#i think all but 2(?) are kakashi centric
stu-dyingstudent · 27 days
Sakura Haruno fic recs: romance-centric
I, like many others, definitely enjoy a a good romance every so often. All of these recs are going to have the romantic development of the characters as the forefront of the story, so just because the fic includes a ship doesn't mean it will go on the list. That means, many of them might feel more on the slice of life side of the spectrum, but that's not the case for all!!
There is going to be a mix of ships here so if you're interested in one in specific then use the search feature!
Started: 2024.08.28
Last Updated: 2024.09.02
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
To Build a Home - RedPowder || ao3 || E || kakasaku || canon divergence || ongoing
Sakura and Kakashi are assigned a mission that will change the path of their lives forever.
Kakashi and Sakura are forced to marry on orders from the village and I know that description sounds dumb, but trust me when I say this fic is gold. I've always had a hard time with kakasaku fics because I feel the whole teacher/student thing gets swept under the rug too easily, but that's not the case here. Their past relationship from team 7 is a glaring shadow over their marriage and the guilt over the whole situation weighs heavy on Kakashi. This mission isn't easy for either of them and it takes a lot of pull and tug to ensure things don't completely blow up. To Build a Home is probably one of my favorite takes on this ship as the portrayal feels realistic and the character feel accurate to themselves. Just give it a go!
Approaching Sun - ANerdInAllHerGlory || ffn || T || sasusaku || blank period || ongoing
After 2 years, Sasuke returns to the village where friends anxiously await him. Still troubled by the mysteries of Kaguya and his personal guilt, Sasuke is split between friends and his journey. Troubled by rising casualties and international dependence on her abilities, Sakura is torn between her love for Sasuke and her duty to her village.
Approaching Sun is probably one of the most realistic depictions of Sasuke and Sakura's relationship that I have read. This takes place during the blank period and references the novels, so it feels like an actual possibility of what went down. As much as I love them, I have a hard time believing that their relationship was smooth sailing and so I think this is an interesting take.
The Fool - thekatthatbarks || ao3 || T || shikasaku || blank period || complete
Ino kicked at a pebble on the ground, her arms folded across her chest. “How long?” Shikamaru sighed and pulled the cigarette away from his lips. “The war." It was a lie somewhat. He’d liked her since they were kids but had simply ignored the budding crush expecting it to fade over time. It hadn’t and by the time the war came around, he accepted he would always carry it despite his increasing efforts to drop it. He’d tried drowning it in the river, burning it in a fire, covering it up with something else. But it was all to no avail. It stuck with him, always apart of him. “Have you ever told anyone? Chouji? Her?” "No."
I actually really like Shikamaru and Sakura as a pairing (or just working together in general); however, I haven't read much of them. The Fool was a great post-war read where with some meddling (curtesy of Ino) we get to watch the progression of their relationship into something more than friends.
Nightmare in Red - Sariasprincy || ao3 || M || itasaku || non-massacre AU || complete
Haruno Sakura used to think the eyes were the windows to the soul, but after witnessing the horrors of the Sharingan firsthand, she's convinced they are the doors. It was pure chance that led Sakura to the discovery of the disease eating through Uchiha Itachi's lungs and now that she's aware, she knows she cannot just turn a blind eye. But how is she to treat the very man who tortured her while at the same time keep her nightmares from consuming her? That she doesn't know, but she knows she has to try, even if it nearly kills her in the end.
Itachi unintentionally captures Sakura in his mangekyou after being rolled into the hospital for her to heal. While Sakura tries to work through the impacts of the genjutsu she continues to work with him in an effort to cure him of the disease infecting his body. I actually really liked how the whole thing played out. Itachi's sickness was sort of a mystery in the original series and so I found it rather interesting to see what was done in regards to it. Anyway, I love their interactions and Shisui is (like always) a great character as well.
Blind - ObsidianSickle || ffn || sasusaku || T || canon divergent || complete
It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
I won't lie, Sakura is pretty weak in Blind and the whole thing is super cheesy, but it's still an enjoyable read.
Ghosts - ElegiesforShiva || ffn || sausaku || M || blank period || incomplete
In love and loss, it often comes back to family, and Team 7 had always been fated, hadn't they? Deny it as she may, Sakura finds her heart strung to them with an uncanny reverence and the weight of their ghosts. Sakura-centric. Heavy, heavy angst. Slow burn Sasusaku. Canon pairings. Lots of friendship feels. Eventual (consensual) lemon.
Ghosts is a pretty dark read where basically everyone is suffering. Sasuke and Sakura in specific have an especially hard time coping with their individual struggles yet they find comfort in each other. Check TWs before going in
Home is Where the Heart is - DeepPoeticGirl || ffn || sasusaku || T || blank period || complete
And with every moment together, they get just a little closer, a little more comfortable with each other. Fall a little more in love. Post-war. Pre-epilogue.
This fic is actually adorable! Taking place during the black period we get to see how Sasuke and Sakura's relationship slowly progresses. If you've always wondered what their travels were like then definitely check this one out.
In Times of Peace - SouthSideStory || ffn || sasusaku || M || blank period || canon divergent || complete
The war is over, and like Konoha, Team 7 has rebuilt itself from the ground up. Everything has changed, but Sasuke and Sakura remain much the same. Eleven years, she thinks, is a long time to be in love.
Sakura and Sasuke have like a secret relationship going on. Also, Sakura as a jonin sensei is so good!! I really wish that someone from the original cast actually went down that route, but whatever.
Labyrinthine - FM_White || ao3 || itasaku || M || canon divergence || complete
ItaSaku (Post Uchiha Massacre) AU: Some things are destined to be. It just takes a couple of tries to get there.ItaSaku. Light KakaSaku.
I actually really liked how this was done as team 7 is still a family, Sasuke didn't lose his mind, Itachi picked a much more respectable path imo, and the characters are all adults.
Only a Crush by Gingersoup || ao3 || kakasaku || M || canon divergent || complete
It was supposed to be an easy, fun night out. She never intended to wake up in her sensei's bed, half-naked and with no memory of what happened the night before! As she tries to unravel the mystery of that night, something sinister is growing beyond the walls of the Leaf Village... and what was only a crush spirals wildly out of control.
Sakura is unwillingly thrust into the world of illegal drugs, trafficking, and sex all while coming to terms with her new feelings regarding her former sensei. I typically don't like kakasaku, but I think this work is done tastefully well. The characters are both adults and the immorality of the relationship is not ignored, so be prepared for a lot of "we can't," "this is wrong," etc.. Anyway, Sakura is an absolute powerhouse and I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between all of the different characters and villages!
Dreaming's End - thepiedsniper || ao3 || T || kakasaku || canon divergence || complete
Sakura didn't avoid the Infinite Tsukuyomi with the others, and all the events that happened afterward were simply the product of her dream-state. When Sakura finally wakes up from years spent in her personal "paradise," she must to learn how to start again. Kakashi is there to help her. ~*~ (TWs for genjutsu-related unreality)
Basically, imagine the entirety of Boruto was Sakura's dream in Infinite Tsukuyomi. When Sakura manages to breakout during the war she's left to deal with serious ramifications of the life she just lived. She finds herself constantly questioning what's real and Kakashi tries to help her through it.
Mamihlapinatapai - FM_White || ao3 || E || itasaku || canon divergence || ongoing
Mamihlapinatapai・Yagan. (n.) a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire, but which neither wants to begin In which Sakura tries her hardest to raise one hell of a rambunctious baby by herself, Sasuke is searching for something unknown, and Itachi is the uncle.
In another life where Itachi doesn't end up dying and instead tries his best to help Sakura raise his niece in Sasuke's absence. It's my head canon that everyone came together to help with Sarada just like they did for Kuranai, and so Mamihlapinatapi satisfies that thought for me. I like how Sasuke was criticized in this since as much as I understand the necessity of what he's doing, I also find it completely unfair to his wife and daughter. Itachi and Sakura form a great bond and it's all very domestic and just super fluffy all around, which I love.
Louder than Words - SouthSideStory || ao3 || T || sasusaku || non-massacre AU || complete
Sakura hasn’t uttered a single word since the day her family died, but Sasuke is determined to hear her, one way or another. (No Uchiha massacre AU.)
Sakura gets taken in by the Uchiha family after Fugaku finds her on a mission. She's been mute ever since, but that doesn't stop her and Sasuke from forming a close bond.
Snake Bound - shefalls || ao3 || E || sasusaku || canon divergence || complete
"You... took me with you." "That's what I said." "To Orochimaru. You took me with you, to Orochimaru." Sasuke nodded curtly and shoved the medical kit a little more insistently into her hands. Sakura accepted, and prayed to every known god that Orochimaru would ignore her existence. She should've known the gods don't listen. Now only on AO3. Sequel up.
What if Sasuke took Sakura with him like she asked? Snake Bound explores that idea and it's honestly a very uncomfortable read. Their relationship is based off of the isolation and dependency their new situation puts them in. All they really have is each other and the new bond that brings is not a healthy one.
Armour-Sleeved Single Hit - thatdamnuchiha || ao3 || T || madasaku || time travel AU || one-shot complete
Sasuke always told Sakura she was weak. Even after she trained with Tsunade for years he only had eyes for Naruto whom he considered strong. She would forever be invisible to him no matter how many mountains she toppled.Being a member of Team Seven despite Sasuke’s refusal to acknowledge her meant she got herself into her fair share of sticky situations. Getting stuck a hundred odd years in the past had to take the cake though.But she was just a weak little girl and compared to the shinobi of old she’d be ridiculously pathetic. Sasuke had said she was weak to him – a modern day shinobi who hadn’t been forced into battle after battle like they did in the Warring Clans Era. Obviously she’d be nothing more than a spec of dirt in the eyes of the Founders.
Sakura manages to find herself in founding-era Konoha! While trying to prove that medical ninja are capable fighters she unknowingly gains the affection of Madara Uchiha. After all, the Uchiha find beauty in strength. Super cute read!
Always You - alex-halcyon || ffn || T || kakasaku || age swap AU || complete
[AU. Age-swap] Kakashi x Sakura. From academy days to the third shinobi war and beyond, Kakashi and Sakura grow up and fall in love.
Basically, Sakura takes Rin's place on the old team 7. The progression between the character is quite interesting as it definitely isn't smooth sailing for Kakashi and Sakura. However, even through everything they find themselves drifting towards each other. Pretty cute imo.
interim - stannide || ao3 || T || sasusaku || blank period || one-shot complete
Sasuke lives with Sakura in the weeks after the war.
Interim is such a wholesome read where Sasuke and Sakura rekindle their former relationship. Super fluffy
Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Tozette || ao3 || T || sasusaku || blank period || one-shot complete
Sasuke is actually eighteen the first time he looks at Sakura and realises abruptly that he wants her.
I think we all know by now that Sasuke has always been attracted to strength, power, so why not when it comes to romance? Essentially, one day on a mission, Sasuke discovers he has a strength kink. Watching him continuously get flustered throughout the fic because of his admiration towards Sakura's strength is so entertaining. Really fun read
the problem with how time works - MurderMittens || ao3 || E || kakasaku || generation swap AU || complete
"I don't remember you being this uncomfortable when Kakashi was nine and had a crush on you," Ino pointed out neutrally. "You thought it was flattering before." She moved to pour more wine into their glasses as Sakura exhaled sharply out of her nostrils. "Obviously! It was fucking cute when he was a kid! But now he's..." she trailed off, gesticulating feebly. Ino, taking pity on her, finished the sentence: "Now he's a stone cold hottie who looks and sounds like he'd murder the ever-loving shit out of your vagina."
Sakura and Kakashi's generations swap place and boy is it entertaining. With Naruto as his sensei, of course Kakashi has met Sakura. Now that she's back in the village after years, Kakashi decides to try his best to win her over.
on still water - summersirius || ao3 || T || shisaku || canon divergence || complete
and sometimes, there are days without rain. —shisui/sakura
I'm actually devastated that the author decided to not pursue the plot line after about chapter 15 (it was so good too), but On Still Water is great nonetheless. Some really cute Shisui x Sakura moments
never let 'em know your next move - MirrorImage003 || ao3 || T || itasaku || non-massacre AU || one-shot complete
six times itachi is surprised by sakura, and the one time he's surprised by his mother.
Sort of drabble style moments between Itachi and Sakura and it's honestly adorable.
Hatsukoi - sparklyfaerie || ao3 || sasusaku || gen || non-massacre AU || complete
Sasuke leans away as the girl turns to him, and his mother doesn't need to be any closer to guess as to the expression on his face. The girl's body language changes in an instant, and Mikoto recognizes the posture of a little girl in love. It's kind of adorable.
Probably one of the cutest sasusaku fics I have read as Hatsukoi follows them from genin to marriage! It's told in multiple perspectives and it's full of tooth rotting fluff. You get to watch the slow progression of their relationship over time and how they grow even closer in Naruto's absence. Definitely read is you want something light!
Send me some recs if you have any to share! I'm generally fine with any ship as long as the story is good :)
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lifeafterartsch00l · 26 days
🍥Sns fic recs🍅
*If you know these authors on Tumblr, please tag them! ❤️😊*
Oxigen's overrated by TheMidnightSong
I love love love “Sasuke returns to Konoha” fics. Ive probably read like 200 of them and i would love to read 200 more. I 🍽️ it up!
Shout out to the latest chapter in this sweet & spicy fic! So well paced. They are so into each other. Hot enough to fry an egg on. Nominating for a smut award 👑 (Im making it a thing).
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*Still thinking about chapter*
…what were we talking about again?
“Chapters: 9/?
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Tsunade (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Dai-nana-han | Team 7 Ensemble (Naruto), Uchiha Sasuke, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama, Haruno Sakura, Ninjas of Konohagakure, Konoha 11 Ensemble (Naruto)
Additional Tags: Post-War, Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Fix-It, Ending Fix, Uchiha Sasuke-centric, POV Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke Returns to Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto is in Love with Uchiha Sasuke, Boys In Love, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, sasuke actually wants to become better, One-Sided Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura Needs a Hug, Eventual Smut, Post-Chapter 699 (Naruto), Canon Compliant, Canon Universe, Blank Period (Naruto), Drugs Made Them Do It, Drug Use, Drunk Sex, Getting Together, After Party, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, sasuke never went to jail, Uzumaki Naruto is Bad at Feelings, naruto is actually super in love, But he doesn't know how to handle it
Summary: After the war, Kakashi, the now Sixth Hokage, sees necessary for Sasuke to continue his recovery with Naruto, and puts him in charge of this task. At first, Sasuke has no problem with the idea, but he begins to notice strange behaviors in his friend, things that make him doubt about the relationship”
Detox (20 years together series) by wedonotsow
Dark, kinky modern au. A wonderful writer, authentic-feeling experiences ❤️ Bittersweet with happy ending. 🖤🌶️ also Naruto owns a restaurant in this one and I like to imagine him like Carmie from the Bear 😂 yes chef 😉
“Chapters: 10/10
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto - Relationship
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Karin (Naruto)
Additional Tags: Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Rehabilitation, True Love, Rough Sex, Pain, Drug Addiction, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Recovery, Love, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Face Slapping, references to bloodplay, Anal Sex, Healthy Relationships, Angst with a Happy Ending, Shibari, Domestic Fluff
Series: Part 2 of 20 years together AU
Summary: Naruto thought that he'd experienced it all. After 20 years of enmeshed history and 10 years in a committed relationship, they had endured death, betrayal, violence, and even jail; but always inexplicably tied in solid foundation of unconditional love.
Nothing could break them. Naruto had been sure of it. That is: until Sasuke was forced into rehab for a drug addition he had been hiding. To overcome these latest demons they must confront the deepest, darkest parts of themselves. Even the stuff that really, really hurts.
Good thing they are so used to enduring pain”
Let the world burn by newtaste
I like to think this fic is like Bridgerton with teeth. Very sexy and smart with class struggle & character development. The romance is so well done 🔥💙
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“Rating: Mature
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru/Temari
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru, Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Sakura, Hyuuga Hinata, Hyuuga Neji, Sai (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Yamanaka Ino, Temari (Naruto), Hatake Kakashi, Deidara (Naruto), Sarutobi Konohamaru
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Slow Burn, Yaoi, Enemies to Lovers, Inspired by Bridgerton (TV), Uchiha Sasuke-centric, Period-Typical Homophobia, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Uchiha Sasuke is one of the most eligible bachelors in Konoha, looking for a successful marriage. He is an elitist, a conservative duke who hates people who do not abide by the rules of society.
Uzumaki Naruto is a rebel, a mere commoner, who plans to revolutionize the system that favours only the rich.
When they accidentally meet at the spring ball, none of them suspects their beliefs would be shaken to their core.
The story takes place sometime in the middle of the nineteenth century, in a European setting, during the industrial revolution. Slow burn”
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konohagakurekakashi · 3 months
any fic recs?
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//Full disclosure. I'm not really up to date with Naruto-verse fanfiction, and those I do read are Kakashi centric and a little silly (naturally). Here are some gems I've come across:-
1. Branches by To Mockingbird (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10631615/1/ )
This feels like being on acid. Kakashi gets sucked into an alternative dimension in which he is still the Jōnin-sensei of Team 7, but Minato-sensei is alive and the Hokage. Jiraiya and Tsunade-sama are married and Uchiha Itachi is a girl. A wild ride, with a lovely ending.
2. A heap of details, uncatalogued, illogical by 100 demons (https://archiveofourown.org/works/1116142 )
This is part 2 of a two piece, but can be read as a standalone. A Genjutsu goes wrong, Kakashi wakes up with the memories of his 14 year old self, much to the confusion of Team 7. The Team 7 dynamic is just the /best/. I love them to bits.
3. My Mr Ukki by Applepie (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7094767/1/My-Mr-Ukki ).
A funny little one shot. I think we can all agree that Mr Ukki is the most underrated Naruto character. "My Mr Ukki's sick!" Kakashi wailed in a room full of ninjas. So naturally, everyone heard him. Then began, a plethora of misunderstandings. Just who is this mysterious Mr Ukki and what is his relationship with Kakashi - A secret lover? Also Tsunade-sama is a killer wingman in this one.
4. Man's best friend by Applepie
( https://archiveofourown.org/works/3858064 ) The ninken wage war against Mr Ukki for Kakashi's affections. Anything with Pakkun in it, is a must read- obviously! And again, it has Mr Ukki.
5. Hokage Kakashi by Mirror and Image (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8175136/1/Hokage-Kakashi. )
A funny one shot during Kakashi's tenure as Hokage. Kakashi is made Hokage during the Pein Arc in this one and his near death experience has made him a bit mental (lies, he was actually born that way).
6. Uneasy lies the Head by Hiiraeth (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11199743/1/Uneasy-Lies-the-Head )
Kakashi and Team 7 centric. The lengthiest one on the list. Takes place two years after the Fourth Shinobi War, with Rokudaime Kakashi being a terrible troll, just as nature intended. Troll behaviour warrants an almost successful assassination attempt, resulting in Team 7 rolling out the Hokage protection bubble-wrap. A good read and I believe there is also a sequel out/ongoing.
7. A warm impression by Hiiraeth (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12741017/1/A-Warm-Impression ) Minato-sensei meets Sakumo for the first time. I love the characterization. You can honestly read anything by Hiiraeth and won't be disappointed. Like at all.
That's it for now. I'll update the list as I go, but until then, these should do.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Hi, Ray! So, I know you're kinda like me in that you tend to Fixate on one character in a fandom, and aren't really interested in reading fics about other characters. For me, in Naruto, my Fixation is, well, Naruto himself, I'm usually not interested in fics that don't include him. However, this fandom is one of the rare cases for me where I have multiple characters I Fixated on, namely Kakashi in this case. The point I'm leading up to here is that I recently read some amazing fic (1)
(2) that are entirely Kakashi-centric, and involve Naruto only on the side, so I'm not certain if you'll enjoy them or not. Just in case you would, though, allow me to present to you literally every fic by butter_peanut on ao3. Their fics are very popular, so there's a good chance you'll have already read them if you are into the Obikaka fic scene, but in that case just take this as me gushing to you. First of all, there's Kamui Blues. This one has some of my favorite Kakashi characterization
(3) that I have ever seen. Like, in canon, it often feels like Kakashi got nerfed hard for the sake of the plot. He has to be just strong enough to fight evenly with the enemy at the time, while also allowing Naruto to sweep in and make an impression, you know? It's a pretty normal thing in mentor characters, I get it, but it still itches at me just because of how much I ended up liking Kakashi. Kamui Blues is pretty much exactly the levels of genius Kakashi I wish we had gotten in canon.
(4) It is incredibly satisfying, to see him actually have the chance to use the skills he was stated to have in canon. Kamui Blues Kakashi actually feels like the natural extension of someone who made chuunin at six jonin at ten ANBU at 14. His whole thing was using a Sharingan to copy a thousand jutsu and using them so well that it became his title in a way that even actual Uchiha couldn't do, but we never actually get to see that in canon. Sure, he has cool moments, but it just
(5) doesn't feel like it measures up in comparison to what he could have been, you know? The New Recruit universe by that author also does a great job of actually letting Kakashi be an awesome badass, though the overall fics take more of a comedic route with moments of seriousness that Kamui Blues plot-heavy and serious with moments of comedy. Of course, then there's the Week in Kiri universe, which I also adore for... different reasons. It's the most smut-centric, but with character development
(6) of the fics. Honestly, Kamui Blues and Week in Kiri both have Kakashi characterization's that I enjoyed so much they are my new permanent headcanons for him. If you've read them, I'm sure you already know what I mean, and if you haven't I think it's better that you see for yourself rather than have me spoil it for you. Oh, and of course the sex is incredibly hot, and Kakashi is dripping with self-loathing in the most fascinating of ways. Basically, I just wanted to make sure you hadn't
(7) missed out on these absolute works of art. The relationship between Kakashi and Obito is exactly the amount of fucked up but affectionate and mutually obsessed with each other that drew me to the pairing in the first place. Like, it's literally canon that Obito stalked Kakashi from the Kamui dimension. How could I not fall in love with this pairing, huh? Tell me I'm wrong. Anyways, love you Ray, take care, just wanted to pop by and chat up one of my favorite authors a bit, see ya later! :)
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stargliders · 1 year
Hey, I’m Shelby (she/hers)! Welcome to my multi-fandom blog. I'm a queer writer mainly active in the Naruto fandom. All my work is available on AO3.
This blog will also feature content from my other fandoms and misc. interests as outlined in my About page. I am NOT open to interacting with minors.
Fanfics under the cut
Naruto 🌀
The Sun Gives Life (to Everything But Us)
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I Chapters: 4/? (Updated 2-17-24)
A vampire over two centuries old, Sasori has accumulated enough wealth and power that life lost all excitement; even the sweetest blood no longer eases his ennui. He returns to Japan only to encounter a fiery young courtesan named Sakura who proves otherwise. (For Sasori Week 2023, Day 1: Preservation/Fear)
Pas de Deux
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Mature I Chapters: 3/? (Updated 3-16-24)
Sasori made a name for himself performing in iconic ballets until a career-ending injury forced him into teaching. Sakura is auditioning for the leading role in the National Ballet School of Japan’s Giselle, and she has no choice but to defer to him and his harsh methods. She can do it. She’s not perfect, but she’s getting there. Except almost good enough isn’t enough for Sasori, and Sakura is determined to prove him wrong even while she falls for him—even if it destroys her.
A Devilish Curiosity
Sasori-centric [Gen] I Rating: Teen I One-shot
Sasori goes hunting for a novel bee species on the outskirts of Sunagakure, eager to use its unusually potent venom to create an even deadlier poison. Like all artists who push the limits, he faces the consequences.
Not a Love Like Mine, a Ruin
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Their captor hummed in contemplation. "This is my show, and whatever I say goes. I think I’ll start by shutting that smart mouth of yours for good." Kakashi closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath. "Take me instead." "But you…you can’t," Sakura said. The words she desperately wanted to tell him refused to come out. (I love you. Please, don’t die.) For KakaSaku Dead Dove Week 2024: Captured by enemies, "Take me instead"
Dancing With a Ghost
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
There was nothing else they could do. The talk therapy had failed. So had both rounds of electroshock. (The lightning Kakashi wielded all these years—had it made him immune? Even as Sakura watched his toes and fingers rattle against the table?) But a doctor in Kirigakure, Shizune explained, had recently invented a procedure that settled the overactive zones in the frontal lobes of the brain. Maybe, just maybe, he could be happy again. For KakaSaku Dead Dove Week 2024: Lobotomy
Caught Looking
Shisui/Sakura I Rating: Teen I One-shot
“Go! GO! Shisui-senpai!” Turning toward the bleachers, Shisui spotted a petite girl in the front row waving her pom-poms a little too ardently, her long pink hair whipping through the air. It wasn’t unusual for the cheer squad to practice alongside the baseball team. Shisui just wasn’t used to having such an impassioned admirer—a strikingly pretty one, at that.
So Kiss Me, as I Am Lost
The untenable stress of trying to open the Therapy Center while interning for the Medic Corps. The countless weekends Sakura has had to cancel their plans to work on call. Shisui has always been there to encourage her and uplift her with his love. Now, Sakura feels she no longer deserves it. For Febuwhump 2024, Day 5: CPR
Serendipity and Strawberries
Shisui/Sakura I Rating: Teen I One-shot
Christmas Eve is one of the most romantic days of the year, and Sakura never expected to spend it battling over the last cake at a bakery with a handsome stranger named Shisui. Will a very unmerry mix-up lead to something more?
Serenity and Starlight
Shisui can't wait to count down to the New Year with Sakura, the cutest girl he's met in ages—if he can survive ice skating first. Will their big night out be memorable for all the right reasons? Sequel to "Serendipity and Strawberries"
The Sweetest Sting
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
“You want me to mark you,” Sasori says. "Claim you." He sounds faintly wounded by it, as if he never expected her suggestion to hit him so hard. (In which Sasori gives Sakura a very intimate tattoo.) For Sasori Week 2023, Day 4: Love
I Should Call This Phantasm Real Enough
Hashirama/MadaraI Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Months had passed since that night, yet Madara can still recall the sensation of Hashirama's fingertips tracing his jaw, their synchronized breath. In his memory, Madara watches the indecorous scene between them unfold—this time, as a voyeur of his self-undoing.
At Her Command
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
During her goodwill mission in Suna, Sakura never expects to develop a rapport with Sasori, let alone date him—or dominate him. He may be the fifth Kazekage, but she wields the power behind closed doors. (In which Sakura pegs Sasori.)
Afternoon Delight
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Exhausted, Kakashi rushes to wrap up baking for a major dessert festival when he gets hit by unsavory cravings for Sakura. Her sweet and suggestive texts don’t exactly keep his fantasies in check.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hi Torship 💛 you have ficd for Tokoyami (mha) and Shisui, assuming they're your series favs... What other favs do you have? I don't know if you love any character like you love shisui tho? ;D hard to imagine
Have a good day/night!
Hey, Anon!
I have a lot of series that I like, fandoms that I browse over like popping your head in a gallery to admire the view and not read the labels, but only a few characters I am pretty hardcore for...!
We been knew. I don't really know how I found myself quietly determined to dominate his character tag but life works in mysterious ways. He was a possible love interest for my SIOC back in the day and then... We spiralled, massively. I liked his character so much that I turned to my Beta one day and said 'why isn't there a Shisui time travel fic, one thats simple but impactful?' and she shrugged and told me why I didn't try my hand at it myself, and that's how In The Eye of the Beholder started. The first of...many. I think we're at around 20 Shisui-centric fics posted? And endless ideas 🤡 The OG blorbo
Obi (Akagami no Shirayuki/AnS)
Oh my god Obi. You guys don't realise everything I have bottled up inside of me, but Obi gets me almost at the same level as Shisui, I just never posted much. The AnS fandom is smaller and idk in a weird way I'd feel more out of place there because, with Naruto fics, you're kinda sheltered by the crowd? We all deal with self consciousness, I guess. Obi unlocks something in me. Like with Shisui, I can ship him with almost anyone because I'm ace and romance is nice to read but not the end of the world, you know? It's always going to be a platonic relationship that rules my fics, I can't help it. But Obi? His love for Shirayuki just turns me into this puddle of emotionally complicated goo 😵
For Bnha....
You're not wrong that there's a reason that Tokoyami ended up as my first character-centric foray into this fandom, but it's not at all the same as the previous two. I have a lot of loves in BnHa. Ochako, Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Dabi, Hawks, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Ingenium (Tensei), and I have a protective streak a mile wide for Tamaki (I have a lot of thoughts, on...all of it tbh) but I'm very happy to rotate across basically the whole cast from BnHA because a good fic is a damn good fic! And the artists are also extremely talented~
I want to swing by Narutoverse again, just to reiterate that I may be welded to Shisui but I do love a massive number of characters, mainly the idea/potential of them than canon reality (as in most cases, I'm not a "love letter to canon" author) but it's a love all the same. Tobirama, Gai, Lee, Tsunade, Kakashi (squad 2 tbh, i picked my favs for that group), and I've grown so much fonder of other characters that I never paid much mind to (mainly Uchiha or Akatsuki etc) as just a reader!
Other fandoms
I'm... I'm a binge reader without much in the way of pickiness for a lot of fandoms. Les Mis, MCU, HP, LotR/Hobbit (I'm not even loyal to Aragorn/Arwen, this is how flexible I am in the face of good fandom content).
I have a huge preference for BAMF Din, I had to stop watching season three of the mandalorian because it was frustrating me so much lol
My favorite PJO character by a long long shot is Percy
I get annoyed when I remember that they didn't make the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies a polytriad
I'm Merlin trash in the year 2023
I'm too scared to start One Piece 🥴
If I had the time, memory space, and energy to swallow Star Wars lore, I would write a huge fic where Finn is the protagonist. No hate to any character but I want what I want
I think I'm running out of fandoms and, therefore, character fixations 😂 you're right tho, Anon, that I don't exactly have a designated 'Shisui' level of love in each fandom!
Thank you! Have a good day/night too✨
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fullcountersnatch · 4 years
Ya'll... I have 23 Safari tabs open on my phone. All of them fanfic. 21 of them are Naruto.
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shinpachirights · 3 years
Naruto Fics I Live Vicariously Though
Are you tired of searching for hours for a good read, getting hooked on a super long fic, only to burn through 200k words a night and get to the cliffhanger ending chapter? Worse, you discover the author hasn’t updated for months? Now you can skip the searching part because here are like 20 of those
(no offense to ppl who take hiatuses tho if y’all are making fics you’re already going beyond the call of duty, salute)
Of Harrowed Hearts:
Words:  247,273
The one Naruto fic everyone has read/heard of. Naruto meets Kurama early, they're friends. Bamf rookie 9, fuuinjutsu shenanigans, good shit. 
Chained to the Magma Pit:
words: 63,458
Fuck yeah this fic is my favorite on this list. Its the opposite of "Of Harrowed Hearts". Naruto meets the Kyuubi early, but their dynamic is they hate each other. (Which seems A Bit more realistic than them getting along instantly)(not to bash on the sacred texts -harrowed hearts- or anything) plenty of Naruto centric angst, as there fuckjng should be. Kurama drops a couple of Thanos level quotes, I think about them and this fic all the time, it’a just really well done guys.
What you Knead:
words: 38,483
Kakashi quits anbu after the Uchiha massacre and takes up baking, as well as parenting. He's way better adjusted as a result, and the bakery shenanigans bring me so much joy.
A Political Perspective:
words: 104,584
Another good teacher Kakashi, council wants to pass the team, Kakashi doesn't want to listen to the council but the team passes anyway. 10/10 training scenes, lots of fluff, some good Angst, similar to "being over prepared is impossible" (no.7 on list) but not complete.
A Philosophical generation:
words: 83,432
Canon divergent at the chunin exams, team 7 focus, lots of world building, if you like a Political Perspective you will like this.
From the Corner of Your Eye:
words: 166,986
Sasuke thinks Naruto has a crush on him (which… is he wrong?) As a result he's more invested in the team… kinda. Sasuke centric, it has some pretty neat characterization of Sasuke and good takes on his perception of how things are. Sasuke fans should read!
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos):
words: 40,028 (part one of a series)(this part is Complete!!)
Good teacher Kakashi, you know the drill. This one has a pretty fun energy to it, very entertaining. A bit of Jiraiya bashing later in the series installments, tho if u do like his character it’s pretty quick to get through that part and on with the rest of the work. A very Good read.
Demon Raised:
words: 41,504
"Fuck off Gyuki" iconic
I want so badly not to elaborate but I want people to read this fic more so here goes. Kurama and Naruto friendship, bamf Naruto as well as bamf konoha 12, Good Uchiha Itachi on the side with a dash of Shisui content. This fic is so much fun guys I promise. 
words: 64,867
Ooooooh this fic is a whole other beast. Sasuke-centric with some good Uchiha Obito, both of them are pretty badass in this, realistically enough that it seems earned. I am always down for great action, which this story has in spades. Sasuke doesn't interact w/ the Konoha 11 much here, but his interactions with Obito are entertaining, they have a fun dynamic. A hint of hint of kisaobi. 
Change Fills my Time:
words: 73,401 (Complete!!)
This fic is so good, I was looking for any other good fics I've read to make this list and I found this again. Kakashi centric, one of the only time travel fics I like. A fix-it that doesn't feel like one because there are actual consequences, realistic and gritty, with amazing action and plenty of Kakashi Angst.
Help Me to Open My Eyes:
words: 609,524
Like "from the corner of your eye", great take on Sasuke (those are so hard to find, lots of these fics found their way here because the authors don't fuck up his character) Definitely a good one for Sasuke fans
Through Your Door:
words: 317,860 (they go by so fast though)
Jinchuuriki bonding! Mito made a seal and now all the jinchuuriki can talk through a mental link. Amazing world building, legitimately funny, some good action, you've got everything you need! Unfortunately Kurama's only made one appearance, but we'll get there. Roshi, Han, and Yagara going akatsuki hunting gives me life.
The Rift that Tore this World in Two:
words: 71,565
Same deal as "through your door" less funny and more Angst, still amazing.
The Water Truce:
words: 86,220 (words in the full series. All entries are complete, last one has a cliffhanger though)
The absolute fucking best naruto fic. The best. Godaime Naruto, he and the gang kick ass and run the country respectably, treason is the name of the game. This is actually the second installment of a series where Danzo assassinated Sarutobi, so Kakashi takes his kiddos and yeets for a couple of years b4 assassinating Danzo. The Water Truce picks up after this, where Naruto is Hokage.
Foundation (Build it Higher, Bury it Deeper)
words: 25,672
Tsunade makes Naruto a chunin after the exams. Naruto focused, he distances himself from team 7. Team 7 bashing, but fantastic Tsunade content, as she deserves.
What A Big Heart You Have
words: 22,754 (Complete!!)
Oooooooooof this one, this one is a lot. Kushina runs into Sakumo in a graveyard the night before he kills himself. She makes him dinner, they become friends, happy ending. So fucking good.
Would You Eat Them With a Fox?
words: 12,077 (Complete!! it’s a oneshot)
Short but good. Iruka slowly realizing Naruto isn't some demon and reaching out to connect with him. Angst and fluff.
Chase The Wind
words: 231,815
Gaara/Naruto soulmate AU, you hear a sound associated with your soulmate in your head,, and when you're together the sounds combine. good shit
When You Bleed, I Bleed
words: 22,583
Another Gaara/Naruto soulmate AU. Your soulmate's injuries show up on your body. Remember Sasuke shoving his hand through Gaara's shoulder? Remember that? 
words: 89,054
Kakashi/Iruka, the only one of those I've ever read, Kakashi stays sane throughout ANBU by stalking Iruka after seeing him once at the memorial stone basically. It's good.
Fruit on the Vine 
words: 96,391
Tobidei supremacy. That's all folks. That one undercover scene-   so fucking good.
Our footprints in the Dust
words: 37,046
I lied before, I also love this time travel fic. Sasuke and Itachi centric, they meet by chance when Sasuke doesn’t know The Truth yet. Bam time travel, now they’re 6yrs in the past and immediately run into their fam + past selves. Author states this is more of a character study than a plotty fic, even so the plot is good. The character analysis is  the star tho, it doesn’t treat Sasuke’s trauma like something he can just “get over”, and it doesn’t erase Itachi’s agency from his own terrible choices while still acknowledging that he was in an impossible situation. I can’t wait to see where the author goes with this one. Not as long as some of the entries so give it a go if you have a few free hours
Honorable mention to “Pulling My Weight” and other Bamf Sakura fics, the reason I didn’t include those here is 1) There are a lot of them and this list is already long af and 2) I love Bamf Sakura fics and Sakura in general, but I get annoyed when Naruto is portrayed badly, he’s my fav. Finding good Sakura fics with good Naruto content is hard y’all.
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mokutone · 3 years
Unpopular opinion :) about naruto in general or just yamato whatever you want
hmmm thank you for the question....i guess here's one: in "modern"/non ninja AUs, I think Yamato should still be a fairly odd guy who is not really fully socialized to the intricacies of daily life.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
ough. edit update 2: tumblr deleted my first update acknowledging that it fucked up my post. dont know why this keeps happening. but it does. anyway
the thing is that around 2020 i started getting into naruto and while trying to avoid certain spoilers i decided to read some non ninja au fics, just because theyre fun and creative and i like seeing how people translate canon material into au material, and i was like. suuuuper blindsided by how often yamato was portrayed (even in some yamato centric fics) as like. the everyman.
and to be fair!! i can definitely understand how they came to this conclusion, because Yamato DOES have a little bit of a manzai routine with naruto, where naruto is the boke and yamato is the tsukkomi! yamato loves to play the straight man!
but the straight man isn't quite the everyman, there's some nuance in there. the "everyman" is somebody who is meant to be "relatable to anyone," typically their experiences in life have been """average""" in such a way that, when exposed to bizarre circumstances, they will react with an entertaining or empathy-drawing abundance of surprise and often distress.
i feel like a lot of yamato's backstory, specifically being a test tube baby created by konoha's favorite evil mad scientist and then raised and trained by a man known for having children fight to the death in an effort to remove them of their feelings, and then spending the next 10 years of his life exclusively working relatively anonymously in Konoha's black ops, however, kinda disqualifies Yamato from being an everyman? I feel like that's a pretty ah. unique. experience of life. even speaking simply in the terms of batshit ninja origin stories from naruto!
like sure! in an au, you could remove any trace of that from his character. but you could also, in an au, say that Kakashi just got that scar in a shaving accident when he was 22. i don't know why you'd say that, but like, you could if you thought that losing his eye and all that obito shit didn't matter to his character much. i mean...the world is an oyster.
the straight man in a comedic bit DOES often serve the purpose of the "voice of reason" but, unlike the everyman...there's no prescribed backstory! it's just a comedic role. The only expectation is that they generally maintain composure in the face of Antics, and that they try to correct or give deadpan commentary to the funnyman.
this is part of why i am constantly making jokes about Yamato Deliberately practicing being "normal," honestly. i think it would be a very funny and a really funny crossroads of some of his character traits if...instead of being the straight man by virtue of never having encountered any strangeness in his life, yamato (who we know to be somebody who values preparedness immensely) just...studied for it. is there anything more hilarious than the idea of somebody who studied being normal with the goal of being able to pass as Just Some Average Joe.
Imagine say, a Yamato who was brought up by danzō in some kind of homeschooler's hell blood sports situation, who is now an adult and finds doing his taxes and going grocery shopping and all sorts of very normal and unfun tasks genuinely kind of exciting because of how rewarding he finds it to practice these Normal Skills he has put an insane amount of effort into teaching himself. I find this idea to be just. utterly enrapturing. but that's a very extreme example of the dichotomy.
anyway. in fics which aren't about that kind of thing, it can be a narrow line to tread, and really all it comes down to is just. putting thought into giving yamato a backstory which draws at least somewhat on a few of his canon backstory details and characterizing his actions with his own logic (which one must then put effort into building), rather than a kind of default "common-sense" logic.
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thundrpilot · 3 years
Cam’s Naruto Rec 2/∞
Naruto Fic Recs: [1] [2] Fic Masterlist here for full list.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
through the dark, reaching for me now by callaina
Word Count:  5,341 (1/1)
Summary:  The first time Iruka meets Hatake Kakashi he is decidedly not awestruck.
Comments:  KakaIru. Fuuinjutsu Master Iruka. First meeting. Strangers to Lovers. Iruka being amazing and Kakashi realizing it and then lots of fluff.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Making Amends by Jubokko, LazarusII
Word Count:  31,381 (5/5)
Summary:  It had been months since Kakashi and Iruka last spoke to one another for anything other than business—and over two years since their mutual breakup. Terrible, painful, lonely years filled with nothing but shitloads of paperwork and enough politics to make Kakashi want to gag. 
But his days in office were numbered. That, he could deal with. Iruka, on the other hand…
Comments:  KakaIru. Hokage!Kakashi, ANBU!Kakashi, BAMF!Kakashi, BAMF!Iruka. Undercover Kakashi, lots of action and fight scenes, and lots of missing-nin. A part of the Umino Undercover collection on Ao3, which is full of really good Iruka-centric fics
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Taking A Break by ohmygoshwhatascream
Word Count:  47,699 (8/8)
Summary:  With Naruto gone, Iruka finds himself left with nothing but loose ends. Lonely, but not quite willing to admit it, life goes on. He takes more shifts at the mission desk, avoids his friends and tries to convince himself that the shadows in his apartment are not growing larger and larger with each passing day. 
It doesn't help that Hatake Kakashi, a man who Iruka tries to avoid at all costs, is suddenly lingering in each and every corner of his life. 
No matter what he tells himself, there's something about Kakashi that makes it impossible to stay away. The remnants of an age-old crush that never quite faded offer the promise of something he'd promised to forget and, even when it burns, Iruka finds himself captivated. 
His back bears the cruel memory of weakness and he knows that this can't last. 
Comments:  KakaIru. ANGST OH MY GOD. Dadruka. Basically slowburn where Iruka is struggling to get over what Mizuki did to him (they had been together) and trusting someone else after that kind of thing is hard.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
** The Proposal by BC-Brynn
Word Count:  8,176 (1/1)
Summary:  ...or how Naruto got platonic-married to one of his friends and in the end didn’t regret it at all.
Comments:  Shikamaru/Naruto. Marriage of convenience trope, which when you think about Shikamaru for a second it makes perfect sense. Perfect oneshot with a sprinkle each of fluff and angst, has a very slice-of-life feel to it.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Love Reveals The Paradise by cuupid
Word Count:  13,425 (1/1)
Summary:  Tsunade spread her arms wide, the smile on her face stretched large enough to match. "You two are getting married. Congratulations!"
Recovering from war, Kirigakure and Konohagakure have decided that the best way to unite their villages is a marriage between someone of Kiri birth (Iruka) and someone of Konoha birth (Kakashi).
Comments:  KakaIru. Arranged marriage. Iruka being the best dad to Naruto. 
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
don’t piss off a seals master by stupidbadgers
Word Count:  1642 (1/1)
Summary:  perhaps it was a little petty of iruka to almost completely dismantle the warding protecting hokage tower, but could you really blame him?
Comments:  Fuuinjutsu Master Iruka. Implied established KakaIru. We get to see how important Iruka is to the village in this one. I like it when ppl realize that they’ve made a huge mistake underestimating him.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
To Go Hand In Hand by megyal
Word Count:  50,025 (20/20)
Summary:  Iruka and Kakashi have to join forces...as parents, for Naruto.
Comments:  KakaIru. Partners to Lovers trope. Marriage of Convenience. Lots of Dadruka and Dadkashi.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Pillow talk for fake lovers by Dunloth
Word Count:  10,845 (7/7)
Summary:  Kakashi and Iruka go on an undercover mission as civilian diplomats. They would be okay with it, if only they didn't have to pretend they're married too. Also, Kakashi is crushing like a teen and Iruka can't stand the sight of him. Or can he? Warning for unwarranted fluff and a bit of angst.
Comments:  KakaIru. Undercover as married couple trope. Enemies to lovers kinda. There was only one bed. This one is also in the Umino Undercover collection on Ao3.
☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆  •  ☆
Fic Masterlist here for full list.
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emberswrites · 3 years
As writer who was invested with Kakashi and Sasuke relationship, what do you think of this meta, the second part? It's an interesting meta but as Sasuke fan I am kinda iffy to like it. The meta is so Kakashi-centric since the OP is Kakashi stan, they don't touch about Sasuke's feeling at all, but there are some interesting pro-KakaSasu bits that many fans including me miss like Kakashi second-handedly condemned Naruto too for hospital rooftop incident and Kakashi not discouraging Sasuke's revenge before hospital rooftop incident.
Hi Anon! This is an interesting ask. As always, this is just my opinion and obviously based on my interpretation of the characters and relationships. I do agree with many of the points in the post you referenced and I will explain more below. Also it's been a while since I watched the whole series in detail so forgive me if I miss some minor things. Loooooong post under the cut.
I love Sasuke, I don't think he was entirely wrong to seek revenge in the context of the Naruto world, but I don't see him as an angel who did no wrong either. Neither is Kakashi a perfect person. In fact, none of the characters are, which is good because grey characters are interesting. I will say, I don't think Shikamaru and Sasuke's revenge is exactly comparable, mostly because of the collateral damage Sasuke was risking to himself and others by accepting Orochimaru's deal, there was no factor like that with Shikamaru. For example, if Sasuke ran off just to meet Itachi and kill him somewhere, I have no doubt Kakashi would have followed him too like he did with Team 10. Kakashi did put himself between Itachi and Sasuke the same way he did with Kakazu/Hidan and Team 10, and he only went on that unofficial mission with them because they were undoubtedly going to die if he didn't. It's not as though he sat and planned it with Shikamaru ahead of time, but he knew they were going to go and get themselves badly hurt and most likely killed and their sensei was gone. But Sasuke handed himself over to an enemy that posed a great danger to both himself and the village, an enemy who openly said he wanted to use Sasuke's body as his own and had very obviously bad intentions towards him. (Side note: This is also why I don't agree with the idea Naruto was selfish in his desire to stop Sasuke from leaving, we don't know how Naruto would have reacted if Sasuke was just going to train with a not-evil person who could help him get stronger without taking over his body. I doubt it would have been the exact same reaction though.) Now, I think it would have been better if Kakashi went about supporting Sasuke's goal in a more productive way rather than telling him to forget it, but I don't think his intention was to dismiss Sasuke's feelings in the moments where he does try to steer him away from it. Because they're right, Kakashi doesn't actually tell him to stop pursuing this goal until the curse mark becomes a factor.
When I think about Kakashi trying to discourage Sasuke from revenge, the two points we see him do this most explicitly are 1. After the rooftop fight and 2. Kage Summit Arc.
In 1, Sasuke is still actively fighting the curse mark, which seems to feed on this kind of negative, angry emotion to influence Sasuke in a way that obviously is harmful to him and others around him. When the curse mark recedes, we see him behave quite differently in those early days when he can't really control it. He seems regretful, shocked, and scared even, of what he's done under it's influence. So when Kakashi says to forget about revenge, I don't think he means forever and that he should never seek justice, but in a more immediate sense it's actually harming him physically at that point and becoming very dangerous. He has to say something to get through to Sasuke. It's an incredibly delicate time not just for his safety but the village at large and I think this is part of Kakashi's motivation to steer him away from it at that point. Sasuke is in danger and he can't protect Sasuke from something Sasuke won't protect himself from. Now, was the conversation he had with Sasuke on that tree the perfect way to get Sasuke to understand where he's coming from without downplaying Sasuke's emotions? Probably not, but Kakashi is flawed and he's not always going to have the right things to say. It's fine to criticize his approach here, but I personally don't believe in the argument he dismissed Sasuke's trauma or was trying to one-up him, he was simply stating the fact that he has some idea of what Sasuke is feeling, not exactly but on some level. He's trying to relate to him. He's suffered a lot. I don't like to compare pain, but they both went through a lot of pain. Was it a little clumsy and imperfect? Sure, but Kakashi isn't a therapist and he's doing his best, I feel. Don't forget he was pulled out of ANBU at a low point in his life to become a teacher for these two kids that pretty much no one else could handle. He has a whole chest of his own issues and probably PTSD. He just saw his two students almost kill each other, it had to be shocking and worrying for him, too, because he does care for them. He sees this boy, whom he knows cares for Naruto immensely, nearly kill him. Something isn't right. He also doesn't want to seem forceful, it seems like he knows that will only push Sasuke away, so in the end he gives Sasuke a choice, he lets him think on it himself. It's not like he can keep him trapped forever so he won't leave, so he wants Sasuke to choose to go about it in a different way. He gives him space. Now this backfired because he got sent away on a mission and then the Sound 4 come in, but his intentions I think were in the right direction. This post actually gave me a lot of food for thought about Kakashi's approach to Sasuke and how he gives Sasuke space and free will and choice while still trying to guide him in the way he thinks is best for him, I really encourage you to read the second part of it as it contained things I never thought about. I think Kakashi trusted Jiraiya to talk to Naruto (which I can't recall if that happened), while he handled Sasuke. He can't do everything on his own after all. We also need to remember that at this point, he's ALSO just woken up from a coma Itachi put him in, and is (despite that) still among the strongest shinobi in the village already being sent out on missions, he is stretched thin as hell. If he wasn't, maybe he would have been able to handle it with more attention to Sasuke, maybe the Sound 4 wouldn't have had that opening and maybe they would have been able to talk more.
In 2 at the Kage summit, Sasuke's focus for revenge is not just Itachi but all of Konoha. Now, I don't think there's any way Kakashi could have encouraged it obviously. So how does he deter him? He's not sure Madara/Tobi's revelation is true. I mean, it makes sense not to trust that guy at this point. He sees Sasuke about to kill Sakura and he has to do/say something. I will say Naruto saying he doesn't blame Sasuke for feeling what he feels and doing what he did was the better way to go, for sure. But again, Kakashi is not a perfect character and he did not react perfectly to this confrontation. But why do we expect him to react perfectly to everything? Is he not also a human who's led an incredibly hard life? He tried to communicate with the lens he was looking from and his own experience. What I do see here in Kakashi's words and thoughts are how much he cares about Sasuke still. He says he still adores him. His precious student. He never calls Sasuke evil or a bad seed, never blames his Uchiha blood or whatever, he says simply he is a product of the times, of the circumstance, is being manipulated. He defends against him to protect his other students, yes, but before this he was the one guy supporting Naruto to still try and get through to him, to try and appeal to the Raikage to spare him. Not even Sakura and their peers or literally anyone else supported Naruto at that point. Again he's stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to protect all his students.
So while I agree his words/actions were not always ideal or the most effective, I do think his priorities were always in the right place and that he cared about Sasuke immensely and never saw him as some evil person. Sasuke may have felt unheard and unsupported in moments for sure but I don't think that was intentional on Kakashi's part. I also never thought he favoured Sasuke, seeing as how he only really focused on him during chunin exam training (which made sense given the threat with Orochimaru), and he was certainly equally disappointed in both Naruto and Sasuke's actions almost hurting each other. He is indeed one of the few adults/authority figures in Sasuke's life that does not try to manipulate him for personal gain and tried to balance his needs with the other responsibilities he has. At the end of the day, he's the one that secures Sasuke's freedom and ability to move away from the village and do as he pleases as Hokage, it's one of the first things he does. He demonstrates trust in him.
I hope this long winded post answered your question, anon!
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mira--mira · 3 years
3 things:
the first, Le gasp. Did Madara gave Hashirama the necklace that Tsunade gave to Naruto? That's always been a headcanon of mine so it'd be super cool if that was the case for OoT.
the 2nd: I now have a mental image of Gai running laps around Konoha with Lee & Hashimada bellowing about youth, like he does. Ppl just assuming that they're his Genin team. Cue either Neji, Tenten or Kakashi hearing about it and going over to check what's happening.
Kakashi will gaze upon the matching jumpsuits and give up on life
Neji and Tenten will be offended that they've been replaced.
The 3rd: Hashirama learns of Kakashi's (or well anyones) distaste for the jumpsuits and innocently suggest that when he becomes Hokage he'll implement them as the official Shinobi uniform. Legwarmers and all.
Now that I think about it, the Gai's outfit it literally Kakashi's except green and w/ legwarmers instead of bandages. So it probably wouldn't be that different, but its still kinda funny.
How are people afraid of the Gunbai? Cuz they're not old enough to have seen Madara use it and since he's a ghost, shouldn't all portraits/pictures of him be gone. I mean I guess there's still the statue. But Madara's not weilding a fan in that one. Are students just told in the academy that the fan is bad or is it more like a cultural aversion to fans. If that's the case then are they afraid of the fan or just dislike it? Cuz its kinda implied that Gai panicked upon seeing the fan and opened the 6th gate, but that's a big reaction that would only be triggered by actual fear instead of disgust.
Sorry for the long ramble. I was just so excited to see Oot update that my words got away from me. Love your fic!
Warnings for slight spoilers, it's more background necklace stuff only in point 1 but just fyi in case it’s important to you!
1. Yes! I love that headcanon but this one has a slightly different history behind it. Madara did give it to him, but it's the necklace he inherited from his mother that his father gave her. This is bc in the "canon" history, Madara and Hashirama were never public about their relationship. The traditional Uchiha courtship necklace was incredibly recognizable (the magatama ie the big "comma" symbol on sage/indra/ashura's clothes) so Madara couldn't easily make him one. However, Tajima made the same necklace for Kou but it broke into its now-recognizable shape of today and she refused to wear any other necklace but that one, saying it was unique among all the Uchiha's (she also compared it to a dick when Tajima added the two beads on either side to make it look nicer, but that's bc Kou had a rather coarse sense of humor). Typically the mother's necklace is inherited by the oldest daughter but since Kou only had sons, it went to Madara and was one of the last things he had of her. It was his declaration of love to give it to Hashirama and, considering how vilified and demonized Kou was to the Senju, his own declaration to accept and wear it.
2. Oh you better believe they’ll run laps together! (edit: I realized this got buried in my drafts so Chapter 17 has already come out, so yes you predicted part of the future 😜) Hashirama will be little more proactive in his revenge so no stumbling upon them haha! And Gai already has plans to introduce the terrors to his genin team 😉
3. He’ll accidentally stumble upon Kakashi’s specific distaste of the outfit but you better believe once he finds, he’ll just happen to bring it up to Kakashi every once in a while just to see his reaction. 
The issue with the gunbai is it’s specifically associated with the Ghost of the Uchiha. Madara’s individual name got lost (only the elders, ninja with access to classified records, and certain clans remember it). But the “Ghost” was a bogeyman to Konoha, an evil, terrible man who was cursed with only hatred in his heart, who turned on the village and tried to destroy it. 
(In the full story, it also connects Konoha’s hatred of Kurama specifically (the monster the Ghost used to try and destroy the village) which will also be connected to one reason why the jinchuriki were always set up to be pariahs, and how by killing Madara, Hashirama’s deification as the God of Shinobi was complete, as well as another reason the Uchiha were separated and held at arms length which only worsened over time as the story became more and more mythologized and Madara’s past contributions as a founder were lost.)
Because there weren’t paintings/statues of the Ghost (except for VotE which...I think is actually a bit of a controversial piece for Konoha tbh, and the Uchiha’s secret mural) the only thing that really stuck to symbolize him was the gunbai. This is a very American-centric perspective and I will be the first to admit isn’t a perfect parallel by any means but the kind of fear/hatred most of Konoha and especially ninja have towards the gunbai/Ghost can be thought of like the Red Scare panic. The “paranoia” point isn’t quite met but that kind of visceral hatred and fear over something that they’re told to fear and hate but don’t actually have first hand experience is similar. I also think it could work as a kind of dark reflection of the Will of Fire ideology. If you’re not someone who would sacrifice everything for the village and endure relentlessly...are you going to betray the village and become the next Ghost? That’s not a vocal belief in Konoha, but more something that’s kind of implied by the black/white mentality that nationalism kind of inspires. The emotion is only towards gunbai in particular, but the culture around fans in general and them being “too similar” has created an aversion to all fans esp in the ninja clans. Tenten has a small tessen (an iron hand held fan) but it’s something that very clearly marks her as clanless to other shinobi because no clan ninja would own one. 
All of this to say, when Gai first saw the gunbai unexpectedly the years of being taught this explicitly and implicitly kicked in and he reacted. It was a panicked instinct and if he weren’t the amazing man we know and love seeing Madara with the gunbai and definitely knowing their connection, other ninja in Konoha would find it perfectly reasonable for him to then try and attack Madara.
I hope this clears things up, I felt I got a bit rambly in the middle!
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kermitthekrog-blog · 3 years
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I posted 354 times in 2021
55 posts created (16%)
299 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
Top 3 People
I added 79 tags in 2021
#bnha - 19 posts
#bnha meta - 14 posts
#shigaraki tomura - 13 posts
#mha - 11 posts
#shigaraki tomura my beloved - 6 posts
#lady nagant - 4 posts
#real life meta - 4 posts
#all for one - 3 posts
#midoriya izuku - 3 posts
#dad for one - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#who can't recognize the radical problems even when it's their own narrative staring right back at them
My Top Posts in 2021
This is the last thing you see before your wedding gets blown up.
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43 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 05:24:53 GMT
My thoughts on how Bones can improve the MVA Arc
One, Shigaraki Tomura needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Shigaraki Tomura is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Shigaraki"? Thr--
49 notes • Posted 2021-08-12 06:31:20 GMT
Obito’s Ostracism
I think it’s very telling that it’s not the Uchiha who are shown degrading Obito for his lack of Sharingan. Why would they? The Uchiha rite of passage is the Grand Fireball jutsu, which he could cast. The Sharingan is not a universally activated characteristic; the clan wouldn’t consider its lack shameful (unless my Madara theory below is true, but even then it would likely be expected, yet its lack would still be not shameful). It’s a person like Kakashi, who likely thinks of Obito’s worth in terms of his military value to the village, who insults him on that basis.
Then why is Obito considered the black sheep among his clan? Two theories:
He’s disliked for the same reasons that Naruto was: he never studied, was annoying, was late, etc. The Uchiha clan was a proud clan + discriminated against & desperate to not let their status slip further. In this scenario, he’s not only not living up to the values of his society, but casting a negative light on his clan.
He’s the direct descendant of Uchiha Madara and is being ostracized on that basis. In the cave, when Madara tells Obito of his identity, Obito’s response is very specific and telling (”The Uchiha Madara of my ancestor?” = his ancestor, not just of his clan). Keep in mind that the Uchiha are a diverse ethnic group, not just a clan (Shisui and Sasuke could be first cousins, or they could have only a single common ancestor in Indra), so Madara being referred to as his direct ancestor is interesting.
52 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 18:37:05 GMT
Do you think Lady Nagant's arm grew as she did? Like, it manifested as a peashooter, was a bolt action during puberty, and is now a .50 cal?
55 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 14:56:19 GMT
A Personal Gripe
Less Dad for One fics/tropes and more good Shigaraki-centric stuff, IMO. The guy is exactly what Sasuke was to the Naruto manga (the narrative only exists because of him, he drives the plot almost single-handedly, he encapsulates almost every relevant theme of the manga, etc (oh, and he gets ridiculous hate from nowhere)) and yet ... and yet the amount of fics with a decent portrayal of him that aren’t also E-rated Tomura/Reader smut is criminally low. 
Dad for One smacks of the legions of ‘BAMF Haruno Sakura’ Naruto fanfics that tried to make her interesting/relevant in a major way ... but ended up giving her Sasuke’s backstory/motivations/intrigue/personality etc etc in some way, while also being ridiculously uncharitable to the male antagonist they’re aping in the first place. Midoriya Izuku is a standard Happy Warrior Therapist trope, relatively fewer manga themes are reflected in him, and those that are get handled much worse in comparison to the villains (quirklessness, maladaptive quirks, the pressures of a mentor/father figure, etc). I want to hear much less about the guy! Tomura is standing right there! Ready to be used!
511 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 04:00:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kakairu-rocks · 3 years
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... @t-m-o​! This is a member's only activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about Tmo & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love ❤️
Pronouns: No preference (She/ Her, He/ Him, They/ Them)
Type of Creator (artist, writer, both, etc.): Writer
Where to find them:
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum, and be a creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
According to FF.net, my first fic I posted was back in October of 2011. I’d been writing it for months and was so nervous to post but it was so worth it and if there’s anyone out there who needs that sign to post what you’ve been working on, this is it!
2. What are you working on right now?
I’ve got a lot of fics in the works like my Bing Bang fic, my Shrek-inspired series and the Game of Thorns was a series I started a few years ago will be getting a sequel in the next few months so that should be fun! In non-KakaIru things, I’ve got a Kakashi-centric fic that’s supposed to be a calming, chill kind of fic that focuses more on friendship and introspection. The KakaIru Mini Bang is also happening soon too so I’m working on some sweet slice of life!
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
If you’ve ever read my stuff, you’d know AUs of all kinds are definitely my favourite since it gives the writer so much room to play with when it comes to storytelling. Other than AUs though, I adore fluff and slow burns because I’ve got a nasty sweet tooth.
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
So, many of my stories are about love and adventure; universally easy concepts to read about. Back in 2017, the news broke that the lead singer of one of my favourite bands had ended his life after struggling with depression and substance abuse, one of those things I know very well myself. So, when the Kakairu Fest Summer Round and The Time-Traveler’s Wife prompt came up, it gave me a space to deal with those emotions so I’d have to say One More Light is my favourite even though I know it’s not conventionally likeable.
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
KakaIru Month is happening so I’m taking the same route as Valentine’s Week and writing up some drabbles which are always fun to write because it’s like a puzzle to try and figure out how to get so many ideas into such little space. And, of course, my Big Bang fic!
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
None that I’ve used for stories. Mainly, I make OCs for dnd campaigns and original stuff but maybe I’ll pepper in an OC or two in the future!
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
Fifty Shades of Grey. A hundred percent. This was such a rough story not because of the plot but because of the nuance. My whole goal was to do the complete opposite of its namesake which meant learning about NSFW things I wasn’t familiar with and really trying to paint a picture of a healthy adult relationship with consent and emotional awareness. It still may be quite safe to some readers but that might also stem from my own boundaries, something I think all creators should feel comfortable with and maybe even a bit curious about.
8. Do you have any favourite scenes from something you’ve created?
Typically, I don’t look back at my writing because of embarrassment but this year I’ve taken a hard look at my work. I actually have two scenes I can’t get out of my head as my favourite. One is at the beginning of the last chapter of A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. where Kakashi and Iruka are just pining over each other in a flashback. The second is Sunday Morning which is just a whole scene of a fluffy slice of life.
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
Usually, movies and music, as you can probably tell from all the non-canon stories I’ve got 😂 I’ll usually binge-listen to music when I’m trying to get into the writing mood, mainly playlists that have the vibes I’m looking to write for (I highly suggest jazz btw).
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
Not How I Imagined Starting Senior Year - This one means a lot to me in the grand scheme of my writing. Rather than being meaningful in terms of the plot though, this story changed how I wrote. It was a fic that I didn’t rush out and took a lot of care into writing. Before then, I’d write a chapter without planning ahead and let it run wherever it wanted to as long as it got to the ending I had in mind. While that’s useful for some stories, it’s also useful for others to know at least vaguely what you want to do in a chapter to be able to focus on foreshadowing and flow especially for longer stories where those elements make for a better read and may have readers coming back.
Since writing it, I’m so much more confident no matter how I choose to write something. You can always make something and save it for later. Sure, you may have taken the wrong route and accidentally got lost. Take out what doesn’t work and start over. Even if you don’t use it, you still created something. And what a happy accident it is.
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dimigex · 4 years
Author Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @cinlat This took forever so I'm not going to tag anyone else but please do it if you want, I'd love to know more about so many of the people I follow! And if you do it after seeing it here, tag me!
1. Name: Dimigex
2. Fandoms: Mostly Naruto and Overwatch. I've dabbled in Fullmetal and there are some others I think I could, but there's never enough hours
3. Where You Post: here on tumblr and A03 and Fanfiction.net
4. Most Popular One Shot: Hints (1331 kudos) which is a Kakashi/Iruka slow burn one shot in which Genma plays matchmaker. Honestly, I have no idea why it's so popular.
5. Most Popular Multi-chapter: Altered Reality (381 kudos lol) which is a Kakashi/Rin fix it fic that I honestly never meant to write lol
6. Actual Worst Part of Writing: Making it perfect through editing. I have always said that I am a terrible writer and a great editor but it is so time consuming. I want to get to the fun stuff and get bogged down fixing the plot and setting things up that I lose interest.
7. Favorite Story You Wrote: This is actually a really hard one for me. It's a toss-up between Falling Cherry Blossoms and I'll be the Moon. Falling Cherry Blossoms is an exploration of grief and what it would take to break Kakashi. and I'll be the Moon really delves into the complexity of love and relationships.
8. Story You Were Nervous To Post: Honestly, I'm nervous to post every story. No matter what someone says, writing is putting a piece of yourself out there for someone to take a look at. I was pretty nervous posting my first KakaYama smut which was in Surprised Disguise, where Kakashi surprises Tenzo as Sukea and gets way more than he bargained for. Distraction also made me nervous. It's a KakaSaku mututal pining where they enjoy themselves since they can't have each other.
9. How You Choose Your Titles: Luck of the draw? Most of my titles come from song lyrics that inspired the story in the first place. Sometimes they're spot on descriptors of what's in the story, but it's normally song lyrics because I'm not terribly creative. By the time I get to the title, i've used up all my creative prowess elsewhere.
10. Complete Works: Are you serious right now? There are so many if we count one shots. I started doing them all, then got bored about one page in and decided to hit the highlights after a point. These are the most recent one shots or notable ones.
- Collateral Damage (Overwatch, In which Ana has has had too many friendly fire incidents)
- Silent Pleasures (Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka have some not safe for work fun at work)
- Forever and Always (Naruto, Kakasaku one shot where he's badly injured on a mission)
- Aftermath (Overwatch, Jack has some regrets about how he left things with Gabe)
- Imposter (Naruto, Kakashi/Tenzo in which Kakashi is jealous of Tenzo's stuffie that looks like him)
- Relapse (Naruto, Kakashi/Sakura in which she slept with Sasuke while she and Kakashi might have had something between them)
- Worlds Collide (Naruto, Kakayama in which Tenzo is captured by Obito and turned against Konoha and Kakashi. Kakashi will save him no mater the price)
-I'll be the Moon (Naruto, Kakashi/Sakura in which she's married to Sasuke but it having an affair with Kakashi. It's a complex look at love, life, and relationships)
- Find Me in the Dark (Naruto, Kakashi/Tenzo in which Tenzo gets captured and tortured by Orochimaru)
- Lightning and Starlight (Naruto, in which Kakashi wasn't fast enough to stop Sakura from putting a chidori through Sakura's chest)
- Surprised Disguise (Naruto, Kakashi/Tenzo, in which flirting as Sukea has unexpected results)
- Flood (Naruto, in which Kakashi pulls a prank on Genma by telling him that Sakura is pregnant)
- Falling Cherry Blossoms (Naruto, Kakashi centric, where he loses nearly everyone and falls apart)
- Muddy Water (Naruto, Genma/Sakura, the crack fic that built a ship? When I wrote thie, there were almost no other stories with this pairing. Sakura takes a mission she's not prepared for and Genma saves her in more ways than one
11. Incomplete Works:
- Drabbles, Requests, and Things I Should Have Left Alone (this is my catch all file for all the random things, multiple fandom)
-Heart in a Silver Cage (Naruto, Genma/OC, enemies to lovers slow burn mission fic)
- Healing Hands (Naruto, Tenzo/Sakura glacial burn that deals with ptsd and mental health)
- Losing Control (Naruto, Genma/Sakura or maybe Kakashi/Sakura, in which Sakura is pregnant with Genma's child)
- Tongue in Cheek (Naruto/SWtoR crossover in which Genma and @cinlat s OC Fynta get into all kinds of trouble, probably in both worlds)
- Altered Reality (Naruto, Kakashi/Rin fix it fic in which she lived, they got married, and she's pregnant with their child but she can't remember it)
- Run to You (Naruto, Tsunade/Jiraiya falling in love, falling apart, and trying to reconcile together, spanning their whole relationship with vignettes)
- Save Yourself: Shadows and Regrets (Naruto, Kakashi/Tenzo falling in love in Anbu with a healthy dose of Genma humor thrown in)
12. Do you outline: Rarely, we die like men here. Honestly, once I outline it all, I lose interest. That said, both AR (Altered Reality) and Caged (Heart in a Silver Cage) have outlines. HH (Healing Hands) is roughly written and needs all the editing and shaping.
13. Coming Soon: Heaing Hands is the big coming soon because it's written, but I'm working on several Overwatch fics. My favorite is (You Held the Gun that) Fired First which is a massive reaper76 that includes Vincent, falling in love, falling into bed, and falling apart.
14. Best writing trait: Personally, I think I write emotions well. Angst is my favorite tbh @birkastan2018 once called me their angst dealer and it literally made my year lol
15. Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Gabriel's background story in Overwatch. I have all the ideas and none of the writing lol
16. Spicy Tangential Opinion: Honestly, I don't get triggered by too much either way. To each their own and if I dont' agree I can move on without blasting someone over something.
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queeranarchist · 3 years
Dear Creator,
DNW: Anything past Season 10
Likes: boy king arc, Sam centric fic, queer Sam esp trans fem sam, Bobby, trans masc Dean, religious iconography/themes, Sam being a lore nerd
Dislikes: Sidelining Sam 
Sam/Jess and Sam/Jess & Dean
1. Jess lives au! My personal head canon is that Jess is pre-med and being very intent on saving people. When she finds out about hunting, she realises that she can’t just go back to being “normal” knowing people are dying. Maybe Sam decides to go back to law school and they have a semi long-distance relationship where she asks him for advice, maybe they hunt together every now and again. Maybe she joins Dean and Sam and they become a hunting trio.
2. Jess gets brought back to life – place this in any season you want! Go wild.
3. Stanford era stuff, I would love to see Sam struggling to be normal and some slice of life stuff. Or include a case! Maybe have Sam have to call in Dean to help.
Dean & Sam
1. Dean keeps in touch with Sam during Stanford! Maybe from the get-go, maybe after a couple of years, maybe seeing each other, maybe just through postcards
2. I’d love to see them during S4 where their relationship starts to fall apart, but like also see them still loving each other
3. John gets a year to live instead of instantly going to hell AU – how do they react? Do they try to save him? Does John tell them?
4. I’d love a sort of non-linear story of them (especially Sam because it’s been so long) trying to integrate John into his adult life also looking at his life as a child/teen. You know the general angst about how he’d done it, he’d gotten away and he’s right back at square one. Also, Dean starting to realise that he isn’t a kid anymore, and he’s got his own thoughts etc
Final Fantasy XV
Likes: fics that include the whole gang, trans Gladio, anything with Prompto, angst about destiny, angst about royal linage, character introspection
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. I would like to see a fic of Prompto integrating himself into Noctis’ life, Gladio and Ignis have been around his entire life, so how does Prompto feel about them? How do they feel about him? Honestly I’m 100% here for awkward insecure bby Prompto
4. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?
5. Less of a prompt and more a vague feeling but like *slaps prompto* this bad boy can fit so much angst in it. Honestly, he’s childhood is depressing af, with the lack of parents and friends combined with a shit body image/relationship with food I wld rlly love some emotional hurt/comfort with him and the squad
Noctis & Gladio & Ignis & Prompto - Tho feel free to make it /
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?’
Likes: the summons, Rock Lee, the squads and how they operate, Naruto getting to eat the ramen he deserves, Sakura being an actual bad arse fleshed out character, trans Naruto
1. Naruto leaves and joins Sasuke on his mission to destroy to Leaf, talks him out of y’know murdering everyone but agrees that the Shinobi system is deeply fucked and needs to be fixed
2. I’d like a fic of Sasuke thinking about Naruto while doing all his plotting, be it set when he’s with Orochimaru or the Akatsuki, it would be nice to see him thinking about Naruto, wanting to stop doing so, wondering how strong he could have been if he had managed to kill him and gain the mangekyou earlier
1. I’d like a fic set just before Kakashi gets his genin, really love to see Gai trying to talk up how cool having a squad is! Dragging Kakashi to see his kids and being like aren’t my team great! And then Team Gai getting into some crazy hijinks that make Kakashi a lil scared about the future but also maybe a bit endeared towards them
2. a fic of Gai watching Kakashi slowly lose himself while in ANBU, of him trying to make things right and not being able to and then eventually asking him to be removed from the forces
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