#spidey heals deadpool with love is not a thing...WHY?
ayosdesignz-blog · 5 months
Deadpool With A Normal Face...
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Miguel with a partner that is the Deadpool of some Spidey’s world (not his) that snuck into HQ and nobody can seem to get rid of (not that most people want to, they love her, and Miguel is secretly one of those people).
Going off of what I know of the Deadpool movies (Idk much about the comics) She’s chaotic, Goofy, loves to drop innuendos and be a general pain in Miguel’s ass, but she has a hidden little sensitive side.
She also has a lot of scar tissue that she hides under her suit that she’s super insecure about (doesn’t have to be as bad as Movie Wade Wilson, but up to personal preference). Miguel has dealt with enough Deadpools to know about the scarring and is so patient with her, waits for her to be comfortable with taking her mask off and showing herself to him, and she’s so grateful and loving, and shows it by not completely screwing him over (she likes to hide his things).
When they first meet, Miguel finds her infuriating and has no idea how she got there or why, and nobody wants to fess up to letting her through. But she just hangs around Miguel and messes with him enough that he falls for her and falls hard. Man’s doing paperwork one day and realizes just how much he misses her pestering him and teasing the life out of him.
She’s reckless as hell, being able to heal as Deadpool, and will often try to secretly do Miguel’s job for him by taking on anomalies while he’s doing paperwork or lab work. It doesn’t go well and she still needs his help, but he’s happy to do so at this point. It freaks him out seeing her get hurt even if she heals, and he has to remind himself that she’ll be okay.
At the end of the day, she’s his reckless maniac, and he’s her big grumpy teddy bear.
Gotta include some spice though :)
On days she really annoys him she better brace herself though, that man has one way that he likes to de stress and that involves her bouncing on his cock until she’s a whimpering mess, begging for more but unable to move. He doesn’t have to thrust his hips in time with her bouncing, but where would be the fun in that? He wants to watch her fall apart, lose that cocky attitude (pun intended).
Sorry if this is a lot, I’m in a mood, and while I want to start writing my own stuff I can’t get any ideas I would be able to pull off 😅😅
Oh you guys love torturing Miguel and I'm here for it. A sassy and grumpy reader is just what he needs!
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spider-mand · 3 months
One of the criticisms about the Spider-Man/Deadpool comic run that I see sometimes is the whole "Wade gets his un-scarred looks back because he feels better about himself, his looks are tied to his self esteem" thing.
Which I feel like rambling about, because I don't think that's exactly what happens.
Wade does get his "normal" face back for the latter half of the run. Spider-Man says that it might be because he's cleaning up his act.
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Here's the thing: I think Spider-Man is wrong. He's hopeful, he's trying to be encouraging to keep Wade on "the right path," but he's just spitballing with no evidence.
Even Wade acts like it's ridiculous (getting his looks back has never been a side effect any of the dozens of other times he's successfully gone straight and sworn off killing).
So, what happened before this, just before Wade got his good looks back, that might have actually triggered the change?
He made a deal with Death to bring Peter Parker back to life.
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She warned him "there will be a price."
Right after this encounter, he notices the change - and notably, he doesn't look too thrilled about it.
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Wade's lost his scars a few times before this. It's never a good sign, it's always been a sign that something seriously messed up is going on.
The series never explicitly spells out "this is exactly what Death meant by 'there will be a price' and who paid it." Both Peter and Wade get put through the wringer by supernatural forces.
Wade gets to "be like Spidey" in this arc, and he feels better than he has in a long time. Then he has to break his "no-kill" streak if he wants to save Spider-Man (both his life and his soul, lot of soul/afterlife stuff in this arc), and the scars come back. To save Spider-Man, he can't be like Spider-Man.
Which does seem to me like the kind of toll Death would ask from Wade. "You get to experience how good it can be - but you can't keep it" is kind of a fitting parallel to their own doomed love affair.
The disappearing scars were, I think, mostly a storytelling choice. Having his face change as a visual shorthand for drastic changes in his mental and spiritual wellbeing. Which is somewhat in line with Spider-Man's theory, and certainly worth critiquing as a storytelling device, but not the same thing as asserting that's the literal in-universe explanation for why it happened.
In any case - "Wade's scars disappear (but his healing factor remains intact) because of supernatural intervention after a deal with Death" is at least a lot more plausible to me than "Wade's scars disappear because he's been good and feels better now."
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beauty-x-mark · 9 months
Spidypool prompt!
We begin with fun-drunk Peter Parker. He lost his shoes. He went clubbing with lady gal pal of your choice and had fun and harmless shenanigans, so the shoe thing isn't bothering him. Now to Deadpool, who knows Peter as Spidey's hot piece friend who works himself too hard, just like Spidey. Deadpool finds him shoeless, somehow inebriated, and flirty; and to Deadpool's surprise, Peter is sporting a lovely blue pedicure. Peter laughs, explains how it was an earlier part of girls' night. Service-top Wade is speechless and so, so turned on. That soft, beautiful Peter would take the time and effort to actually take care of himself, or pay someone else to touch and comfort for his perfect toes, and while we're paying people, why doesn't Wade just step in and touch--and that's where his downright, come-in-his-pants kink lives, on his knees, worshiping at Peter's feet. But this is Peter, not Spidey! Peter's pedicure broke Deadpool, so the merc runs away in a panic. Peter grumps but gets it.
Now let's turn it up! Days later, Spidey's finishing a fight with a baddie when Deadpool finds him, and somehow, one of Spiderman's boots is shredded and destroyed. Spiderman himself is fairly bruised and could use a hand, but when Wade offers and looks him over, he can't help but recognize the same shade of blue nail polish, now a bit ragged and worn. Identity reveal through pedicure! Wade, however, stays focused on the objective--helping Spidey/Peter heal. So he takes Peter back to his home/bolt, cares for his bruises, and let's him sleep it off on the couch in borrowed clothes. But Peter's worn pedicure is torturing Wade--he can't stand that Peter is deserving of better care and doesn't give in to it. So while Peter is napping, Wade gives Peter a new pedicure, not for his own pleasure but because Peter deserves it. Peter wakes on the tail end of a foot massage that leaves him hard and aching for more. And then the smexin!
Any takers? Pretty please? 😁
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regen-degen · 1 year
Rules, About the Muse, Links to sideblogs and some OOC (To stay pinned until Mun is not confined to mobile)
^^^^I have five rules that are a must^^^^
1. My formatting will match my partners (ic blogging, para, etc) but most posts will in the IC Blogging format. (Am I even saying the right words?)
2. I am not Wade. Wade may be who posts but he and I are very much different people. He will say and do things that are adherent to his characterization in all forms of media, but that does not mean I share his ideals or views. Do not attack me for the way he behaves. If it truly bothers you, come talk to me like an adult. I've had this problem on other blogs and I will not have it here. It tires me out.
3. Do not sexualize Eleanor Camacho in my asks. This was a MAJOR PROBLEM on my old blog and it's part of why I left. Ellie is Wade's daughter, so please don't be a disgusting creep. I shouldn't even have to make this a rule, but people out there love to pull this trash.
4. Please don't harass me for replies. I have family, job, and personal obligations outside of Tumblr and I won't be on 24/7. I will do my best to get to replies in a timely manner, but when I'm harassed for replies it honestly drains my motivation to actually do it.
5. If your muse decides antagonize Wade, don't get angry OOC when he retaliates. He's an unstable, violent mercenary. He will hurt your muse if your muse pushes him. You've been advised.
Deadpool/Wade Wilson is a character from Marvel Comics.
Wade Wilson was a mercenary who grew up with an abusive father (whom he wound up killing during an incident as a young adult). He led a very unpleasant life, which only grew worse when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Having at first accepted his fate, he soon learned of a secret program that gave him a chance at a cure. Unfortunately this was a ruse set up by the weapon X program, which had also experimented on Wolverine. Wade was tortured and subjected to experiments that left him with a healing factor based off of Wolverine's same power.
The Healing Factor and his cancer have left his skin permanently scarred and him in constant pain.
He has suffered such severe trauma that he was left mentally fractured, speaking to what seems to be two semi-omniscient voices, that he can visualize as boxes.
Wade also believes he is fictional (HE KNOWS) and that he has the ability to see beyond 'the fourth wall'.
Despite his immature behavior, abrasive personality, and general... Being him... He is a capable combatant in all forms. His primary hindrance is honestly himself.
He is a single father to Eleanor "Ellie" Camacho, a young mutant whom he leaves in the care of a trusted friend so that she is not endangered by his enemies.
This particular blog will draw from multiple medias for his characterization. Shows, games, his movies, and the comics.
Let's see what happens.
^^^^Lastly, about the Mun^^^^
My moniker is Nat.
I am over 21
Pronouns are he/him
Tbh that's all I'm comfy sharing about myself for the moment
Number one is an OC rendition of the the Horseman Death. Something I've been working on for a while.
Number two is @cackling-knight (Hey it worked!)
My Two Spiders are Otto Spidey and an OC. @supreme-arachnid and @4r4chn10
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ellz9800 · 3 years
A Spideypool Drabble
An excerpt from an unpublished spideypool/avengers family fanfic and wondering if I should get around to finishing it and posting on AO3
“Why do you kill people?” Peter asked suddenly, feet dangling over the edge of the building and Wade’s body slowly healed back into its proper shape. At first, he didn’t notice the young Spider; didn’t expect anyone to wait with him while he healed. The decapitation was bloody and stomach churning to say the least.
“Why do you kill people?” Peter repeated. “You saved that guy tonight. We both know he didn’t deserve it. Why didn’t you kill him?” Wade sighed as he cracked his bones back into place.
“Yeah he was a bag guy, Spidey, but he isn’t the worst. I only kill the worst.” Wade said as if it were his duty.
Peter sighed and stood up, not saying a word.
[He’s mad now. This has to be a record for fastest fuck up since dying.]
‘Oh great,’ Wade thought, ‘you’re back already.’
[Bingo bitch]
Wade watched Peter get up and walk the edge of the building, too deep in thought to even look at Wade.
“What if we made a deal?” Peter asked suddenly. Wade looked at him.
“As nice as that ass is, Webs, friends with benefits isn’t really my style.” Wade couldn’t help but joke. He watched Peter trip over his own foot before bouncing off the ledge and in front of Wade.
“No,” Peter sighed, shaking his head. “I mean, a... hero deal.” He amended.
“You want to patrol with me, right?” Peter asked. Wade nodded slowly. God, patrolling with Spider-Man sounded like a dream.
{Imagine the places we could have sex!}
[yeah, like he’d go for that.]
“What if I let you patrol with me but only if you stop killing?” Peter asked. Wade looked at him as if he was more spider than man.
[Fuck that. He’s pretty but not that pretty.]
{Meh, I’m still down for it.}
“Hot Cakes, I don’t know how new to this you are, but mercenaries kill. It’s what we are literally paid to do.” Wade said. He watched Peter nod.
“Yeah but why are you a Mercenary?” He asked Wade shrugged.
“Someone’s gotta get those fuckers off the streets.” He said. Peter nodded.
“We aren’t that different, you know.” Peter commented as if he was letting Wade in on a secret. The older man scoffed loudly.
[Oh really? Ask him to show us his scars! Or better yet, have him jump off the building and go splat to prove his healing abilities!!]
{Calm down, White. Asking him to strip for a full body inspection is perfectly fine.}
“How so?” Wade asked. He watched Peter shrug.
“We’re both doing what we can with what we got to make the world at least a little bit of a better place?” He phrased it more like a question than Wade suspected he meant to.
“Look,” he backtracked, “I know you don’t like killing people. You do it because you have to because you think it’s all you’re good at. But that’s not true. You saved someone’s life today. And you didn’t even kill the bad guy! Let me help you keep doing good. I know you liked it.” Peter finished. Wade didn’t really know what to say. Help him? Nobody has ever helped him in his life.
[Stopping us from killing isn’t helping.]
{Neither is pointing out all the depressing shit. Shut the fuck up, White.}
“Spidey, as fun as that sounds, I’m kind of a lost cause.” Wade said. Peter shook his head violently.
“No, you’re not! You think you are but you’re not. Everyone thinks you’re this horrible killing machine, but you aren’t. Let’s show them that you can be a hero. That you are one.” Peter said earnestly. His and Tony’s argument about Deadpool being too dangerous started floating back into his mind and all that did was push Peter harder to convince Wade that he wants to help.
“What’s in it for you?” Wade asked suddenly. Peter shrugged.
“You mean besides stopping you from killing people and helping to add another hero to New York City?” He joked.
“Yeah,” Wade said seriously, “why are you so hell bent on me not killing people?” Wade asked. Peter shot him a clear look of ‘are you kidding me’ and even through the mask, the eye roll was loud and clear.
“I’m not going to lie and say stopping you from killing isn’t a driving force in this,” Peter paused. “But you aren’t like the Avengers. You make your own rules and do your own thing. You make a difference even if I don’t approve of your methods.” Peter shrugged.
{There’s more to it than that. Get him to tell us.}
“So you admire what I do but not how I do it?” Wade summarizes. He saw the Spider shrug.
“I started this whole superhero thing when I was young. Probably too young. Sometimes I feel like all the Avengers see is that kid who just got his powers last week and can’t make his own decisions. You don’t treat me like that. With you I’m an equal, not just some kid.” Wade was silent. He didn’t really know how to respond to that. It was pretty low on the severity scale of self-depreciation—
[You wrote the fucking book on self-depreciation.]
—but that didn’t mean Wade was impartial to the feeling of inadequacy. In fact, it was probably his best friend.
“Sorry,” Peter said suddenly, as if snapping out of his daze of self pity. “I just dumped that on you when I probably shouldn’t have. I mean, I don’t know what you’ve been through but I heard it wasn’t by any means easy. You probably think I’m pathetic; complaining about how the Avengers don’t like me. As if that’s as bad as the end of the world.” Wade shook his head.
“No,” he said. “I think the Avengers are the pathetic ones here.” Peter scoffed.
“I want to help you, Wade.” Peter whispered, looking back out over the nightlife of the city. “I know you’re a good guy and I want others to see it too.” He said. Wade looked at Spider-Man. It was the first time he ever said Wade’s actual name.
[Don’t do it.]
{Do it.}
“Alright, Baby Boy. Let’s say I agree to your little deal—“
[Fuck you, Wade.]
“—what does it entail, exactly?” Peter shrugged.
“We patrol together, basically. And you don’t kill anyone.”
“That’s it?” Wade asked. Where’s the catch?
“Yeah, pretty much?” Peter shrugged. “When word gets out you’re teaming up with Spider-Man, maybe people will start realizing you’re not such a bad person.” Peter shrugged. Wade nodded.
“And when the news outlets start reporting their pure innocent Spider-Man is getting corrupted and brainwashed by the evil Merc Deadpool?” Wade asked. He heard Peter snort.
“Have you read the Daily Buggle? Jameson wants my head on a stick. He’d probably spin it so you’re the hero the city needs and I’m so horrible for stopping you.” Wade snorted.
They were silent.
Streets were still bustling below despite it being nearly dawn. People weren’t joking about New York being the city that never sleeps.
“So what do you think?” Peter asked suddenly. Wade leaned back on his heels and clicked his tongue.
[Wade think about this. No more killing means no more money. No more money means no more fun expensive toys to blow shit up with.]
{Idiot, he’s already got millions in the bank. Quitting now isn’t going to make that shit disappear.}
[Its a bad idea.]
“You got a deal, Webs. Don’t make me regret it.”
Wade suddenly felt the pressure of a hand in his. He looked up at Peter who kept his head down and squeezed the fabric covered palm. Peter squeezed back. And for the first time since Vanessa, Wade felt content and the voices didn’t speak.
Lots of love <3
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New Amsterdam Chapter 105
[It’s about time the plot wound back to us.]
{I don’t understand.}
Wade didn’t understand either and he stared at Aunt May, still calmly drinking her tea. How did this woman send her nephew—whom she loved—to go out patrolling just so that she could talk with Wade? And then sit there calmly drinking tea?
The woman smiled softly. “Wade, you are overthinking this. Peter has been Spiderman since he was fifteen. He’s fought bullies, robbers, and alien invaders. There’s not much that he can’t handle in the city of New Amsterdam. I saw to that.”
“But you—”
[What does she mean, she saw to that?]
That—was a good question. Wade repeated it.
“Just what I said. After leaving Help All, I went underground. I still have contacts, something that J.J. better not forget.”
{Wait—is she talking about Peter’s boss? The newspaper guy?}
“Jamison?” squeaked Wade staring at the apparently formidable woman in front of him.
Aunt May snorted. “Did you honestly think the head of a newspaper office would take the time to listen to a scrawny kid who said he could get pictures of the new vigilante swinging around the city? Of course I made a phone call.”
Which meant—Aunt May knew what the bastards at the paper said about Spiderman. About Peter. And said—nothing.
[Well, this explains why Jonah called her a monster. No wonder he’s so protective of Peter.]
{What do you mean?}
[Would you want that pissed off at you? Imagine what she could do…]
Wade began to fidget. “Shouldn’t he be back by now?” he asked.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” Aunt May’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him. “Are you anxious?”
“Of fucking course I’m anxious!” Wade roared.
[We do not want this woman pissed at us.]
Aunt May settled back into her chair with a smirk. “Good,” she purred. “Go,” she added.
Wade didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted from the couch and ran out of the house—slamming into the giant squid metal thing because he forgot the front door was blocked.
“That door’s blocked,” sang Aunt May mischievously.
“Thanks,” grunted Wade as he shifted direction, already healing to head outside.
[Have you really thought about this? I mean, what if Peter gets back and we’re not there?]
{Yeah! How are we going to explain that?}
“Let’s just find him first,” grunted Wade. He looked down the streets. The problem with following someone who swung around the city with webs was that he could have gone in literally any direction.
{Stop dithering and just pick one!}
[Weren’t you the one just asking how we were going to explain to Peter why weren’t calmly waiting on Aunt May’s couch for him?]
{Hey, can we buy her a new couch? It wasn’t very comfortable.}
[Can you focus? For five minutes?]
Wade picked a direction at random and jogged down the street swiftly moving from townhouses to huge apartment buildings. What if Peter—Spidey—was in trouble? He needed to find his boyfriend.
A hunched over figure let out a fragile cry and went down to one leg. Wade, new hero mode activated, jogged over to the figure. “Are you all right?” he asked.
“I just felt weak,” the figure said weakly.
Shit. This person probably needed an ambulance. Wade dropped down by the person. “What happened?” he asked. “Do you need medical attention?”
He barely registered the prick as the needle slipped easily through the woven Kevlar of his costume and into his thigh. He did notice the rush of unknown fluid being injected into him, and jumped back. Little colored bubbles began to pop at the edges of his vision as the figure straightened up.
“Thanks, Deadpool,” the figure said. Were those—extra arms? Coming out of the back? What? “I’m feeling much better now.”
Wade coughed and felt moisture hit the mask he was wearing as his legs folded up under him.
[Bitch poisoned us!]
“Don’t worry,” the voice said smugly. “It’s not permanent. But then, nothing is with you, is it?”
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remywrites5 · 5 years
May I please have some spideypool banter? Love your writing so much!
Happy New Year! 
           Peter sat on top of a high building with his legs dangling over the edge. He had a clear view of Time’s Square without being in the thick of it. He knew there were a few discount Spider-mans in the crowd, posing to selfies with tourists who are out celebrating New Year’s Eve. He probably could have gone down and made some money, charging five bucks a pop to get a picture with him. But as a New Yorker he knew better than to be in Time’s Square on New Year’s.
           Still, he couldn’t be at home with his Aunt for the holiday. Chances were there would be at least some drunk drivers, maybe a few unruly drunks, or even some small crimes that Peter would be able to help with. Sitting at home with his Aunt watching Holiday Inn would just make him a ball of anxiety and guilt that he was shirking his duties as Spider-man. It didn’t mean he liked leaving his Aunt to ring in the New Year by herself but she’d understood he had responsibilities.
           Peter heard some grunting from behind him and turned to see the tip of a red mask pop up over the side of the building. A few moments later the rest of Deadpool appeared as he hoisted himself up, tumbling gracelessly over to side and ending up sprawled on his back looking up at the sky.
           Peter walked over and put himself in Wade’s field of vision. “Need a hand?”
           “Is that an invitation for some sweet jerking it action, baby?” Wade asked, his mask stretching as he grinned. “Because the answer is always yes. Full consent from good old DP for the rest of time. Even if your ass did end up sagging I would still tap it on the reg.”
           Peter shook his head. “Charming as usual, I see.”
           “I just scaled a building for you, Spidey, doesn’t that win me any brownie points?” Wade asked, sitting up and turning to face Peter. Peter figured lying on katanas couldn’t be comfortable even with them being sheathed.
           Peter huffed out a breath.  Wade was always flirting with him when they encountered each other. And while it was easy to pretend he wasn’t affected by it, the truth was Peter was often grateful that he could hide behind his mask. The last thing he needed was Wade knowing just how often he made Peter blush. “It would have meant more if you’d done so with actual brownies,” he quipped, crouching down by Wade but still resolutely on his guard. Even though Wade had never hurt him in the past or even attempted to hurt him, Peter knew the Merc was dangerous if he wanted to be.
           “Wait!” Wade said, rummaging through his pouches. “I think I’ve got a Twix bar in on of these.”
           Peter raised an eyebrow even though he knew Wade couldn’t see it. “Is it fun sized?”
           “Yeah, baby, just like you!”
           Peter couldn’t help smiling as Wade pushed the candy bar into his hands. “I’m not fun sized. You’re just massive.”
           “Oh, you noticed that, huh?” Wade asked, leaning in towards Peter. “I work out.”
           Peter tried to stifle his laughter but it came out anyway. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, wondering why he said it so fondly. Maybe Deadpool was growing on him. The Merc had taken up permanent residence almost six months ago in New York, causing havoc and showing up whenever Peter was on patrol. Peter had left the Merc webbed up to more than a few buildings even though he knew Wade could get out of it with his katanas. Wade had called it foreplay on more than one occasion, making Peter go bright red under his mask with the implications of it.
           Peter rolled his mask up to under his nose and took a bit of the Twix. “Are you a right Twix or left Twix person?” he asked as he chewed, not really caring about talking with his mouth full. It wasn’t like Deadpool would chastise him for his bad manners.
           “Left Twix all the way, baby.”
           Peter snorted. “Any particular reason?”
           Wade shrugged. “I mean a man has to take a stand somewhere, right?” He grabbed Peter by the front of his suit and hauled him forward until Peter was straddling his lap while Peter made an indignant sound at being manhandled. “Hmm, that’s better.”
           Peter finished his Twix and shoved the wrapped into one of Wade’s pouches. He was pretty sure his fingers brushed over some loose bullets, reminding him of how dangerous Wade really was. “I don’t think you’ve earned enough brownie points for this,” Peter managed to tease. He attempted to get up but Wade put his arms around Peter and locked him into place.
           “For once the Spider is caught in someone else’s web,” Wade purred. He leaned forward and slid his nose along Peter’s jawline, his breath hot against Peter’s exposed skin, making Peter shiver in response.
           “You gonna let me go?” Peter asked, putting his hands on Wade’s shoulders and getting ready to shove the Merc away. He wasn’t sure why he was hesitating.
           “Fuck baby boy, if the rest of you is as cute as your jaw and lips, I’m in real trouble,” Wade said, burying his face in Peter’s neck and nuzzling him affectionately. “You’ve already been giving me like permanent blue balls with all your teasing. I don’t think I can die of sexual frustration because – you know – super healing factor but it’s still not fun.”
           Peter gawked at him in surprise. “I haven’t been teasing you!” he said, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment. It felt like if anything it was normally the other way around. Although Peter could usually play it cool, Wade had a tendency to make Peter feel equal parts embarrassed and flattered.
           Wade giggled. “Oh baby you’re such a fucking tease, you don’t even know,” he said, sliding his mask up to his nose as well and licking up Peter’s neck.
           Peter made a face and wiped his neck clean. “Are you part Chihuahua or something?’
           “Yo Quiero Taco Bell!” Wade cried out before laughing. “Fuck now I want tacos. Maybe a Mexican Pizza or five. You ever try those cinnabon bites they’ve got there with the icing inside? It’s like they jizz in your mouth except it’s waaaaay better tasting. Although I bet you taste amazing. Bet you taste like sugar, baby boy.”
           Peter felt his blush deeper. “Can’t you behave for like one minute?”
           Wade shrugged. “Where’s the fun in that?”
           Peter sighed. “So is the plan to just sit here until midnight then?”
           Wade grinned. “Wanna kiss me at midnight, Spidey? Gotta start the New Year off right!”
           Peter cocked his head to the side. “I think that would be considered more wrong than right, Wade.”
           Wade dropped his hands immediately, releasing Peter from his impressive grip. The smile was gone from his face. “Ah, I get it,” he said softly. “Not that I blame you, Spider-babe. I wouldn’t want to mac on all of this either.”
           Peter felt bad and not just because he missed the warmth of Wade’s arms encircling him, keeping him toasty against the chilly December night air. He hadn’t meant to hurt Deadpool’s feelings. Usually it was harder to get a read on the Merc with his mask on but with it rolled up Peter could at least see his mouth and how it was nearly pouting, his lower lip protruding just a bit.
           “I don’t know what kind of a whore you think I am,” Peter said, joking lightly. “Kissing on the first not-even-remotely-a-date. What do you take me for? Some kind of a floosy? I don’t put out for Twix bars. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, maybe, but not a Twix. Besides, I’m right Twix as my ride or die anyway so this would never work.”
           Peter took it as a personal triumph that Wade was smiling again. “I could be persuaded to go right Twix.”
           “What happened to taking a stand?”
           “Does it look like I’m standing to you?” Wade shot back, putting his hands lightly on Peter’s hips. Not trapping him but holding him gently. Even through the gloves Peter could feel Wade radiating heat. It made Peter shiver again.
           Peter chuckled. “Fine, you can kiss me at midnight but no tongues. I know you’re Canadian and your lot is into the French but you’re in America now buster.”
           Wade wined and shifted under Peter slightly. “But Spidey, I wanna put my tongue in your mouth. How can you disregard my heritage like that? I had no idea you were so racist!”
           Peter shrugged. “Take it or leave it, Wade.”
           The countdown started below them and they had a perfect view of the ball dropping slowly. “Fine, fine, I’ll take it!” Wade said quickly.
           They got down to three and Peter licked his lips in anticipation. On the one he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Wade’s in a soft, chaste kiss. Wade’s tongue flicked against the opening of Peter’s lips and he let out a whimper when Peter refused him entrance into his mouth. He should have known Wade would try and break the rules, after all he was basically known for it. His hands had slid from innocently on Peter’s hips to full on gripping his ass.
           After a moment, Peter pulled back, taking Wade’s hands and putting them back on his hips. “Easy there, cowboy.”
           “Sorry baby, I couldn’t resist,” Wade said, grinning mischievously. “You’ve got the greatest ass since Captain America. What if I had called myself Captain Canada? Do you think I would have a museum exhibit too? I’d definitely have my own flavor of maple syrup.”
           “That would have been lame.”
           “There you go being racist again, baby,” Wade said, shaking his head disapprovingly. “We’ve really gotta get you in some meetings so you can get past your hate of my home country, especially if you’re going to date me.”
           Peter let out a startled noise. “Who says I’m going to date you?”
           Wade laughed. “Immersion therapy,” he said, gently sliding his hands up and down Peter’s thighs. “Come on baby, I’ll be so good to you. And you know they say how you spend your New Years is how you’ll spend your whole year. So that means you’ll be spending it with me.”
           Peter huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is that so?”
           “Yeah baby boy,” Wade said, nodding emphatically. “It’s like the wishbone on Thanksgiving except Thanksgiving is in October you uncultured American idiots.”
           “Now who’s being racist?” Peter teased, biting his bottom lip to keep from laughing.
           “Takes one to know one, Spidey.”
           Peter groaned. “If I spend my year with you I’m pretty sure I’ll go out of my fucking mind.”
           “I’ve already lost mine, baby. Oooh twinsies!”
           Peter leaned forward so he was whispering in Wade’s ear. “I’m not into twincest.”
           Wade moaned. “Those blue balls are going to come back with a vengeance if you keep doing that, baby boy. Like Keanu in John Wick 2…or 3.”
           Peter got Wade’s earlobe between his lips and nibbled on it gently. He surprised even himself with the intimate gesture. He had no idea what had gotten into him but he liked it. He liked having such an effect on Wade. Wade was all hard muscles and dangerous but Peter was fairly certain her could turn Wade into a puddle of goo if he wanted. “You know, we’ve got about fifty-five minutes until it’s New Year’s in Central time. We should probably kiss then too just to make sure we ring in the New Year right. Then an hour after that is Mountain Time and then an hour after that is Pacific time.”
           Wade smirked. “We gonna kiss every hour on the hour?” he asked in amusement. “What will we do in between?”
           Peter shrugged. “Cuddle?” He took his mask off and let Wade see his full face. He figured if he was going to do this he might as well go all in. Wade gasped for a moment and then ripped his own mask off. They stared at each other for a moment, seeing each other with their own eyes for the first time. Peter was struck by just how warm Wade’s eyes were. He took a moment to study the mottled texture of Wade’s skin, reaching out and brushing his fingertips over it lightly.
           “Fuck,” Wade said, his breath shaky. “Spidey, you’re a babe! And I mean that almost literally. How fucking old are you?”
           Peter rolled his eyes. “I’m twenty-one, you asshole.”
           “You still wanna do this, Spidey? Now that you’ve gotten the full picture that is my fucked up face?”
           Peter nodded. “Do you?”
           “Do you really have to ask that, baby boy?”
           “My name’s actually Peter,” he said, holding out his hand. He figured he might as well go for broke as long as he was being completely reckless.
           “Mm, I like it. Suits you,” Wade hummed, shaking Peter’s hand. “Gonna get it tattoed on my ass or at least I would but healing factor means no tats. At that point might as well just use the sticker ones. Get a butterfly or a unicorn or some kind of Lisa Frank type shit.”
           “Please don’t get my name tattooed on you, Wade,” Peter said with a deep sigh.
            “You’re right, you should get my name tattooed on your ass. Property of Wade Wilson. Sounds like a tramp stamp,” he said, wigging his eyebrows playfully.
           “Never in a million years,” Peter said, laughing softly. “And I already told you I’m not a tramp.”
           “Not yet you’re not,” Wade said, giving Peter a wink. “But give me until midnight Hawaii time and I bet I’ll have you sinning.”
           Peter leaned forward and kissed Wade softly on the lips. “There better be breakfast involved. “
           “In the actual act or afterwards?” Wade asked, nipping gently at Peter’s lower lips. “Because I would happily cover you in syrup and lick you clean”
           “Afterwards,” Peter said decisively, ignoring the way heat was pooling in his groin at the thought of Wade licking him all over. “But only if we do proper bacon and not that Canadian shit.”
           Wade tsked and shook his head. “Please at least tell me you like Celine Dion, she’s a fucking treasure.”
           Peter made a face. “Does anyone like Celine Dion?” he challenged with a raised eyebrow.
           “The Bare Naked Ladies?”
           “I only know that one song.”
           “Ugh, you’re killing me, Petey!”
           Peter laughed. “That’s actually impossible.”
           “That’s it!” Wade said, capturing Peter’s lips and kissing him hard. “Tonight will be a marathon fuckfest sountracked by the Bare Naked Ladies. And when you cum you better scream out Oh Canada!”
           Peter laughed harder and got to his feet. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” he said, holding his hand out to Wade. Wade took it and Peter lifted him to his feet.
           “Too late,” Wade said, kissing Peter again. “Happy New Year, Peter.”
           “Happy New Year, Wade.”
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wadey-wilson · 6 years
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Peter Parker’s abilities, traits, and history can be complicated, so I gathered up all I know from comics and all the website I’ve visited in my life, revisited them, and put them together. I hope that the Marvel fanfictions writers will find this useful, especially that more and more Spider-Man fanfics are written nowadays.
[fun fact about the hyphen between ‘Spider’ and ‘Man’ - the creators of the character used it to differ Spider-Man from Superman.]
Full name: Peter Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man aliases: Spidey, Webhead, Webs, Web-Slinger, Wallcrawler/ Wall-crawler
Date of birth: - comics: Peter is a Libra, making his birthday sometime between September 23rd and October 22nd. - MCU: August 10th, 2001
Characteristics: - gender: male - current height (age 28): 5' 10" / teenage years height: 5' 5" - current weight (age 28): 167 lbs (76 kg) / teenage years weight: 140 lbs (64 kg) - eyes: hazel - hair: brown
Family: - Richard Parker, Mary Parker (parents, killed in a plane crash, spies) - Benjamin Parker (uncle, killed by a thief) - May Parker (aunt); (- Teresa Parker (sister) ) (- William Fitzpatrick (maternal grandfather, killed) )
Address: - grew up on: 20 Ingram Street, Forest Hills, Queens - currently living in: Queens
Core personality traits: - loner - neurotic (anxiety, fear, jealously, loneliness, worry, envy, frustration) - funny and witty, yet respectful (uses humor as defense/coping mechanism and to distract an opponent) - strong willed, brave - nerdy/geeky - shy, socially awkward - caring, loyal, kind, trusting, considerate - always worried, cautious, hopeful
Intelligence: - he graduated Midtown high with the highest scholastic average in the school's history - Octavius stated that Peter's “smarter than all of them” - Peter’s more intelligent than anyone he knows and he doesn't understand why Peter doesn't use all of his intellect - Peter's IQ is 250, making his position in the Highest IQ Ranks of Marvel characters in the top 5 (it's a made up universe, ok)
Costume: - in the early days after the spider bite when peter was making money via wrestling, peter made a costume because a TV producer told him it would sell as an act along with the wrestling - he created a mask to avoid the embarrassment if he lost a match, later it served him to protect his identity and hide his fear during fights
Utility Belt: - a utility belt holding extra clips of webbing (later: Spider-Tracers, Spider-Signal), placed on his waist under the suit (- recently upgraded to hold cartridges of different types of webbing, freeze capsules, new Spider-Tracers as well as a newly upgraded Spider-Signal that has a UV light setting for forensic analysis.) (- in the MCU, the belt was changed into clips on the hip height of the suit)
Web-shooters: - he first created the web-shooters so they can give him the advantage over pro-wrestlers  - they're made of materials that don't trip metal detector alarms (the material changes as the comics go, it's plastic, carbon fiber, and so on) - they're pressure sensitive - work only when peter taps on them twice very quickly with his middle and ring finger. the pressure, though, is really big, given the super strength. in that way, the web-shooters don't go off in a fight or when he shakes someone's hand. it also means that an average human wouldn't be able to use them, given that they need a certain degree of pressure put on the trigger. - over the years Peter's learned to use the web-shooters in more ways than just shooting single strings - he can make a parachute, web up a cast for a broken arm, a shield, and more and more variations he needs at the moment - from marvel.com: “the webbing [is a shear-thinning liquid (virtually solid until a shearing force is applied to it, rendering it fluid) whose exact formula is as yet unknown, but is related to nylon. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties. The web fluid's adhesive quality diminishes rapidly with exposure to air. (Where it does not make contact with air, such as the attachment disk of the web-shooter, it remains very adhesive.) After about one to two hours, certain imbibed esters cause the solid form of the web fluid to dissolve into a powder. Because the fluid almost instantly sublimates from solid to liquid when under shear pressure, and is not adhesive in its anaerobic liquid/solid phase transition point, there is no clogging of the web-shooter's parts." 
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[fun fact no2: he's holding back in every fight and on daily basis - both in the intellect and physical departments.]
Mutations: - he's got harder bones and tougher skin, hard for a syringe to pin through - his organs' tissue is most probably stronger to not get squashed under the pressure of impact forces (such as g-forces while he's swinging)
Strength: - he can bench press up to 10 tons but it was stated that it’s the average strength he uses - he's holding back a lot (supporting the weight of the Daily Bugle building, landing a private jet with  a landing weight between 175,000-215,000 pounds, breaking through Iron Man's armor, even breaking through eight of Doctor Octopus' carbonadium tentacles, lifting a large pile of iron-debris equivalent to the weight of a locomotive approximately 130 tons) - he can jump to a height of several stories in a single bound - he’s strong enough to knock out people with normal durability with as little as a tap to the head - he can throw a human sized and weight object across, like, New York
Speed, agility, reflexes: - his perfect sense of balance is complemented by the generally elastic nature of his body - he can adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object - he can outrun moving cars - according to the comics, he can run 70-115mph - it was stated that he can go around 120 mph when swinging the fastest he can - he's agile and quick enough that in a combat fight the foe can only see a blur, dodging attacks and bullets the second they’re put in motion - according to the official bios, his heightened reflexes are about 40 times better than the ones of an average human  (with the help of spider-sense, he can dodge a bullet before it’s even shot)
Spider-sense: ( a form of unconscious precognition / extra-sensory perception tuned to danger or threats that might cause him physical or mental injury) - it can make Peter feel off when his loved ones are in danger - it can differ a loved one/a very close friend and a foe (best example: Aunt May once sneaked up on Spider-Man and smashed a vase on his head) - it can help Peter navigate in the dark - it’s a bit off and overwhelmed and Peter doesn’t react to it right when he’s very tired or distracted or when there's too much danger around (like in a big fights with many opponents and weapons) - when it goes off and “buzzes” without imminent and instant danger, Peter may think it’s just gone a bit bonkers, therefore he doesn’t react it much. - it helps with instinctive shooting webs at places that won’t crumble under Peter’s weight - it reduces stuff like the need to look sideways when crossing the street or the need to cover up 100% when Peter changes in an alleyway - Peter was banned from playing poker with F4 because the spider-sense helps him detect when someone is bluffing - sometimes it takes control over peter when there has to be less thinking and more reacting done in a fight - it can hurt peter when it's triggered hard enough
Healing factor: - he can heal from bullet wounds, concussions, broken or sprained bones, and third-degree burns in a matter of days - his body produces less fatigue toxins than ordinary humans which allows him to exert himself for days - he can go a couple of days with no sleep; - he's got a weirdly high tolerance to radiation - he can hold his breath for eight minutes or more
Metabolism: - he’s got a bottomless belly - high metabolism means he needs more food to function, but then again he can go without food because of the healing factor - he can even shrug off some toxins - the toxin resistance makes it harder for someone to knock him out with toxins (such as drugs, for example)
Enhanced senses: - he’s got enhanced sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste - they can be as much of help as of a nightmare. each of his senses was enhanced which means he can hear his neighbors as they roll over in their bed, but going to a concert isn't that fun
Wall-crawling: - according to Spider-Man Vol 1 #26 it’s a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers - which basically means electrostatic attraction between Peter’s skin and a solid surface - it’s mentally controlled
“That's not why you do it. You do it 'cause it's the right thing to do. [...] Now it's my turn. [...] I'm going to give it my all. [...] I'll never quit.”
“With great there must also come great responsibility.”
“Life sucks sometimes... but it's always worth living.“
“Everyone can be saved.”
- the Spider-Man mask supposedly muffles and changes Peter’s voice enough to be unrecognizable - Peter’s a NY Mets fan - Peter’s witty personality works on every hero’s nerve except for Deadpool (Wolverine one stated that being in company of one of these two is a nightmare, and being in company of both of them is one of the worst things he’s gone through) and Tony - the adhesive skin allows Peter’s mask to stick to his face in case someone tried to pull the mask off - he’s a skilled photographer.
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k-laconia-bug1 · 4 years
A little redo on my
Twin Marinette Parker-Stark AU
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Meet Marinette Parker-Stark Twin of Peter Parker-Stark When they were born with a psychic link to each other,
The Psychic Link
When one twin feels Pain the other feels it to wither it's from a stubbed toe to being on the brink of death the other will always feel if one trys to take all of the other twins pain even if half the other will suffer the physical wound
This is what caused both twins to gain the powers from Peter's spider bite
If one twins feels an emotion strong enough the other will Experience it when
They can also purposely push a Memory powered by the emotion to resurface in the other head (which helps greatly with pranks during school)
They can talk though the link too and feel the others "soul" so to speak they have a shared mindscape in a way that helps talk to the other or find them the farther the other is away the blury they find world mindscape being
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During the snap
Marinette knew just knew that Peter was still alive there were days and days she would go to the mindscape not getting out for months on end trying to talk to Peter and to the point she was in a coma to the outside world
She felt the pain Peter was in his super healing trying to heal him as he dusted his Spidey senses going haywire making him feel the pain but she felt his emotion of leaving her and Tony and Aunt May to be a far worse pain
But the weird thing is on the three years Peter was stuck on the soul stone with the other half of the universe she never aged a day
After just three years of being separated Peter finally appeared on the Mindscape where Marinette had been waiting
The emotion of Psychic twins had been so great it over powered the infinity stones that it reversed the snap it self like it was magic
Because it was magic
The infinity stones were created eons ago when magic was still known Earth was never called Earth or Midgaurd Originally it was Edolas a place with magic dying out
Then there was group of people from a place called Earthland two people from that land who had loved each other so greatly that they had made silent promise that day that was so great that magic had leaked and combined with each other with one sliver of magic making the infinity stones
And the rest of the magic waited for For the souls that had made the promise to meet each other again in this world called Edolas that was now called Earth and when the magic found them in one Tony Stark and Mary Parker and the magic of the promise made twin children
Who made the promise you ask?Why it was one Lucy Heartphilla and Natsu Dragneel
The twins had mistaken the link they had for a psychic super power they had when they were born but no it was simply the raw magic that was the result of too powerful mages that loved each other
And funny thing was
They're was a female voice that appeared on in their head as their magic reversed the snap
What's the point of magic... If I can't use it to protect my friends!
Feelings are a connection. They surpass time. And find their way back to the people you love.
And they heard another voice but this time it was a male voice
Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest, do let's keep going till the very end.
The real fear... Is the thought that these happy days might not continue. To be able to laugh together ounce again, we have to fight , our goal is not victory!!! We're going to fight to live!!! That's our BATTLE!
Tony of course is still being the worried dad he is, also this is Spideypool Deadpool/Wade is only a year or two older than the twins Marinette love interest i have yet to decide
(but maybe I'll do more with the twins relationship with Tony and Wade when I wake up later but I do have to babysit my baby cousins first thing in the morning so we shall see)
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acecorvid · 6 years
Sick Day [Spideypool/Spiderfam fic]
Sorry it’s been so long since a Spiderfamily update! It’s been a really weird and busy start to 2019 and I’m on a somewhat social media break? But more fics will be coming soon!
It took all of six seconds for Wade to realize he’d come home to chaos and considering he’d been in three gun fights only hours before, that was definitely saying something.
“Thank fuck you’re here,” Peter growled. His voice was much deeper and gravelly than it usually was. It was sexy. Quite sexy. Maybe the most sexy of all the-
“Hey! Fuckface! Eyes on me. Focus-” although the last part of ‘focus’ was coughed out onto Wade’s face.
“Ew, Spidey-germs. Does that mean I’m gonna get spidey-powers now?”
“You never get sick, Wade. Healing factor, remember?”
“That’s mutanist. You’re being- you’re falling over actually okay let’s get you to a flat surface.” Wade caught Peter in his arms mid-sentence as he started to tilt a little too far to the left. He propped Peter up against his own chest, turning his face so that if he coughed, he’d cough in a direction that wasn’t Wade’s tattered and bloody suit.
The falling over and apparent fever that Wade could feel through this suit didn’t stop Peter from rambling. “Gwen needs cough medicine. Peni needs a hot water bottle. Porker needs a lot of Kleenex. Noir needs some kind of old timey remedy that has too many ingredients and probably heroin so scratch that and just get him ibuprofen.”
“And Peter B. needs to lie down because he’s got the highest fever I’ve ever felt and I had cancer, my dude.”
“Don’t call me-” Peter’s coughing fit cut him off and he buried his face into Wade’s chest once again. “Don’t call me dude.”
“And Miles needs more blankets!”
Wade turned to the couch to see one Miles Morales peeking his head up from the couch.
“Miles?” Peter also turned to look but Wade assumed he got dizzy because he just put his face back on Wade’s chest. “You’re still here? I thought you went home.”
“You said there was a Spidey quarantine!”
Peter paused in Wade’s arms. “I guess I did say that. Okay. And Miles needs more blankets.”
“And water, please.”
“Don’t be greedy.”
Miles groaned and dropped back onto the couch and out of sight.
Wade stared at the back of the couch for a moment before he unceremoniously picked Peter up and starts to carry him upstairs.
“This isn’t what I asked for.”
“But it’s what you’re getting. Gotta get you into bed, old man. Have you always been this heavy? I feel like maybe-”
“Do not kick a man when he’s down,” Peter growled into Wade’s shoulder but he clings harder to him. He’s still clinging when Wade plants him down on their bed and tries to pull away.
“You’re warm,” is Peter’s only answer when Wade asks him what he’s doing.
“And you’re on fire. Didn’t you want me to help out the other spiders?”
“Leave them to die, cuddles are more important.”
Instead of doing any of that, Wade pulled away and was surprised at how easily he slipped out of Peter’s grasp this time. He was weak and pliant, which only made Wade worry more as he pressed a soft kiss to Peter’s forehead.
“Get some rest, old man.”
Peter grumbled and groaned, but he rolled over and cuddled one of the fluffy pillows on their bed, seemingly obeying Wade’s words for once. Wade was sure he’d be asleep within minutes of leaving the room.
As he walked down the hall, ready to go check on the spider-kids, he pulled out his phone and shot his reliable weapon’s dealer a quick text message and a list of everything he would be needing.
“You know, when I got your message this isn’t exactly what I was expecting,” Weasel held out six bags full of pharmaceuticals, Kleenex, and everything else the poor sick spiders would be needing. Weasel took in Wade’s form as he handed the bags over the threshold of the doorway. He blinked wildly, took of his thick glasses to rub them clean on his shit, put them back on, and continued to stare. “Also wasn’t expecting that.”
Wade, completely free of his usual suit and mask, was wearing a blue and white unicorn onesie and a pink frilly apron. With all the spiders sick, someone had to clean house, and that someone was well equipped with the best outfit for the job.
“It’s the uniform of a providing father, Wease.”
Weasel stared blankly at him. Clearly he did not believe or understand anything out of the mercenary’s mouth.
“Is that meds?” Gwen had snuck up behind Wade and he would have scolded her for leaving her bed but she was leaning heavily against his side for support. He’d never seen any of his spiders so weak. Gwen reached around him and rummaged through the bags until she found a package of cough medicine. “Thank fuck!” Gwen pressed a kiss to Wade’s cheek before turning and launching herself over the back of the couch to land directly on top of Miles judging by the yelp and groan that followed. He could not understand how she could still be this nimble when she was burning up with a fever.
“I got the stuff!”
After Miles recovered he lifted his head over the couch again, “Thanks Dad Number 3!”
“What the shit, Wade?”
Wade turned back to Weasel who looked completely shell shocked. He was staring into the house, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Is this where you’ve been this whole time? Everyone’s been asking for you at the bar, wondering why you’ve just been picking up jobs over the phone instead of coming in, and you’ve been… playing house with someone else’s kids? Who are these kids? Whose kids are they? What the-”
“Lot of questions, buddy. Slow down, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Did you kidnap and brainwash a bunch of children, Wade?”
“Yes, Weasel. It’s a big conspiracy where I brainwash random kids to become mutant mercenaries not unlike myself and get them to do my bidding.”
“Al’s not gonna like this, Wade.”
“Weasel. I’m not. Obviously.”
Weasel looked from the couch, where two heads were poking up with curiosity, back to Wade. “Whatever’s going on here isn’t obvious.”
Wade sighed and shoved Weasel out of the doorway and stepped outside, closing the door behind him, much to the dismay of the two eavesdroppers inside.
“Look, you can’t tell anyone. I mean it this time, buddy. Tell anyone and I will personally slice your balls off and feed them to you on a silver platter.”
“Not the most creative threat you’ve given me but okay, noted.”
“I got married to a perfectly normal man from this dimension. His name is Peter and he has two children who are definitely both his biological spawn and they’re technically my kids now through marriage. That’s it. That’s the whole deal. And they’re defenseless little normal humans so I can’t let anyone know about them because any of my enemies could find out and hunt them down. Can’t have that. So no words out of your mouth, got it?”
Weasel stared at him for a moment before nodding, “Yup, absolutely everything out of your mouth was a lie but I can’t even begin to fathom the truth of it so- you got it bud. Not a word. Just promise me you’re not doing anything weird or skeevy or more illegal than the usual illegal shit we do.”
“Scout’s honor!”
“You’re not a- yeah okay, sure. You’re welcome for the care package. Hope the kiddies feel better soon.”
“Me too, who knew spider-people could get this sick.”
“Sorry what?”
“The what people?”
“What what?”
Weasel rolled his eyes, waving his hand dismissively as he walked away. “Whatever Wade. You can tell me when you’re ready. Let me know when you’re ready for another mission.”
“Will do, buddy!” Wade gave him a two-finger salute before heading back inside and promptly running into Gwen and Miles who were obviously backing up from leaning against the wall. They somewhat successfully steadied each other despite looking like they were going to collapse at any moment. Gwen folded her arms and gave Wade a stern look, possibly to overcompensate for being caught. Miles glanced at her and immediately followed suit.
“Are you cheating on Pops?”
“Ye-yeah! Are you cheating on Dad Number 2?”
Wade rolled his eyes, sighing loudly as he put his arms around the two kids and lifted them up, carrying them back to the couch and plopping them down.
“Nothing or no one could make me cheat on your dad. I am faithful till the end. Sometimes beyond the end. With the exception of men that time travel and have metal arms… then sometimes I’m not the most faithful person but it’s an understandable thing. Like one of those freebie lists. You get me?”
Both Gwen and Miles shook their heads.
“Good! Now,” Wade dug through the bags he’d left in the entryway and plopped down a box of Kleenex, bottle of painkillers, two bottles of gatorade, and other supplies onto the laps. “Take some drugs, get some sleep, and feel better!”
“You’re a weird dude, Mr. Deadpool Dad,” Gwen mumbled as she crawled under one of the many blankets Miles had accumulated on the couch - including the ones that Gwen brought down when she was tired of being in her room alone.
“And you’re a weird kid.”
“But you’re good to have around. Love you and all that.”
“Ditto,” Miles chimed in though his eyes were already closed.
“Love you two and all that,” Wade repeated and patted them both on their heads before gathering up the supplies and spreading it out among the other spiders. Noir put up a bit of a fight when it came to all the meds, insisting that he read all the labels and wondering why there wasn’t certain now outlawed ingredients in them but eventually he got him to take many of the night time pills and put him back to bed. Peni was curled up with her tiny spider that somehow looked as sick as she did, so he left all the meds and supplies on her night stand and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He did not want to talk about what he saw in Porker’s room. He left seven boxes of Kleenex for him and left immediately.
Back in Peter’s room, Wade slipped in to find Peter soundly asleep on the bed, covers haphazardly wrapped around him. He put down the last bag next to the bed and gently crawled in next to Peter, brushing his hair out of his face.
Peter grumbled as he woke, rolling over to look Wade in the eyes. “Are the others okay?”
“They’re better. Gwen and Miles are particularly lively.”
“Not surprising.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like hell froze over.”
Wade reached behind him and pulled the bag up onto the bed. “I came prepared then!”
“Ah yes! I knew there was a reason I kept you around. You’re the best.” Peter made grabby-hands at the bag and in any other circumstance, Wade would pull the bag out of his grasp. But he wasn’t one to torment the sick so he gave in.
“Only useful as an errand boy, I see how it is.”
“Oh, you’re useful for other things too. I just don’t have the energy for any of those right now.”
“You don’t have the energy for bacon and eggs and pancakes?”
“Ugh, please don’t mention food to me right now.”
Wade patted Peter back and kissed his shoulder as he downed some meds, and then Peter turned his body into Wade’s. “The kids are all taken care of then?”
“Hm? Yeah they’re good,” Wade answered.
“Cuddle with me?”
Wade smirked, moving to lie on his back and letting Peter snuggle up close to his side, “We’ve got to get you sick more often if you’re going to be this affectionate.”
“I will gladly be affectionate with you every day if I don’t have to feel like this ever again.”
“Hm, I’ll look into it.”
“I don’t like the sound of that and whatever twisted experiment you’re scheming of but okay, sounds like a plan.” Peter buried his face in Wade’s shoulder and promptly fell back to sleep. All through the house, Wade could hear subtle coughs and groans, making it hard for him to fall asleep, but this was his family and he would always protect and take care of them.
(first) (next)
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ao3-spideypool · 5 years
AI (The Boy Who Loves You)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UleOJB
by Silverfern500
It's the future. After superheroes and villains competing propelled advancements in technology, AI are now fully integrated into society. Some things are still pretty much the same, though. Peter Parker works for an ungrateful J.J. Jameson, this time creating Spider-man podcasts. Deadpool still fights evil (in his own way), and teams up with Spider-man occasionally to defeat anti-AI crime. Spidey doesn't seem to like him much, but when Wade gets an AI companion who looks and sounds just like Peter, and Peter gets roped into playing the part of his android double after it glitches out (why did he take that job to be a model for the upstart AI company in the first place??), what will happen? Will Peter fall for Wade? Will Deadpool stop killing for his hero/crush, and learn to be loved? It's the futuristic robot and Nb/Trans AU nobody asked for! (only slightly based on the show "I'm Not A Robot")
Words: 6741, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, Deadpool (Comics), Spider-Man (Video Game 2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Deadpool, Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Ganke Lee, Weasel
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Deadpool/Spider-man, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Peter Parker & Deadpool, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Deadpool/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: SCIFI AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Genderqueer Character, Genderfluid Character, Trans Peter Parker, Deadpool being Deadpool, Wade Wilson Needs A Hug, Identity Reveal, Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Angst, Fluff, Plot, Depression, inaccurate healing factors, mentioned other background characters tbh, Anxiety, MJ is the best lesbian ever, Gwen is the best Ace friend you never had, Harry's a little confused but he's got the spirit, Anti-AI forces, Eventual Character Death, But It'll Be Okay, Pansexual Wade Wilson, Bisexual Peter Parker, Eventual Happy Ending, Memes, Slow Burn, College Student Peter, Sleepovers, Companions
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UleOJB
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aprettystrangeblog · 6 years
For Trans Peter idk if you like Wade but imagine Wade helping Peter fight some baddies and Peter is injured so he takes him to his home and helps him heal all the while being respectful of his identity but he finds out Peter is trans and Peter freaks but Wade is chill and doesn’t give two fucks and is v. supportive? And then he takes him home to his dads and gives him the courage to tell them idk Not as a ship tho just a weird uncle / elder brother sorta way
Hey so there’s an already existing fic series of this which is my absolute favorite!! Go check it out, I adore this author!Part 1Part 2
I love this prompt though, so I’m happy to write something related to it! This is 100% platonic and NOT SHIPPING RELATED AT ALL, as this includes MCU trans Peter Parker.———————————Deadpool’s legs were swinging precariously over the edge of the building they were lounging on, the dizzying thirty story drop below him seeming to have zero effect on his nerves. Several Taco Bell wrappers were scattered around him, and the merc with a mouth was busy downing another crunch wrap supreme as Peter crossed his arms next to him.“Dude, you’re gonna die from like, taco overdose.”“Wouldn’t be the worst way to go out, kid!” Deadpool replied cheerfully, brushing fallen lettuce off the front of his suit. It spiraled down into the open air off the side of the building, floating away into the breeze.“Suit yourself,” Peter mumbled, rolling his eyes as Wade pulled his mask back down over the ruin of his face. “Ha! Suit, suit. Heh. Puns.” Deadpool shook his head and turned to face Peter appraisingly; though he couldn’t see it, he could tell the merc was frowning lightly through his mask. “You sure you aren’t hungry, spiderkid? I don’t mind going back to raid the nearest Taco Bell for some grub for you.”“I’m not hungry,” Peter said with a shrug.“Dude, you just swung across the whole city and beat up those idiots on 45th street with me. You’ve gotta be starving!”“Nope,” Peter echoed smoothly, rubbing at his side. The truth was, he would kill for a taco right now. He was hungry and on edge, but the pain his binder was putting him in was masking every other need he had. Oww. He knew he shouldn’t have bound for afternoon patrol, he knew it was a bad idea, but he’d gotten caught up in stopping a robbery with Deadpool himself and now here he was, exhausted, in pain, and unsure if he could even web himself home.“Kid,” Deadpool mumbled, and there was a surprising amount of gentleness in his voice. “I’ve never heard a teen boy refuse a healthy serving of Taco Bell. What’s up?”Peter yanked off his mask, reveling in the fresh breath of air he gasped in. Deep breaths.“Uh,” he managed, trying to rub at his aching chest. “My… suit’s just extra tight. And… got… punched real bad…. in the chest. Yeah. Don’t wanna eat when… I’m in pain.”Deadpool waved his hand. “Psh, then do the thing ya do in all those YouTube videos! Y’know, when you loosen your suit. You don’t need to be Mr. Superhero Spandex up here.”Peter recoiled. God, he was sorely tempted to do so. But that would reveal his binder and his secret to Deadpool, of all people. Only Aunt May knew about his… identity. Not even Tony knew yet. Or Captain America, or Mr. Strange, or any of the other Avengers he’d gotten close to.“…I don’t wanna strip my suit off, dude.”“Whoa, whoa, whoa, NOT what I meant!” Deadpool threw up his hands. “Just take care of yourself, kid. If your suit is giving you pain, I probably have some spare clothes in my duffel bag you can borrow. There’s even a vent over there you can change behind. I’m not gonna like, look. Gross. I kill pedophiles for a living, Pete.”Peter snorted, considering the offer for a moment. Tempting. So tempting. But… his binder.“No, thanks,” he mumbled, turning his gaze away. He opened his mouth again, and before he knew what he was saying, words just started tumbling out of him.“I mean, it’s not, it’s kind of my suit. I mean, it’s part of my suit, over my chest. I mean, and, it’s really tight, and it’s hurting me, and I don’t wanna take it off, but ow, and when that guy sucker punched me in the chest it got way worse, and, and—“Deadpool shook his head, waving his hand to try and silence Peter. “Whoa, slow down, motor mouth. Pardon?”“I, it’s, it’s just… never mind.”“What? You got like, a binder or somethin under that blue and red spidey suit?”Peter froze.Deadpool noticed.“…Pete? …do you?”Peter’s hand curled up into a fist as he yanked his mask back over his face, prepared to make a quick escape.“So what if I do?” he retorted as he stood up, trying to sound brave, but it came out as more of a squeak.“…Peter. It’s okay. But I should never have gotten you involved in that spat with the bad guys if I’d know you were wearing a binder.” He raised his hands, moving cautiously into a standing position, trying to show he was no threat to the kid. “You could’ve gotten hurt. You could’ve broken a rib!”Peter looked startled, still on edge, but his shoulders slumped down and he reluctantly yanked off his mask again. “…I know.”“You… really shouldn’t be wearing that thing on duty, y’know? You could seriously damage your body.”“Jeez, you sound like my dad now.”Deadpool tugged up the corner of his mask so Peter could see his small smile. “Dadpool? I could roll with that.” He plopped back down on the edge of the roof, and looked back up to scrutinize Peter.“Hey, I didn’t mean to out you. Your identity’s safe with me, okay?”Peter’s expression softened. “You… mean it? You’re… not weirded out? You… how do you even know about binders?”Wade smiled again and patted the ground next to him, motioning for Peter to come sit beside him. “Why would I be? Been around that block a couple times in my life, kid. I know.”Peter let out a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling exhausted just from standing up, and slumped back down onto the roof beside Deadpool.“How are they treatin’ you and your identity over at the Avengers, huh?” Wade asked gently, leaning in. “Are they treating you okay? Helping you? Because if they aren’t, my hit list can always use more names, and I’m sure the X-Men can find a place for you at th—“Peter shook his head rapidly, laughing. “No! No, that’s… no. No one really knows. I think Tony guesses, I think he’s been talking to my aunt. I dunno about anyone else, though.”“Have you thought about telling them?”“Sometimes. It’s just… scary.”“Yeah, I understand.” Deadpool looked at the horizon, watching the sun start to dip behind the skyscrapers. “It’s not easy. But… sometimes it is worth it to open up to people. You can’t keep everything all neatly bottled up in side. That’s why people become alcoholics. Don’t drink, kid. No drugs!” he added hastily, wagging a finger.“Now you really DO sound like a dad.”“Hah!” Wade snorted, but sobered up after a moment. “Hey, really though. Opening up might be good. Tony’s brilliant, I hate to admit. He could design hundreds of more efficient, safe binders for you.” He shifted, pulling his legs back up from the yawning precipice below them. “And the Avengers are… they’re good people at heart. They’ll accept you no matter who you are or what you wear under your suit. Don’t tell them I said that, though.” Peter laughed softly, and Deadpool reached up to clap him on the shoulder. “I believe in you, kid.”“Thanks, Wade. That means… that means a lot to me.”Deadpool shook his head, yanking his mask back down. “Don’t mention it! Really, though, you gotta go take that boobie trap off your chest before your hurt yourself.”“Boobie trap?!”“What? It’s catchier than ‘binder’. That’s what I used to call mine.”“Yeah, you would.” Peter grinned and forced himself to stand up, wincing. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer of some spare clothes.”“Gotcha!” Deadpool said happily, reaching behind him to grab his pink duffel bag. “Extra clothes are in there. Howzabout I go get you some Taco Bell while you change in private?”“That would seriously be awesome.”“Good! Go take care of yourself, Spiderman.”
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rpadri001 · 3 years
Tony Stank & Wade Wilson
Bi-weekly Catch Ups and Mother Hen Meetings
So I am fully aware that given what happened in the Marvel Movies that what i’m about to say did not in fact happen (or so we think) but for the sake of my sanity let us imagine a version of the universe (multiverse if you will) that this happens…
My friend and I were debating who would win in a fight between Iron Man and Deadpool as one would and I kind of lost track and came up with a scenario that I am fully running with, am convinced happened, and now feel the need to share.
So Iron man (Tony) is fighting Deadpool (Wade) and Tony is just firing non-stop at Wade, Wade is healing straight away and fighting back, then Tony again calling more bots and missiles etc so it’s a never ending fight…
Both are getting a little tired and fed up.
As the natural sass pots they are the two of them kind of just take a minute to stop and evaluate where they’re at and just…
Tony: Hey why are we doing this?
Wade: I dunno man I just turn up places, smash things, get cut up and re-grow!
Tony: Well I’m getting a little tired and to be honest dude I got no problems with you so how about we pack up, call it a day, and go for lunch or something?
Wade: NOW you’re speaking my language Tin Head!
So they go off for like burgers or something since Tony loves his burgers and obviously he has dibs on choice.
Then in the car on the way they ask Happy if he wants anything and Happy is trying to be voice of reason but Wade is not having it and just adds “stop fighting your boss man driver dude and get us some of America’s best burgers”
So they have their lunch and start chatting and form an actual friendship.
They continue on this tradition where they get a different take out/fast food and catch up.
Sometimes they talk about work, missions, worst injuries, Tony talks about Pepper loads, Wade is chatting about his love life and why his face looks the way it does.
I just love this image where these to sarcastic queens have the most sassy and chaotic conversations in ordinary places.
✨ Bonus scene: ✨
Tony and Wade are eating pizza one day as Wade came over to visit Tony, Pepper and Morgan and Tony is just so excited talking about Morgan and…
Tony: Morgan is coming along so well you know…
Munches on and continues to talk with a face full of food…
Tony: Like i’m so proud! Little mischievous I tell ya - no idea where that comes from - but she’s a good kid
Wade: Totally
Tony: And she gets along with the other kid too. Spidey. Underoos? You remember him?
Wade: Oh yeah totally…
Tony: Yeah so her teacher says she’s doing so well and she’s excelling at maths
Wade: Like her old man huh
Tony: Exactly! That’s what I told Pepper!
Wade: Not wrong
Tony: I was thinking of putting her in an excell program or getting her to join in on upgrading the suits but Pepper said no…
Wade: What is she talking about?! Children and high tech equipment and saws and electricity go perfectly together!
Tony: Yeah, see no harm!
And it’s more of that kind of unstoppable energy that excites me.
Thank you and goodnight.
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thatmouthymerc · 6 years
“★ FILL IN THE QUESTIONS AS IF YOU ARE BEING INTERVIEWED FOR AN ARTICLE AND YOU WERE YOUR MUSE. TAGGED BY: @spiidermade TAGGING: @xne-eyedwilly @papatuanukuschild @osbcrned @svrged and whoever else wants a go!
“Good to meet you, I’m General Eat My Entire Ass!”
“Wade Winston Wilson, born November 22, in Vancouver - ”
“What, Deadpool? ’Cause it’s fucking awesome and Captain Deadpool was just - nah. And no, I’m not delving into the shitty parts of my backstory for this, you can shove it where the sun don’t shine.”
“That depends entirely on how wasted my writer is and which weird alternate timeline I’m shitting my way through!”
"I just can’t seem to fuckin’ die. Uh, I heal from everything and I’m a walking metric fuck-ton of cancer. It’s positively idyllic.”
"Blue, bitch, you could lose yourself in that shit.”
"Yeah, when I was seventeen it was vomit-inducing pink. It was kind of great, actually.”
"Haha, no!”
"Does Spider-Man count? Okay, no, that was mean - oh hey, you think he’s into that? No? Wow, you look crazy uncomfortable right now. Okay, I’m gonna count Dogpool and Hydra Bob then!”
"I think quesadillas are for the weak. Like, what the shit, you know? Why? Why don’t you want more between those tortillas? Meat and cheese? Just cheese? How is that worth it? No, really, I wanna know.”
"I like cooking when I can focus enough not to burn down everything around me. Oh, and all my crayon drawings are fridge-worthy!”
"Haha! Haha, what, no - yes. Yeah. Oh my god, yeah, so many people, there was this one time - ”
"Dude, Death herself has a lady-boner for me and you’re asking that? Yeah, you dingus, I was in the military, you know. I have unalived a lot of idiots.”
”Natty-boy says I’m a Chihuahua!”
“Literally everything I do is probably a bad habit.”
"Spidey, I guess? I dunno.”
”Try pansexual, asshole! Hey, you ever been told you’re beautiful? Yeah? Okay, good! I’m glad! You are!”
“I’m a high school dropout. I tried the online class thing before but when I wanna learn something I just go figure it out, y’know?”
"Uh - no? I mean, I don’t know. That’s really conditional, isn’t it? I guess that could be nice, who doesn’t have some weird picket-fence pipe dream, but I really doubt it’d happen. I can’t even put up with me, I don’t expect anyone else to.”
“So Spider-Man and Cable are my biggest fans, right? Definitely. Don’t look at me like that! It’s so true! You should see all the merch they’ve got. I’m pretty sure Spidey has a bunch of shippy shit, you know - hey! Why are you shaking your head?!”
"I have a very specific nightmare about Liam Neeson, and getting vored by Death, and getting shat out of Cable’s asshole and being trapped with babylegs for eternity. It’s a very complex series of events.”
“The super gimp suit. And I guess hoodies and jeans. Whatever.”
"I guess.”
"You’re going to make us go to class? Yeet!”
"Me, myself, and I makes three plus indistinct change.”
"You better have some to give me if you’re asking that. No, seriously, I will cut you.”
"The blood of my enemies! Red Kool-Aid. Yeah.”
"My roof.”
”Uh, duh.”
"Where are we? Are we in fucking America right now? Oh my god, metric - hang on, let me Google this - whatever, let’s round down a bit and say eight inches. Hang on, why are you asking me that?”
”Ocean is easier to drown myself in for a dirt nap.”
“Funny and usually also like a much better person than me on an exponential scale.”
"You got a fresh page? This is gonna take a while. No no no come on don’t skip it hey this’ll be fun - ”
"What the hell is this vers erasure? I switch. I lean towards top, though. Why? Why are there random sexual questions sprinkled in between the weirdest vanilla shit? Who wrote this?”
“The cold embrace of the void, please!”
"Nah, I don’t mind. Wait, it’s over?”
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New Amsterdam Chapter 71
Wade ran across a roof, leaped into the air, and tried to hook another roof with his grappling hook in order to swing like Spiderman did. The hook landed wrong and fell off the building, fortunately catching on the fire escape instead making the merc attached land, face-first, into the brick of the building. Wade pushed himself away from the brick and, after a quick glance to see that no one could see him, lifted his mask to spit blood out of his mouth. “That could’ve gone better,” he grunted.
[I’m beginning to think the author hates us.]
{No! Oh, look! Something plot related.}
[This was a stupid way for us to find it.]
“No argument there,” muttered Wade as he lurched over to the jackass trying to mug a woman.
“Stop!” screeched the woman as she tried to yank her purse away from the skinny-clearly-a-junkie man.
Wade calmly walked up and rapped the man’s scull with the hilt of a knife sending him dropping to the ground. “Okay,” he said cheerfully. “At some point someone's gotta say, ‘nah, that shortcut down a dark, secluded alley that just screams it’s riddled with people who want to hurt me isn’t worth it’.”
“I wasn’t taking a shortcut, jackass,” snarled the woman as she rifled through her purse. Actually, it wasn’t a purse. It was one of those briefcase things that looked like a purse. “Good,” she said firmly. “My research is still here.”
Wade knew he shouldn't ask. He couldn't stop himself. “If it’s not a shortcut,” he asked, “why did you go down the dark alley?”
“I was being chased.” The woman slung the bag over her shoulder, crossing her chest to make it harder to grab. “Fucking Oscorp,” she muttered.
“Oh, a potty mouth!” said Deadpool cheerfully. “How about this; I’ll walk you home, and keep you safe from any more people trying to jump you.”
She paused and looked at him. “All right. Thank you, Deadpool.” As they walked through the alley she asked, “How’s Peter?”
“Much better. We got a line on the fucker that wants him dead,” Deadpool answered cheerfully. “I’ll be seeing her happy ass in the morning.”
“Huh.” The woman adjusted her glasses, in the same strange way that Peter did. “Well, I hope he comes back to work soon. I want to show him the results on that matrix solution he whipped up.”
{I think this is going to be boring.}
[I think it’s going to be important.]
“What are they?” asked Wade as they turned down a street. A man, an office worker clearly trying to look like a homeless person, started to approach, but changed his mind as he saw who was walking with the woman.
“I’m using the artificial organic matrix to recreate organs,” said the woman excitedly. “Pepper requested that I start with trying to replicate the heart—do you have any idea how complicated the human heart is?” Rather than sounding offended or weary, the woman just sounded excited.
Impossible not to like her. She was too much like Peter. “You can do it!” he cheered.
“There’ll be failures,” said the woman eyes glinting with new light as they walked up to an apartment building, “but we’ll make it work!”
“Yes! Take no prisoners! Never accept ‘no’ as an answer!”
“Exactly!” The woman grinned and turned. “Thanks for walking me home, Deadpool.”
Wade posed. “Just doing my civic duty!” he said in his SuperheroTM voice. She rolled her eyes and went into the building as he turned and started jogging down the street.
{I think we’re actually in good shape.}
[Doesn’t matter. Healing factor won’t let us degenerate.]
Wade wasn’t paying attention. He heard something at the top of a building and climbed to see what was going on. There was a woman there, standing on the ledge opposite the side he’d climbed. “Oh, hey there!” he called.
She was silent long enough that he thought she didn’t hear him. “Hey,” she finally said.
“I love looking at the night sky, especially with my bestest buddy, Spidey,” Wade said as he slowly, carefully made his way towards her. The last thing he wanted to do was startle her into falling off the roof.
“Oh.” The voice seemed oddly—emotionless. As though there was nothing left. Not anger, not sadness—nothing.
Wade couldn't help the shiver that ran through him at the small word. “So,” he asked drawing out the word, “do you wanna talk about it?”
“They’re going to take the city,” she said flatly.
[Who is?]
Wade thought that was a good question, so he repeated it. She turned to look at him and he could see that she was clutching her left arm tightly, expression haunted. He could see black in her skin, under the hand. “The monsters.”
{I think she’s more crackers than we are.}
[That—that does not look good. Maybe her arm is infected?]
“Hey, you know there’s a hospital that can look at that arm,” Wade offered. “I can take you there, if you like.”
The woman let out a low broken laugh that made the hair rise on the back of his neck—if he still had hair.
[She sounds like—we did.]
Wade didn’t follow the thought. He remembered being on the edge of sanity, and didn’t want to go there again. “Hey, why don’t you come down from there and tell me about the monsters?” he asked. He was trying to get her away from that ledge. Normal people did not heal like he did.
“There’s going to be only two types in this city,” the woman said. “Those who have turned into monsters, and those who are eaten by them.”
“I’m sure there will be people who hunt the monsters,” said Wade desperately, trying to get her off that ledge. He hadn’t stopped moving towards her.
“I can hear it, you know?” the woman said calmly. “The voice. Telling me what to do. I can ignore it now, because I’m still human, but I won’t be much longer.”
“I’m sure it’ll be okay,” Wade said.
“You don’t understand!” hissed the woman. She turned towards him, eyes wide and bright, no longer sane. “You don’t know what it wants! What it’s saying! I won’t do it—I won’t be one of them!” She turned and shouted into the night. “You hear me?! I won’t be one of them!” She jumped.
Wade rushed that last distance to the ledge, reached out to grab her, to stop her from falling—but didn’t quite make it.
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