#spidey is literally the best thing for deadpool according to this
ayosdesignz-blog · 5 months
Deadpool With A Normal Face...
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feenyreadscomics · 5 years
Team Red visits area 51
So, this is my first attempt at writing a true team Red fanfic. Anyways, for context, all three have worked together before, but Peter dosent know who DD is (just that he's a lawyer) and DD only knows that Peter is in high school. Both DD and Peter know who Deadpool is. Deadpool doesn't know who Spiderman is, but knows who DD is. Slight change to what's in Area 51. First, theres what's actually in area 51 (spoilers, not saying here) but the meme of this universe is that's where the cryptids are (vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc.) Also, the group invading Area 51 features some inserts, because at least some people need to show up to raid Area 51. Gwenpool shows up and uses her powers, so it gets a bit meta, since for Gwenpool it is a super powers thing, not a mental illness thing. All glory to @morepopcornplease ,@smokeyloki @supesofherown for willing to be my area 51 squad
Matt was tired.
There were robots everywhere. Robots on the ceiling, on the floor, just...robots. They were difficult to track, and, more importantly, difficult to punch. Matt's knuckles bled. The suit helped, but not enough.
When did Hell's Kitchen get so wild? Matt wondered. Then suddenly, Matt's world blurred and flipped. He was hanging upside down by his ankle.
"Hey, Double D! Hope you don't mind me bringing in some reinforcements!"
Ah. Spiderman. And oh look. (Or not.) Deadpool. Daredevil gagged. The stench of decay was...distinctive.
Matt started tugging at the webbing around his ankle. It wouldn't unstick. Maybe he should start weilding swords. That way, he could cut himself free and escape while he had a chance.
Maybe he could get Elekra to show him how to use knives.
Deadpool jumped past him, dualweilding katanas. "Eyyyyy! Horn head joined the party!" Matt grumbled under his breath.
Deadpool and Spiderman fought side by side, Spiderman webbing down robots, and Deadpool either shooting or stabbing them. Meanwhile, Matt gnawed at his ankle. Eventually the flow of robots stopped. Deadpool cut Daredevil down.
Deadpool and Spiderman looked around, and fist bumped. Matt coughed loudly.
"I had it under control."
"Because that-" Deadpool gestured around them "-was in control."
"Could have taken care of it."
Deadpool walked over and placed his hands on Matt's shoulders. Matt wrinkled his nose. "Red, you were punching bare metal. With your fists. Let me see them." Deadpool went to grab Matt's hands. Matt pulled them away. Deadpool forcibly grabbed Matt's hands and took off his gloves.
"See? Perfectly fine."
"Ah yes, bloody knuckles are perfectly fine. Now, Webhead has a special mission he wants to invite you on. After that, you're gonna go home to your boy and he's gonna kiss your boo boos better."
"He's not my boy."
"He could be."
"He's married, I'm Catholic and I'm not interested."
"Suurree." Deadpool dropped Matt's hands. "If you are looking for someone else, you know where to find me." Deadpool wiggled his eyebrows, which caused his mask to shift a bit. Matt punched Deadpool. Deadpool laughed.
"See ya hornhead." Deadpool walked off.
"Catholic?" Spidey asked.
"Hmm, ironic considering..." Spiderman gestured to Matt, "...everything."
"Yeah. Ya got a question?:
"Oh yeah, wanna go to area 51 with me and Deadpool?"
"Spidey, I have a buisness to run. No."
"Oh come on! You should."
"Do it for the alien tech. Do it for the meme. Do it because we don't know what the government is hiding in there." Spiderman paused for dramatic effect. "We need to know if vampires really exist. You can't keep that stuff from people."
"No, and you're going to get arrested for it." Matt sighed. "Listen, if you're going to go, can I at least give you this?" Matt pulled a buisness card out of his suit, and handed it over to Spidey.
"Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law?" Spiderman raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. I have them on speed dial in case I get arrested. Call them if you need legal help."
"Got it."
Matt tumbled into Foggy's apartment. Foggy materialized from his bedroom, bleary eyed.
"Here for checkup." Matt smiled.
"Good. I'll bring you some clean clothes. What bandages do you need? Do we need to call the Night Nurse?" Matt and Foggy had this check up system in place so they wouldn't have to bother her with minor wounds and Foggy could sleep soundly, such as twisted ankles and jammed fingers.
"Nope. Knuckles just need bandaging."
"Good. Though it says something about our lives that you are hurt at all, and I'm saying its fine."
"I know, Fogs." Foggy started applying rubbing alchohol to Matt's knuckles. Matt hissed a bit. "I miss the old days. When there were fewer heroes running around." Matt paused.
"Not when we didn't need spandex clad idiots?"
Matt snorted and thought about it for a bit. "Nah. I guess we always needed them."
"What did the idiots do this time?"
"They want to raid area 51."
"You're shitting me."
"They really are complete dumbasses. Utter morons." Foggy paused. "They'll be out of town for it, right?"
"You know where they live, right?"
"Just Wade."
"You could prank him."
"Hmmm... would you help?"
"If you can make sure he doesn't murder me." Foggy finished bandaging Matt's hands. "You're good to go. Do you need a change of clothes?"
Foggy retrieved some sweatpants and a tshirt. He also got a paper bag out.
"Okay, I got a change of clothes, and a paper bag."
"Thanks, Foggy. You're the best."
"Text or call me when you're home safe."
"Will do."
Peter was out in the New Mexico desert, and it was nice. Warm. New York was cold. Peter was cold in New York. All the time.
DD thought it was because something with the Spider bite giving him a few cold blooded drawbacks. Wade thought it was because Peter was too skinny.
Which was because the bite fucked up his metabolism, he supposed.
But for now Peter was in the desert, and warm. It was pleasant.
For five seconds, more or less. He heard chatting, and decided to follow it.
He found a group of four people camped out in the desert, discussing strategies for getting into Area 51. They were all some degree of sunburned, sharing water bottles, and arguing about if they could expect anyone else to show up. Peter waved at them.
"Hello!" One of them responded.
"Oh, hey Spidey!" One of them yelled. She waved him over.
"Glad you could join us."
"We have a chance now!" One of them pumped her fist.
"Smokey, are these your reinforcements?"
"Hi, so, you're obviously Spiderman, I'm V, and this is Smokey," V, apparently, gestured to someone wearing a fedora, apparently Smokey, "Supes," V pointed to a woman in a Superman tshirt, "and Popcorn!" V gestured to a woman wearing a tank top that had "The only iron I pump is the IRON WILL OF GOD" on it.
"She ate all the popcorn!" Smokey complained. Peter tilted his head.
"Smokey did most of the planning, including rations." Supes commented.
"Okay... I should be having a friend meet me here soon!"
"Awesome! Is he in the raid?"
"Cool. We should talk strategy, while we wait for him to get here..."
So they figured that Deadpool would charge into Area 51 as a distraction. Once the guards left to fight him, the group of four would try to scale the fence. While the fence scaling was going on, Spidey would crawl through the drainage pipe to grab whatever paranormal stuff he could find. Leading an army, Spiderman would free the rest of them, allowing them to return home safely.
When Deadpool finally showed up, he laughed at their faces.
"Spidey, you're smarter than this. This isnt gonna work. Besides, I'm expecting one other person. She will help you out. A lot."
"Hello!" A loud, high pitched voice yelled from behind them.
Deadpool and Spiderman turned to see the pinkest person they had ever set eyes on.
Peter had thought Wade was crazy. Wade had thought Wade was crazy.
This was nothing compared to Gwen Poole. She was pink and energy, and mostly talked nonsense. Something about this all being fanfiction, and a disappointing lack of panels. Also, according to her, one of the four "self inserts" was "the author."
Wade thought he could keep up, but no. Whatever the fuck voices were in his head paled in comparison to whatever Gwen had.
Like, Deadpool occasionally thought he was in a comic, but she seemed to be able to do something about it. Dead silent explosions because "I caught the otomotapeia," inexplicable escapes...
Cuz if there's real weird shit in there, she can handle it.
As is though, she kept calling one of the people "the author" and it was making his own head spin. That's... not normally how this went. But she'd be going with the four civilians in. She'd be able to keep them alive.
And so it begins.
The plan started to fall apart immediately.
Deadpool was doing fine, Spiderman was doing fine.
Gwen and V were in a heated arguement.
"What do you mean, you didn't write any scenes inside area 51?"
"I told you, I don't know what you're talking about! Besides, don't you have powers? Can't you do something about it?"
"Not in a fanfic! Not in normal literature! The format matters. I can manipulate comic panels, not THIS SHITSHOW."
"Uh, guys? I think the Feds are here." Popcorn piped up.
"Hands up!" A man yelled. They all slowly put their hands up.
Deadpool made it in. He found a cat named Goose in a cage. He picked it up and continued running through the halls.
He ran into Spiderman. Literally. They both shouted.
"Glad to see you're alive! Do you know where Gwen's squad went?"
"Yeah, I saw them getting arrested just before making it in. And look! I found a cat!" Wade proudly held the cat up to Peter. Voices shouted from behind them.
Oh. Right.
"So, any ideas?"
"Stop!" A voice called out behind Deadpool.
The duo ran through the halls, left and right, trying to lose the gaurds. Spidetman opened a door they found, a supply closet. Spiderman opened the cage, and sat the cat on Wade's lap. Spiderman threw the cage down the hall.
"What the fuck was that for?" Deadpool furiously whispered.
"Distraction," Spiderman whispered back.
The guards immediately opened the supply closet. The cat hissed. Then, he opened his mouth. Wide.
Tentacles shot out from the cat's mouth, wrapping around the guard. He let out a shriek, cut short by Goose swallowing him whole.
Deadpool and Spiderman looked at the cat, eyes wide.
"I like you," Deadpool declared, firmly.
The other five were in a metal truck.
"Do you have any way out?" Smokey asked.
"No. We're gonna be tried for treason." Supes commented.
"If only the others could get us out of here." V added.
"Wait. That's it."
"What do you mean, that's it?"
"I can get out of here. You wrote something just now of Spidey and Deadpool back at Area 51. I can go there now, let them know where we are, which is in a metal truck, headed to... damn. Don't know definitively, but it's a shot. Just give me a moment..." Gwen pushed on something, and floated up into the ceiling.
"Well, this just got worse," Smokey commented.
"Hey guys!"
Wade screamed.
"Woah, Gwen, how'd you get here?" Spidey sounded shocked.
"The writer mentioned you in Area 51, so I could come over to visit, through some medium manipulation. "
"Great job, Pinky. Now, where's everyone else? And do you know what the fuck is going on with this cat?" Wade held out Goose.
"No idea. The writer didn't bother informing the audience of their exact location, and two, the cat is a flergen. Now, let me think." Gwen started pacing around the supply closet, muttering to herself.
"Hmmmm.... wait a minute.... I got it!" Gwen shrieked and snapped her fingers. "Ma- DD, gave you a buisness card for himself. Give it to me, and I'll bring it to them, and they'll be able to call him to lawyer them out." Gwen held out her hand. "Gimme." Reluctantly, Spiderman handed it over. "Thanks, Webhead!" Gwen pushed upwards again. Then, she was gone.
Gwen fell back into the truck, then grabbed for something.
"Soooooo, what's the plan?" Popcorn asked.
"Sit tight and get Matt Murdock to lawyer us out. He's a crack lawyer, and considering this is fanfic, I imagine he'll be great at it."
"M'Kay." Popcorn said, rolling her eyes.
Matt Murdock was a bit busy at the moment. He was busy saran wrapping Wade's pillows. Foggy was trying to cram a rubber duck into a shampoo bottle. Well, Wade's shampoo. Foggy didn't get why the guy had it (Wade was bald) but he figured he'd ask no questions. Just prank.
Matt's phone rang. An unknown number. He picked up.
"Hello! This is Matthew Murdock. Who is this?"
"Hello, this is Gwen Poole, friend of Spiderman, in need of legal counsel. Would you be able to help?"
"Where are you? Is Spiderman or Deadpool with you?"
"No. I'm with four other civilians. We are in New Mexico."
"Shit. I can't exactly make it over there."
Foggy yelped in surprise, then cheered. "Got it in!"
Gwen thought for a bit. "What if we book an airline for you to get here."
Matt thought about it. "That could work."
The next morning, Foggy drove Matt to the airport, grumbling the whole way.
"They're idiots, Matt, you shouldn't have to save them." Matt began staring (as best he could) at his hands.
"Its a Catholic guilt thing, isn't it?" Foggy sighed. "Fine, go be a lawyer hero while I singlehandedly keep the firm running. It's a good thing I'm the brains of Nelson and Murdock, while you're the beauty."
"I'm not the brawn of Nelson and Murdock?"
"No, that's Karen." Matt cracked a smile.
Foggy pulled up to the curb. "Keep me posted. Let me know when you're coming back and how it goes."
"I will." Matt got out of the car, and grabbed his suitcase.
He waved as Foggy drove away. Deep breaths, Murdock. You can navigate an airport and plane, he thought. Matt entered the airport.
A few hours later, Matt landed in New Mexico, where he couldn't get off the plane fast enough, then took a taxi to where they were being held.
He raised hell. He got everyone (except for Gwen) released that night. New Mexico state troopers had never seen the fury of a Matt Murdock scorned.
Apparently, since everyone was in the middle of the desert, and needed supplies, the threat of death by dehydration was enough to get them all off. Gwen, however, was stuck back in prison, because she was armed, and various other crimes due to being the leader of MODOK. As far as anyone could follow.
Everyone then boarded a plane back to New York.
"Did this just happen?" V asked. "This feels crazy.
"It it really is," Smokey agreed.
Something in the overhead compartment shifted. The stewardess opened it, and Gwen jumped out.
"Thank you!" She said to the stewardess. "Man, that was cramped. Good to be out in the light of day!"
Wade Wilson was looking forward to a relaxing night at home, after the craziness of the past few days. He had Goose tucked in his one arm. He opened his apartment. Little rubber ducks were everywhere. Over the counters, on the bookshelves. He opened the fridge. There was a rubber duck.
Goose meowed, then tentacled the duck.
"That's cannibalism, Goose." Wade put down Goose, then went to nap. His cheek hit saran wrap.
"Fuck you, Murdock!" Wade yelled.
Thanks for reading! I tried to have Gwen's powers make sense, but it's...difficult.
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Rant: My Opinion on Venom the Character --aka-- The Tragedy of Eddie Brock
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Let’s talk about Venom for a second.
With his new solo movie coming out starring the always impeccable Tom Hardy, I think it’s time we discuss everybody’s favorite muscle-bound Spidey villain/ruthless anti-hero, because…I well I say everybody loves him, when that’s not entirely true.
I’ve never really been a big fan of Venom. Specifically as an anti-hero.
I agree with the masses when I say Venom (when written in a certain way) is a great, GREAT villain and near prefect counterpart to Spider-Man to truly challenge him as he is very much the embodiment of his failed responsibilities. (Failure to help Eddie, failure to control the suit and just throwing it away rather than truly destroying it.) However, when placed in the morally gray protagonist role like you would put, say, the Punisher, Venom has always come off as just completely and utterly boring to me. I have never seen nor understood the appeal. He’s just a big, muscly, edgy Spider-Man with a creepy smile that goes on about “WE MUST FEED” or some horseshit that lacks any sort of drama and tension, instead relying on blood and gore to satisfy the crowd.
Now, the reason why I believe this is mainly because I think the most interesting aspects of Venom are lost the instant you put him in that anti-hero role. More specifically, you lose Eddie Brock’s tragedy.
What does that mean? Well, it’s…complicated. In order to find out why—you’ve gotta break down Eddie to his fundamentals as a character and find out what makes him work, before you go in and look at what doesn’t.
Spoilers for the character ahead, and also I should mention that this is all MY opinion. If you love Eddie Brock and wanna disagree with me, you’re free to do so. Just know that I’m not saying EVERYONE IS WRONG AND I AM RIGHT. This is my own personal deal with the character that I felt has bugged me and has finally come to a head that I gotta get off my chest. Good? Good.
Alright, let’s start off with the two building blocks of Venom: Eddie Brock and the Symbiote.
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The Symbiote is some space-dimensional-parasite thing that is this thing that feeds off of the emotions of its partner, and then gets a small bit of their emotions that becomes a part of them. Each symbiote, according to new lore, has its own personality and ideas—but the symbiote that fell on our character has had…let’s just say a very VERY difficult couple of previous hosts before Peter Parker ever entered the picture. It lost its mind and became this thing that fed off of one emotion more than any—pure, seething rage. That last part, to me anyway, is the most crucial part of what defines Venom and separates him from the other incarnations like Carnage or something. This suit is fueled by the darkest part of the human id, the place where your darkest fantasies and thoughts that you refuse to give the light of day manifest. As long as dark thoughts exist in your mind, it will gravitate towards them and expand them ten-fold. It’s more than just some black goo that gives you powers—this is a living, breathing thing that cannot be negotiated with, and cannot be controlled. It can only be submitted to.
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Eddie Brock is another thing entirely. Many different people have many different takes on the dude, but based off of his different origin stories, and how he’s set up, there is one fundamental item that has always defined him before the suit: tragedy. Eddie Brock has always got the short end of the stick in basically every department. He’s either lost his job, or he’s lost his mentor, or he’s lost his girlfriend—hell, he’s even once lost his future when he discovers that he has a tumor. Whether it’s because of these events, or how he was raised before, all of these things happening to him at once garnered two things within Eddie: contempt. Contempt towards those who got to have the life he’s always wanted but could never have because of *insert reason here.* It also doesn’t help that every decision he’s made to fix his life has always blown up in his face as well by trying to take shortcuts that he’s seen others get away with in the past easily, adding to his pain and suffering. He is, essentially, the one person in all the Marvel universe who can never catch a break. It’s that aspect that honestly makes Eddie Brock more interesting than the symbiote in some capacities. He’s more fleshed out, more humanized and shows just how bad things can go for people in the wake of mistakes that superheroes can make.
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Now, for me, it’s when you combine these two where things can get…iffy. Mainly because it’s how you interpret or misinterpret either the symbiote, Eddie, or both that can make or break the character. For me personally, there’s one aspect of Venom that works the best, mainly because it makes the most sense with their characters and motivations. It ain’t the suit, it ain’t the symbiote, but instead Eddie himself. If you stop to think about it, there’s a kind of tragedy surrounding him.
Eddie sought solace in life and was refused time and time again by those around him. And then, at his lowest point, there is only one thing that gives it to him: the symbiote. The symbiote gives him the power that he’s always dreamed of, and lets him finally unleash the rage and contempt that has been boiling in his system for years. And it is ONLY THEN when Spider-Man finally tries to lay down an olive branch. He tries to get Eddie to fight it, to beat it, but by then Eddie is too far gone. Hell, I’d argue that the instant Venom starts to refer to himself in plural, that’s when Eddie truly died. They are better now. They have found peace within themselves. And they don’t need your sympathy. The idea of being told that you can be “saved” becomes a joke to those who were forced to save themselves.
Therein lies the tragedy: It isn’t that Venom isn’t given a chance at redemption, but rather that he refuses it.
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When writers play into that effect, and show how depraved and demonic Venom is, and then juxtapose it with the shriveled up husk of a man that is Eddie Brock who only finds peace in becoming that terrifying thing—that’s when the character is firing at all cylinders I think. He becomes this horror show who you can’t help but feel the same amount of pity as you do fear of him. It’s almost a kind of Walter White situation in terms of losing oneself to your alter ego. This is why and how I find Venom fascinating.
But, on the contrary, when you try to put Venom in the different role of anti-hero rather than straight up villain, I draw the line in the sand.
Y’see, a fundamental part of what makes Venom so much of a cool villain is because he can’t escape his tragedy. He is literally bound to it. To make him anything other than an antagonist would go against that tragedy and therefore would go against his character, or completely and fundamentally alter the fabric of the character itself.
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For example, say you go the direction of having Eddie try to fight the monster and control his powers. Real Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style. The issue you’ve got there is that, well, it’s already been done. Peter tried that a looooong time ago. Plus, it wouldn’t work for the character as he’s already accepted the symbiote as part of himself. “We” and all that.
Another example, say you have Eddie attempt to find a kind of redemption arc and finally own up to his responsibilities. While yes, you can have this done where Eddie finally controls his anger and rage and can become a hero…but it has to come at a cost. Looking at this narratively, the one way to finally put it all behind him would be to defeat the thing that is keeping him from becoming human again, and there’s only one item in Brock’s past that does so—the Symbiote. For him to do a proper redemption arc that makes sense for the nature of the symbiote and how Eddie would move forward (and, admittedly, would be a good final note for the character,) he would have to destroy the suit or refuse to put it on again. Essentially, Eddie can be redeemed…but not Venom. If this were to be used, this would have to be Eddie’s swan song before leaving Venom proper.
The final option is, of course, why don’t you do a Punisher-type thing with Venom? He brutally takes out the bad guys that the other dudes won’t have the stomach to. While Venom could express his rage and anger against the right (or in this case ‘wrong’) people, and could provide an interesting issue for supporting heroes to tackle since he’s crossing the line for the right reasons, it’s kind of a one-trick pony. Long term it would fall flat on its face. It would get stale because you’d just see him constantly mowing people down with no consequence and no character development save for the occasional time when Eddie is justifying his actions. It would have to start and then, after a killing spree or two, he would get taken down by the heroes who force him back into a cage. This idea DOES fall in line with Eddie Brock’s tragedy, and admittedly could be done…but without that juxtaposition of Venom brutally murdering gangsters and supervillains with your Iron Men and Spider-Folks trying to maintain justice and order and are forced to take Venom down, it’ll all be lost.
You see where I’m going with this? Every time you try and set up Venom as an anti-hero, it just doesn’t work out that well. You either take away a fundamental part of what makes his character interesting, or you end up losing the character forever. He’s not like Punisher. He’s not like Deadpool. He’s not like, well, any other kind of anti-hero. He’s too much of a beast to be contained. It’s like trying to make the Joker out to be an anti-hero. You can’t. He’s done too many horrible things and would have no real reason to do any modicum of good in his entire life.
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(Random hot take: I also don’t particularly care for Agent Venom. He just feels…lame. He has the Venom suit without the insanity of the symbiote or the contempt of Eddie, instead vying for a toned-down Flash Thompson who doesn’t have that strong a personality when put next to not only Venom, but Spidey and even Carnage. Also…really with the guns? You have a SYMBIOTE SUIT that can turn into ANYTHING and you choose GUNS?! That’s REEEEEAAALLY lame.)
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Now. With ALL OF THIS BEING SAID. Let’s wrap right back around to the Venom movie.
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In my eyes, there is only one real way you could feasibly do a Venom movie. It’s Eddie’s fall from grace and descent into madness. It’s a take on the world of bright super-heroes where even the best of them can’t necessarily save everyone, and create this beast out of your darkest nightmares. Perhaps it can even make a commentary on the collateral damage that super-heroes would have on society (not necessarily the death kind as seen in Civil War, but more of the problems they would create for the little people like Vulture from Homecoming—only expounded by constant tragedy rather than lack of a job.) Due to that, it would be less of a bloody slasher movie as much as a dark psychological thriller. Yes it would mean you wouldn’t necessarily see a LOT of Venom throughout the movie, but it would be something that emphasizes his best features while also being something you haven’t seen before from a super-hero movie.
It’s for this reason that I don’t mind that Venom isn’t in he Venom trailer. Hell, I’m happy he isn’t. Venom isn’t the best part of Venom, it’s Eddie Brock. The symbiote plays a part, yeah. But as a character, Eddie defines it. His growing contempt, his initial fear of giving into his “demons,” his tragic fall from grace, and his eventual acceptance of Venom as the only way to become whole which would THEN lead to the much-anticipated bloodbath. That’s why I’m glad it looks like he’s going to be more of the focus than Venom.
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That being said, is the film going to go that direction I want it to? I don’t know. If I were a betting man, I’d say that it’s probably not going to be because of how little he connects to any kind of Marvel Universe due to rights, and how it looks like he’s going to be fighting different kinds of symbiotes with some ‘spooky organization’ that’s probably going to recruit him into being a citizen soldier or something. From what I saw in the trailer, that’s what it looks like. But, that being said, the fact that they focused so heavily on Eddie HOPEFULLY means it’ll be more about his aforementioned descent into madness rather than meaningless blood and gore. I don’t care if they completely change his origins—if they can make something interesting and meaningful then by God: DO IT. Look at what Spectacular Spider-Man did. The show altered Eddie COMPLETELY and made what I consider to be the BEST take on Venom’s character. It’s just the right amount of insanity mixed with the perfect amount of tragedy. 
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And at the end of the day, that’s what Venom’s all about: Insanity and Tragedy.
(Again, If you disagree with any or all of what I’ve said, feel free. But know I’m not telling you to feel this way, so don’t go bananas because I spoke my piece on a blog that nobody reads. This is just my personal opinion on the character. Nothing more.)
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happycemetery · 7 years
(((Prompt!: Spider-Man finally revealing his identity and love to Deadpool.)))
It was an early evening in November, the night was dark and chilly, and it tended to be even chiller up perched on the roof of a high-rise building. That's where Peter was, but the cold didn't bother him thanks to his thermal Spidey suit. He was sitting on the roof edge of Parker Industries, one of the city's finest street vending hotdogs in one hand and a cup of hot cocoa in the other. Along with him sitting there, legs dangling off the edge and masks pulled up to their noses, was Deadpool of course. Bad guy takedown team ups along with platonic rooftop dates had increased over the past few months with the merc, and Peter had found himself increasingly looking forward to Wade's company on both accounts.
Peter couldn't remember, couldn't pinpoint that exact moment he finally starting believing that Deadpool had really changed from being a murderous gun-for-hire with seemingly a black hole where the man's morals should be to someone who truly stood for good —even if it was his own brand of a very "coloring outside the lines" kind of good. Wade was still a loose cannon, definitely; but more importantly, he had become a hero. He had become trustworthy.
Yeah, Peter couldn't recall when he first starting trusting Deadpool, but he could remember the first time the man made him feel butterflies. It was stupid really. They had been fighting this whack-a-do in a lion getup calling himself "Roar".  The guy was attempting to blow a hole in the Lincoln Tunnel, and despite how ridiculous the large man looked with the mane and everything, he proved to be quite the handful for Spidey and Deadpool both.  At some point during the chaos in the tunnel Peter managed to get caught off guard by a two-door car hurled at him by the crazy lion-man. It crashed into Peter's body hard, and the next thing he knew he was waking up laid out on the tunnel road. Deadpool was crouched down beside him and Peter had let out a little croak of pain. There had been some colorful exclamations of relieved joy pouring out of Deadpool's mouth at first, but then he got serious.
"That was my fault, baby doll." Wade had said. "I missed slicing that punks arm off. Are you okay?" Deadpool had asked with genuine care, placing his hand gently on Spidey's shoulder. That touch. That stupid simple innocent touch on the shoulder, and Peter felt it. The flutter in his gut.
Peter had ignored it straightaway. Pushed that feeling into the deepest depths of his mind possible, but those feelings just kept coming. More fluttering in the pit of his stomach. Smiles springing to his face at just the sound of Wade's voice when they hadn't seen each other in a while. The ache in his chest when it was quiet and they were close. And that other ache a little further down south. It took a while for Peter to accept it —four months, two weeks, and five days to be precise— but Spider-Man had fallen for Deadpool.
Peter played it cool with Wade though; acted the same and didn't let on. The hero was admittedly nervous. Sure Wade was a walking-talking inappropriate flirt canon with him, but Wade was like that with almost everyone. Even if the merc still tended to be more obscene with Spidey.  The big brave Spider-Man was afraid to put his feelings out there, too worried all of Wade's insane advances were all just a silly game. And then there was Peter's other stalling excuse, it wasn't just Spider-Man that fell for Deadpool; it was Peter Parker that fell for Deadpool. And that was kind of a problem, because Deadpool didn't know who Peter Parker was. Well, actually, Deadpool knew the lie of who Peter Parker was. Parker was Spider-Man's boss. Parker was a nerdy little CEO and "total tool" according to Wade. If only Deadpool knew the truth.
If only.
Peter had finished his hotdog and sipped from his cocoa, cradling the warm cup with both hands. Deadpool was prattling on about his last mission with the Unity Squad, and normally Peter would be all ears, though making sure he didn't appear too interested or too amused, fearing that would give away how enamored he was. Now though, Peter was stuck in one of his mental crisis modes: trying to convince himself to both tell Deadpool how he felt and also to never do it because it would only turn out to be a horrible mistake.
"...so that matchstick punk had the nerve to get all butt hurt at me for flinging us both into the lake, when he was the one that set me on fire. Accident, my fine Canadian bacon ass. I really should look into some fireproof coating. Say," Deadpool shoved the last of his second hotdog in his mouth and proceeded to simultaneously talk and chew, "does that Parker punk of yours have anything he can hook me up with?"
Hearing his last name used, Peter snapped out of his mental battle. "Huh?"
"Parker," Deadpool said the name again after he swallowed down his mouthful of food. "Does he have any fireproofing doohickeys that'll, you know, fire proof my suits?"
"Um, yeah he does actually." Peter answered. It was still always weird to talk about himself as another person. "He developed a liquid compound that can basically give any fabric it's applied to an even better thermal resistance than polybenzimida-"
"You had me 'um'," Deadpool interrupted with a grinned. "So you think the loser will cough it up for me, or are you willing to assist in a good ol' fashioned snatch 'n' grab."
Peter sighed. "You don't have to steal. And he's not a loser," Peter couldn't help but add. "Why is it that anytime Peter Parker is mentioned you have to insult him somehow."
"Now don't get me wrong, he's cute and all, but it's just the whole 'hopeless nerd trying to be Tony Stark' vibe with a whole lot less style."
Peter glared through the eyes of his mask. "He's not trying to be Tony Stark. He's trying to help people. He is helping people. Do you even know how many people he's aided with his tech advancements and donations and his own charity?"
"Ugh," Deadpool groaned. "See? This is what I don't like. You used to be an Avenger! And now this babyface corporate tool has you under his thumb, kissing his fine ass, and worshiping the ground he walks on just because he what? He like helps rebuild disaster zones, improves the quality of life for poor folks, and probably adopts every little stray kitten he comes across? Big deal. You shouldn't be working for that 'belongs-in-a-boy-band Poindexter Mother Teresa'; you should be working with me." Deadpool ended his little rant, crossing his arms up high over his chest like a grumpy little child.
"Wait," Peter cocked his head to the side in thought. "You're jealous." Peter let himself laugh. "All this time you've just been jealous of the guy."
"Hold it right there, Spidey-Buns. Me? Jealous? Never."
"Alright, I have no idea where you just pulled it out from but you are literally stabbing a knitting needle into a doll that looks suspiciously Parker-esque.
Deadpool tossed the definitely-not-a-Peter-Parker-voodoo-doll over his shoulder and grinned guiltily. "Okay, maybe I harbor just a slight teeny weeny smidgen of jealously. But come on, I'm allowed. He totally cuts in on my Webs time, and this obvious crushing on him you do, should be crushing that's on me."
Peter smiled. He felt a weight off his chest. Wade was jealous, and that there was the best indicator that Deadpool liked him, truly liked him. Peter reasoned with himself that he didn't have any reason to hide anymore; he was basically in love with Wade and the merc had his full trust.
"There's nothing for you to be jealous about. I'm not sure if I should say this, but I know for a fact that Parker has the hots for you." Peter said in a serious tone. He was about to reveal himself and that was a big deal, but that didn't mean he couldn't make it fun at Deadpool's expense.
"Hubbawha?" Deadpool mimed cleaning out his ears.
"I'm serious. He's been too nervous to meet you, but he's heard your stories and he thinks you're really funny, and he's all about that physique of yours."
"Oookaaay, even if I were to believe you that Parker digs the D, I... You know what? No. I don't believe you for a second.  There is no way Boy Scout McNerdyHotPants even remotely..."
Peter slammed back the rest of his hot chocolate like it was a stiff drink of courage, and then abruptly pulled his mask off. He started to speak in Deadpool's sudden wide-eyed silence. "I also know for a fact that he's really proud of you for turning your life around, and would trust you with his life." Peter showed the merc a small smile.
"You... I... He...... You... YOU!"  Deadpool slapped the sides of his face with his hands as his shock of reality finally sunk in.
"Yeah, me," Peter let out one soft chuckle. His heart was racing despite looking awkwardly calm. Even though he felt sure this was going to end okay, Peter couldn't help but still feel nervous now that his mask was off.
"Okay so, I'm just gonna make sure I got this all straight," Deadpool took a deep breath. "You, Spider-Man, my most vivacious of bros, are in fact and always have been Parker, Peter Parker. Your boss but yourself Peter Parker. Kmart Stark Peter Parker. Hotty bleeding heart Peter Parker.  Bumbling egghead Peter Parker. Adorkable Peter Parker. Gracious goon-"
"Just shut up, Wade, it's me. I think you calling me just 'Peter' would work out a lot better."
"Oh. Em. Gee. This is...wow," Deadpool scooted closer to Peter and cautiously let a gloved hand trail down the young man's cheek like Wade was checking if he was real. "You really do trust me."
"Yes, of course."
"And that part about having the hots for me? That some kind of joke or-"
Peter grabbed a hold at either side of Deadpool's face and drew them close together, close enough for Peter to bring their lips together. Peter's heart was racing faster now for a different reason: a fantasy of his was now finally playing out. He finally got to know the feel of Wade's lips against his, textured and rough and overwhelmingly intoxicating with how they moved along with his tongue. It was a few seconds that passed, maybe minutes —hell, it could have been hours for all Peter knew with how he was all wrapped up in the taste and how his body had thrummed to life— when Wade pulled away.
"Well, shit." The merc said breathily. "Not a joke then." Wade turned a little sombre then, slowly peeling his mask the rest of the way off. "Even though you know I look like this?"
Peter looked Wade over with sad eyes, but a small warm smile. 'Imperfect' skin and all, Peter was undeniably attracted to the merc. The underlining features of Wade's face were enticing, the curve of his jaw, the angle of his cheekbones, the shape of his lips, his body's physique. The scars on top didn't matter.  To Peter, Wade looked rugged and strong.
"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you." Peter spoke softly. "All of you."
The side of Wade's mouth curled into a smile. "So Webs...er Peter, where does this put us at?"
"Together I hope." Peter answered simply.
Wade showed a bigger smile. A bright happy one, and Peter couldn't help but mirror it. "Shit Petey-pie, you have no idea how long I've been dreaming of this happening. In fact, you should probably kiss me again so I can feel that it's real." Wade wiggled his nonexistent eyebrows, and it made Peter chuckle.
"You're so weird." Peter said in a loving tone and once again brought their lips together.
more spideypool at my AO3 happycemetery
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amusewithaview · 8 years
Yay! Your prompt writing is the best. How about 4 with Darcy/Rami-Imhotep or 33 with Darcy/Wade Wilson if either interest you. Thank you!
I cannot help but notice we are sitting-in-a-tree.  So, you know, maybe we could think of something to do… verb-wise. (I want us to gerund, essentially.)
Darcy was cold, wet, miserable, and up a tree on the edge of Central Park.
Three of those things were directly the fault of Loki and his stupid goddamn pop-culture-saavy spell choices.  If she’d had any idea that today would be the day that Loki would pull an Ethan Rayne and turn everyone at the gala into their Halloween costumes, she would have emulated Oz and worn a nametag that said ‘god.’  Instead she’d gone more the Cordelia route, ears and a tail added to a simple pair of black slacks and a v-neck and new she was here, up a goddamn tree, in the rain, with brand new claws, over-sensitive ears, and a tail that did not appear to be under her conscious control.
“Hello, Kitty!” a cheerful voice said to her right.
Darcy’s instinctive hiss sputtered into a cough as soon as she realized what she was doing.  “Wade?  Is that you?”
“The one and only!”
Between the ambient lighting and her newly-improved eyes, she could see him easily: he was perched more towards the end of a set of branches that overlapped, legs dangling and fiddling with something in his hands.
“What’s got your tail in a knot, snookums?”
“The fact that I have a tail,” she said dryly.  Her tone was, unfortunately, the only part of her that had managed to stay dry during her flight from the venue.  The downpour had slowed to a steady drizzle by the time she hit the dubious shelter of the park but the damage had already been done.  Her shirt, pants, and the fur that covered her newly-pointy (and twitchy!) ears were all soaked.
“Last I saw, the Fantastics and my boy Spidey were heading down to corral the not-so-okay Avengers at the very-not-quiet party, which leaves the stragglers to be picked up by whatever passing hero takes notice.  And you, snookums, are always pretty noticeable.  Although the camouflage was a nice touch.  And I wasn’t really expecting a tree.”
“I wasn’t expecting to be turned into a cat!” she cried, her plaintive whine going half-yowl towards the end.  “This sucks,” she said sullenly.  She could feel her ears flattening towards the back of her skull and it felt so weird.  After a moment there was a faint rustle and then a hand resting on top of her head.  She held very very still, fighting instincts that were telling her to hiss and claw and -
Oh, okay.  Actually, that felt kind of nice.  Deadpool had started scritching gently around the base of her ears.
Darcy tilted her head into the gesture and sighed.  “You’re never going to let me forget this, are you.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” he said, the glee in his voice saying in no uncertain terms that he knew exactly what she meant, and that she would never live it down.  Especially not if -
He edged a little closer, and it was probably a serum side-effect but he put out heat like a housefire.  Darcy curled into his side on pure reflex.  Warm, he was so warm that she was yay close to climbing into his lap to take advantage of the sheer blessed heat.
Already half-expecting it, Darcy was still a little weirded out when her throat started to vibrate of its own accord.
“Are you purring?”
“Maybe.  Shut up.”
“Purring,” Deadpool said again, sounding absolutely delighted.  “You’re literally purring for me right now.”
“I swear to god, Wade, if you make a single reference to ‘petting’ or other names for cats I will -”
“If you’re already thinking it then there’s no point in me mentioning it,” he said cheerfully.  “Especially not when I can think of a hundred other jokes.  Like have you considered that we are, at this moment, sitting in a tree?  Together?  There’s a specific verb that goes with that scenario, now… what was it?  Oh, right -”
Darcy tilted her head up and bussed a kiss over his masked cheek.  “Thanks for watching out for me, Wade.”
His hand freezing mid-scratch and silence were her responses.  Deadpool was actually being quiet.  Was the world about to end?
She had a sudden suspicion: “If I pulled up that mask of yours would you be blushing right now?”
He resumed the scritches, now alternating them with careful strokes of her hair down her back (her spine wanted to arch but that was a bit much).  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said a bit stiffly.  “I don’t blush and anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar with a fanfiction account.”
“Made you blush,” she taunted, sing-song.
“Made you purr,” he returned, mimicking her.
“Agree to never discuss this again?”  He seemed to be internally debating it for a bit longer than Darcy was comfortable with.  She sighed.  “Please?”
“Fine, I won’t bring up the purring thing.”
“Thank you.”
“By the way, did you know your tail has wrapped around my leg?”
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