#speculation season!
goingfullpogue · 3 months
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word on the street (in my head) is that JJ gets injured…
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Good Omens Season 3 Predictions:
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(it took all my self restraint not to just use Bildad the Shuhite pictures)
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
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heohl-art · 4 days
so proud I could screaming😭🩷✨
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• Together in the South Downs • [finished]
I'm like... absolutely tickety-boo!🥹
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gingiekittycat · 6 months
I know we as a fandom are kind of going with a hyper-masculine bearded Aziraphale for his Supreme Archangel look (which I am loving btw), but consider instead:
Aziraphale bringing that 1793 frilly lace-sleeved pink patent leather-shoed mascara-wearing gayer than gay energy to the look
Reprising his most successful damsel in distress temptation in another attempt to get Crowley to come to Heaven
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Idk he might actually succeed...
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aurabora · 2 months
i’m being so serious rn if assad zaman isn’t rawdogging eric bogosian on my tv screen in s2 i am going to raise anne rice from the grave and telling her that AMC is writing fanfiction and she needs to sue them
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causalityparadoxes · 1 month
My favourite thing from the new episodes is the lore they're building around Gods (or those from outside the universe) being able to interact with the 4th wall.
I cant quite remember but I think the Toymaker made a few nods to it? The Maestro absolutely did. They took the 4th wall and said hey babes! Pay attention to me ;) right now ;) LOOK AT ME
But the DOCTOR. Oh my god the DOCTOR Literally saying "I thought that was non-diagetic" The fact he can hear the shows backing music!!! (Does he just tune it out normally??) Absolutely insane concept i love it.
You could argue they alluded to this with the 12th Doctor playing the show's theme tune but to outright state it. My god where are they going with this i am obsessed
Similarly him winking to the camera at the end. Very reminicent of the 4th doctor skirting the same line.
But to have what were little silly allisions pointed out and clearly wrapped into the story? As a way of showing showing us WHO is godlike and WHO has connections to outside the universe? Again i am obsessed.
I'm guessing it will tie into their continued explorations of the Timeless Child. I am so excited to find out. I am so excited for more silly 4th wall breakers or perhaps one who makes it terrifying.
As a last, this also implies Mrs Flood is a God. Not surprising but interesting... I have absolutely no idea what to make of any of this.
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idreamofsleeping · 11 months
So I've been thinking a lot about Muriel. About how they're sweet and naive and sort of dumb, and they're a 37th class angel.
In fact, Muriel’s level of naivety is nearly the same as Jim-level naivety/dumbness. And Jim was supposed to be a 38th class angel, after being demoted from Supreme Archangel and having his memories removed.
And when this was revealed Muriel says 'I didn't know there was a class below me', what if Muriel is just a demoted angel? What if Heaven just keeps demoting any angel who goes against God’s (the Metatron’s) Plan and making a new, lower class for them? Instead of making them fall, they just keep taking memories and demoting angels so that there wont be a perceived ‘institutional problem’. Which there isn’t. Right?
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strawmaguchi · 10 months
The Crew: *explaining to Stede what Ed did when he was gone*
Stede: must of had a rough day :)
Everyone: He’s a Mad Man who wants to literally kill you.
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
Eddie: Kicks the 3rd woman he’s dated out of his house because of repressed catholic guilt after avoiding having sex with her.
Buck: absolutely flailing as a baby disaster bisexual and sending his date running for the hills before they even finish their meal.
Chris, “out of town” somewhere, sitting on a curb and smoking a cigarette: Jesus Christ, these two fucking idiots…
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llove-me-anyway · 2 months
do we think that Eddie texted Tommy like
“ik he’s a bit of a disaster but give him another chance pls he’s really sad rn 🥺”
because i bet he did
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
I think the reason Eddie crashes the bucktommy date is bc Buck mentions him three times in a row and ends up summoning him like in Bloody Mary
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makorragal-312 · 3 months
How Buck and Eddie's conversations with Chris are gonna go:
Eddie: Hey son.
Chris: Hey dad.
Eddie: I heard that you're seeing someone. Thought I'd give you some advice.
Chris: Didn't you dump Ms. Flores by telling her to go home?
Eddie: You're right. This is clearly a Buck conversation.
-a few hours later-
Buck: Hey Chris!
Chris: Hey Buck.
Buck: So...your dad tells me that you're-
Chris: Dad called you to give me dating advice, didn't he?
Buck: Uh, yeah.
Chris: Didn't your last girlfriend almost get Uncle Bobby in trouble by reporting on that crazy firefighter?
Buck: W-Well yeah-
Chris: And didn't you take Natalia couch shopping after knowing her for, like, a couple of weeks?
-outside Chris' room-
Eddie: Well?
Buck: We are so not equipped for this conversation.
Eddie: Fuck.
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teadrawstuff · 2 months
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If Wrecker had Snapchat, he’d definitely do this. He is #1 Techphee supporter
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writingdinosaur · 8 months
Aziraphale was wrong this. He’ll come crawling back that. I want him to do the apology dance blah blah blah.
You know what I want? I want him to succeed.
I want him to give Heaven hell.
I want him to be a problem of the Metatron’s own making.
I keep seeing a take floating around that the Metatron was obviously lying when calling Aziraphale a natural leader and a good choice for Supreme Archangel and just trying to butter Aziraphale up so he’ll be more open to the idea of rejoining Heaven, but I think there is an important distinction to be made in this regard.
Aziraphale IS those things. He IS a natural leader. He was the first being to ever wield a weapon on earth. He is a high ranking member of Heaven’s army and was in charge of a platoon in the first war EVER. HE WAS FULLY EXPECTED TO DO SO AGAIN IN ARMAGEDDON. We can see this leadership both in Season 1 when he insists to Crowley that they don’t run away and in Season 2 when facing the demons. And if Heaven actually was everything it was meant to be, everything it still proclaims that it is, Aziraphale WOULD be the obvious choice for Supreme Archangel, because when faced between making the right choice or making the obedient one, or even between making the right choice or the comfortable choice, he has always picked the right one.
Give up the sword and lie to God or let the humans suffer? Welp, there goes the sword.
Lie on my word as an Angel or allow three human children to be killed? Guess who’s lying again!
Go back to my abusers in order to make things better for everyone or run away with the love of my life who just confessed his feelings for me? Up I go.
Here’s the kicker. The Metatron ALSO thinks he was lying to Aziraphale. In the Metatron’s eyes, Aziraphale is none of those things. The Metatron and the Archangels are nothing but condescending pricks to the Angel they see as a bumbling, incompetent, slightly insane fool who chose Earth over Heaven.
I don’t want Aziraphale to come crawling back. I don’t want him to realize it’s a lost cause. I don’t want him to give up.
What I want is to see the Metatron’s face as he watches Aziraphale succeed.
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Dear Good Omens fandom friends,
can we please agree to keep our sand in our sandbox?
We have a great sandbox. It's big and full of people building castles and villages and roads and stuff. Some of that is big and complicated and detail-oriented, some of it is strange and weird and funny, some if it is off-the-rails in any and all senses of the word. All of it is lovely. Some of it tries to rebuild Neil Gaiman's sandcastle as faithful as possible, either to build onto it or to try and find out where the secret rooms might be hidden. Some of it looks a lot like his but has its own little turrets and courtyards and gardens added everywhere. Some of it looks completely different and doesn't try to hide it. Some of it isn't even meant to be taken seriously and just exists to make people laugh. But there is so much of it that everybody can find something for themselves; and if we don't we just find a free space and start shifting sand ourselves.
Neil Gaiman has his own sandbox. He has built something brilliant and beautiful in it, and he is currently busy building another storey onto it. He doesn't want anybody to see the new part before it is finished, and I know that sometimes the excitement of finally wanting to see it is hard to bear.
But that is why we have our sandbox. To make our own stuff until he reveals the rest of that sandcastle we all love so much. To pass the time, to have fun with it, to meet new people and find more brilliant little sandcastles. Never again will there be as much creativity, as much activity, as many people around in this sandbox than there is now, in the time before the last bit of his castle is revealed. I am sure most of us will be delighted and surprised at what he will have created. Some will be disappointed because they were expecting his sandcastle to look different, some will be disappointed because they saw a castle in our sandbox they liked much more, but most will be delighted because after all we came up with he will still have managed to surprise us.
Our sandbox. His sandbox.
The two are separated for a reason.
Because if you keep throwing sand into his box to get his attention, or keep trying to get a good look at what he is doing over there, or keep yelling at him to look over to ours and tell you which one looks like the one he is trying to make, or which one is the best, or how stupid one of the others looks (last one would also make you a dick), you are quite simply risking the new part of his sandcastle to collapse. Or for him to have to remake it in a way he didn't plan to, or simply dislikes, or that we will all dislike.
And just because he is glad we are enjoying ourselves and proud that his work inspired us to create all these things, doesn't mean he wants to see (all of) it. Some things he definitely wouldn't want to see; other things the creators definitely don't want him to see.
I'm proud of our sandbox. It's huge. It's brilliant. It's creative. It's collaborative. And it's ours.
Have fun in it. But keep it apart from his. Keep out of his. And keep him out of ours. Stop trying to drag him over. He has stuff to do. Important stuff. Stuff I, for one, am waiting very impatiently for.
And he will never show us the parts of the castle that aren't finished yet, no matter how often you ask. And just because he is making an effort to be funny about it doesn't mean we aren't annoying him when we keep asking.
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