#spirit vessels
windvexer · 3 months
Spirit Vessel Theory & Practical DIY (Traditional Witchcraft Flavored)
(Written in response to an Anon whom I think is probably involved in spirit conjure community, which is where conjurers put spirits inside of a vessel for you and ship them to you. Anon requested to know tips on how to transfer a spirit to a new vessel)
✨big heckin UPG ALERT ahead for the ENTIRE POST✨
In this post, a spirit vessel is any object, including a container filled with objects, which serves as a spirit's physical foothold into our present reality.
Three Varieties of Spirit Vessels: Telephone, Body, House
Please note the particular absence of trap or prison: there is no need for any practitioner to trap or seal a spirit inside of a vessel. This is what we do to unwanted spirits to relocate them to a second location, and it's not how we treat our friends.
My categorization of spirit vessels relates to how the spirit is intended to engage with the vessel.
Telephone Vessel: This is the kind I've most commonly seen and heard of in the conjure community. The spirit lives/exists Elsewhere, but the practitioner has given them a link of communication to this physical object.
The practitioner then works over the object to "call" the spirit and ask it to arrive in their location, or visit it Elsewhere, or just talk while they are in separate locations.
In my opinion, the "telephone" vessel is the least impactful type for the purposes of allowing spirits into our lives, but it's great at what it does: serving as a telephone line. However, as I hope this post will go on to show, it's also the easiest to make because the vessel requires the least amount of preparation and care.
Body Vessel: This is when the spirit vessel is meant to be the body of the spirit as it dwells on Earth. When a vessel is consecrated and dedicated to a spirit, it's understood to be the spirit itself. The form that the vessel takes influences the spirit's ability to work in our reality.
Body vessels may end up looking like little figurine versions of the spirit in question, but they can also be containers specially prepared with decorations and objects heavily linked to the spirit's essence.
Direct examples in witchcraft and folk magic include house and kitchen dollies that are meant to help lighten the load of chores or stop food from burning. Such dolls may be equipped with little brooms, multiple hands, and so forth, to assist with chores.
Another example of a body vessel is the Decaying River God. To create this vessel, I made a deal with the river and then embodied a spirit into this intuitively crafted form. Now, that physical object has become the sacred body of a spirit.
Just as the kitchen doll may be given a broom to assist with sweeping, a spirit's body may be equipped with tools to grant them additional influence and abilities in our world. A related example in witchcraft is to put the feet of small, scurrying Earthen animals (such as a rat or mole) into charm bags, so that the spell can scamper to its destination.
Just because the spirit has a body vessel does not mean they are permanently bound inside of that vessel. Accidentally breaking or losing the vessel isn't like harming the spirit (although obviously it's to be avoided).
Spirits which were born Elsewhere are perhaps more likely to come and go from body vessels, but even beings born with the creation of their body may still leave that physical space and return to it as desired.
House Vessel: This is the same thing as a spirit house or shrine, just a step to the left. We might equip the body vessel with objects that grant the spirit additional powers and capabilities, but in the house vessel, I tend to organize things to be a pleasant and enjoyable respite for the spirit, almost like a custom bedroom.
There may be no object or representation that's intended to be the body of the spirit at all. Nonetheless, the space is still one where the spirit may be fully invited and present, and gives them a strong foothold in our world.
The only real difference I draw between a house vessel and a shrine or spirit house is the intent. A shrine may be to venerate, and a spirit house may be a kind act of providing shelter. But the house vessel's intent is to create a space that makes it easier for a spirit to fully Show Up to our present reality.
Which Variety is Best?
This depends on your needs. For the purposes of witchcraft, spirits are often best given bodies that reflect their nature and empower them to carry out your purpose. I also hold this to be true for spells and any other variety of guy.
Spirits whom we're getting to know, but aren't quite sure of yet, may be best limited to "telephone" status.
House vessels - I haven't got a lot to say, except bringing up the point of them.
You can have multiple telephone lines and house vessels, yet intuition advises that really only one Body should do for the average spirit.
Vessels Themselves Can Suck So It's Worthwhile to Put Some Thought Into It
I believe that the more a spirit vessel is the embodiment of the spirit themselves, the easier it is for the spirit to use that vessel to interact with us and our present reality.
An extreme example can help demonstrate this point.
Imagine you've gotten to know a water spirit. A mermaid, let's say, from an ocean world of pure, opalescent waters, where coral reefs are cities and pet jellyfish are decorated with pearls.
Imagine that the vessel for this mermaid is a jar painted red and decorated with symbols of fire, then further charged with fiery energy. Within the jar is rusty nails, polluted water from the side of the highway, and a heaping spoonful of chili flakes.
I would hazard a guess that you couldn't even agree to get that mermaid to use such a vessel as a telephone line, much less use it as their physical body.
It's not that the spirit is snooty - it's that you're asking him to come into contact with things that irritate and burn him. Not only would it require a huge amount of energy to overcome these differences, but the vessel would nonetheless cause him discomfort.
Intuition may even advise that a simple bowl of water would create a vastly improved "house" vessel for this spirit.
But if it's true that a vessel can be incompatible with a spirit, then it's reasonable to assume that a vessel can be made more and more compatible with a spirit, until it is highly compatible and therefore very easy for the spirit to link to it and use it.
To really improve our mermaid vessel, we might embroider the outside of a bag with a representation of a coral reef, place jellyfish charms and imitation pearls inside of it, and often soak the entire bag in cool, pure water.
This may be the perfect vessel for our mermaid, but totally unsuitable to the pollution monster, who wants to live inside of the rusty nails jar.
This is the primary reason why I find simple unmodified single-object vessels to be not that great. (Examples of this would be, a crystal ring or antique object purchased and used without modifying it to the tastes of the spirit)
While a spirit may select such an object from a lineup and request it's use as a vessel, that doesn't mean that it's going to be an effective vessel.
Especially combined with beliefs in witchcraft about the magical impact of modifying vessels to encapsulate the power of a spell or spirit,
I believe that an unmodified object for use as a spirit vessel is like casting a candle spell with a plain candle to which no herbs or energies are added, and all you do is imprint your raw intent and light the candle.
It'll maybe work, but not nearly as well as it could.
Therefore I believe the form of the vessel matters beyond whether or not the spirit personally likes it, and extends into the realm of sorcerous technique - spirit manifestation is affected depending on if the spirit vessel is made well or made poorly, and especially how much it is physically personalized to the spirit.
Creation of a Useful Vessel
In all cases: Modify the object(s) of the vessel as much as possible to reflect the nature and known qualities of the spirit. As much as possible, work with the spirit to choose modifications, or, work with known lore or with the assistance of spirit workers or diviners.
In the case where a single object (such as a stone) must be used:
Tie the object up in a net where each knot represents a foothold for the spirit to cling on to, or, where each knot ties up a bundle of energy of the sort of thing the spirit likes. (Can be then worn as necklace)
Paint or carve the object, even in a hidden area.
Add additional decorations and embellishments to reflect either the nature of the spirit, or to represent useful tools that the spirit can use to access the object.
Carve out the middle and add bits of paper (with name and permissions written on), and stuff with relevant herbs.
Sight-unseen, I wouldn't recommend single object vessels if you can't heavily/permanently modify them.
In the case where a container vessel (such as a bag, box, or bottle) may be used:
Decorate the exterior, and if space permits the interior, of the container to best reflect an environment enjoyable to the spirit. Consider various techniques: painting, embroidery, carving, burning, and so forth.
Selectively include objects which reflect the spirit's nature, including dried plants, stones, feathers, seeds, bones, and various objects from nature; also charms, trinkets, and tokens (factory-made is fine); also prayers or poems, or drawings or artwork, all of these things symbolic of the spirit and attempting to demonstrate its nature and totality
Include a written sigil or signature of the spirit, and it's name or known names, and epithets. Often best done in fancy magical ink if any is on hand. (I use Sharpies; no need to over-think it)
Charms, amulets, plants, prepared powders or oils, or otherwise, for the purpose of facilitating spirit manifestation and ease of travel between worlds; examples may include specially prepared threads to symbolize links and roads, special spirit-calling powder, magnets to "draw towards," symbols of the Crossroads or of safe and easy travel, and so forth.
In the case where the spirit is likened to an earthly animal, bones or preserved body parts are a very good addition.
In the case where the vessel is itself in the form of a body, such as a figurine or doll:
Hand-craft or heavily modify the creation to represent the vibes as much as possible
Dress, accessorize, ornament, and decorate the figure to represent the spirit or it's known attributes and purposes.
As handicrafters known more about their trade than I do, I don't want to over-comment. Make them a little body. Yes.
Inviting the Spirit to Utilize the Vessel
Unfortunately I will decline to try and provide a specific step-by-step ritual, mostly because I work more intuitively and don't actually have one written up.
But I'll do my best to explain how you can go about it, and some things to consider.
Basically, you'll want to conceptualize four steps:
Final magical preparations
I'll try to explain the reasoning behind including these things, and of course, you'll want to modify or change all of them according to your preferences and needs.
In all cases: Use your magic to make the vessel lovely and filled with spiritual virtues that resonate deeply with the nature of the spirit. This is necessarily vague; a troubleshooting primer for energy work is beyond the scope of this post.
The timing of this work is very well done on special days where the spirit-roads are open, on full moons, or on Mondays.
In cases where the spirit already has a vessel and you want to give them a new one, there is no difference in operation. Make profane and reclaim the old vessel afterwords according to your desires.
Fill the vessel with two types of energy: The first being dense caloric energies from foods, especially oil, nuts, seeds, eggs, and fatty meat. This can be done by placing a food offering next to the vessel and dedicating the food to the spirit.
The second being ethereal and subtle energies, such as produced from blessed incense or energy work. This can be done by blessing and offering incense as you normally do, or channeling your personal energy into the vessel.
Consecrate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which delineates an object as being sacred and separate from the everyday, and turns the object into a Spirit Vessel. (Add'l details below)
Dedicate the vessel: Perform any charm or ritual in your practice which functions to formally gift-give an object to a god or a spirit.
Sometimes, a consecration and a dedication are done in the same ritual, especially when a god is concerned. E.g., "Witchfather, by your name this wand is made holy (consecration). I give this wand to you; it is yours, and when I use it, your hand guides it (dedication)."
The most simplest format of this is something like, "by [the powers I believe allow me to make thing sacred], I make this object sacred [and perhaps I sprinkle some saltwater or whatever formula I believe is necessary to help me make things sacred]. This object is now the vessel for a spirit. Now, it is a Spirit Vessel."
The above being the idea of a consecration; the dedication then being something like,
"[Spirit Name], I invite you into my world and my life. I give you Permission to dwell in this Spirit Vessel and make it your body and your home. I give you Permission to walk in this world through the conduit of this Spirit Vessel. It belongs to you, it is you."
(The above dedication perhaps also revealing something about why "telephone lines" may be a safer bet, the dedication for those being something like, "[Spirit Name], I invite you to observe this vessel and place your fingerprint upon it, so that when I work over it I call out to you, and you can hear me easily no matter how far apart we are.")
Anyway, put some real thought into exactly how much you want this spirit to manifest in your life, because spirit experiences - even when desired and invited - can be very intense and scary, especially if up to that point your experiences with spirits has been limited.
Invite the spirit into the vessel: If not included in your dedication, also formally invite the spirit.
"[Spirit Name], I've prepared this special Vessel for you, and given it to you. I have prepared the way with earthly and aethereal energies, so you may be well-fed and have the power to move within our world. [That's the offering bit innit]. Come now at this time and here in this place, and claim this Vessel as your own."
Etc., something like that.
At this time, the ritual is over with and you can commune with the spirit as desired or close the ritual down in your normal techniques.
Again, if there is an additional/old spirit vessel you no longer want to use, try talking with the spirit about what to do with it; but you can just let it "run dry" and then carefully undo the magic on it. After that, do with it as you please.
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merkavahpartyvan · 11 months
Chapter 1 of Feline Familiars, my book in progress
This chapter lays down the basics of spirit familiars, spirit work and communication. The rest of the chapters in the book will focus on familiars that are living animals, and will build on the concepts in this chapter.
I'll revisit this chapter and fill in some details when I unpack my full library. I've noted several places where I will expand the contents.
I'm opening this one up to all patrons. Future chapters may go in the higher tiers, we'll see what I'm working on as time goes on.
Sample section on spirit vessels below the cut!
Housing a spirit familiar
Spirit familiars often are given a "housing" by the magician, a sort of replacement physical body or domicile for the spirit to "reside" in. Spirit familiars do not have a body that the magician can access and therefore a proxy body can be very helpful for various purposes. It is important to remember that this "body" is a symbol for the convenience of magic more than it is a real body that the entity is actually attached to. Destroying the physical housing or vessel of a spirit does not destroy the spirit, it simply negates any boons that the physical body was conferring to either spirit or magician. A spirit can still manifest in your space and affect your reality even if it does not have a physical housing unless you've already taken precautions that prevent the spirit from doing so.
A housing can be a literal house that the spirit resides in or can call its home. You can think of a spirit house as a shrine to that spirit. The spirit can be expected to be found at their housing regularly and the housing is a good place to meet with the spirit. The spirit house is also a good place to leave offerings for the spirit or to place any objects that are associated with the spirit. At a shrine or long-term altar for a specific purpose is a good place to station a spirit house.
Consecrating objects to a spirit and placing those objects at or near its spirit house can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the spirit housing and strengthen the spirit's attachment to it. Consecration is a sacred symbolic act that dedicates an object to a specific purpose. After consecration, it's assumed that the object will only be used for what it is consecrated to do. Consecration is simply the act of setting aside something so that it is dedicated exclusively to an entity or purpose, so using the object for purposes outside of what it was consecrated for is counterproductive.
A spirit can also have a vessel consecrated to it that serves as a body or as a portal to the spirit. This can be anything from a statue of the familiar to a piece of jewelry the practitioner wears to keep a close connection with the familiar. A spirit can have multiple vessels if one wishes, for instance a vessel on an altar that functions as a permanent house, a pendant that the magician can wear publicly that allows the magician and the spirit to keep contact wherever the magician goes in the world, a ring that the magician only wears during special spiritual ceremonies, or something completely different.
Spirit familiars do not require a housing to be worked with or to survive. Some may prefer to do without a housing or vessel entirely, finding them restrictive or unnecessary. The housing or vessel you provide a spirit familiar with should match with the spirit's desires and needs, else you will not get much use out of the housing you spent time and/or money on.
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chrysalis-saint · 1 year
Pretty sure the best occultists I've known have also been the most unhinged.
I wouldn't be willing to do or practiced in doing half of the silly shit I do on a regular basis to make my magic work if I hadn't been shown a standard that, in retrospect, was weirdly hardcore.
You can always go deeper, conjure harder and commit further, I suppose. I think about this from time to time if I feel like I'm slipping up.
I type this as I prepare to bury a vessel at an old trainyard in order to start the process of constructing a spirit-house for genii loci of the railroad and preparing to do a small spell on-site in order to get everything started to make the core of the vessel or, as I was taught, the "Covenant Stone" to house the primary spirit that will guide the effectiveness of the item as a whole.
Be inspired, I guess.
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ihaveredwings · 3 months
They are all over etsy. Search spirit vessel. They have some on creepy hollows as well. The ones that worked best for me were dawnshimmeringspirit's. I cannot find her anymore though.
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crybabyboyscout · 13 days
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||The cursed treasure hunt||
reserved au rp with @demon-blood-youths
"Anything yet?" Megumi blinks to hear this but he looks from his cell phone. He didn't know what was going on, giving the thought that something might have happened. Gojo was told Kisho still was on his on going mission to find the cursed items that came from that party. However, it leaves another wondering what was going on. He did have some help along the way so it was something.
Right now, Megumi was told by Gojo to check on him but he was not answering the text messages he sent a while ago. "I don't think so. I can try to call him and see if he can answer the phone instead. Or maybe something is effecting the signal."
"I guess that's possible but give it a shot." Yuji said. Megumi nods and goes to do that, seeing Kisho's number and hits speed dial and waits for him to find something.
"I'm sure they are fine you two..just call them and we will see their fine." Nobara said. Miko agrees hoping they were alright. She wanted to go with them but she was still on stand by to recover.
"S..same here..." she mutters seeing Megumi still waiting for Kisho to pick up.
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notthesaint · 9 months
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One summer's day
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thank you so much for 330 followers! that is a lot of folks
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knightofhylia · 2 years
Basic Spirit Contact Etiquette
We’ve all seen some sort of ghost-hunting show in our lives, whether you were an avid Ghost Adventures fan or looking for scary things to watch on Halloween.
Here I’m whipping up a guide based on my 10+ years working with spirits on how to approach spirits respectfully and conduct yourself during contact whether in your own home or another location. This is focused on the types of spirits you may encounter while on a ghost investigation.
Before Contact
Consider who you are bringing with you.  Take into account the location you are going to. If you are in the south investigating a plantation with a crew of all white men it might get a little tense and spirits will probably not like to respond, or respond harshly. Most of the time when shows actually think about this is if they are going to a prison or something and they bring girls to attract ghosts. Think about the spiritual background of the people attending. People of different backgrounds will react to and attract different types of entities. 
Bring an offering. No one wants to do anything for free, so, give a little ‘thanks’ for the spirit's time and energy by bringing a gift. This can be almost anything! Do your research if you are investigating a specific location. Time periods, regions, specific people, and general areas can give you a clue on what to give.  If you really don’t have much info, there are some good (generally) universal offerings. 
Spirits need energy to manifest like I need energy to manifest myself out of bed sometimes. There are a couple of different ways to do this. 
Candles are a great, cheap, easy way to offer a little energy to the spirits. PLEASE USE CAREFULLY. Make sure it has a stable support such as a holder if its a tapered candle or bowl if it is a pillar candle. Place a plate underneath to catch any wax runoff. I’m not going to go deep into candle colours, but the ones I personally use are purple for psychic boost, white for general and cleansing, black for protection, or blue for insight. 
Crystals and rocks are a very common offering as well. This doesn’t have to be fancy, honestly a little quartz goes a long way sometimes. I personally have a pouch that has my stones for spirit contact specifically that I take with me to help me connect. I’m not going to go super extensive into the meanings of the crystals, you can find that other places, but these are my go to:
Labradorite: good for intuition and heightening senses
Spirit Bomb Quartz: I’m gonna be honest, I bought this mainly because it looked like a kidney stone I had, and it's one of Yusuke Urameshi's powers. But! It’s quartz so it’s always good to have around.
Azurite: good for mentality clarity and receiving messages. 
Lapis Lazuli: My favourite stone <3. Good for connecting with inner guidance and intuition. 
Music is great for bringing in spirits. Music is this incredible source of energy that carries over despite language, time period, or place. We all love music! Music can change a room in a minute. With music you are transported to a different time and place. This is great especially for spirits from older periods as it brings out a lot of nostalgia and emotion. Music also helps you get into the right headspace for communication as well.
Special objects are used all the time in ghost shows. Personal belongings such as jewelry, books, or clothes work well. Toys and crayons for children have been known to get them to come out and play. Things from the person’s time period or hobbies they did can help draw them in as well.
Food is what gives us energy, and that doesn’t change much in the spirit realm either. Some good basic foods to bring are things like bread, fruit, baked goods, tea, or alcohol. I've found unless there is specific trauma around it, most spirits accept alcohol/cigarettes. Consider the time period or region of your location. 
If you are investigating an old house or mansion, what food was popular at the time? What food was popular in the region? Try and give something that is familiar or would be a treat for them. Crack open a cold one for the spirits in your haunted bar, maybe offer up some peanuts or chips to bring the people in. Invite the lady of the mansion some nice tea or cakes and a chat. 
If investigating a hospital/mental ward/prison, consider bringing something from the outside world. From my personal experience there is nothing someone wants more after a long stint in the hospital than a big burger. These people died eating the blandest shit imaginable (if they weren’t starved) so try something they wouldn’t have been able to have before. You don’t have to cook a wagyu beef steak, but cookies or sweets could go a long way in winning the favour of more shy or angry spirits. Bring milk and cookies to the children’s ward for a treat! Give the kids the sugar they couldn’t have in this realm!
What do spirits do with food?
Think about all the energy you put into cooking! All the stirring, kneading, heating, cooling, oils, herbs, meats, water, all has energy that gets combined and condensed when food is made. In my mortal opinion, spirits can feed off of this energy like we eat food. This is why I think some food offerings shrivel quicker. The energy from the cow used to produce the milk is carried down through the milking, pasteurization, packaging, distribution and receiving of one single bottle, gaining more energy each step of the way. Machinery used to make food feeds into that energy as well as the people who make it. You ever buy food and can taste the energy of the overworked underpaid worker who made it? Homemade items are usually the best, but store bought works just the same. 
I also believe that the spirit can manifest to physically eat the food. This could either be an apparition or manifesting in the form of an animal. 
If the food is store bought I might suggest cleansing it spiritually before offering it. 
What to do with the food?
There are a couple options here. The easiest one is just leave it and let nature take its course. Liquids are usually poured on the ground or drain. If you are not on your own property I would suggest other methods such as burying(if it won't harm the wildlife) or (SAFELY) burning. I would use a big fireproof bowl such as a glass or metal mixing bowl (probably best if it’s not the one you use in the kitchen). If you are able to leave it overnight and come back to it, take note of any changes to the food! I like to keep my offerings out overnight but if it is going to spoil or stink then whenever you are done/they are done is fine.
Fire is an amazing element! Prometheus ain’t getting his liver eaten eternally for nothing! Fire can turn herbs and resins into magic in a flash. There’s a reason incense has been used for centuries in ritual practices all over the world. This can be done with sticks, cones, resins, bundles or loose. If you are going to burn incense PLEASE do this carefully as well.
Herbs and plants I usually burn are mugwort, wormwood, damiana, sandalwood, lavender, and cedar. This can be done either as a blend or individually. These are usually burned on a charcoal disk or as a stick if I can find one. 
Resins are also common for rituals and spirit contact. There’s a reason Christians love to hotbox themselves with frankincense and myrrh. Shit works! These take a little more work so I suggest planning ahead if you are going to use these.
If you’re a cop you have to tell us!!! Ok now that the cops are gone this might sound wack, but in my experience, ghosts love drugs. I have yet to encounter a spirit who did not like weed. I have been told specifically to smoke weed with my spirits to help charge and cleanse them. Taking a rip from a bong invokes all four elements and helps center yourself. I wouldn’t suggest toking up in a haunted mansion, but a sprinkle of flower or kief on a charcoal disk can work as well. Use tobacco wisely as it is sacred to many Native cultures. Use Native grown tobacco and treat the herb with the respect it deserves. White supremacy and capitalism have tainted tobacco to be what it is now. If offering cigarettes, I suggest using the more organic ones. That being said, if you know a specific brand the spirit likes, opt for that one. I would suggest burying this offering as burning it may cause health issues, set off fire alarms, or leave a harsh smell. 
Consider the type of haunting or spirit you are going to interact with. What do previous reports say the activity is?  What type of location is it? What was this land before something was built here? I will briefly cover different types of hauntings and spirits that are common for ghost investigations. This is by no means all-encompassing but I’ve gathered this much from observations.
Active haunting. Classic ghost haunting. This type of spirit is aware of their surroundings to a degree. Usually conscious of the fact they are dead but not always. Common characteristics are:
Lights flickering
Feelings of being watched
Temperature drops
Hearing voices
Apparitions (full body, partial, shadow beings)
Mild physical activity (touching, doors closing/opening on their own, minor movement of objects)
Residual haunting. More common for places of tragedy, this type of spirit is usually not aware of their surroundings and instead are repeating moments of their life. Most characteristics apply from active hauntings to residual as well.  The main difference is activity is done in a pattern. Common characteristics are:
Activity that comes in cycles or patterns i.e. specific times of day/year, specific places
Movement of specific objects
Voices or audio that does is not in response to the living word
Apparitions seen around same place/time
Poltergeist. This is the more active type of haunting. Most horror movies are based on this type. This type of haunting usually happens when a spirit is very powerful, usually angered or annoyed. The spirit is very aware of its surroundings. Common characteristics are:
Apparitions of all kinds
Doors slamming
Wall banging
Intense physical activity (things being thrown, moved, broken, or disappearing)
Physical presence (cold rooms, being able to push or grab people)
Behaviour change  in people (more aggressive, sad, or just strange behaviour in general)
There is a lot of bleedover in regards to the categories, but it is usually determined by intensity and frequency of objects. 
During Contact
Ugh, nothing pisses me off more than people back-talking ghosts when they are trying to make contact. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar folks. Here’s quick do’s and don'ts of making contact with spirits.
Bring an offering
Announce your presence when you come in and state your business. Be polite and introduce yourself. Spirits are more likely to warm up to you if they know what your doing.
Explain your equipment as you set it up or use it. Show them where to talk on recorders, I can almost guarantee someone from the 1800s probably doesn’t know about REM pods, EMF detectors, and video cameras. Explain using simple language but remember you are not talking to a child (unless you are). Demonstrations of equipment can help you test out your gear and get the spirits used to it. Evidence doesn’t start when you turn off the lights, record as you set up in case curious ghosts have things to say
Thank the spirit when it responds! If you ask for a sign and they bang the wall, thank them! Even if it’s scary stuff like slamming doors it’s still good to thank them.
Provoking the spirits by taunting isn’t going to do shit but get you cursed. Y’all know what I’m talking about. Early seasons Zak Bagans shit. ‘I’m not scared of you! Come out and face me! Show yourself coward! Attack me!’ Okay dude good luck with that attachment!
You are a mere mortal in the presence of something you don’t understand, don’t be an asshole about it. Talk to them like they are people because they probably were once! Talk in a respectful tone and be humble.
Don’t get mad if they don’t respond. Be mindful of where you are and what you’re talking about. If you are asking a spirit about a horrific event, accept that they may not want to talk about it. The type of haunting may not be fit for the type of investigation you’re doing. 
NOT EVERY GHOST IS A DEMON OR EVIL. I’m so tired of every time someone has a negative interaction with a ghost it’s a demon. Maybe they’re just pissed off you’re in their space? Don’t throw around random labels just because you’re uncomfortable. 
Debunking is always good to try but disregarding unexplainable things discourages spirits from trying. Or they may try harder and you might not like what they do!
Ending Investigation
Show your gratitude. Dispose of your offerings properly and thank the spirits for their time and energy. Clean up any mess you may have left.
Cleanse the space.  Everyone likes to cleanse differently so I won’t go into it too deeply. Personally, I like to burn incense and use sound. I find ‘cleansing tones’ on Spotify and turn my bluetooth speaker upside down so the speaker is directly touching the surface. I believe this helps dispel negative energy. Other ways are using a bell, using cleansing water, visualization etc. Take only pictures, leave only footprints type of deal. This is especially important for places of violence or negative energies. 
I advise walking out of the space backwards so nothing can follow you and cleansing yourself when you are done. Too often people go into these spaces, rip the bandaid off the spiritual wounds and then leave. It’s cruel to keep these spirits bound to these places for our entertainment.
Only YOU can prevent spiritual fuckery!
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Note: the source leads to an outside blog that is co-run by me. Some of the words may have been changed in this edition, but this is not plagiarism, i wrote both! The URL is randomly generated for now but it is still a legit website. Feel free to check out the other posts!
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lailoken · 1 month
Spirit Stone (SOLD)
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Recently, I was taken by a sudden fancy to create a small Spirit House with the help of my husband, which I now hope can find its way into the hands of a fitting individual.
The clay used was imbued with Crossroads Earth, and the interior glaze was impregnated with Meteoric Filings, before the whole piece was fired and then lightly anointed with a ritually empowered varnish composed from an array of arboreal resins (like Dragon's Blood, Storax, and Amber.) Between the powers of Wentz-Ways and Fallen Star, this particular vessel makes an especially alluring domicile for willing spirits.
The idea is to keep the Spirit Stone upon an altar (or another meaningful location of power) where the devotional token of a given spirit can be kept within it and occasionally propitiated thereafter, in ways pertinent to one's spiritual compact. As a visual example, I have included a picture of the Spirit Stone if it were to theoretically house an Oak Gall (presumably, one that would be gifted by a pacted Oak Tree spirit.)
I'm not sure if there are those who would be particularly interested in a piece like this or not, but my gut tells me that I should offer it here, as it may prove useful to the right person. Pricing is negotiable.
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Accurate representation of me reacting to Vessel tenderly kissing a plushie:
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creechur vessel and instead of sexy exhales he just makes those weird "ah" noises no face from spirited away makes
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devilcatdarling · 1 year
Why do I feel so hollow?
Try to hide from my mind, but it follows me everywhere that I go
So tell me I need to know
Why do I feel so hollow?
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butch-lionblaze · 2 months
Instead of her being yet another female character as a tool/sidekick to the actual evil bad guy she’s doing it all. It was never Ashfur. It was just her, spurred on by her newfound almost complete power over TC, killing of her “dad”, and slowly festering anger, she starts down her path. She starts out with demanding they stick closer to the code. That all of this is because they’ve strayed so far from Starclan’s word! From little punishments to straight up persecution. But it’s still getting worse. Why won’t they respond. Why can’t they see what she done for them?!
And it turns out she had a power. Except it was sorta an opposite to her siblings. She’s a black hole, a destructor, the vessel for a great reset. Her holy war ends with her literally colliding the afterlives together- but she can’t destroy it all. As with her own will, Bristlefrost bursts forward and the two implode.
The shred of “Starclan” that is left is so fragile. Shadowsight tries to reestablish a connection but he can’t anchor one. Rootspring only finds a sliver of what was left of Bristlefrost, a small sharp star of pure will!
ASC would instead be The Starless Clans as they are split across cats trying to adjust to a world without their afterlife, cats chasing after a fix, and others taking this as the end of the clans and leaving all together. In this fragile period there’s power grabs, plots, and desperation.
We’d still get Squirrelstar but at the start of the arc. Except she has no 9 lives, none of the leaders do actually since there’s no afterlife to support the stitching back together process
Frostpaw is pretty similar but her and Shadow get to talk more cuz I want them to
I think maybe the other prophecy cats should lose their powers here instead. They have it taken with the black hole, their strength, dream walking, super senses.
No more Starclan let’s GOOOOOOO
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voxofthevoid · 4 months
Heard my mother's soul leave her body today when I called her to let her know that I'm now bleeding out of an orifice I shouldn't be bleeding out of while she was at the hospital with her boyfriend who was also bleeding out of an orifice he shouldn't be bleeding out of.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Ghost Hunters v.s Cursed Spirits and Oh! There’s Jujutsu Sorcerers || Closed Horror RP
After learning so much and got to be on her own while her fraction, the DBT are in New York. Taz is going to get her first mission as a Jujutsu Sorcerer soon with the trio, Megumi, Nobara and her big brother Yuji. She was told by Gojo that she’s ready and will be supplied with a cursed tool. A knife. 
She was getting pastries from the bakery. She was running errands for Gojo since he wanted some sweets. Taz knows what would he like since she got a sweet tooth herself. Much to Nobara and Megumi’s dismay, not wanting their sensei taking advantage of Taz but Taz doesn’t mind it. She likes running errands because it reminds her running errands with her friends as she loves going out and buying pastries for herself and her friends.
One day, she brought cakes at the cafe and then she overhear something that made her eyes blink. 
“So....this place is haunted. Let’s check this out!” It came from a table next to the window. 
“A hotel? Oh that’s perfect!” 
Taz looks over to the group that are sitting down at the table. Three boys and three girls. All of them looked older than her and her friends at Jujutsu High. Megumi calls them college kids. But she continues to listen them as they discussed that this get them more views equaling more money if they board cast this live. 
“Hmmm....” Taz said.
“We need to sneak past the guards to get inside.” Said one of the girls. 
“Don’t worry! Just pay them off and they listened.” Said boy who smirks. “As your captain, I make sure our broadcast is greatest one yet. This place is haunted and probably has a lot of ghosts based on witnesses. One time, a bunch of high school kids went missing when they’re trying to open a door.”
Haunted. Ghosts. People went missing.
Does this mean....
“Now let’s go ghost-hunting.” Said the captain of the group as his fellow ghost hunters cheered, ready to do this.  
And so, class was in session as Gojo teaches. When Gojo ask any questions, Taz raised her hand.  
“Gojo-sensei...um....do you ever run into ghost hunters?” Taz asked which sparks a conversation.
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
"He's gonna sell it all 'cause he's Danny Phantom"
that's so fucking funny, i hate how much i love this!! i have made it way too long, rip to my five sentence rule - there's such a goldmine of content here lmao
"I'd say it's been going on for... about a month now?"
"Two months," Sam interrupts. "It started just after your parents came in, remember?"
"Oh, Ancients, yeah, them. I can't believe I forgot that."
"Yeah, dude, it's thanks to them that this all started!" Tucker's practically vibrating in his chair, far too cheerful about the whole thing.
"Yeah," Danny sighs, looking directly into the camera. "Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank you very much."
"Danny's parents are ghost hunters, which, as you can imagine, got Michael very excited. And very into ghosts. He accused Meredith of haunting him the other day, now he keeps spraying her with holy water and yelling 'Begone, foul spectre!' He's really taken a liking to Danny's parents."
"Can't imagine why."
"Yeah, and then—then—" Tucker dissolves into laughter, wheezing as he tries to catch his breath. "Then he brings in that personal trainer! In her yoga pants and crop top, with a pilates ball and everything! Sends her over to—to see Meredith, and then—oh Ancients—then when the woman leaves and Meredith is still there, he locks himself in his office and blasts the Lord's Prayer!"
"We think he mispelt exorcist. Hired someone in exercise instead."
"Exorcists are all phoney, anyway! And PTs are only slightly less phoney, so make sure you do your research and get someone that actually knows what they're doing before you commit, kids." Danny says, pointing down the camera. "That's how I got so jacked."
Both Sam and Tucker share a look before bursting into even more laughter. With a soft smack on his arm, Sam can't help but tease, "Please, you're 5'4" and look like you'd break your arm if you ever picked up a ream of paper. No wonder your sales are so low."
"Wow, that's so rude. I can't believe you'd do me like that. I'm 5'4 and a half, thank you."
"That's right, babe, and we love you for it."
Their laughter peters out and the trio slowly pull themselves upright in their chairs, remembering the cameras and the story they're meant to be telling.
"Honestly, thanks to these guys, the past few weeks have been a nightmare."
"Now who's being rude? At least this is one of those fun nightmares that you can laugh about later."
"Nope, this is a normal nightmare that everytime you think you've woken up from, you get back to work and see your boss dressed up in a hazmat suit that your parents sent him and realise that actually, maybe the real nightmare was the work colleagues you made along the way."
"Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right, sorry, Danny."
Tucker puts him on the shoulder and stays silent for a grand total of five seconds before turning back to the camera with an ecstatic grin on his face and a deep breath.
"Anyway, everytime one of us goes into Michael's office, we sneak something off his desk and blame ghosts. Sam's hidden some speakers in the ceiling that play recordings of her crying on a timer."
"I should have been an actor. I also got some of the warehouse guys in on it, so everytime Michael goes down there they'll throw a box or two around and make some ghostly moans. Didn't even ask why, they just agreed."
Sam's back to looking very proud of herself. Danny's back to cradling his head in his hands.
"Is that why Boxy's been about lately? Guys, seriously? I need to sleep!"
The only answer he gets is a shrug as Tucker turns back to the camera.
"Oh, and I've also installed a script on his computer so that whenever he types the word 'ghosts'—or 'goats', again, he's not really great at typing—his screen starts getting all staticky and closes down. He shrieks everytime, it's so funny!"
"I wonder if he'll go with a different PT to exercise his office next?"
"We should suggest P90X—your office ghost free in three months or your money back!"
Sam and Tucker are both burst into laughter, sinking deeper into their chairs as Danny just shakes his head. It takes a solid minute for the two to calm down, and more than one pointed question from the producer to get them back on track.
"Where's it going? Does it really have to go anywhere? Can't the joy of the bit be destination enough?"
"I wish it would go away," Danny groans, still not lifting his head. "I get enough of ghost hunting in my free time, I don't need it here, too."
"I've changed Danny's employee file to list him as deceased just to see how long it takes Michael to notice."
"Seriously? Tucker, really? That's—"
"Genius, Tuck. And then we can be all: 'Michael, what are you on about? Danny's been dead for three years!' I can't wait to see his face!"
"You guys know that Dwight's going to actually try to end me if he finds out, right? Pretty sure Dad slipped him a Fenton blaster before he left."
"You know what they say," Tucker says, grinning directly down the camera, "'Gaslight, Ghost them, Get pranked, boss!'"
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