏻 i’m saying this as someone who’s anti settler too
D- bait better luck next time
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tanadrin · 1 year
Maybe a better analogy for exploitative social classes would be "vulture" as opposed to "parasite"? Though that's less ableist and more unfair to birbs that play an important ecological role and don't deserve the reputation they get.
idk man, do landlords form a coherent class these days? a landlord can be anybody from somebody who rents out the condo they inherited from their dead mom to an investor in a giant national property chain like Deutsche Wohnen. there are exploitative jobs, maybe, but this smacks of the urge to create a coherent category of Bad People Whomst If We Only Got Rid Of, Everything Would Be Better, which I think is kinda BS.
objectively, a lot of landlords are not very good at their jobs (this is why the phrase "the landlord special" has entered the lexicon) and some are really exploitative. but so are a lot of office managers. landlords being intrinsically tainted by sin doesn't seem like the problm. and if you think there are too many people renting out property vs owning it, and this contributes to the lack of housing, or if you think real estate speculation is a drag on the economy, there are plenty of policy levers to choose from to correct for this.
historically a lot of the animus directed at landlords came from the fact that "landlord" usually meant a literal lord of some description, like somebody who owned a vast estate with tenant farmers who acquired that wealth over generations of feudal conquest and peasant-oppression. and that's pretty shitty! but even then, the remedy for that can be anodyne and unsexy policy--big inheritance taxes dismantled most of the large landed estates in the british isles over the course of the 20th century, for instance. small time modern landlords, however lazy or exploitative, or even big evil property investment companies, strike me as fundamentally different animals. like, are they great for the economy? maybe not! but there are a lot of jobs that are not great for the economy that we don't waste time coming up with new ways of hating, and there more productive uses of our energy to correct these problems than figuring out which gross animal to compare them to.
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limitlessscion · 2 months
a friend: so tell me ur thoughts abt gojo
me: unleashes thousands of words of stream of consciousness screaming about this man for an hour
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bolithesenate · 7 months
actually writing fic is only an excuse for me to spontaneously create more ocs
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