#spells to fly
thewhalelord · 2 months
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The best way to waste a spell slot
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lunar-wandering · 4 months
anyways even if the animation quality drops for season 5 i am BEGGING you guys to still watch the show. protest about the animation quality publicly if you want but still watch the show. there is a full entire chance that the next season could go back to being animated how it was before if they see enough interest in it. please still watch the show.
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destiny-islanders · 1 year
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adding injury to insult
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albaharu · 5 months
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got his dad kidnapped, his friend kidnapped, mizora is waiting for him at camp and his favorite clown got killed. terrible day for the blade.
also he was made to be the perfect trickster hero lying to the baddies with that high charisma so i got him to do the talk
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Archwizard Gale lore???
Okay, SO! My personal headcanons for Gale's powers, both as archwizard and Chosen of Mystra, are based upon the following:
D&D makes a distinction between "archmage" and "archwizard," with the former being a spellcaster dedicated to the arcane arts and either: the counsel of royalty, a lich tyrant, or a reclusive hermit, all with multiple apprentices, and the latter being "an arcane spellcaster of extremely high power who successfully claimed a floating enclave," that specification coming from the time of Netheril.
Gale is NOT royal counsel, NOT pursuing lichdom, NOT a hermit (willingly), does NOT have apprentices when he first makes the claim, and does NOT have a floating enclave.
Despite these, he still claims "archwizard" as a title. This is significant, especially from Waterdeep, where the most powerful wizards in the world gather, including Laeral Silverhand (another of Mystra's Chosen, immortal to a degree, and Open Lord of Waterdeep) and Vajra Safahr (current Blackstaff and Archmage of Waterdeep).
Bonus points for his significance, he is Gale of Waterdeep. His personally chosen moniker marks him as outstanding among Waterdhavians. There might be a handful of people named Gale in Waterdeep, but there is only one Gale of Waterdeep. This is further backed up by Lorroakan recognizing him, with his only reason for Gale being lesser than someone who supposedly figured out immortality being that Gale was Mystra's discarded lapdog.
Gale is skilled in all manner of magic. This is confirmed directly in his epilogue, where you can question him about his choice teaching the School of Illusion, and he says that he wanted to teach ALL the classes there, but the staff told him no. That includes schools you wouldn't normally associate with him, like Divination and Necromancy.
Based on all of that, I've decided that "archwizard," as Gale means it, is a term referring to a wizard who's multiclassed into all their subclasses.
Does this make him overpowered? Yes. But he's an archwizard, prodigy, and Chosen, he's MEANT to be within the bounds of his own lore.
In addition, I also believe him to be an untrained Storm Sorcerer, based upon the following:
Sorcerers and wizards differ in that sorcerers know magic intrinsically, while wizards study it to use it.
When talking to Halsin as Origin Gale, you can tell him that as a baby, you summoned a whole pack of rabbits. Presumably, baby Gale was NOT reading and comprehending arcane textbooks.
Gale has an intrinsic understanding of the Weave, by his own admission, saying he could compose it rather than just control it. He was also casting third level spells like Fireball at eight years old.
Gale's theme is all about storms: his name is Gale, he occasionally says "A rough tempest I will raise" in combat, almost all his official art has him controlling lightning, and his robe is thunder purple. This continues into God!Gale's design, where he has literal glowing lightning bolts framing his eyes, and his outfit is lightning blue.
K'ha'ssji'trach'ash: On his own, the mephit is pretty self-contained; it's a magma mephit capable of revealing the true form of a True Ressurection scroll. However, the key to getting him to do this is to respond to the question "what is my name" in Ignan with the correct answer. After which, K'ha'ssji'trach'ash says "T'i n'uthrantha m'ahthra Gale." We don't know what this means, but it's clear that he's talking to us, about Gale, possibly thanking us or asking us to pass a message along. This implies that he doesn't speak Common, or else he would, because we answered correctly. Why do I bring this up? Storm Sorcerers have an innate ability called Wind Speaker, which allows them to speak Primordial (including Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran). Thus, Gale can speak to/understand K'ha'ssji'trach'ash, despite his known/studied languages being Common, Celestial, Giant, and Draconic.
Because he's untrained, and rather than Storm Sorcery being just a Lv1 flavor bit that does little, I've decided that Gale has access to the class features of Storm Sorcery without access to its spell slots or Metamagic, that way it's reflective of his power without training.
With both of these conclusions, both archwizard and sorcerer, I've decided to pick and choose which class features are from which iteration of both classes, because BG3 and official D&D have a few key differences that were mostly changed for gameplay reasons. I've then taken those and added more flavor to them, based on the already-given flavor of D&D and effects of BG3, doing away with the mechanical side of things for storytelling reasons.
On top of this, because the maximum level you can reach in BG3 is Lv12, and we know that the Orb consumes "the greatest of [his] talents," I've decided that the Orb consumes any ability beyond Lv12 until its removal.
That being said, beyond whatever spells and slots you care to give him, the powers I think Gale has pre-tadpole are:
Arcane Ward: When Gale casts Abjuration spells, residual magic shields him from the worst of incoming hits
Projected Ward: Gale can extend Arcane Ward to someone nearby instead of himself
Improved Abjuration: On short rest, Gale can strengthen Arcane Ward to sustain itself beyond a single hit
Sculpt Spells: Gale can control his Evocation spells and keep them from harming allies
Potent Cantrip: Gale can force enemies that resist his cantrips to take half damage from them anyways
Empowered Evocation: Gale's Evocation spells are particularly deadly (based on +INT modifier to damage rolls)
Grim Harvest: Gale can harness the power released when a spell kills a creature to heal himself, UNLESS it's undead or a construct
Undead Thralls: Animate Dead: Gale can reanimate a corpse
UT: Additional Undead: Gale can efficiently harness the power it would take to reanimate one corpse to reanimate two corpses with Animate Dead
UT: Better Summons: Gale's reanimated dead can take more of a beating than others' dead
Inured to Undeath: Gale's been exposed to necromancy enough that he's resistant to necrotic damage, and his life force capacity can't be reduced (this one in particular helps with the "Netherese bile" flowing through his veins)
Create Water: Gale can call forth rain at will (BG3's feature over D&D's to align more with storm sorcery)
Benign Transposition: Teleport: Gale can teleport up to 30ft, and can use that to swap places with an ally
Focused Conjuration: Gale's concentration on conjuration spells can't break due to pain
Hypnotic Gaze: So long as Gale holds eye contact with someone, he can charm them into stopping everything they're doing and staring at him in a daze
Instinctive Charm: Reflexively, Gale can make a split-second charm attempt to redirect an attack at someone directly nearby
Split Enchantment: Gale can efficiently harness the power it would take to enchant one person and instead enchant two targets at once
Portent: Gale can focus and gain split-second glimpses into the immediate future (such as the next blow about to be thrown in a fight)
Expert Divination: Casting divination comes naturally enough to Gale that he can cast divination spells using a lower spell slot
Third Eye: Gale can increase his powers of perception and gain a very limited Darkvision/Ethereal vision at will, as well as read any language
Improved Minor Illusion: Gale can cast illusory effects with incredible ease
See Invisibility: Gale's experience with illusions lets him detect invisibility spells at work, focus on them, and see through them
Illusory Self: Gale can create an identical double of himself reflexively to confuse opponents
Experimental Alchemy: Using transmutation magic, Gale can more efficiently refine potion ingredients, occasionally enough to create a second potion
Transmuter's Stone: Gale can lock some of his transmutation magic into a stone, granting whoever holds it an effect of his choice from the following: Constitution proficiency, Darkvision, extra speed, resistance to acid/cold/fire/lightning/thunder damage
Shapechanger: Gale can polymorph himself once a day without consuming a spell slot (only into beasts with a CR of 1 or less)
Storm Sorcery
Wind Speaker: Gale can speak, read, and write Primordial (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran)
Tempestuous Magic: Gale can summon gusts of wind around him immediately after casting a spell greater than a cantrip. These winds are strong enough to propel him in flight for ten feet
Heart of the Storm: Gale has resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever he casts a spell that deals lightning or thunder damage, the magic that erupts is stormy and more powerful than other kinds of magic at equal level
Storm Guide: Gale can subtly control the weather around him, causing rain to stop falling in a 20 foot sphere centered on him, or wind to blow in a different direction in a 100 foot sphere centered on him
These are based on what I, personally, think make the most sense for him pre-tadpole:
Ability Increase: +2 to INT score
Elemental Adept: Thunder: Spells/attacks ignore resistance to thunder, and when a spell he casts causes thunder damage, it can't critically fail
Elemental Adept: Lightning: Spells/attacks ignore resistance to lightning, and when a spell he casts causes lightning damage, it can't critically fail
Okay, so Gale's crazy powerful, right? What could he have possibly lost that's greater than all this?
Abjuration: Spell Resistance: Gale was in tune enough with the Weave that he could resist spells (as well as gaining advantage on saving throws against them)
Evocation: Overchannel: Gale could deal maximum damage on a 1-5 level spell without ill effect on first cast, but suffered unresisted necrotic damage when using it again
Necromancy: Command Undead: Gale could bring undead made by other wizards under his control
Conjuration: Durable Summons: Gale could give anything he summoned a temporary shield against damage (30 temp HP)
Enchantment: Alter Memories: Gale could make someone unaware they were charmed by him, as well as make them forget something that happened during that charmed period
Divination: Greater Portent: Gale used to be able to predict more split second decisions ahead with ease
Illusion: Illusory Reality: Gale used to be able to pull shadow magic together into illusions and make them, temporarily, real. He can still do a limited version of this, but only via concentration to keep the threads together (hence the "anatomically correct" illusory wizard in the Drow twins scene; shadow magic is NOT the same as the Shadow Weave)
Transmutation: Master Transmuter: Gale could consume magic stored in his transmuter's stone in one go, using it to transmute one object into another, remove curses, diseases, and poisons, raise the dead, or reduce a creature's apparent age by up to 30 years
Storm Sorcery: Storm's Fury: Gale could react with lightning damage when struck physically Wind Soul: Gale was immune to lightning and thunder damage, could fly at a speed of 60 feet, and could reduce his flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour to make four additional people fly
Yeah. Ouch. And that's not even including his former Chosen abilities.
Gale's Chosen abilities
Silver Fire: Gale could command pure energy of the Weave in the form of silver-white flame, which, at his command, could destroy anything in its path, banish dead magic areas, restore torn Weave, purge external magic and psionic effects from his own body, teleport without error to the last location he used the ability at, or cast spells without verbal, somatic, or material components
Mantle: Gale could cast the dangerous Mantle spell without suffering any ill effects, while other wizards casting the spell would suffer a drain of life force as long as it persisted
Weave Detection: Gale could detect magic's presence without the use of a spell
Weave Tapping: Gale could cast high level spells repeatedly without losing a spell slot, although this was discouraged by Mystra
On the page for Mystra's Chosen abilities, it says that sometimes her Chosen gained an immunity to magic, as well as disease and poison. I don't think Gale was so lucky, however; in the House of Healing, he mentions that he once turned himself in to a hospice in Waterdeep for a "bout of ruddy pox." Him having turned himself in implies he was an adult at the time, and should, therefore, already be Mystra's Chosen.
All that to say: behold, Gale of Waterdeep, in his original splendor. How the mighty have fallen.
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chiropteracupola · 1 month
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an assortment of my temeraireverse fic-dragons!
[cygnet and honoré are from fifteenth-century britain and france, aquilillus, flavia magna, and bán are from second-century britain, and cipachcoatzin is from sixteenth-century mesoamerica]
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can't believe this. these are supposed to be one-day gigs but i'm still thinking about alpha beta charlie
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puppyeared · 3 months
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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bottle-of-harpoons · 1 month
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Silly headcannons I have about Sonic's childhood.
Sonic didn't have a home. He was a wanderer that travelled from town to town to see the world. (He was basically a stary cat the entire neighbourhood would feed scraps to.)
Mighty and Ray where his older brother figures. When they found him, he was pretty feral. They cared for him the best they could, however they ended up getting separated on their adventures.
Chuck saw Sonic mooching off of his neighbours and was like 'Why is this child alone?!'. He would frequently kidnap him to clean him up and give him a proper bed to sleep in.
Sonic hated it but he loved Chucks chilli dogs, so he would always come by to visit. Chuck was the closest thing he had to a guardian he had.
They still deeply care for each other and Sonic stops by Chucks house whenever he can.
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gio-goose · 6 months
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I swear I‘ll stop posting about winged Sin… maybe. Probably. Perchance. Trust me
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Favorite arsonists 🔥🔥🔥
Flamme and Flames 4/??? Drive your fire - A-One
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magpiesbones · 1 year
Hey you know what’s actually just like. SO fucked up?
All it would do is make you unable to cast unfamiliar spells or analyze spells you didn’t draw, which while Pretty Big still:
if qifrey got a white cane he would be able to essentially continue functioning like a sighted witch but witch society is SO goddamn ableist not only would this Never occur to him but he would get Judged about it.
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jakeranda · 5 months
okay so, i decided to put on some of the older fhjy episodes while i was writing and i don’t think i’ve seen anyone talk about why sprak lefevre has a character portrait.
of the three club leaders introduced in party politics, moleman is the only one without a portrait. gertie has one and that makes sense, she’s one of fabian’s nemeses and kristen’s sorta girlfriend thing later in the season. but sprak lefevre?? he’s been in equal if not less scenes than moleman….. so why does he have a character portrait?
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
A Thought:
As Emrys, Merlin is a very powerful sorcerer.
However, his utter lack of any formal training means Merlin is not a very good sorcerer.
The magic he does should be theoretically impossible, but he's got enough raw fucking power to just make it work. Infant demigod smashing blocks together and creating a Lego Death Star.
Merlin: *does magic that Should Not Work*
Other sorcerers:
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like, bro, you meet him, you're apprehensive of him bc 'shit that's emrys'. the emrys. the dude that's said to be the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth. you meet him. you can feel his magic and like holy shit, what the fuck was that??? you ask him how the fuck he gained so much power by the age of 21????
merlin: you mean....y'all don't also just have magic doing shit when you're a toddler
you, the sorcerer who has had to spend years getting control to fucking heat up a teapot: .........no.......no our magic doesn't do that
goddamn do you wanna just chuck this adult child into the lake and be done with it. better yet, you wish for the sprites to just pick you up and use your body as a sacrifice for entrance into Avalon.
and then, and then
you see how this motherfucker fights against bandits and "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU JUST PUSHING THEM AWAY??? WHERE'S THE SHOWMANSHIP??? THE PIZZAZZ??? HOW MANY SPELLS DO YOU KNOW???"
merlin, who forgot he can freeze time and space and can launch lightning bolts at people: uh....3???
it takes the triple goddess to restrain you from murking the prophesized warlock right then and there.
"NO, NO, FUCK THAT, FUCK THIS, FUCK ALL O' Y'ALL!" you scream as you jump on a ship and move to a place that doesn't have op young adult children who didn't study shit and yet still get an A+
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mintcrash · 2 years
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Phoenix Jay!!! bird imagery my beloved......
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writebackatya · 24 days
Gandra: Look, I’m not saying I’d go back F.O.W.L., but I gotta admit I do sometimes miss being on the villains’ side. When you steal something to get the job done, you get congratulated
Goldie: And you don’t have to hear a whole speech about morals and ethics, or how part of the adventure is getting there right
Gandra: Exactly! Well, kinda. Villains still have their speeches but they’re their own breed of annoying
Lena: Like listening to a one woman monologue on amateur night every time they give their speeches of getting what they want and having all the power in the world. All though it’s easy to tune out and pick out the key information you need to know
Gandra & Goldie: Yeah
Lena: I don’t think I miss villainy as much as you two, I feel like I would’ve enjoyed it more if you know, I wasn’t paired up with an abusive aunt
Goldie: It’s never too late to dabble in villainy
Lena: Well, it kinda is since I’m officially a good guy now. My magic is no longer an “evil color”
Gandra: Ever heard of being an “anti-hero”?
Goldie: It’s the bee’s knees, kid! Sure people will get upset when you betray them or whatever, but when you come in at the last minute to make the right decision, you will be seen as the hero of that adventure
Gandra: Eh, it depends on who you’re with, the situation, popularity, and other factors but yeah. The Morally Gray Side is basically picking all the best parts of villainy and the hero side that you see fit for yourself
Lena: That does sound appealing
Beakley: {enters the room} What are you all talking about in here?
Lena: Nothing.
Gandra: Don’t worry about it.
Goldie: Just a little girl talk, Bentina. It’s private though, so shoo. I’ll make sure we’re on our best behavior.
Beakley: {narrows eyes in suspcion and then leaves the room}
Dewey: You know what I miss about being on the villains side, the musical numbers!
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