#spiderman Shisui
jacksgreysays · 9 months
Fake Fic Title: Seven, For a Secret--Never to be Told.
— Oh shoot I forgot fake fic titles included character and themes. I was going to say Shisui for our favorite Crow adjacent character but honestly any Crow adjacent character for the counting corvids title, and theme chromatic aberration; itsv style.
SHISUI!!!! <3<3<3<3 Also, hello damnsmartblueboxes! Also, also, sorry for the late response, work truly broke me these past few days
Okay, so if we’re doing Into The Spider-verse, but Crow Edition, possible Crows either canon or fanon or AU: Shisui, Amano, Sai, Shikako (because of course there’s an AU out there for this) … oof, who are the other three?
Uzume in an AU in which neither Shisui nor Amano are around to be ANBU Crow T_T
Aoba, maybe?
Which then could do a similar Anko version in an AU in which Aoba isn’t around to be ANBU Crow—although maybe that’s too repetitive of the Uzume one. Maybe it’s just that, in a world where Konoha trusts her (maybe because she sleuths around and is integral in ripping Danzo out of his hole in the ground, thereby saving the Uchiha clan who now have way more political clout, or at the very least, are back to the clout that they had before?) Anko becomes an ANBU and she gets Crow and Aoba—because I will give up ANBU training buddies only when I’m dead—chooses to be ANBU Snake even though everyone is leery of that mask (like everyone is leery of the Fox mask)
… Or is that, maybe, too much of an offshoot/spinoff?
I mean, I always headcanon Mikoto has having been ANBU, though not usually Crow.
… BUT ALSO, in the Spider-verse there are multiples of the same person—with, obviously, Peter Parker being the most common Spiderman—so maybe just different versions of Shisui, Amano, and/or Sai and then the lone Shikako is the outlier? OR it could be that these are distinct Crows, but for the most part, each of them know who the other are—at least by reputation if nothing else—and the fact that no one has any idea who Shikako Nara is (or, bleakly, the ROOT brainwashed non-Shikako version of herself) is the Miles Morales-esque outlier part. SHE’S THE ANOMALY IN THE CROW-VERSE! (But instead of angry, its angsty O_O… or existential?)
Okay, okay, let’s get these Crows in their respective numbers according to the poem, I’m gonna do some logic puzzle nonsense:
Sorrow, Joy, Girl, Boy, Silver, Gold, Secret Never To Be Told
Obviously Shikako is a Secret Never Told. I feel like Uzume would be either Sorrow or Girl, meaning Amano would be the matching Joy or Boy because I want them to be complementary. Then Aoba, Mikoto, Shisui, Sai… let’s see… if Uzume is not Girl, then we could do Mikoto as Girl in a “young Mikoto becomes ANBU Crow because it’s the only way she can see any action because the Uchiha clan is being weirdly gross and misogynistic and are blocking her from taking any risky missions because they want her to marry Fugaku and have extremely powerful heirs with him” kind of way
And while not EXACTLY matching as nicely as Uzume and Amano, I feel like I could then explore my Aoba headcanon as a partial!Uchiha with Boy. And, boy, do I have a weirdly specific headcanon about partial!Uchiha Aoba stumbling into both the Crow summons (he reverse summoned himself!) and the Crow mask—both very Uchiha flavored inheritances—only after the Uchiha Massacre when he is an adult and 1) wouldn’t use the name, but also 2) wouldn’t be able to rub it in the face of the clan that rejected him and his non-Uchiha parent, especially if he was like… a bastard Uchiha child who was never claimed. ( @loveelemental and I had a discord brainstorming session about an Aoba centric fic in which his partial Uchiha heritage makes for a fascinating post-Jashin Sharingan activation, which is where we came up with a lot of details for this partial!Uchiha theory)
Which then leaves Silver and Gold for Shisui and Sai… which feels pretty good? I’d probably—because I’m biased—make Shisui Gold and Sai Silver because even if they are both (maybe) Uchiha, Shisui just FEELS more sun coded even though his Sharingan is “unbreakable genjutsu”, while Sai is moon coded (and also you can get into his brother Shin, the silver of his hair, the shine of moon on blades, and similes of second place and how even as Hikaku no one really wants him first and foremost the way that his brother Shin did T_T sad boy)
So I guess the fic would be these different ANBU Crows somehow interacting with each other, and honestly the easiest way to do this would be Crow!Shikako does a sort of seal space/pocket dimension/temporary mission team using the ANBU Crow mask as a cornerstone. An “I’ve gathered you all here because we all need to murder our respective Danzos, and together we can all help each other do that. Also, imagine the satisfaction of killing Danzo seven times… or more, if he already has Izanagi”
Another way is a more contemplative/abstract “echoes/ghosts of possible timelines” thing in which, again, the ANBU Crow mask is, like, a liminal space. But wearable. Haunted or cursed? And to make it even more angsty the echoes/ghosts only appear when you’re about to die… which, to be fair, ANBU, probably pretty often?
I guess what my brain is trying to do is more of a multi-versal Sense8 than an Into The Spider-verse thing… hm… I don’t hate it at all… it could be fun to puzzle out some more…
... I also realized, for all that I was very excited about your Shisui mention, I literally mentioned him the least, lolol
Anyway, I hope this makes sense and is interesting to you, damnsmartblueboxes :D
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itachi, who has just died, showing up as a ghost:
shisui: HIII :3
spiderman pointing meme
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tsukuyomii45 · 2 years
Hii 😆
So last week (i guess), i've sent you two headcanons, one is demon slayer AU and the other one is Spiderman AU. I will answer the demon slayer one first. And this gonna be long again, i'm so sorry if you're bored reding this 😔🙏
Soo.. you ask me would it be a happy ending between both of them. And the answers is.. no actually. But I have a few situation to ending up with.. and actually there is one but not really a happy ending for one of them.
I have a few situation that i didn't include in the headcanons. If you following or at least watch the Demon slayer anime, the effective way to kill the demon is by slashing their necks off with a special katanas.
There are other ways to kill demon, such as using poison like Shinobu (this is effective for a lower demon) or explosion like Tengen (but it only to slow it down, not really kill it). And for some situation the demons can die for other reason, as an example like Akaza (he died because he blow himself up)
Rin have tried several suicide attempt, and she even trying to slashed her neck using her own katana and that didn't work because she can only slashed half of her neck, not all of it. None of her attempt working because she has the abililty to heal her self quickly, and the later on, Obito know about this and try to stop her.
For Obito situation, as i mention before, he mastered all of his clan abilities and hashiras ability, being a hashira at a young age, already kill more than 100 demon at age 17, and the most important thing is, he got his sharingan eyes at the aged 15.
But, all of this have a consequences. And Obito consequences is to only live until age 30. In this AU, waking an ability like Sharingan can risking their life. Other than that, waking a Sharingan also means activated the demon salyer marks, and this is the reason he only has a few years to life. So all of the Sharingan users have to face this consequences for the rest of their life.
And the reason he waking his sharingan isn't because of Rin actually, but because Shisui, Itachi, and Izumi got attack by a lower moon 7. After that, he got blind for couple weeks and Madara have to train him again to control his body. And since the mark of a demon slayer will permanently remain on the user's body, he has to cover it using a bandage.
(I have this family headcanon actually, i can make it if you want 😀)
Obito didn't tell anyone that he's gonna live until age 30. Even Rin. He didn't want them to have pitty on him. But eventually, Rin found out about this when she treated badly injured Obito. She always curious about why he always cover that one spot, which is his left arm. And just that, she knew about it.
So.. now you can guess it what will happen between them ;)
Oh and one thing, if they manage to kill Muzan, it means all the demons that has his blood will also die. Including her. And Obito notice this. But still they continiue their relationship even though they know it wouldn't make it till the end.
So on the first headcanon, i did mention that Rin rejected Obito several times, and this is the actuall reason, and that happen before she knew about Obito having a demon slayer mark. But at the end they still do it. She just love him so much, and wanted to stay by his side till the end.
The alternative happy ending is probably, both of them quit the demon slayer organization and try to live a normal life. She stay by his side until he died. But the only problem is, she can't die as long Muzan is live. She did activate the demon slayer mark too, but she cant die since she's a demon.
And the other happy ending that's gonna be the real happy ending is both of them gonna live and having a normal live. Rin manage to make herself fully turn back into human, and when Muzan's dead, the demon slayer marks will disapear, and those who already activate them will have a normal life span. At the end they get marrried and have two children.
That's the alternative happy ending, but not the real ending ;)
I'm sorry I did this to you 🙃
I don't really like this either, but i have to 😭
Don't get me wrong, i love Obirin so much, they're my most favourite OTP, but sometimes angst will fit them better ;)
But don't worry, they'll get their happy ending in this AU, I'm promise you 😁
But, i want you to guess it first hehehe.. what will be their happy ending??
The happy ending I'd choose from this is Rin staying by his side until he dies. x) It's the closest angsty happy ending they can get, even though I prefer the one where they just live normally and get married!
I love that you really thought this through, to the point where you've just made think of another ObiRin fanfic idea for the Naruto universe XDD Ahh so many things I want to write between and after Incandescence XD
This is lovely. I'll always adore the whole rejection thing until they just fall into it.
I have an appreciation for creative ideas and this is clearly impressive :3
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fullcountersnatch · 4 years
Ya'll... I have 23 Safari tabs open on my phone. All of them fanfic. 21 of them are Naruto.
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Hi! Can I have a hcs for Itachi, Kakashi react to their s/o who likes and always manages to surprise them with kisses or hugs? (=`ω´=) *throws flowers at you* Always love your writings so much❤
I... *sneezes cuz i got bad allergies* i'm so glad you enjoy it thank youu!! And thanks for all the reqs :3
Warnings: None.
Gn! reader
Itachi's reaction time is almost inhumane, his skill to catch small details of his surroundings is astonishing, all of his abilities are beyond prodigious, he'd know when someone is coming at him from any direction with the slightest noise and a few close looks. To surprise him is something that gains his respect inmediately, this would boost his respect for you inmediately.
For his dismay, he doesn't have any particular good memories of people coming up at him out of the blue specially if they wrap their arms around him, at least the first time he'd flinch and almost use his combat skills before he notices it's just you. At the recessess of his mind each and every scorching memory of ambushes and people who approached him with malicious intentions ever since he was a kid still burn vividly.
After he notices it’s his significant other his shoulders untense and a soft smile forms in his lips, Itachi is someone very calm, if he’s getting literally nuked with kisses he’d close his eyes shut and wait for you to finish just so he can press a single tender kiss on your forehead.
His hugs are soft but long, he doesn’t use a big amount of pressure but does hold you as close as possible resting his head against you, his hand would slowly slide to the back of your head to caress your hair, as someone who isn’t very touchy this are of those brief times anyone could tell how much he cares about his lover. If you are shorter than him he bends down on your level and rests his head on the crook of your neck (uwu)
When he’s getting hugged from behind he’d lightly turn around to kiss you. Now, this isn’t a quick peck, it’s a gentle passionate kiss, he places both hands on your cheeks and leans in pressing his forehead against yours, Itachi gives me a good kisser vibe despite the little interaction he’s had with people besides Akatsuki, i feel like he just knows what to do.
Talking about surprise hugs, if he isn’t cooking some fried eggs or doing any chore that requires both arms he’d carry his s/o on his back just because, he likes to do it. If you wanted to he’d even carry you on his shoulders, hopefully you’re not too tall and crash with a cupboard or the ceilling- or a branch, because he often trains at the forest.
Idk why i wrote this but i had to .He might choke if you surprise him while he’s drinking water, ever since he was small it has happened, don’t believe me? He choked the moment he felt Shisui playing with his ponytail out of the blue and he was right next to him-. Give that poor thing some patpats on his back.
Kakashi way of behaving seems very nonchalant but, as a public pervert and reader of Icha Icha novels, he’s always aware of his surroundings, somewhat. He’s easier to surprise than Itachi that’s for sure, his vision focuses mainly on what’s ahead to keep himself from bumping into anything or anyone, you would usually surprise him from behind.
Don’t jump to him, seriously! the impact would probably push his book out of his hands into the ground, he’d struggle to find what page he was in later. There are several dont’s with surprising him and the main one is doing it on public, depends on what you do but if no one’s around he might slide his mask down and kiss you, this man is a good and experienced kisser you can’t change my mind!
To be honest he wouldn’t flinch or even consider attacking as long as he’s inside Konoha or in a crowded place, he’d probably think you’re Gai once again asking for a duel.
When you’re showering him with kisses the single eye he shows closes shut in a cheerful way, he somehow expresses more emotion with one single eye than some with their entire face, if you’re in public he spins you around and kiss you temples through his mask. In private he goes slower, he hold you up with your legs around his waist, mask off and long passionate kiss.
His hugs are often “stronger” but shorter, here’s why: he would hold you up so your arms over his shoulders around his neck, one of his arm is holding your weight and the other is on your back, he’s muscular but not a god sooner or later his arm grows tired, he tries to last as long as he can though! Wrap your legs around his waist and problem solved. Pretty obvious he keeps this in private.
It doesn’t matter what direction you’re hugging/kissing him from, he reciprocates, hug him from behind while he’s busy and he’ll move his arm to an awkward angle to hug you, manage to kiss him from above and you get an inverse spiderman kiss!
Requests are open! BrUh i'm seriously considering to write a drabble about that kiss with Kakashi... thanks for reading :].
Req. Rules.
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Suna!Kakashi, Kiri!Shisui, and Itatchi in a fight:
That one spiderman meme pointing at each other
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XD they know the other one should probably actually be in Konoha, they are both lightning users, and one of these days Kakashi's going to steal those swords damn it lol
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anannua · 4 years
Kakashi x Shisui 💙
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Spiderman kiss
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cosmic-canons · 2 years
Masterlist of Muses - @cosmic-canons​ [WIP]
last updated: MON 18 April 2022
Primary (bold) = there’s a Tumblr RP post, somewhere (linked) Secondary (Italics) = I RPed them before, just not on Tumblr Request = I have not RPed them before but would like to try!
(tried) In alphabetical order (by first name) for easier searching Original Characters (OCs) will be included in each fandom links are to show my (canon divergent) version of the muse
(Fandomless OC) Kaito Yukimura | tag + Bleach AU: Quincy / Shinigami / Fullbringer + Fairy Tail AU: Ice Dragon Slayer / Ice God Slayer + Kingdom Hearts AU: Xaitok (Kaito’s Nobody) + Naruto AU: Hidden Leaf / Mist / Rain Shinobi Akame ga Kil!
Lubbock Attack on Titan // caught up to anime and manga
Zeke Bleach // caught up on anime and manga
Byakuya Kuchiki | tag
Ichigo Kurosaki | @cc-ichigo-kurosaki | tag
Kaien Shiba
Kisuke Urahara
Renji Abarai | tag
Uryu Ishida | tag Dragon Ball Z / Super // @cc-dbz-skw
Android 13
Android 16
Android 17
Goku | tag
Gohan | @cc-gohan | tag
Future Trunks | @cc-ftrunks | tag
Future Gohan | @cc-fgohan | tag
[OC] Tatso | @son-tatso // U6 main verse
Vegeta | @cc-vegeta | tag
Zarbon Fairy Tail // @cc-fairytail-s-class-men
Natsu Dragneel | tag | as side muse on other blogs too
Gray Fullbuster | @cc-gray-fullbuster | tag
Erik Cobra | tag
Jellal Fernandez | tag
Laxus Dreyar | tag + [OC[ Lux - [Edolas Exceed] Laxus
Zeref Kingdom Hearts // @cc-kh-keyblade-masters
Axel | tag
(King) Mickey | tag
Vexen Marvel (Cinematic Universe) | MCU // by hero name
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Iron Man | tag
Spiderman./ Peter Parker | tag
Thor | tag
Vision | tag One Piece // alphabetical by (known) family name
Gol D Roger
Monkey D Luffy | tag
Monkey D Garp
Monkey D Dragon
Portgas D Ace | tag
Roronoa Zoro | tag
Sabo | tag
Vinsmoke Sanji | tag Poke’mon
Ash / Satoshi | tag
Meowth My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya - Deku | tag
Katsuki Bakugo | tag
Tenya Iida | tag
? Naruto & Boruto // @cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi
Asuma Sarutobi
Boruto Uzumaki
Gaara | tag
Jiraiya | tag
Kakashi Hatake | tag
Kiba Inuzuka
Minato Namikaze | tag
Nagato / Pein
Naruto Uzumaki | tag
Obito Uchiha / Tobi | tag
Sasuke Uchiha | @cc-sasuke | tag
Shikadai Nara
Shikamaru Nara | tag
Shisui Uchiha Sword Art Online // multi-muse coming soon maybe
Kirito / | @cc-kirito | tag
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hoe-imaginess · 8 years
Random Naruto and or bleach characters and their favorite superheroes!?
Naruto likes Deadpool, of course. Anti-hero type of deal though? Who cares. He likes Deadpool
Kakashi also likes Deadpool but his fav is Green Arrow
Shikamaru digs Barbara Gordon, and also Tony Stark
Gaara would like Superman. He’s a simple guy
Temari likes Wonder Woman and Rogue
Jiraiya likes Powergirl. Need I say more.
Tsunade also likes Wonder Woman
Shisui likes my man Dick Grayson
Itachi is a Bruce Wayne fan
Hinata likes Kitty Pryde 
Renji likes Tony Stark
Grimmjow, of course, fucks with Black Panther. Or Wolverine
Ikkaku might like Green Lantern. Doesn’t matter which one
Hitsugaya likes Iceman. Cliche but hey, he likes him
Nel likes Raven
Kisuke has a huge crush on Black Widow but his favorite has to be Doctor Strange
Rukia likes Spiderman. She has a crush on Peter Parker tbh 
Shinji likes Hawkeye
And Ichigo likes The Flash but the Wally West Flash. He has a Wally West preference. Probably the red hair
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Ngl I also thought about Miguel×Shisui at first but only because I remember one of your anons suggesting Shisui with fangs and the idea of fanged kisses between these two makes me unwell in the best ways possible
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I um
.....yeah you're also very very valid, I'm-
I'm unwell for Miguel in general
It would be really careful, indulgent and slow as they navigate each other's fangs and-
I was already planning on not making the fics exist linearly etc, like different alternates of each other (eg a fic where shisui kicks Miguel's ass in the Miles chase scene AND a fic where shisui convinces him peacefully etc)
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If you all were superheroes (or villans) who would you be? Includes Naruto and Suké (hollidays are coming! Is our christmas gift a new arc? I love your blog btw)
Admin  : Sorry this took me a long time because I couldn’t make up my mind. Thank you for supporting me despite it having taken so damn long”
Madara -> Iron manObito -> DeadpoolShisui -> ThorItachi-> ArrowIzuna -> The Flash..Maybe Spiderman..But that would be ironic because he is afraid of spider...Sasuke -> Black widowNaruto -> captain AmericaSuké -> Batman
(It is really just a suggestion)
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Loving the Spider!Shisui so far, but you know me so I have to ask: does Shisui know Inoichi, Sora and Ino in this verse? Does he still have Inoichi as a father figure, or does the fact that he was older when his actual father died mean that there is no link between him and the Yamanaka?
(you've fully converted me to Yamanaka!Shisui feels and now I can't imagine him without Ino as his sassy little sister and without Inoichi making sure Shisui doesn't self-destruct himself out of a too strong sense of duty)
(also if there is a family like relationship there, I can't wait for the Yamanaka to meet Hobie. Because that's going to be glorious)
Haha I'm very happy you like my work so much 🥰 but I'll be the bearer of bad news this time.... for maximum angst, Spider!Shisui unfortunately doesn't have the Yamanaka support network in this series...
Inoichi is a scary information broker who is doing some very questionable things with his psychology degree 👀 Sora manages his business front, Ino is a hellion in school that Sasuke probably still hates lol
Readers: wait, is anyone in Konohattan actually good?
Me: define good
Readers: shisui
Me: he's deffo the closest but Shisui is also a killer, a thief, and the beneficiary of a lot of generational wealth 👀 (😂) he's doing good now... Not for the criminals or guys in power, but - for the poor people, yeah, Shisui's the good guy.... Most Naruto characters aren't tho, even if they're not 'Bad Guy Villains' either
Have a good one, Stereden 😉
Edit: The Yamanaka family meeting Hobie would be a RIDE of psychological warfare lmao
Second Edit: what about Spider!Shisui going to HOPE!Shisui's world with his bf Hobie and meeting the family there.... Wild
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Busted out laughing while doing dishes because i was thinking about Garfield!Peter's reaction to finding out that Shisui is technically a reverse SI who doesn't know what Naruto is
Shisui: Kushina's brat??? Can't miss him, he covered Sasuke in paint once and I thought I was about to witness toddler-cide
Andrew!Peter, who only knows Shisui as 'Oni': WAIT WAIT WAIT- YOU- YOU'RE- WHO-
Shisui: .... Shisui....???
Andrew!Peter: YOU'RE ALIVE?!
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(oh god we can't watch the show I can't tell him holy shit back up back up RETREAT)
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Miguel: I've only had Shisui for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I'll kill everyone in this universe and then myself
Spider society: Miguel is such a hard ass 😫 does he even have a LIFE?!
Shisui: of course he does, his place is really nice... great views, which is saying something because we're spiderpeople so we know-
Spider society: YOUVE SEEN HIS HOME?!
Shisui: yeah? Ive got an open invitation to crash if I need to, there's a bed set up too, and there's always leftovers... he said it was logical? I mean, he is our Captain? Good Taichou behavior, right?
Spider society:.... He.... feeds you
Shisui: he literally made me a packed lunch for this mission!
Spider society: *crickets*... What
Miguel, meanwhile: god why is everyone so incompetent, I've already got a migraine (shisui isnt eating enough for his metabolism and his relatives don't care enough to look out for him, maybe Lego!Peter could keep an eye on-)
Hell... I'm attached :(
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Prayer circle that i can actually get the idea into a page because I'm sick of me lol
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
DP!Obito wouls flirt endlessly with Spider Shisui and no one can convince me otherwise
Shisui: *gets his hands on a real super suit*
Obito: omg! Babe, you got dressed up for ME! how did you know I love that ass in spandex!! ✨✨
Shisui: *absolutely dying*
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I got hit by this idea and now I need to share it with you
Spider!Shisui's meaningful death (that every single Spider person has had at least once in their life) being his big brother Obito's death... But then one day he finds a new universe where Spider!Obito lives where his meaningful death was losing his little brother Shisui
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Anon.... OW, MY SPIDER FEELS 😩😩😩
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