#spirit de la lune
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A message from Spirit this Lughnasadh . . .
The Virgo card advises us not to make decisions based on our fears. This is a time to be aware of our criticism of ourselves and others. Green Fluorite promotes logical thinking about incoming energies. Keep what serves the highest good, release anything that does not. Zincite encourages us to pay attention to the physical body, especially after any kind of interaction or activity. Remember, the body stores energy.
Onyx brings strength when it is needed. Clear quartz neutralizes background radiation and electromagnetic smog. Aventurine balances the nervous system and fosters well-being. Jasmine invites blessings, peace, and harmony, and raises vibrations.
Deck credits: Spirit de la Lune, Crystallary by Maia Toll, Eternal Crystals by Jade-Sky
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
favourite poems of july
knar gavin strindberg grey
dahlia ravikovitch the love of an orange (tr. chana bloch)
danez smith summer, somewhere
hannah gamble your invitation to a modest breakfast: “your invitation to a modest breakfast”
claire schwartz lecture on the history of the house
joseph brodsky collected poems in english, 1972-1999: “a part of speech”
ralph angel twice removed: “alpine wedding”
bob hicok insomnia diary: “spirit ditty of no fax-line dial tone”
caleb klaces language is her caravan
philip good & bernadette mayer alternating lunes
hester knibbe light-years (tr. jacquelyn pope)
tracy k. smith life on mars: “the universe as primal scream”
rigoberto gonzález other fugitives and other strangers: “the strangers who find me in the woods”
stephen edgar murray dreaming
james schuyler other flowers: uncollected poems: “light night”
amy beeder because our waiters are hopeless romantics
diane seuss backyard song
tomás q. morín love train
safiya sinclair the art of unselfing
carol muske-dukes skylight: “the invention of cuisine”
peter gizzi the outernationale: “vincent, homesick for the land of pictures”
william matthews selected poems and translations, 1969-1991: “onions”
c.k. williams butcher
mark mccloskey the smell of the woods
jennifer chang the age of unreason
richard blanco city of a hundred fires: “contemplations at the virgin de la caridad cafeteria, inc.”
bob hicock the pregnancy of words
j. allyn rosser impromptu 
carl phillips then the war
stephanie young ursula or university: “essay”
gloria e. anzaldúa the new speakers
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orphanedsource · 6 months
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5. Lune Feline - Atelier Des Ors
💭I like the peppery sweetness that manages to not smell like a dessert :) its unique but still something that will charm other people
4. Mon Seul Désir - Jul et mad
💭this perfume is for letting people know you’re bossed up big wealthy etc etc. It’s what Chanel no.5 wishes it was.
3. Omen - Manos Gerakinis
💭my desire for the perfect Forest perfume smell, it doesn’t shy away from the earthiness of a wet pine forest. a year round wear imo.
2. Ganymede - Marc-Antoine Barro
💭it deserves every bit of hype it gets. It covers Strange and Elegant, my beautiful catholic robot girl. need to have it.
1. CORPUS EQUUS - Naomi Goodsir
💭WORTHY OF CAPS LOCK dare I say..its gender euphoric. its masc gay in every direction. its so hot and all “men’s fragrances” will disappoint me from now on. i still stand by my description of it smelling like the haunting spirit of an angry horse. it stuns when first sprayed but turns into something entirely new while it settles on your skin
and 1s evil twin: HORA DE LA VERDAD SOMBRA by senyoko
💭you simply cannot wear this in polite company. its for weird sex. and its peerless in this category but Christ. I can’t buy it but I may get a new sample so I have some for the right circumstances
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luminiera-merge · 10 months
The Music of Evangelion 3.33
HIIII they got wiped recently but i have playlists of the soundtracks from each eva rebuild movie in the order they're played in the movie. i did the 3.33 one from memory and while there IS a site dedicated to "where does this song play in the show/film?" (tunefind) it's not great and it's owned by songtradr so i'm making one of my own.
for now, here is each song featured in Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo, in the order they appear in and where they play! the first three are there to show the structure. they all have links to the song too!
Bataille d'Espace [Movie Version]: EVA-02' retrieves EVA-01 in space.
God's Message [Movie Version]: Asuka is blindsided by the Mark.04 and holds on for dear life.
Quiproquo 131 (2 pianos) [Movie Version]: Shinji is wheeled to the bridge of the Wunder.
Serenity Amongst the Turmoil [Movie Version]: Misato plans her move against the Nemesis series.
The Ultimate Soldier [Movie Version]: EVA-02 is deployed.
Dark Defender [Movie Version]: The Wunder powers up.
The Anthem [Movie Version]: The Wunder reaches critical power and destroys the Nemesis series.
Quelconque 103 (piano) [Movie Version]: Ritsuko and Sakura brief Shinji.
Quiproquo 83 (2 pianos) [Movie Version]: Asuka tells Shinji it's been 14 years.
Out of the Dark [Movie Version]: The Mark.09 and Rei escape with Shinji.
3EM11_QuatreMains_E_03_mx3*: Shinji sees Kaworu playing piano, but quickly moves on.
L'Apôtre de la Lune (2 pianos) [Movie Version]: Shinji explores the ruins of NERV HQ.
Thème Q (guitare) [Movie Version]: Shinji talks with Rei-Q in her "room".
3EM14_Piano_Adlib_44*: Kaworu and Shinji meet at the piano.
3EM15_pre*: Kaworu convinces Shinji to play piano with him.
3EM15_QuatreMains_Fun_07_edit_B*: Shinji and Kaworu's first duet.
Quatre Mains (à quatre mains) [Movie Version]: Shinji's second duet with Kaworu.
Qui veut faire l'ange fait la bête (piano solo) [Movie Version]: Shinji stargazes with Kaworu.
Quiproquo 140 (piano) [Movie Version]: Shinji expresses worry about the fate of New Tokyo-3.
Trust [Movie Version]: Kaworu brings Shinji outside to tell him the truth.
Long Slow Pain [Movie Version]: Fuyutsuki tells Shinji about NERV.
Quelconque 56 avec A4 (2 pianos plus) [Movie Version]: Shinji struggles to process everything.
3EM21A_QuatreMains_G*: Kaworu's piano flourish before the mission begins.
L'Apôtre de la Lune (orchestre cordes) [Movie Version]: Shinji refuses to pilot Unit-13, but is convinced by Kaworu.
Return to Ash [Movie Version]: Unit-13 and the Mark.09 descend into Central Dogma.
It will mean Victory [Movie Version]: Asuka and Mari vs Shinji, Kaworu and Rei-Q.
Betrayal [Movie Version]: Shinji locks Kaworu out and pulls out the spears.
Scarred and Battled [Movie Version]: Rei-Q frees the 12th Angel.
From Beethoven 9: Unit-13 begins Fourth Impact.
The Wrath of God in All its Fury: Fourth Impact; EVA-02' engages the Mark.09.
Kindred Spirits (Thème Q) [Movie Version]: Kaworu tells Shinji not to be sad.
Tout est Perplexe (Thème Q) [Movie Version]: Kaworu dies.
God's Gift [Movie Version]: Fourth Impact ends and Mari rescues Shinji from Unit-13.
Sakura Nagashi: Credits theme.
Peaceful Times (choeur) [Movie Version]: Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 teaser with the "Unit 08+02".
*Not available in the widely available commercial soundtrack release.
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carraways-son · 2 months
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Dans onze jours, ce mois de juillet si bizarrement commencé va changer de visage, car si tout va bien, mes Eurasiens d’amour se jetteront alors dans mes bras. En attendant, je rêvasse au soleil, bois du thé glacé, me régale de chansons retrouvées de Bob Dylan, comme Life is hard (album « Together through life ») ou Spirit on the water (album «Modern Times », thème de la tournée qui m’avait permis de le voir en 2008 au Zénith de Toulouse). Et puis je lis avec bonheur « Que reviennent ceux qui sont loin », de Pierre Adrian, qui a pour cadre la Bretagne et la grande maison familiale où se croisent en été toutes les générations. Il écrit, et j’applaudis : Août était le mois qui ressemblait le plus à la vie. Aussi, plus loin : Et je songeais qu’il n’y a qu’au mois d’août qu’on est vraiment un enfant. (sous-entendu, libre, en plein air et en mouvement). Et encore : Je ne supportais pas l’idée d’un lieu où je ne reviendrais plus jamais. (...) Et je croyais que toute la vie, il serait possible de courir partout et de revenir. Comment ne pas penser à notre maison familiale, que j’ai contribué à faire vendre alors que je l'avais toujours considérée comme mon ultime refuge. Auparavant, j’ai lu deux bons romans offerts par mon amie J. : « A pied d’œuvre », de Franck Courtès, et « La Société très secrète des marcheurs solitaires », de Rémy Oudghiri, où j'ai pioché de belles citations : La musique est le désir des choses qu’on ignore, signée Gabriel Fauré, ou : Quand on écoute sans regarder, on voit, de Fernando Pessoa. Les nuages filent, héron cendré et grand cormoran s’affrontent sur les eaux paresseuses de la Garonne, les fruits s’énervent d’été, j'attends le retour de la lune et contemple, rassuré, la pile de livres qui m’attendent : « Dans son sillage », roman de Jessica Andrews recommandé par ma fille, dont je suis aveuglément, ou presque, les prescriptions littéraires et musicales ; « Chelsea Girls », récit autobiographique de la poétesse Eileen Myles ; « Les Jaloux », de l’excellent James Lee Burke (86 ans), dont je lis tout ce qui paraît depuis une quinzaine d’années, comme je le faisais avec d'autres vieux compagnons, Charles Bukowski ou Jim Harrison. Je sais, je parle trop, mais pas souvent.
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jaygabler · 10 months
Review: Guthrie Theater’s “Christmas Carol” constrains its characters
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I suspected my mom would have one question about this year’s production of A Christmas Carol at the Guthrie Theater: Does the turkey trot?
Fifteen years ago, the Fezziwigs’ onstage party was so riotous, a roasted fowl was produced and “the darn turkey causes an uproar by hopping off the table,” my mom wrote in a 2008 review for the Twin Cities Daily Planet. “It runs around the stage several times and exits stage left.”
Director Gary Gisselman’s Christmas Carol was chockablock with physical humor and treated Scrooge’s journey broadly, playing to the peanut gallery (as the headline on that 2008 review put it). The Guthrie added some discipline in 2010, commissioning a new script from Crispin Whittell for a rendition that, with various edits over the course of its decade-long run, came increasingly to focus on the spirit of the story and its social conscience.
The current Christmas Carol was adapted from Charles Dickens’s 1843 novel by Lavina Jadhwani, in a script that debuted in 2021 with artistic director Joseph Haj at the helm. This year, Addie Gorlin-Han directs the show, though Haj retains a “based on the original direction” credit.
This was my first year seeing the Guthrie’s post-lockdown Carol, and it was moving just to browse the program: the cast is full of familiar names, taking regular Twin Cities theatergoers on their own journeys of memory — not only to previous Guthrie productions, but also to the stages of Penumbra, Mixed Blood, and even Theatre de la Jeune Lune.
While I’m not particularly nostalgic for the era when Fezziwigs’ prank turkey was followed by a scene where a prop dog ran amok on the streets of London (“chasing an unfortunate soul out the same exit where the turkey disappeared,” noted Mom), the current Carol left me thirsty for just a bit of the character humor that this material lends itself to.
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livehorsesartpage · 2 years
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2022 was a trying year if I'm being honest. There were ups and downs, and we had many stressful events throughout it within my family. But while all of that happened, I wanted to try some movies I hadn't watch by then. Some were released around that time, others were movies that were already there. It was surprising to discover hidden treasures in the cinema industry, and I felt very fond to them. These movies helped me to keep going and to have my spirit and mood lifted. So, I wanted to draw them a Fanart as a tribute, freely inspired on the Six Fanart Challenge template by Melissa Capriglione.
Featuring here:
- "Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime or Belle", drawing finished at January 6 of 2023.
- "The Bad Guys" Finished at February 2 of 2023.
- "The Sea Beast" Finished at February 4 of 2023.
- "The Last Unicorn" Finished at February 9 of 2023.
- "Neko no Ongaeshi or The Cat Returns" Finished at February 15 of 2023.
- "Mune, Le Gardien de la Lune" Finished at February 17 of 2023.
All made with pencil colors and pens. Click on each drawing to see it closely and with more quality.
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artiste85 · 1 year
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Hasmodai, l'Esprit de la Lune
Hasmodai, the Spirit of the Moon
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Tree Maiden ~Millennium Wiegenlied~ 樹の乙女~千年のヴィーゲンリード~ Spirit of ELD - La Fille du Bois ~Wiegenlied Millénaire~
[Je suis désolée d’être vivante] 弱音を吐いた少女
Sont les complaintes que ne cessait d’expirer la jeune femme 村の人とは違う白い髪
Possédant des cheveux blancs différents des habitants du village 森の奥の千年樹 彼女は跪い
Au fond de la forêt, où se dresse l’Arbre Millénaire, elle s’agenouillait 「友達が欲しい」 って願った
[Je voudrais avoir ne serait-ce qu’un ami] pria-t-elle.
ぼくは彼女の願い    叶えてあげたかった
Moi, qui voulait tellement exaucer le souhait de la jeune femme だけどこの幻身 (からだ) ではできない
Se trouva incapable de le faire avec ma forme actuelle そんな時に現れた    気まぐれな魔道師が
C’est à ce moment qu’apparu une Sorcière capricieuse qui me permit 精霊のぼくを人に生まれ変わらせた
A moi l’esprit de me réincarner en une humaine
ぼくはまだ知らない    森の外の世界の事を
Je ne sais toujours rien à propos du monde se situant en dehors de la forêt だからわからない   あの子はどうして泣いてるの?
Serait-ce pourquoi, je ne comprends toujours pas la raison de ses larmes ? 平和で退屈   素晴らしい事のはずなのに C’est à la fois si paisible et si ennuyeux mais cela doit être quand même une chose magnifique だけどわからない     あなたはどうして泣いてるの? Cependant je ne comprends toujours, pourquoi est-ce que tu pleures ainsi ?
Malgré le fait d’avoir des rêves et des valeurs ainsi qu’être d’espèces différents 異なる二人が今 出会った
Nous sommes venues toutes les deux aujourd’hui à nous rencontrer 千年の誓い 響け地の果てまで
Laissez ce serment millénaire résonner jusqu’aux quatre coins de la Terre 滅びの運命    繋ぎ止めるヴィーゲンリード Destinée à périr est le sort de ce Wiegenlied
あなたとの違い だけど惹かれ合った
Nous sommes si différentes toi et moi et pourtant je me sens attirée par toi 守ってあげる だからそばにいて
Je te protégerai alors je t’en prie juste reste à mes côtés
精霊のぼくが 人間の私へと変わる
Moi l’Esprit se vit devenir une humaine この姿でなら    あなたと分かりあえるかもね
Grâce à cette nouvelle forme, je crois pouvoir mieux te comprendre 新しい街での    暮らしが心を震わせる
Une nouvelle ville, de quoi faire trembler mon cœur d’y vivre どんな場所だって    二人一緒なら大丈夫
Mais qu’importe le lieu où nous sommes, tant qu’on est ensemble tout ira bien 人として生きる喜び
La joie qu’est de vivre en étant humaine 少しずつわかり始めていった
Petit à petit j’ai commencé à le comprendre
千年の誓い 響け空を越えて
Laissez ce serment millénaire résonner et traverser les cieux 滅びの運命   繋ぎ止めるヴィーゲンリード
Destinée à périr est le sort de ce Wiegenlied 変わってく二人 寂しくもあるけど
Même si nous changions et que cela nous attriste un peu あなたの笑顔 見れるならばいい
Tant que je peux continuer à te voir sourire alors ça ira
夜の晩餐会 出会った海の国の王
A cette soirée de banquet je rencontrai un Prince venue d’Outre-Mer 滅びの運命   そこから動き始めたんだ
Cette destiné de ruines commença alors à se mettre en marche 私を愛した 彼は隣の国の王女の
Lui qui tomba amoureux de moi rompit alors ses fiançailles qu’il avait 求婚を拒み 怒りの炎が国を包む
Avec la Princesse du pays voisin, les flammes de sa colère consommèrent le pays
Nous fûmes alors séparées l’une de l’autre 今ならわかるあなたへの想い
Dès à présent je comprends ces sentiments que j’ai pour toi
千年の誓い 響けあなたの元へ
Laissez ce Serment Millénaire résonner jusqu’à tes côtés たとえ精霊に戻れないとしても
Même si je ne pourrais plus jamais redevenir un Esprit 固めた決意は もう揺らぐことはない
Je ne vacillerai pas sur la décision que j’ai prise 「あなたの事 を愛している」
[Je t’aime de tout mon être]
たとえ世界の全ての人が (たとえ世界の全ての人が)
Même si le monde entier (Même si le monde entier) あなたを蔑み笑っても (私を蔑み笑っても)
Vienne à se moquer de toi et te mépriser (Se moque de moi et me méprise) 私があなたを守るから (必要としてくれる人がいる)
Sache que je te protégerai d’eux (Tant qu’il y aura une personne qui aura besoin de moi) あなたはいつでも笑っていて (それだけで幸せだった) Pour que je puisse toujours te voir sourire (Et avec juste ceci à savoir, j’étais si heureuse.)
Si tu as réussi à t’échapper saine et sauve そして再会できたならば
Et que nous pouvions nous rencontrer de nouveau 森で二人 仲良く暮らそうよ
Vivons toutes les deux tranquillement dans la forêt ここでいつまでも待っているから
Je t’attendrais là-bas éternellement s’il le faut
暗い井戸の底 夜空には綺麗な月
Au fond se puits empli de ténèbres, la Lune dans le ciel nocturne est magnifique 胸には深く刺さったナイフ
Dans ma poitrine, un couteau est profondément enfoncé 金の髪の刺客は 何処 かへと立ち去り
L’assassin aux cheveux d’or a d’ores et déjà pris la fuite quelque part 悪意の真実は闇の中
La vérité de ses actes de vilénie dans les ténèbres y sont plongés
透き通った白い髪 不器用な笑顔
Ces cheveux blancs presque transparent et ce sourire maladroit… どうかどうか生きていて 生き続けて
Je t’en prie, je t’en supplie. Vis. Continue de vivre. もしもあなたに会えたら
Si seulement nous parvenons à nous revoir 伝えたい事があったの
J’ai quelque chose à te révéler もしも生まれ変われるならば
Si seulement nous pouvions renaître
Si seulement nous pouvions renaître…
Lien fandom:
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Lien chaîne de mothy:
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lunar-roses-blog · 2 years
⚘☽☽☽ 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕠 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚 ☾☾☾⚘
⚘☽ Au Clair De La Lune & Musical Recording ☾⚘
In 2008, a group of researchers from the First Sounds Collective digitally converted the phonautograph recording of Au Clair de la Lune made by de Martinville on April 9, 1860. This is one of the earliest recordings of human voice and recognizable music that we have. In 1877, Thomas Edison heard “Mary had a little lamb” from a machine that he had just spoken the lyrics into. This sparked the creation of the phonograph. As soon as the phonograph was invented, Edison immediately jumped to increasing musical recordings with it. Between 1888 and 1894, music recorded included Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, and even Johannes Brahms. Brahms Lullaby is still a popular lullaby for putting babies to sleep even today.
⚘☽ Bonus: The Secret Chord ☾⚘
In the song Hallelujah, there is a secret chord that David played that pleased the lord. The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, and the major lift. There is no definite answer on what this chord really is, but it's entirely possible that it isn’t a chord at all! Some say that the chord progression following leads to certain bible verses that are strangely appropriate for the song. David himself; however, is a musician, but this song is less about religion, and more about other things like the “devil's interval.” The devil's interval is a chord that is a half step below a perfect fifth, and was BANNED in the church in the Middle Ages, because it was so disharmonized that it was thought to make people think sinful thoughts. Take a listen sometime, and you’ll see why it has some heavier associations, it sounds vastly different, and many actually used the devil’s interval for Black Sabbath music today. Some say the devil liked it so much, that the opposite of that chord must be God’s favorite secret chord, a harmonious chord, C major, which is coincidentally the opening note of Cohen's “Hallelujah.” Some also say that since Cohen play’s the chord as he sings it, then maybe that’s the secret chord, which is A minor. You can go almost anywhere on the internet and get over 100 different answers as to what the secret chord might be - it’s a nice fun fact wormhole to fall down.
⚘☽ So Where Does This Tie Into Magic? ☾⚘
It ties into magic at so many places, it can be used in the form of divination, for a mood boost, for meditation, for cleansing, for manifesting, as an offering, and so many other things. Music is a part of our heritage and culture, and many use it to build a connection with the ancestors in ancestral magic. Divination forms like shufflemancy exist. If you want to banish or cleanse, some nice loud irritating music like baby shark blasting at top volume may rid you of those spirits you don’t want in your house. It can be as an offering to a deity or other entity - such as the Hurrian Hymns were to Nikkal-wa-lb.
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I’m back - with a Review of my Tarot Collection!✨
Hey Tumblr fellows! It’s been awhile! Last year was a pretty deep year of shadow work for me so I haven’t been around the blogging space in a little while. I also discovered the Fediverse which is where I spend most of my social media time now. It’s amazing!
This year is my 30th birthday and my hubby is gifting me a new tarot deck, so I thought it might be fun to do a review of the tarot and oracle decks I’ve collected over the past 8 years and share them with you! And perhaps you’ll discover some that you’ve never seen before to add to your own collections!
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1. Age Of Aquarius Tarot by Yana LéVie
(Ordered on Etsy, will review once it arrives).
I love the aquatic feel of this deck so much. But what makes this deck really unique is it has 88 cards! It features the major and minor arcanas, and a THIRD arcana has been added to this deck called the Universal Arcana (hence, the additional cards). The guidebook also seems really beginner friendly but I'll review this deck properly once I actually have it in my possession.
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2. The Starchild Tarot (Akashic Edition) by Danielle Noel
(Ordered from her website).
I purchased this one for it's art style, it was the second deck I ever owned. The images are absolutely stunning. Reading the symbolism in this deck isn't quite as intuitive as other decks and would likely be more difficult for beginners without the guidebook, but some are decent. It's truly a beautiful deck to own for those who love this art style and pastel tones. The guidebook is also fairly detailed and includes upright and reversal meanings, as well as some associations.
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3. True Black Tarot by Arthur Wang
(Ordered from his website). 
This deck is so polished, I've never touched cards softer than these ones, and such great quality! A lot of love went into the production of this deck, both in the card stock and the imagery. This is one of my more symbolic decks and I use this one primarily for shadow work. My only grievance with it is the way the cards are labelled. The Minor Arcana card labels are just Roman Numerals and it can be confusing to find some of the cards in the guidebook at times. Arthur Wang recently created another tarot deck I am looking to get in the future called Ephemera, which looks to be just as stunning as his True Black Tarot, except instead of a black theme they are white and gold. It's a brand new deck that just finished funding on Kickstarter and is due to be released this Spring.
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4. Spirit De La Lune Oracle by Marissa Rankin and Rachael Tarantella
(Ordered from their website - 🚫  I DON’T recommend buying from them. 🚫 ) 
This is probably the most unique deck I own, as the cards are round, but also, it just has such a unique system and each moon phase and mandala are so beautifully detailed, both in the artwork and in the guidebook. It is a very well done deck, but I don't recommend buying from them directly unfortunately as I had a really negative experience with them in the past. I'd suggest getting this deck from a third party seller if possible if anyone wants it. I purchased a planner from them awhile after purchasing the deck because I loved the deck so much. It was very late arriving in the mail and my husband and I were in the process of moving residences. Had it arrived on time it wouldn't have been any issue, but it didn't arrive before we moved and so I reached out to the seller explaining the situation to see if anything could be done. They were really nice about it in the beginning and offered to send a replacement to our new address, but then after that message they gave me the silent treatment for weeks, they would read my messages asking for an update, but wouldn't respond. They just completely ghosted and never fulfilled the replacement as they had said they would. As a business owner myself, I felt this was handled really poorly, that if they weren't genuine about sending the replacement they shouldn't have said they would do that and then go unresponsive and not follow through. So as much as I still love and use this deck, I can't encourage others to buy it from them, because should it get lost in the mail or any other unfortunate circumstances arise, there will be no help from them and they will ghost.
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5. The Constellation Tarot by Iryna/Artismymagic 
(Ordered on Etsy). 
This was my very first tarot deck and I absolutely love it, though, in hindsight it is really not a good deck for beginners at all. I am a very visual person and LOVE the artwork in this deck, but it is very difficult to read on an intuitive level unless you know what certain constellations mean as many are what make up the major arcana in this deck. The guidebook also is not a very detailed and not great quality. That might have changed since I purchased it years ago as she did make some updates since then. I still love this deck and use it occasionally, and have had a lovely experience with the creator Iryna. She made some updates to the packaging since I purchased it years ago and mailed me the new box to keep my cards in.
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6. The Weaver Tarot (Journeyer Edition) by Threads Of Fate 
(Ordered from their website). 
This is such an aesthetically pleasing deck. The cards are beautiful holographic with foil and I think it is decent for it's symbolism. It comes with a reference card that is really helpful to show what different card symbols mean that they repeat throughout the deck. As much as I fell in love with the aesthetic of this deck, I never really ended up connecting with it. I didn't connect with the language within the guidebook and felt there were some inconsistencies with the symbolism. Just not a good frequency match I guess. Hoping to maybe one day trade it for a different tarot deck I want more. There’s no doubt this is a stunning deck though, and the quality is incredible!
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7. Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild 
(Purchased on Amazon). 
I will NEVER NOT recommend this deck! This deck is by far one of the most detailed decks I have ever owned and connect with on such a deep level. This is one of the decks I always turn to when I need loving guidance or spiritual "mom" advice. It isn't just about the artwork with this deck, but the guidebook is so incredibly detailed. The messages for each card are several pages and every card includes a ritual that connects with it and the message it brings to help you go inward with it. This is just such a special deck. This is one of those rare decks that you can just tell the creator of the deck made it from deeply spiritual place, that her spiritual process was incorporated throughout the entire process. I have never encountered that with any deck before, not like this. It feels like many of these messages were channeled. I just love this deck and can't recommend it enough.
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8. Starlight Frequencies Oracle by Leah of ShopDarkMoonCrystals
(Ordered from Etsy shop). 
I am so glad I got this when she first released this deck because this version of the deck is no longer in production. The creator of the deck released this version in the beginning but decided to go in a totally different direction with it, so the new version looks nothing like this one. But I really like this version better than the new one. The backgrounds have really soft color gradients with holographic accents on each of the cards. It is a very minimalistic deck, giving only minimal guidance in the guidebook, but it was intended this way as this deck was meant to be more for intuitive practice.
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9. Forest Of Enchantment Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone and Meraylah Allwood
(Ordered from Amazon)
This deck is one I had my eye on for awhile before purchasing. I fell in love with the artwork because it reminded me so much of the fairytale storybooks I used to read as a child. So much love and creativity went into this deck. The suits have a different name than traditional tarot decks, and the artwork is so detailed and has so much symbolism. You really gotta study the images in this deck as there are so many hidden details and symbols within the artwork. There are two decks in my collection that really speak to me and seem as though they really come to life, and it is this one and the Isis Oracle previously mentioned. These two decks are my main go-to decks, because they feel so kindred to me. Highly recommend the Forest of Enchantment Tarot!
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10. Lucid Dreams Tarot by Britta/St.Soleil 
(Purchased on Etsy, though, their Etsy shop was shut down. This deck can still be purchased from their website)
In my opinion, this is the best tarot deck for beginners out there! It has the upright and reversal meanings right on the cards, as well as the astrological symbols, zodiac and elemental keys. The guidebook is incredibly thorough as well and includes the meanings to everything on the cards, including a guide to numerology in the tarot! The artwork in this deck is heavily based on the Rider-Waite tarot, though, in my opinion the artwork in this deck is so much more appealing and just looks so elegant! I highly recommend this deck to any beginner. As for their Etsy shop being shut down, this was due to them being overwhelmed with orders a couple years ago during the holiday season. The decks were a few weeks delayed in being shipped out, which resulted in a whole bunch of people leaving negative reviews and requesting refunds in fear they wouldn't arrive in time for Christmas. People still got their decks but all the refund requests and negative reviews due to delays I think got them shut down. I still recommend purchasing from them because they are honest, they just got overwhelmed with more orders than they could handle I think for the season. The deck can be purchased from their website.
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11. Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue 
(Purchased at a thrift store)
Under other circumstances I probably wouldn't have purchased this deck, but I found the Angel Card Reading Kit that still had the DVD for it inside, and it was such a cheap price I couldn't pass it up! Though it's not my particular taste, the artwork is pretty though and I have had some really amazing experiences with it. In 2020 I made a Vision Board and drew a card from this deck for the year, and the card I drew was the Writing card with Archangel Gabriel. This felt like such a divine message for me as I did go on to do a lot of meaningful writing that year and helped a lot of people through it. Ever since it has been my go-to deck for angelic messages and guidance and will remain a permanent part of my collection.
  There is a bit of controversy with Doreen Virtue. A few years ago she switched he path to Christianity and discouraged the use of divination. A lot of people betrayed by her for this and got rid of decks they owned by her. Personally, her change in spirituality doesn't bother me. I understand why people feel this way about her work now, but the way I see it, everyone is on their own journey and as we grow on our path, we change. Just because she switched paths and no longer supports divination and her old work doesn't mean that what she made in the past no longer has value. I've come to love this deck, and her lifestyle change has nothing to do with me or the value this deck has brought to me on my journey. To each their own!
Thank you so much everyone for reading and I hope you guys have maybe discovered some new decks here that you've never seen before! If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer!
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A message from Spirit this Samhain . . .
This turn of the Wheel of the Year brings us to a point where we must go inward; this is not a time to tiptoe into the waters of the soul, but to dive deep. The Ruby card asks us to consider what or who we are passionate about, as well as what or who brings the most joy into our lives. As we consider, it is important to open the heart to new possibilities. The Movement card tell us that once we know what our passions are, we should use them as the purpose to continue along our paths. The Eight of Cups is assuring us that these passions are our soul’s missions, and that we should listen to our inner voices, for our hearts will propel us to trust these callings.
Mookakite helps to reawaken the inner spirit; it can also be used to help discern all options and choose the best one. Ammonite assists with positive motion. Prehnite with epidote encourages perseverance, aids with times of transformation, and bridges the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Sage clears what no longer serves, frankincense provides purification, and palo santo brings blessings.
Deck credits: Eternal Crystals by Jade-Sky, Spirit de la Lune, Tarot Mucha
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conceptionhumaine · 1 year
Pluton en Verseau 0 degree - Pluto in Aquarius 0 degree
Ce 23 Mars, Pluton fera une premiere entrée dans le signe du Verseau pour un peu moins de 3 mois, jusqu'au 11 juin, date à laquelle il rétrogradera en 'revenant 'en Capricorne.
This March 23, Pluto will make a first entry into the sign of Aquarius for a little less than 3 months, until June 11, when it will retrograde back into Capricorn.
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Les Echecs Amoureux, Pluto and Proserpine (Hades and Persephone) enthroned, with Cerberus at their feet, from Les Echecs amoureux, 15th Century
Pluton, appelée planète naine, (un peu plus petite que notre lune) est le corps principale du système Plutonien; il forme un couple indissociable avec son grand satellite Charon, et peut donc etre considéré comme un système double.
Astrologiquement, Pluton est l'octave supérieure de mars, maitre du signe du Scorpion, (gouvernant la maison 8) ; c'est le transformateur, dont l'essence est le renouvèlement.
Pluto, called dwarf planet, (a little smaller than our moon) is the main body of the Plutonian system; it forms a couple with its big satellite Charon, and can therefore be considered as a double system.
Astrologically, Pluto is the superior octave of Mars, ruler of the sign of Scorpio, (governing the 8th house). It is the transformer, whose essence is renewal.
Il s'agit de la planète la plus lente puisqu'elle met 248 ans pour faire le tour du zodiaque. Elle invite à la métamorphose, son énergie s'insinuant au coeur de l'être, le transformant de manière irréversible, agissant au niveau du subconscient et de l'inconscient.
Son processus est irréversible, pénétrant les secrets les plus intimes...
Cette énergie se mêle à celle des autres planètes accroissant leur puissance et leur intensité
It is the slowest planet since it takes 248 years to go around the zodiac. It invites to transcend, to shake to the core being and transforms it in an irreversible way, acting on the subconscious and unconscious level.
Its process is irreversible, penetrating the most intimate secrets…
This energy mixes and increases the power and intensity of the planets it transits by.
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Cette entrée en Verseau est un événement astrologique marquant (la lenteur de son cycle ne permet aux Hommes de ne connaitre au maximum que 6 changements de signes de Pluton ; les secteurs de vie concernés par son passage (maisons) sont voués à être des supports d'évolution personnelle, des domaines existentiels susceptibles de connaître de puissantes transformations.
This entry into Aquarius is a significant astrological event (the slowness of its cycle allows man to experience at most 6 changes of sign of Pluto; the sectors of life concerned by its passage (houses) are destined to be supports of personal evolution, existential domains likely to experience powerful transformations.
Le Verseau, signe d'air appartenant à la triplicité relationnelle (Gémeaux, Balance, Verseau) est gouverné par Uranus et en porte les caractéristiques; l'ingénieusité, l'esprit d'avant-garde, un goût prononcé pour l'indépendance et la liberté et l'énergie de transformer les choses, en analogie avec la maison 11.
Aquarius, an air sign belonging to the relational triplicity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is ruled by Uranus and carries its characteristics; ingenuity, avant-garde spirit, a pronounced taste for independence and freedom and the energy to transform things, in analogy with the 11th house
Avec lui, un signe d’air donc, c'est l'action mentale et sociale qui y est stabilisée et concentrée ; dans ce signe Pluton exercera sa transformation sur les rapports sociaux et le rapport de chacun à la collectivité sera questionné.
Chacune de nos actions fait société; sous ce prisme, l'action individuelle revet une importance capitale. Ce transit dans un signe de modalité air (mouvement énergétique de consolidation) est la suite logique du transit de Pluton en Capricorne en 2008 ( signe de modalité carinal, mouvement énergétique d'initiation) autour des thématiques liées au pouvoir; c'est une mise en pratique concrètement de nos prise de conscience et l'incarnation d' une autre manière de vivre ensemble.
With this air sign, mental and social action is stabilized and concentrated; in this sign Pluto will therefore exert its transformation on social relationships and the relationship of each person to the community will be questioned.
Each of our actions makes society; under this prism, the individual action is of capital importance. This transit in an air modality sing (energetic movement of consolidation) is the logical continuation of the transit of Pluto in Capricorn in 2008 (sign of carinal modality, energetic movement of initiation) around the themes related to power; it is a concrete implementation of our awareness and the incarnation of another way of living together.
Ce signe porte en lui des energies pénétrantes, qui résultent de la conscientisation et du désir de changement ; avec pluton, il pourra en résulter des discours et des actions qui s'opposent dans de violents rapports de forces.
Pluton en Verseau laisse des traces irréversibles dans l'histoire de l'humanité;
Le dernier transit de la planète dans ce signe, (1777 à 1797) à connu la Révolution américaine et Révolution française.
This sign carries penetrating energies, which result from awareness and the desire for change; with Pluto, it may result in speeches and actions that oppose each other in violent relationships of power.
Pluto in Aquarius leaves permanent traces in the history of humanity;
The last transit of the planet in this sign (1777 to 1797) saw the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
Le Verseau concerne également le rapport que nous entretenons avec la technologie, car gouverné par Uranus. (dont les transits seront à considérer avec grande importance tout au long de ce cycle)
Le passage de Pluton viendra en modifier ce secteur et la façon dont nous en envisageons l'avenir ainsi que la teneur de nos discussions à ce sujet ( transhumanisme )
Aquarius also concerns the relationship we have with technology, as it is ruled by Uranus (whose transits will be considered with great importance throughout this cycle)
The transit of Pluto will modify this sector and the way we contemplate the future as well as the content of our discussions on this subject (transhumanism)
Qu'est-ce que l'Homme? Jusqu'où sommes nous prêts à laisser la technologie nous envahir ?
Comment envisageons-nous l'avenir?
Comme dans tout système Capitaliste, nos réponses à ses questions par nos décisions consommatrices sera déterminant dans la décennie à venir.
What is Man? How far are we willing to let technology invade us?
How do we envision the future?
Like in any capitalist system, our answers to these questions through our consumer decisions will be decisive in the coming decade.
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aramielles · 1 year
Quand Proust a écrit :
Et tandis que la vue purement charnelle qu'il avait eue de cette femme, en renouvelant perpétuellement ses doutes sur la qualité de son visage, de son corps, de toute sa beauté, affaiblissait son amour, ces doutes furent détruits, cet amour assuré quand il eut à la place pour base les données d'une esthétique certaine; sans compter que le baiser et la possession qui semblaient naturels et médiocres s'ils lui étaient accordés par une chair abîmée, venant couronner l’adoration d'une pièce de musée, lui parurent devoir être surnaturels et délicieux.
Mais quand elle lisait dans les Lettres ces mots : « ma fille », elle croyait entendre sa mère lui parler.
Il avait dû être bien beau en ces dernières heures. Lui qui toujours dans cette vie avait semblé, même assis, même marchant dans un salon, contenir l’élan d’une charge, en dissimulant d’un sourire la volonté indomptable qu’il y avait dans sa tête triangulaire, enfin il avait changé.
D’ailleurs, que nous occupions une place sans cesse accrue dans le Temps, tout le monde le sent, et cette universalité ne pouvait que me réjouir puisque c’est la vérité, la vérité soupçonnée par chacun, que je devais chercher à élucider. Non seulement tout le monde sent que nous occupons une place dans le Temps, mais cette place, le plus simple la mesure approximativement comme il mesurerait celle que nous occupons dans l’espace, puisque des gens sans perspicacité spéciale, voyant deux hommes qu’ils ne connaissent pas, tous deux à moustaches noires ou tout rasés, disent que ce sont deux hommes l’un d’une vingtaine, l’autre d’une quarantaine d’années.
Quand elle avait tinté j’existais déjà, et depuis pour que j’entendisse encore ce tintentement, il fallait qu’il n’y eût pas eu discontinuité, que je n’eusse pas un instant cessé, pris le repos de ne pas exister, de ne pas penser, de ne pas avoir conscience de moi, puisque cet instant ancien tenait encore à moi, que je pouvais encore le retrouver en moi. Et c’est parce qu’ils contiennent ainsi les heures du passé que les corps humains peuvent faire tant de mal à ceux qui les aiment, parce qu’ils contiennent tant de souvenirs de joie et de désirs déjà effacés pour eux, mais de si cruels pour celui qui contemple et prolonge dans l’ordre du temps le corps chéri dont il est jaloux, jaloux jusqu’à en souhaiter la destruction.
Et quand Stendhal a écrit :
Je deviens fou et injuste, se dit Julien en se frappant le front. Je suis isolé ici dans ce cachot ; mais je n’ai pas vécu isolé sur la terre ; j’avais la puissante idée du devoir. Le devoir que je m’étais prescrit, à tort ou à raison… a été comme le tronc d’un arbre solide auquel je m’appuyais pendant l’orage ; je vacillais, j’étais agité. Après tout, je n’étais qu’un homme… mais je n’étais pas emporté.
Et quand Tchekov a écrit :
Dans deux ou trois cents ans la vie sur la terre sera inimaginablement belle, étonnante. L’homme a besoin de cette vie-là et si elle n’existe pas encore, il doit la pressentir, l’attendre, y rêver, se préparer à la recevoir, et pour cela, voir et connaître plus que n’ont vu et connu son grand-père et père.
Quand vous verrez Trigorine, ne lui dites rien. Je l’aime. Je l’aime même plus fort qu’avant… Sujet pour un petit conte… Je l’aime, je l’aime passionnément, je l’aime jusqu’au désespoir.
Et quans Frank Wesekind a écrit :
… et si quelque jour je deviens un vieil homme à cheveux gris, alors, peut-être, tu me seras plus proche encore qu’autour de moi tous les vivants.
Maintenant je suis assis, la tête sous le bras. La lune couvre son visage, reparaît sans voile, sans être un grain plus sage. Et puis je m’en retourne à ma petite place, redresser ma croix que cet insensé, étourdiment, m’a piétinée, et quand tout est dans l’ordre, je me recouche sur le dos, je me réchauffe à la pourriture, je souris.
Et quand Byron a écrit :
My breast has been all weakness, is so yet;
But still I think I can collect my mind;
My blood still rushes where my spirit 's set,
As roll the waves before the settled wind;
My heart is feminine, nor can forget—
To all, except one image, madly blind;
So shakes the needle, and so stands the pole,
As vibrates my fond heart to my fix'd soul.
Which best is to encounter, ghost or none,
'Twere difficult to say, but Juan looked
As if he had combated with more than one,
Being wan and worn, with eyes that hardly brooked
The light that through the Gothic windows shone.
Her Grace too had a sort of air rebuked,
Seemed pale and shivered, as if she had kept
A vigil or dreamt rather more than slept.
Et quand Jane Austen a écrit :
You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope… I have loved none but you. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago.
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herbwitchery · 2 years
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🌚Moon Magic🌝 Amour fou pour cet étrange petit livre/dépliant/almanach aux allures de mystérieux petit grimoire magique, déniché par hasard dans ma librairie. Festernacht, d’Edouard Lekston, est un almanach en accordéon, aux allures de manuel alchimique enluminé, entre astrologie et cycle des saisons. Un vrai bijou🌙 #moon #moonmagic #magicmoon #fullmoon #almanach #alchimie #alchemy #magic #occult #esoterism #astrology #grimoire #tea #teatime #teacup #tealover #bluetea #nightsky #festernacht #winter #moonstone #blackmoonstone #witch #witchcraft #oracle #oracledeck #spiritdelalune #oraclecards #divination #cartomancy 📖 Fersternacht, Edouard Lekston @editionsapeiron 🔮 Oracle Spirit de la Lune chez @arcanasacraeditions ☕️ Tea cup @killstar 🫖 Blue tea Rushka Blue, @mariagefreresofficial 🕯️Nuit Divine, @venusetgaia https://www.instagram.com/p/ClvbnlaKx55/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agendaculturaldelima · 2 months
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🎭 Teatro: “ESPIRITU TRAVIESO (Blithe spirit)” 👻👊👀
 ✍️ Dramaturgia: Noël Coward (Reino Unido)
🔎 Género: Comedia
💥 Argumento: En una casa del condado de Kent (Inglaterra), Carlos Condomine, un novelista de éxito, quiere aprender acerca de las ciencias ocultas para una novela que está escribiendo, y con ese fin organiza junto a su actual esposa, Ruth, una sesión de espiritismo en casa, con la excéntrica médium Madame Arcati, quien durante la sesión inadvertidamente convocará al espíritu de la primera esposa de Carlos, Alice, fallecida siete años atrás. Divertida comedia de enredos, reconocida como una de las obras maestras del dramaturgo inglés.
👥 Elenco: David Villanueva, Wendy Vásquez, Andrea Luna, Celeste Viale, Cecilia Rechkemmer, Sebastian Stimman y Dánitza Montero.
📢 Dirección: Mateo Chiarella Viale
👤 Dirección Adjunta: Lucho Tuesta
© Producción: Asociación Cultural Aranwa y Carlos Arana.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 20 de Julio al 07 de Octubre
📆 Funciones: Jueves, Viernes, Sábado y Lunes 🕗 8:00pm. / Domingo 🕖 7:00pm.
🏡 Teatro Ricardo Blume (jr. Huiracocha 2160 - Jesús María)
🎯 Entradas:
🎟 Adultos: S/.67
🎫 Jubilado: S/.52
🎟️ Estudiante / Conadis: S/.37
👪 Lunes Populares: S/.47
🖱 Reservas: https://teleticket.com.pe/espiritu-travieso-dirigida-por-mateo-chiarella
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