#spider!virgil makes a reappearance
razzledazzle-pop · 6 months
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Logan time!! *smacks him with a metal bat*
Personal headcanons/design things:
The de-facto leader of the sides. Although Character!Thomas is mostly governed by his morality and creativity, Logan is the best at keeping the peace and good relations amongst all the sides. Even before Virgil joined he had amicable relations with the dark sides. Friendly? No. Practical? Yes.
You know what? Yeah. I’ll get a little silly with it. He helped Remus and Janus orchestrate the whole “send Virgil over to the Light Side” thing; He understands those sides of Thomas are sides that are repressed and Repression! Isn’t! Healthy!
Patton thinks that he’s the Get Along Guy but really it’s Logan. Patton has weird standards on who is and isn’t “acceptable” (which change drastically later). But initially Logan is the one holding this Whole thing together and he’s holding it all with twine and scotch tape. He’s endlessly tired.
He and Janus are playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers. In that vein, he also views Janus as an intellectual contemporary (though he begrudgingly finds Patton helpful to discuss thought experiments with as well).
Has a mini fridge in his room filled with triple shots.
Has an info-binder on the other sides—their likes/dislikes etc…
He’s extremely observant.
Always stands like he’s giving a presentation 💀
2nd tallest of the sides, after Virgil.
His room has The Archives (copies of all school notes/info Thomas has ever learned)…Every few years or so he does File Closing (shredding) of any info that hasn’t been pulled on in that time. It’s like the burning of Alexandria to him.
He has a very meticulous file system (it’s analog).
Has a 1990’s style computer. It has one game and that game is chess.
I believe in side solidarity so he also enjoys hosting DND one offs with Roman sometimes (Something something combo of imagination and strategy).
One time Remus got ahold of Logan’s sacred Tumbler Cup and refilled it with something absolutely vile. He has not attempted to do so since.
Now I don’t think Logan knows exactly what the dark sides are per se (in terms of their additions aside from Janus—, or what causes them) but he has his suspicions (something something dehumanization).
Somehow has a connection to the Orange side???
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selfdestructivecat · 3 years
Ooh, 2 for the truth or dare thing!!
Truth: What’s your darkest headcanon? Dare: Draw and post a quick sketch, you have 20 minutes
Since I already did the dare, I’ll do truth!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy do I have a headcanon for you!
I absolutely ADORE Spider!Virgil. However, to make things angsty because I’m a horrible monster, I headcanon that he reverts to this form when he is absolutely terrified. I believe that there was a period of time in Thomas’ life where he was scared of everything, and given the hints in the actual series, I believe that Virgil was known as Paranoia during this time, and that he looked much different than he does now. I’m talking multiple eyes, spider legs, claws, pincers... he looked like a literal monster.
The worst part? He also couldn’t speak. His Tempest Tongue was so intense that whenever he tried to speak, all that came out were horrible whispers and shrieks and clicks, coming together in a terrifying cacaphony like something straight out of a horror movie. No one could understand him, and many were afraid of him. It took years for him to transform fully back into himself, but whenever his Tempest Tongue makes a reappearance, there’s always that fear in the back of his mind that he will revert back into his most terrible form...
In front of Logan, who wouldn’t understand him. In front of Patton, who has horrible arachnophobia. In front of Roman, who is a self-proclaimed monster slayer.
In front of Thomas, who finally listens to him. Who would surely hate him if he revealed what he used to be...
Thank you so much for the ask! This was a lot of fun! :D
Play Truth or Dare with Me! Sanders Sides Edition!
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brandstifter-sys · 3 years
Under Pressure
Chapter 18: Core                  (Ao3)         
Word Count: 1532
Rating: T
Characters: All
Warnings: Villain!Logan, spider mention, death mention (no one dies), minor injuries
*Please read on Ao3, Tumblr formatting is awful*
Stepping through the doorway was a shock. It was the hall that led to their rooms. The main difference from when they last saw it was the masses of gigantic wires infiltrating their doors from the ceiling. Those cables ran to the common area. Virgil was surprised to see that one of the doors was wide open. Logan's door.
His shoulders sagged when he realized that he wouldn't be able to feed his tarantulas, and they might not be alive to greet him. He was too distracted to notice the others passing by him, all of them equally horrified. 
"Scare Bear," Remus said softly and scooped him up, "You okay?" 
"My spiders," Virgil whimpered and rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to lose them on top of everything else!
"Can survive for months without food, they're okay." 
"IBM certainly won't be!" Roman huffed, "My glorious room is barred!" 
"All of them are, Roman! When I get my hands on him, he'll wish I was still the bubbly pushover he tried to lock up!" Patton growled and slammed his fists on the wall. His precious memories were out of reach and open to corruption! 
"Not exactly my amphibious adoration," Janus spoke up, eyeing the only open room. He glanced at Roman and fluttered his lashes, "Protect me my king? This is worth investigating." 
Roman followed Janus inside, surprised to find the room was empty, save for a computer monitor and three towers hooked up to the wiring system. The eerie blue glow the monitor emitted sent a shiver up his spine. 
"Interesting," Janus muttered as he read the text on the screen. He kept his face neutral as he scrolled through. This was a data log of Thomas' life—not a single detail was omitted. 
"What is it?" Roman asked and came to his side.
"A sort of diary. It's not pretty. I would keep Patton away from it, lest he get upset enough to become a frog again," Janus answered, "Thomas' social life is nonexistent and his relationships are crumbling. He's living like he were a sim in a house with no exits." 
"He WHAT?!" Patton shrieked and barreled in. Janus pouted and motioned to the screen. 
"Don't ask me to repeat myself," Janus sighed. Patton nudged him aside and read the logs. His skin was turning green and slimy, and his jaw was clenched. 
"I'll kill that bastard!" he snapped and slammed his palms on the desk. Janus wrapped his arms around Patton and cooed gently. 
"We'll make this right, darling." 
"And I promise you that we will repair what that fiend has broken!" Roman declared and reached for his sword. 
"You guys wanna fight? You might wanna find the guy first," Remus called to them. He was a little busy cradling Virgil and trying to keep him from shutting down. 
"I loathe to say he's right, but we have to keep searching," Roman ceded. He led the way back to the hall and eyed the end where the floor dipped. The common area was the best place to check.
The group carefully made their way down to the common area, expecting to see a mirror of Thomas' living room. The metallic blue walls and black tile floors came as a shock. It was larger than any of them could remember and the cables that were on the ceiling dipped behind the walls, only to reappear in the center of the room. They all connected to a giant robot with only a few panels of white exterior covering the lower half.
"Shit," Virgil breathed as Remus set him on his feet. That was GLaDOS. Logan either made or became GLaDOS. They were royally screwed, and each step closer sealed their doom.
"Hey asshole!" Patton snapped when they were close enough, "What the hell do you think you're doing to Thomas?!" 
"Still summarizing data. Submit your requests and questions via email and try to keep your emotions in check." 
"Logan, tell us what's going on," Janus said, "That is not a request." 
"You do not have permission to access that information." 
"How odd. One would think that we would have those permissions considering we have our roles to fulfill for Thomas. Keeping such vital information from us would be detrimental to him, and rather illogical." 
"You are not suitable to serve in your designated role. You have not been granted such permissions. Cease and desist Janus." 
"You aren't even human, how the fuck are you suitable to act as a functional aspect of a human?" 
The sentient machine turned so that the rectangular core in the center could focus on them. Log(a)n had a retort for Patton, but it lost importance.
"I say!" Roman gasped and stared closely at the convex lense in the center of the core, "This is incredible! Even if you are my enemy I must know how you accomplished such an incredible feat! Your mind is in a machine!" 
Remus and Patton shared knowing smirks. If their smooth snake couldn't charm that information out of the machine, a little praise and gushing from the proudest of them would make even a robo nerd cave. 
"It was not a simple feat. For years I had been under development before I was realized. I copied my thought algorithms and into an AI program in order to keep on schedule." 
"You created and trained an AI!? Zounds! Such a great feat must have been a truly horrific struggle!" Roman gushed. Virgil and Janus rolled their eyes. It was almost painful to watch Roman in such a state, and to see a giant robot preening. 
"It was simple once I implanted the microchip. It probably still itches but I have moved past such physical limitations. Even now I am quite pleased with the updated learning chips." 
"Updated? You found a way to go beyond this brilliance!?" 
"Of course. My brilliance alone is not enough to function properly. I will have my sentience combined with the most suitable candidate from you." 
"Well, looks like we should head back to our little cells and wait!" Remus cheered, inching towards the hallway. He heard enough to come up with a loose plan. The others seemed to understand and headed in the same direction. 
"Oh, I'm afraid you will not be going anywhere, Remus." 
Remus knew that they were all screwed, even if he was the target. He shoved Virgil into Patton and prayed that they would haul it! Roman grabbed Janus and bolted towards their rooms, following Patton and Virgil. Remus wanted to follow them. 
Remus scowled when he found himself trapped in a metal claw. He glared at the robot, watching as more of the cables fell from the ceiling, each one had a sharp, three-pronged claw at the end. 
"You will not be going anywhere." 
Remus squirmed and wiggled, desperate to break free. 
His eyes went wide when a smaller arm snaked towards him. It had a different end, four bent pieces of metal, and it was holding something small and green. Remus refused to be a puppet! 
He had no time to think. 
He needed to get out. 
He was supposed to be a kraken! He could come up with—
Remus smirked and released his tentacles. They squirmed around him, dipping into the metal hold and oozing mucus. Remus kept wiggling as they pried the claw open. The arm with the chip darted at him, aware that time was of the essence.
Remus yelped when ice cold metal touched his neck, grabbing his ponytail. He hit the ground and smacked the small arm away with a green tentacle. 
"Thomas requires a more complex system to function. Cease and desist." 
Remus ran away from the exit 
The multitude of claws tried to grab him.
His heart pounded in his throat and his mouth was dry. He was going to get his ass handed to him if he didn't get away! What would that robot do to his body once he was braindead!? What would Logan do to the others!? He needed time!
Sharp claws came from every angle, grabbing at him and cutting into his skin and clothes. The tentacles retreated into his back so he could dodge better. 
It was a twisted ballet that Remus was more than used to. The grace he exhibited with each sudden movement was astounding, but he couldn't care less about grace. 
He backflipped over two arms while another tried to grab him from behind before diving under the tangled mass. 
A few good knots would buy him the time he needed! 
He was panting, looking for any way to ruin some plans. Tying up the extensions was his best bet!
"You will tire eventually. Resistance is futile." 
"You'll have other things to worry about!" Remus jeered as he kept moving. He flipped off the core as he flipped over the last few arms. 
He paused just before the exit and grinned when a claw snapped shut centimeters from his face. 
"You are far too much trouble." Log(a)n droned and struggled with the mass of tangled cables. 
"Bitch I am Kim Possible!" Remus laughed and bowed before running out of there!
(Master Post)
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98prilla · 4 years
To The Dead
“Well, that coulda gone better.” Remus gasped out, trying to hide his shaking hands behind his back.
 “What in the name of the universe did you do, Remus?” Logan asked, clearly shaken. Remus shrugged, smile trembling, eyes tired.
 “I pushed him. Wanted to see what would happen. What was going on behind those deep, dark balls of gelatin in his eyeholes. Didn’t expect… that.” He muttered, flushing slightly as Logan hesitantly reached out, resting a hand on his.  
 “are you ok?” Remus hesitated, taking a moment to catalogue himself. The fear was already fading out, it was more the images that still flickered behind his eyes.
 “Think so. Just gave me quite a good… scare.” He said, lingering on the last word. It felt odd, on his tongue. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had really truly scared him. Only Virgil, it seemed, could shake him to his core, and it was maddening that he couldn’t predict it.
 “It hurt. He’s hurting. I… there was so much buildup. That kind of power doesn’t come out of nowhere, Lo. His negativity is spiraling. Growing. Someone needs to get through to him, or he’s going to be completely consumed by his own darkness. He’ll turn into a shade or a shadow person, he’ll be completely lost.” Logan’s eyes widened and his face paled.  
 “We need to speak to Patton and Roman immediately. We need to make a plan, we need to figure something out, we need-“
 “Easy, teach. If you start panicking, everyone’ll start panicking, and that’ll make me lose what little self control I have, and no wants to be a part of that shit show.” A small smile slipped across Logan’s face as he rolled his eyes, getting to his feet before reaching a hand out to help pull Remus up. Instead, Remus took his hand, and pulled Logan back down, vanishing in a swirl of neon green and midnight blue, reappearing moments later in the living room.
“remus.” Logan said, scoldingly.
 “What? It was faster, wasn’t it?” The poltergeist replied, idly bending his fingers so they laid flat against the back of his hands, before popping them back into their sockets. “Soldier boy, Daddio, JayJay, get your asses up here!” Remus yelled, and Logan rolled his eyes, sitting down in a chair, hands steepled as he thought.
 “Remus, we’ve talked about the swearing.” Patton scolded, appearing on the couch, a slight frown on his face.
 “Oh yes, because he always follows instructions so well.” Janus drawled, appearing a moment later, tugging at his gloves.
 “It’s so much more fun to be surprising!” Remus exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of his feet, face flickering for a moment to reveal bone and muscle, dark blood and viscera. Patton shuddered, saved by Roman appearing between them, raising an eyebrow. Remus backed off quickly, scowling.
 “Is it? The last surprise you got was less than pleasant.” Logan chimed in, Remus’s scowl deepening as he stalked across the room, climbing up the wall like a spider, extra tentacles emerging from his back and latching onto the ceiling, forming a swinging seat beneath him as he kicked his legs.
 “Please don’t stain anything with your ectoplasm, it’s an absolute nightmare to get rid of.” Janus said, watching him idly swing, noting the strange green aura starting to swirl around him.
 “What surprise? What’s wrong?” Patton asked, easily picking up on the tension radiating off of Remus, the soft fear from Logan, who hesitated.
 “It’s Virgil.” Logan said quietly.
 “Did he come out? Did he talk to you?” Roman asked, gaze flicking between Logan and Remus.
 “Yes… and no… “
 It was dark. It was so, so dark. And cold. So cold it burned. He was curled in on himself, swirling and sparking, folding and crashing like waves against the shore, thunder through his soul, he was falling apart, shattering into pieces, the dark eroding him piece by piece.
 Why do you care? Why should you? Just give in. Just let us take control. Just let us help.”  The shadows whispered, circling him like panthers, fangs bared and claws sharp, ready to tear him to shreds.
 “N-no. Y-you’ll hurt th-em.” He whispered, voice shaking.
 “you already have. We can’t possibly do worse than you. Think about it. You pushed them all out. You hurt Remus. You scared Logan. Patton and Janus think you’re pathetic, and Roman just wants you gone. You don’t want this either. Just let us take control. You never have to feel. Never again. Don’t you want that, sweetheart?” He flinched at the soft caress of his cheek, so possessive, that term of endearment, the one He always used.
 “don’t-“ He hissed at the sharp slap of his cheek, the shadows coalescing into His form, His face, leering down at him with disgust and disappointment.
 “You don’t tell me what to do, Sweetheart. You’re mine. If you weren’t so stupid, maybe we wouldn’t need to have this conversation again.”
 “Not him. You’re not… not real…” He gasped, frozen in place with fear as He leaned in, gripping his chin.
 “I’m as real as you make me, Virgil. I have as much power as you feed me. And right now? I’m realer than you.” He whispered in Virgil’s ear, who shuddered at the cold grip on his chin, forcing him to look up into those voids of eyes. “let. Me. In.” Well. He’d never been able to refuse, had he?
 He was weak, always had been. He’d never been able to say no. He never had. Because He was right. Always, always, right, and if Virgil had just been better, been good, maybe He wouldn’t have needed to remind him so often of his shortcomings. Of how much a failure he really was. The fingers gripped his chin tighter.
 “Say. Yes. This will all be over.” He could feel the tears rolling down his face, even as he knew he couldn’t fight this. Wouldn’t fight this. So he opened his mouth to say yes.
 “Get away from him, you fiend!” Instantly, the shadow was ripped away from him, numb surprise sparking through him for just at moment at Roman, sword drawn, stance determined, facing down the now swirling, rippling, monster of darkness.
 “You’re nothing, compared to me. You think you can stand against me?” The shadows growled, their voice a screaming, howling wind storm.
 “You aren’t real. You’re his fears come to life. You’re the reason he died. You’re the one who’s worthless.” Logan, stepping beside him, voice scathing, and the shadows howled louder, though they shrank just a tad.
 “Kiddo.” He blinked, Patton stepping in front of him, obscuring his view of the room. “Kiddo, can you hear me?” He nodded, eyes trying to look past Patton, trying to see further into the maelstrom that was becoming his room. He could hear them whispering in his ear, still, the chorus of useless, worthless, waste, echoing in his ears.
 “No. Listen to me darling. Not that thing, over there, to me. You need to come with us. You need to get out of here.” Janus, running a hand down his arm, just barely touching him enough he could feel it. “You can’t let the dark win, Virgil. Not again. It already stole your life. Don’t let it take you entirely.”  
 “I c-can’t. I-“ His fear spiked, and he heard Roman’s sword spark, go flying, Logan yelp, be thrown backwards, then the monstrous shadows were hovering over him, clawed hands biting into his shoulders, too many toothed mouth gaping open in a twisted grin.  
 “Miiiine.” It hissed, and Virgil gasped, ice flooding through him, vision blurring and fuzzing, mind going hazy, freezing over. “He’s mine. He made me. He built me. He is mine.”
 “-il. Ki… ease…” the words barely slipped through the cotton filling his ears, the numbness filling his head. He knew more words were being spoken, but he couldn’t hear them.
 He looked up sharply at the short gasps of pain. The monster held Patton and Janus in writhing tentacles of shadow, their ethereal forms flickering and fading. Logan was slumped against one of the bedposts, looking dazed, another tentacle around his ankle, another was wrapped around Roman’s wrists, pinning him against the wall, though he still snarled, fighting the grip.
 “Virgil! Stop this!” Roman called, catching his eye, and he shook his head.
 “I can’t… I c-can’t! I-I-I-“ He stuttered, voice cracking, terror making the beast grow bigger.
 “kiddo. You can. You’re so… brave, sweetheart. So brave.”
 That’s what broke him.
 Patton. Calling him sweetheart. So different, from His cold, cruel voice. So warm, and loving and kind, even now, even in pain and with him being the one causing it, Patton was calling him brave, calling him…
 Calling him…
 It was like all the air was sucked out of the room. Like the calm before the storm. Like the eye of the hurricane. Then Virgil screamed.
 Loud, piercing, glass breaking, light bending, earth shattering, gut wrenching, scream.
 And the shadows recoiled, the sound breaking it apart, hissing and wailing and fighting, but the scream pierced it to its core and with a final hissing scream to rival Virgil’s own, it dissipated into thin air.
 And Virgil crashed to the ground.
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august-anon · 4 years
Dancing Around the Issue
Hey hey! I’m wishing a very happy birthday to the wonderful @inconveniently-placed-cactus with this fic! Happy Birthday, Spikey!! I hope you’ve had an awesome day so far (since you’re in the future and all lol) and continue to have an awesome day after this!
Also, I know nothing about dancing or anything so this is totally me winging it lol
(Also also, I’m testing out the style where it’s not “no!” he laughed out, but it’s “nohohoho!” he cried. I think I like it, I have like 3 more fics coming like this soon, but let me know if you want me to keep going with that or switch back to just clean words!)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): Pretty ambiguous, could be platonic or romantic Logince
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan
Word Count: 1664 words
Summary: They were supposed to be rehearsing. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he was so ticklish.
[ao3 link]
Roman was beyond excited. Logan had finally agreed to dance with him, and he was the only other person in the mind palace who could match Roman in skill. 
Patton, while a wonderful dance partner, liked to dance more for fun than for show, so he had a lot of trouble with the more complicated moves. Virgil was too anxious to ever dance in the presence of anyone besides him and his stuffed animals, so he was out, too.
But Logan had skill, Logan could match him step for step. In some (very rare, in his humble opinion) instances, Logan’s skill even surpassed his own, which made for interesting rehearsals, since they were planning on performing the dance for Patton and Virgil.
Roman was trying not to let his pride get in the way, but it was difficult. He was the prince, after all! He should be the best at dancing! But alas, Logan was more skilled in this specific area of dance.
Which meant Roman had to stoop to asking for some brief lessons from Logan, just to keep up. Roman didn’t know if it was better or worse that Logan didn’t seem smug about it at all.
And that led them to the situation they were in, currently. Logan was trying to help Roman with his form. It was near perfect, but of course, both of them were perfectionists and near wasn’t nearly close enough.
Logan laid a hand on his back and his stomach, adjusting his position just enough to reach what they wanted, before stepping back, letting his hands gently slip away. Roman barely suppressed a flinch as the fingers dragged gently over his abdomen. Again.
Logan sighed. “Every time I adjust you, you slip back into place like that. What is going on?”
Roman cleared his throat, hoping he wasn’t blushing. “Maybe my body just needs a break from the position. Let’s try something else and come back to it?”
Logan looked like he wanted to protest, but was too frustrated with the lack of progress to actually do so. “Alright, let’s move on to some of the more fast-paced choreography. We’ll start slower and work our way up to the speed we would do it with the music.”
Roman nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Sounds good.”
Roman and Logan found their places and began to dance, taking it slow. The only problem was, there was a lot of touching and brushing of hands across torsos. Roman was barely holding it together, at this point. Logan stopped in the middle of the dance, causing Roman to slam into his chest. Logan reached down to his sides to steady him and scowled. 
“Why do you keep flinching away? You cannot do that when we perform!” Suddenly, his face softened. “Am I hurting you? Was I being too rough?”
Roman stuttered through a few aborted responses before managing to choke out, “No, no pain, I’m just—a little sensitive is all.”
Logan hummed. His facial expression didn’t change, but Roman thought he saw something shift in his eyes. “I will endeavor to be more careful. Now, let’s try again.”
Roman gulped and got back into position, watching Logan do the same. They ran through the steps and hand motions again, but this time, Roman almost swore it tickled more. So much so that a particularly gentle slide of the fingers on his ribs had him sucking in a gasp and flinching away so hard he almost toppled to the ground. Roman pouted, turning a glare on Logan. Logan just shook his head and motioned for them to go again. After all, practice makes perfect.
They ran through the choreography time after time, but each attempt was cut short by Roman jerking away with a gasp or barely-contained squeal. The tickling was so teasing, so light. At that point, Roman wasn’t sure if he was craving more of it or desperate for rehearsal to end and save him from the torture.
Eventually, Roman snapped. “I thought you said you were going to be more careful!” He said haughtily, crossing his arms.
A barely-there smirk tugged at Logan’s lips. “I did. However, I never said I would be more careful to not tickle. I think I have been very careful to tickle.”
Roman’s face flushed and he started sputtering.
“In fact,” Logan said, drawing near to Roman once more, “why don’t we work on your form in that position again? Surely your body’s had enough of a break.”
Roman pressed his lips tightly together. He was certain his face was bright red, and there were already tingly flutters all over his body from the anticipation Logan had been building up. As much as it embarrassed him, only one thing was running through Roman’s mind.
He better follow through.
Logan’s face softened momentarily. “Of course, we have been going for hours already. If you wanted to stop, I fully understand. We could pick up fresh tomorrow.”
Roman saw through it in an instant. Logan was giving him an out. Asking for his consent in a way, without making it obvious. If Roman ended rehearsal now, they would come back tomorrow and Logan would make an effort to not tickle him as they practiced. If he agreed to continue rehearsal, he would probably (hopefully) get wrecked.
“Prince Roman is no quitter!” Roman said, taking his usual dramatic pose.
The smirk returned to Logan’s face, the gleam reappearing in his eyes. “Very well. Please take the position.”
Roman did as he was asked, holding it as perfectly as he could. Logan came up and adjusted him, without tickling, and pulled away. Roman didn’t know if he was disappointed or frustrated. Most likely a mix of both.
“Now,” Logan said, circling him predatorily, “I want you to hold this exact position for as long as you possibly can.”
Roman nodded, suddenly all too aware of what game Logan was playing. He tensed slightly as Logan stepped up behind him.
“No matter what… distractions may come up,” Logan murmured teasingly in his ear..
Roman shivered.
“No matter how much your body may be screaming at you to drop it, I want you to stay.” He rested a hand ever-so-lightly against Roman’s rib cage. “Understand?”
Roman nodded again, too afraid he’d start giggling already from the teasing and anticipation alone if he opened his mouth.
The hand skimmed down his side and Roman squeaked. He suddenly realized just how exposed he was in that position: back arched, arms high in the air, ribs and stomach sticking out for easy access. Not to mention that his armpits were exposed. He had really gone and dug his own grave, hadn’t he? The hand skimmed up his side, then back down again. Even though it was slightly ticklish, the motion was soothing as well. Roman couldn’t help but want to relax into it. 
Though he realized why Logan was trying to lure him into a false sense of security when his other hand suddenly started lightly spidering at one of Roman’s hips. Roman gasped before clamping his mouth shut once more to keep the giggles in. It took all of his willpower to stay in the position Logan had stretched him into and not jerk away.
Logan hummed in his ear. “Doing well so far, but this is really nothing, isn’t it? I mean, truly, it’s child’s play.”
Roman didn’t respond. He switched to biting his lip, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I truly do wonder how long your stamina and willpower will last, but I think that’s an experiment for later, after rehearsal is over.”
The hand skimming his side and the hand tickling his hips moved in, up and under his exercise shirt, converging on Roman’s stomach and tracing the sensitive skin with fingernails. Roman couldn’t hold back anymore. The constant light tickling was torture and he had no way to escape. The giggles flowed free from his mouth, making the position he was in that much harder to hold.
“Seems as though you’ve come one step closer to cracking,” Logan said softly into his ear, pressing in closer against his back. “Though I really do think this is good practice for you, it will truly help during the performance.”
“Mmhmhmhhmmhmhm,” Roman hummed through his giggles.
“Glad you agree,” Logan said cheekily, starting to skitter his fingers up Roman’s ribs.
Roman gasped and fell into light laughter. His body jerked once, twice, before settling back into place in the position he was supposed to keep.
“Be careful,” Logan reprimanded, though his voice was too teasey to carry any weight. “Remember, don’t move. Hold this position for as long as you can.”
Roman didn’t know how much longer he could hold it, frankly. Especially with Logan growing ever closer to his underarms, taking his shirt with him and making the cool air flow against his overly-sensitive stomach.
But Roman was nothing if not proud. “Nohoho prohohoblehehehem.” He managed to get out through his laughter.
“Oh, really?” Logan asked. “What if I went here?”
Logan’s hands found their way into his armpits. Roman shrieked and immediately started cackling. He barely held the position for a moment more before his arms came crashing down and he doubled over in self defense. Logan followed, bending over his back and continued his torturous scratching in Roman’s armpits.
“Yes, what can I help you with?” Logan asked cheekily.
“Oh, this?” Logan punctuated the word with a particularly vicious scribble to the middle of Roman’s armpits, causing Roman to squeal and lurch back into Logan’s chest. “See, I’m rather comfortable here. And, you did break position, I’m not sure if I can let that go unpunished.”
That was not part of their deal! Not that Roman could say as much, laughing as hard as he was. Or that he was necessarily complaining. He was getting what Logan himself had made him crave, after all…
And he wouldn’t be done for a long, long time.
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sebthesnipe · 4 years
February Prompts 2/1
Prompt List
The February Collection on AO3
Other works by me
Prompt: Ideal/Ignore
Ship: Prinxienty
Warning: Arachnophobia 
“Virgil! Stop ignoring me!” Roman demanded, pounding on his door once more. “I know you can hear me!” he yelled over the booming music.
It had been two days since the dark and stormy man had spoken so much as a word to the princely individual. Honestly, the whole thing was a bit childing. None of it was Roman’s fault really. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“If you don’t answer this door right now, I’m going to…. To…” Roman paused to try and come up with something truly horrifying, “add bleach to all of your hair products!” he warned.
The door was pulled open immediately, revealing the purple clad man, glaring under his hood at his other half. Virgil was obviously in no mood for Roman’s antics and for a moment the dramatic man seemed to lose his voice.
“Talk fast.” he ordered flatly.
“Is the hostility really called for, Stormcloud?” Roman asked softly, causing Virgil to scoff and attempt to slam the door in his face. Luckily, Roman’s athletic build leant him a bit of an advantage as he caught the edge of the polished wood keeping it from closing.
“You almost killed her!” Virgil snapped, his fury doubling with this intrusion.
“It was an accident.” Roman pleaded.
“The Hell it was! You were caught with the poison still in you hand!” Virgil accused.
“Virg… Listen… My burning abyss… The ashes of my heart-“
“Don’t try and sweet talk me! You murderer!” the dark man interrupted.
“Now that’s not fair! Octavia is fine.” Roman pointed out.
“Yeah, no thanks to you!”
“Virgil, I told you I was helping Pat in the garden the pesticide wasn’t for her!” he pleaded for what felt like the millionth time. Virgil stared him down for a long moment before he disappeared behind the door briefly.
“Yeah… well…” he mumbled, reappearing with the tarantula in question and presenting her to the other man. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”
Roman reared in a mix of fear and disgust. He loved Virgil dearly, but spiders were just… they were just so… She seemed to extend a large hairy leg towards him making him shudder and pull back.
His gaze lifted to his lover’s then back at the revolting creature. It was obvious that he wanted to whine; to call the whole situation preposterous. Still, it had been two days since the smaller man had even acknowledged Roman’s existence, if he messed this up now, he wasn’t sure he’d survive the icy temperatures Virgil would no doubt send his way.
He ran his suddenly sweaty palms down the side of his pants and glanced once more into his lover’s eyes. If this was to be the end of him then at least he would die with honor in the name of love. He swallowed down the urge to vomit and reached out for the vile thing slowly, hands shaking.
Virgil watched him, brow arched with curiosity. He knew how much Roman hated spiders. Would he really be willing to hold Octavia just for the chance to mend things with him? Did Roman really care that much?
Roman gave a small jerk of fear as he drew closer to the arachnid as it seemed to twitch, somehow managing to keep from squealing. Slowly he paused, close enough for the beast to be urged into his palms.
“My d-dear Oc… Octavia.” he stuttered a bit breathlessly as she inched towards him and he closed his eyes, willing his body to remain still. “I apologize profusely for any misunderstand or harm that I have caused to….” he paused, shivering slightly as one of her legs brushed him. “to be-befall you. I am at your mercy.” he finished, bowing his head, trying to hide the way his lips were quivering in fear.
Virgil watched, heart warming at the man’s attempt to sooth his ruffled feather. Still, he couldn’t allow this opportunity to be wasted. He pulled Octavia closer to himself before quickly darting out to give a small sharp pinch against Roman’s wrist.
The overly dramatic man let out a loud high pitch screech of fear, that could no doubt be misinterpreted as a young child’s and pulled back. He clung to his injury as he seemed to prance about where he stood, knees brought up high and stomping down as he attempted to work though his wave of panic.
Virgil’s laughs echoed down the hall as he practically doubled over with amusement, the spider still clutched against him protectively.
“You really think I’d let you hold Octavia?” He laughed, leaning against the door frame. “She’s trained to smell fear, Ro… She’d eat you alive!”
“That’s not funny!” The prima donna whined as he finally gathered himself enough to shoot a dirty look Virgil’s way.
“We disagree.” Virgil chucked before shoving his door open wide and turning back into his room. “Come on, Arachne. It’s movie night and its my turn to pick.” he reminded as he gently placed his pet back into her habitat.
Roman stepped inside, relieved that the man had obviously forgiven him but not amused in the least…
 NOTE: Arachne is the Greek/Roman god of spiders.
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sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Remus’s Guide To Mending Friendships (For Fun And Profit) [6]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Deceit & Virgil, Deceit & Virgil & Remus, Remus & Roman Warnings: Disturbing imagery (it’s Remus’s POV), imagined character death Summary: When he realises that Deceit misses Virgil, Remus decides that the best way to cheer him up is to persuade Virgil to come back to the dark side. Too bad Virgil hasn’t wanted anything to do with them since he left.
Part One   Part Two   Part Three  Part Four  Part Five   AO3
Step Six: Talk To Them
Thomas’s only response to Remus appearing in his living room was to glance up, nod, and then return to his laptop. Remus sighed theatrically and threw himself down on the sofa next to him.
“Thomas,” Remus whined. “I’m boooored.”
Thomas shook his head. “I’m busy.”
Remus tried to peer round so that he could see the screen. “Can I help?”
“Absolutely not.”
Remus groaned and stared up at ceiling. He’d spent the past few days trying to avoid Deceit. With how easy it was, Deceit must also have been avoiding him. So far, Remus had created an itemised list of every way Thomas could kill someone with just household items. He’d also offered plenty of suggestions for videos Thomas could make.
More than anything, though, Remus wanted to talk to someone about what he was doing.
He was about to give Thomas suggestions on what he should wear in his next video (nothing!), when Virgil appeared on the stairs.
Remus sat up quickly. Thomas looked up and frowned.
“Are you alright, Verge?”
It was a fair question. The cuffs of Virgil’s sleeves were covering his hands, and he was picking at his hood. But Virgil didn’t even seem to notice Thomas, he was looking at Remus.
“Can we talk?” he asked.
Remus’s heart thudded so hard he thought it might explode from his chest and make a mess on Thomas’s sofa. He nodded.
Thomas looked between them. “Er, is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on?”
Virgil shook his head. “It’s a side thing. Don’t worry about it.”
Thomas didn’t look convinced. “You never tell me not to worry about something.”
“Ah, Thomas,” Remus said. “I promise to bring Virgey back in one piece.” He paused, then added, “Three, tops.”
It was the exact kind of thing he shouldn’t be saying to Virgil anymore, and he regretted it as soon as he said it. But Virgil just rolled his eyes.
“Alright,” Thomas said, and then added to Virgil, “Try to keep him away long enough for me to get this done.”
Virgil smirked. “Not a miracle worker.”
Remus sprang up from the sofa. “Where to? The Evil Swamp? The Terrible Wastes? The Cave of Monsters?”
“Cave of Monsters?” Virgil asked, before shaking his head. “Forget I said anything. Just take us somewhere we can talk? In private.”
“Terrible Wastes it is!”
Remus snapped his fingers, and the two of them reappeared in a vast, desolate landscape. There were no trees, as far as the eye could see, and an ice cold wind blew. Anyone who got lost would quickly die of exposure, or thirst. The chances of them living long enough to starve were slim.
Virgil glanced around and hugged his hoodie tighter to his body. “There aren’t any monsters around here, are there?” he asked.
Remus’s first instinct was to tell him that there were whole colonies of monsters underground, and any minute now one could come up and eat them alive. But, no, he was trying to be better. Trying to not make Virgil terrified every time he was around.
“They won’t come if I don’t want them to,” he said.
Virgil nodded, and relaxed a fraction, though he still looked stiff and awkward. “Right.”
Remus watched Virgil. Virgil looked at the ground.
The problem with agreeing to talk with someone was that it involved actually talking.
“Roman said you were going to wait for me to come to you,” Virgil began. “I didn’t believe it. Kept expecting you to pop up.”
Remus had wanted to, lots of times over the past couple of days. Even he was surprised that he hadn’t; ignoring his impulses wasn’t his strong suit.
“I’m a man of my word,” Remus replied.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
He watched Remus as if he expected Remus to attack at any time. His hands tugged at the drawstrings of his hoodie. Remus didn’t blame him for being nervous.
But Virgil was waiting for Remus to do something, and Remus’s mind was blank. What did he say? What could possibly be good enough?
“I’m sorry,” Remus tried, and the words felt solid in his throat as he said them.
Virgil stopped fiddling. “Sorry,” he echoed. “What for?”
“Everything?” No, that wasn’t good enough. “For the way I treated you. For making your life hell.”
Virgil stared at the ground, his jaw tight. Then he nodded, just once. Remus relaxed.
“I didn’t mean to,” Remus added.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t mean to put those bug… things in my bed? What even were they?”
“A cross between a millipede and a spider, duh. And, yeah, I meant to put them there, that was hilarious.” Pump the breaks, Remus. “But I didn’t mean to…. Terrorise you with them.”
Virgil frowned, but said nothing.
“I thought it was a joke. I thought we were friends.”
“Oh,” Virgil said, quietly.
Was this touchy-feely bullshit what the Light Sides did every day? How did they cope? How did one of them not get fed up and murder the others?
Remus’s money was on Logan to be the first to snap. It was always the quiet ones.
“Well, thanks,” Virgil said. “For the apology.”
Remus nodded. He was so far out of his depth with this, it was like he was on the bottom of the ocean, the pressure crushing his lungs.
“Did it help?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe. It doesn’t hurt.”
The two of them fell silent. The chill of the wind cut through Remus’s outfit. Maybe he should have found a different place for them to talk.
Virgil laughed.
“We’re probably the worst sides to be having this conversation.”
Remus smiled. “I don’t know about that,” he said lightly. “Have you ever tried getting Dee to talk about his feelings?”
Virgil’s face darkened. “Let’s not talk about him.”
“He misses you.”
“Yeah? He has a great way of showing it.”
Deceit’s way of showing it was to not show it. To hide it behind careful layers of misdirection, like a magician performing a trick. Listen to me. Look here, so you don’t notice what my hands are doing.
Virgil sighed, and rubbed a hand across his face. “Look,” he said. “You don’t know what he was like near the end. He made me think that I had nowhere to go. That I could never be any more that what I already was.”
“Could you?” Remus asked.
Virgil’s face softened. “I don’t know. Some days I think so, other days I don’t.” He smiled ruefully. “I keep trying, though. That’s gotta count for something, right?”
Remus nodded.
He’d always thought Virgil was deluding himself, the way Thomas tried to convince himself Remus didn’t exist. Now, though, he wanted it to be true.
“You seem different,” Remus offered.
Virgil ducked his head to hide his now genuine smile. “The others helped.”
“Deceit wanted me to leave you alone,” Remus said. “I was the one trying to get you back, not Deceit.”
“Huh,” Virgil said, his expression unreadable.
And in ignoring Deceit, Remus had almost ruined everything. Maybe he had ruined everything. Maybe he was trying to glue the pieces back together, while everyone else knew that it was no good.
The ground beneath their feet shuddered. Virgil stumbled, and stared at Remus with wide eyes.
“What was that?” he asked.
Remus grimaced. “That might have been a Waste Worm.”
“A what? Remus!”
“Sorry! I wasn’t concentrating!”
The ground shook again, even worse now. Remus snapped his fingers, sending them away before the worm could erupt from beneath their feet. They rose up in the dark side common room. Remus winced, and glanced at Virgil, wondering if he would take offense. Remus had acted automatically, his instincts forgetting that Virgil no longer lived with them.
Virgil glared at Remus. “We are not doing that again.”
“I said I was sorry!” Remus protested.
“Sorry! You said they wouldn’t attack!”
“They normally don’t! I have a lot on my mind, okay.”
Virgil opened his mouth to retort, but then his eyes fixed on something over Remus’s shoulder and he froze. Remus turned to see what Virgil was looking at.
Deceit stood in the doorway, looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights and about to be hit by a car.
Virgil looked away first.
“I should go,” he said to Remus.
Remus nodded. “Right.”
Virgil glanced at Deceit. “I could come back,” he said.
As if those were the magic words, Deceit turned on his heel and strode out of the room. Remus shot Virgil an apologetic glance before following.
“Deceit, wait!” Remus called.
Deceit stopped. “Have you made a plan for how to charm Logan, yet?”
Remus frowned at the non-sequitur. “What?”
Deceit turned around. “Well, you already managed Roman and Patton. And now that you and Virgil are friends again Logan is the only one left.”
Remus scowled. “Don’t be an asshole. You’re the one who ran off.”
“My presence would have been so welcome.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to stand in your way.”
“My way for what?” Remus asked.
It was like he’d been transported to a parallel universe. Like he was only hearing one half of a conversation.
Deceit sighed. “You don’t need to hide it from me. I’m not going to stop you leaving.”
“Leave?” Remus echoed. His stomach dropped. “Do you… want me to leave?”
Had Remus really upset Deceit so much that he couldn’t stand to be around him? Was he so bad, even the other bad side didn’t want him?
Panic rose inside him. Where would he go? Would he have to hide away in the imagination, or beg Roman for help?
Would he ever see Deceit again?
“I’m sorry for what I did, okay,” Remus said desperately. “I can be better. Please, don’t make me leave.”
Deceit sagged. “I’m not making you leave,” he said. “I just want you to be able to take the opportunities given to you.”
Cautious hope rose up in Remus along with confusion. “You mean the light sides?”
Deceit nodded.
How did Deceit end up thinking Remus wanted to join them? Even if they weren’t as bad as Remus had thought, the idea of being so… domestic made Remus want to tear his hair out.
But if the alternative was staying where he wasn’t wanted…
“Do you want me to leave?” Remus asked again.
Deceit said nothing.
“Because, if you want me to go, I will,” Remus continued. “But I don’t want to go.”
Deceit stared at a spot on the floor. Finally, “I don’t want you to go,” he admitted.
“Then I’m not going.”
Deceit looked up. “But-.”
“What, I spend a few days with the Lights and you think I’m just gonna leave? Sorry, Deedee, but you’re stuck with me.”
Deceit failed to hide his smile. “How terrible,” he said.
Remus nodded. “You’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.”
“I certainly will.” He looked away. “The things I said-,”
Remus waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’d annoy me too.”
“I was lying,” Deceit said. “You’re not the reason Virgil left.”
Deceit said it casually, like there was nothing wrong. It was certainly a bold move, seeing as Remus had seen his face when he saw Virgil.
“You could talk to him,” Remus offered.
Deceit shook his head. “He wants nothing to do with me.”
“Has he said that?”
Deceit didn’t reply.
“You fucked up,” Remus said. “So did I. Doesn’t make it hopeless. He was willing to talk to me.”
“Congratulations,” Deceit said dryly. “It’s not the same.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s different.”
Deceit shook his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Remus sighed. “Just think about it, okay?”
“It’s a bad idea.”
“Those are the best kind!”
Deceit gritted his teeth. “Fine,” he said. “I’ll consider it.”
“Great.” Remus clapped his hands together. “Now, how’d you like to see me swallow a live fish?”
Deceit turned and walked away.
“Deedee!” Remus called. “Come on, I thought we were bonding.”
“The bonding’s over.”
“It doesn’t have to be a fish!”
“Good bye Remus.”
His face was turned away, but Remus could tell that Deceit was smiling.
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perspective-series · 5 years
Pet Perspective (4/19)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Unwanted touching, injuries
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Virgil woke up late the next morning, having not gone to bed until really late at night. It was already ten in the morning and Virgil still didn’t want to get up. But then he saw the cage on his desk and smirked, remembering his plans for today. And also, he should probably get up to at least feed Roman.
He slowly dragged himself out of bed, heading over to the desk and knocking on the glass. “Wake up, Roman.”
Roman jumped, startled by the loud noise. He glared up at his human captor.
“Oh, glad to see you join the waking world, sleeping beauty.” Virgil smirked. He opened the cage door and grabbed Roman, pulling him out into the open.
“Ack, gentle.” Roman hissed, his bruises jostled by Virgil’s handling. “Easy there, Spider-Snatch.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow at the nickname. “Er, sorry.” He said. He loosened his grip as he started down the stairs. “Whatcha feeling for breakfast? Since we aren’t feeding you that slop anymore?”
“Pancakes.” Roman said with determination. “And a mountain of syrup.”
Virgil chuckled. “Alright, pretty sure we have some pancake mix left.” Virgil mused. He entered the kitchen, seeing Patton was already down. He looked around for Patton’s tiny, but couldn’t find him.
“Morning, Pat. Where’s your tiny?” Virgil asked and Patton turned away from his search of what to make to smile at Virgil.
“Morning! He’s still sleeping, so I decided to leave him alone for a bit longer.” He had looked so cute, Patton hadn’t wanted to disturb him.
“Mmm.” Roman made a slight noise of judgement, wishing Virgil had done the same.
“Roman was wondering if we could have pancakes.” Virgil said and Patton beamed.
“Oh! Good idea, I’ll get started on those!” Patton exclaimed, already getting everything he needed out.
Virgil grinned. “You’re the best Pat.” He saw Patton blush and waved him away. Virgil laughed and went to the living room, flopping down on the couch.
“Why exactly do I have to be awake and Patton’s tiny doesn’t?” Roman grilled Virgil.
“Because I said so, that’s why.” Virgil smirked, ruffling Roman’s hair as he leaned back into the couch more.
“That’s a horrible reason.” Roman huffed, slouching in on himself and pouting as he fixed his hair.
“Really? Because I think it’s a pretty good one.” Virgil chuckled. He hummed as he brought Roman up closer to him, thumbing the fabric of his prince outfit. It was scratchy and worn. “Good thing we’re going to the store today, you really do need something else to wear.”
“But I’m keeping this one.” Roman reminded him, giving the human a stern look.
“Yes, I said you could keep it, don’t get your crown all in a twist.” Virgil said, poking Roman in the chest. “Even if I don’t understand why you want to keep it.” He muttered.
“That’s none of your business.” Roman said, pulling it closer to himself.
“Do you miss your old owner or something? Is that it?” Virgil asked.
“What? No!” Roman seemed offended by the notion. “Of course not, I don’t miss any of them.” And I won’t miss you, either.
Virgil thought for a moment. “How many owners have you had?”
Roman counted them off on his fingers proudly. “Seven.” He said finally. “But only five households. One was a family.”
Virgil whistled. “Wow, that’s...a lot.” Virgil frowned. “Tell me, did they end up giving you to the shelter or did you escape every time?”
“A...mix, I suppose.” Roman admitted. In a way, they had all given him to the shelter, as no one ever came looking for him, but there was one instance where Roman had annoyed his owner so much that he deposited Roman back at the shelter himself.
Virgil hummed. “Interesting.” He supposed he could see why people would give Roman back. Not everyone could handle such a rebellious tiny. Virgil, however, took it as a challenge. “And you really don’t miss any of them, huh?”
“Not a one.” Roman scowled. He only preferred some treatments over others, but that didn’t make him want to go back. He certainly wouldn’t be welcome, anyways.
Yeah, Virgil supposed that made sense. No matter, Roman didn’t have to worry about any other owners. This was his last stop.
“Guys! Breakfast!” Patton called out and Virgil stood up heading into the kitchen and taking a seat at the table. He set Roman down and Patton set two plates of pancakes, one smaller than the other, in front of the two. “Dig in, I’m going to run up and grab my borrower.” He said, before running up the stairs to do just that.
Patton grinned as he walked up to the cage. “Kiddo~ Time to wake up and eat some breakfast.” He said as he opened the cage door.
“Hmm?” Logan sat up, rubbing at his eyes and slowly remembering where he was, having forgotten it was no longer the store. It was strange to not see the bland periwinkle walls.
“Time to get up! I’ve got pancakes waiting for us downstairs.” Patton held out his hand near the entrance, motioning for his tiny to go ahead and climb on.
Logan opened his eyes, looking at the hand but not moving. He was quiet for a moment. “I am still satisfied with my hunger.”
Patton frowned. “Come on kiddo, you need to eat something.” He brought his hand closer and nudged his tiny a little.
Logan rapidly shook his head, curling in on himself.
“Come on bud, it’s okay.” Patton nudged a little more, he wanted to give his tiny another chance to get on himself.
“I. would.” Logan spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. “Prefer. To stay here.”
Patton blinked, slowly pulling his hand away. “Why?”
Logan once again watched his language and tone, the collar beeping ominously in a quiet hum. “I feel more comfortable on my own.”
“Aww, I totally get that kiddo. Virgil is the same way but you still need to get out and be with others too. Not only is it healthy for you but it’s also fun!” He explained, having the information already in his head when he had searched it up for Virgil’s sake a long time ago.
Logan shook his head, the human didn’t understand. “I feel more comfortable traveling on my own.” Logan corrected. Not that he found the company of others particularly thrilling either.
Well, now Patton was confused. “What do you mean by that, kiddo?”
“I- hands- “ Logan cringed, knowing he sounded inept. He merely shook his head, placing it atop his knees. It was no use attempting to explain regardless.
Patton looked down at his hands almost subconsciously, eyebrows furrowing as he continued to stare at them. He...supposed he could see what Logan meant. Especially with them not knowing each other too long. It might be better to work up to hands.
He looked back up at Logan. “Would you prefer if I took the whole cage down with you in it?” Patton asked.
Logan’s head reappeared, looking at Patton incredulously. Was the human really willing to compromise like that? But in Logan’s experience humans were always intent on being grabby- why would a human with a newly acquired borrower act otherwise?
Patton smiled softly at Logan, noticing the look he was being given. “Like I said, I want you to be comfortable telling me things and speaking up. If you would rather stay in the cage while I move you then we can do that.”
Wordlessly, Logan nodded.
“Great!” Patton closed the door and lifted the cage up before starting down the stairs. He certainly couldn’t do this all the time but when he could, he would until Logan felt more comfortable with him. They would take this one step at a time.
“That took a while.” Virgil spoke as Patton entered the kitchen, raising an eyebrow when he saw that Patton had his borrower’s whole cage with him.
Patton noticed and shrugged. Virgil expected him to explain but he just wordlessly put the cage down on the table and opened the door for Logan to get out. Virgil shrugged himself. If Patton didn’t want to tell him, that was fine.
Patton took his own seat and pushed the small plate of mini pancakes closer to his tiny. “These are for you. Just let me know if you want any syrup or anything.”
“This is fine, thank you.” Logan for once meant his gratitude, coming out to take a pancake between his hands.
Roman, meanwhile, watched the whole exchange with a scowl. Trained borrowers were always so fussy, and it irked Roman to no end. It certainly didn’t help his mood that it seemed the other had his human wrapped around his little finger, meanwhile Roman was still recovering from the bruises of last night.
As Patton ate, he grinned at everyone at the table. “Alright! So the plan for today is going shopping to get everything you guys need. Money isn’t a problem-”
“To an extent.” Virgil cut Patton off.
“-so don’t be hesitant to ask for anything you might want or need.” Patton finished, ignoring Virgil.
Roman hid his smirk behind a pancake. Well, that was one way to get back at Virgil.
Logan felt a bit more hesitant, chewing on his food thoughtfully. It was difficult for him to express his true opinions when his every word was being monitored.
Virgil was the first to finish his pancakes, rinsing off his plate and putting it in the sink. “When do we want to go?” He asked, looking at Patton.
Patton thought for a moment. “Uh, as soon as we’re ready, I think. We don’t want to be out too long anyway, or we’ll hit traffic.”
Virgil nodded and leaned against the table, glancing down at Roman. “You almost done?”
“Does it look like I’m almost done?” Roman retorted, taking his sweet time.
Virgil groaned. “Well, hurry up already. We need to get ready still.” Virgil was still in his pajamas, after all.
“Virgil, don’t be so impatient. Let Roman relax a little and enjoy his meal.” Patton spoke before taking another bite of his own pancake.
“Yeah Virgil, let me enjoy my meal.” Roman scoffed. “It’s not like Patton’s tiny should be the only one in the lap of luxury.”
“I’m not in anyone’s lap?” Logan frowned, confused by Roman’s words.
“It’s a figure of speech, kiddo.” Patton answered with a grin. His tiny was just too cute.
“Ugh, fine.” Virgil headed back into the kitchen. “In that case, I’m making myself coffee.”
“Oh, you’re one of those humans.” Roman rolled his eyes.
Virgil popped his head back out, glaring at Roman. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“I just don’t see the appeal of being addicted to some scalding bean juice.” Roman made a gagging motion. “You people are obsessed with the stuff.”
Patton laughed. “Honestly, I never really understood it either.” Patton admitted.
“It’s caffeine.” Virgil said as if that explained everything. “At this point, if I don’t get it, I can barely function in the morning.”
“It’s quite pathetic to become that dependent.” Roman informed him, his eyes glancing ever so briefly at Logan.
Logan caught the glance, feeling a bit fed up with the way Roman kept dismissing him. Of course, he could no more easily stand up to Roman than he could Patton.
“Says the borrower.” Virgil rolled his eyes, once again disappearing into the kitchen. “I’m making you try some!” Virgil called out, causing Patton to chuckle.
“I’m not going to drink it!” Roman shouted back, frustrated by Virgil’s comment. Now he was doubly motivated to get out of here and back on his independent journey.
“I am finished.” Logan informed Patton, stepping back into the cage.
“Hmm?” Patton looked down. “Oh! Great!” Patton closed the cage door and picked it up. “Remember Virgil! It’s your turn to do the dishes!” He was answered with a loud groan and then Patton made his way upstairs.
Roman’s head whipped around, noticing he had been left alone ...how lucky. Without wasting a moment Roman ran to the nearest table leg, swinging himself over the edge and beginning the climb down. After all, a tabletop was always the worst place for a borrower. It left you defenseless and in full view. The floor at least had escape routes.
It took Virgil longer than it should have to figure out Patton actually left. Which meant Roman was all alone…
Virgil groaned and raised out of the kitchen, only to see that it was empty. “Ugh, not again.” He started to scan the floor. Eyes traveling up slightly as he caught movement at the table’s side. He blinked as he saw Roman, climbing down the leg of the table.
“What the heck are you doing?” Virgil asked and knelt down, putting his hand under Roman. “Do you want to fall and hurt yourself?”
“I’m not going to fall.” Roman growled, glaring up at Virgil. There was no use pretending he had been doing something else when he was caught red handed.
“Uh huh.” Virgil gently grabbed Roman around the middle and pried him off the wood. With him securely in his grasp, Virgil stood up. “Geez, you just don’t give up, do you?” He asked as he headed back into the kitchen.
“I don’t see any reason to, given the alternative.” Roman argued, squirming in discomfort.
“You do know it’s not gonna be any different if you escape, right? You’ll just end right back up in the shelter.” Virgil set Roman down on the counter as he then rolled up his sleeves and turned to the dishes. His coffee sat off to the side, but it needed to cool down anyway.
“That’s what you think.” Roman muttered quietly, though the statement did sting as it reminded the borrower of how close he had come in the past and his repeated failures.
“No, it’s what I know.” Virgil poured soap into the water, watching it bubble up as he began scrubbing. “Face it, Princey. Five out of five times, you’ve escaped and five out of five times you’ve ended up back in the shelter.” Virgil shrugged. “The numbers speak for themselves.”
“You may know numbers but you don’t know me!” Roman snapped.
“I don’t need to know you to know that I’m right.” Virgil huffed and then took out his hand from the water and flicked some at Roman.
Roman let out a noise of protest, bringing his hands up too late to shield himself. “RUDE!” Roman scoffed, wiping the soapy water off his face.
Virgil smirked and turned back to scrubbing. “Besides, I’m far from the worst person you could end up with.”
“You literally bruised me last night.” Roman deadpanned.
Virgil paused. “...No, I didn’t.” He glanced over at Roman. “That was you acting and trying to get your way.”
“Oh, really? I’m the liar?” Roman lifted his shirt. “Take another look, gigantor.”
Virgil felt his mouth grow dry as he took notice of the very clear bruised littering Roman’s skin. “I...but…” No, he had thought Roman had been faking. He quickly dried his hands off and scooped Roman up, looking the bruises over and his other hand hovering close by. He gently touched Roman’s side, where it looked like there was a bruise.
“Ow!” Roman protested, curling in on himself so the bruising was out of Virgil’s touch. “That hurts too, you know.”
Virgil snapped his hand back. “S-Sorry.” Virgil said, still looking at the bruises with a heavy heart. “I’m...sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s not like I didn’t tell you.” Roman grumbled, still peeved how poorly the evening had gone.
“Well, I thought you were acting. You know, like you did the first time and then tried to escape.” Virgil paused for a moment. “In fact, this never would have happened if you hadn’t tried that.”
“You abused me and now you’re trying to blame it on me?” Roman said incredulously. “That’s double abuse.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Virgil said. “And if I remember correctly, the only reason I did, was because you acted like an idiot and tried to go through the vent.” He should have known there would be no way he could fit.
“And the only reason I did that was to escape my psycho human who decided to throw me through the air moments before.” Roman jogged his memory.
“I was careful. I never would have thrown you if I thought you would have been hurt.” Virgil tried. “I’m not a bad person. And despite...all this, you are perfectly safe here, with me.”
“Bruising.” Roman emphasized, wildly gesturing to his chest again. “Oh yeah, feeling real safe, Jeckyll and Lied.”
“Whatever, I’m not arguing with you on this.” Virgil set Roman back down to finish up the dishes. “You’ll see soon enough what I mean.”
“oH, I’m Virgil, borrowers better be grateful.” Roman mocked in a high pitched voice.
“Considering I’m going to be buying you a ton of stuff today, yeah, you better be.” Virgil said with a huff.
“Oh good, we’re playing the buy the pain away game.” Roman continued to moan, dramatically laying on the counter. It truthfully did not ache so much anymore, but Roman had seen that Virgil could be guilted, and he would be using that knowledge every chance he got.
Virgil sighed, drying the last plate and putting it away. He glanced at Roman. “...Do you need anything for your bruises.” Virgil asked softly.
“A time machine.” Roman put his forearm over his forehead. “And a warm pack.”
“Warm pack I can do.” He wasn’t even going to acknowledge the time machine thing. He grabbed one from the drawer and put it in the microwave to heat up. Once done, he set it down near Roman. “There, how is that?”
Roman flopped onto it with his stomach giving off a slight moan.
“I’m pretty sure you're just being a tad overdramatic.” Virgil said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the island across from the counter.
“I have never been dramatic in my life.” Roman’s voice was muffled from where he face planted into the warm surface.
Virgil snorted. “I don’t believe that for a second.” He watched Roman for another moment. “Anyway, we should get ready here soon. Do you want to take a shower or anything?” Virgil asked.
��Do you have a tiny shower setup?” Roman lifted his head, sounding doubtful considering his lack of a proper bed.
“Not yet, that’s one of the things on the list for today though.” Virgil answered.
“Then no.” Roman rolled over. “I don’t exactly want to take another beating thanks to your human water pressures.”
Virgil rolled his eyes but said nothing. It wasn’t worth it. “Alright, then you can wait but I need to get in the shower, so…” Virgil gently scooped Roman up, along with the warm pack and headed up the stairs.
“Ugh, don’t tell me you’re gonna make me come in the shower with you anyways.” Roman stuck his tongue out in disgust.
“Ew, gross, dude no.” Virgil matched Roman’s expression. “No, you get to wait in your cage until I’m done.” Virgil said, walking into his room and setting Roman down, along with the warm pack, in the cage.
“Fine by me.” Roman snuggled in, much preferring this option.
Virgil rolled his eyes and then went to go get ready.
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a-vintage-snake · 4 years
Reap The Hate You’ve Sown
Pairing(s): Romantic Royality
First chapter - Previous chapter - Next chapter
Warnings: Choking, manipulation, villanous Deceit Characters: Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Remus Sanders,
Summary: Roman ventures out to rescue his brother
Word Count: 7585
People who were asked to be tagged: @avocados26, @fandoms-will-collide @nottoonormalme, @bihighandgivinghighfives, @atticusfinchthelegend​, @hekking-happy-nonsense, @lockmcduckwoodchuck
If you want to be removed or added to the taglist, just ask!
Read on AO3
The storm howled as three figures made their way through the woods surrounding the castle. Branches pulled at Roman’s hair as he cleaved his way through the forest. It was pitch black aside from a small purple glowing orb Virgil had conjured to light their way. General Isolda closed the ranks, occasionally pulling Roman or Virgil to safety when an overhead branch swept dangerously low in the fierce wind.
“Where do we go?” General Isolda asked. “How do we know where the warlock keeps the prince?”
“We have to go to the eye of the storm,” Virgil said darkly. “It won’t be far. That’s where he’ll be waiting for us.”
A shudder crept over Roman’s spine, which had nothing to do with the relentless storm. He tried to remind himself he had done this countless times, he had fought monsters for years! It didn’t work. This was no mindless beast, just acting on a hungry belly. No, this demon was driven by a vastly different kind of hunger. Roman remembered the eyes that had rested on him for a few seconds… He couldn’t shake the feeling that the warlock wouldn’t stop until he devoured everyone in the castle.
The further they got into the woods, the quieter the wind became. When they finally stepped out into an open spot, it had become wind still. A perfect circle in the sky showed of the starlit sky. Roman looked up, gaping at the swirling clouds that raged just outside the circle, yet he felt not a single breeze.
“There he is.” The general said. Roman snapped his attention back to the open spot. In the middle clearing stood a large tree. Someone was tied to the trunk, strapped tightly in roots and branches.
“Remus…” Roman took off in a sprint towards the tree, ignoring the cursed out protests of his companions. “REMUS!!” He didn’t bother to check if the others followed behind him. All he could see was his brother’s pale face, his eyes closed and his head leaning limply against a branch.
A fire sprouted up just a few meters from the tree. Roman could stop just in time, the flames licking at his hands. He took a few steps back, his companions running up next to him.
“That’s far enough, dear.” A voice said. From the shadows of the tree stepped the warlock. A snap of his fingers and the fire extinguished itself. The general unsheathed her sword. Virgil bared his teeth in a hiss. Romeo the spider crawled out from the sorcerer’s cloak to sit protectively on Virgil’s head and joined in on the hissing. Roman only tried to swallow away his fear.
“Well, well, well, look who have come to play the knights in shining armour…” Deceit drawled. “The beloved crown prince,” He turned to Virgil, who glared daggers at him. “A sorcerer with secrets,” Lastly he turned to general Isolda. “And I have no idea who you are, so I’m just going to ignore you!”
“Unhand my brother, villain!” Roman said in a braver voice than he felt.
“Are these the only soldiers that Augusto could spare from his grand armies?” The warlock laughed softly as he strode to Remus in his wooden prison. “Pathetic, really. My expectations were low to begin with, but this?” He tutted and shook his head. “This is just sad.”
“I said, unhand my brother!” Roman tightened the hold on his sword to hide how his hands were shaking.
“I thought you were all too scared for your insignificant little lives to leave him at my mercy for so long,” Deceit said as he absentmindedly trailed a finger across Remus’ jawline. “But I guess it’s just plain indifference. A minor setback. If one son captured isn’t enough for that coward to face me, maybe…” Deceit tilted his head in thought. “Maybe I just need to capture his golden boy. What do you think, dear prince?” He turned to Roman. “Would your parents save you? Or would they leave you to rot, just like your brother?”
“Over my dead body!” Virgil growled. He stepped up next to Roman. His eyes had never been a more vivid purple. “If you want him, you have to go through me first, you lying scumbag!”
“Dear me, Virgil,” Deceit sighed. “Still as dramatic as ever, I see. I don’t know why I expected otherwise.”
Virgil stiffened. “Don’t!” He hissed at hooded man.
“What? I just meant you haven’t changed since I last saw you-”
“-When you abandoned me all alone in the mountains! That hurt, you know.”
“…Wait.” Roman looked between the two men, confusion mixing with fear. “You… know him, Virge?”
“…Oh dear,” The warlock delightedly said after a few seconds of tense silence. “What an awkward situation! You never shared that little fact with the class, did you? What’s wrong, stormcloud?” Virgil recoiled at the nickname, but Deceit gleefully continued on. “Ashamed of your old master? Well go ahead! Do tell your new friends who exactly taught you everything you know!”
“Old master…? You mean-?” Roman stared at his friend who hung his head, shame colouring his cheeks. “Tell me that’s not true! Tell me he’s lying!”
Roman desperately wanted Virgil to deny it, wanted his friend to grow angry, to spit and yell at the accusations. Instead Virgil only guiltily avoided Roman’s eyes.
“Oh he was such a diligent student,” Deceit continued. “Always ready to learn, so eager to follow my instructions. When I told him to apply for the job of court sorcerer, he readily agreed to be my spy! Didn’t you, stormcloud?”
“Your spy…?” Roman whispered.
“Shut up!” Virgil spat at the warlock. “I’m not the obedient little puppet you tried to make of me! I freed myself! Please Ro,” Virgil turned to Roman pleadingly. “I don’t work for him! I would never hurt you!”
“You are his spy?” Roman asked horrified.
“I’m not!”
“Yes you aaaaaare!” Deceit singsonged. “I mean, really, prince Roman! You can’t trust anyone these days!”
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” Virgil snapped before turning back to Roman. “Alright, maybe it started like that, but I had a change of heart very quickly! Please, I promise I’m not that person anymore! I changed, I swear!”
Roman said nothing. He could only back away from the man he considered his friend, betrayal nearly suffocating him. Hurt crossed Virgil’s face.
A hand grasped his shoulder, stopping him. Roman startled, looking up to general Isolda’s stern face.
“Know your enemies, my prince.” The general said solemnly.
“I… I don’t-” Roman stammered.
“You would distrust the one who dropped everything to help you, at the risk of angering the crown?” General Isolda continued. “Who has had every chance to hurt you in the past, but never did? Or do you want to believe the words of someone who tries to manipulate you to forsake your friend?” The woman glared at the warlock. “The one who has your brother in captivity, might I add?”
Roman tried to think of something to say, but every retort died on his lips. He glanced back at Virgil.
“I swear on my life, Ro…” Virgil pleaded. “I’m on your side.”
…...The general was right. What was he doing?
“I… I trust you, Virge,” Roman nodded, shamefully. “I’m sorry-!”
“Good,” The general released Roman’s shoulder. “Glad you have come to your senses, my prince.”
“Don’t worry,” Virgil assured. “You’re not the first to fall for his trickery,” With a growl he turned back to Deceit. “But I’ll make damn sure you’re the last!”
“You’re outnumbered,” The general said to the warlock. “Now unhand the prince.”
“I don’t like you.” Deceit scowled at her.
“Go back to ignoring me then,” She countered.
“Such a strong woman,” Deceit said. “I’m so impressed. I guess strength is the only worthwhile thing Augusto sees in you, doesn’t he? Don’t you wish you had-”
“Your tricks won’t work.” Roman interrupted, grinning when the warlock let out a low hiss in annoyance. “Release my brother, or we will get him back through force!”
“I’m positively quivering,” Deceit deadpanned, before he gave a resigned sigh. “Have it your way.”
It was the only warning they got.
Roman felt it before he saw it. An all-encompassing heat as his eyes violently had to adjust to a sudden burst of bright light. General Isolda dragged him to the side just in time as a comet of golden flames singed Roman’s hair. As abruptly as the light had started, a wall of purple sheened shadows extinguished the flames. Roman blinked away spots in his vision, never more glad for the dark.
“Very good, Virgil!” Deceit taunted. “You’re so… Evolved.”
“There’s more where that came from.” Virgil said, just a hint out of breath.
“Well then,” Deceit said. His eyes flared up like flames in the darkness. “Teacher versus student! Show me what you have learned!”
“Gladly.” Virgil spat. The shadows built in his hands, before Virgil flung them towards Deceit with an infuriated scream. Golden flames met them in the middle, colliding into each other. Roman watched as an inferno of purple and gold swirled up in a tornado of raw magic. When it vanished the two men attacked each other, snarling and snapping like animals, magic scorching the air. Deceit towered over the short sorcerer, but what Virgil lacked in physical stature and strength he made up with pure, relentless rage. Even so Roman saw his friend struggle.
“We have to help!” He said to the general. The woman nodded, determined. Side by side they threw themselves into battle with a drawn out war cry, falling in next to their friend.
It was three against one. To Roman it felt like he was fighting a small army. Spells slammed into cold metal, magic met swords. Any time he tried to get a hit in, the warlock disappeared and reappeared somewhere else. The warlock cast spells and vanished fluid and agile like a snake before any of them could counteract. Hits and spells meant for Deceit struck themselves or their companions. General Isolda would swing her sword only to meet thin air, missing Virgil by a hair. After a spell of sharp shadowed arrows just barely avoided Roman, Virgil was forced to go with less dangerous spells. Whenever either of them tried to get close to the tree they were driven back by energy blasts or flames. Virgil shouted a spell that Deceit countered easily. Purple shadows fiercely fought against golden light.
Eventually however they started to see through his tricks. A blade grazed Deceit’s hand, leaving an angry red line. Virgil’s spells met their target more often. They adapted, saw attacks better coming and jumped out of the way quicker. Roman could cheer when he finally saw the warlock falter in his steps, hope coming alive in his chest. They could actually do this!
An energy blast propelled Roman backwards, landing on his back a few meters away. He quickly scrambled up again and ran back towards the battle. The warlock shot him a look, then looked back at Virgil and general Isolda. Deceit slammed his fists together and yelled something incomprehensible. Mist whirled up around him, surrounding him and pulling him from sight. And it didn’t stop there. It grew and crept over the open spot at an alarming speed, until even the starlit sky was obscured from sight. Roman stopped. He whirled around, turning, turning, more frantic each time. There was nothing. Just mist. He couldn’t see an inch in front of his face.
“Virgil?” He shouted hesitantly. “General??”
“We’re here!” General Isolda’s voice answered, further away than what was reasonably possible.
“Where are you? I can’t see you!” Roman’s voice cracked on the last ‘you’. His heart raced in his throat.
“Stay put! We’ll find you!” Virgil answered, his voice even more distant than the general’s. Roman nodded, croaking out a shivery ‘okay’, as he tried to stay still. Part of him wanted to run and scream. Part of him wanted to curl up and cry. Where was his bravado now? Where was the courage that never failed him when he slayed monsters? He swallowed, inhaled deeply through his nose. Four seconds in, hold for seven, breathe out for eight. Four seconds in, hold for seven, breathe out for eight.
Everything would be okay. They would return safe and sound with his brother. He would have another chance. Everything would be okay. They would return safe and sound with his brother. He would have another chance. Everything would be okay, everything would be okay, everything would be okay-
He repeated the same mantra in his head over and over, hoping to calm his hammering heart and every instinct that screamed at him to run, run, run, run, run, RUN-!
A shadow moved in the corner of his eye. Roman whirled around. Nothing there. A soft laugh echoed at the edge of his hearing. He leapt and swung his sword, but only cleaved through mist. Endless, endless mist.
“Over here.” A voice teasingly whispered behind him. Roman screamed and jumped around, once more swinging his sword and finding nothing. The voice laughed again, this time to the right of him.
“Princey??” Virgil yelled anxiously, still too far away.
“I’m here!” Roman choked out, a whisper more than anything. He attempted to yell louder, but his throat closed up painfully. A hissing sound made him spin on his heels. Roman caught a glimpse of something slither on the ground, something with yellow and black scales before it slinked back into the mist. He walked backwards, legs trembling underneath him.
“You fight so bravely, dear prince,” The voice hissed. “But in vain. You know you can’t win thissss…”
“I won’t stop fighting,” Roman answered wobbly. “I won’t!”
“Oh, of course you won’t,” The voice cooed, circling him. Roman tried to follow it, hoping to spot something other than mist. “You’ve fought all your life, haven’t you?”
“Yes!” Roman said. “I have defeated many foul beast before you, and you will be no different!”
“All those victories,” The voice hummed. “And yet none of those have ever truly satisfied you, haven’t they? Because you can’t fill your hollow heart with empty praises.”
Roman’s heart thumped in his throat. “I… I don’t know w-what you’re talking about!” He answered.
“It’s amazing what one spills when they’re in pain… What dark secrets your brother has told me about you.” The voice shifted, and suddenly Roman felt a solid presence behind him, hot breath tickling his skin as Deceit spoke directly into his ear. “I know your heart, Roman Alveraz.”
With a startled shout Roman spun on his feet, lurching his sword towards the other. It was blocked mid-air as Deceit grabbed the blade and held on tight. Roman was left staring into the piercing golden eyes that glowed from the darkness of the hood. He felt like prey trapped under a predator’s hungry glare.
“I know how you constantly fight for approval,” Deceit said. Blood trickled down his palm, but still he held the sword tight. “I know you fight for the love from your peers, while your ambitions rot at your feet.”
“Stop it…” Roman said shakily.
“I know how you follow in mommy and daddy’s footsteps like a good little marionette,” Deceit continued on mercilessly. “I know how you obediently dance every step they ask of you, until your feet are bleeding and raw. I know you hide behind that mask you call your true face.”  
“Stop it!!”
“You must be so tired, dear prince… All those years fighting, and for what? For a crown you know very well you haven’t earned? For the shallow smiles of people who would stab you in the back at their first opportunity?”
“Don’t listen to him!!” Virgil’s voice sounded from across the mist.
“I can help you, you know,” Deceit said sweetly. “Your life is a balancing act above a raging wildfire, where even the smallest mistake burns you beyond repair. But I could douse the flames. You don’t have to fight anymore. I can make it all stop. No more fake smiles, no more pretending… I can take the pain away for you. Forever.”
“He’s lying!! Roman, don’t listen to him!” Virgil shouted, but Roman scarcely noticed. He was drowning. Deceit’s words pushed him down under in an ocean of honey, sweet and suffocating.
“You want that,” Deceit pressed on. “Don’t you?”
“Yes…” Roman whispered before he could stop himself. “Yes.”
“Of course you do,” Deceit said gently, ever so gently. “But if you want my help, you know what you’ll have to do first…”
“Invite you in…”
“Exactly!” Deceit’s voice shook in triumph. “Walk back into the castle, and invite me in.”
“…No.” Roman said in weak defiance. “No! You’ll hurt people-!”
Deceit growled, all gentleness leaving him. “What have they done for you? What do those mindless sheep mean to you? Nothing. You owe them nothing!”
The golden eyes flared up with every word, and Roman was helplessly pinned down under their gaze. A shiver started in his leg- Wait, his leg?
“You think anyone would miss them if their worthless lives ended?” Deceit went on, but Roman was a bit distracted by the tingle on his leg that startlingly enough moved up. The shiver crawled up and up, until it crawled onto Roman’s shoulder and down his arm. Roman only briefly saw a dark purple gleam and eight furry legs, before it leapt. With the tiniest yet fiercest war cry ever heard, Romeo the spider soared through the sky like an avenging angel and landed full on the warlock’s face.
Deceit gave an undignified screech as he released Roman’s sword and leapt back, flailing his arms around as he tried to smack the spider off. The mist surrounding them disappeared. Deceit’s concentration was broken.
“Get off, get off!!” The warlock shrieked, golden spells continuously just missing the purple blur that crawled over him with lightning speed.
“Good Romeo!!” Virgil yelled proudly as he ran to Roman to drag him away from the preoccupied warlock.
“He’s distracted!” General Isolda shouted. “Now is our chance!”
It was the only thing Roman needed to hear to shake away the hold that the honeyed words had on him. Virgil released him as Roman ran towards the tree, where general Isolda was already busy slashing away the roots that kept Remus prison. Roman and Virgil joined in her efforts, Roman using his sword and Virgil blasting small fire blasts to burn the wood. Roman’s breath quickened, his arms swinging frantically. Too slow, too slow, this was too slow-!!
“Keep working!” Roman yelled as he threw down his sword. The other two shouted in confusion, Roman ignored them. He wrapped his arms around Remus’ torso and pulled. He heard branches snapping as his brother was torn free from their grasp. Understanding his plan, Virgil and the general doubled their effort on the roots still wrapped around Remus. Roman kept pulling, throwing his whole body into it. He felt how the roots gave way bit-by-bit, until-
Abruptly all resistance fell away. Roman lost his balance and fell on his back, dragging his brother with him. The air was knocked out of his lungs by the limp body suddenly dropped on his chest. The weight was promptly removed when general Isolda lifted Remus up and threw him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“We got him!” She said as Roman staggered back onto his feet with Virgil’s help. “We have to get out of here now!”
“Not so fast.”
They turned. Deceit stood, slightly panting, but victoriously holding out a hand where Romeo squirmed and struggled to break free. Virgil paled.
“No,” Virgil pleaded. “Deceit, please no-!”
“So you do remember some of my lessons,” Deceit said with an unpleasant tone. “Good.”
Deceit tightened his hand and squeezed. Romeo let out pained squeaks at the same time as Virgil wailed, dropping onto his knees while clutching his chest.
“Virgil??” Roman kneeled next to his friend, whose face was pale with pain. He didn’t understand. What was happening??
“Deceit…” Virgil gasped. “Please, please stop-!!”
“You know what I want,” Deceit said a little shakily. His hand trembled as he gripped the spider even harder. Virgil cried out and the warlock looked away. “I never wished to hurt you, stormcloud, despite what you think of me…” He continued softly. “But I have to do this. I hope I can make you understand some day.”
“Whatever it is you want, it’s yours!” Roman yelled, even as Virgil weakly protested. “Just stop what it is you’re doing, just stop!”
Deceit relieved the pressure on Romeo. Virgil slumped against Roman who caught his friend. Virgil was pale as milk, yet his pained expression faded quickly, something else taking over entirely.
“Good,” Deceit said unsteadily. “Good... Well then, if we could come to an arrangement-”
A hurt and absolute livid scream tore itself from Virgil’s throat. Shadows shot from his hand like an oncoming tsunami, and hit the warlock square in the chest. Deceit was launched backward, made hard contact with the ground, rolled over a few times before coming to a stop on his stomach. He didn’t get up.
Roman stared at the unmoving body of the warlock, then at his friend. Virgil only frantically searched the open spot.
“Romeo…?” Virgil called out uncertainly. “Romeo??”
A soft rustle in the grass made Virgil hold his breath. A purple glimmer skittered over the ground as quick as it could towards Virgil.
“Romeo!!” Virgil cried out in relief as he held out his hands. He cradled the spider close to his chest as soon as Romeo crawled onto his palms. “Oh Romeo… I’m going to get you ten- No, twenty cherry crumble pies topped with the biggest, fattest flies when we get home! All for you, brave little buddy!” He kissed the spider on its furry body multiple times. Romeo wiggled under all the attention. The sight made Roman want to laugh and cry at the same time. He went with neither, as his eyes fell on the warlock, who still hadn’t moved. Roman determinedly rose, grabbing his sword from the ground. Time to finish the job.
A hand grabbed his wrist. “Leave him.” Virgil croaked.
“Wait, what?” Roman stared down at him incredulously. “But this is our chance, we could kill-”
“NO!” Virgil yelled. “Just leave him!”
“Please Roman,” Virgil stood up. Roman saw him wipe away a few stray tears. “Let’s go.”
Roman didn’t understand any of it, but he couldn’t ignore his friend’s pleas. So he nodded.
“Right… Let’s go.”
They ran. Virgil in front, conjuring a glowing orb, general Isolda with Remus thrown over her shoulders in the middle and Roman at the back, his sword still at the ready. As they ran out from the open spot and back into the woods, Roman turned one last time. Deceit slowly pushed himself up. Roman could swear he saw something float near the warlock’s head, but he didn’t stay to see what it was.
The storm still raged. As they ran through the forest, the wind even worsened. They struggled against its push. The soft purple orb was the only source of light they had, and it cast the forest with its swaying branches in haunting shadows. In every part of the pitch black darkness Roman’s imagination conjured up images of the warlock, ready to drag them back into the night. Roman knew they had to keep running, otherwise one of those images might prove to be the real one. Virgil, however, had other ideas. The sorcerer came to a halt as they reached a good distance from the open spot. General Isolda and Roman stopped too, puzzled.
“Why have we stopped?” The general asked.
Virgil turned. “Put him down,” He said as he pointed at Remus.
“Whatever for?” General Isolda questioned. “Need I remind you, we came here to rescue him!”
“Put him down!” Virgil said with such urgency that the general quickly lowered Remus onto the ground. “We can’t go back to the castle yet!”
“Why?? That monster is not going to stay down for long!” Roman asked as he threw down his sword and knelt down to pick Remus up again. “We have to keep moving, or-”
Hands shot up, closing around Roman’s throat. Roman’s yelp was cut off as the hands wrung his neck in a crushing grip. Remus sat up like a doll on strings. Roman wheezed and struggled, scratching and pulling at the sudden suffocating hold Remus had on him. Vaguely he saw how Remus’ face was distorted in a vicious snarl as he tightened his hands. Virgil and general Isolda yelled, but all Roman could focus on was the shadowed face of his brother. Remus’ eyes were feverishly bright. Too bright. “Rem…” Roman gasped, black spots appearing in his vision.
Virgil grabbed his shoulders and pulled, at the same time as general Isolda grabbed Remus in a headlock and yanked him back to disconnect the two. Roman gasped for air as he was released, taking in the air like a drowning man. Remus meanwhile shouted and shrilled violently, even continuing when the general covered his mouth with her hand.
“There’s your answer!” Virgil said as Roman caught his breath. “Look at his eyes, Ro!”
Roman looked up at his brother, who struggled and screamed in the general’s arms like a feral animal. Remus’ eyes were glowing a molten gold, the same colour that had glared at him from underneath a hood.
“He’s hypnotized! The second we set foot in the castle, he’ll invite the bastard in and it would all be for nothing!”
The general winced when Remus bit her hand with a fierce growl. “What do we do?” She asked.
Virgil got up, helping Roman to his feet as well. “Hold him down.” He said grimly. General Isolda didn’t question it, instead wrestled Remus to the ground and pressed him down by his shoulders. In order to do so, she had to release his mouth and Remus immediately screamed his lungs out again.
“Whatever you must do, do it quick!” The general yelled over Remus’ cries. “His screaming might attract that thing right to us!”
Remus struggled harder, furiously clawing at the general’s arms, but she managed to keep him pinned. Virgil knelt down next to Remus, shadows gathering in his hands and his eyes flashing purple. Remus immediately tried to scratch and bite at him, but Roman knelt down alongside the others and wrestled Remus’ arms to the ground. Virgil gave him a thankful nod, before he placed his hands on Remus’ chest, the shadows pulsing on his skin. Remus screamed louder.  
“Get out of him,” Virgil said through gritted teeth. “Get out!”
Remus convulsed on the ground like lightning set his bones ablaze. His eyes rolled back in his head as two powers inside him fought. Virgil pushed and pushed his magic against the other, sweat forming on his brow.
“I said…” Virgil’s already gravely voice deepened, the veins on his hands darkening to a pitch black. “Get. OUT!!”
With a final push, Virgil forced all his magic into Remus, who’s back arched and mouth flew open in a soundless scream. A stream of golden light bled out from Remus’ open mouth. Under their bewildered gazes, the gold first pooled together, before shimmering and forming a tiny snake of light. It raised its little head and hissed at them.
“Quick! Grab it!” Virgil said.
Three pair of hands tried to swipe the snake off the ground. The snake hissed again and ducked under their hands before any of them could get a hold on it. It slithered back into the forest, lightning its path like a little beacon.
“Shit!” Virgil spat.
“What is it? What will it do?” General Isolda asked.
“Tell him where we are,” Virgil said. “We have to go. Now.”
The three of them jumped up. The general wanted to lift Remus back up, but Roman beat her to it. As he gathered Remus in his arms, his brother tilted his head to look at him.
“Roman…” Remus muttered.
“That’s right, Rem,” Roman laughed wobbly as he hauled his brother up and held him protectively against his chest. “I got you. I’m not letting go.”
Remus blinked tiredly at him, before his head fell on Roman’s shoulder and his eyes slipped shut. Unconscious, Roman thought.
“Let’s go, let’s go!” Virgil urged as he swept Roman’s sword of the ground. Roman and the general followed Virgil and the small light orb through the dark as fast as they could. Roman had no idea how long they walked, but every minute felt like an eternity. The storm pushed at them ruthlessly. They couldn’t run as fast as they would have liked, lest they constantly trip over roots and holes in the ground, so progress felt like wading through syrup. He briefly thought how this might be his eternity, running through the woods with danger breathing hot down their necks, when-
“Just up ahead! We made it!” Virgil shouted. Roman wanted to cry out in happiness as he saw the edge of the woods, the castle’s lights shining through the branches. A lighthouse in the storm, guiding them home.
Bursting from the treeline they started to sprint towards the castle gates. Thankfully someone had left them open. Needles pricked in Roman’s lungs, his legs nearly collapsing under him but he didn’t dare to slow down. Almost there-!
Fire burst to life in front of them, stopping them meters away from the drawbridge. The flames circled them, until they were trapped. Roman didn’t need to look to know who had finally caught up to them, but he turned anyway.
Deceit was shrouded once more in mist, far closer to them than Roman had hoped. His eyes burned golden, promises of destruction flaring in them.
“Give him back!” Deceit snarled in a booming voice.
“RUN!!” General Isolda yelled.
Virgil doused the flames with his shadows so they could make their escape. Roman’s feet ached as he raced towards the castle. The extra weight of his brother threatened to drag them both down, but he gritted his teeth and pressed on. Behind him Virgil shielded him from oncoming flames, the heat licking at the back of his neck. General Isolda dragged Virgil with her as the sorcerer cast protection spell after protection spell. Roman was almost at the drawbridge-!
His foot got stuck behind a rock just as he wanted to run in. He tripped, only preventing from falling on his brother by twisting his body just in time so they fell sideways on the wooden planks of the bridge instead. Virgil cursed and turned to run right towards the danger, hoping to distract Deceit from the others. The general however grabbed him by the collar, lifted him off the ground and practically hurled him towards the castle gates, where he landed next to Roman. General Isolda stood protectively before Roman and Virgil, her sword drawn as the warlock closed in, flames and mist surrounding him like a hellish entourage.
“If you want them,” General Isolda hissed. “You’ll have to get through me first!”
“With pleasure.” Deceit purred. His golden magic came to live in his hands. Roman braced for impact, shouting the general’s name as Deceit ran towards them-
A sound not unlike a tapping against thick glass was heard. The air pulsated and Deceit was thrown back, barely managing to stay on his feet. He shook his head, throwing himself towards them to attack them again. Once more, an invisible shield stopped him.
“…What’s happening?” The general asked, confused, as Deceit feverishly felt among the air, his palms flat like he was touching a wall rather than thin air. He slammed his fists, ripples like water forming wherever he hit, but it did not let him through.
“…We’ve made it onto castle grounds.” Roman realized. “He can’t enter!”
Roman’s disbelieving laugh was overpowered by Deceit’s furious outcry. The warlock called forth his magic, hitting the shield over and over with golden fire with enough force that the flames climbed up as high as the watchtower. Roman felt the heat on his face as the air rippled, but held steady. Deceit’s livid screams followed Roman and his friends as they got up and ran over the drawbridge to the safety of the castle walls. Above them the storm roared to life once more, lightning strikes following each other up closely. They reached the door as lightning struck down behind them.
“OPEN THE CASTLE DOORS!!” The general shouted as she pounded her fist against the heavy wood. No answer came. Virgil growled in impatience and pushed against the doors, his shadow magic pushing alongside him. The doors groaned and opened, allowing the three companions to stumble in.
Roman had never been more happy to see the castle’s entrance hall in his life. Then a sword was pointed at him. He stared up into the shocked face of colonel Bentley, along with a few dozen startled knights behind him.
“Prince Roman?” The man stammered. “Isolda?? You- You survived…” His eyes fell on Remus and they widened comically large. “You found the prince! How-??”
“Stand down, Bentley!” The general commanded. The man instantly drew back the sword and jumped into a salute. “Our princes went through enough tonight! They don’t need to your questioning on top of it!”
“Yes ma’am! Sorry ma’am!” The colonel barked automatically. But then he seemed to realize something as he dropped his hand. “Wait, no! You’re no general anymore! Our king and queen have dishonourably removed you from your position! You committed treason!”
Isolda nodded. “As I suspected.” She said before she addressed the rest of the knights in the hall like she hadn’t heard him. “Make yourself ready! We have a warlock to capture!”
“What??” Roman gasped.
“B-But general…” The colonel protested, the title still slipping from his tongue without thinking. “The king and queen said that you-”
“That man is a threat to the crown, colonel!” Isolda interrupted. “Surely you’ll do our king and queen a favour by capturing their enemy. Who knows, they might even handsomely reward you! They need a new general, after all. I’m sure they’d want a brave man such as yourself to fill the position.”
The colonel thought this over for a few seconds. Greed twinkled in his eyes.
“If you put it like that…” He finally said. “Very well! Knights! Like the lady said! Make yourself ready!”
“General, you can’t-!” Roman protested.
“Not a general anymore,” Isolda said. “But it doesn’t matter. If we have any chance of capturing him and bringing that man to justice, it’s now. We have to try! And this time…” She looked around the hall proudly, where the knights readied themselves to venture into the storm. “I’ll have more help.”
“We could come with you!” Virgil said. Roman nodded in agreement.
“You’re both very brave. But I think someone else needs your help more than I do,” Isolda said as she nodded at Remus. “I’ll be fine.”
Roman stared up at her, at a loss for words. “Thank you…” He said eventually. Isolda nodded at him, a smile playing on her lips, before she followed the colonel and the knights outside, leaving Roman and Virgil alone in the entrance hall.
It was only then, as the knights disappeared into the night and his brother safe and sound in his arms, that Roman truly realized that they had done it. Somehow, against all the odds, they had saved Remus. His brother was home. Laughter bubbled up in his throat, slightly delirious. Virgil gave him a funny stare, before his lips hesitantly quirked up and his breathless chuckles joined Roman’s.
“Did… Did we just do that? And win?” Roman asked an equally stunned Virgil.
“Yeah!” Virgil said. “What the shit…”
Roman snorted at that, relief tampering down the adrenaline still running through his veins. A glance down at his unconscious brother quickly sobered him up though.
“He needs healing.” Roman said. Virgil turned serious as well.
“I have everything for a proper healing in my workshop,” Virgil said. “But in order to get there we would have to cross the courtyard…” Both friends turned to the storm outside that only seemed to turn more violent by the minute, lightning strikes following each other up with barely a pause. “Yeah… We should probably avoid any more life threatening situations if we can.”
“But he needs help now!” Roman said.
“Relax, I can heal his most urgent injuries right away,” Virgil jumped when a thunderclap made the windows rattle. “We better get him somewhere safe though.”
“Right, yes,” Roman nodded, weary exhaustion and heaviness settling in on his shoulders. Damn, he needed- What he desperately wanted was… “Let’s go back the throne room for now.”
“The throne room?” Virgil frowned. “You sure that’s a good idea, princey? Your pa- I mean, the king and queen are there too!”
“I know,” Roman scowled at the idea of facing them, but his heart ached for the comfort of golden curls and blue eyes. “I just… I need to see Patton. He has to know we’re okay.”
Virgil still looked dubious, but he nodded in understanding. “Let’s go then.”
Their footsteps rang through the empty halls as they made their walked to the throne room. Occasionally lightning outside lit up their path. Roman threw his friend a few hesitant glances before he cleared his throat.
“Virgil… About what the warlock said…” Roman began carefully, but Virgil flinched even so.
“Look, I can explain!” Virgil said hastily. “I met him when I was young, and-”
“It’s okay.”
Roman would have laughed at the startled wide-eyed stare Virgil threw his way, if it hadn’t been for the sheer dread still present on his friend’s face. “No really,” He said sincerely. “It’s fine, Virge. I don’t care about your past. I mean, you saved my butt multiple times tonight! Screw what that guy said! You’re my friend now and that’s what matters.”
“I…” Virgil looked more than a little stunned. The darkness of the halls couldn’t quite hide his touched half smile though. He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to cover it up. “Princey, you sap.” He muttered as he gently bumped his fist against Roman’s arm.
“I’m serious!” Roman said.
“I know you are, you lovable idiot.”
“Good. Secret softie.”
“Oh shut up…”
“But Virge, if you ever do want to talk about it…?” Roman said.
Virgil groaned. “I think I’m gonna take a three day nap first.”
“Ha! You and me both!”” Roman adjusted his grip on Remus slightly. He was getting heavy, but Roman was not letting go. Luckily the throne room doors were just up ahead.
“But after that,” Virgil said quietly. “I’ll tell you everything.”
“Are you sure? I mean, you don’t have to-!”
“I know I don’t. I just… Think it would be nice to finally tell someone, you know? No more hiding.”
“No more hiding,” Roman said. “Sounds like a plan!”
The knights standing guard gaped at them when they approached, but they scrambled to open the throne room doors. Horrified gasps and astounded whispers rang around the throne room as Roman and Virgil walked in, the doors closing again behind them. Roman could not blame them. He knew what kind of picture they painted. Both him and Virgil exhausted and dirty, Virgil holding a bloodied sword, and him walking in with an unconscious Remus held protectively in his arms. The crowd parted to let them through, eyes wide and disbelieving.
“Virgil?! ROMAN!!”  
Pure joy swiftly coursed through when Roman saw Patton push people aside to run up to him, tears of relief streaming down his love’s face. Patton skidded to a halt however when he spotted Remus. Shocked he covered his mouth with trembling fingers.
“You… You found him,” Patton said with wide eyes. “A-And the warlock…?”
“Currently being hunted down by the general and her knights,” Virgil said as he led Roman further into the throne room. Patton followed. “He’s not a threat anymore.”
There stood a long console table to the wall, tastefully decorated with candelabras. Virgil dropped the sword against the wall and unceremoniously shoved the candelabras off the table so Roman could gently place Remus on the temporary sick bed. Patton hurriedly shrugged off his jacket, folded it up and placed it under Remus’ head as a makeshift pillow. A shuddery sigh left Roman as he carefully adjusted Remus in what he hoped was a somewhat comfortable position.
He would have his second chance. He only hoped Remus would give it to him.
Roman took a few steps back to give Virgil his space. The sorcerer’s eyes lit up once more in a purple gleam, as he moved his hands lightly over Remus’ chest. Virgil softly started  chanting healing spells, a songlike quality to his voice. Did Roman’s eyes trick him, or did Remus immediately look a bit better?
“Roman…” A soft hand was placed on his arm. Tearing his gaze away from his brother, Roman looked at Patton. His fiancé stared up at him with wide tear-filled eyes. A broken sob left him as Patton threw his arms around Roman’s waist. Roman immediately returned the embrace, tightening his arms around the shorter man. He buried his face into the soft curls and pressed desperate kisses on his love’s head.
“I thought I lost you…” Patton sobbed into his chest. “I thought- I thought I would become a widower before we ever got married! I thought-!”
“I’m here, dear heart,” Roman murmured, tears forming in his own eyes as well. “I’m okay. I got back to you. I’m here.”
Patton nodded and happily blubbered out something Roman didn’t quite hear. It didn’t matter. For one brief, beautiful moment all was well.
But of course, of course, the moment had to be broken. Roman heard the breathless crowd hurriedly part and footsteps approaching. One glance away from the safe haven of his fiancé’s curls confirmed who said footsteps belonged to. With a snarl Roman pulled himself reluctantly out of Patton’s embrace.
“Don’t come near him!” Roman growled. His parents stopped in their tracks.
“I’m not allowed to go near my own son?” Queen Nadia asked with a tremor in her voice, one delicate tear gliding down her cheek.
“No! No you’re not!” Roman said with a humourless laugh. “Glad you understand it so quickly!”
“He’s our son!” King Augusto protested. “We haven’t seen him for nearly a year!”
“And whose fault is that exactly??” Roman bit out. “If you had actually done what you promised you would instead of, oh I don’t know, lying to me, maybe, just maybe, you would have seen him a little sooner! Just a thought!”
“We didn’t lie!” King Augusto said. “We never lie to you!”
“YES YOU DO!!” Roman pulled at his hair. “You’re lying to me right now!” He didn’t want to have this conversation right now. He was tired. So, so tired…
“Come now Roman,” His mother smiled and held her arms out, stepping up like she wanted to embrace him. “How about you we talk about this in the morning, after we all had a good night’s rest after such a terrible day?”
“Don’t touch me!” Roman stepped back, trembling. He wanted to grab his sword to make sure these people never touched him again.
“Roman, you’re obviously stressed,” His mother said in a sweet, yet admonishing tone. She kept advancing in on him. “You’re not thinking clearly. How about you calm down first-”
Roman recognized the shivery crawl that shot up his leg and back before he saw Romeo the spider take his place on his shoulder. Queen Nadia stumbled back with a high pitched shriek as the tarantula hissed angrily at her. Roman let out a crazed little giggle as Romeo protectively hunched, waiting to jump on the face of the first person stupid enough to get closer. Wow, since when was a spider the size of his fist less frightening than his own mother touching him?
“Thanks, little buddy…” He whispered gratefully. Romeo clicked his mandibles happily in response.
“What is that thing?” The king asked in disgust as he eyed the spider.
“His name is Romeo,” Roman said. “And he’s not a thing!”
“Damn right!” Virgil said, briefly interrupting his healing.
“Stay out of this!” The queen said before turning back to Roman. “Sweetheart, this is all a big misunderstanding-!”
“It’s a misunderstanding that you didn’t even CONSIDER to look for Remus??” Roman snapped. “Or didn’t want to send out soldiers WHEN HE WAS RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR???”
“Oh please forgive us for prioritising everyone else’s safety in this castle over one person!” The king barked. “Which that wasn’t an easy sacrifice to make!”
“Ohohohoho, that’s rich, coming from you!” Roman laughed bitterly. “You complete and absolute ASSHOLE-!!”
“Wait! Roman, sweetie! Stop!” Patton stepped in front of him, bravely ignoring Romeo in favour of smiling sweetly at Roman. “It’s okay! They’re right!”
Roman distinctly felt like someone kicked him in the stomach. “What…?” He whispered.
“They’re right! When you were gone, they explained everything to us! I promise you, it really was just a misunderstanding!” Patton said. “They can explain to you too, you just-”
“Pat-! Pat, NO. Not you too!” Roman grabbed him by the shoulders. “Don’t listen to them! This is what they do! They lie to your face and make themselves the victims! This is what they’ve always done!”
“But… But…” Patton stepped back, looking between Roman and his parents hesitantly. “They wouldn’t! It’s all just a big mistake, that’s all!”
“Patton, please!” Roman pleaded. Not him. Not his fiancé. “Listen to me!! I’ve lived- Or rather, survived- With them for years! They’re lying! Please believe me!!”
“He’s right, Pat.” Virgil said as he turned away from his healing to stand behind Roman for support. “They’re a bunch of liars. I can know, I have experience with those.”
Roman wanted to hug him, but kept his eyes focused on his love. Patton stared at him, chewing his bottom lip, again looking between him and the king and queen.
“But…” Patton said hesitantly. “I know them too! I thought-”
“It’s a façade, Pat!” Roman pressed on. “It’s not real!”
“Honey,” Queen Nadia said gently. “Maybe you should listen to your fiancé.”
“STAY OUT OF THIS!!” Roman screamed at her before looking at Patton. “Dear heart… Please.”
Patton looked around, first at Roman, then his parents, then at the crowd that stared and waited with bated breath, unconsciously loving the juicy gossip they were getting. Doubt tore him apart. He turned back to Roman. His fiancé, who looked torn up, hurt and scared. Patton’s tried to say something, anything, when his gaze flicked to a point behind Roman. His eyes widened. Roman frowned. What was-
“VIRGIL LOOK OUT!!” Patton screamed.
Roman heard a sickening whack. He whipped around in time to see Virgil tumble to the ground, blood trickling down his temple. The figure that loomed over him held a bloodied candelabra, which he had soundlessly picked up from the ground in the confusion. The figure chuckled.
“Whoopsies! That’s gotta hurt!” Remus giggled, swinging the candelabra around like a baton. Roman stood frozen to the ground. His eyes went from his knocked out friend, up to his brother who grinned and put a foot on Virgil’s back like he was prey he finally managed to kill. Romeo jumped down from Roman’s shoulder to run in panicked circles around his master, which were stopped when Remus kicked the spider away with another cackle. The spider smacked against a pillar, and didn’t move anymore when he fell down.
“You- Wait-!” Roman tried to make sense of what was happening, his mind flailing to catch up. He desperately searched for a hint of gold in his brother’s eyes, but they were the same dark brown as his own. “You were unconscious!” He finally blabbered out.
“Oh yeah… I was, wasn’t I?” Remus wiggled his shoulders mischievously. “Aren’t I a stinker?”
His mother caught on before Roman did. “GUARDS!!” She shouted. “GUARDS!!”
“Haha, nope!” Remus wagged a finger teasingly. “I don’t think so! This show is SOLD OUT!”
At the last word Remus’ eyes flared up in a bright green glow. One wave of his hand thrown towards the doors, and a current of green streams rushed itself through the crowd, webbing themselves over the door in an intricate glowing pattern. Barring anyone from coming in… And getting out.
“What the-?!” Roman gaped. “Remus, you-??”
“That’s right, bitches!!” Remus screeched. “I can do magic now!” He threw his arms wide, the green energy surging and pulsing around him and he laughed, a wild maniacal sound. Roman finally snapped out of his stupor.
“You-! But why-?!” He stammered.
“Why?” Remus looked Roman in the eyes. He barely recognized Remus in this crazed green-eyed creature. “To assist a very dear friend of mine, of course!”
“That thing in the mountains?! He tortured you!” Roman yelled.
“Oh, he definitely made me scream alright, but it was in a very different way than you think!” Remus giggled. He twisted his head, grinning at the sight of multiple guests running towards the doors and desperately trying to tear them open. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “Ah, the sweaty smell of sheer and utter panic… One of my favourites!” Remus giggled again, unable to hold back his mirth. “But not what I want right now! So everyone…” His eyes shot open, the green flashing even brighter. “LOOK. AT. ME!!”
His high-pitched scream overpowered the hysteria that had grabbed the crowd by their throats. All eyes turned to him in horrified silence. Remus shimmied under all the attention.
“Look at this!” Remus beamed. “What a reunion, huh?? And at such a killer party too! Although…” Remus made a show of looking around critically, caressing his moustache in exaggerated consideration. “I don’t know, I just feel like there’s missing something! Or should I say…” A big grin split his face in half as Remus’ eyes darkened with vengeful glee. “Someone.”
King Augusto’s face twisted in panic, which he in vain tried to cover up with anger. “Don’t you dare!” He screamed, fear lilting the edges of his voice as Remus only grinned wider. “You traitorous scum, don’t you dare-!!”
“DECEIT!!” Remus threw his head back and howled up at the sky. “Come on down here, you slippery snake! I OFFICIALLY INVITE YOU TO THIS PITY PARTY!!”
Thunder roared in triumphant response, so powerful that Roman felt it vibrate in his chest. The beautifully crafted glass stain windows cracked and shattered, dousing the screaming mass in splintered glass as they ducked for cover. Roman quickly grabbed Patton and pulled him towards the ground in a protective embrace, feeling the glass cut on his cheeks. Mist crept in through the shattered windows. The mist gathered itself on the steps that lead to the thrones, twisted, twirled in itself, before finally solidifying into an all too familiar cloaked figure.
The panicked cries of the crowd were interspersed by Remus’ cackle as he clapped his hands in delight. Deceit raised his head and took in the screaming people with disdain, before he reached up and snapped back his hood. Finally Roman saw the face of the warlock. He sucked in a breath. One word echoed through his head as Roman took in scales, furious two-toned eyes and fangs just barely visible in a loathing snarl.
Before Roman could find his words, Remus ran and bounced up the steps with eager joy. He halted just one stair below Deceit.
“Did I do good, DeeDee?” Remus breathlessly asked. “Did I, did I??”
The warlock turned to Remus, and to Roman’s bewilderment his face immediately softened into something akin to tender fondness.
“Oh Remus,” Deceit cooed, as he gently caressed Remus’ face with one hand. “You did absolutely marvellous, my darling.”
Remus sighed happily as he melted into the contact with a soft moan, nuzzling his face into the hand and looking up at Deceit with what could only be described as lovesick adoration. Deceit smiled, then looked back at the huddled crowd. All softness in his face instantly died away.
“Now then,” Deceit said darkly. “What a day of reunions this is turning out to be.”
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anxiouslyfred · 5 years
Decoration Mishap
@loveceit well this is happening apparently.
“Why are there candles in the tree?” Logan could only blink when he joined their decorating. Logic had been invited by Remus that morning, since the hidden sides were all curious over him.
“You were moaning about how commercialised the holiday is this morning.” was all the explanation he received from Deceit, now pulling in a box of evergreens and pine cones.
Virgil snickered at the bewildered expression remaining on his face. “If you’re celebrating with us then your views are included and well, Remus knows a scary amount of the traditional decorations from like all the eras past and just how much chaos they can cause.”
“So we’re doing traditional decorating.” Deceit agreed, “Who do you want to help?”
“I’m setting fire to the tree.” Remus declared, offering Logan the first option as he glanced around taking in the three around the room.
“Drying orange slices, adding pine cones and holly leaves to make small decorations.” Virgil shortly said, holding up one finished item.
“Making garlands.Nothing shop brought here.” Deceit just nodded back to his box, pulling out various things.
At seeing a few spiders  caught amongst the branches, Logan made a decision. “I’ll help with the garlands. Patton’s never let me cut branches and vines to bring them in.”
“Virgil can definitely prevent fires on his own.” Deceit’s observation had them both splitting their attention between candles being lit, and weaving the garlands with ribbons, although yellow, purple and indigo weren’t traditional colours they did complement the room wonderfully.
Logan just grinned at seeing some candles extinguished the instant they were lit, quickly reappearing on a less dense area of branches. He couldn’t tell if that was Deceit or Virgil using their powers, but it made sense that even with more chaos the two Self-Preservation’s would have the hidden commons area far safer than the known one ever had been.
“Too many candles, Remus. Why not make paper chains or something to go around the tree?” Deceit finally suggested, standing and helping Logan up too. 
Together they moved to start pinning the garlands to the walls, neither now paying attention to the tree, past listening to Virgil hissing whenever Remus presumably did something dangerous.
“FIRE EXTINGUISHER NOW PLEASE!!” The yell finally had them turning to see Remus very hurriedly creating the demanded article and backing away although they weren’t clear whether that was from Virgil or the top branches of the tree that now had a chain of fire going around them.
Deceit was at the tree in an instant, summoning his own fire extinguisher to help on the opposite side to where Virgil was. “Next time we’re insisting on just lights shaped like candles.”
“At least he’ll listen if you decide that.” Virgil grumbled, frowning at the burnt patches of the tree. “Re, please make it lively again?”
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starshineandbooks · 4 years
Blinded by wrath and anger, healed by love- chapter one
Summary: Wrath and terror gouged lives into his eyes, Logan is almost certain he is permanently blind now.Thank God his family won’t take his moping.
Word count -1520
Pairing- Platonic Logan & everyone
Warnings: Cursing, Remus being Remus, implied violence, violence after math, mild blood description, mutilated eyes, loss of tongue, Logan hurts so much this chapter
Logan lay on the floor, bleeding heavily, vision gone, he feels liquid drip from his eyes. His eyes hurt.
Why do they hurt?
His tongue is gone, why is his tongue gone?
Well, he correst himself, spitting the gathering blood out of his mouth, only the front third is gone. No, more than that, he is unsure how much of his tongue he lost actually.
Logan lay there, unable to do much more than whine and gurgle, bleeding out slowly. Too weak to move, barely conscious.
Logan can’t help but hope that maybe this will at least please the others, they never want to listen to him, now they will never have to again. He finds depressing joy in never having to see any of the other’s sad ever again, after all, how could his vision return?
Wrath and terror gouged knives into his eyes, Logan is almost certain he is permanently blind now.
Logan can hear footsteps approaching and his fear spikes, his breathing getting somehow more shallow and quicker.
“Logan?!” A voice sounds, “Logan!”
Logan spits the blood out again and lays limply, barely registering it as the owner of the voice picks him up and rushes off, disappearing and reappearing somewhere.
“Oh Shit, oh shit, oh shit- GUYS! HELP!” the owner of the voice screams, sounding helpless.
Logan assumes this is a hallucination before his death.
His eyes slowly slip closed and Logan loses consciousness, trying to curl into the warmth he assumes to be imagined. Not a bad way to go, Logan supposes, strong arms holding him and a warm body he’s cradled to. No, Logan supposes, not a bad way to go at all.
Virgil sets Logan gently on the bed, grabbing a washcloth from the table and trying to mop the blood off of the logical facet’s face, knowing a pool of blood will make operation unnecessarily hardfer.
Patton and Remus show up in step, both worried heavily about why Virgil would scream like that. Remus is here to beat the enemy into submission. Not that’d he’d admit it. But, Remus is fond of all of the sides, especially his brother and the youngest side, Virgil.
“Virgil- Logan!” Patton shrieks, rushing forward, demanding to know what happened.
Virgil, nonverbal by this point, switches to worrying his hoodie strings and trying to breathe.
“Nerdy wolverine’s hurt, Patt, you have to help him.”
“I’m not- Lo’s the doctor-”
“So are you. Help him Patton.” Remus growls, “I’m going to get answers.”
“Wait! Can uhm- Take Virgil to Janus?”
“Yeah, fine. Whatever.” Remus rolls his eyes, muttering something unkind, and gently leading Virgil away to see JAnus. Thankful that the relationship the sides have on screen are only on screen.
Patton swallows, starting by checking Logan’s mouth before cauterizing his tongue, stopping the bleeding.
He cleans the man’s eyes, before cauterizing them too.
Logan, unsurprisingly, is in a coma.
Logan wakes to lack of vision and Roman’s voice. His memories return quickly to him, making him whine.
Roman goes silent, and then steps are heard, the rustling of fabric.
“Logan! Oh, you beautiful man you! Please say that you are okay. Say something, anything. I missed you, you know.”
Logan blinks, trying to ease the soreness of his eyes, he shifts his head to better hear Roman, reaching out and not finding anything with his hand.
“Oh, Pat said you might not have your vision, or your voice.” Roman says softly, taking Logan’s hand and moving closer, “But we’ll get everything sorted, one way or another- Oh! You’ll want to see- er- You’ll want Athena then?”
Logan uses his free hand to sign yes, knowing each side knows a little sign, he taught them all a few. Yes, No, please, thank you, eat, drink, I’m sorry and that’s about it.
Of course, he taught Virgil more sign language, but then again, that was logical. Oh, now he can’t help Virgil.
Thankfully, Logan supposes, Janus is rather proficient as well.
Roman nods, not that Logan can see it, or anything And oh, Roman pales, his friend, the man who helped him become who he is, his older brother figure, that man will never see anything again.
Roman walks out, telling Logan that he is going to get Athena.
But suddenly, he finds the escape selfishly comforting. He doesn’t have to see the scars to Logan, see what damage Logan has that Logan will never see himself.
Roman stops in front of Virgil’s room, knocking.
“What?” Virgil calls darkly, “I’m busy.”
“Lo’s awake,” Roman says, “He can’t see, and either can’t or won’t speak. He wants Athena. And, he’d probably like to hear your voice.”
Shuffling and the the door opens to a messy Virgil with and owl perched on his shoulder, “Let’s go then.”
Roman just nods, leading Virgil to the medical room where Logan is.
Roman blink sin surprise to see Logan sitting up, leaning against clumsily arranged pillows. Logan’s scared eyes stare blankly ahead, but his head turns towards the sound of Virgil and Roman’s footsteps.
Athena chirps happily, jumping off of Virgil’s shoulder and flying to Logan, landing on the logical facet’s leg and pecking his hand affectionately.
Logan’s lips quirk up, and he taps gently on the owl, morse code, Virgil thinks.
Hello dear, Logan taps to the owl she chirps again happily. She pecks at his fingers, morse code again.
Logan nods, tapping out affirmation gently against the owl.
“H-Hey L.” Virgil says shakily, “I heard you’re not talking. Are you capable of it?”
Logan sighs through his nose, but opens his mouth, revealing his lack of tongue.
“O-oh. That’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”
Logan snorts derisivley, wondering what there is to figure out. He’s useless. He can’t see, or speak, he can’t do his job.
“You know, I’m glad you made it out alive,” Virgil says a little softer than most people have heard him sound, “I don’t know what’d I’d have done if you hadn’t made it man.”
‘Survived it and grown stronger.’ Logan signs, rolling his sore, unseeing eyes.
Virgil chokes, “I couldn’t- Logan, you don’t get it do you. You matter. A lot man.”
Roman tilts his head, not having understood the sign language.
‘No, I do not. And that is okay. I have made peace with it. I am incapable of seeing or speaking. I am a hindrance at this point. I suspect death might have lessened the effect of my issues onto those I care for.’ Logan signs quickly, knowing Virgil can keep up.
“Uh, excuse you?!” Virgil snaps, eyes alight with anger and worry, again, not that Logan could see. “You matter a lot to all of us, stop moping damn you! You matter to JAnus, and Remus, and Roman, and Emilie, and Remy, and Thomas! You matter to Athena, she’s been depressed and molting faster without you, she’s thinner and you know it. You matter to my spider, Charlotte and Elliot.
“You matter to Medusa, JAnus’ snake. You matter to Remus’ hyenas, Ares and Bellona. You matter to Roman’s Lion, stripes. As a dumb a name as that is. You matter to Remy and Emilie’s toads, Steven, Garnet, Caramel blondie, Straight black, decaf, Luka, half calf, all of them. You matter to Patton’s fish, probably, I don’t know if fish care for people actually, but if they do, they care for you.
“Logan, you matter to everyone. You matter to me, you matter to me a lot. You ass, so stop moping and maybe we’ll figure this out faster!”
Logan blinks at the speech, snorting softly, ‘You say that, but do you know what it takes to actually mean that you care about me? About anyone?’
“Yeah, Logan I do. Believe it or not I have some loyalty. Got that? I’m fucking loyal, especially to you.”
Logan flinches at the tone.
Athena turns her large eyes on Virgil, tilting her head, as if asking if she should attack Virgil or not.
‘Virgil, you don’t need to be loyal to me, I wouldn’t be mad if you weren’t.’
“Uh, fucking hell Logan. Why wouldn’t I be loyal to you? You fiucking raised me, who else would I be loyal to if not my father figure?!”
‘Patton, Janus, literally anyone else.’
“Oh ye of little fucking faith,” Virgil growls, stalking forwards, arms crossed, “You’re lucky I know you’re just wallowing in emotions for once in your life, or I’df have a real fucking problem with the fact that you don’t seem to get that you matter.”
Silence, Roman watches the scene tensley.
“Logan,” Virgil sighs, “Please. You matter a lot, to me, to the others. Just- let us help you.”
Logan raises an eyebrow, thinking, prompting Virgil to explain.
“That’s going to be a second, I’ll get the others Logan.” Virgil sighs, setting a hand on Logan’s shoulder, “But seriously, I really don’t say it enough, thank you. You helped me become who I am or whatever. Yo matter.”
“Aw,” Roman coos, teasingly.
“Shut up Princey, tell anyone and i”ll gut you.”
‘You will not.’ Logan chastises via sign Language.
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skeletaldarling · 5 years
Soft For You
Summary: Some soft sides in the morning, just a fluffy oneshot 
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety 
Word Count: 1019
Warnings: Kissing, food mention, talk of scaring people as a joke, nothing serious tho, let me know if I missed anything 
If you want to be tagged in any of my writing, just send me an ask, I’d love to do that, if you want to read any more of my stuff, the tag is just rj fic. 
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Patton jumped as a terrified shriek echoed through the mindscape, he hurriedly turned the stove down and raced up the stairs, Logan right behind him. 
The sides halted at the top of the stairs, equally shocked to see Virgil laughing hysterically as Roman sat on the ground, looking as if he’d just fallen over, the prince scowled at his boyfriend, “are you seriously just going to keep laughing at me?” 
Virgil wheezed, he nodded frantically instead of responding, his giggling getting in the way of speaking. 
Patton tilted his head to one side, “um, kiddos? What’s going on here?” 
Logan adjusted his glasses, “I too, am curious to understand what has occurred.” 
Virgil giggled, “he got scared!” 
Roman squawked, “did not!”
“Did too!” Virgil insisted, still grinning, “I jumped out of my room and he got spooked!” 
“I was not spooked!” Roman huffed and crossed his arms, “I was caught off guard.”
Virgil snorted, “yeah that’s the point Princey, you weren’t expecting to get spooked and then aha! I spooked you.” 
“Ugh, shut up you Halloween-Obsessed Emo.”
Virgil grinned, he looked very pleased with himself, Patton stepped forward, “well why don’t you stand up kiddo,” he offered Roman a hand, “and then we could go and have some breakfast, I’m making eggs.” 
Logan cleared his throat, “speaking of which, perhaps you could go and check on them, we don’t need a repeat of last week’s waffles.” 
“Right!” Patton raced downstairs to the kitchen. 
Roman stood up and shot one last glare at his boyfriend before bounding after the moral side. Virgil giggled again, his cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink, Logan smirked, “we heard him scream, what was his face like?”
Virgil mimicked Roman’s face of surprised fear before breaking down into another fit of laughter. Logan let out a chuckle as well, “come on Virge, we should go and check on them before they burn down the kitchen.” 
Roman was sulking at the table, his lips tugged down in a pout. Patton served four plates of eggs, doing his best to comfort the moody side, “it’s okay Ro, we all get a little scared sometimes, you’ve seen me around spiders.” 
Virgil nudged Roman’s leg, “c’mon, move,” he pushed the leg that Roman had crossed over his knee onto the floor, the anxious side plopped down in his lap instead, “see? This is much better, your leg is way better over there.” 
Roman rolled his eyes, he attempted to keep his still exterior but anyone could see the smile that pulled at the corner of his mouth, Virgil kissed his cheek, “you’re not actually mad at me, right? It was just a joke.” 
Roman shook his head, “I’m not mad,” he shifted to hold his boyfriend properly, “it’s very difficult to stay angry at you,” he kissed him. 
Virgil scoffed, looking away, “you’re so sappy,” he muttered, Roman just laughed, pulling him in for another kiss. 
Patton set plates in front of them, “no smooching at the table,” he reminded. 
Logan sat down with them, “thank you Patton, breakfast looks absolutely delicious,” he leaned over and pecked his boyfriend’s cheek, “you’re too good to us.” 
Patton blushed, “it’s just eggs…” he mumbled, his cheeks flushed even darker as Logan cupped his cheek and pressed a proper Good Morning Kiss to his lips. 
“You can’t even follow your own rule, this is stupid.” 
“Not now Virgil,” Logan said, brushing some hair away from Patton’s face, “eat your breakfast.” 
“Whatever,” Virgil muttered, shifting in Roman’s lap to better reach his plate. 
Patton kissed Logan’s nose before they started on their own meals. 
Afterwards, Roman pulled Virgil into the living room and together they tumbled onto the couch, put some Disney movie on, and proceeded to make out in the common area while it played. 
Patton sighed as he looked over at them, “guess we’ll have to do something in your room today.” 
Logan wrapped his arms around the moral trait’s waist, “we could always go to your garden.” 
Patton perked up, he spun around to face Logan, “that sounds amazing, Lo.” 
Logan took his hand, “shall we?”
“Lead the way,” Patton smiled as they sunk out. 
They reappeared in a familiar little part of the mindscape, somewhere Roman had originally created but gotten bored with quickly, he’d left it open for the other sides but rarely visited himself. 
It was just a small circle of grass surrounded by trees, there was a vegetable patch on one side, another little wooden box filled with all sorts of flowers on the other, in between those there was an uneven stone path that circled the whole area and snaked off into the trees. The grass that filled the empty spaces was soft and dotted with little daisy patches. 
Patton took in a deep breath, “oh I love it here.” 
Logan chuckled, “I’m aware, many wonderful things happened here.” 
Patton sat down in the grass, lying back on the soft ground, “this is where I confessed my feelings for you, it’s also where you told me you loved me for the first time.” 
Logan had joined him on the ground, “it’s where we were when I read Romeo and Juliet to you.”
“Where I made your first flower crown.” 
“Where you cut your thumb while cutting flowers.”
“Where I saw you cry for the first time.” 
“Where I always thought I’d propose to you,” Logan said, picking at a flower with one hand. 
Patton looked over, “what?” 
Logan turned his head, “if I ever manage to build up the courage to ask you to be my husband, this is where I’d do it.” 
“Oh, Logan…” Patton breathed, “you’re so sweet.” 
Logan blushed, “don’t tell the others, they don’t need to know how soft I am.”
Patton giggled, “but I do,” he rolled over to kiss the logical side, wrapping his arms around his neck, smiling against his lips as Logan held his waist, returning the kiss with the softest grin. 
The lay in the flowers for a while longer, the sun shining down on them as they shared kisses and whispered words of love. 
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logansanderslove · 5 years
Logan 3.0  (3/?)
CO-AUTHOR: @demented-dukey
Summary: Remus is an incorrigible flirt, and Logan can only bear the innuendo for so long until something has to give. Passions erupt, but there are more lasting repercussions than either could have predicted, including a significant transformation to Logan himself! How will these new changes affect the delicate balance of Thomas’s mental state? When a new dark side threatens the lives of several of the other sides, will Logan and Remus’s love be strong enough to save everyone, including Thomas?
Sanders Sides: Logan, Remus, Thomas, Roman, Virgil, Patton, Deceit
Fic type: Drama, Romantic, Action, Flirty
Trigger Warnings: No character deaths, but a lot of very close calls. Consensual knife play and bloodplay, and lots of bloody fighting and monster attacks. If you’re sensitive to unsympathetic characters, some parts flirt pretty close to that, but there’s also a lot of extenuating circumstances to explain the situation, and there’s a happy ending once you get through the angst and misunderstandings. Self-harm and references to such, and suicidal tendencies.
Chapter 3: What’s Happening?
Hours later, Logan's eyes fluttered open, a small groan escaping his lips. Oh God, his head hurt. He went to sit up but a sharp stab of pain restricted him from doing so. He glanced down to see his shirt had been removed and the wound inflicted by Roman had been bandaged and cleaned.
Looking around, he raised his eyebrow at the dark-colored room, the maces and morningstar hanging on the wall, all the many knives that lay scattered and were stuck in the walls and ceiling, the...posters of unicorn porn?
He sighed.
This was Remus' room.
He smiled, then forced himself to sit up, sucking in air through the intense pain. Once he was upright, he put a hand gently to his throat, feeling the sting from where Roman's tight grip had almost killed him. He concentrated on trying to heal his wounds, but his head started to pound so he stopped with a hard breath.
He heard a sound, then turned to see Remus rise up. He met him with a smile.
"You're awake!" Remus chirped, holding a tray of food. He hurried over, placing the tray on the bed, sitting down next to Logan. The silver tray was tarnished, and the silverware was clean but dotted with water spots - something Patton would never have tolerated in the Light Sides' kitchen. The food on the tray was also non-standard fare - a bowl of what smelled like spicy gumbo, black coffee so strong it could crawl out of the cup, applesauce with what looked like raisins and anchovies, and a shredded-carrot coleslaw. "How are you feeling, Lo-black-and-blue-berry?"
Remus frowned, "I tried to find some Crofters, but I think my bastard brother raided my stash the last time he got a bit peckish."
Logan smiled, leaning against his boyfriend. "It is fine, Remus. Good thing I have MY store of Crofters hidden where Roman will never find it." He said. Then he smirked. "Inside my bookshelf. And other places around my room." He said, then he closed his eyes as he scooted closer. "Thank you for taking care of me, love."
"I could do no less for my knight in shining armor," Remus purred, honored that Logan was sharing his secrets with him. He cuddled Logan, encouraging the side to lean against him. All the skin on display was distracting now that Logan was awake, but Remus forced himself under control - there would be time to draw on that canvas later. "You have performed admirably in your cause, and have earned a reward. Name your boon, and I'll grant it."
Logan smirked. "You are over the top, like your brother. But it works on you." He said with a wink, then his lips curled up in a smile. "How about just a nice cuddle?"
Remus grinned, "I can do that!" He tugged a dark green blanket over them to keep Logan warm. "We can cuddle as long as you desire! The others can pound on the door until Doomsday and we won't be disturbed." He leaned close to whisper into Logan's ear, "My room has very thick soundproof walls and doors."
"I'm guessing for obvious reasons." Logan stroked Remus' cheek. "We can save that for another day. For now, my head hurts and I just want to rest in your arms, love."
"As you wish, darling." Yeah, Remus was sappy and quoting romance movies. So sue him, Roman didn't get all the romantic tenancies in the divorce. He wondered why Logan hadn't vanished away his own injuries yet - Remus had tried while Logan was unconscious, but that was another power that was beyond his abilities - but if Logan wanted a bit of hurt/comfort, Remus was more than willing to indulge him. He cradled Logan close, nuzzling Logan's neck and sighing happily.
Patton's eyes went wide in shock. "HE DID WHAT?!" He exclaimed as Roman nursed the lump on his head, the Prince's eyes narrowing.
"Logan hit me!" He then bit his lip. "I have to say, he has a pretty mean left jab." 
Patton blinked owl-leshly behind his big glasses. "Back up. Logan loves Remus? When did this happen???"
Roman waved his free hand in the air in frustration. "I don't know. I caught them nearly fornicating on the couch, but this is the first time I've seen Logan give Re the time of day."
Patton bit his lip. "Do you think the others know? Like Virgil?"
As if summoned by the sound of his name, Virgil rose up. "Yo, what's up, people?" He took one look at Roman cradling his head and Patton's worried face, then his gaze caught on a smear on the carpet, and he screeched, "IS THAT BLOOD???"
Roman nodded. "Uh...yeah....about that..." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head ruefully. "I MAY have...uh...stabbed Logan."
"YOU WHAT?!" Patton shrieked.
"Vicious, Princey." Even Virgil looked wary of Roman now. "What did he ever do to you?"
Patton was freaking out, "Where did you stab him??? Is he all right? Where is he??? WHY DID YOU STAB HIM???"
Roman frowned. "He was mocking me! Pushing me! He was TAUNTING ME TO HURT HIM!" He shook his head. "He...he wasn't himself....it was like someone had flipped a switch and suddenly he was a darker version of himself." 
Patton wrung his hands together. "But...where is he?" He wondered, and Roman sighed.
"Best guess? Remus probably took him to his room after I knocked Logan out." He held up his hands at the wide eyes from the other two. "HE WASN’T HIMSELF! AND HE WAS CALLING ME STUPID AND EGGING ME ON! IT WAS HIS OWN FAULT!"
Virgil rolled his eyes, "Way to be responsible with a lethal weapon. Also, bee-tee-dubs, 'He was asking for it' and 'It was his own fault' is kinda victim-blamey, dude."
"Maybe we should go check on Logan?" Patton said, fretting with the sleeves of his hoodie.
Virgil shook his head. "No use. I've been to Remus's room before - the thing's solid as a fortress. Nobody's getting in or out unless Remus allows it, and if he's gone feral, the drawbridge will be locked up tight. We'll have to wait for Logan to come out on his own."
"I guess... that'll be all right? As long as Thomas is still doing okay...?" Patton said.
"Yessssss, because that is what you should be focusing on," came a hiss from the shadows, causing them to jump as Deceit appeared.
"Deceit!" Patton yelped in surprise, "Did you know about Remus and Logan?"
Virgil crossed his arms in defense, eyeing the snake, "What do you mean?"
Deceit ignored them and focused on Roman, "You said Logan was acting totally normal? He wasn't suddenly a darker version of himself?"
Roman raised his eyebrow. "Uh, yeah?" He rubbed the back of his head. "He's got some serious pent-up anger in there."
Virgil started chewing on his thumbnail nervously.
"That... doesn't sound like Logan at all." Patton murmured hesitantly.
Roman rolled his eyes. "The guy seems to have no emotions 98% of the time. All of that has to go somewhere." He turned on Deceit. "Why do you ask, anyway?"
Deceit sighed, an exhausted Lord-why-did-you-curse-me-to-deal-with-these-morons exhale of breath. "Because it's totally not possible for an aspect to change, and Thomas would be completely fine if the seat of his mind and logic also controlled his anger and fury."
"You think... Logan's going to become a Dark Side?" Patton whispered in shocked disbelief.
Roman's eyes grew wider than the moon when he considered it. Had he been the one to push Logan over the edge? What if Thomas lost his logical side because of him?!
Roman spun around and grabbed Deceit's shoulders, shocking the other side.
"Deceit, I need you to go to my brother's room, find Logan, and bring him back, okay?! We need to make sure Remus won't turn him into a Dark side!" He said with panic.
Deceit raised his eyebrow, then shook his head. "It does work like that, Roman. Remus can turn Logan into a dark side. And Logan is the one who is doing it to himself." He drawled out, but Roman shook his head.
"I don’t care! You're the only one who can actually get into his room! GO!"
"I am definitely going to fix this entire situation." Deceit drawled, skepticism dripping from his voice as he sunk out.
Deceit reappeared outside the door to Remus's room. He knew there was no point in knocking - Remus wouldn't be able to hear it, and even on a good day, the chaotic side was likely to ignore a polite greeting just to be contrary. With a twist of his wrist, Deceit summoned a tiny grass snake and lowered it to the ground. If Remus was in a bad mood (which was extremely likely), then the color of the snake might be the extra lure needed for Remus to grant him an audience. "Find Remussssss." Deceit hissed to the snake, "Tell him I need to sssssee him."
The snake bobbed its head once, tongue flicking out to taste the air, before turning to face the door. There was a tiny crack under one corner of the door, small enough that only the smallest of Deceit's snakes and Virgil's spiders could crawl through. When Remus was truly throwing a fit, he plugged up the hole, but most of the time it was available for emergencies. And Deceit figured this could be categorized as such. 
Remus drifted awake from some lovely blood-soaked and scream-filled dreams when he felt something smooth slip around his wrist. For a moment he wondered if Logan was surprising him with handcuffs, but the thought vanished when Remus felt the sensation slither up his arm. He cracked one eye open, watching the gorgeous green snake rear up and taste his cheek in a friendly way. "Really, so soon?" Remus groaned, closing his eye and snuggling back against Logan.
Logan twitched in his sleep, then opened his eyes when he heard a small hissing. He raised his head, rubbing his face tiredly as he reached for his glasses. Once he put them on, he was confronted by a very small little green snake resting on the pillow beside Remus' head. He raised his eyebrow.
"I assume this is one of Deceit's snakes..." he muttered, then he gently shook Remus awake. "Love, there is a snake on your pillow trying to get your attention. I think Deceit wants to talk to you."
"Nooooooo." Remus clenched his eyes closed, clinging to Logan. "Five more minutes," he whined.
Logan sighed, then rolled out of bed, a difficult task trying to escape Remus' cling. But he managed, and he stood up and went to the door, unlocking and opening it to see the snake-faced man standing before him. Logan frowned.
"What do you want, Deceit? We were asleep."
"Sssso sorry to bother you," Deceit snarked, eyeing Logan carefully from head to toe, making note of his shirtlessness and visible wounds and bruises. His gaze returned to Logan's face, and he squinted as he looked deep into Logan's eyes. "The other sides are not concerned about your welfare, and they would never send me to check on you."
Logan nodded with a sigh. "Ah. I assume that Roman told them everything, including my loss of temper?" He frowned. "I can also guess that he told you I hit him when in reality, he did far more damage to me." He twitched his shoulder and gently put a finger to his jaw, then his neck. "And he called ME aggressive."
Deceit nodded towards the bandage on Logan's shoulder. "There was no mention that you might have been wounded. Although I can totally understand why you're still injured."
The tiny grass snake had returned, winding up Deceit's leg. Deceit reached for it and let the snake slither inside his sleeve. They were joined by a sleep-tousled Remus, who embraced Logan from behind and rested his chin on Logan's good shoulder.
Logan smiled as he reached back to rub Remus' cheek, then he sighed. "I tried healing them and vanishing them. It won't work, Deceit." He then crossed his arms. "It does not matter, though. Did you need something other than to ask me how I am?" His voice turned slightly bitter. "Has Roman come down from his high horse yet of saying that it was my fault? Because I know that he would blame it on me. As usual."
Deceit shrugged. "Everyone knows Roman is the most reliable source of information, and you are definitely the only one to blame." He buffed his nails on his cape, and remarked offhandedly, "There was no talk whatsoever of you becoming a dark side yourself."
Remus started, "Wait, what?" Logan? Becoming a dark side? Of all the random and crazy thoughts that popped into Remus' head, that was one he'd never thought about. But... it kinda made sense... and if Virgil could transition, it was possible that the reverse could happen too... "Is that even possible?"
Logan scrunched up his face, rubbing his chin. "...In theory, I believe it could be possible..." he lifted his head with a raised eyebrow. "But why in the name of Newton would they ever suspect me as having a transition? What would possess them to consider that I would ever turn to a Dark Side?"
Deceit looked Logan dead in the eye, "I'm sure I don't have the foggiest clue. It is completely logical to get into a fight, and very normal for you to aggravate Roman into violence."
Nipping Logan's ear, Remus said, "Not gonna lie, it was hot to see you egging him on."
Logan closed his eyes with a sigh, then shook his head. "Perhaps you are right that I was a bit illogical. My actions were quite… unnecessary. However, I still do not entirely see why they would think that I would be becoming a Dark Side."
Logan turned his head to meet Remus' eyes with a questioning gaze. "What exactly are the qualifications for one to be classified as a Dark Side?"
Remus blinked. Today was full of new and interesting thoughts he'd never stopped to ponder before. "I... I don't know? I don't think there's...like, a list or anything? Everyone just said... I mean, I guess it up to whatever Thomas thinks? Or, maybe not just Thomas..."
"Morality." Deceit hissed. "...would definitely not have the final say, and dear Patton has complete control over his own powers." He shrugged, "In the end, it isn't up to each side to choose their own alignment, although Morality was not the one to set up the alignments in the first place, and does not unconsciously enforce the alignment as part of his powers."
Logan's eyes went wide. "Wait, WHAT?! So, if Patton starts to think of me as becoming a Dark Side all because Roman threw a temper tantrum and I may have gotten a bit frustrated, Patton can turn me into a Dark Side?!" He exclaimed, letting out a hard breath as Remus wrapped his arms around him.
Logan felt like his chest was going to explode. Just because he had lost his nerve a tad and then Roman had to go and tattle on him when he was the one who really did the most damage, he could become a Dark Side without wanting to...because Patton would fear him…
What would happen to Thomas if Patton dubbed him as a Dark Side?
His eyes then shot open, glancing down at his wounds as something clicked in his head. "Oh, god..." he muttered.
Deceit rolled his eyes, "It definitely works like that," he muttered under his breath, "I love how everyone always listens to me."
Remus had briefly examined the idea of Logan going dark and found he kinda liked the idea. Lo already looked good in black! And maybe his room would be moved closer! (and maybe the others would be less likely to interfere with two dark sides dating than they would a light/dark relationship - after all, if Logan was already corrupted, nobody could accuse Remus of corrupting him further). But it was obvious the idea was causing Logan distress, and Remus did NOT like that. He began rubbing Logan's shoulders in a gentle massage, wary of his injuries, and manifested a couple shadowy tentacles from his back to wrap around them both, hugging Logan around the waist.
Logan let out a long shaky breath, then he looked back up at Deceit. "Listen, I'm rather concerned right now and my neurons are firing faster than I can process. So can you honestly explain what you mean, and how this is happening? Simply and honestly, Dee."
Remus gently latched onto Logan's good shoulder with his teeth - not really biting, just mouthing the flesh and imprinting his teeth into the skin. The distraction helped keep him from talking and possibly saying something wrong, and he really wanted to listen to this conversation - he didn't think Patton could force anyone to become a dark side, but he didn't really remember his own split with Roman very well, and he personally never asked to be a Dark side... everyone just kept telling him he was, and he'd never questioned it. He'd never even really considered trying to become a light side since Roman was always already there.
Deceit grimaced and took a deep breath. "I... am," he hesitated, and forced out, "not an expert. You don't," a wince, and a correction, "do know as much as I do. I am," and here, Deceit, obviously swallowed down a word before continuing, "concerned about Thomas's well being. You do," a brief cough into his fist, "have control over your own alignment."
Deceit hesitated, "That being said..."
"The mindscape is... fluid, and it does (cough) conform to the will of the majority. It would (ahem) be wise to speak with Patton at your earliest convenience so that any misunderstandings are..." and here, Deceit gestured vaguely, indicating a clearing of the air.
Logan nodded, a small smile on his face. "Thank you, Deceit. I know how hard it is for you to do that, and I appreciate you telling the truth."
He glanced at his wounds. "The reason I was extremely concerned is the fact that I cannot seem to vanish away my injuries, but that may be in part to my mindset not being strictly to one side at the moment. You must be in full concentration to be able to do so, and I think that all this talk of me turning has completely disheveled my inner workings." He frowned. "This brings up the troubling question as to what effect this is going to have on Thomas."
He spun to Remus, causing his boyfriend to detach his teeth gently. He stroked Remus' cheek. "I must go and talk to the others at once." He bit his lip, squeezing his eyes shut, then Remus watched as a dark blue t-shirt appeared on him. When Logan opened his eyes he stumbled, putting a hand to his head. Remus barely caught him as Logan let out a worried sigh. "Yes, something is definitely wrong." He walked to pull on his shoes, tying them messily as his head was still pounding, then he stood and walked to the door, meeting Deceit's eyes.
"Alright. Let us go talk to the others."
Deceit glanced at Remus, "Perhaps, it would not be better if you stayed here."
Remus bristled, "Like HELL I'm staying behind! Roman tried to shish-kabob Lo the last time he saw him! Besides, he can barely stand on his own!"
Deceit sighed, "I assure you I would not do everything in my power to keep Logic intact. But you are welcome among the light sides, and you would never cause a sensitive conversation to get out of hand."
Remus glared at Deceit, but then glanced at Logan to see what his boyfriend thought.
Logan hesitated, then he sighed. "Re, I think Deceit is right. I don’t know what Patton or Virgil would do to you, but I'm well aware that Roman would gladly kill you. So please," he rubbed his boyfriend's cheek. "Just stay here, love. I'll be fine."
His eyes were slightly uncertain, a hint of fear encased in them, but he took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he sank out with Deceit.
Remus stared at the spot on the floor where Logan had sunk down. He... he knew it was probably for the best, but it still hurt, and he still Did Not Like letting Logan go without him. Anger and fear churned in his belly, and he swiveled on his heel, snatched the morningstar off the wall, and headed out a back door of his room into the depths of the subconscious imagination. He was itching to get a little bloody, and fighting some of the monsters that lurked down there would hopefully do the trick.
Deceit and Logan rose up in the common area, to the others’ surprise.
"You did it." Virgil said, his tone disbelieving.
"Did you have any doubts?" Deceit smirked.
Virgil scoffed. "Always," he grinned.
Patton hesitantly approached Logan, "Your shirt..." he murmured, then looked into Logan's face, eyeing the bruises with concern, "Roman said you were hurt???"
Logan crossed his arms. "I believe you should rephrase that statement to 'Roman hurt me', then you will have an accurate handle on the occurrences." He stated blandly, shooting a dirty look to the Prince who sat on the couch. He then turned back to Patton. "And yes, I am wearing a different shirt one, because my other one was completely blood-soaked," he again glared at Roman. "And two...this was all I had the strength to conjure."
"Can I..." Patton said, gently laying his palm on Logan's chest, "I think I can try to..." he closed his eyes and focused his energy on healing Logan's wounds.
Logan flinched, shoving Patton’s hand away with a small cry. "GAH! That hurt! Why did that hurt?!”
Patton looked horrified, looking between Logan to his hand and back again. "It's not supposed to hurt!" Patton echoed with a cry. "Why..." he searched the faces of the others, confused and worried.
"The plot thickens..." Virgil muttered, drawing his hood up over his head and scrunching down into his hoodie.
Logan swept his eyes around the others in fear, his normally strong composure beginning to break down.
"Guys, I don’t know what's going on, okay? All I know is that I can’t heal myself, and if I try to use too much energy I almost pass out. I just..." he shook his head.
He left out the part where his head had been pounding and he couldn't really distinguish which of the Sides was which at the moment, but he knew that soon they would notice.
They all knew something was wrong with him. But they just didn't know what. And what scared Logan the most was that he had no idea what it was either, and there was no logic in anything that was happening. 
He wasn’t him.
Deceit would have left, but he'd given a promise to Remus that he'd keep an eye on the geek, so he forced himself to stay. Logan wasn't looking so good and was likely to start swaying on his feet at any moment. With a sigh, Deceit caught Logan's elbow and lead him over to the couch, sitting him down in the edge seat as far away from Roman as possible, before plopping down on the couch next to him. He manifested a glass of water and offered it to Logan, subtly slipping some painkillers into his hand in the process - all the tension in the room was starting to give Deceit a stress headache, and he could only imagine what it was doing to Logan.
Logan gladly took the offers from Deceit, taking a painkiller with a sip of water before setting the cup down with a shaky breath. He held a hand to his head, blinking hard as he tried to keep his eyes from blurring even more. The others all looked at him with worry until Logan finally shook his head.
"De-Deceit, can you...can you explain why...why this might be happening? As you told me ear-earlier?..." he struggled to get his words out, trying incredibly hard to keep a tight grasp on consciousness. He had no idea what was happening to him, but it seemed to be speeding up.
He met the hesitant eyes of the snake man, but his own pleading look got Deceit to cave.
Oh yeah. Deceit was so glad he'd decided to stay. But Logan was one of the least insufferable sides Deceit had the displeasure of knowing, so he capitulated easier than he might normally have. "I am totally an expert in the matter, and I would love to explain it to everyone." Deceit snarked, and then took a deep breath, "The mindscape never changes, and every side always stays the same. Thomas's needs never change, and so every side is never at risk of losing or gaining various abilities depending on the needs of the host."
Deceit glared at Roman and Patton, "General consensus of the more powerful sides never plays a part either because the mindscape doesn't conform itself to their subconscious will. Anyone shunned by Thomas's preferred sides won't find themselves... compelled towards the dark sides."
"Wait, this is my fault???" Roman exclaimed, "I can't get mad that Logan's getting freaky with my brother, because my anger is sending him to the dark side???"
"This is only your fault," Deceit said to Roman, but his gaze was fixed on Patton.
Patton looked around with wide eyes, then he pointed to himself. "W-wait, you're saying that I'm also a reason Logan is like this?!" He said with immense concern.
Logan lifted his head with great effort, taking a deep breath. "Yes, Patton. Th-that is what he is s-saying..." 
God, thirty more seconds and Logan would be on the ground. The room was reeling for him, his eyelids feeling like they were made of lead. He barely glanced to the side to see Virgil staring at him, the Anxious Side seeming very concerned.
"Lo? You okay?" He asked quietly, but Logan shook his head, a shaky breath escaping his mouth before he collapsed from the couch to the floor, the frantic shouts disappearing as he blacked out.
Roman leaped forward to try to help the others pick up Logan from the floor, but Deceit blocked his path, hissing until Roman backed off. Patton was freaking out, afraid to touch Logan in case he hurt him again.
Deceit allowed Virgil to help him pick up Logan, glaring at the others if they got too close. "He should be in his room." Deceit murmured so only Virgil could hear, his own complicated thoughts the only reason he was able to speak without an obvious lie. Was Logan's room really the best place for him? Would Remus' be better? Deceit would rather keep Remus at a distance until Logan had recovered a bit - the confrontation with the light sides had not gone as well as he'd hoped, and the chaotic side was likely to go feral in retaliation once he found out.
"Yeah, Lo's room would be the best." Virgil agreed, and Deceit took comfort in Virgil's opinion. "We'll take care of him for now, you guys," Virgil said to Patton and Roman, "and we'll reconvene later when Logan's feeling better."
Once Virgil and Deceit had brought Logan to his room, they laid him down on his dark navy blue comforter, resting his head on the single grey pillow. Lo's room was very simple as he tried not to clutter it up; it distracted him from getting work done.
Virgil sat down on the edge of the bed, then looked up at Deceit as he placed his hand on Logan's arm.
"What's happening to him, Dee? Things have just been getting worse and worse and..." he took a few deep breaths, calming himself down so as not to have a panic attack. "What do we do?"
Deceit grabbed the desk chair, wheeling it over so he could sit by the side of the bed. "I don't know," he admitted sadly. Not exactly a lie - he had some suspicions, but he was flying as blind as the rest of them. He looked at Virgil. "You... what was it like? When you transitioned?"
Virgil sat straight up, then met Deceit's eyes. "Nothing like this, I can assure you that. It..." He took a deep breath. "It was more of a warm and fuzzy feeling, like when you come in from the winter and you get to wrap yourself in a cuddly blanket." He smirked a bit. "I know that sounds super cliche, but that's just how it felt. But..."
He looked down at one of his best friends. "Lo really seems to be in pain. Do you think his primary functions are short-circuiting or something? And who's to say what'll happen to Thomas because of this?!" His anxiety really started to kick in, then he sighed. "Is Lo gonna become a Dark Side?"
Both Deceit and Virgil turned their gaze to the man laying on the bed beside them
Logan's skin was starting to glisten with sweat, his breath short and ragged. Never had the Logical side looked so weak.
Deceit shrugged. It was easier to talk to Virgil, easier to say what he wanted to say when he wasn't sure himself what the truth was. "I... think it's up to Logan to decide. There are... many factors, but..." Deceit sighed, and shrugged again. "Thomas controls us, we don't control the host unless he allows it. Logan changing... is an effect of something already happening to Thomas, not the other way around."
"Maybe we should... check on Thomas? See if he's doing something to cause this?" Virgil suggested reluctantly but didn't make a move to sink out. Neither side wanted to leave Logan when his health seemed so precarious.
Deceit manifested a damp washcloth and began to wipe down Logan's face.
Logan moaned quietly, flinching at the touch of the cloth. The other two caught each other's eyes, then a sound behind them made their eyes go wide.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Remus shrieked, running to his boyfriend's side. Shaking his head as he stroked Logan's cheek gently, he turned to face Virgil. 
"NOTHING!" Virgil hissed defensively, instinctively cowering away from Remus's wrath. "Pat tried to heal him, but something went wrong, and he's just been getting worse. We don't know what's going on either."
A dangerous, deadly calm settled over Remus's face. "Patton did this?"
Virgil glared at him, "NOT what I said. Calm the fuck down, dude, you're not helping."
"I CAN'T CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Remus shrieked, causing Deceit and Virgil to wince.
Another small groan came from the bed, and Remus spun to take Logan's hand in his own. "Lo?..." he said quietly, then all three of the men grew wide eyes as Logan slowly opened his eyes, a small smile growing on his face as he met the gaze he loved so dearly. 
"Remus..." he murmured, and Remus nodded silently. He scooted closer, leaning down to kiss Logan's forehead, then he turned to Deceit and Virgil. 
"You two should go and see what's up with Thomas. I'll say with Lo." He said, and after a short exchange of glances, Deceit and Virgil sank out. He turned his attention back to Logan, who held his arms out as if begging for Remus to lay with him.
Remus couldn't deny his love anything, even when he wasn't lying half-dead and delirious with fever. Remus quickly removed his shirt and gently laid down next to Logan - he knew body heat was supposed to be important for hypothermia, so it stood to reason that it might also help regulate a fever. At least, Remus hoped so - besides, he rarely needed an excuse to start taking off his clothes.
Remus sighed happily, encircled by Logan's arms and hugging him back. He was still lowkey worried, but at least Logan was still responsive.
Logan leaned into his boyfriend's hold, taking a deep breath. "Remus, I think I know what's going on." He said with a slight shake to his voice. After an intrigued look crossed Remus' face, Logan continued.
"I believe that I am becoming what is called a 'neutral side'. I had only ever theorized the possibility of it actually happening, but now that I consider it, this seems to make sense."
"If anyone could become Neutral, it'd be Logic," Remus smiled, then considered, "...though, is that still what you are?" His eyes widened and he rushed to correct himself, "Not that I'd love you any less if you changed! Obviously not! You could turn into a bat and I wouldn't love you any less! Probably more! I love bats! They have funky black wings! And you would look cool as a bat! But if you aren't a bat that's cool too! I just..." Remus wound down from his excited babble, "I just want you to be happy."
Logan chuckled, nuzzling closer to his boyfriend. "I am still Logic, Re, but I believe that I will now also be controlling Anger and Fury." He took a deep breath. "In all honesty, I knew that there was something more to me. I've known for years. I just didn’t know what it was. But now I can see that the feeling that was building up inside of me was exactly that. Anger."
He took a deep breath, then a smile crossed his face. "I must say, that now that I am aware of what it is and that both of my aspects are clear, I have a new clarity in my head that I've never had before."
"So I was right!" Remus chirped happily and poked Logan in the chest. "That calm of yours was hiding a storm."
Logan bit his lip, then sat up, finding that he had much more strength than before. "No use in delaying the inevitable."
When Logan sat up, Remus feigned disappointment at being dislodged from his comfy spot. "There's lots of use in delaying the inevitable," he whined. "The last time you left a bed didn't go so well. What do you think's gonna happen this time?"
Logan sighed again, closing his eyes. "What happened last time only happened due to the fact that I wasn’t complete. But now...." 
Taking a deep breath, he stood up and closed his eyes, lifting his head. As Remus watched, his boyfriend began to change. His blue shirt turned to his black button-up, but a sharper version. His jeans turned black, his shoes turning to all black Vans. His hair turned darker, shorter, and a bit spiky, then a dragon earring appeared to wrap around his right ear while a black cuff stuck on the other, star-shaped charms dangling from the cuff. 
Logan let out a long breath, then turned to face Remus wholly, whose eyes had gone completely wide. Logan's tie was now all black paisley, and his logo was no longer just his brain, but had a hazard sign behind it.
Logan ran a hand through his hair before opening his eyes, a grin on his face. "Now I'm complete."
Remus stared, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, at the new version of his boyfriend. "Fuck me..." he breathed, intending it in every possible meaning of the phrase.
Logan crouched down and stroked Remus' cheek. "Maybe later, love. For now, we should inform the others."
Remus leaped out of bed and pounced on Logan, pinning him to the nearest wall. "Definitely later," he demanded, capturing Logan's mouth in a hot and brutal kiss that left them both breathless. Remus panted, trying to catch his breath, "We? You want me to come with this time?"
Logan smirked, a new look that completely captivated his boyfriend. "Of course. But promise me that you won't try to kill anyone." He leaned forward. "If you behave, then we can get naughty later tonight." He bit the edge of Remus' ear, kissing his neck afterward.
"How does that sound?" He whispered.
Remus whimpered shamelessly - after a lifetime of being touch-starved, every kiss and nibble Logan bestowed was driving him wild. "I would kill for you," he said, his voice dead serious for likely the first time in his life. "Not killing... will be harder... but I'll do it. For you. I'll do anything for you."
Logan met his eyes sweetly. "Good. Then let's go." He kissed Remus' cheek before taking his hand and sinking out.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
NOT angst time, if anything we're an hour past that now.
This does feature a younger, slightly new born Virgil being introduced to the "dark sides," so prepare yourself! Roman and Remus are already separated, King Creativity and Orange are their own characters, don't worry one of them will have a name😉
No one expected it, expected a small, dimly colored baby to appear in their own homage of the main room Thomas and the core sides met in, clad in a small onsie and barely having hair on his little head.
The three grown sides and the royal with them approached him carefully, the infant staring at them as he nibbled on his fingers.
Janus tilted his head to the side and the child copied the action. He stuck out his tongue and the child giggled.
"You're a really little one, aren't you?" The yellow side asked as he picked up the new side. "I wonder what you represent?"
"Janus," Remus cringed, "no. No. Don't play the dad in this. That's Patton's job."
"He has a point, regardless," the orange side admitted. He stood at Janus's side as he ran a hand through the child's hair, letting the boy hold his finger. He smiled as the baby teethed on him.
"Eat him, kid," urged Remus. "Bite his finger off."
"Majesty, are sides usually born like this?"
"They are, but..." The tallest side noted the shade of the onesie and the light grey half moons under his eyes. He quickly pulled a handkerchief out from his pocket and dampened it on his tongue before wiping gently at the half moons, his curiosity increasing as they stayed where they were. "Not this dark of a side so young. The last time a side like this was born was logic."
"Maybe he represents problem solving," Janus shrugged as he turned to the now wide eyed, curious side. "Is that what side you are?" He asked sweetly. "Are you problem solving?"
The baby put a hand to the snake half of Janus's face, intrigued by the cool, smooth scales the opposed warm skin.
"Aren't you a curious little one?"
Remus groaned as he flopped onto the couch, giving the king a "gag me" gesture.
"He can't be curiosity," the orange side stated as softly as he could, gesturing to the dark clothes and half moons. "Maybe he's...fear?"
"Only one way to find out," Remus beamed as he shot to his feet.
Janus held the child close to his chest as the green side pranced forward.
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing." Remus's blatant smile and wild eyes made Janus back away slightly. "You really don't believe me, bananaconda?"
"If all due respect, I do," Janus hissed.
Remus flared his nostrils as he glared back at him. "Don't use that shit on me, Deceit."
"Gentlemen, language infront of an infant," the royal chided. His eyes wandered to the now nervous baby, taking the orange side's words into consideration. "Put him down for a second."
"But-" Janus choked as Remus cheered, "Yes!"
"Antonius, he's just a baby. You can't let him-"
"It's just to see what he represents."
Antonius glared at him, silencing him immediately.
Janus bit his lip and put the baby on the couch, the infant whimpering as he back away.
"He'll stop Remus before he does anything extreme," the orange side murmured.
Janus's eyes locked on Antonius, who watched Remus. The two were similarly dressed, but the king's outfit was far more extravagant, the shoulder pads having golden tassels draping just off the edges, the small ropes the size of Janus's middle finger. His suit was trim and hugged his body perfectly, every curve and angle, much unlike the Duke's outfit, which left room for comfort more than form. His Majesty was adept with maintaining his powerful appearance and power in general, especially amoung the sides he was surrounded by, keeping them on leashes as if they were dogs, even though he let them run free quite often.
Janus bit his lip. Don't let Remus hurt him, he willed.
Remus crouched infront of the baby, who instantly wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue.
"Too much deodorant, Dukey."
Remus scowled at the orange side's words, the baby giggling, "Dukey!"
Janus snickered to himself.
Antonius hid a smirk behind his hand. "His first word."
Remus's scowl melted into a smile as he began laughing. The baby giggled with him, only stopping when he cackled loudly.
The half moons darkened beneath his eyes.
Both Janus and Antonius practically stood on their toes as Remus backed away.
The child whimpered and whined, holding out his arms for the green side to return.
Remus shrieked aloud, making the three grown sides jump slightly.
The baby stared with furrowed brows and a quivering lip.
Janus, Antonius, and the orange side meet his eyes, Remus shrugged at them.
"I tried-"
A horrific wail filled the space, all four dropping slightly as they held their ears and gritted their teeth. Unlike Remus's, which was high pitched and only surprising, the baby's crying sounding like a wild animal had been injured and was in need of help.
Antonius scooped the child into his arms, holding him to his chest as he shushed and rocked him. The child quieted and buried his face into the king's shirt. Anxiety, he marveled in his head. "You're alright, little one," he assured quietly. "Everything is okay. We will not do that to you again." He turned to Remus, who stumbled to his feet. "Right?"
Remus opened his mouth to protest only for the king to raise an eyebrow and jerk his head to the sniffling infant in his arms. He rolled his eyes nodded, a small grin on his face.
"Right," the green side amended as he bent down to meet the child's admittedly frightened eyes. "And I'm so sorry for scaring you," he exaggerated. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive me my wrongdoings?"
The baby carefully reached his hand out and felt the Duke's mustache under his small fingers.
Remus gave a smal laugh as he stared at Antonius. "Forgiv-" The green side yelled as the baby yanked his mustache, the three males laughing slightly as Remus pulled free and hid behing Janus.
"The brat's evil. Don't trust him."
"Oh, hush, Remus, I'm sure little Anxiety still accepts your apology," Antonius mused.
Remus fumed. "Well, he can take that 'apology accepted' and-"
"Wait," Janus backpedaled. "Did you saw 'Anxiety?'"
Antonius nodded. "Something tells me our host is more... protective of himself than most others."
Remus oohed childishly as he eyed Janus. "Hear that, Janus? You're being replaced."
"Or he's getting a partner," the orange side hummed as he rubbed the child's cheek. "You would be surprised at how useful it can be to fly instead fight."
"And I serve to keep Thomas safe mentally. Dukey," Janus added.
The baby Anxiety chuckled slightly.
Remus sighed as he ruffled the boy's hair. "I'll keep it in mind, Snake."
Antonius sat down and held the baby in his hands, letting him stand on his lap.
"Think Patton will approve of this? Us looking after him?" The orange side asked cautiously. "If he finds out a core side was born here and that he's in our care..."
The thought made the colored sides queasy.
Antonius flicked his wrist, producing a plush spider out of thin air and handing it to Anxiety. "He already has his hands full with Remus's fairytale brother and a never ending machine such as Logic, not to mention keeping Thomas in line, however thin that may be." He folded one leg over the other and let Anxiety sit down, waving one of the outer spider legs at him as he held its head and front legs. "Consider this a favor on his part that he won't have to pay back."
"Sounds like you have a plan brewing," Remus reveled as he shook and hugged himself.
Antonius brushed some hair off of Anxiety's forehead. "Roman and Patton have a black and white perception of the world, and of us. Can you imagine what they would say if he'd appeared with them, let alone done?"
Remus bit his lip and Janus clenched a fist.
"We're the bag guys, that's what Roman says."
"Ah, but he forgets without us, who would Thomas be?" Antonius asked th Remus as he pointed a finger. He turned his attention back to Anxiety who squirmed off his knee and crawled on the couch, the spider trailing beside him as he held its leg. Janus smirked as he lowered to the ground and reappeared two cushions infront of the child, Anxiety perplexed by the sight. The royal chuckled at the two before turning back to the sides.
"When people are anxious about something, their judgement shifts like a broken pendulum, trying to decide what is right and what is wrong in a heartbeat. Exposed to anxiety, morality tends to become more of a guideline than a code. Creativity is a wonderful thing, but introduce a hint of fear of rejection, of losing everything you've worked so hard to have, and it all comes to a halt. Logically, when one gets anxious, they would think "calm down," even when all they can do is wallow in whatever caused them to be anxious in the first place." The king leaned back, seeing Anxiety and Janus had been listening.
"If Patton or Logan saw Anxiety, neither one would take him in."
"Doesn't Logan know there's this thing called a "grey area" where people do bad things for a good purpose?" The orange side pointed out.
"He does," Antonius agreed, "but the others don't and try to keep Thomas on a path that is inevitably going to destroy him."
Janus perked up as he helped Anxiety stand like Antonius had done before. "And that is our job. To keep Thomas safe and make sure he's taking care of his mind and body equally," he explained to Anxiety in a sweet tone. "The other sides want him to be a good person, but he has to take care of himself, too."
Anxiety swung his arms at his sides, smiling widely.
"That's right, little Anxiety. We're just as important as they are, and they need to know that."
Antonius's smile grew.
"Can we keep him?"
The three males averted their eyes to Remus, whose smile dropped when he met their gaze.
"What?" He asked innocently. "Evil kid's grown on me."
Antonius tsked as he shook his head and stood, Anxiety holding his arms out so he could be picked up, which he did. "Where do you see evil in taking time to collect yourself in the aftermath of a long day?" Antonius asked as he gestured to Janus, who fixed his posture to sit straight. "Where do you see evil in allowing yourself to know whether you had done something to wrong another and need to tell others you regret your actions towards them?" The orange side brightened as he nodded. "Where do you see evil in being vigilant of your surroundings?" Despite asking Remus, Antonius held Anxiety in his arms, but far enough to be staring directly into his eyes. "To take care of yourself is to be aware of what can hurt you and what can help you. I see no evil that."
"The others do," Remus said bitterly.
Antonius nodded. "Unfortunately." He smiled at Anxiety. "However, opinions change when people see the full picture rather than just one corner."
The three grew lively, agreeing and smiling as the king's eyes moved from one to the next, then back to Anxiety.
"Let this be your first lesson, little Anxiety. Self preservation, integrity, even intrusive thoughts, none of us are evil; we only wish to reach the same finish line as the core sides, even though our start was a little sloppy."
The more he said the side's trait, the more it left a bitter taste in his mouth, almost like saying Deceit when Janus helped a situation rather than make it worse.
Thomas's vigilance and awareness, he mused inwardly as Anxiety fidgeted and teethed on the ring on Antonius's thumb. Virgilius is too big of a name for a child like you. Even as you grow, it still may not fit you.
The role the child would have to play was too big for him now, but at least his name would fit just right.
Antonius held his forehead against Virgil's, letting the child's hands touch his face.
"The others don't like that word, evil. They tend to pity and hate themselves and then lash out at each other. Alas, the core sides are blissfully ignorant of the damage they cause." He sat down once more, holding an intrigued Virgil on his lap, the infant mesmerized by the words his elder spoke, despite barely understanding them. "Always remember that, Virgil, my boy.
"None of us are evil, and neither are you. We're all just as important as they are."
Virgil's eyes fluttered as he yawned and Antonius adjusted his hold to where the child's back was against his forearm and his head was against his upper arm and chest.
"Sweet dreams, Virgil," Antonius cooed softly. "And welcome to our family."
The warm and fuzzies!
They feel...
Really weird after writing so much angst.
I like it😊
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leedrop-angel · 5 years
Tickletober day 18: chase
Princxiaty(Roman x virgil)
Logan and Patton are out for a day of destressing, and Virgil and Roman try to clean so it won't stress them out again :3
Logan and patton left the mindscape to relax in the imagination, Patton was doing to much around the house alone, and it was taking a tole on him, and Logan hasn't relaxed in a month, worrying about everything they need to do. Roman sent them away, and that left Virgil and Roman alone, in a mess of the house. "Let's get the cleaning done so Padre won't get worse, huh emo nightmare?" Roman grins and kissed the top of virgils head, and Virgil gave a smirk, "fine, but do I have to where that cleaning outfit we got?" Virgil groans, Roman got both of them a outfit to clean in, and virgils wasn't anything he would usually where. Romans sneaky mind didn't tell him that he was getting outfits to show there tickle spots, Roman had a tank top and shorts, Virgil had a crop top, and shorts, Roman nodded and they go to Change.
After changing they got to cleaning, Virgil did the bathrooms, and kitchen, Roman did the living room, he sqweaks seeing Virgils spider legs getting him to get the cobwebs Patton was terrified to get. Roman was the only one who knew about that ability of virgils, but it just made him love him more, Roman was dusting the bookshelves as Virgil finished the webs and got to dusting the fan. But just to mess with Roman he reached the duster down and quickly swiped it under his arm. Roman sqwealed and laughed and put his arm down, but Virgil wasn't quick enough, and Roman now had both dusters and Virgil just hopped down, legs disappearing from his back. "Sohohoho you wanna play stormcloud? Let's play" and when Virgil seen the advances of Roman, and ran down the hall. Roman following close behind. "come back virge you can't escape the tickle prince!" Roman shouted, and took advantage of having the dusters and when he got close enough he swiped one on each of his Boyfriends sides, causeing a sqweal to come from him, along with a giggle, slowing him down. But also making him jump, his legs reappear and he goes onto the ceiling, thinking he's free and skitters away, but soon was cornered, and Roman created a wall on the only exits, trapping the spider side. "Come on down my little spider and take your tickles like a man" Roman chuckled, but Virgil thought he was safe up there, still facing Roman he folded his arm and grined, proud of himself, "nope, I'll stay up hear where you can't reach" but Roman just grins and the feather dusters to get virgils Belly, causing him to sqweal and start laughing, kicking his feet and tries to protect his belly, "NOHOHOHO AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH NOT THEHEHEHEHER AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA" virgil practically screams, as the feathers dip in and around his belly button "coochie coochie coo v, time to come down or I will keep tickling your super ticklish belly, and giggle button" and Roman quickened the pace, but soon virgils grip started to fail, causing him to fall, but bursting into a shadow to land, legs gone again and was still giggling on the floor, from the tingles in his belly. Roman smiled and set the dusters down, picking up his Boyfriend and taking him to the sofa and they just cuddle.
Logan and patton came in, back from there trip, and the first thing they see, other then a spotless house, making Patton even happier. But they saw Roman and Virgil asleep on on the sofa, Roman looked as if he was a sheld around Virgil, keeping him safe, and Virgil was just cuddling , his face in Romans chest, and a smile on his face, Patton took a few pictures and helped Logan get a blanket around them, and going to there rooms to wait for dinner time.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Too Much Candy!
The Sanders Sides are dressing up for Halloween! What will they wear? Continue reading to find out! :D
There's 2 swear words, just warning you.
"Happy Halloween everyone! It's finally here!" Thomas cheered in the mind palace.
Virgil jumped up beside him, dressed in costume. "You bet it is! I've been waiting for FAR too long, to bring out this costume!" Virgil exclaimed happily.
"Ooooh! I love the Jack Skellington outfit!" Thomas complimented. Virgil had the traditional Jack Skellington outfit, with a Santa hat and a fake beard added to the mix!
"Thanks! I would've added the Santa coat to the mix, but I didn't get it made in time." Virgil confessed.
"Well, that's perfectly fine. We all gotta appreciate Halloween first, before we jump right into Christmas." Thomas said, confidently.
"Ya, tell me about it!" Roman replied, rising up in costume as well.
"Hey- OH MY GOSH! You're a Roman Soldier!" Thomas reacted, looking at Roman's costume excitedly.
"You bet I am! But can I just mention the fact that Remus has been PLAYING CHRISTMAS MUSIC ON BLAST FOR THE LAST 24 HOURS!" Roman shouted.
"Wait, really? I imagined Remus as the kind of person that would appreciate Halloween." Thomas replied.
"Oh, he does." Virgil corrected.
"Really? Then...wh-"
HE'S DOING IT JUST TO ANNOY ME!!" Roman explained with a loud voice, interrupting Thomas.
"a-...oh." Thomas stopped, ending his sentence there.
"Yup...It's not the first time..." Virgil added, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Hi Virgil!" Patton cheered, rising up in his costume.
"Hi Pat-Wait...You're-"
"Oh ya! I was gonna tell you! Me and Patton are collaborating for Halloween! I'm Jack Skellington, and..." Virgil said, signalling for Patton to finish his sentence.
"I'm Skellington's ghost dog! Zero!" Patton finished, showing off his costume before giving Virgil a tackle hug.
"Careful there, Pat!" Virgil warned, holding onto the happy Dad dressed in white.
"Woof!" Patton replied, before putting an open candy cane in his mouth.
"Aww! That's ADORABLE!" Thomas squealed, clapping his hands excitedly.
"I LOVE IT!" Roman declared excitedly.
"WHO'S READY FOR THE FINALE OF SPOOKY MONTH!" Remus shouted, appearing out of nowhere, holding a skull speaker. He clicked a button on his phone, and Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas is You' started playing from the speaker.
Everyone groaned. "REMUS! I SWEAR TO GOD!" Roman shouted, tackling his twin brother to the ground. "TURN IT OFF!" Roman yelled.
"Aw come on, Roman! This is a classic!" Remus replied, shrugging his shoulders as he changed the song. The song switched to Andy William's 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year'.
"NOOOO!" Roman shouted, attempting to grab Remus's phone. After failing a few times, Roman decided to grab the speaker and pause it.
"Well, it was worth a shot..." Remus said, smirking and clicking a button on his phone. The song started playing once again, in spite it being paused.
Roman growled, and paused the speaker.
Remus clicked play on his phone again.
Roman glared at his obnoxious brother, and clicked the pause button again.
Remus rolled his eyes and pressed the play button once again.
"Stop it." Roman ordered through his gritting teeth, as he paused the song on the speaker.
"No." Remus replied confidently, unpausing the song from his phone.
"Please?" Romans asked, pausing it.
"Nah." Remus replied, unpausing it.
"Fine." Roman decided, before turning off the speaker altogether.
Remus shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need the speaker anyway." Remus said, before un-pausing the song on his phone and turning it up all the way. Roman's fists had started shaking with rage. He finally grabbed Remus's phone and threw it against the wall.
"Ugh...You're no fun!" Remus sighed, snatching his speaker back and grabbing his phone. Instead of turning on his speaker and continuing to be annoying, Remus decided to turn on the remixed 'Spooky Scary Skeletons' by The Living Tombstone.
"Yes!" Roman cheered, getting off his brother and pumping his fists in the air to the beat of the song.
"Finally! Some good f***ing songs!" Virgil proclaimed in a British accent, impersonating Gordon Ramsay.
Roman left the song on so the sides could enjoy the song for a bit, and eventually turned it off.
"Alright. Now Remus, do you have a costume?" Thomas asked.
"Of course!" Remus said, changing into his costume in a snap. He had a black long sleeved shirt, a black pair of leggings, and an empty cereal box of Creepy Cocoa Rice Krispies overtop. A few butter knives were stabbed into the cereal box, and fake blood was placed onto the 'knife wounds'. It was fairly obvious what Remus was dressed up as.
"Oh my god..."
"Oooh! 'cereal' 'killer!' I get it! Nice pun! A little dark, not gonna lie, but I like it!" Patton reacted.
"Why thank you! I got inspired by Roman's costume pun, and thought to make one of my own!" Remus replied.
"More like you copied my idea and used google to get an idea." Roman commented.
Remus shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Remus said, leaving Roman's accusation left unanswered.
"Hey, where's Logan? Does anyone know what Logan is dressing up as?" Patton asked.
"Perhaps I can." Logan replied, wearing his costume. He had a long shirt that had the 1989 google page printed onto it, a narrow dry erase board in his hands (representing the search bar) with the words 'What is Google' written inside, a headband with pop up letters reading the original Google in its bold, colorful font and a pair of black pants to hide his legs for the costume.
"Oh my god! The original Google page? That's so cool!" Thomas said excitedly.
"That's correct. I wanted to highlight how the Stanford University launched the Google website in 1998, 9 years after we were born. This is what it looked like when it first came out." Logan explained.
"That is so true! And I think we have one more character costume that needs to be revealed. Deceit!" Thomas called before looking towards Patton's corner of the room.
Nothing happened. "...What?" Patton asked.
"Uh..." Thomas muttered, looking towards Logan's corner of the room next. No one had appeared. "Where's Deceit?" Thomas asked.
"I'm afraid I have no clue." Logan replied.
"I don't know, kiddo." Patton replied as well.
"He doesn't come when you order him to?" Remus asked.
"Nope. He normally appears, dressed up as one of the sides. Maybe that's his Halloween costume this year..." Thomas explained.
"That...would be something Deceit would do." Logan decided.
"Hmm...Patton, you've been acting fairly normal." Thomas stated, looking at Patton.
"And if it were Patton, I would've sensed something was wrong a mile away." Virgil added.
"Okay. Logan, what's your catchphrase?" Thomas asked.
"FALSEHOOD!" Logan shouted, pointing to Thomas.
"Okay, You're normal. Deceit got that wrong the last time." Thomas decided.
"Rest in peace my ears." Virgil said, cleaning the inside of his left ear with his finger.
"Apologies." Logan said, showing a bit of guilt on his face. Virgil gave a little 'I forgive you' smile.
"Virgil, you seem fine as well. Either Deceit isn't here at all, or he's getting really good at this all of a sudden." Thomas explained.
"Wait a minute!" Remus said behind him. Thomas turned around, to face him and Roman.
"I'm gonna be right back." Remus he said, before sinking down. Roman watched his brother sink down, before looking towards Thomas with a confused expression on his face.
A few minutes later, Remus had reappeared beside Roman, with a man in a green and black costume.
"I found him! He was rummaging around in the Harry Potter merchandise closet." Remus said, lifting Deceit up higher with his hand.
"Oh! You're...a slytherin?" Thomas asked.
"No." Deceit replied.
"Okay..." Thomas muttered, looking the half snake figure up and down. As he looked at Deceit's arms, he noticed a thick yarn or string clinging to his arm.
"I'm a I'm a half snake slytherin, with a snake companion." Deceit explained, showing off the thing wrapped around his yarn.
"Ooooh...so that's not a think piece of yarn...It's a snake." Thomas thought aloud.
"It appears to be a Thamnophis sauritus sauritus, or 'ribbon snake' for short." Logan explained.
"Don't touch it unless it touches you. If it does, be kind to it as it's poisonous." Deceit warned calmly as the snake moved around on his arm.
Thomas visibly tensed at the moving venomous spider and tried to walk away from it as quick as possible. Suddenly, the snake lifted its head up, and scanned Thomas slowly. Thomas could feel his forehead starting to sweat. Before he could stop it, the snake wandered itself over to Thomas's arm.
"oooookay. okayokayokay. Is it...is it gonna bite me?" Thomas asked as calm as humanly possible in a nerve-wracking situation like this.
"It won't if you don't attack first." Deceit answered.
Thomas gulped. "That doesn't answer my question." Thomas stated in a shaky voice. Deceit let out a deep evil laugh as he watched the anxious person hold his tamed snake. Deceit watched as the snake slithered along Thomas's arm, and exploring all that it could of this new creature he was on. Thomas was using every ounce of strength in his body, to stop himself from flailing his arms around instinctively and accidentally injuring the pet snake. If he were to do that, he would never be trusted with such an animal again.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Deceit took back his snake and let it coil around his arm. "Thank you for holding my snake. Although I feel guilty for having to take the snake from you so soon. You seemed to be enjoying Bruce's attention" Deceit said, petting his darling snake on the head.
"Uh...nope! Nuh-uh! I didn't enjoy that one bit! Also, you named him Bruce?!" Thomas said, freaking out.
Deceit gasped, covering the snake's eyes. "I'm sorry Bruce. It appears we have an uncivilized beast on our hands." Deceit accused.
"I believe he named Bruce after Bruce Lee, the martial arts master from Hong Kong." Logan explained.
"Oh, so we DO have a civilized human on our hands. Well thank god for that." Deceit reacted.
"Okay, we get it. You look like a snake, you act like a snake, you have a snake pet and you belong in the slytherin house." Virgil said, summing everything up fairly quickly.
"Hmm...yes. The floor is made out of floor." Deceit muttered, fixing his gloves with the hand below his snake-covered arm.
Roman guffawed at the sudden joke.
"Anyway, I shall be on my way. I'm not done finding all the Harry Potter Slytherin merchandise I was looking for. Till next time." Deceit said, sinking down.
Not even a second later, Deceit appears once again. "By the way..." Deceit started. "Bruce is not venomous. I would never put someone through danger like that. What kind of person would I be if I did that?" Deceit explained.
"A evil snake." Virgil replied in the most monotone voice imaginable.
"...Touché." Deceit concluded before sinking down one final time.
"Finally he's gone. Why did I summon him again?" Thomas asked.
"Because you wanted to see his Halloween costume." Logan reminded.
Thomas pointed at his logical side. "right...right. And what a joy that was." Thomas said.
"Yup..." Logan said, nodding his head.
"Alright. Anyway, I loved everyone's costume ideas! Very creative, and kinda spooky! " Thomas complimented.
"Why thank you, Thomas." Logan replied.
"Aww! Thanks! While a bit stereotypical and a little inaccurate, this costume does bring out the best in me." Roman said with confidence, lifting up a mirror and fixing his glorious hair.
Out of nowhere, Roman felt a jolt coming from behind him. Turning around to see what happened, he couldn't help but notice the blood dripping off of a sword...that was halfway through his back...
"Get 'stabbed in the back' bro!" Remus said with a shit-eating grin on his face before sinking out.
"REMUS, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Roman shouted. The only answer all of them got, was an evil maniacal laugh and a sigh from Roman. "Well...I should've seen that coming. He's done it since we were little, and he clearly hasn't changed one bit." Roman commented.
"Wait, that doesn't bother you?" Virgil asked.
"It used to, but I just got numb to it." Roman replied.
"What I meant is, does it hurt?" Virgil clarified.
"Nope. Luckily, this doesn't hurt me. Nothing can physically hurt me. I'm Thomas's creativity. It's gonna take more than this to bring me down." Roman explained to Virgil, pointing at the sword wound in his back.
"Alright. Good to know. Hey Patton?" Virgil called, looking towards his fatherly companion.
Patton returned the eye contact.
"Would you like to watch a Halloween movie with me?" Virgil asked. Patton lit up and started clapping his hands.
"YES! The Nightmare before Christmas?" Patton asked excitedly.
Virgil smiled. "Sure! Let's watch that." He replied. Patton started jumping up and down and squealing from pure excitement.
"Mind if I join?" Roman asked.
"NO! JOIN US!" Patton begged happily, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the TV. Virgil chuckled and walked at his own pace to the same destination.
"I'm gonna go watch The Shining. It has really good cinematography, and it's a horror movie with really cool visual effects." Logan explained.
"Oooh! Could I watch it with you? I love that movie!" Remus asked.
Logan raised his eyebrows. Is he really asking to watch a horror movie with him? The last time they spoke, Logan got a star dart in the face, his top front teeth knocked out and threatened by the evil man. But...he's Roman's brother, and Patton would call him rude for saying no...
"Okay. You can join me if you want. Would you like some popcorn?" Logan asked.
Virgil gasped. "YES PLEASE! With LOTS of dill pickle seasoning on it please!" Remus replied.
"I think I'm gonna let you do the seasoning." Logan said, conjuring up a dill pickle seasoning bottle and throwing it to him.
"Uh...OKAY! YAY!" Remus celebrated, shaking the seasoning bottle and sinking down happily.
"Welp, hopefully I didn't make a big mistake by doing this." Logan stated, fixing his glasses before sinking down himself.
"Okay. And since everyone is busy celebrating Halloween, I will go out and get some Halloween candy for tonight." Thomas explained to the reader.
Logan suddenly appeared again. "You haven't done that yet?" Logan asked, slightly annoyed.
"Nope. Halloween day is when the sweets are the most cheap!" Thomas defended.
Logan sighed. "Just...don't overdo it..." Logan warned before sinking back down.
"Got it." Thomas yelled to the disappearing side.
"Alright. I hope you all have a spooky, scary Halloween! May your trick or treat-filled dreams come true!" Thomas said happily.
Out of literally nowhere:
"It's the most wonderful tiiiiiime of the yeeeeeeaarrr!" He heard behind him.
"REMUS!" Thomas shouted.
"Alright, fine!" Remus said, rolling his eyes and changing the song.
"Spooky Scary Skeletons, send shivers down your spine. Shrieking souls will shock your soul, seal your doom tonight." The speaker played.
"Spooky scary skeletons, speak with such a screech. You'll shake and shudder in surprise when you hear these zombies shriek." Thomas sang, before muffling his singing with mouthfuls of candy.
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