skittlewaffle · 4 years
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So... those sonic references, huh?
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kaotical · 4 years
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Here they are!! Our first drawpiles! :D
art belongs to me, @the-singular-peep, @baileygalaxy, @floofyrose, @luckycavy117, one dum doodle by @salmonspringrolls, some nice doodles by @plumowls, and one more by a random twitter person (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
dang bro I love this app?? It’s so fun????! ✏️😳✨
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
Yeahhh so I didn’t post anything for Valentine’s Day
Because for a self shipper, that is a year-round thing :))
But anyways.... I have this art from long ago I didn’t and won’t finish so 👉👈 *shyly pushes it towards u*
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... Haha,, y-you see the... the pun she’s making?? hasdvsdfndhc what a goofster,, .////.💖
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
Spinel and Double Trouble kiss either one of your cheeks while clinging to your arms!
This ask has been in here forever, I’m sorry! I also didn’t know how to make one piece of art with a single s/i (or just myself) so I made two things uwu
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
Excuse me but your slinky wife has stolen all the ferrets from Petco claiming they were also slinkies- please return them
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how to draw ferrets hdbcjdkxn-
Sorry this has just been sitting in my inbox for how long??? But I feel like it was worth it :D
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
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Here, since nobody cares about this bitch, I’m getting rid of the suspense factor and finally posting her full colored reference ✊😔
The writing has been on hiatus for months now because of schoolwork; I don’t expect to get back on it really soon as my priorities for personal projects have been everywhere recently. First this, then Princess Spinel AU, then UTMV Human AU. And then there’s the self-indulgent stuff, some gaming here and there, and other things I wanted to write. I apologize if my priorities are all over the place when I finally get a break.
Anyways, I hope you like (and maybe reblog 👉👈) my g i r l 💜💖🧡 She’s actually been in my photos since May-
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
Let’s go lesbians !!
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I’ve drawn some gay stuff, but this is my very first pride art! I figured I should get it done before July, and it was so worth it to me. I hope you enjoy!
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☝️ [without effects / normal colors] ☝️
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
What if you do a drawing of you giving Spinel and Ink the love and attention they deserved? It'll be so sweet and wholesome!!! X3
Ink doesn’t deserve love, but I just couldn’t resist 😭💖
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Thanks Mel! I tried a different coloring / lighting style for these ones 👀
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
What's your headcanon height for Spinel?
Well, I have this headcanon (which.. may be canon??) that Spinel changes her height when she wants to, or when her mood changes!
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In the movie, she was really tall when angry, and small when calmed down. In general, when she’s in a normal mood, I think her height would be like this: smaller than Steven.
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Yes, I use Steven as a unit of measurement when figuring out character heights; don’t @ me
I also tend to accidentally draw Spinel too tall, so, uhh.. whoops ╮(╯▽╰)╭
(Sorry for going overboard, BUT-) As far as self shipping goes, Spinel likes to SAY she’s taller than Ametrine, but Ametrine is just a little taller than Steven.. maybe Lapis height? Spinel tends to stretch herself taller just to tease her XD In general, she tries to stay at Ametrine’s level to not overwork herself.
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
👣 spinel
TW: Injury...? (Also I made it a Spinetrine oneshot :)) go on, sue me >:D
“And then the song ended with a BOOM! CRASH!! Literally! I-I just can’t get it out of my noggin, y’know?!” the small, pink gem blabbered on excitedly during her walk through Funland with a friend. “You’re a singer. Ever had that one song stuck in ya head?”
The gem of sunset colors smiled in agreement. “Oh, plenty. After Steven introduced me to earth‘s music, I couldn’t stop getting into it.”
A big smile appeared on Spinel’s face. Shoes squeaking with joy, she abruptly hopped in front of Ametrine, prompting her to stop and listen well. The little gem bounced with ecstasy. “I have an idea! What. If. We reenacted our favorite songs?”
“That would be fun!” Ametrine replied.
“Great! Let’s go!” Spinel exclaimed, reaching for her wrist.
“Oh, right n-AH?!!”
The little toon started to drag her buddy through the park. It was quite a sight to behold: the clumsy entertainer sweeping the other around like a flag in her wake. Naturally, havoc was caused as a result: snowcones meeting their untimely end as they splatted on the cement, balloons being popped, and game participants losing their shots, all because of this — what they could only describe as one clown of a gem.
Finally, she skid her heels to a stop, not noticing the mumbles of annoyed townsfolk or the minor destruction caused by her antics. Ametrine stood up, her eyes swirling around from the ride. Shaking her head, she looked over at Spinel, whose astonished gaze, reminiscent of a small child’s, was fixed on something big. She traced her gaze towards what could only be the tallest roller coaster in the entire park.
“Perfect~” Spinel whispered with a smirk.
Her friend didn’t catch on. She could only tilt her head, just imagining what chaos Spinel could be planning right now. Only when the elastic gem turned her body into a spring, Ametrine realized what she was doing. But she was a little too slow.
“Wait- Spinel!!”
As she bounced up, Ametrine tried to grab her arm, but she missed. Spinel was now soaring up, giggling to herself as the world beneath her got smaller. She was soon standing high on the coaster rails and waving at her pal down below.

“Oh stars…” Ametrine lightly gripped her face in what she herself couldn’t tell was embarrassment or worry… maybe both? Spinel now had the attention of a few townspeople and gem employees, but she paid no mind to anyone but her friend.
“Ah, now THIS is how I remember it!” She paused to feel the breeze, brushing her pigtails back and sighing, thinking back to the bittersweet climax of the night of her first visit to earth. “I’m pretty sure the Injector was taller than this though!!”
Ametrine scoffed with worry. “Spinel, please get down from there.”
“It’s too dangerous! You could get poofed!” a Quartz chimed in.
“Can’t hear ya! Ok, listen up Trines, I’m gonna start the song! Ahem-“ Spinel, the star of one heck of a show, posed with one hand to her gem, the other hand extended to the heavens, releasing a smooth, yet boisterous note to start.
“🎵 I can make a promise!! I can make a plan! I can make a difference! I can take a staaand!!~”
Ametrine stood in place, hands folded in front of her face as she paid all her attention to Spinel, not knowing what to do. The Quartzes were in a bustle, trying to direct each other to the control panel of the roller coaster. The coaster car itself was roaring over their heads as it made its way across the rails. The people began to panic. But from where Spinel was standing, the shouts of everyone telling her to get down sounded like applause, their frantic gestures seeming like the excitement of a loyal audience.
She giggled in the middle of her song. “Thank you, thank you! 🎵 I can make an effort, if I only understaaaand…~”
“SPINEL!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!” Ametrine shouted, to no avail. The car was getting dangerously close; the people inside caught sight of her and began to hold each other, shrieking. Clueless Spinel wouldn’t budge, even in what would be a life or death situation. She was getting what was coming to her.
The car, speeding towards her at sixty miles an hour, was literally a foot away from her. With the way she was posing over the rails, only her one leg was in the range of impact.
“🎵 That IIIIIIII, I can make a- AAAHHH!!!” Spinel screeched along with the passengers of the ride as her leg got painfully run over. In a blink, they were out of sight, heading down a slope. The last thing she caught sight of was their shocked faces. The crowd below went silent, cringing at just how horrific that was. This is a performance no one will soon forget.
“Ooooohhf...” The gem still stood on the rail, lifting her now crooked leg up with her hand, raising an eyebrow. Her ankle seemed to be badly damaged. “Yoooooowwwiee-hehee!! That’s not good.” She directed her attention towards a Quartz below holding a megaphone.
“Yo! You should probably get down now!”
“Oh-ho, right,” the fool answered quietly, stretching her arms down to grapple her way towards Ametrine.
When she made it to stable ground, she sweated a bit, placing her hands on her hips and looking away. “Hahah… Whoops.”
Ametrine gently grabbed Spinel by the shoulders, lightly huffing. “Spinel, we kept telling you to get down!”
She chuckled, brushing the two-toned gem’s hands off nonchalantly. “Yeah, yeah, I know now. But wasn’t that just SWELL?!! I felt so alive up there!!”
“But Spinel, your leg!”
“Pffft, this old thing?” He held the limp limb by the underside of the knee once more, staring at it. And, as if on cue for part of an act, the crooked and flattened appendage began to inflate like a balloon, ever so slowly, making a long noise in the process, like a squeaky toy regaining its air. Her contorted ankle twisted back into its original place and her feet plumped up to its normal size. Ametrine stared in shock as Spinel gave her a cheeky smile. The witnesses stared in amazement as she stomped her foot down with a loud squeak as if it were never injured to begin with.
“See? Look at me!” She did a quick little tap dance; less tapping, more squeaking. “I’m a bettah dancer than ever!”
“Spinel!!” Ametrine chuckled, blushing for shame that she could laugh so genuinely at such an event as this.
As if forgetting everything that happened straightaway, Spinel held her hand and began to walk with her. “Alright, doll; now it’s YOUR turn!”
“What?! I’m not getting up there!”
“No, silly; I’m talkin’ about your favorite song! OH! You should do a stage performance!”
Their continued conversation faded from the crowd’s hearing range. They all stood there, mouths agape. They will never unsee this.
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
Hey guys, I have my reference image of Apricot Tourmaline (Spinel and Ametrine’s fusion). I was waiting until future chapters of Heartstrings had been written (cause suspense — y’know), but it’s been in there since May. And I don’t think a lot of people really care for the story anymore. Should I just post her?
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
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Chapter One: Home
(A lonely gem describes everyday life on an abandoned Era One colony.)
~Ametrine’s POV~
It was a peaceful night in the plateaus. Since the daytime, the colors faded from pastel blues and yellows to complex mixtures of pink and lavender, complemented by stars haphazardly scattered across the giant canvas that was the sky. Despite the lack of order in the wide atmosphere above me, there was no doubt this was a great masterpiece.
Though my home on the ground lacked the grandeur of the ever-changing firmament, I still considered it a unique wonder. Mountains high and low loomed quietly over each other, their crowns flattened and their sides jagged, forming huge networks of canyons. Mysterious stairs lined the sides of these banded rock formations of cloudy purples and oranges. Faded columns supported areas vulnerable to erosion, such as high caverns and natural bridges. Over time, many of the artfully carved structures collapsed under pressure or slowly dusted away. Some shorter ones stood alone in open areas, sustaining less severe damage. They held cubical objects meant for broadcasting, but there was never a story to be heard from them.
I named this landscape the Lilac Plateaus for its striking similarities to the determined young flowers blooming in small crevices. Tiny, organic sprouts growing in bunches, somehow finding the most impossible ways to sustain themselves, just for the sake of existing together... it was astonishing in its own way.
With nothing else to do and the day nearly over, I lay down and stared at one bunch of moonlit lilacs, gently consulting them.
“Of all places you can develop new life, why here? Maybe if this world was nothing to begin with, and you had hope in its future, I would understand. But look around you. The evidence is clear that gems have walked here before, but there are none left. This isn’t a mere nowhere planet. It was abandoned. And it was abandoned for a reason. So what about it is so special to you that you’d make it your home?”
In response, the lilacs rustled gently in the wind.
I faked a smile. “Seems we have a lot in common.”
I had my own reserved space in the plateaus: a towering mountain — almost the tallest around. After my long journeys, I would come back to rest, maybe once every few months of wandering. It only took but a quick stroll through wide pathways and up a couple sets of stairs to conquer the mountain. The view was beautiful from the top... though what I could see from here was just a portion of the endless world of stony cities. Skyscrapers here and there stood in the way of the unknown. And those places would have remained so if I had stagnated. It was funny how inconveniences like that made adventuring so worthwhile.. just to see in person what was beyond what I could see from afar.
I stepped onto a pressure-activated square and was straightly lowered down into an increasing darkness, which only filled with more light as the elevator approached its destination. The platform stopped, prompting a door to open automatically. I now stood in a large room of creamy glass with noticeable accents of mauve. The ceiling and walls surrounding me made a spherical shape out of tetragonal panels. The entire room was like a half sphere, the front side peeking out of the rocks to provide an overview of the wide rift below. Lines of smooth, yellow stone lit up along the floor and guided me as an automated voice called.
“Welcome back, Ametrine.”
“Hey,” I replied simply.
This is the Cloud — my birthplace. The voice greeting me is named Stratus, a robotic guide to the Cloud. Now, I remember the time I had spent traversing the Lilac Plateaus; I’ve discovered many other Clouds like her, but none of them were active at all. Of those I would find a way inside, lights would not turn on and voices could not be heard. They were all dormant except for mine. Stratus was completely unaware.
“What have you seen today?” Stratus asked, monotone.
“Same as always. A few lilacs in the rifts,” I answered, beginning to walk towards the clear glass hanging over a series of deep cliffs. It gets pretty lonely in this world; and unfortunately, Stratus wasn’t programmed with the best speaking abilities. I was convinced I had exhausted all of her conversation topics. One day, I just stopped talking to her.
I sat at the edge of the room and looked over the canyon. Deeper and deeper, I slowly let my eyes fall to the bottom, where an everlasting mist resided. Falling into a pensive state, I laid my body against the glass and closed my eyes. I thought about the thousands of years I’ve been staying here, aimlessly wandering, expecting something good to come out of it. The plateaus are majestic, of course; but in a way, they only mock me with their beauty. The lilacs bloom together in spite of unfavorable conditions, their strong relationship contrasting my lonesome. The vast skies above me show endless new possibilities that I just couldn’t reach if I tried. Even the big rocks around me silently laugh at me for the time I waste trying to find something new. And the silent communicators atop those small pedestals give no consolation.
I let out a sigh, feeling nothing towards it. Although nature almost seemed against me, sightseeing had been my hobby for the past 7,000 years. What could it hurt if I couldn’t fulfill my true purpose?
It doesn’t hurt me. It can’t hurt me.
Everything will be fine.
(A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like the revised first chapter of this fic! It’s gonna be a self ship type of writing, but we’re starting off with some backstory. Also, please don’t mind if I go on random hiatus; I have lots of things that occupy my time. Writing is more of a side hobby for me :)
Even so, reblogs of my writings are appreciated 👉👈
Thanks for reading!! I’ll see you soon 💖)
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skittlewaffle · 4 years
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I’m torn on whether or not I should provide a full reference of this gorl or keep it a secret for now, so I’m compromising and showing you an old vent sketch :D
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
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PLEASE!!! I still don’t know whether to name her Apricot Tourmaline or Wonderstone Rhyolite!! Auuughhh.. make up your mind, Kay.,,
Anyway., these are basically spoiler doodles for Heartstrings! I figured that, since writing isn’t exactly my passion, I’m not good at it, and I keep hitting writer’s block when I do keep writing, then it didn’t matter if I dropped a few spoilers here XD It would definitely be quite a while until I get to this part in the story!
If you’re curious about this fusion and what da heck’s goin on with her, feel free to leave an ask ówò
Anyway, it’s sleeby time. Gn fellas!!! 💖✨😴🌙
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
Gives Ametrine a tiny Spinel.
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“She’s lovely, thank you!!”
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