#spend less time with your shitty family members and more time with the less shitty ones.
drumlincountry · 2 years
Man, I’m just happy these days. I’m just happy. It’s wonderful. I’m grateful for it.
It shines. Everything shines. Yesterday, on a ferry I watched the waves roll over each other and catch the sunlight - and I was happy. I spent 12 hours on public transport and still I was happy.
And yes, last night I got 5 hours of sleep and today I was exhausted and sore and stressed about work. But I was also happy. I’m happy because of the autumn chill in the air. I’m happy because I saw my friends, unpacked my bags, and listened to dracula. I’m happy because I have planted roses, even though I don’t know if they will take.
This time last year was one of the worst times in my life. I was hopeless, miserable, crying every day. I knew my life was making me sick and sad, and I couldn’t keep living it. I knew it would take an enormous amount of work to build a life that I could live, that I would need so much support for it. I felt so weak and it all felt impossible.
But guess fucking what!!!! It was possible!!!!!!! I was supported!!!!! and I was capable!!!!! and I did the enormous amount of work!!!!!  AND NOW ... I’m content with my life. :)
There are problems, stresses, fears. There are big things I’m working towards that I might never achieve. There are big things I tried to do, and failed. And that’s ok! Because there are also hopes, dreams, joys. Fun! Love! Games!
My life isn’t perfect. Of course it isn’t. but it’s so much better, and I feel so much better.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I'm a known writer for my fandom. It's a very small fandom, so it doesn't really mean anything, but I got there early and built a nice little following.
I don't know what happened in the past few weeks, but I suddenly started getting a bunch of anon asks in my inbox demanding I express myself on the "issue" that is the current Palestinian situation. I've been ignoring them, blocking the anons, but they just kept fucking coming.
Under my last fic, I got a couple of guest comments accusing me of being antisemitic and a couple of guest comments accusing me of being an islamophobic colonizer. Under the same story!! How???
I had to disallow guest comments and anons, so now I keep receiving insults and demands that I express my opinion through sock puppet accounts. I don't know how many fucking times I've been so far labelled as a Zionist and an antisemite, and the last asks I've received got really over the top and violent, claiming that I'm the reason why Palestinian children are dying and I'm a privileged white woman (I'm not white and emigrated from a third world country, but ok) and I'm contributing to genocide.
And I'm so fucking tired of this internet activism! So, so fucking tired!
Because the reason why I engage with fandom is to take a step away from reality. I watch the fucking news, I spend my due time informing myself about global issues on the internet, I do discuss this shit with my IRL friends and colleagues and family members, I go to protests, and during the BLM protests I was out there helping with water and first aid.
But fandom is fucking me time. It's the time of my day when I unplug my brain and write whatever the fuck I want, reblog gif sets on Tumblr, and watch thirst traps on TikTok. I don't log into Tumblr, the site that cunts use to spread misinformation and fake Go Fund Me's and people who pretend to have written My Immortal to promote their shitty memoir, to receive or do any kind of information.
Stop looking for influencers and random people on the internet to explain to you global issues! Why the fuck are you people so into your own asses that you can't fucking understand the reason why some kid who got famous for dancing while wearing cat ears doesn't want to talk about their opinion about far more serious matters?
Everything has a place and a time, and some people realize that their audience goes to them to detach from reality, rather than being reminded of it.
"Oh, but if you don't talk about it, it means you're supporting the bad guys!" Sure! Because the fucking apartheid is build specifically on me not wanting to use my fandom blog to post pictures of dead children and raped women! Too bad that Nelson Mandela became an activist before the internet, uh? He could've solved a bunch of issues by posting a couple of Insta stories!
"Oh, you don't realize how privileged you are to be able to ignore the issue!" I'm not fucking ignoring it, I'm ignoring it in places where my opinion matters less than zero! And yes, I'm fully aware that I'm privileged to be able to ignore it, but you're disgusting because you're using it as a way to build a following on a blogging platform. Hope that posting pictures of slaughtered human bodies was really worth the 50 followers it got you, Allison!
I don't know if this makes sense. Whatever. I'm fucking pissed.
Sounds like a bunch of clowns in a discord somewhere decided to target you or something.
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berylcups · 6 months
Yandere Files: Melone X Hostess Club Reader
CW: pregnancy, drinking, drugs, dubious consent, childhood neglect, overstimulation, foot fetish
Notes: Beryl here! Another manipulative yandere post! It’s doesn’t feel very yandere-ish this time. I guess it’s because they’re less violent/forceful and use their words more to get what they want. I hope you fruit lovers enjoy ~ This one is much lewder than the others. Minors DNI
Y/N has been dealt some pretty shitty cards in life. If they were able to describe their life in one word it would be: Unlucky. They had an inattentive mother and mentally abusive and violent stepfather. Where’s the real father? Good question. They dipped out the minute their mother announced she was pregnant.
Their mother was pregnant and just given birth again. She was too lazy to take care of 2 children at once and why does the stepfather want to raise a child that isn’t his own? So they get sent off to boarding school. This wasn’t the best option either. Y/N caused trouble, got into fights, and neglected their school work. They were smart but they only wanted to learn on their own terms.
At age 18 their family stopped financially supporting them and they were left to fend for themselves. All they could afford was a super cheap studio apartment in the dangerous part of Napoli. But good news for Y/N their luck was beginning to turn around. They got a job at a specialty cafe!
The cafe took heavy inspiration from the east for its very accommodating atmosphere. Hostesses and hosts would be pouring wine for their guests, lighting their cigarettes and cigars, sitting with them, conversing, laughing at their jokes, flirting with them, and having a non alcoholic drink with them. Y/N liked this because they liked giving and receiving attention! It’s not that they're necessarily extroverted, they just been starved of the love and attention they needed as a child.
But there’s one thing that they can’t ignore but can’t say anything about…mafia activity. Specifically Passione. But why would that bother Y/N when all they have to do is keep quiet and act like nothings wrong? Easy peasy. In fact Y/N kinda likes when Passione members come in, they spend soooooo much money and it means more money in their pocket! Getting commissions off drinks and the offers of dates for money or luxury goods is huge perk for them!
There’s a regular that comes in that none of the hostess like dealing with. The guy is good looking but he’s aloof and kinda creepy. He always asks weird questions…. Intrusive questions. He never uses his real name. Just Melone. That’s it. Weird. But being the youngest and the newest hostess Y/N was the one who had the misfortune of having to serve him.
"Buonasera signore~. I’ll be at your service tonight. May I serve you?” Y/N asks, slightly sweating. They were nervous.
He looks up from his laptop with a bored expression and looks them up and down. His teal eyes shined slightly with a bit of interest.
“Please sit down.” He said coolly and gets back to typing on his laptop .
He was weird! Just like the others said! Oh man this is going to be a very long night.
“So tell me…are you healthy?” He asks without looking up.
“Uh… what?” That question was odd and took them off guard.
“Are you in a good health condition? No health problems?” He clarified looking back up making eye contact.
Maybe he’s in the medical field… Oh well this is awkward but Y/N is being paid to humor him.
“Yes sir…I am.” Y/N replied.
“Polite too. Interesting. What’s your date of birth and blood type? Also do you smoke or drink? Illicit drugs? I’m clearly not a cop so you can be honest..” He stared back at his screen.
Things are getting weirder and weirder…why does he wanna know all this?
“Ahem… my birthdate is ________ and uh… I don’t know my blood type sorry. I don’t smoke because it’s bad on my skin but I do drink socially. No drugs…other than what I’ve been prescribed.” Y/N rambled.
“Uh uh uh. I don’t need to know why- I just need to know if you do.” He said waving his finger in front of them.
“Rude prick. I better get paid good for this….” Y/N thought.
“So you don’t know your blood type..? Hmm.” He grabbed your hand in one fluid motion and licked it.
“What the fuck?!” Y/N shrieked as they pulled their hand back.
“ Mmmm… according to your delectable fingers your blood type is ____.” He purred as he licked his lips.
“Uh great.” Y/N says in a sarcastic tone. “ Do you need a drink? Because I need to wash my hands…”
He ignored the question and excitedly starts typing on his weird keyboard putting in all the strange information he requested. His excitement was short-lived. “Oh… what a shame. You aren’t a match either. You’re too compatible with the target. Sigh…none of the AFAB here are incompatible. Why is it so difficult this time around???” He says dejectedly.
“I’m sorry..?” They didn’t know what to say.
“Well… I have an hour or two to kill before I gotta get back to work. Let’s use this time wisely and get to know each other. You’re new around here aren’t you? What’s your name?” He asked, showing an ounce of interest.
“Oh so NOW he wants to know about me?! What is up with this guy???” You thought angrily.
You swallowed the anger into the bottom of your stomach and just played along.
“Yeah I’m new. I’m Y/N and I’ve been working here for about a month and a half.” They said. “ I’m assuming you work a very important job since you're glued to your laptop.” You observed.
“Y/N…What a lovely name. It suits you.” He says. “Let’s just say my job is important and dangerous but it’s not currently being valued as much as it should right now .” He subtly hinted at being a part of the familia.
“What made you decide to work here?” He asked. “You look like you belong in university.”
“Well that’s a long story. I can’t afford it. Once I turned 18 years ago my mom and stepdad stopped financially supporting me or… just supporting me in general. So I had to fend for myself. Basically I have no family but I got my own studio apartment and a job here so I’m fully independent now and don’t need them!” Y/N explained.
“Really? That’s quite awful. You never stop being a parent just because your child grew up.” He frowned .
“Yeah…It really makes me wanna make sure that I will never be like them when I become a parent one day.”
They’re interested in having children in the future? Now Melone is genuinely curious. Not to mention that they are healthy and their Zodiac lines right up there with his. Could this be the one? He’s tried so many times but things never seemed to work out for some reason… Well, at least they made good surrogates for Junior. Y/N might be the right soul mate this time!
“Are you free next Sunday?” He asked. “ I want to get to know you better. We could go to that nice park in the good part of town.”
He didn’t give off the best first impression but Y/N was a kind person. Why not give him a chance? It’s not the first time they went on a date with one of their patrons. Maybe they will get another Gucci purse or pair of high heels out of it!
“Sure. Sounds like it will be fun! Do you want me to meet you there or are you gonna meet me at my place?” Y/N asked cheerfully.
“Di molto bene! I’ll meet you at your place then.” He says excitedly.
Y/N wrote down their phone number and address on his receipt and that concluded their meeting for the night.
This might have been a bad idea. Let’s see how it plays out.
The moment he sees your tiny cramped apartment he’s internally frowning. That’s no place to start a family. Hand me down furniture and outdated amenities and creepy neighbors…creepy even for him? That’s saying something!
“I never been on a bike before so I’m a little scared.” You confessed and he just smiles and pats on the space behind him.
“Don’t worry! I won’t go that fast! Just hold on to me nice and tight. It’s only a 5 minute drive so it won’t be long.” He said trying to ease your anxiety.
He loved how you clung to him the whole time. Feeling your chest against his back made his thoughts wander to what they looked like without clothing concealing them. These types of thoughts are not new to him of course. So he's easily able to tame his cock from waking up.
He didn’t expect you to be distracted the whole time though. While sitting on the grass at the park after a long walk he kept rambling about pseudoscience and zodiac signs. He stopped for a moment to see what you were looking at. You were looking over at the playground. A mother was kneeling in front of their crying daughter. She was putting a bandage on the little girls scraped knee and kissed it.
He looked at you and you had a mix of emotions all over you. Sadness, happiness, jealousy, confusion…it was a complicated look.
“I wish that were me…” you sighed. “ such a loving family. I want that too.”
He learned a lot about you that day. You were perfect for him. You were neglected and love starved, perfect for the taking. And you’re open to having children! You’re on his wavelength! Oh he’s not going to let you go.
He visits you often at the cafe. He always specifically requests for you and no one else. The others are jealous that you're able to catch his attention and he isn’t creepy towards you. He asks for dates often and buys lots of drinks so you make lots of money from him. He still asks odd questions from time to time…like favorite Kama sutra position , and when your menstrual cycle is. But he’s good at slowly manipulating you into normalizing this behavior. He likes you sitting in his lap while you two talk. He says close contact releases oxytocin.
Many of his dates include shoe and lingerie shopping at the department store. He always insists on putting the shoes on your feet for you. He enjoys massaging your feet too when they’re sore from all the walking. He has to hold back the urge to want to suck on your toes since you’re both in public. But he definitely can’t hold back his hard on seeing you in luxury brand 5 inch heels. Good thing he’s wearing civilian clothes for most of these dates, that jumpsuit wouldn’t hide a damn thing.
Everything is running smoothly. He’s gained your trust, now all he has to do is get you inside his house.
This time though he takes you to hang out at his house. He gets you a glass after glass of wine to make sure you’re nice and drunk so you’re easy to take advantage of. He’s not going to be able to keep his hands off of you and you’re too drunk to say no. He’s feeling you up and shoving his tongue inside your mouth and you’re lazily just reciprocating not really understanding what’s going on but just feeling the warmth build up inside you.
You’re going to wake up in bed with him with no recollection of what happened the night before. He’s just clinging to you, beaming that finally awake.
“Buongiorno Y/N~. Did you sleep well? Last night was… amazing.” He pulled you in close and nuzzled into your chest.
The first time was a little concerning but you trusted him. You assumed you wanted it but just don’t remember. It’s a little awkward but you both reached a huge milestone in your relationship! That’s supposed to be a good thing! You just wished you could remember it…
He uses his manipulation skills to convince you to move in with him and quit your job.
“I think it would be for the best if you got out of that dangerous apartment and moved in with me. I worry so much for your safety. We already spend so much time together, don’t you want to take our relationship to the next level? Also about your job… I’m not really happy with you spending time with other guys. I know it’s just business but I can’t help but feel jealous of another man who even looks at you! You understand right?”
He becomes more controlling once you move in. You cannot leave the house without his verbal permission. And don’t bother trying sneaking out, he has cameras everywhere they’re all linked to his laptop.
He sneaks prenatal vitamins into your food when he cooks for you. The food is always fantastically seasoned so that you can’t taste the pill.
He has a massive sexual appetite and if you can’t keep up with him that’s perfectly okay! Because he’ll give you aphrodisiacs to help with that. Whether you want to or not.
He keeps up with your menstrual cycle and knows when you’re ovulating. When you’re ovulating is when he’s the most ruthless.
He has you nearly bent in half with your legs between your head as he’s pussy drunk thrusting hard and it’s just making lewd squelching noises. He came in you 3 times already and intends on cumming even more deep into your cunt in hopes of you conceiving his children. You're overstimulated and your cunt is overflowing with his cum as he’s panting praises.
“Oh love! You’re slutty pussy keeps pulling me back in~! You’re so addictive that I can’t stop! I can’t wait to see you full and round with my child~! You're going to be a wonderful parent!”
You’re in the bathroom crying and looking at the positive pregnancy test. You don’t know what to do. You wanted a family but everything is happening so fast! You’re afraid of being as bad as your own parents. Thankfully Melone is always here to comfort you.
“You're pregnant? Di molto!!! That’s wonderful news! …why are you crying?” He’s confused.
“I’m scared I won’t be a good parent. I don’t what it’s like to be a good one! I don’t even know how to hold a baby !” You sobbed.
He wiped away your tears and gave you a big warm hug.
“Oh love~. You have nothing to worry about. You’re going to be a great parent I promise! You may not have had the best upbringing but I’ll make sure you and the baby are well taken care of.” He said kissing your forehead. “ You can always trust me.”
You can always trust Melone! He’s very trustworthy. As long as you’re willing to make a big family with him you have a very fruitful future ahead of you!
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thetrashbagswasteland · 4 months
aight [cracks knucles] situation asks, gimme uhhh [rolls d20] solo 11 and 24 for avi kuris and tyk, and group 8 for the coyotes natch
11. Your character has to spend a whole day indoors. What do they get up to? AVITUS: Spending time indoors isn't a challenge for him actually - especially if he gets to pick one (or both!) of his boyfriend options to keep him occupied. On the schedule is sleeping in late, snuggling up to only half pay attention to the TV and ordering in enough food to propel them back into a food coma. And failing those options. Fucking. He's a big fan of that as a way of spending the day indoors. KURIS: This actually would be a challenge for him!!! In later years, it gets easier as he gets more paranoid and arthritis catches up with him, but on the whole, he actually likes going outdoors and simply being outside; it's something he got used to on Omega but in the years after that, he's very happy to feel the sun on his face again. Realistically though, baking with an audiobook or talk-show playing softly to keep him from being too alone with his thoughts is a great way to while away the hours - even better if he can convince one or both of his family members to hang out with him whilst working. TYKSE: To be honest, persuading her not to spend all day inside is more of a challenge than the opposite; Ora might have shitty bandwidth but by god she's still gonna find a way to make gaming with her extranet friends work. If her parents wanted her to, gasp, see the sun periodically? Well maybe they should've picked some place to live where she'd be able to have more friends. (They do, in fact, make that a reality eventually, and she STILL spends all day inside if she can get away with it.) 24. Your character has been challenged to a duel by a skilled fighter. What incentive would convince them to accept? How would they prepare for the fight? Do you think they would win? (bonus: which other character do you think the challenger could be?) AVITUS: Getting him not to accept would be a bigger challenge tbh. This asshole loves a fight and he's ready for it 24/7. Equally, there's pretty good chances he's winning. Even if it's not in a domain he's all that practiced with, there's a lot to be said for just being feral and hard to kill (he's made a career out of combining those talents). Preparation is for smarter people, just going in like a wild animal has always served him well.
KURIS: Honestly , similar to Avitus, he's pretty much always dtf (down to (fucking) fight). That said, he might think twice if it's specifically meant to be a fight with a weapon he's not familiar with. Give him enough time and he's learnin' to fight that way though! Aside from that, threatening a child or just plain insulting him or anyone he cares about is guaranteed to get him ready to have a go at it. TYKSE: Kiddo inherits one thing from her mother (well, two if you include the whole being asari thing) and that one thing is a shred of self preservation. Or at least, she got it somewhere, her mom has less sense than her though. Either way, there's next to nothing that'll entice her into a fight. Which is sensible because she's been coddled enough by her parents that she's pretty shit in a fight. Not a bad shot if you give her time and, sure, she can get herself out of trouble if backed into a corner but she's not a soldier and ain't that a luxury. 8. Your characters have been invited to a fancy dress ball, and their costumes must fit a group theme. What do they wear? I'm legally obliged to say that they all come as "back end of pantomime horse". That's my answer. All 3 of them are the back end of a horse.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Date? - j.q
hello loves i hope you’re all okay! here is part 3 of my nursery teacher series. it has a shitty ending so i’m sorry about that. enjoy reading loves, remember i’m always here if you need me🤍
taglist (tag yourselves my loves🤍) : @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @aftertheglitterfades @gretavanfleas @luvrsbian
Lizzie had been at nursery for over two months now and after that incident with Mrs Smith, Joseph never let the kids have a supply teacher again. if he had a meeting he would push it till after every child had gone home or have it in the early morning before everyone arrived. he never wanted another one of his students to go through what Lizzie went through and for that you were so grateful.
he was just such a caring person and he always made sure Lizzie was okay before any other child in the nursery. obviously, some of the parents saw Joseph giving Lizzie a lot more attention but they put it down to because she was the youngest. it was true, Lizzie was the youngest in the class but that wasn't the reason why. Joseph cared about Lizzie more because he liked you and he didn't know why he felt so connected with Lizzie but he did.
you and Joseph had gotten closer to. every morning at drop off he'd always make sure you were okay, he'd ask about work and if anything was bothering you and you were just really grateful for that. it was Tuesday morning which meant Lizzie only had to be at nursery for three hours. on a Tuesday, after you'd finished a few jobs at work, you and Lizzie would do something together.
whether it was going into London to the zoo or if it was to a play area or even if it was just for a walk, you always did something together on a Tuesday because sometimes you were busy on the weekends. weekends were for seeing your mum, dad and other family members which left no mother daughter time for you and Lizzie, that's why you did it.
it was 9am and you were just about to drop Lizzie off at nursery and she had woken up in the best mood. she had become a lot less shy now that she was used to waking up in the morning and seeing Joseph and her friends practically every day and she was smiling a lot more which you loved. even when she was a few months old her smile was your favourite thing about her and it still was.
Fathers day was approaching quickly and this day always made you uncomfortable. Lizzie's dad Michael was not in her life and it was for the best. he was rude, stuck up and didn't want anything to do with you when you told him you were pregnant. it not only crushed you when he left but it scared you. you were 21 and going to be a single mum with no support from her father.
Lizzie had changed your whole perspective when she was born and not having Michael there just made things so much easier. you arrived at the nursery and 'singing' Lizzie who was obviously excited for the day ahead, nursery and spending time with her mama in one day? it was exciting for her. "mama" she said as you picked her up out of her car seat and placed her gently on your hip.
"yes my love" you grabbed her bag which had her lunch box in it and locked your car. "two day?" she asked, obviously meaning tuesday but she hadn't quite gotten the grasp of it yet. "yes sweetheart it's Tuesday, that means mama and liz time" you tickled her stomach before stroking her cheek softly, making her squeal loudly, she dug her head onto your shoulder and cuddled into you, making you wrap your arms tighter around her waist.
you'd finally made it to the nursery door and saw Joseph standing there with a huge smile on his face. he always greeted all the children with a smile and a hug if they wanted one and knowing Lizzie, she'd always hug Joseph. every morning without fail she's realise he was standing there and run up to him, arms spread so she could hug his leg.
you gently placed her on the floor so she could walk on her own into the nursery. once she caught eye of Joseph, her eyes lit up and she ran toward him. "miter qin" she said in her sweet voice. she meant to say 'mister quinn' but thy was close enough. he heard her little shout and turned his attention to her. "Lizzie" he said, crouching down to her level so he could hug her.
she crashed into him and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, making him almost fall backwards but he quickly stopped himself from falling and wrapped his arms around her waist. "how are you doing sweetheart" he asked, picking her up and placed her on his hip.
"good" she smiled, looking around to find you who was walking up to her. "morning y/n" he said shyly, every time he saw you he got nervous. you were just beautiful and he couldn't stop himself from blushing every time you were near him. "morning Mr Quinn. i'll be back here for about 12 today to pick her up. i've gotta go though so i can finish in time" you said, rushing to give Lizzie a quick kiss before walking briskly to your car.
Lizzie waved as you walked away, making Joseph's heart swell. Lizzie was so cute, she looked exactly like you and she was just so kind. her confidence has grown a lot and she was finally going up to speak to a few of the other kids in her class instead of them coming up to her. Joseph walked into the classroom with Lizzie still on his hip and made his way to the back of the classroom where the kids usually put their coats and lunch boxes.
Lizzie's was right at the end, due to her being the last to get into Joseph's class, and he finally set her down. he helped her take off her coat and hung everything up. before he turned back around he could see her waddling toward the play area where he could make out two of her friends.
12 o'clock didn't roll around quick enough. you'd had two meetings and you were meant to show a couple around a flat but they cancelled, leaving you to do a colleagues paperwork as well as your own. she had to leave due to her client calling about an issue with her new flat so that left you to do extra work.
once you finally got to leave work you rushed over to the nursery so you could spend the rest of the day with your favourite girl. you and Joseph had become a lot closer since Lizzie started nursery and you tried to be as subtle as you could but you had a massive crush on him. i mean, who wouldn't?
you heard from outside the nursery the loud music from a random nursery rhyme and saw Lizzie with a girl in her class named Charlotte. they were holding hands and jumping around together with the biggest smiles on their faces. you smiled softly, your heart swelling as you looked at the excitement on your daughters face.
you entered the classroom and the opening of the door immediately caught the attention of Lizzie who leg go of Charlottes hand and ran to you. “mama” she squealed, lifting her arms so you could pick her up. you smiled at her and picked her up when she reached you. “hi my baby, you have a good day at nursery?” you felt her nod on your shoulder and you turned you head so you could kiss her on the head.
you saw Joseph approaching you so you smiled at him, seeing he had all her things in his hands so you didn’t have to walk through the classroom to grab it all. he handed you Lizzie’s coat and lunch box and smiled as he saw you cradling her. “thank you” you said, the smile on your face genuine.
“no problem, i wouldn’t want you weaving through all the kids, one of them would probably trip you up” you laughed. all the kids did have a lot of energy and you would hate to walk through them. you and Joseph spoke for a couple more minutes about how well Lizzie was coping and how her learning skills were developing well, his attention being on the kids every so often as he spoke to you but you understood, he was there to be teaching not to be having a conversation with you.
“thank you for telling me, she’s really grown in confidence and all i can do it thank you. i best get going though” you loved knowing that Lizzie was doing well in nursery, it put your mind at ease and it made you not feel as bad as you used to when you would drop her off. you always felt like you were blushing when you were speaking to Joseph, it was the intense eye contact he held when he spoke to you. Joseph nodded and said goodbye to Lizzie before you walked out the door and started the short walk to your car with Lizzie in your arms.
what you didn’t expect to hear was Joseph shout your name and walk after you, luckily Miss Adams was there to look after the kids for the few seconds he was out speaking to you. you turned around with a frown and confused look. “is everything okay?” you asked as he finally got to you. he nodded and gulped, he seemed nervous. “this is unprofessional and i may be completely wrong but i’d thought i’d ask anyway otherwise i’d just go crazy”
he was blushing, a lot. his face was almost as dark as a tomato and he felt flushed as he went to ask you this. “would you like to go on a date with me? again if you don’t want to it’s fine, i’m probably reading the signals wrong-” you smiled, he was asking you out. “i’d love to”.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I agree with your comment on the heroes. The students aren't ever going to learn if they keep listening to the old gen. They have got to think for themselves. Bur Hori makes all the heroes and kids brain dead when the villains bring up good points, just so he can have this push and pull. Now I am wondering. Mind you Shouto Todoroki is one of my favorite characters along aside Dabi who is my fav villain. During the reveal when the abuse of Shouto was put out into the light Shouto didn't seem to be too happy about it. I think cause of how hero society is, he was taught to just be quiet and take it? Is that why he is so quiet all of them and puts himself in harms way? I am just curious on your thoughts.
Mmh, no, I don't really read it as though Shouto's giving in to social pressure or any external expectations. In fact, I think he's very stubborn about fighting authority and things that are chosen for him. You can't convince this kid to do something he doesn't want to do, and you won't dissuade him from doing things he shouldn't do if he thinks they're right. That's just how Shouto is. (See the aftermath of Stain's arc and his reaction to being reprimanded for illegal and unauthorized quirk use)
That said, I think that the reason why he reacts that way after the broadcast is because it throws him off balance. Shouto canonically struggles a lot before making choices. He's an overthinker and he spends a lot of time making up his mind about what is right and what is wrong. Because of this, he spent a majority of the manga coming to terms with his father's legacy, and only after some deep soul searching, reassessing of his ideals, and reconnection with his mother, did he finally figure out how he felt for his dad. All of this took a lot of careful consideration, and at last he came to a conclusion he was confident in.
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He didn't want a father/son dynamic with Endvr, but he would only be interning for him to learn how to better make use of his fire, which he neglected to train properly for nearly a decade.
He also decided that he would give Enji room to grow and to prove himself to his family, without granting automatic forgiveness in exchange for the effort. Basically, he comes to terms with working under Endvr's guidance on the condition that this doesn't mean reconciliation or blanket forgiveness. To even consider that, Shouto makes it clear he wants to see a real change first, and he makes sure his dad knows he's just giving him a chance to become a less shitty person.
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He reminds Endvr of all this one the first days of the internship, in front of his friends, so it's not like he wants to keep the sordid past a secret, per se. But he shows the ability to separate Endvr the cool number one hero from Enji the shitty father and husband.
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Shouto wants to see Enji change; he already has a certain degree of respect for Endvr the hero for his experience in the field and fine turned quirk control. What he needs is to see more of an effort from his father to change in the domestic sphere, but after some inner growth, Shouto is now able to keep work ethic and private life separate. Thanks to this, he can be around his father again without it being detrimental to his mental health like before.
This gives Shouto balance. For the first time in ten years, he has reached something resembling stability. He feels secure in his hero path, and he has things to look forward to on the personal side because he's curating his reconnection with Rei at the same time, another thing that had been weighing on him all this time.
When Touya comes back from the dead and talks about their past, however, he throws a wrench in that tentative stability. Suddenly, everything needs to be renegotiated again to accommodate Touya's reappearance in the family dynamics. Shouto wants to reconnect with him because Shouto has always wanted to reconnect with his estranged family members, and he feels close to Touya in some regards, which amps up that feeling. But Touya is a villain, while Shouto is a hero, and that complicates matters because Shouto feels a responsibility towards the population, while also feeling the urge to connect with his brother. The current arc shows that he's being pulled in two different directions at once, and can't choose which instinct is stronger. Dabi notices this and exploits it to get the jump on him. That makes Shouto falter further because he never wanted to hurt his brother (he developed a cold fire technique just for that), but the nature of their roles makes them enemies.
Plus there's also the fact that Touya's reappearance destabilizes Enji as well, making him fall back into his avoidant and neglectful patterns.
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So Shouto feels pushed into the role of pulling Enji back on track whenever he seeks an easy escape, and that further weighs on Shouto. He wanted Endvr to prove himself as a father, gave him room to do so, but any change Enji was slowly crawling toward was thrown askew by the reveal. Shouto hadn't forgiven him for the abuse, but was shown to be genuinely interested to see which steps his old man would take to be a better person from then on. But since Touya came back, Enji regressed. Instead of moving forward or facing the past head on, he retreated into crying over himself, avoiding Shouto, ignoring Touya, and doubling down on being Endeavor the Proud Hero who Defeats Big Bad Villains. It's an involution instead of the growth Shouto was hoping to get, and it put the family several steps backs in their jurney towards healing. The opposite of what the poor kid wanted.
I think it's understandable, all things considered, why Shouto wasn't happy with the events after the broadcast
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whoiwanttoday · 2 years
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Hey guys, Happy Thanksgiving to those of you for whom it is happy. Happy Thanksgiving for those of you for whom it is not. I know holidays in general can suck for people and this one always seems to have that special magic of just the most toxic people you know gathering around and making your day miserable and you're supposed to just take it because they are family. I've been there plenty. It's been a long time since I really had to put up with that stuff but I remember it well. I am here to tell you that hold they have on you? Eventually it will fade. I know how powerless you can feel in the moment though. You need to put up with it for some reason. They are paying for your college or it's the only way you can see your little brother or 100% other ways they dig their hooks into you so you have to take their bullshit. You aren't crazy for hating this and you aren't crazy for thinking it's wrong. Those things? Supporting you because they're your parents, allowing you to have a relationship with other people you love on your own terms? These are just things normal family members do and don't think you owe them for, it's only the shitty ones who use all these things to tie strings to you that they can pull whenever they wish. It's what bad people do and if someone is doing it to you they are a bad person. But one day you will be able to cut those strings because the older you get the more independent you will be and the less power they will have over you. They will actually have no real power for some time when you will finally realize you have all the power. They need you, abusive people always need their victim because they can't get by as just normal people. You don't need them and thus you have all the power. That day you will be free because you can set hard boundaries and if they ignore the limits you set you can just ignore them. Trust me it's magical and it's probably closer than you realize. In the meantime work on escapes. Don't worry about how other people spend Thanksgiving, spend yours doing what you need to do. Now I know these sort of people can turn anything into something you have done wrong. Trust me I have gotten lectures about how selfish it is for me to need to go to the bathroom or whatever. But there must be things you can do to get away and not catch that flack. My favorite was a long walk on Thanksgiving. No one ever really objects to, "I am going to take a walk". Then you put on your headphones and let music take you away. The world will melt away for a little bit and you will be free, if just in that moment. They will still be miserable and trying to destroy each other but you will be lost in your world. Embrace it. Take a bunch of walks if you need to. Do what you have to to survive this and remember you are often stronger than you realize and you will get through this. I am sorry you have to though. I am posting Taylor Swift today because I always post musicians on Thanksgiving for the above reasons and also I had a dream about her I think? I barely remember it but it involved a sequel to Cats that was all the same characters but now they were solving murders together. I remember thinking it sounded awful but I just wasn't sure how to tell her politely. No clue why I was the person who needed to offer her career advice but I was. Anyway, that's a long way of saying Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate. If you aren't clear yet you will be one day. If today is just a day with scars I am sorry, those too fade in time and you can make this day whatever you want. Seriously, fuck those assholes, you control what it means to you. Today I want to fuck Taylor Swift.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (816): Mon 10th Jun 2024
I got a notification through the work app this morning telling me that today was my two year anniversary of working for the company. Holy shit does time fly when you're dragging carts up and down a warehouse for ten hours a day. I genuinely can't believe it's been two years since I escaped that awful call centre and found a life raft in the form of this warehouse. Even after I landed in this company I was worried I might not last long because my stowing rates were not great however I thankfully volunteered to be moved down to the warehouse and it's the best decision I've ever made because not only am I mostly allowed to perform in this role without being bothered at all but they don't really do rates or performance reviews here, all they care about is getting those god damn trucks filled up. Basically as long as they see you working and not on your phone or pissing around with your mates you are set for life. Even though I still bemoan going to bed on a Thursday night because I have work the next morning this is more to do with my not doing enough on my days off rather than not enjoying my job. I'm so fucking glad I had that shitty day in the call centre that day that prompted me to start looking for jobs elsewhere. If that day had been okay then by the time I checked this company's website for jobs there might not have been any and I would've eventually gotten sacked from the TSB job because I was less equipped for that job than Rishi Sunak for his. Even though the job is far from perfect it's about as close to the perfect job for me that I am ever likely to stumble into so on days where I'm exhausted and frustrated at work I should just keep this in mind. I'm indebted to this company for saving me and providing me with the ability to earn a comfortable living, travel the world crossing off items on my bucket list and not having to talk to any members of the fucking public ever again. Speaking of work I still have a week's worth of holidays that I need to take before the end of September or lose them forever. I already have ten days off for the family holiday to Greece at the end of August so I might wait until July when theres a better chance of the sun being out so that I can spend a week in the garden reading more Philip K Dick novels. 
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speakingagain · 7 months
I am 24 years old. So far, being in my 20's I have learned quite a bit. First off, you think you know anything about life, you're wrong. Especially when you are just becoming an adult.
Second, your 20's will not be the best years of your life. Literally everyone lied about it. Being an adult sucks, and it doesn't get better. You just learn to manage it better.
Your 20's are just your era to actually figure out what you're going to do with your life and who you are as a person.
Here's what I have learned so far about life and myself:
1) Coffee is my addiction and I have no plans on getting rid of it. If I could, I'd replace my blood with a cold brew.
2) I'm worth more than I have ever thought, and I only learned this because others valued me less than I should have been.
3) Milk is expensive. Gas is expensive. Paint is expensive. Existing is expensive.
4) No matter how appealing it is to hit someone, I would NOT thrive in jail. Even if they deserve it.
5) I have serious issues letting go of things. Physically, or emotionally. I hold grudges. And I keep shit I don't need. I actually have an entire box of shit from people I hate that I refuse to get rid of purely because I want to burn it, but I have no way of doing that safely unless I go up to my family cabin which is a hour away and has other members of my family there pretty much all the time and I'm not about that.
6) I want to be an extrovert but I genuinely hate people and I don't think that will ever change.
7) I got drunk and ate an edible once before a work Christmas party for a job I got laid off from a week before and went as a plus one for someone. Apparently people were highly concerned about me because I was talking so much.
8) People genuinely don't give a shit about what you're doing. More often than not, they find you amusing or slightly annoying. And they go on about their day. Do the weird thing you love, because it makes you happy. Even if you get weird stares. It's worth it.
9) I like cleaning and having things clean. But I hate having to clean. Having a clean space has scientific research behind it, stating that it helps improve your mental state. Do I know this very well? Yup. Do I actually keep my shit clean? Hell no.
10) Your mom will tell you that you're an adult and don't need a mother anymore and then when she wants you to do something you don't want to do, she will say, "I am your mother" to get you to do it.
11) My mom is the coolest person ever because she will vape THC with me (medical purposes duh) before bed and then sit on the balcony and laugh and giggle while staring at the stars with me. It is one of my favorite things to do with her and I really hate the fact that winter doesn't allow that.
12) Your shitty job that doesn't pay you a livable wage genuinely doesn't give a fuck about you. You can get better jobs with little to no experience that pay you well and offers decent benefits. Just quit applying to anything that focuses on customer service and the like.
13) Everyone is dead inside in Walmart. Everyone.
14) Promoting people who are being rude in stores (looking at you Karen) to use their words and ask for what they need is either going to get them to behave like an adult or royally piss them off. Either way, it's hilarious.
15) If you're starting off with nothing and money is tight, the dollar store has literally everything required to start up your kitchen.
15a) do not buy a can opener from the dollar store. It will break every time you use it. Spend a few extra bucks and go to Walmart or target.
15b) thrift stores sells random bundles of kitchen ware for like $2. I once found a $400 set of kitchen knives for $8 that just needed sharpened and CAME WITH THE SHARPENER.
16) If you can't afford to do something nice for yourself every once in a while like go get your nails done or a new pair of sneakers or whatever floats your boat, buy yourself that nice expensive toilet paper. Your booty deserves the best and it's relatively cheap compared to the other things you can't afford but love.
17) You can work on improving yourself, even if you don't have a therapist. Start asking yourself the hard questions you don't want to answer.
19) It is okay to be upset. It is okay to be angry. It is okay to be sad. It is okay to express them. What isn't okay, is forcing everyone to feel your emotions and make them everyone else's problems.
20) I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, and I'm not sure I will ever really know but it's a vibe.
21) Remember to relax your shoulders and your jaw.
22) I am actually a pretty good looking person, but I prefer to be comfy and wear 'unflattering' things than to cater to other people's images of beauty.
23) Space heaters are way cheaper than using gas to heat your home. Electricity is cheaper than gas. Candles can also be used to heat but aren't as effective, but can be used if you have no power.
24) know your tenant laws. Record every conversation with your landlord, or office people anywhere you rent. They will screw you over just because they assume you don't know your rights. They differ for each state but they are there to protect you from sleezy landlords. Which is 99.99% of landlords.
25) Feeling crappy? Make sure your basic needs have been met. Food, water (not coffee), hygiene, sleep, and attention. That will probably solve your problem.
I had a whole point to this post today. I don't remember what it was at this point. Stay safe y'all, and take care of yourself ❣️
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secretary-in-love · 9 months
The Day after Christmas
I'm sure i don't need a date for this - y'all already know what day is today.
After spending a little over a week with all my family members I've realised quite a few things - if you want to figure out why you are as fucked up as you are, trust me, spend a little time with your family and it will all make sense - at least that's what happened to me.
Watching my family dynamics made me realise such a centric piece of my being - my performative nature, have you ever read that book from Osamu Dazai " No Longer Human" - where little Yozo begins performing as a child to feel a part of society? (More or less I think) , I've adopted the same nature about my family. I've allowed myself to become a performative tool - since a kid, making others laugh, and making others aware of my presence - over time, it did nothing more than corrode my real identity.
With my family teasing is such a big part of our dynamics, upon understanding this - I began embracing to fullness this language with everyone (This is why I tease everyone around me - unfortunately this never allowed me to learn boundaries to the fullest extent - at least not for my self - everything became a joke to me )- whit this I feel like I never really developed as a whole. It's like I'm missing huge chumps to my identity.
I'm in my 20s and it took me Christmas 2023 - to realise how shitty my social skills are ... unable and unwilling to talk to anyone - because I have no idea how to communicate with them if tehre's no teasing involved. Before you say it, I already know ... What the Fuck is wrong with me? - I wish I knew.
Soon I'll post 2024 goals that don't focus on the same bullshit ass plans I've been making - like being prettier etc. I'm actually tired of constantly talking or even attempting to beautify myself. No more of that bullshit for me in 2024.
I want to be different - but this time for real.
Song of the Post. It's so mellow and chill - the vocals make me feel like my soul is transcending, screaming into another dimension.
See you next time, Good Luck.
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ms-demeanor · 3 years
Last weekend I ended up in a very long and terrible conversation with some people who had a hardcore case of just world fallacy.
At least, that's how I describe it when people believe that everyone has direct control over their health. I talked to them about going back to school for nutrition and wanting to maybe do public health education stuff and it was off to the races. I think at one point one of them actually said "I don't want to take medical advice from someone who doesn't spend twelve hours a week in the gym" which is just. It just gives you a very good idea about how they prioritize things.
And anyway I pointed out that their definition of "healthy" would exclude plenty of people who were well educated about health but couldn't participate in a marathon. I used asthma as an example, and they pointed out that there are some people at their gym who have trained in specific ways that their asthma doesn't interfere with their exercise - they believe that these people at their gym have essentially "cured" their asthma.
And it was a shitty and bad conversation to have and I didn't walk away from it feeling any better about the world and they didn't walk away from it any less inclined to listen to what Robert F. Kennedy is saying about vaccines.
Anyway, I just happened across a blog that was discussing how you can use spiritual energy to change your physical characteristics. This was based on some totally huckster, spoon-bending, cold-reading type tricks as confirmation of the practice working.
And sometimes people ask me what's the harm in faith or spirituality and honestly I don't think that faith or spirituality are inherently harmful, but I *do* think that believing that you can change your physical, financial, medical, romantic, or political system through spiritual practice *is* harmful, and I think it's just a hop, skip, and a jump away from that to believing things like "fat people are fat because they're lazy" or "if you're poor it's because you're not working hard enough" or "everyone can be healthy."
"You get back the energy you put into the world" is actually a terrifying insight into someone's worldview because I know a lot of kind, determined, hard-working, intelligent people who make good decisions who get into horrible car accidents or who lose their jobs and housing or who have been thrown out of their home by bigoted family members or who get cancer.
So if your faith is important to you and is helpful to you, that's great. I'm glad that you have that.
But if your faith teaches you that good things happen to good people or that bad people get what's coming to them, you may need to do some hard thinking about whether that belief has impacted your worldview in a way that is doing harm. (Or if it's harming you! I promise, if you're having a bad time in the world today it is NOT because you are insufficiently observant of your spiritual practices!!)
Like, we know that's where the new satanic panic is coming from, right?
"These DEMOCRATS are bad people and yet they still have power and money and influence and in a just world they would not have those things so they must LITERALLY BE IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN." It's why "god always wins" is a Qanon slogan. (And it must be noted that that is at least partially the result of virulent antisemitism that then causes an outgrowth of more virulent antisemitism).
But yeah, you can't willpower your way out of asthma (though you can increase and improve aerobic capacity and you can take medications to manage it enough that you may be able to participate in cardio-intensive sports), you can't use mental energy to change your eye color, and being born in November doesn't make someone an asshole.
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wardenparker · 2 years
From Dorne, with Love - part 4
Oberyn Martell x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Your little sister is marrying her fairy tale princess on the exotic desert island nation of Dorne. Your soon-to-be sister-in-law’s playboy uncle is the other member of the wedding party along with you, but will your opposite approaches to life drive you apart before the ceremony even begins? Or is it possibly the beginning of a future you never thought possible?
Rating: E is for Explicit, my lovelies! Word Count: 9.9k Warnings:  *Some instances of reader being pig-headedly stubborn and some ‘ugly American’ moments, but we learn and grow in this house. Another one of our patented shitty families.* Size kink (Oberyn is stacked and I will not be taking criticism), public sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, cockwarming, technically frottage I guess?, cum play. Prudishness, prejudice, a bit of slut shaming, seeming homophobia, family drama, discussions of cheating.  Summary: It’s time for a royal wedding! A little scandalous fun at the wedding reception is followed by an unexpected heart-to-heart. Notes: Sorry about missing last week’s update slot, everyone, my health is wreaking havoc on my productivity again. But we’re back in business!
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Epilogue
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The reason Dornish weddings take place at sunset becomes abundantly clear when you see just how many candles are lit during the ceremony. Each little flame helps carry the feeling of starlight and beauty throughout, and the pictures that the photographer takes of Lily and Aja at their altar after the ceremony are sure to be absolutely stunning. One of those is going to be your cell phone's lock screen for a very long time. That, or the candid that the photographer's assistant snuck a few moments later of Oberyn pulling you in for a kiss with the night sky as your backdrop. 
Now the new couple is politely accepting handshakes and hugs from everyone in their very long receiving line while you take the opportunity to check in with the band. Singing in public is something you normally reserve for karaoke night at your favorite bar in Koreatown, but the band leader has promised to keep it slow and simple and follow your lead. As long as Lily and Aja enjoy it, that's all that matters. You'll just focus entirely on them and not the three hundred other people in the palace gardens.
“Are you nervous?” Oberyn asks, coming up beside you as you make your way over to where the band is setting up. “Lily says you have an amazing voice.”
"My sister is my biggest fan. Always has been." Honestly, you're not sure if having him there to hear you makes it more or less terrifying, but his hand on your back in your elaborate gold bridesmaid dress is definitely calming right now. "I'm terrified, to be honest. Normally I'm three drinks down by the time I get up to sing in front of people. I want this to be perfect for them."
“It will be.” He promises immediately. “Because someone they love is singing it to them.”
"And then afterward I can hear a review from my mother," you laugh half-heartedly, pressing a kiss to his cheek when he looks annoyed at the implication. "It's okay. Honestly. Nothing they say can get to me tonight. Lily's happy and all is right with the world."
“We could always send them to the other side of the gardens.” Oberyn jokes. 
“Oo, banishment? That sounds exceptionally sexy.” Waggling your eyebrows at him earns you a laugh and it settles in your chest like a warm hug. “It’s fine. I’ll just tell my mom she looks beautiful and explain all the fancy food to my dad in layman’s terms and they’ll be good to go.”
He rolls his eyes, wondering how your parents would not be happy to have you or your sister as their daughters. “Do not spend much time concerning yourself with their comfort or enjoyment.” He leans in and gives you a conspiratorial look. “We might have mentioned that the downstairs salon has every football and American football and baseball channel on it.”
“I hope you know my dad is never leaving that room.” You giggle, grinning at the idea of something so simple and American being available in such an elegant place as the Old Palace. “I mean ever. He might even skip the flight home if that tv gets more channels than he does.”
He snorts and shakes his head. “Then we will have to make sure that the box is ‘broken’ in a few days.” He jokes. There are far more people that he dislikes more than your parents, even if he wishes to smack them on the head at what comes out of their mouths.
“Probably smart.” Once the receiving line has ended it will be time for the first dance, so you check your microphone quickly and step away from the stage with Oberyn to go in search of a little liquid courage. Not that it takes much work - there are waiters with drink trays positively everywhere.
He hands you a drink with a smile. “Don’t get too sauced where you forget the words.” He teases, giving you an encouraging wink as he picks up his own glass of alcohol. “To Lily and Aja.” He offers in toast.
“Lily and Aja.” The clink of crystal is musical, almost magical sounding amongst the laughter and chatter of guests around the two of you as you sip your drinks. “The ceremony was gorgeous.”
“Yes, it was.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Dorne has spectacular weddings. It’s honestly magical.”
For someone who has given up thinking of their own special day many years ago, it hasn’t made you as melancholy as you expected - probably because of the fact that it’s Lily’s perfect happily ever after moment. Princess Lily. A smile plays on your lips, knowing how she used to play princess when you were little. Princess Lily the Miracle Lady, aka the princess whose Lego castle was 90% science lab. “I was going to propose to Whitney.” You murmur, not sure why it’s really relevant except that it’s in your mind. “The only good thing from that whole situation is that she left me before I bought a ring.”
“Which makes her betrayal even more biting.” Oberyn observes. “Honestly, I never really thought much of weddings. I didn’t need to marry.” He explains. “There is no divorce in the royal family.”
“Maybe it’s just how our parents raised us.” You shrug slightly and sip your drink. “I mean…you’ve met my parents. They’re big fans of tradition. I just…I always thought I would get married and have kids right up until the day it was yanked out from under me. But…” Tilting your head at him slightly, you have to admit that you’re curious. “You never considered it? Not even with any of your daughters’ mothers?” 
“I considered it with Ellaria briefly, but she was not the type of woman who wanted to be tied down either.” He hums, remembering the conversation they had while she was expecting their third daughter.
“Well,” you offer him a smile, resting your hand on his arm briefly. “If that’s what you decide you want, I hope you find someone worthy of you.”
“You are still able to have your dream, Iris.” He reminds you. “Just with someone who will treat you better than your last love. Fuck, find love, have babies.”
“Maybe.” Regardless of how much better you feel, the level of trust in yourself and others you have to rebuild before you can even be able to contemplate a relationship again is…daunting. To put it mildly. “At least we know I haven’t forgotten the fucking part, right?”
“Definitely not.” That he can agree on, remembering the way your cunt squeezed his cock and your breathless praises feeding his own passions. “You excelled at remembering how to ride that particular bike.”
“Glad to hear it.” Given his wide berth of experience, you dreaded the idea of disappointing him. “Very, very glad.”
He takes your empty glass, tipped back during the conversation without you realizing you finished it, and hands you another. “If we were not required to partake in the celebration right now, I would be trying my hardest to convince you to let me get under that dress.”
“That won’t take a whole lot of work.” You accept the second glass with a mischievous grin. “We could always disappear for a little after the first dance? No one would notice.”
“What fun would that be?” He purrs. “I’d much rather make you cum with hundreds of people around, all clueless to the pleasure you are receiving.”
“Oh…” The breath just about knocks out of you, eyes widening and thighs clenching at the suggestion. “That…um…h-how exactly would that work?” 
Smirking at your obvious interest, he leans in, letting his nose graze yours. “We could be sitting down, and you have to keep those pretty little sounds to yourself. Or it can be on the dance floor, and you can make a mess of my thigh.”
“Interesting…” Any part of Oberyn between your legs would be a welcome feeling, but the idea of him getting you off while calmly chatting at the table is about to turn you into a needy little puddle. “I can be quiet,” you promise, almost instantly.
Triumph lights up his dark eyes, turning the smirk positively wicked. “Fingers, or does my Iris want to sit on my cock while we chat with people.”
“Why do I feel like you’ve done this several times before?” And why does that certainty make you completely weak in the knees? You lean into his side with a soft hum, loving the way he lights up at such a filthy game. “There’s no way you could get a hand under this dress without everyone knowing. It would be far more discreet to have me in your lap. Just…simple logistics.”
“I like the way you think.” Oberyn smirks and he nips your bottom lip playfully. “Discreetly hidden beneath my jacket is the hard cock I’ve been sporting since you appeared at the end of the aisle.”
“How you manage to be discreet about it is a mystery to me.” His playful mood rubs off on you easily, and you burrow into his side again without thinking. Everything about Oberyn is warm and inviting with an air of mischievousness and you hope the entire week is lived under this shroud of his encouraging and devious smile. You will not, however, let yourself indulge ever again in the image of walking down the aisle toward him. It’s a stretch even Gumby couldn’t make and will ruin the playfulness inherent in everything.
“Very good tailor.” He jokes, arm coming around you and sliding over the expanse of skin available to him.
Whatever reply you were expecting, it definitely wasn’t that, and it’s enough to send you into a fit of giggles that has you nearly clinging to him so you don’t double over and spill out of your dress. “The best,” you agree between laughs. “Best tailor in the world.”
“Much like the tailor who fitted this to you.” He doesn’t care if anyone is watching, squeezing your ass and smirking at your happy, bubbly face. “Now get up there and sing your song so you can sit on my cock.”
It might be the single most enticing and terrifying thing anyone has ever said to you and for some reason that makes it so much more fun as Aja’s father takes twenty-five or so more words than necessary to announce that the sister of the bride will be singing their first dance. It’s the song they danced to in Aja’s dorm room the first time they said out loud that they loved each other, and it’s the song Aja had playing when she proposed, and it’s the song you’ll sing for them now - along with a hundred thousand more times they’ll hear it in their hopefully long and happy life together. The nerves are there, of course, and they’re fierce - but watching so attentively from the edge of the dance floor is Oberyn, and it’s impossible not to think about singing straight to him.
There is something magical about you singing this song. Staring at him and crooning the words like you are devoting it to him. He swears he has stars in his own eyes as he watches you stun the entire audience, although Aja and Lily are center stage. At that moment, a little bit of his heart becomes yours.
It’s almost a pity that you can’t get away from the microphone fast enough after the song is over, though you’re swept onto the dance floor by your sister and her brand-new wife for endless hugs before the band strikes up and both fathers come forward to share a dance with their girls. In this moment the only place you want to be is basking in the easy glow of Oberyn’s affection - while simultaneously ignoring the adrenaline spike in your blood that has you thinking very un-fling-ish thoughts. Weddings make people think romantic thoughts, you remind yourself. You’re not actually feeling anything like that. It’s just the glow of Dornish wedding candles making you think that word. 
“You a woman of many talents.” Oberyn declares, hauling you close and pressing an eager, almost desperate kiss to your lips. Blocking out everyone around you for the taste of champagne on your tongue and the exhaled gasp you push into his mouth. He hears some murmured talking but ignores it, used to people talking about him.
The enveloping warmth of him is at an extreme - almost a scorching grasp to get as deeply close to you as he can, and it makes you melt into him. “If that’s that reaction it gets from you, I might have to sing a few more times before I leave.”
“We can make that happen.” He murmurs against your lips before he pulls away. “Shall we go sit down? Or would you like to dance first?”
“Let’s sit?” Nudging his nose with yours is an intimate gesture but it fits the mood of the moment nicely, making both of you smile into one more light kiss. “We have all night to dance.”
"Eager, are we?" He can't even deny that he is too. Ready to be inside you for hours now, and enjoying the idea that you are just as eager.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You throw him a teasing wink when he takes your hand to lead you to the table you’ve been assigned to sit at together. “I’m just talking about sitting on your lap and having a nice chat.” But the twisted smirk on your lips is barely containing your giggle and he knows it. “If you just happen to be inside me while I’m sitting there…I mean that would be absolutely salacious.”
There is a change in your demeanor that Oberyn is slightly surprised at witnessing. So different than the woman he had teased and flustered so easily. Confidence makes you even more sexy and his cock twitches in anticipation as he sits down and pats his lap.
The dress that Lily and Aja picked out for you is billowing. Yards and yards of some kind of fancy silk over built in petticoats - you didn’t even know people still wore petticoats - and it absolutely hides your intentions from sight as you set yourself down in Oberyn’s lap in the (thankfully) sturdy chair. Anyone who knows him won’t be surprised to see a woman in his lap, and almost no one here knows you at all, so they don’t know how impossibly unusual it is for you to be doing something like this. Only your family would have something to say, but Lily and your dad are still dancing, and your mom is off attempting to schmooze someone who easily looks related to Oberyn. The Dornish royal family isn’t overly large, but every single one of them is here today.
There is enough material that no one notices Oberyn's hands, covered by your skirts as he unzips his suit trousers and pulls himself free of the confines. No underwear makes this quick work. It was more a rule for his life to try to wear restricting garments as little as possible and he applauded himself for his forward thinking, even if he hadn't thought he would convince you to do this. He hums in your ear when you start grazing the head as you 'get comfortable'. The lace of your panties providing wonderful friction but he's eager to get to the warm wetness underneath. 
Even this much is without a doubt the most exhibitionist and possibly the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done in your life - definitely outstripping anytime you had a quickie with a coworker in the bathroom of a restaurant in between shifts or that nightclub in Palermo that was right on the coast, and you’d eaten that girl out on the cliffside because neither of you could wait to get back to her place. His fingers deftly work your thin panties aside, and you swallow a soft moan when he lines the thick head of his cock up at your entrance and slowly presses himself inside your body. The stretch and pinch of taking him are absolutely perfect, but you’re definitely clenching your fist under the table to keep from showing any other reaction.
You take him well. He feels you clench and flutter around him, loving the way you wiggle your ass in his lap to work him deeper. “Drink, Iris?” He asks, motioning one of the servers for the reception over.
“We are celebrating, after all.” He really is just going to be calm and collected about having you sit on his cock in the middle of the party. That realization makes you clench down on him that much harder, and you swear you see the moment his pupils dilate when you twist slightly in his lap to accept the glass.
He loves the way you feel around him. The nonchalance on your face and the small mischievous glint to your eyes. His cock twitches, deep inside you in response to your walls bearing down on him.
The small rhythm of minute movements is still just as breathtaking as when he was pounding you into the mattress at sunrise, just in very different ways now. Threat of discovery isn’t a high you’ve felt in years but in has lit up your entire body, making everything so much more sensitive and so much more pleasurable. A lady and gentleman come up to pay their respects to the prince and Oberyn might have been lazing in a window with nothing more scandalous in his lap than a book for how blasé he’s being - it makes you wonder what else you could get away with if he really wanted to. 
Perhaps, though, that was a be careful what you wish for moment, because as soon as the thought of more mischief floats through your mind, you catch sight of your mother making her way across the Gardens towards your precarious position. “Shit.” You mumble, squeezing his free hand at your hip. “Red alert. We’ve been seen...”
He chuckles in your ear, dark and sinful as his arm winds around your waist to keep you anchored against him. Possessive in appearance. "How interesting." He coos. "Your mother will no doubt say something to irritate you, I wonder if it will sting as harshly as when I am not buried in your delicious little cunt."
It’s too ironic and too entertaining to pass up, but even if you had been feeling modest or overwhelmed, your mother’s alarmingly fast footsteps have her pattering up to your table lightning fast. “Did you enjoy the ceremony, Mom?” The smile on your face is bright and cheery, completely belying the way you are subtly grinding down on Oberyn’s thick length.
Your mother arches her eyebrow at the vision of you sitting in Oberyn's lap, pursing her lips slightly. If it wasn't for the fact that the man had been so rude to her, she would have been thrilled. However, he was royalty, so she nods. "It was...interesting." She sighs slightly. "Although I wish some of our traditions had been observed."
“Neither Lily or Aja is Christian,” you remind her gently, deciding that whenever she says something rude or annoying, you’re going to bear down a little on the man below you. “You knew it was going to be a traditional Dornish ceremony.”
“Still.” She sniffs slightly and looks around, slightly flustered by seeing you on a man’s lap that you barely know. “At least they are married. Finally. I never thought I would get to see it.”
“They were together the exact same amount of time before they got married as you and dad. The only difference is that they met in college instead of high school.” Maybe it’s the idea of literally having nothing to lose while the lover you took thirteen hours ago grinds into you, but you’re feeling far less like a doormat than usual. “They took their time, and they made the decision when they were ready. Now they have a whole new life ahead of them.” You offer your mom a little solace though, and smile. “Your little girl is a princess now.”
"She is." That makes her soften for a brief moment and Oberyn uses it to his advantage, shifting his hips up slightly and flexing his cock inside you. Feeling the instant reaction of your walls tightening around him. He wishes he could see your face, wanting to see what expressions are riding across it.
You have to clench your fist and practically bite your lip to keep from moaning, the smile that you have directed at your mother wavering only for a blink of a second as you shift in Oberyn’s lap again and feel him throb inside you. If she knew, she’d probably accuse him of putting a spell on you, and that thought makes you want to laugh uncontrollably. Maybe he has? Who can really tell? But you feel more like your old self after a day and a half with Oberyn Martell than you had ever thought possible again. “Mom,” you throw a smirk over your shoulder at the man holding onto you. If he wants play dirty, you can definitely do that. “You’ll save a dance for Oberyn later, won’t you? He was saying earlier that he’s been looking for new things to read and I thought maybe you would have a recommendation from your book club.”
“Absolutely.” Oberyn immediately pipes up. “I have just finished Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. And One Hundred Years of Solitude.” He supplies easily. “Need some else to capture my attention.”
“Oh, we just read that Anderson Cooper’s new book!” Your mother launches into a verbose description of the American journalist’s exploration of his family history with delight, and Oberyn’s grip on your waist softens a little into something tender despite the fact that you’re teasing him with keeping her at the table longer while you warm his cock.
“…but of course, that’s not our New York,” she goes on, making you twist in Oberyn’s lap to grin at him. 
You can tell from the way he twitches inside you and his hand discreetly grips your hip that that swivel was a particularly good one for him. “Be careful, or she’ll be asking you to visit the real New York and put in an appearance with her book club ladies.” 
“Hmmm.” Oberyn is throbbing inside you and wants to feel you cum around him, but not while your mother is standing there. “Unfortunately, it will be some time before I will be back to the States.” He preemptively strikes that down. “Although I could send her book club copies of a famous Dornish author to discuss and even have them visit.”
“Martha Cauldwell would never believe it.” She practically crows it, and you know instantly that Oberyn has just won himself a decided victory with your mother. Martha Cauldwell is her age-old rival in all things and beating in anything her would make your mother’s entire year. Possibly even more than Lily’s wedding, though she would never admit it. 
You’re about to suggest she send her friends a text to see if they would be interested just to get her away from the table when Lily appears beside her to suggest she dance with your father. Lily may not say a single word to you or to Oberyn, but there is suspicion and amusement in her eyes, and you know you’ve been caught. But that she would never ruin your fun.
“Thank the gods.” Oberyn huffs, rolling his eyes slightly. “I thought she would never leave.”
“You’re welcome.” Lily throws both of you a wink before scampering away to find her bride again.
“You are lucky I didn’t bend you over this table and make you scream my name again.” The table in question, along with your dress, hides the way his hand dives beneath it to grip your panties and start grinding the material against your clit. “I would have, you know. Fucked you in front of everyone and been proud to do it.”
“I—“ You nearly squeak trying to swallow a moan, feeling glassy-eyed at the sudden assault of pleasure brought on by the texture of lace tight against your swollen nib. “I believe you would.” He doesn’t seem like he would be shy about pleasure no matter who he is with, and you honestly respect that about him.
“Smart girl.” He coos, grinning against your ear. “Want this little pussy to cum on my cock now. Can you do that for me? Squeeze me tight and make me fill you up?”
Nodding to keep from making any obvious noises, you’re suddenly grateful for every second of random pelvic floor exercises you ever did alongside your friends as they became mothers one after the other. Giving your cunt a workout had never paid off more than it did today, while he rocks up into you as subtly as he can to tip you over the edge.
You are close, he can feel the way your cunt is fluttering, the hand on your stomach feeling the muscles bunch beneath your skin as your core tightens in anticipation. He grunts, looking around and smirking when everyone is dancing and chatting, no clue what he is doing beyond Lily’s theory. “Cum, Iris.” He pulls a little more harshly on your panties to press your clit harder.
It’s like your body was waiting for the command, waiting on the precipice for when it would please him most, because a bare moment later you’re grasping his hand with your own - digging your nails into his skin with the effort not to sob his name while you cum in a torrent of pleasure.
The music playing provides the perfect cover for him rocking you on his lap. To anyone looking over it would seem like the two of you are wiggling to the beat. Instead of him working you through your orgasm in the middle of a wedding reception.
“Come on, lover.” You’ve never used the word in your own personal life before today, but that’s precisely what he is to you, and he did call you that this morning as well, if memory serves. With your lips as close to his ear as you can manage, your voice is no more than a strained whisper. “Fill me up.”
“Fuck.” Something about you wanting it, begging for it makes him nearly animalistic. Growling slightly, his entire body tightens, cock pulsing wildly while he coats your walls with hot ropes of his seed.
“So good.” The words are nearly a sigh of relief as the two of you relax, but a disbelieving bubble of happy giggles threaten to burst through the surface immediately afterward. “Holy shit I can’t believe we just did that…”
He smirks, kissing your ear. “You can add that to your list of ‘things I never thought I would do’.” He teases. “You just became an exhibitionist.”
“While talking to my fucking mother.” You nearly choke on your laughter, sinking into him as you relax.
He snorts quietly. “She might have demanded proof you were.” He hums, feeling himself start to soften inside you. “Now, I want you to be a good girl and slide your panties back into place, to keep that inside you.” Cum play has always been a favorite of his and he is curious to find out if it’s yours as well.
The slight whimper that escapes your lips surprises you, but you can’t deny that the idea has a fairly naughty appeal. “So early in the night and we’re already misbehaving.”
He huffs, smirking and slides his hand between you to tuck himself away. "Iris, we can get in so much trouble together if you let us." He informs you with a chuckle.
“You’re going to be a bad influence on me. I can tell.” As if he hasn’t been already. As if you’re not already craving more. Oberyn is addictive in a way that you could never have conceived of another person being. It’s no wonder he constantly has lovers of every kind jumping at his beck and call, and it must take as many lovers as possible to satisfy him.
"The worst." He is careful with your dress, shifting it so that you are not revealed in the slightest when you move off his lap. While he might have an exhibitionist streak a mile wide, he also believes that it should be equally shared. You bare your body because you wish to, not because of his carelessness.
“What do you say to a dance before dinner is served?” Standing next to him, completely modest again with not a stitch of clothing out of place, you can’t think of anything better than a moment of sweetness after the playful heat you just shared.
Hopping up, he offers you his hand in a dramatically overdone fashion. "My Iris, if you would honor me with this next dance?" He asks, bowing slightly and smirking up at you with a wink.
“I just asked you,” you’re laughing though, shaking your head as he scoops you up in his arms and twirls you off to the dance floor, still managing to tease him on the way. “I promise I’ll wear something much skimpier when we got clubbing.”
"I have just the thing." He grins as he turns you around and pulls you into his arms. "A dress made out of thousands of tiny chains. It would look exquisite on you."
“That sounds a lot more intense than my little black dress.” The music is soft and sweet, and he sways gently with his arm around you like you’re a natural extension of his own body.
"It would be intense." He agrees with you, swinging you out of his arms to pull you back to the tempo. "However, I would never force you to wear something you would not wish too. Perhaps a private show of that dress."
"A private show can definitely be arranged." You giggle freely when he dips you and pulls you back up to his chest, happily leaning in to steal a kiss before he spins you gently one more time.
The servers start to bring the meals into the gardens, making Oberyn kiss your hand as the song ends. “Have you worked up a proper appetite?” He asks, guiding you back over to the table.
“I think we had plenty enough of a workout.” The table you’ve been assigned to, as the sole members of the wedding party, is for family and distinguished guests. Your parents, Oberyn’s brother Doran, and his wife round out the seating, making you dread what kind of a meal this would be if you didn’t enjoy Oberyn’s company so much.
"It will be fine." Oberyn squeezes your hand gently. "It will not be bad. If she opens her mouth too much, I will shove a croissant in it."
“Do that and I’ll wear your chain dress anywhere you want,” you murmur in his ear with a smirk.
He is laughing as he holds out your chair for you and pushes it under you. Your parents are already sitting at the table along with Doran and Mellario. He smirks, wondering if they had been sitting before the other are at the table to prevent the constant standing and bowing that would inevitably get. "Brother, Mel." He nods towards both of them with a bow of his head.
“Oberyn.” Mellario is in good spirits, enjoying the evening as an occasion for relaxation. Her own son is younger still than some of Oberyn’s daughters and she will not have to worry about truly sponsoring an event like this for several more years at the earliest. “Such a lovely night, and a beautiful wedding.”
“It was.” Oberyn agrees, looking around proudly as if he were Aja’s father instead of Raeghar, who is still on the dance floor. He was sitting elsewhere, much to Oberyn’s relief. His causal neglect of his only daughter made the prince’s teeth grind together. “The fireworks will be the talk of the year.” He predicts with a grin.
“I have no doubt.” She seems pleased with that assessment and raises the glass of champagne in her hand in your direction. “And you, my dear. Such a lovely singing voice. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.” 
“Oh…” you barely exclaim, clearing the surprise from your throat, and feel your whole face warm with a mixture of pride and embarrassment. “Th-thank you…it’s not something I do often anymore. But my sister asked, and I really would do just about anything for her.”
“As would anyone who loves their sibling.” Mellario’s eyes flicker over to Oberyn for a moment, her eyes expressive. “They would do anything.” 
The way she says anything makes you wonder what exactly Oberyn might have done for - or with - her, but you push the slight needle of jealousy away. Not only do you have no claim to him whatsoever making jealousy completely inappropriate, but the woman is now married to his brother - making jealousy completely inappropriate.
“Yes, they would, Mel.” He murmurs, looking over at his brother who lifts his wife’s hand and kisses the back of it. The brothers have a moment where they stare at each other, silently communicating but Oberyn’s isn’t quite ready to let Doran know all his secrets, so he turns back to you. “I will have to convince you to sing for us again before you leave. A private palace concert.”
“A-a concert?” Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline at the overwhelming suggestion. “I don’t know, I mean…I’m not a professional or anything…if you’d said you wanted me to cook dinner for everybody then I mean maybe—”
“Perfect.” Oberyn grins, latching onto the idea. “We will have a family dinner, cooked by you and then you can sing us whatever you want.” He’s teasing you but he doesn’t want you to know that yet. Yes, singing does happen routinely at family dinners, but everyone sings.
The look you shoot him says he is going to pay for picking up on your rambling, but it’s already out of your mouth and it was said to a table full of royalty as well as your extremely expectant parents, so you make yourself nod. “Whenever you wish.” The agreement is directed at his brother, and you swear you can feel yourself sweat realizing what you’ve just said yes to.
Doran chuckles and shakes his head. “My brother is teasing you. He is talking about the very informal family nights where we all cook, get drunk and sing horrible karaoke in the main salon like we are not royals.”
“That sounds like the perfect night.” Drinking and cooking and spending time with people you love? That is your version of happiness. It was what you did with Lily and Aja when they came over on your nights off, but the flicker of sadness that you won’t be able to share that with them after they move here is something you’re not ready to face yet. You look over at Oberyn with an exaggerated smirk and roll your eyes at him. “Yes, Oberyn likes to tease.”
He pouts. “Damnit Doran, I was going to get her to do it.” He huffs, knowing it would be unseemly to throw his napkin ring at his older brother.
“I’ll still cook.” In a much less formal setting, you don’t mind it at all. You vastly prefer family style cooking and that sounds like exactly what their family dinners would be. “But I will be very happy to not be the only one who sings.”
“I’ll make sure you hear Oberyn screech.” The king grins, winking at his brother as the younger man glowers at him.
“Is there actually something that you’re not amazing at?” It’s your turn to tease Oberyn, and the grin spreads across your face like wildfire. “A hole in the armour of seeming perfection?”
“I don’t screech.” He grumbles, lips pursed and a decided pout on his face.
“You can’t be worse than Lily.” You promise him, slipping your hand around his and gently squeezing his fingers in reassurance. If he’s actually insecure about it, you wouldn’t tease him even a second more.
“We’ll see.” Oberyn grins at the idea that you are sweet enough to try to make him feel better.
“I’m sure of it.” The first course laid in front of you is an exquisite trio of raw oysters with mignonette sauce alongside a warm octopus salad and you practically hum with joy at the fresh seafood - choosing to disregard the way your father looks at the offering like he’s just been served snot. Some people would call it a lack of culture, but he’s just a picky eater. Knowing this, you catch his eye and direct him to the octopus salad which you know he’ll love because he likes to eat calamari on the rare occasion they make it to the city and come to your restaurant.
Food is always a favorite of Oberyn’s, humming in approval as the happy couple make their way over to the table. “Ladies.” He pushes his chair back and sits both Lily and Aja before he sits again. “Working up an appetite on the dance floor, I see.” He smirks at them before he picks up the small oyster fork.
“Absolutely.” Lily hasn’t stopped smiling all day, and she is positively beaming now. “We’re going to utterly exhaust ourselves so when we get on the plane to Fiji in the morning, we can just sleep the entire flight.”
“It doesn’t hurt that the plane has a bedroom.” Oberyn smirks at the two of them, knowing that they will definitely have sex before passing out. 
“No.” Aja smirks at her uncle and shakes her head before placing a kiss on her wife’s burning cheek. “It doesn’t hurt at all. And I’m sure you’ve stocked that room with some kind of fun surprise for us.”
“Well since I didn’t think you would appreciate the prostitute I considered sending with you, lubes and toys had to suffice.” He jokes.
Your parents simultaneously choke on the sips of their drinks they had just taken, and both you and Lily are trying so hard not to laugh that you feel like you might burst. “What?” Aja feigns complete ignorance. “We’re married. Surely it is no longer taboo to acknowledge that married couples have sex.”
“You’re her uncle!” The look your mother sends Oberyn is positively scandalized and he almost laughs. Instead, he nods and gives a very serious nibble on the bottom of his lip. 
“Yes, and it is my duty to make sure my niece is safe.” He quips.
“You should have fun.” You insist, squeezing your sister’s hand as she sits on your other side. “It’s your honeymoon. Go wild.”
“Oh, we will.” Lily giggles happily. “We aren’t wearing more than our birthday suits for days.”
The scandalized gasp that rips through your mother has nearly everyone else at the table holding back laughter, but you manage to swallow your amusement first to change the subject so that she doesn't end up upset instead of just aghast. The meal progresses gently instead, with polite conversation instead of raunchy, and soon enough Doran and Oberyn are stepping onto the dance floor with the brides as the party truly gets started.
The silence at the table isn't deafening, but would be if there wasn't the scraping of forks on plates as your father finishes up the last of his meal. The queen is watching Doran on the dancefloor, a whimsical smile on her face, remembering her own dance with the previous king, Doran's father, on her own wedding day.
It’s not long before the queen is whisked away to the dance floor as well, and the tense silence at the table seems to crescendo. Your mother is all but staring at you, and your father seems uncharacteristically unable to meet your eyes at all. “Alright,” you huff, knowing that the stewing in it will only be worse. “Say whatever it is you’re going to say.” Just get it over with, please.
"I find it funny that you have been in Dorne for two days and now you are acting like...like a harlot." Your mother hisses. "Sitting on his lap in front of everyone! I raised you better than that."
“A harlot?” You raise one eyebrow at her word choice, having a feeling that Oberyn would appreciate its dramatic flair. “I made a friend, and I like spending time with him. Aren’t you the one who was bemoaning the fact that I don’t spend time with men yesterday?” And to Oberyn, no less. Which only made it funnier. “I’m just trying to follow your wishes, mom.”
"But he's – he's—" She can't come right out and say it like she wants to. "I read he has eight bastard daughters!" She makes sure to lower her voice and glance furtively around as she says it, not wishing someone to overhear. "He has a reputation."
“Yes, he does.” And that reputation is well deserved, but he isn’t the devilish rascal she imagined him to be. Not really. “He has eight girls that he loves and cares for, and he’s proud of each and every one of them.” It bristles that she would choose to pick on his girls, who have done absolutely nothing wrong, but your mother has always thought of herself as a saint in so many incorrect ways that it shouldn’t surprise you. “What are you worried about? That your book club will find out I kissed an unmarried man with children, and they’ll suddenly decide I’m not good enough for their already married sons?”
"No." Your mother looks over at the dance floor, frowning slightly and then looks back at you. "Your last relationship," she sniffs delicately, "did not end well and you spent the past seven years licking your wounds." She tells you. "I would hate to know that some little fling with this lothario would put you right back in that same place. No matter how often you...perform for him in public, it won't lead to anything permanent." 
“Six years.” You correct her with a frown. “And there is absolutely nothing permanent about me spending time with Oberyn, I totally agree. We’re friends, we enjoy spending time together, and at the end of the week I’ll go back to New York and probably never see him again.” That is the reality of the thing that you agreed upon, no matter how much you’re already starting to regret it. But fuck if you’re going to let your mother know she’s right. “I have no illusions and neither does he. So if that is really what you’re worried about, then please try to relax.”
"And when it gets out that you have been with him, you will find men don't want you." Her words are sharp and scolding. "A man like that. Promiscuous, so...free." She shakes her head in disapproval. "I even heard he sleeps with men."
“Mom…” Instantly, your forehead crashes into your palm with a smack. “Lily just married another woman. I’m not straight either. How are two men together the thing that you can’t wrap your head around?”
"It's...it's..." She is struggling to find the words to try to articulate why it's wrong. "They are men! It's just not right." She decides, not admitting to the past that might cloud her judgment of this entire thing. It was a secret she had kept from her girls for a long time. Kept from everyone in the small town she grew up in. Everyone except her husband.
“So you’re selectively homophobic?” There’s nothing you can do to disguise the disappointment on your face, and you’re not sure you would even if it were possible. For all the things they had pushed back against, your parents had always supported you and Lily in your sexually identities. They had learned the terminology and done their best to get it right, looked your girlfriends in the eyes while shaking their hands and never balked when a teenage Lily wanted rainbow everything in high school after coming out. They had been allies, but apparently this was where the line was drawn. “That’s fantastic.” The sarcasm in your voice is biting as you stand from the table. “I’m going to go ask Oberyn’s male lover to dance,” You announce, having spotted Selvin amongst the guests earlier. “You two have fun stewing in your discomfort.”
"Dear." Your father finds his voice, disapproving and harsh towards his wife before he reaches out and captures your hand before you can leave. "She doesn't mean it like that. Just…sit and talk."
There are a lot of things you will do tonight - not the least of them definitely being having sex with Oberyn again - but you won’t cause a scene. The fact that your generally timid father is willing to speak up makes you nod and sit back down. “How did you mean it, then?” You ask, eyes trained on your mother.
"It's not...honey, I just worry." She starts, biting her lip and there is a sheen of tears in her eyes. "I don't mind gay men." She admits. "It's just— I – I – what if you start a relationship and you come home one day thinking that everything is fine and yet you find out that you can't give him what he needs because you aren't a man? Or worse, walk in on the boy you think you will love for the rest of your life to find him in bed with your bro— friend. Your friend."
“Mom…” The tears in her eyes are definitely something you’ve never seen before - not like this - and you carefully slide over in the vacant chair beside her. “Did…did something happen? Do you want to talk about it? Maybe?” The small slip of tongue that sounded like brother makes you wonder if there’s a story here. A story of maybe why you never see your own uncle except at family funerals. “If you want to talk, I’ll listen.”
Your father sighs, reaching for the beer that he had insisted was better than the champagne. "It's time, dear." He murmurs to his wife softly. "Tell the girl."
While he reaches for a drink - an impulse you totally understand - you reach for your mother’s hand. She’s not perfect, sure, and sometimes you piss each other off to an extreme degree, but she’s still your mother and you do love her. “Did something happen with Uncle Rick?” You ask her quietly, not wanting to spook her by guessing but wondering if you had inferred correctly.
"I— your father was my best friend." You had known that growing up. It was a cornerstone of the fairy tale version of her life that she had spun for you girls. "But he wasn't my first love." She confesses softly, shaking her head and huffing at herself for her own blind stupidity. "Your 'uncle' Rob was." Her brother and the man he had lived with your entire life had never formally gotten married, even when it was legalized, but when you had seen the other man, he had insisted you call him Uncle Rob.
“Oh…” Your eyes widen with understanding, and the animosity towards your uncle and his partner suddenly makes a hell of a lot more sense. “You never forgave Uncle Rick for stealing your boyfriend.” It’s not accusatory, or judgmental. Just a statement of fact as you nod your head slowly. “That’s why Lils and I didn’t even know Uncle Rick was gay until after we came out.” It hadn’t even been a conversation at home, but one between you and your sister as you put the pieces together. The standard ’this is your uncle’s best friend’ lie had sufficed for years before that. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m really sorry. Believe me, I know what it feels like to be betrayed. But that just means Uncle Rick and his partner did a shitty thing to you, not that all gay men are untrustworthy.”
"Except he wasn't gay." She huffs. "He claimed he liked girls and boys, but that he was with me. Such a lie." She scoffs. "Sleeping with both of us." She shudders in disgust at that fact. "I just – I know your last girlfriend married a man after she left you." She reveals quietly, giving you an imperious look when you gasp in shock. "I'm your mother, I knew something was wrong and so I looked her up. I don't want to see you hurt like that again."
“Mom, I like men and women equally.” She knows that, you’ve been plain with her, but it sounds like she hasn’t had an easy time processing it. Although it’s kind of a relief that you don’t have to explain what happened with your last relationship. “Whitney could easily have left me for another woman. Two people cheating who happen to be bisexual doesn’t mean that all bisexuals will cheat. That’s not how it works.” It does, though, show you where you get your powerful ability to hold a grudge from. Your mother has been holding on to this for thirty-five years. “I’m so sorry you got hurt, I really am. But it was individual people that hurt us, not the world.”
It was individual people that hurt us, not the world. Your own words echo in your ears far longer than they do in the air and you almost shake your head at yourself. For six years you’ve been holding yourself away from the world, when you should have just been steering clear of the one person who hurt you. And it took finding out about your mother’s grudge to realize it. Like mother, like daughter…
She stares at you for a moment before she sighs, nodding as her posture slumps down in shame as she realizes exactly how bitter she has been towards the entire situation. "I just want you to be happy, have babies, create the family you used to dream of when you were a little girl."
“And I might.” Instinctively, you move forward to hug her, closing your eyes against the huge gap of misunderstanding that has almost made you walk away from the table. “Or I might adopt. Get IVF and be a single mom. Or I might find a partner and decide not to have kids at all. But no matter what happens, I just want my mom to be behind me, okay?” You hug her a little tighter when you hear her sniffle in your ear. “And Lils deserves that, too. For you and dad to love her and be proud of her no matter what decisions she and Aja make about having kids. We’re just…” The truth. Tell her the truth. What she just admitted is huge and she deserves trust in return. “We don’t want you to be disappointed in us, so sometimes it’s hard to tell you things that we’re not sure you’ll like. And…” Truth, your mind says again. “Please don’t take it out on Oberyn? If anything, he wants the same thing you do. For me to be happy again. His way of helping is just a little bit different.”
"Like having sex with my daughter in the middle of a wedding reception?" She asks soft enough that your father doesn't hear, head turned away and studiously trying to ignore the conversation going on beside him as he watches the people mingle and dance.
“Unconventional solutions for unconventional problems.” And as soon as you are done with this conversation you’re going to melt into the floor with embarrassment. You cover your face with both hands and exhale slowly. “You and I will never speak of it again.”
"As long as you enjoyed it." Your mother gives a small smile as she looks over at the dance floor. "We won't speak of it again."
“From now on I’m not bothering with any partners that I don’t enjoy.” When you sit back in your seat, your eyes glide out over the dancers as well. They find him almost immediately in the crowd, as he charms and laughs with a woman you don’t recognize while the song draws to a close. It’s not exactly jealousy that you’re feeling, but definitely something mixed in with affection. You want it to be you out there with him. But it will be soon enough. “Thank you for being honest with me,” you can’t really look your mother in the eyes at the moment, but she knows you’re talking to her still. “I’ll do my best to be more honest with you, too.”
"I should have told you years ago." She admits, squeezing your hand gently. "Go, have fun." She encourages you with a smile.
“I love you.” It’s a small sentence, but it needs to happen right now possibly more than it has in a long time as you squeeze your mother’s hand tightly and get up from your seat to hug your father. “You too, dad.” And to him you add a whispered: “Thank you,” before walking out to the dance floor. 
Oberyn’s eyes light up when he spots you walking towards him. Finishing up the dance with the woman who had asked him, he kisses her hand and turns towards you. “Iris.” He searches your face with a small smile. “You survived the inquisition.”
“It got…interesting.” You step into his arms easily, appreciating that it is a slower song so you can talk a little. “It started with an inquisition and ended with me wanting to evaporate into the floorboards because my mother knew exactly what we were doing earlier.”
“Really?” Oberyn looks around you to glance at your mother. “Maybe the stick isn’t as far up her ass as I thought.”
“We are never speaking of it in front of her.” Your voice is firm despite the fact that you’re shaking your head on a laugh. “Turns out my superpower of holding a grudge way too long is hereditary.” His arms around you are secure and soft all at once and you don’t hesitate to sink against him. “And I may have logic-ed myself out of my own stubbornness while trying to get her to give up on her own.”
"Then the conversation was an overwhelming success." He decides, pulling you into his embrace and kisses you softly.
You would agree with him. You really would. If you weren’t so absorbed in the soft comfort of his lips pressing against yours. Instead, all thoughts fly out of your head except for him, and you sweep your tongue along the seam of his lips, begging entrance right there on the dance floor.
He hums, opening up for you and completely approving of the way that you are taking control of the kiss. He’s easy to get lost in - another thing that makes him so addictive - and you have to reel yourself back down to reality hard in order not to get carried away. “What do you think about us disappearing after cake and fireworks at midnight?” When you open your eyes again you’re nearly breathless, fully ready to admit that he affects you in a way that you can’t quite explain past wanting.
He sends you a pout. "You ruined my plans." He jokes, leaning in and kissing the tip of your nose. "I was going to suggest that."
“Then the only thing I ruined was the surprise suggestion.” Nudging his nose with yours makes both of you smile. “We can come back, I just…I think my sex drive is trying to make up for the last six years.”
Oberyn chuckles, sliding his hand down and squeezing your ass. "Do I need to make sure I have back up if I am unable to keep up with your appetite?"
You raise your eyebrows at him, surprised he would sell himself short like that, but shake your head. “I might be hornier than usual, but that doesn’t mean the trust issues evaporated.” You tell him honestly.
"It was a joke, Iris." He huffs softly. "I don't think I would let another touch you right now." He leans in and nudges his nose against yours. "Every orgasm until you leave is mine. If not on my cock, then I think I have proven my fingers and tongue to be a satisfactory substitute." 
“There is no substitute for any part of you, and you know it.” The urge to suggest again that he come visit you in New York is going to be one you have to stifle for the rest of the week, you can tell that already. It’s just a fling. You remind yourself as he tugs you closer in his arms. Nothing more. And that’s okay.
"As long as my flower is satisfied." He winks at you and starts swaying with you to the music. "Perhaps you can sit on my lap again and I'll finger your cunt until you cum."
“I don’t think I’ll be up for anymore lap sitting at the reception.” The look on your face is borderline mortified. “Not now that we’ve been caught twice.”
"Twice?" He frowns at you in confusion.
“Lily definitely knew.” And she’ll be ragging on you about it forever, if you know her at all.
"Yes, I saw her smirks she was tossing you." He hums, grinning himself. "And the other was your mother. Naughty, naughty."
“We would have given my father a heart attack.” That nearly makes you snort, and you bury your face the crook of his neck. “Thank god not everyone in my family knows what we’ve been up to.”
"I wouldn't mind if they did." He knows you might, but he was very proud that you had allowed him between your thighs.
“I know, lover.” The little term of endearment grows on you every time you use it, and it’s always fond. “But you heard them at dinner. They can’t even wrap their heads around talking about a married couple fucking.”
He snorts and shakes his head in amusement. "They are very conservative when it comes to fucking." He rolls his eyes. "I would die of boredom."
“Then it’s a good thing we’ll all be gone and out of your hair, soon.” It’s meant as a joke, but it does sting a little. Though you’re too stubborn to let that show. “All except Lily. But she’s the most fun of us.”
"I have to disagree." Oberyn hums, leaning in and biting your bottom lip. "I have had nothing but fun with you." 
“Flatterer.” You can’t help but giggle a little, and the words are out of your mouth before you can stop them. “Maybe someday I’ll make it back to visit.”
"Dorne would always welcome you." He promises, feeling a pang of remorse that you would ever leave. However, you had told him you just wanted a week with him.
“Maybe someday, then.” And from now until that mystic day, there is a good chance you’ll think of him every day. But there’s nothing you can do about that except make wonderful memories to think back on fondly.
"Let's not look to the future." Oberyn doesn't want to think about that right now. "We are here now, in this moment."
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356​ @ajathegreats-blog​
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My Masterlist!
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
MC had a bad day or they’re dealing with a bad loss from a loved one. So they decide to seek comfort from the Brothers! But they don’t do it in a normal way, they just barge in the room where the brothers are all relaxing or hanging out at before MC just busts in getting their attention and they go “I need a hug 🥺”. Let’s see the some fluffy hc’s of the brothers comforting MC 🥰
And how could they not want to hug their cute human that is literally 3 seconds away from breaking down into tears?
The Brothers Comforting MC After A Bad Day:
You’re right, they wouldn’t be able to resist, they love their human too much 😌
*soBS* I want to hug one of them so bad rn
Thank you for the request, I love writing fluffy HCs, it’s my weak spot and it gives me serotonin. I hope you have a nice day/night!! Uh, it’s sort of implied that MC is slightly shorter than them so sorry if that’s a problem-
Notes: Fluff, mentions of loss and dead family members/friends, mostly comfort though, short HCs
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beezlebub and Belphegor.
-He doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t really need to because him just being there, arms wrapped around you and hands lightly running up and down your back, is worth more words than any sort of verbal consolation he could’ve given you and because of this, you feel at ease
-His touch is firm but gentle and you relax almost immediately, burying your head against his chest and feeling him press a kiss on top of your hairline, tightening your hold on him
-He already told his brothers to back off because the last thing he wanted was for you you to get overwhelmed by their insensitivity so you two were left in the living room by yourselves
-In a bit of an awkward position though, because you were both standing and after a while, it was clear a hug wasn’t going to be enough
-That’s his excuse as to why he picked you up bridal style five minutes later and carried you all the way to his bedroom, a place he knows his siblings won’t ever trespass without his permission and somewhere he can shield you from any prying eyes while you’re in this vulnerable state
-At this point, he was basically cradling you like a baby, having you sit on his lap and waiting for you to tire yourself out until you couldn’t cry anymore and watching you slip into that hiccuping stage you get after a breakdown
-Lucifer is obviously going to ask what happened, but whether you answer him or not is up to you because he’s not one to push matters if he sees you’re uncomfortable talking about it
-However, he might insist if he concludes that it’s affecting you and your well being and that’s how you know usually know he’s worried
-His voice is soft though and just listening to it makes you want to tell him everything, whether it’d be something as annoying as a small inconvenience you stumbled across that day or the death of a relative, you feel welcomed enough to spill everything
-Even if you decide not to, he’ll stay with you until you feel better, until you’re no longer crying or shaking or anything of the sort. He speaks occasionally, almost soothingly about how important you are to him and how capable you are of overcoming anything in your way. For the most part, however, he remains quiet and allows you to mull over your thoughts, willing to forget about his paperwork just to let you cling to him for a few hours
-Maybe later, when you’re no longer as distressed, he could get the full story out of you and help you overcome whatever problem you’re having trouble facing but for now, he understands all you need is for him to be there
“MC?” He calls your name out because he was thinking that maybe you had fallen asleep but he realised that was not the case when you looked up at him, streaks of tears still sliding down your cheeks. When you don’t respond, he sighs almost contently “A bit longer?” You don’t answer again but this time, he could feel you nod against him and he smiles despite himself as he leaned his head against yours “All right then, just a bit longer.”
-Truth be told, he’s never been the best at comforting someone and normally, he’s kind of awkward when he wants to show his support because it feels so out of his character
-But it’s not like he was going to refuse you anyway. Not when you specifically came to him and asked him for help and not when you looked like you were on the verge of crying. He’d be a monster to deny you >:(
-It upsets him too, you know. He’s meant to be your protector, guardian even, so the fact that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt makes him feel like he failed at keeping his human safe. Actually, it takes a lot of convincing on your part just to tell him that you’re not actually physically hurt. Just a shitty day…
-Mammon, despite the walls he puts up ever now and then, is someone that genuinely cares for you. And he’s also the type that does almost everything in excess, especially when it comes to you or spending money. That’s just his personality; he’s loud and boisterous and even though he wants to deny this, completely transparent with his emotions
-You ask for a hug? He gives you plenty of hugs! He lets you lay on top of him while cuddling so he can hold you!!! He brings you snacks and drinks!!! Shit, he basically cradles you the whole night!!! And he’s blushing and acting annoyed the entire time, refusing to accept how much he’s actually enjoying this
-The point is, he tends to coddle you whenever you have a bad day or if you’re really affected by the loss of a dead loved one. This is probably because he, in turn, likes to be babied and cared for when he’s feeling down and he subconsciously does that to you because it’s the only means of comfort he knows how to execute well
-A hug would’ve sufficed, but you’re his human and let him be damned if he’s not gonna give you the world on a silver platter if you keep looking at him with those sad eyes of yours
-By now, if you need anything, you just need to ask because even with a bit of grumbling, he’ll get it for you. More snacks? Say less. Wanna watch TV with him for a while? Immediately reaches for the remote? You just want to cuddle? His body is naturally warm for a reason bby, dig in. You want his heart? Give him a moment to surgically get it out of his chest-
-No matter what, he’s so glad that you trust him enough to talk to him about this sort of stuff and that he’s the first person you think of when you need consolation
-It makes sense after all, right? He’s your first pact so your direct happiness is his responsibility while you’re in DevilDom! It’s his job to make sure you function again by tomorrow morning and that you’re no longer troubled by anything
“Hey! What’s with all the crying huh?” He cups your face in his hands and softly squishes the flesh between his fingers. His thumbs brush over the tears in your eyes and he let’s out a small ‘tsk’ as your foreheads touch and his hands drip to your shoulders to keep you steady “The Great Mammon is hugging ya right now, ya know? There’s no reason for you to be upset, not when I’ve got ya in my arms like this, OK? So you can stop with yer water works now.” As noisy as his voice is, there’s a gentle note behind it when he speaks and embraces you, his cologne spreading everywhere “I love you, ya big idiot. So please, stop cryin’ and lemme hold ya already! Yer making me worried, ya stupid human.”
-You stopping by his room is not unusual. In fact, you do it every day and it’s just part of the routine you have with him. However, he’s wasn’t exactly expecting you to stand there, all shaken up and ask him for a hug!!!
-And he doesn’t process this request for a second but then he freaks out so badly-
-Yells incomprehensibly about how you’re ‘pulling your normie tricks on him again’ and how he’s ‘not going to be fooled by them anymore.’
-You raise your head to meet his eyes while he’s still rambling on though and he sees your teary expression and now he feels guilty because you look really upset. Levi’s kinda scared he made it worse-
-He’s the type to usher you in his room and lock the door as usual but instead of doing what the two of you always do, you literally stay attached to him because you need comfort damn it!
-Levi….is sort of clueless about these emotional outbursts since he himself doesn’t deal with them very well. However, he’s watched enough animes revolving around romance to conclude on the best course of action so-do not fear! (Spoiler, he still doesn’t know what he’s doing)
-He’s really stuck and can either stay as quiet as a nun or start babbling in a language you probably wouldn’t even understand because he’s so nervous
-Or actually, he might start crying with you if I’m being fair; he’s very in sync with his Henry and your emotions
-Once he calms down, he’s actually not all that bad at comforting. Levi is a bit stand offish with his hugs at first but he relaxes into them and by now, you’re both standing by the side of his bed, with you leaning onto him and him holding your hand. He then intertwines your fingers together but subconsciously because he wouldn’t have the gall otherwise
-Later, he tells you to help yourself with the snacks he has hidden in his room. I guarantee you he has a whole ass mini refrigerator hidden somewhere for his all night gaming session, in case he needs any boosts. No one knows how Beel hasn’t found the stash yet and there’s no need to tell him
-Then you watch re runs of old shows together and make fun of the shitty editing and dialogue. He’s still holding your hand though and he’s really flustered and wondering if it’s too sweaty for you but don’t mention it because he’ll get even more embarrassed
-He glances over to you, every once in a while, whilst you’re cuddled up against his arm, eyes glued on the TV, to make sure you’re OK. You almost gave him a seizure or at least that’s how he felt-so he made it his mission to make you feel better by any means necessary. Fuck today’s raids, his team can get them done without him!!
“I-I don’t know why you would want me of all people to hug you but…” he trailed off in a whisper, having to lean down so you could wrap your arms against his neck and bury your head in his shoulder. He pulled you in closer, a streak of protectiveness coursing through him as he shut the door to his room with his foot “Lord of the Shadows would never leave Henry all on his own, so I’m not going to do that either. This is an important character development arc and-just, please don’t cry. I’ll give you more hugs, OK? Seeing you like this is not good for my heart-“ stopped mid sentence after realising what he just said and now he’s the one burying his head in your shoulder, flushed beyond hell “Forget I just said that! Holy Lord Diavolo this is embarrassing, why am I like this????”
-It troubles him greatly to see you like this and he can sort of feel the world shift out of place, seeing you with tears running down your face and hands balled into fists out of frustration almost immediately makes him fly into a fit of rage because who would dare to hurt you-
-Oh, a hug? If that’s all you need, he’s more than happy to oblige but if you’re as distraught as you seem to be, he wonders if just a small embrace from him would be enough
-Satan’s hugs are very intimate and even passionate at times. He has one hand on the back of your head and the other supporting your lower back while you bawl your eyes out into his shoulder and getting his uniform wet
-You can’t really seem to focus on what he’s trying to tell you because he’s so warm and welcoming and even though he’s someone as renowned as the Avatar of Wrath, he’s shockingly patient with you as you let out the overwhelming emotions that have been consuming you all day
-It’s hard to not relax when you’re in Satan’s presence because he’s calm and he smells like musty, old books and mahogany wood and cats, meaning he was most likely cuddling strays he found on the street the entire day. The first visual that comes to mind is fire crackling behind a grate in a chimney and someone reading a book while swinging back and forth on an old, rickety chair when you’re around him
-He will wait until you’re no longer crying and then, before you know it, you find yourself in the library with him, drinking tea and being handed a plate of biscuits he took from the kitchen to help you regain your strength after all that crying. You’re still feeling pretty miserable about the day you’ve had but you quickly lose yourself in a conversation with him over a cup of tea
-Sometimes, you two talk for hours on end about nothing important just to hear each other’s voices and finally have some quality time spent together. Even though he wishes the circumstances were better, he’s glad to have been able to snatch you away from his brothers for a while and he’s even happier you chose him to confide in
-Satan practically doesn’t even mention your outburst and keeps the small talk minimal but he wants you to know that if you do wish to tell him about it, he’s more than happy to listen and he’s not so bad at giving advice either
-The topic of the discussion you were having with him changed abruptly by the end of the night and now you’re reading together from this book he started a while ago, both of you covered with a blanket, your head on his chest and his leaning on yours. He’s holding the book with both of his hands, but still managed to get his left wrapped around you. And because of this feeling of safety and warmth, you don’t feel desperate anymore. Tomorrow, you’ll be able to sort out your feelings but now, you’re content to just listening to Satan read, in his clear, soft voice
“Ah MC, could you turn the page for me?” You do as he asked to and you could feel him smiling as he kissed your hairline, sighing before going back to the book and the story within “Thank you. You truly are amazing, did you know that? I’ve never met someone as caring and as kind as you. Well, I suppose Beel could compete for the title but unlike him, you don’t really leave us in debt whenever we visit the grocery store.” Hearing you laugh makes him smile even more and he lets you hold the other side of the book while he plays with your hair and now you join in reading with him, out loud and trying to act out voices for the characters. As everything unfolds, Satan feels the world click right back into place.
-It’s a known fact by now that Asmo is willing to give you any sort of affection at any point in time, whether it’d be a hug, a kiss, holding your hand-you name it! I mean, whenever he’s feeling down, you being there to encourage him helps a lot so it’s only natural it works the other way around too!
-If he notices that you’re genuinely upset by something, then he would have no problem whatsoever with lavishing you in attention and really, a hug or two from him is the bare minimum in situations like this
-In any case, he always enjoys fussing over you and you having a bad day is the perfect excuse for him to do so! After all, he can’t disappoint you since you came to him with your troubles and he will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Actually, if he could, he would keep hugging you forever but as miraculous as his charm can be, it’s not effective against someone with this low of a morale
-His first suggestion is to take a bath! It’s his way of taking care of you; you’re tired after such a long day and he feels like you’re neglecting yourself a little because of it. So you relax in his bathtub with him for a while, him actively trying to get your mind off any bad, lingering thoughts while you splash around in the bubbles
-And obviously after that, you need to have your mandatory spa sessions with him since you need to unwind and what’s a better way to do that than to let him paint your nails and apply lotion to your skin? Besides, it creates a great opportunity for you to take things off your chest
-He’s in need to hear gossip constantly so if you don’t feel like talking, he’s gonna be a bit bummed out but he still respects your wishes enough to not push you. If your problem is as sensitive as the death of a family member, you’re not obligated to talk to him about it and he will understand, since people grieve in different ways. He too shut down after the death of Lilith for a while after all
-A bad day is nothing Asmo can’t handle. He’s had plenty of those before, mostly because of Mammon and his thievery, they’re usually common factors. It’s only natural you experience those yourself and he’s more than willing to be your support system if you need one. He wants you to know that you can go to him if you need advice or help with anything, or even if you just need to someone to hear you out
-To give a more detailed explanation of his hugs, they are usually really light and you never feel suffocated when you’re in his arms. He never squeezes you too tight and he always smells amazing, so you feel inclined to stay near him for as long as possible. Despite his overtly loud nature, he gets incredibly soft spoken with you and he traces patterns on your back and arms as you stand there together
-It’s important to mention, he never pulls away from you first. He lets you decide when you’ve had enough and when you’re ready to move on or if you require some other means of comfort
-And even if you’re no longer disgruntled, he’s still going to pamper you as much as possible the next day with either a shopping spree or another few spa sessions, this time done at a professional institution rather than the privacy of his bedroom
-Asmo is in touch with your emotions and it’s kinda scary sometimes because of how well he can read you, since he almost always knows what you need
“Oh darling, how could I refuse a hug from you?” You can feel his arms embrace you, even with your eyes closed and for some reason, this makes you cry even harder, sobbing as he tries to comfort you. You’re aware he let go of you at some point and returned with a tissue to dab away at your tears, gently to not hurt your eyes and now he’s hugging you again, a wry smile on his face “You don’t have to worry about a thing, MC. Everything will get sorted out, I promise. In the meantime, come to me if anything troubles you again, OK? No more crying, darling-it’s bad for your eyes.”
-The type to immediately lean in for a hug without even questioning why. As soon as you ask him, you barely have time to finish the question and you already find yourself in his arms. The only exception would be when he’s eating or maybe in the middle of a work out but the point is he doesn’t hesitate much when it comes to you. And I mean, he loves hugs just as much as his siblings do
-Beel is not the most observant and he may not realise you’re in a bad mood unless you tell him outright. It’s not even that he’s emotionally distant, it’s just that if you tell him that you’re fine, then he’s gonna take your word for it and believe you since he’s pretty straightforward with his feelings as well. However, as dense as he may be on occasion, even he’s bound to notice that you’re not being your usual self and this is especially true if you start crying out of nowhere while he’s nearby. Probably assumes the worst and is under the impression that he did something to upset you because shifting the blame onto himself whenever others suffer is his coping mechanism and we’ve seen him to do it before
-If you’ve just had a bad day, he understands that things could’ve been very overwhelming for you and he wishes he had known sooner so he could’ve helped back then, instead of letting it come to this. But he doesn’t hesitate all that much since he looks like he’s built for giving hugs on a daily basis. I’m not even sure this would classify as a hug since you’re not touching the floor. Rather, you are attached to him like a koala and he’s carrying you around as if you were a baby strapped to his chest. And he genuinely doesn’t mind. He’s been doing it with Belphie for centuries now
-Please, after a while he gets seriously concerned because are humans supposed to cry this much? What if you dehydrate or something? So he makes you stay in bed and just gives you plenty of water. You look so pale and sad, he shares his food with you too because his heart is aching just looking at you like this. He feels like besides being there, he can’t provide you with much help and he’s starting to think he’s hopeless at comforting
-If a family member died then…Beel is one of the best people you could’ve gone to. Honestly, having dealt with his sister’s situation, he knows how horrible it is to lose somebody you love dearly (I mean, all the brothers do but I’m making a point saying Beel, Belphie and Lucifer were especially affected). Now he’s sad himself since he’s aware that you’re going through something similar and his twin might walk in on the two of you being emotional on the floor
-For the most part, Beel makes sure you keep yourself healthy even when you’re tired and depressed. Continues to bring you food, even if he eats half of it on his way to your room, and just keeps you company in general in case you get lonely. Seeing you upset makes him even more considerate of your feelings and you don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t need to stay with you all night. He thinks he does because you’ve always offered to stay with him whenever he’s had nightmares before so how he’s gotta return the favour
-Beel gives these bear hugs all the time, since he’s so big and his hand basically covers your entire back. So, more often than not, you end up cuddling while standing because he’s a lot taller than you, with him being a demon and all. Despite that, you feel so unbelievably complete when he holds you like this. It’s hard not to feel protected since his whole body is practically concealing yours so easily all the time and you feel sheltered from the world and it’s….nice
-And Beel enjoys hugging you too, because he knows that as long as he’s nearby, you’ll be safe and that’s really all he needs. He wants to be there for you the same way you were there for him when he needed it most and comforting you when you’re having a shitty day is like his full time job
-You could come to Beel with any problem and he would never judge you, no matter what. He’s just really unproblematic and he just wants you to go back to your normal self because it hurts him to see you cry your eyes out. Now, not only are hugs mandatory but holding your hand is too. It’s like hugging…but your hands are doing the hugging
-Definitely even goes to Belphie after a while if he really doesn’t know what to do and that’s how you know he’s desperate to do something. Since the Seventh Born isn’t exactly someone that yields great advice, more so when it comes to other…people….and his twin knows this-
-Beel’s best strategy at the moment is to just maintain some kind of physical contact because he discovered that makes you feel better and it calms you down more than him trying to verbally console you. He even invited you to sleep in his room if you’re comfortable doing so just so you’re not alone. After that one incident, he’s trying to coax you to tell him whenever something is wrong so he can jump in and help, because that’s all he really wants to do ahakenksms
“MC? Did something happen?” He’s honestly taken aback by how shaky you are and how you’re hands are trembling as they’re reaching to connect with his. Without much of a warning, he feels a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and now he discovers that he doesn’t like seeing you with tears trailing down your face. And he feels worse the longer you wail in his chest and he doesn’t know what to do. So, he wraps his arms around you so tight you think you might explode, strangely comforted by the feeling as he speaks again “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you. What can I do to help, MC? We can just stay like this for a while if you want” And when he sees you nod, he proceeds to not move an inch almost the entire night. Obviously, hunger overtook him eventually but he shared his stolen goods with you so can you really complain? Doubtful, not when he hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time.
- Hugging him is a gamble. Realistically speaking, you’re not going to catch him standing upright long enough for you to give him a hug. He’s laying on the floor somewhere, asleep so you shouldn’t expect much from him to begin with. Even if you were to get lucky and stumble upon him while he’s wide awake, he might slump over and succumb to sleep the moment you embrace him because you’re so warm
-Cuddling is a different story altogether. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot than not have you cuddle with him so if you need to be babied for once, he’s a pretty good option to consider
-As usual, he’s in the attic and you go to him because it’s really late and you didn’t want to wake up any of the other brothers. Actually, Belphie is normally awake by dusk so to see him sleep like a log past midnight was quite surprising. You didn’t exactly want to interrupt but if you stayed alone for any longer, you would’ve gone insane. So you shook him awake. And he was understandably confused and probably forgot what planet he was on for a minute when you did so
-Technically, he was half awake and from his point of view, everything must’ve been pretty blurry. He did see you; the problem was that because he was still feeling very sleepy, he was basically in a daze and could only squint at you to try and figure out if you were really there or if he was hallucinating. His suspicion was confirmed soon enough because he reached out after a few seconds and poked your cheek just to check. His face the entire time and the action itself was so amusing that, despite tittering on the edge of a breakdown, you burst out laughing
-Once he came to the conclusion that you were, in fact, real and he wasn’t dreaming, he sighed and opened his arms out for you; a direct invitation to cuddle with him. By now, he likely didn’t even noticed you looked sad because, as I said, he was all over the place but this little ritual you two have was common enough that it got engraved in his memory. Now he does it out of impulse whenever you’re around and he wants attention
-So you basically tackled him and threw yourself on top of him so hard, both of you toppled over on the bed and now you were used as a blanket, with his arms wrapped securely around you; preventing you from getting up. Not that you were planning on doing that anytime soon but moving on-
-You thought he had fallen back asleep, because he went really quiet and he stopped squirming to get comfortable. To be exact, the whole room was rather still and the only thing you could really hear was Belphie’s soft breathing and the rustle of the bedsheets every once in a while. And since it was extremely dark as well, you couldn’t see a thing either so it felt like the best place to let go of your stress
-It’s not like you were making much noise but as I said, the seventh born wasn’t sleeping just yet. And he wouldn’t be able to because it was obvious to him now that something was wrong. He believed that he was bearing witness to something that should’ve been a lot more private than this so he didn’t say anything. You should have your moment, let you have a chance to recollect your thoughts and the next day, he might ask you
-It was too much to handle. It’s not like he was gonna get any sleep unless he knew your problem was solved otherwise he might get nightmares all night. Besides, if you’re crying this much, then something terrible must’ve happened. You realised he was awake when he gave your entire body a small squeeze, as if to reassure you and you froze because did you just wake him up???? Or worse, did he hear all that sobbing you were doing????
-Hugging him is similar to hugging a pillow. He’s soft and squishy and warm and it’s impossible to resist him when rest at a time like this is so tempting. His fingers running over your pact mark once or twice, as if to remind you that he’s right there and low whispers describing the best dream he ever had about you, hoping to distract you for long enough to help you fall asleep
-To him, it doesn’t make a difference if a family member died or if you’re just having a bad day. All he knows is that you’re having a lot of emotional problems because of either one and as a result, you need a shoulder to lean on. He’s glad that you trust him enough to let him assist and if it was up to him, he would keep cuddling you forever. You’ve already suffered enough so let him take care of you this time around, OK?
“Dumbass, why are you crying?” The gentleness of his words was a clear contrast to that quick insult he shoved at the beginning of his statement, though you couldn’t hear any malice behind it and the fact that he really cared about what happened to cause you to struggle with your emotions so badly, would’ve made you wail even harder. However, he managed to silence you pretty well because he kept speaking and you wanted to listen; you wanted to hear what he had to say so you reduced your sobs and you sat quietly enough to do just that. Belphie flipped you over, now with him on top and you underneath and he laid there, cheek sloshed against yours as he sleepily mumbled out more praise for you, “MC, are you tired? You should go to bed, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, you can tell me what the problem is and I’ll help. I promise-I’ll even get up early for you. Just…please calm down. I don’t want to see you crying yourself to sleep ever again. I’ll stay here the entire time, alright? And I’ll make sure you have nice dreams tonight MC…just let me hold you…”
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asstrolo · 3 years
god has given me another day to live and i decide on how to waste it (astrology observations!!)
(don't even look at me these are not even observations i just want to vent) (based strictly of people around me and my own placements!! not a social astrological experiment!! it's very personal!!)
it's very long,
7H, Venus and Degrees ↴
If you want to know anything about relationships look at the 7H it will tell you more about yourself and how you love, what you like than how is your partner going to be. i don't think there's a definitive way of knowing how's your next partner going to be like, but I'd check the degrees in your 7H, the ruler planet of that house, the Venus degree too, for example, if you have a 7H in Leo in a 12° degree (Pisces degree) you'll probably be attracted to overly-confident and artistic people that have an emotional intelligence and are not afraid to look into their own deepest emotions to connect with their partners, furthermore, having a Capricorn Venus in a 23° degree (Aries degree) with a 3H makes you a person very ambitious, very focused on work or having money to be more independent, you'll need communication to be the main theme in your relationships, being straight-foward and honest and mature is very important, mental and physical stimulation go hand in hand but also you wouldn't want a partner that's too codependent on you.
Astrology and Family ↴
this one is gonna be a little bit long; if you know both your parents birth charts i recommend you to compare them to your own chart and your siblings if you have any— I'll put my family as an example!
My mom has a Libra sun, Scorpio moon and Virgo rising, whilst my older sister has a Leo sun, Aries moon and Scorpio rising, see? my mom's also a Scorpio stellium, my dad's an Aquarius sun, Gemini moon and Taurus rising, him and my sister share a 6th house stellium lol, let's keep going, i'm an Aries sun, Aquarius moon and Cancer rising, me, my sister and my dad all have Venus Rx lol, while both of them share a Mercury Rx. It's very interesting to look this up, also, my younger sister has a Cancer rising! astrology is scary
Venus-Pluto / Moon-Pluto / Venus Rx ↴
okay, this one is very personal, but also, i did not realize about this until someone on astro twitter brought it up and i completely agreed! If you have a Venus-Pluto or Moon-Pluto placements (specially Venus-Pluto, but i have both so) regardless of how it's aspected, you'll probably have people coming in and out of your life, not only people you were romantically involved with, but past friends too! an old group of friends and so, i have this happen to me A LOT! really, a lot, and recently it has happened again. I'm not trying to make myself look good or anything, but i have experienced a lot of people i used to like coming back, trying to talk to me, same people, at least once a year lol, i only say this because i honestly believe that the Venus-Pluto makes people you used to hang out with still hung up on you, sometimes not even in a bad way, they just remember you a lot, and they contact you!
I also noticed this happens to people that have a Venus Rx, it's something they will have to deal with for the rest of their life, it will happen, and sometimes it will happen a lot, but also, if you don't want a specific person to contact you, block them! that's what i did, look at me now, not resentful at all 🤠👍 I would've also put Mars-Pluto, but i'm not 100% if it fits, tho i think anyone that has seggs with these people it's completely bewitched
Signs and Modalities ↴
maybe this is just me, but hear me out; modalities are the best, i have an obsession with modalities, instead of separating signs by their elements we should do it by their modalities. Take the sign Virgo as an example, they are seen as logical and stuck up, critical, and they only like doing things their own way, this isn't entirely wrong but it's not entirely true either, Virgos belong in the mutable modality, known as spiritual intelligence, mysticism and communication, facades and misunderstandings, i honestly believe mutable energy is all those things, a Pisces can be as smart and curious and have wit as much as a Gemini, and a Sagittarius can be as logical and analytical as a Virgo, the thing with modalities is that, each sign also has it's own specific thing that makes them, well, them. Another example, cardinal signs are very ambitious based and goal oriented, like who? a Capricorn! Capricorn is the core of the cardinal signs, but, at the same time, they all share attributes since they are cardinal, Aries are just as sensitive and moody as Cancers, just like Libras are as hard-working and money oriented people like Capricorns, it's all connected!!
Degrees Influence ↴
i believe degrees in our charts are more than a little piece of one sign, they represent more things, but this is a theory roughly based in me and my family's charts, I'm sharing my theory so you guys can confirm this is true or just bullshit; as i was saying lol, i believe degrees are more than just one piece of a sign in our charts, they have a bigger influence than people give it credit to, i like to think the degrees are things in our life's that are always going to be apart of us one way or another; example, having Taurus [2, 14, 26] or Cancer [4, 16, 28] degrees, even if you have neither of these in your chart, will make things like your home, family, finances and commodities a constant "struggle" throughout your life, like, if you don't really care for being close to your family or are fine doing as much as you do in one job, life is gonna pull you back to your family through problems or unsolved issues, to the past and to places you used to go when you were a lot younger, even if you try to avoid it, everytime you feel like you don't need anything in your life, there's gonna be something breaking or less money or a need to make more, to buy more things, having to spend money on necessary things and running short. Degrees highlight those things, depending on which sign it's in. One last example, one family member of mine has an Aries moon at 27°, a Gemini degree, since Gemini is communication and all that, people might be offended by something this person says, they might be too blunt with their words and/or have trouble waiting their turn to speak, but this is just my observation lol it's so long
Saturn's Influence ↴
We all know Saturn is a very, VERY important planet, the aspects and the house and lastly the sign that's on Saturn in your chart all are very important, I personally think it defines a lot of your life or personality, or experiences you will have in your life, I can put my placement as an example; I have Saturn in the 11th house and, besides from being really bad at making friends lol, I feel like this position is to challenge me (and people with Saturn in 11th) to use communication and connections and the 11th house influence to our advantage, since it's a planet that puts emphasis on hard work and responsibility, it can be really difficult to deal with, but Saturn is there to teach you, is super important that we get to know everything about this planet in our chart, if you have Sun-Saturn, like me, you will spend your entire life having self-esteem issues or being a perfectionist with yourself, being too critical, this is something to acknowledge and work with, like yeah, Saturn can be pretty shitty, but life itself it's shitty 🤡
( -_・) ︻デ═一' * (/❛o❛)/
that's it, this can count as a book, read it with a cup of tea we you have free time my dudes, bye ✨✨✨
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seijorhi · 3 years
well it’s not exactly monster fucking but um... here there be monsters.
Kuroo Tetsurou x female reader
TW implied non-con, nsfw-ish, blood, gore, minor character death, animal death, um somebody gets munched... 
Every good writer needs peace and quiet. Fresh air and a change of scenery.
You’re not running away, it’s more of a… tactical retreat. Two weeks disconnected from well meaning friends, pushy family members and your eternally irritating editor, with nothing but the beautiful, sprawling forests to keep you company.
The mountains are familiar, if isolating, you think, leaning against the porch railing with a warm mug in hand as the breeze picks up and the tall maple and birch trees rustle in response. The leaves are turning vibrant reds and gold with the falling temperatures and even in the eerie quiet of the cold morning, you can’t deny that it’s breathtaking. 
It reminds you of your childhood, the countless vacations you’d spent here with your family, always in autumn, always in time to watch the leaves change before the first snows of winter set in. Fond memories of running through the trees chasing after cute little bunnies, giggling even when you tripped up and scraped your knees. There was something mystical about the forest back then, something special. But it’s been years since you’ve been here last, and the first time you’ve ever come alone.
And yet it feels different somehow, colder despite the nostalgia. You’re no longer a child, looking at the world through innocent, wondrous eyes. The forest is just a forest. 
Of course, you weren’t an idiot; disappearing off the grid was one thing. Disappearing off the grid without anybody knowing where you were going was another entirely. They’d been surprisingly supportive of the plan – until you told them where it was you were planning on running off to.
‘Why go back to the mountain, honey?’ your mother had asked, her smile wavering and an odd tightness in her eyes. ‘Why not go to the coast instead? Or spend some time in the city?’
But this isn’t a fun little vacation. You don’t want to be distracted by beaches and crowds, you need space to finish your book and time to work through your mess of an emotional state without any interruptions. You want to be untraceable, at least for a week or two.
God knows the last thing you need right now is your ex tracking you down to try and apologise again.
Part of you had thought – somewhat naively, perhaps – that by coming back you’d spark… something. Your memories of the mountains are full of warmth and happiness, but as you stare out into the wilderness, all you feel is a cool chill that runs down your spine and the goosebumps that prickle at your skin. 
Setting your now empty mug down, you pull tighter at the thick knit cardigan draped over your shoulders. Enough reminiscing, your manuscript awaits.
The mountain’s too quiet. You don’t notice it so much during the day, the sound of music softly pouring from your laptop and the gentle clacking of keys as you type enough to distract you  from the eerie stillness outside the cabin. Even at night, you’re preoccupied with dinner, and then curled up on the couch with a warm throw rug watching reruns of your favourite shows on Netflix.
It’s only when you lie down, burrowed into the blankets to try and sleep that you notice just how silent the forest at your doorstep truly is. At first you think it’s simply being away from the hustle and bustle of home. There’s no cars driving past, or the sound of neighbours floating through your open windows, there’s not even the distant hooting of owls or dogs barking.
But it’s more than just quiet. There’s nothing. Even the trees seem to still once the sun falls beneath the horizon. And it shouldn't bother you, shouldn’t unsettle you, and yet…
The first few nights, you don’t sleep well. Tossing and turning in bed. When you do sleep, your dreams are plagued with unpleasant things. Not nightmares as such, but an uneasiness that bleeds into otherwise pleasant thoughts. On the fourth night you wake, gasping for air. Whatever dream you’d been in the grips of fades like smoke, and as you draw in another shuddering breath your throat itches and burns.
Water. You need water. 
You don’t switch on the lights as you fumble your way down to the kitchen, trying to preserve what little remnants of sleep are still in your system. Even with the moon almost full and the night sky clear, the canopy shrouds it. 
And it’s in that darkness, as your eyes flicker up from the faucet, that you see it for the first time.
A shape, huge and looming, silk shadow against black. 
For a moment, as your heart hammers against your ribs, a chill creeping down your spine, you don’t dare trust your eyes. Maybe you’re asleep still, dreaming, or your mind’s playing tricks on you, because there’s nothing that should be lurking in the woods outside of your window that size.
Two golden, cat-like eyes peer back at you.
They’re still there when you race to flick on the lights, unblinking, curious as you skitter backwards, hand over your racing heart.
You’re tired, emotionally drained and this–
This is nothing more than a figment of an overactive imagination, a child creating monsters from the shadows in their bedroom. Yet even as you run back to the safety of the bedroom, yank the curtains shut and huddle under the meagre warmth your blankets afford you, squeezing your eyes shut, you feel it out there still, watching.
And in the stillness of the mountains outside, you swear you hear footsteps.
You wake to fresh snow, too early in the year, even at these altitudes. It dusts the ground, covering the mossy paths in glittering white, clings to the branches of the trees – the red leaves looking like droplets of blood scattered across a grey sky. The snow will undoubtedly melt as the sun rises, turn to slush and mix with the dirt, but for now it’s a thing of beauty.
For a moment, you allow yourself to forget how tired you are, how unsettled, venturing out from the cabin with wide, excitable eyes. It never used to snow when you were here as a kid, and while you get the occasional snowfall back home, it’s nothing like–
You stop dead in your tracks. 
There’s two human footprints imprinted on the snow – only two – right outside your bedroom window, crisp and clean, as if they’d been left just moments before.
Your mother sounds worried when you call her. Of course, you don’t tell her about the lone footprints at your window, or the creepy pair of eyes you’d seen through the dark, you know how that sounds. You’re not crazy, and even if some part of you truly believed what you’d seen, your mom is the last person you’d admit it to.
Once upon a time, when you were little, she’d indulged in stories of fairies and spirits, but that was a long time ago. Now she turns up her nose and sneers at the myths and legends that your grandma still spouts, dismissing them with a scoff.
It’s not the kind of thing well-adjusted adults talk about in polite conversation.
She’s a good woman, but you can’t tell her this. 
And you’re not even sure you’re entirely sold on it either. The eyes could have been from a wild animal – big cats might be rare in Japan, but they do exist here. You were half asleep (half terrified) when you had seen them, you don’t want to make a fuss over nothing. The footprints are less easy to explain away. If there’d been tracks leading away, you could convince yourself that it was a lost hiker and nothing more.
But there weren’t any tracks leading away; just the two footprints. And what kind of hiker doesn’t wear shoes in weather like this? It’s possible that this is some kind of prank, a mean spirited trick designed to unsettle you – a job well done, by the way – but you can’t quite bring yourself to believe that either. 
In any case, you’re hardly going to admit over the phone that you’re freaking out over some footprints in the snow. God knows she’s already worried enough about your mental state, has been ever since the breakup, and you’re not going to give her any more ammunition. 
But perhaps there is something to that maternal instinct, because despite your best efforts to reassure her that you’re doing just fine, that your novel’s going great and you’re so glad you came out here, she still sounds entirely unconvinced.
“Honey, you know you can tell me if something’s wrong,” she tells you, her voice strangely hesitant. “You don’t sound yourself, are you sure everything’s okay?”
You don’t know why you called her at all. You always have been a shitty liar, and she’s always been able to see right through you. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Honestly the fresh air’s doing me good,” you tell her. “It’s weirdly quiet here though, I’m not used to it,” you laugh, and even to your ears it sounds hollow and fake.
There’s a heavy pause on the other end of the line, and if you close your eyes you can almost picture it, your mom leaning against the kitchen counter, teeth worrying into her bottom lip–
“I just don’t like you out there all by yourself.”
Relax, what’s the worst that could happen?
The words almost, almost slip out, an instinctive reaction to a mother’s well meaning but overbearing concern. But it feels like tempting fate, and whether or not you’re fully convinced that there is something strange happening, you’re not that bold. Instead you begin to tell her (again) that everything’s fine when she suddenly speaks again.
“Bad things happen in those mountains. Just… just promise me you’ll be safe.”
Abruptly, the line goes dead. 
Pulling the phone from your ear, you glance down at the illuminated screen, only to frown when you see the little ‘SOS Only’ flashing in the top corner. Huh, you’d had a few bars when you’d started the call, but… 
The weather’s gotta be messing with your signal. Stranger things have happened, right?
Shaking your head you resolve to give her a call tomorrow. And yet, even as you try to put her parting words from your mind and throw yourself back into your writing, you can’t help but feel that familiar sense of cloying unease seeping through your skin once more. 
What the hell had she meant, ‘bad things happen in those mountains’?
A good night’s sleep can do you wonders. 
Well, theoretically speaking. You can’t remember the last actual decent sleep you’d had, but regardless, the point stands. All you need is an uninterrupted eight or nine hours, and this… paranoia will go away. Things’ll be clearer in the morning, so long as you sleep.
The mantra doesn’t help you any, of course. 
You don’t need to peer through the window to feel those watchful eyes staring. And maybe it would be easier to ignore the prickling sensation at the nape of your neck if it weren’t for the noises.
Music isn’t loud enough to drown out the sound of the mournful wails, like a wounded animal crying out in pain. It’s incessant, inescapable, reverberating inside of your eardrums until it’s all you can focus on.
It’s instinctual, you think, the urge to creep from your bed and try to find the creature making that sound and help it. But even as your feet touch the cool floorboards, your gut clenches, hackles rising. Something deep inside of you warns you from leaving the safety of the cabin.
Whatever creature is making those noises, it’s not calling for help.
You don’t feel like you’ve slept at all, but you must have because at a certain point in the morning you blink your eyes awake, exhaustion clinging to you like a second skin.
And this time it’s not snow that greets you, but the mangled remains of a doe ripped apart on your porch. Deep, jagged gouge marks run along its flank, organs spilling from the cuts and there’s little left of its neck, the whole thing torn out with teeth. Yet for the gruesome injuries, the only blood you find is congealed, pooled beneath the poor creature.
Whatever happened to it, it didn’t happen here. The knowledge doesn’t soothe you like it should – the park ranger you spoke to on the phone mentioned that while it’s rare, sometimes bears venture a little too close to buildings, though he sounds doubtful even as he says it.
He sounds even less interested when you tell him this doesn’t look like a bear attack, but promises they’ll send someone down in the next few days to check everything out. In the meantime, he suggests, it’s best to stay indoors. 
Yeah, not gonna be an issue.
And so with no feasible way of moving it, you’re left with the butchered corpse of a doe just outside your front door. And the thing that bothers you isn’t so much the body, though you still can’t look at it without wanting to throw up, but the fact that it was just… left there.
Not eaten. No, aside from the missing throat, the deer’s all there. Ripped apart with its guts spilling out, but otherwise untouched. Growing up you had a cat, the sweetest little thing, but every once in a while she would get out of a night, find some poor little creature to torment and without fail, she’d bring it back home, leaving it half dead on the doorstep like a gift.
‘See what a good hunter I am?’ she seemed to say, smugly sauntering back inside. 
It wasn’t about food. It wasn’t hunger that drove her, but instinct. As you stare out the window at the doe, at the milky white emptiness of dead eyes, you wonder whether that’s the same here. There’s no tracks in the dirt, no blood smeared across the ground – it wasn’t dragged here. No animal could’ve done this. 
A gift? 
Or perhaps something less benevolent. A threat. You’ve crossed into territory you don’t belong and the deer, cruelly ripped apart and left to bleed out on your doorstep is a line in the sand.
Either way, as tears fill your eyes, a sob tugging free from your chest, you realise that it was a mistake to come here. You don’t know whether you trust your eyes and your ears anymore, but there is something deep inside of you that tolls like a warning bell and as much as you’d like to bury your head in the sand and pretend there’s nothing wrong here, you can’t.
Bad things happen in those mountains.
You need to leave.
The next ferry to the mainland doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning, but it’ll have to do. Once you stop shaking and calm down enough to carry a conversation, you call the local cab company to arrange a pick-up first thing.
You can survive one more night, you just need to throw yourself back into your writing… if you can only just ignore that sense of foreboding prickling at the back of your neck.
There’s a boy running through the trees, giggling as he glances back at you. His hand’s outstretched, wrapped ‘round yours tugging you along as he laughs at you to hurry up.
It’s late, the sun dipping below the horizon, but you don’t wanna go back just yet.
You’re having fun, playing in the forest. And the light is golden, filtering in through the pretty red leaves, your sides burn a little from all the chasing and laughter but it’s a good kind of ache. You don’t want today to end.
His name is Kohsuke, you remember, and he lives down in the village by the valley. He’s only one year older than you, and you’d follow him anywhere. 
You think you might be a little in love with him.
‘C’mon, hurry up! It’s only a little further!’ he calls, and you nod, scrambling over the fallen trunk of an oak tree. There’s old spirits who live in this forest, he’d told you, and today you’re finally gonna see one.
It’s dark now. Cold too. You’re tired and hungry and you kinda want to go home, but Kohsuke won’t let you. ‘Just a little longer! Don’t you wanna see them?’
You do. Of course you do. It’s just that you’re starting to get a funny feeling in your stomach… Can he hear the footsteps too? Is somebody following you?
There’s a voice in your ear, a soft, silky purr that makes a shiver roll down your spine, but you can’t make sense of the words, they’re not in any language you understand. You don’t tell Kohsuke – he can’t hear it, otherwise he would have said something. You just clutch his hand tighter, skipping closer.
‘W-we should go back, Koh,’ you murmur, wincing when it comes out in a childish whine. ‘We’re gonna get in trouble.’
You aren’t supposed to stay out playing after dark, he knows it as well as you do. ‘You trust me, don’t you? Stop being such a chicken!’ he snickers as your cheeks heat.
The voice at your ear growls, low and threatening. You need to go back, now.
You blink, and the scene changes.
You’re curled up on the forest floor, hands covering your eyes. Somebody’s screaming – Kohsuke – crying out your name through ragged sobs, pleading–
There’s a crunch, a ripping sound, a wetness sprayed across your cheek. 
Kohsuke’s not screaming anymore.
Something warm and heavy touches your head, drags through the locks of your hair and you just huddle tighter, eyes squeezed shut, shaking like a leaf as more tears spill. You don’t wanna die here. 
The crunching sounds continue, and you keep your eyes tightly shut. It can’t hurt you if you don’t look. 
It can’t hurt you if you don’t look. 
It can’t hurt you if you don’t look. 
It can’t–
A loud knocking jerks you back to consciousness, your body jolting upright, almost swiping your laptop off the table as you try and gather your bearings. Right, you’d been working on your novel, sitting up at the kitchen table, you must have dozed off… A quick glance out the window tells you that you must have been out of it for a while – the late afternoon shadows are starting to creep in, the sky a golden orange. 
What the hell was that dream?!
“Hello? Uh, anybody home?” a masculine voice calls, another loud knock sounding. “We got a call about a wild animal attacking deer…”
Oh, you think, trying to shake yourself out of your stupor, the wildlife people, yeah. You feel a little nauseous, feverish and trembling, though maybe that’s just the result of your erratic heartbeat. 
Swallowing down the bile in your throat, you turn your attention to the door. Truly you hadn’t actually expected that they’d send anybody out to investigate, much less that they’d arrive before you left, but you can hardly turn him away now.
Especially not when there’s a freshly butchered deer corpse lying only a few feet away from your front door. Quickly, you run a hand over your hair, taking a moment to try and collect yourself before you answer.
It doesn’t work – there’s a knot in your throat and for every step you take towards the door it feels like your legs are gonna give out from under you. You move in a daze to unlock the door, only just remembering to school your features into an expression slightly less alarming as it swings open. 
A ranger, tall with a shock of black, messy hair that reminds you oddly of a rooster greets you with an easy grin. “Oh good, I was starting to think nobody was home. You the one that called?”
Distantly, you nod, fingers clutching at the edge of the doorframe. The ranger glances over at the remains of the deer, still lying in a pool of half dried blood, studying it for a moment, hazel eyes sweeping over the deep gashes in its side. You can’t bear to follow his gaze, you’re not sure you can look at that thing again without throwing up. 
He whistles lowly, shaking his head, “Well you don’t see that every day,” he laughs.
Your eyes snap to his, narrowing slightly. It’s not his fault, you know that, but you can’t help the flicker of irritation that sparks at the cavalier attitude. This is just his job, you get it, but you don’t exactly feel like laughing right now. 
“You still think a bear did this?” you retort, the words coming out a little sharper than intended. 
But the ranger takes it in stride, shrugging as his smirk widens. “A bear, huh?” Amusement glitters in his eyes, sharp and mocking. “Why don’t I come inside and you can tell me all about it?” he offers, stepping closer towards you. 
And there’s no reason for your heart to skitter, your blood running cold as he looms over you in the doorway, still wearing that stupid, irritating smirk. There’s no reason for your insides to clench either, or for the tiny, jerky step backwards you take, your body moving of its own accord.
The ranger pauses, head tilting to the side as he stares at you.
Really stares, like he’s waiting for something. And as discomfited as you are (and as much of an asshole as this guy is), a weary apology is halfway to your tongue when he shifts slightly, propping an arm up against the door – the last, dying rays of light catching his face. 
It’s just for a second.
A heartbeat.
But long enough for you to watch those hazel eyes shift to gold, pupils elongating into slits. 
You stumble backwards, breath coming in a short, ragged gasp as your eyes widen into saucers. “What are you?”
The ranger before you chuckles and you catch a glimpse of his teeth; pearly white and glinting, sharper than they had been only moments ago. “Why don’t you let me in and find out for yourself, kitten?”
You shake your head, retreating further into the cabin, heart pounding. 
“No? You don’t like this body, is that it?” he asks, a cruel edge to his smirk as he takes a half step backwards and slowly spreads his arms. “Something more familiar, then.”
And you don’t think there’s any room left in your heart for more fear, your stomach already twisting in sickening knots, but you blink and standing right there in front of you is Kohsuke.
It’s a punch in the guts, a knife slipped between your ribs, yanked ruthlessly through your still beating heart. He’s beaming up at you, those same adorable dimples, the same ridiculous bowl cut, bleeding youthful innocence. “How about now?” he asks, holding out his hand and wriggling his fingers like he expects you to take it. “You’ll let me inside now, right?”
A strangled noise escapes you as you fall to your knees. Tears fill your eyes, blurring your vision – you blink them away but more take their place. 
“You trust me, don’t you?” he asks, and you wail in response.
It’s too much. You shake your head, hugging yourself tightly, as if your arms are the only thing keeping you from falling apart entirely. 
He calls your name – not in Kohsuke’s childish lilt, but that deep, ancient purr that makes the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. “Let me in.”
“Go away,” you gasp through tears. “Please– please go away.”
The creature shifts again, the dark haired ranger back in Kohsuke’s place. He eyes you, those unnatural gold irises watching with utter enthralment as you sob pathetically on the floor, still pleading – though you know it’ll do you no good – for him to leave. 
“Last chance, kitten. Let me in, or I’ll make you come out.”
He – it – doesn’t sound nearly as put out by the prospect as it should be. 
And you don’t know why giving permission matters, all you know, all you care about, is that it’s keeping that thing at bay for now. It can’t come inside and so long as you don’t leave the safety of the cabin, it can’t hurt you. The words are nothing but an empty threat.
You shake your head, defiant even as your voice hitches and trembles, “No.”
“Stubborn little thing,” the creature croons, the smirk on its face widening until the visage no longer resembles anything human – mouth splitting its face in two, rows of long, sharp teeth revealed. “So be it.”
A low growl resonates in its chest, and you can only watch, petrified, as thin, vein-like black marks begin to appear over pale skin, growing thicker, cracking as shadow curls from underneath. The creature itself starts to grow too, limbs elongating as muscles ripple and swell, claws bursting forth in place of fingernails, shoulders broadening – until it’s towering over you, wreathed in thick shadow, grinning with that terrifying mouth. 
This is the thing you’d glimpsed that first night. A creature ripped from nightmares and primal fears, strong enough to tear you apart with a single hand. That’s what it’d done to Kohsuke, to the doe, what it’d do to you if you gave it half a chance.
“You wanna play, kitten?” it asks, head tilting to the side. 
Slowly, it backs away from the door, keeping its gaze fixed firmly on you. For a moment, you think that it’s going to disappear back into the forest, or plant itself by your window to watch for another night, waiting you out till dawn, but instead it stops by the old oak that overhangs the porch and stills entirely, simply… waiting.
“Let’s play.”
Abruptly, the oak beside it bursts into flames. It takes only a heartbeat for the entire thing to be engulfed, red and orange flames licking along the trunk, the gnarled, spindly branches, even the leaves are alight, burning away into ash and floating off in the breeze. The heat from one tree alone is searing, the crackle of burning wood and your own horrified, shuddering breath the only sounds in the night.
It snowed only a few nights before, but the fire spreads with unnatural ease, flames racing across the canopy, embers lighting up the undergrowth, and in the space of a few seconds there’s an inferno raging through the forest before you. And through the smoke and the red, burning haze, the creature watches, smirking.
The heat from the wildfire sears painfully at your skin, the air around you suddenly thick with smoke, stinging your eyes, choking your lungs, and yet you can’t seem to tear yourself away. It’s like a dream, a nightmare, some kind of… hellscape.
And for a moment you forget that there was a purpose to this, too lost staring in mute horror as the forest you’d played in as a child burns–
At least until a single leaf from the oak tree, edges curling as it’s consumed by flames, falls, carried by the breeze and lands on the wooden railing of the porch. With a soft whoosh, the old wooden beam catches fire, and with your chest heaving, panicked breaths falling from parted lips, you rise to your feet as flames spread, the fire eating everything in its path until the entire porch is alight, burning.
You don’t know if the voice in your head is yours or not, you don’t have time to care. You scramble for the back door, throwing it open, and you run.
Run until your lungs burn, til’ your bare feet are scratched and bleeding, run, pushed forward by the sweltering heat at your back, the chilling crackle of laughter that follows. You run through tears, through pain and air so thick with smoke that it hurts to breathe.
And you know the creature’s giving chase, you know that you won’t – can’t – outrun it, nor the inferno that blazes around you. You know that it’s futile, that you’re probably running to your death, but that’s human, isn’t it?
To run when you’re scared?
The sky’s awash with a hazy red glow when it catches you, throwing you to the ground, and still you try to crawl. Desperate, choking on broken pleas and sobs, nails raking through the dirt as you try to pull yourself forward. 
And when your pants are ripped from your legs, a puff of warm air ghosting over the nape of your neck as you’re shoved back down, those long, black arms settling either side of you, caging you in – you know that you’ve lost.
“Mine,” the creature growls, and you barely have time to scream before its cock shoves into you with one brutal, merciless thrust. “Mine.”
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nevermindirah · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the use of AAVE for Nile (or lack thereof) in TOG fanfiction? I've been reading some Book of Nile fic and some writers seem to write her as a Millennial™ (using words like "fave" and "woke") but never acknowledge her Blackness in her patterns of speech. I know we don't see her use as much AAVE in the films, but I would argue she's in situations where code-switching would be valued (first in a "professional" environment in the army, then around a group of non-Black strangers).
Hi anon! I have many thoughts on this and I'm honored you asked me! But I should start by saying I'm white and any thoughts Black fans and especially Black American fans have on this that they want to share would be beyond lovely. (I'm not gonna tag anybody bc that feels rude but please add onto this post if any of y'all see this and want to!)
The main reason I personally avoid AAVE for Nile in my own fics is because I'm not Black. But Nile-centric fics by Black writers tend to avoid using much of it too, at least from what I've noticed/understood, and my guess is it's largely for the reason you mention, that she's in situations that encourage code-switching.
In movie canon Nile is highly competent at tailoring her language to each situation she finds herself in. This fantastic linguistics analysis meta shows how skillfully Nile chooses her vocabulary and grammar to meet her goals with different conversation partners in different contexts. In comics canon Nile had a bunch of different civilian jobs before joining the Marines, so she would've had experience code-switching in the ways that made sense for all those different contexts as well as the Marines and her family and high school and wherever else she spent her time before we met her. And now she's spending her time with a handful of immortals none of whom are native English speakers and a fellow Black American but one with a Queen's English UK accent whose professional experience is in the CIA where high-status code-switching is often an absolute must for success or even survival.
Fics featuring Nile are charged with extrapolating from that to how it might show up in her use of language that she's coping with a traumatic separation from her family and her career and pretty much everything she's ever known and now she needs to be able to make herself understood to people who seem to care about her and each other but are super duper in crisis, three (soon to be four) of whom predate Modern English entirely and the only one who's anywhere near her contemporary she's not supposed to talk to for a century. All of these people are telling her that pretty much any contact with any mortals poses an existential threat to her and the rest of the group. How the FUCK is she supposed to cope with that, like, generally? And would it be a more effective way for her to cope if she talked to Andy Joe and Nicky using the speech patterns that she used to use with her mom and brother, to at least retain that part of her identity even if it means having to do a lot of explaining, or would it meet her needs better to prioritize Andy Joe and Nicky understanding what she means with her words over using the particular words and grammar forms she used with her family?
I've seen several fics, both Nile-centric / BoN and otherwise, explore this a little bit in how/whether Nile uses Millennial™ speak. It's often a theme in Nile texting Booker despite the exile because of the popular headcanon that he as The Tech Guy is the only other immortal who understands memes. But Nile's much-younger-than-Booker mom probably uses Boomer and/or Gen X memes and Andy has been adapting to new communication styles for forever as evidenced by her canon high level of fluency with standard-American-accented English.
Which brings us back to people avoiding AAVE because they're not Black and they don't want to make mistakes (or they're not Black and they don't want to get yelled at for making mistakes, though I think many people overestimate how much they'll get yelled at while underestimating how much these mistakes can hurt). I can imagine some Black fans hold back from using much AAVE in fic because they don't want to share in-group stuff with white people who are likely to then adopt and ruin it, as white people so often do with Black cultural stuff. Some links about this including a great Khadija Mbowe video. I'm saying this gently, anon, because you might not know: woke, an example you cited as Millennial™ speak, is AAVE, and that's gotten erased by so many white people appropriating it and using it incorrectly online.
And also there's the part where fandom is a hobby and you never know when you're reading a fic that's the very first thing someone's ever written outside of a school assignment. This cultural considerations of language shit takes a level of effort and skill that not everybody puts into every fic, or even could if they wanted to because they haven't had time to build their skills yet. It's definitely easier for non-Black fans to project our millennial feels onto Nile than to do the layers of research and self-reflection it requires to depict what Blackness might mean to Nile, and it's not surprising that often people sharing their hobby creations on the internet have gone the easier route. There's not even necessarily shame in doing what's easier. It's just frustrating and often hurtful when structural white supremacy means that 3-dimensional Black characters are rare in media and thoughtful explorations of them in fandom are seen by the majority of fans as not-easy to make and therefore Nile Freeman, the main character in The Old Guard (2020) dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood, has the least fic and meta and art made about her of our 5 main immortals.
I've been active in different fandoms off and on for twenty years and I barely managed to write 5,000 words about Sam Wilson across multiple different fics in the 7 years since I fell in love with him. There's an alchemy to which characters we connect with, and on top of that which characters we connect with in a way that causes us to create stuff about them. Something about Nile Freeman finally tipped me over the edge from a voracious reader to a voracious writer. It's not for me to judge which characters speak to other individuals to the level of creating content about them, but I do think it's important for us to notice, and then work to fight, the pattern where across this fandom as a whole Nile gets way less content, and way less depth in so much of the content that's in theory about her, than any of these other characters.
Anyway, back to language. My two long fics feature Nile with several Black friends — Copley and OCs and cameos from other media — but all of those characters except Alec Hardison from Leverage aren't American. It's very possible I'm guilty of stereotyping Black British speech patterns in I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore. I watched hours and hours of Black haircare YouTube videos in the research for that fic and I modeled my OCs' speech patterns on what I heard from some of those YouTubers as well as what I've heard people like John Boyega and Idris Elba saying in interviews, but the thing about doing your best is you still might fuck up.
I'm slowly making progress on my WIP where Nile and Sam Wilson are cousins, and what ways of talking with a family member might be authentic for Nile is a major question I need to figure out. For that, I'm largely modeling my writing choices on how I hear my Black friends and colleagues talking to each other. I haven't overheard colleagues talking in an office in a long-ass time, but back when that was a thing, I remember seeing a ton of nuance in the different ways many of my Black colleagues would talk to each other. Different people have different personalities! And backgrounds! And priorities! A few jobs ago my department was about 1/3 Black and we worked closely with Obama administration staff many of whom were Black and there was SO MUCH VARIETY in how Black people talked to each other, about work and workplace-appropriate personal stuff, where I and other white coworkers could hear. There are a few work friends in particular who I have in my head when I'm trying to imagine how Sam and Nile might talk to each other. From the outside looking in, God DAMN is shit complicated, intellectually and interpersonally and spiritually, for Black people who are devoting their professional lives to public service in the United States.
One more aspect of this that I have big thoughts on but I need to take extra care in talking about is the idea of acknowledging Nile's Blackness in her patterns of speech. There's no one right way to be Black, and Nile's a fictional character created by a white dude but there are plenty of real-life Black Americans who don't use much or even any AAVE, for reasons that are complicated because of white supremacy. (Highly highly recommend this video by Shanspeare on the harms of the Oreo stereotype.)
Something that's not the same but has enough similarity that I think it's worth talking about is my personal experience with authenticity and American Jewish speech patterns. My Jewish family members don't talk like they're in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I've known lots of people who do talk that way (or the millennial version of it), some of whom have questioned my Jewishness because I don't talk that way. That hurts me. Sometimes when another Jew tells me some shit like "I've never heard a Jew say y'all'd've," I can respond with "well now you have asshole, bless your Yankee-ass heart," because the myth of Dixie is a racist lie but I will totally call white Northerners Yankees when they're being shitty to me for being Southern, and this particular Jew fucking revels in using "bless your heart" with maximum polite aggression, especially with said Yankees. But sometimes I don't have it in me to say anything and it just quietly hurts having an important part of me disbelieved by someone who shares that important part of me. The sting isn't quite the same when non-Jews disbelieve or discount my Jewishness, but that hurts too.
Who counts as authentically Jewish is a messy in-group conversation and it doesn't really make sense to explain it all here. Who counts as authentically Jewish is a matter of legal status for immigration, citizenship, and civil rights in Israel, and it's my number 2 reason after horrific treatment of Palestinians that I'm antizionist. But outside that extremely high-stakes legal situation, it can just feel really shitty to not be recognized as One Of Us, especially by your own people.
It can also feel really shitty to be The Only One of Your Kind in a group, even if that group is an immortal chosen family who all loves each other dearly. Sometimes especially in a situation like that where you know those people love you but there are certain things they don't get about you and will never quite be able to. I'm definitely projecting at least a little bit of my "lonely Jew who will be alone again for yet another Jewish holiday" stuff onto Nile when at the end of I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore she's thinking about being the only Black immortal and moving away from the community she'd built with a mostly-Black group of mortals in that fic. Maybe that tracks, or maybe that's fucked up of me.
Basically, this got very long but it's complicated, writing about experiences that aren't your own takes skill which in turn takes time and practice to build, writing about experiences not your own that our society maligns can cause a lot of harm if done badly, it can also cause a lot of harm when a large enough portion of a fandom just decides to nope out of something that's difficult and risky because then there's just not much content about a character who deserves just a shit ton of loving and nuanced content, people are individuals and two people who come from the exact same cultural context might show that influence in all kinds of different ways, identity is complicated, language is complicated, writing is hard, and empathy and humility and doing our best aren't a guarantee of avoiding harm but they do go a long way in helping people create thoughtful content about a character as awesome and powerful and kind and messy and scared and curious and WORTHY as Nile Freeman.
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