#spicy pomodoro
eternalcalifornia · 5 months
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davisbette · 10 months
Eight questions for nine people
tagged by @normasshearer thank you! *mwah*
1. Last song I listened to: Viva la pappa col pomodoro - Rita Pavone
2. Favourite colour: oof there's too many colours i like
3. Last TV show or movie I watched: Whatever happened to baby Jane
4. Currently Watching: Nothing worth mentioning
5. Sweet, savoury, or spicy?: Sweet
6. Relationship status: Single
7. Current obsession: Umh... nothing really
8. Last thing I Googled: How does the biological heart have to do with our emotions?
tagging: @swinging-stars-from-satellites @belivet @propalahramota @scully-mulders @dykefaggotry @deftoons @orzamara @genes-tierney @stars-bean
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sciatu · 1 month
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Pesce alla messinese
La felicità è nella semplicità. In tanti ti diranno il contrario e inneggeranno con una dialettica baroccheggiante al superfluo e all’inutile. Ma tu non credergli e vivi dei tuoi sogni e con poco soddisfa i tuoi bisogni. Ad esempio se hai dei filetti di branzino o di orata, basta cucinarli in modo semplice per gustarne la bontà, il sapore marino, la delicatezza creatasi negli abissi. Se non vuoi mangiarli semplicemente arrosto o in bianco, basta che prepari un misto di pan grattato e di formaggio. Già qui un piccolo segreto perché per unire nel gusto e nella preparazione questi due elementi ne occorre un preziosissimo terzo che è l’olio. L’olio evita che la mollica diventi troppo arida e secca e permette al formaggio di esaltare il proprio gusto. Aggiungi a questo impasto i capperi tagliati fini e il prezzemolo tritato. Mi meraviglio sempre del prezzemolo, che ha una chimica che può diventare cattiva, ma che nelle pietanze semplici non solo porta il suo profumo ma con il suo amaro esalta le altre erbe e le carni delicate. Cospargi i filetti con questo impasto e coprili per bene. Se vuoi personalizzare l’impasto puoi aggiungere del peperoncino tritato anche se il cuore del piatto è il gusto semplice del pesce avvolto nel velluto dell’impasto. Una nota troppo forte o una dominante piccantezza potrebbero squilibrarlo. A questo punto occorre qualcosa che aiuti agli umori del pesce a non far inaridire superficialmente l’impasto di copertura. Per questo si aggiungono fette di pomodoro. Io ho scelto di mettere pochi ciliegini di Pachino, sedotto dalla loro dolcezza e delicatezza. Bisogna cuocere fin quando l’impasto di mollica e degli altri ingredienti non imbrunisce, assumendo la colorazione del pane appena tostato. Si potrebbe servire spolverando il tutto con granella di pistacchio, ma sembrerebbe un violentare la delicatezza del tutto seguendo la recente moda di aggiungere ovunque pistacchio a scapito della sottile leggerezza e personalità del buon pesce. Da mangiare accompagnando il tutto con un vino bianco, fermo, tipo Chardonay, Pinot, Viognier o il mio amato Grillo.
Happiness is in simplicity. Many will tell you otherwise and will praise the superfluous and the useless with a baroque dialectic. But don't believe them and live your dreams and satisfy your needs with little. For example, if you have fillets of sea bass or sea bream, just cook them in a simple way to enjoy their goodness, the marine flavor, the delicacy created in the abyss. If you don't want to eat them simply roasted or plain, just prepare a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese. Here's a little secret because to combine these two elements in taste and preparation you need a very precious third, which is olive oil. The oil prevents the crumb from becoming too dry and arid and allows the cheese to enhance its flavor. Add the finely chopped capers and chopped parsley to this mixture. I am always amazed by parsley, which has a chemistry that can become bad, but in simple dishes it not only brings its scent but with its bitterness enhances the other herbs and delicate meats. Sprinkle the fillets with this mixture and cover them well. If you want to customize the mixture you can add chopped chili pepper even if the heart of the dish is the simple taste of the fish wrapped in the velvet of the mixture. A note that is too strong or a dominant spiciness could unbalance it. At this point you need something that helps the humors of the fish not to dry out the surface of the covering mixture. For this reason, slices of tomato are added. I chose to add a few Pachino cherry tomatoes, seduced by their sweetness and delicacy. You have to cook until the mixture of breadcrumbs and other ingredients browns, taking on the color of freshly toasted bread. You could serve it by sprinkling it all with chopped pistachios, but it would seem like violating the delicacy of the whole thing, following the recent trend of adding pistachios everywhere at the expense of the subtle lightness and personality of good fish. Eat it all with a white, still wine, such as Chardonnay, Pinot, Viognier or my beloved Grillo.
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claykitty-studyblog · 6 months
☘️ april 6th, '24
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today i researched for my philosophy essay and i'd say i did pretty good, got through 2 sets of the 50x10 rain pomodoro cats (i love them) before i was overwhelmed with information and decided to stop for today.
onto the fun, thanks to @panda-studiesmed and @zzzzzestforlife for tagging me in this and that, accordingly!!!
starting with... get to know me better!
last song listened: when i started writing this it was "Harvest" by Sister Sandy, but then my playlist kept playing without me realising, so i guess the actual answer is "Pasture" by Spencer Radcliffe!
currently watching: quite literally i'm watching a Houston tennis match right now:P
sweet/savoury/spicy: sometimes sweet, sometimes savoury, but if i had to choose just one... savoury!
relationship status: contently single >_o
current obsession: honestly?! probably hermitcraft!
and the animal crossing villager tag:
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🌟 achievement unlocked: "mud walker" - continuing to thread through a tough time! 🌟
tagging: @stemstudyblog @glassingshards @panda-studiesmed @anna--studies @rain-is-studying (consider yourselves invited to both, but you can pick and choose:^D)
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also i do actually have animal crossing on my 3DS! my mayor has such a stupid face...
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vegan-nom-noms · 10 months
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Rigatoni "Pie" Pasta with Spicy Pomodoro Sauce
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bethanyactually · 6 months
Tagged by @rebeccagoesblogging! 💛
Last song: Childlike Imagination by Kerusu, which was on the pomodoro video my daughter and I had playing while we did school
Favorite color: sunflower yellow
Currently Watching/Reading:
just finished watching The Diplomat, at @pepperf's behest--it was very stressful to watch, but very good!
the US version of Ghosts, which is funny and charming!
@dimension20official's Fantasy High: Junior Year
neverending Elementary rewatch
still rewatching Nancy Drew in bits and pieces
reading Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne with Elliora for school, which I had not read since I was in high school, so that's been fun!
we just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird, Ellie's first read and my umpteenth
we're about to start reading Terry Pratchett's Nation, which I'm excited about--I haven't read that one yet
for fun, I'm re-listening to the Rivers of London audiobooks, currently on False Value
sloooowly working my way through Angela Saini's Superior, which is a history of race science
still technically reading Murder Must Advertise, a Peter Wimsey mystery--I've just been distracted with moving and then school and a bunch of other things
Relationship status: happily married with kids and a cat
Sweet/savory/spicy: Yes, thanks!
Current obsessions: Still the CW's Nancy Drew. The caramelized cheddar from Trader Joe's. Polar Mango Blackberry Seltzer which apparently is a seasonal flavor.
Last thing you googled: 'forensic definition' because I was making my daughter's vocab worksheet for next week, and I didn't like the definition offered to me by the curriculum
Low-key, no-pressure tagging @pepperf since I mentioned her, @wereadtoliveathousandlives because it's really nice to be chatting with her again, and some folks from my recent activity: @beingstacey, @forfuckssakekidsdontlookforme, @amidalleia, @firstelevens, @brazenbells, @expectinggodot, @tremendoustenderness, @seriesmaniac, and anyone else who'd like to do this.
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Well, I'm not exactly an "Ask Me Anything" person by nature, so when I was tagged by @calamity-cain to answer a little question game, I retired under a rock to meditate for some time and produce my answers.
So, here goes:
relationship status: for ages with someone who still has no idea of who/what shares their bed.
favorite color: hmmmm… I’m a glutton when it comes to ANY colour. This can get irritating: it’s never just colours, but colours + matching + texture + shades + material… And if it’s all together, it hits like a train. So.... dark-red very scented velvet rosebud?
Some colours I adore in flowers, like delicate yellow/blue-purple irises, but as to wearing them, it's normally black, white or the occasional sand colour.
song stuck in my head: “Made in Italy” by Rosa Chemical
three favorite foods: although my approach to food is more theoretical than practical, which both sounds and IS stupid… Favorites… risotto with porcini mushrooms, the heretical version (with saffron), triglie al pomodoro (red mullet with tomato), any fish or shellfish recipe I don’t have to spend time cooking myself.
And… don’t ever ask an Italian to name just three foods… ;-D
last song I listened to: “Ghosts Again” by Depeche Mode
dream trip: California. I’d like to visit where the film industry was born, where it died and still haunts the place. Many of my loves from the Past and Present are there. Some at Hollywood Forever, like Rudy Valentino or Rozz Williams, but someone else in the world of the Living (they know who they are)!
last thing I googled: what changes DOWN THERE after re-assigning surgery, and how does that work? Well, yes. With respect, that it was.
... Oh! Under this rock I found some leftover answers from a past tagging by @meibruges Let's throw them out too!
Currently reading:
Tumblr everyday.
Endless curiosities I google instead of sleeping, with some recurrent obsessions, like plants propagation, languages, or types of fabric (when I’ll reach “types of ashes” that’ll have to stop, I’m told).
Fanfiction: anything @drachenkinder or @illwynd wrote or write.
Book: “Funeral Games”, by Mary Renault (basically glorified fanfiction of Alexander the Great), and “Bacchae”, yes, Euripides. 1) won’t pretend that was my idea. I found it quoted in wonderful fic “Dog in the Heart” by @thebookhunter, and got curious; 2) It’s GREAT.
Currently writing:
some obscure original narrative (nobody asked for), some Rozz Williams fanfiction, written in my heart’s blood (nobody asked for it either), some Lestat!Bowie WIP (somebody DID ask for it, some time ago, but please let them forget they did). Other: Bowie WIPs, BBC Sherlock WIPs... (may public mortification restore this pen to dignity).
Last series: Wallander. Late to the party, I know. But that was irresistibly sad.
Last movie: “Bones and All”. Guadagnino does it again: a good movie out of a bad book!
Sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury AND spicy. Sweet drives me a bit crazy in a bad way. But… what happened to bitter and sour? :-P
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1800duckhotline · 5 months
what are your ocs favorite foods and why? if they have any i understand how hard of a question that can be sometimes
OK SO I love this question. I would honestly need specific ocs to be pointed at to give more comprehensive answers. I'll talk about adona and salice for now.
salice: bigoi in sarsa (a type of pasta noodles with a thin hole in the middle, to let sauce in, onions, and anchovies) and fegato alla veneziana (beef liver lightly covered in flour and pan fried with oil and white wine) are her favorite savory dishes. this is specifically the venetian side. when it comes to istrian food (dragica is from rijeka, in croatia) salice was often spoiled by dishes like dagnje na buzaru the main ingredient of which is mussels, as well as fritaja sa šparogama which is essentially a frittata with eggs and asparagus. but she never was picky with savory food (and she isn't as an adult either and will eat about any slop given to her, she was raised on frattaglie too)
she also enjoys any kind of salame and cheese in existence, there is none of either she would dislike. she's a woman who's not afraid of eating inane quantities of onion and garlic.
in terms of sweets she's quite basic and not a fan of overtly sugary stuff. she enjoys babbà with strong rum in them and also loves dark chocolate. she does also enjoy a typical venetian sweets called fave dei morti, made out of egg whites, sugar and pine nuts (or almonds). the name is very ironic considering her whole character
adona: unlike salice adona also had frattaglie as a kid but never ended up loving them. her palate revolves more on enjoying soups and pastas with tomato-based sauces like ragù and the like, and has quite the sweet tooth as well. she is a great enjoyer of homemade pappa al pomodoro, a soup made of tomatoes and stiffened bread. she also loves pappardelle. i'll admit i'm a bit ignorant on tuscan food specifically so i can't elaborate more but she does like acidic and spicy food too and often expeirments eating from other cuisines
she absolutely fucking loves fresh fruit though. My girl adona is fucking chowing fresh fruit all days of her life
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kuroo-suno · 2 years
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people — no skipping!
thank u bestie @chifuya for the tag ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
i’m tagging @keikakus @ennoshitatas @writtenbyevie @homosubtext @kenma-kozugay @monstrsball @toya @xxcrypt1dxx @gingerslapnotion @iwaizumihajigay @pomodoro-kun
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Would you be willing to share some of your favorite dinner recipes?
yeah!! i have three pretty regular go tos right now and they are:
spicy chickpea kale pomodoro (which i actually got off someone else's tumblr anon over a year ago and is probably the thing i cook for dinner the most now! i do spice mine quite differently -- i use thyme, oregano, red pepper flakes, cumin, caraway seeds, a pinch of salt, and ground pepper)
parchment baked salmon with honey soy glaze (i got this off an instagram ad rip..... but it is very good! i usually throw some asparagus onto the baking sheet to roast with the salmon and make some rice. i think this is my girlfriend's favourite thing that i cook).
i've also been just roasting bacon and brussel sprouts a lot lately and serving with a side of rice for dinner. i trim and halve the sprouts, toss with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, thyme, olive oil, and a touch of maple syrup, lay it out on a baking sheet flat side down, top with chopped bacon, and roast at 425 for 25 minutes (usually i throw the broiler on for the last two minutes).
BONUS -- another recipe i have done a couple times recently and liked is this baked polenta with spinach and mushrooms. i use a blend of broth and apple cider vinegar instead of sherry (i'm sure sherry would be better, i just don't have any), and add a pinch of ground clove to the mushrooms while i'm sauteeing it.
and you can never go wrong with soup! i really love making roast carrot soup with a blend of cumin, coriander, and chinese five spice.
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clatterbane · 2 years
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Tonight's badly lit delight!
I threw together something similar to this, but using my old reliable one-pot pressure cooker method. With some handy frozen chopped onions, garlic, and kale. I also added dried sage and marjoram to season, along with red pepper flakes and some coarse black pepper. Very good! 😋
This dish could easily be made vegetarian/vegan. But, I also decided to start by browning up some cut thick-sliced bacon in a smaller amount of olive oil, and added that back in at the end once the pasta was cooked. A dash of smoked paprika or chipotle would probably give a nice flavor too, on the less meaty side of things.
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thehungrykat1 · 27 days
Banqueta Wednesdays at Marriott Cafe Offers Unlimited Steak and Elevated Street Food Buffet
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Most of us grew up enjoying Filipino street food, from the classic fishballs and turon, to the more exotic isaw, kwek kwek, and adidas. Most of these delicacies are quite familiar to me, but as I grew older, I encountered them less frequently, especially since street food is seen to be less hygienic. That's why I was happy to find out that we can now enjoy all these classic favorites at a cleaner and much safer environment with Marriott Cafe's Banqueta Wednesdays!
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Marriott Cafe is Marriott Manila’s all day dining restaurant located at the ground floor lobby. You can now enjoy unlimited steak, seafood, and Filipino street food favorites in a refined setting every Wednesday dinner from 6:00pm to 9:00 pm at the Banqueta Wednesdays for only ₱2,999 nett per person.
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Banqueta Wednesdays is the ultimate night market with a wide variety of Filipino street food stations, unlimited steak and international buffet selections at their open-theatre kitchens. 
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You can start at the appetizers and salad stations which offers various breads and Asian starters like kimchi, spicy fish cake, mushroom dinakdakan, itlog na maalat at kamatis, and others.
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Then head over to the main buffet table where you can get some Baked Penne, Vegetable Casserole, and Polenta together with a few wraps of Shawarma.
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The Seafood Paella is one of the highlights here with its delicious combination of crabs, mussels, and prawns on a bed of flavorful paella rice.
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Just beside this is the carving station which has this gorgeous Porchetta as the centerpiece. The skin is so crispy so make sure you get a few slices for yourself.
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They also have a pasta station where you can ask for Grandma's Pomodoro that will be freshly cooked for you a la minute.
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Next, make your way to the Japanese station where you can find a colorful selection of sushi together with Takoyaki Balls and Okonomiyaki.
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The main attraction at Banqueta Wednesdays is the Banqueta Display right in the center of the buffet area. Here you can find an assortment of Filipino street food favorites like chicken isaw, pork isaw, fishballs, vegetable skewers, and okoy.
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Other exotic items available include pork ears, kwek kwek, tokneneng, pork barbecue, and adidas or chicken feet. These are items that you do not typically see in a five-star hotel buffet but Marriott Cafe makes these accessible to everyone during Banqueta Wednesdays. They even have some Balut and Penoy eggs.
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Marriott Cafe goes one step further because aside from all the Filipino street food, you can also enjoy unlimited steak, crabs, prawns, mussels, clams, and squid.
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Just pick the items and skewers you like and hand them over to the grilling station. These will be cooked right on the spot and delivered straight to your table.
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Now these are items you don't see every day at five star hotels! These classic Filipino street food dishes also bring a sense of nostalgia for those who used to eat these during their childhood.
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Of course, you can also enjoy the more luxurious side of Banqueta Wednesdays with unlimited servings of steak to go with your choice of seafood.
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Don't forget about the other international stations at Marriott Cafe like the Chinese station. Here you can find Chinese roastings including roast pork and roast chicken. There's also several dimsum specialties to choose from.
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The Paluto station is also a must visit with its live fish that you can cooked according to your liking. Have it steamed in soy sauce or cooked Singaporean style with sweet chili sauce.
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To make Banqueta Wednesdays even more authentic, there's a small sari sari store offering Samalamig beverages like buck panda, sago't gulaman, and melon drinks. Make sure to grab some street snacks too.
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The Dessert station offers many ways to complete your steak and street food buffet. You can get some fruits, brownies, cookies, egg tarts, and Filipino desserts like sapin-sapin, kutsinta, cassava cake, and more that you can dip inside the grand Chocolate Fountain.
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There are also several cakes and pastries to choose from including Brownie Pie, Swiss Strawberry Roll, Chocolate Mousse, and Swan Puff Diplomat. You can also get as many scoops of gelato as you want at the Gelato station.
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Guests can also order Marriott Cafe's Drink of the Month which can be served in alcoholic or non-alcoholic versions. This comes with a very cute stuffed toy that you can bring home with you.
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Banqueta Wednesdays is available every Wednesday until December 18, 2024. For inquiries and reservations, you may call them 8988-9999 and (0917) 584-9560. Enjoy an elevated street food buffet experience only at Marriott Manila!
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Marriott Cafe
G/F, Marriott Hotel Manila, Newport City, Pasay City
8988-9999 / (0917) 584-9560
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Monday, August 19th: Tools
Break out your late 20's bingo card! I used a feather duster today and the tidying game has been changed. I spent an undisclosed amount of time today ridding myself of dust collections and received my new shower curtain in the mail. Something so pathetic should not bring me so much joy but ALAS I'm nesting.
Other useful tips of the day:
I used the Pomodoro technique to break up tasks. It roughly goes about selecting a single task, working for 25 minutes, taking a 5-minute (productive) break, repeating the cycle 4 times, then taking a break longer than 30 minutes.
The 5-second rule. What has always applied to food now applies to getting your ass out of bed or any other task that takes "everyday" courage. Basically, don't overthink your way out of action.
Today's outfit: Black tube top paired with black, yellow, and green floral skirt gifted from Makenna, black headband.
Today's accomplishment: 200 days of yoga! That's a total of 56 hours of stretching various limbs to stave off rot and decay. Here's to dying old as young as possible.
Next Goal: 250 days or finally beating one of those damn "Do Yoga 20 times in 30 days" challenges.
Meditation: This was a walking one on the street early this morning, being exactly in the moment with eyes up. I stopped to stare at three bright pink roses that overhung on the sidewalk. Probably looked like a big weirdo doing it but this is the price of brief connection to the present moment.
Cooking: Made squid ink pasta with spicy shrimp and parmesan. When I'm good, I am GOOD. Yum! Still loving the Celebrity Memoir podcast and how the ripped Olivia Munn a new asshole for body shaming every other woman in America. Anna-Marie Tendler may be obnoxious, but Olivia is still the original Pick Me.
Political Awareness: The DNC is likely to see protestors for the Biden Administration's support of Israel in the current Hamas conflict. It's giving 1968 with Vietnam (hopefully different results, but if the Middle East has taught us anything, it is that history is violent and cyclical).
Reading: Still on Princess Di's autobiography. A lot of crying and vomiting, but also real compassion and spark under there as well. Nothing is more depressing than feeling like you can't express yourself or have any control over your future or personal arch. The same goes for princesses, apparently. She may have also just been kind of bored and needed some anti-depressants.
Sleep: I was asleep before midnight and awake before 9 so calling it a win. 5...4...3...2...1
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passingwinding · 3 months
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Jun 20, 2024
Hamachi crudo
Grilled prawns
Squid ink mafaldine
Sweet corn agnolotti
Spicy pomodoro
Beet spaghetti
Banana pudding tiramisu
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thegiftofpie · 1 year
Got a glut of grape or another kind of fresh tomatoes? How about a spicy fresh tomato-basil and cream sauce in the time it takes to boil the water and cook your pasta? #pasta #basil #tomato #pomodoro
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unccdance2023italy · 1 year
It's Arelys again! I'm here to tell you about one of the biggest things Italy known for: its food! True, authentic Italian food and dining is an experience on its own, and truly is a highlight of the trip. Most of the ingredients and food in Italy is locally sourced and grown with minimal processing (if any). Most mornings there are flea markets where locals are able to pick up fresh fruits and veggies! I've never seen a more red tomato or strawberry in my life! While pasta and pizza are the main dishes eaten, Italy also serves fresh chicken, steak, and seafood. The main difference in the food from the USA is the taste and quality. Pasta has just enough sauce that enhances the flavor of the pasta without being overbearing. Sauces are typically made of an olive oil or pesto base, and the noodles are typically thicker. Pizza on the other hand is made with extremely thin crust in the center with a slightly crunchy, thicker crust on the border. My favorite is called the Diavolo, consisting of salami, Pomodoro (tomato sauce), parmesan or buffalo mozzarella (it's actually not spicy at all) cheese, and sometimes mushrooms.
The experience of dining in a restaurant is often much different than we are used to here in the U.S. Most restaurants will seat you outdoors and are very accommodating for large parties. While some waiters spoke English, it was encouraging for us to practice our Italian in situations when they did not speak English. I found it interesting how waiters would attend to the table at your request for them rather than checking up on a table periodically. There is usually one bill for the whole party, and includes tax and tip.
Additionally, it is very important to mention Italian sweets! This is included a visit to one of the oldest chocolate shops in the world where we tried Bicerin (pronounced BE- CHE-REEN), a Turino known chocolate coffee drink. Gianduja is the locally made version of Nutella, which is sweeter, and not as creamy (but super delicious!) Among other favorites are Tiramisu, and a Sicilian Connolo.
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